03/07/1988 - 00010893� � ' 111'1. TI-IE hIINUTES OF THE REG[JLAR I�'�EPIIQG OF Tf� FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MARCH 7, 19 88 The Regtilar N�eting of the Pridley City Council was calied to order Gt 7:35 p.m, by D7ayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor n�e led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Fl ag. ROLL CALL: ME'.NIBERS PRESENP: Mayor Nee, Councilwom�n Jorgenson, Councilman Schneider, Councilman Fitz�trick and CouncilI[�a71 Billings D7E,N�ERS ABSIIVT: None PRESENPATION OF PROC7,AMATION: Mayor Nee stated he has issued a proclamation proclauning the week of D?arch 6 through 13, 1988 as Volunteers of America W�ek. Mr. Hunt, Assistant to the City Manager, read the proclamation which Mayor Nee then presented to Jo�uie Demlco. Ms. Danko thanked the Nl3yor and Counci]menbers for issuing this procl�mation and stated the Volunteers of America weie proud to have the senior congregate dining center in Fridley. She stated March 9 marks their 92nd birthday and �tended an invitation to anyone who is interested to be an honorary server. APPROVAL OF MLNOTES: COUNCIL MEETING, F'EBRUARY 22, 1988: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. ADOFPION OF AGQVDA° NL)TION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt tne agenda as submitted, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried i�nan�mously. OPIIV F1�RCTM. VISITORS: There was no response fran the audience under this item of business. PUBLIC HEARINGS• QiC oQ��� FRIDLEY CITY O�UNCII, MEE'PING OF MARC�I 7. 1988 ' 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON A PLAN S[JBNIITTED BY NIIIV�TESC)PA DEPARTMENP OF '17tF�NSR�RTATION FOR RESOLUING THE NOISE ISSUE IN THE INNSBRUCK AREA ASSOCIATED WITH THE WIDIIVING OF I-694• Mayor Nee stated this is an infonnal hearing to hear frcm the Department of Transportation and obtain any feedback fram the resiclents regarcling the noise issue in the Innsbruck area, He declared the hearing open at 7:4Q p.m. Mr. Flora introduced Mr. Robert Bravn, Senior Engineer representing District 5 of the Minnesota Departrnent of Transportation. NIr. Bravn stated he appreciated the opportunity to speak on this issue and the State's unprovanent pro�ect identified as DTo. 0285-47, I-694 3rd Lane Adclition. He stated a request was made to appear before the Council in an attempt to resolve the noise issue in the Innsbruck area_. He stated one of the solutions they propose is plantings, and if this alternative is selected, it has to be done this spring in order to make use oP plantings which will be relocated fran another site. Mr. Braan stated the u�rovanent project Ls estimated �t $40,0OO,ODD and irnrolves the widening of I-694, the redesign and widening of the river bridge, the replacement of the railroad bridge, and the addition of a pedestrian access across the river. H_e stated prel uninaiy approval frcm the ' City was cbtained in January, 1985 which included certain contingencies regarding noise abat�nent ancl inclusion of a pedestrian crossing on the river bridge. Ne stated the environmental process for both Federal and State were campleted in 1987. Mr, Bravn stated several meetings have been he1c1 with the Council, City staff, and residents regarcling the noise levels in the Innsbruck area and apprrn�imatly five hanes would be affected. Mr. Bra,�,m Utated the Department of TYansportation is proposing three alternatives to treat the noise issue. He Stated one alternative is to do nothing to mitigate noise and this was the alernative selected during the erivirornnental process which met approval fran all State and Pederal agencies. He stated with this alternative the future predicted noise level is 73 decibels for the year 2010. Mr. Bravn stated the Second alternative is to provic�� a r�ise barrier, with the Department of Transportation provicling one-third of the funding necessaiy to cover all costs of design and construction and the remainder oi the funds pr�rided by the City or private sources. It is estimated the total cost of this alternative would be $320,000, and the future noise level for the year 2010 is estunated at 63-65 dec�el�. Nh�. Brown stated a third alternative would be to �l�nent a one-half mile experimental test section of �vement in the westbound ]anes ucl�acent to Innsbruck North 2nd Addition and, in adclition, provide transplanted landsca�e material frcan within the contruction zones to densely screen the , five l�nes of concern, He stated the cost oi this alternative would be �orne by the Department of Transportation ancl/or the Federal Highway Achninistration, and the future noise level for the year 2010 is estunated at -2- � � � FRIDLEY CITY �ONCII, MEE'PING OF MARCfi 7. 1988 68-71 decibels. � � l� � � Mr. Branm stated with the second alternative, it is estun,3ted a 24 foot wa11 would be necessazy to do a sufficient job of controlling the noise levels in the back yards of these five Y�ies. He stzted in order for noise abatement to be effective, it has to break the line of sic�ht. He stated even a 24 foot wall would do no good for dwellings on the north side of West Danube Road because it doesn't break the sight line. He stated with a cost of $32D,000, this would average about $64,000 per home for the five homes affected and the Department of Transportation and FederZl Highway Ac�ninistration do not see a$64,000 benefit pen c�me. Mr, Bravu stated the th�.rd alternative is a combination of insta_lling an e�erimental surface treat�nent and transferring l�ndscaping naterials frorn other sites in the pro�ect. He stated the noise levels pro�ected for these alternatives are within the Federal cnteria of 70 dBA's, with the �ception of the first alternative winch has a 73 dBA. Mr. Bman stated the existing �nv�nent is quite noisy as it is worn and has square joints. He stated the new pavemEnt would be more quiet, with skewed �oints and should last longer, M3yor Nee asked the eYisting noise level in this affected area. Mr. Braan stated it is 67-68 decibels at 1412 West Danube Road. i4r. Bravn stated with additional landscaping it should reduce the noise level by two to four decibels and with the new pavement, it should reduce the noise level one to three c�cibels. Councilwcn�u Sorgenson asked the cost for ihe experlmental pavEnent, Nir, Hansen, Senior