04/21/1986 - 00011645079 � THE MINUrES OF THE RDGUiAR MEhTING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY OOUNCIL OF APRIL 21. 1986 7he Regular Pleeting of the Fridle3 City Council was called to order at 8:20 p.m. }� Mayor Nee, after the meeting of the Board of Re�iew. PLIDGE OF AIS,EGIANCE• NL3yor Nee led the Co�cil and aud�.ence in the Pledge ef Allegiance to the Fl ag. RULL CALL: MENBERS PRESFNT: Mayor Nee, �uncilrc�n Barr�ette, Co�mcilman Schneider, Coimciln�an Fitz�trick and Coimcilman Goodspeed. MENBIItS PBSINT: None APPROVAL OF MINUPES• HOARiJ OF REVIFk7 MEEPING. APRIL 7. 1986 & CITY CQUNCIL MEEPING. APRIL 7. 1986: � NDTION by Councilman Schneider to apprwe the minutes of the Eoard of Revisa Meeting and the City Council Meeting of April 7, 1986 as presented. Sewnded f� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 11DOFrION OF AGErIDA: Mayor Nee requested an item be added as follows: "Consicleration of re-setting the date of the public hearing for the Charter �nenc3nent�." MOTION 1� Councilman Schneider to adopt the ayenda with the above addi tion. Seoonded ty Councilman FitzF.atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NHyor Nee declared the motion carn ed unammously. OPIN EYJRUM. VISITDRS: There was no response fran the audience imc3er this itFSn of buslness. OLD BUSINESS: 2. CONSIDERF.TION OF CITY APPOINTME[dPS TO COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COFQ7ISSION ADID HUMP,N RESOURCES �MMISSION: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to table these appointments. Seconded by Councilman Barrette. Upon a voice vote, a11 votiny aye, M�yor D3ee declared � the motion carned unanlmously. -1- � � � 3. COUNCIL MEEPING OF APRIL 21. 1986 NEW BUSINESS: CANSIDERP,TION OF RFX2UEST FOR PUSSIBLE FUTURE FUDIDING FOR THE GREATER ANOKA COUNi'Y HOMANE 90CIEi'Y: Mr. Hill, Public Saf ety Director, stated Mr. Fennell, Executive Director far the Greater Anoka Coimty Hiunane Society, was to address the Council this evening, haaever, he was hospitalized over the weekend. Mr. Hill statec3 Dr. Mike Schollme3er would make the presentation and answer any questions frcan the Cotmcil. Mr, Hi.11 stated the Coimcil received some b�ickground information from the H�nnane Society regarding possible fimding. He stateG it is their hope to receive a oommitrnent for func3ing, from cities in the County, in order to mnstruct an animal shelter facility. Mr. Hill statecl the H�nnane Society, with the �nstruction of such a facility, hopes to proviae animal control services to cities in Anoka Co�ty. He statec3 the Hwnane Society wisheci to make every attenpt to reduce the fees for these services until the cities recoup their f�ds provided for the facility. Mr. Hill stated there is a State statute that provides cities may give up to 50 cents per capita in support of this capital develognent. He stated he believed this would amotmt to about $15,000 for Fnd1Ey and it wouldn't he an on-going request. but rather a start-up contribution to obtain necessary funds f or the f acil ity. Mr. Hill stated he t�elieves every City approachecl has cbntritauted or gledged their support, with the exception of one. He stated the Hunane Society will again appear bef ore that Council as there was some oonfusion on the re�uest. Dr. Mike Schollme�er, Prsident of the Greater knoka County H�ane Society, stated Anoka County is one of the fastest grw�ing counties and e�cpresseci the reed for this facility. He stated they get support from communities, as well as l�usinesses, and hoped to start groundbreaking for the shelter this year. Mayor Nee asked if there is a State statute that governs haa a humane society is rim. Dr. Schollmey�er stated he doesn't know of arn1 St�te statute ihat governs how the Society is r�m, but stated they are a norrprofit organization and felt they have a quality Board. He stated their Board is comprised of veterir�rians, attorneys, individuals in firancial services, housewives, and techm cal people. He stated they have open elections every June f or selection of n�ibers to the Board. Dr. Schollmey�er stated the� want to get the shelter oonstructed, �ut in the different ty�s of procedures to operate a quality shelter, and proceed to evaluate the mntrol services. He felt most of the funds to operate the shelter wi11 come fran the adoption services thelr provide. Councilman Schneider asked if it would be several years before they coulc� provide the oontrol services. -2- o7s COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 21. 