10/20/1986 - 5083AGFNIl�i FI�R H7BLIC REFERFNCE OJUNQL NEETIi� OCi�O�IIt 20, 1986 fiwnr 7 1 M l7 L [- o� � �t�s � ra�ss ; CONSIDERATION OF LANOSCAPE PLAN FflR APACHE CAMP I NG CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z - 2 B CONSIDEP.ATION OF SECOND REAQING OF AN C�RDINANCE OFCLAP.ING CER7�,IN REAL ESTATE TO BE SURPLUS AND AUTHOR i Z I NG THE SALE THEREOF . . . . . . • • • � � � � • • 3 l t^d �US ( NESS : CONSlDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY COOE. CHAPTER 5�6. ENTI7LE0 ��VEHICLE PARKING BY AMENDING SECTIONS �� 5Pi6 . �2 AnD 5[?�6 .1 P� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 C COUP:C I L h�EET I hG, �CTCBER 2Q. 1986 �I�� �US I �!ESS ( Cor�T � r;u.� CONSIDEP.ATION OF FIRST REAOING OF AN OROINANCE APPROU I NG a REZOr: I�!G REQUEST. ZQA �'�6-�4. TO REZONE FROM C-3 (GEPJERAL SHOPPI�6 CENTER? TO C-P1 (GE�lERAL OFFICE? QN PARCEL 2570. THE SAME BEING 7699 V I RON POAD (�� . E . . 8Y l�1AYhE DANL . . . . • . . PAGE 3 ,...5-5E C0�5 I DEP.AT I 0�. OF F I RST REAQ I(�G OF AN ORD I NANCE A.PPROVihG A I�ACATiON REQUEST, SAU #Rb-�4, TO VACATE PAP.T OF A�� FOOT EQSEMEPlT FOR PUBLIC Roao PURPOSES (VIROh ROAD) LYING NORTH OF THE (�lORTH 213 FEET. AS �"EASUREO AT RIGHT PRGLES i0. THE PlORTH L t NE OF THE �!ORTHEAST i�UARTER OF THE PIORTHWEST C?UARTER AND THE (�!ORTH L I NE OF THE NORTHWEST (:UARTER OF THE NORTHWE�T i1UAP.TER LYiNG EAST OF. ANQ ADJACE�tT TO T.H. 65. EXCEPT THE NORTH 33 FEET TNEREOF ��SBORNE ROAO) AND SUBJECT TO RIGHTS ANO OTHER EASEh"ENTS OF RECORD. GENERALLY LOCATED SOU7H OF nSBOP,NE ROAD AND EAST OF HiGHWAY 65. BY THE C I TY OF FR I DLEY . . . . . . . • • • • • • . • • • • ...6-68 lCIL �'EETING. �CTOBER 20, 1986 PAGE 4 �'Fl�l B�)S ( NESS ( CON7 I NUED ) R`CE I V I P:G THE T" I �lUTE S OF THE PLAN� ! NG C0�1M I SS I ON h�EET 1 NG OF OCTOBER 8, 19�6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 7 ' 7 QC� A. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERh�IT, SP #$6 -16. TO ALLOW A CHURCH APJD PR(VATE SCHOOL GEhlERAL.LY LOCATED AT 1401 GARQENA AVENUE N.E.. BY THE CHURCH ON THE %10VE ....................... Pi ANr� i r�G COMM i SS I ON RECOMh�ENOAT I ON : APPROVED WITH STIPULATiONS ('ou�c�i AcTiord NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMh"EhDAT I ON P. CONS I DERAT I ON OF A SPEC I AL l_fSE PEP.�" I T, SP �P�E�-13 . TO ALL06�1 A REPA I R GAR�,6E ON �.OTS 1. 2 APJD 3. E?LOCK 3. C I TY V I EI�J. THE SAh'E BE I NG 5755 Un►vERSITY AvENUE N.E.. BY RONALD CHRISTENSEN OF P.T.C. AuTOr�tOTIVE ............................... eLANNING COMMISSION REGOMMENDATION: APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS �OUNC I L ACT I ON I�IEEDED : CONS i DEP.AT I ON OF RECOh1h1EhDAT I ON 0 7-7J. & 7S-7t�� 7J-7P, $ 7X-7EE COU^:C I L ��EET I NG. OCTOBER 20. 1986 (�'FU! E?US I f dESS ( CONT I NUEQ ) C. COMSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT. L.S. �86-07. TO SPLIT OFF THE WESTERLY 140 FEET OF LOT 17. EXCEPT THE SOUTH 55.0 FEET T�iEREOF. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 22. TNE SAME BEi�1G 6291 CENTRAL AVENUE f��.E.. BY �EFF GELDERT ..................... PLANNING COt•1MISSION RECOMh"•ENDATION: APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTIOP. (`!EEDED: CONSIDERATION OF REC0��1h1EN0AT I OPJ D. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS COM�•11SSION �"EET I NG OF SEPTEMBER 3P1, 19�6 D-1 CONSIDERATIOIV OF A VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR �-`�E�-2�. TO REDUCE THE WEST FRONT YARD SETBACK FRON'i �5 FEET TO 22 FEET, TO REDUCE THE SOUTH FRONT YARD �ETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 2_5 FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CLINIC; TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED PROVISION FOR C�FF-STREET PAP,KING FROM 53 STALLS RECIUIRED TO 3R STALLS; TO REDUCE THE HARDSURFACE SETBACK FROM A STREE7 RIGHT-OF-k�AY ON THE NOP.TH- EAST COP.NER FROM 2P FEET TO 5 FEET, TO REDUCE THE HARDSURFACE SETBACK FROM 2C� FEET TO 6 FEET ON THE NORTH LINE, FROM 20 FEET TO 14 FEET ON THE EAST AND FROM 20 FEET TO 8 FEET ON 7HE SOUTHEAST CORNER GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7699 V�RO►v ROAD N.E.. BY WAYNE DAHL .................................... APPEALS COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION� APPROVAL COUNC l L_ ACT I ON P�EEL��D : CONS I DERAT I ON OF RECOMh1EhDAT10N PAGE 5 7P-7Q, 7FF-711 7JJ-700, & 7PP-7Q(� CQU�JC I L i�EET i hG, OCTOBER 2A. 19�6 NF��•i F�U� I ��!ESS ( COPdT I NUED ) PAGE 6 RECEIVIf�'G THE P�INUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION oF r�1AY � 9, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - s � CONSIDERA.TIOPd OF REAPPROVAL OF A LOT SPLIT. L.S. #8?_—�15. KUPJZ � I L COMPAfVY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 G CONSIDERATIO� TO ACCEPT THE TKDA STUOY TO REPAIR AND I MPROVE Cor��r"0��' S PARK WATER F I LTRAT I ON P�ar�T AND CONSIDEP.ATION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO RETAIN THE SERVICES OF TKDA TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE COMMON'S PARK I^IATER F I LTRAT I ON PLA�dT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 A CCUNCIL �'EETIhG. OCTOBER 2�. 1986 �'FL'' P�U� I �!ESS � CONT I NUED ) P���E 7 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SIX-CITIES 1^1ATERSHED P�'A��AGEMENT ORGANIZATION PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11 A CONSIDERATION OF STAFF'S REPORT ON FUNDS NEEDED TQ NIP.E A SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAh1 COOP.DINATOR ....... 12 - 12 A C�a i r.�s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 L i CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 B EST I MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1986 Ti� NIINCn'R'...5 O Tf� R.�tIL�R NIEETIN� OF THE FRII�LEY CITY OOQi�1CIL OF OC'IOBER 6. 1986 7he Regular Meeting of the Fridley Ci.ty Gb�mcil was called to order at 7:35 p. m. b� N�yor Nee. P .L•�E OF ALLDGT��': l�yor Nee led the Coimcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALI� • N�NBE�tS PRF�II�IT: Mayor Nee, an�mcilman Goodspeed, Q�uu�cilman Fitzpatrick, O��cilman Schryeider and Coimcilman Barnette N�NBII2S ABSFNT: None APPROVAL OF NQ Nf.T�ES • OOt�x'TL N�ETING. SEPTEFIBER 22. 1986 • NDTION by Co�cilman Barnette to apprave the minutes as presented. Seo�nded tr� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGEDIDA• �e agenda was amended as follaws: Cotmcilman Fitz�atrick asked that Item 6 be cvnsic3ered after the public hearing it:erc►. 4he follawing itesns were also added: Under Lioenses, wnsideration of an Auctioneer's Lioense for Milton Anc]erson and (25) Consideration of Authorizing Donation of S�.irplus Generator to the Anoka CoLmty �nummity Action Progran. NDTmN b� Cot.mcilman Barrnette to acbpt the agenda with the above amendnerits. Seoonded b� Qotmcilman Schneider. Up�n a voioe vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORiM. VI ITORS• Mr. Richard Bric)mer stated he had sutmitted a letter to Jim Robinson of the City staff and asked if the Council had received a oopy. He stated the letter regarded his being able to obtain a se+c�nd building permit before his registered land survey is reoorded at the �Lmty. Mayor Nee stated the Cb��il had reoeived the letter and his request would be oonsidered u�c3er Iten 4 of the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS• -1- 1. 6. • 1�. � v!�!�iM �. • � �S� : a+• . • : . �!� :! � �: • 1� �iY: _�_�lL. � 4u��� '��l �L ;��!� ' �� L ,t�l:: •�— I4D�ION b� O�Lmcilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notiee and open the public hearing. Seoonded b� O�t.mcilman Barnette. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:40 p. m Mr. Pritr�l, fiinanoe Director, stated this incAzstrial revenue bond issue is, basically, an exchange of one issue for another. He stated these bonds modify terms applicable to the 1981 issue by extending the maturity and praviding for a different method of calculating interest rates, which makes the bonds more marketable, as the 1981 issue was somewhat outdated. Nir. Pribyl stated the 1981 bonds were held tr� a single aaner who is agreeable to this change. He stated the public hearing meets standards of disclosure �mder �EF'RA. He stated this issue would have ro imFact on the p�ol fran the State. A�r. Herrick, City Attorr�ey, stated there would be no change in the City' s responsibilities. Mr. Pribyl stated rir. 0' Meara of 0' Connor and flannan also reviewed the cbc�unents and ooncurs with the ci�anges. NDTION b� Cowlcilman Fitz�atrick to close the publ ic hearing. Seconded by Cbtmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opered at 7:43 p.m .._ •�. _���:: !- �� �e����� i �� �: . ••.� ::� •��•� I• �• ��- - • Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated Ruth Smith, President of the Senior Citizen Center Advisory Board, has sutmitted a request for a Senior Citizen Progra�n Q�ordinator. He stated Jack Kirk of the City staff has been working with the mnoerned parties regarding a cooperative agreement between the City and School District in order to �xavide such a position and facil ities neede d. Mr. Rirk stated, in July, the Q�Lmcil directed staff to meet with the Senior Citizens to determine what they desired fran the City in terms of a Program Coorc�i.r�tor. He stated their primary oonoern was to obtain funding for a Progran �ordinator and make it a permanent, orrgoing position to carry out the prograQn wishes of the Senior (�nter Advisory Board. Mr. Rirk stated the Advisory Baard has sutrnitted a request for the Gi.ty to fu�d such a position and Parks DeFartmerit supports their request. He felt with the hiring of a Program Coordinator, it would assure the Senior Citizens of excellent �xograns in the future. Mr. Rirk stated if this positic�n was authorized, the person hired would report to the Recreation De�artrnerit, but work with the Advisory Board for their input as far as Senior CYtizens' Frograms and servioes are �noerned. -2- 2• � 1!, �_ ����U. • � ��,: �i' • ' : . Mr. Qureshi stated the Ac7visory Board would have input and review of the progra�ns and the chy-to-day operation would be supervised by the City's Recreation Deparii►►ent. He stated as far as use of facilities, this would be prwided tr� the School District. Ms. Rith S�nith stated the Advisory Board wholeheartecIly sup�orts the hiring of a Progran Coordinator. Cbuncilman Barnette asked if all of the problens and responsibilities have been workecl out for use of the school facilities. Mr. Rirk stated he has met with representatives of the School District and came up with this o�operative agreenent which is su�nitted for the O��mcil's a�nsic3eration. He stated the Advisory Board has also reviewed the agreenent anc3 felt it was workak�le. NDTION b� Go�mcilman Fitzpatrick to approve the City-School Cooperative Agreener�t dated Septenber 10, 1986 relative to the Senior Gitizens PrograQns. Seconded b� Cb�mcilman Goodspeed. tlp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Qureshi suqgested that staff work out a prop�sal to authorize finding of the Senior Citizen Progran �ordinator. NDTION b� Coimcilman Fitz�atrick to authorize the administration to sukmit a prop�sal at the r�ext �tmcil meeting for the wm�nitn►erit of funds necessary to hire a Senior Citizens Progr�n Coordinator. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee c�clared the motion carried unanimously. �_� : i � � �/� .,�i_,. �a.� i • i�� � �t� �� �� � � �i_ � � � i :— —s • Mr. Qureshi, City N�nager, statec3 when the first reading was held on the budget, he p�inted out there would be vertain ac3j ustments at the time of the sewnd reading. He stated the f�ds for Revenue Sharing have been removed fran the budget as this has been cut at the Federal level and there are minor adj ustments regardi.ng State Aid. He stated the General Fund budget renains the same and there is an overall budget decrease of 1.8$. Mr. Qureshi stated this is the first time in the history of the City where a budget is being acbpted which is lvwer than the previous year's. Mayor Nee statec7 these ac�justmerits should be included in the ordinance for the sewnd reading at this time. NDTION k� Co�mcilman Schneider to waive the seoond reading of Ordinance No. 865 and a�pt it on the seoond reading and order publication. Sewnded by CbLmcilman Gooclspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -3- h1�. ��.�.� �. • _ •.•��•,c �+• • _ • : . • •o r=�, • : . . •�1� �� +. �! � � _ � � � • ,. . . � � �_ � • 1,� � - � �� - _ ' - � �._ • � � � �..t��� : '�y. �_s • �: NDTION b� Cotmcilman Barnette to waive the se�nd reading of Ordinance No. 866 and acbpt it on the seaond reading and order publication. Seconded by Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. •� � • _ • • � .���� � • , �_ . .,� . � _ -- -!, � �, � • i •� • • �-�� �-'-M+ - �'_ �_ _�� �1 � � � •• •, � ; ••. i 1��� � _ • �. • _ • • � �. 4 � �� : • ��.' _ _ � • ' _ _ _ • �• � rt� • : Q --�� ! � ! � �!� ii T � � i �'7� ��� i � � i � � _ i �.� • � •'y �� � --' � � : _ • � �_ ;.�+� : 4:1 •� J� Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated information was sutmitted to the Council regarding this triangular pieoe of �roperty in the Gena Rae Addition. He stated it is not a pieoe of property that aould effectively be used for �ark purposes. He stated the Council can declare it surplus and sell to the hic�est bick3er or negotiate a sale with an interested party. Mr. Qureshi statea if the Cbi.mcil wishes to dispose of the property, there are a nunber of restrictions which should be plaoed on the property, and the property to the north, in order to minimize the drainage impact on properties to the west. He stated a drainage easement should be pravided to retain water aoming fran the east of this paroel and the retention should be based on a five year storm. He stated if o�nstruction is authorized for arly hanes, a tenp�rary berm should be aonstructed. He stated there would also be an outlet provided which �nnects to the catch basin in the street. He stated if the angular property is �old, the value should be at least what the City Faid when they aoquired the garcel which was 76-1/2 cents per s3uare foot. Mr. Qureshi stated several ordinances are su�nitted for the Gouncil's o�nsic3eration to either authorize the sale of this surplus property to the hic�est bidder or to sell it to the interested ac�joining �rty with certain ease�nents required and certain oc>nditions follc�wed. Q��mcilman Schneider sta�c� tl�e drainage issue was worked out between staff and adj aoent �roperty aaners. He stated staff has inclicated this triangular pieoe of property can and will be usec3 for c3eterition and directing of stnrm water recfarc�ess whether or not hanes are o�nstructed on this parcel. He felt, therefore, it would make sense to proceed with the sale of this property. Mr. GaQnbrel, 1341 Creek Park Lane, subm�tt�d a letter to the Council regarding his o�mmems relating to �he Frnp�sec3 drainage improvesnents. He -4- �L��. V���� �, � � ���i� �� . ' i • stated he wanted to make sure what is proposed would work whether or not this property is sold. He stated he wanted to make sure if the land is sold and the developer doesn't begin work imnediately, what temporary measures would be talsen in regard to the drainage. Mr. Qureshi stated if the Cbtmcil oonsiders Mr. Briclaler's request to allaw him to �uild two hanes on 66th Avenue, prior to reoording the registered land survEy at the O�unty, there are certain stipulations which he must follvw. He stated whether or not these hanes are a�nstructed, a detention area must be pravided on Lot C. Mr. C�ibrel stated an immediate problen is the runoff into his and Mr. phillips' back yards fran the �ark property. He felt a dam or berm should be created along the westerly bo�c]ary regarca.ess if any ather �nstruction ta kes pl ave or not. Mr. Qureshi stated if it is practical, a tenp�rary detention area would be made either b� Mr. Bricl�er or the City. Mr. Ganbrel stated he dich't have any objection to selling this triangular Faeoe of property based on the requiremerit that easements be provided for drainage. He stated Mr. Phillips did have some doubt as to whether this would solve their drainage problens. Mr. Qureshi stated a retention area is being requested and under normal eirctianstanoes, N�. Ganbrel's and Mr. Phillips's property shoulcfi't have standing water in their back yards more than 8 to 9 inc3�es. NpTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe upon first reading for the sale of this surplus property directly with an interested �xirty, with the follawing stipulations: (1) retention and drainage easements are to be �'avided on Lot C; (2) surface water flaw onto Lot C fran adjoining properties to the east are to retain a flaw to a five year desic�n storm; and (3) a berm is to be a�nstructed on the west side of tr iangul ar p� eoe and Lot C to �x event surf aoe water r�of f f ran th e ea st tr� Narenber 30, 1986; and (4) the sale of this �aroel be for a minimun �rioe of 76-1/2 cents per s�uare foot, with the :�uare footage determined by the actual survey, and funds from this sale are to be dedicated to the impravenent of Gteek Ridge Park. Seo�nded tr,� O��mcilman Gooclspeed. Mr. Fbdvin, 1391 Mississippi Street, stated he believed this would be the outoome for this Froperty. He stated everything that has been cbne directed the sale to the developer. He stated a petition with 74 signatures was suhnitted to have this Farael used for park and no attention was Faid to it. Gb�mcilman Schneider stated many peogle in the i�nediate area did not sign the petition. He stated evidenc�e was presented, fran a safety standpoint, it would�'t be a c�ood idea to use this Faroel to expand the Fsrk. He stated residerits in the imnediate area also indicating they objected to enlarging the Fark. Iyr. l�dvin stated the p�int he is making is the petition was worthless. He -5- . �i ��. _ v���.� �. • � �i���: 81' • ' S • stated thEy may have had people in the imnediate area objecting, but that is against 74 other persons who sicyzed the petition. l�yor Nee ielt the question is whether or not it is a good or bad idea to sell this paroel. He stated staff felt the parael should be sold and they are �aid to advise the Cbtmcil. N�yor Nee asked Mr. Fbdvin, without getting into personalities, if he felt it was a c�od idea to attach this parcel to what is naa lanc�ocked property. Mr. �bdvin stated he dic�'t know if the drainage would work. He stated there are problens ger�rated f ran the CYeekridge developnent. He stated Mr. Briclaier is naw using other peogle's back yarcls as a retention area. Qoimcilman Schneider stated there may have been some mistakes made in the Fast, but the Cowzcil has to go forward from this point and he felt the proposal before th�n would allaw an orderly develognent and provide a or�rrection for the drainage problan that exists. Mr. �bdvin stated this Farael is more than 6,000 square feet and the City should make sure they are �aid the aorrect a¢nount. Coimcilman Barnette stated he personally dich't feel this Faroel would serve the residents well for use as a�rk. He felt, hawever, oonsideration should be given to change the name of the Fark and urged Mr. P�dvin to follvw throuc� in this regard. Mr, l�dvin stated this request has already been sutxnitted. He stated the entire matter is the �xinciple, as this �aroel was o�nc3esnned for a park and should renain as �ark property. iJ�N A VOICE VO►i'E TAi�N CN �iE ABWE PDTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried urLanimously. In regard to Mr. Briclazer's request that he be allaaed a se�nd building on his developnent site, before the land survey is registered by the County, the follawing action was taken: Nt�TION by Cotmcilman Schneider to authorize staff to issue two building permits for the Creek Ridge II Plat, P. S. #86-02, with the following stiulations: (1) Builder ass�nes responsibility for any mistakes in staking; (2) A 10 foot utility and drainage easement be provided along the south side c�ff I.ats A and B; �3) � reterition pond be provided on the north side of Lot C by Novenber 30, I986; and (4) Builder work with staff to �avide indergroimd electric servioe to hames on CYeek Park Lane. Seconded b� Gbtmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. ORDTI��E NO 867 APPFK�TII� A VACATION. SAV #86-03, � VACATE R�I� FIVE FOOT C1'�'ILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHW�ST PROPERTX �INE OF LOT 4. BLQGR 1. Th�*:�Rt� �'�1�I ZUL•�`'..''.OU�'�S PL.�T 4. TO A POTI� TEi�7 FEET W��'�' OF TAE SOU`t'F�Rp,.� pRppERrY LTIv�, OF THE S�NlE I�(7r. G�Y I�(X'ATID AT 5462 MET�`T'F'�2 ROAD N E . BY DARREL FARR• m • J�. ���� �. • � ���i= �' • ' � '� Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated as part of the review process as9ociated with Mr. F'arr's request for this vacation, staff has pregared a m�no identifying nine items, listed under Category A, which are still outstanding commitments. He outlined these items as follows: (1� Pedestrian lighting, required as per agreement dated 4/19/76 has been installed only on the east side of Farr Lake pathway; (2) Replace failing retaining wall on the north side of Brenner �ss N. E. ;( 3) Resnove pil es of dirt and debris and sod 15 feet back of curb on the west side of East Brenner �ss N. E. ;(4) Repair washed out drainage swale at the end of . East Brenner Rass N. E. ;(5) Renove debris (street sweepinc3s) and plant grass seed to establish ground oover on vacant lot area, Block 4 and 5, Innsbruck Village Second Addition, southwest of Black Forest Condos; (6) Sod boulevard, 15 feet back of curb, on the south of North Innsbruck Drive j ust west aF New Bric�ton b�rder; (7) Restore buffer between townhouse at 1511 North Innsbruck Drive N. E, and Mulvihill residenoe at 5601 North Danube Road N. E. , as per City glan clated 9/19/86; (8) Install tot lot on o�mm►on �roperty on Plat 5, as per agreement dated 4/19/76; and (9) Remedy erosion and maintenanoe problens resulting from surcharging on Block 21, Innsbruck V il l ages. Mr. �'lora stated a$10,000 letter of credit should be provided by Mr. Farr to oover the above items under Category A which staff feels is the resp�nsibil ity of the developer. Mr. F'lora stated the itens, o�vered under Catecpry B, should be worked out between the Zbwnhouse Association and the Developer. He stated these are as follvws: (1) Sod open area on South Bavarian F�ss N. E. between Lots 36 and 37, Block 1, Innsbruck North Ztxanhouses Plat 4; (2) Regair asphalt in the driveaay at 5677 West Bavarian i�ss N. E. ;(3) Install sod 15 teet back of curb and oontinue sFxuce I ine on South Bavarian Pass N. E. , east of 1586 South Bavarian Fgss N. E. ;(4� Sod 15 feet back of curb on south side of Brenner Pass N. E. ;(5) Replaoe all temporary curbinq with permanerit o�ncrete curb and gutter on West Brenner Pass N. E. , Brenner Pass N. E. , and East Bavarian R�ss N. E. ;(6) Re�air asphalt dep�ession in road adj acent to 5519 East Ba�varian F�ss N. E. ; and (7) Truck c3�nage to North Innsbruck Court be settled. Mr. Flora stated the items, �der Category C, pertain strictly to the �wnhouse Association and these are as follows: (1) Im�xave asphalt Fathway arotmd pond b� resurfacing where rnoessary; (2) Replace broken path light luninaire on the east side cyf Farr Lake; (3) Repair asphalt in the parking area on Bonhoff Jtxiction; and (4) Patch parking lot on the mrtheast side o� Black Fbrest Cbncbs. N�. Elnery, Presiderit of Villages of Innsbruck Tawnhouse Association, stated they are o�noerned with Iten 5 Lmder Category A. He stated the Association has ranaved all the debris and made an agreenent with Mr. Farr that he would seed anc7 sod this area. He stated he would 1 ike to mak,e a�re no more debris is dumped here. I�. F7nery stated in regard to Item 9, nothing has been done to remedy erosion and mairitenance problems resulting fram the surcharging and the -7- • y. 4J?