03/17/1986 - 5147OFFICIAL QTY �iJNC7L P�FNDA OJL1N(�L NEE'rIl�1G NF1RC�i 17 � 1986 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN NAME ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER INTERESTED IN DATE: PRARCx i 7, 1 986 NAME ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER � ■r � 1 FRIDLEY Ct TY COUNCIL MARCH 17, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. Follo �ing are the "ACTIONS TAREN" by the Administration for your infor iation. -----•------------------------------------------------------------ PROCL. �r�IP,TZON - :'AIR HOUSING MONTB APRIL, 1986 :'roclamation issued TY tANAGER--ACTION TAREN• Forwarded proclamation to Fair lousing representative .. � �• ; . • _ � council Meeting, March 3, 1986 MinutES approved as presented CITY r 14NAGER--ACTION TAREN: Fil ed f or f ut ure ref erence ADOPTI�N OF AGENDA• P.�enda adopted as presented OPEN F)RUM. VISITORS: N� response PUBLIC HEARINGS• Public Hearing on the Matter of a Final Plat, P.S. # t6-01, Generally Located at 8100 University Avenue N.E., by Vantage Companies, Inc. . . . . . . . . Pi ,bl ic hea ri ng opened 7: 33 p. m. Cl osed 7: 39 p. m. BL WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Have put final plat on next agenda for consideration of approval � � . . 1 - 1 F �ounc� 1 Meeting, March 17, 1986 OLD Bi �INESS • Consic eration of an Agreement for the Development of the Rezoning of the Property Generally Locate d Between 81st Avenue and 83rd Avenue and BetweE n Main Street and Unviersity Avenue, by Vantac e Companies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �greement accepted PUBLI( WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Agreement was executed and forwa: ded to appropriate parties Page 2 2 - 2 X Consi� eration of Second Reading of an Ordinance for REZOning Request, ZOA �85-04, to Rezone the Propei ty Generally Located Between 81st Avenue and 83rd pvenue and Between Main Street and University AvenuE , by Vantage Companies, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 C C rdinance No. 855 adopted PUBLI( WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Inf ormed appl icant of adopti on of ordinance CITY NANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Published in Fridley Focus EN W BL NE S Receiv ing the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meetir g of February 26, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pinutes received A. Co nsideration of Lot Spl it Request, L. S. �86-01, Generally Located at 5738 - 7th Street, N.E., by Thomas Blomberg ............................ 4B - 4C Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval & 4L - 40 with Stipu�ations ouncil Action Needed: Consideration of Recomm endation C �uncil approval with stipulations pUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Informed applicant of Counci 1 approval with stipulations 4 - 4 R � Counc l Meeting, March 17, 1986 NEW BISINESS (Continued): (Plan� �ing Commision Meeting Continued) B. C< nsideration of Lot Split Request, L.S. #86-0:, Generally Located at 7136 East River Road, N.E., by Richard Malecek ............................ 4C - 4D Plann:ng Commission Recommendation: Approval & 4P - 4R with : tipulations ounc:l Action Needed: Consideration of � Recomr endation �'ouncil approval with stipulations UBLIc ' WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Inf ormed appl icant of Counc� 1 approval with stipulations Page 3 Consi� eration of Modif ication to the 1986 Commur ity Development Block Grant Budget Request to A1]ow for Funding of Locke Housing Restoration ..... 5- 5 F � pproved P LI< WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Notified County of changes in CDE G funds Consiceration of Adoption by Resolution of a NegatiJe Declaration for a Full Environmental Impact Statement for Lake Pointe Corporate Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 A Resolution No. 19-1986 adopted PUBLI WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Inf ormed appropriate partie s of Council approval Counci 1 Meeting, March 17, 1986 E�j W Bi SINESS (Continued) Consiceration of a Resolution Ordering Improvenent and Final Plans and Specifications and Estimates of Co: ts Thereof : Water & Sanitary Sewer Proj ect � 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fesolution No. 20-1986 adopted PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded with final plans Page 4 . . 7 - 7 A Consid �ration of a Resolution Ordering Improveqnent, Approv 31 of Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids: Water & Sanitary Sewer Project � 162 . . . . . . . . R�solution No. 21-1986 adopted P L WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded with advertising f or bi is Consid :ration of a Resolution Receiving a Petition to Wai �e the Public Hearing on the Matter of the Constr iction of Certain Improvements: Street Improv snent Proj ect No. St. 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . R�solution No. 22-1986 adopted PUBL WORRS--ACTION TAREN; Proceeded as authorized . . . 8 - 8 B 9 - 9A Counci 1 Meeting, March 17, 1986 Ej� W Bt SINESS (Continued) Consic eration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement and Fi nal Plans and Specifications and Estimates of Co: ts Thereof : Street Improvement Proj ect No. St . 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �esolution No. 23-1986 adopted PUBLIt WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consic eration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement, Appro� al of Plans and Ordering Advertisement f or B� ds : Street Improvement Proj ect No. St. 1� 86-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fesolution No. 24-1986 adopted PUBLI( WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Page 5 . . . . 10 - 10 A . . . . 11 - 11 A Consiceration of a Resolution Ordering Preliminary Plans, Specifications and Estimates of the Costs Therec f: Street Improvement Proj ect No. St. 1986-2 .... 12 - 12 B Fesolution No. 25-1986 adopted PUBLIt WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized 0 Counci 1 Meeting, March 17, 1986 EN W BCSINESS (Continued) Consiceration of a Resolution Receiving the Prelininary Report and Receiving Petitions to Waive the Public Hearing on the Matter of the Constr uction of Certain Improv�nents: Street Improv esnent Proj ect No. St. 1986-2 . . . . . . . . . Fesolution No. 26-1986 adopted Up BLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consideration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement and Fi nal Pl ans and Specif ications and Estimates of Costs rhereof : Street Improvement Proj ect No. St. 19 B6-Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fesolution No. 27-1986 adopted ,�UBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consid:ration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement and AFproval of Plans and Ordering Advertisement f or Bi 9s : Street Improvement Proj ect No. St. 1986-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F�solution No. 28-1986 adopted U LI WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Page 6 . . . . 13 . . . . 14 . . . . 15 Counc .1 Meeting, March 17, 1986 HEW B JSINESS (Continuedl Consi�leration of a Resolution Authorizing the Posti: �g of "No Parking" Signs on Lake Pointe Drive (M. S., �. S. 345) Between 7th Street and West Moore Lake 1�rive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lesolution No. 29-1986 adopted BLIc' WORRS--ACTION TAKEN: Proceeded with posting of "No P� rking" signs Consid�ration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement, Approval of Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids: Street Improvement Project No. St 1986-10 (Sealc �ating) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R �solution No. 30-1986 adopted PUBLIC WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consid+�ration of a Resolution Ordering Improvement, Approv�.l of Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids: Removal and Replacement of Miscellaneous Concret e, Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk - 1986 ..... Resolution No. 31-1986 adopted PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized . . Page 7 16 - 16 A . . . . 17 - 17 B . . . . 18 - 18 A Counc L1 Meeting, March 17, 1986 �EW B JSINESS (Continued) Pa ge 8 Consi ieration of an Agreement for Continued Place,ient of an Existing Pylon Sign, by Z's E itery (Formerly Periwinkels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 - 19 D . �ppr ov ed P BLI�: WORRS--ACTION TAKEN: Notified appropriate party of Council approval Recei� ing the Minutes of the Charter Commission of OctobE r 21, 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 F r inutes received BL ( WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Fil ed f or f ut ure ref er ence Consiceration of City Appointments to City Commi:sions (Tabled March 3, 1986) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 21 A Zabled Community Development & Environmental Quality Liane Savage appointed to Appeals Commission Claudia Dodge appointed to Human Resources �ick Young reappointed to Parks & Recreation �3nie1 Allen reappointed to Parks & Recreation Bruce Peterson reappointed to Environmental Quality D�an Saba reappointed to Energy Commission Bcuce Bondow reappointed to Energy Commission P�ter Pierce reappointed to Human Resources Commission D iane Peterson reappointed to CATV ITY �NAGER--ACTION TAREN� Have put Community Development and Enviro unental Quality appointments on next agenda t Counc .1 Meeting, March 17, 1986 , EW B )SINESS (Continued) Appoi itments - City Dmployees :oncurred CITY 4ANAGER--ACTION TAREN: em pl o; � ee s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notified accounting of new r. Page 9 22 Claim > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 �pproved � CENTR �L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid cl aims Licen, �es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 24 I � . ppr ov ed CENTR►L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Issued licenses Estim; .tes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 � .pproved E T,L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates ADJOU; �i: 8: 50 p.m. ��� FRIDLEY C! TY COUNCIL � MARCH 17, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. ,i . � � : :► .�� : �� fAiR HOUSING MONTH APRIL. 1986 =": � = � u ► (OUNCIL MEETING. MARCH 3. 1986 = �� � � = ��= �' ► ► Jl � ► (CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) ' : ■ :: ► PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF A FINAL PLAfi. P.S. #36-01, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 8100 UNIVERSITY AVENUE� N.E.. BY VANTAGE COMPANIES. INC. . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 F � �� COUNC L MEETING. DATE 1, 1 :, 1 CONSI[ERATION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR TNE DEVELOPMENT OF THf REZONING OF THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATfD BE7WEEN 815T AVENUE AND 83RD AVENUE AND BETWEIN MAIN STREET AND UNVIERSITY AVENUE. BY VANTA(E COMPANIES, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONSII�ERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR RIZONING REQUEST. ZOA #85-04, TO REZONE THE PROPEI'TY GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN 81ST AVENUE AND 83RD ��VENUE AND BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND UNIVERSITY AvENU;, BY VANTAGE COMPANIES, INC. . . . . . . . . . � RECEI'ING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION h1EET I �G OF FEBRUARY 26. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. C)NSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT RE�UEST. L.S. #86-�I, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 5738 - 7TH STREET. N.E.. BY THOMAS BLOMBERG ..............:............. 4B - 4C PLANN NG COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIQN: APPROVAL 8 4L - 4O WITH iTIPULATIONS COUNC L ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOM�ENDATfON PAGE 2 2-ZX 3-3C 4-4R :�i COUNC L MEETING. MARCH 17. 1986 ► : ► iPLANJING COMMISION MEETING CONTINUED) B. .C�INSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST. L.S. �86-0.', GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7136 EasT RIVER RoAD, N.E.. BY RICHARD MALECEK ............................ 4C -�4D P1A�l� NG COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL 8 4P - 4R W I TH ' iT I UPLAT I ONS COUNC L ACT� ON NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMI tENDAT I ON PA�E 3 CONSII�ERATION OF MODIFICATION TO THE 1986 COMMUI!ITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT BUDGET RE�UEST TO ALIOW FOR FUNDING OF LOCKE HOUSING RESTORATION ..... 5- 5 F CONSItERATION OF ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION OF A NEGAT VE DECLARATION FOR A FULL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC' STATEMENT FOR LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENTEI', . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 A COUNC,L MEETIN6. MARCH 17, 1986 ► � : 1 •► ► � PAGE 4 CONSI[ERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT � AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF CO�TS THEREOF: WATER 8 SANITARY SEWER PROJECT �162 ..........................;.7-7A CONSICERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERIN6 IMPROVEMENT. APPROIAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: WATER 8 SANITARY SEWER PROJECT # 162 ........ S- 8 B CONSICERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECEIVING A PETITION TO WAIVE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTFUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: STREET INPRO�EMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9A a COUNC L MEETIN6. MARCH 1%. 1986 ► : ► �► ► � PAGE 5 CONSIIERATION OF A RESOLU710N ORDERING IMPROVEMENT � AND F NAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF CO'TS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT No . S� . 1986-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .% . 10 - 10 A CONSI[ERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. APPROIAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR B DS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1�86-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 A CONSI[ERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THERECF; STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-2 .... 12 - 12 B i COUNC L MEETING. MARCH 17, 1986 1 � � 1 •► ► �� PAGE 6 CONSIIiERATiON OF A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE � PRELIIIINARY REPORT AND RECEIVING PETITIONS TO WAIVE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF THE CONSTI;UCTION OF CERTAIN (MPROVEMENTS: STREET �� IMPRO"EMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CONSI(ERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING (MPROVEMENT AND F NAL PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST . 1 � 86-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CONSIIERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING (MPROVEMENT AND Af PROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDER 1 NG AQIIERT 1 SEMEiVT FOR B DS: STREET iMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 COUNC L MEETING. MARCH 17. 1986 1 � : ► •► ► � PAGE 7 CONSIIERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE � POSTiI'G OF "NO PARKING" SIGNS ON LAKE POINTE DRIVE (M,S.i�.S. 345) BE7wEEN 7TH STREET AND WEST MOORE LAKE I �R i VE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 16 - 16 A CONSIIiERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. APPRO'AL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST 1986-10 � SEAL :OAT I NG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - �% B CONSI)ERATION OF A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. APPROIAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS CONCR:TE. CURB. GUTTER AND SIDEWALK - 1986 . . . . . . . . . 18 - 18 A 0 COUNCIL MEETING. MARCH 17. 1986 : CONS I [ P�acEr Z's E� RFCFi� OCTOBI CO�SI COMh1 I PAGE 8 COUNCI_ MEETING. MARCH 17, 1986 . 1 �. , APPOIN CLAIMS L i cErvs ESTIMA :_���� PAGE 9 � � � � � � � FAIR 80USIBG_NOIiTE ApriZ. 1986 MI►11li�n� Mayo� Frtdley, J. N�• MN WHEREAS, in Titta VIII of the Civit Righte Act of 1968. the PQ'LP Botc�ing Zarv, Co:grese dscZared a national poZicy of providing fair housiag throughcut the United StatQa; and WHEREAS� this Zaav raakes dzacrimination based on rae�. aes. color. rsZiyion. or nati�naZ origin iZZegaZ in connection avzth the eate or rsntaZ of housing; and WHEREAS, the ANOKA COUIDTY BOARD OF REALTORS is a aig»ator� to ths Yot�wtary Affirma�ive Marketing Agreement, a contract r�ith ths Depart�esnt of Boxs{n9 and Urbcn DeveZopment, to implemsnt TitZe VIII of the CiviZ Rtighte Act of 1968; ar,d WHEREAS, the Anoka Count� Co�munity Sousing Resouros Board �aa s+tabtiahsd to assiFt the ANOKA COUNTY BOARD OF RBALTORS in impte�►entting ths Yotuxtar� Affirma�ive Marketing Agreement; a�td � WXEREAS, the ANOKA COUNTY BOARD OF REALTORS and the AAOKA CDUITY COXXUIIITI HOUSING RESOURCE BOARD are committed to a joint effort to prst�snt discriminati�ng housing practices in the City of Fridte}�; and WHEREAS.. the ANOKA COUATY COMMUPITY EOUSIAG RSSOURCS BOARD and ths AAOKA COUNTY EOARD OF REALTORS are-�oining fsttor� Reaource Boarda and REALTORS nationrui�'e in this year's observance. catted Fair Eousing Nonth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVSD that I, WiZtiam d. Nee. Ma�or of the Cit� of Fridtey hereby proctaim ApriZ, 1986 as FAIR HOUSIgG AlO1TE � � And I u:�ge my f�ZZorv citiasne to aoin n�ith the ANOKA COUIYTI'. COaIXUJYITI HDUSING RESOURC�s BOARD and the,AN08A COUNTY BOARD OF RSALTORS in tkie observan:e by takzng an active part�in progra�a aponeorad bb ths�s tvo (2) organizations raho this month. and tkroughout ths bear. ars taking an active role in �etping make FridZ�� a bettsr ptace to Zive and r�ork. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have aet my hand and caueed the aeaZ of the City of FridZey to be affixed this 17th day of Mctrch. 1986. `.1 �.�'�-� �� ,.+. : � .+ � � � �, « WILLIAM J.�NEE, MAYOR THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL NEETING OF P'ARCH 3, 1986 T1 E MINtTrES OF Tf� RDGUII�R MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MARCH 3, 1' 86 Tt e Regular Meeting of the FridlEy City G��mcil was called to order at 7:30 p, m. by Mayor Nee. P1IDGE OF ALLDGIANCE• � I� yor Nee led the CAimcil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F] ag. RC LL C�1I�L : I�I�'BERS PRFSII3T: Mayor Nee, Co�mcilman Goodspeed, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Cb�mcilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette MENBFRS ABSIIVT: None P� )GL,AMATIONS • Maria lsabel Fernandez, Fore�,c�n Exchange Student Honora�v Citizen Ma ror Nee sta�ed he has issued a proclanation designating the week of March 3 is Foreign Exchange Student Week in honor of American Field Service and th � City's visiting menber, Maria lsabel Fernandez of Chile. Ms Sue Davis, District Representative of the American Field Service, in.roduced Ms. Fernandez and her host family, Mr. and Mrs. Huebner and their da ighter, Heidi, of Fridley. Ms Fernandez stated she lives in Santiago, Chile and it was her dream to oo� �e to the United States. She sp�ke of her family and country and of her cl �sses at Fridley High School. Co �ncilman Barnette stated when Ms. Fernandez registered at Fridley, he ra lized she spoke English better than most of us speak S�nish. He stated sh� � was a good student and welcomed the opportunity to bring people like Is� bel Fernandez to FxidlEy. Ms. Fernandez presented a flag of her o�untry to Mayor Nee and the Council ma bers. GIRL S()OUP WEII{ - MARCH 8-14. 1986: Ma� or Nee issued a proclamation c3esignating the week of March 8 through 14 as �irl So�ut Week and this proclamation was presented to the Girl Scout trc op attending the Co�,mcil meeting. CAMPFIRE 76Tfi BIRTEIDiAY Ma� or Nee issued a proclamation in Yionor of C�mp£ire's 76th birthday and its -1- contribution to the yotuig people in the c�mrnunity. This proclamation was presented to the Cam�ire group atteriding the Council meeting. • � �• • • �• v� l�yor Nee issued a proclamation desicp�ating the week of March 2 through 9 as Vol�teers of America week in honor of those who serve in the area af htm►an services. . . . �,����3��i��i � QOLINCIL MEETING, FEBRi�,RY 24. 1986: M�TION by Coeu�cilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seoonded tr� Co�mcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPPION OF AGFrIDA: HDTIDN by Councilman Schneider to acbpt the agenda as sui�nitted. Seconded by Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. QPEN FORUM. VISIZ�ORS: �ere was no resgonse fram the audience �der this iten of business. OLD BUSINF.SS• 1. O�INANCE NJ. 851 FOR VACATION RE4UEST, ZOA �85-06, TO VACATE THE UNUSED JOHNSON STREET DIDICATION LYING NUK�H OF SKYWOOD IANE AND S�UrH OF I-694. BY JOHN POLLARD: NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the second raading of Ordinance No. 851 ar�d adopt it on second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,- Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ••�� � ��, �� •• • •a• •• : 1 • • •;,�• � �• • �� • �� : � � � «��. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there were several stipulations attached to this request. • Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he would suggest, if the Council wishes to approve the seoond reading of the ordinance, that the Staff is satisfied the stipulations will be follawed before the ordinance is published. I�C?TION by Coi.uicilman Schneider to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 852 and adopt it on the seconc7 ra�ding and order publication, oontingent on satisfaction of the follaaing stipulations: 1. ) Busir�ess shall be open no later than 8:00 p.m.; 2.) Driveway fram Mississippi Street shall be "En�er" only; directional sign to be provided; 3. ) Hard surface curbed parking spaces to be provided; 4.) Joint parking and driveway easenerit with Sandee's Restaurant to be pravided; 5.) Business si� shall not exceed twenty-four -2- � �► + ��. �t ����i'_f�/=.�. ' : � (:'4) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height; 6. ) Provide 1, ndscaping to screen parking frcm Mississippi Street; 7.) Provide screening f� nce between rezoned property and residences to the west; and 8.) Provide g�rformance bond in the amo�mt of $2,000. Seconded by Coi.uicilman Barnette. U; �on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried u� .a ni.mously . , 3. Q�II�NCE I�U 853 REOODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 1 II�]TITLID "I,EGISIATIVE BOUNDARIES". SECTION 1. 02 • SUBDIVISION A, WARD 1. PZECINCT 1• SIIBDIVISION F, WARD 2, PRECINCT 1. SUBDIVISION G. WARD 2. P�INCT 2; AI�ID SUBDIVISION J. 4�1RD 3, PRECINCT 1• M�TIaN by Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to waive the second reading of Ordinance N��. 853 and adopt it on the seoond reading and order publication. Seconded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee d��clared the motion carried unanimously. • ���•. � � �,. . . � •• � •�;��;• �,� a�; �� � ' � 1• • •� � • �I; � • � .I y. ..�_�;� : : �_ • :,� ' �1:� �. M. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Woodbridge Properties will be d��veloping the 100 Ztain Drive-In property and adjacent Johnson property and tl ey have sul:mitted a plat for this Farcel. M. Flora stated there may be a slight variation in the exact description of tl �e road and this would be accomglished when the final m�lar of the plat is s itrnitted to the Goimcil. He outlined the three stipulations which should b� part of the plat's aoceptance. M �TION by Cotmcilman Goodspeed to apprave the final plat, P. S. #85-07, for W� �odbridge Properties, Inc. for develognent of the Lake Pointe Corporaie G�nter, with the follvwing stipulations: (1) Approval of final plat is a�ntingent upon site control of the Johnson property - Lot 5, Block 5, U�nnay's Lakeview Manor Addition; (2) Declaration of protective covenants a:�d eas�nents shall be sutmitted, appraved by the City and reoorded with the g at. Items of concern shall include, but not be limited to: (a) D. sposition and maintenance � outlots; (b) Restriction of outlots usage to g. een s�ce and buffer areas; (c) Mairitenance of co�nmon areas; (d) Lar�d use; (� �) Prohibited activities; (f) Joint parking/access agreements; and (g) 0 her items deened appropriate by the City Attorney; and (3) Park fee, based o: � total square footage of the reglatted properties as defir�ed in the public h�ring notice, to be paid on a pr�rata basis with each building permit. 