12/02/1985 - 00011746;�_� s 'i'f1E MINUTES OF Tf� REGUI�AR MEEPING OF Tf� FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF DFX`F.MRF.R 2. 19HS The Regular meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to orc;er at 7:30 p.m. by P9ayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE• � I�iyor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. - ROLL CALL: MENBERS Pi2ESFNT: A9ayor Nee, Counciln�an Goodspeed, Counc�lman Fitz�trick, Councilman Barnette, and Councilman Schneider MENBERS ABSFNT: None CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: C�LYN M. SVEI�IIJSEN, HOUSING ADID RIDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Mayor Nee stated a n�nnber of citizens serve the community as volunteers on various City oommissions. He stated one of the most important commissions is the Housing and Redevelognes�t Authority as they have a very serious �rt in the develognent of the commuriity. Mayox Nee stated this evemng the Council wished to recognize the service of Carolyn Svendsen who served on this aommission fran June, 1975 to November, 1985 by presenting her with a certificate of appreciation. Mayor Nee and � the Council menbers e�ctended their thanks to Carolyn for her cantributions made to the community. APPF�UAL OF MINUTES: , OOUNCIL MEEPING, NOVEMBER 18, 1985: M�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Nee declareci the motion carried unarumously. ADOPTION OF AGEI�IDA• The follaaing items were added to the agenda: Consideration of a Siyn Plan for Skywaxl Mall and Commending the Staff on theix Snowplvaing Efforts. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt the agenda with the above additions. Seconded l� Councilman Schne�der. L7Fon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. _ __ ,. ,� ��_. COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1985 OPEN E'ORUM, VISI�RS: Mr. Bill Camp, 6280 University Avenue, stated he wished to discuss the sign which was installed on Satellite Lane. Mayor Nee statec� the Council would get into this discussion in con7unction with the item on the housing pro�ect for this area. PUBLIC HEARINGS: � 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON A FINAL PI�AT, P. S. #85-06. RIVEI�JOOD PARK. BY CHARLES S. COOK• M�TION by Councilman Fitz�trick to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and ogen the public heanng. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously, and the public hearing opened at 7:35 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this glat is located west of East River Road, north of 71st and south of 71-1/2 Way. He stated it is bounded on all sides by single f�nily hanes and is the site of the old Riverwood Elanentary :chool. Mr. Flora stated the plat calls for a subdivision of that �sr�l into three blocks, with a total of 31 single family lots, all wYuch would meet the City code requ�.rements. Mr. Flora stated there are two exceptions to the plat, one is privately avned and the owner ha� requested sewer and water be extended into the pro�erty for hook-up to his �wer system wlv.ch would require an easement. The other �als with the large residential lot to the rorth of the plat. He stated staff has a ooncern regarding these two outlots which possibly coulcl go tax forfeit in the future. He stated it is reconmtended, therefore, that outlots A& B be dedzcated as a street and utilities right-of-way or an easement so it will allow for future development of the parcels, if appropriate in the future. , Mr. Charles Cook, the developer, stated that he woulc� prefer to change the outlots to roadway eas�ments so they are maintained kr� the property owners and to eluniriate the future tax forfeiture of these �roels. Mr. Qureshi, City Manaqer, stated the developer is �iroposing an easement mntrolled by h�m and if, in the future, these property owners wished to split their property, they would have to approach Mr. Cook for access. Coimcilman Schneider asked if they wouldn't be landlocking the exception pro�rty. Mr. Herrick stated that is a possibility. He stated it doesn't create a leoal problan as such, but the Council should rewgnize the p�ssibility of a loggenc��d sometime in the future. He stated, if there were to be outlots, he felt the fee aanership should rest with Mr. Cook; haaever, he would also be in a�ositson to d�.ctate the price for which he would sell to ad�acent cwners. He stated you have a situation where the persons that own the excegtions don't want to Fartici�ate in the oost. -2- I � ;� �UNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1985 Counciln�an Barnette asked Mr. Cook if he had talked to these aaners and if they wish to �articipate. Mr. Cook stated he talked to both pro�rty v,aners and neither of then have any intexest in �artici�ating in the pro�ect. Mr. Herrick stated it seens the City has several choices. He stated these exceptions oould be glatted as outlots, avaned by Mx. Cook, and he would have control a�er what happens over these outlots in the future. Mr. Herrick � statec3 another possibility would be a private easement to Mr. Cook ana, again, he would have oontrol wer what happens to the use of the property, as far as easements are