��M�� � � �/��:� ?I' • _'�'� problan is getting more serious because of the heavy rainfall. Mr. Emery stated Item 2, under Category B, is the Associaton' s responsibility. He stated the main o�ncern is Item 7 pertaining to the truck damage to North Innsbruck Court. He stated he was advised by Mr. Dan Farr this would be taken care of. Ae stated he would 1 ike this item moved under C�ategory A itens which are the responsibil ity of the developer. Nr. Farr stated their position is they would be responsible only for the It�ns listed b� staff tmder C�tegory A Councilman Schneider asked Mr. Dan Farr if they acknowledged any responsibility for damages to the street. Mr. Farr stated they did acknowledge some responsibility and would work with the Townhouse Association to take care of the p�oblen. Dir. Herrick, City Attorrey, stated this issue is rea.11y a matter between the Zbwnhouse Association and th e dev el ope r as th i s i s a pr iv ate st r eet. He stated if it was a public street, it would be within the City's jurisdiction. Mr. Herrick felt the Zbwnhouse Association oould adopk some rules and b�-laws on what they require on vacant lots rec$rding seeding and sodding and what limits they want to imp�se on their streets. Mr. E1r,ery stated they would like a guarantee there woulcfi't be further dumping on the vacant lots. Mr. Flora stated any change in the land, requi res a land alteration permit. Mr. IInery asked how long the letter of credit would be in effect. Mr. Herrick stated it would be in effect Lntil all the items under Category A have been o�mpleted. He stated it should be spelled out in the letter of credit what would be cbne if oertain chtes for aompletion of these items are not met. NDTION b,� (bimcilman Scfineicler to waive the secnnd reading of Ordinance No. 867 and acbpt it on the seoond reading, after a letter of credit for $10,000 is reoeived and, if any items under Category A are not oompleted in the timetable shown, the letter of credit will be drawn upon. Further, in addition to the nine stipul.ations listed above, under (�tegory A, another item be added that no dumping of any kind will be permitted on vacant property without a permit frcm the City. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motian c.arried unanimously. N� BUSI�SS• . ��,. ����, •� +�� ..����! � ; .�s► �. M � �� .•,� '_ •���� �; ��• :.�,. �:� 'Zhis item was aonsidered early in the meeting. ❖ �• • ; � • • i- _ �� �•.t:_ _ •� s r�s _, �.« +,• �?+. . �� � _ • • �: _ � �:�� u � ��±�F_ �� �+ �l��� — - � .i a,� � � . 4: = L�l Z � � ;_s�� ��[�. y � �.1.�. 4!��M �. • �����: a�• . • :. Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, stated the Council, in 1984, approved a varianoe for property at 420 67th Avenue to reduce the side yard setback fran 10 feet to 7 feet to allaw an addition to this home. He stated the petitioner dic�'t oomplete this vontruction and is now requesting the Council re-approve this three foot variance in order to construct a thre�season p�rch behind the garage. Mr. Flora stated the adj oining property owner has submitted a letter that he has no obj ection to the varianoe. . NDTION b� Coimcilman Goodspeed to re-ap�rave the varianoe to rechioe the side yard setback fran 10 feet to 7 feet for the Froperty at 420 67th Avenue to allaw construction of a three-season porch. Seconded by Councilman F`itzFstrick. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. : �?. \ u l � • 4�! ' _ ��� �. �!.4�4 i �i� • ��Lu�% • : . A. CONSTDERATION OF A SPDC7AL USE PRMIT, SP �$6-12. TO AI,I�kT A �EOOI� AC�GES�RY Btn �TNC. GENERAi.TV n('ATID ON IA� 6D. AL��R' S��3D��TSTON I'�J' 21 . THE �MF BETI� 6620 L.��Tl� LA1�1F: N E BY RICRY ZiiROI�ID.SON• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit to allaw a seoond acaessory building at 6620 Lucia Lane. He stated the property is zoned R-1 and is in a predominately residential area. He stated the petitioner prop�ses to aonstruct a new garage approximatey 526 square feet to �rwide extra storage for vehicles, as well as a boat and trail er. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommenc7ed approval of this special use permit with four stipulations, whic� he outlined. NDTION b� Coimcilman Schneider to ooncur with the reoommendation of the Planning Commission and grant special use permit, SP #86-12, with the follawing stipulations: (1) A hard surface driveway be provided with �nstruction of the c�rage; (2) Tires and debris be renoved from the side yard; (3) Boat be moved to the side/rear yard or stored inside garage; and (4) Garage materials, siding and roofing are to match existing house. Seo�nded b� ��mcilman Fitz�xitrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �animously. B. OONSTDERA'�'TON OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #86-14. TO ALIANI �FFI� ��qrrrl�m�n �� A P�1�IPAT LTSE. G�Ar i y in[�A�n �N 7. BL�'�i 1. PACO II�IDUSR?AI PARK, �iE _ SF�ME BEING ?50 QONA'l�RGE GIRCLE �jfj�j , gy ��D HARRT S ; Mr. Flora, Pul�lic Works Director, stated this is a request for a special use permit for property located on the corner of Commerce Circle South and Commerae Circle East to allow c�ffioes nat associated with a principal use. He stated the Froperty is zoned M-1 and the building �nstructed on the site is 21,040 s�uare feet with 50 parking sFsoes prwided. Ae stated one-half of the building would be used for offioes and the other half for warehouse �� c n�x�Tr MEETING OF oC�1�DBER 6. 1986 facil ities. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this special use permit with the stipulation that the cieveloper �rwide the City with tenant information �rior to each occupanc,y of the buildi.ng so that the �arking may be monitored to insure there is a sufficient ntunber of spaces. He stated this is similar to what was done with the Winf ield Develognent whose building was �nstructed as an offioe/warehouse facility. Cbimcilman Gooclspeed questioned the trading of �srking between Mr. Harris' property and s�aoes at �e Cbmmu�ity F�rk. Mr. Harris, the petitioner, stated he would be willing to enter into an agreenent with the City for joint use of his �arking and the City's parking at the Comunulity Park. Mr. Flora stated the staff's concern is there are a lot of daytime activities at the O�manuiity Park and if they have such an agreenent with Mr. Harris, there may be a shortage of s�aoes available for the Fark. Coimcilman Barnette stated the reality is the �ark isn't used every chy on a o�nstant basis and when special Events are he1d, they are usually only for a short period of time. Mr. Harris stated he hoped the decision r�t to enter into a joint parking venture is not based only on a few day's �se of the park. Mr. Flora stated Mr. Harris' building is adj aoent to the park and if all the space is leased for offices, it would be an increased use, and if no additional �arking were Fxwided, it would be a�oblen. Mr. Harris stated he woulch't be able to rent spaoe to someone who needed more parking than what he wuld pravicle so he felt some of these things are self- correcting. NDTION b,� Counilman Goodspeed to ooncur with the reoommendation of the Planning Commission and qrant special use permit, SP #86-14, with the stipulation that i-he c3eveloper provide the City with tenant information pr ior to each occupancy of the buil ding. Zh i s i nf ormati on to i ncl ude the intended use, ntmber of enpla�ees and gross s�uare footage of each type of usage e. g. offioe, warehouse, manufacturing. City apFxaval o� any proposed tenant is a�ntingent up�n suff icient Farking supply. Seoonded b� Cbuncilman �.tz�atrick. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. G mricrnFUAmTnu OF A SPDCIAL USE PERMIT. SP #86-15. TO ALL�"JW A DAYC.ARE Fp,�TLrry. �} ar rt%T At�TL PARKiA� I.,C�S FOR OFF-SI'REET PARKING CUA('F.G• p� �1p � g Q,Ii+iIC, �IIIERAI�LY IACATED AT 472 O.SBORNE RO�D U F� 400 C�S80RN� ROAD N E AI�ID 40 � 76TH AVENC� N. E. . BY Tf� NOR'�a ��3L�RAN �O�S'PTTAT DTS'iTRT(,`j'• —�.Q— • �. � 41__�� �. � ��i���� �' • • :. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated three items are oonnected with this request for a special use permit. He stated the permit is to allow a daycare facility; to allaa �arking lots for off-street parking spaces; and to allaa a clinic. He stated the �roperty involves the Fric�.ey Assembly of God Church on Osborne Road, as well as two single fanily properties located off Osborne Road. He stated the North Suburban Hospital District is proposing to purchase the church and homes anc3 convert the church into a clinic and daycare facility. Mr. Flora stated the �de requires 207 parking stalls and 185 will be imnediately provided with an option to install an additional 81 spaoes in the area of the single fanily hanes, as needed. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this special t�e permit, with 13 stipulations, whici� he outlined fran the minutes of the Planning Conunission, �ages 9 and 10. He stated staff would rev�manend another stip�.il.ation be added that the tax garvels be v�mbined into one lot up�n aaluisition to one aar�er. Mr. Buratti, Attorr�ey for North Suburban Hospital District, stated he talked to the City Assessor regarding the taxable status of the property. He stated whether the proprty beo�mes taxable depencls on how it will eventually be used and the laws of the State. He stated if the property is used for medi�al and chycare purposes, it would be subject to real estate taxation. He stated if this whole plan was to be scrapped and the Hospital District mac3e �is Fart af the hospital c�omplex, it would not be taxable. I�yor Nee stated the special use permit is for the day care and cl inic and asked Mr. Buratti if he agreed this would be a taxable use. Mr. Buratti stated his op�nion is it would be ta�rable. Mr. Herrick, City Attorrey, stated it would be his opinion this would be a taxable pieoe of Froperty, based on this request. He stated he dic�'t have a strong opi.nion, one way or the other, if the Council wished to add this iten to the stipulations. Mr. Buratti stated he would 1 ike to request the Council waive the stipulation for the b�nd. NDTION b� Councilman Goodspeed to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Cominission and grant special use permit, SP #86-15, with the following stipul.ations: (1) A hard surfave setback of 20 feet be provided f ran the Osborne Road ric�t-of-way tr� Jtne 30, 1988; (2) A landscapi ng pl an be pravided to include berming and plantinc� to screen hard surf aoe areas, existing and proposed, and install apFxaved plan by June 30, 1988; (3) An autanatic laan sprinkling systen be provided for all green areas b� June 30, 1988; (4) A fenoed tot Iot area, approximately 20 x 30 feet be provided, with City appraved tot lot equipnent Frior to claycare starting; (5) Pathway to be installed frcm day care to tot lot prior to daycare starting; (6) Concrete curb and gutter be Frwided for harc7 surfaoe areas and driveways, including a five foot setback frcm building i�i JLne 30, 1988; (7) Sealooat and restripe parking lot and pravide required handicapped stalls tr� J�e 30, 1988; (8) Provide o�re-way directional siglage where needed b� Juze 30, 1988; (9) Pravide an ap�xwed c�mipster enclosure by Jime 30, 1988; (10) Remove -11- �ll,a 1!�_ �_ ,� � ���1i �� • _� • •� trailers fran Fxoperty east af church at such time that the church vacates the �SOperty; (11) Pravic3e a drainage glan for ap�raval prior to Farking lot work; (12) 7�ro single fanily hcmes to the west af the churdz are incluc3ed in this special use permit for future Farking only. 'Ihese houses may be leased as single family residenoes intil such time as the Gity determines the need for additional �arking for clinic/day care use; and (13) Tax parcels be oombined into one lot upon aoquisition to one awnership. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. D. CONSIDERATION OF A L�C7r SPLIT. L S #86-06. TO SP�,IT IAT 7. BLACK 2. MOORE LAKE HILLS INPO �l0 SEPARATE PARCELS, GENERALLY Tn[�A� AT 6876 Wt�ODY LANE N E, BY DONi�, LI1�R?: Mr. Fl ora, Ribl ic Wor ks Di rector, stated this i s a reque st f or a 1 ot spl it for a Farvel of �xoperty between Woody Larie and Old Central. He stated the petitioner is requesting to split this �aroel into two seg�rate lots. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission rewrcnnended approval of this request with four stipulations, whidz he outlir�d Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there was a drainage Froblen �reviously in this area and asked if the oonstruction of a r�ew hane would be affected. Ms. Lind, the petitioner, stated the problen was years ago and has been solved with the installation of a culvert. She stated they have no problen with standing water. M�TION b� Qotmcilman Schneider to concur with the reoommendation of the planning C,ommission anc7 grant lot spl it, L. S. #86-06, with the follawing stiFulations: (1) New structure to meet Gi.ty Code for front yard setback average, 61 feet glus or mi.nus six feet; (2) E�ence and shed to be relocated prior to rev�rding; (3) Park fee of $750 required with building permit; anci (4) Lot split to be reoorded at County within six months of Council apprwal. Sea�nded b,� ��mcilman Barnette. tlp�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. E, rnNSrDERATION OF A VACATION. SA�I #86-05 ,� VACATE PAR'!'' OF A �F'F"�' A1�ID UIZLITY EASEI►'�TT� �1'II� IN LAT 32 . RE,VISID AUDI�R! S crmnnr? �TnN NO 77 ( 71 1/2 WAv CLn �DE� �C) . EASEMF.'fTP 4�1.S AO� nRID APRIL ].5. 1976 A1�ID RDO�RDID AT ANOKA OOUI�TI'Y AS DOG�TMF'�' NO 44 624 , BY MA�IN NI�LEY. SR • NDTIbN t� Cbtmcilman Fitz�atrick to set the public hearing on this vacation request for October 20, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F. OOIvS�ERA'i'T'ON 0� MO�IFICATION OF CITIZEN G'ONIl�IISSION STRUCTURE Rv E�,IMII�TIl� THE OONII+IUNI't'v n�n�rENr c�tTSSiON: NDTION b� Cr�a�acilman Schneide� �o �oncur with the reoommendation of the Planning Commission and instruct staff to prepare and process the -12- �. �i. 1 11�__�� �_ � �i����� �1� • � : • reo�dif ication of CYiapter 6. Se�nded b� Qoimcilman Barnette. It was the o�noensus of the O�Lmcil that the Chairperson of the Planning Commission sfiould have voting privileges. IJ�N A VOICE VOR'E T�N CN �iE ABWE NDTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. G. i��'E�NG THE INCTrES 0 THE APPEALS COPR�lISSION OE SEPTENI�ER I6. 1986: �� � � �� • • !�� .__�. �� �_ '��r> [;_' � : . . • ;_a�� . 4:! ��-�4, • ; �! ' 4�1�' �i�u 4�! ' ��_' %_ 1 � ;.�i� �� i�l� M _�i:!_ '1�4=: �!; • ; Z+.�' .��11i ti�y �r • ' s A/_ ��_�u4_ : : .1; 4�' �� �� ;-- �u ;_� ._� � � • • 4� �� �4�!-= � R� • �� ��� � � _ �1_ � _ � M; ' _:i �� � _ Mi�. �4 _ �!�': ��� �i� ; � � �1 • � 4:� _..41 : � :1 . _- � � '!_ � «: : � 11�i4. � Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for varianoes to reduoe the setkxlck of a structure fran the river laluff line fran 40 ieet to 18 feet to allaa an addition to the northwest vorner of the house and to reduoe the setback of a structure fran the Mississippi River normaZ high water lirye frcm 100 feet to 80 feet to allaa an addition on the south side of the house at 7806 Alden Way N. E. Mr. Flora stated the petitioner proposes to oonstruct a closed-in area to the area of his property and ar�ther area to the s�uth and use �assive solar heating. Mr. Flora stated, in keeping with Section J3 of the Interim Developnent Regulations for the Mississippi River Gbrridor CYitical Area, the loc�l init of goverrmerit may grant a varianoe fran the strict c�omglianoe � the setback of the interim regulations, after an administrative hearing conducted acoording to regulations of the local �it of goverrment and may be granted only then, after the following findings are made: (1) The strict enfor�nent of the setback or height restrictions will result in u�uieaessary harclship. "Harc�hip" as c�sed in the o�nsideration of a dimension varianoe means that the goperty in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the dimension rxovision of these Interim Developnent Regulations; (2) There are exceptional circ�unstanoes uiique to the �roperty that were not created b� a lancbwr�er aEter Agril 25, 1975; ( 3) The dimension variance does not allaa any use that is not a oom�atible use in the land use district in which the property is located; (4) The dimension variance will not alter the essential character of the locality as establ ished by these Interim DevelopnerYt Regulations; anc3 (5) The ,dimension varianoe will not be c�ntrary to the order. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Commission recommended approval of the varianc2s with the stipulation that a�assi�vQ solar design be presented to the Cbuncil. He stated a design for this system has been submitted to staff. NDTIDN b� mimcilman FYtzpatrick to ooncur with the �a�animous reooma�►endation of �e Appeals O�anission and grant varianoe request, VAR �86-26, to reduoe -13- � !,. V��� �. � � ��1��! _ � • ' : � the getback of a structure frcm the river bluff line fran 40 feet to 18 feet to allaa an addition to the r�rthwest o�rner of the house and to reduce the setback of a structure fran the Mississippi River normal high water line f ran 100 feet to 80 feet to allaa an addition on �.he s�uth sic3e of the house at 7806 Alc3en w�y N. E. for purposes of providing passive solar heating. Flirther, while the Council believes the circlunstances involved in this request meets the five findings, as outlined above by staff, the property awner will hold the City harmless from -any finding by the Federal gr�verrment, or any other agency of government, that the addition is in violation of their rules. Seaonc3ed tr� Gbtmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared the motion carried wlanimously. N1�TION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of Septenber 24, 1986. Seoonded tr� (buncilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor 13ee declared the motion carried unanimously. • � � ._ � � �.••�) _- • -:'- - � �45f � t! , � '�1�.'1_lyl: �' i ' : • A. QONSZDERATION OF RDCUNASENl�ATION � DIDICATE 60 PERCEIY� OF F'RAt��I� FEE TO ANOKA CO �OPR�ILINI�TIONS WORKSHOP (ACCW� : Mayor Nee stated the Cable Television Commission has recommended an adjustmerit in allocation of the franchise fees to increase the �ntribution reoeived tr�r the Anoka O�unty C�mmtnications Workshop fran 40$ to 60�. Mr. Neunan-So�tt, represeriting the ACQaT, stated a report was wmpiled dated August 13, which they felt �vered their reecls. He stated it is figured by the end of 1987, they would have to cut services, if they continue to re�eive 40$ of the franchise fee. He stated they have, therefore, requested an increase to 60$ of the franchise fee. Mr. H�mt, Assistant to the City Manager, stated ever since the f ranchise went into effect and since the existance of the ACCW, the Council vontributed to the Workshop with ftncls frcm the franchise fee. He stated each year, �til 1983, the Gbumcil decic�d on the aQnotmt to be a�ntributed. He stated sinoe 1983, all parties agreed that 40$ of the fee would go to the ACCW so a request woulch't have to be made every year. Mr. Hint stated, �nder those ci.rcunstanoes, the City began to develop its awn channel with a aertain amount of assurances for funds. He stated the C�ble Conunission's di.scussion did not take into aco�imt the City's channel and ariy increase to the AC(�`T wcsuld have an im�act on the Ci.ty's channel and its operation. He stated if the Workshop's request was honored, it would cut fu�ding of the City's g�verrment channel by aver $11,000. He stated some of the items acmmp�..is�aed throuc� the Cit�'s clzanr�l was an award fram Sister £;ity's International. Significant ooverage is provided of City Council meetings, publicity through the International City Managers' Association, shared tapes with other cities, anc3 o�operation in �ogramming events and praviding information on tourisn facilities. He stated the fact -14- � �\. 4101�� �. � � ���i: �I' � • : • has been established that FYicIley is one of the leading muliciFal channels. He stated it is hoped to expand the cpverrment chanriel in the area of public infornnation and training. CAimcilman Goodspeed stated the reference made in the Cable Television Cfltrnnission minutes was where the money was going. Mr. HLmt stated a budget is su�cnitted ever�r year on where the funds are bei ng use d. IKr. Ne�marr-Soott stated the ACCW isn' t, in any way, try ing to take away f�ds fran the City's chanrel. He stated the three access channels work very closely together to keep people informed what is going on in the wmQn�ity. He stated equipnent from the Workshop was iised in the Sister City's presentation and felt they could work together. He stated he believed the City has put away a sizeable a�no�t fran the franchise fee aver the last f ive years. Mr. H�t stated in the history of the franchise, there has been a provision that cbnations have to be used for cable purposes. He stated this souroe is contritutions di.rectly fran the �ble a�mFany sinoe the franchise was f irst i�naugurated. He stated the City is not supplied with equipnent or sgace fran the cable a�m�any. Mr. Neunan-So�tt stated the equipnent is available to all access in the ar>mm�ity whether it be educational, goverrmental or publ ic. Ae stated he dich't feel the City vaould need more than one studio. He stated, in the future, the three access channels would work together regarding the equipnerit. He stated the City's need for capital expenditures should be very law. He stated the ACQnT sperit very little on equipnent because it was pravided tr,� the ca}�le mmFany and most af their budget is for staff. Mayor Nee felt the City neecled their awn equipnent because of its own a�mm�ications c�al. He stated he dich't lmow if this redistrilxition was mac3e, as requsted by the ACQnT, if it would cut back the City's activities. Mr. H�mt stated if the allocation was changed, the City has the o�.ion of cutting back on staff time or taking f unds f ram other City funding. He stated he felt this has to be oonsidered more carefully before a final c3ecision is made b� the Go�.azeil. MJTION by Councilman Tel � ision Cbm�tiission Up�n a voioe vote, aii Lmanimously. Goodspeed to refer this item back to the Cable o� their reviaa. Seo�nded bp Gbuncilman Schneider. voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried �e Cotaicil reveived the minutes of the C�ble Telc�ision O�nenission meeting of Septenber 18, 1986. 1 •� .��� ' � � �1� • --,-� �� ' �!v��!_ ./ J���!?�� :_ �_� � �� � 4; ' � • ' 4 -15- �. �. �__ v�?��l� �. • � ��� : . • : . Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, stated Universal (�n has aqreed they would operate the S�tT site and pravide acldi.tional servive b,� purchasing f rom the public, aluninun anc3 bi-metal beverage cans, aluninun and v�pper scrap, and plastic p�p bottles. He stated they also intend to wllect news�aper, glass bottles and jars, steel cans, and carcmoard. Mr. Flora stated it is prp�sed this facil ity woulcl be open f ive c�ys a week, 2�iesday throuc�i Saturday, fran 9 a. m. to 4 p. m Mr. Flora stated a two year lease agreenent was pre�ared for the Council's - oonsideration with a three year option to rer�ew after the seoond year. He stated during the initial five years, Universal Can would lease the land for $1.00 per year and, after five years, title for any permanent improvanents pravided to the site b� Universal C�n would be Fassed to the Ci.ty for $1.00. Mr. Flora stated at the end of the f ive years, Universal Can shall have the option to mritinue leasing the site and pravicling the agreed services at a aost to then of $300 per month. Mr. Flora stated the City would util ize its grant monies to expand the fenoed--in area and pravide c�tes at the site. He stated if any additional grants are reoeived, they woould be used to imprave the site. NDTION b� C1�imcilman Schr�eic3er to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into the lease agreenent with University Can, Inc. for operation of the SORT rec.ycling site. Se�nded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nbyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �� � • _ • � • � ? �� = � �� ' �l �±= �s �, �_�!� .��__' = y,.� � � �� : �y�� ;l �M�' � Mr. Robert Aldrich, F`i.re Chief, stated only one bid was received for the refurbishing and rehabilitation of two punpers. He stated the o�mpany from which the bid was reoeived is we11-knawn and responsible and would re�mmend the bid be acoepted. NDTION b� �wicilman Barr�ette to reoeive the bid frcm 3 D Fire P�paratus of Shawano, Wiso�nsin for ref urbi shing and rehabil itating two Peter Pi rsch p�mipers in the Fire De�artrnent at a mst of $27,700 for eadz �nit. Seoonded b� Cbtmcilman Goodspeed. Up4n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION b� Cotmcilman Schryeider to award the contract for the refurbishing and rehabilitation of two I�ter Firsch punpers in the Fire De�artrnerit to 3 D Fire Ap�aratus of Sh�ano, Wis�nsin in the a�notmt of $27,700 for each unit. Sea�nded b� GoLmcilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. f_���_ ���d �� �i 'i• : �.�' � � _ _ � , i_� �1�_.��.._ �ii.� �� � �! � � - _- "1� • �!4�' __!�� • 4e _ 4 • _ i �� _?! � ?�' *-'-�4u��� I�. Hint, Assistarst to the {:ity Manager, stated when the Council granted this se�aration benefit to norr-Union enployees, it was thought this issue would have to be negotiated with �e various Unions. I� stated the City has -16- • !�. ��--?1M �. � � ���:- a�• . • : . been advised by the Labor Relations Council this isn't an item £or the wntract, therefore, this resolution is submitted for the Council' s �r� consideration in order to provide a seFaration benef it plan f or Fi re }� DeFartment enplv�ees. Mr. Hunt stated this is the same plan apprwed b� the r Cocsicil for non-Union enplo�ees. � :�- NDTION !� Q�w�cilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 108-1986. Se�nded b,� _ Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ni�yor Nee r c7eclared the motion carried unanimously. � �� _:;� �. ��_ � ,� �' �i• � �� ,� �i.,i i3 i �_ 4 � �� � i , �1��� _ ��_ � 4!� � � i � ._'� � :J� i.�V ��� �� � • i • Mr. H�mt, Assistant to the City Manager, stated it is requested the Council v�nsider acbption of this resolution to ratify the agreesnent between the City and Union emgloyees of the Fire De�artment. He stated the Fair Labor Standards Act requi.res corYVersion to an hourly wage and emplayees gaid for avertime on a set schedule. He stated this irivolves a 4.5$ increase in total oampensation aver 1985 and going to an hourly basis, rather than a monthly basis in calculating salaries. NDTION b� �imcilman Goodspeed to acbpt Resolution No. 109-1986. b� Co�mci.lman F�tzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, declared the motion carried t�animously. ,'r_ : �.:: ;{ _,�, Seconded -a� Mayor Nee __ � _� �_ • �:� � • : , •� �� �, �., ?►� �_�• u _ �i� �� � ' � �� -4* - �� lUM • :.�.��;: ,��' •!_ _.�4M �i� N)r. Qureshi, City l�nager, stated this resolution is required in order to raise the revenue for the budget and pravides for a mill levy of 14.7. He ::: stated, if it is the Council's desire, about an extra $300,000 could be ='r4 raised b� going to the mill levy limit or an increase c� about 1-1,/2 mills. e� • � • • i • - •- • . �• • - -• • • 1 • : . - •• • - • • f• i •�• •--• •• • �- • - • • - • -- •- -• - • • r. -• • • �� _ �_ �� �� ' : . • al _4 ��i 1�,�1 � e � � � � - * , � � • �� 1��� u� �l�� '��_4�: : i4es� i _ �. 4�� : _ : �1� �4 _ • �_ . 1 1 1 1 1 �.� viuia�� .;__ � ?il� � 4u!?���_ i�f�.�l ) _� ��� +� .►, �l �� �. ' _�� ��Y NDTION tr� Cb�'►cilman Fitz�atrick to ad�pt b� Cbimcilman Schneider. Upon a voioe declared the motion aarried unanimously. Resc>l�ion No. I11-1986. Seaanded h<- vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee ^�� • ' `_• � �.� �:� • : . � _4�! �1 •� ��. • y � ' � _ �.� � + ' �• ��_ 4� ���� :��4�� �4r � i �.. yr�_ ..i !:.,.« : � ._ � M. • 1 1 1 1 1 • M.H �. _ � _�/_ _ � G�r_ �l� �_�I_ �l _ =�� �!� �I� 7!_ ' � : • .�1L: ' � �► � . ' i1 ?�I • �' s f• n. r •: • t . •• • ---• • • :. -�• •- • • • - - •• • •- • - • • - • - - -1�- �. �. �. �_ 4!_?�y �. • � �s� : at• . • : . declared the motion carried unanimously. =�- 1 ��! �,� • ' • � •,�j� � ��' 4a� '1 ��. ���� _..�._ • i3�1) :� ��� �� : _ YL� �►. �1:�. � ' • 1� . : .�!! ��� ; � _.� ' u y� �� I� _ :-�� e- � � '��J� �. :.f! ��� � �� ' * � _ � ' , ' � It � i !��� i.M ,�1 � :��� �V, -4�� � �.I� a� � ���: L ��.M.':.�!_ NDTION t� Councilman Barr�ette to acbpt Resolution No. 113-1986. Sewnded b� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. i �� � � � : • ii � � - � ���_ i. �� � � !� i � �, :_-_ � ���*- • •�� ��L�� - �� � �� --- �� �1 !� ��. � i� � i * i • i �I♦ NDTION b� Cbtmcilman Barnette to acbpt Resolution No. 114-1986. Seo�nded b� Councilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the mation carried unanimously. ' • �! • � � • • : . �. ; � - - �� �M .[� _ � �!� Mz�-� � 4r �� Li �_ : �� � � �1� � �� -- y�M � .� : �:� � � ' •— NDTION b� Cbuncilman FitzFatrick to acbpt Res�lution No. 115-1986. Se�nc3ed by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � �� _ �i� � � • ' � • � �: i� --- ��. ' _i �_+�� i ' i� ,� � , �� ,1� ' �� �.���vl: �1' ' I • �I ' ;— �I �� • NDTION b� O�Lmcilman Goodspeed to acbpt Resolution No. 116-1986. Seconded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mo�ion carried unanimously. • �� �� � �i• � � � � � �i '�• � �4. �M�� �� �1� • 4 • :• ��• 41' :�j��l�l ' •�� � ,,I� _� _ • ,1 ., .. •• �,i i4 ,i � i . M � � _ �' � � � • Q � � � 41' i.�J��M���_ ' it� �� NDTION b� Councilman Schneider tA ad�pt Resolution No. 117-1986. Seconded b� CoLmcilman Goodspeea. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor 23ee declared the motion carried unanimously. 22. � NDTION b� Cbimcilman Schneider to authorize �xiyment of Claims No. 10524 throuc� 10837. Seaarnied by Cbincilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N��c�r Nee declared tt�e mation carried unanimously. 23. LICENSES• NDTION b� Cotmcilman Goodspeed to apFrove the lioenses as subenitted and as on file in the Lioense Qerk's Offioe with the addition of an auctioneer's -18- �. ��. r v►��+� L � � ���1: ?!' . • : . lioense for t�5ilton Anderson. Seoonded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 24 . E MATF� • ppTIpN tr�, O�tmcilman Fitzpatrick to ap�ave the estimates as sukmitted: S�unpson, N�aman & Herrick, Ltd. 6401 University Avenue N. E. S�ite 205 Fric�ey, NN 55432 For Servioes Rendered as (;ity Attorney for the Nbnth of Septenber, 1986. . . . . . . . . .$ H& S As�hal t, Inc. 1700 Industry Blvd. Anoka, NN 55303 Street Img'o�venerit Proj ect No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2(Phase I) FINALE:STII�TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Short-ELliott-Hendrickson, Inc. 200 Gopher Building 222 East Little C�nada Road St. i�ul, NN 55117 Central Avenue/Fiic�way 65 Roaciaay Redesic� Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1,650.00 44,182.61 843.41 Sewnded b� Q�imcilman Schneider. ilp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl areri the motion ca rried unanimously. 25� a3IQS�ERATTOi� OF AiIrHORI2ING DONATI0�1 nF S1TRPr ilS �ENERATOR TQ THE ANOKA mr cY�M[INTR'v ACTION PROGR�M' NDTION b� �imcilman Schneider to ap�we the request to d�nate a surplus generator to the Anoka County Community Action Program for use in thei r weatherization of substanc3ard housing. Sev�ndec7 by Councilman Goodspeed. tip�n a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousiy. : ! �.1���y1�+�� I�TION by Councilman Barnette to adj ourn the meeting. Seconded by (binci.lman Sc3v�eider. tlp�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Ngyor Nee declared -19- -� ,. Li. t� • !�. �-ul���l�, • ����: �+• • ' :. the motion carried unanimously and the Reyu].ar Meeting of the Fridley Cit� Cbtmcil of October 6, 1986 adjourned at 10:50 p.m Respectfully sut�►itted, (�role Haddad, - Willian J. Nee Secretary to the City CoLmcil Mayor Appraved: -20- PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that �t�ere wi11 be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fr�dley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, October 20, 1986 , 1n the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV #86-05, by Martin Nisley, Sr., to vacate part of a street and utility easement lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de- sac?. Easement was acquired April 15, 1976 and recorded at Anoka County as Doctunent No. 443624. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: October 6, 1986 Octaber 13, 1986 1 � 1A ING CO:�ffSSION MEETING. SEPTEr�ER 24. 1 Irtr. Robinson stated this proposal is to split Lot 7, Block 2, Moore Lake Hills into tvo separate parcels. He stated the property is/ located between Woody Lane and Old Central. He stated staff is reco nding approval of the lot split with four stipulations as follows: ) new structure to meet City Code for front yard setback average, feet plus or minus six feet; (2) fence and shed to be relocat prior to recording; (3) park fee of $750 required with building pe it; and (4) lot split to be recorded at County within six months o Council approval. MOTIO*: BY I�t. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY I�S. REK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT, L.S. 9k -06, WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. New structure to meet City ode for front yard setback average, 61 feet plus or minus si feet. 2. Fence and shed to be elocated prior to recording. 3. Park fee of $75 equired with building permit. 4. Lot split t be recorded at County within six months of Council approval. UPON A V CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MOTION RRIED UNAIVIMOUSLY. ,�C'irperson Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on tober 6, 1986. 6. CONSIDERc1TI0N OF A VACr1TI0N, SAV �86-OS, BY Mr�RTIN NISLEY• Vacate part of a street and utility easement lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac). Easement was acquired April 15, 1976 and recorded at Anoka County as Document No. 443624. I� . Robinson stated this is a request to vacate part of a street and utility easement lying in Lot 32, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 (71 1/2 Way cul-de-sac). He stated notices of this proposed vac- ation were sent to the utility companies. I�. Robinson stated Northwestern Bell has a buried cable, but believed it was in the street and not the cul-de-sac area. IYh. Billings stated he believed the telephone company's cable was across the street and wouldn't be affected by this vacation. He stated if it is a problem, the City should retain a utility easement and this should be verified before the City Council meeting. Mr. Robinson stated that the long range plan is to develop this property into three single famil� lots. The area being vacated has already had the hard surfacing removed and is sodded. : PIANNIhG CO*L�fISSIO\ MEETIrG SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PAGE 12 MOTIO� BY I�t. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY I'ZS. SHEREK, TO RECOMrEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION, SAV ��86-OS, BY MARTIN NISLEY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UIvANIAlOUSLY. Chairperson Bitlings stated this item would go to the City Council on October 20 for a puhlic t�earing. , 7. REVIEW OF �+ SP EDGE W�Y I�.E. • � AT 157 Atr. Robinson stated this special use permit was granted in Octo r, 1984 to allow a second accessory building to be used for a worksho . He stated staEf has inspected this structure and Iytrs. Farr stat d they have not received any complaints. r�. Robinson stated it is staff's belief that the speci�Cl use permit is bcing used in the spirit intended. � P10TIO:v BY rS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RE NE THE STAFF'S REPORT REC�'�RDING SP 4�84-18. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERS BILLINGS DECIARED THE P10TION CARRIED UDWNIMOUSLY. 8. R M�l�L�17i�lI rfOTIO:�T BY tIIi . SABA, SECOIr'DED BY MS . THE ENERGI' PROJECT COI�L�fITTEE OF AUG e REK, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF 13, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING A�, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 9. RECEIVE HUr1�1N RESOURCES CO lISSION rfflv'UTES OF Mo[ion or. Pages 6 and 7)• . (See TtOTION BY 1�5. SHEREK, ECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE HUP1r1N RESOURCES OMMISSION OF AUGUST 14, 1986. Ms. Sherek state in reference to the item on Pages 6 and 7, it is to inform the mmission regarding the Anoka County Mediation Project. UPON A VOIC VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOI� BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CA IED UNANIPiOUSLY. L0. RECEIVE/�IOUSII�G A 1986: BY I�IIt. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES HOUSII3G & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF AUGUST 14, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECIARED THE P1�TION CARRIED UN�INIMOUSLY. !,� � � � 7S � 1,S`� /D ���/ ld4 /�, `8'' ,e 9151 SAV #86-OS 1 C �1 ' � ��.a'r � Dlartin Nisley '' `� z� �' � °�- ' B . �3 �, • � a :. � � � 14s � z, 3, �- � � p �q �� ! 29 , ., . • 4 '.- ` �;�� I �j w ��y� 7 ° - _ . 219 . `O ° 3 �� �ss �'� ,.,L_ -- �w,-- `` .� c � ,p, , .. � 3: �Y_ ' —_" 3s� + ��} F„�,�e1�+ y � o :.,�� y''� _ . _ — ', �'= ` ��� � �; 7z i1 /IQ ' � G, f �B (�'1 . � s o �,/#?„ �N�.,' s , ';,) i� o r .3 �Q I - �� 0� ��> >, �r'a� f 3� `� � 7�Z6o`' 1ZS5 � - Lj' > _ .yr I 8 ;oti' ,� �9 S9 � - k , .' � �: , �?"'3`� � � L'11 � , _ -v ',, . ,_Q , ` -1. •�o` ,.« , : - --- . �. � .,200 � ; L 0 GAN '�',. - � PKWY. - ,a� W �z�.�� �Z�� `/ /�a► � o � . - ,,- . - a � � ( ,. < � I � � ` `� ��9��' ����°� �;'� �3i'� � !�� - ��p� ��).: . 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BY, 9.tc �+ s✓ .�? � � � ��_ r. w... � —___I _-----� ' — _�._�I �-_ _i.y� � .�� I I (i� � I v : � ' -I I�T � — � I•'• �y� �-rr-, —�-� �I+�-- \ —'�I •� . • � � . . i i I ` � . � ------�� �-=-----� t-�.--� t.- j�-� 9 .j _.�� '�}�1.` _.— � .., � � �f) �9�i ���, �Q� -��Q�.�� -�'�-�---� -s �-, ._ , .:.�; ; r. �,� .-.•-;� . �1 I_ _ �=—� ,�, y ,��. �_:::.I �,- :�,, � �. -----� �--�—� I/�� � �:���;� o .� �--;--�� � � � � „_.., -------i -- —llj� � �_—� �----� 4 �0_ , �I--- ✓ �` r1 ,�., ..�.tsQO)..I� .�) � -1 ►— , ..;. � �, t , � -,�-�� A� � - � � _,: --� I � � � � �� ` - , � .S T :�: ------) �� / /'�7 -- � ,o��-= ��,�.-r � ti 'z"` :.��� � ` - . ;l.t) � �� . ^ .� --- —� � � �., o � '•� Y:� � r�f) 6ij � ) ° � L�_�� ° -� �-_ �-----�I � ` - ------� -. r—_" , . . �� :�. ,, a> � �, ,^ �- . ; � � ci�roF FRIDLEY � � �tor� : LY�TE : PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM JOQC ROBF�tTSCN, CDN4IJNI'TY DEVF�OR'IENT DIREQ'OR JIM ROBINSQV, PLANNIl�G CnORDINAZt�R RIC WIERSNA, PLANNING ASSISTANT � OCTOBF�t 15, 1986 SUBJECT : APAQ-IE Q�r1PING �"�R Kelvin and I met Jim Pawelski this morning and he agreed to the revised landscape plan. Zhe main feature of the r�rised plan is maving the hedging to the slope of the ditch. This is samething that both Mary N'�rtin and tir. Pawelski wanted. I informed Mr. Pawelski that the Council may request the barb wire be rHnaved. Mr. Pawelski cbes not want to r�nove the barb wire fran the fenoe because he leases the property and because it holds cbwn his insurance �sts. h�ry N,artin may still beliEVe that six foot mav�ble fences are needed. To my knowledge she is the only person who holds this view. I also informed r�x. �welski that the Cbi.mcil may request a $5,000 perforn��anoe bond or letter of credit. Nr. Pawels{:i plans on planting this fall. I told him the O��mcil may want it c3�ne b� Nc�anber 15, 1986. i3a/cg m-86-264 � � " ` �. � ,. �! �� �� �; �I" Apache Camping Center Rev. �0/�5 /g�i . � V �� �"1 � L 7,. �L� d � In .7 , a J�,� ^ ; i?��r� y :� `5 .� I � j ��-,= �t � �,,'•� 0 � q � t , i��y�g t' I`� r3ysa` �`' � : � � �^ � � � LL�.�� ._ ✓' . � � �� r � �''� • � . �' � j - - - - _� •�� � -� _- -- �y- --_---- �� �� � a . - . `� + .� •� . � �, � , ' � � �, / � � • • � � - � � \�� : r`: ��� °. � .., ,� � .'..t��.� a � . � `� �. � � ���Y � —1 � yr� � , 1 .�/ , •���i �..� I �I ' `� ! / :i i - ' �� �I "3: . _ - i �:� I/ '� � - � i I ,i :�l . � �� •' . . .� � � i z � ° �1 �- �� y ° � .� , - � t, �.� � 1;._ �, '�� ! �. J . �, � � �'' �A� .' � i �a � _ I `�tl �` �_� ���1. ? � '� �� � �' � ° - � �,� �,: � � � � 4 �'° $'` ��a N � ^i ♦ j #. N z; �yj.� W: �= . .« - . - - . .. � • � . .� .� , � , � ��� +� � �I� �' 'v' �a�, =� � . ` "'' �,�E' !";�,: `"' a� '� t .__ f ��� _ A� r _ . ���.�;'�� ���; V��. 1��/ � "a '' .-: � .;���'�.. � - " � �� "�����'f�{°�._� � ,�`�=-'''� �r _ - , - € ����. �..�� .� - .� :,,,� �.►-�;. .� �, �'°�;��''�. 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'" . ����, ' � 4 \�� {' - ����` -`� ♦Z�? � ' � !�!�� :�- � � ��_ � ,� �' �''�'�� �� � . �:� � �� ,� ��, .. � ��,. �� Y. �; . � � ., . � •�� r,� � • AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.06 OF THE CI�`Y CHARTER DEQ,ARING CER�IIN RFAL F5�1TE Zl� BE SURPLUS AND AU�iORIZING 7�iE SALE �iIIZIDF . Zhe Council of the City of Fridley cbes ordain as follaws: 1. Zhe City of Frialey is the fee vwner of the tract of land within the City of Frictley, Anoka County, State of rlinnesota, describeci as follaws: A portion of Outlot 1, Block 1, Gena-Rae Addition, lying 25 feet north of the center line of Creek Park Lane N. E. , PIN 24-30-13-13-0041 All lying in North Half of Section 13, �-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. 2. It is hereby c3�eterniined by the Council that the City no longer has any reason to continue to own said property and that the sale of said property is r�ot inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. 'Il�e Council hereby authorizes the City Manager and the City C1erk to effect the sale of saici property b� negotiating a sale directly with an interesteci party. 4. Zhe Mayor and City C1erk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary oontract anct deeds to effect the sale of the above described real estate. P�.SSID AND ADOPrID BY ZIiE CITY O�UNCIL OF ZfiE QTY OF FRIDLEY THIS IY�1Y OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - I�AYUR ATTF�T: SHiRLEY HAA�LA - CITY �II2K First Reaaing: October 6, 1986 Second Reading: Publ ish : 3/7/4/6 3 0 •;• � � r� « � •:•i� � r• ���a�� � � � � i • n w ♦� �� • r• � a• �. o- �� a� � « • . . •� �� • i� � � y • � � . � • n �. � The City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follaws: 506. Vg�CLE PARI�iG. 1 . 1 _ �;�I�It�4M �.. 9. Vehicle. Motor vehicle as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 168.011 Subdivision 4. � . 1 •'• •,• /. 11 //No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of: 1. Displaying such vehicle for sale; or// 1. In order to preserve civic beauty, to assure public health, safety, and welfare by preventing congestion and traffic hazan�s, to prevent unauthorized use and trespass on vacant property and to prevent damage and erosion allow .ssociated with off-road vehicle travel on unimproved surfaces, it is to regulate the individual sales of vehicles within the city. No �siness, association or corporation shall store, display or park, or storage, display or parking of an individual vehicle which has on or near it a sign indicating a phone number, address, or other �g information, or a sign indicating that the vehicle is for sale, it, lease, trade or exchar�e: a. Upon any public property including public right of way and easements; or � on an the unless the vehicle is stored, displaved, or to the property awner or occupant of disr�laved, or t�arked. //2. Washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated bY an emercJenCY•// 2. No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the purpose of: washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an emergency- Page 2 - Ordinance No. PASSID AND ADOPTED BY 7� CITY dOLTNCIL OF 7� CITY OF FRIDLEY Tf-ffS OAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. PTEE - MAYOR A'ITEST: g�ur �.v A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK First Reading: Second Readirig: Publication: . • s PLANNING DIVISION � MEMORANDI�[M c�nroF FRIDLEY ZD: JOCK ROBi.'RTSCN, O�r]�IJNT�Y I�VII.,OR�IEtJ'P DIRECTOR JIM ROf3II�SCX�1, H..ANDIING O�ORDINA'InR FgtO!-1: RIC WIERSt•�1, PLANI�IING ASSISTANT � L1�TE: OCPOB�t 15, 1986 SUB,7ECT: CARS FOR SAI,E ON L,A��TI�'S Enclosed is the proposed ordinance for the problem of selling cars for other people on lawns and vacant property. 'lfiis language should enable prohibiting car sales by other people on Fads in their side yard too. A ne�� def inition of vehicle may be needed because Chapter 506 cbes not ciefir� vehicle. Minnesota Statutes oould be used as a referenoe for a definition. i:�a/cg m-86-26 5 6 : 10. � •�,�1► M� vi?!?!M �. • '!_ �4�,�i: �; • : . , . � • •: _ , ,' Mr. Jim Hill, Public Safety Directo , stated it is r�qc�ested the Council oonsic3er f�mds in the budget t law for the purchase of Civil Defense sirens. He felt it may b etter if the City prepared thei r own specif ications for thes�sirens as he is aware of only one city that pravides for mutual �ng• Mr. Qureshi sta staff would be reoatunending some adjustment to provide f or these si r . NrJTION Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordi oe upon first reading. Seconc3ed by Gouncilman Barnette. Upon a v' ce vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried nimously. 11. OC�NSIDE�ZiUN OF RST RFnr�Trr nF AN (�RDTNANCE R�L�I�� '� F��EY CITY .�„,�,. �'2 ^� 506� Eh'i'� F'� "V�iTCL,� PA�II�" BY P:t�tFnmTt�L: SECTION 506�14� Mr. Robertson, �nun�ity Developnent Director, stated this amendnent to the oode was sutreitted to the Planning Co�nission and they remrcunenc3ed approval on January 8. 1986. Mr. Herrick, C�ty Attorney, stated as he reads this ordinanoe, it is to prevent people fran parking cars on their side or front yards for purposes of sale. He felt the ordinanoe �ulci�'t be justified on the basis of safety or aesthetics. He stated he thouc�t the CYty would have a diff icult time enforcing the ordinanoe if they have to shvw the vehicle is parked for the specific purpose of displaying a sign. He stated if the Council felt strongly about this issue, the ordinance shoulc�'t differentiate between cars that are for sale and other cars that are park+ed in these areas. Gb�cilman FitzFatrick stated if there is a better way of approaching this problen, he would be in favor of it. He felt the case muld be made that a car for sale woulcl distract more than orr that is just Farked there with no sic�. He stated he received a number of complaints pertaining to this issue. Gb�mcilman Barriette statec3 not only aze cars Farkec3 in owners' yards, but all along East River Road and other streets. Mr. Herrick felt perhaps his office and the staff should analyze the ordinanoe further before the seoond reading. NC7TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and agproU nha ordinanoe up�n first reading. ��o�N e declared the otion� ca rried voi ce vote, al l voti ng ay e, May unanimously. •� � _ I� �����M����L������`i�L?i�J!l.