08/05/1985 - 00011874, � � 1. T[]E MINUTES OF THE REGULi1R MEETING OF Tf� FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUST 5. 1985 The Reyular meeting of the Fridley City Ccu�ici3 �aas calle� Lo orcler �t 7:35 p. m. by 1�Iayor Nee. FLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Nlayor I�ee led the Council and audienc� in a-��e 1}ieage ai �s31e,•�.zi�E:e ta the Fl ag. Pi7LL CALL: N1EN1FiERS PF.ESII�IT: Mayor Nee, Councilntizi� G�cxus�eecl, Counr�iman F�_tz�trick. Cowzci�ia�an Schneider and Co�u�cil.�+i? i�arzAette h�@SERS ABSETdT: None APPROVAL OF P+IINOTES: COi]IdCIL MEETING, JULY 15, 1985: D'fOTION by Councilmaii Schneider to apprc,�e cYie mir,u�es as presented. Sewnded by Couricilman Fitz�atrick. Upcn � coi�e vote, ala �oiang aye, I�Iayor Nee declared tYie motion carried unatumcusiy. ADOI�PION OF AGENDA: NDTION by Councilman Barrtette to adopl: the ayenc�a as j�reseazteG. Seceandecl by Cotrncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, al_l vat�.r!y ayc, Niayor rlee c.e��3acec? che motion carried unan�.mously. OPEN FORUM. VISIDDRS: There was no response £ian the aucl�.enoe i.u;cler rt?is itao oE lausi�.�ss. PUBLIC HF�IRINGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REOUEST SAV �f85-04, TU Vt�CATE A POF:'P10N C�� UIVIVERSITY SFS2VICE ROAD WEST (LOOP BACK) , I��`Lt-�I�ID CORP. (TABL:L 7/15/S`�i : P�DTIOTd by Councilntitn Fitz�trick to vaaivE tl?� re�zdlny oi i1�e �ul�nzc hear �a_c� notice ancd open the �blic he�ring. Seaoa�d�cl ln� �Cc�cia.mar� Scf�,�ider. Ur.�n a voice vole, a31 voting aye, M�yor Ai�c� c;cc�.�red the raor.zcn a�ar�ied unarumously and the �ublic hear�_ng oper�ecl ai: 7.3"I ��. �. P4r. I�7ark Burch, AssisEanL Fublic Works DiiecLor, scated �his a vacaL3cn For a�nrtiot? of the Umversity Service road v���sc � e�opi,aci; at HoL.l=% Si3r,���ing Center. fIe stated thxs involves only the porvion a�c��uid i_he sice oi the once exisrerrt cas sL-at�on and the easemetzc r�nnin7 par�_1c1 tc Univ�csl �y Avenue would renain. I�o �rsons in the audienoe �poke regarding t�'�,is ;.rol�sed vacaticn, h � �-f� ��!�ri � COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUSP 5. 1985 MOTIQL�d i�y �LU�c��lman Fztz�xtrick to clese the public hc�ariiig. Seconc�ed by Counr�lrnan 5chrx�iaer. L�pc�re a voic� v�t�, �7.1 voting aye, P9ayor Pdee declarecl �he motion carrlec� uiiammously anc7 the public heara.ng closed at 7:38 p.rn. OLD BUSINESS: 2. OP�INANCE N0. 839 UbIDER SECTIOIV 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER �.C17 VACAT E 5`1'REE1S AIVD ALLEYS F,i� TO A@3END APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CODE (SAV #85-05, TED C. .`'ixiIRS}L''Y) • , Mr. Mark. B��rch, Assastant Publ�c Works Directnr, stated this vacati�n lrroo3ves an �xcharrye of pro�erty between f�Ir. Shirley and the City ixi order tc� provicle a vaze?er t��rranc� r�dius iri can�unction w�tYi the �mgrove��errt af 5t1� �treet. P�DTIdN Uy �usae�lmarx Goocls�.eed tU waive the secxand reading of Orc�nance No. 839 ar?d a�sr� st ori the :�c�nci read�rag and order publication. Seconded by CouncY].marc Fitz�.