07/15/1985 - 00011884� I � THE MINUTES OF Tf� REGULFIF2 I�ETING OF THE FRIDLr�Y CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 15, 1985 1r��`� The Regular meeting oi i-he Frldley City Ccuncil was called co orc9eL a� 7::52 p. rn. by A��ayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: P7ayor Nee led the Council and audiei�rn in L-he P1edc,�e of [1YleGi�. ce tc �lle Fl.ag. ROLL CALL: P�MI3ERS PRESIIVT: Mayox Nee, Couticilrr�n Goc�c]s�eed, Councllman Fitz�atrick, CounciYn��i� S�nne� u� r arad Co�u�cilr,��i Bari�ette N�MBERS ABSL'�71: tdone PROCLANIATIOI�T: NATIONAL CIrJGdN WEER. 11UGUST 1- 7, �9u5; ilayux Nee stated he has issued a procl�nac,on procl�,amuzG the week ci F��gusr 1 tYrrauc,h 7, 1985 as National Qcnan Week. IIe scaued �lz�.s �s �;nething th�L- has been done over the last several y�a,:s as requestec7 by in�erestec� citizens. AFPROVAL OF MINUTES: COIII�7CIL MEETING. JULY l, 1985: The iollaainy correction was made on Paye �i, Farac�ra�d7 6, to cha�zge 80°a 4� 300-s . NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick co ap�lrcve the rnlnutes with 11�� cbo've correction. Seconded by Councilmari Barnecte. ti�:on a vo�ce voi�e, a,lt vo�3i-�g aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carricd i�inainmcusly. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: PDTION by Couricilran uchrieicler to adopt tlze agencla as presentec�. Secoi�dec by Councilman Fitz�.atrick. Upori a voice vote, a� l v�t1n� aye, Niayor nlee declared the motion carried unatumously. OPEN FQRUM, VISITORS: Mr. Ed Wilmes, Islands of F�aae, introduc�a Phs. sue r�a sslnyer wl:o 5-vill be an charge oi progr�uning for the Islands oP P�ac,e. Ms. Ki.ssinger stated she c�racivated ir� Nray Fran i1�� Ui�ve�sity c�r V�Tisccnsin, Stevens l�int, with a c7�gree in forestry and an Eap�lzasis ln recreatiari. She stated she w1s lzired ta set u� recreat�onal_ ���_ograrns for thc �sYa,ic�s oi Peace and plans to meet with groups usinc �hls i�c;�_i11.y ca iird oLi� v.h�-�i they neec?. She stated thEy woul.d continue rize t�e oi the p�ntco,� boa L- �o� ti� some incerpretat�ve messages on the P�l�ss�ssip�.i R�aer. She stat,ec! s.ze va�ulcl like monthly nature meetings. Ms. I{iss:�nGer statea sLe ho�s tc l�ave a new:letter so �o�,l.e in the �r�unity knoy� wha� is ha��Fensng ac L'ne �s-� uf�cl�; of Pearn. She sta�ec3 sne was excitecl abo�zt her ir�w posation and ,f ar�yoite / �`' �� COUNCiL MEETING OF JULY 15. 1985 has arry ir�as �0 1�Lea:� c�nt�c: her. P�9:,. Ei�.ssinyer sL-ated she wants to knaa whac rhe ��ecr�a3e v✓�it -nQ t�o i�rc�vic'�e tl�� with vahat thEy rdeeci. C4r, W�lines sL-aLer� � i�rochure Iazs l�en �wbli.�aecl about Lhe Islands of Peace a,gd i�l�e inspa re;� dre�..�n, sol,ich frcan its meager beginn� ngs, became a basic �eai3ty �i.�t� can oa�1y L�ec�ne a hallmark �n American Society. fie �tated, in tl�� �st ma�rathss h� %aas ck�r.e a lot of research anca met with tne Funericar. ��g�o3,r tieterar,s oE F�rreic�� C,dGr�, Di�bled Veterai�s, Nletropolitan Caunczl �nc� 1a�r arc�i��ataons, as w�Ll as rncini�ers of the Feaeral �arfc sysi.en, and � askec� a�oi+t= rhe ac�ca that r�he Is3anc�s of L�ace qecone a nationa3 m�ar.ori�:L Fo�� the n�r?c�ic���e�. I-te Sca;�c% he has laeen assured f�y these agencies they �a�ul�3 c�o�erate anc hnLae� he has m�re t-ime t� pursue this fuether. ETe s�aL-ed he wcule� lxlce i c� sha�e tl�e progress Uf i:he Z�l-urids of P�ace witl, otiaer areas. �e s�a�ed re cao��.