03/03/1986 - 5146i OFFICIAL QTY �UNC�L AGII�i� �D1CIL NEETII�IG I�,RQi 3, 1986 � � .� .� • • FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING � PLEASE SIGN NiME ADORESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE:• ��arch 3, 1986 �_ ` � ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER �r � �� FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL ,� ,�, � ...,,, MARCH 3, 1986 - 7: 30 P. M. Follcaing are the "ACTIONS TAREN" by the Administration for your infor nation. , ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCLAMATION• yAR IA ISAB ELL FERNANDEZ FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT HONORARY CITIZEN � IRL SCOU T WEEK MARCH 8-14, 1986 �dded: CAMP FIRE 76TH BIRTHDAY MARCH 17, 1986 IOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MARCH 2-9, 1985 ?roclamations issued. ITY 4ANAGER--ACTION TAREN• Mailed Volunteers of America procl�mation to appropriate party APPROIAL OF MINUTES: :ouncil Meeting, February 24, 1986 linutes approved as submitted ITY 4ANAGER--ACTION TAREN • Fi 1 ed f or f ut ur e r ef er ence AD PT:ON OF AGENDA: ►dopted as submitted OPEN 'QRUM, VIBIT4RS: !o response ,_.x� �ounc �.1 Meeting, March 3, 1986 Page 2 Consi �eration of Second Reading of an Ordinance for V ication Request, ZOA #85-06, to Vacate the Unuse� Johnson Street Dedication Lying North of . Skywo>d Lane and South of I-694, by John Pollard ...... 1 . )rdinance No. 851 adopted PUBLI; WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded with vacation CITY �AI3AGER--ACTION TAREN: Published ordinance in ; Fridl �y Focus Consi� leration of Second Reading of an Ordinance for R��zoning Request, ZOA #85-03, to Rezone the Prope:ty Generally Located at 1282 Mississippi Stree�, N.E., by Margaret Brickner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ��rdinance No. 582 approved contingent on :�atisfaction of the stipulations PUBLI�' WORRS--ACTION TAREN• Completed rezoning proce: s CITY 1 f�T�GER--ACTION TAREN• Will Publ ish ordi nance in Fr: dley Focus when stipulations are completed Consiceration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Recod� fying the Fridley City Code by Amending ChaptE r 1 Enti tl ed "Legi sl ative Boundari es", Secticn 1.02, Subdivision A, Ward 1, Precinct 1; Subdi�ision F, Ward 2, Precinct 1, Subdivision G, Ward :, Precinct 2; and Subdivision J, Ward 3, Precir ct 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 A Crdinanc� No. 853 approved SITY lANAGER--ACTI�N TAREN: Published ordinance and recodi fying code * C�r,�unc �1 Meeting, March 3, 1986 OLD FUSINESS (Continued) Consi deration of a Final Plat, P. S. #85-07, Lake Pointe Corporate Center/100 Twin Drive-In, by HRA in Cooperation with Woodbridge Prope rties, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Final plat approved with stipulations PUBLI � WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Inf ormed appl icant of Council approval with stipulation. Completed execution of final plat when rezoning and all other elements are compl eted Page 3 . . 4 - 4 A ; Consi jeration of Extending Recording Date for Landm �rk Addition Plat, (P. S. �85-01) , by Rober : J. McAdam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C [tem tabl ed PUBLI: WORRS--ACTION TAREN• Consideration on agenda when ipplication is signed by property owner Consi 3eration of City Appointments to City;ommissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 A ��erry Sherek appointed to Appeals Commission lavis Hauge reappointed to Police Commission Zargaret Hendley appointed to Community >evelopment Commission ITY lANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Have informed appl icants of appoi itment to City commissions. Have put tabled appointments on ne :t agenda 1�1EW B �SINESS Consi� leration of First Reading of an Ordinance for R��zoning Request, ZOA #85-05, Lake Pointe Corpo:ate Center/100 Twin Drive-In, by HRA in Coope:ation with Woodbridge Properties, Inc. . . . . . . . . c�rdinance adopted on first reading PUBLI�: WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Have put ordinance on next �genda for consideration of second readinq 7 - 7D �' ':3"unc �1 Meeting, March 3, 1986 NEW BJSINESS (Continued) Consi jeration of Setting a Public Hearing on the M�tter of a Final Plat, P. S. #86-01, Generilly Located at 8100 University Avenue, N.E., by Va �tage Companies, Inc. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval with �tipulations ounc il Action Needed: Set Public Hearing for March 17, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iearing set for March 17, 1986 PUBLI � WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Second reading for hearing held ihen all other elements are complete Consi �eration of Recommendation to Select a Engin rering Consulting Firm to Repair the C >mmon's Park Filtration Plant . . . . . . �pproved TKDA, Inc. proposal PUBLI ; WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Informed TKDA of Co un c.1 a ppr ov al Page 4 , . . 8 - 8 C . . . . . . . 9 - 9 B Consi�leration of Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans Specifications and Estimates of the Costs There�f: Water & Sanitary Sewer Project #162 . . . . . . . 10 - 10 A :;esolution No. 17-1986 adopted PUBLI� WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded with plans e �' � � f't�unc il Meeting, March 3, 1986 NEW FUSINESS (Continued) Page 5 Consideration of Resolution Receiving the Preliminary Report and Waiving the Public Hearing on the Construction of Certain � Imprcvements: Water & Sanitary Sewer Project #162 ..... 11 - 11 A � Resolution No. 17-1986 adopted PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consi �eration of Resolution Ordering Demolition and R:moval of Structures and Site Grading ......... 12 - 12 A �esolution No. 18-1986 adopted PUBLI: WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consileration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Recod fying the Fridley City Code Amending Appen�lex F Providing Adjustment of Salaries for Mayor and Councilmembers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 �►rdi nance No. 854 adopted CITY ;tANAGER--ACTION TAREN• Published in Fridley Focus and recodifying Claim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 � pproved E T L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN• Paid claims AD,JOU� �1: 8: 05 p. m. � de � FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL �� MARCH 3. 1986 - 7:30 P.M. . � � , ,� . •:� u: �► PiARIA ISABELL FERNANDEZ FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT HONORARY CITIZEN (�AMP FIRE 76TH BIRTHDAY h'�`,RCH 17. 1986 `'OLU��TEERS OF AMER I CA MARCH 2-9, 1985 :":� : � ► I;OUNCIL MEETING. FEBRUARY 24, 1986 :1�' 1► � � ►11: 1' 1 1: U �: CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) COUNCIL MEETING. MARCH 3. 1986 I 1 ' ► PAGE 2 CONSI)ERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VaCATION RE�UEST. ZOA #85-06. TO VACATE THE UNUSE) JOHNSON STREET DEDICATION LYING NORTH OF SKYWO)D LANE AND SOUTH OF I-694, BY �OHN POLLARD ...... 1 CONSII�ERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE� FOR RI.ZONING REQUEST. ZOA �85-03, TO REZONE THE PROPEI;TY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1282 MISSISSIPPI STREE'. N.E.. BY MAR6ARET BRICKNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z CONSI[ERATtON OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECOD�FYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 1 ENTITLED "LEGISLATIVE BOUNDARIES". SECTI(N 1.02. SUBDiVISION A. WARD 1. PRECINCT 1: SUBD111SION F. WARD 2. PRECINCT 1. SUBDIVISION G. WARD �. PRECINCT 2: AND SUBDIVISION J. WARO 3. PRECircT 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 A COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 3, i986 1 1 : � •� � � PAGE 3 CONSI)ERATION OF A FINAL PLAT. P.S. �85-07. LAKE POINT: CORPORATE CENTER/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA IJ COOPERATION WITH WOODBRIDGE PROPE tT1ES. INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 A CONSI)ERATION OF EXTENDING RECORDING DATE FOR LANDM�RK ADDlTION PLAT, (P.S. �85-01). BY ROBER' .1. McA�/�r�t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C CONSIIiERATION OF CITY APPOINTMENTS TO CITY i:OMMIS510NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 A 1 � : ► CONSII�ERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR RIZONING REQUEST. ZOA #85-05. LAKE POINTE CORPOI:ATE CENTER/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA iN . COOPEI;ATION WITH WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, INC. . . . . . . . . 