09/22/1986 - 5081AGFN�A FUR F�LIC REEERFNCE �OI�ILTL MEETIl� SEPTII�BFR 22, 19�6 . . � : �.o ,�� . COUNCIL MEETING. SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 � � ■ �i ► •► ► � PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEAR(NG ON COMMERCtaL OEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS $2,800,�00 (WtNFIELD. [lEVELOPMENT. (NC. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z - 2 A PUBLIC NEARING ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT DISTRICTS NOS. 7 AND 8 WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT N0. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 L 1 : ► CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION REQUEST. SAV �86-03. TO VACATE THE FIVE FOOT UTI�ITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 4. B�OCK 1. INNSBRUCK NORTH TOWNHOUSES PLAT 4. TO A POINT TEN FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SAME LOT, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 5462 MEISTER ROAD N . E . . BY DARREL Fa�R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 F Cnu��._ , � MEET I NG. SEPTEMBER 22. 1986 1 1 : i� •► ► � PAGE 3 CONSlDERATION OF DISPOSITION OF EXCESS PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATEO ON PART OF OUTLOT 1, BLOCK 1. GENA RAE ADD ( T i ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 C CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REGISTEREO LAND SURVEY FOR P.S. #86-02, CREEK- RIDGE PLAT 2. GENERALLY LOCATEO ON PART OF OUTLOT A. DENNtS ADDITION AND PARTS OF LOTS 6 AND 14, REVISED AUOITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 10. BY RICHARD BR I CKNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 B CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 150 . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . 7 - 7 A CONSIDERATION OF LICENSURE FOR AUTO RECYCLERS IN THE C 1 TY OF FR i DLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 A COUNCIL MEETING. SEPTEMBER ZZ. �986 I 1 : 1 •► ► � PAGE 4 CONSIDERATION-OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANC� RECODIFYING THE FRID�EY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 205. AS IT RELATES TO DAY CARE CENTERS AND HOME FAMiLY DAYCARE .........................9-9E ►.: ► CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGE? FOR THE FlSCAL YEAR 1987 ....... 10 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING �F AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRfDLEY CITY CODE. CHAPTER 506, ENTI7LED "VEHICLE PARKING" BY AMENDING SECTION 506.10 .. 11 - 11 B COUNCIL MEETING. SEPTEMBER 22. 1986 ► � : ► •► ► � PAGE 5 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST REAOING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING TFIE FRIDLEY CETY CODE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 703. ENTITLED "SNOWMOBlLES" ANO ESTABLISHIN� NEW CHAPTER 703, ENTITLED "SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 1Z B RECEIVING SEPTEMBER 9, 1986 PRIMARY STATEMENT OF CANVASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 G CONSIDERATION FOR REVIEW OF LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR APACHE CAMP I NG CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 B CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF CITY-OWNED LOT GENERALLY LOCATED AT 75TH AND ARTHt�R STREET. FLANNERY PARK ..... 15 - 15 D 0 COUNCIL MEETING. SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 1 � : 1 •► ► � PAGE 6 CONSIDERATIOfV_OF A RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNOER TEFRA (WINFIELD DEVE�OPMENT. INC.i . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 16 C CONSIDERATiON OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE AND ISSUANCE OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (WINFIELD, QEUELOPMENT. INC.), OF THE CITY. FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING A PROJECT. AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 E CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO CERTAIN REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENTS ($11,550,000 VARIABLE RATE DEMAND GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, AND $3.100.000 VARIABLE RATE DEMAND GENERAL OBLIGATION 1MPROVEMENT BONDS) ....... 18 - 18 A COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 ► � : 1 •► ► � PAGE 7 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING T�4E �PLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 4-7. BLOCK 4, OAK GROVE ADOITION. ........ 19 - 19 C CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PART OF LOT 1. BLOCK 1. EXCEPT PART PLATTEO AS CONDOMINIUM N0. 9, WESTERN RIDGE ESTATES ADO I T I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 - 20 A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPL(TTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 3(EXCEPT SOUTH 204 FEET OF EAST 200 FEET AND EXCEPT NORTH 126.01 FEET OF EAST 200 FEET), BLOCK 2, EAST RANCH ESTATES 2ND ADDITION ...... . . .21-21A COUNCIL MEETiNG. SEPTEMBER 22. 1986 ► � : 1 •► ► � PAGE CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RELATING TO MOOI�F(CATtON BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY OF THE MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR ITS REOEVELOPMENT PROJECT N0. 1, THE AMENDMENT OF THE TAX lNCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS N0. 2 T�lfZOUGH �0. 6 TO REFLECT INCREASED PROJ�CT COSTS WITHIa REOEVELOPMENT PROJECT N0. 1 AND THE APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY OF THE PROPOSED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NOS. 7 AND 8........ 22 - 22 B L � cErvs�s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 - 23 E CLAIMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 EST I MATE S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 — 25 E :1 1 ;\ 0 0 W illiartl J. Nee . . � Mayo� = , F�idiey, �AN • , - TBSAAGS DSPRBSS709 ASD SUICIDS PBSPBl1?I01► DAI OC?OBBR 1. 1986 WHSRBAS, tesnage atrsas. dsprsaa�lon. and suicide ars beaoming ener �nore snidsnt; and � W9EREAS. concsrnsd Fridle� rsaidenta and profeaaionaZa'from aarvias agsnciea havg dsveZopsd a Frydtsy Youth Criais Prevsntion ProBram; and l�SERSAS. ths Pridtsy Iouik Criais Prsnsntion Coun�il from that program ia aponaoring an informational �set�ng for Pridtey rsa�idsnts at the Dietrict 14 aud�ttorium at 7:30 p.m. on Wednsada�/. October 1, 1986; and Ti,BSRBAS. profeaaionaZ Zeadsra �n thia f�sZd of atudy.�iZZ be making pressntationa. and Zocal rseouras groups �tiZZ bs prsasnt and dieeen�inating inforaration; and � AOTJ . TEBRBFORB. BB IT RBSOLVBD t h a t I. i� i Z Z i a w d. P s s. Ma b o r o f t h e Citb of Pridta� hsrsby proaZainr October 1. 1966 aa TBS/AGB DBPBBSSIOII AAD SUICIDS PE8VB11tI011 DAY and sncourags aZZ Pridle�i citiasna to beao�s infor�ced about this iaaus ao that ths� can contribute to tka prevsntion ef�ort. IA WITA►SSS W888BOF, I ha�e aet �r� hand a�d aauasd ths seat of the C�tb of FridZe�/ to bs apfissd tkds Sspte�ber 22, 198fi. WILLIAI�1 d. BEB. �IAYOR E � i " r G:. E, , - , � THE h1INUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL hiEETING OF � SEPTEN�ER 8, 1986 t � � � 3 ; � , ` , , I' ,� �` ��� � �� � 4:�_ M�M�UI4 �. 4:�. ���.�i! : ; ,�i��yl�. ��' 4:� �I: �� � 44M •!.�i�.y� � �4' v�= : : :. Zhe Regular Meeting of the FricIley C�ty Cb�cil was oalled to order at 7:38 p, m. tr� Mayor Nee. PI,mGE OF AIaT�GIANCE • Mayor Nee led the Qotmcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegianoe to the �'lag. ROLL CALL - NEI�BIIZS PRF�FNT: Mayor Nee, o;iimcilman Goodspeed, O�imcilman Fitzpatrick, O��cilman Srhreider and Cotncilman Barnette 1rENBE�tS ABS'�NT: Nore ��!� « + V�: � �d FRIIY,EY LF�FGUE OF WONEN VORERS P'ENBF�tSAIP WEER - SEPTENBER 15 �i1�QTGH 22, 1986: Mayor Nee read a proclanation proclaiming the week of September 15 through 22 as �YicIley League of Wcmen Vo�ters Me�nbership Week. �is Froclaanation was presented to Ray Remper and Carolyn Rouse of the FYicIley League o� Wanen Voters. Ms. Rouse stat�ed the League of Wanen Voters app�eciated this reoogiition ancl enoouraged residents of Fridley to take Fart in their cpverrmerit. She stated the League is planning an active year to assist in the selec�ion of a site £or the City's fire station and the publishing of a taan booklet this s�ring. � ��J�e � M� �� �. 7� �� i 4�� �. : �• • • MJTION tr� �uncilman Barrette to apprwe the mi.nutes as preserited. Seo�nded tr� O��cilman Fitz�atrick. Up�n a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimovsly. �� a�, u��±�M��- _ - � :. 1�DTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes as presented. Seo�nded tr� Gbimcilman Goodspeed. IJp�n a va�ce vate, all voEing aye, Mayor Nee declared the motio� aarried unanimausly. � �� �y ��� �,' �;�:�; 4�incilman Schneic3er requested the follvwing item be added to the agenda : -1- �� ��� M� v!?��+M��. �.' ��!�4?�„i:_�+; : • : . Reoeiving Petition No. 10-1986 requesting the Aighway Degartment install r�oise barriers along I-694. rDTD�N b� Cbincilman Sd�eider to ad�pt the agench with �e above addition. Sea�nded tr� (b�cilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUNl. VISIR�ORS• Mr. Richard Podvin, 1391 Mississippi Street, stated he had sent a letter to the Cb�dl and requested a response in regard to several issues raised. I�yor Nee stated the only di.scussion tr� the Council was possibly changing the r�ame of the park. Mr. �bdvin asked about the walkway. Mayor Nee stated he was checking further into the details. Mr. Fbdvin stated based on the meeting of I�hrdz 7, 1984, the property aaners decided to obtain an apfxaisal and, depenc7ing on the value, make an offer to the City to sell. He stated there was no oontact whatsoever f rom the City regarding their offer which he thought was $176,000 with room for regotiation. He stated it encled up the City claimed the land was worth $64,000, but the figure was raised to $94,000. He stated their appraisal was for $156,000. Mayor Nee stated he believed Council voted for a condemnation of this property. Mr. �bdvin statec� the tb�cil had authorized staff to enter into necptiations to aaquire Gena Rae. Mc. Ibdvi.n stated they would be grateful for any oc>nsideration on renaming the �ark and return of the street whirh was made into a walkway. Mr. Fbdvin also aalled the Council's attention to a flooding problem in thei r area. Mr. Qureshi, CYty I�nager, stated the drainage is uider the oontrol of the Rioe CYeek Watershed District and it would be appropriate to address this body reyarding any problems. He stated the City has oomplied with ariy requirenerits imposed tr� the Watershed District. Mr. I�dvin stated before the developne.nts to the rorth, thEy di.c3z't have any water �roblens. He stated ac�rding to the Rioe CYeek Watershed District's agreenent, there was to be a holding pond and pip�ng. Ae stated there is no holding ponc3 and water rims irito his and adjaoerit properties. � Mr. Flora stated he believed the developer was in oompliance with the drainage plan as there was always a pond there to retain water on these p�operties. Mt. Fbdvin stated Mrs. EYickson wrate a�.�ter to the e�fect that they r�ever had a water goblen. He stated peop'�e were able to have gardens in thei r back yards before cle�itllognent tooic plaae. Ae stated private property is -2- �5��l��,�l� v���yil�. � � `��I:�yJ'yl: :r1� :,. being used to res�lve a water holding problen fran Brickner's developnent. Ae stated the (:ity awns the park and water f rcm this Froperty is dcaining on �rivate Froperty. � Q�incilman Schneider stated there is a water problen in this area, but dich't lazaw if it existed before the Bricla�er develop�ent or r�t. Ae stated a lot was filled on the south sicie a� Mississippi and since this has been cbre and, with t�ie Briciaier developnent, it seems the water problen became worse. Mr. �bdvin stated the p�pe ooming out af the holding pond is smaller than the p�pe leading irito it. Ae felt if the size of the drainage pipe was increased, it would probahly solve the pcoblen. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the size of the pipe was specifically sized in this manner to allaa deterition of the water so there isn't an increased flaw. Ae stated water cannot leave a site, after developnent, any faster than it did before c7evelopnent occurred. NDTION tr� Coimcilman Schneider to request staff to make a oomprehensive stuc� o� the drainage situation in the area of the Blanberg and Brickner developnents with a report back to the Council. Seoonded by Councilman Gooc�speed. [lp�n a voive vote, all wting aye, l�iyor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. Mr. Bob Ganbrel, 1341 Creek Park Lane, stated with the rain last week, two lots in his area were affected. He stated he has brought this to the attention of the Cy.ty staff and they are reviewi.ng it. Ae felt the report b,� staff should include the north side of the street and thought perhaps this triangular p�eoe of property c�uld be used as a poriding area to res�lve some of the flooding problens. Ae stated this p�eoe o� property was f illed in which allaws more water to flar� making the situation worse. Ae stated there was water flaaing baclaaards throuc� the p�pe and caused waber frcm the storm systen to flaw onto his pcoperty. Ae stated the pipe is two inches hic�er than his basement. He stated last week the pond in the park was ab�ut waist hic� on teenagers. PU�LIC AEARtI�s • 1. P[JBLIC AEARII� ON 1987 BIIDGET: NDT�DN tr� ��cilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reac3ing of the public hearing notioe and open the pulal ic hearing. Se�nded tr� �cmcilman Sc�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimo�ly and the pub�l ic hearing opened at 8: 05 p. m Mr. Qureshi, CYty Manager, stated the tota2 Gereral �.ind budget for 1987 is $7,103,908 which is an increase c+f 1.42$ over the I9� budget. Ae stated, werall, there is a c3ecrease in the budget of a little aver onej'�a�f of a peroent as a result of substantial cvtbacks in revenue sharing funds,. ,� Ae stated the general impact o� the cutbacks is that sane prograas may have' to be curtailed or r�-a+djasted. He statec� most revenue sharing f�nds are used -3- ��.1!�.M� ���+�+Ml�. •' '+��4�v�=.�; ' �'� for capital outlay items so the cutbacks woulcil't hacve any direct imgact on the general servic�e ftnction of the City pcograms. Mayor Nee asked if there are any areas where the budget has increased sicfiifi�ritly. Mr. Qureshi stated increases range f rom 1$ to 2.6� in differerit departments, depending on the r�eeds of these departmerlts. ontncilman Sc3uieider stated in reviewing the budget, it seens trade-offs are being made for greater Froc�uctivity b� enhancing equipnent. Mr. Qureshi stated in �purchasing c3an►puters and high technology equipnent, differerit deFartmerits will be c�►arged on a use basis. Ae stated they hope to use this equipnent to improve eff iciency and there is no request for additional personnel in the budge� No persons in the audi.enve spoke regarding this pcop�sed 1987 budget. 1�DTION b� (bimcilman Barnette to close the publ ic hearing. Seoonded by (b�mci.lman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrried unanimously and the publ ic hearing closed at 8:10 p. m { a= ��_ : � �. •:� ; �c = M ��� : ?� a_ � '+: : . � �• �* : _ � _ ,�_ �� �i� 1� � _� _ u_ �M � �. 4; • � .1.!_ '1�_ ' �t� ' _ ; �► �1 • !� �. ; �I� '1� � «� �! ��M� �� �l,�� � 1`�-- � : �� i� ��� 4_�� ��� �l , �1 � yi�_ '.� �bt� _ : � ' �! ' ���� �! • 4,� � v�_ !� �1�±�!?l�: !. 4�� . „� �y�!• ;t� : � � �.��� ��'s NDTION tr� Gbimcilman Schneider t�o waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the pualic hearing. Sea�nded i� ��ci.lman Gooclspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ ic hearing oper�ed at 8:11 p. m Mr. Robertson, 4�x�anuiity Developnent Director, stated this vacation is for a tawnhouse lot and there presently is a f ive foot drainage and util ity easement on the s�uth side of Lot 4. Ae stated it is proposed to c�onstriact a taanhouse on this lot and it would encroach sl ightly into the util ity easement. Mr. lmbertson stated Mr. Farr has notified the utility oompanies and there are no utilities in the area so there was not a�roblen with this vaaation. Mr. R�bertson stated this request was reviewed by the Planning Commission and ap�rwal was re�nnnended with the stipulations the petitioner work with staff to resolve the maintenanoe problen on the vaaant lot on West Bavarian l�ss for the lan�caping to be restored and the dead trees removed at 1511 North Innsbruck Drive .N. E. �. Diane Mulvihill, who resides bebind Mr. Farr's developnent, felt Mr. Farr should honor the past a�nmitm�s made to the City and resic7erits before this vacation is aonsic7erea. She stated in AFril, 1976, l�c°. Farr wrivinoed the City to apgxave his �velopnent as he woulc3 retain 30$ of the trees. She stated e�e�y €er� days, Mr. Farr destrvyed 90 to 95� of tlae trees with no effort t,o retain then. Ms. Mulvihill stated Mr. Farr had stated there -4- h� �i1:+11 „I�,r,lyl�. �;' `t��y�„i:_�; : . wnuld be a green buffer zone to seFarate the tawnhouses f ran the residential hcmes and only a few trees have been planted. She felt Mr. Farr has made ryo effort fio fulfill his aommitments to the Qty and clic�'t feel ariy further a�noessions should be given. muic�lman Sc3u�eider stated there is a letter in the Q�uncil' s agenda f ran Ms. Mulvihill and a response was requested f rom the developer. Mr. lmbertson stated, no �uiiaation has been reveivec] to this chte. Gbtnilman Sc�u�eic7er stated he can sympathize with Ms. Mulvihill' s oonoerns and he did make several ir�quiries of persons in the Zbwr�house Association to see if �ey had any a�nverns and there were none. N�. Daniel Farr, represer�ting Darrel Farr, stated he dic�'t know about the green area required between R-1 and R-3 property and the letter f ran the City was very broad. He stated if he has an idea what the City requires for the area, they would be more than hapg� to �mply. Mr. �'arr stated in response to Ms. Mulvihill's aoimnnerits, a lot af �e trees which were ranaved were there only four or five years. Ae stated there is an area in the northeast oorner of Ms. Mulvihill's property where there isn't much landscapo.ng and whatever the CYty feels is ap�ropriate would be cbre. l�yor Nee questiored why they hach't responded to the City's letter. Mr. r'arr stated he dic�'t realize there was a set time to respond. He stated his father is the c7�veloper and has been out ai tAwn and he dicfi't feel it was that importarit at this time to have it landscaped when they are still in the Froaess of mnstruction. Cbincilman Schneider asked Mr. Farr if they would be willing to post a performanve b�nd to o�ver the aost c� the landscap�ng. Mr. Farr stated he would agree to a performanae bond. I�. Farr stated they have aomgt ied with all the City' s requests. He stated a aall was reoeived regarding o�mplaints on the weeds and it was immediatly taken care of. He stated the streets have als� been cleaned. �uzcilman Sdu�eider felt Mr. Farr's oo�ranitments for his c7e�velopnent should be reviewed to determine past oompl ianoe and what has to be d�ne in the f ut ure. No other persons in the aadienoe spoke regarding this proposed vacation request. rDTION tr� Q��mcilman Srhreider to close the publ ic hearing. Seoonded by ��cilman Barnette. Opon a voioe vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion oarried tasanimously and the public hearing cloeed at 8:32 p�m �+DTION by Cb�ncil.man Srhneider t�o direct staff to review all iiie �nitments for all phases of the Farr Zbwnhouse DeVeio�ent in l�otth Innsbruck and preFare a li.st c�f' those itens that have na� been ac�ered to and determine the amount of a performanoe boncl to assure vomplianoe with all these requi reaents. Sea�nded by Gb�cilman FitzFatrick. i7p�n a voi oe vote, all _� 3. 4. ��.!��.M� �I:+I:Yf�Ml�. ��' `1�1�4:�y��:.�i; :.. voting aye, M�yor Nee c�clared the motion carried tmanimously. �!: *�_ ; � ��. �.� ' �,�; : .�_. .�M���� ��• a� � �.• ��>>♦ M_ �� �I�la.�y �:� NDTION tr� Cb�cilman Barrette to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notioe and open the pub�lic hearing. Sea�nded by ��ndlman Schneider. Ltp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the puhlic hearing opened at 8:32 p�m Mr. Pril�rl, Finanae Direetor, stated the lateral charges made under this assessne.nt roll are mac7e inder authority provided in Ordinanoe No. 113 and under Resolution No. 86-1982. Ae stated each of the properties have a�nnected to City water or sewer or both without having previously paid a lateral charge. Mr. Pribyl stated the assessment is oomputed in two ways, either using today's average lateral charges. or using charc,�±s that were levied in the general area at the time the lfnes in question were installed, plus accrued iriterest to the present time. He stated the assesanent rate used on the affected properties is the lawer of the above two formulas. Mr. Pribyl stat,eci all property aaners involved in this assessment roll have signec3 agreenents agreeing to the pcinciple o� these lateral charges. He stated the assessner�t will be spread aver a 15 year period with an interst rate of &-],/2$ each year on the tn�aid princiFal. Mr. Melvin Rogze, 7509 East River Road, felt the assessnent on his property was too hi� and that he �ould have been given csedit for the plunbing. He felt he should only have to Fay half of the assessed charge of $489.80. Mr. F'lora, Public Works Uirector, stated Mr. Rogne did reaeive credit for everything e�ooept for a portion of the backhoe and plunbing work. I�. Qureshi statec3 if the Council was in agreement, an additional $100 credit o�uld be allaaed. No other persons sp�ke rec�rding this �rop�sed assessnent for 1986 servioe ar�nnections. HDTD�N tr� m�ncilman Fitzpatrick to close the public hearing. Sevonded by Gbulcilman Goodspeed. [Tp�n a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �manimously and the pu4lic hearing closed at 8:35 p.m Pi7RT.sc_ g�ING ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL F'OR V�TATER AND SANI`I'ARY SEWER IMPFaOVII�'ATr PR(17FX.T N0. 150 • 1�DTION tr� Gbtncilman FitzFatrick to waive the reading of the puU].ic hearing notioe and open the puhlic hearing. Seoonded b� O�imcilman Goodspeed. tlpon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimo�sly and the putal. ic hearing opened at 8: 35 p. m �7 __ : t�.���' K a _! -_ : �• ► :��±�+ .� .'� --6- ��.1i�.4� „ia�a�Y1�. �,� tia��y�„i: �+; Mr. Prik�il, Fir�anoe Director, statecl this project involved the a�nstruction of water and sanitary se�wer laterals anc3 servioes and other facilities on 73-1/2 Avenue and Ashton Avenue. Ae stated a water main and hydrant were also �nstructed, at the request a� the Fire Department, in f ront of Aolly Shopp�ng Center. ASH'ION AVII�i[JES 52ND WAY 2D IDIDiLSTRTAT. Bpi1I�E�%ARDS i�. Pribyl stated water and sewer laterals and servioes were annstructed on 73-1/2 Avenue f ran the cul-de-sac to 110 feet west at a total cost of $6,043.75. Ae stated this assessnent is divided between two lots amo�ting to $3,021.88 per lot. Ae stated the assessment for the property on the south side of the street will not be plaoed on the property uitil such time as the owner chooses to develop the rear portion of the lot as a se�nd building site. Mr. Pribyl stated water and sanitary sewer laterals, servioes and storm sewer were oonstructed on Ashton Avenue fran 52nd Way to Industrial Boulevard. He stated ass�ssnents are spread only on aertain properties on an area t�asis, per an agreenent with Burlington Northern Railroad, anc3 any outstancling assessnents applicable to above properties must be �aid at time of sale to outside parties, other than Burl ington Northern subsidiary aamFani es. Mr. Pribyl stated the total aost of the Ashton Avenue improvenent was $114,499.99 divided tr,� 462,477 square feet or a t�otal assessnent of $24.758 per I00 sqc�are feet of area. Ii�?LLY S�iOPPING (�TI'ER• Mr. Prib�l stated the mst for the water main and fire hydrant installed in front of Holly Shop�p�ng Center was $71,738.48 and will be paid fran the C7ty' s Util ity �,ind. Mr. Jay Norman, re�resenting the Burl ington Northern Rail road, stated when they reoeivecl notive of this assessnent, they o�ritacted the CYty to see what these �sts involved. Ae stated he thouc�t there was a$30,000 to $40,000 charge for a lateral installed off I-694 Faralleling Ashton ancl �ming back to Outlot Dd�. Ae stated their agreenent was they would�pay the wst of an eic�t inch water line. Ae stated they are being assessed for .that line plus the lire ooming off I-694. P'�. Norman stated they have prepared an official ob;jection to the assessment as proposed. The Council reveived a letter sutmitted tr� Mr. N�rman whic� outl iryed thei r okrj ections to this assesanerit. Mr. t�brman stated the a�nstruction of a 20 inch lir� Was not requested by Burlington Northern or oonteqnglated in their request and they were not notified they were to shar+� �n this o�st. He stated they obj ect to any oosts for the �Q inch line included in their assesanent. Mr. F'lora, R�h1i� Works Director, stateci when 8urlington Northern cmne in to develop their property to the north, there was discussion about providing servioe to all the properties and looping it into the Great Northern -7- k�.