oonoerned. Mr. Herrick stated another alternatice is the City require the easements be dedicated to the public and the affect of this action would be the persons owning the two exceptions would be getting a free ride and access without �aying. Mr. Herrick stated the City aould also assess these orrr�rs at this time for improvanents and give than a deferral on �ayment imtil such time as they develo�* their property. Mr. Flora stated the proFerty aaner on 71-1/2 Way has shaan some interest in sglitting his Farcel. He stated the property aaner on East River Road has an interest in wnnecting to sewer and water, but no interest in splitting his pro�rty. The property aaners of these iwo exceptions were not present this evemng at the public heariny. Councilman Fitz�trick felt �rhaps these two property owners may not be aware of what is happem ng and how it affects them in the future. He thought they should 6e notified of the implicatLOns so they can make a choi oe. Mr. Hexrick stated a letter shoulc3 be Sel�t. tQ these proprty owners which swrnnarizes the ch scussion taken place this everung. He stated if Mr. Cook controls the easements and if they choose to access onto Riverwooci Drive, they would have to sewre access fran Mr. Cook. He stated the inf ormation 1 received this evemng is these owners have chosen not to Fartici�te in the cost of the impravanents at this time and the alternatives and consequences should be p�inted out to than. He felt a response should be received f rom then before the r�ext Council meeting. Councilman Fitz�trick f elt the staff should proceed to oontact these aaners as recommended by the City Attorney. No other persons in the auclience spoke regarding this proposed plat. NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cowzcilman Sarriette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously and the public heanng closed at 7:55 p. m. 2. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF STORER COMMOD7ICATIONS. INC. � SCI HOIDINGS, INC. (CONPINOID 11/18/85): Mayor Nee reopened the public hearing on this item at 7:55 p. m. Mayor Nee stated a letter was received from Storer and SCI Holdings responding to the questions raised k� the econanic analyst. -3- 1 ,� �r' ! F i�: � �,r� C70ilNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1985 LtiDTION by Councilman FitzFatrick to reoeive the communications from Storer and SCI Holdings. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammausly. Mr. Gary Gandrud, representing Storer, stated he has been in contact with Mr. Matz, the Cable Commission attorr�ey. Storer Communications and SCI F�olclings is prepared to agree to guarantee and build the capital � �m�rov�nents the City is concerned about and give such security that this franchise, after the mexger, will provide the upgrading. Mayor Nee asked if this agreement would be oom�tible with the letter received fran Storer several years ago rec�arding these items. Mr. Gandrud answered in the affzrnlative and stated Storer heard the City's wncerns and made a positive response. Mr. Gary rifatz, attorney for the Cable Comnission, stated one of the conoerns which came out of the report by the financial analyst was if the company would have the financial resources to make the necessary or desirable improvements at the time of the franchise renewal. He stated Storer indicated they would be willing to oommit to �mprwenents and enter into an agreenent to anend the existing ordinance to specify those impravements. He felt, if this was done, it would provide the security for the concerns raised, as far as their future ca�bilities. Mayor Nee stated he felt it really comes down to some guarantee for the 54 chaiuiels and security of the public access. ile felt assurances were needed for a oontinuing commitrnent to access and local origination activity. Mr. Matz stated the support for public access hasn't been discussed in detail in regard to Fridley's system, but is something that could be addressed. r7r. Candrud stated Storer would be in total agxeement with the Council`s � ooncerns and would agree to oontinue to provide secunty for public access in the form of a cnrp�rate guarantee as well as the promise to go to 54 channels. CAUncilman Barnette asked what effect this merqer would have on the cost of cable to the wnsiuner. Mr. Rolandi, Regional Eusiness Manager for Storer, stated he cli�'t believe approval of the merger would result in any difference in rates than might othexwise occur. Ee stated they have the responsibility to pravide the best servioe, and if rates are raised too much, they will not have subscribers, He felt it was s�nething beyond their control and the Council's. Mr. Gandrud stated sin� the merger is very amninent, if the Council would be so inclined they would appreciate a motion apprwing the ooncept, sub�ect to Qontracts being approved. Mr. Matz stated Storer's wncern is that they close on this transaction this week and they would like some concept approval, s�ab�ect to final action by -4- LJ � �� COUNCIL MEETING OF D�Fn�tFR 2, 1985 the Councll. Mr. Gandrud stated they would agree to updating the system to 54 channels and to continue the public access and local origination, and providing a guarantee as well as putting those conditions on any prospective purchaser of the systen glus reimburse the City for all costs connected with this merger action. � No other persons in the aucv.ence spoke regaxcl�.ng this proposed merger. NDTION by Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpstrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously and the public hearir�g closed at 8:15 p.m. FL�TION by Councilman Barnette to tenatively approve the merger of Storer Commtmications into SQ Haldtngs, Inc., sub�ect to the capital unprovemer�ts and public access being agreed upon and presented to the Council in two weeks. Seoonded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. OLD BUSINESS: 3. ORDINANCE N0. 