08/18/1986 - 5079���:::� � .`:� k�gg�.,... = . �� ��� FINANCE DIRECPOR OJUNQL NIEETING AiIGUST 18, 1986 � � FRIDLEY CI TY COUNCIL � _ August 18, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. Follawing are the "ACTIONS NEEDED" to be taken by the noted • Degartments. Please type your answers on the TI911 by �ioon, August 27 (Disk 03, Directory 1, Category 26, Appr�oprfate date) . Just replace "Action Needed" with "�ction Taken", no need to pr i nt i t out . Pl e�ase call L�nda for any assi stance needed. .� s •� • ; ;�� Leroy Oquist - Planning & Community Development Commission Member Presented PROCLAMATION• United Way's Salute to Small Business Issued : � : • � Council Meeting, August 4, 1986 Appr ov ed ���. �� � � ��. Add: 1.) Petition and Consideration of Street Light on 58th Ave. 2. ) Request f rom Springbrook Nature Center Foundation �. �� Y �. (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) Mr. Rreuzkemper, Sunliner Motel i 1 Publ ic Heating on the Matter of Revocation of a Special Ose Permit, SP #77-04, Generally Located at 7701 East River Road N. E. , by Apache Camping Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 C Opened at 8: 00 p. m. Cl osed at 8: 50 p. m. GOMM�NI'i'V DEVELOPMEN'�-ACTION NEEDED: Copy of compl ete f il e to Council. Meet with Petitioner to try & resolve the problezn , Council Meeting, August lb, 1986 Page � PUBLIC HEARILLGS (Continued): Publ ic Hearing on a Rezoning Request, ZOA # 86-04, to Rezone fram C-3 (General Shopping Center) to C-2 (General Business), Generally Located on Parcel - 2570, the same being 7699 Viron Road N. E., by way ne Dahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 2 - 2 I Opened at 8: 50 p. m. Cl osed at 9: 03 p. m. �OMMONTTY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION NEEDEI?• Consideration af first reading on next agenda Public Hearing on the Matter of Recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 205, as it Relates to Day Care Centers and Home Family Day Care ........ 3- 3 H Opened at 9: 03 p. m. Cl osed at 9: 06 p. m. �OMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN�--ACTION NEEDED• Consideration of f irst reading on next agenda Publ ic Hearing on a Vacation Request, SAV #86-04, to Vacate Part of a 30 Foot Easement (Viron Road) lying North of the North 213 Feet, except the Northerly 33 Feet (Osborne Road) , Generally Located South of Osborne Road and East of Highway No. 65, by the City of Fridley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 D Opened at 9: 06 p. m. Cl osed at 9:10 p. m. GOMMONTTY DEVELOPMEN�-ACTION NEEpED: Consideration of first reading on next agenda Council Meeting, August 18, 1986 • � , � Pa ge 3 Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Approving a Rezoning Request, 20A #86-02, Generally Located South of Osborne Road and East of Highway 65 N. E. , by David Harris . . . . . . . . . • • 5 - 5 C Ordinance No. 861 adopked �OMMIINT DEVELOPMENT--ACTION NEEDED: Publish Ordinance in Fridley Focus � Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Approving a Rezoning Request, ZOA #85-05, by Woodbridge Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 S Ordinance No. 862 adopted rnMMrIUTTy DEVELOPMENT--ACTION NEEDED: Publish Ordinance in in Fridley Focus after acquisition of Johnson property Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Revised Final Plat, P. S. #85-07, Lake Pointe Corporate Center, by Woodbridge Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 H Resolution 64-1986 adopted with 3 stipulations �OMMONTTY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION NEEDED: Notify applicant of Council approval with stipulations Consideration of Appointments to Community Development, Appeals and Energy Commissions. ....... 8- 8 A Tabled GITY MLANAGER--ACTION KEEDED: Discuss recommendation with City Manager. Submit for possible item on Sept. 8 meeting Council Meeting, August 18, 1986 � + ' �� Pa ge 4 Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of August 6, 1986 . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 - 9 4 A. Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP # 86-10, Generally Located at 1401 GaLdena �venue N.E., by Faith Academy ........................... �lannina Co mission Recommendation: Denial of Special Use Permit Souncil Action Needed: Consideration of Recomm endation 9 - 9G & 9L - 9 0 Petitioner withdrew request �nMMnUTTY DEVELOPME �--ACTION NEEDED: Obtain opinion f zom City Attorney on use as building was sold. Infotm Mrs. Manning of Hillcrest Drive B. Consideration of a Resolution Recodifying Chapter 6 of the Fridley City Code, Commissions... 9G P�anninq Commission Recommendation: Approval � 9P - 94 Souncil Action Needed: Consideration of Recommendation �OMMON TY DEVELOPMENZ�-ACTION NEEDED: Proceed as authorized Receiving Bids and Consideration of Awarding Contract for Water and Sanitary Sewer Project No. 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 A Approved at Special Meeting of Aug. 14 • Pioceed as authorized Council Meeting. August 18, 1986 � + •� �•1 Receiving Bids and Consideration of Awarding Contract for Demolition and Site Grading Project No. 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved at Special I�+�etinr� of Aug. 24 POBLIG WORRS--ACTION NEED D: Notify �ppr�priate party of Co un ci 1 Appr ov al Receiving Bi3s and Consideration of Awarding Contract for Landscaping, Irrigation and Lighting Proj ect No. 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved at Special Meeting of Aug. 14 POBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Notify appropriate party of Co un ci 1 a ppr ov al Pa ge 5 . 11 - lI A . 12 - 12 A Receiving Bids and Consideration of Awarding Contract for Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1986 - 1 & 2, Phase II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved at Special Meeting of Aug. 14 Pi1Ri.T� WORRS--ACTION L�EEDED: Notify appropriate party of Council approval 13 - 13 A Receiving Bids an8 Consideration of Awarding Contract for Rubber-Tired Tractor Backhoe-Loader ..... 14 -�4 D Rejected 3 lowest bids as didn't meet specifications - Awarded to Ca.rlson's State Equipment Co. POBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Notify appropriate party of Co un ci 1 appr ov al Council Meeting, August 18, 1986 � . � -. Pa ge 6 Receiving Bids and Consideration of Rejecting the Bids and Order Readvertising for Repair of Johnson Street 1.5 MG Reservoir Project No. 161 ..... 15 - 15 A Bids rejected �nRr.r� WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Readvertise for bids Consideration of Change Order No. 1 for Street Improvement Proj ect No. ST. 1986 - 3 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 B Appr ov ed POBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDEU• Proceed as authorized Consi deration of a Resol ution Call ing a Publ ic Hearing on the Amenc�nent of the Modified Redev el opment Pl an f or Redev el opment Pr oj ect No. 1; the Amendment of the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 2 Through 6; Establishing Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 7 and 8 and Adopting Tax Increment Financing Plans Therefor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 E Resolution No. 65-1986 adopted �OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION NEEDED: Set Public Hearing for Sept. 22, 1986 , Council Meeting, August 18, 1986 � �1•_- _.__ • � � - . Pa ge 7 Consideration of a Resolution of Support For lg - 18 D Anoka County Mediation Project . . . . . • • • • • • • • • Resol uti on No. 66-1986 adopted " �T�rv �nNn,�FR--ACTZON NEEDFD: Proceed as authorized Consideration of a Resolution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for 1986 Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Resol uti on No. 67-1986 adopted rFNTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEED�D: Prepare assessment roll as di rected Consideration of a Resolution Directing the Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for the 1986 Service Connections . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 B Resolution No. 68-1986 adopted �FNTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Publish hearing notice and make arrangements for hearing Consi deration of a Resol uti on Di recti ng Preparation of Assessment Roll €or Water and Sanitary Sewer Implovenent Praject No. I50 •••••••• 21 Resolution No. 69-1986 adopted �FNTRA�, SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Prepa:re assessment roll as di rectea Council Meeting, August 18, 1986 Page 8 � �I. _._ • � � - . Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publ ication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for Water and Sanitary Se�wer Improvment Proj ect No. 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 22 B Resolution No. 70-1986 adopted C'1�NTRAI, SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Publ ish heazing notice and make arrangement�s for hearing Consi de r ati on of a Resol ut i on Di rect i ng Preparation of Assessment Roll for Watet and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 156 ........ 23 Resol uti on No. 71-1986 adopted cFNTRAL SERV CE--ACTION NEEDED: Prepare assessment roll as di rected Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Proj ect No. 156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 24 B Resolution No. 72-1986 adopted �FNTRAL SERVICE--ACTIO NEEDED• Publish hearing notice and make arrangements for hearing Consideration of a Resolution Directing � Preparation of Assessment Roll for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvesnent Project No. 160 ........ 25 Resolution No. 73-1985 aaoPtea cENTRA3, SERVICE--ACTIOI� NEEDED: Prepare assessment roll �as directed C� _.. ___ Mee ti ng, August 18, 1986 � •� � -. Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment poll for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvemen.t Pr oj ect No. 16 0 . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • Resolution No. 74-1985 adopteci �FNTRA3, SER ICE--ACTION NEEDED: Publ ish Y��aring notice and make arrangements for hearing ra ge y . 26 - 26 B Consideration of a Resolution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for Street Improvement Project St. 1985-1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Resolution No. 75-1986 adopted ��NTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NE�DED: Prepare assessment roll as di rected Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment Rol l f or Str eet Impr ov em ent Pr oj ect ST. 1985-1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resol uti on No. 76-1986 adopted �FNTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Publish hearing notice and make arrangements for hearing . . . . . 28 - 28 B Consideration of a Resoiution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for Street Imgrovesnent Project St. 1986-1 and 2 . . . . . . . . Resolution No. 77-1986 adopted cFNTRA3� SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Prepare assessment roll as di.rected . . . 29 - Council Meeting, August 18, 1986 � . • - .)� Pa ge 10 Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Aearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for Street Improveqnent Proj ect � ST. 1986-1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 30 B Resolution No� 78-1986 adopteri ��?�DA� ERVICE--ACTIi�N N�'E�£i9: Publ ish hearing notice and make arrangements for hearing Consideration of a Resolution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for 1985 Mi ssi ssi ppi Str eet Landscapi ng Proj ect ....... Resolution No. 79-1986 adopted ('FNTRAT. SF.RVTrF.--ACTION NEEDED: Pregare assessment roll as directed Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publ ication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment f or 1985 Mi ssi ssi ppi Str eet Landscapi ng Proj ect Resolution No. 80-1986 adopted cENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Publ ish hearing notice and make arrangements for hearing . . . 31 . . . . . 32 - 32 B Consideration of a Resolution Directing Pregaration of Assessment Roll for 1985 Mississippi Street Lighting Project . . . . . . . . Resolution No. 81-1986 adopted CF.rj'j'RAj, �ERVICE--ACTION NE�DED: Prepare assessment roll as di rected . . . 33 Council Meeting, August 18, 1986 � . � -. Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment for 1985 Mississippi Street Ligbting Project .. Resol uti on No. 82-1985 adopted �FNTRA3, SERVICE--ACTiUN 3��EDED: Pub2istt hearing notice and make arrangements for hearing Pa ge 11 . . . . . 34 - 34 B Consideration of a Resolution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for 1985 Mississippi Street Irrigation Project . . . . . . . Resolution No. 83-1986 adopted cFNTRA�, SERVIGE--ACTION N�EDED: Prepare assessment roll as di rected Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment for 1985 Mississippi Street Irrigation Project . Resolution No. 84-1986 adopted CF.NTRA? SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Publ ish hearing notice and make arrangements for hearing . . . 35 . . . . . 36 - 36 B Consideration of Resolution Directing Preparation of Assessment Roll for Street Improvement Proj ect St. 1986-3 . . . . . . . . . . . Resolution No. 85-1986 adopted rRN�'RAL� SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Pregare assessment roll as directed . . . 37 �. Eouncil Meeting, August 18, 1986 , � • � -. Pa ge 12 Consideration of a Resolution Directing Publication of Hearing on Proposed Assessment for Street Improvement Project St. 1986-3 ........ 38 - 38B Resol uti on No. 86-1�86 adopted �F*?�npAT. �ERVICE--ACTION i�EEDED_: Publ i�h hearing noti ce and make ar rangement s f or heari ng Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Appr ov ed �ENTRAL SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Pay Claims Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 - 40 Y Appr ov ed cFNTRAi SERVTCE--ACTION NEEDED: Issue Licenses Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 - 41 A Appr ov ed ��N'rRA3, SERVICE--ACTION NEEDED: Pay Estimates Receiving Petition No. 9-1986 For Installation of a Street Light on 58th Avenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Reci ev ed PUBLIC WORRS--ACTION NEEDED: Staff to install a street light on 58th A�-e. and determine which location is appropriate Consideration of Request From The Springbrook Nature Center Foundation to be Designated as the Recipient of Private Funds For Use in the Restoration of the Nature Center. ..... 43 reaf f i rmed that Spri ngbrook can coll ect private f unds REGR�ATIOb � NATQRAL RESOURCES--ACTION NEE� Proceed . as authorized ADJOURN: 10: 45 p. at. Au�usT 18, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. � � � : =► � `; ► : �► I = =C1 LEROY OQUIST - PLANNING $ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMBER '►1 : : �1 UNITED WAY'S SALUTE TO SMALL BUSINESS _ ... � : � u �� COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 4, 1986 �11' � � � ►i: �' ► � : u -�il:��# (CONSlDERATION OF ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA - 15 MINUTES) � � ■ �� ► PUBLIC HEAR-ING ON THE MATTER OF REVOCATION OF A ' SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #77-04. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7701 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E.. BY APACNE CAMPING CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q - � C COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18. 1986 ' : ■ :: 1 �► � PUBLIC HEAR��IG ON A REZON�'�G REQUEST. ZOA # 86-04. TO REZONE F�oM C-3 (G��t���� SHOP�lNG C�fVTERi TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS), GENERALLY LOCATE[� ON PARCEL 257�1. THE SAME BEING 7699 VIRON ROAD N.E.. BY WAYNE DAHL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • PAGE 2 ...2-21 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 205. AS IT RELATES TO DAY CARE CENTERS AND HOME FAMILY DAY CARE ........ 3- 3 H PtJBLIC HEARING ON A VACATION REQUEST, SAV #86-04, TO VACATE PART OF A 30 FOOT EASEMENT iVIRON ROAD) LYING NORTH OF THE NORTH 213 FEET. EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 33 FEET (OSBORNE ROAD), GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY N0. 65. BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY . . . . . . . . . . ,...4-4D COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 18. 1986 1 1 : ► PAGE 3 CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A REZONlNG REQUEST. ZOA #86-02. GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 65 N.E.. BY DAVID HARRIS . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C CONSIDERATION OF SECONO READING OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #85-05, BY V'100DBR I DGE PROPERT I ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 S CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED FINAL PLAT. P.S. #85-07, LAKE POINTE CORPORATE CENTER. BY 1�100DBRIDGE PROPERTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 H CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. APPEALS AND ENERGY COMMISSIONS. ....... 8- 8 A COUNC I L P�IEET I NG. AUGUST 18, 1986 . � PAGE 4 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF TN� PLANNING COMMISSION MEET I NG OF AUGUST 6. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 Q A. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP # 86-10. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1401 GARDENA AVENUE N.E.. BY FAITH ACADEMY ........................... PLANNINC COMMISSION RECOMMEfd�ATiON: ��NtRL �1� SPECIAL USE PERMIT �OUNGIL ACTION NEEDED. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION B, CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECODIFYING CHAPTER 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, COMMISSIONS... PLANNINC COMMISSION REGOMMENDATION: APPROVAL COI�NGIL ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION 0 9-9G a9L-90 9G $9P-9Q � RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWAROING CONTRACT FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PROJECT No. 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10- 10A - COMPLETED COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18, 1986 . : •► ► �a PAGE 5 RECEIViNG BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION AND SITE GRa��7�NC �����CT No. 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � , . . . . . . . . . 11-11A COMPLETED RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPING. IRRIGATION AND LIGHTING PROJECT No. 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A C_�MPLETED RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET 1MPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST . 1986 - 1 � 2. PHASE I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 A C OMPLETED RECEIVING BIDS AND CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR RUBBER—TIRED TRACTOR BACKHOE—LOADER ..... 14 - 14 D 0 COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18. 1986 ►.• ; ► • � PAGE 6 RECE I V d�1� 8 f DS AND �O�S � DERI�T t ON (�� RE��Cf d t�G THE B i DS AND ORDER R�ADV��iT� 51 S�U f�OR REPA 1 R OF �OHNSON STREET 1.5 MG RESERVOIR PROJECT N0. 161 ..... 15 - 15 A CONSIDERA710N OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1986 - 3 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTlON CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT OF THE MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT N0. 1: TNE AMENDMENT OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS N0. 2 THROUGH 6; ESTABLISHING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 7 AND 8 AND AQOPTING TAX INCREMENT F i NANC I NG PLANS THEREFOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 — 17 E � COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18, 1986 � : ► �► ► � PAGE 7 CONS I DERAT � Ot� fl� A RESOLUT I ON OF SUPPOi�T FOR ANOKA COUNTY MEDIATION PROJECi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 18 D CONSlDERATlON OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING� PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLI. FOR 1986 SERVICE CONNECTI ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PR�POSED ASSESSMENT . , ROLL FOR THE 1986 SERVICE CONNECT(ONS , . . . . . . . . . 20 - 2H B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 150 ........ Z1 COUNCIL MEETING. AU�UST 18. 1986 , : •► ► �a PAGE 8 CONSfDERATt��i �� A R�SOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOS��D ASSES�MENT aa ROLL FOR WATER AND SAN I TARY SEWER � I��PROVMENT � 1� �,a$a • PROJECT No. 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 22 - 22 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 156 ..�. ..... 23 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING Q.) PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT �37�1��� ROLL FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT No. 156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 24 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING � a1��,5g.� $ PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND � SANITARY SEWER (MPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 160 . . . . . . . . 25 COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18, 1986 , : •► ► �a PA�E 9 CONSIDERATION tJ� A, RESOLUTlON D6RECTING PUBL(CATION OF HEARtNG OI� PROPOSED ASSESSM�.�IT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANkT�RY S�WER �MPROVEMENT PROJECT No. 160 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 26 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1985-1 AND 2.. S'� -� � g .g`� � � ....,....27 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARlNG ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ��, ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ��isg��ig� ST . 1985-1 AND 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 - 28 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING . PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET (MPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1986-1 AND 2 . . . . . . . • . • . 29 COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18. 1986 : 1 •► ► � PAGE 10 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEM�i�T PROJECT ST . 1986-1 AND 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 30 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1985 5��a��.,'° MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPING PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . 31 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPING PROJECT ..... 32 - 32 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARAT I ON OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1985 ��q�`�� �3 MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJECT . . . . . . . . . . . 33 COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18. 1986 ► . : ► •► ► �a PAGE 11 CONS i DERAT i DiV �F' �1 RESOLUT I 0�1 D i RECT I NG PUBLICATION OF HEARI�IG ON PROPOSED ASSESSMEIYT FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI S7REET LIGHTiNG PR�JEC� ......, 34 — 34 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTON DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1985 ����,��I MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT � 3 � . . . . . . . 35 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING Pt16LICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT ...... 36 — 36 B CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1986-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 COUNCIL MEETING. AUGUST 18, 1986 � : 1 � ► � PAGE 12 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICAT�ON OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESS�EiUT FOR STREET IMPROVEMEt�T PROJECT ST. 1986-3 ........ 38 - 386 0 CL A I M5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 L I CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 - 40 Y EST I MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 - 41 A :1 1111�► • U9ITBD WAY'S SALUTB TO SMALL BDSIaSSS Septs�►b�r 17, 1986 NYilliam J. Nee Mayor Fridley. MN WEEREAS, the United iJay of MinneapoZis Area currently provides funding to nearty 390 programa in 107 agencies, many Zocated in and servi.ng suburban communities. zncluding Fridtey area agencies such as CentraZ Center for Pamity Reeources and the Anoka County Asaociation for Retarded Citiaena ruhich provide programe ranging from diagnostic testing to comnrunity heaZth �ducation; and iJEEREAS, the efforta of thousanda of communitr� volunteera enable the United iJay to maintain fundraising and administrative costa under nine centa to a dollar; and iJEEREAS. in 1986 funda are being distributed to quatity programa that reach more peopte in auburban communities as the United Wa� r�orka rvith county pZanning boarda and private planning groups to identify gaps in servicee in a continuing effort to meet the comprehensive needa of people in the ai� county eervtice area; AOW, TBEREPORE, BE IT RSSOLVED that I. h�illiam d. Aee. Mayor of the City of FridZe� h�rsby procZaim Sept6mber 17, 1986 as DAI?ED WAY'S SALDTB TO S!�lALL BUSI9BSS IP WITPESS WHEREOF� I have aet my hand and cauaed the seaZ of the Czty of FridZey to be affixed thzs August 18. 1986. WILLIAM d. PEE. MAYOR THE PIINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 1986. �iE MINUTES OF THE RDGUTAR MEErING OF TfiE FRIDLEY CITY OOUNCIL OF AUGUST 4, 1986 Zhe Regular Meeting of the Fridl.ey City ��mcil was called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Mayor Nee. ,�LIDGE OF AL�LFJGIANCE• Ngyor Nee led the Co�mcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. ROLL CALL• N�NBg2.S PRESII�]T: Mayor Nee, Cbtmcilman Goodspeed, O�umcilman FitzFatrick, �uncilman Schneider and Co�cilman Barnette N�NBII2S ABSIIVT: None P.PPROVAL OF MIN[frES • I4'DTION tr� Councilman Barnette to apprave the minutes as presented. Seaonded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. AL�OPTION Ofi AGETIDA • NDTION b� C:ouncilman �tz�atrick to adopt the agenda as sukxnitted. Seconded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUI�i, VISITORS• Mr. Navak, N�nager of T. R. McCoy' s, appeared bef ore the Council rel ativ e to obtaining the necessary permits or licenses to hold a fundraising celebration, in conjunction with the Jerry Le�wis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy, on August 31, 1986. Mr. Prib�l, Finance Director, stated staff is in the process of reviewing Mr. Novak's request. He asked Mr. Navak if there would be a band outside the building. Mr. Novak stated there would be se�reral banc3s each performing at different times. Mr. Pribyl stated this� is the only area where there may be a problen. Mayor Nee stated staff would process this request and in the event of a prohlen, the Cfluncil would be meeting again before this event would take plaoe. Mr. Bruce D�uican a� tt�4r. Paul Westby, applicants for appointment to City Commiss�ans, appeared before the Council to express their iriterest in serving on a Commission and presented ir�formation on th�.ir backgroimds. -I- � COL]NCIL NIEETING OF AtK�UST 4, 1986 Mr. Amcan stated he grew up in northeast Minneapolis and has lived in Fridley for the �st nine months. He stated he has been a practicing attorney for the last four ye�rs and is interested in serving on the Appeals ComQnission. Mr. l�aul Westb� stated he has lived in the Fridley area for the last three years anc3 has a ci�iropractic practioe in (bon Rapids. He stated his main interest is in public awareness and education and is interested in serving on the Hunan Resources Commission. N�yor Nee thanked both geritlenen for advising the Coumcil of their interest in serving on these Commissions. PUBLIC HEARINGS• 1. CONrINE1ID PUBLIC HEARING ON REZODTING RD'JUEST. ZOA #86-03, LOCATED ON LOTS 16. EXCEPr THE EASI' 199 FEET THEREOF, 17 AI�TD 18, BLOCK 2, SPRING VALLEY ADDITION, GII�TERAI�I,Y LCX'ATID NORTH 0� RICE CREEK ROAD AND EAST OF CENTRAL AVENUE, BY RICHARD MQCHINSKI: Mayor Nee reopened this public hearing at.7:50 p.m., which had been o�ntinued frcm the July 21 meeting. Ngyor Nee stated the hearing had been oorrtinued in order to give the residerrts of the area time to meet with the petitioner, A�r. rbchinski, to try and res�lve some of 1-hei r c�onoerns. Mr. Robertson, Commtmity Developnent Director, stated staff contacted Mr. r'�ochinski on Friday and after the July 21 meeting he had met with the residents for about an hour outside the Council Chambers. He stated the residents had advised Mr. rbchinski the� would visit his similar developnerit at 5ilver Lake on thei r aan. rLs. LaVonne Kowski, 6391 Central Avenue, stated she went and looked at tawnhomes that would be similar to this proposed development and her feelings have not changed since the last meeting. She preserited a petition to the Council in op�sition to this rezoning. NDTION b� Councilman Sd��raeider to reoeive Rtition No. 7-1986 in opposition to this rezoning. Sea�nc�d b� Cotmcilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. rlr. Joe Nelson, 1357 64th Avenue, stated he was unable to attend the last Cotmcil meeting, however, he was opposed to the rezoning because he believed it would set a precedent and change the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Nhrk Sc.hwartz, 1372 64th Avenue, asked if t.here are any further detail s regarding the water problen and the street. Mayor Nee stated, presumably, the s�lutions of these �c�3.a�s are ��t of the develognerit. Mr. Robert�n stated it appear� the watershed questions have previously been answered and the main wnc�rn was the density of this proposed develognerit. Mr. Schwartz stated he is not in favor of the rezoning as he felt there were -2- �.J�, � ia��Y�.. � • ei • : . too many �mits for that paroel o� property. Ms. C�leram, 6401 Ceritral Avenue, asked if there would be a street or alley throuc� this proposed developnent. N�yor Nee stated it would be a street. Ms. C�leran asked if the developer would be totally responsible for the assessmerYts for this street to whir.h t�'�yor Nee ans�aered in the affianative. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated beyond the developer's property, the street would have curb and c�tter and paid for b� the developer as he is the only one who benef its. Ms. (�lercm questioned the drainage and if the developer would be laying pipe. Mr. Qureshi stated drainage fran this development would connect to the existing systen to the ponding area west o� Qld Ceritral which everitually flvws into Rice Creek. CoLmcilman Schneider asked Ms. C�lercm if drainage was her primary concern or the density. She stated the density is her first concern and the drainage the seoond conoern. Ms. 4leran stated she Imaws it is City polic,y to iriform people within 350 feet of this rezoning, txat a lot of residents on 64th Avenue were upset as the� lalew rbthing of it. Cotmcilman Schneider stated there has to be some area where you draw the litye on r�tification. Mayor Nee stated the City tries to mtify everyone th� feel is reasonably ooncerned, but that is the reason for the sic� on the property to make sure everyone is aware of what is happening. Mrs. Sue Rau, 1341 64th A�enue, asked if anything has been done regarding the tot lot area and visitor parking. Mr. Robertson statec3 staff has not worked with the petitioner on these details as the first priority was to receive input fran the r�eic�b�rhood. CQLmcilman Schneider stated he hoped the developer would take the initiative to meet with the residents to try and resolve some of these concerns, but o}�iously that has not occurred. He felt the key issue is the density, but cautioned the residents the zoning is commercial so any type of business permitted in this zoning could be oonstructed. Cotmcilman Schneider stated generally the arg�ner�ts are reversed and people would prefer residential zoning rather than sx�mmercial zor�ing. Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Mochinski if he would consider a lawer density. Mr. Mochinski stated with the soil correction ryeeded, the oost per unit would be much greater, with a laaer density, and he didn't bel ieve the tmits would sell in a prioe range �$90,000 to 100,000. Cotmcilman Schneider asked Mr. Mochinski if this rezoni ng i s deni ed, if he has any alternate plan. Air. Mochinsici stated he hasn't given this any a�nsideration at this time. h'DTION b� Co�a�i.lman Schneider to close the public hearing. -3- Seco nde d by 2. COtJNCII, MEETING OF AUC�JST 4, 1986 Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:15 p.m. Councilman Schneic3er stated he would not be present at the August 18 meeting sa would like to take action on this rezoning request, if there were no obj ections. NDTION b� Co�cilman Schr�ider to deny rezoning request, ZOA �86-03 fi.led blr M�r. Richard Mochinski for Lots 16, except the east 199 feet thereof , 17 and 18, Block 2, Spring Valle� Addition. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Cotmcilman Schneider stated the issue, in his mind, is strictly the density and dicfi't feel there would be ariy opposition if the density is reduced. Mayor Nee stated his first r�ction was this was a suitable develognent, but, in view c� the feeling of the rieighborhood, he felt they have certain ric�ts. r'�yor Nee stated he can also taiderstand Mr. Nbchinski's reasons for a lesser density due to the costs for soil corrections. He suggested, haaever, that r�x. NbGhinski talk to the residents to determine what density woul d be f av orahl e to then and po s si bly appr oa ch th e HRA r ega r di ng th ei r �s rti ci �ati on. PUBLIC HEARII� ON FINAL PLAT, P.S. #86-04, RIVER LOTS ADDITION. GENERALLY r�'1�TID AT 6652 E�ST RIVER ROAD, BY KEITFi HARSrAD: NDTION b� Councilman Fitz�atrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seeonded b� Co�mcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:20 p.m. Mr. Robertson, Canm�mi.ty Developnent Director, stated this plat is located on East R.iver Road, south of the iritersection of Rice CYeek Way. He stated it is �xoposed to plat approximately a one acre g�rcel into two single faQnily lots, one about 18,000 square feet and the west lot approximately 27,000 square feet. He stated the glat includes a private driveaay easement to the west lc�t. Mr. Robertson statea, at the last meeting, there was some discussion about p�ssikxly a��adaagr being glatted into the area fran the north. He stated, havever, stafi was instructed not to pursue this and to sutanit the plat as oriqir�ally presented tr� the petitia�r. Mr. Jim Mer�itt of l�r���� anc� AssoGiat.es, engineers for the petitioner, asked the CoLmcil to oc�nsider �he setl�ecks on the proposed lots. He stated, as the Pl.anning Cammission minutes reflect, a 25 foot setback is required fran the t�pper property line and 35 foot setback from the property line closest to East River Road. Mr. Merritt asked for clarif ication as to the rear setback. Mr. RQbertson stated, as he �derstands, there is so�ne optitan as typicaily -4- COtJNCIL N�E,TING OF AUGfJST 4, 2986 the r,arraaer of the two 1ot dimensions is wnsidered the front or rear and the wider dimension is the side yard. Cotmcilman F'itzpatrick asked Mr. Merritt if he was aware o�f the stipulations recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. M�erritt stated he has no problan with the stipulations. Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick felt the terminology on front and rear setbacks should be worked out b,� staff and, if variances are r�eoessary, th� oould be �nsidered at the next meeting in oonjunction with this plat. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed plat. NDTION b� Councilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried �.u�animously and the public hearing closed at 8:27 p.m. QLD BUSINF�SS• 3. ORDINANCE N0. 860 RECODIFYTI�IG THE CITY CODE, CHAPTER 214 EI�TrITLID "SIGNS" BY ADDING SECTIONS 214 02 23. 214.05 7. AND 214 15 1 E 10, AND RENUMBERING 214.02 (1 throuQh 39) Mr. Newrr�an, Assistar�t f�ty Attorney, stated Items D and E, under Section 214.05.7 in reference to libelous or obscene signs and where they may be erected are reoommendations fram the Planning Commission. He stated in regard to Iten D, pertaining to libelous or obscene sic�s, he dicfi't have a problen with it, but felt it was hic�il.y tmlikely to occur and doubted the ordir�noe, at this point, would have ar7y impact. He stated this is a very difficult area to regulate. He stated, as a practical matter, he would probahly feel more �mfortahle if the iten relating to libelous or obscene messages was deleted fran the ordinanoe. A'nTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinanoe No. 860 on the seoond reading and order publication. Seconded by Cotmcilman Barnette. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to aQnend the ordinanoe by deleting Item 7D, "the sic�n does not contain ariy messages which have been judicially determined to be libelous or obscene", under Section 214.05.7 and renunbering Iten 7E to 7D� Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayer Mayor �:ee 3eclared the �otion carried unanimously. UA�N A VOICE VCII'E TAi�N CN ZAE I�IN NDTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl�� 4. QONSIDERATION OF APPOINIfi'fENI'S Zl? �ITY DEVIIAPMEt�TI'. APPF�AL�S. ENERGY AND HUMAN RESOUF2CES OONIl'dISSION: HUMAN RE�tJRCES OQNlNIISSION: Councilman Fitzpatrick nominated Paul Westby, 666 Rimbali Street, for -5- COUNCIL MEETING OF AtIGUST 4. 1986 appointmertt to the Hunan Resources Cammission. �here being no further r�aninations, the fallaaing action was taken: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to cast an unanimous ballot for the appointmerit of Paul Westb� to the Hunan Resouraes Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPEALS COr'll�'IISSIOr: Co�mcilman Schneider stated Mr. Duncan has indicated his interest in serving �n the Appeals Commission, haw�er, there presently are two attorneys on this Com�nission and would like to give this further consideration before taki ng any acti on. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to table the appointments to the Community Development, Appeals and Energy Commissions. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. COI�'SIDEi2ATI0N OF SECOI�ID RFADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR A REZOPdING RD�UEST, ZOA #85-05, BY LVOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated, to date, the City does not have an agreanent with Woodbridge and would r�uest this item be tabled to August 18, 1985. MfJTION by Councilman Barnette to table this item to August 18, 1986. Seoonded b� Cowlcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Schneider asked if any progress was being made in finalizing an agr eanent . Mr. Nc�aman, Assistant City Attorney, stated progess is being made, hawever, this involves a very complex transfer of property. He stated they are attanpting to transfer a pieae af property that is included in the glat, but the HR� hasn't acquired all the land in the plat tantil they close. He stated ��. p�rties are in agreenent with what has to be done, but it is a very oomglicated ar� c�ifficult transa�ion. Mr. Nc�mtan stated he indicated to Mr. �aeir's attorneys that August 18 was absolutely the last day to finalize this agreenent. He st�ted it is then hoped contracts could be awarded, if there is any hope of beginning construction this fall. 6. �ONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED FINAL PLAT, P.S. #85-07.LAKE POII�E CORPORATE CII�ER. BY WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIFS: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it is requested this item also be tabled to August 18, 1986. MOTION by Concilman Schneider to table this item to August 18, 1986. � • �� ���_ • • �i� � '•. Se�nded b� Councilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NF�� BUSINESS • '�� ��FTVTT�Y` TFTF DRFTTMTNARY 19A7 Rtm(`FT A1�1[) SEITING PUBLIC HEARING• Mr. Qureshi, CYty Manager, stated the City Cfiarter rer.�uires the City Manager to sukmit a budget to the Cotmcil on the first meeting in August. He stated this budget has been published in the Fric�.ey Fbcus. Mr. Qureshi statec3 there na longer is a great nLUnber of State and Federal aids availabl.e and it is not anticipated the City would qualify for ariy revenue sharing ftmds in the future. He stated it is proposed the C�ty live within the revenues received so some adjustments and reductions will be necessary in oertain areas. NDTION b,� Councilman Schneider to receive the preliminary 1987 budget. Seoonded b� C;ouncilman Goodspeed. ttp�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to set the public hearing on the budget for Septenber 8, 1986. Sevonded tr� Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Coimcilman Schneider asked staff to pre�are a suiunary af what servives would be cut to acoonunodate the decrease in the budget. 8. R.ECEIVING REPORT ON THE PROPF�'Y GENER�Y LOCATED EAST OF CENTRAL AVENUE AtJD SOUI'H OF 66TH AVIIV[JE, BY RICHARD BRICKNER. THOi�9AS BI�ERG AI�ID THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: N�. Robertson, Cor�untmity Developnerit Director, stated staff was r�uested to pre�are an analysis of the �st for possible aoquisition of Paroels A, B, C and D for park purposes. Mr. Robertson stated the existing park is 2.9 acres with .43 acres of ric�t-of-way. He stated if Paroels A and B were ao�uired, it would add .46 acres; if Paroels C and D were aoquired, it would add .47 acres; and if the triangular portion (TP) were ao�uired, it would add .16 acres. He stated if the triangular portion and Parcels C and D were added to the park, the acreage would be 2.93 and, if the triangular portion and Paraels A, B, C and D were added, the acreage would be 3.39. Mr. Robertson stated the oost of ao�uiring the lots has been estimated using three methods. He stated the first method was asstuning landlocked status for Parc�ls C and D, with buildable status for Parcels A and B, the cost would be $52,650. Mr. Itobertson stated another method was assuming buildahle stata� for al� paroels, A, B, C, anc� D, the aast would be $99,900. He stated thE third meithoci was estimated aoqt�sitia� ualue af Farcels C& D based an �he �ena R�e o�sts of 76 cents a square foot and Parcels A and B estimated as buildah7.e lots, the oost would be $77,312. -7- COUNCIL MEETIl�G OF AUG[JST 4. 