� like rhe cao�eratiori of the City, Cc��nty anc SL-ace trkazrds this naL-ioi�L �r�anoriai. I-?e statea he wouli7 exert ever� a�u�c� cef l�s c�Eur�s ccurards nat.tc+nal recoc�ition for the Islands of Peace. i?e seate�4 l�e woiild neer] h��� i�ow £resn c�eryone, but they have his worc7 th3s wlll ha� �r3. PIPLIC :�F�-ll2Iiv'C5: l. PUBLIC I:LF+.RIiVG 0'Ld �'SCZ�lIQi�3 RE4UE5T SAV #85-04, TO VACATE POR^lION OF U?,�IVEiuxSTY .�iERG10E RQ11P in�;�l (I�CXJP IIlQ{) . IIF�IIRTLFIND CORPORATION: P�a;.aL Nee s�.atec: there was nn incarrect publication of notice far this rearin5 �nc; stiait i�as recpues4�ed i:��e itern be tabled to the next meeting. NiOTIOii by Ccuricilrtiaia Barnett� co tabie this item to the next Council meeti.ng. Seoonccied 4�y �ouncilrr�an Schr�ider. Upon a voice vote, a11 vnting �ye, 1tiLhpor Pdee �clarcc� tl�e motlon carxieca unammously. ?. L'UFSLiC HEI�RI�dG �N VF�CiiTIDN REaUEST SAV #85-OS , TO VACAIE STREE'P RIGII`I�dF=WAY, PAR.0 OI' o31�i} AVEN[J�. TE�15 C. SHIRLEY: SiDTTOId by �.k�tu�ciln�r� r3ariieri�e to va�ive t�e reading of the publ�c l�earing � notic� aa�c� apen �,Y�e p�l�la.c heariray. Secsoncled }� Councilman Schneider. Upon � voice �Tcce, ail val-i�c� aye, M_ayor Alee declared the motion carxied iananemo��.slg anG t:�e pu�lic hearzng o�endeU at 7:44 p.m. PJIr. Fior�, �.bJ.ic Woxks Dlrector, stated thas is a request to vacate an e� c;nt feet s+� i� �F �ara�rt-�r near 41i.e intersec�ior� of StYi StreeL anc] 63rd Rvenue. E�e s�atec� �he Citp plans to impr�ve 5th Street anr7 desires to obeaan a uacngu7.ar easement frar the a�rner property wluch would provide a srnact.'�er transitaon oz the cur�r line. He stated the owner, NIr. Shirley, wauld, s�� 'cui��, zecrive a�r,al.l �:artlon of pro�:xty aiong the northerly L-�cunc7ary 3ane as a returr! tiaiih this vacation frcm the City for the rr�ad ra�ahi� o�-Faay aio,ag Sih Sctee�. N3�. F�oLa s�a�e�l the �1�u�ureg Cc�a�_ss�.on has revie�aec� tfiis request arid has reco,�n��n�ed �����ca]. NY)7'Ie�i+i 3�y �".�u?ciznaan Go�vpeea t.o clase the public hearing. Secorzcied oy �„cur�cilnaii rirz�tr�ck. U��on z voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor I3ee c:eclarec� rhe rnat�an carrzed �a�am.nously and �he public heaxinq closea at ?c47 �.r�l. - 2 - � I � COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1985 OLD BUSINESS° 3. RESOLUTION N0. 61-1985 SUPPORIIAIG LEGIS��Aw3� CiIt�VG�S �D7ASLIb1G T�IE SIix CITIES iVATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGIINIZATION l�r L�VP i[-�YES (iABLID 7/1/85) : Mr. Flor°. Publie Works Uirector, stated Lhas re�,cs�i�c�on caas ia�lec� � r i-i�n last neeting. He stated he and Lhe C�.�y tZL�oxr�cy, 1�1r. Herrick, h�v� rEViEwea this resolution and mucle a change 1.