04/18/1988 - 00010808G�'�02� � THE NIINfTPES OF THE RDGIILAR N]EEPZNG OF TI-IE FRIDLEY QTY �CTNCIL OF APRIL 18, 1988 The Reyular Nreeting of the Fridley City Council of April 18, 1988 was called to order at 8:50 p.m. by Mayor Nee, after the meeting of tYLe Eoard of Reviea. PLEDGE OF Ai,T,F�GIANCE: Msyor Nee 1ed the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: N��ERS PRESEN`S': Nk�yor Nee, Councilman Lillings, Councilmar, Fitzp�trick, Councilman Schneider and Councilwanan Jorgenson w• �: e y�.Y ..- APPROVAL OF MCNUTES: CYxINCIL MEET7NG, MARCH 28, 1988: NY�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. � Seconded by Councilician Fitzpatrick. Upon � voice vcte, all voting aye, Nl�yor D1ee declared the motion carried unanimously. �l�UNCIL MEE'PING. APRII, 4, 1988: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to ap�rove the minutes as presented. Secondeci by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voic� vote, a13 voting aye, Mayor DTee declared the motion carried imanimnusly. ADOPTION OF AGENDA• MYPION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt the agenda to consicler Item 18 when the Assistant Public Works Director arrives at the meeting and to acd Item 23, Consideration of Change Order No. 5 with Shank Mechamcal Inc, for Crn¢nons Park Water Treatment Plant Improvements. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Msyor Nee declared the mot�_on carried ur�iimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITI�RS: VFW F�ST 363 PRESENPATION• Mr. Aldrich, Fire Chief, introduced Rudy DTessnan, CcRrtnander of the Fridley VFW P�st 363 and Larcy Rundle, Ccnniander as of Ju1y 1, 198E. , Mr. Nessman presented a check to the City for $15,795 ior the purchase of a new bntsh fire pickup truck for the Fire Department. NL-. Aldr�ch stated -1- �:•�oo .� •u .. . i� � . .� .. ' this was not the first time the VFW was 1 most gracious benefactor tc the Fire Department, as they have provided funds for traimng in the p�st. Mayor Nee and manY�ers oE the Council extenc]ed their thanks and appreciztion to the VFW lxast 363 for their most generous contribution. � MT �� �• •� Mr, Harris, 6200 Rivenriew Terrace, stated he recently purchased cable television and is watching the Council ireetings. Ne stated the quality oi tran�,; ssion was very poor for those speal�ing at the pod.iLaci. Mr. Harris discussed the difficulties of enforcement of the City Code especially in the areas of dumpster screening and s�ans. He felt the Council should consider reviewing these issues. He stated li- the City cannot adhere to the prwisions of these codes, he wondered hasr stafi could be EX��2cted to enforce the code, Councilman Billings stated Mr. Harris' points are well taken. He stated the Council had an ordinance before than reyarcung dtunpster enclosures and N�r. Harris found scme iriequities in that proposecl ordinance and believes it is in liccibo waiting for sane revisions. He stated he also noticed the refuse area by the Fridley Liquor Store Annex and felt the ordin�nce sheulcl be reviesved. He stated he can assure Mr. Harr�s khese two areas will probably be reviecved in the very near future. He stated he felt the City should � strive to upgrade and meet the requirements of the orclinance as a good e�mple. Mr. Harris stated there are two freestanding pylon sic�ns on one g�rcel wluch is not �xmitted by anyone else. He felt if the ruies cannot be adhered to, perhaps sanething is wrong and changes should be made. Ne felt if the Planning Ccnc[ussion was going to discuss any oi these issues, interested parties shoiLl.d be notified. Mr. Harris submitted photos of various sites in the City where the City has not canplied with the ardinance. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated he appreciated Mr. Harris' conuaents ancl his point is well taken. He stated the City should improve wherever it is logical to do so in order to set an �ample. He stated sane of the ltc�ns to which A4r. N�rris refers were done before adoption of these orciinances. Mayor Nee stated there will be scme action taken on the d�snpster screening. PUBLIC HEARINGS• 2. CONSIDII2ATION OF A VACATION, SAV #87-12, TO VACATE THAT PORTION OF THE SEAVICE ROAD LYING EAST OF AND ALUACQ�7P TO TPcUNK HIGHWAY 65, BEING A PAR'I' OF FI ' MO`I'ION by Councilman Schneider to waiveYtheUreadingvoi the public hearing -2- ' � 3. � ,�•'1�3i� �• � �r. �� �� i� q, • : r _ . • : :: notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Scrgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Dlee declared