1986 Mr. Robertson stated an additional cost associated with the possible aaquisition includes waiving the assessnem on the existing southerly paroel (proposed Parcels C& D) which are currently held in abeyance, but are accruing interest. He stated the assessments for two future lots, for sewer, water and street, total $17,944 glus accrued interest of $3,046.62 (throu� 7/30/86) for a total o� $20,990.62. Mr. Robertson stated in addition to the cost, several issues need to be addressed oonoerning the safety ra�►ification of having a�ark subdivided by a street and the usability of the additional acreage. He stated the creation of an attractive nuisanoe is a major wnoern. Councilman Schneiaer stated it is his understanding, there has been discussion in the neighborhood and putting costs aside, there isn't an tmanimous feeling whether or not expansion of the �ark is a c�ood idea. Mr. �bdvin, 1391 Mississippi Street, stated a petition was circulated and with the people they spoke to, 90$ sic�ed in favor of the park. Mr. Podvin then read the language oontained in the petition which supported the Cowlcil aaquiring these parc�ls for park purposes. CoLmcilman Schneider asked when the petition was circulated, if there was discussion about possible cost sharing. Mr. Podvin answered in the riegative. Co�mcilman Schneider asked then if the assunption was the City would aaquire the Faroels at r�o ciiarge to the residents. Mr. Podvin stated one person asked if th� would be assessed a park fee since the� had already paid one and he had replied he dic�'t think so. He stated the residents ap�xirently weren't vonoerned about haw it would be financed, but did indicate they wanted i t. NDTION b�' Councilman Schneider to receive petition No. 8-1986 submitted by Mr. Podvin in favor of exgansion of the existing park. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion c�rried unanimously. D�r. �dvin stated in regard to the estimated costs for aoquisition of the property, the people in Gena Rae would have appreciated this kind of reimbursement. He stated the {�ty �s �ying the property is worth twice as much as Gena Rae was worth. In revi�aing these figures, Cb�mcilman Schneider stated if C& D are about 21,00� sg�re feet and the v�st is }a�sed on 76 cents a s�uare foot, the �st would �e about $16,000, not $29,412. Mr. Robertson stated he was not sure if another factor was irYVOlved in arriving at the $29,412 figure, haaever, if the� use the 76 cents a square foot alone, the figure would be $15,560 instead of $29,412 and the total would be $63,460 rather than $77,312. Mr. Bob G�nbrel, 1341 Creek Park Lane, stated he was nat appraached to sign � COLTNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 4. 1986 the petition preserited by Mr. Pbdvin, and he hasn't met with ariy of his neic�bors on 66th Avenue. He stated he is very much for Farks, but objected to splitting the park as he felt it would be imsafe because o� the curve and sic�t lir�es. He felt if a cul-de-sac was oonstructed and then increase the park area, it would be a good idea, but not with a throuc� street. Ms. N�ry Laather, 1472 66th Avenc�e, stated several persons who signed the petition stated they dic3z't laiaw all the facts involving the safety factors. She stated she was opposed to ex�nding the �ark across the street. N�. A�ve Larson, 1410 66th Avenue, stated he dicfi't see the petition, but is opposed to splitting the park. He stated he is �ncerned about the safety and felt the existing park is adequate, but would like to see improvenents to the �ark. Mr. Jeffre� Johnson, attorney represeriting Richard Brickner, stated he would like to ask a question as to prooedure. He was not oertain if this was just an open discussion reyarding the �ark or if it involved the actual plat. Mr. Qureshi, (�ty Manager, stated the motion the Council made at the last meeting was to bring back information recfarding possiale land aoquisition. He stated the Council has the option of adding the oonsideration of the plat to their agenda, but it isn't afficially on the agencl3 at this time. Mr. Johnson stated if it is the Coimcil's desire that they want the property for a�ark, assessnerits are deferred that are accruing interest and he would like to proceed as soon as possihle. He stated he vieas this as a planning issue on what is the best use af the l,and. Mr. Jahnson urged the Co�cil to make a c3etermination so Mr. Brickner aould prooeed with his plans. N�yor Nee stated even without action b� the Council, Mr. Brickner has two building sites. He stated the �xoposed plat estahlished two landlocked lats and he has a protalen with even wnsidering any reglat, if this is true. Mr. Jahnson stated if Mayor Nee is referring to the plat including two landlocked lots because the Cxty includes the triangular portion, it is a oorrect statenerit. He stated if the City wanted to retain the fee title, an eas�nerit for each lot would have to be granted. Cotmcilman Schneider stated there was an asstanption that the triangular portion (TP) autamatically belongs to Parcels A and B. Mr. Johnson stated he dic�'t believe they made that assiunption, but only proposed a better use o� the land tr� including the triangular portion in the pl at. Cotmcilman Schneider stated he would like to oome to some resolution on the Fark issue and, beyond this, there is the issue of what to do with the trianc�lar portion. Coimcilman Fitzpatrick poirited out most peo�,.e naw have � cxoss the street to get to the park, and he is sensitave to t-he safetlt issue, but it seens if � COt7NCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 4. __1986 the Fark is e�aanded to the north, it doesn't change the situation where most peogle rx�w cross the street to acoess the Ferk. Mr. Gambrel stated people do not cross at the curve and if you have attractions on both sides of the street, there would be wnstarit crossing of the street. Mr. Jahnson stated the City has a piece o� property that is under-utilized and the c�veloper has a giece of property that is unbuildable and felt to oambir�e the Faroels works for the best iriterest of the City. Cow�►cilman Schneider stated presuming the Council doesn't proceed with expansion of the �.ark, there is more than one person interested in that triangular p�rtion of property. Mr. Jahnson stated a sale � the Fxoperty to an individual who cauldn't put that parael to use wouldn't be a gooc3 planning prospect for the City. Mr. Ibdvin stated in the everit the City decic3es to sell the parcel, Statutes 161.44 and 171 are the ones to review which return the land to the original person fron whan it was oondemned. Ms. Pat Harff, 1311 Creek Park Lane, stated she is opposed to expanding the Fark across the street. She stated a lot of parents use the tennis court and their children play in the tot lot and didn't feel these should be seFarated. Mr. Merith, 1388 66th Avenue, stated he is certainly concerned about the safety, but there are two sides to every argim►erit. He stated he would like to see the �ark ex�nded as the hazard doesn't dzange whether kids are going back and forth across the street to the park or to the bike �ath. Mr. Merith stated when he bought his home, there was a large park, picnic area and hockey rink on the Rice Creek School property, and this isn't the case anymore. He stated he appreciated the oomments fro�n those who don't want the Fark expanded because of the safety protal..ens, but felt the existing g�rk is too snall and the safety issues c�ould be addressed. rir. C�irt Loschy, 1399 66th Avenue, stated, in theory, he would like to see the �ark �xpar�ed. He stated, in his judgnent, it isn't a g�od idea to turn over current park land to a developer. He felt Parcels A and B should develop with residential h�e� and Parcels C and D utilized for park purp�ses. Mr. Loschy stated t�ere is a need for a permanent hocky rink in the area. He felt one way to solve the safety issues to put the hockey rink on one side and this would keep the alder and younger children se�arated. Mr. Ganbrel asked Mr. �bdvin if he had talked to the aar�rs of the property surrotmding Paroels C& D on whether thc� wanted a p�rk on these �rcels. Mr. �bdvin stated he talked to one who was not in favor because she felt they would have more vandalisn, but he aould not cx�ntact the other property aar�r. Mr. Ganbrel stated the person opp�sed to the park is Ngry Lars�n. CoLmcilman Schneider staited the pc�iicy° follaaed is to provide neighborhood -10- �'-J�' �_ _'�!�-� �► � = K ' • : . parks which are primarily Faid for b� the �rk fee Faid by developers. He stated, in this case, it would be expansion of an existing g�rk and wonc3ered about the residerits' feeling on a wst sharing arranc�nent, if it would cost then about $1,000. Both Mr. Loschy and Mr. Merith indicated they would be willing to contribute to the wst � ex�nding the park. Mr. Gary Braa�n, 1436 66th Avenue, stated for the peogle who want the park enlarged, they may have to �ay wer $50,000. He wondered if these people would be in favor af impraving the Fark, or if they are just grinding an ax because Mr. Fbdvin's property was taken. N�. Fbdvin stated the oorner was taken for a g�rk and as long as he is alive, it will stay that way. Mr. Braeun asked if anyone feels they would like to see the park impraved rather than having it e�nded. Mr. Gottwald, 1415 Mississippi Street, stated the City took their land without even trying to reach an agreanent with then. He stated a lot of pranises were mac3e which haven't been kept. Co�mcilman Schneider stated, in his judc�nent, he felt it would create a hazard b� ex�nding the park on both sides of the street simply because of the crossings back and forth. He stated he would be in favor of improving the existing park and safety conditions. He stated, in the risk of alienating a lot of people who signed the petition, he dicfi't feel, fran the saf ety point of viea, exp�nsion of the park was a good idea. Cotmcilman Schrieider stated his reoonunendation would be not to proceed with ex�nsion of the �ark, but the issue still needs to be resolved on that trianc�ular p�rtion. r'�yor Nee asked Mr. Fbdvin to send him a letter on what pranises had b�en made and what was not f ul f il l ed. N�. Newman, Assistant City Attorney, stated he is not sure c� the status of the assessnerits on Parcels C and D. He stated he Lmderstands an assessment has been levied and, if Cotmcil does not a�rwe the plat, those assessnerrts should be vacated. b�r. Qureshi, City Manager, stated when the assessment roll was adopted, C�otmcil instructed staff when these properties were split, the assessments glus interest would be �aid. He stated these assessments are being held until the property is split. Councilman Schneider stated fran a financial viewpoint, the City has poter7tially two people interesteci in the triangular portion and it could be put up for sale to the hic�est b�dder. Mr. N�wmar� statea in this type c�f si tua ti on, th e Ci ty isn" t obl i gated to -11- COUNCIL MEEPII� OF AIJG[)ST 4. 1986 sell to the hic�est bidder. He stated a decision has to be made as to what make s good sense f rcm a pl anni ng standpoi rrt. Ms. Pat Klarkawski, 6560 Arthur Street, asked if the City was so affluent that the property dich't r�ed to be sold and c3eveloped. She stated she is bothered b,� the fact that the Coimcil doesn't seen to care when the �operty is sold. N�yor Nee stated eventually the property wi11 be liquidated at a cost plus interest. Co�mcilman Schneider stated the issue to be addressed is if the triangular p�rtion should be c�ven to a c3eveloper free or to try and get the best Ixice for it. Ms. KLarlcawski felt there is an opporttmity naw to get the money for this pieoe of �xoperty and it was imp�rtant for the Council to take an action. Councilman Schryeider stated it is not worth playing favorites in order to have four hanes built there. Mr. Jahn Phillips, 1361 Creek Park Lane, asked what would happen to the triangular portion of property if it wasn't sold and not turned into a�ark. Cotmcilman Schneider stated the City would have to maintain it and adjoining property aaners would protx�kaly be c�ven an oporttmity to aaquire it. Councilman Schneider stated his suggestion would be not to pursue the ex�nsion of the Fark and go to an open bid for the triangular portion with a minimun price � 76 cents per s�uare foot. He stated f�mds generated fran the sale of this property should be dedicated to improving the existing park. NDTION b� Councilman Schneic3er to plaoe �nsideration of Mr. Brickner's plat on ttze Co�cil's agenda for Sept�nber 8, 1986. Seconcled by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to direct staff to plaoe oonsideration of the disposition of the triangular portion of property on the Council's agenda for Septenber 8, 1986. Seoonded b� Cotmcil�ran Fitzg�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there were several different options regarding this plat and questioned which glan the Coumcil wished sutrnitted. N�. Robertson, Commimity Developnent Director, stated the original plat proposal is shaan on Page 8M of the Cowlcil's agencY�. Mayor Nee stated this glat ooritains �art of a Fark and asked Mr. Brickner if this was his �o��l. f��,r. Brickner stated h� c�r�� Farcels A, B, C and D. Mayor Nee stated the glat� a�s su�.itted, coritains hal.f a� a Ci.ty park. � -12- 9. �� 1 1 �� • •1 1 •:• Mr. Brickner stated the Co�mcil is making this aanplicated. Cowlclman Schneic3er asked Mr. Brickner why the Fark is included in his plat. Mr. Brickner stated he dic�'t )maw. N�yor Nee asked who was the engineer who drew up the plat. Mr. Brickner stated it was Ron Meyer who c3ra� the plat. Nfayor Nee advised Mr. Brickner to sutmit what he wanted and the Council would look at it as a substitute for this plat he sutcnitted with the park property included in it. RECEIVING REPORT ON THE PROPER'I'Y GIIVERAL�LY IACATID ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MISSISSIPPI SI'RE�T AI�ID HIGHIaAY 65. BY L. R(7BERT EFtICKSON: Mr. Robertson, Coatuntmity Develognerit Di rector, stated staff was di rected to look at what aould be cbne in terms of taking the value of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lane Addition, and spreading the oosts of aoquiring these lots against properties on Lucia Lane. Mr. Robertson stated taking into account the current asking price of $100,000 and the Assessor's estimate af market value of $63,300, leaves a difference o� $36,700 and an assuned negotiated difference of $30,000. He stated based on these figures and oonsidering 20 hanes involved in a 15 year assessnerit at 9� interest the total oost per property aaner would be $1,634 or an average c� $175.60 per year. Mayor Nee stated he felt the benefit received by these property aaners woulc�'t be equal to the assessnerit. Co�mcilman Schneider asked Mrs. Timo if she had reviewed this �op�sal. Mrs. Timo, 6517 Lucia Lane, stated she had not seen the £xoposal, but stated a lat of property aaners were not interested in this possibility of an assessnent to aa�uire these lots. Cotmcilman Schneider stated he was contacted by a representative of the developer and he ir�ic�ted he warzted this tabled. Mr. Qureshi, (�ty Manager, stated to his knowledge, no one has contacted staff and the CoLmcil oould oonsider this proposal, derry the rezoning or tahl e it. Cotmcilman Schrieider stated he.would opp�se the rezoning. He stated he felt it was the best prop�sal for this property he has seen to date and samething a lot more r�egative to the neic�borhood may eventually be constructed on these lots. Cotuzcilman Schneider felt he oouldn't support the rezoning as the r�eic�borhood was not in favor c� it. No one �aas present at the meeting representing the developer. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to deny rezoning re�uest, Z� �86-01 for the -13- QOUNCIL MEErING OF AUGtJST 4. 1986 west half of Lot 4, and all of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lane Addition, as filed b� L. Robert Erickson. Seoonded b� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. CONSIDERATION OF FIRSr RFADING OF AN 012DINANCE APPR(7VTNG A REZONING RD�UEST. ZOA #86-02, GE�TERALLY IACATID SOUI'H OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 65 N.E.. BY DAVID HARRIS• Nir. Robertson, Co�¢nimity Developnerit Di rector, stated thi s rez oni ng i s f or property generally located south of Osborne Road and east of Highway 65 to r ez one f ran C-3 to C-2. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reac]ing and approve the ordinance upon first r�ding. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. RFCEIVING THE MINUTFS OF ZI�iE PLANNING CONII�fISSION MEETING OF JULY 23. 1986: �uncilman Schneider stated since he would not be present at the August 18 meeting, he requested tapes of the public ha�rings be made available to him. A. CCR�SIDERATIOPI OF A REZOrTING RD;2UESr. ZOA #86-04 , TO REZOP?E FitOM C-3 (GENERAL SHOPPING CEI�TI'ER) TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSIIQESS) GENERALLY LOCATID ON PARCEL 2570, THE SAr'.E BEING 7699 VIRC�T ROAD N.E.. BY Y�1YNE DAHL• r'DTION b� Cowzcilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this rezoning re�uest for August 18, 1986. Seconded b� Cbuncilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. B. COI�TSIDERATIO�I OF SEITING A PUBLIC HEARII`G RECODIFYII�TG TfiE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CHAPrER 205, AS IT P.II�ATES TO DAY CARE CErTI'ERS AND HOI�1E FAMILY DAY CARE• r'DTION b� Councilman Barnette to set the public hearing on this City Code amendment for August 18, 1986. Seconded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. C. C'Oi�?SIDERATION OF SEITII�]G A PtJBLIC HEARING ON VACATION RA�UEST. SAV #86-03, TO VACATE THE FNE F'OOrr UTILITY EASEt�'iF.�1T AI�ONG THE SOUTf�lE�'I' PROPFRTY LINE OF I�7I' 4, BL�OCK 1, INTISBRUCK NORTEi T(7l�1NHOUSES PLAT 4, TO A FOINT TEN FEET PTEST OF THE SOUTHEAST PROPEF�I'I' LINE OF THE SAP'� LOT, GII�TEP�ALI�Y IACATID AT 5462 MEISTER ROAD N.E, BY DARREL FARR: NDTION tr� Cot.mcilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this vacation request for Sept�nber 8, 1986. Seconded b� Coimcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, aIl vc�ting aye, Mayor I�ee declarec� th� motion carried unanimously . -14- ��� 1 I01 1� • � ' ' • D. QONSIDERATION OF A VACATION RD�UEST. SAV #86-04, TO VACATE TfiE NORTH 213 FEEI' OF VIRON ROAD EXCEPT THE NOI�PFIERLY 33 FEET �O�ORNE ROAD) . GIIVERAI,LY IACATID SOUTH OF OSBORNE ROAD A1�ID FA.�`i' OF HIGHWAY 65. BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: � NDTION b,� Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing on this vacation request for August 18, 1986. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Barrette. Upon a voioe vate, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. E. �NSIDERATIOIv OF MOTION FROM THE ENVIROI�EN�AL 4UALITY CONIMISSION MINUTES OF J[JATE 17 , 1986 TO PAY F�1RL FRANIC THE TONNAGE MONEY ��FTVF'11 FRC�vi Mi�'T'RnA�T.TTAN (Y)T1NC'Tr. [�1ICH WAS REFLECTIVE OF THE SOLID WASI`E RDC.'YCLID AT THE S.O.R.T. FACILITY FOR THE PERIOD OF JANLTARY 1, 1986 TO MARCH 31, 1986: Mr. RQbertson, Catun�ity Developnent Director, stated this motion by the F�virorrnental Quality Co�anission reflects a paykxzck arranc�enerit set up where the City is o�mpensated b,� the Metropolitan Council for tonnage collected. He stated this paymerit to Mr. Frank is in keeging with the agreenent. NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to concur with the recommendation of the E�ivirormer►tal Quality C;ommission and authorize payment of $117.48 to Mr. Earl Frank. Se�nded b� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F. �2DCEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS CON'�9ISSION MEETING OF JULY 15. 1986• F-1. OONSIDERATION F VARIANCE RD2UESTS. VAR #86-17, TO RIDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROtd 30 FE�,'I' � 25 FEET TO ALL�C74d THE QONSTRUCTION OF A IAADING DOCK• TO RIDUCE THE HAFtD SURFACE SEISACK FROI�� 20 FEET TO 0 FEET OFF OF COA'R�lERCE CIRCLE SOifrEi 'n'} ALLOW ADDITIONAL PARKING. GENERALLY L�OCATID OP1 I,(7T 7. BI,OCK 1, PA00 II�IDUSPRIAL PARK. THE SAME BEING 250 QOMMERCE CIRCLE SOUTfi. BY DAVID HARRIS: Mr. Robertson, Commtmity Developnerit Director, stated this is a request for variances to reduce the side yard setback fran 30 to 25 feet and to reduce the hara surfaoe setback fran 20 feet to 0 feet to allaa construction of a loading dock and additional Farking. Mr. Robertson stated the public purpose served by this requir�nent is to lurst visual encroachment into neighboring sight lines and to allaw for aesthetically gleasing open areas adj acent to publ ic ri ght-of-ways. He stated the hardship stated by the petitioner is it is impossible to oonstruct otherwise because the City requested a road easement between Commerce Circle South and the Conuntmity Park. Nhyor Nee questioned the traffic patte�r� to the loading dock. Mr. Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator, state�l the loac��sg area is through the driveaay and the vari ance really needed i s f or the z er o 1 ot 1 ine on the west. He stated Mr. Harris dedicated a. �cyad easement for the park so it -15- �:��. � �� ��. • • � � leaves him short of s�oe. He further stated the cvl-de-sac will eventually be renaved and when the road is re-established, a variance wouldn't be necessary. Mr. Robertson stated a letter has been reoeived frcm Mr. Dib�s, President o� Mic�aest N�chine Tool Supply indicating he had no objection to the variance for the loading dock drivaaay. He also stated the Appeals Commission has reoo�nended app�wal o� the varianoes. NDTION b� Cotmcilman Barnette to reoeive Mr. Dibos' letter into the record which indicates he has no obj ection to the variance. Seoonded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee c3eclared the motion c�rried unanimously. NDTION b� Cotmcilman Goodspeed to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Coa�unission and grant VAR #86-17 to reduce the side yard setback frcm 30 to 25 feet to allaa oonstruction of a loading dock and to reduoe the hard surfaoe setback frrnn 20 feet to 0 feet to allaa additional Farking on Lot 7, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park, 250 Commerce Circle South. Seconded by Councilman Fitzg�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F�-2. OONSIDERATION OF VAI2IANCE RD2UESTS. VAR #86-18 , TO RIDUCE TfiE FROh'T YARD SEIBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 28.5 FEEr; 1�0 RIDUCE THE SIDE YARD SEIBACK FROM 5 FEEP TO 0 FEEP �0 AI�L,CIW THE �15TRUCTION OF AN ATTACHID ACCESSORY BUILDIl�. GII�ERALLY I,OCATID ON LOT 8, BLOCK 1, LAKELAND HEIGHTS. THE Sl�t� BEING 1333 HILJ�^rII�ID ROAD N. E. . BY GARY PARKER: Mr. Robertson, CommLmity Develognent Director, stated this is a request for varianoes to reduce the front yard setback fran 35 feet to 28.5 feet and to reduce the side yard setia�ck fran 5 to 0 feet to allaw construction of an attached accessory building. Mr. Robertson stated the petitioner's present garage is about 13 feet wide on the inside and the furnace is in the c�rage. He stated the petitioner wishes to widen the existing garage and move the parking area forward so that the furnaoe c�uld be housed outsic7e the garage area. He stated if the variances are approved, it is recommended the west wali be a one-hour fir�r�ted wall with rio openings and an eas�nent for mairitenance purposes be attaine� frcm the adjaoerit neic�-ibor. Cotmcilman Schr�eider asked Mr. Parker if he has agregnerit with the nei ghbor and if there was any prohlen with the eas�nent. Mr. Parker stated he has a sicy�ed agreenerit and this was mt a�oblen. Mr. Robertson stated the Appeals Cammission has reoommended appraval of the varianoes wi� se�eral stipulations which he outliried. NDTION 1� Cowlcilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals Co�unission and grant VAR #86-18 to reduce the €ront yard setback -16- ��� � 1.9i �� • ; ' : • frcm 35 to 28.5 feet and to reduoe the side yard setback f ran 5 to 0 feet to allaa oonstruction of an attached accessory building at 1333 Hillwind Road N. E. , b� Gary Parker, with the follawing stipulations: (1) a r�ew survey be made to monunent the west property line to ensure proper placement of the structure; (2) a recorded maintenance easement be entered into with adjoining neic,�bor; (3) any relacation of utility be the responsibility of the property aar�er; and (4) the west wa11 be a one-hour, fire-rated wall with no openings. Seoondec] b� Cotmcilman Barrette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F-3. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE RD�UESTS. VAR #86-20. TD RIDUCE THE SETBACK OF A BOLIDIDARY LINE AA7ACII�TI' TO A RESIDII�IAL DISTRICT FROM 50 FEEr TO 48 FEET, TO RIDLICE TFiE SIDE YARD SEISACK Fi20M 15 FEET TO 10 FEET TO ALL�OW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION Z�0 THE EXISTING BUILDII�. GENERALLY IACATID ON LOT 1, BI,OCK 24 , NADGEL' S WOODLAI�IDS. THE SAME BEING 7345 BAKF� STFtEE,T N E. . BY L.W. SAML� � Mr. Robertson, CoaranLmity Developnent Director, stated this is a request for varianoes to reduce the setback of a boundary lirie adjaoent to a residential district fran 50 to 48 feet and to reduce the side yard setback from 15 to 10 fee�t to allvw the oonstruction of an addition to an existing building at 7345 Baker Street. Mr. SaQnuelson, the petitioner, stated the proposed addition is 6,000 square feet and additional spaoe is neoessary to accommodate the machine layout within the building. He felt this was an opportunity for the City to imprwe the tax t,iase, as well as imprave the a�nditions on the site. Mr. Jim Robinson, F�lanning Coordinator, stated the Appeals Commission has reoomunended apprwal and staff is reoommending nine stipul.ations based on an on-site inspection of the property. Cotmcilman Schneider asked Mr. Sa�nuelson if he was seen these stipulations recommended by staff. He stated he has not and was referred to the referenoe agenda �acket to review then. Mr. Sanuelson stated he didn't see any pro}alens and nothing that would be imp�ssikale to live with. P'DTION b� Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the Appeals C,ommission and grant VAR #86-20 to reduce the setback of a boundary line adjacent to a resideritial district fran 50 to 48 feet and reduce the side yard setback f rom 15 to 10 feet to allow the constr ucti on of an addition to the existing building at 7345 Baker Street, with the follawing stipul.ations: (1) suL�nission of an appraved landscape glan which includes: four foot berming with trees and shrubs in f ront yard, side yard and rear yard, plar►tinc3s and g�rking lot shoulder landscaping all to be installed with the building addition; (2) provide an irrigation plan for all green areas; (3) pave the oommon driveaay located on the north side of the proerty, oomplete with six inch concrete curbing on both sides, with the building addition; (4� ins�all six inch oc+�crete curbing along both sides of the cn�arron ar.ivs�ay on the soukh side o� �ize presperty, with the building -27- � �.��. � �ia�a� a • • r� �+ � • : . addition; (5) install an eic�t foot high solid wood fence along the rear property line to screen the addition fran the residential neighborhood (mobile hcme Fark) with the building addition; (6) renwe all j�k vehicles fron Fxoperty prior to issuance of a building permit--no storage of junk vehicles permitted at any time; (7) all 55 gallon drLans and all metal recycling bins to be stored inside the new building prior to building permit; (8) re-stripe parking lot and pravide at least one handicap stall with building addition; and (9) petitioner to �xwide an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a building permit. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, A'Hyor Nee declared the motion carried tu�animously. 13. C�ONSIDERATION OF A JOINT POU�'ERS AGREII�� BE'IWEEN ANOKA COI7N'I'Y AND THE CITY QF FRIDLEY RDGARDING THE INSTALT�TION OF THE "OPTICOM" EMERGENCY VEHICLE PR�-EMPTION SYSPEM AT THE II�ERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPI STREEr AND EAST RIVER ROAD: NDTION b� Cotmcilman Schnei der to j oi rit pawers Upon a voioe unanimously. agreene.nt with Anoka vote, all voting aye, authorize the City to enter into this Cotmty. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Barnette. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried 14. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR REFURBISHING AND �FHARILTTAT?1�1G 'IWO FIRE DEPARTMIIJI' PUMPEfiS AND SET DATE TO RDCEIVE BIDS• NDTION b� Councilman Barnette to ap�xave the specifications for refurbishing and rehabilitating two Fire DeFartmerit p�anpers and set the date to receive bids for August 27, 1986. Seoonded b,� Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 15. CONSIDERATION OF RDCEIVING BIDS AI�ID AWAR'DING COI�TI`RACT FOR VIDEO PRODUCTION D�UIPI�1ENr -FOR THE FRIDLEY CIVIC CII�TPER: NDTION bsr Councilman Schr�eider to reoeive the fallaaing bids: EPA Audio Visual, Inc. 8200 Bridge Rockf ord, NN 55373 Alpha Video & Audio 2110 West 98th St. Minneapolis, NN 55431 Blunberg Commtmications, Inc. 525 N. Washington Ave. Minneapolis, NN 55401 Di gqual if ied - Di d not gi.v e f inal bi d pr i ce or def i ni te pr i oe on i nf ormati on. $21,245.00 Disqual.ified - Did not gi.ve final bid pri ce or di d not f ol l aa bi ddi ng instructions. Seoonded b� �tmcilman Barnette. ilp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTIpN Y�r Co�cilman Schneider to firu3 A�.�taa Video & Audio the law bidder and award the contract to. th�rt in the amount of $21,24�. Sec:onded by -18- ��J� I JI�1 I� • s !i ' : • Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried imanimously. 16. RESOLUTI�I NO 60-1986 DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE SEFrII�'�ER 9. 1986 COUNCILMENIBER-A�-LARGE AND A STATEWIDE PRIMARY ELEC'I'ION• NDTION b� Councilman Barr�tte to adopt Resolution No. 6�1986. Seconded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 17. RESOLUTION N0. 61 1986 APPROVING A FINAL PLAT. P.S. #86-03, A& R ADDITION, GENE�I,.LY I,OC�ITID SOUrH OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 65 N. E. . BY DAVID HARRIS• NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 61-1986 with the follaaing stigulations: (1) plat approval contingent upon approval of rezoning; (2) provide drainage and utility easements on final plat as requested tr� staff; (3) petitioner agrees to assessnents for one half cost of Viron Road impravenents; and (4) park fees on four lots to be paid with building pertnits (subject to prevailing rates) . Seconded by Councilman Barriette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 18. CONSIDERATION OF CH1�IIVGE ORDER NO 1 FOR 5'PREET IAlPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST 1986-10 ISEAI,OOATING) : 19. 20. NDTION tr� Cotmcilman Schneider to authorize C7�ange Order No. 1 for Street Improvenent Project ST 1986-10 with Allied Blacktop Co., Maple Grove, N'�nnesota in the a¢notmt of $2,643.46. Seconded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. APPOINITiETT�• CITY E�'IPL�OYEE• NDTION tr� Coimcilman Goodspeed to �ncur with the following appointment by the City Manager : STARTING STARTING NAF'� �SITI�fi3 SALARY LIATE RF�PLACFS Dawn Weigel 6000 Sixth Street FYicIlEy, NN 55432 b'IIS Ted�nician $ 17,500 July 23, Michelle (Exempt) per 1986 Jt�kert year Se�nded lx Co�cilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, atl voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the matiQn carried unanimously. C�,AIMS MOTION by Councilman Barnette to a�.�:c��'ize payment of Qaims No. 9541 throuc� 9773. Seoonded b� CoEmcilman FF�..tzpat.rick. Upon a voice vote, all -19- ��J�. � ul�1�/ 1► � �i y ' ' � voting aye, Nhyor Nee c3eclared the motion c2rried unanimously. 21. LICENSES• NDTION b� Councilman Schn�ider to app�rave the licenses as sutznitted and as on file in the Lioense CLerk's Offioe. Sevoncied b,� Cotmcilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 22. ESrIMATES• NDTION b� Co�cilman FitzFatrick to apprave the fallaaing estimates: Gtmderson Brothers C�nerit ComFary, 2325 Snelling Avenue, South I�nneapolis, NN 55404 1986 Concrete C�.irb and Gutter Partial Estimate No. 2 . . . . Inc. . . . . . . . $4,019.26 H& S Asphal t, Inc. 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, NN 55303 Street Impravenent Proj ect ST. 1986 - 1& 2 Partial Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . $9,445.28 Seoonded b� Councilman Sd�rveider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. AA70URIVMII�fi' • MJTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Cotmcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Co�cil of August 4, 1986 adj ourned at 10 : 50 p. m. Respectfully sui�nitted, C�role Hadd��3 Secretary to the �.�,t Co�mcil Apprwed: -20- Willian J. Nee N�yor Additional Information for PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE 7HE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Pu�lic Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Ha1T at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, August 18, 1986 , in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.�n. for the purpose of: Consideration of determining the revocation of a special use permit, SP #77-04, held by Apache Camping Center at 7701 East River Road N.E. This hearing is based upon violations of the requirements set forth under SP #77-04, for the maintenance of said Permit including, but not limited to, the failure to install and maintain the required landscaping and continuing violations regarding the number of units displayed in froni of the showroom. The holder of SP #77-04 will be given an opportunity to testify during the hearing and present evidence on his behalf, as well as cross- examine any witness. All other interested parties will have an opportunity to testify and to present any other relevant evidence for or against the revocation. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: August 4, 1986 August 11, 1986 1 ` . � 5 �RFET � • `�' : . .. . ...,. - - -.- _ . _ _. .. � ,a ,� ;r. --- . ,• � � 1 A �� y+o - ' a = �_ '2� .39 ��^ '„� I ;, �' � ar'`� � 31.�91.'''1(nv ?4�' � . . y, < �: _ . ? � jgo �7o ibo �So t� l'44 � ��; _ ; ,,, Apache Campi ng Center ' "' � SP #17-04 and SP #83-03 ' i. - , = "' � \ �" i ( ,!�' ! 1�: r "p 3.a;s ['. Fi.f�: r�,�i. o �r:�t6 .� ,, �' oi�1:.1.'�;=i; '-�-� w f,�� •, f Z� �� � 0 ` �i ?.t5 � '1�9T � , I�I I t S � � ,� 7 I ,a, . � , �. ,. � .,. ' i ; o ', STREET - - - y � J � • �. s� : . -... ' ! Si t � � • � Y �� �w i, � � i � V.V �.i C V� T ��,• • . ` � '��r � •� ♦ � I � . . . a i � . � rr' i4� : i3 �37 3N j = 3t ?�' =9� 1P < -. ,��. _ . 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Pawelski, the aaner. He must be given a chanoe to present information. If the Special Use Permit is continued, the Council will then have two choices: 1. Do nothing. 2. Specify what Mr. Pawelski needs to cb to meet oompliance and post a bond to oc>ver any costs. UP�'E: Mr. Pawelski called me today about the tag I issued him. He said he will mwe scme of the trailers back and will only have two trailers, one on each p�d so as to oome into oompliance in the next wuple of days. He said he is still looking to move. I informed him that the landscape work was still an outstanding issue. F3�La/ lmn . .. . r PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 il�iversity Avenue Northeast on Monday, August 18, 1986 , in the Council Chamber at 1:30 p.►�. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Rezoning request, ZOA #86-04, by Wayne Dahl, to rezone from C-3 (general shopping center) to C-2 (general business) on Parcel 2570, the same being 7699 Viron Road N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Publish: August 4, 1986 August 11, 1986 0 WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR 2 2A ?�,4YNE �ANL Z�J�', #`86-0� STIP�LATIO��S 1� REVISE PLAN TO MEET C-Z CODE OR OBTAIN VARIANCES FOR HARDSURFACE AND BUILDING SETBACKS� 2, PROVIDE ELEVATIONS WITH BUILDING FACADE MATERIAL DETAILS PRIOR TO �ITY �OUNCIL MEETING BY 8/11/86� 3, PROVIDE A LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� <i, PROVIDE AUTOMATIC LAWN SPRINKLING PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING ?ERP�IT� �, PROVIDE A ST�RM DRAINAGE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� 6, PROVIDE A SITE PERFORMANCE BOND TO COVER SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� �� I�EZONING IS CONT?NGENT UPON VACATION OF VIRON ROAD, 51TE PLAN, AND BUILDINC FACADE PLAN APPROVAL� $, REZONING IS FOR THE APPROVED PLAN ONLY� �, �ETITIONER TO PROVIDE PROOF OF ADE(�UATE PARKING FOR PROPOSED PLAN� r�•� CITY OF FRIDIEY PLANNItlG COtiMISSION MEETI�JG, JULY 23, 1986 CAI.L TO ORDE�' : Chairperson Billings called the JuT,� 23, 1986, Pl�nninq Co��ssio eeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROl_L CALL : Menbers Present: Steve Billings, Dean Saba�, Donald etzold, Richard Svanda Mer�bers Absent: Dave Kondrick, Sue Sherek Otl�ers Present: Jim Robinson, Plannin oordinator Jock Robertson, Co, nity Developr�ent Director Wayne Dahl, 177 rtman Circle Nancy Jorgen , 5715 Quincy St. N.E. Margery F ing, 5809 Tennison Dr. N.E. Dan Far , Darrel Farr Development APPROVAL OF JULT_1986, PLAPaNING C0�41ISSION t1I��UTES: ?tOTIO,N BY 1. BETZOLD, SECO'IDED BY MR. SABA, TO APPROVE THE JULY 9, 1986, PI.Al�NI1d Oh1MISSION MINUiES AS WRITTEN, A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION ED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PU[3LIC HEARIPJG: CO"ISI�ERATInN OF A REZO�JIf�G REQUEST, ZOA #8Fi-04 BY Rezone from C-3 (general shopping center) to C-2 (general business) on Parcel 2570, the same being 7699 Viron Road N.E. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO OPEN TNE Pi18LIC HEARIrIG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARF.D THE P1IBLIC HEARI77G OPEN AT 7:35 P.1N. t•1r. Robinson stated this property was located on the southeast corner of HighY�a 65 and Osborne Road. The present zoning was C-3 (general shoppinc� center�, the highest corm�ercial zoning. The reguest was to rezone to C-2 (general business), which had a lesser setback requirement. The petitioner was proposing to construct a new medical clinic building, approximately 6,600 sq. ft. The existing chiropractic clinic on the east side of the property was approx. 1,600 sq. ft. The total lot area was approx. 40,000 sq. ft. before easements granted to the City. In conjunction with the Harris.plat, there were some easements granted to the City that were located on the south side of the property. Later in the meeting, there was an - informal hearing on the vacation of the existinq Viron.Road on the v�est sicie of the property. C1� PLAPJNING COM�•1ISSION t1EETII�G, JULY 23, 1986 PAGE 2 Mr. Robinson stated that with 6,600 sq. ft, of ne�r medical clinic buildinc�, plus 1,600 sq. f t. of the existing ct�iropra ciic �ciinic, the total buildinct area was 8,200 sq. ft. The lai ��average wou�d be ��prox. 2�� with the vacation of Viron Road. �4r. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Revise plan to meet C-2 code or ohtain variances for hardsurface and bui7ding setbacks. 2. Provide elevations with building facade material details prior to City Council meeting by 8/11/86. 3. Provide a landscape plan for staff approval prior to building permit. 4. Provide automatic ]awn sprinkling plan for staff approval prior to bui7ding permit. 5. Provide a storm drainage plan for staff approval prior to building perr*iit. 6. Provide a site performance bond to cover site improvements prior to building permit. 1. Rezoning is contingent upon vacation of Viron Road, site plan, an�i building facade plan approval. 8, Rezoning is for the approved plan only. 9. Petitioner to provide proof of adequate parking for proposed plan. Mr. Ldayne Dahl stated he was the property owner and petitioner. He stated some of the problems he has with this piece of property are ones that he felt had been imposed as a result of the City's construction, t�lhen he purchased the property five years ago, it was substantially larger than it is nov�. The property has decreased in size because of the Osborne Rd, widening, the �evelopmer�t of the side lot, and then the easement for the loopback of Viron Road. He stated he is no�� faced with essentially four front yard type setbacks which create a most difficult situation to ►vork with. The present zoninq required an 80 ft. setback. If he were to set back 80 ft. fro� each of the roads, that left about 40 ft. by 40 ft. in the middle on which to put a building which was quite impossible. It became unbuildable property. �4r. Dahl stated that with regard to the parking, the present plan, if variances were granted, would meet the present code for an office building-type situation (one parking stall per 250 sq. ft.) Mr. Dahl stated when the City wanted to put in the loopback for Viron Road, at that-time, he had spoY.eR to Mr. John Flora and they had put in writing sor�e of the terms far adding onto the existing building. However, after talking with the arci�itect, they decided that realistically it was not in their best interest to add onto the existing building, simply because it was a small structure and would not be as aesthetically pleasing. 