08/04/1986 - 5078AGFNL�A FOR �UBLIC RF�FEREI�TCE (DONCIL I�ETIl� AtJGUST 4, 1986 � � . � � : :► `":1 : \ FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL Au�usT 4. 1986 - 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL h�EETING. �ULY Z1. 1986 • � . . �' ► � . (CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) 0 � � � • 1 � CONT I-fVUED PUBL I C HEAR I NG ON REZON I t�G REGIUEST. ZOA �86-03. LOCATED ON LOTS 16. EXCEPT THE EAST 199 FEET THEREOF. 17 AND 18, BLOCK 2. SPRING VALLEY ADDITION, GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF R10E CREEK ROAD AND EAST OF CEhTRAL Al'�NUE. BY RiCHARO MOCHINSKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1-1H COUNCIL P�EETING. AUGUST 4, 1986 ' : • '' •► ► � PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARIN� ON FINAL PLAT. P.S. �86-04, RIVER LOTS ADDITtON, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6652 EAST RIVER ROAD. BY KEITH HARSTAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2H , � R CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. SIGNS. TO REGULATE FREEDOM OF SPEECH SIGNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 B CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNI7Y DEVELOPMENT, APPEALS. ENERGY AND HUMAN RESOURCE Coh�t � I ss I otvs , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 A CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR A REZONING REQUEST. ZOA #85-05, BY WOODBRIDGE PROPERT I ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 Q COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4, 1986 1 1 : ► •► ► � PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A�EVISED F I NAL PLAT. P. S. �`$5-0�. LA,�E �0 i NTE CORPaR�t7E CENTER. BY WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 H 3 • , 0 RECEIVING THE PRELIMINARY 1987 BUDGET AND SETTING PUBL I C HEAR I NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 RECEIVING REPORT ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCA'cD EAST OF CENTRAL AVENUE AND SOUTH OF 66TH AVEN�E. BY RICHARD BRICKNER, THOMAS BLOMBERG AND THE C I TY OF FR i DLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 � COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4. 1986 PA�E 4 � : ► •► ► � RECEIVING REPORT ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER 0�' MISSISSIPPI STREET AND HIGHWQY 65. BY L, ��1BE�tT ERtCKSON ........ 9- 9 P � CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A REZONING REQUEST. ZOA #86-02. GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF OSBOR�:E ROAD AND EAST oF HIGHWAY 65 N.E., BY DAVID HARRIS . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 G RECEIVING THE MlNUTES OF THE PLANNING CO��IMISSION MEET I NG OF �ULY 23. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. CONSIDERATION OF A REZGK4NG REQUEST. ZOA #86-04, TO REZONE FROM �:-3 (GENERAL SHUPPING CENTER) TO C-2 (GENERAL SUS�NESS) CENERALLY LOCATED ON PARCEL 2570. THE SAME BEING 7699 VIRON ROAD N.E. BY 1�1AY�E DAHL............................................. PLANNINC COMMISSION REGOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUNGIL ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR Au�usT 18, 1986 , , , , 11 - 11 X 11 - 11C $ 11K - 11M COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4. 1986 �W BUSINESS iCONTINUED)- (PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) B. CONSIDERATt�N OF SETTI�� A PUBLIC HEARING RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY ClT� CODE. CHAPTER 2@5. AS IT RELATES TO DAY CARE CENTERS AND HOME FAMILY DAYCARE ......................................... e1ANNINC COMMISSION REGOMti1ENDATtON: APPROVAL COUNCIL ACTION (`�EEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR Au�usT 18, 1986 C. CONSIDERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQUEST, SAV #86-03. TO VACATE THE FIVE FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 4. BLOCK 1. (NNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSES PLAT 4. TO A POINT TEN FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SAME LOT. GENERA�.LY LOCATED AT 5462 MEISTER ROAD N.E.. BY DARREL FARR ............................. PLANNINC COMMISS(ON RECOM''rNDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULQ�iOhi �OUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLiE HEARING FOR AuGUST 18, 1986 PAGE 5 11C - 11D $ 11N 11D - 11E b 110 - 11Q COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4. 1986 . : ► •► ► i� (PLANNING COMMISSION MiNUTES CONTINUED) D. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION REQUEST. SAV #86-04, TO VACATE THE NORTH 213 FEET t3� V I RON ROAD �XCE#'T THE NORTHERLY 33 FEET (OSBORNE ROADi. GEN�f�ALLY LOCATEO SOUTH OF OSBORNE ROAD AtVD EAST OF HIGHWAY 65. BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY ................ PLANNINC COMMISSION RECC`:"•1MENDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS �OUNGIL ACTtON NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR Au�usT 18, 1986 E. CONSIDERATION OF MOTION FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 17. 1986 TO PAY EARL FRANK THE TONNAGE MONEY RECEIVED FROM METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WHICH WAS REFLECTIVE OF THE SOLID 4'JASTE RECYCLED AT THE S.O.R.T. FACILITY FOR THE PERIOD OF �ANUARY 1. 1986 To h'ARCH 31. 1986... PLANNINC COMMISS(ON RECGw''ENDATION: APPROVAL COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED; RtCOMMENDATiON OF APPROVAL . PAGE 6 11E � 11R - 11T 11G 8 11U - 11X COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4. 1986 ►a. : ► •► ► ' (PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUEDi PAGE 7 F. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS COMMISSION MEET I NG OF �ULY 15. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ].Z - IZ R F=1 CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTS. VAR #86-17. TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 30 FEET TO 25 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LOADING DOCK: TO REDUCE THE NARD SURFACE SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 0 FEET OFF OF COMMERCE CIRCLE SOUTH TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL PARKING. GENERALLY LOCATED ON LOT 7, BLOCK 1. PACO INDUSTRIAL PARK, THE SAME BEING 250 COMMERCE CIRCLE SOUTH. BY DAVID HARRIS .. APPEALS COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL F-2 CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTS. VAR #86-18, TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 28.5 FEET: TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 5 FEET TO 0 FEET TO ALLOW TNE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING, GEIVERAL�Y LOCATED ON LoT 8. BLOCK 1. LAKELAND HEIGHTS, THE SAME BEING 1333 H���w�NO RoAO N.E.. BY GARY PARKER .........-: APPEALS COMMISSION RECONL�tENDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATION COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: RECOl�lMENDA7lON OF APPROVAL 12 - 12B $ 121 - 12L 12B - 12E � 12M - 120 COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4. 1986 : ► •► ► � F-3 CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTS. VAR �86—ZPJ. TO REDUCE THE SETBACK OF A BOUlVOARY LINE ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FROM 50 FEET TO 48 FEETs TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 15 FEET TO 10 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTlON OF AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING. GENERALLY LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 24. NAEGEL'S WOODLANDS. THE SAME BEING 7345 BAKER STREET N.E.. BY L. W. SAMUELSON CONST.. APPEALS COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL COUNC(L ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION PAGE 8 12F - 12H $ 12P - 12R CONSIDERATION OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMEP�T BETWEEN ANOKA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF FRIDLEY REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF THE "OPTICOM" EMERGENCY VEHICLE PRE—EMPTION SYSTEM AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND EAST RIVER ROAD . . . . . . . . . . . CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR REFURBISHING AND REHABILITATING TWO FiRE DEPARTMENT PUMPERS AND SET DATE TO RECEIVE BIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 F 14 - 14 A COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4, 1986 1 � : ► •► ► � PAGE 9 CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR VIDEO PRODUCTION EQUiPMENT FOR THE FR 1 DLEY C I V I C CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 15 A � CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTIN6 ELECTION �UDGES FOR THE \ SEPTEMBER 9. 1986 COUNCILMEMBER-AT-LARGE AND A STATEWIDE PRIMARY ELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16C CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT. P.S. #86-03. A& R ADDITION. GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF OSBORNE pOAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 65 N . E . . BY DAV I D HARR I 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 G COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4, 1986 1 � : 1 •► ► �� PAGE 10 CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OROER N0. 1 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT Pi�0,3ECT N0. ST. 1986-10 (SEALCOAT) ....... 18 - 18 A APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CL A I M S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 L I CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2� - 2� A EST I MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 :1 � :► THE MIP�UTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL PIEETING OF JULY 21, 1986 THE MINUTF.S OF THE RDGUL�AR MEEI'ING OF THE FRIDLEY CITX CODNCIL OF JIJLY 21. 1986 Zhe Regular Meeting of the Fridley City C�tmcil was called to order at 7:35 p. m. b,� Mayor Nee. PLIDGE OF AI,LDG rANCE : Mayor Nee led the Gouulcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the fl ag. ROLI., CAI� • N�NBIIZS PRF�ENT: Mayor Nee, Co�cilman Goodspeed, Cbtmcilman Fitzpatrick, Cotmcilman Schneider and Cotmcilman Barnette I�NBERS ABSFNT: None APP'ROVAL OF MIN[TrES • COtINCIL P'�ErING. JtII,Y 7. 1986: MDTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �ICIL NIEETING. JULY 14 , 1986 : NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to approve the minutes as presented. Seoonded b� Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTIO�T OF AGErIDA• �e follaaing item was added to the agenda: (23) Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing on the Revocation of the Special Use Permit for Apache C�mping Center. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Se�nded b,� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPE3Q FORUPi, VISIT{)RS • Mr. Robert Relse�, Presidertt of the Advisory Board of the Fridl� Senior Ceriter, appeared before the Council on behalf of senior citizens in the oonuntmity. He stated a Senior Center was established in Fridley some time ago and the Metrop�litan Coiu►cil on Aging established Fridley as their focal oenter. Mr. Kelsey stated around June 1, the Senior Center Annual Report was -1- ���� � �� .91.'� 1 • • • • distributed explaining their program for the on-coming year. He stated the future of the oenter has been discussed regarding the need to maintain a healthy Senior Ceriter. He stated it was the ooncensus of the Committee that grawth was essential and programs needed to be expanded. He stated they wished to move in the direction of hiring a full-time Director. Mr. Kelsey stated Title III ftmds ended Jime 30 and the Committee recommended a fund raising project. Mr. Kelsey stated Dr. Boudreau was ooncerned about the hiring of a Senior -Center Coordinator and the effects on the City's Park and Recreation prograun. He stated thc� would not oonflict and they only wish to expand in thei r di rect area. Mr. Kelsey revi�aed the type of facilities in Blaine and what is proposed for Colunbia Heights for the Senior Citizens. He stated a request of $8,800 was made to carry on their activities through the year and the amount recommended b� the Hunan Resources Commission was $3,000 which is only about 34$ of the amo�mt requested. Mr. Kelsey stated he Lmderstands the City contributed $15, 000 towards an animal shelter and coulcfi't believe that c3ogs and cats mean more than the Senior Citizens. Mr. Kelsey stated they have made application for tax-ex�npt status and until they receive approval, they cannot solicit funds from businesses or organizations. He stated, in the mearitime, th� will rieed smne assi stance. Mr. Kelsey requested the Cotmcil give same thou�t and financial support to the Senior Ceriter. He stated he would be happ� to meet with the Council at any time to answer questions. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated in the 1987 budget, funds are to be prwided in the aQno�t of $5,000 for the Senior Center in addition to the $3,300 reoommended fran CT�G ftmds. He felt the Senior Citizens oould work, through the Park and Recreation DeFartrnent, to determine thei r needs. He felt the approach the Council has taken is to provide assistance for an active Senior Ceriter. Mayor Nee stated the enti re Council has been very supportive in taking ste�s to see the drop-in oerrter survive and have reasonable prosperity. He felt they need to define what thc� hope to accomglish and arrange for iriteraction between the Advisory Board and City staff regarding their budget. Councilman Barnette stated the City has met the $8,500 r�uest, and felt the Cotmcil has been suppc>rtive of the Senior Ceriter. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he would oertainly encourage a meeting with the City staff regarding the Center's needs. He thanked the people for ooqning in this evening to make their presentation. Mr. Kirk Hart, represeriting the Fridley CY�aQnber of Comanerce, requested the Cotmcil's v�ritinued support for the Woodbridc}e Propert�es develognent in order to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion. -2- C �.��. � �i�a� �.. • i � •�1�L•I:�� PUBLIC HF��RINGS • 1. PUBLIC H'FARING ON REZONING RDQUF,ST. ZOA #86—01, IACATID ON THE WEST HALF OF LOT 4, ALL OF L�S 5, 6 AI�ID 7. LUCIA LANE ADDITION, GE[�TF�t2ALLY T�CX'ATED ON TfiE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND HIGHWAY 65. BY L. ROBERT ERICK.SON • NDTI(7�I by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seo�nded b� CoLmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ ic heari ng opened at 8: 02 p. m. Mr. RQbertson, Cbmmimity Developnent Director, stated this is a request for rezoning fran 1�-1 to R-3 for property located on the northeast corner of Highway 65 and Mississippi Street. He stated the total area �vered in this rezoning is about one and one-half acres for the purpose af o�nstructing ten tvwnhouse tmits. He stated it is prop�sed to have 6,400 square feet of lot area per tmit or about 6.8 tmits per acre. He stated a typical tawnhouse density ranged from 8 to 12 so this was a very la�r density. Mr. Robertson stated these tmits would be tsao bedroans with c3ouble garages, approximately 1,600 9quare feet. Mr. Robertson stated staff felt the plan was somewhat unbalanced because there were eight units for the west portion and two units for the east portion. He stated staff proposed an alternate glan to break the �mits irito three clusters, instead of one long linear building. He stated with this glan, three imits would be located on the east portion, four units facing Hic�way 65, and the other three �its on the riorth part of the site. Mr. Robertson stated access is off Nlississippi Street, with the driveway approximately 130 feet fran the intersection, and another driveway aff Lucia Lane. Mr. Robertson outlined the 11 stipulations reoommended in conjunction with this rezoning r�uest. Mr. Robertson stated a large nimiber of peopl e attended the Pl anni ng C,ommission meeting and the vote tr� the Co�nission to approve this rezoning failed tr� a tie vote. Mayor Nee asked where the guest �rking would be located. Mr. Robertson stated this o�uld be pravided in f rorit of the garages. N'r. Jim Harmsen, Mr. Eri.ckson's partner, stated he realizes the people who live in this area have seen many differem proposals for this property. He stated they have ecanomically scaled dawn this project and felt it was the best kind of developnent for this parcel. He stated single family hanes just woulcfi't work, and felt there was nothing else they could do with the 1 and. Mr. Hannsen stated 3erry Johnson was refused a curb cut off Highway 65 and Mississippi. Mr. Qureshi stated a curb cut fran Hi�way 65 is not allawed -3- COiINCIL N'�EPING OF JULY 21. 1986 and was probably barred b� the State. Mayor Nee stated the City doesn't have ariy jurisdiction for curb cuts on State hic�ways. Mr. Harmsen stated he was trying to fortify the fact that they have a problan with building foun c�mes on those lots. He stated they have scaled dawn the density and �ould keep the trees. He felt the development would add to the beauty � the area. Cotmcilman Schneider asked if thEy had looked at single family develognent with a shared driveway as suggested at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Harmsen stated it was econanically impractical to oonstruct four single fanily hanes on this site. He stated no one would spend $120,000 to $150,00 for a hcme and have a shared driveway. Councilman Schneider stated he dicfi't feel they had to oonstruct $150, 000 hanes on this site. Mr. Ha�nsen stated it didn't make sense to have single family homes and looking at land oosts, the trees should be saved and the only way to prooeed is with a taanhouse project. Mr. Jack Yotmg, 6549 Lucia Lane, stated he felt there wasn't a person in their area that would object to taking down the trees and constructing si ngl e f aQnily hanes. Councilman Schneider stated he heard the presentation at the Planning Commission meeting and felt what keeps coming up is financial oonsiderations. He stated this is the developer's problen, not the City's. He stated the City's ooncern is to mairitain reasonable land use controls. Councilman Schneider stated residents bought their homes in this area knawing this site was zoned R-1. He felt it oould be developed as R-1 with sane different glans and shared drivaaays. Mr. Young stated he bought thei r hane knaaing this site was R-1 zoni ng. He stated since this time, they have had the apartments constructed to the north, as well as the Knic�ts of Colunbus Hall, which all coritribute greatly to the traffic on Lucia Lane. He stated it is impossible to get out of their drivaaays on a bingo night at the RC Hall. He felt with ten more tmits, there would be 20 more cars. Mr. Young stated he would like this resolved once and for atl to keep the zoning as R-1. N�yor Nee stated there isn't any way to make it permanently unquestionably 1�1 si nce i t i s a ci ti z en' s r i ght to pe ti ti on f or a rez oni ng, if he so desi res. Mr. Darrel Goerdt, 6610 Lucia Lane, stated all the lots north are landlocked and the w�e ia�.c�ck is that wa�� Mr. Bob Haedtke, a�ner � property at 6540 Lucia Lane, stated the zoning is -4- COUNCII, MEE,TING OF JiJLY 21, 1986 there to protect the people who live in this neighborhood. He felt the question is hc�w much prof it a person should make and if he should build si ngl e f anily hanes. Mrs. Elvina Timo, 6517 Lucia Lane, felt this developnent would increase traffic in front � her hane and it was too many hanes in a snall area. Mr. Dick Berganini, 6596 Pieroe Street, stated at the Planning Commission meeting he heard, basically, two reasons why this property should be developed which was economics and the best glan. He suYmitted a petition of 60 names of persons who are opposed to this developnent. M�'I'I(7�1 b� Councilman Schneider to receive I�tition 6-1986 in opposition to rezoning reguest ZOA #86-01. Seo�nded b� Cotmcilman Barriette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Cotmcilman Schneider stated he strongly believed in a rezoning situation where everything is R-1, the zoning has to take precedence over economics. He stated it is clear the neic�borhood is not in favor of this develognent. He stated he had suggested the developer work with the neighboring residerits to try and work out a compromise, but this apparently was not done. Co�mcilman Schneider felt he would be opp�sed to the rezoning and felt R-1 should prevail. Councilman Barnette felt the City Manager should explain what vould be built on this paroel, without any rezoning. Mr. Qureshi stated there are oertain uses allawed in an R-1 zone, with a special use permit. He stated several uses might be a church or nursing hane. He stated it should be made clear i�l doesn't r�eoessarily mean single f aQnily hanes, but cbe s al l ow oth er busi re sse s that tend t o f i t i n w i th th e single fanily type residences. Mr. Yotmg stated, for example, a clinic would be aonstructed. He asked if there were arry ordinances regulating the amotmt of Farking. Councilman Barnette stated the� would have to meet all the requirements of the City code. He stated he j ust wanted the residents to be aware that other than single fanily hanes, sc�nething else muld possibly be c�onstructed on this site. Mr. Young askec� �.f there is ariything the Council could do to prevent rezoning requests frem occuring every year. Cotmcilman Schneider stated there really is no practical way to stop the requests for rezoning. Co�mcilman Goodspeed stated he believed the price of the land has been raised on the basis that the Co�mcil would same day rezone. Mr. Joe Randall, I210 Mississippi Street, stated this land was ob�tained for a small a¢nount of money and hames were never l�iZt. He stated across -5- �.�� � � ��. � 1 ' : • Hic�way 65, hanes are being oonstructed and c3ic�'t believe the eo�ncmics are such that single fa�nily hanes oouldn't be oonstructed on this �aroel. Mr. Bob Nystrcxn, 6533 Lucia Lane, askec] if there may be some kind of arrang�nent where this land could be purchased b� the City or residents. Cotmcilman Schneider stated he dic�'t but perhaps if the residents wanted garoel, it may be a p�ssibility. see any particular use by the City, to share the cost to purchase this Mr. Seekon, 6450 Taylor Street, stated the hane across the street f ran him at 6451 Taylor Street is rented and the renters are constantly working on cars and washing motors. He stated he didn't feel this use was permitted in an i�l zone and would like sane action taken. Mr. Seekon stated Mr. Wiersna of the City staff had been out to talk to these renters, but was not able to coritact the aaner. Cotmcilman Schneider stated staff. would chxk into it and get back to Mr. Seekon. M7I'ION b� Co�cilman Srhneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ni�yor Nee declared the motion �arried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:50 p.m. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to direct staff to check the feasibility of aoqui ring this parcel and other alternatives that may be used, such as an Assessmem District or Redevelopnent District, to maintain the property in its natural state or assure it is c3eveloped as single family. Seconded hy Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. PtJBLIC HEARING ON REZCAVING RD�UEST. ZOA #86-03 , LOCATID ON LOTS 16 , EXCEPT THE EASr 199 FEET THEREOF, 17 AND 18, BLOCK 2, SPRING VALLEY ADDITION, GEI�TERI�LLY L�TID NORTfi OF RICE CREEK ROAD AND EAST OF CENTRAL AVENUE, BY RICE� N10CHINSKI • NDTION b� Cotmcilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the putalic hearing. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the puhlic hearing opened at 8:50 p.m Mr. Robertson, Co�mmity Developnent Director, stated this is a rezoning reques�. frcr� C-i to �3 in order to allaw the construction of 19 single family attached taanhouses. He stated the density was approximately 5,000 square feet of lot area per tmit or 8.5 tmits per acre, a moderate density taanhouse developnent. Mr. Robertson stated the units would range in size fro2n 1,100 to 1,500 square feet selling in the mid $70,0�0 range. He stated each unit would have a cbuble c�rage with r�a for twa cars for visitor Farking in front of the garages. � ��.�� � ►� � • t � Mr. Robert�on statec3 the HRA has tentatively agreeci to assist the developer with some aosts for soil oorrection. Mr. Robertson stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of this r�oning with ten stipulations which he outl ined. He stated another stipulation has been suggested b,� Mr. Flora, Public Works Di rector, that a five foot street/utility easement be requested along the easterly property line of Lots 17 and 18 in order to maintain a continuous f uture ric�t-of-way. Co�.mcilman Schneider asked who would pay the c�ost o� the new storm drainage pipe. Mr. Flora stated he tmderstands the HRA has agreed to install the pipe along the Harris pond ditch. Cotmcilman Schneider stated there have been a nunber c� drainage proYalens at 64th and Ceritral. He asked if this developnent would create additional drainage problens and if it oould be handled. Mr. Flora stated the City is looking at the possibility of installing a drainage systen fran riississippi irito the Harris pond ditch so the existing drairr�ge problens wouldn't be affected by this developnent. He stated drainage f ran this site would cp into the Fape dawnstream and drain irito the Moore Lake b�pass. Mr. Nbchinski, the petitioner, stated he has vwned the land for about seven years and had intentions of developing it for commerical use. He stated, haaever, the traffic counts on Old Central have declined and made this parcel less desiratale for a oanmerical use. He stated he has been �mable to obtain financing to develop a oatunerical project. Mr. Mochinski stated a realtor suggested he look at the possibility of cieveloping this site into residential and is the reason for the rezoning re�uest. He stated he was able to secure a tentative mortgage commitment based on this particular taanhouse plan. He stated one c� the difficulties with this site is the �musual soil conditions which make it extrenely vostly for residential use as it is estimated the oost for soil oorrection would be $150,000. Mr. Nbchinski stated he approached the HRA for assistance for the drainage and additional land in order to make this a higher quality project. He stated the �mits would be two-story, with no basements due to the water table. He stated the first level would provide for a recreation room or extra bedroan with the upper level cantaining the living roan, kitchen, two bedroans, and dining roan with a walk out deck. He stated this proj ect is similar to the one on Silver Lake Road across f ran the AFache Plaza Sho�ing Center, except the buildings in this project would be staggered. Mr. MQChinski stated the prioes ranged f ram the mid 70's to upper 80's c3epending on the a�►enities. Mr. Mark Schwartz, 1372 64th Avenue, stated he was oonoerryed about the road and asked if all the taxpayers would pay for the road along Lot 14 leading to Ric�e Creek R�ad. -7- ��,1 ' ��_lRS�,. � 1 � � i � Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated all improvenents including the road, water, sewer and drainage is assessed to the awner of the property and doesn't vo�ne out of general taxes. He stated the City may construct the road, but all charges are assessed to the benef itting property aaner. Co�cilman Barnette stated if eventually the raad went east and bordered the back of Mr. Sc3�wartz's property, then he would pay if it benefitted his PraPertY• Mr. Schwartz asked who would be responsit�le if the pipe cannot handle this �additional drainage. Mr. Qureshi stated the drainage would go south frcan this property where there is alreacly a ditch. He felt if it is done properly, it shouldn't be a pr obl an. Mr. Qureshi stated it is the Staff's feeling that oatunercial developnent on this site would be more detrimerital because there would be more blacktop, henoe greater water runoff, and a hic�er density. He stated a commercial use oould o�ver 40$ of the Farcel plus a parking lot which would make the coverage about 70$. Mr. Schwartz stated he would like to see single family hames on this site and dicfi't like so many units in a residential neic�borhood. He felt it may devalue his property. Ngyor Nee stated because of the �anoimt of soil oorrection that is r�ecessary, you need a fairly extensive use. Mrs. Schwartz stated before they bought thei r home f our months ago, they checked on the adj acent zoning. She stated if it had been zoned f or multiple use, the� would not have purchased their hane. She felt oonunerical uses are generally busy dur i ng th e day hour s, but cl ose i n th e ev eni ng. Mrs. Schwartz felt the density was high considering the other lots in the area. She also felt Old Central was busy now and this developnent would add additional traffic. Ms. LaVonne Kowski, 6391 Central Avenue, stated she would rather have a business located on this site than the 19 tvwnhouses. She felt this was a large anount of people for the size o� the parcel. Ms. Kowski stated she was canoerned because her p�operty is laaer and she sometimes has water in her bas�nerit. She also stated she was concerned about the traffic. Mrs. Schwartz stated when they appeared before the Planning Commission, there were 14 neighbors opposed and yet the vote of the Commission was imanimous for appraval of the rezoning. She stated most of then have given up and that is wh� they are not at the Co�mcil meeting. Cotmilman Schneider stated the Planning ComQnission is an Advisory ComQnission to the Council made up of resider�t.s like thenselves. He stated the Council woul d make the f inal deci s�. � on whether or not to al l aa the rez oni ng. � ���, � i� ,. � � • : . Mrs. Sue Rau, 1341 64th Avenue, stated her aonoern is the nunber of �mits on this Farcel. She stated the developnent is only 20 feet frcm the back yards of si ngl e f anily hanes. Mr. Qureshi asked if the resic3er�ts prefer a commercial developnent with a hic�er density. Mrs. Rau stated they would have the traffic, but during the day and not in the evening hours. Mr. Qureshi p�inted out a business oould run several shifts. He felt this was the first time he o�uld recall where a r�eic�borhood preferred ooaYUnerical developnent rather than resideritial. N'rs. Rau stated she cannot accept 38 plus people in this small area and these persons will have boats, snawmobiles, etc. and wondered where they would put then. Councilman Schneider asked the residents what they felt was a reasonable density. Ms. Kc7waski stated she dic�'t feel the� should put in 19 townhouses in an area only four times larger than her lot. She f el t if the proposal was f or an office, gas station, or corivenience store, she wouldn't have any objection. She stated she knew when she purchased her property that there was adjaoent oarimercial property. Ms. C�leran, 6401 Central Avenue, felt there are too many units proposed for this paroel anc3 would invade her �xivacy as her �operty would be visible to persons in the second stories of these �its. Mr. Mochinski stated all the levels are 1-1/2 stories in the rear and the two stories cbn't faoe any yards. Mrs. Rau asked if petitions fram the neighborhood were submitted if this would help their case. Councilman Schneider stated, along with the petition, he would like to see suggestions fran the neic�borhood on haa they wanted th i s pa rcel to devel op. Mayor Nee suggested a meeting with the developer and the neighborhood to discuss his glans. Mr. Mr�chinski and the residents attending the meeting were receptive to such a meeting. Cotmcilman Schneicier askeci Mr. Nbchinski to notify him when they will be meeting. NDTION b� Cotmcilman Schneider to continue this public hearing until the next meeting on August 4, 1986. Seoonded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Q� ��J � �!� ��_ • 1 • ' . 3. PUBLIC HEARING OiN TfiE MATTEFt OF A FINAL PLAT, P.S. #86-02, CREEKRIDGE PLAT #2, LACATID ON LCyr 1, BIAC�C 1, HIDDEN ��5: OUTLOT 1. GENA RAE ADDITION: PART OF Otfl�r A, DE3�,�1IS ADDITION; PART OF I�C.mS 6 AI�ID 14 , REVISID AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISION N0. 10, GIIV�'RALLY IACATID EA.ST OF CENTRAL AVENUE AND SOUTH OF 66TH AVEN[TE. BY RICH�IRD BRIQQ�IER. TfiOMAS BI�'SBERG AND THE CITY OF FRIDLEY • Mayor Nee reopened the pulal.ic hearing which had been oontinued frcm the July 7, 1986 meeting. �uncilman Schneider stated he received a Fhone call fran Karla Blanberg and she indicated she wasn't sure haa her name appeared on this petition as she and her husband have no interest one way or the other in this plat. Mr. �lora, Public Works Director, stated Mr. Brickner requested a lot split to sglit a large Faroel into four buildahle lots and an easenent for Farcels C and D. He stated the Park and Recreation Commission has stated they no longer need the triangular pieae of property, adjacent to Creek Park Lane, and th e Pl anni ng C.ommi ssi on suggested thi s pi ece af property be sol d. Mr. Flora stated the Blomberg property became irivolved because of the possible realic�ranent to provide a better site af three hanes on the curve csf the street. He stated a registered land survey was required describing these lots, the Brickner property, Blo�nberg property and City-owned property. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of the registered land surve� with three stipulations which he outlined as follaas: (1) the property be sold to the developer so easements are not necessary; (2) Mr. Brickner �ay three �ark fees of $1,500 eac� with the first three of four building permits; and (3) pending assessnents glus interest to be gaid with the building permits on tracts C and D. Mr. Flora stated at the July 7 meeting there was a question whether to allaa an eas�nent or allaa sale of this triangular piece �' property. He stated the glat before the Council naw is the one recommended by the Planning Comanission. He stated it is a revised plat to which the petitioner is agr eeabl e. Councilman Schneider asked the oost for the City of aoquiring g�rcels A, B, C and D for park purposes. Mr. Flora stated the assessed values for those four Farcels is $77,400. Mr. Flora stated if you look at it f roan the perspective of need and use, there is a�ark on the other side o� the street which pravides the a¢Yienities previously pravided at the Ric� fxeek School site. Councilman Schneider asked if arryone else, besides the petitioner, is interested in purchasing.this property. Mr. F`lora stated the Ci�, in the past, has attempted to urge adj acent property aa�ers to pu�ctrase these types of excess property. -10- �i��� � I�I 1�. � � ' : . CoLU�►cilman Schneider felt the C�ty aaquired the Fsrcel tmder the pretense it was to be used for park purposes. He stated the recommendation of the F�lanning Co�unission is it be s�ld to a specific individual and not be used for park purposes. Mr. F'lora stated the Council made the decision to pravide park land for the two plats, Creekridge and Hidden Woods, and ob�tain the Gena Rae parcel for this and also pravide a raad. He stated the plan approved by the Council prwided the best fiark spaoe and oonnection to the two plats. Councilman Schneider stated the reason it was oonnected was because of the Staff's rec�acunendation. Mr. Qureshi stated it was the desi re to provide a road and it was oonstructed in the most logical location which left the most amount of useable �rk land. He stated if it is the Council's desire to assess �raels C and D, you have to provide access to them. He stated if the Council prwides access and still. sells the lot to someone, it didn't make sense frcm a glanning point of view, as the Code would not allaa anything to be built on this triangular piece of property. Mr. Qureshi stated the original proposal was not to sell the Fercel, but prwide an easenent to the raac�aay. Mr. Ralph Skinner, 6217 Central Avenue, felt if this garcel was to be disposed of in any fashion, other than to g� back to the former awner, it should be Fut up for bids. He stated he would be hapg� to bid at least $10,000 for this parcel and would use it as a lever with Tom Brickner regarding his property on Old Central and Heather Plaoe. Councilman Schneider stated he is not trying to condone developers buying property to prevent the other one fran developing. He stated he is not trying to obstruct developnerit of two or four homes, but he is concerned about the fairness when the C:ity takes property for one purpose and changes the use and, because it is an excess parcel, not giving the one they aoquired it fram the first opportua�ity to have it. Mr. F'lora stated the Cotmcil addressed part of the issue in the assessment. He stated the� ider►tified tax assessnents against the parcel as far as it being a future buildahle lot. He stated they probably didn't address the specific issue c� the triangular piece of property. Mr. Richard Brickner, the petitioner, stated he is willing to purchase the land, pay the park fees and all assessnents. He stated the question on the fairness is for the Council to decide. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Brickner what he would do with the land if he couldn't receive access. Mr. Brickner �ate�cl he would still like to plat Lots A and B and keep C and D as outic�ts. Mr. Richard Padvin, 1391 Mississippi Street, stated at the July 7 meeting, -11- � �:J\. 1 ul�i�1 1►. • lU • ' . Mr. Herrick indicated those paroels had already been assessed, therefore, the City must give access. He felt this position misled the Council. He stated, as of last Friday, these assessnents haven't been levied until the plat is appraved b� the Coimcil. Mr. Fbdvin stated he is seeking a legal opinion for this property to be returned to the aaner, before it was taken b� eninent cio�nain prooeedings, or for this parcel to be joined with the park. -Cotmcilman Schneider stated it seems the issue is the legitimate disposal aE land that was oondanr�ed and not used. Mr. N�aman, Assistant C�ty Attorney, stated unless there are restrictions oontained in the final court order, there has to be a public purpose and, at the time, it was intended to aoquire the parcel for park purposes. He stated there are situations where plans have been c�anged and that being the case, the Statute allvws it to be c3eclared surglus and sold. He stated he understands the City acquired fee title to the property and it is his opinion the City would be able to grant an easanent. Cotmcilman Schneider asked Mr. Newman's opinion on haa this surplus parcel should be handled. Mr. N�aman stated the Coumcil is not r�uired b� State law to go to public bidding. He stated for certain policy reasons, if an individual lot is buildatale, the City may wish to solicit bids. He stated when you have a Farcel that is not buildable, it is a tmique situation. Mr. Newman cited the case of the property along I-694 which was turned back to the awner in order to make productive use af the property. He stated there have been instanoes in the past where the City has acquired property through the conc�nnation process and sold it to other parties, providing there are no restrictions in the deed or court order awarding the condemnation. Mr. Newman stated, in that case, the lots were buildable and it was in the best interests of the City to obtain bids. He stated in a garcel that is not buildable, the Council has to make a decision if they should place it on the open market or allaw it to be joined with other property to make it buil dahl e. Mr. Flora stated the Gena Rae glat has never been platted since the City aoquired it and if, for examgle, the broken line is eliminated, the issue of the triangle be�nes a mute point. Ms. i�zy I�aschy, 1393 �6th I�venue, stated she was disappointed the elected officials dic�-►'t knaa what they did with their park property. She stated the Fark is adequate, but not so adequate they can thraw a triangle away here and there. She stated she has a hard time dealing with the City ao�uiring property from one taxpayer and turning it over to another for free. She stated to be practical, she can see that M.r. Brickner will be given the eas�nent. Ms. Losc3�y suo�ested perhaps A and B could be used for hcmes and C and D purchased �rcm Mr. Brickner for a Fessive area of the Fark where picalic tables cou�d be providerl.. She felt the,� should have something to �mpensate far the sPace be�ng used for the holding pond. She stated she -12- � ��� � ea� ��, • � • . hoped the Council appreciated the fact that the reic�borhood needs sane park space, and a great deal � the land acqui red f or pa rk i s not useabl e f or park spaae. Ms. Mary Laather, 1472 66th Avenue, stated she is against a park on both sides of the street as she felt it was a hazard to children. She stated she would like to see hcmes facing the park for the safety of the children and to try and cut dvwn on the vandalisn. I�'lr. Joe Menth, 1388 66th Avenue, stated he would like to see the City ao�uire Faroels A, B, C and D to expand the park. He stated he agreed with Ms. L�aler that having children rt�ning across the street oould create some problens. He felt if the tot lot was located in the area of the C and D �rcels, it would help keep the diildren off the street as this is a nicer area than where it is nvw located. Mr. Fbdvin stated if the tot lot was mwed to the north side � the street, there are a lot of c�ildren on 66th Avenue and in the Brickner developnent so you would have no worse � a situation than there is naa. Cotmcilman Schneider stated he believed sane serious mistakes were made in the develognent of this area. He felt drainage problems were created and thought they were putting in a three acre park and it is only 2.2 acres including the holding pond. He stated ap�arently folks are suffering f rcen the City not working together. He felt it may be reasonable to aoquire �rcels C and D and if this c3oesn't happen, the triangle piece should be opened to bids. Nir. Jon Gottwald, 1415 Mississippi Street, stated the City could have purchased their land without condemning it, but there never were any negotiations. NDTION b� Councilman Shcneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10:50 p.m M�'I'ION b� Councilman Schneider to direct staff to prepare a careful analysis of the �st for ao�uiring paroels A, B, C and D for park purposes. Sev�nded b� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARII� ON REZONIN� RII'JUES�, ZOA #86-02, GENE�t1�LLY LOCATED SOUTH OF �,SBORNE ROAD AI�ID EA�SI' OF HIGHWAY 65, BY DAVID HARRIS: NDTION b� Councilman Srhneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice ancl open the publ.ic hearing. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the puhlic hearing opened at 10:50 p.m. Mr. Robertson, Oommtmity Develognerit Director, stated this is a req��st to rezone property fran C-3 ta C-2 sc> bui�dings on this parcel could be set -13- �i��J�. � ��.��l��. � • : . back 35 feet instead of 80 feet. Mr. Robertson stated there are al so pl ans to reali� the frontage road in this area at Osborne Road and Hic�►way 65. Mr. Robertson stated the Planning C�anission has reoo�unended apprcyval o� the re2 oni ng. Mr. Harris stated the reason they are asking for a 35 foot setback is to plave the parking to the rear and sides of the building rather than in f ront. NDTION b,� Cotmcilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10 : 56 p. m. 5. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTE�2 OF A FINAL PLAT, P.S. #86-03, A& R ADDITION, GII�2ALLY I,OC�TID SOUTH OF OS'BORNE ROAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 65, BY DAVID HARRIS: I�DTIOrI b� Councilman Sd�neider to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the puhlic hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ ic hearing opened at 10: 56 p. m. Mr. Robertson stated this plat is located on the southeast a�rner of Osborne Road and Hic�way 65 and oonsists of approximately five acres. He stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the plat with four stipulations which he outlined as follaws: (1) plat approval contingent upon approval of the rezoning; (2) drainage and utility easements are prwided on final plat as requested by Staff; (3) petitioner agrees to assessner�ts for one-half oost of Viron Road imprwenents; and (4) park fees on the four lots to be Faid with building permits (subject to prevailing rates) . Mr. Harris stated he agreed, before the plat was sub�►itted, when staff wanted the loopback for Viron Road, he would pay one-half the cost of the road imprwanents even though he had given 80$ of the right-of-way. NDTION b� Cot�cilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cotmcilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 11:00 p.m. FSS : Mayor Nee called a recess at 11:00 p.m • ��• �, a�� I�fayor Nee rea�nvened �he meeting at 11:15 p. m. present. OLD BUSINESS• -�4- All Council m�mbers were 6. 7. 8. R���� � �5! ����. • 1 ' : • adNSIDERATION OF RF.APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE RD(�UEST AT 5202 PIERCE STREET N. E. , THAT HAS BEVOA'iE NtJLL AI�ID VOID• NDTION b� Coimcilman Goodspeed to re-ap�xa�e this variance request at 5202 Pieroe Street N. E. to reduce the front yard setback f ro�n 35 to 15 feet to allow the o�nstruction of a new claelling with an attached garage. Seconded b� Coimcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� � �� � �1 . . • �� � � � �� � i � � � �� i • � • �I��� � �t � �� � �� � �� NDTION by Councilman Barnette to table these appointments. Seconded by Cot.uicilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4RDINANCE NO 849 CREATING C'HAPTER 608 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO A TAX INiPOSID UP'ON LODGING • NDTION b� Cotmcilman Goodspeed to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 849 and adopt it on the sec�ond reading and order publication. Seconded by Cotmcilman FitzFetrick. Cotmcilman Goodspeed asked Mr. Hart, representing the Skywood Motel, when the landscaping would be axngleted at their s,ite. Mr. Hart stated a decision has to be made on the drainage and then they woul d ooangl ete th e soddi ng. Mr. Flora stated the Skywood has a plan which was originally sulxnitted and the� have been asked to build acoording to this glan which, to date, has not been done. Mr. Qureshi stated Staff would get in o�ntact with Skywood so the drainage and landscaping could be o�mgleted. UI�N A VOIC� VdI'E TAF�1 CN �iE ABOVE NDTION,, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. N�l BUSINESS: 9. RESOLUTION NO 57-1986 AUTHORIZING EXECiJ'TION OF CONVENTION AND TOURISM AGREII�IENT F`OR THE PERIOI? O�F' ALiGt�'� 1, 1986 THROiIGH DECEP'IBER 31, 1987: AND �SIDERATION OF APPOII�N�Tr OF REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO SFR�TR AS A MFMRRR OF THE CORPORATION OF THE NORTH METRO COPJVENTION AND '��TSM BUREAU Al�ID AS A MII�ER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH METRO OONVErfrION AI�ID TOURISM BUREAU• NDTION b� Co�mcilman Barnette to ac3opt Resolution No. 57-1986. Seconded by Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -15- M��)� � �� 1� • • : . NDTION tr� Cotmcilman Barnette to naminate Bill Himt to serve as the City' s representative to this Corporation and Board of Directors of the North Metro CAnvention and Tourisn Bureau. Seoonded b� Councilman Schneider. Zhere being no further r�ninations, the fallaaing action was taken: MOTION b� Councilman Barnette to cast an tmanimous la�ll ot f or B il l Hunt to serve as the City's representative. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously . 10. RECEIVING THE MINUrFS OF THE PLANNING CONIlUIISSION MEETING OF JULY 9, 1986 : A. CONSIDERATIOiV OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P. S. #86-04 . RIVER LCnS ADDITION, GII�IEFtF1LLY I�(X'ATID AT 6652 F.AST RIVII2 ROAD. BY REITH HAR�STAD• NipTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing on this preli.minary glat for August 4, 1986. Seoonded b� Councilman Schneider. Mr. Tan Louchs, representing the petitioner, Mr. Harstad, stated it came to his attention this afternoon that the City staff wanted to take a look at their prop�sal presented to the Planning Co�unission. He stated Staff wanted to look at the possibility of prwiding an access, through the Fark property and adjaaent property aaners, to the north. He stated he has sane concerns about this proposal. Mr. Louchs stated there are two property aaners to the north who haven't indicated they want a public street adjaoent to their property or want to develop. He stated at the pukalic hearing before the Planning Commission, one of the neic�boring residents indicated they were not opposed to the glat, but wanted a minimal a�nount of damage to the trees and plantings. He stated the� have made this oo�unitrnent. Mr. Louchs stated he would be willing to work with Staff, but felt the Planning Commission did a good job in evaluating their proposal. He felt th�r would not have the time to meet with Staff to discuss this issue so would re�uest a public hearing be held on August 18 at which time thEy would also like the Cotmcil to c�nsider the final glat. Mr. Robertson, C�unimity Developnent Director, stated that the East River Road median in this area restricts entrance to and fram these lots. He felt there is a�. �p�ortimi�y for a better engineered traffic intersection. He stated there is also the questic� caf setting a precedent on shared drivEways and ease�nents. Mr. Qureshi, City Manac�rF state� the ��cil has not allaaed use of private drives �er properties aver the 3as� 15 to 20 years. He stated there are some existing situations where driveways have been shared. Coimcilman FYtzFatrick stated he felt the petitioner had the right to have his original proposal heard on August 4. -16- �OUATCIL NIEErING OF JOLY 21. 1986 UP(7N A VOICE VOI'E TAI�T CN �iE ABOJE NDTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. B. OCA�TSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERA'lIT. SP #86-08, S,� ALLY IACATID AT 7806 ALDEN WAY N.E.. BY WALTIIZ RASMUSS�L: M�'TICJN tr� Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to apprave special use permit, SP �86-08 for Walter Rasnussen. Seconded tr� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanimously. C. 0�1SIDERATION OF A SPDC7AL USE PERMIT. SP #86-09. GENE� AT T Y IdXX';ATID AT 291 SYLVAN LANE N E. BY MICH�IEL MCPHILLIPS • Mr. Robertson, Carantmity Developnent Di rector, stated the petitioner has rer�uested the requi renent for a hard surf aoe driveway be waived as thi s new accessory building will only be used for storage. Mr. Robertson statec3 the Flanning C,�ranission recommended approval of this special use permit with three stipulatons whic;h he outlined. NDTION tr� Councilman Goodspeed to apprave special use permit, SP #86-09 with the following stipulations: (1) that the siding of this new building be matched with the existing hQne; (2) no paved drivaaay is requied as long as it is being used only for storage; and (3) that this special use permit be reviaaed b� staff in one year to determine that no vehicles are being driven in and out af this structure. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � • • �' ' • • I •• I • • I� ••• • I� '?M' • �1 � i �1 '� •'� 1 •��..1 :�i� . . . �. ��� �i �I Mr. F'lora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated there was a prop�sal sulznitted last year fran the Parks and Recreation Commission to the Planning Commission regarding development of Meadlaalands Park and included options for develognent of adjacer�t property. He stated a Task Pbrce studied the issue and supported the fact thc-y would like the park retained as a Fassive park, but water oonditions in the area needed to be addressed. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Co�ranission made a recommendation because of the hic� oost to improve the drainage, consideration be given to assess benef iting adj acent p�operties. He stated if this was done, approximately 23 properties would be Ynvalved at a oast ranging fran $2,500 to $4,000 per lot depending on haa it was assessed. Mr. Flora stated the question before the Council is to receive the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission and determine if thc� should proceed with the imprwenents as far as keeping Meadowlands a gassive park and improving the ground water conditions. He stated if this is the Council' s desi re, a deci sion would have to be made to what extent the residents would participate in the -17- � ��J,. � �� ��l�,_ • 11_ ' : . lliljXOVHTIeTit. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, suggested it may be helpful to have a neic�borhood meeting with the City staff and interested Council members to present this idea for improvenent of the gark. He stated Staff would a r range f or such a meeti ng. E. OONSIDERATION OF REO�DIFICATIOIQ OF CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY OODE. SIGNS. � RDGUL�ATE FREIDOM OF SPEEC�i SIGNS: Mr. N�aman, Assistarit Ci.ty Attorney, stated this ordinanoe cbesn't prc�vide a great deal of protection other than limiting the size and nunber o� signs. Cotmcilman Srhneider asked if, b� adopting this diange, it creates a problen in enforcing the ordinanoe. Mr. NEwman stated it is a weak ordinance and an area that is extrenely difficult to legislate. r9�JTI0N by Councilman Schneider. to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading to recodify Chapter 214 of the City Code to regular freedom of speech signs by adding Sections 214.02, 214.OS and 214.15. Seo�nded tr� Councilman �tzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nl�yor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to direct Staff that, at the time of second reading, this ordinanoe is to include the recommendations of the Planning Commission as found on Page 9 of the Planning Conunission minutes of July 9, 1986. Seconded b� Cot.mcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F. DISCVSSION OF CURBSIDE RECYQ,ING AND S.O.R.T. P'FtOGR�Mu: NDTION b� Councilman Fitzpatrick to direct Staff to advertise for bids for curbside recycling and authorize requests for proposals for the S.O.R.T. site. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, May or Nee de cl ar ed th e moti on ca r ri ed una nimously . G. F.ECENING THE MINUTES OF THE APPEAIS OONAIISSION NIEETING OF JtTNE 24 , 1986 : •�� � �- • •� � • �• , : . � �� � • • �� • • : • « a�•� � � � � � - : a�•,� • �� �• �� N�. Robertson, Coa�untmity Developnent I7irector, stated this is a request for variances to reduce the front yard setback frcm 35 to 17.5 feet and reduce the rear yard setback f ran 30 to 5 feet to allow the oonstruction of a house on Lot 15, Block 2, Riverwood Park. He stated the site is located on a new plat and the hardship is the wrner lot location for a hane 82 feet long on a lot 120 feet �3eep. Mr. Robertson stated frontage is on Riverwood Drive and solar windaws are loa�ted on the s�uth sa �ore room is needed. Mr. Robertson stated the Appeals Coma�iss�ion recomnrtended approval of this -18- COiINCIL MEETING OF JULY 21. 1986 varianoe tr� a 2 to 1 vote. Nfr. Anderson, the petitioner, presented a dra�wing of the proposed home and shaaed haa it would be located on the lot. Cowzcilman F`itzFatrick stated he agrees with the reasons for the variance, but it bothers him that a new hoane on a new plat needs a variance. He stated in the case of this particulan c�me, it is only technically the front yard, as it really fronts on 71st. He stated the petitioner is minimizing _the effect b� maving the hcme to the rorth. M�TION b� Councilman Fitzpatrick to apprwe varianoe, VAR #86-13, to reduce the front yard setback (easterly side of the lot) fran 35 feet to 17-1/2 feet and to reduce the rear yard setback (westerly side af the lot) froan 30 feet to 17-1/2 feet, with the stipulation the house on the adjoining lot (Lot 14) awr�ed b� the present owner be 20 feet f ran the south lot 1 ine. Seconded b� Councilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. •� ��•• • • •�• �:. � a�• • • �� � � � • �,: � • �� • � : � • � ��� Mr. Robertson, Cb�rtnimity Developnent Director, stated this a request for a variance to reduce the required front yard setback fran 80 to 35 feet. He stated Mr. Harris is requesting a rezoning in order to eliminate the need for the varianoe, haaever, in order to expedite construction of the first building, it is requested this varianoe be approved prior to the rezoning. Mr. Harris stated the property has been sold and they wish to close on it so construction can begin as soon as possihle. NDTION b,� Councilman Schneider to approve the variance, VAR #86-14, to reduce the front yard setback fran 80 to 35 feet off Osborne Road to allaw construction of an office building, with the stipulation that the petitioner work with City staff in trying to maintain a 35 foot westerly setback off the prop�sed Viron Road. Seconded b� Councilman �tzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �+�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning C�nunission meeting of July 9, 1986. Seconded b� Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ma,��r A�ee declared the motion carried unanimous�y. 11. RECEIVING TAE MIl�IDTFS OF THE C�,BLE TELEVISION OONAIISSIC7IV OF JUNE 25. 1986: N1rJTI0N by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Commission meeting of June 25, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. ��� n �• • • • • a : . • u • • •. •• • • r• �• • i. �• • •� �,� . •��: • �� �• � � • � ia� -19- �1��)\i � ������ � ' : • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated a letter was sent to Orfei and Son, the laa bidder on this project, requesting an extension of their bid to July 28. He stated a�one call was reoeived and Orfei and Son was not willing to extend the bid to this chte. Mr. Flora stated, based on the time that has expi red since the bids were opened, he would recommend they all be rej ected and authorize staff to readvertise for bids for this project. NDTICI�1 b,� Co�mcilman Goodspeed to reject the bids received for Water and Sanitary Sewer Project No. 162 and authorize staff to re-advertise for new bic� for this project. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nt�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. QONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION AND �ITE GRADING PRU7ECT N0. 163 (WOODBRIDGF✓LAKE POINI.'E DEVEI.APMETTr) : Mr. Flora, Puhlic Works Director, stated Staff had reviewed the bids and determined the nEw bids were $250,000.00 more, due to the priority of work scheduled in the fall of this year. It may be possible to reduce these costs by rescheduling the work and changing the priorities. He would reca�unend that the bids be rejected and staff be authorized to re-advertise f or bi ds f or th i s proj ect. Mr. NEwman stated the reason for re-bidding is to address the rescheduling of the work. MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to reject the bids received for the Demolition and Site Grading Project No. 163 and authorize staff to re-advertise for new bids for this project, with same modifications in the bid specifications. Seconded tr� Coimcilman Sc�neider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. 14. �NSIDERATION OF RECEIVING BIDS AI�ID AT�RDING PRO�7ECr FOR S�REET IMPROVEMENT PRA7ECT N0. ST 1986-3• Mr. Flora, Public Work Director, stated bids were opened for Street Imprc�venent Project ST 1986-3 and the laa bidder was H& S Asphalt in the aQnount of $98,606. He stated Staff would reoorranend the Council accept the 1 ow bi d f rctn H& S Asphal t. M�TION by Cfl�cilman Barnette to rQCeive the follaaing bids for ST 1986-3: ��,-�l���• �l�i� H & S ASPfiALT 700 Industry Ave. 1�W Anoka, NN 55303 • • : 1� $ 98,606.00 C.S. McCrossan Box 247 Magle Grwe, NN 55369-0247 $104,565.35 -2Q- �.J � ,�!� 4. • 11 • : . Mic�aest Asphalt Corp. P. 0. Box 23 8 Hopkins, NN 55343 Alber Construction, Inc. 4901 W. Med. Lk. Rd. Plymouth, NN 55442 Alexander Const. Gb. -14561 Jahnr�y (�ke Ridge Road Apple Valley, NN 55124 Valley Paving 151 Silver Lake Road Suite #7 New B ri c�ton, NN 55112 $110,424.10 $112,769.90 $114,961.10 $123,924.10 Seo�nc3ed b� Councilman Sch�eider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion c�rried t�animously. NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to asaard the oontract to the lvw bidder, A& S Asphalt, for Street Imprwenent Project ST 1986-3 in the a�nount of $98,606. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Gooc�speed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion �arried unanimously. 15. RESOLUTION NO 58-1986 ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNE90TA FOR THE INSPECTION OF HOTII�S AI�ID MOTII�S IN THE CITY; NDTION b� Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 58-1986. Seconded b� Co�mcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 16. �tESOLUTION NO 59-1986 IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW CONCERNS RDGAFtDIl� UI�IDERGROUI�ID FUEL DISTRIBIf�ION LINE: NDTION b� Cotmcilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 59-1986 and forward a oop� to the (�ty of MQtmds Viaa. Seoonded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 17. QONSIDERATION OF SE�OCR�]D RFADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR A REZONING RFX?UEST. ZOA #85-05, BY WOODBRIDGE PRdPF�`IES: AND 18. C�ONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPRCIVING A REVISID FINAL PLAT. P S. #$5-07, LAKE POINI'E CORP'ORATE CII�ER. BY i�T00DBRIDGE PROPERTIES: Mr. Newn�n, Assistarit Cifiy Attorney, stated he would reoo�cunend no action be taken on Itans 17 and 18 timtil the access paroel is avqui red. MOTION by Councilman Barnette to table Items 17 and 18. Seconded by Cowzcilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -21- ����+ � sl�����,. � j1� • : • . � . .� ���,� _�� ������l�►..� NDTI(7�] b� Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick to o�ncur with the follawing appointments b� the City Manager : STARTIlVG SPARTIl�IG NAN� POSITIOTt SALARY L1p,TE REPLA� Michael L. Larson 5860 Jefferson St. Fridley, NN 55432 Sa¢naritha Orcluno 408 83rd Ave. N. E. Spring Lake Park, NN 55432 Liquor Store Q erk (NorrE�cenpt ) I�nagemertt Assistarit $7.02 per per hour ($1,221.48 Nb.) $25,000 (ExeqnPt ) July 21, 1986 July 21, 1986 Arin Larson Dean Pdwers Seoonded b� Coimcilman Sc�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion ca rried unanimously. 20. CZ,AIMS NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 9295 through 9540. Seoonded b� Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 21. LICENSES• NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to approve the licenses as sukmitted and as on file in the Lioense CLerk's Office. Seconded b� Coimcilman Scfineic3er. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 22 . ESTIMATES • NDTI0�1 by Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to approve the estimates as sulinitted: Eugene A. Hickok �d Ass�iates 545 Indiaxc �bund Wayzata, NN 5539I For Pro�essional Services For the I�y 29, to JLme 25, 1986 ...... $ 3, 618. SO A & S Asphalt, Inc. 700 Industry Ave. I�W Anoka, NN 55303 Street Imp�wenent Project No. St. 1986 - 1& 2 Partial Estimate #4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,402.03 Seoonded by Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor -22- � J� � ,��� ��_ • � • : . Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �• � �• • • • • •�i ;_;._� •� : �►��� • �� • � �' a _� a •�- ��• s'�« �' ��' MJTION b� Coimcilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing on this matter for August 18, 1986. Seoonded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Coimcilman Sci�neider stated, for the Co�mcil's informaton, he may be absent fran the August 18 meeting. AA70URNNIE[Jr • MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fric7ley City Council of July 21, 1986 adjourr�ed at 12:10 a.m Respectfully sutrnitted, (�ral e Haddad, Will iaQn J. Nee Secretary to the City Coimcil Mayor Appraved: -23- P1�6LIC HEARING BFFO�E T�i� CITY COUNCTL Notice is hereby gi�ven that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Nall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, July 21, 1986 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Rezoning request, ZOA #86-03, by Richard Mochinski, to rezone from C-1 (local business) to R-3 (general multiple dwelling) on Lots 16, except the East 199 feet thereof, 17 and 18, Block 2, Spring Valley Addition, all located in the South half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota, generally located North of Rice Creek Road and East of Central Avenue. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: July 7, 1986 July 14, 1986 1 1A RICHARD MOCHIP�SKI Z�A �'86-03 STIPI;LATIOFJS 1� PROVIDE AN APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN, INCLUDING BERMING OF BOULEVARDS� Z� PROVIDE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING OF ALL LAWN AREAS� 3� PETITIONER TO PROVIDE AN APPROVED STORM DRAINAGE PLAN� 4� OBTAIN TOWNHOUSE PLAT APPROVAL AND RECORD WITH CITY APPROVED COVENANTS PRIOR TO SECOND READIN6 OF REZONING ORDINANCE, 5� PROVIDE A TOT LOT AREA WITH EGIUIPMENT PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY� QUALITY APJD SIZE SUBJECT TO STAFF APPROVAL� 6. PARK FEE OF $SOO�OO PER UNIT TO BE PAID WITH EACH BUILDING PERMIT, %, I�ROVIDE A 6� HIGH SOLID WOOD SCREENING FENCE BETWEEN PROJECT AND ADJACENT TO R-1 LAND� �, REZONING IS FOR TOWNHOUSE PLAN AS PROPOSED ONLY� 9� I'JORK WITH STAFF TO IDENTIFY GUEST PARKING LOCATIONS� IO� PETITIONER TO AGREE TO PQY FOR UTILITY AND STREET ASSESSMENTS� ��VOT INCLUDING NEW STORM DRAINAGE PIPE�) � ! PLANP�ING COP-it1ISSI0�� MEETING, JUNE 18, 1986 PAGE 13 �1r. Y,ondrick sta�ed he hoped the City Council would give this proposal s�rious thoughi. �e felt this was �the best pro�osal the P mission has seen for a long time. The pian had � iot . Mr. Oquist stated th oemission was at a stalemate. This item woulcl go to uncil on July 21 with a split votP. He recomnended the e concerned be at that mee�ing to express their concerns. 5. PU�LIC HEAP,I�Ir,: - CO��SIDERATIOP� QF A REZ(IPJI�JG REQUEST, Z�A #�6-03, RY HARD �10CHINSY,I: Rezone from C-1 local business) to R-3 (general nultiple dwelling) on Lot 16, except the East 199 feet thereof, 17 and 18, Block 2, Sprinq Valley Addition, all located in the south half of section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Plinnesota. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY 11R. SABA, TO OPEN THF. PUBLIC NEARIP:G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIS_T DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:29 P.M. Mr. Rohinson stated this property was located east of �ld Central and north of Rice Creek Rd. It was zoned C-1, local commercial. There was approx. 96,900 sq, ft. or 2.3 acres involved., which was all of Lot 17 and 18 owned by Mochinski and the west half of Lot 16 which was owned by the I�RA. Mr. Robinson stated the proposal was to rezone to R-3 in order to allow the constr�iction of 19 sing7e family attached townho��ses. The density was 5,103 sq, ft, of lot area per unit or 8.5 units per acre. That was a moderate density for a townhouse develo�ent �vhich generally ranges in dPnsity fror� 3-12 units �er acre. The units would range in size fr�m 1,100 - 1,500 sq. ft. selling in the mid $70,OOQ. Each would have a douhle cat^ garage and thPre would be room for two cars for visitor parkinc� behind the garages. P1r. Robinson stated they have worked with the developer to cor�e up with the best townhouse plan, and �1r. Mochinski was willinq to go alor.g with the following stipulations recor�ended by Staff: 1. Provide an aoproved landscape plan, including berminq of boulevards. 2. Provide autor�atic sprinkling af all lawn areas. 3. Petitioner to provic�e an approved storm drainage plan. 4. Obtain townhouse plat approval and record with City approved covenants prior to second reading of rezoninq ordinance. 5. Provide a tot lot area with equipment prior to occupancy. 6. Park fee of $500 per unit to be paid with each buildinq permit. - 7. Provide a 6 ft, high solid wood screening fence between thP project and adjacent to R-1 land. 8. Rezoning is for townhouse plan as propose�i only. 9. Work with staff to identify guest parking locations 10. Petitioner to agree to pay for utility and street assessments (not includina new storm drainage pipe). 1C PLAN�JIt�G C�t';�tISSI��� MEETING, JUNE 18, 19II6 PAGE 14 Mr. Robinso� stated the petiti4ner has gone to the HRA, and the HRA has tentatively agreed to assisi i�im because of the severe soil correction costs. Mr. Robinson stated this was a similar development to the one on Silver Lake Road across from Apache Plaza. t�1r. Richard Plochinski stated he has been tryina to sell this property for sor�e tir�e, and he has had a number of proposals--manufacturing, storac�e warehouses, offices, etc., but he had not had any luck putt�nq the numhers to�ethPr. Then, it was brought to his attention that the best possible 'use for the iand wou]d be tswnhouses, one in a moderate price range, because of Ziebart and a moving and storage company right across the street, f�e stated the �roperty does not lend itself to corm�ercial because of the traffic. t�1r. �lochinski stated one of the difficulties was the poor soil. ThP cheapest bid so far was �150,000 to take out approx. 7'-2 ft, of bad riaterial and replace it with granular fill, so their cost projections are even hiqher than when they originally started. Right no�� it was borderline with the number of units they have. Anything less than that would m�ke it very difficult to put thP package together. Mr. Brian Peterson, 1340 fi4th Ave., stated his main concern was drainac�e in the soil. There was a drainage ditch on the south side, but what about the north side? They have all kinds of water problems on the north end where the houses are. He stated he also felt a townhouse development would depreciate ti�e value of the sing�e family homes in the arPa. Mr. Kondrick explained that one of the stipulations recommended by Staff was that the petitioner had to provide an approved storm drainage plan. D1r. Rohinson stated the developer �rould have to c�uarantee that run-off fror� the new development would not exceed the rate before development. �1r. Mark Schwartz, 1372 64th Ave., stated draina�e was also one of his r�ain concerns, other than that he was opposed to the developr�ent. It was too many units, and a townhouse development would not fit into this area at all. It is all R-1, single family homes, and small husinesses. He stated there was a big water problem right now; it was �ore than just getting adequate drainage on the new development. Mr. Oquist stated the plan was to ensure that the probler� was not any worse than it is today. The development would not improve the present sit�ation, but it would not make it any worse. P1s. Lavonne Kowski, 6391 Centrai Ave., stated this property shared hPr back property �ine. SF�e was thorough�y a�ainst the proposal. There were too m�ny units and it Kauid create too nuch traffic. Sl�e felt all their property values would go down, ar�d she would much rather see a business go on this property. � PLANNItIG C�HttISSI��� MEETiNG, JUtJE 18, 1986 _ � PAGE 15 Ms. Jean Schwartz, 7372 64tia Ave�, stated they just bought their hor� in February. They checked with the surroundinc� zo�ing before they bought their home. If this property had been zoned residential, especially multiple, they would not have bought. They decided to buy because the property was zoned C-1, light cor►mercial, a business that is there durinq the day and gone at night. They were opposed to the massive 19-unit townhouse complex. Also, Old Central was already a very busy road. They would he talking about a lot r�ore people coming out onto Old Central. �bviously, their property taxes are not going to go down even their real estate value will if the development goes in. �1r. Brian Peterson stated that as far as rezonin�, he would rather see the property zoned in the residential direction, rather than corimercial. Idealistically, he would like to see it zoned R-1, but that might no�: he feasible with the hiqh w ater table. He stated he was not too happy about the density. He did not think going to multiples woiild decrease their property values that much. As stated earlier, his major concern was the drainage. Ms. Jackie Calerom, 6401 Central, stated she was totally against this cievelop- ment, because of the drainage problems, thP extra children in the arPa, the noise and the traffic. It was just too many people for this size an area. Mr. Joe Nelson, 1357 64th Ave., stated he was against the proposal hecause too many units were being proposed. He would not like to see 60-80 people living in that area. MO'_"ION BY 1�fR. SABA, SF.CONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC NF.ARIf'G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIPlG AYE, VICF.-CHAIRPERSO?! OQUIST DECLARED THF. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 10:15 P.M. . Mr. Betzold stated it seemed there were two issues the Commission was facinc�: 1. The rezoning issue. That cannot be taken lightly, because once property is rezoned, it does affect the character of the neigh- borhood. One thing they have to keep in mind in the rezoning question was that Old Central was n�t the same as it was years ago when i t was t4�e rtrain thoroughfare from f1i nneapol i s. It i s goinc� to be clesed down even more once the Lake Pointe Corporate Center �s developed and once the �loore Lake access is closed from the south. Ne did not realistically think this area was ever going to be a comnercial area. 2. The residential issue. If the property was rezoned resiciential, was this the right way to do it? Normally, from a townhouse stand- point, this proposal was on the )ow side of the density. 1�ir. Kondrick stated he agreed that tfie density was 1ow compared to the size of the property. Considering the entrance and exits to and from the property 1E PLANNIP�G COM�1ISSIOPJ MEETING, JUP�E 18, 1986 PAGE 16 and the green ar�as, if th� dea�eioper was willinq to agree to all the stipulations, he fElt th�s would fie a good develoar�ent. Ms. Sherek stated the hope that was expressed by a few people that this property could possibly be developed long range r�ith si�ng�e family dwellings was not feasible due to the poor soil conditions. The hope was for either a light corrm�ercial or a residential development such as the one beinq proposed� because the cost of single family housing would be prohibitive. 7he otf�er question ��as whether it would be desirable to develop single family wlth what is already across the street from this property. t1r. Saba stated stipulation #8 that the rezoning was for the townhouse plan as proposed on1Y was a very important stipulation. h1r. Oquist stated that from a density standpoint, the proposal did not seem unreasonable. This property would be hard to develop as commercial. The drainage plan will have to be very s�trict to make sure the drainage is controlled in the area. MOTION BY PlS. SHEREK, SF,CONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOM.MEND TO CITY CO(�NCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #�86-03, BY RICHARD MOCHINSY.I, TO REZONE FROM C—I (IACAL BUSINESS) TO R-3 (GENERAL MULTIPLE DWELLING) ON LOTS 16, EY.CEPT THE EAST 199 FEET THEREOF, 17 AND 18, BLOCK 2, SPRING VALLEY ADDITION, ALL LOCATED IN THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 13, T-30, R-29, CITY OF FRIDLEY, COU.NTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA, WITH TKF. FOLIAWING STIPULA:"IONS: 1. PROVIDE AN APPRO�/ED LANDSCAPE PLAII, INCLi1DING BERMING OF BOULEVARDS. 2. PROVIDE AUTOMATIC SPRII7KLING OF ALL LAWN AREAS. 3, PETITIDNER TO PROVIDE A11' APPROVED STOFUf DRAINAGE PLAII. 4. OBTAIN TOFINHOUSE PLAT APPROVAL AND RECORD WITX CITY APPROVED COVENANTS PRIOR TO SECOND READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE. 5. PROVIDE A TOT LOT AREA WITH EQUIPI-lENT PRIOR TO OCCUPAiJCY. 6. PARK FEE OF $500 PER UNIT TO BE PAID WITN EACH BiIILDING PF,R�.'IT, 7. PROVIDE A 6 FT. HIGH SOLID WOOD SCREENING FENCE BETWF.EN PROJECT AND ADJACENT TO R-1 LAND. 8. REZpNING IS FOe TOGl1JHOUSE PLAN AS PROPOSF.D ONLY. 9. 410RK WITH STAFF TO IDENTIFY GUEST PARKICIG LOCATIONS. 10. PETITIONER TO AGREE TO PAY FOR IITILI?'Y AND STREET ASSESS14EPlTS (NOT INCLUDING NEW STOR�! DRAINAGE PIPE). UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING .�YE, VICE—CHAIRPF.P.SON OQUIS''' DECLARED THE 1�fOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Oguist stated this iter� would go to the City Council on July 21. _ . JSIDFRATION OF A LOT SPLIT RE UEST, L.S. �86-�5, BY TH Split off the South 150 feet of the lJ ot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 12 eing part of Flannery Park), the same � - Avenue P�.E., to be used as a residential lot. 1F ZOA #8 -03 Richa d ��nsk � 4 � ENTE L � EC � I . � ��� . • _ _ � � _ ,,�oQSr - — .s --- ^F � � rz3z � io: o`:;.. Ui) �f4) $o ,50 � 202 7 /If �f5 /Zf i1f i,rS i.�f �i�� (/ZSO� (/2 60/ �'' � /6 �� � � ; ; � ; � �, � ��� ��s� ��� �,,� �, �.� 3 N � /� �v ,"� � � (s2c) (�9-0) (360) ('�so) C2a • ✓z�iJ h � '` m, Ll4 ��fln� ' � l0� h � �(p� � ly�� M"Nt /' N m /3 �/ 9 7 � ,00 , /11o�fsa� I � �7 � 590) o '� ° G.�ooJE(��� �i� � rn we..1o. xWu �� `• � f � ��� �y� M�a ' �do) 33se3 N � , �N� � I�J , ' �, (�oo) /d (�� , � , N��, ��ons�E/' � ' 3 � ' ..� �c . � qiv�, s L� C��) w � �� �'�a,-�v.� � � �j � ^� G '�.i �/t� Q ( o r �%�O� (��% ��I►� ��% �J1'% ; i �< <>,a ��►�. � go� o h /9 �t'►) �(sbo) (4-ao) (`�oo) (320) , ,� � l.'✓6n,-G,i ti • � • � � ) � /SO � ... ///.. p ��T � � � :% ,' ?6�) ( �' /e9• — � �- � 7 C�� T> W o s'°-�° /"� o � I (p) . rqose c � _ � o (i De,rsnr�s w . � /i/D% �� �yi „� �,26c; CI�� �' J 'iarr .•o w \ �!^' .. �' � � W'� � �%til a' tetro 33 _� ,zf /.rf s ---�-- a, � f�►��.�.� �: ,, o ..., ..: 4TH AVE. N p m, Nr " 9 I�1 a � `00.`r' :ii�E���� _ ci . . '%b �;', : t /ls /s i1f �O• ° I �� � � ' `W ya � (j�/ .h j I�'v � l !�i i . 0 �AOQjI�,�a� N���- ;��. � p � ' I �,�� o � � �,�.�� , m C ,> � � 3 (,�) � <ti , , � � � � �.�� N / <�3 : o � A� , tE � ��+��'� cs �� � . .�> .� �: , `�� �� .-O5 � � ,. +; 4�0 q`' C1� ►.�� '' --- � �° � L ,r.Airf1 �0� I� ;7) _ � --'-7f./1... � � �c�f^ d� � � :�,f - .9s � tio� i . . -, : -� (» =q;� ...__. r.- � r^ In G .`y� '''•` . A� �� � ..� � ; � , � , 5 � �.�r !re� - �.� I �V � ��% �`� (1z:o� �M 1� 1u Li11�f I , •a • (ssfP) �s) �) � ' i r� �' � � �s� (�� � � <i.ioJ I (�/6�� o�, ���4y,,�� � i 16 � 15 A.�/e�.ro�+ i •w � I � ►� /1) . ; y.r�. I � ���� � 1 �"' , �.r ,� 4�'� ��� ,w� r✓/.�10 1� i .J' /! _ "' ...iNfr, N � � �� f 1� ZOA a86-03 Richard Mochinski PROPOSED 19 UNIT TOWNHOU�E MOCHINSKI GENERAL CONTRACTOR3, INC. 13 6' - -�--- - °' � ,�J a �1` J � a �`` i I NORTH � �n ! �J � N �, \ \ \ r� ` � ` I ��_ � , J � ¢ � z w U O J � � o� �, � �-� J � 3 5' � � O � I 0 N � , \ -• � . . . . . � , �`. 2��� T � ■ C��s,�► I `��� � _ ��I)� ►!�I_�� �� � � � 1G � � _ i _ �\ % . � - - -•- - � - - - � _ _ 40' _--r-� proposed R.O.W. � o ( � . ,� ` � . ` � ��^ � N 34' � 91 � � ` I _ - � ��� _ '- N � S-` ,—� 338' � � ' ' ,,, ' � Existing /,' ��/ / ,- � ;/�/� j ; /, ' i , RICE CREEK ROAD II � . I \ � ✓ �i i ;� i I -- � � . � I i � ' � Existing 16��• � � 125' - I � I so' . � 111 � �� �! . � . . � � � � t� ��1 �t�, � � _ � ��� :����� � ��t:� � : ,:,�� � ;.� -�= `� �� = � y 3 ¢ • ' . +! �. �, ' �� _ - �. �+� ; - �/� � _� � _ ��-.�� � � � �` � :� �� �. �A s� �'�,;�:�� , tr: :� •< ' � � ` : �� v1 � . . �• ..... .- / � -a` /t;.�si �� � s�. �� _ ,`` �-.3-�� �� � } iy, � � * i ' _ -� ,,;_... _ �:��� . .� �� ,� , r.. .� • // � `� A �' ' • � �� , , . � `'�a . !' '' � . . �. ii� , � ... - � �..ay , �:� .: '�-�«. ' .. , .. . � ;,.�rr. . V �..1' . ��..�' _ ra - � '�,"r `�{�°i► ���'� �'� :. � , I� , � � �' � , `�� /1�� �, !' t �� � :.��� �� -� � � � 1� •.• ;;� � vc��'r' �'�'`l.'�R�E;'',�� .+ j,.: �f<y � ��� �-�f"• . ^�' 2 4."�a . � •%���, . ? �: AJBLIC HEARING BEFURE �iE QTY Q�UNCIL Notioe is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Iiall at 6431 Uni.vexsity Avenue Northeast on Monday, August 4, 1986 in the Council Ch�nber at 7:3� p.�a. