12/22/1986 - 5164s FRtDLEY CI TY COUNCIL December 22, 1986 - ?:3Q P.M. Following are the "ACTIONS TAREN" by the Aclministration for your inf ormation. � � � i _ � V l_ Council Meeting, December 8, 1986 Approved as submitted ; �• • •� • : �:� Adopted as submitted �, �. y �. (Consideration of Items not on Agenda - 15 Minutes) No response S i � Consideration of a Publ ic Aearing on the Modif ied Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and Amending the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Districts No. 2 Through 8 .... Opened 7: 37 p. m. Closed at 7:44 p. m. S,QMMONTTv DEVEVOPMENT--ACTION_T� EN: See Item #12 .� . . . 1 - 1 R . :, � >, „ - •a '�� �; .� . � Council Meeting, December 22, 1986 � •� � -. Consiaeration of a Publ ic Hearing to Vacate the City-Owned Property Generally Located at Highway 65 Turnback (Continued from Meeting of December 8, 1986) ... Opened at 7:44 p. m. Closed at 7: 55 p. m. pDBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Prepared update on Woodbridge for Council for Jan. 12th Meeting Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance to Vacate the City-Owned Property Generally Located at Highway 65 Turnback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance approved on first reading �qB�IC WORRS--ACTION TAREN• Item is on next agenda for consideration of second reading • . Consideration of Second Reading of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 3, Entitled "Personnel" by Amending Section 3.03, Entitled "Aolidays" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance No. 872 adopted �jTY NLANAGEI�-ACTION TAREN: Published in FridZey Pa ge 2 2 - 2 8 . . . 3 - 3 C . . . . 4 Focus Council Meeting, December 22, 1986 . � Pa ge 3 Consideration of First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Sections 4.05 and 12.08 of the Fridley CityCharter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 A Ordinance approved on first reading CITY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Aave put item on next agenda for consideration of second reading Consideration of Review of Staff Recommendations Related to the University Avenue Corridor Study ..... 6- 6 F Table to January 12th Conference Meeting �OMMON.��' DEVELQPME --$CTION TAREN: Will put item on agenda for January Conference Meeting Consideration of a Motion Reclesignating the Use of Some 1985 CDBG Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 7 - 7 D Loan funds to City of Blaine ,�OMMUNI�Y DEVEI�OPMENT--ACTION TAKEN: Working on submitting a 3 year plan f or use of CDBG Funds Council Meeting, December 22, 1986 Page 4 � � . ! _-. Receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of December 10, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 FF Rece iv ed A. Consideration of a Prel iminary Plat, P. S. #86-06, Valley Oaks, Being a Replat of Lot 22, Block 3, Moore Lake Aills, Generally Located South of Hillcrest Drive and North of Gardena Avenue, byCharles Cook ................................. 8-8D, �lann�nqsommission Recommendation• Approval & 8P-8R with Stipulations �o�r�cil Ac�ion eeded: Set Publ ic Aearing for January 5, 1987 Hearing set for Jan. 5, 1987 �O�MUNITY DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded with setting Public Hearing B. Consideration of a Vacation Request, SAV #86-06, to Vacate Easements for Public Utilities on the South 5 Feet of Lot 22, Block 3, Moore Lake Aills and the South 5 Feet and the East 10 Feet of Lot 21, Block 3, Moore Lake Ai11s, Generally Located South of Hillcrest Drive and North of Gardena Avenue, by Charles Cook ................. 8E. g�anninu Commission Recommendation: Approval & 8S-8T with Stipulations Council Action Needed: Set Public Aearing f or January 5, I987 Hearing set for Jan. 5, 1987 �OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT--�ICTION TAREN; Proceeded with setting Public Hearing Council Meeting, December 22, 1986 �_ •� � .-. (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) C. Consideration of a Preliminary Plat, P. S. . #86-07, A& R Second Addition, Being a Replat of Lot 4, Block 1, A& R Addition, and the South 300 Feet of the North 750 Feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter except the East 720 Feet Thereof, all in Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, Subject to Road Easements of Record, to Allow for the Development of Fonr Separate Parcels of Land, Generally Located South of Osborne Road and East of Viron Road, by John Nelson ........................................... 8E-8J �1anninq Gomm?ssion Recommenda�?on: Approval & 8U-8W with Stipulations �oyncil ction Needed: Set Public Aearing for January 5, 1987 Hearing set for Jan. 5, 1987 �QMMOI�j�TV DEVELOPMENT--ACTION TAREN• Proceeded with setting public hearing D. Consideration of a Rezoning Request, ZOA �86-06, to Rezone from C-3, General Shopping Center, to C-2, General Business, on the South 300 Feet of the North 750 Feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Except the East 720 Feet Thereof, all in Section 12, T-30, R-24 Anoka County, Minnesota, subject to Road Easements of Record, Generally Located South of Osborne Road and East of Viron Road, by John Nelson ........... 8J-8R Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval & 8X-8Y �ounci,� Action NPe_ ded: Set Public Aearing for January 5, 1987 Aearing set for Jan. 5, 1987 GOMMOI�j,ma.,,g DEVELOPMENT--,�TIO TA$EN• Proceeded with setting public hearing Pa ge 5 Council Meeting, December 22, 1986 Page 6 •� � 't�� (Planning Commission Minutes Continued) E. Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Lot Split, L. S. �86-09, to Split the North 362.23 Feet of the South 877.67 Feet of all that Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Aighway 47 excepting the Easterly 600 Feet Thereof; and the Easterly 600 Feet of the North 425.23 Feet of the South 877.87 Feet of all that Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota lying westerly of State Trunk Aighway 47 from all that part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vantage Companies Addition, together with the North 425.23 Feet of the South 877.87 Feet of all that Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Q uarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota lying Westerly of State Trunk Aighway 47, Generally Located at 8150 University Avenue N. E. , by Vantage Companies, Inc. ......... 8R-8N �?ann�ng Commission Recommendat�on: Approval & 8Z-8FF with Stipulations Council Act�on Ne�ded: Consideration of Recommendation Resolution No. 128-1986 adopted with 13 stipulations �OMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN�-ACTION TAREN: Will have language of agreement approved by City Attorney Receiving the Minutes of the CATV Advisory Commission Meeting of November 20, 1986 ......... 9- 9 G Received �OMMUNTTV DEVELOP�ENT--ACTION TAKEN• Filed for future reference Council Meeting, December 22. 1986 . � •� �_-. Consideration of Entering into a Joint Powers Agreement With the Anoka County Highway Department for the Improvement of Mississippi Street and University Avenue Intersection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tabl ed to Jan. 5, 1987 �UBLIC WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Plan is drawn and is on item on Jan. 5 agenda Page 7 . 10 - 10 L Consideration of Appointment to the Appeals Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rev Vos appointed GITY NL�NAGER--ACTION TAREN: Sent letter to Ren Vos and updated Co�mission list. Consideration of a Resolution Approving the Amendment to the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and Amending the Tax Increment Plans for Tax Increment Districts No. 2 through 8 . . . . . . . . . Resolution No. 129-1986 adopted . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A �OMMt�TTv DEVErOPMEN�--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Council Meeting, December 22, 1986 � •� � -. Pa ge 8 Consideration of a Resolution to Advertise for Bids for the Repair and Maintenance of Wells No. 3 & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13 B Resolution No. 130-1986 adopted � POBLTG WORR,�--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Consideration of a Resolution to Advertise for Bids for the Repair and Maintenance of Wells No. 12 and 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 A Resolution No. 131-1986 �iIRT.T� WORRS--ACTION TAREN: Proceeded as authorized Appointment City Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Concurred �?TY MANAGER--ACTION TAREN: Informed accounting of new employees Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Approved ��N'�'R�L SERViCE--ACTION TAREN• Paid Claims Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 B Appr ov ed �FNTRAj, SERVICE--ACTION TAREN• Issued Licenses Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Appr ov ed �,F�RAL SERVICE--ACTION TAREN: Paid Estimates �DJOURN: 8:43 p. m. � u COUNCIL N�ETING. DECEMBER 22. 1986 i� � ■ :► 1 •► ► � PAGE 2 CONSIDERATION OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO VACATE THE CITY-OWNED PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT HIGHWAY 65 TURNBACK iCONTINUED FROM MEETING OF DECEMBER 8, 1986�. .. 2- 2 B CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE CITY-OWNED PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT H I GHWAY 65 TURNBACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3 C 1 1 : ► CONSIDERATION OF SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CHAPTER 3, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL" BY AMENDING SECTtON 3.03. ENTI TLED "HOL I DA•Y S" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 � � COUNCtL NIEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1986 ► � � l PA GE 3 CONS I DERATI ON OF FI RST READI NG OF AN ORDI NANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4.05 ANO 12.08 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 A a CONSIDERATION OF REVIEW OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS RELATED TO THE UNIVERSITY AVENUE CORRIDOR STUDY ..... 6— 6 F CONSIDERATION OF A MOTION REDESIGNATING THE USE OF SoNtE 1985 CDBG FuNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 D � .� COUNCIL N�ETING, DECEMBER 22, 1986 IQ�-'•�i: ► • ► ► � 0 PAGE 4 RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION N�ETI NG OF DECEMBER 10, 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8 FF A. CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #86-06, VALLEY OAKS, BEING A REP�AT OF LOT 22, BLOCK 3. MOORE LAKE HILLS, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF HILLCREST DRIVE AND NORTH OF GARDENA AVENUE, BYCHARLES COOK ................................. PLANNING COMMISSinN RF nMM�Nnerinti• APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS . �OUNCIL ACTION N D D; SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR �ANUARY 5, 1987 B. CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION REQUEST, SAV ,#86-06, TO VACATE EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES ON THE SOUTH 5 FEET OF LOT 22, BLOCK 3. MOORE LAKE HILLS AND THE SOUTH 5 FEET AND THE EAST 10 FEET OF LOT 21, BLOCK 3. MOORE LAKE HILLS, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF HILLCREST DRIVE AND NORTH OF GARDENA AVENUE, BY CHARLES COOK ................. PLANNING COMMISSInN RECOMMENDATION• APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS GOUNCIL ACTION FnFO; SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR .JANUARY 5. 1987 � v 0 . .1 �' �il 8E, s 8S-8T COUNCIL N�ETING. DECEMBER 22. 1986 ►a. : ► •► ► � (PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CONTINUED) C. CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #86-P17. A 8 R SECOND ADDITION, BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1. A& R ADDITION, AND THE SOUTH 300 FEET OF THE NORTH 750 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THEREOF, ALL 1N SECTION 12, T-30. R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, SUBJECT TO ROAD EASEMENTS OF RECORD, TO ALLOW FOR THE DEVEL�OPMENT OF FOUR SEPARATE PARCELS OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCA7ED SOUTH OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF VIRON ROAD, BY JOHN NELSON........................................... PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR �ANUARY 5. 1987 D. CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING REGIUEST, ZOA #86-06. TO REZONE FROM C-3. GENERAL SHOPPING CENTER, TO C-2.,GENERAL BUStNESS. ON THE SOUTH 300 FEET OF THE �IORTH 750 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THEREOF, ALL IN SECTION 12. T-30. R-24 ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, SUBJECT TO ROAO EASEMENTS OF RECORD, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF VIRON ROAD, BY JOHN NELSON ........... PLANNING COMMtSSiON RECOMMENDATtON; APPROVAL COUNCIL ACTION NEEDED: SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR .1ANUARY 5. 1987 8E-8J 8 8U-8W SJ-8K 8 8X-8Y PA� 5 COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 22, 1986 ►a. � ► �► ► � iPLANNING COMMlSSION MtNUTES CONTINUED� PAGE 6 E. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86-09, TO SPLIT THE NORTH 362.23 FEET OF THE SOUTH 877.87 FEET OF ALl THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, T-3P1. R-24. ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING WESTERLY OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 47 EXCEPTING THE EASTERLY 600 FEET THEREOF: AND THE EASTERLY 600 FEET OF THE NORTH 425.23 FEET OF THE SOUTH 877.87 FEET OF AL� THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2. T-30, R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, M{NNESOTA LYING WESTERLY OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 47 FROM ALL THAT PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VANTAGE COMPANiES ADDITION, TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 425.23 FEET OF THE SOUTH 877.87 FEET OF ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTiON 2, T-30, R-24, ANOKA � COUNTY, MINNESOTA LYING WESTERLY OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 47. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 8150 UNIVERSITY . AVENUE N.E.. BY VANTAGE COMPANIES, INC. ......... 8K-8N PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION; APPROVAL 8 SZ-8FF WITH STiPULATiONS COl1NCiL AGTION NEEDED: CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION .� RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE CATU ADVISORY COMMISSION (�ETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1986 . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9 G 0 � � COUNCIL MEETING. DECEMBER 22. 1986 ►�� ' ► •► ► � PA�E 7 CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO A.101NT POWERS A6REEMENT WITH THE ANOKA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT FOR THE • 1MPROVEMENT OF MiSSISS1PPl STREET AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE INTERSECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10 L CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE APPEALS COMMI SS I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVE�OPMENT PROJECT N0. 1 AND AMENDING THE TAX 1NCREMENT PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT DI STR i CTS N0. 2 THROUGH 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12 A ., . 0 � � � COUNCiL N�ETING. DECEMBER 22, 1986 \•�1 : ► •► ► � PAGE 8 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO ApVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF WELLS No.3s4 ........................13-138 CONSIDERATION OF A RE50LUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE REPAIR ANO MAINTENANCE OF WELLS No. 12 AND 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14 A APP01 NTMENT CI TY EMPLOYEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 CLAIMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 .� L�CENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17 B ESTI MATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � , . . . . . 18 . : . .1 � '1�.,��1[TIES OF 'I'AF I�7Gt�AR I�E,TTI� 4F Tf� �tmT� CITY ,OO�I�TC?'L• OF DES��ER 8, 1986: Ztie Reg�lax Meeting of the FricIley City Q��cil was wlled to order at 7:32 pr m. by Mayor Nee. �QF AIS,DGiAI�E: I�yor Nee led the Gbimcil and audierwe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F'lag. RDLL CAIZ• 1�EI�BF�2S PRESFSIT: Mayor Nee, Cb�cilman Goodspeed, Q�uncilman Fitzpatrick, O�imcilman Sdzneider and tbuncil�n Barnette 1�ENBE�2S ABSENT: None ' �_� ��s��._ � �1� � �_.�: .��� �ti R� �! /� ' �_�y?1.,1►': M �i � � �1���_ 4� � � Mr. Rarl Rasmussen , Commander of the Fridley V�+1 Post 363, presented a $4,000 contribution to the (btmcil for radio equignerit for the City. Mayor Nee and menbers of the Q��mcil extended thei r thanks to the V�1 for this anntribution to the a�mnn�ity. • ' .�± ' �4a�� ,��� �iu� '�� �!�����_ � r�_ 4� !� M!vl _. ��� Mayor Nee stated Bruve Pet�erson has �erved the City as a very active member of the �virormerital Quality �mnission for aver ten years. Ae stated Mr. F�terson will be leaving the �mnur�ity and the �unci.l wisshed to recognize his c�ritribution to the City tr� prese�rtation of a glaque in appreciation of his serviaes. Mayor Nee and mc�nbers of the City CAUncil extended their thanks and ap�xeciation to Mr. I�ters�n for his time and contribution as a m�nber of the Envirormerita]. Quality (bnanission. :_ �' ���l._ _ � ,�1��1 !4_ ��i:s� k_ v!�►�. ��. ��i�??41% ' ' �� �tncilman Fitz�atrick requested the last two sentences, under Item 5, be deleted. NDTION by Councilman Schneic3er to approve the minutes, with the above amenc�nent. Seoanded by Councilman Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unatumously. -1- 1. 2. M.�li.�� y�?��4��� s • ���«�„i: �� . � : � : � � �� �i • : ��!��;�i Zhe follawing items were added to the agenda :(17. ) Reoonsideration af S�eciai Use Permit, SP �86-16 for thurdz on the I�bve and (18.) �nsideration of Authorizing Additional Ftmds to TI�tA for Drainage Plans for Meadowlands Park. N+DTDOrT 1X mu�ncilman Sdzr�eider to acbpt the agenda with the above additions. Sea�nded by Cb�cilman Goodspeecl Op�on a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarriec7 unanimously. � ��i ,1� �. :v � 4�� �ti 7,here was no resp�nse f ran the audienoe �der this item of business. { l� �' _f.1 +a�� !'• * _-*_� �. �� l. _� 4r _ � ��,h!_ � ' ��� ' _ ��M � � �. _ �� __ - � _ r sir(:_ • �l � ��!•_:-«; NDTION b,� tbuncilman Schneider ta waive the reading of the publ ic hearing notioe and open the public hearing. Ser�nded k�i Ouuncilman Goodspeed. Upan a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried wianimously and the publ ic hearing opened at 7:42 �a. m Mr. FZora, Publ ic Works Di rector, stated with the f inal al ignment of Lake �inte Drive, the road was shifted east onto the developnent property at the Woodbridge site and resulted in taking some property from Area A for ric�t of-way. He stated the City has some turnback property and the c�veloper has requesred this property be obtained in orcler to provide an adequate aonstruetion site for the building proposed for this paroel. Mr. F7.ora stat�ed this item will be presented to the ARA sinoe they are the lancbwners at this time. Ae stated he would suggest the Oouncil o�ntinue this hearing to De�o�anber 22, 1986 at whirh time c�rnnerits f rcm the Housing & Redevelopnerit Authority regarding the transfer of this property would be avail ahle. Mr, Qureshi, Ci.ty Manager, stated when the �uncil o�nsidered the plat, one it�xn meritior�ed whic3i was not f inal izec7 was the exact al ic�n¢nent of the road. NDTION k•y C3o�mcilman Goodspeed to a�ntinue this public hearing to December 22, 198b. Secvnded tr� Gbuncilman Schneider. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. • � ;_. ��iylyl�l� �� _��� _ ���. � ���. �i� � + �.s�� _���_!� �1� � : • ��. �� _�l��!! �. 4�! �ti �! _ ?� �4 «�►;_��4�}.� M�TION by O��mcilman FitzFatrick to waive the readi.ng of the public hearing notiae and open the public hearing. Seoonded k� Nwicilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimo�uly and the public hearing opened at 7:47 p.m -2- �a�a.���i�� V�����,. � ' � ��1.'Fyli .'M� . Mr. Hunt, Assistant to the City Manager, stated the Chairperson of the CY�arter Cbmmission, S'�san Jackson, was unable to attend the meeting this evening, how�ver, she has reviewed and ooncurs with the meno to the a.iuncil o�noerning Charter anencinerits re�m¢nended b� the Qiart�er Qotrnnission. Mr. Aunt stated one of the c�ianges reoommendecl is technical in regard to d�mage suits and el imination of specif ic ref erence to individual state statute. Ae stated the other change ref er s to j udge s and cl er ks of elections. He stated there are r�o longer clerks for the election �o it is proposed to renave this Ianguage. He stated the Qiarter language was also ambiguous regarding registered and eligible voters and the Commission felt j udges should be registerecl voters. No persons in the audi.enoe sp�ke regarding these �roposed amendments to the City c�ar�er. NDTDDN t� Onuncilman Barnette to close the publ ic hearing. Seoonded by Cbumdlman Schneider. IIpon a voiae vote, all voting aye, I�iyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ���1 = ��i .. �• �� a�;� • • ,.! s. � � • i� �,�M ;a��1� � �� b,! �i � ��s •�,� �i�l�. �4_ ' ��� 44 .?+� ' a�� _�.�l� _ �.,� �!1 �, Ri_ • � � �1�. 4 ?�� .� �!s Mr. Aunt, Assistant to the City Manager, stated the current Personnel Ordinanoe provic7es for nine holidays including Colimbus Day. He stated at the beginning of this year, the City was required by State Iaw to inclade N�rtin Luther Ring Day as an official holiday, however, state law doesn't require city offioes to be closed on Cblunbus Day. fle stated it has been the practioe to have two additional holidays, in addition to the nine specified in the ordinanve, and there are now ten that are mandated so there is only one floating holiday. Ae stated if the Persannel Ordinanoe was changed to e�oclude specific reEerenoe to Cbltmbus Day, there would be nine specified holidays and, if the ��ncil wishes to grant two more, there is a little more f2exi.bility when the holidays can be taken. Mayor Nee state8 this proposed change in the ordinanve would then el iminate Cblunbus Uay anci substitute Martin Luther Ring Day as a holiday. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordi.nanoe upon first reading. Seoonded by (b�cilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��i,.� 1�_.�;_ ��, � ��_ �_..� �_ � ; � �i!� .�'4_s.«- _ ��li�.I L i�!' �t,� �. �-����� � t �: • 1 �� i:l✓ fi,�_ �i� V y *� -: � �1� I .i�4i i_ �� � , ,�_ > ;. M 1. �..L�±__ s. �� ��i���4L 4_ _-�; ��4vL�!�� �1���(4- a+,±a��;_ . ! ; 4�'� :�il4� • 4� ; L�!_�1�_ .! `� • ��)���_>. 44 : �?±�ll_ ;.�l� �:� ��+_4. � �� � /?��1�_ = J� �_ �. �! ; l��11_ ; .`� ;.K�- � �� � 3— r�.���..�� ��.��i.���_ � - � �«.��'y�:_�; : ���.,.qnr.r�rrc� �_ 12 -1986 RF)G�RDII� A FINDII� OF A NDGATIVE �F�CIARATION FOR A F[Ti� ��n��,�!�'*�'AT TMPACT STA'�'�•�•►�' FOR la'�RTA P�� E=�TES• Mr. Flora, Public works Director, stated this rezoning is for a parcel of property adjavent to the Springbrook Nature C7enter and is proposed to be rezor�ed to allow aonstruction of a 358 ulit a�artment oampleu. He stated in oompleting the rezoning action for this Faroel, the developnent glan had to be sutmitted to the Metropolitan Council, since it requires agreement by then to amend the txxnprehensive plan of the City. iie stated if the CAUncil decides to rezone his property, it would be ap�xop�iate to authorize staff to amend the Land Use Sec:tion of the Comprehensive Plan from S-2 to R-3. Mr. Flora stated an Envirormenta]. Assessnent Worksheet was also c�mpleted for this cle�velopnent and no adverse a�imnents were reoeived. He stat�ed there is a resolution in the Council's agenda which establishes a negative c�eclaration for a full envirormental 3mpact statenent for this developnerit. Cbimcilman Fitzpatrick asked if the Q�uoncil a�uld oonsider just the re�zoning this evening and the reaolution at a later day. tKs. Fisher, legal v�unsel for the developer, stated they would close on the purchase of this property on Deoember 22.and it is oor�ingent on the first reading of the rezoning ordinance, a change in the land use of the Cbinprehensive Plan, and a finding of a negative declaration for a full envirormerYta]. impact statenent. S�e stated they would, therefore, like to reoeive ap�xaval of all rhree of these proposals this evening, if possible. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, questioned who plaaed these o�ntingencies on this purchase. I�ls. Fisher stated it was eaoecuted by both the buyer and seller. She stated in di.scussions with C�ty staff, it was ar�icipated these actions would be taken by the Q�uncil this evening. Mr. Qureshi skated it would not be possible to aanend the �np�rehensive Plan frcm �-2 to R-3, without the d�ange being oompleted in the rezoning. Ms. Fisher felt perhaps action wuld be taken subject to ap�,xaval of the sev�nd reading of the rezoning ordir�noe. Mr. Qureshi stated at t�he time o� aeoond reading of the rezoning ordinance, all agreements are entered into and stipulations imposed to bind the developer to a vertain type of cle�velopnent. Ms. Fi.�er stated the Enviror�nental Impact Statement is quite important imder their agreene.nt, but felt the d�ange in the CJ;xnprehensive Plan would not have to be ap�,xared until the seaond reading of the rezoning ordinanae. Mr. Herrick, Ci.ty Attorrey, stated State statute pravides that zoning takes preoedenoe aver the �mprehensive plan. He stated if the Council approves the amenc�nertt to the �xnprehensive Plan this evening and for some reason cbesn't apprwe the rezoning, the project would not be able to p�ooeed. Mr. Qureshi stated staff would reoo�unend Co�mcil �nsider the first reading of the rezoning ordinanve and the resolution for a finding of a negative declaration for a full envirorunental i.mpact stateqnent. Ae stated the -4- �• l�.�i �!�!.����. �,� �,a«�+„i:_a�; : � : . anenc�nent to the Qomprehensive l�lan would be submitted at the time of the 9econd reading of the rezoning ordinanoe on Devember 22, 1986, ass�ning an agreenent is entered into by the developer to fulfill all the �nditions for developnent as requested tr� the Ci.ty. M�TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinanoe �pon first reading. Seo�nded by Gbimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voive vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION b� O�uncilman FitzFatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 121-1986. Seo�nded b� �uncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the motion aarried unanimously. �_ .� t� � �.� ' � • ; ` �1 �: ; � _- -s _ : . � ��� ��4s 'i' i • _� a�� �� • • L��1 .!�}.� • 1� � �._ _�! � � � � -�l�s _ �l�. ' ,__ ; �. . �4: 4; . : �!� �� •�4� • : 1�� : ��!�1 � %? l���_.L 4�! ; !�!�1 � . . _� � 4 . Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this res9olution deals with the plat associated with the developnerit of the 358 apartment unit oomplex to the east of the Springbrook Nature Genter. Ae stated the plat was reviewed by the Planning Conunission and they recommended approval with the follawing stipulations: (1) Developer subject to fai,r share of assessments on a possible future road along the t�orth end of developnent site; (2) Property awryer agrees to prwide on plat an additional 65 foot wide ric�t of-way for a loop back, to pra�ide a future road oonnection between 83rd Avenue and 85th Avenue; (3) Park fee to be paid as follaws: Block 1, Lot 1-(358 x 500) ,$179,000; total anoimt to be paid with first building permit; Block 1, Lot 2 and Block 2, Lot 1, square footage to be cietermined and fees to be paid with building permit or replatting at the prevailing rate; (4) nesic��ate existing 33 foot easemerit on south as c7edicated right-of-way on plat; (5) Developnerit waterline r�ould pravide for two stubs on the rorthern section with tees and valves; to be 000rdinated with City �gineer; and (6) Developer agrees to pay up to 25$ of non-public oosts associated with possible signalization on 83rd Avenue and University Avenue, and at 85,th Avenue and future acaess road. Mr. F'lora stated the curre.nt landowryer requests a waiver of the park fees for Block 1, Lot 2 and Block 2, Lot 1. Mr. Qureshi stated the ��cil, in the Fast, has delayed collection of the park fees, but they have never been waived and staff is reoommending this not be cbre. Mr. Ra�y W�rmsbecker, re�resenting the vwner, Mr. Barbush, stated the portion of property to the f ront is only a portion of the parael that is being ci�veloped and Mr. Barbnsh is not in a p�si.tion wY�re he is ready to develop. He stated the City wanted to have this p�eae platted and the road dedicated. Ae stated Mr. Barbush was reluctant, but oonsented and gave all the easetnents reqvested and would, therefore, like a waiver � the Fsrk fee. Mayor Nee stated he felt the awrer and City have to work together on the -5- ��.1�,�}� u���.���. 1�' ��SM}yl: �1� : ' • � land to make it a c7e�velopable parael and had a negative reaction to waiving the �srk fee. NDT�DN b� Q�imcilman FitzFatrick to acbpt Res�lution No. 122-1986, with the follawing stipiil.ations: (1) Developer sub;ject to fair share of assessments on a possible future road along the north end of developnent site; (2) Property awner agrees to provide on plat an additional 65 foot wide right-of-way for a loop back, to pcavide a future road connection between 83rd Avenue and 85th Avenue; (3) Park fee to be �aid as follaws: Block 1, Lot 1(358 x 500), $179,000, tatal aQnount to be paid with first building permit; Block 1, Lot 2 and Block 2, Lot 1, s3uare footage to be determined anc3 fees Faid with building permit or replatting at the prevailing rate; (4) Designate exi.sting 33 foot easement on south as dedicated right-of-way on plat; (5) Developnent waterl ine should pravide for two stubs on the r�orthern section with tees and valves; to be 000rdinated with City E�gineer; and (6) Developer agrees to pay up to 258 of non-public oosts associated with p�ssible sigialization on 83rd Avenue and University Avenue, and at 85th Avenue and future acaess road. Seaonded by Q�uncilman Barryette. Ms. Fisher stated in regard to Item No. 6 pertaini.ng to future traffic signalization assessments, she stated they were not aware of specific peroentages when the puhlic hearing was he1d. She stated th�y reviaved this item with their traffic aonsultant and up to 25$ on 83rd Avenue is acoeptable to them. She stated in regard to 85th, the range of their vontribution in relation to the traffic would be between 9 and 15$ of the riorrpublic oosts. She stated she assumed this stip�il.ation would be modified to reflect this perventage. Mr. Qureshi stated he would be oomfortahle in establishing a dollar f igure for the developer's oontribution to the traffic sic�nalization or establishing a vertain peroentage of the total cost since public or r�orrpubl ic �sts are hard to identify. He stated he would suggest up to 15$ of the total onst af the sic�al. at 83 rd Avenue and el im ina te pa r ti ci pa ti on in the oost � a future sic�al. at 85th Avenue. Ms. �,sher stated this suggestion b�r Mr. Qureshi would be acoeptable to the developer. NDTION tr� Q»cilman Fitzpatrick to amend Stipulation No. 6 as follaws: Developer agrees to �sy up to 15$ of tatal oo st s a ssoci ated w ith po ssi bl e sic�alization on 83rd Avenue and Uni.versity Avenue. Sea�nded by Councilman Barnette. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPON A VOICE Vo►lE TAi�i CN �IE I�IN MaTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. :_?« +� y 4*!_ u� �1 �4. • 4_:!_ �1 �_�t� �, • v.v • v_ �f�. �. � ' �,� L v�: _ . .. � ;.�«_ R/��_ 4�t v� �1 �4 _ • 4�!- _ �'�_ ;_ . !� u'ul . ��� ul�!5! �, • � ��L u�= _ + :. -6- �• ��.y� �±�±�+M�l� • � ay�„i:_a+; 1�-1. CX��.�m�RA�O���A vAgrn�V('E RDQUESj'. VAR �8 -31 ��D �'�..Tf� �mF vnRn � ort � sr�Er smE 4�,.i'�'�. r�o►r �o�+t 25 �ET TO 17 � FF� TD �T�C'JW THE OL1j�5TRUCrION��' A DE�ACHED_ACCE�$X BUILDII� ON IAT 30 . BIACR 23� HYDE PARR AUUI�.'I01�1. '1�E _SRI�� BEII� �88? 2ND S'I'REET jd.E.. BY EI7GENE AI�ID JE��N HI4f;BEFiG• Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, stated the property is Zocated on the oorner af 59th Avenue and 2-1/2 Street. He stated a variance is requested ta reduoe the side yard settaaack on the street side o� a oorner 1.ot f ram 25 feet to 17.5 feet to allaw the c�onstruction of a detached accessory buil ding. Mr. Flora stated this property was located in Hyde i�rk zoning which states that any use that exists naw wn renain as such. Ae stated even if it is destrvyed, it csn be rebuilt on the lot at the .�me setbacks and if you add onto the house, present r�ormal R-1 setbacks must be met. Ae stated sinoe the lot is only 42 ieet wide, there was no way the petitioner ��a �iia a garage that faaes 59th Avenue and pravide a 25 foot setback. Mr. Flora stated sinoe this is the f irst varianoe request the Appeal s (bmanission has c�nsidered fran the Hyde �8rk area, they felt it should be forwarded to the Gb�cil so they are aware of this action. He stated the Appeals Commission recommended approval of the variance with two stipulations oovering a hardsurfaoed clriveway and outside storage to be plaved inside the rew structure up�n its ao�ngletion. NDT'mN b� cbunciiman Fi.tzpatrick to o�ncur with the tnanimous reoo�mnendation of the Appeals �nission and apprave vAR �86-31 to reduae the side yard setback on the street side of a oorner lot fran 25 feet to 17.5 feet to allaa the oonstruction of a detached acvessory buildi.ng at 5881 2nd Street N.E., with the following stipulations: (1) the driveway be hardsurfaoed; and (2) all outside storage to be plaoed inside the new structure follcxaing its oomgletion. Seoonded tr� (btmcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion aarriecl unanimously. A-2. ,cnt�?SmFRnTIOIv QF A�mRT��, R�t��r_ �t 6-32, 'It� RIDU('E TfiE �i� g���, ��t r�� 7 0 EEET T� 9 FE�T TO INCREASE � N[II�ER OF PARKING STAISS. GE[JERAT��r[rA�rFn qnrm� OF �'!'�i �. WES'�' OF UNIYE�RITY AVENC�. AND�.� OF $�RD AVF..N�. �Y UN't'iIERSITY AVENCIE A.S.90C7�TE�: Mr. F'lora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request for a varianoe to reduoe the parking stall width fran 10 to 9 feet for the 358 �it a�rtment oomglex proposed ty tTniversity Avenue Associates, He stated the petitioner feels this site is u�ique and they have agreed to setbacks and easements on all four sides of the parc�el and have several acres of wetlands which must ooryform to stanc3arc'ls of the Army Carp of Engineers. Ae stated they are proposing 247 o�vered parking sFaaes and 482 open sFaves for a total of 729 sFaaes. Ae stated 712 spaves are required by the (bde. Mr. Flora stated the petitior�er feels. by Fraviding a nine foot parking stall, they oould imp�ave the aanenities. -7- •t.J�. � ���+�►���. �� �,a�±�„ic_a�� � • :�. Mr. Flora stated the Appeals Cbmmission recommended approval of this varianoe request. Cb�ncilman Fitz�atrick stated he felt it would set a prevec7ent for multiple developnents, if this varianoe were granted. Ms. Fisher, legal a��msel for the petitior�er, stated if they were to pravic3e ten foat parking stalls, they would only have 690 spaoes in oom�xirison to ?12 which is required tr� the Cbde. She stated in order to oomply with the Cbde, they va�uld lose same open space. Ms. Fisher stated she felt there were some unique circumstanoes in the physical characteristics of this p�operty, if there was oonoern about setting a prevedent. 5he stated the most important is the fact that eas�nents were given on all four sides of this Faroel. She stated the 60 foot easement on the north was heavily r�ecptiated, as the developer's plans hac7 only wnsic3ered a 30 foot ea�nertt. She stated the same is true for the 20 foot util ity easement on the east whic� cbesn't benefit the property. Ms. Fisher stated in the EAW review prooess, they were made aware they had to obtain a permit fram the Army Gbrps of F�hgineers to retain a portion of the wetland5 on the property. Ms. Fisher stated it is imp�rtant to retain so�ne flexibility in regard to the existing parking spac+es, in case they are required to relocate some of the parking on the south. She stated they feel there are practical diff iculties associ.ated with a�nforming to the Code require�+ents for the width of the parking stalls. . . Cbu�cilman Fitzpatrick stated if he was a potential tenant, he felt one of the chief anenities would be a ten foat parking stall. Ms. k�sher statec3 their oonsultant has indicated their experienoe throughout the United St�tes is they eelcbm desic,� ten foot staiis. She stated they felt, even for �nanercial developnent, nine foot stalls are adequate and usually desic� 8-],J2 foot parking stalls. Ms. Fisher stated there was discussion at the Appeals Commission meeting regarding striping 12 foot s�aaes for recr�tion vehicles and they have indicated to staff they would strip 65 areas for recreational vehicles. Mayor Nee asked if the petitioner a�uld use the north easement for parking until such ti.me as it is needed for a raad. Ms. Fisher stated the original proposal was to pravide a 30 foat e�ase�nent and parking possibly could have been workec3 out, however, with the 60 foot easenent, she dich't feel �arking would be of mur,h benefit because it would�'t !�e in close proximity to the �its. Mr. Qureshi stated the 60 feet was requested for future access and it was hoped the rest of the right-of-way which may be needed could be obtained fran the YM(3� property so as not to encroach into the Springbrook Nature Qertter. Ms. Fi sher stated to c�ange the 6 0 feet now woul d i nvol ve a very compl ex issue with the plans and felt strongly about ob�taining the varianoe. Mr. �ireshi asked if a a�o�n�anise may work with having a stall somewhere -8- %• 8. ���i�:�� �i?+ M��. � - � a«a�„i: a�; : � : . between ni�ne and ten feet wide. Cb�mcilman. Schneider stated he prefers ten foot stalls, but questioned if a preoedent hach't already been established when rec�oed widths were allvwed for Unity Hospital, 7.�rget, and parking at City Hall. Mr. FZora stated it may be possible to double stripe the stalls, if the tb�cil a�ppraved a rec�iction in the wicith. Mayor Nee stated he would like to s�ee what has to be given up to meet the requirene:nt for a ten foot wide perking stall. Ms. FishF:r btated they have developed a contingency plan, hawe�ver, this would noi: allaw as much open spaoe. She felt it would have an adverse effect o�1 the develognent. She stated they w�ould lik,e to keep the nunber of Fsrking ,s�aoes they are proposing, which is in excess of the ordinanoe, in case they Iose s�aoes to meet requirenents of the Army (brp of Engir�ers. (b�cilnan Fitz�atrick stated he dicii't feel allowances should be made on the basi.s of the plan being disrupted as he felt the glan r�ver should have been dessigned for nir�e foot parking stal�s. NDTION !by Cbue�cilman Fitz�trick to deny VAR #86-32 to reduoe the parking stall wic�hs fran ten feet to nine feet. Seoondea by CbuZCilman Goodspeed. Upon a voive vote, Gbuicil�an Fitzpatrick, O�uncilman Goodspeed, Cbuncilman Schneicler and Mayor Nee voted in favor � the motion Councilman Barnette voted ��gainst the motion. Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec3 ihr a 4 to 1 vote. NDTION 1� Counclman Fitzpatrick to reoeive the minutes of the Planning Co�tmiission meeting of Navenber 19, 1986. Seoonded tr� Cb�cilman Sch�ider. Upon a voioe vote, all vating aye, 1Kayor Nee cleclared the motion carried unaniabusly. �• . � ��:._� � � i- i_ � ?'4f���1 J _4r 4i� i-,.� � i /� ���- •� V!V� �� .i_y + _ �l� s_� - � �� : �,�i� Mr. Acnt, Assistant to the City Manager, stated this agreeme� pravides that the P..tXW would reaeive 40$ of the franchise fee plus the 1986 interest accrc�ed in the Cabl.e Television Ftand. Gbunc�lman Schneider asked if the City's oable c3�annel was being used to the full�est, He stated during the election, there was not lengthy voverage by Fridley in aomFsrisan to a�verage by other neighboring cities. Mr. Hunt stabed there was a�verage pravided, however, it tern►inated about 11 p. m 1�DTl.ON ty Councilman Schneider to apprave the agreement with the ACCW. Seac�nded by Cbuncilman Fitzgatrick. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Ngyc�r Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �_ ` 1�t • � • ' % • '��i/��, ;_ �? `�_4?��?�� �_��� � l�!?� M� �I�i++' � ; :a ; ��r; ;�. w,�,��±; _9- ��i��. � M������.. � � ��?/!i7!yl: �y Mr. F7.ora, Public Works Direc�or, reviEwed the stipulations associated witii this plat for Richard Brickner, as follaws: (1) Provide retention and cirair�age easements on Lot C per (�ty plan; (2) Surfaoe water flaw fran Lot C and adjoininq properties to east to retain flaw to a five-year c3esic,� stormf (3} Construct berm along west side of Lot C to Frevent surfaoe water runoff fran the east; (4) Sale o�f property at 76.5 cents per square foot (76.5 x 6,T90 s3. ft. _$5.194.35) ;(5) Payment of three �ark fees of $1,500 each with first three af four building permits; and (6) Fending assessnents plus interest to be Faid with the buildi.ng pernnits on Tracts C and D. 1�DT�DN b� O�uncilman Sdzryeider to acbpt Res�lutfon No. 123-1986, with the follaaing stipu].ations: (1� Pravicie rete�ion and drairrage easements on Lot C per City T}lan; {2) Surfaoe water flaw fran Lot C and adjoining properties to east to retain flaw to a f ive-year desigl storm; {3) �nstruct berm al.ong west side of Lot C to preven� surfave water r�off fran the east; (4� Sale of property at ?6.5 cents per square foot (76.5 x 6,790 sq. ft. _ $5.194.35) ;(5) Payment of three Fark fees of $1,500 each with f irst three of four building permits; and (6) Fending assessments plus interest to be �aid with the building permits on Tracts C and D. Seooncled by Councilman Barnette. tJp�n a voiae vote, all vati.ng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried unanimo�sly. • � '• �� �.s �.� • : . t 4:� 44 !�.!� � �, 4r _ � • ' � �! i �.� ; � ��.1�1.� v� �!�!_. _�1!'; � �;�i�.! �. � : J'J� _�+4i��ivi_ ;_��� �__`�!':. 4�+� M�i� ��.�t i�_ � '�± : ,7'�y��1y �. 4s!_ � !��M�,�� -u ;. �_��� � rM��,� ��I?+�11. =�i��� �!� �� _a� : _ ��_1_.` � ;_ .; 4 Mk�� ' ; ��4��?�i'��� ' �L! l�:4y Mr. Pritr�l, Finanoe Director, stated this resolution is neoessary due to an error in the actual letter of credit which is 510,000 less than the f igure which was �xeser�ed to the �uncil at jxevious meetings when this issue was cliscussed. Ae stated the previous figure was $2,800,000 and the actual letter � credit is far $2,790,000 and the aanotmt for which the bonds will be issued. He stated the only change is j ust the actual trust inder�ture and re�licyiing the dallar ano�ants bewuse o�f' the $10,000 error. A�DTmN by Cbtmcilman Barnette to adQpt Resc�l�ion No. 124-1986. Seoonded by (bincilman Goodspeed. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � i .� � � � � � i � i l�lT � , .ii. S.i_.� _ � � i � _ `�� � _TT ?��!�„ _ �l 1��� �?�� �i �_ �� =i �. � �+.�� 3��.M� �..t��- � � !�!! �__�)� s _ : ' � 1�1� „ .. ��' 4;! �_ �_� • Mr. pribyl, Finanoe Director, stated these are the yearly changes in appropriations and adjustments for the 1985 budget and the resolution pravides interdi.visiortial dzanges wii-hin the Ge�eral Fund. 1�DTIDN b,� Cbimcilman Schneider to acbpt Resolution No. 125-1986. Seooncc�ed by tbulcilman Fitz�atrick. iTpQn a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unarumously. � '� _1 E� �is y� : . ;.' ' �!�1 �. _.�.�� ; i � • i �. r, �, 4� _ � i_ y_ �1�� _10" a00NQL NE�TIl�1G OF DECBA'BIIt 8, 19�6 i��i � _ ti� ��. .� ��� �s. •� �i� k�l �i�,_ ��r_�.. :_i�� ���i I�_ • .�: _ f i � 4� M� � . N� ,?! ��- « �- ':-i�44���� a� � 4�!_ �_ , ' NDTD�N by Cbimcilman Fitzpatrick to acbpt Resolution No. 126-1986. Seoonded by �unci'lman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c3eclared the mation oarried unanimously. ,f •i�.; - • � �+ _�a 1 �.� '�• ; 1!4�•• �, •� • ;� __v' �- - : ��L_ it ; � �� _' ?'v�� .�a��!_l_ • 4�!_ �14� • �(� �� ?� .� M � �' � i�bv!�+�! NDTION by� oo�cilman Barr�tte to acbpt Res�lution No. 1Z7-1986. Seoonded tr� Counciln�an Fitzgatrick. Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, Mayor Nee deciared the motion carried unanimously. ,_' ti� �t4v� _s! 4� �,���_!��?� I�DTmN b� ��►cilman Fitzpatrick to a�ncur with the follawing appointme�nt by the City Manager : STARTIl�IG S`�RTII+� � I�,NE P06IT�T SALARY I]ATE REPLA(ES Lbnna Tj ornhan Ac�oulting $7.50. per Dea 8, Judy 4240 Brc�okside Ave. Specialist 8our 1986 Weldz S� Loui.s I�rk 55416 (norr-e�npt? ($13U6.25 I�b. ) sea�nde�9 by �uncilman Barnette. tTp�n a voic�e vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee de�:larecl the mation carried unani.mously. 14. �� HDTI�ON by Cbtmcilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 11556 thraugh ].1968. Seoonded I� �u�cilman Barnette. Op�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion csrried unanimously. 15. ,�: • ND7']70N ky (bua�cilman Barnette to apFrave �he lioenses as sutmitted and as on file iii the Lioense Clerk's Offioe. Seaonded by Co�cilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unan�.m�ausly. 16. �� �D7'�N b� Cbimcilman Fitz�atrick to apprwe the estimates as sutmitted: Herric:k & Neaman, P. A. 6401 ih�iversity Ave. N. E. FYic�.e.y, NN 55432 �br Services Rendered as City Attorr�y iEor the Mor�th � i�vember, 19�6 . . . . . . . . . $ I,650.00 _� k�.�!�.�s ����_+�rt� • ' � y��„r. a�.; : • :.. Gunderson Brothers 2325 Shell ing Ave. , S. Minrnapol is, NN 55404 Misoellaneous O�ncrete t�arb & Gutter - 1996 FINAL ESTIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 1,202.83 Short IIliott-Hendrickson 200 Gopher Building 222 East Little Canach Road St. Raul, I�N 5511? Central. Avenue/Aic�way 65 Redesigi R�rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S�terrar�ean Engineering 5875 Highway b5, 1�L E. Minneapol is, M�1 55432 Lake R�inte Cbrporate Qenter Danol ition & S ite Grading Proj ect No. 163 Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F�ebak Construction Cb�n�any P.O. Box 458 ' Northf ield, NN 5505? Lake Fbinte Gbrporate Oenter Dvnolition & Site Grading Project No. 163 Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15,403.73 $ 1,957.00 $ 147,240.60 Ernst Associates 122 West Sixth Street Q�aska, M�l 55318 Lake I�inte �rporate Uenter Landscaping, Lir�ting, & Irrigation Project No. 168 Estimate No. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ H & S Asphalt, Inc. 1700 Industry Avenue Arioka, M�T 55303 Street Im�ravamerit Proj ect No. ST. 1986 - 1& 2, F�hase II Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miruyesata Valley Lanclscape, Inc. 9700 Bush Lake Road Niinneapolis, M�T 55438 Lake Fbirite tbrp�rate Uenter Lanclscaping, Li�ting & Irrigation Proj ect No. 168 Estimatae No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -12- 313.05 $ 55,302.26 $ 25,916.00 M.!�.�� v?+��1��. �,• � y�a�,�i:_a�; : • : . R3rk Construction 7900 Beech Street Fridley, NN 55432 Lake �birite �rporate Water & Sanitary Sewe Esti'mate No. 3 . . . aenter r Proj ect No. 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 47,170.98 Sev�nc3ed tr� Gb�cilman Sc3�ryeider. Upon a voive vote, all vating aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried unanimotLSly. i_ ��i�._ � ���_-- � � ��'�!� L_ i ��'��� �' .:. . ��� M:� I��«� �d 4�1 �.���_ Gb�cilman Schneicler stated at the last Q��cil meeting, he maved to apprave Special C�se Fermit, SP �86-16, for Church on the Nbve to allaw them to o�nduct church servioes in their c,�mr�asiun. Ae stated his purpose in voting for the s;pecial use permit was because he understood that Totino-Grace's School Board was going to finalize action for Church on the Move to use Fsrking at Zbtino-Graoe's parking lot. He stated the Board has denied the use of tbeir parking to Church on the Move and that was one of the key stipulatans in granting the special use permit. Ae stated to clear the rea>rd, Y►e would mave the follaaing: • NDT77�DN l�� Cbimcilman Sdzr�eider to r�nsider• Special Use F�rmit, SP �96-16, and deny this permit based on the fact that parking at Ztotino-Graoe's lot is not avail able. Sea�nded b� Cbimcilman Fitzpatrick. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting a��e, i�yor Nee declared the motion aarried unanimously. Gbimcilm�in Barnette asked if Qlurch on the Move oanes back with other plans, if another public hearing would be r�ecessary. Mr. Flora stated any requirenents for �arking would require a special use permit and another public hE�aring. Mr. Aerri.ck, City Attorr�ey, stated he was sati sf ied that the only way the special iise permit would be ap�,xaved was if CY�urch on the Mave obkained the permit for Farking fran Zbtino-Graoe and when they clich't reoeive it, there was no stiawing there would be adequate �arking and a sigiificarit reason for denying t:he special use permi� 1 : •�� . !�_ � � � • � �4s��� :_�� 4�1 ���'z �iJ���_ �� 4�.�!� ��' ��s. M�!,_ U _,�._ ��. 4� _; r_�.,I ; ��. '; ��� Gb�mcilm�n Goodspeed questioned if there was an alternate plan to resolve saae of �the drair�age problens in Meadawlands Fhrk. Mr. Flor�3 stated one af the residents involved in the Parks and Recreation �mm�issi��n Task Fbroe had reviewed figures with a representative of Ti�A, and c,ame up with a f ic�Zre of about $140,000 for impco�vements. Ae stated the resident dich't Imaw what was included in that f igure and no one at T�A recalls ithis discussion. Mr. Flor,a stated ciuring the meeting with residents on Nwenber 10, there was a straw �vote on a nunber of issues and the the result was the City should -13- ��a��,.�� V��:jT�� �1� � �MJ'yl.��� . � . • f�md any impc�avenents. He stated the estimated oost for improvenents is about $270,000. 4�uncilman Goodspeed stated when the $270,000 figure was discussed, it was with the �nderstanding the City would pay two-thirds of the cost and the balanoe would be assessed to benef itting property awners. Ae stated he now hears of a plan for a p�nc7 at a a�st of $140,000 which would be less than what the City was willing to pay in the first plave. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated any imprwener�ts at Meadowlands Park has to be a joint effort by both the City and property awners, no matter what the o�st. Ae stated both parties have to agree on what impravements n�ed to be cbne. Ae stated if there is a less a�stly plan, it should be reviewed, however, T�, advises there is no suc� plan. Q��cilman Goodspeed stated if this is the oase, he would revonanend no action be taken. AATUIJI3�IINE[�Tr: IN�TION by Councilman Schneic3er to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Cbvncilman Barnette. Opon a voioe vote, all voting aye, l�yor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously and the R�egulaz Meeting of the Fridley City Q�uncil of De�nber 8, 1986 ac�j ourned at 9:27 p. m Respectf ully suYn+itted, f�role Hac7dad, Willian J. Nee, Secretary to the City Q�u�cil l�yor Apprc,vec3: -14- 1 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF FRIDLEY COUNTY OF ANOKA STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS AEREHY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Coun- cil"} of the City of Fridley, Minnesota, will hold a public heazing on Monday, December 22, 1986, at a regular meeting of the Council commencinq at 7:30 o'clock p.m., to be held at the Fridley City Hall relating to the amendment by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota (the "Authority"), of the Modified Rede- velopment Plan of the Authority's Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 4b2.411 to 462.716, as amended. The hearing is also relative to the amendment of the tax increment financing plans for the Authority's existing Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 8 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.78, as amended. Copies of the documentation reflecting such changes will be on file and available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office not later than December 1, 1986. WILLIAM NEE, "4AYOR PUBLICATZON DATSS: CITY OF FRIDLEY December 2nd & 9th 1A MEMORANDUM T0: HONORABLE MAYOR I�E AND r�ERS OF THE FRIDLEY CITY QO[7NCIL FROM: SAMANrHA ORDUNO, MANP�GEMENr ASSISTANP SUBJECT: AM��IDMENt' �0 THE N1�DIFIID RIDEVF.GOPMENT PI�AN FbR RIDEUIIAPNIENT PROJECT N0. I ANb ANSENDING OF TI� TAX . INCRII�lENr FINANCING P'L�iVS FOR TID N06. 2-8 DATE: DDCII�ER 18, ]986 The construction of the proposed 358 unit "North Park Estates" apartment oanplex within Tax Increment District No. 3(the North Area) necessitates oonsideration by the City Council to aanend the Modified Redevelop�nent PZan for RedeveloFxnent Project No. 1 and each of the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment District Nos. 2-8. These amendments specify the additional project costs that are to be included in the budget of the Redevelopment Plan £or the Project Area and also indicate that each of the tax increment financing plans have been modified to reflect the am�endment. Zhere have been only minor changes to the Moc3ified Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plans since they were amended on September 22, 1986 to include Tax Increment Districts Nos. 7& 8 within the Project Area. The change in the budget for the Modified Redevelopment Plan is depicted on page 1-16. �is change provides information on the public i�rovement oosts associated with the Univ�ersity Avenue Associates' project. The other ciianges merely list the date by which the amendments are to be consideration and enacted by the City Council—Decemt�er 22, 1986. I have included an abridged vopy o£ the Modified Redevelopment Plan which is blackmarked with the c�anges that have been made to the prior version of the document adopted on September 22, 1986. The complete document is included in your information gacket. � t' i ,�a�_ � TAX iNCR.E;��.N`'f; ��,; = .i;,: �° __ • D1STRf•C?