2D PL/�NNIPIG COt1�1ISSI0P� PIEETIP�G, JULY 23 1986 PAGE 3 Mr. �}ahl statsd ihat putting up a nice new structure in the front corner eievaied higher so all the parkin4 ti�ould be behind the building was much more aesthetically pleasing. Had the addition been made to the ex�siing building as agreed upon �•�ith the City, it would not have fallen within the codes either. Mr. Billings stated Staff had suggested as one of the stipulations that the petitioner provide proof of adequate parking for the proposed plan (�9). Did the petitioner have any other plan of increasing the parking spaces, other than moving the building north and west? Mr. Dahl stated the architect designed the plan to provide for one stall per 250.9 square feet. �he only way parkino could be increased without a variance would be to shrink the size of the building. Even shrinkinq the building to 1,000 sq. ft. would only save four spaces. But, if they were able to move the building 10 ft., that would add about 10 spaces. f�lr. Robinson stated the City recently rezoned the Harris property which was adjacent to this property from C-3 to C-2 for the simple reason that the property was not developing as C-3. This proposal was not consistent with C�3 zoning either, and C-2 was more appropriate. t1r. Betzold stated he would urge F1r. Dahl to look hard at the parking situa- tion before the Appeals Commission meeting when he will be applying for variances and certainly before the City Council meeting. If the parking cannot be increased, then the petitioner should be able to tell them why. Right now the City is experiencing questions as to whether the parkinc� ratios for medical facilities are indeed adequate. MOTIO.N BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO CLOSE TXE PiIBLIC HEAP.Il1G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE Pi1BLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:56 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated he thought the rezoning was appropriate, especially since the Planning Conmission recently recommended that the adjacent property be rezoned from C-3 to C-2. This was the best way to use this particular piece of property, MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �i86-04, BY FIAYNE DAHL� TO REZOPIE FROM C-3 ( GENERAL SHOPPING CENTER) TO C-2 (GEh'ERAL BUSIIJESS) ON PARCEL 2570, THE SA1�' BEING 7699 VIRON ROAD N.E. , WITH TF?E FOLLOWIf7G STIPULATIONS: 1. REVISE PLAh' TO MEET C-2 CODE OR OBTAIN VARIANCES FOR HARDSUP.FACE A►�D BUILDING SETBRCKS. 2. PROVIDE EiEVATIONS P1ITH iilJILDING FACADE MATERIAL DETAILS PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL 1�lEETING ON AUG. 11, I986. 3, PROVIDE A LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR STAFF APPP.OVAL PRIDR TC) BUILDING PERMIT. 4, PROVIDE AUTOMATIC LAWN SPRINKLING PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 2E PLANNI��G COPIMISSION MEETI�JG, JULY 23, 1986 PAGE 4 5. PROVIDE A STOR1�t DRAINAGE PLADI FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 6. PROVIDE A SITE PEItFORX491A10E BOND TO COVER SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 7. REZONING IS CONTINGENT UPON VACATION t�F VIRON ROAD� SITE PLAN� AND BUILDING FACADE PLAN APPROVAL. 8. REZONI?JG IS FOR THE APPROVED PLAN ONLY. 9. PETITIONER TO PROVIDE PROOF OF ADEQUATE PARKING FOR PROPOSED PLAN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUE3LIC HEARI��G: CONSIDERATIOP� OF AN ORDINA��CE RECODIFYI�d(; THF FRIOLEY CITY MOTIO�BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO OPEN TKE PI�BLIC HF.ARIIJG. UPON A VO VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED TNE PUBLIC HEARING OPE T 7:58 P.M. Mr. Robinson sta d that on two previous occasions, the Planning Commission discussed possible anges to the code regarding day care centers and home family day care. The esearch for changing the ordinance was primarily as a result of an applicat n for a day care center in a single family neighbor- hood and on a local stree Through their analysis and in discussions with the Planning Commission, Sta came up with the appropriate changes. These changes were also discussed in rmally with the City Council. At this time, this was a public hearing to of ially look at changing the code. Mr. Robinson stated Staff did talk to Provider, Nancy Jorgenson, the former Association, and Claudia McPeek, head on Mississippi St. and P1onroe St. honda Peterson, a current home care p sident of the Anoka County Day Care of e Rainbow Day Care Center located Mr. Robinson reviewed the ordinance in its propo d final form. He stated he had also provided each commissioner with a copy of e revised Minnesota Rules which related to the provision for home day care. In he past discussions, they had said the code would be changed to allow up to children in a sinqle family home. It turned out the provision in the state co allows up to 14 children when there are two care providers. Presently, the de allows for 10 children, so they have chanqed the coae to be consistent wi the State Rules to allow up to 12 children with one care provider and up t 14 with two care providers. Ms. Nancy Jorgenson, former president of the Anoka County Day Care Asso 'ation, stated she thought the City had done an excellent job in updating the cod She statea that if she could be of further help, she would be happy to do so .Z I O � � /s� �.3600) Lon��eiiCarnbi� �ompeny yo sood � ���� (f �I'//9l�C e v Q -� � "'. e �� • � F h � � .� 'f', 0 .' S � �,fo � � . � ZOA #86-04 2 F Wayne DahT - • • . . * - G� I�� - ���.> _ _ _ TTY s ET�AiTS . `�,9 Z��- '��- -ZOO- , Shsi�aA.f O � °�` �s Cs�a/L .✓wu�an � OF F R I 0 L E Y � j, _� � � �} . �/20) ; � � bC ! � 3 2 � _�° ,� Q DE �r f� . I,qi/1i7 6. OriifNt// - o o c � , _ <�.0.2 - - �oo -- - �, ' � t�t�N) �3� . �h � � (z.9- o) {: ; sr� � . � I lW r ',, � �� � - ���� . < D�E,VELQ � � , � Lp M 6 .IrtlsFsa/ � !•e1.�� . ,y . yo . .'� _�°��... .. . � / (L O/ Ow Rea/>jr Gv�. �G J W t.�ls. � I I.° � ,z�re� t0� I p Z � !s) a}t � — �� — ---- -- ��o� --�-- t V +� Geii/a�E (i� ' To61�!'�vis � j (�.�fi� Yo w ��o •(=i Z ° ti L�CATION M P�� , h • F�R , � i4revi � � ■ M;/�b' G Ov�. ■ r � � � :� �; �J �t c./� rrr '' ' „ • " .-�..� Z OA � 8 6- 04 �J�"'s'"�'` '7�- y 3Ca 2 V - � � �� 5�dc �n�d o� co+vEr 1^-� - ,� � 35 � n; �+ r� � _�----- _,,.,.��.......�- �_..a '�7a� �;*r� ?"°�-� �3+ �ra.w Q1� w �� � .�..r-_ __ � � ,. �'� r- �� �----- � •`_' � U (r"'' �.�.1�C.-� � i ' .-------- �t - . t ��{ , �.��; ��� �...�..�.-� ..--.�.-..�..�.. � ��_�� �� w�• ZOA #$6-04 Z �"� Wayne Dahl ' { ` . . , '` ��� .�.� �►: �'+�-?'� �, y` "r ,�.' �p� � ' • .� `� T�., "' ` � •� � .� . . � - 1 � ��� c..:.f ;�'` ' ��� v����'! r _w�+. � � �r � �i � � - i��: . 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'a� � � _ � _ . � � ai .,,t �. .. _,_ _ � , -,.,.. _ , �, : ' �* � � �� 1 � f ' � �I �.t t'-: � 5• �� • f. : i s i ' i I r , t �. i , � 2 � ,: . � � � � �. + � ~ � � I a i � • � 1 �;. �� . �� .� .. ,.A/!c� �-,�r•..�;f�•'� • "�,. {� �' •� Y{ { t • J � • � 4 ,�tt. ,� , ; ��> � •� +`_�' '� IR., � � � s.'� ' � _ z��::�; - .. �, . - .,�. � ' " � � _. .. . �_ 7 �i +� � � � a+�t+ir� ��. ,� . 1 i� �ii�?�1it' Z i i �tf � li� aNi�� i 1� � , - i ..� �. ��, ':i ' .�<� "='�: �-, •. � ZU: F'ROM: DATE: _.,. p�qECTORATE oF PUBLIC WORKS �nEC�v�o a A t� o unn Nasim Qureshi, City Mana►ger � John G. F7ora, • Public Works Director August 8, 1986 SUB.7ECT: Viron Road Loopback PW86-228 _�� ___, ,� �--- Fbr the past three years, the City has been attgnpting to obtain easements to wnstruct the Viron Road Loopback around the old Frost Top Drive-In which is currently owned by D�ctor Wayne Dahl. Zhis g3st year, we were f inally able to obtain an agre�nent f rom Dave Harris, who is develoging property to the east, and Doctor Dahl for the looptNCk c�onstruction. In order to expedite that prooess, the City agreed to waive the street assessnents to D�ctor Dahl in exchange for a 20-foot easement along the south portion of Dahl's propezty and two radius triangles for a net area of 4,625 square foot, and allow Doctor Dahl to expand his exi.sting building to a total � 3,600 square feet in accordance with the C 3 Zoning Code and to vacate the existing adjoining Viron Road property of 5,400 �quare feet, plus renove the old road, sod it and construct a new driveway entranoe to his property. D�ctor Dahl has reoently sutmitted plans to c�onstruct a sea�nd building on his property and rezane the entire garcel from C-3 to C-2 in order to obtain more reasorrable settack distanoes. Included within these requests are at least trro variances dealing witb side-yard setback and parking sgaoes. It would see�u appropziate since tbe land use is being increased and a bette�ent has been pcwided by the loopback road that the City should obtain reimbursement for one-half o� the loopbacic oonstruction from Doctor �aiil based upon tbe rezoning and�varianoe issues he is requesting. If you and the Council agree, it would be appropriate to include a stipulation to the rezaung action which would re3uire Doctor Dahl to agree to his balf af the loopback street improvanent assessnents of approximately $22,000.00. JGF/ts o �� J° PIJBLIC liEARING BEFORE TH� CITY COUNCiL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Rublic Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, August 18, 1986 , in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of: Consideration of an ordinance recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 205, as it relates to Day Care Centers and Home Family Day Care. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: .'luaust 4, ?�:':G ".ugust ? 1, ? ^�5 C`� 3A PLANNIt�G COP�IMISSION MEETIi�G. JULY 23. 1986 � .�. PROVIDP A STORl�1 DRAINAGE Pi.APJ FOR STAFF AP�ROF/ RIOR T'C3 BUILDING PERMIT. 6. PROVIDE A SITE PERFORMANCE BOND � R SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMZT. 7. REZONING IS CONTINGENT VACATION OF VIRON ROAD, SITE PLAN� AND BUILDIP7G FACA APPROVAL. 8. REZONING IS THE APPROVED PLAN ONLY. 9. PETITI TO PROVIDE PROOF OF ADEQUATE PARKING FOR PROPOSF.D PLAN. iY�OICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THF. MOTION ED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. PUf3LIC HEARIP�G: CQNSIDERATIOPJ OF AN ORDINA�JCE RECODIFYI�JG THF FRIDLEY CITY , , RS P�D E I AY CARE: 1NOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO OPEN THE PC�BLIC HF.ARII7G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLAREA THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:58 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated that on two previous occasions, the Planning Commission discussed possible changes to the code regarding day care centers and home family day care. The research for changing the ordinance was primarily as a result of an application for a day care center in a single family neighbor- hood and on a local street. Through their analysis and in discussions with the Planning Commission, Staff came up with the appropriate changes. These changes were also discussed 'informally with the City Council. At this time, this was a public hearing to officially look at changing the code. Mr. Robinson stated Staff did talk to Rhonda Peterson, a current home care Provider, Nancy Jorgenson, the former president of the Anoka County Day Care Association, and Claudia McPeek, head of the Rainbow Day Care Center located on Mississippi St. and P1onroe St. Mr. Robinson reviewed the ordinance in its proposed final form. He stated he had also provided each commissioner with a copy of the revised Minnesota Rules which related to the pravision fvr hae�e day care. In the past discussions, they had said the code would be changed to allow up to 12 chilciren in a sinqle family home. It turned out the provision in the state code allows up to 14 children when there are two care providers. Presently, the code allows for 10 children, so they have changed the code to be consistent with the State Rules to allow up to 12 children with one care provider and up to 14 with two care providers. Ms. Nancy Jorgenson, former president of the Anoka County Day Care Association, stated she thought the City had done an excellent job in updating the code. She stated that if she could be of further help, she would be happy to do so. : PLANNING C0�•1MISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1986 PAGE 5 MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BE?'ZOLD, ?j:3 CIASE TKE PUBLIC NEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VDTING RYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLZATaGS DECLARED TKF. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:10 P.M. Mr. Betzold stated the revised wording Cormission had before, and it did make �hat was being done at the state level. seemed to address the questions the the ordinance more consistent with MOTION BY MR. BETZOT.D, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOIQMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REVISED ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CXAPTER 205� AS IT RELATED TO DAY CARE CENTERS AND HOME FAMILY DAY CARF.. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPF.RSON BILLINGS DECLARF.D THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOLI5LY. COt�SIDERATIOtd OF A VACATION REQUEST, SAV �86-03, BY DARREL FARR: acate t�e ive oot uti �ty easement a ong t e sout west property line of L 4, Block 1, Innsbruck North Townhouses, Plat 4, to a point ten feet wes of the southeast property line of the same lot, the same being 5462 ister Road N.E. Mr. Robins stated the vacation request was for a townhouse lot north of 694 and west Meister Road. There was presently a 5 ft. drainage and utllity easemen on the south of Lot 4. The proposal was to place a townhouse on that lot. The ilding would encroach slightly into the drainage and utility easement. t Farr had notified the utility companies, and none of the companies had a problem with the vacation. Mr. Robinson stated the on concern raised by the City Engineering �epart- ment re7ated to the developme but not specifically to this lot. There have been some maintenance prob s(cleaning of some debris in the street, sor!�e sediment/erosion problems, se ing of an area) on a vacant lot on West Bavarian Pass, so the only stipulati the City would recor*mend was that the maintenance problem be resolved prior the Aug. 18th City Council meeting. Mr. Dan Farr stated he was representing the rrel A. Farr Development Co. He stated they are looking for a temporary en achment onto the easer�ent as it goes through the City process. The townho e has been sold, and they have a Sept. 75th occupancy date for the move-in a ement. They have gotten the building permit, and Mr. Darrel Clark said 9t was 11 right to build so they have started the excavation for the townhouse. Mr. Farr stated that regarding the lot on West Bavarian Pass, they have two 4-unit townhouses there, one directly on North innsbruck Orive d the other just off Innsbruck Drive that is being s�srcharged at this time. ey took a lot of dirt and put it on 4lest Bavarian Pass because of bad soil. stated they have t►ad some problems, but he believed those prob�ems were bein corrected. He stated tney would like to get the last couple of townhous built and get out of the development. 3G r•�� r ,• •• • AN CitDIlJ1�NCE RD�DIFYZI� � FRIIY.EY (�1'Y �DL BY AIDIl� SECrIONS 205.03.18., 205.03.19., 205.07.03., 205.08.03., 205.09.02., 205.10.04., 205.13.03.. 205.16.04., AND RF�lOI�IItING �Sg pR��NT OONSEQTTIVE NUMBERS; AL90 BY AI�NDING SECTIONS 205.03.32., 205.03.68., 205.03.69., 205.03.70., AI�ID 205.09.01. �e City Gowzcil of the City of Fridley hereby ordains the follaaing: .� � . a+ �si4� ���- : �. - -� - +� • •• .� �• _ '� f• • •. •� �- • • �!-�- ' •� •- • - - • • •�_ • �' _ ' • _ � �- -� • • � •1 ' • •. � � �• •. � _ _�' • �• 1 y� • � ��! .�{ • �__• �1 ,_/�,t� � •� .. '� .��• •. ! ' .1_ � _ - = 1 .�� •. • �. - } •• z_' ' �-y �. - - • �._ i. _�_•� • ,- _ ,_ �-1 •�� •• •. • • ��1 • . } •• • -� • �• � • _ � • -• _ •«' � - 1 ! I _ �.._ • _ ' • . '- �� � � " -f— � -� 32. Hcme Occupation - �_ �. �� �: r. - . � _ - � ,- • c - • � - �-_� •�- - •_ - �_• �-• .�• - z� • • .�_, �_ - �• - _�. - • --� • - - • • �-� �- _�-� • �' • -1 �'� i• ' • _ _ ��'_ • . ' ' • ' 1 1 11 • • 1 1• • 68. Streets, Arterial. A street designed primarily to carry traffic between large land use units//.//. as defined in the Transp5�rtation section of the current Fridlev Co�nprehensive Plan. 69. Streets, Qollector. A street desi�ed primarily to carry traffic f roaa local streets to arterial streets and highways//.//� as defined in the Trans�rtation section of the c�rr�nt Fridley ComArehensive Plan. 70. Street, Local. A street of limited oontinuity designed primarily to carry traffic to the abutting properties and higher order streets// .// - as def ined in the Tran�nort� �on se�tion of the current Fridlev Co�rehensive P an_ 3D Page 2 - orainanoe # 205.07. i�-1 G�'r-FA[+IILY DFiII�LII�s DIS`IItIC�I' R�..��ICNS 1. USES PERMITTID C. Uses Fermitted With A Special Use I�rmit. �- - .�� . . .z. �- - • •; _• -. � � �' •• • � • - • . �._ • : -. • � . � • _ • - • - •�- • -- .. , �. .. - _.�- •_ •_ • .-. • - 1 1 -. • . • - . . - • � __ - • -• •� • ��_, �• �. - �- _ �i,=�� .�"_1 • • _ •� • •. a� z� • •. , _�• • _- • _�- �. �• - • �- •_•�� -• • • }-_ •}_ �' •�_ �• � �- _f _t_� � " - � �s._ • • _� _� � - • �- � _ �. - �. �� • • � - � • � - • f �i` • =� �� �. , _� • _ �. - � - � - • • • � _ • - • _ ' � •. _ � � • • . �-�ai _�" u - .�• •�- •_ =i !_ _ . - �• • - • • • �� 205.08. 1�2 �+1�FANIII.Y IIeTII.LIl� DISIItI(T 1. USFS PERA'BTTED C. Uses Permitted With A Special Use Permit. �y. - -� - . • •-. y _ - • .- -. _f � �- ��� • �_� • _}-_ • • _}• �1= -• •� .� • •_ - • •�- • � �. _. �• !4 �"-- �� !-• •-• • - _� 11 -� -- • -.• - •. __ - ��� -_ � ��� �� � �,'-' -�• �. _ �� •,q� -_� • • _�� • •. =i! �� • �. � _� • • ' • } - �. _ � . - • �- �_•�• -• � • • }- •�--� -�� , • • • - . } �_�' " - � �- • • ��c� •�-� _ •. - �., �� • • •-• • � _t- • � q�� • a� z� �. +—�• �. -_ � "1 �- � • •� • -• -• �. ,_�• •. - -�.�a• c• - .�• •�- •-- �i �• , _1• �- • • •z� 3E Page 3 - Ordinance � � � • r,5 �s� • ra r � � � � .: �. . :e�� •� • 1. USFS PERMIZTID C. Uses Fermitted With A Special Use Permit. 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Uses P�rmitted With A Special Use Permit. � �. - � - ; - .�- . 1 .__ _, _�• •_ - �.. ._- ._. _.-. • - 1 1 -. - z • . • - . _ - •l. "-- � �s� _ •� • �. , _�• •. 1 . �- •, �R . R'_t � • •� • •. � _ �� • •. , � • • - • _} - �. � . - � • ! 1Si�� • =! =�� � . , _ � • _ �.- ' _ � -� �- • • •�_ • _-• _ -� •. . !• •- - _�.�a� . - �- 1 . � .�� _��_ . • i. . _ �• �- • • ��� 3G PASSID AND ADOFI'ED BY �IE QTY a0[JNCIL OF �iE QTY OF FRIDLEY ZTiIS IY�Y OF , 1986 WI�i�TAM J. i�E - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. H�IPALA - CITY CLERK � PLANNING DIV1S10N � c�noF MEMORANDLtM FtZ1 DLEY , i� ZO: Jim Robin9on, Planning Coordinator � riEMJ FROM: Myra Gibson, Planning Assistarit F�rfl nA�: July 18, 1986 I�ND SUBJECT: Day care facilities A reoent application for a special use permit to alla,� a Day Care Center in a R-1 zone has pranptecl a reevaluation of the Gity's day care restrictions. Staff is prop�sing to r�ise the zoning ooc3e as it pertains to both Family Day Care (hane occu�tions) and Day Care Centers outside c� the hane. After informal reviaa b� the Planning Catunission, I discussed these changes with a current hcme care prwicier, Rhonc3a Aeterson; the former president of the County Day Care Association, Nancy Jorgenson; and the head of Rainbow Day Care, Claudia McPeek. �he� helped add some additional modif ications to the ordinanoe related to parking and State requi rments. Overall, they felt the changes made were re+asonahle and not averly restrictive. At this time, it would be appropriate to schedule a public hearing at the Planning Commission to formalize the revodification of the Zoning Code as it pertains to Day Care. Attachments r1-86-16 0 3/5/25/10 PUBLIC HEARING Bf FORE THE CITY COUNC3L Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday. August 18, 1986 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m, for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV #86-04, by the City of Fridley, to vacate part of a 30 foot easement for public road purposes (Viron Road) lying north of the north 213 feet, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north line of the northwest quarter of the northwest lying east of, and adjacent to T. H. No. 65. All lying in Section 12, T-30, R-24. Except the north 33 feet thereof (Osborne Road) and subject to rights and other easments of record, generally located South of Osborne Road and East of Highway 65. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: August 4, 1986 August 11, 1986 � . . PLANNItJG COt1MISSIO�J MEETING, JULY 23, 1986 PAGE Mr. Robinson stated t�e temporary e�croachment Mr. Farr was re ring to would allow him to bui�d and sell the h�r�e prior to the or ' ance going through its process. TF�e City �flu�cil t�a�s the authori o do that and will handle that on Aug. 18th. The sediment%erosi�n pr er� an I��st Bavarian pass should be resolved with 11ark Burch, Ass' nt Public i�orks Director. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. S DA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COi1NCIL APPROVAL OF VACATIO�'U REQUEST, SAV 6-03, BY DARREL FARR, TO t,RCATE THE FIVE FOOT UTILITY EASE.MEPIT A G THE SOUTFIWEST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 3, INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUS LAT 4, TO A POINT TEN FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LIIJE OF THF, E LOT, THE SAME BEING 5462 MEISTER ROAD N.E., WITH THE STIPULATION T THE PETITIONER WORK WITH CITY STAFF TO RESOLVE THE �'1��INTEIJF,I7CE BLEM ON THE VACANT LOT ON WEST BAVARIAN PASS. a�VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CKAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION ED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. CO��SIDERATIO�� OF A VACATION REf�UEST, SAV #86-04, BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: acate part o a 30 oot easement or pu ic roa purposes Viron Road lying north of the north 213 feet, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north line of the northwest quarter of the northwest lying east of, and adjacent to, T.H. No. 65. All 7ying in Section 12, T-30, R-24. Except the north 33 feet thereof (Osborne Road) and subject to rights and other easements of record. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on the southeast corner of Osborne Road and Highway 65. It consisted of a st:*ip of Viron Road that is no longer necessary once the City has put in the loopback around the property on the corner. The vacated portion was 30 ft. wide and approx. 180 ft, lonq. Mr. Wayne Dahl did grant the City an easement for a new right-of-way with the aareement that the Cit� would vacate this portion of the Viron Road right-of-way. NIr.�.Robinson stated the only stipulation Staff would require would be that a utility easement be r�aintainec; over the entire strip of the proposed vacated Viron Road as utilities are located in that area. He stated this vacation request was in everyone's best interest. MOTION BY t1R. B£TZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF 1'ACATI013 REQZIEST, SAV �86-04, BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, TO VACATE PART OF A 30 Fi?O:' EASE.E1E:dT FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES (VIRON ROAD) LYI17G NORTH OF TH£ NORTH 213 FEET, AS MEASURED AT RIGKT APIGLES TO, THE NORTH LINE OF THF. NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND THE NORTH LINE OF TNE NORTH6lEST QUARTEP. OF TXE N,�,RTHWEST LYING EAST OF, AND ADJACENT TO T.H. NO. 65, ALL LYING IN SECTION 12, T-30, R-24, EXCEPT THE NORTH 33 FEET THEREOF (OSBORNE ROAD2 AND SUBJECT TO RIGHTS AND OTHER EASE1dENTS.OF RECORD, WITX THE STIPULA— TION THAT A UTILITY F.�ISEMENT BE MAINTAINED OVER THE VACATED STRIP OF VIRON ROAD. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ' y��-----t—�T— .--r -�Q-•------ . .. . � 10 : �� P R�'S ' . :,o- l , � .1 . . : ,.�..� ���o � _ , JI I" '• '��D rJ; � 1. f.e. � • -.—.,,�, �.L�iFi �.».i•. . n ; ..��.• -? ..� � � \ �, �• t� . . ¢`�� � � / � G Y �(�¢ � ��1L � Co� � �� �� d ,�o� � . � SAV #86-04 City of Fridley . . . � �$-----..— ;" --�=:-._ � c ��r LrM rTS ��.�� � . �.. -.°.- _ iF FRIO�EY /2S0 - ,.�� ._. �` q q � Z o0 : 3 '_ z � :,., � 2►0 � ANDEh � A► •, • o � : «-•. . . 1 • •OD � � � t�b� �,_ ~ -J S � ..;• � • � � r..• �i I�h�i.N i /i/ �. 76 ?.-S �/ 7�9 S �� ✓..- .�iie �►y Cr-� ..: • A / A. �� DEVELOF i '. . .'C ' Yi � , �Nl�1 � �.., - - - - � � Z '� �; � �„► } 7c�i�� / � Q ." . . / ,r , • '•• S Jb. 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Appendix D of the City Gode of Fridley i.s amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. Zlie tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: The North 750 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, �30, I�24, Anoka County, Minnesota, except the East 720 feet thereof, and except the South 300 feet of said North 750 feet and exoept the North 233 feet of the West 230 feet therec�. Zbgether witti that gart of the North 750 feet of the Northwest Qvarter of the Northwest Quarter cf Section 12, �30, I.�24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Easterly of State Trunk Highway #65, except the South 300 feet of said North 750 feet and except the North 233 feet thereof, generally located South of Osborr�e Road and East of Highway #65. Is hereby desic�ated to be in the Zoned District known as C-2 (General Business). SECTION 3. 2hat �he Zoning Administrator is directed to rhange the official zoning map to shvw said tract or area to be rezoned f rom Zoned District C 3(General Shopping Center) to C-2 (General Business). PASSID AND ADOFrID BY �iE QTY �UNC�L OF �iE QTY OF FRII�EY THIS L�Y OF , 1986. WII�LIAM J. NEE - MAYUR AZTFST: 3iIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY Q,ERK Puhlic Hearing: July 21, 1986 First Reading: August 6, 1986 Secand Reading: Pu41 ish : �'l'1 . PLAtJ"JItJG C�MIIISSION MEETI��G, JUllF 18, 1986 pnr,F F 1. PROVIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS QN FINAL P REQUESTED BY STRFF. 2. PETITIONER AGREES TO ASSESSMENTS FOR ALF COST OF VIRON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. 3. PARK FEES ON F'OtJR LOTS TD AID WITH BUILDING PER1�fITS (Si1BJECT TO PREVAILING RATESJ UPON A VOICE VOTE VOTIlIG AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSON OnUIST D�CLARF.D TFIE !-fOTION CARR 1NAR'IMOUSLY. uist stated this iter� would go to City Council on July 21. 3, PURLIC HFAP.I��G: CQ'JSIDERATI(1!'1 OF A REZQtJIfdG RFQUFST, ZOA ��36-02, BY T�VI��R1�T� Rezone frorn C-3 (general shoppin� center) to C-2 (general business) on the «orth 750 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Ruarter of Secti�n 12, T-30, R-24, Anol:a County, Minnesota, except the east 720 feet thereof, and except the south 300 feet of said north 750 feet and except the north 233 feet of the West 230 feet thereof. Together with that part of the North 750 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easterly of State Trunk Highway rlo. 65, except the south 300 feet of said north 750 feet and except the north 233 feet thereof. MOTION BY r1R. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR, KOP7DRICK, TO WAIVE THE RF.ADIP7G OF _Tf1E FORl'�AL PUBLIC NEARItJG 1702'ICE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CNAIP,PERSON OQUIST DECLAREl) TfIF, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTIOPI BY MR. SABA, SECOP7DED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO OPEN THF, PUI3LIC HF.RnINC;, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., VICE-CNAIRPERSO71 OQUIS:^ DF,CLARF.D TNF. PIIBLIC HEARING OPEP7 AT 8:10 P.M. P1r. Robinson stated this was the same property as discussed above. The zonin� was C-3, general shopping, and the proposal was to go to C-2, qeneral business. This was being done primarily so the smailer buildinc�s that are c�oing to be p7aced on this plat would not be required to set back 80 ft. instead of 35 ft. The first buildinq pronased for the area will be a dental lab, approx. 5,500 sq. ft., a one-story brick veneer building, That was all that Nras planned at tf��s time. Mr. Kondrick asked if the traffic situation had been addressed. Mr. Robinson stated the city engineers feel the ne�� road wili facilitate the traffic. The proposed plan is more of an office scale development. t�[iih the current C-3 zoning, the developer could develop the area with a higher traffic volume. Staff feels C-2 is more appropriate for this intersection and wi11 have less of a traffic impact on the surrounding area. : PLANNItJG COt1MISSIO�J MEETING, JUWE 18, 1986 __ P�.Gf 1 MOTION BY MR. �ABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC XF.ARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPF.RSON OQUIS2 DECLARED THF. PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 8:16 P.M. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO �'?£�OtiMEND TO CITY COITNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #86-02, BY DA VID NARRIS, REZONE FROIf C-3 (GENERAL SHOPPIlJG CENTER) TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSINF,SS) ON THR NORTH 750 FEET OF TKE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NOP.TKWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOlI 12, _T-30, R-24 �ANOKA COUNTY, 1•fINNESOTA, EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THF,REOF, APJD F.XCEPT THE SOUTN 300 FEET OF SAID NORTH 750 FEET APID EXCEPT THE NOF.TH 233 FEET OF THE WEST 230 FEET THEREOF. TOGF.THER WZTH THAT PART OF TXF. NORTH 750 FEF._T OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTKWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOPJ 12, T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNF.SOTA, LYIP7G EASTERLY OF STATE TRUNK HIGXWAY PJO. 65, EXCF.PT THE SOUTN 300 FEET OF SAID NORTN 750 FEET AND EXCEP_T THF. NORTH 233 FEF.T THEREOF. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VDTZNG AYE, VICE—CHAIRPERSON OQUIS_T DECLARED THE .MOTION CARRIF.D UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Oquist stated th�s item would go to City Council on July 21. 4, PURLIC HEARIN�: CO�JSIDERATI��I OF A REZONIt�G REQUEST, ZOA #86-01, BY L�II�'ER'f—E�I C KS N : Rezone fron R-1 one family dwelling) to R-3 (general multiple dwellin on the West half of Lot 4, all of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lane Addition 11 located in the North half of Section 13, T-3�, R-24, City of Frir y, County of Anoka, Minnesota. ;,�' MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHF.REK, TO OPEN ,Z'f�E PUBLIC KEAP.If1G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAIRPF.RSOItiL>'tbQUIS"' DECLAP.EA THF. PUBLIC NF.ARING OPEN AT 8:18 P.M. �N''� ,r' Mr. Robinson stated this property was locate�i on the northeast corner of Highway 65 and ttississippi St. and includ�ed Lots 5, 6, and 7, an�i thP westerly ha�f of Lot 4. The property t�as zoned R-1, single family, an�i a�as in a sinqie famiZy neighborhood. ,If consisted of approx. 64,OOQ sq. ft, or 1'z acres. The proposal �vas to rezone from R-1 to R-3 in order to facilitate a townhouse development of lU�units. The proposed density was 6,4Q� sq. ft. per unit. The allowable nsity in an R-3 zone was 2,500 sq. ft, per unit. Of course, that would _ to facilitate an apartment �building. The 6,4�0 sq. ft. of lot area per uni einq proposed worked out to be about 6.8 units per acre. A typical townho density ranged from 8 to 12, so this was described as a very low dens' Mr. Robi on stated the proposal was for al1 two bedroom units with double garag , 1 3/4 bath, approx. 1,600 sq. ft., not including the garage. When St looked at the plan, they felt it was somewhat unbalanced in that there e eight units for the west portion and two units for the east portion. /S� —�'tf , � I �O �zs�o> - - - Shermonn O. E :S CoioiL. Hi�tron � � (�) � � � z�o � ..........-. . .........., ........... . ..........� • • • • . . • • • • • • • � � � � • • � � � � • • • � � • • � � � . • • • � � • • � � � � � � • � • • � . � � � • • • • � � � � � • • � � � �-�--�-�- �-�-�-f • � � • • • • � • i • � � � � � � � � • • • � • � � � � � � � � � i i. ............ .........., � i � � ZOA #86-02 David Harris (1L9/) ! b� M 6 A�tsFe.tO !•e! �t - -- �' I � ��� i � << I Du- Rea/fy Ga�P. �G.� � `v f.�. II h� o� 1� � � Z�� a� } � a —�� _, o j . �.�,��<<� � Ceis/d E . ' � ;, To6s�!fisn i Y o � ~ �� o � r h 1 �s: • — -�— �..�rs.� N svo'�i� • F�RE; ! �' i r i i� . . .,_ a 5C ; � . � � � �� N/ � G�OF SE /s �Zo.ZZ ::�, , 'y'� ,�� ,. , - ,,� .. � �.�,.-$O°- ---Z °----T-:zo.c ----,� . � 9e�_ . . � p, �I'is:7• . . t ,�, r;.,• �� So . - . s : �_ . , ,�L) • � •'� . � - ,..eo • . �jZ p) , _ � b p) �jp� , � , 3 2 N ��,e� . : A vER oN � . . - oc 20� � atp.2A � � 200 � � r �• • • L� �� % w � • � • : � � ° 4 � : « � : • .; �Z 4 0� � `l 3) i � �� 5�� 1 Zoa �. 9 r � DEVEL4PMENT � , ,zo�� � S� '.q� 1 . ._ _ . . . . . �_�n � n . 'F � � �r ; z�,o� l/iravl RCQi%Y � ��t • ls> /��re/ (4?o/ oi .H,i�� c o�,�,�ij< <.yoGood Y� ' �f � .; ` � . � �- i, i �, � � I ` �� � � �� ( � I � ORDINADiCE N0. ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS The Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinafter indicated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway., and Lot S, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Highway, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part taken for Highway, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition, (that portion of said Lot S, Block 5, is also known as Lot 3, Block 1, Lake Pointe Corporate Center, a proposed plat) on file in the City Manager's Office, in and for Fridley, Minnesota, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Is hereby designated to be in the Zoned District known as S-2 (Redevelopment District). SECTION 3. That the Zoning Administrator is directed to change the official zoning map to show said tract or area to be rezoned from Zoned District C-3 (General Shopping Center), C-1 (Local Business), R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-3 (General Multiple Dwelling) to S-2 (Redevelopment District). PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NES - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A: HAAPALA - CITY CLERK Public Hearing: February 24, 1986 First Reading: March 3, 1986 Second Reading: Publish: LJ • � WOODBRIDGE PROPERTIES, I�dC, ZQA #s5-�5 ST I PULAT I OP�S l, CHANGES TO THE MASTER PLAN SHALL BE HANDLED AS OUTLINED IN THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEMO TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION DATED ,JANUARY 9, 1986� (SEE ZONING AND FUTURE CONTROLS�) Z, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT THE DEVELOPER SUBMIT FOR EIOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT�STAFF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING COMPREHENSIVE PLANS WITH PHASING DETAILSj A� STORM DRAINAGE B� LANDSCAPING C� �IGHTING D� SIGNAGE E� ARCHITECTURAL FACADE MATERIAL PLAN INCLUDING RAMP TREATMENTS S. REZONING OF THE �OHNSON PROPERTY, LOT S, BLOCK S, DONNAY�S LAKEVIEW MANOR ADDITION, IS CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONTROL OF THE .JOHNSON PROPERTY BY THE HOUSING � P�DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY� OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE TO BE COORDINATED WITH AC(lU I S I T I ON DATE , 4, :�INY Cf�ANGES IN THE �-� 7_ONING SHALL BE AP°QOVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL� 0 � 205.22 r2 RID�VIIA�'r DI=�I�' ��� 1• RJRPO6� � �� � �,is ���� zoning distri� is to: A. Allow for a mixed use development within special red�evelognent districts set up under Chapter 462 of Minnesota State Statutes for the health, safety and ger�eral M►'elfare of !1'ie City. B. Allvw for the maxim�n flexibility in the promotion of difficult redevelognent projects. C. Allow for 8eveloF.ment by a plan Which is acoeptable to, and in the best interest of, the City and the overall district and development plan. 2. [ISES P�iITI�D Permitted uses in S-2 Districts are: Those uses whic�► are acoeptable to the overall redevelopment plan and specific development plans as approved by the City. Upon apprwal of the specif ic developr,�ent plaris, the City shall determine the specific uses that are permitted Within the developime�t. 3. USFS ALUOwID AFTgt PLAN D�V�3APNNffNNT Uses allvwed in each individual building after construction Will be the same as or similar to those uses appr�ed in Section 205.22.2. above. 4. USFS FX(ZiIDID Those uses unacceptable to the overall redevelopment plan and specific develognent plans, as determineci by the City, are excluded uses in S-2 Districts. 5. PROGESS FOR APPRWAL A. Plans for each individual project or oor,�bination of projects must be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and reoa�nendation to the City Co�cil. �e City Co�cil shall have final authority to approve all project p2ar�s• . B. Project plans submitted to the PZanning Ca�*azission and City �cil shall include the follo�ing minim�n criteria: s(1) Site plans showing the location of buildinge, a�f-street parking, street and utility locations, auto and pec;estrian acaess ta and €raa the project• anY mo�if ication to existing servic�s, grading plar�s, storm water plans, building extetior finisti, lighting ana si�ing and landscape p13ns. (2) Writt� C�ty staff review on P'roject compatibility to • : 205.22.5. S-2 RIDEVII�OPS�'�NT DIS'�tICT �►TIDNS . ...� USFS PERMITI'ED }. �. « .. a�. 205.52-1 the overall redevelo�ment Plan• (3) A Written Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) report on project plar� apprwal and considerations. C. Ar:y substantial modif ication to the plan m�st be s�itte8 through the Plaz�ning Com�ission ar�d appr��ed by the City Oo�aicil. sc 205.22.6. S�2 Distri� 6. P£RibRMANCE ST� Pf3tFbRMANCE All performance standards for uses in this district shall be STAt�IDARI� comparable to other similar uses that are allowed in other d.i stricts. , 0 205.52-2 6 D -.�: MEMO T0: MEMO FROM: CITY OF FRIDLEY M E M 0 R A N D U M Planning Commission and City Council Housing 8� Redevelopment Authority I✓,EMO DATE: January 9, 1986 REGARDING: Support of S-2 Zoning for Lake Pointe Corporate Center puroose This correspondenee is intended to express the Housing & Redevelopment Authority's support for the applications for S-2 "Redevelopment District" zoning, special use permit and plat for Lake Pointe Corporate Center. The S-2 zoning will help to streamline the zoning approval process while tying the rezoning to the proposed master plan. Intent The Housing & Redevelopment Authority endorses the rezoning to S-2 of the majority of the site as outlined in the attached public hearing notice (Attachment A). The existing most northerly parcel of the drive- in site, approximately 128 feet, described as Lot 22, Bloek 10, Donnay's Lakeviex hianor Addition, will retaia it's present R-1 "Single Family" zoning. This area will be reserved for use as a buffer to the residential area as well as pathway, driveway and surface parking uses. Approval of the special use permit for parking on R-1 Will satisfy the existing R-1 zoning requirement for this area. The westerly portion oP the Johnson property will also retain it's existing R-1 zoning and Will be platted as an outlot to be reserved as a green buffer area. The present and proposed zoning classif ications for the entire project are illustrated in Attachment B. :_ . _�. The Lake Pointe Corporate Center, when complete, will consist oP seven office buildings, a hotel with convention facilities and a restaurant. Parking facilities include loW proPile parking ramps, underground parking and surface parking lots. The total construction will include close to 750,000 square feet of neW development, excluding parking ramps. The entire nine phases of the project have been designed as part of a comprehensive master plan which is directly tied to the no�r executed development agreement. The development is layed out in a creative campus like fashion Which inter- relates buildings through proximity, orientation and structural components, as shoWn on Attachment C. A consistent landscape motif complete with plazas, fountain, abundant plant materials and pathWays will also add to the creation of a harmonious relationship between buildings and open spaces. � Planning Commission and City Council January 9, 1986 Page 2 •�_ �__ The majority af ihe site is noW zoned C-3, "General Shopping Center", which is the City's highest zoning. The development as proposed could proceed on the drive-in portion of the site Without any change in zoning classification. However staff informs us there would be requirements for special use permits, setback waivers and rezoning for commercial use on the Johnson portion of the site. The S-2 "Redevelopment District" zoning �i3.1 provide for a streamlined revieW process, allowing for the campus like layout while incorporating most of the zonir.g needs under one action. In addition once approved under S-2, the Woodbridge master plan would be locked into the rezoned site. This feature of the S-2 code provides additional security as to the future land use of this site in the unlikely event that the Woodbridge development is not realized. F�t-»►'P Controls Each set of building plans will require reviev and approval by the Housing � Redevelopment Authority prior to issuance of a building permit. In the event of any substantial chanQes to the master plan, S-2 zoning calls Por additional review by the Planning Commission and City Council. The Housing � Redevelopment Authority suggests that some flexibility be agreed upon from the anset, to allow for reasonable modifications to the plan. The folloWing framework will serve as a guide for determining reasonable versus substantia]. change. Reasonable Change; Housing � Redevelopment Authority/Staff Approved. 