847 RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMEPIDING CHAPTER 603 ENTITLED "INPDXICATING LIOUOR", SECTION 603.22(3) WINE LICENSE: M�TION by Councilmari Schneider to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 847 and adopt it on the second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � 4. RESOLUTION N0. 103-1985 RELi1TING TO Tf� APPROUAL OF A MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROGRAM FOR THE CONSTRUGTION OF A MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PIa?JECi' BY THE FRIDLEY PLAZA ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF HOUSING REVENOE BOPIDS (TABLID 11/18/85): � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this proposed pro�ect is located south of Mississippi Street and west of University Avenue. He stated the Housing Plan would allaa for this residential developrner�t on this parcel of the Sylvan Hills plat. Mr. Flora stated at the public hearing helcl on November 18, the entire develognent was addressed which included the construction of a 12 story a�ri�nent mmplex, a semor citizen hiqh nse building, and two commerical com1alexes. He stated the housing program deals with the two residentx�l units proposed on those �arcels. Mr. Flora stated sinoe the public heaxing, the developer has changed his mncept and reduced the a�rtrnent complex frcm 12 stories to 6 stories and reduced the n�nnber of �mits to 119. He stated the first phase would be the developnent of this a�rtment building, with the seraor ca.tizen building and commerical oomplexes being constructed at a later date. -5- t r�..'� COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1985 Mr. Lundgren, the developer, stated he wished to amend his request for housing bonds fran $13,000,000 to $7,000,000 since he has reduced the size of his proposed building fran 12 to 6 stories and containing 119 units in this phase. He stated the ranaimng phases of develognent would remain as previously presented for the senior citizen building and two commerical oomplexes. Mr. Lundgren intxoduced Mr. Bob Byers, Traffic Engineer with Short, Elliott � and Hendrickson, Inc., who commented on a traffic study they are prep�ring in regard to this developnent. Mr. FSyers stated they were asked to consider how this development would affect the residents and traffic in the area. He stated they began the study by looking at the trips produced today from some of these busineses and various commerical activities in the area and the ultimate future developnent. P7r. Byers stated, in terms of today's opezations, the University and biississipi intersection, is congested in the Peak hours, but is about average on the metro�litan scale. He stated, in terms of future pro�ects, aonsic]erina the County's proposed improvements, the intersection would operate better thari today, even with additional develognerrt. Mr. Byers stated rec�rding the concerns of residents to the south, they enlisted the aid of the Police Department. He stated a survey was made betc��een 3:15 and 5:15 p.m. where license nwnlxrs were taken in an effert to determine where people lived who were using these streets. He stated it was found about 25� resided in the neiyhborhood and adjacent neighborhoods and 75% resided someplace else in Fndley or the metxopolitan area. He stated this fic�ure is higher than what was antici�ted and it is obvious there is swne through traffic in this area. Mr. Byers stated thEy eaaluated the site and what the traffic im�ct would � be to the neighborhood fran this developnent. He stated they would try to make sure the traffic is orierited to the main arteries, University Avenue and Mississippi Streets. He felt the east entrances on Mississippi will grobably be the ma�or entrances to and fran the site, and that the errtranoes to this develognent and Holly Shopping Center should be lined up. He stated the3 would recommend the elunination of the access to 3rd Street, the main reason is trying to orient traffic away frcm the neighborhood. He stated there should be pravision for an east/west service drive immediately north of Burger King between Umversity an8 the end of the residential �it. Councilman Schneicler asked, from a traffic point, if it would be better to have a shopping center on this site. Mr. Byers stated there would be more traffic with a comnerical use. He felt the worse thing would be office s�ce which would add traffic at peak pencxis, and the best thing would