5�nded by Co�mcilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor N� �e declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. �)�IDERATION OF EXTENDING RECORDING DATE FOR LAI�IDMARK ADDITION PLAT, ��.#85-01, BY ROBERT J. MC ADAM• M. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Mr. McAdam came before the Council t� plat land between Osborne Road and 77th in order to construct a m.ni-storage warehouse facility. He stated the code requires the t�ansaction be reoorded at the Cotmty within 180 days. -3- t ���� 1 1 • r,.,'i�l•�-a ' : . Mr. Flora stated Mr. McAdam had a problen getting the legal documents for reo�rding and has naw resolved this issue, and requests an extension of the reoording date. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked if this application has been signed by the property vwner. Mr. Flora stated the fee aaner is out of taan and would not be back for several weeks. Mr. Qureshi stated he felt this request should be tabled until the property aane r i s pr esent or appl ica ti on i s si gned b� him. MJTION by CAtmcilman Goodspeed to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 6. O�NSIDERATION OF CITY APP'OINrMENrS � CITY OON�'iISSIONS: APPEAI�S OOr�'iI SS ION • ��cilman Schneider rwninated Jerry Sherek, 1530 73-1/2 Avenue, to serve the seat vacated by Pat Gabel. There being no further nominations, the follvwing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the appointment of Jerry Sherek to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Cbimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried t�animously. POLICE OONII�IISSION• Ngyor Nee rxxninated Mavis Hauge for reappoir�tmerit to the Police Commission. �here being no further naninations, the following action was taken: MDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to �ncur with Mayor Nee's nanination, and cast an tnanimous tx�llot, for the reappointment of Mavis Hauge to the P�lice Comnission. Se�onded b� (buncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. OONINfUNITY DEVEIAPMENr �ISSION• Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick nominated Margaret Hendley, who presently serves on the Charter Commission, for appointment to the Community Development Commission to fill the seat vacated by Louis Schmidt. There being no further ryocninations, the follaaing action was taken: i�OTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the appoir�tment of Margaret Her�dley, 118 Craig Way, to the Comnunity Develognent C��nission. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MQTION by Councilman Schneider to table the rest of the Commission a�intmer�ts to the rext CoLmcil meeting. Se�onded by Co�cilman Barnette. -4- i � �� ���1�/ _►_. • - �. . �, .� . . U; �on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried w �animously. �I �1 BUSINF.SS• 7. Q►N�IDERATION OF FIRST RFADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR REZOI�IlVG UEST. ZOA #85- 0' � LAKE POINrE QORP'ORATE CII�TPER/100 ZWIN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA IN COOPERATION W TH WOODBRIDGE PRUPEFd'IES, INC.: M. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to rezone the 100 �t in Drive-In property and associated Johnson property. He stated the p. operty is currer�tly zoned C-1, C-3, R-3 and R-1, and the proposal is to r� zone to S-2, leaving the R-1 zoning along the northern boundary and a g rtion of the westerly boundary of the road into the developnent. M. Flora stated the S-2 zoning would al.laa developnerrt at C-3 uses to occur a a master plan. He stated a public hearing was held on this rezoning and • t] ree stipulations which dealt with this issue similar to the stipulations ' i�� the plat, which was just discussed earlier in the meeting. Mc �TION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the reading and approve the o� dinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a v� �ice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tu animously. 8. ,Q( ��SIDERATION OF S�TTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF A FINAL PLAT, P S #86-01, GENERALI,Y I4CATID AT 8100 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.. BY VANTAGE Q( �MPANIES. INC. • M TD�N by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this plat for M� rch 17, 1986. Seoonded tr� CAUncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all v� �ting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously. 9. QI �]SIDERATION OF R�700N4�IDATION Zn SELECT AN II�GINEERING aDNSULTING FIRM TO �;PAIR THE O�AR�fONS PARK FILTRATION PIANr� M� . Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated there was a problen at the Commons P rk Filtration Plant in that the screens have rusted and caused the filters t� be worn out. M� . Flora stated the City has requested proposals f rom engineering a nsulting fi�ns for evaluation of the existing filtration plarits and water s stans. He stated two firnts responded, Z�, Inc. and Bonestroo, Anderlik a� d Associates, Inc. Mi . Flora stated TI�A's reoorrmendation to analyze the water in the system a� d establish a full scale pilot systen to determine the effectiveness of m< nganese remwal seems to be the most prudent method of correcting this p� oblen. He s�ated it is reoomanended that TKDA, Inc. be hired to conduct t2 is study. Ct tmcilman Schneider asked the vost. Mr. Flora stated it would be about -5- ��iJ.�. I 1�, • �: •� • •� • ' • $15,000 and wouZd be oomgleted within 90 days. NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to ooncur with the recommendation of the Engineering staff for TKDA, Inc. to study the City's water filtration systan. Sec�r�ded b� Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. $ESOLUTION N0. 16-198fi ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND F�TIMATES OF THE OOSTS THF,RDOF: in�TER & SANITARY SEWE',R PRO�TECT �162: NDTION by Co�cilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 16-1986. Seconded by Co�mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. RE90LtTrION N0. 17-1986 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND WAIVING THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: WATER & SANITARY SEWER PR(a7ECT �162: M�TION by Co�cilman the motion Co�cilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 17-1986. Seoonded by Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared carried tuzanimously. 12. �F'�OLiTrION N0. 18-1986 OF�ERING DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND SITE GRADING• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this resolution deals with the 100 ZWin Drive-In property where the City, through the HRA, has an agreement to make the site developable. He stated this resolution would authorize the removal of the large screen, two existing structures, and other miscella�ous fixtures in order to prepare the site and bring it up to grade f or develognent. Cbuncilman Barnette asked if this wou].d invalve a lat of fill being removed or hauled into the site, and wondered hvw the grade along 7th Street would be har�dl ed. Mr. Flora stated pre�ration of the site would mostly involve moving the fill around on the property. He further stated there would be s�►e berming along 7th Street, but the major road would be sloped and flatten out before it reaches 7th Street. NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to adopt Resolution No. 18-1986. Sev�nded tr� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. Q�INANCE IVI� 854 REC70DIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AMENDING APPENDIX F ��U�IIDING AA7USrME�Tr OF SAIARIES FOR MAYOR AI�ID QOUNCIL MFMBERS• 1�DTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the sea�nd reading of Ordinance No. 854 and adopt it on the seoond reading arx3 order publication. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moti� carried unanimously. -6- � \� � � �� 71i : _ :� �� 14. � �IM.� P4 ►TION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 6918 tl rough 7020. Seoonded by Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all v� �ting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec3 unanimously. �,.�; i a� , Mc�TION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by o; uncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t+hyor Nee declared tl e motian carried �manimously, and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cc uncil � March 3, 1986 adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Re spectf ully sutrnitted, � role Haddad, SE cretary to the Ci ty CALmcil AF praved: 7- Willian J. Nee, Ngyor PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Countil of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, Plarch 17, 1986 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. #86-01, Vantage Company's Addition, by Vantage Companies, Inc., being a replat of the southerly 452.64 feet of all that part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying westerly of State Trunk Highway 47, to be used as a shopping center, the same being 8100 University Avenue N.E. An� and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the abcve stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Putlish: March 3, 1986 March 10, 1986 1 1A CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSIO�� �4EETIt�G, FEaRUARY 27, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: Chaiiperson Gabel called the February 27, 1986, Planning Commission orde� at 1:33 p.m. ; ROLL CALL: Mer�bE rs Present: Pat Gabel, LeRoy Oquist, Wayne We Donald Betzold / MenbE rs Absent: Dave Kondricl: ing to , Qob Minton, Dean Saba, Otlie► s Present: Jim Robinson, Plan ' g Coordinator Fred & Doris Jo , 5905 Westbrook Rd. 55422 Richard Nale , 7136 East River Road Tom Blomb , 1661 Camelot Lane Paul D erg, 6664 East River Road Kel oran, 2626 East 82nd St. APPR( UAL OF �A7UARY 22, 1986, PLANNING COMMISSIO�J �tI�JUTES: T MO:"Ic !� ' l�R. WELLFil:, SECD:�DED BY MR. 3ABA, TD APPROVE TNE J.WJ. 22, 1986, PLANNING C0:!' . �sION MINL'TES AS WRI: TEti . UPOS A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING A1'E, CHAIRPERSO!� GABEL DECLARED THE MOTIO+ CARRIED U.":Fi:J. MOJSLI'. 1. ! UQLIC HEARI��G: CO��SIDERATIOW OF A PRELIMItJARY PLAT, P.S. �8G-Ol, BY ' At�TAGE COt1PA'�IES, IWC.: 'antage Company s A ition, by Vantage Companies, Inc., being a replat of he southerly 452.64 feet of all that part of the southwest quarter of he northwest quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, ying westerly of State Trunk Higt�way 47, to be used as a shopping center, he sar�e being 8100 University Avenue t�.E. .!O:'I�?: B�' MR. MINTON, SECO;�'DED BY MR. BETZOiD, TO OPE?: THE PUBLIC HF.ARING. �POti' A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOl7 GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC 'EARING OPE": .�tT 7:34 P.M. llr. Robinson stated the property was located north of 81st and west of !Iniversity Ave. The petitioner was looking at platting 12.6 acres. Present oning was M-2, heavy industrial; however, the petitioner has petitioned for �ezoning from M-2 to C-3 and C-2. It was originally planned to be rezoned to �ll C-3, but with the submission of the plat, one lot when subjected to the :ity's setback requirements, would have a quite small setback, so the zoning m that lot was changed to C-2 to maintain a buildable usable lot. 1B PLA'�' i��G CflMt•1ISSIOt� MEETItJG, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 2 �r. Robinson stated the entire project would be a phased project. The first jhase was the construction of the approx. 100,000 sq. ft. Wholesale Club. 'he second phase would be 77,000 sq. ft, of additional retail, and additional (hases if the project is successful and tenants are required. Tr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Plat to be recorded prior to rezoning being recorded. 2. Additional right-of-way to be provided consistent with street improvements 3. Driveway onto 81st Ave. to be widened to three lanes. 4. Driveway onto the service road to be temporary; permanent driveway to be located north of curve with Phase II construction. 5. Park fee consistent with area of lots on final plat to be paid prior to recording. Ils. Gabel asked if there was any information on the informal Environmental ,ssess�ent Worksheet being required by the City. Ilr. Robinson stated they have written to the Environmental Quality Board, ,nd the response received from the EQB was that they did not see any negative mpact. Their primary concern was storm water run-off, Inasmuch as this s being taken care of with the sane criteria as the Rice Creek Watershed l�istrict, there shouldn't be any problems. He stated John Flora, Public Worics ',�irector,Was coriing to the meeting later to talk about water quality in this rea. Ilr, Robinson stated they also sent a letter to the ONR, but have not yet eceived any response. Ilr. Kelly Doran, Vantage Companies, stated they agree to the stipulations s presented by Staff. 7hey did want to clarify a little further one issue �egarding stipulation #2. What the City Y1d5 desiring was an additional ' ft. along the frontage road and 20 ft, along Slst Ave. They would like ,hese footages defined in the stipulation. 'Is. Gabel stated that in previous discussions, there has been talk about 6 ft, of peat in some places. If 16 ft, of peat is dug out of here which �olds a considerable amount of water, was the capacity of the pond able to itilize the water that was being retained by the soil previously? ir. Doran stated they have hired the engir�eering firm, BRW, which has done a :onsiderable amount of work in the netropolitan area. They will provide as �art of the stipulations for rezoning a drainage plan that is consistent with :ity code; that drainage plan will call for no more run-off post-development :han there was pre-development. 1C PL�.NhING CONNISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, i986 ___ ___PAGE 3 F�TION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HEARING. IPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TNE PUBLIC iEARING CLOSED AT 7:49 P.M. 1' OTIDti BY HR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY lNR. MINTON, TO RECOMM.END TO C.�TY COUNCIL � PPRO:'AL OF PRELIMINPI2Y PLAT, P.S. M86-01, BY VANTAGE COMPAP:IES,�IP7C.: ' A17TAGE COMPAA'Y'S ADDI2IDN, BY VANTAGE CO:�PAIVIES, INC. � BEIl7G A REPLAT OF : XE SOUTNERL-Y 452.64 FEET OF ALL THAT PART OF TXE SDU2'X�:EST QUARTER OF TNE 1OP.THk'EST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, T-30, R-?4, ANOKA CDUNTY, MII�NESOTA, L�'ING {'ESTERLY OF STATE TRUNY. HIGNWAY 47� TO BE USED AS A SNOPPI.NG CENTER� TNE :'A�fE BEI.:G 8100 UNIVERISTY AVE:lUE N.E. , WITH TF!E FOLLOk'ING STIPULATIONS: 1. PLAT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO REZONING BEING RECORDED. 2. ADDITIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE PROVIDED COtJSISTENT k'ITX STREET IMpROVEMENTS--THAT RIGHT OF WA�' TO BE 7 FT. AIAI�G THE FR0:7TAGE ROAD AND 20 FT. ALONG 81ST AVE. 3. DRIVEWAY OlVTO 81ST A VE;:UE TO BE WIDENED TD THREE LANES. 4. DRIVEWAY ONTO TNE SERL'ICE ROAD TO BE TEMPOP,ARYj PERI�SAfVEA'T DRIVEWAY TO BE LOCATED NORTH OF CURVE WITX PHASE II COb'STRUCTION. 5. PARK FEE COtJSISTENT WITH AREA OF LOTS ON FINAL PLAT TO BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDIhG. 7PON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VO.TING AYE, CHAIP,PERSON GABEL DECLFiRED THE MOTIOf: :ARRIED UNAf�IMOUSLY. Ns. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on March 17. 2. COl�SIDERATIOt� OF A LOT SPLIT, L.S, #86-01, BY TNOMAS BLOMBERG: Split off the south one half of Lot 4, Block 32, Nyde P� arTc, together with the east one half of the adjacent vacated alley and add to Lot 5, Block 32, de Park, to create a single family residence, and split off the north on alf of Lot 4, Block 32, Hyde Park, together with the east one half of the a' cent vacated alley and add to Lot 3, Block 32, Hyde Park, to create a single ily residence, the same being 5738 - 7th Street N.E. Mr. Robinson st d this property was located west of 7th St. and north of 57th Place, and in ved three 44 ft, lots. The property was zoned R-1 as was most of the surro ing area. 7he proposal was to take the three lots and create two 66 ft, lo Mr. Robinson stated Staff was r�Qr�mending the following stipulations: i. Existing house to be remove ior to issuance of a building permit. 2. Park fee of y750 to be paid prior issuance of a building permit. 3. Lot split to be recorded prior to issuanc f a building permit. 4. Variances for 1ot area from 9,000 sq. ft, to 905 sq. ft. and lot width from 75 ft. to 66 ft, to be approved ' h lot split. 1D VANTAGE COMPANY�S ADDITION P,S, �86-01 STIPULATIONS % 1� �LAT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO REZONING BEING RECORDED� Z� �DDITIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE PROVIDED CONSISTENT V�ITH STREET �MPROVEMENTS� 3� )RIVEWAY ONTO 31ST AVENUE TO BE N�IDENED TO THREE LANES� 4, )RIVEWAY ONTO THE SERVICE ROAD TO BE TFMPORARY; PERMANENT DRIVEWAY (0 BE LOCATED NORTH OF CURVE WITH PHASE II CONSTRUCTION, 5� �ARK FEE CONSISTENT WITH AREA OF LOTS ON FINAL PLAT TO BE PAID 'RIOR TO RECORDING� . . + � ; �' � / � � Vantz 3e Canpanies, Inc. ; � j P.S. �86-01 � j � ;. _Z1"' ` . � � �� , f t, i ; � - . � � � i .� . ` • t�. � f .� �. . , __. _ ""r . �.j � � .. 1. �� . , � � �� 1 � ` � 1 � �• . M { � � A AI • � • • � • � 1 • 1 . �' .�'0 ' �� , : `� ,,� : , OU; • • + � '. • _.. i.a• i=rt i , � , '- � -y- ..�.,�. _. , . � - -,,.- -;- ' � . -- ,� � a -� � �---- i • � 8 3 ,.- _ � _ , � .� '!w—� �_ - � . � �, ' '� 82� � 02�8 ' : . A. • � - i Y I ,- � ��. , � � 2 J. , ' � 8 � . _ d. , � ,. : , A � � - G .,.�'; : . �` �'� � � . � ' ..•� y : ; 1� . . EAi.s 2` � — --j�:.�-- --- � , o�- ' ` 'f . . �� - 3 s j �R5 �� ; . �� . f �,� .— �, , - , I . • • .,, .N , - . ', � � � _. . . � . ♦ � • � �„� t 1 { i ! ' ; • ---•1 ' � i .,, � / i 1 . � "'�. �-''.�.`a% . „' : W ' — ' ^' i i �--� Z i • Q • , •• � � � � � ! ou . , � , , a . � �+: ' ._ { . . _ _- -- . , , . . . . �. .,�:. lt� • . , • �• . � ; � , i --� . , ^ '_� ' . " f � 1 (l�= - • �. � s. � � � ��� �--` -- - - - - - - --- - • - — . . �. �-- � - _ � . . _ _ 1Y !!�1�y�G'A+�lti1fR S • • . X{r ` � ' 1 •�r � • . _ � � � - _ LOCATI N AP � ; � �� � r • ��- �n> � iQ � � � � 0 :^ I��r.w. cr S� 7-]0-N ',+� Sa ,°�, � � i i ; ,� u I t— LL! �:; � �, H W � W i ry � o N i 3 i � � o Z � VANTAt�1 E CE:�11�'3AN1!'� �' F _GiTY �—_�AIQL�Y. ADDI'r"IOIV ANOKA COUNTY q4i'YA.�IO �T 7eft MOI�s� Tlre A. ►rulq �Ytr orlvtY �rM. [x.. . Nl�uu.ue. mrwr�tloa, r« .r�r. w r.ry� re.irrct�. �.�.. . r.�w e.eMnu.,. cwir�ri q.re�...� a� �n. rauwi�� a..«twr �r%...y: T1w SuutA 552.6t fwt ot dl t�aa prt ot tM SweMrer� Qwrur M tM NurtAre�[ i�wr[�r .t s.a.�w t. r...al� w. �rv 1�. �w. e.wt�, �ue....t.. ►rty r..u.tr a� s�.e. rrrr , . riNw� w. u. ' Ww c�u�W tN ��r to M w�rwyN �w.l ylattN r VAMiAC[ l:ulPAMiff NY1TIq1 �M b WrYy �uw�te �M NiluH to tM yo�lla (x pWl/c u�� fore�er tlr /nlw�p.r� rlllltr w�e�t�. �trMt. �v�wua rW Irlw �� �A.w� w tlw ►l�t. In r/cne�� M�.raof r/� Tlw �cidle� G�lf Yrlvly YnM. Iwc.. a NlMewu atpr�tlow, M� t�w�d tA••u pr�Nne� te M dMe� ►� li+ yro�ner ufflt�� t41� ��y o( ___� 19Y►. � in rliwe�� Mrrwd w11 V�o�y� ►roNrtlu, I�r.. � Tr�i� corpr�tlon. Ir tard tMew �r��Mt• - � to Au �tpw� �� !t+ ►f��f of(lcrr thl. dy �t , . lM�. 1I471C11: The Frlrley /:'1f Gr/vly{ Va�. la�. •• t..`er M. Jope�. Itw Yr�rIMM '_�_.�_ � .. Vw1aR� ��ytirtl��, f�c. . wt[Iw �. Nleoll. lci t�ewiw Itfr ►re�l�wl. :Ilweyull� �lv��lM e . �S�` `• �ti: w.:; ,` �� . �,:'w SN'!�'IY'f'1211.� :i�n: �sr��%� �.r �i."�i� � �^�,. \, `t. . .``�:'t : ,. �•fNN I I i«� �•�rN'tr / // 8ti�� ��/ S � 4��p$ V/ v6/ I _. I Z � � � ' r.. � �;, i t�+'� lAT 1 8 W$. i J y. h� � �� Q; gI» . I �� ; h - • w • , .' �` . ► J� i' �I _ �' �- - ---------- --. --- _ - .:..n ---------- -------.__ ...-- ^=' � ^ dl S1. AVENUE � - � ?:� �i �owi. __ � C� � � ..N�9'39'�Y� W •121�.72 r Vtti i — J 1'!L" . � — �.i.: ..,�.: ��.. .T�.. s�iv� d �r— � • i i � �.v� � s...t-w-��� a.i � � � � f.� � �u � . : t� c� 3; � ^r '.:"JiVER.'••!'[';• I�e ^��w•,�• „ 'rx�u liv:.::.�:•TRiHI u:� •1, vy ._ Q.�.hM W��� ��n � M� W+ N��� �� � — _. . _ _- �— -- -�-- - -1- ;' : i_, � - �i; Nr• W Iw� :' .. �.�w� rN...�� ' M�I. ��� .Ii�+.w�'��.N� I.�M. � 0�.�, MM� C 1� µ,~ �r��� � r��rN fa�N � O 4«.w� ..0 ....,.�.� rr • ���w� �1� IM17 �� r n • r � ' . . . _. �.w�r.. � w.tw . �w �� ._�_._._ .. _ ,.. ...... . 1 .. . % ' � ,b `/ � � � y� ) � �� �' n/;7a� ���� � i .�y �� �71i i�' 1 ���5 • + .{ � W � /' ' ..� � r /�� � ZI � nO ' �� ii i; P � � � � � `� � .T. I � I � i •.'i � -= r. g l0 T 1 I n 1' ~ � � �� tW �, ,�� i °i y : 1��.7��— � y 7, NE. � I rie. _ � �,,.��..� _,. �`--}-- .., / �' _ I ¢ � I �- � P�'�RK w 1� � � i D� af t 3/12/86 AGREEMENT By and Between THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA And VANTAGE PROPERTIES, INC. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Herrick 6 Newman P.A. 6219 Univer5ity Avenue N.E. Fridlzy, Minnesota 55432 m 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Tnis Table of Contents is not part of the Agreement and is only for convenience of reference.) Page AR�ICLS I - DEFINITIONS Section l.l. Definitions ....................... 1-1 , AR'ICLE II - REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Szction 2.1. Representations and Warranties by the City .. ....... ....... ....... Section 2.2. Representations and�Warranties by the Company ....................... 2-1 2-1 AR.'ICLE III - REZONING Section 3.1. Rezoniag of the Devzlopment Property by City ................ 3-1 Section 3.2. Costs .............................. 3-1 AR"ICLE IV Section Section Section S?ction S2ction Section - COMPANY'S OBLIGATIONS 4.1. Construction of Minimum Improvements ..................... 4.2. Construction Plans .. .. .... ..... 4.3. Commencement and Completion of Construction ...................... 4.4. Use ............................... 4.5 Setdack .......................... 4.6 Billboar3 ......................... 4-1 4-1 4-2 �-2 4-2 4-2 AR''ICLE V - IMPROVEMENTS Section 5.1. Public Improvzments ............... 5-1 S2ction 5.2. Ease:nents ......................... 5-1 Section 5.3. Assessments ....................... 5-1 AR'.ICLE VI - ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER: INDEMNIFICATION Section 6.1. R�strictions Upon Transfer of Property and A�signmant of Agreement .. .... ............... Secci�n G.2. Relzasa an3�Indemnification Covenant� ......................... AR7ICLE VII Section Section Section Section Section Section Section - EVENTS OF DEFAULT 7.1. Events of Default Defined ......... 7.2. Remedies on Default ............... 7.3. No Remedy Exclusive ... . ..... 7.4. No Additional Waiver Implied�by One Waiver ........................ 7.5. Termination . .................... 7.6. Action to Terminate ............... 7.7. Effect of Termination ............. 6-1 6-2 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-2 2A AR"ICLE VIII - ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Section 8.1. Titles of Articles and Sections ... Section 8.2. Notices and Demands ............... Section 8.3. Counterparts ...................... Section 8.4. Law Governing ..................... Section 8.5. Binding ........................... 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 2B 2C AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is by and bet�een the City oi Fridley, Mirnesota, ("City") an3 Vantage Properties, Inc., a Texas Cor- poiation, (the "Company") and provides as follows: ARTICLE I Definitions Section 1.1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, thE follo�ing terms have the following respective meanings: "Construction Plans" means the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents on all construction work to be performzd by the Company on the Development Property, including all on-site improvemants to be performed, in�ta112d or constructed upon the Development Property pur- su�nt to this Agraement. Such plans shall, at a minimum, include, for each building or other structure to be corstructed on the Development Property, at least the following: (i) site plan; (ii) foundation plan; (iii) ba;ement plans; (iv) floor plan for each floor; (v) cross sections of each (lenqth and width>; (vi) elevations (all sices); and (vii) landscape plan, and shall include as well adtquate plans, draaings and specifications relating to all driveways, walk�, parking, and other improvements to be corstructed upon the Development Property by the Company. ThE site olan submitted by the Company to the Building In�pector for the City, if approved by the Building In;pector and acceptable to the City, may serve as the Corstruction Plans. "Development Pro�erty" means the real property de�cribed in Exhibit A of this Agreement. "Development Plan" means the plan attached hereto as Exribit C, the original of which is on file with the Authority, generally describing the development to be uncertaken by the Company hereunder. "Dev�lopment Quality Plan" means the pictorial descrip- tic�, attached hereto as Exhibit D, the original of which is on file with the Authority, of the anticipated quality of the Minimum Improvements; the Development Quality Plan does not purport, ho�ever, to conform to or amend the Development Plan but is intzndad to reflect the definitions of "quality" �et forth in Section 4.2 hereof. "Event of Dzfault" means an event of default defined in Section 7.1 of this Agreement. "Fridley Zoninq Code" shall refer to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code and any subsequent amendments. 