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Final Plat, P.S. �86-04, River Lots Addition, by Keith Hartstad, being a replat of that part of Lots 7 and 9, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 23, described as follows: Conunencing at the Northeasterly or most Northerly corner of said Lot 9, said corner being marked by a Judicial Lanc�iark; thence South�westerly along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 9, said line naw being marked b� Judicial Lanc�nark, a distance of 190 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thenoe Southeasterly on a line parallel with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 9 a distanoe of 80 feet; thenoe Northeasterly on a line �rallel with the aforesaid Northwesterly line of said Lot 9 a distance of 190 feet to the Northeasterly line af said Lot 9, saicl point on said Northeasterly line of said Lot 9 being 80 feet Southeasterly measured along said Northeasterly line from the aforesaicl Northeasterly or most Northerly corner of said Lot 9; ti�enoe Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 9 a distanoe of 26.51 feet; thenae Southwesterly on a line parallel with the aforesaid Northwesterly line of said Lots 9 and 7 to the shore of the Mississippi River; thenoe Northerly along the shore of the Mississippi River to the intersection with the Northwes-terly line of said Lot 7, said Northwesterly line of said Lot 7 being marked by Judicial Lanc�iarks; thence Northeasterly along the aforesaid Northwesterly line of said Lots 7 and 9 to the actual point of beginning, Anoka County, rtinnesota, the same being 6652 East River Road N. E. Any and all person desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. W7I,LIAM NEE MAYOR Pub�lish: Juty 21, 1986 July 28, 1986 2 0 ��ITH �ARSTAD - P,S, #36-08 STIPULATIONS 1� HARDSURFACE DRIVEWAY TO BE INSTALLED TO BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDING PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OF NEW HOME� Z� �OINT DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� �� UTILITIES TO BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER WHICH PRESERVES EXISTING VEGETATION� 4� RECORD AT ANOKA COUNTY PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� S� EXISTING AND NEW HOME TO BE CONNECTED TO CITY SEWER AND WATER PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY� � 6� PARK FEE OF �1,���� 2A � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANTII:G COI�IISSIOh I�ETII3G, JULY 9, 1986 % CALL TO ORDER• , Vice-Chairperson Kondrick �called the July 9, 1986, Pl�ining Commission meeting ' to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL• Members Present: �Dave Kondrick, Sue Shere , Alex Barna and Steve Billings rfembers Absent: LeRoy Oquist, Dea Saba, Wayne Wellan and Donald Betzold Ochers Present: Jim Robinso , Planning Coordinator Jock Robe son, Community Developnen[ Director Mervin rrrr�ann, 278 rtercury Drive, Fridley Tom L chs, 7216 Boone Ave. ho., Brooklyn Park rlik PfcPt�illips, 291 S�•lvan Lanc, Fridle}� W [er Rasmussen, 7806 Alden k'ay, Fridley awn & Paul Dahlberg, 6664 East River Road, Fridley APPFO�':1L OF �1t�`E 18, 1956, PIs'� IOr "II�'UTES: �tOTIO\ B� 1. SHEREl�, SECOr'DED BY P�. B�Rra, TO APPRO'VE THE JUTE 18, 1986, PIs1�\IA CO*L�IISSIOr rilr'LTES aS WRITTEN. U�� VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII�G AYE, VICE-CFi�1IRPERSd� KONDRICI� DECIARED TFiE r TIOI� Cs+RRIED UA:��ITIOUSLY. 1. PLBtIC HEaRIrG: CO�SIDER�TIO:� OF A PRELI*1Iti�RY PL�T P.S. f�86-04, RI�'EF LOTS �DDITIO::, BY }�E_I_TH HyRST�D: Being a replac of that par[ of Lo[s 7 and 9, Revised Auditor's Sub- division ro. 23, described as follows: Cor,unencing at [he hor[heasterly or most Aortherly corner of said Lot 9, said corner being marked b�• a Judicial Landrnark; thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterl}� line of said Lot 9, said line now being marked by Judicial Landmark, a distance of 19D fee[ to the actual poin[ of beginning of the [ract to be described; ther►ce Sou[heasterl�• on a line parallel with the Aortheasterly line of said Lot 9 a distance of 80 feet; thence hortheasterly on a line pazallel with the aforesaid Northwesterly line of said Lo[ 9 a distance of 190 feet to the hortheasterly line of said Lot 9, said point on said I�ortheasterly line of said Lot 9 being 80 feet Southeasterl.• measured along said h`ortheasterly line from the aforesaid rortheas[er?y or nost Northerly corner of said - Lot 9; [hence Southeasterly along the t�ortheasterly line of said Lot 9 a distance of 26.51 feet; thence Southwes[erly on a line parallel �:ith the aforesaid horthwesterly line of said Lots 9 and 7 to [he shore of the Mississippi River; thence I:orther�y along � 2C ;''; I� G CO"^� S � E 2 the shore of the Mississippi River to the intersection with the horthwesterly line of said Lot 7, said Northwesterly line of said Lot 7 being rrarke�! by Judiciai Landmarks; thence Northeasterly along the aforesaid Noz[hwes[erly line o# said Lots 7 a!nd 9 to the actual point of beginning, Anoka County, Minnesota, t�e same being 6652 East River Road. .' r10TI0� BY I�fft. BARI�, SECONDED BY AS. SHEREI:, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HFs�RING. UPOti A VOICE �'OTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHaIRPERSON KOA'DRICf: DECLARED THE PUBLIC HE�RII�G OPEN AT 7:35 p.m. rtr. Robinson stated the plat is located west of East River Road and soutti of the intersection of Rice Creek Way. He stated it is approxi- r,►3tely one acre in sizc and zoned single family with single far.;il}• t,o�es to the north and an apar[ment complex to [he south. r�. Robinson stated the proposal is [o spli[ [he parcel into two sin�le fa�ily lots; one with 18,047 square feet and the west lo[ would bc 2i3O�4 square feet. Hc stated this includes a private drivewa.• for access to [he westerly lot. rtr. Robinson sta[ed [his is thc real question as ctie code sta[es every property should ha��e an access of 25 feec. He sta[ed if [he plat is appzoved, it should bc witti [hu recognition of a variance since both lo[s will no[ havr [heir own 2� foot access. r�. Robinson stated the plat shows the pzoposed house within 10 fec[ of the property line and believed a 25 foot minir,u m setback should be maintained as [here is room to move the hoc�e further soutt�. *�, garna asked what was located on [he lot to the east of this parcel. P�. Robinson stated it is a single family home that is set back ahc+��t 100 feet from the ne�: lot. He stated there is a15o a lar�;e �tand ui lil��cs and threz larce spruce trees along the propert�• line. `lr. R�h:n�on stat�_cl ti:e nearest hor.:e t� t;le n�rtn is �•�ell over 150 feet fro�* tiiiy pr�{�nsed structure and the lot� to the nortii also utilize a con^�on dri���k�:� • r�. Robinson stated staff would recommend approval of this plat wich tne following stipulations: 1. Hardsurface drivewa�• to be installed to both existing and proposed building prior to occupancy of new home. 2. Joint drivewa� and utility easement to be recorded prior to buildind permit . 3. Utilities to be installed in a manner which preserves existing _ vegetation. 4. Recorded aC �►noka County prior to building permit. 2D �^cL�G CO"�"fiSSIO� MEETING, JULY 9, 1 5. Existing and near home to be connected to City sewer and water prior to occupancy. P� 6, park fee o£ $1,500 to be paid with the building permit. , 7. There be a 25 foot setbackfrom the north propert�• line. I�. Tom Louc}ls, representing the petitioners, I:eith and Diane Harstad, stated his client is in agreement with the stipula[ions recommended b�� s[aff. p� , pai�l Dahluei g, 6c6'{ East River Road, staced he is the ad jacent pzo�erty owrer to the north. He stated he appreciates staff's re- com�nendation [o set the house back 25 feet. r�. Dahlberg stated [he home to the east of this parcel and [he hor.� o� the river west of this parcel are both rentai propertics and he hoped this lio^�e wouldn't become rental propert�•. He stated it wo�ld be nice to have perr�anent residents in those homes. r�. Dahlberg stated he would like to encouragc the develop�r not to d isturb the spruce tress or plantings on [he eas[ as they pro��idc quite a significant barrier from the apar[men[s. r�. Louclis stated he recognizes the fac[ there is a good deal of vegeta[ion used for screening and they wish to move the sewcr and water lines so they will not disturb the lilacs or spruce trees. ro o[her persons spoke regarding this proposed plat. rx�TiOti BY r�t. B�Rr�, SECO�'DED BY 1KS. SHEREK, TO CLOSE TNE PUBLIC HEaRIrG. UYON � VOICE VOTE, ALL �'OTING AYE, VICE-CN�IRPERS0�1 K0�'DRICK DECI.�RED TiiE P�BLIC HFs�RI2+G CLOSED aT 7:47 p.m. P10TIOr BY rS . SHEREI:, SECO;��ID BY rIIt . B?�RIC.1, TO RECO?L �:�'D TO C ITY COl".CC IL :�PPRO�':�L OF PRELIPfiN:�R1 PI.aT, P.S. ��86-04, RI�'ER LOTS aDDITIO�, Bl fCEITH H.aFSTaD, AS DESCRIBED Ir THE LEG'�L I�OTICE, THE Sa?� BEII:G 6652 E�+ST RIl'EF RQaD, i.'ITH THE FOLLOk'IP:G STIPUIs�TIOTS : 1. H.�RUSURFaCE DRIVEW�Y TO BE ITST�LLED TO BOTN E}:ISTI�G �r'D PROPOSED EL'ILDII�G PRIOR TO OCCL'Pn1CY OF I�EW H0.`�. 2. JOII�"T DRIVEWal A\'D UTILITY E�SE*�A'T TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO BC� ILDII�G PER`lIT . 3. UTILITIES TO EE IrSTALLED Ir A rf�A':�ER WHICH FRESERVES EXISTIhG VEGETaTIO:�. 4. RECORDED AT ArO�:a COLTI�"IY PRIOR TO Bt'ILDING PERMIT. 5. EaISTIrG A?�D TE�' HO'fE TO BE CO:v'AECTED TO CITY SEWER AA'D - WaTER PRIOR TO OCCLPa:vCY. 6. PaRI� FEE OF $1,500 TO BE P�+ID WITH THE BL'ILDING PERMIT. 7, THERE BE � 25 FOOT SETa�CK 0:: THE aORTH PIZOP£RTY LINE. pL��^:IrG CO`^,`ISSIOti MEETIrG JULY 9 1986 P�GE 4 F'L'RT'�iER, TO RECOMMEh'D A VaRIANCE FRO'! Ti� RIGNT-OF-��'A� ACCESS REQL1IFE`SrXT OF 2� FEET FOR EACH LOT TO ALLO�►' A SHARED DRI�'E�+'AY OFF OF EAST RI�'ER ROAD . UpO� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-Ci�IRPFRSOi� KONDRICk. DECI.ARED THE M()TION Cs�RRIED UNANI"iOUSLY. I�. Louchs stated their plan was not to construc[ the driveway the full 20 feet, bu[ to make it about 10 or 12 feet. The Cor�ission had no problem as long as the necessary easement was retained. rLs. Sherek suggested [o r�r. Louchs he might wan[ to check with the Fire Departr�ent regarding the driveway aidth in order for fire vehicles to have sufficient room to access. 2. Pt�BLIC HE:�RING: COXSIDER�TIOK OF A SPLCLaL USE PER*ZT SP '-86-OS F1' I+:'� LT E R Ry S"1' S S E'� : • P�r Section 20�.07.1, C,1 of the Fridley City Code, to allow a second accessor�• building on Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Pearson's Cr3igwa�' Estates Second Addition, the same being 7806 �lden Way A.E ��' � "10TI05 BY I�. B�R2�.�, SECO�DED BY DS. SHEREi:, TO OPEr THE��PUBLIC HE:�FItiC. UPO\ A VOICE �'OTE, ALL �'OTII�G AYE, THE PUBLIC HE�RIIr'G OPEr �T 7:�2 p. VICE-CNaIRPER50�'h0A"DFICK DECI.ARLD r�. Robinson stated this is a reques[ for a cond accessory buildinfi approxirr.�tely 810 squarc fee[ in order [o �use a boat, trailcr and blazer. Hc stated the proper[y is locate8 west of the intersection of Craigbrook and �lden Way and is zoned ingle far�ily. Ptr. Robinson stated this proposed tructure will have a paved drivewa�' and match [he existing garage in/ ppearance. T�. Robinson sta[ed perr.,iss n has also been received Co combine t}�e �wo lots, 11 and 12, into ne tax parcel. P�. Rasmussen stated e of his boats was stolen last year out of his driv��wav and he has n extra vehicle and would like to build a garag�� to stcre these ' ens. He sta[ed he has a three car garage now, buc it doesn't seem o De enough. rtr. Ras^uss stated [he new garage would match the house and would fit into e area. He stated the cost of the garage would be $51,247. r�. Ras ssen stated he would like to request, if possible, the size of th s[ructure be changed fror� 27 x 30 feet to 28 x 30 fee[ to give him e extra room for his boat and trailer. D�. Barna stated he couldn't see a problec� with changing the size as he does have sufficient space. 2E h , , • �„ . �• �,;� _•� ti • � ' : ��.� d. : , 191 , -• ,;. :; . .�.� f/ t'-,��i bi. , ��rwt � �,1� ?+ ,� P..S. 4�86-04 2 �� ;: ; �� �': " 'j 193 I �A, � � :� .. � � � 6652 East Riv��Zoad , �� i � r ..-�r��.-_ i' v s. , � � ;� �, ._ � .R ti. � � , 3 ��..� � � - � ; ' °r - - ,w . 4 � 1 � � .� � O L / �j .S.Ms � • �i/�1/ / , � a«.. �, .�...r. , � G�'!' ns lr,�la ' ._ �.�,. �i f o��,,�, 1. ! •� � ;� J � �� � � y ' ��: � J � � ti �. • y�. . �t .EY � � W. ���5� ,- � +i"! FR� o . . � , _�_ � . � _ , 13 I �/i N � �.� G� _ • - .,. � , y�� : 1.,� ; , �. � �,, � � ej ,� s. � . ar.. � 5 '�%�,,��.� rJ a � . ;-�, ,: . , � �: h 1» r� � ' � � � � s� � �s + �`V ��. � � �i � K �� � }.�� t � -_ — — ---- / •`i � 8' t � . r . � _ � : �` � . � , � � ' , i1 19 �• ._ .. *^" �, ►-'"'�� � , ��•,�r . � o � +^ � � . � ;, �4 \ 1 � N � I *�y \`-`'~ �, � `-�+ � �'��r� sS�A��r• oi � \ `1 � �� -.� ia": y�r s d�� - v � N s� � � 1 rE' ` +h� r . • � � . � � � Z� � � � yE I � a� '� Q Ix YI � � � p� � �� � q q � �7 � � 1 d � � ��w iy + / � '(� t i s� . � ' �J �� � 6 -'� N� w� �� • � � � � ` � � � i� , ,� ►.� �s�` � . , b � . g5 � a� =i � ..c��-� , �► ,,,�"� 9g � ' �� ��� �! � o� ,.� � - -- ,.� - ,, , � � s� 56, � � ��svO. n» ; 1 RIC�,�,{:�,�' •- �� _��..a... �` `;� � �� �, ,,,�,'' ._ z 6 P,K, ; :� �� �,�1. ; � � ���� i� , e: , � A, �� ��� '� � -, � r p� �� b�� ' b �� - �'r � 6, �' �� � " � �t y%r I J, A,,,,r� �� ,,�.::. `�' . x�. �=-� a ��, '�,� O � �r i q 9 �' i, S,gol ` (1 � ' � . 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'� . �1 � \`\ � ,� _i r 1 � � cinroF FRlDLEY MEND TD: C O!t/LMI,iN IT�Y D EVE LO PMENT DEPARTMENT M ElV�O RAN D UM Jock R,obertson, Ca�ununity Develogt►ent Director N�ND FROM: Jim Fmbinson, Planning Coordinator�,�, MEND I�TE: July 30, 1986 R�ARDING: Freed�m a�f Speech Sicy7s On July 9, 1986 the Planning Comanission reviewed a staff proposal to amend Chapter 214 of the Fridley City Gode which would defirye and restrict Freeaom of Speech sic�s. �e o�ma�ussion �uianimously encbrsed the ordinanoe amendment with the follaaing three changes: 1. Section 214.05, 7D to read as follows: "The sign does not contain any messages which have been j udicially determined 1 ibelous or obsoene." 2. Section 214.05, 7E to read as follows: "The sicy� is erected tr� the owner of the property upon which it is located, or the tenant with the permission of the aaner." 3. Section 214.15, 1- 10 to read as follaws: "Any personal expression sicg�s which are erected b� the awner af the garoel upon which the signs are to be plaoed, or by the tenant with the permission of th aaner." The changes are incorporated in the attached ordinance. The first reading was approved by City Council at the July 21, 1986 meeting. It is now appropriate to have a second reading and order the publication of this ordinanoe. JLR/ l�m M-86-17 8 3A ..��� � ►• �- . AN QtDIl1AN(E R�DII�YIl� �E FRIDLEY CITY CODE, (�APTBR 214 EaITITLED "SIGNS" BY ADDING SECTIONS 214.02.23, 214.05.7, �AI�ID 214.15.1.E.10, AI�ID RI�JI+�ERING THE PRFSFNT �NS�IVE I�II�BFRS. T4ie City Gouncil of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follaas: 214.02 DFFIlIITICNS ?3. Personal F�mression Sigp.. •!� .� .� ".1! '� ��-.1-�� � -� _1• • .� _�� • _ • • • � ._�• . �-- � • _� �. � �� - �• • _}- � •�,� •� • ._� •���� • - �- • 1 [N . 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H�PALA - CITY CLERK ��� � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS' August 4, 1986 (Tabled July Z1, 1986) �-�i� ���4�- z:��ll�_ ��izl_�'tf��. 1 L'- .. , i •� � �l�� ��� '� � �;. ���, .,i � �� ; �larga ret Hendl ev 118 CYai q WaY N. E. (H. 571-2757) : �:' :__- ��,. ,,i ti i� ;� Diane �,avage 567 Rice CYeek Terraoe ( H. 571-3 862) Jer ry Sher ek 1530 73 - 1/2 Avenue ( H. 7 84-6444 ) :r 1'y� � V• � 1�• Y ��i. „1 � l� . Dal e �anpsa�n 4976 3rd St. N. E. 1�. 572-8684) (B. 297-1802} ..- - -. � ; :. �.. . - . r� : : �:• ?' 1. (� � ��.. .Ih1 1� � � � � � �• ��• 1 �� � 3' ;A�f • 1; _ 4-1-88 4-1-89 4-1-87 4-1-89 4-1-87 4-1-89 4-1-88 4-1-89 4-1-89 � �i i �\� f��L�� �1• �t Gabel 5947 2-1/2 Street NE (H. 571-1288) Qarenve (Gene) Rezac 1561 Camelat Lane (H. 574-0629) LeRay Ct�ui st 1011 Haclaaan Ci rcl e NE (H. 571-0415) (vacated by Louis Sc�nidt 10/85) Jean Gerou 1650 Briardale Rd. I� (H. 571-6736) Jaaes Plenel 6864 �anrel l�ci N. E. (8. 571-0026) (vacated by F9tricia Gabel 12/&5) Zbm Gronl�d 7411 I�ric Lane (H. 786 7459) Bruoe �ters�n 7503 Z�aiupo Terr. I� (H. 786-9898) Duane Peters�n 1021 Hathaaay Ln. NE (H. 571-3386) 0 i� : ;� : ��� ���� �;+���, ��,..� ` ;� : _�__, �,« .�. ;=_ �.. , -. .. - __ - ; _. �.. � - . ' �ohn Garaaro 66� 5 Fridley St. N. E. 1H. 571-6585) �,L'±;_ ' •• � ti i� � � - •_ �. J�� I - � .- :. .. ;_. ... � -. %i1��, �f.����;,�:•. ���..� � i�, Claudia Dodc� 701 Rioe Creek Terrave (W. 422-5199) - - .- ��- �.. -. Dick Storla 7s4s Ataen way 1H. 571-6726 ) 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-87 4-1-88 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-88 '; n �+ :•� i, , n . ��- � �;,��, �� ►:��. Jc�hn E. Meyer �868 Alden Way N. E. lfl. 571-5328) �� �- �!�• ,i � ��_, I�vis Hauge �P�poi nted 2�/21 6-�91 4 1-89 Didc Yo�ng 5695 Quinc.y S't. N. & (H. 571-8098j Dertiel Allen 6200 Riae Creek Dr. NE (H. 571-3137) Steve Nels�n 6540 East River Rd. #342 (& 571-1484) Dal e �anpson 4976 3rd St. N. E. (H. 572-8684) Dean Saba 6325 Van Buren S� NE (H. 571-1953) Bruoe Bondaw 6616 Central Ave. NE (H. 571-0163) RQbert Minton 1538 N. Oberl in C� rcl e (& 574-1173) F�ter Pi eroe 572 Rioe CYeek Terr. (H. 571-7045) �o�a s�.� 191 Hartman Circle (& 571-1191) Ste�v e B il l ings 5215 Linooln St. N. & (H.571-5457j Elmars A. Pri edi ti s 6031 Berij amin St. NE (H. 571-7230) Mavis Hauge 645 67th Ave. NE (H. 571-1083) � ORDINANCE N0. ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: SECTION 1 SECTION 2 Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part taken for Highway, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition, (that portion of said Lot 5, Block 5, is also known as Lot 3, Block 1, Lake Pointe Corporate Center, a proposed plat) on file in the City Manager's Office, in and for Fridley, Minnesota, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as S-2 (Redevelopment District). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District C-3 (General Shopping Center), C-1 (Local Business), R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-3 (General Multiple Dwelling) to S-2 (Redevelopment District). PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS , 1986 ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK Public Hearing: First Reading: Second Reading: Publish: February 24, 1986 March 3, 1986 � WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR DAY OF 5 5A WOODBRIDGE P�OPERTI�S, I���, ZOA #g5-05 STIPULATIOPJS 1, CHANGES TO THE MASTER PLAN SHALL BE HANDLED AS OUTLINED IN THE NOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEMO TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION DATED ,JANUARY 9, 1986� (SEE ZONING AND FUTURE CONTROLS�) Z, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT THE DEVELOPER SUBMIT FOR fIOUSING & REDEVELOPMENTISTAFF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING COMPREHENSIVE PLANS WITH PHASING DETAILSj A� STORM DRAINAGE B� LANDSCAPING C� �IGHTING D� SIGNAGE E� ARCHITECTURAL FACADE MATERIAL PLAN INCLUDING RAMP TREATMENTS 3, REZONING OF THE �OHNSON PROPERTY, LOT S, BLOCK S, DONNAY�S LAKEVIEW MANOR ADDITION, IS CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONT�OL OF THE .JOHNSON PROPERTY BY THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY� OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE TO BE COORDINATED WITH ACClU I S I T I ON DATE � CITY OF FRIDLEY M E M 0 R A N D U M h1EM0 T0: Planning Commissiar� and City Council MEMO FROM: Housing, & Redevelopment Authority I�MO DATE: January 9, 29g6 REGARDING: Support of S-2 Zoning for Lake Pointe Corporate Center • . .. - - This correspondence is intended to express the Housing & Redevelopment Authority's support for the applications for S-2 "Redevelopment District" zoning, special use permit and plat for Lake Painte Corporate Center. The S-2 zoning will help to streamline the zoning approval process while tying the rezoning to the proposed master plan. Intent The Housing & Redevelopment Authority endorses the rezoning to S-2 of the majority of the site as outlined in the attached public hearing notice (Attachment A). The existing most northerly parcel of the drive- in site, approximately 128 feet, described as Lot 22, Block 10, Donnay's LakevieW rianor Addition, will retain it�s present R-1 "Single Family" zoning. This area will be reserved for use as a buffer to the residential area as well as pathway, driveWay and surface parking uses. Approval of the special use permit for parking on R-1 Will satisfy the existing R-1 zoning requirement for this area. The westerly portion oP the Johnson property will also retain it's existing R-1 zoning and will be platted as an outlot to be reserved as a green buffer area. The present and proposed zoning classif ications for the entire projeet are illustrated in Attachment B. .• �• The Lake Pointe Corporate Center, when complete, xill consist oP seven office buildings, a hotel With convention facilities and a restaurant. Parkiag facilities include loW profile parking ramps, underground parking and surface parking lots. The total construction xill include close to 750,000 square feet of neW development, excluding parking ramps. The entire nine phases oP the project have been designed as part of a comprehensive master plan which is directly tied to the noa executed development agreement. The development is layed out in a ereative campus like fashion �hich inter- relates buildings through proximity, orientation and structural eompone nts, as shown on Attachment C. A consistent landscape motif complete With plazas� fountain, abundant plant materials and pathWays will also add to the creation of a harmonious relationship betxeen buildings and open spaces. � 5C Planning Commission and City Council January 9, 1986 Page 2 _•�- �_ The majority of �he sits is now zoned C-3, "General Shopping Center", which is the City's highesi aoning. The development as propased could proceed on the drive-in portion of the site xiihflut any chang�e in zoning classification. However staff informs us there would be requirements for special use permits, setback Waivers and rezoning for commercial use on the Johnson portion of the site. The S-2 "Redevelopment District" zoning will provide for a streamlined review process, allowing for the campus like layout while incorporating most of the zonir.g needs under one action. In addition onee approved under S-2, the Woodbridge master plan would be locked into the rezoned site. This feature � of the S-2 code provides additional security as to the future land use of this site in the unlikely event that the Woodbridge development is not realized. ., . Eaeh set of building plans r+ill require reviex and approval by the Housing � Redevelopment Authority prior to issuance of a building permit. In the event of any substantial changes to the master plan, S-2 zoning calls for additional review by the Planning Commission and City Council. The Housing � Redevelopment Authority suggests that some flexibility be agreed upon from the unset, to alloW for reasonable modifications to the plan. The folloWing framework will serve as a guide for determining reasonable versus substantial change. Reasonable Change; Housing � Redevelopment Authority/Staff Approved. 1. Building location modifications t+hich do not place buildings any more than thirty feet closer to R-1 zoned land, not including parking ramps. 2. Parking ramp location modifications Which do not locate ramps in R-1 zoned land. 3. Parking lot or ramp modifications Which do not involve expansion into or decrease of any of the outlots as proposed in the preliminary plat (Attachment D). b. Simple material changes to architectural and site elements, which do not alter the overall quality of the development such as changes to exterior building and ramp facade materials� landseape elements, signage and lighting components. Changes which will be considered substantial and will necessitate further- review by the Planning Commission and City Council shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Substantial Changes; Planning Commission/City Council Revie�r. 1. Any changes Which do not meet the intent of the aforementioned Housing � Redevelopment/Staff approved conditions. 2. Any increase in the number of stories for any oP the proposed principle buildings or parking ramps. 5D _ lanning Coiamission and City Council January 9, 1986 Page 3 3. Any changes in the proposed building usage which is not consistent with a quality office park, hotel, convention facility and restaurant. It is understood �aat licensure for on-sale liquor (taverns) is allowed under S-2 zoning. 4. Addi tions tA the square f�otage af any of the principle buildings involved which exceed 115$ of the origir�aL proposal or that which creates a footprint in excess of that allawed by C-3 Code, wh.ichever is less. Lot coverage is defined in the enclosed computation sheet (Attachment D). 5. Additions to the square footage of parking ramps or parking lots which exceed 115a of the original proposal. Stipulations Prior to issuance of the first building permit it would be reasonable to require that the following submittals be approved by staff and the FIousing & Redevelopment Authority: l. Storm drainage plan. 2. Landscape plan. 3. Lighting plan. 4. Signage plan. S. Architectural facade material plan including ramps. Al1 of the above referenced plans should be comprehensive in nature taking into account the entire development. A phasing plan for each of the elements should be addressed to the extent which is reasonably possible at the time of submittal. Conclusion The fiousing & Redevelopment Authority is confident that the Lake Pointe Corporate Center will be a tremendous asset to the co�¢nunity. We appreciate the assistance of the Planning Commission and City Council in their support of the zoning and future review programs as outlined. JLR/dm �l- 86-1 5E CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAtItIIi�G COtiP1ISSI0�� �tEETIPIG, JA!JUARY 22, 1986 CALL TO ORD�R; Ch��irperson Gabel called the January 22, 1936, Planning Comn' ion meeting to or�fer at 7:31 p.n. � ROLL CALL: '�eribers Present: Pat Gabel, LeRoy Oquist, Dav ondrick, IJayne Wellan, Don detzold t-iei�bers Absent: Eob tJinton, Dean Sab Otl�ers Present: Jir� Robinson, nninc� Coordinator Dave 4Jeir, t dbridge Properties Eric P�es , �loodbridge Properties Linda sher, rep. Woodbridge Properties Ji� enshoof, Benshoof � Assoc. ee attached list) AP('ROVaL f,i'/JAt�UAf;Y 8, 1986, PLA��P�ItJG CaiF1ISSI0N P1I�JUTES: MO^'I .� BY llR. OQUIST, SECCNDED BY 1dR. KOA'DRICK, TO APPROVE TNE JAN. 8, 1986, P P�:�Ii�G Cn'•ftlISSION MIT�U':'ES AS W12I^'TEN. U�'O;l A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPEI'r�OP� GABEL DF.CLr112ED TNE MOTIOtJ CAi2RIED UNA:IIMOUSLY. l. PUf3LIC fiEARIN�: COt�SI�ERATIOtJ OF A RE7_ONIP�G REQUEST, ZOA �85-05, BY THF RIDL Y HOUSING & REDEVELOPIE A ri R LP IO � l I l oOnaR f'R�PERTIES, INC.: To rezone from C-3 (General Shopping Center�, C-1 (Local Qusiness), R-1 (Or�e Fa;ii ly D�rel lingj and R-3 (General hiultiple Dwelling� to S-2 (Redevelop- ment District) on Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision PJo. 155, exceFt that part taken for High�•ray, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that �art taken for Nighway, and the south ta�o hundred feet of the north t�alf of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except t��at part taken for Highway, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's La�;eview'�ianor Addition, according to the prelininary plat thereof on file in the City �4anager's Office, in and for Fridley, "�tinnesota, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. MOTION BY MR. WF.LLAN, SECO?�DED BY 11R. BETZOLD, TO OPE1J THE PUBLIC HEARII7G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. 5F PL���!�I'JG CCN���IISSIOP� HEETI�iG, JAt�UARY 22, 1986 P�F 2 '1r. Robinson stated this Froject, Lake Pointe Corporate Center, i�►as beinq developed by Woodbridge Properties in cooperation with the City of Fridley the Housing & Redevelopr�ent Authority (HRA). The proj e�t has been br ought before the public in the past at HRA r�eetings, and ttuis was basically the sar�e project which the neighborhood has already seen. tdr. Robinson stated the issue before the Planning Com�ission at this puhlic hearing ti�as a rezonin5 i� S-2, redevelopment district zoning which was created to facilitate creative-typ�e mas�er plans such as this. The property was located just west of Highway 65 and north of I-694, and has been estab3ished as a tax increment district. The properties being discussed included the existing drive-in property and Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview �;anor Addition, owned by Mr. Gerald Johnson. t•1r. Robinson stated the'basic rezoning proposal a�as to take the existing property which ►ias zoned predor�inately C-3 (the City's highest zoning), in addition to sone of the property which was zoned R-3 and C-1, and to take it t� S-2. A portion of the property would ranain R-1; that portion on the north o� the drive-in which was adjacent to the existing single family and a portion of the Johnson property west of the proposed right of way line on the preliminary plat �4r. Rohinson sta±ed the IiRA��as a co-petitioner with Woodbridge Properties on the rezoning issue. Fle stated the HRA has endorsed the rezoning, and the Coiimissioners had a copy of a nemo from the HRA with their reconmendations dated Jan. 9, 1986. t4r. Rot,iiison stated the project was a nulti-phase master plan develoExnent. It included seven office buildings, a restaurant, and a hotel with convention facilities. Also included were lo��-profile parking ramps located to the northerl� portion and adjacent to the hotel. Total Construction a�as close to 750,000 sq. ft., not including parking ramps. The plan called for elaborate 1 ar�dscaping. htr. Robinson stated the C-3 zoning was adequate to handle thP developmen±; however, when tliey looked at the various special use permits which would be rec�uired for building height, liquor license, and parking on R-1, they felcode S-2 zoning would help streamline the whole process. In addition, the S-2 included a provision that locked in the master plan to the site so that in the unlikely event that IJoodbridge Properties could not dev elop, there would have to be additional hearings before the HP,A, Planning CoRnission, and Citv Council to change the plan. Mr. Robinson stated that along with S-2 cane parameters for change �•�hich tivere being spelled out at this time and were stated in the HRA's Jan. 9th nemo. They tried to alla•i for flexibility to the develoner to build the project, but at the same ti�ae, they built in pararneters which would protect the single f amilv neighborhood. Basically, any changes that would encroach on the single famil� neighborhood would be deer�ed as a substantial change and would require additional review by the Planning Commission and Cit�� Council. 5G PLrl��NI�lG Co�ttISSlor� r•tEETIrtG, JA��UARY-22, 1986 PAGE 3 '�1r. Robinson stated Staff was reconmending the following stipulations: 1. Changes to the ��aster Plan shall be handled as outlined in the HRA memo to the Planning Co�rrTSSion dated Jan. 9, 198b. 2. Prior to issuance of tf�e first buiTding permit, the developer must submit for t�RA/Staff approval the folla��ing con�rehensive plans with phasing details: a. storm drainage b. landscaping c. signage d. lighting e. architectural facade material plan including ranp treatments 3. Rezoning of tne Johnson property, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview �ianor Addition, is contingent upon site control of thP Johnson pro�erty by the HRA, official publication of the ordinance to be coordinated with acqu�sition date. Mr. Dave Weir, lJoodbridge Properties, stated t•1r. Robinson had given an accurate depiction of the project. t�e stated he had very little to add. He stated thev have met a�ith the neighbors at other public hearings. L�Joodbridge Pronerties was�very supportive of the HRA's request to change the zoning from C-3 to S-2 so the City has control over the developnent process. They are corrTfortable with the pro�osed rezoning and are eager to be sure they have the right to develop the property in the manner in which it has been proposed. !�s. Ga5e1 stated the Cormission �vould like to hear from the traffic consultant associated with Woodbridge Properties. �4r. Jim Benshoof, Traffic Engineering Consultant with Benshoof & Assoc., stated they have conducted a comprehensive traffic analvsis of this developr�ent over the last several months. Based on discussions r�ith City Staff and sor�e input fron the neighborhood, they focused their analysis on the follo�•iing f our points: l. The effects of this development and its traffic, together with other traffic at the intersection of Highway 65, Old Central, and llest tloore Lake Orive on the east side of the developnent. 2. The effects at Ni�hway 47 and 57th Ave. intersection 3. The effects on local roadways in the area of 7th St., 57th Ave., and other local streets. 4. The site itself, the access and egress for the site and circulation within the develo�ment. _ t�1r. Qenshoof stated they addressed these points through a comprehensive analysis that began by forecasting the traffic generated by the develo�ment, how many trips in and out at peak hours on a daily basis, and then assigning that �hrough the street system according to the routes nost attractive to people to travel to and fror� the site. Thev then added that traffic to the existing traffic, plus traffic incurring in the f uture on these roadways in the area; then 5H PL�L'��It�G C��1�aISSIOP� MEETI��G, JAP�"ARY 22, 1986 PAGE 4 analysed the effects in terns of Lhe capacity of the roadways and intersections to serve the projected volumes, addressed the situation from a safety stand- point, and, L�rougt� that analy�is, arrived at a set of conclusions. He reviewed these concl usi or�s wi th the �oraxrti ssi on: 1. There are a nunber of planned roadwav improvements ir� the area that will benefit all traffic in theyarea plus trips to and from this development--upgrading of T;� 610 bridge to be compTeted in 1988, I-694 ►ridening, local improvenent of frontage road between 7th St, and 57th Ave. 2. The intersection of TH 65, Old Central, and lJest Moore Lake �rive presently operates at level service D(presently at its ca�acity limits) during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The level of service would drop slightly by 1988. In their analysis, they paid parti- cular attention to 1938 and 2000, the reason being that 198R would be the first year after completion of the first phase of the office, plus the restaurant. By the year 2000, the developnent would be fully in place and occupied. 3. The in±ersection of Highway 65, Old Central, and lJest tloore Lake Drive will need to be upgraded by the year 2000 regardless of what happens �rith this developnent. They have developed a concept plan to meet these needs and have reviewed that concept plan v�ith City Staff, staff from State Department of Transportation, the Department of Natural Resources, and Anoka County. Al1 participants seem to concur in the need for improvements and that this concept seened feasible recognizing that further 4�ork needed to be performed. 4. The intersection of Highway 47 and 57th Ave, operates at a better level of service than Highway 65 and Old Central (level service C duriny p.n. peak hours) and will provide level D operation with the 1938 projected volumes. By year 2000, the level of service would decline and would indicate a need for some improvements. Improve- ments would be of a much lesser nature than at Highway 47 and Old Central. 5. The probable need to have an "all-way" stop control at tf�e inter- section of 57th Ave. and 7th St. to serve volumes projected at that intersection; otherwise, foresee no other significant effects on 1 ocal road�rays . 6. The local roadway system within the developmen*. will provide a good framework for meeting the internal traffic needs. - Mr. Kirk Herman, 610 57th Ave., asked how they were going to prevent vehicles from coming out of the developr�ent, heading easterly, and then cutting back on 57th Ave. Could they put in a median so cars coning out could not turn if traffic was bogged down to get onto Highway 65. 51 P�Ar�NIti� C0�1��ISSION taEETIr�G, JA�iUARY 22, 1986 PAGE 5 Mr. 8enshoof stated they are projecting j��t under 60% of the traffic will cor�e and go from the east and just over 40M ��ill cone and go from the ��est. He stated it was important to note ihat in this development, there was a choice; and if th�ere shou�d be so�e extraordinary delays at the Highway 65 intersection, the users would understand that and would find an �lternative route to the west. He did not expect many notorists to do what t�ir. Herman was suggesting, beca�se they feel that (1) with the appropriate inprovements, this intersection will r�eet traffic needs; and (2) ttiere are better choices by using the roadwav systems in the pro��ertv to 7th St. and then making other choices from the 7th St. intersection. Mr. Bensf�oof stated tf�ere were controls that could be provided should the City decide to do that. Qut, those controls would then apply equally to all people who use it, including residents of that street. Mr. iJeir stated 11r. Herman's conment was a good one to pass on to the Citv Enyineering staff r�hen they are working on the design phase. Mr. Ed Littlejohn, 711 58th Ave., stated that in the proposal outlined b�� t�r. Qensl�oof, lJest tloore Lake Drive was an alternative route to High�•�av 65 wlien trarfic was bogged down at tlighway 65/Old Central. Traffic could also go on uest �•toore Lake Drive, then west on 61st to Univ. Ave. What about mc�re traffic going by the Fridley High School and Fridley tliddle School? Mr. Oquist stated that for the traffic that would go out on 4Jest ��loore Lake Urive, the m�jority of it ►�ould be about 4:30-5:30 when school was out and most of the children would have already gone home. ��1r. Floyd Hess►��ick, 5665 Quincy St., stated the plan shoa�ed only one lane going south out onto Highway 65 out of the project and two lanes going north. H rn� would this one lane handle any additional traffic when it does not handle the current traffic? Mr. Benshoof stated that right turn would 5e subject to a yield control. There �•�ill be gaps in the traffic that the right turn novements will be able to utilize. One thing to note was that the traffic patterns to and fror� this develo�rnent are opposite the peak traffic patterns. He would also like to point out the aspect of the signal phasing change. t�Jhen the green light was on the west leg of the intersection, no other traffic would have the green light. The green light would be timed to stay on as long as there was a constant denand of traffic coming from the west, so that signal phasing change should help this situation immensely. Mr. William Kell, 5675 Jackson St., stated that referring to the westbound exit ramp off 694 heading north on Higha�ay 65, in order to alleviate the - problem of people having to cross two lanes of traffic to make a left turn at Highway 65/Old Central into the development, had any study been made to put in another exit a short distance up the ramp so that traffic could get over to the service road on the east side and then cor.�e across on Old Central? 5J PL�'�t�II�G C01•t(1ISSI0�� ��EETING, JANUARY 22, 1986 PAGE 6 t�r, Be«shoof stated they had thought of that and had discussed it with Staff and other agency staff participating. It was an idea worthy of further engineering study. It was too early for ther� to judge whether it was the best idea or not. Mr. Kell asked what possibility there was to having another metered ramp from tf�e developnent enteri�g �irectly onto tf�e westbound ramp onto 694. This would eliminate a lot of th� problens of traffic going out onto Nighway 65 and then onto tfie ramp. Mr. Benst�oof stated that had not been discussed in depth. He thou,ht there ►ras sone reluctance on the part of the State Departr�ent of Transportation to allow an exclusive ramp from a development. �1r. Richard Glumac, 5725 Quincy St., stated that if he was coming from West t•ioore Lake Drive to the Higt�way 65/Old Central intersection at around 4:30 p.m., if there was a lot of traffic backed up, how could he get to that intersection? Mr. Benshoof stated they have addressed that situation. They would expect a stop sign to be installed to control that. In both the morning and evening peak hours, there would be sufficient gaps incoming and outgoing to allrn•� for a left hand turn fron ti�Jest 1�loore Lake Drive. 1�1r. tJellan asked about exterior lighting. t�1r. Weir stated the height of the lights was less iraportant than the t�pe of lighting fixture. The primary type of fixture, particularly in a residential area, ►rould !