07/21/1986 - 00011519(��� " � THE MINUTES OF THE RF�UI,AR MEE.TING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JULY 21. 1986 7he Regular Meeting of the Fridle� City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m b� t�iyor Nee. PLIDGE OF ALLF]GIANCE: I�yor Nee led the Council and auc]ience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. ROLL CAI�L• MENBIILS PRESEIVT: Mayor Nee, Coimcilman Gcoc�speed, Coimc,�lmara FitzFatrick, Councilman Schneider and Councilman Barnette MENBIIZS PB5II4T: None APPROVAL OF MINOTES: COLTNCIL MEEi'ING. J[lLY 7. 1986: MOTIQN by Councilman Schneider tc apprcve the Ru nutes as presenteu. � Seoonded l� Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay e, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarnmously. COUNCIL MEEPING. JULY 14. 1986: NDTION ty Councilman Barnette to apprwe the minutes as presented. Seconc7ed 1� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unammously. ADOPTION OF PGEDIDA• Zhe foll wring iten was added to the agenda: (23) Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing on the Revocation of the 5reci�l Use Permit for Apache Camping Center. MOTION by Councilman Fitzg3trick to acaopt the agenda with the above addition. Se�nded b� Councilman Goods�xed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carriecl unanimously. OPIN FORUM, VISITORS: Mr. Robert Kelsey, President of the Advisory sourc� of the Frid] ey Seniar Center, appeared before the Council on behalf of seruor citizens in the oommtmity. fie stated a Semor Center was estahlished in Fric7ley some time � ago and the Metro�litan Council on Aging estabJ.ished I'ric]].c� as the� r foca] center. Mr. Kelsey stated around June 1, the Senicr Center P,nnual Report was -1- COONCIL MEN,TING OF JULY 21, 1986 ��� � distributed e�cplaimnq their progtam for the on-ccxning year. He stated the future of the center has been discussed re5arding the need to maa.ntaan a healthy Senior Center. He stated it wes the ooncensus of the Coirnnittee that grwrth was essesrtial anc7 programs needed t� be expanc;ed. FIe state�r they wished to mwe in the di.rection of hirinq a f�ill-time Director. P�r. Kelsey stated Title III fLmds eru]ed June 30 and i.he Committee recommended a fund raising pro�ect. Mr. Kelsey stated Dr. Boudreau was concerned about the hiring of a Eemor Center Coordinator and the effects on the Clty's Fark and Recreation program. He stated thEy would not conflict anc7 they only wish to expand ln thea.r direct area. Mr. Kelsey rEViaaed the type of facilities in Elaine and what is pro�wsen for Colunbia Hei�ts for the Semor Citizens. He stated a rEquest of $�,8QQ was made to carry on their activities through the year and the amount reoommended Ix the Hunan Resources Commission was $3,000 whicl-i is only �bout 34� of the amoimt xEquested. Mr. Kelsey stated he understands the City contributed $15,060 taaurds an ammal shelter and coulchi't belieae that dogs and cats meatt more thar, the Semor Citizens. Mr. Kelsey stated the� have made ap�i].ication for tax-exFSnpt status and until � the�r receive approval, they cannot solicit func3s from businesses cr organizations. He stated, in the meantime, thEy wi11 r�eed sam� assistance. Ntr. Kelsey requested the Coimcil give some tY;au�t and financial support to the Semor Center. He stated he would be ha� to rneet with the Counci7 at an� time to ans�aer questions. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated in the 19II7 I�udget, fund� are to be prwided in the amount of $5,000 for the 5emor Ceriter ira ac7dition t� the $3,300 recommended fran CLBG funds. He felt the Senior �tizens cauld work, throuc� the Park and Reereation De�rtrnent, to determine their neec7s. He felt the a�proach the Council has taken is to provide assistance for ara active Seniox Center. Nlayor Nee stated the entire Coimcil has been very supportive in taking steps to see the droFrin center survive and have reasonable prosperity. He felt thc� need to c3efine what the3 hope to accom�lish ana arrarge far interaction between the Advisory Board and City staff rec3arcung their budget. Co�cilman Barnette stated the City has met the 58,500 request, ancl felt the Coimcil has been supportive af the Senior Ceriter. Cotmcilman Fitz�atrick stated he would certainly encourage a meeting with the City staff regarding the Center's neec]s. I�e thankec7 thE people for coning in this evening to make their presentation. ' N�s. Kirk Hart, represersting the Fridle� Chanber of Ccxtuzcerce, requested the Coimctl's aontinued support for the Woodbric]ge Properties develaFment in order to bring this to a satisEactory conclusion. -2- COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 21, 1986 �3� � PUBLIC HEARiNGS: 1. PDBLIC HEARING ON REZONING RDJUEST ZOA #86-01 TAf'.11TID ON THE WEST HALF OF LOT 4 ALL OF L�(7CS 5 6 AND 7 LUCIA LANE ADDITION GFNERAiT.y �,TID ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND HIGHWAY 65. BY L. ROBERT ERICKSON: MYPION L� Coimcilman Schneider to waive the reading of the gublic hearing notice and open the pu}alic hearing. Secanded ]x Councilman Goodspeed. U�n a voice vote. all voting aye, Nlayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously and the Fubl ic hearing openec� at 8: Q2 p.m. Mr. Robert�on, Commtmity Developnent Director, state� this zs a request for rezoning fran 1�1 to R-3 for property lacated on the noxthezst corner of Hi�iway 65 and Missis5ipp�. Street. He stated the total area covered in thxs rezoning is about one and one-half acres for the Fuxp�se of constructing ten taanhouse �mits. He stated it is proposed to have 6,400 s�uare feet of lot area per wnt or about 6.8 tmits per acre. He stated a ty�ical townhouse density ranged frcm 8 to 12 so this was a very lw+ density. I�r. Robertson stated these units would be two bedroans with cb uble garac�es, approximately 1,b00 square £eet. Mr. Robertson stated staff felt the plan was som2what unbalar•_ced because there were eight units for the west portion anci twa units for the east ' p�rtion. He stated staff proposed an alternate glan to break the units into three clusters, instead of one long linear bmlding. He stated with this plan, three units would be located on the east portion, four unit� f acing Hi�wa�r 65, and the other three units on fihe r�rth �rt ef the site. r�r. Robertson stated access is off Mississippi Street, with the driveway approximately 130 feet fran the intersectior�, and anothex c7riveaay off Lucia Lane. r1r. Robertson outlined the 11 stipulations recommenu�ec3 an conJunction with this r�oning request. Mr. Robertson stated a large nwnber of people attended the Planning Conmiission meeting and the vote L� the Conunission to agprove this rezoning failed lx a tie vote. Mayor Nee asked where the guest parking would be locateG. Mr. Rabertson stated this oould be prwided in f ront of the c�arages. Mr. Jim