05/05/1986 - 5152OFFICIAL QTY Q�tJNCIL FGFNAA Q7(TNQL N�ETIlJG 1�1Y 5, 1986 I� ' �� FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL �� Ma 5, 1986 - 7: 30 P. M. ' �r' Y . __ Foll� �wing are the "ACTIONS TAKEN" by the Administration for your info� mation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCI AMAT I ON • VETERANS BUDDY POPPY DAY MAY 16 , 1986 NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK NIAY 18-24 SEN IOR CENTER WEEK MAY 11-17 �ORRECT POSTURE MONTH MAY, 1986 Proclamations issued by Mayor Nee APPRC JAL OF MINUTES: 3oard of Review, April 21, 1986 :ouncil Meeting, April 21, 1986 4inutes approved as submitted C ITY 4ANAGER--ACTION TAKEN : Fi 1 ed f or f ut ur e r ef er ence AD PT :ON OF AGENDA: ADD: �'onsideration of authorization of sale of Lots 1-3 slock 7- Edgewater Gardens, No. 19 P N 1'ORUM. VISITORS: Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) 1'o response I � Coun �il Meeting, May 5, 1986 Page 2 Cons. deration of Fridley League of Women Voters Cons� nsus Report on Fire Station Location ........ Received report CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Will review fire station location with staff PUBL]C HEARINGS: 1 Publ�c Hearing on the Sale of $3,000,000 in Industrial Deve]opment Bonds for Winfield Developments, Inc. ..... 2 Public Hearing opened at 7:56 p.m.. Closed at 8:02 p.m. ENT AL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Proceeding as authorized Public Hearing on the Sale of $6,000,000 in Industrial Development B onds for Industrial Boul E �ard Investors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Public Hearing opened at 8:02 p.m. Closed at 8:17 p.m. ENTFAL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Proceeding as authorized Publi: Hearing on the Sale of $6,000,000 in Indus :rial Development Bonds for 53rd Way Investors ... 4 ?ubl ic Hearing opened at 8: 17 p. m. Cl osed at 8: 18. E TR�L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Proceeding as a�uthorized 0 � 1 Coun :il Meeting, May 5,� 1986 OLD ; �USINESS• Cons: deration of a Special Use Permit, SP #86-02, to A:low a Motor Vehicle Fuel and Oil Dispensang Serv: ce and a Motor Vehicle Wash Establishment, Gene� ally Located at 5300 Central Avenue N. E. , ByQ Pe t r ol e um . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planrin4 Commission Recommendation: Approval With Stipulations ouncil Action Needed: Consideration of Recon menda ti on Page 3 . . . . . 5 - 5 H Tabled to Council Meeting of May 19, 1986 MMCNITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN: Item is on agenda f or N�y 19. Owner of Solar Car Wash has been notif ied of ine eti ng. Consi 9eration of a Variance Request, VAR #86-03, to Re �uce the Required Lot Size, Reduce the Front Yard >etback, Reduce the Rear Yard Setback, Reduce the D-ivewayJParking Setback, Generally Located at 5300 :entral Avenue N. E. , By Q Petroleum . . . . . . . . . A eal.s Commission Recommendation: Approval of Varia ice Counc.l Action Needed: Consideration of Recom; �endati on "abled to Council Meeting of rlay 19, 1986 C MMU�ITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN: See Item #5 6 - b K Consic eration of Appointments to Community Develc pment, Environmental Quality, and Human Resou� ce Commissians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 A 7 abled appointments to Council Meeting of May 19, 1986 CITY r ANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Have put item on agenda of May 19 ) Coun :il Meeting, May 5, 1986 Page 4 Rece lved letter of resignation from Jean Gerou of the Appe ils Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7A Letter received TY _1�lANAGER--ACTION TAKEN: Have prepared letter and Certificate of A�preciation to be presented at May 19 meeting Cons .deration of a Lot Split Request, L.S. #86-02, To s>lit off the west 90 Feet of Part of Lot 28, Revi�ed Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 to Create a Sepa �ate Lot Generally Located at 7136 East Rive � Road N. E. , By Richard Malecek . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 I Plan�in4 Commission Recommendation: Approval With Stipulations oun:il Action Needed: Consideration of Reco� �mendati on approved with eight (8) stipulations MM �NITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN• Informed applicant of Coun� �il approval with stipulations Cons. deration of Resolution Approving L.S. #86-02 to Split Off .he West 90 Feet of Part of Lot 28, Revised Auditor's Subd:vision No. 77 to Create a Separate Lot Generally Located at 7. 36 East River Road N. E. by Richard Malecek. ...... 8A Resol uti on No. 3 8-1986 adopted MM�iNITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN• Proceed as auth� �rized NEW l USINESS Cons: deration of Setting a Public Hearing for the '. ransfer of Cable Operations and Ownership from Storer Cable to Nortel Cable Associates ........ 9- 9 A Set Public Hearing for 6/2. Cost of Don Richards services to be split with Fridley, Bloomington and St. Louis Park C WORRS--ACTI N TAREN• Have set public hearing for 3une 2 ..► � Coun �il Meeting, May 5, 1986 Page 5 � � NEW 3USINESS (Continuedl Rece.ving CATV Advisory Commission Minutes of riarc � 20, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 I Received COMM )NITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAKEN• Filed for future reference Receiving Bids and Consideration of Awarding Conti act for Street Improvement Proj ect, ST 1 � 86-1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 A Receiv ed bids and awarded contract to low bidder PUBL1 C WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Notif ied appropriate party of Counc il approval of Phase I of proj ect Recei�ing Bids and Cons�deration of Awarding Contr�ct for 1986 Miscellaneous Concrete Curb, Gutte � and Sidewalk Proj ect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A teceived bids and awarded contract to low bidder PUBLI ; WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Notif ied appropriate party of Counc 1 approval Consiceration of a Proposed MTC Route 25 Service Via li nsbruck Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 C F ppr ov ed PUBLI( WORKS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized . ` Coun �il Meeting, May 5, 1986 Page 6 I � i NEW 3USINESS (Continued) Rece .ving Petition No. 3-1986 Regarding Installation of a Street Light at 1475 - 66th Avenue, N. E. ....... Receiv ed pe ti ti on PUBL[C WORKS--ACTION TAKEN: Authorized staff to order i nst, �11 ati on of st r eet 1 igh t 14 - 14 C Clair s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Appr ov ed CENT3AL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid c�aims Licer ses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 P Appr ov ed NTFAL SERVICE--ACTION TAKEN: Issued licenses Estim 3tes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 D �ppr ov ed CENTR�L SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid estimates 0 I � MM1'NICATION• Rece: ving of Vantage Companies' Letter Regarding Reta� 1 Development on 81st Avenue and University ...... 18 Received COMM( NITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Fil ed f or f uture ref erence Consideration of Authorizing the Sale of Lot 1 through 3, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Approved for $17,500 PUBL]C WORKS--ACTION NEEDED: Notify appropriate party of Council approval AD C RN • 9: 03 p. m. ..�.. �� 'I< �� � : �► ':� ' = �► FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCiL MaY 5, 1986 — 7;30 P.M. �ETERA�dS BUDDY POPPY DAY M�AY 16. 1986 �AT I ONAL F'UBL I C WORKS WEEK t�1AY 18-24 �EN I OR CENTER IrdtEK MAY 11-17 :ORRECT t'OSTURE NIONTH t�1AY , 1986 :":1 : 1 1 EOARD OF REVIEW. APRIL 21. 1986 C OUNC i L P�iEET I NG, APR I L 21. 1986 =��� ► � = ► = �. . �. . . t�:ONS 1 DERAT I ON OF i TEMS NOT oN AGENDA - 15 P�1 I P�uTES ) � UN( I L CONSIDERATION OF FRIDLEY LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS COtJSENSUS REPORT ON FIRE STATION LOCATION ........ 1 � � ■ :i PUBLI: HEARiNG ON THE SALE OF $3.00�,�0� IN INDUSTRIAL DEVEL�►Ph1ENT BONDS FOR WINFIELD DEVELOPMENTS. INC. ..... 2 PUBLIC HEARIhG Or� TKE SALE OF $6.Qafl,O�� IN INDUSIRIAL DEVELOP�•1Er�T BONDS FOR INDUSTRIAL BOULE� ARp I hVESTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PUBL I C HEAR l �JG 0�� THE SALE OF $6.0fl0, 0Q0 I N I NDUST Z i AL DEVELOPMEPJT BONDS FOR 53RD WL�Y I PdVESTORS ... 4 COUN�' I L P�1EET I NG, h1AY 5. 1986 1 1 ► CONS DERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SN #86-�2. TO A1LOW A h10TOR VEHICLE FUEL AND OIL DISPENSING SERV CE AND A P�IOTOR VEHICLE WASH tSTABLISHMENT. GENEfALLY LOCATED AT 53�0 CENTRAL AvErvuE N.E.. BY Q PETROLEUh1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �.g� I NG GoMr•1 I S� I ON RECOM: �EP�DAT I ON : APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUtJ( I I_ ACT I ON NEEDED : CONS I DERAT I ON OF RECOt�MENDATION PA�E __3 ..,... 5-5H CONSI�ERATION OF a VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR #86-03. TO RE�UCE THE REQUIRED LOT SIZE. REDUCE THE FRONT YARD �ETBACK. REDUCE THE REAR YARD SETBACK. REDUCE THE D� I VE�ti'AY/NARK i NG SETBACK. GENERALLY I.00ATED AT 53aD �ENTRAL AVENUE N.E., BY Q PETROLEUh1 ..... APPEA _S COr•1r•1I SS I ON RECOMMENDAT I ON : APPROVAL OF VAR I A JCE '' lL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATIO�J OF REC0�1 tENDAT I ON � .,., 6-6K COUN ; I L P�1EET I NG. MAY 5. 1986 1 ► PAGE 4 CONS DERATIOrJ OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. AND HUMAN RESOi IRCE COMt�11 SS I ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . 7 - 7 A CONS DERATION OF A LOT SPLIT REQUEST. L.S. #86—BZ. TO SI L I T OFF THE WcST 9C� FEET OF F'ART OF LOT 2�3. REVI ED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISIOtJ N0. 77 TO CREATE A SEPAIATE LOT GENERALLY LOCl�TED AT 7136 EAST RIVEI' ROAD �v.E.. BY RICHARD f�IALECEK . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 — S I t", I 1�G CO?',' i SS 10�� R�CO �� �E�dDAT I OP� : APPROVAL WI TH ST I PULAT I O��S COU;;� 1 L ACT I Qi� f�� ED�D : CO'�S i DERAT I ON OF RECO; ��•��t;�c,T i o�� CO'�S DERATIO�J OF SETTING A PUBLfC HEARING FOR TN� � RAr�SFER OF CABLE OPERAT I OPJS AND OWNERSH I P FRO�' STORER CABLE TO NORTEL I:ABLE ASSOCIATES ..,..... 9- 9 A � COUN( I L��1EET I NG. I�IAY 5, 1986 �►1_��► ► • ► ► � PAGE" 5 RECE V I NG CATV ADV I SORY COt�1h11 SS I ON MI NUTES OF r�aRCf 20, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �e - �e F RECE VING BIDS �ND CO��SIDERATION OF Aw'ARDING COtJTf ACT FOR STREET I�•1PROVE��ENT PROJECT. ST 1� 86-1 g 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 A RE CE � I�rJ B I DS AND COPJS I DERAT I ON OF AVIARD I NG COtiTi :.CT FOR 1986 f�11 SCELLANEOUS COt�CRETE CuRB. GUTTE R �;°dD S I DEWALK PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 — 12 A CONS DERAT I Oh OF :, PROPOSED f�iTC ROUTE 25 SERV I CE V I A NNSBRUCK DR i '�'E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13� - 13 GOUNCIL MEETING. MAY 5, 1y�6 � : ► •► ► �, NAGE 6 RECEIIING PETITION N0. 3-1986 REGARDING INSTALLATION OF A iTREET LIGHT AT 1475 - 66TH AVENUE. N.E. ....... 14 - 14 C C�A���> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 L i cEr� >ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 P 0 EST Ir�� �TES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 D �'� (1.�AT I ON : RECEI"ING OF VANTAGE COMPANIES' LETTER REGARDI�JG RETAII. DEVELOPMENT ON $1ST AVENUE AND UfJIVERSITY ...... 18 : � ► . % � � � � ���T ` .t "ry�'" � � $ , � � i � I � � ��.V�. � . . . �.., V �'W{ .i'R' � , �`�S? } � I .. .. . � .SN ,+��� , � , VS?BFA9'S BUDDY POPPY DAY AlAY 16, 1986 VYi![iam .�+: ��e ;�. Msyor � Fridley, M'N � WHERFAS, The annuaZ aate of Buddy Poppies by the Vsterana of Porsign Wars of the United Statsa has been offticiaZty recogni�ed and endorasd by gcvernmentaZ Zeadsra ainoe 1922; and WHEREAS. VFW Budd� Poppis• ars aeeswbted b� diaabled vetsrana, and th• procEede of thia worthy fund-raising eampaign ars uasd �xcZuetivet� for the tenefit of diaabted and needy vsterane, a»d ths rvidova and orpltana of dECeased veterana; and WHEREAS, The baaic purpoas of ths annuat sats of Buddy Poppisa bb ths Veterans of Forstign Wars ia �Zoqusntt� rsftected in ths deatirs to "Honcr the Dead by Hetping the Living"; NOiJ. TEEREFORS, BS IT RESOLVBD that I. Willia� J. 1►ss, alayor of the City of F2'til,�Z6� %8P8t1� pPOCZQLAI kct� 16, 1986 aa VBTBRAI'S BUDDY POPPY DAI and arge the citi�aena of Fridleb to rscognixa the �erzta or thie oau�s b� contributing g8M6POtilZ� to ite �eupport thro.ugh th• purchaae of Budd: Poppisa on the da� ast aaids for ths diatr�tbktion o� thse� symbols of appreciation for the aacrifices of our honored dsad. I urge aZt patrzotic citis�na to �ear a Buddy Popp� as a�uts evtidsrtcs of our gratitude to ths r�en of this country vho havs rieked thetir Zive+ in defense of the frsedome uthich a�e continue to snjob a• American citixens. IP WITNESS WHEREOF. I have ast my hand and cauaed the asal of th� Cit� of F�idZey to be affix�d thia 5th da}� of May. 1986. < < WILLIAM d. NEE. MAYOR � � � � ( ( 1A?I01AL PUBLIC WOEZS WBBZ XAI 18 - 2�F. 1986 William Mayor Fridley, J. Nee MN WHERE9S. PubZic rvorka servzces provided in our community are an integ.�aZ part of our citti�en's everyday Zives; and WHERE.IS, The aupport of an understanding and informed citi�cenry is vitaZ to the efficient operation of public raorka eystems and programe such �;s rvater, a�ruers, 8treets and highrvays. pubZic buiZdingB and ano� remov� ,Z ; and WHERE.S. The heatth. safety and comfort of this community gr�atZ� depen�'s on these facitities and services; and WHERE.S, The quattity and sff�etiveneaa of the$e factilitzss. aa veZZ aa their ptanning, deeign. mazntenance and conetruction ia vtitaZZ� depen�'ent upon the efforta and ektiZte of pubZic �orka psraonnsZ; and WHERE.S, The efficiencr� of the quatifisd and dediaated psraonnst�vho staff pubZic r�ork8 d�partments is matsriaZZy infZusrtced by the peopZ�'s attitude and underatandzng of ths importance of ths �ork the� perfo: m; NOW, "EEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE'D that I. WiZtiam J. Ase. Mayor of ths City <f FridZey hereby procZaim May 18-24, 1986 as in the Ctity organ� aationa provic ing our pubti � r�orks commfc rt. 1d2I01AL POBLIC voars vaat of FrtidZey and caZZ upon aZZ citi.sens and etivic to acquaint themsetves with ths probleme invoZvsd in pubtic rvorka and to recognise the contributiona vhich peraonnel make sver� day to our hsaZth. eafet� and IN WZ:NESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the seaZ of the City of Fr�dZey to be affixed this 5th day of May. 1986. e � I I I �' SENIOR CENTER WEEK May 11 - 17. 1986 William J. Nee Mayor Fridley. MN WHERIAS. the Senior Citisens of the City of FridZey contribute invaluabZy to the grorath and achievement of our corainunity through theiz spirit, dedication arcd taZ�nt; and WHEREAS, this community's a�nior membera. through their akitla and experience, are a most important resource and rightfully deserve our appreciation and awarenesa; and WHEREAS, our community'a eentior center, eerving as a focat point for delivery of services to otder peraons, seek to create an atmosphsre that acknor�Zedges the vaZue of human Zife by t�orking �i.th tha indiv�duaZ, the famiZy and the community; and . WgERE4S, th� month of May has been procZairaed Otdsr A�n�ricana Xonth. and c�mmunitiea acrose the nattion are giving spectiaZ r�cognittion to the r�te of senior c�ntsra; and NOW, .^HEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that I. William J. Hse. Mayor of ths City ►f Fridtey hereby proctaim Mar� 11 - 17, 1986 as SBAIIOR CBBTBR WEB� in th� City of FridZey. in honor of ths tifelong aontributions of ths many :aZented and dedicated Senior Citisens a�ho make FridZey a ap�cial pZace to Zive. I further commend the Senior Center for aupporting a sense of community that enablss otder persons to continue thsir invoZ;ement r�ith and contributiona to the Fridt�y community. IN WI:'NESS WHEREOF. I have set my hand and cauaed the esaZ of the City of Fr-dZey to be affixed this 5th dar� of Ma�, 1986. �. � � ��/� . 'WILLIAM NEE, MAYOR • CORRSCT POSTURE N01iTE Na� 1986 William Mayor Fridley, J. Nee MN � WHERFAS, the Status of Libsrty/Bttis Ialand Foundation sa carr�in9 on a ca�!paign to rai.ae funde to rastors and prsasrve ths Statue of Libe:ty and Ellis Iatand; and WEEREAS. these ayrabota ars being rsnovated to b� Zaating �smoriaZa to the ��iZtiona of immigrants rvho hetped buiZd the Unitsd Statsa, offering hops for ths future; and WHEREAS, the etructuraZ probleras experienced by the Statue of Libsrty have come about as the rsauZt of negZigence and can be Zikensd to the heaZth probtsma suffsred by many Ameriaana; and WHEREAS. n�rve, nruseZ� and sksZetat integrity is the foundation of good posture and heatth; and WSERB9S, the chiropractic profes$�:on is arapZifying ths bsnsfita of�ths Statue of Li,berty/EZlis IsZand Campaign by contributing 51.00 for every patient visit to the Statue of' Ltibsrty/Sllie Island Foundation duri�� ApriZ. May and Juns of 1986; NOW, T'HEREFORE. BE IT RESOLYED that I. Willia�r d. Ase. Kayor of ths City �f FridZ�y hereby procZaim Ma�. 1986 aa C088aC? POST�IRB XOATB and urge that this period be dedicated to informing cittis�ns of tkstir r�spozsibilit�. both indzv�.duaZZ� and as a fawity. to wainta�tn corr�ct poetu�e. The City of FridZs� furthsr cora�anda doatore o� chiropraatic for th�ir �fforta on ths pubZic'a b�haZf in undertaking a pubtic educa>ion program tisd to ths restoration of the Statue of Libsrty. IN WI!'NESS WXEREOF. I have ast nc� hand and caussd the asal of the Citb of Fr:dZey to be affixed this 5th da� of May. 1986. . � � , i�ILLIAM^d . NEB. 1KAYOR � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING OF APRIL 21, 1986 L �1��_ • I �� � � �� : � i •�� • ; � I�i �� � . . . __• : • N iyor Nee re-opened the Board of Review Meeting, continued f rom April 7, 1�86, at 7:30 p.m. . F )LI., CALL: N�NBg2S PRESII�TT: Mayor Nee, O�t�cilman Goodspeed, ��cilman Fitzpatrick, O�uncilman Schneider, and Co�cilman Barnette N�NBfftS PBSFNT: Norye M iyor Nee stated this meeting had been o�ntinued f rom April 7 in order to h ive �e Assessor's Office prepare reports regarding the values placed on s�veral properties in the City. M�. t�ladsen, City Assessor, stated his office has reviewed the values placed o i the properties at 7601 Brigadoon, 530 F1y Street, and 124 Long£ellaw S:reet. He asked Mr. Walt Mulcahy, City Appraiser, to make the presentation r�garding property at 7601 Brigadoon. � �_: �!- . � : ; �� � � � �i�� �• M Mulcahy, Qty Appraiser, stated he reviewed the appraisal submitted by M. Turr�quist and found there were some things which he didn't necessarily a� �ree. He stated, in the o�mparab].es �ed, one hane was a split level and M. Turnquist's hane is a split fv,�er, and there was not enough adjustment m, .de for the differences in square footage. M. Mulcahy stated he used the manual furnished b� the Co�mty and the market d ta approach in appraising this property. He stated it was compared w�th s: x comparables within 400 feet. He stated all of these homes are split f, yers and built b� the same builder within four years of each other. Mr. NI� lcahy stated the figures indicate what the property would be worth, after tl e adjustments are made. He stated these adjustments are from the cost m: nual and gives an irydicated market value of the property of $105,000 and a�glying the percentage ratio used in figuring market value, this would i� �dicate a value of $97,700. Mr. Mulcahy felt, therefore, the $96,600 value �.i aced on this property is well supported and would not reoomnend any change i� value. N� yor Nee asked Mr. Mulcahy if he felt the person making the appraisal for I� .