Highway Technician for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, stated he didn't believe the eYperimental section of concrete woiil d be more e�nsive, it is just a different type of treatment for the xnadv�ay. Councilman Schneider asked the life of thzs type of pavement. Mr. Bravn stated it is 2X�2cted to last for ahout 20 years. i�. Hansen stated there are three components of noise--tire, enline, and stacking. He stated each contributes about equally to the total noise problen, Mr. Eansen stated by improving the pavement, even though it wouldn't reduce the noise as much as a noise barrier, noise ab�tement criteria will be met. Councilm'�n Schneider asked if the Department of Transportation would be willing te enter into a legally binding agreFSnent where if the noise level exceeds a certain decibel, they would be willing to resolve the problem by constructing the wall barrier. Mr. Pwich, Assistant District Supezvisor for the Minnesota ➢epartment of Transportation, stated the Department of Transportation would not enter into such an agre¢nent. He stated based on the costs for constructing the wall, -3- � 00093 FRIDLEY CITY NiTNCII, MEEPING OF MARQ3 7, 1988 � iti is not cost effective. Mr. Pwich stated the alternative for landscaping and e�perimental concrete c�ne out of the last neighborY�ood meeting where a numUer of the resiclents suggested looking at the type of pavement to be used. He stated that either the alternative for the noise barrier or the one for the landscaping and e�cperimental pavement both estunate noise levels laver than those �rmitted by Federal standarcls. Councilman Schneider stated what the Delx rtment oi Transportation is saying it is too bad for those residents who bought hanes in this location. Mr. Pwich stated the highway has been there for quite some time ancl if traffic doubles and nothing is done, the noise level may increase only to 73 dSA which would be three above the Federa7 requirr3nents. Councilwctna�i Jorgenson stated sane persons in the Innsbruck area signed a waiver not to request a barrier fran the De�rtrnent of Transportation. She asked wl�� the resiclents of these affected h�mes were not asked to siln such a waiver. Mr. Bravn stated the Transportation De�r�nent dces not have a record they ever received this plat for review. Councilwanan Jorgenson asked if the Dep�rtment of Transportation would consider purchasing these homes. Mr. Polvich stated it ls not cost 1 effective for them to do so. He stated the Transportation Dep�rtrnent would pay one-third of the cost for the noise basrier which would amount to about $21,000 per hane. Councilman Schneider askecl if the $21,000 fiJure was used by the Transportation Department in other similar situations throughout the metropolitan area. Mr. Hansen stated the figure they have been usinq is $10,000 or less per home so the $21,000 would be wer 50% more in this case. Councilman Billings asked if bitim�inous �vement was quieter than concrete. Mr. Bravn stated it is m3rginally quieter and m�y reduce the decibels by one or two. He stated it tends to age faster and with L'his aging process, it probably would eventually becane e��al cvith concrete in regard to the noise factor. Councilman Billings asked what would happen if the experiment�l concrete pavement proves to be louder rather than quieter. Mr. Fovich stated the Department of Transportation is willing to monitor this PXp2rimental pavanent and if it is louder, they would use the grinding process to reduce the noise level, Mayor Nee asked the projected noise levels for the harnes across the street fran the lxanes which are �st affected, ar,d the current decibel readings. � Mr. Braan stated there were a rnmiber of 68 decibel read�ngs forecast for the year 2010. Mr. Hansen stated they haven't monitored the readings, but they are probably tw� to four decibels belaa 68 at tY?is tune, � 1 1 ! , 4 FR.IDLEY CITY GOUNCIL MEEP7NG OF MARCH 7. 1988 � Council�n Schneider asked hav the $320,000 estimate was figured for the noise barrier, Mr. Brcxvn stated the figvres were obtained by using canpetitive prices bid for sim�lar projects and based on wood construction rather than concrete. Councilman Schneider asked if the City were to bid for this noise barrler, if it would be less costly. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated he felt the bids would be about the same. Mr. Bravn stated he would like same decision fram trie Council to either accept or re�ect the alternative regarding landscaping and experimentzl p�vanent. He statecl if they are to proceed with any ]andscaping, they have to do it between April and May, when the m�terials are available to be transplanted fran other sites in the project. Mr. A�vich stated if the Council's decision is not to consider any of the three alternatives, the Transportation De�rtment would complete plans and incorporate the first alternative. Counciliran Schneider asked the costs if the pro�ect uras delayed for 60 days, Mr, Povich stated if the project is delayed, these funds woulcl be used for other projects and Yhis� pro�ect may end up wsting more due to inflat�on. Mr, Mike Holly, 1417 W. LLanube Road, felt all the rumbers that have been � presented have been slanted ta�ards the case the Highway Department wishes to mal�e and not to haa the neighbors feeL He stated in terms of the homes affected, they indicate five and his is not even included. He st�ted this is the £ourtl-i meeting he attended and feels he is affecte�'. D�ir. Holly stated in tezms of the cost for the noise barrler, he felt this was only a m,ail portion of the total cost of $40,0OO,ODO for this pro�ect. He felt a noise wall should be constructed closer to the freeway. Mr. Holly felt the Council should insist an construction of a noise barrier. Mr. Jim Jensen, 1410 W. Danube Road, felt a lot of time and effort h� s been put forth to prwe certain things cannot be done to reduce the noise. He felt the same effort should be put into arriving at some kind of common ground to resolve this problem. He askeu the Council not to accept the proposal for landscaping as he felt there has to be sane other alternative. N[r, Richard Huisenga, 1412 W. Danube Road, felt the landscaping wouldn't really solve the prahl�n. He felt a wall should be constructed closer to the highway probably 