1. Building location modifications xhich do not plaee buildings any more than thirty feet closer to R-1 zoned land, not including parking ramps. 2. Parking ramp location modifications Which do not locate ramps in R-1 zoned land. 3. Parking lot or ramp modifications Which do not involve expansion into or decrease of any of the outlots as proposed in the preliminary plat (Attachment D). 4. Simple material changes to architeetural and site elements, Which do not alter the overall quality of the development such as changes to exterior building and ramp facade materials, landseape.elements, signage and lighting components. Changes which will be considered substantial and Will necessitate Purther review by the Planning Commission and City Council shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Substantial Changes; Planning Commission/City Council Review. 1. Any changes which do not meet the intent of the aforementioned Housing � Redevelopment/Staff approved conditions. 2. Any increase in the number of stories for any of the proposed principle buildings or parking ramps. 6 F��:: _lanning Commission and City Council January 9, 1986 Page 3 3. Any changes in the proposed building usage which is not consistent with a quality office park, hotel, convention facility and restaurant. It is understood that licensure for on-sale liquor (taverns) is allowed under S-2 zoning. 4. Addi tions to the square footage of any of the principle buildings involved which exceed 115� of the original proposal or that which creates a footprint in excess of that allawed by C-3 Code, whichever is less. Lot coverage is defined in the enclosed computation sheet (Attachinent D). 5. Additions to the square footage of gar3ci.�� ramps or g�arking Iots which exceed 115� of the original proposal. Stipulations Prior to issuance of the first building permit it would be reasonable to require that the following submittals be approved by staff and the Fiousing & Redevelopment Authority: 1. S tonn drainage plan. 2. Landscape plan. 3. Lighting plan. 4. Signage plan. 5. Architectural facade material plan including ramps. All of the above referenced plans should be comprehensive in nature taking into account the entire development. A phasing plan for each of the elements should be addressed to the extent which is reasonably possible at the time of submittal. Conclusion The Housing & Redevelopment Authority is confident that the Lake Pointe Corporate Center will be a tremendous asset to the co�nunity. We appreciate the assistance of the Planning Commission and City Council in their support of the zoning and future review programs as outl ined. JLR/dm �1-86-1 0 6G CITY OF FRIDLEY F'L�Tit�IiiG Ct3t1!'tISSIO�� �tEETING, JA�JUARY 22, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Gabel calleci the January 22, 1936, Planning Corm' ion meeting to . orcier at 7:31 p.n. � ROLL CALL: '�er�bers Present: Pat Gabel, LeRoy Oquist, Dav ondrick, tlayne �Jellan, Don Qetzold hie��bers Absent: Eob Hinton, Dean Sab Otf�ers Present: Jir� Robinson, nning Coordinator Dave 4leir, � dbridge Properties Eric P�es , �loodbridge Properties Linda sher, rep. Woodbridge Properties Ji� enshoof, Benshoof � Assoc. ee attached list) APf'ROVAL �JAf�UARY 8, 1986, PLAP�P�ItJG COtiPfI5SI0N P1I�lUTES: MO'"I .; BY 11R. OQUIST, SECCNDED DY MR. KOA'DRICK, TO APPROVE THE JAN. 8, 1986, P�PJ::Ii�G CO.YlfISSION MI7JU:"ES AS Wf2I^_'TEN. U?O:J A VOICE VOT�, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPEIL�ON GABEL DF.CLARED THE MOTIOIJ CA,ZRIED Ut7A.:IMOUSLY. 1. PUIiLIC IiEARIP(�: CO��SI�ERATION OF A RE7_OP�IP�G REQUEST, ZOA �85-Q5, BY THF ftIDLEY HOUSING & REDEVELOPIE A� R UP IOt� l�I 100�a f'R�PERTIES, INC.: To rezone from C-3 (�eneral Shopping Center�, C-1 (Local Qusiness), R-1 (O�ie Fa�;�ily Dr�elling) and R-3 (General hlultiple Dwellingl to S-2 (pedevelop- ment District) on Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision P�o. 155, except that part taken for High�•ray, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that �art taken for Highway, and the south two hundred feet of the north t�alf of tne north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part taken f or Highway, and a portion of Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview'�tanor Addition, according to the prelininary plat thereof on file in the City �4anager's Office, in and for Fridley, "•1i�nnesota, all located in the south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, '�innesota. MOTION BY MR. WF.LLAN, SECOtJDED BY 11R. BBTZOLD, TO OPEIJ TXE PUBLIC HEARIlIG. UPON A POICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HE.�RING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. 6H PL��;1'�I'!G COt•4�1ISSION HEETI��G, JAt�UARY 22, 1986 PAGE 2 'tr. Robinson state� this project, Lake Pointe Corporate Center, was beinq developed by Woodbridge Properties in cooperation with the City of Fridley the Housing & Redevelopr�ent Autnority (HRA). The project has been brought bef ore the public in the past at HRA meetings, and ihis was basi�allv the sar�e project which the neighborhood has already seen. ��1r. Robinson stated the issue before the Planning Corriission at this �uhlic hearing ►�as a rezonins to S-2, redevelopment district zoning which was created to facilitate creative-type master plans such as this. The property was located just west of Highway 65 and north of I-694, and has been established as a tax increment district. The properties being discussed included the existing drive-in property and Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview ��anor Addition, owned by Mr. Gerald Johnson. Mr. Robinson stated the basic rezoning proposal was to take the existing proaerty which ti�as zoned predor�inately C-3 (the Citv's highest zoning), �n ad�iition to sone of the property which was zoned R-3 and C-1 , and to take it t� S-2. A portion of the property would renain R-1; that portion on the north af the drive-in which was adjacent ta the existing single family and a portion of the Johnson property west of the proposed right of way line on the preliminary �4r. Rohinson stated the tIRA �as a co-petitioner with Woodbridge Properties on the rezoning issue. Fie stated the HRA has endorsed the rezoning, and the Coiimissioners had a copy of a nemo from the HRA with their reconmendations dated Jan. 9, 1986. Mr. Rol,inson stated the project was a nulti-phase master plan develo�xnent. It included seven office buildings, a restaurant, and a hotel with convention facilities. Also included were lo��-profile parking ramps located to the northerly portion and adjacent to the hotel. Total Construction was close to 750,000 sq. ft., not including parking ramps. The plan called for elaborate landscaping. ^tr. Robinson stated the C-3 zoning was adequate to handle thP developmen*,; however, when ti�ey looked at the various special use permits which would be rec�uired for building height, li�uor license, and parking on R-1, they felt S-2 zoning would help streamline the whole process. In addition, the S-?_ code included a provision that locked in the master plan to the site so that in the unlikely event that IJoodbridge Properties could not develop, there would have to be additional hearings before the HP,A, Planning Cormission, and Citv Council to change the plan. Mr. Robinson stated that along with S-2 cane parameters for change �•�hich Svere being spelled out at this time and were stated in the HRA's Jan. 9th memo. They tried to alla�� for flexibility to the develoner to build the project, but at the same tiree, they built in parar�ieters which would protect the single f amilv neighborhood. Basically, any changes that would encroach on the single family neighbo-rhood would be deemed as a substantial change and would require additional review by the Planning Commission and Cit�� Council. plat � 61 pLrL��NIriG Cc;�ttISSIOP� t•tEETItaG, JANUARY�22, 1986 PAGE 3 h1r. Robinson stated Staff was reconmending the following stipulations: 1. Changes to the ��aster Plan shall be handled as outlined in the HRA mer�r� to the P]anning Cornission dated Jan. 9, 1986. 2. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the developer must subr�it for NRA/Staff approval the follrn��ing conprehensive plans with phasing details: a. storm drainage b, landscaping � c. si gnage d. lighting e. architecturalfacade material plan including ranp treatments 3. Rezoning of the Johnson property, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview �lanor Addition, is contingent upon site control of thP Johnson property by the NRA, official publication of the ordinance to be coordinated with acquisition date. ��1r. Dave Weir, Uoodbridge Properties, stated �•1r. Robinson had given an accurate depiction of the project. f�e stated he had very little to add. He stated thev have met r�ith the neighbors at other public hearings. 4Joodbridge Pronerties was very supportive of the HRA's request to change the zoning from C-3 to S-Z so the City has control over the developnent process. They are comfortable with the pro�osed rezoning and are eager to be sure they have the right to develop the property in the manner in which it has been proposed. !�Is. GaSel stated the Cortmission would like to hear from the traffic consultant associated with Woodbridge Properties. �4r. Jim Benshoof, Traffic Engineering Consultant with Benshoof & Assoc., stated they have conducted a comprehensive traffic analysis of this developr�ent over the last several months. Based on discussions with City Staff and sor�e input fron the neighhorhood, they focused their analysis on the follo�•�ing f our points: 1. The effects of this development and its traffic, together with other traffic at the intersection of Highway 65, Old Central, and llest Noore Lake Orive on the east side of the developnent. 2. The effects at Highway 47 and 57th Ave. intersection 3. The effects on local roadways in the area of 7th St., 57th Ave., and other local streets. 4. The site itself, the access and egress for the site and circulation within the development. �•1r. Qenshoof stated they addressed these points through a comprehensive analysis that began by forecasting the traffic generated by the development, how many trips in and out at peak hours on a daily basis, and then assigning that �hrough the street system according to the routes nost attractive to people to travel to and from the site. The�i then added that traffic to the existing traffic, plus traffic incurring in the f uture on these roadways in the area; then 6J PL;�'J�It�G C�HfaISSIOF� MEETIt�G, JAPt^_ARY 22, 1986 PAGE 4 analysed t�he effects in terns of the capacity of the roadwa,ys and intersections to serve the projected volumes, addressed the situation from a safety stand- point, and, through that analysis, arrived at a set of co�c�lusions. He reviewed these conclusions with the Commission: J 1. There are a nunber of planned roadway improvements in the area that will benefit all traffic in the area plus trips to and from this development--upgrading of Tt� 610 bridge to be completed in 1988, I-694 widening, local improve�ent of frontage road between 7th St, and 57th Ave. 2. The intersection of TH 65, Old Central, and lJest Moore Lake �rive presently operates at level service D(presently at its capacity limits) during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The level of service would drop slightly by 1988. In their analysis, they paid parti- cular attention to 1938 and 2000, the reason being that 198R would be the first year after completion of the first phase of the office, plus the restaurant. By the year 2000, the developnPnt would be fully in place and occupied. 3. The intersection of f�igh��ay 65, Old Central, and llest tloore Lake Drive wi11 need to be upgraded by the year 2000 regardless of what happens tirith this developr,ient. They have developed a concept plan to meet these needs and have reviewed that concept plan with City Staff, staff from State Department of Transportation, the Department of ��atural Resources, and Anoka County. Ail participants seem to concur in the need for improvements and that this concept seened feasible recognizing that further r�ork needed to be performed. 4. The intersection of Highway 47 and 57th Ave, operates at a better level of service than Highway 65 and Old Central (level service C duriny p.n. peak hours) and will provide level D operation with the 1988 projected volumes. By year 2000, the level of service would decline and would indicate a need for some ir�provements. Improve- ments would be of a much lesse r nature than at Highway 41 and Old Central. 5. The probable need to have an "all-way" stop control at tlie inter- section of 57th Ave. and 7th St. to serve volumes projected at that intersection; otherwise, foresee no other significant effects on local road��rays. . 6. The local roadway system within the developmen*. will provide a good framework for meeting the internal traffic needs. Mr. Kirk Herman, 610 57th Ave., asked how they were going to prevent vehicles from cor�ing out of the developr�ent, heading easterly, and then cutting back on _ 57th Ave. Could they put in a median so cars coning out could not turn if traffic was bogged down to get onto Highway 65. 6K PLA��NI��� C0�1l�ISSION t1EETING, JAr�UARY 22, 1986 PAGE 5 Mr. Benshoof stated they are projecting just under 60q of the traffic will cor�e and go froro tt�e east and just over 40� ���ill cone and go from the uest. He stated it was important to note that in this development, there was a choice; and if tt�e�re s�aould be some extraordinary delays at the Highway 65 intersection, the users would understand that and would find an �lternative route to the west. He did not expect many notorists to do what 1�1r. Herman was suggesting, because they feel that (1) with the appropriate inprovements, this intersection will neet traffic needs; and (2) there are better choices by using the roadway systems in the propertv to 7th St. and then making other choices from the 7th St. intersection. Mr. Bensf�oof stated there were controls that could be provided should the City decide to do tt�at. Qut, those controls would then apply equally to all people who use it, including residents of that street. Mr, i�eir stated 11r. Herman's conment was a good one to pass on to the Citv Enyineering staff when they are working on the design phase. Mr. Ed Littlejohn, 711 58th Ave., stated that in the proposal outlined b�� (�r. Qensfioof, tJest tloore Lake Drive was an alternative route to Nigh�•rav 65 wf�en trarfic was hogged down at Elighway 65/Old Central. Traffic could also go on uest �400re Lake Orive, then west on 61st to Univ. Ave. What about more traffic going by the Fridley High School and Fridley ��iddle School? Mr. Oquist stated that for the traffic that would go out on bJest f�oore Lake Urive, the m�jority of it ��ould be about 4;30-5:30 r�hen school was out and most of the children would have already gone home. h1r. Floyd Hessti��ick, 5665 Quincy St., stated the plan showed only one lane going south out onto HigFw�ay 65 out of the project and two lanes going north. Ho►� would this one lane handle any additional traffic when it does not handle the current traffic? Mr. Benshoof stated that right turn would �e subject to a yield controi. There will be gaps in the traffic that the right turn novements will be able to utilize. One thing to note was that the traffic patterns to and fror� this develo�xnent are opposite the peak traffic patterns. He would also like to point out the aspect of the signal phasing change. ��Jhen the green light was on the west leg of the intersection, no other traffic would have the green light. The green light would be timed to stay on as long as there was a constant denand of traffic coming from the west, so that signal phasing change should help this situation immensely. � Mr. William Kell, 5675 Jackson St., stated that referring to the v�estbound exit ramp off 694 heading north on Highv�ay 65, in order to alleviate the problem of people having to cross two lanes of traffic to make a left turn at Nighway 65/Old Central into the development, had any study been made to put in another exit a short distance up the ra_mp so that traffic could get over to the service road on the east side and then cocie across on Old Central? 6L PL���r�I«G Cot•�r�ISSIOP� 14EETIr�G, JA��UARY 22, 1986 PAGE 6 ��r, Be��shoof stated they had thought of that and had discussed �t with Staff and other agency staff participat�ng. It was an idea worthv of further engineering study. It was too early for then to judge whether it was the best idea or not. Mr. Kell asked what possibilit,� there was to having another metered ramp from tl�e developnent entering directly onto tf�e westbound ramp onto 694. This would eliminate a lot of the prob7e-is of traffic going out onto Nighway 65 and then onto tf�e ramp. Mr. Sensi�oof stated that had not been discussed in depth. He thought there was sone reluctance on the part of the State Oepartraent of Transportation to allow an exclusive ranp from a development. f�r. Richard Glumac, 5725 Quincy St., stated that if he was cor�ing from West t•ioore Lake Orive to the Higf�way 65/Old Central intersection at around 4:30 p.m., if there was a lot of traffic backed up, how could he get to that intersection? Mr. Benshoof stated they have addressed that situation. They would expect a stop sign to be installed to control that. In both the morning and evening peak hours, there a�ould be sufficient gaps incoming and outgoing to allrnv for a left hand turn fron ldest I•loore Lake Orive. Mr, tJellan asked about exterior lighting. t•1r. Weir stated the height of the lights was less iu�portant than the type of lighting fixture. The primar� ty�e of fixture, particularly in a residential area, �rou 1 d t�e a box-ty�e f i xture wi th down 1 i ghti ng. Tf�e typi ca1 hei ght of the fixture would range fror� 12-16 ft. The distance of the lighting fixtures from the homes was pretty substantial. He stated they felt lighting was an extremely important factor in the kind of tone that was set for a neighborhood. Since the neighborhood was essentially a residential neighborhood, that factor was extremely inportant in selecting a fixture. The�� want to convey to the public, to traffic on I-694, to their neighbors to the north, and people on the site that this is a park-like type of environment. �1r. Betzo]d asked about signage; for instance, for the hotel, llould there be any luninous signs that would be f acing the neighborhood? h1r. :leir statc� they have not selected the locations on each building for signage. He stated that �urely from a directional stand�oint and infom ational standpoint, they will be asking for back-lit signs. They are not lookin, for the neon type hard-to-look-at sign. It all has to be in keeping vrith the letteriny style and ti�e size of the signage as it related to the scale of the b�ilding. He was not sure ►lhat tvpe of signage the hotel v�ould be re�uesting. He stated they are very serious about what they are proposing and the�quality level of this proposal. 11r. Wellan asked about the storn water drainaye systeM. �'l►�I PL;�fIr�I(IG C��•1t4ISSI0l1 f9EETI"!G, �A�'iU�RY 22, 19$6 PAGE 7 Mr. Gerald Sunde, iivil Engineer r�orking ��ith 4Joodbridge Pro�erties on r�atters relating to platting, drainage, etc., stated the criteria used by the City of Fridley arid the Rice Creek ;latershed District requirer�ents were that they cannot discharge water at any rates greater than they were prior to any develo�ment. So, they ��ill be adding some ponding areas on the Site to control the rate of discharge. �•1r. ;Jellan asked about contaminations from the parking lots. t�1r. Sunde stated there will be sedimentation as the water goes into the pond- in� areas; also the Rice Creek :latershed District requires they have skinr�ers on all the ponds so that any oi]s are skimmed off and cannot get out of the ponds. He stated the Rice Creek lJatershed District requirements were v ery strict. He stated the State Depart►�ent of Transportation vras very interested and was workin� with then in terns of the location of the ponding areas. Ms. Gabel asked about the sanitary se���er syster� and its capacity. t4r. Sunde stated the sanitary se��er system will be piped up fror� 7th St. They have done an analysis on the size of the syster� in the area of the site and are workiny on tf�at with tt�e City. The systen cor�es very close to capacity down by University Ave., and that ��as bein� analyzed also. I�O^_'ION BY MR. KOIJDRICK, SECO.JDF.D BY I�R. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE �HF, P1.'BL�C fiF.AIZIIJG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL ��O'_^TNG AYE, Cl/AIRPERSON GABEL DECLAF'.ED ':'fil? PUBLIC NEARING CLOSF•.D AT 9:35 P.M. MOTION BY �1R. KOl]DRICK, SEC0IIDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECO;f�fEND TO CI:."Y COUNCIL APPROVAI, OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA N85-O5, BY THE FRIDLEY HOUSIP7G & RF.DEVF.LOPI%ENT AUTNORITY IN COOPERATION WITH WOODBRIDGE PFZOPF.RTIES, Il:'C. , TO REZOf�F, FROM l'-3 (GENER�L SHOPPING CEN^_'F,R) , C-I (LOCAL BUSINESS) , R-1 (ONE FA:4ILY D�'ELLING) AND R-3 (GEIJER�L :�UL_TIPLE D6IEi�LING) TO S-2 (REDEVELOP;1Ei7T DISTRICT) ON LOT 4, AUDITOR`S SUBDIVISIOl� NO. Z55, EXCEP'" THAT PAP.T TAKEN FOR HIGHWAY, AI�D LOT 5, �UDITOR's SUBDIVISIOl� ND. I55, EXCEPT TNaT PAF2T TAKF.N FOR HICH�IAY, APID Tf:E SOi1'_*H T4�0 HUNDRED FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF TXE NORTFI HALF OF TRF, SOU^'HEAST QUARTER OF SECTI0:9 23, T-30, R-24 WEST, F.XCEPT THaT PART TAY.ElJ FOP. IIIGHI•IAY, AND A PORTION OF LO"_'S, BLOCK 5, DONIJAY'S LAKEVIE:1 1:'AIJOR ADDITION, ACCORDIIJG TO THE PRELIiQINARY PLAT TNEREOF ON FILE ZN _THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE, It� AIJD FOR FRIDLEY, MI2dNESOTA, ALL LOCATED IN THE SOUTN HALF OF SECTION 23, T-30, R-24, CITI' OF FRIDLEY, COUNTY OF AP�OKA, MIN?7ESOTA, WI"'F.' Tlf*' FOLLOtlING STIPULATIOIIS: 1. CHANGES TO THE I�ASTER PLAN SHALL BF, HANDLED AS OUTLINED IIJ THF. HOUSING & REDEVELOP!lENT AUTHORITY MElTO TO THE PLAIJNING COI1i�'ISSION DATED JANUARY 9, 1986. ?. PRIOR TO ISSUAI7CE OF THE FIRST BUILDING PERMIT, THE DEVEIAPEA. SUBltIT FOR HOUSIlJG & REDEVELOPI9ENT Ai1TXORITY/STAFF APPROVAL _THF. FOLIAWING - COMPREHENSIVE PLAIJS WITIi PXdSING DE�'AILS: a . STORM DRr1If�AGE b. LrVJDSCAPING C. LIGFfTING d. SIGNAGE e. ARCHITECTURAL FACADE MATERIAL PLAtI INCLUDItJG RAi'P _TREA'^HF.NTS L•l \ I CLAN►�I!JG C(1t�1ISSI��� I,EETING, JA!�UtiRY 22, 1986 P�F � 3. REZO1JIt7G OF THF. JOIII:SON PROPF.RT'Y, LOT 5, HZOCK 3, DON!!AY'S LAKEVZE�7 M.a210R ADDITIOIV, IS ZOh'TI�dGEh;T �[+',rON SITE CONTROL OF THE JOH.ti'SO1J PP20PERT�' BY THe� XOUSIhG S REDF.C'ELOP�`lF.NT AU^_'KORITY, OFFICI.IL PUBLICATI02V OF TEfE ORDIl:.VJCE 3'O B,E COORDINATED WITH AC� UISITI01� DATE. � UPO:V A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE', CKAZP.PERSOh GA3EL DECLARF.D TNE MOTIDN C.�,r�.P.IED UNrVJItlOUSLY. 2. Pu�LIC HEAf�Ir�G: CO��SIDEP.ATI��� OF A PR�LItt:��A�Y PLA7, P.S. �85-07, LAE:E ,'�TE .0� 0� E � P., !iY h R L Y l.� ,�: � L'• �� TY Ir� �Of�ERATIn�i c I f «00��2 f?GE �?Of� f� , r, .: Qeing a rep at o Lot , Au itor s Su� �v�ston �o. 155, except that par tal:en for High��a:�, and Lot 5, Auditor's Su�division No. 155, except th part taken for Highwav and Lot 22, alock 10, Donnav's Lakeview 'tano Acidition, according to�the map or plat thereof on file and of reco in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, �linnesota, a the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of e southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, except that part taE:e for I�ighway, a►�d Lot 5, alock 5, Donnay's Lakevie�r (tanor Addition, all 1 ated in t';e south half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, tlinnesota. Mn"':OtJ DY MR. BE'�ZOLD, SEi.O::DED Bl' 14R, iIELLAl7, _TO OPEN�1f1E PUBLZC 11LARI;:G. UPn:! A VOICE VOTE, aLL VOTING AYE, CfiAIRPERSON GABF� D�CLARF.D TffE Pil13LIC NE.IRII�G OPEI: A: 9:37 P.1f. � Mr. Robinson stated the �lattinc� included all he pro�erty, the drive-in property and tlie Johnson oroperty, Lot 5, B ck 5, Donnay's LakeviPw tlanor Addition. Ti�e olat was designed to facili ate the naster �lan structure oh�sinq. "r, Robinson stated Staff was reconn�iding tf�e follo���ing sti�ulations: 1. 2. 3. Ap;,roval of final plat c tingent upon site control of the Johnson propert:�, Lot 5, Block , Donnay's La{:eviet•� Manor Addition. Declaration of prote ive covenants and ease�ents shall be subnitted, approved b�� the Ci and recorded ��ith the plat. Itens of concern shall include, b not be linited to: a. Dis��ositi and naintenance of outlots b. Restric on of outlots usage to �reen space, buffer areas c. '1ai nt ance of corrion areas � d. Lan se e. Pr ibited activities f. int par!:ing/access agreenents g. Other itens deer,�ed appropriate by the City Attorney Par fee, based on total square footage of the replatted properties a defined in the puhlic hearing notice, to be paid on a pro rata asis Nith each building pernit. :�f0'"IC]�BY MR. KONDRICK, SECO:TDED BY MR. BE"_'ZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HE.rsP.II�G. 6.Y A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII�G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLAP.ED :lIE PUBLIC ARING CLOSED AT n:40 P.H. 1. C�UNCIL P'EETINC 0� FEBRUARY 24, 1986 they wi11 be holding a Tri-State Corivention and are asking support f rom the Co�mcil for this prograQn. Mayor Nee asked the aost fc� the �3, arac3 Mr. Frauly stated it would be $10 to $Z5. dePending fln the size. Mayor Nee and' the Cfliu�cil mer�bers agreed they would each oontribute to this ad, rather than tise City fuonds. � : • � • �_�:�� y pROPE�CIES. INC.: I�pTZON by Co�cilman Gooc�speed to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Co�ncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:39 p. m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this rezoning is for the 100 Zwin Drive-In Property and also the Johnson property to the mrth. He stated the rezoning is for properties curremly identified as R-1, R-3, C-1 and C-3 to change the zoning to S-2 to allaa develognent of the property by plan, as approved by the HRA and Cotmcil. Mr. Flora stated the HRA, working with Woodbridge Properties, came � with a plan to develop the Lake Fbinte Corp�rate Center consisting of a total of nine buildings including a hotel and restaurant on these parcels of property. He stated b� using the S-2 zoning, it would allaa development by a master plan, without individual special use permits for the structures and parking. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Carmission held a public hearing on January 22 where information was presented by represer�tatives of Woodt�ridge Properties regarding the road structure, utilities, drainage, and phase development. He stated the Planning Conmission reo�mnended approval af the rezoning with three stipulations, which he outlined. Mr. Flora stated the City initiated action to oondenn property in the area for the S-2 zoning. He stated he �nderstands there is a glan to realicp� the roadway entrance into the site which may cause a slight change in the bo�dary line. He stated this information would be available at the first reading of the ordinance. Cotmcilman Barnette stated he �c3erstands part of the property to the north currently zoned R-1 would be used for parking and asked the use of the renaining R-1 properties. Mr. Flora stated it would be used for a buffer between the hames and access inko the develoFnent. Mr. Dave Weir, Woodbridge Properties, stated most of the neighboring residents were at the meetings rec3arding this develognent and they received a lat of good input pertaining to traffic issues. He stated they have representatives from their engineering firm and the traffic consultant present in the event there are any questions to be answered. -2- . • 2. (JOtJNCIL MEF,�'ING OF FF.BRUARY 24, 1986 Mr. Weir stated, ev� tht�gh t�� are requesting an S-2 zoning, the uses permitted are the same icinds of uses permitted under the currem commercial zoning. Several questions were rasied on the height of the bui�dings and the screening. Mr. Weir stated the building height would �ange from six to eight stories, with each floor roughly 13 feet. He stated, while the height of the screening is important, he felt the placement of the buildings in relation to the hcmes was even more important and the buildings would be built farther to the s�uth and closer to the freeway. In anaaer to a question regarding the length of construction, Mr. Weir stated they intend to have the entire site pre�red this construction season, but it would be limited to individual building pads and it may be between five to nine years before total oompletion of the entire plan. He stated an elenent relevant to the a�nstruction process is the timing of the iritersection improvenent scheduled for vomgletion in 1987. O�tmcilman Goodspeed asked if there would be s�d on the building sites u�til they are ready to build on than. Mr. Weir stated they have a phasing plan for developnent af the landscaping. He stated, as far as the environment, they would oontrol any dust wer the vacant sites. He stated they wanted the landscaping aro�md the general perimeter, but would not have the final landscaping for each ir�dividual building �mtil they were o�nstructed. Mr. Dick Schultz, a r�eighboring resident, voiced his ooncern with se�ration of this property fram the residential properties. He felt they would have more traffic in the area such as joggers and people walking their dogs on this site. Mr. Weir stated they are just as ooncerred as the residertts, but felt their landscaping plan would provide the necessary control since there is a variety of glantings and the buffer area was widened f rom 20 to 40 feet. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated staff would work with the developer to make sure there is proper landscaping, bercning, and screening and to make it aesthetically gleasing both to the developer and the neighboring property vwners. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning. NDTION by Co�mcilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by ��cilman Schneider. Clpon a voice vote, all voting �aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously arid the public hearing closd at 8:03 p.m. PROPERTIES. INC.• M7TD�N by Councilman Goodsgeed to the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public ng. Seoot�ded by Gotncilman Schreider. tlpon a voice vote, all v' g aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried -3- � � COUNCIL MEETI�;G OF �'ARCH 3, 1986 Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �lII•7 BUSIh'ESS• 7� ¢J�ISIDE.RATION OF FIRSr RFADING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR REZOI�L'JG RD�2UEST� ZOA 385- 05 IAKE POINTE �RPORATE CENI'c.R/100 'ItirZN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA IN COOPERATI� WITH WOODB�.IDGE P� P�'IES. INC. : Mr. Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated this is a request to iez4ne the 100 Tain Drive-In property and associated Johnson property. He stated the property is currently zoned C-1, C-3, 1�3 and R-1, and the proposal is to rezone to S-2, leaving the R-1 zoning along the northern boundary and a portion of the westerly bo�dary of the road into the developnent. 8. 9. Mr. Flora stated the S-2 zoning would allaa develoFnerrt at C-3 uses to occur by a master plan. He stated a public hearing was held on this rezoning and three stipulations which dealt with this issue similar to the stipulations in the pl at, which was j ust di scussed earl ier in the meeting. M�TION by Councilman Goodspeed to waive the reading and approve the ordinance up�n first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una nimously . �";PA�ti I ES. INC . : NDTION by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing on t' plat for biarch 17, 1986. Seoonded by Cow�cilman Barnette. Upon a vi ce vote, all voting aye, h�yor Nee declared the motion carried imanim Y- REPA I R THE 0��`�10":S PARK F I LTRAT I ON PLAI�T : Mr. Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated Park Filtration Plant in that the scr� to be worn out. . � e was a problen at the CoRanons e rusted ar�d caused the filters Mr. Flora stated the City has equested proposals from engineering consulting fiIIns for evaluati of •the existing filtration plarn.s and water syste�s. He srtated two fi resporx3ed, Z�► ��• � Bonestroo, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. Mr. Flora stated T 's reoorrnendation to analyze the water in the system and establish ull scale pilot syste;� to determine the effectiveness of manganese r al seens to be the most prudent method of correcting this problen. e stated it is recoranended that TI�A, Inc. be hired to conduct this lman Schneider asked the oost. Mr. Flora stated it would be about -5- � __�� . / j � `i� ' :, -- __ �e �"�, ^' _ •- ---__.. � • �. `! � _�_.'��- --�__�_� _�./� '--�--_..` ..............___ ----�----°^--r-- —. ��� W' ' ' ' �-_�_ __ �� , �r.�•��� � Y '_"'_""""__' _"""'_' "'... .."'_..'........ _ .... .. � . 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PASSID AND ADOPI'ID BY �iE QTY QOUNQI� OF ZHE QTY OF FRIDLEY THIS LIAY OF , 1986. WII.LIAM J. NEE - I�1YUR AZTFST: giIRLEY A. HA�1E'ALA - CITY Q,II2R 3/5/3/24 7 ��!OO�J�RIDGE PP,OP��TIES, I'`Jr, P,S, �35-07 STI PllLATIO�JS - 7A 1� P,PPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT CONTINGENT UPON SITE CONTROL OF THE ,JOHNSON PROPERTY - LOT 5, BLOCK �, DONNAY�S LAKEVIEW I��ANOR ,qDDITION� Z� DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND EASEMENTS SHALL 8E SUBMITTED, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED WITH THE PLAT� ITEMS OF CONCERN SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED T0: A� DISPOSITION AND MAINTENANCE OF OUTLOTS B� RESTRICTION OF �UTLOTS USAGE TO GREENSPACE, BUFFER AREAS C� P�AINTENANCE OF COMMON AREAS D� LAND USE E� PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES F� �OINT PARKING�ACCESS AGREEMENTS G� OTHER ITEMS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY 3� PARK FEE, BASED ON TOTAL SC?UARE FOOTAGE OF THE REPLATTED PROPERTIES AS DEFINED IN THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, TO BE PAID ON A PRO RATA BASIS V�lITH EACH BUILDING PERMIT� 4� DEVELOPER TO DESICNATE PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, AS FUTURE, PROPOSED PARKING RAMP ON FINAL PLAT PRIOR TO EXECUTION AND RECORDING� : !'L�1PJtJII�G Cf1��1ISSIQF� I'EETIP�G, JA�IUARY 22, 1986 3. REZONII7G OF THE JOff17SON LAKEVIE[7 Mal10R ADD.tTION, TNE JOHNSi�IS PRQPERTY BY OFFICIAL PUBLIC.�T ACQUISIT " E. PAGF 8 PRQPF.ItTY , LOT 5, BL , DONPIAY' S IS CON_T,,I�FI�' ON SITE CONTROL OF 4'f�,�'..�h7�S`ING & REDF,VELOPMF.NT AU"_'HORITY, THE ORDIP]r'1NCE TO BE COORDINATED WI3'H �OZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CfiAIP.PERSON GA3EL DECLARF.D THE MO_!'ION CA�F2IED UNA1JItlOUSLY. 2. PUL'LIC HEA['.It�G: CONSIDEP,ATI(l�l OF A Pf?ELIt1IPlAf�Y PLAT, P.S. #85-07, LAlCE O.��TE rOR O�A E E R, l3Y h P, DL Y OLSI, G D L � N R TY IP� �Of'ERATI��J t I f 1J00�QRI�GE ROP R I , �. 6eing a rep at o Lot , Au itor s Su ivision Jo. 155, except that part tal:en for High��a��, and Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, except that part taken for Nighway, and Lot 22, alock 10, �onnav's Lakeview "tanor Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, �linnesota, and the south two hundred feet of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 23, T-30, R-24 west, exce�t that part taken f or I�ighway, ar�d Lot 5, alock 5, Donnay's Lakevie�� ttanor Addition, all located in t'�e south half of 5ectiun 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, t�tinnesota. MO'":ON 13Y MR. BE'_"ZOLD, SECOi7DED Bl' IlR. iTELLAPI� _TO OPF.N TFIE PUBLIC :l�ARI17G. UPni! A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CfIAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARF•D TY.E PUBLIC NE�IRIIJG OPEt: AT 9: 37 P. it . Mr. R�binson stated tl�e �lattinc� included all the property, the drive-in property and tiie Joi�nson �roperty, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeviev� �lanor Addition. Ti�e alat was designed to facilitate the master �lan structure phasing. '"r. I?obinson stated Staff was reconr�ending tf�e follo►��ing stipulations: l. 2. 3. Ap�roval of final plat contingent upon site control of the Johnson propert;r, Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's LaE:evieti•� �fanor Addition. Declaration of protective covenants and easa�ents shall be sub�itted, approved b�� the Ci ty and recorded ��i th the pl at. Itens of concern shall include, but not be linited to: a. Disposition and naintenance of outlots b. Restriction of outlots usage to green space, buffer areas c. "laintenance of conmon areas � d. Land use e. Prohibited activities f. Joint parking/access agreer�ents g. Other itens deer,ied appropriate by the City Attorne� Park fee, based on total square footage of the replatted properties as defined in the public hearing notice, to be paid on a pro rata basis ►�ith each building pernit. :f0'_�'ION BY MR. KONDRICR, SECOIIDED BY MR. BE_TZOLD, TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HEARIIJG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTII7G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TIIE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT �:40 P.M. 7C PLA"!"�ItJG C0�1�tISSIOt� 1�1EETING, JA,��UARY 22, 1986 PAGE 9 MOTIOIJ BY MR. KOIJDR.ICiC, SECQilD£13 �Zt t�. fl�I3IST, TO RECO.�MEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL �F PRELIl1IPIARY' PL��', P.S. #'B5-fT7, LAKE POIN'°E CORPORATF. CF."J'''EP., Dl' TIIT: FRZDLEY HOUSZNG 6 REDEVEIAPMF.?7"' AU^'NORFTY IPI CDOPF.RATION WI"'H WOOPRRIDGE PROPERTIF.S, INC., BEIP3� A�2£PIA3' OF IAT 9, AtiDITOR'S SUF3DIVISIOPI NO. 155, EXCEPT THAT PART TRKEN FOR IiIGHWAY, AND LOT 5, AUDITOR`.S SUBDIVISION NO. I55, EXCEPT TNAT PAFZT TAKEN FOR XIGHWAY, Ai�D LO:' 22 , BLOCK 10 , DONNAY' S LAKEVII.'W MAIJOR aDDIZ'_ON, ACCORDII7G "_'O THE MAP OR PI.aT TFIF.REOF O'd FILE AND OF RECORD I!] THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF TITLES IIJ A11D FOR ANOKA COUN°_'Y, 1lINP:ESO.TA, AlID THE SOUTH TWO HUNDRED FEET OF THE NORTN NALF OF TN.E NORTH HALF OF TNF. SOUTHE�'�ST QUARTER OF SF.CTION 23, T-30, R-24 �IES^_', EXCEPT "_'HA:' PART TAKElJ FOR HIGN:•IAY, AIJD LOTS, BIACK 5, DONNAY'S I..�Y.EVIE'GI IIr1:70P. .�DDIT'FO*7, ALL LOCATF.D IN THi; SOUTIf HALF OF SECTIO21 23, '_''-30, R-24, CI_^'Y OF FRIDLEl', COUNTY OF ANOKA, l9Zi�NESOTa, WIT/I TNE FI�LLOWIIIG STIPULATIOIJS: I. APPP.OVAL OF FINAL PLAT COt�TI1lGEiJT UPO."7 SITE CO::TROL OF THE JOHIJSOi� PROPERTY, LOT 5, BLOCK 5, DOi;fTAY'S LAKF.VIE�J MAiVOR ADDITZO"1 2. DECLARATION OF PROTECTN� COVE!itAl: TS A!!D EASEMENTS SXALL BE SUBlfI?'TED, APPROVED BY THE CITY AND RECORDED WI^_'H TNE PLA?'. ITEMS OF CONC'ERl� SHALL IIJCLUDE, BUT 1�OT BE LZMITED TO: a. DISPOSITIOlI AP�D 1dAINTENANCE OF OUTLOTS b. RESTRICTION OF OUTLOT.S USAGE TO GREEN SPACE, BUFFER ARF.AS c. �fAI1JTE.�AtICE OF C0:9MON AREAS d . LAND USE e. PROHIBI^_'ED ACTIVITZES f. JOIIIT PAP.KING/ACCF.SS AGRF.EMENTS g. OTNER ITE�lS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY 3. PARK FEE, BaSED ON TOTAL SQU�RE FOOTAGE OF THE RF.PLATTED PROPERTIES AS DEFINED IN .THT PUBLIC NEARIPTG NO_TICE, TO BE PAIP ON A PRO Rr1TA BASIS WI'�'fl EACH BUILDING PER'•fIT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC A1'E, CHAIRPF.RSON GABEL DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED U1�A17II�OUSLY. 3. PU[iLIC IIEARIP;G: COt�SI��.%2ATIOt� OF A SI'FCIAL USE PERf1IT SP #85- nTni rv un�icrrin o nrnr��r� f1t1�/r11T HIITLIl111TTV t�i rnn'�Cn11TTl�lI t_ITTIJ �.i PROf ERTIES, It�C. : Per Section . 7.1, C, 5 of the Fridley Cit� Code to allow autoe�obile parking lot to be located in R-1 zoning on Lot 22, Block , Donnay's Lake- vietiv"lanor Addition, according to the nap or plat the on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles i nd for Anoka County, Ptinnesota, all located in the south half of S ion 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, �linnesota. 1�fOTI0:1' BY l�R. OQUIST, SECOIJDED BY . K01TDP.ICF:� TO OPEN 7XE PUBLIC HEARIP7G. UP01� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO G AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HE.�RING OPEN AT 9:42 P. ��tr. Robinson ed the lot in question was Lot 22, Block 10, Donnay's Lakevi e►,r � r Addi ti on, the l ot wh i ch wi l l renai n si nsl e f ami ly a„d ��as not propos to be rezoned as S-2. The special use permit was for parking on si e f amily property for use by the adjacent property. i- 2. 