1986 o�� ' Dr. Schollmeyer stated this would have to be assessed and a cornmitment coulc�'t be made at this time on the type of services to be offered to the oomnwiities. Mr. I3i11 stated he felt the H�nnane Socity h�s a better attitude towarcl the ammals and are not operating to collect animals, but for the purpose of shelter and prwiding adoption services. He stated if thEy can financially accomplish it, they w�11 prwide ammal control services. He stated they now have support from Ramsey, St. Francis. Spring Lake Park, Colwnbia Heights, Coon Rapids, and Anoka. Dr. Schollme3er stated the� are looking for support and a�ledge from the Council, with the actual ftmds being contributed in 1987. He stated, in the irrterim, the� can take these mn¢nitrnents tc the ka3nk to obtain the loan for oonstruction of the facility. Mr. Qureshi, City Msnager, stated if the Council wishes to provide fundiny, it may be appropriate to authorize the aclnimstrataon to provide the funds in the 1987 budget proposal. He stated it must also be recognized tundiny ava�lable to the Ca.ty may be cut, but if this is an area where they want to provide oree-time assistance, it protahly coulc� be done in the 1987 budget. Cnimcilman Goodspeed felt they shouldn't be in competition with �rivate enterpnse such as vetennanans who have their businesses in the City. He � al� felt there was a need for animal control services and, if this muld be prwided, he would be in favor of it. Dx. Schollme�ex stated the3 will pxwide services that no other ergam.zation can or w�11 cover. He stated ammal oontrol is �ust one aspect and if they can provide it, the3 will do so. Dr. Schollmeyer statec� it is true that stray arumals are brought to vetenr�rians, but they really don't want to get involved. He stated they have the support of the veterinarians in private enterprise. Cowicilman Fitz�trick stated he would be in favor af the proposal, but £elt it is difficult to discuss without an amount or source of funding in mind. Cow�cilman Barr�ette stated he would be in favor of suppnrting the facility, if it wasn't in oompetition with the other vetennarians. He did feel the animal control services are reeded. Councilman Schneider stated he would support the request, as he felt conditions were poor at animal control services provided by przvate oontractors, and hoped they could get animal control services which are needed. Nl�yor Nee stateci he would also ooncur in the need for the services and felt the NI�nneapolis H�nnane Society has a well rim iacility. � MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to refer thi� request to staff for prepsration of a resolution for the ne� meeting on M�y 5, 1986. Seconc]ed ty Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee -3- COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 21. 1986 0'�'� , declared the motion carried unammously. 4. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 9. 1986: A. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #86-03. TO ALI�OW AN EXISPING ACCESSORY BUIIDING TO B�E A SECOAID ACCESSORY BUILDING UPON THE CONSTRUCPION OF AN ATTACHID GARAGE GENERALLY I�OCATID AT 5096 HUGHES AVIIVUE N.E.. BY SAMIR AWFIIJANE: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this is a ra7uest for a special use permit to allaa an e�n sting accessory buildieg to become a seoond accessory Y.uilding upon the mnstruction of an attached garage at 5096 Huyhes Avenue. Mr. Flora stated the petitioner, because of a fire, is in the process of renodeling and adding a second story to his hcene, as well as an attached garage. He stated he proposes to use the existing �arage a� an accessory building to store his two classic cars and k�oat and to use the mw attached garage to house his per�nal vehicles. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approval of this special use permit and there were no ob7ections fram residents of the reighborhood. M7TIDN 1� Councilman Fitz�trlck to concur with the imanimous recorunendation � of the Planning Commission and grant special use permit, SP #86-03. Seoonded 1� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carn ed unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Piamm �g Comnission Meeting of April 9, 1986. Seconded ty CoLmcilman Barr�ette. I]�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee Geclared the motion carried unammously. 5. RECEIVING THE MINUPES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24. 1986: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Charter Comnission Meeta.ng of February 24, 1986. Seoonded try Councilman Barnette. fl�un a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSIDERP,TION OF ADIIdCTAL LICINSE RIIVE�,L FOR FRIDLEY JUNRYARDS: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there is a concern whether auto recycling centers are in compliance with environmentai issues and this is being addressed at the time of the annual. license renewal. Mr. Flora stated the Zoning Code does stipulute these centers are to cornply with envirommental ooncerns and prwide the City access to conduct tests. ' He also stated the �de prwides these cer.ters are to agree on a testing organization and share a��lly in the cost. He statea if there are sorne negative fit�.ngs, the entire cost for compliance would be borne by the -4- CAUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 21. 1986 � aar�er/operator. Mr. Flora stated the Rice Creek Watershed District has expressed concern for the erivirorment, and felt it would be appropriate to evaluate the sites. He stated the City solicited fiims that wculd be av�a.la6le for the soil arr�lysis and would reoomnend Bra� Engineering be selected to �rform these tests. Mr. Harald Haluptzok, property aaner of Sam's and Bargain Auto Parts, statec� he would like to wait for a report fran the P.ice Creek Watershed District before proceeding with arr�� tests. He stated last year they reaommended a la�ffled weir which was installed. Mr. Haluptzok stated he also fe1.t the $4,000 for the soil sam�les was hiyh and would like some further time to study the issue and review the quotations received. He stated he would also like to talk with the I�llution Contral Agency on the type of testing that wculd be done. Mr. Herrack, City Attorrey, stated he Yaelzeved Mr. Haluptzok's point was well taken and he be yiven the opporttmity to further study the issue. He felt if this was brought back on May 19, it would give rr. Haluptzok an opportimity to receive the report fran the Ri.ce Creek Watecshed District and time to revic�v the quotations wath staff. , Mr. Haluptzok stated as far as the storage of vehicles on the streets, this is not done. He stated, haaeaer, sometimes a person will 7ust leave his v�ic;le �arked in the street wermght. He stated this cbes pose a problen because at what point does the ararrership change. He felt possibly the Iblice Degzrtrnent oould ticket some cf these cars left in the evemng hours. t�DTION by Coimcilman Schrreider to mntinue the c3�scussion of environmental testing of soils to the May 19, 1986 meeting and d�.rect staff to meet with the avners regarding the proposed testing. Seconded b� Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I3ee declared the motion carried unammously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF LAWCON/LCNII2 PRELIMINARY GRF�NP APPLICIITION: Mr. Flora, Public Works Directox, stated the City is applying for LAFTCON £imcls to aoqmre and relocate all seven re��aining properties in the fload plain area of Riverview Heights and the deadline for the preliminary appl.ication is May 5, 1986. He stated the LPW�N grant re3uires a 50� n�atch ky the Caty. D'DTION by Councilman Schneider to apprwe the preluninaxy grant application for LAWCON/LCMR funding and authorize the City Manager to �ign this application. Seoonded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 8. RFSOI�IJTION N0. 