�;�t�:��'�� i � ,, � � �> . � �= N O R''��H �F�iF�R- �t �t 1 J - 1 �t�� . ..- ` . I � `,� _ - - _ ` . t �' � - `. _-.. - { �� �. • '���„"; _ = e � �F _ ti,.���....�.�� ;, � .. � ,� , i <. �� � x {� , ��. ' L EXHIBIT IX B REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. � , , ,\ � L . i 5 ��� � ;-f'-- ° 'l`= -'�.� :��:_�.,�!,��9s ,b. -\ - ,.. �.} Y�= _ '� ' i� � �'�6 � .\ .. ,�.� �,i ,� i`� =,. � _ - � � ` _ � � ,J�- .. �� 1�}S �� �,: /� J(" t �;Ge%. ..� _. - �i �1J ,;\�� ;.,� � : - --s i . -�' I / ' ;•, �. :' N � _ �� i, � j� �- � ..�.. , ' � a`- iM� �� ;;_ 1' � �:- n���. �� �� - __ 3��,� ����.=i+- � �_ __ �' , - � - �� �� l �� � t t ; - � '� �°} `IJ�� I � � �' .� � tA1�dI� i�s '. �y""�' �y i " �^_�, s ► �p � � � �I �-`� — �' _ �_ iM��l . _ _ 0 w�.. • .- ►E 1 r�� : - _�� f I �-"�-.-,.' -� i ��_ - . . j=: � '� '�� � IE ..�.. . —._ ,, � , , _ , � : —� �, - 1 �:_ � S � 1 r E ��= ' " a � f� �'.' � ' -- - ! �. . � . , . . e. . ., �, - � .' . --- ' it ! ,'� � .i�i .� '. .;•:: �. � ,'�; ° � _,_�'� _��— � _ %� , - ,! � ' � r��{' � - - �-� ',�Q�'✓_�� �r9 �G �, �� � r�� � �; }. _ �.--� '\. �� �4 � a 1 I �j j �� ; � I � ! / ' � � �` � v�� �1 I � '' � y � � � ,�. � ,'�\ � /�� f�'{ ,�- -� `\ �, � '. �� � I! �. E � s. _��_���L - ��`� �\.� �4� {f t; �� �� ��' (✓� � �� � i� . ,, ,. , � ��� _ -- - �/ = 1. ��- -��, �" . --� , ;. \ -„' ' 'i I` �L- f � �[� r f : _•. � ' l, ,_ �a �_ — � � ' --� — — —. - , � � I��_�E � � �� � _a � . ___ .... �i� , i � _ � - 7 �r 1Ei� r �� � � _ o .1� I "' ��� � "`.�. �.� � `t�' �F , r • f , r�, _ � , , ,.,.( — - ,_ � 1 a5� `ti, ; ---�� � � ;. � ty' �#! I�. � �I d`� °� �,�z,:,.�, � 3� ;� 1- � , �. � '� � � ;' i� % {Fti�' ,� � -� ,�� i — L r � ,�� , ' : �— �� �: � � �1�;'� rJI�L,' —� �� � ,w '. r : s ., r � � : � ,o�E _,..; T:, r � �� �� _ �-�� �� -- �� �� �� . , .�- � - � � ,�� i � � � � .�, i �" � , �J�_ I � ''y � ���1JiL1e II �� �r ,� ' ''cs ! � I � � ; ";rJ�.) .r :, �� �_ T� r � � -- i �i �� �;� - I ��;� � �' ~I,-- --- �� ��'�� _� �, �� ���-�`�w. _ . � � � , i � � � -�� .,. ����,� � f ; w � _ '.I '_- � � ', � ��4 - � ��� __,,��=-; �� � ,�� � �� �� _ � �..�' � � � �``' -' �"� ",. w � � R�tl : _�� M ��1 r. . � - y ' 1i�C�-/. 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BLACKt4ARKED changes to prior version of this do�ument, which was adopted on SepteMber 22, 1986 MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 (CENTER CITY REDEVELOPMENT AREP,} `��� TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 THROUGH TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT N0. 8 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA /�, December 22, 1986 i This document was drafted by: O'CONNOR & HANNAN 3800 IDS Tower 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612/341-3800 1C � 0 l � ■I MUNICIPAL ACTION TAKEN Based upon the statutory authority described in the Modified Redevelopment Plan attached hereto, the public purpose findings by the Commissioners and for the purpose of fulfilling the Authority's redevelopment objectives as set forth in the Modified Redevelopment Plan, the Commissioners have created, established and designated Redevelopment Proj- ect No. 1 pursuant to and in accordance with the require- ments of Sections 462.411 through 462.716, inclusive, as amended (the "Housing and Redevelopment Act"). The following municipal action was taken in connection therewith: May 15, 1979: The Redevelopment Plan for Center City was adopted by the City Council. April 6, 1981: The Redevelopment Plan for Moore Lake was adopted by the City Council. November 23, 1981: The Redevelopment Plan for North Area was adopted by the City Council. August 22, 1983: The Redevelopment Plan for Center City was modified by enlargement to include the project areas formerly included in the Redevelopment Plan for Moore Lake and the Redevelopment Plan for North Area and was redesignated as Redevelopment Project No. 1 by the City Council. December 19, 1983: The Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 was modified by the estab- lishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 within the project area. February 27, 1984: The Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 was modified by the estab- lishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 5 within the project area. February 25, 1985: The Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 was modified to provide technical modifications for purpose of the proposed Fridley tax increment refunding. November 18, 1985: The Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 was amended to reflect re- vised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1, as set forth in Section I, Subsection 1.10 hereof . _ 1E September 22, 1986: The Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 was amended to reflect re- vised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1, as set forth in Section I, Subsection 1.10 hereof. December 22, 1986: The Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 was amended to reflect re- vised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. l, as set forth in Section I, Subsection 1.10 hereof. The following municipal action was taken with regard to the Tax Increment Financing Districts comprising portions of Redevelopment Project No. l: • Tax Increment Financing District No. 1(Center City): May 15, 1979: Prior to the enactment of the Tax Increment Financing Act of 1979 effective August 1, 1979, a separate Tax Increment Financing Plan was not required by law but was included as a part of the originally adopted Redevelopment Plan for Center City. August 22, 1983: The Center City Redevelopment Area was modified by Resolution only (no hearing required) redesignating the Area as Tax Increment Financing District No. l. February 25, 1985: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 was modified to facilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. Tax Increment Financing District No. 2(Moore Lake): May 4, 1981: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for Moore Lake Redevelopment Area was adopted by the City Council. August 22, 1983: The Moore Lake Redevelopment Area was modified by Resolution only (no hearing re- quired) redesignating the Area as Tax Increment Financing District No. 2. February 25, 1985: Tax Increment Financing District No. 2 was modified to facilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. 1F November 18, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was - amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. September 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. December 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Tax Increment Financing District No. 3(North Area): November 23, 1981: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for North Area Redevelopment Area was adopted by the City Council. December 14, 1981: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for North Area Redevelopment Area was modified and clarified by th� City Council. August 22, 1983: The North Area Redevelopment Area was modified by Resolution only (no hearing re- quired) redesignating the Area as Tax Increment Financing District No. 3. February 25, 1985: Tax Increment Financing District No. 3 was modified to facilitate the refunding of the general obligation tax increment bonds of the Authority. November 18, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. September 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was 1G amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the - Modified Redevelopment Plan. December 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pnb- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Tax Increment Financing District No. 4: December 19, 1983: �The Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 was adopted by the City Council. February 25, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing Plan was incorporated into the Master Plan. November 18, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified RedeveZopment Plan. September 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this�Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporat� additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. December 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Tax Increment Financing District No. 5: February 27, 1984: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 5 was adopted by the City Council. February 25, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing Plan was incorporated into the Master Plan. , November 18, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District wa5 amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic impzovement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. . September 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for t�is�Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. December 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Tax Increment Financing District No. 6: November 18, 1985: The Tax Increment Financing � Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 6 was adopted by the City Council. September 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. December 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Tax Increment Financing District No. 7: September 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was approved by the Fridley City Council. December 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was I� 1H 1�1 amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be in�urred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. Tax Increment Financing District No. 8: September 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was approved by the Fridley City Council. December 22, 1986: The Tax Increment Financing Plan for this Tax Increment Financing District was amended to reflect and incorporate additional pub- lic improvement costs anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 pursuant to the Modified Redevelopment Plan. 1J TABLE OF CONTENTS .(This Table of Contents is not part of the Modified Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plans, and is only for �onvenience of reference.) SECTION I. MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT N0. 1 (CENTER CITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA) Subsection 1.1. Subsection 1.2. Subsection 1.3. Subsection 1.4. Subsection 1.5. Subsection 1.6. Subsection 1.7. Subsection 1.8. Subsection 1.9. Subsection 1.10. Subsection Subsection Subsection Subsection Subsection 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. 1.15. PAGE Definitions ........................1-1 Introduction .......................1-3 Statement and Finding of Public Purpose :...........................1-3 Statutory Authority ................1-8 Statement of Objectives............1-9 Boundaries of Redevelopment Project No. 1 .....................1-11 Boundary Maps of Redevelopment Project No. 1 .....................1-11 Parcels to be Acquired in Whole or in Part Within Redevelopment Project No. 1 .....................1-11 Estimated Public Improvement Costs and Supportive Data.........1-12 Public Improvements and Facilities Within Redevelopment Project No. 1 .....................1-15 Environmental Controls............1-16 Proposed Reuse of Property........1-17 Administration and Maintenance of Redevelopment Project No. 1....1-17 Rehabilitation ....................1-17 Relocation ........................1-17 EXHIBIT I-A-1 Description of Property Constituting Redevelopment Project No. 1, as Established on May 15, 1979 .............I-A-I EXHIBIT I-A-2 Description of Additional Property Within Redevelopment Project No. 1, as Modified August 22, 1983 .............I-A-2 EXHIBIT I-B-1 Boundazy Map of Redevelopment Project No. 1, as Established on May 15, 1979 ............................I-B-1 EXHIBIT I-B-2 Boundary Map of Redevelopment Project No. 1, as Modified August 22, 1983......I-B-2 (i) Engineering, Design and Planning, Legal, Fiscal, Bond Issuance • Expenses and Discount and Miscellaneous Contingency Bond Debt Service Reserves Capitalized Bond Interest Total Project Costs Maximum Bonded Indebtedness 1,050,000 300,000 2,612,000 3.138,000 $18,500,000 $18,500,000 (The following amendment of Subsection 1.10 hereof was approved on September 22, 1986.) Additional public improvement costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 and to be financed by tax increments derived from aIl tax increment financing dis- tricts within Redevelopment Project No. 1 are estimated to be: Land Acquisition/Writedown Costs $ 100,000 (The following amendment of Subsection 1.10 hereof was approved on December 22, 1986.) Additional public improvement costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 and to be financed by tax increments derived from all tax increment financing dis- tricts within Redevelopment Project No. 1 are estimated to be: University Avenue/84th Street Housing Project: Land Acquisition/Improvement/Writedown Costs $ 850,OQ0 Capitalized Interest 290,091 Bond Discount 23,330 Issuance Costs and Contingency 26,579 Total Additional Project Costs and/or Bonded Indebtedness Maximum Additional Administrative Costs $1,190,000 $ 94,000 Subsection 1.11. Environmental Controls. The proposed development in Redevelopment Project No. 1 does not present significant environmental concerns. All municipal actions. public improvements and private development sha12 be carried out in a manner consistent with existing environmental stan- dards. 1 - 16 1K � 1L As of November 18, 1985, September 22, 1986, and December 22, 1986, the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 2 was•modified to reflect - revised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 as a result of the amendment of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. � 3 - 6 1M replace said bonds with tax increment revenue bonds. As of November 18, I985, September 22, 1986, and December 22, I986, the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 3 was modified to reflect revised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 2 as a result of the amendment of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. 4 - 6 0 1N Incorporation of the tax increment financing plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 into the Master Plan, composed of the Modified Redevelopment - Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts 1 through 5. Modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 to facilitate the refunding of existing general obligation tax increment bonds issued for payment of public activities within the project area and to replace said bonds with tax increment revenue bonds. As of November 18, 1985, September 22, 1986, and December 22, 1986 the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4 was modified to reflect revised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 as a result of the amendment of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. 5 - 4 10 Modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing Distri�t No. 5 to ' facilitate the refunding of existing general obligation tax increment bonds issued for payment of public activities within the project area and to replace said bonds with tax increment revenue bonds. As of November 18, 1985. September 22, 1986, and December 22, 1986, the Tax Increment Financing P1an for Tax Increment Financing District No. 5 was modified to reflect revised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 as a result of the amendment o£ the Modified Redevelopment Plan. - 6 - 4 1P Subsection 7.23. Tax Increment Financing Account for Tax Increment Financing District No. 6. The tax increment received with respect to Tax Increment•Financing District - No. 6 will be segregated by the Authority in a specia� account or accounts (the "Tax Increment Account") on its . official books and records or as otherwise established by resolution of the City to be held for the benefit of owners of Tax Increment Bonds. Subsection 7.14. Land Disposition and Redevelopers' Requirements. All Redevelopers or Developer will be re- quired by contractual agreement to observe the building requirements and zoning requirements of the City, and such other requirements as may be established by the City Coun- cil. Land disposition parcels shall be made available under separate cover as they are determined by the Authority. The Authority proposes to consumate a certain Contract for Private Development (the "Contract"), with Woodbridge Properties, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, concerning the public and private development of the property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 6. Subsection 7.15. Modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 6. As of September 22, 1986, and December 22, 1986, the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 6 was modified to reflect revised project costs to be incurred with�n Redevelopment Project No. 1 as a result of the amendment of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. 7 - 3 Bond sales will be based on availability of tax increment. It is contemplated that alI bonds will not be issued at one time but as they are needed, at effective interest rates estimated to range between 6.50$ and 10.00t per annum. Subsection 8.13. Tax Zncrement Financing Account for Tax Increment Financing District No. 7. The tax increment received with respect to Tax Increment Financing District No. 7 will be segregated by the Authority in a special account or accounts (the "Tax Increment Account") on its official books and re�ords or as otherwise established by resolution of the City to be held for the benefit of owners of Tax Increment Honds. Subsection 8.14. Land Disposition and Redevelopers' Re�uirements. All redevelopers or developers will be re- quired by contractual agreement to observe the building requirements and zoning requirements of the City, and such other requirements as may be established by the City Coun- cil. Land disposition parcels shall be made available under separate cover as they are determined by the Authority. The Authority proposes to consumate a certain Contract for Private Development (the "Contract"), with Winfield Developments, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, concerning the public and private development of the property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 7. Subsection 8.15. Modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 7./�As of December 22, 1986, the Tax Inc*ement Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing Dis- tri�t No. 7 was modified to reflect revised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 as a result of the amendment of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. 8 - 3 1Q time but as they are needed, at effective interest rates estimated to range between 6.50$ and 10.00$ per annum. Subsection 9.13. Tax Increment Financing Account for Tax Increment Financing Dist t No. 8. The tax increment received with respect to Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 will be segregated by the Authority in a spe�ial account or accounts (the "Tax Increment Account"j on its official books and records or as otherwise established by resolution of the City to be held for the benefit of owners of Tax Increment Bonds. Subsection 9.14. Land Disposition and Redevelopers' Requirements. All redevelopers or developers will be re- quired by contractual agreement to observe the building requirements and zoning requirements�of the City, and such other requirements as may be established by the City Coun- cil. Land disposition parcels shall be made available under separate cover as they are determined by the Authority. The Authority proposes to consumate a certain Contract for Private Development (the "Contract"), with Shorewood, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, concerning the public and private development of the property within Tax Increment Financing District No. 8. Subsection 9.15. Modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 8.^As of December 22, 1986, the Tax InCrement Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing Dis- trict No. 8 was modified to reflect revised project costs to be incurred within Redevelopment Project No. 1 as a result of the amendment of the Modified Redevelopment Plan. 9 - 3 l> l 1 0 PUBLIC �ARING BEPORE � CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue, N.E. on Monday, December 22, 1986, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Vacation Request, by the City of Fridley to vacate a portion of the City-owned highway turnback property located in the northeast corner of the south half of Section 23, Township 30, Range 24, generally described along the west side of State,Trunk Highway 65 between West Moore Lake Drive and Interstate Highway 694: Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opport�ity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR Publish: December 8, 1986 December 15, 1986 2 _�� � C�N �F FRlDLEY p IqECTO FiATE OR PUBLIC WORKS IVtEMORANDUM T0: Nasim Qureshi,;City Manager PW86-343 FROM: John G. F1ora,�Public Works Director DATE: SUBJECT': December Z, 1986 Highway 65 T�.irnback With the 1Voodbridge Develop�nent of the 100 'Ilain and Johnson Property, they will be constructing Lake Pointe Drive which will connect to our existing �Vest Nbore Lake Drive and Highway 65. This road right-of-way has reduced the area originally identified for the Wood.bridge Buildi�g A. Because of this encroachment, Woodbridge has requested the City provide the Highway 65 turnback property to them in order to provide additional space for construction and landscaping. A review of the prelimi.nary plans for the Highway 65 improvements indicates a portion of the original turnback will be required (31,249 sq. ft.) but a considerable amount may be vacated to the I-Il2A and ultimately Woodbridge for the development of this area (33,631 sq. ft.). If the Council is so inclined, they can find by a 4/5 vote that the proposed disposal of turnback right-of-way has no relationship to the comprehensive plan and, a public hearing be set for December 8, 1986 to vacate this property. JGF/ts Attachment �,p.,,.. � ..�..., :t s�.. . ''�'� �. � � '� , : �. � � 'k�� : . ,. . ��' j;. :� _ � � ,, „ - ; .: ._:� . - �. ., - � �; � M� �• � . �i . � . .. • �� : � A c -- �89"D I �. �. � , � . � �,$Z? r�•�z-» �?S_ s�(. � � I � '. . ' �j . . . � �� . � .5 �`z�' - ��'°� � Z � i . � �:� , , '^,� 3 1` ` .. ` . i _: . . : - y�. � . ' � • 1 ~ - . ... 1 - ' ...; . ' . � .. 'f . , ... �. •� - : :_�. . � �.. .: .; .: : , :: - :. - , .. . � �,, . ; � •�,' i . . . s �, � ' �� . �::�`� � � � � � � � 28�� ;� ( � 1� i i ,� : �'��� , ��a .K. �l . � �� � � �� W,�� l�D�°'� �° c, � �' � a h`� cw�°p��) 3 /� F � .- s: . � - �-���r�; G,,� ���i.l l,P - ��� 33�6 3 / � . .._.,�...�-- -. � OR.DINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS AND TO AMEND APPENDIR C OF THH CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1. To Vacate a Portion of the City-owned Highway. Turnback Property described as follows: That part of Tracts A, B and C described below, which lies southeasterly of a line run parallel with and distant 130 feet northwesterly of Line 1 described below and westerly and northerly of Line 2 described below: Tract A. Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota; Tract B. The south 200 feet of the North Half of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 30 North, Range 24 West, now known as Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered as evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 36396; Tract C. Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 155, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the of£ice of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota; Line 1. From a point on the north and south quarter line of said Section 23, distant 1442.83 feet north of the south quarter corner thereof, run northwesterly at an angle of 96 degrees 45 minutes 15 seconds from said north and south quarter line (measured from south to west) for 50.1 feet; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 64 feet; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 1320.45 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 12 feet; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 100 feet; thence deflect to the lef t on a OS degree 00 minute 00 second curve (delta angle 35 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds) for 719.44 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 365.95 feet to the point of beginning of Line 1 to be described; thence deflect to the left on a 12 degree 00 minute 00 second curve (delta angle 56 degrees 14 minutes 19 seconds) for 468.66 feet and there terminating; �l'1 � Page 2 - Ordinance No. Line 2. Beginning at the point of intersection of the north line of Tract B hereinbefore described, with a line run parallel with and distant 20 feet easterly of Line 3 described below; thence run southerly and southwesterly on said 20 foot parallel line to a point thereon directly opposite (measured at right angles) of the point of termination of said Line 3; thence run westerly to a point distant 120 feet northwesterly (measured at right angles) of the point of beginning of Line 1 described above; thence run northwesterly to a point distant 130 feet northwesterly (measured at right angles) of the point of beginning of said Line 1 and there terminating; together with that part of Tract B hereinbefore described, which lies northerly of the last above described strip, easterly of a line run parallel with and distant 65 feet westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the point of intersection of the north line of said Tract B with Line 3 described below; thence run southerly on said Line 3 for 50 feet; thence continue sou�herly on the last described course for 100 feet and there terminating; Line 3. Beginning at a point on the east and west quarter line of said Section 23, distant 150.3 feet west of the east quarter corner thereof; thence run southerly parallel with the east line of said Section 23 for 132.82 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 14 degrees 43 minutes 29.3 seconds for 203.64 feet; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 18 degrees 45 minutes 34.7 seconds for 220 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 14 degree 00 minute 00 second curve (delta angle 37 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds) for 265.48 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence deflect to the right on a curve having a radius of 50 feet and a delta angle of 51 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 44.51 feet and there terminating; and that part of Tract A described below: Tract A. Lot 5, Block 5, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition, according to 'the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered as evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 27488; which lies within a distance of 20 feet easterly and 50 feet westerly of Line 1 described below: Line 1. Beginning at a point on the east and west quarter line of Section 23, Township 30 North, Range 24 West, distant 150.3 feet west of the east quarter corner thereof; thence run southerly and parallel with the east line of said Section 23 for 106.98 feet; thence deflect to the left on a curve having a radius of 200 feet (delta angle 14 degrees 43 minutes 29.3 seconds) for 51.4 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 144.76 feet; thence deflec� to the right on a curve having a radius of 200 feet (delta angle 18 degrees 45 minutes 34,7 seconds) for 65.49 £eet; thence on tangent to said curve for 186.96 feet and there terminating; : Page 3 - Ordinance No. together with a strip 15 feet in width adjoining and westerly of the above described strip: Beginning opposite a point on Line 1 described above, distant 303,14 feet southeasterly of its point of beginning (when measured along said Line 1 and extending southerly to the south Iine of the above described tract. ' Except that part lying easterly of a line described as commencing at a point on the north and south quarter line of said Section 23, distant 1442.83 feet north of the south quarter corner thereof, run northwesterly at an angle of 96 degrees 45 minutes 15 seconds from said north and south quarter line (measured from south to west) for SO.I feet; thence deflect to the right at an angZe of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 64 feet; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 1320.45 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 12 feet; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 100 feet; thence deflect to the left on a OS degree 00 minute 00 second curve (delta angle 35 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds) for 719.44 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 365,95 feet; thence northwesterZy, deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds £or 120 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence northeasterly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 189.39 feet; thence northerly, deflecting to the left 48 degrees 53 minutes 59 seconds for 500 feet and said line there terminating. Also except that part lying northerly of a line described as commencing at the point of beginning of Line 1 described above; thence southerly, along said Line 1, a distance of 206.98 feet; thence easterly, deflecting to the lef t 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 20.00 feet to the east line of the above described property; thence southerly a distance of 28.20 feet, along said east line of the above described property to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence northwesterly, a distance of 71.07 f eet to a point on the westerly line of the above described property distant 18.84 feet southerly of the northwest corner of the above described property, as measured along said westerly line, and said line there terminating. All lying in the South Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24 City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Be is and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2. The said Vacation has been made in conformance with Minnesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 of the City Charter and Appendix C of the City Code shall be so amended. Page 4 - Ordinance No. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK Public Hearing: December 8 and 22, 1986 First Reading: Second Reading: Publication: WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 3C ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CHAPTER 3, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL" BY AMENDING SECTION 3.03, ENTITLED "HOLIDAYS" The City Council of the City of Fridley hereby ordains as follows: 3.03. HOLIDAYS The following days shall be holidays, and no employees, except in the case of necessity to public safety, health and weZfare, or unless the requirements of employment so provide, shall be obliged to perform work on such day; and when so performed, compensation for such work shall be paid as overtime work at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular pay. The following days are "holidays": New Year's Day, January 1; Martin Luther King's Birthday, the third Monday in January; Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Veterans Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; and Christmas Day, December 25; provided, when New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls on Sunday, the following day shall be a holiday and, provided when New Year's Day, January 1; or Independence Day, July 4; or Veterans Day, November 11; or Christmas Day, December 25; falls on Saturday, the preceding day shall be a holiday. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK First Reading: December 8, 1986 Second Reading: Publication: 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCS AMENDING SECTIONS 4.05 AND 12.08 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER The City Council of the City of Fridley does hereby ordain as follows: That the following sections of the Fridley City Charter be amended as follows: //Section// 4.05 JUDGES //AND CLERKS// OF ELECTIONS. The Council shall at least twenty-five S25Z days before each municipal election appoint //three// two (2) or more //qualified// registered voters of each voting precinct to be judges of elections therein and //two qualified// one (1) re�istered voter//s// of the same precinct to be //clerks of election, or as many more or less as may be determined by the council// head judge of election. No person signing or circulating a petition of nomination of candidate for election to office or any member of a committee petitioning for a referendum or recall shall be eligible to serve as a judge //or clerk// of such election. //Section// 12.08 DAMAGE SUITS. 1. No action sha21 be maintained against the City on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property, unless such action shall be commenced within one � year from the occurrence of such injury or damage, nor unless notice shall have been given in writing as required by Minnesota Statutes //Section 465.09, or any amendments thereof//. 2. No action shall be maintained against the City on account of injuries or damages to persons or property resulting from or caused by any accumulation or deposit of ice or snow on any public street, sidewalk, building, or place. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK Public Hearing: December 8, 1986 First Reading: Second Reading: Publication: 5 5A *tEMO T0: NASIM M. QURESHI, CITY MANAGER FROM: �dILLIAM C. HUNT, STAFF PERSON TO CHARTER COMMISSION DATE: DECEMBER 4, 1986 SUBJECT: PUBLIC iiEARING ON AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CHARTER Section 12.08 of the present City Charter contains a specific reference to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.09. Since the time that provision was included the statute has been amended. The Charter Commission requested an opinion from its lawyCr, John ��. Terpstra, as to whether paragraph 1 of Section 12.08 of the City Charter should be changed to reference the new statutory cite, be left as it now reads, or rewritten in such a way that reference to a specific statute be eliminated. Mr. Terpstra made the following recommendation: I would suggest that, instead of leaving the language as it now is, or changing the paragraph to reflect the new statutory cite, you should eliminate any reference to a specific statute and state that notice shall be given pursuant to Minnesota Statute. The proposed amendment to Section 12.08 merely deletes the specific reference to a particular statute. Section 4.05 of the present City Charter requ�res that judges and clerks of elections be "qualified" voters. In the review of Charter language relating to various kinds of voters the Commission debated whether election judges should be "eligible" voters or "re�istered" voters. The Commission's legal council, Mr. Terpstra, was of the opinion that changing the Charter language to "registered" voter would not be in conflict with any leRislation on the matter. However, he did su�gest that the term be changed to "eligible" voter instead of "registered" voter. The Charter Commission majority disagreed, They felt that if a person did not even bother to be registered it was questionable that they should be appointed an election judge. Other changes in Section 4.05 deal with changes in election laws and practices - since it was originally written. We no longer have "clerks of election," and'we do have "head judges." Language regarding numbers of judges to be appointed has also been changed to make it more flexible. Cc: Susan Jackson, Chairwoman Fridley Charter Commission � � c�nroF FRlDLEY " _ __ _ _.__ __: __ _. _ _ COl�/[MUNI�fY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM - I�EM� �D: Nasim Qureshi, city Manager MEND �DM: Jock Robertson, Oa�umity Developnent Director MEM� nP,TE: De�nber 18, 1986 � R�ARDING: University Avenue Cbrridor Plan On December 11, 1986, the HRA approved an outline plan and budget and directed staff to preFare detailed desic,y�s and schedules. ZY�e $1,430,000 was approved as a minimu�n for construction. It may be possible to obtain some additional funding for both construction and maintenanoe through working with MnDOT or through assessments on abutting private property. In the meantime, staff will be ref ining the maintenance budget estimates for the various glan oanponents, such as electric bills for street lighting, bulb reglaoement, grass cutting and snaw remaval. All City CAUncil manbers reoeived oopies of the prop�sed glan and budget, and several attended the Deoenber 11, 1986, HRA meeting and participated in the discussion However, it may be well to give the Council additional opport�ity to vomcnent on the glan and budget appraved by the HRA. JLI;/]mn M--86-328 � • � EXCERPT FROM DFCEMBER 11, 1986, HOUSING-& REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES - PAGE 1 5. C�NSIDERATION OF GIVING CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL TO A BUDGET AND AN IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM FOR IMPROVEMENTS RELATED TO THE UNIVERSITY AVENUE CORRIDOR: Mr. Robertson stated the interest and impetus for this project actually began about a year ago with some businesspeople with establishments along the north end of the University Avenue corridor. There had been some repeated requests and interest for making improvements along the corridor. Last spring, the HRA evaluated various consultants and picked Barton-Aschman with the understanding there would be an advisory committee set up consisting of technical people from the state, county, and city and citizens from Fridley representing businesses and residents along the corridor. Mr. Robertson stated the committee went through a planning process which was summarized in the draft report. Recommendations derived from that planning process were informally presented to the HRA and City Council in October. Based on the HRA and City Council comments in October, the consultant put together a draft final report incorporating the suggestions. Mr. Robertson stated that the draft final report did not include recommendations for priorities in implementing the various components of the plan, sequence of implementation and implications for maintenance costs. The draft report did include cost sheets and estimates based on the capital improvements involved; it would have been a very theoretical exercise to try to estimate maintenance costs until the HRA and City Council indicated a direction for priorities an� implementation. Mr. Robertson stated that since this draft report was received, Staff had done several things: (1) had tried to troubleshoot all the recommendations in this report to try to debug any potential technical, legal and safety questions that might not have been covered by the process; (2) anticipating that the HRA might ask Staff for recommendations, Staff had put together some suggested implementation sequences or phases; (3) had proposed some priorities; and (4) had estimated a budget which reflected these recommendations. Mr. Robertson referred to the one-page summary University Avenue Corridor Plan" handed out at the meeting. He stated that when people on the Technical Advisory Committee were asked what some of the problems were that needed to be addressed, they responded with the following: unkept condition, un- sightly fence south of 69th Avenue, rural ditches north of 69th Avenue, visual lack of order, and lack of pedestrian facilities. Mr. Robertson stated Staff wished to emphasize that the overall objective was keeping Fridley competitive with what was going on in the metropol9tan area and throughout the nation. We are now experiencing a shift from being a manufacturing suburb to more of an office-type suburb. Fridley is . : EXCERPT FROt1 DEC. 11, 1986, HOUSI�JG & REDEVCLOPP1EPJT A1ITH�RITY MINUTES - PAGE 2 in competition with other caimunities in the metropolitan area and with this type of development, developers are looking for an attractive community entrance and surroundings. The City has a long range financial interest in at�racti�g private investment dollars which translate ultimately into property tax dollars and an expanding tax base. The'City should look at this as a city investment in terms of creating a pleasant community to attract private development dollars which will help keep tax rates low. ��1r. Robertson stated there were actually seven different components of ti�e University Avenue Corridor Plan ti�at [3arton-Aschr�an addressed in the draft report, but these �components could be summarized into three basic elements: A. Planting and screening (including reforestation, trees, grass, and doing something about the deterioration of ti�e fence) ti. Intersection improvements (there were 8 major intersections and 3 minor intersections � including brick paving, curbs, sidewalks, overhead and lighted signs,� street furniture, etc.) C. Street lighting Mr. Robertson stated these 3 elements were listed at tF�e bottom of the one-page summary. To tne right of eacn of the elements were the recommendations for priorities in ter�s of decreasing amounts of the ir�plementation budget, If they were to decide on the full package, it would cost $2,667,000, the next column was $1,�9n,0�(1, the third column was $1,431,000, and the last column was $1,069,000. Mr. Prairie asked vrhat improver�ents v�ere includecl in the priority column totallinc� $1,431,000. Pfr. Robertson stated that for planting and screening, it would include the turf and the trees, but would leave out the fence. For intersection ir�prove- ments, it would be just the intersection treatr�ent with the curb, qutter, side�valk and bricks. There would not be any monumentation that the consultant was reco�nending at the entrance on the north an�i the south, specia� mon�- mentation at the City Center, or street furniture. For street lighting, it would be lighting for the commercial frontage roads plus the intersecz - tions, both in tl�e north/south and east/vrest directions, but not the entire corridor. Mr. Robertson stated C3arton-Aschr�an had outlined two alternatives for street lightinn--either median lighting or�frontage road lighting. Of the two, the Technical Advisory Corimittee liked the idea of the frontacle road lighting because it opened up the corridor visually at ni�ht and provided more visual access at night to the adjacent husinesses. The �990,0(1� fi�ure V for street lighting was Staff's estimate for a compromise between those two alternatives...to provide lightinc�,rather than down the r�edian, alon� the sc EXCERPT FROP1 DEC. 11, 19£36, HOUSItJG & REOEVEL�Pt1ENT Af1THORITY P1ItJUTES - PAGE 3 shoulder continuously on the traveled way, northbound and southbound lanes. In addition, smaller standards would be placed along commercial frontage roads. � ' - Ms. Sciinabel stated that regarding "entrance walls", she had read in the Addendum that Staff wanted the opportunity to restudy that concept. She tF►ought that was a good thing to do. She had liked tfie idea when it was first presented, and she still felt t�iere were some nice parts about it, but she had been gettin� some feedback from people who felt it might present a visual berrier instead of a welcome. P�1r. Robertson showed sor�e slides of planting plans, lightinq, intersection details, monumentation, and some things done in other comriunities. Mr. Robertson stated that viith the alternativPS they had before them, he �ould li{:e the HRA to give Staff some direction on how they wished the Staff to �roceed--how much and �vfiat amount of time? �id the HP,A like these elemPnts? Councilperson Schne�i�ler stated he agreed that the corridor needed improvement. He liked and supported the concept of doing some improvement alonq the corridor, but he had a little trouble with a$2,6G7,000 proposal. Mr. Prairie agreed, and that was why he was inclaned to look more at the $1,431,000 figure. That amount of money over a 3-year period could make the corridor look pretty good, and they could increase the amount at any time. Ms. Schnabel stated they had to keep in mind that University Avenue aias not the only street in Fridley that needed upgradinc�. If they spend money here, they should not forget there are other roadways that also need improvement and to be cautious about tlie kinds of things they want to do. Councilperson Fitzpatrick agreed that Un�versity Avenue was not the only street in town, but he stated the problem on University was very real an�{ long-standing. Ne would like to see something done along the corridor. Ne liked the dollar amount t1r. Prairie had suggested, because it would seem they would get the optimum in each of the components. Playor fJee stated he did not think the fence or the ditches were that big of a problen. The real problem tf�at botf�ered him was the junk cars at the entrance to the city. Ne stated the HRA had the povier to do somPthinc� about that by finding a public use for property that had a marginal use. Mr. Qureshi a�reed that people coming into Anoka County and Fridley on Highway 47 and Highway 65 get a very bad image of Fridley, especially with the used car lot and not very attractive businesses. It would be very he7pful to have an attractive entrance into the city. He stated the I�RA could address the concern raised by Piayor Nee. The HRA did have the power to desig- nate these areas as economic development or redevelopr�ent areas and take positive steps to acquire properties and develop plans for these properties. . r E�CERPT FROM DEC. 11, 19a6�H0USING & REDFVELOPMEFJT AUTNORITY �1ItJUTES - PAGE 4 Mr. Qureshi stated that at this time, Staff was requesting some direction from the HRA as to what areas they felt had the greatest importance. Ms. Schnabel stated that because this opened up a new door that she had not thought of before,in that tf�e I�RA had the power to make some improvenents in the 57th and University Ave, area, she would like to see the F1RA explore that avenue in more detail. She personally favored the planting and screen- ing eler�ent and personally favored the high figure in that element. She thought they got a lot for their money in terms of reforestation, turf re-establishment, and a good maintenance program on behalf of the city. Ms. Schnabel stated that in terms of the intersection improvements, she coulcl seP at this point getting some kind of modification. In the City Center part, there vras maybe a need and a good argument for doinc� some more worl: on the �Jniversity/P1ississippi intersection. She was willincl to sacrifice the c�ate- way part for tfie time 6eing on 57th and 85th 6ecause those two areas are unl;nowns right now� as far as developmentis concerned. �1s. Schnabel stated she would like to see the City talk about pickin� up some of the costs on lighting. She saw it partly as the City's ohli�ation and partly as the I�ighway Department's obligation to provide lighting on llniversity Ave, itself. She would like the City to think about making an expenditure in that area. Playbe, with these suggestions, Staff could come up with a modified dollar package. Ms. Schnabel stated to surm�arize what she had just said, she would take the �614,000 figure for planting and screening, the $500,Q00 fiqure on intersec- tion improverients, and put a hold on street lighting until they had a clear idea where they were at, and then she would add to that a plan or pr.ogram to acquire properties on the southern end of University. P1r. Qureshi stated his rationale was that they already have some plantinc�s along the highway. It does need some maintenance and upgrading, but if tl�ey did the reforestation, it was not going to make a drastic change from �vhat tF�ey have now because it takes time for plants and trees to grov�. If they adopt a plan all the way along, every time a new development comes, it might be possible that a sizeable portion of the fundinq could come from nev� development. He felt the best and most cost-effective approach woul�i be to do the intersection improver�ents for safety reasons and visual impact and movement of traffic. Second would be lic�hting in tfie public areas and alonc� the corrmercia] properties. T1aybe something cou7d be worked out with the property owners, too, for the cost of that lighting. Ms. Schnabe7 stated this vias a piecemeal approach, and she was not sure it was what the mer�bers of the Technical Advisory Cormittee wanted. Mr. Prairie stated he would still recommend the NRA go with the $1,431,000 cost figure (3rd column) on the University Avenue Corridor Plan. It was approximately one-half the maximum cost, and it could always be increased. He also thought they should work hard at cleaning up the pronerties they don't think make the City look very good. 6E EXCERPT FROP1 DEC. 11 z 19�6, HOUSING & R EDEVECOp�1EP�T A(�TH�RITY P1INUTES - PAGE 5 Mr. P1eyer �tated he agreed with P1r. Prairie. Ms. Scl�nabel stated she v�ould also agree witii P1r. Prairie. She stated she would like to see Staff put together some type of timetable, keeping in mind the HRA would like to look at the possibility of the acquisition of properties on the south end of University. MOTION, by Prairie, seconded by Meyer, to adopt the third column plan on the one-page staff summary. hi-ii? ����� A�� ��� �� December 18, 1986 A. CITtZEN CONCERNS: - t�VKEPT OOND I T I ON - UVS I(�ii1L.Y FENCE SOUM CF 69TH - RURAL D I TCHES NORII-i � 69iH - VISUAL LACK � ORDER - LACK � PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES B. KEEP i NG FR I aEY CA�Y'ET 1 T I VE ; � � - SI�URBAN SH I FT TO C�F I CE DEVQ.OPMENT - DEVELOPERS �SIRE FQZ ATTRACTIVE ENTRANCE AND SURROl1NDINGS - PRIVATE INUESTMENT $= PROPERTY TAX S W-�AT? _._. A. R..�4ntT i r� aNO ScREEN i N� 614K 5?21C ` 5�2K 16CK W/0 FEt�K� I I NTERSECT' I ON PLAIVT I NG B. I t�sECT I oN In� Ro�v e�rvTS 1.063K 1, Q53K � 50CK � 50aC Bk I QC & CURB, C STREET L I GHT I NG 99CIC 4�K i 409K ( 4�K � � I NTERSECT I ON .. I . 8 FRONTACf' I F�I M1CH? �Z,667K 51,994K ' $1.431K $1.�9K L _. ...� sF � PLANNING DIVISION � MEMORANDC[M� ci�nroF FRIDLEY I�D �: Jock Robertson, Conantmity Developnent Departlaent Nasim 4ureshi. City A+�nager MEM� �ROM: Jim lmbinson, Planning Coordinator I�MJ L1ATE: Deaember 16, 1986 RDGARDING: 1985 (TBG Fl.mds In 1985 the City al.located $71,500 for burying the N5P lines on Mississippi Street, west of University Avenue. This oonstruction is tied to the intersection work, row delayed until 1988. Funds designated in 1985 are sup�po�ed to be spent by Deoember 3Z, 1986. • We have t�o apparent d�oioes: 1) Have Cotmcil designate a new use for �e money which aould be initiated this Winter. A possitale project would be to aogui.re and relocate another home in Riverview Heic�ts floodplain (see map). 'fie next likely purchase would be the I�brin residenoe (parvel 6). Tbis aoquisition would run about $60,000 with relocation servioes. 2) �e City could allaw the County to loan the money to the City of Blair�e, which is seeking additional funds at this time. Zhe $71,500 w�uld be automatically deducted from Blaine's 1987 funds and added to Friclley's. Zhis fu�d would be availahle for use in July 1987 with rhe rest of the 1987 C�BG monies. It would be appropriate for Council to reallocate these funds at their Deoember 22, 1986 meeting. 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V I z . 7D J J � I I w��o� O O � � . f O � I II � � ~ � � � � N ��� ������ �n : CITY OF FRIDLEY PI.ANNIWG COMMISSIOt� �1CCTI'IG, DEf.L-?1BER 10, 19R6 � CALI TO ORDER: Chairperson Rillings called the December 10, 1986, Planning Commission meetina to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: !tenbers Absent: Steve Qillings, �ean Saba, Sue Sherek, Donald Getzold, Richard Svanda Dave Kondrick Otl�ers Present: Jir� Robinson, Plannin� Coordinator Charles Cook, Coon Rapids John Nelson, Professional Ventures John Gross�an, Professional Ventures Gidrn Bertrur�, Professional Ventures David �titchell, representing Vantage "latthear t�i chol , Vantage Properti es Pro�erties, Inc. Dave Rooney, Pladison Pizza (RocE:y Ricoco) JacE; Ptax�vell, 2931 PartridnP Rd., Roseville (See attached list) APPROVAL OF tJ(1VF�IRFR 19, 1986, PLAtINIPJ� COt�41ISSI(1'1 MIt1UTFS: MO'"IOT' BY 11R. BETZOLD, S�COI.'DED BY "1S. SHF.I2EY.� TO AI'PPC�T'F. TIiE trOV. 19, 19A6, PLr1NNI17G COM1fISSJ.ON AfINUTES AS WRI'1'TEN. UPON A['OICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CFIAIRP'ERSON BTLLINGS PF.CLARF.D TNE MOTI011 CAP•RIED UNllNI!fOUSLY. 