02/24/1986 - 5145I OFFICIAL QTY Q�CTNC�L AGFNLY� Q�UNCZ� I�E"TIl�1G F'F13A1ARY 24, 1986 i FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: February 24, 1986 NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER G � ' �____ FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 24, 1986 - 7: 30 P. M. Follo�ing are the "ACTIONS TAKEN" by the Administration for your infor nation. ----------------------------------------------------------�------- APPROI�,L OF MINUTES• :ouncil Meeting, February 3, 1986 ltinutes approved as presented. ; � � • • • �; OPEtd i ORUM� VISITORS: Bi] 1 Frauley - Fridley Key Club, Ms. Victims - Issued Proclamation for Yo�th Leadership Week PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearing on the Matter of a Rezoning reques:, ZOA �85-05, Lake Pointe Corporate Center i100 Z�ain Drive-In, by HRA in Cooperation with W>odbridge Properties, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . H�aring opened at 7:39 p.m. Closed at 8:03 p.m. UBLI WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Have put zoning ordinance on nex : agenda fot consideration of first reading. ��� . . . 1 - 1 L Council Meeting, February 24, 1986 PJBLI � HEARI2�GS (Continued) Publi : Hearing on the Matter of a Final Plat, P.S. 185-07, Lake Pointe Corporate Center/100 Twin )rive-In, by HRA in Cooperation with Woodb-idge Properties, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iearing opened at 8:03 p.m. Closed at 8:10 p.m. PUBLI; WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Have put final plat on next ►genda for consideration of approval. L B1'SINESS• . � Consiceration of a Special Use Permit, SP #85-01, to OpErate a Residential Mental Iiealth Program in an Ap�rtment Building Generally Located at 5378-� 384 - Sth Street, N. E. , by Community Optior s, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U LI WORKS--�►CTION TAKEN: Informed applicant of City Council approval. Consideration of City Council Appointments to CityC�mr,.issions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J�hn Meyer appointed to HRA Commission ITY M�NAGER--ACTION TAREN: Have put tabled appointments on nex: agenda. Sent copies of applications of prospe�tiv e Commission members to City Council. Pa ge 2 2 - 2 F 3 - 3 Q 4 - 4 A � -�Counc.l Meeting, February 24, 1986 Page 3 r---- hEW B ISINESS• Consi feration of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridl�y City Code Amending Appendix F Providing Adjus .ment of Salaries for Mayor and Councilmembers .... 5 CITY 'IANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Have put ordinance on next agend�� for consideration of second reading. Consi�leration of First Reading of an Ordinance for R��zoning Request, ZOA #85-04, to Rezone the Prope:ty Generally Located Between 81st Avenue and 83rd i,venue and Betw een Main Street and University Avenu� , by Vantage Properties, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 F UBLIi: WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Have put ordinance on agend� for consideration of second reading with stipu: ations. Consic eration of First Reading of an Ordinance for Rf zoning Request, ZOA #85-03, to Rezone the Propeity Generally Located at 1282 Mississippi Street , N. E. , by Margaret Brickner . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 B UBLI WORKS--ACTI4N TAREN: Have gut ordinance onB00J next agenda for consic eration of second reading with stipul ations. _ , � �Counc 1 Meeting, February 24, 1986 'Ej�. W B )SINESS (Continued) Consi�leration of First Reading of an Ordinance for V,.cation Request, SAV #85-06, to Vacate the Unuse�l Johnson Street Dedication Lying North of Skywo� �d Lane and South of I-694, by John Pollard .. pUBLI�' WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Have put ordinance on next � genda for consideration of second reading with stipu: ations. . . � Consi� eration of First Reading of an Ordinance Recod: fying the Fridley City Code by Amending Chapt� r 1 Entitled "Legislative Boundaries", Secti�n 1.02, Subdivision A, Ward 1 Precinct 1; Subdi�ision F, Ward 2, Precinct 1; Subdivision G, War� : Precinct 2; and Subdivision J, Ward 3, Pr eci � ct 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E T L SERVICES--ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance will be on ne: t agenda for consideration of second reading Consiceration of a Special Use Permit, SP #85-17, to A17 ow Installation of an Automobile Parking Lot GEnerally Located at 5600 Central Avenue, N.E., by HRA in Cooperation with Woodbridge Prope� ties, Inc .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP BLI( WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Informed applicant of City < ouncil approval with stipulations. . . . Page 4 8 - 8 A 9 - 9 G 10 - 10 E COUNC L MEETlNG. FEBRUARY Z4, 1986 . • 1 •► ► � PAGE 4 CONSI[ERATION OF FlRST REAOING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR V�CATION RE�UEST. SAV #�35-06, TO VACATE THE UNUSE[ �OHNSON STREET DEDICATION LYING NORTH OF SKYWOCD LANE AND SOUTN OF i-694, BY �OHN NOLLARD ..... 8- 8 A � CONSICERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN URDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE 6Y AMENDING CHAPTE� 1 �NTITLED "LEGISLATIVE BOUNDARIES". SECTICV 1.H2. SUBDIVISION A. WARD 1 NRECINCT 1: SUBDIViSION F. WARD L. NRECINCT 1; SUBDIVISION G. I�JARO � F'RECINCT �: AND SUBDIVISION J. WARD 3. PRECIN�T 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO�NSID:RATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #85-17, TO ALL)W INSTALLATION OF AN AUTOMOBILE PARKING LOT GE�ERALLY LOCATEO AT 56Q0 CENTRAL AVENUE. N.E., fY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH WOODBRIDGE PROPER ' IES. INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m • • C l td — 10 E COUNC L MEETING. FEBRUARY 24. 1986 1 � 1 •► ► � PAGE 5 CONSIIiERATION OF A SIGN PLAN GENERALLY LOCATED AT 62.�0 AND 6280 SiATE TRUNK HiGHWAY 65, BY TOM BI',ICKNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 �3 CONSI[ERATION OF RESOLUTIOtJS AUTHORIZING CITY hSAYOR AND ��1ANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT �63313 AND ACREEMENT �1887-R WITH P�IINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TR�NSPORTATION FOR OPTICON TRAFFFIC CONTROL S � GNAI S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll - 12 N CONSID=RATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PRELIh'INARY PLANS. SPECIFICATION AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS 7HEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT No . ST . 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 � � COUNC'L MEETING. FEBRUARY 24. 1986 ► . � 1 �►�t • ► ► � a CONSIIERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PREL1111NARY REPORT AND PETITIONS TO WAIVE THE PUBLI: HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CE:TAIN IMPROVEh1ENTS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJE :T No . ST . 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPOII'�TMENTS - ClTY EMPLOYEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CL A I M' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LICEN� ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EST IM� TES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :� � 1 PAGE 6 14 15 . lb 1T - 17 B 18 - 18 H , THE MINt,'TES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING O.F , FEBRUARY 3, 1986 � � ' Council Meetinq, Februarv 24, 1986 0 'IvEW E�INESS (Continued) Page 5 Consi�eration of a Sign Plan Generally Located at 6230 and 6280 State Trunk Highway 65, by Tom B rickner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 B UBL ;, WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Informed applicant of . City �ouncil approval. -. � Consi�ieration of Resolutions Authorizing City Mayor and Manager to execute Agreement i63313 and A��reement �1887-R with Minnesota Department of Tr,�nsportation for Opticon Trafffic Control Signa: s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UBLI�' WORKS--ACTION TAREN• Proceeded with execution of ag� eement. Consiceration of a Resolution Ordering the Prelin inary Plans, Specification and Estimates of the Costs thereof: Street Improvement Project No. S7. 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UBLI WORKS--ACTION TAREN• Proceeded with preliminary pl ans. 12 - 12 N 13 - 13 B � ..C�uncil Meeting, February 24, 1986 Page 6 '2.EW BJSINESS (Continued) Consiieration of a Resolution Receiving the Preli �inary Report and Petitions to Waive the Publi: Hearing on the Matter of the Construction of Ce �tain Improvements: Street Improvement Proje :t No. ST. 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PUBLY; WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded with requested impra� �ements. . '� 0 Appoi �tments - City bnployees . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 TY iANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Informed Accounting of new e� .pl oyees. Claim; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1 pproved CENTRi.L SERVICES ACTION TAKEN: Paid claims Licen: es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 B � ppr ov ed E T L SERVICES ACTION TAKEN: Issued Licenses Estimztes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 18 H � pproved ENTR�L SERVICES ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates ADJOUF �1: 8: 55 p, m. �� FRiDLEY CI TY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 14, 1986 - 7:30 P,M. ' � ' '► ,... , � - •� _ u ► (OUNCIL MEETING. FEBRUARY 3, 1986 :1�' ► � : 1�: �' 1 � 111 / � (�:ONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) . . � ■ �: 1 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF A REZONING REQUESI, ZOA �85-P15, LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENTER/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN, BY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH WC�DBRIDGE PROPERTIES, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 L ilC � COUNC L MEETING. FEBRUARY 24, 1986 � ■ :: ► •► ► � PUBL I i: HEAR i NG ON THE MATTER OF A F I NAL I'LAT. P.S. �`85-07. LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENTER/100 TWIN [RIVE-IN, BY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH � WOODBf IDGE PROPER7IES, INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1 . ► CONS I C�RAT I ON OF A SPEC I AL USE PERM I T, SF' �85-01, TO OPE�ATE A RESIDENTIAL P�IENTAL HEALTH NROGRAM IN AN APA�TMENT BUILDING GENERALLY LOCATED AT 5378-53�4 - 5TH STREET. N.E.. BY COMMUNITY OPT I ON i . LTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONSID:RATION OF CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO CITY C�)hth11SSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 � PAGE 2 2-2F 3-3Q 4-4A COUNCI_ P�IEETING. FEBRUARY 24, 1986 1 . . 1 PAGE 3 CONSID=RATION OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIOLE� CITY CODE AMENDING APPENDIX F NRQVIDING ADJUSTdENT OF SALARIES FOR MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS .... 5 CONSID:RATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR RE'ONING REQUEST, ZUA #85-04, TO REZONE THE PROPER"Y GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN 81ST AVENUE AND 83RD AIENUE AND BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE BY VANTAGE PROPERTIES. INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 F CONSIDIRATION OF FIRST REAOIN6 OF AN ORDINANCE FOR RE.ONING REQUEST, ZOA �85-03. TO REZONE THE PROPER�Y GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1282 MISSISSIPPI STREET N.E.. BY h1ARGARET BRICKNER . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - l B �ii MINUrES OF TI� RDGOIAR MEETING OF Tf� FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY .� � �e Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cotu�►cil was called to order at 7:30 p. r. by Mayor Nee. PZ.i D� OF ALLDGIANCE• , Ma� or Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl� g. - �� MEI�BF�2S PRFSFN'I': Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Co�cilman Schneider, Councilman Fitzp3trick, and Covncilman Goodspeed MENBII2S ABSENT: None P�1 �II�ATION• Mr, Floyd Pulju, Qomnander of the Fridley VFW Fbst 363, presented a check to th� City in the aQnount of $13,750, on behalf of the menbers of the VFW Pest, to be used for a video systan. Ma; or Nee and menbers of the Cfluncil exter�ded their thanks and appreciation to the VFW for this cbnation. AP: 'ROVAL OF MIN[.TrES • QOUNCIL MEETING. JAN[1ARY 13. 1986 • rD''D'JN by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to apprave the minutes with the follawing co; rection: Change the time of adjournment from 9:44 p.m. to 7:44 p.m. Se� �rx3ed by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ne� � declared the motion carried unanimously. AD� iPrION OF AGF�IDA M7'ION by Co�cilman Barnette to adopt the agenda as sutrnitted. Seoonded by Co�u�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared th�� motion carried unanimously. QP �I FORUM. VISITORS A. Ms. Nancy Jorgenson, 5730 Polk Street, stated she ser�t a letter to Mayor Ne � and the Co�mcil on January 17, 1986 regarding a difficulty they were ha� �ing with the day care licenses and the fire codes applied to day care ha �es. Ma: �or Nee stated the City staff has reviewed the issues raised and, after re :eiving comments from the Fire Degartment, referred it to the City At:orney for an opinion. -1- ��.��. 1�1?1 i�, • �1: � �' '� ��� Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated his office looked into the questions raised and he stated the statute and regulations are oonfusing and somewhat in conflict and perhaps a matter that needs to be clarified by the Legislature rather than the City. He stated he understands there is a proposal to clarify the statute in this legislative session. Mr. Herrick stated he believed the regulation adopted by the StaCte of a 10 to 1 ratio would prevail, therefore, it is his reoomnendation the City not attenpt to enforce the Uniform Fire Code because it is felt the Legislature has taken that matter out of the Fire Code and put it into the hands of the Htunan Resources Departmerit. He stated, for the time being, the City would abide by that rule they have adopted an�d, if necessary, modify the ordinance to o�mply with it. Mr. Herrick stated he has been told there is going to be an effort to clarify the legislation by the Legislature. Mayor Nee stated the City Attorney has given the Council a memo to this effect, however, there is same objection fram the Public Safety Staff. He felt this oould be handled adninistratively and enforced with a ratio of 10 to 1. He stated if there is a request for a hearing, he would bring a testimorYy fran the Fire Depart�nent and oonsider the fact if one person can be a safe custodian of 10 children in a fire situation. Ms. Jorgenson stated there is a bill in the Legislature which would prohibit municipalities from having stricter wdes and felt perhaps they should wait and see what develops with this proposed legislation. B. Mr. Broder, 278 58th Avenue, appeared before the Council regarding the possibility of oonstructing a d�uble bungalaw on his lot. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated Mr. Broder is referring to the property at 58th and 3rd, however, it is not zoned for a duplex. Mr. Broder stated Mr. Robinson of the Gity staff stated he definitely has roan to build a double bungalaw. He stated there are duplexes next to him and across the street. Mr. Broder stated he didn't warit to �ay the fee for this to be processed, if he wasn't sure he o�uld build a duplex. Co�cilman Fitz�trick stated he could understand Mr. Broder's position, hvwever, it is not knawn whether such a request would be apprwed or denied until the guestion is raised. He stated duplexes in the area have been grandfathered in ar�d there haven't been any allaaed recently. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he felt there should be a report from staff. He stated if it is zoned single family, it would be necessary to rezone the property or a special use permit grarited. He stated, either way, a public hearing is neoessary. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked Mr. Broder to meet with staff so information regarding his lot can be provided and to advise him the necessary procedures to follaw in order for his request to be formally considered. -2- � ��• �I�1?) 1� • �1: ;" I: �� :�. P BLIC EffARINGS• 1. �IBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF REAIJACATION OF A PORTION OF THE CITY'S 19$5 � i�i[.TN�'PI' DEVEIAPMII�TT BIiOCK GRANr FU1�IDS • M TIDN by Co�cilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing n<tice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the moticm carried ur animcwsly and the public hearing opened at 7:55 p.m. Ccuncilman Schneider stated at the Planning Commission meeting, the Cc ranission was looking at reallocating some of the CCBG funds to the huQnan se rvices area. He stated the Conanission tnderstood they were limited to 15$ of the total ftmding, however, the amount is 1 imited to 15$ of the enti re Cc unty's allocation. He stated, therefore, if other cities cb not allocate tt: eir 15$, Fridley oould allocate more f�ds for this area. Cc�ncilman Schneider stated the Planning Commission is of the opinion the CL 3G f�mds can't be used for Riverview Heights Park develognent because LP �Q�N matching f�mds aren't available, which isn't the case. He stated he fE lt the Co�►ission did not have the o�rrect data presented to then. Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, stated there is further information re �arding C�BG f�ds uzder Iten 6 of the agenda. ND�D�N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing and table ac:ion u1ti1 Itan 6 is oonsidered. Seoonded by Co�cilman Barnette. Upon a vc ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried un►nimously and the public hearing closed at 8:00 p.m. 2. �U 3LIC I�ARING ON THE MATTER OF A REZONlNG RDOUEST. ZOA #85-04. TO REZOI�IE 'H ; Pl�lJPER'TY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN 81ST AVENUE AND 83RD AVENUE AND �E �nIEEN MAIN STREET AI�ID UNIVERSITY AVENUE. BY VANrAGE P�PERTIESl INC. : I�D"ION by Coimcilman Fitz�trick to waive the reading of the public hearing no ice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Co�cilman Schneider. Up�n a �oice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried un�.nimously and the public hearing opened at 8:42 p.m. Mr Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request by Vantage Pr+ �perties to rezorie property between 81st and 83rd Streets and bordered by Ma: n Street and University Avenue fran C-2 and M-2 to C-3 general shopping ce� �ter district. Mr. Flora stated the rezoni.ng involves approximately 22 acres. He stated th� plan preserited to the Planning Comnission called for development of a la� ge �mnercial operation o�nsisting of a warehouse/wholesale club, and a ma• or and minor retail business associated with it. Mr. Flora stated, during the Planning Con�nission meeting, it was determined thE size af the develognent would be reduced. He stated this development woi,ld then be limited to the wholesale club and associated retail -3- �� 1�. �1�1 ly • �1: ���� � � develognent and reduces the required parking to Iess than 1,.000 parking stalls. He stated the City would request an informal environmental assessnerit worksheet for revic.w by staff. Mr. Flora stated staff also has some concern regarding the exterior aesthetics and architectural character af the building. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning with seven stipulations, which he outlined. Mr. Kelly D�ran, representing Vantage Properties, stated the nature of the wholesale club is a unique mass merchandising concept started in Southern California oriented on a retail level and a menbership. He stated it f�tures deep diso�t,ulting and a limited number of itens and fast turnover. Mr. Doran stated they would sell anything from televisions to tires to grocery products. He stated grocery items are bulk packed and generally sold in c:ase lots. Gbi.uicilman Barnette asked who would qualify for m�nbership. Mr. Doran stated goverrment enpla�ees, englv�ees of financial institutions, airline enplo�ees, or enplayees of arYy aoa�►panies that create an affiliation with the membership. Councilman Barnette asked if this operation would be similar to the Gem Stores. Mr. Doran stated the �ogram would be open to a broader base of potential menbers. He stated for busir�ess members, there is a menbership fee and individual m�nbers gay a little higher price. He stated it is essentially a discou¢�t store with a new merchandising method. Mr. Doran stated the other developnent would be smaller retail businesses. He stated, hawever, it has not been determir�ed, at this ti.me, whether there would be future expansion. �ere was some ooncern expressed by the Council that by reducing the size of this developnent and possibly ex�nding at a later date, it circ�anvents the ernirormental assessnent worksheet required by the State. Zt�e question was asked what such an assessnent would o�ver. Mr. Flora stated an envirormental assessment looks at the land and addresses the metropolitan system and such items as air pollution and if the develognent would adversely affect any adjoining properties. Mr. Flora stated envirorxnental assessment worksheets were prepared for the Mar-Len develcme.nt in this area to make sure they didn't adversely imgact on the nature center. Cotuicilman Schneider stated one of the stipulations recommended was that a completed erivirormental assessnerit worksheet be aomgleted. He asked if it would be p�ssible, besides staff's review, to obtain an opinion from the Fbllution Coritrbl Agency. Mr. Flora felt such a request could be made to this agency or the E�vironnental Quality Board. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he does rrot recall anyone mt receiving a -4- � �. 1l�� _ �. � �if'�i L �a pe mit fran the �. He stated they probably have air quality reports for th .s neighborhood, however, the main o�ncern is traffic control and if the tr iffic can be maved in a period of time so as not to create problPSns with th � air quality. He stated he cannot prej�ge this particular situation, bu . knawing the area, he would be surprised if the MPCA considered it a ma or protalen. He felt if someone fran staff inet with representatives of th � MFCA, they could gi,ve a little backgro�d information on this situation. Mr Flora stated the preliminary drainage plan proposes ponding on the site. He stated the oonsulting finn of Comstock and Davis is reviewing 81st for po� ;sible upgrading. No pers�ns in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning. !rD"ION by Cowicilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Co� �cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared th� � motion carried �uianimously and the public hearing closed at 8:28 p.m. M�"ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to request staff to obtain further ini ormation, if possible, fran the MPCA on potential air pollution and sui�mit this information to the Council before final reading of the orcinance. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting ay� , Mayor Nee declarec3 the mation carried unanimously. � : : � •, � �• • i � • � �. � a• • • � • �_ • � . ;� . .� ��i �, � �� _ � ' • �� � ' s' • «����� IrD7I0N by C�tmcilman Schneider to wa.ive the reading of the public hearing not ice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by ��.mcilman Barnette. Upon a� oice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una nimously anci the public hearing opened at 8:29 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to rezone prc perty at 1282 Mississippi Street from R-1 to C-1. He stated it is prc posed to use this hcme as a boutique and small retail operation. Mr. Flc ra stated this happens to be an older, histo�rical home in the City and thE petitioner felt it would be better to use it for this type of operation, rat ier than renting it. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rez �ning with eic�t stipulations� which he outlir�ed. Mr. Byron Larson, neighboring property awner, asked about screening between thia property and his property. Mr. Flora stated staff suggested some pla ztings, but dic�'t have a specific plan at this time. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Larson if he had any preferenoes. Mr. Larson stated, as long as it is just a boutique, it wouldn't generate a lot of traffic and really dic�'t have ariy objection. Ms. Brickner, the petitioner, stated there is a cyclone fence which is on -5- f���. I�i 1 � � ?�' •�!i•� � � Mr. Larson's property and could put in any screening Mr. Larson wished. Mr. Larson asked if they had plans to renwe or t�ear down the hane to which Ms. Brickner answered in the regative. Councilman Schryeider stated once the property is rezoned and if it is sold in the future, there is the p�ter�tial that the house vold be tor�n down and anything else peimitted in a oo�nerical zone �ould be oonstructed. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, pointed out that the adjacent business, associated with this home, is zoned oo�nerical and the major portion of the lot to the rear is zoned commerical. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning. NDTION by Cotmcilman Schneider to close the public heaing. Seconded by Gouncilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearng closed at 8:35 p.m. OLD BUSINESS• 4. OONSIDERATION OF VACATION UEST SAV �85-06, TO VACATE THE UNUSID JOHNSON ST�2EET DIDICATION LYING IVC?RTH OF SKYWt70D IANE AND SOUTH OF I-694 , BY JOHN POLIAFZD (TABI,m 1/13/86) : Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request tr� Mr. R�llard to vacate that portion of Johnson Street between Skywood Lane and I-694. He stated the Planning C,omnission has recommended approval of this vacation request. Mr. Flora stated there is a utility line along the eastern portion and the City has a water line ruining diagonally across the right-of-way, therefore, if this vacation is approved, it is recommended a utility easement be retained over the eritire p�rtion. Mr. Flora stated there was a question raised at the last meeting if this �roel had origir�lly oorne fram Mr. �bllard's property. He stated this has been checked and the property was from the plat and therefore it would revert back to Mr. R�llard. Councilman Goodspeed stated he had extensive conversations with everyone invalved and, since they were able to reach an agreenent where Mr. Pr�llard would allow Mr. F�►gebretson to oontinue his project tntil it is completed, he would mave the follaaing: N1�TION by Co�mcilman Goodspeed to apprave vacation request, SAV #85-06, to vacate the uzused Johnson Street dedication lying north of Skywood Lane and south � I-694, by John Fbllard, subject to retaining a utility eas�nent for the entire width and length of the vacation. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec3ared the motion carried unanimously. -6- � �. ff� ��� � D'� �� �� ���� ._ , ( � � � � z,), � ��i � � � � ,� � i1�� � � � • �• i� �I' • •, • ' } • �1' • , � '� �' I' �� ' • • � • � � • ,�� • �1� . . . . �'�L� ` �� • �� ; 1 1 i,l� 1 � �I' y� • � �I Mr . Flora, Public Works Director, stated this property is located north of 51 �t and east of East River Road and includes four lots north of 53rd. He st �ted when North Freeway Irrvestors originally sutrnitted plans to construct fc ir buildings, they were designed for warehouse and storage space with lc iding docks. He stated since vomgletion of the first building and based or their tenants, they have redesigned the rear of the develognent to pr 7vide more garking, rather than dock sgace. He stated the new plans s� initted indicate adequate Farking for the nunber of tenants. Mr . Flora stated the Planning Conanission reooimierx3ed approval af the special us � permit with two stipulations, which he outlined. He stated if the Co mcil appraves the special use permit, it would allow office use of this sF�ce in an industrial zoned area and the request oovers all four buildings, so ne o� which have not yet been oompleted. Mr. Flora stated special use pe :mits are n�rmally only good f or one year f ram approval and, if acti on i s no : initiated within one year, the permit be�mes null and void. He stared fu .1 occupancy for the third and fourth buildings is s�ne years away and it wc sld be appropriate to extend the special use permit at the time of a� �raval to allaa for the phased construction. ND �ION by Gouncilman Fitzpatrick to wncur with the recommendation of the Pl �nning Conmission and approve special use permit, SP #85-13, with the fo .laaing stipulations: (1) City wi.11 monitor future tenant occupancy and co �responding p3rking denand; limits on office use may be imposed if parking pr >blens bewme apg�rent; (2) Special use permit to be reviewed in August, 19 36: and (3) This special use permit apglies to the four buildings to be 0o istructed in the �mglex. Seoonded by Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vo :e, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��, na+-• • • -� •�• : . • � � • • -• • a�� • � � �, • �� y� �• i �• si�L. _� ' � '�[�� • �:_ i� � Mr Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use pe mit to allaa offices not associated with a principal use. He stated the Mi inesota Department of Jobs and Training has leased space in this in lustrial complex and they have a higher �rking demand than a normal in lustrial or r�ormal affice aomglex would need. Mr Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this sp� �cial use perit with four stipulatons, which he outlined. He stated the st, ff has analyzed the parking situation and felt there is adequate parking fo: this particular operation. ' -7- i���� 131 ��� • �I: �._i_iJ ��%�:� Counclman Schneider stated based upon the stiplation that no further office tenarn.s would be allaaed unless there is a corresponding drop in parking deqnand, he felt the petitioner would have r�o control over this since they are leasing sg�ce. Mr. Flora stated this has been reviewed with the awner af the vom�l.ex and he is in agreanent with this stipulation. I�DTION by C;ouncilman Goodspeed to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve special use permit SP #85-16, with the follvwing stipulations: (1) Special use permit is for Minnesota Departsnent of Jobs and Training only; (2) No further office tenants will be allawed unless a wrresponding drop in p�rking demand occurs from other tenant changes, with the exception of currerit 2,000 squa re f eet of vacant of f ice space which may be considered for a special use permit; (3) Bring directional sic��age irtto oode wmgliance, work with City staff in developing an overall sign plan; and (4) Special use permit be reviewed by Planning Conunission in August, 1986. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �e Co�mcil received the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of January 8, 1986. 6. RECEIVING Tf� MINUrES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 22. 19 86 : A. OONSIDERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING RD�UEST. ZQA. #85-05, LAKE PONI'E OORP'ORATE CIIJ�ER/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA IN OOOPERATION WITH WI�ODBRIDGE PRlJPE�IES. INC.: NDT�k1 by Councilman Barnette to set the public hearing on this rezoning request for February 24, 1986. Seoonded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. •• n • • • �. • • ;: � �• � •�..�.. �� �• �� �• :!�' •���a�•� • •��:• � �•,���•� NDTmN tyy Councilman Goodspeec3 to set the publ ic hearing on this f inal pl at for February 24, 1986. Seoon3ed by Gbuncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Ni�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �• �� • • • ' :. •• i � • • �� : �M d;� •�z ••,�•� � Mr. Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated the Community Developnent Block Grarit proposals for 1986 were sent to the Conent.mity Developrnent Cornrnission and the Planning Commission for reoo�nendations. He stated the Council's reoommendation must be preserited to the Coianty by February 14. � � ,� 1 1� • �i�.'t-IZ •� Mr , Flora stated the reoomner�dation of the Planning Commission was for the f� zds to be distributed as follaas: (1) H�nan Service grants - 15� � $�3,423; (2) Crime prevention - security hardware, $15,500; (3) Plaza Center Im �rwenents: A. Gbrridor Study, $10,000; B. University/Mississippi lighted si 3nage, $8,000; and C. Four corner improvenents and/or landscaping, $4!,565; (4) (Alternate) Riverwood Heights Aark Developnerit (matc�ing funds to LAW0�1 if obtair�ed) . Up to $50,000 to be allocated at a later date, if LA�Q�N funding is obtained. Mr Flora stated the Planning Commission suggested if LAW00N funds were ob :ained for 1986, oonsideratian would be to mave soane o� the f�ds frcm the Pl aza Center imprwenents to the Riverview Heights Park development. He st �ted the Riverviaa Heights project dic�'t materialize because LPLV�I funds we -e not available in 1985. He stated they have looked i�o the possibility of oambining 1985 and 1986 C�G funds for this project and, as long as 1985 fu ids are expended before Deoanber o� this year, he felt this �uld be done. Mr Flora stated if it is the Qouncil's desire, f�mds for the Plaza Center im �ravenerits o�uld be maved irito the Riverview Heights project in the amo�mt of approximately $24,400. He stated with this amount, plus the 1985 funds of approximately $37,000, there should be adequate monies to initiate action to obtain the Findell property in this project area. Gb mcilman Schneider asked if they could allocate $24,400 to the Riverview He ghts proj ect, rather than the Fbur Corner Impravenents and Landscaping in th � Plaza Center and then use the reinaining f unds in the area of H►unan Se vioes. Mr Flora stated the County's cap of 15$ of CDBG funds can be used in the ar �a o�f hunan services and, if other cities cb not allocate the maximum of 15' ,, there is the possibility Fridley oould increase their allocation. Mr Qureshi, C�ty Manager, stated there isn't a specific plan for the four oo. ner imprwenents and landscaping so the allocation of these funds could be amended. He stated the Council could make their recommendation and di �ect that this progran oome back to then the seoond week in March. ND"ION by Councilman Schneider to apprave the follawing to the County for th� � allocation of 1986 QBG f�mds: (1) H�nan service grarits - 15�, $13,423; (2 Crime prevention - security hardware, $15,500; (3) Plaza Center im; �rwenents, $18,000 allocated as fallaas: a. �rridor study, $10,000; b. Un versity/Mississippi lic�ted signage, $8,000; c. Fbur C;orner Improvgnents arH I Landscaping, $18,165; (4) Rivervi�a Heights Park Development, $24,400; an� I(5) If Co�ty has any additional hunan services opport�mities, funds up to a maximtun of $18,165 are to be allocated to this area frocn the Four Co �ners Improvement item. Further, that the County's Human Services al: ocations should be provided to the Council at the second meeting in Ma: ch, 1986. Sea�nded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voi ing aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. � r •,• •�• . ; s.«__;_• •, �• � • � • •_�L�' . •:. •• u • • 4i ;u -•�• �• •• � ;�-� • �« �• i •:. �� ,�� ,- � ��..1�. 1 1� • �' •� ►• '� ' : Mr. Betzold, 1601 North Innsbruck, appeared before the Co�mcil rec�arding the location for the 49er Days round-up and carnival. He stated he appeared before the Parks and Recreation Corranissian regarding the use of Locke Park for these events and they felt the park could be used, if certain concerns were addressed such as the insurance, water supgly, beer pennits, arid im�ct on the neighborhood. Mr. Betzold stated he also talked to'Mr. Flora regarding the p►�rking lot east of the Civic Center. He stated the disadvantage is it would entail the use of the lot for a good part of the week and his ooncern would be tying up the lot for this period of time. He stated the advantage is that it brings people into the Civic Center area, although it would not be too visible frcm University Avenue. Cb�cilman Barnette stated he felt thc� would meet s�me real objections, if the south p�rtion of Locke Park was used. He felt there would be no way to vontrol traffic and a lot of cars would go through this neighborhood. Mr. Betzold stated the north parking lot at Col�nnbia Arena would be a perfect site, however, the o�st is $500 a day rental and the 49er's don't have these f�,mds available. Mr. Qureshi, CYty Manager, stated if this is the most logical location, he would suggest the C,o�ty be approached to see if the fee v�uld be waived or reduced. Mr. Betzold stated he would appreciate any assistance from the (� ty. �e Co�cil received the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of January 22, 1986. 7. OONSIDERATION OF AN INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT #67 FOR 1986. BY METI�POLITAN 4�1SrE O�NrROL OONiMISSION: MQTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the Interceptor Maintenance Agreenent #67 for 1986 with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. Seconded b� oouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 8. RESOLUTION N0. 7-1986 AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF SEVERAL TEMPORARY EASEN�S• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated in 1966, the City conde�nned certain properties as tsnporary and pennanent easemerits to accom¢nodate a storm sewer impravenent project. He stated, oonsequently, property vwners are having a problen with the sale of their property and clear title. Mr. Flora stated, in checking with the City Attorney's office, the tsnporary easements can be released which were obtained in Condeqnnation No. 26210, with a resolution. I�DTION by Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 7-1986. Seconded by Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. RESOLUTION N0. 8-1986 RDQUESTING THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL -10- C IIJNCII, I�TIl�1G OF F�Td1ARY 3, 1985 ���«�. � ,\ � � � 1 1 f , � • � 'J � Li��« �. � 1 f _ 1 i M►TIDN by Co�cilman Schneider to ar,�pt Resolution No. 8-1986. Seconded by o��cilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared tl �e moti on carri ed �u�animously. 1 ; "• • �� • • :. •; 1 �_ •, • ' � �• • ��.���4i��i�_.� , t ��' • �1� �� � �1� !• 71' • �• �lf, � �_ , Mi . Flora, Ptiblic Works Director, stated the �st of this aerator would be i� �cluded in the werall project oosts and no funds in excess of what was oi igir�lly prop�sed will be r�eoessary. M TION by Councilman Schneider to acbpt Resolution No. 9-1986. Seconded by oc w�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared tt e motion carried unanimously. _i i � � � 1 ' : . ; • �� I} • i:�l� • �i� 71• • �I� � � • �t �i � . , � . . . , �H • ��f ' ' � �.i �. .I- ':. �.i1;i�, :�I� /� NL TD�N b� Cfluncilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 10-1986. Seconded b� Cowzcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de rlared the motion carried unanimously. �s f, �s • :. � • �. � �' •' ���� • �n �;_ � �i� � • ; 1� � �i� a�•� � � �+ • ; • �� � a�� � �,� � • • •;� •• •' •:. �� r� NC �ION by Go�u�.cilman Schneider to adopt Res�olukion No. 11-1986. Seo�nded b�r ��ncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared th : motion carried unanimously. • I�i�M �+� YM �u1• • � ND CIDN b,� Councilman Barnette to o�ncur with th e f ol l ow i ng a ppoi ntm ent by th � C�.ty Njanager: STAR'PIl�IG STAR'�Il�1G NA � P06ITIDN SALARY DIATE REPL�ACES I� �da J. Averette Ac�iinistrative $18,500 February 10 Mary Lu 10 �0 67th Ave. NE Aide/Secretary �r 1986 Stran Fr: dley, MV 55432 (Exempt) Year Se� s�nded b� Cfltmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ne� � declard the motion carried unanimously. ����iv��.� M�' �IDN by C�uncilman Barr�ette to apprave the estimates as sutmitted: -11- ��i��. 41�1� i►. • �I: • ►t :� . . E�gene A. Hickok & Associates, Inc. 545 L�dian Nbtmd Wayzata, NN 55391 Partial Estimate for Professional Servioes thru Decanber 31, 1985 Moore Lake Fhase II Restoration Project ..................$ 62.22 Bonirye Excavating, Inc. / 12636 Main Street Rogers, NN 55374 Water and S�aer Proj ect No. 156 Final Estimate ...........................................$ 1,665.15 Civi1 Structures Sagirr�w, M�I 55779 Water and S�aer Project No. 160 Partial Estimate No. 1 ...................................$49,507.35 Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting ay e, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 15. LICENSES• NDTIUN tr� Councilman Schr�eider to apprave the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Qerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 16. CLAIMS NDTIDN by Coimcilman Fitzpatrick to authorize payment of Claims No. 6329 through 6640. Seoonded by Council man Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • � • a: ►�►, �►� MJTIl�N by Cot,mcilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Sevonded lx Councilman Schreider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ne� declared the motion carried tu�animously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 3, 1986 adjourned at 9:43 p. m. Respectfully sutmitted, C� rol e Haddad, Secretaxy to the City CotuzCil APProved: -12- Wi12 i� J. Nee, Mayor PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Noti:e is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of t�e City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on M�nday, February 24, 1986, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of : Consideration of a P,ezoning request, ZOA #85-05, by the Fridley Housing 8 Redevelopment Authority in cooperation with Woodbridge Properties, Inc., to rezone from C-3 (General Shopping Center), C-1 (Local Business), R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-3 (General Multiple Dwelling) to S-2 (Redevelop- ment District) on Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part taken for Highway, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition, according to the preliminary plat thereof on file in the City Manager's Office, in and for Fridley, Minnesota, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Any ,nd all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the abov� stated time and place. WILLIA�1 J. NEE MAYOR Publ�sh: February 10, 1986 February 17, 1986 1 1A CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAt�tJIfJG COtiMISSIO�� MEETING, JA��UARY 22, 1986 CALL �0 ORDER: Ch��ir�erson Gabel calle�i the January 22, 1936, Planning Cormi' ion meeting t� or�fer at 7:31 p.n. � ROLL :ALL: '�er�be •s Present: Pat Gabel, LeRoy Oquist, Dav ondrick, Wayne Wellan, Don Qetzold �de��be rs Absent: Eob �linton, Dean Sab Otl�er s Present: Jin Robinson, nninc� Coordinator Dave Weir, t d5ridge Properties Eric P�es , lJoodbridge Pro�erties Linda sher, rep. Woodbridge Properties Ji� enshoof, Benshoof � Assoc. ee attached list) APf'R( VAL JAt�UARY 8, 1986, PLANP�ING COtiF1ISSI0N �tI�JU i ES: M0"'I !r BY 11R. OQUIST, SECONDED Bl' MR. KOh'DRICK, TO APPROVE THE JAN. B, 1986, P �N: Il�G Cn"ifISSION MZTJUTES AS WRI^_'TEN. U�'O:� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPEI'.�O'� GABEL DF.CLARED TfiE MOTZOtJ CARR: ED UIdAI�IMDUSLY. l. f Uf;LIC HEARIKG: CONS1►?ERATIO�d OF A RE7_OP�IP�G REQUEST, ZOA �85-05, BY THF F�2IDLEY HOUSING $ RED VELOPI A� R GP I0� l�I l ODQ I ��PERTIES, INC.: ' o rezone from -3 (: eneral Shopping Center), C-1 (Local Business?, R-1 ! One Fa��,�i ly Dwelling) and R-3 (General hiultiple Dwellingy to S-2 (pedevelop- rent District) on Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision P�o. 155, except that part iaken for High�•�ay, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, exce�t that part � a�;en for Highway, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the � orth half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except � t�at part taken for Highway, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's I a�;eview :•ianor Addition, according to the prelininary plat thereof on file • n the Citv Manager's Office, in and for Fridley, "•linnesota, all located in • he south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, � innesota. I'OTIDN BY MR. WF.LLAN, SECOI�DED BY 11R. BETZOLD, TO OPE11 THE PUBLIC HEl'�P.I17G. �'POh' A[�OICE VO'1'E, ALL VOTIIJG AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC ,'EARING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. 