Harnlsen, N3r. Erickson's partner, stated he xealizes the Feople w ho live in this area have seen marr� different proposals for this property. HE stated the� have econanically scaled daan this project and f elt it was trie best kind of developnent for this parcel. He stated single family homes �ust woul�'t work, and felt there was nathing else they could do with th� land. ' PZr. Haxmsen stated Jerty Johnson was refused a curb cut off Hiyhway 65 and Mississ�.ppi. Mr. Qureshi stated a curb cut fran I3i�naay 65 is net allowed -3- � �_J � COUNCII, MEEPING OF JULY 21, 1986 and was probably lx�rred ]3r �he 5tate. Ni3yor Nee stated the City doesn't have any �urisdiction for curb cuts on State highways. Nfr. Harmsen stated he was trying to fortify the fact that they have a problan with builcling four hanes on those Iots. He stated they have scaled daan the density and could keep the trees. He felt the developnent would add to the beauty of the area. Cotmcilman Schneider asked if thc� had loc�ked at single fam�ly develognent with a shared driveaay as suggested at the Flamm�g Coiranission meeting. Mr. Harmsen stated it was econanically impractical to construct four si ngl e £�nily hanes on this site. He state� no one would spend $120,000 to $150,00 for a hcme and have a shared drive,vay. Coimcilman Schneider statec3 he dich�'t feel they had to construct 5150,000 hanes on this site. Mr. Harmsen stated it didn't make sense to have single family homes anc7 looking at land costs, Yhe trees should be saved and the only way to proceed is with a taanhouse project. Mr. Jack Young, 6549 Lucia Lane, stated he felt there wasn't a person in their area that would ob�ect to taking down the trees and constructing single f�nily hanes. Councilman Schneider stated he heard the gresentatior, at the Planning Commissaon meeting and felt what keeps coming up is Einancial considerations. He stated this 1s the develorxr's problan, not ihe City's. He stated the City's concern is to maintain reasonable land use controls. Councilman Schneider stated residents bought thear hames in tY�is area knaaing this site was zoned R-1. He felt it could be developed as R-1 with sane different �lans and shared driveaays. Mr. Yotmg stated he bought their hane knaaing this si.te was R-1 zonzng. He stated since this time, they have had thF a�rtments constructeci to the north. as well as the Knights of Colunbus Hall, wh�ch all contribute greatly to the traffic on Lucia Lane. He stateci it �s impossible to get o�at of their drivaaays on a bingo m 9ht at the YC Hall. He felt with ten more tmits, there would k�e 20 more cars. Mr. Youn� stated he would like this resolved once and for all to keep the zoning as F.-l. N�yor Nee stated there isn't any way to make it permanently unquestional�ly R-1 since it is a citizen's right to petition for a rezomng, if he sa desi res. Mr. I� rrel Gcerdt■ 6610 Lucia Lane, state� all the lots north are landlocked and the whole block is that way. Mr. Bob Haedtke, aaner of property at 6540 Lucia Lane, statec the zoning is -4- p34 . o�� COUNCIL MEETING OF Ji1LY 21, 1986 � there to protect the people who live in thi� neighborhood. He felt the question is haa much profit a person should make and if he should build single family hanes. Mrs. F�vina Timo, 6517 Lucia Lane, felt this developnent would increase traffic in front of her hane and it was too many hanes in a sriall area. Mr. Dick Berganini, 6596 Pierce Street, statec at the Planning Comr�ission meeting he heard, basically, two reasons why this pro�;erty should be developed which was econanics and the best plan. He sukmitted a�titicn af 60 names of persons who are opposed to tktis develagnent. NDTION b� Co�mcilman Schneider to receive F�titicn 6-1986 in opposition tc re2omng rEquest 20A #86-01. Seconded 1�� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nkyor ldee declared the motion carnec] uinansmously. Coimcilman Schneider statecl he strongly believed in a rezoning situatian where everything is R-1, the zomng has to take precedence over economics. He stated it is rlear the neighborhood is nat in favcr of this develognent, He stated he had suggested the developer wcrk with the neighboring resider.ts to try and work out a compromise, but this a��arently was not done. Coimcilman Schneider felt he would be opposed to the rezoning ar.d fzlt R-1 should prevail. � Councilman Barnette felt the City Manager should explain what cbula be lxnit on this �xircel, without arr3 rezoning. Mr. Qureshi stated there are certain uses allc�aed in zn R-1 �one, with a special use permit. He stated several uses might be a church or nursing hane. He stated it should be made clear 1�-1 doesn't neces�rily meat7 single f�nily hanes, but cbes allav other businesses that tend to fit in with the s�.ngle f�nily type residences. Mr. Yotmg stated, for example, a clinic wauld be constructed. He asked ii there were a� orc7inances regulating the amount oi �rking. Colmcilman Barnette stated the� would have tc meet all the re�uirements of the City code. He stated he just wantec] the residents tn be aware that other than single family hanes, sanething else oould possibly be canstructecl on this site. N`,r. Young asked if theLe is a�thing the Council could do tc prevent rezomng requests fran occuring every year. Colmcilman Schneider statec3 there really is no practical way to stop the requests for r�oning. Co�mcilman Goodspeed stated he believed the price of the land has been � raised on the basis that the Council would some ci�y rezone. rr• Jce Randall, 1210 Mlississippi Street, statec� this land was obtainea far a snall amount of money and homes were never built. He state� across -5- COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 21. 1986 �r,�r ' Highway 65, hanes are being constructed and rsdn't be�.iEVe the econanics are such that single f�nily hanes oouldn't be wnstructed on this parcel. Mr. Bob Nystran. 6533 Lucia Lane, asked sf there may be some kind of arrangemertt where this land could be �rchased k� the CZty or residents. Cotmcilman Schneider stated he dtc�'t see ariy r�rticuiar use by the City. but Ferha�s if the residents wanted to shaxe the wst to purchase this g�rcel, it may 6e a possihility. P7r. Seekon, 6450 Taylor Street, stated the hane across the street from him at 6451 Taylor Street is rented and the renters are constantly working on cars and wa�ing motors. He stated he dir,n't feel this use was ��rmitted in an R-1 zone and would like s�ne actzon taken. Mr. Seekon stated Mr. Wiersna of the City staff had been out to talk to these renters, but was not able ta oontact the aaner. Cotmcilman Schneider stated staff would check into it and get back to NLr. Seekon. NDTION b� Co�mr,ilman Schneider to close th� public hearing. Seconded by Co�mcilman Barnette. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unanimously and the public hearir.y closed at 8:50 p.n � NCYPION by Councilman Schneider to darect staff to check the ie�sibility of aoquiring this �rcel and other alternatives that may he used, such as an Assessnent Distnct or Redevelognent Ih strict, to maintain the proFerty zn its natural state or assure it is developed as single family. 6econded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye. NJayor Dlee declared the motion carried unammously. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING REqUEST, ZOA #86-03. 7A('.�TID ON LOTS 16. EXCEPT THE EASP 199 FEET THEREOF, 17 AND 18, BLOCK 2. SPRING VALLEY ADDITION. GENERIILLY L�(X'ATID NORTH OF RICE CREEK ROAD AND EAST OF CENTRAL AVENUE. BY RICHARD MUCEIINSKI • NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and o�n the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motiQn carried unanimously and the �uhlic hearing o�ned at 8:50 p.m. Mr. Robertson, Co�[mumity I�velopnent Director, stated this is a rezoning ra�ue:;t fran C-1 to R-3 in order to allaw the construction of 19 sin�jle f�nily attached tavnhouses. He stated the density was agproximately 5,000 s�uare feet of lot area per unit or 8.5 umts per acre, a moder�te density taanhouse develognent. Mr. Robertson stated the units would r«nge in size from 1,100 to �,500 � square feet selling in the mid $7Q,000 range. He stated each unit would have a double cprage with roan for two cars for visitor g3rking in front of the garages. -6- COi1NCIL MEETING OF JULY 21, 1986 � Mr. Robertson stated the HRA has tentativr-1y agreed to assist the c7eveloper with sane costs for soil correction. Mr. Robertson stated the Plarunng Commission has recommended approva7 of this rezomng with ten stipulata.ons which he outlined. HE stated another stipulation has been suggested tt� Mr. F`lora, Public Works Director, that a five foot street/utility ease�nent be rEque�ted along the easterly property line of Lots 17 and 18 in order to maintain a continuous future right-of-way. Co�mcilman Schneider asked who would gzy the cx�st of the new storm drainage pipe. Mr. Flora stated he understands the HRA has agreed to install tkie pipe along the Harris pond d�.tch. Cotmcilman Schneider stated there have been a nunher of drainage problans at 64th and Central. He asked if this develoianent would create additional drainage problens and if it could be handlea. Mr. Flora stated the City is looking at the possibility cf installing a drainage systen fran Nltssissippi into the Harris pond clitch so f-hc existing drainage problems wauldn't be affected by this develagnent. He stated drainage fran this site would go into the pipe �ownstream and c�iain into the Nloore Lake l�xass. � Mr. Mochinski, the petitioner, stated he has aaned the land for about seven years and had intentions of developing it for commerical use. He stated, haaever, the traffic counts on Old Central have declined and made this g�rcel less desirable for a commerical use. He stated he has been unable ta obtain financing to develop a cwmnerical gro�ect. Mr. Mochinski stated a realtor suggested he look at the possibility of developing this site into residential and is the re�son for the rezoning request. He stated he was ahle to secure a tentative mortgage commitment based on this g3rticular taanhouse plan. He state� one of the cltfficulties with this site is the unusual soil cond�.tions which makc it e�ctrenely costly for residential use as it is estimated the ct�st far ��oil correction wc�uld be $150,000. Mr. hbchinski stated he approached the HRA for assistance far the draanage and additional land in order to make thas a high�r quality prc�ect. He stated the umts would be two-stcry, with no basements due to the water table. He stated the first lEVel would prcvide for a recreation room or extra bedroan with the upper level containing the living rocm, kitchen, two bedroans, and dining roon with a walk out deck. He stated this pro� ect is similar to the one on Silver Lake Road across fran the AFache Plaza Sho�.ng Center, except the buildings in this gro7ect would be sta5gerec3, Mr. Mochinski statec� the prices ranged fran the mid 70's to upper 80's depend�.ng on the amenities. � Mr. Mark Schwartz, 1372 64th A�enue, stated he was concerned a}�out the road and asked if all the ta�yers would pay for the road along Lot 14 leading to Rice Creek Road. -7- n -h""' COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 21. 1986 ��� � Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated all irnprovements including the road, water, sewer and drainage is assessed tc the ainer of the prcFerty and doesn't oane out of general taxes. He state� the City may construct the ra�d, but all charges are assessed to the benefitting property aaner. Co�cilman Barnette stated if event�lly the road went east and borderec'+ the back of Mr. Schwartz's property, then he woulu pay if it benefitted his property. Mr. Schwartz asked who would be resFonsible if the g�.�e can��ot handle this additional drainage. Mr. Qureshi stated the drainage would go soeth irom this property where there is alrea� a ditch. He felt if it is done prcperly, it shoulchi't kae a problen. P1r. Qureshi stated it is the Staff's feeling that mrmnercial c;eve].ox[ttent an this site would 6e more detrimental because there would be more blacktop, hence greater water runoff, and a higher density. FIe stated a cammercial use could cover 40� of the �rcel glus a Farking lot which would maKe the wverage ahout 70�. Nlr. Schwartz stated he would like to see single farrr�ly hornes c�n this site and dicLi't like so marr� units in a resident�al ne�yhborhooci. He felt it may ' devalue his property. M3yor Nee stated because of the amount ef soil correctic�r. that is necessaiy, you need a fairly e�ensive use. Mrs. Schwartz stated before the� bought their home four montt?s ago, they checked on the adaacent zoning. She statec if it had been zonec� for multigle use, thc� would not have purchased their hane. She felt con�nieric,�l uses are generally busy during the day haurs, but close in the everung. Mrs. Schwartz felt the density was hic� oonsidering the other lots in the area. She also felt Old Central was busy naa and this developnent woulc� acd adaitianal traffic. Ms. LaUonne Kowski, 6391 Central Avenue, stated she would rather have a business located on this site than the 1�+ tavnhouses. She felt this w�s a large amourit of peogle for the size of the g�rcel. I�s. Kowski state� she was wncerned because her property is lck�er anu she sometimes has Wc1tEL in her la�sement. She also stated she was ooncernec� abaut the traffic. P7rs. Schwartz stated when they appeared before tr.e Planning Commission, there were 14 neighbors ogposed and yet the vote of the Commission was unanimous for apprwal of the rezoning. She stated most of thsn have given up and that is why thEy are r�t at the Cauncil