�trick. Upon a voice vote, all vc�ting aye, C7ayor Nee c�clared i.lie mo�lc�n carried unan7.mously. NEr7 BUSINCSS: 3. CONSIBERATION OF FIRST F,EAI'JING OF AN ORDYNANCE UNDER SECTION 12.U7 OF THE C1TY CI3AP'.PER 3ti) UACATE STREET6 AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY CC)DE (SAV #85-04, HEARTLAND �RFORt�1ION) (TABLID 7/15/851: ND'PIOPJ �y Councilman Bar;iette to wa�ve the reading and aFrprwe the orclinance u�an farst reaaing. Seo�ndecl by Councilman Schr�ider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Maycr Iiee �eclared the motion carried unaru.mausly. 4. CDNSIDERATIOP�T OF FIRS"P RF�DING OF AN ORDI1`�1NCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE uY AMENDID7G SECTIONS 125.D2, 126.03. 126.04. 126.05, 126.06, AND 12G.07: Ptlr. Herricko C.�ty Atearney, statea these proposed amendnents are the results � af s��c�gestions made by Judge Lord. Mr. Herrick stated he felt tlze �vnencl�rents wa�ildnake the ordinance less susceptible ta a constitutional challenye. P�TTOra t�y Counczlman Schr�eider tc� waive the read�.ng and approve the .k ardinai�ce u�.�n first reading. Seconelea by Councilman Barneti,e. Upon a voice aoteP all v�ting aye, h9aya� Nee declared the motion carried �ariarumnusly . 5. RLCEIVING TH� PR�LIMITJFIRY 1986 3UDGLT AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR SFP`I'EP9BER 9 , 1985 : N1r. Quresl��, C�ty t:�nager, stated rhis proposed preliminary budget repse�n�s a�; itic�c��e of 2.9°e ovex i-he 1985 budget. He skateu� tne total ger�erzl f��ct ? s$6,966,04G in adc�iticrn to speeial revet�ue, cie�t �rvic�e, and capital �ro�ect fu�c�s. N1r. Quresha st�ted no new proarams are being adcied az�ci the Ci+�y zs, es�entanlly, ne;antain7nc� the serv�cts prcwided in tkie 1985 - 2 - � OOUNCIL MEETING OF Ai7GUST 5, 1985 budget. NDTION by Councilman Barnette to xec�eive the 1986 prelvnirrary buc�ye� and set the public hearing for September 9, 1985. Sec�nded f� Coin�cilsar� Goocis�zec�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor P7ee declarea Lhe nocson carriecl unarumously. 6. RECEIVING THE AIINCTrES OF THE PLANNING COP'1�'IISSION MEE^1ING OF JULY 17. 19II5: 6-A. CONSIDERATION OF SPFCIAL USE PERNIIT. SP �k85-05 `i1� ALSAGQ EXTERIOR STORAGE OF MATERI11L5 AND EQUIPNIENT. 7773-7779 RANCHERS R(]AD N.E., BY DON SCHL�OSSER: Mr. Surch, Asst. Public Works Director, stated this is a request ior a specaal use �erniit ta permit the outside sL-orage c�f �uignent and naterials at 7773- 7779 Ranckters Road DI. E. He statec� the Flanninq Cornm� ssion has recommended approval of this request with the stipuiation that the x�etitioner work with the City staff fox ��c7clltional landscapiny to be �mpleted }� the fall of 1985. NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to ooncur with the u��arumous reconr,�eridatlon of the Plaruung Commission and a�prove specgul use perrnit, SP k&5-05, with the stipulation that the petitioner work with the C�ty staff for additlonal landscaping to be mmpletecl l� the fall of I985. Secondec7 by Councilruar3 Barnette. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, P�ayor Nee c'eclared the moi:aon carried unammously. 