05/05/1986 - 00011633oqs ' THE MINCTrES OF THE RDGU7,AR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MAY 5. 1986 Zhe Regular meeting of the Fridl� Ca.ty Council was called to order at 7:35 p. m. PLIDGE OF AId,EGIANCE• Mayor Pro Tan Schneider led the Council and audience in the Pledge cf Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CAI.L - MENSII2S PFFSENT: Mayor Pro Tan Schneider, Oa�cilman Fitz�atrick, and Councilman Gooc7speed ME[�SII25 PBSINT: Mayor Nee and Counczln�n Barnette P�iMATIONS- VETERAD7S BUDDY POPPY DAY - MAY 16. 1986: Mayor Pro Ten Schneider stated Mayor Nee has issued a praclamation proclaiming May 16, 1986 as Buddy Popp� Lkzy. He read the proclamation and � it was given to representatives of the Fnc�ley VFW Frost 363 who were present. Buddy Popg� Queen, Lori Olson, stated she hapeci everyone would buy a popg3 on NL�y 16 to help disabled veterans. NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK - MP.Y 18-24. 1986: Mayor Pro Ten Schneider read the praclamation issued by Mayar Dlee proclaiming the week of May 18-14 as National Public Works Week. The proclamation called upon all citizens and civic organizations to recognize the ooritributions made every day by public works pers�nriel. SENIOR CErT!'ER WEEK - MAY 11-17. 1986: Mayor Pro Tem Schneider read the proclamation issued by Mayor Nee proclaiming the week of A9ay 11-17, 1986 as Senior Center Vdeek. The proclanation remgnizes the lifelong contnbutions of t�lented ar.d dew.catea Semor C�t�zens in Fndle� and commends the Semor Center for supporting a sense of co�nimity. •�.. .� � .. Mayor Pro Ten Schneider read the proclamation issued by Mayor 1Gee �iroclaiming the month of May as Correct Posture I�Ionth. The procl�nation � urges citizens to maintain correct posture and commends doctors of chiropractic for their eEforts a.n a public education piogram tied to the restoration of the Statue of Liberty. -1- COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 5, 1986 ��� ' Dr. Gregg Hebeisen accepted the proclamation and felt the contributions being made 1� the chiropractic profession to the Statue of Liberty are an investment in freedom. He stateci he encoura�es the resiclents of Fridiey to �feguard those freecbms and safeguard their health. APPRWAL OF MINUTES• BOARD OF REVIEW, APRIL 21. 1986: NDTION L� Councilman Fitzpatrick to apprcve the minutes of the Board of R�i�a Meeting of April 21, 1986 as presented. Seconded by Councilman GoocZspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the motion carned unanimously. CX�L7NCIL MEETING. APRIL 21, 1986: L�DTION try Councilman Goodspeed to appraae the minutes of the Council Nleeting of April 21, 1986 as presented. Seconded }x Councilman Fikz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Teni Schneider declarec3 the motion carned unammously. ADOPPION OF AGE�IDA: �e follaaing was added as Iten 19: "Consicleration of Authorizing the Sale � of Lots 1 through 3, Block 7, Edgewater Gardens." MOTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt the agenda with the above addition. Seoonded b� CoLmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tan Schneider declared the raotion carried unammously. OPIN FORUM. VISITORS: �ere was no response fran the audience imder this iten af business. 1. CONSIDERATION OF FRIDLEY LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS CONSENSUS REPORT ON FIRE STATION IiOCATION: Ms. Carolyn Rouse, 140 Hartman Circle, appeared before the Council, representing the League of Wanen Voters, to give a reFort on thea.r study of an appropnate location of a central fire stat� on. Ms. Rouse stated the Le«gue gathered information on the make-up of the Fridle� Volunteer Fire De�rtrnent, the current location of the fire station at Nitssissippi and Unlversity, and the ecyui�nent and training. She stated the� analyzed the area served by the Fire Departrnent and found that the population has increased ten times and family units doubleci since the 1960's. Ms. Rouse further stated 30,000 to 41,000 autos per uay pass through the Nhssissippi and Umversity intersection and pedestrian