11/04/1985 - 00011794THE MIN[FPES OF Tf� RFX;ULAR MEEPING OF TFIE FRIDLEY CITY WUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 4, 1985 The Rec�ular meeting of the Fndley City Council was called to orcier a� 7;40 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLIDGE OF ALLEG711NCE: Nlayox Nee led the Council and audience in che Pledge cf Allegiance to the Fla J. � ROLL CALL• MENBERS PRESFfIT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Gooc7speed, Counciln�an Fitzp�trick, Couiicilmai7 Barnette, and Councilman Schneicler N1Et�BERS ABSII�IT: None CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: LQUIS SCHMIDT. OOMMIINITY DEVEIAPMEDTTP COMC+ITSSION: Mayor Nee stated a n�snher of catizens �LVe the commuruty as valunLeers �n City Cor.unissions for which the Council is vexy appreciative. He stated tr?e Council wished to reco�ize Louis Schmiiit ior hls seLVxce on the Comnuntty Develognent Commission by presenting him wich a plaque. Since Mr. Schn�idt was not present to reoeive the glaque, Mayar Nee requested it be forwarded to hun. APPROUAL OF MINUTES• � COUNCIL I�EJ'ING. OC'i�7BER 21, 1985: I�DTIOtd by Councilman Barnette to apprwe the mznutes as presented. 5ea7ncle� by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayear Dlee declared the motion carned unammously. P,DOPTION OF AGEDIDA• t�yor Nee requested the folla,ring it�ns be acldeci to the agenc3a: (23) Report on SORT by Coruue Metcalf; (24) Consideration of Authoraziny Approprlatian of $4,400 und AwarcU.ng Contract for Installacion of Fsaoloc�ical F�ltcr Units in Moore Lake; (25) Consicleration of Auchorizzng Supplernentar�= Funds for Comglet�on of Optioom IInergency Warning System; (26) Consicleration ot � Resolution Designating the P9inneappolis Star � Tri�une a: Lhe City ai Fxidl�'s Second pfficial NewsFapex for the Year 1985; (27) Considexation oF Appointment to the Housing & Redevelopnent Authority; (287 Consideration af Authorizing Independent Contractor for Sr,�oea P,ercoval; and (29) Report from the Public Works Director on County's Pro��osed Sali� Waste Facil�ty, aa�d Cnnsiclezation af a Resolution in Oppositiora to Such a Faciliiy in Fridley. � �. `� �% z, � ° n COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVENIBER 4, 1985 MOTION by Councilman Fitzgatrick to adopt the agenda with the above additions. Seconded kry Councilman Schrieicler. Upon a voic� vote, all vetir!g aye, N3ayor Nee declarecl the motion carned unammously. OPEN FORUM. VISI�RS: Mr. C�lcolm Mstchell, &coutrnaster, introduoed manbers of Cub Scouts Pack 131 fran Pradley's North Park. Area. He stated these scouts were working on � their citizens activii.y badge �nd learmng a little about local goverranent. Mayor Nee stated he was glad the Swuts came to visit. POBLIC IIEARINGS: 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON TI� SALE OF $4.360,000 IN INOUSTRIAL DEVEL�OPMENT BOPIDS FOR THE COLUMBIA PARK CLINIC: NLlTION by Councilman Schneider to wa�.ve the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded kry Counciln�n Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaru mously an�3 the public hearing o�ned at 7;45 �. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this public hearing is in regard to the sale of $4,36D,OOd in industrial develognent bonds to provide for aoquisition of land and the construction of approximately 17,000 square feet of cliruc and relztec] medical facilities for Columbia Park Climc. He further state� a�arking facility of approximately 254 stalls would also be constructec� in aon�unction with this pro7eet. Mr. 4ureshi, City I�anagex, stated representatives frcm Colunbia Park Clinic were present to answer any questions. Mayar Nee stated the Council ha� had discussions regarding this �roposed � addition to Coltmibi� Fark's medical facility. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this propo�l ior the issuance of industrial reverwe bonds to fznance this pro7ect. NDTION by Councalman Barnette to close the publtc hearing. Seconded by Cc3unciln�an Goadspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unammously and the public heaing closed at 7:47 �. m. 2. POBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: CENTER CITY THREE LEVEL PUBLIC PARKING RAMP: NDTION I�y Counciln�n Fitzg�trick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded kr3 Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mution carried unammausly and the public heaxing opened at 7:47 p. n. Mr. 4ureshi, City NHnac,er, stated the Coltunbia Park Climc, Even with their g�ropasec expansion, feel khey still need more �rking and one of the -2- � OOUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1985 solutions would be a public p�rking ramp to servic� their iacility, as weli as ad7oining properties. Mr. 4ureshi stated because the C1im c daes not 17ave enough time ta process this proposal through their Board, they are requesting the item not be cansidered further at this time. He stace�; because a sabstanL�a1 poruorz of � the improvenerit would be �id 6y Columbza! Park Clinic, they need P�irther t1me. Mr. Qureshi alsa statecl he has r�ceaved the same inaications frc�a aaners of the Fridley Plaza Offioe Builcung. Mr. Qureshi stated further discussions are rnecessary to come up w�r.h � solution which satisfies all �rties. He stated. even thouyh there mzy be changes in the laws next year regarcdinq the financitag, there isn'L an agreernent on the locatian and cost at this tlrne. Mr. Qureshi felt, therefore, this itan should be tabled. Mayor Nee stated the itan oould be tabled so thc pro�edings r�nain o�en ln the event an agreenent is reached on a pl�n. He stated, �i this as the case, eaeryone notified of this public hearznc� should be renatifiecl. NLITION by Councilman Fitz�trick to table this it�i inoefimtely. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, ail vafing aye, ,ayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. OLD BiTSINESS: 3. ORDINANCE NO. 845 RECODIFYING THE FRIDL�3Y L'ITY CODE BY FIMENDING CHAPTER 205 EDTPITLED "ZONING" SECPION 205.05: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive il7e second reading oi Grdinance No. 845 and adapt it on the secand reading and orixer publicacion. 5econdec3 bv � Councilman Fitzpatrick. Opon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, NJayor Nee declared the motion carriec7 unammously. 