1B PL,��'+ �'IG Ca�4fISSION �tEETING, JAt�UARY 22, 1986 PA(;E 2 '1-. Robinson stated this project, Lake Pointe Corporate Center, was being d�veloped by Woodbridge Properties in cooperation with the City of Fridley t�e Housing 8� Redevelopr�ent Authoritv jHRA). The project has been brought b�f ore the public in the past at HRA meetings, and this was basicallv the s�r�e project which the neighborhood has already seen. � M•. Robir�son stated the issue before the Planning Corriission at �this puhlic h�aring ��as a rezonins to S-2, redevelopment district zoning which was created t� facilitate creative-type master.plans such as this. The property was located j�st west of Highway 65 and north of I-694, and has been established as a tax i crement district. The properties being discussed included the existing d ive-in property and Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview Nanor Addition, owned b� Mr. Gerald Johnson. F'�. Robinson stated the basic rezoning proposal was to take the existing F�oaerty which ��as zoned predor�inately C-3 (the Citv's highest zoning), in zj�iition to sone of the propert� which was zoned R-3 and C-1, and to take it t� S-2. A portion of the property would renain R-1; that portion on the north �� the drive-in which was adjacent to the existing single family and a portion o� the Johnson property west of the proposed right of way line on the preliminary plat �ar. Rohinson stated the I�RA �vas a co-petitioner with Woodbridge Properties ci the rezoning issue. fle stated the HRA has endorsed the rezoning, and the C�i�mi ss i oners h ad a copy of a nemo from the HRA wi th thei r recorunendati ons �ated Jan. 9, 1986. hr. Ro�inson stated the project was a multi-phase master plan develo�xnent. It i�cluded seven office buildings, a restaurant, and a hotel with convention facilities. Also included were low-profile parking ramps located to the r�rtherly portion and adjacent to the hotel. Total Construction was close to i�0,000 sq. ft., not including parking ramps. The plan called for elaborate landscaping. h�r. Robinson stated tl�e C-3 zoning was adequate to handle thP developmen±; rowever, when ti�ey looked at the various special use permits which would be rec�uired for building height, liquor license, and parking on R-1, they felt �-2 zoning would help strearnline the whole process. In addition, the S-?_ code included a provision that locked in the master plan to the site so that in the i�likely event that IJoodbridge Properties could not develop, there would have to be additional hearings before the HP,A, Planning Cormission, and Citv Council io change the plan. Fr. Robinson stated that along with S-2 cane parameters for change �•�hich tirere teing spelled out at this time and were stated in the HRA's Jan. 9th memo. lhey tried to alla�� for flexibility to the developer to build the project, but �t the same tiree, they built in paraneters which would protect the single f amilv reighborhood. Basically, any changes that would encroach on the single far�il� reighborhood would be deemed as a substantial change and would require additional �eview by the Planning Comnission and Cit�� Council. P�ri��r� :riG COtfiISSIO�� t�lEE7I�JG, JAf�UARY-22, 1986 PAGE 3 M•. Robinson stated Staff was reconmending the following stipulations: 1. Changes to the t�aster Plan shall be handled as outlined in the HRA memo to the Planning Cor.nission dated Jan. 9, 1986. 2. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the developer must submit for t�RA/Staff approval the folla��ing com�rehensive plans with phasing details: ' a. storm drainage b. landscaping c. signage d. lighting e. architecturalTacade material plan including ranp treatments 3. Rezoning of tne Johnson �roperty, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeviea+ Nanor Addition, is contingent upon site control of thP Johnson pro�ert_� by the HRA, official publication of the ordinance to be coordinated with acquisition date. fd•. Dave Weir, Uoodbridge Properties, stated �•1r. Robinson had given an accurate d�piction of the project. f�e stated he had very little to add. He stated t�ev have met r�ith the neigh5ors at other public hearings. �loodbridge Pronerties w�s very supportive of the HRA's request to change the zoning from C-3 to S-2 s� the City has control over the developnent process. They are comfortable with the pro�osed rezoning and are eager to be sure they have the right to d�velop the property in the manner in which it has been proposed. !�I;. Ga5e1 stated the Comnission would like to hear from the traffic consultant a;sociated with Woodbridge Properties. ��f-. Jim Benshoof, Traffic Engineering Consultant with Benshoof & Assoc., stated tiey have conducted a comprehensive traffic analysis of this developr�ent over t ie last several months. Based an discussions with City Staff and sor�e input f-on the neighhorhood, they focused their analysis on the folloti•�ins f our points: l. The effects of this development and its traffic, together with other traffic at the intersection of Highway 65, Old Central, and llest Hoore Lake Drive on the east side of the developnent. 2. The effects at Highway 47 and 57th Ave. intersection - 3. The effects on local roadways in the area of 7th St., 57th Ave., and other local streets. � 4. The site itself, the access and egress for the site and circulation within the development. t��. 6enshoof stated they addressed these points through a comprehensive analysis t iat began by forecasting the traffic generated by the development, hov� many t�ips in and out at peak hours on a daily basis, and then assigning that through t�e street system according to the routes nost attractive to people to travel t� and fro� the site. Thev then added that traffic to the existing traffic, plus traffic incurring in the f uture on these roadways in the area; then 1D PLri'1a1! G CnHt�ISSIOP� MEETIt�G, JA�J^ARY 22, 1986 _ _ PAGE 4 an� lysed the effects in terr�s of the capacity of the roadways and intersections to serve the projected volumes, addressed the situation from a safety stand- po nt, and, through that analysis, arrived at a set of conclusions. He reviewed th�se conclusions with the Commission: 1. There are a nunber of planned roadwav improvements in the area that will benefit all traffic in the�area plus trips to �nd from this development--upgrading of Tt� 610 bridge to be completed in 1988, I-694 �ridening, local improver�ent of frontage road between 7th St, and 57th Ave. 2. The intersection of TH 65, Old Central, and lJest Moore Lake �rive presently operates at level service D(presently at its ca�acity limits) during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The level of service would drop slightly hy 1988. In their analysis, thev paid parti- cular attention to 1988 and 2000, the reason being that 198� would be the first year after completion of the first phase of the office, plus the restaurant. By the year 2000, the developnent would be fully in place and occupied. 3. The intersection of Highv�ay 65, Old Central, and Uest �loore Lake Drive ►�ill need to be upgraded by the year 2000 regardless of what happens �rith this developnent. They have developed a concept plan to meet these needs and have reviewed that concept plan with Citv Staff, staff from State Department of Transportation, the Department of ��atural Resources, and Anoka County. All participants seem to concur in the need for improvements and that this concept seer�ed feasible recognizing that further Y�ork needed to be performed. 4. The intersection of Highway 47 and 57th Ave. operates at a better level of service than Highway 65 and Old Central (level service C duriny p.n. peak hours) and will provide level D operation with the 1938 projected volumes. By year 2000, the level of service would decline and would indicate a need for some ir,iprovements. Improve- ments would be of a much lesser nature than at Highway 47 and Old Central. 5. The probable need to have an "all-way" stop control at tl�e inter- section of 57th Ave. and 7th St. to serve volumes projected at that intersection; otherwise, foresee no other significant effects on local roach,rays. 6. The local roadway system within the developmen± will provide a good framework for meeting the internal traffic needs. M�. Kirk Herman, 610 57th Ave., asked how they were going to prevent vehicles f�om cor�ing out of the developr�ent, heading easterly, and then cutting back on 5'th Ave. Could they put in a median so cars coning out could not turn if t�affic was bogged down to get onto Highway 65. 1E PLA��N 7�� COttI•1ISSION t1EETING JANUARY 22, 1986 PAGE 5 M•. Benshoof stated they are projecting just under 60% of the traffic will c �r�e and go fror� the east and just over 40K ��ill cone and go from the ��est. H� stated it was important to nate that in this develo�ment, there was a c�oice; and if there should be sor�e extraordinary delays at the Highway 65 i�tersection, tt�e users would understand that and w�uld find an �lternative r�ute to the west. He did not expect many notorists to do what t•1r. Herman w�s suggesting, because they feel that (1) with the appropriate iaprovements, � t�is intersection will neet traffic needs; and (2) tf�ere are better choices b,� using the roadwav systems in the propertv to 7th St. and then making other c�oices from the 7th St. intersection. M•. Bensi�oof stated there were controls that could be provided should the City d�cide to do that. Qut, those controls would then apply equally to all peo�le w�o use it, including residents of that street. M•. �teir stated 11r. Herman's comment was a good one to pass on to the Cit� E�yineering staff when they are working on the design phase. M•. Ed tittlejohn, 711 58th Ave., stated that in the proposal outlined b�� t�l •. Benslioof, IJest tloore Lake Drive was an alternative route to High�•�a�� 65 w �en traffic was bogged dov�n at Ilighr�ay 65/Old Central. Traffic could also g► on uest ��loore Lake Drive, then west on 61st to Univ. Ave. What about more t•affic going by the Fridley High School and Fridley lliddle School? M•. Oquist stated that for the traffic that would go out on 6Jest Moore Lake U•ive, the m�jority of it ►�ould be about 4:30-5:30 when school was out and most o` the children would have already gone home. h1•. Floyd Ness►•+ick, 5665 Quincy St., stated the plan showed only one lane g►ing south out onto Highway 65 out of the project and two lanes going north. H ni would this one lane handle any additional traffic when it does not handle t �e current traffic? M•. Benshoof stated that right turn would 5e subject to a yield control. Tiere ���ill be gaps in the traffic that the right turn novements will be able t� utilize. One thing to note was that the traffic patterns to and fror� this d�velo�xnent are opposite the peak traffic patterns. He would also like to p�int out the aspect of the signal phasing change. 1•lhen the green light was oi the west leg of the intersection, no other traffic would have the green light. The green light would be timed to stay on as long as there was a constant d�nand of traffic coming fron the west, so that signal phasing change should h�lp this situation immensely. M,. William Kell, 5675 Jackson St., stated that referring to the westbound ecit ramp off 694 heading north on Highway 65, in order to alleviate the p°oblem of people having to cross two lanes of traffic to make a left turn at Highway 65/Old Central into the development, had any study been made to put in a�other exit a short distance up the ramp so that traffic could get over to the s�rvice road on the east side and then cor�e across on Old Central? 1F PL�L'�t� I(�G C0��1t1ISSI0�i 14EETIt�G, JANUARY 22, 1986 PAGE 6 I�r. Be��shoof stated they had thought of that and had discussed it with Staff e�d other agency staff participating. It was an idea worthy of further e�gineering study. It was too early for the� to judge whether it was the Eest idea or not. Fr. Kell asked what possibility there was to having another metered ramp from tt�e developnent entering directly onto the westbound ramp onto 694. l�is would elininate a lot of the problens of traffic going out onto Nighway 65 e �d then onto tf�e ramp. hr. Sensf�oof stated that had not been discussed in depth. He thought there Has sone reiuctance on the part of the State Departnent of Transportation to ailaw an exclusive rarip from a development. t�r. Richard Glumac, 5725 Quincy St., stated that if he was coning from West F�ore Lake Drive to the Nigliway 65/Old Central intersection at around 4:30 p.m., iF there was a lot of traffic backed up, how could he get to that intersection? hr. Benshoof stated they have addressed that situation. They would expect a stop sign to be installed to control that. In both the morning and evening Feak hours, there would be sufficient gaps incoming and outgoing to alla•, for � left hand turn fron ldest 1400re Lake Drive. hr. �dellan asked about exterior lighting. t•r. Weir stated the height of the lights was less ir�iportant than the type of liqhting fixture. The primar� ty�e of fixture, particularly in a residential zrea, aould be a box-ty{�e fixture with down lighting. The typical height of t�e fixture would range fror� 12-16 ft. The distance of the lighting fixtures from the homes was pretty substantial. He stated they felt lighting was an Extremely important f actor in the kind of tone that was set for a neighborhood. �ince the neighborhood was essentially a residential neighborhood, that factor �tias extremely inportant in selecting a fixture. Thev want to convey to the F�blic, to traffic on I-694, to their neighbors to the north, and people on t�e site that this is a park-like type of environment. tr. 6etzold asked about signage; for instance, for the hotel. tlould there Ee any luninous signs that would be f acing the neighborhood? Fr. :Jeir stata� they have not selected the locations on each building for signage. He stated that purely from a directional stand�oint and infomational standpoint, they wi11 be asking for back-lit signs. They are not lookin, for the neon type hard-to-look-at sign. It all has to be in keeping with the letteriny style and tlie size of the signage as it related to the scale of the tuilding. He was not sure ►�hat tvpe of signage the hotel r�ould be renues±ing. F� stated they are very serious a5out what they are proposing and the�quality 1 evel of tl�is nroposal . � r. Wellan asked about the storn water drainaye syster�. _ � 1G PLANtJ; IIG C��•tt�ISSIO�� 11EETI��G, Ja'�UARY 22, 1986 PAGE 7 Mr . Gerald Sunde, Civil Engineer working ��ith b�oodbridge Pro�erties on r�atters rElating to platting, drainage, etc., stated the criteria used by the City of Fiidley ai�d the Rice Creek tlatershed District requirenents were that they c�nnot discharge water at any rates greater than they were prior to any d�velopment. So, the� �vill be adding some ponding areas on the Site to control tl e rate of discharge. , M� . t�ellan asked about contaminations from the parking lots. . M�. Sunde stated there will be sedimentation as the water goes into the pond- i�� areas; also the Rice Creek :Jatershed District requires they have skim�ers o� all the ponds so that any oils are skimmed off and cannot get out of the p�nds. He stated the Rice Creek Ilatershed District requirements were v ery s.rict. He stated the State Departr�eat of Transportation r�as very interested a d was workin� with then in terns of the location of the ponding areas. M.. Gabel asked about the sanitary sea�er system and its capacity. t4•. Sunde stated the sanitary s��er system will be piped up fror� 7th St. They h�ve done an analysis on the size of the syster� in the area of the site and are w�rkiny on that with tf�e City. 7he systen cor.,es very close to capacity down br University Ave., and that ��as being analyzed also. I". �^'ION BY MR. K017DRICK, SECO::DF.D BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THT' PI'BL_C NT'AFtItJG. L'DA1 A VOICE VO�E, ALL "O'='_TNG AYE, C1iAIRPERSON GABEL DECLAF'F.D ':'11T•. PUBLIC h SARING CLOSF.D AT 9:35 P.ld. F �TION BY 1lR. KOl7DRICK, SECOI�DED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOIflfElJD TO CITY CDUNCIL t PPROV.�Z, OF RE20NING REQUEST, ZOA 1185-05, Bl' THE FRIDLEl' NOUSZNG 6 RF:DEVF.LOPI�ENT �JTHORITY IN COOPERATION WITH WDODBRIDGE PROPF.RTIES, IP:C., TO REZO!]F. FROM r-3 ��ENER.�L SHOPPIIJG CENTF.R) , C-1 (LOCAL BUSINESS) , R-1 (ONE FA'�ILY D�IELLINC} A1JD F-3 (GEI�$R�L l�ULTIPLE D�IEiLING) TO S-2 (REDEVELOPME?IT DISTRICT) ON IAT 9, � UDITOR'S SUBDIVISIOIJ NO. I55, EXCEP"' THAT PAP.T TAKEN FOR HIGHWAY, A17D LOT 5, � UDITOR's SUBDIVISIOIJ NO. 155, EXCEPT THaT PART TAKF,tT FOR HICXtJAY, A17D Tf.'E :Oi1TH :S.'O HUNDRED FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF TH^ ?JORTIf HALF OF THF. SOU'_^HEAST � U�1R_TER OF SECTIO"� 23� T-30� R-29 WEST� F,X.CEPT THnT PART TAY•E�� FOP. IiIGHI:'AY� <<�D A PORTION OF LO^_'S, BLOCK 5, DONIJAY'S LAKEVIEI: N..�NOR nDDI'^ZON, ACCORDIIJC TO : HE PRELZldINARY PLAT THEREOF O.d FILE IN THE CI:'Y MA'�AGER'S OFFICE, IlJ Al1D FOR 1 RIDI.EY, MI1�A'ESOTA, ALL LOCATED IN THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTZON 23, T-30, R-29, CITI' ( F FRIDLEl', COUf7TY OF A1�OICA, MIN?IESOTA, iJI'_"F? Tllr FOLLO�IING STIPULATIOIIS: 1. CHANGES TO THE 14ASTER PI.AN SHALL BF. HANDLED AS OUTLINED IIJ TNF. HOUSING & REDEVELOP1fENT AUTHORITY MEl�O TO THE PLAIJtJING COI�IN•ISSIOIJ D�TED JANUARY 9, I986. 2. PRIOR TO ISSUAI7CE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT, THE DEVEIAPEP. SUB'fIT FOR XOUSII�G & REDEVELOPI�EIJT AUTHORITY/STAFF APPROVAL THF. FOLLOi•:IIIG COMPREHENSIVE PLA1�S i�ITll PHABING DE':'AILS: a . STORM DR:, IIJAGE b. Lr71TDSCr'1PING c. LIGHTING d. SIGNAGE E. ARCHITECTURAL FACADE MATERIAL PLA21 INCLUDIIIG RAI!P TP.£A_^Y."F.i+TS 1H �La��r� ►iG C�r��lSSI�r� t,EETI��G, Ja�.UtiRY 22, 1986 P�� � 3. REZONIt7G OF THF. JOtlt:SON PROPF.RTY, LOT 5, BLOCK 5, DONIJAY�S LAKEVIE�T Ma1JOR ADDITION, IS COA'TII�GEA'T UPON S: TE CONTROL OF TNE JOH�501� PROPERT�' BY TNE HDUSIb'G 6 REDF.VELOPMF.NT AU'_''HORIT2', OFFICZAL PUBLICATION OF THE ORDI!:A.'�CE TO BE COORDINATED WI.''H AC� UISITZO7: DATE. y ll, 'OV A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOh GA3EL DECLARFD TNE,, MOTIOh' C. ,�!?IED UNAI�ItlOUSLY. 2. P It;LIC HEAf'It�G: CO'�SIDEP.ATI�►J OF A PRELI�t;�JA�Y PLAT, P.S. �85-07, LAY,E T).'; E.0!? 0:' P,, t3Y h F. L L� „�: � L t: TY � � nO��Rr�,1n�1 i 1 f ���n�l�Z �iE .�� � � � . a�ing a rep at o Lot , Au itor s Su� �vision �o. 155, except that par t+I:en for Hi gh��a:�, and Lot 5, Audi tor's SuSdi vi si on No. 155, except t p�rt taken for Highway� and Lot 22, alock 10, Donnay's Lakeview 'tano Aidition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of reco in the Office o� the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Jlinnesota, a the s�Uth two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of e southeast q�arter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part ta4:e for I�ighway, a�d Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakevie�� ttanor Addition, all 1 ated in t';e south h�lf of Sectiun 23, T-30, R-24� City of Fridley, County of Anoka, tlinnesota. !! �'":0�: D5' HR. BE�'ZOLD, SLi.O.':DED B2' 1�R. iIELLA!:, _TO OPE�ti' f1E PUBLIC !1L'AP.II�G. G�n;: A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CflAIRPERSON GAB DECLARI:D TJ.'E P(11?LIC F1:.iRI��G OPEI: A: 9:97 P.�l. N�. Robinson stated the rlattinc� included all he pro�erty, the drive-in � �operty and tf�e Johnson �roperty, Lot 5, B ck 5, Donnay's LakeviPr� Manor �jdition. Tl�e �lat was designed to facil' ate the naster �lan structure c �asinq. ' r, i'.obinson stated Staff was recontr► ing tf�e follrn��ing sti�►ulations: 1. � 3. Ap;,roval of final plat c tingent upon site control of the Johnson propert:�, Lot 5, Block , Donnay's Lal:evie��� Nanor Addition. Declaration of prote ive covenants and eas�ents shall be sub�itted, approved b:� the Ci and recorded with the plat. Itens of concern shall include, b not be linited to: a. Ois��ositi and naintenance of outlots b. Restric on of outlots usage to green space, bu`fer areas c. llaint ance of corr�on areas d. Lan se e. Pr ibited activities f. int parking/access agreenents Other itens deeraed appropriate by the City Attorne� Pa9� fee, based on total square footage of the replatted properties a defined in the puhlic hearing notice, to be paid on a pro rata asis with each building pernit. :'O"? BY HR. KONDRICK, SECO:JDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TD CIASE THE PUBLIC XE�+P.Ii�G• ':� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII�G A:'E� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLAI?ED :IIE PUBLIC /1 'EARZ!�G CLOSED AT �:40 P.H. i 1t WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, I��C, ZOA #s5-05 ST I PULAT I OPJS . 1, CHANGES TO THE MASTER PLAN SHALL BE HANDLED AS OUTLINED IN THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEMO TO THE PLANNING �OMMISSION DATED �ANUARY g, 1986� 2, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE FIRS7 BUILDING PERMIT THE DEVELOPER SUBMIT FOR fIOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT�STAFF APPROVAL TNE FOLLOWING COMPREHENSIVE PLANS WITH PHASING DETAILSj A� STORM DRAINAGE B� LANDSCAPING C� �IGHTING D� SIGNAGE E� ARCHITECTURAL FACADE MATERIAL PLAN INCLUDING RAMP TREATMENTS 3. REZONING OF THE .JONNSON PROPERTY, LOT S, BLOCK S� DONNAY�S LAKEVIEW MANOR ADDITION, IS CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONTROL OF THE .JOHNSON PROPERTY BY THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY� OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE TO BE COORDINATED WITH AC�UISITION DATE� � � : �1 AT1 ACHMENT B \ \ \c r � �•� � �'�• �� '� , :_ ._ i � �g (3�1f3ild � 71�LN3�1 S9 ON .(D'�'V-�J/H �IN/�Jl 31b'1S � a = � �"�9,2��� � -- . . N� N Z y\ . � 0 �°'�ro � I�I ' s,2 � - � � ti �s W :, - � � - � ' tk , N �i �; �1�!� � ', , ' r '`,��� ; � -._ I' s, 1 '� - 1 � �; ; - : `' N � , ,� , =�— �' ��/c.�, - '�, L�>�-�; � x r r. ¢° �� G � v�f�', ��� � (/`. wa � � n iN ti W \ / / L�. „'. � "g . � � r �.,. ...r' , 'w ,.� '� } \ � .�.y r� _ � � _ r• ��ti � O '�� � � • R �". �__ .t � ' � a•` �`J� � o+'�� � y s � �,. " W:�: � r ��� `; O� �i �;; ,� �°;.-: ! � � ' ' �°+� � o , � �, � ac � � . � 9, °.; � I,/ °j�'��� ,� t :ti �. � `• t F' - �� b ' �� � o °' �`' . ' �.°` � _ ��or�-�- I � `` 31�Dy • °� ,� W ;��: ;. � /. �, � ,c ;,.,, '� a � �`j / i; ! � � ��.� \ !�,�•yd - j � � � , r% � „'4 ( ' �• „ r 1 Q Z . O . �II' Q .• Z r.. - �C :: � � < ',. d � v ••� ' � _ O � i � W W � ° �r. W e W =" Z ' . • � .M Y Y w .. ri �:' S?�`!1S ^• \ - Y• ~ X ;�-' � '� � e�� j � o �� , � �, • ., j � �� _ > � � r � � � ^,. , �'� \ i: i � \ � . �'' � �, � I � `� ���• `, ",°?° t � '� , i �0 � v 1 ��y } � �, � � : t � � A 1\ �J ; , �-`� _ �,l t _ - - *.`:: ��:,^ ♦ o� .Y, v,- �K 1 � ZOA #85-05 Woodbridge P� operties � �_ � ��— � �so �vtiu+�r+ �yl 3�vis u � �-� , . ._ '1, � \ � , � ♦ /.aV�T_ \~\\�. e j��t� ' i�\�• y� �I i <;� g �� �!E ::_' �' ���I' :�=:==i=. ==.a=== 1198l�'s's i' -i `• ��as��a� E ��8 �l4�}��� ���=�� P e � �i�: gi ! E Ig ���}3�;� � � t� � � � 1L PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notic� is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of th� City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Mo�day, February 24, 19�6, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of : Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #85-07, Lake Pointe Corporate Cente�, by the Fridley Housing & Redevelopment Authority in cooperation with Woodbridge Properties, Inc., being a replat of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and Lot 22, Block 10, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part taken for Highway, and Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview Flanor Addition, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: February 10, 1986 February 17, 1986 2 2A f'LA� t1I��G C(1t�tISSI�t� I.EE7I��G, JAt�UARY 22, 1986 PAGF 8 3. REZONII7G OF THF. JOJi17SON PROPF.RTY, LOT 5, BL , DONNAY'S LAKEVIE(I M.