traffic has incr�sed. � She stated, after two years of study, the League has taken the position that the location of the fire station should be �udged upon such criteria as laa -2- COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 5, 1986 �� � � � � response time to emergency calls, limited traffic conflicts, cerrtral location, adequate sp3ce for activities and limited envirormental un�act en the neighborhood. Ms. Rouse stated the La��gue beliEVes that the present location of the fire station does not meet all of the above criteria and uraes that a new location for a central fire station be e�lored. J Ms. Rovse stated the L�gue's position is any fire station should be located such that (1) Response time to an energency call should avera9e five minutes or less; (2j The occurrence of traffic conflicts is 1 united f or taoth energency vehicles and volunteer firefighters travel to the station i�i response to an energency call (this means street aonfiguration and traffic coimts are unportant factors in determimny adequacy of a site); (3) It is neax the geogcaxhic center of the City; (4) Adequate space is avatlable fer such uses as volimteer firefighter �;arkinq, trairung facilities, storage and normal functions; (5) The environmental unpact on the neighborhoo� is minimized considering such factors as noise, light and saf ety; and {6) The best site is utilized regardless of price and political consic]erations. Ms. Rouse stated the League believes the present location of the fire station does not meet all the standards and urges a new location ior a central fire station should be explored without luniting the site surv ey to current publicly aaned property. � Coimcilman Goodspeed asked Ms. Rouse if the Leayue had any �rticular site in mind. Ms. Rouse stated the� did not have a site in mind, but felt it should be thoroughly researched bef ore a deci�on is made. d�imcilman Goodspeed asked Ms. Rouse what the League felt was the weakest point of the present fire stat�.on. She stated it was probably the traffic area, but indicated the current station f alls short of a number of the criteria th e� used in their study. Ms. Rouse stated if a oomnittee is establishecl to look at sites, perha�s the League oould serve on that oomnittee. I+&yor Pro Tan Sch�ider asked if thEy looked at other cities in drawing up their criteria. Ms. Rouse stated they di2� not, but this is one of the things which may be looked at in the future. I�DTION L� Coimcilman Fitz�trick to receive the mnsensus re�ort cn the fire station locata on dated Janury 14, 1986 as sutrnitted 1� the League of Woner. Voters. Seoonded l� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, a11 vpting aye, Mayor Pro Ten Schneider c3ec].ared the motion carried unammously. Mayor Pro Tan Sch�ider stateci he appreciated the work of the League of Wanen Voters in suYmitting this report. He stated it would be reviewed by staff and he was sure the League woulcl be ievolved in any further � discussions. PUBLIC HEARiNGS- -3- COUNCIL MEETIN3 OF MAY 5. 1986 � •. � 2. PUBLIC HEFIRING ON THE SALE OF 53.000,000 IN II�IIIUSIRIAL Dh'VF•LOPMED7i' HOAIDS FOR WINFIELD DEVEIAPMEDTCS. INC.: NDTION by Councilman Gooclspeed to waive the reading of the public hearirsy notice and o�n the public hearing. Seconc7ed by Councilman Fitz�xtrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro T�� Schnei�3er declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing oFenec3 at 7:56 p.m. Mr. Qureshi, Ctty NL�nager, stated this heanng involves the construction of a tuilding l� Winfield Develognents located along Umversity Avenue, south of the U. S. 3a�m and Fitness Qub. Mr. Jim Winkels, representing Winfield Development, stated they are proposing to wnstruct a 58,000 s�uare foot multi-tenant office/warehouse building and ze�uesting $3,000,000 in industrial development revenue honds for the firancing. Mr. Winkels stated he w�derstands the curxent state of the allccaticn of these bonds, haaever, if a prelunirary resolution is adopted in support cf this proposal, it would be norrbinding on the Council's part depending on