14 or 15 feet high. Ne asked the Council not to accept the landscaping proposal. Councilman Eillings asked if any of the resiclents had any thonghts or suggestions on where funding may be cbtained to construct the noise barrier, since the Highvray De�rtment would only pay a portion of the cost. Mr. Holly stated that is a tough question �7d he has no magic answer, He � stated when the meetings were first held, the Highway Dep�rtrnent had nothing to contribute and nav find they are willing t� p�y a portion of the cnst for a noise barrier. He felt the wall should be redesigned and built closer to -5- 00095 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCII, MEEPING OF NY�,RCH 7, 1988 � the higtavay which would reduce the cost to possibly $200,OD0. Mr. Holly stated he cannot believe there isn't at least this amount of funding provided for envirormiental concems in a pro�ect of tYiis size. Coimcilman Billings stated it seems the only reasonable way to pay for a noise barrier would be through contributions or an assessment. He asked if any figures had been discussed between the neighbors and if they would be willing to contribute to a noise barrier. Nfr. Holly stated to his ]ma,aledge, this hasn't been discussed. He stated speaking only for himself, he felt possibly an assessment of $1,000 to 52,000 could be borne. NTayor Nee asked where the plantings would Y�e located. Mr. Braan stated they would be located in the clear zones. He asked Ms. Walvatne, Forester for the Dep�rtment of Transportation, to Pxplain the types of plantings to be used. Mr. Watvatne stated there would be a lot of evergreens, shacle trees, and shrubs. He stated they are proposing to relocate 12 to 16 foot trees in this area. He stated these larger trees would be placed in strategic locations in order to fi11 in any open areas. He pointed out, on the proposed landscaping drawing, that the dark green areas would be planted with evergreen seedlings which would grav to a heiyht oi 20 feet. He statecl the lighter green areas woulcl contain the larger evergreens and shn�bs about ' 12 to 20 feet in height. He stated a solid evergreen stand can mduce noise levels by four to six decibels. Mayor Nee asked if the landscaping would visually screen all the traffic. Mr. Bravn stated there may be a silhouette at some times of the year when there is no foliage on the trees or shrubs, Cnuncilman Schneider asked if the Transportation Dep�rtment had reviewed any other alternatives besides these three reviecved this even�ng. A'[r. Brown stated they reviewed types of pavements and the pavement determination personnel are aware of this noise iseue and advised using concrete as it is laaer in cost and would satisfy long term needs in the area. He stated they typically do not propose experimental concrete and landscaping, but are willing to consider than to try and resolve the noise issue. Councilwoman Sorgenson asked about the possibility of constructing an earthen barrier, Mr. Hansen stated if this was done, they probably would encroach into the residences' yards. He stated property eight to ten feet higher tY�an the roachvay itself is needed for such a barrier. Counciln�an Billings asked the estimated cost to relocate and install new plantings in this area. Mr. Walvatne stated the cost to relocate the � plantings would be between $11,000 to $15,000 and the planting of 800 new seedlings would be less than $100. � ri��� FRIDLEY CITY �ONCII, ME�PING OF MARCEi 7 ' Councilman EillLngs stated the Higtnrray Department's share of the cost ii a sound barrier was constructed would be abcut $107,000 versus $16,000 for landscaping which leaves a$90,000 di£ference. He asked ii any of this $90, 000 coztl d be used to plant more mature trees at tliis tune. Mr. Braan stated only $10, 000 is the 'I`ransportation I�partment' s share and the other 90v is Federal funds. He stated he dldn't believe they could be used for such an item in this project. He staked, however, there may be more trees to be relocated than antici�teo', depending on their construction schedule. Co�mcilman Billings asked if there was scanething additional that could be done besides the plantings to qualify for use of the Federzl funds to unprove this situation. Mr, Brown stated not that he is aware of. He stated there is not a captive amount for I-694. He stated thep get Federal funds evexy year and once it is determined a pr�j�ct is eligible for this funding, it is up to the State to detemu ne priorities. Mr. Povich stated when this project was completed, they would monitor the noise and if it is not reduced by two to four dec�bels from the ncise level today, they would provide additional landscaping. Mri'ION by Councilman Schneider to close the informal hearing. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor ATee � declared the motion carried i,nan;mously and the hearing closed at 9:03 p.m. Councilman Schneider stated Mr. Po�rich st�ted the Transpoxtation Department would monitor the noise and if it is not reduced by two to four decibels, they wnuld provide additional landscaping, He asked how this would be enforced. Nir. Fbvich stated there wauld not be a problem with the District Engineer sending a letter c�unitting to this proposal. Councilman Billings stated if the Cpuncil proceeds with the alternative for the landscaping and, several years frca2 nav, they find it isn't sufficient, he asked if the Transportation De�rtrnent woulcl still c�it to one-third of the cost of the barrier, Mr. Braan stated they wouldn't be proposing the plantings if they dicln't believe it would reduce the noise level by two to fow° decibels. He stated, haaever, the issue of the noise barrier coulclJ�e reopened, but there is no guarantee they would be willing to participate in the cost for a wall at sane future date as the scenario may chanae. Nlr. Povich stated if there was not a reduction in decibels with the plantings, the noise L�rrier would still be considered two or three years frcan no.a, , Councilman Billings stated he understands if they proceed with landscaping and it doesn't work, they would be at the same �int they are naw with the Transportation De�rtrnent con¢niting to �xy a certain portion of the cost fer -7- ' � � �009? Ma��1�7T171'<NMY���1 A M� N�17i ��. • u�t : w. �L•7$1 the ncise barrier. He stated based