6-B. CONSIDERATION OF I�(77P SPLIT REOUEST, LS #F85-OS TO SPLIT ONE I,(Yi' INSG FOUR IpTS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES. 6771-6781-6791-G795 BROOKVIEW DRIVE N.E.. BY J.A. MEDIICVELD & ASSOCIATES: Mr. Burch, Assistant Public V�Torks Director, statec� thzs request is tc, sp].xt � Lot 2 of Bloek 1, Brookvic�7 Sec�ond Additlon Lntc; four lots tc be useca ior single famil.y residences. He stated the Planning Commissicn recorunended approval with the stipulatiuri that the three �xirk fees be L��a an�! the lat split be rewrded at the Coimty before buildiny �nuits are issued. Mr. Burch stated the City would ask the petit�oner cc�o�erate writh any pro�ects along 67th Avenue, as far as utility easernents and asses:n�ents. N�ayor Nee questioned why the property was beir�c, split instead oL- plattir_g it. Mr. Burch stated it would be qw.eker co split the lor r�L-��er tnan plat � t. NIr. Herrick, Ca.ty Attorney, stated it seens to 1,�m che Ca.ty's palzcy, in Lhe p�st, has kaeen to reqiure a plat except where someone had a�rcel oP l�nd and wantecl to split off one build�.ng site. He statea he di.c�n't recall wY?ere a lot split was allaaed of a�rc;el for fcaLr bu3lding sites. He si.atec, haaeaex, he is not saying this cannot be cione. R�r. Qureshi, Caty I�nager, stated the ordinance requires praperty can be split if the legal description is simple. He statec+, in this case, th� 3ac - 3 - � � �� , � �¢T � COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1985 s�t�cs arc Gu3te easy co c�scril�e. He stateu� his ai�lq concern is that tr�e ��rc�per Gicllsties a�c- �rcwic�d since i-l�ere are no utilities to �rve the twc rnir7dle lats. Iie staLec� in arcier tc� build on these loLS, it would be necessary fox the pet�.tlaner te provlce utilities, and also �o obtain a �urvey c�f the faur 1c�ts irK order te get exact dimensions. 7he retitioi�r statec7 he was aware uLilities had to be grovidec; ta service tl�e lots. PDTSON by Cr��uncilman Gaoc+speed to ooncur with the �mammous recommendatic�n oi the Plannina Commission anc7 approve lot split, LS #85-05, with the fo3lasii�g sti�il�tionsc (1) three �ark tees be �id; (2) the lot spli� be xewrd�ci at the c;ounty before building permit. are issued; and (3) that final dimenslons cf the lots rneet City code. Seconded by Councilman Fii-�.g�trick, r.T�an z voice vote, a31 voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the �otion carried uriarumously. G-C. CONSIDERATION OF I�CYP SPLIT REOUEST, LS #85-06 L11ND TO BE USEp FUR SINGLH: FA�43LY RESIDENCES. 400Q MAIN STREET N.E.. BY �VELYI4 COFfN�LIUS: Nlr. Burch, tl,ssistant r'�zblic Works DirectoL, stated this is a request fur a 4ot s�l�t in orc7er i.o m�ke an aclditional bu�lding site. He stated tYse Plannzna C�in�-nissi�n rec�rur�enc'aed approval with stipulations for payment c�f the ixrk Fee, reo�rciing caf the lot split at the County; and final dimensians cf cr�e 1caL s�lit meetvig the Caty rode. i§r. Cc�rnel��as, i-he �eta.t-aoner, stated he would like to eliminate Farcel ft L-ran this lot s��lit. Councilnr�n Pitz�xtrick asked if this was done, how clo� �ae �,uth w�ll aP Mr. Corr�elzus' hrnie wotil.d be to the property line. Nr. C,�rr�el�us statec� a.t would meet the oode requirements of ten feet. He �3sa statec� Yae wou]d l�ke the p�rk fee deferred until such time as a L,uildan� perrnit is issued. I�DTIC�N kay �oui�cilman Fitz�trick to wncur wath the unaiumous reaonunendation � of the Planning Conmissac�n and approve lot split, LS #t35-06 with the follarainc� stipu3 aitions: (1) �rl, fee becbmes due and payable � f �nd wher� therz �.s a iaailruray permit issued on Fr�arc�l Fs; (2) the lot split i� recnrded at the �'.,oiu�c� before ar�� bu�.ldirda permit is is:ued or prior to Octolaex 15, 1985; and (3) the isrral dimensions of tYre lot split meet Cit� code. Seconcae� �y �'.ounc�lmaz? Barr�tte. N`sr. �uresl��, Cli�y f�harager, Gdva=sec� t4r. Cornelzus that if the �xrk fee is c,�eferre.d, the cost m�1 be �.ifferent in the future in com�rison to whcLL Y1P_ would �.