36-1986 RD�UESTING THE MINNESOTA DEPAFt'I'MENI' OF TRANSPORTATION � TO PROVIDE FUAIDS FOR THE CONSTR[TCTION OF TIiE UNIVERSITY AVENOE WEST SERVICE DRIVE FROM 81ST AVENUE TO 831� AVEN[JE: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, statecl the P7innesota L'epartment ot -5- V %�� COUNCIL MEEPING OF APRIL 21, 1986 0?9 , Transportata.on is plamm�g to eliminate the crossiny of University Avenue traffic at on 83rd Avenue or to only allaa one-way traffic westbound. He _ stated the3 had agreed to oonstruct a service drive fran 81st to 83id using Hazardous Elimiration Funds for this pro�ect. Mr. Flora stated since these fimds are no longer available, this resolution is requesting the P�I�rmesota De�rtrnent af Transportation provide the funds to Fay for this oonstruction. [�DTION by Coimcilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 36-1986. Seconded by Cotmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, [✓x3yor Nee declarec3 the motion carried unammously. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 37-1986 ORDERING CROSSWALK AND STOP BAR STRIPING OF SIC�VFILIZID INPERSFX,TIONS AL�ONG T.H. 47 ADID T.H. 65 IN FRIDLEY: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City is in the process of developing plans and specif ications to provide unif orm stripinys at signalized intersections along T.H. 47 and T.A. 65 and this resolution ra;uests the Minnesota De�rtrnent of Transportation to stripe the�e at the e�ense of the State. He stated the resolution also calls for the Co�ty to reamburse the Caty for the cost of stripiny County road ir�ersecting T.H. 47 and T.H. 65. NDTION 1� Coimcilman Fitzpfttrick to adopt Resolution No. 37-1986. Secondeci ka� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. ' 10. CLAINLS: I�TION by Councilman Barriette to authorize �yment of Claims No. 7490 tl�rough 7740. Sec�onded 1� Cowicilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M3yor Nee declared the motion carn ed unammously. 11. LICENSES• Licruor License• Mr. Zb� Nicklw, representing George's in Fridley, appeared before the Coimcil regarding his liquor license. He stated the3 fell behind in �ayment of kus property taxes, as thEy were closed for three months for remodeling. He stated he Faid half the taxes last week and, hopef uly, should pay the lxlance next month. Mr. Hernck, C:ity Attorrfey, stated he mderstands the State ra3uires certain taxes be xaid in order to have a license issued. Mr. BLll Nicklaa, representing Shorewood Irn, appeared before the Council regarding his liquor license and psyment of taxes. Both Mr. Zbriy Nicklaa and Mr. Bil.l Nicklaa were advired the licenses would be approved, but it is contingent upon them p�ying the delinquent taxes before the license is issued. � NDTION b� Councilman Fitz�atrick to approve the license for George's in Fudlc�, aontingertt upon the Fayment af delirquent taxes prior to issuance of the license. Seaonded tr3 Cotmcxlman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, all — voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion czrried unammously. � COUNCIL ME�TING OF APRIL 21, 1986 o�o � NDTION 1� Councilman Schneider to approve the license for Sharewood Inn, oontirigerit upon the Fayment of delinquent taxes prior to issuance of the license. Seoonded 1� Councilman Fitz�atnck. Upon a voice vote, atl voting aye, Nhyor Nee decl ared the motion carrieci unam.mously. Junkyard License• Mr. Stanley Giddings, operator of Sam's Auto Parts, stated they have mmplied with all the requirenents requestecl of then L-y the Ca.ty in a letter dated March 26, 1986. He stated they replaced the f ence along the east border and does not have any street �rking of vd�icles. He stated he rents the service stat�.on to the east, which had heen vacated, for repairing of his v�icles and storage of his taa trucks. He stated the vehicles storec� on this property belong to the aar�er. Mr. Giddings stated ariy cars in the wstcn2er �rking lot are there hecause thc-y were mwed in order for the oontamirated dl rt to be renoveci. He stated there are no cars piled higher than the fence and no dismantling on the portion east of the fenced area. Mr. Giddinys stated they are irt the prccess of obtaining an approved drair�ge plan frcm the Watershed District and have constructed a baffled wei r. Mr. Giddings stated, as far as storage of vehicles on the lot east of his husir�ess, tl�e� woul.d have to aontact the aaner. 