meeting. � Coimilman Schneider stated the Planning Conunission is an �ldvisory Commission to the Council made up of residents like then::elves. He stated the Council would make the final decision on whethec or not to allaa the rezomng. '�'. .. Q�9 COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 21, 1986 � Mrs. Sue Rau, 1341 64th Avenue, stated her concern is the nunber of um ts on this �rcel. She stated the develognent is only 20 feet frcm the back yards of single family hanes. Mr. Qureshi asked if tl�e residems prefer a commercial, developnent with a higher density. Mrs. Rau statec3 the� would have the traffic, but during the day and not in the eveni.ng hours. Mr. Qureshi pointed out a business oould r�n several shifts. He felt this was the first time he could recall where a neiyhbarhood preferred commerical develognent rather than residential. Mrs. Rau stated she cannot accept 38 plus people in this small area and these persons will have boats, snaamobiles, etc. and wondered where thEy would put then. Cotmci.lman Schneider asked the residents what they felt was a reasonable ciensi ty. NLs. Kowaski stated she dic3i't feel thc� shGUld put in 19 townhouses in an area only four times larger than her lot. She felt if the proposal was for an office, gas station, or convem ence stare, she wouldn't have ary � ob�c-�tion. She stated she knecv when she purchased her property that there was ad�aoerit commercial property. Ms. Caleran, 6401 Central A�enue, felt there are too marag umts pro�osed ior this Farcel and would irivade her privacy as her proFerty would be visible to �rsons in the second stories of these umts. Mr. Mochinski stated all the levels are 1-1/2 stor� es in the rezr urad the two stones don't face arr3 yards. Mrs. Rau asked if petitions fran the neiqhborhood were submitted if this would help their case. Councilman Schi?eider stateu, nleng witY� the petition, he would like to see suggestions frae the neighborhaad on ha�a thc� wanted this g�rcel to develop. NHyor Nee suggested a meeting with the devela�er and the neighborhood to di�cuss his plans. Mr. Mochinski and the resident� attending the meeting were receptive to such a meeting. Councilman 5chneider asked Mr. Mochinski to notify him when they wil] be meeting. NDTION 1� Councilman Schneider to continue this public hearing until the next meeting on August 4, 1986. Seconded � Councilmarz Barnette. Upnn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declareC t�,e motion carrieG ' unarumously. "� COONCIL MEEPING OF JULY 21, 1986 ^�� � 3. PUBLIC HF�RING ON THE MATTER OF A FIN�1L PLAT. P.S. #86-02. CREEKRIDGE PL.4T #2. IpCATID ON TAT 1, BI/JCK 1. HIDDIN WOODS; OUTLOT 1, GENA RAE ADDITION: PART OF OUTf�('JP A. DIIaNIS ADDITION: PART OF I�(7PS 6 AND 14, REUISID AUDITOR' S SUBDNISION NO. 10. GENERALLY LOC'1�TID EA,;P OF CHNTRAL AVENUE AND SOUTH OF 66TH AVENCIE. BY RICHARD BRICKNER, TFIOMAS B7AMBEI� AND THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: Mayor Nee reopened the F:uhlic hearing which haa been oontinued frcm the July 7, 1986 meeting. Councilman Schneider statec3 he received a�one call frcm Karla Blcmberg and she indicated she wasn't sure haa her �rne agpeareci on this Fetition as she and her hust�and have no interest one way �r the othEr in this plat. Mr. Flora, Pulalic Works Ih rector, stated Mr. Brickner re3uested a lot split to split a large Farcel into four buildable lots and an eusement far �rcels C and D. He stated the Park and Recreation Cornmission has state� they no longer need the triangular piece of proFerty, ad�acent to Creek Park Lane, and the Planning Co�nission suggested this piece of prcperty be sald. Mx. Flora stated the Blai!berg pxoperty became involved 6ecause of the Fossible realigmnent to Xswide a better sate of three hcnies on the curve of the street. He stated a registered lanc7 survey was reruirec� describinq these lots, the B n ckner property, Blonberg property ancl City-owned property. � Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission recommended approv al of the registered land surve� with three stipulatians which he outlined as follaas: (1) the properiy be sold ta the developer sa easements are not necessary; (2} Mr. Bnckner �y three Faxk fees of $1,500 each with the first three of four huilding permits; and (3) pending assessnents glus interest to be �aid with the building permits on tracts C and D. Mr. Flora stated at the July 7 meeting there v�as a question whether tu alla� an easement or allaa sale of this triangular piece of property. He stated the plat before the Council now is the ci?e reconunended by the Plannang Conmu.ssion. He stated it is a revised pl�t to whach the petitioner is agreeable. Councilman Schneider asked the oost for the City of acqm.nng p�rcels A, B, C and D for p3rk purposes. Mr. Flora stated the assessed values f or those four �arcels is $77,400. Mr. Flor� statec� if you look at it from the perspective of need arad use, there is a�rk on the other side of the street which prwades the amemties previously prcraided at the Rice Creek School site. Councilman 5chneider asked if ariyone else, besicles the petitioner, zs interested in purchasing this property. � Mr. Flora stated the City, in the past, has attemptec to urge ad�acent property avners to F:urchase these types of excess property. -10- ..��. � �� � . . � Coimcilman Schneider felt the City aaquired the Farcel imder the Fxetense it was to !x used for park purposes. He stated the recommendation of the Planning Canmission is it be sold to a specific individual and not be used for pnrk purposes. Mr. Flora stated the Cotmcil made the decision to prwide Fxirk land for the two plats, (.Yeekridge and Hidden Woods, and obtain the Gena Rae parcel for this and also �wide a razd. He stated the plan approved by the Council �wided the best Fark space and wnnection to the two plats. Cotmcilman Schneider stated the reason it was connected was because of the Staff's reooimnendation. Mr. Qureshi stated it was the desire to provide a road and it was canstructed in the most logical location which left the most amount of useable �rk land. He stated if it is the Council's desire to assess �arcels C and D, you have to provide access to them. He stated if the Co�mcil prwides access and still sells the lot to someone, it didn't make sense fran a glanning point of view, as the Code would not allcra anything to be built on this triangular piece of property. Mr. Qureshi stated the original, ptoposal was not to sell the Faroel, but �w ide an easenent to the roadvay. Mr. Ralph Skinner, 6217 Central Auenue, felt if this paxcel was to be � disposed of in ar�y fashion, other than to go back to the former aaner, it should be Fut � for bids. He stated he would be hapg,� to bid at least $10,000 for this parcel and would use it as a lever with Tom Brickner regarding his property on Old Central and