� Iiezn "1 �y substitutirAg th� WOL(iS' "administrative expen�es" �OY ��0�'C�Yc+�lQildl.'1. H2 S�.c"1'LP_Ci 1=.1'11S ' identifies expense items which are comr,atib�c witn Lh� �oant pc�wers agreanent. I�TIOIQ by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt �esnlut� �n ido. S1-1985. Sec•oi�r�era1 by Cowicilman Schneider. Upan a voice ��ote, ai1 voLir,y aye, ii9�yor D?c-e cieclared the motion carried unarn.mously. 4. CONSIDERPTION OF FIRST REIIDING OF AN ORDI1�7FhJQCE P.F,C�JUIFY1iVG ^if3E i�R1DLEY CI�Y CODE BY AI+IENUING CIIAPTER 105 ENTITLID "V7�EDS°' , S�CI'I01�IS 1t15 .Ol E�7Y� 105 .0 i. Mayor Nee sL-ated he felc this orc7inance �s racner aro?d ai?G neeos co bc- rei ined. ND'PION by Couneilman Fitzpatriek co reicr i1�3s icen� io the siafL 'cc� be brought back with the �nsideratsons that rsave L�e�i c3�.scus;�ed. Se�andec3 by Councilrn�sl Schneider. Upon a voice vote, �11 voi.�ng aye, iv�yar lvee decAurec the motion carriecl unammously. 5. CONSIDF1211TION OF FIRST f2EA➢ING OF AN ORDII��IVCE UP+Ii��F: S�CTI011 12.�7 OF ^1HL CITY Cf1AR7'ER 'IL7 UACATE S'].'REETS AND ALLEYS APdD T6 AP4ENll 1�PFLI�Ti�iX C(3F 1'�iL't CITY CODE (SAV #85-04 HHa12�i*r,ANn CORPOP,ATIOPII a PDTIQN by Councilman Fitz�tLick to table i-has ate��. �ec�n�c7 LI Ccu�iciir�.�� Schneider. Upon a voi� vote, all votina ala, i��yoc i+ICe c;ecJ.areca �he naou_o,� carried unamrnously. � 6. CONSIDERATION OF FIRSP REFll�ING OF AN ORDI1�1�1vCE UdDEP. SEC'1ION 12.€77 �P r=:� CITY CFIAR'i'ER � UACATE SPREETS AND ALLEYS F11vD `1C� [1P�I�ND APPE2dt7IX C Or �y'H� CITY O�llE (SAV �85-OS TID C. SHIRLEYI: � I�1�TION by lcuneriniari Goodspeed to waive the �? s st readinc� ai2o aL�prove l_i�e ordinanc� upo�Y iirst reading. Seconded l�y Counc�lnan Barr.ecte. U1aon a voice vote, all voting aye, c7ayor Nee ccclared rile motioi. ca3_ri��s unarumously. 7. RECEIVIAdG THE MIP�[]'i'ES OF THE CATV WtM4IS5i0Id P'IE�I`II�IG C1F �ITN� 2C}, 19II5: I�IOTION by Councilnian Pitz�trick to r�ce_�ve the msntaLes oi tne Cable TeLevisian Ccxtunission I+teetii�g of June 2�� 1985, Seconc�ed by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, I�ycr Nee aeclared the mociar� carried uriammouslp. 8. CONSIDERATION OF CHAbIGE ORDER N0. 1. FIIITER �;,[�NITARY uL'N7LR PRUIECT $150 ANI? P•ECEIVIIdG PETITION N0. 15-1985 FROt4 BURLIi��G`1Y71�: �ORR'i�RN P,�CDUESIIP� �X'Y'Ci�ISIC1�7 ^tU SI'ORP9 SEWE�R P7AIN: N10TIOIV by Cowzc�lman Fitz�x-�trick to rece�vc- Pecia�?�a; r_do. 15-1985 �ror,� , - , - A ( ii pl ,'' �; �; COUNCIL MEETING OF JIILY 15, 1985 Buriiiagt�n P7orthcrr, requestinc� e�eixsa.r�n to sL-orm sewer main. 5econded by Counca.lmar. Sck�r�eider. U�.rin a voice vote, all vota.ng aye, t�ayor Nee declarec� I.he matzon c�rrie� uriarn.mously. Ms. FJ_ora, R�blic Y7ark:� Direccar, stateci there are two items involved with th�.s rhar�ge order. F.e state�3 i11e g�rst it� is to add a fire hydrairt to the rront of the Holly Shoppinq Center. He stated new pavemen�: is beir�g gnstalled and the Fixe Chief I�as suggested a hydrant be installed in front af the shcpplrsg center Ix�fore tnis is done. � i�7r. Flora staL-ed the oikeer i�c�i in thrs rhange order was petitioned for by Burl�ngton Nori�'�ern Rdllroad. He stated it involves an extension of the sterm �wer ma�.r3 along Inc�ustri�tl Boulevard to Ashton Avenue. He statect thzs F»uld alla,� sconr@ watar irom the new develo�nent of a mini-staxage facili�1 ec ilwa r�o tlae City's syst�n. i�TION by Councilman Fitz�,�trick tc aprrove Ckiange Orcler No. 1 with Hydro-Con, Inc. , B�x 129, Nor11� Barrr�ch, Minriesota 55D56 for tYie tollowirig addit�ans to%v�ter & S�wer Pra�ect i�150: (1) install a fire hydrdnt at %?ally Shoppir�g Center for a total of y7,975; and (2) install 450 lin. ft. of 27" RCP Starm Sc-�.