7D •.J�� � ��. • �• • r• •a Mr. Weir stated, ev� �hou9h theY are requesting an S-2 zoning, the uses permitted are the same kind.s of uses permitted �a►der the cuzrent commercial zoni ng. Several questions were rasied on the height of the ildings and the screening. Mr. Weir stated the building height woul range from six to eic�t stories, with each floor roughly 13 feet. He ted, while the height of the screening is important, he felt the placem t of the buildings in relation to th�h�e �� ��o�= to°thenfran�•he buildings would be built farther In answer to a question regarding the leng of construction, Mr. weir stated they intend to have the entire si e prepared this construction season, but it would be limited to irr3ivid 1 building pads and it may be betw een f iv e to ni r�e yea r s bef or e total pl etion of the enti re pl an. He stated an elenent relevant to the wnstr ction process is the timing of the iritersection improvanent scheduled for gletion in 1987. Co�mcilman Goodspeed asked if there ould be sod on the building sites u�til they are ready to build on then. . Weir stated they have a phasing plan for develognent of the landscaPin . He stated, as far as the environment, they would oontrol ary dust over the vacant sites. He stated they wanted the landscapin9 aro�md the ge al perimeter, but would not have the final landscaping for each individ building �til they were c�onstructed• Mr. Dick Schultz. a nei ing resident, voiced his o�ncern with se�ration of this property fram th residential properties. He felt they would have more traffic in the ar such as joggers and people walking their dogs on this site. Mr. Weir stated th are just as ooncerned as the residertts, but felt their landscaping plan ould provide the r�cessary control since there is a variety of plant' gs and the buffer area was widened f ran 20 to 40 feet. Mr. Qureshi, 'ty I�ar�a9er� stated staff would work with the developer to make sure th e is proper landsca.ping, berming, arxl screening and to make it aesthetical pleasing both to the developer and the neighboring property a�rne r s. No othe persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezoning. rDT by Co�cilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by Qo cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared �__„�:.... �.nrri cri �manimniislv ar�d the wblic hearing closd at 8:03 p.m. PROPERTIES, INC.: NDTIDN by Cbimcilman Goodspeed t�o waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seoonded bY Coulcilman Schreider. [Jpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl ar ed th e mot i on ca r r i ed -3- 3. 7E .��� r! ��!! • �• • ►. •, . . �u�animously and the public hearing opened at 8:03 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this plat is for the developnent of the 100 �ain Driue-In property. He stated the glat identif ies nine garcel s associated with the giat and four outlots. He stated there is a lot for every building ar�d its associa�ed �rking. � Mr. Flora stated a public hearing was held before the Planning Comnission on January 22 and they reoonmended approval with three stipulations which he outlined. Mr. Flora stated once the roadway is finally designed, there would be a little different realigrunent of the roadway to coincide with the entrance into the developnent. Mr. Dave We.ir, Wooc3bridge Properties, stated they had a few items to add and asked Mr. Eric Nesset to re�view these changes. Mr. Nesset stated they intend to change the right-of-way of Lake Pointe Drive to make it consistent at 60 feet wide. He stated the other item concerns a lot line going through a parking lot. He stated they intend to make a separate lot for the garking structure and segarate lots for the buildings. Mr. Nesset stated the physical composition of the site didn't change, but only the form in which it is characterized legally. No ather persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed plat. IrDTIfJN by Co�mcilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by ��mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried �uianimously and the public hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Weir stated the neighboring residents gave then a lat of suppoLt and he wished to thank then for their irivolvanent. He also recognized the City staff who worked very hard to make this all happen in a short period of time. He stated it makes a difference to do business in a City where everyone is 000perating to make this develognent possible. OLD BUSINESS• STH STREEr N E, BY �AII'1[JNITY OPTIONS. LTD: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the was a requesti last June for a special use permit b� Co�nuzity Opt' to open a mental health facility on Sth Street. He stated the Co denied this rer�uest which was challenged in Disrict Court. Mr. Qure stated a oourt oraer was received last week which directs the Co�c' tA issue the special use permit. Mr. Herrick, Ci torney, stated it is rather diff icult for him to give any specif ics cause, even though the j udge issued the order, the f indi ngs and voncl ' ns have rnt as yet been received. He stated his reoonmendation -4- 3. 4. 5. � F CCJ[7'�C I L I�._._,t'I' ING OF ��ARC H._3 ,.19 6== square feet in area or eight (8) feet in hei�ht; 6.) Provide 1 ing to screen perking f ran MississipQi Street; 7.� Pravide screening fer�ce be rezoned property ard residences to the west; and 8.) Provide perforrrance in the a�►o�t of 52,000. �nded by m�ncilman Barnette. I1pon a voice vote, vating aye, I+sayor Nee declared the motion carried una nin:o�sly. , M?TION by Co�cilman Fitzpetrick to waive the secon eadi_ng of Ordinance No. 853 and adopt it on the seoond readi ng and order pub ' tion. Seconded b}• Co�mcilman Schneider. Cipon a voice vote, all voting , Mayor hee declared the motion carried ursanimously. QQ ; IDERATIOI` OF A FI2�1L PIAT, P S i85-07, I�KE POI TE �RATE�QITER�100 �IN DRIVE-IN. BY W�A IN C7JOPERATIOh WITH WOOC.�BRIDGE PFmPt:KTIES. INC.: Mr. Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated Woodbridge Properties will be developing the 100 T�+iin Driv�In property ar�d adjaoent Johnson property and they have sutriitted a plat for this parcel. Mr. Flora stated there may be a sl ic�t variation in the exact description of the road and this would be accomplished When the final nylar of the plat is sutnitted to the Co�cil. He outlired the three stiFxilations which should be part of the plat's aviceptance. M7TION by Co�cilrran Goo�peed to apprave the f inal pl at, P. S. i 85-07 , f or Woodbridge Properties, Inc. for development of the Lake Pointe Corporate Cerner, With the follvwing stipulations: (1) Approval of final plat is--� � oontingent upon site control of the Johnson property - Lot 5, Block 5, Dorv�y's Lakevie�. Mar�r Aadition; (2) Declaration of protective covenants and easenents shall be sus�itted, approved b� thE City and re�rded with the plat. Items of concern shall include, but not be limited to: (a) Disposition and ma.intenance c� outlots; (b) Restriction of outlots usage to green sg3ce and buffer areas; (c) Mairrt.enance of conmon areas; (d) Lar,d use; (e) Prohibited activities; (f) Joint parking/access agreements; and (g) Other ite^s deaned appropriate by the City Attorney; and (3) Park fee, based on total square footage af the replatted properties as c3efired in the pui,lic hearing notice, to be paid on a pr�rata basis with .each building permit. S�ecnnded b� Gouncilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �ani.mously. Mr . Fl or a, Publ ic Wor sta ted Mr . McAdam ca�e bef oz e th e Co un ci 1 to plat land between Osborne h in order to construct a mini-storage warehouse facility. He sta code requi res the transactian be reoorded at the Co�nty within 180 days. -3- W � � � •. � ' �. �. � . a PS #85-07 , '� ' �1 � �-- � - � �_ �1 ' � Lake P • �. : : � � � > � � . � . • : t .' 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(H. 571-5457) •• � r a � • �;. �• � i � ��. r'arc�aret Hendl 118 Crai a. t'iay� N. E. (H. 571-2757) . .. . �• � � �• L�iane Savaoe 567 Fice Creek Terraoe (H. 571-3862) Jerry Sherek 1530 73 - 1/2 Avenue (H. 784-6444) a r• �a w • r• �• ���� Ikzl e ZhanFson 4976 3rd St. DT. E. (H. 572-8684) (B. 297-1802) Bruce F�terson �teapg�inted C1�1BLE ZII,E�TIS�1 �A'I�'QSSICN Duane �terson Reagp�i nted 4-1-88 � 4-1-87 4-1-89 Pat Gabel 5947 2-1/2 Street NE (H. 571-1288) Q arenae (G�ne ) Rez ac 1561 Camelot Lane (H. 574-0629) Le�vy o�ui st 1011 Haclanan Ci rc1 e NE (H. 571-0415) (vacated b� Loui s Schmidt 10/85) 4-1-87 Jean Gerou 1650 Briardale Rd. h'E (H. 571-6736) 4-1-89 Janes Pl enel 6864 Channel P,d N. E. (H. 571-0026) 4-1-88 4-1-89 (vacated b� Patricia Gabel 12/85) Taa G ronl �md 7411 Lyric Lane (H. 786-7459) 4-Z-89 Bruoe �terson 7503 �enpo Terr. h'E (H. 786-9898) 4-1-89 Duane I�terson 1021 Hathasaay Ln. NE (H. 571-3386) • '�. • 1� ' ��• • (• �• • 1 � l� Di ck Yo�mg Rea�i rited D�ni el A11 en �?eappoi nted John Garqaro 6615 Fridle� St. N. E. (H. 571-6585) EN�GY Q�N4�SIISSIQJ an Satx� Rea�poi nted �-uce Bondaw RPa �poi nt ed • � �• • a. � • �j. •• � i � �� Qaudia Lbdoe 701 F.ioe_ Cleek Terraoe �t,'. 422-5199) Peter Pieroe Pea�t�i nted Dick Storla 7548 Alden ��7� ( E?. 571-67 26 ) Paul �ti'estb� 666 Kimball St. �H. 784-4326) 4-1-89 4-I-89 4-1-87 4-1-88 4-1-E9 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-88 4-1-87 • n • •� i • � • a� s • • �a • � �: •.• J�hn E M�yyer 7868 Alden ��'�Y N. E. (H. 571-5328) •�. • �• � -. �� Mavi� Hauae Rea���roi nted 21/21 6-9-91 �. Dick Young 5695 Quincy St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) Dani el Al l en 6200 Rice CYeek Dr. r'E (H. 571-3137) Steve Nel son 6540 East River Rd. �342 (H. 571-1484) Dale �hcmpson 4976 3rd St. r. E. (H. 57 2-86 84 ) Dean Saba 6325 Van Buren St. I�'E (H. 571-1953) Bruce Bondow 6616 Central Ave. NE (H. 571-0163) Robert M.iriton 1538 N. Oberl in Ci rcle (H. 574-1173) F�ter Pieroe 572 Rice Creek Terr. (H. 571-7045) Har ol d B el rnun 191 Hartman Circle (H. 571-1191) Steve B il l ings 5215 Lincoln St. r.E. (H.571-5457) Elmars A. Prieditis 6031 Benjanin St. NE (H. 571-7230) I�`avis Hauge 645 67th Ave. h'E (H. 571-1083) CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAlVPjIP�G COMPIISSIQN MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Billings called the August 6, 1986, Planning Comnission meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Steve Bi7lings, Dean Saba, Dave Kondrick, Sue Sherek, Dale Thompson (for Rich Svanda), Donald BetzoTd, A1 Gabel Members Absent: None Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Jock Robertson, Community Deve7opment Director Beverly Thurston, 100 Hartman Circle Steve Shorma, 5916 Oakwood Manor Tom & Halfride Manning, 1315 Hillcrest Dr. Ed Kaspszak, 1317 Hillcrest Dr. Pa�al & Roberta Tumms, 1310 Hillcrest Dr. George Bacon, 1336 Hillcrest Dr. Richard & Jeanne Lindquist, T326 HiTicrest Dr. Olga Palmer, ]329 Gardena Ave. Gay & Spencer Minear, 1291 Gardena Ave. Leo Foco, i345 Gardena Ave. APPROVAL OF JULY 23, ]986, PLANNING COPIMISSIOFJ MINUTES; MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO APPROVE THE JULY 23, 1986, PLANNIIJG COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUQLIC HFARIPJG: CO��SIDERATIOP� OF A SPFCIAL USE PERMIT, ' SP �8b-10 BY H ACADE��1Y: Per Section 205.07,], C, 2 of the Fridley City Code to allow a day care facility on Lots 2, 3, and 6, except the south 200 feet thereof, Meloland Gardens, all located in Section 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, P1innesota, and Lot 4, Pleloland Gardens, located in Section 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, P�innesota, and Lot 5, except for the Westerly 110 feet of the Southerly 200 feet, P1eloland Gardens located in Section 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and Lot 1, except for the Southerly 210 feet, P1eloland Gardens, located in Section 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision �lo. 92, Anoka County, Plinnesota, and Lot 33, Block 3, Ploore Lake Hills, Anoka County, Minneso�a, and Lot 1 and Auditors Sub- division No. 92, Lot 17, may be encumbered by a recreational ]ease runninq in favor of the City of Fridley. �J • . PLANNIr�G CQMMISSIOPI �•1EETI�JG, AUGUST 6, 1986, PAGE 2 MOTI�N BY MR. KONDRICK, SECOND�D BY �' S44EtZE1�� �'t: J�'AIT�'8' �'HE FORMAL READING OF THE P(IBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND TO OPEN ?7iE �'UBLIC HF.�9RYNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CKAIRPERS�CiN BILLTNG5 DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:35 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located north of Gardena Ave. and just east of Gardena Lane, approx, 11 acres. Faith Academy was formerly Gardena Elementary School. He stated the proposal was for a day care/latch key faci7ity for up to 40 children. As per city code in an R-1 district, a special use permit was required for this type of use. The �petitioner had stated that quite a few of the children using the day care facility would be brothers and sisters of children going to Faith Academy so there would be a good deal of over7ap in terms of the constituency. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner to provide a plan for an additional 14 parking stalls, to be blacktopped and curbed by Oct. 31, 19R6. 2. Petitioner to patch curb and stripe existing parking lot by Oct. 31, 1986. 3. Grassy areas to be maintained on a regular basis. 4. Petitioner to combine individual lots into one tax parcel as requested by City Assessor prior to occupancy. 5. Building and rooms used to meet P1innesota llniform Fire Codes and Life Safety Code #101 regarding windows, smoke detection, emergency lighting, sleeping area, and exits. Mr. Robinson stated that in determining the parking, it was a little difficu7t because school was not in session so there were very few cars in the parkinq lot durinq an inspection. However, on an aerial photo taken in April 1985, it showed the parking 1ot overly full and that was why the City was requesting additional parking stalls. He staied Gardena Ave. has no parking on the north between 8 a.m, and b p.m. P4onday - Friday, so that further frustrated the parking situation. P�s. Beverly Thurston stated if the special use permit was granted, she would be the director of the day care center. She stated she had discussed the stipulations with their lawyer and ti�ey agree io the things that need to be done. They are more than willing to do whatever is necessary to brinq the day care facility up to code. They feel an additional day center is needed in Fridley. They also feel, as stated by Mr. Robinson, that the majority of the day care children will be brothers and sisters of chiTdren who are already attending Faith Academy and the latch key children will be children already attending Faith Academy. 96 PLANNING COM��1ISSION PIEETING, AUGUST 6i 1986 P�GE 3 Mr. Saha asked what Ms. T�urston intended to do about playQround equip�Pnt. Ms. Thurston stated the c�ildren wi11 b� ��ts�de s�e part of the day, and there will be a need for mor� �layground equiprn��t. Right now they are waiting for the special use permit 6efflre expe�di�g any money on playgronnd equipment. P1r. Saba stated there was a swamp behind Faith Academy, and in talking to some neighbors, he had been told that children from Faith Academy do go down there. Ms. Thurston stated there was a stipulaiion of the State Licensing Committee that day care children must be watched very carefully. She could not speak for what goes on at the school at the present time, but she could speak for the day care center. She stated she has been in day care for many years--at The Learning Tree for many years and another day care center before that. She couid assure the�Planning Comnission members that no day care center children would be allowed near the swamp. Also, the day care children would not be outside at the same time as any of the school age children. That was also a stipulation made by the Welfare Depi. Mr. Saba asked if the playground area would be fenced. 61s. Thurston stated the lJelfare Dept. would determine whether the area was safe enough to leave the area unfenced. If t�ey fee7 the area is not safe enough, they will require that the play area be fenced. Mr. Tom Manning, 1315 Hillcrest Drive, stated that quite a bit of the play- ground equipment on the east end of the property was quite a way from the school, and that neither the property nor the playground equipment has been maintained. 4Ji11 the day care children be using that equipment that has not been maintained and is located farther from the school? He would be concerned for the safety of the children. Ms. Thurston stated she had not looked at the existing playground equipment; however, they will want playground equipment to be much closer to the school. They would also not use playground equipment that was not safe. That woul� not be allowed by the Welfare. Ms. Thurston s�ated she also wanted to point out that while they are asking for licensing for 40 children, that was actually for 20 preschool children and 20 latch key children. So, 40 children would not be outside on the playground equipment at one time. Even if they were full, there would only be 20 day care children. The latch key children would probably not be on the playground as they will be using the gymnasium and another room in the building most of the time. P1r. Manning stated Faith Academy has not maintained the cutting of their grass, even though the neighbors have called them several times. He stated he also noticed 5-6 windows broken and a broken door. Those were also safety concerns. 9C PLANNIPIG C�MMISSION MEETIN6, AUGUST 6, 1986 PAGE 4 P�s. Jeanne Lindquist, 1326 Hillcrest Dr., stated thai when the school was Gardena Elementary, it was �e�� �p nice. Now with Faith Academy using the school, the g�au�d ��� �ot ta��n care of. She stated she would not want to live next to the sch�ol. Mr. Steve Shorma, 5916 Oakwood M�n�r, stated the playgro�nd e�uipment on t�e east end of the property was a�azard. A ques�ao� �� �ad was if a playground a rea was built for the day care center, would it be accessible to other children in the neighborhood after scfiool fiours? ��Qr� was noi a lot of play- ground equipment in this area for the children. If the playground was fenced and not open to the neighborhood, some neighborhood child could get hurt trying to get into it. P�r. Shorma stated the back side of the building was uncontrolled, unwatched, and vandalism does occur there. He stated that when 6uses are �arked outside the school, he once found some children playing in a bus because the bus door was left open. Ms. Thurston stated the playground area wi71 be fenced on7y if they are required to by the Welfare Dept. If it was not fenced, it could certainly be used by the neighborhood children. If the playground area was fenced, she did not know what kind of liability Faith Academy would have, if any, if a neighborhood child got hurt. She would have to discuss with their attorneys. Mr. Kondrick asked h1r. Shorma if he was suggestin� that the existing playground equipment that was substandard should be removed. P1r. Shorma stated that a good portion of the equipment should be removed. What equipment that was in fairly good shape was equipment that was there before Fa;th Academy rnoved in--the merry-go-round and rocking horse. This playground equipment was built as a school project and would probably be good for a back- yard but between the children of the neighborhood using it plus Faith Acade�y children, it was in disrepair. Mr. Shorma stated that with regard to the �oor maintenance of the grounds, it did not do any good to contact Faith Academy as they have not done anything. The area has been mo�•�ed twice this summer with a tractor and mower which leaves the grass 3-4 inches tall and leaves gouges all over. He stated the neighbors have fixed one basketball court themselves, because Faith would not repair it. and three neighbors on the east end mow the grass there. He stated the neighbors are concerned as to whether Faith Academy.was going to upgrade things or continue to maintain things on a haphazard basis. P4r. Robinson stated the City was aware of the poor maintenance of the lawn, but they were not aware of the unsafe playground equipment. Mr. Ed Kaspszak, 1317 Hillcrest Dr., stated he would suggest that the special use permit be authorized for a two-year period subject to renewal. The reason for that was this was a new application in a largely residential area, and Faith Academy could come back in in a year and ask to extend the same • �� PLANNING COP1PIISSION MEETIP�G, AUGUST 5, 1985 PAGE 5 special use permit to 80 or more children. Ne had no problem with 40 children, but he would have a problem with a lot more than that. The Commission should make sure the provisions specifically provided for no more than 40 children and that Faith Academy must reapply again in two years. If there were still problems, that would give the City an opportunity to correct those problems. Mr. Kondrick asked if there was any 7aw that would prohibit Faith Academy from having more than 40 children. Ms. Thurston stated their license will be for 20 preschool and 20 latch key children. It was true that in the coming years or at any tame, they could increase that number; however, sF�e could assure tf�e Corrttrtission and the neiqh- borhood that they would never increase the number by very much. For one reason, the school was for grades K- 12, and there would not be room for many more children. The only way she could foresee the number of day care children being increased was if the school became so overcrowded that they decided to split the grades into two 6uildings, one for elementary ancl one for secondary. If that should ever happen in the future, then there might be room for additional day care and latch key children. At the present time, there would not be. She stated she would have no objection to a stipulation that limited them to 40 children. � Ms. Olga Palmer, 1329 Gardena Ave. stated another issue that should be brought up was the garbage. She stated she has personally called the City at least 3-4 times to see if they can get Faith Academy to get rid of their garbage. She has also called Faith Academy. They have one small sized dumpster. They put their garbage in plastic bags, and the garbage is usually layinq all over the ground. The dogs get into the garbage. She has lived in Fridley for 17 years, and this was the first year they have had trouble with raccoons. According to the park naturalist, the reason was because of the garbage in the area. She believed Faith Academy should be required to have garbage pick-up more than once a week. Sometimes the garbage was not even picked up once a week. Ms. Palmer stated there was broken glass around; the students at Faith are very careless and throw pop bottles. There are beer parties in the back parking lot. She stated the area definitely needs more control. Mr. Kaspszak stated these problems have existed since Fa�th Academy moved into the school.. There are a lot of parties in the back and that was the reason for broken windows and debris. The only way�that can be solved is through patrolling by the Police Dept, or the neighbors. Ms. Palmer stated Faith Academy has not been a very good neighbor. They have never given the neighborhood a very positive image of their school. Once they even left a bus engine lying on the ground for about 4 mo. and this was a hazard to the chi7dren. She had called the City and asked the City to have Faith remove the bus engine. If Faith Academy is that careless and kindergarten children are allowed outside, what is going to happen with the day care facility? � C�1 � PLANNIWG COt�1MISSIOPJ MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1986 _ PAGE 6_ P1s. Palmer stated the day care faci��ty w�71 bring added traffic into the area, and they already �ave enougf� traf�'i�. There is not enough parkinq as it is now. She stated the parking lot was usually filled, and people park on the grassy areas. Mr. Robinson stated maybe tfie additional 14 parking spaces wou]d not be enough, inasmuch as they do not seem to have enough parking for the existing facility. This would have to be resolved before the City Cuuncil meeting. Ms, Sherek stated the City should request Faith Academy to provide them with information on how many parking stalls they actually have based on dimensions of the area at this time. It was difficult to say how mucF� more parking they would need when they do not know how many parking spaces they are now using. P�s. Palmer asked if the day care facility would be operated 12 mo/year or just during the school year. Ms. Thurston stated the day care facility would be operated 12 mo./year. Ms. Sherek stated it might be helpful for a representative from Faith Academy to attend the City Council meeting as well as Ms. TFiurston who was representing the day care facility. Ms. Thurston stated she served on the Faith Academy Board of Directors and would relate the concerns expressed by the neighbors. Mr. George Bacon, 1336 Hillcrest Dr., stated he thought there was an agreement between School Dist. 14 and Faith Academy that the playground would be main- tained and useable to the children in the local area. MOTION BY MS. SHEREIC, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CIASE THE PUBLIC HF.ARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSF,D AT 8:10 P.M. Ms. Sherek stated that in view of the fact that there was a swamp behind the school and the concerns expressed by the neighbors about the poor maintenance of the property, she fe7t one of the stipulations that should be passed on to the City Council was that the play area for tf�e preschool chi7dren should be fenced. Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed with tfiat. He also agreed that the Planning Commission should have some type of review (9 mo. - 1 yr.) and they should limit the day care facility to 40 children. He also thought they should recorr�nend to the City Council that the City start to enforce the existing codes that govern this property and the special use permit that Faith Academy has at this time and get this property looking good again. Mr. Saba stated he had a problem with granting a special use permit for a day care facility in light of the concerns expressed by the neighbors and the apparent violations of the existing special use permit. It was his feeling � I 9F PLAPJNI�JG COf1MISSION MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1986 PAGE 7 that granting an additional special us� permit when conditions for the existing specia] use permit wer� being viola�ted did not set a very good precedent and that proof should be shown by Faith Academy that they can live up to the ordinances, be a good neighbor, ar�d talce care of some of the problems before the issuance of a new speciai use permit. He also agreed with the stipulations stated by staff and expressed by the Corr�nissioners about limiting the children to 4Q and having some type of review. Mr. Betzold stated he felt that if the Planning Co�nission were to recommend approval of the specia] use permit, even though the code was to be enforced, he felt some of the concerns expressed by the neighborhood should also be added as stipulations: (1) garbage removal (2) safety factor of the playground equipment (3) repair of broken windows and doors. If they identify these as some of the conditions, then it gave them a basis for renewal to make sure those things were corrected. Mr. Saba stated he would like to see this special use permit request delayed until Faith Academy cleans up the existing violations. If the special use permit for the day care facility was granted, then Faith Academy could post- pone making those improvements. They have seen that happen with other properties in the City. He thought granting special use permits to people or businesses that have not been good neighbors in terms of upkeep of property was a real problem. Ms. Sherek stated she agreed with Mr. Saba. As a working parent, she knew there was a desperate need for day care in Fridley, especially latch key. But, on the other hand, if Faith Academy was not being a good neighbor now, what made them think that with 40 more children Faith would be a better neighbor? P�r. Betzold stated he did not think there was anyone in the audience who really opposed the day care center, and he did not think any of the Planning Cornrnission members were opposing the day care center. The concern he had was that if the City went ahead and issued a special use permit �ven for one year, it might be very difficult and probably impossible for the City to revoke the permit once the program was in and operating. He would rather have the program not begin and then possibly a year from now if Faith Academy was still interested, they could reapply and if things seemed to be going better and the neighbors were satisfied, then a special use permit could be issued. If the Planning Commission recommended denial of the special use permit, this sent a very strong signal to Faith Academy that there are changes that have to be made if they want a special use permit for a day care facility. Mr. Billings stated he also agreed with what Mr.Betzold had said. At this point it was up to Faith Academy to prove that they deserve a special use permit for the day care facility. If the City was to grant the special use permit and review it in a year, it would then be up to the City to prove why Faith Academy should not have the special use permit. rl'�J PLANNING COF1t1ISSI0N MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1986 PAGE 8 IdOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECOPIDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO Cl2Y COUNCIL DENIAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #86-10, BY FAITH ACADEMY FOR TXE FOLLOWING REASONS: Z. HEALTH AND SAFETY CONCERN5 OF THE PROPERTY AND PLAYGROUND EQUIpi:fENT . 2. APPARENT LACK OF CONCERN BY PETITIONER TO REMEDY THESE POOR CONDITIONS. • �9r. Thompson stated he was not sure that Faith Academy had been aware of the severity of their violations of their special use permit or how unhappy the neighborhood was, and he was a litt7e uncomfortable voting against the special use permit, especial7y before giving Faith Academy a chance to speak for themselves. As far as the vandalism, he felt Faith Academy was a victir� in that case, and he fe7t the City had some responsibility in helpinc� to patrol the grounds and protect them from that vandalism. UPON A VOICE VOTE, BI�,LINGS, SABA, KONDRICK, SHEREK, BETZOLD, GABEL VOTING AYE, THOb1PSON VOTING NAY, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Billings stated this would go to the City Council on August 18. 2. CO��SIDERATI�N OF RECODIFICATION OF CR�APTER 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ISSIfI�lS: ��Ir. Robinson stated that at the last meeting, the Commission had requested that languaqe be ad:!ed to Chapter 6 that would state that any.commission's vice- chairperson should sit on the Planning Commission when the chairperson couldn't attend tie stated that under 6.03.4. Membership of Planning Commission, the following wording had been added: "E. At any meeting of the Planning Commission, if any commission member is unable to attend, the vice-chairperson of their member comnission(s) may serve in their stead." He stated this would solve the problem of the appropriateness of the vice-chairperson sitting in the chair- person's seat at the P7anning Commission. In the past, they have also had co�nmission members who were neither the chairperson or vice-chairperson but designated by the chairperson to attend the Planning Commission meeting. This new wording would restrict that, but this wording might be more appropriate. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE RECODIFICATION OF CHAPTER 6 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� COMMISSIONS. UPON A VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHIPJG TAX INCREPIENT DISTRICT #7: Mr. Robinson stated that as the Commissioners recalled, Winfield Developers recently requested and received a special use permit to place office/warehouse in an industrial development, located on Lot 4, 5, 6, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park. Part of the program called for tax increment financing assistance because of bad soil problems. This area was not presently in a tax increment district. 9H PLANNING COP�1MISSION P1EETI�IG, AUGUST 6, 1986 PAGE 9 M0�70PJ BY MR, KONDRICK, SECONDED BY 1?R. SABA,, TC3 AP.PROVE TfIE ESTABLISHMF.NT OF TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT #7 AS OUTLINED BY STAF�� UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTI111G �IYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLII9GS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. CONSIDERATI�N OF ESTABLISHING TtiX INCREP1ENT DISTRICT #8: Mr. Robinson stated at this time the Shorewood Inn �tas conter�plating exnansic�n to their lounge and dining areas and ir�provements to parking and landscaping. In conjunction the Shorewood Inn has purchased about one acre of property just to the east of the existing business, and the owner has asked the City for assistance on the write-down. In order to assist, the City would like to establish an economic development district for the restaurant so the City can benefit from the.improvements in terms of increased taxes from that project. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO APPROVE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT #8 AS OUTLINED BY STAFF. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED TKE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. DISCUSSIO�J OF COPI��UNITY DEVELOPMENT COP1FIISSI��J: Mr. Robinson stated that at tF�e last meeting, the Corxnission had discussed the fact that with the resignation of LeRoy Oquist, the Community Development Commission was now down to three members, and that the Community Development Commission has been fairly inactive for about a year. Mr. Robinson stated he had included in the agenda the Community Development Commission "Purpose", the 1984 CoRUnission workplan, and minutes of the last three meetings. Mr. Robinson stated one thing that was important was a seven-member Planning Commission and the fact that the Community Development Commission has been a valuable commission in the past. Perhaps the Planning Commission members could come up with some ideas for the commission's future direction or some ideas on how the Corrgnunity Development Correnission could help the Planning Commission in terms of a study group. Mr. Gabel stated the Community Development Corr�nission has not met in about five months. They now only have three members. He stated he felt if the corrmission had a better direction, it could be a good viable commission. He stated he felt there were things going on in the community that the �orr�nunity Development Commission could be involved in. An example was the redevelopment of Commons Park. He stated Mr. Oquist had cornrnented many times that the Com�nunity Development Commission always seemed to get things after they had already happened. 91 PLANNI�JG COMPIISSION MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1986 PAGE 10 Mr. Saba stated there were many instances when things come before the Planninq Cammission when neighborhoods are in the process of being dramatically changed through development. Those were prime �reas that could 6e looked at by the Community Development Co�anission--to look at tfie la�out of the corimunity and find out what development was going to be going into those neighborhoods. The Community Development Commassion could come up wit� some preliminary recommendations so thai when a situation did arise, those recommendations could be passed on to the Planning Commission and City Council. P1r, Kondrick stated things just happen too fast, and there was actually no time for a corr�nission like the Comnunity Development Commission to look into these kinds of things. Mr. Betzold stated another factor was that the community was about 90% developed. In most of those areas, the developer can probably get a permit to do what needs to be done without too much city involvement. Developers do i�ave to come before the commissions for specia7 use permits, variances, etc., and then the commissions become involved. The Comnunity Development Comnission, as important as it was,might add one more hurdle to a dev�loper. Mr. Kondrick agreed. He was not so sure the Comnunity Development Commission was really necessary. In a way the Planning Commission was a"community development commission". How much more input could they really get from a Community Development Commission than they get from staff and some of the other pertinent commissions? It was a point of frastration felt by Mr. Oquist, and he a�reed with Mr. Oquist. Mr. Robinson stated that when the Community Development Commission was established, there were some long range goals such as a bikeway/walkway plan, a comprehensive plan, etc., but those things have been accomplished. �rdinance review and allocation of CDBG funding are things which are currently reviewed by the Community Develapment Commission. \ Mr. Billings stated that instead of just looking at the negative aspect, they should look at the positive aspect. 4Jhat areas could the Community Development Commission be involved in that no one was doing at this time? Mr. Saba stated one thing the Ca�nission had looked at in the past and could probably look at again was contininuity of the neighborhoods--to see if something could be done to increase the cohesiveness of the neighborhoods. Mr. Betzold stated "community development" implied looking at th e overall community to see what needed developing. Maybe they didn't need a commission to look at the overall community, but maybe they needed to take a more local at things like neighborhood improvements--to look at individual sections on an ongoing basis--what can they be doing in conjunction with the other commissions like the �arks & Recreation Commission or the Human Resources Commission and try to tie in with those commissions. It might be a way to get more neighbors involved in the city processes. � 9J PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 6 L 1986 PAGE 11 Mr. Robertson stated that Pianning Cc��a��sions were originally established with emphasis more �n the planning, t�� resea��h and development, and then as kind of adjunct, got respansibilities for some of �tie operations like rezoning, special use permits, etc. One possibility was if the Planning Commission could accept their role as sort of short-range operational-type planning, primarily in tfie regulatory area, whereas the HRA is the operating arm of the City as sort of the development corporation. The HRA has taxation and spending powers the Planning Commission doesn't have. Then, they could look at the Community Development Commission as the Planning Commission's longer range research and development policy analysis, policy formulation arm where the Planning Commission would route the types of operational decisions that require short turn-around times. An examp�e: certain specific neighbor- hoods, General policy question: What about the townhouses and left-over land parcels in single detached residential �eighborhoods? Mr. Billings stated it looked 7ike the Community Development Corrmission could be a viable commission. He stated he had no problem with what Mr. Robertson was suggesting that would help the Community Development Commission continue to be a viable commission. Mr. Robinson asked Mr. Gabel to go back to the Community Development Conxnission and ask the remaining commission members how they felt about what was discussed at this Planning Commission meeting, and if they, in fact, wanted to continue the commission. Mr. Billings stated this item would be continued until they received fuxther input from the Community Development Cormission. 6. RECEIVE MOTION FROP1 PARKS & RECREATION C0�1�1ISSION MINUTES OF JULY 14, 1986: Mr. Robinson stated that at the July 14th meeting, the Parks & Recreation Commission had made a motion to urge the City to sell the triangular piece of property on Creekpark Lane to Mr. Brickner. Mr. Kondrick stated there was now some talk that the property should not be sold but added to the property to the north of it making another park across the street from Creekridge Park. Mr. Robinson stated he believed that on Aug. 4, the City Council had passed a motion stating they would not be interested in expanding the park north of the street. Then the idea came up that staff be.directed to study the selling of the land to the highest bidder. He stated that this was really a moot issue at this time. The reason the motion was in the agenda was because it was missed at the last meeting. There was no action required by the Planning Commission. 9K PLANNItJG C0�1MISSION MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1986 PAGE 12 _ 7. RECEIVE JULY 10, 1986, HOUSING & REDEVELOPI9ENT Al1TH�RITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO 32ECEZVE THE JULY 10, 1986 � HOUSING � REDEVELOPMENT AIITHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE JULY 29, 1986, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes were not avai7able at the meeting. 9. OTHER BUSIP�ESS: a. Election of Vice-Chairperson Chairperson Billings declared the nominations open for vice-chairperson. P�Ir. Saba nominated Dave Kondrick for vice-chairperson. HeaNing no oiher nominations, Chairperson Billings declared the nominations closed. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MS. SNEREK, TO CAST A UNANSMOUS BALLOT FOR DAVE KONDRICK AS VICE—CHAIRPERSON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. UPON A VOICE VOTE,�ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER50N BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY bfR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO ADJOURN TXE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CAAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE AUGUST 6, 1986, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:05 P,M. Respectfully submitted, , Lynn Saba Recording Secretary 9L F,�ITH !�C,qDEMY �AYCARE SP #�86-10 STIP!l�1TI0"�S As amended by Planning Ca►mission on August 6, 1986 1� PETITIONER TO PROVIDE A PLAN FOR AN ADDITIONAL ZO PARKING STALLS TO BE BLACKTOPPED AND CURBED BY OCTOBER 31, 1996, Z, PETITIONER TO PATCH CURB AND STRIPE EXISTING PARKING LOT BY OCTOBEP. 