�J� M� ����V1�. • ' ���4�wi=.�: Industrial plat. iie stated the (�.ty ideritifie,d a 20 inch line, but ac]vised Burli.ngton Northern they w�ould be paying only the c�st for an eight inch lire. Ae stated the $114,000 assessnent is Burlington Northern's share for the eic�t inch lire and this was explained to their �nsultant. Mr. F7.ora stated the original assessnent estimated this a�st about $130,000. Mr. Norman stated he rnver heard of the $130,000 figure and it wasn't part of the �derstanding. He stated they agreed to the oonstruction of the water main in the loop area and not to cp all �e way tA I-694. Gb�cilman Schr�eider asked if Burl ington Northern reoeived a oopy of the �reliminary estimate. l�+h�. Flora stated he was sure they had as they were negotiating with a developer at that time and there were a number of oo�n�niaations regarding the developnent. Ae stated, originally, the water lirre was to g� along the westerly botndaLy line, but was relocated to the east to aom�ie along the tracks per Burlington Northern's request. 1�. Qureshi, Ctity l�nager, stated he �nderstands staff has been trying to o�ntact Burlington Northern so the pub�l.ic hearing could remain open until this iten is resolved. NDTION b� Gbimcilman Fitzpatrick to mntinue this pub�lic hearing to the r�ext regular meeting on Septenber 22, 1986. Seannc7ed by Councilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion carried unanimously. �� T__r.� ,� �, ,i +. V.,M 1�� ��1 �i f i,l� i, i� � H�� ��1��'V��+� � �� �y� \� • HDTION b� Gbtmcilman Barnette to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. tlp�n a voiae vote, all wting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously and the publ ic hearing opened at 8:52 p. m 76TH N�,Y• ALaEN V�Y � EA.ST• Mr. Pritr�l, Finanoe Director, stated this project involved construction of water and sewer laterals and serviaes in the r�ew Oak River Estates Plat on 76th Way and prwided water and sewer servioes for property in the southeast quac3rant af 57th and University Avenues. Mr. Pritr,�l stated the t�otal a�st for the 76th Way improvenents f ran Alden Way to East River R�aad (Oak River Estates) was $27,344.31 which was clivided between eicjit lots or a a�st of $3,418.04 per lot. tn�vF:R�rmv nvr�n�r� F.z►.�r ��rc� nu�rvE: 57TA AVENUE ZO 390 FEET 90iTPH: Mr. Prib�l statec3 the total oost for the University Avenue East Service Drive w� �9�,,850.5� divided tr1r 1�8 feet or $62.345 per foat. Ae stated all these aasis �r� to be� �aidi b� Slzper�aerica based on a develognent agreement with then and the City. m 6. �11 �)1.//� �1�1�+1�Y1�. 1�' `1:�1�}}yl:_ai; No pers�ns in the audienoe spoke regarding this proposed assessnent for ImpravenerYt Proj ect No. 156. NDTION b� Gbincilman FitzFatrick to close t3�e p�talic hearing. Seoonded by (bulcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all wting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried tuLanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:56 p.m. 1= ; ;_;. �. • � � . 'f�l_ �M �t� �� ' �/; 4 � . �!� � � � �. Nyl' i'�j/�!yl�l�� ' �•� )?� � � • � PDTD�N b,� Cb�ncilman Schr�eider to waive the reading of th notioe and open the public hearing. Seo�nded by Qoindlman a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:56 p.m �. ���+��..��;� � � +l_ � ��; �� .�: ,/� �+.Y4�!�. ��� �� 4.� ; � e publ ic hearing Barnette. Upon motion carried Mr. Pribyl, Finanae D�irector, stated this project involved oonstruction of water and sewer laterals and servioes for the Riverwood Park Plat and along the east side o� the Viron R�oad loopback south o� Osb�rne Road. He stated construction of utilities in both of these areas was requested by the developers of the Fxoperties. Mr. Pritr�l stated the cpsts for imFrwenents in the RiveYwood Park Plat were $57,095.25 for water laterals and servioes divided b� 32 lots or $1,784.23 per lot. He stated the oost for sewer laterals and servioes was $38,063.50 divided by 32 lots or $1,153.44 per lot. Mr. Prib�l stated at the time of this praject, additional water and sewer lines were pravided to Lot 32 (eaocept the west 10 feet) , Auchtor's Svbdivision No. 77, Parcel 5080, Pin No. 10 30 24 41 0056. Ae stated the assesanent will not be plaoed on this property �til such time as the property is divic3ed into more than one building site. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated a letter was reoeived fran a property aar�er, Mr. Ngleaek, 7136 East River Road, requesting this assessment be held �mtil such time as the property is divided. I�DTmN tr� CbLndlman FitzFatrick to reoeive the letter dated September 8, 1986 fran Mr. N�leaek requesting deferment o� his assessment. Seoonded by Cbimdlman Sdzneider. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion csrried �animously. Mr. Cook stated after tlzeir Riverwood Park plat was approved, he was approached by t-he C�.ty reqvesting Mr. l�eoek be given some property that would enahle him to imFrwe his lot. He stated, Frior to this time, he had sold the adjoining �operty �o a builder. � stat,ed he agreed to a�nv� his iriterest in the pcoperty to �the City and naw the matter is between Mr. Maleoek and the builder. tYirr. Q�ok stabed the Sc�ool District is carrying the mortgage and will not release �is portiar� a� property iactil a b�uilding pern►it is issued. He stated he has e�oecuted a quit claim deecl and the lot split would be sutrject to Mr. I�leoek aaquiring this Fcoperty. -� �1�.�1, �!� �����iN�. �i l��4:rti�G :�I; :,. j%IRUN �Y1�• VIim1Q I�]AD 'I�D OS'BORNE I�A� l�. Pribyl stated the total aost o� the Viron RQad imprwenent of $26,500 i.s to be assesed to ar�e property awner per a petition. No other persons in the auc�enoe spok� regarding these Froposed assessnents for Im�avenent Proj ect No. 160. rDT�pN b� (b�ncilman Fitzpatrick to close the publ ic hearing. Seoonded by Q�incilman Schreider. [Ip�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:05 p� m 7. P[1RT T(` xIF'sitTiVr ON FII�Il LL �R G'1'RF.FT TNIP'ROVEMENT PRO�TECT S'�'- �85-1 A� 2(At�ID ADDII�IDUM I�D. 1) : NDTION b� �Lmdlman Fitzpatrick to waive the readi.ng of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seo�nded b� �tncilman Scfineider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously and the pub�l ic heating opered at 9: 06 p. m Mr. Prib�l, Finanae Director, reviaaed the follawing improvenents covered �der this Street Impravenem Proj ect St 1985-1 & 2 and Addenchm No. l: Fr� �t�r� 61ST Zt7 63RD AVIIVtJF� (ST 1985-2) : Mr. Pribyl stated this oonstruction o�nsisted of widening the street, v�ncrete caub an3 gutter, an8 median work at the intersection of 5th Street and 63rd Avenue. He stated the total anst o� $139,260.41 is to be Faid f rcm . �Yidley Housing and Redevelopnent Authority fmds. rrnm�vermv A��y�iF� �4i+ GF'RC�T(� DiZT��:• CIVIC CENTER TO ISSIS IPPI STRFET j ST 1985-1) : Mr. Pritr�l stated blacktop street surfacing and concrete curb and gutter were installed at a t,otal oost o� $22,810.13 to be assessed to one property aar�er. � 7��(2 AVFN[JE• CUL DE SAC � 11� FEET WE.ST ( ST 1985-11 : Mr. Pritr�l stated an 18 foot wide street and wncrete curb and gutter were installed on the rorth side o� the street at a total a�st of $7,107.12 to be assessed to one goperty aaryer. Ae stated the street w ill be compl eted on the �uth side when that property is developed. ��`►' R.�T�'� R(.k��J ��TC.E DiZTL�•• 53� WAY NOn'I'H 'In CUL DE SAC (ST 1985-1) : Mr. Prib�l statecl a final mat was installed on the full street and ooncrete caarb and gutter was �nstructec3 on the east side. Ae stated the total o�st to be assessed is $33,199.63 divided b� 1,745 feet or $19.03 per front foot. �r.T.Y �PP'n�r C�T!'ER• PARKING LOT (ST 1985-1 AND 2. ADDE[�IDL�t N0. 1) : ': ���.'.: ��,1i, �!� ,,���tMl�. �,- ti:,�Gy�„ : �+; I�. Prib�l stated the t�otal anst for this impravenent is $64,542.66. He stated the FYicIlc� Housing and Redevelognent Authority will pay $59,538.00 and the balanoe c� $5,004.66 is to be assessed to one property awrrer. nr�r� A����• 521�ID L�,Y TO IAIDi]SPRIAL �( ST 1985-1 A1�ID 2. A�DENDt� 1�. 11 : Mr. Prib,�l stated hlacktop street surfacing and ooncrete curb and gutter were istalled at a total a�st �$142,777.00 divided b� 462.477 equare feet or $30.8725 per 100 square feet of area. Ae stated the assessnents are spread only on oertain properties on an area basis per agreenent with Burlington Northern Railroad. Ae stated arYy outstanding assessments ap�].icable to above properties must be paid at time of sale to outside Farties, other than Burl ington Northern subsidiaLy oanpanies. MnrJIqr�v �t�r� LYRIC LANE TD NORZIi ! ST 19$�-] �wn 2. AnnE�IDiA�I ND. 1) : Mr. Pribyl stated oonstruction oonsisted of widening the street and replacing ooncrete curb and gutter and sod. Ae stated the total o�st was $21,725.00 which is to be assessed to one �roperty awner. ilt�T??�:?t�TTV A��'►y`]F' W�ST GFi�rr( F. D�T4�• 06�ORNE R0�1D 'IO 79TIi1�VII�TE (OVERIA� ( S`r 1985-1) • 1�. Pritr�l stated the total v�st for this oonstruction is $39,647.46 and will be Faid f ran the C�.ty Overlay Ptuid. ��SC'F.i.TANFY'1T.JS I�RT�7F�TAYS 1�1ND CTTKB CITI'�� ST LH5-1) : Mr. Prib�l stated the total oost for this work is $11,508.00 and will be paid f ran the City Driv�vay Escraa Flmd. 1�. Prib�l stated the assessnents for these im�cavenents may be spread over a ten year period at an interest rate af 8-I,/2$. No persons in the audi.enoe sp�ke regarding the proposed assessnents for Stree�t ImFravenerit Projec•� ST 1985-1 and 2 and Addend�an No. 1. NDTION b� Coincilman Fitzpatrick to close the pulalic hearing. Seoonded by CbLncilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voiae vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee c3eclared the motion aarried imanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:14 p�m /x� �rmr.T� ra�anr�r_ rv�T c+r�rnr nec�ee�m nrn_r, �R RTRF.F'T TMPRnVEMENT pRQTFGT ST �/ • 1 VLLi L L.i11`LRl VL\ L iL�CYJ [YJY LJ\A" � � � _ _� � �� � � _ _ - _ 1986-1 AI�ID 2: 1�DTION by O�incilman Fitzpatrick to waive tjne reading of the publ.ic hearing notioe and open the pub.l ic hearing. Sea�ndea b� CbLnGilman Goodspeec�. Upon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion ca�rried �� un�animously and the publ.ic hearing opened at 9:14 p�.m Mr. Prii�il, Fir�nae Di.rector, reviewed the imprwenents wvered under this Street Impcavenent Proj ect ST 1986-1 and 2. -11- k�.�)�. � ����fyl�. • � '�:��4�„i: :,�; :,. : /�!�l 1 ��/?�:� : 1 M?!��4; � � ���t 1_ �� 4� � � � 7?!��I « � � \� �«T i • � - • - • •• •, . 1 • •- r • � - � - • ' 4y. �I4� �±� �.l�� � � y►. � '1+4�?�� �� �t �'i�l : ; l�+�l a '� ' : . r • - • - • •• �+ •i • 1 1 • • - �. • • - • - • • 4� ,!; : � �!� ./; �� M�I_ ; .� � • : . I�. Prib�l stated blacktop street surfacing and ooncrete have been installed and the aost has been divided equally benefited at �he request of the developer. Ae stated th $39,560.14 has been divic3ed between eic�t lots or a oost of lot. � �� ��...�,� �; �� � .�: �� .�� � • :. .4 : � �►,M4��. ��� � • :. I�. Pritr�l stated blacktop strE have been installed and the �s the request a� the developer. been divi3ed bet�ween 32 lots or a�►o�t was assessed equally to exception lot (Mr. Malecek's petitiazer. curb and gutter aanong all lots e total vo st of $4,945.02 per et surfacing and concrete curb and gutter t divided equally anong all lots benef ited at He stated the total aost of $106,778.77 has a aost of $3,336.84 per lot. Ae stated this each lot in Riverwood Park Plat and the one property) , based on the request by the Mr. Qiseshi, City I�nager, stated a letter was reoeived f ran a property owr�r, Mr. Maleoek, 7136 East River Raad, requesting this assessnent be held �mtil such time as the property is divided. I�DTICIN tr� ��cilman Fitzpatrick to reoeive the letter dated September 8, 1986 fran Nh. Ngleoek requesting deferment of his assessment. Seconded by Gbuncilman Schneider. tJp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I4hyor Nee declared the motion carried im,animously. 1�����!�� 4M : ��!�l1 : �_ ^i�l;�� «_ ! � \�_ !� 4:_� «: Mr : / _ � � �� �� �9, Nh. Pribyl stated blacktop street surfacing and concrete curb and gutter have been installed to pravide better acoess to the r�ew S�p�erPmerica Station per a developnent agreenent with them. He stated the total cost of this imFrovenerit was $30,849.01 all assessed to Superl�iaa car $195.25 per front f oot. � i�A ���� � ��.� i�:� �1 �CY:l��,I ����f 7i 2. Mr. Pritr�l stated blacktap street surfacing and concrete curb and gutter have been �.nsta�Yed and the �st divided equally to each side o�f the stree�t. -12- ��.I1�, i „i�alM1�. �� �:,��y�„�: ;�; He stated the total onst was $37,959.56 or a wst of $18,979.78 to each property aaner. EA.S`i' RTVF.R Rf�T1 SF'R�7TC_F' flRTVF.� 53RD in�Y Z�D 51ST �Y ( S`I' 1986-71 : Mr. Pribyl stated the final blacktop averlay and ooncrete curb and gutter have been installed at the request c� the developer. He stated the total c�ost was $22,972.75 or $14.185 per frorit foot. $? �`'!' AVENCIF• • MAIN STREEr R�0 AICRORY S`I'REET l ST 1986 ): �i sr Av�vr�- tnvrvFRSrr� nv�rut� �rn Mnnv SI'REET f s`!� �86-2) : Mr. Pribyl stated this imFrwene.nt involved street surfacing, c�ainage pape, ooncrete curb and gutter, and relocation of the signal pedestal and oontroller. Ae stated the total a�st is $346,510.00, with $235,000.00 to be transferred fran the p�rtion of ST 1986-2 which has already been assessed, per agreenent with Nhr-Len (brporation, and $111,150.00 is to be assessed at a f ront foot rate �$103.7325. No persons in the audienoe spoke rec3ardinq these proposed assessments for Street Im�ravenerit Project ST 1986-1 and 2. NDTIDN tr� Cbi,ricilman Fitz�etrick to close the public hearing. Seoonded by Gbtncilman Barrette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�iyor Nee declared the motion carried u�animously and the publ ic hearing closed at 9: ZO p. m. 9. PUBL.TC AEI�RTNr nN FTN�T. ASSFRSMF:NT Rnr.L FOR 198� MISSISSIPPi STREET NDTD�N b� ��ncilman Barnette to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notioe and open the putalic hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. t1p�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanim4usly and the pub,l ic hearing opened at 9: ZO p. m Mr. Pritr�l, Finanoe Director, stated this imprwenent involved installation of landsaap�ng work in and arou�d flolly Shoppu.ng Center for a t�otal oost of $51,299.I6. Ae stated $35,000 of this vost is to be paid by the Fridley Housing and Redevelognent Authority and the balanoe c� $16,299.16 is to be assessed to one property aaner, based on the Developnent Aqreenent between the ARA, the ((y..ty, and Aeartland University (bir�nercial Limited Partner�ip. No �pers�ns in the audienae spoke regarding this Froposed ass+essnent f or the 1985 Mississipp� Stree�. Landscapd.ng Project. ND'iION tr,� Cb�cil�an Fitzpatridc ta ctose the pubrlic hearing. Seaonded by Gbtndlman Barrette. il�n a voiae vote, a�i voting a�re, l+�yor Nee declared the motion carried im,animously and the puhl.ic hearing closed at 9:22 p. m 1�. �LIRT,TC �llRTt1� Qj�j �TI�T. �S.GF'S.SMF�}1' �L• FOR �85__ MISI4STP!PT S"1'RF.FT LT�j� �. — - - -- HDTION by Gbua�cilman Goodspeed to waive the reading of the publ ic hearing -I3- r,� li�. � �i�+�M��. r,• y��y�'„r•_�; r�tiae and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voiae vote, all wting aye, Mayor Nee cleclared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing ope�ed at 9:22 p�m Mr. Pribyl, Finanoe Director, stated this improvement involved the installation of a boulevard lic�ting syst�n in and around Aolly Shopping Center. He stated the total aost o� the imprwenent was $62,949.43 and is assessed to only. �e property owner, based on the Developnent Agreement between the HRA, the City, and Heartland University Commercial Limited Partr�ership. No persons in the audienve spoke rec�arding this proposed assessnent for the 1985 Mississipp� Street Lic�ting Project. NDTION tr� Gbtsici.lman Barnette to close the publ ic hearing. Seoonc]ed by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:25 �m J= , ;; �, •� �; � �_�� .t� ��� v � » ; Y �.� ' �� ��� NDTI�ON tr� Co�cilman Barnette to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the publ ic hearing opened at 9: 25 p. m. Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated this improvement involved the installation of a boulevard irrigation systen in and around Holly Shopping Geriter. Ae stated the tatal aost was $33,129.24 and the wst is asses9ed to one �xoperty owner, based on the Developnent Agreenent wi�h the HRA, the City, and Heartland University Qar�►erical Limited Partr�rship. No persons in the auaienoe spok�e regarding this prop�eed assessnent for the 1985 Mississi.pp�i Street Irrigation Project. NDTTON b� Gbimcilman FitzFatrick to close the public hearing. Seoonded by Gb�cilman Goodspeed. Op�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried wzanimously and the puL�l.ic hearing closed at 9:26 p.m i 1% ;� ; � ��. �:� ��►; � .'�_: _''+���!�� �� �� � � _ ?�+ u ' �����__ u _ �l� ' � � h� 7� .. M7I'ION by Gb�cilman Barniett�e tc� waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notive a�d open the public hearing. Se�nc7ed b� tbtncilman Gooc�speed. Up�n a voic� wote„ all votins ayer Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanin+�usly and the puht ic hearing operyed at 9: 26 p. m Mr. Pribyl, Finanoe Director, stated this improvement involved the University Auenue West Servioe Drive. Ae stated blacktop street surfacing, ooncre�te curb and gutter, median work, and water and sewer services have been installed. Ae stated, per an agreanent with Vantage Corporaton, the -14- k�.�1�. � v��+�lY��. � ' `�ai�4�„i: �+; : . assessahle a�st is $12,390.00 and assesanent rate is $11.53 per front foot. Ae stated the City's portion o£ the o�st, per agreement, is $55,000.00 and the GYty's share is $31,216.00. Ae stated $9,500 is to be paid f ran the Utility Ftind for a total o�st o� the impcovsnent of $108,106.00. No persons in the audienoe spoke regarding this proposed assessnent for Street Lnpravenent Praj ect ST 1986-3. l�DTIOI�I tr� Cbcmcilman Fi.t�patrick to close the publ.ic hearing. Seconded by Gbincilman Barr�ette. tl�on a voioe vote, all wting aye, Irhyor Nee declared the motion carried cananimotasZy and the public h�ring closed at 9:27 p.m OLD BUSINFSS• 13. �?'EW OF dONIPLIANCE OF APACHE CAN�ING CII�ER: Mr. �bertson, Qa�smmity Developnent Director, stated the aaner/operator of Apadie C�mp�ng Center, Mr. Pawelski, has agreed to install five Russian olive trees and three silver maple trees. He stated there is some question about the feasiiaility of three ornamental trees in the front and, as an alternative, there is a pr�op�sal to use similar species and �ntinue the raw along East River Raad. � Cb�mcilman Sc�neider stated the aaner admits he has violated the aonditions of the special use pernlit and wonderecl what was being done in this regard. Mr. Robertson stated Mr. Rawelski has axnplied and mwed his trailers so the only other issue is the landsc�a�ng. Mr. Nelson, attorney representing Mr. Pawelski, stated there has been discussions between Mr. Pgwelski and Mr. Wiersna c� the City staff regarding the landscaping. He stated he understands the additional landscaping suggested tr� the City is acaeFkat�le to Mr. �hwleski. Ae stated the question is if they should prooeed with the landsaap�ng, if the special use permit is to be revoked. I�yor Nee asked if Mr. F�wleski intends to violate the terms of the special use permit. Mr. Nelson stated it is not his interition to violate it. Gbuncilman Fitzpatrick questiored the landscaping proposed and if it was adequate. Ae stated he is not too im�ressed with the plan. Ms. Maxy I�rtin, 133 St�onybrook Way, stated she also was not imp�essed with the lanclscap�ng they are Fropasing. She stated the majority a� lanc7scaping is on 77th and would cb atasolutely riothing to talock the tnpleasant viaa frcm East River Road. Sh�e f�t rafiher than planting the trees, a snall ev�rgreen hedge should be pla�eci across the €ront of the �xoperty. She felt t.here should be some $ie!ese but in front the plantings should be law. Ms. Martin felt perhaps a fo� foot fenoe that �uid be maved may be oonsidered along with the plantings. She felt same fencing to oover the vehicles and planting a hedge would serve her purp�se. Gbuzcilman Fitzpatrick felt they �oulch't lose sic�t of the purpose which -15- �.�1�, i r��+�lM��. �;� tia��4�„i: �; :,. is to provide screening. Ae felt both the neighboring residents and the aw�er would want the top of his display to be visihle. He felt they should have screening with shrubbery rather �an a raw of trees. Mr. Nelson stated his client is waiting to hear fran the C:ity and is willing to o�ngly if a plan can be worked out. M)TIaN b� (b�d�.man Fitzpatrick to takale this iten for fur�er details and suimission of a rew landsoapa.ng plan at the next regular Council meeting. Seonnded by Q��cilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the u►otion �rried unanimously. I - • ;�� ���� �.M__ � � : . ; ���;� �� �. «; : ;�4�� • � �':� �C �� .� M r,� � _ : �!� �. , ���yly � + - - NDTION k� Go�cilman Sd'ineider to waive the reading of Ordinanoe No. 863 and ar3�pt it on the seoond reading and order publication. Seconded by Gbtmcilman Barnette. Up�n a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion mrried wzanimously. ���� N� ��: �/ ��� � � i��� MM �i� � �. « I�� � ���M �����: .�� : � �, ' i i • • /4 �� :_ � «; �+��. : ; ; � � 4M �.� Mr. Robertson, 4mun�mity Developnent Director, stated staff was di.rected to sulmit opti ons f or th e di spo si ti on of the Gena Rae tr i angul ar pi eoe of Froperty. Ae stated three options reaoamnended are as follvws: (1) the City retains this triangular p�eoe and, in this case, Mr. Brickner should plat two lots d�uble deep fronting 66th Avenue N. E. ; t2) the City make a determination this is excess property and opt for public bidding to determine a buyer. If N�. Briclmer was sucvessful. in aaquiring the parcel, he o�uld plat acmrdingly with four lots as previously planned. If not sucoessful, he �ould plat as in #1 above or, he o�uld plat Lot C provided it be sold to the sucoessful biclder; or (3) the City mak�e a determination of excess property and neg�tiate a sale to Mr. Brickner. Mr. Brickner t�ien plats with the four lots as previously planned. Gbimci.lman Schneider asked if there is the p�ssilality the Ci.ty may use this pieoe of property in regard to c�ainage retention. Mr. Flora stated there is that p�ssibility as, originally, the Bloanberg Hidden Woods plat called for a retention area in back of certain lots. Ae stated this was inoorporated in the werall Rive Creek Watershed District plan which ooan�ised the Blanberg and Briclmer plats. He stated it may be �ossible to mave this e3e�a� pand to this �arael. Mr. Bob Ganbrel, 1341 Creek Park Larte, stated the problen is the current shape � the lar� anc� the triangular piece caused water to flaa into his back yarc�. Ae stated he is getting drainage o�f all the lots on 66th that are to the rnrfi3n. � f el t the dr ai nage pr obl en shoul d be resol ved, but dich't want to delay the decision on the triangular po�ece of property. He state8 he saw water o�ming out of the c�ainage p�pe rather than going into i� He stated he supp�rts the idea o� a stuci� of the c�ainage. -16- R�.�J�.�1� v���M��. �,� ti��4�„i. �; Mr. Quresi�i, City i�nager, stated the property aou2d be sold and a drainage easeqne.nt re�tained. Cbimcilman Fitzpatrick felt it may be Fr�mature to �nsider disposition of this paroel before the rep�rt is reoeived on the c�ainage. Gbtncilman Sdu�eider stated he was pre�pared to make a motion to dispose of the paroel, but, naw felt they should keep their options open as an additional holdi.ng pond may be r�ec3ed. PDTION kr� Cbincilman Srhneider to tahle this iten intil the clrainage study report is available to the CAUncil at the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion oarried unanimousZy. • K�� �_�; •� • '�N�� �� ;�. 4 ��f� c�l� : •� :. � N� n�,1 �,� �_ f `I�+��1f •� f �Y�1 �/, � 1� � � � �l , ,1, f 1 � ., ; ��� '; C�Mr- � !/4� � ; �i� � �/ ��+� ; J� 4�� � 'i !-. � \I � � � � � :i� ; �, : ��� : ; MVi��i� 4t.� v : ! ��%. ���_ ; ��i M:1 MMM � �: 1� � 17. Mr. RQbertson, domn�ity Developnerit Birector, stated Mr. Briclaler was ask�ed to clarify his final plat and has sukmitted a registered land survey for the Froperty directly rorth of the triangular p�eoe o� �roperty. He stated this plat involves two lots, A and B, fronting on 66th Avenue N. E. and Outlot C leEt as unbuildakale with no acaess. Mr. Richard Briclmer, the petitioner, stated this glat would enable him to oanstruct two hanes and give the Qo�cil time to work out the problems with the triangular paeoe of �roperty. (b�mcilman Sdzr�eider asked if the drainage f rom the two additional ho�nnes cbuld be hancIled. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated most of the , c�ainage would be to the north bo 66th Avenue for Lots A and B. 14hyor Nee stated he felt Mr. Briclmer should �mderstand he may or may not be able to develop Outlot C. I�. Briclmer stated he is a�ware of the situation. I�DTION tr,� Cbincilman Schneider tA apprave P. S. �86-02 dated August 21, I986 with the following stipulations: (1) park fees of $1,500 each to be paid with buildi.ng permits on Lots A and B and Lot C subject to park fees if built on; t2) �e4istered land survey to be reoorded prior to building permit; and (3) staff reviav elevations for storm drainage. Seoonded by ��cilman Barrette. U�on a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion csrried unarumously. �!�:� ��� � Mayor Nee felt there should be srnne clarification on haw this ordinanoe -17- �i�.�J�,MII ���I�MY1�. • ' ^}�1�yi:r��: �1; : . relates to d�y csre ae�ers in the hane. Mr. Newman, City �Attorney, felt by the definitions the intent is this ordinanae would apgly to a c�ay mre facility that would serve more than 12 children and not in the hane. Ae stated if there is c�.y care in a hane and they have less than 12 children, it is a hane occupation. Ae felt if there is a�roblen the term "D�ay C`are Q�nters" should be c3ianged to an Out-of-Hame Day Care Qeriter or (bmmerical I�iy (�re oenter. MJTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reac3ing and approve the orclinanoe upon first reading. Seo�nded b� O��cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. HDTION b,� Gb�ncilman Schneider to request a minor language change, before the seoond reading, to clarify Day Care Centers as Out-of-Home Day Care Ueriters. Seoonded b� Gbtmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. : ��.� N� ��: M �,� • �tiZ+ �_ ; � ��. � : � � ��� �►�; � « : �J�����1�. : � �.�1 �. � �� J_.� �; :. 1 - :? �/: ��I !: +� Mr. Robertson, axren�ity Developnent Director, stated Dr. Uahl has appl ied for a varianoe and requested this itezn be tabled to be oonsidered at the same time � the varianoe. NDT�DN tr� �imcilman Schreic3er to tah].e this iten �til a reoa�anenc7ation is reoeived regarding the varianoe. Seo�nded b� Q�incilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • !�1� ���+c: M •� •� :� �.:� �. • ;� •,�� M.►;�« ; v�;�.�N�. : i;•+�.� •� ��: a � : . � � 4,� �v • a�� �. � P�. RQbertson, Q�rantmity Developnent Director, stated Dr. Dahl has appl ied for a varianoe and requested this itesn be tabled to be oonsidered at the same time o� the varianoe. A'DTION tr� Gb�cilman Schryeider to table this iten �til a reaxrnnendation is reoeived regardi.ng the varianae. Seoonded b� Cb�ncilman Fitspatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. � ��,� 1� xs:. �1 ��� � .�!� 71�_ ��' �: ��1� � �M « �±� � �� N! ?1 Mr. Robertson, Community Develognent Director, stated results of the envirormental tests performed tr� 7�iin City Testing have not been received for the auto recycling busir�ess�s. He stated Mr. Flaherty of Central Auto P�rts was g�ing to t� and reoeive these results toc�y. Mr. B�ick, representing Central Auto fhrts, stated he had received these results at 5 p�. m today and sutmitted than to the (b�cil. -1� ��.���.�� V�'�I'�iMI\. ��� �.7I�4:!'y�: :I�� .�• 1►�D'�D�N tr� Gb�dlman Barrette to reoeive the rep�rt of the test results f ran Zt�rin City Testing for the auto rec.ycling businesses dated Septenber 8, 1986. Sea�nded tr� Q�uricilman Schneider. tlp�n a voive vote, all v�oting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �u�animously. HDTDDN tr� �Lncilman Schneder to extend the lioenses for auto recycling busir�esses for another 30 days in order t�o govic7e staff the opp�rtunity to analyze the rep�rt fran ZWin (�ty Testing. Seoonded b� Q��ndlman Barnette. tJp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously. (b�cilman Schreider asked what oould be done about the property on the riorthwest o�rner of 73rd and Old Central Avenues in order to clean up this si te. Mr. Robertson stated the property is being leased so it seems to be a situation where neither the leasee or awner take responsibility for cleaning up the prenises. Mr. Naaman stated the bottom lire is that the property is the resp�nsilaility of the aarrer. ND'i'ION tr� mtmcilman Schneider to direct the City Attorney and staff to Frepare the ap}xopriate paper work to hold a public nuisanae hearing for �e property on the norttaaest o�rner of 73rd and Old Central Avenues and that the hearing be set at the earliest possible date. Se�nded by Councilman Goodspeed. TJp�n a voive vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. : ��! \�1�. 4�� �I��l �4 �� M�� i ; �I�11�. !� ��v� . �;� ����yl�. • �� 1 : . ��, 1� �!:� M �:� � ya�.M : �.'! ���w14 'f' �� : �.� � �y,����1� ; AM `ti � �� : � � �- ��I�1' : � v� y�� 1 � �t���/� �.. 4�� �: « � -� ;��_ �' « : ' ��: Mr. l�bertson, �muaiity Developnerit Director, stated this is a request for a special t�e permit to allaa a seoond acaessory buildi.ng at 7130 Riverview Terraae N.E. Ae stated the planning Consi►ission reviewed this request and has reaomnended approval with two stipulations, whid� he outlir�ed. NDTmN by dn�dlman Fitzpatrick to a�ncur with the u�animous reaarnnendation of t-he Planning Cannisson and grant special u�e permit, SP #86-11, with the follawing s�ipulations: (1) a hard surfaae c3riveway be installed by Ncyvenber 15, 199G or the petitianer � post a performanoe b�nd for this work to be ac�npletec�, and (2� the architectural treatment of the garage be aomFatible with the existing house. Seooru7ed b� ��cilman Goodspeed. ilpon a voioe vote, a31 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ur�animously. ��,�!� n1�+;; � �;� �,' :!:� 1+M �:�►; :. ��:_ � i���, -19- k�.�!� �11 �i��Yl�. �,� ti��y�„i:.�; Mr. Robertson, Community Development Director, stated the Planning Co�unission revieaed allo�tions for the additional $18,544 which the City will reveive tatder the Qxnmiaiity Developnent Block Grarit progran. Ae stated several areas were oonsidered where these funds oould be used and the Commission unanimously endorsed this allocation for renovation at the Sgrinc�rook Nature (knter. Ae stated the Q�mmission felt a high priority was restoring the handicapped trail. NDTD�N b� Cbtncilman Fitzpatrick to c�ncur with the taianimous reao�nendation of the planning Ca�snissiai to allo�te the additional $18,544 in Community Develognent Block Grant Funds for restoration of the Springbrook Nature Oenter. Sea�nded by ��u►cilman Goodspeed. Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Gbuzcilman Barnette asked if a deci.sion had been made regarding renaval of the wood at the Nature Center. Ae stated he is reoeiving requests fran residents who wish to cut the wood. Mr. Flora, Aiblic Works Director, stated if residents are allvwed to c�t the wood there may be a policing proYalan as someone has to watch that good stock is not reqnaved. Ae stated another consideration was the question of 1 iabil ity and c'�mage to new graath. Mr. N�aman, (�ty Attorney, stated even if a waiver is si.gied, there still is the question of liability. N�. Qureshi, CYty Manager, stated the CYty is reviewing several options and questions frao residents should be directed to Jim Hill, Civil Defense Director. Fie stated there probably will be some def inite answers by the r�ext GbLncil meeting. : '_• �M �1� �! ' � • �� ; ' �e��!�/_ 4.� •�;��►4�; M�� : �� � K lC+=. M� :�M �+ M�. '�� �.v � �.�;��,�i�ia��u �. y ��� • : !����4�: 4�� � a� ' y;l_ �� ;� M���4�C Mr. Flora, Ribl.ic Works Di.rector, stated the City rebid their oontract for curbside recycling and the current oontractor, Beerman Services, did not suimit a bid. He stated a formal bid was reoeived fran Super C�cle for $2,700 per morith or $32,400 a year. Ae stated in further ryegotiations, the �rioe per month for curbside was lawered to $1,500. Be also stated if Super Cyc1e was to e�ooeed 50 tons a month, for two o�nsecutive months, the City and Super Cyc1e would renecptiate the o�ritract. Mr. Flora stated this bid is within budget limitations and staff would rea�mnend Co�ci.l authorize the City to enter into a contract with Super Cpcle for curbside recycling serviaes intil J�e 30, 1987. He requested Coimcil oonsic7er the resol uti on to a�ntinue the curbside recycling with a new oontractor. NDTION b� Gbt�cilman FitzFatrick to acbpt Resoluti� No. 87-1986 to o�ntinue the curbside rec,ycling progran for Fric�c� with a new o�ntractor. Seconded by Gb�cilman Schneider. Opon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -20- � � �11.M� vi:�a1M��. �/• I'���`�V�i �+; .� Mr. Flora stated the City should also wnsider the two proposals for oontinuing the operation of the SORT aenter. Ae stated a prop�sal was rec�eived f ran Earl l�ank and ar�ther was rebeived f ran Blunenthal and Sons. Ae stated the F�7ivirormerita]. Quality Oanmission and Planning QoRn►ission have reviewed these prop�sals and re�mmended acceptance of Bl�mnenthal's proposal. 1�. Flora stated� Blunenthal and Sons has requested a five year oontract to reaoup expenaes of imixavenents at the center at a aost of approximately $6,000. He stated these im�xwenents would upgrade the facility with the installation of eewer, water and electricity. Ae stated if the City would not rerew the �ntract after two years, there would be an option of buying out the im�ravenents at a pcorated sun. Mr. Flora stated staff a1.so feels the Blunenthal's proposal best meets the needs of the residents as they would be open five chys a week, 21�esday throuc� Saturchy. Ae stated staff would recz�mmend Bli�nenthal and Sons be retained for two years with the option of extending the aontract for an additional three years. NDTDDN b� �b�cilman Shcneider t�o authorize staff to �eg�tiate a lease with Blunenthal and Sons for operation of the SORT center. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried Lu�animously. � ��A. 1� �11� : M �i� � ' : i � i �.«� _ : M �i� �� V'v i � � �:��MI �.� � �. i ��� \. ���V�V �t\ � 1�♦ � ��1��� � y4��\+ Mr. Imbertson, Q�x�n�i.ty Developnent Director, stated in 1984, the l�rks and Rec�eation Qxnnission Lndertook a study of the re-use and redevelopnent of three major Farks, darrmons, Meac�wlands and Riverview Heights. Ae stated the Planning Ca�snission has reaffiimed the reaommendaton of the Parks and Recre+ation (bnmission for the redevelopne.nt of Q�msnons Fhrk. Mr. RQbertson stated a ryeic�borhood meeting was held and there was a strong desire to redesic� the �ark irito a more Fassive and �imity-wide facility. Ae stated the reason is beaause �rmons ihrk is oentrally loc�ated and serves as both a r�eic�borhood and community park. Ae stated redevelopnent was rec�n4nended in three Fhasses. He outlined the three Fhases a�nsidered b� the planning Caimission at their meeting on August 20, 1986. It was the general oonvensus of the Council that they really had no otrj ections to redevelopner►t in Gbmmons Park, but f e1 t they were not well informed about the planni.ng. Mr. Qureshi, City I�ar�ager, stated notiaes of the meeting came through Parks and Ytecreation and thoug�t perhaps the (bincil may wish to study the plan further during the budgeting prooess or at a a�r�ferenoe mee�ting. Mayor Nee stated that his a�naern was mainly what itens were not included in the recie�velopnent pian and what other' choioes there may have been for the Fark. O��czlman Barnett�e stated he felt the idea was to aarry out the oenter City -21- �� i��,y� vi�:MY��. ��' '���4���: �; L•�?:� thane and at a o�nferenoe meeting the �uncil had di.scussed bikeway/walkways and same addi ti onal pl anti ng of tr ees. 1rDTI�N b� Coimcilman Barnette to receive the report fran the Parks and Recreation Commission on the Commons Park redevelognent. Seoonded by �ulcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to reoeive the minutes of the Planning Conunission meeting of August 20, 1986. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tu�animously. 22, �:�T.iTrr[�ta N�_ 8$-1986 APPROVING A FINAL PLAT. P. S, �86-04 . RIVER LOTS Ai�TTT(N�T. GENERAI,i,Y IACATID AT 6652 �n.��`t' lZ��? R�A�� BY REITfi HARSrAD: Mr. Robertaon, Q�x�un�nity Developnent Director, stated the petitioner has asked that the Gb�cil ap�xxwe, as a aondition of the lot split, a rear yard setback of 10 feet. Gbtncilman Fitzpatrick asked why the front isn't the south property line. He asked if the front o� the house would faoe someone's back yard. Mr. Jim Merrill, repcesenting the petitioner, stated the proposed house would actually be facing to the south. Councilman Fitzgatrick asked the purp�se of calling the east yard the front yard as,the house c'i�es-�n't faoe in that direction. Mr. Flora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated by def inition, the narrowest dimension is the fro� yard. Gb�ncilman Fitzpatrick stated the purpose of this def inition is usually for assessnent purp�ses. He stated the f ront of the yard will really be very close to the c�iveway. Mr. Robertson stated it is set back about 22 feet. NDTION b,� (b�cilman Fit��atrick to acbpt Resolution No. 88-1986 with the follaaing stipulations: (1) hardsurfaoe driveway to be installed to both existing and proposed building prior to occupancy o�f r�ew ho�ne; (2) private joint drivaaay and privat�e t�ility easement to be rewrded prior t�o buildi.ng permit; (3) utilities to be installed in a manner whidi preserves existing vegetation; (4) record at Anoka Go�ty prior to building permit; (5) existing and new hane to be vonnected to City sewer and water prior to occupancy; (6) park fee of $1,500 be paid; and (7) there be a 25 foot setback frcm the north property line. Ftirther, a variance to allaw a rear yard setback of ten feet on the west is appraved and a varianoe f ran the ricjit of-�� access reqi�i ren� af 25 feet per eadl lot allawing or�e 25 foot acaess with a shared driveway of� �st River Road for two lots is also ap�rwed. Seo�nded by Cb�cilman Goodspeeci Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declareci the motion carried u�animously. �� A reaess was called b� Mayor Nee at 11:20 p. m -22- ��� i►.M� V�'7I'�i�T�. �/� ���4:7'yl:_.7�� .�� �������►/�1�1�1� i�yor Nee rev�nvered the meeting at 11: 35 p. m. All Cbuncil menbers were preser�t. : '• . �M �;�. � � : . a„��� .l�� N�. �►': � �� : � � : � �} { i: � , ���a�liJ 3�M�� ,� : : �. � �/M « ` � • � �� M4 !�. 1�. 'f�MM11�. �) : 1� :1 : C I�. rDT�ON tr� Gbimcilman Barryette to acbpt Resolukion No. 89-1986. Seoonded by Cbuldlman Gooaspeed. tJp�n a voioe vote, all noting aye, l�yor Nee �declared the motion c$rried cananimausly. � _'.• �M ��\ ,� ' 1 :. ���\� ��4���, _�} . .`.u���+ �� i � � ���1/ « �������y.�M �.� MJ'PION by Gb�cilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 90-1986 with the adjustment in Mr. Roc�e's assessnent on Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivison No. 77, Pin No. 10 30 24 11 0014 to reduoe the amount by $100.00. Seoonded ky Cbincilman Barnette. Up�n a voive vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion aarried imanimously. ���\. N� ?��: M � � �i � _.�� . �� �., �� �I � V���. : .� . _�yl�l�� �►� � � : � : �I� : � : �+ ���I�� 4�':��I�V��+�! ' C'�_ la4 �.� 1 No action was taken on this resolution as the public hearing on this assessnent roll had been oontinued to the ryext regular meeting. • �_.�• �� �'� �� • :. ����� M��v�M►. .y�.'!���+�+ �� � �/: i : �I� : � : i ���_ � v�' :'����V��!�! �:`! la,M � � • PDTION tr� Gbcncilman Fitzp�trick to ad�pt Res�lukion Na 91-1986. Seoonded tr� Q��cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �u�animously. � .�� l�yl �i, �� . . : • ���� i�M�M�. � .�} : �!���I�i �� � ��: s : ,�� : � : � �1��_ . M�GC,��/�yl�±�� ' ;,� �y� � � . 1 NDTION tr� Gbincilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 92-1986 with the ac�j ustment to def er assessnents on Mr. 1�1 eoek' s lot, i�roel 4 840 , Audi tor' s Subdivision No. 77, Pin Na 10 30 24 41 0001 and in Lot 32 (except west IO feet) AuBitors subdivision Na 77, F�rael 5080, Pin 10 30 24 41 0056 until each lot is split and then it is to be assessed plus iriterest. Seoonded by Gbtncilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�hyor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. � � .�� �� ��� \.� ' : . ��:�I I�+v��\. : .� . .�'4��1�� �� � �4� �� �����'_����'yl�!�l�_ ' ti�. �_ � : �I� � �I� ; i_t_7�I�.�:v �� 1�DTDON tr� t�tncilman Barnette to ad�pt Resolttion No. 93-1986. Seoonded by �imc�lman Sd��eicier. Opon a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -23- k�.�!� M� ���!�4��. • ' '!��4�vi-.�� � � .�� . �M �i+ �.� � ' � : • ��i�� f�4�M�. : ..y_,. �4��\% �� � �4� �� MI' ������'V��I�N. � � � . �I : • � �I� NDT�ON by Cb�cilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 94-1986 with the adj ustment to def er assessnents on Mr. 1�1 eoek' s lot, �roel 4 840 , Auditor' s Subdivision No. 77, Pin Na 10 30 24 41 0001, intil it is split and then it is to be assessed plus interest. Sea�nded b� Gbiu'idlman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ; :`.• �M �:� �.� . . :. �r,�i ��v M�. �_ �Y �� . . � � . . 4�_ : ��� ` : ' ��. ' �R la.�i NDT�i by Gb�cilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 95-1986. Sevonded by Cflu�cilman Gooc�speecl. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � ��_..�M �, �� � • : • ��i+� ��HIM,. i. 4�. �.� �� � 4 � � i _ � �'}el�� ,. ���_ jyA� NDTION b� ��cilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 96-1986. Seoonded kyy Gbincilman Goocispeed. iJp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � `_• �M � � �:� • : . ����� C�u 1�. : y �M �� � ' u 4;. �+ 1�.� , M � � ' �! 1�� NDTDDN b� Cb�cilman Barnette tA acbpt Resolution No. 97-1986. Sec�onded tr� Cb�c�lman Goodspeed. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moti� carried tu�animously. K : .�� . �M �,� � � : . ��,�i �wrl�. �. .7v���� �� � Z+4� �� ��a;��.��„i��M • ; � �►+ y •:. NDTD�N by Co�cilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 98-1986. Seoonded by ��cilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion mrried unanimously. �� �: M� �;: M • � • � �b�,� � ��. M�! C?�'; • M41_ �/ M�!��1+�� • � � M�. :��• IuDTION tr� (b�cilman Sc�ryeider to authorize staff to advertise for bids for the repair of the Civic Center building roof. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upan a voioe vote, all voting aye, i�yor Nee declared the motion csrried wtia�.mausly. ��.� �� ��: �► ss �, • :Y ��,:_ • 4y� t�• • ��; M ��� ;ti; �+�+„i��� NDTION by Councilman Schneider to apprwe the CTJBG Joint Cooperation Agreenent and authorize and Mayor anci CC�t� Mamger tA e�ecute this cbc�ment. Seo�nded tr,� on�cilman Fitzpatrick. Opon a voiee vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -24- �i�i;11�.M� Y�'�YI��I�. �l '!:�14sM�=_�+: ��� • : �:� I��M����� �1MM �y�� !a�� NDTION tr� Gbtncilman Barnette to �ncur with the follawing appointment by the City Manager : STAR�Il� ' ST1�tt1� I�M: P06IT�1 SALARY L1ATE REPLA�S James Bates Street Fbrenan 6211 6th Street (E�oe�►pt) Fticney, NN 55432 $30,065 Sept. 1, Arthur per 1986 Olson year Seaonded lx ��cilman Gooc'�peed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 37. ,�;. I�DTION b� Councilman Barnette to authorize payment of Qaims No. 10028 throuc� 10313. Sea�nded by Cbu�cilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried u�animously. «�+, �� NDT�DN b� Gb�ncilman Goodspeed to appcove the lioenses as submitted and as on f ile in the Liaense Qerk's Off ice with the addition of a Sol icitor' s Lioense for Steve Ortell, Croaodile Productions, Inc. Seconded by CoLmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motian aarried unaninausly. 39. F�r*rt�mFS� NDTION b� Gb�ndlman S�reider bo ap�rwe the estimates as sukmitt�ed: Herrick & Newman, P. A 6279 ifiiversity 1�enue N. E. FYic'�ey, NN 55432 For Servioes Rerxiered as (�ty Attorney for the Month � August, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,650.00 All ied Blacktop, Inc. 10503 - 89th l�e. , N. Maple Grwe, M�1 55369 Street Impravenent Praject ST. 1986 - 10 (Seala�at) < FINAL FST�A�FITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $117,7 ]2.4 3 A1 Erickson Serviae 538 Virc�t�ia Si�. St. P�ul, !YN 55�03 Sic�al 9ysten �iriting Praj ect Na 167 FINAL F5TIl�7.'E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 29,243.00 -25- �;�.�J�.M� „i�:MMI�. �.' 7��4�„�: �; :,. Macisen Specialties Box 255 Farcp, AID 58107 Intersection Strip�ng Projec* No. 165 FINAL FSTIl�iTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . $ 22,561.62 Short E1liott-Aendrickson, Ina Wnsulting Engir�eers 200 Go�her Building 222 East Little (�nada Road St F�ul, M�T 55117 Central Avenue/Hic�way 65 Roac3,iay Redesig� I�rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,017.89 H& S Asphal t, Inc. 1700 Industry Blvd. Anoka, M�T 55303 Street Impravenerit Proj ect ST. 1986 - 1& 2, tPhase I) Partial Estimate No. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 45,359.31 AND Street Lnprwenent Praj ect ST. 1986 - 3 Partial Estimate No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 55,615.37 Guzderson Brothers 2325 Sryell ing Ave. , S. Minreapolis, NN 55404 1986 Misoellaryeous Gbncrete C�b and Gutter l�rtial Estimate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,161.28 Sea�nded tr,� ��ncilman Barrette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' � : �« �/K�. ' �M4M ��, � � 1 : . ��! u 4�� � �:, 7r!� ?� .!_ '� � ; � 1= ; � ; � i y. � ��� 1�. : � �• 1 .� �� M�� �IM�I�I�.���v� � �i•: ��Mti ��M • 4� ; � �� �t�_ : • � • s � M� ��; ; M ��� �� � � � :.: �: �+C �.� , . NDTD�N by Gbtncilman Schneider to reoeive Petition No. 10-1986 and di rect staff to forward this petition to the Minnesota Department of �ansp�rtation. Seoonded by Co�cilman Fitz�atrick. Op�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. N�vman, City Attorney, statec3 there are restrictive wnvenants against land at�utting th�e freeaay which puts prospective buyers on notiae that the Department of Transp�r�ati:o�� is not oan�ructing any additional sound barriers. m�ncil� Sciin�ider stated the �roperty awners had purchased thei r homes before the widening was proposed and there rnw is additional traffic. -26- � �1���/ y��_7TR\. �/� ���4�V',i.�� ��� ��`����I+lyl�l\� 1�DTION by Councilman Barnette to adj ourn the meeting. Seconded by �uncilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, P�yor Nee cieclared the motion carried uQ�ani.mously and the Rec�ular Meeting of the Fric7ley City �incil af Septenber 8, 1986 adj ourned at 11:50 p. m Respectfully stabnitted, C�role Haddad William J. Nee Secretazy to the Cxty (buncil l�yor � .. . -. -27- 1 CI7Y OF FRIDLEY Ar;Or,A COt1NTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 150 Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Fridley will meet at the City Hall in said City on the 8th day of September , 198f� at 7:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon aTT objections, if any, to the proposed assessments i� respect to the following improvements, to•wit: WATER AND SANITA�Y SEiiEf', INP�OVL-P1Et:T P!',�JECT Pt�J. 150 T�,e proDoseC assessment roll for each of said improveme�ts in the total amount cf ;�g2�2g2,22 is now on file and open to puDiic inspection Dy a11 persons inte�ested. �n the office of the Clerk of said City. ine general nature of the improvements and each of them is the construction of water mains and services, sanitary sewer laterals and services, storm sewer, and related appurtenances located as fol�ows: 73'� Avenue Ashton Avenue Mississippi Street Cul de sac to 110 Feet West 52nd Way to Industrial Boulevard Front of Nolly Shopping Center The area proposed to be assessed for said improvemenis and each of them is all that tand benefited by said imprpvements or each of then and lying within the general area above. Said improvements will be assessed against the properties within the aboye noted areas in whole or in part proportionately to each of the lands therein contained according to the benefits received. At said hearing the Countil will consider written or oral objections to the pro- posed assessments for each of said improvements. No appeal may be ta�en as to the amount of any individuai assessmer,: unless a written objection signed by the affected prc,�er y owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hear- ing or presente� to the presiding officer at the public hearing. A property owner may a�peal an a�sessment to the disirict court by serving notice of the appeal upon tfie Mayor or City Clerk within thirty (30) days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. The City of Fridley adopted Resolution No. 47-1981 on April 6. 1981, relating to the deferral of special assess+�enLS for certain senior citizens where the payment of said special assessments constituies a hardship. The folloring factors will govern the granting of tfie defer�+nents : tne pr�perty �nust be fiomestead property, and the owner must De at �east sixty- five (5�) years of age or older, and in the case of huSDand and wife, o�e member must meet this age requirement. 