1 - 1 2D "Minimum Improve�nenta" �eans the ap�roximately 100,000 s5zare foot building to be constructed on the Phase I pro- perty and approximately 60,000 square foot buildinq to be ccnstructed on �he Phase II proQerty, and all other improve- ments, includiag driveways, walks, and parking and fixtures an3 e�uipment to be constructed by the Company upon the Developmant Property pursuant to this Agreement, to be ccnstructed and used by the Company as commercial facili- tiss, as such improvements are described and detailed in the Ccastruction Plans. ' "Phase I Property" mean� the real property described in Exaibit E of this Agreement and shall be used interchangea- bl� with "Parcel I". "Ph�se II Property" means the real prooerty described in Exhibit F of this A3reement and shall be used interchanqeably with "Parcel ZI". "Redevelopment Plan" means the redevelopment plan ad�pted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley for its Redevelopment Project No. 1, as amende3. "Southeast Parcel" msans the real property described in Ex�ibit G of this Agreemant. "Unavoidable Delays means delays, outside the control of th� Party claiming its occurrence, which are the direct re�ult of strikes, other labor troubles, unusually severe or pr�longed bad �eather, Acts of God, fire or other casualty to the Minimum Improveme►its, litigation commenced by third parties which, by injunction or other similar judicial action, directly results in delays, or acts of any £ederal, st3te or local governmental unit (other than the City) which directly result in delays. Unimproved Parcel. Either Parcel I or II on which �he Mizimu�n Improvements have not been constructed withiz the tine frame provi3ed for in Section 4.3. 1 - 2 2E ARTICLE II Representations and Warranties Section 2.1 Repres�ntations and warranties by the Ci �. The City represents and warrants that it is author- iz�d to enter into and perform its obligations under this Ag�aement; however, no part of this Agreement shall be con- �t�ued as a representation of the City as to the condition of the Development Property or as to its suitability for th� Ca�pany's purposes and needs. Section 2.2 Representations and Warranties by the Co��pany. The Company represents and warrants that: (a) The Company is a Texas corporation, to its knowledge is not in violation of any provi�ions of the laws of Minnesota and is authorized to enter into an3 perform its obligations under this Agreement. (b) The Company will construct, operate and maintain the Minimum Improvements upon the Development Property in accordance with this Agreement and all local, state and federal la�s and regulations (including without lim- itation environmental, zoning, building code and public health laws and regulations). (c) Tha Minimum Improvements to be constructed on the Phase I Property are expected to co5t approximately 54,003,OJ0.00 and the Minimum Improvemznts to be constr�cted on the Phase II Property are expected to cost apgroximately $3,000,000.00 (d) The Company has received no notice or communication from any local, state or federal official or body that the activities of the Company respecting the Development Property or the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon may be or will be in violation of any law or regulation, except as may have been previously disclosed by the Company to the City. (e) Thz Company will use its best efforts to obtain, in a timely manner, all required permit�, licenses and approvals, and to meet, in a timely manner, all require- ments of all applicabla local, stat2 and federal laws and regulations which must be obtaine3 or met before the Minimum Improvements may be lawfully �onstructed. (i), The Company is the o�aner in fe� simple of the Development Property and that there are no other inter- ests or claims, either recorded or unrecorded, against the Development Property w:�ich M�ill impair or impede tne performance of the terms of this Agrzement by the Company. 2 - 2 ARTICLE III Rezonin�c Section 3.1. Rezoni�g of the Development Property by th: City. Subject to th2 balance of this Agr�ement, the City agrees to rezone Parcel I and Parcel II to zoning clas- siEicati�n C-3 and to rezone the Southeast Parcel to zoning cl3ssification C-2. Section 3.2. Costs. Nothing in this Agreement shall be co�strued to relieve the Company of its obligation to pay a1L customary and routine costs and fees impose� by the City in processing a rezoning request. 3 - 1 2F 2G ARTICLE IV Company's Obligations Section 4.1. Con�truction of Minimum Improvements. The Co��pany agrees that it will construct the Minimum Im;�rovements on the Development Property in confarmance with th�� approved Construction Plans. Section 4.2. �onstruction Plans. (a) The City shall have no obligation to the Company to take any action pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, until such time as the Company has submitted Construction Plans to the City, which plans may be sub- nitted separately for each phase and the City has approved such Construction Plans. The City shall approve the Construction Plans if: (a) the Construction Plans conform to the provisions of thi� Agreement, the Redevelopmznt Plans, the Development Plan, the Development Quality Plan an3 to all applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; (b) the Construction Plans shall include a landscaping plan, which snall be acceptable to the City and which shall include boulevards to be sprinkled and maintained by the Company; and (c) no Event of Default has occurr��. (b) If the Company desires to make any change in the Construction Plans after their approval by the Ci[y, the Company shall submit the proposed change to the City for i�s approval or rejection pursuant to this Section. A propo�ed change in the Construction Plans shall be deemed approve3 unless rejected by the City in writing within 10 days of submission thereof with a statement of the City's reaaons for such rejection. (c) All Construction Plans submitted by the Company to the City shall provide for a"Quality" development. For purpo�es of this Agreement "Quality" shall be deemed to include items such as selection of materials and their use and/or application in such a way as to create a distinctive, architectural and aesthetically pleasinq impact to the building, its occupants or passers-by. "Quality" may involve the us2 of materials and items such as brick, glass, architecturally designed precast aggregate panela, glass curtain wall, granite, special- ized parking treatments and distinctive landscaping. "Quality" shall include the nature and style of develop- ment deQicted in the Development Quality Plan. 4-1 Section 4.3. Commencement and Completion of Ccnstruction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Company stall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements to be constructed on Parcel I within 120 days of execution of tris Agreement and on Parcel II withia 50 months of execu- tion of this Agreement or on such other date as the Parties srall mutually agree in writing. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Company shall have substantially completed the ccnstruction of tlie Minimum Improvements on Parcel I within 9�onths of the date of this Agreement and on Parcel Ii within 72 months of the date of this Agreement. Section 4.4. Uses. It is agreed that on the Southeast Parcel there shall not be located or constructed any busi- ness or building that engages in automotive or motor vehicle re?airs or service, or that sells qasoline, fuels or motor ve�icle parts. Section 4.5. Setback. It is agreed that the "setbacks" (a� used in the Fridley Zoninq Code) for Parcels I and II al�ng the service road and 81st Avenue shall be as indicated in the Development Plan. All other setbacks shall be as pr�vided in the Fridley Zoning Code. Section 4.6. Billboard. It is agreed that the bill- boird currently leased to Naegele and located adjacent to Univ�r5ity Avenuz on the Development Property shall be renoved at no expense to the City on or before De:ember 31, 1986. 4 - 2 2H ARTICLE V Improvements Section 5.1. Public Improvements. The City aqrees to co�struct or cause to be constructed the followinq Public Zm�rovsments on the Development Property: (a) � service road along the east perimeter of the Development Property on or before October 15, 1986. This road shall extend from 81st Avenue on the south to the existing service road on the north. The road shall be constructed to City standards and its final location shall be jointly determined by the City and the Company. (b) Upgradinq of the intersection of 81st Avenue and University Avenue. The exact nature of the upgrading shall be reasonably determined by the City;'upon con- sultation with the Company, to be those improvements which shall be necessary to accommodate the increased traffic due to the Company's proposed development on the Development Property, including but not limited to lane expansion of 81st Avenue, as it intersects University Avenue on the west. Section C1 .y, at no th� � subject Se� �tion 5. 1. 5.2. Easements. The Company shall grant to the cost to the City, any necessary easements, on property for the improvements described in Section 5.3. Assessments. The Company agrees to allow th�� City to assess the Phase I property for the improvements de,crilbed in Section 5.1 (b) the sum of $111,510.00. In th�� event that the actual cost of constructing the service ro,d described in Section 5.1 (a) exceeds the sum of $4 ,SU0.00 then the Company agrees to allow the City to as:ess the Development Property for such excess plus 1B per- ce,t. The Company waives its right to notice and hearing on thEse assessments and further acknowledges that the benefit to the proQerties assessed exceeds the amount of these as� e�srnents. 5 - 1 z� 2J ARTICLE VI Assiqnment and Transfer; Indemnification Section b.l. Restrictions U on Transfer of Property an3 Assiqnment of Agreer�ent. The Company represents and agrees that any proposed transferee, shall, for itself and its successors and assigns, and expressly for the benerit of th� City, expressly assume all of the obligations of the Ccnpany under this Agreement and aqree to be subject to all th� conditions and restrictions to which the Company is sub- je:t. It being the intent of the Parties as e�cpressed in this Agreement that (to the fullest extent permitted by law ani equity and excepting only in the manner and to the ex:ent specifically provided otherwise in the Agreement) no trinsfer of or change with respect to ownership in the De�elopment Property or any part thereof, or any interest th�rein, however consummated or occurring, and whether voLuntary or involuntary, shall operate, legally or prac- ti:ally, to deprive or limit the City of or with respect to an� rights or remedies or controls provided in or resulting fr�m the Agreement with respect to the Development Property ani the construction of the Minimum Improvements that the Ci:y would hav2 had had there been no such transf�r or ch �nge . Section 6.2. Release and Indemnification Covenants. (a) The Company raleases from and covenants and agrees that the City and the qoverning body members, officers, agents, includinq its independent contractors, consult- ants and legal counsel, servants and employees thereof (hereinafter, for purposes of this Section, collectively the "Indemnified Parties") shall not be liable for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmlzss the Indemnified Parties against any loss or damage to property or any injury to or death of any person occurring at or about or resulting from any defect in the Project. (b) Except for any willful misrepresentation or any willful or aanton misconduct of the Indemnified Parties, the Company agrees to protect and defend the Indemnified Parties, now and forever, and further agrees to hold the aforesaid harmless from any claim, demand, suit, action or other proceedinq whatsoever by any person or entity wha.tsoever arisinq or purportedly arisinq from the acqui�ition, construction, installation, ownership, and operation of the Minimum Improvements, provided, that this indemnification shall not agply to the warran- ties made or obligations undertaken by the City in this Agreemznt. 6 - 1 2K ARTICLE `JI Assignr�ent and Transfer; Indemnification Section 6.1. Restrictions Upon Transfer of Property a�d Assignment of Agreament. The Company represents and acrees that any proposed transferee, shall, for itself and i�s successors and assigns, and expressly for the benefit of tte City, exprassly assume all of the obligations of the Ccmpany under this Agreement and agree to be subject to all tte conditions and restrictions to which the Company is sub- jECt. It being the intent of the Parties as expressed in ttis Aqreement that (to the fullest extant permitted by law ard equity and excepting only in the manner and to the e�tent sp�cifically provided otherwise in the Agraement) no tiansfer of or chang� with respect to ownership in the Development Property or any part thereof, or any interest tterein, however consummated or occurring, and whether vcluntary or involuntary, shall operate, legally or prac- tically, to deprive or limit the City of or with respect to ary rights or remedies or controls provided in or resultinq fc�m the Agreement with respect to the DeveloQmant ProQerty ar,3 the construction of the Minimum Improvements that the City �aould have had had there been no such transfer or ch 3nge . Section 6.2. Relea�e and Indemnification Covenants. (a) The Company releases from and covenants and agrees that the City and the governing body member�, officers, agents, including its independent contractors, consult- ants and legal counsel, servants and employees thereof thereinafter, for purposes of thia Section, collectively the "Indemnifi?d Parties") shall not be liable for and ayrees to indemaify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties against any loss or damage to property or any injury to or death of any person occurring at or about or resulting from any defect in the Project. (b) Except for any willful misreQresentation or any willful or wanton misconduct of the Indemnified Parties, the Company agrees to protect and defend the Indemnified Parties, now and forever, and further agrzes to hold the aforesaid harmless from any claim, demand, suit, action or other proceeding whatsoever by any person or entity whatsoever arising or purportedly arising from this Agreament, or the transactions contemplated hereby or the acquisition, construction, installation, own2r5hip, and operation of the Minimum Improvements, provided, that this i�demnification shall not apply to the warran- ties made or obligar.ions undertaken by the City in this Agreement. 6 - 1 2L ARTICLE VII Events of Default Section 7.1. Events of Default Defined. The followinq a�e Events of Defauit under this Agreement: (a) Failure by the Company to timely pay all real pro- perty taxes assessed with respect to the Development Property; � (b) Failure by the Company to commence an3 complete construction of the Minimum Improvements pursuant to the terms, conditions and limitations of this Agreenent. (c) Failure by the Company to substantially observe or perform any material covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under this Agreement. � (d) The holder of any security interest in any part of the Davelopment Property or Minimum Improvements takes action to enforce the same for satisfaction. (e) A petition in bankruptcy is filed naming the Company as debtor, and such petition is not dismissed within 90 days of the date of filinq thereof. (f) The City rails to comply with Article III of thi� Agreement, and, after written notice by the Company oi such failure, the City has failed to cure such non- compliance within 90 days of receipt of such notice, or, if such non-compliance cannot reasonably be cured by the City within 90 days, the City has not, within 90 days of receipt of such notice, provided assurances, reasonably satisfactory to the Company, that such non-compliance will be cured as soon as reasonably possible. Ar Event �f Default shall also include any occurrence which wculd with the passage of time or giving of notice become an E�ent of Default as defined hereinabove. Section 7.2. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default occurs and remains uncured, and the non-defaulting party is in compliance with terms of this Agreement, that party may taka any one or more of the following actions after g�ving 1� days written notice to the other party: (a) The non-defaulting may suspend its performance under the Agreement until it receives assurances from the defaulting, deemed adequate by the other, that the defaulting party will cure its default and continue its performance under the Agrzement. 7 - 1 2M (b) The City may withhold the Certificate of Occupancy as is issued by the City buildinq inspector. (c) Either party may exercise any legal or equitable remedies which may be available in the courts for the enforcement of the terms of this aqreement. Section 7.3. No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy herein cozferred upon or reserved to the parties is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies,�but ea:h and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agraement or now or her�after existing at law or in equity. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any de:ault shall impair any such right or power or shall be coiatrued to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and pover may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. Section 7.4. No Additional Waiver Implied by One_ Waiver. If any agreement contained in this Agreement should be breached by any Party and thereafter waived by any other Pa�ty, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so �aived and shall not be deemed to waive any other con- cu�rent, previous or subsequent breach hareunder. Section 7.5. Termination. If the default is not cured wi:hin 60 days of the qiving of notice provided in Section 7.2, then the non-defaulting party may terminate this Ag�eement and/or may refuse to perform its obligations under this Agreement it (i) the non-defaulting party is in conpliance with all material terms of this Aqreement and (ii) the party in default fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement, and, after written notice by the other party of such failure, the defaultinq has failed to cure such non- conpliance within 6J days of receipt of such notice. Section 7.6. Action to Terminate. Termination of this Ag�eemant due to the occurrence of any of the foregoing must be accomplished by written notification to the City or to th� Company, as the case may be, provided by the terminating Pa�ty within 10 days after the date when such option to ter- miiate may first be exercised. Section 7.7. Effect of Termination. If the City ter- miiates this Agreement due to the Company's failure to coistru�t the Minimum Improvements then on the oarcel upon which the Minimum Improvements have not been constructed the Ci:y may at its option either: (a) Continue to require that any future use or construction occurring on the Unimproved Parcel meet and comply with the terms of this Agreement beyond the time period provided in Section 4.3, or (b) Rescind the zoning action described in Section 3.1 for the Unim�roved Parcel. 7 - 2 ARTICLE VIIZ Additional Provisions Section 8.1. Titles of Articles and Sections. Any t:tles of the several parts, Articles and Sections of this Acreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and 5ta11 be disregarded in construing or interpreting any of tt e provisions hereof . Section 8.2. Notices and Demands. Except as otherwise e�pressly provided in this Agreement, a notice, demand or other communication under the Agreeme�t by either party to tte other �hall be 5ufficiently qiven or delivered if sent b5 registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return rECeipt requested, or delivered personally; and, (a) in the case of the Company is mailed to or delivered personally to Vantage Properties, Znc., 2626 East 87th Street, Suite 2J1, Bloomington, Minnesota 55420. (b) in the ca5e of the City, is mailed to or delivered oersonally to the Authority at the Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridlzy, Minnesota 55432, Attention: Fridley City Manager. oc at such other address with respect to either such Party as that Party may, from time to time, designate in writinq an3 forward to the other as provided in this Section. Section 8.3. Counterparts. This Agreement is executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall consti- tute one and the same instrumer►t. Section 8.4. Law Governing. This Aqreement will be goJerned and construed in accordance with tt�e laws of Mi�nesota. Section 8.�. Binding. The terms and conditions oi this ag-zement shall run with the Development Property and shall be binding upon the company and its heirs, assigns, and su :cessors . 8 - 1 2N IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Company have ciused this Agreement to be duly executed on this day o: , 1986. • THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA By Its Mayor And Its City Manager VANTAGE PROPERTIES, INC. By Its 8 - 2 20 S"ATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS. Cl iUNTY OF ) 2P Tle foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1986, by Nasim M. Qureshi, C:ty Manager in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota, a pclitical subdivision or the State of Minnesota, on behalf o� said City. Notary Public 8 - 3 S"ATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. C( UNTY OF � 2Q Tle foregoing instrument was acknowledged befora me this _ day of , 1986, by william J. Nee, M<yor, in and for the City of Fridlzy, Minnesota, a politi- c�l subdivision of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of said C� ty. Notary Public 8 - 3a S'.ATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. C( UNTY OF ) 2R The foraqoing was acknowledged before mz this day of , 1986, by Matth�w N. Nicoll, the Vice Piesident of Vantage Properties, Inc., a Corporation under tte laws of Texas, on behalf of the Corporation. Notary Public 8 - 4 EXHIBIT A (Development Property) 7he Development Property is located in the City of Fridley, tounty of Anoka, State of Minnesota, and is legally cescribed as follows: Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2, Vantage Company's , Addition, and the Easteriy 600 feet of the North 425.23 feet of the South 877.87 feet of all that part of the � Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Ninnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway 47, and the North 425.25 feet of the South 877.87 feet of all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Nighway 47, exCepting the Easterly 600 feet thereof. A — 1 zs EXHIHIT E 'he Phase I Pzopsrty is located in the City of Fridley, tou�ty of Anoka, State of Minnsota, and is legally desc�ibed �s follows: Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2, Vantage Company's Addition. ; E — 1 2T zu EXHIBIT F The Phase II Property is located in the �ity of Fridley, C�unty of Anoka, State of Minnesota, and is legally described as follows: The Easterly 600 feet of the North 425.23 feet of the South 817.87 feet of all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, � R-24, Anoka County, Ninnesota, lying Westerly of Stat� Trunk Highway�47, and the NorLh 425.25 feet of the � South 877.87 feet of all that part of the Southwest . Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying �;esterly of State Trunk Highway 41, excepting the Easterly 600 feet thereof. P — 1 0 EXHIBIT G (Southeast Parcel) 7he Southeast Parcel is located in the Ciiy of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota and is legally described as follows: Lot I, B1ock 2, Vantage Company's Addition. 