�170R ADDITION, IS CONTII� ON S:TE CONTROL OF THE JONh'SOIJ PROPERTY BY T ING 6 REDF.VELOPMF.NT AU"_'HORITY, OFFICIAL PUBLICA . TXE ORDIN.�IVCE TO BE' CDORDINATED WITN ACQUISIT E. jB�DX� VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIP,PERSON GA3EL DECLARF.D Tt(E MOTION :ARRIED UNr7NIti0USLY. 2. 'UL'LIC HEA�I��G: COr�SIDEP.AT���� OF A PRELINIr1ARY PLAT, P.S. �85-07, LAF�.E ��.;i E COR 0!? E P., 43Y h R L LS r, L : TY N QO CRATI��J t I f W00^QR f?GE ROP f? , �3eing a rep at o Lot , Au itor s Suu iv�sion��o. 155, except that part :a4:en for Hi ghti�a��, and Lot 5, Audi tor's Subdi vi si on No. 155, except that �art taken for Nighwav, and Lot 22, alock 10, Donnav's Lakeview flanor Iddition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the Office ►f the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, �tinnesota, and the outh two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of the southeast �,uarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part taken f or Highway, ,r�d tot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakevie�� 1lanor Addition, all located in tfie south �alf of Sectiun 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, �9innesota. ! O^_':ON DY MR. BE_TZOLD� SECO:IDED BI' !!R. il�LLAIl � TO OPF.N Tf1E PUBLIC II�AP.IiJG. 1 Pn:J A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CfiAIRPERSON GABEL DECLAP.FD Tf.'E PUI3LIC 1 EARIiJG OPEI�' AT 9:37 P.lt. Pr. Robinson stated tlie �lattinc� included all the pro�erty, the drive-in � roperty and tiie Jof�nson oroperty, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakevie�r �lanor Eddition. Tfie plat was designed to facilitate the naster �lan structure rhasinq. ' r. f'.obinson stated Staff was reconr�ending tiie follo�•�ing sti�ulat.ions: 1. Ap�roval of final plat contingent upon site control of the Johnson property, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's LaE:evie�•� Hanor Addition. 2. Declaration of protective covenants and easaients shall be subr�itted, approved b�� the City and recorded �•�ith the plat. Itens of concern shall include, but not be linited to: a. Dis�tosition and naintenance of outlots b. Restriction of outlots usage to �reen space, buffer areas c. "laintenance of conmon areas d. Land use e. Prohibited activities f. Joint parl;ing/access agreenents g. Other itens deer�ed appropriate by the City Attorney 3. Park fee, based on total square footage of the replatted properties as defined in the puhlic hearing notice, to be paid on a pro rata basis ►�ith each building pernit. :1 >TI0t2 BY MR. KONDRICK, SECO.iDED BY MR. BE_TZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLZC HEAP.II�G. U.'O:� A VOICE VOT'E, ALL VOTIl�G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEZ, DECLAF?ED �IIE PUBLIC �.'ARING CLOSED AT 9:40 P.M. 2B PU1"�" It�G COtiPtISSI0t1 MEETING� Ja'�UARY 22, 1986 PAGE 9 1- �TID.'.' BY NR. KOIdDRICK, SECOI�DED BY l�2. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CIT'Y COUNCIL F°PA.OVAL OF PRELIMII7ARY PLAT, P.S. N85-07, LAKE PDIN�"E CORPORATF. CF.N?'EA., I3}' 4'!T•. FRIDLEY HOUSI:VG 6 REDEV�IAPbfF.t�"' AU_THORITY IlJ COOPF.RATION �IITH WOOPRf.I1�CE F?OPERTIF.S, IIJC. , BEIIlG A REPLAT OF LOT 4, AUDITOR'S SUDDIVISIOPl NO. 155, EKCEPT TNAT PART TAKEN FOR tIIGHWAY, AND LOT 5, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 155, E fCEPT THAT PART TF,t:EN FOR HIGIiWAY, AllD LO^ 22, BLOCK I0, DONNAY;S LA1�El'II.'W M 41JOR aDDl �i � ON � ACCORDIHG ."'D THE MAP OR PZ.AT TIIFREDF O!� FILE AND OF RECORD I! THE OFFICE OF TNE REGISTRAR OF TITLES IN A11D FOR ANOICA COUN?'Y, tflN!':ESOTA, AJD TNE SOUTH :WD XUNDRED FEET OF TNE NORTH NALF OF Tf.'E NORTH HALF OF TNF. S)UTfiE.�ST QUARTER OF SF.CTION 23, T-30, R-29 iIEST, EXCEP_T "_'HAT PART TAKEN FOR H �GN:1AY, AI�D LOTS, BLOCK 5, DONNAY'S T.rIY.EVIEi�1 11.�I�OR ADDITIOl�, ALL LOCA:'F.D IN T ��: SOUTii HALF OF S�CTIOl1 23, '_^-30, R-24, CI^'Y OF FRIDLEI', COUNTY OF ANOfCA, !� '!l1JES01'A, WITII THE F1�LLAti'II7G STIPULATIOI�S: 1. APPP.OVAL OF FINAL PLr7T COI�TIIlGEi�T UPO."7 SITE CO::TROL OF TXE JOXNSOIJ PROPERTY, LOT 5, BLOCK 5, DOi:l:AY'S LAKFVIEtJ M.ANOR ADAITIQPJ 2. DECLARATION OF PROTECTNE COVE.�'A1:TS Al�n EASEMEh'TS SXALL BE SUB�lI_TTEA, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED k'I^_'H TXE PLAT. ITEMS OF CONCERIJ SNALL ItJCLUDE, BUT 170T BE LIMITED TO: a. DISPOSITIO:: AP:D MAINTENAPlCE OF OUTZATS b. RESTRICTION OF OUTLD_TS USAGE TD GREEPJ SPACE, BUFFER ARF.AS c. tfaI1JTE7:Al7CE OF COt?MON AREAS d . LAND USE e. PRONIBI"'ED ACTIVITIES f. JOIIJT PAP.KING/ACCF.SS AGRF.EMEI7TS g. OTHER ITEt:S DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY 3. PARK FEE, B�7SED ON TO^_'AL 5QUr1RE FDOTAGE OF THE RF.PLATTED PROPERTIES A.S DEFINED IN TNE PUBLIC HFARI:TC NO_TICE, TO BE PAIP Old A PRO Rr?Ta BASIS WITH EACH BUILDIIJG PER'•:IT. U� O: A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC AI'E, CNAIRPFRSON GABEL DECLAA.ED TXF. MOTIO': C: RRIED U1�Al1II�OUSLY. 3, Pl i;LIC HEARING: CO��SI� ATIO'� OF A Sf'FCIAL USE PERt1IT SP #85-17 BY TNE � IDLEY HOUSIIJG & RE'JEVELOP�tEtJT AUTHORITY IN C00:'ERATIOf� IJITN 1J00DBRI P� Of'ERTIES, I�JC. : �r Section . 7.1, C, 5 of the Fridle.� Cit� Code to a11ow autoriobile p�rking lot to be located in R-1 zoning on Lot 22, Bloc� , Donnay's Lake- vie►r"lanor Addition, according to the nap or plat the on file and of rE�ord in the Office of the Registrar of Titles i nd for Anoka County, tli�nesota, all located in the south half of S ion 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Plinnesota. MC TIO�' By I�R. OQUIST, SECONDED BY . KOI:DP.ICI:� TO OPE1J 7XE PUBLIC HEARIt)G. UF�:� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC XE�RING OPEN AT 9:42 . ;�fr, Robinson ed the lot in question was Lot 22, Block 10, Donnay's La:evie►r t r Addition, the lot which will renain sinsle family a^d ►�as not pr�pos to be rezoned as S-2. The special use permit was for parking on si e f amily property for use by the adjacent property. zc WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, INC. P,S. #s5-07 STIPULATIONS 1, APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONTROL OF THE �OHNSON PROPERTY - LOT S, BLOCK 5, DONNAY�S LAKEVIEW MANOR ADDITION� 2� DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND EASEMENTS SHALL BE 3UBMITTED, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED WITH THE PLAT� ITEMS OF CONCERN SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED T0: A, DISPOSITION AND MAINTENANCE OF OUTLOTS B� RESTRICTION OF OUTLOTS USAGE TO GREENSPACE, BUFFER AREAS C� MAINTEAANCE OF COMMON AREAS D, LAND USE E� PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES F, .JOINT PARKING/ACCESS AGREEMENTS G, OTHER ITEMS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY 3. �ARK FEE, BASED ON TOTAL S�UARE FOOTAGE OF THE REPLATTED EROPERTIES AS DEFINED IN THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, TO BE PAID CN A PRO RATA BASIS WITH EACH BUILDING PERMIT� � � , �� \ 1 •.• � y , • • • � � � �� �': •. � � , � • . •� �r � l. � ` �� � �'• . �� '• Ii�1 � �3�/ � r I �� � �I w� iii �I � ' � • .—t''� s � , . ,� ,, o , , �'� ° ' � 0 �� r I ��� � :: • '������1���1��'��'������"��"�'�'�"�������♦ M������������• ) � • 1�'i�i�i�i r������������•������������� . • � � � • � :: +•+'�•+•�•�'+����'� � � � � � * . •�����������• , � �����������������i�i�i��������� ���� i i i i i i i i i i i i i� � • � � � � � � � � � � � � � � • �������������������������� �•� ,��������������♦ •�����������t ������������������������������� � ����!�!��'. �_���.�.�.!�!�!�!�!�!�� . 1 � _�!� M�G�IWAY NO 694 . ; , ' . lV liR D'i x . Z`�"'-- . , . _ .. '. •. � � . . . � .. ��E , . , . �:-a tri. � • :� , . v.E .. . , . 1� �_ J- '� ' REr r� � 4NL �'� � 1 .-� � . � ; / - ,� ,,4 �'�63 __ � �: � / '� - � P� . ;..- ,� �� J � �� �-` � �� - �:` : . � �,L �� _ _ �� .� �: � � � 5� yP �. . ` " -�/ .=-��.^� - � = -'' - .' ,1� r „� _. ��r f �: , . . ..STaTE UD/ R �S � � - �SUBDIt�/SION. � r1/O 51 ' , . ; ZONING MAP � � , Y 2 7 � ~ // jj c ., ► �, .� ��� � ' � •�7 PS �85-07 Lake Pointe Corporate Cer ter •°N� o � a.N : jb a 1 _ _- //F'/ � �a- i � � ,r�1F'� � - _ �iG�=� =} W=, ;:��_— _ � -- , Z W — Vi�: ,:�:�: W z �- a� 0 � Q O J � , J �.,,.., } � ., _ � O Q ?V � J � W a �.-- � I Z ;; ; I E �' r O ±i ;°$� `g =� � a; :g.� �- a' s` f`s:= t" al„ W � ��� � :� �� ��' �a=. �: Y �s J ° = ;� �I � � - � � e I � - � ' � 2 �� � � ._ I �! _ Y . � � s: � : - . .!'- `� £�-=� - -- _� � � ai � �� _ _i � ° ;; ._ t , �j r . a �F �3 � a� r =: ej • ' ' _ ^: 'i ° � `° _ 2 . _ __ �� � t � Y� _- �� � t 's 8 g. �: I S � �� � � �� � • S �f $! ` I I - i �l i; �3 �: L _r �1 il§��::��; g� -- � -. 1 O • ��°��� y, �y . ' P• i �'�° � `�— J— �--- .� :e.� ��� � ... � ��A � '` �w � � �q I' 6 �,� M O�t. �+i �, p ' � � � � �- a : � ,t, �a o I a� J yti , I � � i t ; ; f .� . : � ► 6� �o I � � i 2E 2F I,AT ARF,A - BUII,pING QO�ERAGE ANAL,YSIS B�n�/r,ar I t�� �rr I s�� FEer I rroar �uxr I r,ar � I$ owIIt �,ow i$ aa�t �v�. I I A I I I I I I I I Lot 3 I : I 32,000 I 16,000 I 119,690 I 35$ I 13.3$ I I Blk 1 I I I I I I I i B I I I I I � I I i Lot 6 I . ( 49,646 I 16,549 I 154,972 I 30$ I 10.7$ � I Blk 2 I I I I I ( I I c i I I I I I i I Lot 5 J E I 120,000 I 20,000 ( 174,246 I 15$ I 11.5$ I I Blk 2 I I I 1 I I I I D I I I I I I I I Lot 4 I i I 161,646 I 20,206 I 165,736 I Not addressed I 12.2$ ( 1 Blk 2 I I I I I in Code I ( I E I I I i I I I J Lot 3 1 � I 161,646 I 20,206 I 162,151 � Not addressed I 12.5$ I I Blk 2 I I I I I in Code I I I F I I Lot 2 l I Blk 2 I I G I I r,,ot 1 I I Blk 2 I �i I I Rest. ) I I I I I Hotel/ I I Conv. I I 1 71,646 I I I 49,646 i I l 1H,00H I I I 90,HH0/3,5H�1 I [btal Foot Print: tbtal Lot Area: [btal Outlot Area: Ibtal Site Area �ith Outlots: Ibtal Lot Coverage �lith Outlots: 17,912 16,549 1H,0Pl0 18,500 I I 152,314 I I I 114,080 I I I 84,534 I I I 131,706 I 155,92Z Square Feet 1,259,429 Square Feet 247,158 Square Feet 1,506,587 Square Feet 10.3$ 25$ 30$ 40$ 15$ : Lot arEas and percent coverage are subject to change with final plat 11.8� 14.5$ 11.8� 14.0$ � � PLANNING DiV1510N a c�nroF M�ORANDUM FRIDLEY ME�fO T0: John Flora, Public Norks Director . l��T10 FRO! i: James Robinson, Planning Coordinator �• Dff'�10 DATi : FebrUary 18, 1936 RI:GARDIti�: Consideration of Community Options,Ltd.(S.U.P. #85-01) Base�3 up �n the [listrict Court's command to issue a Special Use Permit to Communit; Options I.td. on or before February 26, 1956, a�e are placin� consideration of the i sue back on the Council agenda for the February 24, 1986 meeting. If the C�uncil decides to approve the request, there are nine stipulations ►:hich Mcrc rec�mmendc�l by thc Planning Commission on �pril 3, 1985. The stipulations, a•ith t►.�o minor staff amendments as noted, are as fo11oM•s: 1. Operation to be re�•iewed annually ►.ith a public hearing for the first t�o years. 2. Rcsident�/►c���( automobiles be restricted to fi�•e or less. 3. Rear yar�l to be fcnced ►:ith six foot high solid wood fence. This is to be completed prior to occupancy. J. Froposed ad��isory comr,iittee to include city representatives. (i.e. Human Resources Commission memher and/or Police Special Operations Di�•ision staff.) S. Petiiioner to provide a landscaping plan and install prior to �Er6�S�t!hd: /1988. �1ay 31, 1986. 6. Contingency plan be initiated Mith Unit�• Hospital to cover any emergencies. '. Facility Mill comply Mith all State and County rules and la��s and be fully licensed. S. Facility Mill comply kith the Local and State fire codes, 9. Client characteristics k•ill be consistent with petitioner's contract Mith Anoka County. JLR/sk I�4- 86- 32 �� �`: � � � ' E CITYOF FR! DLEY CI�'I( Cl:tiT�f:R • �*3?I l'til�'ERSITI' A�'E. n.E. FRIDLEI'. �11titiESOTA SS�I?: • PHOhE�t►I'i s'I-�i��� ; February 13, 1986 S�bjett: Court Order Requiring The City of Fridley to Issue a Special Use Permit DEar Resident: Erclosed you will find a copy of a judge's order which requires the City o! Fridley to issue a special use permit to Comr�unity Options, Ltd., to oKerate a residential mental health program in the apartment building at 5:70-5384 5th Street P�.E. tzst June the Fridley City Council voted to deny the special use permit, arj Cor�T�nity Options, Ltd., brought suit in Course to reverse the Council's action. The enclosed order decides in favor of Community Options, Ltd., ar� requires the City Council to approve the special use permit. Sincerely, /- �++.. � l • . t�asir: M. ures��� Q Gity Manager � ` r�' �-A • MEMORANOUM Cf rl/ OF FFi10LEY � 64 f1 UNIVEFi61T�/ AVE. NE. FF OLEY� MN, dba3� ta1Z] 671�3450 3B OFFICE OF TME CITY MANAGEFi NASIM M. C�1UFtESMI (0: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL =ROM: N�SIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER )ATE: FEBRUARY 11, 1986 >UBJECT: JUDGES ORDER i ; have just received a judges order this afternoon and I am mailing it ;o the City Council members right away. Virgil Herrick is out of town, �ut Dave Newman indicated that it is futile for the City to proceed �ith any appeal action. �MQ/1 a :c: Department Heads William Hunt 3T �TE OP 1dIIdPiF�OTA C( UNTY OF AI�IOHA Cc mmunity Options, Ltd., i Minnesota CorQoration, Eu ;ene Wright, Diene O. ' Vright, T. H., K. K., end I ;urt Nesset, Plaintiff- Petitioners, -v: - Th � City of Fridley, i Municipal Corporation, Defendant- Respondent. �STRICT CODRT TENTH �UDICIAL DLSTBICT PEREMPTORY WRl'I' OF IdANDAMDS Anoka County District Court File #B-85-4539 THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND MEMBERS OF ITS C1"Y COUNCIL, GREETINGS NHEREAS, plaintiff-petitioner Community Options, Ltd., has made a prc per and lawfu] application to the City Council of the City of Fridley for a special usi permit, end N'HEREAS, the application for such a speciel use permit was denied by ac� ion of the Council, and N'HEREAS, this Court has determined thst denial by the Council of that ap{ lication was arbitrary, unreasonaDle and otherwise contrary to law; THEREFORE YOU ARE COA4blANDED upon receipt of this K'rit, but not bef ore February 26, 1986 at 9 o'clock 8.m. (unless that specified effective date and tin e of the V1'rit shall be stayed by other Order of this Court) to issue a specie] use pet mit to Community Options, Ltd., consistent with Community Options' application of March 1,1985 (said application being further identified as "SP #85-01" and being ott erwise verified and acknowledged by "Receipt No. 15708", mentioned in thet ap� lication) for purposes of allowing Community Options to establish and operate a so- ca] .ed Rule 36 Residentisl Mental Health Program at the following-described locetion: thF t epartment building and appurtenant land situated at 5378-5384 Fifth Street N.E. in he City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, and described legally as Lo' s 1 and 2, Block l4, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville. D'u trict 19f 6. w'ITNESS the Honorable Daniel M: Kammeyer, Judgii t�the Anoka County Court, Tenth Judiciel District, and Seal tfiereof, this day of February, Jane F. Morrow Court Administretor Anoka County District Court � 3D ;-�L`U STA I'E OF iIQNNESOTA COi NTY OP ANOBA �" F E 6 �� �� �` S Z - .._...; n�� Con munity Options, Ltd,� �:�'; -:���.�-, -, � •' e �Iinnesota Corporation, �' �I Eug �ne K'right, Diane O. h' �ight, T. F:., K, K'., and K �rt N esset, Pleintiff- Petitioners, -vs- The City of Fridley, a Nunicipal Corporation, Defendant- Respondent. Summary Stetement DSTRICT CODxT TENTH JDDICUL D1ST8ICT ORDER FOR JODGMENT RELATED TO 1SSUANCE OF A PEREMPTORY WR1T OF MANDAMUS Anoka County District Court File �B-85-4539 The Fridley City Council denied the special use permit applicetion of pet. tioner Community Options at a City Council meeting of 6/3/85. The requested per nit would ellow Community Options to establish a so-called Rule 36 facility, for mer tally ill adults, in a presently existing apartment building in the City. Petitioners Eug �ne and Diane ti right have an option to purchase that apartment building, and, if the special use permit were to be approved by the Council or ordered by this Court, the Krights would lease the apartment building to Community Qptions so that the lett er entity could establish and conduct the Rule 36 facility in that building. On 8/l/85 this Court directed that an Alternative Writ of Mandamus and Orc er to Show Cause be issued to and served upon the City. That A]ternative ltirit con manded the respondent City to either issue the requested special use permit imr �ediately or show cause why it had not done so. The mandamus or show-eause hea •ing was held before me (Judge Kammeyer), one of the Judges of this Court, on 10/ �/85, 10/4/85, and 10/15/85. It was Vied to the Court without a jury. As part of their Application for a N'rit of Mandamus, the plaintiff- pet tioners also included a Complaint for money damages, as follows: (1) Community Opt ions for loss of profits, on aceount of its inability to operate a Rule 36 faeility un� �r a full contract with Anoka County. (2) The H'rights for losses incurred on acc �unt of delay in closing on the purchase of the apartment building, on account of tbe City's denisl of the speciel use permit to Community Options, including such items as � dditional financing costs. (3) Petitioners T. H., K. K'., and Ku�t Nesset on account of �motional and mental distress and injury from the denial of the opportunity to live at he proposed Rule 36 facility and because of discrimination allegedly exercised by the City against them in denying Community Options the special use permit. ' _Z_ 3 E. In eddition, ell of the plaintiif-petitioners have prayed for other associated relie �, including an award of their attorney fees and costs end disbursements. ATTORNEY APPEARANCFS PETITIONERS T. H., K. N',, AND KURT NESSET: Susan L. Lentz, attorney at li w, Law Offices of the Legal Aid Society of h�inneapolis, Inc., 222 Graln Exchange Buil iing, 343 Fourth Avenue South, 117inneapolis, �9N 55415. , PET1T10NERS CO�i111UNITY OPTIONS/H RIGHTS: biery Benjemin Trevor, attc rney at law, Leonard, Street �C Deinard, 100 South Fifth Street, Su�te 1500, r9in ieapolis, b1N 55402. RESPOhDENT CITY OF FRIDLEY: Yirgil C. Herrick, attorney at law, Her �ick �C Newman, 6279 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432. s s s s s Based upon the evidence presented to the Court at the mandamus/show- ceu ;e hearing, certain stipulations of fact made by the perties, the written and oral arg �ments of counsel, and upon all the records, files, and proceedings herein, the Coi rt now makes the following Order for Judgment, pursuant to Rule 54.02, Minn. R. Ci� , P., disposing of one — but less than all — of pla�ntiff-petitioners' multiple claims or �, �rayers for relief, that is: the Court is ordering judgment that a PeremQtory Writ of hiandamus be issued by the Court Administrator of this Court, directed to and cor �manding the respondent City of Fridley to issue a Special Use Permit to Co nmunity Options, Ltd., as described more fully in the Order itself. Resolution of the other preyers for relief made by the plaintiff-petitioners — for money damages, att �rney fees, and costs and disbursements -- is reserved b�� the Court et this time, anc will be the subject of a subsequent Order for Judgment. This present Order for Judgment, related to issuance of the Peremptory N'r t of Mandamus, is based upon this Court's determination that deniel of the ap� lication for a speciel use permit by the City Council was arbitrary, unre O ted b� an�'� othe�wise contrary to law. That determination by the Court will be supp y do �uments to be filed by the Court within 10 deys of this present Order, including Fii dings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and an Accompanying blemorandum ot Lew. Th : fact that those supporting Findings, Conclusions and A9emorandum will be filed se� arately from and later than this present Order shall neither affect nor impeir the fu' l force and effect o! the Order, nor in any way stey its operation beyond the 15-day st� y recited more fully in the Order below. LikeN ise, no stay of this present Order an i no impairment shall result — either in this present Order related to the PE -emptory H'rit o i�e �'ds m�l becau eeot�those Orde s bei g filed eparetelytand on ot �er prayers for re p Y di ferent dates. Finally; pursuant to Rule 54.02, Minn. R. Civ. P., the Court expressly di ects the entry of a final judgment as to one, but fewer than all of the prayers for re .ief of plaintiff-petitioners, uQon an express determination that there is no just re qsonf 11land mus (sub'e t to the 15-da�jr stayirecJtedg n the Ordera below). peremptory N' �it o J sssss -3- OR�ER FOR JDDGMENT BELA'I'ED TO SSUANCE OF A PEBEMPTOBY �iRIT OF MAIdDAMUS IT LS HEREBY ORDERED: Q.] That the Court Administrator of this Court is hereby directed to enter an )rder for Judgment for plaintiff-petitioners and against respondent City. That Jud ;ment shall state the following: That e Peremptory h'rit of 11�andamus shall be issued upon this Order of the Court, commanding the respondent City of Fridley to issue e Special Use Permit to Community Options, Ltd., consistent with Community Options' application of 117erch 1, 1985 (said application being further identified as "SP# 85-01" and being othe�wise verified and acknowledged by "Receipt No. 15708", mentioned in that application) for purposes of sllowing Community Options to establish and operete a so-called Rule 36 Residentisl Mental Health Program at the following described location: that apartment building and eppurtenant land situated at 5378-5384 Fifth Street N.E. in the City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, and described legally as Lots 1 and 2, Block 14, Hamilton's Addition to blechanicsville. (�] That service of suc�► Peremptory Wcit of Mandamus shall be effected in the following manner, as directed by the Court pursuant to Minn. Stat. S 586.05, nar �ely: by delivering to and leaving with both the Fridley City Menager and the Fri iley City Attorney (or responsible agent-employees of those officiels) copies of the Pei emptory h'rit of Mandamus. � That the Court Administretor o! this Court shall stay entry of this prf sent Order relating to the Peremptory K'rit of Mandamus until February 26, 1986 at 9 c'clock e.m., except that service of the V►rit, as specified in �(IIJ, above, shall be me 3e forthwith, and the Peremptory writ of Mandamus shall become immediately eff ective as of February 26, 1986 at 9 o'clock e.m., unless there shall have been an Or ter before that time, further staying the effective date and time of that N'rit. BY THE COURT: � � � �t De ted th�s � day of february, 1986. Daniel M, ammeyer Judge of Anoka County District Court Tenth Judiciel District 3F .