7 - 7D COUNC L MEETING. MARCH 3, 1986 �. : ► •► ► � COPJSIIERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE M�,TTER OF A FINAL P�AT. P.S. �86-01. GENER��LLY LOCATED AT 8100 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. N.E.. BY VAIITAGE COMPANIES. INC. PLANN NG COMMISSION RECOMMENbATiON: APPROVAL WITH ;�TIPULATIONS ' COU��C L ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR MARCH 17, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PA�E 4 ......8-8C CONSI)ERATION OF RECOMMENDATION TO SELECT A ENGIN:ERING CONSULTING FIRM TO REPAIR THE C )�•�10N' S PARK F i LTRAT I ON PLANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 B � CONSI)ERATION OF RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS� SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THERE)F: WATER 8 SANITARY SEWER PROJECT �162 ....... 10 - 10 A COUNCI_ MEETING. MARCH 3. 1986 1 � : 1 �► ► � PAGE 5 CONSICERATION OF RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PRELININARY REPORT AND WAIVING THE PUBLIC HEARI�� ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPRO�EMENTS: WATER 8 SANITARY SEWER PROJECT �162 ..... 11 - 11 A CONSICERATION OF RESOLUTION ORDERING DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND SITE GRADING ......... 1Z - 12 A CONSI[ERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDlNANCE RECOD FYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AMENDING APPEN[EX F PROVIDING ADJUSTMENT OF SALARIES FOR MAYOR AND COUNC i LMEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CLAIM' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 :1 I ► I I 1 � � � William J. Nrb Meyor Fridley. wIN FORBIGD B%CSA9G� STUDBIYT WSEB Mareh 3. 1986 WHERIAS. our comraunitz�a' greateat asaet is our youth; and WHERIAS, the Amerzcan Fietd Service (AFS) organtissa and admtiniatere a prog�am rvhich brings studenta from around ths �aorld to our co�munity; and : • WHERIAS, this interchange of cuZturs and phiZosophy aontributsa to tke eduection and maturation of our youth in many and varisd yaba; and WHEREAS. it is the dsaire of the Citb of FPZC�Z6�/ to aho� its appreciation and support.to our distinguished gu�ata; and NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I. William J. Nee. Ma�or of ths City of Fridtey hereby proclaim the rueek of March 3. 1986 as Amsrtican Fietc Service Week IA 80A0� OF AIARIA ISABSL FSRAANDBZ�OF CgILS WHERIAS, I proctaim that Maria be made an honorary citixen of the Cit� of F�idtey during the duration of her star�. IN W�TNESS WHEREDF, I have aet my hand and caused the aeat of the City of F�idley to be affixed this 3rd day of March. 1986. ------------------------- WILLIAM J. NEE. MAYOR I r � t � � CAAIP PIRS WBB% , March 16, 1986 Willi�m J. Nee Mayor F�idley, MN WBER,'AS, Camp Fire, Inc. the WgSREAS, Camp Fire councite in ths Cst� of F�idtey a�'fer our young peopt� the opportunity of infor�nat educationa� programa �hich combine group actinities yith ths deve:opment of indivzduaZ taZente, as well as offering ftsxibts prog�amming focused on encouraging,life akitta education for young peop�e to age t�enty-ons; and W&ERlAS, ue u communitr� organixati.on, Camp Pirs is Qoncernsd vith presErving the environmsnt, adapting to aoczat changs. the apptication of dEmocratic atandarda and atirnutating a»d guiding young psople; and WHERFAS, in Camp Fire, recognition of accompZishmente ia combined �ith the encouragement to use devstoping akiZle to aerve othere in ths commz�nity; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is eommended for the opportunities its programa offer• to young peopte in the Cit� of Fridtey and throughout the nation and �or the many aervices thess young people perfornt for their commu�ities as Camp Fire membera; and NOW, �'NEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Wittiam J. Nee, Mar�or of the City �f Fridtey hereby proctaim the tveek of March 16, 1986 ae CAMP FIRE WSEK IN WI."NESS W6EREOF, I have eet nry hand and caused the seaZ of the Czt� of Fr:dZey to be afftixed thtis 3rd day of March, 1986. � � � WILLIAAI J. NEE, MAYOR Wiiltam J. Nee Mayor Fridley, MN � I � � � I VOLU�TaBRS OF AMBRICA WSS1� �� �' � WHERE4S,-"yThe Votuntesrs servi�e organiaation. has regar<'Zess of their race. Mareh 2 - 9, 1986 of Anr�rica. a nationat Christian huwan a 90 year history of eerving psople in nesd: cotor or creed; and WHERE. S, The a�ord "Yolunteer" �in Yotunteera of Amertica. meana thoa� �vho s�ZfZessZ� dedicate themaeZves to a misaion or cauas as thsir profe:sionat and peraonaZ career; and • WHEREAS, Ita staff is coraprised of people rvho not onZy have admin�strative and/or profeseionaZ eociaZ ruork expertZae but who atao have c coramitment to the Christian mission of.the organisation a�hich is the reachzng and uptifting of aZZ people. In addition to nearZy 300 s�aff. Zast year more than 1,800 peraons volunteered their taZ�nts to he�p enrich the program services in Minnesota; and WHEREIS, At the present time. The Volunteera of America District Offic>. operates the foZZo�wing services: treatment centera for emoticnaZZy handicapped boys; programa eerving auti.etic. autiatic-Zike and dEveZopmentaZZy dieabled chiZdren and youth: hom�e for eldert� and/oz mentatty disturbed adutta; dirting aitea for seniore zn Anoka and HEnnepin Counties; foster horaea; men's correctionat program8; and a women's correctionaZ facility. In addition. there are man� aervicsa of thE Volunteers in Araeriean in Minnesota not admin�iatsred by the District Office. NOW, �biEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVSD that I. William J. Pee. Nayor of ths City cf Fridtey hereby proctaim March 2= 9, 1986 as � YOLUATI3ERS OP AMBRICA WBSK IN WIZNESS WHEREOF, I have aet my hand and caused the seaZ of ths City of Fri�Zey to be affixed thie 3rd Da� of March. 1986. ; � � a ------------------------ WILLIAM J. NEE, MAIOR THE �tIP:UTES OF THE FRIOLEY CITY COUPJCIL �'EETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1986 � � I � 1►L �w • y I ' �!' 1�1 1 • CI ' 1� •• • : ; •_, _ :. �.e Regular Meeting of the Fridle� City Cou¢�cil was called to order at 7: 30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. • a� • y • �« � I� yor Nee led the Co�cil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F: ag. Rl �LL CAI�L: I�NBE�2.S PRESkNT: Mayor Nee, O�tmcilman Goodspeed, CA�cilman Fitz�trick, Cb�mcilman Schneider and Cotmcilman Barnette I�NBII2.S ABSFNT: None • .,• • � OOUNCIL MEE,TING. FEBRtP�RY 3. 1986 • Mc �TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. S� �onded by Co�cilman Gooctspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor N� e declared the motion carrier3 �u�animously. • • � • • •, �,�� • M TIiDN by Co�cilman Fitz�trick to adopt the agenda as sutmitted. Seoonded bM1 Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dE clared the motion carried tmanimously. • �,� a�:.� �s�� A. Ms. Mavis Vituns, representing the Taastmasters Northern Voices Group, a� �peared before the Council regarding the issuance of a proclamation to p� oclaim the week of February 24 as Youth Leadership Week. M. Vituns stated they are conducting youth leadership meetings at the F� idl� Middle School. Studer�t attendance is voluntary and they are not g� aded. I� yor Nee stated the proclanation has been issued to proclaim this week as Ycuth Leadership Week. B, Mr. Bill Frauly, representing the Fridley High School Key Qub, appeared bE fore the Co�cil recfarding the City sponsoring an ad pertaining to the t� �ming Rey Qub convention in Fridley. He stated it has been the policy t] at cities holding these c�orrveritions sponsor an ad. G�cilman Barnette stated the Rey Qub is the youth of the Kiwanis C1ub and -1- they will be holding a Tri-State Convention and are asking support f rom the �tmcil for this program. I�yor Nee asked the a�st for the ad, and Mr. Frauly stated it would be $10 to $25, depending on the size. Mayor Nee and the Coimcil mant�ers agreed they would each contribute to this ad, rathet than use City f�ds. PUBLIC HEARINGS• , 1. PUBLIC HFARING ON TI� MATTER OF A REZONING RDQUEST. ZQA �85-05, LAKE POINTE aQRPORATE CENrER/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN, BY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH WOODBRIDGE PR�PERTIES. INC.• I�DTION by C,otmcilman Goodspeed to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Cot�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously and the public hearing opened at 7:39 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this rezoning is for the 100 Ztain Drive-In Property and also the Johnson property to the mrth. He stated the rezoning is for properties currently ideritified as R-1, �3, C-1 and C-3 to change the z oning to S-2 to allvw devel opnent of th e pr ope r ty by pl an, as approved by the HRA and Co�mcil. Mr. Flora stated the HRA, working with Woodbridge Properties, came � with a plan to develop the Lake Pointe Corporate Center consisting of a total of nine buildings including a hotel and restaurant on these parcels of property. He stated b� using the S-2 zon.ing, it would allaa development by a master plan, without individual special use permits for the structures and parking. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Cannission held a public hearing on January 22 where information was preserited by representatives of Woodbridge Properties regarding the raad structure, utilities, drainage, and phase development. He stated the Planning Conmission reoomnended approval af the rezoning with three stipulations, which he outlir�ed. Mr. Flora stated the City initiated action to vondenn property in the area for the S-2 zoning. He stated he �nderstands there is a plan to realign the roadway entrance into the site which may cause a slight change in the boundary line. He stated this information would be available at the first reading of the ordinance. Cbtmcilman Barnette stated he �c3erstands part of the property to the north currently zoned R-1 would be used for garking and asked the use of the renaining R-1 properties. Mr. Flora stated it would be used for a buffer between the hanes and access into the development. Mr. Dave Weir, Woodbridge Properties, stated most of the neighboring residents were at the meetings regarding this development ar�d they received a lot of good input pertaining to traffic issues. He stated they have represeritatives from their engineering firm and the traffic consultant present in the event there are any questions to be answered. -2- � -��. � ul �l 1►. • �I:_:_1; :� Z����� M�. Weir stated, even though they are requesting an S-2 zoning, the uses p�rmitted are the same kinds of uses permitted tuider the cvrrent commercial z ming. S�veral questions were rasied on the height of the buildings and the s:reening. Mr. Weir stated the building height would range from six to e.c�t stories, with each floor roughly 13 feet. He stated, whil� the height o` the screening is imp�rtartt, he felt the placement of the buildings in r lation to the hcmes was even more important and the buildings would be b iilt farther to the s�uth and closer to the freeway. I i answer to a question regarding the length of construction, Mr. Weir s:ated they intend to have the entire site pregared this construction s�ason, but it would be limited to individual building pads and it may be b�tween five to nir�e years before total oompletion of the entire plan. He s:ated an elenent relevant to the wnstruction process is the timing of the i Ytersection improvement scheduled for aompletion in 1987. C>�mcilman Goodspeed asked if there would be sod on the building sites intil t iey are ready to build on then. Mr. Weir stated they have a phasing plan f>r develognent of the landscaping. He stated, as far as the environment, t iey would oontrol any dust wer the vacant sites. He stated they wanted t ie landscaping aroimd the gerieral perimeter, but would not have the final 1�ndscaping for each inaividual building imtil they were o�nstructed. N=. Dick Schultz, a neighboring resident, voiced his o�ncern with separation o= this property frcm the resideritial properties. He felt they would have m�re traffic in the area such as joggers and people walking their dogs on t iis site. N r. Weir stated they are just as �ncerned as the residerits, but felt their 1 andscaping plan would provide the necessary control since there is a v�riety of plantings and the buffer area was widened fran 20 to 40 feet. N r. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff would work with the developer to n3ke sure there is p�oper landscaping, berming, and screening and to make it a�sthetically pleasing both to the developer and the neighboring property c ar�ers. r� other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning. r 7rI0N by Co�cilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by C�uncilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vate, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared tae mation carried tmanimously and the public hearing closd at 8:03 p.m. 2. F UBLIC E�ARING ON TfiE MATTER OF A FINAL PLAT, P. S. #85-07, LAKE POII�E s�RP'ORATE CENI'II2/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH WOODBRIDGE ,�ROPEKrIES. INC.: � r�TION by Co�mcilman Goodspeed to waive the reading of the public hearing r�tice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Co�cilman Schr�eider. Upon � voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried -3- ��.J�. 1 1�� � �: • ►� •� • : . iuyanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:03 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this plat is for the develognent of the 100 2tain Drive-In property. He stated the plat identifies nine parcels associated with the plat and four outlots. He stated there is a lot for every building and its associated parking. , Mr. Flora stated a public hearing was held before the Planning Coinnission on January 22 and they reoomnended approval with three stipulations which he outlined. Mr. Flora stated once the roadway is finally designed, there would be a little different realigrunent of the roadway to coincide with the entrance irYto the develognent. Mr. Dave Weir, Woodbridge Properties, stated they had a f�a iteins to add and asked Mr. Eric Nesset to review these changes. Mr. Nesset stated they intend to change the right-of-way of Lake Pointe Drive to make it consistent at 60 feet wide. He stated the other item concerns a lot line going through a Farking lot. He stated they intend to make a separate lot for the parking structure and separate lots for the buildings. Mr. Nesset stated the physical composition of the site didn't change, but only the form in which it is characterized legally. No ather persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed plat. � trDTION by Coimcilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by �tmcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Weir stated the rieighboring residerits gave then a lot of support and he wished to thank then for their irivolvement. He also recognized the City �� staff who worked very hard to make this all happen in a short period of time. He stated it makes a difference to do business in a City where everyone is 000perating to make this developnent possible. OLD BUSINESS• 3. OONSIDERATION OF A SPDCIAL USE PERMIT. SP #85-01. TO OPERATE A RESIDENTIAL ME�AL HEALTH PROGRAM IN AN APARTMENr BUIIDING GNERALLY IACATID AT 5378-5384 5TH STREEr N. E.. BY aQMMUNITY OPrIONS. LTD: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there was a request last June for a special use permit b� Cbnm�ity Options to open a mental health facility on Sth Street. He stated the Co�cil denied this request which was challenged in Disrict Gourt. Mr. Qureshi stated a wurt order was received last week which directs the Coimcil to issue the special use permit. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated it is rather difficult for him to give any specif ics because, even though the j udge issued the order, the f i ndi ngs and oonclusions have not as yet been received. He stated his reoonmendation -4- • �� I�i 1 • �: •� '� � wc �ld be for the C�imcil to issue the special use permit, with the same st ipulations vontained in the discussions when it was previously before the Gc mcil. Mr. Herrick stated he would not recomnend appealing this decision a= he felt the Appelate Court would uphold the District Court's decision ar 9, therefore, would not warrarit the oost of the appeal. t� �ION by Coimcilman Fitzpatrick to apprave special use permit, �SP #85-01, wi th the follvwing stip�il.ations: (1) Operation to be reviewed annually wi th a public hearing for the first two years; (2) Resident automobiles be rE atricted to five or less; (3) Rear yard to be fenced with a six foot high sc Lid wood fence which is to be oompleted prior t�o occupancy; (4) Proposed A�c �isory Committee to include City representatives, for example, H�m►an Re �ources C�manission menber and/or Fblice Special Operations Division staff; (` 1 Petitioner to pravide a landscaping glan and install prior to May 31, 15 66; (6) Contingency plan be initiated with Unity Hospital to cover any er �rgencies; (7) Facility wi11 co�ngly with the local and State fire codes; ar 9(9) Client characteristics will be o�nsister�t with petitioner's �ntract wi th Anoka Co�ty. Se�nded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. M:. Vagovicyh, 5400 4th Street, felt the anly thing that o�uld be done is to h� �e the la4a changed and oontact their State represeritatives. Ms . Vaserko, 5427 4th Street, stated she went to c�ourt twice and it was po stponed both times, and felt they should have been notified. Mr . Herrick, C�ty Attorr�ey, stated the Gity had no control over when this ca �e was heard. Ni� , Qureshi, City Manager, stated the issue wasn't decided on the feelings of the r�eighborhood and the Council's action has been pre-empted by the St �te statute. He felt State represer�t.atives would have to be oontacted to ch �nge the laQa. UF JN A VOICE Vd�E TAi�1 (N ZiiE ABOVE NDTION, ALL VOTED AYE, AND MAYOR NEE DE ZARID �IE I�DT�kI C1�RRIED UNANIl�'DU3,Y. Mr . Herrick stated he would send copies of the findinqs and conclusion to th � Coimcil when they are received. 