4. ORDINANCE N0. 846 RECODIFYING THE FRTDLEY CI^lY CUDE �Y AMENDING CHAPTER G ENPITLID "CAMMISSIdNS" SEGTION 6.07: [�pTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the second roadzng of 6rdinar.ce. IVo. 846 and ado�t it on the secand re�ding and order �lication. Seconded by Counciln�an Barnette. I7pon a vw.ae voter all voting aye, 1�yor Nee declarec� the motion carned unammously. 5. C7DNSIDERATION OF APPOINPMENT � COMMUNI7'i' DEVCLOPNIENT COMMISSION (T[�BLED 10/21/851• M]TION by Councilman Fitz�strick to table this iten. .�ecanded by Councilm�n Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votiny �ye, Mayor Nec declared the mau on carned unaiumously. -3- � 5 � x�� r LY`/ -I COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1985 6. RECEIVING LEGAL OPINION ON POLICE I11BOR CANPRACT ADID RESOLUTION N0. 91-1985 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE POLICE [TATION CON'iRACT: Mzyor Dlee asked the City Attorney to evaluate the issues raised at the last Council meet�.ng. Mr. Herrick, C�ty Attorraey, statecl to s�mnarize the opinion renclered by his � offict, it was their opimon it would be a problem if the Council were to become invalved in this quest�on because of the restrictions contained in the G ty Charter 4�hich indicates the acdniru strat� ve functions are to be done throuaj� the City ["�ana5er and his staff. Mr. Herrick stated he checked with the State Auditor'� Office and the information received from then was the City was on sound ground in not making a Ixtiyment until the contxact was signed. Mr. Herrick statecl he felt this was all prabably made academic by the fact that the eontract naa has been sicyiec7. Mr. Qureshi, City P7�nager, stated the Contract has been executecl by the Uru.on anc] the Coimcil's ac�ion should be to authorize execution Is� the City. PDTIGN by Counciln�n Schneider ta adopt Resoiution No. 91-1985 Authorizing the P9ayor and City Manac,er tc execute 'rhe Police Unton Contract. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiors rarnecl unerumously. NEVJ BUSINESS: 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPROUAL OF FINAL PLAT, P. S. #85-05. MIDWEST ADDITION, GENERALLY IpCATED BEPWEEN Ii3CRORY STREET AND MAIN STREET, NORTH OF 815^1 AVENCIE N. E. , BY LEONARD W. UAN115SE. AI�ID RECEIVINC; A MEMO RF]GARllING RE[�FIMING � OF NtIDWESP ADDTTION PLAT TO MAI�LEN: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this plat �nsists of approximately 30 acres located to the north of 81st, taunded by Main Street on the east anc3 Hickory Street on the west. I-Ie stated the plat divides the property into three lots, a large lot on the south of approximately 16.8 acres and two «dditior�al lots on the north of approximately 6.1 acres each. Mr. Flora stated it has been brought to the developer's attention that the City alxeady 13as a previouslp rewrc;ed plat known as Nhdwest Addition and, therefore, the d�veloFer has requested the plat title be redes�.gnated as the Nar-Len P1at. Mr. Flora stated the only autstanding stipulations recommended by the Plaruung Cacuoission are for an acceptable landscaping plan and Fayment of the �ark fee at an amount equal to .023 timPs the total square f ootage of the �xi.at. NLITION by Cow7cilman Goods�ed to appra�e fu�al glat, P. S. #85-05, Nl�r-Len, -4- � QOUNCIL MEETING OF N�JJVF�MBER 4. 1985 with the stipulation thak an acoeptable landscape plan be submitced and a �ark fee to be �id in an amount equa�. ta .023 time� the total sq�are footage of the glat. Seconded by Councilm�n Fitz�atrick. Upor� a voice vote, all voting aye, Phsyor Nee delcared L-1:e n�oiion carried unarumously. 8. CONSIDER.�ITION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT. P. S. #85-04, OAK RIVER ES^lATES, THE SAME BEING 7560 EASP RIVER ROAD, BY Dt)UG PETERSON: � A7r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this plat is located �ust west of East River Road and north of existinq 75th Way, and involves eight lots. Mr. Flora stated there was some aonoern ae�out the existing structure and the Planning Commission had recnmmended it be removed. Mr. Flora statea the petitioner asked the Council that it be a]laled to renaa.n. Mr. Flora stated, if the e�cisting house is to remain. it wo��ld need to be improved by adding a breezeway and c�rage, witn a hard surfac�d drive ta the street. He stated the house would also h�ve to be connected to sewer ard water. P7r. Flora stated if the house remains, with the proposed acldiiion, the Council would, in essence. be approving three variances. He statec� Lhe eieveloper would also have to provide � 200 foot scale plat drawzny; co salvage as many trees as is reasonably �ssiL�3e; the fee aaner tc� execute a bikeway/walkway easement for the 15 feet �ong East River Road; and grovide the City with a letter of credit to ensure the petitloner would consciucz gates in the existing fenoes of lots south of 76th A�enue ancl ta oomply wirh ranoval of all existing structures, except the house on Lot 4, and pr�vide for the impravenents to this house. Councilman Barnette stated a£�nily who lives alon� 75th Way will enc, up witki a street in their back yard and questionec� if they could, in Fact, � build a c�rage that opens onto the new s�reet, 76th Avenue. Mr. Flora stated the� would have access to it. Mr. Doug Peterson, the petitioner, statec� he would agree wikh all the stipulations, haaever, he would like to �y the �rk fee when the� take out the building permits. He further stateci he would like the amount of the letter of credit redu�d fran the $15,000 recommeno;ed kry staf.i. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated in regarcl ta che xark f ee, this coulc� be �id at the time the building permit is issued. F3e staten he wantec to alert Mr. F�terson to the fact that this amount may chanre and tl�e L-ee muld be higher. Mr. Qureshi asked Mr. I�terson if he £elt r.he timetable of JLV�e ], 19II6 was realistic as far as making the imprwtnients Lo the e�sting huuse on Lot 4. Mr. F�terson statad there may be a probl a� wtith putting zn the hard suriac�ed drive�aay by this date as he c3�.c]n't want to make this improvement �mtil the street is oonstructed which woulc�'t be until spring. -5- � � ���� �UNCIL MEETING OF NOVE[�IBER 4. 