�e a box-ty�e fixture with down lighting. The typical height of the fixture would range fror� 12-16 ft. The distance of the lighting fixtures from the homes was pretty substantial. He stated they felt lighting was an extremely important factor in the kind of tone that was set for a neighborhood. Since the neighborhood was essentially a residential neighborhood, that factor �ras extremely inportant in selecting a fixture. Thev want to convey to the public, to traffic on I-694, to their neighbors to the north, and people on the site that this is a park-like type of environment. . tir. 6etzold asked about signage; for instance, for the hotel. llould there be an�� luninous signs that would be f acing the neighborhood? h1r. :Jeir stat� they have not selected the locations on each building for signage. He stated that purely from a directional standpoint and inforn ational standpoint, they will be asking for back-lit signs. They are not lookin, for the neon type hard-to-look-at sign. It all has to be in keeping with the letteriny style and ti�e si2e of the signage as it related to the scale of the building. He tvas not sure ��hat tvpe of signage the hotel v�ould be renuesting. He stated they are very serious about what they are proposing and the�quality level of tliis �roposal. �tr. Wellan asked about the storn water drainaye syster�. 5K PL,�fJt�IlIG C��•1�4ISSIO�J �1EETI"�G, JA;�UARY 22, 1986 PAGF 7 Mr. Gerald Sunde, Civil Engineer working ���ith 6loodbridge Prorerties on matters relating to �latting, drainage, etc., stated the criteria used by the City of Frid�ey and the Rice �re�k ;latersi�ed 4istrict req�irenents were that they cannot �isc#�arge water at any rates greater than t�►ey were prior to any development. S�, Lhey �rill be addi�,g some p�nding areas on the site to control the rate of discharge. t•ir. ;Jellan asked about contaminations from the parking iots. t�r. Sunde stated there will be sedimentation as the water goes into the pond- in� areas; also the Rice Creek :latershed District rec�uires they have skin�ers on all the ponds so that any oils are skimmed off and cannot get out of the ponds. He stated the Rice Creek IJatershed District requirements were v ery strict. He stated the State Departr�ent of Transportation vlas very interested and was v�orkin� with then in terns of the location of the ponding areas. Ms. Gabel asked about the sanitary se��er system and its capacity. I�r. Sunde stated the sanitary s�rer system will be piped up fror� 7th St. They have done an analysis on the size of tfie syster� in the area of the site and are workiny on that with tt�e City. The systen cores very close to capacity down by University Ave., and that �ras bein� analyzed also. 1�0^_'ION BY MR. K017DRICK, SECO:JDF.D BY 1�R. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE TIi7' P('BL=C ffF.ARIIJG. UPON A VOICE VO�E, ALL ��0�'ING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLAI'.F.D �'fiE PUBLIC NEARING CLOSF.D AT 9:35 P.M. MOTION BY 11R. KO27DRICK, SECOIIDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECD:fIiEND TO CI.T.Y COUNCIL APPROVAI, OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA 1185-O5, BY TXE FRIDLEY XOUSI�"JG & RF.DEVF.LOP��EfJT AUTNORITY IN COOPERATION WITK WOODBRIDGE PROPF.RTIES, IF'C. , TO REZOPJF. FROM ('-3 (GENERaL SNOPPItJG CEN'"F.R) , C-1 (LOCAL BUSINESS) , R-1 (ONE FA:�ILY D�:ELLINC) AND R-3 (GEIJEl��L !�ULTIPLE DGIEiLIIJG) TO S-2 (REDEVELOP�IEIJT DISTRICT) ON LO_T 4, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISI01� NO. 155, EXCEP."' THAT PAf?T TAKEN FOR HIGHWAY, AIJD LOT 5, AUDITOR's SUBDIVISIOI: ?!O. 155, EXCEPT TH.�T PART TAKF.N FOR HIGNIJAY, AtJD Tf:E SOiI_TH TWO HUNDRED FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF TN.'•: IJORTl! NALF OF TNF. SOU"_'NEAST QU.IRTER OF SECTIO"� 23, T-30, R-24 WEST, F.XCEPT THaT PART TAY,El7 FOP. IIIGHI;'AY, AI�D A PORTION OF LO^_'S, BLOCK 5, DONIJAY'S LAKEVIET� 1r.�IJOR ADDI_!'ION, ACCORDING TO THE PRELZI4INARY PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE CITY M.�.'YAGER'S OFFZCE, IIJ Ai1D FOR FRIDLEY, MI1dNESOTA, ALL LOCATED IN THE SOUTH H1lLF OF SECTION 23, T-30, R-24, CI:Y OF FRIDLE2'� COUNTY OF ANOfCA, MINI7ESOTA� fJI':'f? TII:•' FOLL�IING STIPULATIOIIS: 1. CHANGES TO TXE ldAS_TER PLAN SHALL BF. HANDLED AS DUTLINED II� THF. HOUSING 6 REDEVELOPI•lENT AUTHORITY MEI�O TO THE PLANNING C0141;'ISSION DaTED JANUARY 9, 1986. _ 2. PRIOR TO ISSUAI7CE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT, THE DEVELOPER SUBlfIT FOR HOUSII7G 6 REDEVELOPI4ENT AUTHORITY/STAFF APPROVAL '1'XF. FOLIAfIING COMPREKENSIVE PLt11�S iJlTll PHr1SING DE':'AILS: a. STORM DRr1If7AGE b. LrVJDSCAPING c. LIGFITING d. SIGNAGE e. ARCHITECTURAL FACADE MATERIAL PLA11 INCLUDII7G RAt'P TREA'''NF.NTS 5L �l.a��►�InG Cnt�tISSI�t� t'EETI��G, Ja'�UkRY 22, 1986 . PAGF 8 3. REZOlJIIJC OF THE JOIif:SON PROPF.RTY� L�'Yl 5� BLOCK S� DONl7AY�S LAKEVIEII FL�lTOR RDYI72'ION, ZS GO�.'TIIlGEh'3' UPQlY S�:'E CONTROL OF Ti7E JOX.L'SO�� PROPERT�' BY ?'XE HOUSING 6 REDF.VELOP�KF.NT AU"_'XORITY, OFFICI.�L PUBLICATION OF THE ORDI!:.aNCE TO BF. CDORDINATED WI'"N ACQUISITIOi.' DATE. � UPOY A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CKAIP.PERSON GR3EL DECL�RF.D TNE MO.T.ION CFiRA.IED UNr71�Ilf0USLY. 2. PUL'LIC HEA!',ItJG: COt�;IDEP.ATIfI�I OF A PRELI�I;�IAPY PLAT, P.S. �85-07, LAI:E .';TE �0� 0." E P,, !3Y h R L Y L� �.': � L ��: R TY IN �Of'ERATI�'� t I I td00''�32 f�C ROf' i' , P� .: Qeing a rep at o Lot , Au itor s Su� �vis�on �o. 155, except that par tal:en for Hi gh��a:�, and Lot 5, Audi tor' s Subdi vi si on No. 155, except th part taken for Highwa�, and Lot 22, alock 10, Donnay's Lakeview 'lano Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of reco in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in anci for Anoka County, �Iinnesota, a the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of e southeast quarter of Section 23. T-30, R-24 west, except that part taE:e for Ilighway, ar�d Lot 5, alock 5, Donnay's Lakevie�l 1lanor Addition, all 1 ated in t!;e south half of Sectiun 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, �finnesota. MD'"�O1J IiY MR. BETZOLD, SECO.':DED Bl' 11R. i/ELLAlJ, TO OPEN/'1'flE PUBLIC !IL'AP.I::G. UPn:J A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CfiAIRPERSON GABF� DL'CLARF.D Ti.'E Pf113LIC HF..IRIIIG OPEt: A: 9:97 P.1f. � Mr. Robinson stated the �lattinc� included all he pro�erty, the drive-in property and tlie Johnson oroperty, Lot 5, B ck 5, Donnay's Lakeviev� tlanor Addition. Tl�e olat was designed to facili ate the r�aster �lan structure �hasinq. ".r. F�obinson stated Staff was reconr��riding tf�e follo►•ring sti�►ulations: 1. Ap;,roval of final plat c tingent upon site control of the Johnson propert.�, Lot 5, Block , Donnay's La{:evie�•� �ianor Addition. 2. Declaration of prote ive covenants and ease7ents shall be subnitted, approved b�� the Ci and recorded »ith the plat. Itens of concern shall include, b not be linited to: a. DisF�ositi and naintenance of outlots b. Restric on of outlots usage to �reen spece, buffer areas c. !laint ance of cor,mon areas d. Lan se e. Pr ibited activities f. int parking/access agreer�ents g. Other itens deeried appropriate by 3. Par fee, based on total square footage a defined in the public hearing notice, asis ►+ith each building pernit. the City Attorney of the replatted properties to be paid on a pro rata :40'_°_*Cj�BY MR. KONDRICK, SECO:TDED BY lNR. BE'_"20LD, TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HEFiP.I17G. �:J A VOICE VO'!'E, ALL VOTII�G A�'E, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECIAP.ED �IJE PUBLIC EARIA'G CLOSED AT �:40 P.H. 1. C�UNCIL P'EETINC OF FEBRUARY 24, 1986 they will be holding a Tri-State Convention arxi are asking support f rom the Co�mcil for this prograan. I�yor Nee as3ced �he vost for the ad, and Mr. Frauly stated it would be $10 to $25, depending on the size. Mayor Nee and the Co�mcil meni�ers agreed they would a3ch o�ntribute to this ad, rather than t�se City f�mds. PUBLIC HEARINGS• PROPERTIES, INC.: t�D'TION by Co�cilman Goodspeed to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Coincilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanin:ously and the public hearing opened at 7:39 p. m. Mr. Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated this rezoning is for the 100 Zwin Driv�In Property and also the Johnson property to the rorth. He stated the rezoning is for properties currerrtly identified as R-1, i�3, C-1 and C-3 to change the zoning to S-2 to allow developnent of the property by plan, as apQroved by the HRA and Cotu�cil. Mr. Flora stated the HRA, working with Woodt�ridge Properties, caane up with a plan to develop the Lake F•bir�te Corp�rate Center consisting of a total of nine buildings including a hotel and restaurant on these parcels of property. He stated by using the S-2 zoning, it would allaa development by a master glan, without individual special use permits for the structures and parking. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Cannission held a public hearing on January 22 where information was presented by representatives of Woodbridge Properties regarding the road structure, utilities, drainage, and phase development. He stated the Planning Comnission reoonriended approval af the rezoning with three stipulations, which he outlined. Mr. Flora stated the City initiated action to oondenn property in the area for the S-2 zoning. He stated he �nderstanc� there is a plan to realic� the roadway entrance into the site which may cause a slight change in the bo�dary line. He stated this information would be available at the first reading of the ordinance. dotmcilman Barnette stated he �derstands part of the property to the north currently zoned R-1 would be used for garking and asked the use of the renaining R-1 properties. Mr. Flora stated it would be used for a buffer between the hanes and access into the develognent. - Mr. Dave Weir, Woodbridge Properties, stated most of the neighboring residents were at the meetings regarding this development and they received a lot of good input pertaining to traffic issues. He stated they have representatives from their engineering firm and the traffic consultant present in the event there are ariy questions to be answered. -2- 5M 2. [�1 1 1 • �1•• •� •• Mr. Weir stated, ever, �hough they are req�esting an S-2 zoning, the uses permitted are thQ sairie �ir�ds of �ses pernaitted �der the current commercial zoning. Several questions were rasied on the height of the buildi ngs and the screening. Mr. Weir stated the building height would range from six to eic�t stories, with each floor roughly 13 feet. He stated, while the height of the screening is important, he felt the placement of the buildings in relation to the homes was even more important and the buildings would be built farther to the south and clo�r to the freeway. In answer to a question regarding the length of construction, Mr. Weir stated they intend to have the entire site prepared this construction season, but it would be limited to individual buildi ng pads and it may be between five to nir�e ya3rs before total comgletion of the entire plan. He stated an el enent relevant to the o�nstruction process is the timing of th e ir�tersection improvenent scheduled for oompletion in 1987. G1o�mcilman Goodspeed asked if there would be s�d on the building sites tntil they are ready to build on then. Mr. Weir stated they have a phasing plan for developnent of the landscaping. He stated, as far as the environment, they would cantrol any dust wer the vacant sites. He stated they wanted the landscaping aro�md the general perimeter, but would not have the final landscaping for each ir�dividual building tuitil they were oonstructed. Mr. Dick Schultz, a r�eighboring residem, voiced his o�ncern with separation of this property frcm the residential properties. He felt they would have more traffic in the area such as joggers and people walking their dogs on this site. Mr. Weir stated they are just as mncerned as the residents, but felt their landscaping plan would provide the necessary control since there is a variety of plantings and the buffer area was widened f ran 20 to 40 feet. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff would work with the developer to make sure there is proper landscaping, berming, and screening and to make it aesthetically gleasing both to the developer and the neighboring property aarers. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning. NDTION by Coimcilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by ��cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the mation carried �a�animously and the public hearing closd at 8:03 p.m. PROPEFt�'IES, INC. • NDTD�N by C��cilman Goocispeed to the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public ng. Seoonded by Co�ncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all v' g aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried -3- 5N COUNCIL MEETIP;G OF F'ARCH 3. 1986 50 Up�n a voice vote, a11 voting aye, i�layor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. r�a�7 BUSIti'ESS• 7. C�NSIDFRATION OF FIRSP RFADING OF AN ORDII�AICE FOR REZO►yNG RDQUEST, ZOA #85- O5, LAKE POINrE Q�RPORATE CQ�lI'F.R/100 ��IN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH P700DBRIDGE P� P�'IES, INC. : 8. 9. Mr. Floza, Publ ic� Works Di rector, stated this is a request to r�one the 100 �tain Driv�In property and associated Johnson property. Re stated the property is currently zoned C-1, C-3, �3 and R-I, and the proposal is to rezone to S-2, leaving the R-1 zoning along the northern boundary and a p�rtion of the westerly bo�mdary of the road irn.o the cievelopne�t. Mr. Flora stated the S-2 zoning would alla.� developnent at C-3 uses to occur by a master F1an. He stated a public hearing was held on this r�oning and three stipulations which dealt with this issue similar to the stipulations in the plat, which was just discussed earlier in the meeting. MJTION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimo�sly. Y.J. NOO-U1 • I�LPI CbF'.PANIES, INC.• NDTIDN by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing on t's plat for b'�rch 17, 1986. Seoonded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a vi ce vote, all voting aye, M3yor Nee declared the motion carried �uianim y. REPAIR THE OOr�`fO:�S PARK FILTRATION PIAI`T; Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated th e was a proble� at the Commons Park Filtration Plant in that the scree ave rusted and caused the filters to be worn out. Fir. Flora stated the City has equested proposals from engineering consulting fiuns for evaluati of •the existing filtration plants and water systens. He stated two fi resporx3ed, Z�►r Inc. ar,d Bonestroo, Anderl ik and Associates, Inc. � Mr. Flora stated T 's reoormer�dation to analyze the water in the system and establish ull scale pi3ot syste� to determine the effectiveness of manganese r al seans to be the most prudent method of correcting this problen. e stated it is reoorIInended that TI�A, Inc. be hired to conduct this . Schneider asked the o�st. Mr. Flora stated it would be about -5- �--�_ , , _ . / j , :�� : __;..- j __,-_ - _ �_-- .`-=...� • j•. . �, —__ -� ��, . �.��..---__--._...__,____►-__. —. _ . -_-}���.3. _...... 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Q �� :` �� ti-v- \ �,1 . / � ' . .\\ , � /.Y � . � - �%� � � � 1� ' ,� �� �� • " � � 1 � : 1 �, : N 4• Y � � �� e Q . o ; \�;: ..r � � � -- � c�- . \ •�, �j �1�� rO� I �1 _ \ � � � �4 � � �' � • � � � . ��. � I . i , . .. (, c�� _r i `�!� $�' �ef . \ ;�t�'_\ ` �-r-_ _'" ; i , ` . i - �'F-\ --�� \ =,�-y I ' ` '._ r.'i=\����-_ �'- - �. � — - _ _ �` . � .- , 13�5CLS _w .,cs r- ,�-•-s;KL L --- .o :�- �-J RESCi�[3'�'fON N0. - APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENTER, P.S. #85-07 WHIItEPS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Lake Pointe Corporate Center �ilat on January 22, 1986 and reoommended agpraval; and WH�EAS, the City CAUncil also oon�ucted a gublic hearing on the proposed plat of Lake Pointe Corporate Center at their February 24, 1986 Council meeting and approved the glat at their r]arch 3, 1986 meeting; and WfiII�EAS, the developer has made changes to the plat to facilitate tenancy in common g�rking which does not negatively alter the plat. NQn1, �iERF�t�RE, BE IT RESCi,VID, that the City Gouncil of the City of Fridley hereb� approves the revised plat knawn as Lake Pointe Corporate Center and autnorizes the hlayor and City Manager to sic� the final plat as prepared by Sunde Land Surveying, Inc. BE IT FUR�iF�t RFS�VID, that the petitioner is requested to reoord this plat at Anoka County within six (6) mr�nths or said apprwal will become null and void. PASSID AND ADOFI'ED BY THE QTY Q'XJNQL OF THE QTY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986. WILL IATl J. NEE - MAYpR AZTFST: 33IRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY (I�ERK 3/5/3/20 !�!OODBR I DGE PP,OPERT I ES, I�1� , P,S, #.35-07 STI PULATIO�lS 1� P,PPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONTROL OF THE .JOHNSON PROPERTY - LOT 5, BLOCK 5, DONNAY�S LAKEVIEW P�ANOR ,qDDITION, 2� DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND EASEMENTS SHALL EE SUBMITTED, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED WITH THE PLAT� ITEMS OF CONCERN SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED T0: A� DISPOSITION AND MAINTENANCE OF OUTLOTS B� RESTRICTION OF �UTLOTS USAGE TO CREENSPACE, BUFFER AREAS C� ��AINTENANCE OF COMMON AREAS D � LAND USE E� PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES F� �OINT PARKING�ACCESS AGREEMENTS G� OTHER ITEMS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY 3, PARK FEE, BASED ON TOTAL S(?UARE FOOTAGE OF THE REPLATTED PROPERTIES AS DEFINED IN THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, TO BE PAID ON A PRO RATA BASIS V�lITH EACH BUILDING PERMIT� � � 4� DEVELOPER TO DESICN/�TE PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, AS FUTURE, PROPOSED PARKING RAMP ON FINAL PLAT PRIOR TO EXECUTION AND RECORDING� . • � f'L�C1WIt;G C���IISSIQ�d ItEETIP�G, JA�JUARY 22, 1986 PAGF 8 3. REZONIIJG OF THF. JOIf1150N PROPF.RTY, LOT 5, BL C+T�DONrIAY'S LAKEVIE4T M�t1c712 1tDDZTION, IS CONTII7 ON S� TE CONTROL OF THE �t�HA�S�di PFP�lPERT�' BY T I?dG & REDF.VELOP,�fF.NT AU^_'HORITY, OFFICIAL PUBLICAT TXE ORDI19A1VCE TO BE COORDINATED WI?'H ACQUISIT " E. �6X�� VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIJG AYE, Cf{AIP,PERSON GA�EL DECLARF.D TXE MOTION Ct,�FtIED UNrVJIHOUSLY. 2. PUL'LIC HEAf',I��G: COP�SIDERATI��� OF A Pf?ELI�I:NA�'Y PLAT, P.S. �85-07, LAtr,E 0."�TE C0� 0!?A E EN EP., 13Y h R DL �.SIt r, D L � TY IN �Of'ERATI��J l I f t•!00^(3RI�GE PROP R I , P. Qeing a rep at o Lot , Au itor s Su ivision �o. 155, except that part tal:en for Hi ghti�a��, and Lot 5, Audi tor's Subdi vi si on No. 155, except that part taken for Nighwa��, and Lot 22, alock 10, �onnay's Lakeview 'tanor Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in ancf for Anoka County, Plinnesota, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part tal�.en for liighway, arid Lot 5, alock 5, Donnay's Lakevie�� Itanor Addition, all located in t'�e south half of Sectiun 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, t�finnesota. MO'"ION IiY MR. BET20LD, SECOl1DED BY l4R. �IELLAPI, TO OPF.N Tf1E PUBLIC 11L'ARII7G. UPCJl� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CFf�IRPERSON GABEL DECLARF.D Tf.'E PUI3LIC HE�IRIIJG OPE1J AT 9:37 P.If. Mr. Robinson stated ttie {�lattinc� included all the pro�erty, the drive-in property and tlie Jof�nson �roperty, Lot 5, �lock 5, Donnay's Lakevievi t1anor Addition. Tfie plat was designed to facilitate the naster �lan structure phasing. � '"r. Robinson stated Staff was reconmending tl�e folloti•�ing sti�ulations: l. Ap�roval of final plat contingent upon site control of the Johnson property, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lal;evie►•� hanor Addition. 2. Declaration of protective covenants and easa�ents shall be subr�itted, approved b�� the Ci ty and recorded ►��i th the pl at. Itens of concern shall include, but not be linited to: a. Disposition and naintenance of outlots b. Restriction of outlots usage to green space, buffer areas c. "laintenance of corIInon areas d. Land use e. Prohibited activities f. Joint par�:ing/access agreenents _ g. Other itens deer,�ed appropriate by the City Attorney 3. Park fee, based on total square footage of the replatted properties as defined in the public hearing notice, to be paid on a pro rata basis ��ith each building pernit. :fOTION BY MR. KONDRICR, SECOIIDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC XEAP.Il�G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII7G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED �IIE PUBLIC HEARI:1'G CLOSED AT �:40 P.M. �• PL�1"INI��G COtihiISSIOt� t�IEETIfJG, Ja'�UARY 22, 1986 PAGE 9 I40TI0:'J BY XR. KOb'D�tICK, SECOtJDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCI:, AF�PP.O�IAL OF PRELI�4IP:ARY PLAT, P.S. �?85-07, LAKE POIN^E CORPORATF. CF."�?'EP., !3Y TlIF FRIDLEEY HOUSZ:VG 6 REDEV�LOPMF.1!"_' AU^_'HORITY IP7 COOPF.RATION WITH WOOnRRIDGE PROPERTIF.S, ItJC. , BEIt7G A REPLAT OF LOT 4, AUDITOR'S SUDDIVISIOI'1 NO. 155, EXCEPT THAT PART TAKEN FOR liIGHWAY, AND LOT 5, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 155, EXCEPT TNAT PAFZT TAICEN FOR NIGHWAY, A1�D LO� 27, BLOCK 10, !)C)NNAY'S LAKE[�II'W MAIJOR �1DDIZ'_ON, ACCORDIFIG "_'O THE Mr7P OR PI.r3T TIIF.REOF Ol' F_TLE AND OF RECORD IIJ THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF TITLES I17 AND FOR APlOhA COUNTY, 1lINr:ESOTA, A;7D THE SOUTH TWO NUNDRED FEET OF TKE NORTH HALF OF Tf.'E NORTH HALF OF THF. SOUTffE.�ST QUARTER OF SF,CTION 23, �'-3f� t R-24 iIES':', EXCEP_T "'K.�T PART TAKEPJ FOR HIGN:IAY, AI�D LOTS, BLOCK 5, DONNAY'S I.�Y.EVIECs' l•fr�lit�i� ADDI?'I�t�, .ALL LOCA':F.D IN THi; SOUTli HALF OF SECTI017 23, "_'-30, R-24, CI^_'Y OF FRIDi,Ei', COUIVTY OF ANOKA, I9II�NESOT�, WITII THE FOLLaaI11G STIPUZ,�TIOiJS: 1. APPP.OVAL OF FINAL PZ,AT COt�TI�JGEi:T UPO."7 SITE COI�TROL OF TNE JOHNSOiJ PROPERTY, LOT 5, BLOCK 5, D01:11AY'S LAKF.VIE�J 1'!ANOR ADDITIO"T 2. DECLARATION OF PROTECTN� COVE'VA.':TS n�m EASEMENTS SHALL BE SUBIf7_TTED, APPROVED BY TfiE CITY AND RECORDED �42^_'X TffF. PLAT. ITEMS OF CONCERI� SXALL INCLUDE, BUT 1lOT BE LIMITED TO: a. DISPOSITI021 A17D I�AINTENAl'�CE OF OUTLOTS b. RESTRICTION OF OUTLOT.S USAGE TO GREEN SPACE, BUFFER ARF.AS c. 11�IIJTE;JAtICE OF COIfMON AREAS d . LAND USE e. PROHIBI�'ED ACTIVITIES f. JOIIlT PAP.KING/ACCF.SS AGRF.E.�fEPITS g. OTHER ITEt:S DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY 3. PARK FEE, Br7�SED ON TO'_^AL SQU.�RE FOOTAGE OF THE RF.PLATTED PROPEP.TIES AS DEFINED IN .THE PUBLIC HF.ARIP:G NO_TICE� TO BE PAIP ON A PRO RAT�� BASIS WITfI EACH BUILDING PER'•fIT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC AI'E, CNAIRPF.RSON GABEL DECLAP.ED THF. MOTI0IJ CARRIED UNAi1Il�OL'SLY. 3. PU[3LIC tiEARIP;G: COt�SID ATIO�� OF A Sf'f_CIAL USE PERItIT. SP #85- PROf ERTIES, IPdC. : Pei� Sect�on . 7.1, C, 5 of the Fridley Cit� Code to allow autor�obile parking lot to be located in R-1 zoning on Lot 22, Bloc'< , Donnay's Lake- vie�v "lanor Addition, according to the nap or plat the on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles i nd for Anoka County, Plinnesota, all located in the south half of S ion 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Ptinnesota. 1�IOTIO:�' BY 1�R. OQUIST, SECOIJDED BY . KOI:DRICF;� TO OPEN ?HE PUBLIC HEARIP7G. UPOIJ A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC XE.�RING OPEN AT 9:42 . ;�1r. Robinson ed the lot in question was Lot 22, Block 10, Donnay's Lakevie►,� � r Addition, the lot which will renain sinsle family a„d ►�as not propos to be rezoned as S-2. The special use permit r�as for parking on si e f amily property for use by the adjacent property. 2. �J� � �� • �• • ►• •� Mr. Weir stated, even though they are requesting an S-2 zoning, the uses permitted are the same kirxis of uses permitted under the cvrrent commercial zoning. /� Several questions were rasied on the height of screening. Mr. Weir stated the bui3ding height � eic�t stories, with e�ch floar roughly 13 feet. He of the screening is importartt, he f el t the pl acem� relation to the hames was even more important an built farther to� the s�uth and closer to the fr a the ildi ngs and the oul range from six to ted, whiie the height � t of the buildings in the buildings would be in answer to a question regarding the leng of construction, Mr. Weir stated they intend to have the entire si e prepared this construction season, but it would be limited to iridivid 1 building gads and it may be between five to nir�e years before total pletion of the entire plan. He stated an elenent relevant to the o�nstr ction process is the timing of the intersection improvenent scheduled for pletion in 1987. Coimcilman Goocispeed asked if there ould be sod on the building sites u�til they are ready to build on then. . Weir stated they have a phasing plan for developnent of the landscapin . He stated, as far as the environment, they would oontrol any dust wer the vacant sites. He stated they wanted the lan�caping aroi.md the ge al perimeter, but would not have the final landscaping for e3ch irxiivid building �til they were o�nstructed. Mr. Dick Schultz, a nei of this property fram t more traffic in the are this site. / ing resident, voiced his ooncern with separation residential properties. He felt they would have such as joggers and people walking their dogs on Mr. Weir stated th are just as ooncerred as the residerits, but felt their landscaping plan ould provide the necessary control since there is a variety of plant' gs and the buffer area was widened f ram 20 to 40 feet. Mr. Qureshi, make sur e th aesthetical� aarers. / �ty Manager, stated staff would work with the developer to e is proper landscaping, berming, and screening and to make it gleasing both to the developer and the neighboring property No othe,� pers�ns in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning. I�pT by Co�cilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by Gb cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared e moti on carri ed �a�animously ar�d the publ ic heari ng c1 osd at 8: 03 p. m. • +,� ' '� �. t�DTB�N by Gb�mcilman Goodspeed t�o waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoondeci by Co�ncilman Schreider. t1p�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �� • / 3. ..�,,_ , � . �- - ,. .. tu�animously and �the �..ic hearing opened at 8:03 p.m. Mr. Flora, Pt�lic Works Director, stated this glat is for the developnent of the 100 �in Driv�In property. He stated the plat identifies nine parcels associated with the plat and four outlots. He stated there is a lot for every building and its associated parking. , Mr. Flora stated a public hearing was held before the Planning Comnission on January 22 and they re�nmended approval with three stipulations which he outlined. Mr. Flora stated once the roadway is finally designed, there would be a little differer►t re+aligrunent of the roadway to coincide with the entrance i nto the dev el ognern . Mr. Dave Weir, Woodbridge Properties, stated they had a f�a items to add and asked Mr. Eric Nesset to review these changes. Mr. Nesset stated they intend to change the right-of-way of Lake Pointe Drive to make it consistent at 60 feet wide. He stated the other item concerns a lot lir�e going through a parking lot. He stated they intend to make a separate lot for the garking structure and separate lots for the buildings. Mr. Nesset stated the physical composition of the site didn't change, but only the form in which it is characterized legally. No ather persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed plat. M?TION by CA�cilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cb�cilman Schneider. [1p�n a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried �uianimously and the public hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Weir stated the neighboring residents gave then a lat of supgort and he wished to thank then for their involvement. He also recognized the City staff who worked very hard to make this all happen in a short period of time. He stated it makes a difference to do business in a City where everyone is 000perating to make this developnerct possible. • � :i �o 5TH STREET N. E. BY OOP'AitJNITY OPTIONS. LTD: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated th was a request last June for a special use permit by Conm�nity Opt' to open a mental health facility on Sth Street. He stated the Co denied this request which was challenged in Disrict Court. Mr. Qure stated a wurt order was received last week which directs the Cfl�mc' to issue the special use permit. Mr. Herrick, C� torney, stated it is rather difficult for him to give any specif ics cause, even though the j udge issued the order, the f indi ngs and voncl ' ns have r�ot as yet been received. He stated his reo�nmendation -4- � 6E 3. 4. 5. � � 00[J'�CIL MR'......L'I'ING OF -MARCFL_3, 19 6-�= sqnare feet i�n area or eight (8) feet in height; 5.) Provide 1 ing t� s�creera perking f rcm Mississippi Street; 7.) Pravide screening fence be rezaned property and reside��ces to the west; and 8.) Provide perfonrance in the acr��t of $2,000. Sec�nded by m�ncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanin:ously. , M1TICk�I by Co�cilman Fitspetrick to waive the secon eading of Ordinance No. 853 and aaopt it on the seoond reading and order pub � tion. Seconded b}• Co�mcilman Schneider. [lpon a voice vote, all voting ,[dayor hee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4Q'�SIDF�2ATIOt` OF A FII�WL PLAT, P.S. i85-07, IAKE POI TE �RATE �Ej�TTER�100 �IN DRIVE-IN, BY F�2A IN �OPERATIOh WITH �7CASRIDGE PRJPt;KI'IES, INC.: Mr. Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated Woodbridge Properties will be developing the 100 �rin Drive-In pro�rty and adjaoent Johnson property and they have sutr�itted a plat for this �.Srcel. Mr. Flora stated there may be a sli�t variation in the exact description of the raad and this Would be accompl ished When the final �rylar of the pl at is sutr�itted to the Co�cil. Ne outlired the three stipulations which should be part of the plat's aoceptance. MDTION by Co�►cilrran C�oo�speed to approve the final plat, P. S. #85-07, for Woodbridge Properties, Inc. for development of the Lake Pointe Corporate Center, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) Approval of final plat is.--�' o�ntingent upon site control of the Johnson property - Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakevie�. Mar�or Addition; (2) Declaration of protective covenants and easenents shall be suinitted, apprwed b� the City and zeo�rded with the plat. Items of concern shall include, but not be limited to: (a) Disposition and maintenance af outlots; (b) Restriction of outlots usage to green sg3ce and buffer areas; (c) Maintenance of oorrmon areas; (d) Land use; (e) Prohibited activities; (f) Joint parking/access agreenents; and (g) Other ite;;s cieened appropriate by the City Attorney; and (3) Park fee, based on total square footage af the replatted properties as defined in the put�lic hearing notioe, to be paid on a pro-rata basis with each building permit. Seo�nded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor tiee declared the motion carried �a�animously. Mr. Fl or a, Publ ic Wor srt.a ted Mr. !4c-�darn ca�r!e bef or e th e Co un ci 1 to plat land between Osborne h in order to construct a mini-storage warehouse facility. He sta code requires the transaction be reo�zded at the Co�nty within 180 days. _ -3- � . FS}r�5-�/ W,• � .•.�. ' •� •'��-. - . 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O � i !_ ,� , �i �tII �� i ] 1�, t A b O 2 > Q 3 x u x 1 6H (pfflcial. p1�b1 i ratim) CI1Y � FRIDIEY, PUBT�C A�TITtE In canforn�nce wi� Sectian 7.04 of the City Chartsr, the follaair�g City M�ager's preliminaty budget for fiscal year 1987 will be submitted to t3�e City Ca.a�cil at the Aug�ist 4, 1986 City C,as�cil Meeting. r� io• • �► �. � • ��� � a i T�es and SpeciaZ Asses�ents: (�zrrent Ad Valoreffi Delim�uient, Penal.ties, Forfeitsd Special Assessments Licenses and Pezmits: Licenses PeYmits • Intergoveztmental: Federal State - Hanestead Credit (U.�rent Ad Valor�n) I�cal Gaverrment Aid All Ot�er Q�rges for Services Fines and Forfeits Interest an Irrv�shrents Miscellaneo�a.s Revern,ies Ot3�ier FYn��cing Sa.trces : M�micipal State Aid FLa�d Liquor Fluxl Debt Service Ftuid 1IITAL R�II�JFS ArID UIf� 1f F�IANCIl� 90[It(FS F1uxi Balance: Designated for Replacement of FYxed Assets General FLmd Surplus 1IIIAL FZPID BAIAriCE • • r� i�• • � Fy.oy : ; a�a.. i a ►��, R�ie 5hari� Fl�d Ftuyd balarice State Aid Fimd Cable TV Flx�d 1II1'AL SPDCTAL RF.ZI�IVIIE FLPffi �t! J�_d 1 ►�1., Capital I�rvve�ent ILII'ld Praperty T�c - Gl.�rent Ad Valor�n Interest �rPAi, caprraT _ HiaTFX.T FLI�ID�s l:'r �►:h'i �i � � Six Cit3:es Watershed F1�d Property Tax - G�ffrent Ad Valorem 1t7t'AL AC�1C.Y FZI�ID NASIM M. Q[JRFSEII, City Manager Iegislat3.ve: $ 2,760,402 City Ca.u�cil Pl�au.ng Co�nissians 69,000 Other Coamissions 6,802 City M�aganent: General Manage�ent 147,208 Persormel 155,449 I�g�l F`in�ce: 112,789 Elections Accamting Assessing 450,000 Civic Center 1,914,402, Police: 207,555 Police 134,892 Civil Defense 207,568 Animal Cantrol 320,000 F`ire: 64,800 Public Works: Tecimical Fngineering 128 , 576 TYaffic �rirtg 10,000 Street Lighting S0, 000 Public Works Maintenazr.e Canmu�ity Developnent: $ 6,739,443 Code Fnforc.e�nent Pl�ning Recreation: 1.50,000 Naturalist 214,4b5 Recreation 364,465 Reserve: $ 7,103.90�8 100,000 373,015 58,770 531,785 82,919 100,000 182�919 9,869 9,869 $ 165,018 354,164 627,163 2,194,053 488,479 1,960,416 361,300 601,442 351,873 $ 7,103,908 100,000 373,015 58,770 531,785 82,919 100,00Q 182,919 9,869 9,869 7 o PLANNING DIVISION � ci�roF MEMOR,ANDUM' FRIDLEY [�ND ZO : Jock Robe r tson, Caaununi ty Devel opnent Di rector . r�ND FROiM: Jim R,obinson, Planning Coordinator r�rD n�: July 30, 1986 REGARDING: Creekridge Park Expansion At Council's request staff has analyzed the possible aoquisition of some or all of Richard Brickner's property north af CYeekridge Park. �A��L..AB� Zhe total area � the euisting �rk is approxiA►ately 2.8 acres. Zhe park is presently improved with a single lighted tennis court with an attached basketball play area, a tot lot, a free play area with backstop and a holdi.ng pond. In the winter, a li�ted skating area approximately 150' x 50' is also prav ic3ed. Acx�uisition of the southerly two p�roposed Brickner lots as well as all four proposed lots would yield the following gark areas: (�e triangular portion held by the City o�f Fridley is included in both options. ) Farcel Areas Zbtal Aoquisition 2.9 acres R. 0. W. - ii�l .43 acr es Triangular Fbrtion - TP .16 acres Existing Park - EP 2.3 acres Paroel C - D .47 acres Paroel A - B .46 acres Assemlalage Areas (2 Options) EP + TP + C-D = 2.93 acres EP + TP + ArB-C-D = 3.39 acres �AI�CTd. a0.S'i'S Presently the Assessors 1986 estimate o� market value includes: $47,700 for the nc�rtherly p�rcel with the previously existing house (proposed parcels A-B) and, $6,100 for the hack lot (proposed paroels C-D) which is valued as additional square footage for the front lot only. Both existing paroels witb the hou�e in plaoe were purc�ased by l�5c. Brickner in August a�f 1983 for $47,000. Dze aosts af acquiring the Brickner lots has been estimated using three methods: �' � Jock Roberts�n July 30, 1986 Page 2 1. Ass�ess�ors estimate af aoquisition cost assuming landlocked status for �ro��ed Paroels C and �9 �rith �uildab►�e sta�tus fc�x p�cc�posedt �a�c�oels A and s. (Also see attached �a) 2. Assessors estimate � aa�uisitian �ost assuming builchble status for all four proposed �rcels. 3. Fstimating Paroels C and D at $.76/sq. ft. (based on Gena Pae oosts) with Parcels A and B estimated as buildable lots. Although actual acx�uisition o�sts would be based on a negotiated or court determined settlenent, the follawing table provides a range of financial exposure based on assemblage options and property status, i.e. buildable vs. landlocked: �� r� �• ti • • .• �+�• • n • �+.• � • I Proposed I Assessors I Assessors I Estimated I I Parcels ( Estimated � Estimated I Aoquisition I I I A«�uisition I Aaquisition i value � Cs� ! I ( Costs � Costs I Property Basedl I I(C & D Lanci- �(C & D Build- � on Gena l�e I I I Locked) I ataie) I Cost I I I I I i I I I I I 1 C& D � $ 4,750 � $52,000 � $29,412 I I I I I I I I I i I � A& B � 47 ,900 � 47 ,900 I 47 ,900 I i I I I I I I I I I I�1BC & D � $52,650 I $99,900 I $77,312 I I � I I I� I An additional oost assoc,iated with the possible aoquisition includes waiving the assessnent on the eacisting southerly paroel (proposed parcel C-D) which are currently t�e1d in abeyanoe but are accruing interest. The assessments for two future lots, for sewer, water and street, oane to a t�tal of $17,944 plus accrued interest of $3,046.62 (through 7/30/86) for a total of $20,990.62. FFAGTRTi.T'1'1► I spoke with aiuck Boudreau and Jack Rirk regarding two other issues related_ to the potential a�quisition including, the safety ramifications of having a park subdivided by a street and the usability of the additional acreage. �e creatio�n of an attractive nuisanoe is a major aonoern by staff. Safety would need to be analyzed, addressing street signage and crosswalk c3esic�ation. Good visibility would also have to be mairitained. An existing City park, Surenit Square is presently developed on the north and south o� H��ghes Avenue. Dc. Bouc�eau laiew o� no pedestriar�/auto accidents associated with this park layout. . . � Jock Rabertson July 30, 1986 Page 3 In discussing usage, we concluded that the potential acquisition parcels would only be c�sable for passive use sudi as tot lot play, seating/picnicing and use for the playgro�d progra�► (especially if an open type shelter was pravided). Moving the tot lot across the street could be readily accomgl ished. How�ver, the ben�ef it to the active use of the existing park is questionatale due to the irrplave develognent which plaoes the tennis caurt in the middle of the park precluding expansion of the existing softball/play area to a more desireable size. Finally, Dr. Boudreau felt that the Packs and Recreation Commission would most likely be interested in analyzing the potential for any significant addition to the existing park. At their last meeting on July 14, 1986 they made a motion urging Council to sell the triangular piece of property on Creek Park Lane to Mr. Brickner. It should be noted that at that time the Commission was not apprised of the potential addition of any or all of the Brickner property. cc: Leon Madsen John Flora Chuck Boudreau Jack Ki rk Attach. NF-86-177 CITY OF FRIDLEY ' 8 C MEMORANDUM T0: JOHN FLORA, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: LEON MADSEN, ASSESSOR SUBJECT: ESTIMATED ACQUISITION �OST �� �ICNA�D 9RICKNER PROPERTY LOCATEO AT AT 1358 - 66TH AVENUE NORTHEAST DATE: JULY 24, 1986 Parcel "A" -- 75' wide x 120' deep Parcel "B" -- 88.5' less 15' walkway = 73.5' wide x 120' deep Parcels "C", "D", and "K" total 128' x 163.5' less 15' walkway, (or) 19,000 sq. ft. net area Parcels "A" and "B" are situated at approximately 1358 - 66th Avenue Northeast. There is paved street and curbing. Currently, only one lot is served with water and sewer. An additional service would cost $2,100.00. Recent sales of similarly situated lots are, as follows: 1. Lot 7, Blk. 3, Creekridge -- 78' x 159' -- sold 2/85 for $24,454.00 including specials. 