on this commitment received from the Assistant District Siapetvisor, it seems tc� make sense to tsy the landscaping as a solution. Councilman Schneider stated he is willing to proceed w�_th the landscaping and if the noise isn't reduced by two to four decibels, the offer for the $107,OOD for a portion of the cost of a noise barrier be lef t open, if the Transportation Department is willing to monitor the noise levels eveiy several years. I�fr�, R�vich stated whatever is reasonable, they would be willing to monitor the noise levels. Councilman Schneider stated his concern was it appeared there was no alternatives in what was offered, haaever, if the Trans�ortation Department is willing to monitor and �nrticipate in the wst of a noi � barrier, if the landscaping doesn't work, tlu s would change the ccmplexion. NDTION by Councilm�n Schneider to accept the Highway Department's third alternative for noise abatement in the Pd6 area, as outlined in a lekter oi Februaxy 19, 1988 to John Flora from Robert S. Brown, Pro�ect Manager, as follavs: Implenent a one-half mile 2Xp2runental test section of pavenent in the westbound lanes ad�acent to Innsbruck North 2nd A�ichtion. Additionally, provide transplanted lancL�cape �terial frqn within MnDCYI' construction zones to densely screen the five houses of concern. The costs of this altei�native would be borne by Nh�DOT and/or the Federal Highway Administration. The future noise level forecast for the year 2010 is estimated at 68-71 dBA. This alternative is accepted with the understanding that the Highway Department will monitor the decibel readings after completion of the project, in approximately 1990, and will re-measure the noise on West Danube Road and take the necessary steps to assure a two to four dBA reduction. Ft�rther, it is understood that the 5107,000 oifer for a noise barrier would r�[�ain in effect indefinitely and the Highway Department agrees to continue to monitor the dec�bel readings every three years through the year 2010. The findings of the noise levels in th�s asea of concern should be shared with the City and residents in the neighborhood. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. LTpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried Unanimously. F7���X� A recess was called at 9:20 p.m. by Mayor Nee. • ��� Mayor Nee reconvened the meeting at 9:30 p.m. present. 2. �NSIDERATION OF A FINAL THE P.S. #87-07 , AUDITOR'S PART OF LC7P 165 FEET TI -8- �71 Council members were 2 A REPLAT OF 111•• FR�LEY CITY CO[JNCII, MEEfiING OF MARCrI 7. 1988 � SUBDIVISpN N0. 92, EXC�FP Tf� SOL]THERLY 150 F'EET INCLUDING A RIGHT OF WAY, ANL7 AIS, THAT PART OF LCYP 24, AADI`POR'S SUBDNISION N0. 92, EXCEPT THE SOUTH lS0 FF.FT nF THF. RA.ST RO FFF'P nF SAT7� TCYI' 24. TNC'fdT1�TTQC� A RTC�HT OF WAY, ALL [ljDl�,i�\_ .�f1!�/,�:M11Y�I�iG_�Y�$fl7l�M � `� ��:1p1��VI\7�1� )V NDTION by Councilman Billings to waive the ieading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried nnan;mously and the publir hearing opened at 9:31 p.m. Mr. Robertson, C'�ununity Develoxxnent Director, stated the only outstanding issue for the plat is the drainage plan. Ne requested this public hearing Ue continued to Nlarch 28, 1988 in order to allow time for review of the drainage plan. Mayor Nee asked if there was anyone present who wished to comment on this plat, but there was no response. Councilman Schneider stated he wanted to complimer.t staff, the Planning Ccs�uni_ssion, and a11 the persons iuvolved for ecxcung to an understanding in order for this plat to proceed. Councilman Billings stated when this plat was before trie Planning Ca�m�ission, there was mention of an underground pipe that comes out at Stinson and he wanted to make sure it is addressed in the drainage plan. � Councilman Billings further stated the Ettel property currently has a driveyvay and sewer and water easement over the pro�ierty to Gardena. He stated he asslunes these will remain the same, but from the standpoint of platting, does sanething have to be c1one regarding the easement for the new plat. Mr, Qureshi, City P�nager, stated the easement woulcl still continue on the property and water and sewer provided from G�rdena. He stated it is a private easement and not a City easanent. N�r, Herrick, City Attorney, Stated he hasn't seen the e�sement, but woulcl review it if the Council desires. He stated sunply because the property is platted, it wouldn't destroy the validity of the easement. NY7PION by Councilman Schneider to continue thl° public hearing to March 28, 1988. Seconded by Councilwana�z Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor I�e declarecl the motion carried unarumously. 3. LY)NSIDERATION OF A VACATION, SAV #87-11, TO VACATE THAT PART OF MCKSNLEY S'PREE�E7P AS DEDICATED IN Tf� PLAT OF A�RN HILLS ADDITION, TOGETHER WITH THE NQRTHERLY EXTENSION OF SAID MCKINL�EY SPREE7' TO THE SOLii'H LINE OF THE PLP_T OF AMBER OAKS, GIIQERLLY LOCATED AT 5980 STINSON BOULEVARD N.E., BY BRICKNER BUILDERS• � Ni�TION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing, Seconded by Councilwoman Sorc�ensen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declzred the motion carried '�i � � � �no99 FRIDLEY CITY �iTNCII, 1��'ING OF MARCT� 7. 1988 linanunously and the public hearing opened at 9:38 p.m. Mr. Vern Costello, 1623 Gardena Auenue, st�ted at the Planning Commission meeting, it was requested this vacation oi D�IcIZinley be contingent upon approval of the plat for Heather Q3ks. Ceuncilman Billings stated the vacation would be contingent upon approval of the plat and action would not be taken on this it�n lu�til after the public hearing on the plat which was continued to PC�rch 28, 1988. No other persons in the auclience spoke regarding triis proFosed vacat�on. NDTION by Councilr�i Schneider to close tYie public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Dlee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:40 p.m. 4. REVIEW OF PROE�SAL FOR ALL�OCATION OF 19 5 DEVELOPMQ�TI' BLOCK GRANT Mr. Hunt, Assistant to the City Mark3ger, stated the revised proposal, Option B, for the use cf 1988 ('.a�ununity Develo�aaent B1ock Grant Funds covers the period frcm July, 1988 through Decanber 31, 1984. Ne stated the allocations are as follavs: $66,959 for the Rivezview Heilhts Pro�ect for purchase and relocation of Parcel 6; $31,397 for Euman Services; and $6,302 for Camnercial Rehabilitation for redevelognent of obsolete ece�¢ne�iai builchngs and/or acquisiton of blighted property for redevelopment. He stated the tota7. of these three projects is $104,658. Mr. Hunt stated the other three �arcels in the Rivexviecv Heights project tire in the process of being acquired with CDBG funds fram last year. He also stated that 30� of the funds were allocated for human services and if the County exceeds their limit of 15�, then this figure woulcl have to be revised. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve Option B, revisec� 1°88 proposals, for the use of 1988 ('�¢nunity Develoianent Blocic Grant Ftiu�ds to be allocated as follaas: $66,959 for the Riverview Heights pro�ect; $31,397 for Htm�an Seivices; and $6,302 for Ccnmercial Rehabilitation for a total of $104,658. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilm3n Schneider, Nl�yor rdee and Councilman Billings voted in favor of the motion. Councilwac�n Jorgenson abstained frcm voting on the motion. Ni�yor Nee declared the motion carried by a 4 to 1 vote. �NSTDERATION OF APR�INPMEIVTS T7 TI-IE CABLE TELEtiISION COMNNaSSTON: MOTI�N by Councilman Schneider to table this item to N�rch 28, 1980. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice cote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declarecl the motion carried unanunously. S�,W BUSINESS: -10- �'mT.F'�' QTY Q3UNCIL MEETING OF MARQI 7. 1988 � 6. CONSIDERATION OF A REZOIVING ZOA #87-01, TO REZONE FROM R-3, GENERAL MULT] D4+TELLII�, TO C-2, c�F�7F'RAT BUSINESS, �N LOTS 23 AND 24 TOGETHER WITH H VACATID ALI�EY. B1�CK 6. FRIDLEY PARK. ACCY)Rl]TN(� `I'(� THR PLAT THL^REOF ON F LI40� E_. BY CHRISTENSEN 11_11 Mr. Robertson, Camiwu ty Development Director, stated a hearing on this rezonzng was held on Nk�rch 11, 1987 before the Planning Ccnunission and they reca�iended approval with several stipulaticns. N� stated a public hearing was scheduled before the Council for April 6, 1987, haaever, the petitlener r�uested the item be tabled in order to work out a concern regarding the stipulation for a street easement. He stated this concern has been addressed and the petitioner wishes to proceed with the public hearing before the City Council. I�Y7PION by Councilman Fitz�trick to set the public he�ring on thts proposed rezoning for P�rch 28, 1988. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenaon. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrled i inanunously. 7. �NSIDERATION OF AN EXTIIVSION OF A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #87- � Mr. Robertson, Cacmiuruty Develognent Director, stated the petitioner has requested a three month eYtension fran this d�te in order tc, record a lot split, L.S. #87-03, apprwed by Council on Sune 1, 1987. He stated it is suggested this eYtension be apprwed, with the follaaing stlpulations: (1) �ecute and return street �sement agre�nent (17 feet along East P.tver Rcad) prior to recording lot split; (2) pravide dumpster screening priar to recording lot split; (30) pravide hedging along FaixmonL Street with eclging, weed baxrier and mulch prior to recording; and {4) subdivide parcel to be added to residential lot to west conCUrrently with recording. DRYPION by Councilman Fitzp�trick to approve a three month exter,sion of Lot Split, L.S. #87-D3, to June 7, 1988 with the f ollowing stipulations: (1) execute and return 5treet easement ayreement (17 feet along East River Rcad) prior to recording lot split; (2) provide clumpster screening proir to recording lot split; (3) praride hedging along Faizmont Street with edging, weed barrier and mulch prior to recordtng; �nd {4) subdivide parcel to be added to residential lot to west concurrer_tly with recording. Seconded by Council�n Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�red the motion carried unanunously. 8. CONSIDERATION OF REVISED �MPREEIENSIVE SIGN PLADT FOR RIVERBOAT PLAZA, 7899 EASP RIVER ROAD• Mr. Robertson, Ccnnnumty Develognent Director, statec: the petitioner, Ms. Klus is appealing the Council's action on this shopping center's si�� plzn � which was appraved by Council on Ju1y 20, 1987. He stated because the notice that this item would be on the Council's agenda went to the shopping center's address and not D2r. Ktus' residence or business, Nh. Klus felt th�s -11- � � , oo�oi E'RIDLEY CITY OODNCII, N�PING OF MARQI 7. 1988 didn't constitute official notification. Mr. Robertson stated Mr. Klus has requested that the porta-�anel be included as g3rt of the �rn�ient sign plan and thts feature of the pl�u, was deleted by the Council at the July 20, 1987 meeting. He stated the or�ginal building pernut for this shopping center was issued about ten years ago and contained 14 stipulations, two of which haven't been completed. He stated staff is reconanending no changes in the Counczl's apprwal of the sign plan and to add the requirement that a bond or letter of credit for $2.000 be submitted by Apri1 1, 1988 and the landscaping be completed by June 30, 1988. Mr. Klus, ocvner of the Riverboat Plaza Shoppiny Center, stated he receiced a call fran Daxyl Nbrey requesting a sign plan be submitted. He stated he complied and was advised this was a housekeeping item. He stated he received no notification and didn't knacv the slgn pl�n was befc,re the Council. Mr. K1us stated he purchased this center in 1986 and ciid a title search and found no z�quirenents for a ccanprehensitie l�ndscaping plan. Ne stated he did not ]mav why he had to canplete landsczping in crder to obtain a szgn pernut. He stated he is not Luxwilling to do sane landscaping, but dicl not want to purchase another sign. Mr. Klus stated the porta-panel s�1n referred to by the City staff he refers to as a ireE st�nding sign. He further stated that this evemng was the f�rst he had hezrd about a$2,OOD bond. Mr. Klus stated he would like the Council to reconsider apprcval of the sign plan as submitted and he would work out an acceptable landscaping pl�m with staff. He stated the free standing sign is vezy important to his tenants. M3yor Nee stated the landscaping requirerient- was �rt of the building pezmit and there was gross negligence on the g�rt of tl-�e previous avner. He stated he didn't Imaa why Mr. Klus' search wouldn't have