4. QC J�IDEF2ATION OF CITY OOUNCIL APPOINPMFNrS TO CITY QONII�'IISSIONS: �. : ►�. ; �,� �►i � �� ��r �y, � �_�� Ma �or Nee stated he would appoirit John M�eyer to replaoe Mr. Prieditis, who rE 3uested he be replaced. Mayor Nee felt Mr. Meyer has substantial ex �ertise in evaluating planning in the redevelopment area. Mayor Nee st ited Mr. Meyer was pr�viously a menber � the HRA and District 14 School Bc ird. I�D CD�I by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to wncur with Mayor Nee's appointment of Jc �n Meyer to the HRA. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vc :e, all voting aye, . N�yor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. -5- ��.J�. i • �,• • �• •a � : . NDTION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to table the ather appointments to the City Comnissions. Seoor�ded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the matian carried tmanimously. �imcilman Schneider requested copies of the applications received from persons iriterested in serving on the City Conmissions. . NE�nI BUSINESS• - ��., _ u �+• • • • • � � • � • - � �� •, y�� � � � �! �� � • i��n � . . . � �� • • • � � _ � � • � ; • ' ' • ' =-,i� ��� i�+ i: �; N1�TION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. . •��, �� �+• i • , � � � • � • ' � �� • ' � • � �I�'�3� � : : 1 • • • •.• ' •� � • �� � � • �i� : • � � � �i� � � L i� � �. � ' �� ' �'� �. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to rezone property where the Fridley Driving Range is currently located and it also includes two parcels immediately to the north. He stated rezoning is r�uested fran N�-1 and C-2 to C-3 and C-2. He stated the property to be designated as C-2 is about one and a half acres at the iritersection. Mr. Flora stated an Erivirormental Assessmerit worksheet was �mpleted for the developer by the aonsulting fiun of B�V. He stated this was reviewed by staff and then forwarded to the Environmental Quality Board and the Departrnerit of Natural Resources. He stated they have received telephone responses and they have ro objection to the develognent. He stated this Worksheet was also sukmitted to the Metrop�litan Council, but, as yet, no resp�nse has been received. Mr. Flora stated he felt the Metropolitan Council would have no probleins with the development and anticipates a written statenent shortly. Mr. Flora reviewed the seven stipulations addressed by the CaunciT and stated several have already been oomgleted and the developer is working on the others such as the storm drainage plan and landscaping. Mr. Relly Doran, represeriting Vantage Properties, presented drawings of the proposed site and a samgle af oonstruction materials to be used. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated they are proposing metal for the canopies and the front of the retail area wi11 be all glass �nd brick. � Mr. Qureshi stated, if it is the Council's desire to proceed with the rezoning, he would suggest first reading of the ordinance. He stated, however, before the seoond reading of the ordinan�oe, the City w�ould want to -6- �i 19i 1�� • �I' ' �• •� : . h Ne an actual agreenent signed between property awners and the City that t: es the property to this type c� developnent. M. Doran stated their attorney is already working on the agreenent to have i• . ready by the se�nd reading of the ordir�ance. M�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the reading and approve the o� dinance upon first reacling, with the follvwing stipulations: il) A storm d� a.ir�ge plan be prwided oonsisterrt. with City oode; (2) Pravide landscaping a� ;d beuning sufficient to screen parking arx� storage; (3) Scale dawn size af p� oject s� that less than 1,000 car parking is needed or obtain necessary ea viror�r►ental permits; (4) Provide a completed Environmental Assessment W� �rksheet for City reviaa; (5) Obtain special use permits for any outside si orage or auto related business; (6) Provide architectural refinements a�nsistent with a quality commerical development; and (7) Provide a p� rfonnance bond; amo�mt cnnsistent with wst of imprwenerits. Seconded by Cc �cilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared t] e motion carried iu�animously. M; . Doran extended his thanks to Mr. Qureshi and the City staff for their e� forts in expediting this request. 7. Qc �IVSIDERATION OF FIR.S'r READING 4F AN ORDINANCE FOR REZONING REQUEST. ZOA �! 5-03. TO REZONE THE PRfJPEFZTY G�Ai.rY LOCATID AT 1282 MISSIS�SIPPI STREE,T j�j E.. BY MfA�RC�RET BRICIQJER• M� . Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated this is a rezoning of one parcel o� p� operty behir�d Sandee's Restaurant from 1�-1 to C-1 to use the existing hcme a: a boutique and snall retail operation. Oc �mcilman Schrieider asked if there wold be joint parking with Sandee's RE staurant. Mr. Flora stated there are six parking spaces associated with tt is structure and additional parking available in Sandee's parking lo�. oc �cilman Schrieider stated his o�ncern is if these parcels are separated in tt e future, how the Farking would be harx�l.ed. M� . Flora stated there is a stipu].ation that addresses the joirrt parking and d� iveway easeme.nt. IN� TION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the o� dinance upon first reading, with the follvwing stipulations: (1) Business st all be open ro later than 8: 00 p. m. ;(2) Driveway fran Mississippi Street st all be "Enter" only; directional sign to be provided; (3) Hard surface c� rbed parking spaces to be provided; (4) Joint parking and driveway e� seme.nt with Sandee's Restaurant to be pravided; (5) Business sign shall nc t exceed twenty-four (24) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height; (t ) Pravide lar�dscaping to screen garking from Mississippi �Street; (7) P� wide screening fence between rezoned property and residences to the west; ai d(8) Provide performance bond in the amount of $2,000. Seconded by Cc timcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ared tt e motion carried �arumously. -7- •��� 1 yl � • 71' • i• •� Z �i-1'� 8. OONSIDERATION OF FIRST RFADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VACATION REQUEST. SAV �85- 06, TO VACATE THE UNUSID JOHNSON STREET DEDICATION LYING NORTH OF SKYWOOD IANE AI�ID S�UI'H OF I-694. BY JOi�] POLIARD: MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seoonded by Co�mcilman FitzpatriCk. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' ' �� �. �� �• • • • • � • • : � �!�. � ���'� �. : • � ��i : • �I I� , � � • �1• �1 �� � : • ��� • • ? • � 1 C� • '� � i� � '� � `� :� •� ►•'�� '7 �. i�l� :� •� �'�� ��� �. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the State Planning Agency requested the City use more r�tural boimdaries to ideritify wards and precincts. He stated this ordinance would change some lir�es in order to meet their requirenents. Mr. Qureshi stated the anly change where it affects the voter registration aowzt is in Ward 1, Precinct 1, as it removes two registered voters and places then in Ward 2, Precinct 1. MDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordiranve upon first reading. Sewnded b1r O�uncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �• u �• • � • • � � �• �� ; • , _ • , • • • : • � � • a� i�• • �� • r� • . � i � � • � � �_;• , ���•�;• • ��1�:• � •L�•�+�� �. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this special use pennit is for Lot 22, Block 10, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Additirn, and involves the developnent prop�sed by Woodbridge Properties at the 100 Zt�rin Drive-In site. Mr. Flora stated the mrthern most lot would renain R-1 and this special use permit would allaa for parking on the R-1 property, if it is necessary as c3evelopnent progresses. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Concnission held a public hearing on January 22 and reoonmended apprwal with two stipulatins, which he outliryed. rDTD�N by Cotmcilman Goodspeed to approve special use permit, SP #85-17, with the following stipulations: (1) Lanciscaping including berming shall be constructed in a manner so as to provide a dense year-round screening between the develognent and the single fanily homes to the north; and (2) Lighting used for the deveognent shall be shaded or diffused to reflect light away frcm the adjoining property. Se�nded tr� Gouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated this development, as proposed, is � � � I�1 1� �� �' •�_ ': •� . . :heduled over a nunber o� years and this special use permit would exist �til develognent is aanpleted. J�IVSIDERATION OF A SIGN PLAN rENEFiP�Y I�OCATID AT 6230 Al�ID 6280 STATE TRUI�IK :Gi�v1AY 65. BY TOM BRIC�QIER• .-. �. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Mr. Brickner is constructing an o'fice building on the west of Highway 65 and south of the Sinclair gas s.ation. He stated he proposes to use a sign with bronze lettering and w ute backgro�md. M�. Flora stated the ordiriance requires sutmission of a sicg� glan and staff h �s reviewed this plan and it is in avcordance with the City oode. M�IDN by Councilman Schneider to approve the sign glan for 6230 and 6280 H.ghway 65 N. E., as sub�nitted by Mr. Brickner. Seconded by Councilman B irnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion c irried �uianimously. v • �� •:. •:. •• �. �. .�, �__,. � � �+ �� . u • r• � � : : �i� -• � � • � •� •� • •, • • • • •� � ; � �• •.• n�� M�ION by G�otmcilman Schneider to adopt Resolutian No. 12-1986 and 13-1986. S�oonded by Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vate, all voting aye, Mayor N�e declared the motion carried �manimously. 13. ��OLifrION 1� 14-1986 ORDERING THE PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATION AND E TIMATES OF THE O�STS THERDOF • STREEr IMP�UVEMENr PRfJ�TECT N0. ST 1986-1 • N.':. Flora, Public Works Director, stated a number of projects have been i 9entified to be v�mgle�ted this year. He stated the streets o�vered in this r esolution are 73-1/2 Avenue (overlay) , 76th Way, Riverwood Drive, ti�iversity Avenue East Service Drive, Viron Road, 71-1/2 Way, and Woodbridge � : ive. N:. Flora stated petitions were received frcm all parties to be assessed for t iese impravenents. N)TION by Councilman Barrette to adopt Resolution No. 14-1986. Seconded by C»cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared t ie motion carried �u�animously. 14. ��I,ilTION I�. 15-1986 RDCEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND PETITIONS TO inAIVE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN I KPROVEMETTrS• STREE,T IMPRUVII�I�TI'S PRU7ECT Nl�. ST 1986-1• N 7�ION by Cotmcilman Schr�eider to adopt Resolution No. 15-1986. Seoonded by C�imcilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared t ze motian carried �u�animously. �� ����i � �,. • .�' '� ►• 'a ' : � 15. APPOINrMENrS - CITY II�IPIDYEES: M�TIDN by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to ooncur with the fallawing appointments by the City Manager: STARTIl� STARTIl� I1AME POSIT�J SALARY L1ATE � REPLACES Karen Shanberg 4425 Jersey Ave. N. Crystal, Md 55428 Susan A. Johnson 17210 Bataan St. NE Ham Lake, NN 55304 Iriterpretive S�ecial ist (Ex�nPt ) Secretary, Recreation & Natural Resources (Non-exempt) $18,000 February 18 Diane Per 1986 Valen Year $ 7.51 Per Hour $1,306/Mo.) March 3, Lynda 1986 Averette Seo�nded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting ay e, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried u�animously. 16. 1 M NDTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 6641 thropugh 6917. Seoonded by Co�mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. 17 . LICII�ISES • HDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to apprave the licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Qerk's Office. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 18. ESTIMATFS• rDTION by Cotmcilman Schr�eider to apprave the estimates as su.t�nitted: Herrick & NEwn�an, P.A. 6279 University Ave. N. E. Fridley, M�I 55432 For Legal Services Rendered as City Attorney for the Nbnth of January, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,650.00 S7nith, Juster, Feikema, Malmon & Haskvitz 6401 ilniversity Ave. N. E. Fridley, NN 55432 For Legal Services Renc3ered as City Prosecutor for the Nbnth of Novenber, 1985. ....... for the Nbnth of Decenber, 1985. .... ... for the I�bnth of January, 1986 . . . . . . . . Rei nstated Expenses #76-1 . . . . . . . . . . - 10 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 6,737.50 .$ 6,937.50 .$ 7,425.00 .$ 118.25 �,,J�� 1�1 1.�. � �� �+ �' �� : . .vil Structures �03 Daw Rc�ad �ginaw, M�I 55779 FINAL FSTINg1TE Water and Sewer Project #160 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,819.65 . S >nire Excavating 1 !636 Main Street ' R>gers, NN 55374 Partial Estimate No. 3 Water and Sewer Project #156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 13,276.44 Eigene A. Hickok ar� Associates, Inc. 5 �5 Indian Motmd W iyzata, NN 55391 Partial Estimate Moore Lake Restoration Project Phase II . . . . . . . . . 3,629.15 Eigene A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. 5 �5 Indian Motmd w 3yzata, M�I 55391 Partial Estimate Nbore Lake Restoration Project Phase II . . . . . . . . . 556.27 : roonded by Cflimcilman Barr�ette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor r�e declared the motion carried �manimously. • C ►Iv �►� t�TION by Councilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by C�imcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared t he motion carried u�animously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City (��cil of February 24, 1986 adjourned at 8:55 p.m. iespectfully submitted, c arole Haddad, : ecretary to the City Co�cil i �prov ed : - 11 - William J. Nee, Mayor . � Sl,V �85-06 John 6. Pollard ORDII�lA1+i10E �i0. IlN ORDINAIVGE DNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO ii ACATE STREEIS A�1D �I.LEYS A�iD TO Al�END APPEIiDIY C OF THE CITY CODE - ' The City Council of tbe City of Fridley dces ordain as falla�s: SEC ION 1. For the vacation of a street dedicatioa described as follows: V acate the unused Jahnson Street dedication lying north of SkyWOOd Lane and Soutb of I— 694. All lying in the south half of section 24� T-30, R-24, City of Fri dl ey, Coun ty of Anoka, Mi nne so ta. Be aad is hereby vacated, e�cept the City retains the entire street for Utility Easement purposes. SECIION 2. �e said vacation has been made in conformance xith Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.0? of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City code shall be so amended. PASS :D AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIDLEY TH�S DAY OF , 1985 ATTE T: SHIRI EY A. NAAPALA - CITY Ci,ERK Public Hearing: First Reading: SecoLi Reading: Pu bl i �a ti on : Jar:uary 6, 1986 Fe bruary 24, 1986 WII.LIAM J. NEE - HAYOR ORDINAN(� N0. ORDINANCE TO A1�END THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY NAKING A CHANGE IN ZOIIING DLSTRICTS ' The Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follvws: ZOA #85-03 2 Margaret Brickrrer SEC ^ION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SEC'ION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: The Nortlierly 180 feet of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88 lying in the South Half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as C-1 (Local Business). SEC ION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to shaw said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District R-1 (One Family Dwelling) to �1 (Local Business). PAS:ED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TH75 DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTE >T: SHIR .EY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK Publ lc Hearing: February 3, 1g86 Firs : Reading: February 2�1, 1 g86 Seco id Reading: Publ .sh : 3 ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINMICE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AI�EHDING CHAPTER 1 EHTITLED "LEGISLAT]YE BOUNDARIFS", SECTIOI� 1.02, SUBDIV 7SION A, WARD 1, PRECINCT 1; SUBDN �SION F, WARD 2, PRECINCT 1; SIIBDIV ISIOH G, WARD 2, PRECINCT 2; AND S[JBDN L'SIO�TT J, WARD 3, PRECINCT 1 ' 1lie City Council of the City of Fridley dces ordain as follaWS: 1 .0 ? . Ward Boundaries A. Ward No. 1, Precinet No. 1 is established as the area bounded as follaws: NORTH: //Using 83� Avenue and// Starting at the Burlington Northern Railroad rig�t-of-way and 83rd Avenue go east on 83rd Avenue to T.H. #u7 //the boundary of North Park//, then go south from 8 rd Avenue on T.H. #� //nort,h on the North Park Boundary to the City Limits 85th Avenue // to Osborne Road (City Limits) //then go east to the northeastern City Limits (85th Avenue and T.H. #47).