2. Lot 9, Blk. 3, Creekridge -- 75' x 120' -- sold 11/85 for $18,636.00 plus specials. * 3. Lot 10, Blk. 2, Creekridge -- 75' x 127' -- sold 11/85 for �21,000.00 plus specials. * 4. Lot 14, Blk. 1, Blomberg Estates -- 75' x 137' -- sold 7/85 for $26,500.00. * Specials were about $5,590.00 per lot. Sales Nos. 1, 2, and 3 are located in the same general neighborhood as the sub- ject. All sales are with all streets and utilities in and paid for. The average selling price is $25,000.00. This would indicate a value for Parcel "A" of $25,000.00 less $2,100.00 for water and sewer, or a net value of �22,900.00. Parcel "B" is indicated to be �25,000.00. Parcels "C", "D", and "K" are legally landlocked. Value of this parcel is only as expansion, either for Parcels "A" and "B" or lateral expansion of the adjoin- ing properties. The only sales of landlocked land for expansion that we are aware of are sales by the County Auditor of some tax forfeit land sold to owners of 5191 and 5179 Lincoln Street Northeast. These were an expansion of lot depths. The parties paid only a small fee to transfer the ownership. Two other adjoining owners even refused to accept the same opportunity to add depth at this low cost. This would indicate a very low demand for land to expand an already buildable site. We would estimate the values of Parcels "C", "D", and "K", which are currently totally one parcel, to be $.25 per square foot or �4,750.00 maximum. LM ps �r ��. y "2�,,� U( ,-( .�...._ z �� P.S. #86-U2 Creekridge Plat 2 Parcel Areas G G T ,�YE, N �E'. EP = 2.3 acres �,� _ �� --�--- . ,. • J I''ilss �SSiPP� sr �ICN�RD BRICK��ER P, S, ���5-'�2 STIP(!L.I�TIOPIS � 1, MR, BRICKNER TO PAY THREE PARK FEES OF $I,SOO EACH WITH FIRST THREE OF FOUR BUILDING PERMITS, 2, PENDING ASSESSMENTS PLUS INTEREST TO BE PAID WITH THE BUILDIN(= PERMITS ON TRACTS C AND �, 3� THE MECESSARY PROpERTY BE SOLD TO THE DEVELOPER� � CITY OF FRII3LE'� �LA�iNIt� ��E'�'lISSIQt� MEETIt�G, Jt1NF 4, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairperson Kondrick called the June 4, 1986, P1 ning Commission r�eeting to order at 7:34 p.n. ROLL CALL: � , t�enbers Present: Dave Kondrick, Dean Saba, ' hard Svanda (for IJayne IJellan), Donald Beizold Plerobers Absent: LeRoy Oquist, Sue Sh� k Others Present: Jim Robinson, P1 ning Coordinator Jock Robertso Corr�nunity Developnent �irector Myron Ostlu , 14Q0 66th Ave. ��.E. Richard B ckner, 1233 12th Ave. N.ld., New Brighton R. Podv' , 1391 1lississippi St, N.E. Jon achel Gottwald, 1415 Hississinpi St. N.E. Ro t& Doris ��elson, 1439 Nississippi St. N.E. eph Menth, 1388 66th Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF �Y 28, 1986, PLANP�I��G C(N1�IISSION MI�JUTES: MO'_"IO�MR. SABA, SECOPIDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO APPROVE THF. MAY 28, 1986, PLANNING COIfMI ION MINUTES AS FiRITTEtl. N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPF.P.SON KONDRICfC DECLARED THF. ION CARRIED UNANItfOUSLY. 1. Pl1RLIC NFARIPIG: CO�JSIDERATI�N OF PRCLI'1If�ARY PLAT, P,S. #86-02, CRFEY.RIDGE ICH R� BRICY.PJER, li tAS LOtiBERf;, ��D THF CITY �F FRIDLEY: Consi eration of a Pre iminary P at, P.S. 8b-(l2, Creekri ge Plat y Richard Brickner, Thomas [ilomberg and the City of Fridley, heing a rc�plat of that part of the lJest one-half of the P�ortheast Quarter of Section 13, T-3(l, R-24, described as follov�s: Commencing at a point which is 742.5 feet �lorth of the Southwest corner on the l•lest line of said quarter section an�i 467.5 feet East on a line which is paralle� with the South line of said quarter section; thence East on a line parallel with the South line of said quarter section a distance of 412.5 feet; thence Sa�th at right angles and parallel ►�ith the west line of said quarter section 1�7.25 feet; thence Idest parallel with fi_rst course a distance of 4t2,5 feet; thence t�orth a distance of 1Q7.25 fPet to place of beginning, containing one acre and two an�i one-half rods more or less according to the Government survey thereof, also described as part of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 10 and now known as Lot 14, Revised Auditor's Suh- division �do. 10, except the East 249 feet, front and rear, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, and also that part of Lot 6, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, described as follows: Commencing at a point 467.5 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 6; thence North parallel � PLA�dNItJG COt��tISSION �'IEETI�d�, JUNE 4, 1986 PAGE 2 with thQ ��lQSt boundary �tne of said Lot 5 140.25 feet; thence East parallel with the South boundary lin� of said Lot 6 412.5 feet, more or iess, to a point in the East line of s��d �ot 6; thence So�ih a�anq t�e East boundary line of said Lot 6 140.25 feet to the Sa�rt�,�ast c�ra�er of said Lot 6; thence West along said South boundary line to the poini of beginning, EXCEPT thP East 249 feet, front and rear, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, and also all of Outlot A, Dennis Addition, excepting therefrom the East 24Q feet and exceptinq therefrom the West 417.5 feet, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, ttinnesota, ar�d also all of Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden tJoods, and also all of Outlot 1, Block 1, fena-Rae Addition, all lyinq in the North half of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO WAIVE THE READING OF THF. PUBLIC HEARINC P10TICE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIP7G AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON DECLAP.ED TXF. MOTION CARRIED UNANm!OUSLY. MOTIDN BY MR. SABA, SECOIIDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO OPF.PI THE PUBLIC HF,A7?INC,. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., ACTING CNAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THF. PUBLIC NEARING OPEN AT 7;36 P.M. Mr. Rohinson stated the property �vas located north of Creek Park Lane an�i east of Centra] Ave. Proposed was a replat of four parcels, 2140, 1620 all of �utlot 1, 61ock l, Gena-Rae Hddition, and Lot I, alock 1, Hidden Woo�is. The re�lat was being requested primarily hecause two large lots could be sub- divided into four buildable lots. In order for lot 162f1 to gain access to Creek Park Lane, an easement must be granted across the northeast portion of Outlot 1, Block 1, Gena-Rae Addition. The City would retain rn•►nership of that portion of the property. h1r. Rohinson stated that lot 1620 was currently being assessed for sewer an�! water and s±reet for two lots. �1r. Richard Podvin, 1391 t�ississippi St. N.E., asked that if the City retained ownership of that corner of the property in order for driveways to access onto Creek Park Lane, who held liability for thosP drive4rays--the City or the honeo��rners? Mr, Robinson stated the City was just grantinq access easement, and it would be the owner's liability. It wasn't any different than anywhere in the City where driveways cross city boulevards. Mr. Podvin stated he would like to state the following questions as "food for thought" for the Planning Cormission members: � PLIiNNIt�G COMMISSIOt� MEETING, JUt�E 4, 19t36 PAGF 3 1. IJhy would the son of a successful developer purchase landlocked property on �Jovember 15, 1983, unless �ae �Cne+ri �n advance that there would be a way to open up the Iarad? 2. Did the fact that the school was p�t up for sale on April 14, 1983, have anything to do with his decision to buy the property? 3. How else could hP open this land without the corner of Gena-Rae? 4. Did it help to have his father, To� Brickner, app�inted to the Sites and �isposition Committee of the School Roard on Dec. 14, 1982? . 5. �id it help him to have his father suggest to the City that thP,y obtain Gena-Rae as a park knowing the road would be built to the north? 6. The City had a choice of running Creek Park Lane to the north, thus landlocking lots to the south, or runnin� it straight east anci west, and landlocking land to the north. Was the road run to the north because Brickner owns land there? 7. Did arici;ner offer a snall strip of land for a walka►ay in exchanc�P for the corner of Gena-Rae? 8. The walkway is approximately 25�� sq. ft. in area. The corner is approx.8000 Sq, ft. Is that a fair exchange for the taxpayer? 9. At the time Gena-Rae was condemned, the City ultimately pa•id the owners 76.5� per sq. ft. Usin� this as a figure, the Brickner strip is worth approx, 51,912. The corner of Gena-Rae, bein� approxi- mately 8,000 sq. ft., is worth approximately �6,12�, leavin� a difference of S4,208. Is Brickner going to pay the taxpayers thP difference? 10. On November 21, 1983, Hr. Boudreau stated,"The City needs a minir�um of 3 to 5 acres." The park presently is down to 2.28 acres after subtractinq the holding pond, the street, and the upusable 9 foot strip to the north of the street. The Plannin� Commission is no►�r considerinq a plat submitted by Richard Brickner which ►�vill reduce the park even further, to a total of approximately 2.1 acres. Doesn't the City of Fridley have an engineer on staff creative enaugh to �rake use of the corner of the park for the children of this area? 11. At this time, s anebody is a7ready buildin� a house on the Rlomberg iot included in ti�e prel{minary plat you are considering tonight. Because Richard 8rickner submitted this plat, we assume he is the one buildinc�. How can he be buildinn when his plat has not even had preliminary approval yet? � PLANNI��G CfIMNISSIfJI� PIEETI��G, JUNE 4, 1986 PAGE 4 12. Bas� on all of these possibilities, could one not assume that the acquisition of this corner was cut and dried as far back as T983? 13. Mayor Nee, in 1985, gave me his question would always re�ain a ��layor. Is he sti71 the Mayor? personal word that the corner in part of the park as long as he was t4r. Joe �lenth, 1388 66th Ave. tJ.E., stated he shared sor�e of the same concerns expreseed by Mr.�Podvin. He stated he was prirnariTy concerned with the two lots from this subdivision that would face 66ih Ave, k{e stated that currently all the hor�es alona 6Fth Ave. are sinqle story dweilinas that have been there for about 30 years. He r�ould be concerned with continuity in the neighborhood and that homes not be bui]t that would be out of character such as two story hones or spiit entry homes. F1r. Richard arickner stated he had no plans at this time for these houses, but he would keep Hr. Menth's concerns in mind. � Mr. Robinson stated the City cannot regulate the style of a house. If Mr. Brickner chose to build a certain style of house, that was up to hi�. Mr. P1enth stated he would strongly urge Mr, Qrickner to consider building single story houses on 66th Ave. to maintain continuity in the neighborhood. t1r, Kondrick stated that �1r. Podvin had some very valid concerns, and he urqed �1r, Podvin to express these concerns to the Citv Council also as the City Council would make the final decision on this preliminary plat. Mr. Podvin stated ti�at because the City of Fridley felt it needed 3-5 acres of land for a park, the Gena-Rae property was condemned to use as a park. He stated the neighbors had a promise from P�asin Qureshi, City Nanager, that every square foot of this land would remain a park forever. Ne stated he had witnesses to that statemPnt. It was his feeling that when lan�i is ta�en for a�ark, the land should remain as a park and not be given away lust s� t�r, arickner can build houses. He stated it was sad when tax revenue was more ir�portant than children in a neighborhood. P�itting driveways across that corner of land would make it unusable for children. This was thP builder's probiem, not the City's or the other property ovrners'. He stated it was unbelievable that the City of Fridley would give away a corner of this park land for free. The taxpayers paid �6,200 for tl�at piece of land, an�f no�� the City wants to give it away so sor�eone can build on tvro lots and put two driveways across it. Mr. �1enth stated he had attended the meeting vrhen the City said they had to have a certain amount of area for a park, whether it came out of the Rice Creek School property or somewhere else. He felt this corner piece of pronPrty could he used as a tot lot or something. Mr. Robinson stated he questioned the safety of having a part of a park across the street from the main part of the park. He stated Nr. Brickner's property is being assessed, and he should be allowed to huild on his property. � PLAN��It�G C�MP1ISSIf1N MEETING, JUNE 4, 1986 PAGE 5 Mr. Podvin stated that by granting this easement, the City would be openin� up the north lots, but the south lots were still landlocked. Ne stated there were people in the audience whose double lots were landlocked ��cause of the way Creek Park Lane was put in, and they are nQt happy about that. Mr. Brickner stated that most of the things said by ttr. Podvin had nothing to do with fiim personally. He stated with the ease�ent he could buil�i on two lots. He could still build two lots on 66th Ave., and if he is not allowed the easement onto Creek Park Lane, �e r�ould want to make sure the assessnents are taken off that property. �1r. "1yron Ostlund, 1400 66th Ave., stated that when the Rice Creek School property was developed, it was developed on the basis of openinc� up as much landlocked land as possible. The way Creek Park Lane was developed did open u� five lots. MOTIO:V BY MP.. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSF. TXE PUBLIC HEARIIIG. UpON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPEP.SON KONDRICY. DECLARED THF, PUBLIC HFARING CLOSF.D AT 8:20 P.M. Mr. Svanda stated this land was conder�ned for use as a park, lJhat limita- tions did that place on the City for uses other than a park; in this case, an extension of new homeowners' front yards? �1r. Rohinson stated that in discussions with the City Attorney it was expressed that the City was fee o�Nners of the property and, as such, would be authorized to gran easements. He stated he did not know if the land was condemned for a park or a public purpose. The corner piece of propPrty right now is not doing the citizens much gaod. It is basically unusable and is landlockin� usable R-1 property. t1r. Svanda stated he did ac�ree with �•1r. Robinson that to utilize this corner piece of property across the street from the main part of the park woul�i not be very wise. Mr. Betzold stated he was uncomfortable with the City retaininq fee ownership of a piece of property that was of absolutely no benefit to the City but was of benefit to the landowners. There may be sone valid reasons for retaininn the fee ownership, and r�aybe those reasons should be addressed at the Ci±�� Council meeting. Ne did not like to see property landlocl;ed, and there ��as the option to either expand the park on both sides of the street or go ahead and allo�,� the landlocked ]and to be developed. Mr. Kondrick stated he was the Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Cormiission, and he shared some of the same concerns as the neic�hbors about this park. However, he did agree with Mr. Betzold about this tri3ngular piece of pro�erty; and since there did not seem to be any use for it, it might as well be used � PLANNIt�G CO�iP1ISSI0�� HEETIPaG, JU��E 4, 1986 PAGE 6 for access onto ��eek Park k.ane and open up the twc� iots for de�elopment. He stated that if it was advantageous far the ne�� lots, he felt that trianc�ular piece of property should be purchased by the homeowners or the developer. Mr. Saba stated he agreed with that. t1r. Robinson stated the issue of sale versus the grantinq of an easement was an issue that would have to be taken up by the City Council. 140TIOlJ BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECOMMEND TO CI_TY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PRELIMIP7ARY PLAT, P.S. #86-02, CREEKRIDGE PLAT 2 BY RICflARD BRICKNER, TNOMAS BLOMBERG, AND THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWII7G STIP ULATIOfJS : 1. THAT THE PROPERTY BE SOLD TO TKE DEVELOPER SO EASEMENTS ARF. NOT NECESSARY. 2. MR. BRICKNER PAY THREE PARK FEES OF $1,500 EACH WITN FIR,ST THREE OF FOUR BUILDING PEF.MITS. 3. PENDING ASSESSMENTS PLUS INTEREST TO BE PAID WITN THE BUILDING PERMITS ON TRACTS C AND D. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ACTING CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Kondrick stated this item would go to City Council on Ju1y 7. 2�ECEIVE MAY 20, 1986, EP�VIRONt1ENTAL QUALITY COt1MISSIO�� MINUTES: P1inu%e� not available at the meeting. 3. OTNER BUSI?�SS: a. Proposed Ordil�nce Change - Dean Saba htr. Saba stated he uld like to recommend that the Planninc� Comnission consider recommending City Council a change to �rdinance No. 115.(11.7 regarding Swimming Pools. e stated one problem with the ordinance is that it treats above ground d below ground pools the same as far as the height of fencing. Mr. Saba stated the State Code requir 4 ft. fencing, and so do most of the surrounding communities. What the c ent code is doing is forcina people to build 6 ft, higt� fences around th ' yard or pool in addition to existing fencing for the express purpose o eting code. He statecL it was virtually impossible for a child to walk i a yard and fall into a poo� that is already 4 ft. �ii�h (above ground pool . Mr. Saba stated he felt the fencing requirement should be nged. He stated he had no problem with any of the requirenents for bel ground pools; his objection was to the fencing requirement for above qr d • i � • - � , � R <f� I � 6: �� , , j C..�r ot f..s.e� � ♦� rJ V / IN.r� Ar/�. J � � �� p�'. -' / � t� ` O ' P.S. F86-02 QR� , i �r�• 'S.. Creekridge P�t�` 2 i �� �� �+ ,� . -_ � • ' // ;� , � Q` t M�;R�C� � � • 1 _ � � �'� ' �3EE�. � N►, e • � �, f►hti •; `�ti`fI;�I��\ � ./ . ,'� a� `' . l���'. ; �+�7 �,s /c.�, �� • � s.�► ��� � .�. .. :s9 �O ►.�� ' ,; . .r f..�r.y� �tc �,-�.,�• -. A, -�:�.;`' �I� ''' . . , �� ;,�i r- `- � . � •'� t �� �s�� � , �•'; � ,, w � i�• � ,,.. , �. _ �,: . ., .•r=� , .. d .� .,. „ . �.. � _ ,. s: - ...• ,, ,� .�!'' v i,. �.. � � � s : �_ �,« + �� ,: � . ? = ( t c r�>> ' ., j � ;.+. �.. � i • �' ,,� : - � � E, � ,.; ., l�.+, � .. �.. ,, . ._ '. � �1 '� � ` � � ,�4- = l W+� � �� o ]� � _�► �� ,1 ` �A 'i � ` » f� � +t�,y ��� ��i�r J/i:.i�� _ J 1.�� � v, �1 � �► � '' t t� �A� t�• =\V• •� . � � . � "� -e ` ,� 2 ; :' y; ; v • • �. . _ t ' � .' (� � ` ♦ °� .� �f P i� TJ `� •� �I ► • ��' t � P i� �� .. : � : ,. 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SJ//2 L�w/ f✓�wy •i C• f�r •i fi.i�/�J 91S ✓e�s:t n J/ Li../ tf�e/ r/fe...f E e%..�e�. •h-,. io, .l.G /fe�ir �•r��,.srt �it S. f�'H/B/T _ � P.S. #86-02 Creekridge Plat 2 �-GT ,�Y�_�` �E. --_ _ -�- I Z i i -_� CREE/� --T- i i I = a 1. A NE � { � I �XH/BIT , „„ r� N � � wN� 1 / lf�' / F� -._..___ �'%_ �,;u � C,±�_� .. ; ., r .. ��._.,�-:.,1. �.%`.. . � ~ �--, . • • �, `�. �1/ I �'I � � ��--�-/ 1 �. �e..: �c-�c..,_..�, ..��t,�3� � r'"°'-`- .�%i .�'� � 3 S �l jo (p �+ e�vC �i � �� --e-- C:t�_ �2 �. �.f-� � .� . -� . . �-�-n- ' - �- � � � � � � �..�. �� �. _ R� .,.� � , �.� _ c�-,�� .i �'�-� ,�� ��e. c �-� _--w-� �- �l�� ��.� ��-,� � �-�.-� ��-- � 1 � s � � � .� c.�-� h �. � , s� � 3 Z , / � ����"/ �L "` �I '� L �-��� � ���-� �� (Q ,3 � � �` �1.�.0 � c�J �iLcl , .5=s�y3Z ZOA #86-01 L. Robert Erickson M ' • �' ' :rM , ?. �� ' � �• N C�Zrrent Asking Price - AP Assessox's Estimate of Market Value - MV (See Attached M�no) AP - MV = Assuned Negc�tiated Differenoe N�mber of Hanes Assessed (See Attached Map) $100,000.00 63,300.00 36,700.00 30,000.00 20 15 Year Assessnent at 9$ Princi�l Per Hane 1,500.00 Interest for 15 Years 1,134.00 Zbtal (bst 2,634.00 Average Cost Year 175.60 � • � CITY OF FRIDLEY M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: JOH� F�ORA, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: LEON MADSEN, ASSESSOR - SUBJECT: ESTIMATED ACQUISITION COSTS Of GER��O JO�NSON PROPERTY LOCATED AT MISSISSIPPI STREET AND HIGHWAY N0. 65 DATE: JULY 24, 1986 Lots 5, 6, and 7, Lucia Lane Addition, are each 90' x 190' lots zoned R-1. The topography runs from a high point of approximately 6' above grade on the south- erly portion of Lot 7 to approximately 4' below grade on the northerly portion of Lots 5 and 6. There are numerous mature oak trees scattered on the three sites. The sites are bounded by Highway No. 65 along the west side of Lot 7, Mississippi Street on the south side of each lot, Lucia Lane on the east side of Lot 5, and developed and vacant residential properties on the north side of each lot. Lot 7 would be the least desirable site due to proximity to High- way No. 65 and a congested access area. The access to this lot would be similar to that of 1132 Mississippi Street, directly across the street. Lots 6 and 7 appear to be ready to be built on. Lot 5 might require some fill, depending on building design. Three vacant lot sales were found that are quite similar in location. They are, as follows: 1. 6790 Brookview Drive (zoned R-1) -- 75' x 107' -- sold 9/85 for $16,500 plus estimated $2,000.00 for water and sewer =$18,500.00 value. Level lot facing Highway No. 65 Service Drive. 2. Lot 7, Blk. 2, Brookview 2nd Addition, except S. 200' (zoned R-1) -- 135' x 215' (later divided into three lots) -- sold 8/84 for $23,000.00. Very low land facing Highway No. 65 Service Drive. 3. 291 Rice Creek Terrace (zoned R-1) -- 95' x 435' -- sold 4/84 for $25,000.00. This sale is included to demonstrate negative influence of heavy traffic location. Is located on Rice Creek on the west edge of University Avenue. Lots on the creek would typically sell for $40,000.00 to $45,000.00. Sale No. 2 is of a considerably larger site. However, it had soil conditions that required some remedial work. Sale No. 1 is of a minimum sized residential lot. It's indicated value is $18,500.00, as compared to other lots more desirably located, selling for �25,000.00, which indicates a 25 per cent locational obsolescence. - Sale No. 2 is the most indicative of the value of each of the subject lots. Subject Lots 5 an� 6 are estimated at $23,000.00 each. Lot 7, due to its' closer proximity to Highway No. 65 would suffer a 25 per cent locational obsol- esence for a net value of $17,300.00. LM ps I ;✓l� o : �:' � /."l �. 'r ,f», �:,.� r H� J o l�)/� ; ('i%. � s ; Q %?s) _ �,+� 4.' �'� l� � �L° � -s so ,��J`� . ,b a sc � ,� q : . _ �.�..� i iGt� . I � ✓;;; /S,J. 'o j ^ 1 ; G'>> � :, ,� � - � (m, , � � ^ , '" � 1 ,� ' �/t) � � e � �t '. q ���: ,. •. .� .ass �/ � �Y. N E.. `� � •.,�,,, •e'rr .s-/ ,rrfVl z� L� ✓'ri�- , Wi I � �,' . � 1 �- �: �z3 � 24 �- .t. � � I � 0. o `�8 �9 �,p � ����J �� ;��, � co � A � V ..� � �4 K � , / ' ` . , "� _ . I � l s �/l3wJ Q ,%Ifoi . � �'�k% � �,�� , °, �3e) ,�� a ti f��r � � � ' / � �i� 1! � ' � . �o Z , � "3� S �g? _ � 2�' � 4 } «' �68 T L � d ' �` : \ � � '��# ? 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I �o (r�% � a; �'�j�2� , • ��• • '.�� �' j � �� � 4 ��_ : ��) ��, — �- o�� ; .�:�� . • -• s. s �� . . � i 'c� � ' �• �'�%o. • �S 4 /o� S �- � , , � � ��� �2��� �200) (.-eo) � �1 •• �� � � � I �,� i � 6 5 ,.��. ` 6 9�� 6- �` I ' ' i > C) � . � , , c�� � K e�� �..�� � a,�,, �1�� , � K 1�d 1. � st 33 �` i 1's e „ � 3,�- / ��+'.�. ! 3 _ � _ — . � .{w� n-T� _T�..� ,.�a. � i�'�- , � -- 20 Possibie Assessed Properties 9C L, ROBERT ERICKSON Z�A #86-01 ST I PLLAT I0�l� I., PROVIDE AN APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN� INCLUDING BERMING OF BOULEVARDS� Z� PROVIDE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING OF ALL LAWN AREAS� 3, PROVIDE SNOW FENCE AROUND ALL TREES ADJACENT TO CONSTRUCTION ZONE; IDENTIFY WHICH TREES WILL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, 4� �BTAIN TO�tNHOUSE PLAT APPROVAL AND RECORD WITH CITY APPROVED COVENANTS PRIOR TO SECOND READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE� 5� PROVIDE Z5' STREET�BIKEh'AY�WALKWAY EASEMENT ALONG P�1SSISSIPPI STREET� 6. PROVIDE A TOT LOT AREA WITH E(?UIPMENT PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY� C�UALITY AND SIZE SUB�IECT TO STAFF APPROVAL� %� PARK FEE OF �SOO,OO PER UNIT TO BE PAID I�JITH EACH BUILDING PERMIT� c�, PROVIDE A 6� HIGH SOLID WOOD SCREENING FENCE BETWEEN PROJECT AND ADJACENT TO R-1 LAND� 9, REZONING IS FOR TOWNfiOUSE PLAN AS PROPOSED ONLY� 1�� PETITIONER TO PROVIDE AN APPROVED STORM DRAINAGE PLAN� 11� �'�ORK WITH STAFF TO IDENTIFY GUEST PARKING LOCATIONS� r� , PLANNI��G COP1FIISSIO�� MEETIP�G, JU��E 18, 1986 P�.GF 7 MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE T'HE PUBLIC NF.AIjyl�G, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPF.RSON OQUIST DEC D TXF, PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:16 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SRBR, Tfl RE . END TO CITY COfip7CIL APPROVAL 0£ P.EZONING REQU£,ST, ZOA #�86-02, BY DAV HARRIS, REZONE FROtf C-3 (GENERAL SHOPPI �'� CENTERj TO C-2 (GENEP,A USINF.SS) ON THF. NORTH 750 FEET OF THE NORTNEAS4' QUARTER OF THE NOP,T ST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, '!'-30, R-24�APlOKA COi1NTY, 1f7';'�'ESOTA, EXCEPT EAST 720 FEET TNF,REOF, AND F.XCEPT THE SOUTH 300 FEET OF SAID NORTH 7 FEET AND EXCEPT THE P�O°2H 233 FEET OF THE WEST 230 FEET THEREOF. TO . XER WITH THAT PART OF _THF. NORTH 750 FEF.T OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER O HE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOr7 I2, T-30, R-29, ANOKA COUPITY, MINNF.SOT YING EASTERLY OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY Plp. 65, EXCE'PT THE SOUTH .300 FEET SAID NORTH 750 FEET AIID EXCEP?' THE NORTH 233 FEF.T THEREOF. UPON A I� E VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST' DECLAP.ED THE .MOTIO ARRIF.D UNANIMOUSLY. . Oquist stated this item would go to City Council on July 21. 4. PURLIC HEARING: CO�JSIDERATIO►� OF A REZO��I��G REQUEST, ZOA #86-01 , QY �. KUl3ERT ERICKS(��d: --' Rezone fron R-1 one family dwelling) to R-3 (general multiple dwelling) on the West half of Lot 4, all of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lane Addition, all located in the North half of Section 13, T-3�, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHF.REK, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARIP,'G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CNAIRPERSON OQUIS_T DECLAP.ED THF. PUBLIC HF.ARIPJG OPEN AT 8:18 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on the northeast corner of Highway 65 and ttississippi St. and included Lots 5, 6, and 7, an�i the westerly half of Lot 4. The pro�erty �,►as zoned R-1, sinqle family, an�i �•ias in a single family neighborhood. It consisted of approx. 64,000 sq. ft, or 1'z acres. The proaosal r�as to rezone from R-1 to R-3 in order to facilitate a townhouse develo�ent of TO units. The proposed density was 6,40Q sq. ft. per unit. The al)owable density in an R-3 zone was 2,500 sq, ft. per unit. Of course, that would be to facilitate an apartment building. The 6,400 sq. ft. of 7ot area per unit heinq proposed worked out to be about 6.8 units per acre. A typical townhouse density ranged fror� 8 to 12, so this was described as a- very low density. Mr, Robinson stated the proposal was for all two bedroom units with double garages, 7 3/4 bath, approx. 1,600 sq, ft., not including the garaqe. When Staff looked at the plan, they felt it was somewhat unbalanced in that there were eight units for the west portion and two units for the east portion. 9E PLANNItJG COMt1ISSI0N ��EETING, JU��E 18 1986 PAGE 8 They realized this was to minimize the impact on Lucia Lane and the single far�ily neighborhood. However, Staff came up with some alternate plans, one in particular had some merit. It was stayino with the ten units but hreak- ing them up so there were three clusters instead of one long linear building that had something of a barracks-type appearance--three units on the eastern portion, four units facing Highway 65, and the other three units on the northern part of the site. Mr. Rohinson stated the driveway access was facilitiated by a driveway onto Flississippi, approx. 130 ft. from the intersection, and another driveway onto Lucia Lane. The developer felt the plan suggested by staff did have sone merit, and he m9c�fit be willing to implement the plan. Also, the plan provided sor�e distinct green areas for privacy and play areas. It also turned a blank wall to the single family homes rather than the back of the buildings. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Provide an approved landscape plan, including berminq of boulevards. 2. Provide automatic sprinklin� of all lawn areas. 3. Provide snor� fence around all trees adjacent to construction zone; identify which trees will be removed prior to construction. 4. Obtain townhouse plat approval and record with City approved covenants prior to second reading of rezoninn ordinance. 5. Provide 25 ft, street/bikeway/walkway easement along Nississippi St. 6. Provide a tot lot area with equipment prior to occupancy. 7. Park fee of �500 per unit to be paid with each building permit. 8. Provide a 6 ft. high solid wood screening fence between project and adjacent R-1 land. 9. Rezonin� is for toYmhouse plan as pr000sed only: 10. Petitioner to provide an approved st�rm drainage plan. 11. Work with Staff to identify guest parking locations. Mr. Wellan stated that regarding stipulation #8 to provide a 6 ft. high solid wood fence between project and adjacent R-1 land, who maintaine�i that fence? Mr. Robinson stated there would have to be a townhouse covenant an�i maintenance would be speiled out in that covenant. Mr. Robinson stated that in 1983 Mr. Erickson had requested a rezoninq fror� R-1 to R-3 for 14 un�ts so this project was scaled down from 14 to 10. Mr. Erickson stated he had no objection to the different layouts suggested by Staff. The problem, of course, was the beautiful trees, and they want to save as many trees as they can. As far as the ten units, that is the numher they came up with in order to make the project financially feasible. Anythinc� less than ten would wipe the project out. Ne stated the townhouses woulci be owner-occupied, not rentals. 9F PLAtJNIt�G COPtt�tISSION PIEETING, JUNF 18 1986 PAGE 9 Mr. Jack Young, 6!549 ��caa L�ne, stated he had lived in this location for 24 years. He stated �irErz ha� bQer� at least 4-5 proposals for this property, and each time the proposals F�ave beer� st��t down, He siatpd the neighhor- hood has a lot of traffic already, with the apartmeni buildings at the other end of Lucia Lane and the Knights of Columhus Hall. Lucia Lane is a one-��ay street for all those people, and he did not believe the traffic from this new development �rould use tlississinpi St. as an exit. They would use Lucia Lane. 4Jith the possibility of a median down Mississippi, that would force the people to use Lucia Lane even riore. He stated there were only 11 homes on both sides of Lucia Lane, and now they are proposino to put in 10 r�ore homes in an area about 1/4 of that space. It did not make qood sense. There would be ten homes with possibly twenty cars on a lot that would not even house five residential homes. Wh�y can't the property he left as a residential district? 41hy do they have to go through this sar�e thinq every 2-3 years? Mr. I�enry tlelcher,6500 Pierce St., asked ttr. Erickson the approx. selling price of each unit. Mr. Erickson stated the selling price was approx, a70,Q00 per unit. Ms. Lois Raaen, 6501 Lucia Lane, stated she would like the property to rer�ain residential. Lucia Lane was already too busy. If they put ±en townhouses on that property, there were going to be problems. She stated she has lived there 17 years, and she liked living there; but if they put townhouses in there, she was going to move. �1s. Jody Bystrom, 6533 Lucia Lane, asked why single family homes coulci not be built on this property. �4r. Erickson stated the back half of Lot 4 was landlocked riqht noa�. ThP only way to get into Lot 7 was a curb cut on Nississippi and ri�ht now the County is talking about widening �tississippi and puttinq in a median, so a driveway could not be put out on that corner. So, that virtually macle Lot 7 useless. Lot 6 was the same way. Lot 5 could be divided in half for t�vo residential lots. That was why he was requestin� a rezoning to R-3 an�1 proposing a townhouse development. R-1 housing was just not feasible. t�1s. Jovice Swanson, 6601 Lucia Lane, stated she did not object to thP con- struction or the design as much as the density. The intersection of �1ississippi and Highway 65 was notorious for iraffic accidents. Traffic vias very heavy in the area, and puttino 20 more cars onto �1ississippi was �oing to make it worse. Mr. Joe Randall, 1210 �1ississippi, stated he ��ould like to see the property remain R-l. He felt therP were alternatives to work with landlecked lots. Ms. Elvina Timo, 6517 Lucia Lane, stated the driveway from the proposed development onto Lucia Lane would cor�e right toward her house. She was afraid this �evelopment would dep;eciate the value of her hor�e. They do have a lot of problem5 at ni�ht witl� traffic from the Knights of Columbus Hall, as well as the Lucia Lane apartments. She wanted the property to remain zoned R-1. 9G PLANNING COt1�1ISSI�N t•1EETI�JG, JU��E 18, 1986 PAGE 10 Mr. Bob Bystrom, 6533 Luc�a �.ar�e, siated he felt the access from the proposed development onto t�4ississippi pr�bably wo�eld be im��ssible. He doubted if eastbound traffic on Mississippi wc,ui� �rant to turn left any sooner than Lucia Lane. Also, there was a considerable incline onto Ptississippi from Lucia Lane. In the winter, in spite of maintenance, it was oft�n difficult to make the grade the first time becadse of the slippery s��rface. It seemed to him the people who would be trying to get in and out of the proposed to4�nhouse development would be at a real disadvantaqe as they would have no mor�entum at all trying to get onto Mississippi when Lucia Lane was slippery. He did want to say there v�ere sor�e things about this townhouse design that were better than previous plans. Mr. Jack Young stated he did not think families with young children would buy on this busy corner. He was afraid if these townhouses ciid n�t sell that they would turn into rental units. Mr. Robert Naedtke, 6540 Lucia Lane, stated he felt the townhouse developmPnt would really decrease the real value of the homes in the neighborhooci. What about assessments for water and sewer and the roadway? As far as the density, where would the children play? Marketability was mentioned in the request for rezoning, but it was also marketability for the people who oarn their homes in this area. There was too much traffic, the density was too hic�h, and it was unjust and unfair to take away sor�e of the real value fror� the people who own homes in this area. Mr, Robinson stated additional streets. by the developer. all utilities are in place, and there would be no The expense of any hook-ups to utilities would be borne P1r. Dick Berganini, 6596 Pierce St., stated he was aGainst the rezoning proposal. . Mr. Oq��ist stated he had a letter addressed to Councilman Dennis Schnei�ier from Dean Thomas, 6550 Lucia Lane, who could not be at the meeting. P1r. Thomas expressed concern that the units be owner-occupied, not rental units, he was concerned about the density and concerned about the traffic. �1r. �quist stated this letter wauld accompany the minutes to the City Council. "1s, Jody Rystrom stated that if the townhouses were not sold ancl they hecame rental units, what happened to thP townhouse association? Mr. Erickson stated that townhouse association docu�ents are written s� that each unit that is built has to contribute to the association, �lhether the units are owner-occupied or rental. Ms. Lilas Crosser, 6565 Lucia Lane, stated there were many accidents on the corner of tlississippi and Highway 65 already. It would be worse with more traffic. 9H PLA"JP�IP�G C0�INISSION MEETING, JUPJE 18, 1986 PAGE 11 t40TI0.'V BY MR. BETZOLD, SEC01'IDED BY l�S. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUSLIC HE.�RING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THF. PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 9:03 P.M. Mr. Wellan stated he would not be in favor of the development. He felt that with the limited,properties in the community, the landlocked properties could be rearranged so that single family homes could be put in. Ms. Sherek stated she had a probler� with the theory that sor�ethin� cou1�1 be done with the lots facing �tississippi St. Just lookinq at the intersection of Hiqhway 65 and �lississippi made you realize it was unrealistic to expect people to have access from their front yard at that corner. She really thought the lots were not developable as R-1 zoning; and in view of the opposition of the neighbors, she did not think R-3 was all that realistic either unless something was explored with regard to making some kind of shared driveway across the backs of the properties so 3-� homeowners could access onto Lucia Lane. She also did not think it was realistic to believe that because they plot a driveway onto Plississippi that the people livina in the to�mhouses were going to use it to any extent--yes, if they are making a ri�ht turn onto Mississippi and a right turn onto Highway 65, but the rest of the traffic was going to go to Lucia Lane. Mr. Robinson stated that regarding Ns. Sherek's suggestion about a shared driveway,for 3-4 single family homeowners, it would have to be a private drive maintained by the homeowners, which aias contrary to the city code. It was possible a variance could be granted for somethinq like that. h1r. Oquist stated the proble� with a deadend street was the servicing by emergency vehicles. Mr. Saba stated he really felt it was an injustice to the neighborhood, and he felt bad that they had to kee� cominq back defendinq their right to an R-1 zone. Ne had some problems with the development and probler�s with the traffic. Mr. Betzold stated he was sympathetic to the neighbors' concerns, but he wondered if the concerns about traffic were not a little bit overstated. He said that because he happened to live in probably the densest area in the City of Fridley, the Slack Forest Condomirriums right next to the Farr To�•m- houses. Just Tn the development he lived in there were 250 different units and one driveway that co�es in and exits. One would think they would be driving into one an�ther aiI the time, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Mr. Betzold stated there would certainly be an increase in traffic, but he felt the concerns expressed about the traffic seer�ed to be primarily because of the Lucia Lane Apartr�ents and the Knights of Columbua Hall, particularly the Knights of Columbus Hall which generates a lot of traffic at set tir�es. 91 PLAN��ING C��1�IISSION MEETING, JUNE 18, 1986 PA.GE 12 Mr. Betzold stated so�etihinq �as going to have to be done with this property. The Commission has to be concerned, not only with the neighbors, but also with the developer. There was going to have to be some give and take on both sides as this was too important a piece of land to have it remain as it is. Mr. Oquist stated he agreed with Mr. Betzold. He stated he has been involved with the last four proposals, and one of these times they are qoinq to have to approve a project because this property has to be developed. They have to be concerned about the best development for this area, and he was not sure single family hor�es was the best development for this property. Mr. Kondrick stated he also agreed with Mr. Betzold. This was the best proposal he has seen so far. Single family hor�es were not feasible for this property, anci it was not fair to lPave the property vacant. He also won�iered if the traffic concern was a little overs�ated. �•tr. Erickson stated the main reason for the dual entrance and exit at Mississippi and Lucia Lane was for emergency vehicles. MOTIO": BY MP.. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. Y.O"JDF'ICY., TO RECOMME.ND TD CITY COIINCIL APPROVAL OF REZOP:ING REQUEST, ZOA It86-01, BY L. ROBEP.T ERICKSO:Y, TO RFZONE FROb1 R-1 (ONE FAI•fILY DWELLINGS) TO R-3 (GEIIERAL MULTIPLE D47ELLI1IG) ON TFfF, WEST HALF OF LOT 9, ALL OF LOTS 5, 6, WJD 7, LUCIA LANE ADDITION, ALL LCKATED IN THE NOP.TH HALF OF SECTION 13, T-30, R-24, CITY OF FRIDLEY, COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA, �IITX THE FOLIAGIII�G STIPULA'!'IONS: 1. PROVIDE AN APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAII, INCLUDING BER1'fING OF BOULEVARDS. 2. PROVIDE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING OF ALL LAWN AREAS. 3. PROVIDE SN041 FENCE AROUPJD ALL TREES ADJACENT TO COPISTRUCTIOP' ZONE; IDENTIFY WHICH TREES WILL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO CO"ISTP,UCTIO"1. 4. OBTAIN TOWNHOUSE PLAT APPROVAL AND RECORD FIITH CITY APPRO!'ED COVENANTS PRIOR TO SECOIJD READtNG OF REZONING OP.DINAI'ICE. 5. PROVIDE 25 FT. STREET/BIKEWAY/WALKWAY £ASEMEIJT ALOPJG MISSISSIPPI ST. 6, PROVIDE A TOT LOT AREA WITN F.QiIIPMEI�T PRIOR TO C�Cl/PANCY, QUALITY AR'D SIZF. SUBJECT TO STAFF APPROVAL. 