be total residential. Mlayor Nee stated he felt this groposal was a good comprwnise and would help stabilize the area and pranote business. He stated a nwnber of proposals have been sulanitted for this property and, apFarently, this is one that it m �I `- � w• �- COUNCIL MEETING OF DF'�'Fmr�FR 2, 1985 was felt was in the City's best interests. Comments fran the audience related to the existing traffic problens, whether residential or commerical develognent yenerated the highest voliune of traffic, the possibility of stop sicyis on all streets in Sylvan Hills on the West University Service Drive, and the sewer, water ana storm sewer � ca�city. Mr. Byers stated a mixed use is the best way to go to reduce the traffic and get a decent develognent. Mr. Qureshi stated the present zomng of the property is C-3 which is the highest oommerical use and would allaa six story buildings. He stated the City is trying to attract develogtterit which mimmize the traffic im�act. EIe stated, as far as sewer and water, there is sufficient capacity for this developnent. Nlr. Qureshi stated a retention pond is proposed to grovide a control for the drainage into the storm �ewer system. 7here was a question on what access would be used during the canstruction of this develognent. Mr. Qureshi stated, basically, the access would be as planned on the west side of the deveiopnent and, during constraction, they would try to mlmmize the imFact on Rioe Plaza businesses. A question was raised on the size of the apartments and how many �rking stalls would be provided. I�Ir. Lundren stated the size of the one bedroon umts start at about 700 square feet and the two bedroom units range from 1,050 to 1,100 square feet. He stated 600 of the imits would be one bedroan and 40� would he two bedcoans. He statec] two �rking spaces are provicied for each iwo bedroan unit and 1-1/2 spaces provided for the one bedroom �its. Mr. Lundren stated there are 150 wvered p3rking sp3ces and the rest are o�en. He further stated there wi11 be six handicapped units located on � the first floor. There was a concern on how they would be maintained as there are some ag�rtrnent units in the area which are poorly maintained. Mr. Lundgren stated the residents can be assured these will be quality constructed units. He also stated the wmplex would contain an enclosed swurnning pool, exerci�e and sauna roans, and psrty and billard roan. Most of the residents' ooncern was to obtain assurances the traffic would be taken care of. Mr. Lundgren stated he expects when the report from the Traffic Engineer is received, there would be very specific recommendations. He stated he is as ooncerned about the traff�c as everyone and wants the best possible solution. Councilman Goods�ed stated at the last Council meeting he was against the 12 story a�rtrnent building and, if it still was 12 ston es, he would not be in £avor of it. He stated because of the compromise, he would nove the fallaaing: MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 103-1985, with the unc]erstanding this is the first �ase for a six story building containing -7- � _ - � ,-; � _ �, �,,, CODNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2. 1985 119 units. Seoonded 1� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye P4ayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. (Discussion: No ltti4ht Turn on Satellite Iane): Mr. Qureshi, City Manaqer, stated it was felt that kTy installing a"no right turr�" sic� onto Satellite Lane, it may help alleviate some of the traffic into this area. This action came about from discussions at the public � hearing on the proposed housing pro�ect in the Sylvan Hills glat on Dece�nk�er 2, 1985. Many residents fran the area were present and indicated they were not in favor of this sign. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to remove the "no right turn" sign onto Satellite Lane and block the extention of 3xd Street. Seconded by Counciln�an Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�.on carried unammously. RECESS• A recess was called by Mayor Nee at 10:18 p, m. � � �� Mayor Nee rewnvened the meeting at 10:26 p.m. present. NEW BUSINESS: All Council members were 5. CONSIDERATION OF A UARIANCE REQUEST FOR FEtONT YARD SBTBACK FOR ADDITION TO BUILDING, DONN G. MOOTP, 6536 MATN STREET N. E., (FROM APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF 11/12/85): Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request from Stylmark, Inc. for a varzance to reduce the required setback of a building to a street nght-of-way, when abuttinq a residential clistrict, frwn 100 to 82 feet. He stated the purpose of this variance is to allaa for an addition to their huilding and the hardship indicated was they wish to conf orm to the existing building configuration. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Conunission has recommended approval of the variance with no stipulations. NDTION by Councilman Fitz�tnck to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Co�nission and grant the vanance to xeduce the required setback for a building to a street right-of-way, when abutting a residential district, fran 100 feet to 82 feet to allaa construction oP an addition to the front of the building at 6536 Main Street N, E. Seconded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � , � F'� ��I ' ` �' 3 ODUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1985 6. RESOLUTION IVJ. 104-1985 AUTHORIZING THE CTTY MANAGER TO EXPEND FUNDS TO BRING THE CITY OF FRIDLEY INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE FEDERAL FAIR LABOR STADIDARDS ACT OF 1938: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 104-1985. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. RESOLUTION N0. 105-1985 GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROUAL � THE ISSLIANCE OF BOAIDS FOR THE PI�LICE PENSION ASSOCIATION: � � Mr. Pribyl, Finance Officer, stated the M�.nnesota Legislature, in prior years, amended a section in the State statute so that municipalities may iss� bonds for �ying judc�nents and reference is m�de to the pension funds. He stated this would allaa the City to bond for the current and future unfunded liability of the �blice pension association by purchasing one or more insurance �licies or annuity contracts. Mr. Pribyl stated this funding is now coming under criticism and may be sub�ect to change, haaever, with adoption of this resolution, the City would be grandfathered in for this type of funding. He stated there are no assurattces they would def uutely be able to do it. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to ado� Resolution No. 105-1985. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�.mously. RE90LUTION IJ�. 106-1985 AUTHORIZING ADID DIRECrING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSNIENPS ON PART OF SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 3, PARCEL 1401: L�DTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 106-1985. Seconded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unatti mously. APPDINi'MENT; GENERAL CHAIRPERSON OF PI�II9NING COMMISSION: NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to naninate Pat Gabel for appointment as Cha�rperson of the Planrung Commission. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. P'DTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the appointment of Pat Gabel as Chairperson of the Planning Commission. Se�nded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mot�.on carried unammously. 10. APPOINTMETTC: CITY EMPUJYEE: M�TION by Councilman 5chneider to cbncur with the following appointment by the City Manager: NAME STARTING SPART]NG Et�SPP7AN SFILARY DATE REA,A(�'S � , ;����� 11 12 CWNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 2. 1985 Corby J. �lto 2904 Northway Drive Brooklyn Center, NN 55430 Fblice $1,595 Novenber 25 Roger Offioer �r 1985 Bergneier Month Seconded tr� Counciln�an Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarrimously. LICENSES• NDTION by Councilman FitzFatrick to apprwe the licenses as sul:mitted and as on file in the Lioense C1erk's Offio�. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarv mously. ESTIMATES• NDTICIN by Councilman Barnette to apprave the estlmates as submitted: Concrete Curb Com�ny 771 I.adybird Lane Burnsville, NN 55337 FINAL ESTINY�TE ...........................$1.699.53 1985 Misc. Concrete Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Seoonded try Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 13. C��AIMS• � t2�TI0N by Councilman Schneider to authoxize payment of Claims No. 5578 � through 5754. Seconded kTy Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all veting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. CONSIDERATION OF A SIC�I PIAN FOR SKYWDOD MALL: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated a si� plan has been received for Skywood Mall. He explained their proFosal for signage at this mall. Mr. Flora stated the plan conforms to the requirement of the Sign Code and approval is recpmmended with a stipulation for a$25,000 bond. h'DTION by Councilman Goodspeed to approve the sign plan for Skywood �7a11, with the stipulation that a$25,000 bond be issued to the City to cover landscaping improvenents, inclu�ng the proposed �xzrking s�ces on the west end of the site, and the bond be held for one year after the final �rtificate of occupancy is issued to allow time to assess the parking needs. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declareci the motion carried unantmously. COMMENDATION TO STAFF FOR SNOWPIf�W1I� EFFORTS: -10- , x a� ��, ,z COUNCIL MEETING OF D�x'FhmFR 2. 1985 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to commend the City staff for their snowplaaing effoxts in renwing the snow frczn the stxeets fran the snowstotm over the weekend. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. AL)JOURNMENT• � M�TION by Councilman Barnette to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a �oice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Nee �clared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Nieeting of the Fridley City Council of December 2, 1985 ad�ourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectf ully sukmitted, �� , � ������-� Carole Haddad secretary to the City Council APPra�ed: � -11- � �����,�,r� -��-'�� William J. N Mayor � ' t�� - ,� rb, �+� � � ,