01/06/1986 - 5142� QFFICIAL QTY Q�[JNQL AGFN�A aX1NCZL 1rEETING JANUARY 6, I9�6 � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN JAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: �ANUARY 6, 1g86 ��NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER < / - - - - - - --- ----- -- 0 �� � / FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL`���� JANUARY 6, 1986 - 7: 30 P. M. Follor ing are the "ACTIONS TAKEN" by the Administration for your inforn ation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PRO La MATION • , t NITED CONSTITUTION DAY SEPTEMBER 17 , 1987 CITY 1�ANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Forwarded procl amation to appro��riate parties APPRO''AL OF MINUTES: �'ouncil Meeting, December 16, 1985 CITY 1 IANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Fil ed f or f ut ure ref erence ADMIN STRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO ELECTED OFFICIAL: l�ennis L. Schneider, Ward II ADOPT ON OF AGENDA: ,,dded: Consideration of Resolution approving the merger of Storer Communications, Inc. into a subsidiary of SCI Holdings, Inc. Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 405 entitled, Cable Television, Establishing certain requirements upon any franchise renewal and describing customer service requirements OPEN .'ORUM. VISITORS: ,Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) Jo response Counc il Meeting, January 6, 1986 PUBLI� HEARINGS: Pa ge 2 Publ i: Hearing on the matter of Vacation Request SAV #35-06, to vacate the unused Johnson Street dedic�tion lying north of Skywood Lane and South of I- � 94 , by John Pollard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 G iearing opened at 7:46 p.m. Closed at 8:26 p.m. UBLI� WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Will put item back on agendi when it has been resolved by the three , pr ope : ty owne r s OLD BJSINESS• Consi 9eration of Second Reading of an Ordinance under Sect�ion 12.07 of the City Charter to vacat � Streets and Alleys and to amend Appen jix C of the City Code, Riverwood Manor , Charles Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 A )rdi nance No. 848 adopted PUBLI � WORKS--ACTION NEEDED: Inf ormed appl icant of appro �al ITY 9ANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Published Ordinance in Fridl �}� Focus Consi 9eration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Recod .fying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 603, Entit.ed "Intoxicating Liquor" by Adding Sections 603.Oi (10) and 603.23, and Renumbering the Present 603.2 3 to 603.24, and Further Amending Chapter 11, Ent i t . ed "Fe e s" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 A )rdinance No. 849 adopted ITY +IANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Published ordinance in Fridl �y Focus ENTR�L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Initiated procedures on re�arding licensing as provided Counc:l Meeting, January 6, 1986 OLD BISINESS (Continued) Pa ge 3 Consic eration of a Policy Regarding Umbrella Coverage Beyonc Le.gal Limits of Liability (Tabled 12/16/85) ..... 4- 4 E ] eport received from consultant ITY ;ANAGER--ACTION TAREN: No action needed 0 NEW Bt'SINESS• , Consi�leration of City Council Appointments to Di f f e: ent Agenci es � nd Recei� ing List of Commission Members Whose Terms Expi r� � April 1, 1986 . �nd Consi�leration of a Resolution Designating Director and A:ternate Director to Suburban Rate Authority. ..... 5- 5 I ::esolution No. 1-1986 adopted CITY lANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: "Commission Appointments" will �e on February 24 agenda for Council consideration Consi jeration of a Resolution Designating the Off ic .al Depositories for the City of Fridley. ....... 6- 6 A tesolution No. 2-1986 adopted CENTR�L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Informed Depositories autho;ities of Council designation Counc .1 Meeting, January 6, 1986 �EW B �INESS (Continued) Page 4 Consi jeration of a Resolution Designating an Off ic .al Newspaper for the Year 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 A tesolution No. 3-1986 adopted E TR,L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Informed appropriate parti :s of Council designation Consi ieration of a Resolution Designating Time and N imber of Council Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 tesolution No. 4-1986 adopted CITY iANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Have set up meeting dates as a utho i zed by Council Consi jeration of Request for Expediting Improvements for L �ke Pointe Corporate Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 C �pproved by Council PUBLI: WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Informed ppropriate parties of Co incil approval Consi ieration of add�tion to Moore Lake Phase II Re �toration Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 D >taff to prepare resolution for new aerators ►nd restocking of lake PUBLI: WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Prepared resolution for Counc .1 consideration Counc 1 Meeting, January 6, 1986 NEW B ISINESS (Continued) Pa ge 5 Consi ieration of MnDOT Proposal for I-694 hiden .ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 E Counc 1 received and noted report from MnDot UBLI: WORRS--NO ACTION TAREN: Consi jeration of Lot Split Recording Extension, bySh �rewood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 E ;xtenti on approved PUBLI � WORRS--ACTION TAKEN: Informed appropriate parties of Co �ncil approval Consi jeration of a Joint Powers Agreement to Form 3 Coalition of Metropolitan Communities ........ 13 - 13 K �pproved CITY �iANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Agreement will be forwarded to Ma �or's group Licen ses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 A Approved CENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Issued licenses Counc 1 Meeting, January 6, 1986 'EI� w B,►�INESS (Continued) Pa ge 6 Claim � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 , �pproved E T �L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid claims Estim� tes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 � pproved E T L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates Consiceration of Resolution approving the merger of Storei Communications, Inc. into a subsidiary of SCI Hc 1 di ngs, Inc. � nd Consi c erati on of Fi rst Readi ng of an Ordi nance Amendi ng ChaptEr 405 entitled, Cable Television, establishing certain requiiements upon any franchise renewal and describing customer service requirements :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Fesolution adopted with two amendments, Crdinance approved on first reading PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION NEEDED: Inform proper authorities and p�t Ordinance back on next agenda for consideration C ADJOUFN: 9:35 p.m. Counc .1 Meeting, January 6, 1986 NEW B)SINESS (Continued) Pa ge 5 Consi ieration of MnDOT Proposal for I-694 hiden .ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 E Counc l received and noted report from MnDot pUBLI; WORRS--NO ACTION TAREN: . � Consi jeration of Lot Split Recording Extension, bySh >rewood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 E �xtention approved PUBLI � WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Informed appropriate parties of Co �ncil approval Consi jeration of a Joint Powers Agreement to Form � Coalition of Metropolitan Communities . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 K approved CITY �lANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Agreement will be forwarded to Ma �or's group Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 A Appr ov ed CENTP4L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Issued licenses Council Meeting, January 6, 1986 `Et� W BCSINESS (Continued] Pa ge 6 Claim : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 F pproved E T L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid claims Estim� tes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 � pproved E TRJ.L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates Consic'�eration of Resolution approving the merger of Store: Communications, Inc. into a subsidiary of SCI H� �1 di ngs, Inc. , �nd Consi�leration of First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapt��z 405 entitled, Cable Television, establishing certain requi ements upon any franchise renewal and describing customer ser��i �e requirements :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 tesolution adopted with two amendments, )rdinance approved on first reading PUBLI: WORKS--ACTION NEEDED: Inform proper authorities and p it Ordinance back on next agenda for consideration ADJOU 2N: 9: 35 p.m. �� FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL JANUARY 6, 1986 - 7;30 P.M. ' � � : : ► ��# •:� :u: �► UNITED CONSTITUTION DAY SEPTEMBER 17. 19$7 1:1,J:�'.«iT�u1�►i���# COUNCIL MEETING. DECEMBER 16, 1985 :1� :: 1► 1 1: ■ 1 1 1 1 1 : DENNIS L. SCHNEIDER. WARD II :1�' 1► � = ►�= 1' ► 1► 11 1; � 1 (CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) COUNCIL MEETING. �ANUARY 6, 1986 � � ■ :► ► PA�E 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF VACATION REQUEST SAV �85-06. TO VACATE THE UNUSED �OHNSON STREET DEDICATION LYING NORTH OF SKYWOOD LANE AND SOUTH OF I - 594, BY �OHN POLLARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 G � 1 1 CONSI�ERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE UNDE� SECTION 12,07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPEhDIX C OF THE CfTY CODE. RIVERWOOD MANO� . CHARLES COOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 A CONSI�ERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECOCIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 603, ENTIT:.ED "INTOXICATING LIQUOR" BY ADDING SECTIONS 6B3.Q� (1�1) AND 603.23. AND RENUMBERING THE PRESENT 603.�3 To 603.24, AND FURTHER AMENDING CHAPTER 11. ENTI T _ED "FEES" , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � . , , , . . . . 3 - 3 A COUNCIL�MEETING, �ANUARY 6. 1986 1 1 1 �► ► � PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF A POLICY REGARDING UMBRELLA COVERAGE BEYO�D �EGAL LIMITS OF LIABILITY (TAB�E� 12/16/85) ,,... 4- 4 E ► . ►' CONSI)ERATION OF C.ITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO DIFFE�ENT AGENCIES 4ND RECEI�ING LIST OF COMMISSION MEMBERS WHOSE TERMS EXPIR= APRIL 1. 1986 4ND CONSI)ERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND A_TERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY.'. .... 5- 5 F CONSI)ERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFIC AL DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. ....... 6- 6 A COUNCIL MEETING. �ANUARY 6, 1986 1 . : 1' �i•► ► �� PAGE 4 CONSI)ERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIG{VATiNG AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE YEAR 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 A CONSI)ERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TIME AND N JMBER OF COUNC I L MEET I NGS . . . � . . . . . . . . . � . 8 CONSII�ERATION OF REDUEST FOR EXPEDITING IMPROVEMENTS FOR L� ,KE PO I NTE CORPORATE CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 C CONSI[ERATION OF ADDITION TO MOORE LAKE PHASE ( I RE`. TORAT I ON PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 D COUNC L MEETING. �ANUARY 6. 1986 1 , : i �► ► � PA�� 5 CONSI►ERATION OF MNDOT PROPOSAL FOR (-69�+ WIDENN� . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . �� - �� E � CONSI�ERATION OF LOT SPLIT RECORDING EXTENSION, BYSF �REWOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Z - 12 E 0 1 CONSlDERATlON OF A.�OINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO FORM A COALITION OF METROPOLITAN COMMtJNITIES ........ 13 - 13 K L i cEt sES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 A COUNCIL MEETING, �ANUARY 6, 1986 1 . : 1 �► ► � PA�E 6 CLAIMi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �5 EST I M �TES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 u :1 1 1 �� • UIII!'BD S3'ATBS C0ISTITUTI01 DwY Sspts�bsr 17. 1987 Willism J. III�� Ma�or Eti0lsy, MN. iJHERE9S. 17 Ssptt�b�r 1987 za th• 200tk Annivtrsary of tk� �iqnin� of the lJaited Statea Conatitution; and WHERE4S. ths Conat�ttution. as ratip�:sd, embodisa tks idoaZa of Ziberty under Zaav and �►as deaignsd to matintaira our frs� poti�rawsnt {M psrpe;utity as a more p�r�ect uniori and to •eaurs th• bt��s�t»�� of Zib�r:� by conaent o� ths govsr��d; and f�HEREAS. fsr� govern�asuEe in th• »ortd havs b��n abt� to protr{d� Ziber:� and etabitit� to their citi�sna undsr a vritt�rt aonat{tu!{oa for m�rs than a gensrat�on; a»d WHEREAS, ths Zava adoptsd und�r t��e chart�r of frr�do� a�d tlts attra �tive vay of Zife raauZt�LuB Jiavs dravn to our shors• oitis�n• from avsr� aornsr of th� vortd. a�sd provids ��rprsssino ttiid��o• or tlt� enZig�tsn�d viaion a�d the viadom of the drafttre of tl�• Cowttitut{owt and WBERE.IS, ;,the bicente�en�iaZ oj'fers ths opportunit� for ths Awsr{oarc psopt: to rededicats t&smasZvse to i�• great prino�lpt�� tltat hav• forme�! th� basis for our nationat strsngth and proaper�tb; and WHERE.IS, it is ti�reZ� and appropriat• for ua to kesp i� vur kaarta and minds ths marvelous aahiene�aenis or the Co�ast�tutionaZ Co�svent�ox �tn 1787 �,nd to prsaern� th� Conatitutioaal RspubZia and th� h{ph id�ata of ou:� Foundting Fathers: NOW, :'i1lREFORE, BS IT R�SOLVED that I, T✓iZliara J. Aes. Nabor of the Cit� ��f FrtidZe� hereb� proataira Sspts�bsr 17. 1987 aa O�ITaD STATS3 C013TITUTI01 DAI IN WI"AESS WgER80F, I havs set my hand and aaussd the ssat of the Ctity of Fr•dZey to be affixsd this 6th day of January. 1986. � � � NWILLIA�( J.�AEB. MAYOR THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETiNG OF DECEMB�R 16, 1985 � �!�.�4 ��- :i ; J'r�_ i�+ i�- ��� 4�� ��!� _ �• • � � _ .��!= - T! �e Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cbtmcil was called to order at 7: 37 p m. by Mayor Nee. ,� .EDGE OF AI�I�7GIAt�1C',E: M�yor Nee led the Council in the Pledge o� Allegianoe to the Flag. ,8 >LL CAI�L: I�ENBII2S PRF�FNT: Mayor Nee, Oouncilman Barrette, O�Lmcilman Schr�eider, Gb�cilman Fitzpatrick, and Co�cilman Gooc�peec3 1�IYBII2S ABSIIdT: None `1} •' CQtTIFICATE OF �IJFORI�T� IN FINANQAL REI�RTING. QTY OF FRIIi,EY: AWARD OF FINANQAL iZEFORTING A�iIEVF�VT, RIQiARD D. PRIB�,, 1�C.TING FINANCE DIREQ�R Miyor Nee stated the City, onoe again, has received a national award for c�nformanoe in financial reporting. He stated this award is issued by the G�verrmerit Finanoe Offioers Association and it represents only a few such a �ards in the State. He stated the Council is especially proud of the Flnanoe Department and City Management for having been rewcg�ized for their a �counting standards. Mayor Nee presented this award to the Finance O:fioer, Rick Pribyl and the Council extended their wngratulatirns on this a �.ieveaet�t. P PP�JVAL OF MIIVITI'ES • QOUNCIL MEETING. DE(�ER 2. 1985: N 7PION by Councilman Barnette to apprave the minutes as presented. Seoonded t� Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c eclared the motion carried unanunously. �• • � • '=-���u• 7 he following items were added to the agenda: (1) Consideration of an P�reenent with Miller-Schroeder as part of Item 11; and (2) Consideration of E irst Reading of an Ordimnoe Amending Chapter 603 of the Fridley City Code t� Adding Sectio�s 603.05.10 and 603.24; Renimbering Existing Sectiori 603.23 �nd Further Amending Section 11.10 of Cl�apter 11. !�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda with the above a dditions. Seoonded by Co�cilman Sc,tu�eider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting � ye, l�yor Nee declarecl the mation �rried Lmanimously. -1- � i i�+ � • � a«�+ i: �+• • a�� • ' 'y 4 • � �� I• • I�1��• '�� Dr. Ja�nes Matthews, 1259 Skywood Lar�e, appeared before the Cota�cil regarding problems at Menard's. He stated an agreeqnent was signed between the residents and M�enard's in 1979 and outlir�ed the terms of the agreement which related to such items as the public address system, outside sawing, operation of f ork l if ts and hour s of del ivery and i n regard to any expansian by Menard's, residents were to be rntified. Dr. Matthews stated data has been oollected between May and July of this year and there are numerous violations of the agreement. He stated Bob Nordahl of the City staff wrote Larry Menard on Septenber 20, 1985 regarding the oanplaints from the residents on the rnise, and what action Menard's was going to take to o�rrect this situation. < Dr. Matthews stated Mr. Seeger, Nhnager o�f the Fridley Menard's, replied to Mr. Nordahl's letter regarding the truck noise and stated they don't reoeive ariy trucks after 9 p.m. and rarely after 5 p.m. Mr. Seeger had stated in his letter he felt a�e o� �e neic�bors was being tmduly critical. Dr. Matthews stated the residerits are naw going through the same probl�ns they did in the 1970's and felt it was the City's ohligation to enforce the ordinanoe. He stated they are asking for a meeting with Menard's to resolve these problens. Dr. Matthews stated Mr. Seeger's letter to Bob Nordahl doesn't answer Mr. Nordahl's questions at all. Dr. Matthews stated they don't want any problems with Menard's and they gledge their cnoperation to do everything possible to get this aettled once and for all. He stated they are asking the hours of delivery agreed to in the 1979 agree�nent be oontinued. He further stated, if a barrier was erected, it would help in reduction of noise from the saws and fork lifts. Mayor Nee stated he would like staff to make an investigation and a report �� back to the Council. Mr. Herrick, C�ty Attorney, statecl if there is some evidenve o� violati� of the times aet out in the cbca,anent, it would be fairly easy to document. He thouc�t if there is a question o� noise violations, the City may have to take some readings. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, felt perhaps a joint meeting with residents and Menard's would be in order to discuss these items. PUBI,IC I�'ARII�S: 1. P'UBLIC HEARII� ON THE MATTER OF VACATION RE4CTEST. SAV #85-07. � VACATE THE p�nTNt�F A1�ID LTI�ILITY F.A�:►�'Nr OVER, ACR�SS A1�ID THROUGH THE WEST FIVE FEET AND THE NORTH FIVE FEET OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 3. RIVERWOOD MANOR. BY C�1P►�2LES OOOR • 6'� 2. t �.� �Y��!,. �,' �,a«�+ i: �+• I DTmN by Councilman Fitzpatridc to waive the reading of the public hearing � otive and open the public hearing. Se�nded by Gbu�cilman Gooc�speed. Upon � voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee delcared the motion carried inanimously, and the public hearing opened at 8:09 p.m. ! r. Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated this is a request iacate a drainage and utility easement, which exists on F iverwood Park plat, so he can develop the lots separately. by Mr. Cook to his proposed ! r. Flora stated the utility aompanies have iridioated they have no problen � ith t3�is vacation request. r r. Maleoek, 7136 East River Road, stated he wasn't notif ied of arly meetings i egarding Mr. Cook's plat and Co�cil will rxyw be o�nsidering the final plat this evening. He stated he wanted to knaw haw this vacation would affect Yis property. r ayor Nee stated the Council woulcln't want to vacate an easement that � oulc�'►'t allvw Mr. l�leaek to aonnect to sewer and water. r r. Herrick, City Attorney, stated if he tnderstanc� wrrectly, Mr. Qook and r r. Male�ek have readzed an agreenent regarding aooess to the eewer system. rr. Cook stated the easeme.nt he is granting is for utility purposes, but t �at he would be retaining the raadway easement. r r. Maleoek stated, at this point, he would ask Co�mcil not to approve the v 3cati on �ntil he f inds out haw he i s af f ected. r r. Herridc stated the Co�.mcil c,an ar�ntinue t�e public hearing or close the r aaring, but r�ot take any action uitil you get some feedback fram staff on t �e questions raised. N r. Flora stated, both Northwestern Bell and Northern States P�ower, stated t�is vacation woulc�'t affect the servioe to Mr. Maleoek's �operty. Z�ere is further discussian which relates to the plat which is v�vered under c�nsideration of the final plat of Rivexwooc� Park by Mr. Charles Cook. M)TD�N by Cflta'icilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seoonded by C»cilman Goo�peed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared t ie motian carried unanimously and the public hearng closed at 8:32 p. m. Q � BUSII�SS• ��:5��}��� ��.ii� �. �. �. �Q�-fl� _ RTVF:RW[)C)n pArtK. BY CHARLES S. ,� pK : M�. Flora, Public Works Di rector, stated thi s i s the f inal pl at f or R.verwood Park sutmitted by Mr. Charles Cook. Mr. Flora stated the plat c �lls fo� t3ie division of three blocks into a total of 31 single family 1 yts. He stated all lots meet cvde requi rement s and range f ran 9, 000 to 1',000 square feet. -3- C: �� �,. r ia+ i,_ •. � a«� i: �• . Ij:�.� Mr. Flora stated the Planning Conmission recommended approval of the plat with �ree stipulations: (1) prwide a 15 foot utility eas�nent wer Outlot A to be gramed to exception area; (2) provide a street and hikeway/walkway easement wer the easterly 25 feet of �e plat; and (3) petitiorrer work with F�gineering to develop a stotm drainage plan. Mr. l�leoek, 7136 East River Road, stated he had not received any notices regarding this plat, but did reoeive a letter ir�arming him how his property would be affected. Mr. Cbok stated he met with Mr. Maleoek during the early stages of the platting prooess and they hac3 discussion about the incorporation of his property into this plat. He stated Mr. Malecek had stated it was not eoonanically feasible for him at this time, hawever, he wished access for the water and sanitary servioe o�ty and sicp�ed such a petition. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the questio�n is whether Mr. I�levek wishes access onto Riverwood Drive in the event he would want to split his property. Mr. l�leoek stated he �nderstaryds there would be a 25 foot easement along the badc of his property on whici� Mr. Cbok will a�rn easanent rights. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated it seens the aariers of the two exceptions in the plat, Mr. Malecek and Mr. Nisley, are not fu11y aware of the possibility they won't have aooess to Riverwood Drive and he recommended a meeting with all the parties before Council takes action to finalize the plat. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the awr�ers of the exceptions in the plat have two choioes. �ey c�an participate in the plat by sharing in the aost of the imprwenerits based upon a 75 foot froritage for the utilities and the raac�aay or the City can bear the wst of these unpravenents which wouZd be held in abeyanoe intil such time as the owriers split their lots. He stated if and when they split their lats, they would pay the impravenent c�sts glus interest, however, if the lot was r�ever split, there would be no costs to then. Mr. Nisley, 105 71-1/2 Way, felt the easement line should be moved to the street s� he would have a right-of-way to his property. Mr. Herrick felt some thought should be given about access for these two property aaners. Mr. Qureshi stated Mr. Maleoek petitior�ed for �e sewer so he would pay his share for this servioe, hvwever, assessments for the water and street could be deferred until such time as Mr. 1�Ieoek wishes to split his lot. Mr. l�leoek asked when they w�uld know what the charges would be for the impravanerits. He was advisec3 that these would be oovered in an assessment hearing. -4- �J� �_ ,�ia�� �_ �,- � J«a� i: �+� 1 DTIDN by Cbu�cilman Fitzpatrick to apprwe the f inal plat, P. S. #85-06 , : tiverwood Park, by Qiarles S. Gbok, with the follvwing stipulations: (1) ��rvvide a 15 foot utility easement over Outlot A to be granted to exception � rea: (2) prwide a street and taikeway/walkway easement wer tlie easterly 25 :'eet o� �e plat; and (3) petitioner work with Engineering to develop a ;�arm drainage ptan. Seoonded by (btncilman Sc�u�ider. ]lr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the access easements would be �hanged to a public ric�t-o�-way, and inoorporated into the plat. i F�J A VOICE VOTE T.1�1 CN �iE ABOVE NDTIDN, AGL VOTED AYE, AND MAYOR NEE 1�EQ,ARID �4iE HDTIDN Q�RRIED UNANIN'rX13.,Y. �1� 1� • • �z�.`1 �1' • ��1� I�'�� • � ' �1' •• I • �l � � • .f � llr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City has not received the �greenent fram Storer so requested the iten be tabled. t bTION by Councilman Barnette to table this item until receipt of the �greement. Seoonded by Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a vaioe vote, all voting � ye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried imanimously. ; EW BUSIl�'.SS: 4. t C�iSIDERATION OF FIRST RFADING OF AN OI7DII�NGE UNDER SECTION 12 .07 OF THE � ITy C�ER Tp VACATE SI'REETS �iNp ALLEyg ANID TO AMEAID APPENDIX C OF THE <ITY QODE• ! r. Flora, Public Works Director, stated if the Council wished not to vacate 1 he rbrth five feet af Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Riverwood Manor, he would f uggest this part be deleted f rcm the ardinanoe. r OTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the <rdimnoe upon first reading, with the deletion of the follvwing words: 'and the mrth 5 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Rivenaood Manor." Seconded ky Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee c eclared the motion carried t��animously. 5. � ECEIVING Tf� MII�ES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 4. � �$� •�� na��• • • •� -� •�•� : � • • z� l�r. Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use � ermit to allow any combination of off ice, retail and residential uses v� ithin one buiding at 214 and 248 Mississippi Street. He stated the l lanning Ca�mission reoonunended approval of this special use permit with . tipulatians that a draimge and landscaping plan be pravided, all phases of t he development be o�nsistent with the downtown motif, the special use -5- �1��� lai 1 •,' � 3�1�1 I; �1' • :� pern►it is a�ntingent upon avqusiition of pcoperty by the HRA, and access be prwided to S�lvan Hills from Mississippi Street. rDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to ooncur with the recoimnendation of the Planning Commission and grant special use permit, SP #84-14, with the fallvwing stipulatirns: (1) developer �wide a draimge plan for the total developnent (all four phases) with ti�e first phase; (2) developer provide a landscaping plan o�nsistent with downtawn motif; (3) special use permit oor�tingent upon aoquisition of property by HIZA; and (4) access be provided to S�ilvan Hills fran Mississippi Street. Se�nded by (b�mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voiae vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. B. S�O�ISIDF�iATION OF IlJT SPLIT RE4UEST, L. S. �85-08 AT 214 A�ID 248 MISSISSIPPI STREET N.E. BY IAU L�I�IDGREN: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Mr. Lundgren is proposing to split off the s�utherly 190 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, S�lvan Hills Plat ?, and the southerly 190 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Sylvan Hills Plat 6, for his proposed developnent at 214 and 248 Mississippi Street. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Comnission reoomanended approval of this lot split with the stipulation that it be contingent upon successfully avquisitiori of property by the HRA and, if necessary, an access easement fran Mississippi Street be pcavided to the apartment c�omplex. Mayor Nee btated he has a�xoblen when the lot split is being applied for by eaneor�e other than the aaner of the p�operty. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated there is some understanding with the owr�er o� the land that he woulc�'t oppose it k�ased on oertain agreements as to what woul.d happen if and when the HRA ac�qui red the property. M�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant lot split, LS #85-08 with the follaaing stipulations: (1) the lot split is c�ontingent upon successful aoquisition of property by the HRA; and (2) if recessary, an access easement from Mississippi Street be provided to the apartment complex. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the matioai carried unanimously. C. OONSIDERATION OF SEZTING PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION RE4UEST. SAV #85-06. TO VACATE THE UN[JSID JOHN.90N SI'REET DIDICATION LYING 1VORTH OF SICYWOOD IAI� ADID 90UPH OF I-594: IrDTIO�N by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing on this vacation request far January 6, 1986. Seoonded .by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �� 1� �i' • � � • ' �• ' y � !!' I�I� �I .I • ' /� � I� .1 ,I I �• • � • • '� I�j � •l l4: .� "� � ��.�1�. Y��+��!�. �1� r ;r�,�= �• �Sr. Qureshi, t�ty Manager, stated the City, some years ago, entered into a �imilar agreenent with the Minnesota Departrnent of Hunan Rights. 8e stated :he Hunan Ric,�ts Departmem has been reorganized and they are t�dating their igreenerits with mtnicipalities. btmcilman Goodspeed stated that the agreement provides for the Fridley da-Fault Grievanoe Camiittee to participate in training and to serve as a �eutral party in cases of alleged discrimirntion. �r. Bill Iiu�t, liai�an to the Hunan Resouroes Canmission, stated there are : ienbers of the Comaissian who are willing to participate in this training. �e further stated the Fridley No-Fault Grievance Committee is still :tmctirning and this is a restructuring of �e prograan. �DTIDN by Councilman Goodspeed to ooncur with the recom�nendation of the i�mnan Resouroes Commission and Planning Commission and approve the ��orksharing agree�nent with the Minnesota Degartment of Human Rights. �eo�nded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor : iee declared the motion carried unanimously. 's. QQNSIDE�iATION OF RDUONII�'IEIZIATION TO APPR�VE THE REQUFST FROM AI`pKA OOUNrY FOR $10.000 FOR CURB AI�ID GUiTER IMPI�JVENIENPS IN IACKE PARK: !r. Flora, Aihlic Works Director, stated a request was received by Anoka � b�mty for the City to provide $10,000 tawards the o�st of curb and gutter mpravenents in Locke P�rk. : Sr. Flara stated the Parks and Recreation Coimnission reviewed the request �.nd reoomnended apprwal to which the Planning Comnission a�ncurred. � b�mcilman Goodspeed stated he di�'t feel there was an overwhelming need : or the curbing to be installed, haaever, as long as the City is making the : equest ��e Coimty to make the mpravenent, he mwed the fallcywing: 1l�TDDN by Councilman Goodspeed to concur with the rec�ommendation of the :�rks and Recreation Commission and Planning Com�nission and authorize ;'�10,000 tawards the oost of curb and g�tter improvenents in Locke Park. ;�evonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, lfayor Nee declared the motio� oarried unanimously. l'. IT'E�1 FF�JM TF� APPEAIS �I�'IIr1ISSI0N MEETING OF DDCENIDER 10 . 198� : ;�urnw� u�nrt�vr mn RIDUCE THE SIDE �RD SEi'BACR Fl�UM 50 T0 40 FEET AT 7601 BAKER STREh,T. RMS OOMPANY. BY DENNIS FORCELIE• 1Ir. Flora, Riblc Works Director, stated the Appeals Conanission reoommended � pprwal o� a varianoe request froan RMS Compa� to reduce the side yard t etback fraa 50 to 40 feet to allaa expansiori of their facility. l fr. F'lora stated the lot is 100 feet wide and required side yard setbacks i otal 65 feet 815 feet an the north and 50 feet an the south. He stated the � etitioner felt a 35 foot wide structure would not be ewnomicaLly feasible � nd not very functianal for their proposed use. He stated if the variance -7- 6. ��.��, � i�+- � �• � a«� i: �- is granted, the petitioner should work to establish a proper use of the s�uth 15 feet for screening purposes. HDTD�N by Councilman Schneider to aoncur with the rec�rc¢nendaton of the Appeals Comnission with t�e stipulation that the petitirner work with staff to establish a proper use o� the s�uth 15 feet for screening purposes, and to a�me up with a dra.ir�ge plan. Sea�nded by Cbtuicilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M�TION by Councilman Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning Comnission Meeting of Deoanber 4, 1985. Sev�nded tr� �uncilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RDCEIVING BIDS ArID Ai�RDING QONTRACT FOR i�TER ADID SEWER P1�JECT NJ. 160 • NDTION by Councilman Sciu�eider to reoeive the fo�llvwing bids for Water and Sewer Pr oj ect No. 16 0: ; : ��. • �.�; (�vi1 Structures Sagin3w, M�1 55779 C.W. Houle 1300 W. �ty. Rd. I St. �ul, M�i 55112 �oon Util ities 1530 East Q iff I�c3. Burnsville, M�T 5555337 f�H Q�nstructian 17545 6th St. NE Anoka, MV 55304 �nerican Cor►tracting Corp. 1161 Eagle St. NE doon Rapids, NN 55433 Dawson Constructi�, Inc. 540 Greenhaven Rd. Anoka, M�T 55303 Bonire Excavating, Inc. 12636 Main St. R�gers, M+1 55374 Frattalone Excavating 3066 Spruce St. Littl e Canada :. . 58 5$ 5$ 58 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ Lake Area Utility CAritracting 6995 20th Ave. Augo, M�i 55038 58 -� BID $ 98,358.00 104,265.20 105,317.25 105,833.50 106,089.17 109,955.00 112,975.15 117 ,426 .3 8 123 ,079 .25 i !g'�,TING OF DEC�F1i 16. 1985 Crossings, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Prior Lake, Md 55372 58 Hydroc�n, Inc. Box 129 North Branch, M�I 55056 5$ 125,288.00 205,185:00 ;�eo�nded by ��cilman Goodspeed. Upon a vaioe vate, all voting aye, Mayor l iee declared the matian aarried �u�animously. 1Ir. Flora, Aiblic Works Director, stated 11 bids were received and the law l�id3er was Civil Structures at $98,358.00. He stated staff would recom�►end 1 hey be awarded the �ntract for this project. 