=ex Y�C.b• for a tota3 of $19,478. The total amount oE t1-,is charec�e order is $27,453. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon � voice vete� all voti�;c aye, Mayar Nee declar.ed the motiori carried Lu�«ni n�oiisll. 9. RECEIVING �iN A�REEMENT FROM 1�4INN�SOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRAIQSPORTATION FOR TURNBF'iCR PEtOP�RTY- Mr. ILora, Publir, Works Director, stated the t4innesota Department of Transportation has turned nack certarn highwright-cf-ways to the City. He statec� the processing af transfers has been p�rtially completed and the Councit has a mag sYicwiiiy which properties are to be turned Lz-ick. NIr. Quresh�, C�ty Niar�ar.�.�r, stated the City has no choice whether or not co � acce�i these right-uf-w�ys, havEVer, the City is naa currently maii�taining then. I�DTI�N by Cow�cilman Fitzpatrick to a��prwe the turnback of these �ragerties to the Gity fran tYse I�iinnesoi:� rie�rtrnent of Transportation. Secondec3 by Cour?eiimari Sehneic7er. Upern a voiee vote, all voting aye, A�yar Pdee c3�clareca the netion c,�rried uriarL�n�ously. 10. GLAIP7S: t+DT1�N b}r Cot�racllman Schncider to authorize �ymerit of Cl��ms No. 3415 tl�rouyh 3btiQ. Seooi�nded by Ccauncilntian L`itzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all v��ai�g aye, Nk�or Pdee clPClared the motion carned unam.mously. 11. L7CENSES I�TIG�i by CoLUacilm�n 3urriette to a�prc7ve the licenses as subm�tted and as on f�e �ri the Lace�z� Clerk's Offi�. Seconded kry Couicilmari Fitz�Lrick. - 4 - � � � � COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1985 Upon a voic� vote, all v�ting aye, Mayor nlee- dcclared tl�e mo�l�n carr�ec; unammously. 12. ESTIh�1TES: t�DTION by Councilman Schneicier tu apFrwe tlre estarn�ces a� sGLn:itLed. JULY 15, 1985 Herrlck s NeWman, P.A. 6279 Uraversity Ave. N.E. Fridlc-y, t+DI 55432 For Sexvices fiendered For Pbnth Of Jwze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,6`�O.vO Cancrete Curb Ca. 771 Ladybixcl Lane Burnwille, tmI 55337 1985 riusc. Concrete Curl�, Gutter & Sidewalk Pro�ect Part,ial Estimate No. 3 . . , . . . . v . . . ; 8,_146.25 Hydro--Con Inc. Box 129 North Brancn, f�N 55056 Water & Saru.taxy SEwer Pro�ec�t #'r"l!i0 Part,ial Estimate No, 3 . . . . , . . o . , . . $ �,593»25 Sea�nded 1� C:ouncilmari Barrxette. Upon a v�lc� ��te, e11 vating aye, P�ia��c� Nee deelared the motion carrieci iuzammousl��. MOTION by Councilman Schneicler to ad�aurn the mee�ing. �econded �y Councilman Barnette. Upon a voi� vote, a].1 voti��y aye, N�yor Nee declared the nlotion carried uitarv.mously anc� the Reg�Yar P�etang of t�e FriJley �3�y Council of July 15, 1985 ad�ournec] aL 7:55 �.ms Respectiully sutrruttecl, ����t �-�c � Carole Haddac� Secxetaxy ta the City Council - 5 - /�� W° � Vv UiaSYi�n J. 1�lee F•`a� c:r 7��