the anount and n�nnber of allocatians. Mr. Winkels stated they are currently a business entity in the City and thanked the Coimcil for wnsidering their re�uest. � Playor Pro Tan Schne'ider asked how mar�y persons they would employ upon oomgletion of their proposed building. Mr. Winkels stateca approximatly 200 per �ons. Mr. Qureshi stated the petitioner understands this may be a laa priority in allocation of the fi�ncing. He stated, k� this procedure, thc� are merely keeping the cbors open, if there are funds available. No persons in the auci�ence spoke rec,�rding the �le of these industxial developnent bonds. hDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to close the public hearing. Seconded by Coimcilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all v�ting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schrieider declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hear�ng closed at 8:02 p.m, 3. PUBLIC HEARING �N THE SF1L�E OF 56.000,000 IN II�➢JUS`i'RIAL DEVELOPME6Ti' BOI�IDS FOR IPIDUSRIAL BOUI�EVARD INVESi'ORS• P,AID 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE SALE OF S6.OU0.000 IN INDU9IRIAL DEVEL�OPMEDTP BOI�IIJS FOR 53RD V�Y INVE57.'ORS: bDTIDN k� O�uncilman FitzKatrick to waive the reading of the public hearing notices and open the public hearings. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeeu. i7�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro T�� Schneider declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearings opened at 8:02 p.m. � Mr. Qureshi, City NI�nager, stated these hearings for i-he sale of these two industrial development bonds irivalves the proposed extension of a pro7ect -4- COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 5. 1986 1•1 � al�g East Ri.ver Ra�d, s�uth of I-694. Ms. Sherrill Ruretich, legal �imsel for the developers, Sam Marfield and Ken Belgarde, stated they propose to construct two additional builc7ings tmder Phase III of their pro]ect. She stated Phase I has been �mp].eted and construction has begun for Fhase II. Ms. Kuretich stated under Phase III of the prc� ect, Build� ngs No. 5 and 6 would be �nstructed irn�olving 112,000 �uare feet of office and warehouse facilities. Ms. Kuretich presented a site �,l.an shaaing these buildir!gs and eacplairaed the materials used in oonstruction. She stated the sites wculd be heavily landscaped and lcczding docks would be hidden fran public streets. Ms. Kuretich statc� they are ra�uesting a rreliminary resolution in support of these industnal revenue bonds. She stated each issue zequested is for $6,000,000, haaeaer, it may be recessary to increase these amounts. She stated, if the bonds are increased less thar 10�, it would not be necessar} to go through the public hearing procedure again. Ms. Kuretich stated it is estimated approximately 425 new 7obs will be created when Phase III is oomg]eted, with an annual Fayroll of $6.8 rullion. She stated it is pro�ected that this expansion w�11 generate $312,000 a year in additional taxes. � Ms. Kuretich stated the� are aware thEy must cprnpete at the State level for boncltiny authority and understand s�ch an allection may not be grante�. She statec's the developers are wil.ling to take the risk and apply for the bond allocations. Ms. Kuretich ttranked the Ca.ty staff for their cooperation and assistance in working with tl�e developers. Mr. Qureshi stated he wanted to make sure the developers are aware there is no c�arantee thcy would receive this funding. Ms. Kuretich statea they realize this fact and knar thetr funding may be pre-anpted, dependiny on other priorities. No persons in the audience spoke regarding these proposed bond issues. FDTION � Councilman Fitz�atrick to close the public hearings. Seconded by Coimcilman Goo�peed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Teri Schreider declared the motion carried unarumouslpy and the publzc hearings closed at 8:17 p.m. OL➢ BUSINESS• 5. CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #86-02. � ALLOW A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL ADID OIL DISPENSING SERVICE AI�D] A MOTOR VEHICLE WASH ESTABLISHMENT, GFT7t�:uarr,y �� AT 5300 CENPRAL VENUE N.E., BY Q PETAOLEUM: � Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated it was hoped there would be a signed agreanent between Q,Petraleun and the IInbers Restaurarit. He stated such an -5- COUNCIL MEEPING OF MAY 5, 1986 091 ' agreement was promised, but it is unfortanate that nothing has been recei�ed. He stated he would remrc¢nend this itan l�e tableci until there is a si�ed agreanes�t with hoth �arties irivalved. NDTION I� Cotmcilman Gooclspeed to table this iten to N1�y 19, 1986, Sewnded l� Councilman FitzFetrick. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, M3yor Pro Tan Schneider declared the mation carried unanimously. Mr. Rod Brannon, 1622 Innsbruck Parkway, r�uested information on the plan for this property well in advance of the meeting. Mr, Qureshi stated all infoLmation the City haa to date was provided. He stated some modificaions were to be presented, haaever, these were not receivecl. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE RD_1UST, VAR #86-D3, DO RIDUCE THE REQUIRED IAT SIZE. RIDUCE THE FROAfr YARD SEiBCK. RIDUCE TfiE REAI2 YARD Sh'TBACK, RIDUCE THE DRIVEWAY/PARKING Sh�BACK. G�Ar.ry Yp�TID AT 5300 CEDTPRAL AVENOE N. E. , BY Q PEfRQLEUM• MDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table tl-,is item to h:ay 19, 1986. Seoonded b� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NJayor Pro Tan Schneider declared the motion carried unammously. 1 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL 4UALITY, ADID HUMAN RESOURCE COPM9ISSIONS: AI�ID 7A. RECEIVING LEPPER OF RESIGNF�TION FROM JFAN GERpi3, APPEALS COMMISSION: NDTIDN t� Cotmcilman Fitzpatrlck to receive the letter of resionation from Jean Gerou, Appeals Commission. Seoonded b� Coimcilman Goodspeed. tipon a voice vote, all vating aye, Mayor Pro Tem SchneiUer declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION hy Councilman Fitz�atrick to tab3e the appointments tc the Cortunissions to May 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro T�i Schneider declared the motion carned unanimously. 8. CONSIDERFITION OF A L�T SPLIT RDC)UEST L S #86-02 DD SPLIT OFF THE WEST 90 FEEi' OF PART OF LL7P 28. REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISON N0. 77 TO CREATE A SEPARATE LOT GF'r�'RAr,r.y LpCATED AT 7136 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E., BY RICHARD MALECEK: Mr. Flora, Public Woxks Directox, stated there was an outlot when the P,ivenvood Elenentaiy School property was platted, and the aaner of this outlot has ra�uested a lot split. Mr, Floru stated the petitioner wishes to split off thE west 90 feet of his lot to provide a buildable lot off Riverwood Drive. He stated the property cxar�r has worked with the developer ' in order to provide a triangular piece of property for more frontaye far this lot. He stated the portion to be added to Pf,r. N�lecek's lot spiit is 670 square feet which will prwide for a more haxmonious alic3ru�lent with the � �92 COUNCIL MEETING OE MAY 5, 1986 � nght-of-way. Mr. Flora stated with this 670 square feet added to I�9r. N�lecek's lot, it reduces the size of Mr. Anderson's lot fran about 9,470 s�uare feet to 8,800 s�uare feet. Mr. Flora stated there were six sti�ulations attached to this lot spl it and staff had added that the �titioner was to woxk with the developer to obtain ° the additional property along the westerly boundary line an8 ior the petitioner to pro�vide a hard surf ace driveway to the existing house. Mr. I�'�lecek stated he was made aware of the sti�ulation for the hard surface drivaaay last Friday and requested the lot split �e approved, without this sti�.ulation. He stated he c1i�'t imderstand wYzy it should be tied to the lot split. Mr. Qureshi, City I�nager, stated the hard surface driveway is a City Code reqiurenerit and felt it would be appropriate at this time for Mr. Nhlecek to prwide the driva�ay. NDTION tr3 Co�mcilman Fitzxatrick to approve lct splik. L.S. #86-02, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) City be pxwided with a 25 foot