1985 Mr. Qureshi stated the timetable wuld he changed fran June 1 to Suly 1 and he would go alang with reducing the letter of credit from $15,000 to �IDr��O. NDTION Uy Couriciln�dn Fitzg�trick to appra�e final plat, P. S. #85-04, Oak River Estates, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) Road easemertt over the southeast oorner of 7501 Alden Way be granted to the City prior to final plat approval; (2) Petitioner agrees to assessments for all street and utilit.aesy (3) Petztioner will canstruct gates in the existing fences of � lots south of 76th Avenue by July 1, 1986 in order to help the homeavners maintain ti�e boulevard on the south side of the pro�osed 76th Avenue; (4) P11 existing structures eacept the house on Lot 4 to be removed as the pro�rty cievelops; (5} Existing house on Lot 4 to be improved by adding an attached double garaae with hard surface driveway by July 1, 1986; (6) Hook-up to se«er and water by provided to this hause by July 1, 1986; (7) Petitior.er to provide 200 foot scale plat drawing for the records; (8) Petitioner tca work out a drainage plan; (9) Petitioner will attem�t to �lvage as many trees as is reasonably possible; (10) Fee owner to execute tl-ie attached street bikeway/walkway easement for the 15 feet along Eust River Road; und (11) Petitioner pra�icle the City with a letter of credit in the �rourit of $10,000 to ensure co�npletion of stipulataons 3, 4, 5 and 6. Further, the following three variances be granted in con�unctian with this �lat: Lot 3, a front yard va n ance from 54 to 45 foot setback; Lot 5, a front yarcl variance fran 49 to 45 foot setback; and Lot 4, where existing house is located, a rear yard varianoe fran 40 to 23 foot sett,ack. Sewnded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee decl�red the motion carrieci unarnmously. 9. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS FROM THE APPEAL�S COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 1985: A-1. CONSIDERATION OF A UARIANCE REQUEST TO RIDUCE FRONP YARD SETBACK � ALL(JW CONSTftiICTION OF A GARAGE, 7571 ALDEN WAY, � DENNIS A. WOOD: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a varianae to reduce tYie front yard setback from 35 to 13 feet, 2 inches to allow �nstruction of a garac� at 7571 Alden Way IV. E. Mr. Flora stated the hardship outlined by the petitioner was the garage was needed because of a family members handicap and security of business supplies. He statec; the petitioner is requesting the garage be located on this side af the property in close proximrty to the back door. If the garage was locatecl on the east sa.cie, the �tttioner states it would abut his bedrocros. Nlr. Flora stated this iten was before the Agpeals Commission and a motion failed to derry t�ie vananoe tr3 a tie vote. rir. 4�ood, the pet7.tioner, stated he is proposing to build a 24 x 22 foot cp raqe ad�aoent to his hane. He stated a question had been raised that if this variance was granted, it would devalue other real estate in the � � <4'�� `�� ODUNCIL MEEPING OF NOVENIBER 4, 1985 neighborhood. He stated he had an a�apraisal don� and this wp�ild not deval.ue, but incrc-�se the value, of other pro�rties in the area. Mr. [400d sul�iitted a drawing of the yac�ge l�e wishes to corastruct ar.d a flaor plan of his home. Ee also suhmittec? letters of approva]. frorn surrotmding pro�erty aaners at 7548 and 7551 F,lclen Way and 161 Itickard Road who inciicated favorable support oi lus prapo�l. � Councilman Fitz�trick stated the recpmmendatic�n Frcm the Appeals Cor�unission reflects two strong arguments. He stated 'ne can �uiderstan� the ob�ections and, on the other hand, he can symg3thize with the need oL the petit� �ner tor a c�araye. Mr. Leroy Artderson, 7581 Alclen Way, stated he would like a clear pictvre where Mr. Wood wiskles to �nstruct the c�ara,e. Councilman Barnette asked Mr. Wood if the c,+arac� �vould be in lirie wz4h the rear of the house. Mr. Wood stated he wouid construct it that way, if the Council wished. He stated his imtial proposal was to bxing the garaGe back six feet frcm the house, t�ut would be wiliino io make it in Iine in arder to have the c�rage. Mr. Anc�rson stated if the garage is oonstructed where F7r. Woad wishes it to be iocated, they would be lookiny at a 66 foot wall across the�r driveway. He stated, if the garage is �nstructed oia the east side, it woulc� affect only one soft maple tree. Mr. Anderson stated Mr. Wood had thre� peaple who �ndicated approval, haaever, he talked with one of the residents, the Storla's at 7548 Alelen Way, and the3 were not opposed, but d�dn't state they supported it. He steted they felt it should be a decision by t1�e Council. Mr. Anderson stated he is not asking for arrything more than what is in tlae � ordinance. He stated there is raom on �he east side of the hoilse cor a garage, without a varianc�. � Mr. Anderson stated when the house was �uilt, he came down to the City and was assured there was roan for only or�e house on that lot. He statec� he is being asked to g�y the penalty for having them cor.struct a yarage r�ow and questioned why it wasn't put in when the hcuse was constructec�. A9x. Anderson stated Mr. Woa3 was aware of tT!is pr�blem when he purchase� this property. Mayot Nee questioned Mr. Anderson on ti?e positiofi of hls c�araoe. P1z. Andetson stated because of the angle of L-hE lot, it was necessary for l�im io obtain a varaance in order to build an attached garage. Mr. Anderson stated the orcU.nanoe was put- in zor a good reaN�ri, to protect the peogle. Councilman Barnette pointeu out thc-y do have provisions Por t�e varianoe procedure which, in fact, Mr. Anderson hxmself used. P9r. Anderson statecl his vasiance request was only fox two feec. -7- f v �F COiJNCIL MEh'PING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1985 Mayor tdee stated the cases on both sides of the Appeals Commission were very strono. He thought �rhaps they may be getting into an area in tPais case where you are stretching the vananae procedure. P�r. Nerrick, City Attorney, stated he can see where it is a diff icult prabl�i in that on oorner lots, by defimtion the narraa side is considered the front ancl the longest side is cnnsidered the side yard. He stated he is not too familiar with the neighborhood so didn't know if that was haa the house was alicyied. He statecl if the hause faced R�ckard Road arid that was � the front yard, the setback would be 17-1/2 feet so you would