// EAST: Using T. H. #47 starting at Osborne Road //from the northeastern City Limits go south on T.B. #47 to Osborne Road (City Limits), then// go east on the City Limits (Osborne Road) to VanBuren, then go south on Yan Buren to 76th Avenue //southern border of Woodcrest School// then �o east on 76th Avenue to Able Street, then south on Able Street to 73rd Avenue. SOUTH: Using 73rd Avenue and Starting at Able Street go West on 73rd Avenue to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way. WEST: Using the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way go north on the Burlington Northern Railroad Right-of-way to 83rd Avenue. F. Ward No. 2, Precinet No. 1 is established as the area bounded as follaas: NORTH: Using the northern City Limits from V an Buren go east to the western City Limits. EAST: Using the eastern City Limits go south to 69th Avenue. SOUTH: Using 69th Avenue and starting at the eastern City Limits go west on 69th Avenue to Central Avenue, then Ko south on Central Avenue to Rice Creek, then west on Rice Creek to T.H. #65. WEST: Using T.H. #65 and starting at Rice Creek //69th Avenue// go north on T. H. #65 to 73rd Avenue, then west on 73rd Avenue to Able Street, then north on Able to 76th Avenue //southern border oP Woodcrest School//, then west on 76th Avenue //southern border of Woodcrest School// to Yan Buren, then aorth on V an Buren to the City Limits. G. aard No. 2, Precinet No. 2 is established as the area bounded as follc�ws: NORTH: Using Rice Creek //69th Avenue as it would extend// and starting at T.H. #65 go east on Rice Creek to Central Avenue, then Ao north on Central Avenue to 69th Avenue, then go east 69th Avenue to the City Limits. EAST: StartinA at 69th Avenue Ao south on the eastern City Limits to Rice Creek Road. SOUTH: Using Rice Creek Road and starting at the sasterly City L3.mits go west on Rice Creek Road to Central Avenue, then north on Central Avenue to Mississippi Street, then west on Mississippi 3treet to T. H. #65. WEST: Using T. H. #65 and atarting at Mississippi �treet go north on T.H.#65 to Rice Creek //69th Avenue.// Page 2 - Ordinance No. Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 1 is established as the area bounded as follvws: NORTH: Using the City Limits from the Mississippi River to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-Way go north on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way to 85th Avenue (City Limits), then go east on 85th Avenue to T.H. #47 (City Limits), //to the eastern boundary of North Park.// then south on T. H. #47 to 83rd Avenue, then west on 83rd Avenue to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of way, EAST: From //the northern City Limits and the eastern boundary of North Park// the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-xay and 83rd Avenue, go south on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way to Osborne Road. SOUTH: Starting //Using// at the Burlington Northertt Railroad right-of-way go west on Osborne Road to East River Road, then go north on East River Road to 79th Wa�y, then west on ?9th Way to the City Limits. WEST: Bounded by the City Limits from 79th Way to the Northern City Limits. PAS�ED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF _ , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATT �T: SHI �LEY A. HAAPALA - CITY Q,ERK Fir 3t Reading: February 2�4, 1986 Sec >nd Reading: Pub . ish : 3A ;j 4 1 ! WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, INC. P,S. #s5-07 STIPULATIONS , 1� APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONTROL OF THE .JOHNSON PROPERTY - LOT S, BLOCK 5, DONNAY'S LAkEVIEW MANOR ADDITION� 2� DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND EASEMENTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED WITH THE PLAT. ITEMS OF CONCERN SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED T0: A� DISPOSITION AND MAINTENANCE OF OUTLOTS B� RESTRICTION OF OUTLOTS USAGE TO GREENSPACE, BUFFER AREAS C� MAINTEI�ANCE OF COMMON AREAS D, LAND USE E� PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES F, �OINT PARKING�ACCESS AGREEMENTS G. OTHER ITEMS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY 3. PARK FEE, BASED ON TOTAL S�UARE FOOTAGE OF THE REPLATTED PROPERTIES AS DEFINED IN THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, TO BE PAID �N A PRO RATA BASIS WITH EACH BUILDING PERMIT� PS #85-07 Lake Poi n ;e Corporate Center M ► � .t. �;�w, . .t7 �. 1 �1�. N�G�war MO i9s . i. � ' . �M (iyli �lQ�'o ja. . . Z .. '� �. � . . � . .' '. '� ��, �A�E ; .. � . ..�'`.�" . � TN„ , v.E � � , . . . - . 9 i'�.J�:� ' 1 � _ � ; � � -, REr rf � , 4NL _:�_+. �Q _ � .� -- � � � :- L � . � ' ��3 = - � �: �- � �/ � _. :� ,� . P� 1� �j �. �� ,� ' � -� `,�' �i '�` ^� - ' � A� .= i� �-Q �� 1^ � � � -�-- �a� �__�—� _, - --�/ �-a-- . rEkt�,���j � gs -0� 4 A � • 1I / ` • . ' ` 4 � O 2 !- .- • � � 3 �'—/ .T.. � � -i .. . � ... .�. . •.• �-c _ �_ .. . . ��,r,—; ' ' • t-- R - 3: �: '•' � ,,, � a • � �� S � ��. =,�i� ,K. 4� C�' ��_- vo� R's� + �5'UBD/�'/S/ON, �1/D 51 � � . � ZONING MAP � , , Y 2 � � �- � ��/ f �I �; �, ���� . " .:� I ��* a . =�µ- S I � LANDMARK IN�. 7580 Alden Way Fridley, Minn. 55432 612-571-9692 0 February 26, 1936 City of Fridley: On June 17, 1985, you approved a plat known as Lot 1, Block 1, Landmark Addition on Osborne Road just west of Main Street. Due to legal curcumstances beyond our control, we were unable to close the transaction and record the plat within the alotted 180 days. The problems have been resolved now. I ask that you extend the time to record the plat until May 31, 1986. The proposed use of the property has not changed. Thank you, ��, . � ,✓z�-l-``� ��7�� /�------.. Robert J. McAdam President Landmark, Inc. 5 -� � s --- .� E ,� - .9 _ _ ;...� ..a.:-=. �.. a..._.... - . C• � R30 - ,i�tthl Avar2u��� :.« � �` �. �= � . �- � ,.., ,t,•� ,.. # - r-- — — — �-- -- .-� �-. T- � � .,. .� �A�i •• •• •• •• •• •• �� ,,; ,; ,; ,; ,; ,, - � ES . . •;;:;;;;;:::: - -� � s ' ,�, . ,,; ,; ,; ,; ,; ,, . . 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Y . . �;�� • � - "r� zoo) � ` rt• �5� "� - : � -:r� - - LQ C AT I O N A� _�;��;,? �` � ;r. - '; �rio�r+c �- K1-,. _� - s . -. .��•� -. � z, L,4NOM,4Ql� C!T)' CF' FQjOLEY • �b�If iron rrfoncrrXn� St/. • Qinolts Gr�sl,ixj iron i►�arxwrr�. �pr pivr-pesrt c�'fh+s phij Niv a�r/�ix q^ Osdo�.�r k�od h�os an acsum�rd L�rinq qi N�'m�ie E. � P.S. #85-01 Landmark �d�it •4 DD�T'ION �d�qKd [T�tl�/TV ��1�6+�+ � q/' G/ S ornd o40 /ht nor!/i /vx ar'Nr - NE Vi i'icfi�orf a� flt7, Qa1. � w►nm� .� • • 7�T,� • 1� !/ q� � s ..T71N sAVE : � — � r s� � ., Y ���� • � i ` �`�i , qs � � � $� � � g' � � � • � ~ V �! Z y I `�"^ � x •• �� � — � � �.: ✓`lo�: lin�li •XX'�',! � � �� O b a p xp � N r � I _�' � `'^ �, � �s �'iroph�c .�r��F a� Fire/ e` .� � , E M �o •- "� ✓�, � �' � • I � I / c 0 / �- , . . � � ���J e :� `� , �.'s�} � eJ� � •. � }=` � � • '`�' r •',' ,�"' j/� � � � �,� ,- �` ,/��� � ^^��• � (�!'• ` � �r � ' • ��� �',� � / ,� � �Ca dj , . � r�� �` �� . � ��`'�/-�� / / ' .�'`' P�' .� �� ��8u?B4OA! i� � � . i+�" ti�G: �lEfil11AJ , Inc. �j� � Or•� ��J —Erq�nan — � °" — Sv�veyorc — ,� , .���,�` �� � r ■� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS' ttarch 3, 19�E (Tabled February 2�, 198E) �• : •�� i� �►�• _• a. �... �• � . s • • �� �� � ♦ �• _ 4-1-89 • : : ; .+� ; ��: �;� ►� , ��.,, .1 �. t� . I A 'P�Ai,S QJMlISS ZC�I QJRRFIVT I�ENBF:Et . Qarenoe CGene) Rezac 1561 Camelot Lar�e (H. 574-0629) (vacated by Louis Schmidt 10/85) 4-1-89 Dick Young 5695 Quincy St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) 4-1-89 Danie� Allen . 6200 R.ice Creek Dr. NE (H. 571-3137) 4-1-89 4-1-88 } 1••� t� V• •►� Y •• 1`` f• . _ 4-1-89 James Pl enel 6864 Channel Rd N. E. (H. 571-0026) (vacated by Patricia Gat,el 12/85 ) Tan G ronl tuid 7411 Lyric Lane (H. 786-7459) Bruce Peterson 7503 T�enpo Terr. NE (H. 786-9898) j�� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS'6 >� •. � � �• � •. •�r. � � �,�f. ���, .I 1 i• : � i 1� ��., .� � r� , 4-1-89 Dean Sataa 6325 Van Buren St. NE iH. 571-1953) 4-1-89 Bruce Bor�dow 6616 Central Ave. NE (H. 571-0163) 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 ' 1� a:� 1 �''r� �•' "✓ 1.�' Y � ohn E. P'eyer 868 Alden 4Ja tv.E. �H. 571-5328 P I�ICE CD!!'IISSBZI � 2 ./21 6-9-91 4-1-89 Robert Minton 1538 N. Qberl in Ci rcl e (H. 574-1173) Peter Pierce 572 Rice Creek Terr. (H. 571-7045) Duane Peterson 1021 Hathati.�ay Ln. NE (H. 571-3386) IImars A. Prieditis 6031 BenjaQnin St. NE (H. 571-7230) Mavis Hauge 645 67th Ave. NE (H. 571-1083) , ORDINAN(E N0. ZOA #85-05 Woodbridge Propertie�, I� ORDINANCE . TO AIrEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, l�IINNES OTA BY !¢AKING A CHANGE Ild Z ONING DISTRIC'ls • . 