�rnquist had some reason to apprai.se it laa. M� . Mulcahy statea the three �m�arables used b� the a�raiser were fran the m� ltiple listing service and didn't feel they really compared to this p� operty. He stated he physically inspects every hane in FridlEy so he felt hE oould make a better deteanir�ation of which properties are comparable. Mi. Mulcahy �tated the City receives all the sales figures and the ir dependent ag7praiser reoeives only the multigle listing service sales. �� �,� � a� : �, •�� • � a ,�� 1 • � • ; � � : . Mr. Turnquist stated he felt the houses used b� the City for axn�arison were valued on the high side. He stated houses on the ather �d of the block on Brigadoon have s�ld in the 80's. He stated there is now one for sale at 7535 Lakeside which is a split entry, three car garage, fanily roan and deck and listed at $87,900. He stated the square footage is 1�,164, with additional area finished for a total of 2,050. He felt this home was oomparable with his and, even though it is eight years older, it is well mai ntai r�ed. Mr. Turnquist stated the hane at 7571 Brigadoon sold not quite two years after he purchased his hane for $12,475 more and is assessed at $94,700. He felt his home which sold for less shouldn't be appraised higher. Mr. �tirr�quist stated, acoording to the value placed on his property, his home appreciated $13,100 fran �e origirBl price he Faid five years ago. Mr. Turriquist felt the hanes used b� the Assessor's Office for comparison were larger and have anenities. Mr. Mac�en stated adjustments were made for these itens, haaever, they are basically split fc�rers with the same layout. He felt, if anything, the value plaoed on Mr. Z1arr�quist's property is laa. Mr. Madsen reviewed the values glaced on the ather six properties to which Mr. Turnquist's was o�m�ared. These properties were located on Brigadoon at 7600, 7580, 7571, 7570, and 7540 and one at 7637 Arthur Street, with values ranging f ran $90,300 to $97,600. He stated the two properties valued higher are larger homes and the lot size at 7571 is the same size as Mr. Turr�quist's and the others are v�nsiderably smaller. ��mcilman Schneider stated if Mr . Turnq ui st' s val ue on hi s proper ty was reduced b� $2,000, it would bring it in lir�e with other comparables. Mr. Madsen stated this change wouldn't be enough to affect the ather properties. NDTION b� Councilman Schr�eider to adjust the market value of Mr. Turnquist's property at 7601 Brigadoon b� reducing it fran $96,600 to $94,600 based on the o�mparables and the market value data. Sevonded by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a vaice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. ERVIN Rh'YNOLDS. 530 II,Y STREET. FRIDLEY. MINNE90►rA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated this property was oompl etely rebuil t af ter a f ire. He stated his of€ice has analyzed the sales and felt this was a case where someone had built a muGh larger hane than rbrmal in the neighborhood. He stated this was a probl� in the 50's and 60's when the City was developing and a factor was used to adjust for what was termed an "over i.mprovement. " He stated this problan se�ned to disappear as areas developed, haaever, with properti�s getting older, people are rebuilding and adding on to their hcmes. Mr. A9adsen stated +r.his �ies lead to cases where some smaller properties are being rebuilt and replaced b� largen c�mes. He stated he is sure this is what happened with this property. Mr. I�dsen stated the� iritend to imglenent this "over improvanent" factor and would reooinnend the value on this property be adjusted from $86,100 to -2- �� , �f� 1� l�� : � L:�� • ; �� � „� � � • �� ���Z�� ;80,800. : DTION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to reduce �e value plaoed on the property ,�t 530 Ely Street from $86,100 to $80,.800. Seconded by Councilman 1 arnette. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion �arried �animously. ::EVIN McGINNITY, 124 IANGFELIAW SI'REET. FRIDLEY. MINNE90TA 55432: llr. Madsen stated this property was inspected and compared to several .�djacent properties. He stated orre of fihe properties aompared is a one and � half story hane that was built in 1955 and mwed ir►to this area in 1975. l le stated the house and lot is snaller than Mr. MoGinnity's and quite a bit � lder and it sold for $58,900 in J�e af 1984. 1Ir. Ngdsen stated another hane �ed in v�mparis�n was a 20 year ald rambler � bout the same size as Mr. McGinnity's, with a little smaller lot. He : tated the hane was sold for $65,100 this year. 1 r. Madsen stated he realizes Mr. MoGinnity's property has been rented and l as suffered some disrepair and, there,fore, would sugest a reduction in the � alue frcxn $65,400 to $62,900 to wver these itens. tDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adjust the value placed on Mr. t oGinnity's property at 124 Longfellaa Street ky reducing it fran $65,400 to : 62,900 to oover estimated oosts to repai r and f inish the hane. Seoonded b� c��cilman Gooclspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared t he motion carried �animously. F�TnI FY TFRRAC'F MC�3TLF' HC�IF' PARK HIGHWAY #65 FRIDL,EY. MIt�]E90TA 55432 • r r. I�dsen stated a letter of protest was reoeived for �is property by the (��ty Assesor's Office and forwarded to the City from Ellenhurg Capital C�rp�ration, 3060 Valencia Avenue, Aptos, California, representing the c aners, Brand-Broadway. A r. Nhdsen stated a value of $2,597,800 has been placed on this proprty. He :=ated the property sold in Jtme of 1982 for $2,622,000 and in December, 1 985 was sold f or $5,275, 000. r r. I�3sen stated the �tmty Assessor's Office is aoncerned about the values c a mobile hame Farks and these values have increased considerably in the 1�st several years. He felt this sale is extra-ordinary and there isn't a zother sale in the metrop�litan area that oompares. r)TIDN by Co�cilman Schneider to receive the letter of protest from the E Llenburg Capital Corporation of Aptos, C�l.ifornia, representing the awr�ers, F rand-Broac�aay, with reference to the value placed on the Fridley Terrace r�bile Hane Park. Seo�nded b� Cow�cilman Barnette. iJpon a voice vote, all v�ting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. C�uncilman Barnette stated he felt the Assessor's Office was doing a -3- �/, �, �� :�' ��� �� � � � . �. o • � tranendous job as there were very few protests. M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the meeting of the Board of Review. Seoonded by Co�.mcilman Schrieider. Upon a voice vote,. all voting aye, [�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Board of Reviaa Meeti ng cl osed at 8: 20 p. m. Respectf ully sukmitted, Carole Haddad, Re�rding Secretary Approved: a -4- Wil l iam J. Nee, Mayor 0 `' 0 THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 21, 1986 '. 'EL OF THE RDG[JIAR MEETING OF T� FRIDLEY CITY QOUNCIL OF APRIL 21. a� '. he Regular Meetinq of the Fridley City Co�mcil was called to order at 8: 20 F.m. by Mayor Nee, after the meeting of the Board of Review. � LIDGE OF AL�LDGIANCE: r�yor Nee led the Cfluncil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the f 1ag. � �LI., CAI.L: MENBII2S PRESII�]T; Mayor Nee, Q�uncilman Barnette, Q�t,uicilman Schneider, G'o�mcilman Fitz�atrick and Co�cilman Goo�dspeed. I�NBII2S ABSFNT: None � ?PROVAL OF MIN[TrES • BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING. APRIL 7. ]986 & CITY OOUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 7, 1986• M�TION by Co�cilman Schneider to apprave the minutes of the Board of Revic�a M� �eting and the City Council Meeting of April 7, 1986 as presented. S� �c.�nded b� Co�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor N� e declared the motion carried tmanimously. AI OPTION OF AGEI�IDA • M� yor Nee requested an item be added as follows: "Consideration of rE -setting the date of the public hearing for the Charter anendnents." NC TION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda with the above addition. SE oonded b� Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, 1� �or Nee declared the motion carried �animously. Q �I FORUM, VISITURS• 7h ?re was no response fran the audience �nder this it�n � business. QL ) BUSINFSS • 2. ��S�ERATION OF CITY APPOINI'MENrS TO QONIl�IUNITY DEVEIAPMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL QU, �LITY QONAiISSION AI�ID HUMAN RE90URCES QONIIKISSION: MY'IC7N by Cotmcilman Schryeider to table these appointments. Seconded by 0� mcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared th � motion carried imanimously. -1- ��J� �l��i 1� � �; ' : � NEW BUSINESS• 3. C1Q�I�IDERATION OF RD2UF..ST FOR POSSIBLE FtTI'URE FUI�IDING FOR THE GREATER ANOKA ODIAV'I'Y HUt�NE 90CIETY • . Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated Mr. Fennell, bcecutive Director for the Greater Ar�ka Co�ty Htar�ane Society, was to address the Council this evening, haaever, he was hospitalized aver the weekend. Mr. Hill stated Dr. Mike Schollmeyer would make the presentation and answer any questions from � the Co�cil. Mr. Hill stated the Council rec;eived some Yaackground information from the Hi.anane Society reyarding possible ftmding. He stated it is their hope to receive a o�imnitment for f�ding, from cities in the County, in order to oonstruct an animal shelter facility. Mr. Hill stated the Humane Society, with the o�nstruction of such a facility, hopes to provide animal control services to cities in Anoka CAUnty. He stated the Hunane Society wished to make every attempt to reduce the fees for these services until the cities recoup their funds pravided for the facility. Mr. Hill stated there is a State statute that pravides cities may give up to 50 cents per capita in support of this capital developnent. He stated he believed this would amo�t to about $15,000 for Fridley arid it wouldn't be an on-going request, but rather a start-up contribution to obtain necessary funds for the facility. Mr. Hill stated he believes every City approached has wntributed or pledged their support, with the exception of orye. He stated the Hunane Society wi11 again appear before that Cotmcil as there was some oonfusion on the request. Dr. Mike Schollmeyer, Prsident af the Greater Anoka County Humane Society, stated Anoka C;o�ty is orye af the fastest grvwing oo�ties and expressed the reed for this facility. He stated they get support from communities, as well as Yx2sir�esses, and hoped to start gro�mdbreaking for the shelter this year. Mayor Nee asked if there is a State statute that governs how a h�unane society is rtn. Dr. Schollmeyer stated he cbesn't knaw of any State statute that governs haw the Society is r�, but stated they are a norrprofit organization and felt they have a quality Board. He stated their Board is comprised of veterinarians, attorr�ys, ir�dividuals in financial services, housewives, and technical people. He stated they have open elections every June for selection of manbers to the Board. Dr. Schollm�er stated they want to get the shelter oonstructed, put in the differer�t types of procedures to operate a quality shelter, and proceed to evaluate the ctintrol services. He felt most of the funds to operate the shelter wi11 oome fram �e adoption services the� prwide. C?o�u-►cilman Schneider asked if it would be several years before they could pravicle the oontrol services. -2- �.�s. � i �� � i � � ' : . :>r. Schollmeyer stated this would have to be assessed and a wmmitment �ouldn't be made at this time on the type of services to be offered to the � �omn�mities. - 11r. Hill stated he felt the Hunane Socity has a better attitude toward the � nimals and are rr�t operating to collect animals, but for the purpose of : helter and providing ad�ption services. He stated if they can financially ,.ocomglish it, the� will provide animal control services. He stated they �.ow have support from Ramsey, St. Francis, Spring Lake Park, Coliunbia Feights, Coon Rapids, and Anoka. I r. Schollmeyer stated they are looking for support and a gledge from the c �uncil, with the actual f�ds being oontributed in 1987. He stated, in the � nterim, the� can take these o�mmitmerits to the bank to obtain the loan for < �nstruction of the facility. r r. Qureshi, City Manager, stated if the Go�cil wishes to pravide funding, � t may be appropriate to authorize the adninistration to provide the funds i n the 1987 budget proposal. He stated it must also be recognized funding � �ailable to the Gity may be cut, but if this is an area where they want to F rovide rne-time assistance, it probably oould be done in the 1987 budget. C�uncilman Goodspeed felt they shouldn't be in competition with private e zterprise such as veterirr�rians who have their businesses in the City. He a Lso felt there was a reed for animal oontrol services and, if this v�uld be F:avided, he would be in favor of it. L�. Schollmeyer stated they will pravide services that n� other organization c�n or will �ver. He stated ani.mal oontrol is just ane aspect and if they c�n provide it, they w�11 do so. Dr. Schollmeyer stated it is true that s:ray animals are brought to veterinarians, but they really don't want to g�t invalved. He stated they have the support of the veterinarians in � -ivate er�erprise. C►lmcilman Fitzpatrick stated he would be in favor of the proposal, but felt i: is difficult to discuss without an aQnoiuit or souroe of fwzding in mind. G�Lmcilman Barnette stated he would be in favor af supporting the facil ity, i it wasn't in oompetition with the ather veterir�rians. He did f eel the a. �imal oontrol services are needed. G �uncilman Schneider a �nditions were poor a ritractors, and hoped rx eded. stated he would support the request, as he felt at animal control services provided by grivate they could get animal control services which are N� yor Nee stated he would als� ooncur in the need f or the services and f e1 t tt e Minneapalis Hunane Soc.iety has a well ruz facility. Mc TION by Ca�nciYa�an Fitzpatrick to refer this request to staff for p� eparation of a resolution for the riext meeting on May 5, 1986. Seconded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee -3- ���, � �� • • : . declared the motion carried w�animously. 4. RDCEIVING THE MINUI'ES OF THE PI1�I�]NING O�MMISSION MF.E�TING OF APRIL 9. 1986 • A. mN.�r�ERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #86-03. TO AIdAW AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BUIIaING TO BEOOME A SEOOI�ID ACCESSORY BUILDING UPON THE CONSTRUCTTON OF AN ATTACHID GARAGE GENERAI�LY IDCATID AT 5096 HI3GHES AVENUE N. E. . BY SAMIR A4��IJANE • Mr. Flora, R�bZic Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit to alla� an existing accessory building to beo�me a seaond accessory building upon the wnstruction of an attached garage at 5096 Hughes Avenue. Mr. Flora stated the petitioner, because of a fire, is in the process of ranodeling and adding a seoond story to his home, as well as an attached garage. He stated he proposes to use the existing garage as an accessory building to store his two classic cars and baat and to use the r�ew attached garage to house his personal ve�icles. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this special use permit and there were no objections fram residents of the neic�borhood. NDTION by Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to aoncur with the �nani.mous reooinnendation of the Planning Commission and grant special use permit, SP #86-03. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Schr�eider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning Comnission Meeting of April 9, 1986. Seo�nded b� Councilman Barryette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. RECEIVING THE MINtTrES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1986; MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Charter Lbmmission Meeting of February 24, 1986. Sec�onded b� Cfluncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried u�ani.mously. 6. OON�IDERATION OF AI�T(IAL LICENSE RII�I, FOR FRIDLEY JUI�YAR'DS • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there is a concern whether auto recycling centers are in o�mpliance with a�vironmental issues and this is being ac�dressed at the time of the annual license renewal. Mr. Flora stated the Zoning Code c3�es stipulate these oenters are to comply with envirormental concerns and prwide the City access to conduct tests. He also stated the �de pravides these centers are to agree on a testing organization and share �ually in the oost. He stated if there are some negative findings, the entire cost for compliance would be borne by the -4- 7. �.�,. 1�1 1 • �� ' ' . caner/operator. rr. Flora stated the Rice Creek Watershed District has expressed ooncern for t ae etiviror�ment, and felt it would be appropriate to evaluate the sites. He :tated the City solicited firms that would be available for the soil � nalysis and would reoonmend Braun Engineering be selected to perf orm these t =sts. r �. Harold Haluptzok, property aaner of S�n's and Bargain Auto Parts, stated r� would like to wait for a rep�rt fran the Rice Creek Watershed District t=fore proceeding with any tests. He stated last year they recomanended a k iffled weir which was installed. N-. Haluptzok stated he also felt the $4,000 for the soil samples was high a zd would like some further time to study the issue and review the q iotations received. He stated he would also like to talk with the P>llution Control Agency on the type � testing that would be done. M�. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he believed Mr. Haluptzok's point was w 11 taken and he be cp.ven the opporttmity to further study the issue. He f It if this was brought back on May 19, it would give Mr. Haluptzok an o; >port�ity to receive the report frcm the Rice Creek Watershed District and t: me to review the qta�tations with staff. M; . Haluptzok stated as far as the storage af v�icles on the streets, this i; not done. He stated, hawever, sometimes a person will just leave his v� hicle parked in the street avernight. He stated this does pose a problen bE cause at what point does the awnership change. He felt p�ssibly� the Fr lice De�xirtment �uld ticket some af these cars left in the evening hours. 1� TION by Go�cilman Schneider to �ntinue the discussion of environmental tE sting of soils to the May 19, 1986 meeting and direct staff to meet with tr e aaners regarding the prop�sed testing. Seoonded b� Councilman Barr�ette. UF �n a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur 3nimously. � 1� al�s_ •, � �� � rulC ' : U \ ' G C: �� . . . • � Mr. Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated the City is applying for LAWCON fi; ids to aoquire and relocate all seven ranaining properties in the flood plain area of Riverview Heights and the deadline for the preliminary a� ?].ication is Ni�y 5, 1986. He stated the LAWOON grarit requires a 50$ match b� the Gity. ND �ION by Co�cilman Schneider to apprave the preliminary grant appl ication fc: LAWCON/LC24R funding and authorize the City Manager to sign this a� �lication. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all vo :ing aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. : • • �� . • :. ;as � : �! ,� � r .. .,�4v�� • ��, '�'� ' � �� . •.� �� �i� . �� ' i •� � �' � • i � i_ • �, % ! • .� �1 �� I ��� �1� Mr Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Nlinnesota Department of -5- �.J�. � 1� • • ; • : . Transportation is glanning to eliminate the crossing of University Avenue traffic at on 83rd Av�ue or to only allaa one-way traffic westbound. He stated the� had agreed to c�nstruct a servioe drive fran 81st to 83rd using Hazardous Elimination Funds for this project. Mr. Flora stated since these f�mds are no lcnger available, this resolutian is requesting the Minnesota Department of Transportatirn �ovide the f�mds to pay for this oonstruction. NDTION b� Gouncilman Barrette to adopt Resolution No. 36-1986. Seconded by Q�imcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. RESOLUTION N0. 37-1986 ORDERING CROSSWALK AND STOP BAR STRIPING OF SIGN�ILIZID IIJrERSE�Z'IONS ALONG T.H. 47 AI�ID T.H. 65 IN FRIDLEY: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City is in the process of developing plans and specifications to provide uniform stripings at signalized intersections along T.H. 47 and T.H. 65 and this resolution requests the Minnesota Departrnent of Transportation to stripe these at the expense af the State. He stated the resolutian also calls for the Caunty to reimburse the City for �e oast of striping Cotmty road iritersecting T.H. 47 and T.H. 65. NDTION by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 37-1986. Seconded b� Go�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. 