•. . M• .� �r�. •,- ��,� 3G fY]NCTnFS2�TT�1�] AR PTRCT RF��1TtY' AF �N Q�T jKA*j E M£NDINC TH=� FR73nt �Y �"'�iCIPA_ CODE RFi-AT�? TO PD^L ��_,al1E'� I��SELTiQN 14.09: ADDI ���CTI�N 1� .09 _2 '�X_CEPTI�N F�R F00�18EVERAGE w� l�7iCN �ndlman S�neider to vaive the firat reading and approve the occ inanoe first reading. Seo�nded by O�uncilman Barnettt. Upon a voi ce vote, voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur�a nimo�sly. �� . �i �` (�)� •7 ��i�:i-1►r: � „ •; .�� ; • � , .�i� ���.� : � ; /a • � .. � . •, .; ND7IOt� by Cb�nrilman Sd�neider Lo v've the first read.ing and ap�rove the orcirenoe �n firat read.ing. Se�n by Cbuncilman Barnette. Upon a vo� ce vote, all voting aye, Meyor N declared the motion carried una nimo�sly. _ !�. Herrick, Qty 1►ttorriey, asked if �ere vas aNj�pcoble.► for Blue Bell to Gec in thEir operauon sinae thE hearing and f irsrt i����ng have been held. 1�D7ION b� ��ndlman Barnette that food and beverage v�� es may sound the ( mar ually o�erated be11 beo+een the rours of 10:00 a.m. an :30 p.m., and 6:(0 p.m. te 8:00 p.m., in an�• area zonecl cor.mercial or in trial, and onl �+ bettir eer, thF hour s of 1: 00 p. m. and 1: 30 p. m. and 6: 30 p. to 8: 00 p, r, i n ar�• ar e� x one d r esi dent i al er other th an a�nr er ci al or i n t r i al vhidi prod,oes a roise level measured at a distance of 50 feet fr . the a�� roe rn �eater tt�an 65 decibel s. Seconaed by Councilman Fi tzF.atri U�xn a voiae vote, all vating aye, l�ayor Nee declared the notion carrieo �r�a nvr.ously. • �� � �, • ; � `I �� : `f• a,M `t• � �� � . : ; / . ':! :: 3�: •.: �• � �• • � ►• �• � � ��, )� 1 t�y or Nee stated action on this ite� had been taGl ed f rm the previc,us meE cin� and asked that t�srtimony subr,itted this evening be. 1 ir+ited to arry r�e�, 3evelopaents vhid� e3►e Cb�nril had rot heard at the vthes meetings. Mtt . Jose�t► Vasedca, 5�27 �th Street, stated the que�ion had been askec ha+ sar r�ildrer. vese in their nei¢�mrhood and stated thEy have wEll w� 250. � stated there are also residents in this area wt�o have resided here 30 anc �0 years. l�t. Rid�ard Byers, 5300 Sth Street, stated Article 12 of the !linnesota mrstitution and Article 9 of the tl.S. mnstitution pra►ides rights to pec ple and no laas mn be Fnssed to abridge these ric�ts. He stated thE pe�c pl e in thei r r�ei c�tar hood ar e j ust aski ng f ar thei r ri ¢�ts and :or.vn un i ty Opt i ons ar e the anes aski ng f ec spe ri al pr iv il ege s. He s� a ted th e Go un ci 1 st�c uld repcesent the peogl e and vhat they Want and f el t it �as a cl ear mar c�te to the O��ncil to deny this request for a spedal �se perr.�it. -S- •.� �..«• .� ��. .,- i� ,� 3H !� w�ayne Johnson, 5400 Sth Street, stated he vibited two existing fa alities, one m 69ti► llvenue in Brooklyn Center ana o�ne an 12th 1lvenue in , Mi v�eapQlis, vho are u�der tJ�e Rule 36 program. He stated he talked to � pc �per ty a+r�er s adj aaent to these faril iti es and the infamaticn he reaeived is ther� has been as mar�y as lZ cars Pnrkea at t3�e faczlity. 8e atated at ta �ti piaaes t2�e c�ass var torn � and a neighbor had taken a los6 on his ?�a �e wher� he s>ld i� !t. Jahnson stated a resident i� !�e area of the 12 fi�►ve�ue facility atated they have p�lice ambulancxs arriving at this fa3lity at �ffesent times in the night. 8e state3 he di�'t think ti�e lcation of these facilitites cvmpnres to the pcoposec facility ori Sth St:eet, as theae zoning arens are rnt mrnilar to their resic3er�tial area. !� , Terri Buckeridge, 6365 Sth Street, stated she vas at the meeting on be �alf af her mother� l�ts. lbr9e Octer�, 5311 �th Street, vho vas �able to at tend. Ml6. Suckeridge again rNiaved the c�mentt made by her mother at t? e Cb�ncil meeting on M�y 20, 1985. t�l , t+��elle 1c�rak, 112 �arora-a �►venue, �tateci .,�nity O�.tions had statec tt ere voulc�►'t be pers�ns in this Rule 36 fadlity wttio vould be �n �r�ot v: olent a d�e7imlly dependent. 6he statec, V�der the law, th°_y d: scri�rirote and vill adnit cliEnts vith d�a�iml dependency, if they' pose tx s�if imnt thre�t. K�. Kurak stated Oa�r��nity Opc.ions �.ated th�i r u ients woul d be 1 iv ing at t►i s Rul e 36 facil ity in order to make the transi tion to, l iv 3 ng i�e�.endently. She etated this is a clefir.ition o� a half-way buse. M�. K�rak stated Com-•unity Options indicated priority vould be givEn to A►oka m�t}' tesidents, but other s vho c� not 1 ive in the County may De b�itted. She read a def iritio� of r•+�tal � sease +u�d stiated a� �er son s�cn a flicted tequices asre foc his wn welfare oc t3�e welfare af the aortr.�nity. r�. Vicky O�ir�, 5376 Sth Stleet, atateo the question has Deen raised hc�w rsrr�� peis�ns live in the buildirg vhid� is Deing pcopesec to beeene a R�le 3 i farility. �e s[ated thece ate 10 peoFle living in this building. C��ndlRan Sd�neider asked if pera�ns vith vertdin types of r.�ntal illn�s� c��1d te excluded fra� tfiis faczlity. !s. Aenae Hanson� 4�r�uQ'�ity Op�ions, atated they are deciders of their i�ission p�ligr and thete is r�eLhing that ean force then to take �eo�.l` � kr tfiey d� rot wi� Lo adr;i� She s�ated the ty�e af peoFle they ad�it i_ f t i pul ated i n thei r 1 i aense at�d th�Y ��t these r�c.l'u r e' ent s i r, or dE r 1 o keeF their license. � d�ncil�ran F�tzFetridc asked if a re�eral vas made to them fran the County i elfare De�ztm�t. ii ti�e�' could reject that re��ral. Ms. Hanson stated i ef ini tely. � � D�nczlnan Sciu�eider atated be vould agree with the philosophy that this t,errtal healtt� farilitij+ should be r�n by a pcivat� organisation, but his � onaern is if �ey de r�et mk�e a gof it if they voul d be terptcd to al ter -6- 9 31 m *x`*+ _.��'C�NG �� �� 19es ( th ir etandards. Ms. 8an.9cn �tated gererally speaking they vouldn't Aave su t, an cpc i on be ca use i t voul d i ric7 ea se t3� ei r 1 i e.hi 1 ity oc ri sk the 1 oss of th ri r 1 i aer�e. She sta ted i t woul d Ce a�or e 2 ikely ti�ey wul d q� !ie dc to the Q� nty and tecl assify ti�ei r needs assesenent. . 1� i�� LnF`av� 5375 Sth Street, stated Lhere is a Stete commibr.ent act vt��d� indicates �ty mrnot cheaiminate against arryone t2�at aeeks help. !�!6 Wri c� t, Qxrr� is�i ty Opc i o� �ta t.�d ther e i b a cc� i tm ent a ct to wmon i t g�pl e w ith mental il l ress that are a�nsi c3er ed dangero�s to State . Hospi tel s bu : a j udge carmt c�omr�it a cl ient to thei r f aril ity. !!6, I�an.�n stated their facility wvuld rot cpme �der this eemnit�r.ent law► an 9 they can cef �e to talce peopl e they d� tnt vist� to adnit. mrcilrran Schreider state�d the tuil�rg thcy are goFesing to purchase is a+ied b� d relative af a Cb�ty ��anissioner and wAile there rr,a�� nct be ar; thing wrong with tfiat, it mic�t indicate a mnfliet af ir.tecest. He felt be m �se tt�e}• are r�et vil l ing to atate the p.0 d,a9e pri ae af the ti,il c� ng, it p� cs a d oud virer thei r intec�ri ty. !�. Hanson scated at tJ�e last O��ril meeting, there was eome insinuation ti at �or��ethinc vas cping on. Ste stateo they oontected the O�mmissioner f i m whose r�eihew+ tt�e}� have a p►u d�ase a� ee'e�t f a tt�e buil di n5,' and was tcld he has:'t �oker. vith his re�hs+ for several yc�rs. She stated Lne}• di d r�t b��a+ any thi n5 of tt�i s Cef or e the 1 as� meeti ng. Q u�cil�ran Schr�eider askeo if �ey wuld �ve the purc3�ase price for thi� b�ilding. l+Ls. wrief►t stated d�e vo�ld pcpiel rot to c�vE the priae, at tt�is pc int, sinoe it i� just a prrd�ase agree�ent. She stated at tne tirt�e of � 1 e, the pur d�ase �ri ae beax..es puti2 ic cec�rd. a �ncilr.an Schneider stated the relevtnoe this has to the issue is the i�tec�ity af t3�eir organization. He stated the a�Qearar.oe af irr.Ko�ciety is h�i¢�tened Cem�s�e thEy are rot villing to c�sclose U�e �xu�ase pcioe. !�. Gne w'ric�►t btated th�• wrked throu¢� an agent to putchase this pro�erty a� d if there is arij�thing �nder tt�e tdtle, it is nc�t to thEir kna+leoge. He s� ated he felt it was �nfair to categorizE th�n as a related party v ansaction. Q>�nczlr.an FZtzFnuidc asked if this pro�.erty �as on thE oyen m�.rket. !!6. Wric�t �ated, Lo the test c�E her la�a+ledge, it was not. Nyor tiee stated the question seens to come doirn to who is for tieatir.g m� �tal ly iI l peoF1 e and who i s sca r ed o� ti� en. He st a ted th i s really i s rnt v �e issue. He stated the issue is the appropriate use of the land. Mayor h��e stated a letter vas reaeived fren Cor.missioner Rordiak ir. which hE e a ted thi s w as a bn d l oca ti vn f or tfii s f a c31 i ty and af f er ed to he1 p f ind an a, �propriate lartion. Ae asked if t3�is offer was aaoepted. � M�. i�an.qen skated she mll ed Carnz.i ssi cmer l�r di ak and a � ke d if th ey sh o ul d m!et t�o ta2k at��t req�dreaents for a site and they �e teld he c��'t want t> talk to then u�til the dty hac made a decison and he was not ir.volved i� the issue. St�e stated her fePlir.g was he rescinaed his aff� beca�'se he d.�' t want to meet vith hel. —7— .. ,,,.. .� �r., ..- , ..� TTZ� 3J / !tr �or Nee etated staff vas asked to make a surv�y af �ricII�Y ++here criteria c��ld be �e�t and whe�e the�e would be accepcancr of suc3i a facility. He et �ted staff did icientify a nunber af locations vhere t3�ey felt it vould be t�o �e ap�copciau. � i� , Q�aeshi, Q ty t�nager, atated he tal ked to Rena e 8anaon and di scussed the p�ssibility af locking at othes tites in t2�e mr.m�nity. Basically, the m rty sets the aiteria for a�d�► a f acil ity and the 6ite has to be in a r E si aent i al ar ea, hav e ti arspor td ti on avail aC2 e� and st� o ul d be oper n t i onal af soon as p�ssible. He stateo he asked if they wuld Ce willing to look at at ;es stes that may be aooeptable. He �.ateo l�ts. i�an.son indicated not at t? is tire 6���se they alread� have a purd�a9e ac�ee�ent mntingent on the- otcaining the bpecial LLse perrnit. �ie stated their wntract vith the O��:nty w�s that the fanlity vas to bea�ne operational as soon as possible and ar other site vould take a mud� lmger Frocess. He st.ated iris. Har�on felt at tl is time it wouldn't Ce Fsaaical to revie+ ary othe� sites beca�se aE this si tuatiun. lbyor hee stated this m�ncil ia rot o�osed to the proposal and hi s iaernif ied locauons where it may be aoaeptable. tie statec the issue is r� ally the land �e. He stated he takes the mr�l ict �+ith the rei ghborhood v� ry eet i ously. He f el t ther e are other locati ons in the Ci ty �rhi ch woul d tr more appropciate and ho�ed if the �ecial u6e pern►it is �erued, theY may b 1 p th e-� f i r�o nn�th er a te. _ 0��ncilran Sc�neider btated he f ully bupports the need f or this type of f �rility. He stated the pro4len he l�as is most people are villing to n�g�tiate, �scvss, and oa^e to a ca-.pcmise. He stateC noth�ng is being d�ne t.� c�rredt the appearance af i�pcoKieties. He also stated they were t>ld rothing muld be �ne to c�,per.sate the people vho vould have to nove f�m this building and Gxr�rity Option is also �rti+i11in9 to discuss other F�ssiGle locatians. He st.ated in almost every instance, the petitioners c�rnot agee. M�s. wri�t stated on the mnttary, they feel they Aave been v ery open. She stated they accepted the Pl anni ng Conmi ssi on' s r�ax.men�tions and d�es not feel they cvndu�.ed thenselves in an i��ro�er � vv►er with the seller af this pcoperty. She stated they have a lea_al ard t i ndi ng puc d�ase a� ee��t and they ar e rnt f ree to expl or e other s tes. !c. Byers stated it is stri�tly a mattet cf a�nstit�tional rights and does t�e �Lnril �ve the� to a fe�+ ac to the people the}• re�.reser�t. ! r. Andy Aaed�rel, 5367 Sth Street, asked lLs. Wright if she a+ns the � coperty �fiere the Brooklyn Oenter farility is located. Ms. Wright a�atEd / h! M3S Lt1t WJ'et. !t. Hae�tel �ated this is a very tsard issue for nim, ha+evEr, he has <eczcied to take a stand in his a+n best interests. He btated he didn't 1 el i�ve a`no• vote r►eans a per scn is opQosed to the mernally ill issue. He itated he vould urge the Gbuncil to vote their aonscienoe and what tr�e � � , �ni ty �ri �es thaa to d�. � bu�dlman iZtzpetlidc stated he believed what l�r+yor hee has stated, t�at he question is really a matter af lar►d use. -8- 3K .. .,• .� ���. •,- i� .� lp7IR� by tltzpetrick to teceive the petition presentcd by Icathy Prieve u�cing the approval af this sperial use permit. Seacnded by Schneider. t)pcn a vaiae vote, all voting aye, lbyor hee delared Lhe sotio� carried � un� ni�oucly. , _ � �!p! T� by O��ciln�an FZtz�tsidc to dery speczal uee pe=mit, 6P �85-01, for �th�r follvwing reasons: (1) This is a business vith a dozen ot nore �,� loyees in a totdlly tesidential aran; (2) It vould be inaampntible vith �e, psal e�dstin9 liaenses of day care aenters in close proximity to the pc��posed sitet (3) That �e imne�ate rri¢�borl�c�od has �een ar. ea�nar,ically ma; gi nal r�ei ¢�b�rhood that r�eeded redev el ogn�t. In reaent ymr s� a+rer s of pr��perty rithin the trighborrood have btarted making improvenents. Tl�e lo;ation of the proFosed facility vill Mve an adverse affect on the m �tinued irr.Frwe-e�ts needed in the r�eighDcrhood; (�) That the propcsen fa=ility would have ar� adverse affect on property values because both la��ords and tenants indicated that if the facility is locate6 on the j,r �F.ased site, tfist eariy cE the tenar►ts in the multi-residential proYerties wo �ld ro lenger rent these Fzo�.�erties; (5) Zl�at the location of tne Fso�osea f a�1 ity on the g te woul d Aave an adr � ee af f ect m the heal th and saf ety of tt�e facility tesidents because of the very substantial neighGothood eFaosition to itb location. �e reo�cd cvntains petitions and testimony iriicating that a sub6tarnial ainjority of the neighborhooc residents are o�p�sed to the fac�litj+ Deing located on this sit:e• �is o�osition czeatrs ar atmos�t►ere that is rot c�nd:civE to the health and rafety af the faczlity t� sidents. Sea�nded bl+ Q��ndl�an Batnette. ( a �ncilr�an Gooci�peed stated he repcesents the Fitst Ward and may have a J ic�tly different pers�ec,tivE gr,.F.ly Dece�:se it might bE easier to talk alo�t wAen it is�'t cping to be in your arn backyard. He s�ateo hE MGt�:iC1 d s� � ee v i th thE r.�oti on. He � dz' t thi nk i t i s�n �ss unl to put f a ci 1 i t i e s o� this nature in resider,tial rei¢�borroods. He �ated there are sirr•ilar a�es in the CZty all located in the First ward, such as Unity Hospital, F i�ey �nvalescent Hane, the oeunselir.g clir.ic on UnivErsity ancl the 0 �ntral Dental Lab. ' Q,►r�ril�an Barnette atated this question has been the most �fficvlt one for hm and ht Aas heard fr� peopte cn b�th sides cf �e issue• lons and tnarE w�rks in the same f ield as tJ�e peopl e fram O�mm�ity Opt' Y f milies that mllec hira have ment,ers of their fanily who are protatly ir. n red of st:ch a farilit�. Eie st.ated others have mlled him ano urged hin� t� d�.r�• �is request. He stated he pers�nally feels he i� at the very gra�s r�ots of the p�litical proae�s ar�d fepls he hns to respond to n�any of thE F�ople present. He stated the mincil reFceserrts a11 peoFle. t�ut n'°stly tt'E ��opl e who have d e�ed then. He stated be f eel s str ongly m thi s i ssue ar�d ��uld vote in favec af the mat3an fa denial. He �ated as � Qty. Fridley !s not goiny to turn its back on any mentally ill pereon. He statec � lterrbtive ates have been identif ied, tut c��'t ia�a+ vhat it me�u:t to the � j etiticanet. - 1 b�ndlr�an S�r�eider �ated this has been the harcest questior► to decide �znoe he has been or. the mu�cil. E1e stated he believed it would be better � �a appcwe �e spedal use penait vitt� a nu�ber of stipulations, sone of -� 3L .� � .��1�r�. •, l� .� whi�h tt�e O�non�nity Options peogle � not agree vith. �He felt e�ertain sti; ulations vould pcatecx the rtic�bnthood and pcavide a fac3lity th3t was r v er; mud� r�eeded. . l�trj,� � Nee statcd he inter,ds to vote in favoc af tt►e mot.ian• Ae a�°�o Ne�y tim r a me�ber af tt�e ��ncil vc�tes. t3�ey help iomeb�dy ar�d hatin somebod;. and that 16 almos't without exception. Fe atat�d you try to weigh the ie1 itivE g�od ard the relative haan. He etated there never is a question vAe e tfiere ie�'t a'gray' •ren• He stated he is oenvinced thi�� mnd�e int ensiv e u6e at tt� i s pn r ti wl ar 1 oca ti ar► voul d have a eer i ous imps rei �porhor � and czeate dd-:age. He etat�d it i6 a reic�torhood the Cbuncil ha� been i-�.erested in arer th� last �'Vlla1 Yl�j 6 in try ing to stimul ate lezdershi� and activity, ar�d it apgears this facility �+euld oeme into ca�flict v:th the pco9ram tB�Y have been 6upporting to improve tne nei #�torhood. UR�� �► F�.L. O�.L. VOt�. M�}oL Nee, muncilman i�t2patrick and Councilnan Bai r�ette voted in favor af �e n+otian• m�'�1� S�'"eider ana Council�an Goc d6Yeed voted ac�.inst the �+atian• MeYoc ti�'e' c�cl�� �e motion carried b}r a 3 te 2 vote. 5. S3�! .�DFR°"'IQti QF �PFYI � TT SD �8,-07 TO V9R�L� �L.ILDl� insC�`TI�:�' 1.T�..E9 � �.�yr�: �SITY AYIIr",.'� N E• i�� B Q� ncilman Barnette statecl meetings vere held vith the Woodcrest Ba�xi �t :rd� and re�idents of the neic�borhood tegarding Lhe CJ�urch's proF.osea a d � on and i ts 1 aati cn on thei r Es o�er hf . . He at a t be ca �se e� th e aa ni te ry sew er pi pe � th i s a dd i t i on ca ru�o t be ae ut r uct e as pr op� se d� vhen th e�e ci al �se permi a�Sand th � hav e oo:n � a t th E se mee a n�nb�er af al ter na tiv es v er e ex�l E'Y uF with a waka ac�eea�t tets+eer. the a�ura� and the rei�torhooc. �LTIQ� b�+ Q�u�rilRan rette te reaFpiwe speciel use permit, SP t84-07 vich tfie falla+ino sti tiarts: (1) �at the location of the addition is tc �e �0 feet fca� t3�e lot ir�e te the s�utheast aprrer af the building; t2) Tt at t1�e bu i 1 c� nc be 1 a+er ed f eet f icn the or i� ral pc o�.o se o el ev ati cm ; (: ) An�� li¢�ting installed on tndc of tt►e buil�ng should not inf rir.ge a the rei�bor'6 pcoperty lire; fie ge� area behino the building on t2e e�,st sde �ould be maintaine ith appro�riate landscarin9% (S) A l�ndscaj.^z.'Rg pla�: s�ould tr aitr�itted a aF�coved b� tht City staff; (6) 1►j pcopriate e�cterior vall firi�ing shoul be apprwea by the CitY a�taff ; (' ) That t2�e landscaping and exterior wa s be coordinated with the a� h oi ni ng pc oper tY a+ner s: (8) Zl�at tiie roof ir si�:i1 u to the �rct uo ry ; a��d (9) That a utility ease-.�t, to be detetmine the City. be Pravided f� r d�e snnita� eewer lirie aurrently locatec3 on th operty. Sea�ndeo by 0 �tncil�ran C',00dspeed. C»cil�an Barnette stated he appreciated the neighbo and churcr�'s o pperatiai�. r;, Ro�tnuc�, regesent�.ng the d�urd�, tfianked the nei ghbor s f o or ki ng —10- s � �v ` - � M , , . . :•` . a a .,,� a „. .,��' a . ,� � 3 , r; ;�: .�� . �, - il+ • � ,��'t ` � . " . {, r �[ � : � S : j���'�.. � � . . . — - • - � { ,��.,.�;� ��; . ,t � �7t�a.'- �„ .r'. . ,.. �R� , -� - s rflr w :: e, � f ..?� . ' ,' � � v � - - ..+ r—•� „�� z� �'�''` . � . . ; ~ . , . . ��i •# + . � �. . .,. • � �� • `�� y +� t .�'K`,�;' _ i t'•+ _d. , � / ' f �:'' ' `� � .• . � � � � �;�i �.'+, � 'Y • ' . , �" • � •` w � ��. . ll� .M r � ;4�� . • L : �� �' � f " • * .. � + ' � ' 1+ ,.1� _�� K � +w� � � ,! � ' ` � ' � ''+- �1' � +.,' � � � �` .:` :4 ��. � F �► '+� - �, .,, . .� — .a. � . . .• . . . . . ��-- �� � ' ,�1 t � =•��.' � . �� � y ` '' ` .� � � � s� r= x �► — � . ,w � ! �_ .'�;'��- ` �N � -- '� � ` '. 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' = i � � ' . .� . � -� ,�., , � ,.; � �, , � , . . . � �� � ` J . 1 \ � • � � � �' ' '- � _ W r-- \ : _ � , S � F- � _ p '` O � M ' _ ■� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL �— APPOINTMENTS4 (Tabled January 13, 1986) _ APPUINTEE 1 QMi1N1'I'Y DEVFIAPl�TT Qk!'IISSIQ�] �,u • ��� �. �� ��.,� � u � A''Pf'ALS �trMI.S.SIC�I ? t'.• I 3 Y� •� Y •� 1 t f� �• ��• •�. • ••� :� � 4-1-89 Qarerx:e (Gene) Rezac 1561 Camelot Larie (H. 574-0629) 4-1-89 (vacated by Louis Schmidt 10/85) 4-1-89 Dick Young 5695 Quincy St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) 4-1-89 Dani el All en . 6200 Rice Creek Dr. NE (H. 571-3137) 4-1-89 4-1-88 4-1-89 4-1-89 James Pl enel 6864 C�annel Fad N. E. (H. 571-0026) (vacated by Patricia Gabel 12/85) Tan G ronl und 7411 Lyric Lane (H. 7 86-7459) Bruce Peterson 7503 Tenpo Terr. NE (H. 786-9898) ir ■i 4A FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS � �• .. � -� �. ��a: � � •,�:�. �• � � t• � } J I� �� I � I� 4-1-89 �n � 6325 Van Buren St. NE (H. 571-1953) 4-1-89 Bruce Bondow 6616 Central Ave. NE (H. 571-0163) 4-1-89 Robert Nlinton 1538 N. aberlin Gircle (H. 574-1173) 4-1-89 Peter Pierce 572 Rice Creek Terr. (H. 571-7045} 4-1-89 �� .A : � � � � J� .I � � �l `� �.� V . � �� � � u 4-1-89 2 ./21 Duane Peterson 1021 Hathaway Ln• NE (H. 571-3386) Flmars A. Prieditis 6031 BenjaQnin St. NE (H. 571-7230) t�Savis Hauge 645 67th Ave. NE (H. 571-1083} ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDIN�NCE RE�DIFYII� �iE FRItGEY CITY Q�DE BY AI�AIDII� APPIIdDIX F Zb PfiC1VIDE FnR ZHE AWUSTMENT OF SALARIES F0� �iE MAYOR AI�ID QOUNCILN'�A'�ERS IN ACOORDANCE WITH SECTION 2.07 OF 'l�iE QiARTIIt OF �IE QTY OF FRILLEY The �ity CA�mcil of the City of Fricney, cbes ordain as fallaws: The annual salaries for the Mayor and Councilmembers during 1987 and sub: �quent years shall be as follaas: Niayor Co�cilmenber at large Co�mcilmanber, Ward I Cowzcilmenber, Ward II Coimci.lmenber, Ward III $7,200.00 $5,900.00 $5,250.00 $5,250.00 $5,250.00 pAS� E� AND ADOFTID BY �IE QTY Q�UNCIL OF THE QTY OF FRII�,EY THIS , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - Ng1Y0R A'I'I'F 3T : 33IF :,EY A. HA�PALA - QTY Q�ERK Fi r: t Reading : Sea nd Reading: Publ ication: I�1Y OF 4y � 8 � � � PLANNING DIVISION 6 � cinroF 1�/LEMOR.ANDUM FRlDLEIr MEMC T0: John Flora� Public �iorks Director MEti( FNOr;: J�aes Robinson� Planning Coordinator� A�1�i( DATE.: Fetruary 1 g, 1966 REGI RLING: V�r.ta�,e Coc�pany Developc�ent The statu: of several develoF�ent issue� related to the Vants�e developaent r.E•EC Lp��tin� in order for City Council to act on the rezoning request at thejr February 24� 1986 meeting. The key issues Which �eed to be addressed i r�c] ude : � Er virorw�ental Assessmer,t Worksr,eet (EAi,') revierr � Cc n:prehensivE Plsr. Ariends,er.t +� Et ildir.g Fscade Frogras * Pi�li�ir.ary Flat A�,plic�tion + !;c �ific�tior. to the Rezor:in�, Fequest �r� EF,k w�� co¢pleted for the developer by the consulting firm of Bfik. The �ubc ittal wa� revieued by staff ar.d then forxarded to the Enviror��er:tsl C�a:ity Board (EQB) and the Departmer.