��J�i�sa��� i�����.�r-=s_�-= - �t�,. — — — ��i� i ��� _ : _ «1�f !� f � y .i �� �, �i1 M.�t� i �� _ i_. - f � • 1 a�►! M4 �� �� �..1� � : �? 1_ ; �I • � �l�. � � — - — ZOA #86-04 Wayne Dahl 5 ORDINANCE N0. ORDINAN(E � Ai� �E QTY �DE OF �iE CITY OF ERIILEY, MIDIlJE50'� BY N�I� A Q3ANGE IN ZC�Ill� DISZRICtS 'Ihe Cowlcil of the City of Friciley does ordain a� follaws: SECTION 1. Appendix D of the City Code of Fridley is amended as hereinaf ter indicated. SECTION 2. �e tract or area within the County of Anoka and the City of Fridley and described as: Paroel 2570, the same being 7699 Viron Road N.E. Is hereby desic�nated to be in the Zoned District known as C-Rl (General Off ice) . SECTION 3. Zhat the Zoning Ac�ninistrator is directed to c�ange the off icial zoning map to shaa said tract or area to be rezonecl f rom Zoned District C-3 (General Shopping Center) to C-Rl (General Office). A�1SSID AND AD�FrED BY �HE QTY O�UNCIL OF �iE QTY OF FRILGEY �iIS LIAY OF , 1986. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAY�R ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY Q,E�2K Public Hearing: August 18, 1986 First Reading: Sewnd Reading: Pukzl ish : � � � PLANNING DIVISION - 5 _ MEMORANDUIV! c��nroF FRlDLEY MErD �TJ: Jock Robertson, Gatununity Developnent Director r�rfl �oM: Jim Robinson, Planning Coorainator�? • riErD IY�1TE: october 15, 1986 RE�ARDING: 7699 Fiighway 65 Along with Wayne Dahl's plans to construct a 6.400 square foot cl inic building has oame the need for a rezoning, a street vacation, and several variances. All of these items have been processed through the various cx�nunissions and are ready for Council appraval. �ao r�ew issues which have rECently oome up shoulci be addressed. First, the r�oning to C-2 may not be the most suitable; in as much as the rezoning is for a clinic%ffice t}•pe building C-Rl would restrict use of the property to that which is proposea. A retail autlet would not be allowed in C-R1. Seoondly, as an additional requirenent we suggest that the petitioner agree to modify the facade of his existing building to match with the proposed structure. Because of the two structures on one lot this architectural unity is im�ortant. Elevations for the buildinos, with sufficient detail, have not yet been sukmitteci. Suggest Co�cil proceed with the first reaciing of the ordinance for rezoning at their October 20, 1986 nreeting, but dela�y any seoond reaaing until sti�ulations #2 and #3 are wcngleted. �he Appeals Commission reviewed variance requests for the project on September 30, 1986, the attached map shaas the appraved variances. JLR/lztu�i M--8b-267 : ��lAYiVE DAHL ZOA #�86-�4 STIPL'L4�IOf�1S 1, PROVIDE ELEVATIONS WITH BUILDING FACADE MATERIAL DETAILS FOR BOTH EXISTi�I^ AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS PRIOR TO CITY COUNCIL SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE� ii'�ATERIALS TO BE LRICK OR OTHER MATERIAL APPROVED BY �ITY)� �, FROVIDE A LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO SECOND READING OF QRDINANCE� 3, PROVIDE AUTOMATIC LAWN SPRINKLING PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� 4� PR0�IIDE A STORM DRAINAGE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� 5, PROVIDE A SITE PERFORMANCE BOND TO COVER SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT� 6� REZONING IS CONTINGENT UPON VACATION OF VIRON ROAD, %� REZONING IS FOR THE APPROVED PLAN ONLY� g� PETITIONER TO PAY ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING SEWER LINE PRESENTLY IN VIRON ROAD� 2 �.�c /!S) � T w 1 !� "�+ �:w ' 3 . .�71. f0/ ��1 • . � ^1 �;' �LA P RT'S=t ` Y � � /S° i i ('d) M ; �� . 3 2 / ti � ` � � � : rn� (>> T" � A, . ; �y °ao i �,► e s � , - . N��r' »t�if � !s) � ��600% Lan�Pei/lvin 6�� �omPony . �!!�I (36so) �0 600d t' i � �,r;' =romoiro �i�fk�6ArirrvsJfe Qo.JV<iI c � �� � , � � 0 h � 1 ZOA #86-04 Wayne Daht - • • . . ♦ --' �' 5C I - ��s;.> - - - TTY + LTf1i11TS . � �p =��- - - —=oo. S/ieieJand O �' �'` . �S �i�o/L Nw�ven � OF F R i D L E Y ��Z�'',� -� (6C � �� � � ! � � 3 2 ^ _•° > Q DE �:l�v . I � i11/i/1i.� 6. Orr.�►i1�I - o0 2 c � • 4T C.2 - - f00 -- �• ,t,w (3� . C ) �.� � . � 1 t LOCATION M � Y. ^I �o W� � � I Z a� � � �� � � _ � � ci �� _ •.� Y o Z ° � P �' � h � � � �l�yi) �W � I M.6.Irr�sFe.t/ tel �� 9 (� ol Ow Rta /� Gv�. �G � i✓ f.fs. is) � �M _ � ��0, � ��� CC/OId E l�� ro6.�,�.., (a�sv) H' f00 �( y� . �Z40� " 5�) � r � l3�E,VEL,Q . ,h . yo � q� . . . m . {iirar � � � /Ni/!4�/� G Ov/. � , a �� O� �' i I / �` / I T � � ( � ( � � �� ! � ; �� � � � � �, ■ � �• �>N H'� �° � ���� � �,��� ��CfT"�1�b'tl�:.7 Wayne Dahl �s • v �� N � �" 5 I �'1 5D ��)1 � e e �� •� �q _�� G u � i:,. - .� � , =' `� � � � � � I _ 1� � �� � � '- S' ` . - �.,,..� .- �_,,.. . _.�.�.. � _--• � _ � , ' � � ' �` --� 1 _► .r�` � _"'-- �......--_ r^� - � -�� � ���/ I � il 7 - � t..■..�I t - � r: _' '' � • � 1 . � � =- �Ilhiil�i., __ •�\���� � , ! �, �; ; ,�rr��� �; �� ._.___. . _ � I�: ` � ' ' � �'''� � ±t`�i'��� . : � �� J 1'�� _ _ � � _ �► � ^ � 1 ►�' A _ � ` �' � v� � J • � � � I�� t' ` - illi� �, . � .J r�. ���� , � � � I . \ + I - . ` � ; y� � `� 7V _� 1.��/ � : "� ... . �' IEi � / SAV #86-04 City of Fridley ,�):�. i► : � ��;�a AN ORDINANCE UI�7ER SDGTZ(�I 22. �7 OF THE Ci�`Y C�ARTER � VA(3�TE S�ZEEZS AND ALLEYS ADID ��MEND APPENDIX C OF �iE QTY 4�DE Zhe City Council of the City of Frictley does ordain as follaws: SECTION 1. Fbr the vacation of a 30 foot easement for public road purposes (Viron Rnad) lying north of the north 213 feet, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the north lirie of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter lying east of, and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. �5. All lying in Section 12, �-30, R-24. Except the r�orth 33 feet thereof (Osborne Road) and subject to rights and other easements of reoord, generally located South of Osborne Road and East of Highway 65. Be and is hereby vacated, except the City retain the Westerly 22 feet to be maintained for utility purposes. SECTION 2. �e said vacation has been maue in conformance with Minnesota Statutues and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so 1amended. PP,SSID AND ADOFrID BY �iE CITY QXJNCIL OF �iE QTY OF FRIIX.EY ZfiIS L�AY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - r�.YUR A��T: SHIRLEY A. HAAPRLA - CITY Q,E�tK Public Hearing: August 18, 1986 First Reading: Second Reaciing: Publication: � �: "��. .—�Q---- . ,. . � '0 :L P RT'S� � '��� ' .1 j. . /�M-ff 7ct.o � �� `AD !T ON r'� • � . . • � �i,' � .i�!"i'.r�tl' : �+/'J^. 7� oa � . �. , - .. )51p ,�. .�1. �iss !' - -i^��.. +_i,..�. N..,..•. . ,. I ► -? ..� � ': , � � , l� , f �LI d� �� G� . � ,���� � d � ¢� G ! '�� ��� �i� o,� I C ' � a SAV #86-04 6 A City of Fridley . . . � ---.�-- ;" -'.::-•_ � C TY �IMlTS ��..� ' . '�� ''�� � - ` F FRlOLEY �250 . ��qq tto0: ..�3 '_ 2.. ' �.�a� �2�� � ANDEh � �e • .� � � �V��/ . . � . 1 • • •OD � � y ( I•�' � ,� .� S i' "` • ' . I � � 1i�. � � DE VEL OF � +-: ...,.s«� � � i.� .- 76 ?.S ., ' . i•• -� � �� 8 � l nQ. ✓.. qi,. �7 c.-P � : t � �� ; � r,.w :r, � � - ' . . f ^ � ' ����� W _ � �w - - - O Z ;, �; �.�, � } 7�� � � Q �" • • 3 �-- ' • �;- • - - _ ,� ' ,^ o � (: ds` V , ,, • � :Oi• r� • � i _ • — — _" ' � ' Y ♦• J �. 'I• i.vr. • , Y.. .. , . � 2 ; � 20 � � ... . ,1,.. . . . W ' .' 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KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR.BETZOLD, TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 24, 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: PAGE 14, PARAGR�IPH 1, CHANGE THE WORD "FORMALLY" TO "INFORMALLY" AND ATTACH THE SIGN-IN SHEET. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CEIRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �fk86-_1_b,_ BY_ CHURCH ON THE r10VE : Per Section 205.07.1, C, 2 of the Fridley City Code, to allow a church and private school on Lots 2, 3 and 6, exceptthe South 200 feet Chereof, Meloland Gardens, all located in Section 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and Lot 4, Meloland Gardens, located in Sectiou 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and Lot 5, except for the Westerly 110 feet of the Soutiherly 200 feeC, Meloland Gardens, located in SecCion 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and Lot 1, excepC for the Southerly 210 feet, Meloland Gardens, located in Section 24, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, and Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, Anoka County, Minnesota and Lot 33, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills, Anoka County, Minnesota, and Lot 1, and Auditor's Subdivision No. 92. Lot 17 may be encumbered by a recreational lease running in favor of the CiCy of Fridley, the same being 1401 Gardena Avenue N.E. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO WAIVE THE READING OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING �YE, CHAIRpERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARIN G OPEN AT 7:37 p.m. 7A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8,_ 1986 _ _ PAGE 2 N�r. Robinson stated this is a request for a special use permit to operate church facilities at what was Faith Acade�ny and prior to that time, Gardena Schoa2. He stated the groperty is zoned single family and Located in a single famiLy neighborhood aczoss the st'reet from Totino-Grace High School. Mr. Robinson stated the petitioner, I�fr. Mark Anderson, President of the Church on the Move, is requesting to co�duct church services in the �Ymnasium andthe request doesn't include any new building con- struction, He stated there are 600 members in the congregation and they would hold two services on Sunday with about 30� attending the morning service and about 150 attending tne evening service. He stated a neighborhood meeting was held several weeks ago with approxi- mately 35 persons attending to exchange ideas and hear any concerns from the residents. Mr. Robinson stated if the special use permit is approved, staff is recommending the following stipulations: (1) A11 existing hardsurface areas to be improved with sealcoating, curb and gutter and striping; improvement date to be reviewed in one year; (2) An approved dumpster enclosure to be installed by October 31, 1986; (3) Remove or repair deteriorating playground equipment by October 31, 1986; (4) Combine individual lots into one tax parcel, as requested by City Assessor prior to final approval; (5) Provide for�and record at Anoka County, a parking use easement with Totino-Grace High School, for use of Totino's parking Lot (off Gardena Avenue) on Sundays; (6) This special use permit for church uses is to be coterminous in duration with parking use agreement; except where installation of new parking on-site would suffice; (7) This special use permit is issued for Church on the Move only; (8) This special use permit does not cover any new construction; (9) A$5,000 bond to cover items 1-4 to be issued to the City by October 21, 1986; and (10) This special use permit to be reviewed prior to expiration of parking agreement or in one year, whichever comes first. r1r. Robinson stated that Mr. Anderson had worked out an arran�ement with Totino-Grace to use their parking lot on Sundays. This agreement could be terminated by either party. Mr. Robinson stated he felt it would be to everyone's benefit to try and extend the Iength of the parking agreement with Totino-Grace to at least one year. He stated it should be noted that this document should be completed prior to written approval by the City of the Special Use Permit. He stated he believed Mr. Anderson is aware of the stipulations and is in agreement. • Mr. Anderson, President of Church on ttle Move Inteznational, stated, in 'August, he met �aith the Chairman of the Board for Faith Academy and discussed taking over the school which was having financial difficulties. He stated they came to terms to take over the school with the idea of holding their church services in the gymnasium, He stated he wasn't aware a special use permit was required as this is not necessary in Minnetonka and Bloomington. : PLANNING COI�ffSSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8. 1986 PAGE 3 Mr. Anderson stated he has spoken with Dr. Ray at Totino-Grace in regard to Che parking and they have agreed Totino-Grace's parking lot can be used. He stated a contract has been drawn which indicates Church on the Move can use Totino-Grace's pa_king lot for their Sun- day services. He stated if a conflict arises, they would need to make other provisions. Mr, Anderson stated they were going to assume t�e $580,000 contract for deed on the building, but the company through which they are seeking bonds has to have the first mortgage on the property. Mr. Anderson stated they met with neighboring residents and a lot of questions were raised about maintenance on the property. He stated he assured them the property would be maintained as they have a regular maintenance person and have purchased lawn and snow removal equipment. He stated they also plan to replace part of the pLay- ground equipment. He stated the consensus of the meeting was that the residents would like to be kept informed of their plans. He stated the long-range plan for the property is to seek to build a sanctuary, but right now it is not known when this could be done. Mr, Anderson stated he shared some of their future plans and really was under no obligation to do so. He stated some of the residents' concerns was they didn't want to see access through the side streets or disturb the natural area of the pond. He stated they also share these same concerns. I�, Anderson stated he found out yesterday that a large group of people had signed a petition as it relates to their future plans. He stated, at this point, any future plans are speculative, but found out there were all kinds of sCrange ideas and stories being circuLated. I� . Kondrick asked Mr. Anderson if he had any problem with the stipu- LaCions recommended by staff. 1�. Anderson stated he didn't quite understand combining individual lots into one tax parcel. Mr. Billings stated the pur pose is Co identify the property as one tax parcel rather than several parcels. 1�. Anderson stated he would then have no problem with this stipulation or any of the others. He stated they didn't install parking on the site as the neighbors indicated they didn't want it. Mr. Billings stated the agreement for parking with Totino-Grace covered their parking on Sundays, but asked if they conducted mid- week services. Mr. Anderson stated they have services on Wednesday, but plan to change this to an individual Bible study. He stated they would not have a large crowd on Wednesdays. Mr. Billings asked the current capacity of the parking Lot on this site. Mr. Robinson stated it is about 25 spaces, but isn't striped. 7C PLANNING CO1�II�fISSION MEETING. OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 4 1�, Robinson stated no plan was submitted for an expansion or new construction and wanted to make it clear to the petitioner and residents that this special use permit does not cover a new church facility, but simply to use the present gymnasium for church services. I�. Saba asked Mr. Anderson the plans for Long-ters�n permanent parking. l�fr. Anderson stated they took over this facility five weeks ago so really haven't taken the time to examine it. He stated whatever is required they would meet the qualifications. I�. Robinson stated another stipulation probably should be added that programmed activities wouldn't exceed the parking supply available either on-site or at Totino-Gra�e High School. Mr. Robinson stated a petition was received in opposition to this special use permit as we11 as a letter in favor of the special use permiC. Nfr. Galen Carlson, 601 Rice Creek Terrace, a member of Church on the Move, stated he knows everyone wants a good community in which to Live and felt the influence of a church upgrades the community. He stated the request is to hoLd their services in the gymnasium and knows neighbors may have fears about parking and congestion. He stated he was in the area when a football game was being held at Totino-Grace and felt they would cause a lot less disruption, He asked for the Commission to give a iavorable decision on Che request for the special use permit. 1�. Flolid, 6053 Woody Lane, stated at the neighborhood meeting, he felt the church was receptive to the residents' concerns and stated he was in favor of the special use per mit. Mr. Hamernik, 1340 Hillcrest Drive, stated he was in favor of the special use permit. Mr. Roith, 1314 Hillcrest Drive, asked what would happen if Totino- Grace decides not to let the church use their property for parking. Mr. Billings sCated if at any time, they lose their parking privileges at Totino-Grace, it would be necessary for Church on the Move to come again before the Commission to provide additionai parking or lose the special use permit. Mr. Ro�th stated in talking to the School Board, there was some con- demnation of land in order that Gardena School could be built. He stated as long as the School District had any interest in the property, .the playground was to be maintained for use by the residents. He stated if the church does not assume the contract for deed, this agreement would terminate. Mr. Robinson sCated the lease ran in favor of the City and if that isn't the case, a new eaSement can be recorded. 7D PIANNING COI�IIrtISSION MEETING OCTOBER 8 1986 PAGE 5 Mr, Anderson stated the lease ties into the contract for deed and stipulates there would be some equipment maintained for tfie benefit of the co€�auniCy. He stated it seerns strange that this becomes an issue when there was �n agree�en[ in the past axaci nothing was done. He stated they wouZd rebuiid the playground equipment, and had no objection to continuing such a stipulation. Ms, ArdeLla Foco, 1345 Gardena Avenue, asked why the residents were not notified that Faith Academy was in financial trouble. She stated Mr. Anderson stated they had plans to build in Che spring at a cost of about $700,000. She stated this wou�d be in her back yard and the area is now crowded. Ms. Foco stated whPn they bought, this was suppose to be a residential area and has been anything but residential. Mr. Billings stated he cannot answer the question why Faith Academy didn�t inform the residents of their financial difficulties, but felt they were under no obligation to do so. He stated the request before the Commission Chis evening involves using the school gym- nasium for church services and does not involve any new construction. Mr. Bittman, 1120 Gardena Avenue, asked if the special use permit is approved and the church decides to buiLd, if they would have to come back to the Commission, I�fr. Billings stated if there are any plans submitted for construction, another public hearing would be held and input received at that time by anyone who has concerns. 1�. Bittman stated he cannot see anyone purchasing this Qroperty for $800,000 without any guarantee they can expand in the future. He stated they have enough traffic and didn't want any more congestion in the area, Ms. Roith, 1314 Hillcrest Drive, stated she knows this will not end with the congregation holding their services in the gymnasium. Stte stated future plans is what they wish to stop a; they don't want a church in their back yard. Mr, Anderson sta�ed their immediate concern is to have a double use of the property in order to sustain the school. He stated when the time arises, if they cannot build a church on this property, they would be in a better financial situation to purchase property elsewhere. He stated it is their desire, at some point in the future, to build a church, but they have no plans at this time. Ms. Roith asked if the entrance into the �arking lot was wide enough to accommodate both incoming and outgoing traffic. I�h. Robinson stated he believed they have the required 25 feet. A parent of one of the students stated he drives there every morning and doesn't have any problem when he passes another car. 7E PLANNING COI�IISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 6 Mr. Kaspszak, 1317 Hillcrest Drive, stated th� pond behind the school is governed by the Department of Pdaturai Resources and they may be concerned with this matter. He stated he believed an Environmental Impact Study should be made, as well as a traffic study on Gardena Avenue. Mr. Tiller, 1535 Gardena Avenue, stated it was the residents in the area who made it possible for Gardena School to be at this location. He stated the land should be kept open and all one plot. Mr. Minear, 1291 Gardena Avenue, stated he was opposed to this special use permit. He sCated if there is a viable church program, events wi11 be going on during which are normal quiet times for the neigh- borhood. He stated they tolerate the school as most of their traffic is during the week days. He stated he could not visualize a church with a seating capacity of 800 people and a parking Lot the size of Totino-Grace's on this property. He stated the residents strongly object to access onto neighboring residential. streets so all the traffic would use Gardena Avenue. Ms. Palmer, 1329 Gardena Avenue, stated Mr. Anderson stated at one meeting it would be so me time in the future they may build a church. She stated a few weeks later, he stated they plan groundbreaking in the spring of 1987. She stated she believed parking would be a problem and if there would be any guarantee people would not park in front of their hom�s. Mr. French, 1469 Gardena Avenue, stated the Last thing they need is parking on both sides of Gardena Avenue. He stated Gardena Avenue is already a"race track" and they don't need any additional traffic. Mr. Solomon, 1211 Gardena �venue, stated he questioned how Mr. Anderson can say they have no plans to build a church. He felt they do have future plans which wi11 affect a11 the residents. I�. Shorma, 5916 Oakwood Manor, stated he was neither speaking for or against this special use permit, but stated St. William's Church did conduct church services at Totino-Grace several years ago and didn't know if tt;is affected the traffic patterns. l�fr. Manning, 1315 Hillcrest Drive, asked if there has been any survey or study on the traffic that would result from the church services. Mr. Robinson stated a study has not been conducted. rtr. Anderson stated it has been suggested to the City Engineer that rrosswalks be installed and possibly putting in some stop signs. He stated he believed the issue had to be addressed. Mr. Manning stated he was concerned if the special use permit were granted, the fact would be established that the church can function on this property which leads to the possibility of expansion. He stated he understands a considerable amount of money was spent on 7F PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 7 blueprints for a church in another area which the church hopes could be adapted to this site. Mr. Johnson, 1495 Gardena Avenue, stated he was not opposed to this special use permit, but would be opposed to any new con- struction. He stated they have enough traffic problems and wouldn't want a new church. Mr. Betzold asked Mr. Robinson what may be the use of the property, if the special use permit were not approved. I�h. Robinson stated the special use permit is required because of the church services only, and the property could be used for a school. Mr. KLucsar, 1337 Hillcrest Drive, stated he felt, in the future, there would be a need for more schools and the School District should buy it back from Faith Academy. He stated he is not against churches, but wondered why they should provide streets and facilities for persons who probably don'C even live in Fridley. Ms. Foco asked if there is any possibility of the property returning to a residential use. Nfr. Billings stated if someone other than Church on the Move were to buy the property, it may be possible to develop as residential. He stated at this point, it appears Faith Academy has a willing buyer and felt the odds of that happening were very slim. Ms, Arlys Jenewein, 1342 Hillcrest Drive, stated she can sympathiZe with Mr. Anderson, buC if they do build a church, more than one access would be needed for the parking lot. She stated she wouldn't want to see the existing walkway turned into a thoroughfare. I�'h. McLaughlin, 1050 Gardena Avenue, asked how many parking spaces would be required if a church was constructed. Mr. Robinson stated the method used is one parking stall required for every three or four seats. Nir. McLaughlin stated another piece of property is being used in order to meet the parking requirements and objected to this procedure. Mr. French stated if additional parking had to be provided on Church on the Move's site, there would be additional runoff and wondered how it would affect the storm sewer. He stated he could see some potential problems arising as a result of any expansion of this facility. �Ir. Morris, 1341 Hillcrest Drive, stated if the special use permit is granted and the property properly maintained, it would be difficult for tfie Commission in the future to deny the church the right to park on their own land. He felt the problems now would be a lot worse if things develop further. 