02/03/1986 - 00011703(; ��� � THE MIN[TPES OF THE REGUTAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 3, 1986 The Regular Meeting of the Fndle� City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLDGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1: �l�lt�i:\i�lii MENBERS PRFSFNT: Mayor Nee, Coimcilman Barnette, Co�cilnian Schneider, Coimcilman Fitz p3trick, and Councilman Goodspeed MENBERS PBSFNT: None PRESENTATION: Mr. F1 q�d Pul�u, Comnander of the FridlEy UFw lx,st 363, presented a check to the City in the amoimt of $13,750, on behalf of the manbers of the V�+i Pc�st, to be used f or a video syst�n. � Mayor Nee and manbers of the Council extended their thanks and appreciation to the VFW for this donation. APPImVAL OF MINUi'ES: COUNCIL MEEi'ING, JAN[IARY 13, 1986: NDTION by Councilman Fitzp�trick to approve the minutes with the following correction: Change the time of ad�ournment from 9:44 p.m. to 7:44 p.m. Seconded by Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPPION OF AGErIDA NDTION by Councilman Barnette to adopt the agenda as submitted. Seconded by Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, al.l voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. OPIN FORUM, VISITORS A. Ms. Nancy Jorgenson, 5730 Polk Street, stated she sent a letter to Nfayor Nee and the Co�.uicil on January 17, 1986 regarding a difficulty they were having with the day care licenses and the fire codes applied to day care hanes. , Mayor Nee stated the City staff has reviewed the issues raised and, aftex receiving comments from the Fire Department, referred it to the City Attorney for an opinion. -1- ����a CAUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3. 1986 � Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated his office looked into the questions raised and he stated the statute and regulations are confusing and somewnat in conflict and perhaps a matter thati needs to be clarified by the Legislature rather than the City. He stated he understands there is a proposal to clarify the statute in this legislative 9ession. Mr. Herrick stated he believed the regulation adopted by the State of a 1Q to 1 ratio would prevail, therefore, it is his reoormnendation the City not attanpt to enforce the Uniform Fire Code because it is felt the Legislature has taken that matter out of the Fire Code and put it into the hands of the H�nnan Resources Deg�rtmerit. He stated, for the time being, the City would abide by that rule thEy have adopted and, if necessary, moclify the ordinance to comply with it. Mr. Herrick stated he has been told there is qoirig to be an effort to clarify the legislation by the Legislature. Mayor Nee stated the City Attorney has given the Council a memo to this effect, haaever, there is some ob�ection fram the Public Saf ety Staff. He felt this oould be handled ac�tninLStratively and enforced with a ratio of 10 to 1. He stated if there is a request for a hearing, he would bring a testimony frcm the Fire Departrnent and consider the fact if one person can be a safe custodian of 10 children in a fire situation. Ms. Jorgenson stated there is a bill in the Legislature which would prohibit mtmiciXalities fran having stncter codes and felt perhaps thEy should wait and see what develops with this pro�osed legislation. � B. Mr. Broder, 278 SBth Avenue, appearecl befoxe the Council xegarding the Fnssibility of constructing a cbuble bungalow on his lot. Councilman Fitz�trick stated Mr. Broder is ref erring to the property at 58th and 3rd, haaever, it is not zoned for a duplex. Mr. Broder stated Mr. Robinson of the City staff stated he definitely has xaam to build a cbuble bungalaa. Ae stated there are duplexes next to him and across the street. Mr. Broder stated he dtdn't warit to �y the f ee f or this to be processed, if he wasn't sure he could 6uild a duplex. Councilman Fitz�trick stated he could understand Mr. Broder's position, haaever, it is not knaan whether such a request would be approved or denied until the question is raised. He stated duplexes in the area have been grandfathered in and there haven't been any allaaed recerYtly. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he f elt there should be a report irom staff. He stated if it is zoned single £amily, it would be necessary to rezone the property or a special use permit granted. He stated, either way, a public heanng is necessary. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, asked Mr. Broder to meet with staff so information regarding his lot can be provided and to advise him the � riecessary procedures to follow in order for his request to be formally considered. -2- M1./��� COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3. 198fz �PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF RFai.inramIOIV OF A FORTION OF THE CITY'S 1985 �� COMMONPi'Y DEVELOPMEEPTTP BLOCK GRANP F[JAIDS• t2�TI0N by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and o�n the public hearing. Seconded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously and the public hearing opened at 7:55 p.m. Councilman Schneider stated at the Planning Commission meeting, the Commission was looking at reallocating some oi the mBG funds to the human services area. He stated the Commission �derstood thEy wexe l�mited to 15� of the total funding, haaever, the amount is limited to 15g of the entire Coimty's allocation. He stated, therefore, if other cities do npt allocate the�.r 15�, Fridlc� could allocate more funds for this area. Councilman Schneider stated the Planning Commission is of the opinion the (aBG funds can't be used for Riverview Aeights Park development because LPWNN matchinq funds aren't availahle, wluch isn't the case. He stated he felt the Co�nission did not have the oorrect c3ata presented to than. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, state� there is further information regarding CDBG funds imder Iten 6 of the aaenc1a. ' NDTION by Councilman Fitzp3trick to close the public hearing and table action imtil Item 6 is oonsidered. Seconded by Councilmari Barnette. Upon a _ voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously and the public hearinq closed at 8:00 p.m. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF A REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #85-04, TO REZONE THE PI�PERTY GENERP,LLY IACATED BETWEEN 81ST AVENUE AND 83RD AVENUE AND BEiWEEN MAIN STREET AbID UNIVERSITY AVENUE, BY V1INPAGE PROPEE�PIES. INC.: NDTION by Councilman Fitzp�trick to waive the reading of the �wblic hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded I7y Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously and the public hearing opened at 8:02 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request by Vantage Properties to rezone property between 81st and 83rd Streets and bordered by Main Street and University Avenue fran C-2 and M-2 to C-3 yeneral shopping center distnct. Mr. Flora stated the rezomng irnrolves approximately 22 acres. He stated the plan presented to the Planning Co�nission called f or development of a large oommercial operation consisting of a warehouse/wholesale club, and a ma�or and minor retail business associated with it. ' Mr. Flora stated, during the Planning Co�mnission meeting, it was determiried tihe size of the developnent would be reduced. He stated this development would then be limited to the wholesale club and associated retail -3- (Y.� ; COUNCIL MEErING OF FEBRUARY 3. 1986 � developnent and reduces the required parking to less than 1,000 parking stalls. He stated the City would request an informal environmental _ assessnent worksheet for review by staff. Nlr. Flora stated staff also has some concern regarding the exterior aesthetics and architectural character of the building. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approv al of the rezomng with seven stipulations, which he outlined. Mr. Kelly Doran, representinq Vantage Properties, stated the nature of the wholesale club is a �mique mass mercharxlising concept started in Southern Califor m a oriented on a retail level and a membership. He statea it features deep discounting and a lunited niunber of items and fast turnover. Mr. Doran stated they would sell anything from televisions to tires to grocery products. He stated grocery items are bulk packed and generally sold in case lots. Councilman Barnette asked who would qualify for menbership. Mr. Doran stated goverrment enpla�ees, anglopees of fir,ancial institutions, airline emplayees, or enployees of any com�nies that create an aff�liation with the menbership. Cotmcilman Barnette asked if this operation would be similar to the Gem Stores. Mr. Doran stated the program would be open to a broader base of � potential menbers. He stated for business members, there is a membership