04/07/1986 BOR - 5149I , � THE BOARD OF REVIEW April 7, 1986 7:30 P.M. � � i � EL LENBURG CAPITAL CORPORATION 30 ALENCIA AVENUE SUITE 3• APTOS CALIFORNIA 95003 408•662•2446 April 3, 1986 County of Anoka Tax Assessor 325 E. Main Anoka, Mn. 55303 RE: Parcel No. R12 30 24 23 002 R12 30 24 23 004 R12 30 24 22 007 Dear Sir: .f.i��:� +• r"?52 t � i . '4�� r ��( `�`ai�-- . � ; - a �''4 ��'`E ��' ,r'� k t �F'�P, �t'� ��� :¢. , ,t�, -y �� 4PR , ,�� 15d6 � �,"�OKA CUUN-L� A;;c�cSQg We are desirous of appealing your reassessment of the above parcels. Please contact us so that we may schedule a review. Sincerely, Ellenburg Capital Corporation for Brand Broadway Associates /� , �� / 1 ��_�. _ __�_ ' % ; `�< ;, - . Denise McKinney � Vice President �/�GQ � �° QTY OF FRII�,EY MEMORANDUM T0: NASIM N!. 4t�I� CCTY MANAGER FRQM: RICK PRIB�� F1'NANCE DIREC�POR SUBJECr: BQARD OF REVI�nI DATE : APRII� 3 , I986 I have reoeived a booklet frcm Leon Madsen, Assessor, which presents the 1986 assessnents for review by the board. I believe it c�ontains all the infovnation that we are aQaare of at this point time. 7."here is also some information regarding the 1986 assessment and the percentages as they relate to the different values for different pieoes of property. If you have any questions regarding this information, I will be happ� to review then with you. l�:sh 3/0/3/5 �- I � � � �� HONORABLE MAYOR NEE AND FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL � The meeting of the 1986 Board of Review must be called as a separate meeting froc ar�y other scheduled business. � In �he past, there has been need to call a continued meeting to hear cases tha� cannot be resolved at the first session. In order to give our office adecuate time to prepare, We would appreciate at least tW o weeks time until � the next meeting. That Would be April 21. State Statute requires that the Boa;d finish its husiness Within 20 days of the first meeting. i� The notice of valuation, sent to taxpayers this year, encouraged them to con� act our office before appeariag at this meeting. Of those that do, our off:ce should be prepared so these cases can most likely be settled at the fir;t session. However, for those thai eome to the meeting, Without � con�acting our office, We will probably need to take more time to review and pre;�are. We would appreciate it if these people can be asked to contact our off.ce for an appointment to view their property and to gather Whatever data xe � �ight need. � I h� �pe the following information in this booklet Will be of assistance to you i, in rour deliberations for this Board of Review. I Would direct your par,icular attention to the Appraisal Process on pages 3� 4. Pro�erty tax laws, in Minnesota, are extremely complicated, and many taxpayers � are understandably confused by them. Hopefully, We will be able to educate as wel. as equalize at these meetings. I� If �ou have any questions on this year's assessment or anything else regarding pro>erty taxation and valuation, please feel free to contact me. I al so x ant to ;hank you for your fine conduct of these meetings in the past. I � Leo i Madsen, Assessor IMP)RTANT - The Board should take one of three courses of aetion on each case. It ahould increase, decrease or affirm the value as submitted by the City Ass:ssor. In the last feW years, the Board has occasionally only referred the com�laintant to the County. In these cases, the minutes fail to indicate xhich spe:ific action, of the 3, �►as taken. Regardless of the Local Board's action, the option of appealing to the County Board of Equalization is always open. ' Page 1 AUTHORITY OF THE LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW AssESSments of property are made to provide the means for the measuring of the rel�tive share of each taxpayer in meeting the costs of local government. It is the duty of the Assessor to assess all real and personal property except tha� Which is exempt or taxable under some special method of taxation. If the burcen of local government is to be fairly and justly shared among the oWners of �11 property of value, it is necessary that all taxable property be listed on �he tax rolls and that all assessments be made accurately. Fairness and jus.ice in property taxation demands both completeness and eq uality of ass� ssment. Min�esota Statutes Section 274.01 provides that the council of each city shall be �r appoint a Board of Review. These meetings are required to be held betc een April 1 and June 30 and the Clerk of the Board of RevieW is required to �;ive published and posted notice at least ten days before the date set for the first meeting. The Board of Review of a�y city, unless a longer period is approved by the Com� �issioner of Revenue, must complete its work and ad journ Within 20 days fro� � the time of convening specified in the notice of the Clerk. No action tak:n subsequent to such date sha11 be valid. A r:quest for additional time in order to complete the Work of the Board of Rev.ew must be addressed to the Commissioner of Revenue in writing. The Comiissioner's approval is necessary to legalize aqy procedure subsequent to the expiration of the 20-day period. The Commissioner of Revenue Will not, haw :ver, extend the time for local Boards of Review to meet past June 30 bec�use County Boards of Equalizatioa convene on July 1. The authority of the local board extends over the individual assessmeats of rea. and personal property. The board does aot have the power to inerease or dec�ease by percentage all the assessments in the district of a given class of pro>erty. Changes in aggregate assessments by classes are made by the County Boa �d of Equalization. Altiough the local Board of Review has the authority to inerease or reduce ind.vidual assessments, the total of such adjustments must not reduce the agg�egate assessment made by the assessor by more than one percent of said aggregate assessment. If the total of sueh adjustments does lo�aer the agg•egate assessment made by the Assessor by more than one percent, none of the adjustments will be allowed. This limitation does not apply, however to the correction of clerical errors or to the removal oP duplicate assessments. The local Board of Review does not have the authority in any year to reopen �� former assessments on xhich taxes are in proeess in the current year. Occ�sionally a taxpayer may appear before a Board to protest an assessment tha t Was made the previous year. The board should explain tactfully that it '� ha. no authority to consider such matters and that after taxes have been ext:nded, adjustment can be made oaly by the process oP abatement or by legal aet ion. ' u Page 2 Auttority - continued ' In reviewing the individual assessments, the Board may find instances of undervaluation. Before the Board can raise the market value of property, it , must notify the as�ner. The laW does not prescribe any particular form of not:ce except that the person whose property is to be increased in assessment must be notified of the intent of the Board to make the increase. �he local ' Boa�d of Review meetings assure a property owner an opportunity to contest the valiation that has been placed on his property or to contest or protest any oth;r matter relating to the taxability of his property. The Board is � reqiired to review the matter and make any corrections that it deems just. Whe� a local Board of Review convenes, it is necessary that a majority of the meml ers be in attendance in order that any valid action may be taken. The I� loc,l assessor is required by law to present his assessment books and papers. He :s required also to take part in the proceedings but has no vote. In add:tion to the local assessor, the county assessor or one of his assistants � is :�equired to attend. The Board should proceed immediately to review the � ass�ssments of property. � The complaints and objections of persons who feel aggrieved with any ass� ssments for the current year should be considered very carefully by the Boa:�d. Such assessments must be revieWed in detail and the Board has the �aut;.ority to make corrections it deems to be just. The Board may adjourn from � day to day until all cases have been heard. A p�operty oWner may file written objections to his assessment with the ass��ssor prior to the meeting of the Board of Review. Sueh objections must be I pre;ented to the Board for consideration While it is in session. � Bef �re adjourning, the Board of Review should cause the off icial proceedings I'�, � to �e prepared. The assessments of omitted property must be listed in detail and all assessments that have been increased or decreased should be show n as preocribed in the form. After the proceedings have been completed the record � shoild be signed and dated by the members of the Board of RevieW. It is the dut� of the County Assessor to enter changes by Boards of Review in the ass:ssment book of eaeh district. , l__J ' , � THE APPRAISAL PROCESS Page 3 I� The estimation of the market value of real estate is a very structured process. To fully appreciate and understand this process, the def inition of mar�et value must be understood. Various state legislatures and the courts � havE advanced numerous specifications for market value. A distillation of the:e Would probably produce the following, as a definition of market value: ' The highest price in terms of money which a property Would bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit , in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specif ied date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under co nditions Whereby: ' 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated. 2. Buyer and seller are not related, in any manner. 3. Both parties are well informed or Well advised and acting in what they consider their oWn best interest. 