06/17/1985 - 00011906� � � � THE MINU'rES OF THE REGOLAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JUNE 17, 1985 The Regular meeting of the Fricll ey City G�uncil was c•alled to order at 7:38 p. m. by Nlayor Nee. PLIDGE OF AIS,EGIANCE: Nl3yor Nee led the Council and audienoe in the Pledge of F�l.legiance to Lhe Fl-ag. ItOLL C11I.L • P�N�ERS PR�SIIVT: Mayor Nee, Co�cilmaxz Goodspeed, Cuwzca3mar! Fitzgr�trick, Councilman S��hneider anu Coirncilman Barnette MEh�ERS ABSFNT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COUNCIL MEETING, J[JNE 3, 1985: Councilmaii Barnette requested the follaaina correctiun be made on Pa,e 20: The vote on the motion for the varianoe at 940 Pandora Drive shculd an�icate that Councilman Barnette voted ayainst the notion. 7Yie motion carried by a four to one vote. ADOPTION OF AGEI�IDA• The following ltem was added: Receivinc� Petition frcm Residents on Meadowmoor Drive. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to ada�.=t the ayen�7a with the above addition. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all votiriy aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unarumously. OPEN FY7RUM, VISI'I1�RS• �ere was no response fran tYie audience ��aer this itena of business. PUBLIC F1E�IRINGS: PUBLIC HEARIiQG ON A PROPOSED PROJECT AND THE iSSiIANCE OF APPROXIP7ATELY $4.500.000 IAIDUSTRIAL� DEVELAPMEI� REVENUE SOI�IDS (TYSON DEVELOPNIQV'I') : NDTION by Councilman Fitz�xtnck to waive the reading of the public heariz?g notice and open the public h�ring. Se�nded t� Councilr�an Goods�ed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee r7eclared the motion carried unam.mously and the public hearing opened at ?:�l p.m. A4r. Iranan, City C1erk, stated the Coancil helcl a public h2aring on NUVe�Uer 19, 1984 regarcling this request for industrial revenue bond finaricing. I�e stated the reason f oz this heariny is d�e to an �.ncrease in the amount �1l'eI � ^ �l OOUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17. 1985 requested to $4,500,000 and an increase in the size of the buildinq f rom 120,000 to 140,000 square feet. He stated the proposed is for oonstxuction of an office/wzrehouse build�.ng which would result in 80 new �obs in the City and r,ave an anrwal �yroll of 2.6 million cJollars. Mr, innun state� staff w�uld recommerici approval uf this request for industrial re�enue bond financing. No �ersans in the audtenm spoke regarding the proposed issuance of these � industrial rcvenue bonds. M7T1QN by Councilmati F�tzxatrick to c3ase the �xablic hearing. Secondec7 by Councilman Goods�eed. Upon a vozoe vote, all voting aye, Nlsyox Nee declared the motion carned �arv.mously and tlie public heanng closed at 7:42 p.m. OLD BUSINESS 2. ORDINANCE N0. 834 RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CI7.'Y CODE BY AMEDIDING CHAPTER 124 ENTITI,ED "idOISE" , SECTION 124.07 : P9r. Flora, Publ�c Works Directc�r, stated this ordinance would change the code by permittYng the ringing of a mechanical bell such as usec� on a venc7or's ice cream txuck. NDTIQN by Councalman Fitz�trlck to wa�.ve th e second reading of Ordinance No. 834 and adept it cn the second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declareci the motion carried unarumously. 3. ORDINANCE N0. 835 RECJODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 14 ENTITLED "PEDDLERS", SECPION 14.09: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this ordinance establishes the time � ar�d decibels for ringing of inecham cal bells in the City. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the secand reading of Ordinanc� No. 835 and a�o�4 it on the semna read�.ng and order publication. Seconded by Cc?uncilman Barnette. U�on a voi� vote, all votitrg aye, Nhyor Nee declared rhe moticn carneci unarLi.mously. 4. ORDINANCE N0. 836 RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 16 EIrTi'ITLED "STREET VEI�IDING" , SECPION 16.05: Mr. Flora, Public Y�7orks DirecLor, stated this ordinance makes a chanye in the code to allvw for the ringing of inechanical bells in the City for the �le of oertain items. NDTION 17y Councilmari Schneider to waive the secand reading of Oxdinar!ce No. 836 anc3 ado�,-t it on the second reacv.ng and order �wblication. Seconded by Cowzcilmarr Barnette. U�nn a voice vote, all vating aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carned unammausly. -2- r COUNCIL MEE'PING OF JUNE 17. 1985 5. ORDINANCE N0. 