be looking at what would be a relatively minor variance. He stated, apparently, the streets are not at raght angles which makes it more wmplicated. He stated the rule on a var ianoe is there has to be a hardship demonstrated in orcaer for the Council to qrant the variance. �he usual rule is it has to be shaan that the pro�rty can't be developed in ariy other way. He stated whether this meets that test, he didn't kriow. He stated you have a situat�.on where there is roan for a 5erage on another �rt of the lot where a variance wouldn't be required. He statec] this obviously isn't the petitior�r's first choice, but it is still a�ysical possibility this wuld be dorte. He felt ihis was the legal side thEy have to oonsider. Nl�yor Nee stated there is rocm on the east end to cronstruct the garage. He statEd he hears what Mr. Anderson is sayzng and there are ways to liqhten the consequences. He stated Mr. Anderson wasn't responsible for rni� sighting of the house. Mr. Wood statecl it woulcl be impractical to put the garaa,e on the east si�e of the house. Mayar TJee stated the neighbor shouldn't be asked to g�y the pnoe fc�r a mistake in location of the house on the property. Counciln�an Fitz�atrick felt they should try to accommadate the garage in some way. He statecl there are some obvious ways, one is to mwe it so it is flush with the back of the house and, another Fossibility, zs to reduce the � total size. Cowzcilman Schneider asked Mr. Wood if he would construct a smaller garage and then possibly have a storage shed. Mr. Wood stated he would like to be able to get two vehicles in the gara�e and felt it would haae to be 21 or 22 feet. INr. Anderson stated a reduction in the s�ze L� iwo feet woulcln't make that much di.fferenoe in ha� it would affect their property. Mr. Derulis Dittrner, 7595 Alclen Way, statec3 it woi�ld make more sense for Mr. h7ood to put a r�np to the back of his house because if he built the garaoe on the west side, he wouic] have ste�s to oontend with. P�r. Wood stated the floor plan for his home shaas steps going to the basement, but this would be changed and leveled out and access woulc7 be inta the living area sLxtce. Mr. Andersan stated he w�s not opposed to a ramp, a fence, or a storage -E- � �� �x �M� A COUNCIL MEETIN3 OF NOVENIBER 4. 1985 shed, but couldn't see a big wall which woulcl cut out thelr l�ghc. i�e stated he only wants his pro�Zrty protecL-ed. Mr. Arthur Silseth, 7521 Alden 4Jay, statec he wauld hate to look down the street and see a garage sticking out sa far. He dicL?'t feel zt weuld 6e good for the r�eighborhoocl. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated the real cluestion is if they ra��e a � demonstrated hardship. He stated he dicli�'� know what degree it takes ,`.or this to be the determimng factar. He nofied, irom canat the C�ty Ait�Lney stated, where there is roan on the l�t to buxla the aarage in another locati.on, it �nsiderably dimimshes the harc7�hip argument. Ms. Pat Gabel, Cha�rman of the Appeals Commission, stated she felt Mr. Wood has a hardship. She stated if the garage were locatec; on the east side of the house, Mr. Wood would have to chanae the whole house by putting a hole in the wall and losiny living space. Mayor Nee stated he could build the garage without- an insicle door, Councilman Fitz�atrick stated it was noted �n the F�p�als Commission minutes that living in the M�.nnesota climate with�ut a c� raoe is a hardshi�a, Councilman Fitz�trick asked if the gara�e was setback so it was flush with the back of the house, the size reduced severaL feet, and if screenino and landscaping were prwided, oould Anderson's lave with it. Mr. Anderson stated thEy could not and to r�duce the size by only severa] feet woulch�'t make that much dt£ferenoe in im�rc�ing their situat,ion. �7r. Gladys S�.lseth, 7521 Alden Way, statec3 wnen you are on R�.ckard Road and proceeding to go down Alden Way, if there zs a vehicle at Mr. F7ood's property, there defimtely is an obstruction. s'he stated if the Anderson's were �ming out of their driveaay and there �s such an obstructian, it coul d � be real dangerous. Counciln�an Schneider asked Mr. Wood if the driveaay comes in fran F11c�en Way. Mr. Wood stated that was mrrect. Councilman Schneider stated if the driv�ay ca�ne in fran Rickar.d Rcx�zn anc if Ms. Wood constructed only a 12 foot garage, the wall taaards the F�ndersan's would only be half of what is propoaed. Councilmdn Fitz�atrick stated one of the problens with that saluta on a s it brings the driv�aay too close to the intersection. He ielt perYiaps Lhe }:etitioner could come up with an altexnatrve pro�osal whach may be acoeptable to the r�eighbors, and possibly reduc� the �ze ar the garace. PDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to tabie Lhis item wztil the petitioner oomes back with another proposal. Seooncied I� Councilman Goods�ed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c�eclared the motion carried unamr�rously. � n�*n O�UNCIL MEETING OF I�t7F.NIBER 4. 1985 A-2. CONSIDERP,TION OF A UARSANCE REQUEST TD INCREASE THE MAXIMUM SQUAR� FOOTAGE OF A FREE STADIDING SIGN TO ALL,Q^7 PIACEMEP1Tl OF �70 PANEIS ON THE EXISTING PYL�ON. 765-769 53RD AVENUE N.E., BY NORM BEd�DY: Mr. Flera, Public Works Director, stated this is a request fran Pickwick Books to increase il-ie maxim�i square footage of a free stancling siyn fran 80 �uare feet t� 120 square feet to allow the placement of two 20 inch by 11-1/2 feet �ariels on the existing pylon sic�. � Mr. Flora stated the harclship was that the pro�xrty and building are located at an elevation which is located below the main thoroughfare (Central Avenue) and that visibil�ty is almost nonexistent. Mr. Flora stated the plaoement of these two Fanels on the existing sign is to identify t4J0 tenants of the building, Cost Cutters and Mr. Tax of America. P4r. Flora stated the Appeals Conunission rec�ommended approval of the variance request wsth several stiptil ations, which he outlined. NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to grant the varianoe to increase the ma�nmiun �uare footage of a free standing sign fran 80 square feet to 120 square feet to allaa �lacsment of two 20 inch by 11-1/2 foot �enels on the existing pyloia at 765-769 53rd Avenue N. E., with the foll aaing stipulatioc�s: (1) the addi.tianal 40 square feet to be allaaed for two additional tenants at ZO square feet �r tenant, as lona as there are two tenants in the building. If �ther of the two tenants should move out, the square footage will be recluoeca try 20 sc�u�re feet; and (2) the 80 square foot sign to xemain for Pickwick Book Store. If, for any reason, Pickwick Book Store should move, the 80 square foot si�age far the new tenant w.ill be reduced to 40 square ieet, mak�ng the total square footaqe or signage, wrth a maxirnurn of two additional tenants, to not exceed 80 square feet. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. � Councilman Schneider stated he rananbered apprwing the sign plan for this establishment and asked why this prot�len wasn't considered at that time. Mr. Flora stated the oriyinal plan called for sign plans for the two addit�onal terrants, but thEy naa realize thEy don't have enough vl�ibility arid are recguesting additional si�age on the p�lon. A-3. CONSIDPRP,TION OF A VARIANCE REQUEST TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM DISPANCE OF A SIGN FRQM ANY PROPEkPY LINE FROM 10 FEET � 0 FEET; � INCREASE THE MAXIMUM S4UARE F'OCYPAGE OF A FREE STArIDING SIGN, 7970 UNIG� ERSITY AVENUE, N.E., BY GERALD PASCHKE: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a vanance to reduce the mimmtnn c� stanre of a siyn frcm ariy property line fran 10 feet to 0 feet and to uicrease the maximiun :�quare footage of a free standing sign ircm 80 square feet to 160 square feet at 7970 Un�.versity Avenue N. E. -10- � OOUNCIL MEEPING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1985 P7r. Flora stated the Fet�tioner defined his hardship as he would like ka have one m oe sign in place of four snaller unes to give tenants in the reac of the building sicy�age and visibility frcrr IJnr�ersity Avenue. He stateci Mr. Paschke would also like to use the exzsting base as one oz the post supports for the r�ew siyn. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Conunission failed to approve the variai�ce as � there was a t� e vote. Mr. Paschke, the peta.tioner, sutmitted a picture of lus prop�sed Z60 sqL� re foot sir�. Councilman Schneider questionec] if an 80 square foot sign would be pernitteu for a single develognent. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated if you loak at the literal lanc�uac�e of the orc�.nance which states an 80 square foot sign per develo�ai�ent verst�s another area of the ord�.nanoe whic�h states you c�n have one sign for each street frontage, he felt there are streets on all three sides of tkxis property. Mr. Herrick felt the City would be hard pressed L-o say this wasn't twc different develognents. He stated it was mm�leted at ts�� e�fferent times, but owned by the same corporation. He statec Lhere was no reas€�n ycu couldn't sell one and keep the other. He s'cated the mde recqm r.es SO :�uare f-oot per c�velopnent and instead of two 80 sruaxe foot sicyis, in this case, you would have one, 160 square foot sic�. Councilman Schneider stated what the3 are actually doing then is wavin, the xight of a p�lon sign on one developnent in order to �et a larger sign an the other deveJ.ognem. � Councilman Fitz�trYCk stated if one oevelopmenr was solcl off segarately, you would then have a 160 square foot sicpz on one Fart or it. N1r. Herrick thought this muld be handled by having an a�re�nent by Mr. Paschke iE re was permitted this 16D square foot sicpz at one location, that is all that would be �ermitted on the two developnencs, ana wo��ld be enforoeable aaainst him and any successor who aans the pro�Zrt_y. �I Mr. Paschke stated the Council approved a si,�r? plan for the devclopnent which calls ior an 80 s3uare foot sicyi on each street. He staL-ec3 he �ichs"t thinY that is what the Council wants or what he wants for this pro�ecL-. Councilman Barnette stated these requests come up over anc� over agaln �.r± d�fferent degrees. He stated he has argued in favor of a larye sic�� as larig as the3 are reasonable and not unattract�ve and will L�er�fit Fric.�]ey. Councilman Goodspeed asked i£ the ordir�nce states 80 sc�uare fcet pex :,zgn per side or a total af 80 square feet. i�1r. Herrick stated if yau ir�t�rpreL it literally, it is 80 st�uare feet. He further stated, when the Sic�n C�+de was adopted, if you had one frontage, you coulc� 13ave ai�e sian; two -11- c� �'— `�ti � v � 5 COIlNCIL MEETING OF NOVENIBER 4, 1985 frontages, two sic�s; and three frontages, three signs. Hfe stateca it was his unolerstanch ng that the sic�s on each street were to be the same size. He stated the c�uestipn is whether it is one developnent or two. Cour?cilman Goodspeed stated he didn't think the ordinance was meant to be that fluir� so that you oould acki all the s�.c�s together. Mr. Paschke stated he could put an 80 square foot sic� on all three streets which woulcl make a total of 240 square feet. He stated this has been � apprwed in his sic� plan. He stated this is not what he wants and is sure r;at what the Council wants. Councilman Goodspeed stated if wl�at h�r. Paschke states is true, he would go along with the 160 square foot sicp-i. NDTION Uy Counciln�an Goodspeed to grar4L the variance co reduce the minimum distance of a sicp� from any property line fr�n 10 feet to 0 feet and to ii�crease the maxirawn :�uare footage o'r a free standing sign frc�m 80 square feet to 160 square feet at 797Q University Avenue, providing i+ir. Paschite Gsswne tat-al liability for location of this sic.p-i and if the Lwo developnents ever L�cx�me se�axaL-e entiL-ies, th� si�n has to tre rernoved. Seconded by Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor 1Vee dec�ar2d tLe na�ic�r� carried unammously. NX�TION by Councilmari Schneider to direct the staff to review the Sigrr Ordzr,aiace ana dlscuss wich the Commissions the useage and siyn plans in mult.i-tenant or large builcltngs. SecandEd e,y Cai.u7ciYman FYtz�trick. Oron a �ozce vote, all vc�ting aye, Neayor Nee declared the motiofi carriecl ui u� atnously . i�LTICN I�y t;ou,icilmd,� Schneider to direct staff to provide a cogp or an agpro�ea szgn plaii, s-�±,ere ��z.e e�cists, wriei� chey l�ve rc�uescs ior u vaciance to the Sign Ordinance. Secondeci by Councilman Goodspeed. U�wn a vcicc- � voc�., aLl v�L�ng ay�p t�ayar ivee +�:clared the motlon carried unamrnously. 