the motion carried nnan;mously and the public hearing opened at 9:15 p.m. Mr, Robertson, Commwiity Development Director, stated the Planning Cat¢nission reviEtved this request in January and supported this vacation. He stated at the time this request was submltted to the Council, there was concern if therE would be confusion aver a change in the service roacl so barriers were set up to test the traffic p��tterr�. He stated the City has received no ccnunents or ccanplaints since these l�rriers were established on March 1. Ms. Gibson, 1255 66th Auenue, stated thE reason she has not ecenplainec' about the road being blocked was because she thought it was a temporary incox�ves�ience due to the renovation of thc Shorewood Plaza Shopping area. She stated she had no idea it was being blociced to aeternune if it was being used or if people would complain about this loss. Ms. Gibson felt if people were aware of why it was being blocked in the first place, probably the City would have received more complaints. Councilwai�n Sorgenson stated there are �ne pl�nnecl imprwements for the intersection and the median would be closed. Ms. Gibson was asked her ieelings as far as vacation of the road. She stated it would not be a big deal, haaever, she �ust wanteu� to c�nment that people were not aware of the true purpose ior which it was blocked. Mr. F1ora, Public Works Director, stated that if the Coi.ncil supports the reca�¢nendati�s of the Plamm�g C�¢nission with the four stipulations, the Cc�uncil shall also indentify tYus property as excess to the City's needs and prwide for the transfer to the Shorewood Plaza Partnership. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to close the p-ublic hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 9:22 p.m. C�a�ill�b��X�7 G���.�n�u� ar� ���a�r.uKys�e#�r+i� �1VC FROM R-3 , TC�ETHER WITH M7S'ION by Couneilman Fitzpatriek to waive the seconci reading anc� adcpt Ordinance No. 903 on second reading and oraer publication with the follc�ving stlpulations: (1) petitioner to sulanit for st�fi apprwal 2 storm casainage plan by April 13, 1987. City Council approval contingent upon stafi and Rice Creek Watershed District z�proval of plan (under revlew); (2) petitioner to submit a landscape plan which is consistent with existing landscape elements. All landscaping tc have automat�c sprinkling; (3) bw.lding facade to be consistent with desi� and materials of existing -3- 00'03�. FRIDLEI' CI'I'Y CYA7NCIL MEEPING OF APRIL 18, 1988 � structure. East sicle of e�isting and proposed building to �e painted to match stucco; (4) lots 21 through 29 to be comb�r�ed into one taY parcel prior to building permit; (5) new £encing on easterly lot line to have fimshed side taaard residences; eYiSting fencing to have new boards adued to resiclence side; (6) petitioner to supply a seven fcot eas�nent all along East River Road for the pui�poses of snaa storage and 5ignage pl�cenent prior to publication of rezoning ordinance; (7) petitioner to supply a 35 ioot triangular easement at the corner of Mississippi Street and East R�ver Rcad for public landscaping and/or other urban desiyn improvements prior to publication of rezoning ordinance; and ($) provide appropriate access ar.d parking easements to acccacanodate caneteiy visitors. Seconded l�y Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 18. r1ENT BUSINESS: N�yor Nee statecl, at this time, the Council would consider It�n 18 regard�ng bids for miscellaneous concrete curb, gutter ancl siclewalk for 1988. [�ii.:ar,u���i: u��an�_rr�:�L•I:�:3� � 0 � Ns. Flora, Pi.iblic Works Director, stated on March 23 bicls were opened for the miscellaneous concrete curb, gutter and sic7cwalk contract for 198E. He stated the lav bicirler was S& 0 General c'Jentractors for $32,954. He stated as was established in the specifications, the City xequested the low bidder to submit a list of references of prior 2Xp2rience in the area of concrete curb and gutter work. He stated S& O responded they h�c� never cone any concrete curb and gutter wark. Mr. Flora stzted as it is in the best interests of the City to anplay contractors with PXperience in this work, �t is requested the Council receive and re�ect the bids and authorize readvertising for this project. Mr. Thompson, owner of J& O Contractors, stated he followed the specifications and his e�erience in the public bidding process is that the lcxaest bid is awarded. N� stated the City looked at his calculations and the way the unit prices were put together, however, he didn't include his