1b� Council of the City of. Fridley dces ordain as fallows: SE�'TION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SEC TION 2. The tract or area r�ithin the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described a�: ' Lot �, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highwa�y, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the nortb half of the southeast quarter of Seetion 23, T 30, R-24 �rest, except that part taken for Highway, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition, (that portion of said Lot 5, Block 5, is also known as Lot 3� Block 1, Lake Pointe Corporate Center, a proposed plat) on file in the City Manager's Office, in and for Fridley, Minnesota, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-2�1, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as S-2 ( Redevel opment District ) . SEC"ION 3. Ttiat the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official z oning map to shaw said traet or area to be rez oned from Z oned District C-3 (General Shopping Center), �1 (Local Business), R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-3 (General Multiple Dwelling). PAS:ED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TH7.S DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTE 3T: SHIR .EY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK Publ .c Hearing: Firs ; Reading: Seco �d Reading: Publ .sh : WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, I��C, ZDA #g5-05 ST I PU LAT I OPJS I, CHANGES TO THE MASTER PLAN SHALL BE HANDLED AS OUTLINED IN THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEMO TO THE PLANNING �OMMISSION DATED �ANUARY 9, 1986� Z, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT THE DEVELOPER SUBMIT FOR EIOUSING & REDEVELOPMENTISTAFF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING COMPREHENSIVE PLANS WITH PHASING DETAILSJ A� STORM DRAINAGE B� LANDSCAPING C� �IGHTING D� SIGNAGE E� ARCHITECTURAL FACADE MATERIAL PLAN INCLUDING RAMP TREATMENTS 3. REZONING OF THE .JOHNSON PROPERTY, LOT S, BLOCK 5, DONNAY'S LAKEVIEW MANOR ADDITION, IS CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONTROL OF THE .JOHNSON PROPER7Y BY THE HOUSING & PEDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY� OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE TO BE COORDINATED WITH AC�UISITION DATE� � 7A I� C� :� i �. AT' �ACHMENT B Z Z N � Z H � W � � � � C� � ' ' •;.�� � � , . � �•�.�.R �, ; �•�.�. . . • .� . .•. . . :� .•r. .. . •�•�• � r •'.•�.• : �:`?� ' y�� • ,�::•. �� r . ' Q •.� � . `. _ . .:�3 � ;- i_ � .�..: � �- `�, : t� '; , ,- . K�.pb p ■ � �� l,��riQi1D' � 7p2LLN3.�1 ` S'9 ON .Qr�:N�''N �IA�1 310'1S Z � � �•���•'s~�• \ N �. .��.�'�� . .\ N � �' 1 r � ���ry � ' ' .,t I ,-' \� �S � ; � t - � � �" . !V _ �'\\ '` �\1 '� , • Y � � . ; �.:�a : •, __ � ; ` , ,— :_ , � �b �, .�i v �: ° 0 `• . ��i� / _^ .� W � � �' � `�� - . ' ' � ;`3` � s, � --- . -� . . � � i ,' . _ < � •,;; ; -S - - — 1 n , . - _ . . �;� � , „t � . O ;������� . -� ' .' ":� , o \ ����*;•,: � W �- i ; ! � ••�, o �� .; • � � a ' � � `` a I � � , `" `�`- . � � � � p � 9 - •:3 F, g ', � � ' �1Ni �; .. • _ �i�' �"'�• i � � °.y :� � i� . � ',� . d .�. ���y 5 �'� � � � � � ' \ !►'�.T � , r = r ; � ' �� �� ' �\ r'�� I � 1 • ,_. r � at O. � . Z" Y � a :; < .. d � _. < •° � � - O � o� W � � •- e� W �~ W �" _' Z ' . d � � � " � t .,,t .•. ' � � �s r^ � , � l 1 � / . ; � .� r � �: �� � � � � � � � y 1` ♦� ' y� o+o �` �1 j t A \\ ' /� . �• � �, i� � ,� � I � W ..� � . 1 ?�Yl S � � _ _ _ _ -_ r� . . -" �-J �� .~�. H1L ._J _ �s. - :•, ,: , : .�:,- _ "-� ZOA �85-05 Woodbridge P°operties � � _ � ��- � I O�t. �9 AYM/fJIH HNf1l11 31Y1S �� 133tl1S N S�n' i � � � �. i �'s! ���i !k ':�:_::_I ■ l:.:•.a: itl: =�=a:=i=. __.:=:� i aiiiip's s:� 3����s� �� a�� l�7iDl76 �i�i j 77l�3��1 l���t� � � � �4l�yi�� � � F= � � st �5 - OS 7D .� � � , CITYOf f R1 DLEY DtRECTORA7E OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM � T0: John G. Flora, Public Works Director PW86-39 FROt�: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator SUBJECT: Vantage Plat DATE: February 26, 1986 We are asking Council to set a Public Hearing date of March 17, 1986 for the Vantage Plat. This action should be taken on March 3, 1986. Due to the compressed Planning Commission/Council meeting sequence this month, Planning Commission minutes will not be available. JR/ts , o "a `:� ° �° �°1 ,� �--- � � Z( A #85-04 � � V�ntac�e Properties I #PE-01 3 .s A N �� RAPIDS CITY OF BLAlNE . _ _ —� � --- ; . ,�..�, ,, .' =' T „ c` �-! L'` .::. -�� ,. .� � f_ �' , .. • � , / � a ' 1`Y� � ( � )1. t �_ , � � `- � F'+'� � `�,` ''� .1, _ � , � . � �., f"'�: �.'�- `._ j V . ��,..� � , , , � � � � .� ,. . - �` � � �...� � .. `. �.. �•, � _��, �. '�, �+' '-�,: � " „� ,� F�• � • ; ,'✓ t� , f�y ` �, �n', � � .'`'� i^' r ' �,.,, I _ '� �, :� , .' �' � �i. �••1 � • �, �., y . 4.� ` - _ � ,' �,;, � �H � � Rf� RK': �,*� . � _,� a r � j ',� .' �.,-1 , . , ' - . •�, r•. �,.,� �-�; .. 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'� _ - - ' ' ' ' ' - ... .. i I ! h � .� . } _-. ; .,: `_: =.. � _ _F __�S I'.�i;. . i . � s � , = - _ _ -_ -a t` : � � i. , 1 _ l - - _ _ ! _ °� � � , �. y �, � ' - - - - - - - t == -- _ • �� ' �—! .. 1 i i �•i ~'sa � .�, • 1 :• . . ., : ; • • . . . : �. .....�...._..... �� �� ' _ _ _..� •-'• — — __ _O�i',, �, [- � ". r �--^�=. - _ r 6t �. •'i °' .. .. s . .. .. �� .t� 3 l• . • ', �L— —�— -- -- . - • � -. ,•�a � � - r . ?:.r: -. c v —+• f i _--� s -r- �4TT � /� • � Y � V � � ��� �T . �rt� . � _ _ _ _- _ _ � r��r _� �. �► CITYOF f RJ DLEY � ---- - ---- O�AECTOa�sTE oF PUBLIC W�RKS MEMOFiANDUM ., T): John G. Flora;- Public liorks Director FiOM: Bob Nordahl perations Analyst Pw86-38 SIBJECT: Recommendation to Contract with an Engineering Consulting Firm to Study Fridley's Water Filtration System D 1TE: February 26 � 1986 , o "a �� �o�o �, .�_ ,� �--- � S.nce the four sandfilters in the Common's Filter Plant failed, I aent out l�tters to five Engineering firms for proposals Lo study the Fridley Water F.ltration System and problems xith the sand filters. �+o firms responded �.th proposals. The tWO firms are TKDA� Inc. and Bonestroo, Anderlik� and A ssociates, Inc. I have contacted other cities on the two consulting firms performance r:ferences for si�ilar treatment plant studies and improvements. Both f.rms appear to have a high level of expertise in �+ater treatment plants a id Water distribution systems. T�A�s proposal of evaluation of the Fridley's existing plants and xater s�stem appears to be consistent with other cities experiences and their f�vorable results. Also the projected costs for their engineerir.g services aid estimates for contruction appear to be consisteat with proposals and c >st estimates. T;DA�s recomsendation in their proposal for correction and modification to t�e filters and then a full scale pilot system to determine the e'fectiveness of manganese removal, see�s to be a very viable solution to a:hieve the best results for improving the Fridley xater quality. B►sed upon Lhe comments from the other cities and the proposal received, b>th Ralph Yolkman and i feel very confident in contracting with TKDA Eigineering to design aad implement modifications to improve the Fridley W►ter Treatment facilities. T�A also offers long-range Water distribution and treatment solutions for fiture projects� plus they utilize a computer model to place the Cityts eitire xater system on-line if we need any additional help in the other a•eas of our Water system. This could be an economic addition and benef it t> the City if TBDA xas selected to redesign the filter system. I' you aeed further information, please let me knar. B i/Ls 9A �oge 3 Ey ir,stalling a iron and manganese reDOVal system� a projected annual cost �avir.gs car, be expected in the following areas: 1. Electrical Saving - punping shallox wells versus pumping deep xells -�2,000 month @ 12 months esti¢ated (Trizngle Engineerir�g, Inc.). . . .�24,000.00 . 2. Reduction of the Flust.ing Program consisting 4 water personnel labor @�11.00 for 40 days (280 hours) a year . . . . . . . . . 12�320.00 3. Less water loss for back►:ashir.g . . . . . . . . . 6,000.00 �1. Eetter quality of water sold to Residents ar,d ir,dustry (less filtering for industries) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gooduill Estimated Savir.gs �42,320.00 �r. ir.cr•ea�e ir. ar.r.ual costs will be experienced by the folloWing additional EqLiFoer,t ar.d materials: 1. Electrical inerease - due to addition of air conpressors and controls (est.). . . . . . .� 5,000.00 2. Pot�ssiun permanganate - added to the filter �y= tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 � 000. 00 Estiaated Cost ;15�000.00 l:ET SAVINGS �27�320.00 + GoodWill Sir�ce ue are f�ced xith repairing all of the filters in the Conmons Filter pl�nt, nor+ Would be the appropriate time to review tt,e entire plant, its �Fer�tion ar.d equiFment and determine what is Lhe most economical and state of the art improve�er,ts that can De considered to continue to provide saf e dr.d quality water to our residents. It should be noted that the filter plant can be operated at the current level until su�mer peak demands are present. At that time, the raW x2ter can be treated with chlorine and floride so that the peak demands are ssti�fied. This �ill still provide adequate quantities of safe and quality �rater without much de�radation in quality. This r+il� also a�low tiae Lo reviEU the proposals ar.d schedule ar:y iaprove�er.ts to the hfgh level reservoir, or well mainter�snce Work at proper ir.terv2ls. JGF/Eh/ts Psge 2 Ir. addition to the tank repairs, the follo�ing checicals, improven;ents, and �quiFnent Woula be necessary: 1. Hedia - anthracite greensand� treated or sand/gravel media can be used. 2. Air Scour connections - piping and nozzles needed inside the fil ters. � 3. Potassium peraanganate - lfust be fed to treat media for removal of manganese. 