837 RECODIFYING THE FRIDL�Y CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTEA 214 ENi'ITLID "SIGNS", SECTION 214.02, 214.06, 212.14, 214.17 AND 214.21: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated trls ordinances changes the sign ordinan� which def ines an illegal nor�-conforming sign and expands the criteria for shopping center multi-use builc�.ngs s upz plans. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the �cond reading of Ordinance Nc. � 837 and acb�.t it on the seoond reading and order publ�catioix. Secondec; Cy Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maycr Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 6. ORDINAI�ICE N0. 838 RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPT�R 113 ENTITLED "R�FUSE DISPOSAL" BY RENAMING IT "SOLID W[�STE DISFOSAL Ai�D RECYLING COLLECPION" BY ADDING SEGTIONS 113.08 AND 113.10 ADID SY AMENDING SECTIOP7S 113.01. 113.02, 113.04, 113.05, 113.06, 113.07, 113.09, 113.11, 113.12, A N D 113.13: P'DTION by Councilman Fiiz�trick to wuve the second reading aE Ordina��!ce No. 838 and adopt it on the second reading and order publication. 3econded by Councalman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, al� votiny aye, Maycr Nee declarecl the motion carried unammously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPImUAL OF FINAL PIAT, P.S. #FBS-Ol, T�IDNfARI: ADDITION. BY ROSF�E�P McADFSM: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this plat irroolves a 19C1 foot w�de parcel of 3.61 acres ]�etween 77th way to Osborne Roacl. Fie staLed the petitioner is proposing to oonstruct two large buildings on this �ro�rty zo be used as mini-stoxage facilities. He s�lateci there wau7.d be approx�matelg 42,300 square feet of storage space and the scructures will be 705 feet long, each seg3rated wiih fire walls. Mr. Flora stated there would be �. small affioe/resiclential £acility on this prog�rky for a liv�-ir. caretaker. � N1r. Flora stated the Farcels to the souttiwest and east are large enouqh to be developed sep�rately, with larqe buildzngs and suffir.ient parkino and setta3cks. Ms. Flora stated the Planniny Cc�mnission recommended approval of th is �lat wzth mne stipu]ations which he outlined. He stated a lar!ciscapirig plan has been received which leaves the St. Paul Water Works easement Eor lan�sc�ping and heavy landscaping along 77th Way. Mr. Flora stated staff has met with the petitioner and he has agreed to ac�d a mansard trim along the top of each buildir�g and screen the enLire perin�eter with vines, He stated the building and offzcefresidential facilaty would be faoed with brick and the storaGe buildings with brick faced block. Councilman Barnette asked Mr. McAdam �f he ob�ecced to the redwooc7 or cedar slat fencing. Mr. McAdam stated he woulcl prefer the new vznyl slats, as th�y are more attractive and maintenanrn free. -3- � '� i ; � ��. �` COUNCIL I�ETING OF JUNE 17, 1985 Councilman Schr�eider asked if there were any drair�ge problems, Mr. Flora stated there is a detention pond over the St, Palil. Water Works easernent and water would then be piped into the storm systan at Osborne Road. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, statecl i£ the Gouncil wished to have mini-storage facilities ird the City, this would be the least ob�ectionable area for ik to he locatecl. He statec7 it would serve the r�eed of industry as well as the residents. He stated staff rEquested the builcU.ngs to be brick faced block � and the office/residential facility, at least on the norih and ea5t sic7es, would be brick. Mr. McAdam state8 he felt 60 to 65% of this storage f acility would be f ar industrial use and the rest would be used t� residents. Nk�yax Nee felt there hasn't been adequate planniny for this area and the m�rket plaoe is dictating the glanmng, and f elt it was a mistake. Mr. Qureshi, City rlar�ger, stated there is about 12 acres in this area and �t w�s felt this type of operation would be best located 1n the midr�le rather than the outside areas of the �roel. Mr. Qureshx felt if the Council wxshes to approve this plat, the stipulations should inc].ucle the metal facing aroLmd the storage buildirigs, brick iacing block on the builclings, and brick on the office/residential facality sicles visable fran the street. NDTION lay Co�mcilm�i Gooc7speed to apprwe final plat, P.S. #85-01, Lanctnark Addition, vJith the follaaing stipu].atians: (1) Vinyl slats to be installed and vines planted along the fencing. Addttional screemng to be pravided aepending on future development; (2) Developer to work with the City to achieve a satisfactory landsca�e plan; (3) All storage buildtngs to be brick faced block with the metal mansards (4) Offic� builcl�.ng to be brick masonry cn the sic�es