31, 1�gE, 3, GRASSY AREAS TO BE MAINTAINED ON A REGULAR BASIS� 4, PETITIONER TO COMBINE INDIVIDUAL LOTS INTO ONE TAX PARCEL AS REC?UESTED BY CITY �ISSESSOR PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY� 5, BUILDINC AND ROOMS USED TO MEET MINNESOTA UNIFORM FIRE CODES AND LIFE SAFETY CODE ��101 REGARDING HlINDOWS, SMOKE DETECTION, EMERGENCY LIGHTIN�, SLEEPING AREA, AND EXITS� E� PLAY AREA BE FENCED, LAYOUT TO BE APPROVED BY CITY� %, THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT IS FOR NO MORE THAN 4� CHILDREN� �� PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEHJ OPERATION IN SIX MONTHS� �� �DEQUATE TRASH REMOVAL AND CONTAINERS TO BE PROVIDED IMMEDIATELY� ��� REMOVE OR REPAIR ALL OBSOLETE�HAZARDOUS PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT� 11� SPECIAL USE PERMIT ISSUED TO PRESENT OPERATOR ONLY� • IZ, ALL MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS INCLUDING BROKEN WINDOWS, LAWN MOWING, FENCE, WEEDS AND TRASH UPKEEP TO BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL BY COUNCIL� , ��' .�. , �,. `�, ��3 L�_ �, � ��, ;�, � �.� _ � .; 9 ` � $P 6-1Q "�� ro9 � i.' ,,..� ? �° � �� , / ►l• O � , �� ,�� ,� �2 � �, . ,,Fa :'th�FAc� de�rt � � , Y c ' F _ ' S � �i' �� � � . � c �� . � ,�-, „ � -B Hl� �, ,. 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K � I � 1 � +lr �:� yf�. , ir d ~ �¢�� r�;` �'f, YII`R, lt � /� { � � � � '. , i .�[ �� � . • �" 4' . �� a a . . i� 5 %S ,� t �;. �.. �. � e► PLANNING DIVISION � MEMOR,ANDUM ci�nr oF FRIDLEY MEND ZO: Jock Rabertson, Corc¢�►unity Developt►ent Director MEND FRQM: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator r�ND L�,TE : August 7, 19 86 R�ARDING: Faith Acaci�ny Daycare Special Use Perm�t, �#�6 �fl On August 6, 1986 the Fridley Planning Canmission reviewed a request by Faith Academy to establish a day care facility for up to 40 children in the existing school facility. At that time staff presentation included the follawing f ive stipulations: 1. Petitioner to pravide a glan for an additional 20 parking stalls, to tp� blacktopped an�d curbed by October 31, 1986. 2. Petitioner to patch curb and stripe existing parking lot by October 31, 1986. 3. Grassy areas to be maintained on a regular basis. 4. Petitioner to oanbine individual lots into one tax paroel as requested by Gity Assessor prior to occupancy. 5. Building and rams used to meet Minnesota Uniform Fire Codes and Life Safety Cbde #101 regarding windaws, snoke detection, energency lighting, sleeging area, and exits. Apgroximately 12 people from the neighborhooci attended the meeting. The neighbors expressed deep concern over the fact that the school presently operating under a separate special use permit has not done a good job of maintaining their property. Oomplaints included: broken wincbws which have gorye for several months without repair, insufficient mawing of the grassy area, debris and c$rbage kept outside without oontainers, inf requent pick-up of garbage and obsolete or hazarcbus playgro�md equipnent located on the east end of the school property. Ba�sed on the ryeighborhood input, the Planning Caiunission voted 6-1 in favor of reooaBnending denial of SP �86-10. �he Planning Canmission was aonoerned, that in the event the Council would decide to g3ss the special use permit irrespective of �their recommendation, that their should be additional stipulations added to the original five. Zt�e attached sheet of stipulations would reflect the desire of the Planning Cflmmission if the City O��mcil should decide to apprwe the request. It should be noted that in the Zaning Coc� under the section deal ing with special use permits there is a statement that reads "no appl ication for a special use permit which has been c3enied wholly or in part (by Ci.ty O�uncil) • shall be resubmitted for a period of six months fran the date of said order of denial, except on new ground or new evidence of proof of changes oi oonditions fo�d to be valid tr� the Planning Catenission". JLR/c�i► I�86-185 • • ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE CHAPTER 6 ENTITI.ED "PLANNIHG C(3MNIISSION" BY AMENDING SECTION 6.03. The City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follows: 6.03. PLANNING COMMISSION 4. Membership of Planning Commission. E At any meeting of the Planning Commission, if any commission member is unable to attend, the vice-chairperson of their member commission(s) may serve in their stead. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 9�04. 6.03. PLANHING CO2�SISSIOH Ot�4rlI5SIOH 1. Tit1e. There is hereby created a Planning Commission for Lhe City of Fridley, Minnesota. 2. Purpose. �e Planning Commissioa is established to �romote the systematic and � continuing application of organized kaa�rledge and foresight in the pursuit of clearly defined and properly related goals and objectives in order to create an increasingly better, healthy, convenient, efficient and attractive environnent. . 3. Scope. A. The Planning Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council. Problems shall be referred to the Planning Commission by Lhe City Council, City Administration or chairperson of the member commissioas, and may be assigned to the member commissions for detailed study and recommendations as required. All recommendations by the Planning Commission shall be made to the Ci ty Council . B. 1�e Planning Commission is charged with responsibility for continuous community planning and development of comprehensive goal s and pol icies, incl uding but not 1 imited to, land use, housing, environment, parks and recreation, public services, " h�an resources, and other related community activities. x C. The Planning Commission shall advise the City Council in the � development of programs to give increased effectiveness and direction in i�plementing estaGlished City goals and policies and recommend actions needed to carry out planning re spon si bil i ty . 4. Membership of Planning Commission. A. The Planning Commission shall consist of the Planning Commission chairperson� the chairperson of the Coomunity Development Cocmission, the chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the chairperson of the Appeal s Commission, Lhe chairperson of the Environmental Quality Commission, the cbairperson of the H�an Resources Commission, and Lhe chairperson of the Energy Commission. B. The chairperson of the Planning Con�ission shall be appointed by the City Council to serve for a tbree year term as a voting member of the conmission. C. The P]annirsg Coamission nembers serve as chairperson of the memDer coma►issions and are appointed according to provisions outlined in the ordinance establishing ead� meaber commission. D. The Planniag Commissioa sball each year, from their oxn members, choose a vice-chairperson. At any meetiag of the Planning Commission, if the regular chairperson is unable to attend, the vice-chairperson shall act as chairperson. ( Ref. � ?OS) - 6-3 y= _ .� :' � C�N �F FR! DLEY ------ DIRECTARATE _ -- _ --_- OF PUBLIC WORKS IVIEMORANDUM ZU: Nasim Qutestli, City Manager � . FROM: John G. Flora,` Pulal ic Works Di rector nATE; August ld, 1986 �: Water arnd Sanitaiy Sewer Praject #162 FW86-236 pz �ur sday, August 14, 1986 at 11: 00 a. m. in �i tY Roaa I, th e Ci ty opened bids for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Project #162 for the Wooc�ridge Developnent. Seven �ntrac�ors were interested in the proj ect and we reoeived three b�ic�. �e laa bidder was su�mitted by Park Construction at $188,100.00. In satisEying the oaapletion agreenent with Wooclb�idge agreement, reoa�nend the ��ncil reveive the bids arx] award the oontract to the law bidder, Park Construction. JGF/ts BID OPENING 11:00 A. M. 7HURSDAYr AUGUST 14, 1986 FJl�'ER AND SANITARY SIInIER FRQ7E(.'I' �162 PLAr7HCLDER Park Construction 7900 I3eech St. , N. E. Nor thf iEld, NN 55057 Cxossinys, Inc. P. 0. Box 10 Prior Lake, MJ 55372 S. J. Louis Construction kF:4 , P. 0. Box 5180 �t. Qoud, NN 56302 � BID � ZUUTRt� I � B(�ID � BID � O�Nli��lv'TS � � � �, � � � J 5$ I$ 188,100.001 I � -- _. I � � I � 5$ I 196,033.551 I I � � � , � �� I I I � 5$ � 251,455.301 � � I I_.I -__ i --- 10A • . �,, �--� � � ,_ . , ,� �� T0: FROM: • DATE: OtRECTORATE �F PUBLIC `�WORKS MEMOAANDUM Nasim Qureshi, City l�ager John G. Flora, YPublic Works Director August 12, 1986 SUB.7EGT: De�►ol ition and Site Grading Proj ect #163 � 1 , o "a � :� �o � �� ,� . �._.= � PW86 234 Zhe City opered bic�s for the Demolition and Site Grading Project #163, Woodbridge Developnent, on bionday, August 11, 1986 at 10:00 a. m. in �ity Roan I. Five o�ntractors were interested in the proj ect and we reoeived four bic�. The law bidder was Enebak Construction Company of Northf ield, NID1 at $978,000.00. �his bid is in line with the original bid we received for this project last spring. Based upon the agreed to schedule with Woodbridge to initiate work this year on the 100 �ain Drive-In site, reoocnmer�cl Council reoeive the bids and award the o�ntract to the la�r bidder, D�ebak Construction Qanpany. JGF/ts 0 11A BID OPENIlVG 10 : 00 A. M. NDNDAY, At1GUST 11, 1986 DENDLITION & SITE GRADING PRQTECr #163 � BID � � ( PLANHCGDER { BCND � BID � OOA'Il►]E�iTS � � ( Enebak Construction Comp�ny I I I P.O. Box 139 ( 5$ l 978,000.00 ( Northfield, NN 55057 I I I l l I Park Construction Com�riy I I I 7900 Beech St. , N. E. ( 5� (1,193,000.00 { Friciley, NN 55432 I I ! Minn-Kota Excavating i I I 3401 - 85th Ave., N. I 5$ 11,257,000.00� Minneapol is, r+Y�T 55443 I i I 1 I I D. L. R Construction I I I 11545 - 190th St. E. j 5$ 11,600,735.66� Hastings, NN 55033 I I I I I I- C. S. McCrossan, Inc. I I I Box 247 rkey St. � NO BID I I Magle Grave, Md 55369-0247 I I ( I i I :Z �\� I �k;�,,y, i�l.. S^ ,y . , �� .' T0: ' FR�OM: Ll�►TE: OtAECTQRATE O � puB��c woRKs M E M O A A N D UM Nasim Qureshi, City Manager John G. Flora �Public Works Director August 12, 1986 SUBJECT: Lanctscaping, Irrigdtiaci and Lic�ting Project #168 12 1 � v� � �O ,� - . �=_ FW86-235 On Tuesday, August 12, 1986 at 10:00 a. m. in Community Roan I, the City opened the bids for the Landscaping, Irrigation and Lighting Project #168 for the Woodbridge Develognent. IIeven oontractors were interested and we reoeived six bids. �e law bicic3er was Minnesota Valley Landscaping, Inc. at $481,413.00. In order to satisfy the agreed suspense dates for the Woodbridge Developnent, reoanmend the City Council receive the bids and award the oontract to the laa bidder, Minnesota Valley Landscaping, Inc. We a� not reca�nending eith�er of the alternatives as they are not cost effective. Alternate A pravided for a granite bo�lder wall in lieu of a keystone retaining wall . Alt�exnat�e B pravided far the installatioa► of � granite fieldst�e in lieu of crushc.�d granite rock. Ernst and Associates, the oonsultant for this project, � recam�end that these alt�rnatives not be cansidered based upon the bids receiv�d. JC�'/ts 0 12A BID OP�IING 10 : 00 A. M. ZUFSDAY, Ai1GUST 12, 1986 LAND6CAPING, IRRIGATIDN � i�IGHTING PRLUDCT �I68 I azn I �ar� I�T. Bm I�T, szn i �xc�R I sarm I BID I A I B I I I I I I rti.nnesota valley I I � ! ( I Lanoscape, Inc. I I I I I 9700 W. Bush Lake Rd. � 5� � 481,413.00 �- 1,800.001- 8.000.00� Mpl s, NN 5543 8 I I I I I I I I I I Nob1e Nursery I I I I I 10530 Tray Larye � 5$ � 507,847.14 I- 3,075.00 � 10,000.00 ( Map1e Grwe, Mv 55369 I I I I I I I I I .I Li.no Lakes Landscaping � � � I � 18400 Lexington Avenue � 5$ I 535,046.10 I -0- I 17,860.00) Wycming, Md 55092 I I I I I I I I I I Natural Green Inc. ( � I I I 1660 Arboret�an Blvd. I 5� I 549.575.00 I -0- I-15,000.00� chanhassen, Mv 55317 I I I I I - I I I I I Margolis Brothers Co. I I I I I 1171 W. Larperteur Ave. j 5$ � 582,056.66 I+ 4,730.001- 9►922•001 St. Paul., rTI 55113 I I I I I I I I I I Hof finan & MczJamara � I I I � I 2601 Glendale Rd. � 5$ � 588,956.00 I -fl- I- 6,000.001 Hastings, M�I 55033 I I I I I I I I I I Albrecht Irrigation I I I 1408 West Co. Rd. C. j � NO BID I Roseville, NN 55113 I I I I I I AQi1A City Irrigation, Inc. � � � 5428 Ni�llet Ave. So. � � NO BID I N�ls, NN 55419 � ( � I I I m � I I I -o- I I i I I I I I -o- I � � I I AQC� Engineering Inc. I I I I I 6575 city West Parkway I 1 NO BID 1 -o- I -o- I eden Prairie, NN 55344 I ( I I I I I I i I CSI Electric Inc.. � I ( ( I 5241 west Braac�aay I I NO BID I -0- I --�- I Minneapolis, NN 55429 I I ( I ( I I I I I Egan Mcxay. Ina I I I I I 7100 M�edicine Lake Road � � NO BID 1 -�- I --�- I Minneapolis, NN 55427 ( I ( ( ( i I I I I �� . �. C�NOF FRl DLEY DIAECTOAATE OP PUBLIC WORK8 IVIEMORANDUM �: r]as�im Quresni, city Mariager FROM: Jahn G. F1ora,�Public Works Director �1TE: August 12, 1986 SUB.7ECT: Street Imprwenent Project No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2, Phase II ,�, .. _ .�- 1-' • • � .�� , _ .� � FW86-237 Phase ZI of the Street Lnpravenent Prvject No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2 deals with the oonstruction of Woodbridge and Lake Pointe Drive in the Woodbridge Develognent of the 100 Ztain Drive-In site. Bids were opened on Thursday, April 17, 1986 and awarded to H& S Asphalt by the City Council on May 5, 1986. Zhe a�aarding of Phase II was withheld up�n finalization of the Woodbridge Developnent agreenents. We have discussed the extension of the awarding of Phase II with the contractor and he has agreed to complete the identif ied proj ect as suimitted in his bid In orc�er to satisfy the oangletion agreenent with Woodbridge for the 100 ZWin Drive-In project site, reoa�►end the City Council award Phase II of Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2 to H& S Asphalt at $368,054.10. JGF/ts 13A BID OPENI2JG 3: �� P• � �URSDAY, APRIL 17, 196b STREET ZA!PROY£MEhT 1956 - 1 � 2 ; BID ; i ' . t PLAIvHOLDER i BOhD ; PHASE I; PHASE II ; TOTAL ' ' _ i � � _� _ t H 8c S Asphalt i i � � 700 Industry Avenue ! 53 i 439,120. 55 i 3b 8, 054• 10; � FiQ7:17u. 65 �noka, Mt� 55303 i � � ' ' �,�7- �`k.�:', , � � r. , � _, � V�lley Pavin6, Inc. i i � + �05o D Y.i6r;w�y lol ; 5°. i473�626.70;378,353.50; 85t,96U.2o Sh�copee� tu! 55379 i Z � ' � � � � , , , � � _� � � �rcon Const. Co. , Inc. i i � � P. G. Bcx 57 { 5� � 4 86 � 350. 42; 401, 753• 67 � 888,104. 09 i:orn, t�4� 55451 i i i � � ' _i �i � � � ---- bury & Carlson, Inc. i i i i 6G0� I�ayzata Blvd. i 5� i520,641.06;391,680.05i 912,521.11 !•:ir.neaFolis, t•�� 55416 ; i i � � ' ' � _ ► , --- Hardrives� Inc. i i i � 7200 Henlock Lsne t+o. ; 5: �506�795.65�416,149.00; 922,944.85 r:a�le Grove� b�l 55369 � � � � � � �-- _� � � � � �lexander Const. Co. ; i i � 14561 Johnr.y Cake Ridge Road ; 50 � 55T, 732• 23 � 410, 769. 40 ; 96 8, 501. 6 3 �p�-le Val�ey, r4; 551�4 ; i i � � � � � � � � � � _ C. S. AfcCrossan, Inc. ; i i i Eox 2�7 ; 5i i 562� 863• 40; 417, 407.70; 980,271.10 i t6 5 Co. Rd. {f 1& i i i i Ma�;le Grove, FIIJ 55369-0247 � � � � � � � � � � _ � �—� Fark Construction i i 1 � 7900 5eech Street ; 5� i631,023.09;4b0,236.13;1,091,259.22 r;inneapolis, !�� 55�32 i i i � � � -� -� � ,4��-�.-- - � r � � � C�n �F FRl DLEY � �� F�M: ��� p1AECTORATE OF PUBLlC WORKS !'VIE11�!IORANDUM Nasim Qureshi, City Manager John G. Flora, Public Works Director August 12, 1986 PW86-241 SUBJDC.T: Recamyendation tA Purchase Tractor Bacichoe :�. . . � . • �.. � . � . <'1� - ► - - � ;� On Tuesday, August 5, 1986 at 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers tYbe City operied bids far the Tractor Backhoe. Five campatu.es bid various maah�nes. The three low�est bid machines did not meet specifications. Therefore, I wauld rec�rend that we a� the contract to the fourth law�est hidder who met the specificati.ons, Carlson's Lalce State EquiTxnent Caipany. Recam�end the Gity Council receiv�e the bids and award the o�ntract tA Carls�'s Lake Stat�e DquipmerYt Ca�xznY far $72, 800. 00. The funds are available in the Utility B�dget. JC�'/BN/ts AttacY�¢nents 0 , � �- � C�N �F FRIDLEY ZO: ���� II�TE: DIiaECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORK8 lVfEMORANDUM John G. Flora, Public Works Director Bob Norc3ahl, Operations Analyst August 6, 1986 PW86-231 SUB.7ECT: Reoarnnendation to Purchase Z�actor Backhoe-Loader � .�. . • Bids were reoeived and opened on August 5, 1966 at 11:00 A.NL for a Tractor Backho�Loac3er to replaoe the existing 1974 John Deere 410 backhoe. There were f ive mmpanies that resp�nded with bids at the bid opening. During the developnent of specif ications for the new backhoe it was our decision to write specifications for a larger, more powerful machirye with a longer reach bucket than the 1974 John Deere 410 pr�sently being used. A larger machine would improve maintenance capabilities of storm water ciitches and ponc�s. Also this machine would increase the efficiency for water and sewe= line breaks, enabling the machire a longer reach and more p�wer to quickly remove the material. Oomparing the hids (see attached oomparison spread sheet) we ooncluded that the three lowest bid backhoes did not meet the specif icat�ns. Listed belvw are the oam�risons of the various machines tud: 1. Massv Ferguson -(lowest bid) 50 HX Elite bid by Korluem's Sales Inc. ;$35,000.00. 7he engine is snaller (4 cyl. ) and not as F:owerful are specified. �e lift cagacity to full height is less than the s�ecified 6900 po�ds. 73�e minimum digging depth is almost 2 feet less ar.a 6,000 pounds lighter than specified. Zhis machine is ve=y s.in�ilar to the John Deere 410 size that is in use today. 2. 1� - 1700 �; - 4wd Turbo II -(second lowest bid) bid by Haycien - r;urFhy Ei�uignent Ccx: �ny for 5�9,725.00. 7he engine is snaller (4 cyl. ) with less cubic inch and horse power specif ied. Also the lift caFacity is less than the 6,000 paunds specif ied. Zhis ma�ine has 1 ess than the specif ied 1 if t capaci ty. The digging depth is less than specified and also the extension is 4 feet instead of the 5 foot extension called for in the specification. A�.}ain the J� is 5,000 pounds lighter than the specified 21,500 pouncls called for and would indicate that this machine is oomg3rable with the size of the existing John Deere 410. . � Page � - A�186-231 3. CDS - Domor 724 -(third lowest bid) by Ruffridge - Johnson D�uipt. �. for $53,996.00. Zhe engine bid is a 4- cylinder with less cubic inches (239.3) that the spec;ified 5 cylinder, 325 cubic inch. The transmission has 3 speeds forward not the 6 speec3s forward as specif ied. Zhe dix�ging depth is 14' 9" or 3 feet less than specified. �e extens��n is 3'-6" or �w—E4a less than the 5 foot extension specif ied. Zhe operating weight 15,805 po�.mds or 5,695 less than the 21,500 pounds specified. 4. John Deere 710 B-(fourth and f ifth lowest bid) Carlson's Lake State �uignent Canpany for $72,800.00. Zhe John Deere 710B meets all specified requirements. It has six cylinders, 325 cubic inch engine. �e transnission has six speeds forward. 7he digging force is 13,500 pounds with a lift capacity to full height of 6,000 pounds. 73ie mirum�ui digging depth is 17'10" with a 5' extension. 73�e operating weight is 21,500 pouncls. Reviewing the spread sheet comparison of the four machines bid, Ralph Vollanan, Rusty Silseth and Don Carrigan felt the Massy Ferguson, the JCB and the C�6 - DoMor did not meet the specifications for a larger machine required in the Utility Departrnents. Zhey concluded that these machines are in size classification of the existing John Deere 410 now in use. We reoeived two bids fran two different John Deere dealers for the 710 B. Zhis machine met specifications in all catag�ries. 7his size machine would greatly increase the efficiency of the utility maintenances tasks by allowing the operators more pawer and reach to clean storm water streams and ponds and decrease the time neec3ed to break frost during winter water breaks. Also the larger machirye can renwe more wet material much faster during the watermain tireaks enabling the ma.intenance craas a faster exposer to the broken gipes. 'Ihis will greatly reduoe the cbwn times on water and sewer breaks occuring at ranc3om throughout the City of Fridley. �e two oompanies biddir�g the John Deere 710 B are Carlson's Lake State Ei�uip. 0�. for $72,800.00 and I�ke Durfee Comg3ny in North Mankato, NN for $75,000.00. After reviewing aIl the bids we feel tht the City Council should award the oontract to Carlson's Lake State E�uipnent Company for a John Deere 710B Machine for $72,800.00. �e t�se bid was $97,700.00 less $24,900.00 for the tradein of the 1974 John Deere 41U. Zhe f�ds for the reglaaement of the ta�ckhoe are available in the Utility Budget and srheduled for 1986 reglaoement of the 1974 John Deere 410. �� VIRG�L C. MERRICK OAVIO P. NEWMAN JAMES E. SCHMECKVEPER HERRICK & NEWMAN. P.A. wrTO�r+Ers wr u�w MEMi� _ �.�� 1 •� , • � � 6279 UNIVERS�T�' AVENUE M.E. FRI�LEY, MINNESOTA 55432 571-3850 T0: Bob Nordahl, Operations Analy.st FROM: Dave Newman, Assistant City Attorney DATE: August 12, 1986 RE: Your :nemo of August 6, 1986 regarding bids received for Backhoe-Loader In reviewing your memo it is my understanding that the three lowest bids do not comply with the specifications. In particular, none of the engines were six cylinder, nor did any of them meet the requested minimum size engine nor the minimum horsepower. Additionally, the John Deere was the only tractor with 6 forward speeds, all other models which were bid had 4 forward speeds or less. I note that in reviewing your memorandum, that there are a number of other specifications which the three low bidders did not meet. However, for the purpose of our opinion, I do not feel it is necessary to analyze whether those other deviations constitute a material change. It is our opiaion that the size of the engine as well as the nature of the transmission constitutes an essential part of the specifica- tions, and that you have the authority to reject any bids that do not fully comply with those specifications. In summary, it is our opinion that you can reject all bidders except for the two that specified a John Deere 710 B. Sincere�y yours, ; _ � , '� ���t Li� -- - David P. ewman � 0 � �� � � N i G1 C QJ d O � m � �+ .� s� � $ } W J C,'� � 2 r rr � _ 4. W O � � Y .--� � CL7 ..r V �o � o'+ .-� �n � N � � � Q a � � N Q1 7 F-- E a 0 0 � � � W 0 Q O J W O c� < C] � � �--' U C C F--� 15 TKDA TOITZ KING OUVAL� AtVOERSON AND ASSOCIATES. INCORPORATED ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 2500 A67ERICAN NATIONAL BANK BU�LDING SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55701 August 1 1, 1 986 s�z zez-aaoo . Mr. John Flora Director of Public Works City of Fridley Civic Center 6431 University Avenue N.E. Frtd{ey, MN 55421 Re: Repair ot Johnson Street 1.5 MG Reservoir City of Fridley, Minnesota. Commission No. 8b77. Dear Mr. Flora: On August 7, 1986, two (2) bids were received for the above referenced work. Eleven (11) contractors had taken out plans and speclfications prior to the bidding date. (See attached tabulation.) It is noted that Western Waterprofing have submitted the lowest price in the amount of 5115,225.00. The engineers estimate was �60 - 75,000. Due to the fact that the bids came in so much over the estimate, we have dtscussed thts with one of the bidders, two of the non-bidding contractors and one maJor materiai supplier. Based on data received it is our opin(on that the bids received were excessive due to the tollowing: 1. Work wl{t be done tate in the year, when contractors are trying to finish up other work under contract. There appeared to be very littte competition on their bidding. 2. The twenty-one t21) day completion date is very tight. Bidders were leary of liquidated damages. It is our opinion that the bids received are excessive and we recommend that all bids be reJected. We would recommend that this proJect be re-bid early in 1987, and the contractor be allowed to start demolition work in March, and concrete patching in early April. Based on our visual inspections of the reservotr and data contained in AEC Report, It (s our opinion that the reservoir could continue in service far the wlnter. The new completlon date should be lengthened to 45 calendar days and proJect scheduled to be completed by mid May 1987. We are returning herewith the two proposals which you gave us. Very trulq yours, l��:(��.,�� _ Owen J. Beatty, P.E OJB:Imr BID OPENJNG 11:00 A.M. TNURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1986 REPAfR OF JdHNSON STREET 1.5 MG RESERVOIR CITY OF FRIDLEY, MlNNESOTA PLANHOLDER Abhe $ Svoboda P.O. Box 251 Mora, MN 55051 Arcon Construction P.O. Box 57 Mora, MN 55051 D.H. Blattner b Sons, Inc. 1400 Concordia St. Paul, MN 55104 C.R. Brazfer, Inc. P.O. Box 625 Prior Lake, MN 55372 Andrew Langum, Inc. 1318 Bayridge Road Madison, WI 53716 Pressure Concrete Const. Co. 3839 Mer i e Hay Road Des Moines, IA 50310 Restore Specialties 6101 Baker Rd. Suite 206 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Structurai Restoration, Inc. 811 East 45th Street Minneapolis, MN 55417 Tenyer Coatings, lnc. P.O. Box 192ay Rd. Badger, MN 56714 Valley Contracting, Inc. 78$ Holton Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Western Waterproofing, Inc. 283 8 Steven Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55408 BID BONO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO TOTAL BID f�D : � '-�� : � -�1J '3I7 �'-3�� � : � ALTERNATE BID Certifled Check 5249,870.00 No bid 512,500.00 5� National $115,225.00 $20,193.00 Fire I ns. Co. 15A ,- �-, . - � � C�N�F FR! DLEY 'I'0: �� !�-4 DIAECTO FtATE OF PUBLIC WOF�KS 1VIEMORA1�Ii�UM Nasim �.u�eshi� City Manager John G. F1ora,�Public Works Director August 13, 1986 SUBJDCT: Change Order #1 - Street Improvetrnnt Project No. ST. 1986 - 3 P'W86-223 ,�. � . . �. I--' • • <'�� .. — � ;� The City awarded Street �nproveirent Project No. ST. 1986 - 3, which is Lkiiversity Avenue West Senrioe Driv�e ext,ention betw�en 81st and 83rd for the State Highway Departinent. We are in the process of caistructing the median at 83rd far this in�araveqnent. In reviewing the recent interest of the vacant property to th�e north of 83rd, w�e feel it is prudent to install s�w�r and water service to the vacant adjacent properties ar�d necessary conduit for future signals and irrigatioaz syst�n.s within this area. It is also prudent to utilize the ooaltractor to inc�rporate this work within th�e street i�rovelrient project as a means of facilitating and e,�editing this wr�rk and providing far future service without da¢naging this caazstruction. Recamtiend tYbe City Couricil approve C:hange Orcler #1 to ST. 1986 - 3 for the utility seYVice at a oost of $9,500.00. JC�'/ts ��� �� ��� Engineering Division QTY t�F FRIiZ,EY Fridley, Minnesota August 16, 1986 16A H& S AsFhal t, Inc. 700 Industry Blvd, Anoka, NN 55303 S�bject: Change Order �1, Street Imprwsnent Proj ect No. ST. 1986 - 3 Gentl enen: You are hereby ordered, authorized and instructed to modify your contract for Street Impravanent Project ST. 1986 - 3 by adding the follawing: ' � � _M �.�. ��� Sewer and Water Service Installation on 83 rd Avenue, North Zbtal �ange Order �1 ' �!� �y (L�mp S�n) $ 9,500.00 Original Contract Prioe (Phase I) �� •• r• � N � � �� 9,500.00 98,606.00 $108,106.00 S�nitted and appraved hlr John G. Flora, Public Works Director on the 18th day of August, 1986. . �-- PIeP3Z� �7 l..r G^'11 / ' . �!�/L' �.�., V Checked by :�� � 1��� ^L.� dohn G. Flora, P. E. Public Works Director . H & S As�alt, Inc. Page 2 Change Orc3er �I Street Impravenent Project ST. 1986 - 3 A�proved and accepted this chy c�f �, 1`�� bY �& S Asphalt, Inc. H & S ASPHALT, iNC. Willian B. Miller, President - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appraved and accepted this day of , 1986 by the City Council of Fridley, Minnesota. WILLIAM J. I�E MAYOR giIRLEY A. HA�A�A - CITY Q�ERK 3/6/4/25 RFSQ,UTICJl3 Nt�. - I986 RFSCtiTrION Q�LI�ING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT OF THE M�DIFIED RE�k.VII�OPi+� P1�AN FOR RIDEVII�OPT�IT PRA7ECP N0. 1; THE �1II�T OF THE TAX INCRE�NT EZNANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCRII�NT FINANCING DISTRICTS N0. 2�iI2QUGH 6; ESTABLISHING TAX INCRF�F�IT FINANQI� DIS�2IGT NQ5. 7 ATiID 8 AND ADOFPING TAX INCRII�IT FINANGZI�X� PI.FINS �II2II��R WHE�tEAS, at the req�st of the Housing & Redevelopnent Authori�ty in and for the City of Friciley, Minnesota (the "Authority") , this Council shat2 meet on Nbnday, Sept�nber 22, 1986, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. to hold a public hearing on the following matters: (a) the amendmerit of the Nbdified Redevelognent Plan for the Authority's RedeveloFcnent Project No. 1, (the "Project"), (b) the establishment by the Authority of Tax Increnent Financing District Nos. 7 and 8(hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Tax Increment Financing Districts") within the Project, (c) the adoption of the proposed Tax Increnent Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts, and (d) the amenc�nent of the tax increment financing plans for the Authority's Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 2 through 6, all pursuant to and in accordanoe with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 to 462.716, inclusive, as amended, Mirmesota Statutes, Section 273.74 subd. 4, as amencied, and �innes ta Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.78, inclusive, as amended. NCW, �III2EF�RE BE IT RESOLVED that the City C1erk in and for the City of Fridley is authorized and directed to cause notice of the hearing, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to be given as required by laaa, to glace a wp� the proposed Modified Redevelognent Plan and proposed Tax Incranent Financing Plans on file in the Gity Clerk's office and to make such glans available for inspection by the public, �mmencing August 19, 1986. PASSID AND ADOFPID BY 7.HE QTY �iJNQL OF 7.�iE QTY OF FRIIIi,EY �iIS L�AY OF _ 1986. WII,LIAM J. NEE - N�YOR AZTFST: SHIRLEY A. HF1�IPALA - CITY CZERK 3/7/3/22 17 17A EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF FRIQLEY COUNTY OF ANOKA STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GZVEN that the City Council (the "Coun- cil") of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 22, 1986, at a regular meeting of the Council commencing at 7:30 o'clock p.m., to be held at the Fridley City Hall relating to the amendment b� �he Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City o� Fridley, Minnesota (the "Authority"), of the Modified Redevelopment Plan of its Housing and Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Project") and the establishment of the Authority's Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 within the Project, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sec- tions 462.411 to 462.716, inclusive, as amended, Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74, subd. 4, as amended, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.78, inclusive, as amended. The hearing is also relative to the adoption og the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. ? and 8 and the amendment of the tax increment financing plans for the Authority's existing Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 2 through 6, copies of which changes will be on file and available for public inspection in the City Clerk's ofFice not later than August, 19, 1986. A - 1 Ex���c� ���r� a 17 B (GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONSi _ ` _ . � --- - -� -! _ . � _��� ����� ��� � : _ _ . _ _ � ---rrflr�r"" _ . t) � � : t � ii: ( .7 r� �r �j% l � �1} 't' .t s « '' � ,� r �l�c i� ♦� Z Ii , % �� �� �!> > ' �''y I�j ( ► �- �- -� �- -� � f • = 2 i :. ~• � .n• � > .� � 3 � �` � Q •,� � -!V _ _ � �"' � , Jl � � � �� \ � "y • � � , � � . i .c t. � � 3 • i O � .1! t � � i� ♦' �! ; � - - ' ' - � � � � � � i � W = v � ` � �• � ' � , x r � s �t � � ��� jl01T, �'. ' Z : � � - - W �. � . � � r -,t � i: . W � ----- � :- .� . 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' �_, _ __. ...... ___. 0 RFSCGDTION NO. - 1986 1 � RFSCLUTI(7N OF SUPPORT FOR AN� O�UNI'Y MEDIATIl�1 PR03H� WHIIZEAS, the s�onoept of �c9l�mteer mediation is meeting an increasing nunber o� conflict resolution needs a�ong neic�hbors, landlords and tenants, businesses and consuners, glus citizens and agencies; and WHEREAS, the Anoka County Mediation Project proposes to o�fer mediation services at no oost to those invalved in oonflict; and WH�S, a revent survey indicated a desire among Anoka Co�mty m�icipalities to use the servioes of a county mediation project for sane conflicts now being handled b,� police departments, city attorneys, public works and planning dep�rtrnerits; NCW, �IEREFDRE� BE IT RESCLVID BY THE QTY Q�LTNCII� OF ZHE QTY OF FRIffi,EY THAT the Mayor and the City Manager supports the concept of an Anoka County Mediation Project and would support its staff's use of these services when appropriate. PASSID AND ADOFPID BY TFiE QTY Q�iJNCIL OF ZiiE QTY OF FRII�EY THIS L�►Y OF , 1986. ATrEST: SH IRL EY A. HAAPALA - CITY Q, II�R WILL IAM J. NEE - N�,YOR • � ANORA COUNTY MEDIATION PROJECT DATE: AU�UST 11, 1986 MEMO T0: NASIM QURES�i, �ITY �ANAGER CIT� OF FRIDLEY F1EM0 FROM: LONNI McC�ULEY, TASR FORCE MEMBER ANOKA COUNTY �EDIATION PROJECT Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process whereby people in conflict can sit down with a trained volunteer and work out their problem using win-win strategies. The volunteer's role is to facilitate the negotiation, remain impartial at all times, and to help create options if needed.. The concept is not new, even if it is still unique. In 1981 the state legislature made funds available to the Minnesota Supreme Court to establish pilot programs in Minnesota. A Ramsey County Dispute Resolution Center was established and is still operating today. Hennepin County has four community centers. I am familiar with the project in Brooklyn Center. The Anoka County task force started meeting in May to start deliberations. The task force, by the way, is made up of city managers or police chief from the 8 major Anoka county cities, a district judge, a representative from the Anoka County Bar Assn., Senator Gene Merriam, two school board members, a county commissioner, a business representative, resident and civic organization representative. The goal of the Anoka County Mediation Project task force is to set up such a center for county residents to use as a forum other than courts or other enforcement agencies. The objective is to help people solve problems and also to help relieve congested court calendars and give police departments and cities an alternative resource in solving conflict. You are probably already aware of the type of conflict I'm talking about - you get the phone calls at home or people cominq to open mike talking about the neighbor's barking dog, or not cutting their weeds, or junk cars in the yard, or a proposed re-zoning that has everyone up in arms. In other words the type of conflict that's hard to settle legally, but that's just as serious and causes just as much consternation to residents in your town. . . This is how a typical mediation might work. A police department has had a problem between two neighbors and have a Iengthy file going back for years. Finally they call the Mediation Center and ask for assistance. A ca�e worker calls both parties and gets them to �gree t� �eet t� discuss their mutual conflict, stressing that there is no charge for the program. A date is set up at a location fairly close to the parties. Volunteers are assigned to the case and agree to mediate it. When the parties meet the concept is explained thoroughly to them and they agree to abide by the process. Each is then given an opportunity to discuss the conflict and is then asked how they would ideally settle it. Most cases take one session of 1-1 1/2 hours. An agreement is written up and signed by both parties. Follow-up is made within the alloted time to �etermine success. Some expected results might be these. Ramsey County opened 311 cases in 1985. Of those one-third were successfully mediated, one-half were unwilling to participate and the remainder were referred to other agencies or could not be contacted. The average time from contact to case closed was 14 days compared to some of the months and even years now in court cases. Neighbors were one-third of the cases followed by landlord/tenant, business/consumer, domestic and other types of conflicts. When contacted after mediation 92$ from the Brooklyn Center project said they would use the process again. To determine the potential in Anoka County, a survey was sent to all 15 cities asking them to determine how many cases per year they might refer to mediation. Nine cities responded and said that 350 cases per year would be probable. This is what the task force proposes to do: . Set up a non-profit corporation with board members selected from throughout the county. . Set up administrative procedures with appropriate confidential processes. . Solicit and train volunteers - hopefully 25 to start with. . Carry on an effective outreach program whereby the media, police departments, city staffs, chambers of commerce, civic organizations and churches are aware of the prooram and are urged to �,ake referrals. Select mediation sites throughout the county so that sessions can be held as close to disputants as possible. Schools, churches, city hall conference rooms are possible. 18C . Set up mediation cases before a county organization is up and running by using the Brooklyn Center Mediation Center and its volunteers. . Set up an office and select and staff to run the program. . Solicit funds for first a 3-month pilot project of about 56000 from civic groups, and area businesses plus other interested parties. An annual budget of about 525,000 would be sought from foundations, businesses, interested cities, fund raisers, and other sources. we would ask that you consider giving your official support to the program. We feel it is a direct benefit to the city of Fridley and that you will find that your city staff, police department, public works and city attorney will have occasion to make use of its services this year. Secondly, and separately, we ask for you to consider a request of 51,500 for this program in your 1987 budget to help meet the annual expenses of 525,000. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to making a formal request and presentation to your City Council. 0 r -; > r >- �_- > 3 � = � � ` - '�`�V y � '� U � � j �__ �a � � � E � _ � � � � � � � ^ J � ^ y 3� A 7 � _ p + m c � . G � � � -- �__> ��e � �n �" D c ,� " c t ` y � U Q � �a y � o x o Y � C�nO� � � � o O � � � � j � F . ` o _ ° c � ci T w � c3 0 � V .� O � � > O � � �w, i � C Q � '0 N � � 3 a N � 01 � � •7 � Q O uf Q � � C .� � � fl. 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E'" OL 'V t9 � G � � (G N y � N o�a�E°`°u- c = � x � c .. a � (n .. p ti � m Q a E L U N�� 0 W y Z � Q W �W f ~ W Z o�' Q J N > ¢ o� aZ O� W � � � J � JV Q ' N C U a; L 2�� E V� r� L U � @ � � � � � n � C E 7 ra�i�°-o°� C y � r' C � � �? j � L, � ai'��n° ��a U N � Q � y C 07 C a C p � �— L ri D U F N j a o rn� C v�i � V 7 � N �� � c y � a���yo�Eu n°EAC`�1° i; C C 4; T E� C � o �- o � � � E c � ° � � > 0 • �� �I T �� V �� � ;� • � � � � o a c i v- � J Q Z � cZ W W W � UZ o�c O aU J W Q � Q � c; O O � � � � � g � � — M � � ip i1'1 C � U � � Lii � �.�^„ � O C L O o V � A Y � Q J J Q � Uf N � � W � J ~ � 0 aW � O�Z � � H J O } � � �c e` � C �v � Z O �" Q � W � � 0 � �� sr %: � .� Q _s � o Cv�a- V M CI f'�1 Q �O � a �n g � =°• > �m v d � C �'n� c � '" ,�� a gU� Y M C � t+1 O Q..0 0 M � � � � N t0 : � - 1986 �N �F ASSESSMENT ROLL rvR +�o� JLnY1VL ���.NECTIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: l. It is hereby determined that the assessable cosi of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: 1986 SERVICE CONNECTION ROLL including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ 15,848.1� 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSEO AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley Haapala 19 20 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1986 SERVICE CONNECTIONS WNEREAS, by a resolution passed by the �ounc�l on Aug�st 18 , 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a pro�osed assessment of the cost of sewer laterals, water laterals, and service connections, WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Counci1 that suzh pr�posed assess- ment roll has been completed and filed in his office for publi� in- spection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: l. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day af September , 1986, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for 1986 SERVICE CONNECTION ASSESSMENT ROLL 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADQP7E0 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CItY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shir ey Haapa a 20A CITY OF FRIDLEY ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER MAINS, LATERALS, AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon a� o�jeciions, if a�y, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improver��ts, to-wit: 1986 WATER AND SEWER MAINS, LATERRLS, AND SERVICE CO��EC�iO�S - - --NOT HERETOFORE FURNISHEO AND AVAILABLE The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements in the total amount s�'f $15,848.19 i's now on file and open to public inspection by all persons `i���,—fin the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction and furnishing of sewer mains, laterals, and service connections, and water mains, laterals, and service connections in and to the properties, as follows: '�. �� Lot 12 Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 E. 70' of W. 140' of Lot 7, Blk. 2, Brookview 2nd Addition except S. 100' thereof \ Lots 2-4, Blk. 2 � Great Northern Industrial Center N. 75' of W. 40' of Lot 11, and N. 75' of Lot 12, Blk. 2 � Moore Lake Hills Addition � Lot 57, 7611 Pleasant Uiew Drive Spring Lake Park Knolls (Moundsview) The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the pro- posed assessments for each of said improvements. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presented to the presiding officer at the public hearing. A property owner may appeal an assessment to the district court by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Clerk within thirty.(30) days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-i981 on April 6, 1981, relating to the deferral of special assessments for ceriain senior citizens where the payment of said special assessments constitutes a hardship. The following factors will govern the granting of the deferments: the property must be homestead property, and the owner must be at least sixty-five (65) years of age or oider, and in the case of husband and wife, one member must meet this age requirement. � : Page 2, Notice of Hearing on Assessment for Water and Sewer Mains, Laterals, and Service Connections The application for said deferral must be made within the first thirty (30) days after the ado�t3on of t�e fina� assess�e�t ro�� by �he City Council. The owner will make applica�i�n for defer��d pa�n�s o� fo+�� prescribed by the Anoka County Auditor, and will m�ke app�icat3�� L� the Ca�� of Fridley �n forms provided by the City. The City Council will consider each application on an individual basis; however, the general policy is to grant senior citize� �ardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment for the special assessment exceeds two (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as determined by the most recent Federal Income Tax Return. The deferral will be terminated and all amounts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following happen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not otherwise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or subdivision of the property or any part thereof; loss of homestead status for any reason; the City Council determines that further deferral is not in the public interest. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala Publish: Fridley Sun on August 25, 1986 and September l, 1986. RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT RflLI ��R WATER AND SAH1iTAR� SgWER IMPRdVE���� PR��E�T �Q. 15� BE IT RESOLVEO by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that t�e assessable cost of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 150 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ . 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala 21 22 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NFARiN� OK PR�PD��� ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPR4YEMENT �RQJECT N0. 150 WHEREAS, by a resolutian passed by the C�uncil on Au ust 18 , 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a propose assessment of the cost of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and appurtenances. WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: l. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 150 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspa'per of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIOLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August __, 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala 22A CI7Y OF FRIDLEY A�:OKA COUN7Y, MINNESOTA NOTICE t}� NEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT �0. i5� Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Z�ty of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 8th day of September , 198 6� at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon aTT objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvements. to-wit: WATER AND SANITARY SEWEP, It1P{',OUC�'EP;T Pf:OJECT P��J. 150 The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements in the total amount of 5 is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of �the improvements and each of them is the construction of water mains and services, sanitary sewer laterals and services, storm sewer, and related appurtenances located as fol]ows: 73'-2 Avenue Cul de sac to 110 Feet West Ashton Avenue Mississippi Street 52nd Way to Industrial Boulevard Front of Holly Shopping Center The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the ab�ye noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the pro- posed assessments for each of said improvements. t;o appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessmeni unless a written objection"signed by the affected pro;erty owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presen;e� to the presiding offiter at the pubiic hearing. A property owner may appeal an assessment to the district court by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City�Clerk within thirty (30) days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the distri�ct court within ten (10} days after service upon the Nayor or City Clerk. The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-1981 on April 6, 1981, relating tc the deferral of special assessments for certain senior citizens where the payment of said speeial assessments constitutes a hardship. The following factors will govern the granting of the defernents: t�e property m.:;st be homestead property, and the owner must be at least sixty-five (6�) years af aq� or older, and in the case of husband and wife, one member must meet this age requirement. 22B Page 2. Notice of Hearing on Assessment for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 150 The application €�r safd deferral must be made within the first thirty (30) days after the adop�ion �f Lhe final assessment roll by the City Council. The owner will make appl�tation for deferred payments on forms prescribed Dy the Anoka County Auditor, and will make application to the City af Fridley on forms provided Dy the City. The City Council will consider each application on an individual basis; however� the general policy is to.grant senior citizen hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment for the special assessment exceeds twa (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as deter�,ined Gy ihe most recent Federal Income Tax P.eturn. The deferral will be terminated and all a��unts accurnulat�d plus applitable interest shall become due when any of the following haDPen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not otherwise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or su5division of the property or any part thereot; loss of ho�estead status for any reason; the City Council deter�ines that further deferral is not in the public interest. D�TEO THIS 18th DAY OF August , 19E6 EY OP,D�P, OF THE CITY COU'�CIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDIEY. M�YOR �i 11 i a^: J. t�ee tij�EST: Clir CLEP.t, Shirley ti. Haapala Publish; F�•idley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 �, 23 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROYEMENT FRDJECT N0. 156 BE IT RESQLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby deterr�aned i�at Lhe assessable cost of constructio� w�th respect to tne following named improvement, to-wit: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 156 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ . 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 7NE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF Auqust , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. kaapala 0 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPRQVEMENT PROJECT N0. 156 WHERFAS by a resolutaon passed by the Council on August 18 , 1986, the Ciiy Cierk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of water, sanitary sewer, and appurtenances. WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Councii that s�ch proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed �n his �ffice far public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the propose assessment for WATER ANO SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 156 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND AQOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR Wi iam J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala 24 24A CITY OF FRIDLEY A�;O�:A COUt:7Y, MINhESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SANITARY SE�dER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 156 Notice is hereby given that the Caunci� of the Ciiy of �ri�le�r wi11 meet at the City Hall in said Lety on the 8th day of September , 198 6 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon �T objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvements, to-wit: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 156 The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements in +ihe total amount of S is now on file and open to public inspection by a1� persons interested. in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of water and sanitary sewer lines and services, storm sewer, and related appur- tenances located as follows: 76th Way (Oak River Estates Plat) University Avenue East Service Drive Alden Way to East 57th Avenue to 390 Feet South The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area aDove. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein cantained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the pro- posed assessments for each of said improvements. f;o appeal may be taken as to the am�unt of any individual assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presented Lo ihe presiding officer at the public hearing. A property owner may appeal an assessme�!. te thF district court by serving notice of the appeal upan the Nayor or City Clerk wiLhir, thirty (30} days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. � The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-19p1 on April 6, 1981, relating to the deferral of special as5essments far teriain senior citizens where the payment of said special assessr�ents constitu#es a hardshia. 7t,e fol?o��ing factors will govern the grantiRg of tt� deferme�ts: the propQrty �•rst be homestead property, and the owner rusi De ai teast sixty-five (65) years of age or clder, and in the case of husband and �ife, one member must sneet th�s age requirement. . � Page 2, Notice of Hearing on Assessment for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 156 The applicatioa for said deferral must be made wii�in the first thirty (30) days after the ad�pt�on of the final assessment roll by t�e tity t����i1. 7he owner will make application for deferred payments o� fo*�':s pr�scriD�d by the Anoka County Auditor, and will make application to the tity of Fridley on forms provided by the City. The City Council will consider each application on an individual basis; however, the general policy is to gr�nt sen9ar titizen hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment for the Ipecial ass�ssm�nt exceeds two (2) per ce�t of the adjusted gross income of the owners as determined by the most recent Federal Income 7ax Return, The deferral will be terminated and all am�unts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following happen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not othe n.ise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or subdivision of the property or any part thereof; loss of homestead status for any reason; the City Council deter�ines that further deferral is not in the public inte�est. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF Auaust , 19E6 BY OP,DEP, OF THE CITY COU'�CIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY. M�AYOR M'illiarr J. I�ee A�TEST: C17t CLEF.t: Sh�irley A. Haapala Publish: F�-idley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 25 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTI�N DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANIIARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJEC� N0. lfi0 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci] of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 160 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ . 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala ! 1". RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 160 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on� Au u�st 18 � 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of water, sanitary sewer, and appurtenances. WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of Seatember , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 160 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: TY CLERK S irley . Haapa a 26A CITY OF FRIOLEY Ar:Or:A COU�:7Y, MIN�;ESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WAiER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 160 Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 8th day of September , 1986 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon aTT objections, if any. to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvements, Lo-wit: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 160 The proDOSed assessment roll for each of said improvements in the �Qtal amount of S is now on file and open to public inspection by a11 persons interested. in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of water and sanitary sewer lines and services, storm sewer, and related appur- tenances located as follows: Riverwood Drive (Riverwood Park Plat) Viron Road Loopback 71 st Way to 71 2 Way Viron Road to Osborne Road The area proposed to be assessed for said improvenents and each of them is ail that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the pru- posed assessments for each of said improvements. t;o appeal may be taken as to the am�unt of any individual assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presen�e� 2� i.be presidiRg officer at the public hearing. A property o►.ner may a��eal an assessme�t. to thF district court by serving notice of the appeal upon the t�ayor or City Clerk wiLhir, thirty (30) days after ad�ption of the assessment and filing suCh notiCe with the distric.t court within ten (10) days after service upon the Nayor or City Clerk, The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-7981 on April 6, 1981, relating to the deferral of special assessments for tertain senior citizens where the payment of said special assessr�ents constitutes a hardship. The follo�ing factors will govern the granting of the defer�s�ents: the property must be hompstead property, and the owner r..lst �e at least sixty-five (b5) years of aoQ or c7der, and in the case of husband and v+ife. one member must meet tt���s ag� requirer�,ent. , i s Page 2, Notice of Hearing on Assessment for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project No. 160 The application for said deferra) must be made within the first thirty (30) days after the adoption of the final assessment roll by the City Council. The owner will make applita�ion for deferred payments on forms prescribed by the An�ka County Auditor, artd will make application to the City of Fridley on forms provided Dy the City. The City Council will consider each application on an individual basis; however, the general policy is to 9rant senior citi2en hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment�for the special assessmer►i exceeds two (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as determined Dy the �ost recent Federal Income Tax Return. The deferral will be terminated and all amounts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following happen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not otherwise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or subdivision of the property or any part thereof; loss of homestead status for any reason; the City Council deterr:ines that further deferral is not in the public interest. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF p„9„�t . 1986 BY OROER OF THE CI1Y COl!'��IL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY. N�vOR h'i 11 i a� J. t�ee A�TEST: Clir CLEF.t; Shirley ti. Haapala Publish: �r•idley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 � % RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1985-1 AND 2 (AND ADDENDUM N0. 1) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follo�s: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1985-1 AND 2 (AND ADDENDUM N0. 1) including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated a t $ �f5 �'. 7�7 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to larv. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDIEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. Y R Wi iam J. Nee AT7EST: CITY CLERK Shir ey . Haapa a : RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR ST. 1985-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (AND ADDENDUM N0. 1) WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on August 18 , 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of street improvements including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services, and other facilities. WHEREAS, the Clerk has nc�tified tfie Council that suz�e proposed assessment roll has been completed �nd f��ed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for ST. 1985-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (AND ADDENDUM N0. 1) 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala CITY OF FRIOLEY At;O►:A COUhTY. MIhhESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING QN ASSESSMENT FOR ST. 1985-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (AND ADDENDUM N0. 1) Notice is hereby given that the Council City Hall in said City on the 8th o'clock P.M.� to hear and pass upan a�fT assessments in respect to the following of the City of Fridley will meet at the day of September , 198 6 at 7:30 ob jetii��as , i f any, to the �roposed improvgments, t0-wit: ST. 1985-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROV�MENT PROJECT (ANO ADDENOIlM N0. 1 ) The proaosed assessment roll for each of said improvements in the total amount of 5 is now on file and open to publit inspection by all persons intereste�, in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of street improvements including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services, and other facilities located as follows: 5th Street 61st Ave. to 63rd Ave. University Ave. E. Service Dr. Civic Center to Mississippi Street 73'2 Avenue Cul de sac to 75 Feet West East River Road Service Dr. 53rd Way North to Cul de sac Holly Shopping Center Parking Lot Ashton Avenue 52nd Way to Industrial Boulevard Madison Street Osborne Road to Lyric Lane University Ave. W. Service Dr. Osborne Road to 79th Ave. (Overlay) The area proposed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them is all that land benefited by said improvements or each of them and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein cDntained according to the benefits received. tit said hearing the Council will Consider written or oral objections to the pro- p�sed assessments for each of said improvements. I�o appeal may be taken as to the am�unt of any individual assessment unlesS a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presented to Lhe presiding officer at the public hearing. A property cwner may a�pea7 an assessme�!. to thF district court by serving notice of the appeal upcn the Mayor or City Clerk withir, thirty (30) days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. • The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-]981 on Apri1 6, 1981, relating to the deferral of special assessments f�r certain senior ciiizens where the payment of said special assessments constitutes a hardship, The folloMing factors will govern the grantin� of ihf deferments: the property must be homestead property, and the owner r�si be at least sixty-five (65) years of age or clder, and in the case of husband and wife, one member must meet tt��is age requirement. : ' . . . Page 2, Notice of Hearing on Assessment for St. 1985-1 and 2 Street Improvement Project (and Addendum No. 1) The application for said deferral must be made within the first thirty (30) days after the adoption of the final assessment roll by the City Council. �he owner Will make application for deferred payments on forms prescr�Ded by ��e Anoka County Auditor, and will make application to the CsZy o� ir�dley o�+ ��orms provided by the City. The City Council will consider each application on a� individual basis; however, the general policy is to �rant seniar cit�zen hardshi� special assessment deferrals when the annual payment for t�+� specTal assessment exceeds two (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as determined by the most recent Federal Income 7ax P.eturn. The deferral will be terminateC and all am�unts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following happen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is n�t otherwise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or sub�ivision of the property or any part thereof; loss of homestead status for any reason; the City Council deterr:ines tt►at further deferral is not in the publit interest. DtiTED THIS 18th DAr OF qugust . 1986 BY ORDEP. OF THE ClTY COJt�C1l OF SHE CIiY OF FR10�EY. MtiYOR 1; i 11 i a^: J. t�ee A�iEST: ITr' CLER�. Sr�irle; ti. Haapala PubliSh: �r•i�'ie}• Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 � RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING� PREPARATIOSV 0� A�SESSMENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMEAt1 PR�JE�CT S�'. 1986-1 AND 2 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1986-1 AND 2 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RES�LUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING fl� P��POSED ASSESSMENT FOR ST. 1986-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMEN� PRflJ�ii WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Councii �n August 18 , 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of street improvements including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services, and other facilities. WNEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for ST. 1986-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED ANO ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTES7: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala 0 30 CITY OF FRIDLEY Ar;Or;A LOUr;7Y, Nth��ESOTA NOTICE OF HfA57REET�IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 1986-1 ANO 2 Notice is hereby �given that the Council of the tiiy �f Frad��y �+�,�8 b�a��7•30e Ci ty Hall i n sai d Ci ty on the 8th ctaY aF S�t-e���r ' o'clock P.N�., to heaf and Qass upon ZT objections, �f any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following �mprovements, to•wit: ST. 1986-1 AND 2 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 30A ihe Drooflsed assessment roll for each of said improvements in the total amount of 5 is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons intere-sted". �n the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the impravements a�d each of them is the Construction of street improvements includin9�ewalks�,9waterbandZSanbtary sewerlsebvices�,�stormt� concrete curb and gutter, s sewer system, and other facilities locateCentral1Aves.to TH No. 65 Service Or. 73'-2 Ave. (Overlay) Main St. to Hughes Ave. Capital St. (Overlay) Alden Way to East 76th Way 71st Way to 71'2 WaY Riverwood Drive East Extension 71'-� Way University Ave. E. Service Or. OsborneeRoad tou5outhLoopback Viron Road 53rd Ave. to 51st Ave. East River Road Service Dr. Main St. to Hickory St. 81st Ave. University Ave. to Main St. 81st Ave. The area proposeG to be assessed for said improverents and each of them is all that lan� benefited Dy said irprave^+ents or each of ther•^• �hd lying within the general area above. Said �mPi��wholesor�in parisproportaonatelytto eacheof�the �ithin the above noted a eas la�ds therein contained according to the Denefits received. �t said hearing the Council v;ill consider written �o aCGeal�r��ctbenta�entas p�sed assessments for each of said improvements. y the a��ur.t of any ir�di4•idual assess�^ent unle55 a written object�on Signed by affecte� propefty o»nef is ftiled a�ith the City Cler� prior to the asSessRent ing or prescr.;L� t� ihe Fresiding officer at the public hearing. �'�S2riCt court by Servin� n;,tice , thirty (3D) �ays after ad�ption e diStriCt court within ten (10) prG- t0 tr,e heZr- A property o�ner m�y ap^eal ar. assessm�'�'• to t+�E of the appeal upon the Mayor or CiLy C1erk Kiinif of the assessment and filing such notice with th days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. 7he City of Fridley adopted Resotution tr'o. 47-19p1 on April 6. 1981, relating to the deferral of special assessmants fcr teriain 5en��The�foilo.inhefaCiorspw�lnt 9 of said specia1 assessre-::s corstitutes a f,a�dshiD• ��st b? hon'oSteed prGpFSty, g�vern the grantin� of thf �ffem°�ts: tt�e p�operty and the owne� r..�st �e at least six:y-five (ES) yea*s cr a=`- o� clder, ar,d in the case of �usDand and Nife, one member must meet tc��s z�� �E:,��rement. � � : Page 2, Notice of Hearing on Assessment for ST. 1986-1 and 2 Street Improvement Project The application for said deferral must be made within the first thirty {30) days after the adoption of the fina� ass�ssmeni r��� Dy t�e �ity Cou��ii� The owne� will make application f�r deferred payme�is �� fov�r�s pre3�rib�d bY the Anoka County Auditor, and �ill make app�icatio� to the Citiy of �ridiey on forms provided Dy the City. The City Council will consider each application on an individual basis; however, the general policy is to•grant senior citizen hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment for the special assessment exceeds two (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as determined by the most recent Federal Intome 1ax P,eturn. The deferral will be terminated and all am�unts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following hapDen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not other�ise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, o� subdivision of the property or any part thereof; loss of homestead status for any reason; the City Council deter�ines that further deferral is not in the public interest. D�TED THIS 18th DAY OF AuQUSt , �9�6 6Y OP,DEP. OF TH� CITY COJ'�CIL OF TH; CITY OF FRIDIEY. N:+YOR �+i 1 1 i a^� J. r�ee ��TEST; C1�T CLEF.!. Shirley ti. Haapala Publish: �r�;cley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 __.r..__._.. _. __. ., _ _ -�_._-.�._ . _._....e RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTiO� UIRECiING PREPARATION OF ASSE5SMENT ROLL FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPiNG PROJECT BE IT RESOLVEO by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is her�by determined that t�� assessable cost of construction with respect ta the following named improvement, to-wit: 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPING PROJECT including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ � 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED SY TNE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TNIS 18th DAY OF Auqust , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala � 31 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION OIRECTING PUBLICATI�N OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 1985 MISSISSIP�I ST�EET LANDSCAPING PROJECT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the CounEil on Au ust 18 , 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a propose assessment of the cost of landscaping work. WHEREAS, the Cierk has �otified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, o� the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPING PROJECT 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSEO AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR Wi iam J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala � 32 LITY OF fRIDIEY pt;Ot:A COU��7Y, MINhESOTA NOTICE OF HEARIN6 ON ASSESS�4ENT FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREE� LANDSCAPIT�f� P3tQ.��Ci Noti ce i s hereby g� ven i�aa�t the Counci'i City Hall in said City on ihe 8th o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon 7T assessments in respect to the following of t�e C�iiy �f fr?dtey wi11 meet at the day of September , 1986 at 7:30 objections. if any. to the proposed improvements, to-wit: 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LANDSCAPING PROJECT The proposed assessment roll for each o'f sa�d in,�rovements ir� 'the total amount of 5 is now on file and open to publit inspection by a11 persons interested. in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the i�provements and each of them is the construction of landscaping improvements in the boulevard located as follows: Mississippi Street West of University Avenue 0 32A In Front of Holly Shopping Center The area proposed to be assessed for said improvenents and each of them is all that land benefited by said irrprover�ents or each of ther� and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the CounCil will consider written or oral objections to the p►'o- posed assessr�ents for each of said improvements. t;o aCPeal �ay be ta�en as to the ar��unt of any individual assessment unless a written objection signed by t��e affecte� properiy owner is filed ►+ith the City Cier� prior to the assessr�ent hear- ing or presentec+ to ine presiding �fficer at the public hearing. A property �kner may a��eal e^ assessme�!. te ihf district cou�t by serving notice of the appeal upoR the !!ayor or City Clerk withir, t�irty (30) days after adoption of the assessment and filing suCh notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Nayor or City Clerk. The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-)9p1 on April 6, 1981, relating to the deferral of special assessments fcr certain senior citizens where the payr.�ent of said special assess�e^ts constitutes a hardship. 7he foila.:ng factors will govern the granting of thf defermertts: the property �:::si be ho�^e�tezd pr�Aerty, and the owner r.�St be at least sixty-fiv� {65) ye2rs ef aflQ o� oider, and i� the case of husband and wife, one member must �e22 t�.�s age requirement. 326 Page 2. Notice of Hearing on Assessment for 1985 Mississippi Street Landscaping Project The application for said deferral must be made Nit��n i�� first thirty (30) days after the adoption of the finat asse�sme�i �oll by the i�ty Council. The owner will make applicatian for deferred paymen�s a� forms p�e��ribed by the Anoka County Auditor, and will make applicatio� to the C�iy Qf �ridley on forms provided by the City. The City Council will consider each appiication on an individual basis; however, the general policy is to grant senior cititen hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment fior the special assessment exceeds two (2) per tent of the adjusted gross income of Lhe owners as determined by the mosL recent Federal Income Tax Return. The deferral will be terminated and all amounts atcurnulated Qlus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following haDPen: t�e death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not otherwise eligible for the deferral; the sa1e. transfer, or sub�ivision of the proDerty or any part thereof; loss of homestead status for any reason; the City Councii deter�ines that further deferral is not in the public interest. DATED THIS 18th DAY OF AuQUSt . 19� 6 BY ORD�R OF TNE C1TY COU'�CIL Of T�E CIiY OF FRIOLEY. MtirOR �;illiar� J. t+ee ATTEST: CITt CLEF�. Shirle; A. Haapala Publish: �r-i�ley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREP�R�TION fl F ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJECT BE IT RESOL�ED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Min��so�a, as follows: 1. It is hereby determin2� t�at th� assessabTe tfl5t of construction with respect t� the ��ilowing named improvement, to-wit: 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJECT including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th OAY OF August � 1986- MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala � 33 34 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATIQN OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 1985 MiSSISSIPAI S��EET LIGNTING PROJECT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on Au ust 18 , 1986, the Lity Clerk was dire�ted to prepare a propose assessment of the cost of a boulevard lighting system. WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed i� his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREEr LIGHTING PROJECT 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADOP7ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY 0� August , 1986. MAYOR Wi iam J. Nee ATSEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala . 34A CITY OF FRIOLEY At;pt:A COU��TY, MINt:ESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJECT Notice is hereby given that the Cfl�rncil of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 8th day of September , 198 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon a�TT objectio�+s, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvements, to-wit: 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET LIGHTING PROJECT The pr000sed assessment roll for each of said improvements in the total amount of ; is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the improve^�ents and each of them is the construction of lighting improvements�in the boulevard located as follows: Mississippi Street West of In Front of Holly Shopping Center University Avenue � The area proposed to be assessed for said improvenents and each of them is all that land benefited by said ir�provements or each of theT and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Council will consider written or oral objections to the p►'o- posed assessnents for each of said improvements. t;o a�peal rray be tayen as to the am�unt of any individual assessment unless a written objection signed by tr�e affected property owner is filed v;ith the City Clerk prior to the assessrrent hear- ing or presen:e:' to ihe p�esiding officer ai ihe public hearing. A property er�ner may ap�eaS an as5p55�?^�: te thf district court by Serving notice of the appeal upon the Nayo� or Ctiy Cterk ��it^tr thirty (30) Gays after a0option of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Nayor or City Clerk. The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. �7-19p1 on April 6, 1981, relating to the deferral of special assessments for certain senior citizens where the payrent of said special assessr�er,ts constitutes a hardship. The follo�i�g factors will govern the granting of the deferments: the property tr.ust be homestead property, and the owner r�st be at least sixty-five (65) ye2�5 of aoe o� clder, and in the case of husband and Wife, one mer�ber must mee: tr,�s age requirement. . � Page 2, Notice of Nearing on Assessment for 1985 Mississippi Street Lighting Project The application for said deferral must be made within the first thirty (30) days after the adoption of the final assessment roll by the City Council. The owner will make apptication ior defetre� paym�nts on forms prescribed by the Anoka County Auditor, and �ill make applicatio� to the City of Fridley on forms provided by the City. The City Council witl cons�der each application on an i�dividual basis; however, the general policy is to grant senior citizen hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment for the special assessment exceeds two (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as deterr�ined by the most recent Federal Income 7ax Return. The deferral will be ter�,inated and all am�unts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following happen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not otherwise eliyible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or subdivision of the property or any part thereof; loss of hor��estead status for any reason; the City Council determines that further deferral is not in the public interest. D�,TED 7HIS 18th DAY OF Auqust . 19E 6 BY OP,DEP. OF THE CITY COU'�CIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDIEY. N�YO� hillia�^ J. hee A�iEST: Cl�t CLERi: Shirley ti. Haapala Publish: ��•idley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION DIRECTtNG PREPARA3I�� fl� ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR i985 MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT BE IT RESOLVEO by the City Co�ncil of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT including a11 incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ 2, The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by said improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August _, 1986. MAYOR Wi iam J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala 35 � 36 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTIQN DiR�CTING PUBLICATION OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT . FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Caunc�' on Au ust 18 � 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a propose assessment of the cost of a boulevard irrigation system. WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the propose assessment for 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala M YOR Wil iam J. Nee CITY OF FRIDLEY A�:O►:A COU�:TY, MINhESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESS�IENT FOR 1985 MISSISSIPPI ST�EE� iRRi�ATiON PROJECT Notice is hereby given that the Councii of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 8th day of September , 198 6 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass up—on aTT objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the following improvements, to-wit: 1985 MISSISSIPPI STREET IRRIGATION PROJECT The proposed assessment roll for each of said improvements in the total amount of S is now on file and open to public inspecLion by all persons interested. in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of thP i�^provements and each of them is the constru�tion of irrigation improvements in the boulevard located as follows: , Mississippi Street West of University Avenue � 36A In Front of Holly Shopping Center The area proposed to be assessed for said improvenents and each of them is all that land benefited by said improve^�ents or each of them and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Council wiil consider written or oral objectrons to the D►'�- posed assessments for each of said improvements. ►�o appeal may be ta�en as to the ar��unt of any individual assessr�ent unless a written objection signed by tF�e affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presentec� Lo the presiding officer at the public hearing. A property e�rer ray a^;+eai tn assess^e'+t. to LhF c�istrict court by serving notice of the appeal upon the Nayor or City Clerk vritnir, thirty (30j days after ad�ption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. ' The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-79p1 on April 6, 1981, relating to the deferral of special assessments far certain senior ciiizens where the payment of said special assessr�er,is constitutes a hardship. The follo�ing factors will govern the granting of the deferments: the prope rty m:,st be home:tead property, and the owner r:�st be at �east sixt�-fire (bs} yea�s of age or clder, and in the case of husDand and Wife. one member must �+ee: tf��s age requireTent. • : Page 2, Notice of Hearing on Assessment for 1985 Mississippi Street Irrigation Project The application for said deferral must be made within the first thirty (30) days afte� the ada�i7an vf the final ass�ss�enL roil by the City Council. The owner will make application fo� def�rred pay�ents on fo �rrs p�escribed by the Anoka County Auditor, and wili make ap�iication to the City of fri�ley on forms provided by the City. The City Council will consider each application on an individual basis; however, the general policy is to grant senior citizen hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment -for the speciai assessment exceeds two (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as deter�ined by the most recent Federal Income Tax Return. The deferral will be terminated and all a��unts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due when any of the following happen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not other�ise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or suDdivision of the property or any part thereof; loss of homestead stat-us for any �eason; the City Council deter�ines that further deferral is not in the public interest. DATEO THIS 18th DAY OF August . 19E6 BY OP,DER OF tHE CITY COU'�C1L OF THE C1TY OF FRIDLEY. M,tiYOR h'i 11 i am J. t�ee tiTTEST: CIT� CLEF.!: Shiriey ti. Haapala Publish: Fr-;dley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 37 RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUiION DIRECTING ��EPAR��in� �� �SSESSMENT RQLL F�R STREET I��ROVEM�NT PROJECT ST. i98b-3 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that the assessable cost • of construction with respect to the following named improvement, to-wit: STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ST. 1986-3 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at $ /� 3`�O.00 , 2. The City Clerk shall forthwith calculate the proper amounts to be specially assessed for said improvement against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by sai�d improvement according to law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0� FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapala : RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOlUTIOPt i3iRECi'ING PUQtI�ATIO�Y UF �t�ARi�G �DN �ROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR S�. 198b-3 STREET TMPROVEME6�� PRi�.