fee and individual members pay a little higher pxice. He stated it is esserrtially a discount store with a r�ew merchandising method. Mr. Ibran stated the other develognent would be smaller retail businesses. He stated, haaever, it has not been determinea, at this time, whether there would be future ex�xnsion. There was some concern eacpressed tr3 the Council that by reducing the size of this develognent and possibly expanding at a later date, it circtunvents the erroirorunental assessment worksheet required try the State. �`he question was asked what such an assessnent would cover. Mr. Flora stated an enviroranental assessment looks at the land and addresses the metropolitan system and such items as air pollution and if the develognent would adversely affect any ad�oining properties. Mr. Flora stated envirornnental assessnent worksheets were prepared for the Mar-Len develanent in this ax� to make sure they didn't advexsely impact on the rature center. Councilman Schneider stated one of the stipulations recommended was that a comgleted envirorrnerttal assessnent worksheet be oomgleted. He asked ii it would be possible, besides staff's review, to obtain an opim on from the Ibllution Control Agency. Mr. Flora felt such a request could be made to � this agency or the F�viro�nental Quality Board. Mr. Herrick, Caty Attorney, stated he does not recall ariyone r�ot receiving a C'C (�.� �� COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUAl2Y 3, 1985 � permit from the MP(�. He stated thEy probably have air quality reports for this rieighborhood, haaEVer, the main ooncern is traffic control and if the _ traffic can be mcrved in a period of time so as not to create problems with the air quality. He stated he cannot pre7udge this particular situation, but knaaing the area, he would be surprised if the MPCA considered ik a ma�or problen. He felt if someone fran staff inet with representatives of the MPCA, the� could give a little background information on this situation. Mr. Flora stated the prel�muary drainage glan proposes ponding on the site. He stated the oonsulting finn of Comstock and Davis is reviewing 81st far possible upgrading. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this pro�sed rezoniny. L'�DTION by Councilman Fitz�atrick to close the public hearing. Seconded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec3 unammously and the public hearing closed at 8:28 p.m. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to request staff to obtain further information, if possible, from the MPCA on potential air pollution and submit this information to the Council before final reading of the ordir�nce. Sewnded L� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declaxed the motion caxxiec3 unarumously. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF A REZONING RE4UEST. ZOA #85-03, TO REZONE � THE PFd�PEIfCY G�'-Rl�T•?Y LOCATID AT 1282 MISSISSIPPI STREET AI.E., BY MARGARET BRICKAlER• NDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and o�n the public hearing. Seoonded Ix Councilmari Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarnmously and the �blic hearing opened at 8:29 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a request to rezone property at 1282 Mississippi Street from R-1 to C-1. He stated it is proposed to use this hane as a boutique and small retail operation. Mr. Flora stated this happens to be an older, hi.storical home in the City aiid the petitio�r felt it would be better to use it for this type of o�ration, rather than renting it. Mr. Flora stated the Planninq Commission recommended approval of the rezomng with eight stipulations, wluch he outlined. Mr. Byron Larson, neighboring property avner, asked about screemng betwEen this property and his property. Mr. Flora stated staff suggested some plantings, but cU.dn't have a specific plari at this time. Ntayor Nee asked Mr. Larson if he had ariy preferences. Mr. Larson stated, as long as it is aust a boutique, it wouldn't generate a � lot of traffic and really dtdn't have any ob�ection. Ms. Brickner, the petitioner, stated there is a cyclone fence which is on -5- U��:� CAUNCIL MEEPING OF FEBRUARY 3. 19ff� 'Mr. Larson's property and could put in any screemng Mr. Larson wished. _ Mr. Larson asked if thEy had plans to renwe or tear down the hane to which Ms. Brickner answered in the negative. Coimcilman Schneider stated once the property is rezoned and if it is sold in the future, there is the poteritial that the house oold be torn down and anything else permitted in a co�nerical zone �rould he oonstructed. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, pointed out that the ad�acent business, associated with this hctne, is zoned commerical and the ma�or portion of the lot to the rear is zoned commerical. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezomng. NDTIDN by Coimcilman Schneider to close the public heaing. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously and the public hearng closed at 8:35 p.m. OLD BUSINESS• 4. CONSIDERATION OF VACATION RFX?UEST SAV #85-06, TO VACATE THE UNUSED JOHNSON SPREEP DIDICATION LYING NORTH OF SKYWUOD LANE AND SOUTH OF I-694, BY JOHN POIS,i1RD (TABLID 1/13/86) : ' Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a reo,uest by Mr. Fbllarc] to vacate that p�rtion of 3ohn5on Stxeet between Skywood Lane and I-694. He stated the Plaivung Co�nission has recommended approval of this vacation request. Mr. Flora stated there is a utility line along the eastern portion and the Caty has a water line rimning diagonally across the right-of-way, therefore, if this vacation is approved, it is recommended a utility easement be retained over the entixe �.nxtion. Mr. Flora stated there was a question raised at the last meeting if this p�rcel had origirally come frcm Mr. Fbllard's property. He statev this has been checked and the property was from the plat and therefore it would r�ert back to h1r. Fbllard. Councilman Goodspeed statecl he had extensiv e conv ersations w ith everyone involved and, since the3 were able to reach an agreanent where Mr. Pollard would allaa Mr. Engebretson to oontinue his pro�ect �til it is completed, he would mwe the follaaing: DYJTION by Councilman Goodspeed to approve vacation re�uest, SAV #85-06, to vacate the �mused Johnson Street dec�cation lying north of Skywood Lane and south of I-694, by John Fbllard, sub�ect to retaining a utility easement for the entire width and length of the vacation. Seconded by Councilman ' FitzXatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votinc� aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. � 1 , ' 5. CAU[dCIL MEETING QF F�BRUARY 3. 1986. NEW BUSINESS: RECEIVING THE MIN[TPES OF THE PLANNING COMNIISSION MEETING OF JANUARY $. 1986: A. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, 5P #85-13, BY NOI{PH FREEWHY INVESTORS. � ALIAW OFFICES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH A PRINCIPAL USE, GENERALLY 7IX'ATID AT 5101. 5201. 5255, P,PID 5301 EA3P RIVER ROAD NE: Mx. Flora, Public Works Directox, stated this property is located north of 51st and east of East River Road and includes four lots north of 53rd. He stated when North Freeway Investors originally sul�nitted plans to construct four buildings, thEy were designed for warehouse and storage space with la�ding docks. He stated since compLetion of the first building and based on their tenants, they have redesigned the rear of the development to prwide more �rking, rather than dock s�ace. He stated the new plans suYmitted indicate adequate �arking f or the rnunber of tenants. Mr. Flora stated the Plarun nq Comnissian recommended approval of th e special use �rmit with two stipulations, which ne outlined. He stated if the Cotmcil approves the special use permit, it would allaa office use of this sg�ce in an industrial zoned area and the request aovers all four buildings, some af wYv.ch have not yet been completed. Mr. Flora statec3 special use permits are normally only good for one year frcm approval and, if action is not imtiated within one year, the peiznit becomes null and void. He stared full occu�ncy for the third and fourth buildings is some years away and it would be appropriate to extend the special use permit at the time of approval to allaa for the phased construction. NDTION by Co�cilman Fitz�trick to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Comnission and approve special use permit, SP #85-13, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) City will monitor future tenant occupancy and corres�nding g3rking demand; lunits on office use may t�e unposed if �rking problans beoome apparent; (2) Special use permit to be reviewed in August. 