10. CONSIDEt�'lau.l Uh R�.'OUES��' PcEGARDING THE EAST RIVER ROAD BUSINESS CENTER SCULI'P[?R� : NIr, Flora, Public Works DirecL-or, stated this is a request ty the East River Road Business Center to plaoe a piece of sculpture on their property at the southeast corner of 53rd b4ay and the East River Road serv�.c� drive. A9r. Flora stated the scul�kure is all unfimshed steel and the dimensions are 27 feet by 27 feet by 30 feet high, P'bTI0P7 by Councilman F�tz�trick to apprwe the placement of this sculpture on the East Aiver Rc�ad Business Center's pro�rty. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. -12- � COLTNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4. 1985 11. CUNSIDERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOVEMBER 18. 1985 ON THE CFEATION OF A MUNICIPAL DEVEL�PMENT DISTRICT IN CENTER CITY: Mr. Qureshi, City NL�nager, stated the Council tabled the m�tter of a�ublic parking ramp in the Center City, therefore, a publ�c hearing is no longer neoessa[y, and no action is required on this iten. � 12. CONSIDERATION OF SEITING A PUBLIC I3E21RING FOR NOVE[+g3ER 1&. 1985 ON A HOUSING PROGRAM FOR A SPECIFIC PRQ7ECT, SYLUAN HILLS, BY IAU LUAIDGREN: M�TION by Councilman Baxnette to set the public heazing on this hou�ino program for Nwaiiber 18, 1985 and to include all the homes along Mercury Drive in this public hearing notice. Sec:onded by Couiic3lman Goods�eed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motior� carried unanimously. 13. RECEIVING AGREEMENT RF]GFIRDING VIRON ROAD LOOPBACK: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stateci David Harris is proposir,g co devel.op his property at the corner of Osborne Road and Hiahway 65. He stated, assc�ciated with this d`veloiznent, is the requiienent to wnstruct � loopback frontage road around the Fridley Chzropractic Clinlc. Mr. Flora stated a meeting was held with Dr. Dahl c�f the Clim c and Mr. Harris regarding this proposed loo�ack. Mr. Flora stated an agreanerit was to be executed between the parties anc� presented to the Council this evemng, haaever, he stated he didn't know if this has been accomplished. He stated when this matter was discussed with t�7r. Harris and Dr. Dahl, it was agreed a 40 foot rcaid ri�t-of-way would be prwidea with the entire amount of that �ortian oL- the easterly segment coming fran Mr. Harris' pro�rty and the port�on al�ng the southerly sec�pnent � to be split, 25 feet fran Dr. Ik3h1 and 1S ieet fran Mr. Harns. Mr. Harris stated it was his intention to develop this piece of property and was advised, in order for this to develop, it would be necessary ta provide the loopback. He stated he met with Dr. Dahl and tried to come zo an ac�ptable agreenent. He further stated tnis was not accomplYShed and L+r. Ikzhl has legal counsel present thia evern ng. Mr. Narris stated the benefats to Dr. l�hl would probably he very �tummal. � Mr. Parris stated he has turned in a pet�ia on to irutiate steps for a public hearinq. He stated he would like direction an haa to �xoceed so develoxment can take place on the property. Councilmari Schneider asked why the loopback is requirec7. Nlr, Flora statea on Osborne Rc�d there is a median so you can only proceec] eastbcwid so the loopback is requixed to take txaffic away fram tY;e �ntersection and alsc> for the traffic proceeding westbound. Mr. Gabe Giancola, attorney representing Dr. Dahl, stated a x,etition w�s presented by Mr. Harris to Dr. I�hl. He stated, in reviewing the petition with Dr. Dahl, he pointed out several pitf aLls as far as the contents. -13- �`� � ��n OOUNCIL MEETING OF N�VFS�IBER 4. 1985 Mr. Giancx>la statecl Dr. I�hl agpreciates Mr. Harris' position in trying to devel�p this property, haaeaer, the benefit to his client is very mlmmal. He staiec7 if Viron Raad is vacated, Dr. I�hl would gain approximatelp 6,000 square feet, haaever, this would hapFen whether or not the Council granted the �t�tion ty operat�.an of law. He stated Dr. l�hl has adequate access to his busirzess and there is no need for access in any other direction, b1r. Giancola statecl if the loo�ck is im�.emented, this �uts Dr. Dahl into a norrconforn�ing use in that the east property line would be within approximately 15 feet fran the new frontaa,e road. He stated this puts Dr. � L�aahl in the position where he may not be able to rebuild in the event of a disaster where his buildiny was destroyed. He questioned why Dr. Dahl should take on the added financial burden f or these assessments £or the loopback when the benef it would be very mim.mal. Mr. Giancola stated Dr. Dahl appreciates Mr. Harxis' problem in the develo�xnent of his property, but believes he should not have to be responsible for assessments levied against his property. He stated for th ese reasons, he is opposed t� the loopLuck. Mr. Giancola stated Mr. Harris should stand the financial burden in clevelopnent of tus property and have the lao�ick on his property and assLUne the assessnents for construction of the loopback. He stated it is Dr. Ll�hl's position he is not benefitting by the improvement and realizes Mr. Harris' posztion, but he is not in a position to assume financi�l responsibility or put himself in a position where it might downyrade his �ro�erty. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it was hoped there would be a mutal agxeanent 6y the two p�rties, however, since this is not the case, the Council wzll have to determine if the improvement should groceed and who should �y for it. Ms. Herrick, Caty Attorney, stated he wanted the record to shcnv he has an � interest in the property and if there is any legal work neaessary, he would refer it ta Carl Neaquist to handle. Mr. Harri.