1 DTDDN by Councilman Schneider to award the oontract for Water and Sewer :�roject No. 160 to the laa bidder, Civil Structures, in the amount of �98,358.00. Seoonded by Councilman Barrette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting � ye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried iu�animou.sly. 7. ]ESOLUTION NQ. 107 1985 ESTABLISHING THE CIVIC C�NTER CONSTRUCTION �r-�+nUr, muF munt�cFF1z nF 5�5(l 000 FI�M Z'� CAPITAL IMP'ROVEMENP RES�RVA�'ION (F FUNA � CE AND 4250,000 FOR FIXED ASSESSMENr REPLACEMENT FROM TIiE (�IN�AT F[il�m RESERVATION OF FU1�ID BAIANCE • 1 pTD�N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolutian No. 107-1985. Seoonded t y Co�ncilman Schneidex. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye. Mayor Nee c eclared the mation carried iuzanimously. 8. � E90IATION AA. 109-1985 AiTPI�RIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF SERI � S 1985 < ONA9ERICAL DEVELOPMENr REVENUE BUI�IDS ( QOI�L�IBIA PARK PRQPERTIES PROJE(.T) . AI�ID � PPROVING Ti� F(?RM A1�ID AUPI�IRIZII� THE E�CUI.'I01� OF L�IDCE DOC[�IENPS: rr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Council approved a preliminary � esolution fo�r the sale o� these bonds for expansion of the Columbia Park ( linic and parking facilities. He stated this resolution would allaa the�n 1 o sell bonds and obtain the fiaiding. Mr. Qureshi stated, even though they t ave a desire to prooeed with �e fimncing iriternally, they are working on cetailed plans to, hopefully� be ready the early part of the year so <onstructirn can prooeed in the later part of the wnstruction season. r�TD�N by Cb�cilman Goodspeed to ad4pt Resolution No. 109-1985 . Sevonded i y�imcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, al� voting aye, Mayor Nee c eclared the motion carried unanimously. 9. ,� E�QI,UPION 1�. 108-1985 APPRO`LING AND AUTHORIZING SIGNING THE AGREEMENT ��rRr T�� Wp�ING OpI�IDITIONS, h�►GES AAID I�URS OF PC�LICE OFFICERS OF THE (�TY OF FRIDIEY POLICE DEPARZ�NP FOR Tf� YE�1R 1986 ; rr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the � n wages; an increase in insurance i nvestigator pay af $10 per mrnth; an� i raa bao to three hours far afficers �: agreenent pravides for a 4.5$ increase of $10 per month; an increase in l an increase in minitnun oourt time pay aho are required to ap�ear in oourt Q�[1NCII, I+EETIl�IG OF DE�BIIt 16 , 1985 •• � i v� � • � i , a� : � ,u _ •• i. •,� • •� •�• L,�� . . . .�� i_ � � • . I� ' � ' I 1? • � • �i?M _ _� � �_�j_,!yl�l�� _, Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Council approved a prel iminary resolutian for �e sale � these bonds for expansion of the Columbia Park Qinic and parking facilities. 8e stated this resolution would allo�w thezn to sell bonds and obtain the f�ding. Mr. Qureshi stated, even though they have a desire to prooeed with the fir�ancing irYternally, they are working on detailed plans to, hopefully, be ready the early part of the year so vonstruction can prooeed in the later part o� the �nstruction season. NDT�DN by Co�cilman Goodspeed to adopt Resol,ution No. 109-1985. Sevonded by (b�.ncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried ta�animously. 9. RFSOLUTION I�A. 108-1985 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING SIGNING THE AGREEMENT E.��,ISHING WORKING QOI�IDITIONS. in�1GES A1�ID I�URS OF POLICE OFFICERS OF THE CI'TY OF FRIDLEY PULICE DEPAKP[�IJr FOR Tf� YF.AR 1986: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the agreeme.nt prwides for a 4.5$ increase in wages; an increase in insurance of $10 per month; an increase in investigator pay o�f $10 per manth; and an increase in minimun wurt time pay fran two to three hours for off icers who are requi red to appear in court within eic,�t hours of vanpleting their shift beween 3:00 a. m. and 9:00 a. m. rDTD�N by Cotmcilman Fitzpatriek to adopt Resolutian No. 108-1985. Sec�onded by C�Lmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. QO�JSIDERATION OF 1986 ADTIMAL QONPROL C�OIJPRACT: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated proposals were received for the 1986 animal oontrol v�ntract. Zt�ree ather proposals were sub�nitted, along with the rne fran I�,PSI, the City's present �ritractor for these servives. Mr. Qureshi stated there is a recommendati on f rom the Publ ic Saf ety Director, Jim Hill, that the City c�ontinue the o�ntract with I�PSI. M�TIDA] by Councilman Schr�eider to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract with the Minnesota Animal Patrol Services, Inc. (I�PSI) for animal control services for 1986. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mvtion carried �animously. 11. RE90LUTION N0. 110-1985 AV�i2DING TI� SAI� OF $11.550.000 VARIABLE RATE DEM A1�ID GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX IAICREMENr BONDS: AND — 10 — ���,. � lal 1�1�� � ' I,yM_�YI��1' ('�"`'SIDERATION OF P�GREII� WITH MILLER & 9CHImIDER: llr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this is a combination of the increment ! onds that will be sold for projects already constructed or the ones for � hic.h the HRA has entered into an agreenent. He stated it would provide i�ds for the Lundgren p�oject at Mississippi and University Avenues and the 3ake Fbint project on the site � the 100 Tain Drive-In pcoperty. 1 DTIDN by Cotuicilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 110-1985. Sewnded 1 y Go�mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee � leclared the motion aarried imanimously. 1r. Casserly, represer�ting Miller & Schroeder, stated on this bond issue, hey will be tr�e inderwriters and not the financial advisor and two fees annot be charged. Mr. C�sserly stated in a normal general daligation bond .ssue, the disaount paid for persons who sell the bonds runs k,ietween 1.8 to !$ of the bond issue. He stated, on this kind of bond issue, because o� its musual nature, there are r�ot a lot o� sales invalved and, as a result, the :ee for �e variable rate bond issue is approximately 18. +Ir. (',asserly stated, in the Weir project (Lake Point, 100 �ain Drive-In ?roperty) , they will be paying the fees and is part of the developer's v�st. 3e stated the only other fees that would exist, and they would be fairly �nall, might be for advising or a series of analysis such as for the ��mdgren project. He stated those fees are ori an hourly basis and there are idequate anounts in the bond issue to a�ver such fees. yr. Casserly stated the payment to the bank prwiding the letter of credit is 3/8 af a p�irit. He stated it is an annual fee and the first year fee c�n �e paid out � the bond prooeeds. He stated, in this case, the ulderwriters nave had a oo�msel to help prepare the o�ficial statemem. He stated there aould be a fee far printing the bonds and before they are placed, there aould be a total breakdown of all oosts for which he is estimating between 2 to 2-1/2$ . NpT�pN by Co�mcilman Sc�neider to authorize the execution of the disclosure letter with Miller & Schroeder. Seo�nded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sid Inman� representing Mr. Weir, stated Mr. Weir was inable to be here this evening, hc�wever, he wished to c�nvey to Council that he warited to mc�ve ahead with �e desicF► of the intersection and getting the special use pern►it on the agenda. He stated Mr. Weir has begun the engineering process and wished to �ntinue at his awn risk. Mr. Lman stated Mr. Weir also wished to express his thanks to the staff and Coimcil for their vonsideration of these issues. - 11 - •• J� �I �I 1� �� �?M�i,�l:_�1; . 12. RF�90LtTrION I�A. 111-1985 Ai�1RDING THE SAI�E OF 53.100,000 VARIABLE RATE DEMAAID IMPROVEME� BO1�IDS: PDT�DN by Cotmcilman Schr�eider to adopt Resolution No. 111-1985. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. 13. R�I�TI'ION PA. 112-1985 TO GRA1Jr Tf� CITY MAI�IGER ALrTI�JRITY TO ALTrI�RI ZE A N 14[;�'►�r' OF itE00� FOR PROPF,RZ7 CAS[�►LTY INS[JRANCE SERVICES: Mr. Bill Hunt introduced Dr. Andrew Whitman, oonsultant for the City's insuranoe. . Dr. Whitinan stated he was required by the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to make it clear he was in � way representing the University of Minnesota. Dr. Whitman stated he was retained as a consultant to the City for risk manage�nent and renewal o� property-casualty insuranoe. He stated the City's currer�t o�ntract for these services will expire the end of this year and bids have been reveived f ran three �mpanies to be o�nsidered as the Ci ty' s agent for �e next three years. �e three oanpanies who sulxnitted bids were First Insurance Valley View in Bloo�nington, Minnesota; Maquire Agency, Inc., St. A�ul, Minnesota; and T. C. F'ield and Company, St. P�ul, Mirnesota. Dr. Whitman and the City staff had reooannended that T. C. Field and Compariy, St. �ul, Minnesota be desic�ated as agent of revord for risk management and insuranoe servioes for the City. l�yor Nee asked if this a�verage was equivalent to what they reoeived in the previous three year cvntract. Dr. Whitman stated the �verage would be the same. M�TION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 112-1985. Sec�nded tyy Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. � 14. QONSIDERATION OF A POLICY RDGARDING UMBRELIA OOVERAGE BEYOAID L�GAL LIMITS OF LIABILITY: Dr. Andrew Whitman, the City's insurance consultant, reviewed umbrella insuranoe ooverage beyond the legal luaits of liability. Dr. Whitman stated, a�rding to Minnesota Statutes, the City's liability fo� torts is limited to $200,000 per claimant and $600,000 per occurence. 7he question is if the City wishes �verage above these limits by purchasing unbrella v�verage. He stated they have a quote of $61,000 for $1,000,000 in - 12 - •. i.. r �i��,+�1.. �;- �,�.«�tii: a+• :�LI� xcess of primary policies. �r. Whitman stated, even if this umbrella was purrhased, the City - should be ware � some maj or expo sures whi ch ar e not i ncl ude d. He st a ted some of i.hese exposures are p�llution or clean-up from any pollutants, :liscrimir�ation, violation of civil liberties, liquor liability, and child r�alestation. l�. Whitman stated, therefore, there woulch't be oanplete �verage �� with i he unbrella. ]�r. Whitman stated the Co�cil vould decide not to purchase the unbrella now ��nc3 the broker would �oninue to look for a market that will come up with a i �ore reasonable preniva and a policy braader in soope. � btmcilman Schneider asked if the City has had any claims where they thought � hey may have to u.se the unbrella �verage. Dr. Whitman stated the CitY has � �ot even awne cl ose . llr. Herrick, City Attorney, asked if the City didn't have supplemental ��verage in the past. Dr. Whitman stated it is in force now and is the :�lioe professia�al liability oaverage. He stated this will only cover in + �reas of lana enforoe�ne.nt activities. 1r. Herrick stated it eeens if there are areas where the City is u'i-insured, he �uncil and all departmerit heacls should be well ae�►are of theae facts. �r. Whitman stated he reviewed the p�licies the City had before and hasn't `ound any p�licies that were braader �an the League's. 4r. Herrick stated it was explained, when the polioe professional insurance ��as taken out, it would oover the Gouncil and City Attorryey on civil rights ases. He stated that was several year ago and whether the coverage has �een less aver the years, he di�'t knaw. h. Whitman stated the ooverage the City had under the police professional lnsuranoe is restrictive to areas of laaa enforoement activity. �. Herrick stated he thinks the oonoern is if some things can't be c�vered, �ffirnnative steps should be taken to protect the individuals who might be ,nvalved. Dr. Whitinan stated Minnesota Statues which include the $600,000 Limits als� refer to punitive c3aauages and includes the mandate to indemnify. �r. Qureshi, City Manager, felt the questian is if �e City should seek an �nbrella whic� really doesn't give the needed ooverage. �. Bill Hunt stated Dr. Whitman's final report will include a list of �averages inder �e previous poiiQes ana wr�t wo�a � oovered in 1986. He �ated they are making arran9e�nents with the agent to provide training for -13- / �.��. ��i / • � � M �+�I: �1' risk managemerit to minimize exposure for areas that aren't vovered. M�TION by Councilman Barnette to table this item pending receipt of additional informatio�. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. .•1 n � • • � i• • � � • � • • • : � �� � Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Council had apprwed a proposal for an englayee separation berefit plan. He stated it was the ir�ent to include a provision in the plan for enployees not nearing retirenent. He stated, up�n further investigatian, it was found Minnesota Statues forbids cities to oontribute to such a deferred oanpensatiaz plan. Mr. Qureshi stated, sinoe the approach first proposed cannot be pursued, this modified plan is presented which would pravide a separation benefit of fran $2,000 to $4,000 for englvyees hired prior to January 1, 1986 who have ten years or more of servioe with the City. HDTD�N by C;otmcilman Schhr�eider to appro�ve this modified separation benefit plan for long-term enployees. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declard the motion carried unanimously. 16 . QQNA'IUNICATIONS • REQUEST FROM FRIDLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE; REQUEST FROM FRIDLEY ROTARY CLUB FOR TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LIC.E�ISE • AND CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDII�INCE AMEI�IDING CHAPTER 603 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTIONS 603.05.10 AND 603.24; RENUMBERING EXISTING SECPION 603.23 A1�ID FUrHER ANIEI�IDING SECTION 11.10 OF CHAPTER 11. Mr. Duane Prairie, representing the Rotary C1ub; Mr. DeWayne Schleiss, represeriting the Q�anber o� Comnerce; and Mr. Bob Cook, representing the Lions Qub, appeared before the Coimcil relative to the Lions Club obtainng a tenp�rary on-sal e 1 iquor 1 ioense to serve 1 iquor at di nne r ev ent s whi ch will be sponsored by the Rotazy Qub and ChaQnber � Comneroe. Mr. Herrick, (�ty Attorney, stated the State statute gives the City the authority to issue a temporary license to a charitable organization in oonnectian with a s�cial event when it is sponsored by the licensee. He stated, in these cases, the Lians C1ub is not sponsoring the events. He felt the lioense �uld not be issued without adopting an ordinance. He stated the requirenents are that the applicant be a group, charitable or religious, or ather non-profit organization an3 be in existence for three years. He stated the Coimcil may get other requests, if such an ordinance -14- ��� M� M��I�M��_ ��' �1:r,M�yti �i' _ •�� I s enacted, however, there is the option to repeal it if it gets out of ��nd. � r. Iierrick stated an ordinanoe has been prepared and Council could have '.irst reading, if �ey wished. �� �TION by Councilman Fitzgatrick to waive the reading and approve the c�dir�anoe u�on fizst reading. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried u �animously. 17 . � PPOIIai'l�IJP: CITY EMPIAYEE: r�TD�N by Coimcilman Bar�ette to v�neur with the following appointment by t ae City Manager: r !� posa� 7 eresa C. Shields Secretary 7 599 University Ave. Public Works F ridley, MV 55432 S7�1RTIl�1G STAKPING SAL,ARY DiA2'E $1,250 Deaember 11 I�r 1985 M�nth REPi,A� Jean Ottensman �=oonded by G1o�mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor D ee declared the matian carried iu�animously. 18. S � r�TION by Councilman Barnette to authorize gayment of Claims No. 5755 tarough 5936. Seoonded by Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all � oting aye, I�yor Nee declared the mation aarried unanimously• 19. � ICaISES: r)TI�pN by Co�mcilman Sc�u�eider t�o apprave the lioenses as submitted and as c n file in the Liaense Qerk's Offive. Sev�nded by O��mcilman Fitzpatrick. t pon a voioe vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried c zanimously. 20. E �i'IMAT'ES: r�TION by C;o�cilman Fitzpatrick to apprwe the estimates as submitted: E errick & Newman, P.A. 6 279 University Avenue N.E. E ridley, IrN 55432 For Legal Servives Rendered as Ci.ty Prosecutor for the Month a� Ncyvenber, 1985 . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,892.05 -15- ���� _ ia� � � •- � a«a+ ic �• 9nith, Juster, i�ikema, Melmon & Haskvitz 1000 IIa6 denter Minneapolis, Md 55402 For Legal Servioes Rendered as City Prosecutor for the Moirth of Septenber, 1985 ....... For Legal Servioes Rendered as City Prosecvtor for �e Month a� October, 1985 . . . . . . . . Irbnette Constructio�n Co�npany 2050 White Bear Aven� St. I�ul, M�l 55109 FINAL ESTII�TE . . . . . . . . . Polioe Garage & Storage Facility D.H. Blattner & Sons • 1 South Wabasha Navy Island St. Aaul, Md 55107 . . $ 5,401.77 . . $ 7,087.50 . . . . . . . . . $ 2,500.00 M�oore Lake Restoration Project - Phase 11 Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,344.25 Bonire Excavating, Inc. I2636 Main Street Rogers, NN 55374 Water & Sewer Profect No. 156 Partial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,408.94 Seo�nded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried tuzanimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff wants to make svre fihere is adequate protectian on the police garage and storage facility, and this would be checked with �e City Attorney's Office, before final payment is made to Nbryette �nstruction ComFany. ADJOUii�1MEl�Tr: 1�JTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by ��mcilman Barrette. Up�n a voioe vote, all vo�ting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried �ulanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fricll.ey City �uncil � Deoember 16, 1985 adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carole Haddad, Sec.y. to the City CA�mcil Approved: - 16 - Will iaQn J. Nee Mayor PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Not ce is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of �he City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Ionday, January 6, 1986 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation reqest, SAV #85-06, by John B. Pollard, to vacate the unused Johnson Street dedication lying north of Skywood Lane and south of I-694. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the abo�e stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: December 23, 1985 December 30, 1985 1 � pIqECTOAATE � O!� � pue��c �voRKs f CITYOI� • MEMO�iANOUM frz,��e r . � T0: FROM: Nasim Qureshi John Q. Flora,' Director of Public Yorka SUBJECT: Johnson Street Yacation - SAV #85-06 DATE: December 18� 1985 PN85-380 , o °o .� �Qo =�� .� �_-_ � In 1970, the City vacated the southerly halt of Johnson Street south of Skywood Lane, although the entire portion Was requeated. Subsequent to Ordinance #449, the City obtained a utility easement for the easterly 23 feet of the vacated portion. In 1976, the City vacated the remaining poction of Johnsoa Street between Skyr+ood Lane and 53r'd Avenue bq Ordinace �612. At that time� ae retained a 20 feet utility easement along the eastera portion. The City has a water line running from our high level reservoir to the north side of I-694 cutting diagoaally acrosa Johnson Street Detxeea SkyWOOd Lane and I-694• Accordingly, if the Council decidea to vacate Johnson Street per Yaeation RequeaL SAV #85-06, recommend the City re�sin a utility easement for the entire portion. , JGF/ta It�G C01�4ISSION MEETIN6. DECEMBER 4. 1985 PAGE 7 . Oquist stated that if for sone reason development of the other phases �i not happen, this property could become landlocked. M�,vbe they should �dd stipulation that says access easement should be �rovid ed from Mississippi �f al ther phases fail in order to prevent Lfiis deve opaient from beca�inq ' andlock . 1B !r. Robinsorl�stated that was a good point. Two options exist. One would provide a:cess throuqh��he liquor store, another Nould provide access west of the shopping c:nter, Mr. Sab�asked if there was a park fee associated with this development. �r. Robinson stated���hat based on square footage, the park fee would be : .2.760. � Ilr. Saba stated that di\�pt sound like a very Targe park fee for the s-ize of ihis development and the n�ber of people who will require more park space. Iir. Camp had expressed a valid concern that maybe more park space or playgro�d +quipment will have to be adde because af more people being added to the area. Ilr. Carnp stated the ar�ount of 52,7 for a park fee seened like an infinitesimal +mount of noney for 119 residential its. He stated Mr. Charles Cook has a �5-lot plat. Mr. Cook's park dedicati fee will be around S45,000 for 45 hames. "here Was definitely sonething wrong, anti,maybe the City should be figuring •he park fee on a different basis, so therb`uas nore equitable.fees. �s. Gabel stated she could understand what Mr��CooK aas saying; however� the �ity Council was the body that establishes the p�rk fees. �'O"'IGY! BY �sR. MII7TON, SECGVlDED BY MR. KONDRICK, :'O �R�CONMEND TO CITY CnUNCIL �,PPROV.iL OF I�OT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. N85-08, BY LOU LUIV�GRE!1, TO SPLIT OFF THE :'OUTXERLY 190 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK I, SYLVAN ftILLS ?LAT�7 AAD TNE SOUTH�RLY .90 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, SYLVAN NILLS PLAT 6 FOR PROPOS�D DEVELOPMEI�T, TXE :'Al�f� BEIflG� 248 FlISSISSIPPI STREET N.E. AIVD 714 MISSISSIPPZ 'S�'REET N.E., ilITH "XE F1�LLOWINC STIPUTATIONS: � I. THE LOT SPLIT BE CONTINCENT UPON SUCCESSFUL 11CQUISITI� OF PROPERTY BY TNE HRA. .` ?. IF NECESSARY, AH ACCESS EaSEHENT FROI! tfISSISSIPPI BE PROVIDED TO THE APARTMENT COI�lPLEX. L � iPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TNE IyOTIO�J i ARRIED UNANIl10USLY. 4. 'ACATIOt� REQUEST: SAV #�85-06, BY JOHt� G. POLLARD: ' ''acate t e unuse -3o nson Street e ication Ty n� g north of Skvwood Lane ; �nd south of I-694. Ilr. Robinson stated the utilities have been notified of this vacation request, _ �nd NSf',Northwestern Bell, and Storer Cable are requesting a utilit.� easement ►e maintained on the easterly l0 ft. af the property. 1 C� PLANP I��G C�1t1ISSI0N MEETING, DECEMBER 4, 1985 PAGE 8 !r. John Pollard stated he has maintained this property for many years. so he is petitioning to hare this property revert back to his lot so he.can do what- Ever is needed to get the property back into shape. � � 7TIOV BY MR. OQUIST, SECOt�DED BY MR. WELLAtI, 1�0 RECOJ�l1fEND Z�O CITY GIDUNCIL A?PROVAL OF VACATIAN REQUEST, SAV N85-06, BY JOHN POLLARD TO VACATE THE UNUSF.D J �11NSON STREET DEDICATION LYING NORTH OF SKl'WIDOD LANE 1WD SOUTH OF I-690, F LTN THE STIPULATION TXAT J1 10 FT. UTILITY EASENENT BE NAINT1lINED ON THE E�STERLY PORTION OF TXE PROPERTY. L?ON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION C 9RRIED UNANIIMOUSLY. � V4�ATIUt� RE UEST: SAV �85-07 EY CHARLES S. COOK: � ��.��iacate t e rainage an uti i'T'�Ly easenent over� across and through the west 5 f�et and the north 5 feet of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 3, Riverwood Manor. N�.�inson stated tF�e location of this lot split was just north of 71st tlay a�d westi,of East River Road. It was part of the Riverwood School Plat. After tie plat,`_.it was discovered there were some existing utilities over lot 1 and L�t 2, �l0 3. The utility conpanies have no problen with the lot split, and S:aff would�,cor.unend its approval. 1N 7_"IO:� BY NR. SA SF.COtIDED BY PlR. MIN'!'ON, TO RECOlf!•fEND TO CITY COUNCIL A�PROVAL OF VACATI REQUEST, SAV N85-07, BY CXARLES S. COOK, TO VACATE TIIF. L 2AINAGE AllD UTILITY El•fENT OYER, ACROSS Ai�D TNROUGH THE WEST FIVE FEET AND ?�T NORa^N FIVE FEET OF 1 AND LOT 2, BLOCK 3, RIVERWOOD MANOR. U'ON 11 VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTj'lI�G AYE, CXA:RPERSOt' GABEL DECLARED TIJE 1lOTION C4RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 6. R:CEIVE NOYEt18ER 5, 1985, ENERGY H YI'IO.'1 BY MR . SABA , SECONDED BY NR . E 1ERGY COHMI "_'TEE HINUTES. TTEE MI��UTES: U�Ol� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAI C 4RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. TON, :'O RECEYVE THE NOV. 5, 1985, 7. R:CEIVE NOVEt46ER 7. 1985, NUMAN RESOURCES COt4t4I GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION MINUTES: M r!'ION BY MR. PfIN'!'QN, SECOIJDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEI TXE NOV. 7, 2985, A1NAN RESOURCES COHMISSION NIHUTES. U'GY� A VOZCE wTE, ALL VOTING 11YE, CXAIRPERSON GABEL DEC TXE HOTION C IRRIED UNANIPlOUSLY. _ . M�. Minion stated the t4i�nesota flepartnent of Hue►an Rigfits (MDHRj`�ould like t�e City of Fridley to formally adopt a 4lorksharing Agreenent. Bas�,cally, the A�reenent sai d the City would agree to vol untari ly help the MDHR thro�gh the N�-Fault 6rievance Counittee. Once the Agreenent is approved, they woul.d have t� have people trained before the Agreenent would 5ecome effective. The Ffunan A�sources Cammission had made a motion to fon�rard this Agreement on to the �` Planning Cor.nission and City Council for approval. ` J 1 „ -. . . . ... r-yJ . ._. ... �. .. ..�. . . . _ . ... . - - - 1 — . bs� 1 � ' �;v ��� s� '�' _ , �. � �= ss� � ss� o a� � ” s6 � . , -- _ SS/ b �• 4 > - - . SS �� 65! 4 �� - � , . aae► ��t: 'a � '' as� �' ' tt 61 ��e� a Q'/ �/ �l�l ► sa�3 �s/�oo _ �, ��� 9 + � �+� � •+ � w i r ��'�r � �►w- _ �+r ' vw i 7rii' SYN� ,�;0� � � � �, _ _ : �; i t � � .._:,�.... � , K .. s�rod-_ s� ,r �« � .► �z •;�t 8 � � , i`o � � 8 0 ..i� ,s., � �. �.� , '� �` �� ,�� L K� ,�, a o sr� �� N.�... �� ,, _ ,� y:.� � ��� i 3 E/G� 1 � I �%�1���e�w7l�%�.�Yf V�}�/ .�� t ' � rq %� ��� L � � f� % � __�if —. �� '` ,� . � s �t *�" �r.�� �'� . ' �t343 � • ; .n. ''.•' � 9 1411 � . ���5 13 6 6 , t�,r�,� a � /4�t / 5`�AD � f'f'!I � � .r � H1��: __ .. H/� - �'' ,,s � °1. � � � � ) �RO � .� �:.a '� � f �... -- A ; -"��- ��,. , i s � � /4e� z "� '°� • ;, ���,r �.�r• _ - _ _ • � � �/ � �t/ =' � ' _ - _. _ . _ - . . M;,� . �*a a '' .� ;,t,,� �'-� ,� ' - ' � �r ��Ip' � ` �il� . .� , . � . . 7� b. �g4 . � �� � � . '� � �' ' � 4} :, � ; .�1 ,. :, �.,�,� �r :E--: �-� �_ - � , .�,� �M+ � �� � HI � _ - �. � � ~ �W4Y r � �� � � ;'�,�� John B. Pollard 3�= 133�� '� � ; '- . SAV #85-Ob � �` . �I "' / � ,�7 • I w � r 4 � `�'��� _ I ` � �� s � � � ,� �' , � i � -�� , URT ; c,, c � � " � � �- -_ 4 t 1 `✓V /� ♦� f �,., r� ~�•- � � '_-_ L T ��. '�' � � s � � ,r , � � 53�r � ,,,'�� ' � . r 'S3S3 • �.,.ra y .,., )i 1337 �3'��+ 1361 ; r3�S ��7! �31 l3 / '`8 � � uC 5343 d. Y r• � � r " . '---. _ sKY1 r :,.. ,�� _ S .� �:.� � ; :�s�o - --_ OOD LANE �t�r;-�� ��-�- :� -. ` � t. ; -� - -_ -.r .• � .. `..•. ,,,_ 4 s7 �� �+ ' 3� i I �sg'��i ia�j l3� l3fb' , ' �� �i; .•*��,::•,,�'�`:I . �j � � � .,,�' .' • � , ` � � � / O ' o S�j �.:� `�'saa3 �s� ; , � � _� _.� _-�__•_- � �y = z � ` �� •��ts3 �, � i1c E iti� (. 3 .ra� �'��j ,..,1 +� , a , � R ? '_ • �� .r � .,� ��.�. K - � - � -�- 'r- .�� z � �„3 j, q ��? � f ,�� ;,,�,,,�� /, w a5�vr : � . ; � . . �'� ♦ r O -� � fw� � , �'� - �'f+•- 3 --� -- � y' _.rut____. °• �� �l/ f4�� �w,�� � •s�t�) '„�'u'r �s--� � •�� «� Sz�� j �"rM � •�� � ' �, »� � M �� f J ~ ,I I �� .. .. ' I�.���_ � ~ . � -� . ♦ _ - - .._ d �� - .. . � •� . " . .r+• � . ' ��1 _ , 'r . a.�, ' . -� .. :..� :.. ..,... � �. .. .. . �.r' . •.. , # L.�.r , � -. � . . . . � . RESPONSES FROM UTILITY COMPANIES FOR SAV �85-06 AND SAV �85-07 NSP - Larry Benson SAV �85-06 - Retain easterly 10' for joint NSP, Northwestern Bell and CATV - overhead line. SAV �85-07 - No objections. Northwestern Bell - J. L. Thistle See attached l etter. '�S AM c.` q � f�J f� Minregasco - William Schram SAV #85-06 - No objections. SAV #85-07 - No objections. Storer Cable - Keith Hennek SAV N85-06 - Retain easterly 10' for joint NSP, Northwestern Bell and CATV overhead line. SAV #85-07 - No objection, 0 1E 0 1F No�thwestem Bell 6540 Shingle Creek Parkway Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 December 2, 1985 City of Fridley Planning Department 6431 University Ave., N.E. Fridley, Mn., 55432 Dear Planning Department: This letter is in regards to your vacation requests SAV #85-06 and SAV #85-07. SAV #85-06 vacating the unused Johnson Street dedication north of Skywood Lane. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company currently is joint use with NSP and CATV on a pole line located on the east side of this dedication. Maintaining easement is requested. SAV #85-07 vacating drainage and utility ease+nent at Lot 1, Block 3, Riverwood Manor. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company is clear in this easement. Sincerely, . L. Thistle Engineer Qistribution 566-7530 MAILING LIST SAV #85-06 Joh� B. Pollard Joh! B. Pollard 138 Skywood Lane N.E. Fri� 1ey, MN 5542T Tho� ias R. A1 bers 139► Skywood Lane N.E. Fri Iley, MN 5542T Cla•ence Engebretson 537� Matterhorn Drive Frilley, MN 55421 A. ,. Niemi 536i Matterhorn Drive Fri 11 ey, MN 55421 Rob �rt J. Oul icky 533' Matterhorn Drive Fri iley, MN 55421 1G City Council 12/18/85 ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE ONDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTSR TO VACATS STREET3 AND ALLEYS AND TO AIrIl�ND APPENDIY C OF THS CITY CODE City Council oP the City oP Fridleq does ordain as follows: SEC'ION 1. For the vacation of a drainage and utility easement deseribed as follows: Vacate the drainage and utility easement over, across and through the west 5 feet of Lot 1. All lying in the south halP of section 10, T-30, R-2�1, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. � Be and is hereby vacated. SECT ION 2. �e said vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City code shall be so amended. PASS:D AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1985 ATTE �T: RICH �RD D. PRIBYL - ACTING CITY CLERK � Publ ,e Hearing: 12/16/85 Firs Reading: 12/16/85 Seco: �d Reading: Publ: cation: WII.LIAM J. NEE - MAYOR z �� - , ,. � ���d,} �, � -_ „ . :, � ,, . � �r y SU/jd�y�Slp , _ �,�� �� � No 7 7 -_ _� �9 � S �—, �. � � ". -- , . � . _. . _ � . �l —�_ 1 '1 ; �_–� —�,�---_ SAV #85-01 Charles Cook � Sca le !' IOp � � Dr?�t,S Manc�c+# _ __� . �G�, o,�r:��,, � � -� - _ � � �C(' ~ � ���/1 {o� 1� �?�'r � I�� j ��. �` � l/IJ�IV�S��'1 1'O ' c�'�•�, , � � �� �, �!`' — . .� , -, - � � � � '1. � _ _ �a;� . __ _ _ _ --- �' � 315. 6 4 - � �•I � S , � ,� 1 � �H.7 `'. ' , - . -� • � , , , � s �Mqc�C F4S��nMj�� , `,�,' � . �, � ,-�. =, ,,',�,,� �LO�I:�r TI-(1ZL'l. � , � ° � r ' `� � :op ` ". ''J Q` i d,� � .z � . � � 1 � , � �n � �C � � nt -� � �7 `�l'�„�\l'u i��,i,t�r5 �uhJ�u►.�u�t No � 5 rb � a � 77 �v o'�Io�os'aa.. QNro � , S `3 73 -- � -- -- �o.o �ctia �.�a a�t� �� 1�, � I 6 / g �^i �2' '_.'t C'-� 7 � 0 '>M _ � � 216 27 � � ?.z � 7m: "� ,—.,r � �� -' . ` p i ,. . / o T'�`�.' Sov�h�u�l '�0' fj�r 9� — - 4/ � 5 1 �'1 � Yo �''� ' .. � �, R. e � �� �'a � `` �`7 �? 5 I P 15 � r�, SB � v/ 0 66 e�„ o^� ez �� 5 , ��,,.2 �� �, .,� ,� � Re�i�ed �ud►���, ��•��,ti: �� � ! � � � ��),l � � , Yf��/ '9Bi L ^ `� � I W V � N� R. 30of 9'X � a� � � S � l.� �o.o�j � °� . � ` , O p ^ ^ � , / %� � I ~ ' � �` � ` � T" t O 1 � f ', , � i . / j —� _ o � Q r a �� �� � ., _ 1 i Z Z • � � y � I ! Y� � �. c ���H�� : �t:��,��,,t �. � . _t_ PT� -- i_ 67. 5 _ 87.5_-, ,__S74 � 87.y I;C � o-;�� ._- — J. , , _ � � �: /: � ., , _ e_ � �,. . 1��v��c�1 (luc i?or�S �vhc��v,��on No T7 � ' � M 7 t ^ � , 1 ' ' ' � � r - � . � . �` � � .. UTILITY VACATION MA� ORDINANCB N0. AN ORDINANCB RECODIFYING THE FRIDL$Y CITY CODB� CHdPTER 603, ENTITLED ■INTO%ICATING LIQUOR• BY ADDING SECTIONS 603.05 (10) Al�m 603.23� AND RENIII�ERING THE PRESENT 603.23 TO 603.24� AND FtJRTHER AMLNDING CHAPTER 11, ENTITLED "FEES" The City Couneil oP the City oP Fridley does hereby ordain as follows: 603 05 FEES 10. Where approval has been granted as provided by tbis Chapter, Por the tra �sfer of a license from person to person and Where the successor licensee has paid the fee for the balance of the license year, then the transferring lic��,nse holder shall have refunded to it on a pro-rata basis, that portion of the license fee Which represents the unused portion of the license year. How:ver, this provision does not prevent the City from charging to the suc;essor license holder an additional investigation fee as provided in See.ion 603.05.10. 603 23 TEMPORARY LICENSES 1. The City is hereby authorized to issue a temporary on-sale intoxica ting liq�or "license" to any club, eharitable, religious, or other non-profit org:.nization which has its principal location within the City of Fridley and whi .h has been in existence for a period of not less than three (3) years at the time of making application for this license. This temporary on-sale int��xicating liquor license shall only be issued for a social event occurring witlin the City limits and which is beirig sponsored by the licensee. 2. The license shall be for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive day,�and no more than two licenses may be issued to the same organization With the same calendar year. 3. The license may authorize the on-sale of intoxicating liquor on premises oth�r than premises which the licensee owns or permanently oecupies. Further, the licensee may contract for intoxicating liquor catering serv ices w ith the hol� er of a full year, on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued under the con�itions of this Chapter. �. Exeept in those instances where the license holder contracts for the cat� ring of liquor services as provided in paragraph 3 above, the licenaee sha 1 meet the requirements of Section 603.16. 