1986: and (3) This special use permit applies to the four buildings to be constructed in the comglex. Seconded 1� Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiort carried unanimously. B. CONSIDERATION OF A 5PECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #85-16, TO AISAW OFFICES NOT ASSOCIATID WITH A PRINCIPAL USE, GENERALLY Li(X'ATID AT 7270 CONIMERCE CIRL�CE EAST. BY MINNESOTA DEPAI�CMENP OF JOBS ADID TRAINING: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a re�uest for a special use pexmit to allav offices not associated with a princi�l use. He stated the Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training has 1 eased space in this industrial complex and they have a higher �xrking demand than a normal industrial or normal office oomglex would need. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission reconunended approval of this special use perit with four stipulatons, which he outlined. He stated the staff has analyzed the Farking situation and felt there is adequzte �rking f or this Faxticular operation. -7- �� � ' F'� LJ ' COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3. 198fi Counclman Schneider stated iz3sed upon the stiglation that no further office tenants would be allowed unless there is a correspondinq drop in p�rking denand, he felt the petitioner would have no control over this since they are la�sing sg3ce. Mr. Flora stated this has been revie�aed with the aaner of the oomplex and he is in aqresnent with this stipulat�.on. hDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to concur with the recommendation of the Planrung Commission and approve special use permrt SP #85-16, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) Special use permit is for Nh nnesota Department of Jolas and Training only; (2) No further office tenants will be allowed unless a oorresponding drop in �rking demand occurs from other tenant changes, with the exception of current 2,000 square feet of vacant office space which may be considered f or a special use permit; (3) Bring directional siqnage irito oode oomgliance, work with City staff in developing an overall sign plan; and (4) Special use permit be reviewed by Planniriq Commission in August, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. The Council received the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of January 8. 1986. RECEIVINC, THE MINUTFS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 22 1986: A. (70NSIDERATION OF SEiTING A PUBLIC HEARZNG ON REZONING RDQUEST. ZOA. #85-05. LAKE PDNPE QORFORATE CEDTi'ER/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN, BY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH WOODBRIDGE P13�PEIrPIES. INC.: FDTION 1� Councilman Batnette to set the public heazzng on this rezoning r�uest for February 24, 1986. Seconded ty Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. B. CONSIDERATION OF SEPPII� A PUBLIC HFIIRZNG ON FINAL PLAT, P.S. #85-07. IAKE R�INTE CORPORATE CEEPIIPi'FR/100 TWIN DRIVE-IN. BY HRA IN COOPERATION WITH WOODBRIDGE PROPEE�PIS, INC.: NDTION by Co�czlman Goodspeed to set the public heannq on this final plat for Februaxy 24, 1986. Seoonded l�r Coimcilman FitzFiatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mously. C. QONSIDERATION OF 1986 COMNIUNITY DEVELOPMENP BTACK GRANP f mBG) PR�POSALS: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Community Develo�,anent Block Grant proposals for 1986 were sent to the Corrarunity Developnent Commission and the Plarnung Commission for recommendations. He stated the Council's reco�nendation must be presented to the County by February 14. � (4'�? ('r,�.: COUI�IL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3. 1986 ' Mr. Flora stated the recotmnendation of Yhe Plaiuung Comrnission was for the funds to be distributed as follows: (1) Htunan Service grants - 15s, $13,423; (2) Crime prevention - security harchaare, $15,500; (3) Plaza Ceriter Imprwenents: A. Corndor Study, $10,000; B. Umversity/NLississippi liyhtec3 signage, $8,000; and C. Four corner improvements and/or landscaping, $42,565; (4j (Alternate) Riven�+ood Heights Park llevelognent (matching funds to LPW�N if obtained). Up to $50,000 to be allocated at a later date, if LPW�N funding is obtained. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission suggested if LAWCpN funds were obtained for 1986. consideration would be to move some of the fwsds fran the Plaza Center improvenents to the Riverview Heights Park develoianent. He stated the Riverviea Heights pro�ect didn't materialize because LPN7�N funds were not avatlahle in 1985. He stated thEy have looked into the �ossibility of combining 1985 and 1986 CDBG funds for this pro�ect axx7, as long as 1985 func7s are e�ended before December of this year, he felt this coulc� be done. Mr. Flora stated if it is the Council's desire, funds for the Plaza Center imprwenents oould be moved into the Riverview Hea ghts pro�ect in the amount of approximately $24,400. He stated with this amount, plus the 1985 funds of a�roximately $37,000, there should be adequate momes to imtiate action to obtain the Findell property in this pro�ect area. Councilman Schneider asked if they could allocate $24,400 to the Riverview Heights pro7ect, rather than the Four Corner Improvanents and Landscaping in ' the Plaza Center and then use the remaining funds in the area of Hinnan Services. N,t. Flora stated the Cotmty's cap of 15� of CDBG funds can be used iri the area of hunan services and, if other cities do not allocate the maximiun of 15�, there is the possibility FridlEy could increase their allacation. Mr. Qureshi, City Marager, stated there isn't a specific plan for the four oorner improvenents and landscaping so the allocation of these funds could be amended. He stated the Council could make their recommendation and direct that this progra¢n come lx�ck to then the second week in March. NLYPION by Councilman 5chneider to approve the following to the County for the allocation of 1986 CDBG funds: (1) H�mian service grants - 15�, $13,423; (2) Crime prevention - security hardware, $15,500; (3) P1 aza Center improvenents, $18,000 alloeatecl as follcras: a. Corridor study, $1d,000; b. University/Mississippi lighted signage, $8,000; c. Four Corner Improv �nents and Landscaping, $18,165; (4) Riverviea Heights Park Development, $24,40�; and (5) If County has any additional hunan services opportunities, funds up to a maximiun of $18,165 are to be allocated to this area from the Four Corners Improvanent item. Further, that the County's Human 5ervices allocations should be provid�d to the Council at the second meeting in March, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unarumously. D. ITEM FROM PARKS & RECRFATION 00[�PIISSION MEEPING OF JANUARY 6, � 1986: CONSIDERATION OF THE FRIDLEY 49ER'S DAYS ODMMITTEE RDJUEST TO U5E IOCKE PARK FOR THE 1986 ROUNDUP: -9- ' � , 7 � 9. COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3. 1986 Mr. Betz old, 1601 North Innsbruck, appeared bef ore the Council regarding the locatzon for the 49er Days round-up and carnival. He stated he appeared before the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding the use of Locke Park for these events and the3 felt the �ark could be use�3, if certa�n concerns were addressed such as the insurance, water supply, beer permits, and im�ct on the neighkaorhood. Mr. Betzold stated he also talked to Mr. Flora regardinq the g�rking lot east of the Civic Center. Ne stated the disadvantage is it would entail the use of the lot for u good part of the week and his mncern would be tying up the lot for this period of time. He stated the advantage is that it brings people into the Civic Center area, although it would not be too visible fran Univexsity Avenue. Councilman Barnette stated he felt the� would meet some real ob7ections, if the south portion of Locke Park was used. He felt there would be no way to control traffic and a lot of cars would go tk:rough this neighborhood. Mr. Betzold stated the north Farking lot at Colwnbia Arena woLild be a perfect site, haaever, the cost is $500 a day rental and the 49er's don't have these funds available. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager. stated if this is the most logical location, he would suggest the County l�e approached to see if the fee could 6e waived ar reduced. Mr. Betzold stated he would appreciate any assistance from the Ci ty. �e Cauncil received the minutes of the Planning Commission meetinq of January 22, 1986. OONSIDII2ATION OF AN INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT #67 FOR 1986. BY METROPOLITAN WASPE CONPROL COMMISSION: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to approve the Interceptor Maintenance Agreanent #67 for 1986 with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. Seoonded 1� councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried wiammously. RESOLUTION