7G PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. OCTOBER 8. 1986 PAGE 8 I�. Tom Jenewein, 1342 Hillcrest Drive, stated his main concern is bringing additional people into the area. He stated Fridley has a lot of fine churches and knew very few people belonging to this denomination and asked where these persons reside. Mr. Anderson stated they have a number of people in the Fridley area that belong to their congregation. He 5tated Fridley is the best central location for them. He stated they had a full set of plans done for a site in Brooklyn Center and, if they proceed to build, it is hoped these plans will adapt. 1�. McLaughlin stated even on the best of days, the intersection at Gardena and Old Central is very difficult. He stated he would ask the Commission to consider the public's safety as placing additional traffic on the street wouid add to the problem. Mr. Robinson stated based on the neighborhood input, staff could re- quest the Engineering Department to issue a study on the traffic. Ms. Sherek stated she realizes Old Central is a State road, but felt possibly a signal is needed at Gardena Avenue and Old Central. Mr. Kaspszak felt the City should request an Environmental Impact Study. Nh�. Robinson stated at this Cime, there is no new construction planned. Mr. Kaspszak stated if he was I�'tr. Anderson he would want to know his limitations for the site as his plans may be mute. l�fr. Manning asked if the special use permit were granted if this re- stricts them to using only the gymnasium for their church services. Mr. Robinson stated they would be restricted to the gymnasium for church services. l�fr. Kevin Dooley stated he belongs to the church and lives in Blaine. He stated about 20 of the parishioners live in Fridley, He stated the church cares about families and children and invited persons to attend. Mr. Anderson stated whether or not this special use permit is granted greatly impacts the success of the school as they need the use of the gymnasium for church services in arder to succeed. MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY rIIt. BETZOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, �LL VOTING AYE, CHt1IRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE HEARING CLOSED AT 9:05 p.m. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY rIIt. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE PETITION IN OPPOSITION TO THIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE M OTION C�RR IED UNAN IrfOUSLY . 7H PLANNING CON�IISSION MEETING OCTOBER 8 1986 PAGE 9 MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE LETTER FROM DR. AND MRS. ZWICKY IN SUPPORT OF THIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING t�YE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. l�fr. Betzold stated he felt the residents' concerns center around the possibility of a new church which really isn't the issue before the Commission this evening. Ae stated if plans to construct a church were being submitted this evening, he didn't believe the Commission would be very receptive. Mr. Betzold stated the issue is whether the building can be used for church services, in addition to being used as a school. He stated he is aware of traffic problems in the area, but didn't feel that would be resoLved by denying the special use permit as someone else could use the buiLding for school purposes. He felt this proposal is no better or worse than what the building has been used for in the past. Ms. Sherek stated she didn't feel it was appropriate to look at approval or denial on the basis of what might happen in the future. She stated the request before the Commission is to use the gymnasium for church services, and felt it was an appropriate use of the building. Ms. Sherek stated additional traffic would not be added during the week from this use, but shared the residents' concern if people would park on Gardena or use the pa.rking lot. She felt, however, if the street was posted with "no parking" signs, it would also affect the residents. Mr. Saba asked what authority the City would have Co post "no parking" signs on Gardena Avenue. Nfr. Robinson stated there are "no parking" signs on the north side and if the south side were to be posted, the City would consider the residents' feelings and also if Totino-Grace High School would be in favor. 1�'. Kondrick stated the church could request their parishioners to park in the p�rking lot. He felt the traffic is a problem, but the Com- mission cannot address issues that may happen in the future. He stated he cannot see any reason to deny the special use permiC. Mr. Saba stated he spoke with some of the residents ancl know they have real concerns. He stated it seems Church on the Move wishes to prove they can be good neighbors and are taking care of some of the mainten- ance problems. He stated he can see some positive things happening if this is used as a school and maintained properly and Limited to use a§ a gymnasium-type church. l�fr. Saba stated he has some concern about the property being one parcel and asked if the church were to sell part of the property, if they would have to come before the Commission for a lot split. Mr. Robinson stated if the property is platted, a public hearing would be necessary. 71 PLANNING COMI'�SSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8, 1986 _ PAGE 10 Mr. Robinson stated staff would recommend two other stipulations regarding parking for programmed activities and providing the recrearional easement. Nfr. Billings stated City ordinances provide ci��rc�es are allowed in an it-1 zone, with a special use permit, and in order to deny this request, it would be necessary to show that approval of this permit would cause a problem in the neighborhood by affecting the pubLic safety, health or welfare of the residents, or result in a decrease in property values. 1�TION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY i�'IIt. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMTT, SP ��86-16, FOR CHURCH ON THE MOVE, TO ALLOW A CHURCH AND SCHOOL AT 1401 C�IRDENA AVENUE N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. ALL existing hard surface areas to be improved with sealcoating, curb and gutter and striping; improvement date to be reviewed in one year. 2, An approved dumpster enclosure to be installed by October 31, 1986. 3. Remove or repair deteriorating playground equipment by October 31, 1986. 4. Combine individual Lots into one tax parcel, as requested by City Assessor prior to final approval. 5. Provide for and record at Anoka County, a parking use easement with Totino-Grace High School, for use of Totino's parking lot (off Gardena Avenue) on Sundays. This document completed prior to written approval by the City of the special use permit. 6. Special use permit ��86-16, for church uses, is to be coterminous in duration with parking use agreement; except where installation of new parking on-site would suffice. 7. Special use per mit �k86-16 is issued for Church on the Move only. 8. Special use permit ��86-16 does not cover any new construction. 9. A$5,000 bond to cover items 1-4 to be issued to the City by October 21, 1986. 10. Special use permit ��86-16 to be reviewed prior to expiration of parking agreement or in one year, whichever comes first. 11. Programmed activities will not exceed the parking supp lied on-site and/or at Totino-Grace when available. 12. Recreational easement in favor of the City of Fridley, prior to final approval by the City of the special use permit. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE TfOTION CARRIED UNt1NIM0USLY. 7J PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8� 1986 PAGE 11 The Commission requested the City's Engineering Department sub- mit a report on their perception of the traffic issue as it relates to the church and this speciaL use permit. Mr. Billings stated this item wouid go to the City Council on October 20, 1986 and the Council would have the final decision on whether or not the special use permit is granted. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: TABLED 9/24/86: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PER- MIT, SP ��86-13, BY RONALD CHRISTENSEN OF R.T.C. �•VI'O�fOTIVE: Per Section 205.14.1, C, 4 of the Fridley City Code, to allow a repair garage on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, City View, the same being 5755 University Avenue N.E. MOTION BY N�t. KONARICK, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO REMOVE TEIIS ITEM FROM THE TABLE AND RE-OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA IRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE HEARING RE-OPEN AT 9:28 p.m. Mr. Robinson stated this request for a special use permit is to allow a repair garage at the Location which was previously Shorty's Towing at 5755 University Avenue N.E. He stated he understands that pre- sently three businesses are proposing to use this property. IVtr. Rc;binson stated the petitioner is proposing to use the building for a repair garage, another person operates a lease and sales business, and the owner who intends to use the storage yard in the winter months for his towing operation. Mr. Robinson stated if this special use per mit is approved, staff would recommend the following stipulations: (1) Install landscaping as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 including sodding, planting and edging and rock mulch with weed barrier for each shrub bed by October 31, 1986; (2) Provide automatic Lawn sprinkling for all green areas by October 31, 1986; (3) Provide six inch concrete curb and gutter around all hard surface and driveway openings, as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (4) Curb openings to be modified to compiy with City plan dated September 24, 198b by October 31, 1986; (5) Sealcoat and stripe parking lot as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (6) Provide hard sur- face driveways ten feet into storage yard on north and south as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (7) Provide eight foot high solid wood fence and gates (material and style to be approved by City) as per City plan dated September 24, 1986 by October 31, 1986; (8) All refuse and waste �aterial shall be sCored •in dumpsters to be located inside storage area immediately; (9) ALL materials including inoperable vehicles shall be stored inside stor- age yard, below top of fence, immediately; (10) Remove or relocate to center of storage yard the blue-green trailer in storage yard; (11) Remove all vehicles intended for sales or leasing immediately. This special use permit is for auto repair only; no sales or leasing of vehicles is or will be permitted on this site; (12) Remove truck 7K PLANNING COMMI5SION MEETING. OCTOBER 8, 19__86_ PAGE 12 body parts from roof of building immediately; (13) Repaint building facade and trim to �+vmpliment brick color by October 31, 1986; (14) Submit to and pay fox an independent soil testing to determine extent of soil contamina[i�on by November 14, 19$5; (i5) Provide remedial soil work as indicated by testing by June 1, i98�; (16) No on-street park- ing of vehicles serviced or waiting to be serviced is permi.tted; (17) Provide a City approved sign which does not include mention of vehicle sales or leasing; (18) Provide a letter of credit in the amount of $10,000 to cover all of the above stipulations; (19) Sufficient stor- age yard area for 10 cars to be designated for Christensen repair garage in Lease agreement; and (2) No more than LS cars allowed in storage yard at one time and no more Chan 7 cars allowed in front lot. Mr. Schuur, owner of the property, stated if he is limited to the sCorage of 15 cars in the storage yard, it would not be sufficient room for his towing operation. He stated he has towed as many as 75 cars a day during the winter season and, even with his new site, he needs storage at this location. Mro Christensen, the petitioner, stated some of the cars on the property have been removed and others will be removed next week. He stated they are working to resolve this problem as well as cleaning up the property. � The Commission reviewed each stipular�.on with the owner, I�. Schuur, to determine if he had any objections. Item 1: Mr. Schuur stated he was in agreement with this stipulation. Item 2: I�h�. Schuur stated he cannot see spending the money for an automatic•sprinkiing system on this site as the driveway would have to be torn up to install iC. He stated they have not had any problems in keeping the area green. Mr. Robinson felt tlie sprinkling system is necessary for the landscaping, when installed, and required by Code. Item 3: 1�. Schuur stated he has a hard time justifying the in- stallation of concrete curbing when the City has asphalC curbs. I�. Robinson stated the present Code provides for concrete curb and gutter, Item 4: Mr. Schuur stated he has no problem with this stipulation. Item 5: Mr. Schuur stated he has no problem with this stipulation. I�. Christensen felt if the size of the stalls were reduced, they would be able to provide several additional spaces. Mr. Robinson stated the Code requires a LO foot parking stali. � 7L PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8. 1986 PAGE 13 Item 6: Mr. Schuur stated he did not agree with this stipulation. He stated the south end of the building is blacktopped to the gate. Mr. Schuur. stat�d �.f �� hauls in a car that may be leaking, it coe�Ld ciamage the aspha�t. Mr. Robinson stated the intent is to keep debris and mud from the City streets. Item 7: I� . Schuur stated he has no problem with the fence, but if a solid gate is installed, it would be very difficult to close. Item 8: Mr. Schuur stated he was in agreement with this stipulation. Item 9: Mr. Schuur stated he was in agreement with this stipulation. Item 10: Mr. Schuur stated if he installs the eight foot fence, the trailer would not be seen. Item 11: Mr. Billings asked l�fr. ChrisCensen how many persons are now using this property. Mr. Christensen stated there is one person who brings cars to this location to clean them prior to sale, and he has one employee. He stated he has his repair operation and Mr. Schuur uses the storage yard. Mr. Robinson stated this special use permit would be for the auto repair only and no sales or leasing would be alLowed. Item 12: I�. Schuur stated he has no problem with this stipulation. Item 13: Mr. Schuur stated he has no problem with this stipulation. Item 14: I�tr. Schuur stated he really didn't know what this testing and would accomplish. He stated oil does Leak ouC of the cars Item 15: and is one reason why the storage yard isn't blacktopped. Item 16: Mr. Schuur stated he has no problem with this stipulation. Item 17: I�. Christensen stated a permit woul3 be obtained for the sign. Item 18: I�. Schuur stated he has no problem with this stipulation. Mr. Robinson stated Chis letter of credit should be sub- ' mitted prior to written approval by the City of the special use permit. Item 19: I� . Schuur stated he has no problem with this stipulation. 7M PLANNING COMriISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 14 Item 20: Mr. Schuur stated he has a problem if no more than 15 cars are allowed in the storage yard at one time. He stated the lot would hold 30 cars and there would be days dvr ing the winter it would be full, but may be empty several days later. He stated he needs this storage yard to use as an overflow Lot, Mr. Robinson stated in analyzing the storage yard, there are double rows on cars on the east and west and if you have four rows with an open center aisle, he felt the maximum would be 24 cars. He stated 15 cars would a11ow for maneuverability within the storage yard. More than 15 cars would necessitate on-street car storaQe while moving vehicles in and out. Ms. Sherek asked if the person who br.ings cars Co this location for cleaning sub-leases space from Christenson. I�fr. Christensen stated he has removed some of the cars, but felt it was a workable situation if he reduces the nunber of cars brought to this location, l�fr. Kondrick stated he would like to find a way the petitioner can do business, and to have the area Looking nice. He felt any improve- ments to the property would increase its value. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING Ay�� CI-IaIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE HEARING CLOSED AT 10:10 p.m. Mr. Kondrick felt a11 the stipulations recommended by staff have merit, as the property needs improvement. He stated if the special use permit is granted, iC should be reviewed after the soil testing is compieted. Mr. BeCzold stated 20 stipulations are an awful lot and it seems Mr. Schuur is not in agreement with some of them. He stated he understands Mr. Schuur's concern, but cannot see a joint use of this site as there just isn't enough space available. He stated he would not be in favor of the special use permit far this site. I�r. Billings stated he would agree the list of stipulations is Lengthy and would Like to see all the improvements, however, sometimes progress has to be made more slow�ly. He stated he would tend to support Mr. Schuur's comments regarding the concrete curb and gutter and the sprinkling system. I�. Billings felt even without these two stipu- lations, it would be a tremendous improvement over what now exists. Mr. Kondrick stated he didn't feel three persons can operate on this site. He stated he would support the special use permit, if all the stipulations were complied with. 7N PLANNING COI�fISSION MEETING. OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 15 Mr. Saba stated he is concerned about the overflow of cars on this lot during the winter season. I�. Kondrick asked Mr. Schuur if he is willing to comply with all the stipulations. Mr. Schuur stated if the special use permit is granted, the area will be cleaned up, however, if the permit is denied, he would have no other choice but to move back to this site. Mr. Schuur stated if he moves back to this location, there would be 30 cars in the storage yard, as it has been for years. He stated from the time he occupied this building in 1960, he never had a problem with the neighbors about moving cars in and out. Mr. Schuur stated if he cannot lease outthis property, it leaves him no choice but to move back as he can't keep the two locations. Mr. Kondrick stated he didn't think Mr. Schuur shouldn't be able to rent his property, but felt the stipulations, in his mit►d, are not unreasonable. He felt the benefits to Mr. Schuur is the property would be more saleable, if and when this happens. He felt this property could be made to look attractive Like others in the area and cited Christensen Auto Body at East River Road and Mississippi Street. Mr. Betzold asked Mr. Schuur how long after a snow emergency before people claim their cars. Mr. Schuur stated usually within three or four days. He stated he can store L00 cars on his new lot, but still needs this for overflow. Mr. Billings stated he could live with increasing the amount of cars allowed in the storage yard from 15 to 20, especially during snow emergencies. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMI�ND TO THE CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF SPECIt1L USE PERMIT, SP ��86-13, BY RONALD CHRISTENSEN OF R.T.C. AUTOMOTIVE AT 5755 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, MR. BETZOLD AND MR. KONDRICK VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE MOTION. CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS, MR. SABA, AND MS. SHEREK VOTED AC�IINST THE MOTION, AND CHA'IRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE rI0TI0N FA ILE D . MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMI�ND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �k86-13, BY RONALD CHRISTENSEN OF R.T.C. AUTOMOTIVE TO ALLO'W A REPAIR GARAGE AT 5755 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDED STIPULATIONS: l. It�stall landscaping by November 15, 1986 including sodding, planting and edging and rock mulch with weed barrier for each shrub bed, as per City plan dated September 24, 1986. ?O PLANNING CONIMISSION MEETING. OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 16 2. Provide automatic lawn sprinkling for aIL green areas by I3ovember 15, 1986. 3. Provide six inch concrete curb and gutter around all hard- surface and driveway openings by November 15, 1986, as per City plan dated September 24, 1986. 4. Curb openings to be modified by November 15, 1986 to comply with City plan dated September 24, 1'986. 5. Sealcoat and stripe parking Lot by November 15, 1986, as per City plan dated September 24, 1986. 6. Provide hard surface driveways ten feet into storage yard on north and south by November 15, 1986, as per City plan dated September 24, 1986. 7. Provide eight foot high solid wood fence and eight foot chain link gates, with vinyl slats at north and south (material and style to be approved by City) by November 15, 1986, as per City plan dated September 24, 198b. 8. All refuse and waste material shall be stored in dumpsters to be located inside storage area immediately. 