bik�wa�/walkway easement along East River Ra�d; (2) New house front yard setback to f-ollaa the curve oi the street; (3) Lot split to be recx�rded prior to issuance of a building permit; (4) Park fee of $750.00 is to be �id pnor to zssuance of a Y_uilding permit; (5) Private utility easement to be provided across the � northerly 10 feet of the new lot; (6) Petitioner ayrees to f�.r share of street and utility assessments for the r�ew lot; and (7) PetitLOnex work with the developer to obtain the additional property alang the westerly boundary line. Semnded 1� Councilman Goodspeed. ��cilman Schneider asked Mr. i�lecek if he could provide a hard surface driveway in the rnar ftrture. Mr. NHlecek stated he has a long drive, about 155 feet long, and stated there are othen c�mes along East River Road that dc� not have hard surface driverrays. Mr. Herrick, Caty Attorney, stated, in theory, this requiranenk is in the City Code and staff should be enforcing it, but has been sor��ewhat lement. Fle felt it may be the appropriate time for the property ewner tc meet this mde requirenent. Coimcilman Fitzxatrick stated he agreed the code should be enforced, but was not sure it had anytYiing to c3o with this action for the lot split. Mr. Qureshi stated he beliEVed there were actions taken b3 the C:oimcil which gave Mr. I+�lecek the opporttmity to split his lot and make his pro�rty more valuable and this would be the t�.me to brirag his driveway into cornpliance witY� the oode. HDTION Ix Co�mcilman FitzFatrick to amend the above motion by zdding the follaaing stiFulation: (8) Petitioner to provide a hard surface driveway to � existing house. Seoonded l� Cauncilman Goouspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I+gyor Pro Tan Schneider declared the mation carried unarumously. -7- � � � COOIJCIL MEEPING OF MAY 5, 1986 UI�N A VOIC� VOTE TFIIQ�S7 QQ �IE NF1IN NDTION, all vcted aye, and N7ayor Pro TFni Schneider declared the motion carriec3 unarumously. Mr. N�lecek asked when the hard surface driv�vay hao to be completeci. rir. Qureshi stated this wnstruction season or before the newly createc3 1 ot is sold. Mr. Nhlecek stated he didn't have the financial ability to prwide for this driveway. It was suggested to him that he contact staff to see zf anything wuld 6e worked out to include the drivaaay in future xaving pro�ects w hich may result in a laaer mst to Mr. N�ilecek. 8A. RE9pLiTPION N0. 38-1986 APPROVING A SUBDIVISION, LOT SPLIT, LS. #86-02, TO SPLIT OFF THE WEST 90 FEET OF THAT PART OF LOT 28. REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISON N0. 77 LYING EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: (AS OUTLINID IN THE RESOLUPIOI� : 9. � Motion b� Co�mcilman Fitzrxztrick to adopt Resolution tdo. 38-1986. This resolution is to be executed when all necessary documents are receivec3. Seeonded lx Coimcilman Goodspeed, UFon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�tayor Pro Ten Schneider declared the motion carriea unammously. NEW BUSINESS: C�IDERATION OF SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE TRANSFER OF CABLE OPII2ATIONS APID OWNERSHIP FROM SPORER CABLE TO NORTEL CABLE ASSOCIATES: NDTION 1� Cotmcilman Goodspeed to set the public hearing f or June 2r 1986 and to retain the services of Don Richarcis fer a financial analysis, the cost of his services to be split between Fxicley and the cities of Eloanington and St. Louis Park. Se�nded Ix Councilman Fitzp�trick. U�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Nlayor Pro Ten Schneider declared the motion carried unanimously. RDCEIVING CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 20, 1986: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the mir.utes of the Cabl e Teleaisian 6�mmission Meeting of March 20, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ntayor Pro T�n Schneider declared the motion carried unarumously. 