�+y ncr�v. Ns. Corr�eliu� s�ta�ed he w�sn't warried as he w�sulc3n't be the orze buzlcdln� on ihe le�t. U}iJPd Z� VOICE VOTE Tt�i Cgd TF[E t�(3J� NDT70N, all vcted aye, ai7c] P�9ayar IVee d�cl�recl a?e mnta.on carriec7. 6-D. RCVZEW OF CFI�NINGES � CI3[�PTER 205 ABID CFIAPTER 6 OF THE FRIDLEY C'ITY CODL,-ZONING, t�ND SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 19. 1985: - 4 - _� COUNCIL MRF7PING OF AUGUST 5, 1985 N1�TION by Counciln�n Schneider t� set the �a�Ja� ac heara.r�� f�r [?uyusL- 15+, T�E5 to reva�vr chariyes to Chapter 205 ana ChGr�tc-r 6 0� the ^rir�ley Caty Cc�c1e. Secnnc�d t� Councilman Fitzpatrick. U�on �i vc3ce vc�c-, all vct�na aye, P�yor Nee declared the motion carried unatv mousl'y. 6-E, ITEp�Li FROM APPEALS �MMISSIOI3 MEEPII� OF� JE]i,Y 5, 1985: B-l. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REOUEST 3-G IPTCFtET-iSE P+IAXIMUM PERCENT OF AREA OF ICYP 'Ib B� COV�R�D SY lti',t�.ifd � AND ACCESSORY BUILDIb1GS. §650 I�7AIN � P.EET Ld.E. , A1.J. KEEFE: Mr. Burch, As:t. Public Works Director, s�tacec� th.�: v�,r�vr_� .�s i�oesced 'co lncrease the ma�m�mti lot area aaveraqe in �rder co add aclditior�S osf ic� spac�. He statec, the Appeals Commiss�.on reco„anendec� aL�proval of tl�e varianoe with the stip��].ation that a 15 ioot bikeway/w�lkFa�g easern�nL �e c3edicated alorxa Nlain Stxeet. [�DTION by Couricilman Fatz�tricJ: to ra�ricar �,v�_rh ih� �maiurE�ous �ec��i��.ilc�acy��! oL' the Appeals COIN�Ct15S1GI1 d17C1 C'YdY1C 3 VcsL1c1I":CF? �^v �_Z1C�E.'cISC� ��lC� ?ll«.:171Uii7 �rcent of the area of a lot to �e ooverec+ ��� ma�n ano ar��ssory buiic+�a�cv fran 40% to 41.45o at 4650 Main Street, w3�]� �e stipuJai.ien tha� tl3e Wvar�et aedicate a 15 faot l�ikeway/walkway ea.emc-iit alon,+ l�in Siseet c�ver a�. already existing utility r�asement. Seoor�clecr by �'oouic�)r.�,rs Guc�ds�ed. IIkai� a voiee vate, all vatiiig aye, Mayor Nee cleclar�c� zhe mo�ion c:arri��, unamniously. E-2. (JONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE 2�EClUES^i 1L'1 R�iIJCE P,E�UIRED SEZSACK FOR CUREING FROM 5 FEET '1C� 2 Fi:1^`�' T'RQP? ^1Fs'L Udl;Iti BUILDING, AI+7[7 FROM ALL PROPER`IY LINES �� 343 72ND AVENUE N.E., BY RTCIIARD uWt11.`15'Q+_`J: Mr. Burch, Assistant Public U7orks DrrecLOr, sca4eu L-he �e�lcicner ws � reques-ted a varianc� to reduc�e the reqw.rec� setba�.is ior curb3iig fi�eaa itive feet to two feet in order to allow far becter n�r�e�averabil;L-y oP larce trucks on this site. Mr. Burch stated sta�i has ;�Fen working w?�1� PiL, 17etermari to bnng his pro�erty up to cxx�e �zcl a rJevelo�enc zGre��lez7c was pre�red. It was staff' s suggestion this ac,reernent lx a sc� pulacs on eF �he �ariac�oe. Mr. Tan lleterman, repres�enting Deternian U7c-ic�ing ar,a i�nk Sexvi�e, s�a�ec they are in agreanent with the issue to cr,nvert the exisi�n� d�tch tc �i� culvert systan with desicyzs apprwed by the City anc� Rice Creel: 6daL-e�sised Shstrict. I-Ie stated, haaever, for than to acce�t aJ.1 future responsical� �y for the m�ntenanc� and replaoement was imEa� r. Mr. Burch