Heather Place. Co�mcilman Schneider stated he is not trying to condone developers buying property to pre�ent the other one frwn developing. He stated he is not tryinq to obstruct develognent of two or four homes, but he is concerned about the fairness when the Ci.ty takes property for one Fur�se and changes the use and, because it is an excess parcel, not giving the one they ao3ui.ted it fraa the first oppozt�mity to have it. Mr. Flora stated the Coimcil adciressed part of fihe issue in the assessment. He stated thEy ide�ified tax assessnents against the parcel as far as it being a future buildatle lot. He stated they probably didn't address the specific issue of the triangular piece of pro�rty. N�. Richard Brickner, the petitioner, stated he is willing to purchase the land, pay the Fark fees and all assessnents. He stated the question on the fairness is for the Coimcil to decide. Nk�yor Nee asked Mr. Brickner what he would do with the land if he couldn't reoeive access. Mr. Briclaxer stated he would still like to plat Lots A and B and keep C and � D as outlots. Mr. Richacd Podvin, 1391 Mississippi Street, stated at the July 7 meeting, - 11 - Q4� . � ��, , • ��� � Mr. Herrick indicated those Faroels had already been assessed, therefore, the Ciiy must gi.ve access. He felt this position misled the Council. He stated, as of last Frida.y, these assessnertts haven't been lev ied until the glat is apprwed b,T the Coimcil. I�. Fbdvin stated he is seeking a legal opinion f or this property to be returned to the aaner, before it was taken tr� eniner�t dcsnain proceedings, or fot this parcel to be 7oined with the �ark. Cotmcilman Schneider stated it seans the issue is the lec�.timate clisposaJ. of land that was condenned and not used. Mt. N6vman, Assistant CS.ty Attorney, stated unless there are restrictions contained in the final court order, there has to be a puhlic purpose and, at the time, it was intended to aoquire the parcel for park purposes. He stated thete aze situations wheze plans have been c3ranged and that being the case, the Statute allaas it to be declared surglus and sold. He stated he understands the City aoquired fee title to the property and it is his opinion the City would be ahle to grant an easenent. Coimcilman Schneider asked Mr. Newman's o�nion on har this surplus paxcel should be hanc�ed. Mr. Navman stated the Coimcil is not reqtu red L� State 1 aw to go to publ ic � bidding. He stated for certain policy reasons, if an individual lot is �ilcl�ble, the City may wish to solicit bids. He stated when you have a �rce]. that is not buildahle, it is a imique situation. Mr. NEwman cited the case of the propezty along i-694 which was turned back to the awner in order to make productive use of the property. Ae stated there have been instances in the �xst where the City has aaquired property through the wndemnation Faocess and sold it to other parties, providing there are no restrictions in the deed or court order awarding the condemnation. Mr. Newman stated, in that case, the lots were buildable and it was in the best interests of the City to obtain bids. He stated in a g�xcel that is not buildable, the Cotmcil has to make a decision if thc� should place it on the open market or allow it to be 7oined with other property to make it buildable. Mz. F`loxa stated the Gena Rae plat has never been platted since the City aaiuired it and if, for e�mmple, the broken line is eluninated, the issue � the triangle beoanes a mute point. Ms. Fhty Loschy, 1399 66th Avenue, stated she was disappointed the elected officials di�'t knaw what the� did with their park gtoperty. She stated the park is adequate, but not so adequate they can thraa a triangle away here and there. She stated she has a hard time dealing with the City aoquiring property fran one taxpayer and turning it ov er to another for free. She stated to be practical, she can see that Mr. Brickner will be given the easanerit. Ms. Los�y suggested perhaps A and B wuld be used for � hanes and C and D purchased fran Mr. Brickner for a�assive area of the park where �xic�ic tahles could be prwided. She felt the3 should have something to canpensate for the sFace heing used f or the holchng pond. She stated she -12- COiINCII, MEEPING OF JULY 21. 1986 lJ'"�L° � hoped the Council appreci.ated the fact that the neic�l�orhood needs some �rk s�ce, and a great deal of the land acquired for park is not useable for �rk s�ce. Ms. Nhry Laather, 1472 66th A�enue, stated she is against a park on both sides of the street as she felt it was a hazard to children She stated she would like to see hanes facing the �rk for the safety of the children and to txy and cut down on the vandalisn. Mr. Joe Menth, 1388 66th Avenue, stated he would like to see the City aoquire Farcels A, B, C and D to ex�nd the Fark. He stated he agreed with Ms. 7�aler that having children running across the street wuld create some prohlens. He felt if the tot lot was located in the area of the C and D �arcels, it would help keep the children off the street as this is a mcer area than where it is nav located. Mr. Podvin stated if the tot lot was mwed to the north side of the street, there are a lot of children on 66th Avenue and in the Brickner develognent so you would have no worse of a situation than there is naa. Coimcilman Schneider stated he believed some serious mistakes were made in the develognent of this area. He f elt drainage probl �ns were created and thouc�t the� were putting in a three acre park and it is only 2.2 acres including the hnlding pond. He stated apFarently falks are suffering f ran � the City not working together. He felt it may be reasonable to aoquire �arcels C and D and if this doesn't happen, the triangle pi ece should be opened to bids. Mr. Jon Gottwald, 1415 Mississippi Street, stated the City could have purchased their land without condemning it, but there never were any negotiations. NDTION t� Colmcilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �Sayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10:50 p.m 1�DTION tr� Coimcilman Scilneider to direct staff to prep�re a careful analysis of the oost for aoqui nng parcels A, B, C and D for Fark purposes. Seconded l� Coimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaniznously. � � �, r � � •a� � •� :. � � �•� • � • • ��•�•y �,�•� ��n • �� � 1�DTION b� Coimcilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the puhlic hearing. Seconded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declarad the motion carried unammously and the putalic h�ring opened at 10:50 p.m � Mr. Robertson, Ca[¢nimity Developnent Lhrector, stated this is a request to raone �operty fran C-3 to C-2 so buildings on this parcel could be set -13- � 5 • �� � ���M��_ . i�ck 35 feet instead of 80 feet. Mr. Robertson stated there are also plans to realicg� the frontage raad in this area at Osborne Road and Hi�way 65. Mr. Robertson stated the Planning Cc4rnnission has reoanmended apprwal of the r�omng. Mr. Harris stated the reason the� are askinq f or a 35 foot setback is to glace the g�rking to the rear and sides of the building rather than in f ront. NDTION b� Coimcilman Schneir3er to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 10:56 p.m. POBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF A FII�.L PLAT, P.S. #86-03. A& R ADDITION. ��n,ra.y ��p � OF OSBORNE ROAD AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 65, BY DAVID HARRIS: Mri'ION b3 Coimcilman Sdineic7er to waive the reading of the public hearing notioe and open the puL�lic hearing. Seconded 6y Co�ncilman Fitz�trick. Upon a vai.ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously and the putalic hearing opened at 10:56 p.m � LNC. Robertson stated this glat is located on the southeast o�r�r of Oshorne Road and Hic�way 65 and consists of appro�cimately five acres. He stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the plat with four stipulations which he outlined as follaas: (1) plat approval contingent upon approval of the rezoning; (2) drainage and utility easements are prwided on final plat as requested t� Staff; (3) petitioner agrees to assessnertts for one-half oost of Viron Road imprwenents; and (4) park fees on the four lots to be paid with building permits (subject to prevailing rates). � Mr. Harris stated he agreed, before the plat was submitted, when staff wanted the loo�ck foz Vixon Road, he would pay one-half the cost of the road imprwenents even thou� he had given 80� of the right of-way. M7TION ]s� Coimcilman Schneic7er to close the public hearing. Seconded by Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the puhlic hearing closed at 11:00 p.m. RDCESS: l�yor Nee called a recess at 11:00 p.m. l�hyor Nee reoonvened the meeting at 11:15 p.m. present. • � : � u � -14- All Council members were ��� � � � 6. 7. � .��..i i� � . C�ISIDERATION OF REAPPROVAL OF A VARIANCE RDOUEST AT 5202 PIERCE STREET N.E.. THAT HAS BDCbME NULL ADID VOID: i�DTION k� Coimcilman Goodspeed to rrapproae this variance request at 5202 Pierce Street N.E. to reduce the front yard setback f ran 35 to 15 feet to allaa the construction of a r�ew e�aelling with an attached yarage. Seconded l� Coimcilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COTISIDERATI�I OF APFOINTMINPS TO COMMONITY DEVIIAPMII�T APPEALS ENERGY ADID H[JMAN RESOURCES COMMISSIONS• NDTION lx Coimcilman Barnette to table these appointments. Seconded by Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimous].y. ORDINANCE N0. 849 CREF,TING CfIAPrER 608 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO A TAX INiPOSID UPON L�ODGING: FDTI(7N L� Coimcilman Gooclspeed to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 849 and ado�* it on the second reading arx3 order publ�cation. Seconded by Coimcilman Fita�atrick. Cotmcilman Goodspeed asked Mr. Hart, rep�esenting the Skywood Motel, when the landscaping would be cbmpleted at their site. Nh. Hart stated a decision has to be made on the dcainage and then they would comglete the sodding. Mr. Flora stated the Skywood has a plan which was oricp.nally suhnitted and the� have been asked to build according to this glan which, to date, has not been done. Mr. Qureshi stated Staff would get in aomact with Skywood so the drainage and landscaping could be co9npleted. UYON A VOICE VC1PE TA1�N Q�i �3E PBQJE NDTION, all voted aye, and Mayar Nee declared the motion carried unam.mously. NEW BUSINESS• � • � • �:. •• � • • • • � � � - , ; �-�� � • • a�; ��� � r � � a � i: �• � � � �. . � � ..� ���4� • • • • � � �• - r. L• ••'�•� •� • •• •• • •� � • ;._ u i�r�• • :��•� • � •a •• • •• •• •r,�l��� • .�i� • . NDTION b� Coimcilman Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 57-1986. Seconded by Cotmcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NL�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -15- o�� •�,� � ��, � . �46 � NDTIC�I L� Coimcilman Barnette to naninate Bill Himt to serve as the City's representative to this Cozporation and Board of Directors of the North Metro Convention and Tourisn Bureau. Seoonded Yr� Councilman Sc3ineider. 7here being no further naninations. the follaaing action was taken: M�TION tr� Coimcilman Barnette to cast an unammous ballot for Bill Hunt to serve as the City's representative. Seconded b� Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote■ all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. RECEIVING THE MII�OTFS OF THE PLANDIING OONAIISSION MEETING OF JULY 9. 1986: •• i� �• � �i� • ' � u h � . r+u�:�iu'�l.T .. �i� ��r.' �' a M�� d`1 : �i�+: :.R:� ;�.4Y. .,;�/:1 F17TION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing on this preluninary plat for August 4, 1986. Seoonded 1� Coimcilman Schneider. Mr. Dom Louchs, reFxeSenting the petitioner, Mr. Harstad, stated it came to his attetttion this afternoon that the City staff wanted to take a look at their proposal �eserrted to the Planning Co��nission. He stated Staff wanted to look at the possihility of prwiding an access, through the park property � and adjaoerrt property awners, to the north. He stated he has scene concerns about this proposal. Mr. Louchs stated there are two property aaners to the north who haven't indicated the� want a putil.ic street adjacent to their property or want to develop. He stated at the puhlic hearing before the Planning Commission, one c� the neighboring residents indicated they were not opposed to the glat, but wanted a minimal �notmt of damage to the trees and glantings. He stated thc� have made this oonanitrnent. Mr. Louchs stated he would be willing to work with Staff, but felt the Planning Coirnnission did a good job in evaluating their proposal. He felt the3 would not have the time to meet with 5taff to discuss this issue so would request a public hearing be held on August 18 at which time the3 would also like the Cotmcil to oonsider the final glat. Mr. Robertson, Commimity Develognertt Director, stated that the East River Road median in this area restncts entrance to and fran these lots. He felt there is an opporturuty for a better engineered trafPic intersection. He stated there is als� the question of setting a preoedent on shared drivaaays arx7 easenerits. Mr. Qureshi, City I�nager, stated the Council has not allaaed use of private drives over properties wer the last 15 to 20 years. He stated there are sane e�ri.sting situations where driveways have been shared. � Coimcilman Fitzpatrick stated he felt the petitioner had the right to have his original p�roposal heard on August 4. -16- .�� � ���� �, . „ � Q47 � UE�N A VOICE VOPE T}1I�1 IN�iE PBa7E MYrION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion cazried unanimously. •�.