�t of hatural Resources (DNR). A 2�aVt C2�ilE resper,se fro¢ the EQB is exF•ected prior to the Council aEet� r.�,. Tt.e DP+R is expected to t2ke �li�i:tly loeger in it's r•evie�: ; thi� respar�s� st�c�� ld be ar �ilable before the time of the second reading of the zonir,� ordinance. A Cc c:prei,ensive Plsn amend�ent u�s subaitted to the l;etropulitdr: Cour�eil fcr the� r revieW. Althou�h We feel that the origir.�al de�igr.�tior, of tY�is area �r. c�ur 14gG� Land Gse Plar� a� RedeveloFQent District Ka� ir,teraded to facilit�te e develoF�aent sucY, as the Vantage proposdl; the Metropolitan Council did r.ot cor_c ur. i�e ar.ticipate a non-conditional approval of the plan amendmer.t ir: time for Council revie�r on February 2�1, 1966. In iesponse to staff insistence for qual�ty architectural trest�ert, the deve loFer ha� continued to refine t.is pla�s. On Thursday, February 2G, 1 �?.� tre Var.ts�e �rcY.itect� Will be suh�ittir.�, a facGde concEpt tahich should a�eet xitk our approv�.l. The proposal Will include an application of brick ar.�d decc rstive aasonry panels With an anodized aluainun, storefront canopy. Exte nsi�•e la�dscapin� xil� also be required. Detailed buildir_g elevGtior.s Wil] also be available for Council revie�r or. February 2�, 1986. r Jct�r Flora Febr uary 19, 1966 PaF;E Z At cur reruest the developer has submitted a prelimir.ary plat application. The platting of the driving range parcel is necessary as the proposed service dri� e will split off a new r,on-contiguous lot. The remainder of the develog�ent parcels Will be combined as one tax pareel and w ill not require re��] atting. � Tt,e new lot east of the proposed service drive is presently included in the reqt e�t to rezone to C-3. Upon review of the recently suhmitted pi�eliminary pla it has become evident that building on this new lot aould become unrE asonably restricted upon application of C-3 setback requirements. For thi: reason it Would be appropriate to rezone this lot to C-2 which calls for d 5� foot setback from the right-of-Way versus 80 feet for C-3. As this cY�ai�e is actually a le�ser zoning classificatien than that included in the pub7ic hearin�, it xould not appear to cause any procedural discrepancies. In crder to accomplish this requirement I have taken the liberty of amending the rezor�ing ordinance to alla+ for Lot 1, Block 2 to be rezoned from M-2 to C-2. The rer�ainder of the original rezoning request, from M-2 and C-2 to C-3, i� nnchanged. As �he revised rezoning ordinance refers to the proposed plbt le�al� it Will be �ecessary to record the plat prior to recording the rezoning. As the rezcning approval requires two readings and publieation, the platting process sro�ld not present any additional significant time constraints to the pro,ECt. A schedule to aceomplish all such activities follrnrs: ITF1 ApF� oval of rezonin� and 1st reading of the ord: nance Fub:ic hearinE on plat Sea nd reading of rezoning ord:n�nce; order publicstion BODY City Council Planning Commission City Council Pub:ic hearing on final plat City Council Rez�nin� effective App� ovsl of fir_al plat Pla� snd rezoning recorded at� � roka County JLR dm 1�1- & -3� DATE February 2�t, 1986 February 26, 1986 March 3, 1986 March 17, 1986 I�.arch 25� 19� April 7, 1986 A. S. A. P. 6A ORDIN�NCE N0. p�INANCE 7.p AI�ID THE QTY �D�E OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MII�IIJF�OTA BY MAKII� A Q�AI�E IN ZC�IIl� DIS'IItICTS �he Cotmcil of the City of Fridley does ordain as fallaas: � SE� ION 1. Appendi.x D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinaf ter incticated. SE� ION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and c3escribed as: The Southerly 877.87 feet of all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, �-30, R-24, Anoka Co�ty, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trtuik Highway 47• Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District knawn as C-3 (Gen�eral Shopping Center), except that part platted as Lot 1, Block 2 an the proposed plat, Vantage Can�ny's Addition, which is hereby designatec3 to be in the zoned district known as C-2 (General Busirress) . SEC 'ION 3. That the Zoning Acfiinistrator is directed to change the of f icial zoning map to shaa said tract or area to be rezoned f rom Zoned District M-2 (Heavy Industrial) and C-2 (General Business) to C-3 (General Shopping Center) and C-2 (General Business). PP,.S: ID AND ADOPrID BY THE QTY Q�UNCII� OF THE QTY OF FRILL,EY �iLS L�AY OF , 1986 WILL IAM J. NEE - A'g�YOR ATT: ST : S�iI] 'LEY A. H�FIPALA - CITY Q�ERK Pub: ic Hearing: Fir� t Reading: Sea �nd Reading: Puh ish: . : � O h- � A Q � . _. . __.. - - - - � -a -- - . _ ---- - '--- - - - � V ... .� .. _. • �w . , Y • .I i� s • � +. � � _ °t � s� zti« - �...� oz.or � � . � I t - � - ' __ ..`�.`� �=� _y��__•• .. • —��T�_ ��—Y--�.-.--�� _— �.__ -. ._.-. —_ .-./�]w - —_-_ _ ..-. yo � I `��•-.�- _ -_--� _� i. �.s'`'+w• _-_e__ '_ --'''. ..._.- •..:_.Y____'�_ I� � i _--y�`�- � ��o � ! �I � I � �f \"\ �\ `�• �� E' N O�w� ; 1. �'i i •• i . `\• '' J. � ct � � t � I ``. � `lq��O • ��i.. ` v:-- -- *' , .c t i i ^ • , . � � -"`� '.,' • . ( I >.y ~-1 ..4�. y�c ��...""" � � � •'� : \ '',• ` ' • - - '��e;: i , y :�� � \\ c` '' ��� ' -- •e _:��. ° E" • � I, � ^ i t f \�,� _ ..«.---� --- -- �-4�,�nb3s� "� - 5 �o i : � «.�.�� • ���'`,.n'=___ i��~� �_� + � ' 4 �'`�� -". v -�'r � � � : : -b , ti �v:' � . J I. \ -�-. -�---- �• .... ..... �\ I � � ' `j ' 2 �- `� , I ; � � � � � a_ro - - - �'• � " � � � . � ,�r � , i -- � � e ! 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'�� �'1'i' . ..�..��i�i!�., r�i ',,. ����!i����� ���It�t���t����r . � 1//'/1�/ N � a � 0 � �� o,J Z Q � = Z � _ � � Y � Z � � . � H �_ � w � Q � N � - � V E- � : - _,. � �. r-----. 6E VANTAGE PROPERTIES, INC� �EZONING �HS-�4 � $TIPULATIONS 1, PROVIDE A STORM DRAINAGE PLAN CONSISTENT WITH CITY CODE� L� PROVIDE LANDSCAPING AND BERMING SUFFICIENT TO SCREEN PARKIN� AND STORAGE� ?, SCALE DOWN SIZE OF PROJECT SO THAT LESS THAN I,O�� CAR PARKING IS NEEDED OR OBTAIN NECESSARY ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS� y, PROVIDE A COMPLETED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ��ORKSHEET FOR CITY REVIEW� � OBTAIN SPECIAL USE PERMITS FOR ANY OUTSIDE STORAGE OR J � AUTO RELATED BUSINESS� E, PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL REFINEMENTS CONSISTENT WITH A QUALITY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT� �� PROVIDE A PERFORMANCE BOND; AMOUNT CONSISTENT WITH COST OF IMPROVEMENTS� ZOA #8:i-04 YANTAG E PROPERTIES � . � . : l .` / I / / . — I� � / ' '- �' I � �•''V y ' r h h h � � a .� P! � � r � % 'L►v AtKUMN/1 .�. . �--- _ M�� al��wy•�wy � ` � �--�-'�� '_-_--- � - - -- :� .;,` -, � � �� •'i ' ' ,� = � �r � . ,. , � t . �M � ` ` f � •e• • _ ' � ` �� . tt � ` � ��I�y � ' - - - r � L V ��/ ��f��OI, . ! `. � , ' �' � ` �y �.. t� � . 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OF�INAN� ZO ANEI�ID 7� QTY OOL'E OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MIi�II�SOTA BY MARING A Q3ANGE IN ZCNING DISTRIQS Zhe Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follaws: � SEC rION l. Appendix D of the Gity dode of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SE( rION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and c3escribed as: The Northerly 180 feet of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88 lying in the South Half of Section 13, �30, R-24, City of Fridley, O�unty of Anoka, Miru�esota. � Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as C-1 (Loc,al Busir�ess) . 5'EC rION 3. Zhat the Zoning Acfiinistrator is directed to change the official zoning map to shaw said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District R-1 (Orn FaQnily Dwelling) to C-1 (Loc.al. Business) . PA: a�'ED AI�ID ADOPI'ED BY 'i�3E QTY QOUNCZL OF 'II� QTY OF FRIDI�EY 'I�iIS DAY OF +, , 1986 WILLIAM J. I�E — MAYOR ATI �S'I': giI 2LEY A. fIAAPALA — QTY CZERR Pub.ic Hearing: Fir �t Reading: Sec >nd Reading: Pub .ish: � � � . � :OA #85-03 `^ � - ° ' ! largaret 8ri ckner ,-- .3,;� . �: ----DI � '+° •-• N • �o � �� � • . ���8• � • �• ,� •i • . � ' � _ . . � �. 1 • Jo ` /` •`• ' � � , . . . ,°_ . . �� �'.. t� i .' �. , , _". 5 : � r f . S� W 67 �U� t� + � 1 � � z � � o � }' . �� �, �: , � �� , .� ,' ; r ' � � � � w � i 1 �C �Q�v • i . `� M_. � � pq'� E � y -`_ ' j' � �i ��/� , O I r • • • �' �•� / � • •� � . � � � •� �� � •� w� � • �� r • • • • 1 • • � �� � � • � ` / _'_' _ '` • "_ • 1 / �7�•�� �� _� { � �y 9 � t � �' , � I` I � R�It I I ' � I 1. �/ � nlul 7B MARGARET BRICKNER PEZONING ��S-O3 � $TIPULATIONS ., BUSINESS SHALL BE OPEN NO LATER THAN H:OO P,M� ;', DRIVEWAY FROM P�1SSISSIPPI STREET SHALL BE ��ENTER" ON�Y; DIRECTIONAL SIGN TO BE PROVIDED� �, HARD SURFACE CURBED PARKING SPACES TO BE PROVIDED. �, .JOINT PARKING AND DRIVEWAY EASEMENT WITH SANDEES RESTAURANT TO BE PROVIDED� , ��, BUSINESS SIGN SHALL NOT EXCEED TWENTY-FOUR �Z4) SOUARE FEET IN AREA OR EIGHT �H) FEET IN HEIGHT� (�, PROVIDE LANDSCAPING TO SCREEN PARKING FROM MISSISSIPPI STREET. ,, PROVIDE SCREENING FENCE BETWEEN REZONED PROPERTY AND RESIDENCES TO THE WEST� <, PROVIDE PERFORMANCE BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF �Z,OOO•� SAV 4�85-06 John B. Pollard 8 OI�INAIV� N0. p,N pT�INAN� O1�H.lER SECTIOrT 12.07 OF THE CITX CHARZ£R TO VACATE STREETS ArID ALLEYS A1�ID TO Ai�END APPENDIX C OF T8E QTY OOL1E Zhe City Cb�cil of the City of Fridley cbes ordain as fol.lows: � SEC'ION 1. For the vacation of a street dedication described as follows: Vacate the unused Johnson Street declication lying north of Skywood Lar�e and South of I- 6 94. All lying in the south half of section 24, ZL30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Arioka, Miiu�esota. Be and is hereby vacated, except the City retains the entire street f or Util ity Easement purposes. SEC'ION 2. �he said vacation has been made in conformanoe with Minnesota Statutes ana pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City o�de shall be so amended. PAS, �D AI�ID ADOPTED BY �iE QTY QOUNGIL OF �iE CITY OF FRII)LEY �iIS DAY OF , 1985 WILI,IAM J. I�E - MAYOR A'1'Il ST: glI] LEY A. HAAPALA - QTY CLERK Pub:ic Hearing: Fir: t Reading: Sea nd Reading: Pub] ication: . , �{ ss�� asp : . _ - - ssrb _ ' d , � 6501 �l�tt '3 1161 /laj a �Q'/�'� c.�,�_ _ s � _��./+.. •,s � „',, i.u,r --�' — � .._"w . r Mr' � ';� •�,�JB�' i�o 1; � ���� � q 3 � E/G� S . '`''�." � �l�43 � � s � �3" 1�66 . �'I�Z� _ � - -YYIN� > _RD. � - --��" I � �� I �. � � _�,. -- . ,, ; ' +��� 9� � s,�, - . . __� � ��:::. : 1:j-�� � I� . ��� , , � , � .; � � � ' ' 94 $. �, ,$ � : � =E--- _ �R� _ , � ---__ . � K Hl�j.�yy . 1 � QY --- �� � � NO �~ � t �•. � 3� 133� �. �w .1��•� r, T � ~ . �' , c � � �' l� -r �K t � � � � 'URT � � � ( ' � � ` r � SUf� t�F � r �� �*� � � S � I I � r S( � 133� �3'�� 136! i �3f5;137/ /� ,+ , r SKYV ►00D LANE `«= 7� �� Il fs8�lj ��� � •`c 1���� • f p ;�3 � . , i � __�_� _.� ��y ��� 1i% i�3� f? 4 f� 3S1 � '�1f ' �1 �-T- � �-7� - ' --�3- R$ --�R1f£IMHE--' � _. � � � � - � - �.. M � � r� � �. • • 1 �•, .� • • • , , I r�:. _ t� 1 . r , i . � � � . . .-�► .. .... .. a�. �. . . y I 8A � ' � 1■ �s � �� �� -- - John B. Pollard SAV #85-OG ` �� ' - -- _ . `�- _ - � `�,-- , � � � �3 � n.i �ia1►ra �y -•�� � 5343 � � a �G!, ' �': -_.-_ �- - - -- ,'�� � ;( -,ro -- _ _ ---- , , � �' i. 14 S7 ; .��� , i T�.b1 ; �s' �� �� �+M. #� i � •�'�� i, , ♦ I ' M ,; � �S3a3 , � ; �' .,�/�S3 �. ' ry�;"•� �� �114 � � ,��.::.: q� �� . s .�+'' � /� +¢Z��' �G �9 � �, � . �� s�ti `� � J • 6i� . �y... ,�," 14 ',,Ft ,±* �,..� �I .""'' _ t �,.�,.. _ .1 � _ ��►.�.,....��,�... . � .r �' � - .. . LOCATION MAP ,i.. ,�' �`�.�aA"°+N�rg►'e.r .. ..-.:...._._..._._. . F--;.:y=.. - ." ' .. _ _ _--- . -� 0 CITY OF FRIILEY MEMORANDUM ZO: NAS IM M. 4URFSEi I� Q'I'Y MAAU�,t�IIt FROI l: SHIRLEY A. HP,I�PF�LA� QTY Q.FItK SZJB� 'DCT: RIDIS'IItICTIl� �AT,' ;: F'�SFdIARY 5, 1986 , Zhe tlinnesota State Planning Agency has requested that the City adopt alt rrnate bo�daries to fallow Fhysical features that will used for the 199 i Census. I have attached a copy of the Minnesota State Planning Age �cy's letter and map, and a cog}� of Mr. Inman's mer�o regarding this sub�ect dated August 29. 1985. Zhe first change in bo�c3aries ooncerns the North Aark (83rd Avenue) area anc; 1 ies betweer� Waro 1 an6 Wara 3. Sinoe there are no registered voters in :his area, it does not effect the voter registration oo�t. ZYie seoond change concerns 76th Avenue which is the street directly beh �nd Woo6crert School. 7he voter registration count will change for War � 1, Precinct 1 as it will rena�e two rec,istereci voters and plaoe theu in ' 7ard 2, Precinct l. , ZY�e thirn and last change ir2volves the extension of 69th Avenue to T.H. �65 . Z4�e amended boi.aidary will go north f rom 69th Avenue to the creek anc then west along the creek to T.H. #65. ZY�ere should be no change in the voter registration oo�t as there are no registered voters in this arE 3. I h3ve attached an ordinance amending the b�tmdaries as su99ested by the rlir �esota State Planning Agency. Boundary changes must be ac3opteU at lea at 90 ctays before the c3zte of the next election. Adopting the changes eai ly will benef it the Co�ty as they will be sendir,g out notices to al l rec istered voters and this will allaa the�n ample time to change thei r rec �ras. 3/( /3/9 9A QTY OF FRIILEY MEMORANDUM �: NASIM M. QURFSEiI '•• �� 1 I �• � • TM • • • M�I �' • `I�I• •?. SUB: DC�: RIDIS'lRICTII� �ATf : AWUST 29. 1985 i Apri 1 5, 1982 the Gity of F�ic�ey adopted a redistricting plan according to the State Law. �e State of tlinresota has f inally got aro�d to rev iew ing it and is requesting two minor changes. They have requested, if possible, an infcrmal answer regarding the changes by Septenber 10, 1985. �e Eirst change involves the line along the southern portion of North Park and then north up the easterly border of North Park. Since the easterly borc �r of North Park is not by c3efir.ition a recognizable boundary, they are req� �sting that the line oontinue on 63rd Ave�ue wer to University Avenue and cp r�rth. Because there are no registered voters or is the area populated, the= ° is no change whatsoever in the Ward 3 or Ward 1. You may recall the rea� �n wt�y� we drew the line this way was to be able to include North Park in Warc 3, Precinct 1 as a voting location. �e 3econd change revalves arotmd Woocicrest School. We ran the line up Able Street across the southern border of Woodcrest School and then north on VanP iren. The purpose here was to include h'oodcrest School in Ward 2, Prec inct 1 as a voting location. They are requesting that the 1 ine run up Ahle Street, across 76th and up VanBuren. �e reason for this is the southern borc er of Woodcrest School is not a recognizable 1 ine. There is some FoF� .ation in this snall quadrant and it will move 136 voters out of 47ard 2, Prec �nct 1 into Waro 1, Precinct l, but will not effect the total wer�,ll warc; coun= bv more than one p,ercent. Plea � review this with the Council and if they approve I will prepare an orcli �ance for their oonsideration. �e State Statutes, CY�apter 204B.14, Subd. 4, s:ates that "Any change in the b��dary of an election precinct shall be ado� :ed at least 90 days before the c3ate of the next electior,, and shall not take effect �mtil notioe of the change has been posted in the office of the mta�i :ipal clerk or oo�ty auditor for 60 days." It also requires that all registered votErs be notified of the change 30 days prior to the first elec :ion held af ter the change takes ef f ect. Subd. 5, requi res that the m�i :ipal clerk file with the oounty auditor, the secretary of state and the oc�nn .ssioner of enerc�, planning and develognent maps shaaing the correct bota► iaries at least 30 days before any c�ange in an election precinct. The ordi �ance will be preFared and ready far their review but cannot be adopted unti after the Nwenber 5, 1985 election. 9CT :. �h 3/0/ �/10 � ORDINAN� N0. AN ORDII�ANCE RECbDIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY (JODE SY AA'�NDING �lApTII2 1 ENTITLED "LDGISLATIVE BOUI�ARIES", SECTION 1.02, SUBDIVISIOH A, WARD l, PRECINCT l; SUBDIVISION F, WARD 2, PREQNCP 1; SUBDNISIOIv G, WARD 2� PREQNCT 2: AND SUBDIVISION J, WARD 3, PRECSNCT 1 �IE QTY �(INCIL OF THE QTY OF FRITLEY DOES OR�AIN AS f�LI,CWS: 1.0:. Ward Bo�mdaries A. Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 1 is established as the area bouonded as fallaas: NOR�I: //Using 63rd Avenue and// Starting at the Burlington Northern Railraad right-of-way and 83rd Avenue go east on 83rd Avenue to T H 7 //the bo�.ndary of North f�rk//, then go south f rom 83 rd Avenue on T.H. 4�7 //north on the I3orth Fgrk Bo�mdary to the City Limits (85th Avenue)// to Osborne RQad (City Limits) //then go east to the northeastern City Lursts (85th Avenue and T.H. �47) .// EAST: Using T. H. �47 starting at �sborne Road //fran the northeastern City Lin�its go south on T.H. #47 to �sborr�e Road (City Lirrsts), then// go east on the City Li�rits (Osborne Road) to Var�uren, then c� south on Van Buren to �6th Avenue //southern border o�f Woo�lcrest School// x�� cao east on 76th Avenue to Able Street, then south on Ahle Street to 73rd Avenue. SQ7�1: Using 73rd Avenue and Starting at Able Street go west on 73rd Avenue to the Burlington Northern Rail rc�ad right-of-way. WEST: Using the Burl ington Northern Rail road right-cf-w�ay go north on the Burlington Northern Railraad Right-of-way to 93 rd Avenue. F. nlard No. 2, Precinct No. 1 is estahlished as the area bo�ded as follaas: VORZH: Using the northern City Lirr,its f rom Van Buren go east to the aestern City Lirr.its. FAST: Using the eastern City Lunits go south to ;9th Avenue. 9aJ�1: Using 69th Avenue and starting at the eastern City :,imits go west an 69th Avenue to Central Avenve, then go south on Central 4venue to Rice Creek, then west on Rice Creek to T.H. �65. WEST: Using T.H. #65 and starting at P.ice CLeek //69th Avenue// go north on T. H. #65 to 73rd Avenue, then west on 73rd Avenue to Able Street, then north on �i-.le to 76th Avenue //southern b�rc3er of W000crest Schoo�/J, then west on 76th Avenue //southern borc3er of Woodcrest School// to Van Buren, then aorth on Van Buren to the City Limits. G. +larci No. 2, Precinct No. 2 is estahlished as the area botau3ed as follaas: a0R7ii: Using Rice Creek //69th Avenue as it would extend// and starting it T.H. �65 go east on Rice Creek to Central Avenue, then qo north on 'entral Avenue to 69th Avenue, then Qo east 69th Avenue to the City ;iir,its. FAST: - tarting at 69th Avenue e�o south on the eastern City Lin�its :o Rice Creek Road. SOU'IIi: Using Rice Creek Road and starting at the �asterly City Lin�its go west on Rioe Creek Road to Central Avenue, then �orth on Gentral Avenue to M.ississippi Street, then west on Mississippi �treet to T. H. #65. WES'T: Using T. Fi. #65 arx3 starting at Mississippi ;treet go north on T.H. #65 to �tice Creek //69th Avenue.// PAGE 2 - OF�INANCE NC?. J. Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 1 is estalalished as the area bounded as falla�rs: NOR2Ii : Using the City Limits f rcm the Mississippi River to the Burl ington Northern Railroad right-of-way go north on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way to 85th Avenue (City Limits), then go east on 85th Avenue to T.H. �47 (Citv Limits), //to the eastern boundary of North Park.// t�n south on T. H. #47 to 83rd Avenue, then west on 83rd Avenue to thQ Burlinaton Northern Railroad ri4ht-of waY. EAST: Fron //the northern City L vuits and the eastern boundary of North Park// the Burlington Northern Rail road right-of-way and 83rd Avenue, go south on the Burl ington Northern Rail road right-of-way to Osborne Road. SOUTH : Starting //Using// �t the Burlington Northern Rail road right-of-way go west on Osborne Road to East River Road, then go north on East River Road to 79th Way, then west on 79th Way to the City Limits. WEST: Bounded by the City Lina.ts f rcm 79th Way to the Northern City Limits. PASSED AAID ADOPrID BY �IE QTY Q�UNCIL OF THE QTY OF FRITGEY ZHIS I�Y OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. 1�E - 1�'g1Y0R � SHIRLEY A. H�PALA, QTY Q,ERK 0/7/5/10 9C ( �}�:. u :�• Q i� i�v ;Y , Q. �� i � e Z � � �� ` v,-- Y � ^ � 1 ��U, ,-� �� � ri, �: vo-r i N G DISTRlCTS � s ei a;. DI J �u_ ��, c; .:, v. ►3. C3 4?, DC .. � �s n�. PS -- ,: . . i � r � _ �l'1 �_ � ..�� �r . _� ` I I � r: . � 3 � �� / , :. ..« � •r W= Ward P= Precinct There are two registered vntCre �t O[1C 7ca� e.._._.__ W3, P1 VOT i N G 9 E DISTR ICTS W1, PI 76th Avenue ; W2, P1 W3, P2'' W1, P2 � W3, P3 W3, P4 4J2, P2 W1 � W1 � P4 P3 W2, P3 L W1, P5 W= Ward P = Precinct W2, P4 .�,�z,�a 9F . � , , � � � N innesota Room 100 Capitol Square Building , S� ATE PLANNING AGENCY 550 Cedar Street st. Paul, MN 55101 DATE: Nove�ber 8, 1985 T0: f�1r. S t dney I nnan City Clerk, City of Fridley FP.O�•;: Terese RoNe�ka�mp/E i l een 6arr 1990 Census I•"apping Project (612) 295-6868 SUBJEC': wardlPrecinct Boundaries Approved for 1990 Census As you know, the state ot t'innesota is cooperating with the U.S. Bureau of the Census in prepartng maps that wiil be used for the 1990 Census. You helped us inttia�e the process by sending us a copy ot your Nard/precinct nap, or by letttn� us know that the map we have on ftle is still cur�ent Your c�rrent map was reviewed to deternine whether ward/p�ecinct boundaries fcllow phystcal features tfn accordance with �'tnnesota Statutes 2048.14, subd. 6). h:ere boun�aries do not follow physical features, tt was n�scessary to ftnd altern;te boundarfes which can be used as Census biock bounderies for the 199n Census In most cases, one of our staff persons discussed alternate boundaries w("th y�u. Every atteript was made to keep population in the ward/precinct design�ted on your map. Where this was not possible, alternate boundaries were locate to affect the smallest number of people possible. We suggest that the ci y take legal action necessary to otficially ac�opt these boundaries, in or der � o cor.�p i y M 1 th state I aw. We hav� recently visited the Kansas C(ty Regional Office of the Census �ureau. The en�losed map shows the ward/precinct boundaries approved by the Census Eureau geogra�hers for use as block boundaries for the 1990 Census. After the 1990 Census population figures will be available to you according to the voting dtstri�:ts indicated on the map. (If the enclosed r�ap does not cover the full a ea of your city, those wards/precincts in other parts of the city were approvsd as they appeared on your current Mard/precinct map.) AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER �° s?