1. (TAE3LED I�OVEt�1BER 19, 1936) - PUBIIC HEARIt�f,: C0�lSIDERATI��� OF A PRFLII�II��AP.Y , .S. 8-0 , LL Y kS, [3Y CtIARt_ES C(1�K: Beinq a rep at of that part o Lot 22, B ock 3, Tloore Lake N� s, Anoka County, Minnesota, lyin� southerly of a line described as follovrs: Beginning at a poin*_ on the northeasterly 1 i ne of l.ot 21, [il ock 3, Moore Lake f�i 11 s, di stant 35.00 feet northvresterly from t{ie northeast corner; thence southwesterly to a poini on the southwesterly line of said Lot 22, distant 42.00 feet northwesterly fror� the sou±hwest corner of said Lot 22 and ti�ere terminating. Except that part there-of lyin� n�rth- easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the n�rth line of said Lot 22, distant 5.00 feet westerly from the northeast corner; thence southerly to a point on the soutF� line of said lot, distant 60.00 fPe± a�PSterly from tlie southeast corner. Subiect to easements, if any, and that part of Lot 21 and 22, Qlock 3, Floore Lake Hills, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easterly, southeasterly, and northeasterly of a iine descrihed as follows: Beainninc� at . a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 21, distant 212.00 feet south- easter7y of the most northerly corner of said Lot 21, thence southwesterly, at a right angle to said northeasterly line, to its intersection witl� line A, here- after described, tf�ence soutF�v�esterly, along said iine A to its intersection with a line described as beginning at a point on the north line of sai�i Lot 22, . � PLA��1�ItJG C�'*1ISSION �1EETI��G, DFCQ�1[�ER 1�, 19i36 P11GE 2_ distant 5.00 feet v�esterly of the northeast cornPr, thence southeriy to a point on the souti� line of said Lot 22, distant 60.00 feet westerly of the southeas*. corner, thence soutf�erly, alon� last descrihed line, to the south line of said Lot 22 an�i there terminating. Line A is descrihed as beginning at a point on the northeasterly northeast corner, thence southwesterly to a point on the souti�westerly line of said Lot 22, said point distant 42.0� feet nortii���esterly from the southwest corner of said Lot 22, and there terminating. Su6ject to easerients, if any, and the east 6�0.00 feet of the south 20�.00 feet of tfie north 882.5 feet of the northwest quarter of thP northeast quarter of Section 24, Township 30, Range 24, located in Anoka County, ��linnesota, �eneraliy iocated south of F�illcrest Drive and north of Gardena Avenue. � PURL�IC NEARIf�G OPEN. AfOTIOf: BY I1R. SABA, SECOP1DEn B'1 MR. BETZOLD, TO RE!'fOVT•. P.S. #.86-06 FROA+ °'HE TABLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL t'O?'ING AYE, CNAIRPF.RSON BILLINGS DECI.ARED TAF. MOTI01'l CARP,IED UNANIMOUSLY. �tr. Rohi nson stated thi s property ��as l ocated south of Noore Lake tii l l s an�i north of Gardena Ave. Tf�e property involved 3.25 acres which included a vacant vroodland and the rear of Lot 21 and Lot 22. Tf�e prelininary plat included seven lots v�F�icfi were centered around a proposed cul-de-sac, which �tould he about 325 feet iong. The lots all r�ee* code as far as lo� area and 1ot width. Ptr. Robinson stated the drainage plan had been submitted to the P.ice Creek lJatersl�e�i Di stri ct Goard and Ci ty Staff for revi et�!. At the 1 ast meeti nc�, the I:ey issues with the plat was that the drainaqe plan did not provide for an overflow pipe. There was no stor� sewer in the irrnnediate area. Since the last r�eetinq, Staff has �•�orked wi±h Suhurban Fn�ineerinq and reached the conclusion that altf�ough the drainage plan was adequate for the plat itself, it did not mitigate the adverse effects it could eventual�y have on the surrounding properties. Therefore, City Staff has reconmended that an over- fl ow pi pe be i nstal 1 ed ���i th the pl an from I�i 11 crest viest to Gardena Lane to an existing catch basin. The estimated cost was $33,00�. Fortunately, thP pipe would not have to go in the street. There vras quite a bit of ho��levard and green area adjacent to the road where the PVC pipe could he placed vrithout tearing up the street. f�1r. Robinson stated that at the last Meeting, the Planning Cor►u�issinn asked Staff to 7ook into the assessments and market values of the existinc� properties in the area. He stated Leon "tadsen, Ci*y Assessor, had written a r�emo (paqe 1L of the agenda) dated t�ov. 19, 1986. �1r, �ladsen stated in the memo that: "No special consideration has 6een given to the existence of the vacant area nov� - proposed for platting. If tF�e plattina goes tF�roug�, there wiil continue to be no ef.fect on value, of tF�ese properties, except to the extent that land areas are r`educed to accomnodate the d�velopment. The reason for not considering the . . PLANNIfJG COt1'tISSI�tJ PICETIPIG, t1FC�'iBER 10, i986 PAfE 3 open land in the value process was because of the uncertain disposition of the parcel. It hadn't been dedicated for any public purpose." Mr. Rohinson stated the uncertain disposition of the parcel was perhaps a liability as r�uch as an asset to the area. Mr. Robinson stated that also at the request of the Cor.m�ssion, on Dec. 1, he arranged for and conducted an analysis of the area with Siah St. Clair, Ci ty Tlatural i st, and a��i 1 dl ife expert fror� the lINR, Ll oyd Knutson. They walked the area a�ith Connie �lodig. 11r, knutsc�n conr.iented on the uildlife aspects. f�e agreed that it was a good vrildlife habitat in its present con- dition and also agreed there t•rould be a deterioration of habitat with the develo�ent, as there would be with any developr�ent. They tall:ed ahout ���ays to r�itigate the problem. �9r. Robinson stated that Yrhatever stipu7ations the Co,�ission placed on the developer v�ere �oing to be difficult to carry throuqh to suhsequent o�vners of the property. One thing that could be considered was a covenant or dPed tht-�t v�ould be placed on appropriate lots wf�ere the wild] ife was o�tir�um right no���. It would hasically call for a nanagement-type plan and was s��ethinc� the City would i�ave to be involved in. The City has not been involved in anything like this before. t1r. Robinson stated Staff was recormiendin� the followin� stipulations: 1. 2. Devel oper to ir�pl ement a drai nage pl an �•�hi ch r�eet�. Publ i c llorl:s specifications (completed) Developer agrees to pay assessr�ents for all puhlic ir�prover�ents necessitated by the plat. 3. All proposed �•�aterlines to be 6-inch diar�eter. 4. Prc►vide easement for storn drainage system. 5. Sanitary se�•�er lift station to meet Public i!orks requirements. 6. Provide a plan and necessary easements for private utility services. 7. Provide a 20-foot buildinq setback easement along the north line of proposed Lot 5. 8. Developer agrees to preserve trees to the greatest extent possible. 9. Park fees of $1,500 per lot to be paid with each of the seven building permits. 10. Retaining wall in cul-de-sac right-of-way ta hP a minimun of 1� feet from curb; materials and design to be approved by City Staff. t�1r. CooN, stated Staff was recorr•iendi ng the storm sewer syster� wi th thi s project. He was uncomfortable with stipulation �2 which stated: "�eveloper agrees to pay assessr.�ents for all public improvements necessitated by the piat." Ne stated he did not feel he should pay the entire bill for a storm sewer system when he was the only developer at this tir�e. Mr. Billings stated that, of course, the City Council would makP �the final decision regarding the storri sewer systeri. At the last meeting, Councilman Schneicier f�ad stated if tfiere was any storm sewer system, it should not be assessed to the neigh6ors. : PIAtJt�IIJG COt1�tISSI�N PtEETING, �ECEt•iQER 10, 19g6 _ _ PA.GE 4 Mr. Bailey Tiller, 1535 �ardena Ave., stated he was concerned about whether or not any water tests had been done on the land. Horr higf� was the water table? Fie stated years ago, the water table was as high as 5 ft. from thP surface. He stated those tests should be made before any �levelopment starts. He stated he felt the nicest thinc� the'City could do with this land was leave it the way it was ��ith the aiildlife, and let the water run where it may. Ms. Co mie P1odig, 1330 Hillcrest Drive, stated she was wi�h the naturalist and the D�dR wildlife expert when they wall:ed the land. Ner 1ot was Lot 2a which tvas adjacent to the proposed developr:�ent. Tf�e� had sor�P discussion about various ►�rays to F�andle the pro6lem she had with the development. She was not against the development, per se, 6u� sfie would like to see the wildlife r�ain- tained as much as possible and left as natural as it can be. She agreed �vith S�1r. Y.nutson of the Di1R that tfiey couldn't build seven hones and no± affect the wi 1 cil i fe, lier suggesti on �•�as that i nstead of (�avi ng a covenant agai nst al ] seven lots, naybe soneti�ing could be done only on Lot 5 where the pond was predoninately right na�i, leaving the water much the same as it is nov;, excQpt where the house could be constructed. In other words, take a portion o{ Lot 5 and maintain it as a separate park-like area. '1r. Robinson stated there was some logic to T1s. 1lodig's suc19estion. Lot 5 could certainly afford to he reduced in huildable area as it �•�as ovPr 1/2 acre. Also, the area was irmediately adjacent to the v�etlands Y�hich aras probably the most valuable and habitahle area for wildlife. A consideration such as this might be sor�ething fairly easy to cianage. f1r. Cook stated he had sor�e conversation ahout this possibility, and he had offered 100-125 ft. of the project including sor�e of the land as a park. Mr. Robinson stated Staff �•�as not proposing a park for a numher of reasons: (1) It vras the City's policy to not maintain s�all parks; (2) There was liability to the City; and (3) 6Jhen there is a small outlot area, it tend6 to become a dumping ground. Mr. Robinson stated they felt it would be maintained better if the property was retained by the owner of Lot 5 and the neighbors cou�d help by bein� watchdogs in r�aintaining the wildlife corridor in the area. Mr. Cook stated he could agree to sor�ethina like this. They �vould have to look at the site and deter��iine what was reasonable. Mr. Billin�s stated the park dedication fee on Lot 5 miqht be somethin� Mr. Cook might want to negotiate with the City Council. MOTION BY MP.. BETZOLD, SECO?7DED BY MR. SABA, TD CI.OSE T:i� PUELIC HF.AAI"IG. UPON A VOICE VO'_"E, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIP.PF.RSOII BILLINCS DECLAP.FD TI.'F. PUBLIr HEARING CLOSED AT 8:10 P.1�1. " Mr. Robinson recommended that an eleventh stipulation be a�ded: "A �ieed restriction to preserve the wildlife habitat on a portion of Lot 5 he recorded with the plat." � : � PLAPI'VING COtT1ISSI0N HEETIPlG, DECEMBER 10, 1986 ___ PAGF 5 �4r. Robinson stated he should point out that on the assess�ent issue, althouqh there is sorie developr�ent pending on the Gardena School qroperty he did not believe they should mal�.e the assumption that the development wou�d be approved, and would also have to pay sor�e assessment for the storm sewer. �It was a possibility that the total cost,would be Mr. Cook's responsibility. Mr. Betzold stated the issue of the natural habitat in the area was raised not only at this neeting but at the last Planning Commission meeting as well. He found it troublesone tf�at a 6ulldozer could come in and disturb nesting areas of the wildlife, but it was also disturbing to think that over the last 30 years with a11 the developr,ient going on in the City of Fridley, 9Qro of those people are presently living.in houses that used to be some ani�a]'s home. The small consolation was that the City of Fridley has r�ade a very stronc� corimitnent to preserving some nature centers. There was one about one-half mile fror� this particular area. Nay6e sorie of these animals will q� to that nature area. �laybe sor�e will eventually return if the western area of Lot 5 is preserved, but it could be a 7ong time. MOTIOI� BY tiR. BETZOLD, SFCOlJDF.n BY MR. SABA� TO RF.COMMF.ND TO C.IT� COUNCIL APPRO[�AL OF PRELIt1I?7ARY PLAT, P.S. �86-06� VALLEY OAKS, BY CIlARLF.S COOY., WITH THE FOLIAF.'ING STIPIILATIOP7S: • 1. DEVEIAPER TO IFIPLEl�ENT A DRAI?JAGE PLAN WXICH MF,EZ'S P'�BLIC WORKS SPECIFICATIDNS. 2. DEVEIAPF.R AGREES TO PAY ASSESSDfENTS FOR ALL PUBLIC IlfPROT'EMENTS NECF.SSITATED BY THE PLAT. 3. ALL PROPOSED D7ATF.RLIl7ES ^'O BE 6-INCH DIAI�IF.TF.R. 4. PROVIDE EASEAfEP7T FOR 52'ORM DRAINAGE SYSTEII. 5. SANITARY SEFIER LIFT .�TA_"IOPI TO MF.E'" PIIBLIC WORKS RF.QUII?F.AfSII:'S. 6. PROVIDE A PLlll'l AND NF.CESSIlRY F.ASEFfE11TS FOR PRIVATE UTILITY SERVICES. 7. PROVIDE A 20-FOOT BUILDING SETBACK EASE11F.11T ALOl76 THE NORTH LI?IE OF PROPOSED IAT 5. 8. DEVF.'LOPER AGREES TO PRESERVE :'REES "_'O THE CREATEST EXTEPIT POSSIBLE. 9. PARK FEES OF $1, 500 PI:R LOT TO BE PAID DII'f'H EACH OF THF. SF.['EN BUI LDI17G PF•RMITS. � 10. RETAINIP7G 61ALL IN CUL-DE-SAC RIGHT-OF-G7AY '"O BF. A FfINIMUM OF 10 FEET FRO!'f CURB; MATERIALS AND DESIGN TO BE APPROVED BY CITY STAFF. 11. A DEED RESTRICTION Ti� PRESERVE THF. WILDLIFE iIABITAT ON A PORTIOtI OF LOT 5 BE RECORDED WITH THE PLAT. Mr. Svanda stated he questioned stipulation #,9 regardinq the park fees of $1,500 per lot. Ne felt this could be discussed with the City Council as �art of I.ot 5 would be set aside for a wildlife habitat area. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLAP.ED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIEfOUSLI'. - Mr. Robinson stated there would be a public hearing on this item hefore the City Council on Jan. 5, 19a7. PLA"lNI�IG C(N1PIISSION �1EETING, DCCQIE�ER 1Q, 19II6 P111;E 6 2. (TARLEQ t�OVENQER 19, 1986) - COt�SI�E4tATI(�t� OF A VACATION RE�I�EST, SAV #R6-Q6, BY CHARLES COOY.: Vacate easements for public utilities described as follov►s: t e south 5 eet of Lot 22, alocl; 3, �loore Lake Hills,and the south 5 feet and the east 10 feet of Lot 21, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills, qenerally located south of tlillcrest Drive and north of Gardena Ave. 3. MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO REllO��E THF ITEM FROM TXF. TABLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPF.RSON BILLINGS DF,CLAI'ED THE ld0."'I01,1 CARRIEA UNIINIMOUSLY. t1r. Rohinson stated ti�at in conjunction with the plat, the developer was pro- posing to vacate the utility easement on the southern end of Lots 21 and 22 property and the eastern portion of Lot 21 which the developer was purchasinq a portion of. P1r. �obinson stated the City did send notices to the utility cor�panies. NSf' does have a po►•rer pole in that area� but the developer plans to place the po��er line underground. Hr. Rohinson stated the only stipulation, as related to the plat, was that a plan be provided for the private utility services. :10"_'ION Bl' MS. SIIEREY,, SECOIJDED BY riR. BE!'ZOLD, TO F.F.'CO1�IMF.ND "_'O CTTY CO!�P1CIL APPP,OVAL OF VACATIOPI RF,ni1F.S:", SAV #86-06, BY CHARLES COOY, :'O VACATF, F.A.SF.1'ENTS FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES DESCRIBF•D AS FOLIA�IS: THE SOUTH 5 FEF,^' OF IAT 22, BLOCY. 3, DlOORF. LAKE HILLS, Al7D Tf1E SOUTX 5 FEF.T AND THE BAST 10 FF.F.T OF IA."' 21, BIACK 3, MOORE LAKE HILLS, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF HILLCREST DRIVE AND NORTH OF GARDENA AVE. , WITH TH� STIPULATIOIJ THA'�' A PLAN BF. PROVIIIF.D FOR PRZVATE U:'ILITY SERVICF.S. UPON A VOICE T/OTE, ALL VOTIPIG AYE, CIIAIRPEFZSOlI BILLINGS DECLARF.D THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -07.A�R - - - - -, - - . . Addition to the City of Fridley, Anoka County, �1innesota, and the south 30(1 feet of the north 750 feet of the i�ortheast Quarter of the Northvrest Quarter except the east 720 feet thereof, all in Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Plinnesota, subject to road easements of record, to allo�•� for the development of four separate parcels of land, generally located south of Osborne Road and east of Viron Road. MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREY., TO WAIVE THE FORMAL READIIIG Or THE PUF3LIC HEARIHG NOTICE AND OPEI� THE PUBLIC. HF.ARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPF.RSON BILLIIIGS DECLARED THE MOTIOP7 CARRIED r7ND THE PUBLIC HF,ARING OPEN AT 8:25 P.M. :a . PLANNI��G C��1t1ISSI0tJ t1EETIt�G, DECEf1RER 10� 193fi PA�F 7 P1r. Robinson stated this property was located east of Highway 65 anci south of Osborne Rd, inmediately east of Viron Road. The property presently had two zonings, most of the northerly portion was recently rezoned from C-3 to C-2, and the southerly portion t��as pr•esPntly C-3. Item #.4 of the a�enda was a request to rezone the southerly portion from C-3 to C-2. P1r. Robinson stated that earlier this fall, the Plannin� Co�unission an�i City Council processed a plat for A& R Addition. Along with the �lat beinq requested at this �eeting, the City was reguesting that additional street easements be granted to the City. They are suggesting that.the easterly 30 ft. of proposed Lot 4 be granted as street easer�ent. In addition, the easterly 25 ft. of Lot 1 and Lot 3, A& R Addition, not part of this plat, be granted as a street easer�ent which would be recorded aqainst that plat. They feel these are all necessary because of tF�e size of the proposed Lot 4 and Lot 3. ��tr. Robinson stated anotf�er stipulation would be that Lot 3 of the previous plat be conbined with Lot 4. The reason for that a�as that Lot 4 which was part of A& R Addition did not f�ave its own street access �vhich was required. Staff �•�as suggesting tF�at a street ease�ent on the east be granted. In addition, they are asking for future private drivearay Pasements to he recordeci wi�h those three lots. The plans for the ar�a thus far included a Rocky Rococo Pizza. The other two are unprograrm�ed at this time, hut there was tall: of two other fast food restaurants. �4r. Rohinson stated tl�ey feel that hecause of the nature of the devPlopm�nt, there would be sor�e chance of positive benefits to cannect the parl:ina lots with private drivetivays. Perhaps in future development proposals, they will as{: for private driveway easenents. �1r. Robinson stated tlie stipulations would read as follovrs: 1. Final plat approval contingent upon Rice Creek IJatershed and staff approval of storm drainage plan. 2. Proposed Lot 4, A& R Second Addition,to be added to existin� Lot 3, A� R Addition,to create one tax parcel; form to be signed priar to recording plat. 3. A street easenent on the easterly 30 feet of Lot 4, A& R Second Addition,to be incorporated onto plat. 4. A street easement on the easterly 25 feet of Lot 1 and Lot 3, A& R Addition, to be filed against plat prior to recording of A& R Second Addition. 5. Properties abuttin� proposed easterly street easer�ents suhject to fair share of assessnents for future street and utility improvements. 6. All development within the proposed plat to incorporate integrated lighting and landscaping elements as outlined by Staff. 7. Park fee of $5,215 payable with plat approval or pro-rated with each 6uilding permit if Council approves. 8. A private driveway easement may be required across the west of Lots 1, 2, and 3. Dependent upon staff review of future development submittals. : PLAP�WIt�G COt���tISSIf1N t1EETI�JG� DECEH�3ER 103 1986 PAGE 8 "tr. Johri Nelson, Professional Ventures, stated they had some concern about the driveway that is proposed bet���een the diffPrent parcels of land. They havP developed shopping centers and worked with developers on shoppin� centers on retail type of 6usinesses, and there were occasions when it was beneficial to connect properties through a cor:mon driveway arrangement. ThPre were other occasions when businesses were not compatible or for some other restrictive reasons such as lack of parking, when a common driveway arrangement was a detriment rather than a benefit. They are concerned here that if the City requires them to put a driveway in between the two different tracts, it could decrease the nur�ber of parking stalls they could put in. They have heen talking to one particular user for Lot 3 where it is goinc� to be very tight for parking. �4r, tJelson s�ated perhaps they really did not need sti�ulation #a. llntil they have a specific use and user for the other two parcels, the access could not be 100°o resolved. Mr. Robinson stated he agreed wit(iPtr, t�elson. There would probably not he a reason to connect the properties if there was c�oin� to be three fast fo�d restaurants; however, it if was a strip center, it mi�ht be an advanta�e to connect ther�. Nowever, he Yrould like to see'them keep this option open at this point. This was incorporated as a stipulation with the pl�t, and they would also incorporate tliat as a stipulation on the buildinq permit as thP �roperties were developed. . P1r. Nelson stated it was their opinion that the traffic floa� on Viron Road was not very heavy. If access was properly placed to the tracts, they wou1�1 . accomplish the sane thing as they would by using Viron Road as an access betwePn the three lots. I�or�ever, there ���ere occasions when a develo�er finds ?.-3 different property o►�m ers that find it advantageous to have the lots connected. In that case, the request was usually r�ade by the property ov�nPrs and the City was not usually involved in it. They are requesting that the City delete stipulation �8. P�1r. Nelson stated they also questioned stipulation #6 which dealt with the proposed plat incorporating integrated lighting and landscape elements as outlined by Staff. He stated they are dealinq with two national companies right now. They are tall;ing with one other restaurant which was not a fast food, but full service, sit-do►•m restaurant. Ne would use both these two companies as an example because both of them had proto-type buildinc�s and proto- type lights which might not be the sane as the lic�htin� proposed by t1r. Robinson. He did not know if it was all bad to have different lightinc� for all three restaurants. I�e stated they are tryinc� to accomplish a nice development, anci they have agreed to do a certain amount of landsca�inq agreed upon hy City Staff, but for the City to regulate and specify a certain type of lighting for the street in that area would probably be an encumbrance to them. Mr. Robinson stated that when the City doesn't take the initiative in this kind of thing, they find they qet a c�eneral h�dge-podge of design eler�ents and they are trying to accomplish an image improver�ent in this area of Fridley. This is a key intersection and a l:ey corner,and this was a good opportunity to create an identity and an asset in this area. They were really only talkinn : ' PLRVWit�r C�MNISSInN t1EETitJr,, DECEHaER 10, 1986 ___ P�rE 9 about 2-3 lights per parcel, which he did not feel would be a hardship. Staff �vas willing to look at alternatives as long as they add to the quality of the development. They were also proposing to include this sar�e stipula- tion with the rest of the development on this block. Nr.6illings stated there have been instances in Bloominqton and other southern cities where P1cDonalds, for instance, has actually changed its buildinq design to meet the requirements of the cities. Mr. John Grossman stated he was an associate of t1r. Ne7son's. They are rather a large cor,mercial property owner in aloomington. In Rloominqton, wherever the City has required certain liqhtinc�, the City has furnished the subsidies to provide that lightinq. If the City wanted to create an image with liclhting, they should continue it all the v�ay down to Viking Chevrolet. He stated perhaps another alternative, if it was critical to the City from the standpoing of attracting business, would be to palce the lights at the City's expense on the oti�er side of Viron Road because obviously a retail identity was going to be very ir��ortant to the individual businesses movinc� into this area. Mr. t�e7son asked if the City was stipulating that the li�hting in the par�:in4 lots bP the same as that on the street. • Mr. Rot�inson stated that would 6e the logical assumption, althou�h he had not made that a stipulation. They are tryinc� to create an image fror� the street. They would like the businesses to tat:e into consideration tf�at the parl:inq lot lighting should be compatible with tl�e ligf�ting on the street. Mr. Nelson stated tladison Pizza �Rocf:y Rococo) was puttin� together an attrac- tive package for this lot. His concern would he that maybe the developPr or usPr next door to Rocky Rococo wouldn't have the same package, and shouldn't that developer or user be required to do the same type of package? Nr. Dave Rooney, Nadison Pizza, stated he felt what they were all tryinQ to accomplish with the lighting was that all the lighting, includinq the parcel next to them be compatible, and that they all stand out as a good comr,� rcial development inviting business. They want their buildinq to stand out so it does attract attention. Their lighting package was specifically based on candle- power--one candle foot per square foot of lot area, plus some building spot- lighting and landscape spotlighting. Mr. Rooney stated his concern was if the lighting on Viron Road r�ould have any affect on the lightinq in the area, and would it really qet lost in what they are trying to accomplish with their ov►n lighting scheme? In terr�s of the type of lighting proposed by Staff on the boulevard, he had seen that type of li�hting before, and he did not necessarily see that as a benefit to either Rocky Rococo or the adjacent development, but more a benefit to the appearance of the road, Mr. Rooney stated if they are trying to accomplish a lightinc� an�i a real out- standing co��ercial development area, that could be accomplished through their relationship with the develper to the south and their own plans through illumination and landscapinq. _ _ _ _.. _ _ _. _ _ . -- - --_-_._� ___.._ ----_----- - _ ..__.___.__._ ____,.._.___ __.__._.___.__ . _ . �:�I PLAPaNI��G COt1t1ISSI0�� MEETI��G, DECEMBER 10, 1986 PAGE 10 P1r. Billings stated he felt the intent of the City was to try to encourage a continuity with everything that was happening on that corner so that every= thing looked like it belonged together. Mr. Robinson stated they were not trying to design a total program for all the businesses, just a uniformity in the lighting alonq the boulevard. And, he thought the suggestion was good that tf�e remainder of lighting on the �roperties be at least compatible with the color and design of the boulevard ighting without specifically staying with the same lights. Mr. Rooney stated tf�e City was recormending a darl: bronze lic�htinc�, and their building and color schemes were beic�e and cream colors. Their lightinc� coordi- nated with those colors. They would be concerned if they could not stay with th�� sar.�e colors as tf�eir bui'#ding colors. They woulci be happy to meet the City on the ty�e of lighting, strength of licihting, and height, hut they did not r�ant the City to dictate the colors they would have to use. Mr. Nelson stated he would have the same concPrn for other potential users of tl�e properties. Perhaps it could be'resolved tha� the interior li��l�tin��, otl�er than alon� the boulevard, be discussed in detail rlith the hlanninc� staff at the time of develo�►nent. ' Ms. Sh�rek stated perhaps thev could a7so phrase that requirement by requiring that tf�e lightinc� either blend with the buildinc� or with the existing lightina. �•ir. tJelson stated another v�ay of blending the properties was throuqh thP use of landscapina, and the landscaping will be reviewed by city staff. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, Tn CLOSE THE PI�BLIC' HF.ARIPIG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPF.RSON BILLINGS DECLARED THF, Pt►BLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:55 P.M. Mr. Saba stated the concerns raised by Mr. Nelson and �1r. Rooney were certainly valid. He would agree with the concern regardin� the privatP driveway ease- ment in stipuiation �8. He v�ould like to see that stipulation deieted. Ms. Sherek stated if the business people feel it is to their advantage to reach an aqreenent on a driveway easer�ent, they will do it, an� she did not think the City should have a right to force one property owner t� grant an easer!ent to another property owner if one property owner doesn't want it. Mr. Saba stated he also liked the statement made hy Ms. Sherek that �nternal lighting be compatible with ihe building or with existing lighting. MO'"ION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY 1NS. SHEREK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL ' APPROVAL OF PRELIl�INARY PLAT, P.S. �186-07, A& R SECOND ADDITION, BY JOHN NELSON, BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, A� R ADDZTION TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, ANOKA CDUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND THE SOUTN 300 FEET OF THF. NORTH : PLAP��JIt1G COttt1ISSI0�� �1EGTI�!G, • •. . . ,. . ` . . . DECQIQER 0 986 � PAGE 11 �. . . �a . . �. �. . .. �_.._ 750 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTNWEST QUARTER EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THEREOF, ALL I17 SECTION I2� T-30, R-24� ANOKA CnUNTY� MINNF.SOTA, SUBJECT TD ROAD EASMENTS OF RECORD, TO ALLOF� FOR THE DF.VEI.OPMF.IVT OF FOUR SEPARATE PARCELS OF LAND, GENERALLY IACATED SOUTH OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF VIRON ROAD, WITH THE FOLI.OWING STIPULATIONS: Z. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL CONTINGENT UPON RICE CP.F.EK WATERSXED AND STAFF APPROVAL OF STORM DR,AINAGE PLAN. 2. PROPOSED LOT 4, A& R SECOND ADDITION, Z1� BE ADDED TO EXISTING LOT 3, A& R ADDITION, Z�D CRF•ATF. OPl£ TAX PARCF.L; FORM TO BE SIGNED PRIOR TO RECORDING PLAT. 3. A STRF.ET EASE6fENT ON THE EASTERLY 30 FEET OF LOT 4, A 6 R SECOND ADDITION TO BE INCORPORATED ONTO PLAT. 4. A STREET EASEMF•NT ON THE EASTERLY 25 FF.ET OF LOT 1 AND LO'" 3 A& R ADD?TION TO BE FILED AGAINST PLAT PRIOI' TO RECORDIIIG OF A� R SECOIJD ADDITION. 5. PROPERTIES AB(7TTING PROPOSED EASTF.RLY STREF•T EASEIfENTS SC�BJTC�' TO FAIP. SHARE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR FUTURE STF{EET AND ltTILITY IMPROVEMENTS. 6. ALL DE[�ELOPEfENT WITf1I1� THE PROPOSF•D PLAT TO INCORPORATE INTF.GRATF.D CURBSIDF. LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING E7.E1fENTS AS OUTLIN?:D BY S:^AFF. I"?nIVID1'AL PARY,ING JWD BUILDING LIGHTIIJG TD BE !'nffPATIBLF. WITN EITHER TH� CL'RBSIDF. LIGHTING OR TNE�ARCXITECTURAL CHARACTER. 7. PAI?h FEE OF $5,215 PAYABLE WI'►'H PLAT APPROL�AL OR PRO-RATF.I� WI:"H EACff Bi'ILDING PFR1fIT IF COi�1JCIL APPROVES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARF.D TIIF. I�OTI017 CAFZRIED UNe'�NIMOU,SLY. 4. PURLIC f1EARIPlG: CONSI�EP,ATIOf� OF A RFZOtaI!!� RFQI!EST, Z(1A #86-06, BY JOI�IJ ��ELSO��: Rezone fron C-3, General Shoppina Center, to C-2, General Business, on the soutF� 300 feet of the north 750 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the t�orth►vest Quarter, except the east 720 feet thereof, all in Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, tlinnesoia, suhject to road easer�ents of record, generally located south of Osborne Road and east of Viron Road. .MOTIDN BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHF.P.F.K, _!'O FIAIT�F. THE FOP.MAL RF.ADII7G OF THE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND TO OPEII THF. PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPF,RSON RILLINGS DECLAI'ED THE MO_^ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN A_T 9:05 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated that in conjunction with the plat, the petitioner vias requestinq, on Staff's advice. tf�at tf�e pronerty which r►as recently Tv�in f,ity Mobile Homes be rezoned from C-3 to C-2. This would then alloa� for all future Platted properties to be one consistent zoning. This was rare of a house- keepinQ neasure. He stated that usually it was the City's policy that a plan be subnitted witi� the rezoning request, and the rezoninq was contingent upon : tFiat plan. Since tfiis was, in fact a down-zoning and more of a housPkeenin�. type of tf�ing, tf�ey did not feel a plan was necessary at tF�is timP. : PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 10, 1986 PAGE 12 MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC NEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DBCLARED THE PpBLIC XEARING CLOSED AT 9:09 P.M. • • MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF RBZONING REQUEST, ZOA #86-06, BY JOHN NELSON, C-2, GENERAL SHOPPING CENTER, TO C-2, GENERAL BUSINESS, ON FEET OF THE NORTX 750 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE EXCEPT THE EAST 720 FEET THEROF, ALL ?N SECTION 12, T-30, MINNESOTA, SUBJECT TO ROAD EASEMENTS OF RE�ORD, GENSRALLY OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF VIRON ROAD. ' TO CITY COUNCIL TO REZONE FROM THE SOUTH 300 NORTHBEST QUARTER R-24, ANOKA COUNTY, LOCATED SOUTX OF UPON A VOICE VOPE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON•BILLfBQS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMiJUSLY. . 5. COtISIDCRATIO�� OF A LOT SPLIT,'L.S: �a6-09; l3Y�VAf�TAGE COt1PA��IFS, INC. Split th� South 6� feet of the ��orth 425.23 feet of t e Sout 8 7.87 feet of all tt�at part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, lying vresterly of the State Trunk I�iqhway 47. �1r. Rot�inson stated this property was 1Qcated on 81st and University Ave. on the northwest corner. Presently, three pro�erties w�re conbinecl into one tax parcel. This was done in conjunction wit,f� a development a�lre�ment issued between the City of Fridley and Vantage Companies in conjunction with the construction of The 4lholesale Club. Mr. Robinson stated the development ac�reement calls for a shoppinn center type of development v�ith The IJholesale Club on the south and then a contic�uous buildinn and retail center of approx. 60,000 sc�. ft. to the north. Vantage Conpanies recently requested that the pro�erty be split so that a sale of The ldholesale Club could be accomplished by the end of the year. In order to facilitate this request, it was necessary to process ti�is lot split. Mr. Robinson stated the legal description in the agenda was not accurate with what has actually been resolvPd recently. He referred to the memo from Jock Rohertson and Darrel Clark which pointed out the particular problem associated with the lot split. t4r. Rohinson stated that because of the fact that the building was n�t fire- rated, the Building Inspector said that any contiguous develo��ent to the current developr,�ent would bP impossible if there was to be a transfer i� ownership. With two owners, there will have to be some separate open space between the Wholesale Club and any new construction of at least 55 feet. In order to accomplish.tfiat, the developer is proposang to split off the southerly 63 feet of Parcel A and combined with Pa�cel C would create a situation that would he legal in terms of the Building Code. In addition to that, the developer is proposing to spla t--along the existing par,cel line between C and B: In order to maintaio the integrity o` the development agreement; there.are a number of stipul�tio�s being proposed by Staff: : PLllrlP�ItlG CONNISSIO�� �1EETING, DECEt16ER 1AL 1986 ___ PAGE 13 1. Future construction to the north of The Wholesale Club to be located five feet north of new property line. 2. Existing and future building to be connected by a covered pedestrian walkway;.tF�e intervening 65 foot space to be utilized for a pedestrian plaza ►�itF� extensive landscapinq. 3. A paved. access road of 20 foot minimum width with appropriate radii �b� provided around the entire perimeter of the buildin� complex (includinq future buildings� to provide fire access. 4. All subsequent buildings and pedestrian walkways to be contiguous so as to create an integrated shopping center. 5. The facades and canopies of subsequent buil�linos and parl;ing areas to be of equal or better visual quality and materials as specified in development agreement. G. Lan�iscaping around subsequent buildinqs and par�:ing areas to be of equal or better visual quality and materials as specified in the development agreenent. 7. Future development subnittals wf�ich do not meet thP above referenced stipulations, as determined by Staff, shall be subject to Planninn Cormission and City Council approva]. 8. Vantage must covenant to retain management corrtrol of bpth the Wholesale Club & all other future developm�nt prior to recording lot split, to be reviewed with City Attorney prior to the Council mtg of December 22, 1986. 9. Vantage Companies must covenant to build covered walkway and plaza (referenced in #.2 above) as part of Phase II construction. 10. Vantage Conpanies must receive fror� buyer an easement a�reement to construct, operate and maintain the covered walkway and plaza (referenced in #2 above) prior to recording lot split. 11. Cross easements for parking and access hetv�een The 6�Jholesale Cluh parcel and Phase II parcels to be recorded with lot split. 12. Stipulations to be incorporated into a development agreement amendment and filed at the County in�conjunction with the lot split. Mr. Matthew PJichol stated he questioned stipulation #8. He stated he antici- pated that Vantage Companies as part of The t•Jholesale Club would be involved in the manaqement of the common area of the facility. They also anticipate being iiivolved in the management of phase II, if and when that is developed, and are working on that now. Ptr. Nichol stated that in stipulation �9 regardinq the covered vralk�vay and plaza beinc� part of pliase II, he would like to further explore with Ci±y Staff exactly wl�at would be involved in that stipulation. Mr. Robinson stated that in stipulation #7, they tried to build in some general stipulations that if they cannot agree on some things, tF�ese can be worked out with the Planning Comnission and City Council. Mr. David f1itcF�e11 stated tt►�t what Yantage Canpanies intendeci to do was get , The Wholesale Club parcel of phase I to be in a position where it complies fully with the zoning requirements as a free-standing piece of �roperty. �ne question he had was the issue of whether phase II could he contiguous with phase I. They are still looking into this issue and, honPfull�, that can be resolved before the City Council meeting. : PLANNIt�G C0�1t1ISSI0�� t1EETIPJG, DECEI1QER 10, 1986 �� � PA6E 14 Mr. �litchell stated they Miill be supplyinq City Staff with copies of the easements between phase I and phase II prior to the City Council meetinq. Mr. Nichol stated that, again referring to stipulation �8, any manag�ment agreement covering maintenance of a corm�on area would always have a cancellation clause for non-conformance. He could not tell the Commission that there would be ar� absolute guarantee that for the next five years Vantacte Conpanies would be the manaqement company for the property, because anyone they enter into a contract with would not enter into a long term coniract without some cancel7ation cJause whereby they have the right to replace Vantage Conpanies if they have just cause. �4r. Robinson stated City Staff will wark with both the City Attorney and Vantage Cor�panies' attorneys on some refining of stipulation #8 before the City Council meetinq. AlOTION BY !�. SVANDA, S�CONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� TO RECO1fMEND TO CITY CDUNCIL APPP,OVAL OF LOT SPLIT REpUEST, L.S. #,86-OA, BY VANTAGE COMPANIES, IP1C., TO SPLIT THE SOi1TX 60 FEET OF THE NORTH�425.23 FF.ET OF TXF. SOUTH 877.87 FE�T OF ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTfiWEST QUARTF•R OF THE NORTNWEST pUARTF.R OF SECTZnII 2, T-30, R-24, LYING WESTERLY OF TNF.�STATE TRUNK XIGIif�7AY 47,ilITH TXF. FOLLOWING STIPULATIDP7S: 1. FUTURE CONSTRUCTION TO TNE NORTH OF THE WHOLF.SAI.E C.LiiR TO BE IACATED FIVE FEET NORTH OF NF.W PROPF.RTY LINE. 2. EXISTING AND FUTURE BUILDI?1G TO BE COPINECTED BY A COI'ERED PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY; THF. II�TERVENING 65 FOOT SPACE TO BE (T'1'ILIZED FOR A PEDESTRIAL PLAZA �7ITH E.YTENSIVE LANDSCAPING. 3. A PAVED ACCESS ROAD OF 20 FOOT MINIMUM WIDTH WITiI APPROPP.IATF. RADII BE PROVIDED AROIIND TNE ENTIRE PF.RIMETER OF THE B!►ILAING COAfPLEX (INCLUDING FUTURE BIIILDINCS) TO PROVIDE FIRE ACC.ESS. 4. ALL SI�BSEpDF.NT BUILDINGS AND PEDESTRIAL WALKWAYS T.O BE CONTIGIIOiIS SO AS TO CREATE AN INTEGRATED SHOPPING CENTF.R. 5. THE FACADES Al7D CANOPIES OF SUBSEQUF.NT BC�ILDINGS A?7D PARKIl7G ARF.AS TD BE OF EQUAL OR BETTER VISUAL QitALITY AND MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED IN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 6. LANDSCAPING AROUND SUBSEQUENT BI�ILDINGS AND PARKING AREAS TO BE OF F.QUAL OP, BETTER VISUAL QUALITY AND MATERIALS AS SPF.CIFIF,D IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMEP7T. 7. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SUBI�IITTALS WHICH DO NOT MF.ET THE ABOIPE REFERENCED STIPULATIONS, AS DETERMINF.D BY SY'AFF, SHALL BE SUBJF,CT TO PLANNING COIfMISSION AT7D CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL. g� VANTAGE MUST COVENANT TO RETAIN MANAGEMENT COI�'TRQL OF BOTH THE WHOLESALE CLUB AND ALL OTHER FUTUSE•DEVELOPMENT PFIOR TO RE�QRDING LOT.SPLIT, TO BE REVIEWED WITH CITY ATTORNEY PRIOR 41D THE CDUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 12, 198t 9. VANTAGE COMPANIES MUST COI�ENANT TO BUILD COVERED WAL1QaAY A29D PLAZA (REFERENCED IN �2 ABOVE) AS PART OF PHASE II CONSTRI/CTION. 10. VANTAGE COMPANIES MUST RECEIVE FROI� BUYER AN EASF.MF,NT AGRF.F.b1EN_T TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE COVERED WALIQ+�AY AIID PLAZA (REFERENCED IN #2 ABOVEJ PRIOR TO RECORDING LOT SPLIT. : PLANt�I�JG Ct1P1f1ISSI0N �10ETIt�G, DECE�IGER 10, 1986 PACF 15 _ 11. CROSS EASE1fE17'!'S FOR PARKING AND ACCESS BETWEEN TXE WHOLF.SALF. CLUB PARCEL AND PXASE II PARC�LS TO BE RECORI�ED WITX LOT SPLIT. 12. STIPULATIONS TO BE INCORPORATED I17T0 A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMEN:!' AMENDMENT AND FILED AT THE COi1NTY IN COIJJU!'1CTIGIN WI:!'N THE LCYl' SPLIT. IIPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTINC AYE� CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED TXE MOTIOaV CARRIED U1'�ANZMOUSLY. h1r. Robinson stated this would go to City Council on Dec. 22, 1986. (Mr. Svanda left the meeting at 9:27 p.m.) 6. CO��SIDCRATIOt� OF A �10�IFIEO REDEVELOPPIENT PLAP� FOR REDEVELOPHENT PROJECT P1r. Robinson stated that whenever they create a new development proposal, they are required by state statute to medify the redevelopment plan. Il public hearing was required at City Council on Dec. 22, 1986. On Nonday, Dec. 8, he had taken this to the County Qoard for their concurrer�ce. Mr. Robinson stated a notion was needed by the Planning Comnission approvin� the modified redevelopment plan for Redevelopr�ent Project No. 1. MOTION BY MS. SHEREK, SECOP7DF.D BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RF.CO.�IMEND TO CITY CnUNC.IL APPROVAL OF MODIFIED REDEVELOPFIEPIT PLAN FOR REDEVF.LOPMEN_" PR0.�F.CT NO. 1 (CF.NT'ER CITY REDEVELOPPfENT AREA) AND TAX IP7CREMF.NT FIll.r,!'�CIlIG PLANS FOR T11X INCREMENT FINANCING DIS':RICT NOS. 1 THROUGH 8. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DF.CLARF•D THF. MO'�'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. CQt�SIDERATI(1P� OF A�� ORDI►JA��CE CHANGE TO UPDATE THE NEDICAI. f,LItJIC PARKING 1E�JTS: Mr. Robinson stated this was precipitated by a variance request by Wayne Dahl, VAR #86-24. The corrr�ission memhers had received in their ac�enda a copy of a memo from Daryl P•1orey, Planning Assistant, regardinc� this. �1r. Norey had reviewed the parking situation for the other two clinics in Fridley and had conducted surveys of four neighboring cities regarding their parking criteria. Mr. Robinson stated that as far as clinic parking, Staff was proposinq that the City Code read: "At least �ne (1) off-�treet parking space shall be provided for each 150 sq. ft. of buildinc� floor area for all medical and dental clinics." As far as requirements for church parking, Staff v�as reco�rnending that the City Code read: "At least one (1) off-street parkina space shall be provided for every three fixed sPats or for every five feet of pew length in the main assembly hall. Additional seating may be requii•ed for additional church activities such as day care and classroom facilities an�i recreational activities." : � PLANNItJG C0�1t1ISSI0N t1EETING, DECQIRER 10, 1986 PAGE 16 Mr. Robinson stated that if the Ca►mission members were in agreement, they could continue discussion on this until the next meeting when he would come back with an actual written ordinance for the Ccxnmission's consideration. The Planning Cor!mission members agreed to have Staff brinq a�rritten ordinance back to the next meeting. ' 8. RECEIVE NOVEf�iBER 13, 1986, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY �1INUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA,SECOf7DED BY MS. SHEP.EK, TO RECEI�'E THE NOV. 13� 1986� HOUSING & REDEVELOPAfENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE Tf(1VEt1E3ER 18, 1936, EP�VIROP�RIEN7AL QUALITY CQ!!PIISSI�M �1INUTES: MOTION BY 1�5. SHF.REK, SECOIdDED BY MR. SABA, Z�O RECEIVE TXE NOV. 18, 1986, ENVIRO?1MENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTE,�. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRPERSON BILLINGS DF.CLARED THF. MOTIOII CARRIED UNAIJIMOUSLY. 10. RECEIVF t�OVE�1f3ER 25, 1986, APPEALS COrtt1ISSI0�l �1I�IUTf.S: MOTION By MR. BETZOLI�,SF.COl�DED BY AfS. SHEREK, TO RF.CEIVE THF, NOY. 25, 2986, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOPI BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIEA (1NANIMOUSLY. ADJOUR��MENT: MO�'ION BY MR.BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MS. SHF.RF.K, TO ADJOURN THF. MEETING. I�POP7 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE DEC. 10, 1986, PLANNING COM1fISSION r1EETING ADJOURNED AT 10:05 P.M. R espectfully submitt d, � . � Lyn aba Recording Secretary P[7BLIC HFARING BE�RE ZHE QTY �UNC:,II, Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridl�y in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Nbnday, January 5, 1987 in the Council Cha¢nber at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of : Consideration of a Final Plat, P. S. #86-06, Valley Oaks, by C�arles Cook, being a replat of that part of Lot 22, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying southerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Lot 21, Block 3, Nbore Lake Hills, distant 35.00 feet northwesterly from the northeast corner; thence southwesterly to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 22, distant 42.00 feet northwesterly fran the southwest oorner of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Except that gart thereof lying northeasterly of the follawing described 1 ine : Beginning at a p�int on the north line of said Lot 22, distant 5.00 feet westerly fran the northeast vorner; thence svutherly to a point on the south line of said lot, distant 60.00 feet westerly from the southeast oorr�r. Subj ect to easements, if any, and that part of Lot 21 and 22, Block 3, Nbore Lake Hills, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easterly, southeasterly and northeasterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 21, distant 212.00 feet southeasterly of the most northerly oorner of said Lot 21, thence southwesterly, at a riqht angle to said northeasterly line, to its intersection with line A, hereafter described, thence southwesterly, along said line A to its intersection with a line described as beginning at a point on the rvorth line of said Lot 22, distant 5.00 feet westerly of the northeast corner, thence southerly to a point on the south line of said Lot 22, distant 60.00 feet westerly of the southeast corner, thence southerly. along last described line, to the south line of said Lot 22 and there terminating. Line A is described as beginning at a point on the northeasterly northeast �rner, thence southwesterly to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 22, said point distant 42.00 feet northwesterly from the southwest corner of said Lot 22, and there terminating. Subject to easements, if any, and the east 600.00 feet of the south 200.00 feet of the north 882.5 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 24, Zbwnship 30, Range 24, located in Anoka County, Minnesota, generally locatecl south of Hillcrest Drive and north of Gardena Avenue. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportimity at the abave stated time ar�d place. WILLIAM J. 1�E 1�1YOR Publ ish : Deoenber 22, 1986 Decenber 29, 1986 . . �N . 1Y � F4 . � ' 2 P.Si #86-06 8� , � •�� r,. '� '� � I.� Val ey Oaks P' ' - lv�� •� - - • - •-39• 9c/I Crf. /2!_a �.•iGJ- - - -- . 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I I \ \ I ,_� t 1 1�i.; ,i /��\ �\ � � /� , � �� , `� 11 � ' N \�� � , �' �/v 1 , ', � 1� \ ( / � 1 �� _ — � �_ ,-- -- —�� / 1 � '— � / 1 � �� � � � . � � ��, __ , ' _ - � __ ,, I _ _ � , . . . AJBLIC HEARIl� BEFURE �iE QTY QXJNCZL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Irbnday, Januaty 5, 1987 in the (b�cil (�anber at 7:30 p. m for the purpose of : Consideration of a Vacation request, SAV #86-06, by Cfiarles C�ok, to vacate easements for public utilities described as follaws: T'he South 5 feet of Lot 22, Block 3, Nbore Lake Hills and the South 5 feet and the East 10 feet of Lot 21, Block 3, Moore Lake Hills, generally located south of Hillcrest Drive and north of Gardena Avenue. Ariy and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opport�ity at the above stated time and plaoe. WILLIAM J. I�E 1�YUR Pub�lish: December 22, 1986 Deoe�nber 29, 1986 �; i:� /�� ��ppY �, . �!NF 4 . ,, � �' � :� ` �2 SAV #86-06 Valley Oaks . : �. _ _ i� •�r�n�.Fi�r S-c. f� __ �• �' _ .. ..3g 9c,yz c�l. /2C?_�.46J- - - �� �v�� • t .. - , 4` . i ' ; �.:• 3_ • � c � �+ - ! � a)c Ir. . � 1� �. ,tr ,rt �ies~1'. �l � � .r v, . �y� ': M �,, l, *� l�� �� t� w� �,�1 1 -. � �+ � �. ; ��` � �` y `� �V� l i ` � y� ��l . �'� � a - l�'1 � ` I!�Il � , �r o,. ,� ,E ti - , i �A� � . _ + K , z a, . � S Al o � l - ���It �" � � � a ' , � . � ' .: �0 � � , . / � �� �� H�l, ,��� f" � �� . �� ;� ��j �, �. �M ' g." � ` CREST �DRIVE � " ` ; � � r`�:� � � • � :��` s,• :� " � - •. /'f �• P•� `, s,3'' ��`� l�' �r�� �� '�� "Jc�� „(�� C�� -- < �..�• � � r v � � ; ' ` � - - � ' ������ � !� �� .9 1 0 �s 'p ` ' � � � B sv_ �� � . N..�. c - , 9 /� �1a � B � iQ . ftll f ��s =, ; � �J� y , ` a. �- ,.� '`�) 10�1 `� 5. t�st �� "��) �' ) j � �i. !I f� . .. C1�� `til l'�i � If i ti`` � �,r/i p � P.O �, `� u; > ,! 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Ibi /i�,wl � ��� 33 ,�,«� : �� -�; . ,.. : PUBLIC HEARING BEFC)RE ZfiE CITY �UIVCZI, Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Nbnday, January 5, 1987 in the Council Chatnber at 7:30 p.m for the purpose of : Consideration of a Final Plat, P. S. #86-07, A& R Second Addition, by John Nelson, being a repl.at of Lot 4, Block 1, A& R Addition to the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota► ancl the south 300 feet of the north 750 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter except the east 720 feet thereof , all in Section 12, T-30, 1�24, Anoka County, Minn�esota, subject to road easements of record, to allow for the development of four segarate paroels of land, generally located south of Osborne Road and east of Viron Road. Ariy and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an op�ortunity at the above stated time and plaoe. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publ ish : De�nber 22, 1986 De�nber 29, 1986 e i is� � ,. P.S. �86-07 A& R Second Add. V - � �� :'i. • � :e.:� :�-- ��s�.> ---��TTY+��TIGTTS , ��� — ---=oo---' s �S I A�o�� Hwr o�r �+i ' � i� OF FRIDLEY , � I�� . . �/20� i �_ (6O� � o , � , � 3 2 N ' A DER C , slo - /� I�.�:•:� ::�:� :.;:ti:•::ti: (iSfo� :ti;:�:::%ti ;:;: Mi/1i� 6. Orril�tHt oo c 1 ;.;.•,.;.•.•:•:•:�::;;:;::%;:};;:;.•.•. a2azn.,., _ � ;• ;:;'•`,'•�,'•�,-•���'•��•'��'•,�'•��GC _ � -• -- � �: •:•:ti':{S ' • � 1, � � �•:{ :S ��ti • � �. � ���r !'tM�% �3i - . . �. 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N I ,� � � � � _ � , �. .. .. , � � � , . � � � ' � , , ; � � �' �, �� i � , ' �,� ��� G" w��¢r � , � � � ` ; r 47 _ �. .I . � . � �y _—� 0 -��Q�' �'.y.n:►n�. P �.....�+� ._�--__. . __ . ,. �'' /O _ ` ' — � � _ - - - ' � _� ..�� N r.F,�� \ P.S. #86-07 � � A & R Second Add. ,. � , I �' � ` .-�..--'- - � , a- I , 1 '.'_ ._"' ' - � .c� \7, � \� � % � /-� t � i c ') � ; �f � � 7 ' 1c -�. iS � , h � � , � ar ' Qc,�9 c � L{\' �' j il `� `,` � /�\ t� I ' . ,� � �� � Q ' , � � 1 I i I •y"� ,: 00 � � ! N � � ` ll� ' �' r; • ----�"�"� � �i - �� i , � . � !� I . - — - - - l— - - �----_. .I I�� L"� � � 1 _ � � Q � % � LP� M j 1 � � �' � � i I - M i ( � ._� � � _ ' . - ' . � � � � � { � + � / + � , � 2°9• 98 � � n — �� . ._._ _ !�_ �''✓ � � � I I, � � � � I I � + '., � + 'r Sf.d�`� � f r � � �I 1 p � �� �� �.. 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J'� ' I� ''I 1 ' `� I :5 � � _ � _- -"' ' , i � � tI i . ~ II � � ._ � '� �"— f' • 1\ � I � �. . - - �► � � ' ° � � -- - �-- - 1!' r ., i1 � �"' ; 1' -- - ` - � . :b'i. � � --_ s _ ,°, - 1 . . - Sn I � ` \� � .' t � - UIZ.c- — . � -- S�..Ji. :,.;� " %/,� '.... �,: �< ... - S T• � 1 �: A V lU Lr rz s u iJ •� c� n•, i�l�.J 1- a� 0 � PUBLIC HF�ARII� BEE�ORE �iE QTY �CINCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Monday, January 5, 1987 in the Council (�amb�er at 7:30 p. m for the purpose of : Consideration of a Rezoning Request, ZOA �86-06, by John Nelson, to rezone from C-3, General Shopping Center, to C-2, General Business, on the south 300 feet of the north 750 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter except the east 720 feet thereof, all in Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, subject to road eas�nents of reoord, generally located south of Osborne Road and east of Viron Road. Ariy and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and glace. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: De�nber 22, 1986 Decenber 29, 1986 : I /!a --� �I _. _ � * ZUA #86-06 � � John Nelson � I . � SE / :'i: • :o.:t ;� - - '' � �o�� ' , ���H>---�TTY;�LTFIITS , L ;,, — ---20o_---T===o.to----;,•: S�ieiirs��it 0. � -. e, e.e'es is 5 �S Ci�o/� N�ron OF F R i D� E Y ' • � •�• r�.•• ;o 0 � �� �`� �,� �. . s o 60 � _ �s.ro . (/20) � ,. ( ) (io� o ( � 3 2 N ��e� o� , ' �- "° - ` A DER ON N > , �' I �:fs� �l%/io' 6. Orii�fti - o 0 0 � o � <L0.2n.-; :oo - - f00 _ f "--- } y �; ' G ) ' � �0 � ( �i�� �3� , , . I r - O � 4 � . ' �z40J :. ..� } " C13) o ' ;•:•:•}}:titiv;•••v :•.�.}•.;.• ,.