2 Notice of Public Hearing Commercial Development Revenue Bonds City of Fridley, Minnesota - Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Frid2ey, Minne- sota, at the City Hall, 6432 University Avenue NE, Fridley, �tinnesota, at�a meeting of the Ci�ty Council to be held on September 22, 1986, commencing at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., C.T. At the public hearing the Council will consider a proposal that the City assist the financing of a commercial or industrial development project by issuing its bonds or other obligations pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. The proposed project consists of the acquisition of land and the construction thereon of an approximately 55,000 square foot multi-tenant industrial/commercial facility (the "Project"), to be located within the City in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of 73rd Avenue and University Avenue, by Winfield Developments, Inc., a Minnesota corpora- tion, or a partnership to be formed with said corporation as an affiliate or partner thereof (the "Company"). Zt is proposed that the City assist financing the Project from the proceeds of an issue of the City's commercial or industrial development revenue obligations in an amount presently esti- mated not to exceed $3,000,000. If issued, such obligations would be payable from lease payments or loan repayments to be made or secured by the Company. All persons appearing at the public hearing will be given an opportunity to present their oral or written com- ments on the proposal that the City undertake and finance the Project. 2�A QTY OF FRIII,EY MEMORANDUM �: 1�iYUR NEE AND ME1�BIIZS OF THE FRItI.Eg QTY Q�I11�,'II, �tOM: NASIM lYL QURF�iI� (ZTTY MANPGFR SOBJDC�: PUBLIC HEARIl� CN B(NDII� FOR WIldFIEGD PRCUD(,T AT 73RD AND U�NIVF�iSITY AVHWE DATE : SEPi'ENBIIt 19, 1986 On May 19, 1986, the City Cbtncil gave preliminary appraval to an approximately $3,000,000 Inc�.istrial Uevelognerit Revenue Bond sale to Winfield Developnent, Inc. to assist in the f inancing of an industrialjcommercial wmplex to be constructed south of US 9wim and Fitness on 73rd and University Avenue. Stiibsequerrt to the ap�xaval of the bond sale, Wi�ield Developnent, Inc. formed a partnership to be the borrvwer of the $2,800,000 Inc�istrial Develognent Revenue Bond. 'Ihis action revessitates ar�ther public hearing and the approval of a new resolution whirh is a slic�tly abbreviated form of the preliminary resolution which the O��cil passed on N�y 19, 1986. 'Ihis action is a requiranent of the 1984 TEFRA tax law which addresses name chang�es of borrawers of IL8 f�ds, and in no way changes the agreements made between winfield Developnent, Inc. and the CYty which were made when the first public hearing was held and the preliminary res�lution was Fassed. A�py of the May 19, 1986 preliminary resolution is attached herein as a ref erenae. 3 �iIBIT A NCYrI� OF PUBLIC HEARII� QTY OF FRITLEY �ITDTI'Y OF ANC� STATE OF MIl�TE50�i NOTICE IS HIItFBY GIVFN that the City �imcil (the "Council") of the City of Fric�ey, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Monday, Septenber 22, 1986, at a regular meeting of the O��mcil c�mnencing at 7: 30 0' clock p. m. , to be held at the FricIley City Hall relating to the amendnent by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "Authority" ), of the Modif ied Recle�velopnent Plan of its Housing and Redevelognent Projec;t No. 1(the ^proj ect") and the establ ishment of the Authority' s Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 within the Proj ect, all pursuant to Minne�ota Statutes, Sections 462.411 to 462.716 , incl usive, as amended, Minn[��nt? S�?�17�PS� Se�{lOA 2%3.i4� Sl]bCj. 4� as amended, and Minnesota �-?*_��}?s, Sections 273.71 to 273.78, inclusive, as amended. �e hearing is also relative to the adoption of the proposed Tax Increnent Financing Plans for Tax Increnent Financing Districts Nos. 7 and 8 and the amencfient o� the tax increnent f inancing pl ans f or the Authority's existing Tax Increnent FYnancing District Nos. 2 through 6, oop�ies of which c�anges wi11 be on file and available for public inspection in the City CLerk's offiae not later than August 19, 1986. Putal ished: Septenber 1& 8, 1986 3A QTY OF FRILGEY MEMORANDIIM ZO: MAYOR NEE AND I��BF�2S OF THE �RIILEY t1'1'Y O�[JN(�L FROM : NAS IM M. QURESH I, CITY NIl4IV�AGFR SUBJECT: ESTABLISHNIIdT OF TAX IN�ITS DIS'IItI('.r NG1S. 7& 8 II�TE : SEPI'ENBIIt 19, 1986 On August 6, 1986 the EYicIley Planning Commission was presented with the Tax Incranent Financing Plans for the pcoposed Tax Increment District Nos. 7& 8 within Redevelopner�t Project No. l. �e proposed Tax Increment District No. 7 is a Redevelopnent District to be located on the property upon which the partnership formed by Winf ield De�velopne.nt, Inc. has proposed to wnstruct an industrial/commercial �mplex south of OS S�vim and Fitness on 73rd and University Avenues. �he site has extensive soil Froblens which neoessitates the use of tax increnerit f inancing to better facil itate developnent of the site. Tax Increnent District No. 8 is an Eoor�omic Developnerit District located on the site of the Shoreaood Inn on Gleritral Avenue mrth of Moore Lake. �e awners of the restaurant have proposed an extensive remodel ing and property avquisition p�oject which will serve to raise the tax base and spur additional eoonomic developnent in the area. �e clirations of these districts has been set for 8 years. Up�n the Planning Canmission' s determination that the establ ishment of the two Tax Increnent Districts was in �mplianoe with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the Housing and Redevelopnent Authority, on August 14, 1986, approved the establishment o� the two districts and requested that the City Council hold a public hearing on the estahlist�anerrt of the districts and their tax increment financing plans. On August 18, 1986 the City O�tncil set the public hearing for September 22, 1986. 7he pub�lic hearing notioe relating thereto was published in the �'ridley Fbcus on September 1 and 9, 1986 in oomplianoe with state statutes. The increased project activity created by the two new districts within Redevelopnent Project Area No. 1 neoessitates an a�nendmerit to the Redevelopnent Plan for Project Acea No. 1 and each of the tax increment financing plans for districts 2-6 to reflect the increased project activity. These amendments are reflected in the resolution. �� SECTION VIII. TAX INCREMENT FINANCZNG PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 7 Subsection 8.1. Statement of Objectives. See Section I, Subsection 1.5. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Subsection.6.2. The Modified Redevelopment Plan. See Section I, Subsections 1.2. through 1.25. Subsection 8.3. Parcels to be Included in Tax Zncrement Financing District No. 7. See Exhibit �TIII-A for the de- scription of property located in the City of Fridley which is to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 and Exhibit VIII-B for a boundary map thereof. Subsection 8.4. Parcels in Acquisition. Properties identified for acquisition will be acquired either by the City or the Authority as set forth in Section I, Subsection 1.8. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan hereof. Subsection 8.5. Estimated Public Improvement Costs and Supnortive Data. See Subsections 1.9. and 1.10. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for estimated costs associated with Redevelopment Project No. l. Subsection 8.6. Sources of Revenue. Public improvement costs, acquisition, relocation and site preparation costs and other costs outlined in Subsections 1.9. and 1.10. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan will be financed through the issuance of general obligation and/o� revenue tax increment boncs to be repaid by the annual collection of tax incre- ments. Subsection 8.7. Original Assessed Value. Pursuant to Sec;ion 273.76, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the original assessed value as of January 2, 1986, for Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 is estimated to be $100,560, based on the assessed value of all taxable real propezty within Tax Inc:eIIe^.c Fir.ancing District No. 7. Pursuant to Section 2i3.76, Suocs. I and 4► of the Tax In- crement Financing Act, the County Auditor of Anoka County (the "County Auditor") shall certify in each year the amount by which the oziginal assessed value has increased or de- creased as a result in a change in tax-exempt property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 7, reduction or enlargement of Tax Inc:ement Financing District No. 7 or changes in connection with previously issued building permits. Zr. anv year in which tre �urrent assessed value cf Tax Inctement Financing District,No. 7 dec�:nes be2ow the 8 - 1 original assessed value, no assessed value will be captured 3� and no tax increment will be payable to the Authority. Subsection 8.8. Estimated Captured Assessed Value.• Pursuant to Section 273.74, Subd. l, and Section 273.76; Subd. 2, of�the Tax Incr�emQat Financing Act, the �stimated captured assesse� v�lue in Tax Incremeat Financing Oistrict No. 7 when aIl development contemplated by the Contract (as defined in Section 8.14 below) is completed will approximate $869,980. This�estimated captured asses&ed value is de- termined in the.following manner: Estimated Assessed Value at completion 59�0,540 Original Assessed Value 1986 payable 1987 100,560 $869.980 Subsection 8.9. Ty„�e of Tax Zncrement Financina Dis- trict. Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 is, pursuant to Section 273.73, Subd. 10(a)(3) of the Tax Increment Financing Act a zedevelopment district and as a redevelopment district is subject to the limitations of Subsection 8.10. Subsection 8.10. Duration of Tax Increment Financin District No. 7. Pursuant to Section 273.75, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 will be up to twenty-five (25) years from the date of receipt of the first tax incre- ments. Thus, Tax Increment Financing District No. 7, in- cluding any aodifications for subsequent phases or other changes, would be terminated no later than December 31, 2013. Subsection 8.11. Estima�ed Imnact on Othe: Taxing Jurisdictions. The estimated impact of this Tax Increment Financing District and Plan on all taxing jurisdictions is reflected in the total project expenditures stated in Subsections 1.9 and 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plaz, including the maximum bonded indebtedness incu:red therefor at the assucr,ed ir.terest rates provided in Section 8.12 below. However, as of t::e date of original adoption herecf, the Authority estimates that no more than 8 years of full tax increments from this Tax Zncrement Financing District will be needed for such purposes. Subsection 8.12. Estimated P;mount of Bonded IndebteC- ness. Pursuant to Section 273.74, Subd. 1, of the Tax In- crement Financing Act, oe�e�al oblig�tion oz tevenue tax incremen: bonds mav be used as requi:ed to a:r.ortize the costs icentifieQ in Section I. Subsec�ions 1.9. and 1.10. 8 - 2• 3D Bond sales will be based on availability of tax increment. It is contemplated that all bonds will not be issued at one time but as they are needed, at effective interest rates estimated to range between 6.50$ and 10.00$ per annum. _ Subsection 8.13. Tax Increment Financing Account for Tax Increment Financing District No. 7. The tax increment received-with respect to Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 will be se.gregated by the Authority in a special account ot accounts (the "Tax Inczement Account") on its official books and records or as otherwise established by resolution of the City to be held for the benefit of owners of Tax Increment Bonds. Subsection 8.14. Land Disposition and Redevelooers' Require�ents. All redevelopers or developers will be re- quired by contractual agreement to observe the building requirements and zoning requirements of the City, and such other requirements as may be established by the City Coun- cil. Land disposition parcels shall be made available under separate cover as they are determined by the Authority. The Authority proposes to consumate a certain Contract for Private Development (the "Contract"), with Winfield DeveloQments, Inc., a Minnesota cozporation, concerning the public and private development of the property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 7. Subsection 8.15. Modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 7. As of September 22, 1986, the date of approval thereof, there have been no modifications to Tax Increment Financing District No. 7. 8 - 3" (GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONSi � � : -- . . __ _ � ' ���- - - �---- --- - i ��j I .- . �" �, . � � t � W F � . �� r ,�_ , 11I r Z �jr I� �' s �L • � ►' ♦ � II � i �� ._ �• � )� � • -., • 1� � . � - ..- -- -� -- -� . � � .. 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L . � +� � �, V'�' \- ,,� -� ' • q-�--� i' _��ll i1,��'' !- ����'- ' _���.�. --:��;.�_���_. .l -7►"�+'� � � 'r • .t .. 1 � � � Z b d7j� C 1 � � � W� .�_..�� ►E 0 , $ a N N N C y � `_ . - — - i �'`, I ..�.' _ fa ' �. ^ " �_ �=— � � `..�:�[� . �M � � �, ' 1����. \_ _, - 'J� , I, ,1 �, �� .~J � 1 �i � ` _ y ' � �� �'i 1 �'+', �� i �"'ties' , —�^ .' , =>� `� �/ �—,�!� ' t�'� � -�i.a+ -. .� '�:'��•-:'�� TI 1 � � . -• .� � a.- r. _ _ IP! ' �'--=� - i _ , � �I � 1 :l � ` '__ � ��-_,-_' �-r,; 1 _r_ _ t, �►•. �'-'r � 'r•-� . - _ — '�` - ! ..._ ._ � - � �.-.... ;._ � ; � � 1�� � �- � i.� ./f_�t r.s`-?'. •. �'^> w-ri�„�'/7 r �S ,� � I -- �� �1 I, y ," ' � '�,��' r Y��..��'�-f' � � ` ;-�,�. -- - - :. �' � .►.- • : , < < . � � h j \i YI � Y ��_ ' ;• /._ J `� t—, _ . t�4 T � .� ` �:J'. � 1 � � f ) , 1 � � // ,/�-____�I _-J/"� r1 � � ��".''�a� „'IFi{`r. � ' �i �~tix �_� 1 i� � r,��I�' �—� -�� � �! __� � �1;-. -.{��t.1,� � '' f''� _ � ''~t;�� - ��=y- i `f `� " =�`' ,' ' � � . 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"" , �� ! = �. .�� • unur� srran �� ,� �,\ � . = � ±,� � , i � �. . .. .� � ...... ! r�� r�+� -t a.•4,,�..`..�- . . . �� � �;('�'j ';� = -�• � . . == � �=sF „3 �� :��.�P �___ .I _r.L=,I; __ _ _ = _ : _ � �_. _ �_ _ �;_� � �r_r:L � . __- _ __. � - _ _ -: __ s�, -��.t � � T� �L�� _ ' =z- = = - - =' - � : _ � =- .. �, �.• � _':: _ — -_ - , -�-= -• __ - .-_. -- � _ _ G f = u1�: - - -_ _ _ =:. � _;: =_ � v ��� , = -� �� __ --.: __ `�--_= -_ -�- - � �:��':�1,' � t�' �* _ ' _' ' �=.- � _ = - __: _� � _ = . _ ==~=_ � , T_► ,��:_�_� __. _ __. _ _ - .._ _ -� 3F 3G SECTION IX. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 8 Subsec�ion 9.1. Statement of Objectives. See Section I, Subsection 1.5. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Subsection 9.2. The Modified Redevelopment PZan. See Section I, Subsections 1.2. thtough 1.15. Subsection 9.3. Parcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 8. See Exhibit IX-A for the de- scription of property located in the City of Fridley which is to be included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 and Exhibit IX-8 for a boundary map thereof. Subsection 9.4. Parcels in Acquisition. Properties identified for acquisition will be acquired either by the City or the Authority as set forth in Section I, Subsection 1.8. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan hereof. Subsection 9.5. Estimated Public Imflrovement Costs and Sup�ortive Data. See Subsections 1.9. and 1.10. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for estimated costs associated with Redevelopment Project No. 1. �ubsection 9.6. Sources of Revenue. Public improvement costs, acquisition, relocation and site preparation costs and othez costs outlined in Subsections 1.9. and 1.10. of the Modified Redevelopment Plan will be financed tnrough the issuance of general obligation and/or revenue tax increment bonds to be repaid by the annual collection of tax incre- �ents. gubsection 9.7. Ori9inal Assessed Value. Pursuant to Section 273.76, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment,Financing Act, the original assessed value as of January 2, 1986, for Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 is estimated to be $208,924, based on the assessed value of all taxable real prope:ty within Tax Zacze�ent Financing District No. 8. Pursuant to Section 273.76, Subds. 1 and 4, of the Tax In- crement Financing Act. the County Auditor oE Anoka County (the "County Auditor') s�all certify in each year the amount by which the origina? assessed va2ue has :ncreased or de- creased as a result in a change in tax-exempt progerty within Tax Increment Financing District No. 8; reduction or enlargement of Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 or changes in connection with previously issued building pezmits. In any year in which the current assessed value of Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 declines below the 9 - 1 3H oziginal assessed value, no assessed value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to�the Authority. Subsection 9.8. Estimated Captured Assessed Value.. Pursuant to Section 273.74, Subd. 1, and Section 273.76, Subd. 2, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the estimated captuted assessed value in Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 when all development contemplated by the Contract (as defined in Section 9.14 below) is c4mpleted will approximate• $78,824. This estimated captured assessed valu� is de- termined in the f�ollowing manner: Estimated Assessed �alue at completion S287.�00 Original Assessed Value 1986 payable 1987 2�a.924 $ 78.824 Subsection 9.9. Tv�e of Tax Increment Financing Dis- trict. Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 is, pursuant to Section 273.73, Subd. 12, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, an economic development district and shall be subject to the limitations of Subsection 9.10. Subsection 9.10. Duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 8. Pursuant to Section 273.75, Subd. 1, of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 will be up to ten (10) years from the date of certification thereof. Since the Authority elects to receive no tax increments from Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 until the receipt of the 1988 payable 1989 taxes, it is estimated that Tax Increment Financing District No. 8, including any modifications for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate on December 31, 1996. Subsection 9.11. Estimated Impact on Other Taxing �urisdictions. The estimated impact of this Tax Increment Financing District and Plan on all taxing jurisdictions is reflected in the tota2 project expenditures stated int plan, Subsections 1.9 and 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopmen incluciac the �axim��n bonded indebtecness incurred therefor at the assu�ed ince:est rates provided in Section 9.12 below. Subsection 9.12. Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebted- ness. Pursuant to Section 273.74y Subd. 1, of the Tax Zn- crement Financing Act, general obiigation or revenue tax increment bonds may be used as required to amortize the costs identified in Section I, Subsections 1.9. and 1.10. Bond sales will be based on availability of tax increment. It is contempiatec that all bonds will not be issued at one 9 - Z� time but as they are needed, at effective interest rates . estimated to range between 6.50$ and 10.00$ per annum. Subsection 9.13. Tax Increment Financing Account for Tax Increment Financing District No. S. The tax increment zeceived with respect to Tax Increment Financinq District No. 8 will be segsegated by th� A�thority in a special account or accounts (the "Tax Increment Account") on its official'on�of5thedCity�tosberheld�forrtheebenefitlofeowners resoluti of Tax Increment Bonds. Subsection 9.14. Land Disposition and Redevelopers' Reauirements. All redevelopers or developers will be re- quired by contractual agreement to observe the building requirements and zoning requirements of the City, and svch other requirements as may be established by the City Coun- cil. Land disposition parcels shall be made available under separate cover as they are determined by the Authority. The Authority proposes to consumate a certain Contract for Pzivate Development (the "Contract"), with Shorewood, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, concerning the public and private development of the property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 8. Subsection 9.15. Modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 8. As of September 22, 1986, the date of approval thereof, there have been no modifications to Tax Increment Financing District No. 8. 9 - 3 31 EXHIBIT IX A (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) 3J That part of Lots 16 a�d 17, Auditor's SuDdivision No. 88 included i� that part of the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30. Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota described as follows: beginning at the inttrsection of the southeasteriy right-of-way line of State Highway 65 and the south line of- said southwest quarter of Section 13 thence east along the south line of said southwest quarter for.a distance of 232.00 feet to a point, said point being 129a.80 feet more or less west of south quarter corner of said Section 13 thence north at right anqTes to tt�e las2 described line for a distance of 285.54 feet thence northwesterly with a deflectio� angle to the left of 78 deg�ees. 54 minutes, 09 seconds fo� a distance of 163.61 feet more or less to the said southeasterly right-of-way line the�ce southwesterly along said southeasterly right-of-way to the poi�t of beginning, subject to any and all easements of reco�d. m IX-A-1 I 1' ■ 1� , ` Y� . _'�:�ai�,••?•>> s r = � �"j . ���`' , _ � ' �— w�:..�+ .. �. ,^ ._- .I: '- i � ` + };?;3 `�_` i= `_ , r _. t r REOEVELOPMENT C.�- PROJECT NO. 1 ,_<;._�.-,-::: _ - '" �• "t-•-�-'--�--, �--�- �- TAX INCREMENT DISTRlCT NO. 8 `' .� �- ,� ��� , {: i. 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N — 0 �� �, / Y � / y / ,�. �► i `�' . i� � �' • H Z W c � Z �� X H O W z J � Q Z O m � Z � � a � Q � a c � Q c/i � PLANNING DIVISION � MEMORANDUM crnroF - - fRlDLEY MEI�D 9D: Jock Robertson, Oa�ntu�ity Developaent Directot I�ND FROM: Jim lmbinson, Planning Coordinator �_ ��� I�rp �,ZE: Septenber 16, 1986 RF�IRDING : Da rrel Farr Zbwnhaaes � In �nj �ction with Cb�cil v�nsideration of SAV $86-03 (a util ity easement vacation) at 5462 Meister Road N.E., CALncil has requested an update on all outstanding commitments from the developer as well as existing code def iciencies. �is effort is tndetway. Zhe soope of this task requires a sic�ificant amo�mt of researc�► effor� �e Darrel Farr fiawnhouse developnent began wer sixteen years ago and includes 62 acres of property divided into 10 plats with 378 townhomes and 258 aFartment ur�its. Staff is reviewing records fran all 10 plat proceedings to determine if c3e�veloper oonmitments have been me� T expect this inventory to be oanpleted by Wec�esday, Septenber 17, 1986. A thorough field inspection to verify c3�veloper oompl ianoe and inspect for any other def iciencies will be vanpleted by Thursday, September 18, 1986. A staff report outl ining specif ic impravenent items to be inoorporated as stipulations with SAV #86-03 will be pre�.ared for inclusion in the Council packet by Friday noon, September 19, 1986. EL�� I�86-230 �P' 'J� 4 � '� ���i 'a� S •;iy ;s : .a`-'`t�? . �}�:.' � :.�; %��:: I � �- DARQEL �ARR SAV #�6-03 ST I PL'LAT I OP�S 1, THE PETITIONER 6VORK WITH CITY STAFF TO RESOLVE THE MAINTENANCE PROBLEM ON THE VACANT LOT ON WEST BAVARIAN PASS� Z� RESTORE LANDSCAPING AND REMOVE DEAD TREES AT 151� �JORTH INNSBRUCK �RIVE N�E� SEE ATTACHED MEMO� tADDED 3127/u6) / � � � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGz JUL� 23, 1986 PAGE 5 MOTZON BY 1NR. SAEA, 5ECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� 2�0 CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEA�,T�IG: UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CNAIRPERSON BZLLINGS DE D THI's PUBLIC KEARING CLOSED AT 8:10 P.M. t�r. Betzold stated the revised wording seem o address the questions the Cormi1ssion had before, and it did make ordinance more consistent with rtihat was being done at the state . MOTION BY MR. BETZOI,D, DED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROSTAL OF THE REV ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CHAPTER 205� RELATED TO DAY CARE CENTERS AND HOME FAMILY DAY CARF.. UPON OICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION IED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. COraSIDERATION OF A YACATION REQl1EST, SAV #86-03 LBY DARREL FARR: V'aca�e -�'�i ve oo ut�Ti ty easement a ong t e sout west property 1 i ne of Lot 4, Block 1, Innsbruck North T�vnhouses, Plat 4, to a point ten feet west of the southeast property line of the same lot, the same being 5462 Meister Road N.E. Mr. Robinson stated the vacation request was for a townhouse lot north of 694 and west of Meister Road. There was presently a 5 ft. drainage and ut111'�ty easement on tfie south of Lot 4. The proposal was to place a townhouse on that lot. The building would encroach slightly into the drainage and utility easement. Mr. Farr had notified the utili,ty companies, and none of the canpanies had any problem with the vacation. Mr. Robinson stated the only concern raised by the City Engineering Depart- r�nt related to the deve7opment but not specifically to this lot. There haye 6een soroe maintenance problems (cleaning of some debris in the street, some sediment/erosion problems, seeding of an area) on a vacant lot on West Bavarian Pass, so the only stipulation the City would recomnend was that the maintenance problem be resolved prior to the Aug. 18th City Council meetinq. Mr. Dan Farr stated he was representing the Darrel A. Farr Development Co. He stated they are looking for a temporary encroachment onto the easer�ent as it goes through the City process. The townhouse has been sold, and they have a Sept. 75th occupancy date for the move-in agreement. They have gotten the bui7ding permit, and Mr. Darrel Clark said it was all riqht to build so they have started the excavation for the townhouse, Mr. Farr stated that regarding the lot on West Bavarian Pass, they have two 4-unit townhouses there, one directly on North innsbruck Orive and the other just off Innsbruck Drive that is being surcharged at this time. They took a lot of dirt and put it on West Bavarian Pass because of bad soil. Ne stated they have had some problems, but F�e believed those prob�ems were being corrected. He stated they would iike to get the last couple of tow�houses built and get out of the development. 