shavn that as �rt of the building pernut stipulations, Nfiyor Nee stated the use of a porta-�nel sign is allaved up to three times per year per business for non-consecutive ten day periods. Mr. K1.us stated he feels th�.s is a free standing sign and not a�orta-p�nel sign. He stzted it is anchored and not on wheels. Councilman Schneic7er asked the square foctage of the pylon s�y7? and the porta-�.anel sign. Mr. Rd�ertson stated the pylon sign is 64 �uare feet and the porta-?k7na1 sign is 32 scniare feet. Ceuncilman Schneider stated the code requiranent is not over 80 square feet so these two signs combinecl are cuer the code requiranents. Councilrnan Fitzpatrick stated he thinks it is only fair that the petitioner and staff ]maa his interpretation is that the siyn is a porta-ranel sicln. Mr. Rabertson stated if the �titionex desires a reader board, it could be incorporated with the pylon sign. He st�ted the code requires e free -12- � 1 E 1 00�02 FRIDLEY CITY CCATNCIL MEETING OF N]ARQi 7. 1988 standing sign be ten feet off the ground. He stated if Mr. Klus considers this a free standing sign, it is also in violation of the code. Councilman Fitz�trick felt the petitioner and staff should discuss the details of the sign plan for the Council's action at the next meeting. Mayor Nee asked Mr. Kl.us if he is in agreement with the landscaping plan. Mr. Klus stated he didn't believe it shoulcl}� included as �rt of the s,gn plan approval. Mr. Frank Walz, attorney representing Nir, Klus, state� Mr. Klus dicln't believe a condition for landscaping should be attached as a stipulation to tlie sign plan, He stated the lanascaping has been iynorec' for a ten year period and dicln't know why the City didn't take action to enforce the stipulation, He stated to impose landscaping as a condition of the sign pernzit is improper. Mayor Nee stated he has no problem with deletin� the landscaping a_s a condition of the sign plan. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, felt the two issues should be divicled. He stated the fact of the matter is the sign is not in ccanpliance hecause it is aver the square footage allavecl and less than ten feet frcm the ground. He stated these two issues should be discussed in con�unction with the sign plan, He felt the landscaping should be considered on a separate basis. NiYI'ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table this item to March 28, 198&. Seconded by Councilm3n Schneider. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, May or Nee declared the motian carried unanimously. C�l���Fl PLAZA, 6201 Mr. RoUertson, Cacununity Develognent Director, stated Mr. Gearman, aaner of Moon Plaza, has submitted a request to revise the sion plan for this shopping center. He stated Mr. Gearman is proposing to use pre-formed letters, either glued or scre.ved, to the present steel backing or to install signs with pre--fim shed backing using pre-formed letters. Mr. Iwen, representing Mr. C.earman, stated for every siyn installed at the shopping center since 1965, a�xmit has been issued. Council�n Billings stated information compiled by staff zndicatee the laundsy and clry cleaners and A-1 C�rnlent rnceived no sicm �rnut. He stated Ledwein's and the graphics canpariy installed a sign wh,ch c�ras clifferent fram what was approved. He statecl North Star Video was granted a varzance for their sign which has since 2Xpired. Councilman Schneider stated the whole concept of the sign plan was to allow the tenants some variety, but within defined guidelines, Mr. Iwen stated in regard to the Lechvein sic�n, this aaner came in for a siyn -13- �o�.o� PRIDLEY CITY �ONCII, ME�'I'ING OF MAR(�i 7, 1988 � permit and he didn't ]cnow anything about it. He stated Powder Pouf and Plaza Qeaners are grandfathered. He stated everyone in the shopping center screws the signs to the backing, He felt it would be easier to pre-forni the letters on their avn backing and screcv it on to the present bac]�ing. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated it is the responsibility of the avner of the building to make sure the signage is legal. He stated the ultimate enforcenent rests with the City. He stated if signs are grandfathered, it doesn't mean they are grandfathered forever. He stated he woulcl submit a mFSno to the Council on enforcanent and touch on grandfathering. He stated in regard to grandfathering, the courts have declarecl you have to permit a non-confoiming sign to be used long enough so that the irmestment in the sign is amortized. He felt if scme of the signs have l�en there since 1965, this has been accanplished, He asked ha,� many �isting signs meet the sic�m plan requiranents. Mr. Iwen stated 80� of the �isting signs meet the recuirements of the s1c,m p1an. Mr. Iwen stated tenants are told by City Hall staff that the City will be purchasing this shopping center as it is in a renewal district. Mayor Nee stated there is no plan whatsoever for the City to purchase thia shopping center. � Councilman Schneider stated it is unfair to make scme of the shopping center avners ccmply and let others do as they please. D4r. Rnbertson stated the question is if any more sign permits should be issued until the matter of the cornprehensive sign plan is resolved. b4r. Herrick stated if there is a request for a siqn, it would have to canply with the sign plan which was approved. Councilman Billings stated he understands P�ir. Gearman has submitted a revised canprehensive sign plan which is different fr�m what the Ceuncil approved. He stated Mr, Olson has submitted a letter and stated he understands the shopping center was to receive a P�celift and clidn't want to change his sign at the present time, if it would require another change sanetime in the near future. NYJTION by Councilman Billings to deny Mr. Gearman's request for a revised canprehensive sign plan for Nbon Plaza. Seconded hy Councilman Fitzpatrick, LJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriEd nnanimOUSly. MJTION by Councilman Billings to direct staff to contact As. Kirn Olsen and Mr. Gea�i and/or his representatives regardinq the submittal of plans for the facade and signage remodeling plan �nd timetahles for completion. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor � Nee declared the motion carried nnan;mously. -14- �� � i FRIDI�1' CITY OJC7NCII� MEErING OF MARC�I 7. 