4. A reasonable time is alloxed for exposure in �he open market 5. Payment is made in cash or its equivalent. � 6. Financing, if ar�y, is on terms generally available in the community at the specified date and ty pical for the property type in its Iocale. i � � 7. The price represents a normal consideration for the property sold uneffected by special finaneiag amounts and/or terms, services, fees, costs, or credits incurred in the transaction. Evi�ent, in the description, is the fact that every sale does not necessarily rep�esent market value. There are many situations that would disquality a sal� as representative of market value. These could include sales- - betxeen relatives. - to settle a divorce. - to settle an estate. - involving a governmental unit. - due to job relocation. - in bankruptcy or debt settlement. - of tax exempt property. - involving trades or other non-cash consideration. , ' , � Page 4 The Appraisal process - continued The classic appraisal process, typically used by fee appraisers, invol ves 3 ver► distinet approaches to the valuation problem. One is the "Cost App:�oach". This approaeh is based on the premise that a person would pay no mor�;, for a property, than it would cost to replace it neW. The process inc:udes an estimate of the land value by using the sale prices of s�ites that are comparable in size, location, zoning and terrain, to the appraisal sub,ect. The resulting estimate of land value is added to the estimated cost to :onstruct the improvements, less provisions for physical depreciation, and fun:tional and economic obsolescense. Ano�her approach, to solving the value problem, is by "Market Comparision". ' Thi; process involves the colleeting of sales data of properties, that have rec:ntly sold, that are very similar in style, location, size and amenities, as .he subject under appraisal. The more sales comparables that are used, the mor: aceurate will be the value result. The sale prices of the comparables � are adjusted for dissimilarities with the subject. The resulting, adjusted pri:es will produce an indication of value for the subject. � The third approach used, is an analysis of the capitalized income of a pro�erty, as an indication of its value. Again, data is gathered on the inc�me and operating expenses and sales of property, eomparable to the ' subject. This approaeh has less eredability in the valuation of single family res.dential property, as they are not typically used for income production. The appraiser, after processing the 3 approaches, Will determine x hich ' app•oach best suits the type of property under appraisal. This determination is �rimarily based on which approach had the most and best data to work with, and Which one approach is best supported by the other tWO. , , i The Assessorts office uses basically, the same process of appraisal. However, it Ls applied in a somexhat different manner. The Assessor does not have the luxiry of being able to gather the required data for each and every property in :he jurisidiction. The Assessor gathers as much data as possible, on construction cost of all types of buildings, all sales of real estate, and/or ren:al and operating expenses of property in his or her jurisdicition. Data is ilso obtained from outside the jurisidiction when there is an insuff icient amoxnt from within. This accumulation of value data is then processed and appLied in a catagorical manner, rather than an individual one. The inability of the Assessor to apply an individual property appraisal prceess is not deemed a handicap. Assessors' offices nationw ide, are prinarily concerned �ith producing a equitable assessment. One that treats li�e property in a like manner. The advantage of the "mass appraisal" pro�ess, employed by the Assessor, over the individual assignment of the fee app^aiser, provides a broader scope of the local market of the jurisdiction. As a result, the individual vaiues, produced by the Assessor, bear a relationship with all other properties, that are similar, within the jur isdietion. ' The Assessor's value is alWays made as of January 2, of each year. TherePore, the analysis of data is alWays done With respect to that date. Any radical ch�nges in the market, after that date, t�ould not be realized by the Assessor i� until subsequent assessments. There is a saying that "the Assessor is not a prfdictor of value, but rather, is a historian of Pact." The appraisal prceess is truly an application of historical data to provide a current incication of market value. ' � ' ' THE 1986 ASSESSMEHT . Page 5 The issessment being heard, at this meeting, Was made as of January 2, 1986, ' and rill be the basis for the taxes payable in 1987. This assessment included a ph�sical review of all r.esidences in the colored area of the map on page 6. In aidition all new construction Was vie�red and appraised for the entire city. , If y�u will recall, the 1985 revaluation of all commercial-industrial property invoLved a program of deferring exeess increases req uired, over a period of two :o four years. The necessary phase-in of deferred values due for 19� , were accomplished. With a few exceptions, all other C and I property values rema�ned unchanged for this assessment. Agaii, referring to the 1g85 assessment, no significant change was made in the valu:s of residential property. This Was because the indicated ratio of our overall values to overall sales Was at 93�, xhich is considered quite acce�table by Anoka County and the State Department of Revenue. However, refe•ring to the summary of sales data on page 16, for sales that took place duriig 1985, in relation to the January 2� 1985 Assessor's estimated market valu:s, the ratio dropped to 90.73x, exclusive of townhouses. In order to brin; that ratio back to a 92.5� to 93K level for 19� „ an increase was nece �sary. Rather than apply an across-the-board factor, the computer rates were adjusted to increase only the primary structure value of each residence. Inas�uch as land, garage, porches and interior extras were not increased, the over�ll percentage of increase Was not consistent. The adjustment caused incr:ases in Asssessor�s estimated market values, ranging f rom 2� to 3�. Prop:rties that had nex construetion, of course, increased more than that. The 'ownhouse style residences, in the Innsbruck North area, continued to sell at a lower rate than free standing homes, as indicated by the sales ratio of 95.4 �, in the summary of 1985 toWnhouse sales on page 17. In an effort to brin; that ratio in line �+ith other residences, the land values were decreased appr>ximately �3000. This adjustment has resulted in a current ratio of g1.1 1$, of those properties selling in 1985. Me will continue to track the sales of these types of property, to effeet improved equalization. �f� � ``��� — �\�� °���(,�'^�ti�;� ..�_ �� _ ?�..rn _ � � ❑ ` i � ° ° N � �.'., � ww 1•, "� �� ... � , i ,: � :_ � �o c � ��� . ;, � �%:;_ �-=\�, Q N I i W E I 1 s � :1' � a ,� N - N ' N - N . � I O I :��: , ��3 � � p o iiiF^ __ � "' / � -- • / � �a � � � ��;:: � :sr"�" - � � `�! ---- { � ,_ ,� Y -= � , � __ -- I C I }�' r =_ = _ e �i _ �� �i g — � j . Ip� � . I `p,\ __._.. ' � ,, �y a F� I '�Q :��,� ; ��I N ����' - = ���II —. �.— � p �\�� '_ {�!! � � \i �� �" � - �5 Y I k 4 I� �;� r � . i I � << Y{, �{� + �, � / :,4�,;,y,f''n�II � �� � � _.— �- C..�, ^�,9�/ I'� , I . II _ ��y _ ._ W. . � L. m_Y)��, � — ..�.._I "-,.,�.,_ - C�TY OF FRI�LEY -� � .. owr. r wr. � � VOTING 9CHDOL "`"`"J°"""'„_ pSTNICTS _'� dSfNC�B ,..... ..� ... � `.'s^�—`, �:. •'.,1y e: • =" = ._.�... ...,� C.i.... ... ' �1L "___' _ � . 'r� � - e _ _ - �,. __�,. . • , . •.._.. t( :�1!/� ` � 985 -- �--- - � ;.��_� ��S�o��•�'• �v � r J � .. _. ._. F �� �� �� �::���� � I�a ^ � 7 : �1����� '' �� , � N� ���� �■ , ��,�I�r � _ �� �II� . .���-_ �� �a ��� �� a /� = �� _ � - � :���•�i l���I � �� �► � ���iii� ""�� i , ��� � ��� ��„ �. � II �� �.�7 � i� w�.,�■ .�T � "�i� ��■� , � �-,�i�� �.��'.�r : fI I T-T-� , ��-� _ 0 Dlrt- . t,.�, _ � ��� l�i�!l1-� .��i,� „ �� j II� ��` ,�r�► �II9! � i�� - �`', ,�e.e �:.� .�.. .... r�.�n wu � C.�S » Gt.';....M � y� _^ ��'.�. "w� �.^ `?_ .:� �.'" �:.: � Ece�"..� - �:;.... � �..;• � ..�.�. .. " � a�te. �:: ❑ � t .�n ;r_:• � � :: w ��_ � �i _ � �__ � �� �7. w ���. �.. � _.. . S�_ - ��. � �: _ ��wt � ��: : _- � =cs• , -.a � �== =z. -� � � ��-.�-.. _��- ��.: .. �: �_ ___.' _ �— � - �_ �� � � �t� » �.z'.-. �� N� �.-: �''' ° �__.; ; x:,.._..._ �i; � � � ; -....: � =� : „ �-: �;: � a -. ,..�. » - �4:......... x• as - i:: � �:_• « ��. .. _. ... � .,� s� a „ ` °' :_:5:, p A s _ � "....,.y a�. tt_" �_. .._ s;i w� sn�. ��s` a ` j �� .� :• � �: :: _ z e. � nwr... �SS [1 _ � : " ;^:_° °a-'—s.z•'.":=' aai' tt3 �.� � _ —. ., ..:. .. � s~ � ' �� i ��; ��T � ...Y � ��: w �w`S ��'. °_: .. rw.ei�. STREET MAP—CITY OF �= FRIDLEY ���-�= � s�. r �.w�. �.wr ^+�.�a � � .. � ��__� , Page 6 Page 7 SALES STUDIES On ;�ages 11 to 17 you Will find a complete list of all residential sales that too:: place in 1985, that �►e have recorded to date. Pages 11 to 16 are all sal� ;s, excluding to�rnhouse type properties. Page 17 list all townhouse sales. The,e sales are analized separately because they are distinetly different mar::ets. The summary analysis of the non-toFrnhouse sales on page 16, shows the ave�age (or) mean ratio of our 1985 values compared to the 1g85 sales prices, at g0.'3�. This Was the basis upon which we increased our values for 19� bY 2x to 3�• The summary of the townhouse sales shows an average ratio of 95.4 8�, Which was fel, to be too high, and hence our reduction of land values to obtain a low er and more equitable ratio. The process of analizing sales not only provides the assessor With a basis upon whi,h to make the assessment, but also provides a statistical measure of the Ass:ssor's performance. For 1985, �e collected sales on 297 residential pro; �erties. That is a�1.3� sample of the 6800 properties in Fridley. The major fac ors of an assessment ratio study are the average ratio and the coeff icie nt of � ispersion (C.O.D. ). The State Department of Revenue eonsiders a ratio of fro� � gOK to 95� very satisfactory performance. The Department rates a C. 0. D. of 10 ��r less as excellent. On non-townhouse properties, our 90.73'X ratio is good but just getting by. However, our 6. 