09/23/1985 - 00011842'It�e Reqular meeting of the Fric]ley City Counci3 was c�alled to order aL 7:34 p.m, by Mayor Nee� PLEDGE QF �1LLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and aud�.enoe xn che Pledqe of tllleyiai;ce to the Flaq. � RDLL CAI.L: P�NBERS PRFSENT: Mayor Nee. Cow7cllr�n Goocfs�ed. Couricilman Fitz�trick. Courtci]_inan Schneicxer and Councilman Sarnette MEN�IILS ABSFNT: None APPROUAL OF MTNUTES: COUNCIL ME�'PING, SEPTFMBER 9. 1985: Councilman Schneider requested the follaaing 1�ragra� be inserted �L-ter d�� first �raqraph of Item 12. Page 8: "Cuunciaman Schneic7er statec �he s�ealcoat�ng at Holly 5hopping Center was already dar:e and questioned s��hy this was brought to the Council after the wcrk was cximpleted_" Councilman Goods�ed reciuested the time 3unit ior the variance at 7�79 Beech Street on Paqe 7 be �rrected fxan 26 to 36 months_ MpT10N by Councilman Schneider to apprave the ,�inutes with the above additiwz and coxrection. Seconded by Councilman Bazrrette. IIpon a vc�ice vote- all voting aye. Mayor Nee declarec7 the motion carr.iPCi unaa-nmously. ADOPTION OF AGEbIDA: ' Councilnan Schr�eider rec?uested the follaaing itun be added: "Co3�sideraiaon of an Additional Street Liqht on Hillcrest T�rive." � h40TIGN by Councilman Fitzpatrick to acloai. the aqenda wzth the above addition. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a-voire vote, 7i1 vatx,�q aye. l'�yot Nee declareo the mation carriec7 unammousl��_ OPEN FORUM, ViSI�RS• There was no response fran the audi.enoe :ander ihbs ite,�z oc twszness_ PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. PUEI,IC I�'.ARING ON REZONING RE90EST. 7AA #85-�2. 'IC) REZONG F1d�M f�l TO R- 2. 5586. 5570, 5560 FILLMORE STREET N.E., BY i<ENT ROESSLER: ��,� �, .,+; COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23. 1985 NDTION by Councslr�r� Schree�der to waive the reading of the public hearinq nota.ce and a��eri the Lublic heariny. Seaonded by Councilman Gaa3speed. U{x�n a vcice vote. all voting aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �inarumausly and the publtc hearing o�ned at 7:40 p.rn. Mr. Flora. Rtblic Works Director, stated this rec�uest covers thE rezoranq of three lots west oE Fills�ore Street and south of Lynde Drive. He stated the ad�ac�nt land is �rimarily zonec3 k�-1, but there is a mixea band of R-3 and commercial uses alcng the irontaqe road. � Mr. Flora statec? the c3eveloper is pro�zasing to rezone these g�rcels frcm R-1 ta R-2 to oonstruc,-t a total of thxeE zero lot line duplexes. He sta�ted tne City aans the Farcel of property to tkae west and a portion of the detention ponc7 extends inta the thxee lots. Nir. Flora stateri all the ]ots woiild be over 26,000 s�taare feet and the code requires only 10,000 syuare feet in an R-2 zone. He stated the awner establzshed a oovenatxt for the pxoi�rty to ranain R-1, however, this could be changed by the petttionet and tk�e Gity and then recarded at the Councy. A7r. Flora statecl, if the rezoning is approved. he would recommenc3 the wver�ant be chan,red to a11aa F 2 developnent. Mr. Flora stated no one spoke aga�nst the rezoning at the Planning Commisszon meeting and the Commissiarz has recommended approval of this rezoning reqt,est to allaa a>nstxuction oE duplexes with three stapulations. He state2, the stipulations were as follaas: (1) amenc�nent of covenant of building restric�txons to be Grafted by petitionex, approved by the Ciry ancl recarcied at Anoka County prior to ariy building permit: (2} all covenant restractions. excepk single family detached clause, to be adhered ta: and (3) structures to be built as indicated in site plan and elevatiorrs subnutted with this application, to include bn ck with wood/masot,ite sid�.ng. Nir. Flora stated it was brought up that the develo�xr �y a tocal �rk fee � cf $2.250 and asked that tYxis be included in the stipulations. Co�ncilman Schneider zsked if there was any other acoess to the rear of the lots. Mr. Plara stated there is no other ac�ss and the deter.