perfomiance bond and the City stated this was unethical � he woulcl abicle by the unit price totals. Mr. Thcznpson stated he talked to Nir. Burch concerning the procedure and �nas referred to the specifications which he had already read and felt the City was "nitpicking." He stated he worked in concrete fcr many, many pears. He stated the way he worked years ago was not like today and you had to carry it in a wheelbarrav. He stated he did faiuiclation work and �ne street work and laid slahs. He stated he gave the City some references and talked to these references, after staff had contacted then, and was infornled they gave � him a favorable response to the best of the�_r ability. He stated he felt it was out of order for the City to contact his bonding agent. He stated it � 1 ' 1 al; �� 71 �1 Y l�. I� M� u��lyl h • 1 9t �0032 isn't ethical to contact bonding agencies and request they not issue a perfonnance bond to do the type of work for which he bid and was sure his bonding agent would testify to that affect_. Ms, Thrnlpson stated he got the advertisement fer this bid out of the ➢odge Report. He stated he does a lot of work for the State and has installed a wheelchair ramp, �tched scane sidecvalks, concrete work in the motor pool, curbing and track grach ng. He stated he installed � loacU ng dock to use in �et refueling for the U.S. Air Force. He stated he is bidding a sl�b f or the Mannesota Air National Guard. N[r. Thrnipson stated these are first time contracts. He stated it doesn't take much expexience now with the modern equipnent they have for curbs. He stated he can go to a number oi pl�ces and rent curb and gutter foxms or build than out of 2 x 4's or plywood. D4r. Thrnipson felt the band protects the City if hls work is not satisfactoiy. He felt the City should not rebid this pro�ect. He stated as far as scane of the materials requested by the City, it cannot be found ar�nahere and lus bid was based on a compatible material to the specifications, not that it changed than at all. He stated he pleads to the Council to consider this because he doesn't want to have to fight �t any further. He stated we are in a new age today where everyone is judled on their abilities to do the �ob. He stated he has no problan in doing this �ab, Mayor Nee asked what was stated to the bonding canpar��. Ms. Thanpson stated the statelnent was made that he shouldn't issue the bond based on the fact that the bid was not correct. N�. Burch, Assistant Public Works Director, stated the City received bicZs for the miscellaneous concrete curb and c�utter contract ar.d advertisements were in bulletins and many other publications. Ne stated every year the City installs curb, gutter and side�aalks that need to be replaced, priniarily frcm the snua plaaing operations. Mr. Burcl-i stat_ed the intent is to have cme contractor who the City feels is qualified and has a record of doing rn,aiity worlQnanslup. He stated J& 0 General Centractors was the laa bidder and the City was not familiar with their company. He stated as is Y_he procedure when they are not familiar with the bidder, references were requested in order to verify experience, expertise, and the contractor's ability to do the jcb. Mr. Burch stated N[r. Thanpson was reluctant at first to provide the City with references, but gave him the name cf tl-ie U.S. Air Force, State of D'�innesota and an architect, N`Pl Lovejoy. He stated he dicln't provide any names of those to contact at the Air Force or State and no phone numbers. Mr. Burch stated after cornrersations with P7r. Thanpson, staff attempted ta verify his experience based on the notes given them. He stated he called the cities of N�i.nneapolis and St. Paul and the U.S. P,ir Force base and they weren't aware of Mr. Thaxcpson's cang�ny. He stated he ttien decicled to call the bonding canpsxry as their name was on the bid. Mr. Burch stzted the bonding canp�ny indicated they Yrzd issued several bonds in the last year or so up to $40,000 to $50,000 and they weren't aware of any problems. He stated he didn't have Gny dZSCUSSion about not issuing a bond. Mr. Burch stated when staff could not contact any references, he contacted Nr. Thanpson and he advised he would prwide names ard phone n�unbers. He stated a� �3�2033 � u � �� � • . � .. � he contacted the five prwicled and talked to all of them. He stated thc work perfoYmed for the State and U.S. Air Force were building types cf work such as repa�.ring bathrocros and floors, demolition ar_d ceramic tile. He stated a lot of work was with