• ,:}•:.•.}:•.•L.� •.yyS, _ I� .................:�:f::::::::�:::�:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::.::::.:titi.:.ti : s�� 1 Zoo � � - .................:••.•:rti:::::•::••:•:•:::::•_•.•� � � W I : O Z $ � } ���� � �_ _ � M V \ _ Z � ' L 2� r W Q � DE VEL OPM�N T '��yo�,6• - --- - . (ti� Ow Re�a/fr Cw'P �G J w t.1s. 0 (s) �_ 3� /'QIEC> - �_._ Ceiaid E. ��� To6e�r�� �+�rs.> N' fpp �(j) • C�r1f��.� _ I � ( ' (4�woj �'� Pa�er A. ,� 3ffA� �I Ht-�!v% I ?f t.� . t (t b� N`ra� RsQ/fj.� /.�c. /.�re/ . � (��o > �;�s.��o�;m•ir, �,y.a�ood �. vo,4 �J (Iffil� OCATf��N MAP , � �. ; se . �•r _ ,-� � H � � � � , . I, � Y I- . � � ,�:� ; ' ' � � • I � �� -. � . v ( � . . � ,. �I . I; �. �. � , � RESCLUT70iN N0. - 1986 A RF50LUTION APPROWING A SOBDIVISION, LOT SPLIT, L. S. �86-09, '!O SPLIT �E N�R�i 362.23 FEET OF �E SCU'� 877.87 FEET OF ALL �4iAT PART OF THE SOU�WEST QUARTER OF THE N(X2�T QUARZER OF SEGTI(�1 2, �-30, 1�-24, ANOKA O�ONTY, MINNESOTA, LYING WESTERLY OF STATE TRONR BIGIiWAY 47 D�EPTIl� 'IDE FAS�Y 600 FEET 7IiERD�F; A1�ID �E EASTERLY 600 FEET OF �iE NOR�i 425.23 FEET OF �E SO[1�I 877.87 FEET OF AI,L �AT �1RT OF ZSE SaT�lEST QUAR7.ER OF �E 1�R�TFST QUAR�R OF SEGTI(3N 2, Z�30, 1�24, ANOI� 4'7[JNI'Y, MINNE50TA LYII� WFS�Y OF STATE ZRONR HIGHI�IAY 47 FROM ALL �AT PART OF LOT 1� BLOCR l, VANTAGE COMPANIES ADDITION. ZDGEgIII� WI� �iE NOR'� 425.23 FEET OF THE SOU�I 877. 87 FEET OF ALL 7�iAT PART OF THE SWZHWEST QUARTER OF TflE NOR�TEST QUARZER OF S�CTION 2, Z�30, I�24, ANOKA QOUNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING WESTERLY OF STATE R�HIC HIGHWAY 47, GQiII2�1i.LY I,0(Y�TED AT 8150 UNIVE�SITY AVF1�tJE N. E. WHEREAS, the City Council approved a lot split at the December 22, 1986 meeting; and WHF�2F�S, such apprwal was to split the North 362.23 feet of the South 877.87 feet o� all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24, Anoka G'otmty, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway 47 excepting the Easterly 600 feet thereof; and the Easterly 600 feet of the North 425.23 feet of the South 877.87 feet of all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, �-30, I�-24, Anoka County, Nlinnesota lying Westerly of State Trunk Hiqhway 47 fran all that part of Lot 1, Block l, Vantage Cam�nies Addi tion, together with the Nor th 425. 23 feet of the South 877.87 feet of all that part of the Southwest Quarter o� the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, �-30, R-24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of State Trunk Highway 47, generally located at 8150 University Avenue N. E. WHERFAS, liie City has reoeived the required Certif icate of Survey fram the awner. N�n1, �IIItF.FiORE, BE IT RFSCGVID that the City Council di rects the County of Anoka to reoord this lot sglit within six months of this approval otherwise such appraval s�hall be null and void. �SSID AND AD�Pl'ED BY �iE QTY Q'XTNGIL OF RIiE QTY OF FRIId,EY �IIS UAY OF , 1986 WILLIAM J. I�E - N�1YOR AZ�T: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY Q,ERIC : � � cinroF fRlDLEY C411MIlUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTIV�ENT M EMO RAN D UM 1�ND �D: Nasim 4ureshi, City Manager I�D FROM: Jock Robertson, Oomanunity Developnent Director Darrel Clark, Q�ief Building Off icial I� II�TE: Deoanber 17. 19�6 RFX',A�tDING: Proposed Vantage Developnent Lot Sgtit On Deoember l, 1986, wi� Uavid Newman, we met with David Mitchell and Matt Nichol, Vantage Companies representatives, to discuss the division of the Vantage property laated on 83rd Avenue and University Avenue. , Diarrel Qark explained the follawing sections of the Building Code. �e maximun allawa4le �divided area of a�ip� IIIl�1 sprinklered building in a B-2 occupancy group, with open areas on four sides, is uu�l imited; if open on onty three sides, it restricts the maximum area to '72,000 square feet. If the building were upgraded to Zype III ore hour, the maximwn size allowed with open area on three sides increases to 108,000 �quare feet �e approximate area of the existing Wholesale Qub is 104,000 square feet. �erefore the open spaoe/awnership line must be at least 60 feet away fram the existing builcling unless the oonstruction is upgraded to at least one hour. '�is open space can be interrupted with the construction of an enclosed pedestrian walkway, which meets the requiranents of Unifornn Building Code Section 509. It restricts the size to a maximuQn width of 30 feet and its use to walkway purposes only. If the walkway is going to have openings on either end, they must be properly fire rated and the wall of the new building would have to be at lease five feet fraa the property division line. Rherefore �e mini.mun length af the walkway w�ould be 65 fee� Bob Aldrich has concluded that the Fire Code will require a paved Fire Department aooess road around the entire perimeter of the Wholesale Club and any building o�nnected to it; the clear acoess width to be maintained must be at least 20 feet with appropriate radii at its change in direction Jock Robertson explained that the Developnent Agreeaent between the City and Vantage envisions a high qual ity contiguous shopping center development. Q�anges in size and location of sut�sequent phases may be required, but these c�anges must be reviewed by the Planning Carrmission and the City Council to ensure the same or better level � developnent quality. On Devember 10, 1986 the Planning Cannission reoarnnended appraval of the lot spl it with t�e attached stipulations. Due to the c3eveloper's need to v�nvey the Wholesale Qub property before the end of the year, they are requesting that Council approve a resolution authoriz ing the spl it at thei r Deoenber 22, 1986 meeting. �� I�86-324 � • � � 8BB vnnrra�: oo��tvv t�s, iNC. , _ L.. S. �86�19 STlR�.ATIqVS 1. FUTt�tE CONSTRUCTI ON TO THE NOFtTH CF THE W-ICLESALE Q.l� TO BE LOCATED F IVE FEET NORTH CF THE (�EW PROPERTY L I NE . 2, EXISTING AND FUTURE BUILDING TO BE CONNECTED BY A COVERED PEDESTRIAN WALi4�VAY : THE I NTERVEN I NG 65 FOOT SPACE TO BE UT I L I ZED FOR A PEDE STR I AN PLAZA W i TH EXTENS I VE L�INDSCAP I NG. 3. A PAVED ACCESS RQAD OF 20 FOOT MINIMt.M WIDTH WITH APPROPRIATE RADII BE PROV I DED AROUND THE ENT I RE PER I NETER CF �[HE BU I LD i NG COMPL EX i I NCLUD I NG FUTURE BUILDINGS) TO PRONIDE F'IRE ACCESS. 4. ALL SI�BSEQI�NT BUILDINGS AI� F'EDESTRIAN WALI4�lAYS TO BE CONTIGUOUS SO AS TO CREATE AN I NTEC�2ATED SHOPP I NG CEM'ER. 5, THE FACADES AND CANOPIES C� SI�SEQI�NT BUILDINGS AND PARKING AREAS TO BE OF EQUAL OR BETTER VISUAL �UALITY AND MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED IN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 6. LANDSCAPING AROUND SI�SEQI�NT BUILDINGS AND PARKING AREAS TO BE OF EQUAL OR BETTER VISUAL QUALIIY AND MAlERIALS AS SPECIFIED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREE]�IENT. 7. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL� WHICH DO NOT MEET THE ABOVE REFERENCED STIPULATIONS. AS DETERMINED BY STAFF, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING CCNM I SS I ON AND C I lY COUNC I L AF'PRONAL . 8. VANTAGE CCri1PANl ES MUST OOVENANT TO RETAI N MANA(�MENT CONTRQ. � BOTH THE I��CI..ESALE QUB AND ALL OTHER �UTURE DEVELOPMENT PR I OR TO RECORD I NG LOT SPLIT. TO BE REVIEWED WITH CIIY ATTORt�EY PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF DEC�R 22, 1986. 9. VANTAGE COMPANIES MUST COVENANT TO BUILD COVERED WALKWAY AND PLAZA � �REFERENCED IN �fL ABOVE) AS PART CF PHASE II CONSTRUCTION. 10, VANTAGE COMPANIES MUST RECEIVE FROM BUYER AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT. OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE CONERED WALIdJAY AND PLAZA (REFERENCED IN #Z ABOVE) PRIOR TO RECORDING LOT SPLIT. 11. CROSS EASEMENTS FOR PARKI NG AhID ACCESS BE�(WEEN W-ICLESALE CLUB PARCEL AND PiiASE II PARCELS TO BE RECORDED WITH LOT SPLIT. 12. STIPl�AT10NS TO BE INCORPORATFD INTO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT AND FILED AT THE COUNTY IN O�NJUVCTION WITH THE LOT SPLIT. � .�,�--- M=� � - � � L � ` _,• ,, LJ � , ♦P. `�,� i" $ ��' • ' ..�. oc t � ,�, -� �la . T__ 1 I ,. � I i � r • c, . ,, , n O ' � ^ �� _. Sll � O ~ a � t► Y �' . ' 0 L.S. #86-09 Vantage Ca�anies _ g ,�.,... �;.:.: � o ;s ^ �, � �� � � .:;. ► . ,..,. ' � .; -. � .. gw.• �. � `� � t i .. •, � � ; �• • �,. 7 �0 �� r�I rI v�I A �, e :. � 3nia , � ► } • ��. , � �� r. � _ �� # 3 � . 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ST. ►AUI, MINNESOTA I/H/K . � -- c_'� � i rx'1� 1.' " � �-----_. �� - � , r j ._ /.✓. EXHIBiT 'D' VANTAGE COMPANIES • FRIDLEY .o.E �ssocu,.s, NC. 5T. ►AUL, AYd1ESOTA 2/ 79/!6 �J � CITY OF FRIDLEY CATV ADVISORY C(�1�1ISSI01� HEETItJ�, ��OVEt1QER 20, 1986 CALL TO ORDER• Chairperson Peterson called tl�e tJovember 20, 19�6, CAT1► Advisory Commission meeting to order at 7:31 p.n. ROLL CALL: tlenbers Present: Duane Peterson, Ed Y.aspszak, Barhara Hughes !1er�bers Absent: Ralph Stouffer, Curt lJeaver Otliers Present: Clyde tloravetz, City of Fridley Angela Forrest, tiunicipal Channel 13 Chris lJegemer, Nortel Cable APPROVAL OF OCTOQCR 23, 198G, CATV ADVISORY COtT1ISSIf1�� t1I'�UTES: MO�ION BY 11S. Hi/GHES, SF.0011DED BY FlR. KASPSZAK, TO APPRO�'E THF..00'T. 23� 1986� CA.^V ADVISORY COdiMISSIDN 1fINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PF.TERSOIJ DECLARRD THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGC�IDA: Tl�e fol l owi n� i tems viere added to tlie agenda : l.d. - tJov. 14, 1986, t.etter fron P�ortel Cable regarding Cor�patihility of Nortel and Houser Syst�ms regarding Interconnection 6.d. - Receive Nov. 5, 1986, FCC �linutes MO"'ION BY r!R. KASPSZAK, SECOIJDED BY MS. NUGHES, TD APPROVF. TfIF, AGF.IJDA AS AMF.NDED. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PF.TERSOP7 DECLARF.D THE 1�10TI011 CAI?RIED UNAPIIMOUSLY. 1. CO(�TINUE DISCUSSIOtd REGARDIt�G CAGLE FRA��Cf�ISE RE��EWAL: a. Novenber 12, 19II6, tierr:�o fron P1r. tlatz Re�ardinq Renewal Issues ' Mr. �±oravetz stated that at tlie last mPetinc�, the Comnission had suggested ' they establish a tentative schedule for the Commission to reviPw at this meeting. This was the Franchise Renewal Schedule that he and Mr. Matz had put together, and the Comnission memhers could review it and amend it, if needed. 9A CATV A�VIS�RY Cf)H�IISSIO�� 11EETIt�G, N�VEt1f3FR 20, 1936 PAGF 2 MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SF.CONDED BY MS. XUCKF.S� TO RECEIPE TXE NON. 12� 1986� MEMO FROM MR. MATZ. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., CNAIRPERSON PF.TERSON DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIt10USLY. b. Renewal Schedule t1r. tloravetz stated that regarding the Franchise Renewal Schedule, he asl:ed !1r. Kaspszak if ti�e date of Dec. 18th was a rPasonable date to receive the School report. !1r. Kaspszak stated it was not. He had talked to �r. Dennis Rens and there ��as a School Roard meeting late in November, He had told �r. Rens they had until after the first of the year to suhr�it the report. �1s. Iiughes stated they could change the date for receiving the School ' report from Dec. 18th to Jan. 15, 1987. Hr. Kaspszal; stated he would call Dr. Rens early in December and ask hir� about wlien the Cormission could expect the Sci�ool report. He stated he wou1�1 keep ttr, ttoravetz and the Commission posted. �1r. I'.aspszak stated he had also talked to Dr. Ray at Totino Grace I�iqh School, explaininq to him what the Commission was doin�. He had told Dr. Ray it was up to him whether or not they wanted to participate. H� had told Dr. Ray what the puhlic schools had in mind and that he could discuss this aiith Dr. Rens. �•tr, f:aspszak stated he did not know at this tine if Dr. Ray had discussed this with Dr. P.ens. Ms. Ifughes stated she would like to see the Cormission instruct �•1r. tioravetz and t1r. P1atz to try not to get too much later than Pfay on thP franchise reneti•�al schedule if at all possible. She did not like to see the City adopt these kinds of ordinances in the middle of surrier when people are on vacation. It viould get morP visibility if it v��as done duri ng other r�onths of tl�e year. c. Subscriber Fees Nr. Ptoravetz stated that t�1r. Kaspszak had suggested that there he an additional charge on each subscriber to be used for access. ttr. Natz had responded and quoted the Cable Cor�unications Policy Act of 1984 which defined the"franchise fee" as: "...any tax, fee, or assessrrent of any kind imposed by a franchisin� authority or other governmental entity on a cable operator or cable subscriber, or both, solely becausP of their status as such..." f1r. Floravetz stated F1r. �1atz felt there would be some problems with that additional charge. �L, CATV AbVISORY COt�1ISSI0iJ t10ETI�JG, I�OVEt4BFR 20, 1986 PI1�E 3 P1r. Kaspszak stated he disagreed with Mr. �1atz. He was talkinq about a "user fee" and that was the terninology he wanted to see used. They passed a copyright fee several years ago at the request of the company and no one conplained at that time. They passed something else the samP way, and he was not convinced tfiey could not pass through a user fee. �1s. I�ughes stated there was no choice on the users of local access because it was part of the basic package. It wasn't a case where they could apply it t� pay cf�annels or something else where the subscriber had a choice. This would look like a tax. Mr. I;aspszak agreed that tl�e subscriber had no choice and that it was a tax. He stated he had not had a chance to discuss this with �1r. �1at2. Ne would like to pursue this to a logical conclusion. At ttiis point, he was not ready to accept P1r, tlatz' opinion. Ile asked P1r. "toravetz to tell t1r. Hatz that the Cor�mission would like to discuss this with him and that more research needed to be done. Ne would like another opinion and some• possible court opinions where tiiis has either heen reversed, approved, � etc., somewl�ere else in t(�e country. Mr. KaspsZak stated tliat,if, in fact, they can do it and a nur�her is put on it, and it passes through the system, he wanted the r�oney to he �iedi- cated to Channel 13. Ne would like the City's 5% to change, hut he was not prepared to say how at this time. That, too, would have to be discussed. �•1r. Peterson stated he �,rould like to knor� ahead of tine hov► r�uch it was going to cost the suhscriber hefore they �•�ent through with it. They nPeded to know if they could even do it. Ne did not want to see the "cart before the horse". Nr. �toravetz stated the Conmissi�n membPrs �ight consider discussing this on a one-to-one basis with City Council memhers. Nr. l;aspszak stated he had discussed this informally with sone of the Council members, and there had not heen any strong feelings against it. The suggestion r�as made that the fee could be put on the F�ater bill. Mr. Kaspszak stated �•tr. Peterson made a good point. They knovt hoMi r�uch the City wants now so they should predicate it on the current revenue and push that out over the subscriptions and see v�hat that would generate in one year, based on the performance of 1986. Mr. Peterson stated the other concern he had was if the fee was put onto the cable subscribers' bills, did they want to lock that figure in for 15 years or was it something they would have to renew every couple of years? �1r, Kaspszak stated they could set up a f�rmula where there would be a � minimum and maximum and that verbage could be included riqht in the ordinance. 9C CATV ADVISORY COMt�IISSIQN MEETIPIf;, WOVEMSER 2f1, 1986 _ PACE 4 MOTION BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECOl7DED BY MS. XUGHES� TO CONTINt1E THE DISCiISSION OlV .SUBSCRIBER FEES UNTIL THE NEXT 1►1F.E"_7NC UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSOl7 DECLARF.D THF. MOTION CAP.RIED UNANIriOUSLY. d. Nover.�ber 14, 1986, Letter from Nortel Cahle Re�ardincl f.ompatihility of Nortel and Houser Syster:is Regarding Interconnection P1r. Peterson stated tl�e letter stated that they did not currently see a problen with inconpatibility between the two systems. lae wondered how much a problem it was going to be to interconnect one to the other and hor� much that would cost. t1r. �Jegemer stated when he wrote the letter,th�re were some concerns about technical barriers and if there were any inherent technical barriers that Nortel was not av�are of. His answer vias that they are not aware of any • technical barriers. As far as the cost was concerned, that really c1e{�ended to a large extent on specific functions that the school districts wanted to serve. In order to answer that question, he would need to have a�ap of a11 tlie school districts and how many schools; how many have to be i�ooked up simultaneously and how r�any functions. �1r. Ploravetz stated this was information the Cormnission hopes to obtain when they get the school reports. P1r. �loravetz stated that i n hi s 1 etter, Mr. tJeqemer had sai d there vrere no techni cal barriers .�•Jas Ptr, l•Jegemer compari n� flouser's system Y�i th the system in line now or was he coroparing it vrith the 400 Syst� they anticipate in 1987. ��r. Weqemer stated he was comparinq it to either case. Mr. Kaspszak stated he had talked to Don Franl; and Alice Johnson. �on Frank said moniPS have been allocated to local school districts to accor�plish interconnect. That ��as not sonething new. It has heen donP ancl is being done. But, the State cannot do anything until tiie Corrn�issian l:nows what the school districts want. MO^iON BY Ns. HUGHES, SFCO.NDED BY �!P.. KASPSZAK, "_'O R:.�EIVE THI' NOi�. I4, 1986, LETTER FROr1 NORTEL CABLE. UpON A VOICE I'OTE� ALL YOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON PETERSOl7 DF.CLAI2F.D TIIF. MOTIOI' CAP.RIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2, RECEIVC OPCRATIOWS UPDATE FR0f1 IJORTEL CAE3LC: Nr. Wegener stated they have been doing a lot of reriodeling associated with tlie new cor�puter syster��. The new systen is run off an IBM 36 anci is givin� tf�e� a tremendous amount of capacity to serve their customPrs better, parti- cularly with billing infornation and marketing information. • � CATV ADVIS(1R� C(N1FiISSION �tEETIf�G, WOVEt1�3ER 20, 19$6 PAGF 5 t1r. !•te�er�er stated tl�ey are changing their telephone syste.r.i which M�ill qive theM a better opportunity to better analyze hcw► they are handlinq telephone calls. Boti� of these systens t�ill be installed hefore Thanksgiving, and the January bills should be off the new billin� system. �1r. t�Jeger�er stateci that one iter� discussed at tlie last meetina was CTt1A. Nortel has had discussions with CTt1A ah�ut launching it into thPir service. Rather than trying to find one channel such as tt�e Progran fui�ie to launch it on, they have been loof;ing at t�•ro channels. They want to keep one channel reserved for regional access in the event it becones activP, or if somethinq else should happen. ��r. Wegener stated they have some information on Y.XLI versus CTt1A. YJ(LI has not had any ratinqs for some tine. There t•�as sor:ie hist�ry v�hy KXLI has steadily gone down hill, and their ratings are not on the hooks right norr. Nortel was nor! evaluating the possibility of doinq a 30-month, 30-day switch betti�een the two to see vlhat the suhscri ber reacti on �li 11 be. If thprp v�as � a trenendous negative backflash, and peoE�le want KY.LI, they a;ould have an escape clause to put it hack on. Tliis experimental period was a way to test tf�e waters and see if KXLI was being watched at all. -� , Mr. tlecter�er stated one thing ti�ey have been tryin� to do in eacl� of the cities they operate in is to set up a test theft casP. They are very close to havi ng a fel ony charge f i 1 ed i n St. Loui s Parl:, and they are al so ►•�orki nn with thP Rloominqton authorities. They have not r�ade as much progress wi*h the la�•r enforcer�ent authorities in Fridley to get a tfieft service case here. Ne wanted to open tf�e issue up because it was important to turn the tide on tf�ese peopl e. Mr. t�loravetz suggested P1r, t•legemer contact Jin Hill, Public Safety �irector, directly. f{e asked !1r. Wegemer to keep the Cormission infor�ed at future r.�eetings. 3. RECEIVE PRQOF OF PERF�P.ctAt�CE TESTS FR�t1 r��RTCL: MO?'ION BY MS. HI�GHF.S, SECONDED BY MR. ICASPSZAY., TO RECEIVE THF. PA.00F OF PERFOR1HAIaCE TESTS PROIi NORiEL OCT. 15 ^_'KROUGFI OCT. 27, 1AR6, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CAAIRPERS017 PE:^EP.S017 DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOi�SLY. 4. REVIE�� 19a7 CITY/ACCIJ AGREFttEtJT F�R APPP.�VAI. REC��1t1EtlDATIn!I; Mr. t•loravetz stated that at a recent City Council neeting, the City Council received the recorr�endation fron the CATV Advisory Commission that the ACC��I receive 53� of the fee and tl�e City 47ro. There was r�uch discussion, but the vote was 4-1 for the 60%/40ro to remain the same. The City was willincl to -- tur:n over all the interest income from the cable fund for 1986, payable in 19II7, �•�hich very conservatively met the 53a recommendation made by the Cormission. 9E CATV ADVIS(1RY COt41ISSI0�� FIEETI�If, ��OVFP1f3ER 20 �_� 1986� � PA(;F 6 Mr. !loravetz stated the Agreernent was 6asically the same as in the past several years. The City Council agreed with paying 5� or Yrhatever the quarterly fee was rather than paying $�5,000 and makinq up the difference after the first of the year, so if the City receives a14,000, tf�ey just pay the ACCtJ 4�n of the $1�,000. So, the only change in the Agreement was Item 4 which stated: "For the period of this Agreement, the City will grant to ACCW, Inc., 40% of the 5% franchise fee fron the current cable company to the City. Said ar�ount shall be payable quarterly in January, April, July, and October, 1987. In addition, the interest earnings from the CATV fund during 1986 will he ailocated to the Workshop in January 1987." � t1s. Hughes stated this seemed like a nice compror�ise of the prohlem. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES� ST•.CONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO RECEIVE TIIE AGREF.MFNT AND TO P.ECOI�fEND TNAT '_�'NF. CITY COUNCIL ENTER INTO THIS AGRF.EMF.PIT (llTfl ACCW FOR 1987. UPON A VOICE VO2E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSOPI PF.TERSOP7 DECL�17tEn TIiF. MO"_'IOPI CARRIED i7NANIMOi1SLY. 5. APPROVC 19a7 CATV ADVISORY C(1t41ISSI0!� NEETI��� DATES: MOTION BY 1�IS. XUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAY., TO APPRO?B _T.HF. 1987 CATV ADVI50RY COMMISSION MEETING DATES WHICH WAS T.HE TIfIRD THURSDAY OF F,ACH MONTfI AT 7;00 P.M. UPON A VOICE VD_TE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPF.RSON PF.TERSON D�CLARED THE MO_�'I01J CARRIEn IINANIMOUSLY. 6. OTI{ER aUSIP�ESS: a. Subscriber Updates and Comparisons F1r. tioravetz stated this was part of the rec�uest that car�e in han�i r�ith the 5% franchise fee received at the last Comnission meeting. tdr. Peterson stated t�e was concerned that in past years, the numher of suhscribers l�as alriays gone down in April-Play-June as people disconnect for the sum�er. Gneerally, in August and September, the suhscribers start pickinc� up again. However, he did not see any increase whatsoever; he just kept seeing a steady decrease in subscriber numhers. t1r. �Jegemer stated he thought the steady decline �!as directly attrihutable to the closing of Storer, and they were not to expand large amounts of money to do any marketing campaigns because Storer had no.interest in raising the subscriber count. Since the transfer in August, all that tine they were very dormant in terms of marketinc�, but nov� with the neM� company, they will be starting up the momentu�. Ne thought it was simply a conmitment of marketinq dollars to get tF�e numbers up again. The nunbers haue started climbing. 9F CATV ADVISORY COt1t1ISSI0w NEETIN� LNOVEMBER 20, 1986 ____ PAGE 7 t1r. 1loravetz stated he was concerned about the adequacy of this suhscriber data, and he would lil�e to see the Commission make a recommendation or set a policy on how this inforriation should be reported. t1s. I�ughes stated they could not see any trends with just a six month compari�son, and she would like to see the subscribPr numhers for a year, and then co�pared to tt�e year ago quarter. l4r. Peterson agreed. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDF.D BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO RF.QIIF.S."' Tf1AT NO!'TF.L SUBMIT A YEAR'S WORTH OF SIIBSCRIBER DATA AT THF. FRANCHISE FEF. PAYI�IF.NT 2IMF.. JPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., CHAIRPER.SON PETERSOPI Df CLARED TIiE lfOTION CARRIF•D UNANII'fOUSLY. b. Monthly Reportinq Forms tir. �loravetz stated maybe the Corxni ss i on woul d 1 i ke to get "Suhscri ber Statistics" on a monthly or semi-annual basis in a forci similar to the one included in the a�enda. � t�1r. Peterson stated he would not like to see tfie ca61e company spend a lot of time every month on this kind of report. f1r, tlegemer stated he had no problem v�ith giving the Commission this information in terms of being able to generate the information, but he had a problem with breakinc� out tlie numhers for tl�e individual �ay service. It tl�en became public record, The indivictual pay channels are usually very eager to get that kind of information. TF�ey and oth�r cahle companies are pretty cognizant about keeping individual pay service numbers confidential . t�r. F;aspszak suggested that P1r. IJegemer check aiith his neoPle to see what information could be made available. �1s. Hughes stated maybe the services could be coded. It would be i nteresti ng to show t1B0, Showtime, and the �tovi e Channel v1i thout knov�i nc� the names. i1r. Idegemer stated he would give this some further thought and vrould report back to the Corrunission. Aiscussion continued until another meetinc�. c. CATV Recent Developments in �tunicipal Authority (Letter from Herbst and Thue. Ltd., Dated t�ov. 11, 19a6) � 1NOTION BY MS. XUGSES, SECOIJDED BY 1HR. KASPSZAK� TO RECEI[�F.' THE NOV. 11 � 1986, LEiTER FROM HERBST & THUE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSO?7 DECLARF.D THF. MO_^ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �� ' CATV ADVIS�RY C0�•'UIISSION MEE.TIP�G, tJOVEFI6EP. 20, 1986 _ PAGE 8 �1r, tloravetz stated that on page 5 of the letter, there was sane informa- tion r�garding a seminar being sponsored by Nerbst & Thue on Friday, Jan. 30, 19a7, at the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington. He stated when he had more information on tf�e seminar, he would send it out to the Commission mernbers. In the meantime, tf�e Conmissioners might want to tentatively mark their calendars. . d. Receive tJov. 5, 19a6, FCC Plinutes MOTIOPI BY MR. ICASPSZAY., 5ECONDED BY MS. HUGHF.S,TO RECEIVE TXF. 110V. 5, 1986 � FCC MINUTES. ��1r. �loravetz asked t1s. Forrest if the FCC i�ad any goals and objectives for 1987, t1s. Forrest stated they really have not set any year lonq objectives as a group. Each individual cf�annel kind of carries on its orm thinq. They borrow from each other whenever they can. One thing they are trying to do right now is get a nevi music library tf�at all the memFers can share. • Setting some year lonq objectives could be somethinq that would motivatP� them as a group. t�1s. Forrest stated LaVonne Stein was the new �er�Fer from the Libr�ry, and they hope to get some input from her. P1r. 1loravetz stated he would like to c�ngratulate Ed Kaspszak as he was one of the recipients this year of a Silver Willie award. UPON A VOICE VO'_�'E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON PETERSON DF.CLARED THF. MOTInPI CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. COtJFdRM DATF FOR NEXT MEETIt�G: !f0"_'ION BY MS. NUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. KASPSZAK, TO CANCEL TNE DEC. 18TH MEETIIIG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO:"ING AYE, CXAIRPERSON PETERSON DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Next Meeting Date: Thursday, January 15, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURt�P1EPJT: PlO:!70N BY MR. KASPSZAK, SECONDED BY MS. HUGHES, TO ADJOURN' TNE MF.ETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPF,RSON PEiERSON DECLARED TXE NOV. 20, 1986, CATV ADVISORY COMMITTION MF.F•TING ADJDURNED AT 8:43 P.1�l. Res ctfully su 'tted, yi Sa ba Recording Secretary I a _. _ „� . ,F,.,,.,,� ,. -, ... �; s . . ; : , �,_.. y. r�.