10. C:C,AIMS: MDTION by Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Claims No. 7490 throu� 7740. Seoonded b� C;o�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. LICENSES• Liguor License: Mr. 7bny Nicklaa, representing George's in Fridley, appeared before the O�uncil regarding his liqubr license. He stated they fell behirx� in payment of his property taxes, as they were closed for �ree manths for re�odeling. He stated he Faid half the taxes last week and, hopefuly, should pay the balance next month. Mr. Herrick, C�ty Attorney, stated he uzderstar�ds the State requires certain taxes be paid in order to have a license issued. Mr. Bi11 Nicklaa, representing Shorewood Inn, appeared before the Council regarding his liquor license and �yment of taxes. Both Mr. Zbny Nicklaa and Mr. Bill Nicklaa were advised the licenses would be approved, but it is contingent upon than paying the delinquent taxes before the license is issued. NDTION by Goimcilman Fitzpatrick to approve the license for George's in Fridley, vontingent �pon the payment of delinquent taxes prior to issuance of the license. Seo�nded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motian carried unanimously. � �i��� I�1 1 . � i��. ���� i�TION by Co�cilman Schneider to approve the license for Shorewood Inn, �ontingent upon the payment of delinquent taxes prior to issuance of the : icense. Seoonded b� Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vate, all voting � ye, t�yor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. . ,unkyard License• t r. Stanley Giddings, operator of Sam's Auto Parts, stated they have c omglied with all the r�uirenents requested of then by the City in a letter c ated March 26, 1986. He stated they replaced the fence along the east t�rder and cbes not have any street parking of vehicles. He stated he rents t�e service station to the east, which had been vacated, for repairing of r is vehicles and storage � his taa trucks. He stated the vehicles stored c a this property belang to the aarer. r:. Giddings stated ariy cars in the custaner parking lot are there because t iey were maved in order for the oontamir�ted dirt to be renaved. He stated t iere are no cars piled higher than the fence and no dismantling on the F>rtion east of the fenaed area. M-. Giddings stated they are in the process of obtaining an approved d�ainage plan frcxn the Watershed District and have constructed a baffled w ir. M. Giddi ngs stated, as f ar as storage � veh i cl es on th e 1 ot ea st of hi s b� sir�ess, they would have to oontact the awner. M. Herrick felt the Inspection Department should have a report for the Ck uncil irydicating the zoning of the property, what ordir►�nces they feel are kx ing violated, and suggestions on what actions should be taken. He stated cc nsideration should be given if the v�icles are operable, licensed, etc. HE felt there are probably sarne ardinance violatians for which they could be c1 arged. rir . Giddings stated he could do without the gas station property, if it rE �lects on his operations. Mr . Herrick stated the City may decide that either Mr. Giddings has to o� �rate that parcel oomgletely or not at all. He stated, with this type of o� :ration, there is no acco�mtability. Mr. Giddinqs stated this would be ac :eptable to him. ND �UJN by Councilman Schneider to table the discussion and issuance of re lewal for junkyard licenses until the meeting of May 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all votng aye, Mayor Nee de lared the motian carried unanimously. M7 CION by Councilman Schneider to request the City Attorney and staf f pr �pare some alternatives relative to the property at 73rd and Central Av r►ues, preferably for the May 19, 1986 meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fi z�atrick. tlpan a voiee voteE ali votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the ma .ian carried �mani.mously. ND"ION tr� Councilman Schneider to extend the j unkyard 1 icenses, if any ex} �ire prior to May 19, to allow them to continue their operation imtil the -7- �.��. 1�1 i� � :' � _� � on�cil's meeting on May 19, 1986. Seo�nded b� Cbtmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. _ NDTmN b� Councilman Schr�eider to apprwe the licenses as sub�c►itted and as on file in the License Qerk's Office, with the exception of the junkyard licenses, and noting the stipulations on the licenses for George's in Fridley and Shorewood Inn. Se�nded b� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. F�,S'I'IMATES: NDTIUN by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick to apprwe the estimates as surmitted: Eugene A. Hickok and Associates 545 Indzan Nbi.uZd Wayzata, NN 55391 For Professional Services Fram February 27, 1986 to Nl�rch 26, 1986 .......$59.76 Seoonded by Co�cilman Schneic7er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye Mayor I3ee declared the motion carried iu�animously. 13. O�NSIDERAmrnN nF RF-SFT1'Tlr PIlf3LSC HFARII�U DATE FOR CHARTER AMEI�ME,�NI'S' Mr. Qureshi, City Ni�nager, stated the Council set a public hearing for the proposed Charter anenc�nents for Ni�y S; hawever, two legal notices ryeed to be published to meet legal requirenerzts so the clate should be changed to May 19, 1986. N1pTI0N by Councilman Fitzpatrick to re-set the public hearing for the Charter anendnents for May 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURI�'IENr • NDTION by Gouncilman Barnette to adjourn the meeting. Secanded tr,� Co�,uicilman Schrieider. Up�n a voioe vote, atl voting aye, Mayor Nee decZared the motion carried tuianimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of April 21, 1986 adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully sutrnitted, (�rol e Haddad Will iam J. Nee, Secretary to the City Council N�yor Approved: m LwV OF FRInLCY CO��SFNSUS Ht?PnRT ON Ti[� FtRP. S'fAT1f1N LnCATic1N .linunry 14. 19ttE; The program presentation and discussion af th� location for a Fire station in Fridley took placo January 19. �986. The group �greed that six ccitecia, ranked it� order of importance, should �e considered «hen locating a fire station in the City. �ENERAL STATEML"h'T OF POSITION: � CHE LEA�UE i)F WOMEN VOTF.R5 OP FRIDL�Y BELIEVF.S 1'IIAT T�iE LQCA'fI�N )P THF. FRIDI.EY �IRE STATiON SHOULD RE JUDGED UYON SUCH CRITERIA �S L()W RESPONSE TIMF, TO I;MEitGENCY CALI.S, LIMITED TRAFFIC :ONFLICTS, C�NTItAL LUCATIO!V, ADCQUATF:.SN/1C� FnR ACTIVITIES AND .IMITED E�'VIROV�tENTAI. 1MPAC1' ON T11C yElGtit30R1i00U. N ADntTION, THC LT:AGUE OF WOMEN VnTERS OF FR[DI.EY E3Ef.tF.Vi:S TH4T ''i1E PRESF.N'f (.00A1'InN OR TEIi� f IR� S'fA'I'1ON [�OES NO'C MEET ALL Ot� ''HOSE CR[TERIA AI�'D URGf:S TIfA'f A NT:W LOCATION FOR A CENTRAL I'IRE : TAT10,1 fsC E:XNLUItED. 1 �etailed rositinn ctatement: , ny fire station shnuld be locatcd suc:h lhat .. Resoonse time to an emergency call anniild average � minutes or less; i. The �ccurrence of tr�ffic c�nflicts is limited far both emergency vehicles and voluntoe: firefighcers travel t� the station in �esponse to an emergency ca11: (This means street confiYuration and traffic counts are imp�rtant factors in dctermining r�deq��acy of n site.) 3 It is near the rteo�raphic ccntcr of the City; � 4 Adequate space is availablo for such uscs ++s volunteer firefighter parking, training facilitie., stnrage and normsl functions; � The environmental imp�ct en lhe neighb�rhood is minimized considering such factnrs ae noiso, licht and cafet�•: 6. 1'he best. site is utilized re�er�llesa nt pric�, oolitical considcrations. Ir �fddition, t.he LenEuc of Wc�men Vncers b�iicvcs t.hat t.hr, p�esent lo :ation of the fire scation doec n�t mect all th�ee standarde �r d ur�es that �+ new iocatian f�r � central fire station snould be explored without limiting the site survey tn current oublicly nv ned pr�perty. ' .- �- 2 Notice of Public Hearinq Commercial Development Revenue Bonds City of Fridley, Minnesota Notice is hereby Qiven that a public hearinq will be condicted by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minne- sota, at the City Hall, 6431 University Avenue, N.E., Fridley, Minn�sota, at a meetinq of the City Council to be held on �May S, 1986, commencinq at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., C.T. At the oublic hearinq the Coun�il will consider a proposal that the City assist the financinq of a commercial or industrial development proiect by issuinq its bon�3s or other obliqations pursiant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. The proposed proiect consists of the ac4uisition of land and the construction thereon of an approximately 55,000 saua-e foot multi-tenant industrial/commercial facility (the "Proie�t"), to be located within the City in the southeast Quad-ant of the intersection of 73rd Avenue and University Avenie by Winfield Developments, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Company"). It is proposed that the City assist financinq the Project from the proceeds of an issue of the City's com- merc.al or in�iustrial c�evelopment obliQations in an amount pres�ntly estimated not to exceed S3,000,000. If issued, such obliqations would be payable from lease payments or loan repayments to be made or secured by the Company. A draft copy of the proposed application to the Minnesota Enerrv and F_conomic Development Authority for approval of the Pro�ect is available for public inspection in the office of tie Citv Clerk-Treasurer. All persons appearinq at the public hearinq will be qive� an opportunity to present their oral or written comments on �he proposal that the City undertake and finance the Pro �� �ct . � Notice of Public HearinQ Commercial Development Revenue Bonds City of Fridley, Minnesota Notice is hereby qiven that a public hearinq will be cond�icted by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minne- sota at the City Hall, 6431 University Avenue, N.E., Fridley, Minn�rsota, at a meetinq of the City Council to be held on May 5, 1986, commencinq at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., C.T. At the `publ.c hearinq the Council will consider a proposal that the City assist the financinq of a commercial or industrial deve.opment project by issuing its bonds or other obliqations pursiant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. The proposed project consists of the acquisition of land and the �onstruction thereon of an approximately 95,000 sQUa-e foot office tech and related service facility (the "Proiect"), to be located within the City at 51st way and Indu�trial Boulevard (in the Great Northern Industrial Center, sout� of I-694 and east of East River Road) by Industrial Boul�vard Investors, a Minnesota qeneral partnership (the "Com�any"). It is proposed that the City assist financinq the Pro�e�t from the proceeds of an issue of the City's comcn�rcial or industrial development obliqations in an amount pres�ntly estimated not to exceed S6,000,000. If issued, such obliqations would be payable from lease payments or loan repayments to be made or secured by the Company. A draft copy of the proposed application to the Minnesota Ener�y and E�onomic Development Authority for approval of the Proiect is available for public inspection in the office of t�e City Clerk-Treasurer. All persons apnearinq at the public hearinq will be qive� an opportunity to present their oral or written comn►ents on :he proposal that the City undertake anc3 finance the Pro��ct. � Notice of Public Nearinq Commezcial Development Revenue Bonds City of Fridley, Minnesota Notice is hereby ctiven that a public hearinq will be cond�icteci by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minne- sota at the City Hall, 6431 University Avenue, N.E., Fridley, Minn�sota, at a meetinq of the City Council to be held on May i, 198E�, commencinq at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., C.T. At the publ:c heaz�inq the Council will consider a proposal that the =ity as�sist the financinq of a cor.ir�ercial or industzial deve:opment pro�ect by issuinq its bonds or other obliqations purs�ant to Minnesota Statu,tes, Chapter 474. The pz•oposed pro�ect consists of the acauisition of land and the construction thereon of an approximately 95,000 sauaie foot office tech and related service facility (the "Pzo_ect"), to be locatec� within the City at 53rd t,'av and Indu�trial E�oulevard (in the Great t3orthern Industrial Center, soutr of I•-694 and east of East River Road? by 53rd Way Inves�ors, �a N.innesota qeneral partnership (the "Company"). It i� propc>sed that the City assist financinq the Project from the pr•oceec3s of an issue of the City's comr.�ercial or industrial development ohliqations in an amount presently estir�jted r�ot to exceed 56,000,000. If issued, such obliqjtions would he payable from lease payments or loan repaynents to be made or secured by the Company. � dzaft cop}• of the proposed application to the Minnesota Enerq� and F.c-onomic Development Authority for approval of the Frolect is available for public inspection in the office of th� City c�lerk-Treasurer. �11 pe�-sons appeazinq at the public hearinq will be qiven an opportunity to present their oral or written �omments on tle proposal that the City undertake and finance the Pro ie� •t . 5. C� ��► fe� ��. �i : �i ' `, Co�cilman Schneider felt it would be costly for landlords to these standar3s and questiored the enforcment. He felt the or Ci ty now has i s r easonatrl e. � f orr� to nce th e M�TIOt� by Gou¢icilrran Schreider to table and refer to staff o determine the eooncmic and enforc�ent irrFact. Seoonded by Coimcil oodsgeed. Upon a voice v��te, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared e motion carried unanirr.ously. - NC?TION kay Councilman Fitzpatrick reco^,nea�ded changes in the City Ch Co�mcilman Schreider. Upon a voice yi the notion carried unani�:ously. / A. ht?TIO'1 b}' C�otm� use perr,it, S$ L'pon a voice' una rurr.ous ^�ntit. to e, !et the public hearing on the r for t',ay 5, 1986. Seconded by all voting aye, NHyor Nee declared �an Goodspeed to reoeive the letter of withdcawl of special 66-C1, by tt�e petitioner. Sec�onded bi� Co�cilman Schneider. e, all voting aye, N,ayor Nee declarec the r�otion carriEd . ORDINA.�!CE RDC'�.RDI'JG DAY CA.RE C�TERS Oti ARTERIA.L SI'REETS: �ON bt� Co�cilrtian Schreider to direct staff to sul�it ordin�+nce chartiye:: � or the ,April 21 meeting regarding a:}• care centers on arterial streets. B. ��SIDEF2ATI4": OF A SPECIAL USE Pt'�A'IT�P #86-02 .' TO AI.I�r A VgiI��LE t�S� ES'�ABLISFi�1�7I' GII�ERiiL.LY IACATED AT 5300 CEI�TI'RAL p�'E:ti ;JE h. E.. BY 0 PETr'�L.EU"; : �Sr. Flor��, Public �rorks Director, statc-d this is a r�uert for G sgecic.l u:�c: ��er�r,it t�� alla: a r�otor v�:icle fuel and oil dispensing service and a c�r oash est�itlish-:ent at 5300 Central Avenue h. E. He statea the �titi�neL plans to re':a�e the existing structure as it is o�ntinually settling ca�iny �tructur�il proble;�s. Mr. Plora stated they propose to reduce ti�E uccc:.:. �nto 53rcj to iTFrwe the traffic flaa. �tr. Flor�� stated the Planning Cortnission reoo�ended apQrwal of tt►e sFk::i�.'- ise per�r�:it for the r�otor �ehicle fuel and oil dis�nsing �service witr� six �tipulat:ions, which he outlined. He stated, at the same neeting, tr�e Planning Cor,r:�ission recorrr:ended deniGl of the speci�l use permit tc allcw� :he motor. vehicle wash establish¢nent. He stated the Catriission felt the cur �ash wou]�d have an irt�r.act on the traffic in the r�ic�borhood. He statec ti,E �perator of another car wasn adjacent to this site indicated thE prcbl�.r. -3- :J �.J►. ��. • s �� • : . aith trai`fic in the area. � 5A �'s. John Kosnas, IQ{ Design, stated they are doing the design work for Q ?etroleuil. He stated the�► had a study done through a consulting fir„� to try �nd establish the increased vol�ne of traffic. 4r. Kim �,nderson stated a nunber of studies were d�ne and this �.srticular Q �tore ha:� a relatively laa valune of traffic. He stated they looked at the �igher vol�une stations which service 50 to 90 cars per hour, and this ;tation operates at about 30. He stated the car wash would generate �irtually� no additional traffic itself. He stated most cars would be ooming o the �*ation for gas as their first priority and then �ing the car wash. !e stateci they are estimating 30 cars per hour for four hours of the peak �erials a�nd this would be about half the daily vol�ne. He stateci, ass�.uning , 20`s inc:rease and that some would make use of the car wash, there would be , n aciditional 12 to 15 cars per hour which is�'t a high valune. .:r. Ko.�n�s stated they would be eliminating one of the exits on 53rd and � iagonally placing the p�anps to imprare the traffic fla+. �'o�mciln�an Fitzpatrick stated his ooncern is incraasing the n�ber of cars « xiting frcr� the service road. He stated turning left from this exit is � � most impossible. i r. Kosr�as stated one of the attenpts to oontrol this is the positioniny of t he p�:.ps and to tr}� and mare the exit farther west on 53rd. �ayor he�e stated the City has, in the �st, traded land and vacated � ight-of-�wa}� along Highway 65 to prwide a loo�ack. He stated this solves � rc>blFns :Eor the a�r�n�ity and, in a way, impraves exposure and acces� for t he busiri�ss. c r. �'arle�n Besler, President of Q Petroletm, stated they wished to consider t�is o�ti��n, if the City would approve the car wash. He stated they are � nxious t:o work with the City to resolve this issue and improve thei r �:ility t�� mmpete as a business. P 3yor Ne-� felt this arrangement would be good for Mr. IIesler's busine_;s � �ether or. not the car wash was apprwed. C�tmcilman Barnette felt if the City was going to consider a loopback, r�present��tives of Drbers should be included in the discussion. t'. -. Flora stated it would be several weeks before they could arrange to have r�present�itives of Q Petroleu� and IInt�ers meet re�arding this pro�sal. M>TION by Cr�uncil�r,an Goodspeed to ref er this matter to staf f f or a repor t r�garding a�ssible loopback at this location. Seconded by Councilman S hneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiur. c �rried ur�ani�rously. M s. Branrion, 1622 Innsbruck Parkway West, stated they had comments which -4- �J�, v� ��� � ;�• • : . were pertinent to the variance and if the design changes so would thei r cor.uaent s. �:r. Brannon asked to be notified of any meetings where a loopback would be di scussea�. - y-------�_--� �— C. ITII�''�S FROhi APPFALS �lR4ISSION MEb'TING OF MARCH I3, 3.985 • . C-1. VARIANCE RDQUF,ST TO RIDUCE THE RDQUIRID LC7T SIZEt PARKI;JG SETAF�CK G�tE.T�LLY IACATID AT 5300 Cf�lTRAL; AV�1UE N E, BY MARLEN R. BESLER: "f M�TIGt� try Cnuncilman Goodspeed to table this item. Secon d by Councilman Barr�ette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee clared the motion ca r ri ed una nirnously . C-2. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated t petitioner has asked two cptions be r�viewed for his variance request. He stated the first oYti�n is to reduc�e the side yard setback fram 15 to feet and reduce the ariving lanes fran 25 to 20 feet and the second ion is to reduce the �rkiny requi re�erTt f ra� 32 sp3ces to 26. hlr. Flora stated in order for the pe f�.ls is eooncnic;ally f�sible, he w the nu-:ber of parking stalls. � oner to build the size structure he need a side yard variance or reduc�: Mr. Flora statE-d the Appeals Co, ssion failed to reco�nend aFproval of the side yard setback and the set to reduce the driving aisl� b� a 2-2 vote. Ete stated the Appeals Commi ion recommended denial of the variance to rE�duce the Farking stalls fr 32 to 26. He stated, therefore, both options for the variance request ailed to receive approval from the A�:peals Co,�ission. ptr. vergil Florhaug st ed his �mpany has been in a leased facility and have out.grvwn the f cility and decided it was tirr;e to buald their vwn buil di ng. Mr. Florhaug sta ed some menbers of the Appeals Commission felt he had created his aan ardship and that was the reason for denial. He stated thE hardshi� will ver go away as the soil conditions are bad and it will cost about 520,00 to o�rrect these aonditions. He stated the building will be a professio 1 building and his vampany would be using most of the space. Mayor Ne asked Mr. Florhaug if he had any discussions with the propecty aaner the north regarding his plans. He stated he has not hud any discu ions with than concerning this issue. -S- 5B 5C I�MC T0: Joc3:c Robertson and John Flora t�MC FROM: J:im Robinson rIEMC DATE: A��ril 30, 19� MEMC SUBJECT� Redevelopment of Q Petroleum Station On T iursday, April 24, 198b, John Flora and I met with representitives of Q Petr �leum st�ition and the Embers Restaurant. At this time we discussed the rea]ignment of the service road to the west of the Q station and the implCeations to both businesses. The owners <ind operators of the Embers Restaurant very concerned about limi:ing thei,r access to a new road behind the Q Petroleum station. They expr:ssed a:3trong desire to maintain at least an ingress over the existing servLce road to the east of the businesses. Embers is also concerned with chanses in the visual aceess to the restaurant, which would be caused by the relo;ations of the Q Petroleum pump canopies. The parties involved agreed to rewo•k the dE:sign showing its direct implications to the Embers Restaurant. This new desi.gn, which is enclosed for your reviex, has been submitted to Embe�s representatives, and is now under reviex. The � PetrolE:um representatives have expressed a willingness to implement this new plan anci are presently negotiating with the Embers to secure their agre ;ment. Mc•. Kosmas of Q Petroleum has requested that the variance and Spec .al Use F'ermit request remain on the May 5 City Council agenda pending Embe •s approv�al of the redesign. I have informed him, if this authorization from the EmbE:rs is not secured by May 5, then the item would need to be tabled unti. such approval can be obtained. The :ouncil :�hould be aware that the redesign of the Q Petroleum station invc lves neGr zoning procedures including the vacation of the 80' x 128' sect.on of r�.ght-of-way east of the station and a more severe building setback vari�nce off of 53rd than what was originally ealled for; this variance being from 80' to 448'. All other building variances are now eliminated with this new desi ;n. A var�iance for hard surface setbacks along 53rd from 20 � to 10' and alon; Highway�65 right-of-way from 20' to 5' are also necessary. With the vaca .ion, the: variance for lot size will be from 35, 000 required to 33, 96 0. As you �ecall tY:ie old variance was to a lot size 23,746 sq. ft. Note that we have eli� .nated trie variance off of Highway 65 which was previously from 80' to 70' - no variance; would be required with the vacation and also the rear yard vari�nce froui 40' to 15' is now eliminated in that this neW alignment calls for � private: road easement west of the station which can be used for setback with the buil.ding now proposed to be setback 50 ' from the most westerly prop ;rty line:. The � Petrole:um representitives are requesting that Council give them some indi :ation a.� to their desire to proceed with the vacation of the service road if Emb�ers and the Council are agreeable to this redesign, Q Petroleum woul�, like to� begin work on their working drawings to help f acilitate spring cons ruetion. Should Council decide to proceed with action we will begin the vaca .ion proc.eedings. Atta �,hment M- 86 • 82 5D � PETROLEUM SP #,�3G-02 ST I PULAT I O�JS 1, PETITIONER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENT A LANDSCAPE PLAN, Z� PETITIONER TO OBTAIN APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENT A STORM DRAINAGE PLAN� �, PETITIONER TO SUBMIT A PERFORMANCE BOND TO COVER THE SITE I �1PROVEMENTS � ��. PROTECTIVE MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED TO MITIGATE ANY EROSION OR DESTABILIZATION OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY� �, AN APPIROVED UTILITY EASEMENT ACFtOSS THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF THE PR��PERTY TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY, 6, PETITI(�NER TO WORK WITH CITY STAF'F ON THE LOCATION OF THE DUMPSTER� r .'r.s�an �f � : t ,1 ° /'�rrr- �y �bf T • �BDIVISION � �i e .� �M �----•-' ��7, � -.;' ----`_'_ '-- —�' ' _ -- w � 7 • � 65 i , J �� �;Q ie�► 1' J� � . . ,� � YMi .` � ' ' ` / � � ��� \ / 1 •�j----�- - ---�..__, ' ` � , �� ) / , �� � 7 .� . � . � o� � . , - . ��.�f.� ='-M ---, _ _ _ � , -- � � •-'� " --- _ � - � �� 1l °s _"--___ , _ �/f.I'� "---__ __ . 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CO'tSIDER;ATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY _ —_ �- *.rw� �.re , • ' , � , � , , .. � � � . • � � , � � r � i � � � � � • �� � E . y ' � � � � � j � � � � � � - - � � � 1 1 � 1 � � , • � � s � • j . � � . T • , , , � � 4KtA U�� I�LL fHF\I F'NKI Ut' Wf iC� Nuuliun 1 JUDUlYlJlvn �n�. �JJ� ..��...�� ....-.. _'I�fS ERLY J I _ ;� r S � I , , t > + ► HE S ll�li 0 FEET F TH P,T 1, UOIT R S SUB IVISI N. �1HICH LIE=S EASTERLY OF LIt;E P R I J D =ROt�1 T�!E EAST LINE F SEC I N , SHI , � . � + •�,►���ESOTi;LEXCEPT TNAT P RT THEREOF �:Erd FOR f{IG��•, Y, f� S EIP�G �300 CE'�'fFAL AVE��UE N.E. Re�uest y Mar en R, es er� 8 8 Pi s ury Avenue �outh, Miinneapo is, n. 55420) �OTIO�1 B}' MS. GEROU, SECONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO OPEN THE PL'BLIC XEARII:G. IPO"J A VC>ICE VOTE, ALL VOT'I':G Al'E, CHAIP.PL'RSON BETZOLD DECZARED TNE PL'FiLIC iEnRI.'JG OPEIJ AT 7:49 P.M. ;hairper�an Betzold read the Administrative Staff Report: AO�tI�1ISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 5300 Central Avenue N.E. 1. PUQLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIRE��ENT: Section 205.15.3A requires a minimum lot area of 35�000 square feet uncier one ownership. , • Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide for adequate parking, open landscaped areas, and to limit congestion of commercial areas. Section 205.15.4C.1 requires permitted buildings and uses, except automobile parking and loading spaces, driveways, essential services, walks and planting spaces not to be closer to any public right-of-��ay than eighty (80) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide for adequate parking and open landsca�►ed areas as well as to avoid congestion and provi�de adequate site clearances in commercial areas. Section 205.15.4C.3 requires a rear yard of not less than forty (40) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate open space around cortmercial structures for aesthetic and fire fighting purpo�s es . 6A APPE ALS C0�IMISSIOtJ MEETING, MARCN 11, 1986 __ PAGE 5 Section 205.15.5D.5a requires that all parking and hard surface areas shall be no closer than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-way. Public purpose served by this requirement is to limit visual encroach- ment into neighboring sight lines and to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas adjacent to public right-of-ways. �. STATi�D HARDSHIP: "The existing lot size and sfiape are odd." �. AD�1If�ISTRATIUE STAFF REVIEW: The petitioner would like to remove the existing Q Petroleum facility and �ifter removal, reconstruct a new one as per their submitting plat plan„ The �ew facility would have a car wash that the existing facility does not. TherE� is no other vacant land that could be added to this property to brinq it into code compliance. 7he staff has reviewed the proposal and has c:ommunicated with the petitioner some of the City's concerns and this plan as it now exists seems reasonable. The s�taff has no stipulations to suggest if the 8oard reco►nmends apprc�val of thi s request. M•. Clark stated that as the Commissioners probably kn�ri, Q Petroleum was 1►cated or� 53rd Ave. and Central Ave. between Target and Central Ave. If g•anted th�e variance, they planned to tear down the existing structure wi�ich h�s some structural problems. Improper soil correction was done at the time t�e existing structure was built so the building is settling. All variances w�re as a result of tlie lot not being large enough. They do plan to add a car w�sh. Even if they did not add on the car wash a d just had a retail/service s.ation facility, they could probably reduce the deg�ees of the variances, b�t varia►�ces would still have to be granted in order to use the lot. tir, Clark s owed the Commissioners an aerial photo of the area. t4 . John l�.osr�ias, KK Design, stated part of the reason for the need for variances w,s because tt�e property I�as been reduced in scale over the years. 5ecause tfe widening of Central, the service drive, and 53rd Ave. He stated they are p+oposing a convenience storelservice station with a drive-thrAUgh car wash t� the rear of the proposed building, causing sor�e of the setbac�, requirements. Tley have tried to keep the building to the back side of the lot to keep the f�o��t area more open. They are looking at closing the easterly access onto 5: rd Ave, to I�el p rel i eve congesti on. �•1�. Gerou asked if the car wash would increase traffic. � APP :ALS CO'V'IISSIO�� �1EETI��G, t4ARCH 11, 1986 PAGE 6 Ir. Kosnas stated the car wash was more of a convenience service connected to he sale of gas. Q Petroleum did a reasonably good business now, and he did ot see the car wash generating a great deal of traffic on its own. They �+ere rying to eliminate some congestion on the site by positioning the car wash in he back of the structure. � �r. Betzold asked if there �was ar+y concern regarding landscaping. tr. Kosnas stated they are working with Jim Robinson� Planning Coordinator, cn a landscape plan. Pr. Rod arannon stated he ovm ed the car wash irmediately to the north and west of ( Petroleum. He stated that in order to remodel the convenience stor�/service �tation, variances were needed, but where was the hardship that involved adding � car wa�sh to that facility? �r. Betzold stated the request was for variances for a builcfing, not necessarily f�r a car wash, and tiie Cor�imission could not determine how the petitioner wanted t� use thE� property as long as it was within the proper zoning of ti�e City. The C�Rr�ission was more interested in what size the building was and wliere it was c�i��g to be located on the lot tl�an they were about what was inside the building. N�. Betzo'Id asked the petitioner that if there was no car wash on the building, h�rr would that affect t�ieir request for variances? t'�. Kosr�a�� stated that if the car wash was not added, their request for variances w�uld proGably remain the same. , M•. Brannc�n stated the Pickwick Store was built with variances. He now f�as a biilding t:hat is practically sitting on his property line because of fPur variances afproved t�y the City. That building has no►r effectively screened his entire c �r wast� Frusiness from 53rd Ave. That building takes up approximately 430 of t�e lot. T'he building has a dunpster pad tf�at is about twice the size needed, a�d the owm er was supposed to put in low lying shrubs. Instead they put in t�ees in f'ront. Driving by on 53rd, nine months out of the year, his car wash w,s not visible. That was what four variances had done to his business. Ile s,ated that here were another four variances to put in a competitive business o� ti�e sarie property line. Ne felt the City had an obligation and responsibility t� bring in new tax dollars, but he also felt as strongly that the City had an olligation and responsibility to protect the people who are already paying taxes l ke himself. He stated he has lost 25p of his business since the Pickrrick b�ilding was built. Ile stated he felt very strongly against the car wash going ir. It was a question of his livelihood, and I�e would fight it all the way. Mr. Brannon stated there are adequate boundaries and grassy areas all around tte United Store just to the north of him. Nis building was the same. Now he w�s confro�nted with a building (Pickwick) that was virtually on his property line. Did the City want a building that he could no longer maintain because hE did riot have the cash flow to maintain it? 6C APPI ALS COt1tSISSION MEETIt��, �4ARCH 11, 1986 ___ ____ PAGE 7 Ilr. Clark stated there was a public hearinq scheduled to be held before the lanning Cor�mission on March 19 for a s�ecial use perr�it for the car wash and ervice station. He suggested that this car wash discussion would probably 'e more ap�ropriate at that meeting. IIr.Brannon stated he was not opposed to the variances that were requested. le was opposed to the car wash. Q Petroleum already has a service station ,nd convenience store and now wants to put in a car wash in direct competition o liis car wash. They already have two sources of income with potentially hree. F�e has only one source of income, and that is his car wash. He stated f the car wash is a full service exterior wash, there is not so much competition, lut if it is a roll-over, as opposed to a self-service car wash, then there is � irect cornpetition. 'O'1'IO'� BY' MS. GEROU, S�'CONDED BY MR. BARNA, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HF.AR711G. PO:: A VO�ICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE PUBLIC ,EARING CLOSED AT 8:28 P.M. ilr. Plenel stated he felt the petitioner was trying to do too much on a lot of his size. Ti�ere were four variances being requested, and the largest was the �ear yard setback from 40 ft, to 10 ft, He woulJ like to speak in favor of ��mitting the back building, leaving the present retail bui3ding of 32 ft. x 50 ft., llowing a variance of around 20 ft. on the rear lot line. Ilr. Clark stated if the building stayed the same size without the car wash, then he building could be rioved north, because there would not have to be a driveway lehind. The front yard variance off 53rd could go from 80 ft, to approx. 70 ft. n turn, that additional space could increase the green area along the sider�alk �n 53rd from 5 ft, to 10-12 ft. Ilr. Clark stated he did not think they could come up with exact numbers but �ome general ideas of what could be done if tFe car wash was not added 5ehind he propasad building. Ils. Gerou stated she would be willing to go along with the revised variances �s opposed to the ones being requested. She was in complete disagreement to a ear yard variance from 40 ft. to 10 ft. because of the objection expressed by Ilr. Brannon. Ilr, Barna agreed. He stated the first variance to reduce the required lot size �ould alm�ost have to be grandfathered in because the lot has been reduced in �ize tiiraugh no fault of the owner through road acquisition. I�r. Barna stated he would recorrmend the front yard setback from 80 ft. to 62 ft. Ie reduced to 70 ft. This would nove the whole structure north. Ilr, Barna stated that regarding the driveway/parking setback frori 40 ft, to 0 ft. ar�d 5 ft., that could be returned to 10 ft, and 15 ft, by adding the ,dditional space. . i A?PE-^�LS CO'1!':ISSIO!+ MEETI��G, t1ARCH 11� 1986 PAGE 8 Fr. Barna stated the rear yard setback from 40 ft. to 10 ft. overcrowded the l�t, and f�e would go along with a reduction to 20 ft., but not the 10 ft. 1�e follo��ing motions were made on that part of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision t��. 155, w�hic�� lies easterly of a line parallel with and distant 351 feet H�sterly ,From the Line of Section 23, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, hinnesota, and the south 20 feet of that part of Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision t��. 155, ►�t�ich lies easterly of a line parallel with and distant 351 feet H�sterly �From the east line of Section 23, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, hinnesota, except that part thereof taken for highway, the same being 5300 C �ntral A�renue N. E. : N. �TIO'� BY MR. BAR1'A, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECOI�i.�fEND TCl CITY COUA'CIL r'PR�VAL OF A VARIn."+CE Rx'pUES.T PURSUA."IT TO CNAP'�R 205 OF TN.E FRIDLEY CITS' C�DE TO RI:DUCE THE RE�UIRED LOT SIZE FROM 35,000 SQ. FT. TO 23,746 Sp. FT. C�Oti A VO:[CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION C �RRIED UJAIVIMOUSLY. f� �TI�."7 BY MR. BA :'�'R, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECO�!MEVD TO CI�1' COU:VCIL t'PRO:'AL OF VARIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE 7� P.EDC�CE TNE FRO'+T YARD SETBr�CKS FRO?! BO FT. TO 70 FT. ON EOTN THE ACCESS L RI�'E 1L".D 53R�� AVEVUE. C�0;7 A VO:LCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CffAIRPERSOti BETZOLD DECLRRED TNE MOTION C �+RRI rD UCuR'.'IMOUSLY. :��TIO:� BY MR. BARYA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL ��PROVAL OF A VARIr71YCE REQUEST PURSUAI�T TO CHAP.ER �OS OF THE FRIDLEY CITY C�DE TO RE:DUCE TN� REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 40 FT. TO NOT LESS THAN IS FT. C�0:7 A VO:iCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION C 4RRIED UIVANIMOUSLY. h 7"IOV BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, 21� RECOMMElVD TO CITY COUNCIL �?PROVAL C�F A VizRIANCE REQUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY C�DETO REi�UCE TNE DRIVEFIWAY/PARKIIVG SETBACK FROM 20 FT. TO 10 FT. AND 5 FT. F:SPECTIVi:LY ON TNB EASTERLY LOT LINE AND IO FT. ON .^HE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE. C�O:d A VO�fCE VOTE, ALL VOTIl�G AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION C 4RRZED iT,�JANIMOUSLY. hr. Betzo'Id stated the special use permit request would be before the Planning C�mr�ission on t�arch 19, and the variances and special use pernit would go before t�e City Council on April 1. z ; . �. v�A.�vc� � -'• ' '� .� 5300 CQntral ` � � � � � 6; � ' + Besl.er (Q Petroletsn) � � . ti it � . : �.� � . , • � tL � v w�. ` l -.� _. � .�;� � H', . 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' ..,..:.� . : �:� �-- .------ -- . _ - - --------- - _� � � . REV�3� p t..Ayo,.n- � `���q18_Ca...�. . � �'; ---: W�AL'T��EP YARIANC.E S ' ' : .-� . _, aFR 2& 1?E� • :� ., - - - � �r��.LLi ' � �� � ......�..- ` r S.P. 0285 (694=393) u Turnbaek of a Part of TrUnk H�ghway No. �r�fl Renumbered 696 to the City of Fridley 58��91 QUIT CLAIM DEED The State of Minnesota having acguired the teal estate hereinafter described for trunk highWay purposes, and the Commissioner of Transpottation of said State having determined that the same is no longer needed by said State for trunk highway purposes, and that the same may be conveyed and quit claimed to the City of Fridley. NOW, THEREFORE, Upon said determination and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1980, Section 161.16, Subdivision 4, said State of yinnesota, in consideration of the future maintenance, improvement, or reconstruction by Grantee of sucb roadways, by Richard P. Braun, its Commissioner of Transportation, Grantor, hereby conveys and quit claims to the City of Fridley, Grantee, for highway purposes, all its interest including any conditions. restrictions, covenants and easements that run with the land except that access to Trunk Highway No. 393, renumbered 694 or to Trunk Highway No. 5, renumbeced 65 from the lands herein described shall be restricted as hereinafter set forth in the reservation clause; in and to the real estate situate in the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, described as follows: Page 1 of 3 _.._-- _ __,_.�--- 6`T DESCRIPTION FOR THE TURNBACK OF PART OF TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 393 RENUMBERED 694 TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEY • Parcel 309E S.P.•0285 (694=393) 901_ All that part of the following described lot: Lot 2, Block 1, Oakhill Addition, according to the plat theteof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County; which lies within a distance of 10 feet on each side of the following described line: From the south quarter corner of Section 23. Township 30 North, Range 24 wpst, run easterly at an angle of 91 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds from the no[th and south guarter line of said Section 23 for 1144 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 80 feet and there terminating. Part of Parcel 4098 S.P. 0285 (694=393) 901 That part of Tract A described below: Tract A. Lot 12, Auditor's Sub9ivision No. 155, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recor�er in and for Anoka County, Minnesota; exceotin3 thecefrom the southerly 30 feet thereof; which lies between two lines run parallel with an� distant 121 feet and 201 feet west of the east line of Section 23, Township 30 North, Range 24 West. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESERVATIO.IS CLAUSE: Subject to the following restrictions and reservations: No access shall be permitte� to Tcunk Highway No. 393 renumbered 694 or to Trunk Highaay No. 5 renuTbered 65 from the lands herein describe� an9 conveyed in Parcel 4093 on S.P. 0285 (694=393) 901. Page 2 of 3 .`�`J Dated this �%� day of _ � ►(�j � ' , 19�. Appcoved as to fotm: STATE OF MINNESOTA ' . �. •. . BY : i�/'��iu.a� , Sp ci Assista torney General Commissiorier of Tcanspottation Seal of the Commissioner of Transportation i�v -'�,. , i�f .. %.... •1:���� i� e . "� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. � COUNTY OF RAMSEY } On this � day of ����CY� , 19�, before me, aAto�rygPu�b�l�� ithin and for said County, personally appeared (�. , to me personally known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and who did say that he is the (Commissionec of Transportation) ( ... �'��^�! ^��°*:.::_� of the State of Minnesota and acknowledged that fie executed the foregoing instrument and caused the seal of the Commissioner of Transportation to be affixed thereto, by authority of Minnesota Statutes, 1980, Section 161.16, and as the f�ee act and deed of said State. / • � � ' �� ' i � �n..MA•: :'1'✓N'W�h•..,.,�M. .. Approved as to execution: '���= E�'� ������ . 5t i; - .....yfSOTA / ��� ' �"��N'''`.�_ (::.'���ICGJ"�V � � ' ' :m ,E.. � _. SeD 13. 198t % � � . W�YV�' "'.t^. .1N IV'.1MMNWY� � � ��%lt% � � �l�it�� SpeciaT-"ASSistant A�to ney General / This instrument was drafted by the State af Minnesota, Departm�nt of Transportation, R/W Legal Section, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 �NTERED ', f�� 1�� _( �« < <<.��� �' �.l�Y �= �..,,ro,� c«,�,, .. � ' ,� � •� s.� �c„�, i Page 3 of 3 _\'.� " � � .� - _:ti '� � � �� � 3 � c7 � � � — '�''� 0 0 � � 3 .—"� ri � ro m C � (� � T R ��-��, ���� s`" � °' ., z o _ F-' � ,Z' c�'r� n � "' ? � C Q � � n Z N n � � y O ? � 1� � � Z r? n C � � � O rC � -+� 7' O Q -� �„� � � T T n �O � � � S a �' -• � � � �.� ____ ...:. •w � rm• I ,`� � � T � O i ' � `�' R ° ' � � � ' �= ' z �' �' � � q, � .-� -+ o �D � � { , � � � C � o �� q -�' � .n 3 � � ' :i� .,. �L.• `� 2 CTl � � 'J �� .. = Z G� � � "' A Oc�� � y � � Q n 7C Q--� Y -i � c�' t ti a � D L� u �o �- • �- f .0 D � �. p � �: O I �D � � � ; T 'I o � �' � � ...t ; � s- � � -� ' r � � , -' , .� � � •• (�I �1+1 � � ?: C� � 4 l ri Y � t�. (i � .�__ K ;kC�1� G;Kai O . 4 G 8 '�y' � .1 Q�H ��C r . �+ Ll' � � g i, C;� � � � C�`, �. � � .-_ . �y! � ��'r;�nC��:- r,, . _ . v m � .' :- - � i,. µ � • �. t�l�__( . : t .�. � .�. � Q � �"� � W N 6K '� r ;_ �� .� c. � +O ,� �� ��l IFOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS � 7 rlay 5, 1936 ( Tabied Aprii 2]_, 1986) j' '��4MY�� �. 1.lYM � �/y .� :.�}.� �� � '� !• 'arqaret Hendlev �18 Craiq Wa N.E. H. 571-�'757 Ai ,RRS ArID RD�tF1LTIDN CD!lQSSI�] I i c k Yo un q ieappointed laniel Allen feappointed . . �� � -� u fiane Savaqe `.67 Rice Creek Terrace IH. 571-3�62) �errv Sherek ]530 73-1/2 Avenue (H. 7E4-6444) :r 1'.• '} Y• • Ii• Y •• 1 (• E ^uce PetEerson R �appoi ntEed �• �' ��. 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 - :: 4-1-89 4-1-89 � . � : �. Qarence (Gene) Rezac 1561 Camelot Lane (H. 574-0629) (vacated b� Louis Schmidt 10/85) Dick Yo�g 5695 Quincy St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) Da ni el Al l en 6200 Rice Creek Dr. NE (H. 571-3137) Janes Pl enel 6864 �annel Rd N. E. (H. 571-0026) (vacated b� Patriciu Gabel 12/85) Tan GLOnit�d 7411 Lyric Lane (H. 786-7459) Bruce Peterson 7503 Tempo Terr. NE (H. 786-9898) �r ■l � IFOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL �� APPOINTMENTS ' 7I A �� . � . �.. . Dean Saba Reappointed , Bruce Bondow Reappoirited • a. • •.��. •• � -. i• Clau�ia DodQe 701 Rice Creek Terrace _ LJ. 422-5199) Peter Pierce Reappointed � ( �1BLE 7QE,VIS�1 C'DI+I+IISSIQ�] Duane Peterson Reappointed 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 � 4-1-89 • 1� 1 • 11 ' i� } �• 1? • 1 1: �:' Y John E. ttever 7E6� Aldf�n Wav P;.E. _;H. 571-Fi328) F )LI� mW�QSS�] lavis Hauqe teaaaoi nt:ed 2 �/21 6-9-91 �� Dean Saba 6325 Van Buren St. NE (H. 571-1953) Bruce Boncbw 6616 Central Ave. NE (H. 571-0163) Robert Miriton 1538 N. Oberlin Circl e (H. 574-1173) Peter Pierce 572 R.ice Creek Terr. (H. 571-7045) Harold Belgum 191 Har tlnan Ci rcl e (H. 571-1191) Duane Peterson 1021 Hathaway Ln. NE (H. 571-3386) Flmars A. Prieditis 6031 Benjamin St. NE (H. 571-7230) Mavis Hauge 645 67th Ave. NE (H. 571-1083) ��J i� �. • ��«� ZZ� � NDTION ty Co�cilman Goocispeed to waive the se�nd reading of Ordi nance No. 855 and a8opt it m the seo�nd reading and order publication._ Seconded b}• Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion cazried �a�animously. � � a : � :> > yL .. .. •� Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is request to mmbine three 44 foot lots and split then into two 66 foot s for property located west of 7th Street and north af 57th Place. He ated the code call s f or a lot area of 9,000 square feet and a lot wid af 75 feet so variances would be necessary if the lat split is apprw He stateci the lots would be 8,905 square feet and 66 feet wide, how �, there were quite a few lots in the neighborhood 65 feet wide. Mr. Flora stated the P1Lnn�t'�Corimission recorunended approval of the lot split with four stipula �s which he outlired. NDTION by Co�cil Goodspeed to apprwe lot sgl it, L. S. # 86-01, wi th the following sti ons: (1) Existing house to be rer,wed prior to issuance of a build.in rmit; (2) Park fee of $750 be �xid prior to issuancc of a building rmit; (3) Lot split to be recorded prior to issuance o: a buildin rmit; and (4} Variances for lat area fram 9,040 syuare feet to 6,90 uare feet and lat width from 75 feet to 66 feet are approved with th� lat split. Seconcied b� Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all �L ting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried �uianimously. B. ¢��IDERATION OF LO�I` SPLIT RFXUEST, L.S. �a6-a2. GE2JERAI.I�Y IACATID AT 7136 FAST RI VER %�'�D N. E., BY RI CF3AFtD NSALECEiC : Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a lot s�.l it �f the exception property to the Riverwood School plat. He stated the property is located north of 71st and west of East River Road. Mr. Flora stated the prop�sal is to split o�f the westerly 90 feet creating a new lot in exces� of 10,000 square feet, with aocess onto the r�ew R.iverwood Drive. Kr. Flora stated the way the property lines were drawn means th� f ront of the property is facing on neighboring property lines. He felt if a triangular piece of property could be provided for this lot split, there �ould be a front yard on Riverwood Drive. Kr. Malecek stated he has talke� to the developer, Mr. Cook, and he has a �artner involved, as well as a buildez, who would have to approve of hi� �btaining this triangulaz pieoe af property. He felt it may be difficult `or hirr� to acx�uire the property. -3- ___.__..__ 5. �� J�, r �I ��. • r : :�r• �� Mr. Flora stated the Planning Crnmission has rec�mnended apprwal of the lot split with six stipulations which he outlined. He stated in stipulation No. 5, 15 feet should be changed to 10 feet. � Mr. Qureshi felt a stipulataon should also be a3ded to make the triangular piece a pert of this lat split and the progerty a.�ner should work with the developer to aaquire this property. NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to ap�rove lot spl it, L. S. i86-02, with the follaring stipulations: (1) City be prwided with a 25 foot biker.a}•/walkwa}• easemer�t along East River Road; (2) Nc�a hnuse front yard setback to follow curve of the street; (3) Lot spl.it to be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit; (4) Park fee of $750 be paid prior to issuance of a building permit; (5) Private utility easement to be provided across norther�y 10 feet of the r�ew lot; (6) Petitioner agrees to fair share of street and utility assessnerns for the r�ew lot; and (7) Fetitioner wcrk witl� the developer to aoq�:ire the triangular piece of property, if possible. Sec�onded b� Councilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma}•or Nee declared the motion carried tu�animously. MOTION by Council�r�an Barnette to receive the minutes of the Planning ,� ission meeting of February 26, 1986. Seconded bi� Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voti ng aye, Mayor Nee decl ar ed the moti on ca r t i ed unaniir,ously . Bl'DGF.'I' �'v�Sl' Tl7 ALID� FOR FUIv*JI2�lG OF LDC��E HO�SI?Jl� RES'I'ORATIOI�• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City received a r e��t fron the North Suburban Ceriter for the Arts (NSCA) for a 510,000 co ibution ior restoration of Locke House m East River Road. �Sr. Flora stated in January, 1986, the NSC7� reached agreenent witY, th� Co�mty recarding restoration and occupancy of .e Banfill Tavern/Locke House, and a stipulation of the agreenent obli es thea to raise $50,000 t�y Januar}•, 1987 to be �sed in the historic re ration of the structurE. Mr. Flora stated staff has checked w' . the County and received a positive response as to the appropriatenes f usi ng CDBG f unds f or thi s hi st or i c restoration project. He stat if the Co�►cil decides to a�ro�.riatE (�BG f�mds taward this project, ' ould be r�ecessary to send an �ended re-quest to the Co�ty before th ' ril 8 public hearing. Mr. Hariy RQSenba �a.iIInan of the NSC7� flind Raising Dzive, stated this structure is th irst tavern in the State of Minnesota still located on its origir�l sit He stated the building is over 100 ye3rs old and the Cour,ty is alrea arting operations to preserve it. He stated it is their ho� to m is a u5eful arts centez. He stated they expect a good de41 of 1 ��articipaton fran busir,esses and the senior citizens. Mr. Rosenbae�*-. ted they have al reac�I� had ir�qui ries f ra�� businesses regarding use of th e r oar�, s f or meeti ngs . -4- 8A �� � PLAn VIt�G COt•4•1ISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 4 4r. Robinson stated that in this neighborhood, in general, there were � few 65 ft, lots. � / 4r. Oquist stated that in looking at the footprint, it appear that the �roposed structure would meet all the setbacks, so the onl vari�nces •equired were those outlined in the stipulations. te ir. Robinson stated that was correct. BY code th variances may be approved �ith the lot split. I�IO.': BI" MR. SABA, SF.CD:IDED BY MR. WELLAN O RECOM"�'.EtiD TO CITY COUNCIL ��PPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQIfc'ST, L.S. 1t86- , BY THO":AS BLOMBERG, TO SPLIT OFF ffF. SO;ITH ONB HALF OF LOa 4, BLOCK 32 XYDE PARK, TOGETHER WITH THE EAST ��NE N.�LF OF THE ADJACEI�T VACATED Y ANA ADD TO iAT 5, BIACK 32, HYDE PAR1C, 'O CREATE A SIIIGLE FAMILY RESID CE, AND SPLIT OFF THE NORTN ONE HALF OF .OT 4, BLOCK 32, HYDE PARF:, ETHER i:"I:H THE EAS_T ChE' NAL" OF THE ADJACEtiT ''ACAT£D ALLE}' A�ti'D ADD TO 3, BLOCY. 32, NYDE PAki', ?'C CREATE A SI'�'CLE �.tL+liLY RESIDENCE, TNE .E BEING 5738 7iil STREET N.E. , WITH TX5 FOLLOWIPIG : TIPULATIO"1S: 1. EXIST_*A' OUSE TO BE RE'MOVED PRIDR TO ISSUA.VCE OF A BUILDI!VG PER1dIT. 2. PARF: E OF t750.00 TO BE PAID PRIOR TO ISSi,'Ah'CE OF A BUILDING PERI�IIT, 3. SPLIT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO ISSUAIJCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. 9. �tRIA.VCES FOR LOT AREA FROM 9,000 SQ. FT. TO 8,905 SQ. FT. AND IAT WIDTH FROM 75 FT. TO 66 FT. TO BE APPROVED WITH IAT SPLIT, (POh'A VOI�E VOTE, ALL VOTIhG A}'E, CHAIRPERS0:4 GABEL DECLAREA THE MOTIO": C ARRI£D G*.'dA:::MOUSLY. h;. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on Plarch 17. • 3. C Jf�SIDERATJOit GF A LOT SPLIT, L.S. �£i6-02 QY RICHARD MALECEK: ��lit off t�e west 90 feet of t at part o Lot 8, evised Auditor's Sub- division No. 77 lying easterly of the following described line: beginning at a point on the souti� line.of said Lot 28 distant 315.64 feet west of the s�utheast corner thereof; (said southeast corner being on the centerline of Eist River Road}thence north at right angles to said south line to its inter- s�ction with the north line of said Lot 28 and there terriinating, the same b�ing 7136 East Ri ver Road P�. E. M -. Robinson stated Plat. The property I; was zoned R-1 as tie westerly 90 ft. 1 �t would meet all R .verwood Drive. this was the exception property of the Riverwood School was located north of 71st and west of East River Road, was the surrounding area. The proposal was to split off creating a new lot in excess of 10,000 sq. ft. The new code requirements, and would have access onto the new M�. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the fol�owing stipulations: 8C PLA� �JII1G COt",�1ISSIOW t•1EETI«G, FEQRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 5 1. Provide City with a 25 -ft. bikeway/walkway easement along East River Road. 2. t�ew house f ront yard setback to follow curve of street. 3. Split to be recorded prior to issuance of building perrtiit. 4. Park fee of 5750 to be paid prior to building permit. , 5. Private utility easement to be provided across northerly 15 ft. of new lot. 6. Petitioner agrees to fair share of street and utility assess- ments for new lot. HO:ID"J B1' MR. SABA, SECO.'rDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECO^!MEND TO CITI' COUIt'CIL riPF'R.7VnL OF IAa SPLIT � L. S, iI86-02 � BY P,ICXnRD MALECEK� TO SPLIT OFF THE WEST �0 FEET OF TIIAT PART OF LOT 28, REVISED AUDZTOR'S SUBDIVISIO:: :VO. 77 Ll'I;;G ':,5:'ERL1' OF THE FOLIAh'I:JG DESCRI&ED LINE: BEGIt:f:I":G AT A POI::T ON THE SOL'TH :I':E OF SAID LOT28 DISTA'�T 315.64 FEET WEST OF THE SQU:NEAST COR':ER TNF.REOF; �SAID SOUTHEAST COI2�'dER BEING QN TNE CEf1TERLINE OF EAST RIVER ROAD) THEtJCE +'ORTH AT RIGHT �'+f:GLES TO SAID SO(ITH LIt:E TD ITS IIti:'ERSECTION WITN THE NORTH :I':E OF SAID LOT28 ,�L":D THERE TER�!I'JATING, TNE SA1�:E BEI1dG 7136 EAST RIVER ROAIJ, �ITH TifE FOLLOFTING STIPULATIONS: 1. PROVIDE CITY WITH A 25 FT. BIKEWAY/WALY.WAY EASEME�T ALONG EAST RIVER ROAD. 2. NEW HDUSE FRD'JT YARD SETBACK TO FOLLO�:' CUR:'E OF STREET. 3. SPLIT TD BE RECORDED PRIOR TO ISSUA.":CE OF BU1LDIt1G PERN.IT. 9. PARK FEE OF S7 50 TO BE PAI D PRIOR TO B UI LDISG PEA..�:I T. 5, PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMEIIT TO BE PROVIDED ACROSS NORTiiER;.Y 15 FT. OF NF.W IAT. 6. PETIT_T01�'ER AGA.EES TO FAIR SN.�RE OF STREET Ar:D UTZLITY ASSESS- ME:: TS FOR NEw' IAT . i PO.': A VC`ICE VO:E, r7LL VOTIt:G AYE, CNAIRPERSD:� GABEL DECLARED TNE 140:"IOPJ i ARR:ED UhA'.'IMOUSLY. �s. Gabel stated this item would go to City Council on March 17. 4. (ISCUSSION ON NORTH PARK STORt1 ORAINAGE ISSUES - JONN FLORA: Gabel stated that because of developments proposed in the north area, the ing Commission has been concerned abaut what happens with the water flow afte velopmer�t. It seemed that when there was a significant amount cf developmen , trange things happened to the water flow in Stonybrook Creek z�d other creeks � e area, and they did not understand why. h^. �lora stated that prio 1982, there was only one organization responsi- tle for managing s�rface water he City, and that was the Rice Creek Water- sied District. The City has always attempting to standardize the system within ti�e City so that when they talk t velopers and look at improving p�aperties, they are consistent within the Ci So, they really haven't l�oked at anything different from the Rice Creek rshed District areas and tie other areas in the City. ThPy have always adminis d storm water and s�rface water in the sar,te way. Principally, they have tak he approach tiat in developing property, the run-off from that property af evelopment : � � � CiTY01 � FRlDLE' PLANNING DIV1SlON 1NtEMUR,ANDUM t�10 T0: Jock Robertson, Community Development Director John Flora, Public Works Direetor A�lO FROM: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator �,p_ t "' ME1� 0 DATE: April 29, 19�i RDG ARDING: Richard Malecek Lot Split, L. S. ��-02 On 4pri1 a9, 1986 I received approval from Mr. Lee Anderson, the developer of the Riverwood Estates Plat� to split off a small portion of his lot x hich adj�ins the Malecek lot split. The Anderson Lot, Lot 1, Block 3��Riverwood Est ates, r+ould De reduced in size from roughly 9, 470 square feet to 8� 800 squ�re feet. The portion to be added to the Malecek lot split is 670 square fee ;. The portion uhich will De split off from Mr. Anderson's lot and added to Mr. N.al�cek's lot will add additional side yard to Mr. Malecek's lot and enable him to align his house more harmoniously With the right-of-uay. This new lot lin Will also meld better with the Anderson lot in question. See attached sice ,ch. As ;ou may recall on March 17, 19 � the City Council officially approved the Msl�cek lot split. A stipulation that xas added at that time uas that the pet.tioner would r+ork with the developer, Mr. Anderson, to obtain additional pro;erty along the westerly boundary line. At this time, Mr. Malecek will be pre:enLing a certificate of survey Which reflects this additional property. l;e � ill attempt to have a quit claim deed from Mr. Anderson and/or s letter ind:cating his irtent to assign Lhis property to Mr. Malecek for the City Coui cil meeting on A;ay 5� 1966. It tio�:ld be appropriate for City Council to pass a resolution approv ing this lot split uith the understanding that the Anderson lot is slightly less thon 9,000 square feet. Staff vill not staap the resolution or deed until suct� time as the stipulations as outlined by City Council on March 17, �9 � are comFleted. in addition, the quit claim deed would need to be executed and read� for recording along With the lot split. It siould be pointed out that Y.r. Anderson xas very cooperative in this effo�t and in fact is assigning this portion of property to Mr. Malecek at no cost Mr. Anderson indicated his desire to maintain a close workir�g rels;ionship With the C�ty as a primary reason for his cooperation. JLfi/ l� t�5� �b1 8E RICHARD P�ALECEK L,S, ��6-02 ST I PULAT I O��S �� PROVIDE CITY WITH A Z5' BIKEWAYIWALKWAY EASEMENT ALONG EAST P�IVER ROAD � 2� P�EW HaUSE FRONT YARD SETBACK TO FOLLOW CURVE OF STREET� 3, SPLIT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDINC PERMIT� ��, PARK FEE OF a750�O� TO BE PAID PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT, 5� PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE PROVIDED ACROSS NORTHER�Y IO� OF NEW LOT� C� PETITIONER AGREES TO FAIR SHARE OF STREET AND UTILITY ASSESSMENTS FOR NEW LOT� � %� THE PE7ITIONER IS TO WORK WITH THE DEVELOPER TO OBTAIN THE ADDITIONAL PROPERTY ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE� u� PETITIONER TO PROVIDE HARD SURFACE DRIVEWAY TO EXIS�ING HOUSE� (ADDED 5-1-86) � ` 2s5 ' ., �y,,°� � � ;(, g F :� � � o '�i `j � ' ' !��- � � 4. � �, � �9 ,; �' 2 f y . � ' ' - -. - -- ,x - -, , � _ --�. 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SIIBJECT TO EASEMENTS, THE ORIGINAL LOT BEING 713b EAST RIVER ROAD x. �. WHERiAS, the City Council approved a lot split at the March 17, 1986 meeting; and WHERi AS, such approval was to split off the west 90 feet of that part of Lot 28, levised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 lying easterly of the following desetibed line: beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 28 distant 315.E� feet west of the southeast corner thereof; (said southeast corner being on tt e centerline of East River Road) thence north at right angles to said soutY line to its intersection with the north line of said Lot 2 8 and there term:nating, together with that part of Lot 1, Block 3, Riverwood Park, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easterly of a line described as f ollow s: Beginning at tYe most northerly corner of said Lot 1, thence southerly, in a straight line to the southwest corner of the exception as shown on said plat of Riveraood Park and there terminating. Subject to easements, the original lot bein� 7136 East River Road N. E. WHERE AS, the City has received the required Certificate of Survey from the owner ; and WHERFAS, such approval will create two residential building sites. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council directs the County of Anoks to record this lot split within six months of this approval or else such apprc�al sha11 be null and void. PASSE) AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY oF , 19 86 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTE� �: SHIRL �Y A. HAt�PALA - CITY CLERK 8H � c�r a y c • s.a t..� • r..: vw+w »oi a�n a�,.o �+r� v�+( w� t«I s....�w II evm.a4., Mrtmewu ss3]I ��a . Survey for Rtcho.d Mo/aca% � O/ �� . �O'� �� l�,iT y . . lY�/rl �r�� � i�J, �,�r � �O��F`o�� �r9o15 • - ��, ,,, ,� r � �o o ! � ee g / � °� I �j 0 s, �� �OI'C¢ I L.� r• y i � r o '� 0 � � «� �, .� ;.;;T : � r �'��b Foot c}�o..,l.n� Fi� �. .�_ ,,,T �oo v e� I I , ��";aPt' � n-i f� L�i � ' ❑ n i� �rn� �..,- �`, i �� L. i;'� 4'( k`�L�. ll!T .�: . N 8L'43'pp'yy 1 354.26 � �,. � 229 �9 '�i •�. � ra u o �. . ao o � �. . � � �• �� Porc¢I A � o = �o n� : ,, �.o z' „ �— f IB997 3�S•64 � eo�E �i ;-; iC: I ��n r�, �� . � � �i ��`, � �i f f �-� � 1 l 0 8� L`',T ` / � /� _3�92 �o ��j � �p /�.�j v O ti '' /� � ' O ti�y h � � '° / �� 33�i - �� / ��/ o�' � � I / �, � � CITYOf' f RJ DLf.Y T ): F iOM: D ITE: �_ .�_ OIFiECTORATE OF puB�ic woRKs M E M O A A N p UM Nasim Qureshi, City Manager through J9�n G. Flora, PuDlic iiorks Director (.�f �� � Cly V. Moravetz� Cable Administrator April 1 8, 19 95 ��-�o� SfBJECT: An Application (From Nortel Cable Associates) Requestin� Transfer of Cable Operations and Ownership , o "a �� � o ,� � � A.tached is Lhe application requesting transf er of cable operations f rom h'�rtel Cable Associates. I a� uaiting to receive: 1. a liaited p�rtnersiip agreebent, 2. a management agreement, and 3. f'inancial s.atenents. I expect to receive these documents perhaps next r+eek. A su�ested schedule for the transfer of o�+nership Would be as follous: 1• May 5- City Council sets a public hearing. 2. June 2- Conduct the public hearing. 3. June 16 - Possible City action. 4. July 7- Deadline for City action.(Actual deadline Would be July 2 pEr the franchise ordinance). I would also sug,gest that the City join Bloonington and St. Louis Park ir. re Laining Don Richards for financial analysis and split tt,e eost threE �+� y s. T!e City Cable Combission xill discuss the Lransfer at their regul�r scheduled meetir� of May 15 ar,d perhaps if Aecessary ag2in at their June 1y mEeting. I uill notify the CaDle Coma.ission and also aa supplying the� tY�e aF plication as submitted. The attached application does not include tt,e sales contract which is availaDle in my office if you desire to see it. A� 3in, as in the past on transfer requests� we xill be requesting eomplete ari total reimbursement ot expeases incurred in the transfer revieW�l pr �cess. Ii Lhe above suggested schedule is revised by City Council, p1e2sE a�vi�e. JG � /CVM/ts cc; CaDle Comaissior. 0 1 Ronald L Abrams Attomey at Law Fihh Floor, 701 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis, MinnesoW 55415 April 17, 1986 May �r B i 11 Nee Cit � of Fridley 643L University Avenue Fri9ley, Minnesota 55432 Dea � Mayor Nee : The purpose of this letter is to formally request, on behalf of my :lient General Television of Minnesota, Inc. the approval of the sale and transfer of the Cable Communications System serving the City of Fridley from General Television of Minnesota, Inc. to Nor:el Cable Associates, a limited partnership. Ear.ier this week, it was my understanding that Nortel Cable Ass>ciates submitted to the City its formal request for approval of :he sale and transfer together with its formal application. As �lways, should you require any further information, please fee . f ree �to contact me . Ver? truly yours, � (�Yl Ron; ld L. Abrams Attc �rney at Law RLA cvb cc: G. J. Kazma J. Douglas Rollow, III Todd 5poeri Gary R. Matz, Esq. Clyde Moravetz 10 CITY OF FRIOLEY CATV ADVISORY COt1t'ISSIOt� Mf.ETI��G, �1A�CH 20, 1986 CALI TO ORDER: � Chairperson Peterson called the tlarch 20, 1986, CATV Advisory Comr�ission meetinq to c^der at 7:35 p.M. ROLL CALL: t�erib �rs Present: Duane Peterson, Qarbara Nughes, f3urt lJeaver, Ed I:aspszak, Ralph Stouffer �4er�b �rs Absent: f�one Oti�e •s Present: Clyde lioravetz, City of Fridley Chris IJe�emer, Storer Cable Darm ��lbertson, Storer Cable �•lichael I�. Qednarchuk, ACCtd APPR iVhL OF DECEt"�',tR 19, 1935, CATV A�VIS�RY C01'�1ISSI(lt� t1I��UTCS: !.'C1TI� �'; B�' 11R. ST_1UFfF.P.� SECO.'�DF.D B�' !!R, t:F.n✓ER� ?'G nPPF.OVE TFf£: DF.C. 19� 19.°�� C:,'"i' An:'ISOR�' CO.••.•,SSIG' M.EF.:'I::G Y'':'.,TE.S h5 ITRITTF.'.. L'F' �.'� � VDICE V%JTE, iaLL VC.TI7'G A�'£, CtiieIP.PERSOti' PETERS_^,.': DECL.�A.F.D TfIF. lfOTIO:: C�+r�R. EI) U.'�n.'ti_'�'O'JSL1". l. i ���IUAL A.C.C.4J. TFLETNO(!: �tICN/1EL BED�JARCI�Uf: t r. Qednarchu4; stated that the follorrin� r�ee�:, they r�ould be havinq their � nnual A.C.C.l1. telethon. I�e stated 41ed., �larch 26, fron 7-9 p.r�. �•ias 'he "Salute to Cablevision in Fridley" night. Ile wantecl to extend an -nvitation to all Cor�nission nembers to stop by that ni�ht. 2, FECEIVE CAGLE OPERATOR REPORTS: �. Update on Transfer of Ownership (f;Y.R) �ir, i1�ravetz stated they have received tf�e signed version of the acceptance agreer�ent fror� Storer (E:4:R) in proper forn. 7hey have received the signed guarantee given by Storer Co��unications, Inc., a guarantee signeci and issued by SCI Noldings, Inc., and a third guarantee issued by SCI Associates. All three guarantees are in satisfactory form. In conjunction wi�h the other materials, the question of the performance bond, Storer has provi ded t{�e Ci ty a1i th a perforr�ance bond ti�at r�as i ssued back i n 19�32, and they are a�aiting for a letter from Travelers Inder�nity Co. clarifying whetlier tl�at performance hond arill carry over to the acr.eptance of the franchise rene►�al. 10A CATV ADVIS�P.Y COt1t1ISSI0�� �1EETING, �1/1RCH 20, 1936 P/1GE 2 ttr. �loravetz stated that regarding the Officers' Right to Accept on Qehalf of tfie Grantee, Storer has given them the name of the Board of Directors, but did not identify which officers were authorized to accept the ac�endr�ent on behal f of ti�e grantee, so they are wai ti nc� for th�t documentation. These two things are holding up the Y.KR transfer. bJhen tl�ey get the clarification and letter regardinq the perforriance bond, i�e stated he would provide copies to the Conmission r�er�bers. �. Operations Update �1r. ►leger�er stated he t•�as happy to say that for the first time in the I�istary af the franchise, they have reached a suhscriber level of 40°=. Up until noa�, they have been in tl�e 30°: range. It puts Fridley in a certain class of cable systems in the metropolitan area that have reached 40°= or better. It was a real credit to the Fridley subscribers. tdr, tJeger�er stated hP wanted to resurrect and discuss an idea that was brought up a fe►•� years ago about the courtesy accounts presently provided to the Cor�r�issioners. At that time, Tor� �1cCa11, who was the Storer manae�er, said there ��ias not a���ay of bi 11 i ng the city; nor� wi th sor�e investigation, tl�ey find it is possible to handle these accounts througl� the city. The reason he was bringing this before t�ie Commission v�as because he had receivec� a r�emo fror� their vice-president nation-��ide tf�at i�ad to do with courtesy accounts provided to city officials and other cal�le franchising people. Qecause there ►�as an er�barrassing event in Florida where a cable TV courtesy account was included as one of 13 counts of bribery and unla��rful conpensation racketeering against a former city official, they are noti�� being encouraged to look for alternative r+ays to provide the ca�le service. �ne of the alternatives a�as to still provide the sar�e service but bill the city for that service. P1r, tloravetz stated that on July 7, 1980, the City Council authorized reir�bursement to the cable comnission for the amount of basic service plus copyright fee plus sales tax based on just the basic service. At that tine, Storer, as a courtesy to the city, extended free hasic sPrvice to tV�e Cormission mer�bers effective 1•1ay l, 1983, ►•�hich resulted in a savings to the City annually of S479; ho���ever, the City Council at that tine did authorize the reir�bursement to the Corr-iission memhers which meant basically that the Commission mer�bers t•�ere to kee� track once or twice a year and submit a pay voucher and the City ►�lould reimburse tl�en. An alternative ►•+hich would probably be easier, as Hr, tdegener had indicated, was to have Storer bill the City on a month-to-month basis. t1s. li;�ghes stated that with all tF�e flacl; from the Public Utilities Cor,unission and investigations that have gone on, it rrould certainly be wiser for the Comnission to either pay tf�e company themselves or bill the City or have Storer bill the City direc±ly, t1r. Stouffer stated that since the City Council has already authorized the payr.ient of the cable service, then Storer should just start subr�ittin� bills to the City. 10B CAT1 ADVIS�RY C�Nt1ISS10N t'IEETIPiG, �1J1RCH 20, ;986 PIIGE 3 Mr. Weaver agreed. He stated it should be done the easiest way possible for all parties, and it seemed to him the easiest way ►vould.be for Storer to bill the City directly. . 3. �ECEIVE REPORT OP� SALE OF SYSTE�1 TO Ca1�1U�lITY CAQLESYSTfNS, I�JC.: �1r. ttoravett stated that about a r�onth ago, they received a draft application For� for the request for a transfer of o�rnership. That had been sent to Storer througli Ron Abrar�s. He stated some changes had been made, and he reviewed those changes �vith the Commissioners. 1r. tioravetz stated that in conjunction with this, he had included some :entative schedules: a tentative schedule for transfer of o�•m ership jnci tentative schedule for renewal of cable television franchise. �r, hSoravetz stated there were some alternatives: (1) hanclle the transfer �ntirely as a separate issue fron tf�e refranchising; or (2) "piggy-back" the :�ro alon� in the process w��ich could perf�aps hurry the City along in the �efranchisi�g because the City has sor�ething like 90 days to act on the �►m ership schedule. 1r, t1oravetz stated he thought tf�e best alternative w�s to proceed with the :ransfer of o►�nership and after they get it off the groun�i, perhaps 30, 6�, �r 9� days lag-�eiiind of tf�e transfer process, bec�in the refranchisinn process. �lie ne►�r a�•mers have indicated tf�ey would definitely be interested in an early �enewal also. 1r. Moravetz suggested the Corrnissioners take sor�e r�ore tine to lool: over .he schedules and perhaps establish a better schedule at the next meetinq �fter receiving the formal letter requestina transfer. Ir. I�eaver stated he had a problem r�ith starting the renewal �rocess before uly 2 when the City actually accepts Conr�unity Cablesystems, Inc. Ne did ot thinl: they could really do any negotiating until July 2. Ilr. Moravetz stated that the early iter�s in the tentative schedule for the enewal of cable television franchise basically was just discussion, soliciting �orimunity input. There was absolutely no negotiating going on at that staqe. Is. Hughes stated that in 1982, he had drafted a letter for Comr�ission renbers' signatures that ►��as sent out tc various interest groups, Ch�mber �f Corrrierce, League of Women Voters, civic groups, etc., in the City. Per��aps 'hat would be a better method of obtaining corrnnunity input than another 'elephone survey. From his experience ti�rith telephone surveys, he did not �hink they a�ere very productive, and telephone surveys were only valid about �-3 months. tr. Neaver stated the telephone survey was the best community input they got 1he last time. The League of Women Voters did an excellent job with it. 10C CAT' ADVIS�RY COt���1ISSI0N 1•tEETING, MARCH 20, 198G PAr,F 4 �tr. Kaspszak asked if tl�ere was any merit in asking ti�e A.C.C.IJ. to do the telephone survey. - Mr. Moravetz stated it would be a matter of getting the volunteers, but they could approach the A.C.C.W, about it. Ms. Hughes stated she thought a letter to the civic organizations would still be appropriate. As members of some of those graups, the Co�r.�ission members � could encourage responses. With telephone surveying, it was very ir►portant that the volunteers be trained on hoar to asl: questions. !0"'IOIJ BY t4R. KASPSZAY., SECOI:DED BY MS. XUGNES, TO IIISTRUCT 1!R. MORA['ETZ TO _Ol� Up WITH A RECOMME":DATION FOR A TELF.PNO'�'E SUP.VEY AS PART OF TNE WORK 'L1L',l WIT1f 5PECIFIC DETAIIS ON THE BUDGET, 1L':D HIS P.ECO'!�fF.NDA?'IO�' AS TO WHO iHOULD PERFORM THE ACTUAL DIORF;. THIS RECOM:�fE.":DATTD.': TO BE PA.�SENTED AT TNF. 7E; T F1F.E�'Z1dG. 1s. fiughes stated she would voluntee►• to work witl� t4r, floravetz in puttinq :ogether a recommendation. � 1P0.'� A VOICE VOTF., ALL VOTI:tiG AI'E� Cf?nIRPFRSO."� PFTERSO:: DECLARF,D TflE 1•10TIDN 'ARRIED U':.1:IM.nUSL1'. 'O"'ID.': B5' 1•:S. HUGNF.S, SECO::DE'D BI' .'.'R. F:�'iSPSZnF', ^'O ASt: S_^'AFF TO PP.F.PI'iRC .E�':'ERS SIHILAR TO Ti�i LAST REFR.�::CffISI.':G TO BE SF.':T TO CO!1.�!U:JI_"i' ORGIL:IZATIn.":S, .'�:�TITU:'IO.':'S� SCf�OC1S� LIT�A.nA.�', EiC. � I�SF.'Ii:C'• FOR A P.ESPD."+SE 01J Wf111T :'1!1':' !:'i�.'+'T 7: CI�i,F, TV. � Ir. Mor-avetz as4:Pd i f there shoul d be t►•�o 1 etters--one no��� sol i ci ti n� i n�ut n� one letter later identify�ng the date of the piiblic hearin�s? I's. Ilughes stated, yes, it r�as inportant to qet on these organizations' neeti►�g . gendas before surm�er. 1 POR' A VCICE VOTE, ALL VO^_'I':G AYE, CIiAIRPF.RSO!: PF,TERSO': DF.CLF+A.ED TffF, I�fOTIO': � ARRIED UNn."JII�OUSLY. �,�TIO.'�' Bl' �/•R. S�L'FFF.R, S£COVDED BY 115, HUGHES, TO RF.CEIPF. '_'1fF. TF.IITATIVE � CHEDULE FOR TRJ�I:SFER OF 0(•II7ERSHIP SCNEDULE' .zi.'1D Tl.'E "E;�TATIVE SCHF•.DULE FGF. 1 E^;EWHL OF CABLF. TELEVISION FRA'�CffIS�. I PD : A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO_TI11G AYE, CHAIRPERSO'7 PETERSO.': DECL.tiRED THF. l�OTi!�.'.' C �IRRIED U.til'i�TMOUSLI'. ��. Hughes asG:ed if they had ever looked at any of the needs assessnents that h�re done in sone of the other connunities. ��. �loravet2 stated he would do that in conjunction Y�ith the telephane survey r �c�uest recor�mendation. 10D CATI ADVISORY COt�1t1ISS10�1 t1EETItlG, t1ARCfi Z0, 1986 rrrE 5 4. ?�f,EIVE 5°' FRA"�CHISE FEC FOR 4TN QUARTER 1985: '�f0."IO�ti' BY 11R. STOUFFEP., 5ECD7:DL'D B2' HR. KASPSZAK, TO RECEII'E TIIE 5` FRA"lCFIISF. •"EE FQR 4_TN QUARTER 1985 I."J THE A.�:OU.'�:' OF 513,652.65. TPOfi A VI�ICE VOTE, ALL VOTI?JG AYE, CKaIRPF,A.S017 PF.TF.RS011 DECLIIRF.D ^'HF. "C?.^'IO."J "ARRIED 111CA!JIMOUSLY. ' S. tECEIVf FRIDLEY CABLC COt1SORTIU!1 (FCC) I'�FORr1ATI0tl: i, tlinutes of January 22, 1986, tieetinq 11r. �foravetz statPd the Cocr.�issioners had a mer�o fror� John Semeja to Angela Forrest dated Feb. 18, 1986. This was also for the Cor�r�ission's information. 1.'O:'IO:: Bl' h.'P.. STOi'FFER� SECO.'JDED B1' !fP,. PIEA',�'P.� .O P.F.CEIL'F. TFlF. JFi.':. �2, 1'�86� FCC 1.'I ^: UTES A': D TNL' FEB . 18 , 1986 , IaE;•f0 FRO?•f JOHIi SEMEJA TO AllGEL�1 FD!'RCS^'. L'P��': �, VO_'CE ?�O^'E, ALL VO?I11G h�'E, CHAIP.PFRSO?: PETER,SD'.' DF.CTJIRED T!!E :•'O:"IG: Ci-iF2RTED UNA'rIllOUSL2'. !. Oral Presentation on Direction They are Taking (Angel,i Forrest) t",r. �loravetz stated 11s. Forrest could not be at the r�eeting. This iter� should be continued until tl�e next meetina. '1r, tleaver stated that in the Feb.-!larch ACC�J Director's Re�ort, sixtf� para�rapl�, tts. tJe�•�r�ar-Scott had stated that the "p�rtahle equipr�ent has he�n breaking c1o►•m at an amazing rate..." He stated he would like so�e explanation on equipment maintenance ��hen �1s. Forrest is at the next meetinq. E. FEf.EIVE ETC TV (CHA��'.�EL 12) t1ItlUTES �F DECEt1QER 11, 1�g5: �r. Kaspszal: stated one stril:ing thin� that came out of thP ETC rep�rts Has the fact that they are actually workinn �•�ith the faculty of Fridley fic�h School in terns of setting up live viable classes in video nroduction z�d prograr�r�ing. 7his is something the Conr�ission has h?en ho�inc� f�r a long time would happen. M;, Huqhes stated she aras also impressed that they are lool:in� for outside f�nding and loo4:ing at grant r:riting. Qy using three part-tine people, tf�ey p�obably won't r�ear people out quite as fast and probably will have hetter e�se of schedulin�. She found the reports quite encouraging. M•. Kaspszal: stated that in his judger�ent, these factors were quite s:gnifican� and should be men�ioned in the ninu�es. � 10E CATV ADVISORY COt1t1ISSI0�J t10ETING, �1/IRCH 20, 1936 PAGE 6 �OTIO!. BY l�lS. NUGNES, SEC077DED BY MR. STOUFFER, TO RECEI?�E THF. DEC. il, 1?85, :TC N,I"lU'^ES AND THE FOLLOh'ING REPORTS: a. DIRECTOR'S YEAR-EVD REPORT b. FI.�A.^'CIAL RE'PORTS (1�fO.lTHLY, QUARTERLI', PENR-E.ID AND COI�IPARISOti REF��R'"c) c. CDORDIl7ATOR' S REPORT (DEC. -JJ�.": . A}!D JAh .-FEB .) - AUDREY d. SNOWS PRODUCED A.'JD PP.ODUCTIO:: STA.TISTICS e. COORDII� ATOR' S REPORT (JAPT . 19 . 19 R6 )- DEB f. GOAIS Al�'D OBJECTI'JES ' a. PREVIOUS YEAR`S ETC TELETNO:l CO'�TRIB('TOR_S IPOP: A?�OICE VOTE� ALL VOTING Al'E� CN.AIF?PE7?50:1' PETERSO': DECLIIRED _^'r�R ;OTIO.", Cr�RRI�D U?JA�7IMOUSLY. 7. �FCEIVE CTC TV (CHAN'�EL 12) �1INUTES �F JA'J. 15 A��D FE(3. 12: •fOTIO'� B�' MR. KASPSZt,F', SECO.'�DF,D B�' MS. KUGN.ES, TO P.FCEI:'F: T:iF JJLti'. 15 A.'�I� "��• 12, I9F6, F,:'C MI�:C'TES AIJn TN.F. FOLI�O�'•'Ir:G F2EPORTS: a. FEB.-�.':+i?. DIRF,C?'OR'S REPOR_T b. FEB .-�:AR . COORDIt:ATOR' S REPOR; IPD": n 6'UICF. �'OTE, ALL :'JTI':G l��'F., CHA,RPF.R.�D.': PI'TrRSO.'; DF.CL�'iP.F.D �'!iE "'J.TIO'� �Fi�RIED U;�Fi.'�IMD'JSL1'. � 8. _I�BILITY Ii�SURA�ICE F�R APP�I!�TEES Tn CITY COrRtISSI��lS: �r. �1o►-avetz stated that at the last r�eeting, '1r, l•leaver hacl made a notion �ec�uesti ng the Ci t_y Counci 1 to ask the C1 Ly Att01"f1P.y t0 review the 1 ir�i ts of liability coverage for all city cocmissioners. 1r. �toravetz stated the Cormission had a copy of a mer�o dated Jan. 2£�, 19p6, �e haci sent to Bill Hunt, Adninistrative /lssistant �o the City tlanager, askinn for an o�inion on the City's existing Liability Policy. They had also receive�i � copy o� a mer�o from Qill Nunt dated Jan. 29, 1936, which stated that "all nenbers of the various city corr�issions are covered under h�th the qeneral liabilitv and ti�e public officials' liability policies carried by the Ci*y �p to a limit of S600,�00 per incident". �.'D.^'IO.': Bi' M.S, fIUGNES� SECO.':DED B!' �fR, K�iSPSZAY.� TO RE'CE_':�L' '-'�.'F. III!'O!'.!?%iT. J�i �:: TNE LIt,BILITI' I.":SL'F«:CE FOR nPPOI.:TEF.S TO CIT�' CO.'-:!rISSIO::S. 7_DO.'� n VOICE VOTE, ALL :'O?I::G A�'c:, CffhIRPEP.S(�.'.' PE�"E??S0.': DF.CLTiRF.D :^I.'F .'.'O:"Iri;; :ARRIED IT.�A.'�I!lOUSL1'. 9. �Ot�FIRt1 DATE FOR t�ExT ttEETIN �: �1r. !loravetz stated the next meeting ►�ould be at 7:00 p.m, on Thursday, april 17. 10F CAT4 A�VISORY COt1MISSI0t1 MEETIN�, t1ARCH 20, 1986 __ PAGE 1 ADJC 1R��t1E��T: M0�'I �:1 BY 19R. KASPSZAK� SECOiJDED B2' MR. STOUFFER� TD ADJDURN THS MEETING. IIPO.": A VG fCE VO':E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERS017 PETEP.501J DECLARED TXE MARCH 20, 19F6, CATV ADVISORY COMIIISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:50 P.M. Resp �ctfully subr.�i,tted, . r . , , , ,�. : � • ' Ly,�n ; Saba Reco•ding Secretary ,� OtRECTORATE '� OF PuB��c woaKs f R1 DL.