95 C. 0. D. is commendable. The C. 0. D. is a mea. �ure of our + or - variation from our average ratio. It is the measure of the equality of our assessment. It can be noted that, as our average ratio inc. �eases, we could retain our excellent C. O. D. performance and still have a verr large number of properties valued higher than they sell Por. This ill �strates the very logical question, many homeowners have of, Why we have the..r property valued higher than they paid for it. The ansWer is When we att�;mpt to elevate our average ratio, more properties are going to be valued hig�er than their selling price. Ear.ier, in this booklet, it xas explained xhat constitutes a"market value sal:". When you eliminate many of the typical motivations of the buyer-seller int� :ractions in a real estate sale, you end up �►ith very feW sales that are the�ritically qualified as "market value sales." Many of the listed pre�equisites for a market value sale on page 3, are easy to identify, and those sal:s, listed at the bottom of the page, are rejected from our study immediatly. How;ver, it is difficult for us to identify more subtle motivations or the laek of ::nowledge of the property by either buyer of seller. It can be expected that a g��od share of those sales that fall outside our performanee parameters, are mad� :-up of these kinds of transactions. Sin:e we have had the advantage of a computerized appraisal calculation system, our office has been afforded more time to attempt to "fine tune" our assessment, to mprove, even furthur, on our already good C. 0. D. performanee. I tiink, additionally, these sales data xill be helpPull to you, in your del.berations for this meeting. From it, you can see what homes are actually sel.ing for, and har those selling prices relate to our values (EMV). � , ' , Sales Studies - continued Foll�wing , is a key to reading the sales list: -At the top of page is the year of the sales. This is also the same year's EMV, ie., 1985 sales and 1985 EMV's. -The full list of sales is listed in ascending order of the sales ratios (the last column]. -The first column RMOp is the month of sale. Page 8 -The ate column tells the rate catagory xe based our EMV on. 1 is the highest rate or top quality. T�ro digit numbers are a rate in betWeen single number rates. 12 is between a 1& 2. 15 is between a 2� 3• 18 is between 3� 4. 21 is between 4 b 5. 2�4 is betr+een 5� 6. 27 is betWeen 6� 7. 30 is betxeen 7� 8. 33 is between 8& 9• A rate above 7 is usually a substandard house in some Way. -The legal PIN column is the property I.D. number. The first 2 numbers indicate the Section in Which the property is located. Tbe the map on page 10 has numbered squares. The squares are the outline of the U.S. surveyed sections and they show the section number. -The next 6 columns are the style of the house. RM = Rambler (Y = Yes N= no) , XP = Expansion (0 = unfinished upstairs, 2= it�s not au expansion) SE : Split Entry � SL = Split Level 2S - T�,ro Story , TH = Toxnhouse , ' ' 1 = finished upstairs, -BAS Column indicates 0= no basement, 1= partial basement, 2 = full basement. -GAR is number of cars and whether attached, detached or tuekunder. -The Extra bath columns indicate location and size of extra baths 1 = full, .7 = 3/4, .5 = 1/2. -The Fireplace column indicates 0= none, 1= 1 downstairs, 2= 1 upstairs, 3= 1 up and 1 down. -Basement Finish is a YES or N0. -Central Air is a YES or N0. -Porch is YES or N0. -Floor area is in square feet of ground covered. -Year built and lot size are self explanatory. -Location influence indicates if property is located on heavily traveled highway or railroad. -Price is reported selling price. -EMV is the Assessor�s current Estimated l4arket Yalue. -Ratio is of EMV to selling price. Page 9 Sales Studies - continued The summary, at the end of each report, indicates the result of a number of com�uter analysis. The first column of total values is rather unimportant except the total nwnber of sales in the study. The Coefficient of Dispersion is the statisical measure of our performance in terms of equality. It is stated in percentage points of plus or minus average diviation from the average ratio. The State Department of Revenue rates a C.O.D. of 10 or less as being excellent periormance. The second column is very informative. -First is the average selling price of the sales in the study. �1965 sales averaged �69, 869. -The next item, in the Average column, is our estimated market value of the average property sold, �hich for 1985 Was �65,971• -Next, and probably most significant along With the C.O.D. is the Average Ratio. This indicates that our EMBs average 90.73� of selling price. -The next 3 items give us a rough picture of the physical nature of the average home. For 1985 it t�as built in 1963, had 1107 square feet, had a 12,003 square foot lot (about 80 X 150). Some additional hand procedures will shoW the average home sold to be a Rambler With a 2-car attaehed garage. Page 10 -v � 2i' . � � _ �.�.T. v..���.�... � - - --• st�. �_L. ?' � ""' _ Y j �w'rsG _'� olSiqCfi - •. , � '• � . - ,,, �+ ' '- - -- - �.. -- �' �•, . \ � ���� t -- '° r��t_ �' •' ; �.e_� ,� �-T__ _ i; � U � n !-T �^`� � �-- � - - � � - � J s ��� ;�.>�f ' `' -t �' ' ,' �. _ —_- - `r�- i .��-- . � � ��: - � _� � '�,� _�� ,���, j r C '. . � " �. � ' ...,,_ v�� _ �- '.�:�..-1-- -'k' -_= ' � � *M1..��' 1 1 -; I d`D'7�� _. \ .` ._:1 ��`_ � �';.._ �..I '. =' ^_ ., .._l-. _. .1 ' , � . �_ . --_ t ��� .. �j.. - _`yy'��� ��,.y, i�� ...- f �' �- A i � j I., 1 � � _ =�.1 "` I .. �- •� Ifl��.` � _ � 1. �` � , � : - + ' r �' ..b _. � :. i a I N i ,�1 -�j , .I / / _ � � � � e I d _ � r�= i L W �, ,_ � ► E f � F 1 �-, �� � � � �� � _s �� �� __. .._ _ j . � � �',���ti A 1 I I -- �!{r'� �j .._ _ �, t=- � � i -- -- � 1' _ o -� ,� � � _ - r ;�'+�, 1 S �;. 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62+�0 66,Q00 71,800 78�800 62�000 58,000 67�100 62,600 58�000 70,000 133,000 57,500 50�500 40,200 61,900 67.300 60,500 58,700 63�300 75�b00 81,100 80,200 75,000 69,300 53�700 62,800 51,100 67,300 74,200 63,900 86,400 89,800 62,700 6b,100 89.900 64�100 55,800 83,000 69,100 69,900 b4,500 69,404 129,500 56,400 65,700 44,100 84.73 84.02 84.30 84. 61 84.57 84.45 84.35 84.05 84.93 84.13 84.67 84.84 84.71 84.55 84.83 85.71 85.58 85.18 85.33 85.07 85.54 85.42 85.82 86.23 86.30 86.73 86.75 86.14 86.61 86.39 8b.27 86.46 8b.40 86.97 8b.48 87.78 87.28 87.92 87.b6 87.36 87.46 87.92 87.16 87.29 87.50 88.26 88.18 88.20 , REPORT DATE 03/10/86 �J 1/4 LEGAL , MO RATE AfiEA PIN ' , ' ' � � L. l � � L� � � ' � Ll � � ' 6 b 6 10 3 il 8 6 7 4 7 5 1 1 3 5 9 12 5 2 9 4 4 1 4 2 3 9 8 5 8 7 6 4 6 6 4 27 27 6 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 21 27 27 4 6 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 6 18 24 27 27 27 27 24 27 27 27 27 27 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 4 0 0 0 4 1 3 2 2 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 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61 82 60 65 62 66 72 b7 59 58 58 LOT SIZE LOC WIDE DEEP II�F PRICE � 90 75 � � 65 � � � � � � 90 �3 � � 120 91 � 81 � � � n � 75 67 98 � 90 65 8.5 90 � 60 76 120 120 tOt 134 135 127 135 135 13S 214 120 143 137 137 140 3b7 132 125 130 196 132 122 127 137 122 120 120 i�s 135 147 113 150 135 120 150 130 154 130 115 110 !!0 123 141 125 135 135 129 13b N Y N N N N N N N N N N 76�800 67�900 67�500 76�Q00 64,500 59,900 66,900 72,500 65,900 70�000 82�500 b5,000 85,000 8b�00� 82,700 79,900 66,500 78,000 72�500 125�400 75,000 66�000 125,000 83,000 74,000 80,000 78�900 �s, 900 99,000 76�000 73,000 b6,900 89,900 72,000 80,000 80,000 170,000 103�500 73+200 60�900 65,000 79�900 93�000 79�540 66,000 70,000 72,000 63,000 Page 13 E!N RATIO 68,000 b0�400 60�000 67,000 56�900 53�100 59,100 63,800 58,400 61�800 72,800 58,200 76+300 76�70Q 73,700 71,700 59�500 69�900 65,000 111,800 67, 0� 58,800 111�600 75�300 67,200 72�700 71,500 �s, �oo 89,500 68�700 6b�300 60,600 81�200 65,400 72,200 72�400 154,404 94�100 6b,200 55,700 59�300 73,100 85,304 72,900 60,100 64�000 65,804 57�400 88.54 88.95 88.88 88.15 88.21 88.64 88.34 88.00 88.61 88.�8 88.24 89.53 89.16 89.18 89.11 89.73 89.47 89.61 89.65 89.44 89.33 89.09 89.28 90.72 90.81 90.87 90.62 �o. n 90.40 90.39 90.82 90.58 90.32 90.83 90.25 90.50 90.82 90.91 90.43 91.46 91.23 91.48 91.72 91.69 91.06 91.42 91.38 91.11 � ' J � � � � � ' � J LJ ' ' �J ' u � u ' � REPORT DAT 03/10/86 1 /4 I.EGAL MO RATE AREA PIN 12 7 3 10 4 6 7 5 8 10 9 9 6 3 4 2 6 2 4 4 6 4 12 2 9 7 3 2 b 11 8 2 3 9 10 6 8 11 31 3 Z7 24 21 30 27 � 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 8 27 6 b 27 b 27 � 27 27 27 .'.1 27 27 27 27 b 27 27 � 6 27 27 24 6 27 24 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 0 1 3 3 4 0 0 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 4 4 � 3 4 2 2 3210117 :3330021 '442a037 5120029 Ci230062 i3230163 i3310075 i3320009 �3320018 1130068 1210036 ,2110040 ,Z120052 13130003 ,4120014 14330085 ;4410044 15420056 �5440052 r3210103 ?3430003 t4120071 t4310037 13220053 14110076 14410095 15440026 23130032 26�0054 2b23006� �323d158 D3�3419� D3310006 03310100 o�a�oo�o 11110032 12120041 12120068 12140006 13310002 13410074 14310063 14410112 l5110017 24210009 03130005 0324007Q 03320015 CITY OF FRIDL.EIf RESIDENTIAL SALES DATA FOR 1985 SORTED BY: NOf�F-TO�Bi0l1SE S T Y L E B EXTRA R X S S 2 T A B A T H BAS CENT fLR YEAR M P E L S H S GAR t� DO�Ad FP FIN pIR PCH ARfA BLT Y2NNNN Y2NNNN N2YMNM Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN N2YNNN Y2NNNN N2NYNN Y2NNNN N2YNNN NiNNN�I Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2MNNN YONNNN NiNNNN N2NYNN N2NYMN N2YNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN YZNNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN NINNNN N2NNYN Y2NNNN N2YNNN YZNNNN N2NNYN N2YNNN Y2NNNN N2NYNN N2NYNN N2YNNN N2YNNN Y2NNNN N2NYNN 22D 22D 22R 22A 000 22D 220 000 12A 22A 22D 22D 22A 21D 11A 21A 22A 22A 22D 12D 21T 22A 22T 21A 22A 21A 120 22A 22D 22D 22D 22D 11D 22D 21D 22A 23D 22A 100 21D 22A 22D 22D z2a 22T 22A 21A 22A 0 0 0.7 0.7 0 0 0.7 0 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 4 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0.7 0. 