� 9G t�r. 5 t d �ey i nnan -2- �lovember 8, 1985 0 . % Thank y w for your cooperaticn on thts project. P{ease notify the State Denogra�hers's Office of any changes in your warc;s/,recincts between now and �anuary 1, 19E7, Nhen boundaries will be frozen by state law until January 1, 1992 If changes are made to bcundaries, ptease keep In mtnd the fcilowinG physica features which are acceptable ward/precinct boundaries accordin5 to t'i nneso a state i aw: - stieets, incluc'ing unnaned roads or alleys (p atted but uncrade� streets are t���T a�ceptab{e) - ri�ers/strear,is/creeks/drainage ditches - ra Iroads - I a1 eshores - fer ces/stcne wai I s - tr�ils/bike pathslfootpaths - na or trans^�fssion Iines U.S. Gec lo;ical Survey topographtc quadrangtes and t•ttnnesota �epartrtient of Transportati�n 5ase �aps are good references for locating these physical feature�. If you tave Guestions, p{case ca{I one of us at the above phone nunber. En�lcsur� 10 PL�1"�! If�G COt1�lISSI0t1 t�1EETING, JA.'�UAf;Y 22, 1986 PAGE 9 ' OTIO:J B1' MR. KOI:DRICK, SECOI�DED BY MR. GrUIST, TO RECOIlMEND TO CITY CDUNCIL i ROVAL OF PRELIM.Il.'ARY PLAT, P.S. IM85-07, LAKE POIN:"E CORPORATF. CF•NTER, I31' : lIF. :DLEY HOUSING 6 REDEV�ZAPF'F.1J"' AL►THORITY It1 COOPFP.ATION ilI^'N. WDOPI�RIDGE ! ROPE FS, I1�C. , BEIIlG A REPLAT OF LOT 9, AUDITOR'S SUF3DIVI5I01'7 NO. 155, 2 XCEPT T' PART TAY.Et: FOR IfIGHWAI', AND LOT 5, AUDITOR' S SUBDIVZ6IOIJ NO. 155, 1 XCEPT TNA ART TAY.EN FOR NIGNWA", AIJD LO: �2, BLOCK 10, I�ONNAY}S LAhE'VII'W F ANOR ADDIT�O ACCORDIIJG "_'O THE MAP OR PLAT TIIEREOF O.': FrLE Al�'D OF RECORD ] �J THE OFFICE O HE REGISTRAR OF TITLES IN A?�D FOR Alti`OI�i COUN?'Y, 1lINP:ESOTA, 1'JD THE SDUTH :'WD 'NDRED FEET OF THE NORTH NALF OF Tf.'F. NORTH NALF OF TNF. :�UTIIEIIST QUARTER OF CTION 23, T-30, R-?4 �IEST, EXCEPT _^'NAT PART TAKF.IV TOR f: IGH:•IAl', AI�D LOTS, BIAC , , DONNAY'S I.AYEVIE4'J 1•fe�:OP. ADDITIO.': , ALL LOCATF.D IN 1 yi: SOUTIf NALF OF SECTIOIJ ,_"'-30, R-24, CI'�'Y OF FRIDLEI', COUNTi' OF ANOKA, 1• IJ7NESOT.'�, �IITf1 THE f1C>LLO(JI17 TIPULATZOI�S: l. APPP.OVAL OF FINAL PLrI OlJT71lGEl�T UPO."] SITE COl�TROL OF THE JOHl�SO�r' PROPERT}'� LOi S� K 5� DOl�l7A�'�5 LAKF.VIEf:' M.AIVOR ADDITIOPl 2. DECLARATION OF PROTECTN� EYA?: TS Al:D EASEMENTS SHALL BE SUBIlITTEA, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECO A WI^_'N TXE PLAT. ITEMS OF CONCERI� SHALL IIJCLUDE, BUT l�OT BE LIMIT TO: a. DISPOSI _T70:7 A17D 1�lAINTENAP�CE OUTIATS b. P.ESTRICTI01i OF DUTIA.T,S USAGE GREEN SPACE, BUFFER ARF.A_S c. lfAllJTE:7A,'ICE OF CO!�MON AREAS d . LAND USE e. PROHIBI'_'ED ACTI['I_TIES f. JDI17T PAP.KING/ACCF.SS AGRF.EPfENTS g. OTilER ITEt:S DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY TNE CITY TTORNEY 3. PARK FEE, BaSED 01J TO^_'AL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE RF.P TED PA.OPERTIES AS DEFINED IN THE PUBLIC NF.ARII:G NOTICE, TO PAID OIJ A PRD RATA BASIS WI?'ll E'ACH BUILDING PER'•:IT. U�O"� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPF.RSON GABEL DF.CI.AA.F.D THF. MOT. C aRRIED Ul:A7IlaDUSLY. 3. P 1E3LIC HEARING: COiJSIDERATIO'� OF A Sf'FCIAL USE PERItIT, SP �85-17, BY THF F zIDLEY HOJSI'�G & RE�EVELOP'tEt�T AUTHORITY Itl COOi�ERATI��1 WITl� 1J00DRRIDGE P'.�('ERTIES I'�C.: P�r Secti on . 7.1, C, 5 of the Fri dl e_� Ci ty Code to al l ow an autaiobi 1 e p�r-king lot to be located in R-1 zoning on Lot 22, Bloc'� 10, Donnay's Lake- v e►v'tanor Addition, according to the nap or plat thereof on file and of r�cord in the Office of the Registrar of. 7itles in and for Anoka County, N nnesota, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of F�idley, County of Anoka, f�tinnesota. M�T_TO": BY l3R. OQUIST, SECO:+DED BY ITR. KO::D°ICI;� TO OPEN 2HE PUBLjC HF.ARZI7G. U.'O:J A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPE°SON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC X. 'aRINu^ OPEI� AT 9: 42 P.M. ;�1�. RoSinson stated the lot in question was Lot 22, Block 10, Donnay's L.kevie�� flanor Addition, the lot which will renain sinsle family ar.d ��as not p�oposed to be rezoned as S-2. The special use perroit was for parking on s ngle family property for use by the adjacent property. 10A PL�r� �IUG C0���IISSIOS� t1EETI�iG, JA��uaRY 22, 1986 PAGE 10 4r. Robinson stated Staff was recoiamending the following stipulations: l. Landscaping including berming shall be constructed in a manner so as to provide a dense year-round screening between the development and the single f amily homes t� the north. , 2. Lighting used for the development shall be shaded or di�fused to reflect light a�•�ay from the adjoining �+ropPrty. 1r. Robinson stated of particular concern to the City was where the driveways :one out from the developr�ent and ��here headlights of cars would point north. �I�ey want to make sure there is very good screening in those areas so :he headlights will not intrude on the neighbors to the north. 10TI0:� BY MR. BETZOLD� SF.CO:IDED BY MR. K0:7DRIC1:� a^O CLOSE T11E PI�BLIC NF.ARING. IPON A VUICE VOTE, ALL VOTII�G AYE, CHAIRPERSO;J GAI3EL DECLIRED TFIE PUBLZC �EARING CLOSF.D AT 9:44 P.M. 40TION BY MR. KONDRICk� SECOi:DrD I3Y MR. BET20LD� TO RECO:'.'MEIJD TO CITY COUNCIL �PPROVAL OF SPECIAL USF. PERMIT, SP ilBS-17, Bl' TXF. FRIDLEY HOi1.SI*1G �G REDF.VF.LOP- 1E�JT AUTHORIT}' IN COOPF.RATI01: WITH WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, INC. , PF.R SF.CTTnN ?05.07.I, C, 5 OF TNE FRIDLF,Y CITY CODE, TO ALLCx� AN AUTOMOB_TLE PARKING LOT TO ?E Z�OC�TED IN R-1 20t7ING ON LOT 22, BLOCK 10, D027NAY'S LI�KF.VIE�1 1lA170R ADDITIOh', ICCORDIIJG TO THE MAP OR PLAT TffF.RF.OF O"7 FILE AI:D OF RECORD IN THF. OFFICE OF !'NE REGISTRAR OF TITLES IN AND FOR ANOKA COUNTI', MINNF.SOTA, ALL LOC'ATF.D IN TIfE i0(TT:I IInLF OF SECTIDI� 23, T-�0, R-29, CITY OP FRIDLEY, COUIJTY OF A170KA, MII:tJF.SOTA, �ITfi T11E FOLLatti71.'G STIPULATI0f1S: 1. LA:�DSCAPII:G INCLUDI?7G aER;fING SLiALL BE COIISTA.UCTI'D IN A MANl7ER SO AS TO PROVIDE A DENSE YEAR-ROUND SCREEIJING BE'''WEEN TIIF. DEVELOPN.E:IT AND T!iE SINGLE FAI.'ILY XOI�!ES TO T11E NORTH. 2. LZGHTING USED F1�R THE DEVELOPI4SI�T SIIALL BE SHADED OR DIFFUSED TO REFLECT LIGXT A(:'AY FROM TIIE AA70IT1INC PROPERTY. 1PO.J A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CN.�IRPEP.SON GABEL DECLaRED THE 1�lOTION 'ARRIF.D UIPa1VIM0USLY. ts. Gabel stated the rezoning request, platting request, and special use permit �ould all go to City Council on February 24. ir. Dave :Jeir stated he would like to take this o�portunity to express t!�eir �ppreciation to City Staff--t•tr. Robinson, and a lot of other staff people who �ave worked incredibly hard to be able to neet this timetable. He would like :o make sure those people's efforts were recognized. 4. ;EALLOCATIOP� OF 1985 COt1�11,"JITY DEVELOPtiENT BLOCK GRAI�T FUNDS: Ilr. Robinson stated that in 1985, a portion of the Ci '('� CDBr allocation �ras designated for Riverview Neights Park Dev . /Acquisition which was ,lated as a natch for possible LAWCOt� g. Unfortunately, the City did iot receive any LAWCON funds. e a�ed appropriate that these monies be •eallocated into the City account for NSP work west of University Ave. �is would br' e total 1985 Center City fund to S108,664. ''� 10B WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, INC. SUP #85-17 STIPULATIO��S 1� LANDSCAPING INCLUDING BERMING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN A MANNER SO AS TO PROVIDE A DENSE YEAR-ROUND SCREENING BETWEEN THE DEVELOPMENT AND THE SINGLE FAMILY HOMES TO THE NORTH� Z, LIGHTING USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE SHADED OR DIFFUSED TO REFLECT LIGHT AWAY FROM THE ADJOINING PROPERTY� � � . � , � ,., �-�a SP #85-17 Woodbridge Properties, Irc. _ , -., ,-'. _ _ _ __ � 10D . s (3rri/3i1� }���1 S`9 O.N R���N�'.'H �,ti'�Jl 31d1S Z � — �'^�'•'' �`� � N Z � •• �•r� Y �.. / . ' "� 1 � __- � � � N � �' ,, o r �•. j % �bv � � : i:� :? •� t� t, � � �^� =� �. .� �- � t , o ,-n � << ,�, . N � � ... � 3 1 �1 � \ \ tA �� �' `/ � � \i '� : ' _I � b� • , _ - '. i ���, � � �` , —, � � i� � .,, � � � _ _ _ � 1` �'�� " 1 .. - �',,." ti �; ' `� • ��� . W , a •'. )1f , \ • � � 2 V . � f �. ' 1 . � , � ' I O _ � � �' _ _ 1 . � . �,1�!�� _ �j , � � - �`� `:' -�� �° a s-. <_ — , ` � ' .. � ��'�o �� , � . � ��; o -� ' � � � �• � �3 'r �� .0 � .Y� Q �" � � I / f -. ` � �t{t j` �, � �" Q.. t I / ��r � w O b � � �,� � � �%(N� � �' ";�� � � . �_ , .' o�r \ -� _ ;,, +=:.,M.' ' �;, ` ,� � � •.: ., � . r. � � �.� , . ` � ���t �,� � � � \ 1� q. `� ;,�� . � `� • \ � s � •, \ � i � i ^` � i � � � 't r •. , ! ` � t� � � � �• � . ,d+° � , � , � ,ti d , .4 � _ . � � 1 ?�1 S r ' - � J ,' _�j- Hll- __ _ �: - �. . •.,^ . : .e.= � a SP #85-17 Woodbridge Properties, Inc. 0 � -a ---� I . � `*: . � �' ; '' _' � e~��`/` r j I �:� , ;�'�� ; I � I�• — � � i"' / . ' � 1 I ' 1,, • � i I � �r� ' � ' �; ...; � � � � �'f�' � = _� ° ., ���"� u' ;,`'74 _ RA � I � �, . � ''� � � �.- � ; - � _ _;�.�. ; �� ;.� i . M � � �'�-• I , r.. . �, ��� . �� : � � ; � ,; �... � �. . I I I I I I I I I I I I I � � ♦ � � � Q 0. . * � � � � � � a • ���\ ��^� � ( � � t` ,. i ��::��;,. , i ���� � i \� � ( � ( 1 r Z 5 a � w � � � m w a U � 2 � � � ; 10E � UCTION 6199 HEATHER PLACE FRIDLEY, MN. 55432 � .ty of r'ridley E .yde ::oravitz G -31 L'ni �ersity Hve . ... . . . -idley � :;n. 5j�'�32 :�; � : �ign Permit '�`.00re La.'�ce Office Park 0230 -6280 Highway �t65 � �ar ::ly de � r''ebr4ary 18, 198e �nclosed are copies of our sign la;;outs for ihe above p �operty . I aF: req::estir� your approval of this. If you have ar�y REMODEL lNG 1 1 q�astions or nee;i f::rther inforr„a�ion plea�e call me. � � �� '� �/ , ;�" ���„� �`.i' ,��' -,�i-- v ;i no:�as � . :�rickne SIGN PLAN1 � A , , Tom Brickner ^�:2�.0 . '�. -. . . � . '.. ��o.o.- - -----� -- ----- ------ _ _. __ . - — ` ._...�._. _ �____--- - -.__.._�.�.8_-- -- - �,-�- ------- - � :� . � � \� �\ \�� � � �-� ' ^ 19 '� �r.� _ . . ��,�..��\���\,� �s , . 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TR�i�� t� , �.�.� �r � . . . : �'� - �� � � �T�G.�. .I�C�4%�. - � �ta��i � -`�=�:�==- - � �---ScA�::.tx�_3o_. . � . _. � � ., .� � ����� � [� ���J GG � ��� ��; r � z _� � �� � �_� �� � � [� � .� � � a � `.� r� � � _� � ► I- �, � I-'�, � _ �� �� � � � � � � � v � 0 � �r __, SIGN PLAN Tom Brickner i �iB N �� ' �W e x�i� �W �fi � JW �e�� � � a� $ . � � C � � 3 • � . ��• �j � � Ed ` FI RE DEPARTMENT M E M 0 R A N D U M DATE: February 19� 1986 *�MO T0: Nasim Qureahi, City Manager 86-2-5 EROM: Richard H. Lareon, Deputq Chief `.i�� RE: Opticom The Fire Department would like to recommend that we si�n the agreement between the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Fridley. This will include conatruction and revision agreement �i63313 and maintenance agreement 01887-R. EtHL/el 12 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED th.3t the City of FridlPy 2nter into in 3gr a�m`nt with th� State of Minnesota, D�partment of Transport3tion, for the f�llowing purp�ses, to wit: For the ravision, msintenance, oper3tion and � r�mov31 of Emergency V?hicle Traffic Cont�ol Signal Pre-emption Systems by State forcas on a reimbursable basis at intersections in the City in accordance with this agree�nent, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officers are her �by authorized to execute such 3greem2nt� and thereby assume for and on beh3lf of thz City all of the contractual oblig3tions con :ained therein. CERTIFICATION Sta :e of Minnesot3 Cou i ty of Anoka Cit� of Fridley I hareby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a tru � and correct copy of 3 resolution presented to and adopted by :h? Council of the City of Fridley at a duly 3uthorized mee :ing therzof held on the day vf , 198i, as shown by the minutes of ssid meeting in my possession. ( C i:y Se a 1) Clerk-Treasurer � 12A RESOLUTION 12B BE IT RESOLVED th3t the City of Fridley enter, into an ag -eement with tha State of �7innesota, Dep3rtment of Transport�tion fo - the following purposes, to wit: For the construction, revision, maintenance, operation and removal of Bmergency Vehicle Traffic Control Signal ?re-emption Systams by State forces on a raimbursable basis at Trunk Highway No. 65 at Mississippi Street� and on Trunk Highway No. 47 at Mississippi Street, 57th Avenue, 73rd Avenue in the City in accordance with this agreement� a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED th3t the proper City officers ar2 he �eby authorized to ex�cute such sgreement, and thereby assume for an�l on behalf oi the City all of the contr3ctual obligations co+�taine3 therein. CERTIFICATION St� te of Minnesota Co� ,n ty of Anoka Ci :y of Fridley I h2reby certify that the foregoing Resolution is 3 tr� e and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Fridley at a duly authorized mee ting thereof hzld on the day of � 19t6, as shown by tha minutes of said meeting in my possession. Clerk-Trzasurer (C: ty Seal) MIVNESO'TA 'PRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAE'FIC CONTROL SIGNAL �IAIN'rENANCE AGREGMENT No. 1387-R BFTWEEN TyE ST4T� UF t1INNES�'PA� DEPARTMENT OE' TRANSPORTATION AND THE CI'rY OF F'RIDLEY� MINNESOTA FOR R�vision, M3intenance� Operation and Removal of Emergency VQricle Traffic Control Signal Pre-emption Systems at certain in t�rsec tions on Sta te Trunk Highways snd City Stree ts in the Cit� of Fridley by State forces on a reimbursable basis. Pre�ared by Traffic Engineering AMOUNT ENCUMBERED Non� �� '� � , 12C 12D THI.� A�R�'E�1ENT m3da an� enterad into by an:� bet�+e°n th� St3 t�� of �7innesota, acting through its Commissioner of Tr3 �sport� tion, h�r�insf ter refecred to as the "Sta ta" � and th� Ci ty of ?ridlny, h�r?inafter referrad to as the "City", t�ITNESSETH: :�HEREAS, oursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 151.38, the City and St3te may �nter into 3�r�ements concerning the m.3i itenance of trunk highways within the City; 3n� WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes� Section 161.39, the Comr�issioner of Tcansportation may upon raquest provi�2 t�cinic3l 3nd engineering advice, 3ssistance and supervision to 3ny Ci t �; and IaHEREAS, the Ci ty and the Sta te have en tered in to a C�o�er;tiv� Agreement to providz an Emer�ency Vehicle Traffic Con :rol Signal Prz-emption System, hereinafter referred to 3s the "Sy. �tem" , on Sta te Trunk Highways and Ci ty Stree ts in the Ci ty; 3nd WHEREAS, ssid Agr2ement provides that the State and the Cit� sh311 entzr into 3 maintenance agreement for operation, r�v sion, m3intenance and removal of said SystAm by State forces an:i the conditions cov?ring payment therafor by the City; NO�V, T�iEREF'ORE� IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The State shall provide labor, material and e�uipment and sh311 operate, maintain, modify, revise and remove, when nece ss�3ry, the System in the City which is a p3rt of a traffic control signal on 3 St3t2 trunk highway, or on a City street and is an integr3l p3rt of a traffic control signal systPm on a State trunk higt way. 1887-R �� .� ` -1- � 2. The intersections initially covere3 her?under �n� � p3� t of �gr?enent Vo. 53313 bet��reen the p3rties datad , are 3t the intersection of Trunk Hi�hway *do. �5 at �]ississi�pi Street, 3nd at the intersections of Trunk, Highw�y No. 47 .3t :�ississippi Street, 57th Av�nue, ;nd 73rd Av2nue in the City. 3. Th� �t3te sh311 submit to the City � detail�d invoice in triplicat�� upon completion of work performed listing all labor, aq�ipment and mat•�rials used at each loc3tion wh�r� work on the Sy�tem w3s performed by State forces in accordance with tha t��r�rs and conditions of this 3greement. A statnment from the proper State official shall be sub ni tted wi th the invoice certifying tha t labor, equipment and m3 t�r i31 are correct and were expended by the Sta te under th� terms and for the work requir�d by this Agreement. L3bor costs �n� equipment costs will be at the established ra t�s pa id by the Sta te a t the time th� work is performed and mat�ri.�ls will be r�imburse� for by the City �t the actual cost tha �aof t� the State. A percentage of the aforesaid costs will be added to th� izv �ice to cover the State's cost for supervision and adm nistrstion. This percentage will be computed annu311y by the Sta .e's Office of Financial Management for each fiscal year. 4. Upon receipt of s3i� invoice, the City sh311 promptly p3y the State the fvll �mount due and in the ev?nt the City fails to 1887-R -2- �.�•�� 12E 12F F�1 E i l 1 3ny RlOf1�3 C3CY �bl i�3 tion cre3 t•�d by this Agrn2��en t, th� ^� �missi�ner �f Tr3ns�ort�3tion may �.�ithhold p-sy�ent of Stata ;id mo� �y to tha City to tha extant orovided by ��finnesota Statutes, S�� tion 1�1.38, Subdivision 6. 5. Upon written raquest by the Stat�'s District �n� inser, Oper3tions Division, th� City shall m3intain and requira o tl ?rs to �na in ta in a log .showing the d.s te, time a;�d type of �m�r3ency for one or mor� intersections cov�red her�by which is 3c+u�t?d and controlled by the System, and that s�i� logs shsll be ma�� avail3ble to tha State. yalfunction of the System at sny int.�rsection coverad hareby shall be raported to th� State imnediat?ly. 6. Any and all persons eng3ged in th� aforesaid ma��tenance work to be performed by the State sh.sll not be corsidered �mploya�s of the City and any and �11 claims that ,nay or micht 3rise under the t�orker's Compensation Act of this State on b�F�lf of said employees while so engaged, and any .3nd all claims �nac� by any third party as a consequence of •3ny act or omission on the part of s3id �mploye�s while so engaged on ,sny of the work contemolated h�rain shall not be the oblig3tion and responsibility oE th� City. 7. Additional Systams intalled on traffic control siglals .�s described in paragraph 1 hereof shall be made a part of this 3greement by reference in futurP agreements or by oroper ras�lution from th� City spproved by the Stat�'s Diractor, Office of Tr3`fic Engineering and District Engineer, Oper.3tions Division. 1387-R �� � .�- -3- � 9. This Agreem?nt shall continue in force for 3 C`?CRI of �ne y�ar, com�nencing on the date it is signed by the Com�nissioner of �^r�nsport3tion. Upon the expir3tion of such term, this Agrsement sh�11� continue in force from y�ar to year provided thst in no evant sh311 this Agr�ement be PxtPnded beyond thz period for which �ith�r p3rty m3y legally bind itself. / � .� r l.. • 1887-R -4- 12G AP� 2�V�� AS TO EORi•1: City Attorney CITY OF FRIDLEY By M.� y � r (�ity Seal) By City yan�ger STATE OF MINNESOTA DEP�RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATI�N R�'� �`1''IE�IDEO EOR APPROVAL: Dis :rict �nginenr Ope •3tions nivision Dir �ctor Off ce of Traffic Engineering Dir ctor '4aintenance DEPART;�IENT OF' TRANSPORTATION By Assistant Commissioner D3 t?d: APPEOVED AS TO �'O�y AND EXECUTION: DEPARTMENT OF AD�KINISTRATION By Spe� ial Assistant .4ttorney Gener3l Sta e of Minnesota Da t�d: 1887-R -5- 12H 12t � MINNESOTA 'rRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 63313 BETWEEN THE STATE OE "9INNESOTA, DEPARTMEKT OE TRANSPORTATION AND THE CZTY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA E'OR Co�struction, Revision, Maintensnce, Operation and Removal of Em�rgency Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Pre-emption System on Tr ink Highway No. 65 at Mississippi Street, and on Trunk Highway No 47 at Mississippi Street, 57th Avenue, snd 73rd Avenue in Fr .dley, Anoka County, Minnesota. C.'. 0205 (T.H. 47) C.:. 0207 (T.H. 65) PrEpared by Traffic Engineering ES7IMATF,D AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBERED Ci t of /Fridle _ y y $6,900.00 None � .� -� THIS A�R�EyENT made and entered into by 3nd betwesn the -� :3 t� of '�innesota, Department of Transport3 tion, h�rainaf ter r� f��rred to 3s th� "Sta*A", and the City of Fridley, Minnesota, h= r?inafter ref�rred to 3s the "City", WITNESSET�i: �THEREAS, *_he City desires to provid2 3n F.mergency Vehicle T� 3ffic Control .Si�n�l Pre-emption Syst��m, herain3fter ref�rred to 3: th� "System", for the tr3ffic cor►trol signals on Trunk Highway :V< . 55 at Hississi�pi 3treet, and on Trunk Highway No. 47 at y:ssissippi Street, 57th Avenue, and 73rd Avenue in the City as h� r�inafter set focth; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutea, Section 151.39� t}e Commissioner of Transportation may upon request provide te chnical .�nd engineering advice, assistance �nd supervision to any ccunty or municipality; ind WHEREAS, the materials, equipment, labor and miscellaneous items necessary to construct, oQerate, maintain, r=visa ,jnd remove said System shall be at the sole cost and expense of the City; NOW� THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The State shall install or cause the install3tion of a System for the tr3ffic control signals on Trunk Highway No. 65 at yississippi Street, and on Trunk Highway Vo. 47 at Mississippi Street, 57th Avenue, and 73rd Avenue. � C, �.� � 63313 -1- 12J 2. Tha cost of 311 labor, materials, �nd equipment r? �uir�d to co�nplate the work shall constitute th2 actual "C �nstruction Cost" 3nd shall be so r�ferr�d to herainaf ter. 3. The estimat�ad Construction Cost for the :�tate force ;c �ount work for the Systems is $6,900.00. The cost breakdown per in:ersection is 3s follows: C.S. 0205 T.H. 47 at Mississippi Street $ 800.00 C.S. 0205 T.H. 47 at 57th Avenue $1,300.00 C.S. 0205 T.H. 47 at 73rd Avenue $2,400.00 C.S. 0207 T.H. 65 at �lississippi Street $2,400.00 4. The City's share of the actual Construction Cost is on� hundced percent. Upon execution of this agreement and a r���u?st in writing by the State, the City shall advance to the St: te such shar2. 5. Upon final computation of the City's share for the wo� k providad for her�in, that amount of the funds advanced by the Ci y in axcess of its shara will be returned to the City without in erast 3nd the City agrees to p3y to the Statz that amount of its sh ra which is in excass of the amount of the Funds advanced by the Ci y. � 6. Emitter units and each System provided for in p:j� 3graph 3 her�of which is added to an existing traffic signal on a: tate Trunk Hi�hway or to a traffic signal maintained by the St, te shsll be in accordance with the following conditions and ra< uirements: � �.