��.Y -�--- � � s�: T'� k F ;OM: D. .TE: MEMOFiANt�UM John G. Flora, Public Works Director Mark L. Burch, Asst. Public Works Director April 23, 19 ffi S�BJECT: Street Improvement Project ST. 1986-1 � 2 �� . f� PW86-103 • 11 , o °a . � °�o ,� �-= � W� received bids for Street Improvement Project ST. 1986-1 � 2 on Thursday, A;ril 17, 19 �. We received eight bids With H� S Asphalt, Inc. of Anoka, M: , the successful low bidder �ith a total bid of �807,174.65. The project W,s divided into two phases with Phase II separating out the tWO streets on tl e 100 Tlain Drive-In site (Lake Pointe Drive and Woodbridge Drive) and Piase I including the remaining streets. W� have received approval from MnDOT for our M. S. A. S. projects for Lhis y�ar (81st Ave. and Lake Pointe Drive) and the contracts for these projects c: n now be axarded. D�e to the fact that all of the agreements are not yet executed for the 100 T1 in Drive-In site� we recommend that the City Council award only Phase I o: the Street Inprovement Project ST. Z966-1 & 2 at this time to H& S A, phalt, Inc. for $u39, 12�• 55 and that Phase II be aKarded �ahen the dEVelopment agreements with Woodbridge Properties are complete. rn sits s� :� e 11A BID OPENING 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1986 STREET IMPROVEMENT 1986 - 1& 2 i BID i i i . PLANHOLDER ; BOND � PHASE I; PHASE II ; TOTAL i _ i _.__ i i H&: Asphal t ; i ; i 700 : ndustry Avenue ; 5� i�►39,120. 55 i 36 8, 05u. 10; $ 807,17�. 65 Anok� , MI3 553�3 i i i i i i _i i Va11E y Paving, Inc. ; i i i 8050 D Highway 101 i 5� � u73,626. 70 i 37 8, 353• 50; 851, 9 80. 2� Shakc pee, I�II1 55379 i i i i � � � � � � _�i � � Arcor Const. Co. , Inc. i i i i P.O. Box 57 i 5� i4&6,350.42;401,753•67; 888,104.09 Mora, MN 55051 ; ; i i i _i �i i — Bury k Carlson, Inc. ; i i i 6 00 8 Jayzata $lvd. i 5� i 520, 6 41. 06 ; 391, 880. 05 i 912, 521. 1 1 Minne ipolis, N�I 55416 i i � i � i i i � Hardr tves, Inc. i i i i 7200 ienlock Lane No. ; 5� i 506, 795. S5 i u16,1 �9. 00; 922, 94�• 85 Maple Grove, l�Ai 55369 � 1 � � � � � � � i � — Alexa �der Const. Co. i i i i 14561 Johnny Cake Ridge Road ; 5� �557,732•23�410,769.40; 968,501.63 Apple Valley, tQ1 55124 ; ; i i � i i i i - C. S. icCrossan, Inc. i i i i Box 2�7 i 5� i 562, 863. u0; 417, 407. 70; 980, 271. 10 7 66 5;o. Rd. �` 1 8 i i i i Maple Grove, T4�1 55369-02u7 ; ; � � i i i � i_ Park onstruction i i i i 7900 :�eech Street ; 5� �63�,�23-09;�60,236.13i1,091,259.22 tdinne� polis, NW 55432 i i i i � � � � _ _i _� i � - � piAECTOa�aTE � �F pue��c woRKs f�DLLT MEMORANCUM T0: John G. Flora, Public Works Director P'W86-110 �'RaM: - Mark L. Burch, Asst. Public Works Di.rector L�ATE: April 28, 1986 Sth�Cr: 1986 Miscellaneous Concrete Curb &�.itter Contsact 1 2 �, o° y� �� �o .� � � On Wednesday, P,pril 23, 1986, we received bids for the 19fi6 Miscellaneous Concrete Curb, Clltter and Sidewalk Contsact. We received bids fran five contractors with �.inderson Brothers Cement Contractor Con�any, Inc. of Minneapolis submitting the laaest bid at $24,050.00 We rec�nd that the City Council award the 1986 Minscellaneous Concrete Curb and G�.itter contract to Gunderson Brothers Ceme.nt Contractar Campany, Inc. for $24,050.00. MLB/ts 1 2 A BID OPENING 11:00 A.?L YIDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 19 ffi HISCFI.LINEOUS CONCRETE CURB, CDTTER b SIDEidALL ' I BID 1 TOT�, i � PLANHOLDER I BOND { BID I COA4�NTS I I I Gunde rson Bros. I i I 2325 Saelling Ave. , S. ( 5S 1 24,050.00 { HinnE apolis, t4J 55404 I I I I I I Concr ete Curb Co. I I 1 771 Iadybird Laae I 5x l 25,�10.00 ( Burn:ville� !�l 55337 I I I I I 1 Nob1E Nursery { { i 1053� Troy Lane I 5f I 27�325.00 1 Maple Grove, !gl 55369 I 1 I { I { IndeF:ndent Curb Contractors I I I 46g0 ?enkti+e May I 5i I 28,000.00 I Eagat , P4�1 55122 I I 1 I I 1 Arcor, Const. Co. , Inc. I I 1 P. o. �ox 57 I 5x I� 33 � 3 85. oo I Mora� t� 55051 1 1 1 I I I 13 1�M0 '0: Nasim Qureshi, John Flora, and Mark Burch MEMO 1 ROM: Jim Robinson MEMO l ATE: April 28, 19� RDGARIING: Proposed MTC Route 25 Ser`vice Via lnnsbruck Drive In Ma; eh 19�, Mr John Dillery of the MTC contacted me to obtain information regar� ing the population of the Innsbruck area betWeen Gardena and I-694 in order to propose a plan to develop a new rush hour bus route. This request is due t� an inereasing number of calls f rom residents in that area x ho are reque;ting MTC bus service to and from the downtown area. The M' C staff have norr developed a proposal to bring rush hour bus service to those people in that area. The n�W route 25B xould travel both ways via Gardena Avenue, Matterhorn Drive and I�nsbruck Drive to Silver Lake Road, as per the attached map. Initially 5 trips per day would be offered. The City has determined the weight capacity of the streets that Will be trave:led at g tons per axle. The MTC recommends a 9 tons/axle street for the buses that will travel that route. The City has the obligation of posting the bus s op signs at the locations on the attached sheet. The signs can be posted on ex sting signs, or the signs are available free from the MTC. If sign posts are r�quired� the MTC will reimburse the City for the capital cost. As me�tioned in the letter, before this proposed route can begin to operate, Fridl�y must grant r+ritten permission to the MTC to permit buses to service this area. The signature called for is unspecified, hawever, the MTC mentioned that the g neral practice is to have the City Council approve and sign the letter. JLR/s : Attac. �ment :. . 3/5/3 ►/16 _ _ _ _ ,., ..�... � Y � : i��_ � L � ►, :� �. W t M�if• �.....-- I- I �.��� ���1 � t � i I• •I : . o ; (= � .. . . . . . . . . • . w � • r � QR I j � �� O c.w.�r :� Y I ' �, *— ur.� .�� - � � w��.w • t �r � � /~�' •:/ t+��a �Y� ��r � , � _ . V� � ��1• � � p.��M � �r�r.M /�� �-.��.�r. / r OYitY rt .��.M �r��� / _ I � �� I M d MTC 25B Bus Route ��- Propose �U ; .••;- z I���M�Y t� // 11 N.a�� s��.t• �- I �'' I / / 1 11 � �nq• C�CJ J � •� Ll (J � ( I � Illln� I I-----� �r�� � i�RE M l G �j �/ �AKE � � / 3 ' � � . � �- . % /� : � .�'/� / � + `♦ �,� �� � �� V � .� � v �� ,./ �• /,'/�; � ` � � . �� r�.�. �N ww � , �. . � -��� / s ,......� .... i � � � _�.�� � =-:�.�`=��::.�;�..- ���M��Y������K� 1�• � � l � 1 . . � 1 . 1 � �� � � � � . ; ��i �� •�����• ', . I ' � � I � ' . . . 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Innsbruck i ver Lake Rd. - FS T� Innsbruck Trail - NS �T 12t h St . NW - NS 29th Ave. NW - NS 32nd Ave. NW - NS N. lnnsb uCk Drive Matterho n - FS � E. Danuh Road - NS W. Bavar an Pass - NS Mei ster oad - t�S Black Fo est - Across from QT NEk' RRIG ITON 32nd Ave� ue NW - NS 29th Ave ue NW - NS 12th Str� et N�! - NS 27th Ave ue P;W - NS Silver L,ke Road - NS � C� Niy priority for signage. tiS: P;ea side of intersection FS: Far ide of iptersection njh/311� FRIDLEY Innsbruck No. - R1 ack Forest flriveway - FS North Innsbruck Ct. - NS Bavarian Pass - NS N. Danube Road - NS Matterhorn �rive - NS On Matterhorn [lri ve 5695 Driveway - FS T�on 3� mph sign On Gardena Avenue Matterhorn Dr. - FS � Old Central - NS - Rack 1�0 ft. 0T M E T R•O P O L I T A N T R/1 N 5 I T C 560-6th Avenue Nonh, Minne�polis, Minnesot� 55417-4398 April 14, 1986 Mr. James Robinson Planning Coordinator/City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. NE Fridley, rL*l 55432 13C O M M I 5 5 I O N 612/349-7400 R^: Proposed MTC Ro�te 25 Service via lnnsbruck Drive Dear htr . Robi nson: The Metropolitan Transit Com�nission, Service Planning Unit staff have been receiving requests for rush hour bus service along Innsbruck Drive. More than 70 persons living at, or in the vicinity of� the Black Forest Condo^�iniums, 1601 N. innsbruck, have contacted our offices over the last year. MTC staff now have developed a proposal to bring rush hour bus service to these people. New Route 258 would travel both ways via Gardena Avenue, Matterhorn Drive and Innsbruck Drive and follow Silver Lake Road. Initially, five trips per day would be offered. Before this proposed route can begin to operate, MTC requires written per:nission from the city to allow MTC buses: • On Innsbruck Drive between the city limits and Matterhorn Drive. • On Matterhorn Drive Between Innsbruck Drive and Gardena Avenue. • On Gardena Avenue betWeen Matterhorn Drive and Central Avenue. A list of bus stops for the new route are attached to this letter. Posting the route with bus stop signs will contribute significantly to the route's suceess in attracting new customers and reducing auto traffic on your roads. The signs are available free from MTC. If sign posts are required, M"C will reimburse the city for the capital cost. I appreciate your prompt response to this letter. If you have any questions regarding this new route, please telephone me at 349-7773. F1TC staff are looking forward to serving your com�nunity further. Sincerely, � � � � � (� � � .( �4�-�t t John Dillery Transit Planner JD/njh13113 Attachment CITY OF FP.IDLEI' PETITION COVER SHEET Petition No. 3-1986 �ate Received llpril 29, 29$6 tbject The residents of the 1400 block of 66th Avenue Northeast request a street light be installed at 1475 66th Avenue Northeast near the underground power box. I� t i c i o.^. Checked Bv F'�rcent Sibninb ��ferred to Ci[y Council I� sp.,siti�n Date 14 � ��UEST FOR A SiR�T LIGHT �4A TJe following signatures represent the residents of the 1400 block of 66th A�e. N. E., Fridley. We are making a request to the city council�of Fridle; for a street light. Tlis block is a new street in a neWly developed area. Tlere aze presently 14 young children with the families on this block and th:ee more houses nou under construction. R:so, the street makes an "S" Curve, which cars seen to misjudge. D:. and Mrs. Gerald Sensen, living at 1475 66th tive. h. E. have signed their �pproval for this street light and that it can be installed on their proper'�•, near the under ground power box. *�a�e _ % �/ 4.u� � /+ Phone � %� - / y !c � hddres: /y7� "lolv ��'` ��iF /�• �. - ?;a�e _ :,ddres: :��zA C :,dciz�es: Ta�e � �,ddres� ?�a�e L � tfu�i+edr r- / I�ane � �dd�^es� Name �ddress � . ...a � / " • :�ame � G' � Addre s _ � � �--�-- � ha�e � -� �,d�"@SS �T �� �l.:�'7�F NC Phone � 7rJ�%li�,� Pnene ���/�33 Phone 5 ��- /� �� Phor,e � % � %S �y/ Phoze Yhone ��� ���jr`' Fnone j7�-> `/os Pr:or:e S % / � � � Z � �.�i:�� 't� 2L'. ��i:...:i F`vA n ..�.l..G: ...lu :�i � � � . :.:� �����. � `�..:� '-� .i t: ..:e : � �' i - � , ( `+. :�da_ ,..� ;:� � -� - �. � �.. � � � - ;:a �e .',ddr � :i:cne �%�- `i � / � � - .".a�e .�'�-Tl� �..-c�-r�� �::^:� S`7/- � ; � .+ , :,ad� �s� / �/5� ll• F• /'. � ti�� :�' � l..f`�''?2t' _ ��Ln<�.�'t _ i:. .. ���1 - J.� �1i�� -:��- � . ��Sn ( l- �'�' Cft,� )�r .� , � ^ ��✓� t (' 'l,� �' - 1 �- (;- . � �, � �l� ��`� (' ^r�-� :.--..- ��'%l- `��^�I �=' uYf':� �.t- i t..��' -z � _ .. ... `� 7 % — (_ � � L-_ - .. _ i �� �5- �� -� �� �� �- � �'� �: c c. t � � �� -, --� ��' . �� ,�� _ ; � r�.: . �., _��c/ ,�4 f� .. ,� � h `.^ , ;� � ' µ < : - '� .-��f � .� - ..._::� �� %/- .//% ., ..� � -r� � -,,� , _. _�.....- .,� � _ - -. :.� �a�re ; � ., 3:' C _ :.72ie a , ., - _ _. � �? � 0 � � � 0 V r r.. i� ••�• i �•k ' l i _ Y. - ( • \ r �': --MI." -- a � \ ` \ R � G . 6<f) G,!`. : t %i.l,er ! /i, rt CeP / ; R� PP ., � � I PETITIC�T 2 O• � �- ; � �. �— '�; • 1 / �� V \ 1 � �' ; ,,. � � � i �` , �• � �� 0 n.:��,, '. .� �1 I�, 3 4 /r' � o! .� _ - ? , � N N . 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I , ,I �1) I I y � t �'r , � Iiic.� ► ). , e � .1�J0 � ,/ � � � � \� ,1 � �T^. � �,�/��OJ ! � � f % ��� �J � +p R�+�7. LT� j; s� 1i.�. � � (L�l n 4 I ---«- S� S: yt .�.. ; W�� i ti-� ��. � � y� i'1_c i` � . � I �-�--�1- - - _ . _ � ' , ` � , � , � �� A+{} ; •.. ..' � •� +S 1 fa l. . 1 3.E { =�.�'_:'r. f�a _� iiL � • - � ♦H+t � • EN 7E £C. / . • �. Ex �st L t4NT �� N;' 13 X R�Q�s-r� ��4�.� -r � � �� ir ■1 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL r�ay 5 , 19E6 C�AtMS 7741 - 7897 -- CLAIMS �, F4R CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES � 6 '�l _ �•1av 5 1986 Type �f License: S�r�. Approved By: CIGAR:TTE Menari Cashway Lumber Jimmy Jungle Inc. James P. Hill 5351 ;entral Ave.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55421 Sincl iir P1kt Inc. Same " " 6071 University Ave.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 Vikin� Chevrolet P1ark J. Dooley " " 7501 iwy. 65 N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 FOOD :STABLISHMENT Burge� King D& A Partenship 6410 iniversity Ave.N.E. Fridl �y, t�n. 55432 Foods for Health Betty C. Dunphy 7862 Iniversity Ave.N.E. Fridl �y, Mn. 55432 Sincl ir �tkt. Inc. Same 6071 �niversity Ave.P�.E. Fridl� �y, Mn. 55432 FOOD EHICLE L�icci, rdi's John Licciardi 3755 i al ifornia St. N.E. Col.H�ts.,Mn. 55121 PRIVA' E GAS PUMP m � Fridl�y Terrace E11-Cap XV Richard Larson 7400 f wy. 65 t�. E. Fridl+y, Mn. 55432 RMS C� . Inc. Same " " 7645 f aker St.N.E. FridlE y, P4n. 55432 Vikinc Chevrolet Co. Mark J.Dooley " " " 7501 f wy. r65 N.E. Frid1E y, P1n. 55432 RETAII GASOLINE Sincl� ir ��kt.Inc. Same " " 6071 lniversity Ave.N.E. FridlEy, Mn. 55432 Fe es : �12.00 ' $12.00 �12.00 �45.00 $45.00 , �,45.00 $60.00 �a30.00 " �30.00 $30.00 m �a60.00 �� FOR CONCURRENCE BY 7HE CITY COUNCIL Mav 5, 1986 ON SA .E BEER Pizza Flame Same James P. Hill 317 O�borne Rd. NE. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 USED tOTOR VEHICLES Vikin� Chevrolet Co. P1ark J. Dooley James P. Hill 7501 Iwy.#65 NE. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 VENDI IG MACHINE Menar� Cashway Lumber Jimmy Jingle Inc. 5351 �entral Ave.N.E. Fridl�y, Mn. 55432 V�ikin� Chevrolet Jimmy Jingle 7501 lighway #65 N.E. Fricll� y, Mn. 55432 TREE lEMOVAL AND TREATMENT White�ell Tree Service Albert P. Whitesell Ralph Volkman 321 � 09th Avenue N4J Coon f apids, P1n. 55433 16A -- LtCENSES � $325.00 $150.00 560.00 �60.00 $40.00 � �/ ■L FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL MAY 5, 1986 �:RAL CONTRACTOR M. 1. Mortenson Co.(1985-1986) F. 0 Box 710 Minieapolis, i�1 55u40 By: Peter Conzemius � 'KTOPPING Min �esota Roadr+ays Co. 147 North Jonathan Blvd. Cha,ka, MN 55318 By: Jack Mueller ' f�,,� VATZNG Car: Bolander & Sons Co. P.O. Box 7216 St. Paul� !RJ 55107 By: Roger Erickson BriFhton Excavating 192C Highway �96 NeW 3righton, MN 55112 By: Geo. Indykiexicz Con:�lidated Plbg.-Encon Utilities 153C East Cliff Road Burr.sville, MN 55337 By: Ken Enright Groti Sewer � Water 13 b2 1 Co. RT. 15 Plym »th, Mh 55441 By: Larry Groth Lake�ide SeWer & Water 1246 � Zinran Avenue So. Savs, ,e, r4J 5537 6 By : Michael Smith t�aick� lson Plumbing Inc. 1712 Yttrium Street N. W. Anok,, MN 55303 By: David Mickelson Unit� d Water 8� Ser►er Co. 6020 Culligan Way MinnEtonka, MN 55345 By: Jim Spetz GAS ; ERVICES Advar ced Heating � Air Cond. Inc. 7805 Beech Street N. E. Fridl ey, t�' 55432 By: Maynard Edson Air C �mfort Inc. 3944 .ouisiana Circle Minne �polis, MIJ 55�26 By: Donal Ruden Ameri:an Burner Service, Inc. 601 N�rth Prior Avenue - St. P �ul, MN 5510� By: Lyle D. Rotvold Ander ;on Plumbing, Htg. � Excav. Ine. 27121 Redwing Avenue Shaf'e �, t�ff� 55074 By: Richard Anderson -- LICENSES � 6 B APPROVED BY Darrel Clark Chief Sldg. Ofcl. APPROVED BY Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofcl. Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Bill Sandin Plbg-Htg. Insp. Same Same Same �� ■S FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCII. MAY 5 , 19 86 Bil.�s Sheet Metal 7gg I Spring Lake Road N. E. Spr.ng Lake Park, Mt� 55432 By: William Andreasen A. )inder 5� Son 120 E. Butler Wes , St. Paul, MN 55118 By: Richard Binder Bla ne Heating, A/C & Electric. Inc. 135� 2 Central Avenue h. E. Ano..a, t�Rd 5530� By: Don Chouinard Car� Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. 121 Old Highxay 8 New Brighton, !q1 55112 By: Donald L. Dickison C. �. Carlson Air Conditioning Co. 115E Aldrich bver.ue 6'orth Minreapolis, MN 55411 By: John C. Jenkins Cent raire Inc. 740� Washington Avenue South Eder Prairie, l�R� 55344 CEnt ral Air Cond. & Htg. Co. 1971 Seneca Road Eaga z, 2�� 55122 By: LeRoy Scurer By: Robert Winston Cror.strom's Heating � A/C Inc. �41C Excelsior Blvd. ' rtiru� :apolis, MN 55416 By: W. P. Eskierka DJ's Heating � Air Conditioning, Inc. 6060 LaFseaux Avenue Albe•Lville, tQJ 55301 By: Donald Savitski Depeidable Heating � Air Cond., Inc. 2619 Coon Rapids Boulevard N. W. Coon Rapids, t� 55433 By: Thomas L. Chouinard Egan & Sons Co. 7100 i�;edicine Lake Road N,inn� aolis, M.h 55427 By: Gerand Egan Fran. � s Heating � Air Cpnd. Inc. 3107 California Street h. E, Minn�apolis, Mn 55418 By: David Vogt Gas : upply Inc. 2238 Edge�:ooc �ver,ue South MinnE apolis, t�: 55426 By: S. R. Navickas GoldEn Va11ey Heating � Air Cond. 5162 kest Broadxay Crystal, 2� 55u29 By: Sigurd Follese LICENSE� s C Same , Same Same Sa�►e Same Same Same Same Same Same Sa�e Same Same Same �o� � 6 D -� � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSE � MAY 5, 1986 am-Oien Mechanical, Inc. fi41 East Forest Mor�� NW 55051 By: Wilbur Gorham Hayes Contractors Inc. 101( Currie Avenue Miru eapolis, MN 55403 By: Douglas Hayes Horti itz, Inc. 500( North Co. Rd. #18 Miru eapolis, 2�RJ 55428 By: Sanford Gruenberg Hut� on and Rowe Inc. 212E - 2nd Avenue North tinol a, M?1 55303 By: Leslie J. RoWe J& J Heating � Sheet Metal, Inc. 103' South Main Caml ridge, l�4J 55006 By: James Lindell J. 1. Heating Company 205� White Bear Avenue St. Paul, M2i 55109 By: John Ness l�;et� opolitan Mechanical Contrs. Inc. 734� Washington Avenue South Ede: Prairie, M`J+ 55344 By: Thomas Nelson t�lid� estern Mechanical 910 Davenport Street h. E. Bla. ne, t�4� 55k34 By: Jim Harvey M.in. ,egasco, Inc. 201 South 7th Street t�:in �eapolis, Mt� 55402 By: David Hennes Noe 's Heating & A/C Inc. 69� � - ?5th Avenue North , Bro�klyn Park, Mt1 5542b By: Noel Olson Nor .heast Sheet Metal, Inc. 434 Central Avenue N.E. Min �eapolis, I�4N 55421 By: D. L. Anderson P� H Services Co. , Inc. 208 - 73ra Avenue North Min �eapolis� t�4� 5543G By: Gerald Steffens Pie •ce Refrigeration 192) _ 2nd Avenue South Ano :a, t� 55303 By: John F. Becker Fiou �e Mechanical, Inc. 113�8 K-Tel Drive M.in ietonka, t� 55343 By: Gary Danzeisen Same . Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same � � r ■� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL r�Al 5, 1986 Royalton Heating � Cooling Co. u120 - 85th Avenue North Brooklyn Park� MN 55�143 BY: Tom SteW art Geo. Sedgxick Heating � A/C Co. 1001 Xenia Avenue South rli nneapolis, Mn 55416 By: Thomas Sedgwick Standard Heating � Air Cond. Co. 410 West Lake Street Minneapolis, NR� 55u0� By: Ted Ferrara Suburban Air Conditioning 8419 Center Drive Spring Lake Park, !�W 55432 By: Steve Chinander Superior Contractors Inc. 6121 - 42nd Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55422 By: Donald Hoglund Total Energy Heating � Cooling 6455 Center Drive 2:. E. Spring Lake Park, t�� 55432 By: Curt Lovegren Fred Vogt d� Company 3260 Gorham Avenue St. Louis Park, t�J 55�26 By: Alan Malley Ray N. Welter Heating Co. 4637 Chicago Avenue r:inneapolis, Mt� 55u07 By: Ray kelter Jr. �,EP;EfiAL CO2�TRACTOR ACCtiP Construction 8006 Highxay #65 N. E. Spring Lake Park, Mt� 55432 By: Mike Casey Amcon Corporation 200 k'est HighWay �13 Burnsville, M21 5533'i By: Patrick Gannon American Builders Inc. 3756 Penn Avenue North t�iinneapolis, t�ffd 55412 By: Scott Sohox American Remodeling Inc. 4g4g West Roya.l Lane Irvir.g, TX ?5063 By: Troy Dale Rodney Billmsn Inc. 151 Silver Lnke Road Nex Brighton, 2� 55112 By: Rodney Billman Brickner Builders, Inc. 6199 Heather Place h. E. Fridley, t�: 55�32 By: Thomas Brickner LICENSES 6 E - Same ' - Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofcl. Same Same Same Same Same :t � r FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 6 F s� rsAY 5 , 19 86 C � M Builders u53 Jefferson �Street N. E. Minieapolis, t�l 55421 By: Alvin Melcher Chr.s' Construction 240 Longfellox Street N. E. Fri Iley, t�d 55432 By: John Jarvi Con�truction Analysis & Mgmt. 740 � Central Avenue N. E. Minieapolis, M2� 55432 By: Vergil Florbaug D& D Home Improvement, Inc. 740 I Central Avenue h. E. Fri tley, M2: 55432 By: Donovan R. Olson Dav�Ko Home Improvements 132 > - 42nd �venue 2�. E. Col �bia Heights, Mt: 55421 By: A1 Kopecky Des�gner Pools 169 i0 Welcome Avenue SE, P. 0. Box 504 Pri �r Lake, M1+ 55372 By: Ken Kurup Durabilt Associates, Inc. 7343 Ann Court Ede� Prairie, Mt: 55344 By: Thomas Kasprzak Ea�in Construction Inc. 1771 Yankee Doodle Road EaE in, M1� 55121 By: Larry Grell Ea�: Central Builders P. C , Box 144 Zia nerman, t�� 55398 By: Herman Jedneak Elc �r-Jones Inc. 11� ) E. 80Lh Street Blc �mington� t�� 55420 By: John S. Elder Eri�kson Brothers 4561 k'est SOth Street Blc �c�,ington, t�4� 55437 By: C. James Carlson Darrel A. Farr Development Corp. 46C� Lake Road Rotbinsdale, rQ; 55422 By: Daniel Farr A1 Fehn Builder 12'_ 1 HiilWind Road N. E. Fr� 31ey, M2; 55432 By: Allan Fehn Fe�ereisen Construction 40:7 West Broad�+ay Micneapolis� t�. 