RES 1986-56 - 00004836OW- • SC. r X RESCLUTON TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS RUBBER -TIRED TRACTOR BACKHOE- IQADER BE IT RESCUED by the Council of the City of Fridley, as follows: 1. That it is in the interest of the City to award bid contracts for the following items or materials. «, • •-1.21• 2. A copy of the specifications for the above described items and materials, together with a proposal for the method of purchase and the payment thereof have been presented to the Council by the City Manager and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and payment to be required by the City with respect to the acquisition of said items and materials. 3. The purchase of said items and materials as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City of Fridley on the 5th of August 1986. The City Manager is directed and authorized to advertise for the purchase of said items and materials by sealed bid proposals under notice as provided by law and the Charter of the City of Fridley, the notice to be substantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of by reference. Said notice shall be published at least twice in the official newspaper of the City of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIIY,EY THIS 7TH DAY OF JULY, 1986 WILLIAM J. NEE - 1 R ATTEST: SHIRLEY A /HAAPALA - C Y CLERK r 5 PIT 60 : 11 1 • � 1,91• F R Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432 (Tel. 571 -3450) on the 5th day of August 1986, at 11:00 a.m., for the furnishing of (one) Rubber -Tired Tractor Backhoe- Loader. All in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by John G. Flora, P.E., Public Works Director, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, MN 55432 (Tel. 571 - 3450). Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works Director and copies may be obtained for the Contractor's individual use by applying to the Public Works Director. Bids must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompained by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made payable without condition to City of Fridley, PMI, in an amount of not less than (5%) per cent of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bids received without explanation. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated the 7th day of July, 1986. Published: Fridley Focus July 14, 1986 July 21, 1986 July 28, 1986 John G. Flora, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECIOR Construction Bulletin July 11, 1986 July 18, 1986 July 25, 1986