9. A11 materials including inoperable vehicles shall be stored inside storage yard, below top of fence, immediately. L0. Remove or relocate to center of storage yard the blue-green trailer in storage yard or totally conceal with fencing. 11. Remove all vehicles intended for sales or leasing immediately. Special Use Permit �k86-13 is for auto repair only; no sales or leasing of vehicles is or will be permitted on this site. 12. Remove truck body parts from roof of building immediately. 13. Repaint building facade and trim to compliment brick color by November 15, 1986. 14. Submit to and pay for an independent soil testing to determine extent of soil contamination by November 14, 1986. 15. Provide remedial soil work as indicated by testing by June 1, 1987. 1�6. No on-street parking of vehicles serviced or waiting to be serviced is permitted. 17. Provide a City approved sign which does not include mention of vehicle sales or leasing. 7P PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIlVG. OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 17 18. Frovide a Letter of credit in the amount of $10,000 to cover all of the above stipulations, prior to written approval by the City of the special use permit. 19. Sufficient storage yard area for i0 cars to be designated for Christensen repair garage in Lease agreement. 20. No more than 20 cars allowed in storage yard at one time, except during, and within 48 hours after, a snow emergency expires, and no more than 7 cars allowed in front Lot. 21. Review of this special use per mit the first meeting in June, 1987', with monitoring by staff during the winter months. UPON A VOICE VOTE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS, MS. SHEREK AND MR. SABA VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE MOTION. MR. KONDRICK AND MR. BETZOLD VOTED AGAINST THE MOTION. CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BY A 3 TO 2 VOTE. I�'tr. Billings stated this item would go to the City Council on October 20, 198b and the Council would have the final decision on whether or not this special use permit is granted. 3. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT L.S. ��86-07 BY JEFF GELDERT: Split off the Westerly 140 feet of Lot 17, except the South 55 feet thereof, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, the same being 6291 Central Avenue N.E. Mr. Robinson stated this Lot split is for property located on the southeast corner of Rice Creek Road and Old Central. He stated the property is zoned single family and it is proposed to split off the westerly 140 feet to create a new buildable lot of 9,035 square feet, fronting on Central Avenue. Mr. Robinson stated the lot area, which now contains an existing house, would then be 7,034 square feet and below the minimum required by Code. Nh. Robinson stated if the lot split was approved there stlouid be six stipulations, which he outlined. He staced another stipu- lation should be added to provide for a hard surface driveway to the existing garage. Mr. Robinson stated the area is Low and the drainage would have to be worked out with the City Engineer. P'�. Geldert asked what would be involved in this drainage requirement. Mr. Robinson stated the lot is low so the building site may have to be raised. 1�. Geldert stated he sometimes has problems with water when it rains for several days. He stated he has no problem with working out the drainage. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT, L.S. 4�86-07, BY JEFF GELDERT, 6291 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: ?Q ELANNING COMMI�IIISSION MEETING�, OCTOBER 8, 1986 _ PAGE 18 1. Lot area variance to 7,000 square feet for proposed lot with existing house to be approved with split. 2. Lot width variance from 75 feet to plus or minus 64.54 feet for both Lots to be approved with split. 3. Setback averaging requirement with house to south, 6283 Central Avenue, to be waived wiCh split, based on long-range plan for area. 4. Drainage requirements for new Lot to be approved by City Engineer. 5. Park fee of $750 to be paid with building permit. 6. Record split at Anoka County within six months of Council approval. 7. Hard surface drive�tay be provided to the existing garage. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1986: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY ri[t. BETZOLD, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE AOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECII�RED TI-� MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COr1rffSSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1986: MOTION HY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COI�IINISSION OF SEF'TEMBER 16, 1986. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AXE, CHAIRPERSON BILL�NGS DECLr1RED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIr10USLY. RECEIVE AppEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTErfBER 30, 1986: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS COMMISSION OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1986. Mr. BetzoLd stated on Page 6 regarding the variance on the parking stalls, he wished the minutes to reflect that he voted against this motion. He stated he wanted this clarified for the City Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8, 1986 PAGE 19 ADJOURNMENT : MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING �YE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DBCLARED THE OCTOBER 8, 1986, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETiNG ADJOETRNED AT 11:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 1 � - _ ,. _. c. � — �c' .-c-_lt-� � t2 c�- ___- Carole Haddad Recording Secretary � � CiTY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM I�t� 7TJ: 3ohn Flora, Puhlic Works Director Jock Robertson, Camnu�ity Develognent Director r�t�D FROM: 3im R�binson, Planning Coordinator �, h�FG L�TE: October 10, 1986 F,F�P.RDING: Church on the Nbve Special Use Permit, SP �86-16 On Uctober 8, 1986 the Fridley Planning Commission held a public hearing rc�c3arding the estahlishment of a church in the present gyr,tinasitm► of the old Garaena School. 7he petitioners, Church on the Move, had stated that they were approximately a 600 menber oongregation. Zheir plan is to oontinue the school operations as in the past with the number of students ranging fran 140 at �%resent to 230 maximun. Church servioes would be held on Sundays with an a.n service with ug to 300 manbers attending and a p.m. servioe with up to 100 �r�emt�rs �nticipatea to be attending. Farkir-- for the facility is tenatively planned at Zbtino-Grace High. Zfie Zbtirc lot holds approxunately 260 cars. 7he lot is located directly across f rcm �_,t school and shoulb pravide ample Fe.rking. A p3rking easement to be re�orc:_ :: at Anoka County with a voterminous duration with the special use �rmit is planned. Staff is suggesting that the garking aqreement be establishea for a minimun of one yea�; wording as to this effect has been ac�oed to sti�t.tlation �5. A�proximately 150 people attended the F,ublic hearing. Neighbors were generally negative to the proposal even though Church on the Move has im�:raved nany of the neighbors oonoerns which they expresseci some two months ago when F-aith Aca�y appl.ied for a ciay care special use permi� A majority ot the c�onversation centereci around traffic prahlems on Gardena Avenue. It was requesteci by the Planning Conunission that City engineering staff analyze ti�e traff ic prohlens as they related to both Zbtino-Grace High and Church on the tbve. Sane icieas which were raised a of Gardena. Avenue, drop off facility, crosswalk between th on the N;�ve, stop signs at key intersection of Garciena Avenue t the meeting incluae no �arking on both sides student garking for the Church on the M.ove e 7btino-Graoe High �rking lot and the Church intersections and a possitzle stoplight at the and Old Central. �e Plarm.ing Ca�unission unanimously reoo�unended approval with the 12 attachecl stiFulations and the rem�nendation that engineering staff r�view the traffic and inaor�rate a report for Council consideration. In order to assist Council in their review a me�►orandum fram City Attorney Herrick is being placeo in their 10/17/86 packet (see g�ge 3"Substantive Requirenents). JI�R/ci�l N�-8b-260 7 7T CNURC}� OPl TFlE MOVE SP �F86-16 STIPULl�TIO�JS iAMENDED BY P�C� I�I$/��) 1� qLL EXISTING HAftDSURFACE AREAS TO BE IMPROVED WITH SEALCOATING; CURB AND GUTTER AND STRIPING; IMPROVEMENT DATE TO BE REVIEWED AND SET IN ONE YEAR� Z, AN APPROVED DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE TO BE INSTALLED BY 10/31/�6� 3� REMOVE OR REPAIR DETERIORATING PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT BY 10131186� 4� COMBINE INDIVIDUAL LOTS INTO ONE TAX PARCEL, AS REQUESTED BY CITY ASSESSOR PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL� (BUILDABLE LOTS ABUTTING HILLCREST AND OAKWOOD I��ANOR MAY BE EXEMPTEP,, P.DDED IO�I���E�) � 5, PROVIDE FOR AN RECORD AT ANOKA COUNTY A PARKING USE EASEMENT WITH TOTIfVO-GRACE HIGH, FOR USE OF TO7IN0'S PARKING LOT tOFF GARDENA AVENUE) ON �UNDAYS FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE YEAR PRIOR 70 WRITTEN APPROVAL FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FROM CITY� 6� SPECIAL USE PERMIT t�36-16, FOR CHURCH USES, IS TO BE COTERMINOUS IN DURATION HJITH PARKING USE AGREEMEN7; EXCEPT WHERE INSTALLATION OF NEW PARKING ON-SITE WOULD SUFFICE, %, SPECIAL USE PERMIT �gE-16 IS ISSUED FOR CHURCH ON THE �'�OVE ONLY; TO USE EXISTING GYMNASIUM FOR CHURCH SERVICES ON SUNDAYS, H� SPECIAL USE PERMIT #86-16 DOES NOT COVER ANY NEHI CONSTRI�CTION. 9, A$S,O�O BOND TO COVER ITEMS 1-4 TO BE ISSUED TO THE CITY BY 10121/86, IO� SPECIAL USE PERMIT �86-16 TO BE REVIEWED PRIOR TO EXPIRATION OF PARKING AGREEMENT OR IN ONE YEAR; WHICHEVER GOMES FIRST� 11� PROGRAMMED ACTIVITIES 4�lILL NOT EXCEED PARKING SUPPLIED ON SITE AND AT TOTINO-GRACE HIGH, WHEN AVAILABLE� I2� A RECREATION EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY TO BE RECORDED AT I�NOKA COUNTY PRIOR TO FINAL HIRITTEN APPROVAL FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY CITY� ,.. �.� .� crnroF FRIDLEY DIAECTOAATE OP PUBLIC WOF�K8 IV{EMORANDUM Zp: Jim Rc�bir,san, Planning Coorcii.nator FRON:: John G. Flora,`.Public Works Director I1�TE: October 15, 1986 SZ7B.iECT: Church on the r'iove Special Use Permit, sP �86-16 � � FW86-302 .. .�. . • .. I have met with the Acininistrator of the school located in the old Gardena Elanentaiy building. Or�e of the majar ooncerns we discused was the vehicle probl�n associated with the drop-off and pick-up of students. Zhe �r�jority of the school's population are transported ky the Farents. A tc�a of the stuaents utilize the Grace Zbtino High School Bus Service. Zhe v�icle �rotalen is aggr�vated by the fact that both schools start and end the acade�nic day at a�roximately the same time thereb� causing congestion with the student pickup and High Shcool parking lot. One solution to the problen could be the staggering of hours such that the vehicle usaye could be spread over a large perioo of time thereby aE:creasing the oongestion. A seo�nd alternative would be to relocate the Qiurc:h on the rbve orop--off p�int off of Gardena tA their westerly school entrance. Zhis would allow vehicles to enter the existing driveway and estatzlish a que line to the entrance and within the existing lot. The existing g3rking lot need not be af f ected by the extension of either a asphalt or gravel area beyond its present area to allaw a turn-around point for the vd�icles. A third option would be the o�nstruction of a road and arivewway aro�d the existing building which would serve as a que area and provicie for easy access to and f ran the facility. Some of the discussion has been mac3e in rec�,rds to a crossaalk by the Graoe Totino High School and the Church on the Move school. This is not reoommended as there are no c�ontiguous sidewalks and the crosswalk would be in the middle of a talock which is not oonducive to proper driver awaremss. Placement of a stop lic�t at the intersection. of Gardena and Old Central would have to be approved by the Anoka Courity Highway Department and satisfy the necessary traffic warrants to justify a signaled intersection (currently there are inadequate vehicles to satisfy the warrants) . Tn addition, the City is proposing to reduce the volume of traffic on Old Central between Rioe Creek Roaci and iiighway 65 with its improvements at those two intersections. If plans would be submitted regarding the church use and any future improvanents to the property, we v�uld review those itens as they relate to trarf ic and the o�noerns addressed at the puhl ic hearing. JGF/ts i� '��,1 .I � �.�y '• s , 'a •t e� i' �� : �„ +�Q4,� li A . " ,1.� / r i , ft . �„ � �. �- , • , 9 ,� )• � ��.w � - �r - s, • tJ�. _ 7 V� . . �� . f � c � ' . � � ,�1 I � %�1� O � fjn4Y� M�. - , . . . • �� '`l � , . �H ., . ........ ' . • . . -- - F __' � ���. . . . � Y � `, _ � 6 .D fe • � � . 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Z- I � -� �tr � , - �� _ j�s� �g� : .� � �. �_ . - � '��. � IY � � / � _ r �� r / 4 v - � �� �•• 'Y J�� � ..'I �t � � '��SIiA� ' � � i� � �. <' L . �� � � � .� .f.1• . i e` �¢ � ' - �G ��, -- - ; ��•� : p �� �� - � . �� f � ,.�� LOCATION MA 4�5- l-----_ ���- �p.�sr �.._l _ _. I � � � JT� �-� � ; �h <i�`�i v I�OT \\ _ � 1 i � �_. �. . PP.OGOS�P ' GhURL}t oN rH� /';'vv� ' GHU�1 �N1� �04L i EX/5T. BLDC� . �JLD �R� ��'`lfl �H �0 L 1 i .' { � - � � /� ,� ' I- _ � �!Y E ��Ux — ; � 4 P�raKINV 1-�i 7'D �� ���G�N�� B� J� �:� 3 Y �� � � 'G ���r; c � , Th'E r�� fc ' �.;T ; �60 s��r'-s _YI L� ; � � - ,� � �� �; / ,, , ,, � � �, �(�R�+G� � � C� " � ,"��GH SGNUOL , �, , , / "/� j � �:, �._J , � � , i� � , , i j � ,,! :%, , ,, . , i; ' /; �' !, i �i ��"� I�- ��fi � 8 6 XP� I�D �'�-N' � �,,_ ��a, SU`LE � .� �: � 7W I r r � 1 � O Z � �- � � � : � � � ��-n oF FRIDLEY PLANNING DIViSION MEMORANDUM MEt�CJ �0: Jock Robertson, Cammunity Developnent Director N�IrD FROM: Jim Rabinson, Planning Coordinator ��, • r�rD II4TE: october 15, 1986 P.F��ARDING: Special Use Pennit #86-13 for Ronald Christensen On October 8, 1986 the Planning Con�ission held a public hearing related to a s�cial use permit for a re�air garage at the old Shorty's Towing location. Ronald Christensen, the petitioner, and Roger Schuur the owner of the pro�rty, were both in attenc3anoe at this meeting. Staff presented a list of 20 stiFxxlations for the Planning Conunission's review. Zhere was a great deal of c�iscussion and debate regarding this matter which finally resultied in 3-2 vote in favor of granting the s�:ecial use permi� SanE background information may be helpful to the City Council in their review of this itan. 1. In March of 1986 R�ger Schuur moved the Shorty's Zbwing location to the southern end of Fridley, at 37th Avenue and East River Road. At this time the building was vacated. 2. In April of 1986 staff noticed some activities re.lated to the start-up of a new t�usiness at the Shorty's site. 3. On Apri1 28, 1986 staff sent the owrer, Mr. Schuur � a letter notifying him that a speci�l use permit woulci be needed for any new automotive reFair busir�esses at the site. S�ecial use pennit apglication materials were enclosed. 4. In mid-r�ay the Christensen Wholesale Auto Re�ir business began operation without a special use permit in violation of City Gocle. 5. Staff oontinuect to work with both the owner and operator to obtain a special use permit appl ication. 6. On July 15, 1986 staff sent the awner non-compl iance letter indica ting our i.ntent to pursue legak actions if the special use permit procedures were not follawed. On July 30, 1986 the owner, Rpger Schuur aigned the special use permit form and maoe formal application. Ft�rther review and inspection by staff has shown that actually two businesses are presently operatang out of the site. One, the Christensen :�holesale Auto Repair, and seoond, the autanotive sales and leasing business operated by Mr. Paul Chrudimsky. In addition, Shorty's Zbwing plans to use the storaye yard in the winter for towed snawbirds. On nunerous occasions staff has observed in excess of thirty cars parked on the site, many in the f ront yard. Propose6 p�rking in the front of the building wi11 allaw for only seven cars. � 7Y Jock Robertson October 15, 1986 Page 2 In closing, we feel that if the stipulations as proposed are adhered to and the �arking stipul.ations are honored, a singular autanotive repair operation fran this site o�uld be an asset to the cz�nan�ity. Our fear is that the site wi11 continue to be overloaded with vehicles, creating obsolescence in terms of both traff ic and visual clutter. It it suc�ested by staff that it be made clear to the petitioners that the City wi11 no longer tolerate the disorderly n�anner in which this business has been run so far. Please note that the majority of the stipulations have to be completed by Novenber 15, 1986. Staff will revi�w the site on a weekly basis to monitor c�mpliance ancl will inform the CQUncil of progress at the November 17, 1986 Council meeting. Attached is a list of the stipulations as amended and p�ssed by the Planning Conunission on October 8, 1986. JI�Rf cgn N�-86-263 7Z RONP,LD CHRISTEflSEN R,T,C, AUTOMOTIVE SP #�36-13 STI PUL/1TIOPlS iAMENDED BY P,C� 10l8186) 1� INSTALL LANDSCAPING AS PER CITY P�AN DATED 9/24/86 INCLUDING SODDING, PLANTING AND EDGING AND ROCK MULCH WITH WEED BARRIER FOR EACH SHRUB BED BY �.�_/�.5/�G, Z, PROVIDE AUTOMATIC LAWN SPRINKLING FOR ALL GREEN AREAS BY 11/15/86� 3� PROVIDE 6�� CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AROUND ALL HARD SURFACE AND DRIVEWAY OPENINGS, AS PER �ITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY 11/15/86� 4� CURB OPENINGS TO BE MODIFIED TO COMPLY WITH CITY PLAN DATED 9/24/�6 BY 1_1_/1�/�E, S� SEALCOAT AND STRIPE PARKING LOT AS PER CITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY 1�/15/�E, 6� PROVIDE HARDSURFACE DRIVEWAYS IO� INTO STOR�GE YARD ON NOR7H AND SOUTH AS PER �ITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY 11/15/�6, �� PROVIDE g FOOT HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE WITH g FOOT CHAIN LINK GATES WITY VINYL SLATS AT NORTH AND SOUTH �MATERIAL AND STYLE TO SE APPROVED BY �ITY) AS PER �ITY PLAN DATED 9/24/86 BY 11/15/�6� H� ALL REFUSE AND WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BE STORED IN DUMPSTERS TO BE LOCATED INSIDE STORAGE AREA IMMEDIATELY, 9� AI._L MATERIALS INCLUDING INOPERABLE VEHICLES SHALL BE STORED INSIDE STORAGE YARD, BELOW TOP OF FENCE IMMEDIATELY� ?AA RONALD CHRISTENSEN R�T�C� AUTOMOTIVE PAGE 2 IO� REMOVE OR RELOCATE TO CENTER OF STORAGE YARD THE BLUE GREEN TRAILER IN STORAGE YARD,UNLESS HIDDEN B Y S FOOT FENCE� 11� REMOVE ALL VEHICLES INTENDED FOR SALES OR LEASING IMMEDIATELY� SPECIAL USE PERMIT ��6-�3 IS FOR AUTO REPAIR ONLY; NO SALES OR LEASING OF VEHICLES IS OR WILL BE PERMI?TED ON THIS SITE� IZ� REMOVE TRUCK BODY PARTS FROM ROOF OF BUILDING IMMEDIATELY� 13� REPAINT BUILDING FACADE AND TRIM TO COMPLIMENT BRICK COLOR BY 11115186, 14� SUBh1IT TO AND PAY FOR AN INDEPENDENT SOIL TESTING TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF SOIL CONTAMINATION BY 11115/86� 15� PROVIDE REMEDIAL SOIL WORK AS INDICATED BY TESTING BY 6l1/87, 16� NO ON-STREET PARKING OF VEHICLES SERVICED OR WAITING TO BE SERVICED IS PERMITTED� 17. PROVIDE A CITY APPROVED SIGN WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE MENTION OF VEHICLE SALES OR LEASING, �S� PROVIDE A LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $IO,OOO TO COVER ALL OF THE ABOVE STIPULATIONS, PRIOR TO WRITTEN APPROVAL BY CITY, 19� SUFFICIENT STORAGE YARD AREA FOR IO CARS TO BE DESIGNATED FOR CHRISTENSON REPAIR GARAGE IN LEASE AGREEMENT� 20� �!0 MOP.E THAN �� CARS ALLOWED I N STORAGE YARD AT ONE T I��E EXCEPT DUR I NG AND WI7HIN �}S HOURS AFTER A SNONI EMERGENCY EXPIRES, AND NO MORE THAN % CARS ALLOWED IN FRONT LOT� 21, REVIEW SPECIAL USE PERMIT AT FIRST MEETING IN ,JUNE WITH STAFF REVIEW DURING WINTER� W Z I1� � . � '��' N \�l ' AVENU� � _ i, �-�� . __ ,__. . .___. i� , �P . �� j Zj E,R---� g � 3 .' � . l � ,;; - --- ; , � � 4j � '� - -- --� , a ►, � `�� ' W .T. 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I��H�H�) 1� LOT AREA VARIANCE TO %,OOO SQUARE FEET FOR PROPOSED LOT WITH EXISTING HOUSE TO BE APPROVED WITH SPLIT� Z� LOT WIDTH VARIANCE FROM %5 FEET TO ± 64,54 FEET FOR BOTH LOTS TO BE APPROVED WITH SPLIT� 3� SETBACK AVERAGING REQUIREMENT WITH HOUSE TO SOUTH, E2g3 CENTRAL AVENUE, TO BE WAIVED WITH SPLIT; BASED ON LONG RANGE PLAN FOR AREA� 4� L�RAINACE REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW LOT TO BE APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER� 5� PARK FEE OF �750,�� TO BE PAID HIITH BUILDING PERMIT� 6� RECORD SPLIT AT ANOKA COUNTY WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF COUNCIL APPROVAL� �� HARD SURFACE DRIVEWAY TO BE INSTALLED TO EXISTING GARAGE PRIOR�TO RECORDING AT ANOKA COUNTY� 0 � o V � ����R W - - a y ��'� & �__ \ /i/D/ �� ` '�� 3s ' ._ �y.. _� /.tf t ° � �4TN .�VE. N.E�� v ��A�� •, � « - /' .- � � . 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'��►� ��2t11� � � 4�0: �� . ���;` � : �; �:��,- i�c��•i,.1AJS�•✓i� a::�.i! • � , ' � 3ro ��. � '.��� ��.���..��.� �.�Li�.�w �f � � ' , � � � { �.� � ;�� Kr t' Ca.? 1;.. . � ��. o� • !y p �t �� �J4a;. ., .• _ �,i,�� 1 ��.,�tl �� '"xf'+�i`,j3�s�M'��N�. � ` . 7JJ CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 CALL TO ORDER• Chairperson Betzold caLled the September 30, 1986, Appeals Commission meetittg to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL• Members Present: Donald Betzold, Alex Barna, Jerry Sherek, Diane Savage Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Chief Building Official Dr . Wa yne Dah 1 , I�tr . Gary Obrycki Mr. Tom Obrycki I�. and Mrs. Homer Melton irh, and Mrs. Gordon Sangster, 7169 Riverview Terrace APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1986, APPEALS COMI�SSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY M'�, SAVAGE, TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 16, 1986, APPEALS COrQ1ISSI0N MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE REQUEST VAR �k86-24, BY WAYNE DAHL_t PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 14 3, C l, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 22 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CLINIC• �ND PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.14.5, C, l, 0_F THE_FR_IDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED PROVISION FOR OFF-STREET PARKING FROM 53 STALLS REQUIRED TO 36 STALLS PROVIDED AND pURSUANT TO CHA PTER 205.14.5, A, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE HARD SURFACE SETBACK FROM A STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM 20 FEET TO 0 FEET ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER. FROM 20 FEET TO 6 FEET ON THE NORTH LINE, FROM 20 FEET TO 14 FEET ON THE EAST, A1VD FROM 20 FEET TO 8 FEET ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER. ALL BEING_LOCATED ON PARCEL 2570. SECTION 12, T-30. R-24, THE SAME BEING 7699 VIRON RC1AD N.E.. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA� MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY M'�, SAVAGE, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE PUBLIC , HEARING OPEN AT 7:32 p.m. Chairperson Betzold read the Administrative Staff Report: AD MINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7699 VIRON ROAD N.E. VAR �k86-24 APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 30 1986 PAGE 2 A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.14.3, C, 1 requix�es a front yard setback of not less than 35 feet. Public purpose served hy this requirement is to a11ow for off-s`_reet parking without encroaching on the public right-of-way and also for aesthetic consideration to reduce the building "Iine of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard. Section 205.14.5, C, 1 requires at least one (1) off-street parking space be provided for each 150 square feet of building floor area in a C-2 district. The public purpose served is to ensure that an adequate number of parking stalls are provided for off-street parking. Section 205.14.5, A requires that adequate open space be provided to satisfy the total number of required parking stalls. A reduction of parking stalls may be allowed when the provision of space required for parking stalls, due to the particular nature of the proposed use or other considerations, would be an unnecessary hardship. Public pur pose served is to ensure that an adequate number of par king stalls are provided for off-street parking. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "A hardship was created by the rerouting of the Viron Loopback, and by the lot size." C, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The pe[itioner is proposing Co construct a second, clinical use structure of 6,400 square feet. Recent construction of the Viron Road loopback has left the property with abutting right-of-way on four sides, which has reaulted in unusually restrictive setback demands. In conjunction with the project the petitioner has applied for a rezoning from C-3 to C-2 to reduce building setback requirements from 80 feet to 35 feet. In addition, the City is processing a right-of-way vacation for the abandoned portion of Viron Road. The petitioner is requesting a variance to allow him to place the new building eight feet into said right-of-way. Once the vacation is completed this setback necessitates a variance from 35 to 22 feet from the Highway 65 right-of-way. Total building square footage with the addition equals 8,000 square feet. The C-2 code requires one off-street parking stall for each 150 square feet of floor area--or 53 stalls. If parking is layed out to mee[ code, (i.e. 20 foot setback from all right-of-ways) 36 stalls are possible. This results in a provision of one stall for each 216 square feet of floor area. 7KK 7LL PPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1986_ _ PAGE 3 The petitioner has submitted a plan which includes 39 stalls--three of which do not meet setback requirements. The petitioner is re- questing hard surface setbacks from street right-of-ways from 20 feet to 0 feet on the Hortheast corner, from ?0 feet to 6 feet on the North Line, from 20 feet to 14 feet an the East, and from 20 feet to 8 feet on the Southeast corner. Mr. Clark stated the petitioner purchased this property in 1981 and has done extensive remodeling of the building. He stated Dr. Dahl is proposing to construct a second structure and is requesting a number of variances. N�. Clark stated Dr. Dahl has filed a rezcsning petition to rezone this property from C-3 to C-2 in order to reduce the setback requirement. He stated in discussing this rezoning, staff felt perhaps the property should be zoned to CR-1 so that a retail outlet would not be permitted on this property. He stated this has not been discussed with Dr. Dahl nor submitted to the Council. I�tr. Clark sCated the petitioner has also applied for a vacation of the abandoned portion of Viron Road. I�tr. Clark stated a variance is requested to reduce the front yard setback from 35 to 22 feet fron Hwy. 65 right-of-way and from 35 to 25 feet off the South property line. Mr. Betzold asked if the the setback requirement. for a C-2 zone. property is rezoned to CR-1, what would be Mr. C1ark stated it wouid be the same as Pir.. Clark stated a variance is also requested on the parking. Ae stated the Code requires one off-street parking stall for each 150 feet of floor area or 53 stalls. He stated the plat shows 39 parking stalls, however, staff felt two stalls should 'be eliminated in the Northeast corner for aesthetic purposes and another stall eliminted on the Southeast corner to reduce the parking close to the curb. rtr. Clark stated one of the parking stalls could be moved to another area on the site, therefore there would be 37 remaining stalls. 1�. Clark stated staff found there generally is a lot of traffic at clinics and the proper ratio would probably be in the area of one parking stall for every 150 to 250 square feet of floor area. He stated this proposed parking plan comes close to the 200 ratio. 1�. Clark stated a variance is requested to reduce the setback on the Northeast corner from 20 to 0 feet. He stated this variance . would not be necessary if two parking stalls were eliminated. He stated the variance requested on the Southeast corner would not be nece�sary if a parking stall is eliminated. Mr. Barna asked if there would be a visual obstruction on the South- east corner if the parking stall wasn't eliminated. Mr. Clark felt if proper driving lanes are maintained and people do not cut the center line, it probably wouldn't be a problem. ' 7MM APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 30 1986 PAG� 4 Dr. Dahl staCed he is proposing to construction a quality structure on this property of brick and glass. He felt the setback from Highway 65 is substantial and didn't feel it would cause any problems. Dr. Dahl sta[ec! since he purchased this property in 1981, there have been many changes with the irstallation of the sidewalk, widening of Osborne Road and construction of the loopback. He stated some of the hardships here were basically ones created by his giving the land to improve Viron Road and install sidewalks. He stated when he gave those easements, one of the requests made was the City not place undo restrictions on him in regard to his future needs. Dr. Dahl stated the area on the north where two parking stalls �re located is nicely bermed and landscaped and used for handicapped parking. He stated there are sidewalks along the back to allow access for the handicapped. He stated if these parking stalLs remained, this plan would only fall one parking stall short based on a 1 to 200 ratio. Dr. Dahl stated there are some clinics on a 1 to 250 ratio so it would be an improvement over existing situations. Mr. Betzold asked Dr. Dahl why he needed two separate buildings on the site. Dr. Dahl stated the initial plan was to add on to the existing building. He stated in talking with the architect, when you add space four times the size of the existing building, the economics don't make much sense. Dr. Dahl stated when the existing building was remodeled, weight bearing posts were added which also makes iC impractical to add on to �t . l�ir. Betzold asked what would be the uss of the two structures. Dr. Dahl stated there is a physician interested in locating in the new facility. He stated they are also outgrowing their existing facilit� and would possibly �ve into the new building and use the present building for offices. He stated there are no definite plans, but a number of possibilities. I�tr. Betzold asked if the building could be reduced in size. Dr. Dahl stated when he met with the architect, they took all factors into account such as the size of the parcel, code requirements, and the amount of space that would be needed if this facility were to be utilized as a multi-purpose building. He sCated if they wish to use the building for this purpose, the amount of square footage is certainly needed, rfr. Betzold stated he recognizes this is a very unique situation, but wondered if the proposal would result in overb'ui2ding on this lot. Dr. Dahl asked Mr. Betzold if he felt uncomfortable with the amount of parking provided. ?NN APPE�ILS CO�iMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 30 1986 PAGE 5 rir. Betzold stated he realizes property has been taken from this parcel, however, when you add a new structure,along with an exis�- ing structure, he felt it may be too much for this property. Mr. Sherek asked if the architect considered any plan that would engulf the existing building or a11ow an enclosed passageway to make more efficient use of the space. Dr. Dahl stated the whole philosophy was to move closer to Highway 65 and Osborne Road and raise the structure to a level equal with the roadways. He stated this seemed to be the most aesthetically pleasing. He stated cost was a factor also so they didn't get into a Lot of exotic plans. Mr . Barna as ked Dr. Dahl stated best they could cular plan. if there were any other plans proposed by the architect. there were a total of seven and he felt this was the come up with and many hours were put into this parti- Mr. Clark stated the Code allows for a iot coverago of 40�. He stated the property is about 18,000 square feet and the coverage they are proposing is about 8,000 square feet. No oCher persons in the audience spoke regarding these proposed variances. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY N.R SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA IRPERSON BETZOL� DECLARED TEIE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:15 p.m. Mr. Barna stated he didn't like the idea of eliminating the handicapped parking stall on the North end. He stated he would favor eliminating one stall on the Northeast corner. He felt with the parking sta11 on the Southeast corner that it would be a long time before it would become a traffic hazard. He stated he would prefer to retain two of these three parking stalls and to only eliminate the one stall on the Northeast corner. He stated this would give a total of 3$ parking stalls. Dr. Dahl stated on the Northeast corner, there is a power pole so, from a safety standpoint, the parking stall is well-protected. He stated from an aesthetic standpoint, the aesthetics wouldn't be improved by removing the parking stall. I�'tr, Barna stated he didn't object totally to parking on the Northeast corner, but did object to parking almost to the sidewalk. He stated he would like the parking stall away from the sidewalk so one should be removed at this corner. 700 APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 30 198b PAGE 6 1�. Betzold stated he did appreciate all the work that has gone into the plan to develop an attractive building. He stated they have dealt with other properties in the City where loopbacks have been installe�f and not much can be done with the properties without variances. He stated he does have sor� concern about the number of variances and if it might not be possible to make use of the property wfthout all the variances. NbDTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY M5. SAVAGE, TO RECOMI�ND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE WEST FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM THE REQUIRED 35 FEET TO 22 FEET. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHA IRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK, TO RECONII�IEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE SOUTH FRONT YARD 5ET- BACK FROM THE REQUIRED 35 FEET TO 25 FEET. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED TEiE MJTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY 1`R. BARNA� SECONDED BY 1�. S�VAGE, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROV�L OF THE VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE HARD SURFACE SETBACK FROM STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER FROM 20 FEET TO 5 FEET, BY ELIMINATING T4IE FAR I30RTHEAST PARKING STALL. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY MS. SAVAGE, 20 RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL ApPROVAL OF TE� VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE IiARD S13RFACE SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 6 FEET ON THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE, FROM 20 FEET TO 14 FEET ON THE EAST PROPERTY LINE, AND FROM 20 FEET TO 8 FEET ON THE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LINE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED TEiE M OT ION CARRIED UN.4N IMOUSLY . MOTION BY MR. BARNA, SECONDED BY P�.SAVAGE, TO RECO�ND TO CITY COUNCIL ApPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED OFF-STREET pARKING REQUIREMENT FROM 53 STALLS TO 38 PARKING STALLSo ' UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CEIRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dr. Dahl stated he wouldn't have any problem with a CR-1 zone for his property as he didn't have any plans for a retail operation at this Location. I�h�. Betzold stated this item would go to the City Council on October 20, 1986. �� .. . . :� { �e� ; . I /�') [��co) p�i/lv,rr 6i� Con�ps�y \ .e � �� , �; '� � y _ . � . . �, ---;',, l � S= � � : ,s° ; �: VAR #86-2�� . �� � :�. , ,,' �.._ _ Wayne Dahl ? �- , 7�� ' � ::� �� ., � �:� • � '� � �... a � � , .__ - � �� �� , •� . � . �. � ' " ' ti.-.,. . . � � . - � ! .-_-.' 2 � ._� ; �; ' s , -�--�--- TTY���.TIGITS � ` .;� - _ ---Zao---- :sse � Sha�mo�lt O. ( �s ���o�o� ��,,�o� pF F R 1 D L E Y �� o•,� , i F ' �-� - (60) ' � `' ; 3 2 ° N ' �A DER t , ' :,o � (� . I --- (sssa� s� M:/li� 6c Orri�reNl ° ��.ZO-. 1 �'� - j, - - soo _ . . �, . ."' . � i * � (.t�a) �;� - �- --:,. �� (�o,, ` . ' �Z4oJ i � 1- � 5'�� 1 � � �iJ : - lru�) � � � ,��,,�,� � ►� !.i/ .i� i, � � - - � � ([�4+ • Ow R�+u/fj� G►� �G 1 M' f.r.. � $ l6�% � 1 , � � , Z (s) _ ' Q----"'� — � ---- -- � _, � ,��s�� o G.,.id E- I� • � To6i��� J —�— <f.�tf�.i .� � DE VELOPM . .��6 ��... .. . vsa �n h� (z �,al l�'roI �tg��r, . /�Fy// . i A-rro�� . . � � � � / \ • . , ��� � � � � � � � � e � ,� � G � i� - � � � � 3: � �� 1 � f' j �) I I s i � � .� � _ ___ �-- ; � i � i � . VAR #86-2 �• •� . •p �A?N �� N H-GAP � � ���� � l,l��t� �`C"� la =2�' �''� i� � --�-'O`!'�1�v5. 53 �.E4 . E���� vYl �}-iA� r�d ..� QQ aO�N �. j� � . ! � � -�� :i � -- �� � � e 3 s a � � -- � � � � � � � : CITY OF FRIDLEY CHARTER C�tt1ISSI�t� 11FETIN �, P1AY 19, 1986 CALL TQ ORDER: ' Chairpers�n Jacl:son called the llay 19, 1986, Charter Cor+missian meeting to orcler at 7:10 p.m. ROLL CALL: Meribers Present: Sue Jackson, Francis van Qan, Peter Treuenrels, Donald Retzold, aruce Welson, Dorothy Evenson, Ralph Stou`fer Mer�ber; Absent: ttargaret Hendley, Robert Schmidt, Diane Savaqe, Ed Hamernik Otliers P�•esent: Qi 11 Hunt, Assi stant to the Ci ty tlanager APPROV/1L OF �1ARC11 17, 198G, CNARTER C0�1t1ISSI0�� 11I'lUTES: �SO.^ION BY t4R. TREUEIlFEZS, SECONDED BY MR. BF,TZOLD, TO APP.RO[�E THE rfARCH �7, 19R6, CXr1RTER CO1i.�fISSION MIIIUTF,S AS 41RITTEN. UPnN A VUICE j�OTE, ALL VOTING AYF., CHAIRPERSO�l JJICY.SOl7 DF.CLARED THF. MClI'ION CARRIED ;T."1JLVItfOUSLY. �dFI.00�1C T� tJF►1 �1E�1BER: 'ls. Jackson introduced �1s. Evenson to tlle Corrnission and welcor�ed her to the Cor�mi ss i on . 1, RFCEII�'E REVISED ftY-LAIJS: MO'_"ZO.": BY lfR, TREUEfIFELS, SECONDED B1' 11P.. BF•TZOLD, TO F.ECE_TT'E ^'HF "f'P.IPLF,Y NOi1E RULE CFIARTER COIII�IISSI01d BY-LAWS" RF.?�ISF.D A1JD ?1MF..NDED FEBRUA�Y 24� 1986. UPO*7 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIPIG AYE, CHAIRPL'RSnll JACKSOII DECLARED '�'lIL' 110'"IO': CARRIED UNr11'IIMOUSLY. 2. CO�JSIDERATI��� OF RECOt1t1E!�DATIO�IS FOR �1Q1FiERSHIP IW THE CHARTER CQt1�tISSIO��: Ms. Jackson read a letter from Pat Kindom dated t�1ay 14, 1936, in which Ms. Y.indom stated she had to move out of the community and was no lonaer ab�e to serve on the Charter Cor�nission. Ms. Jackson stated that norr made four vacancies on the Commission. Ms. Jackson read a letter dated !!.pril 2, 1986, from Geraldine Schei who expressed a desire to be a memher of the Charter Cor.u�ission. . � CHARTER COt1i1ISSI0�J MFETI�JG, t1AY 19 1986 PA�E 2 140TION BY MR. BETZDLD, SECONDED BY XR. 3'REUENFELS, TO RECO.MMEI�i'D TO TXF. JUDGE TIiE APPOINTMENT OF MS. GERALDINE SCHEI TO THF. CHARTER C�IMISSIO'V. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIJG AYE, CNAIRPERSON JACICSON DECLARED THE M02ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11s. Jackson stated that during the sumner, especially as Commission mer�bers attended different activities or were involved in political campaiqns, that they talk to people and see if anyone was interested in serving on the Charter Commission. 3. COiJSIDL-Rt1TIf1�� OF REVISION OF SECTIO�� 4.05 OF TfiE CITY CHARTER: �1r. Hunt stated the q��estion �•�as raised by the Charter Cor�r�ission as to whether the Charter could require the judges of election to be registered voters. The current language in the Charter requires judges to he qualified voters. In revising the language in the Charter about voters, the Cor,mission has tried to eliminate the term "qualified voter" and replace it with either "eligible voter" or "registered voter" or "voter". It was the concens«s of the Charter Commission that they would like to see Section 4,05 refer to "registered voters"; however, they did not want to be in conflict with any legislation on the matter. Mr. Hunt stated the Corr�nissioners ha� received a letter dated Apri1 2, 1986, from John Terpstra, t�e Charter Corrmission's attorney, in which Mr. Terpstra stated: "I would suggest that changing the terr� to registered voter no± he done, as doing so would exclude a large group of people fror:i what they might feel is their right and privilege under the Constitution of the State." �1r. Treuenfels stated that anyone who feels excluded hy the restriction to "registered voter" could certainly get around that restriction by going to City Hall and registering. Why are people so reluctant to register? Ms. Jackson stated it was her feeling that the Charter Corr�nission should wait to see what happens �v�th the rest of the changes being submitted to the City Council that eveninc�. If the City Council objects to the term "registered voter", that could affect the Commission's decision on Section 4.05. If there were no problems, then they could proceed with Section 4.05 at thPir Septemher meetin�. Id0'�'ION BY MR. TREUENFE�S, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO CO?7TINUF. FURTHEn DISCUSSION OA' SECTION 4.05 UNTIL ^_'NF. SEPT. 15, 1986, CHARTER COM�lISSIOII MF.ETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JACKSON DECLAP.FD THE �40^_'ZON CARRIF.D UIYANIMOUSLY. 4. CO�JSIDF.RATIQr� OF REVISIOt� OF SECTI(?�� �2.08 0� T�iE CITY CHARTER: Ms. Jackson stated the current Charter makes reference to Statute 465.�4. The legal intern had recommending changing the nur�ber to 466.05. The . . . . CHARTER C01'PIISSION MEETI��G, MAY 19, 1986 PAGE 3 Cor.unission had decided to write to Mr, Terpstra and ask h��o if they should change the number or just eiiminate any reference to state statutes for small changes. ' Ms. Jackson stated t1r. Terpstra's answer (dated April 2, 1986) stated: "Leaving the language in Paragraah 1, Section 12.03, tvould only serve to confuse those who read it. If tf�e paragraph was amended to reflect the nea� statutory cite, it might need amending again if it was repealed in the future. I would suggest that, instead of leaving the language as is, or changinc� the paragraph to reflect the new statutory cite, you should eliminate any refer- ence to specific statute and state that notice shall be given pursuant to Minnesota Statute." MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. '"REUENFF.LS, TO DELETE ANY SPF.CIFIC RE:'EREIdCE TO ANY NU��BERED STATUTE AND JUST RF.FER TO MIlIP7ESOTA STATU'�ES. SECTIOP/ 12.08, PARAGRAPH 1, SHOULD READ AS FOLLOt:'S: "f!O ACTION SNALL BF. MAINTAINED AGe�INST THE CITY ON ACCOUNT OF ANY INJURIES OR DAMAGES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY, IINLESS SUCH ACTION SHALL BE COMMENCED GIITHIF7 O"7F. ;1) YF.A? FROP1 THE OCCURRENCE OF SUCH INJURY OR DAtfAGE, NOR UNLESS NOTICE SXALL HAi'E BEEN GZVEN IN WRITItJG AS f2EQUIRED BY MZNNESOTA STATUTES." UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON JACKSOPI DECLAfZED _THF MOTION CARRIED UNANI6f0USLY. t�r, tiunt stated that regarding the question on Section 12.09 - Recovery of Judgement for Dar�ages, and any possible chanc�es that might affect his section of the Charter, t1r. Terpstra had indicated there were no changes that wn�,ld affect this section. Ms. Jackson declared a recess at 7:40 in order for the Cor.imission members to attend the City Council meeting where a public hearing was beinq held on the recommended changes in the City Charter. t�ls. Jackson reconvened the meeting at 8:55 p.r�. 5, CO«SIDEFtATI�FJ OF ITEt15 FOR FUTURF DISCUSSI�P� AND ACTIOPJ: Continued until the Septer�ber meeting. ADJOURtdF1ENT: F10TIOP7 BY 19R. STOUFFER, SF'COP�DED BY Mn. TREUEi]FELS, TO ADJOURIJ THE �dF.F.TIIIG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPER'SOtI JACKSOf'7 DECLARF.D TNE l41�Y 19, 1986, CHARTER CO!1MISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:00 P,11. Respectfully submitted, �' ti-ty-,?�' �C�P ,�,_:.��`� Lynn� Saba Recording Secretary � PLANNING DIVISION � MEMORANDUM cinroF f RIDLEY N�rD �: Jock Rpbertson, Ca�anunity Develognent Directar I✓�ErD FROM: J im Robinson, Planning Coornina�or �• t�rD IY�TE: October 15, 1986 F�AFDING : ReapQroval of L. S. #82-05 Attachec.i is a letter f ran attorney Crouch regarding a subdivision his c1 ient, Kunz Oil, prooessed through Co�mcil on 1/23/83 (see attached resolution No. 12- 1984). Due to �r�usion regaraing the recording process, the lot split was never rec�rc3ed. At this time the petitioner is working with prospective buyers and would �'ike to rec�rd the lot sglit.. All �ast stipulations have been completed (see attached letter dated 4/20/53). One new request that I would reoo�nu�end involves a private driveway easement t,etween proposed parcel A and B. Zhis easement would create a private service road between the two properties which would reduce curb openings and in��,rove circulation. I am presently working with Anoka County Highway De�z�rtnent to determine the effect of the East R.iver Roaci imprav�nents on the site. When this is determined the definitions of a specific legal description for the private easement will be possitle. Sugoest Counncil reapprove the split with the added stipulation that a private drivc�ay eas�nent be appraved by staff and reoorded tr� the petitioner alony with the lot split. • �. r�-b6-266 HswoLD G. CANT �u�� - �f�7� H[tiwr w.M�vusrocK �u��-�snl ►RANK�IN D.6RAY •11ANK W.ILAMT,JI�. ioNh w.wootr M[LVIN 11. M007Y aNC►nt�o wcs� wusscu M. /[NN[TT CIINTON A. iCH1�0[O[R CDWARD �.CAILANAN,JR. )AM[! E.5IMONSON RICMARD N. /IIMT MICMA[L ► fULLIVAN CURT13 D.1011SLUND •RUC[ D.ORU3SIN6 C.ST[V[N WII�OM IONN s. cwoucH 011V10 T.�CNNCTT [DWIN C. CAR�[NTER GRAY, PLAh'T, MOOTY, MOOTY 8�. BEIVNETT, P. A. LINDLEY 3� •11ANlON lOMM W.TN�[� AL�[RT ♦no�cws.�w. NO[L�.MULL[R OwMic� I�.LNV�M6N MICMA(� I�,CUNMINGNAM [V6[N[ I. O�LY 111CNA11D •. MOON[. )R. �I�UC[ NI�UG[R WIILIAM L. KILLION LLIZA�[TM N I[RGUSON JONN [.�pOW[R /11M[L• M. Y[RKLC TMOMAS DAI�LIN6 JOMN M.MIGNOLE Mt1111TM11 I�.V11M DE VtM OAV�O N.YOOT• LAW OFFICES 3400 CITY CENTER THIRTY-THREE SOUTti SIXTH STREET MIN;VEAPOLIS, M[NNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE 612 • 34J �2800 TELECOPIER 612•JJ3-0066 11VX 91U•576'2778 DIRECT DIAL 343-2838 October 7, 1986 Jam�s L. Ro�inson �ity Planner Cicy of ?ridley C� ty of � Yidley City :iall 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, P�linnesota 55432 RICNARD A. N1�CKLTT WII.LIAM O. KL[IN SUfAN L.i[OAt 10MN L. KII[NN �rnwc c.srw«�[� DAr10 M.COtN[ fTL�N[N 11. t10[ JOMM o. a�uoic�ssi, �w. MICM11[� C./LOM D11VID C. �1�ML� [l{.