visable fran 77th Way; (5) Develo�r to wmply witki flre coc]e � reqtairanents ;(6) Develo�r to prwide and receive approval of a standard rental agxeanent with ruies and regulat�.ons for storage faca.lzties; (7) Park fee of $3,616.36 to be �tzid prior to issuanoe of a builcling permit; (8) Plat to L� recorded at the Coimty prior to issuance of a buildi.ng �ermit; and (9) Prwide a�rformanc� bond or lettex of credit in the amount of $15,000. Seo�nded tr3 Coimcilman Banaette. U�on a vaioe vote, Councilman Goodspeed, Coimcilmar! Barnette, Coimcilman Schneider and Cot,mcilman Fitzpatrick votec� in favor of the mation. Mayor Nee voted against the motion. Mayor I3ee c�clared the motion carne� tr� a four to one vote. NENT BLISINESS 8. CONSIDERATION OF SEITING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE JULY 15, 1985 COUNCIZ MEETING O1V TI-]E MATTEFt OF A RE4[JEST FOR UACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS, SAV #�5- D4 , I3Ei1RTL�F,AID CORPORATION: P'DTION by Couricilnran Schneider to set this public hearing for July 15, 1985. Seooncled 1Ty Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion rarried unammously. -4- r � -J � � , OWNCIL MEE'PING OF JUNE 17 , 1985 4. CON5IDERATION OF F2ENEG9ING THE LEASE AGREEIvIENT S�TWEEN THE CITY AND SCF100L DISTRICT N0. 14 k'OR THE LEASING OF THE "t'1" F12AME (NORTH INNSBRUCK PARK, ARTfiOR ST.1 : NDTION by Co�nicilman Barnette to renew the lease agreanent betweera the Ciry and Schoal District No. 14 for leasing of the "A" Prame at N�rth Innsbr�lck Park. Seo�nded by Councilman Schneider. U�on a vci� vote, all votirig aye, N�yor Plee dec].ared the motion carried unani.mcusly. 10. RESOLUTION N0. 56-1985 GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF A PROJECT UNDER MINNESCYPA MUNICIPAL IDIDUSPRIAL DEVEL�OPMENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROPOS�IL TO THE MINNESOTA DEPAI�PMENi' OF ENERGY AI�ID ECbNOMIC DEVFSAPh1ENT FC7R APPRO tV"�L, AND AU'PfiORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DCX,'UMENTS (TYSON DEVEI�]PMENT) : NDTION 17y Councllman GoalSpeed to adopt Resolution No. 56-1985. Secanded ty Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, P�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it is his imderstanding that the applicant has �een workiny with a large oom�ny to suY.i-lea:� a portzon of the build�nG the3 are oonstructing. He stated if the situata c�n arzses where the City has used their allocation for industrial rever7ue financing and Ycave other com�ames ra;uesting this fu�ancing. �yson wou14 be given a deadl�rae wren their pro�ect had to be finished. He stated staff has talked with the applic:ant on tYus issue and thEy are a7mfcrtable wath it. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 57-1985 CONFIRMING APPOIN�'MENTS ^10 THE CITY OF PRIDLEY COMMISSIONS FDR TIIE YEAR 1985: NDTION 17y Co�cilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 57-1985. Secpnded 1� Coimcilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voi� vote all voting aye, Mayor I3ee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. RECEIVING BIDS ADID CON5IDERATION OF AWARDING COP7iRACT FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJh'CT tBIDS OPENID MAY 21, 1985): Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated bias were aperied L-�r 'rhe 1�85 Pl�ssissippi street lic�ting pro�ect and ezght bads were reoeivea. He scat� staff wou],d recommend the bid be awarded to the low b1dCl�r� Rilimer EL E?CtL' 1C. t+IOTION by Coancilman Fitzpatrick to receivc the bids for the 1985 I�I�ssxssippi Street lighting pro�ect. PLANHt$,DER Ra�al ELectric 7401 Ceiitral Ave. NE Fridley, NN 55432 R�.doedale Electric 524 Srimhall A�e. Box 950 B�VD 5$ Trar�[aerica 5� C�pitol -5- 'IC)TAL BI17 $ 45,367.00 52,100.0� 1�: � ' ir � i' COiINCIL NIEETING OF JUNE 17. 1985 Long Lake, NN 55356 Eaoon's Electric 6525 C�ntral r�ve. NE Friciley, NN 55432 Flectric Servioe Co. 1609 Q�icaga Ave, Minneapolis, NN 55404 Killmer Electric 7901 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Park, NN 55445 Hunt Electric Corp. 2300 Territorial Rd. St. Patil., PT1 55114 Desicpl Electric P.O. Box 1252 St. Q oud, NN 56302 Pierson-Wilcox Electric 6 E. 19th St. M�.nneapolis, NN 55403 So Um.ted S% Urn�ted 5� Um ted 5°s St. PdU]. F1TP 5% American 5% 0 Central 49,995.00 46 ,846 .00 42,880.00 48,950.00 51,772.00 59,649.00 Se�nded b� Councilmatl Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor I�ee declarec7 the motion carried unanimously. NATION by Councilmari Fitzpatrick to award the contract f or khe 1985 h� ssissippi Street lightiny pro�ect to the low bidder, K�.11mer Electric, in the �nowit of $42,880. Seconded kr3 Coimcilman Barr�ette. Upon a voice vote, all vot�.ng aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 13. CI�INLS MOTIOi7 by Councilman Barnette to autharize payment of Claims No. 2930 tnrough 3066. Seoended by Co�m cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee �clared the motion carried unani.mously. 