1 Mr. Herrick felt the Inspection nepartrnent should have a report for the Council ir�cating the zorung of tY�e property, what orcl�.nances the3 feel are being vialated, and suggestions on what actions should be taken. He state� consideration should be given if the v�icles are operable, licenseci, etc. He felt there are probal�ly some ordinanc� violations for wh�.ch they aould be charged. Mr. Giddings stated he could do without the gas station groperty, if it reflects on his o�rations. Mr. Herrick stated the City may decide that either P4r. Giddings has to operate that Farcel oomgletely or not at all. He stated, with this type of operati.on, there is no accoimtability. Mr. Giddings stated this would be acceptable to hun. NDTION L� Councilman Schneider to table the discussion and issuance of renewal for �Lmkyard licenses imtil the nzeeting of Nk�y 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilmarx Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all votng aye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. M�TION by Councilman Schneider to request the City Attorney and staff pre�re rome alternatives relative to the prcperty at 73rd and Central Avenues, preferably for the NHy 19, 1986 meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' I�DTION l� Councilman Schneider to extend the 7unkyard licenses, if any expire prior to May 19, to allav than to �ntinue their o�eration until the -7- � COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 21, 1986 Cotmcil's meeting on May 19, 1986. Seconded b3 Co�mcilman Fitz�trick. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. NDTION l� Coimcilman Schrieider to apprave the licenses as submitted and as on f�le in the License C1erk's Office, with the exception of the �unkyard licenses, and noting the stipulations an the licenses for George's in Fridle3 and Shorc�aood Inn. Seconded 1� Councilman Gooc�speed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. 12. ES`i'IMATES: NDTION 1� Goimcilman FitzE.atrick to apprwe the estimates as subnitted: Eugene A. H�.ckok and Associates 545 Indian Moimd Wayzata, [�N 55391 For Professional Services Frcm February 27, 1986 to March 26, 1986 .......$59.76 Sewnded � Councilman Schneider. Up�n a voic:e vote, all voting aye Mayox Nee declareci the motion carried unanimously. 13. CONSZDF�tATION OF RE�SEiTING PUBLIC HEARZNG DATE FOR CHAR'i'ER AME[�IDMENTS: ' Mr. Qureshi, �ity NHnager, statec� the (:ouncil s+et a�ublic hearing for the pro�rosed Charter anenctnents for Nay 5; havEVex, two legal riotices rieed to 6e Fublished to meet legal reqturenents so the date should be changed to [�ay 19, 1986. NIOTION by Councilman Fitz�atrick to re-set the public hearing f or the �arter anendments for May 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeec3. U�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor rlee declaxed the motion carrie� unanimously. �� • • i � I�DTION b� Councilman Barmtte to ad�ourn the meeting. Seoonded tr� Councilman Schneider. U�n a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fndley City Council o£ April 21, 1986 adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, I.��--� ° �"'F-�� C�role Haddad Secretaxy to the C�.ty Council APPrwed: � r'P�� �,(i�ti`'�'.L Willi�n J. N13yor o�l Y _ — 4�2 ' TIiE MINUPES OF TE� OONPINOID BQARD OF REVlFS+I MEE,TING OF APRIL 21, 1986 Mayor Nee re-oper�d the Ba�rd of Review Meeting, continued from Agril 7, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. ROI,L CALL • MENBERS PRESIIdT: Mayor Nee, Cotmcilman Goods�ed, CoLmcilsan Fitzp�trick, Councilman Sch�ider, and Coimcilman Barnette [+�NBERS PBSINT: None N�yor Nee stated this meeting had been oontinuea from April 7 zn order to have the Assessor's Office pre�re reports regarciing the values plzced on several properties in the City. A7r. Ni�dsen, C7ty Assessor, stated his office has reviciacd the values placed on the properties at 76D1 Brigadoon, 