�tion pond is lc�catecl in ]xzck of these lots. Counciln�an Barrzette asked if the City would pravide any protECtion f rom the pand ror childreiinoviny �nto these duplexes. and questxoned the City's liability. Mr. Flora stated the City hasn't fenced ariy type of detention struc�tures. Mr, Herrick, City Attorney. stated there is always a possibility of some liability, if a child were to drown in the pond. He stated the City is �_nsured aqaanst such a liability, but this is only a�artial answer. Cotu7c�lman Barnette askec� if the City`s liabzlity would be less i� a fence -2- F � J �� �t� � l � _���__ [ was installed. rir. Herrick stated it prok�ablp woulc� noc, as a ch�lcl sLall may yet over a fenoe, depending on their age. Ee srated he d�c�n't re�l the liahility woulcl be great, but wasn't personally f�uni�iar with the pond. Mr. Flora stated the pond at its deepest woulc� probabiy be a�out three feet. Councilman Schneider asked about the sate plan. Nlr. Flara state� che developer is a custan builder and each slde would be solc7 se�ra�ely ana � protective mvenarits recxarded on the units. Mayor Nee asked haa the City became a�rty to a cc�venant. IVir, Flara state� when the Ca.ty purchased the lots to the west f�r the pond, they became a �rty to the oovenant. Councilman Schneider asked if natioe went out to the r�ic�hbonc�od regatding this rezomng request. Mr. Flora stateci notic� s were sent, but there really hasn't been any discussion either pro or mn. Councilnan Barnette stated he felt residen�s were E��cting a larcae com�lex and were probably satisf ied with this develo}zneni. Councilman Schneider asked if the units would be owner-occu�ied. The �.etitioner stated it was not their intentaon for these to be iental unrts. but aaner-occupied. Councilman Baxnette asked the price ranr� L-or tUese units anc3 if they wou]cl be tvao or three bedrocros. The petitioneL scated pcices would rar�ge rrom $65.000 to $85.000 and could be either two or three bectrocros, depending upon what the buyer desired. No persons in the audience spoke reyardii�g �his proFpsea rezor�.nq. � NDTION by Councilman Schneider to close the �ublic hearinq on this reac�ning request ZOA �85-02. Seconcied tr� Counciln�n Fitz}z3trick. Upan a voic� ��ote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the puLlic hearii7g closed at 7:50 p.ra. 2. QLD BUSINESS: OFFICIAL TIZ'LE ADID SUMMAI2Y: , [�DTION by Councilman Schneicler to waive the second reading of Orcanance No. 842 and adogt it on the second reading ar.d order publicatic�n of Lhe ordiraance stuiunaxy. Seconded 1� Counciln,ar. FY�z�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carr.ied unammausly. • � � • � �, � + • � � � � � � -3- 1 ,� � . i f �[TNCb MEETING OF SEFrEI�ER 23 1985 CODE BY ANIENDING CHAPTER 6 ENTITLED "COMMISSION'S SECTIO�,Q'Z-(TABLED 9[9 85 ) ; NIr. Flora, Public Wcrks Director. stated during the review of the Zoning Cocle, it was �oG�nd that the �aragraph dealing with the variance procedure was inconsistent with the �.tzragrapYa within Chapter 6 under the Appeals Coizmlission, as the Zcmng Code uses the term "commence" an the Appeals Cornmission Code uses the word "comp],eted". He statea it was a determYnatian oL the �p}:eals Conunlssion the pro�.er word should be "commmenced" as many � pro-�ects �ould not be completed withiz� a one year t�.me frame and they felt. as long as the wark was started, the variance would be in effect. Mr. Flora stated th�s ordin�nce would charige the code so they would both be in oompliance us;rig the tenn "commenae". NiQTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordir�anoe upon first reading. Seaonded ty Councilman Goodspeed. Councilm�n Schneider questioned if there was a time limit established for cornpletion of a pro�ect. Nlr. Flora stated he has discussed this with