�ECT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on August 18 , 1986, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a propose assessment of the cost of street improvements including grading, stabilized base, hot-mix bituminous mat, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm sewer system, water and sanitary sewer services, and other facilities. WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment roll has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council shall meet at the City Hall in the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, on the 8th day of September , 1986, at 7:30 P.M. to pass upon the proposed assessment for ST. 1986-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2. The City Clerk shall publish notices of the time and place of ineeting in the official newspaper of the City at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 18th DAY OF August , 1986. MAYOR William J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapa]a : � CITY OF FRIDLEY Ar;pr;A COUhTY, MINhESOTA NOTiCf OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR ST.. 1986-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Notice is hereby given Lhat the G4unzil of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on t�� 8th day of September , 198 6 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon afT objections, if any, to the proposed asseSSments in respect to the following improvements, to-wit: ST.�1986-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The R*oposed assessment roll for each of Said improvements �n the toial amount of 5 is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Clerk of said City. The general nature of the ir�provements and each of them is the construction of grading, aggregate base, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, and storm sewer, and other facilities located as follows: University Avenue West Service Drive � 81st Avenue to 83rd Avenue The area proposed to be assessed for said isnprovenents and each of them is ail that land benefited by said ir�provements or each of them and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the above noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therei� cantained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Council will Consider written or oral objections to the pro- p�sed assessments for each of said improvements. ��o appeal may be ta�en as to the ar��unt of any individual assessment unless a written objection signed by t�,e affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presente� to the presiding officer at the pubiic hearing. A property oM•ner ray a�peal an assessme^'. to thF district court by serving notice of the appeal upon the Nayor or City Clerk r;iLnir. thirty (30� days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notite �ith the district court within ten (10} days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. � The City of Fridley adopted Resoluiion No. 47-)9Pl on April 6, 1981, relating to the defe�ral of special assessments fcr certain senior ciiizens where the payrr.ent of said special assess��eris constitutes a hardship. 7he folloMing factors will g�vern the gran:iRy of thf deferments: the property m:,si be ho^�stead property, and the owner r..:,si be at �eest sixty-five {£5) yea*s of aep or �lder, and in the case of husband and wife, one member must meei tf,�s age requirement. . . . Page 2, Notice of Hearing on Assessment for ST. 1986-3 Street Improvement Project The application fo� said deferral snusL be ma�� �r�th�� the first thirty (30) days after the adoption of the final assess�ent roll by the City Council. The owner will make application for d�f�rred payments on forr.�s prescriDed by the Anoka County Auditor, and will mak�e application Lo tt�e City of Fridley on forms provided by the City. The City Council will consider each application on an individual basis; however, the general policy is to qrant senior citizen hardship special assessment deferrals when the annual payment for the special assessment exceeds two (2) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as determined by the most recent Federal Income Tax Return. The deferral will be terminateC and all ar��unts accu�ulated plus applicable interest shall beco�ne due when any of the following happen: the death of the owner, provided that the surviving spouse is not othe n:ise eligible for the deferral; the sale, transfer, or sub�ivision of the property or any part there�f; loss of horestead status for any reason; the City Council deterTines that further deferral is not in the public interest. DATED THIS 18th DAr OF p��,�t , 19�6 Er OP.DEP, OF THE C1TY C0;1'�CIL OF TNE C1TY OF FRIOLEY. N�,rOR Millia^� J. ►�ee A�TEST: CITi CLEFt. Sr�iriey ti. Naapala Publish: <<'idley Sun on August 25 and September l, 1986 r FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSES S _ AUGUST 18, 1986 GENERAL CONTRACTOR VictAr Fridlund & Son 5700 Grove Street Edina, NII�] 55436 By: Wayne V. Fridlund Lindstrom Cleaning & Construction, Inc. 9621 Ten�.h Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441 By: RQbert Hennen North Central Builders 7401 - 42nd Avenue North New Hope, MN 55427 By: James Turner North Star Services P.O. Box 4099 St. Paul, MN 55104 By: Elliot Stolen The Powers Co . 2325 Endicott Street St. Paul, MN 55114 By: James Powers S & S Construction 9161 Dunlap Avenue Lexington, MN 55014 By: Scott Splettstoeszer Mark 5haw Construction 1351 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 By: Mark Shaw. Vinewood Builders Inc. 1508 Ferndale Avenue N.E. Fridley, NII1 55432 By: Ronald Scholl Wood-N-Nail, Inc. 1305 Jefferson Hwy Champlin, MN 55316 By: Jack Darson APPROVED BY DARREL CLFIRK Chief B]�dg. Ofcl. Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same � N E BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- L I C E 4 O B � FOR CONCURRE C CONDOMINIUMS - August 18, 1986 � �• � _� �:� •� � ►. 1►� �+ i• • � �.�a. : . �- . . Old Ce�tral Condo Homeowners Assn. Sec-Treas 6. Tjosvold 6554 Central Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Unity View Condo Owners Assoc. Laurine Graning 450 - 75th Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 6550-56 Central Avenue 450-476 75th Avenue a 4 22 20.�� 40.00 — FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S ' RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 � �1►i�; � _; �1 �J� �� � �. l�i 4- �f �.' �� ��Ia� : . , . . Riverwood Apart�nent Mgmt. 5960-80 Anna Street c/o Don Anderson . 3319 Belden Drive Mpls. I�I 55421 F. Gordon Torgerud 6534 Central Avenue 322 Kelsey St., Rt 3 Delano, t�1 55328 Donald Findell 6634 Central Avenue 6850 Siverts La. 1� Fridley, A'II�l 55432 33 91.00 4 36.00 10 49.00. iaussell E. Beck 7150-2-4-6 Central Avenue 4 7527 Van Buren St. I� Fridley, NRV 55432 Ronald K. Burg 7170-6 Central Avenue 7172 Central Ave. NE Fridley, I�R�I 55432 Hong and Piau 7190 Central Avenue c/o Dai-Shen & Grace Hong 2298 17th St. I�W New Brighton, NIIV 55112 J.A. Manag�nent 6501 Channel RAad P.O. Box 96,885 12 St. New�ort � NII�I 55055 Same owner as above 6531 Channel Road Nathan Schwartz 101 Charles Street 5916 Medicine Lk. Rd. Mpls, N�I 55422 Same awner as above 179 Charles Street Same aaner as above 180 Charles Street David Co. 5940 East River Rr�ad 2299 Rainbow Avenue New Brighton, I�IlV 55112 4 36.00 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 , 12 49.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 Michael Dahnert 5950 East River Road . I2 49.00 7012 Sally Lane Edina, A�I 55435 , - FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICEN�E�D RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 �,/ �I• � _4 �i� �� � �. 1�� 4- �' �+��?� �'� • •• • . Jo-Ann Cirks Shar-Ann Properties 3948 Central Ave. I� Col. Hgts, NII�I 55421 Floyd A. & Linda N. Ruggles 2453 E. Cawern Place N. St. Paul, I�I 55109 Five Sands Develop. Co. c/o Midwest Management 7100 Wayzata Blvd. Mpls, NII�I 55426 Same awner as above Same awner as above Same ahmer as above Same owner as above Leonard E. Dailey 3621 68th St. North Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Richard L. Dempsey 10415 28th Ave. N. Plymouth, N1N 55411 Arnold C. E]mquist 1420 West County Roac3 3 Shoreview, [�I 55126 K & K Littler 41 Rice Creek Way Fridley, NII�] 55432 Arnold C. Elmquist 1420 West County Road J Shoreview, NRJ 55126 Same awner as above Bigos Properties c/o Ted Bigos P.O. Box 22464 Robbinsdale, N�I 55422 6551 East River Road 7673 East River Road 7805 East River R�ac3 7825 East River Road 7845 East River Road 7875 East River Road 7895 East River Rpad 8191 East River Road 6341 Highway 65 6370 Highway 65 6379 Highway 65 6393 Highway 65 6417 Highway 65 5100 Horizon Drive � 11 49.00 4 36.00 59 143.00 59 59 59 59 5 E� 143.00 143.00 143.00 143.00 36.00 49.00 15 55.00 8 49.00 7 36.00 i 5 36.00 36.00 � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S � RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 n rac�o I�(1�ATIC11�1 OF BUIr nT*r_ L�TS FEE _ APPROVF� BY ��i� R. H. Larson, FPB✓ Housing Insp. Same cx�me r as above A.P. & June Nichols 6949 Hickory Drive Fridley, NR�I 55432 To�m Adams 304 Itonton St. t� Fridley, [�l 55432 Milton J. & Ellen B. Hughes 4410 Douglas Ave. S. Mpls, t�l 55416 Satne aaner as above Same c�wner as above Ly'nc]e Inv. Co. c/o Robert P. Shapiro 9801 Oak Ridge Trail Hopkins, NII� 55343 Sa►ne c�mer as above Same awner as above Arno E. & Marjorie J. Rosin 7400 Lyric La. 1� Fridley. NIDI 55432 S and S Investsnent Co. Box 12554 New Brighton, NI�I 55112 Same cn�mer as above John L. & Deborah J. Mastley 8122 Florida Court Brooklyn Park, r�l 55445 Richard T. & S�zanne Feist 5117 - 6th St.' I� Col. Hgts, t�I 55421 5101 Horizon Drive 7091i93 Hickory Drive 430 Ironton Street 6670 Lucia Lane 6680 Lucia Lane 6690 Lucia Lane 910 Lynde Drive 950 Lynde Drive 990 Lynde Drive 7400 Lyric Lane 5475 Main Street 5495 Main Street 6019 Ngin Street 6021 Main Street � 5 36.00 3 36.00 3 36.00 16 57 .00 16 57.00 16 57.00 11 49.00 11 49.00 1� 49.00 8 49.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 e ---� 40F FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 �.�� � � _� � �)� � � � �. 1�� �- � ' ' : �./�. • . . cer�a �a� 6035 Main Street 6875 Madison St. I� Fridley, i'�I 55432 , Allart C. Mattson �120 Mississippi P1. 6270 Riverview Terr. Fridley, NII�] 55432 Ronald Lafond 140 Mississippi P1. 959 - 96th Ave. 1� Blaine, NIIV 55434 Ace S�pply Co., Inc. 157 Mississippi P1. 3825 Edgewood�So. Mpls, NII�I 55426 Farr Marketing Inc. 1601 N. Innsbruck Drive 4600 Lake Road Mpls, !�I 55422 Khlaid A. Sami 1284-96 Norton Avenue 1906 - 26th Ave. 1�W New Brighton, NR�I 55112 Polk Street Inv. Group 5650 Polk Street 6800 France Ave. So., #760 Fdina,I�V 55435 Saane awner as above 5660 Polk Street Lang-Nelson Associates 155-175 Satellite Lane 4601 Excelsior Blvd., #650 Mpls, NQI 55416 Saane awner as at�ove 195 Satellite Lane Donald E. Keefe 201 Satellite Lane 2425 Brookridge Ave. I�ls, N�I 55422 713 Cat�any 221 S�t�llite Lane P. Tenenbaum & E. Bialick 26 West�ern Terr. Golden Valley, t�IIJ 55426 Gary Soc3ahl 6111 Star Lane 1772 - 19th Terr. I+W New Brighton, N�1 55112 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 44 113.40 7 36.00 16 57.00 16 57.00 33 91.00 20 65.00 11 49.00 12 49.00 18 61.00 _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL -- L{ C E N S E S ' RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 / �;� � � �. )►� � �' �i�J/�?� :' �.�1�� - • • • Thamas Wolff 5770 2nd.Street 5269 Matterhorn Dr. Fridley, NIlV 55421 Jerry Finkelstein 5801 2nd Street c/o Metro Realty 7300 France Ave. S., #227 Edina, Ni�i 55435 John H. Weatherly 5830 2nd Street 5401 - 4th St. NE, �1 Fridley, NR�] 55421 Virgil Baune 5851 2nd Street 7215 Zane Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, hIl�1 55429 Davia or Shirley Burg 5866 2nd Street 2291 Lois Drive New Brighton, NIl�I 55112 Douglas Properties 5980 2nd Street c/o Douglas Jones 2505 Silver La. 1� Mpls, I�4V 55421 Herbert A. Aaker 6061 2nd Street 8842 North Brook Ave. Brooklyn Park, NQI 55428 Gordon & Betty Aspenson 6510 2nd Street I 17 Rice Creek Way Fridley, I�V 55432 Chester Gromek 6511 2nd Street 3600 36th Ave< 1� Mpls, 1�1 55418 Paul M. Johnson 6525 2nd Street 2891 No. Fairview Av. Roseville, t�1 55113 Progressive Properties 6541 2nd Street c/o Duane Narog 1465 N. Danube Rd. � Fridley, P'II�1 55421 . 8 49.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 11 49.Q0 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 3 36.00 4 _ 36.00 7 36.00 5 36.00 a r -- 40H � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL LI C E N S S RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY — August 18, 1986 •..��� ' -_ _ •;� !. . � � �, a�� �. ;_� •:•�i?����'� . �- . . Same awner as above John L. Conda 5237 Interlachen Blvd Mpls, I�l 55436 Robert F. Johnson 7 Dartxnouth Cir. Longmont, CO 80501 Jerry & Barbara McNurlin 250 S�lvan La. I� Fridley. NII�] 55432 Dale & Bernadette Knott 2000 Fairway Drive Mpls, NQ1 55421 Herbert Aaker 8842 North Brook Ave. Brooklyn Park, NIl�I 55443 Arnold C. E].mquist 1420 W. County Rd. J Shoreview, NR�I 55126 Same aaner as above S�ne aaner as above Same awner as above Same awner as above John D. Miller 5009 Univ. Ave. I� Mpls, NRV 55421 Same awner as above Same cxaner as above Sarne awner as above Milton R. Carlson 5035 - 3rd St. I�, #6 Fridley, I�IIJ 55421 5770 2 1/2 Street 5800 2 1/2 Street 5810 2 1/2 Street 5820 2 1/2 Street 5980 2 1/2 Street 6060 2 1/2 Street 4901 3rd Street 4913 3rd Street 4921 3rd Street 4939 3rd Street 4949 3rd Street 4965 3rd Street 4985 3rd Street 5005 3rd Street 5025 3rd Street 5035 3rd Street � 11 49.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 7 36.00 7 7 7 7 11 Z1 11 11 7 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 36.00 / � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- L 1 C E N 5 E� RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 !a!� � -_ �_ �:� �� � � ,� �. 1�� k- �' �;�i/�� : • • . Bigos Properties 5200 3rd..Street c/o Ted Bigos P.O. Box 22464 Robbinsdale, NIIV 55422 Same o�mer as above 5201 3rd Street Same cx�mer as above 5230 3rd Street Same awner as above 5231 3rd Street Same awner as above 5260 3rd Street Same cx�mer as above 5261 3rd Street Same cx�mer as above 5290 3rd Street Same awner as above 52.91 3rd Street Herbert Zwirn 5900 3rd Street 5900 - 3rd St. I� Fridley, I�1 55432 John B. Rasmussen 5955-65 3rd Street 8855 - 230 Street E. Lakeville, N4�T 55044 E.Norwood & B.Braithwaite 5974 3rd Street c/o News Realty 7412 Lyndale Ave. S. Richf ield, NIIJ 55423 Wayne Johnson 6051-53-55 3rd Street 11610 53rd Ave.N. Plymouth, N�1 55442 Gilbert & Carol Shipshock 5320 4th Street 2124 - 40th Ave. I� Col. Hgts, N�I 55421 Duane Schwartz 5347-49 4th Street 2525 118th Ave. I+� Coon Rapids, NR3 55433 John L. Jensen 54Ig 4th Street 6070 - 6th St. 1� Fridley, r4�1 55432 11 49.00 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 3 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 3 36.00 4 36.00 3 36.00 4 35.Q0 _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N SvE � � RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 � �� � -_ �:� �: . 1_. � �. J�i f. � �' �: h/a� �. . . . Vernon S. Hoium & Duane A. Otterness 925 Dain Z�pwer Bldg. Mpls, I�IIV 55402 Margaret Hendley 118 Craig Way 1� Fridley, NR�I 55432 Herbert A. Zwirn 5900 - 3rd St. I� Fridley, NIl�I 55432 Jarnes L. Peng 6 West Logan W. St . Paul , NQV 55118 Richard Tkaczik 12323 Gladiola I�W Coon Rapids, NII�I 55433 Roscoe S�nith 370 North Arm Lane Mourx7, NR�I 55354 Harold D. Morraw Route #5, Box P 196 R.iver Falls, WI 54022 Dennis Kmit & Johanna Luciaw 3158 Arthur St. I� Mpls, NII�I 55418 Kenneth Franko 15780 - 125th Ave.N. Dayton, NII�] 55327 Same cx�mer as above Marck Inv. Co. c/o J& L Mgmt. Co. P.O. Box 26113 Mpls, N�1 55426 Same c�me r as above 5644 4th�Street 5800 4th Street 5410 5th Street 5428 Sth Street 5450 5th Street 5451 Sth Street 5430 7th Street 5460 7th Street 5612 7th Street 5640 7th Street 1050 52nd Avenue 1090 52nd Avenue 7 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 6 36.00 . 32 89.00 34 93.00 34 93.00 11 49.00 11 49.00 16 57.00 16 �7.00 / -- LICE NOES . � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCiI RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY — August 18,�1986 �.���?�� � _; _ �,, •; :_ � .� ►. ��� �. a�� : • �: �.ia. : � .. . • Same c�mer as above Same a�mer as above Bigos Properties c/o Ted Bigos P.O. Box 22464 Rob�insdale, N�1 55422 Same o�mer as above Clarence Rezac Place North Properties 6301 Central Ave. I� Fridley, NA1 55432 Edward & Patricia Daw 312 East 32nd St. Sioux Falls, � 57105 Daniel S. 0'Neill 390 - 57th P1. �2 Fridley, NR�] 55432 John G. Blahoski 895 Orange Ave. E. St. Paul, N�I 55106 Wicklow Properties 5916 Hansen Road Mpls, NQI 55436 Michael Chamberlain 10817 Ht,mnboldt Ave. S. Mpls, t�l 55431 Virgil Baune 7215 Zane Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, N�I 55429 Otto Westenfield P.O. Box 32021 Fridley, AII�I 55432 Jerry Dold 6110 Star Lane NE Fridley, NII�I 55432 1120 52nd Avenue 1170 52nd Avenue 215 53rd Avenue 305 53rd AVenue 251 57th Place 359 57th Place 390 57th Place 105 58th Avenue 150 59 1/2 Way 190 59 1/2 Way 19I 59 lj2 Way 110 61st Avenue Zgf� 61st Avenue 16 16 4 57.00 57 .00 36.00 7 36.00 7 36.00 8 49.00 4 36.00 7 36.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 12 49.00 8 49.00 3 36.00 d � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- L I C E N S E S RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 �.��i�; � _ • _ r► �, = a. � ►. ��� �• �+ �' ' .�,/a. : � .. . • Edric Associates c/o Edward Anderson 5024 Norn�andale Ct. Dc]ina, NR�1 55436 Roger E.Meyer & James E. George 2261 Fairoak Avenue Anoka, NR�1 55303 George W. Knoll, Jr. 1923 - 40th Ave. I� Mpls, NIIV 55421 KBM Inv. Co. c/o Z& S Mgmt. Co. 6005 Wayzata Blvd. St. Louis Park, t�l 55416 R & B Properties c/o C. Rezac 6301 Central Ave. I� Fridley, NII�I 55432 Hansen Properties c/o Lynn Hansen P.O. Box 32233 Fridley, NIDI 55432 Floyd A. & Linda N. Ruggles 2453 E. Cawern P1. N. St. Paul, NIl�I 55109 D-62 Properties 11201 Woodhill Lane Blaine, l�RV 55434 Walter Kuckes 1340 - Ninth Ave. S. St. Cloud, I�T 56301 Clarence Rezac 79th Way Propeties 6301`Central Ave. NE Fridley, I�II�1 55432 1200 72nd Avenue 1230-2-4-6 72rxi Avenue 1270-76 72nd Avenue 1619 73rd Avenue 351 74th Avenue 350 75th Avenue 106 77th Way 211 79th Way 231 79th Way 321 79t1� Way 42 109.00 4 36.00 4 36.00 24 73.00 11 49.00 11 49.00 4 36.00 8 49.00 7 36.00 � 49.00 a � ' NCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCtL -- L{ C E g O M FOR CO . RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 •��� � .� •,, � � ►. ��� �• �+ : • �: �.��. : . •- . . Joseph E. Thomas & 6400 Able Street Mike Kolodjski 832 - 96th Ln. N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 Mortimer B. Sturdevant 7301-03 Able Street 7301 Able Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 William J. Urban 1313-15 Able Street 2100 Windsor Way New Brighton, MN 55112 '_ Mattson Properties 7325-27 Able Street 10267 Univ Ave N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 Stanley R. Meinen 7349-51 Able Street 3223 W. Owasso Blvd St. Paul, MN 55126 Theodore or Delois Truehl 7365-67 Able Street 6044 - 4th St N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 � Diane Schutz 7379-81 Able Street 7379 Able St N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 George Lunde 7401-03 Ab1e Street 545 Rice Creek Blvd N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Todd B. Fuechtr.iann 7417-19 Able Street 25 E.Magnolia Ave St. Paul, MN 55117 Donald Koss 7447-49 Ab1e�Street 4207 Fillmore St.N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 John & Kathleen Baumhofer 7463-65 Able Street 608 Jeffersan Circle Marshall, M1� 56258 Ed-Ray Builders ��i�-�i Ah1e Sireet c/o Ed Chies � RR �2 Stanchfield, MN 55080 1 12.00 _. i i2.oa 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 � 24.00 _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S � RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 �_.1►I�: � _� � �:� �� � � �. 1�1 4- :' �� �./�� : � .. • . Same owner as above Same owner as above Same owner as above �ame owner as above Same owner as above Same owner as above Same owner as above Same owner as above Same owner as above Donald Findell 6850 Siverts La N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Daniel G. Nelson 6080 Central Ave N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Same owner as above Charles L. Horton 10935 38 Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55441 Dick W. Marquardt 6588 Central Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Donald Findell 685D Siverts La. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Prithipal or Bash Singh 2 Spring Farm Lane St. Paul, MN 55110 Steven M. Mindlin 4526 Pleasant Dr. St. Paul, MN 55112 7495-97. Able Street 7501-03 Able Street 7513-15 Able Street 7527-29 Able Street 7539-41 Able Street 7553-55 Able Street 7565-67 Able Street 7519-81 Able Street 7595-97, Able Street 7890 Broad Avenue , 6070 Central Avenue�(f) 6070 Central Avenue (r) 6550 Central Avenue 6588-92 Central Avenue 6540 Central Avenue 7325-27 Central Avenue 733�-7 Centrai Avenue 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 � 24.Q0 ., �, o � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CiTY COUNCIL -- L I C E N SL'-� RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 � �• � _� �:� �� = 1 � �. 1�1 k- � • • � �..�a� � .. . . Paul & Susan Chik 14453 Portland Ave. So. Burnsville, MN 55337 William Ouellette 2514 Lincoln St. NE Mpls, MN 55418 5012 Clearview Lane 7432 Concerto Curve Raymond Anderson 6428-30 De1lWood Drive 6428 Dellwood Dr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Karen & Douglas Hornsten 6190-92 East River Road 10916 Mississippi Or. Champlin, MN 55316 George J. & Nell Davis 6501 Xerxes Ave. N. Mpls, MN 55430 Kirk & Carol Herman 610 - 57th Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Max L. Peterson 2801 - 16th Terrace NW New Brighton, MN 55112 Marvin R. Joppe 3220 Dakota South St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Sartaj & Neeta Sahni 1551 Camel oi �.a . �iE Fridley, MN 55432 Sunrise Const. Corp. c/o John M. Levander 5032 Garfield So. Mpls, MN 55419 B & B Investment c/o Michael A. Sroton 26 East Golden Lake Rd. Circle Pines, MN 55014 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 6210-20�East River Road 2 243 Ely Street 7320-22 Evert Court 7330-32 Evert Court 1335-37 Evert Court 7345-47 Evert Court 1 2 2 2 2 13�1-03 �irestde Drive 2 24.00 12.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24 . E�Q 9 - - w w �+vr � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- L 1 C E N S E S RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 f,��TNgt L(X'ATI�: ^n BIJILDIr� L)I`�TS FEE AP OJID BY R. H. Larson, FPB/ Housing Insp. Clarence Larson 1321-23.Fireside Drive 6650 Vernon Ave. S., #120 Edina, MN 55436 Richard & Phyllis Fudali �7833-3i Firwood Mlay 500 Brookdale Towers Mpls, MN 55430 David & Janet Parke 7843-47 Firwood Way Route 1, Box 74 Renville, MN 56284 Michael Betz 7865-69 Firwood Way 2712 Terrace Drive � Burnsville, MN 55337 Kirylo & Zita Czichray 7879-81 Firwood Way 147 Craig Way NE Fri dl ey, MN 55432 Viola Froneyberger 7883-85 Firwood Way 7885 Firwood Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 John R. Zielinski 7889-91 Firwood Way 7889 Firwood Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 Clarence or Lillian 7893-97 Firwood Way Fischer 7897 Firwood Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 Harland Berry 7095-99 Hickory Drive 6965 Hickory Cir. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Allan & Pamela Fehn 1247-49 Flillwind Road 1251 Hillwind Rd. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Same owner as above 1251-53 Hillwind Road Jerome Thompson 411-13 Irmint�on St�reet 731 98th Lane NE Blaine, MN 55434 '. 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 � 24.06 �■ _ FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- L I C E4 O� RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 �.�l�� � _ �,+ � s 1 � ►. 1►I k- �! � "IC �i/?� �. � .. • . Carver Park Rentals 421-23 �ronton Street Randy Crowell & Paul Koenig 6864 Stonewood Ct. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Forest Cornelius A020-22 Main Street 4020 Main St. NE Fridley, MN 55421 Leonard M. Olson 4591-93 Main Street 4593 Main St. NE Fridley, MP� 55421 Auren E. Kerntop 6835 Main Street 201 Mercury Dr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 John Chura 5971-73 Main Street 5973 Main St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Joseph & Lynn Pilon 5981-83 Main Street 4732 Debra Court Shoreview, MN 55112 Daniel Wintersteen 6671-81 Main Street 6661 Main St. NE Fri dl ey, M�V 55432 Joseph Teague 1361 Meadowmoor Drive Rt. #4, Box 192 Cambridge, MN 55008 Daniel Erdmann 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 2525 Co. Road #34, 279 103, 107, 122, 158, 170 Burnsville, MN 55337 Mike & Julie 1601 N. Innsbruck Or., Achterkirch 108 1249 Hillwind R. Fridley, MN 55432 Preetmohinder Sidhu 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 16321 Franklin Cir. SE 131 Prior Lake, MN 55372 _ � 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 5 36 . 00 1 12.00 1 12.00 a � � 40R FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S E S RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 ,_.i.i�: • .: � •,► !. :.1 � ►. 1►i t- � � • �� h/a. �' . •: . • Rager Challman 8212 - 14th Ave. So. Bloomington, MN 55420 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 133 Earl Hagg .1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 5140 Rainier Pass NE 140 Col. Hts, MN 55421 Roland & Bell Rae Krueger 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 9251 Lansing Ave. 153,356 Stillwater, MN 55082 Darrell & Carol Westling 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 4108 Glencrest Road 160, 162, 209, 223, Mpls, MN 55416 225, 227, 229 John Hofheins 1601 N. lnnsbrucK ur., 4901 W. 77th St., 1016 112, 258, 319, 323 Mpls, MN 55435 Emmett & Lorraine Gosselin 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr:, 6872 - 7th St. NE 178 Fridley, MN 55432 Cheryl Cooper 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 4136 Pleasant Ave. 186 Mpls, MN 55409 Bruce Ellingson 11750 - 51st Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55442 James Lawrence 1550 6th Ave. N. Long Lake, MN 55356 Thomas Sinner 1227 Brighton Square New Brighton, MN 55112 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 214, 255 1601 N. Innsbruck Or., 215, 332, 339, 344 1601 N. Innsbruck Or., 228 � Richard & Phyllis Fudali 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 1709 Innsbruck Pkwy. 252, 277, 352 � Col. Hts., MN 5542I Katherine Dols & Alan Stevenson 4228 Oak Dr. Ln. Mtka, MN 55343 16D1 i�. Innsbruck Dr., 268 1 12.�� 1 12.00 2 24.00 7 36.00 4 36.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 4 36.00 1 12.00 3 36.00 1 12.00 �■ � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL -- L i C E fV� S ' RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 �„� ��• � _: �,� �� : � � �. ��� �- �' �� �.�a� : � .. . . Ken & Ann Stagg 1601 N..Innsbruck Dr., 7390 Park View Terr. 311 � Moundsview, MN 55432 Virginia Trombley � 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 110 Grant St., 9L 355 Mpls, MN 55403 Caman Properties 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr., 560 Heinel Drive 362 Roseville, MN 55113 Gary Liqdberg 16�1 N. Innsbruck Dr., 1814 Glenwood Ave. N. 370 Mpls, MN 55405 S. K. & Savitri 1230-32 Norton Avenue Madireddi Box 54 Gaylord, MN 55334 Randy Crowell 1237-39 Norton Avenue Carver Park Rentals 6864 Stonewood Ct. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Donovan or Sharry Elias 1240-42 Norton Avenue 7390 Concerto Curve NE Fridley, MN 55432 Same owner as above 1250-52 Norton Avenue Delores Ponessa 1260-62 Nor.ton Avenue 1327 Hillcrest Dr. NE ' Fridley, MN 55432 Susan K. Williams & 127Q-72 Norton Avenue Philip D. Rostad 5568 W. Danube Rd. Fridley, MN 55432 Gurmeet or Da`leet Gandhok 1280-82 Norton Aver�WQ 2 Spring Farm Lane St. Paul, MN 55110 Dowie Bouma 1285-87 Norton Avenue 16165 Bass Lake Rd. Maple Grove, MN 55369 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 r NCIL -- LICE NSOS = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COU RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 •..�,L• � .; �,� •, a � �. ��� � : . . ; ���,� �� � .. . . Victor or Deloris Daml 9412 Flintwood St. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Wayne or Marita Larson 1216 Banfill Circle Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 Same owner as above Douglas P. Tanner 2206 St. Anthony Blvd. Mpls, MN 55418 Robert D. Shimanski 7458 Hayes St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Don Johanns 1620 Rice Creek Rd. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Jerry Jacobson 3846 Independence New.Hope, MN 55427 Arthur B. Quiggle III 1906 Stinson Pkwy. Mpls, MN 55418 Thomas E. & Margaret A. Brickner 6170 Heather P1. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Andrew Kociscak 1419 W. Danube Rd. Fridley, MN 55432 Denise L. Smith 6492 Riverview Terr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Ronald E. Schmidt 1405 Pierce Terr. !�E Col. Hts., M1� 55421 174-76 Pearson Way 6315-37 Pierce Street 6325-27 Pierce Street 5355-57 Pierce Street 6335 Pierce Street 6373-77 Pierce Street 6401 Pierce Street 101 Pilot Avenue 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2� 24.00 2 24.00 1 1441-43 Rice Creek Road 2 1631 Rice Creek Road 1 12.00 24.00 12.00 6496-98 Riverview Terrace 2 24.00 1�75 S1�ywood Lane 2 � 24.00 � ' ' F O R C O N C U R R E N C E B Y T H E C I TY COUNCIL -- L{ C N S�E S RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 • 1�1• � _: �.� !- . � � �. 1�1 1'� � • •: �./?� • •: • . G& G Building Inc. 6421-23.Starlite Circle 8457 Riverview La. No. � Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 Jerome Dold � 6110-14 Star Lane 6110 Star Lane NE Fridley, MN 55432 Vernon Lindberg 6140-44 Star Lane 1897 Stinson Blvd. New Brighton, MN 55112 George Winiecki 6150-56 Star Lane 2732 Highway 10 NE Moundsview, MN 55432 Jeffrey D. Harris 6160-64 Star Lane 6164 Star Lane NE Fridley, MN 55432 Randy C. Anderson Const. 7396-98 Symphony Street 11340 Sunset Ave. NE Circle Pines, MN 55014 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.b0 Ed and Doris Chies 7337-39 University Avenue 2 7651 Central Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Same owner as above 7373-75 University Avenue 2 J. Thomas & � 7389 Van Buren Street 1 M. Kolodjski 832 - 96th Lane Blaine, MN 55434 Jerry 1. or Barba�^a 5g35-38 2nd Street McNurlin 250 Sylvan Lane NE Fridley, MN 55432 Wayne & John West 6Q01-03 2nd Street 255 Craigbrook Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 A1 Bates 5783-5 2� Street 724 - 51st Ave. NE Mpls, MN 55421 � 2 � 2 24.00 24.00 �12.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 r s - FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE C1TY COUNCiL -- L10E NOES RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 �_.hi�; � _� G� !, � �. 1�� 4� � • •: �.�a� . • . Edward Otremba 5057 3rd Street 5567 E. Danube Rd. Fridley, MN 55432 Gary & Lucille Thomas �5121-23 3rd Street 1003 94th Ln. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Andrew Kociscak 5131-35 3rd Street 1419 W. Danube Rd. Fridley, MN 55432 N.H.C. Properties 5141-43 3rd Street 7685 Meadow Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Gerald Geisinger 5181-83 3rd Street 6018 Second St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Joseph Sinigaglio 5191-93 3rd Street 4115 3rd St. NE Fridley, MN 55421 Lindy Limieux 5810-12 4th Street 5812 4th St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Beverly Mattson 5820-22 4th Street 10267 Univ. Ave. NE Blaine, MN 55434 Ruth L. Magnuson 5830-32 4th Street 121 Washington So., #302 Mpls, MN 55401 Gary Muske 5850-52 4th Street 2321 Stinson Pkwy. Mpls, MN 55418 William Guenther 5860-62 4th Street 643 Rosedale Rd. NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Roy E. Erickson 5900-02 4th Street 4325 Vincent Ave. N. Mpls, MN 55412 � 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 � 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 �■► ' � 40W FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- L! C E N S E S RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 • �1• � _i �.► �. � �. 1�1 4� i'•��.�?� : � .. • • Kenneth Ohnstad 5908-10 4th Street 5908 4th St. NE Fridley� MN 55432 Timothy Parker ' 5916-18 4th Street 7316 Humboldt Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 Ellert Ihlan 5924-26 4th Street 5924 4th St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 William J. Urban 5932-34 4th Street 2100 Windsor Way New Brighton, MN 55112 Steve Heinecke 5365-67 5th Street 5365 5th St. NE Fridley, MN 55421 Joseph or Irene Maertens 6232-34 5th Street 144 Rivers Edge Way NE Fridley, MN 55432 Douglas G. Finch 6262-64 5th Street 7151 Knollwood Drive Moundsview, MN 55432 Robert J. Huber 5335-37 6th Street 5335 6th St. NE Fridley, MN 55421 Timothy Fietek 5346-48 6th Street 15 - 102nd Ave. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Thomas Gliadon 5361-63 6th Street 6230 Sunrise Dr. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Same owner as above 5371-73 6th Street Same owner as a�ove 5381-83 6th Street Timothy P. Wheeler 5b0� 6th Street 5602 6th St. NE � Fridley, MN 55432 � � 1 12.�0 2 24.00 1 12.00 Z 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 2 2 24.00 24.00 24.00 � B _ . FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LI C E N S�S RESIDENT I A L R E N T A L P R O P E R T Y - A u g u s t 1 8, 1 9 8 6 • �• � -_ �:� �, � ►. 1�1 4� �' �. �./a� : � .. . . James Pearson 5606-08 6th Street 2101 Burns Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 Kenneth R. Hafner 5612-14 6th Street 6051 6th St. NE � Fridley, MN 55432 Darlene D. Benson Hafner 5618-20 6th Street 6051 6th St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Charles V. Westling 5536-38 7th Street 5536 7th St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Robert M. Russell 217-19 57th Place 3025 Jersey Ave. N. Mpls, MN 55427 Roger P. & Jeanene H. 349-53 57th Place Beauregard 2650 - 15th St. NE New Brighton, MN 55112 Donald Findell 110 58th Avenue 6850 Siverts lane NE Fridley, MN 55432 Meyer & Joanne Broder 276-78 58th Avenue 278 - 58th Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 . Frederick E. Schultz 114-16 62nd Way 120 - 62nd Way t�E Fridley, MN 55432 Wal l ace Roe��r 50-�0 63 a W,aY 7419 McKi ni ey St. FiE Fridley, MPJ 55432 Ronald & Jennifer Groat� 70-80 63� Way 5107 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424 Same owner as above 90-1Q� 63� i�ay 1 i2.�� 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.�00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 z za, o0 � � FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL -- LICE N EOS RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY - August 18, 1986 � :�' � _i �t\ �. :� � � \. 1\' � �! i � 71 ����� : � � . • • • Gary M. Muske 1581-83 73rd Avenue 2321 Stinson Pkwy. � Mpls, MN 55418 Same owner as above � 1591-93 73rd Avenue Oennis Kugler 1560-64 73? Avenue 8331 Terrace Rd. NE Spri ng Lake Park, h1N 55432 Gary Muske 1590-94 73'� Avenue 2321 Stinson Pkwy Mpl s, MP� 55.418 Ed Chies 360-62 74th Avenue 7651 Central Ave. NE � Fridley, MN 55432 Charles Garmith 380-82 74th Avenue C.P.G. Enterprises 233 W. Grandview Roseville, MN 55113 Bo6 & Lois Brown 450 75th Avenue, �1 770 Highway 10 Blaine, MN 55434 W& J McGonigal & 450 75th Avenue, #4 R & A Kemp 4806 Howe Lane Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 H& A Heck & 450 75th Avenue, #9 E & K Ka rbo 8409 Thomas Ct. N. Brooklyn Park, MN 55444 William J. Bliss 450 75th Avenue, #11 4150 Thomas Av. N. Mpls, MN 55412 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2. 24 . 00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 12.00 � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL FSTII�'WTFS - AUGUST 18� 1986 Herrick & N�aman, P.A. 6279 University Avenue N. E. FYidley, M�1 55432 For Services Renc3ered as CYty Attorney for the Morrth af July, 1986 . . . . . . . . . G�mderson Brothers Cenent Gb., Inc. 2325 Snelling Avenue, South Minneapllis, M�I 55404 1986 Misoellar�eous Concrete Curb & Gutter Partial Estimate No. 3 H & S Asphalt, Inc. 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, M�] 55303 S'treet 7mpravenent Project No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2 Pa rti al Estimate No. 6 And Street Improvenent Project No. ST. 1986 - 3 Partial Estimate No. 1 �gene A. Hickok and As�caates, Inc. 545 Irx3ian Moimd Wayzata, NN 55�91 Moore Lake Restoraticn Pr_oject Phase II Partial Estimate -- ESTIMATES $ 1,81�..98 $ 4,108.94 $ 9,630.96 9,199.80 $ 259.57 � . �. � . �_ -- - , i : �''� ` Y� i�;C!; ,_i�1J���: ..�'�. _.%�:G. . �, •-� . : �. , . ._. __ ,_. _ ..., _., ., :-- r ' , 2 i1 _. � - __ ._.. ._ ._ , .. .''? l- - -- _- r-� � ,_ -- �" r �. -- .. _._ __ _. . __ ,� , , ,_-. ., � � , _ .� . . ;�;:-;� _.. , _ _.__ �_ .._� ...,_.. _ � � . _ � _ : �' � �: . . : i-'. . .. . . _ _ .. . , ... .. _ � � � L.� _ �. . -- r . ._ .. _... . r. .... ._ r � `� -- - -� ,- r-� _ �� �...- .��. . . � . .- . � , �.� . .__ . . _..� .....___.,,__, - . .,,., -- ----'.,_. F��Y�.-. .._ r; _ . . .. ..,.— _ . . .... MONTHLY RETAINER 3.2 hours in excess of 30 @$50.00 per hour Miscellaneous expenses $1,650.00 160.OQ 1.98 $1,811.98 41A C}7f�? i8c• ��,"� _ii i�_��;1—i 7i.i�� 4, �" , _ . t''- .._ . . . ._ .. _ [_ .. .� � v �., . - - =- � . , , =l � - -- : - �: - r, ,_ -. _ . ._ _. _. . . . � ; -- vC _ ,it-� H�ti. :.- --�:ti �. e.. (.... ; :i�.__ � _ r�,f-��'.`_ ��r�- ���. � �: � 0 � � ciNOF f Rl DLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM � . , - hlEMO T0: Jock Robertson, Community Development Director I�MO FRODf: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator MEMO DATE: August 18, 1986 REGARDING: k'arehouse Sale at American Legion Hall The attac describes a request by Brian Groshen to hold a one da indoor sa e at the American Legion Hall on Old Central. In the pas as informed council of these requests to receive a general�concurrence �ith the action. It may also be adviseable to inform other department directors of the event for health and safety reasons. Please inform me of council's decision by September 9, 1986, so that I may inform the petitioner. JR/lmn y s 'M-86-204 � ` V ��� n� �`�� . �y� � . , � • wI. � , National Screenprint August 13, 1986 Jim Robinson City oi Fridley 6431 University Ave. SE. Fridl.ey, Mn 55432 Dear City Council: 9749 Hamilton Road Eden Prairie. Mn. 55344 , (612)9�-9i20 National Screenprint ie a wholesaler oi imprinted sportswear. Every couple months we have a Warehouse sale to relieve our excess inventory. Our previous sales have been at the Edina Community Center, but r+e would like to give Fridley a try this time around. The dete that we would like to our sale is 9/15/86 at the Americen Legion Hall on Old Centrel Ave; they have given us their epprovel end are willing to Mork with us to organize th3s one day sale. The eale will run irom 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. All oi the products will be sold at wholesale prices, ior exemple, crew neck fleece eweatshirte whiah normally sell at reteil outlets ior 522.00 will sell for 56.00 at our sale. Some oi the garments are misprinted, discolored, or just overstocked. This sale is not used to increase National Screenprint's proiits, but rather to reGOVer our cost ior idle inventory. I am seeking approvel to operate this sale in the Fridley community. If you have any questions, please ieel iree to contact me. Sincerely, ��rian J. Groschen Marketing Assistant � � �- � � ciNOF f RIDLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDLIM I 0 • : ' . MEDfO T0: Jock Robertson, Community Development Director MEMO FRODf: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator MEMO DATE: August 18, 1986 REGARDING: H'arehouse Sale at American Legion Hall The attached letter describes a request by Brian Groshen to hold a one day indoor sale at the American Legion Hall on Old Central. In the past staff has informed council of these requests to receive a general�concurrence �ith the action. It may also be adviseable to inform other department directors of the event for health and safety reasons. Please inform me of coim cil's decision by September 9, 1986, so that I may inform the petitioner. JR/lmn � M-86-204 .,. Nafional Screenprint August 13, 1986 Jim Robinson City oi Fridley 6431 University Ave. SE. Fridl_ey, Mn 55432 Dear City Council: 9749 Hamilton Road Eden Prairie. Mn. 55344 . (612)944-9�20 Hational Screenprint is e wholeseler of imprinted sportsvear. Every couple months we have a warehouse sale to relieve our excess inventory. Our previous sales have been at the Edina Community Center, but Me would like to give Fridley a try this time around. The dete that We Would like to our sale is 9/15/86 at the American Legion Hall on Old Central Ave; they have given us their approval and are vrilling to rork Mith us to organize this one day aale. The eale will run from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. All oi the products vill be sold at wholesale prices, ior exemple, creW neck fleece sweatshirts which normally sell at retail outlets for 522.00 Nill sell ior S6.00 at our sale. Some of the garmente are misprinted, discolored, or just overstocked. This sale is not used to increase National Screenprint's proiits. but rather to re�over our cost ior idle inventory. I am seeking approvel to operate this sale in the Fridley community. If you have any questions, please feel iree to contact me. Sincerely, �3:rian J. Groschen Marketing Assistant �