4. Equipment - Permanganate feed equipment and an air compressor� piping and controls will be necessary. 5• Floor Space - Some mir.or space modification needed for additior,al equipment. 6. Backuashing Tanks - additional holding tanks installed to recycle usable water from the black r+ater. 'he advar,tages of operating this system are listed belor+: 1. Can pump the more economical shallow �ells Without a manganese failure. 2. Less water lost to backrrashing and flushing. 3. Labor manhours saved by reducing fire hydrant flushir.g currer.tly scheduled txice a year. �1. Better quality of water to residents and especially industry. 5. CorSorm to the state standards for iron and aanganese in the water. "he disadvantages other tr,an initial cost, Lo this system are listed belor+: 1. So�e additional electric cost to run the feeding equipment and air compressor. 2. Added cost of purchasing the potassium permanganate needed to charge tre filter cell media for the removal of the �anganese. later quality data in milligrans per liter: Iron ba�ganese SLate standard 0.30 0.05 Fridley liater 0.25 0.45 9B RESOLIITION N0. - 1985 A RESOLOTION ORDERING PRII.IMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES QF THE COSTS THEREOF: iiATER � SANITARY rSEWER PROJECT #162 10 ZOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley as ! ollows: 1. That it appears in the interests oP the City and of the property owners �ffected that there be construeted certain improvements to-wit: ftreet improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous matt concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary seW er services, storm :ewer system, and other facilities located as follows: Lake Pointe Drive 7th Street to West Moore Lake Dr. Woodbridge Drive Lake Pointe Dr. to Lake Pointe Dr. �. That the Public Works Director, John G. Flora, City Hall, Fridley, linnesota, is hereby authorized and direeted to retain Sunde Engineering, Ine. t� draw the preliminary plans and specif ications and to tabulate the results of tis estimates of the costs of said improvements, including every item of cost from inception to completion and all fees and expenses ineurred (or to be ineurred) in connection therexith, or the financing thereof, and to make a Freliminary report of his findings stating therein Whether said improvements are feasible and whether they can best be made as proposed, or in connection w ith :�me other improvements (and the estimated cost as recommended), including also � description of the lands or area as may receive benefits therefrom and as may te proposed to be assessed. _ That said preliminary report shall be furnished to the City Council. iASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF _ , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR � TTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK : /6/ 1/23 ♦�� � � � � '�� � • � �� . � � • . . �" i Qr;� ,III�� �I.' �.. •.� •. . �1 ';• .•� \ ��A ��/� � . _ • - � .�. �Y ' - �; � �� J ` ' ; ..... G='.=' . � , _ �� . � �„ , �,� .:.� •� : -'•�• �� �� r11 � �II �� ° ` �`; i .I � I i ��� :: � � i r— :. I �,1� � , � � li� � � �; il �'I' . I .._..� �; . , � i. _. _ n , � , ` ' � —� :� ..l:r� �r� ,�.-- ..-�� ,., ::., ����M ����• �� 11 •� . I �� �� ��. - ����I �,a �� �i :� � 4/i �� � = � � � . . � • . . ...,. . — � �..' r . � ..- � _ � � �T � _1 g . = j ;� i —�l 1T I ` ,� :�� � :r r�• � � ., � ^ J� A• '� t�00�'��� �� J � L �:T T1 ^�.. � � �I L��n �b 1.. � �• w� �� � ��J���� I ,i��i C G C ••�►: �.� � 1 r S Q�' � •- �T: •i x •. •� ... �.� :tl��• f�.,:!: ( � c-""'� ;I�ji_;':i;t� l u .... I ^ • ������t • �� � � � / C �' • � • 'rw.. � i + +� • • � . C � v � ;ti -, r���..• C w� �••��f '• i! - �' -'-?t �--t� � ' � ��'�=�� :_ � �- _� r .J � • r � .r r N :�.�• r ,��t _��� ��` �: � = -�= � :�_=: : ' u ss -- .�' ::. '�; or .-• ' 1� � .�. �r - --:. ...: ;. _ ..,. �.._: ..._. ' � J � • , �; ; + ~�. � . I .�.�.• 1-.... . �� I :;. -. _ ..; :. . . .. , ��: .'., �. - .... J `; � .. � . `�� ` = ' �=.�;�_�� ��.. I �� �. � 0 � � -- �� , r� _- � ; �..�.� i .�. ... _.. _. -.: • r� •.� �I :�iii� I _"� =� �J � :. � /�1 / MO�RE „ / � , ;,. � �/ r I!� � , �. \� �, .T •. � /� a � �� ! :, �'J 1 '� �10' � ��►� � • ....— t i e ' ; Ta t . � � � i� � y�i r�� � � � .. �' ' � � ; ►` •= ,� - _ . _ _ r�_. .� .�..�, � �: ,= rwr� M� � v �pKE �.� �r� .y rN ,. p i�� � �; � . r-- - W ATER & SANITARY SEW ER PROJECT � 162 , ! I1JL111J� `� : x'� �.���'f `� . i ��/ ' �� ��r / � • ""� t w..�. � � �w�s �- d ....... I! •. • � I: aN�t• � ��_ " - 1 ..' � ��1� � � � r� m n ��,T� �= o. ;, �.��� 11 _. - : _ e _. .. �� LpKE .•'•Nlt� � � -. : -=. � y � y� /._�� � �J J � � K• , 11�- �:j rn : , �...:. _... �='�tii..� .:�:: . I I y~��� � � . �s �� .�. ; :. �o���.,. � , i ,�,, ,�.... , ..... . , . , �,�� .,�; �'' „ �.,�. � .�,,�,.,,. ., , , •���'�'�'��', , ;,,,.,,., �,,,,,�,.,�; �,. . .... .... � �� =� �" � _ Ii ,'� ' � � �� �� _ � — :��._ :,�_.'T «� 11 RESOLIITION N0. - 1986 A RESOLUTION RECEIYING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND YAIVING THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEI+�NTS: WATER AND SANITARY SEHER PROrTECT #162 WciEREAS, the construetion of certain improvements is deemed'to be in the iaterest of the City of_Fridley and the property o�ners affected thereby. F)W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the City Council of the City of Fridley as f �llows: 1, That the preliminary report submitted by the City Public Works Direetor, is hsreby received and accepted. 2, That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the owner c� each parcel of land directly affected or Within the area of lands as may be F^oposed to be assessed for said improvements, and calculate estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each of said lands. g, That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them as noted in said notice.are all the lands and areas as noted in said notice: AL1 of the same to be assessed proportionately according to the benef its r sceived. �I , That the estimates of assessments of the City Clerk shall be available for ilspection to the oWner of ar�y parcel of land as may be affected thereby. 5, That the improvements on Lake Pointe Drive and Woodbridge Drive are to be c�nstructed and assessed according to the signed development agreement between t1e City and the HRA, and therefore no public hearing is required for these i nprovements. FASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDL EY THIS DAY OF _ , 198b. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR E TTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK : /6/1/24 / • � � \ \ / � U �� ;. . _ � � .. . �O►\� � ��- � a i � �; � I: �� � •.�.� �w �', �• � `'= I I '� t __ I; �` �J; ..... M��• �IT!!_• � � � � 1 � M • ^ . I � �� r : .�.-• � T .::'� l II�, =� � 4� � , , �w , . �Ii ' � �,, .. -. _ � �� .... _ .. 1 ' �,��'JL ' t i'R- .. � ,�� ', �; ... .._. ���� i! � . � � � .. : . p . U ' � , C -- -.�. �_� �.J^� �` ' _ •1 .�y ,� .....« ...•. '� \ �• ,11, \ ,. _ ��_1�� �. ,���-_ �L !� I� .l �� � �=_j;;� = _. ; �`�r; ' � . ""' � _ ` - _ � � I I II �._ ... 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That it appears in the interests of the City, for the development of the 100 T�in Drive-In property, that certain structures be demolished and removed and trs site graded to prepare for development. The structures to be removed are all the buildings, utility services, parking lots, projection screens, speaker pcsts and other miscellaneous fixtures on the property presently know n as the 1C ��ain Drive-In Theater in Fridley, I�AJ. The earthwork to be completed shall ecnsist of soiZ eorrection and grading to prepare the site for construction of utilities, streets and structures. 2. That the Public Works Director, John G. Flora, City Hall, Fridley, MN is hEreby authorized and directed to retain Sunde Engineering, Ine. to dra� pl ans aid specification for this work and to advertise for bids for the demolition and rE moval of said structures. 3, That these improvements to the 100 Twin Drive-In property are to be ecnstructed and assessed according to the signed development agreement bettaeen tl e City and the HRA. P� SSID AND ADOPTED BY TIiE CITY COONCII. OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF _ , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR A 'TEST: .S iIRLEY A. HAAPALA, CITY CLERK 3 �6/ 1/25 .. �; ` U� � 1 � . � � . . aN YO�K Q�•lr ����� __-1 � . •� �.. � �� •:�°'s_� �, t ' .. ..: ; `�"1' - - � _ � :4 � � - J ,. . I� � ,. . I ... �. V�iii. �.� �� �� �� , ' ' M �, � 1f •�t 7 -..�� r � .�: • ;ii �. ,e. L ��� �. 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NEE - I�YOR ATI'E 3T : gilF �EY A. H�PALA - QTY CLERK Fir:= Reading: February 24, 1985 Seoc �d Reading : Pu41 ication: i3 �/ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- CLAIMS ■� March 3, 19�6 � Claims 6918 - 7020