55422 By: David Feyereisen Same � Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Sam e Same Same Same Same Sa�e �, FOR CONCURRENCE 6Y THE CITY COUNCiL -- 110ENSES 6 G i\ ru�Y s , 19 86 Fraizen Coastruction Co. 425 )- 5th Street N. E. Colimbia Heights, l9�1 55421 By: Robert Franzen Gar i ac, Inc. 481 - 206th Avenue N. E. Ced .r, M21 55011 By: Gary D' Aigle Gre:o Construction 707� � Brooklyn Boulevard Bro� klyn Center, 1�1 55429 By: Joseph Grecula Hagian Construction� Inc. 28& Vicksburg Lane Ply�outh� MN 55447 By: James A. Hagman Dicl Harris Compaqy 620( Riverview Terrace h'. E. Fric ley� I�RJ 55432 By: Richard Harris D. �. Harstad Co.� Inc. 710' High�ay �65 N. E. Fric ley, Nsi 55432 By: Alton Johnson RicYard Hastings Co. 633� Riverview Terrace h.E. Fricley, MN 55432 By: kicharu Hastings Hayes Contractors, Inc. 101C Currie Avenue Minrsapolis, �",fi 55403 By: Milton Ost Alar. P. Hines Construction Rt �1, Box 70A Ellsiorth, WI 54011 By: Alan Hines Al Hlrsch Construction Box i33 Dels io, t�IIr' S532b By: Al Hirsch Investment Management Inc. 333 l. Washington, #500 t�.inn :apolis� r4; 55401 By: D. Jon Monson Milt �n L. Johnson Co. 2513 Central Avenue N. E. Minn �apolis, Mh 5541 8 By: Milton L. Johnson John L. Jones Construction 50u � 'alley H�gh Road Burn �ville, t�d 55337 By: Johr. Jones Jorg�nson Construction P, o. Box 18z35 ' Minn� apolis, l�IId 55413 By: Stan Jorgenson Same � Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same �I� ��� i FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE ClTY COUNCIL rv�� 5 , 19 86 Ker �o Construction inc. 106i6 University Avenue N.u. #105 Coca Rapids, t�us 55433 By: Kent Roessler Kra�s-Anderson Construction Co. 525 South Eighth Street Min ieapolis, t�IId 55404 By: Janice Goebel Kre�s (Ray) Construction Co.� Inc. 167i Chatham Avenue . Ard�n Hills, MN 55112 By: Raymond Kreps LaM:re Concrete & Masonry Inc. 2�7 � Stanbridge St. West Ros �ville, t�BJ 55� 13 By: Bruce LaMere Lan �graff Construction 521 - 53rd Avenue h.E. Fri� ley� MN 55421 By: Virgil Landgrai'f Llo;d's Home Improvements, Inc. 101, - 42 1/2 Avenue N. E. Col�mbia Heights, t�] 55421 By: Lloyd Graczyk McM� llen/Noselle � Assoc. , Inc. 430 Industrial Blvd. Minieapolis, Mt� 55413 By: Tim McMullen Mar-Len Development 250( West Co. Rd. C RosEVille� M1" 55113 By: Leonard Vanasse ModE rn Insulation Inc. 107i9 - 93rd Avenue North OssEO, t� 55369 By: Don Froemming M. � . Mortenson Company P. 0. Box 710 Minr �apolis, !�i 55440 By: Peter Conzemius Nedegaard Construction Co., Inc. 1 81 Z Northdale Bou�evard N. W. Coor. Rapids, t�R1 55433 By: Gill Gruber Nobl: Nursery 1053� Troy Lane Mapl: Grove, t�Q1 55369 By: Tom Karlson Nortiland Mobile Home Service Inc. 2279 Oakrrood Drive St. �aul, t�J 55112 By: Mark Revier Olsoi Concrete Co. 5010 Hillsboro Avenue North Neu iope, t�� 5542fi By: Edward Anderson -- LICENSES1 6 H Same • $ame Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Sacle 0� �i ► FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES� 6� rlA� 5, 1986 Opu: Corporation P.O, Box 150 Min� eapolis� t�l 55440 By: W. Lyle Heyer PanE lcraft of Minn. , Inc. 311� Snelling Avenue Micu eapolis, IYRd 55406 By: Gary Robideau Paschke Properties 797t University Avenue N. E. Fric ley, t�1 55432 By: Gerald Paschke Pat: o Enclosures, Inc. 621� Cambridge Street St. Louis Park, I�� 55416 By: Hanna Anderson Pemt le & Associates Inc. 155( E. 79th Street �840 Bloc �inEton, M2. 55420 By: David Spillman Qual ity Contracting 470C Independence North 1�ew Hope, t�� 5542b By: Roger Fechner fiiver fioad Investors 7 841 k'ayzata Blvd. M.ir�r �apolis, r:t� 55426 By: J. Marfield Schn id�all Construction Co. , Inc. 136C5 Vincent Avenue South Burrsville, MN 5533? By: Robert Schmidgall D. 1i , Selfe Construction Co. � Inc. 175� East Co. Rd. H2 Whit : Bear Lake� t�W 55110 By: D. V. Selfe Supe^America 124C West 98th Street Bloc nington, t�R� 55431 By: Glenn Hill Suss.l Corporation 1920 Como Avenue St. ?aul, M� 551 G b By: Alf Wilk Thor1 Construction 6230 - 235th Lane N. E. Stac r, r4� 55079 By: Dennis Thorn Timc > Construction Inc. 9421 West River Road r:inn :apolis� !4; 55444 By: Thomas McKee Tl:in City Storm Sash Co. , Inc. 26u1 Louisiana Avenue South Minn �apolis, Mt: 55�126 By: Sam Rozman Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same S3IDE Same Same r � �, FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES s J � � MAY 5 , 19 86 Vo.k � Sons Construction Zna 44 � 8 Josephine� Lane Mi�neapolis� t� 55422 By: Gene Volk We ,tern Construction Co. 53�3 Wayzata Boulevard #602 Mi. �neapolis, A4J 55416 By: Milton Chazin �ie; tern Remodelers 25�0 West Larpenteur St. Paul, NR� 55113 By: Jerry Snyder We:tling Construction 55: 6- 7th Street N. E. Fr:dley, MN 55432 By: Charles Westling �E.! TINC Ad� anced Hedting & Air Cond. Inc. 7 6C 5 Beech Street 13. E. Fr� dley, M2r' 55432 By: Maynard Edson Air Comfort Inc. 3914 Louisiana Circle Mirneapolis� t�: 55426 By: Donal Ruden All Season Comfort, Inc. 55 Kounds Street New Brighton, Mt: 55112 By: Richard Larson Al1an Heating b Air Cond. Inc. 602 ) Culligan Way Min �etonka, MN 55345 By: W. C. Viebahn Ame•ican Burner Service, Inc. 601 North Prior Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 By: Lyle D. Rotvold Bil.'s Sheet Metal 799 Spring Lake Road N. E. Spr.ng Lake Park, t��J 55432 By: William Andreasen A. �inder & Son 120 E. Butler Nes St. Paul, Mh 55118 By: Richard Binder Bla ne Hevting, �/C & Electric. Znc. 135t 2 Central Avenue N. E. Anola, MN 55304 By: Don Chouinard Car� Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. 121' Old HighW2y 8 tvew Brighton, !RJ 55112 By: Donald L. Dickison C. (. Carlson Air Conditioning Co. 115E Aldrich Avenue h'ortri Miru eapolis, MIL 55�11 By: John C. Jenkins Same � Same Same Same Bill Sandin Pl bg-Htg. Insp. Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same S�e 0� ill � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- IICENSESs K ru�Y 5 , 19 86 � Centraire Inc. 7402 Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie� t�i 553u4 By: LeRoy Scurer Central Air Cond. � Htg. Co. . 1971 Seneca Road ' . Eagan, l�l 55122 By: Robert Wiaston Cronstrom's Heating � A/C Inc. 4410 Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, t� 55416 By: W. P. Eskierka DJ's Heating 3� Air Conditioning, Inc. 6060 LaBeaux Avenue Albertville, 1�� 55301 By: Donald Savitski Dependable Heating � Air Cond., Inc. 2619 Coon Rapids Boulevard N. W. Coon Rapids, 1�� 55433 By: Thomas L. Chouinard Egan � Sons Co. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minneapolis, N�� 55427 By: Gerald Egan Frank's Heating � Air Cond. Inc. 3107 California Street N.E. t�li nneapolis, Mn 55418 By: David Vogt Furnace Care Inc. 8733 Huu,boldt kvenue North Brooklyn Park, MiJ 55444 By: Richard Bidler Golden Yalley Heatins & Air Cond. 51&2 Mest BroadWay Crystal� 1�+ 55429 By: Sigurd Follese Gorham-Oien Mechanical, Inc. S41 East Forest Mora, t�� 55051 By: Wilbur Gorham Hayes Contractors Inc. 1010 Currie Avenue N� nneapolis, N�I 55403 By: Douglas Hayes Hor4ritz, Inc. 5000 North Co. Rd. �18 Minneapolis, MN 5542& By: Sanford Gruenberg Hutton and RoWe Inc. 2126 - 2nd Avenue North Anoka, t�: 55303 By: Leslie J. Rowe J� J Heating & Sheet Metal, Inc. 1035 South Main Cambridge, t�ff; 5500� By: Ja.mes Lindell Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Sa�,E Same Same Sa�e � � ■� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES 6 L MAY 5, 1986 J. K. Heating Company 20'.0 White Bear Avenue St. Paul� t�4; 55109 By: John Ness J. 7. S. Services� Inc. 88 West Woodlynn kvenue St. Paul, MN 55117 By: Thomas Skotnicki Metropolitan Mechanical Contrs. Inc. 731� Washington Avenue South Eden Prairie, t�J 55344 By: Thomas Nelson Mic aestern N,echanical 91 C 3 Davenport Street N. E. B1� ine, rII; 55434 By: Jia► Harvey Nsr negasco, Inc. 201 South 7Lh Street r:ir neapolis, MtJ 55402 By: David Hennes Noel's Heating & A/C Inc. 69C) - 75th Avenue North Brc �klyn Park, M!J 55428 By: Noel Olson Nor tt._�st Sheet Metal, Inc. 431 j �entral Avenue h. E. riir �eapolis, t�U+ 55421 By: D. L. Anderson Ouens Services Corporation 93C E. 80th Street Blc�bington, �Q: 55420 By: Robert Owens P 8 H Services Co. , Inc. ::. - ;3rd Avenue North !.�r ;:��polis, M2: 55430 By: Gerald Steffens Pierce Refrigeration 19� ) - 2r.d Avenue South An� {a, Mt�1 55303 By: John F. Becker Ro� se Mechanical� Inc. 11:48 fi-Tel Drive Mir aetonka, 2�; 55343 By: Gary Danzeisen Royilton Heating � Cooling Co. 41� ) - 85th Avenue North Brc�klyn Park, MN 55443 By: Tom Stewart Gec, Sed�ick Heating � A/C Co. 10C1 Xenia Avenue South Mir.leapolis, Msi 55416 By: Thomas Sedgwick Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same � � ■l FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCiL MAY 5 , 19 86 Sta�dard Heating � Air Cond. Co. 410 iJest Lake Street Min�eapolis, MN 5540 8 By: Ted Ferrara Sub�rban Air Conditioning 8111! Center Drive Spr� ng Lake Park, I�l 55�i32 By: Steve Chinander SupErior Contractors Inc. 6121 - 42nd Avenue North Minr eapolis, 1�1 55�22 By: Donald Hoglund Tot�l Energy Heating � Cooling 845` Center Drive N. E. Sprizg Lake Park, I�IIr 55432 By: Curt Lovegren Fred Vogt & Company 3260 Gorham Avenue So. St. .ouis Park, t�l 55426 By: Alan Malley Ray �. Welter }ieating Co. 4637 Chicago Avenue Minn :apolis� YdJ 5540T By: Ray We�ter Jr. Yale Inc. 9649 Girard Avenue South Bloo: �ington� MN 55431 By: John Deblon MASO f�i Buzz� 11 Masonry, Ina 16 33 1ii ghw ay i 10 N. E. k.inn�apolis, MN 55432 By: Carroll Buzzell Sr. Ceme� t-Man Masonry, Inc. 9307 Flanders Street Blaii e, Mt� 55434 By: Wayne Tennison Conci ete Concepts, Inc. 1624� Xenia Street N. h'. Anok�, t� 55304 By: Wayne Knudson DeMar a.is Construction Inc. 3952 - 10th Lane Anoka , t-IIr� 553�3 By: Ron DeN•arais Donne lly Stucco Company 2310 5nelling Avenue South Minneipolis, M,�1 55404 By: Thonas Donnelly L. T. Ernst � Inc. 2055 • 105th Avenue N. E. Minne ipolis, t�t 55434 By: Lloyd Ernst D. W. Harstad Co., Inc. 7101 iighr�ay #65 N. E. Fridl :y, Mt� 55432 By: Alton Johnson -- LICENSES� 6 M Same � Same Same Same Same Same Same Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofcl. Same Same Same Same Same Same � � tl i FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCtL r�Y 5 , 19 86 . Jed �eak Construction Co. Rou :e �3, Box 323 Zim �erman, !�W 55398 By: Herman Jedneak Jes :o� Inc. 717 � Cahill Road Edi �a, t�R1 55435 By: Steve Kilmer Mik�donald Cement Co. 114i Pierce Terrace N. E. Min;eapolis, MN 55u21 By: Donald Siegel Nor:k Concrete Construction Inc. 111'. Osborne Road N. E. Fric ley, t�fft 55432 By: James Jackson Ron�ld Pearson Masonry� Inc. 741 Kennaston Drive Fric ley, t�:t: 55432 By: Ronadl Pearson Rite Way Waterproofing 733i Lake Drive Linc Lakes� I�J 5501u By: A1 Anderson Stor� kasonry, Inc. 21 81 - 107 th Lane N. E. Bls.i �e, MN 55434 Y.. C Wagar Co. Inc. 5940 Stinson Blvd. N. E. Frid'.ey� F� 55432 QIL j�RVICES Amer.can Burner Service, Inc. 601 �orth Prior Avenue St. 'aul, M2� 55104 Egan & Sons Co. 7100 Medicine Lake Road Minn �apolis� Mt� 55427 ROOF ,jySz H. R:�. C. Construction Co. 1001 East 2�Ith Street Minn� apolis, M!� 55404 Rain� ille-Carlson, Inc. 2g29 Lyndale Avenue South MinnE apolis, N�t; 55408 �_ ERECTORS Arros Sign Co. 1�i 0 i Highxay #65 N. E. Cedat , t�1 55011 By: Jerome R. Stone By: Harvey C. Wagar By: Lyle Rotvold By: Gerald Egan By : Way ne Pay ne By: Robert Johnson By: Kenneth Steuart -- LICENSES 6 N Same � Same Same Same Same Same Sarae Same Bill Sandin Same Darrel Clark Chief Bldg. Ofcl. Same Same 0 r ■1 � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCiL rsAY s , 19 86 DeNirs Signs/Maciej Sign Cnslt. 404 ) East River Road N. E. Fri lley, t�R� 55421 By: Scott Maciej Law �ence Signs Inc. 945 Pierce Butler Route St. Paul� 1�� 55104 By: Larry Norton Ler �y Signs, Inc. 632 i Welcome Avenue North Min ieapolis, t-W 55429 By: Tom Duffy Nae;ele Outdoor Advertising Co. 170 ) West 78Lh Street Min�eapolis, MN 55423 By: Danny Henjum Nor Iquist Sign Company, Inc. 312 West Lake Street Min ieapolis� t�4� 5540b By: Richard Nordquist Sig i Language 670 Overton Drive N. E. Fri lley, t�i 55�+32 By: Jim Golden Sig icrafters Outdoor Dis. Inc. 777 � Main Street N. E. Fri iley, N.N 55432 By: Chdrles Peu�h Sub �rban Lighting Inc. 607' Lake Elmo Avenue North Sti .luater, i�: 55082 By: Phil Larson �,I�E ;YING Car Bolander 6� Sons Co. P.0 Box 7216 St. Paul, A'sl 55107 By: Roger Erickson Dot; & Sons Inc. 620 - 39th Avenue N. E. M.in �eapolis, t�4r' S5421 By: Patrick Doty '�0 �E TR�ILERS REt;EW�,LS Par. Construction Co. 790 � Beech Street N. E. Fri�ley, I�' S5432 By: George Soldnew Ona � Corporation 140 �- 73rd Avenue h. E. Fri�ley, Mt1 55432 By: Norwood Nelson ��; �IC Si;Ii�1ING POOL Fil ster Enterprises 575 East River Road N. E. Fri� ley, t�� 55432 -- LICENSES 6 O Same � Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same LOC�TIOP� 'j900 Beech Street t;. E. 1400 - ?3rd Avenue h. E. 5750 East River Road t7. E. 0� �i l FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LiCENSE �6P rs�Y 5 , 19 86 Fiv� Sands Development 710� Wayzata Boulevard Min: ,eapolis, !�i 55426 Hug:es Properties �141 � � Douglas Avenue South Min. �eapolis, t�R� 55416 Inn�bruck North Toxnhouse Assn. 550i Meister Road N. E. .� Fri� ley, MN 55432 Ind. School District 014 610� West Moore Lake Drive Fri� ley, MN 55u32 Kmi , Luciow Associates 315 1 Mthur Street N. E. Min �eapolis, t�t� 5541 8 Mar.k Investment Co. C/0 J� L Management Co. P, o Box 2b 113 Min �eapolis� t�II� 55426 EDR.0 Associates 502� Normandale Court Edi �a, t�4d 55436 Har �ld Morrow Rt `5, Box P 196 Riv:r Falls, WISC 54022 Sky �ood Mall, tY4d Partnership 520 { Central Avenue N. E. Fri iley, i�� 55�21 K. C S. Management Co. 730) France Avenue South Edi ia, t�� 55435 US �:im � Fitness 480 West 80th Street Blo rmin�ton, !�J 55437 Bla :k Forest Condo Assoc. 160 North Innsbruck Drive N.E. Fri lley, A4d 55432 h. E ? 825 East River Road 6670-90 Lucia Lane N. E. 5506 Meister Road N.E. 6000 West Moore Lake Dr. 5460 - 7th Street 1050-90 52nd Avenue N. E. 1200 - 72nd Avenue N. E. 5430 - ?th Street N. E. 5201 Central Avenue h. E. 6540 East River Road N. E. 7200 University Avenue N.E. 1601 North Innsbruck Ar. i■ � r FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL '— ESTIMATES 1 7 ■� � _ r�ay 5 , i 9ss 1'er ri ck & N�m�an, P. A. + 27 9 Univer si ty Ave. N. E. � 1 ridl ey, M� 55432 : For services rendered as City Attorrey for the date 4/1/86 to 4/24/86. . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,336,00 L . H. Blattner 1400 Concordia Ave. : t. Fgul, NN 55104 Moore Lake Restoration Project - Phase II Estimate #6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41,646.48 Siort-F1liott-Hendrickson, Inc. 2 10 Gopher Building 2:2 Fast Little Canada Road S .. Paul, M1 55117 Central Avenue/Highway 65 Raadway Redesign Fbr I�ovenber 17, 1985 to March 22, 1986 ...... S 1,731.08 C TY Ot= FRiD�EY �ALANCE AUE MONTHLY RETAINER 12.15 hours in excess of 30 (CONTINUED) 1.8 hours Law Clerk @$30/hour Costs paid by Herrick & Newman BALANCE DUE $1,650.00 607.50 54.00 $2,311.50 24.50 ;$2,336.00 17A �_�4/�� �lB6 BSc_�����i �—i �i ?M A FINANCE CN�RGE 0(= :�a PEK MO^:?"�'. Wi! L. �� CHARGED � 0 R! L AGCOUNTS �J�-iICH ARE ,��:� DAYS PF1ST U�.1�. ��. �,3�. i ��._7 .� o�AEC�oa�sTE ="!� �F PUBLIC WORKS CINOf f R1 DLEY MEMOiaANDUM T0: John G. Flora, Public Works Director P6V86-118 F'1mM: Mark L. Burch, Asst. Public Works Director I�TE: May 1, 1986 SUBJEC.T: Nbore Lake Rest�oration Project - Phase II Estimate #6 to D.H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. 17g �, o "a �� �o ,� �.--- � We are fozwarding Partial Estimate #6 t�o the City Council for approval of payment to D.H. Blattner for work on the Moore Lake Restoration Project. This gayment of $41,646.48 brings the amount of the w�rk on this project to $286,753.40. The original contract amount on this project was $284,600.00. Due to increases in the lake bottcan screeni.ng material and alimlinLUn sulfate treatment, the contract will be approximately $299,178.80 when ccxnplete� and within the total grant am�unt. Na,B/ts 17C CITY OF FRIDLEY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 T0: Honorable Mayar and City Council RE: ESTIMATE N0. 6 City of Fridley FOR: D.H. Blattner & Sons 6431 University Avenue N.E. 1400 Concordia Ave. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 St. Paul, Mn. 55104 (b12) 641-177� DATE: MAY `., 1986 515-UU-004 MOOkE LAk;E RESTOkATION PROJECT - PHASE II CONTkACT ITEM ESTIMATED UNI7 UNIT �UANTITY QUANTITY AMOUNT QUANTITY PRICE THIS E5T. TO DATE TO DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6ID ITEM A LAf:E BOTT01 SCREENING A1 Aquadic Weed Harvesting 2 6,000,00 Each G.33 2.00 12,000.00 A2 Lake 6o�tom Screening Material 95,000 1.30 Sq. Yd. 15568.p0 98568.00 128,138.40 0. 00 BID ITEM B 0.00 LIQUID ALUI. SULFATE APPLICATION O.Op B1 Mobili� tion 3 2,000.00 Each 1.00 3.00 6,000.00 B? Furnish & Apply Alum. Sulfate 90 4UO.U0 Ton 54.00 167.OU �42,8UO.UU 0.00 BID ITEM C U.00 HYDRAULIC �RED6IN6 0.00 C1 Mobili��tion 3 0.00 CZ Disposa Site Construction 1 , O.UO C3 Uredgin� 30�G p•�� C4 Qock In�tallation 1 U.UU U.UO &ID I7EM D U.OU MECHANICAL DRED6IN6 �'U� D1 Mobilizition 1 15t000.p0 Each 0.00 1.00 15,0OO.OU D� Dredgin� 300U 6.00 Cu. Yd. O.UU 3UUU.OU 18,UUO.OU D3 Dock Installation 1 27,000.00 Each U.00 1.OU [7,ODU.UO O.UO BID ITEM E O.OU SAND COVER & STONE FLACEMENT U.UO E1 Sand Ccrer 850 12.00 Cu. Yd. 0.00 86U.Uu 1U,320.UU E2 Field S:one 43U0 's.00 Sq. Vd. 1505.00 150�.UU 4,515.UU G. UO 6ID ITEM F �•�� AEkA70R & =ENCING U.UG F1 Aerator 1 12,OOO.UO Each 4.00 1.U�� 12,0�1G.UG F� 6" Fb'C LiRe 4U0 2G.UU Lin. Ft 26.OU 3.T�9.00 6,78U.UU F3 Fencinc 200 �O.Oq Lin. Ft 200.GG 21G.UG 4,2UO.UU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $2g6,753.40 � ESTIMATE SIMMAkY: Original Ccitract Aa►ount Contract Adiitions - Change Order No. ____ - Change O�der No. ____ Contract Defuctions- Change Order No. ____ - Change Order No. ____ Revised Con.ract Amount Vaiue Compl�ted To Date Amount Reta ned (5%) Amount Faid To Date AMOUNT DUE HIS ESTIMATE CERTIFICATE OF tHE CONTRACTOR 17D f286,753.40 f284,600.00 f284,600.00 3286,753.4� �14,337.67 t230,769.25 �41,646.48 I hereby ce�tify that the work perfprmed and tfie materials supplied to date under terms of th� contract for the referenced project, and all authorixed changes thereto, have an actial value under the contract of the amounts shown on this esti�aate tand the final q�antities of the final e5timate are correct), and that this estimate is ' just and �o rect an of the "AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE" has been recieved. 6 _�'2� _ Date--- � � �—�J� y- � - ----------- ---------- Contractcr's Au horiz d Repr entative (Title) CEkTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEER I hereby certify that I have prepared or examined this estimate, and that the contractor is entitled to payment of this estia�ate under the contract for �eferenced project. CITY OF FRIC_EY , INSPECTOk BY -- t �- C . � Y i!i!�/./!= !fL_ _/%J��� - - Date---_ (_1 �-��_Q� Respectful Submitt, , , Y --- ------------------------- 6. Flora, P.E. irector of Public Works 11095 Yking DriMe, Sufte 260 • Eden P►airie. MN 55344 •(612) 944-1000 anta e cornpanies g Min ieapolis Division May 1, 1986 The Honorable William Nee May>r of the City of Fridley Civ�c Center 643. University Ave. N.E. Frilley, Minnesota 55432 Dea � Mayor Nee: The Vantage Companies respectfully request that we be placed on the City Cou�cil agenda for the meeting of May 5, 1986. Our request is based upon our concerns regarding the City Staff's position on cer ain items concerning the Vantage Companies' retail development on 81st Ave�ue and University. I desire to arrange a personal meeting with you reg�rding our concerns, prior to the fifth. If :ou have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hes�itate to call. Sinc erely, VANIAGE PROPER- ES, C. �� �/ �j = _ Kel l y .�ran Marketing Representative Minn�apolis Division KJD/ tmr cc: Matt Nicoll David Mitchell Nasim Qureshi • Commeraal Real Estate Investors and De�relopers • 1 8