08/14/1986 - 00011494� � ' r'Y" p"��= 'S?�' MINCrPFS OF THE SPECIAi, I�EfING OF THE FRDLEY CITY 40UNCIL OF AUGUST 14. 1986 Zhe Special Meeting of the Fridley City Coimcil was called to order at 11:05 p.m. tr� NL�yor Nee afte� the Housing & Redeve].ognent Authority meeting. PLIDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Caimcil and audienoe in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MENBE�tS PRFSFT7T: Mayor Nee, Wtmcilman Goodspeed, Cotmcilman Fitzpatiick and Cotmcilman Barnette MENBERS ABSFNT: Cowzcilman Schneid�r 1. RE9�LUPION NJ 62-1986 AWARDING THE SALE OF $10 045 000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING BQNDS. SERIES 1986. FIX�NG THEIR FORM AND SPECTFTCATIONS DTg��TT7[', �7R EXFCT7'f'ION ADID DELTVERY• AbID PRC3VIDING THEIR PAYMENi': NDTION b� Cotmcilman Barriette to adopt Resolution No. 62-1986. Seconded by Coimcilman Goodspeed. Il�nn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. �ESOLUPION NO 63-1986 AWP,RDING THE SALE OF S2 705 000 GENERAL OBLTGATION MPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS. SERIES 1986. FIXING THEIR FORM AND $PECIFICATIONS. DIRECTIN� ZY-IETR EXFCO`rION AND DELT�RY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMEPIr: NDTION I� CAUncilman Fitzp�trick to acbpt Resolution No. 63-1986. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declazed the motion carried unanimously. 3. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACP FDR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER pROJECT NO• 162 Mr. Qureshi, aty Manager, stated three bids were received for this project attd the low bidder was Park Construction. He stated it is staff's temmmend3tion the oontract be awarded to the laa bidder. NDTION L� Coimcilman Barnette to reoeive the following bids for Water and 5anit�ry �rer Pro�ect No. 162: Park Construction 7 90 a Beech Str eet N, E. Fridley, M�I 55432 Crossings, Inc. P. O. Box 10 Prior Lake, NN 55372 -1- $188,100.00 $196,033.55 � 4. � � .�.�' •��.. �_'�M_�. • !i :• S.J. Louis �nstruction RR4 , P. 0. Box 5160 St, C1oud, NN 56302 $251,455.30 � 'T Q�`e Se�nded Ix �tmcilman Goodspeed. Up�n a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lvee declared the motion carried unanimously. NXITION by Councilman Fitz�trick to award the contract for Water and Sanitacy SEwer Project No. 162 to the laa bidder, Park Construction in the amotmt of $188,100.00 subject to the closing with Woodbridge Properties on August 15 and construction not to oommen� until August 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. « ► _ : u u m����:�K�3sl4S��C4�� ; � � � •. e.0 � e � �. •-�� • Mr. Qureshi, City [�nager, stated four bicls were received for this project and the lav bidder was EneL�k Construction O�m�any, He stated it is staff's remmmendation the mntract be awarded to the laa bidder. NDTION tr� Cotmcilman Gooc�peed to re�ive the follaaing bids for Demolition and Site Grading Pro�ect No. 163: EneL�k Construction �mFany P.O. Box 139 Northfield, PTI 55057 Park Construction GomFariy 790� Beech Street N,E. EYid1Ey, Md 55432 Minn-Rota ESccavating 3401 - 85th Aven� N. Minnea�lis, NN 55443 D, L. R O�nstruction 11545 - 190th Street E. Hastings, NN 55033 $ 978,000.00 $1,193,000.00 $1,257,0�0.00 $1,600,735.66 Sewn�d IX Councilman Barnette. O�n a voi� vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. [YDTION b� Qnmcilman Barnette to award the m�rtract for Demolition and Site Grading Project No. 163 to the lav bidder, Ehe�k Construction Comp�ny, in the amoiatt of $978,000.00, sub7ect to the closing with Woodbridge Properties on August 15 and construction not to commence until August 19, 1986. Semnc7=d b� Cb�mcilman Fitz�t�ick. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -2- ' � � 5 6. ._ � _. ��� � �• � I � RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPING. TRRIGATION AND LIGHTING PRCI7EGT N0. 168: Mr, Qureshi, C,i,ty M3nager, stated six bids were received for this pro� ect and the lva bidder was Minnesota Valley Lanclscaping, Inc. He stated it is staff's remmmencl3tion the ountract be awarded to the laa bidc�r. NlOTION by Councilman FitzFatrick to receive the following bids for Landscaptng, Irrigation and Lic�tang Project No. 168: Minnesota Valley Ianclscaping, Inc. 9700 W. Bush Lake Road Minneapolis, NN 55438 Noble Nursery 10530 Troy ranE+ Nhple Grwe, NN 55369 Lino Lakes Landscaping 18400 Lexington Ave. Wyaning, NN 55092 Natural Green, Inc. 1660 Acboret�nn Blvd. Chanhassen, hfI 55317 N�rgolis Brothers Co. 1171 W. Larpenteur Ave. St. l�ul, NN 55113 Hoffman & McNaQnara 2601 GLend�le Road Hastings, NN 55033 $481,413.00 $507,847.14 $535,046.10 $549,575.00 $582,056.66 $588,956.00 Semnded lx O�timcilman Barnette, Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. t�TION by Councilman Barnette to award the contract for Landscaping, Irri�tion and Lighting Project No. 168 to the laa 6idder, Minnesota Valley Landscaping, Tnc, in the amoLmt of $481,413.00, sub�ect to the closing with Woodbridge Properties ott Au9ust 15 anc7 construction not to commence until August 19, 1986. Semnc�d L� aiimcilmatt FYtzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. M � � u �•o_�. �• •• ••a� � •• • :. �s_ Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated bids were opened for this street improv�nent project on Apxil 17, 1986, and Phase I of the pro�ect was awarded to the laa bidc3er, H& S Asphalt on I�y 5, 1986. Mr. Quceshi stated the awarding of Phase II for this project was withheld -3- � � � '�_ �• � I 5/Y • pending finalization of the Woodbridge Developnent Agreenents. He stated the laa bidder ooncurred with the extension for awardittg Phase II of the proj ect and Co�mcil should now oonsic�r aaarding the mntract for Phase II. hDTION ky �imcilman Barnette to reaeive the follaaing bids for Phase II of Street Improvener�t.s Pro�ect No. ST 1986 - 1& 2: H & S Asphalt 700 Industry Avenue Anoka, NN 55303 Va11e�T Paving, Inc. 8050 D Hic�way 101 Shakopee, DfI 55379 Aroon Construction Co., Inc. P. O. Box 57 Mora, NN 55051 Bury & Carls�n, InC. 6008 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis, NN 55416 Hardrives, Inc. 7200 Henl.ock Lane No. [�ple Grove, NN 55369 Alexander Construction W. 14561 Johnriy Cake Ridge Road Apple valley, NN 55124 C. S. McCrossan, Inc, Hox 247 7865 Q�wity Road #18 N�ple Grove, NN 55369-0247 Park Construction 79�0 Beech Street FricIley, NN 55432 $368,054.10 $378,353.50 $401,753.67 $391,880.05 $416,149.�0 $410,769.40 $417,407.70 $460,236.13 Seo�nded k� CbLmcilman Goo�peed. [Jpon a voioe vote, all voting ape, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NDTION tx Cotmcilman Gooclspeed to award the oontract for Phase II of Street Improvenent Project ST 1986 - 1& 2 to the lav bidder, H& S Asphalt in the amoimt of $368,054.10, sub�ect to the closing with Woodbridge Properties on August 15 and oonsttuction not to mmmence imtil August 19, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee c� clared the motion caried unanimously. s � � i;7uui -4- ,��'^"r --� o,� _�� _.. � • � � NDTION by Councilman Goodspeed to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Co�mcilman Barr�tte. Upon a voiae vote, all voting aye, Nhyor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Special Meeting of the Fridley City aiwicil of August 14, 1986 ac7journed at 11:47 p.m Respectfully sutrnitted, �.� ���� �) r � r`� Carole Haddad Will�n J, Nee Secretary to the Cxty @wzcil N�yor Apgrwed: � � -5-