4C PIANNIt�G COf4MISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1986 PAGE 6 Mr. Robinson stated the temporary encroachment Mr. Farr was referring to r�ould allaw him to build and sell the home prior to the ordinance goinq through its process. The City Council has the authority to do that and will handle that on Aug. 18th. TF�e seaime�at9erflsion �robler.r on West Bavarian Pass should be resol�red witf+ T1ark Burch, �lssistant PubTic Works Director. MOTIDN BY MR. 5ABA, 5ECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� 7'O REG'rY7MEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUE5T, SAV #86-03, BY DARREL FARR� TO VACATE THE FIVE FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT AIANG TXE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 4� BIACK 2, INNSBRUCK NORTX TOWNXOUSE5 PLAT 4� TO A POINT TEN FEET WEST OF TXE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LINE OF TXE SAME LOT� TXE SAMS BEING 5462 MEISTER ROAD N.E.� WITH TffE STIPULATION TXAT THE PETITIONER WORK WITK CITY STAFF TO RESOLVE THE �1AINTENANCE PROBLEM ON TXE VACANT LOT ON WEST BAVARIAN PASS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. COPJSIDERATIOP� OF A VACATION RE UEST, SAV #86-04, BY TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY• acate part o a oot easement or pu �c roa purposes iron Roa ying north of the north 213 feet, as measured at right angles to, the n h line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north ne of the northwest quarter of the nortF�west lying east of, and adjacen o, T.H. No. 65. All lying in Section ]2, T-30, R-24. Except the north 33 f thereof (Osborne Road) and subject to rights and other easements record. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on the outheast corner of Osborne Road and Highway 65. It consisted of a st .p of Viron Road that is no longer necessary once tF�e City has put in th oopback around the property on the corner. The vacated portion was 30 ft ide and approx. 180 ft. lonq. Mr. Wayne Dahl did grant the City an easeme for a new right-of-way with the aoreement that the City would vacate thi portion of the Viron Road ri�ght-of-way. Mr..�:Robinson stated the only stipul ion Staff would require would be that a utility easement be maintainec; ov the eritire strip of the proposed vacated Viron Road as utilities are lo ed in that area. He stated this vacation request was in everyone's be interest. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, S ONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMIHEND TO CYTY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION UEST, SAV 1186-04, BY THE CITY OF FRIDLEY� T10 VACATE PART OF A 30 FOOT E MENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES (VIRON ROAD) LYING NORTFI OF THE NORTH 213 ET, AS 1►IEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE NORTH LINE OF TXE NORTHEAST QUART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER AND THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF T NORTKWEST LYING EAST OF� AND ADJACENT TO T.R. NO. 65� ALL LYING IN S ION 12� ZL30� R-24� SXCEPT THE NORTH 33 FEET THEREOF (OSBORNB ROAD1 AN SUBJECT TO RIGHTS AND OTNER EASEMENTS•.OF REGIDR�7� WITK THE STIPULA- TION T T A UTILITY �ASEMENT BE MAINTAINED OVER THE VACAT�D STRIP OF VIRON ROAD. A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION ED UNANIMOUSLY. ' t, _.. � _ v . � � .�.` . ¢ „ � 1¢ � � � �� ��� « � 86-03 ,� r iy ��1�Q�+J + ** ; � � � � � 't ' � ' 1 � s � � � � � arrel Farr � . , � -ti :v- -. � ) > ' / ' =. _ . 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As sw.�r�d by iw• tbl� i�r �/ � A.O. 10� �(�� S �URS �NGI �ING, INC. n�in��r� / S v1p�r• �y �, � n � PLANNING DNISION � MEMOR,ANDUM cinroF _ fRIDLEY " � I�D 7U: Jock Robertson, �a¢¢ncazity Develognent Ditector I�D FROM: Jim R�binson, Plarm,ing Coordinator �, I�I�D DATE: Septenber 16, 1986 R�ARDING: Disposition of Gena I�e Trianyular Pieoe In analyzing the methods for possihle disposition of the Gena Rae triangular pieoe of property, two options seen most vi.ahle: 1. Make a determination of excess property and opt for public bidding to . detern�ir�e buyer. 2. �Make a determination of excess property and negotiate a sale with an interested party. In the event O�uncil decides to sell the triangul ar pi ece i t must do so by ordinance according to City Charter, Section 12.06. Flarther, the City Co�cil must c3eteunine by a twa-thirds vote that the property to be disposed has no relationship to the Comprehensive Plan, M.S.A. Section 462.356, Subdivision d.2. If the Co�mcil fails to make this additional determination then it will be neoessary for the Planning Commission to conduct a publ ic hearing on the question of disp�sal. Abte, above prooedure acoording to meno f ran Dav id P. N�am�n da ted Ma rch 25, 1986. �e Canprehensive Plan vonsistency issue is addressed in the Plan t,ander Parks and Open Spave. Objective one, �blicy 3B, "The City should release excess property which cbes not oanplenent the park systen." In order to allaw O�uncil b� mwe ahead with the sale of the paroel, if they so c�ioose, staff �has prepared two ordinanoes which would enable then to do so. Note there is differing language on the two documents regarding the method of sale; which �e Council should choose f ram. Should Co�mcil opt not to se12 or in the event that Mr. Brickner is not sucoessful in aaquiring the triangle, then it is staff's and legal counsel's opinion that the assessments imposed against Mr. Brickner's property be vacated. If t�is is Council's desire staff will prepate a resolution to affect this amenc�nent to the assessaent rolls. JLR/da► M-86-229 •�•�, •,. �,• AN ORDINANCE QNDER SECTI019 12.06 OF THE CITY CHARTER IaEQ,ARIl+� CER7AIl�i REAL F5�1TE ZO BE 9URH►US AND AUZHORIZING �iE SALE �iE�tmF The Cotmcil of the City of Fridley does ordain as follaws: 1. Zhe City of Fridley is the fee awner of the tract of land within the City of Friclley, Anoka County, State of Minnesota, described as follaws: A portion of Outlot 1, Block 1, Gen�a-Rae Addition, lying 25 feet north of the center 1 ine of Creek Pa rk Lane N. E- , PIN 24-30-13-13-0041 All lying in North Half of Section 13, T-30, 1�-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Nlinnesota. 2. It is hereby deternnined by the Co�cil that the City no longer has any reason to continue to own said property and that the sale of said property is r�ot inoonsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. 7he Co�cil hereby authorizes the City Manager and the City C1erk to effect the sale of said property by advertising for public bids. 4. �e �Mayor and City C1erk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary oontract and deecZs to effect the sale of the above described real estat�e. F�1S.SID AND ADOP�ID BY �iE QTY QxJNC:II� OF �iE QTY OF FRID�EY THIS nAY OF � 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - N�1Yt�R AZTFST: SEi1RLEY HAAH�LA - CITY CLERR First Reading: Seo�r�d Reading: Puhl. ish : 3/7/4/1 5A ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE UI�IDER SECTION I2.06 0£ TFiE CITY rIiARTER DEQ,AR]NG CER�►IN RFAL F5'�TE ZO BE SURPLUS AND AU�iORIZ Il� �iE SALE �iIItDUF The Go�cil of the City of Fridley dc>es ordain as follaws: 1. �e City of Fridley is the fee awner of the tract of land within the City of Friclley, Anoka County, �State of Minnesota, descr�bed as follaws: A portion of Outlot 1, B1ock 1, Gena-Rae Addition, lying 25 feet north of the center line of Creek Park Lane N.E., PIN 24-30-13-13-0041 All lying in North Half of Section 13, �-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, S�ate of Minnesota. 2. It is hereby deternnined by the Council that the Ci ty no longer has any reason to continue to own said property and that the sale of said property is not invonsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. �he Council hereby authorizes the City Manager and the City C1erk to effect the sale of said property by regotiating a sale di rectly with an interested �arty. 4. �e �Mayor arld City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary oontract and deeds to effect the sale of the above described real estate. F�,.SSID AND AD�PrID BY �fiE QTY O�UNQL OF �iE QTY OF FRID�EY THIS __ IY�1Y OF , 1986. WII�LIAM J. NEE - Ng1Y0R ATI'EST: S�iIRI,EY HAAH�LA - CITY Q,ERK First Reading: Seoond Reading: Pu41 ish : 3/7/4/6 �� +� -- - � - – -- , , . �—.._.L— — — , + r � � � � Disposition o� � �S� � na Rae Prope �! • G R �' � D� � �fzol ( Cifj% of fi�id/sr � P � /YrA'1 GV/f. J ` �6 • /!' - _ � � � O� ob�or. P PR , � ,�.., o°� s � � � � � . O y�a ,��'� � R � ;`,r i —�— , ► , � ;; �x�} . b •pl �'!�' N Y � t Cr�)! • c° ' ' _�� ���'�/ .t' f.. ~ .t?''f�� (u�) J 9 �!'' � i/I�. � /Qi�e C'�, � w blr E v.-. i' �r � Sr, e.,. «k' � . � .,� . B��o �� N.7 _'Iri __'s'1 •-- i' f � i. ~y� `� �/i) 2 �'% �� ks „ �u. a�� . r+�rt rs� (ct) iA. Y'� . 9 L � R �1, `�;,`� j � (�) � � � .s`�`' � $ iw�7 3 ��>> / � -� ' � t �i ,� , � � '•• ,�� . 1` �� V �� � f r '` y� ��' .F�"� �� v¢71a�1� e1 �qj � �1i0i6 y¢ l� ` p �" • 2 w � O 'tiS.✓� �.i � �(jy-� `�` 1 /O g �- 7�6- 3 ¢ 3+ .,�, r �� � S A) � - - , - - � c�w. h�� c�� ��! P��«. � �� P � " s� �. � Z 3 � t � :<�� : 6y a' c� p T p �, .� ��.-�� A- �,� ��-; u� ZZ<»> 9 c�•� (�f)- - - - fi � � ' • '� �,�,'R_. , � +�'J � � ` 2 � / :O i ��4�J,�P� �' . G�) J �'�&)2°� �// � S �D 1 � + l�� ;s� s �,�- � 9(r) �`%� a /Z� ;' :�„ l�66T AVE. .E. .�����a....,,w� �+���a ' � ,�� „ 1�e i� � ' �� `� �t n ; ��A) . (s�) :� �� sl ,: � . �r,; �`'� +( /O%, '� � y �t '. � � � / ', �>> �e lN?� � v .a, � �'p,��� 4. � � � � t ; � � ,s c:.n:.r,� ; � 3 � i � � : � > � � e � ; °, �; . � :i�'���. *' . � ��� j � v B�nnr,. �o � `� . � � �3 .�` e. y� � ° `i' � : . . r � ��� ' P • , ' � 0 �° � J • (�s:o) �e�S v � (� � � � : )� �� • � � , , (1rI l W a0? � � y ` (� ��%�`a � �( ) ��� � , �I• �';d � AN£ti � 29ll�r) 2 Z � 6'�1j �s�re .ws ,; � q.� � � � f� � � �`^ �yF ��� . 3 � �� .: �� �rdY ; � ; ; ;�.. .i CRE�K � , a.�n��r) ��� 27�1r1 � • � , , _ _ ' ° 4 � N- �Ni �E ,' � tf � :' � .• � � x ��� .;� �`� �� 2� �, c,+ s , � `� �l , 1? (!Li �ia>� ��/ 0�� 1 ti� Gf) . ��fnr � d 6 �, �.r„� � o,f1� ;Q ; �Ir� v` �' �"` cS"� �9 2s 6 i C K� PqRK � •� "� LN. ��,e � . s ' . 2 � �; y <r� �J 2¢ n) , , a . > �� 1_ 'w � �c�� � /+�> ...�, �... > ' r � ,. � - �a - — B t�A � O lA�N�!!F s � �'' � �� ; � � 3. .o • � - � i,c �� 2 2 9 oi.� � (/1soJ 1 = a -� 3 QD ��e�� Q ~ p ;" (��' r�� • zi i►� �i�io � a 1 I tv w, ,..� 2 � Q� 3 (: > h --�o. - ir �: �„a.` `•. �, '"'' �,� •�v (�?oo) � W �*n �,,, o, .v. � S �9 � M��2 �: � , Yf �� �' f 2��,•s� so�o �w,°� � �t � z � Z �� �',�� �,�,,, W � � �3 � : .X � , ° �,�w, i,� (y4 a �� � ��.a. �J � /7 jA/¢ � ' , � l� � / / u •-1,rs.r •�--� �. � _ � s. ..ti . �l --- . .. so � � . � �:�; POSSIBLE EXCESS PROPERTY. � � _• � '�;; ,.a�; . s - r - , ' , - ' 3 ., . . __. � � . . �. � . - , s , . �� . . ... ' � • � ., :.;� . • � + � . .S � . � � _ � : . `,'�'%, . - ' T, � • � ` 1 ' • ~ � . � ` � ` .. . �r��W..' . f i' _ I .� [.. - � •� ' , � � . . � . - Y . �41 �.� � � .��' ,� . �. � i . � � .�. . . ...,. , ��. �. �. � .. �. ��,.. . WHgtFAS, the Planning Com¢aission held a pub�lic hearing on the Registered Land � on J�u►e 4, 1986 and reoomm�ended appraval; and WHFRFAS, the City ��cil also conductec3 public hearings on the proposed Registered Land Survey at their July 7, 1986 and July 21, 1986 Council meetings and approved the Registered Land Survey at their September 8, 1986 meeting; and NCW, �iIIZEEDRE, BE IT RESCLVID, that the City Council of the City of Fridley hereby appraves the Registered Land Survey # and authorizes the Mayor and City �Manager to sign the Registered Land Survey as prepared by Ronald F. Meyer BE IT EURZHER RES�,VED, that the petitioner is reguested to record this Registered Land Survey at Anoka County within six (6) months or said ap�raval will beoome null and void. B�SSID AND ADOFPID BY �iE QTY Q�iJNQL OF ZHE QTY OF FRIDLEY THIS _ �AY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - NY�Yt�R ATIFST: SHIRLEY A. HAAP�ILA - CITY Q,F�tK 3/7/3/28 C� . _:�...�.. RON�ILD F. biEYER LAND 9IISPEYOR 4�rw �uwva•�MO �u�a�nwoN ot�� . TiL/�OrN 77�.���� _ � ��/ .li���f N. �t. ��YL. M��. ��101 I herebr caNify thot thia survey wos preporsd by rn� anQ thot 1 am a duly Rtqistared Land Surveyor under tht laws of tha Stolt ot Minnssoto. i� ��/:��l�F�q. No. 9051 Octe: August 21, �98G � 6 '''' Al/E. �/. E � � %S — —' B7 �- ��UTLOT A, � �ENN/S A�D. � 0 � A N B ��� � /� � . � I 'A L� � � � I �'�� ' r �S 8� � Scala� 1" = 60' /(0 2 � -+ � ^ �' � _ y : : r •- � �:- • ;: . •=,- a I ',v � . ; , _ , ,. - i� ,_ �.. �,- ;: � � � l � C � � �� � �� , — . til �; :;;� �, i� 2 � J � �> I � r��RNEN !=a :, `` � � /� �' � P P �,� l'�S'oPOSEZ: c;, , + I � P�` �S'fG/STfRf.I� L ANI SUR1/ �� � �:, / Q ,,. ,� , ;f, Ownes ard dsvsloperi t�ichard Hriekner . �� �,/ �'',,. �233 12th Ave. N.W. C� E� I� Nev Hr�ghton. I4 jj112 Dsaarlption� Part of Outlot A. DEh1fIS ADDITIODI and part of Lota 6 and 14. ��iaed Auditor's Subdiviaion No. 30. lf�mber ot Lota� j Total acreagss 0.93 acres Lot sisss: 4= 9000 sq. !t. 8 = 10440 sq. tL. C = 21220 aq, tt. Aoreag� and squars toot�ges u� more or Iess figures. RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT _ N0. 150 BE I7 RESOLVEO by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Mi��esota, as follows: 1. The City Clerk has wsth the assistance of the engineers heretofore selected by this Council for such purpose, calculated the proper amounts to be spec- ially assessed for the bJATER ANO SANITARY SEWER IMPROV�i���N7 PROJECT N0. 150 in said City against �wery assessable ���, ��ece, or parcel of land in accordance with the provisions of law, and i�as prepared and filed with the City Clerk tabulated statements in duplicate show�ng the �roper description of each and every lot, piece, or parcel of land to be specia�ly assessed and the amount calculated against the same. 2. Notice has been duly published as required by law that this Cou�cii would meet in regular session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment. 3. Said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open to inspection and copying by all persons interested, and an opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections, if dny, to such proposed assessment, or to any item thereof, and no objections have been filed, except 4. The amounts specified in the proposed assessment are changed and altered as follows: 5. This Council finds tfiat each of the lots, pieces, or parcels of land enumerated in said proposed assessment as altered and modified was and is specially benefited by the WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 150 in the amount in said proposed assessment as altered and modified by the corrective roll in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, or parcel of land, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective Iots, pieces, or parcels of land therein described, � 7 Page 2. hotice of Hearing on Assessment for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement7 A ProjeCt No. 150 The application tor said defer�al must be made within the first thirty (30) days atter the adaption of the fi�al assessment ro11 Dy the Lity Countil. ihe oWner will �ake aDP>i�ation tor defe�red payments �n fo rtns prescribed by the Anoka County Auditor, and will make application to the City of Fridley on forms provided Dy the City. The City Council will consider each applicaiia� on an in�ividual basis; however, the general policy is to g�ant senio� citizen hards�iP special assessment deferrals When the annual payment for the special assessment exceeds two (?) per cent of the adjusted gross income of the owners as determined Dy the most recent Federal 1ncoR�e Tax P.eturn. ?he deferral will be terminated and all amounts actumulated plus applicable interest sha11 become due Mhen any of the following happen: the death of the ow�er, provided that tne surviving spouse is not othe nrise eligible for the Ceferral; the sale, transfer, or SuSdiviSion of the property or any part thereof; loss of hoTestead status for a�y reason; the City Council deter��ines that fufthef deferral is not in the public inte�est. p��EG ��:5 18th OAY OF August . 19t6 Br G=.C._r: G� 7r,� C]TY COU'��IL O� THE LITY OF fRIDLEY. NArOR �;i111aT J. t�ee �,';EST: C; ;► C:�rr. Sr,� rle,� ti. Haapala F�Dlish: �r•;dley Sun on August 25 and September 1, 1986 t PLANNiNG DIVISION � MEMORANDUM CITYOf - _ f RlDLEY l�E.ND �J: Jim i�binson, Planning Ooorclinator !�D FROM: Ric Wiersaa, Planning Assistant �, 1�EIrD DATE: Septenber 16, 1986 RFI',ARDING: Lioensure for Auto Rec.yclers �e environnental testing has been completed by ZMrin City Testing and a rep�rt has been issued. 7hete appears to be � major ptoblen at any of the sites (see Jahn Flora's memo enclosed dated Septenber 10, 1986). One of the reasons the tests were a sucoess was because corrective work was c3one by Harald Haluptzok to b�th Sam's and Bargain Auto's yards. On July 8, 1986 Mr. Ha].uptzok told me in a telephone corYVersation that he removed one to two feet of soil fran Sam's yard and 50 truckloads fran Bargain's yard. It took ten truckloads to resnove buried metal that was located near the crusher. Reoonme�d�atioai: �is type af testing should not have to be d�ne annually, however, some hand auger probes and water sa�nples to dieck surface run-off may be appropriate for future lioensure. In addition, the visual appearanoe should be addressed on an annual basis. Stipulations for tfiis year's lioensure: �aan' s 1. Ab storage af v�icles on lot east of Sam's. ��� l. Imprave oondition of main gate to the storage yazd. 2. Ranwe wood pile frara custaner parking lo� Central l. F3x wier at 1136 - 73 l,/2 Avenve N. E to specifications fian lmrk Burch. Ii+lW/ctn i]�c1. t+�86-232 �� .� L: C�N �� FfZI DLEY T0: FRCY+1: GATE: DtAECTO RATE � OR PUBLIC WOAKB IVIEMOAANDUM � Jock Robertson, Caim�ity Develop�ent Director John G. Flora, � Public Works Director Septesnber 10, 1986 SUBJDCT; Auto Recycling Center Tests An186- 272 I have received a cop� of the z1►�rin City Testing ze�:c�rt for the four auto recycling centers on 73 1/2 Avenue in Fridley. A total of fourteen soil borings were oonducted at the four sites. The results of this sampling ir►c:icates that no �ntamination of the soil or surfaoe water has occurred as a result of the existin9 use of these properties. In only one location Boring #2 on the Central Auto Parts' seaond yar6 was a 1 ead conce ntration icientif ied above the State of Minnesota disposal limit. Haaever, secondary testing was performed to identify the prohlem was very localized anci far belaw the haxardous waste li�:its set by the State. It is Twin City Testing's reoomnencatian that n�o notifica.tions or disposal is required at this time and if this localized area should be renwed that an additional samFling and testing would be required. Based upon the results of the test, it does not appear neaessary to oonduct another test La�less a suhsequent occurrenoe should occur or a major change in operation is noticed at these locations. It may be well advised to photograph the four sites to icientify a visual record of the existing conditions for any future aamparisons. JGF/ts � PLANNING DIVISION � MEMOR,ANDUM c�nroF - - f RlDLEY 0 MEMD �: Jock Robertson, Carancmity Developnent Director , I�ND F�OM: Jim imbinson, Planning Coordinator�_.� / 1�ND II�,TE: Septanber 16, 1986 REGARDING: Day Care Ordinanoe As per your directive I have anenc]ed the pending ordinance which deals with day care. In orcier to further distinguish home occupations f ran non-home based facilities, language has been added to the following definition sections; 205.03.1, 8 Day Care Centers to read, 'Any nori-home based program" 205.03.3, 2, F Hame Occupation to read, "Licensed �iome based family day CdLe. � In orc3er to be oonsistent with the State regulations, hame based Family Day Care has been added to the R-3 zone as an accessory use. Prioz to this inclusion, no hane occu�tions of any kind were allawed in 1�3 zones. Note that Ll�y Care Centers, that meet specific requirenents, are possible ih residential districts only with a special use permit, while 1 icensed home based Family Day C�re, �der the stat%ity requirenents, are permitted as an acoessory use in residential districts. Zhis ordinanoe is now in final fonn ancl ready for seoond reading and order tro putzl ish. JLR/cfi M-86-228 • � ,�:;,� �,,. , �- , �- AN ORDII�N(E R��IFYII�T �E FR�,EY CITY ODDS BY ADDING SDLT�NS 205.00�. I8. , 205.03.19. , 20.5. 07. U3. , 205. 08. 03. , 205.09.02., 205.10.04., 205.I3.03., 205.16.04., �1�ID REi�l01rBERING �E PRF5F1�lT �I�1S�TIVE NQ1rBEiiS; ALSO BY Al�F�IDING SEGTIONS 205.03.32., 205.03.68., 205.03.69., 205.03.70., AI�ID 205.09.01. Zhe City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains the follawing: 205.03. DEFINITIOIZS. 18. Day Care, Centers. l�ny norrhane based program, that for oocapensation or otherwise, provides for the care of children outside their hame for part of a 24 hour day. Includes, but is not limited to, prograQns for children known as nursery schools, day nurseries, child care oenters, and day care facilities. 19. Day Care, Useatale Floor Area. Pri.mary spaoe exclusive of hallways, bathroans, lockers, kitchens, and floor space occupied by sanitary equipaent, but not including equipment and furnishings regularly used by the children. 32. Hane Occu�tion. F. Lioensed hane based F`amily Day Care that serve twelve (12) or fewer children when one (1) care giver is provided and licensed home based Group Faraily Day Care that serve fourteen (14) or faaer children when two (2) care givers are pravided, as def ined by the Minnesota Rule, Parts 9502.0300 to 9502.0445. 68. Streets, Arterial. A street designed primarily to carry traffic between large land use units, as defined in the Transportation section of the current Fridley Comprehensive Plan. 69. Streets, Glollector. A street desic�ed primarily to carry traffic f ran local streets to arterial streets and highways, as defined in the Transportation section of the current Fridley Cbanprehensive Plan. 70. Stxeet, Local. A street of limited oontinuity designed pri.marily to carry traffic to the abutting properties and hic�er order streets, as defiryed in the Transportation section of the current Fridley Qomprehensive Plan � � � Page 2 - Ordinance No. 205.07. 1�-1 Q�}-FAI+�,Y �TF3.LII� D�LSZRIGT RS�ATIOlS 1. USFS F£RMITI� G vses Permitted with A special Use Permit (3) Day Care Centers prvvided they are to be located in churches, schools or in other buildings located on an arterial or collector stree� a) At least one (1) off-street Farking spaoe shal.� be prwided for eacii 100 square feet of useahle day care floor area. b) Reduction of parking spaoes may be allawed when prc�vision of s�,aave required for parking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unneoessary hardship. Adequate open s�xioe shall be provided to satisfy the total nuaber of required parking spaoes. c) When the provisions for required parking space is inadequate, the City may require additional off-street parking be prw ided. 205.08. R-2 ��FAl�ILY IIiilII.i.II� DIS�tICT RH�ATI!�S 1. USES PERMITTID C. Uses Fernnitted With A Special Use Pernni� (3) Day Care Centers prwided they are to be located in churches, schools or in other buildings located on an arterial or collector street. a) At least one (1) off-street garking spaoe shall be prw ided for each 100 aguare feet of useahle day care floor area. b) Reduction of parking spaces may be allawed when pravision of space required for parking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnec:essary hardship� Adequate open space shall be prov ided to satisfy the total n�mber of required �rking� spac�es. c) When the provisions for required parking space is inadequate, the City may require additional off-street parking be pravided. 9C Fage 3 - Ordinanoe No. 205.09. I�3 C�Ai, I�.TIPLE II�TSt.II� DISZRI4T RS�.ATI�S 1. USFS PERMIT!'ID B. Accessory Uses. (6) Licensed home b�ase�i Fa�aily Day Care as defined in Section 205.03.32. F. of the City Cbd�e. C. Uses Permitted With A Special U9e Pern►it� (1) Churches arld pr ivate sc�iool s. (2) Day Care Centers provided they are tro be located in churches, schools or in other buildings located on an arterial or collector stree� a� At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for eadz 100 square feet of useahle day care floor area. b) Reduction of parking spaces may be allawed when prwision af spaoe reguired for parking stalls, du�e to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship. Aciequate open spaoe shall be prov ided to satisfy the tAtal n�mber of required parking spaces. c) When the provisions for required parking space is inadequate, the City may require additional off-street parking be �avided. 