2V � 1 + i j i _ � I � 1 , 1� � � I' ZUA #85•a Varitage Properties � J . �""'�.. � �Ia.. w..... , ` w� .. �. . f . �-_ � � . i : r . � . � _ �•, 1. � ( !; � � 1 j . ^ !L!!/ • .7 .� ~ � i + f , ♦• � � �♦ � � j + � � � /.• •a� . � r .•- , . .:. - , ;_ . • . , ,. ,o , OUT�Q . ' � _ �ii�. _.r.. � s . � ' ,.� � � � � B3R � . , � - . .- -- •a ' � • ' � � _ � � � T 1/'� — t -- a 4 ; � .* 8t� � �+ • �� 2� ' . .� � • A � �-. , � Y I : A3 � �, � � p0• ; ,, , ' _ . t �► .. �,�-: ', - ••��,�•, 2 -- - �-,� __ .,. �„ � � w , ��� OUT� . 1 -� 1 � ' ;. r (RS .o � � � . � _ . , J . ,• . � ' _ �4 � .. �:1`k � . 4 F , i 1 ' �.:Wy • , � .. _. � . • t �� b; �� ��� ���� �w Y • a� ,. F^ ; 1 � a �' *�m • � ' ` r , � '�'i� - .'r` ,. � � , �'' � �. . -. I . ,+ � ,��4j� , w� ti�� �' �' �a � • . i. . 'r� .F'_ ��„w ` " �ra' � �x r. � � � � � k + �' -..,`� � � t � . : r4s�,�iT,yz d' � . ��' I y � �(+ az . , '. . } b �i �t, .•i ..ytrn J eS � �� t• �r' � .� � i �� ..�y i' . r 4.'�5 SkH� e3. � w � � ''^�'`�� F'' ��t+ i "�` nX .i"a S.. '� � w ' � � . _ y � J ..,�., �H � ' � � W � ' �` ;��„ ; �� _ � � .� u >� � : � , � „_ y � 4 .,t ,�, ,�' � �: {.� L. "'.yt, �;;� y ' 'w�. � '�4� ` M �ja�'`ti.t..s�` � ��� ., �" r � . �` � w ,< �r �f�� #= h �, !' . 1'� } '",�~ ',� „� ";` Eqt'. 'v "w �i � i " � ,2iM ,�r 7�S' ,.. O�iT< _ � � � ,��. < °`�� s�1; , ; - � r' , - � d `' �'�+ } ,� r . � .:i . �� � �s,i, �,c . � ' � • ' z r �;� r V t ,�e,. .-v� i ���yy � -�.+s � . � . t K Tt • . � }'°,�4riT� '[t J �.._ " ,�... �r� +' x- � { . i Y � � `� ' �' `t i s S� � �� S 9 xd` ffi z y .„ �M� t•y .�r � . � r �. � . � � �'�� '�,�. F �;,`�'",�� .,� � � « ��,�„�� � a..�. { :;�; ; ��. r";�� , v , : . ,( ! � � K � � ++v+. '7 )�t { '.e � :�9 k tw. 1 . ;+} � .• ��tsK i �� � � � � � � 7y,•� �i - s°7 �..a � � +�� � 9a d:. � r•4 �A i v � ,�r,� '� aw �.dt} � t . '� �k � � j _ �. t�'.�'�.- � . v' � � t.. `9�. � %.. ,� ; z t . l � °r � .v +,�s � � :A!e�' � . .�a � y� y ... �, � f 4 xt. ^�SR. ( , ' v,,� � ''$"CF 'ii' � �p 1".. 3 ��1 u�S. t + � Jf� �� x � • '� � • � . �6 ."�r^r$L���:�N i� ��wi « �-."'i� � • - ;.n f w�.aM':: +'� � ++G%°'' � � . � .`r , yr:�., ti� 1.`�e+i }�y��..'� s . �!i '4s . ..�. • I � � #���t rt��� � 3 '. .� �� t r � � tR, . �. t iN+1W . .' Y �.< � � �.� :. y t .�w . �, ` .� ' ' .r �• � :�. . � � '�� !; � . t Yy . ; h. 1 KP�-.. .� �t` p•: j 4., yt3` �i M ���`r.� �a e . j 1 .+�'n" �L :n#E{ ����� , r' �::' � .� � f 7, 7 • . � `� „r r}y�jZ'�a''��'�� iY�'�`FR �►' `, � . t. ` � \ �3� � � ♦ .�► ,� .__ - : . - --_ -- - -��i �i -�. � ---� -� -5�., ._• . . ZOA #85-04 Vantage Pr�perties i . i _ �: �: � » � � N y � V O � r p N C�► M 0 � � � � � � � V a -> > •�nr At�s�an�Nn prob aBrluoy�sis� -- - � - - —� _ ••-- \ � ,�.�rC-� � ��- ' �_ `\ �� � v �� � � � � . , ♦ ,pw , I � �( O � u� }, d. � `, `� �� '� � � � + " u i:;: ��� , �` `�. �.. � ,.,�'' ' ` ' E � �� ?�2X �� � � , ---. — 1 � � _ � � l �- I � �< ; m� ' ' � - - -----. �8�r.._�� __ ._ __ _. . � � � �s. � �i� � `� `� `� . , � .. � � � � �. �L � �} �:. , , . P;'�-= `'� c fi'� `� `' �: � � � u� a - '�C� � � C���;� �_ _ � _ ��. - � �� �� L��,�.� � -. '� --- < S G�L � �� �� = � P CY � �� 0 "� N T4 `C S � V ° ! � \ � �e � I \,: � t y' G C C I � y � 4 � � � { � � � � � � � I ,'` Y'. I �/�a � Vl m m fL � • •• _ �,� _ '�'N 1��815 NIYW –� --- _ ___._ _ � � V� � N Q O � O O° 0 s" � �. ` `�-�. � L ` V L � � 3J l'.� ` � � 'L�, � � I , .� a' � I i i 3 � �� �% ; .� �` � � f j( � � � w � • i �- `� `� � � 7 �� � i _ �-�.�_ � ����� ' � � � — I ; — ----� .y � v W � � � � 110 u N C � 'a o a W o N �, � ZOA #85-0� Vantage Conpan� 3 ORDINAN(E N0. ORDINANCE TO AHEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MDJNESOTA BY MARING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRIC'L'S The �ouncil of the City of Fridley does ordain as fallvWS: SECT CON 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECT [ON 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: The Southerly 877.87 feet of all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the NorthWest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway �17. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as C-3 (General Shopping Center), except that part platted as Lot 1, Bloek 2 on the proposed plat, Vantage Company's Addition, which is hereby designated to be in the zoned district known as C-2 (General Business). SECT:ON 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District I�-2 (Heavy Industrial) and C-2 (General Business) to C-3 (General Shopping Center) and C-2 (General Business). PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THI'S DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTFS T: SHIRL ;Y A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERI{ Publi : Hearing: February 3, 1986 First Reading: February 24, 1966 Secon i Reading: Publ i 3h : 3A Q( IL M�Z'� F��� 24 s to the CitY ����cilman Fitzpatrick to table t]'►e �eL ap�°1�'vOlce vote, all C�1 '�s. �nded by Gouncilman Schneider. Upon a v�ting ay Yo= Nee declared the motion carried �a�animously• eived f ron tions �ec C »cilman Schr�eid�'s� F �rsons interested in j cw at�SINE� equested copies of the aPPllca �e,�ying on the CitY �'issions. , . 5. ! �lv"_.-�+,.� . . - -- P VI I u - L . - � E mI`JG APF �IDIX �^vCIL1�'� ' d approve the �DTION by Councilman Schneidec to waive t���Cadm n garn e. Up°n a n fizst ceading• Seconded by arried �rdinance upo a e, Mayor Nee declaxed the motio �oice vote, all voting Y .,;,.�r,iielv- ---„ ....nnrc+f� _ 7.OA 6. y�ca� W...._—� $3�p pv�;�:::t. H rL ��- • - P P�''�jE�L'�'s uest to rezone stated this is a located and it also �. Flora, Public Works DDi vi g R�9� is currently �fo�rty wheLe the Frid1EY He stated zezoning ls includes two pa=cels imsnediately to the north. an M-1 and C-2 tA C-3 and C-2. es at the irrterspectie�ty to be xequest.ed f r �� a}�f acr desigr�ated as C-2 is about �t� for th� sessnent worksheet w� °�"� Mr. Flota stated an Er�vl=omer�� � goard and the dev el ope r by the ����ng firm of BF3�1. He stated this was reviewed Y �ces, He stated they ha�e received telephone staff and then forward� to the Enviconmental Qua t Y �e �ated this Departrne�t of Natural Re but � as y et � no responses and the�' �e �° °b7ection to �'i itaneCau�ncil � 1 itan Worksheet was also sutnitted to� e�o=a�stated he enttand�anticipates a respo� has been received. �ouncil would have no problens with tiie develogn written statemem s�ortly. �he Council and ations addressed bY r is wo=king on �. Flora reviewec] the seve�n�ent ��� � the develope stated several have already an ar�d l��Pl�' the athers such as the st°�► ���� � re�nt� drawings of the �, Relly Doran, representing Vanta9e ProF�rties► P =o sed site and a san',Ple °'f °°ns�r�tion materials to ��ea' �nopies P F'O metal for the ���r, stated theY az� P�O�°� � brick. �. Qureshi► C�tY will be all 91 and the f ront o�f the retall a�e� � =�eed w ith th e st f iist reading of the ordi � Ce �uld wanteto �. Qureshi stated, if e t is the Co�cil s desiLe e rezoning. he would sugg pf �e ordinar�e► th � however. before the sec�cyd readin9 -6- S?[ �'�-'r' I L ME..t'I' ING OF F F�RLiARY 24 . 19 86 3B Y 3ve an actual agreenent sic,�eci between Property vwners and the City that t ies the property to this type a� developnern. M r. Lbran stated their attorriey is already working on the agreenent to have i t ready b� the seoond reading of the ordinance- l��TION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the reading and a�prove the c rdinance upon first reading, with the fnllvwing stipulations: (1) A storm c rainage plan be provided consister�t with City oode: (2) Pravide landscaFing and benning sufficierit to screen parking ar�d storage; (3) Scale down size af F rojc-�ct s� that less than 1,000 car parking is needed or obtain necessary E rrviror��ernal permits; (4) Provide a completed Environmental Assessment h�rksheet foz City reviea; (5) Obtain special use permits for any outside :torage or auto related business; (6) Provide architectural refinements consistent with a quality commerical development; and (7) Provide a � erformance bond; amo�mt o�nsistent with �ost of irr�prava►er�ts. Seconded by <��,cilman Barnette. tJpon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, t+�yor I3ee declared t he mation carried ia�animously. tr, Doran exterded his thanks to Mr. Qureshi and the City staff for their � fforts in expediting this request. 7. c Q�IDF�AT�'� OF FIRSI' RFA�I'� OF AN ORDI�tiA l�E_FOR RFZO;�INi �EQUE?T, ZOA � 8�-03, TG R: �•=. T� P�p�2 G����'I'Y L[K�ATID AT 1282 MISSISSIPPI STREF.'I' j. £.. BY t'�'�.�'.GA.itF.'I' BRI Ch."�t : t ro lora�Putnl�is �� sDRestaurarct frcr,� F�1StoSC lrto�iise9the exist.in9 hme � r pe < s a bo and s�a11 retail operation. �b�cilman Sch 'der asked if there wold be joint parking with Sandee's 1 estaurant. Mr. ora stated there are six g3Lking spaces associated with t h i s st r uct ur e and a � ti onal pa r ki ng avai 1 abl e i n Sandee' s pa r ki ng 1 ot . � buncil�ran Schneider stat is cflncern is if these parcels are separated in t h e f ut ur e, hvw the � r ki ng d be handl e3• 1 �r. Flora stated there is a stipul ' on that addresses the joirit Farking and c riveway eas�ement. 1bTI0N by Councilman Schneider to waive e reading and aggrove the ��rdinance u�on first readir�g, with the fallv�ai stipulations: (1) Busiress ; hall be o�en r�o later than 8:00 p. m.; (2) Driv frarn hlississippi Street ;�hall be "Enter" only; directional sign to be prov ed; (3) Hard surface ��urbed parking spaces to be provided; (4) Joint pa ' ng and driveway �,a:3e,�erit with Sar�dee's Restaurant to be prwided; (5) Bu ' ss sign shall ; bt exceed twern.y-four (24) square feet in area or eight (6) t in height; 6) Prwide landscaping to scteen parking f c �=esidenPces to eee west, 'rwide screening fence between rezaned property ,�nd (8) Provide performance bond in the amount of $2,000. Secon by b�cilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl a he motion carried unanimouslY• -7- 1 . ; oA �ss-a lantage Properties : j � ' ` S � �. !� • �"�� r... r �Ia.. �arar � .t . „� � � � t '. r ' � � � � j: I � . i � � � ; � : , �� t.—._ _ .. .' �� ; : � --- . }•� ' H � � � � • - _ vf�lY . � 1 _ . -- - �r' • � . 1 � ♦ _ � �1 _ A' CA�� -.� ��.- r � � •' �� - �. �. � __ � ��. �t 2 � RE,P �, . 8� jv r� , - IA — — —:�_ .�. j � �� ♦ F f` �.. I ' ' - " -n' t ��� , � .� . . � ��.. -� : - - . � _ •�, 1 , y , . - � _ °. ,w .,•':�- a�r � � ,� :.�'� - . :«f, � `� � � . , i � „ ' . - ��. . . • -�• - -,� '-� _' .= , -. - �_ � . .. . � ' n . � � . �. �... - � ; ' . _._� i.. � ____j_ i ' � ' ..-.. '..� ' y s . . y Y � . � .. � � `� 0 ::t (4 • . } a` _ � '... • . � � _ '�7 .�� _ � � ' Y*� ;�,•.- � , .. � . - � a''o'�1 y�.- ..� . _ + - . .._ ._ ._ ; . � _ � . _ . . *_ ; - . � . . � _ . .. . + . _ ,. 4 . . � ... - _ L . •. � � . ={ : � . � � 1� � � . . .. .' . _' . . . " . .. �I.� vI 1-- – v — _.., �«� � � t � 1� � , ��—, . ,/'��+ • _- � ��� • � h /r et,e ,� !, z p��' � , � f � N � . � � J ; • . ; . �• � � � Y � . ` W i Q = , . u � � � � � ' 1 1 � j � � � � .' • J• I , -_ , c-z � . : �� � � '�i�... � . � � ` ♦ t • � -��I �i' i I •-,� ��', .�.."� 1 ; �- fr � � •" � - ... _...._ � � _ i �o OuT�O ! ; 83R ��� ! ,'' n ouT� � � OuTI I ..' ♦ C I . ♦ A13�` � CITY OF FRIOLEY PLANNING COMMISSIOP� �4EETI��G, FEBRUARY z6 , 1986 � CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Gabel called the February 27, 1986, Planning Commission meeting to orciE r at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL: Merat�rs Present: Pat Gabel, LeRoy Oquist, Wayne Wellan, Bob Minton, Dean Saba, Donald Betzold Menb�rs Absent: Dave Kondrick Othe•s Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Fred & Doris Jones, 5905 Westbrook Rd. 55422 Richard �1alecek, 7136 East River Road Tom Blomberg, 1661 Camelot Lane Paul Dahlberg, 6664 East River Road Kelly Doran, 2626 East 82nd St. APPR iVAL OF JAP�UARY 22, 1986, PLANNING COMMISSIO�J PIINUTES: MQTI��N BY ldR. WELLAN, SECONDED BY MR. 9ABA, TO APPROVE THE JAN. 22, 1986, PLANNING COIfM. SSION MINUTES A5 WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VQTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNAN_ MOUSLY. 1, IUQLIC HEARI(�G: COIdSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #86-01, BY_ 1 At�TAGE COPIPANIES, INC. : lantage Company s A ition, by Vantage Companies, Inc., being a replat of ihe southerly 452.64 feet of all that part of the southwest quarter of ihe northwest quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, iying westerly of State Trunk ��ighway 47, to be used as a shopping center, the same being 8100 University Avenue N.E. t�TION BY MR. MINTONi SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. L?ON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC ti iARING OPEN AT 7:34 P.M. M•. Ro�inson stated the property was located north of 81st and west of Uiiversity Ave. The petitioner was looking at platting 12.6 acres. Present z�ning was M-2, heavy industrial; however, the petitioner has petitioned for r►zoning from M-2 to C-3 and C-2. It was originally planned to be rezoned to a'1 C-3, but with the submission of the plat, one lot when subjected to the C ty's setback req��irements, would have a quite small setback, so the zoning o� that lot was changed to C-2 to maintain a buildable usable lot. � 4A PLAP NI�lG CQMt�IISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 2 Nr. Robinson stated the entire project would be a phased project. The first ahase was the construction of the approx. 100,000 sq. ft. Wholesale Club. The second phase would be 77,000 sq. ft, of additional retail, and additional �hases if the project is successful and tenants are required. �r. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Plat to be recorded prior to rezoning being recorded. 2. Additional right-of-way to be provided consistent with street improvements 3. Driveway onto Slst Ave, to be widened to three lanes. 4. Driveway onto the service road to be temporary; permanent driveway to be located north of curve with Phase II construction. 5. Park fee consistent with area of lots on final plat to be paid prior to recording. �Is, Gabel asked if there was any information on the informal Environmental ,�ssessment Worksheet being required by the City. Ir. Robinson stated they have written to the Environmental Quality Board, ;nd the response received from the EQB was that they did not see any negative mpact: Their primary concern was storm water run-off. Inasmuch as this �s being taken care of with the same criteria as the Rice Creek Watershed [istrict, there shouldn't be any problems. He stated John Flora, Public Works [irector,Was coming to the meeting later to talk about water quality in th�is � rea. �r. Robinson stated they also sent a letter to the DNR, but have not yet received any response. hr, Kelly Ooran, Vantage Companies, stated they agree to the stipulations a� presented by Staff. They did want to clarify a little further one issue r�garding stipulation #2. What the City r�as desiring was an additional 7 ft. along the frontage road and 20 ft, along 81st Ave. They would like ttese footages defined in the stipulation. M�, Gabel stated that in previous discussions, there has been talk about li ft, of peat in some places, If 16 ft, of peat is dug out of here which h�lds a considerable amount of water, was the capacity of the pond able to u:ilize the water that was being retained by the soil previously? M�. Doran stated they have hired the engir�eering firm, BRW, which has done a c��nsiderable amount of work in the metropolitan area. They will provide as p,rt of the stipulations for rezoning a drainage plan that is consistent with c ty code; that drainage plan will call for no more run-off post-development tlan there was pre-development. PLM NIP�G COP1PIISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 3 yOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. 7PON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZ'RPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC iEARING CLOSED AT 7:49 P.1N. �OTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL �PPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. �#86-01, BY VANTAGE COMPANIES, INC.: �AI'7TAGE COMPANY'S ADDITION, BY VANTAGE COMPANIES, INC. , BEILIG A REPLAT OF :HE SOUTHERLY 452.64 FEET OF ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTHF'EST QUARTER OF THE �ORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTIDN 2� T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING 'ESTERLY OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 47, TO BE USED AS A SHOPPINC CENTER, THE .'AI�IE BEING 8100 UNIVERISTY AVENUE N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWINC 5TIPULATIONS: 1. PLAT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO REZONING BEING RECORDED. 2. ADDI2IONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE PROVIDED CON5ISTENT WITH STREET IMPROVEMENTS--THAT RIGHT OF WAY TO BE 7 FT. ALONG THE FRONTAGE ROAD AND 24 FT. ALONG 81ST AVE. 3, DRIVEWAY ONTO BZST AVENUE TO BE WIDENED TO THREE LANES. 4, DRIVEWAY ONTO THE SERL'ICE ROAD TO BE TEMPORARY; PERMANENT DRIVEWAY TO BE LOCATED NORTH OF CURVE WITH PHASE II CONSTRUCTION. 5. PARK FEE CONSISTENT WITK AREA OF LOTS ON FINAL PLAT TO BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING. CPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. rs. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on March 17. 2. C��dSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86-01, BY THOMAS BLOMBERG: £�lit off the south one half of Lot 4, Block 32, Hyde Par , together with t�e east one half of the adjacent vacated alley and add to Lot 5, Block 32, Hide Park, to create a single family residence, and split off the north o�e half of Lot 4, Block 32, Hyde Park, together with the east one half of tie adjacent vacated alley and add to Lot 3, Block 32, Hyde Park, to create a single family residence, the same being 5738 - 7th Street N.E. M•. Robinson stated this property was located west of 7th St. and north of 5'th Place, and involved three 44 ft, lots. The property was zoned R-1 as w�s most of the surrounding area. The proposal was to take the three lots a�d create two 66 ft. lots. M�. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1� Existing permit. 2. Park fee permit. 3. Lot split 4. Yariances lot width house to be removed prior to issuance of a building of $750 to be paid prior to issuance of a building �Co be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit. for lot area from 9,000 sq, ft, to 8,905 sq. ft, and from 75 ft. to 56 ft. to be approved with lot split. 4B 4C PLA�yING COh�1ISSI0fJ �EETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 4 �r. Robinson stated that in this neighborhood, in general, there were quite 3 few 65 ft. lots. �r. Oquist stated that in looking at the foatprint, it appeared that the �roposed structure would meet all the setbacks, so the only variances °equired were those outlined in the stipulations. �r. Robinson stated that was correct. BY code these variances may be approved with the lot split. fOTION BY MR. SABA, SF,CONDED BY MR. WELLAN, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COi1NCIL IPPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQI�'ST, L.S. #86-01, BY THOMAS BLOMBERG� TO SPLIT OFF °HE SOJTH ONE KALF OF IAT 4, BLOCK 32, HYDE PARK, TOGETHER 47I2H THE EAST >NE HALF OF THE ADJACENT VACATED ALLEY AND ADD TO LOT 5, BLOCK 32� HYDE PARK, 'O CREATE A SSNGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, AND SPLIT OFF THE NORTH ONE HALF OF �OT 4, BLOCK 32, HYDE PARK, T06ETHER P.'IPK THE EAST CNE KALF OF THE ADJACENT 'ACATED ALLEY AND ADD TO LOT 3, BLOCK 32, HYDE PARK, TC CFtEATE A SINGLE 'AMILY RESIDENCE, THE SAME BEING 5738 7TH STREE2 N.E., WITH THF FOLLOWING TIPULATIONS: 1. EXIST'_*NG HOUSE TO BE REMOilED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERINIT. 2. PARK FEE OF $750.00 TO BE PAID PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. 3. LOT SPLIT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. 4. VRRIANCES FOR LOT AREA FROM 9,000 SQ. FT. TO 8,905 SQ. FT. AND LOT WIDTH FROM 75 FT. TO 66 FT. TO BE APPROVED WITH LOT SPLIT. IPONA VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION C ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ps. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on �9arch 17. 3. (0(JSIDERATIOt� GF A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86-02 BY RICHARD MALECEK: `.plit off t e west 90 feet o t at part o Lot 8, evised Auditor's Sub- civision No. 77 lying easterly of the following described line: beginning �t a point on the south line of said Lot 28 distant 315.64 feet west of the ��utheast corner thereof; (said southeast corner being on the centerline of East River Road)thence north at right angles to said south line to its inter- s�ction with the north line of said Lot 28 and there terminating, the same t�ing 7136 East River Road N.E. N�. Robinson stated this was the exception property of the Riverwood School Flat. The property was located north of 71st and west of East River Road. It was zoned R-1 as was the surrounding area. The proposal was to split off tie westerly 90 ft, creating a new lot in excess of 10,000 sq. ft. The new l�t would meet all code requirements, and would have access onto the new R iverwood Dri ve. M•. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the foldowing stipulations: 4D PLA�NING C�PIMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 5 1. Provide City.with a 25 ft, bikeway/walkway easement along East River Road. 2. New house front ,yard setback to follow curve of street. 3. Split to be recorded prior to issuance of building permit. 4. Park fee of $750 to be paid prior to building permit. 5. Private utility easement to be provided across northerly 15 ft, of new lot. 6. Petitioner agrees to fair share of street and utility assess- ments for new lot. NOTION BY MR. SABA, SECOl7DED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL �PPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86=02, BY RICHARD MALECEK� TO SPLIT OFF THE WE5T �0 FEET OF THAT pART OF LOT 28� REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 77 LYING ?ASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH �I1'lE OF SAID LOT28 DISTANT 315.64 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; !SAID SOUTHEAST CORNER BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF EAST RIVER ROAD) THENCE 70RTH AT RZGHT ANGLES TO SAID SOUTH LINE TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH �INE OF SAID LOTZ8 AND THERE TERMINATING, THE SAME BEING 7136 EAST RIVER ROAD, TITH THE FOLIAWING STIpULATIONS: 1. PROVIDE CITY WITH A 25 FT. BIKEWAY/WALKWAY EASEMENT ALONG EAST RIVER ROAD. 2. NEW HOUSE FRONT YARD SETBACK TO FOLLOW CURVE OF STREET. 3. SPLIT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. 4. PARK FEE OF $750 TO BE PAID PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 5, PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE PROVIDED ACROSS NORTHERLY IS FT. OF NEW ZAT. 6. PETITIONER AGREES TO FAIR SHARE OF STREET AND UTZLITY ASSESS- MENTS FOR NEW LOT. �PON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION 'ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ils. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on March 17. 4. I�ISCUSSION ON NORTH PARK STOR1�1 DRAINAGE ISSUES - JOHN FLORA: I's. Gabel stated that because of developments proposed in the north area, �he Planning Commission has been concerned about what happens with the water �low after development. It seemed that when there was a significant amount �f development, s�range things happened to the water flow in Stonybrook Creek �nd other creeks in the area, and they did not understand why. Pr. Flora stated that prior to 1982, there was only one organization responsi- tle for managing surface water in the City, and that was the Rice Creek Water- <hed District. The City has always been attempting to standardize the system 4ithin the City so that when they talk to developers and look at improving Froperties, they are consistent within the City. So, they really haven't �ooked at anything different from the Rice Creek Watershed District areas and ihe other areas in the City. They have always administered storm water and �urface water in the same way. Principally, they have taken the approach ihat in developing property, the run-off from that property after development 4E PLA� VIP�G COMt1ISSI0P� �1EETIP�G, FEBRUARY 263 1986 PAGE 6 �hould be no different than it would before the development occurred. That neans, no greater water running off and no less quality. Basically, that �eant that when something was developed, water ran off much faster and had to �e detained for a certain period of time so the normal flow would be slowed �or�n. They also require tf�at all contaminants be kept on the property. So, for most developments, other than residential homes, the City requires them to take into account the increase and any affect on storm «ater. '�r. Flora stated that usually requires that the developer have some type of retention pond--some place where t��e water can be held for a period of time, �o the water is not proceeding any faster to the next door neighbor than it would have before development. A weir basically filters off materials that are accumulated on the hard surface (papers, floatables, etc.), so that vhen water leaves the property, it is essentially the same quality as it was �efore development. �r. Flora stated part of the problem today in Fridley is that most of the ;ity has been developed. He stated that above 79th, there are still quite a `ew empty lots, and they are focus;ng on that area as it was being developed. fhose areas are also now under the control of what is called the Six Cities Jatershed Management Organization. In 1982, the Legislature passed what they :alled a 509 Statute which said that all the seven counties in the metropolitan irea will have a storm water surface water manager�ent organization. This �as eventually narrowed down to the Cities of Fridley, Blaine, Coon Rapids, �pring Lake Park, Columbia Heights, and Hilltop, which, through a joint powers �greement, established the Six Cities Watershed Ptanagement Organization. It ias now been three years since that organization r�as established. 