> stated Dr. L�hl waulcl be giv�.ng up 5,000 square feet along his south boundary in exchange for 6,000 square feet in front of his property. He felt as £ar as distribution of property, he felt it was eqmtable. Mr. Gianool� statecl the fact renatns the 6,000 square feet Dr. Dahl yains, he doesn't need. Mr. Qureshi stated frcm the plarunn� point of vicia, the City's position was to prw�.de the loopback. The question here on who �ys for it may have sorne validity and perhaps this would be negotiaLile. He stated this may be a case where there may be some City Fartici�t�on, at least fran Dr. IkZhl's point, �s he already has developed property. Mr. Herrar,k que�tioned hc+w persans coming f ran the north get to Strite- Anderson. Mr. Qureshi stated they ��roceed south and then cross over the hiahway Y,o go back north which makes fox a hazardous crossing. -14- � n��� a _, - COUNCIL MEE'PING OF NOVENIBER 4, 1985 Mr. Qureshi stated the City was giveri the im�aression there was an agreanent, but perhaps more work is needed. NIr. Giancola stated they were not adverse to discussing it further. Mr. Harris stated because Dr. Dahl's buiiazng is so close to the east boundaxy, he would take 40 feet aff his property. He stated that is 8,000 feet and ariother 3,000 feet runnin9 east and west so they can unplanent this pro�ect. He stated on the e�ansion of pro�erty, Dr. Dahl would come aut on � the plus while he would come out on the minas. Mr. Giancola stated Dr. Dahl is fine in the posture he fincas himself ir_ today. He has acoess and a building im m�formance with the code anci the benefit for him would be nil. He state�, Lhey would keer- the llnes of oommunicat�.on open and would have to leave it at tYiat. Mr. Harris stated there is a rieed to merchanc]ise p�raels A& S and if they oontinue to table, in lieu of working out an agreanertt, these kx;sinesses may locate elsewhere. He stated he would like to cantinue the negatiation process if the Caty would give pernlission for him to go ahead and develap rather than delay the potential buyers to work out the service c]rive problan. Mr. Gianoola stated the3 are not trying to stop Mr. I�arris from marketing his two �araels. Mayor Nee stated Mr. Harris has the power to m�rket his property and L-he Council has the power to authorize the inprovement, with or without a petition. He statecl he personally felt it shoulcln°t develop withaut a loopback. Mr. Qureshi stated he felt the Council has tc� m�ke a determination ii it makes sense frcm a�z7.anrung point of vic-�r. 'Ihe ber�efit of who �ys for it � is an open questian. He stated the Counc�_1 has expressed many tin�s that this imprwanent should he done. He stated a resolution aould be broua,ht to the Council ordering the public hearing anc3 staff would continue to work an trying to resolve sane issues. He f elt it wauld be a m�stake to proceed without this imprwanent. � M�T10N by Councilman Schneidex to clirect staff to prepare tl-ie a�propriate resolution and plans to begin the prooess oL- the L-xontage road and loopback on Viron Road. Seoonded bir Councilman Barnette. Uporz a vaice vote. al3 vc�ting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. RESOLUTION NO. 92-1985 REGARDING LOT SPLIT, $85-07, 5586, 5570, 5560 FILLMORE Si'REET. BY KENi' ROESSLER: NDTION by Councilman Sehneider to acbpt Rescalution No. 92-19II5. Sevonded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, h�yor tdee declare� the motion carried unammously. P�lOTION by Councilman Barnette to receive the covenarit reaardinG tnese properi�.es for zero lot lines and authorize the Mayor and City N�ai�aaer to -15- � i �I COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVFT7BER 4, 1985 execute this wvenant. Seconded 6y Councilman Schneider. Upon a vaice vate, a11 voting aye, NHyor Nee cleclared the motion carried unarumously. 15. RESOLUTION N0. 93-1985 FOR Tf� SALE OF $14.000,000 IN HOUSING REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PROPOSED HOUSING PROJECT IN CENTER CITY (FRIDLEY SQUARE PI,AZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPI• I+�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 93-1985. Seoonded by Councilman Fiarnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, N1�yor Nee decl�red the motion carried unam mously. 16. RESOLUTION N0. 94-1985 GIVING P12ELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE COLUMBIA PARIC PROPERTIES PROJECr AND THE SAI.E OF TfiS IPIDUSTRIAL DEVEI�OPMENi' BOI�IDS: M�TION by Councilman Fitz�atrick to ado�t Resolution No. 94-1984, Seconded by Councilnaan Barnette. Upon a vcice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moti.on carried unanimously. 17. CbNSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAT, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THREE LEVEL PUBLIC PARKING RAMP PROJECT IN CENTER CITY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO EI�TPER INTO AN AGREEMEI�FP WITH BWBR FOR THE DESIGN OF THE PUBLIC RAMP: No actian was required at this time since the public hearing for oonstruction of this �rkii�g r�np was tabled indefimtely. 18. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION URGING CONGRESS TO EXEMPT PERMIT REOUIREr1ENTS FOR MUNICIPAL SPORM WATER DISCEIARGES: Mr. Flara, Public Works Director, stated Congress is curxently considering amenclnents to the Qean Water Act and the proposed legislation would require the issu�nce crf National R>llutant Discharge Eliminatzen Systems for each se�rate storm water discharge point. Mr. Flora statec3 if this legislation as passed, evexy culvert that exist onto a creek, lake or river would require a permit, He stated evety pipe in the City would have a charge. It was the general feeling of the Council they would 1 ike f urther information regarding this proposed legislation. NDTION by Councilman Barnette to table this item. Seconded by Councilrnan Goodspeed. Upon a vaioe vote, all voting aye, N1�yor Nee declared the motion carned uriammously. 19. API�INPMENi' - CITY EMPLOYEE: IK�TION by Coancilman B�rnette to ooncur with the fallowing appointment by the City [�tar�ager: NAf�IE Julie Nk�ne &urt 8128 Zar� Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, NN 55433 STARTING SPP,RTING R�SITION SALARY DATE � Assistant �24,000 Novenber 8 #201 Fananoe L�r 1985 Offiaer Year Centr�l Sexv�.ces De�artrnent REPLAQ?5 Noel Graczyk Seoonded l� Councilman Schneicler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox -16- ' LJ � �`I � COUNCIL MEEPING OF NOVEFIBER 4, 1985 Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 20. CLAINLS: P'DTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to authoxize xayment af Cla�ms Na. ODS15Q through 005376. Seoonded i� Councilman Schneider. Upon a vozce vote� �11 voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carned unan.�mously. � 21. LICENSES• rDTION by Counciln�an Schneider to apprwe the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Offi�. Sec�nded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. U�on a voi� vote, all voting aye, Mayor IVee declarec3 the motion carriecl unammously. 