the City Attorney, Mr. Herrick, and if the Cowicil has a oonoern. a ttnie periad for when the work shauld be cnmp].eted can be established. Mr. Flora stated he would suggest a completion time within two years. Councilman Schneider sL-atec, he would be in favor of adding this language to establ i.h a tirr.e lunit fox oompletion of the work covered by a variance. Mr. Herrick_ felt this lanrnzaqe ooule� be added at the time of second reading of the ordinance. He stated staff has to make sure all the ordinarxce provisions relati.ng to this s��ect are coilsistent. It was felt this change would be ir�sagnificant ana another public hearing would not be required- Nlr. Qureshi. City A9anac,�r. stateca he wauld prefer the Council ta table this it�n and bring the� changes to Chapter 6 and Chapter 205.OS.5G back to the Council a� the same time. NDTIGN by Councilman Schnsider to table this it�n. Seconded by Councilrtan � Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declarerl the motian ��rried unarumously_ �BUSINESS: 4. CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YF�R 1986: Co�u�cilman 5chneider questioned if it was necessary to have the first reac�ng at this time. Mr. Qureshi. City Manager, stated the first reading should be clor� in ordex for the mi].1 rate to be established in October. M7TIOIQ by Councilman Baxrr�tte to waive the reading and approve the orc7inance upon first reading. Seaonded 1� Councilman Fitz�ttrick. Upon a voice vote. all vot�.ng aye, i�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. -4- � Q'�S]j�]CIL MEETING OF SE��F1� 23 1985 Nlayor Nee stated this item will be sub�ec�t to cu.scussi�n at the Con�°erence Meet�.ng for a p�tential �nendnent. 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPROUAL OF FINAL FTAT P.S. #85-03, GREA1^ NORTHERN II�IDUS`1�2IAL CENPER EAST. BY ALFRID NELSON: ^`— --�^ -- AND CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #85-08, BUPS,INGTON NORTHERN BY JON MONSON: � � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this plat involves apgroxin�tely 12.4 acres located south of 694 and west of the Burlington Nor�hern ra�leoad spur, and zoned M-2 (heavy industrial). He st�ted access to the plat W�oulc� be through 53rd Way onto Industrial. Eoulevard whicki wauld be extendec; in a new street (Ashton). He stated the propo�d use would be for a nira-star«qe facility. Mr. Flora stated the Platuv.ng Ca�nm�ssaon has recnrmnenc7ed approva.l with a stipulation that the Fark fee be 1�id before the plat is reoorcled. [Zr. Fiora stated there is at� existing billboarc� sicy� locatec7 ad�acent ca the property by the ratlroad an 694, and it is suc�c,estec] this be removed as aa added stipulation to the glat. NDTION by Councilman FitzFatrick to approve fir�l pla:, P.S. #85-03, Great NortYiern Industrial Ceriter East, with the s�ipul�tions rhat the �ark fee be �id before the glat is recorded an the exis�ing billboard sicpi be rFZnoved. Seconded Yry Councilmari Schneic]er. Mr. Jon N�nson, representing the develo��r oF che rnini-storage rzci� �ty, stated he was here on the developex's behaii and not represeniiiig BurlingtorrNorthern, but wished to share what he Felt were Bur]angton Northern's feelings regard�.ng the billboard. Fie statec�, initially, i� was the�.r ho� to obtain the property on wkiich the billboard is 1 ocatecl. but were unable to do so and understands the reaso�t was because the railroac� wants that oorner for the billboard. � P4r. Monson stated this isn't �art of the pint and hoped it would not slow down their developnerit. No persons representing Burlington Northern were �resent. UPON A V010E VOTE TAKEN ON THE AB�VE NYJTION. Councilmar� L`itzpatric�, Counczlman Schneider, Councilman Barnette, and Cow�cilm�r� Goodsspeed vated irz favor of the motion. Mayor Nee abstained FLan VOi.111c]. MHy41 Nee declareo * the motion carried 1� a-4 to 0 vote. Mr. Flora stated, in oon�unction with the above �1at, therce is � recjuest L-or a special use permit, SP #85-08, to allow outside storage at tl�ss num-storage facility. Mr. Flora stated the lxiilding area woulc7 ne 127.930 square feet c�verir�q 37% of the lot, with mne �rking stalls. He statecl two locati�ns woulcl be used -5- * As corrected by City Council on Meeting af ('ctober 7, 1985. � T� � � �, , � ��, ODUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTFP�ER 23. 