205.10. R�4 Iri7BII,E H� S�RK DIS7RI4T RS�IIATDDtU 1. USES PF�MITTID C. Uses Permitted With A Special Use Penni� (4) Day Care Centers provided they are to be located in churches, sc�ools or in other buildings located on an arterial or collector stree� a) At least one (1) off-street Farking space� shall be prav ided for each 100 square feet of useahle day care floor area. b) Reduction of parking spaoes may be allawed when prwisio�n of spaoe required for parking stalls, due to the garticular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an tu�necessary hardship� Adequate open spaoe shall be provided to satisfy the total nunber of required garking spaces. c) When the provisions for required parking space is inadequate, the City may require additional aff-street parking be �avided. r� , Rage 4 - Ordinanoe No. 205.13. C-1 IDtAL BOSII�LSS DIS7RICP �. t�sES �� C. Uses l�rmitted With A Special Use Permit (3) Day Care Centers. a) At least one (1) off-street Farking space shall be provided for each 100 square feet of useable day care floor area. b) Reduction of parking spaoes may be allawed when pravision of s�oe required for Farking stalls, due to the particular nati:re of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship� Adequate open spaoe shall be prov ided to satisfy the tAtal nunber of required parking spaces. c) When the provisions for required parking space is inadequate, the City may require additional off-stzeet parking be prw ic3ed. 2Q5.16. Q�l GII�3tAi. OF'FICE DISZRI(T R�iTIOlS 1. USFS PF.RMITI� G Uses Fermitted With A Special Use Pernnit (4) Day Care Genters. a) At least orle (1) off-street parking spaoe shall be provided for each 100 square feet of useahle day care floor area. b) Reduction of Farking s�ces may be allawed when prwision of spaoe required for parking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unneoessary hardship. Adequate open s�xzoe shall be provided to satisfy the total nunber of required parking spaces. c) When the provisions for required parking space is inadequate, the City may require additional off-street parking be pravided. Page 5 - Ordinance No. p��SSID A1�ID ADOPTID BY �iE GITY O�UNCIL OF �E QTY OF FRIII,EY �iIS I�AY OF , 1986 WII,LIAM J. NEE - I�1YOR ATi�ST: SEiIRLEY A. HAAPAT�A - CITY Q�ERK Publ ic Hearing: August 18, 1986 First Reading: Septaaber 8, 1986 Seoond Reading: Pub�l ish : 9E ��._ ���������� �iE CITY �L OF Z1iE QTY OF ERIII,EY HIIt�Y ORIAIIIS: 1. 7t�at the annual tudget of the Qty a�f Fridley for the fiscal year beginning Jnnuary 1, 198� vhict� has been sutrnitted by the City Manager and modified and appraved by the City Council is hereb� arbpted, the total of said Cudget and tAeir major divisions thereof being as fallws: 2. 7l�at the City l4anager 6e directed to m�se the appropriaie acoounting entries to be made in the books of the Qty. r::i7:. iU: � ���� ��E 4hzes and Spedal Asses�ents : Qure�t ltid Valacer. Deliryuertt• Aenalties� Fbrf eited Special Assesanents Liaenses and Pe�its: Liaenses Permits Inter cpvernoer�tal : Federal State - eanestead Credit (Qurent Ad Valorsr.) Local Gaverrmern Aid All Other �arges for Serviaes Fines and Fbrf eits Interest on Inv�ttnents Misoellaneous Reveru�es Other Firencing Soucoes: M�nicipal State Aid F1u�d Liqu�r F1u�d Debt Sezvioe F1md mD1[. IlQVF2�D�S lll� O� P�11�(�G 8�S Flmd Sal anae : Desicp�ated for ReF.laaemerzt of Fized Assets Gereral FUnd Surgl►s �'D1L POlD H�1I�1IilB �'AI. GH�tAi. P�1�D S'Fi7CfJ1i. R'�S�E N71� AEVg�ue Sb3cityg Ftad Flmd balance State Aid P1nd Qshle lv Pmd �'D1L S�QN. it�HilE PQL� Q1P'P�1I. H�7� PIlli� �pdtal 7�zcvaert Rad Property T�x - C�ure�t Ad Valor�: Interest �'Ai, aP1�L H�T�! P� , r:. � .�i: . Sis Qties iiatezs�e,+d A�od Property Tax - CLrc�t Aa vnlocen �'�i, lIG� !'Ol� 52,760.�02 69,000 6.802 147,208 155,449 112.789 �50.000 1,914.102 207,555 13�,892 207,568 320r000 61.800 128,576 10.000 50.000 86r!39 150.000 214.465 S 364.�65 57�1O13r908 100,000 373,015 58,770 S 531.7ffi 82•919 100.000 S 182r919 � 9r869 S 9.869 Legislative: Qty mmci]. P'lanning Coaoanissions Other Oanaf esiar� CYty Mtanagmient: Gereral Managaoer�t Persornel I�l ��,�: IIections Ao�o�nting �lssessing Civic Center Palioe: ibliae Qvil Defense Ani�oal Control Fire: Public Wacks: Tec3utiicnl Engir,eerirg 7�raffic Engineering Street Lighting Public wa ks riaintenanoe Caam�nity Develo�ment: Code Ersfacoement Plannirg Ftecteatian: Naturalist Recseation Feserve: PASSID A[�ID AnJPPID BY THE QTY �ITI�3L 0� TSE CITY OF PRIII.EY 1� IS �Y OF ^���rl*'�!�!l:���p;� ,a - � �IRI.EY i►. �PA1+A - QTY Q�FItR Pu�lic Heating: Sept�ber 8, 1986 •. F1ISL REaG�17X): Seacnd Reading: Puhlish: s �6510�8 351,164 6n,i63 2,19{,053 488,�79 1.960,116 361,300 601,442 351,873 57�103r908 100,000 373,015 58,770 S 531.785 82,919 100,000 S 1Bt.919 �� 9.869 S 9•869 , 1986 10 ��� �. AN �1(E RDCX3IIIFYII� �iE FRID�,EY CITY �DE, C�iAPTER 506, FNTI�,IIl 'VIAIQ�E H�RRING' BY A1�31DII� SDCTIpN 506.10 506 VgiIQ,E A��RKING 506.10 FOR SALE OR WASHING 1. No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of : A. Disglaying such vehicle for sale; B. Washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an energency 2. No t�erson shall taark anv vehicle on a reauired front yard or side vard adiacent to a public rig�t of-wav, excet� on an approved drivewav. for the princira�l nurpose of disulavin4 such vehicl.e for sale. PASSID AND AD�PrID BY �iE CITY 0�[JNCII, OF �iE QTY OF FRIDLEY THIS ____ L1AY OF _. , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - NY�YOR ATI�ST: SHIRLEY A. BAA�LA - CITY Q,II2K First Reading: Seoond Reading: Publ ica tion: 3/7/5/20 11 I G DIVISION � 11 � PLANN N � ME D MO RAN UM cinroF - - . . fRlDLEY � MEMO TQ: Jock Rober�son, Communi�ty Development Director 1�M0 FROM: 3im Robinson, Planning �rdinator�� h'�AfO DATE: September 15, 1986 REGARDING: Problem with the Display of Cars for Sale Due to safety and appearance problems associated with persons displaying vehicles for sale on side and front yards and boulevards, staff drafted language to be added to Chapter 506, Vehicle Parking. The attached ordinance will provide a useful tool for staff. This code amendment was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on January 8, 1986. It would be desirable to pass this on to City Council for adoption. This amendment does not require public hearings as it is not a zoning code change. If approved by council, a first and second read- ing and publication are required. Once approved it would be helpful to inform the general public of the rule through the City newsletter and/or "Fridley Focus." If desirable, this item could be placed on the September 22, 1986, Council agenda. JR/ Imn Ti- 86 - 2 26 11B PL�'�NNI��G COt�41ISSI0t� �4EETIPIG, JANUARY 8, 1986 PAGE 12 b. Proposed Ordinance Change Mr. Robinson stated there has i�een a�roble� in Fridley with cars for sale being parked on lawns. Since this can lead to traffic safety problems and decreased property values as well as an ov�eralL decrease in t��e inage of the City, Staff ���as proposing an ordinance change. The fol lcaii ng Y�ordi ng was proposed to be add+ed to Fri dl ey Ci ty Code Chapter 506, Section 506.10: 2. ��o person shall park any vehicle on a rec�uired front yard or sideyard adjacent to a public right-of-way, except on an approved driveti�ay, for ti�e princinal purpose of displaying such vehicle f or sale. "�'^In': BY M.R. KONDRICh, SECO":DED Dl' ."fR. Wf.LLAr', '.'O APPROVE '�1lE ;,A!>I'T PROPOSED ORAI�:AIICE CEfri.'VGE. UPC)PI A�'OICE VOTE, ALL VU:II7G A}'F., Cf1AIRPERSON GABEL DECI.ARF'D T!!*' 1:0�"ION C��RRIED UNAIII'•i0USL2'. AD�l0UR�1faENT: ''�'"IC':J BY l;R. hO::DRICK, _SECOt1DEA BY !'R. BETZOLD, TO ADJVURN TffF. ttF.F."'I1:C. UPn!! A VQTCE '.'O^_'E, ALL �'O:'I'JG AYE, CKAIRPERS0;7 GABEL DECLARED TlfE JrVI. 8, 1986, PI.�Y:U'::":G COl�'fISSIO�J MEETIIJC ADJOL'R'JED AT 10:45 P.lt. Respectfully sub�it�ted, �, ' / �; �' s ,�� " �. ' �.,'�.• c _ -�� Lynne3aba Reco'rding Secretary .� ��, o � �,` `� -1 � •- �'o���`N � rc POLICE DEPARTMENT City of Fridley _ _ Minnesota " OATE SEPTEMBER 10, 1986 FROM PUBLIC SAFETY DIRE SUBJECT � SNOWMOBILE REGULATION ORDINANCE R, J.P.HI MEMORANDUM TO NASIM nURESHI 1 IONI INFO Our current snowmobile ordinance consists of 4 1/4 pages of somewhat confusing language as well as many duplications of State Statute. The police are proposing to repeal Chapter 703 entitled "Snowmobiles"' and establishing a ne�v Chapter 703 entitled Snowmobile Regulations". The new ordinance will consist of 1 1/?. uages that hopefully will achieve the same objective of the current cumbersome ordinance. The new proposed ordinance has been reviewed by Assistant City Attorney David Newman. JPH/sa 12A - ORDINANCE NO. A[� ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY BEPEALING CHAPTER 703. ENTITLED "SNOWIiOBILES". AND ESTABLISHING NEH CHAPTIIt 703 � ENTITI.ED "SNO�,TMOBII.E REGUTATIONS" • The City Council di the City of Fridley does hereby ordain as follows: A. That Chapter 703, entitled "Snowmobiles" be repealed in total B. That new Chapter 703, entitled "Snowmobile Regulations" be established as follows: 703.01. DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and application of Lhis Chapter and the following words and terms, wherever they occur in this Chapter, are defined as follows: (Ref. 472) 1. Snowmobile A self-propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice steered by skis or runners. 2. Person An individual, partnership, corporation, the state and its agencies and subdivisions, and any body of persons, whether incorporated or not. 3. Owner A person, other than a lien holder, having the title to a snowmobile and lawfully entitled to the use or possession thereof. 4. Operate To ride in, or on, and control the operation of a snowmobile. 5. Street or Highway The entire width betveen boundary lines of any way or place when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for the purposes of vehicular traffic. 703.02. OPERATION PROHIBITED It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile, nor any owner allow to be operated a snowmobile: 1. On any street, highway or public right-of-way within the city limits of Fridley. Page 2 - Ordinance No. 12B 2. On any public lands, waters and property under the jurisdiction of the City of Fridley unless specifically authorized by City Council. 3. On land of another person, without lawful authority or consent of the owner, occupant or lessee. 7Q3.Q3. EXE[�TIONS The provisions of this i:hapter s}�iall not apply to emergency vehicles, non- government vehicles operated under the direction of the Public Sa£ety Director during emergencies, or vehicles operated by other governmental bodies within the course and scope of their official duties. 703.04. PENALTIES Any violation of this Chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject to all penalties provided for such violations under the provisions of Chapter 901 of this Code, except that an owner of a snowmobile bearing his registration number that is operated upon the roadway of any trunk, county state aid, or county highway may be fined not to exceed $300.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK First Reading: Second Reading Publication: Y C O Y � O Y 1 � � ? G N r � 4 O S 6 N O u1 Vf N 2 � O � Q L Q P u�a� � W � W O W Q O 0 LL W � W � �.a-° uW+ s r u ~ W u o m r c 0 M � Y � M � ■ Y~f O fV fV � M tV � Y'f � � N ! ; O• M ' N r u .� � N � N O = .� 1 u p fV M � N H 1 � fV M f O O ~ u r ... .. ... �. .. � ... .. �. ... r Y Cy y� � � � �y � � � � � � � � Y b Y Y Y Y Y � • r Y Y r y C � ` i � 6 � v �L v �i �i d � � v .. w � � � � � � . � � r . � � � � N n1 tV N �n ✓s �n �n + e ^ � e o v e e a v O Y � � - O O 1 1 7 � �' � Y � � ! ! ! ! > > ! ! ! = i � c ` _ T • O O • t O Z 7 u • < O M m � J � f p O N � � � Y x O O C aCi a O Y � u J C • � W � 1Yy Y 1 � � s � � ` O C 7 Y O Y v c � Y L O O • � Y O O O 7 • � � v � • ` � i Y s i� Y r � � e � 13�� Y O U 1 � 0 ` L S Y W w � S P P Y N N � i u N 0 Z O N N �D S O � � � s � a W � O � � O Y N ! 6 ! S � d � v ! � ! N N � � N f d � L � v _ d i � ! 0 p i i F ? � f P � N � • � a` � ? i M � ~ � � w H p rm�f r� O• � � 1 f M 1 • 1 M 1 Y ' u i y + H� N 1 1 • M 1 1 ? 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Y i � � � 13C Y � V � • � i � � � u i i I 1 I 1 1 = i� � i3 � � cinroF FRIDLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMO RAN D UM 0 NEtrD 41D: Jock Roberts�n, Oa�maua�ity Develognent Director NE1rD FROM: Jim R�binson, Planning Coordinator ':� __r. .J t�ND L�A�: Septenber 19. 1986 R�ARDING: Lanciscape Plan for Apache Caaaping Center Staff has oompleted an amended landscape plan for Apache Camping Center. �is glan attenpts to acaanplish the follawing three objectives: l. Pro�vide hedging to screen the uzderside o� trailers displayed in front of building. 2. Prwides averstory trees whicr► oompliment and buffers the developnent while retaining views to the busiress. 3. Prwides vires on fenoe to eventually sof ten appearance of barbed wire f encing. I have asked Ric Wiersua to oontact Mr. F�welski ar�d discuss this plan with him prior to the Co�cil meeting. I anticipate that this plan will entail a' larger investment on the aaners parti Maxy Martin will also be oontacted ar� informed of the new plan. ,�L',1 cc: Ric Wiersaa I�86-231 i 1 ��e �� �� � � � � � . _ _ : • � �,�•� ea � �� �a •, � � r e 3 e � � � �i . � jqf PA.ache Car.�ing Center REVIOUS SU IT AL r !°- =s �°; . = a` ' � j � a .a a 0 j• m ,e u `f � h � � � � , 2��� -is' ; � ' ���� . �/►'�•� / � • ^ t / / . 9: s r.� � � :� `� �3>. �Q I .- . i � — � / � �� I � � �. � ' � ��` ��sc �. '� _ � '��� �' �� � .. � `� � � �`',� °��' '�� ..� . �►��.�.'� �,��• ,� ' k � ,� S . ��� �Qi� • �` ;" �'•.. � "'°'�1��"'" ���, •d -` � �, .� �����,�!��, � T ,..� .� . ��� �� ' , ,/ • •,\ . � �`�r..��� v� .�/ -�. '' � \�Y y �. "'�a�.ar v♦ � •� ��� � � � � \� � � ���o q � � C`s`�II N � � � � _ � � _,. � v�� ♦ SM� � ��' s � ��;� ����M� � ' � _���♦� � � � �' ��i��r ' � � � r���� . � '� - - � � �,� ��"�,� , 4 •�� ��.�.. t �, �`�I�i � '' r � =•J x: .• , '�. ' `� ` '� ` • Gt�� �ia • y'% ~�,�'�. �, � _�'�� ! �L.y�-`>�,'q�., s' � ' :, �1 ��� ,`, ` ` \�tJ `� Ft�. ��'[ ��� a 4�Y�. �� I �� J _������ \ �_ \ \� � C � 1 ! � Q� %� y S �Y� � � � • Y a U � • s � � .. � i � i , • .' Y �� .- � a 1 ' � • .1 �i.• r l ,` � • . . . ' �� / \ � �' . :' �..' �� / � . .�/ . n r; n \ . , . , . ./ �� j ..\.�\ bo . ��� .i / t + .`3��. �' / . / /. � � -. , . , ' \'� � / -'� � : � � ,q� \ ~ / \\ � � . / � " y / j / ;\ � .` i i � , s /P,O �\` / � QA � _ j* i Q� y � � �,� C r♦ \ '� � ,r * �y'� y t � b0 � � �� - � � �� � i0 � U � i � I � � � � f.. , - �, t. r C�TY OF FRl DLEY �: FROM: D1i�„TE: DIfaECTO AATE oF . PUBLIC WORKS IVIEMORANDUM Nasim 4ureshi, City Manager A�T86-269 Zh Jahn Flora, Public Works Diectc>r Cl V. Ni�ravetz F7► ineer' A�ninistration Y • 9 �9 Septenber 16, 1986 St1B.7ECT: Pessitale Sale of City--0wned Property (West 80 Feet of �e South 150 Feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129) ;�, . i-��„''- � • • . �_�,� . . � �1 Zhe City reoeived bids for various City-awred properties on September 14, 1984. In October o�f that year, the Gity (b�cil refused all bids as they were all t�oo lvw. �e Cbuncil authorized City Staff to negotiate the sales of the excess City-awned buildahle properties on a one-on-one basis and to review future offers for oonsideration and approval by City Oc»cil. On �May 12. 1986, we reoeived an offer ($18,500.00) for part of Flannery Park whid� would require a Lot Split. �e Lot Split was approved at the July 7, 1986 City �uncil.meeting but the atno�mt of sale was not formally approveci. Zhe anly other offers reveived for this buildahle site was (1) $5,100.00 by Robert L. White and (2) $8,527.00 by Joari Mur�y. I suggest that the City �uncil ap�xove the sale a� this property for the avno�mt of $18,500.00 tv Brandon Construction Company and authorize City �Manager to sicy� the attached Purdzase Agreenent. CVI�/ts Attachments � PHONE (612) 867-1845 h1ay 12, 1986 City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N. E. Civic Center Fridley, Mn. 55432 ATT: Clyde 15A Dear Clyde: I have examined the property, which the City of Fridley owns just East of 1483 Onondaga. It is my opinion that this property would be suitable for a single family residence. Our company would, therefore, like to use this letter as a written proposal to purchase this property, from the City of Fridley, for a cash price of $18,500. Please advise. �"�Very ruly yours, �., , \ � .�l•l1�j- ���� TollefsQ�" � _Presider�t—� JT:kt �� r. _ � bra�don � CONSTRUCTION, ING. 156 Leaals of Public Properties That Could be Sold by the City 1. Lot 14, Block l, Blomberg Estates 2. Lot 15, B1ock 1, Blomberg Estates 3. Lot 16, 61ock 1, Bloaiberg Estates 4. The West 80 feet�of the South I3� feet of Lot 6. Auditor's Subdivision No. 129 5. Lot 1, Block 7. Edgewater Gardens 6. Lot 2, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens 7. Lot 3, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens 8. Lot 11, Block 20, fridley Park LOT SIZE 1) 15' x 136.88' 2) 90' x 136.88' 3) 75' x 136.88' 4) 80' x ]50.00' 5) 89' x 142.00' 6) 88' x 142.00' 7) 88' x 142.00' 8)*40' x 126.00' (SQUARE FOOTAGE) (10,266) (12,319.20) (10,266) (12,000) (12,638) (12,496) (12.496) (5,040) *Sub-Standard by itself ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE TAXABLE VALUE SEALED BIDS RECEIVED 9/14/t34 2p.m. Robert L. hite John Murphy 17,200 �15,100.00 513,561.00 18.500 �515,100.00 b16,301.00 17,200 515,100.00 514.561.00 17,200 S 5,100.00 5 8,521.00 17,900 511,396 .00 17,200 �15,157.00 17,200 �10,952.00 600 15C � � ns s• coru•a r wca.oi y EC. /2, T. 30, R. 2 4 �. .�� �,� .,.�. �. 01�Klf Y�Kt*iG '�f �Y� Yp��. fM! 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O/ TiOM �' t2 ' ii! ii: ie y'-` =;'� � t �• .. vo• --- � � .... 1 �• � • � i �: . �� ( • _ ���A. r .A. � • �s� � � ^-, �7 � . � � � 1 � y � •� � • i': � � �• � � .� . � '• • •� �� . ••. +� �" � r � •' • . L � . \ �� � � ,' I � J � • ,� � � A ' � S� -- �� �~ A ~ � . � � �S � � � : t • . .. � . � � .� ,r .. , � � • � ,,,, � r • � 1V � rvN i � 2.� Z.S i �.7 � �/ • �'L ��{ ! r � , � r r � � . . i ' 2 D �r'� �� ^" � �D. Q! � , • r ji � � . � � � 10 11 • . �'� �` _; - . i . f .1 . �. � .,:,.. . � i Naae � ._ . , is�i � COvNTt l��TC i10 Meyt1N� MO.i --a' — 1�M — f1�E. iK.--- -- y• ��_ �"' tM oM+ •tc a �►s a .� 3 . � ' �p��NO t I�IIO�f{OM COV�� lwr.+�0� — �. s�• wn• � . ,- i �� (. � �1: iI: � � � :i .:. �r �' � r .� •r . ;Y .�..� �� ',. Na 1�17� � YIL11N•MYIYM YtMt�iwlu PURCHASE AGREEMENT (FHA) WNITf-ONr.•.�ry . . •LLWW� L� � .�•'v�� � Qt� W �Y4. �Mt MN�-� 1 f-, .._ _ Fridley ��� AuRust 22 ly 86 Brandon Construction, Inc.. AECEIVFDOF ............................................................................................................................................................... � � � :One thousand and 00/100------ --- -------- ��1 000.: 00..� � .�.. ...... ...... ' ...... ...... . .. .................................. mooef Pu� F+Ima� Puec�e Pi'aPr+4 �t .. .. ....................... � arnea in t far tAe ol t�� c..►. r w ro.�w ve• «w�w., « Na. — au. �ruri .............................................................................................._.................................................................ainreed lo �he Counq' of ......................... .Jlaoka................................. Sna of Yuaaoo�, �cd k� dnotibed s(ollow� wMic: Legal to govern indudia8 � Sv� ��. P��� slwbs �nd «ta, aU uam sasb, storm doas, deuclubk Yau'huks, Kretat� a�roiap, Mudow shrJes, Wind: (iudud'wg vrneaan Winds)� cunsin rods, a�verse rods, dnpery rods, 4gdcing 6swce �od bu16�, Rluo�biq� 6:cures, ha w�ua aniu �ad heacing pLnc (�rich �ny burners. onks, �cokers ud ahec equipmmr wed in ooaMCUm d�ae• vicA), wh�er af�ener �od liquid ga� n+�k aod aonuo4 (if �he pcoperq of ulla). wunP P�P. �� N«. iociner. a�, builc-io di:hrasl�ec, prb�ge disponi, weas, cnok cop aoves �nd aau�al air aoodidoaiq� equiPmeoc, if �, wed �od loaued m t�id premiin wd iodudin� �o cbe foUo�via� perroral propat�r: Land only �II of w�6icb properc� �Le undessigoed 1� dus dq wtd w che,buyer foc t6e wm oE: Eighteen thousand five hundr•ed and 00/100------ 18 500.09 ............................................................................................................................. .(j........a............ DOLLARS, w�t�ich che buyu sgrees m pq a�be following m�noa: " Earaae moae� bereio p�id i.. �..,. 0 0 0. 0 0.. wd i.. �.,. �.Q.O...Q.U, wsh, m.:..Q.0 i.o.b e r...l ....1.R B.6 dK d�u o( voaing. br buy�r p4cias u hu/her e�peroe �n F.H.A. ia t6ic �mwm unortised maahl� wer � o! liuiiva (or mortgage w he aude immedi�ly. la the evau �hr ren anna p�ua tAe �hove mu mea� +Aall becmrc au d �he nraar mone� pid I�ercia slull be rcfunded. Seller qy. ��� Sb o( �Ae morc�ye. Se •�11 �trces w • lo�n ee oot w eaatd Y �pec�al weumwu kried. pendioa, w on raotd o cbia� m w �oouw ea w eaceed i 1� u e:Dreuly y�ceed dr�, mnri�hxaodins �n� punhase o( the Pro1+��Y dacri6ed Aerein ot w iocur �oy 1 del��ercd to �he purclwer ��riam auemenr iuued br the Itaclud�ry{ cks�n� coui) o( aat kst duo = purchaser ptomptl� J�er wch �ppnised v� nt u� opeion o( prucadms vuh tAe m wn o( �he caum Hau�nr Commiuiooe raiud �alwiion is urival o( d�u conc l�fll�' � �i � a�ilabk to cAe �eller. '. ouc rcprd a tAe una etermine tht m�aimui aduion d rAe proper See reverse ' urcMur Jrll eot be oblipad w oomplem tAe OWOly At�Otli/ Ot OfI1t(�r1it YAIdi tA! KIItf AY r uttiog (ottA �he �ppniied wlue af tAe ptopeery � eAe �elkr hercbp ynn w deliver a the e yur vever. Irve the prinlcge �pd [ o( eAe appni rde Er tAe Fnlenl moneute the Iknatunent d U�hrn Sub�ect a per(wm�noc by �Ae 6uyer rhe selkr �grea m esecuu url delirer a ... ... .. ... ....... G.e TI C T a 1.. .... iV�mory Desd (�0 6e w�incJ in bp apoua. if w�) mnverinx markaabk ciek w..id prcmi�a wb� aaty ro�e fdb.vin� e,oepiwu: (al Build�ng �od woins la�ti otdinrnces, 5ute �nd Fedenl rc�uluions. (p) Reuriuim� aluiog �o we or iwprovemene d prcmiw �idwut eAeaive (oc(eituie pto�ruioa, (c ) Resernrion o! inr wioenls u m�oenl r�lus w d�e Stue d ltinorwra (d) Ueiliry �nd dniuye ea�emenu vAich do aa io�er(ert vu6 pianu imptovemeo�t (e) iythu ol awna a fdbW�: (uale�e:peci(rd. aa wbjea wt� acies) 7Le puyer slrll p�� tbe ral e�urc u=a'due i� tLe �at l9 .!S /. . !od anY unpaid iowtlmeaa d �paial ape�uoeau p1+bk therewnh an.l rArrnlur. Selke �nrnnu thu nrl aua uie� due iu tAe �r 198 /. �iU be ..I10A .... :' .. ............. ... lamewaJ d�uJiwwa (IYII. Wf[YI Of 11011-AOOlptpd � W[! �11[A) Nei�her tbe �elkr nor thr �elkr i y{en� m�ke aaf repreuntuion or rrunary vluuaever 000arains �6e �mquu o( tnl ew�e uu� vhicA �h�ll be weued yµioa drc prupercy wh�equeni w �he dus a( purcMu. Selkr mre�unts rLrr buiWioas, if auY. �re eucircly vit6in thr 6woduy lines o( �Ae proyerry ud yieec m iemove �11 ye�wnal proprrry aot incluJed hneia �nd �11' ris (tam tAc p�ewisa prior w pouectiun duc. St1LFA V�AARAM'S ALL APPLIANCES, HlATIT)fa AIR CONDITIONlNG, iV1A1N�AND PLUltLLlNG USED AND LOCATED ON SAID PAFJ�tISES ARE 1N PNOPFJI 10'OUKING pADER AT DATE OP CLOSING. • The selkr (unhery tta m deliver ponession mt later Jun . ptovided that dl cond'uia4 d �hu a`reanew Mre 6een mmplied rir4. Unku nhewise �peci6ed �his sak �lull 6e dwed oo w!elorc 60 day� (rom tAe due 6ereo(. la �he event this piqierty u deuroyed u wbwn�i�lq d�myed by 6ro or wr aher au�e be(oce tAe dasins d�te. �Ay �reemsa �Aall 6nwoe aJl u�d roid. u tbe purclwer'� opeion. �nd �ll maaw p�id Aereuerkr �Irll he afunded �o bim. The buK� aod rlkr alw awa+lly agm rhat pro rau �dlrxwews d nna. iorcmn, iauquQ ywi cuY �wer. �ed. ia rhe are d �� V��Y. wrrew openeiui �=P��a. �IuU Ee a�de a� d............ .. _ ............... . ..... ........................................................... _ _. . . TAe �clkr shall, vuAin a auo�rbk �ime �fur �pprovd d rAu asreemem. furni�h w�6unn o( titk. or • ReR�� Propenr Alrunce mrtikd oo due w iocluJe pwper uud�n coreru'� b�alrupuiea. anJ Suu wd Federal ryJ��meau �nJ lirnc. The buyer Jwll 6e �Ilo�ved 10 d�ps �Ger teaipt rheno( for e�niouiva o( rid tuk �od �he m�kins d�nr ubjecrium tAerm�, wid obja�iau w be a�Jc in Wri�in� ot dacmed es 4 wived. I( �oy oAjeaiau are w m�de tAe ulkr �lull be �IkweJ 120 drys w mdce tucA [i�k aurkeubk. Pemliry� cutre¢wo d:sle e6e praenn 6eoeunJer aquird sAJI be pa[poneJ. bw upoa ootttaiaa o( [icle ud.vi�Ain IU d�ry �fee[ rrima aaia w drcpu�er, t0e prtin tAdl perlaam dw yroement �ccwJios a iu arms. I! uiJ tnk 6 aa� earkenbk �nd 'u aw made so Mubio 120 d�rs lnae rbe due of rrinen objcnian �beieto u s6ove proriJrJ. rbu rgreeioeor dull 6e wtl �ed �oid, �i apion d rAe bu�er, �nd nei�6er piocipal rhall bc lirbk Ior drnuaes `ereuuder a die aLer prwcipal. AII Tooty ibCKtO/Oft pl1A b'► i�L �ryl� �tll be KIYOAe�I. U tSt tid[ fo YiA p�OpeR� bC �OYOd m/tlttlibl! O( bt t0 IO�A! M11I110 Mid IIOK, anJ sald buycr .h.11 def.uk in .