7 0.0 0.5 0.7 0 0.2 0 0.0 0.5 0.7 0 0.7 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0 0 0.7 0.7 0 0.7 0 3 3 1 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N N Y Y N N Y N N N N Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N N Y N Y N N N N N 960 1074 1356 1568 610 1040 857 1004 960 1182 1000 768 lOb8 990 1257 1040 960 1040 1424 670 1127 1118 1662 1008 1184 1084 782 1120 1040 1040 927 926 1136 976 876 832 1069 768 108b 960 98a 960 1240 1002 1620 976 1066 985 64 7b 64 60 76 43 68 64 64 58 65 58 78 � � 60 58 60 61 59 SI 74 55 62 62 45 63 55 64 73 50 n bl 69 66 64 79 LOT SIZE LOC YIOE DEEP II� PRICE 60 87 1Z0 � 60 110 � 78 1� � � 76 � � 90 � �3 81 82 � 74 70 66 � b0 75 60 60 79 78 75 132 142 75 � 82 102 81 68 235 128 161 127 I10 110 109 110 110 120 135 137 116 135 !35 160 139 144 144 135 115 147 125 125 120 133 1�6 129 120 120 110 110 200 144 144 124 116 124 138 400 135 133 182 122 115 326 100 110 N N N N Y N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N 63�944 65,500 125+000 �200,000 35,000 67,500 65�900 49,500 64,000 73,100 69,900 62,500 68�839 b2,900 72�500 67�148 64�000 72,000 74,000 53,000 70,000 83,500 96,804 65,000 74,000 70�700 48�900 72�600 63,500 61�900 60,000 b0,000 63,900 61,150 58,900 78,000 10�500 67,540 54,000 96�095 84,000 b2�b00 s2, �o� 85,900 95�000 69�800 64,900 si, 2so Paqe 14 ON RATIO 58�700 59,800 114,000 182,800 32,200 62,100 60,700 46,000 59�500 67,500 64,800 58,100 63,500 58,000 66�840 62,000 59�300 66,400 68,400 49,000 �, 900 77,000 89,100 60+600 68,900 66,000 45,800 67,600 59,500 57�600 S6,b00 56,400 60�100 57,500 55�800 73,500 66,300 63�904 51�100 90,900 79�104 59,140 n, �oo 81�300 89,300 b7�000 62�100 n,3oo 91.80 91.29 91.20 91.40 92.00 92.00 92.10 92.92 42.96 92.33 92.70 92.9b 92.24 92.20 92.13 92.33 92.65 92.91 92.43 92.45 92.71 92.21 92.04 93.23 93.10 93.35 93.6b 93.11 93.70 93.05 44.33 94.00 94.45 94.03 94.73 94.23 94.04 94.66 94.62 94.59 94.16 94.40 94.41 94.b4 94.00 95.98 95.68 95.13 ' REPORT DATE 03/10/86 �I '1/4 LEGAL r10 RATE AfiEA PIN � J ' � ' � �� � ' ' � � �I ' � � O � � 1 9 11 11 2 10 5 6 4 4 8 1 72 8 3 10 8 i 5 6 4 9 5 9 3 7 9 4 4 5 4 1 1 2 b 4 6 27 5 24 27 5 27 27 5 8 27 27 27 27 5 27 27 2i 27 27 24 4 27 6 27 27 27 27 Z1 27 24 27 27 � 27 b 6 b 4 �3 27 24 5 2 3 4 0 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 1 2 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 ! 0 2 4 4 3 0 0 0 2 3 4 ; �120026 1 )120050 ; 3220012 1 344Q007 ; 3440102 ; 4210005 :1140495 : 2120114 3240050 3410045 34��0048 411011b 4140003 :3210013 :3430026 :4110105 5210015 ;6230048 �3220069 �324009� 4'.1' 0020 3240058 4340007 4430029 0420007 1130002 1140014 1240084 i3230045 3230144 �3320074 3410041 412008� 15210040 11400b5 1244047 2130035 4340075 .4440044 .5410061 1014�28 ,1110061 >.4420096 13230067 )3230126 )3430032 15130037 13440109 STYLE B RXSS2T A MPELSH SGAR NINNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN NINNNN N2NNYN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN N2YNNN N2YNNN N2YNNN NINNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN N2NYNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN NINNNN N2NYNN Y2NNNN N2YNNN N2YNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN N2YNNN Y2NNNN N2NYNN Y2NNNN NINNNN N2YNNN Y2NNNN Y2NN N NINNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN N2YNNN N2YNNN N2NYNN N2YNNN Y2NNNN Y2NNNN N2NYNN Y2NNNN N2YNNN 22A 22A 22A 120 22A 22A 22D 12A 22A 12A O1D 22A 22D 21A 220 2ZA 22T 21A O1D 22A 23D 21A 22T 22A 12D 22A 12A 21A 12D 22D 22D 22A 12A 22A 21D 12A 21A 11D 22A 22T 23A 22A 22T OlA 210 22T 12A 22T CITY OF FRIDIEY RESIDENTIAL SALES DATA FOR 1985 SORTED BY: NON-TO��QUSE EXTRA B A T H BRS CENT FLR YEAR l� D04�1 FP FIN AIR PCFI AREA BLT 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 0 0 1.0 0. 5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.0 0.7 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 0 0 0.5 0.1 1.0 0 0 0.7 0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0 0.7 0.7 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.7 0.7 0 0. 7 0.7 0.7 0 0 0.7 0.5 0 0.0 0.5 0.7 0 0.7 0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0 0.5 0 0.5 3 1 0 3 0 1 N 0 1 N 3 3 1 2 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N N Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N H Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N N Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y N N N M Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y N Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y M N N N N N N N N Y N Y N N N N N N N N N 930 1176 1144 1168 2068 1066 1048 1056 1402 720 1246 1025 1127 1052 1308 1256 1040 952 l200 960 1488 1677 1412 1050 1112 1543 964 1040 816 1040 1381 1416 840 irn 8b4 1280 1322 1116 996 1176 1248 856 1056 1748 1479 1204 50 62 52 62 57 78 75 47 60 60 8 57 � 57 bl 68 74 55 b4 64 67 bl � 76 61 63 50 65 65 n 78 72 n 46 72 72 76 76 LOT SIZE LOC MIDE DEEP I1� PRICE 124 93 100 138 75 170 84 � 81 100 � � 74 � 85 � 92 105 � � 115 82 75 15 60 82 92 84 81 165 74 � 98 80 81 b7 89 90 75 ilb 147 125 230 147 164 181 133 133 124 240 119 114 136 110 138 126 125 110 102 138 135 117 124 198 145 112 205 110 110 111 130 144 154 180 120 298 142 180 150 97 183 122 110 110 137 I25 120 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N 67,000 n, o00 87,000 59,000 94�000 I�0,000 65,000 84,200 74�000 105,000 47,000 66�500 69,100 72�539 65.000 92�000 73,000 64�000 3b,OQ0 71.000 78�504 53�000 90,000 115,000 71,900 65,500 80,000 16,500 63,500 60,000 64�000 94,200 76�500 85,000 57,500 80,000 62�000 b5,000 85,000 67,900 n, o00 8Z,000 100.000 37,000 59,900 108�000 87,000 83,500 Paae 15 EMV RATIO 63,900 73�300 83,500 56,500 89,700 133.700 62,800 81,200 71.100 101,000 45,400 64�300 66, 5� 69,900 62,800 88�400 70�800 61,500 35,000 69�300 76,800 56,400 87,600 112,300 71�000 64,800 78,600 75,100 63,100 59,800 63�800 93�400 76,000 $4,800 57,700 8d�200 62,300 65�300 85,800 68,4U0 �s, aoo 83,600 101�300 38,100 61+400 110,340 88,900 86,500 95.37 95.19 95.97 45.76 45.42 95.50 96.61 46.43 96.08 46.19 96.59 96.69 9b.23 96.36 96.61 96.48 96.98 96.09 97. � 97.60 97.83 97.24 97.33 97.65 98.74 98.93 98.25 98.1b 99.37 99.66 99.b8 99.15 99.34 99.16 100.34 100.25 100.48 100.46 100.94 100.73 101.81 101.95 101.30 102.97 102.50 102.12 l02.1$ 103.59 ' REPURT DATE �3/10/86 � 1/4 ' MO RATE AREA Page 16 CITY OF FRIDLEY RESIDENTIAL SAL.ES DATA FOR 1985 SORTED BY� NON-T04A�Ii0ltSE S T Y L E B EXTRA LOT EGAL R X S S 2 T A B A T H BAS CENT fLR YEAR SIIE LOC PIN M P E L S H S GAR l� D0�1 FF FIN AIR PCH AREA BLT YIDE DEEP INF PRICE EMV RATIO 3 1440042 Y2NNNN 22D 0 0 0 N 4 1��20012 Y2NNNN 11A 0 1.0 1 Y 0 2EK30053 NINNNN 22A 1.0 0.0 0 Y 2 0:120093 N2NYNN 22D 0 1.0 1 Y 3 1�I10053 N2NYNN 22A 0.7 0 0 Y 1 2<33037 N2NNYN 22A 0.5 0.5 0 N 2 1:120004 N2NYNN 22T 0 0.7 2 Y 1 2l330094 Y2NNNN 220 0 0.5 0 Y 0 1:240078 N 2 Y N N N 1 2 A 0.0 0.7 1 Y 0 1:440029 N2YNNN 22A 0.0 0.7 0 Y 4 1�410073 N�NYNN 21A 1.0 0 1 Y 4 2140024 Y2NNNN Y2A 0 0.7 1 Y 3 1�130015 Y2NNNN 21A 0 0.7 3 Y 1 242Q003 Y2NNNN 22A 1.0 0.7 3 Y 3 1 220444 Y 2 N N N N 2 2 A 0.5 0.5 3 Y 2 0720072 YZNNNN 02D 0.0 0.0 0 N 0 2CI30135 Y2NNNN 200 0.0 0.0 0 N 0 C�420087 N2YNNN 22D 0.0 0.7 1 Y N N N Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N Y N N N Y N 960 57 91 125 N N 1826 63 90 �35 N N 768 54 80 135 N N gb4 77 60 144 N N 1140 60 SS 133 N N 9b0 63 80 127 N N 1311 74 72 135 N N 1012 58 75 130 N N 1270 78 87 107 N N 1218 74 75 150 N N 1100 59 80 133 N Y 1484 55 99 290 N Y 1232 50 90 338 N Y 1778 75 87 150 N N 1177 63 100 250 N Y 962 52 112 110 N N 960 81 58 136 N N 948 72 51 144 N TOTAL 'RICE = 1995b380 AVERi� PRICE = 77350.310077 TOTAL 71V = I802b400 AVERA[�E EMV = b9869.76744 TOTAL tATIO = 23410.23000Q0 AVERAGE RATIO = 90.73732�8 TOTAL =LOOR AREA = 285673 AVERAGE FLOOR AREA = 1107.25968992 TOTAL _OT SIZE = 3096902 AVERAGE LOT SIZE = 12003.49612403 I�iBEf OF SALES = 258 [�FF:�IENT OF DISPERSION BY If1W = 6.94865100 58,000 59,90Q 103.27 gp,00p 82,700 103.37 bq,p00 66�000 103.12 72,500 76,700 105.79 ,71,550 75,400 105.38 67,000 70�500 105.22 74,500 79,0� 106.04 55,p00 58,400 106.18 75,000 80,700 107.60 g9,800 96�500 107.46 64,000 68�700 107.34 78,000 84,400 108.20 70,000 7b,700 109.57 120,000 131,300 109.4I g0,000 89,700 112.12 46�900 53�800 114.71 49,900 57�500 115.23 5g,900 b8,500 116.29 ' REPORT DATE 03/10/86 � , '1 /4 LEC�AL MO RATE AREA PIN 5 6 8 5 8 3 3 6 2 6 b 6 2 6 6 2 S 10 21 6 6 b 21 4 b 6 6 11 6 9 24 6 5 6 5 1 6 10 5 2 3 5 6 7 6 7 6 7 21 il 6 2 5 1 21 6 6 7 6 8 6 5 6 3 6 1 6 1 24 5 3 1 6 4 21 1 6 1 :4440071 3 3240091 1 4440076 0 :4440084 0 4440231 1 :4440256 1 4440188 1 4410193 0 4440236 1 4440253 1 '4440223 1 4440201 1 '4440223 1 4440251 1 '4410053 1 '4410236 1 :4440012 1 :4410237 0 !4440413 3 !4440137 0 !4410093 1 !4440133 1 '4440�4 1 !4410106 1 >4410223 1 '.4410246 0 >.4410213 0 ?4410047 3 13110027 1 ?4410107 1 t4440205 1 t4440171 2 13110018 1 24440132 0 24410200 1 �4410006 0 24440161 I 244t025S 0 24440040 CITY OF FFiIDI.EY RESIDENTIAL SAL.ES DATA FOR 1985 SORTED BY: T01�1 HOUSE S T Y L E B EXTRA LOT R X S S 2 T A B A T H BAS CENT FLR YEAR SIZE LOC M P E L S H S GAR l� DOWN FP FIN AIR PCN Af�A BLT YIDE DEEP It�F PRICE Y2NNNY 22A 0.7 N2NNYY Z1D 0 N2NNYY 22A 0.5 Y2NNNY 02A 0.5 NINNNY 22D 0.0 NINNNY 21D 0.5 N2NNYY 21D 0.5 N2YNNY 22D 0 N2NNYY 21D 0.5 N2NNYY Z1D 0.5 N2NNYY 21D 0.5 N2NNYY 21D 0 NINNNY 21D 0.5 NfNNNY 21D 0.5 N2NNYY 22D 1.0 N2YNNY 22D 0 N2NNYY 22D 0.5 N2YNNY 22D 0 N2MNYY 22D 0.7 NINNNY 21D 0.5 N2YNNY 21D 0.0 N2NNYY 21D 1.0 NINNNY 21D 0.5 N2YNNY 21D 0 N2YNNY 22p 0 N2YNNY 21A 0 N2YNNY 22D 0.0 N2YNNY 22D 0.0 N2NNYY 11D 0.7 N2NNYY 210 0 NINNNY 210 0.5 N2NNYY 21D 0 N2NNYY 11D 1.0 N2NNYY 21D 0 N2YNNY 22D 0.0 N2YNNY 21D 0 NINNNY 21D 1.0 N2YNNY 21 D 0 N2YNNY 