� u a�• � r • � a • a�• : , i : � �• � �� :i. �� r �• �+ NDTION k� Co�mcilman Fitz�atrick to apprwe special use permit, 5P #86-08 for Walter Rasnussen. Seoonded b� Cotmcilman Schneider. IIFon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. C. COfISIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMiT, SP #86-09, GENEL� AI�LY IrOCATID AT 291 SYLVAN LANE N.E.. BY NIICHAEL MCPHILLIPS: Mr. Robertson, Conuntmity Developnent Director, stated the petitioner has requested the requirenent for a hard surface driveway be waived as this new accessory building will only be used for storage. Mr. Robertson stated the Planning Comnission recommended approval of this special use pennit with three stipulatons which he outli�d. MYPI(DN b� Coimcilman Goodspeed to apprwe special use permit, SP #86-09 with the follaaing stipulations: (1) that the siding ot this new building be matched with the existing hane; (2) no Faved driveway is requied as long as it is being used only for storage; and (3) that this special use permit be � revisaed tr� staff in one year to determine that no vehicles are being driven in and out of this structure. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � • • �� •�� � i ��. •• i r � n • n •a • �� i • •a •� i :�.�u :�i� r•.� � i� Mr. Floxa, Puhlic Works Directox, stated thece was a}xoposal suhnitted last year fran the I�rks and Recreation Commission to the Planning Commission tegarding develognent of Meadlavlands Park and included options for developnent of ad�acent property. He stated a Task Force studied the issue and supported the fact thc� would like the Eark retained as a�assive park, but water eonditions in the area needed to be addressed. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Con¢nission made a recommendation because of the hic� cost to improve the drainage, consideration be given to assess benefiting adjaoent properties. He stated if this was done, approximately 23 properties would be involved at a oost ranging fran $2,500 to $4,000 per lot dependinq on haa it was assessed. Mr. Flora stated the question befoze the Council is to receive the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Conanission axxl determine if the3 should proceed with the imprwenents as far � as keeping Meadowlands a passive gark and improving the ground water conditions. He stated if this is the Council's desire, a decision would have to be made to what extent the residents would participate in the -17- ��1+, � �i�r� i. • � i ��� � improaenent. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, suggested it may be helpful to have a nei�borhood meeting with the City staff and interested Council menbers to present this idea for improv �nent of the park. He stated Staff would arrange for such a meeting. E. CONSIDERATION OF RECODIFICATION OF CHAPPER 214 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE. SIINS. TO RE]GULATE FREIDOM OF SPEECH SIGNS: NIr. Newman, Assistant City Attorne�, statec3 this ordinance doesn't prwide a great deal of protection other than limiting the size and ntmber of sicpzs. Cotaicilman Schneider asked if, l� adopting this diange, it creates a probl en in enEorcing the ordinance. Mr. Navman stated it is a weak ordinance and an area that is extranely difficult to legislate. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approv e the ordinance upon first reading to rewdify Chapter 214 of the City Code to regular fxeedom of speech signs by adding Sections 214.02, 214.05 and 214.15. Seconded hs• Coimcilman Fitzpfttrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. M�TION b� Coimcilman Schneider to direct Staff that, at the time of second � reading, this ordinance is to incl ude the recommendations of the Planning Cotmnission as fo�d on gage 9� Yhe F�l anning C�enission minutes of Suly 9, 1986. Seconded L� Cotmcilman Gooc7speed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � � �;� • •�• � • a M �, � n • . .. � . NDTION l� Cotmci.lman FitzFattick to�direct Staff to advextise for bids for curbside recycling and authorize requests for proposals for the S.O.R.T. site. Seconded b3 Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NSayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. G. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE APPEALS WFA7ISSION MEETING OF JUNE 24. 1986• •• � �• � • • • �� :. � �• � • � �� r • : •« �•� ��� . 71'�� '_�II �1' i�i� M�. Robertson, Qon¢ntmity Develognent Lrirector, stated this is a iequest f or variances to reduce the front yard setkxick fran 35 to 17.5 feet and reduce the rear yard set6ack f ran 30 to 5 feet to allcw the construction of a house on Lot 15, Block 2, Rivetwood Fark. Ae stated the site is located on a ne,a plat and the hardship is the wrner lot location for a hane 82 feet long on ' a lot 120 feet deep. Mr. Robertson stated f rontage is on Riverwood Drive and solar wic�daas are located on the south so more roan is needed. Mr. Robertson stated the Appeals Commission recommended approval of this Qi� � r a. � ���� i� • i i .i7�GIi] variance kX a 2 to 1 vote. Mr. Anderson, the petitioner, presented a dr�aing of the proposed hane and shaaed haa it would be located on the lot. Co�mcilman Fitzpatrick stated he agrees with the reasons f or the variance, but it bothers him that a new home on a new plat needs a variance. He stated in the case of this Fxirticular hane, it is only technically the front yard, as it really fronts on 71st. He stated the petitioner is minimizing the effect b3 mwing the hane to the north. NDTION ts� Co�utcilman Fitz�atrick to agpzwe variance, VAR #86-13, to reduce the front yard setback (easterly side of the lot) fr�n 35 feet to 17-1/2 feet and to reduce the rear yard setback (westerly side of the lot) fran 3� feet to 17-1/2 feet, with the stipulation the house on the ad�oining lot (Lot 14) awned tr� the present awnet he 20 feet from the south lot line. Seconded tr� Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. •�� u �• � � • � o• �ua�•� • � �a�� �� •7•�•�i ��-� . �• � Mr. Robertson, C'.ommmity I�velopnerrt Director, stated this a request for a variance to reduce the required front yard setback fran 80 to 35 feet. He � stated Mr. Harris is req�sting a re�oning in order to eliminate the need for the variance, haaever, in order to expedite construction of the first builcling, it is requested this variance be apprwed prior to the rezoning. � Mr. Harris stated the �xoperty has been sold and the� wish to close on it so construction can begin as soon as possik�le. NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to approve the variance, VAR #86-14, to reduce the front yard setback ftan 8� to 35 feet off Osborne Road to allaa construction of an office building, with the stipulation that the petitioner wotk with City staff in tzying to maintain a 35 foot westerly setback off the proposed Viron Road. Seoonded b� Councilman FYtapatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unarvmously. MOTION by Councilman Schneidet to receive the minutes of the Plamm �g Crnunission meeting of July 9, 1986. Seaonded tr� Coimcilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 11. RECEIVING THE MINUTF�S OF THE CABLE TELEUISION COMh1ISSION OF JUNE 25. 