�� �� 63313 -�- 12K 12L r a. �11 modifications, ��visions in� mainten.3nce of the Syst?rn considerad necessary or �3esir3ble, for 3ny reason, shall be done '�y Stat� forces or, upon concurrence in writing by the Stst�'s Dir?ctor - Office of Tr3ffic Engineering may be done by others. b. Emitter units may be installed and used only"�on vahicles responding to an emergency as defin2d in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01� Subdivision 5 and 169.03. Vehicle emitter units may be inst311ed only �n City owned fire, police and r�scue squad vehicles without approval in writing by tha Commissioner of Tr�nspor ta tion . c. In the event s3id System or components 3re, in the opinion of the State, being misused or the conditions set forth in paragr3ph b above ar2 violate3, and such misuse or violation continues 3fter receipt by the City of written notice thereof from the State, the State shall ramova the Syst2m. Upon remov3l of the System for any reason, the Eield wiring, cabinet wiring and other components shall become the property of the State. All infr3red det2ctor heads 3nd indic3tor lamps mountQd external to 63313 ;It' _ � . � -3- 12M th2 tr3ffic signal c3binet will be returned to the City. The c�etector rzceiver 3nd any other .3ssembly located in the tr3ffic signal cabinat, which if removed will not affect the traffic signal oper3 tion, �.�ill be r� turned to the Ci ty. d. All timing of said System shall be det�rmin�d by the Stat� through its Commissioner of Transportation. 7. Any and all persons .�ngaged in the aforesaid cc�struction work to be performed by the State shall not be co isidered employees of the Ci ty and any and all claims tha t:nay or mi3ht arise under the t�orker's Compensation Act of this State on beh3lf of said employ��s while so engaged� 3nd any and all claims ma�� by any third party 3s a consequence of any act or omission on th� part of said emoloyees whi.le so engaged on said work shall not be the obligation and responsibility of the City. 8. Upon being placed in oper3tion, the Systems provided fo:- h�raby, shall become a part of Traffic Control Signal Maintenance Agreement �Io. 1887-R between the p3rties. . .� 63313 -4- AP'ROVED AS r0 FORM: Ci :y Attorney ^ITY OF ERIDLEY By �I.3 yo r (^ity Seal) By Ci ty Mansger STATE OF MINNESOTA DEl ART'NE:VT OF TRANSPORTATION R�!OMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF' TRANSPORTATION By Di: trict �ngineer Assistant Commissioner Ope ra tions Division AP�QOVED AS TO FORM �ND EXECUTION: Special Assistant .4ttorney Gerer3l-State of Minnesota Da t�d DEPARTMENT 7F ADMINISTRATION By Da t�d 63313 -5- 12N � pIqECTORATE _ �F ' PuB�ic woRKs � - C�N� � MEMORANOUM f fZJ DLEi TC : Fh �k: Johr. G. Flora,`Public �'arks Director Msrk L. Burch, As=t. Putlic �►crks Director Pk'8b-30 , SU 3JECT: Petitior;s Rec��:e�tir,E Improve�.ets and Wsivir:g Fublic F:esrings for Street Improve�er.t Project ST. 19 86-1 DAfE: February 19, 1986 , o "o :�? ?o�c� ,� �_= � Tt,: petitions for street icprcve¢er,ts xY:ich are referr•ed to ir. tY.e r•e �olution fcr project ST. 1g86-1 rrere received by the City Council �rt,er th �y� ccr..idErFd i�ster ar.c �sr.it�ry Sewer Fro;;ects #156 ond �16C. The,e ��E .itior::� siEned by 10Cx of the property otar.�ers Who Will be a:se.;.e.c� re,uested �ater ar.d sar.itary sexer facilities as Well a� streets u�tt. co ,crete curb and �:tter Ge installed ir_ Lheir respective developa�ent�. Si .ce the.e �etitior.s have already been aceeF�ted by the Council �r.c are on fi .E• ir. the City Clerk's office, ME are not re_uhaittit�, ti,em to tt�e CG ,r.cil at tl:l. t14e. Th� in���rover:er.�t� or� i�ocoGr id�,E rrive are to be ccnstructeo ar.d assessee sc� crdir:�, to the si€red deve:o�aent aEree�er.t betWFer the City ar.d ti�E hRA, ar.f therefore no public �earin� is required for this protior.� of the pr� ject. !�, t s RESOLQTION N0. - 1986 RESOLIITION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVE�lENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986_1 BE IT R:SOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley as folloc,rs: 1. Tha� it appears in the interests of the City and of the property oWners affected that th:re be constructed certain improvements to-wit: Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-nix bituminous mat, concreta curb and gutter, sidexalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sewer system, and other facilities located as folloWS: 7� 1/2 Ave. (Overlay) 76 th Way Ri�erwood Dr. Uriv. Ave. E. Serv. Dr. Vi ^on Road 71 1/2 Way Wc �dbridge Drive Central Ave. to T. H. 65 Serv. Dr. Alden Way to East 71st Ave. to 71 1/2 Ave. 57th Ave. to South (Loopback) Osborne Rd. to South East Extension Lake Pointe Dr. to Lake Poir_te Dr. 2. That the Public Works Director, John G. Flora, City Hal]., Fridley, Minnesota, is hereby authorized and directed to drarr the preliminary plans and specif ications and to tabulate the results of his estimates of the costs of said improve�ents, ir.cludir$ every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to �e incurred) in connection thereWith, or the financing thereof, and to make a prelimi aary report of his findings, stating therein Whether said improvements are feasibla and whether they can best be made as proposed, or in connection with some other .mprovements (and the estimated cost as recommended), including also a descriF tion of the lands or area as may receive benefits therefrom and as may be proposei to be assessed. 3. Th�t said preliminary report of the Public Works Director shall be furnished to the City Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COQNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF ____ , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST; SHIRLE! A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/6/ �/' 3 13A � , _ : , �;. _.-:� . ..--: � .:: � ! ....... i ,_ _ .,a'. .,;,, - r;^ .� ,..._.� ,.. �..._ �`1. ,'.•. • .'' ' � 'µ ''• , r � �7 _� `�;yv-._� � . ; , �^'^,'„-?� r � •+"..sr i .., .. r Q �� ��'• '.� .�;� i.•� �' �r�'....�.. �u:« '.. /•n.� .1 - - � ,� �...�+� �.' � ... �'L�-��'�w i =� i� "' —� , '..� v.r ✓ .. � J _ � ' / - " . � �; � � I � .� "1 �� ' '_� ' — ., i —� �� _ ^ � ..�• � � �_ . . -� �� ' ''_ -� = '• - ' ; i ��_ � + w.... �,� � ..� `� " =. 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ST. 1986-1 WHEREAS the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the Cit� of Fridley and the property owners affected thereby. BE IT R'sSOLYED, by the City Couneil of the City of Fridley as follows: 1. That the preliminary report submitted by the Publie Works Director is he•eby received and accepted. -- 2. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the owier of each parcel of land directly affected or within the area of lands as may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements, and calculate es.imates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. 3. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of th:m as noted in said agreement are all of the lands and areas as noted in sa.d agreement. All of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. 4. That the estimates of assessments of the Clerk shall be available for in►pection to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby. 5. That all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed w ith th: making of the improvements have signed an agreement requesting the im �rovements and constitute 100� of the property owners who will benefit fr>m the improvement and do waive the right to a publie hearing which is al.owed under the normal procedures set Porth in Minnesota Statutes Chapter �42 1. PASSED 1ND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF.THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 14 �r �1 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS� FfBIdJARY 24, 1986 I� i�(?SITION Karen 5hanberg Interpretive 4425 .; ersey Ave. N. S�ecialist Crysta 1, MJ 55428 (Exempt) Susan �. Johnson Secretary, 17210 Bataan St. I� Recreation & Ham L�Ke, MV 55304 Natural Resources (Non-exeznpt ) . S'�ARTIl�G SALARY $18,000 Per Year $ 7.51 Per Fiour (51,306/Mo.) STARTIl� DATE February 18 1986 March 3, 1986 REPi�ACF.S Diane Valen LYnda Averette � ' ( �1 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCiL February 24, 1986 Claims 6641 - 6917 -- c�a�MS 1 g �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ■� l_____ February 24, 1986 Type of License: By: Approved By: BILLIaRDS V.F.I�. Post 363 Lynn TaBelle James P. Hill 1040 )sborne Rd.�l.E. Public Safety Director Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 CIGAR:TTE U.F.4J Post 363 Lynn TaBelle James P. Hill 1040 )sborne Rd. N.E. Public Safety Director Fridl �y, P4n. 55432 CLUB 1N SALE V.F.W Post 363 Lynn TaBelle James P.Hill 1040 isborne Rd. N.E. Public Safety Director Fridl �y, t�ln. 55432 ENTER AIP�t4ENT V.F.4J Post 363 Lynn TaBelle James P. Hill 1040 isborne Rd.N.E. Public Safety Director Fridl� y,f1n. 55432 FOOD ISTABLISHMENT V.F.W Post 363 Lynn TaBelle 1040 (sborne Rd. N.E. FridlE y, P1n. 55432 ITINEF ANT FOOD PER�1IT Chevy's Best Car Show Gerald A. Wendt Vikinc Chev. Highw� y �65 N.E. FridlEy,Mn. 55432 -- LICENSES � 7 SUNDAY LIQUOR V.F.W. Post 363 1040 C�borne Rd. N.E. Fridle,r, Mn. 55432 VENDIN � MACFIINES V.F.W. Post 363 1040 0>borne Rd.N.E. Fridler, Mn. 55432 Lynn TaBelle Lynn TaBelle Fees: $40.00 $24.00 $150.00 �: �� �45.00 Asking Fees to be waived James P. Hill $200.00 Publ ic Safety Director $30.00 � r �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 1 TA FEB.Rt7ARY 24, 1986 GENERAL (�NTRACTOR Northwoods Construction 1801 - 113th Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 By: Danny Julkowski RuHow Qompany 10107 Lake View Drive West Minnetonka, lrIId 55343 By: H. H. Berg HEATZNG Green 4iechanical, Inc. 8811 E. Research Center Imad New Hope, t�R7 55428 By: James Green SIGN ERECTOR Attracta Sign Inc. 6417 Penn Avenue South Richfield, t�IIJ 55423 By: Louise Sterner De�fars Signs Div. Maciej Siqn Consult. 4040 Marshall Street N.E. Fridley, NIId 55421 By: Scott Maciej GAS SERVICES G en z- Ry an 14745 South Robert Trail Rose�nount, rII1 55068 By: John Ryan i�ATING Cronstrocas Heating & Air Cond. Inc. 4410 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, NIId 55416 By: W. P. Eskierka Genz-Ryan 14745 South Robert Tsil Ros emount, NIIV 55068 By : John Ryan APPRUVED BY DARREL CLARK ' Chief Bldg. Ofcl . Same WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldq. Ofcl Same WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Same WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � TB �1 _ February 24, 1986 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY OWNER LOCATION OF BUILDING Leonari M. Olson 4591-93 Main Street 4593 Niin St. NE Fri dl e�, MN 55421 John L, & Deborah J. 6019 Main Street Mastl �y 8133 Florida Court Brookl �n Park, M�� 55445 Gary ��dahl 6111 Star Lane 1772 - 19th Terr. NW New Brighton, MN 55112 Jerry =inkelstein 5801 - 2nd Street c/o Me tro Real ty 7300 F^ance Ave. So., #227 Edina, MN 55435 UNITS 1 4 18 3 FEE APPROVED BY $12.00 R. H. Larson, FPB/ Housing Insp. 36.00 61.00 36.00 �� � � ■ i► ! L�. % FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNClL '- ESTIMATES f$ FSTII�ITFS FFSFdIARY 24, 1986 1 errick & Nc-wmat�, p.A. . E 279 University Ave. N. E. i ridley. Md 55432 For Legal Services Rendered as City Attorney for the I�bnth of January, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,650.00 :mith, Juster, Feik�na, Malmon & Haskvitz E 401 University Ave. N. E. F ridley, NN 55432 • For Legal Services Rendered as City Prosecutor for the Month of Nwenber, 1985. . . . . . . � . . . . . .$ 6,737.50 for the Month of Deoanber, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 6,937.50 for the Month of January, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .$ 7,425.00 Reinstated Expenses #76-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 118.25 C ivil Structures 9 503 Dow Rca3d �3ginaw, NN 55779 FINAL FSTII�TE Water and Sewer Project #160 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,819.65 P�nine Excavating 12636 Main Street F �gers, M�I 55374 Partial Fstimate No. 3 Water and Sewer Project #156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 13,276.44 E�gene A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. 5 35 Indian Irbund W iyzata, MV 55391 Partial Fstimate Moore Lake Restoration Project Pt�ase II . . . . . . . . . 3,629.15 E�gene A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. 5 �5 Indian Nbund W iyzata, NN 55391 Partial Estimate Moore Lake Restoration Project Phase II . . . . . . . . . 556.27 .�.......� q HERRICK � NEWMAN, P. A. 18 A E�79 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA, 55432 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ACCOUNT NUM6ER WITH YOUR PAYMENT CITY OF FRIDLEY(CHRIS E431 UNIVESITY AVENUE NE F� I DLEY, MN 5�432 HALANCE DUE t�:?/04/86 8500C1uM i� i , 650. C�O #0. 00 *!, 650. OU _=====a= wrra�rr Sr. Tri. RE7iRfD LEONAWD �JUST[R �+ENAV Ir 'E�MEMA AIVIN 5 � ♦LMON RON.��D l M�$KVITS C/�.RL .. N WOU�ST JO�N M � S�IN J CMRi$TI PMER CUNEO � WILL1�.� EK$TAUM STACEY A D[KA�e N�CO�E E �EE JOE� W L� VIN7MAN O� C UMSC_ GOUGl.�S PETEpSON LAW OFFICES SMI?H, cTCSTE�, FEIYEMA, MALMO\ Sc �iASK�'ITZ CMARTERED nEP�r t0 � 1000 �DS CCNTER � 00 SOU7N E�GMTM STN[ET MINNC4POL�5 MINNESOTI► 55402 February 11, 1986 TELCOHON[ �g�z� 339 „e� ❑ su�Te 30, 6�Oi UNIV6RSITY AVtNUC. N E �RIOLCv M�NNEiOTA 55432 7E��o►�ON[ �6�7� D7i 6l70 .. ..._. . ._.. . . . . ... . } . . . _ _ .. _. _.. _ �..�_-...�.---'---__ . . _ _ .... . .. . . . . . _ . .. . . ... #76-1 For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during November, 1985. Representation of City of Fridley in Court in Anoka on 11-05-85, 11-12-85, 11-13-85, 11-19-85, 11-26-85 and 11-21-85 for 210 pre-jury triai conferences and 1 jury trial; and in Columbia Heights on 11-14-Q5 and 11-21-85 for 16 court triais. 115.75 hours. Preparation of 25 misdemeanor formal complaints and 14 gross mis- demeanor criminal complaints and miscellaneous office and phone con- ferences with police and citizens. 16.00 hours. TOTAL TIME (131.75 hours) (November, 1985 Retainer) Time in Excess of Retainer (101.75 hours) S1,650.00 5,087.50 51,650.00 56,737.50 _. _ _.___ _-- _ _� #�76-1 _ __---- __ _.._ _— __ __ _ For legal services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during December, 1985. Representation of City of Fridley in Court in Anoka on 12-Q3-lt5, 12-10-85, 12-11-85, 12-17-85, and 12-27-85 for 95 jury trials; and in Columbia Heights on 12-12-85, 12-19-85 and 12-26-85 for 46 court trials. 114.50 hours. Preparation of 49 misdemeanor formal complaints and 10 gross mis- demeanor criminal complaints and miscellaneous office a�d phone con- ferences with.police and citizens. 21.25 hours. TOTAL TIME (135.75 hours) (December, 1985 Retainer) Time in Excess of Retainer (105.75 hours) s1,650.00 5,287.50 �2,650.00 56,937.50 � 18B w•✓►+I S►� rr. R6?�FED �EO'��RD' JUSTEA ..EtiWr r� i [�KEr�• .���N s « �«ow 1�^jNA�D L '��SKVITY C�pL J NE YOU�ST JO�H M GI IIIN � C�+R�STC •►�[q CUN[O D W�LI�AM EKSTRUM 57�CEV �. �cK/��m NiCOtE E � [E JOEI W L� ��NTMAN O� CC �af[• oouc�•s. �ercwsoN �76-1 LAW OFFICES S:►fITH, cTL'STEB. FLIYEMA. MAL'_►tU1 �c HASIC� ITZ CMART[R[D wt��v Tp February 11, 1986 �000 iDf C[NT[R � �O iONTr� [�GMTM fT1�E(T MINN[APpLIi. M1NN[10TA�ls�02 *CL«MON[ 16121 a�s���e� � fui►t ao� A�O� UNIV[ASITY AV[N�I[. N � � r1l101[Y. MINN[iOTA 39�i2 T(L[�NON[ 16i21 571�0�70 For 1ega1 services rendered as Prosecutor for the City of Fridley during January, 1986. Representation of City of Fridley in Court in Anoka on 1-06-86, 1-07-86, 1-08-86, 1-14-86, 1-21-86, 1-22-86 and 1-28-86 for 188 pre- jury trial conferences and 1 jury trial; and in Columbia Heights on 1-09-86, 1-23-86 and 1-30-86 for 52 court trials. 110.00 hours. Preparation of 112 misdemeanor formal complaints and 11 gross mis- demeanor criminal complaints and miscellaneous office and phone co�- ferences with police and citizens. 35.50 hours. TOTAL TIME (145.50 hours) (January, 1986 Retainer) Time in Excess of Retainer (115.50 hours) #�16-1 Cash Oisbursements: 11-12-85 11-14-85 11-19-85 12-03-85 01-23-86 01-29-86 �1,650.00 5,775.00 Nancy L. Caine - Transcript of Proceedings State vs. Larry Lee Rindels Patrick Spartz - Transcript of Proceedings State vs. William Johnson Patrick Spartz - Transcript of Proceedings State vs. Bradley Steger Patrick Spartz - Transcript of ProceeCings State vs. Ronald Dale Reinke Jeri Lindquist - Transcript of Proceedings State vs. David E. Kubinski Insty Prints - Jury Trial Notices 01-31-86 Service and Delivery TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS 51,650.00� 51,425.00 S8.00 22.50 31.00 18.00 14.00 19.72 5.00 E118.22 1�C FP.OM: City of Friiley Engineering Division T0: Nonorable tiycr and City Council City of Fri 11ey 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mi m esota 55432 QATE: february 2�, 1986 ------------------ --------------------- CONT ±ACT ITEM C[TY OF FRIDLE9 PU8L1C MORKS DEPARTMENT 6�31 UNIVERSIiY AVENUE N.E. fRIDLEY, MINNESDTA 55432 MATER ANO SANITARY SEiiER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT t160 STA1E1lENT DF MORK ----------------------------------- ------------------�-------------------------- 6' Ouctile Pipe 6'x 6'z 6' Tee 6' - 45 Degree Benl 6' 6ate Valve B'x B'z b' Live Ta� Clear ind 6rub 6` Nyd. Asse�. M/6'6.V. 6' Plug B'XB'X6' Tee Te�porary Street P�tthing b'- 90 Degree Bend Drainfieid Rock fo Hydrant i' Copper Service ;onnections 1' Copper Service 'ipe 1 1/2' Li�erock St eet Maintainance ke�ove and Reptace Concrete Curb 8'x 4' VCP Taps Dutside Qrop MH De ail 6'x 4' Myes 6' PVC (0-10'1 8' PUC (0-10'1 8'PVC (10-12'l B'X4' Myes �' PIIC 5ervi�e Con ection 4' PVC 5ervice Pip 8'X�' PVC S�dd2es 6rar.ula� Bedding Construct Manhale Tie Into Existing 'anhole ESTIMATEQ UNIT QUANTITY PRICE 2049 9 3 9 ! i 3 3 3 850 1 � 29 960 500 400 7 7 4 450 690 100 19 34 1295 1! 250 82 1 13.00 90.00 60.00 315.00 1,300.04 I,OGO.QO 1,200.00 20.00 120.00 2.00 70.00 20.00 50.00 13.00 6.00 2.00 150.U0 150.00 15.04 11.00 12.00 14.00 24.00 io.ao 13.00 15.00 4.OQ 68.OG 30Q.00 18D RE: Esti�ate No. 2 lFiail) Period Ending: 2/10/86 CODE f Slb-00-000 FDR: Civil 5tru�tures Inc. 4603 OoM Road 5aginaw Mn. 55179 ---------------------- QUANTITY TNIS UNIT ESTIIlAIE TO�AL a Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. ft. Euh Each Lu�p Su� Each Each Each Sq. Yd. Ea�h Cu. Yd. Ea�h Lin. Ft. Tons Lin. Ft. Cu. Md. Lin. Ft. Each Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Each Each Lin. Ft. Each Cu. Yd. Lin. Ft. Each 658 2 2 1 0 0.75 1 1 0 255 1 1 20 617 135 0 4 0 0 0 365 300 17 25 737 6 104 43.5 0 1017 9 5 1 2 1 3 4 1 275 Z 4 3Z 1088 260 20U 6 7.2 3 397 475 300 22 36 1323 10 104 82 1 TOTAL AMDUNT __'__-----���--_��__ 27,001.00 810.00 304.00 2,625.00 2,600.00 1,000.00 3,600.00 80.40 120.00 550.00 140.00 80.00 1,600.00 14,144.40 1,560.00 400.00 900.00 1,080.00 �S.OU 4,367.00 5, 7U0. 00 4,200.00 44U.00 360.00 17,199.Q0 t50.00 400.00 5,576.00 300.00 0.04 O.OU ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL f97,3�7.0U SUMMARY; Original Contrut A�ount Contract Addition� Contract Deductia�s Revised Contract uount Value Co�pleted T� Date A�ount Ret�ined f�Zl Less A�ount Paid 'reviously AMOUNT UUE THIS E TIMATE IAccount Code t513-00-0001 CERTIFICATE Df TH CONTRACTOR 18E f98,358.00 f0.00 ' f0.00 , f98,358.00 f97,S27.00 f0.00 f/9,507.35 f47,B19.65 1 hereby certify hat tAe Mork perfo��ed �nd the �iteri�ls supplied to date under the tens of the contr�ct for this project, and a11 utharized changes thereto, h�ve �n �ctuil v�iue under the contract of the a�ounts shoMn on this esti�ate (and the final quantities on the final esti�ate are correct), and that t�is esti�ate is just and correct and no part af tJ�e 'A�ou t Jue This Esti�ate' has been received. � - - , �. By ---- =-- L=f �- -�- � -�-w��-= ------------ D�te — � � Contractor's A thorized Representitive ITitle) �----f-I ------ CERTIFICATE DF TH ENSINEER 1 hereby certify hat I have prepared or exa�ined tAis esti��te, ind that the contractor is entitled ta pay�ent of thie esti�ate under th contract for reference project. CIiY Of FRI�LEY, NSPECTOR BY --------- --� -� -----��I���?�°-L_ Checked By � �?_ r__ Oate ----� _ /1-- � Respectfully Sub�itted, y� ---------°------------------°-- J 6. F1ora,P.E. Public 8orks Oirectar Febrt ary 24, 1986 To: Public Works Director City of Fridley :.'�i �� �i � �+ �' � �+i► + 'i� � We, he undersigned, have inspected the above mentioned project and find that the �ork required by the contract is substantially eomplete in conformity with the plans and specifications of the project. All �.eficiencies have been corrected by the contractor. Also, the Work f or whic� the City feels the contractor should receive a reduced price has been agre:d upon by the contractor. So, ;herefore, we recommend to you that the City approve the attached FINAL ESTI9ATE for the contractor and the one-year maintenance bond, starting from the lay of the final inspection, that being February 24, t9� �►'1 Thompson, Construction Inspector . , � , ` � `�, . - ��, ` ,� � _ � __ � � _ � � ��''Contractor Representative, (Title) JT:t s 3/6�S �/ 12 18F Febru ary 24, 1986 Water and Sewer Project #160 CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR This is to certify that items of the work shown in the statement of work cert:fied herein have been aetually furnished and done for the above menti�ned projeets in accordance xith the plans and specifications heretofore appro�ed. The final contraet cost is �g7,327.00 and the final payment of $�F7,�19.65 for the improvement projeet would cover in full, the contractor's claia� against the City for all labor, materials and other work done by the contrictor under this projeet. 18G I dec'�are under the penalties of perjury that this statement is just and corre :t. Civil Structures, Ine. _ � . � � .. _. � _ � / � , C'�c. C .E• - � � G C � .z..- � - ! �"Z.---, � Contractor Representative (Title) JT:ts 3/6�t9'11 CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 554342 February 24, 1986 Hono�able Mayor and City Council City of Fridley eJo Iasim M. Qureshi, City Manager 6431 University Avenue N.E. Frid: ey, NIId 55432 Council Members: i •' r_ � 1 i We hEreby submit the Final Estimate for Water and SeWer Project #160 for Civi] Structures, Inc., u603 Dow Road, Saginaw, I�1, 55779• We h�ve viewed the work under contract for the construction of Water and SeWe� Project #160 and find that the same is substantially complete in accoidance with the contract documents. I recommend that final payment be made upon acceptance of the work by your Honorable Body, and that the one-}ear contractual maintenance bond commence on the date listed. Respf etfully submitted, ✓. ���-�_ John G. Flora, P. E. Publ:c Works Director Prepared by Checked by: JT : t: 3l66� /14 18H