21D 0.0 0.5 0 0.7 0.0 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0 0.5 0.7 0 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.0 1 0.5 3 0 2 1 1 1 Y 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N N N Y Y N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1241 416 1401 1110 504 504 SO4 798 504 504 504 504 504 504 744 798 � 744 504 b01 504 504 601 � 984 798 620 890 649 504 504 750 504 798 620 504 79b 656 TOTAI PRICE = 2734900 AVERAGE PRICE = 70125.641025 TOTAI EMV = 2572900 AVERAGE QN = 65971.79487 TOTAI RATIO = 3723.9800000 AVERA(iE RATIO = 95.4866f,fs�66 TOTAI Ft00R AREA = 26479 AVQtAGE FLOOR AREA = 678.94871794 TUTAI LOT SIZE = 0000 AVERAGE LOT SIZE = 000.0000000� MMJM� R OF SW.ES = 39 COffIICIENT OF DISPERSION BY IfAN = 8.53244800 � 62 � 84 84 84 84 � 84 84 84 84 84 84 74 79 9 74 � 74 � 84 n n 79 79 74 � 77 84 � 74 � 78 73 � 81 8'1 N N N N N Y N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 127,000 50,500 117,000 79�000 ' 71,900 6b,900 75,900 79,900 72�900 71,500 71�300 66,900 60,900 59�900 81�500 78�900 78,000 n, 900 80,000 57,500 66�000 66�000 56,900 b6,900 85,000 86,000 75,400 62,500 56�504 66,500 54.100 62�500 53,900 61,000 68,000 53�900 4b,504 67,000 55�000 Page 17 EMV RATIO 85,500 67.32 39,700 78.61 42,700 79.23 65,600 83.03 60�400 84.00 56,400 84.30 b4�700 85.24 69�100 86.48 63,300 86.83 62,400 87.27 64,100 89.90 61,100 91.33 55,600 91.29 54,600 91.15 75.800 93.00 73,700 93.40 73,100 93.71 73,700 94.60 75,900 94.87 54�800 95.30 64,000 96.96 63,400 96.Ob 55,200 97.01 66,100 98.80 83,500 98.23 85,100 98.95 75,400 100.00 63,300 l01.28 57+8Q0 102.30 67,900 102.10 55,200 102.03 64�400 103.04 56,300 104.45 64,100 l05.08 74�700 109.85 59,500 110.38 51,600 110.96 75,900 113.28 67,300 122.36 0 �III �� � ' Fridl� y Assessor Local Board of Review Fridl� �y City Hall Fridl� �y, t�!n. 55432 Gentl� �men: Raymond Luniewski 6959 Hickory Circle Fridley, Mn. 55432 Narch 11,1986 Due t� my inability to appear before the board because I�11 be out of ' tovm ��n April 7,19g6; I hereby request that the board reconsider the incre��se as set by the assessor on my property for 1986. The property I refer to is my ho*�e located at 6959 Hickory Circle in Fridley. I inc_ude the numbers found on the valuation card to assist you in ident- ifing said pro�erty. R 15 30 24 11 0025. Prop. Class: Residential 19�6 Est. : `KT. Value: 103,000. It is .^.!y feeling that the assessor has increased the valuation without takin; into account several factors which detract from the value of this prope •ty. . I wisi to list some of the following factors; �. the previous assessor valuation for the year 1g85 of 100,?00 to ;he new valuation of 103,100 represents a 2,400 increase. �. this is at a time when all land values are decreasing and losing :heir high inflationary values. :. T have had this pronerty up for sale for almost two years with Zo buyers.I have had this broperty listed withColdwell Ban�er, �ounselor Reality, Edina Reality, By Oumer ,and at the present time aith Century 21. �. several horr:es in the area on Hickory Drive have been sold, v�here the seller had to take considerably loNer price than they felt the �roperty was worth. �. several homes on Locke Lake and on Hic�oery Drive are still for sale u�ith no buyers. f. I firmly believe that the railroad property that runs through this area is the culprit. ;. a realitor brouoht us a prospective buyer and a train ha�pened to cor^e by. The prospective buyer left irnMediately, and I didn�t blame him. h. last year, I talksd to the asse�or on the same matter and he inforr�e� ne t�at alI the property tha� abuts the railroad tracks ;et a reduced rate. I live directly across the Cul de sac from the St. Pau1 Sanitary Sewer property which has no trees or buildings to buffer or hide the noise of these trains. Lookin� out of my front vvi.ndows,I see every train going by and feel the vibrations, hear con�t next page - ' aymon uniews i page 2 ' tie noise and sme11 the foul smoke, as well as those who abut the tiacks.I feel ,We, who face the tracks should also have reduced rates. ' SEVeral years ago, when the county and the city were planning the ptT''ri on 69th and University.(baseball fields & football fields) I f<und out that they were planning on placing berms at the South end ' tc buffer the noise of these fields from the residential area to the scuthA'y neighbors and i felt that these berms would funnel the rail- rcad noise to our area across the tracks. At the time I took a petit- icn around to all the �roperty owners abuting the tracks' and directly ' a�'fected by the railroad noise on Hickory Drive and Circle. I recieved over 95�o signatures of the affec�ed property owners on H�.ckory Drive and Circle. I�resented this petition to the City Engineer and ap�eared before C.ty Council meeting. I was assured that a study would be done and that noise tests would b� conducted. I aske� if I could be present during these tests and I was assured that I would notified. I am still waiting and the park a�d those berMS a more than two years old. Birlinton PJothe*n should be prosecuted for poluting the air. There a•e da��s in the sum�!er when their untuned,belchin� diesels pour out a fog of blue smoke that makes one gag and cou�h in the conefines of oies ho^�e. You can stand by the tracks and �oint to the heavy smoke s;reen that is being laid do�rn and the train crew just laughs. If a citizen had an auto that laid half the smoke, the Fridley Police v>>uld issue a citation. Y�t notrin� is done to the big con�lomerate , Burlington �;orthern. I did so�:e checkinU and found out that the person to contact at B?: f�r smo'::in� en�ines is a?•�r. Lupe Serna, Trainr�aster(370 3016) . I h�ve tal;ed to him several times , giving hi� the location, time, aid train nur.:bers, but I feel they just laugh at me. I can get no r �sults. I hope you will consider my plea and consider a re-evaluation of r.:r pro�erty that would be More realistic with the conditions that e �:ist. Respectfully Sub�itted, �" . �y�� 7l�Gr � mond Lun ewski :TEM N0. 1 taymond Luniesaski �959 Hickory Circle 'in No. 15-30-24-11-0025 1 review of the Luniewski property xas made April, 1986. � 'he large Split Level bouse is located on a xell terraced lot on Locke Lake. It .�as had very good maintenance over the years. The location of the house makes 'or a spectacular view of the lake. The vieW xould more than offset any iegative influence oP the railroad. 'here have been five sales in the neighborhood since 1984. 1�►0 of the sales are �f property adjoiaing the railroad. They all sold for more than the 1g86 �ssessor's estimate of value. "he property is currently listed for sale xith Century 21 for �124�000. 'he Assessor's office recommends no change in the value of �103,100 for 1986. m � r. �__. , r.io,�oW�� � iarr E ary ay e h'ioperty Address 7601 Briqadon ' c��v Fridle• � Legal Oescnption � Dt 9, B�OC{C �, B�C Sa1e Pnce $ refinan :e Da�e o( Sale i� //� Ac�ua1 Rral Esca�e Taxes $� . 50Q. @St JY�) Loan c Lender/Client Gen� �rai Mortqaqe COPK Occupant Turng� ist Appraiser h RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT i\I �rq Estat'es Loan Te�m N �� to be pa�d by setler $ A File No. 5854 >er�y ki{�hts Appraised (X� Fee (–jLeasehold n DeMinimis PUU Other sales concessions Address 15500 W Instructions to Appr Ivd Location � Urban CXJ Suburban � Rural GooA �r0. fair Paor Built Up XQOver 75% ❑?5% 10 75% � Under 25% Employment Stability � QX ❑❑ Growth Ra�e ❑ Fu�iy )ev. � Rap�d QX Steady � Slow Convenience to Employment � X❑ ❑❑ Proper�y Values ❑ �ncreas�ng n Stable � Declinin9 Convemence to Shopping o a o 0 �emand/Supply �Shortage �X��n Balance �Over Supply Convenience to Schools XQ ❑❑❑ Marke��ng T�me [X�Under 3 Mos. ❑4-6 Mos. � Over 6 Mos. Actequacy o( Public Transportation � X❑ �� Presrn� Land Use �� Fam�ly _°�� ? 4 Fam�ly _% Apts. _% Condo_'Yo Commerc�al Recreahonal faciGties Q❑❑❑ _%u iduslr�al ��_ r Vacani _% AdequaCy ot Uhlrties L^J ❑❑❑ Change �n Presem Land Ise � No� l�kely �L�kr.ly (') �Tak�ng Place (') Pruperry Compatibility XQ ❑❑❑ I•1 Fro�n Vacant To SFR ProteccionfromOetrimentalCo�ditions0 ❑❑❑ Predommant Occupancy �X� Owner � Tenant % Vacant Police and f ue Protect�on �❑❑❑ $�nyle Fam�ly Pnce Ran e $_��, ��Q_�o $__�_��! 000 predom�nam Value S_85�0_�0 General Appea�anceof Properties �❑❑❑ $inylr Family Aye new �,S,o_30 yrs Predom�nant Age 5 yrs A eal to Market X : Note: FHLMC/FNMA do �ot consider race or the racial composition of the neighborhood to be reliable �ppraisal factors. ICommen[s �ncludinq thc �e (actois, tavoreble or un(avorable, aNecting marketability (e.p. publ�c parks, schools, view, �o��► FridleX IS north of the Twin C ity metropolitan area.____It is more locationally oriented to the Minneapolis central business dist► ict_ The sub'e� ct is located in an area of similar quality homes which exhibit 4oc `_�ride of owne _ship Convenient to all amenities and necessities includinq schools, churches. ' �arks, sh�.�i ng_and the h�hw��stem. D�mrns�uns 90 ,: 137 - 12�330 Sq. Ft. oa(�l�07�s ❑Corner Lot . Zoning clasiitication _ R-' � Presem �mprovements Q do � do not conform to zoning regulations � H�ghest and best use �( Present use QOther (specity) Publ�c Otl er (Descr�be) OFF SITE IMPROVEMENTS Topo ?� above street grade; Q@flt�Y iO��lilg ' al for the area � Elec. X Street Access: X Publ�c ❑Prwate S�ze typ�c 1� Gas O _ Surtace Aspjla�t Shape rectanqular i� Water �j(� __ Maintenance: � Publ�c �Prrvate V�ew Of similar homes � San.Sewer �j�� _ Q Storm Sewer O Curb/Gutter Dra�nage adequate 'p; QUndergr�undElect.&Tel. S�dewalk �(StreetLights IsthepropertyloeatrdinaHUDld�ntifi�dSp�cislFloodHazardArN�NoQY�s � Comments Ifavorable c unfavorable �ncluding any apparent adverse easements, encroachments or other adverse co�drtions) NO unfavorable OY' advPrse easer ents. encroachment or conditions known or noted. ___ � � . !! � Ex�s�iny uPropo� rd ❑Unde� Cons�i. No. Un�ts — �__ Ty� (det, duplex, sem�/det, etc.) Oesiyn (�ambler, split level, etc.) Exterior Walls i;'vrs. nye Acwat 1} E lective 2 to 3 No. Stories 1 Detached Split Foyer ______ ___. Stucco _ _ _ - - _. _ _ __..