[N W.M�V[16N JAM[f F. t11RROLl 1�0�[IIT [. NAqDIN6 L1�URA J. M[IN �NtLll� �ON� MYI�ON L./RANE DANRYL A.�URN[ Re: mhe Kunz Oil Company - Lot Split No. 82-OS respecting Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision IVo. 77 Dear :�!r . Robinson : As I advis�d you in our telep:zone conversation this niorning, I represent The Kunz Oil Company in �he aoove-ca�tioned mat'cer. The Runz Oil Company is currently contemplating en;.:�ing into a purchase agreement with Gerald N. Sherer �.n�: Su��netta L. Sherer providing for tne Sherers' purchase o� zn� following �escribed prem?ses: � That part of Lot 18, �evised Puditor's Subdivision No. 77, lying souLherly of a line parallel with and distant 197.0 feet north of (as measured at a right angle to) the south line of said Lot 18, reserving, for the benefit of that part of said Lot 18, lying southerly of a line �arallel with and distant 197.0 f2et nor�h of (as measured at a right angle to) the south line of said Lot 18, a non-exclusive easement for ingress ana egress over the westerly 20 feet of the property to be conveyed, and together wi�h a non-exclusive eas�ment for ingress and egress over the westerly 20 feet of that part of said Lot 18, lying southerly of a line parallel with and distan� 1g7.G f�e� north of (as measured at a right angle to) �he south line of said Lot �8. • , I[NNY M. TI�KE NANCY A.OVATT�C�AUM [L[11NON M. DILKq . WI1L111M J./ISM[R ciNOr w. N�[w�c VIR6INIA f.fCNV�[RT .O[01�6C R. WOOD INT[RNATIONA{. COUNS[L fR�1NKLIN C. /[SS[. JR. MICNA[{. A.OLlON O►COUNf[L RO�l1lT l. N[IIAND 1�0�[R7 A.fT[IN JUDITN L. DOWDL[ �[T!Y •.�AK[R • � James L. Robinson October 7, 19$6 Page 2 As you will note fro� the legal description set forth above of the premises to be conveyed to the Sherers, the reciprocal easements for ingress and egress, which you referred to in our telephone conversation this morning, will be granted and reserved if, and �vhen, the premises are conveyed to the Sherers. I have enclosed, for your information, copies of the following: 1. �hotocopy of a certified copy of Certificate of City Clerk of the City of Fridley dated January 31, 1984, with attached photocopy of Resolution No. 12-1984, which Resolution contains the City Council's approval of the subject lot split, that is, Lot Split NO. 82-05. 2. Copy of William S. Deblon's letter to Me dated April 20, 1983, which sets forth the conditions to the City Council's a�proval of Lot S�lit No. 82-05. 3. Photocopy of that ceYtain Easement Agreem2nt from The Kunz Oil Company to the City of Fridley dated i�ay 14, 1983, and filed for record in the office of tne Registrar of Titles for Anoka County as Document No. 131321. I believe that the City's records will reflect that the conditions precedent to the lot split approval, as the same are set forth in �r. Deblon's letter to me dated April 20, 1983, have been fully per�ormed. As I advised you in our telephone conversation this morning, it is �he Kunz Oil Company's �osition that the splitting of Lot 18, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, has been effected in that all conditions precedent to the effectiveness of t�e subject lot split approval has been fully performed. As I further a�vised you in our telephone conversation this morning, it was my understanding, based upon the second paragraph of Mr. Debl`on's letter to me dated April 20, 1983, that the City would file, on Certificate of Title :10. 41042, in the office of the Regis�rar of Titles for Anoka County, Minnesota, the appro�riate City Cler}:'s Certificate as to the adoption of Resolution No. 12-1984. Ap�arently, however, said Certificate has not �een filed. Jam�s L. Robinson October 7, 1986 Page 3 Althcugh it is Tne Runz Oil Company's �osition that the subject lot split has been approved by the City, and, therefore, that no further action should be requi�ed in confirmation thereof, in order to resolve any uncertainty as to �he effectiveness of said lot split approval based u�on the fact that the Certificate referred to above caas, apparently, not filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles within six mon�hs after the date of Resolution No. 12-1984, that is, January 23, 1984, please consider this letter to be a request that the City Council, at its meeting of October 20, 1986, a�opt the a��ropriate Resolution confir�,ing that said Lot 18 has been split in the manner set forth in Lot Split 82-05. Zt is my understanding that, by reason of The Kunz Oil Company having fully complied with all of the conditions imposed by tne City with respect to said lot split approval, no further conditions will �e imposed by the City when it adopts the Resolution confir�ing said lot split approval. As I advised you in our telephone conversation this �orning, I will be out of town on October 20, 1986 and, t�erefore, I will no� be available to attend the City Council meeting of October 20, 1986. Y:owever, if you believe it is necessary for anyone to be present at said meeting on behalf of The Kunz Oil Company, I would appreciate your a�vising m� of the same not later t�an October 15, 1986, so that arrangements can be made to have a representative of The Runz Oil Company in attendance at said rneeting. I would appreciate your �roviding ;�e with a copy of any staff report or recommendation which will be provided to the City Council prior to its consideration of this matter at the City Council meeting of October 2�, 1986. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. JSC : dlc Enclosures cc: GJalter i�I. Kunz, Stanley Krins:cy Warren Sherer Very tru you s, 1 �+.-'��,,1n.� Ohri S. CrOUCh Jr . � 9C STATE OF MIrINESOTA ) ) OOUtJI'Y OF ANOKA ) SS � CITY OF FRIDLEY ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified City Clerk of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract fra� the Minutes of a CAUNCIL MEETING of the City Council of said City held JANUARY 23, 1983, with the ori5inal there of on file in my office, and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefran insofar as the same relates to: RFSC[,UTION N0. 12 - 1984 A RFSCd�UTICJN APPf2WING A SUBDNISION, IAT SPLIT, L. S. #82-05, ZU SPLIT LOT 18, AUDI�R' S SUBDNISION N0. 77 INIt� PARCII,S A& B� �lE SAME BEING 7355 AND 7365 EP�S'T RNER R!CI�D N.E. WI�FSS t�t HAND as City Clerk of the City of Fridley and the seal of the City, this 31ST day of JANUARY, 1984. (SEAL) SIDIv�Y C. iAt; W-------- — CITY CLF.Ri� OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY . � RB.SOLUTI01� p0. 12 - 198� l RES4LIITIOR ►PPR49Iti{� ! S�HDIYISIO�, LOT SPLIi, L.S, �82-05, TO SPLI? L.t1? 18, �DI?ZT08'S SOBDIVISION M0. T7- INTO PARCELS A 8 B, iHE SAxE BBIliG 7355 ,�D 7365 $ss= 8IVE8 ROAD Ii.B. WHEREAS, The City Council approved a lot split at the April 18� 1983, meeting, and XIiEREAS, such approval was to split off Parcel B(lying southerly of a line parallel xith and distant 197.0 feet north of� as measured at a right angle to, the South line of said Lot 18) from Parcel A, both in Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, the same being 7355 and 7365 East River Road in Fridley WHEREAS� the City has received the required Certificate of Survey from Runz Oil Company, and WHEREAS, such approval Will allox development of Parcel H as a local commercial business. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the County of Anoka to record this lot split Within six months of this approval or else such approval shall be null and void. PASSEA AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 23RD DAY OF JANUARYt 1984. �IILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SIDtiEY C. INMAN - CITY CLERR 2/8/9/2 a 9E - pril 20, 1983 CITY OF FRIDLEY 8431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MIHNESOTA 5S43Z TEtiPt10NE ( 812)571-3450 John S. Crouch 300 Roanoke Building . Minneapolis� I�IId 55402 Dear Mr. Crouch: On April 18, 1983� the Fridley City Council officially approved L.S. #82-05� a lot split requested by Runz 011 Company to Split Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, into Parcels A and B, the same being ?355 and 7365 East River Road N.E., Fridley, Minnesota With the follo�ing stipulations: L,i ' :. � /+%�- �1�: Payment of a Park Fee of a635.40. =� ;-�. =�'' - �� w2. Dedication of a 10 foot drainage/utility easement (Oak Glen Creek) on the North side of Parcel A. 3. The front yard setback is established as 80 feet from existing property lines. 4. For purposes of establishing percentage of lot coverage on these parcels, the easements should be ineluded in the lot size. �U, 5. The street and utility easement of u5 feet along East River Road should be dedicated no lated that November 1� 1984. As of January 1, 1983, the City is required by State Lawr to record all formal City Council actions afi'ecting real property. It Will be to your advantage to complete the above stipulations as expediently as possible. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter and to establish a time table for completion of the stipulations. If I can assist you in this matter, or any other matters, please contact me at 571-3450, extension 168. I can be reached at this number Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thank you for your time, cooperation and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, �z� =% �� � �� William S. Deblon Associate Planner WSD/de ee: F31es Enclosure 3/0/21/2/ �% � � .�-� 9F / vs.d ` . . 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EN CREEKh RD. �� ^� `� � �� �_ ; � _ . , : . ,_ • . � " � is�� ,� '1 - . _ . � . � . . . , 12� � 112 10p/,� � �._ �-FOC�� ' - � � - - , . ,` . � � �� � (rz�o)! � ° S , • • 2p ; 732 ! e � o 's' �: � � �� �N„ii �I � � j . . . . ' � , " . . :�• :,:: � • _ �--�.�� 3�...1 •.. � ;. 731� j �2 1 � � • . .� . . '� _ N Y CR✓,� � �° , �,3� � � � .- . . . _.. Try,� � . . .... . -,,.v� �' �. ��,� �, _ ti ;z r . �' —3 . __-_ � ��1.� _-ti� - . � � - s. -2 —�/� '4 . 3» ', � '•' ��t,.� „-�- ORNER ; . � � . . , . . ,.�j�. _ ; . . . , SEC. /O . . . . . . . _ ' ' ' ' . ' � . _' �. . ` t ' ' _ " . �� . . � - . . � .�. • �' . � '. .� . � . - � � , �. .. - ' - , . .. � ' .i., _ . � . ' •.' - � ' !�', � , . .- . � . • � .. - � ' � . � � . � � i . . . . ... . . . . ... " • �. . � � . ' �f t " _ y ,'t ` �•~. ' .�� � � . . . , •+t . .. . } ' � ' � . . � . " c.. r. �► C�N �F FRl DLEY �: FRiDM: II�,Z£ : pIqECTORATE OR PUBLIC WORK8 IVIEMORANDliM Nasiun Qureshi, City I�nager John G. Flora,TRihlic Wc.rks Director October 2, 1986 SiJB.7ECT: Comnon's Park Water �re:.tinent Plant FW86-291 � We have reoeived the study frcm 7I�4 on the repair and improvenents to the Ca��or►'s F�rk Water Treatrnent Plant. Of the various options they have ioentif ied, they rec�omnend the City o�nvert f ive of its seven f il ters in the Cu��on's Park Plant for macg�esiun treatment of the four shallow wells, ano the renaining two filters for iron renoval for the deep wells. Zhis reoa�mendation will require sane revalving, installation of green sand and polyphosphate and aeration syst�ns plus a settlement basin for the t�ckwash. Zhe estimatea cast of repairs and imprwanent is approximately 5800.000.00. �e oost to design and inspect the construction is an aonitional $52,000.00. It is neoessary to i.nitiate the repair of our existing f iltets. It would also be appropriate to upgrade the entire plant during the repair to incluc�e automation oontrol and recording instr�anentation. Zhis coulcJ resul t in an addi tional expense of approximately $150, 000. 00 resul ting in a total expenditure in the area af 51,000.000.00. I have oopies of the �A rep�rt which identifies five alternatives and an agreet►ent to aontinue the desic� work. It would be my re�oonmendation t�o the City Council to receive the report, adopt the alternative for proposal n�mber 4 and retain the servioes of �mA so that the repair work oould t�e initiated the first part of next year ano work ampletea by July prior to the large water demand. I would also reoannend the Gb�cil consider in the design process the overall plant installation and wntrols so that the entire plant can be upgraded to the current state-af-th�-ar� In order bo expedite the desic� and �nstruction, I would recommend this iten�be included on the October Z0. 1986 City Gb�cil Agenda. JcF/ts 00 � � �o 0 10A :: ,� � 1 � � � Alternate Table Tlo. No. Descrintion No. Units Llnit Cost Total Cost 1 Filter Rehabilitation A1 , 7 S 42,000 E 294.000 Total No. 1 E 254,000 2 Filter Rehab(litatton Manganese Provision Total No. 2 3 Filter Rehabilitation/ Manganese Retrofit Plant Modification/ Manganese Total No. 3 A1 A3 A2 A4 7 E 42,000 7 S 17,500 7 E 80,000 1 5330,000 E 2�4,000 �1J�f.J 5� S 416,50Q S 560,000 ��i920 E 890.000 ♦ 4 Filter Rehabilitation A1 Z E 42,000 E 84,000 Filter Rehabilitation/ Manganese Retrofit A2 5 S 80,000 S 400,000 Plant Modiffcation/Manganese A5 1 5264,000 E 264,000 Watermatn Separation A6 1 � 45,000 � 45•QQQ Total No. 4 S 793,000 5 Construct New Plant 53,750,000 53,750,000 Abandon Existing Factlities S 250,000 S 250�QQQ Total No. 5 54,000,000 Note: Costs exclusive cf engineering, legal, administrative or capftalized interest. Costs based on current prices, ENR Index 4300. 20 865Q-01 . �� � c � CITY OF FRIDLEY TU: FROM: IX1TE : SUBJECT: DIRECTOAATE OF PUBLIC WORKS fV1EMORANDUM Nasim Qureshi, Gity Manager / John G. Flora, Putilic Works Director October 2, 1986 6-�ities Waterst�ed Managenent Plan V � <� o,- �.o ° o 0 � -� {, � ���� FW86-289 On August 28, 1986, the City received the 6-Cities Watershed Management Plan for review. �is is the first �ase in the �xooess for obtaining the Water Resources Boaro appravul. �e Gities within the Watershecl N'anagenent Organization have sixty days to review and orn�►ent and then the repott has to be prooesse6 through the County, Department of Natural Resouces and Metropolitan Go�mcil for comment prior to being submitted to the Water Resouroes Boaro for appraval. �is process should allow the Plan to be sutrnittea in Devgnber in accordanoe with the 509 Statute. �e City C1erk and I both have o�pies of the Plan which addressed the g�als anci �.�hiloso�y of the Watershed Management Organization to maintain the status qu� and the hyarologic systans for the six sutr-districts within the 6-Cities Watershed r,anagement Organization. It is hoped that the water yuality it.ans will pass the hfetrop�litan Council review. Zhe major iten of the Plan deals with capital impravenents identified to be oamFleteci within the six sub-districts. 7he City of Fridley is involveo in five projects, four of which call for supglenental joint powers agreements with the appropriate cities for completion and one which includes an ad valoran tax for the Oak Glen sub-district improvement. A copy of the imprweuent glan is attacheci. Copies of the Plan can be macie available to the Council if they aesire. �e Board of t�lanagers have had consioerable discussion reqardin9 the p�sitions of the various cities to the funding of these improvements. Acvordingly, we felt that the best way to obtain approval of the Plan for each af the Cities is let then c3eteIInine how the pro�ects would be fundeci. Zhis resultea in the decision to proviae for supplemental joint powers agreenents. In this process, each City could then detezmine how the necessary f�mds would be obtained throuc� ad valoren or the General F1ana- I would reoonmend this iten be included in the October 2Q Council meeting for a motion to receive anci apprave the Plan as sutraitted. JGF/ts `� � tii � < � � �"� � � d > 0 m � � d < U :� � � 0 � �� V �a c4� � Y � � ^ � b 3 9 > �s� � �� :� � . �tt ., .. Y + y �! �I .r r pp ° � =� � 1: o� � ��� � �� �� � .� � .s � � V .� � � � � .. � � � �� V . 8 � � a � .� � .� � � � ��q u r pa • � � $ .� � .� � � �s �� �a ( a �I � u �� � � I 00 �i � �� � �7 :y� � � � O .o �� � Y �.i � y "1 r 3� 3� �� i� �� �� tS �S �S �i �'S � S 0 o g a $� o $ A �3 �w .�r..�s s �i 'vi Y �"1 � ..� � �� .� .� .� � ti & " �. � � ... :� .� � 'a ,� " � � � � .- � .�� � � �. � ��1 � a �.. ��� °� .� .� b � �b a � '� ;� '" . � � ti .� � y � b .9 � fi �� y � �� � !s 1�Qt��1 ��L�eo :�9y � � a � ��1��'8p y{yw� ^ •7 ^ � 01 i7 � � � � �I Li W � O� i � � a � .� o b $ !� � ; •.. b S � ��� �� .� �b � '� �� � � � � � : � � � a ' ° '` „'. O � $ ; �.� �� �'� �b� � a� Sg � bs � � � y•e � L` ; b � 'S� o � � � ��.� ;� � ~ � .� � .� � .� � � � '� •� � � � � � .� � .� � m � � � � � a� y �s � � . . . ,� . � � � � � a � � � � � a � .� � � � � � .� � .� c :� � � Q :v v � �" �" aQ cY m cg � c4 c4 � v�i � m J� ci � c7 V V � 4 � r � � a � � � � � � � ar � � � Y �3 � � 47� � � J � .� � O N � N � � � � � � � � .� 0 y � .., tA� O .� � � V 11A 12 P�ND ZU: NASIM M. 4URESHI, QTY N�NPGII2 FROM: WILLIAM C. HUNr, ASSISTANT �D '�FiE QTY N�iN1�F�2 SUBJECT: �ST ZO QTY OF SFNIOR QTIZII�IS PROGRAM OJORDINP,�R D�1TE : OCTOBII2 17 , 1986 After examining the wrrerit letter of tnderstanding between the Fridley Senior Citizen (7enter Advisory Board and the current Senior Citizen �nter Coordinator I have calculated the cash value (cost to employer) on an anual h�sis as follaws: Base salary $ 16,000.00 Allocation for insurance 2,500.00 F]nplayer's share of FIC�„ @ 7.15$ 1,144.00 Zbtal Value $ 19,644.00 Presuning an allocation of $18,500 for salary and insuranoe the oost to the City w�ould vary between two figures as follaas: Base salary Allocation for insuranoe E�nplayer's share fo FICA @ 7.15$ F�nployer's share to PERA @ 4.25$ Zbtal Value MINIrUM $ 16,000.00 2,500.00 1,144.00 680.00 $ 20,324.00 N�XIMJM $ 18,500.00 0.00 1,322.75 786.25 $ 20,609.00 Unc3er the Fresent letter of �derstanding the O�ordinator is reimbursed for mileage @$0.21 per mile up to an annual maxim�m of $500. With the City the Coordinator would be reimbured @$0.28 per mile with no maximun. �►ol��rs Zhe present letter of understanc7ing makes no allawance for -� �s. The �nployment oontract with the City would specify eleven �1o�i�ayvl. Leave time under the e�nployment oontract with the City would be oom�arable with that mentioned in the current letter of understanding. Instead of 10 days of sick leave, two weeks of vacation, and one day of �aid personal leave, the enplayment oontract would specify 18 days of 1 a�v�e time to be used f or any of the above purpo se s. /�9 5/6 12A Draft pQSITION TITI�; SINIOR QTIZfN FftOGRAM CAORDINA'iOR nFVArz[�alf/DIVISION:_ R�(RFATION AND NA'lZJRAL RFSCARCE P06ITION Oi�7£==?� Zb Prwide leaders�ip and direction in the developnent, operation and pranotion of Senior CYtizen progr�s and seYVioes in the aty of Fci�ey. �A� rc nc rvrrrFC A►� R�NSZBIT�ITIES• 1. Plan, orc�nize, supervise and occassionally lead recreation programs for the senior citizen population. 2, �pervise the oFeration of the Senior Drog-In denter and 000rdinate facility use with the School District 14 �mninity Education. 3. Recruit, train and scfiedule vol►nteers and part-time leaders in the ►nost effective manrer. 4. Develop a oomprehensive public relations campaign for the senior program to include brochures, newsletters, press releases, speaking engagements and cable T.V. information. 5. Serve as staff liaison to the Senior �nter Advis�ry Board and as advisor to the social clubs for senior citizens. 6. Cbordinate Frogram scheciiles and activities with the schools, oounty, related agencies, and other City deFartments to Frovide maxim�n eff iciency of resources and to minimi.ze c�uplication. 7, Work with civic groups to pranote their increased involvenent and support of senior citizen Frograns, se�vioes, special events and projects. 6. Develop and maintain aomm�nication with County and State agencies on aging and provide ug-to-date information to the seniors. 9. Develop and submit a program budget for City-sponsored senior programs and S2N1Ce5. 10. Keep remci�s and make reports as neoessary. 11. F�rfotm oti�er related d�ties as required. m.*�n FrrF �cTT r S A� ABILIZZ£S• 1. Ftnowledge of the principles and practioes of 000rdinating a comprehensive ooirani.nity-wide senior citizen gogram. 2. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationshiFs with Qty staff. enplv�ees, volinteers and the publia 3. Ability to be imaginative and innovative in programming and marketing of the senior servioes. 4. Rnawledge and understanding of relatred o�tcmunity agencies and existing servioes for seniors. _ 5. Ability to aumm�nicate effectively, both orally and in writing. nFSTR� O�Ta?•IFICATION� Bad�elors c�gree in TheraFeutic Recrmtion, Recr�tion Adninistration, social work or a related field. EJcperienoe in senior citizen gogranming and/or wordinating of a senior citizen oerrt.er opecation. � 'fie sucoessful candi�te will be offered a ore year enplo�mer�t wntract• OanPensation for salary and in�,�rance will total $18,500. �ntact the Qty of FYicIley, 6431 [k�iversity Avenue N. E. . Fridley. Minnesota 55432. 571-3450 ext. 153. � r FOR CONCURRENCE BY TNE CITY COUNCIL s OCTOBER 20, 1986 GAS SERVICES Faircon, Inc. 1995 West County Road B2 Ftpseville, I�T 55113 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Edgework Builders, Inc. 307 West 59'� Street Minneapolis, NIN 55419 M & M General Contract�or 7343 Norris Lake Road Elk River, MN 55330 HEATING Faircon, Inc. 1995 West County Road B2 Roseville, NII�I 55113 MAS ONRY Y. R. Sharp Inc. 10907 - 93rd Avenue North Osseo, f�IIV 55369 SIGN ERECTOR Crosstown Sign, Inc. 10166 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, 1�IIV 55434 � By: William Forder By: David Stockdale By: Oscar Mitzel By: William Forder By: Lin Zelinsky By: Theresa DeMars -- LICENSES 1 4 � APPROVED BY WIbiIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofcl. Same WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. Insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofcl.. Same � r FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY •COUNCIL -- L I C E N S E S 14 � RESIDENTIAL RENTAI PROPERTY - October 20, 1986 �.I��; ! .. � � � �.' =. 1 � �. 1�� k- � � • • ; �./» � .. • . Robert F. McDonald 1212 Bluebill Bay Road Burnsville, MN 55337 Same owner as above Same owner as above Thomas L. & Joan A. Lee 1318 Preston Lane Hopkins, MN 55343 5900 - 2� Street 5908 - 2� Street 5916 - 2 z Street 5846 - 2� Street 7 36.00 7 36.00 7 36.00 6 36.00 A - FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCtL " ESTIMATES � OCIt7BII2 6, 1986 Eugene A. i�ackok & Asso. , Inc. 545 Indian Mnvnd Wayzata, r'N 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Project Phas�e II Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 � 305.00 '- G�derson Brothers 2325 S�ell ing Ave. , S. Minneap�lis, M� 55404 t;isoellaneous O�ncrete Curb & Gutter Partial Estimate No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,348.06 Ernst & Associates 122 West 6th St. � Chaska, rN 55318 � Lake Fbinte O�rporate Genter Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,952.96 Subterranean Engineering 6875 Hiqhway 65 Fridley, NN 55432 Lake Fbinte Corporate Qenter , Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,650.00 S�.mde Engineering � 9001 East Bloomington Ftay. Bloamington, M�1 55420 ' Lake �binte Qorporate Qenter R�rtial Estimate . . . . .� . . . . . . . . . . . $ 21,531.11 E�ebak Construction O�mFany P. O. Box 45 8 Nor thf iel d, NN 550 57 Lake R�inte O�rporate Oenter (Project �163) Partial Estimte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 141,634.37 