11. RECEIVING BIDS AAID CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONPRACi' FOR STREET IMPROVEMENP PROJEGT, ST 1986-1 & 2: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated bids were received f or this improvenent pro� ect and would recommend the bid 6e awarded to the low bidder, H& S Asphalt for Phase I only, as agreanents have not as yet been executed for the 100 'IWin DrivrIn property which covers Phase II of this improven�nt. NDTION tr� Cntmcilman Goodspeed to receive the follaainc� bids for Street Improvenent Pro�ect, ST 1986-1 & 2 for Phases I and II, and award the Q•L' 093 ' � 1 COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 5. 1986 contract f or Phase I only to the 1 aa bidcler, H& 5 Asphalt in the am uunt of $439,120.55. H & S Asphalt 700 Industry Auenue Anoka, NN 55303 Valle� Paving, Inc. 8050 D Hic�way 101 Shakopee, NN 55379 ALCOn CoILSt. CA. r II1C. P.O. Box 57 hbra, NN 55051 Bury & Car].son, Inc. 6008 Wayzata Blvd. MinneaFolis, NN 55416 I3ardrives, Inc. 7200 Hanlock Lane No. Magle Grove, MV 55369 Alexander Const. Co. 14561 Sohnny Cake Ridge Road Apple Valle�, PN 55124 C. S. McCrossan, Inc. Box 247 7865 Co. Rd. #18 N�ple Grwe, NN 55369-0247 Park Construction 7900 Beech Street Mi,nneapolis, L'T] 55432 439,120.55 368,054.10 $ 807,174.65 473,626.70 378,353.50 486,350.421401,753.67 520,641.06 391,88C1.OS 5a6,79�.85 416,149.00 557,732.23 410,769.40 562,863.40 417,407.70 851,980.20 888,104.09 512,521.11 422,944.85 968,501.63 980,271.10 631,023.09 460,236,13 1,Q91,259.22 Seoondec3 Y� Coimcilman Fitzp3trick. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, M3yor Pro Ten Schneider declared the motton carried unammously. Mr, Flora stated, when develognerit aqresnents are received from Woodbriclge Properti.es, staff would bring this back to Council for awarding Phase II af the improvanent pro� ect. 12. RECEIVING BIDS APID CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRP,CT FOR 1986 MISCELIANEOUS CONCRETE CURB. GUPPER ADID SIDh�7AI�R PRQ7EX'I': Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated five bids were received for this pro�ect and would reoonanend the bid be awarc�ed to the laa bicider, Cunclerson Brothers in the �nount of $24,050. NDTION � Ct�uncilman Fitz�atrick to receive the follaaing bids and awarc, the � ��. ' ' � COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 5. 1986 oontract to the laa bidder, Gimder>on Brothers in the �noimt of $24,050. Gundex5on Bxos. 2325 Snelling Ave., S. NI�nneapolis, l�N 55404 Concrete Curb Co. 771 Ladybird Lane Burnsvi].le, NN 55337 NoUle Nursery 10530 Trv3 Ixuie M�gle Grove, NN 55369 Independent Curb Contractors 4690 Penkwe Way Eagan, NN 55122 Arcon Construction Co., Inc. P. O. Box 57 Mora, NN 55051 $24,050.00 $25,410.OD $27,325.00 528,000.00 $33,385.00 Seoonded b� CAUncilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N,ayor Pro Tan Schneider declared the motion carn ed unammously. 13. CONSIDERATION OF A PROFOSID MTC RpUTE 25B SERVICE VIA INNSBRUCK DRIVE: Mr. Flora, Riblic Works Director, stated the MI'C has requestec� a new bus route in Fridle� to he iderttified as Route 25E and needs a�proval of the Ca ty to operate this route. Mr. Flora stated buses on this route would operate cn Innsbruck Drive between the C�ty lunits and Matterhorn Drive; on I+7atterhorn Drive between Innsbruck Drive and Gardena A�enue; and on Garderr� Avenue k�etween Nl�tterhorn Drive and Central Avenue. I�yor Pro Tan Schneider asked if any of the bus stoFs would be in front of residential hanes. Mr. Flora pointed out the locations and indicated some stops would be in front of residences. Mayor Pro Tan Schneider stated his concern was a potential probl en with damages to private property. Mr. Flora stateu� he d�dn't feel the volu�ne of txaffic would be such to cause any protzlens. Mr. F'lora stated the hfPC has initiated this route clue to the increasing nianber of calls for service in the area. NDTION 6� Coimcilman Goodspeed to apprwe the D�IPC proposal for Bus Route 25B throuc� the City of Fridle3. Sewnded L� Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, [fayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the motion carried imammously. -10- 095 ' ' ' COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 5, 1986 14. RECEIVING PETITION N0. 