7. PARK FEE OF $500 PER lJNIT TO BE PAID PIITH EACH BUILDIIJG PF.R�fI'_^. 8. PROVIDE A 6 FT. HIGH SOLID WOOD SCREEPJING FENCE BETFIEEN PROJECT AND ADJACENT TO R—I LAND. 9. REZONI�IG IS FOR TOWNtIOUSE PLAN AS PP.OPOSED ONLY. 10. PETITIONER TO PROVIDE AN APPROVED STORM DRAINAGE PLAN. I1. WORK WITH STAFF TO IDENTIFY GUEST PARKING LOCATIONS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, KONDRICK, OQUIST, BETZOLD VOTING AYE, WELLAN� SABA, A1VD SHEREK VOTING NAY, VICE—CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARF.D TKE MOTION FAILE'D BY A TIE VOTE. 9J PLANP�ING CQFI�1ISSIOP� MEETING, JUNE 18, 1986 PAGE 13 Nr. Kondrick stated he hoped the City Council would give this proposal some s�rious thought. He felt this was tt�� best pr���sai the Planninq Commission has seen for a long time. The plan had a iot of raerit. Mr. Oquist stated the Planning Cocmission was at a stalemate. This item woulci go to the City Council on July 21 with a split vote. He recor1mended the people concerned be at that meeting to express their concerns. 5. PUBLIC HEARI��G: CONSIDERATION OF A REZ(1�JI��G REQUEST, Z�A #£i6-03, BY HARD t10CHINSY.I: Rezone from C-1 local business) to R-3 (general multiple dwelling) on Lot 1 except the East 199 feet thereof, 17 and 18, Block 2, Sprinq Valley Additi all located in the south half of section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley County of Anoka, �tinnesota. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY 1iR. SABA, TO OPEN THF. PUBLIC fj�ARIP:G. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CNAIRPERSON OQUIS_^ DE ED THF. PUBLIC NEARING OPEN AT 9:29 P.M. Mr. Rohinson stated this property was located eas� of d Central and north of Rice Creek Rd. It was zoned C-1, local commercia . There was approx. 96,900 sq. ft, or 2.3 acres involved., which was a of Lot 17 and 18 owned by Plochinski and the west half of l.ot 16 which w owned by the I�RA. Mr. Robinson stated the proposal was to rez e to R-3 in order to allow the constri�ction of 19 sinc7le family attached ownhouses. The density was 5,103 sq. ft, of lot area per unit or 8 units �er acre. That was a moderate density for a townhouse develor�ent wh' h generally ranges 3n density from 8•12 units �er acre. The units would r ge in size fr�m 1,100 - 1,500 sq. ft. selling in the mid �7Q,00�. Eac �ould h�ve a douhle car garage and thPre would be room for two cars for isitor parkinc� behind the garages. P1r. Robinson stated they e worked with the developer to cor�e up with the best townhouse plan, an tr. �lochinski was willinq to go alor.g with the following stipulation recor�ended by Staff: l. Provide approved landscape plan, including berminq of boulev ds. 2. Prov' e automatic sprinkling of all lawn areas. 3. P tioner to provide an approved storm drainage plan. 4. tain townhouse plat approval and record with City approved covenants prior to second readine� of rezoninq ordinance. . Provide a tot lot area with equipment prior to occupancy. - 6. Park fee of �500 per unit to be paid with each buildinq permit. 7. Provide a 6 ft. high solid wood screening fence between th? project and adjacent to R-1 land. 8. Rezoning is for townhouse plan as proposeri only. 9. Work with staff to identify guest parking locations 10. Petitioner to agree to pay for utility and street assessments (not includin4 new storm drainage pipe). ■_ .-.�. � � _ � ;1 . (�� v - , 51A � l�� � �� , pR �aZO, �,�6� F,�,; <,Y, , � OA 'Ol 0. . �• /8 • /9 O II � � . 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Robert Erickson � . � � i I � i i � t i � i36 `S � ` - ---��----------------- � �I SL i � ac I I --' - I ", ---- I , r I I � ..j J. � � � : _ I �•' I i . � IO ! _. b~ ~ � . ... � J J ' ',Y � h I � . � � � /7'f �' �� �,I — t ,= I - �S' s�ru,r�;;�� �r �P � , , 2 _ _ _ � i36 _ _ _ _ - _ _ — _ _ " - _ _ _ i.. I � , 3 . � � •� h � � __ 1._ � • l.r � , .. � . 4 ` " � ' � N 1 ' n ' o .— , __. � r �l •� ---- -• �� � . s � _ ; � -. - - -- �� , . 6 , ' , , � . _ — ;- I � ^' '° � .,� y 7 N � � 9� � -- — .�� — � -- � , . �a s , � N � -'—.JJ "__' ao Lc e�. ♦D `r 1 IJ � '�� . _'_ , � 4.° �'� ;,' , ' i � o � � � � , $ I I , � � � � �. .. `� Z:_. �S --- � - - � m r� , .� i ' �- - -- — -- - —i--- - MISSISSIPPI STREET 33 9L W Z a J a U J , , - � _ .. �;�:,� . �� � `�i ,� � Jr-> t/�:� : � 0 �� K� �.`. i� /"��� � �- � n_��i 1 -.;. -� � � � � � � i � �• . � �'. �� ; � ,�i • . i� �" , , , ,, - _ /% / /,,/, � y./f' ��, . . � �,, -� - `f� — / �� f'-'i ;J�, j '� � ,.,.:�' . -� ' �� ;�r %��/ '�1 j/` l _ o - :' � � . — — —� — — - ._ � � �� �''"�� �, , ,. , , � , �� , /� ✓ •'z, f �/ � ' �. � :; ,, . � j � i,� ,�i ,- • ; � . �� ""` /b ' �' ,:'���. �' � ' /2_. / ,'��f , / ,' �,. � �� ='--'-�Cs=—',.� � I� • • 1 � � � i I 1 I r � � ZOA #86-01 — � � �"� � � � L, RobertoE�ickson , , � „!�'1!L,,,<.�,; Gvl,l�'�t� � VvtU'YG � 1 V a.���e- � e T',:Y�e s2''�. .)aL�ciS r • tr�, i rit w�.l 1';� :-�',l ,'��� C�� � -- d � I� / -- �' , , � � / • r-., � � � Q - _ -�"�_ _ ° -- .-. �l� ;� _ T �(.T, � ��>! j�/�� � ���.,� �, � ' ��� , D � ; '� / "� � p� �1, ; �; /, / i' %;•'�J� �� • •! •,� � . ��i�� '�.� ^. -v , � �� � � i � I`�ISS/sS ��,o� • 1� QS i �rv� �u v �9�� - July ls, 1986 Dear Council Member: ZOA #86-01 9 N C' �� �ibtwac,e r- �v �0 w�%- • i vc�e�'�i+���k�on It 1s our understanding that the Fridley City Council will again consider possible rezoning of property curre�»Lly zoned R-1 an Lucia Lane near Mis- slssfppi Street and HighNay 65, at the July Zt Countil meeting. We have lived at 6533 Lucia Lane, directly across the street from the property in question since 1478 and have heard several proposals con- cerning possible development on the site, most of Nhich r+ere clearly inappropriate and unacceptable to the residents of the nei9hborhood, the Planning Comnissfon and the City Councii. One proposal, which did not involve a chanqe trom R-1 zoning, was acceptable to residents of the neighborhood but the plan aas neve� impleniented. The most recent proposal a9ain involves pians for a development and popu- lation Qensity inappropriate to a neighborhood of single family d�veilings. Ho+vever, this time the Council will hear the request for rezoning Nithout a recom�nendation from the Planning Co�neission. The Commission's deadlock reflects fundamental uncertainty about r+hat should be done about this property. At least one Corrmission me►nber spoke of the site as "undevelopable" and questloned whether the property could be purchased by and out to seme reasonable use by the city. Ne believe that this ootion shouid be thoroughTy investfgated before ffnal action is taken on the zo�ing request or that the request should be denied until it has been done. These are our reasons: 1. The current proposed development will create serious traffic problems in the area Traftic generated by the multl-unit/multi-fa�nily co�nplex rvonld create serious hazards if an exit/entrance is alla+ed (as proposed) on Mis- sissippl Street. Trafflc from the complex via an exit/entrance on Lucia Lane rvill tlash headlights into the txo homes directly across the street. Also, winter egress is ditficult (slippery incline) fro+a Lucia Lane to Mississippi Street so that those approaching the lnter- sactian ��t`�a;�t r��L�� !r�m tt;e propos�d d�velo�nent x�uld b�acx trafflc under such condltions. 2. The resfdentlal nei hDorhood ualit ot Lucia Lane has alread been ser ousl�r co+npromfse People in our nelghborhood cope wfth ever increasing sounQs, hazards and lnconvenience generated by Highway 65; We tolerate large traffic gluts (many late at night) at our doors on Luc1a Lane �vhen those pi.ay- ing bingo o� attending other events cane and go to the Knights of Colunibus Buildin9; �te are subjected to the sights, sounds and activlties associated N1th a large apartment caaplex. 1ie knor� that accomnodattons to dlversity are needed in any community, but we believe that Ne and other resfdents of Lucia Lane have already made more than enough such concessions. 3. 4. Si th a is apparentl e ca�straints of R- an for use of the _hslntatve leoru fs unli ever be ZOA #86-01 L. Robert Erickson illinq to live rvithin ly that an approprlate resented or carried aut The ormer's on-goinq centention that any plans consistent with R-t zoning are "rtot feasible" prot�abiy means that he sees no rvay to real f ze the gains he expected f�roie his specul ative use of this property. NoNever, free ertterprirt ass�anes losses as well as proffts and nelther the Cfty Council ns�r t�te resi+d�n�s af the area are eblidged to gnarantee his investment. Nis intetminabie petitioning for re-zoning is apparently intended to exhaust city official's and resident's resolve to protect the lntegrity and liveability of the nefghborhood. A resolution of this stand-off is long overdue. he especially h n question ouqh a_11ty of qreen space remaininq at the site This small tract of magniticent burr oak trees is a relic ot Fridley's natural surroundings that have been altered beyond recognition or eliminated ainast eve ry�rovhere in the community. So long as it remains it Nill provide relief frnn� the dreariness din and dirt of Highway 65 for everyone who lives near or travels along that corrldor. Th1s value Niil be lost pe nnanently if the current proposal 1s approved. A more ccrnpl�te evaluation of tf�e tract's value as green space should be conducted before a decision 1s ,�ade. We need and ask for you� support to help maintain a liveable Lucia lane nelghborhood and coa�rtunity. Sincerely, � i�'�Qc.._ Robert and elen BystraA • • Jul,y 21, 1986 -�r�^�e,y ?i�nning !�ommission �ris�ey ^ity KaII r�i�i'.ey, '"N 55432 �L'F.� �;,;i : Rezoning of property on corner of l�1SS1551DL}1 St. and �w,y. 65 t,tjent? on: '�'.r. Jim �obinson I=��n un=:bie to atter.d the town meetin� but �risn to express my desire for develon- m��n� c� the 3DOV? prope:°ty. I nave rented on Lucia La*�e for 10 years and find `;��� surroundin� nei�hbors friendly. t�`y famil,y a.^.d church are near�,y, and ? hone t � .. :y ... t^is area, �oon. `�y _�amily is grown and I prefer r.ot to devote my weekends to ,yardwork. ? believe that a;:e1i constructed, attractive small group of townhomes would enh��ce and o �enrl-in with surro�zr.ding homes. r.n example of such townhomes car. be found in ',�w Bri�hton on 28th E�ve. N..0 and �ice Creek Rd., built '�,y Brickner. '"hev are on� story and indiv�dualized. Surroundin� �o�nes are hi�h oualit,y. ?��ase consider _��zonin� the property on the corner of Hw,y. 65 and Mississipni �'t. for the buildin� of townhomes. A survey w-ithin �idle,y would likel,y show an incrf�ased need for townhouses. �amilies have grown-un , �arents war:t time, but want to remain in �ridley, where our roots were established. �hank you. Sincerely, ��, �- ,�� Doris M. Gritti 6690 N.E. Lucia Lane Apartment �10 �idley, :�!N 55432 574-0684 • � ZOA #86-02 David Harris • •� � r • « • O�INAN(E ZO Al�[�ID �E QTY Q�DE OF �E QTY OF FRII�,EY, 1�IF50TA BY MAKII� A Qi1�E IN ZGNIl� DISI'RIQS The Cou¢�cil of the City of Fridley cbes ordain as follaws: SF.GTION l. Appendix D of the City Code c� Fridley is amended as hereinafter � indicated. SEC�ION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: The North 750 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, �30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, except the East 720 feet thereaf, and except the South 300 feet of said North 750 feet and exoept the North 233 feet of the West 230 feet thereaf . Zbgether with that �xirt of the North 750 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, �30, h�-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Easterly of State Trunk Highway �65, except the South 300 feet of said North 750 feet and except the North 233 feet thereof, generally located South o� Osborne Road and East of Highway #65. Is hereby desic�ated to be in the Zoned District kna,in as C-2 (General Bus,iness). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Adninistrator is directed to dlange the of f ici al zoning map to shaa said tract or area to be rezoned f rom Zoned District C-3 (General Shop�aing Center) to C-2 (General Business). PASSID AND ADOFrID BY THE QTY �UNCIL OF THE QTY OF FRIL[,EY THIS L1AY OF , 1986. WII�LIAM J. IVEE - I�1YOR AT'1'FST: SHIRLEY A. H1�FIPALA - CITY Q,E'12IC Public Hearing: July 21, 1986 First Reading: Seoond Reading: Publ ish: 10 10A PLAF�"JItlG C�Mt1ISSI0N MEETI��G, JU��E 18, 1986 1. 2. 3. anr,F F PROVID£ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ON FINAL P�AS REQUESTED BY ST1{FF. PETITIONER AGREES ?'O ASSESSMENTS FOR ALF COST OF VIRON ROAD Il�lPROVEMEt�'T5. PARK FEES ON FOUR LOTS TO AID WITH BUILDING PERtiITS (SC/BJECT TO PREVAILIl7G RATES} UPON A VOICE VOTE �VOTIP7G AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST D�CLARF.D TFIF '•fOTION CARR INAI.IIfOUSLY. quist stated this iter� would go to City Council on July 21. 3. PUf3LIC HEAP,ItJG: CO�JSIDERATI��! OF A REZOtJItJG RFf�l1FST, ZOA �fi6-02, BY uNVit� HAf;RIS. Rezone fror�i C-3 (general shoppinc� center) to C-2 (general husiness) on the IJorth 750 feei of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest �uarter of Secti�n 12, T-30, R-24, Ano�:a County, Minnesota, except the east 720 feet thereof, and except the south 300 feet of said north 750 feet and except thP north 233 feet of the West 23Q feet thereof, Together �vith that part of the North 750 feet of the PJorthwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easterly of State Trunk Highway rlo. 65, except the south 300 feet of said north 750 feet and except the north 233 feet thereof. MOTION BY �1R. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KO;IDRICK, TO WAIVE THE READIPlG OF TflF. FORI�AL pUBLIC HEARIIlG 110TICE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLAREn TffF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTIOPI BY MR. SABA, SECOPIDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO OPEN THF. PUBLIC HF.A*?INr, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., VICE-CHAIRPEA.SO.'7 OQUIS.T DF.CZJ�RF.D TN.F, Pi1BLIC HEARING OPEPI AT 8:10 P.M. Hr. Robinson stated this was the same property as discussed above. Th� zoninn was C-3, general shopping, and the proposal was to go to C-2, qeneral business. This was being done primarily so the smaller buildinqs that are c�oinc� to be placed on this plat wou]d not be required to set back 80 ft. instead of 35 ft, The first building pronosec� for the area will be a dental lab, approx. 5,500 sq, ft., a one-story bric� veneer building. That was all that was planned at th�s time. Mr. Kondrick asked if the traffic situation had been addressed. - Mr. Robinson stated the city engineers feel the new road will facilitate tt� traffic. The proposed plan is more of an office scale development. t�lith the current C-3 zoning, the developer could develop the area with a higher traffi�c volume. Staff feels C-2 is more appropriate for this intersection and will have less of a traffic impact on the surrounding area. / � PLANNING COHPIISSIOW MEETIP�G, JUfJE 18, 1986 Pl+GF 7 MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC XF.ARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAiRPF.RSON OQUIST DECLARED THF. PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 8:16 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOIIMEND TO CITY COInPCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA 1186-02, BY DAVID HARRIS, REZONE FRO�f C-3 (GENERAL SHOPPING CEPJTER) TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSINF.SS) ON THR NORTN 750 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TNE NOP.THWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOP7 I2, '_�'-30, R-24�ANpKA COUNTY, IlINNESOTA, EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THF.REOF, APID F.XCEPT THE SOUTN 300 FEET OF SAID NORTH 750 FEET AP:D EXCEPT THE NOP.TN 233 FEET OF THE WEST 230 FEET THEREOF. TOGF.THER WITH THAT PART OF THF. NORTX 750 FEF.?' OF THE NORTKWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOPJ 12, T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, MItVNF.SOTA, LYIIIG EASTERLY OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 170, 65, EXCF:PT THE SOUTH 300 FEET OF SAID NORTH 750 FEET A"!D EXCEPT THF. NORTH 233 FEF.T THEREOF. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CXAIRPERSON OQIIIST' DECLARED THE .MOTION CARRIF.D UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Oquist stated this item would go to City Council on July 21. 4. PURLIC HEARIP��: CO�JSIDERATI�fJ OF A REZONI��G REQUEST, ZOA #86-01, BY �• �����ni trci�r.�urv: Rezone fror� R-1 one family dwelling) to R-3 (gPneral multiple dwellin on the West half of Lot 4, all of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lane Addition 11 located in the North half of Section 13, T-3�, R-24, City of Fri y, County of Anoka, Minnesota. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHF.RF.K, TO OPEN T17E PUBLIC HEAP.IP1�. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CXAIRPF.RS011�-- �QUIS"' DECLAP.ED THF. PUBLIC HF.ARING OPEN AT 8:18 P.M. �;�' vy: Mr. Robinson stated this property was loca.ted on the northeast corner of Highway 65 and ttississippi St, and included Lots 5, 6, and 7, an�i thP westerly haif of Lot 4. The propert =was zoned R-1, single family, an�i�•�as in a sfnqie facni7y neighborhood. �aI�consisted of approx. 64,000 sq, ft, or 1'z acres. The proposa� ►ras to ,r�ezone from R-1 to R-3 in order to faci 1 i tate a townhouse development of 1p-units. The proposecl density was 6,40� sq, ft. per unit. The allowable nsity in an R-3 zone was 2,500 sq. ft, per unit. Of course, that would _ to facilitate an apartment building. The 6,400 sq. ft. of �ot area per uni einq proposed worked out to be about 6.8 units per acre. A typical townho density ranged from 8 to 12, so this was described as a very low dens' . - Mr. Robi on stated the proposal was for a11 two bedroom units with double garag , 1 3/4 bath, approx. 1,600 sq, ft., not including the garage. When St looked at the plan, they felt it was somewhat unbalanced in that there e eight units for the west portion and two units for the east portion. i. :� . . 1 � �-- (If7o) - i ' II Ss.e�inv�� O � iS� :S �oia/L. /li�ro� � � �� �� ry 1 I li I • �.• I•. . i� I. (�: � � I �� � � � � lo � �I � c�0 � �' � 0 � Z a� r � Q ,_^� °�, � vT �I .i. . � � Y Z ��y IL ( � j ... .. ... .. ... 0 � N 0 h ZOA #86-02 David Harris ..•.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .• ::•: .... - • �' .. •: . .. .. :•. �:.- : , : � ♦ 10�C � � � � �, �a �:o sz `�� .r' c i . , .. Jl._ 200_ _ _ _ ..c' _ _ _ � _ L20.L _ � _ _ ,�o. 4e•. ! e, ../'is: � o i, r:.,• � /y� . ;,� � � ��•.�o � , (�zo) � . i bo) � ; ic� � � 3 2 N �(,$) A DER ON � - �� 2�� a70.2A � • � . � (z�o) . l��`� � v 4 0 w C� 3) y � 5��� 1 Zoa 9 r (1i9�) l G� N DE VELOPMENT .s� 6 .IrrtsFe,r/ ti !s� A� ,y ; . ,y0 � /_�/ L:•` .� . . . . . 670. 2 A O (L SOf Ow Rea/fj� GsrP. �G � r✓ l.�. — i �- ����(� ce..�dE f Tv6si!TS� �s; — –�— �i.+t.> w«o•(=� ' FI ,'z 7/0' (/i.av� Red/Y , �^'� • �t> /��re/ (410/ oi ,s�,i,��co�;��ls< <�aGood /s 5a .• � � � � � , � S� 1j,_ �� : • ZOA #86-02 1 0 D David Harris T r� �; i �� K i� i � i i v v i�i �/ ��1) `� . <=asferly r��hf o�'way /in� o/' Sfcrf� Trunt� ,t.�.�t,w4y No. G.� I �/o°�c'.3s"w r'�'isf /n� o`1f� �,�E%ol�lheNW,'a o�r�cf�on l2. , 217 03 • _ � V1QON !?D�po --- � _F��_�.—„y_-5����0^— I ! ._ ,9�-- ' i � � 1;L ' —+ � _ jw 3 �� � , � � 33 �, --', — 133.C�0 – � NO'S9'43 "N/ I ��2Z n,2 i �J �� � , , `� ' � I �+i � ; i�,� �: ' ; ± � ��i . i � ^� I � � � �7': '. I ��� � � r r•, � �. � i � �' ` I _ a `, - -�- � �----�-- � i , � � ; a _ o � `° �r ;— o ___ - I � f� � � S3 .i! i %� '1: � � J O � � �� `� ! ! O n � 7 .: r.��� � �, . � � . � j� � �' �. ;; _ J _ � � �, - _�_�� m w; � ; �� , ° `� T, i r� i �� I A ..,,,,.. � � � S1'1B 4o"E � ;t!rsl l�ne o(�1h� Eas/ 720.0� � o%�fhe A/E'/a o�h� Nw�� o��ci�on l?. , �. I 1? � � a �� � �: � � I � �- �� i � �� �, I '� � �, _ � _ _ _ :��: � �� _' � � � . \ N � O � .-,��--- zoa #g6-o2 David Harris � l 6 5. o' -------- __...____ __ _ _..._ ___ f ___..._ ____---.°.-- - -- - __-__-__. _ A __ _ -•- � i � �i � � / O� ,�----------__. .0 3�_S� , .• _._ _ ---. . _. -_ ,, � i_ _ _._._ ..__._ � ; --- , ------- -_ _ _ � ... _i - ---- _— _- ___.I _._. _. . , � i ;.. . _ ._ � ' � � � � I I I. i i ' � , � � i � �� I � i i � ` � ` � � � i � ; i , ' h '.S I I � ' ; I j ; I ' ; � �,���' � � i_ /I i�� � • %--- � �I ' � I `0 , I ' h Rlpcic-rc�P N ' , � + � i � � , �{ � i ; �r ; � O ! 5��' � i _ _-- .. � � i CJ I I ' i � � � ; � � � � � ; z �i ' �a , i �, I � � �i i �. � � ! ! j � � i ; /' , q, -_. __? 30, n� � - _ s DR1Ve wa Y -� - ' i' �; 'i i ' I I c � I � I 9.u' �� ' � I � .rf�� l ;� � � � � l I I � � i , , , , __ � / .-- , �---- �— � ,� _ -_-�.--i-_ _ __ _ � / ____ �_ � � 's.o� �� s. �' �� lo. n' � , l N � _ _--� � �- � ��t��4.S'�� � � � ' ri`i4-5`�c,.-, ----� i ' — ---;� � , . ___..� �7. s' � �� ���. � � i � , A � ��'`�,,�� -->, 3z.s� . ,r � ; lUO•o_ > . _ � • � � �; �� - � �t � � � � �• �`�� . � � •,� � �. . �\ i . � ��\'�\�\ ��` ` ,� � �'` \�\\\ � i � .. •� � .\�� � � �\\ �\� ` ,�� � 1 � V �` � ��;�� � � � � �� � V�� � t � . ��� � i � \\` \ \��.` _.-, I I \\\ \ `\ �. r - , � . �, . -�— � ., �.� ,�,, � •� \, \\ \ � � �� \ ` �� \ � �; . �,�o%sED Bld�� '� � ---t-� �\ \ � .�. , � , , , \ .\ � � � � ��:� :, 54qq s� F� ;� ��� �. � i ��`� ' � � ;\ X� q45 o L��`��� , \�\�� . � . \ ` �� J `i94�'--� �� , � �`�� �`_.'�.:_���� �_ �_�-1i .-� se� : ' . �� I �i \ q9c}.5 FL � , .d, �� ,� G I ` \ I t-- . b ::. _ -.. �'F1 �+ - �' tSlGk 3: �� �`-- _------ - ---. _---- __ _ _ ___ _ _ .— �;__..__ . _ _ . _ ., . _ /6S. o' � � � aSL�oPHE f;D �'' { , I ` � � , Q i U, i � � � � � b 14E �I� z' � > ZOA #86-02 David Harris ; ' � �. _,\ _- - - - - _—. _ _ _. -�- -- - -- -- _ _ - � �I _ _ _ �__ � - _ `� , �—i - - - - , _� _ _ --- - i� �_ - i''_ � � b-� � �� ; ~�--u �--_ - . _. _ --- � �� �_--- �- � -• - �_�... . _ �`. ��cn -v /�� -..�'-��_� ' � . _----- — _—__��— � . . �' �ZFi�R F? Ev. �A`= �-:�, 11E7BL..hoc+� �� �_ � 10� - , - - __ — _ �i ' n F ' f I- - _ - - -. - q _ - - • , ` _ - _ — � � - �' - k __. '� � _ �� ��' 1�- ' _- �� � _ � - �� �����I _- �. � _1 _ � � - _ � �� � �� .°S' ♦ '/r�•rr� - t.-.___ "'G� _.� _ �' � _� III li� Iil ..�� .�, . :�. -- ,_ . Cr �� � i�--w—.�� . �-> �_ - - --� - --- . __.. ..__ . _._. � a — - . _ - '�_--.— �a: FT.r -._�- FRf�1.1T lE � " i= �� — �- �� ------ � � _'n. i . i:• . - - ---_ _ ------- - ------- - ---- - - - --- -- - -t -*�----- T._ _ _ .. � ---- ---i 'I �'�',;:�.ncK��►y`, ��i.����a�����A� � i � ') � , - -.x�°r���rr,�cecnc `' � � �; ---- . _ --- - - y --�---I ; �l .,_ _ , .-� zx�o a;i • - .--- —'1 4- � -__. i.tl-.. _.__ �:,—r3— - -- - f... . - _ 1 ` t3 R P' ros7 - -� � a:�: ' iY� " sir�N -�t�,;]�-y,� �,: o --- . � a . � ZOA #86-02 David Harris j �� � MEr�tt RonF i / / — � i - - � ; rClc K -- ; , ( � -- ' i ' � ' ' �I Ii_ i �, � �_ ��_ �: � . � -- - - -------__ ---- - � �� �, 4/' IjERM , "� _�E C'_t__ EC E V, !/P,"= !-�o"_ / �/r � � � __ __ _. - - - - - -- - ----- -- �� ,� T --_-- -- �� ; --- I^ , , I I� (� -_ --i� �, � � I i G�C�cK �, � !' j I � � !� - -- -'I �� .i-- . �I I-_A___-�_ � 1!-�' - -_ .-i. i�_ --- J .-----`--_ --- ----- - - - - - -- - - ---- / 1�Ex'�, i GH T C L E V• _�.�_'d_'� _= 1�"U�f -- 4PF ;C=� � � 10G � `\\ \ �, ---- —I( _ - _ �-_ ' � i' � � l_ :i.- -. - ' -• I --- -- - ---- ---- - � � 11 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANP�I�lG CO�IMISSION MEETIIdG, JULY 23, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Qillings called the Juiy 23, 1986, Planning Commission meeting to orcier at 7:34 p.m. RO!_L CALL : Members Present: Steve Billings, Dean Saba, Donald Betzold, Richard Svanda Mer�bers Absent: Dave Kondrick, Sue Sherek Otliers Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Jock Robertson, Corununi ty Developr�ent Di rector Wayne Dahl, 177 Hartman Circle Nancy Jorgensen, 5715 Quincy St. N.E. Margery Fehling, 5809 Tennison Dr. N.E. Dan Farr, Darrel Farr Development APPROVAL OF JULY 9, 1986, PLAP�NIPJG COP1P�1ISSION �1IfJUTES: 1N0'I'ION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECOPIDED BY MR. SABA, TO APPROVE THE JULY 9, 1986, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIMOUSLY. 1. PUQLIC HEARIPJG: CONSI�ERATION OF A REZOWIPJG REQUEST, ZOA #86-04 BY Rezone from C-3 (general shopping center) to C-2 (general business) on Parcel 2570, the same being 7699 Viron Road N.E. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO OPEN THE Pi1BLIC HEARIAIG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. P�r. Robinson stated this property was located on the southeast corner of Highwa 65 and Osborne Road. The present zoning was C-3 (general shopping center�, the highest corr�nercial zoning. The request was to rezone to C-2 (general business), which had a lesser setback requirement. The petitioner was proposing to construct a new medical clinic building, approximately 6,600 sq, ft. The existing chiropractic clinic on the east side of the property was approx. 1,600 sq, ft. The total lot area�was approx. 40,000 sq, ft, before easements granted to the City. In conjunction with the Harris plat, there were some easements granted to the City that were located on the south side of the property. Later in the meeting, there was an informal hearing on the vacation of the existing Viron Road on the west side of the property. 11A PLA�JNIPJG COMP�ISSION MEETIPdG, JUCY 23, 1986 PAGE 2 Mr. Robinson stated that with 6,600 sq. ft, of n�w medica� c�inic building, plus 1,600 sq, ft, of the existing chiropractic clinic, the total building area was 8,200 sq. ft. The lot co��ra�ge would be approx. 20a with the vacation of Viron Road. �4r. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Revise plan�to meet C-2 code or ohtain variances for hardsurface and bui]ding setbacks. 2. Provide elevations with building facade material details prior to City Council meeting by 8/11/86. 3. Provide a landscape plan for staff approval prior to building permit. 4. Provide automatic 7awn sprinkling plan for staff approval prior to building permit. 5. Provide a storm drainage plan for staff approval prior to building permit. 6. Provide a site performance bond to cover site improvements prior to building permit. 7. Rezoning is contingent upon vacation of Viron Road, site plan, ancl building facade plan approval. 8. Rezoning is for the approved plan only. 9. Petitioner to provide proof of adequate parking for proposed plan. Mr. �dayne Dahl stated he was the proper�y owner and petitioner. He stated some of the problems he has with this piece of property are ones that he felt had been imposed as a result of the City's construction. I�lhen he purchased the property five years ago, it was substantially larger than it is now. The property has decreased in size because of the Osborne Rd, widening, the ctevelopment of the side lot, and then the easement for the loopback of Viron Road, He stated he is no4► faced with essentially four front yard type setbacks wh1ch create a most difficult situation to work with. The present zoning required an 80 ft. setback. If he were to set back 80 ft. from each of the roads, that left about 40 ft. by 40 ft. in the middle on which to put a building which was quite impossible. It became unbuildable property. t�r. Dahl stated that with regard to the parking, the present plan, if variances were granted, would meet the present code for an office building-type situation (one parking stall per 250 sq. ft.) Mr. Dahl stated when the City wanted to put in the loopback for Viron Road, at that time, he had spoken to Mr. John Flora and they had put in writing sor�e of the terr�s for adding onto the existing building. However, after talking with the arci�itect, they decided that realistically it was not in their best interest to add onto the existing building, simply because it was a small structure and would not be as aesthetically pleasing. 11B PLANNING COP1MISSION PIEETING JUtY 23 1986 PAGE 3 Mr. Dahl statQd that putting up a nice new structure in the frc�nt corner elevated higher so all the parking would be behind the buildir�g was much more aesthetically pleasing. Had the addition been rr�de to the exist�ng building as agreed upon with tFie City, it wvuld not have fallen within the codes either. Mr, Billings stated Staff had suggested as one of the stipulations that the petitioner provide proof of adequate parking for the proposed pTan (#.9). bid the petitioner fiave any other plan of increasing the parking spaces, other than moving tF�e building north and west? Mr. Dahl stated the architect designed the plan to provide for one stall per 250.� square�feet. �fhe only way parkina could be increased without a variance would be to shrink the size of the building. Even shrinking the building to 1,000 sq, ft, would only save four spaces. But, if they were able to move the building 10 ft., that would add about 10 spaces. Mr. Robinson stated the City recently rezoned the Harris property which was adjacent to this property from C-3 to C-2 for the simple reason that the property was not developing as C-3. This proposal was not consistent with C�3 zoning either, and C-2 was more appropriate. f�r. Betzold stated he would urge P1r. Dahl to look hard at the parking situa- tion before the Appeals Corrunission meeting when he will be applying for variance� and certainly before the City Council meeting. If the parking cannot be increased, then the petitioner should be able to tell them why. Right now the City is experiencing questions as to whether the parkinc� ratios for medical facilities are indeed adequate. MOTION BY ldR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO CIASE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:56 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated he thought the rezoning was appropriate, especially since the Planning Cor,imission recently recommended that the adjacent property be rezoned from C-3 to C-2. This was the best way to use this particular piece of property. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #86-04, BY WAYNE DAHL, TO REZONE FROM C-3 ( GENERAL SHOPPING CENTERj TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) ON PARCEL 2570� TKE SAME BEING 7699 VIRON ROAD N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: j. REI�ISE PLAN TO MEET C-2 CODE OR OBTAIN VARIANCES FOR HARDSURFACE AND BUILDING SETBACKS. Z. PROVIDE ELEVATIONS WITH BUILDING FACADE MATERIAL DETAILS pRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON AUG. 1I, 1986. -3. PROI�IDE A LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 4. PROVIDE AUTOMATIC LAWN SPRINKLING PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 11C PLANNI�JG COP1MISSION MEETIfJG, JULY 23, 1986 PAGE 4 5. PROL'IDE A STORM DRAIPJAGE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 6. PROVIDE A SITE PERFORMANCE BOND TO COVER SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 7. REZONING IS CONTINGENT UPON VACATION OF VIRON ROAD, SITE PLAN, AND BUILDING FACADE PLAN APPROVAL. 8. REZONIIJG IS FOR TNE APPROVED PLAN ONLY. 9. PETITIONER TO PROVIDE PROOF OF ADEQUATE PARKING FOR PROPOSED PLAN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHA�RpERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. PUE3LIC HEARIP�G: COPJSIDERATI�N OF AN ORDINAPJCE RECODIFYING THF FRIDLEY CITY > > R N E I UAY GARE: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HF.ARIfJG. UPON A VOICE 110TE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC KEARING OPEN AT 7:58 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated that on two previous occasions, the Planning Commission discussed possible changes to the code regarding day care centers and home family day care. The research for changing the ordinance was primarily as a result of an application for a day care center in a single family neighbor- hood and on a local street. TF�rough their analysis and in discussions with the Planning Commission, Staff came up with the appropriate changes. These changes were also discussed informally with the City Council. At this time, this was a public hearing to officially look at changing the code. �9r. Robinson stated Staff did talk to Rhonda Peterson, a current home care provider, Nancy Jorgenson, the former president of the Anoka County Day Care Association, and Claudia McPeek, head of the Rainbow Day Care Center located on Mississippi St. and Monroe St. Mr. Robinson reviewed the ordinance in its proposed final form. He stated he had also provided each commissioner with a copy of the revised Minnesota Rules which related to the provision for home day care. In the past discussions, they had said the code would be changed to allow up to 12 children in a single family home. It turned out the provision in the state code allows up to 14 children when there are two care providers. Presently, the code allows for 10 children, so they have changed the code to be consistent with the State Rules to allow up to 12 children with one care provider and up to 14 with two care providers. - Ms. Nancy Jorgenson, former president of the Anoka County Day Care Association, stated she thought the City had done an excellent job in updating the code. She stated that if she could be of further help, she would be happy to do so. 11D PLANNING C0�•1MISSION MEETIP�G, JULY 23, 1986 PAGE 5 MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CIASE T'HE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., CHAIRPERSI�d BILLINGS DECLARED THF. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:10 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated the revised wording seemed to address the questions the Cormilssion had before, and it did make the ordinance more consistent with �hat was being done at the staie 1�ve1. . MOTION BY ldR. BETZOT.D, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REVISED ORDINANCE RECODIFYING TKE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CHAPTER 2Q5� AS IT RELATED TO DAY CARE CENTERS AND HOME FAMILY DAY CARF,. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARI4IED UNANIMOU5LY. 3. COPISIDERATION OF A VACATION REQUEST, SAV #86-03, BY DARREL FARR: �iacate tiS e five oot utiTity easement a o� ng t e sout west property line of Lot 4, Block l, Innsbruck North Tovm houses, Plat 4, to a point ten feet west of the southeast property line of the same lot, the same being 5462 P�tei ster Road N. E. Mr. Robinson stated the vacation request was for a townhouse lot north of 694 and west of Meister Road. There was presently a 5 ft. drainage and utlllty easement on the south of Lot 4. The proposal was to place a townhouse on that lot. The building would encroach slightly into the drainage and utility easement. P�r. Farr had notified the utility companies, and none of the companies had any problem with the vacation. Mr. Robinson stated the only concern raised by the City Engineering �epart- ment related to the development but not specifically to this lot. There have been some maintenance problems (cleaning of some debris in the street, some sediment/erosion problems, seeding of an area) on a vacant lot on West Bavarian Pass, so the only stipulation.the City would recomnend was that the maintenance problem be resolved prior to the Aug. 18th City Council meeting. Mr. Dan Farr stated he was representing the Darrel A. Farr Development Co. He stated they are looking for a temporary encroachment onto the easement as it goes through the City process. The townhouse has been sold, and they have a Sept. ]5th occupancy date for the move-in agreement. They have gotten the bui7ding permit, and Mr. Darrel Clark said it was all right to build so they have started the excavation for the townhouse. Mr. Farr stated that regarding the lot on West Bavarian Pass, they have two 4�unit townhouses there, one directly on North innsbruck Drive and the other just off Innsbruck Drive that is being surcharged at this time. They took a lot of dirt and put it on 4Jest Bavarian Pass because of bad soil. He stated they have had some problems, but he believed those prob�ems were being corrected. He stated they would like to get the last couple of townhouses bui7t and get out of the development. 11E PLANNI�JG CONMISSIOfJ MEETIfJG, JULY 23 1986 PAGE 6 Mr. Robinson stated the temporary errcroachment Mr. Farr was refQrring to v�ould allow him to build and seT1 the home priar to t�e or�inance going througf� i ts process. TF�� C� ty Cau�►ci 1 has the authori ty to do that and wi 11 hand7e that on Aug. 18th. T�e sedimentJerosion problem on lJest Bavarian Pass should be resolved witfil1ark Burch, Assistant Public Works Director. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST, SAV #86-03, BY DARREL FARR, TO VACATE THE FIVE FOOT UTILITY EASEMEl7T ALONG THE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 4� BIACK 1, INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSES PLAT 4, TO A POINT TEN FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LIIJE OF THF. SAME LOT, THE SAME BEING 5462 MEISTER ROAD N.E., WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE PETITIONER WORK WITH CITY STAFF TO RESOLVE THE MAINTENANCE PROBLEM ON THE VACANT LOT ON WEST BAVARIAN PASS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. 4. COfdSIDERATIOtJ OF A VACATION REQUEST, SAV �86-04, BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: acate part o a 30 oot easement or pu ic roa purposes Viron Road ying north of the north 213 feet, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north line of the northwest quarter of the northwest lying east of, and adjacent to, T.H. No. 65. A17 lying in Section 12, T-30, R-24. Except the north 33 feet thereof (Osborne Road) and subject to rights and other easements of record. t�1r. Robinson stated this property was located on the southeast corner of Osborne Road and Highway 65. It consisted of a stMip of Viron Road that is no longer necessary once the City has put in the loopback around the property on the corner. The vacated portion was 30 ft, wide and approx. 180 ft. lonq. Mr. Wayne Dahl did grant the City an easement for a new right-of-way with the avreement that the Cit�,� would vacate this portion of the Viron Road right-of-way. , �1r..�:Robinson stated the only stipulation Staff would require would be that a utility easement be r�aintained over the entire strip of the proposed vacated Viron Road as utilities are located in that area. He stated this vacation request was in everyone's best interest. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST, SAV #86-04, BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, TO VACATE PART OF A 30 FOOT EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES (VIRON ROAD) LYING NORTH OF THE NORTH 213 FEET, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT A!'7GLES TO, THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST LYING EAST OF, AND ADJACENT TO T.H. NO. 65, ALL LYING IN SECTION 12, T-30, R-24, EXCEPT THE NORTH 33 FEET THEREOF (OSBORNE ROADj A1VD SUBJECT TO RIGHTS AND OTHER EASEMENTS.OF RECOR�, WITH THE STIPULA- TION THAT A UTILITY �ASEMENT BE MAINTAINED OVER THE VACATL'D STRIP OF VIRON ROAD. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ' 11F PLANNIPaG COhtF1ISSI0N MEETING, JULY 23 1986 PAGE 7 _. _ 5, DISCUSSION ON SWI�4l1IFlG �O�LS: P9r. Robinson stated tFie last time this was discussed, the Commissioners had asked Staff to +c�reck for revised national ordinances. He stated staff had talked to Mike lJokowski, Chief Communiiy Health Sanitarian with the t9innesota Department of Health-Swirr�ning Pools Division. Mr, lJokowski's recommendation was to maintain a 6 ft, fence because that is part of the proposed state ordinance for both public and private swimming pools. Mr.Robinson stated some cities do things a little differently. Also included in the agenda were the ordinance changes suggested by �1r. Saba and the present Fridley Swinming Pool Code. P4r. Saba stated the whole purpose behind his suggestion that the Swimming Pool Code be changed was because he felt the ordinance requiring a 6 ft. fence for soneone who already has a 4 ft, fence around the yard with an above ground pool was ridiculous. A little toddler or small child cannot climb into a 4 ft, above ground pool when there is no ladder or no means of entrance into the pool. First, there is the 4 ft, fence, then the wall of the pool, so he felt there was sufficient restriction or obstruction to a small child. Mr. Saba stated not too many other communities have the 6 ft. requirement. He felt �t was a matter of whether the City wanted to have fences inside fences. He stated the 6.ft, requirement made a lot of sense for below ground pools where small children can easily fall into the pool, but it did not make sense when there was already an existing fence, then a 4 ft, wall to climb over. Mr. Robinson stated the Fridley code was changed in 1975 to conform with the 1970 national code. There has not been any revision to the national code slnce 1970. Mr. Saba stated that, as he had stated at an earlier meeting, another way to meet the 6 ft, requirement for an above ground pool ►��as to install a 2-3 ft. fence thai was attached to the top of the wall. This fencing was not very sturdy and added a substantial cost to the installation of the pool. Mr. Robinson stated the basic question was whether the Comission was comfortable with a 4 ft. fence versus a 6 ft, fence. Mr. Billings stated P1r. Saba had mentioned in past minutes about all the r estrictions on swimming pools, but ,yet there are creeks and lakes and other natural bodies of water that have no fencing and no restrictions. He stated the Human Resources Commission was planning on taking a look at the natural bodies of water in the City to see if there was some kind of need for protec- tion for young children. Children can just as easily drown in Rice Creek as they can in a backyard swimning pool. He suggested that maybe the Planning Commission would like the Human Resources Commission to look at the whole issue of both natural bodies of water and manmade bodies of water at the same ttme and come 6ack to the Planning Comnission with a recomnendation. 11G PLANNING COP��1ISSION MEETING, JULY 23 1986 PAGE 8 Mr. Saba stated that was a possibility. He stated the City was just not always consistent with the waythey made ordinances and applied laws. They apply all kinds of restrictions in some areas but not in other areas. There are manmade holding ponds near playground areas that are often more of an attractive nuisance than a swimming pool. The large holding pond by the Community park was a good example. The Commissioner.s agreed to reconmend to the Hus�an Resources Commission that, as part of tf�eir 1986 workplan, they look at the who?e issue of natural bodies of water and open water as well as swimming pools. P1r. Robinson stated he would pass this information and material on to Bill Hunt and the Human Resources Commission. 6. COPISIDERATION OF P40TION FROM TNE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COPIMISSION MINUTFS OF C J dC j� ' S GE E I P E P I � CILITY FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY l, 1986, TO MARCH 31 986: . � MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO CONCUR WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION'S JUNE 17, 1986, MOTION TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE TNE PAYMENT OF $117.48 RECEIVED FOR THE $4/TON REBATE TO EARL FRANK FOR THOSE b1ATERIALS COLLECTED AND RECYCLED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE S.O.R.T. RECYCLING CENTER. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE JULY 14, 1986, PARKS & RECREATIO�J COPIMISSION MINUTES: 1NOTION By MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE JULY 14, 1986, P�KS 6 RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8. RECEIVE JULY 15� 1986, ENVIRONP1ENTAL QUALITY C0�1MISSION MINUTES 1�10TION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE JULY I5, Z986, ENVrRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9. RECEIVE JULY 15 1986 APPEALS COPIMISSIOPJ MIPJUTES: MO� TION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE TNE JULY 15, Z986, APPEAIS COMMISSION M.ZNUTES . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UN.�1�IIMOUSLY. 11H PLANNIN6 C0�1�1ISSION MEETING, JULY 23� 1986 PAGE 9 10. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Resignation of LeRoy Oquist Mr. Robinson stated the ��rrrissianers had received a copy of a letter from Mr, O9uist stating he was res�gnir�g fro�+ the Community Development Commission and Planning Comnission effective immediately. Mr. Robinson stated he had personally admired P�r. Oquist's style and expertise and the City would really miss him. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO ACCEPT MR. OQUIST'S RESIGNATION WITH REGRET AND TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT MR. OQUIST RECEIVE THE APPROPRIATE CITY RECOGNITION FOR HIS MANY YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CIiAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. b. Commission Vice-Chairpersons Mr. Robinson stated that with the resignation of Mr. Oquist, the Planning Commission was in need of a vice-chairperson. He stated the Commission would have to elect a vice-chairperson. He stated the Community Develop= ment Commission was only left with three members and should the City Council decide to disband the Community Development Commission, the Planning Comnission might want to consider an appointed vice-chairperson in order to maintain the seven member commission. He stated that at this time, Staff had not had a chance to discuss any of these possibilities. Mr, Betzold suggested that when this subject is discussed again that a member of the Corrnnunity Development Commission be present at the meeting to get that corrmission's feelings. The Commissioners agreed with Mr. Betzold's suggestion. Mr. Robinson stated he had given the Commissioners a copy of Chapter 6. Commissions from the City code. Chairperson Billings had brought up the question of tF�e appropriateness of the vice-chairperson of the member commissions sitting on the Planning Commission in the absence of the chairperson. Mr. Robinson stated he had reviewed the wording in Section 6.02.1.D ("The corrmissions shall each year from their own members choose a chair- person and vice-chairperson. At any meeting of the commission, if the regular chairperson is unable to attend, the vice-chairperson shall act as chairperson.") which could be interpreted to allow that. The City Attorney had agreed with that inierpretation, but said if there were strong feelings on the part of the Planning Commission, wording could be added 111 PLANNIP�G COMMISSION MEETIFlG, JULY 23, 1986 PAGF 10 �nder 6.03.4.E to specifically state that the vice-chairperson should sit on the Planning Commission when the chairperson could not attend. Mr. Billings stated that in the past the vice-chairperson has attended Planning Commission meetings in place of the chairperson. He stated Section 6.03.4.A. Plembership of the �Tanning �osEmission stated: "The Planning Commission s3�a11 consTSt of t4�Q Planning Camnission chairperson, the chairperson of tF�e Community Development Commission, the chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Comnission, the chairperson of the Appeals Commission, the chairperson of the Environmental Quality Commission, the chairperson of the Human Resources Cormission, and the chairperson of the Energy Commission." He stated then they have to go back to Section 6.02 to pick up the fact that the vice-chairperson shall act as the chairperson at all meetings,of the commission. His only concern v�as that it would be easier to add some wording �larifying the fact that the vice-chairperson was allowed on the Planning Comnission in the absence of the chairperson in order to help avoid tie votes. He felt it was importani that when a corr�nission chairperson cannot attend a Plann�ng Commission meeting that the vice-chairperson be notified and asked to attend the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Svanda stated that since the vice-chairperson has attended Planning Commission meetings in the past in place of the chairperson, it might be a good idea to clarify it in the city code. The other commissioners agreed. Mr. Robinson stated he would have Staff put together some wording and bring that back to the next meeting. c. University Avenue Corridor Study Mr. Robinson stated the City Council and the HRA authorized Barton-Aschman to complete a corridor study for University Nvenue. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the University Ave. Corridor Study has been completed and consists of University Ave. businessmen, representatives from Holly Shopping Center, P9oon Plaza, Hyde Park, Sylvan Nills, MnDOT, Anoka County Higf�way Dept. , John F1 ora-Fri dl ey Publ i c LJorks, Jock Robertson-Comrnuni ty Deve7opraent Dept., and Jim Robinson-Planning Division. Virginia Schnabel, member of the HRA, was chairing the committee. Mr. Robinson stated that at the first TAC meeting, they discussed the Scope of Work and discussed the project and problem definition. At the second meeting, the consultants presented the analysis. At the third meeting, the consultant will be presenting the midi and maxi concepts. Some of the primary issues are pedestrian considerations, sidewalks at bus stops, crosswalks, lighting, and signage, also the fencing issue. 11J PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIPJG JULY 23 1986 PAGF 11 Mr. Robinson stated Staff wanted to make the Planning Comnission aware of this st�dy ar�� �Lfie co�mittee.and invite them to attend any or all of tFie TAC meetings. The next meeting-was scheduled for Wed., Aug. 11, at 8:00 a.m. at Fridley City Hall. He siated they will continue to provide the Planning Commission with the TAC minutes. d. P�emo from City Attorney dated Aug. 2, 1979 P4r. Robinson stated that since there were a couple new members on the Planning Commission, he thought it might be helpful for the Commission mem6ers to review the memo from the City Attorney which dealt with specia7 use permits, variances, and zoning changes. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, 5ECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO ADJOURN THE MF.ETING. UPON A VOICE 110TE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE JULY 23, 1986, PLANNING C01�7MISSION MF.ETING ADJOURNED AT 9:30 P.M. Respectfully sub itted, � 7t.� (�i -o�.� Lyn Saba Rec ding Secretary 11K PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL P�otice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, August 18, 1986 , in the Councii Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: � Consideration of a Rezoning request, ZOA #86-04, by Wayne Dahl, to rezone from C-3 (general shopping center) to C-2 (general business) on Parcel 2570, the same being 7699 Viron Road N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: August 4, 1986 August 11, 1986 _ � ZOA #86-04 1 '1 L Wayne Dah1 - � . _ _ ♦ 2 ---' 2 � � � � 'O ;'3 . �ll fW •�f-•".: . ^ • i F ••�` i'�� . d �3' � � LA �P RT'S a � .. � - ��s'. - -•- TTY + ���t�TS � ��,4 00_ — — —ZOa_ ' �: ;'� a� � �: �f� �s , Co o/L /�i�a an�� OF F R I D L E Y �, � / : � ° � �� ,.�� , ` �c , � � 3 2 .. l (/20) � � �6C `� y' r(/�) l �� N l�J � ^ " 3 '� �� . °AD /T ON s.o - �4 DE ,� . ��� � �� � � .. N�h' �/l./f �Id�Q% . ��, I ,Ni/�i.) 6. Orr.�vf/I - oo z c I II ' a1o.2 ' ' f00 - ` . �i �, � /s� � ' /�600) I Gt�) �;� Lon�Per/L`n,bi� �omPaAy �o • �h ' �Z 4 OJ �, i � S�) � I - /w r � ' ' � �t�) . � o - , � � l�E�.VELC� + /G) � r r � l�J � M 6 ,IrrlsFe.t/ ' �l�Jo) �96.to) � yo 600d� �e,..� i�BS;;-i'pmoiro , 0,6 ,isLi60rimsNe Qv.sv�.r ; y L�I � 9� . . . . . . �: � � �� a � E H II � LOCATION M C' �� �� O � Z o� �— � Q _, o � (� i ! Y o Z ° � P �' . � ( �'� % Ou- Rea/fj� Ga-�. �G J H't.IR. — � — Ceii/d E. 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' , +-•-� � ����77��� �, �;�� �:�' _ ` _ __ . __._._.�.. , . . � , ,- , .� �_ , ., , , � .� - �l � : l fi � f:� ,; ' ,/i �` ^ , ://, , , i ♦ 4� =,f,r�`''if�• �,� �. -- � 1 `�i D:L vai n� Cov�t.✓ l��' { � hc�- �� �C►c�` �,,� �' 35w � L•��' � ,r.r, 7�— � �..__-=��:�. � • ~ + � �:��� ��, f S«� xw*yi1FIY^=v:w:._- i .... .. I'' ��' �� ..—..- - �:'�• �.ef: ..:.�tt,,,,t. -:."M�ilii►]rLrfW► � � ► � , :� 4 ,�\ ,, � � PUBLIC HEARIN6 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northea5t on Monday, August 18, 1986 , in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of: Consideration of an ordinance recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 205, as it relates to Day Care Centers and Home Family Day Care. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: �uaust 4, ?^^G "uaust 11, ?^�5 11N Notice is hereby given of the City of Fridley on Monday, August 18, of: 110 PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council in the City Nall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast 1986 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV #86-03, by Darrel Farr, to vacate the five foot utility easement along the southwest property line of Lot 4, Block 1, Innsbruck North Townhouses Plat 4, to a point ten feet west of the southeast property line of the same lot, the same being 5462 Meister Road N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: August 4, 1986 August 11, 1986 T lt^ � ! .� _ v v, i � '.."y�;" � V\�►\ ,� , / .�` �\ � , Sy �i /f � tt t T, � i i/ • � \9' 1 1 P . ��� �+ ` � { s � T � . ' t � _ • � � -1 so. _� . 1 . . �'.� . 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As wr•�r�d by �w� tM• rer �/ � A.O. 10� ^_ /� s tUReA.N�NGI ��►r6, �NC, (,A!lrlT n�in��r��� �j S/ v�per� �r �- ���� 11R PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on M�nday, August 18, 1986 �n the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV #86-04, by the City of Fridley, to vacate part of a 30 foot easement for public road purposes (Viron Road) lying north of the north 213 feet, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north line of the northwest quarter of the northwest lying east of, and adjacent to T. H. No. 65. All lying in Section 12, T-30, R-24. Except the north 33 feet thereof (Osborne Road) and subject to rights and other easments of record, generally located South of Osborne Road and East of Highway 65. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: August 4, 1986 August 11, 1986 .. . . — ;T,�,�- --+� , 'o L� P RT'S � ,,�1 r � � /,M-�r 7Lao � �� `AD /T ON ,. . ._ ... . �i .' ' ✓��'!''..�C/' : •'►/'J^. 7G oa r:. . �. ,. 15�0 !- •�f. .e� � . _,.�..,�. �.i,..�, N.,...,•- � � r y . , � ;:: .�, �. a G� . v/¢`D�p G� i n T� ��T � ��1 ,� C� V �� � d ��o � , _e . L 11S ' ' - . �-,-- ;~ -' _:--: � C TY LIM ITS ��•.� � � . •.� -•`'.� _ ' F FRIDLEY �250 7�4q �ZoD: ..:3 . ,, '_ z � �Z�o�i4NDEh :,... � I � 3 . • �1I��/ 1 ' ' • � •00 � � � i t.10' � . _ '� '� , �. s � • �• . �� ti l�/�' � +� i /.tis.�y 76 ?.S ,,, .. . � 7�9 S �� .... .►.r iry c..� , : t w s.r Y J i ( H � � /a.��� �. t... - - - 0 Z � ����n► r �s� � . � ��` � " •-- •-- _ ��� � � � � . � . .. � (: al� � .si• v� � _ • -- --•. 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' I �h � �0 ` V O �Y .c � � � Q �� a : � :) � �p � ; . �,,�. � .Y o e �. , ON � ' N ., � ? � .� � L � �� �• � � � � ao o � , ' ... I' • � 35 4 52, 895 �. � �� S � -• 6 — � � =�� - - 275. oo -- � M 0 � � , 610. 96 �� .� PLANNING DIVISION � cinoF 11�OR,ANDUM f Rl DLEY hl�no Zb: Jim Rnbinson, Planning Coordinator r;�no Frcm: Myra L. Gibson, Planning Assistant !•iemo Date: July 18, 1986 � Memo Subject: Payment to Earl Frank On April 15, 1986, the City applied to the Metropolitan Council for $421.80 for tt�e rebate of 105.45 tons of recycled material between January 1, 1986 and March 31, 1986 at $4.00 per ton. Ot the $421.80 reoeived, $304.32 was received for those materials o�llecteci through the Curbside Recycling program and $117.48 was received for the material rec,ycled at the S.O.RT. Center. It was the intention of the E�C to �y Earl Frank the $117.48 for the materials he o�llected because it would help him maintain his rec.ycling business. A motion was maae at the J�me 17, 1986 D,�C meeting to recommend that the City Council authorize the payment of $117.48 reoeived for the $4/ton RebatE, to Earl Frank for tnose materials collectedd and recycled in conjunction with tne S. O. R T. Genter . At this time I would like the Planning Commission to consider this recommendation of the Environmental Quality Commssion anci approve it to be discussea at tne next City Council meeting. 3/�/26/29 M-86-163 ____ ____ _ _ ___ � _ � • . • • . :: : : .. . . ; . . : : : . : . � � �; � • .� .� � , M � �: a :. ' �� . �� , � ef► N O � � � ' � • V' F � ri � � � . N I � . � • � • � � � I • � • �� � � � • � � • � • � • � • . � � -� . � . � • • ; � • . . 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PL''T�RSCIN� SECalI�D BY MR. NIEZSEN� TD RECONXEIVD TH�IT S:"AFF COt:TINUE Tt� INVESTIGATE TNE POSSIHILITIF.S OF SE2�Il1r Pf!"_'.'?titZAL PP.R.SOlINF.L TO OPERATE alVD J�UIINTAIN THE S.O.R.T. FACILITY. UPQN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON WELLAN DECI.AR�D '!'NF MOTTf�iJ CARRIED U1VANl1l�USLY. Ms. Gibson asked for sane direction on �rhether or not to qive Mr. Earl Frank the tonnage money in the amount of 5117.48. MOTICYV BY XR. SVANDA� SECOA/DED BY NR. NIELSEN, TO RECQMldEND TO TXE CITY COUtiCIL TNAT THE CITY PAY F.11RL FRANK THF. TONNACE MONEY RECEIVED FRL�Fi MF.TRO- POLITAN COUNCIL NNICH WAS RPFLECTZVE OF TXE SOLID WASTE RECYCLED AT THF. S.O.R.T. FACILITY FOR TNE'PERIOD OF JAN. 1, I9B6, :"HRnUCX HARCH 32, 1986. UPO:V A VOICE VOTE', ALL VOTING A!'E, CHAIRPERSON WELLAN DECLARFD TBF. HOTIO!! CAARIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. DISCUSSION ON C(NIPOSTII�G: Because of other priorities at this to postpone discussion on composting been rPSOlved. 4. CONMISSI��� ELECTIONS: tir�e, thp Conmission members agreed until some of the other natters have Elections were postponed until the next meetinq when� hopefully� the nea, mer�ber� Mr. Dale Thompson, could be present. ADJOURt�MENT: M.O:'IO.N BY MR. PETERSON� SImNDED BY KR. SVANDA� TO AA70URN TKE MEETING. UPON A L'OICE VOTE, 11LL WTING AYE, CXAIRP£RSO�N MELLAN DECLARED THF. JUNE l7, 29B6, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CQKMISSIaV llE�"lI1VG aA70URNED AT 8:40 P.M. Respectful]y subn;itted. ynn8 Saba Recording Secretary � .� � � �� CITY OF FRIDLEY A�FEALS COMP9ISSIOW �9EETIl�G, JULY 15, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: Uice-Chairperson Barna called the July 15, 1986, Appeals Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: P1er�bers Present: P�enbers Absent: Alex Barna, Jerry Sherek, Diane Savage Donald Betzold Others Present: Darrel Clark, City of Fridley Steve Harris, 12009 �ak Park Blvd., Coon Rapids Gary & Sharon Parker, 1333 Hill lJind Road Richard & tlarlys Lynch, 7268 Sunnyslope Dr., �laple Grove L. W. Samuelson, 7800 East River Road APPROVAL OF JUNF 24, 1986, APPEALS COP�1MISSIfIP� MINUTES: MO"_70N BY �lS. SAVAGE, SECONDED BY l�R. SHEREK, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 24, 1986, APPEALS Q}7lfISSION MINUTES AS PIRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPF.RSOlI BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. CO�dSIDFRATIOPI OF VARIA�lCE REQUESTS, VAR #86-17, BY DAVI� HARRIS, PURSUANT --°� .�..,.� v� �a� vr inc rrt1uLC1 l,ll 1 I.UUt� IU KtUUI,t INt S1Ut � . , � � a� { � � ING REDUCE THF HARD SURFACE SET6ACY, FR�P1 20 FEET TO � FEET OFF OF COMP1ERCE CIRCLE SOUTH TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL PARKING ON LOT 7, BLOCK , P CO IP�DUS RIAL . HE S•E EIJ� . 1 F R i « MOTION BY MS. SAVAGE, SECOP7DED BY MR. SHEREIC, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARF.D THF. PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:3Z P.M. Vice-Chairperson Barna read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 250 Corrmerce Circle South VAR #86-17 A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.17.3, D, 2a requires a side yard of not less than thirty (30) feet. 12 � APPEALS CO����IISSIOt�J �tEETIt�G, JULY 15, 1986 PAGE 2 Publie purg��s� served by thi� requirement is ta pravide for a�equate open areas (green d�vider areas) ar�ou�d c��rc�ai str�actures, maintain clear access for fire fighting, and reduce the conflagration of fire. Section 205.17.5, areas shall be no right-of-way. D, 5a requires that all parking and hard surface closer than twenty (20) feet from any street 12A Public purpose served by this requ�rement is to limit visual encroach- ment into neighboring sight lines and to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas adjacent to public right-of-ways. Q, STATED HARDSHIP: "It is impossible to construct otherwise because city requested road easement between Commerce Circle South and Community Park." C. ADt1IPlISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The petitioner, David Harris, is requestinc� two variances. One is for the reduction of the setback required for a side yard with a driveway from thirty (30) feet to twenty-five (25) feet. The driveway in the side yard is not a through drive but rather leads to the loading dock anci is used by trucks backing up to the loadinq dock. There will be five (5) feet of green space between the loading dock/driveway and the building, and five (5) feet of green space between the loading dock/ driveway and the west side property line. The other variance requested is for the reduction of the hard surface setback from the loopback portion of the Corr�nerce Circle right-of-way from the required twenty (20) feet to zero (0) feet. The City is proceeding with vacating a portion of the Commerce Circle South loopback and straightening the roadway which will then leave the parking area the required twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way. The vacation procedure takes approximately two to three months; therefore, Mr. Harris is applying for a variance so that he can start construction as soon as possible. The variance is to accommodate additional parking stalls which will increase Mr. Harris' comfort level. There is a general park- ing shortage problem in the immediate area and the addi.tional parking may help alleviate the problem somewhat. Mr. Clark stated the Commissioners had a copy of a letter dated June 23, 1986, from Donald Dibos, President, Midwest Machine Tool Supply, the adjoining property owner to the west, stating he had no objection the variance for the loading dock driveway. MOTION BY MR. SKEREK, SECONED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO RECEIVE INTO THE RECQRD THE , LETTER DATED JUNE 23, 1986, FROM MR. DIBOS, PRESIDENT OF MIDWEST MACHINE TOOL SUPPLY, STATING HE HAD NO OBJECTION TO THE VARIANCE FOR THE LOADING DOCK D.lQFVEWAY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION C�IRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12B APPEALS C0�1MISSION MEETIP�G, JULY 15, 1986 PA(;F 3 � Mr. Clark explained the variances in more detail. He also stated Mr. Steve Harris was representing his father, David Harris, who was unable to be at the meeting. MOTION BY M5. SAVAGE, SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPERSOIJ BARNA D£�LARED THE PUBLIC KEARING CLOSED AT 7:40 P.M. • Mr. Barna stated that basically, they were lookinc� at clean-up work, except for the second side yard variance, and they have a letter from the adjoininq neighbor stating no objection. The adjoining neighbor also had a parking lot tf�ere, so there would be no decrease in green space and no change in fire fighting ability, etc., so he felt the spirit of the code was being met. Ms. Savage agreed. She felt both variance re�uests seemed reasonable. She did agree that the purpose of the ordinance was being met. Regarding the second variance request, once the vacation occurred, there would be no variance anyway, so she had no problem with the variances as requested. Mr. Sherek stated he had no problem with granting the variances. MOTION BY MR. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COITNCIL APPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUESTS, VAR #86-17, BY DAVID HARRIS, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.17.3, D, 2a OF THE FRiDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THF. SIDE YARD SETBACK FROAf 30 FEET TO 25 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LOAD_*NG DOCK; AND PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205,17.5, D, Sa OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE T�0 REDUCE THE HARD SURFACE SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 0 FEET OFF OF COMMERCE CIRCLE SOUTH TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL PARKING ON LOT 7, BL(7CK 1, PACO INDUSTRIAL PARK, THF SAME BEING 250 COMMERCE CIRCLE SOUTH, FRIDLEY, MII/NESOTA 55432. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIFcPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. CO�JSIDERATIOPJ OF VARIE�NCE RFQUESTS, VAR #86-18, BY GARY AMD SHARON PARKER, P ER 5.0 .3, D, F IfE FRID E CITY CODE RED CE TH . 3 . F E; PURSU N TO C P ER 205.07.3. D, 2b OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COOE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK - - . ... . ... . . . , . ..,.. .... . .............,. , BUILDING ON LOT 8, BLOCK 1, KE D H H S, E S 3 PdD rOAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MII�NESOTA 55432. MOTION BY MR. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARIP7G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:45 P.M. Vice-Chairperson Barna read the Administrative Staff Report: 1/ 12C APPEALS COMMISSION t1EETING JULY 15 1986 P.AGE 4 AOMINISTRATIII� STAFF REPORT 1333 Hi 1 lwi nd 8oad P�. E. VAR �#86-18 A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREP4ENT: Section 205.07.3, D, 1 requires a front yard with a depth of not less tFian thirty�five (35) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to allow for off-street parking wiihout encroaching on the public right-of-way and also for aesthetic consideration to reduce the building "line of sight" encroach- ment into the neighbor's front yard. Section 205.07.3, D, 2b requires a side yard of not less than five (5) feet between an attached accessory buil�iing or use and side property lines. Pub7ic purpose served by this requirement is to provide space between individual structures to reduce the conflagration of fire, to provide access to the rear yard for �rnergencies and to limit the condition of crowding in the residential neighborhood. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "My wife and I each need an_automobile to get to work. In Minnesota it's a real hardship having one car sit outside all the time, especially in the winter." C. ADPIINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The petitioner's present garage is about 13 reet wide on the insi�le. The furnace is in the garage and the�petitioner hesitates to park his car in the garage because he fears a fire may occur. The Code does not prohibit furnaces in garages as long as there is no open flame less than 18 inches off the floor. He wants to widen the existing garage and r�ove tFie parking area forward so that the furnace could be housed outside the garage area. If the Board approves this request, we recorrenend that the west wall be one-hour fire-rated with no openings, and that an easement for maintenance purposes be attained from the adjacent neighbor. Also, a new survey should be made to monument the west property line to assure proper placement of a structure this close. The only utility now in the easement is a telephone cable. It may have to be relocated. This variance must go to City Council to authorize the utility easement encroachment. Mr. Clark showed the Commissioners a photo of the property. , Mr. Clark stated that in the agenda was a copy of a statement signed by the two adjacent neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Doege, 1323 Hillwind Rd., ancl 12D APPEALS C0�IMISSION MEETING, JULY 15 1986 PAGF 5 � Ms. Diane Puckett, 1343 �#ilTwind ��d., statira� �hey had no objection to the construction of additianal garage space. Also in the agenda were let�ers from the utility companies. The only utility in there right now was the telephone company, and that might have to be relocated. The relocation would be at the owner's expense, and Mr. Parker has agreed �o that. Mr. Clark stated the existing garage is 40 ft, back from the curb so even with the addition, there would still be 282 ft, to the curb. P1r. Parker thinks F�e knows the approximate location of the west property line but is not sure. The measurements were taken to what is assumed to be the west property line. So, it was expressed in the staff report that before anything is built, the west property line should be monumented to ensure proper placement of the new structure. If construction takes p]ace the way the petitioner is proposing, the addition would be 22 ft. away from the neighbor's house, which was adequate for fire protection. Mr. Clark stated it was mentioned in the staff report that the furnace was in the e�isting garage, and the petitioner hesitates to use the garage for fear of fire. Mr, Barna stated he wanted it noted in the minutes that the construction of a detached garage in the rear yard would be almost impossible because of the severe drop in elevation into the back yard and the lack of adequate space for a driveway to the rear yard. MOTION BY MS. SAVAGE, SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBL.LC HF,ARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-�CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THF, PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7;58 P.M. ' Mr. Barna stated the only real problem he had was going from 5 ft, to 0 ft. He did not think there were any zero lot lines on residential properties at this tir�e. Mr. Clark stated Ptr. Parker's lot was the most westerly lot in Lakeland Heights, and his neighbor's lot was the most easterly lot in Sheridan Acres, so there was the possibility there might be a gap of 2-3 ft, between the tvro lots. He stated he would think that any part of the petitioner's garage and any Part of the roof would have to be on the petitioner's property and that an easement for maintenance purposes be obtained from the adjacent owner. Ms. Savage stated she had some concerns a6out the closeness to the property line on the west wide. Of course, si�e realized they have to consider the fact ti�at even tfiough the present neighbor doesn't disagree to the variance or the maintenance easement, a future owner might. She was impressed with the fact that the neighbor's house was not right next to the petitioner's lot line so the addition would not be encroachinq so much on another building. , SF�e felt that fact made the variance request somewhat more reasonable. She felt there was clearly a hardship expressed by P1r. Parker about the need for a garage for cars, especially in P�linnesota. She would be in favor of granting the variance requests. �7 � 12E APPEALS COPI�1ISSION PIEETIf•JG, JULY 15, 1986 PAGE 6 P�r. Sherek agreed with the fact that there was a sufficient %ardship expressed �n not being able to use a garage i� Minnesota. As long as consideration was made to the new survey, the r�aintenance easement, and the petitioner taking rQSponsibility for the utility relocation, he would he ir� favor of granting the variances. Mr. Barna stated basicall,y most of the sections of the code were beinq met. The aesthetic front lot line was not in a straight line on these streets any- way. The house to the west was at a 55 ft. setback, and the house to thP east had a different setback, duP to the fact that the houses are not perpendicular to the street but angled to the street. He could Eee the hardship definitely wlth the way the fiouse was designed and built with the furnace in the back of thE exi,ting garage. The only real problem he had was with the zero lot line at the side lot line, but as pointed out by P1r. Clark, there could be a 2-3 ft. gap, .MOTION BY MR. SHF,REK, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTS, VAR #86-18, BY GARY AND SHARON PARKER, PURSUAPIT TU CHAPTER 205,07.3, D, 1 O FTHE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FRO�'4 35 FEET TO 28.5 FEET; AND PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.07.3� D, 2b OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE TKE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 5 FEET TO 0 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING ON LOT 8, BLOCK 1, LAKELAND HEIGHTS, THE SA1�9E BEING 1333 HILLWIND ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MIIINESOTA 55432, 61I1H THE FOLLOWING STZPULATIOIIS: 1, A NEW SURVEY BE FiADE TO MONUMENT THE WEST PROPERTY LINE. TO ENSURE PROPER PLACEMENT OF THE S'_"RUCTURE. 2. A RECORDED MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BE ENTERED INTO WITH ADJOINING NEIGHBOR. 3. ANY RF,LOCATION OF UTILITY BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THF. PROPF.RTY OWNER. 4. THE WES T WALL BE A ONE-HOUR, FIRE-RATED WALL WITH NO OPENINGS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THF, MOTION CARRIF,D UNANIMOUSLY. 3, CONSIDERATIOW OF A VARIANCE \� �T 8 �l �1 �i EST, 1IAR �86-19, BY VANTAGE C(�`1PANIFS, E PJOR C�l FE Mr. Barna stated this request had been withdrawn by the petitioner. Pd 12F APPEALS C0�1MISSIOPJ t1EETING, JULY 15 1986 PAGF 7 4. CONSIDERATION OF A VARiANCE RE �t�ST �'AR �85-2a BY L. lJ. SAP�UELSON CONSTRUCTIfl��, I��C., PURSUAPai TO CHAPTE� 205.17.3, D, 4 OF THE FRID EY CITY CODE TO REDUCE T�lE SETfiACK OF A OUND RY LIP�E C N RESI 1 5 EE T 48 E; �D P 1RS C R 05. .,, 2 OF T7'rTTi��t'T-r �*m--�i n� 'R'9STf7cq ��, �,.� ---- IfJG OP� LOT 1, BLOCK 24, NAGEL' S MOTION BY MR. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO OPEN THF. PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:08 P.M. Vice-Chairperson Barna read the Adr�inistrative Staff Report: ADMIPJISTRATIIIE STAFF REPORT 7345 Baker Street I/AR _#86-20 A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.17.3, D, 4(d) requires that whenever any industrial district is adjacent to or adjoins any other district, permitted buildings and uses, shall not be closer to the boundary line of a residential district than fifty (50) feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide for adequate open space around corrnnercial structures for aesthetic and development reasons. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "Additional building space is necessary to accommodate the 'machine layout within the building'," C. ADPIIP�ISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The petitioner is requesting variances for: (1) reduction of the side yard setback from fifteen (15) feet to ten (10) feet. This is an extension of an existing condition in that the existing structure is located ten (10) feet from the south side yard property line and since the proposed addition will be an extension of the existing structure, a variance needs to be requested to extend that ten (10) foot side yard- setback along the distance of the Qrflposed addition; and (2) reduction of the setba�k required between industrial districts and residential districts from fifty (507 feet to forty-eight (48) feet. LJhile a two , (2) foot variance in this instance is by no means extreme, "buffer zones" such as this one were designed to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the public. 12G APPEALS COt1MISSION P4EETIt��, J��.Y l5, 1985 PA�E 8 Mr. Clark stated the petitioner has been working with the City on reland- scaping and upgrading the parking lot. ��r. Samuelson showed pictures of the existing facility which showed the landscaping P�r. & Mrs. Lynch (owners of the ��^��erty� preferred to retain and relocate. P�r. Samuelson stated the building was built about 20 ysars ago, and the owner was in dire need of additional floor space. Because of the sheer tightness of laying out the equipment inside the building, it was necessary to request the setback reduction from 50 ft. to 48 ft. Mr. Sanuelson stated that once the addition was completed, the owner planned to substantially upgrade the existing building. In compliance with all the other codes, the parking lot would be completely redone along with concrete curbs and gutters. They do meet all the parking requirements. They are providing a berm as required by the City, and the rear yard would be cleaned up. Mr. Samuelson stated he felt the City now had the opportunity to give the Lynches the opportunity to stay within Fridley with their manufacturinq business and to enhance the property with the improvements. Mr. Barna asked Mr. Lynch to explain his hardship. Mr. Lynch stated the machines they will be installing are quite long. The raw material is a 12 ft, long bar, so the length of the building was very important. They do not want a cramped space. He stated that for safety reasons and for ease of loading and unloading the raw material and finished parts anci semi-finished parts to the next machine, it was necessary to main- taln a straight line and therefore it was necessary to have the two foot variance for additional building space. Mr. Lynsh stated they are trying to upgrade the existing building and r�ove the larger machines to the back side so they will have a better acoustical level. This will help them with their noise level as they are now at a 86 decibel level. They will also be bringing all the outside waste barrels inside so they need room for�storage. Mr. Barna stated he wanted to mention for the record that the existing struc- ture to the south presently encroached quite a bit more into the 50 ft. distance than the 48 ft. being requested by the petitioner. MOTION BY MR. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HF.ARING. _ UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:30 p.M. , Ms. Savage stated that regarding the first variance request, the existing building was already at the 10 ft. setback so that request did not seem unreasonable. As far as the second variance request from 50 ft, to 48 ft., 12H APPEALS C0�1MISSION MEETI�dG JULY 15 1986 PAGE 9 she thought the hardship had been shown sufficiently in the necessity for the extra two feet. Considering the set-up of the land and the fact that there was an exte�nsive 7andscaping/buffer zone of trees and shrubbery along the back of the property screening tF�e resideniial area, she would be in favor of granting tF�e variance requests. Mr. Sherek stated he would concur witf� the sideyard setback. He did not see any proof presented by the petitioner of why the two foot extra was going to make that big a difference. He would like the petitioner to present a little more proof to the City Council. He did have to trust that since the Petitioner had gone to a loi of work to lay the building out the way he had and that he had done it in tF�e most efficient and safest way, there must be a good reason for the two extra feet. He stated he would be in favor of granting the variance requests. Mr. Barna stated that from almost 30 years of experience in machine shops, he could understand the need for a building lay-out that accommodated machines in the safest and most efficient way. He had no objection to the side yard setback which was an extension of the existing variance or the two foot rear yard reduction as the 6uilding would not encroach into the residential buffer zone. MOTION BY MS, SAVAGE, SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK,TO :iECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR #86-20, BY L. W. SAMUELSON CONSTRUCTION, INC., PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.17.3, D, 4d OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE SETBACK OF A BOUNDARY LINE ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FROM 50 FEET TO 48 FEET; AND PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.I7.3, D, 2 OF THF. FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACY. FROM IS FEET TO 10 FEET TO ALLOFI THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE ALREADY EXISTING BUILDING ON LOT 1, BLOCK 24, NAGEL'S WOODLANDS, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THE SAMF. BEING 7345 BAKER STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE 1NOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURPJMENT: MOTION BY MR. SKEREK, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CNAIRPERSON BARNA DECLARED THE JULY Z5, 1986, APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:40 P.M. Respectfully sub 'tted, � L Lyn ' Saba , Recording Secretary _ ___ _ _ r� .► � � ► �r ,� �„90 �-73R0— —74V E . N. E- � � - — � . .. . . -- � , � �..,,�_. r �i • .,. � R` #86-1�' z. ..T �,�, � � y + ;50 t�m` e Cinc��9.�. ,• ! t � � ' y 3 1 � � � . � �p ( ��;� � r F- � -- , _tt/ � � i a � N 0 ' ' liJ �~� �� ��'z` � � � ; 3 ��'^°� >a «k� . � , , � ,.