�.. � — - � ' ° DIF�ECTO:�AT� , ' . � .,... ��. { � s � ` . , O i= �� - � � . PU6LiC WOAK� -.. . . . . -. , . f C�TYOF• IVIEMORANOUM � - :- , FRlDLEY : ,. :.�., ,. +� �'' Y . .. -. .- _ '..- - . . . x � � }' _ �� . . . +�i � � F�� . �^' � j �'I y,R \ ��, � . ^. � '�.. . . .� �.. `�� , . . � .: . � .. ,�.�,��K�a ,�� �'rY � T0: Nasim Qureshi, City Manager ... P'W86 354 y.= � . ' �,✓�: � �* FROM: John G. Flora,�rublic Works Director y .. . _ . r. . LIATE: December 12, 1986 � . , � _ : � SUBJECT: Mississippi Intersection Developanent .> . _ _. ,, _; .: . � . , . ., , We have received a revised�Joint Powexs�A,greement from the Anoka County Highway Department for the improvem�ent of Miss'issippi and University Avenue intersection. .: . ` � The previous schedule had. an error in the storm water costs. This agreement reflects the error and reduces the amowit by $38,000.00. The utilities incorporated in this project would support the develop�nent of the southwest corner of the intersection regardless of wliat type of facil�ity�was located there and economies can be obtained with the utility work being accomplished during the street improvement. The total estimated cost is $147,859.54 for the City's portion of the CoLmty's project. The HRA approved the a,greement and amoLmt ` at their December lI, 1986 meeti�g.8nd requestsy:the �ity.to execute �'� ` ..K .. .. � � .� . the agreement as`their agreement. . :� '' Reco�nend' this item be incorpora.ted on the December 22 Cowicil meeting , for approval. •, , < - : : � . ,....,,,. ; ., ; _ .. ,; , r , Jc�Its - . _ . ; _ Attactu►tertts .. �� . ::-. _ , V - ` �:r . � . . . . � � ��;=�.a` e{����.r � � . �5�. - . � � �. . � . . `' i,ay 2 's x a ' n �. � ° +�° 'Y� . ... � � � �S(�£' +�AY'*r .` {t r� j a�,a'^-a�+ S �r�� �..fv v e,� ���, *u �>, . -,a�'�:3 r� �f�'�" f '"a �}� Z-�; � wt ` 'r'� . .. .s iy �,,,^� > , h�� �t 3. . _ ' ��i� _� x,..�. ^ s,.�.*:�.v i �� � t� `'� � r. �'z' � . � �.. � � � > i..� - . . � " �. � �, . � � . .. . . . v> ��m+�'� � i � }��'�'S. � r?-r�r.$. . . `> � �`_'"h5.x .c Y"��C ��� ,..^ ., , . : � , � . . . � ���::'� +."� .', t�..k. ..,�°o-r�'c° rt,...:'� ,�".��� l.: . ..� ' . . rr � - � , � . . . . � . . . . . � A �t F 4� .. . � . . . . �. � . . . , . . . 1 L°".� > - . . . . . � . . . . ��,:� ,.Y.� .. _i".�::.: a�-k�..14.,�%i�T::. . . � . _ .. � .._ . . _ .. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE INTERSECTION AT C.S.A.H. #6 (MISSISSIPPI STREET) AND T.H. 4Z This Agreement made and entered into this day of , 1986, by and between the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, a political subdivision of the State of AZinnesota, 325 Eest Main Street, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303, hereinafter referred to as "County," and the City of Fridley, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, hereinafter referred to as "City " WITNESSETH: N'HEREAS, the parties to this Agree.�nent consider it mutually desirable to improve the intersection at C.S.A.H. #6 (:Nississ;pP� gtreet) and T.H. 97; and K'HEREAS, the parties agree that it is in their best interest that the cost of said project be shared; and, N'HEREAS, said work will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. � 471.59. NON', THEREFORE, IT IS :�4UTUALLY STIPULATED AND AGREED: 1. PU RPOSE The County and City have joined together for the purpose of improving the intersection at C.S.A.H. #6 (Mississippi Street) at T.H. 4? in the City of Fridley. 2. METHOD The County shall provide all e�gineering services and shall eause the construction of Anoka County Project No. 02-fi06-08 in conformance with said plans and specifications. The letting of bids and the acceptance of all bid proposals shall be done by the County. 3. COSTS A. The contract costs of the work, or if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials, normal engineering costs and equipment rental required to 10A 1 : -2- complete the work, shall constitute the "actusl construction costs" and shall be so referred to herein. "Estimated costs" are good faith projections of the costs which will be incurred for this project. The estimated costs are attached as Exhibits A, end incorporated herein by reference. B. The total estimated cost of construction for the project is =531,954.00. Participation in the corLStruction cost is as follows: 1. The City shall pay non-state aid portion of the storm sewer system which is estimated to be 259�6 of the cost of the storm sewer. The total estimated construction cost is s46,632.00, of which the City's estimated share is $11,668.00. 2. The City shal] pay for all weter system improvements and the irrigation system, estimated at;11,885.00. 3. The City shall pay 1009i6 of the sanitary sewer improvements for which the estimated cost is E35,385.00. 4. The City shall pay for 509�6 of the cost of roadside curb and gutter not including the cost of the median curb, concrete driveways and concrete stone paving used in the medians and boulevards. The estimated cost of the curb and gutter is =33,975.00, of which the estimated cost to the City is a12,300.00. (a) The City shall pay 1009�6 of the concrete stone paving, estimated at �33,250.00. (b) The City shall pay 1009�6 of the concrete driveways, estimated at �5,040.00. (c) The City shall pay for all sidewalk which is not ceplacement sidewalk, in an amount estimated at ;4,687.SO.The total estimated construction cost for sidewalks is #34,050.00. 5. The City shall pay 25% of the cost of reconstruction of the traffic signal system at the intersection of T.H. 47 and C.S.A.H. #6. The 10C -3- estimated cost of the traffic control system is $65,000.00, of which the City's share is � 16,250.00. 6. The City shall pay 10096 of the cost of the lighted sign panels, estimated at =1,440.00. 7. The City shall pay 1009b of the cost of trees planted for this project. The total estimated cost is �1,500.00. 8. The County shall pay all right-of-way costs associated with the project described in the project plans in Exhibit B, which is atached end incorporated herein b}� reierence. If said plans are changed oc modified, then the City shall pey the County all right�f-way costs in excess of the right-of-way costs that should have been included under the original plans described in Exhibit B. 9. The City shall pay the County for preliminary engineering services at a rate of eight percent (89b) of the actual costs for sanitary sewer and water main construction. The estimated cost for sanitary sewer 8nd water is s47,270.00, with the preliminary engineering fee estimated at Z3,781.60. 10. The City shall pay the County for construction engineering services at a rate of eight percent (89i6) of its actual construction costs, excluding preliminary engineering fees. Total estimated construction costs for Fcidley are estimated at �133,405.50, with construction engineering services estimated at � 10,672.44. -4- Il. The tota] estimated construction cost to the City is S133,405.50 based on the following itemized estimates: Water systems Storm sewer Sanitary sewer Roadside curb �C gutter Concrete stone paving Concrete driveways Sidewalks Traffic signal system Sign panels Trees TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST: Preliminary Engineering: Construction Engineering TOTAL ESTI�4ATED COST: � 11,885.00 11,668.00 35,385.00 12,300.00 33,250.00 5,040.00 4,687.50 16,250.00 1,440.00 1,500.00 � 133,405.50 � 3,781.60 10,672.44 � 147,859.54 C. Upon finel completion of the construction the City shall pay to the County, upon written demand by the County, the actual cost of construction and engineering, estimated to be �147,859.54. The City's share of the project shall include only construction costs and engineering costs and does not include administrative or other expenses incurred by the County. 4. TERM Tt�is Agreement shall continue until (1) terminated as provided hereinafter, or (2) until the construction provided for herein is completed and payment provided for herein is made, whichever of (1) or (2) shall first oceur. The City's obligation to supply ongoing electrical power costs w�l survive this Agreement. 5. DISBURSEMENT OF �UNDS All funds disbursed by the County or City pursuant to this Agreement shall be disbursed by each entity pursuant to the method provided by law. 6. CONTRACTS AND PURCHASES All contracts let and purchases made pursuant to this Agreement shall be made by t�e County and City in conformance to the Stete Laws. 10D 10E -s- 7. STRICT ACCOUNTABILITY A strict accounting shall be made of all funds and report of all receipts and disbursements shall be made upon request by either party. 8. SIGNALIZATION POWER The City shall be responsible for th� ongoing cost of electrical power to the signal and lighting. 9. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause, upon not less than thirty (30) da��s written notice delivered by mail or in person to the other party. If notice is delivered by mail, it shall be deemed to be received two days after mailing. Such termination shall not be effective with respect to any solicitation of bids or any purchases of services or goods which occurred prior to such notice of termination. 10. AFFIRiVIATIVE ACTION ln accordance with Anoka County's Affirmative Action Policy and the County Commissioners' policies against discrimination, no person shall illegally be excluded from full-time employment rights in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the program which is the subject of this Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, marital status, public assistence status, age, disability, or national origin. 11. NOTICE For purposes of delivery of any notices hereunder, the notice shall be effective if delivered to the County Administrator of Anoka County, 325 East Main Street, Anoka, Minnesota, 55303, on behalf of the County, and the City Manager, City of Fridley, 6431 Universitp Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, on behalf of the City. -s- 12. 1NDE?�9N1F1CATION The City and the County mutuelly agree to indemnify and hold harmtess each other from any claims, losses, costs, expenses or damages resulting from the acts or omissions of the respective officers, agents, or employees relating to activiiies conducted by either party under this Agreement. 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT REQUIRE�►�ENT OF A�'1'RITING It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements end all negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter thereof, as well as any previous aDreement presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter thereof. Any elterations, variations, or modifications of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing and duly signed by the parties herein. 10F -�- IN KZT'�`ESS K'HEREOF, the periies of this Agreement have hereunto set their hands on the dates written below: COUNTY OF ANOgA CITY OF FBIDLEY By: gy. Albert A. Kordiak, Chairman �Tame Nasim D4. Qureshi Anoka County Board of T�tle Cit�• Mana�er Commissioners Dated: , 1986. Dated: , 1986. ATTEST: sy: John "Jay" h7cLinden Anoka County Administrator Dated: , 1986. Recommended for Approval: By: Paul K. Ruud, County Engineer By: Name: Vt'illiam J. Nee Title: Mavor Dated: , 1986. APPROVED AS TO FOR11� AND EXECUTION: Assistant Anoka County Attorney � 10G �.. ... . �.. �. �. �. ... .. .. �. v .. .i .. v .� J .i J v � 10H � � t � � � � � � � � � 10 G O O+� 4 O O O G O O � G 8 8 O O O 8 � v O O v O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O IGGv0000'vOGG'v80r08'vOG'vvO000000�000000dO00008Q0000808 Q IO��GO��vO•�G�a�G080�0•�vO�00000GO000a70000000�000u�t'�000�0 H I� M N� M v M M M M• M M M M M• M M M M•• M� M���� M• M M M M M M M• M••��� M M M M M O � !- . 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' V► � a OC .� Z 1- — WQO O + i�� � .� �W � W DUF .`' Yi � a oaa Z :} �N a odv'� : , i .I€ mW F' J W� ) ;4QZ :. { N� �oy2 . � � �t'S��:F V `y� �i�an w �0 E � . � � � "�:..�� m = _ ' }w� Q �`",� i� ' � ~ ,`{f �.R . : �F , . .. eu • � � O���Z 7 1. r•--� . � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCtL -- APPOtNTMENTS' �ECE1�8IIt 22, 1986 � TE:RM APPOIIJI'EE �I�S CTJRRENP M� : :.����y �� ti�� -���� �J 7: - • j.. •� : � L�'_�� �� ti,�� r. �� ' . . - , ..- . ;..- � - �- ..- i J �� - � '�� � -�_ L •' }��.1;.� I,�A�1'= • 1'• Y ' �• �1_ ` l• �: - �� . .;. � 1 • • �. .� t_ �. . t •- � -• � � J�• ' • vz: ►s s�ti u ��1,�r+--�. �• � - - -. , . J�• ' • it_ ��� L��� ��7�_i�'iy�� 1�1i1L� � �� � �1 . � . !.!• t _ • �. �_ ' � _�� i-. !.•• t = • . � .- . .i - Z . : :,. 4-1-87 4-1-89 4-1-88 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-89 4-1-87 _ _..__ . . _ _. .__ _ _-,�_,__.,.. _.._ _ _. .___.__.__.. _ _ . F�t Gat�el 5947 2-1/2 Street I� (H. 571-1288) (Vawted tr� Jean Gerou 4/29/86) James F'lenel 6864 Cl�annel Rd N. E. ( H. 571-0Oa6 ) (vacated by i�tricia Gabel 12,/85) ZYxn Gronl�d 7411 Uyric Lar�e (A. 786 7459) Bruoe F�ters�n 7503 R�empo Terr. I� (H. 786-9898) Duare Peterson 1021 Hathaway I�. I� (H. 571-3386) Dick Yotng 5695 Quinc.y St. N. E. (H. 571-8098) L�niel Allen 6200 Ri.oe CYeek Dr. I� (H. 571-3137) St�eve Nelson 6540 East River Rd. #342 (& 571-1484) 1 12 �acrr� r,o. - �� A RESOLDTION RELATING TO �E MODIFICATION BY THE HOOSING AND RECEVII�OPMEN'r AU'�3�tITY IN AND I�R '�E QTY OF FRILLEY, I�IINNF50TA, OF THE NDDIFIED REDEVII�OPN�N'P PLAN FOR ITS RF�VEIAPMENT PROJECT N0. 1 AND THE AN�1T OF 7gE TAX INQtII�TT FINANCING PLANS RELATING R� TAX IId(REI�NT FINANCING DISTRICTS N0. 2�ROtJGH N0. 8� REFLECT INatEASID PRQ7FX,T Q�SiS WITfiIl�1 R�EVELOA�NT PRQ7ECT N0. 1 BE IT RFSCGVID b� the City Council (the "Council ") of the City of Fric�ey, Minnes�ta (the "City") , as follaws: Section 1. R�citals 1.01. It has been proposed and approved by the Housing and Redevelopnerit Authority in and for the City of Friclley, Minnesota (the "Authority") , that the Authority anend the Nbdif ied Redevelopnerit Plan for its Redevelognent Project No. 1 pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 to 461.716, inclusive, as amended. It has been further proposed and approved by the Authority that the Authority amend the Tax Increment Financing Plans relating to Tax Increnent Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 8 within Redevelopnent Project No. 1 to reflect increased project oosts pursuant to and in aco�rdanae with Miru�sota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.78, inclusive, as amended. 1.02. �e Authority has caused to be pre�ared, and this �uncil has investigated the facts with respect thereto, a proposed Modif ied Redevelopnent Plan (the "Redevelopnent Plan" 3 for Redevelopnent Proj ect No. 1 ciefining more precisely the additional �sts anticipated to be incurred within Redevelopnent Project No. 1. 1.03. �he Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the amenc�ment of the Tax Increment Financing Plans relatng to Tax Increnent Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 8 and the amenc�nerit of fihe Redevelopnent Plan. 1.04. 7he dotmcil hereb� determiryes that it is neoessary and in the best interest of the C�ty at this time to appcwe the aanendnerit of the Tax Increnerit Financing Plans relating to Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 2 throuqh No. 8 and to approve the amenc�nent of the Redevelopnent Plan. -. • �• �•_ • �' ��� �tu. � • �: .�. � �i�'� � �-.� �• �� _ • k?. � �u.�:�-��,;•.�eu,e��i ,-- _ —`•- —� -' -' � �' RFSCGtT1'ION N0. -1986 , PAGE 2 2.01. 7lle Cbi.mcil herebl� finds, determines and declares that the amendnerit of the Tax Increnent Financing Plans for Tax Increne.nt Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 8 is intended and, in the j udc�nent of this (bimcil, its effect wi11 be, to further prwide an impetus for oom¢nercial, industrial and housing developne.nt, increase enPlqrn�ent and tax base and otherwise promote oertain publ ic purposes and accompl ish certain otrjectives as specified in the Redevelopnent Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plans (collectively referrecl to as the "Plans"). 2.02. Zhe Co�mcil finds, determines and declares that the proposed devel opnent and r edevelopne.nt, in the op� ni on of the Co un ci 1, woul d not occur solely through �xivate investmerit within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed neoessary. � 2.03. 7he (btmcil finds, determines and declares that the prop�sed amendment of the Tax Increqnent Financing Plans will afford maximum opportunity and be a�nsistent with the so�d needs of the City as a whole for the developnent or redeveopnent of Redevelopnent Project No. 1 by �xivate enter�xise. -« . i... .� • _,,- -+ 3.01. �e prop�sed amendnerit to the Redevelopment Plan and of the Tax Increnent Financing Plans for Tax Increnerit Financing Districts No. 2 through No. 8 preserited to the on�cil on this date are hereby appr�ed and acbpted and shall be plaoed on file in the offioe o� the City Clerk. PASSID AND ADOPI'ED BY THE QTY dDUNQL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 22ND IIAY OF DE�P'BII�, 1986. WII�LIAM J. 1�E - NF�YOR ATI'FST: S�iIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY Q,ERR 12A �; John G. Flora, Riblic Works Director i�nT86-356 F�OM: Bob Nordahl.. � Operations Analyst � I]ATE; De�nber 16, 1986 SUBJDCT: Repair and Maintenanae of Well No.'s 3, 4, 12, & 13 In acoordanae with the Well Pr�entive N�intenanoe Progran, four wells are scheduled to be pullecl and repaired c3uring 1987. Zhe wells scheduled for 1987 are No.'s 3, 4, 12, & 13. We Fropose to group then into two bids by type of well and award each oontract individually thus enataling the best averall prioe. Aopefully, the re�air work will be oompleted tr� early spring, enabling the well system to f�nction properly before the period of high water demand. �he f�nds to mmplete the repair work are available through the Utility FLmc7. 'Ib oontinue the schedule for proper well preventive maintenance, we reoo�ranend that the City (buncil ap�rave the advertisement to bid for the repair of Well No.'s 3, 4, 12, and 13. If you need any additional information, please let me laiaw. BT�/ts RFBCLiTrD�N N0. �_� 1986 RESCLITIZON �R71�U INlPRaVF.NENT AND ADVERTISEMENT �R BID6 1�R �E REP�IR AND MAINTENANCE OF WELLS N0. 3 AND 4 - W�RF�AS, the v�nstruction of oertain im�ravements is deemed to be in the interest of the City of �idley and the property awr�ers affected thereby. 15�1, ZHEREFI�RE, BE IT RFSCGVED by the City (b�mcil aF the (�.ty of Fridley, Anoka �u�ty, Minnesota as follaws: 1. Zhat the following im�ravenents proposed by Council Resolutions are hereby ordered to be affected and oompleted as required: Repai r and Mairitenanoe of Wells No. 3 and 4 2. 7�e plans and specifications �der the direction of the Public Works Director for such imFravements are heretr,� apprwed and shall be filed with the City Qerk. The Public Works Director shall accordingly pregare and cause to be inserted in the official newsFaper advertisemerits for bicls upon the making of such imFravenents taider such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three (3) weelcs (at least 21 days) , and shall specify the work to be cbre and will state that the bids will be opened and oonsidered at 11:00 a.m on Thursday, the 22nd day of January, 1987, and that m bicls will be o�nsidered unless sealed and f iled w ith the i�.iblic Works Director. That the advertisement for bids for Regair and Maintenanoe af Wells No. 3 and 4 shall be substantially in the stanc3ard form. Pt�.SSID AND ADOPl'ED BY THE QTY � OF '�E QTY OF FRItGEY THIS 22I�ID LIAY OF DECEd�BIIt, 1986. WII,LIAM J. NEE, N�i�R ATI'EST: SZiIl2I,EY A. AAAPALA — QTY Q,ERR 3,/6/lf 1 13A � �.� « s. : � �: � a+;.. REPAIIt AND MAIl�IAN�: OF WII,LS N0. 3 AND 4 Sealed bicls wi11 be reoeived and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka mLmty, Minnesota, at the offioe of the Public Works Director, 6431 University Avenue N. E. , Fric�ey, Minnesota 55432 iTel. 571-3450) on the 22nd day of January, 1987, at 11:00 a.m. for the furnishing of work and materials for the Repair and Maintenanoe o� Wells No. 3 and 4. Plans and specifications may be examined at the offioe of the Public Works Director and oopies may be ol�tai�d for the Corrtractor's individual use by apply ing to the Publ ic Wor ks Di rector. Bids must be made on the basis of cash paymerit for work, and aca�mpanied by a cash deposit, vertified check (on a responsible bank in the State of r�innesota) or a bidder's b�nd made Fayable without o�nc3ition to the City of FricIley, NN, i.n an a�no�mt o� not less than 5$ of the total aanount of ttie bid. Zhe City Gb�mcil reserves the right to rej ect any and all bic� and to waive any informalities in any bicls reaeived without explanation. No bid may be withdra�m for a periad of thirty (30) days. By order of the City ��mcil of the City of Fric�.ey, Minnesota. Dated the 22nd c�y of De�en►ber, 1986. Publishes: Fridlev �rocus Deoe�ttber 29, 1986 January 5, 1981 January 12, 1987 3/6J3/ 1 Jahn Flora, P. E. A�LIC WQ2KS DIREC�R Construction Bulletin De�nber 26, 1986 January 2, 1987 January 9, 1987 �3B RFSCGVrrDDN N0. 1986 RF�CLUr�1 �RIl� II�ROVII�II�]'P AND ADVERTISEI�NT I�OR BID6 FOR �E REPAII2 AND MAINTENANCE OF WII,LS N0. 12 AND 13 . Wf�2EAS, the o�nstruction of oertain imFro�vesnents is deemed to be in the interest of the City of FricIley and the property aaryers affected thereby. NC�T, �F�tEFORE, BE IT RES(LVID t� the City (bunci.l of the (;ity of Fridley. Anoka (bimty, Minnesota as follaws: 1. �at the follvwing impravenents proposed by Council Resolutions are hereb� ordered to be affected and oompleted as required: Repai r and Mairitenanoe of Wells No. 12 and 13 2. Zhe plans and specificstions �nder the direction of the Public Works Director for such impr�avenents are hereby appraved and shall be filed with the City Qerk. The Public Works Director shall acoordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisesnerits for bids upon the making of such impravemerits �der such approved plans and specifications. �e advertisPment shall be published for three (3) weeks (at least 21 days) , and shall specify the work to be cbre and will state that the bids will be opened and oonsidered at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, the 22nd day of January; 1987, and that r� bicls will be oonsidered unless sealed and filed with the Public Works Di.rector. That the advertisement for bids for Repair and Mairitenanoe of Wells No. 12 and 13 shall be substantially in the standard f orm. FF�.SSID AND ADOPl'ED BY ZHE QTY �UNCZL OF THE QTY OF FRILLEY �4iIS 221� IYY�Y OF DE(ENBIIt, 19�. WII�LIAM J. NEE, 1�1YOR AZZ'EST: 3iIRLEY A. AAAPP,LA - CITY Q,ERR 3�/6/1/1 14 �•�� «- ,. : � � � �; : REAP�IR AND MAIl�IANCE OF WII.LS NO. 12 AND 13 Sealed bids wi11 be reveived and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka (bLmty, Minresota, at the o�f f ive o�f the Publ ic Works Di rector, 6431 University Avenue N. E. , Fric�.ey, Minnesota 55432 (Tel. 571-3450) on the 22nd day of January, 1987, at 11:00 a.m. for the furnishing of work and materials for the Repair ancl Mair►ter�anoe of Wells No. 12 and 13. Plans and specifications may be exami.ned at the offioe of the Public Works Director and vopies may be obtained for the Cbntractor's individual use by apply ing to the Publ ic Works Di rector. Bicls must be made on the basis of cash Faymerit for work, and acoom�aniecl tr� a cash deposit, oertif ied check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) or a bidder's b�nd made �ayaal.e without a�ndition to the City of FricIley, NN, in an a�►oimt of not less than 5$ of the total aanount of the 4id. �e City ocitmcil res�erves the right to rej ect any and all bicls and to waive any informal.ities in any bicls reoeived without explanation. No aid may be withdra�vn for a period of thirty (30) clays. By order � the City O�imcil of the CiLy o�f Frica.ey, Minnesota. Dated the 22nd day of Devember, 1986. PtibZishes: Fridlev �s Deve�nber 29, 1986 Janvary 5, 198'1 January 12, 1987 3,/6/3/ 1 Jahn Flora, P. E. R7BLIC WO�tRS DIREQ�OR c' nstruction Bulletin Deoember 26, 1986 January 2, 1987 January 9, 1987 �4a .:�. 'j FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- APPOINTMENTS' � IE�NBIIt 22, 1986 I� F06IT�ON Sbeven D. myle l�intenanae I 501 Maror Dr. (Union) Sgring Lake Fgrk 55432 Kory Jorgensen Maintenanoe I 8101 i�t-h Gircle (Union) Fridl�y, rTI 55432 STARTIl� ST1�ttRRI� SALARY DATE $8.47 per Dec. 29, Bout 1996 ($1473.78 l�b. ) $8.47 per Dec. 29, A�ur 1986 t$1473.78 lrb. ) REPLACES Jim Bates (Street Fbrenan) Richard Bloom (Retired) s FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL -- IICENSES � DECEDiBER 22, 1986 GAS PIPING Wakeman Heating � 7757 Van Buren Street Spring Lake Park, I�I 55432 GENIIERAL COi3TRACTOR Lilac Builders 1925 Oakcrest Roseville, MN 55113 Marick Builders, Inc. 200 West 88th Street BloomingtAn, MN 55420 Mobile Maintenance, Inc. 8562 East River Road Coon Rapids, MN 55433 James L. Patsch Const. Inc. 6053 - 3rd Avenue South Minneapolis, l�4J 55419 Pete's Repair Inc. 660£3 - 59th Avenue itorth Crystal, DiI1 55428 HEATIi1G Pete's Repair Inc. 660II - 59th Avenue IJorth Crystal, NIN 55428 Wakeman Heating 7757 Van Buren Street Spring Lake Park, NIId 55432 By: Lee Wakeman By: Dan Kaul By: Tom Moline By : Steplien Witzel By: Jim Patsch By: Pete Perusse By: Pete Perusse By: Lee Wakeman r. APPROVED BY WILLIAM SANDIN Plbg.-Htg. insp. DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg. Ofcl. Same Same Same Sar.�e WILLI�fM SANDIN Plbg. -Htg. Insp. Same