stated the davelogner�i agreanen� gi�dir�tes Deterra�an iF�e]dxrg wcu3rl install and maintain the culvert for a te,. yF�r �c�aa. He scaL-ea S�hese �lans are oontiragent upan approval �y the Pzre Creei: Ud�cershcd a�istr,it. Mr. Qureshi stated if they propose to 3ust�11 cnc- ��pir.g at ;he�r o��,-± expense accorc�i.ng to the Cxty's and tYre Wu��L�lsec7 �ras'�ric;'s standards, �i�cs maintain it for ten years, he felt this wa" L� r. - 5 - � j ',�, i ,+ COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1985 r�Ir. Qare:1�;. �skec3 ii the acic]iiional pro�rty they wiil be able to use, as the result oP installa.r�g che piping, is all ara their land. nr. Burch staL-ed psrt of this �ro�rty is owned i� Harstad's. He statecl he ��e�ieveciP�r. Peterm�n and the property owner to the west havE been rn r�gociata.orxs for the pro�erty. f4r. Tora i.+eterroarr statecl tYtzs property in question has multiple owners zrnroive� and in order to even start proceedings to purchase adaitional ;_�ro�rty, rt rc-riuirec] at least $2,000. � Mr. �ture.si�i asked haa they �ropose tc go on someane else's land withouc tizezr pernission. @ir. I�terman statec� they woulcln't put in the pipe, wiless tr�ey can buy aclditioi�zl pro�.erty. Cou,�ciiman S..I�ii�eicler statea af it was possiblE to obtain additional pro�rky, 'rheii the vanance may not be needed. Ptir. L'�iennan sta�ed if they purchase a�3ditional land, the pro�rty on the �vest s�c!e tiae?u1a be u:,ed for anlala�ee parking. P7r. �ure�i7� sugges�ted �rha�s there should be some additional infarmation s��lxaittecz so thls it�n be tabled. I�TITI�N i�� Councilm�n Schneider ta table consideration of this variance rea,uest u?�,l tt,e rxext meetiny and csirect staff to provide further anfc�rrr�ation anci vaork with te �etitianer tc� identify other possible a7.tern�t�a�s rati�er than a varianae. Sewnded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Up�n � vozc� vote, a11 voLing aye, Maycr Nee declarea the motion carried u��rv.mausly. MOTIC�N by Couricilrnan Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning Cor�oission m�etin� of J�:ly 170 1985. Seoonded by Coancilman Fitz�trick. U�n zx voice vore, a13 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried � unaru mottslq. 7. R�^CEIVING 't�-IE P4INUTES OF Z'�IE CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 18. 1985: r�ria�v by Cauncilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Ca61e `Peleaision Carnnission meetiny of July 18, 1985. Seconded by Councilmarr Larnette. Bpon � voic� vote, all vpti[�g aye, NY�yor Nee declared the raotion carr�.ed unararaously. E3. IONSIDERATION OF SIGIQ PLAtd FOR 5301 EAST RIVER ROAB FUR EAST RIVER ROAD BUSINESS CEP�TER: P9r. Burch, F�ssastant FubZic Vdorka Director, stated the East River Road B�3siness s�enter has submittec� their sign plan which meets a11 the code .�ea,uirenents. He sL-atec�, lz�szcally, there are two kinds of signs, ane for rna�or tenai�LS an3 anot�'�er for minor tenants. t+Ir. Burch presented colorec7 phctos of the propo:eci s�.�s. - ti - � COUNCIL I�ETING OF AUGUSP 5, 1985 NDTIOtd bp Cour�ci3nan Fitz�trick. Lo apprwc- ihe sicy, p1�n LoL the Last. F��ver Road Susiness Center at 5301 East River Rcx.c� id.,s. Secondec3 Ly �'ouric�ln�a,A Gooc9sp�ed. Upon a voia vote, all voting aye, P�iyor i�Tee c;eclar2c� t'r?e ivation carrie�i unammously. 9. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENP B�.TWEL'N THE CITY tiP FRILLEY 111�I➢ [�iQ0I�1 COONiY COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP, I1UC. TO PRpVlT�E CTRTAIN SERVICES TO FRYDvEY RESIDENTS: � ADTIDAI by Councilman Schneicler to authorize tl.e v�yor and Giiy i4ar���r crr enter into this aqreement between t1�e C3��y ar�d the t�nalca County Cormnur�ications Workshop, Inc. Seconaed by Uo�incilman �sarr.e�.�e. U��o � voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor A3ee c7ecl�tecl tl,� nocian carried unaramously. 10. RESOLU^lION N0. 62-1985 TO APPRQVE AN ENERGY P,TZCGI�F�P4 Z�CV-D �1liTIi0P.IZE ^1HE C1TY OF FRIDLEY TO 11DVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A HOUSE llGCi'C� Ct7N'.CRACI�P: NIr. Burch, Assistant Public Vdorks Director, staLeci the City has l�en w�rlsii!g with P+iiru�egasoo and Northern States �bwer or. e�i�eruy t��rcagr�ums. E� staL-ec� che house cbctor progr�n is funcled }7y h�innegasca wnerc a�r�.^,r,al ei�ergy ��4u? c is r�ade of hanes and recbnunendations and r���� rs axe �r�de to a�he hcnie. r� stated Noxthern States Paaer's wntrik�utia» as thia�xgll neigheonc�aoc� er.e�gy workshops and three have been scheduled th a s Eal� caht�l� mncenLra�e ar� arh�ee neighborhoods in the oenter xart of the Cz�y. Councilman Schrieider asked if ather residec?cs coulc3 NarLici�!i,e �c t:aey clon't live in tnese neighborhoods. Mr. Eurch stateca Li�ey �re �r�,_tl��lly sEartirig in these g�rticular neigh�arnoods, ,�u� .e� yau �ive ou�szde i_h�,se areas whcre the workshops will he cr�nductecy, yc�: woe�ir_', bc tiacicnn2e te arte,�c!. He further stated the house cbctor progr�:a is ��zy-�aide. Coonciln�ari Schneider �lsa felt that 1�riokz Cu,r.�n�.an.�ty �?cc� on �rograr�, Inc, � should be aware of what is being dar�e in �1�ese �ragrams in order to a�o_c+ any duplicat�oii of sexvic�s. PDTION lay Cow7calman Schneic�r tc� aclapt Rc-�luLion Na, b2-s�85. Seoonded i� Councilman Fitz�i:ricY,. U�n � �c-�.e VC�L�y �l E�c�clr�� ��re-, N�yor tdee declarec3 the motion carriecl unansirfausly. 11. RESOLUTION NQ. '03-1985 APPROVIIvG LOT SPLIT �85-(3� o FOP, VAri{ING LO�i EIiJD BUILDING EXPANSION, 6161 Y,IGHWAY 65 N.E., ST. F1t�lYt101VY VILLI�GL C�T�t: P�1r. Burch, Assistant Puhlic Work� Director� s�ated �he Shorewooc� Ir_�n has };,een workirrq with NIr. Salirernian to obtaiii ac7di'�3anzl Fro�xr�y to e�c�;�i�d their Farking facilities. He s�tatea plaias !:�ve ��;� wcr.}rer �ut ic�c t1;is area irroolving s�iie changes ana im�ryrcr�anencs ior �he s�.�e. T?e si�bmi�cec, � site plan for the Shor�roocl Inn. i�ir. Herrick, Cii.y Attarraey, asked if thEy ere 1�roc�ec,�,zg witY� Lu�h ?husu � an Phase iI. - 7 - 1 1 ,l aI ^ r• � ii � COUNCIL NIEEPING OF AUGUST 5. 1985 t✓�r. Laae�ll A_r�,w �� p�ilo Archatects and Engineers (represerst.ing Shorc�voo� LZn) stateci tYaey are prcceeding wzth IY:as� I only anc plaruung to add to the l,itchen area, clo� in �:he �iwve that is naa open ar?d add 35 to 40 rx�re dim.n� se�ts w�th an outsicle seasana7 cleck. He stated, in the tuture, which w?3.1 rcc�t�are ac�cli.tioyal �xking, they glan the adc7itlon of a bar�uet winy, �lu.s extensive anterior ra�cxseling. Cow�cilm�n ScYa�eicler askec; aL- they were awaxe af the �arK f.ee to which thEy ansraeret; in tk?e affirnative. hDTIGN by Cciw�cilmaa� Scr�rzeider ta acbpt Resolutic,n No. 63-1985. Se�nded k7y Coui�cilr;ai� Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all votirig aye, M�yor IVee declarErl the �notion carried uraazumously. 