3-1986 RF7GARDING INSTALLATON OF A STREET LIGHT AT 1475 - 66TH AVENUE N.E.: Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, stated a petition w as received f or installaton of a street light on the curve of 66th Avenue in the new Creekridge devel.ognent. He stated this rEquest �tisfies the criteria f or the installation of a street light. Mr. Gerald Jensen, 1475 66th Avenue, stated the two lights at each end of this Ulock are totally screened, therefore, there is no lic,ht in the m�ddle of the 41ock and f elt it was a dangerous sztuaton. NDTION 1� Cotmcilman Fitz�atrick to receive l�tition No. 3-19&6 and direct staff to proceed w ith ordering the installation of the street light as indicated on Page 14C of the agenda booklet. Seconded by Councilman Gooclspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Fro Tem Schneider declared the motion carried unammously. 15. Q,AIMS: NDTION tr� Councilman Fitzp�trick to authorize g3yment of Claims No. 7741 through 7897. Seconded tr� Cnimcilman Gmodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, N�yor Pro Tan Schneider declared the metion carried unammously. 16. LICINSES• NDTI(AV try Councilman Goodspeed to apprwe the licenses as sui�nitted and as on file in the License C1erk's Offic�. Seconded Yr� Cow-icilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the motion carried unanimously. 17. ESTIMATES: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that Es�timate No. 6 for fl.H. Blattner included increased quantities for alun anu screer,�ng materials f or an increased wst of $14,578. FDTION 1� Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the follawir.g estimates as sui�nitted: Hernck & Newman, P.A. 6279 Umverslty Ave. N.E. Fridle�, Ffi 55432 For services rendered as City Attormy for the date 4/1/86 to 4/24/86. . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,336.00 D.H. Blattner 1400 Conmr� a Ave. St. �ul, NN 55104 Moore Lake Restoration Pro�ect - Phase II Estimate #6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -11- $41,646.48 Q9� COUNCIL MEEPING OF MAY 5. 1986 � Short-nliott-Heridrickson, Inc. 200 Gopher Building 222 East Little Carada Ra3d St, Paul, NN 55117 Certtral Avenue/f3ighway 65 Rcx�daay Redesign Ebr Novanber 17, 1985 to Narch 22, 1986 ......$ 1,731.08 Seoonded Ix Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all votiiig aye, Mayor Pro Tan Schneider declatecl the motion carned unammousiy. 18. RECEIVING OF VPSFPAGE COMPANIES' LETTER RDGARDING RETAIL DEVEL�OPMENT ON 815T AVENOE AAID UNIVERSITY: NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to receive the letter fran Vantaye Com�m es. Seoonded 1� Cnuncilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all vcting aye, NHyor Pro Ten Schneider declared the moticx� carried iuiammously. 19. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 3. BLOCK 7 IDGEWP,TER GARDENS • Mr. Qureshi, City NL�nager, stated the Council had previously authoriz ec: the sale of these lots for $17,500. He stated the gerson, however, did not exercise his option to purchase because he was not aware of some af the ' enciunbrances. Mr. Qureshi stated the Ca ty naa has another g�rty, Brandon Construction, interested in �urchasing these lots for the same �nount. He requeste� the Council consider this offer and authoiize the sale. NDTION ky GounCilmdn F1tzKatrlCk to authorize the City staff to enter into an agreenent for tl�e sale af Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 7, Fdgewater Gardens for $17,500 each. Seaonded b� Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a vaice vote, all vot�.ng aye, Mayor Pro Ten Schneider declared the motion carried unanimously. AA70URNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded 6p Coimcilman Fitz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Yro Tem Schneider declared the motien carried unammously and the Regular N�eting of the Fridle� City Council of I�y 5, 1986 ad�ourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully suYmitted, -� �'�--� �..� �. 5 �= (�role Haddad, Denru s L. Schneider, Secretary to tl�e G ty Council I�yor Fro Tan � Approved: -12- 097