1r. Flora stated they are almost to the point where they have a Water Manage- �ent Plan prepared to be submitted to the Water Resources Board, DNR, Metro- �olitan Council, and other cities for review and, hopefully, adoption. Once :hat plan has been adopted, then each city will begin implementing policies ►nd procedures in conformance to the plan. In essence what that plan will say �as that each city will do its own thing with water as long as it does not hurt :he cities when it crosses a boundary line. If it does, then the cities have :o get together and work out a mutual solution. All the cities are basically �dopting the same principle--that water should not leave a site in any greater �r worse condition than it was before development. Hopefully, their plan will �e processed and submitted with the next few months. 1r. Flora stated that in the area north of 79th, the biggest open area, of :ourse, was the Springbrook Nature Center. Ne stated Coon Rapids has a big ndustrial park development, Evergreen Park, just north of the nature center. ;oon Rapids is very interested in putting a lot of industry into that area. �ut, by doing that, they want to maximize the property and they don't want to �ut a lot of land into ponds. By the same token, the nature center has a marshy wampy area which they would like to make into a deep water pond that will ,ttract water fowl and maintain fish and wildlife throughout the year. 4F PLAPVIP�G COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 7 Nr. Flora stated there is also a problem with erosion in Stonybrook Creek, ind the City would like to do something with Stonybrook. Part of the water nanagement plan they are proposing is how can they satisfy the desires of the �ature center, the City's desires to improve the area north of 79th, and ieal with storm water? �9r. Flora stated they have come up with a plan which they think will work that will allow a certain portion of the nature center to flood and become � permanent "lake" and a place that can take the surge of rainfall. They �ill be doing this in cooperation with Coon Rapids. The concept is that =ridley is going to provide the site, and Coon Rapids is going to provide the Funding to do the project. Fridley is going to allow a certain a�ount of water from Coon Rapids to run through this system, cross the border and come into the nature center. �r. Flora stated the real question right now is "what is water quality"? He �tated that right now they do not know the answer to that question as they �ave no way of identifying or measuring what is in the water. At some point in time as they learn more, they will come up with an answer to that question. �s. Gabel asked what the impact was on the surrounding creeks and Springbrook �ature Center from all this impending development. �r. Flora stated there was no impact, waterwise. As they get developers �oming in, for everything north of 81st Ave. for sure, they are requiring =nvironmental Assessment Worksheets because of the proximity to the nature :enter so they can look at what affect the development might have on surround- ing properties, environment, the nature center, traffic, water systems, etc. io far, they have not had any negative results in that process. So, they have �ot impacted the nature center. As far as water, they feel they will be doing :he nature center a service because they are providing tfiem with an environ- ��ent they would like to have by providing water that cannot currently be sus- :ained there. As far as the ground water table, they are essentially helping it because they will be allowing the water to be detained so it has some time :o get into the ground. With all new development, where possible, they will ;ry to have detention ponds put in. �r. Flora stated that when they get the Water Management Plan drafted, he �ill provide the Planning Comnission with a copy. ;Mr. Oquist left the meeting at 9:30 p.m.) �s. Gabel thanked Mr. Flora for all the information he had given them. She �tated the possible impact from these impending developments in the north area iad been a major concern to her. This was a very sensitive piece of property, ind she had not been comfortable making decisions on development in this area �ecause she did not know the answers. She felt Mr. Flora had done a good job �f answering their questions about water retention. 1r, Flora stated that as far as he was concerned, he felt they were handling :fie water adequately. They were certainly doing things a lot better than ten �ears ago because of better technology. Ne could not address water quality, �ecause he did not know that much about water quality at this time. 4G PLA.INING COM�IISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 8 Mr. Saba stated he felt Mr. Flora had done a good job in telling them how to handle the water flow in this area: What the Commission had been concerned about was that each project was being handled individually, and there did not seem to be a master plan showing an overall impact of drainage and water flow, He felt what Mr. Flora had presented to them seemed to address that situation. Mr. Flora stated both the Six Cities Watershed Management Organization and the Rice Creek Watershed District are in the process of preparing plans that should be completed by Dec. 31, Then, next year, they should have a plan for the entire City of Fridley that addresses surface water. Mr, Saba stated he hoped as a result of this they would have some kind of continual monitoring of water quality. Whether they can define water quality or not, they can at least look at the water as it is today, what kind of con- taninants are in that water, and where it seems to be coming from, so they have some kind of monitoring system. Mr. Flora stated one of the things he wants to do is establish a ground zero and go from there. Hr. Saba stated he would like to see the Environmental Quality Commission or some body at some point in time look at the types of contaminants that are �oing into the Fridley water system. A lot of communities are looking at lawn service companies and how those contaminants affect the water system, as �ell as other household wastes, Maybe the City of Fridley should be addressing these situations. There could be some very serious contaminants going into the �torm v�ater systems. �s. Gabel stated this was something the Environmental Quality Commission might vant to consider for their work plan. 5, aP�ALYSIS OF PAST HUMAN SERVICES FUPJDING: �r. Robinson stated he had tried to outline all the past human services �unding frum 1981 - 1985. This was for the Commission's information. 6. 2EVISION TO 1986 CDBG ALLOCATIONS: 4r. Robinson stated in the agenda was the 1986 Corrmunity Development Block arant funding which was approved by the City Council on Feb. 3, 1986. 1r. Robinson stated also included in the agenda was a letter he had written :o Ms.�JoAnn Wright, Community Development Coordinator, Anoka County, asking �er to provide the City of Fridley with a breakdown of the other par.ticipating ;ities' contributions to human service activities, the percent of their total `und going to human services, and the total County percentage of human services �llocation. The reason for this was that the City has decided to place greater �nphasis on human services funding and has proposed increased human services `unding which hopefully will not push the county-wide human services fund over :he 15� cap. 4H PLAf� VING COt�MISSION MEETIP�G, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 9 �s. Gabel stated she was much more comfortable with the revised 1986 CDBG �unding budget. 7. _TABILITY INSURANCE: 1r. Robinson stated that included in the agenda was a memo from Mr. Hunt, �sst, to the City Planager, which informed all members of city corrmissions :hat they were covered under both the general liability and the public officials iability policies carried by the City up to a limit of $600,000 per incident. 8. ;ECEIVE FEB. 4, 1986, ETJERGY PROJECT COP•1MITTEE MINUTES: !OTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECEIVE THE FEB. 4� 1986, 'NERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES. �PON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION �ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TD RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL :HE REVISION OF THE ENERGY STANDARD SECTION OF THE ENERGY HOUSING CODE TO :NCLUDE MINNESOTA STATUTES DEALING WITH INSULATION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY. iPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION C ARRIED UNANI1dOUSLY. 9. FECEIVE FEa. 6, 1986, HUMAN RESOURCES COMPIISSION MINUTES: b7TION BY idR. MINTON, SECONDED BY iTR, SABA, TO RECEIVE THE FEB. 6, 1986, F.JMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. C�ON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CKAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION C �RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. N�, Minton stated that on page 4 of the minutes, the Comnission had made a m�tion that the City Council establish the following criteria for student enployment in a summer jobs program (patterned after the State Summer Jobs P•ogram� for the City of Fridley: (1) first priority be granted to previous s�tisfactory employees; (2) remaining priorities be granted according to S:ate Law income guidelines with the stipulation that any job not filled b,� a satisfactory candidate within a 10 day application time period can be f lled by any other qualified person. P1�. Flora stated he had responded to this to P1r. Hunt. At the same time, the C ty Council talked about it unofficially at their last meeting. He stated wlat they have done in the past is rehire previous satisfactory producing eiiployees. They would also focus on Fridley residents. They figure if F idley money is being used, then Fridley people should benefit from it. Tlen, they would normally go through the County CETA or JEPA programs; then aiyone else available to work. 41 PLAPJ �It�G COMP1ISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 10 1r. Flora stated there was a question raised by the Human Resources :ommission as to whether or not the City should be following the State �ummer Jobs Program policy which establishes such criteria as unemployed �eads of housef�old, member of household in which all family members are �nemployed, person wf�o earns so much money, etc. He stated he had no problem �►ith following that policy except he felt they would prefer to still hire a �eturning employee who has done well and focus on the Fridley resident. Based ��n that, they would tf�en follow the state job hiring criteria. Ilr. Minton stated they saw this summer jobs program as an opportunity to do �ome things that should be done in the work world, especially in a public �rganization like the City, and that was to give some advantage to the �isadvantaged. Ne felt the Commission would have no problem with giving �riority to Fridley residents within criteria #2, and then go beyond that if �ecessary. Pr, Flora stated he thought he would prefer criteria that would give priority 1irst to previous employees, then Fridley employees, then follow the state -ow income guidelines. Pr. Saba and Mr. Wellan stated they would be in favor of that. • Pr. Minton stated he did not think the Human Resources Commission would go �long with that, because it would be diluting the program too much and there ►�ould virtually be no low income in the program, at least not any more than t�ere is right now. P�^. Flora stated they always hire through the CETA and JEPA programs, but l�st year they had jobs that were not filled, so they really have not found e�ough low income people to satisfy their demand. N.�TION BY MR. MINTON,TO ENDC�RSE THE MOTION MADE BY THE HUMAN RESOURCES C Jl3MISSION TO RECOMilEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLIAWING CRITERIA BE E3TABLISKED FOR STUDENT EMPLOYhfENT IN.A SUMMER JOBS PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF FZIDLEY WITH AN AMENDMENT TO CRITERIA N2 ZN ACCORDING WITH DISCUSSION WITH C'TY STAFF: 1. FIRST PRIORITY BE GRANTED TO PREVIOUS SATISFACTORY EMPLOYEES 2. REMAINING PRIORITIES BE GRANTED ACCORDING TO STATE LOW INCOME GUIDELINES WITH FIRST PREFERENCE BEGING GIVEN TO APPLICANTS WXO LIUE IN FRIDLEY. �+1 )TION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. P•1�. Betzold wondered if they would be shutting people out by saying "�revious satisfactory employees". Was this a good policy the City should c�ntinue? From an experience factor, it was good; but from a policy factor, h� � di d not know i f i t was a good thi ng or not. M,. Robinson asked i:f the motion would be more acceptable if it ranked previous eiployees first, low income Fridley residents second, other Fridley residents t�ird and lastly other low income applicants. . 4J PLA� VItJG COMMISSION P4EETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 11 KOTION BY l?R. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO ENDORSE THE MOTION MADE iY THE HUMAN RESOURCES C�MMISSION TD RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL sSTABLISH CRITERIA FOR STUDENT EMPLOYMENT IN A SUMMER JOBS PROGRAM FOR PHE CITY OF FRIDLEY, BUT THAT THE CRITERIA BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 1. FIRST PRIORITY BE GRANTED TO PREVIOUS SATISFACTORY EMPLOYEES. 2. REMAINING PRIORITIE5 BE GRANTED ACCORDING TO STATE LOW IvCOME GUIDELINES WITH FZRST PREFERENCE BEING GIVEN TD APPLICANTS WHO LIVE IN FRIDLEY. 3, OTHER FRIDLEY RESIDENTS 4. OTKER LCXrI INCOME APPLICANTS 1r. Saba questioned how much legalism was involved here and how much cost �ias going to be incurred on the City of Fridley to follow this criteria. Ilr. Wellan st�ted he felt that when a program was already working well as he City's was, why change it? He was against more government intervention. f there was a discrimination pro6lem, he could see it; but there did not :eem to be any problems. 1PON A VOICE VOTE, GABEL, MINITON, BETZOLD VOTING AYE, SABA AND WELLAN VOTING IAY, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED WITH A VOTE OF 3-2. ADJOI Rt�MENT: MOTIC N BY MR. MIl�ITON, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO ADJOiIRN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOiE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE FEB. 26, 1986, PLANNING COIfMl SSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10: 30 P.M. RespE �tful ly sub i tted, yn�t Saa Recorjing Secretary 4K (�� . � � �%l �''�� z �i��� ' z� � � .��. �%�-� L-, /��� - ---- _ � ��; ; � � �.`���� �;�� �'-t�-�-X.� �� -� � ��,"'�%� � �� .f9 o.s` w � ���.�_.s''�s 2 � �/ / � �., , ,U-�'LC.d� , ,� � 9os' � /�� �-5�'i�.��-- � . 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ET BAGK (35 �) � 12 ' TO Fot,t,pW (�(1 ZVE OF STREET � � / � � "� � ` � — -_. ...� � � � � / // / - I ` � , �' � ` , /�: � i /i • % � / /. �, / �, � /�/ i � ` // / /n � 9�- �-� -'-�`1�6 __ "� `,-�� �� �/ �� %1� /� r � • �` i�/ / �126�5�Sf�_ �' ""iN.sO SF �. //� '�o ./� , �/% �� _�- � ' �. � � � � / l � —_-� �� �"r` � �\ �_/,,F�625/�5F �� �i \ � �I . �; �� L i � ���OF ; F(�1DLE1' � PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM Ii��;C ;G: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager John Flora� Public Works Director ✓ ';c !�i� FROt�: James Robinson, Planning Coordinator•� !ir �10 DATE: March 11, 1986 rE;AR�ING: Locke House RestorationJl9� CDBG Funds Gr, uaIIllai}r 3�, 1986 the North Suburban Center for the Arts (NSCA) reached an �cree�ent with Anoka County regarding restoration and occupancy of the _a�fill Tavern/Locke House. A stipulation of the agraement obligates NSCA to r�ise $;0,000 by January 31, 1987 to be used to help in the historie re;toration of the structure. ':r harry K. Rosenbaum, the Chairman of the NSCA Fund Raising Drive� has re u�:sted that the Council allocate $10,000 of the City's 1986 CDBC munies ; c� tt,e restoration effort. A letter of request and a brochure explaining ''� :a's programs is attached. I•:ave ci;eeked with the County Block Grant Administrator and received a Yc�itive response as to the appropriateness of using CDBG funds for a t-:i�toric restoration project. Furthermore, should Council decide to amend ou� 1986 CDBG request they may do so at their March 17, 1986 meeting and we wi 1 have a�ple time to submit our revised request prior to the April Q� 19� Co nty Board Public Hearing. In ar.ticipation of our inquiry regarding use of the 19�6 CDBG Human Service 41.ocation I would add that construction is not generally perceived as an el gible Ht:man Service expense. Secondly, it would not seem possihle for the t;S�A to verify the benef it to low and moderate income persons. TY;t 1956 CDBG budget which was approved by Council on February 3, 1986 is al:o enclosed for Council reviea. Should the Couneil deeide to reallocate i'uids thcy should do so by motion for resubmission to the County. Fi;ally, Mr. Rosenbaum will be available at the Council meeting for ai:cussion of his request. JLi (dm r.tt ach. r�-; ,-50 5 � CITY OF FRIDLEY PROPOSED 1986 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING: CITY COUNCIL APPROVED FEBRUARY 3, 19� 1 � F i Funds Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 89, � 88.00 1. Human �ervice Grants - 35.33. • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3>>588•ad 2. Cri�e Prevention - Security HardWare. . . . . . . . . . . . 15,500.00 ;. Piaza Center Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18�000.00 a. Corridor Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10�000.00 b. University/Mississippi Lighted Signage. ... 8,000.00 �. ..iverviex Heights Park Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,400.00 Total Estimated Project Cost. .$89,�88.00 � 5A � � North Sub r�n nter for Q rts Apache Plaza, 37th & Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony. Minnesota 55421 612-78 i-7381 'larch 10, 1986 lim Robinson Planning Co-ordinator �'ity of Fridley h431 University Avenue, N.C. ��ri�lley, `ty 55432 Dear Jim: I am enclosing a brief brochure which erplains the purpose and programs of the Vorth Suburban Center for the Arts, (tiSC�). !'or over a year we have, with encouragement and help from the (;it}• of Fridley, been negotiating with Anoka C�unty for an agreement that would allow NSCA to participate in the restoration of the Banfill Tavern/Locke House and to become occupants on completion of the work. Such an agreement was reached and signed by both parties on .January 3l, 1986. This is consistent with tiie Human Resources and Planning Commissions recommendation that it be used by a non-profit community service organization. .45 }�ou know, the Banfill Tavern/Locke House is a significant historic building. Tt is listed on the y�tional Register of ':ii�toric Places in Washington, D. C. Its significance is basc��i upon both historical and architectural considerations. Because rehabilitation of the building will be based on the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Historic Rehabilitation, NSCA is working closely with the well known architect, Foster W. Dunwiddie. Mr. Dunwiddie was also the architect for the rehabilitation of the Godfrey House and the John Stevens House, the oldest houses in 'linneapolis. The Banf�ill/Locke House is a contemporary of these homes. Its restoration will allow it to be preserved as part of `tinnesota's heritage. The Banfill/Locke House will be a highly visible facility when rehabilitated will be an enhancement for the entire area. It will receive a great deal of positive publicity all participants will benefit greatly. and and 5B 5C ic �..ould be VSCA's intention, when the ho�se h,i• heen r���tc,red, to ij�e it as an Art Centc�r that w��utd be opc�n t� ;he public. t,'e kould have exhibition space �►nd re�oms fur *eachin� classes. In �ddi tion ti�e would of fer i t ��s use (<�r Tc c�t ings and other businc�ss and cor.�r�un it}� needs. �;�. ��:irt of uur �nree^,ient with :1nui;<i Cc�unty ��i�l� �.•hirl� �.r . Ii:�C i)C COI1C('CTl('(1 LIl lfl(` :'l1IDE`(] 11t C` fU� UT�t' 1.`: �.�l;l� ��(' .11'E' ,;,1 i�,.itc�cl t�� r.�itic S5i),�)OO b� I.�nu:�r� 31, 1��;;7 i( t hc� r��:;���rr�ti.on i� t�� ��r<�cc�c��l un scl����lulc�. ;•:e ,ire, because of the need, and because c�f the benefit it�. �.�c�ul.d be to Fridley, asking t� be consiriered for a HUD 1�18Fi ���munit}� Development E31ock Grant. `;`�(;.1 �l�es serve our l.�cal artists, :lnd artists are weli kn��wn i��r t`ieir limitc�d inc<>rnes. We .�lsc� serve� �enior Cit.i�en5 in�l ����cr�� ��c�ar put on "The Elder� Show," a gallery exhihition ;�f ,�,i int in�;, drawin�; and other FiI-C work done by Scnior ('it.ifen�. t�e hold clas5es for children, Scnior Citizens, l�w inc���e ;lnd al.l income �roups. It is our sincere i�rum the Community l ��n<, w���' Lo ensure t�ecome a place of �,ri�le. feelin� that a gr.�nt of 510,0(10 to R`SCA De�•clopment Block Grant Pro�r��m would �o a the restoration of what wi11 unc(oubredly national interest and a source of commt�nity :'I�;,n�: ��uu �o much for ��c�ur consider.�tion ��f our reque�t. in� c�rc�l��, ,. ,. , ,_ ' �= , .' � • / : �'.' / � . - . �- � . • L. }l;�rrv K. Rosenbaum `lembcr �3oard of Directors ;VSCA ('lia irr�an, Fund Raising Drive s N � a � E � N ° p O C t � � o -- � � � � � �- � �I .� a a � � ~ � � � C a y p � O1 � C Q j N �O y N w V �.�.. 4/ 10 O '� � � d � � Cl ... � C 4J � 'y 'n C Ol � > > � C A � E �o v N 47 G1 OJ � Q � E � � � � o a, 3 � v� � v �' > �n C C � � � � �. �V C y L A � rC > j �o � � u '° o o � .0 N �;^ -' � �, �; a � y E � o L E � u a W o O • • d y v v � V v a � N � � � G � �0 > H � c � �0 � � � v C �7 .., � A 7 A h O v �, > C • � � = � � � �0 T d i0 rn N = A � r .� A � � � � � � r n� a " y s a � ., r. � � � ` � v� V� � O T ,� A � ^v �� ' � ` C y� �. � tJ �> '° c C � O � A o v E � E E a vs � � r � q ~ � � .. a � a o •` � � C •= V i0 c L ,h v W o ��.. t/� � �. � Z GJ C F- V �T L a v L O V � � > C v A � O � '� N c � �� � '� � V � 4 c � v �3 N C C F'- E � t� °' = � � � � � t � u a�°, o a o v d 4 � a t � � � � c '-" C N O � . q O � � r � �d/� A .3 q V ) �I H N O � � . a .'� r .° C � � � O r1 � y� C 3 v � o � � y � O a c v a .o � C y �i r C C V cA tn V � � rn � c � � � E � O � �^ C � y y > � O a, � b y a ,� � � Q � � � � � C :� a A � � � C C q � � � � � � 3 � � c o a E o `v� .E A E a�i °J � � � V � C O a � a � � � � L C y .+ ` C � � � � � � F°- cn O • • • �I C d E L u c` v v L � � �I � � C �r C � � > 3 � a � o E � � �� •- o c � � � � � � - E � � � E a � Q u \ � .r. 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'' A = r+ _' •� � � � ,t �� b ,, ,� . � , � , � ; �, , _ , �� � �RA�t .� ���,�� �30 � � � � ���� , � i t' .. ,� �, '' '� � ' �A ka� , �•� ` ��" s` �N"*`' a �b", � ,� .� p _ � � ` �' . p�1 b��� _ ` '� ` ti ;' i z Y= i� : T� ,., •r�. ,�,� 95 J � �� � , � , ywa`S01 ` / j �. i 5, • ��=�X� 'J ~�, �j r, • " �,.�t /�i[�lid/�L . , -� . ---- - -- ., _ �: �,� , trRA � - , �.,,.. , � .,. ..._. , , � �Z � ti \ , �. t ; ; I i. .+'.s .N'r. �,s ' .,*� , 1 1 � ; ` � � �� ��QAC� G N � .�� � ��`_ , � 1'�.\ / � , -N ,, . - � � , � ` I --- � 7 � ��- Z ` • 1 Y ' ti - LOCATION MAP. . . . , RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 FINDING OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A FULL ENVIRON2�NTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENTER WHE.