� d drc .yeeawn .nd mnr:re is defa�k [or ■ period ot l0 dqc. tAea �od in thu tut the �elkr auy eermiaam thu aomnct �od aa wd� �srmimew,s a6 dm yryme made upas �s coanu d�sll be �wioed trid �dkr �od xid �o�, u �Aeir rcspenive ioa�eus �appnr .�s Ipuylreid dam�s, aoe beins d de aa�eacs Aeao(. Thu provisiw �t �ot Jeprire eicher pny o( rhe righ� of en(orru'� dr �P�� l��+a� d doc mama prwided srA maoa �Aall aa 6e uraiored u�id. uid provideJ �uiun w mforce ��cA spaifc pedmmra tlrtl ie ms�oeaced �ider w mKka der � rj�At d aoioa sAait uiu. k u w�derxaed a�d yaead dr m'a rk b made suDjeo �o dos �ypmswl b� �de ovaer d siid premitiet in rritins ud �hu tAe uoJer- +v:onl agene u.in ao m�aner Isbk u rnpoesibk �n �aoa�ot d dw ��we�t. eaapt m rauro or �ccwn� (or drc ea►ar.t a�w� p�id roder thu[wKna. • • Thc deLvery d dl ppen wd mooia Jrll 6e iode n tAe oB�c o/:. �. !. the aodenipN. 000e� o( the �bo�e 6od, do ipe6� �he �6we y�emwt r/ Ae �k �6e� �d6 _. � ...................................... � ................................... (�AL) ......... .......................................�t. .. ..............................(SB11) �.a.vvv uy a purc interest at 10�k, payable 6 oonths in its entirety� construction. B� ......................................_........_�....._......__...........__._.. Aiwt � 1 6erebl � m pu�ue rLe �idpo�r� tor dr peioe �ed ��6eie��r�eo�io� i�d w�bNa a dl m�dkian ...._ ........ .... .............. �.........:..� �..... �...... (S�AL) a: � :i .r-. . ....... _ �...... ....(SBAL) I .. +', IF NOT UNDEQSTAOD s�s?Y-Cn�irFrFaT ♦nv�rc nase ■oney ■ort�age or contract or deed with per annum. frou the date of closing. due and from the closing date. Buyers shall pay unpaid baltnce including earned interest, prior to the start of any RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A P�tt�.?ECT UNDER TEFRA. (WINFIEID DEI�ELOPt'EPlT� INC.) BE IT AESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Fridley. Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared as follows: � 1.1. The welfare of the State of Minnesota (the "State") requires active promotion, attraction, encour- agement and development of economically sound industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chronic unemployment, and it is the policy of the State to facilitate and encourage action by local gov- ernment units to prevent the economic deterioration of such areas to the point where the process can be re- versed only by total redevelopment through the use of local, state and federal funds derived from taxation, with the attendant necessity of relocating displaced persons and of duplicating public services in other areas. 1.2. Technological change has caused a shift to a significant degree in the area of opportunity for edu- cated youth to processing, 'transporting, marketing, service and other industries, and unless existing and related industries are retained and new industries aze developed to use the available resources of the City, a large part of the existing investment of the community and of the State as a whole in educational and public service facilities will be lost, and the movement of talented, educated personnel of mature age to areas where their services may be effectively used and com- pensated and the lessening attraction of persons and businesses from other areas for purposes of industry, commerce and tourism will deprive the City and the State of the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental services and facilities for the remaining population. 1.3. The increase in the amount and cost of govern- mental services requires the need for more intensive development and use of land to provide an adequate tax base to finance these costs. 1.4. Winfield Developments, poration, or a partnership to corporation as an affiliate o= Inc., a Minnesota be formed with partner thereof cor- said (the 16 16A "Company"), has advised the Council that it desires to undertake a project which consists of the acquisition of land and the construction thereon of an approximately SS,OOQ square foot multi-tenant industrial/commercial facility (the "Project"), to be located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of 73rd Avenue and University Ave�ue in the City. 1.5. The contribute� to land, thereby opportunities existence of the more intensive increasing the in the City. Project in the City will develapment and use of tax base and employment 1.6. The City has been advised by the Company and on that basis hereby finds that conventional, commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available at such costs of borrowing that the Project would not be economically feasible and would not be undertaken but for the availability of industrial devel- opment bond financing therefor. 1.7. This Council has been advised by Miller & Schroeder Financial, Inc., Minneapolis, of the financial feasability of the Project, as so undertaken with the assistance of the City, or of its intention to purchase commercial or industrial revenue obligations of the City to finance the Project. 1.8. The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to issue its revenue bonds, notes or other obligations to finance the cost, in whole or in part, of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improve- ment, betterment or extension of capital projects con- sisting of properties uset3 and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise, including the Project, and the iss�ance of such obligations by the City would be a substantial inducement to the Company to construct its facility in the City. 1.9. The City has been advised by O'Connor & Aannan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, who shall act as bond counsel to the City with respect to the Project, that the Project constitutes a"project" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. 2. On the basis of information given the City to date, it appears that it would be in the best intezest of the City to issue its obligations (the "Bonds") under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to finance the Project in an amount presently estimated not to exceed $3,000,000. - 2 - 3. The Project and the related financing thereof by the City are hereby given preliminary approval, and the issuance of the Bonds for such purpose and in such estimated amount is-hereby approved, subject to approval of the Proj- ect by the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic De- velopment (the "Department") and to the mutual agreement of the Council, the Company and the initial purchasers of the Bonds as to the details and provision for payment of the Bonds. In all events, it is understood, however, that the Bonds shall not constit�te �. d�bt of t�e City o�r a charge, lien or encumbr�nce, legal �r �equitable, �np�n any property of the Cit�r except its interest in the Project, and each of the Honds when, as and if issued sha�i rgcite in substance that it is pa�rable solely from the revenues received from the Project and property pledged to the payment ther°of. 4. The adoption of this resolution by the Council does not constitute a guarantee or a firm commitment that the City will issue the Bonds as requested by the Company. The City retains the right in its sole discretion to withdraw from participation and accordingly not issue the Bonds should the City determine that it is in the best interest of the City not to do so or should the parties to the transac- tion be unable to reach agreement on the terms thereof. Adopted by the Fridley City 1986. - 3 - Council on September 22, � • � Clerk-Treasurer's Certificate I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing resolution with the original thereof on file in my office and furthez certify that the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom, insofar as the same relates to the pre2iminary approval of a commercial or industrial development project and the financing thereof for Winfield Developments, Inc., a Minnes�ata corporation, or a partner- ship to be formed with said corporation as an affiliate or partner thereof. I certify that Councilmember introduced said resolution, Councilmember moved its adoption, which motion was duly seconded by Councilmember , and upon roll call, the "Ayes." "Abstains" and "Nays" were as follows: AYES ABSTAINS NAYS Whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. I further certify that said resolution was duly adopted by the Fridley City Council at a duly called and regularly held regular or special meeting thereof. WITNESS my hand officially as such Clerk-Treasurer and the corporate seal of the City this day of , 1986. City Clerk-Treasurer Fridley, Minnesota (SEAL) 16C 17 City Council of the City Of Fridley, Minnesota Resalution No. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of the City's $2,800,000 Commer- cial Development Revenue Bonds (Fridley Business Plaza Limited Partnership Project), Dated as of the date of delivery thereof. WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474 (the "Act"), authorizes the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "City"), to issue its revenue obligation(s) for the purposes specified therein and for the financing of eligible projects thereunder; WHEREAS, the Borrower, being Fridley Business Plaza Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, has proposed to construct an approximately 55,000 square foot multi-tenant industrial commercial facility (the "Project") in the City, to be owned by the Borrower, and the City desires to assist the financing of the Project upon the terms and conditions specified in the Act and the Agreement (as hereinafter defined); WHEREAS, the City proposes to assist the financing of the Project by the issuance of revenue obligations of the City under the Indenture (as hereinafter defined); WHEREAS, the City proposes to enter into an Indenture of Trust, dated as of September 1, 1986 (the "Indenture"), with Norwest Bank Minneapolis, National Association, in Minneapolis, Minnesota (the "Trustee"), to provide, among other things, for the issuance by the City of its $2,800,000 Commercial Development Revenue Bonds (Fridley Business Plaza 17A Limited Partnership Project), dated as of the date of delivery thereof (the "Bonds"); WHEREAS, the City and the Borrower propose to enter into a Loan �igreement, dated as �f September I, 1986 (the "Agree- ment"), to provide, among other things, for the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Horrower to be used to finance the Project; WHEREAS, the Indenture and the Agreement contemplate the subsequent execution of Security Documents and/or Credit Provider pocuments (as defined in the Agreement and Indenture), as well as such amendments of or successors to the Indenture and the Agreement as may be desirable or necessary in connection therewith (such documents being hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Supplemental Documents"); WHEREAS, Miller & Schroeder Financial, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota (the "Original Purchaser"), proposes to purchase the Bonds, under a Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement between the Original Purchaser and the City (the "Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement"); and WHEREAS, copies of the proposed Agreement, Indenture, and Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement have been placed on file in the office of the City Clerk: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby finds that the Proj- ect is a"project," as defined in the Act, that the issuance of the Bonds for the Project would promote the purposes of the Act and that the issuance of the Bonds and the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the Indenture would serve the interests of the City. Section 2. For the purpose of assisting the financing of the Project, there is hereby authorized the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds. The Honds shall be issued in fully registered form, shall be in such denominations, shall bear interest, shall be numbered, shall be dated, shall mature, shall be subject to redemption prior to matur- ity, shall be in such form and shall have such other details and provisions as are prescribed by the Indenture. Section 3. The Bonds are authorized to be issued only as special and limited obligations of the City, payable solely from the revenues derived by the City from the Agree- ment and from the Trust Estate provided in the Indenture. Otherwise, the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City 17B within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory or Home Rule Charter provision, shall not constitute or give rise to any pecuniary iiability of the City, any charge against �he City's full faith and credit or taxing powers or any charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any funds or o�ther assets of the City. Section 4. The City Council of the City hereby autho- rizes the Mayor and the officers of the City to execute and deliver (a) the Bond Purchase an�d Remarketing Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement and (b) upon their preparation and with the prior approval of 0'Conr�or & Hannan, such of the Supplemental Documents as may be �a�cessary fflr the City to execute. Al1 of the provisioas of the Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement, when executed and delivered as authorized herein, shall be deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be in full force and effect from the date of execution and delivery thereof. The Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agree- ment, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be substantially in the form on file in the office of the City Clerk with such necessary and appropriate variations, omissions and insertions as permitted or required by such documents or as the Mayor and officers of the City executing the same, with the advice of bond counsel for the Bonds, O'Connor & Hannan, shall determine, as evidenced by such execution thereof. Section 5. The Bonds are hereby authorized to be exe- cuted by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City officials specified in the form of the Bonds contained in the Indenture and to be manually authenticated by the Trustee, all as provided in the Indenture. Section 6. All covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the City contained in this resolution and in the Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement shall be deemed to be the covenants, stip- ulations, obligations and agreements of the City to the full extent authorized or permitted by law, and all such cove- nants, stipulations, obligations and agreements shall be binding upon the City. Except as otherwise provided in this resolution, all rights, powers and privileges conferred and duties and liabilities imposed upon the City or the City Council by the provisions of this resolution, the Bond Pur- chase and Remarketing Agreement, the Inden�ture and the Agreement shall be exercised or performed by the City or by such members of the City Council or by such officers, board, body or agency thereof as may be required by law to exercise such powers and to perform such duties. 17C No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement herein contained or contained in the Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreemenx, the Indenture or the Agreement shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any member of the City Council or any officer, agent or employee of the City in that person's ir�dividual capacity, and neither the City �ouncil nor any officer executing the Bonds shall be liable p�ersonally on the B�nds or be subject to any personal liability or accountabilit�r by reason of the issu- ance thereof. Section 7. In case any one or more o€ the provisions of this resolution, the Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agree- ment, the Indenture, the Agreement or any of the Bonds issued hereunder shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this resolution, the Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement or the Bonds, but�this resolution, the Bond Purchase and Remar- keting Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement and the Bonds shall be construed as if such illegal or invalid provision had not been contained therein. Section 8. The Bonds shall contain a recital that the Bonds are issued pursuant to the Act, and such recital shall be conclusive evidence of the validity of the Bonds and the regularity of the issuance thereof and the Bonds shall con- tain a further recital that all acts, conditions and things required by the Home Rule Charter of the City and by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota in con- nection with the issuance of the Bonds to have happened, to exist and to be performed have happened, do exist and have been performed as so required by law. Section 9. The officers of the City, attorneys, engi- neers and other agents or employees of the City are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of them by or in connection with this resolution, the Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement, the Indenture and the Agreement for the full, punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained in the Honds, the Bond Purchase and Remarketing Agreement, the Indenture, the Agreement and this resolution, including without limitation the execution and delivery of all supplementary certificates and documents necessary or advisable in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. Section 10. The Trustee is hereby designated as the paying, authenticating and transfer agent and registrar for the Bonds, all as provided in the Indenture. 17D Section 11. The City Manager and City Finance Director are hereby designated and authorized to act on behalf of the City as Issuer Representative of the City under the Agree- ment. � Section 12. The Caty Coun�ci2 hereby authorizes the dis- tribution �f the Officia.l Statement prepared for the Bonds by the Original Purchaser in connection with the sale of the Bonds; however, the City has not reviewed the Official Stat�ement and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or compl�teness thereof, or otherwise. Adopted by the Fridley City Council on September 22, 1986. 17E City of Fridley City Clerk's County of Anoka Certificate I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Frid2ey, Minnesota, hereby certify as follows: The foregoing resolution, regarding the issuance and sale of the City's $2,800,000 Commercial Development Revenue Bonds (Fridley Business P3aza Limited Partnership Project), dated as of tt�e date �f rlelivery thereof was duly adopted by the Fridley City Council at � zegular or special meeting thereof duly called and regularly held on September 22, 1986. I further certify that the foregoing is a true and cor- rect copy of such resolution as on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City on September 23, 1986. City Clerk (SEAL) Fridle�, Minnesota �• CITY OF F�tILLEY MEMORANDUM ZO: NASIM M. 4URFSHI, CITY M�N�+,GIIt FR�M: RICR PRIB�, FINAN� DIR�Q�R � : �w • �.��, i� • •.� • � � i�+ i� � r. s r�i' 1 I: •`I� 1} ' SI� 171 F. ��', : .5��' �� �.% � I9� This resolution was necessary in order for Moody's to rate our variahle rate bond issues. Mr. James P. 0'Meara had informed me that these amencinents are highly ted�nical in nature and deal only with situations of default in regard to the City of Fridley and ha�ve no impact whatsoever on arn debt serviae amo�ts or any pcioritizing of debt servioe payments. RL1P:sh 3/0/3/4 t u RESOLUTION N0. Resolution Approving Amendments to Certain Reimbursement Agreements • � • IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota as follows: 1• (a) The City has issued and sold its $11,550,000 Variable Rate Demand General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1985, and its $3,100,000 Variable Rate Demand General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1985. (b) In connection with the issuance of the tax increment bonds and the improvement bonds, the City entered into certain respective Reimbursement Agreements �ith National Australia Bank Limited. (c) In order to obtain a rating from Moody's Investors Service, said rating agency has requested certain amendments to said Reimbursement Agreements, and said amendments are attached to this resolution and made a part hereof. 2. The City hereby approves the attached amendments to the Reimbursement Agreements, respectively, and authorizes the officers of the City to execute the same on behalf of the City, with such minor amendments as may be desirable or necessary, as evidenced by their execution thereof. Adopted by the Fridley City Council this 8th day of September, 1986. 19 CITY OF FRIDLEY MEMO T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICHARD D. PRI6YL, FI�RNCE OIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESOLU�IONS S�LI7TING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE SE�TEMBER 22, 1986 AGE��� DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 The property concerned in the resolution author�zing the splitting of special assessments on Lots 4-7, Block 4, Oak 6rove Addition, has been previously dealt with by the City Council and has been recorded at Anoka County. The property concerned in the resolution authorizing the splitting of special assessments on part of Lot 1, Block 1, except part platted as Condominium No. 9, Western Ridge Estates Addition, has been recorded at Anoka County. Condominium plats may be recorded at Anoka County without Council approval. Only the splitting of special assessments requires Council action. The property concerned in the resolution authorizing the splitting of special assessments on Lot 3(except south 204 feet of east 200 feet and except north 126,01 feet of east 200 feet), Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, was split and recorded at Anoka County during the period when divisions were allowed to be recorded at the County without prior City approval, The County has now requested that the City split the assessments for this division. We are presenting these resolutions to the Council to comply with the legal requirements regarding the splitting of special assess- ments on these properties. A map showing each division is attached. RDP ps 19A RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ANO DIRECTING 7HE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 4-7, BLOCK 4, OAK GROVE ADDITION WHEREAS, certain special ass�essments have �e�a �ea�e�i �ith respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R�SOLVED as follows: That the assessments levied against the following described parcel, to-wit: Lots 4-7, 81ock 4, Oak Grove Addition, may and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel Lots 4- , 6�, Oak Grove Add'n (Pin No. 13 30 24 14 0079) Division of Parcel Lot 4 and N. 22.5 Feet of Lot 5, Blk. 4, Oak Grove Addition (Pin No. 13 30 24 14 0127) S. 17.5 Feet of Lot 5 and Lots 6 and 7, Blk. 4, Oak Grove Additian (Pin No. 13 30 24 14 0128) Fund Regular SA SW #26 ST. 1966-1 SS #114 ST. 1966-1 Fund Regular SA SW �26 ST. 1966-1 SS #114 ST. 1966-1 Regular SA SW #26 ST. 1966-1 SS #114 ST. 1966-1 Original Amount Pa i C�— Paid Paid $ 761.62 Paid 761.62 Original Amount Pai d Pai d Pai d $ 297.03 Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 464.59 Paid $^ 6.2 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986. MAYOR W�lliam J. Nee ATTEST: CITY CLERK Shirley A. Haapa a � -� T�i'� � �:;�, 1na� :�i s� � + `� ��' ti�: (i14! i „e' � �' ,.'� - > >= �,.4 � : � - ;,; ,i�'_,�`�.SG��OL' ' : _.,►y>> _ _ ;�� . ; ' i:=> �:1 `d�i � � . � 'C��','�1; l. ' • � __yJf_ _ — — - 5 '- - • ��'— /�Ii % � {�--- — 'iS ) ♦1L�� ` .,Zr - —� ���� / -- , • ,(,to��: -=�,,ll� ' � s �► I i r 1i�� � __� , --- - ` . , _ �� = ¢ ��� � � ^ � j � � � � ._� -_ �• �n� I � z2/7�) 'eO�) l�'; � , l • / "� z . .'v' Si: ° (h)?�' � N).: . • : , �e .ii' _ 4' i ' f�� -`'�— �) '�' �2 � i:9•�s, .'=c �= � ls� , �): ,s .. � . a �'�•J � 0 `'� • ... =.t• . � .�(v o - -v .t � 66 TH W ;j. W .�, + i , ; o(ri) i ,� Y .. ; �: ^ 2� Ht) MI� Z� Z (roi). _:� �fi - - � ; (�eb; e - � t"' � N � ^ .' (1�% �i i'"" _ • � h L-u �% a ? v, ,_6 �^ �` , I _ �! i v r ��f) ._'_: . � '� � . z 4 rr) --- Y `-t '`y J� - 23 -- _° ld% O �,e1)� _ " f1'' � I � . , ���v , , z l� , , � � , d . -,: Ir�, �.,, . Q ,.,�._ . — � � F' l'�`� i�. tl '.�.:j �j : e 1`,,�/ ��/'��^c . .. �fT i.��T.-'TW — —,-t - DIVISION OF PARCEL (Pin No. 13 30 24 14 0127) (Pin No. 13 30 24 14 0128) i , '�•'': .� I � �c , ; � t ► • � � ORIGINAL PARCEL (Pin No. 13 30 24 14 0079) -� r ► G, r /� .: t < �` � 0 � , ; �. .� � i I 4 5 6 T Fi W ;- 1 Z (ro�)..�:�� `� � (M�% c � � L� ::6 �N) ... _ Y /'�1�� 0 � ` _ 2 12 a,.;,.. . f- L �iAIY.