__ _ --_ ___ -- 'I ----. __ :._ _ - ---_----- --- --- -- Root btatannl Guttr�s & Downspouts None W�ndow (Typel: ___g_ � e�"S Insulation None Floor ; Asphalt Sr1111( les _ Aluminum � Storm Sash � Screens � Cornb�naron �Ce�l�ng ��oot C Waus I� --_ - -----=_= -- 'y? (�Manutacwred Hous �g �� 96 Basement � Floor Drain Finished Ced�ng r Wa �� Foundat�on Walls Outs�de Entrance � Sump Pump F�nished Walls drywall and paneling �' Concrete Blo< k 70 carpet Co�crete Floor % Ffn�shed f�mshed Floor ':� Slab on Grade ( rawl Space Evidence ot. Dam nesf Term�tes SetNem nt 110 evidence ' �w Comments tlOtlE �u - Room L�st fo Basement ls� Level X 2nd Level D�mnq � K� � � � Oen Fam�l Rm. Rec. Rm 1 F �n�shed area above gr de contains a total ot 5 rooms 2 bedrooms � K��chen Equipment' Refngerator Range/Oven X O�sposal X O�shwasher HEAT Type FWA Fuel ga5 Cond gOOC� AIR CONO Floors � H: dwood � Carpe� Over p�_❑ Walls � D� /wall � Plaster � Tnm/Fin�sh ❑ G� od � Average ❑ Fau ❑ Poor Bath Floor `=J C� 'amic ❑ Bath Wa�nscot Cx� C� amic ❑ 5pec�al Features linclu ling energy etlicient itemsl Good enerqy efficiency. ATTIC � Yes Q Vo �Stairway �Drop-stau � ScutUe �Floored F�n�shed IDescnbel ❑Heated CAR STORAGE ��arage � 8wlt �n n A�tached � Detached �Car Porl Nu. Curs 2 �>de�uate � Inadeyuate Cond�tion Gd. 24x24 FIREPLACES, PATIO �, POOL, FENCES, e�c. Idescribe Wood deck; �aths. Vross Fan/HOC�d Central � irooms No.Ba 1 3/4 2 � Iving Area_ �� � 98 sq. ft. Bsmt Area Compaclor Washer Dryer Other �X]Adequate �Inadequate Guod AvO. F�U Voa � � ❑ ❑ O D ❑ ❑ a��ooa L^J ❑ ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ � D o❑oa 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ �aaa n it I� rn.n l.�nT� Other 1 � 144-- Sq. rt. Qual�ry of Construcuon (Matenals & Fm�sh) Cond�tion ot Improvements y Room sizes and layout Closecs and Storage Insulat�on–adequacy Plumbmg–adeVuacy and conduion . Electrical–adequacy and condition �QQ amp. Kitche� Cabinets–adequacy and cond�t�on Compat�b�lity �o Neighborhood Overall Lwab�llty Appeal and Marketabdlry v.. F.� Rr...iniro Eeonomie Lil• VO.lO _ S15_.Exp COMMENTS (�nclud� g tunchonal or phys�cal �nadequac�es, repa�rs needed, modermeauon, etc.l It dri T e ` VALUATION SECTIOfJ " ` Purposn ot Apprai+ H is to estimate Market Value as deti�ad m CerUticanon 8i StatemeM of Limitinp Conditions (FHLMC Form 439/FNMA Form 100481. If submrtted lor FI MA, the appra�ser must attach (11 sketch or map showmg location of subject, streat names, distance from nearost intersect�on, and any detnmemal to�dm �ns and (2) extenor build�ng sketch ol �mprovements show�ng d�mens�ons Measurement� No. Stories Sq. Ft. ESTIMATED REPRODUCTION COST — NEW — OF IMPf14VEMENTS: 26 x � 4 x 1 - 1, 144 Dwellin9 1, 198 Sq, fc. @ S 50 = y 59, 900 6 x_9 x 1 = 54 L.L.Fin. 800 �,Ft.�a�6—= 8,000 �_ x = Extras Kit. equipment 500 x _ x = _ _ ;,, X _ _x = Special Energy Efficient Items _ _... _— - x x = Porches, Patios, e«wd. deck; portico = 1� 700 Total Gross Living Area (List in Market Data Analysis below) �� � 98 Garage/Car Port 576 Sq. Ft. @ S � � = 5, 800 Comment on func+ onal and economic obsolescence: NOne Site Improvements (driveway, landscaping, etc.) _ �, 000 Total Estimated Cost New . . . . . . . . = S 76 9�� Physical Functional Economic Less oep.ec�at�on S3 900 S 0 S 0 = S 1 3, 900 ) Deprec�ated va�ue ot improvements . . . . . . = S 73 000 ESTIMATED LANO VAIUE . . . . . = S �S OOO (lf leasehold, shpw only leasehold value) INDICATED VALUE BY COST APPROACH . . . S 9� , OOO The u�dersigned h s recited three recent sales of properues mosl simitar and proximate to sub�ect and has considered �hese m �he markrt analysn. The descr�V� uon includes a dol ar adWS�ment, rellecU�y market rea<:uon to those �tems ol s�yml�caM variauon betwee� the wb�ect and comparabte p�operues. II a s�gmlicant ��em in 1he compa able property is supenor to, or more favorable �han, the sub�ect property, a m�nus (-1 ad�ustment �s made, thus reduc�ng the ind�cated value of sub�ect: �t a si9m(i ant uem in the comparable �s infenor to, or less favorable than, the sub�ect property, a plus (+) ad�ustment iz made, thus mcreas�ng �he iadlca- ted value ol the su qect. ITEM Subject Property Address 7601 BriyadOnPl . Proximity to Subj. � Sales Pnce yrJ //� _Pnce/Livi�g area �� Da[a $ource t1 _ Oate of Sale and O time Ad�ustment � n /� HIPT COMPARABLE NO. 1 7590 Lakeside Rd. Fridley 1 block i �y 99, 900 ; a 88. 64 Contracdlns�on/M�S DESCRIPTION I Aaj s me r 1ne� � 1414 76th Ave., N.E. Fridl�y 1 block ' s 84, 200 's 81.75 M LS i — DESCRIPTION Aajustment 111R5 � COMPARABLE NO, 7560 McKinley F•ridley 2 block S 85, �s 82. MLS �ESCRIPTION Ad �o�t�o� Avera e Avera e � � Avera e � Avera e � SitelView Good /Good Good Good Good /Good � Good /Good Oes�gn and Appeal F Good 3SL GOOd I SF /Good SF /Good � _u�a��r co�s�. A_v_�ra_ge Avera e ' Avera e � Avera e � nye 4�!ears New - 3 000 7 ears '+ 2 000 8 ears + 2, OOOa Condiuon Good Good � Good Good � ^Livmg Area Room Total � B-rms ' Baths Total � B-rms � Baths Total � 8-rms � Baths I Total � B-rms � Baths � ---i ____T__ — i -�----1 --r-- --r— � � Count and Total � , � 2�}- 4- 1� 000 5 ; 2 ; 1 � 6� 3 1� � Gross L�v�ng Area � � 98 .Ft. � � 2] S.Ft. -F' � ��� � � �30 S.Ft. �+ 3 ��� � �30 S.Ft -�' 3 0�0 Basement&Bsmt Full Bsmt. Full Bsmt. � Full Bsmt. , Full Bsmt. � � Finished Rooms o d �0 o finished ' 80�finished 50 o finished ' 'rFunct�onal Uldify _�Veraa p1V ra � Avera e Avera @ ^A�� co�a���o��� n I Non + 1 000 Central � Central � Garage/Car Port p I I Dbl Att ' Dbl Att Wood deck; Wood deck '+ 500 Portico + SOA Wood deck •� Porches, Pat�o, � � � ; Pools, e[c. OPtICO ' Good energy Good energyi Good energy � Good energy� `; Special Energy efficiency efficiency � efficiency i efficiency ' Elficienc Items � � � '.O�her le.y. ���e- Kit. equip. 1 fireplace; � 1 fireplace; , 1 fireplace; , :places, kitchen kit. equi.p. ;, kit. equip. �- 1, 504 kit. equip. �- 1, 500 -;equip., remodelinc a window ' - ^ 000 ' ;:ISalesorFinanci�c None NewCaiv.Mtg.� Newlns.Conv. � NewFHA Mtg� ': Concess�ons M t Rates � Mkt Rates � @ Mkt Rates ; � Net Ad�. (TOtal) -- Plus Minus ,$ 3 rj�� X Plus Minus �$ 4� �0� X Plus Mmus a 3� rJ�Q� --- Ind�cated Value " i i � �, o� s�b,�t �!- — �a 96, 400 �s 88, 200 �a 88, 500' �:;CommentsonMaketData The 3 listed sales are similar to the subject. The adjustments�reasonable, x � t%1P Va�I1P r�P rIpSP - �� ,;, �' � � � . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 90, 000 , • • • •• (11 appl�cable) Economic Market fient a N IA /Mo. x Gross Rent Multiplier• N�A= a_ N�A ;j I hia a����ra�sal �s m de X"as is sub�ea �u i�ie repa�rs, alterahons, or conddions hsted below ❑ completion per plans and specdicaUOns ;�CommentsandC� nditionsof Appra�sal: NOCI@ of the 3 listed sales involved the seller payinq @XC@SSIV@ _ ;;i�_Qint�_� �e�.�to aid the buyer in obtain�ng financing. Final Feconciliat �n: Ti1B cost and market ar�qroaches develop similar values. Each approach - is accura e�ner3inent and reliable. Each��p�oach is aiven equal consideration. :tiCcnstruction War anty ❑Yes� No Name of Warranty Program Warranty Coverage Expires �� This appraisal is be �ed upon the above requuements. the certihcaUOn, coMmgent and hmd�ng conditions, and Market Value dehniGOn that are stated m F�j�fHLMC Forrt 439 (Rev. 10/781(FNMA Form 10048 (Rev. 10/781 flled with r.lient October % �gBrJ �attache �'ll ESTIMATE TH MARKET VALUE, AS DEFINED, OF SUB.�ECT PNOPERTV AS OF October % �gHS to be E 9O OOO � r / ��� � , -- --- --- � �/ ��� H�Appraiser 111 appl�cablel 'y�APPraiserlsl�, „ . � Wi �iam V. McGinnity 7 D�d �D�dNOtPhy5ica11y1n5peCtProperty `, Petsr� A. F i�.ki�ar:: M?Yi! .`�APB � e ' Item #2 Will�am Turnquist 7601 Brigadoon Place � PIN#12-30-24-11-0095 1986 Assessor'� E.M.V. Land $18,000 Bldg. $78,600 Total $96,600 , ' We are not aware of Mr. Turnquist's contention, therefore, are unable to make a recommendation. ' � Item #3 Erwin Reynolds 530 Ely St. PIN#03-30-24-32-0023 1986 Assessor's E,M.V. Land $18,200 Bldg. $67,900 Total $86,100 We are not aware of mr. Reynold's contention, therefore, are unable to make a recommendation. . �I � ' � � I U � w�c..•po • woow[ WIll1�M f �AM[ M�RV�N J EpT21�{ . . • PATAICR LEIGMTON D�v�3 � w��TE M�AOID p.'OTSCN , NOBCp?A �LOpECMT ppHALO E �ARTELL WI��IAM M. SEAO�E ocN�s � a 000�Ao OQUCE E. M Ei1NAT �ARqV A M. NSON ' ,J. VAT171CR PLUNnCTT ,►OMN M. M, RENS TIMOTMt A. SUILIVAN DAVID A.K/ STELtC Gp[GOR♦ I . OISTpAM PM`I1L15 K� iASOV ' CMAIS N. K �B[lLA MALCOLM C MGCONALO MAR♦ E GI I�ANI IEON�AD v 6lEwwE ,J�MN G 0/ fTERSON STE�/EN R :AUGEp TIMOTM♦ C CpOM ' AICMARD G KUNKEI NOBERT W.�UCAS IIATMAtN A GiiAVES MOORE, COSTELLO S HART ATTORNEr$ AT LAW 1400 NORWEST CENTER 55 EAST f1iTM STQE£T SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55�01-17a2 TELECOP�ER 16i21 22�-6029 TELEPriONE i6t21 227-7683 Mr. Gayle Leone Ano.a County Board of Equalization Ano:a Courty Courthouse _ 325 East P1air Street Ano:a, Kinnesota 55303 Mr, leon Madser Cit� of Fridley 8oard of Equalization 6�3 Universitv Avenue NE Frifley, Minnesota 55432 Dea� Countv and Local Board Members: March 2I, 1986 � ♦pAMEAIY iAHICY, MOORC, COSTEllO � M�NT AOL�.ND O. fARIC♦ ���s-�oas MARR�' G. COSTELlO RET�R[D •. WARREN MART ��sa-�os� M/rITCR V. DO:tIE O►COUNSC� ��os-�oso Re: Appeal of Property Assessr�ent PIN R22-30-24-44-0003 PIN R22-30-24-44-0006 Please be on notice that JCH Associates Lim ted Partnership, owner of the above property located in the Ci'„• of Fr�112y, Caunty of Anoka, appeals to the County and local Board of Equali- Zat on for a reduction in the assessed valuation of the property for the yea� 1986. This notice of appeal is being made pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 2 8.01 ana, unless JCH Associates Limited Partnership is otherwise inf�rmed, shall constitute a timely appearance before the County and local Boa d to appeal the assessnent of the property. The Anoka County Assessor estimated tha� on January 2, 1986 the combined market value of the above property was �4,�50,000. Just two days before the assessment date of Januar;� 2, 1986, how�ver, the property was sold in an arms length tr�nsaction to JCH Ass�ciates Limited Partnership for $3,600,000. This 53,600,000 purchase pri�e clearly reflects the market value of the property and indicates that the property has been unfairly and unequally assessed. Boa•ds ef Equalization - 2- March 21, 1986 If you would like any infcrmation with reg�rd to this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Yery truly yours, MOORE 0 TELLO & HART � , Narold R. Fotsch -�/C. f �:- vi" J hn G. Patterson / JGP'jkr� cc: Mr. John C. Holman JCH Associates Limited Partnership � i � ' . ' ' ' ` ' Febr �ary 4, 1966 ' M.r. � ohn C. Hol�an , J.C. l. Associates Libited Partnership P.O. Box 32225 Frid ey, Hir.nesota 55432 ., Re: 1996 Revaluation of former Land 0'Lakes facility at 5320 Hain Street� Fridley, Minn. Pin 22-30-24-44-0003 � 0006 Uear Hr. Holman� I ha e completed my anslysis of the appraisals of the subject property made by M.r. 