�EAS, Lake Pointe Corporate Center requires a mandatory environmental ass�ssment Worksheet because of the size, number of parking spaces and amount of .,anitary seWage generated by the project; and WHE�EAS, the City of Fridley is the responsible governmental unit for pre;aration of the Lake Pointe Corporate Center environmental assessment worlsheet under EQB rules governing environmental revieir; and WHEtEAS, the City of Fridley has prepared an environmental assessment worlsheet for Lake Pointe Corporate Center; and WHEI EAS, the City has published notice oP the availability of the EAW for pub:ic review and distributed the EAW for comment in accordance with EQB rul� s; and WHEIEAS, notice of availability of the EAW for revieW Was published by the EQB in the February 10 EQB Monitor; and WHE]EAS, the thirty day period for reviex and comment or� the EAW terminated on Marc h 12, 1986; and , WHEiEAS, the City has reviewed xritten comments submitted to it during the thiity day review period; and WHE.�EAS, the City has considered the type, extent and reversabil ity of env:ronmental effects of the project; and WHEtEAS, the City has considered the cumulative potential effects of rel ated or �aticipated future projects; and WHEFEAS, the City has reviewed the extent to which the environmental eff ects of �he project are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory autY.ority; and WHEFEAS, the City has considered the extent to which environmental effects of the project can be anticipated and controlled as a result of environmental stucies undertaken by publie agencies or the project proposer; and WHEFEAS, the City staff has prepared proposed findings of fact and conclusions regzrding this matter; and WHEF�AS, the Couneil has considered all of the above and concludes that the LakE Pointe Corporate Center projeet does not have the potential for sign Cficant environmental effects. NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Fridley hereby adopts a Nega �ive Declaration finding that a full environmental impact statement for the ,ake Pointe Corporate Center is not required. PASS;D AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY )F 1 g � . WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTE iT: �� � s� PLANNING DIVISION � cinoF MF-1VLORANDC,IM FRIDLEIr ME.10 T0: John Flora, Public Yorks Director ' ME:10 FROM: James Robinson, Planning Coordinator� I�; f0 DATE: March 13, 1986 REtARDING: Proposed March 17, 19 � City Council Resolution Adopting Negative Declaration in Connection With Lake Pointe EAii Th� process of reviex for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAii) Which �a, required of Lake Pointe Corporate Center is near completion. The thirty da � comment period terminated on March 12, 1 986. Trro agencies� the Me ropolitan Council and the Minnesota Department of Transportatiion have as;ed for extensions until Friday, March 14� 19 �i. No:,e of the agencies, including the two aforementioned, have expressed a need fo� an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which is the subsequent pr� ceeding if an EAii review leads to a finding of sigaificant environmental im; act. Th� attached resolution, Khich was previously submitted for Council review on Ma•ch 3� 1g86, is a Finding of a Negative Declaration for a Full En�ironmental Zmpact Statement for Lake Pointe Corporate Center. It is my ho�e to prepare a summary of the findings related to the EAW for City Council coisideration along with the resolution. If all the reviexing agencies cocments are available by the morning of March 14th� these comments along Wi�h a staff summary could be available for inclusion to the Council packets Fr: day afternoon. JL; ldm En� 1. M-� 6-52 RESOLIITION N0. - 19� A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND FINAI. PLANS AND SPBCIFICATION3 AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS TfiEREOF: WATER � SANITARY SEidEx PROJECT # 162 WHEiEAS, certain agreements requesting street improvements, ineluding grading, statilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, seWer, water, storm seWer and other facilities, located as follows: Lake Pointe Drive 7th St. to West Moore Lake Drive Woodbridge Drive Lalce Pointe Dr. to Lake Pointe Dr. were duly presented to the Council on the 3rd day of March 1986; and WHEF EAS, pursuant to the resolution of the Council adopted Mareh 3, 1986, a repc^t has been prepared With reference to the improvement, and this report was received by the Council Mareh 3, 19�; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota as folloWS: 1. The Couneil finds and determines that said agreements were signed by all owners of real property abutting upon the street(s) named as the location of the improvement. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council resolution adopted Mareh 3, 19�. 3• John G. Flora is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications and estimates of costs thereof for the making of such improvements. PAS:'sD AND ADOPTED BY TIiE CITY COIINCIL OF THB CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF � 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTE iT: SHIR .EY A.'HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/6/ It17 7 .�• � � � i Y , �- � � .. . . . � � � . �,. r �""c II, � a.•i ., �I':. .� i �-. ... .. . —�� �. �3 � .�...... I _ _ ' r � I� -• �Y� _.. .� i�, .� J` � � ; � , ..... u+",: ' ... i � . �;; L_ �,, , .,t �� �..l,_. � �.�.�. �ii _ �` 1� I � !y' w, I : � �� .:. :: � .. ' .� � ti � I�C %� .';1�/ _� __ ,�, �; il iil' . .� i � I -.- : o � � ; � _.�. J.� �� � I r" � ..I.. I� •� I �� ;: :�,� � iI �� \, �.'� _, � \�1 ,� � C •—N ��_ - � ± = , ; : � . � , ~�� : _- i � ; i � ;� ! i�� �` "i .:, !� �\ V N r �' � t � e; `� Q [: " :JI � � J � ii : .`! M��f A� J C� � � :r T �... .. � � �• c c ..... ,.1-:•, • c =���i-rl:�..� � L�� C ••+a.:i.• •Tlr � `� : '" :I : 'L t -. :•� ►i� ., ,,, c�.:;I;�,t}.�. . r ���.... �I . . ':' � �u .... c; �,1 , I _: ..l? t I� -�......,.t :-•;t�il � t' " �r..�, . ' -+... . C � � '. r� �....�. , � 9 -• ti�:t.��f � �_.�r�=� - — .__ �_ o Ja � r 4 ,•'. � i�... ';�/�� •�.� �.• �� � �� r�= --►;- �! :.:.�' '� ';�s _ ::. .. ' � : ---r� . •: �•'��''.�' .. �i... . � j�r �-ti: --. ..,. ,�,: .` . , . �, ,. .. .. , � i ��• '• `'.': ;.:. .-. ,. ;.,. � �J'�`�.� ' . � ,y' t ' -= �,►, �ta� �.., , _ ��� : � �: =°-�1 IF: __�. ... � � .�. . . . ;, ,;� � �.. ._. � ��;, ' _' ' �� ' �nr � �", M��RE � ;;; i ;, , , =� � i /� � �,n�%� �+ � I ; : -}-„ �, _ '�7 � � • • ...• i� � i � ' .'"' . r� s - ��:.- -- � .+�.., a .r.. , .. , _ r.' � ; ,.. _ :ii i ��I���f'��r�� N ....w. � ..... �. :.:. » 1 Illlll .�.. ...,.. ( A , �u �AKE ;,� -�.r� r • . f� � :'' c o �+ ' �' � i . �— " �• N I �` y� ..• ....• . . �r.. . �n = :�_::.»: �_ 1�� '� :l �l� ,• ....... —• /i %/ ��I: I �, I., 1 ' \\ �; I� � .,� . �.• - W ATER & SANfTARY SEWER PROJECT #162 ! I 1J1�11J� :`" _ �'� ��—.�� �� . � ��� — i+r� ; - • .+: • • ..».. �, � � W � 1 r� d � .-... �� r, N�1• •� � 1 �: .'� � ~ � n i �� mm n<«t-.�---__ ��} . . �pK : z 0 i L.• .. ;:N�'r t ♦. :.�� � .�� .. ..� ,, _. , ��. . , -: ; I� - ; � ;�i ..� ��;� ,. �,. .� . „ .�,,: � :�,,,,.,,. .,.,�� ,,,��, ' ,� ,��� � �� ,1' ';i�':,i'� .�� ���. .. . r�� r ��- .----, ti �. ,�.'--" .. �I y", ' ''�+�� • � — ; -��... � ..r: • "�--�_ ' _'i � �� - - � � :� ' ��� ' /� : .�, �. � � �� 11__ � _ . ,: COLYY��• MI ,:'�_' 'r � RESOLIITION N0. - 5986 A RESOLIITION ORDERING II�PROVEI�II:NT, APPROYAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: WATER � SANITARY SEiiER PROJECT #162 WHEtEAS, the City Council received an agreement from 100 percent of the pro,�erty owners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of the.�e improvements requesting the construction of these improvements; and WHE:EAS, Resolution No. - t986 adopted by the City Council of the City of :'ridley ordered all of these improvements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka Cou3.ty, Minnesota as follows: 1. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolutions are hereby ordered to be effeeted and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm seWer system, and other facilities located as follows: La1ce Pointe Drive 7th Street to West Moore Lake Dr. Woodbridge Drive La1ce Pointe Dr. to Lake Pointe Dr. That the work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be designated as: j�ATER � SANITARY SEWER PROJECT �162 2. The plans and specifications prepared by the Public Works Department for such improvements and each of them, pursuant to the Council resolutions heretofore adopted, are hereby approved and shall be f iled with the City Clerk. The Public Works Director shall aceordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in he official newspaper advertisements for bids upou the making of such imp�ovements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement sha:l be published for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days), and shall specify the Work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at 11:��0 a.m. on the 16th day of April, t9� in the Council Chambers of the Page 2- Resolution No. _ 1986 City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and Piled With the Public Works Director, and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified eheck payable to the City for five percent (5�) of the amount of sucY bid. That the advertisement for bids for WATER � SANITARY SEWER PROJ ECT #16� shall be substantially in standard form. PAS:ED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COQNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986. ATTF 5T: SHIf �EY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/6/ 1/ 18 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 8A HO?ICB TO BIDDB�.4 YAr88 AND SA�iITARY SSiiEB Pa0J8C? g0. 162 :ealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka �'ounty, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, 6�131 University ..venue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432 (Tel. 571-3�50) on the 16th Day of ipril, 9� at 11:00 a.�., for the furnishing of work and materials for 2,100 Lineal Feet 8" DIP Watermain 800 Lineal Feet 8" P. V. C. Sanitary Sewer �50 Lineal Feet 6" DIP Watermain And Appertenences YAZSa AlID SA1iI?A8Y SEilBB PR0.TBCT �10. 162. �11 in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by John G. Flora, P.E., lublic Works Director� Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, tN 55�32 (Tel. 571-3�5a). ]lans and specifications may be examined at the ofPice of the Publie Works Iirector and copies may be obtained for the Contractor's individual use by �pplying to the Public Works Director and depositing With the Publie Works Iirector $25.00 for each set. The deposit will be refunded to each bidder :ubmitting a bona fide bid upon return of the documents in good condition Within ten (10) days from the bid opening date. Fids must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and aceompanied by a cash deposit, certified eheek (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota} cr a bidder's bond made payable �ithout condition to the City of Fridley, IrIld, in �n amount of not less than five (5x) per cent of the total amount of the bid. J�int bids for City of Fridley improvement projects Water & Sanitary Sewer F roject #162, Street Improvement Project St. 1986-1 � 2, and Site Grading attd Lemolition Project #16 3 Will be accepted and considered in determining the low t idder. 7ae City Council reserves the right to reject ar�y and all bids and to Waive any informalities in ar�y bids received without explaaation. r� bid may be Withdraxn for a period of thirty (30) days. E� order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. �ited this 17th day of March, 1986. J F iblished: 3'6J11J10 Fridley Focus March 2u, 1986 March 31, 1986 April 7, 1g86 John G. Flora, P. E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Construction Bulletin March 28, 1986 April �4, 1986 April 11, 1986 �� RFSOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION RECEIVZNG A PETITION TO YAIVS THE PQBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF TFiE CONSTROCTION OF CERTAIDi IMPROVEMENTS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-1 WHERE/S, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the C�ty of Fridley and the property oWners affeeted thereby. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley as follows: i. That concrete curb and gutter be installed on the east side of the East �iver Road Service Drive from 51st Way to 53rd Way in 1986 and the final tituminous overlay be constructed in 1987• �. That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the c�ner of each pareel of land directly affected or within the area of lands �s may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements� and calculate- estimates of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto against each cf said lands. :. That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of taem as noted in said agreement are all of the lands and areas as noted in :aid agreement. All of the same to be assessed proportionately according t � the benefits received. 4, That the estimates of assessments of the Clerk shall be av ailable for iaspection to the awner of ar�y parcel of land as may be affected thereby. 5, That all property oxners whose property is liable to be assessed with the making of the improvements have signed a petition requesting the i nprovements and constitute 1004 of the property owners who will benefit f^om the improvement and do Waive the right to a publie hearing which is alloWed under the normal procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 4 ?9. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 19 8b • WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST; SHIRLE C A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERR 3/6/ 1/ 15 0 . - - -- - r .���r ���r OI�iECTORATE _ �F puB��c woRKs ��N� MEMORANCUM f RJ DLEY ___ , P0: John G. Flora, Publie Works Director PW86-44 ?ROM: Mark L. Burch, Asst. Publie Works Director SUBJECT: Addition of Capitol Street overlay and East River Road East Service Drive Curb and Gutter and Overlay to the ST19�-1 Street Improvement Projeet )ATE: March 12, 198b 9A , o °o :� °i o — ,� -- - � �— _ � Te improved Capitol Street with new conerete curb and gutter and the baae aat in 1981F. We are now proposing to finish this project by constructing :he final mat this year. The fittal overlay was ineluded in the assesssent 'or the projeet in 198�4 so there will be no further assessmenta to the �esidents along Capitol St. for this improvement. 1e have also received a petition requesting that concrete eurb and gutter ind the finaJ. overlay be constructed on the East River Road Service Drive 'rom 51st Way to 53rd Way. To coordinate with the development in thia �rea, we are proposing to ittstall the curb and gutter this year and the 'inal overlay in 1987. We are proposing to add this improvement to the �T1986-1 Street Improvement Project and have ineluded the appropriate �esolutions with the Council agenda for their eonsideration. ¢.B/ ts RESOI.UTIOii N0. - � 9� RESOLIITI01� ORDERINQ I�lPROYEMENT AND FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: STREBT IMPR011EMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 19�-1 WHERE fS, Resolution No. 15 - 1986 adopted on the 2�th day of February 1986, by the City ;ouncil, received the Preliminary Engineering Report attd the petitions for the improrements in this project. NOii T iEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka Count �, Minnesota as follows: 1. Tiat the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. 14 - 198b are hereb� ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: Stree: improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concr:te curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sewer syste i, and other facilities located as follows: '3 1/2 Ave. (Overlay) '6 th Way tiverwood Dr. fniv. Ave. E. Serv. Dr. 'iron Road '1 1/2 Way �oodbridge Drive ;apitol Street ,"'%c% 'y ;ast River Road Serv. Dr. Central Ave. to T. H. 65 Serv. Dr. Alden Way to East 71st Ave. to 71 1/2 Ave. 57th Ave. to South Osborne Rd. to South East Extension Lake Painte Dr. to Lake Pointe Dr. Main St. to Hughes Ave. 51st Ave. to 53rd Ave. 2. T;at the work to be performed under this project may be performed under one or more ontracts as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. 3. Tlat the Public Works Director, John G. Flora, City Hall, Fridley, Minnesota, is hereb; designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare final plans and s�eficiations for the making of such improvements. PASSE] AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF FRIDLEY TflIS DAY OF , 199b. WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR ATTES° : SHIRLFY A HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 6/3/1i22 �o .d �7�d � . \ 1 1 t . D E 1 s ' I i '/ .�/� � l�:� �.�_ __+_ �__ -_ I( rC .11" " . ,i � \ � . _�)\ � '�� ' ' ' %`" � � i �) �� VIRON ROAD !t� - � �� �; ' i�� ��;"�]� — - 76th WAY �� '�--;������—'� � �_ -�� !'� � � �� �. .s, " ;� ---� - _ �• `—�' -_� �.. � r-�-� t : � � \ ' -iT_ �,: •' ,__. �.il / �,,/) /� �// �� 1' ��� �' �w �� 1 ' - • `V ` � � ��� � � I� \�L/ ��� �1 V - ,' 1 � � �• ��• } • .-M�' _ ��� '��� �l �,��` 73 1/2 AVENUE ` '�� �F`a� '.�f�'-����'J._.�� ,_���. _ - � _._ ' r_-{ �I� � '�' � �. �.., T1 1/2 wAY __ ,*_ ._ � - -- - - � � == =_- - �� ,.- _ �_ � � .� � -� � - E:E':�`:� i: � �-1} ����- � -_— ,_—_ _ - - : - - - -- '--�.T—: � �.� � � - .. _ . // —�_ - I._ ..._ . � • �s�� • M� � � � • 117 �J ����``_ RIVERWOOD DRIVE '�°%' • i� �, ��Y � �,. :� � ,� �'�� )),'' � � �., . �� ,.r, ��... �' � .����^'���f��J e • • • 1 �v jQQ�{`//.•�•��,��� �• •'� o�' � � _...�. � _..... :1 ��� ,.��C.J��� r `�� i'•.�.'^�� � • �� • p � � �J�t, � �'� � 1 . .�.... � '� r . 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I� 1 1� _ II �.L�c �� I► i . . . . '--'- � . % ri� .� �- . �1NIVERSITY I � f~�� '. / �i� r� �;���� i.,�ij ,�� � � c---� � � _ �► � � � _ ��, EAST SERVICE .' �'_'� r`._ � � 1 �_�_ �_ , f -�."•� �- _- ,T'f�,- � �— C �%;' 1 n� ���� � � �� %' / � -- Y ,�, -- ,_ �. : �/� ��_,S . ,� - r-��' - 10A WOO�BRIDGE DRIVE �3 -� ` ✓ •��'_'— _ _ -- — �l • e =--� � �� �,'� �` ^=�' �M _ �' r,__. i = ?�Tf °,::F: �.:.�_? ,� � �,�=- -- � �.=- '� - . 11 RFSOLUTION �t0. - 19� RESOLIITION ORDERI�IG IHPRO�EHENT AND lPPROYAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADYERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-1 WHERE �.5, Resolution No. 15 - 198b adopted on the 2uth day of February, 1986, by the City ;ouncil, received the Preliminary Engineering Report and the petitions for the impro�ements in this projeet. NO'W TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka Count �, Minnesota as Follows: 1. T�at the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. 14 - 1986 are hereb,� ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-Wit: Stree. improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concr;te curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sew er syste: �, and other facilities located as follows: 3 1/2 Ave. (Overlay) ' 6 th Way iverwood Dr. ' niv. Ave. E. Serv. Dr. 'iron Road ' 1 1/2 Way Ioodbridge Drive � apitol Street - - . iast River Road Serv. Dr. Central Ave. to T. H. 65 Alden Way to East 71st Ave. to 71 1/2 Ave. 57th Ave. to South Osborne Rd. to South East Extension Lake Pointe Dr. to Lake Main St. to Hughes Ave. 51 st Ave. to 53M'1 Ave. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1986-1 Serv. Dr. Pointe Dr. 2. Tte plans and specifications prepared by the Publie Works Direetor for such impro�ements and each of them pursuant to the Council resolutions heretofore adopted, a cop� of which plans and specifications are hereto attached and made a part thereof, are hereby approved and shall be filed W ith City Clerk. The Ptblic Works Director shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of such improvements under such �pproved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for i3) weeks (at least 21 days), and shall specify the Work to be done and w ill state the bids � ill be opened and considered at 11 :00 a. m. on the 1 5th day of April 1986 in the Ccuncil Chambers of the City Hall and that no bids will be considered unless sealec and filed With the Public Works Director and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bcnd, or certified check payable to the City for five percent (5i) of the amount of sucn bid. That the advertisement for bids for STREET IMPROVEMENT ST 19� -1 shall be sutstantially in the standard form. PASSEI AND A�OPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF _. 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLE '�C A HAAPAI.A - CITY CLERR 6/3/ 1/ ?1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS STREET IMPROVEMENT PR0.TECT 19� - 1� 2 Sea ed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka Couity, Minnesota, at the office of the Publie Works Director, 6431 University Ave� ue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55�+32 (Tel• 571-3450) on the 75th day of Apr:l, 1986, at 11:00 a.m. 25,000 Cubic Yards 15,500 Tons 16,50o Tons 900 Tons 20,000 Lineal Feet 3,700 Square Feet Common Excavation Aggregrate Base (Class Y) Asphal t Bituminous Material for Mixture B-618 Concrete Curb and Gutter Brick Median Paving All ir accordance with plans and specifications prepared by John G. Flora, P.E., Public Works Direetor, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue N.E.t Fridley, I�] 5� 432 (Tel. 571-3450). Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works Direct�r and copies may be obtained for the Contractor�s individual use by applyi�g to the Public Works Director and depositing with the Public Works Direct�r $25.00 for each set. The deposit Will be refunded to each bidder submit�ing a bona fide bid upon return of the documents in good condition xithin ten (1)) days from the bid opening date. Bids uxst be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a cash d:posit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) or a tidder's bond made payable without condition to the City of Fridley, Minnes�ta, in an amount of not less than five (5�) per cent of the total amount of the bid. Joint �ids for City of Fridley improvement projects Water & Sanitary Sewer Projec :�162, Street Improvement Project St. 1986-1 � 2, and Site Grading and Demoli:ion Project �163 will be accepted and considered in deteriming the low bidder The Ci:y Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to w aive any inform Sities in a�yr bids received without explanation. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By ord��r of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated �his 17th day of March, 1986. Pullished: Fridley Focus March 2�1, 1986 March 31, 198b April 7, 1986 3/ t / 12/ 9 John G. Flora, P. E. PiJBLIC IiORKS DIRECTOR Construction Bulletin March 28, 1986 April 4, 1986 April 11, 1986 11A RESO�.UTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS 9ND ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS THEREOF: STREET IhlPROqEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 19 86-2 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley as folloWS: 1. Tiat it appears in the interests of the City and of the property owners affected that tzere be constructed certain improvements to-wit: Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sewer systea, and other facilities located as follars: flst Avenue Main St. to University Ave. L ake Pointe Drive 7th Street to Yest lioore Lake Dr. 2. Thit the Public Works Director, John G. Flora, City Hall, Fridley, Minnesota, is hereb; authorized and directed to retain Sunde Engineering, Inc. to draw the preli¢Lnary plans and specifications and to tabulate the results of his estimates of the costs of said improvements, including every item of cost from inception to comple;ion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to be incurred) in connection theretiith, or the finaneing thereoF, and to make a preliminary report of his findin;s, stating therein whether said improvements are feasible and r+hether they can best b: made as proposed, or in connection with some other improvements (and the estima;ed cost as recommended), including also a description of the lands or area as may re;eive benefits therefrom and as may be proposed to be assessed. 3. Th�t said preliminary report of the Publie Works Director shall be furnished to the Ci :y Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF . _ , 1986. WII.LIAM J. NEE - MAYQR ATTEST SHIRLE' A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/6/1/ 0 i2. �VL I � i 1 E��E J ____ .. .