22, ESTID1ATES: I�TION by Councilman Goadspeed to apprwe the estimates as sukmitted: H & S As�alt Comp�xiy 1700 Industry Blvd. Anoka, Mtnnesota 55303 FINAL ESTIMATE $19,551.53 Street Improvement Pro7ect ST 1985-1&2 Beerman Sexvices 6900 Dixie Avenue East Inver Grove Heights, NN 55075 City Recycling Progr�n Fees for Months of June - August 1985 5 2.499.99 � Seoonded Yry Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, P�laayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � 23. REl�RT ON SORT BY CONNIE METS'11LF: Ms. Metcalf statec3 the SORT Board has agree� to d�smntinue rumm�g the SORT callection center. She stated they have accomplished many of thei� cab�ectives where peogle oould bring their recyclable matenals. Sh� statec' they worked through the schools and vario�rs arGanizations to �clucate residents in recycling. She stated, after oFerating the center for sir yeaxs, the Board is kind of "burned out". Ms. I�tcalf stated one of the main ob7ectives was ko get curbside pzckup establishecl in Frldley and this was acoam�lished. She scated she hoped this program would he successful and continue, Mayor Nee stated this matter has been referred to the Environmental Quality Commission. He felt it may be a good idea for her to speak to the Comm�.ssi a'� -17- COUNCIL MEEPING OF NOVEMBER 4. 1985 and give then the SORT Board's recommendations. Ms. INetcalf statec� they have found, tven with the curbside pickup they are still having many materials turned in to SORT. She stated they have collected over 9D0 tons of materials. Ms. Metcalf thought there were mar�y possibilities for the oenter to contin�e with possibly having a City Commission involved or a new Boaxd be constituted wxth a�art-time achnim strator hired to take responslbility for � scheduling groups to man the center. She stated both Mr. Beerman, who is the hau]er for the City's curbside pickup, and Mr. Frank, who has been SORT's hauler, expressed interest in keeping the recycling center. Councilman Barnette asked Ms. Nl�tcalf when they would be cliscontinw ng their sexvioes at the oenter. hls. N�tcalf stated it would be Dec�mber 31, 1985. Mayor rlee and all members of the Council expressed their sincere appreciat�.on to Gannie and the SORT Board for all their tremendous efforts and persorrzl sacrlfioes in oxgamzina and �rticipation in this recyclino center. 2.4. CONSIDERATION OF AUPHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF $4,400 AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOP INSTALII�TION OF BIOIqGICAL FILTER UNITS IN MOORE LAKE: M�TTON by Councilman Schneider to authorize the aclnim strata.on to acoept the �+ro�sal fxan D. H. Blattner and Sons, Inc, and spend $4,000 to install vertical drains in the Moore I�ake biological filter unit. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all vating aye, NL�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. 25. (bISSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING SUPPLEMENTARY FLIDIDS FOR COMPLETION OF OPTICOM EMFI2GENCY W1SPIVII�TG SYSTEM: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize admimstration ta spend $3,700 � iri an attenpt to bring scme resolution to the Opticom energency warning systen. Sewnci2d by Councilman Fitzp�tnck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I+�yor P7ee declared the motion carned unammously. 26. RESpLUTION N0. 95-1985 DESIGNATING THE MIAINEAPOLIS STAR AND TRIBUNE AS THE CITY OF FRLDLEY'S SECOND OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR TIIE YEAR 1985: NT�TION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 95-1985. Seoonded try Councilc�n Barnette. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecs the motxon carried unaru.mously. 27. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINrN]EI�IP � THE HOUSING & RIDEVEIAPMEN'i' AUTHORITY: Mayor Nee stated he received the resignat�on of Carolyn Svendsen f ro�n the Housing and Redevelognent Authority as she will be leaving taan. f�yor Nee naninated Virgi�v.a Schnabel for appointment to the Housing and Redevelo�znerit Authonty to fill this vacancy. -18- � I� � � �L" �� COUNCIL MESTING OF NDVFNIBER 4, 1985 i�DTION by Councilmara FitzFatrick to ooncur with the nomination of Vixginia Schnabel for appointment to the Houszng and Redevelo�aneut Authority. Seconc7ed YTy Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, a11 vot�ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 28. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING IDIDEPEI�IDENT CONTRACPOR FOR SNOW E2EMOVAL:[B08] Mr. Qureshi, Ca ty Manager, stated the C�ty needs addxtional snow removal equipnent to facilitate snav rsnoval o�erations in the City. I�I7TION by Councilman Schneider to direct the City i�lan�ger or his staff to authorize an independerit contract to auc�nent snow removal eiforts w:�th an additional piece of snow removal equipment as implementecl by the Public Vdorks lle�rtrnent. 5econded lr� Councilmari Barnetie. Upon a �aioe vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motlon carried unarumously. 29. RER�RT FROM PUBLIC WORKS DTRECi'OR ON THE CC?UNPY'S SOLID W11SI'B FACILITY [H00] APID RESOLUTION N0. 96-1985 IN OPPOSITION TO THE COUNTY'S SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY BEING I�OCATED IN FRIDLEY: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the County is investigating si�es for a proFosed solid waste disposal facii�t.y. He statecs one site be�nq considered is la:ated in Fridley near the proposed truck teaminal on 8lst Avenue. He stated the Co�ty's oonsultsny finn has indicatec� Fradlep is the most e�cpensive site. Mr. Flora stated the County is well aware of tl?e Ca.ty's position regardin, this type of disposal site. Mayor Nee felt perhaps the Council should take a f ormal action in opposition. M7TION by Councilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 96-1985. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nayor Nee declared the motion carried unarv.mously. ADJOURNMEDTP• MDTION by Councilman Barnette to ad3ourn the meetiny. Secaizded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, and the Regular Meet�.ng of the Fridley City Council of Ncrvanber 4, 1985 ad�ourned at 11:08 p. m. Respectf ully sutmitted, _r%'�j(�-��.t �T` °`""� Carole Haddad. Secy. to the City Councal A�prwed: -19- W�l.f/�"+�'n" Y `-� "� Wi3'13am J. Ne , t9ayar � I _j �