1988 � 10. CONSIDERATION OF AN 18 MONTH CONTRACT WITH SUPER CYCLE FOR THE PERIOD B' EEDI SAN[TARY 1, 1988 TO �7iTNE 30, 1989: 11. NYYPTON by Councilman Billings to apprave an 18 month contract with Super Cycle for the period of January 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989 for a base amount of $36, 045. Seconded by Councilsnasi Fitzpatricic. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NY�yor Ldee declared the motion carried unanunously. C }� 71 �[M:i �Y 9f N� �I �,�i iRi MCYI'ION by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing for April 4, 1988 for the Cable Television Franchise renecn�al. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, a1] voting aye, P'i�yor Nee declared the motior_ carried nnanimOUSly. 12. RESOLUTION N0. 21-1988 IN FAUOR OF MCTNICIPAL ZONING AUTHOHITY IN THE MATTER OF TIIE TACATION OF LICQQSED RESIDENPIAL PROGRAMS UNDER MINNESOTA STATUT�S d NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt kesolution No. 21-1°88. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � 13. RESOLUTION N0. 22-1988 ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESPIMA`I'ES OF Tf� �SPS THEREOF: S`1'REET IMPR6VII�7QVT PROJECP N0. SP. 1988-1: NYrI'ION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 23-1988. Seconded by Councilwoman Sorgenson. Upon a voice �rotE, all votir_g aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. RESOLUPION ND. 23-1988 AUTHORIZING TfiE TRANSE�R OF THE RENFjINING FUNDS FROM THE RETIRED SPECL9L ASSESSMENP BONL7 F[JNDS TO 'PHE CAFPAL IMPROVEMII�FI' F2JND AND TI-IE M.I. S. FUI�II7: NDTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Reselut�on No. 23-1988. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maycr Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 15. RESOLUTION N0. 24-1988 STATING THAT PLANS FOR PROJECT N0. 02-601-33 AND 02-608-07 SH�i^7ING PROYOSED ALIC[�Il�'III�TP, PROFILES, GRADES AND CROSS-SECTIONS FOR THE CON9PRUCPION, RECONSTRUCPION OR IlHPROVIl�7IIVI' OF COUNIY HIGHWAY N0. 1 AND N0. 8 WITHIN Tf� LINIITS OF TI� CITY OF FRIDLEY AS A COUNPY PROJECT HAVE BEELV PREPARID ANL) PRESINI'ED TO Tf� CITY: Mr, Flora, Public Works Director, stated tlus resolution is to approve the County's plans for the imprwenent of the East Ftt�er Fcead and Osborne Raad intersection. He stated the project is a Federal and County project for ' $1,0OO,ODO and the City's g�rticip�tion is about $95,000. He sta_ted scane of the additional items the City requested the County consider was the cul-de-sacing of Talmadge Way, the Commerce Lane widening of the -15- ��O'S FRIDLEY CIT3 OOONCII� MEEPING OF MARt3i 7, 1988 ' intersection of Osborne Road, the bikeway/walkway betweer Main Street and University Avenue, and installation of Ixc]clit street names and direction�l arraas. Councilmar� Fitz�trick stated it seans the items requested by the City are al1 listed as change orders. Mr. F1ora stated the project is, essentially, Federally funded and in order to meet the criteria, the County attempted to maintain approval only for the intersection and roachriay c,f East River Rcad and Osborne Road. Cpuncilman Fitzpatrick asked if the homes hacl been removed. Mr. Flora stated none of them have been removed as of yet, Further, the County advised that the three hcanes they are purchasing would be remwed some time in June. He stated the ranwal of the hcmes is �rt of the Federal funcling for the pro�ect and would be incorporated in the items aclvertised for the unpravenent of East River Road. Cpuncilman Fitz�trick stated another probl�n is the failure of trie County to acquire one of the �rcels. Mr. Flora stated the City h�s receiced a letter fran the County in which they indicated if the City desires, they would be willing to work with the City to ranwe the ane hcme in question. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated because of an oversight in the Ceunty's original plan, the City would now have to bear ttiis cost in order for this one hcme to be remavecl, � Mr. Flora stated the City Y�as requested a numl�er of ltems be done in this pro7ect. He stated the County is installing curbing, red brick �n the median, the bikeway/walkway along Osborne Road, and the drainage and ponding a,sociated with additional storage £or OalLland Creek. He stated the other it�ns the County cv�uld ca�lete as a chanqe arder to the original contract. NYYI'ION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt Resolution No. 24-1988. Seconded by Councilwaran Jorgenson. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried >>*�a*»moUS1y. 16. �NSIDERATION OF A JOINP POWERS AGREEMENT WITH ANOKA MD'1'ION by Councilman Fitz�trick to authorize the City entering into a �oint paaers agreenent with Anoka County for the East River Road and Osborne Rozd intersection improvanent project. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayer Pdee decl�red the motion carried unanimously. 17. RESOLUTION NO. 25-1988 TO DESIGNATE PARKING R�STRICTIONS ON S.A.P. �-, ��, �-, .,.,.,,..,.,,a„ ,,,,,.n.,,�, �„-. .,.,,,r,. ..,,,., ., ., ,,,,.. „ r ., �� ��„ .,� ,,,,,,,.R C�7.'1'\,�; �]�I�l�i1Z��14��1171'�«�It. �\�I� � MYPION by Councilman Fitzp�trick to adopt P.esolution No. 25-198II. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vate, zll voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion caxried unanunously. -16- 1d 1, FRIDLEY CITY COTINCII, MEEPIN� OF MARCH 7, 1988 1 18. CONSIDERATION OF NO PARKING ON 72ND AVEN[TE: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City has been xeceicing ca11s regarding the �rking of vehicles on 72nd Avenue between Hic�hway 65 and Central. Ee stated there appears to be a�rking prcd�lem in tYiis area and hecause of the n�nnber of drivev,rays fran the apartment complexes onto 72nd Avenne and to make it enforceable, staff would suggest installation oi no �rking signs on the south side of 72nd Auenue fran approxunately 12G0 72nd Avenue to the inte�section of Central and 72nd. N�TION by Councilman Schneider to concur with staff's recommendation and authorize no parking signs on the south side of 72nd Avenue from approximately 1200 72nd A�enue to the intersection of Central. Seconcled by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting a1�e, Mayor Nee declared the mation carried unanunously. 