� 12A 4L.��.r� 1 � .`,, :� `�� � �1�.� n: � 2 II� a N �i tr •v[ •�o�000 � O o,� �.« ►��[ RO 12B 13 �so�.u�iox xo. - � g eb RESOLDTION RECEIVING THE PRELIMIHARY REPORT AND RBCEIVING PETITIONS TO WAIVE THE PQBLIC HEARING O�I THB �lATTER OF THE COKSTRIICTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEI�NTS: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-2 WHEREA��, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the interest of the Ci.y of Fridley and the property owners affected thereby. BE IT ,ESOLYED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley as folloWS: 1 That the preliminary report submitted by the.Public Works Director is h�reby received and accepted. 2, That the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and address of the orner of each parcel of land directly affected or within the area of lands a: may be proposed to be assessed for said improvements, and caleulate e: timates of assessc►ents as may be proposed relative thereto against each o� said lands. 3, That the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of ttem as noted in said agreement are all of the lands and areas as noted in s�id agreement. All of the same to be assessed proportionately according tc the benef its received. �. That the estimates of assessments of the Clerk shall be av ailable for itspection to the owner of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby. 5. That all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with tke making of the improvements have signed an agreement requesting the i� provements and constitute 100� of the property owners who will benefit fiom the improvement and do waive the right to a publie hearing which is alLowed under the normal procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes Chapter �� g. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST; SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/6/1/1 I RESOLUTION N0. - 1g� RISOLIITION ORDERING IMPROVEMEKT AND FINAL PLANS AND SIECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: STREET I! PROVEI�NT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986- 2 WHEREAS, Re: �lution No. - 1986 adopted on the 17th day of March 1986, by the City Council, received the Preliminary Engineering Report and the petitions for the improvements in this project. NOW THEREFOR's, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minn :sota as follows: 1. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. - 1986 are hereby o•dered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, ta-wit: Street impro�ements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete cur� and gutter, sidewalks, water and sanitary sewer services, storm sewer system, and �ther facilities located as follows: 81 st Av� ;. Main St. to University Ave. Lake Po.nte Drive 7th Street to West Moore Lake Dr. 2. That the work to be performed under this project may be performed under one or more contrac�s as may be deemed advisable upon receipt of bids. 3. That the Public Works Director, John G. Flora, City Hall, Fridley, Minnesota, is hereby desigtated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare final plans and spef iciations for the making of such improvements. PASSED AND AIOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR ATTEST; SHIRLEY A HAA�ALA - CITY CLERK 6/3/1/12 14 RESOLIITION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: STREET IMPRWEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986-2 WHEREA, �, Resolution No. - 1986 adopted on the 17th day of March, 1986, by the City C��uneil, received the Preliminary Engineering Report and the petitions for the improv ments in this project. �NO�i THl REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County. Minnesota as follows: 1. Th�t the following improvements proposed by Council Resolution No. - 1986 are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonably possible, to-wit: Street improvements, including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concret e curb and gutter, side�ralks, Water and sanitary sewer services, storm sexer system, and other facilities located as folloWS: 8'�st Ave. Main St. to University Ave. L�ke Pointe Drive 7th Street to West Moore Lake Dr. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1986-2 2. The plans and specifications prepared by Sunde Engineering, Inc. for the Publie Works >irector for such improvements and each of them pursuant to the Council resolutions heretofore adopted, a copy of which plans and specif ications are hereto attachei and made a part thereof, are hereby approved and shall be f iled W ith City Clerk. The PubLic Works Director shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the officiaL newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of such improvements under sueh aF�roved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for (3) weeks (it least 21 days), and shall specify the Work to be done and will state the bids wi Ll be opened and considered at 11 :00 a.m. on the 15th day of April 1986 in the Couicil Chambers of the City Hall and that no bids will be considered unless sealed �nd filed with the Publie Works Director and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid boni� or certified check payable to the City for five percent (5i) of the amount of such bid. That the advertisement for bids for STREET IMPROVEMENT ST 1986-2 shall be subs ;antially in the standard form. PASSED lND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF 198b. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST; SHIRLEY A HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 6/3/1/1 15 RESOLQTIObi N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION AIITHORIZING THE POSTING OF "NO PARgI�IG' SIGNS ON LAgB POINTE DRI9E (M. S. A. S. 3�5) BETiiEEN 7TH STREET AND WEST MOOflB LARE DRIVE {HEREAS, the Lake Pointe Drive has recently been designated as a Municipal :tate Aid Street and will be construeted in 1986 to a 36 foot width, and �HEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation requires that no Farking be permitted on a 36-foot wide State Aid Street as parking may � mpede the traffic flow. rO�W, THEREFORE, Bfi IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley that the City is hereby authorized to post "No Parking" signs on both sides cf the above Street betxeen 7th Street and West Moore Lake Drive upon c�mpletion of the Street Improvement Project ST19&6-2. FASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COQKCIL OF T8E CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS � AY OF , 1986. A 'TEST: WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 3HIRLEY A HAAPALA� CITY CLERK 3 '7/3/21 �s -J �YI IU( �.�CE I r _ r��� � c w! � I � i � � (��E • J �' =_ - � . . = „ �:, — � _ ■1 ' : I � �•►. .�[ ��t . � r � h � • I S t o �[�t• ►I�CE • � "--==_s._ •»• 0 t = S ---�-- ___----- , � - --------• .re.ut ! � ��� � �Or �� \ �KE o�,"�TE ORIvE = � -� _� ��� --� — � i��\� 1 �,�+i i, � i . i ��`� ��t�� rc \ 1 � � � r � � i � ' � u � , �' ► _� ` C►�ERI ~ f f i . � �.�E � �. �aRK �13. .. V r �y • t r � 1 • 1 � � i M ! t � L � f I 16A v� � . �� � i � � _� \� � / � � � , �� RBSOLIITION N0. - 19� A RESOLDTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF PLA�S AND OxDBRING AD9ERTISEMEHT FOH BID3: STREST IHP80VEMBNT PROJBCT ST. 1986-10 ( SEAI,COATING) 0 WHE tEAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley has established a policy of Sea coating the City streets on a regular basis, WIiE�EAS, the Public Works Director has submitted a plan shoWing the streets in nee� , of sealcoating NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Ano:a County, Minnesota, as folloWS: 1. That the streets recommended for sealcoating by the Public Works Department be sealcoated, and the Work involved in said improvement shall hereafter be designated as: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST1986-10 2. The plans and specifications prepared by the Public Works Department for such improvement and each of them, pursuant to the Council action heretofore, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City Clerk. 3. The work to be performed under STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT ST. 1986-10 shall be performed under one contract. The Public Works Director shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in �he official newspaper advertisement for bids upon the making of such imp�ovements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement sha 1 be published for two (2) weeks (at least 10 days), and shall specify the worl to be done and xill state that bids xill be opened at 11 :00 a. m. on Wed�esday, the 30th day of April, 1986, in the Council Chambers of the City Hal:, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed With the Pub.ic Works Department and aecompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City for five percent (5i) of the amount of suct bid. That the advertisement for bids for STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST1!8b-10 shall be substantially standard in form. PAS:ED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 17TH DAY OF MARt fl, 1986. ATTi ST: SHIi LEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 3/6i 1l29 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 17 NOTICE TO BIDDERS STREET IMPROVEt�NT PRQJECT ST. 1986-10 (Seal Coat) Sea:ed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Moka Couity, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Direetor of the City of Frilley, 6u31 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55�32 iTel. 571•3450) on the 30th day of April, 1986, at 11:00 a.m. for the furnishing of worc and materials for Fridley Street Improvement Project 1986-10 (Se� lcoating). The surface treatment project consists of surface treating about 262,693 squ�re yards of streets in different parts of the City of Fridley and consists of �he following principal items of work and approximate quantities: 158,209 Scluare Yards 104, 4 8�4 Square Yards FA-2 Class C Aggregate Sealcoat Using RC cut-back Asphalt RC-800 FA-3 Class A Aggregate Sealcoate Using RC cut-back Asphalt RC-800 All in accordance With plans and specifications prepared by John G. Flora, P.E., Public Works Director, Fridley City Hall, 6�37 University Avenue N.E., Fric ley, NIId 55432 (Tel. 571-3450) Placs and specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works Dirfetor and copies may be obtained for the Contractor's individual use by app]ying to the Public Works Director. Bid: must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a casl deposit, certified eheck (on a responsible bank in the State of Minresota) or a bidder's bond made payable without condition to the City of Fricley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five (5�) percent of the tot� l amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in ar�y bids received without explanation. No tid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By crder of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Date� this 17th day of March, 1986. , Published: Fridlev Focus April 14, 1986 April 21, 198b April 28, 198b 3/b/11 �� John G. Flora, P.E. PUBLIC iIORgS DIRECTOR Construetion Bulletin April 11, 1986 April 18, 1986 April 25, 19� 17A 1986-10 SEALCOAT PROJECT R ` � _i^'� a.�� _- �. - �� _ ... \ `_ , _ � — ° � ::1�. � i i. , � � _.... � . L ~ � � ., � '- ��- _ - . ^ -. r� j1� - . ._ � � � � `�..��� �, � __` �_ -' � �_'... t�, ....� ' _ � • ' :. `' �r � . p .'� � �. �. � . �_ _. SM��FE `'�' , ` 'C� � � � -� � � �•-5 _ _ - -� ._.� ___ _ —.- � - �i __ =!�- _ � � � --,tl � _ - , �_ •� ij � �._ �ti _w . _ .� . � �t'- � �L - . ` . - •' - i -"1f / �=6. _ -' . ` � . ,�r . _ "'1 j -;' _ i .'/ � / . . � . � �S - � � r�._' � . _ , , . ��-� � �ll .-� - •� _�._ . I ,_ . �,_ t '-. �� :1 . �.=1� . 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" ..� ;y, 7 r�7 a =37 � L � �= ��. .. i� �i �� = _=j _' _ - ��i � � _ -- s �_ L�. ' :1 ... _ _s -_ 3G�, - u_, - TZ. �� � _ti= - ._. -- -��_ - ��' ` �� _-s � ''' -_ :z '" =_ =-- tz��- _ =_� .. - � _ �=3 _ ..._�... -_�,_ ° .�=r=_ i7B RL�SOLOTION N0. � - 19� RESOLtiTION ORDERING IMPROYEMENT, APPRO�fAL Og PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS; REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE, CIIRB, Gt3TTER AND SIDEiiAI.g - 19� �]EAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the �nLErest of the City of Fridley and the property owners affeeted thereby. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Ano}a County, Minnesota as follows: 1. That the following improvements proposed by Council Resolutions are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as required: Removal and replacement of miscellaneous concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk. 2. The plans and specifications prepared by the Public Works Director for sucr improvements are hereby approved and shall be filed With the City Clerk. The Public Works Director shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted tin the official newspaper advertisements for bids upon the making of such impr�vements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days), and shall specifu the �ork to be done and will state that the bids xill be opened and considered at ' 1:00 a.m. on the 23rd day of April, 1986 and that no bids xill be con�idered unless sealed and filed With the Public Works Director. That the adve^tisement for bids for REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS CURB, GUTT�R AND SIDEWALK - 19� shall be substantially in the standard form. PAS.S'sD AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF _ , 19�• WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTE iT : SHIR. ,EY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERR 3/6/ /26 18 HO?IC8 TO BIDDERS RB!lpVAt, AND REPLACSi�NT OF lQSCSLLANEOIIS COIiCRETB CIIRB, GIITTBF, AND SIDENALB i. ed bids will be received and publiely opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka Cou:.ty, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, 6u31 University Ave.�ue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432 (Tel. 571-3u50) on the 23rd day of Apr..l, 1986, at 11:00 a.m., for the furnishing of Work and materials for REM� �VAL AND REPLACEI�NT OF MISCII.LANEOUS CONCRETE CURB, G�3TTER, AND SIDEHALR 2,000 Lin. Ft. 1,000 Sq. Ft. Miscellaneous Concrete Curb � Gutter Removal � Replacement Construct 5 ft. wide x 4 inch sidewalk Al1 in accordance with glans and specif ications prepared by John G. Flora, P.E,, Public Works Director, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fri< ley, NIlV 55�32 (Tel. 571-3�50). Pla�s and specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works DirECtor and copies may be obtained for the Contractor�s individual use by app]ying to the Public Worka Director. Bid: must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a cas:, deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Miniesota) or a bidder�s bond made payable without condition to the City of Fric ley, t�1, in an amount of not less than five ( 5� ) per cent of the total amo� nt of the bid. The City Couneil reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to W aive any informalities in any bids received without explanation. No tid may be withdraxn for a period of thirty (30) days. By crder of the City Council of the Gity of Fridley, Minnesota. Date3 the 17th day of areh, 1986. Published: . 3/6/ 16J2 �a�F��7Y•Z•�7 April 7, 1986 April 1�, 1986 April 21, 1986 - 12 - John G. Flora, P. E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR .�- .� � April 4, 19� April 11, 19� April 18, 19 � 1 SA ': OF MINNESOTA i'Y OF ANOKA 'HIS AGREEMENT dated this AGREEMENT day of March, 1986, by and between the , CITY 4F FRIDLEY, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") and iRT Properties, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"). '�YIEREAS, the Grantee is the owner of Lot 1, Block 1, East Ranch Estates, 2nd ..ddition, Anoka County, Fridley, Minnesota and �HEREAS, the Grantor has an Easement for the maintenance of Utilities over the last 21 feet of said property, and fHEREAS, the Grantee has a free-standing sign which encroaches upon the Easei.ent held by Che Grantor, 'HEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: . The Grantor hereby agrees to permit on the following described property loca ed in Anoka County, to-wit: The East 21 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, East Ranch Estates, 2nd Addition, Anoka County, Fridley, Minnesota the �lacement of a free-standing sign as it exists as of the date of this Agrecment and which sign is owned by the Grantee. 2. That the Grantee acknowledges that the Grantor may from time to time need to utilize the Easement. This may include but not be limited to certain cons�ruction activity which may be necessary for the maintenance and repair of tte Uti�.ities. The Grantee agrees to hold the Grantor harmless for any damafes which may be incurred by the sign due to the Grantor's exercise of its �ights within the Easement area. 19 3. The Grantee further agree that in consideration of the Grantor permitt- he subject sign to remain upon the Easenent that the Grantee agrees that they L not upgrade, expand or make additions to the existing subject sign, provided, howe�er, that Grantee can change the facing on the sign. The Grantee further agre�s that they will not place any additional signs within the subject Easement area Notwithstanding this language the Grantee acknowledges that they will have an o'ligation to maintain the existing sign in a reasonable fashion. 4. This Agreement shall be binding upon both parties and upon their assigns and ransferees. IN WIZTIESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have affixed their signa- ture to this Agreement on the date first mentioned in this Agreement. CITY OF FRIDLEY BY: Its Mayor BY: <��-: Its City Manager MRT PROPERTIES, INC. BY: �� Ays�s�un+ Se�re-�u�--� 19A 19B STAT � OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUN 'Y OF ANOKA ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this � day of March, 1986, by W.LLZAM J. hEE, the Mayor and by NASIM M. QURESHI, the City Manager of the CITY OF FftIDLEY, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of tl e Piunicipal Corporation. STAT] OF MI:JNESOTA) )ss. COUN7Y OF HENN. ) On this %'Fh day of March, 1986, before me, a I3otary Public, within and for � aid County, personally appeared �lll'1� 43 .S�hr ,%x�S�t ��-r�-itdr'�/ of *� C PROPERTIES, INC. A Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation. C�.��' �; � � ���% /�'1 CORINNE C MARKS • ��` � NorMr �ueuc—MiHKESOtA 19 ANOKA CpUNTY My Comm�ss�on Exp�res Ott 30,1991 R � THIS NSTROMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY � �F FRIDLEY 6431 "niversity Avenue N.E. Fridl �y, MN 55432 . .�� Z's E � �� � .;r _ —� �/j � . 3 I � .�i� f+rF 4 � �t ;�. i �� � � � * , � � J � �q2� � < � � V < � � i � r- - — --- , av w s�E � e D � � '° Q � � � Q� p � ,�a ♦ W � 0 � W M � � � W � � � �; � _ �� i 1 r � , s. . � 4 Za ; �, �.,t S ,t f i � ��Z' / t t�' .d'�,; L .. i ,` 1`i �T�� - �� r �� � . � � ��v r �� � , � ) �- s�' /!! �'' � � � � :� i � � _ -2-- --��3 ��� - .s� � . _,�i ;.. -+ •.�. . 6 � ,�, . �� sr y , _. s. . �-- . ,f,,� ..�� r�� '� � 4 � �s�.-, - ---- - - � • ; ;, �. � � ,g �� �''r� " - � � '1 �. . _ _ _ .._ � n ? ( �,S��i . ;� 9 .., . �.: �'� �. s es ° s� � M+t • /O • ---- ' � , r!'-°�_, � � , ti /.f � ',� // � ""-- -- � � �6 � '� /3 .z� � irs rr �� " /1 h ' _ �; � s ROSEDAL,E R �s� y • � � h.ti �y i, . 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' ' `"' ;ss � � � � ' �t �'° r� � N ���� 'o .w.. . o,.�, .�-�.... � � � /f�/ �N�J�W1�w �/MLSr�T' .i TION MAP .Sr'�'�f . � Judy`s Hamburgers T__ ��"�~ 7890 Univ rsity Ave. NE . T�^ J ^ - � �� .Q , V` ,-_ - :Q r 0 _� 'E.x� sTi 11(� S t c� �,/ Dou�.c LEx� ��c.� � � I � � � �. � �� �.-�,r�. �o,.a�c . � ��c� v�s-�c i�4 r�-� a►� c.�. , i z�) s�i �t• { boua�.� Lr-,wN f�� ( I � ��. 9,1Z., (�'• p��8� � --^--t jo I , a� bsls o�. S�E�P�PL AT 22 . 3L p� FT •. Z'3J WA u. Wirtf l:p jusicc Go�. � . � coy�►Y w; w, v. g� x �i" Nlhu �c1iG. Cl'R6 ��.,_ . �-- _. 1! �i , � ; � � • _-_ -�-� �- - - �- {--- -{--- i , � � �--- - - - - -!- -� --�- � �/�_S � �X �O � ; Z �/� � ��� o � .� �N I 19D � I� , �i .�- - �1� � I'' I +� I I� I� � I t_1 I L�-_•-1 . - � . +, � � \� � �. . � T�, . ..-�. . a, . a. ..n.! �-� . . . - � - . + � r '.a.._ . " .. _:a Y. -:o - � �i _�v$ - 1 _ . � i1.�M�(;prE!i�S _ . d� -- - __. ��Po�b�Ev //`' .�;. S / G �u , � Go c 4T1 a� y�(�t ~ • _ ._ ?��i41T�� - i �: . _ � � � --� � �.�... ^ ,.. .e+...•_.. r. ... �-.-., _ . .. _ . � • ., _. � • ^ '". .-. _ _._ �� � � � � , CITY OF FRIDLEY CHARTER COMMISSION MEETIWG, OCTOBER 21, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Chai•person Jackson called the October 21, 1985, Charter Comnission meeting to orde • at 7:1� p.m. � ROLL CALL: Menb�rs Present: Susan Jackson, Bruce Nelson, Marqaret Hendley, Donald Betzold, Ralph Stouffer, Pat Kindom, Bob Pierce, Peter Treuenfels, Francis van Dan Mer��b�rs Absent: Robert Schmidt, Irene Maertens Otl�e •s Present: Bi 11 Hunt, Assi stant to tf�e Ci ty Manager APPRIVAL OF MARCH 18, 1985: CHARTFR COMMISSION MINUTES: MO^'I Y.: BY MR. TRF.UF.NFEIS, SECO"�DF.D BY NR. PIERCE, TO APPROVE THF. MARCN 18, 1985, CHAR'ER COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UP�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., CKAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLARED THE MOTIOII CARR'ED UNANIMOUSLY. APPR ►VAL OF APRIL 15` 1985, CHARTER COMt•1ISSION MINUTES: MOTI�'v BY MR. TREL'ENFELS, SECORDED BY MR. STDUFFER, TO APPROVE TNE APRIL I5, 1985, CH�R'ER COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO_TING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLARED TXE MOTI0IJ CARR.ED UNANIMOUSLY. APPR�iVAL OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1985, CHAP,TER CO��MISSION MINUTES: MOTIi.N BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. VAN DAN, TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBF.P 16, 1985, CNAR"ER COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. ' UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTXNG AYE, CHAIRPF.RSON JACKSON DECLARED TNF. MO_TI017 CARR. F.D UNANIMOUSLY. 1. IONSIDERATION OF THE TERM "ELECTORATE" IN THE CITY CHARTER �Suggeste e�nition: e w o e o v o e igi e voters") Ir, van Dan stated he had consulted the American College Dictionary, Random louse, coo,yright 1947-49, page 387, which defined "electorate" as "tF�e body of �ersons entitled to vote". He stated he had also consulted the Oxford Universal Iictionary, copyright 1933, Third Edition Revised, page 591. The second defini- �ion for the word "electorate" was "the whole body of eligible voters". 20A CHAFTER COt1MISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 21, 1985 PAGE 2 �r. Hunt asked what the Commissioners thought of the definition of "electorate" is "the whole body of eligible voters". Given their definition of "eligible roters" as "a resident of the City of Fridley who is qualified to register to rote, it would seem to get the same thing across. �ir. Treuenfels stated he saw no problem with using that definition for "electorate" as long as they are referring to votinq in the futuf�e. �lOTION BY MR. PIERCE, SECONDED BY MR. VAN DAN, TO ACCEPT TXE DEFINITION OF 'ELECTORATE" AS: "TXE WHOLE BODY OF ELIGIBLE VOTERS." �r, Betzold stated that in going through the Charter, he did not see whv they :ouldn't use the term "registered voters" in place of "electorate", but if they rere going to use the term "electorate", this definition was satisfactory. JFON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLARED TIiE MOTIDN :ARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. 2. :ONSIDERATION OF THE WORDS RELATIVE TO VOTERS IN THE CITY CHARTER: 4s. Jackson stated she would like the Commissioners to go through the Charter �aking changes where necessary regarding the terms, "voter", "registered voter", 'eligible voter", and "electorate". �ection 1.03. CNARTER, A PUBLIC ACT "voters" - stet. �ection 1.04. DEFINITIONS MOTION BY MR. PIERCE, SECONDED BY MR. STO.'IFFEP., TO APPROVE TXE DEFINITIONS AS READ FOR "ELIGIBLE VOTER","REGISTERED VOTER", "VOTER", AND "ELECTORATE". UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLARF.D THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOiJSLY. �ection 2.03. ELECTIVE OFFICERS "qualified voters" to "eligible voters" :ection 4.01. GENERAL ELECTION LAWS TO APPLY "voters" to "eligible voters" �r, van Dan stated he would delete the word "eligible" and kee� it at "voters". I'�e stated this is actually a reference paragraph, and the State Statute regulates �fiat kind of voters. 