3 PagE 2 - Ordinance No. 5. Application for this temporarq license must be made in duplicate on the fora as prepared by the Minnesota Department oP Public Safety, Liquor Control _ Div� sion. The original oP this application shall be forWarded by the City Clei k to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Liquor Control Diviaion. The copy oP this application shall be retained by the City. This application must be made at least thirty (30) days prior to its requested date. This lic� nse shall not be effeetive unless approved by both the Minnesota Comnissioner of Puhlic Safety and the Fridley City Council. 6. The annual license fee shall be provided in Chapter 11 of this code. CHAiTER 11 GENERAL PROqISIONS AND FEE3 Section 11.10, Fees; is amended to include the following additional license. 603 TEMPORARY INTOXICATING LIQUOR ON-SALE LIGENSE �120.00 � PAS:ED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF•• , 19 85 ATTE ST: SHIFLEY A. EAAPALA - CITY CLERR Fir:t Reading: 12/16/85 Secc nd Reading: Publication: 0 WiLLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 3A MII�iO T0: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CHANGES IN INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR 1986 DATE: JANUARY 3, 1986 The following changes in insurance coverage for the City of Fridley are presented for your information and general background for discussion: 1. The Umbrella Liability Policy ($1,000,000 limit/ $10,000 retention) has not been purchased because of gaps in coverage and a premium of $61,000. In 1985 the premium for an umbrella policy with a$3,000,000 was $7,900. 2. Law Enforcement Liabilitq coverage has been purchased from Imperial Casualty Company for a premium of $10,483, and the law enforcement liability coverage has been deleted from the League of Minnesota.Cities liability package for a premium reduction of approximately $25,000. Council members and employees of the City are included as insureds. However, independent contractors such as the City Attorney are not included as insureds. 3. Public Officials Liability coverage has been purchased from the League of Minnesota Cities for 1986. Again, all city employees, including Councilmembers, are designated as insureds but not independent contractors. 0 4 .� .� , � �'� �� �� � � `� f � � � ��. , /�8.y� LMC EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE EXCLUSIONS AS APPLIED TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEY T}e following statements are based on a review of "sample pclicies" and discussions with LMCIT underwriters and should nct be relied upon as indication of coverage under actual pclicies to be issued. Partial List of Exclusions 1. Pollution or cleanup 2. Discrimination, violation of constitutional rights 3. Disability, shock, mental anguish or mental injury (with no bodily injury) 4. Liquor liability � S. Child molestation 6. Utility - including water supply 7. Police professional for wrongful service of papers (other coverages are applied to law enforcement personnel) I Coverage The excess liability policy offers coverage for damages � ani expenses by reason of liability "(a) imposed by law, or" "(b) assumed under any contract" be :ause of personal injury property damage, or advertising liability frrm an occurrence which takes place during the policy pe •iod. �: ���: c _ (c) Employee benefits liability - follows the underlying fo •m Policy Limits: Limits apply excess of underlying coverage limits, per oc�.urrence to claims paid and defense costs except an annual ag;;regate limit applies to (1) products - completed op��rations, (2) occupational diseases of employees or (3) pr��fessional liability. First Dollar Defense coverage is provided after retention of �10,000, if covered by this policy, but not covered by the Page 1 �. uiderlying insurance. 4B I[ Standard Excess Liability Coverage Exclusions: 1. Workers' compensation or unemployment compensation 1 �w. 2. Employee sued by another employee, unless covered by u:�derlying policy. * 3. Aircraft liability. 4. Watercraft over SO feet and away from premises. S. Advertising liability from failure to perform, p��rsonal injury, property damage, trademarks or incorrect d��scriptions or incorrect price. 6. Damage to insured's products or premises transferred, o� work performed by the insured, property owned by the i� �sured. 7. War. 8. Loss of use of tangible property not physically i� jured from: 1) delay or lack of performance 2) failure of products or work performed unless sudden and accidental and after it is put to use. 9. To no fault auto, medical or economic loss, uninsured o; under insured motorist law. * Fridley has no owned exposure. I:I Additional Exclusions: 1. Mob action, riot or civil commotion or prevention or sippression thereof. 2. Inverse condemnations. * 3. Failure to supply water or electricity or gas. ;' 4. Injury to volunteer firemen. * Fridley has water exposures •' Fridley has exposure . Page 2 C�verage does not apply unless the underlying policy covers t ie following: I c in�� underlying - 1. X C� U hazards 2. Personal injury: H;.s underlying a. False arrest, detention or c��verage imprisonment, malicious prosecution or (no under- lying coverage), humiliation. H�s underlying b. Libel, slander, defamation ccverage (not) violation of the right of privacy. H�s underlying c. Wrongful entry, or eviction or ccverage other invasion of right of private occupancy. Nc coverage * d. Discrimination - subject to interpretation. Nc coverage * e. Disability, shock, mental anguish or mental injury. * Defense coverage may be obtainable. Fr �dley-no land fi :ls; has oil re- cy :1 ing, sewage �, ot ier 3. From streets, sidewalks, culverts or bridges. 4. Any professional services. 5. Assumed under any contract or agreement. 6. Pollution or cleanup. Ha: off-sale ex- 7. Liquor law liability. po ;ure No covered in 8. Ambulance drivers' and attendants' pr mary malpractice. No� covered except sm;.11 boats 9. Watercraft liability. No coverage 10. Aircraft liability. No coverage 11. Police professional liability. 12. Auto liability. 13. Dams and/or dikes are excluded entirely. Page 3 �C Nc coverage 4D 14. Real property in the insured's care, custody and control is excluded. Nc hospital 15. Medical malpractice and professional Nc nursing home services exclusion. �4 4E What Coverage Beyond the LMCIT Primary Liability Policy Is Provided By Imperial Casualty's Law Enforcement Professional Liability Insurance Assuming a city has the LMCIT's primary general liability ccverage for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage plus public officials' coverage with law enforcement personnel as insureds, the following appear to be the only acditional coverages offered by the Imperial Casualty Law Erforcement Professional Liability policy: � 1. Erroneous service of civil papers. _. 2. Discrimination (the LDiCIT provides some defense coverage). 3. Mental anguish. 4. Violation of constitutional rights (the LMCIT provides some defense coverage). Otherwise the policy seems to duplicate the primary ccverage for —Bod—i��lY -I��n�"�ur er�t�a_ ma�e and �� � This policy is excess over other available insurance. 0 Page 5 5 .��.. 1�:�; : !� �.' MYII ��.Il� M� ' �� ��t�4v s,�►-. 1986 MAYUF PRO �1 1985 Represeritative: Co�cilman Dennis Schneider 1996 A�ointee ANOI� 4'XTNTY LAW IIJ�OR�I�1'P aX1NCII, (1 Representative an�d 1 Alternate) Co�mcilman Schneider, Repr. 12-31-86 Coimc ilman Barr�ette, Alt. 12-31-86 �JBUF BAN RATE AUZH�tITY (1 Member and 1 Alternate) Mr. E�aard Ha�nernik, Repr. 12-31-86 John Elora, Public Works Director, Alt 12-31-86 NOd� SUBUi�AN SF3�TIIt SIItVICE BQARD (1 Representative and 1 Alternate) ��mc ilman Barnette, Repr. Counc ilman Schr�eider, Alt. ASSOC [ATION OF I�ZROF�,ITAN MJNIQPALITIES 12-31-86 �2-31-86 Co�c �lman Fitzg�trick, Delegate 12-31-86 Cotmc ilman Gooclspeed, Alt. 12-31-86 SQ30C � DISZitI4T #14 Q�N�IJNITY SC�iOCL AWI.SQ2Y QO[JNQL Counc ilman Barnette, R,epr. 9�OC � DIS"IItICT #13 REPRFSENTATIVE Co�mc ilman Fitzpatrick, Repr. S(�iOC � DISIRICT #L6 REPRFSENTATIVS Coimc ilman Gooc�peed, Repr. LF.AGi; � OF MINIIdESCrPA I�DNIQH,LITI�S 12-31-86 12-31-86 12-31-86 C.o�mc ilman Fitzpatrick, Repr. 12-31-86 Councilman Schneider, Alt. , 12-31-86 a �ra.�� �s � �. �n� �� �, �� � c�r aoot� n�� � �rr r�s � P��I�IIl�1G ( J!l�QSSIDN (Q�apter 6) (6 M�Uers - 3 Year �) Gereral F�tricia Gabel 4-1-88 Qzai rperec z 5947 2-�/2 Street N. E. (e. 571-1288)(B.571-4600) C7iai rpe r ac z LeRoy Oqui st 4-1-87 Cann�mity 1011 Haclanan Circle N.E. Developmen : (H. 571-0415) (B. 642-3832) Chairperso� David Rondrick 4-1-88 Parks & 280 Stoneybrook Way N.E. Recreation (8. 571-2359)(B. 521-4767j C�airperso z Donald Betzold 4-1-88 Appeals 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr. #201 Co�anission (H. 571-0098)(8. 533-1555) Q�airpers�i Wayre Wellan 4-1-88 F�rv. Qual i.y 6793 Overtan Dr. N. E. Cbnmission (H. 571-4141) (B. 571-1000) Chai rperso i Dean Saba 4-1-86 �er� 6325 �an Buren N.E. Gbmnission (H. 571-1953) (B. 635-5860) (3�airperso � Robert Minton 4-1-86 Hunan 1538 North Oberlin Circle Resouraes (H. 571-1173)(B. 633-5354) ... � ��:: �Fl�DrtITY )E'VIIAPl�1'P �SS�N (Cbapter 6) (5 Me�bers - 3 Year �) Chairpersoi LeRay Oquist 4-1-87 Vive- Chairperso i 1011 HacJanann Ci rcl e N. E. (H. 571-0415) (B. 642-3832) Alfred Gabel 5947 2 �/2 Street N.E. (H. 571-1288)(B. 561-8800) Dr. Renreth Vos 990 68th Avenue N.E. (8. 571-2246) Qarenoe (Ger�e) Rezac 1561 Camelot Lare (S. 574-0629) (B. 574-9919) . 4-1-87 4-1-88 4-1-86 ': 4-1-86 �, (vacated by Louis Sc�anidt 10/85) 5A ... � ►}: ��•. :.�� �•.:�.. 4-1-8g - 4-1-89 ., 1•,�..�.ti:r � 'f �1'�. a�' '�;n '• 1 i�: •, � i1 : �' : � (� �• 1 \ I• �� . • c„ � - _ - • Chairperso 1 Davia Ror�dridc 280 Storeybrook Way N. E. (e. 571-2359)(B. 521-4767) Vioe- l�ary Schreirer �a.i rper so z 6 851 Oakl ey Str eet N. E. (H. 571-3045)(B. 571-1010) Steve Nelson 6540 Fast River Rd. #342 (H. 571-1484) Dick Yo�g 5695 4uncy Street N.E. (H. 571-8098� Daniel Allen 6200 Riae Creek Drive N.E. (H. 571-3137)(B. 373-0956) 4-1-88 4-1-88 4-1-87 4-1-86 4-1-86 1�pPSAIS ¢!lQ.SS�Q�I (Qsapter 6) (5 Me�obers - 3 Year Tes) Chairpersc n Donald Betzald 4-1-88 16 Ol N. Innsbr uck Dr . 1201 (H. 571-0098)(B. 533-1555) Vive- Alex P. Barr� 4-1-88 �airperscn 560 Hugo Street N.E. ( H. 7 84-546 8) Jean Gerou 4-1-87 1650 Briardale Road N.E. (8. 571�736) (B. 331-2623) Jaaes Pl en�. 4-1-86 6 86 4 Charu�el Road N. E. (H. 571-0026)(B. 421-4760 x lla6) 4-1-88 (vacated by P�tricia Gabel �?,/85) 5B •. � �:.: ��•. :�.• •,�. 4-t-89 4-t-8g 4-1-89 4-t-88 0 .: •� �.i_r.'���� �;r ::�4'-. :+�• 1'�:r. '� 1 ��:r: 1 ���� � c/ i � ��' u �� { � 1� �� . • _ ,' �' ' ' ' / . Chairperec �n Wayne Wellan 6793 Overton Drive N.E. (H. 571-4141)(B. 571-1000) Viae- 71om Gronitaid t�ai rpersc n 7411 Lyric La� (8. 786-7459) (B. 370-3688� Richard SVarxja 1521 Woociside Court N. E. (H. 571-6154)(B. 296-7333) Bruoe F�terson 7503 Z�anp� Terraoe N.E. (S. 786-9898)(B. 853-8909) Maynard Niels�n 7144 Riverview Terrave (H.571-6608) (B.571-0761) 4-1-88 4-1-86 4-1-88 4-1-86 4-1-88 H�1F�iGY QDl� �7Q�1 (Q�apter 6) (5 Me�nbers - 3 Year �) Chairpersoi Dean Saba � 4-1-86 6325 Van Buren Street N.E. (H. 571-1953) (B. 635-5860) Vioe- Bradiey Sielaff 4-1-88 thai rperso z 6770 Plaza Curve, N. E. (H. 574-0470)(B. 296 -7753) G1� Douglas 4-1-87 861 66th Avenue N.E. (H: 571-2074) (8: 635-7029) Drale Zhanpson 4-1-88 4976 3rd. Street, N. E. (H. 572-8684) (B. 296-7753) 5C ..� � i�+: �.��. �.�• •.;r. , 4-1-89 4-t-8q 4-1-89 Brucae Banclow 4-1-86 4- t-89 -_ 6616 Central Av�ue N. E. (H. 571-0163) (B. 376-8084) . � 5D � ,�o �� � � �� � � �u�ss gll�p gF,gm [� m!lQSS�I (Q�apter 6) (5 !l�bers - 3 Year i�n) Ct�a,irpers�r Robert Mir�on 4-1-86 4-1-89 1538 North Oberlin Circle N.E. (H. 574-1173) (B. 636-5652) Vioe- Susan Sherelc C�airpersor 1530 73-1/2 Ave. N.E. (H. 784-6 444) Harold Belgaa 191 Iiartnwn CY rc1 e (H. 571-1191) Steve Billings 5215 Linc�ln St. N.E. (H. 571-5457) Peter Pieroe 572 Rioe Cteek Terraae (H. 571-7045) 4-1-87 4-1-88 4-1-87 4-1-86 �,g �,E �� �ySSi�i (Code Sec�ian 405.28) (5 !laobers - 3 Year �� Chairpers�i Pet rs�n 4-1-86 Viae- �ai rpers� i Duare e 1021 Hathaway Lar�e N. E. (H. 571-3386)(B. 374-1120) Ral p� Stouf f er 6 06 5 McRi nl ey St. N. E. (H. 571-1735)(B. 647-5820) Burt Weaver 92g Rioe Creek Terraoe N.E. (H. 571-4237)(B. 571-1249) Edward Raspszak 1317 Hillcrest Drive N.E (H. 571-0441)(B. 544-2115) Barbara Huc�es 548 Riae Creek Terraoe N.E. (8. 571-6 182)(B. 224-4901) 0 4-1-87 4-1-87 4-1-88 4-1-87 �- 4-t-89 4-1-�9 0 �: '� �: 1 � t:'�'� �:�' 1'.:� '• 1 1�'•" s-'- - ' 1� 1 i1 ' ��' � • • } 1 IC •' Y _�� �. - � Chai rperso i Lawrenoe Cloccmer s 5212 St. Irbritz Drive N.E. (H. 571-8925)(B. 339-3355) Vioe- Flmars A. Prieditis CZ�ai rperso i 6031 Benj amin Street N. E. (H. 571-7230) (8. 332-1401) Walter Rasnussen 7806 Alden Way N. E. (H. 571-6a62) (B. 379-8811) ,��� 6-�86 6-�87 Duane Prai rie 6-9-88 489 Rioe Creek Terraoe N.E. (H. 571-3993)(B. 786-9800) Virginia Schr�abel 6-9-90 1527 Windanere Ci rc1 e N. E. (H. 571-3318) i�.I� Q�M IISSII�I (Cbapter 102) (3 M�bers - 3 Year �) Cfiairperso� � Jahn. R. Hinsverk 4-1-88 170 Hartrnan Ci rcl e N. E. (H. 571-6038j (e. 425-4541) Vive- M3vis Hauge 4-1-86 C�ai rper so: 645 67th Avenue N. E. (H. 571-1083) Tim Breider 4-1-87 7550 Tanp� Terraoe N. E. (e. 786-5341� ?,/�/21/20 5E j' '� 1 �?�: �:�• :+�' /' :-. 6-9-91 4- t-89 m RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN R.ATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of , Minnesota, as follows: is hereby designated to serve as a director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and • is hereby designated to serve as alternate director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1986 and until their successors are appointed. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) �OUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ) �ITY OF ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting �lerk of the City of zereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and �orrect copy of a resolution duly adopted by the City Council �f at its meeting on , 198 , as the same is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of such council for said 3ate, on file and of record in my office. Dated this day of � 198_.• tSEAI,) , City of City Clerk 5F 0 RBSOI.DTION )i0. - 1986 RESOLIITION DESIGKATING OFFICIAL DBPOSITORIES FOa THB CIT? OF FRIDLET I, �ichard D. Pribyl, do hereby certit�► that I am Finance Director-Treasurer of :he City of Fridley, a corporation organized under the laWS oP the State of Min �esota. I further certify that at a meeting oP aaid eorporation duly and pro�erly called and held on the 6th day of January 1986, the f olloxing res �lution Was passed; that a quorum xas present at said meeting; and that saii resolution is set forth in the minutes of ineeting and has not been res :inded or modified. IT [S HERIDY RESOLVED that the Fridley State Bank is hereby designated as a dep >sitory for the funds of this corporatioa. IT [S FURTHER RFSOLVED that checics, drafts or other Withdra�ral orders issued aga�nst the funds of this corporation on deposit with said bank shall be sig zed by tWO of the follaring: Richard D. Pribyl, Finance Director-Treasurer Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager Julie M. Burt, Finance Officer and that said bank is hereby fully authorized to pay and charge to the account of this corporation any checks, draf ts, or other vithdraWal orders. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all transactions, if any relating to deposits, WithdraWals, re-discounts and borrrnrings by or on behalf of this corporation with said bank prior to the adoption of this resolution be, and the same hereby are, in all things ratified, approved and confirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any bank or savings and loan may be used as de� ositories for investments purposes so long as the investmenta comply with authorized investments as set forth in Minnesota Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVED that the signatures of tWO of the folla►ing named Citq emjloyees are required for withdrawal of City investment Punds from savings anc loan associations, and for access to the safety deposit box: Richard D. Priby2, Finance Director-Treasurer Nasim N. Qureshi, City Hanager Julie M. Burt, Finance Officer BE IT FIIRTHER RESQLYED that ar�y brokerage Pi� may be used aa a depository for im estment purposes so long as tbe investments comply vith the authorized in� estments aa aet forth in l�Iinnesota Statutes. PagE 2- Resolutioa No. - 1986 I Pirther certiiy Lhat the Council of this eorporation has, and at the time of adojtion of said resolution had, Pull poWer and laWPul authoritp to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the poirers therein granted to ihe persons named who have Pull poxer and laWful authority to exercise the aame. PAS:ED M1D ADOPTID BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIDLBY T82S DAY OF , 1986. MILLIAM J. KEE - MAYOR ATT: ST : SHI�LEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 6A RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTIOp DESIGNATING AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE YBAR 1986 WHE]EAS, the Charter oP the City oP Fridley requires in Section 12.