� z�� c -�Z84 � a r -� � ��E �t3� s 21� �� `� r � ' t � � � : �: � � , � �` ' � * z W � : , � i2 ^�'� o J ` ''J` _�f ' v , � _ V `= JMi� I __"" `j/����� � � — —7221 3 �O ` V 3 � , , U � �` i � c � 6 ` � •� , . � ` N : W � �: : c.i � ` '` , � P rn.w...r�r f,,.r,nr \ , . � W ?!91 ` ,� : W � •�•� ,,,s V * � : . �/ �G � � � � �•' �•,'°r� i Z��� �� , �t (� !� � �WR� e � 9 �p � .� ��4►:K ' � �t,y -- 1.o A �i� � � 7� 7 / : i ; ' � � t'.?.'� J-.�2 S• 2 f/- i V_ p.r' J �� I ►� Z 2 '71 � � ••, , I � ,I '� '�rt,4 r� �� 'r � �s �� ; � � � ' �. ,•r ��'��►•!► . i � •, � COMMERCE CIRC�.E�� �Sp F., � ----- � _ � � y ,� � � . . ; � ' � � � �� ��� �� ���ii �i i ♦`� � � L� 1 �O •�����• ii i i�i • i • � � `� �„/ I • � � �, � � �� � i ' � i • � �� • � ' I . z.....a.. .. , � . . .......r: :• � ....... . r........... �� � � "� �' `��� � ��i ����i i ��� i 6 L � I : , y . . . . .�. . . . . � ; � , :.�:..� :•: i �� I - — — o _ _ �5.......... — — __ _ . .......... � . � __ �� �� fr • � � �� � � , ' j �-i � •�_' J � � � �~{�j �: � � � � __� ` "'/r.l.• � � _ 1 ' �.. _ � : � � �� i����i� G f / � y � � �,. j . ,,�;�,.,. , , , � �-- � I + � � _ • � i � s�i i i • � • �~� i'i'/IOi � '/ i ' � '� -� - 7 - t � � •����������� - --� -i / / , - � I i i�� � ��ii � i�i i ,l l - ! - � ' t� �' �: . . - � - ^ ������1 _ � � - - i-�� 4 �;' �I.. . ...- � � I I �� � � � ' I � �� � -- -- e � ti,�'� � �YSj` � � •w �� r• � �1 TRA�T � ` � ' A ..,gJ �o : � �, t--�, --- � � Z i, ` ' " ' . � . � �" • �?M 1 'i , - � � i `\, ' " � V ; p04 . . 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Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 July 30, 1986 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fridley, Minnesota Dear Mayor: On your August 4th agenda, there is a variance request to reduce the side yard from 30 feet to 25 feet on Lot 7, Block 1 to allow for a construction of a loading dock. This item will appear under the minutes of the Appeals Commission where it was approved unanimously by that body. Also as part of the communication covering this item is a letter sent to the City Manager from the adjoining property concurring with the variance. Due to a previous commitment, I will be unable to attend the meeting on the 4th and request that this item be approved. Your �truly, ������� Dalvi d Harri s DH:jb � �-'- _ VAR #86-17 LC1�� � 1NDUS�'"� 250 Commerce Circle N.E. �� PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES r►rMesr moo+ne toa Sv�or � MIDWEST MACHINE TOOL SUPPLY 23Q Commerce Circle South • P.O. Box 32347 •�M�r�.r�eapolis, MN 55432 •�e�ephone (612) 571-3550 June 23, 1986 CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Attn: Nasim Quershi, City Manager Jim Robinson, City Planner Gentlemen: This letter is to advise that Midwest Machine Tool Supply (Donald J. Dibos) of Lot 8 Block 1 Paco Industrial Park has no objection to the reduction on the west of the required lot line distance of�'irty feet to twenty-five feet relative to the west eleva�ifon of�te proposed building on Lot 7 Block 1 Paco Industrj�l Parl�: / Sincere e�fiald Dibos,'President IDWE MACHINE TOOL SUPPLY DO:rw ' �'',� _ �ti . '.�' ..y � �'Y'� . 1 ' ^J� " 2 : i3"N� i.aAil� r�,n �a�i:r"y �� '' j � � � -w. , nr t � t 11 �� tc l� �� �, 2 �\�,l ! 9. 1917 - - 630- - �. -�- -�-, {v �= 9i7 � 4 � \YQ � ` :. r.,� o � , �f � 1,�.�� J�..,b. VAR #86-18 ' s = `� ,,�� ; . � � � � �. � t) af �.r t -s>�.i.s.,s.2e 41 � �' �, . � e.:e� _.]�33 Hi l lwi nd R ad'��. Ee � a t� �`'•��, .��.,,� ; x�* °; .,. : Q " 't � o`Z' . 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LOCATION MAP � � � s _ �� �' � / � � VAR �#86-20 734� Baker� Street N.E. i y � � --o�oD�-- \— � s� .� � j II� —� � ` � � � 1 _I/���/Jl.�l1' �l �- � ,� I � 37vya� s:t'�Mwtl:� �j T � . {' -31�� aa u • _p:reY_"i• ' ..i.• � r7� I ., o. N � I a � � y i �� ;,�i �a3 �� �0 �� o� .W ���5 '�� � y '1 3 < �:�,=51 -r=� � �-�' � �L�_ ,��'� `: . i! � ,' R�.ti �=�___.;�; �� :� = - -� —t �� tW h; 'r • I u-� rE —. i �� I � �: � � . v ~ �� o��� roy � � o« d a��� 0 `� s aa � \ � \\` .`. ��.\�1) � . � .�.� � :, ��� ._ � r Q y � � W 3 I'� � � , �i ' i �' + I. sm � � � M � :; i � � ; ; � y ] 1 12 C� � C, �i � - a' � .�/ I 1 ._' �ti �! , 1 -, O = � � � 4 r � Qi� N ,� ? W J � ��! �� � � J� � � � N s e cinoF fR1DLEY PLANNtNG DIVISION 1�/IF.MOR,ANDUM MEM� T0: Jock R�obertson, �ua�ity Developaent Director l+g',ND FROM: Jim R�binson, Planning Coordinator MEND DATE: July 21, 1986 REGARDING: Baker Street Variaryoe Stipulations The follawing is a list of the stipulations staff formulated during our on-site inspection of the F1-Tronics, Inc. property at 7345 Baker Street on Friday, July 18, 1986. We would reoanmend these be stipulated with Council appraval: 1. Sutrnit an appraved lan�cape plan which includes: Four foot berming with trees and shrubs in front yard, side yard and rear yard, plantings and parking lot shoulder landscaping all to be installed with building addi tion. 2. Pravic3e an irrigation glan for all green areas. 3. F�ve the common driveway located on the north side of the property, oanplete with six inch concrete curbing on both sides, with building addition. 4. Install six inch o�ncrete curbing along both sides of the oatunon driv�ay on the south sicle o� the property, with building addition. 5. Install an eight foot high solid wood fence along the rear �operty line to screen the addition fran the residential neighborhood (Mobile Home Park) with building addition. 6. Ranave all j�k vehicles f ran property prior to building permit. No storage o� j�k vehicles permitted at any time. 7. All 55 gallai dr�ms and all metal rec.ycling bins to be stored inside the new building prior to building permit. 8. Re-stripe garking lot and provide at least one handicap stall with- building addition. 9. Petitia�er to provide an apprwec] drainage plan grior to building permit. 1�86-175 13 FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: July 16, 1986 MEMO T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager /� 86-7-2 FROM: Robert D. ldr' ��"�'-�--� A ich, Fire Chief RE: Opticom Agreement with Anoka County Attached is a joint powers agreement between Anoka County and the City of Fridley regarding the installation of the "Opticom" Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption System at the intersection of Mississippi Street and East River Road. I recommend the adoption and execution of this agreement. RDA/el ; / Attachment � f�,,,, _ �: r � t - : �',�, �'��`,��.,-. � �,:���. _.�-r.�f � � July 10, 1986 COU NTY OF ANOKA Department of Highways Pau/ K. Ruud, Highway Enginee� COURT HOUSE ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 612-421-4760 John Flora Public Works Director City of Fridley 6�31 University Avenue N. E. Fr.idley, P�1Pd 55432 Re: Joint Powers Agreement Emergency Vehicle Traffic Control Pre-emption System CSAH #{1 (East River Road) at CSAH #6 (Pdississippi Street) Dear P�Ir . Flora : Enclosed find three (3) copies of the above-referenced aggreement. Please sign all copies and return them to us. We will then process the agreements and return a fully approved and executed copy to you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. Yours:truly, ��;, . � ��� , �,��� William A. Sironen Assistant County Engineer - Design Encl: Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer 13A � JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into this day of � 1986, by and between the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, a political subdivision of - the State of Minnesota, 325 East Main Street, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303, hereinafter referred to as "County," and the City of Fridley, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, 1�4innesota, 55432, hereinafter referred to as "City." WITNESSETH: �VHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement desire to install an Emergency Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Pre-emption System, hereinafter referred to as the "System," for the traffic control signals on C.S.A.H. # 1(East River Road) at C.S.A.H. #6 (�Vtississippi Street) in the City of Fridley; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that the cost of said System shall be the sole responsibility of the City; and, �VHEREAS, said work will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 114inn. Stat. § 471.59. NOW, THEREFOR�, IT IS A�IUTUALLY STIPULATED AND AGREED: 1. PURPOSE The County and City have joined tooether for the purpose of providing an Emergency Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Pre-emption System for the traffic control signals on C.S.A.H. # 1(East River Road) at C.S.A.H. #6 (iViississippi Street). 2. 17ETHOD The City, upon the County's approval, shall cause the installation of a System for the traffic control signals on C.S.A.H. #1 at C.S.A.H. #6. Emitter units and each System added to an existing traffic signal on a County highway or to a traffic signal maintained by the County shall be in accordance with the following conditions s�d requirements: -2- A. All modifications, revisions and maintenance of the System considered necessary or desirable, for any reason, shall be done by the City upon concurrence in writing by the County Highway Engineer. B. Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an - emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5, and 169.03. Vehicle emitter units may be installed only on City owned fire, police and rescue squad vehicles without approval in writing by the County. C. In the event said System or components are, in the opinion of the County, being misused or the conditions set forth in paragraph B above are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after receipt by the City of written notice thereof from the County, the County shall remove the System. Upon removal of the System for any reason, the field wiring, cabinet wiring and other components shall become the property of the County. All infrared detector heads and indicator lamps mounted external to the traffic signal cabinet will be returned to the City. The detector receiver and any other assembly located in the traffic signal cabinet, which if removed will not affect the traffic signal operation, will be returned to the City. D. All timing of said Systern shall be determined by the County through the County Highway Enbineer. 3. COSTS A. The cost of all materials, equipment, labor and miscellaneous items necessary to construct, operate, maintain, revise and remove said System shall be the sole expense of the City. B. The actual cost of all pre-construction work done by the County, in an amount estimated at $ I,f�Ot�.00, shall be borne by the City. �. Upon completion of the construction as determined by the County Highway Engineer, the City shall pay to the County, upon written demand by the County, all costs incurred by the County for this project. 13C 13D -3- 4. TER�V1 This Agreement shall continue until (1) terminated as provided hereinafter, or (2) until the construction provided for herein is completed and payment provided for - herein is made, whichever of (1) or (2) shall first occur. 5. DISBURSE(1'IENT OF FUNDS All funds dis5ursed by the County or City pursuant to this Agreement shall be disbursed by each entity pursuant to the method provided by law. 6. CONTRACTS AND PURCHASES All contracts let and purchases made pursuant to this Agreement shall be made by the County in conformance to the State Laws. 7. STRICT ACCOUNTABILITY A strict accounting shall be made of all funds and report of all receipts and disbursements shall be made upon request by either party. 8. TERI�7INATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause, upon not less than thirty (30) days written notice delivered by mail or in person to the other party. If notice is delivered by mail, it shall be deemed to be received two days after mailing. Such termination shall not be effective with respect to any solicitation of bids or any purchases of services or goods which occurred prior to such notice of termination. 9. AFFIRI�IATIVE ACTION In accordance with Anoka County's Affirmative Action Policy and the County Commissioners' policies against discrimination, no person shall illegally be excluded from full-time employment rintats in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the �ara�8� wrh�ch � the subject af this Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, marital status, public assistance status, age, disability, or national origin. -4- 10. NOTICE 1 E For purposes of delivery of any notices hereunder, the notice shall be effective if delivered to the County Administrator of Anoka County, 325 East Main Street, Anoka, _ A9innesota, 55303, on behalf of the County, and the City �Vianager of the City of Fridley, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, on behalf of the City. 11. INDEI�INIFICATION The City and the County mutually agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other from any claims, losses, costs, expenses or damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the respective officers, agents, or employees relating to activities conducted by either party under this Agreement. 12. ENTIRE AGREEI�IENT REQUIREMENT OF A WRITING It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and all negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter thereof, as well as any previous agreement presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter thereof. Any alterations, variations, or modifications of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing and duly signed by the parties herein. y3F -5- IN WITNESS V1'HEREOF, the parties of this Agreement have hereunto set their hands on the dates written below: COUNTY OF ANOKA By: Albert A. Kordiak, Chairman Anoka County Board of Commissioners Dated: , 1986. ATTEST: By: John "Jay" McLinden Anoka County Administrator Dated: , 1986. Recommended for Approval: By: Paul K. Ruud, County Engineer CITY OF FRIDLEY By: Name Title Dated: , 198G. By: Name: Title: Dated: , 1986. APPROVED AS TO FOR1�I AND EXECUTION: Assistant Anoka County Attorney ` 14 FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Date: July 29, 1986 Memo to: �dasim Qureshi, City Manager > 86-7-7 From: Robert D. Aldrich, Fire Chief f��,�� . Re: Bids for Refurbishing Fire Apparatus Attached is a copy of the specifications for the Refurbishing and Rehabilitating of the Fire Department Pumpers. I am recommending that we receive the bids on August 27, 1986 and make the award on September 8, 1986. This, I think, will allow sufficient time to analyze the bids and make a recommendation to the City Council. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. RDA/el Attachment CITY OE' FRIDLEY BID I�I'ICE for Rff'URBISHII� AAID RF�Ii�BILITATII� TWI� FIRE DEPAFtZI�?T PI�E�iS }�CiiIBIT 'A' Zfie City Council of the City of Fridley, A:innesota will accept sealed bids for Refurbishing and Rehabilitating Two Fire Department Pumpers on until on said date at the Fridley Civic Center, 6431 University Avenue h.E., Fridley, r:innesota 55432 (telephone: 571-3450). All Bids must meet the r�inimu� requirenents of the specifications. Failure to co,�ly with this Section can result in disqualification of the bid. Each bid shall be accor�anied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Cash or �id Bond and made payable k�ithout conditions to the Cit}� of Fridley, r:innesota, in a� a-�o;uit of not less than five percent (5�) of the bid, k�hich check, cash or bond shall be forfeited if bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract, after his bid has been accepted. The City reserves the right to accept the bid which is deterr.�,ined to be i.n the best interests of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities or technicalities in any bid received without explanation. The City Council also reserves the right to consider such factors as time of deliver}� or performance, experience, responsibility of the bidder, past perforr�ance, of similar types of iter.� or materials, availabilit}� of product� or other sirr:ilar factors that it may determine to be in the be�t interest of the City. Copies of the specifications and general conditions ma}� be exar��ined in the office of the Fire Chief, or copies may be obtained fro;r, this office. Tyll bids n�st be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly r�arked on the outside �ith REFL�3ISHI2JG A"� iL�iF,F3ILITATItJG ZT•,0 FIRE DEPI�R'Ii��:'i PiJf��PF�,S. Publish: Nasim 1�;. Qureshi City i�',anager 1 A 15 ZO: NASIM QiJRF,SHI, CITY MANAGII2 FROM: ANGII,A FURRFST, N�DIA SPECIALIST W 7I�L IAM C. . HUNT, ASS ISTP,IJT ZO �i E QTY MANAG IIt L1ATE: JL�Y 29, 1986 SUBJDCr: VIDEO PR0�7C1CI'ION $�UIR�]T On Wecfiesday, July 9, 1986, we reoeived f ive bids f or v ideo production equipment. The equipment included items necessary to edit VHS videatape in the C�vic Center. The law bidder was Alpha Video & Audio with a bid of $21,245.00. EVen though there was only one qual if ied bid, the aQnotmt bid is within our budget estimates and we have found the vo�►pany to be reliable in the Fast. Zherefore, we reoommend that the GYty Council asaard the wr�tract for video production equipner►t to Alpha Video & Audio for $21,245.00. The video production equipnent will be paid for f rom a $13,755.00 donation from the Fridley VFW for an editing systen with the remainder fran the Cable ZV �nd. cc: Richard Pritr�l, FYnanoe Director WMC/j e 13/9 . i�e BID OPEhING 11AM WEDNESDAYi JULY 9, 1986 VIDEO PRODUCTION EQUIPT�NT Bidder Items Bidded Total Bid Comments Cinequipt, Inc. 2434 University Ave., W. St. Paul, DiN 55114 �'iking Audio Visual, Inc. 1115 Excelsior Ave., E. Hopkins, MN 55343 EPA Audio Visual, Inc. 8200 Bridge Rockford, hf:� 55373 Alpha Video � Audio 2110 t�'est 98th St. �finneapolis, AS\ 55431 Bid Bid isqualified ;S�itcher�Special Effects(S21,245.00 iGenerator, Character Gen , 'erator, Time Base Cor- rector, 1/2 inch Editing +System, Waveform Monitor,. IPassive Switcher, Instal i �lation i Blumberg Communications, Inc.i 525 �. Itashington Ave. ' Afinneapolis, [�L'� 55401 � � iL isqualified Did not give final bid price, did not give a definate price on installation. � � ; Did not give final bid price, did not follow ' bidding instruc- tions. �16 CITY OF FRIL�.EY b1EMORANDUM 'IO: IVASII•i M. 4URES�3I, CITY t1AI�IGII2 FRCX�;: SHIRLEY A. ii�PALA, CITY CI�gtK SUB.7ECT: II,ECTION JUDGFS FUR PRIMF�EtY II.,ECTION IY�TE: JULY 30, 1986 �e attached resolution app�ints election judges for the Septemt�er 9, 1986 Pri.nary Flection. �e judges have been chosen fror� the list that was pravioed by the �rties. �•7e have selecten juciges fran both t��e DFL ano IR 1 ists in acooraance with State Statutes. If you have any questions regaraing his r�atter, please call me. 3/0/7/8 ItES�LUTION N0. _ - 1986 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING POLLIlJG PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE SEPTEMBER 9� 1986 OOUNCII�IBER-A�-I�lfRGE AND STATBti'IDE PRIMARY II,DCTIUN r�7L',� �-iII2EFURE BE IT RFSC�VED� by the City Council of the City of Fric;ley, Anoka Ccunty, r;innesota, at a Council meeting thereof on August 4, 1986. SECTIOP� 1. SECT IOfi 2 . Z'nat on the 9th oay of Sept�ber, 1986, there shall be a Primary Election for Councilmen�ber-at-Large ana a Statewide Prin�ary Election. �h�t the �lling places for saia Election shall be as folla�s: Y�arG 1 Precinct 1 i�:urc; 1 Precinct 2 t�;ara 1 Precinct 3 i�;aru 1 Precinct 4 t��ara 1 Precinct 5 F:ara 2 Precinct 1 P;aru 2 Precinct 2 �•;ara 2 Precinct 3 4i�r� 2 Precinct 4 hTar6 3 Precinct 1 4:Grc± 3 Precinct 2 Y:�rc 3 Precinct 3 t•:ura 3 Precinct 4 Gruoe �Vangelical Free Church hayes El�:�entary School City Hall Frialey Covenar�t Churci� Fricle�� Sera.or Hi� School �•�ooacre� t Ela�entary School Knights of Col�nbus h�11 St. Phil ip's Lutherar. C�:urch Nortl� P�.rk School Sprincbrool: r:att�re Center �ec�ea�;cr Lutherzr; Ctiurch Stevenson Ele�,�entary School koslyn Park 47es1E�•cs� C�iurch SFC'I'IOt; 3. �4�at the polling places will be o�n f rar� 7:00 A.t�i. to 8:00 P.t�;. SE'CTIUI` 4. ThGt the folla;ir.g �o�.�le are hereLy a�.�.ointec to act as Juages for sGia Election exce�t that the City Clerh is hereby authorize6 to ap�oint qu�lifiE6 substitutes ir.� cases oi a;rslict as set fortti in Chapter 4, Section 4.05 of tt:e City C7�arter: Ward 1 Precinct 1 *Carclyn Holn�en Uori� Tall�en Ga}• Grorl�c h'ard 1 Precinct 2 *i•iarlys Johnson Shi rl ey Ko11 �:n Corine Princile Ward 1 Precinct 3 *Ch� rl ene Sl� Gnsor. Irr;:G fielly k'ard 1 Precinct 4 *F1 ic� t�:ol b:arcaret �bcaell Fc��h �•; r.iitwr.�, t�;arjorie Rosin S�s�aru Gm�. Carolyn IbylE Cur�l}�n Betr,el Loi� Nir�es kose;<<Gry Jc��nson Berr,�c�tte Boy Dorothy Veres �ori� Nor� 16A A Pace 2— P,esolution No. - 1986 Ward 1 Precinct 5 *I�,arlys Lisawski t•larlene Steichen b;arlene Eio�r� Ward 2 Precinct 1 *Alioe Heiic�erson Rutr� t�orton Ward 2 Precinct 2 *Pat l�noerson Karera B j or c?o Ward 2 Precinct 3 *VirginiG Steirmetz Kay B ei hof f er Jnrr:ice Hebeisen Ward 2 Precinct 4 *Vircinia Bureau J�r� L�agr Liel or es t•�el l tan Ward 3 Precinct 1 *Betty Bonine J ar� t i:otYur�n 47ard 3 Precinct 2 *Jorc:is i�:itte.lstact Connie Sw„uelson t•iarl}�s f.insverk Ward 3 Precinct 3 *IrEr� t•.�.Erter�s I�rlene V�;llir. Ward 3 Precinct 4 *Eetty I:e1:�on Gerry i:olsfelo h;uriel Littlejohn Virginia Schnabel Jackie Larson Jean Placson hlary J. Johnson Helen Sch�fer Jenr�� Locker Dol or es Lynch Her.rietta Olson t�iary Jechorek P��.i aa �:r ucer Jea.n Gero� I�tt,y Tingelstac Gloria Saanson Glac��s Lox �:rol Jc:�nson EevErly I�clson Uona l:ae Gc1�.r,� LGuriE fiarris Lavcrr�c Roseth J�:r, Juck: on . • �J a FGce 3— Resol ution No. - 1986 Health Care CQnter *Lavoruie Avery Shirley Beck SECTIOt� 5. �at the follaaing juages are a�:pointe6 to act as chairmen of the Election Ba3rd for the precincts ciesignate� an�i shall have tr,e outies set forth in Section 203.23 of r�innesota StatutES. 4;aro 1 Precinct 1 Y;ara 1 Precinct 2 j�1GrG 1 Precinct 3 ti��ara 1 Precinct 4 V;ar� 1 Precinct 5 Y;ara 2 Precinct 1 F7ara 2 PrECinct 2 ti�;ar�. 2 Precinct 3 ti•7�ra 2 Precinct 4 �•��r� 3 Precinct 1 4:�rc; 3 Precinct 2 i�:arc; 3 Precinct 3 W4r6 3 Precinct 4 Carolyn Holmen P:arlys Johnson ChGrlene S�aanson A1 ioe t•;ol rlarlys L iskowski Ali�e Her,aerson Pat Anoerson Lee Carlson Virginia Bureau F�tty Bonine Jorais t•;ittelstacit Irene l�,ae rtens Betty Ivelson SECTIOIv 6. Conper,sation for saic Juc,ges wi11 be �i� at the rate of $4.00 �r hour for ReculGr Juaces aro $5.00 for the Chair�.ersons of t�ie £lection Ea3ra. PASSED AI�'D AI)OFI'ED BY THE CITY Q�iJI�'CIL OF THE CITY OF FFILY,EY THIS IIAY OF , 1986. iti ILL IAt•: J. I� E- I�;�YOk ATTEST: S�iIF;LEl A. N:AfiFT�LA - CITY Q,F�F� 3/7/2/13 16C ��� �. - APPRCIVIIJG FINAL PLAT FOR A& R AD�DITION, P.S. #86-03 W�REAS, the Planning Canmission held a public hearing on the A& R Addition plat on June 18, 1986 and recatunended apprwal; and W'HERFAS, the City Council also conducted a public hearing on the proposed plat of A& R Addition at their July 21, 1986 Council meeting. Nl'�T, �ERE�'ORE, BE IT RFSC�,VID, that the City Council of the City of Fridley her�y approves the plat knawn as A& R Addition and authorizes the Mayor and City Manager to sign the final plat as prepared by Suburban �gineering. BE IT FUR�i�3ER RESCY,VID, that the petitioner is requested to record this plat at Anoka County within six (6) months or said approval will become null and void. PASSID ArID ADOPTID BY �iE CITY OpUNCIL pF �iE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS �' � , 1986 . WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR r:vwwa.y� SHI�L,EY A. HAFIPALA - CITY CZERK 3/5/3/2H 17 1 A DAVID H!�RRIS P, S,� #,!�6-03 ST I PUL�IT I OPJS 1� PLAT APPROVAL CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL OF REZONING� Z� PROVIDE DRAINACE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ON FINAL PLAT AS REQUESTED BY STAFF� 3� PETITIONER AGREES TO ASSESSMENTS FOR ONE HALF COST OF VIRON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS� 4� PARK FEES ON FOUR LOTS TO BE PAID HIITH BUILDING PERMITS� �SUBJECT TO PREVAILING RATES�) PLANNING COt1�4ISSI0N FIEETING, JUNE 18, 1986 PAGE 3 Mr. Rischall stated they do noi think it will at this time. Riaht now lot is striped for 51 spaces. It can be striped to 81 spaces if they el there is a need in the future. but for now they will stay at 51 as nq as they are within city code and the extra spaces are not needed. _ MOTION BY MS. SNEREK� SECOP7DED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE BLIC HFARING. DPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON ODI�T DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 7:45 P.M. J MOTI g"�' BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICR, RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP 1�86-07, ilNl'"ED STORES, PER SECTION 205.Z5.1, C, 13 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ALIAW WHOLESALE/WAREHOUSE ENTER- PRISES TXAT DD NOT MEET AN IIJDUSTRIAL TING THAT HAVE CONSIDERABLE CUSTOMF.R CONTACT AND NAVE NO OUTSIDE STORAGE MA.''ERIALS, INCLUDING FURNITURE, HOME BUILDING SUPPLIES, AUTOMOBILE SUP IES, ETC „ O1V LOT 3, BLOCK 1, TARGET ADDITIO!�', THE SAME BEING 785 - RD AVENUE N.E. , WITH THF, FOLLOt9ING STIPULATIONS: 1. PETITIONER TO PP. DE AN APPP.OVED LANDSCAPE PLAN AR'D INSTALL BY OCT, I5, 19 , 2. PETITIONER PP.OVIDE AUTOMATIC SPRINY.LING SYSTEl1 FOR LAFIN Ai2EAS AN NSTALL BY OCT. I5, 1986. 3. PETITI . R TO PROVIDE AN APPROVED STOfW. DRAINAGE PLAN AND INS L BY OCT. 15, 1986. UPON A CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED Tf1E 1NOTI0 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �. Oquist stated this item would go to City Council on July 7. 2. PUQLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELI�tItJP,RY PLAT, P.S. #86-03, BY ��ID NARRIS: A& R Addition, heing a replat of the North 750 feet of the Northeast (luarter of the t�orth►•�est �uarter of Section 12, T-3�, R-24, Ano{:a County, t�lnnesota, except the east 720 feet thereof, and except the s�uth 300 feet of said north 750 feet and except the north 233 feet of the West 230 feet thereof. Together with that part of the North 750 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, t1innesota, Zying easter]y of State Trunk Hinhr+a� S1a. F5, except the south 300 feet of said north 750 feet and except the north 233 feet thereof. 1�IOTIn'T BY MR. SABA, SECOPIDEL� BY MR. Y.ONDP.ICK, TO OPF.td THE PUBLIC HEARI"IG. UPOh' A VDICE i'OTE, A�L VOfiZlY� AYE, VICE-CNAIP.PEP,SD?7 OQiIIST DECLAP.F.A THF. PUBLIC HEARING OPEl: AT 7:47 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on the southeast corner of OsbornP anri f�ighway 65. The property cor�s�sted of approx. 5.1 acres, and it was zoned C-3. The pr�perty �ea�s sur�o�r�ded by so+�e i�ght industrial PLliNNI�JG C��4IISSIOW �1EETING, JUNE 18, 1986 PAGF 4 zoning, also. He stated the petitioner was seeking to replat the property into f�ur lots that ranged in size from 31,00� sq. ft. to 71,000 sq. ft. The four lots all met code in terms of lot area, except Lot 2 which was 31,000 sq. ft. The lot area requirement for C-3 zoning was 35,000 sq. ft. The next public f�earing wa> for a rezoning from C-3 to C-2, primarily so _ the setbac�k requirements and the lot area will be lessened. The lot area requirement for C-2 zoning was 20,000 square feet. Mr. Robinson stated that presently Viron Road was being reworked. This imProvement is being assessed to this platted property. P1r. Robinson stated Staff was recor��ending the following stipulations: 1. Plat approval continc�ent upon approval of rezoninq. 2. Provide drainage and utility easenents on final plat as requested by Staff. 3. Petitioner agrees to assessments for one-half cost of Viron Road improvements. 4. Park fees on four lots to be paid with building permits (subject to prevailing rates). �1r. Harris stated they have moved tfie line hetween Lots 1 and 2 so both lots meet the 35,000 sq, ft. require�ent. This makes it so the easement d�es not run dovm the center of tf�e property line, but all the easements ►�ill be in Lot 2, This gives Lot 2 the necessary square footage. Mr. Harris stated the City Attorney was investigatinq the ahandonment of the sewer line easer�ent that runs nortl� and south. That was a private ease- ment put in in 1967 by the oriqinal o�•�ner of the property and it goes to Mr. Maxwell's property which is the 4'-2 acres to the south. Mr. Harris stated that to his knowledge, this easement was never a matter of record, so there was sor�e question as to whether that north/south se�rer line easement will continue other ti�an to serve the purposes of the City and whether it should extend through Lot 3. It serves no useful purpose for the pro�erties that exist there no►v. He r�as sure �1r, tlaxwell �vould r�ise a concern about that line also. He stated this question will be answered prior to any fin�l action by the City Co�ncil on this preliminary plat request. �1r. Harris stated the reason for the replat was to clean up all the errors and onissians that were collecte� in this survey. �1r. Rohinso�R stated that based on the change in the preliminary plat by the petitioner, ihev could eliminate stipulation �1 hecause the rezoning ►��a no longer contingent upon rezoning if all lots met the plat 35,000 sq.�ft. � ot area. Mr. Maxwell stated he owned the property directly south of Mr. Narris' property. The only concern he had was that his property was 600 ft, deep. It was too big a piece of property to be that deep and isolated by itself, f�e wondered / PLAN�JIP�G Cf1MP1ISSI0P� MEETING, JUNE 18, 1986 Pnr,F 5 if the City had given any consideration to replatting that property or havino access to the back half of it in the event he should decide to break it up or deve7op it for a better tax base for the community. Mr. Robinson stated they have not looked at P1r. Maxwell's propert,y as part of the overall effort. - He was not aware that Mr. 1laxwell was interested in splitting his property. until a Few days before the meeting. I!e stated the City really needed a plan 1n order to design a road for it. City Staff would be glad to work with Mr. Piaxwell if he ca►�e �n with a plan. �4r, t4axwe1l stated he would explore some �ibilities. One other item he would like to bring up was that in a former hearing with the City Council, it was mutually agreed between Dave Ilarris and himself that they would put a privacy fence betr�een their two pieces of pro�erty hy virtue of the fact that he had a mobile h�me sales lot on his property. That lot is no�� com�lc�tely un:ieve7o�ed and no business is beinc� conciucted on the property, so hP t•iould lil:� to �e rele��SC�� `r�n tl�r� sharing of a fence. t1r. I�arris stated t�e had n� objection to that. If, in fact, the property Y�as not being used as a mobile home sales lot an�i would not be used, then he had no �rohlem with there not being a fence between the two properties. Mr. Robinson stated this would be noted in the minutes, and the City Council would address at the time they act on the preliminary plat. He wou1�1 recommend Ptr. Maxwell attend that meetinq or address a letter to the City Council statin� his request. Mr. Maxwell stated he would attend the City Council meeting. 1fOTI0A' BY MR. SABA, SECOMDED BY MS. SHERE'Y., TO CLO.SE THE. PUBLIC HEARING. UPO:� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIF.PF.P.SON OQUIST DECLAF.ED THE PiTBLIC XEARING CLOSED AT 8:05 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated that regarding stiFulatior. �2 rec�arc+in� tFe drainage an� �!tilit:� easemerts, he would su�gest thPy leave the wordinn as it is. If there was a reascr to delete sor•�F of the easements, that czr be der.e hefore the prP?irr.inary F1at reaches the City Courcil. ti10TION BY �LK, SABA, SECON�ED BY MR. KONDRICY., TO RF.COtfMEP1D TO CI:!'Y COi►fICIL APPROZ'AL OF PP.ELIh7INARY PLAT, P.S. #86-03, BY DAVID HARRIS, A& R ADDITION, BEING A REpLAT OF THE NORTH 75f1 FEF.T OF TXF. NOP.?'�!EAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH- WEST QUARTER OF SECTION Z2, T-30, R-24, A."70Y.A COUPTTY, 14INNESOTA, EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THEREOF, AITD EXCEPT THE SOUTH 300 FEET OF SAID NORTH 750 FEF.T AND EXCF,PT THE NORTH 233 F£ET aF THE G7EST 230 FEF.T THEREOF. TOGETHF.P. FII_TH TNAT PI�'c?" OF TF1E A'ORTH 750 FEET OF THE NOP.THYIEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUART'E7z OF S�CTIQfJ 12, T-3Ds R-24, .�'OKA COi71VTY, MINNESOTA, LYIP7G EASTERLY OF SThTE TRUNK HIGHTJAY ND. 65, EXCEPfi T:?F. SDUTH 300 FEET OF SAID P�OP.TN 750 FEET AIPD EXCEPT THE NORTH 233 FEET Ti�£P.EDF, A'ITH TtIF. FOLIAWIIJG S^_'IPULATIOl7S: PLANNI�IG CEN�1�tI5SI0N MEETING, JUt�E 18, 1986 Pnc;F. F 1. PROVIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ON FINAL PLAT AS REQUESTED BY STAFF. 2. PETITIONBR AGREES TO ASSESSMENTS FOR ONE-HALF COST OF VIRON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. ' 3. PARK FEES ON FOUR LOTS TO BE PAID WITH BUILDING PERMITS (S(iBJEC.^' TO PREVAILING RATESj. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIPIG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST D�CLA!?F.D TF1F !�OTION CARRIED i1NANIPfDUSLY. t4r. Oquist stated this iter� would go to City Council on July 21. 3. PUBLIC HEAP,I��G: C�I�SIDERATI��I OF A REZONING RFQUFST, ZOA #f36-02, BY i�HVlll ifHttKl�: Rezone fror,� C-3 (general shoppinc� center) to C-2 (general busines on the North 750 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Ruarte of Sectic►n 12, T-30, R-24, Anol:a County, Minnesota, except the east 720 .et thereof, and except the south 300 feet of said north 750 feet and ex pt the north 233 feet of the West 230 feet thereof. Together with tha part of the North 750 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwe Quarter of Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easter of State Trunk Highway ��o. 65, except the south 300 feet of said no h 750 feet and except the north 233 feet thereof. MOTIDN BY A1R. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KOiJDRIC , TO WAIVE THE READIf7G OF _Tf1E' FOR1t:AL PUBLIC HEARII7G NOTICE. UPON A.VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-C IP.PERSON OQUIST DECLAREn TifT. MOTIOA' CARRIED UNANIMDUSL}'. MOTIOP7 BY MR. SABA, SECOl7DED BY MR. ONDRICK, TO OPEN TNF. PUBLIC HF.A??INr. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING A., VICE-CHAIRPEA.S017 OQUIST DECLARF.D THF, PIIBLIC HEARING OPEPJ AT 8:10 P . Hr. Robinson stated this w the same property as discussed above. The zoninq was C-3, general shoppin , and the proposal was to go to C-2, c�eneral business. This was being done pr' arily so the smaller buildinc�s that are qoinc� to be p7aced on this Flat uld not be required to set back 80 ft. �nstead of 35 ft. The first idin� pronosed for the area will be a dental lab, approx. 5,500 sq, ft., a e-story brick veneer building. That was all that was planned at this ime. . Mr. Kondricls/asked if the traffic situat�on had been addressed. Mr. Rohi on siated the ci�y es�gineers feel the nevr road will facilitate the tr fic. The pro��sed p7a►� �s ��re of an office scale development. tdith t�e current C-3 zaning, the developer co��d develo� the area with a hi er traffic volume. Staff feels C-2 is more a��r�opriate for this ' tersection and will have less of a traffic impact on the surrounding area. ► ., ' ,' • �`p-- �as�oJ - � ' II .Shermonn O � /S� 9S <i�o/L fli�tron a , I� �� " � i�• . I 1 �. .•: .. .. ,p- I �� � .� � � IY' lo �I � � Q 1I Z w� � � �- P.S. #86-03 �' A& R Add i ti on . ;� � ♦ �. �. - - �I N/�I Gb�i • � • • � � � • • � • • • � � � . �i i ��� � � i � � �,........ .....:::.: �. �. ............., ............. ...........�.�, �:i::•:�::•�.•�• .............. .............� :•. � . :•: : : dob. . . ..� : .'� :': . .�' : :': .'- : :'; .............. .._...........� I ;� (1�9�) ! G� M 6 .I�s�/Fs,t/ t.il A� ��•'V% Ov Rea /1r GvP. �G J w l.rr. --- Q - ---�1 � � , i o �aX��`� � Ceis/dE ' � Tods�!�� _ .1 Y o Z ° � � �' � ( r � � � � ._, , `iJ� J � �— iiJfi) .. «o •(y� ' FIRE� . 1 SE /s �o.:t ;L : N� . . � "►,._:ao_ --- =----T ---;•�. � SZ�. � _ 4�'� � e,../'��.: j ,�, r...• �o so ��.� : :,� s > . - . , � - ,..�c , �/ZO) � . ( 6 p) ( /G� . � 3 2 N ��,.� � � N A DER ON � ' 00 20G .' �- . a7p,2A � � �oo - � .. �: • � �/t?J� ."�. . � 4 � , o � « � (z�o) ' � C►3) � u ' S(K� 1 t o c r, r � DE VELOPMENT i , �y ;°,` y0 ,7f f � . . . . 470. 2 0 j. u� . �r) /L 7/O,' l�irovl RCa/fy , /nc . (s> /'67'4/ (41v/ oi �l.//v�GOaiinil�i /is/OGood c � 1 \ \ � � . . � 4+: � � W 4 I � � �' � , ►� I , R� j' V � � � ��i P.S. #86-03 17G A & R Addition T.� v �� K i;: y i i i v:�i �� i��i �.�`.� . Easferl ri hf o�'�va /inc o/� S!o% Trunk N��hwAy /Vo. 65 I y � y No° 5s :�s,.w - N/tsl /ine o�'/he N� % o�/ht �VW'/a o�.SPClion 12. `� 217 �3 - �- .. _ .. . r- — '� V 1 !�0 N �?DA D � � F �� �, ,^•. � , ; y � ,s �',� � ° � , �. - i9�-- - .r 17L � � � � �, � 3'r � � I'�i 33 j J --- - ---�• Zp � ' � I v i .. � � I `� � ��� � � � 5 � � I � � � ��� � '�� ' 3s j� �� � .0 I i �_� 0'��+� wo >. � I i f;��I , � � � �� o f � �`� i N �j • I `� +'' .� O � a �, N �.p � � r; �,-:;,.. - � � A � � z �:�r-:: -,-�. - o � o �, o � i , • r-- .--^- --i 233. (�O , --�--- �_ i ; `� O � NO'S9'43'W ��, � i '\I Z �.33.0 4 i � � � a , / ! J ' � � VI QON �POQ D � I '° .� ; o ' — �_�, /i3 7a 1' �' �� � .44 I v��, S3 �y I �: �1. � c° ! `^ I � ' � Z �� ilol. '= I � � -� .% .ry � o-. - -- _ . � ' y i �� �- I '� � f n � . .� � � � � ' , � �� � I � � � �-� � ; i j � `: N ; ° �J' `J ' :� � . '! � �r j � � � - ' ii �_- � � �� I � � : _ �—�� � .� � . ; � f, � � I � Oo � _ _ I.� — � o- _ I� W e ' __ -- —� . �--. — —�_— ?j � �' .� - -- — � . 1 0 � W � o c _�� � _— �— — -- �J m i }'.i W N•„ �/I j�'� _— _' A w , z�5. c3 Z o _. y l� . .a✓v. r � I � ' SJ�IB 40"E �_ ;+.'es/ l�ne o('�h� Eas/ 7?n.oa � oi�fhe /VE%a o�h� /t/N/�/ ol'.�cl:nn l?.I �_ I i� � � i � ... � � r �. ,_�.. ; � . i � � ^, s _ 3,� � � � ( \ I `� .,.i -� _ ��� � '�t�. �° l, .., � � .� ' A� N ' O � � .� .���. CITYOF' f RIDLEY o�AECTORATE oF PUBLIC WORKS MEMOi�ANDUM _ Meno to: John G. Flora, Public Works Director i�+186-218 ,�o�� ,-� o�� b,►� °�° '� � �-=- Fram: Mark L. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director -Date: July 29, 1986 Subject: C7�ange Order # 1 for Street Im�rovement Project St. 1966-18. � We aze proposing to add the Civic Center Parking Lot to our 1986 sealcoat project. The parking lot will require approximately 6884 square yards of sealcoat at the cost of S0.384 per square yard or $2,643.46 for the project. We request that the City Council consider Change Order No. 1 to Street Improvement Project St. 19B6-10 for $2,643.46 to provide for sealcoating of the Civic Center Parking Lot. l�B.B/mk 0 �8A July 25, 1986 Allied Blacktop Co. 10503 - 89th Ave., N. Maple Grave, M�I 55369 P[]BLIC WOFZKS DEPAR�VT Engineering Division QTY OF FRIIy,EY Fridley, Minnesota S�bject: C'nange Order #1, Street Impravenent Project ST. 1986 - 10 (Sealooat) Gentl enen : You are hereby ordered, authorized and instructed to modify your contract for Street Imgravezient project ST. 1986 - 10 (Sealooat) by adding the follaaing: �� BUCICStIOt ADDITIONS _APPF�OX. OI�Tr 'rv 6,884 �uare Yards ZD7.�L QiAI�E ORDF.Ft �1 � •; « • • � • �• �• • w • •� �� �� �• • w • • $0.384 ' �! 1�1 52,643.46 $ 2,643.46 $115,292.91 $117,936.37 Sutrnitted and apprwed b� John G. Flora, Public Works Director on the 25th day of July 1986. PreFared b� h-. u,.� � � �ecJced b� {.• - 1•�.,- John G. filora, P.E. Public Works Direetor _I FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- % August 4, 19sE N�1ME D�wn Weigel 6000 Sixth Street FYidl�, NN 55432 ��. • A'QS Z�ech ni ci an (Exenpt ) STI�RTING SALARY $ 17,500 per year S'rARTII� L1ATE July 23 , 1986 APPOINTMENT F:��* : �a. Mi chell e J�kert - ;� FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES AUGUST 4, 1986 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Comfort Builders Inc. 10001 Ives Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 John Keane Construction 5230 Pennsylvania Avenue No. Minneapolis, M'i1 55428 Remodelers Plus Inc. 4409 Jackson Street N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Straitline Construction 2013 - Sth Street N. E. Minneapolis, t�R1 55418 MAS027RY Scandy Concrete Inc. 4611 Lyndale Avenue North Minneapo lis , NII�1 55412 ROOFING Barrette Roofing Company P.O. Box 290007 P4inneapolis, MI1 55429 By: John Frei By: John Keane By: Terry Sorensen By: Jim Burnevik By: James Hofdahl By: Louise Jacobson APPR(7VED BY DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofcl. SAME SAtdE SAME SAME SAME