1OTION BY MR. VAN DAN THA"' TXE CAMMZSSIDN ATTORNEY BE CONSULTED ON THE QUESTION ��F WHETHER "VOTERS" OR "ELIGIBLE VOTERS" SHOULD BE USED IN THIS SECTIOIJ. IOTICaN DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. 206 CHARrER COMMiSSI�N MEETING, OCTOBER 21, 1985 PAGE 3 1r. Stouffer stated he felt they should stay with "eligible voters" as oriqi- �ally intended. He stated they have to be consistent with their definitions, 1r. Pierce, Ms. Kindom, and t1s. Hendley agreed with Mr. Stouffer. �Is. Jackson stated that since the majority were in favor of "eligible voters", t would stand as read. �ection 4.05. JUDGES OF ELECTION "qualified voters" and"qualified voter" to "registered voters" and "registered voter" �r. van Dan stated usinq the term "registered voters" here bothered him because t would eliminate those who might not be registered voters but who are qualified �o become registered voters by electian time; for example, someone who is not � U.S. citizen at the time but will be by election time 6ecause that is state �aw; someone who is not a legal resident at the time but will be by election �ir.�e; or someone who is younqer than 18 but will be 18 by election time, Ps.Jackson stated they did start out with the term "eligible voter" but changed �t to "registered voter" after some discussion. It was the concensus of the (�rr�ission at that time that they felt a person should be registered, having the experience of voting at least once before servinq as an election judge. hr. Betzold stated the definition of an election judge in the State Statutes 53VS: "Any individual who is eligible to vote in an election is Qualified to te appointed as a judge in a precinct." N�. Setzold stated the Commission has set a sor�ewhat higher standard by saying a person has to be a registered voter. He did not know whether the Citv of F-idley could legislate that kind of qualification when the state law sets the s ;andard. M�. Hunt stated the legal intern had originally suggested "eliglble voter". M�. Jackson asked if anyone objected to using the terri "eligible voter". M�. Pierece stated he objected to "eligible voter" and he thouaht the Commission d d also. He suggested they use the term "registered voter" but refer the m tter to the Com�►�ission Attorney to get clarification. If it needs to be "��ligible voter", then they can change it; but it it does not, they should stay w�th registered voter. M�. Stouffer stated he agreed with Mr. Pierce. M�, Hunt stated it would be his understanding that in this section, Section 4,05, i� for some reason "registered voter" was not allowed, then it would revert back tc "eligible voter". Ti e Ca*imi ssi oners were i n agreement wi th that. 20C CHAFTER COMMISSI�N MEETING, OCTOBER 21, 1985 PA�E 4 5ection 4.06, NOMINATIONS BY PETITION "elector" to "eligible voter" in second sentence third sentence to read as follows: "Such petition shall be signed by at least ten (10) registered voters qualified to vote for the,office in question. No one shall sign petitions for more candidates than the nu�ber of places to be filled at the election. Should such a case occur, the signature shall be void as to the petition or petitions last filed." �ection 4.07. NOMIWATIOtJ PETITIOW "electors" to "registered voters" "qualified electors" to "registered voters" :HAPTER 5. INITIATIVE, RFFERENQUM A��D RECALL �ection 5.01. POWERS RESERVED BY THE PEOPLE "electors" to "electorate" ection 5.05. FURTHER REGULATIOt�S 2. "elector" to "registered voter" in all three instances 4, "electorate" - stet. 'ection 5.04. INITIATION OF MEASIlRES "electors" to "registered voters" `.ection 5.05. FORF1 OF PETITION AND OF SI�NATURE PAPERS second sentence to read as follows: "Such petition shall not be comolete unless signed by at least ten percent (10�j of the total number of registered voters as of Jan, lst of that year." INI7IATIVE PETITION "electors" to "registered voters" in first two instances "electors" to "electorate" in last instance S�ction 5,06. FILING OF PETITIONS At4D ACTIOf� THEREON first sentence to read: "Within five (5) days after the filinq of the petition, the City Clerk shall ascertain by examination the number of signatures a pended thereto and whether this nur�ber is at least ten percent (10�� of the total number of registered voters as of Jan, lst of that year." 20D CNARfER COMMISSIOP� MEETIWG, OCTOBER 21, 1985 PAGE 5 �ection 5.07. ACTIOW OF THE COUNCIL ON PETITIONS "voters" to "registered voters" "to the vote of the electors" to "to the electorate" ., "registered voters" - stet. "electors" to "electorate" �ection 5.08. INITIATIVE BALLOTS "voters" to "electorate" "a r�ajority of the electors voting" to "a majority of those voting" "voters" - stet. "electors" to "voters" 'ection 5.09. INITIATIOW OF CHARTER AMENDMENTS "electors" to "eligible voters" :ection 5.10. THE REFEREWDUM first sentence to read as follo►•�s: "If prior to the date when an ordinance takes effect a�etition siqned bv at least fifteen (15N) of the re�istered voters as of Jan, lst of that year requests tl�at any such ordinance be repealed or be submitted to the electorate, the ordinance shall thereby be prevented from going into operat�ion." "electors voting thereon" to "those votin4" last sentence to read as follows: "If a majority of those voting is opposed to the ordinance, it shall not become effective; but if a majority of the voters of those voting favors the ordinance, it shall go into effect irmediately or on the date therein specified." S�ction 5.11. REFERENDUM PETITIOS�S � "electors" to "registered voters" "undersigned petitioners" to "registered voters" "submission to a vote of the electors" to "submission to the elect�rate" S�ction 5.13. THE RECALL "electors" to "registered voters" CHAR fER COM'�ISSIO�� MEETIWG, OCTOBER 21 , 1985 PAGE 6 iection 5.14. RECALL PETITIONS "electors" to "registered voters" in both Znstances iection 5.15. FILING OF PETITION � "registered voters" — stet. iection 5.18. OFRM OF RECALL BALLOT "the electors" to "those voting" :HAPTER 7. TAXATION AND FIt�ANCES iection 7.15. BONDED DEBT AND DEBT LIMIT 2. "submit to the voters" to "submit to the �lectorate" "of those voters who vote" to "of those voting" �HAPTER 11. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND OPERATIOtJ OF UTILITIES 5ection 11.06. PUBLIC UTILITY, HOW SOLD "electors" to "electorate" "the voters voting" to "those voting" 20E NQ_TID"� BY MR. STOUFFER, SECONDED BY MR. TREUENFELS, TO APPROVE THE LANGUAGF. 4S READ A.YD SUBMITTED WITH THE STIPULATION THAT IN SECTION 4.05 IF THF. r.ANGUAGE AGREED UPON BY TNE CHARTER COMMISSION (REGISTERED VOTER) IS NOT IN :OI�PLIANCE WITH STATE STATUTES, THAT IT BE CXANGED BACK TO"ELIGIBLE VOTER". �1r. Stouffer stated the intent of his motion was to tentatively approve the terms, "eligible voter", "registered voter", "voter", and "electorate" throughout the Charter. It was not his intent to a�prove the whole Charter �ntil they have reviewed and approved all the chanqes. �r. Hunt stated he would mark up a copy of the Charter that incor�orated the :hanges they have made about voters, send the co�y to the Commission's attorney, �Ir. Terpstra, for his opinion as to the legality of the changes, with special reference to Section 4.05. Hopefully, the Comnission will have that answer �ack before their Nov. 18th r�eeting. 7PON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLARED TXE MOTION �ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 20F CHART:R COh4�1ISSI0N MEETING, OCTOBER 21, 1985 PAGE 7 3. C� �tJSIDERATIOt! OF THE REMOVAL OF GE�IDER SPECIFIC LANGUAr,E FROM THE CITY CHARTER: T�e Commission members reviewed the Charter for changes in sexist languaqe f�llowing the changes recommended by Kay Tischler Erickson in Feb. 1985. C�anges made that were different that those recommended by Ms. Erickson: S �ction 4.06 4th sentence: No eligible voter shall sign netitions for more candidates than"the number of places to be filled at the election, and should such a case occur, the signature shall be vofd as to the petition or petitions last filed." S �cti on 4.07 third sentence: "The nominee shall indicate by an endorsement uoon the petition acceptance of the office if elected thereto." Ciscussion to continue with Section 4.07 at the next Comnission meeting. 4. CfHER BUSINESS: Nr. Treuenfels stated that Section 5.02 contained a specific dollar amount a�d at some time the Charter Comr�ission should review that section to see iF they could elir�inate the dollar amounts which might become unreasonable c�e to inflation, etc. Ctlier issues raised that should be discussed at a future meeting relative t� changes in the Charter were the terms, "office" and "officeholder",and l��king for instances where the "Village of Fridley" still aopears in the ( harter. ADJOL �r�MENT: M0�'ICti BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. NELSON, TO ADJOURN TNE MEETING. IIPO"l A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLARED THE OCT. 21, I985, CHARSER COMMISSION MEETING ADJDURNED AT 8:45 P.M. Respectfully su 'tted, ynr� Sa a Recoiding Secretary - �, FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS' t:arcti i'7, 19E6 (Tarieci riarch 3, 1�8G) ; • �� � [� � • y • • �> �• � ♦ �� � �r�arPt Hendlev _Ilf', (:r�_l� P�.E. � -I _ 571-2757) � ��� • ��• 7 � I• �� ,, .1 �. I• � ��i� . . ` �• � Jerry Sherek 1�3� 73-1/2 Avenue (H. 7F4-6�44 - 1'.� I} Y• •� Y •• 1♦ t• I � �- �.r -a. � ..� :� . 4-I-89 Clarence (Gene) Rezac 1561 Camelot Lane (H. 574-0629) 4-1-89 (vacated by Louis Schmidt 10/85) 4-1-89 Dick Young 56 95 Qui ncy St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) 4-1-89 Daniel Allen 6200 Rice Creek Dr. NE (H. 571-3137) 4-1-89 4-1-88 James Pl anel 6864 C�annel Rd N. E. (H. 571-0026) (vacated by Patricia Gabel 12/85) 4-1-89 Tcm Gronl�md 7411 Lyric Lane (H. 786-7459) 4-1-89 Bruce Peterson 7503 Tenpo Terr. NE (H. 786-9898) �i _ A r FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCiI. -- APPOINTMENTS' ' s •� ..� ` ��_. : 1 '• •.� � 1 •.�5� �• 1 \ i• � � Y } } (� •• I ` I• 4-1-89 Dean Saba 6325 Van Buren St. NE (H. 571-1953) . 4-1-89 Bruce Bot�dqw 6616 Central Ave. NE (H. 571-0163) 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 FF IILEY HQJSII� ArD RH�VF3APlg31P ALTIDQtII'Y J� hn E. P'eyer 6-9-91 7:6E F,lcen 4:a h.E. � F71-�328 PC LI� Q�hl�IISS�1 P'3vis Hauge Feappointe 2: /21 4-1-89 Robert Mirrton 1538 N. Oberlin Circle (H. 574-1173) Peter Pierce 572 Rice Creek Terr. (H. 571-7045) Duare Peterson 1021 Hathar��ay Ln. NE (H. 571-3386) IImars A. Prieditis 6031 BenjaQnin St. NE (H. 571-7230) Mavis Hauge 645 67th Ave. NE (H. 571-1083} �� �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL —` APPOINTMENTS' t�RQ-1 17, 1986 NT�11� POSITIDN Wende aee Ferguson Off ice 11610 Pulip St. #307 Assistant Coon F pds., hN 55432 R�lice Dept. (non-exenpt ) STARTII�G STARTIl�G SALARY DATE $1,140.94 March 11, Per 1986 Month ($6.56/hr. ) John I. Robertson Cam»ity Dev. $40,000 2409 F ussel Ave. S. Dir./Executive Per MpI s. , MV 55405 Di r. HRA ye�r (exempt ) Jef f rE � J. Rokeh 2085 F . I�ay 36 N. St. Paul, 55109 A�lice $1,667 Off icer Per M�rith March 31, 1986 March 31, 1986 RF.PI�P►CF.S Oynthia Haf ner Jer ry Boarcfian Corby Pelto 2 �, 3 � 1 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- CLAIMS . / Dtarch 17 , 1986 Claims 7021 - 7229 �� �J ._. �4 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES March 17, 1986 �e of License: By_ Approved Ey: ' BILLIAR �S America Legion Post 303 Punkin Vending James P.Nill 7365 Ce�tral Ave.N.E. Public Safety Director Fridley Mn. 55432 CIGARET� ES / America� Legion Post 303 Punkin Vending "" "" 7365 Ce�tral Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Central Embers Inc. Consumer Vending "" "" 5400 Ce�tral Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn.55421 Country Club P1kt. Same "" "" 6275 Hi �hway ,'-`65 N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Godfath�rs Pizza Same "" "" 7910 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fridley ��n. 55432 Perkins Restaurant Same " " 7520 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fr�idley Mn. 55432 Sandee' Restaurant Braam Inv. " " 6490 Ce�tral Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Target i�ist. Center Twin City Vend. " " 1090 - 3rd Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Target No.Oper.Center) " " " " " 6499 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fridley �tn.55432 Tom Thui ib Same " " 315 Osb�rne Rd. N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Town Cr er Pancake House R.4J. Laing " " 7730 Un vers�ity Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 ENTERTA NMENT Ground ;ound Same " " 5277 Ceitral Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55421 Fee �60.00 $12.00 $12.00 �12.00 512.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 �12.00 $12.00 $85.00 � ��I FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL '� J March 17, 1986 ENTERTA:NMENT CONT. Stuart �nderson's Cattle Co. Saga Enterprises� 5696 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 FIREARM Stanton 0. Berg Same 6025 Ga�dena Lane Fridley Mn. 55432 FOOD ES �ABL I SHPIENT Country Club Mkt. Same 6275 Hi�hway `65 N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Dairy Q�een Donald Fitch 280 Mis�issippi St. N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Del i Ca •t of Fridley Same 622 Osb�rne Rd. N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Fridley Covenant Church Same 6390 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Godfath�rs Pizza Same 7910 Un versity Ave. h.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Grace L�theran Church Daniel Fleischer 460 - 7�th Ave. N.E. Frid.ley t1n. 55432 Ground ;ound Same 5277 Ce�tral Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55421 Hong Koig Kitchen Karen Kam-Ha Kwan 242 Mis�issippi St.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Z's Eat�ry J's Foods 7890 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Kentuck� Fried Chicken Same 7510 Un versity Ave. N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 -- LICENSES Page 2 James P. Hill Public Safety Director �� �� 585.00 �25.00 S45.00 $45.00 a45.00 $45.00 $45.00 Exempt �45.00 545.00 $45.00 545.00 - -. �li � �J FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL March 17, 1986 F000 ES"ABLISHMENT CONT. Learnin� Tree Center 5310 Moiroe St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Lindqui>t Cake & Dec. 5247 Ceitral Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Liquor Jarehouse 214 �1is �issippi St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Lloyd's Food Products 7501 Conmerce Ln. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Lynn's ;ake & Candy Sup. 7930 Uriversity Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 McGlynr Bakery 755 - �3rd Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 North Pk.Elem.School 5575 Fillmore St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Old Cor�try Buffet 6540 Uriversity Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Perkins Restaurant 7520 Uriversity Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN. 55432 Pizza lown Inc. 7891 E. River Rd. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Sandee's Restaurant 6490 CEntral Ave.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Stuart Anderson Cattle Co. 5696 Uriversity Ave. N.E. Fridle�,Mn. 55432 Target No. Oper. Center 6499 U►ivesity Av.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Tom Thi mb 315 Oslorne Rd. N.E. Fridle�. Mn. 55432 Social Dynamics Inc. James Lindquist Kathleen Schmitz Same Stephen Kraatz John Prichard Elaine Niesche C.Dennis Scott Same Same Braam Invt. Saga Enterprises Tw�in City Vending Co. Same '— LICENSES Page 3 $45.00 �45.00 Exempt $45.00 • 545.00 S45.00 Exempt 545.00 �45.00 �45.00 $45.00 �45.00 a45.00 ,I �45.00 �, ■� ■ � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL March 17, 1936 FOOD ES� ABLISHPIENT CONT. Town Cr er Pancake House 7730 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 IUnivers ty Stat�ion Rest. '7610 Un versity Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Vitelli s Pizza 6440 tln versity Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Woodcre t Baptist Academy 6875 Un versity Ave. N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Zantigo Corp. 5905 Un versity Ave. N.E. Fridley P1n. 55432 FOOD VE IICLE Fabian �eafood Co. P . 0. Bo , 2227 Galvels:on, Tx.,77553 LIVESTO :K Theodor� B. Theilmann 1540 Ri:e Creek Rd. Fridley Mn. 55432 PRIVATE GAS PUMP City of Fridley(Garage) 400 - 7.st Ave.N.E. Fridley Mn. 55432 Lampert Bldg. Center 7600 Hw �. #65 N.E. Fridley , t4n. 55432 Park Coistruction Co. 7900 Be�ch St.N.E. Fridley , ��1n. 55432 REFUSE 1AULERS Ace Solid Waste 3118 - 162nd Lane N.W. Anoka, 1n. 55304 R.W. Laing Ardys Smith Rice Creek Inv. Clarke S. Poorman KFG Nat.�4anagement Daniel Fabian Same Same Lamper Lumber Co. Same Dean 0. Warden 24 '— LICENSES Page 4 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 �45.00 $45.00 �50.00 �32.00 Exempt $30.00 $30.00 � �60.00 � � , ��� J FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES March 17, T986 Page 5 REFUSE iAULERS CONT. Hilger 'ransfer 3550 Za :hary Lane Maple G°ove, Mn. 55369 RETAIL �ASOLINE SALES Riversiie Car & Truck Wash, I ic. 6520 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 David A. Klatke, Jr. Randall Olchdfske Richard Larson Fire Inspector TREE RE tOVAL Fridley Park Dept. 400 - 71st Ave. N.E. Fridley, �1n. 55432 Tims's free Serv.Inc. Tim Hagan 5612 Ccrvallis Ave.No. Crystal, P�n. 55429 USED MCTOR VEHICLES Motor �31et Used Cars John Pomaville 5649 l�ivesity Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 VENDINC �1ACHINES Aamco 7ransmissions Thomas E. Whitney 940 Ost�rne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Anderscn Trucking Serv. Inc. Coca Cola Bottling 7600 CEntral Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Bargair Auto Parts Coca Cola Bottling 7300 CEntral AVe.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Buzz's Barber Buzz Arndt 6247 Ur ivesity Ave.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 City oi Fridley - Garage 400 - �lst Ave.N.E. Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Ralph Volkman Ralph Volkman James P. Hill Public Safety Director $60.00 $60.00 Exempt $40.00 $150.00 $15.00 �15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Exempt �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNClL �J March 17. 1986 VENDINC t1ACHINES CONT. Country Club 6275 Hi3hway �65 N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Donlyn 1fg. 7331 Ba<er St. N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 EMPI Re: Club 261 So. Corranerce Circle Fridley, Mn. 55432 Faith P�ademy 1401 Ga rden i a Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fantastic Sam's 7860 Urivers�ity Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Framarana 5261 Ce�tral Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Fridley Assembly of God 472 Ost�rne Rd. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Comm. Cntr. 6085 - 7th St.N.E.. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Fire Dept. 6431 Uriversity Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Jr. High School 6100 W. Moore Lk. Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Sr. High School 6000 W. Moore Lk. Dr. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fridley Warehouse Annex 6289 H�y. �65 N.E. Fridley , P1n. 55432 F.M.C. 5301 E. R�iver Rd. Fridle,y, Mn. 55421 Country Club Mkt. Same Dave Moran Coca Cola Bottling Coca Cola Bottling Coca Cola Bottling Coca Cola Bottling Coca Cola Bottling Same Coca Cola Bottling Coca Cola Bottling Same Coca Cola Bottling 24E -- LICENSES Page 6 $15.00 , $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 �15.00 �,15.00 �15.00 �15.00 Exempt $15.00 $15.00 Exempt �15.00 �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ■� March 17, 1986 VENDIN( MACHINES CONT. Fullerion Merals Co. Magic Maid Vending 5170 M� in St.N.E. Fridle� , Mn. 55421 Fullerion Metals Co. Coca Cola Bottling 5170 M�in St.N.E. Fridle� , Mn. 55421 H.B. F�ller Same 5220 M�in St.N.E. ' Fridle�, Mn. 55421 Gazda-Eekins Moving & Coca Cola Bottling StoragE 7580 Ccnmerce Lane Fridle�, Mn. 55432 Noliday Plus Coca Cola Bottling 250 - �7th AvE. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Lampert Building Center " " " 7600 Hay. r65 N.E. Fridley,Mn. 55432 Larson �1fg. " " " 7421 Ccnmerce Ln. P1.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Lloyd's Food Products " " " 7501 Ccrmerce Lane Fridley, Mn. 55432 Main Tc�l " " " 7850 Be�ch St.N.E. Fr�idley, Mn. 55432 Micro C�ntrol " " " 7956 Main St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Northwe�t Fabric Store " " " 755 - 53rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Perkins Restaurant Same 7520 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, t1n. 55432 Rapid Oil Coca Cola Bottling 5701 University Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 -- LICENSES Page 7 �30.00 $15.00 �15.00 $15.00 $30.00 �15.00 �15.00 �15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 �15.00 $15.00 � GI FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CtTY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 'J March 17, 1986 Page 8 VE�JDINC MACHINES CONT. Riversiie Car & Truck Wash Coca Cola Bottling 6520 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Riversiie Car & Wash Randall Olchdfske 6520 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Ronson )oor Co. Coca Cola Bottling 7570 Ha y.65 Fridley, Mn. 55432 Sinclair Oil Coca Cola Bottling 6071 Uriversity Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Skywood Clns.� Laund. " " ' " 5251 Ce�tral Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55421 Sola Wa�h Same 775 - �3rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Stevesc� Elem. School Coca Cola Bottling 6080 E. River Rd. Fridley, Mn. 55432 St.Phillips Lutheran " " " School 3� Church 6180 HHy. r65 N.E. Fridley, P1n. 55432 S � S T�ol Inc. " " " 7713 N.=. Beech St. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Sunshir� Club Same 6431 Uriversity Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Target )ist. Center Twin City Vending 1090 - l3rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Target Vo. Oper. Center Twin City Vending Co. 6499 Uriversity Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN. 55432 Target (Truckers Area) Twin City Vending 7120 CEntral Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 515.00 . 515.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Exempt �150.00 a120.00 �30.00 �� , FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL �1 �larch 17, 1986 UENDINC P1ACHINES CONT. Target (Truckers Area) Twin City Vending Co. 7120 Ce�tral Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Target itores Consumer Vending Service 755 - �3rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Thorne 3ros. Custom Coca Cola Bottling Rod & 13ckle 7500 Uriversity Ave.N.E. Totino �race High School Coca Cola Bottling 1350 Uriversity Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Trans C�ntinental Tire Coca Cola Bottling 7968 Main St.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Twin City Federal Sav.R Loan Barbara Capelletti 5205 Ce �tral Ave.P�.E. Fridley, P�ln. 55421 SOLICIT)R Storer ;able Douglas M. Wagner 350 - E3rd Ave.N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 -- LICENSES Page 9 �15.00 $45.00 . $15.00 �15.00 ?15.00 �15.00 560.00 � � � `� _� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL r�AF�i 17, 1986 E �CA'� A1"I27G . Lakeside Sewer t iiater 12469 Zinran Avenue Savage, AL�J 55372 BY: Michael 9mith G�7EFAL CONTRACT'OR Barkley Constsvction Co. 1111 - 24th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MQI 55418 BY: Harold Barkley Lehmann b Hones Cusbom Desiqn & Oonst. 557 Glendale Street St. Paul, NIIV 55104 BY: R. Allen Jones Mc'3ullen/yoselle b Associates 430 Industrial Blvd Minneapolis, NW 55413 BY: Marie G�anderson North Side R�ofers 12128 South Shore Drive Plymouth, NQl 55441 BY: Robert Barthiaune f•lASONRY S. L. Anderson Construction Co. 1171 [7est Dounty Rc�ad B Roseville, NIIV 55113 BY: Steven L. Anderson -- LICENSES 2 4 � � AP P FO'.'E D BY OA RRE L C IA R}C (]iief Bldg. Ofc1 / Same Same Same Same Same �� � ON RRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL —' ESTIMATES 2 5 , � � FOR C CU �I �IMATFS [�R� 17, 1986 J 1. H. Blattr�er & Sons, Inc. � : �.0. Box 37 � von, M�I 56310 For BASFU Nbdification . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 4,400.00 ]ugene A. Hickok and Associates, Inc. / ` 45 Irxii an Mot�d tiayzata, MV 55391 Professional Services fram 1-29-86 to 2-26-85. ... 700.89 