(1 thereof that the City Council annually designate an off icial new: paper for the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, that the Fridley Focus New spaper is des:gnated the official legal newspaper for the City of Fridley for the year 1986 for all publications required to be published therein. BE : T FtIRTHER RESOLVED, that the Minneapolis Star and Tribune be des: gnated as the City of Fridley�s second official newspaper for the year 1986. PAS: ED AND ADOPTED BY THE CIT7f COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THI3 ,DAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTI ST: SIIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERR 3/7, 2/1 7 '1 MINNESO fA SllBllRBAN NEWSPAPERS. INC. Decemb�r 9, 7985 City C �uncil City o E Fridley 6431 Uiiversity Avenue N.E. Fridle �, MN 55432 Dear C�uncil Members; ��- ��� 7A is. We wouLd appreciate your designation of the Fridley Focus to be your officiil newspaper for the year 1986. The ra�e for legal publications as set by Minnesota Iaw is 35C per Iine f�r the first insertion and 15C per Iine for each subsequent insert�on. If you desire publication in additional papers, the rate will bs 50� additional for each additional paper. AI1 pu�lications should reach this office by Wednesday a.m. preceding your M�nday publication. In ord:r to expedite our services to you, it is requested that you direct your publications to the attention of Meridel Hedblom, Legal Public�tions, 7401 Bush Lake Road, Edina, MN 55435. We wili provide at no additional charge, t�►o notarized affidavits on eaci o� your publications. Additional notarized affidavits, on request, will be furnished, at 25C each. We appreciate being considered as the official newspaper for the City oE Fridley for the ensuing year and thank you for your cooper�tion. Very truly yours, MIN S�TA SU RBAN NEWSPAPERS� INC. / . � � ,�S L. J �anninq Pu is her . Publish rrs of Current Newspapers, Sailor Newspapers, Sun�Currer�t Newspapers and Focus Newspapers . 7401 Bush Lake Rosd • Edina, Minnesaa 55435 •(612) 831•1200 R�,UTIt7N N0. - 19�6 It �Q.U'i'1�1 DESIGI�TING TINS At�ID I�JA'BIIt (�' (XIONCII, 1�BETIl�S Wi� ;EAS, Section 3.01 o� the Criarter af the City of Fridley requires tha : the City Couuzci]. shall meet at a fixed time r�ot less than once eacl � month; an�d WHn EAS, Section 3.01 af the Charter af the City of Fridley requires that the Co�cil shall meet at such times as may be prescribed by resc 1 ui ton; and WHE� EAS, it has been the practioe � the Co�cil to meet on e first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 P.M. , for the pur se of halcing Co�cil Meetings, except when those dates are impracticahle. NGW, ZHIItF��bRE, BE IT RESO�iT��D, by the Co�mcil � the City of Fridley that : 1. IY�e Council will hold its Council Meetings on the first and :hird Monday of each month except for the month o� January when he meetings will be held the first and second Monday; except `or February when the meetings will be held the first and fourth fonday; and except for 13�e months of Septernber and Decx�nber when he meetings will be held the seaond and fourth Mondays. 2. '!�e C;o�mcil shall meet at 7:30 P.M. on the above designated c ays. FASSI D AND ADPPED BY �E QTY C�UNCLL �' ZHE QTY OF FRIDEY THIS _ �AY OF , 19�6. WILL IAM J. NEE - 1�1YOR �rES r: SH I tL EY A. f3�PALA - CITY Q, FRK 3/7/z '3 � ( piqECTORATE � � OF i j _, puB��c WORKS f '�5�� - MEMOAANGUM f�L�LEI' T0: FROM: SUBJE� 'T: DATE: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager ,Iohn G. Flora, Direetor oP Public Works Woodbridge Development December 26, 1985 PN85-387 . o° °a :-� � � ____ ,� � � After the December 12, 1985 HRA meeting, r►here they agreed to procure the neces:ary properties to support the Woodbridge Development of the 100 Twin and J�hnson Properties site, I notified SEH to initiate plans for the impro� ement for the West side of the Iiighvay 65 and the {iest Moore Lake Drive intersection. SEH requested data rhich was developed by Benshoof and Assoctates, retained by iioodbridge, on the traffie requirements for Noodb�idge Properties development. We will also have to determine if the tWO r�sidential properties north of Yest Moore Lake Drive ahould or should not bE considered in the road alignment for the intersection. Once :hese items have been resolved, SEH trill prepare proposals for submi:sion to MnDOT and Anoka County for determination of the best design for ttis intersection and the projected traff ic. There ahould not be a problfm to prepare plans for 1986 construction except for the fact that permi:s and agreements will have to be executed by MnDOT. This has traditionally required a considerable amount of .time. If a delay at the main cffices should oceur, the 1986 construction xill probably not occur. If th:s improvement is essential to the development, it may be necessary to utili�e strong political influence rrith the Depart�ent of Transportation in order to expedite their participation and document approval. We prcpose t 57th r� ith th 7th ar 3 57th o straighten the alignment of the service drive betWeen 7th and e SuperAmerica Loopback in our 1986 Street project. Signing on will be accomplished as the development progresses. The ir ternal roadr+ay system Within the �loodbridge Development is proposed to be designed by a private engineering firm and may be the most approFriate method of satisfying the time constraints identified. The ot�ly concerns the City ma.y have is to obtain the neeessary MnDOT approvals for the M,'�AS street to be constructed along the southern boundary of the develcpment. This design must be approved by MnDOT and again documents execut:d before construction contraets can be axarded. This could result in a d:lay unleas appropriate coordination and MnDOT �upport is obtained. The o�her concern is that the remaining streeta and ut111ties be constr�cted to City standarda and inspection provided by the City to insure 1't and a ropriate connections to our utility syste�a. qua i t pp 9A Page 2 It is understood that the S2 rezoning and Special Use Permit for building heights are beir.g processed and should be completed in accordance With the Woodbridge overall schedule. . Associated with the development plan road construction and land acquisition will be eventual vacation of the existing roadway entrance and street right-of-way after the interior roadxay and utilities systems have been completed. This process will require Council action and public hearings at that time. JF/ts . 96 Decamber 16, 1985 Mr. Nasim Qureshi Citt Manager Cit� of Fridley 643t University Avenue, Northeast Fri9ley, Minnesota 55432 Re: Lake Pointe Corporate Center Dea^ Mr. Qureshi: Thia letter is to conficm the discussions which took place at the HRA meeting Thursday, December 12, 1985 regarding the engineering desLgn work for the public improvements to the Highway 65 and 7th Str�et interchanges as well as the off-site utilities connecting to the 100-Twin Site and the engineering design for the "on- sit�" improvements. Dur.ng the meeting, representatives of Woodbridge explained the negative impact of delays on the construction of these imp-ovements. If, for example, the construction of the Mooce Laka intersection were allowed to be delayed until 1987, Woo9bridge would be in the position of trying to lesse its Phase One building, scheduled for completion in January of 1987, while the primary entrance to the project was under construction. Delays in the construction of these roadWay and utility imp�ovements would also very likely result in limits on our occipancy levels and delays in approvals from the PCA and other age�cies which Would be unWilling to issue permits if these acc�ss and capacity improvements are not in place. Obviously, not having these improvements in place prior to the time when these buildings can be occupied could limit our ability to con3truct and lease this project and guatantee the delivery of rea. estate values for the GO Tax Increment Bonds. Acc>rdingly, we respectfully request that the following actions be :aken to eliminate this potential bottleneck: � 1. Due to the extensive coordin3tion of on-site improvements on the development property, we request that you authorize the retention of Sunde Engineering to design the site improvements for the 100-Twin Site including the streets, utilities, roads and other items to be paid for from the GO Tax Increment Bond. This firm has extensive experience in designing projects of thi's type and is a firm which we have � 1M1'oodbridge Prope ties. Inc. • 320 Woodbridge Plaza • 10Z01 Wayzata Boulevard • Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 (612) 541-1000 9C Mr. Nasim Qureshi December 16, 1985 Page 2 worked aith extensively. This should maximize our ability to expedite this very complicated coordination process between our firm and the City. 2. In addition, we respectfully request that you authorize the accelerated completion of the working dca Wings for the Highway 65 interchange, as well as the traffic pattecn upgrading on 7th Street and the adjacent frontage road so that the City will be in the position of being able to request approvals on the final plans from the State and County during the early pact of the first quarter of 1986. Although you and ae do not have control over the approval process at the State and County level, the earlier the plans for these impcovements can be delivered to these agencies, the soonec we can expect to proceed with construction. Completion of these items is crucial to our being able to complete our project and to be in a position to deliver the values ior the GO Tax Increment Bonds. In addition to this major engineering design and our enc ironmental processing task, we respectfully request that the apEropriate meetings be scheduled to finalize the zoning and special use permits, and other matters necessary to implement apEroval of the mutually desired master plan for the Lake Pointe Cocporate Center project at the earliest possible dates in 1986. We would like, at this time, to compliment you and the entire staff for the very special efforts and attention which you have all given us since we first initiated this impoctant new project. ThEir professional attitude and enthusiasm makes the challenges of development so much easier and has all of us very excited abcut the long-term commitment which we are undertaking in the Cit y of Fridley. If you have any questions, please call me. Sir cecely, C� � � �`�� �� L� Eric W. Nesset Dizector of Construction Ewr / smb cc; Dave Weir ' Woodbridge P�op rrties, Int. • 3Z0 Woodbridge Plaza • 102Q1 Wayzata Boulevard • Mirmetonka, Minnesota 55343 (61� 541-1000 � CITYOf f R! DLEY T0: FRC H: ---------OIAECT-OAA'FE---- - ---- OF PUBLIC �AlORKS �� MEMORANCUM Nasim Qureshi �W85-376 John a. Flora,�Director of Publie Works SUEJECT: Moore Lake Phase II Restoration Project DA7E: December 18, 1985 As �ou may recall, the DNR required the City to iastall a well to pump wat�r into Moore Lake aa a requirement for the perait issued to complete the Moore Lake Phase II Restoration project. Aft:r considerable discussion xitd the DNR on the xell requirement, they noW appear to support the deletion of the well requirement if the City Would install an aerator in the west basin of Moore Lake to operate during the rrinter period in order to keep the culvert open and reduce winter kill. While the aerator is less expensive than the xell requirement, it does cause a problem in that opea water xould be maintained during the winter perLod in the west basin. The DNR has also indicated if the aerator Was installed, they will kill the existing rough fish in Hoore Lake and restock both ba�ina with appropriate spo •t fish. If the Council concur�, t+e could request the MPCA to ineorporate the aer►tor costs in the restoration project (approximately �7,000). Thia wou.d result in the City contributing half ot the cost for this addition. It ippears tbere are tlinda available vitbin the overall grant total tor this proposal. Reqiest guidance fro� the Couneil on it xe should proceed with tha vell or ser ►tor ites. JGF 'ta ec: Mark Burch _ ClTYOF f RJ DLEY _ . `0: : 'ROM: DIAECTORATE � F PUBLIC WORKS - MEMOFaAN[)UM John G. Flora,�' Publie Works Director Mark L. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director ,�UBJECT: Moore Lake Restoration ]ATE: December 12, 1985 10A , o °a .� �D .� � PK85-37� �e had a meeting on December 10 With Pete Willingbring from Hickok � �ssociates and Duane Shodeen from the Department of Natural Resources to �iscuss completion of the Moore Lake Restoration Project. n order to complete the final phase of the in-lake reatoration our permit 'rom the DNR requires the City to install a Well which wouldl pump water .nto the east basin and maintain a continuous year around f1oW through the ulvert under HWy. 65. This flow of water through the culvert Would keep he culvert from freezing in the Winter and trapping fish in the West basin ��hen it freezes. We have investigated possible sites and estimated costs .'or installing a well for pumping into the east basin and found that a very �eep well will be necessary and that this would be very expensive approximately $30,000). .t the meeting, we diseussed the purpose of the well and alternate :olutions to the problem oP Winterkill in the xe9t basin. The DNR�s concern is to prevent xinterkill in the west basin due to the lake freezing :olid. A solution to this xould be to install a difuser-type aerator in the deepest hole in the xest basin to prevent total freezing. This Would te considerably less expensive thaa a well (approximately =15,000)� Duane thought that it Would be an aceeptable alternative to the DNR. Will you Flease discuss these options With the City Council and determine xhich �ethod we should pursue. Both solutions are grant eligible With the City's :hare of 50x. �nother item �+hich was discussed at our meeting on Tuesday was the DNR fish �estocking program for Moore Lake. Duane Shodeea from the DNR said they ;.re interested in treating Moore Lake to remove all the rough fish primarily bullheads) and establishing a better fish population for sport 'ishing. If the City is agreeable and requests DNR support, they xould ,reat the lake in the fall of 1986 and restock With Bass, Sunfish, Kalleye �nd some hybrid Muskie in 1986 and 1987 • The only cost to the City for .his program xould be for any cleanup of fish after the lake treatment. 'his may or ma.y not be necessary. :f the Council is interested in the restoeking program, we can request DNR �upport and get the program started. Duane also said that he Would come to � Council meeting to diseuss the treatment and restocking program With the :ouncil so all their questions could be ans�rered. �/ts , : Partiti�ation � federal State City Totals Hickok Contract MOORE LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT StRl�WRY � Pha= Phase 2 To� s22a�700.00 t278.397.00 503.097.00 112.350.00 -0- 112,350.00 112.350.00 278._ 397.00 390.?47.00 s449,400.00 5556.794.00 119.150.00 94,830.00 213.980.00 �� 1 0 B , . MpORE LAKE RESTORATION PROJECT SUM�IJIRY P� �ASE I C � M/��� Iten G �nstruction K�rris Lake Divcrsion 7►nnis Court Oive�sion Biological Soil Filtration L ind Cost S�diment Dredging B �ach Stonn Sewer Relxation O�eration 3 Mainte�ance a �tention Basin Sub total FILOT STUDY C�nstruction �3te� A�alyses eiological Sampling lnterpretation and Analysis ihase II Application Sub total tNGINEERING ' ,EGAL i ADrtINISTRATIVE IIONITORIN6 Ilicrobilogical 7esting Iake Quality ►iological Inventory :xpert Consultant fees SuD total liscellaneous :nvirormental Assessments and Publit He�rit►gs idministration (MPCA) Inspection Post Operative Reports and Evaluatio� Sub total TobT Original Estimate s 66,000 27 .500 99.000 27.500 36.500 6.600 4 .400 -0- �- �269,500 : 2.920 3.120 3.600 4,000 2,000 s 15.640 s 23.870 S 15.730 s 12.720 27,840 3,000 5.000 s 46.560 S 23.320 20,000 17.380 54 s 76�,100 449� Aprt 1 19l34 Actual Cc. s�. s 68,000.00 23.957.20 134 �781.3� 75.412.06 •O- -0- -0- 21,400.00 5323.550.63 s 6,390.26 28).62 •0- 23.37 S 9,851.80 S 54.929.85 S 3.000.00 -0- S 15.926.38 1 �708.O1 _ 4 ,� 708 . 00 s 22.342.39 -0- 8.000.00 12.000.00 __ s 20,000.00 ,674. � � C . . ._ MOORE UKE RESTWUTION PROJECT SUMMARY . PMA.` 5_ Ite+n Construction Restoration for Littoral Areas a. Plug Culvert � b. Sediment Removal t. Lake Dewatering d. Screen Material e, Sand Cover f. Restore Lake Level Restoration for Deep Areas a. Chemical 7rea bnent b. Ctay Cover Sub total PILOT STUDY EN�INEERING LEGAL i ADMINISTRATIVE MONITORING MISCELLANEOUS MPCA Administration Inspection Post Operative Reports and Evaluation - Sub totat : • � Total ��w AE�t Anit � Oriqinal Est� : 1.000 153.000 5.000 84�500 122,600 5.000 5,000 ^, 35� .000 sall,ioo s 1.200 S �9.330 s 24,665 i 25,000 s 15.000 10.000 12,000 S 37�.?