14. LCCENSES: NDTION by Councilman Fitz�atrick to apprwe the lioenses as sukmitted and as on f�1e in the License Qerk's Offic7e. Secondecl by Councilman Sckineider. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammc�usly. 15. ESTIMATES• P+DTIDN by Councilman Goods�,eed to ap�rwe the estimates as sutrnitted. L�yne h�nnesota, Inc. 3147 California Street P^ii�r�ea�olis, AN 5541II � � � � � � � COUNCIL MEETING OF JUI� 17, 1985 FINAL FSTII�7P.TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re�ir of Well & Pwnp No. 10 Concrete Curb Com�ny 771 I,a�bi rd Lane Surrzsville, Md 55337 $ 9,602.00 1985 Mlsc. Concrete Curb, Gutter � 5idewalk Partial Estimate No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,154.00 D. H. Blattner & Sons 1 South Wafx� sha Nwa Island, St. Paul, I�TI 55107 Moore Lake Restorati on Pro� ect, Phase II Partial Estimate No, 3 . . . . . . . . . . H. & S. Asphalt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, Nf7 55303 Street Imprwanent Pro�ect ST 1985 - 1&2 Partial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . I�ydrerCon, Inc. Box 129 North Branch, NN 55056 Water & Seaer Pro�ect # 15� Partial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . , . . . . . $ 61,$26,00 $ 14r410.b4 $ 59,29F .51 5eoonded 17y Councilman Schneider. Upon a vcic� vote, all vatii7g aye, N,ayor Nee cJeclared the motion carned unammouslp. 16. RECEIV.CNG PETITION #11-85 FRONY RESIDENTS ON MEl1DOWMOOR DRIVE REQUESTING H�LP TO ALLE�VIATE SPEEDING & DRUG TRAF'FIC IN AREF1: Coimcilman Schneider stated residents on b4eaaowmoor llrive have circulatec? a �etition askirig sanething be done to help allevi�te the druu tiaifac anc7 speedin�3 on their street. He stated some of the possibilities suggested were making the west end of the street a cul-de-sac or to �nstall speec� lxunps. Councilman Schneider stated the residents feit thexr resident3 aL street was really beooming a thoroughfare anc! they were concerr.ed wzth the :afety of the school age children in the arc.a. NDTION by Coi.mcilman Sdineider to receive petit�on #11-85 Fran the residents on I�Teacbwmoor Drive. Seconded b� Councilrnara Barr�tte. Upon a voice aote, all vot,ing aye, t+�yor Nee declared the mot� an �rried unarumously. Cbimcilman Schneider stated aver 90� of the resiclents indicateG they would like to 5ee the street closed off. He felt this was a whesive neighborhooci with �ome good leaders who are willing to offer sorne constructive -7- r4��l� ���i� COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1985 suggestions. Councilman Schneider stateci he talked with I�7r. Qureshz regardinc� the s�eedincj and possible druy abuse and it will be brouyht to the attention of ihe Public Safety Dixector. P9r. 4ureshi, City i�ianager, stated polioe �atxol oould be pranoted, possibly blocle off the street, or other actions wuld be taken whic� mi�t help. FTe suggested staff be given the opportunity to look at some options to help � solve this problen. Cotmcilm�an Schneider stated there are a few streets in the City whose only �xir�ose is to serve the residents on that street. He stated, techm cally, there sY�euldn't be other traffic on it, if it cbesn't serve as a connector ar thezoughfare. He felt possibly staff a�uld come ug with some criteria for luniting traffic on the.z streets. NDTION by Counca.lman Schneider to cl� rect the ac3nimstratiori ta take action relative to the speed�.ng and potei7ti�1. drug problen on H�ac3owmoor Drive and to study the r�uest for luniting trafPic flc�w on Meadowmoor and report the findings back to the Council in one month. Seconded by Councilman ritz�atrick. L�n a voice vote, al.l vot-ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�.on carried unani.mousl�r. � � • i� ' MOTION by Councilman Schneider to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice votE, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarec� the motion carried unarnmously and the Regul.ar Meeting of the Frictley City Coimcil of 3�me 17, 1985 ad��urr�ed at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully sutrnitted: �/ /J %1t�� � �/ ^�_ Carole I-Iadc�c� Wi11i�n J. Nee ' Secretaiy to the t�ayor City Council d � � CCic..� Cc_ ��¢�Y�y�. Apprwed: � �