12. REC�IVLI�IG RE�SiGNATION OF BARBARA KOCHER FROM THE HUMAN RESOURC�u COT�IISSIQN AI�ID P1'FOINTMEN'P TO HUMAN RFSOURCES CONIMISSION: P'D�'ION bq Councilrnan Schneicier tc receive the resignation of Barbara Rocher rran thc Flv�nan kesourc�s Comm�ssion. Secx>nded � Councilman Gocx3speed. Ppon a vcice vote, all vatany aye, P7ayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�.mausly. 1�DTION by Couc�ca.lran IIarneite to t�ble ihis appointrnent. Searnded ksy Councalman Goods�ed. Upon a vaic� vate, a7.1 voting aye, N�ayor Nee declarc cl i1'iP_ LIOi'lOP_ CceLl'lEC] L7S1d271I[lOLlSly. 13. CL�Il"�S: ADTIOt� bg �cu��cilr�-uz Fitzgcztrick to authorize �ayment of C1ai.ms Na. 36R1 ti�rou�+h 4C�7.€�. Seooncl�c� ky Councilr�an Srhneic7er. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, N�yor N�e cieclared the motion carried unammousiy. 14. L•ICEaISES: tvLiTlGid by Couricilir�n Barr�ette to approve the licenses as subn�tted and as on fz'de iq� the Lic�sise C1es:k's Offi�. Seoonded try Councilm�i Schneicler. U�n a voace vcte, al.l c�ating aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried urkaru.n�nuslp. 15. ES"TIP7AT�S: P�llTIOD7 by Co�u�cilman 5chneider ta ap�rwe the estimates as sutmitted. [Ierii�lc E N�maiz, P.A. 627° Uruversicy Av�. N.E. Pric+ley, NN 55432 For Legal Services re� Pasck�ke Fro]ect �s of Jialy 3, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ;]nith, JusEer, Feike�na, N'�almon & Haskvitz 1QOQ IDb' C,�roter - S - 1,500.00 � � � � � � COUNCIL MEEPING OF AOGUST 5, 1985 Mi.nneapalis, MV 55402 For Legal Services Rem9ered by City Prosecutor for April, Map, anci Jw�e 1�7u5 Apr11, 1985 $6,950.00 [�iy, 1985 6,512.50 Jwye, 1485 6.050.00 Hlckok & Associates 545 Indiari Mounc] Wayzata, 2•lituie�ta 55391 . . . . . �? i�rJ�.l.�17 Nloore Lake kestorata.on Pro�ect IT-Ins��c��.or. ±� ProLessional Servic+es for 1�nact �nc�i.ny FiJ�ilfLa ...$ 1,�3G.�4 hioore Lake Restoration I�o�ect II-Enc�l��^e�ar�g II ProPessional Servioes for F�riod �nciirsy 6/30/HS ... r 35.71 H & S As�halt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka. MtI 55303 Street Imprc�vanent Pro�ect ST 19II5-1&2 ParYaal Estimate ido. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 97,a?.:.7C� Hydrocon, Inc. Box 129 North Branch, NN 55d56 Water & Seaer Pro�ect #150 Parta.al Estin�ate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23,7G2,45 Concrete Curb Co. 771 Ladybird Lar� Burnsville, f�N 55337 19$5 Concrete Curb, Gutter and Sic;ewalk Pro;ed� Partial Estimate Na. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 3,321.20 Seconded kry Councilman Fitz�tzlck. U�on � vaic� -vote, a17 voting ayc, N;ayar iVee declar� the moLion carried unac�mousl;%. NTJtION by Co�nicilmarx Schneic7er to ad�ourr, u�F ;��eeL�i��j. Ser�riz��o k�y �unciln�n Barnette. Upo;e a voic� vote, a�..l vuta�+_g a�rE, [�r�voi 1�!ee el�cJ are�:� the motion caxriecl uc�rcimously and the Reguiar is�et�ng �i ti�� Fc�cl?ey �:s��� Council of August 5, 1985 ad�ourned at 8:45 N.m. Res�ctfully suknul-ted, � s ��"e__ �� � � Carol e Eladdad � Wi 11 iam J. fJ Secretary to the h"ayor City Council - 44 �.1� N