� �3�,8�fb 11� �vu /j� o�o Ap�il 1964 -� 1 �D Actual Co.`sts �Z�� Gvv v�� , . ,¢ ,�va Q�D 0 ---- - ---- -OIAECTORATE- �, O� _ puB��c �rvoRKs r CITYOI � MEMOAANOUM fr�o�e � . � T0: Nasia Qureshi � Pi185-377 FROM: John (3. Flora, Director of Publia Yorks SUBJECT: I-694 Improvement DATE: December 18, 1985 In the Environmental Assessment of the I-694 HnDOT xidening project, they �riginally identified txo areas in Fridley that could receiYe traftic noise tncreases� (the Skywood Apartmenta� 35 and Innabrook North development, J6). • �uture assessment of the noiae issue resulted in a determination that the �rojected 2010 noise levela are not aubstantlally increased to Warrant the :onstruction of noise barriera along the highway. Federal and atate funda ire not available for noise abateaent, and the cost benefit is too high to rarrant consideration. Ihen the City originally reviewed the preliminary plans and enviroameatal :ssessment for the improvement, ve identified by Reaolution #8-1985 ;hat appropriate noise abateaent neasurea be ineluded xithin the two areaa .n Fridley. The responae� which ia attached, could be accepted aa �ppropriate action and would require Council receipt of their reaponae and ;oncurrence with their reco�mendaloA. The Couacil could alao inv ite MaDOT �epresentatives and the appropriate neighborhoods to hear the preseatatioa ��n the issue before making a decision. In eit6er caae� NnDOT deairea to ►ave an ansxer by the end of Januar�r, 1986. �equest guidance� if the Council deteraiaes thia a senaitive neighDorhood ,ssue, I would recommend that an infornational meeting be scheduled for tbe , anuary 6 or 20� 1986 Council meetinga �rith HnDO? aad the neighborhood in �rder to resolve the City•a position on thia noiae abatement issue. . GF/ts cc: Mark Hureh ti' ��Tq � / � � � �� � � ��� Minnesota Department of Transportation District 5 2055 No. Lilac Drive Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 De :ember 5, 1985 Mr, John Flora Ci :y Engineer Ci :y of Fridley 6451 University Avenue NE Fr Cdley, Minnesota 55112 De �r Mr. Flora: 1 1 A (612) .�45•3761 In fulfillment of the e�irocmmental commitment expressed in the Enviroc�ental As;essment and subsequent Finding of No Significant Impact for State Project No� 0285-47 (I-694, 3rd Lane from I-35W to TH 100), Mn/DOT is contacting the ca�munities in which Federal Noise Abatement Criteria are predicted to be ex:eeded bq the year 2010. This is taking place prior to the application to th � Piinnesota Pollution Control Agency for the required Indirect Source Permit fo- the proposed construction along I-694. Th � summary of data for the two areas of noise level concern follows. Area S5 in;ludes the apartment complex between TH 65 and Matterhorn Drive. Area N6 in :ludes some single family residential and townhouses north of I-694 between Ma:terhorn Drive and the east city limits. Both of the areas are shawn on the at:ached map. All sound intensity (noise) data is presented in units of L1 �dBA. 1985 Federal Existing Noise Noise Abatement Level Criteria Monitored Ar �a SS 70 N6 70 � 64-72 2010 Predicted Noise Level No Build Alternative S.P 0285-47, Etc. 72 64-73 2010 Predicted Noise Level Build No Noise Abatement 73 66-73 2010 Predicted Noise Level Build Provide Additional Noise Abatement 69 61-70 Po�sible noise abatement in Area N6 could include an 11'-24' high wall, approx- im.�tely 2000' long at a cost of $325,000. Mn'DOT does not support construction of noise abatement in this area because: 1) There is only 1dBA difference in the Build and No-Build Alternative. 2) It does not seem economically feasible or cost effective to build noise abatement -$325,000 to reduce noise levels 3 to SdBA. .!n Equal Oppo�tunity Employe� �O !, � l 11B Mt . John Flora De cember 5, 1985 P� ge Two 3) Construction of the noise barrier would not be consistent with engineering practices, due to steep slopes, poor soil conditions and placem�ent of noise barrier which would hinder drainage. Potential noise abatement in Area S5 would include a 10' high wall, 550' long at a cost of $31,000. FRWA Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) are used to design notse barriers. The NAC are based on exterior activity areas. Notse abatement would be constructed to protect the outside activity areas. Th� effects with a 10' high noise barrier on the noise levels for each floor: Gr�und Floor 2n i Floor 3r i Floor 2010 No-Build 72 72 72 2010 Build 73 73 73 2010 Build/Barrier 69 70 73 As can be seen from this table the ground floors benefit from a 4dBA noise reiuction, the second floors 3dBA noise reduction and the third floor noise le►el remains unchanged. I�equest that the City of Fridley schedule and conduct whatever meetings or heirings the City Council deems desirable, with participation and cooperation fr�m Mn/DOT, to publicly sir the noise issues in these two areas. The me�ting(s) should be held prior to the end of January, 1986 to facilitate pr�ject development. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. If you would like more information regarding this or other issues of the pr►ject, please contact Mr. R.S. Brown at 593-8532. Si ��erely, � . . L � /,�✓Jr/�'L W. t. Crawford, P.E. Di �trict Engineer En:losures: Noise Maps 0 ,� .�_ � ;i . , , , , � � � l � � � , �i ,. I � a s +` � _•, • _�_ u � �I �4 : � � � • L = s � ��-�. �rr,� � / ,: r Z � � �_ J \ • /�`. J v� N � � `, �. '': �: 1 . i,, � , .. : `j L�/ �� s . 7 r�+ �_ � �s ` : ; �f;, t 1 �_z : ,- ` ��-�.� � _. ;o , . 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' ♦ � �J � •- � o ►� a '� ° n �: �1 1 1 s- o , E nm '3'N 1S 32i0yV��I. 0 �y O l � p `��+~F ~�� � � m � _��`/�, � 11 ��� `r1 1 � O N � ' � ~ n a � � N m � � 1 � o/ / / 1 � t ti ! �"� I I ��,� � � N w q ^ � / � , � .- e� r a � o � � � o�� 1 n �: I � N m � v �� B . g�''` � N � ~ I "' N � ` r r � � �,� � i a / � o �� ) � t �� m I ! t � r \ '�� •� . �. m : �\ W_ ` Q= � i .. � W� (� N � ' O Y m � d Od �t s , � \ �'/ � � y W 1.~d � m � � o O h � 11E �.1 RFSQ[,UI'IQd I�A. 8 - 1985 A�PPt�JVII� �E PRELIIKII�ARY LAYQIT FOR II�ROVII� INTERSTATE HIC�IAY 694 BEZWEEN T.H. 100 AND I-35W AAID RDQUESTING CERTAIN DESIGN FEATURES BE INCOR.PORATED INTO T8B CXZI.S'l�i[K'PIQd PiAidS. wf: �2F'AS- the Concnissioner of the Deparbner►t of Transportation has prepared a pr �liminary layout for the irr�rove�ment of a part of Trunk Highway Number 393 re��unbered as Trunk Highway No. 694 within the oorporate limits of the City of FLidley, fram the West Corp. Limits to East Corp. Limits; and seeks the aF�raval thereof; and wE �E�S. said preliminary layouts are on file of Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota. ic�ntified as Layout No. 15 S.P. 0285-47, (6 �4--393) fran T.H. 252 to T.H. 35W; and in the Office of the Department being marked, labeled, and S.P. 27 87-12 and S.P. 6285-93 wf::R�1�.S. the City Co�cil wishes to assure that detailed construction plans be ing developed by the Minnesota Depart�ent of Transpoztation for the project will contain certain design features to assure (1) the proper and saf e oF �ration (2) it's integration with the oamprehensive plan for the City and (3i coordinate with the needs and plans along the Mississippi River corridor. NC �, �EREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVID, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, th it said preliminary layouts for the i�rovenent of said Trunk Highway within tre corporate limits be and hereby are approved with the following stipulations. 1. 7fie addition of a pedestrian/bicycle ac-oss the Mississippi River. 2. Appropriate noise abatenent measures trail facility to the I-694 bridge be included within areas S5 and 1�. PA �SID AI�ID ADOPTm BY ZIiE CITY �UNCIL QF ZHE CITY QE' FRIDL�EY ZIiIS ZIST 1�AY OF JA JUARY, 1985. � � � I � '!!" �' , .� � . AZ �FST: � 1 SI )NEY C. �IZ'Y C � � — � � � crr�roF fRlDLEY PL.aNNING DIVISION ' Z ► ��� � I�EMO T0: Jim Robinson, P1 ag Coordinator ' lEMO FROM: Susan H. Graves � rEMO DATE: December 13, 1985 iEGARDING: Extension ot Resolutioa No. 63-1985 --- � /ttached please find a letter from the attorney representing Nicklow Realty �equesting an eztention of Resolution Ho. 63-1985 approving Lot Split No. �5-02. The Resolution, also attached, is due to expire February 5, 1986. 'he Company has recorded the lot split Por the ilesterly Lot, identif ied aa lot II on the attached map. They have an option agreement on the Easterly lot (Lot III) whieh expires April 16, 1986. As they have not aQted on the �greement at this time, they are requesting that the Resolution be extendad 'o May 1, 1986. 1 I-85- 1(0 �e � � �-- BARNA, GCZY, MERRII.L, HYNES dz GIANOOLA, LTD. °E'E" �'""" 1pERZ A fit/Tv ATTORNEYS AT LAW "'G""�"'�"""� RO�rtT C M'�+ES 3989 Central 4venue N.E.. Suite 600 c.�en�� o a�neo�w vw� e coaEws�u Minne2polis. Minnesota 55421 .w�sw aeurEn Phone (612178�1644 �FPAE`'s'°""'s°"' ,bN P ERKKSON '' 701 Faath Ava�e Soutl+. Siwe S00 wwo w ooss� lNinr,�poi►. Mcursod SSI1S naw�a � oaaviw Plone 161211?& 19� �cE►w�EtN � �ww►R MNl l M7ELLE IIONKD l 611EENlEr SIMPONI WYL ►rPMEL f MMIEY �wn e .io►�s Dec �ember 11 1985 JO""`"�"" / �h1EM R ►II�I � NI�UAMM WWSEN VAMEU y OyS . rh'Ui K 4CRAMFY Ci�.y of Fridley 64:1 University Avenue N.E. Fr dley, MN 55432 De� r Sir/Madam: 1 2 A IAYMENCE M N�Wf10CJU o� �� MTEM �KN�� AAC TMDE MIiRn lAW Ou� office represents James Nicklow, one of the partners of Ni��klow-Realty. They received approval for a tax parcel split by a l;esolution of the City of Fridley. We would like to request th��t this Resolution be extended throuqh May 1, 1986 for the pa:�cel of land described in the Exhibit, attached hereto. We would like to thank you for your assistance in this matter. Si� �cerely, � � 1 ���� � �����c ,31., .� r Ma �garet H. Fast' Le� �al 1� istant MF lj En� �losure cc Jim Nicklow ,. . . . .� EYHIBIT � 26 7hat part of Lot 17 and 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88, also � teinq part of the Southwes t quarter of Section 13. Township 30, Fanqe 24, Anoka County, Minnesota described as follows: Eeginninq at a point on the South line of said Southwes t quarter, cistant 1,137.99 feet West of the South quarter corner of said Section 13; thence North at a right anqle to last described line, 285.54 feet; thence East, parallel with the South line of said S�uthwest quartar, 152.81 feet; thence South, 285.54 feet to a p�int on the South line of said Southwest quarter, distant 152.81 f�et East from the point of beginning; thence west, along the s 3id South line, 152.81 feet to the point of beginning. Subject t� ease.�nents of record, if any. 1t84a.OTIO� 110. 63 _ 1985 ' RB30LOTZ0� �PP10� I1G � 3DBDI1I3IOi, LOT SPLIT� L. 3. •95-02� 10 SIIBDIV IDE PUtT OF LO? iT, IDDI?O�' S SUBDI9I.4IOR N0. 88 DTO 2Y0 LDDI?IOA4L PUtCFZ,S TO BE SCi.D TO SHORSIOOD DiN RF3T�DRUiT FOR Pl�[DiG u1D BOII.DIAG SZPUlSI01 •T 6161 S�Gfii�Z /65 11. B. YHEiEAS� the City Council approved a lot aplit at tbe March 18� 1985 meeting; a nd • i1HEtEAS� auch appraval vaa to aubdivide part of Lot 17, Auditor's SuDdivision No. 88 into Lwo addi tional pareel s to be sol d to Shorarood Ian Restaurant for par cing and Duilding expansion at 6161 Hi��apr /65 N. E. ; and wHEiEILS� tbe Cit� bas raeeived Lhe rs�uired Certiticate of Surveys trom Max Sal iterman; and YHE iEILS� auch apprwal will eaa0le Max Sal iterman to aell part of Lot 1T. Audltor�a No. 88 aa two aeperate parcels to Shorevvod Inn Restaurant for par cing and building expansion. N�I, �ERFF'ORE� BE IT RFS(LVED tbat tbe City Council directs Lhe County of Mo�ra to record Lhis lot aplit vithin aix Qonth� of thia approval or auch �pF'a+a1 ahall Deoome null aud •oid. PAS iED AND �DOPTED BY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLE7 THIS �Lh DAY OF _ AuguSt 1 g 85 . , MII.LIAK J. HEE - !lAYOR �TS sS T: SID iE? C. �1MAN - CITY Q.ERR 3/7 �2/21 St . �,nt hony Vi 11 age Center 1�� �`, r�` . I� � � . � • � • . Ss �85-�2 � � � . T v'' / �� • ,' � ' � L ��: � � /2 5 � �20 � N' . � � � �+� � • ��i4 . i . � , �/G L�N • 3 � -r • � i r���wrr �% ' I � • �� � • � ~ � � � , *, � :."�• . : �� . , : t�,A�E • j • � _• I , ~ ` ' _ � • - •: " ` �� .`r� � fT � �` 13+ � �,_ �' • �� ` ,�'. , t � �, � _ .. ��� , � . ' . _ . _ � _ • . ' . , � �i. �! ` � h�.. it .''`; �� _ � .;1_' 'j � . ` 1 \ ' . ! • , : .� � ► _ s w�� � f , � �` � • � �i • -.' ia . • • t � � •� • . / ' • � ' • ti --•------� — j3 Ril.� ---- -- ------ s� . --- � �� .. ' ; =-.�•= --� ,-�� _.� �—, i_, . �_ � • ' ,r. 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I �. �-• _ � •'-� • _ � � • • _ . - '.. . . , � ...+�.�' . � 0 0 . v � N . i h � � N O e+ . �i � � � . w� � V � • a � N s r � � � � r -� ,. � I J X c� � � _ i T Q � c � � � t= : N �' 6 S � , 3=r S�Q ��� �e' � 'R`1 � ,� � �� H -�-s� � `� �� � ' 28t.t4 1 1 � � �_ � ,;� � �. � � - �O� � -1 I I �D� � �i� � tesss �� 1 1 Z I � � � b. i y '� � � � �` � ♦ \ � \ . � � � � � ♦ � � � ` � Z Af.S4 0 ��' � 1 2 E 26 L.S. #85-02 6161 Highway �65. r 1 I I C � � � I a � f � N ; ' � � a. 2 1 3 � � 1 � � � � �� •, L � �G� 2 � e 13 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO FORM A COALITION OF METROPOLITAN COMMUNITIES � his Agreement, made and entered into effective the first day of �anuary, 1986, by and between the Cities and entities of . r ► � � ' � � , , hereinaf ter ieferred to as the "Agencies." 7he Agencies hereto agree to establish an organization to be �nown as the to �romote transportation and economic development projects. Fny other public or private entity may become an Agency upon �pproval by a majority of the then Agencies. • rinnesota Statutes Section 471.59 authorizes�two or more covernmental units to enter into an agreement for the joint and cooperative exercise of any power common to the contracting Farties. Whereas, improvements to transportation systems serve the Agencies by promoting the public's health, safety and general �elfare and economic development enhances the local tax base thereby enabling Agencies to provide needed municipal services at �cceptable tax rates. row, therefore, pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota :tatutes Section 471.59, the parties hereto do agree as follows: ]. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The governing body of the Coalition shall be its Board of Directors. Each Agency shall be entitled to two (2) directors. Each director shall have one (1) vote. Each Agency shall appoint two (2) directors, one (1) of whom shall be the City Manager or Administrator. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. ;. MEETINGS. The Coalition shal 1 meet on call of the President or by the Operating Committee. :. OPERATING COMMITTEE. The Board of Directors shal 1 appoint an Operating Committee. The Operating Committee shall have authority to manage the affairs and business of the Coalition between Coalition meetings, but at all times, shall be subject to the control and director of the Board. The Operating Committee shall meet monthly at a time and place to be determined by the Operating Committee. 1 � 13A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT...Page 2 4. FINANCIAL MATTERS. Coalition funds may be expended by the Board. Other legal instruments shall be executed with authority of the Board. The financial contributions of the Agencies in support of the Coalition shall be per capita. Each of the Agencies shall pay to the Coalition an amount as annual ly determined by the Coalition by February 1 of each year based on the most recent Metropolitan Council population estimates. The Board may authorize changes in the per capita charge for all members upon majority vote. Financial contributions from private associations, entities, or financial institutions shall be based on employees, members, and/or deposit base. i. WITHDRAWAL. Any Agency may withdraw from this Agreement effective on January 1 of any year by giving notice prior to October 15 of the preceding year. i. ADDITIONAL PARTIES. Other cities, entities, counties or Chambers of Commerce may join the Agencies by executing a counterpart to this Agreement and by filing of the same with the designated representatives. ►. TERMINATION. The Coalition shall be dissolved if less than three (3) Agencies remain, or by mutual signed agreement of all of the Agencies. ►. NOTICES. all notices or other communications required hereunder shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the following parties: President, Board of Directors Chairman, Operating Committee �. AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement entered into by a majority of the then Agencies to this Agreement. :0. MULTIPLE EXECUTION. This Joint Powers Agreement may be executed simul taneously in any number of counterparts, each of which counterpart shall be deemed to be an original and all such counterparts shall constitute but one and the same instrument. An originally executed counterpart shall be filed with Charles Darth, City of Brooklyn Park. Each of the participating agencies shall also fil e a certified copy of a resolution of its governing body authorizing the execution of the Agreement. 