- W � r W � � � . __�_:. � � crnroF F�� 19C CIVIC CENTEIt � trt3t UNIVEKSITY AV�E_ �11.E. FRIDi.EY, �lIN�ESOTA 55432 • PHONE 161''1571-�15�► Terry Barrett 1463 Windemere Circle West Fridley, MN �5421 CITY COUt�IL ACTION TAKEM iV10�ICE May 20, 1986 On May 19, 1986, the Fridley City Council officially approved your request for a lot split, L.S. #86-04, by Terry Barrett, to split off the northerly 22.5 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, Oak Grove Addition and add to Lot 4, Block 4, Oak Grove Addition to create a separate 62.5 foot lot. The southerly 17.5 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, Oak Grove Addition will remain with Lots b and 7, Block 4, Oak Grove Addition to create a separate 97.5 foot lot, the same being 6562 Anoka Street N.E. with the following stipulations: 1. Park fee of E750.00 to be paid prior to issuance of building permit and moving permits. 2. A new double garage compatible with house facade to be constructed and a hard surface driveway to be installed to the new garage prior to issuance of building and moving perr�its for the house or provide.an 58,000 performance bond and complete improvements by July 15, 1986. 3. Lot split to be recorded at Anoka County prior to issuance of building and moving permits. 4. Variances for lot area from 9,000 square feet to 7,994 square feet and lot width from 75 feet to 62.5 feet to be approved with lot split. • If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call the Planning Department at 511-3450. Sincerely, � �� , ��. Ci.�n+:� �� 'Z���,• / / � ( _ James� L . Robi nson Planning Coordinator JLR/dm Please review the noted stipulations, sign the statement�below and return one copy to the City of Fridley Planning Department by June 3, 1986. Concur with action taken RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PART OF LOT 1,-BLOCK 1, EXCEPT PART PLATTED AS CONDOMINIUM N0. 9, WESTERN RIDGE ESTATES ADDITIOff WHEREAS, certain sQecial assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequentiy been subdi��ded, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO as follows: That the assessments levied against t�e fallow�n� described parcel, to-wit: part of Lot 1, Block 1, expart part platted as Condominium No. 9, Western Ridge Estates Addition, may and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel Fund Original Amount Part of Lot , Block 1, ezcept part Regular SA Pai platted as Condominium No. 39, SS #40 Paid Western Ridge Estates Addition 1985 Service Connections $ 2,250.74 (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0030) , 50 .� Division of Parcel Fund Original Amount Part of Lot , B ock 1, except part Regular SA Pai� platted as Condominium No. 39 SS #40 Paid and lst Supplement, Western 1985 Service Connections $ 1,500.50 Ridge Estates Addition (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0033) Unit 3, Western Ridge Estates Condominium No. 39, lst Supplement (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0034) Regular SA Paid SS #40 Paid 1985 Service Connections $ 375.12 Unit 4, Western Ridge Estates Regular SA Paid Condominium No. 39, lst SS #40 Paid Supplement 1985 Service Connections $ 375.12 (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0035) .,25 . 4 ADOPTEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY m , 1986. YOR Wi iam J. Nee ATTEST: ITY LERK Shir ey . Haapa a 20 20 A ., r� •. -,:.,; ,.� •.�. ��•=. -- _ •- .� .. , .. ....��. . ..•� :�...v,_,_, �-� - - 362�6 wEST - . S �i — :..� - - - - --- - � � � - - -- -'i�«- _- _ - --- � �_ • 6�-� lw�uf�arf e���t frvst �t w�a�) � �- `�I • .tr+• • rrw� ��.w._ �R� i _zy.. . . .' f. ,�'90•�'. �. W£��� - q;.. �e..e. ��?C�E � ' i� l., i ;�: t, �_ _ ; •'"• ec i sht�t�r e�; ;�$�S c°"'°" ` � . ' � ,' '�e'en � r •� g i �.���5 -. .. � \ aoort,o;� �30� � "°.,,��: � .•,'°''°'°'. �,. , , � »o •� ccu..ow ; ; [►fr[wT" �� � �• ° o. .�,� . A A \ b, a REA � „ � -- - - s L STqTE s , taiNTS � g2 � ��! C•3�6 � eo • � 8 2` _1 • 2' IEvE� , g 3 :,. �'� � ��� �. �_ � :� -' � ' i,. STAUCT : 3 � ,�4 i i °�9. � ���'�� + � �E w � �' ,.�.� 3� r: `' � ° ?:, 4.2 � �\ ��' � �� \q7� °�'"'�a ao a rn ,, lti 4• , �g' '�►�,� � �' � ' • ' �• � . : � ''}-a . � 3. •�-� �� y easK�r 0 ..' �� w � K N ... �. . q ~ . '�1 0;��' \ o ;:, I �; '7/1 '• � . �1: 93 � � ' .t; ^' �::;. `-�_� � �. .. `� ORIGINAL PARCEL _•.e (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0030) DIVISION OF PARCEL (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0034) (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0035) (Pin No. 24 30 24 33 0033) ., c � -,. ,; .,,. ,� .. : , � • , �, .� . . , i :.•. � _._. G . �' - 362�6 wEST - - " _ .,.a�_ . - - - - � .. � ..,. , . •. . � ' �i — ':sv�- - — -- i J �--- '— -�— - ' — — . S � 1a•u.�+ws c.�.e (rvff K N•i�) - ,� �. . �•� � � `;. st �" ;�.... • .....�. $ R; i t{�}�� � . �� � � COMY�M e � � �?�� ''. �� �.-tzt7f�/ �:. � �o•re� R i�ii��7� o $ � r�ip ee�' i 7. [�(rtwT� . O • p� \�_ b�Ge[Yr ,_ w . � a ^ tVrtwr e�� � � ei fse p� 7 A C `y�� .n� • � /, ' � ` ""�o�oe � ; "��o't�•L�i1� �7 a • e • ` \ ' 4pp�jt - ' `w. Igf i.o�°'�eoo-a Zo 00 � "�� ` • ! . ,,. , wESr � untS � 92 � ��3 'b•�000 �� RE4� �STq�E � � 2• l e 3 ;�: Os � �ao _ �� i' , i EvEI e e ,. •�3 � _: . , _, (�* • � siR : � � �.� �\ � �_ _ � •,� • uCruAE a �Orl� � •�,.! -f.. . e f tr _ +� . . .,� '1i.♦ • S1 ., � �� Q�� ` �\ � � \�\ fM.loep-[ N ii/ �: •� „'�±�J�?9`3� �� ''+�'..,�t�ti�+\ t�tw�r � �%' :�:f . 'e � � ;�y � o r' . ;`. V ; • �': ' R•��� �'. � � � • (1: 9 'c' s ; :: �._ . ••fYi.' �.�= � � ��s RESOLUTION N0. - 1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOT 3(EXCEPT SOUTH 204 FEET OF EAST 200 FEET AND EXCEPT NORTH 126.01 FEET Of EAST 200 FEET), BLOCK 2, EAST RANCH ESTATES 2ND ADDITION WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been divided, NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO as follows: That the assessments levied aqainst the ��llowing described parcel, to-wit: Lot 3(except south 204 feet of Qast 2�0 feet and except north 126.01 feet of east 200 feet), Block 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, may and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Ori inal Parcel Fund Lot 3 Ex. S. 04' of E. 200' and Regu�ar SA Ex. N. 126.01' of E. 200'), SS No. �14 Blk. 2, East Ranch Estates 2nd Reassmt. of S� Addition No. 102 (Pin No. 02 30 24 33 0005) Division of Parcel Fund Lot 3 Ex. S. 204 thereof and Ex. Regular SA N. 126.01' of E. 200'), Blk. 2, SS No. 114 East Ranch Estates 2nd Addition Reassmt. of SS (Pin No. 02 30 24 33 0024) No. 102 That part of S. 204' of Lot 3, B1-k. 2, lying W, of E. 200' thereof (Pin No. 02 30 24 33 0023) Regular SA SS No. 114 Reassmt. of SS No. 102 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS OF ATTEST: , 1986. ITY LERK S ir ey . Haapa a Ori inal Amount Pai b 2,373.36 3,057.03 � - Original Amount Paid $ 901.88 1,161.67 Pa i d $ 1,471.48 1,895.36 ,4 . DAY MAYOR Wil iam J. Nee 21 21A ORIGINAL PARCEL Pin No. 02 30 24 33 0005 DIVISION OF PARCEL Pin No. 02 30 24 33 0023 Pin No. 02 30 24 33 0024 R�V��1 N0. - 1986 �� RESCLUt'�TI RELATIl� 'IO �E 1rD�FIQ�iTIDIJ BY THE HOOSING AND RE�II,OR�1T AU�C�tI'iR IN AND E�R �E CITY OF FRILg,EY OF THE NDDIFIED RE�EVELOPi��NT PLAN P�R ITS REDEVELOPMENT HtC17ECT N0. 1, �E Al�@iII�NT OF 7.SE TAX INQtEN@]T FINANQNG PLAI�fS �IVE ZO �X IN�NT FINANCING DISTRICi'S N0. 2 ��8 N0. 6 ZU REFLECT IN(REASID PRnTECT �STS WITHIN REDLrVF�LOPMENT AtOJBCT N0. 1, �E F�TABLISHI�NT OF TAX INQtEl�F1�l'P PTNANQNG DIS'IRICT N06. 7 AND 8 LOCATED WITHIN RECF,VELOR�IT PRCUHCT N0. 1 AND �E APPRaVAL BY R8E CITY OF �itITLEY OF Z8E PROPOSF�D TAX INCREI�:NT FINANCING PI.ANS P+OR TAR INQtF��@1T FINANC�NG D�SS7RILR 1�. 7 AND 8 BE IT R�SOLVID by the City Council (the "Co�mcil") of the City of Fric�.ey, Minnesota (the "City") , as folla�rs: Section 1. R�ecitals. � 1.01. It has been Frop�sed and apFraved tr� the Housing and Redevelopnent Authority in and for the City (the "Authority") that the Authority a�nend the MQdified Recle�velopnerit I11an for its Redevelogaent Proj ect No. 1 pursuant to and in acoordanoe with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 to 462.716, inclusive, as amended. It has been further proposed and approved by the Authority that the Authority anend the Tax Increment Financing Plans relating to Tax Increnent Fir�ancing Districts Na 2 through No. 6 within Redevelopnent Project No. 1 to reflect increased project wsts and that the Authority establish Tax Increnent Fir�ancing District Nos. 7 and 8 within Redevelopnent Project No. 1 and acbpt the Fcoposed Tax Increnent Financing Plans relating thereto, all pursuant to and in aco�rdanae with (�►?n_esota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.78, inclusive, as amended. 1.02. �e Authority has caused to be prepared, and this Council has investigdted the facts with respect thereto, a Frop�sed Modif ied Redevelopnent Plan (the "Redevelopnerit Plan") for Redevelopnerit Project No. 1 defining more �recisely the property to be included and the proj ect oosts to be incurred within Redevelopnent Project No. 1. The Authority has also caused to be prepared, and this Council has also investigated the facts with respect thereto, the prop�sed Tax Increment F'inancing Plans (the "Tax Increment Fi.nancing Plans") for Tax Increnent Financing District Nos. 7 and 8, respectively, within Recievelopnent Proj ect No. 1. 1.03. 'Ihe Authority and the City have performed alI actions requi red by l�r to be performed prior to the �nendment of the Tax Increment Financing Plans relating to Tax Increnent Fir�ancing Districts No. 2 through No. 6, the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 within Redevelopnerit Project Na 1, and the amendnent o� the Redevelopnent Plan and acbption of the prop�sed Tax Increnent Financing Plans. RESCGUI'�IJOtd NQ —1986 �E Z 22 A 1.04. Zhe �uncil hereb� determines that it is neoessary and in the best iriterest o� the City at this time to a�nend the�Tax Increnent Financing Plans relating ta Tax Increnent Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 6, to estatal ish Tax Increnent Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 within Redevelognent Proj ect No. 1, and to ap�rwe the amendne.nt � the Redevelopnent Plan and the adoption of the proposed Tax Increnent FS.r�ncing Plans. -• • �• t.t: . �,- _• ���'� • i '.�t.'► �-� �• � � �� .�� : 2.01. The Council hereby finds, determines and declares that the establisfiment of Tax Increnent Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 lomted within Redevelopnent Proj ect Na 1 is irYtended and, in the j udgnent of this Council, its effect will be, to f�ther pcavide an impetus for aommercial, industrial and housing developnent, increase emplayment and tax base and otherwise �xcmote vertain pulal ic purposes and acaxnpl ish oertain obj ectives as specif ied in the Redevelopnent plan and the Tax Increnent Financing Plans (oollectively referred to as the "Plans"). 2.02. The Council hereby finds, determines and declares that Tax Increne.nt Fir�ancing District No. 7 is a redevelopnent district within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73, Subdivision 10(a) (3j , and that Tax Increnent Financing District No. 8 is an eoonomic developnent district inder Subcli.vision 12 o� said section. 2.03. �e Council finds, determines and declares that the proposed c3e�velopnent and red�velopnent, in the oFanion of the �Lncil, would not occur solely throuc� private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use ca� tax increaent financing is deemed neoessary. 2.04. 7he Cb�cil finc�, determines and declares that the proposed Tax Increnent Financing Plans for said Tax Inccenent Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 wnform to the oomprehensive plan of the City. 2.05. Zhe ��mcil finds, determiraes and declares that the proposed Tax Increnent Financing Plans wi11 afford maximun opportunity and be oonsistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the development or redevelopnent of Redevelogner►t Project No. 1 by private enterprise. 2.06. 7he �incil finds, determir�es and declares that fiscal disparities not be taken fran within Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 and 8 and therefore cbes not elect the tax increnent oanputation set forth in Section 273.76, �bdivision 3, Qause (b) . RFSQ.Ui�1 N0. —1986 PAGE 3 2, � � -� • _�. �.- • _tt :�i..t����..t • .�. � =���'� �-� �• '�a �- �• • �., � =i�: � �-� �• � y �� ti� • .� +� . 3.01. Zhe Gb�cil herei� finds that the aanencfient of the Tax Increment Financing Plans relating to Tax Increnerit Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 6 is intended and, in the judgnent af this �incil, its effect will be, to incorporate the amount of proj ected development costs and bonded inde}�techess of the Froposed Tax Increnent Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 th rouc�out Tax Increnent E'i nanci ng Di str ict s No. 2 th rough No. 6 and w ill furi-her Frcmote the pulalic pe�rposes arxi acaomplish the otrjectives specified in the respective Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increnent Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 6. —« . �... .� • �: ,� 4.01. �he Froposed amenc�nerit to the Rec7evelopnent Plan and acbption of the Tax Increnent Financing Plans for Tax Incrsnent Financing District Nos. 7 and 8 greserited to the O��cil on this chte are hereby approved and adopted and shall be plaoed on file in the offioe o� the City Qerk. PA.SSID AND ADOFTID BY �iE QTY mLTNQL OF ZHE QTY OF k�tIII,EY �IS 22AID DAY OF Septenber, 1986. WII�L IAM J. NEE — N�13cDR AZTEST: SZiIl2I,EY A. HP�APAI,A — CITY Q�ERR _ � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCfL SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 EXCAVATING North Pine Aqqreqate Inc. 1814 Northdale Blvd. Coon Rapids, Nai 55433 Villaqe Plumbing, Inc. 7731 Lake Drive Lirn Lakes, NIIJ 55014 GAS SERVICES United Heatinq & Air Conditioninq 7909 - 30th Avenue North Crystal, [�IIJ 55427 Thermex Corporation 4850 Park Glen Road St. Louis Park, NII�I 55416 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Builders & Remodelers Inc. 3517 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Mt7 55420 Coronado Stone 1628 Highway �10 Sprinq Lake Park, I�II7 55432 Dalco FtAOfinq & Sheet Metal Znc. 15525 - 32nd Avenue North Plymouth, Mtd 55447 Du All Service Contractors, Inc. 636 - 39th Avenue P7. E. Columbia Heights, t�IId 55432 Gilbertson Construction 7704 Riverdale Drive Brooklyn Park, rII4 55444 Hince Roofing 2071 Oakwood Drive Mounds View, MN 55112 Masters Builders 337 - 104th Lane N.E. Blaine, 1�IId 55434 Quarnstrotn Construction 2205 - 140th Lane N.W. Andover, !nd 55304 By: Dennis Jensen By: Mark Aldridge By: Jerry Peterson By: Clirtis Brekke By: Sharon Grabor By: Ardeen Brever By: Richard Tnunble By: Gary Dooner By: Steve Gilbertson By: Mike Kelly By: Ronald Hartfiel By: Bruce VanDen Boo� -- LtCENS APPRWED BY DARREL CIARK Chief Bldg. Offici Same BILL SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. Same LIARREL CLARK Chief Bldg . Of f i Same Same Same Same Same Same Same FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSE�3 September 22, 1986 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY �.�1���: .� : �/ �,� �.' : �� � �. )�I 4� �I� � ' �;��./ar : • • . . Ch-Ox Properties Inc. 137 Mississippi P1. 13562 Highway �65 N.E. , . Anoka, I�i 55303 Chris Jelevarov 160 Mississippi P1. 6477 Riverview Z�err. N.E. Fridley, NQ1 55432 4 35.Q0 4 36.00 Chris Jelevarov 6471-77 Riverview T�rr. 3 6477 Riverview Terr. N.E. Fridley. NII�I 55432 Rodger & La Vearle 6530 2rid Street Carey 10270 Mississippi Blvd Coon Rapids, NQ1 55433 Gerald & Sonia Guimont 6551 2nd Street 2187 Lakebrook Drive New Brighton, NII�t 55112 Willard Guimont 5980 3rd Street 5980 - 3 rd St. N. E, #1 Fridley, NQT 55432 Yacoub M. E1-ziq 5420 5th Street 13129 Parkw�ood Dr. . Burnsville, NII�1 55337 Glen W. Peterson 380 57th Place 380 57th Place N.E. Fridley, NII�I 55432 Wayne R. ThomQson 7339-41 Ab1e Street 7339 Able St. I� Fridley, I�l 55432 Marvey Mayer 7431-33 Able Street 7431 Able St. 1� Fridley, I�i 55432 John Ha�nang 140-42 Charles Street 805 Windemere Drive Plymouth, NQV 55441 Star Homes, Ltd. 7325-27 Evert Court 5571 E. Bavarian Pass Fridley, 1�IIV 55432 � 4 f�] 4 4 4 1 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 0 FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSE�3 September 22, 1986 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY !.hl�: ! ; M �,� �_ =. 11 � �. J�i 4- : ' �C��./a� : . . . Mary Hanson 7851-55 Firwood Way 7851 Firw�ood Way 1� Fridley, NII�i 55432 Rodger & La Vearle Carey 7857-61 Fizwood Way 10270 Miss. Blvd. 1�W Coon Rapids, 1�1 55433 Charles & Beverly Jones 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr,262 708 - 125th Ln. I� Blaine, I�I 55434 P G Associates 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr,266 2401 Walnut Ave. New Brighton, NII�1 55112 Schwieters & Associates 1601 N. Innsbruck Dr,275 1634 Hwy. 10 N.E. Spring Lake Park, I�IlV 55432 Rristin ChaQnt�ers-Maehle 160�. N. Innsbruck Dr,302 1372 Carling Drive St. Paul, !�I 55108 John Crist 1261-1263 Norton Avenue 1263 Norton Ave. I� Fridley, r'II�l 55432 T'hanas Shier 1295-97 Norton Avenue 1715 Heritage Lane I� New Brighton, N�1 55112 Faye Christianson 6389-91 Pierce Street 6389 Pierce St. 1� Fridley, NIIV 55432 � Jo Ella P. Finch 7450 Stinson Blvd. 13935 Futman St. I� , Forest Lake, NII�1 55025 � Michael Chies 7313-15 University Ave. 2760 - 219th Ave. 1� Cedar, l�II�i 55011 . Steven Petschel 7323-Z� L�niversity Ave. 7325 Univ. Ave. I� FridZey, NIlV 55432 - i ii.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1 12.OQ 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 I I2.00 - - FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- LICENSE�3 September 22, 1986 RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY �.i►�?+� .� : � •,� • .1 � �. ��r �- i • a:.•.��� - `� . . . Sylvia Holmen 5816 - 2nd St. I� Fridley, NII�I 55432 Roland W. Little 5710 Bossen Terrace Mpls, I�l 55417 Charles Haussler 5684 Jackson St. I� Fridley, NIN 55432 J and B Properties c/o William J. Frauly 169 Crawn Rd. I� Fridley, NII�I 55421 Stephen T. & Doreen Lischalk 5357 - 4th St. I� Fridley, l�ll�l 55421 Richard H. Kappes 3129 Webster Avenue Mpls, I�u�l 55416 Gerald R. Foss 7691 Central Ave. I� Fridley, NR�1 55432 Ted & Elaine Shirley 2800 Huntington Ave. Mpls, I�II�i 55416 Sa�ne awner as above Same oFmer as above W. Thomas & Gloria Shier 1715 Heritage Lane New Brighton, NIIV 55112 5816 2nd Street 5780-90 2 1/2 Street 5839-41 3rd Street 5339 4th Street 5357 4th Street 5370 4th Street 5940 4th Street 6242-44 Sth Street 6252-54 Sth Street 6272-74 5th Street 1580-84 73 1/2 Avenue n 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 1 12.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 24.00 2 2 2 24.00 24.00 24.00 � = FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL " ESTIMATES SEPi�BSt 22, 1986 A & S AsFfialt, Inc. 1700 Inch,istry Blvd. Anoka, Md 55303 Street Im�,rwenent Praj ec� No. 3P. 1986 — 3 FINAL ESTII�+ATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 85,813.00 . AND, Street Imprwenent Project ST. 1986 — 1& 2 F�rtial Estimate No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 10,202.62 �gere A Aic{aak & Assoca.tes 545 Indian Mo�nd Wayzata, MV 55391 For Professional Servioes FYan July 29 to Atx3ust 27, 1986 . . . . . . . . . .$ 434.90 E}�ebak Construction P.O. Box 139 Northf ield, NN 55057 Denolition and Site Grading Pro�ject #163 Fartial Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 188,311.85 �de Engir�eering, Inc. 9001 Fast Bloanington FYeeway B loan ington, 1�N 55420 Fbr Ehgineering Serviaes Performed Lake Fbinte �rporate (�enter . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,745.11 QTY OF FRIII,EY PUBLIC WORKS UEP�IR�TT E�VGINEER7NG DIVISION 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley,�Minnesota 554342 Septeober 22, 1986 Honorable Mayor and City (buncil City of Fridley % Nasim M. Qureshi, City Manager 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, rTI 55432 Council MeR►bers: CERTIFICAZE OP' �iE ' II�1GI1'�ER 25 A We herety sulmit the Final Estimate for Street Improvement Project No. .ST. 1986 - 3 for H& S Asphalt, 1700 Industry Blvd., Anoka, Md. 55303. We have viewed the work under contract for the construction of Street Iiapravenent Project No. ST. 1986 - 3 and find that the same is substantially oanglete in accordanoe with the vontract cbcunents. I recommend that i inal p3yment be made up�n acoeptanoe of the work by your Honorahle Body, and that the one-year oontractual maintenance bond oamnence on the date listed. l�espectfully sutmitted, > > ohn G. Flora, P. E. Pul�1. ic Works Di rector Prepared by: B''► Q�ecked by: .- JT/ts 3/6/�/22 Septenber 22, 1986 25 B CITY OF FRIILEY S�� IMPkOWII�3�]T PROT�CT N0. ST. 1986-3 CF�TIFIC'ATE OF �iE OONi'RAC'it�R Zhis is to oertify that items of the work shawn in the statement of work certified herein have been actually furnished and done for the above mentioned projects in acoordanoe with t-he plans and specifications heretofore appraved. Zhe final contract oost is $85,813.00 and the final payment of $2b,997.83 for the impravenent �oject wi11 caver in full, the contractor's claims against the City for all labor, .materials and other work done by the c:ontractor unaer this project. I declare �mder the penal ties of perj ury that this statement is j ust and correct. H & S ASPHP,I,T, INC. � Contractor Representative (Tit1e) JT/ts 3/6/4/20 25 C Septenber 22, 1986 Zb: Public Works Director City of Fridley RF•PORT ON FII�L IIZSPDCTION FOR STRFE,'T PROJ�CT ND. sST. 1986 - 3 We, the �mdersicyled, have inspected the ab�ve mentioned project and f ind that the work required by the o�ntract is substantially complete in conformity with the plans and specif ications of the �oject. All dif iciencies have been corrected by the oontractor. So, therefore, we reoarunend to you that the City apprave the attached FINAL ESTIMAZE for the oontractor and the one-year maintenance bond, starting f rom the day of the fina.l. inspection• that being Septenber 22, 1986. � Jon Zhcmpson, Construction Inspector Contractor Representative. (Tit1e) CM,/ts 3/6/4/21 CITY OF fR1DLEY EN6INEERIM6 DEPARTME�iT 5431 11NIYERS[TY RVE'�UE l�.E. FRID�EY, MiN�iESOTA 55432 �ATE: SEP'EMBER 22, 148b J.%2-iiU-uv0-8507 25 D y � kE: Esttaate Na. 3 fINAI !_; !�uGC;'d.:�:? '".3ruf d�d �lt ��Ui��il �<<,, �: �.;�;Ey Fericd Ending: SEPTEMEE� 1b, 1O8b . '. _..:vzr�ity ASErue M.E. ,.�.e•,�, Ni�:n�=cta �`432 Far: H S� S�sphalt, Inc, L�NT4AC? ;?EM -------------------------------------------- �,�Cfd�l �•Ei:%�J114�1� .ra;ofield ka�;: Fcr t?•.drart '�al•:e E;:� Ad;us.rent :5" R�P Sto►c °eNer ::' FCF �,ora Se�2r i.ui;�3�i'r:� �9t��i °d51ii °:7' M�;uSt �f3A2 3f.� Gi��a �35t1!1� ��b��Clt �XCd':3tiC' �i;:CK ��Ca':dt:0i� b�d!1�13� 9��rr�� 'cc,=ei] °�.r;;+� ��a �:e��ve ��ncrete CUfS And Gut!er ��r,.rete CurS ar.� G:�tter 8-5.8 ,,,.n�rete �urb 3tiY 5;:t.er 8-6�4 b' ��ntr2:e �riveway °av2�e�t ��.",�(2�t� '��dli�'� i7;:ii2f G�,:��ed Rc�k For Drive�ays :ia±er Nyy���d:c 4a5a I�id55 �:) :n�:ai: :ri:k "edia� °aving i:c-,;:rete "edia,� �avir,g �i!��aircus "aterial Ecr Ta�k Coat 5aw P:t�a�i*aus °avr��eat �;earir,a �o;:rse "!i;:ture b;rder �curse "ixt�re 'ci:��icaus "atesial F;:r Mixture �:;G .ri'd�e Ex_3Y��iG� P�;a"n� �ru8,' � : 170U In�ustrv Elvd. Ano�a, "n. 55:;u3 5TA?EvENT Cf elt7kK, - �TRE�T IMFROJE"!ENT �k4JEC? 5T. lG36-3 �stisated Unit Quantity Price UNIT --------------------------------------- �ach Cu. Yd. 1 ?5.U0 Each Lin. ft. Lin. Ft. Each � i(;�.(%Q :3Ch 1�)�� 2.00 Cu. Yd. Cu, Yd. 1450 0.5i1 Cu. Yd. 110 1.00 Cu. Yd. 1�"v0 ..25 5q. Yd. 760 3.�)0 Lin. Ft. :550 7.?5 Lin. ft. Li�. Ft. Sq. Yd. �lfl. Gt. Tcn 15 5.00 11/6a1. 1503 °.00 Tcn 2460 4.00 5q. Ft. 136 25.00 Sq. Yd. 1860 0.10 6a1 140 ?.0� Lin. Ft. iJ79 ib.50 Tan 5�6 15.00 Ton 45 155.00 Ton l940 �.20 Cu. Yd. 1 9,5�?�.00 Lunp Suv �UANTITY TH:S TOTAL TOTAL EST!!!ATG aL'ANTITY AMJJNI ---------------------------------------------- 0 3 u 3 u I�CO 0 350 u 2?Z6 :5:. 1B02 18��4 1804 � 0 200 Q 1040 323 323 U 8?t 19 63 � 0.98 ?�5.00 ?i�0.00 2,6G0.00 1, {�60. 00 ZI,1?b.50 14,416.00 7,216.00 20.4C 2,080.00 5,329.50 12,3t5.00 4,765.��0 9,°;4�.OU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l---------------- � T�'al S85 B13.04 �i,ari+NY: �. -:�a: ,..-+.a:t A�:�;:nt ��r,;r;c: :c�iticr,s C�a��e Order # 1 .0.^.�fdC+ �'2�l:Ct10��5 F`@V�52� i.viii.!d�� y3G11(it .a:ue Cc:,r;et2d Tc Late =�.c�.i' �;e*air,ed ;`,", ,,,,., �_E'�� liuuu'i ��iu N(QViu',:'sl� �M�i,�.jT r;iF Tc ,r�w * ' �.il 4U� IH1J J'i AI ..cRricr� a*r ,� *�` r�� �, rTn � ,_N ;,r �;.:�T A;,�„ 25 E f99.b06.00 E9,500.00 50.04 f108,106.40 i95, 613. i,�J SO.00 ib4,61`.11 f;;�,99?.°� .^e�e�v �erti4y L�3t tiiB �crk perfcr�ed ard .he oaterials supp!ied .o date un�er the ter:�s a� the cc,r��ract for this .�c;ect, a-d all 31::�;,rized charges tha,-eto, have an a�tual value un�er the contract af the a9e�r.ts shawn on this e3:ir.ate iand the fi�al quantities cn the 4ina1 esti�ate are correctl, and that this estiaate is ju�t and carrect and no rar± �f the '�;�aur,t Thi Estinate" has heen received. Ey --- -�� �-- Jate �^ /� �6 - ------- ------ --- -------------- ;, ractar's Authar;zed °epresentative tTitle) �Ek?IFIC�TE OF THE E!l6INEER : hereDy certify that I have prepared or exaoined this estiaate, and that the ccntract�r is entitled to pay0ent of this e�tioa:e ucder the contract for reference project. CITY OF FR;�LEY, I!�5P�CTOR �Y -----t--' -�'l----- -- -- ---- Checked By i!����-���� Oate � �--� �� Respectfully Submitted, �jl � - --- ---------------- n G. Flo; a,P.E. Pablic llorks Qirectar �._:._._ _..�.:.... �..,. � — -- — — -