1985 for outsicle storare, and the entire facility would be fenced and screenecl with vines and slats, Nlr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval with a stipulation that the landscaxe plan be apprwed by the City. NDTION by Counciln�an F`itzg3trick to agprwe s�cial use permit, SP #85-08, with the stipulation that the l�ndscape plan be approved by the City. Seoor.ded l� Councilman Schneicler, � Nlr. �luresl�i, City ManaSer, asked if qates would be across the tracks. Mr. Monson statec� there has been no final determination, except Burlington Norll�ezn w�derstarads their request is �or gates across the tracks due to the infrequent use of i-hat line. t�9r. Qureshi statec7 he wanted to make sure there was no problen wath access and the only access to block 1 would be fran the southwest area of block 2 of this devel o�znent. Mr. Monson statec7 that ls what thcy e�pect. He stated the gate� coul.cE qo across the outlot property lane, which would require operu ng, or else �rpendicular to the track itself. He stated, one way or the other, they wili be grar.tec7 an easement fran Burlington Northern to cros�. He stated he is well aFaare of the 1 unitations, but Burlington Northern made assuranczs ta than that their h�usir�ess woulcl'nt be dzsrupted try the tracks. Mr. Manson asked if it was the City's goal that there wouldn't be a request for access by way of Plymouth Nfinnesota. P4r. Qureshi askecl if that was what they are thiriking. Mr. Monson stated that block 1 is served over that outlot. Mr. Qureshi state� if there is arry change, he would want th�n to come bacx ta the City. He stateG one oi the reqm.unents of the plat is access to a � �ublic road. Mr. Monsan stated, in terms of pure access, the only acces to the block 1 is over the tracks and outlot by way o£ an easement and access beyond that isn't oontanplated now ar any other time. UFON e� VOIC� VCPG TAI�AT ON Zf3E ABCT�7E NDTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee c�clared the motion carried unan�mousl��. 6. RECEIVING TI3� MINOTES OF THE PIANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEIvIB�It 11 , 1985: A, CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #85-10 � 11LLq_W CONSTRUCTION OF SECODID ACCS$�ORY RU�LDING, 1461 RICE CREEK 1�A17 N.C.. BY HERBERT LENNOX II: � �„'"n � !� lu UI SI \. • 1: ' ' C. I�+Ir. Flora. Punlic Works Director, state� rhis special use �ermit is for propexty located �ust north of Fuce Creek Road and east of Gld Central. I�e stated the request is for a semnd accessorp building which Nfas over 24D square feet and would k�e located in the xear yarc,, Mr. Flora stated the petitioner plans to usc- rhis structure as a gar�ge zcar cars, a boat, snowi[�obile and trailer, etc. , at�d vaoulc� put a nard suxiGced � drive to the structure. Nir. Flora stated the Planning Commissioi? xecomrnendec3 approval with the stipulation that a hard surf ace drive.aay i� �nsialied to the new structure. Councilman Barnette questioned if the lot hacl been split. P4r. Lenna�; stated, at same future date it would be split, and that was the reason ior his posit�on of the structure. I�TION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendatior� oP the Planning Commission and grant special use per�nit, SP #85-10, to �llow construction of a second accessory buiir]ing, a �4 by 30 iout detached garage, on Lot 4, Block 2, Spring Valley� 1461 Rice Creek Roac7, wi�Ya the stipulat�.on that a hard surface drivc�aay be xnstaLlec7 to the new structure. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Ugon a vcice vcte, all votirig aye, N�ayar Nee declared the motion carried unammously. B. CONSIDERATION OF SEZTING PUBLIC HF��RING ON FINAL PL�, P.S. #85-04, OAR RIVER ESTATES. 7560 F�4T RIVER ROAD, BY DOUG PETERSON: MOTIDN by Councilman Fitz�trick to set the public hearxi2g on this plat F.S. #85-04, for October 21, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Goods�eeci. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motlon carried unarumously. � C. CONSIDERATION OF SETPING PUBLIC I�RING ON F3NAL PLAT, P S #85-05 MIDWEST ADDITION GENERAI,,I.Y UJCF1^1F.L� i3E2WEEN HI(T{ORY STREET P.I�ID MAIN STREET. NORTH OF 81ST ��VENOE N.E. , BY LEOAIIIRD W. UEIAIl�IESSE• NDTION by Councilman Goodspeea to set the public hearir.g on this pl�r„ P.S. #85-OS ior October 21, 1985. Sewnded by Councalrnan Fitz�.�trick. iJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec3ared the motioia carried unammously. D. CONSIDERATION OF AN ITEM FROM APPE,SI,u CQMP4ISSION MEETING OF AUGL7ST 27. 1985: UARIIINCE TO INCREASE MAXIMUP4 ALIfJWE1F',LE S4UARE FOOTAGE OF A SIGN. Ti6 ALUJW t� EXISTTNG SIQ+I DO BE �HANGID AND TO REMAIN ON ITS PRESEN'1.' 7I,X'.ATION. 7625 VIRON ROAD N.E., NY)BILE HOMES. UuA: -7- � a � � ��� COUNCIL MEETING OF SE�'F'r�tFR 23. 1985 Mr. Flora, Publ�c Works Director, stated in July, the Council demea a request for a variance for a 300 square foot p�lon sicpl. 'I`his is now a new varian� request to reduc� the size of the sign to 160 square feet. Mr. Flora stated the mde reqm res d S1�1 IIOt in excess of 80 square feet. Mx. Flora state� the �etitioner states the hardship is "the existing siyn with trim, in place since 1970, exceeds 300 square feet. It is their pro�rosai to renove the trirn, two panels and re�xint the copy. Since the � �roperty is undeve].oped and presently leased for use as a retail sales lot, arry other rnethocl is not ecommically feasible. In addition, the proposed sic� would be oonsistetrt wzth those sic�s in the surrounding area." Mr. Floru stated the original s�.c}i was installed sometime prior to 1972. He statec3 Castle P4obile Hanes petiti oned for a vananoe to keep the sic� and it was approvec3 with the stipulation, one being that the variance was only approved for Castle Mabile Hanes. He stated, since they are no longer in business, �t has been requested the sic� be brought into compliance. Mr. Flora statec7 Hart Custan Hanes and All Seasons Hanes have sicyis which are 96 and 92 squ��re feet res�ctively. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Conunission felt the sign was twioe the size as ather mabile hane sales lot sic�s in the area, and was not con�istent with tYae oode, and reoommended demal af the variance request. ND'PIOI� by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Commission and cleny the variance request to increase the rnaximum allcwable iootaqe of a sagn fram 80 sruare feet to 160 square feet for Prnbile HQnes, USA, 7625 Viron Rc�d AI.E. Seconded by Councilman Gooc3speed. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. NDTION by Councilman Schneader to direct staff to send a letter to f4obile Hanes, IISA yiv�ng than a 30 clay notice to bring their sign into compliance � otherwise a�pr�priate legal action will be taken ta terminate that operation as establishec7 in their special use permit. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote. all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declarea the motion carned unana.mously. MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed ta receive the miriutes of tkie Planning Comnission meeting of Septenber 11, 1985. Seconded by Councilmari Fitz�atrxr.k U�on a voioe vote. all voting aye, Nk�yor Nee declared the motion carraed unarurnously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING $10 000 PAR7'ICIPATION IN IMPROVEMENTS TO LOCKE PARK WITH ANOKA COUNTY: Mr. �7ureshi, City @9anaqer, statec the County is proposing irnpr�vements for the entrance and �arking facilities in Locke Park. He state� the pro�ect calls f-or estaL�lishment of a new eritranoe on 71st Avenue 7ust east of the � � QOUNCIL MEE'PING OF SE�'�FR 23 1985 City garaqe, as we11 as installation of concrete curb and c�utter aL the entranoe �arking lot and suggested that this it� be ref erred to the Parks anc7 Recreat�.on for informati.on. N�yar Nee asked if the Parks and Recreat�era Ct�mrni5sion was involvec3 in the agreanent beiween the City and County for tne ma� nterr-�n� of Locke Park. Mr. Flora. Public WorkS Director, statec3 tl�ey wexe not irivolved, l�ut � believed it was d�.scussed with the Commissioi� by Dr. Boudreau. DirecLar of Parks and Recreation. NDTION by Councilman Sarr�ette to table this item and refer it to the Park:s and Recreation l'��unission for their recommendataan. Seconded kry Councilmai� Goods�ed. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, N�ayor Nee c3eclared thc- nction carried unammously. 8. CONSIDERATION OF JOINi' POWER�4 AQ2EEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS - 69TH AVEN[JE AND CSAEI #35 (OLD CENTR11L1 : Mr. Qureshi. City Manager. stated the County is instali�nq an will ma�ntair_ the traffic sicy�als at 69th Avenue and Old Central, h��ever, the Czty wi71 provine electrical power to the signal. I�r. Qureshi statec� these obligations are outlined in the �aint poti�ers agreement whicn nust �e executed. NDTION by Councilman Fitz�tnck ta apprare an autl�orize tne execution of this �oint paaers ac�reenent fox installatioi� of L-xafftic sagnals ar�d 69th Avenue and CSAH #35 (Old Central). SecnrrdEd �y Councllr�an Schneider. Upoi7 a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee �eclaxed the raotiori cartiecl unanimously. 9. RECEIVING CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION Td PLAT P S �81-02 HEATIIER HILIS WE�, BY `iC)M BRIQ[NER: � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated since this plat, P.S. #81-02, tivas apprwecl, the surveyor has found three errors �n the pro�rty descriptiorAs and is requesting Council apprwal to make the �rrections. FIe stated tl�e� changes are not very signa.fiwnt an involve ctaanaing a i�� dimensaons on L-he 1 ine s. � NllTION by Councilman Schneider to execute the Cextaf�cate of Correct;.a� to the Heather Aillu West Plat, P.S. #81-02. Semnded by Counctlmaii Barnette, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c7eclared the motion carried unammously. 1 • • � • . � � • i • � .�„ � 1. 1 � � ` �t . � �� • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Counr.xl. approved a lot spl�� � „ , r u i -� „,� COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, i985 for two �arcels of pro��rty south of 40ih Avenue off M�in Street at their P.ugust 5th, 19Q5 meeting. He stated a Certi£ic:ate cf Survey has been received and for tkiis lot splzt to t�e recorded at the County, a resolution ir� the Council is nec�ssary. NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trzck to adopt Resolution No. 69-1985. Seconded by Councilman 5chnezder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�ayor Nee declarecl the motion carried ur�an�.mously. • . . r •: •a �•. • � . ��I� ::�• �' . I, � A7r. Flor�, Public Woxks DirecLor, stated the Council appxoved a lat splat f�r a lzrae �er�l o£ �a�,eri�y west of Bxookvic�r and south of 68th Avenue at their August 5, 1985 meeting. He stated the Certificate of Surveys have been xeceivec� and in order for this lot split to be recorded at the County, a resoTution fran the Council zs nec�ssary. NDTIOi�I by Counczl�n Gooas�eed te ado�t Resolution No. 70-1985. Semnded l� Councilman Schi�eicler. Up�n a voim vcte, all voting aye, Niayox Nee declared che motion carrled unarumausly. 12. RESOLUTION N0. 71-1985 DIRECTING PREPARATI F�j,iS_F„SSMENT RS?