2 1 3 B 5800 85th AUENUE NOATH / BAOOI�LYN PAAIf , MN 55443 / 612-425-450Z i.� � }� b9 4 � �, � i:P �E' w� ert �,�'�`� - ; � < :x �.�" �`` .; ,� r . ,"� t�,� � CITY OF � � ��� �� BRC Dl4LYN ' PAA 14 DE ar Mayors: � November 8, 1985 Ttesday, November 19, 1985, will be the fourth meeting of our M� yor's group. To establish ourselves as a formal organization we ne ed to have our cities adopt a Joint Powers Agreement. We wil l tren be able to create a Board of Directors, establish an operating cc�nmittee, and levy an operating assessment. As a result, I request that you be prepared to discuss the enclosed Joint Powers Agreement at our next meeting. At our Blaine meeting I asked you to take a proposed Joint Powers Agreement and legislative issues statement back to your City Ccuncils. Staff representatives from cities that officially responded to my request met to discuss those documents. They re�ommended a shorter, less formal Joint Powers Agreement. This co nmittee also felt our group's effectiveness would be better if we fo :used our attention on one or two issues; i.e., transportation and ec�nomic development. Also, at the request of the committee, Br�oklyn Park met with Vern Peterson, Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, to see if AMM would be interested in supplying cl �rical assistance to our group. Mr. Peterson offered to present th� idea to his Board but felt the idea may not be in the best in:erest of the Association. Re;ardless of who supplies clerical support, we need money to co itinue with a"program". A modest operating assessment to cover operating costs is needed. If the group determines a need to hire a co:�sultant at a future date, then an additional levy would be im�osed. I recommend two cents per capita for ful 1 city members and $2��0 for associate city members be charged to fund our groups op��rations. Financial contributions from private associations, en�ities, or financial institutions would be based on employees, menbers and/or deposit base. Mr, Darth from my City has volunteered to assist the officers of our prc posed organization. His office and City of Brooklyn Park's clErical staff, therefore, will be available (on a limited basis) to as� ist our group. The use of Humphrey Iflstitute or similar school gr�duate students has also been recommended for special projects. Likewise, this person could also work out of my city. A..986 legislative program can develop after we formally orcanize. Since February is only two months away, quick action is zeeded on a Joint Powers Agreement to start our program. Sincerely, Ct��o Jame J. Krautkremer, Mayor City of Brooklyn Park �::_ �.�.�. F ,: ti �.. .,��, _. :,s.�.:� ;.;Y . '.�o-''.S `� � CITY Of �-= � .� BRG �KLYN PAR 14 13C 5800 85th AVENUE NOATH / BAOO�f LYN PAAI�, MN 55443 / 61Z-425-4502 tdayors' Group AGENDA Fourth Meeting 5:30 p.m. November 19, 1985 Season's Restaurant 12800 NW Bunker Prairie Road Coon Rapids, Minnesota 1. CALL TO ORDER AND REPORT FROM MAYOR KRAUTKREMER 2. STATE/METRO ISSUES UPDATE (Rep. Bill Schreiber, Chairman Tax Committee A. Fiscal Disparities B. Tax Increment Financing C. Industrial Revenue Bonding D. State Budget Revenues E. Mega-Mall 3. DISCUSSION: Formal Organization - Joint Powers Agreement 4. ISSUES FOR ORGANIZATION: Transportation and Economic Development 5. SCHEDULE FUTURE MEETINGS/SPEAKERS 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT NOZE: Effort will be made to keep meetings to two hours. 0 � � � DA rE : PL ,CE : , . , .�, ; �, ,��� t� a ,�•c�'„r '�� >:n:n.,e'�•w�-v�fi., .. .-.� ..��y � .. � � . �;�,�,.� ,� �. vF_ :�F- . , ,_ , ., .. � ..,. ....- , . . 't� 3 t� � � :,� .; . . . .. , . . ,.. z ... .._. .. . .. . �. . . . .. �.' . . . . . ; . . � ' Notice of Meeting .r� ._ �� _ �''�� Metro Mayors' Group ' =; � ` �- ��, . ,�; � ., Tuesday, November 19, 1985 `� ,, , . .� '�,x;; < ;< Season's Restaurant r 12800 NW Bunker Prairie Road - Coon Rapids, Minnesota TI4L: 5:30 p.m. Sxial Hour � 6:00 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Meeting RE��ERVATIONS: Please call Charlie Darth at 424-8000, 8xt. 269, no later than 12:00 noon on Monday, November 18,_ 1985. Meal Choice: 1. Baked Chicken 2. Ribs & Chicken Combination 3. Broiled Walleye Price: City of Coon Rapids hosting NO"E: Both Mayors and City Managers are invitedl 0 . . . . _ . . . . � . � . . � tl ; , . r� _ Iq . . . . . . � .. � . N'�' � �ii.. . ' � . . � ' ... . ... � � h-�. . i . r � ��`�.'� �� . . .. � - . . .. '� . . . � �,;. � :..- � .. . .. � .. . .,-.. , . . ,.. � , � �_''� .:���: � -�; .:�. _:� r�'�'x ., , . .. . r.' ;...�:, °,. < � ' � � . . . . . . � . .. . : . . , � � � . .- �. ' . .:� .. . � • . . .. . . � . � .. ... .. .. . .. ' � , . � ; .uy. C k ' . - , ' . . � � . . � � . . .: : . . .r( �= n , . . . ,...: .�.. . . . eE .. +�`.rva^.Fn,��' S^.�,.+a.1 . . . . . � . ' . . . � �. ;Y �� y � �.�: . . ' ,� v 4x,>r�y;- � , . �� � ��:s .,, p ..rr�:� � , „«� <. ,. ., „ , ....a�i,:. : . �- .... ..: �,ae: 1�3E M I N U T E S MAYORS' MEETING Thursday, September 5, 1985 5:30 p.m. Brook Hall Blaine, MN Mayo:� James Krautkremer convened the meeting at 6:17 p.m. The purpose of i.he meeting was to consider a Mega-Mall Resolution, discuss form�tion of a proactive coalition, and listen to Bloomington Mayor Lind�u on the Mega-Mall. In a:tendance: Margaret Chuba, Post Publications; Jack Irving and Tom �aker, Crystal; Bill Barnhart, Minneapolis; Richard Johnson and ]'ran Fogerty, Blaine; Charles Darth and Jim Krautkremer, Brooklyn Park; Doug Reeder, Maple Grove; Richard Setzler and Gene Hakanson, Ossec; Ray Mattson and Walt Fehst, Robbinsdale; Don Busch, Spring Lake Park; Gregg Harcus, New Brighton; Dean Nyquist, Brooklyn Center; Robe�t Lewis and Bob Thistle, Coon Rapids; Dick Wedell, Shoreview; and BrucE Nawrocki, Columbia Heights. Mayo� Lindau provided a brief history of the Metropolitan Sports Stad�um Site and the Airport South Development District. •- Bloonington's financial involvement started in 1984 when the city'� Port Authority paid $15,000,000 for the 85-acre site. Shortly thereafter the city had a generic Environment Impact Study done. On July 2, 1985, the Port Authority awarded development rights to Triple Five Corporation for a facility that included office and shopping space, entertainment center, and a convention center. � Mr. �indaw stated Bloomington offered to subsidize the project by contiibuting :10$ of the project's development cost...$140,000,000 in Tax Increment financing is the proposed method of providing the projECt subsidy. Sufficient Tax Increments cannot be generated, howe�er, unless Bloomington's Airport South Site is exempt from Fiscal Disp�rities. Also, Bloomington is asking the state to exempt construction materials from sales tax and an increase in the city's hotel/motel tax. A brief (heated) question-and-answer session follcwed Mayor Lindau's presentation. At t'ie conclusion of discussion, the Mayors debated and adopted a Mega-Kall Resolution...(See attached). The Mega-Mall Resolution addressed the following issues: 1. Keed for project study by Metro Council because of its aetropolitan significance; 2. C�ncern about granting project exemption from Fiscal Disparities;� a nd 3. The granting of public subsidies. The final item of business. was an organizational discussion. Members had l�een suppiied with a sample Mission Statement, a joint powers agreenent draft, and a legislative program. Participants were requested to take the documents back to their respective Councils for 13F MAYC 2S' MEETING 9-5-35 Page 2 discission. If their communities support the concept, they are to appoint a person to serve on a task force. Mayo� Robert Lewis, City of Coon Rapids, offered to host the next meet Lng. Meet.ng was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. 0 � . � HARRISON PRICE MEGA-MALL REPORT 1 3 G � 0 Section 2 SU1�tPtARY OE' FINDINGS 0 0 The principal findings and conclusions of HPC's analysis of p��rformance forecasts £or Minnesota International Center (MIC) a•e highlighted in this section of the report. No attempt is m�de here to present detailed Eindings or supporting documenta- t.on, which are fully set forth in Section 3. � R:TAIL FACILITIES A � examination of e :ted comparisor�s f �ndings: � the Twin Cities retail market, with Edmonton, yielded the incluciing sel- following major • The retail trade base in metropolitan �Minneapolis-St. Paul, currently amounting to almost S15 billion, is not only substantially larger than that oE Edmonton, but also demon- strated greater resilience during the recent economic reces- sion. Retail sales in,EdmoRton, in fact, have exhibited only marginal growth since 1981 which, aFter adjusting foc inFlation, tcanslates into a real-dollar loss. • In view of the lackluster performance of Edmonton's cetail sector, the impact of the West Edmonton Mall (c�EM) has probably been negative. Data suggest a considerable net displacement oE sales Erom other retail businesses. � Additionally, there is little evidence that� WEM has had any impact on Comonton's visitor industry, which has shown a consistent downward trenc3 since the late I9%Os. -3- 0 . , . � 1 3�H � • Retail trade in the Twin Cities is projected to gr�w to more than s25 billion by 1°90, with tourists contcibutiny some �13 percent, oc s3.3 billion, of this total. Expressed.in - constant 1984 dollars,�1990 cetail volume will amount to � s19.4 billion. This translates into a total incremenral gain over the 1984-199A period of some s4.5 billion, or an average of s750 million per year. The S1.2 billion needed to meet the Triple 5 Corporation forecast for MIC (an optimistic but not necessacily unattainable objective) consequently eq�als about two years' worth of growth in the market before allocating any of the inccease to existing retail centers.. • • - • �t4IC's implied share of the cumulative 1984-1990 gcowth increment amounts to 27 pe�cent, an enormous proportional displacement for�a single development. Fortunately, the Twin Cities retail market is strong .enough so that only g:rowth is displaced--no net erosion oF retail activity (as apparently occurred in Edmonton) need be anticipated. AMOSEMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES Conclusions with respect to the amusement and entertainment component of MIC encompass the following: • Physical capacity limitations intrinsic to the envisioneJ sizing oE tlie MIC amusement complex imply a maximum auore- gate attendance volume of slightly less than 5 million. This estimate covers the ride comE�lex, the submacine lake and dolphin show, the ice and rollec skating Eacilities, -the watecpark, and oti�er ancillary attractions contained in the development E�lan. ' � � • Th�� developec's CurWcast of 7.5 million visits toc this component is tt�us one-tf�icd higher than tY►e physical plant can in fact accommodate even unciec the most Eavorable of opecating a��umE�tions. , - - � -------..._.--�-- .. __ -4- _--- - - ------ --- . .. _- -. . -- --I , . ,. • � It might also be mentione� in passinc� that the Triple 5 projection of an average pec capita smusert�ent expenditure of S15 on-site exceeds all comparable experience except the Disney parks, despite the fact that ca�acity (and hence entertainmerrt valuel is much iower than that of comparable Eacilities. � CONVE �ION CENTER 'he last of the major analy;is was concerned is this nstance are: component facilities with which this the conventiun center. Findings in • The developec has projectecl 800,000 deleaates for the �roposed MIC convention center, 200,000 oE which would be displaced from existing venues in the area and the re- mainder induced. Netting out the displacement and adding . back attendance at�the new center, tiotal convention volume in the Twir� Cities woulc3 rise to twice its present level as a result oE the project. • Kationwide, convention center construction is nearing the �nd oE an unprecedented boom that beoan in the mid-I970s. �o less tnan eight major new or newly expanded centers will � �e added to the already extensive comoetitive inventocy by :he end oC this decade. . • :E a center oE the envisioned scale is cieveloped at t•fIC, tinneapoli�-St. Paul would be suddenly thrust into what is �►ecominy an inordinately competitive scramble for conven- .ion business. Development ti:ning cou,�d not be woCSe. • � con►mentary on the developer's attendance �nd irt�pact fcojections for tt�is �articul�r Eac:iliti is academic in this context, and HPC strongly cecommends that the whole . issue of the convention center be separated Fcom -5- 131 , , , , V that.vf the retail, amusement, and other Cacilities planned Eor tr�e site and evaluated on its own merits. � POTE �TIAL OVERALG IMPACT OF T8E MIC PROJECT . - Mcrging the retail and amusement conponents proposed for Minn�sota International Center, the following conclusions per— tain to the.overall performance and impact of the development as a �+h<�le: • Triple 5 Corporation has estimated 26.4 million visits in the aggregate (exclusive of the convention center) Eor the htIC pcoject. This figure includes the 7.5 million amuse— ment visits pceviously noted as physically impossible-- , unless sizing parametecs are materially enlarged. In ocdec to assess ma�ket penetrations implied by developer fo�recasts, however, this figure will be retained for illus— tration pur�oses. , • The im�lied retail/amusement market capture rate ttotal attendance divided by total market size) for F1IC amounts to more than 600 percent for the resident market and roughly 50 percent For the tourist market. Rates in excess of 100 percent are associated with �epeat visitation, meaning�that the forecast im�lies that metropolitan cesidents will visit ' the center an average of six times pec year, The weighted average penetration of both market segments comes to I08 percent. • In the absence of reliable documentation that expe�ience in Edmonton (the only dicect comparable) supports capEuce ra�es of this magnitude, examinatiori oE partly comparable .�xperience in this country--includinv the Disney theme �arks anu majoc festival centers suct; as ti�e Rouse Comnarty ittr3ctions in E�oston, Raltimore, and eisew�ere--indic�tes :hat MIC forecasts appear• very optimistic and are perhans �rossly overstated. 0 _6_ 13J � ; • HPC considers a combined retail and amusement visitor volume in the range of 15 million to 17 million to be genecous (and sensitive to the notion that the uniaue ' project concept and sheer scale of development will gener- _ ate an above-average public response), giving MIC an over- all macket penetration rate of 60 to 70 percent. • Experience with massive development projects in other locations, including Edmonton, suggests that Iittle or none of this visitation and associated spending will be "new," or induced by the project. Fihatever does occur will likely be limited to the fitst year or two of opecation,��when � public curiosity is at its peak. • Reaiistically, perhaps the best that can be expected over the longer term is that MIC will not have a negative impact on other Twin Cities entertainment attractions or shoppin3 centers. � -7- 13K �� �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL � Januarv 6, 1986 Type of License: B� Approved By: FOOD ESTABLISH�1ENT BurgE r I:�ing D& A Partnership 6410 University Ave.N.E. Frid�ey, Mn. 55432 The �unshine Place Rest.Inc. 5201 Central Ave. P�.E. Frid'ey, Mn. 55421 0 Tony M. Bakhtiari �- LICENSES � 4 Fees• $35.00 $35.00 ir ■� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES� 4 A January 6, 1985 RESIDENTAL RENTAI PROPERTY OWNER LOCATION OF BUILDING UNITS FEE APPROVED BY Jeromc Thompson 411-13 Ironton Street 2 $24.00 R. H. Larson, FPBJ 2070 :ornell Drive Housing Insp. New B�ighton, MN 55112 Rbnal.� I Lafond 959 - 96th Ave. NE Blain�, MN 55434 Garry Woessner 1225 la Salle, #1206 t�pls, MN 55403 140 Mississippi P1ace 1601 N. Innsbruck Or., #204 � 4 36.00 1 12.00 � ir ■� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNClL January 6, 1986 Ctaims 5937 - 6196 -- ClA1MS� 5 �� 1 � � L_.._� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL " ESTIMATES � 6 F�Il�4►TSS JAI��lRIC 6, 1986 Ei gene A. Fiidcok and Asaocziates, Inc. 5� 5 Indian M�tnd w� Yzata, l�l 55391 Partial.Estimate Fbr Pro�essiar�l Servioes Thru Naveaber 30, 1985 Moore Lake Phase II Restoratian Project ....... $ 413.84 Bc air�e Excavating, Inc. 1� i36 Main Street Rc 3ers, NN 55374 Water & S�,rer Project No. 160 Partial Estimate No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,375.42 