1986: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Cable Television Cotrnnission meeting of June 25, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Goodspeed. LTFon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ��, u �:: • • • o �. : � � u • . • � •• � • � i� �r• • u o- �• ••.� o � •��:�u •• � a�•� � -19- �49 � � � . � �� ��, . Mr. Flora, Puhlic Works Director, stated a letter was sent to Orfei and Son, the laa bidder on this pxoject, requesting an extension of Yheir bid to 3uly 28. He stated a phone call was received and Orfei and Son was not willing to extend the bid to this date. I�. Flora stated, Lt-�sed on the time that has expired since the bids were opened, he would recommend they all be relected and authorize staff to re3dvertise for bids for this pro�ect. NDTION L� Co�mci.lman Goodspeed to reject the bids received for Water and Sanitary Seaer Project No. 162 and authori2e staff to re-advertise for new bids for this project. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ���. ��•� �.� • •a : . � � •� • •• � • • � y �� � "� 'hM �• ��1�• • U 9 • � •! hi � 7���1 � WI��i Mr. Flora, Pulalic Wotks Dixector, stated Staff had revieaed the bids and deteLmined the new bi� were $250,000.00 more, due to the priority of work scheduled in the fall of this year. It may be possible to reduce these costs by rescheduling the work and changing the priorities. He would reca[unend that the bids be rejected and staff be authorized to re-advertise for bids for this project. Mz. Neaman stated the rea�n for re-bidding is to address the tescheduling of the work. MOTION by Councilman Goodspeed to ze7ect the bids received for the Demolition and Site Grading Project No. 163 and authorize staff to r�advertise for new bids for this project, with sane modifications in the bid specifications. Seoonded L� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yoc Nee declared the motion carried unammously. •�, u�•• • • •a � : n_ • „ . .•, ••,� a •. ••� �.� • Mr. Flora, Public Work Director. stated bids were opened for Street 7m�wenerrt Project ST 1986-3 and the lav bidder was H& S Asphalt in the amotmt of $98,606. He stated Staff would reco�nend the Council accept the lva bid fran H& S Asphalt. MYPTON b� Cotmcilman Barnette to receive the follaaing bids for S'P 1986-3: fcZ�, ��:(�:�i;�f7 H & S ASPHALT 700 Industry Ave. IST Anoka, NN 55303 C. S, McCrossan Box 247 Maple Grwe, NN 55369-Q247 -20- ��i�i�i�:il� $ 98,606.00 $104,565.35 n�n i� � � c«�xcII. �r�uc oF �n.Y 2i, 1996 Mictaest As�alt Corp. P.O. Box 238 Hopkins, 1�N 55343 Alber Construction, Inc. 4901 W. Med. Lk. Rr7. Plymouth, t�N 55442 Alexandex Const. Co. 14561 Johrur� Cake Ridge Road Apple Va11Ey, NN 55124 Valle� Paving 151 Silver Lake Road suite #7 Nea Brighton, MV 55112 $110,424.10 $112,769.90 $114,961.10 $123,924.10 Seconded b,� Co�mcilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carzied unanimously. NIYi'ION b� Cotmcilman Barnette to award the oontract to the laa bidder, H& 5 Asphalt, for Street Impzwener� Project ST 1986-3 in the aanount of $98,606. Seconded t� Coimcilman Goa3speed, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ay e, May or Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 15. RESOLUTION NO 58-1986 ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNES(7PA FOR THE INSPECTION OF HOTEI�S ADID M7PECS IN THE CITY: M7TION b� Cotmcilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 58-1986. Seconded t� Cotimcilman Goodspeed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 16. RESOLUTION NO 59-1986 IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW CONCERN5 RE7GARDING UTIDERGRO[7AID FUEL DISPRIBUPIOAI LINE: NDTION IH Co�mcilman Schneider to adopt Resalution No. 59-1986 and foxward a oop� to the City � Moimds Viea. Sea>nded b� Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion caxried unanimously. 1 ��,�.. ��•� • � a�• u • ���� • ••� �• � • �a• •� 1 �•�7•• 1 •J•71Y � •�i� _ �� 71• � •' . � Y �� • .�/ 'JI� � •� '�1�� •�•Y•� i BI' •�'��.' � •'d•01'� Mr. Neaman, Assistant CYty Attorney, stated he would reconunend no action be taken on Itans 17 and 18 tmtil the access p�rcel is aoquired. MDTION by Councilman Barnette to table Items 17 and 18. Seconded by Co�mcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -21- ��� � � � , � I �J � USa� •.� � �� �. • . ..� ���9�� � r � ND'PION b3 Coimcilman FitzFatrick to ooncur with the fallawing appointments 1� the City Manager : STARTIIQG SIIiRTING NAME PDSITIOTT SALARY DATE REH.ACE5 Michael L. Larson 5860 Jeffecson St. EYicIle�, NN 55432 Saanantha Orcluno 408 83rd Ave. N.E. Spring Lake Park, NN 55432 Liquor Store Q erk (Non-Exenpt? NYinaganent Assi stant $7.02 per per hour ($1�221.48 Nb.) $25,000 (ExenPt ) July 21, 1986 July 21, 1986 Arvi Lacson I)ean Paaers Seoonded b� Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 20. CT,AIMS: NDTION b� Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Q aims No. 9295 throuc� 9540. Seoonded l� Councilman FYtz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 21. LICIIVSFS: NDTION b� Coimcilman Barnette to apprwe the licenses as suhmitted and as on file in the License CJ.erk's Office. Seconded ix Co�mc�lman Sci�neider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 22. ESPIMATFS• NDTION by Councilman Fitzxetrick to apprwe the estimates as subnitted: Eugene A, xickok and Associates 545 Indian Moimd Wayzata, NN 55391 For Professional Servioes For the t�hy 29, to June 25, 1986 ...... $ 3,618.50 H & S Asphalt, Inc. 700 Industry Ave. DW Anoka, t�N 55303 Street Impxwenerst Pto�ect No. St. 1986 - 1& 2 Partial Estimate #4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,402.03 Seconded tx Coimcilman Schneidex. U�n a voice vote, all voting ay e, Nay or -22- � � � ._��, � �� �, . � Nee declared the motion carried unammously. 23. COT7SIDERATION OF SEiTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REUOCATION OF A SPF]CIAL USE PERMIT FOR APACHE CAMPING CENi`ER: MYt'ION b� Cotmcilman FitzFatrick to set the public hearing on this matter foz August 18, 1986. Seconded b3 Coimcilman Baxnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Cotmcilman Schneider stated, for the Coimcil's informaton, he may be absent Pran the August 18 meeting. ' � • 'J.+�iy!��l MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by CoimGilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meetinq of the Fridley City Cotmcil of July 21, 1986 adjourned at 12:10 a.m. Respectfully sulmitted, / � , i � _ - - - (`arale Haddad, SecretaLy to the City Coimcil Apprwed: -23- ��„��""- Wi111�n J. N Mayor i���, / `�`�_