530 Ely Street, and 124 Longfellaa Stseet. He asked Mr. Walt Mulcahy, Caty Appraisex, to make the presentation regarding property at 7601 Brigadoon. WILLIAM TORNQUISP, 7601 BRIGFIDOON. FRIDLEY, MINNE90�PA 55432: ' Mr Mulcahy, G.ty Appra�.ser, stated he revie�ved the appraisal submitted by Mr. Tur�uist and found there were satne thzngs which he didn't necessarily agree. He stated, in the wm�arables �sed, one hane was a split level and Mr. Turx�quist's hane is a split fa3er, and there was not enough ad�ustrnent made for the differences in square footaye. Mr. Nlulcahy stated he used the manual furru.shed la� the County and the niarket data appra3ch in appraising this groperty. He stated it was comyarecs with six �mFarables within 4�0 feet. He statec3 all of these homes are split fa3ers and tuilt 1� the same builder within four years of each other. Mr. Mulcahy stated the figures indicate what the property would be worth, after the ad�ustments are made. He skated these ad�ustments are from the cost manual and cRves an indicated market value of the property oi $105,000 and applying the percentage ratio used in figuring market value, this would indicate a value of $97,700. Mr. Mulcahy felt, therefore, the $96,600 value glaced on this property is well supported and would not recomnPnd arr� change in value. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Mulcahy i.f he felt the person makirig the appraisal for D�x. Turr�quist had some reason to a�raise it laa. Mr. Mulcahy stated the three oom�xirables used Ly the appra�.ser were fran the multiple listing service and didn't feel they really com�red to this property. He stated he Fhysically inspects every hane in Fridle� so he fc�1t he oould make a bettet c3etermination of which properties are comparable. � Mr. Mulcahy stated the City receives all the sales figures and the independent appra� ser receives only the multig] e listing service sales. -1- ��� CONfINU� BQARD OE REVIE�1 MEEPING OF APRIL 21. 1986 � Mr. Turnqui� stated he felt tl�e houses used b� the Caty for oom�rison were valued on the high side. He stated houses on the other end of the block on Brigadoon have sold in the 80's. He stated thEre is r�ow one for sale at 7535 Lakeside which is a split eritry, three car garage, f�nily roan and deck and listed at $87,900. He stated the square f ootage is 1,164, with aaditional area finished f or a total of 2,050. He felt this home was oom�arable with his and, even though it is eiyht years older, it is well mairitained. Mr. Turriquist stated the hane at 7571 Bngadoon sold not quite two gears after he purchased his hane for $12,475 more and is assessed at $94,700. He felt his home which sold for less shouldn't be appraised higher. Mr, Turnquist stated, acoor�ng to the value placed on his property, his home appreciated $13,100 from the original price he �aid five years ago. Mr, Turnqtust felt t�he hcmes used L� the Assessor's Office fox cornp�rison wece larger azid have ameiuties. Mr. Madsen statea ad�ustments were made for these itens, haaeaer, the� are tnsically split fv�ers w�th the �me layout. He felt, if anything, the val� glaced on P9r. Turn�uist's property is laa. Mr. [�dsen reviewec] the values placed on the other six properties to which Mr. Turnquist's was mmFared. These properties were located on Brigadoon at 7600, 7580, 7571, 7570, and 7540 and one at 7637 Arthur Street, with values ranging fran $90,300 to $97,600. He stated the two properties valued hi�er � are larger homes and the lot size at 7571 is the same size as P4r. Turnquist's and the others are considerahly snaller. Cbw�cilman Schneider stated if r7r. Turnquz�t's value on his property was reduced 1� $2,000, it would bring it in line with other comparables. Mr. N�dsen stateci this change woul�'t he enough to affect the other properties. NDTION try Coimcilman Schneider to adjust the market value of Mr. Turrquist's property at 7601 Brigadoon L� reducirig it frcm $96,6D0 to $94,600 based on the oomp�rables and the market value data. Seconded b� Councilman Barnette. TJ�vn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�red the motion carried unammously. RRVIN REYNOLDS. 