19. Q�NSIDERATION � RECEIVE AND R&7ECT ALL BIDS SUBMITTED FOR THE SATELLITE FIRE STATION AND READVII27'ISE FOR BIDS: AND CONSIDERATION `IC� I�TTPIiORIZE AN ADDITIONAL 51,000 FOR THE REDESIGN OF THE PL11NS AND SPECIFICATIONS: NY7TION by Councilman Schneider to receive the follaving blds f or the satellite fire station: � Dailey Construction $158,900 Briclmer Suilders $154,50G Spaungel Construction $184,000 Merrimac Const. Co „ Inc. 5181,911 Gem Construction Co. $190,931 Seconded by Councilwanan Sorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanirnously, I�DTION by Councilman Schneider to reject a11 of the abrnre bids and authorize an additional $1,000 for the redesign of the pl�rs and specifications for the satellite fire station and the re-advertising for bids. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried ��nanimOUSlY. 20. CC�NSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER POND IMPROVII�4II�TP PROJECT N0. 173: MOTION by Cpuncilwcxnan Sergenson to approve Change Order No. 1 for Springhroolc Nature Center Pond Improvement Project D1o. 173 with Gammon Brothers, Inc, for the additional amount of $23,008.75 and a revised contract of $308,D74.25. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, D'fayor Nee declared the raotion carried unanimously. ' 21. �IVSIDERATION TO RECEIVE AND RF.TECT ALL BIDS SUBMSTTED FOR THE ELECTRONIC WnRNSNG SIRIIV AND REPDVERTISE El7R BTDS: -17- U0�.0'� FRIDLEY CITY CL�DNCII� N�7i'ING OF MARCH 7, 1988 1 Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated on Februaxy 29, 1°88 bids were opened for the electramc warning sirens. He stated a bid was received frcan Federal Sigr�11 Corporation for 587,024 for the base bid and 582.224 with trade-in. He stated Alerting C�rnnunicators of America did not bid on the City's base specifications indicating they took exception to our specifications and instead they used option two to bid a b�sic. He stated, in addition, Alerting C�ttnunications of America failed to sign the bid bond which technically mad� it deficient. Mr. Hill stated there are three major mariufacturers of these sirens in the countiy and while Wheln Engineering Ccmpany contacted the City in regard to a new product line, they failed to submit a bicl. He felt it was in the best interests of the City to reject a11 bids and readvertise. Councilman Schneider asked if they would want ta install these sirens before the tornado season. Mr. Hill stated although there is a minor problan in reporting of the siren status to central conmunications, it doesn't affect the existzng sirens operation in the field. He felt the nea sirens will be installed this year. M�yor Nee asked if the �ecifications wotLld 1� differer_t from the original ones. Mr. Hill stated the specifications would be less techm cal on scane cf the items and a trade-in would be mandated. 1 D'1r. Herrick, City Attorney, stated if alternates are to be accepted, this should be contained in the specif�cations and the alternates deftinecl. Ne stated evexyone should have the opportunity to bid on the base bid and any alternates. Mr. Teriy Willi�ns, Alerting Ccn¢nunicators of America, stated he has been working with Ns. Hill and Mr. Turnbull on Lh� s project. He stated somehow the bid bond was submitted without being siclned. He stated there may be scme features wh�.ch can be redesigned and the location of the units changed to reduce the cost. Mr. Teriy Lane, Blaine Electric, stated he and his £ather have been installin� civil �7efense sirens in the �,v�n Cities area for 30 years. He stated after revi�r of the City map, he feels there is overcovera�e and the rnmiber of sirens could be reduced, Mr. Hill statcd the s�ecifications will be redraf ted, but no conclusions t�ave been made on any reduction in sirens. He st�ted, zt this t�me, it appears the costs will be laaer than estimated. NDTION by Councilman Schneider tc receive the follawing bicls for eight electronic outdoor warning sirens: Lase Option Option � Bid 1 2 7�1.erting Con¢n. of Pmerica $79,936 -18- ' � � F'RIDLEY CITY CC7UNCII, MEE'I'ING OF MARCH 7, 1988 Federal Signal Corp. $87,D24 $82,224 Seconded by Councilwanan Joraenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. hLYPION by Councilman Schneider to re�ect all of the above bids for eiyht electronic outdoor warning sirens and direct staff to prepare new specifications and re-advertise for bicls. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, NL3yor Nee declared the motion Carried nnan,mouSly. 22. CLAIMS: NDTION bp Council�n Schneider to authorize payment oi Claims No. 19110 through 19296. Seconded by Councilwrn�an Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, I�yor Pdee declared the motion carried unanunously. 23. LICEDiSES: NYYPION by Councilman Fitz�tricic to approve the licenses as sLil�ru tted and as on file in the License Qerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�red the moticn carried l�nanimously. 24. ESTIMATES: MYPION by Council�n Schneiaer to apprwe the estunates as submitted: Herrick & Ne�vman, P. A. 6401 University A�enue N.E. Fridley, MMbTT 55432 For Senrices Rerx3ered as City Attorney For the Month vf Februaiy, 1988 . . . . . . . . . Gamnon Brothers, 7nc. P.O. Box 83 Rogers, M[� 55374 $ 1,860.00 Sprin�rook Nature Center Pt�nd Improvenent Pro�. #173 Estisnate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $61,530.25 St�ik I��echanical 3501-85th Ave., N. Minneapolis, N]N 55443 Rep3ir of Cc�anons Park Filtration Plant Pro�ect #164 Estimate No. 5 & 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $342,813.OD E.A. Nickok & Associates 545 Indian Nbund Wayzata, MN 55391 -19- +D0�0�; � ' ' �tl� p�i FRIDLEY CITY CX70NCII, MEE'PIlVG OF MARCH 7. 1988 Moore Lake Phase II Project #149 Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,213.61 Secorxled by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee daclared the motion carried unanimously. �� r • ii� MOTION by Councilman Schneider to ad�ourn the meeting. Secondea by Councilman Billings, Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regalar N�eting of the Fridley City Council of D7arch 7, 1988 ad�ourned at 11:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �� ,..� ���' C�mle Haddad Secretaxy to the City Council APPrwed: -20- �,��� � TnTilli�tt J. Nee Mayor �f "' ` �--