'aylor and the Towle Coapany� along with your own evaluation.� It is sign.ficant Lo point out that the estidate of value arrived at by Mr. Taylor, and :iy value for January 2, 1986 are Lhe same at E4.8 million. I agree xith your statement that Lhe Tovle Company appraisal has overstated a number of poin,s. I can only eonjecture as to why Land 0'Lakes would sell the property to y>u at �3.6 million� based on the evidence of the two appraisals they cona.ssioned. That conjecture vould be that Land 0•Lakes was able to obtain a subs .antial asount of space on e lease-back program that prov ided � not only reas>nable rent rates, Dut also elimiaated the cost of aearching for new quar.ers and Lhe cost of moving. I au >t admit that aqr value of E4. 8 million did not take into consideration, tWO nsjor points. First, in Lhe past I bad recognized the lack of heat in the 81,6;6 square feet of building No. 4� but neglected to account for it for the 1y65 and 1q86 values. Secondly, I agree with your concern that the 11 foot high areas are less efficient for 6eneral warehousing purposes and m�y not gene •ate a typical rent rate. Hy 1986 value did not� however, reflect this. I ha re� therefore, adjusted the 1966 pay 1967 value to the amount of �4.2 mill�on. This value reflects ar adjustment for no heat in buildir�g No. 4, and the �pplication of a 20� economic obsolescence factor on the areas With 11 foot bigh celings. If f�ture reviews of the property reveal that the economic obsolescence factor is uijustified, the factor Will be reduced or eliminated. ii1a: aucn SS LTIe daDUSI'y L� -�y�T a1�IIZ -wca ca • vsacv heatir.g in building No. 4� I have requested the Couaty Assessor Lo aDate Lhat va1Le by �77,000, from an original value of =4,850�000 to =4�773�000 for Laxes pay 1986. I hcpe these adjustments meet vith your approval. If you have a question� reg�rding this� please feel free to contact me. Yours truly, 0 Leor Nadsen� City Assessor C. C. Mr. Carl Nolin Land 0'Lakes� Incorporated 5320 Hain Street Fridley, Hinaesota 55421 P.S. The records as the Anoka County Auditor's office still show �lidland Cooierotive as fee owner. Evidently no documents have Deen filed at the Courty offices to ahox either Land 0 Lakes or yourself as oxners of record. ITE �! N0. q JCH Associates (former Land 0' Lakes warehouse) 532 > Main Street Pin No. 22-30-2�+-4�-0003 aad 0006 i 198 Assessor�s Estimated Narket Yalue _�4,200,000 22-30-24-44-0003 19� Assessor�s Estimated Harket Value -� 70,900 22-30-24-44-0006 Tot.l Yalue for Lhe txo parcels �;gg@— 'y', s-. �,.,...� The notice of appeal, dated March 21, 1g �, failed to recognize the reduction of �57 ,100 I have made on the 1986 valuation. Based on my letter of February 4, 19 &, I feel we have no� Lreated the value of this property correctly and fairly. If ! he Board is interested� you may viex, in my office, copies of two appraisals tha� were commissioned by Land 0� Lakes as of October and November 1985. One applaisal, by the Towle Co., put the value at �6�000,000. Another appraisal� by Shecehon, Goodlund, Taylor and Fruen, put it at �4,800,000. I feel these are very strcng evidence that we have not over stated the value of this property. I recommend no further reduction. ' ' . OLSON, ( �UNN AND SERAN, Ltd. '315 Peavey Building LAW OFFICE: �� �ond Avenue South Minrieopohs, MmnesoTo 55402-2473 612 339-8846 �l ,� � ' � ' , �� April l, 1986 . Ni� . Leon Mattson C: ty Assessor 6�31 University N.E. F�idley, Minnesota 55432 Re: Georgetown Court Partnership Local Board of Review, April 7, 1986 DE ar Mr. Mattson: I represent Maurice N. Filister, the general-partner of GEOrgetown Court Partnership, the owner of the following dESCribed properties: R22 30 24 13 0005 R22 30 24 13 0006 R22 30 24 13 0008 Please accept this letter as an appearance before the Local Bc�rd of Review, Mr. Filister makes this appearance in order tc preserve his right of appeal pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Se�tion 278.01. Neither Mr. Filister nor I will be present at the meeting of the Board of Review. If this letter is not sufficient to preserve Mr. FiLister's right of appeal or if you need more information, pl �ase contact me immediately. HH� ;:mt cc Nlaurice Filister Enclosure Sincerely, OLSON, GUNN AND SER1�N, LTD. i By Harold H. Sheff ' I Wayne H Olson Alonzo B Seran Harold H. Sheff Richord _ Gunn Dovid R. Knodell Michelle J. Utdch &adley J. Gunn Item #5 Georgetown Court Partnership PIN# 22-30-24-13-0005, 0006, 0008 1986 Assessor's E.M.V.s � 0005 (126 units) Land $308,500 Bldg. $2,210,500 Total $2,519,000 0006 (131 units) Land $318,300 Bldg. $2,380,600 Total $2,698,900 0008 (210 units) Land $514,200 Bldg. $3,740,000 Total $4,254,200 The County Assessor's Office appraises all multiple dwelling bldgs.in the County and will answer any questions you may have regarding this. m G: � LAW OFFICES ������ � � �� � ��"� ESTES PARS 1 N EN � L A rROI[as10NAL A380CIATION 100 SOUTH FIFTH STREE' — .roMN o. v�Ra NcN '� `vZ�� � 1— SUITE 1100 a. o. csres AOBERT A. LE' r MINNEAPOLIS� MINNESOTA 66� ERIC B. SCMU T2 '�� � �7 � , JAC1c A. R03B :RO TELEPMONE ����J'� ���� w�� LEON 1. STEIN IERG 16121 333-2111 ' OANtEL J.O�E ISDOiiF iAG51MILE E. BUR't[ M�r+ �S 161Z1 333-6798 April 2, 1986 1+Ir. Leon Madsen Cit� Assessor Fric ley City Hall 643 University Avenue N.E. Fric ley, Minnesota 55432 � _ �'� `�, �, RE: Viking Chevrolet PIN Nos. R12 30 24 24 0002; R12 30 24 24 003; and B12 30 24 21 0015 Dea � Mr. Madsen: Our firm represents the above-referenced claimant with regard to the January 2, 198i assessment of the above-referenced property. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §271.01, subd. 5 and §278.01, subd. 1, we are mailing this lett �r and application to you on behalf of the claimant as an appearance by written com munciation before this Board to appeal the assessment of the property. We do not inte id to make a personal appearance. The purpose of this letter is to preserve the righ :s of the taxpayer to petition the Minnesota Tax Court for relief from property taxes pay� ble in 1987. Please direct all further communications regarding this matter to me. Thank you. DB/ �am ene] �sure DB- L64 Sincerely, ESTE PARSINEN dc LEVY P.A. � Dan Biersdorf r Item #6 Viking Chevrolet 7501 Highway #65 PINS 12-30-24-24-0002,0003 and 12-30-24-21-0015 1986 Assessors E.M.V.: 0002 - Land $141,600 Bldg. $ 0 Total $141,600 0003 - Land $ 59,800 Bldg. $611,200 Total $671,000 0015 - Land $195,600 Bldg. $ 0 Total $195,600 We are unware of the contentions of Viking Chevrolet and therefore, are unable to make a recommendation. J � •� � JOMN D. PAPS NCN 17.0. ESTES ROBEAT A. LE� r ERiC B.SCNVI f2 ,lACK A.ROSB .RG LEON 1. STEIN i[Ra DANIEL J. S�[ SDORf C.SVR1tE NINI $ LAW OFFICES ESTES PARS I N EN 6c LEVY A ►ROF[BSIONAL AffOC1ATION 100 SOUTH FIFTM STREET SUITE I100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 Mr. Leon Madsen Cit� Assessor Fric ley City Hall 643 University Avenue N.E. Fric ley, Minnesota 55432 TEIEPMONE 16121 333-2111 FAC$IMILE 16�21 333-6798 April 4, 1986 BY MESSENGER S. TO00 RAM MOWARD J. AU��N OAVID 17. M`/IqCA JEFF RO55 DAVID A. ORCNSTE�N ORUCE B. JAM[S O� Counfc� RE: 5351 Central Avenue, Fridley That Prt of Lots 9 and 11 Aud Sub No. 94 lyg Wly of Wly Line Block 1 Skywood Add dc Lyg Wly of Wly Line of Beverly Hills dc Its Sly Extn PIN No. R24 30 24 33 0009 Dea � Mr. Madsen: Our firm represents the above-referenced claimant with regard to the January 2, 198 � assessment of the above-referenced property. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §271.01, subd. 5 and §278.01, subd. 1, we are mailing this lett �r and application to you on behalf of the claimant as an appearance by written corr munciation before this Board to appeal the assessment of the property. We do not inte nd to make a personal appearance. The purpose of this letter is to preserve the rigi ts of the taxpayer to petition the Minnesota Tax Court for relief from property taxes pay �ble in 1987. Please direct all further communications regarding this matter to me. Thank you. Sincerely, ESTES PARSINEN �C LEVY P.A. � Dan Biersdorf DB, bam enc osure DB� 164 .« �� Item #7 Menard's Cashway Lumber 5351 Central Avenue PIN# 24-30-24-33-0009 . Assessor's 1986 E.M.V. Land $908,200 Bldg. $1,859,700 Total $2,767,900 We are not aware of the contentions of Menard's and, therefore, unable to make a recomnendation. N ' (' JOMN O. PAR! N[N ii. O. ESTES ROOERT A. LC• • Ep�G 9. SCNU T2 JACN A. AOSB :R6 IEON i. STEiN IE17G DANIEL J. O�E fSDORF [. BUAKC MIN �3 LAW OFFICES ESTES PAR5) N EN Sc LEVY A rROFESSIONAL A850CIATION 100 SOUTH FIFTH STREET SUITE I100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 65402 TEIEPMONE 1612) 333-2111 FACSIMILE 16121 333-679B rJ iVlr. Leon Madsen Cit� Assessor Fric ley City Hall 643 University Avenue N.E. Fric ley, Minnesota 55432 April 2, 1986 RE: Viking Chevrolet PIN Nos. R12 30 24 24 0002; R12 30 24 24 003; and R12 30 24 21 0015 Dea � Mr. Madsen: f.TOOD RAPP HOWARD J. AU�IN OAVID A. MYl�1[A JEFF RO53 OAVID A. ORENSTE�N ORUCE 0. JAMES OI COVNiiL Our firm represents the above-referenced claimant with regard to the January 2, 198 � assessment of the above-referenced property. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. �271.01, subd. 5 and �278.01, subd. 1, we are mailing this lett �r and application to you on behalf of the claimant as an appearance by written corr munciation before this Board to appeal the assessment of the property. We do not inte nd to make a personal appearanee. The purpose of this letter is to preserve the rigi ts of the taxpayer to petition the Minnesota Tax Court for relief from property taxes pay �ble in 1987. Please direct all further communications regarding this matter to me. Thank you. Sineerely, ESTE PARSINEN dc LEVY P.A. � Dan Biersdorf DB, bam enc osure DB- 164 Item #6 Viking Chevrolet 7501 Highway #65 PINS 12-30-24-24-0002,0003 and 12-30-24-21-0015 1986 Assessors E.M.V.: 0002 - Land $141,600 0003 - Land $ 59,800 0015 - Land $195,600 Bldg. $ 0 Bldg. $611,200 Bldg. $ 0 Total $141,600 Total $671,000 Total $195,600 We are unware of the contentions of Viking Chevrolet and therefore, are unable to make a recomnendation. • �� � � 0 Prcsideots Plaza E700 West Bryn Mawr Avenue C6icago, iL 60631 Telepdoae 312 399-1166 /Q Arth ur D. Little Valuation, Inc. Ap� •il 4, 1986 Mr Leon Madsen Ci .y Assessor Fr. dley City Hall 64:�1 University Avenue N.E. Fr:31ey, Minnesota 55432 Re API Supply PIN Nos. R27 30 24 14 0002 � De� r Mr. Madsen: Ou�� firm represents the above-referenced claimant with regard to th� January 2, 1986 assessment of the above-referenced property. Pu��suant to Minn. Stat. sec. 271.01, subd. 5 and sec. 278.01, sul�d. 1, we are mailing this letter and application to you on be:�alf of the claimant as an apgearance by written communication be'ore this Board to appeal the assessment of the property. We do not intend to make a personal appearance. The purpose of th.s letter is to preserve the rights of the taxpayer to pe:ition the Minnesota Tax Court for relief from property taxes pa� �able in 1987. -- Pl�rase direct all further communications regarding this matter to me. Thank you. Si icerely, i , ,� � ��z �,� �,�--� � La� rrence H. Fee Re�ion Manager - Property Tax LH ':dbh r ITE � # 8 A. P I. SUPPLY 511 1 MAIN STREET PIN No. 27 30 24 1�I 0002 19 8� Asse ssor' s E. N. Y. : Land �713, 400 Bldg. � 1, 37 3, 200 Total �2, 0 86 , 600 0 A r:presentative of A. P. I. Supply was in to see me� regarding this property, on �pril 3, 1986. At that time, it was discovered that our value had not taksn into consideration the total lack of heating in the warehouse areas. The �efore, as a matter of correetion, I recommend a reduction in value from the above, to: Land �713,400 Bldg. =1,2�13,200 Total �1,956,600 �� : Property Tax Research Company A �ril 3, 1986 E �PRESS MAIL M �. Leon Madsen City of Fridley Assessor 6�31 University Avenue NE F �idley, NIId 55432 R:: LONGVIEW FIBRE COMPANY 5851 East River Road Fridley, rIId 55432 #R 22 30 24 14 0004 D :ar Mr. Madsen: Eiclosed please find completed work-up which I have prepared on tie above referenced property. This work-up includes the three a�proaches to value, i.e. the Cost, Income and Market Approach. I have also enclosed a signed agent authorization. I would like to request a review of the subject property in light o: the data which I have provided. Please note my final opinion o : value: TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,500,000.00) Tiis letter is to be considered our formal appeal to the City of F-idley Board of Equalization, which meets Monday, April 7, 1986. Siould it become necessary, I would like the data I have provided t� be considered by the Board in lieu of a personal appearance. P.ease send corresgondence regarding this matter to me in care of P-operty Tax Research Company, 1611 Des Peres Road, Suite 370, S�;. Louis, Missouri, 63131. Cor� �rate Hill III • 1611 Des Peres Road • Suite 370 • St Louis, Missouri 63131 s(314) 966-5800 Kansas City • Atlanta • Columbus • Boston • Houston • Dallas Tiank you for your time and attention. Any assistance you can oEfer will be appreciated. V :ry truly yours, � 20PERTY T�X $ESEARCH COMPANY �--- � v�.�— � d�� Jimes'E. Riney, C.R.A. Nitional Tax Administrator E iclosures � LONGVIEW FIBRE COMPANY 5851 East River Road Fridlev, Minnesota fALES COMPARISON APPROACH : ale ro. Location 1. 45 East Maryland S t . Paul , 1�IId 2. 7900 Chicago Ave. Bloomington, MN 3. 1300 Gray Fox Road Arden Hills, l�i 4, 1551 Vernon Avenue St. Louis Park, I�IIJ Land Area/ Bldg. Area 1,001,880/SF 238,000/SF 340,877/SF 160,036/SF 288,666/SF 80,185/SF 631,620/SF 373,000/SF Date Sold/ Sale Price 08/83 $2,900,000 09/82 $1,981,500 10/80 $ 910,100 Ol/80 $4,000,000 SP SF $12.18 $12.38 $11.35 $10.72 S ibject: 219,101 SF X $12.00/Sf = VALIIE .....................$2,509,200 � ROUNDED TO: $2,509,000 ----------------------------------------------------- Ol 'R OPINION OF VALIIE TWO MILLION FIDE $IINDRED THOIISAND DOLLARS ($2,500,000.00) LONGVIEW FIBRE COMPANY 5851 East River Road Fridley, Minnesota � ��ST APPROACH 2D9,101 Square Foot Manufacturing Facility; , C�ncrete Block Construction, Concrete Floors, Roof Flat; Steel Deck on Steel Bar Joists, Steel Beams, Steel Frame; C�nstructed 1960 with Add-on; Class "C" Average Construction; 11.66 Acres 2)9,101 SF x$21.33/SF = Replacement Cost New...... $4,460,124 Aid: Site Improvements: (Dock Iiigh Area, Asphalt, Sprinkler System, Railroad Spur, etc.) .......................... $ 560,000 T�tal Replacement Cost New ........................... $5,020,124 Lass: Depreciation @ 43$, Functional Obsolescence @ 10$ (53$)...........<$2,660,665> R:placement Cost New Less Depreciation ............... $2,359,459 Aid Estimated Value of Land @$40,000 per Acre....... $ 466,400 T�)TAL VALIIE .......................................... $2,825,859 ROIINDED TO: $2,826,000 -��------------------------------------------------------------- Il fCOME APPROACH 2��9,101 SF x$1.75/SF = Gross Potential Income... $ 365,926 LESS: 20$ Expenses ..................................<$ 73,185> NEt Income ........................................... $ 292,741 C�pitalized @ 75� Mortgage @ 12� Interest =.0900 25$ Equity @ 10$ Return = .0250 Overall Rate = .1150 Net Income of $292,741 x OAR .1150 = VALIIE....... $2,545,573 ROIINDED TO: $2�546�000 0 r I'. EM N0. 9 Lc ngview Fiber 5+51 East River Road P7 N No. 22 30 2�! 14 0004 A: sessor� s 198b E. M. Y. Land t675, 000 Bldg. �2,647, 000 Total t3� 322, o00 Tie letter of protest was received just this morning and We, therefore� h�ve been unable to make a thorough revieW. A cursory revier� of the eiclosed appraisal outline reveals a number of points of contention: 1. The listed sales do not seem to be of properties that are comparable to the subject. i�e would bave sales data that support a higher value. 2. In their cost approach they indicate depreciation� far in excess of actuallity. 3. Their indication of land value at .92 per square foot is considerably less than current market data for similar property, in Fridley� xould indicate. 4. Little credit can be given to the income approach on a property that is not designed or used for rental income or investment. I recommend no change in the value originally submitted by our department The ioard may� hor�►ever, vish to refer this case to our department for further reviEw and have us report at future session of this meeting. 0 ► � �r♦ i � , � �� - . ' �� : . - .. � � . . .. .. . _.. . . � . . . � . � . � , � Tenenbau n-Hill Associates, tnc. 500 Nichols Road, Suite 411, P.O. Box 30330, Kansas City, Missouri 64112 816/753-8900 - � i � . ��- . Marcb 28, 1986 � � �, `�j� ��� } �`� � �'� ��`~ � " �f.^.;', ", �� � �: � ��� Loca] Board of Bevien Citq �f Fridley, I�i Anoka County 8E: Frank•s Nursery - R11-30-24-22 0018 7620 IIniversity Ave. Fridley, I41 55428 Dear Members of the Board: 4NUKA COUNTY ASSESSOr Our �irm representa the above-referenced claiaant Mith regard to the 1986 asse:snent of the above-referenced property. Purs�ant to Mina. Stat. SS271.01 subd. 5 and 278.01 subd. 1, �►e are mail:ag this letter to you on behalf of the claimant as an appearance by irrit�en co�unication before this Board to appeal the assessment of the property. We do not iatend to sake a personal appearance. Pleaie direct all further communications regarding this matter to me. Thanl you. Sina rely, � � t��� Jeff Pence Rese�.rch Aseociate JP/d� , � A proptrcy cax savi« for all fifty staaa. KANSAS CI Y OAK BROOK, II. BUFFAID HARIFORD BOS'IUN ORLANDO EL PASO 5I: WUIS SALT LAKE CITY NEW YORK WASHAIG'InN, DuG/BALTIlvIORE DENVER DALLAS/Fl: WORTH SAN AN�rIIO/AUSTW HOUSinN , � r� � � � � � � r-- �-., TEI;E?:bAU*�,-HiLL ASSOCIATES, I -�':, : C ;': ; ,' :'Q3/,27/8E• Cost Approach .� '' � � ,'-.. -' , .' , � � . � , ,��,� . � _ �, - ; . . ' _. 7�•,�c of bcilcin£ 1SC Discount dept. storeE Ci4:-� . Grede 2 Region C Basc co�t pe- foot iT. Z986 25.8` 7ot�: squsrE footagc 14,266.QL :Cl�i �2EE COFt F�L'_ OF Y.I?.T� kDJt'STt:E2rTS: P�- �rc {E,re:. 15,OOi:; Ga• .o� �- (Ares 7,48� i Tot�l plus or minus adjustmentF Total base cost 1,Li.T .PLIERS : Ti• ie Lo .al He .ght per stor� Pe �imeter Mu ti-s:or�• keplacement cost neu LESS DEPRECIATIOK: T}•pe Percent Ph �sic�l 5U.00 Cotal SO.OU 0.990Q 1.1100 1.0800 0.901� 1.0000 Amount 243,143.03 243,143.03 aNOKk CGUPvTY aS�; �' ='. � 13,540.00 70,012.80 368,?7f..1C' 83,512.SC� 452,288.9C 486, 286.OE. 243,143.U3 Re�lacement cost ne�., less depreciation . 243,143.03 Laid value 176,OOG.O:.� To :al v81ue 419,14C.0.' Iniicated assessed value at assessaent ratio of 1.00000 419,100.4:'� Cur:ent assesse� value is 510,700.OQ Stor : t�o. 43 76?C Universitt• Ave. Fric te��, M-:. REFI �i;� CQS� F�:. SQ�AF.:. FOG=: �7.65 TN:. ref erencE nue�beT 2 CasE numbe: i:?� 9 3 8f� Rz Recc rd nuwbe: 152�9 Comma:: name Fran�:'s rursery �43 A�pi : i se: JLt