�_�QR_�19�`� SEAVLCE OJNfdECi'IONS: I�TlTION by Councllman Schne�der to acb�t ReSalutiora No. 71-1985. Seaonded Isy Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiar. carried unam.mously. 13. $ESOLUTION N0. 72-1985 DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENP ROLL FOR 1'�IE 1985 RFR F CO (,�'PiONS: NT7TIGIV by Councilman Schneider to ado�k Resolution No. 72-1985. Seaonded 1� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared � the motion carried unanimously. 14. C7�AIM5_ t�TION by Councilman Barnette to authorize �yment ot Claims Ido. 4551 through 4757. Seconded Yry Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye. Mayor Nee cleclarec7 the motion carried unammously. 15. L�ICEI�SES: NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to apprwe the 1�censes as sukmittec� and as on file in the License C].erk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneicler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. -10- � � � ---, 4 i i � 16 COUNCIL MEE`PING OF SE��FR 23. 1985 NDTION by Counciln�n Barnette to approve the estimates as su}initted. Allied Blacktop Can�any 10503 - 89th Avenue N Maple Grwe, [�Y�l 55369 FINAL F,STIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12,945.60 St. 7mp. Pro�. ST 1985-10 (Seal Coat) Hickok and Associates 545 Indian Mound Wayzata, NN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Pro� ect II �riod Ending 8/31/85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,387.60 H & S As�alt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, NN 55303 Street Imprwanent Pro�ect ST 1985-1&2 Partial Estimate No. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 21,758.89 Concrete Curb Comg�riy 771 Ladybird Lane Burnsville, NN 55337 � 1985 Misc. Concrete Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Pro�ect Partial Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,266.55 Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. 22� Councilman Schneider asked if the cost for sealcoating at Holly Shoppiny Center has been ranoved fran these estimates. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated at the last meetiny, it was felt it was not appropriate for the City to be involved so vaork for this pro�ect at Holly Shopping Center is being �id directly to the oontractor by tYie c�ners of the aenter. Counciln�an Schneider asked if the City was involved in any way with the wark � being done with the sealooating. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, statea the City picked up the excess matenal. Councilman Schneider asked zf the shopping center is being charged. Mr. Flora stated thEy haven't been billed yet. Mr. Quxeshi stated this oost aould be made a�rt of the assessnent to the pro�erty. UR7N A VOI� VOTE TAKEN �I �3E ABOVE NDTION, all voted aye, and Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unammously. -11- 23� (70UNCIL MEETING OF SEP`PEMBER 23 , 1985 17. CDNSIDERATION OF AN ADDITIONAL STREET LIGHT ON HILLCREST DRIVE: Councilman Schneider statec3 several years ago, two street lights were installed, but not where thEy should have been. Mrs. George Bacon has circulated a petition to have a street light installed. Qouncilman Schneicler stated installing the light would be an exceptior. to the normal policty, but felt it should be done for safety reasons. NDTION by Couricilman Schneider to direct staff to install an aTerhead wired street light between 1336 and 1340 Hillcrest Drzve at City expense. Secondec3 by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee cleclarec] the motion carned unarumously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmar� Goodspeed. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motaor. carned unammausly and the Regular P�eting of the Fridley City Council of Sept�ber 23, 1985 ad�ourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfull sulxnitted, --(JGV� ��� 'e�-<.r.�_ CdYC)�C7CidC� Secretary to the City Council -12- � /�' ����.w �'�� wiili� J. N [�yor C_J , �