NO. 7-1986 AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF SEVERAL TEMPORARY EASEMED7PS • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated in 1966, the Ca.ty condernned certain pxopexties as tenporaxy and permanent easements to accommodate a storm seRaes imprwanent pro�ect. He stated, cansequently, property aaners are having a problen with the sale of their property and clear t,itle. Mr. Flora stated, in checking with the City Attorney's office, the t�nporaxy easements can be released w htch were obtained in Condemnation No. 26210, with a resolution. NDTION by Counczlman Fitz�trick to adopt Resolution No. 7-1986. Seconded i� Councilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. RESOLUTION NO. 8-1986 RE4UESTING THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL -10- [y�' L. , •• .�. � i � • o-. • • • � RFSOURCES TO INCLUDE MOORE IAECE IN THEIR 1986 LAKE RESTOCKING PE37GRAM: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 8-1986. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carned unatumously. 10. RESOLUTION N0. 9-1986 AUTFIORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF AN AE'�RATOR IN THE WEST BASIN OF MOORE LAKE A1�ID CONi'INUID WATER QUALITY MONITORING: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the cost of this aerator would be included in the avetall project costs and no £unds in excess of what was origirally proposed will k�e recessazy. NDTION by Councilman SChr�ider to adopt Resolution No. 9-1986. Seconded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, I�hyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. RESOLUTION NO 10-1986 RATIFYING A MEMORADIDUM OF UDIDERSTANDING RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL NO. 49 AFL-CIO (PUBLIC WDRKS) FOR 1984-1986 (INSURANCE ADID WAGES): M�TION by Councilman Fitz�xitrick to adopt Resolution No. 10-1986. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. ' 12. RE9DLUTION N0. 11-1986 AITCf�RIZING A MEMORIIDIDUM OF UDIDERSTADIDING Bh'IWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY ADID CEFfPAIN EMPIAYEES REPRESENTED BY LOCAL N0. 49 AFIrCIO (PUBLIC WORKSI FOR 1989-1986 (HOLIDAYS): ' NllTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 11-1986. Seconded L� Councilman Goodspeed. il�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec].ared the motion carried unammously. 13. APFOINPN�fi': CITY FT4PLOYEE: M�TION Yy Cowicilman Barnette to concur with the following appointment by the City Manager: STARTING SPARTII�G NAME I�SIT70N SALARY DATE REPLACES Lynda J. Averette 1050 67th Ave. NE FridlEy, I�N 55432 Ac3ninistrative $18,500 Aide/Secretary F�r (Exempt) Year February 1D Maxy Lu 1986 Stran Seconded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declard the motion carried unammously. ESTIMATES: I�DTION by Councilman Barnette to apprwe the estimates as sulxnitted: -11- ��� CAUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARSi 3, 1986 � Eugene A. Hickok & Associates, Inc. 545 Indian Mound Wayzata, [�f] 55391 Partial Estimate for Professional Services thru Decanber 31, 1985 Moore Lake Phase II Restoration Pro�ect ..................$ 62.22 Bomne Excavating, Inc. 12636 Main Street Rogers, NN 55374 Water and SEwer Pro�ect No. 156 Final Estimate ...........................................$ 1,665.15 Civ�1 Structures Saginaw, NN 55779 Water and Sewer Project No. 160 Partial Estimate No. 1 ...................................$49,507.35 Seconded b� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay e, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 15. LICENSES• NDTION 1� Councilman Schneider to apprwe the licenses as submitted and as on fi].e in the License C1erk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. � Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. 16. (S,AIMS- LYDTION by Councilman Fitzxatrick to authorize �yment of Claims No. 6329 thxough 6640. Seconded trir Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unarnmously. •� • • i �� NDTION by Councilman Barnette to ad7ourn the meeting. Seoonded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unacumously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City CounciJ of FebruaLy 3, 1986 ad�ourned at 9:43 p. m. Respectfully sutmitted. �it -��i �..�'-t- �/`�j_ r^ . -. .�_�C_ Carole Haddad, Secretary to the City Coimcil Appra�ed: L_ J -12- V v ,����f = l/ ` '�- v Wi].li�n J. Nee, Nl�yor � ���r :�.