530 ELY STREEi'. FRIDLEY, MINNESO�i'A 55432: Mr. N�idsen stated this property ti*as completely rebuilt after a fire. He stated his office has analyzed the sales and felt this was a case where someone had built a much larger hane than normal in the neighborhood. fIe stated this was a problen in the 50's and 60's when the Caty was developing and a factor was used to ad7ust for what was termed an "over improvExnent." He stated this prohlen .eened to ch.sa�ear as areas deueloped, hcwe�er, with properties getting older, people are rebuildir!g and adding on to their hcmes. Mr. Madsen statec7 thi� daes lead to cases where some smaller properties are being relxxilt and replaced fx largen c�mes. He stated he is sure this is what happened with this property. ' Mr. M�dsen stated the� i�rt.end to imglenent this "over improvenent" factor and would recommend the value on this property be aa7usted from $86,100 to -2- ��4 CONPINUEP BOARD �' REViESV MEET7NG OF APRIL 21, 1986 ' $80,800. NDTION 1� Councilman Fitz�trick to reduce tYie value glaced on the property at 530 Ely Street fr�n $86,100 to $80,.800. Seconded by Councilman Baxnette. i3pon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, NHyor I�ee declaxed the motion carried unanimously. KEVIN McGINNITY, 124 LONGFEIJAW STREET. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated this property was insFected and compared to several ad7acent properties. He stated one of the properties oom�reci is a one and a half story hane that was built in 1955 and moved irito this area in 1S75. He stated the house and lot is snaller than P7r. Mc�iru�ty's and quite a bit older and it sold for $58,900 in Jtme of 1984. Mr. Madsen stated another hane used in oom�risan was a 20 year ald rambler about the same size as Mr. McGinnity's, with a little smaller lot. He stated the hane was sold f or $65,100 this year. Mr. Madsen stated he realizes P1r. NkGinmty's pro�rty has been rented and has suEfered some d�.sre�xiir and, therefore, woulcl sugest a reduction in the value frcm $65,400 to $62,900 to oover tYiese itens. MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to ad�ust the value placed on h4r. � Nk�innity's property at 124 Lonc�ellaa Street k� reducing it frcm $65,400 to $62,900 to oover estimated costs to re�ir and finish the hrnie. Seconded tr� Cbuncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. FRIDLEY TII2RACE MOBILE HON]E PARFC. HIGHWP.Y #65. FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA 55432: Mr. Madsen stated a letter of protest was received for this praperty hy the Coimty Assesor's Office and forwarded to the City from Ellenburg Capital Corporation, 3060 Valencia Avenue, Aptos, California, representing the aaners, Brand-Broadaay. Mr. i�idsen stated a value of $2,597,800 has been placeci on this proprty. He stated the pro�erty sold in Jime of 1982 for $2,622,000 and in December, 1985 was sold for $5,275,Q00. Mr. N�dsen stated the Coimty Assessor's Office is cancerned about the values on mobile hane �arks and these values have increased considera6ly in the last several yoars. He felt thas sale is extra-ordinary and there isn't another sale in the metro�.nlitan ara� that comgares. M�TION tr3 Coimcilman Schneider to receive the letter of protest from the F1lenburg Capital Corporation of Aptos, Califorma, representing the aaners, Brand-Broadaay, with reference to the value placed on the Fridley Terrace t4obile Hane Park. Sec�onded 1� Co�cilman Barx�tte. Upon a voice vote, all � voting aye. Nk3yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. Councilman Barnette stated he felt the �lssessor's Office was doing a -3- ' 085 CONPIN[JF� B(�RD OF REVI�W MEEPING OF APRIL 21, 1986 � trenencbus �ob as there were very fe�a protests. MOTION by Councilman Fitzp�txick to close the meeting of the Soaxd of Reviea. Sewnded L� Councilman Schreider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M3yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl� and the Board of Review Meeting closed at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, 2� zs�� (�,�� {��-�— (�rale Haddad, Willi�n J. Nee Reaording Secretary ihayor �PProved: � ' -4-