subcontractors. He stated some of the ccRUnents were the finished work could have been better, his work required close inspection, the contract didn't go as qnoothly as they hoped, ancl no one could verify Mr. Thanpson did any concrete work. He stated he informed Mr, Thanpson the references weren't for the type of werk for which the City was contracting and were building types of construction and other miscellaneous, Mr. Burch stated Mr. Thanpson then told him he really dicln't have any 2X�rience with concrete work, but still wanted to txy and do this j ob. Mr. Burch stated he has checked references on the second lowest biclder and they were better. He stated checking references was not something done zn only this instance, every jd� that is let and the City isn't famili�r with the contractor, references are checked to make sure they are quality contractors. NSsyor Nee asked if there is sane special s]cill reauired for this pro�ect. Mr. Burch stated weather, curing, and the fim shinR is a biy factor and the City is looking for saneone with Pxpenence and a prwen track record. Councilman Billings asked if the City h�cl mzny "B" style cnrbs with the upper and laaer radius. Mr. Burch stated most of the curbing installed this ' year will be "B" style with two radius. Councilm3n Billings asked if that type of curb and c�utter usually requires both a face form and back form. Mr, Burch stated it woulcl require the contractor to form both sides to get a gocd �oint at the asphalt and street and back of the boulevard. Councilman Billings asked u�ith this type of curb, can a face form be used or freehand. Nli. SurcYi stated af ter you get out of the radius, a lot will be done by trie cement finisher. Councilman Billings asked if �t takes quite a bit of �perience for a cenent f?nisher to do "B" type curbing on radius without face forms. Nir. Burch stzted you need saneone with ex�erience because as the concrete sets up, you have to }mav hczv to work it so it seals properly. Councilm�n Billings asked about the pond skimmers. D�Ir. Lurch stated they are wood detention control structures consisting of posts pounded into the oround. He stated they are almost entirely wood. Councilman Billings stated he spent about five years working for the Minnesota Higlrway Department in their �hgineering Dep3rtreent and his priman� jcb was concrete road p3ving and concrete curb and gutter inspection. He stated he dces ]mav that concrete curb and �tter work is vezy difficult. He stated even if c�nent finishers were cn the �ob for quite a length oi time, he found it t�ing to inspect their u�ork on these radius. He stated it is veiy difficult to do even for a Ferson v�ith quite a bit of e�<perience. ' Councilman Billings asked N1r, Thompson hocv many persons he employed and their experier�e in the teims of "B" type curbing. � �C034 FRIDI.EY CITY COUNCII, N�PING OF P.PR�, 18. 1988 ' Ns. Thanpson stated his crni�ny is very n�7. He stated he does have three people anployed right naa who are out of work at the present time. He stated he usually gets lu s concrete finishers fran the local Union hali with �perience. He stated he has one man who has 15 years experience in concrete who worked for Mortensen and Adolfson � Peterson for a number of years. He stateci when Councilman Billings refers to "B" type curbing, he would have to look this up in a book, wh�ch he gets from an office, to see what type it is before he has any man set up a curb. Councilman Billings stated "B" type is probably the most corranon in the State of Minnesota, and asked Mr. Thanpson if he understands him that he doesr.'t actually do the canent finishing hunself. Mr. Thampson stated he doesn't do any work, he is the estimator ar,d President of the c�i�ixy and hires people to do this work from the local Uni.on Hall. Councilman Billings asked if the person Nir. Thompson hired to do the concrete finishing and, upon analysis by the Engineering Department, his work wasr.'t up to the s�cifications oi c�uality of work the City des�res, �f he would have a problen replacing that person with saneone else out of the Umon Ha11 or sane other location that is qualified. Mr. Thanpson stated he would more or less have to make that decision before the City examines the work. He stated if it doesn't meet his quality and specifications, the person is out imnechately. He stated he woulcl repl�ce the man with another ' and at his expense to correct th�.s situation. Coimcilman Billings asked Mr, Thompson if he started the project and the first several locations were rejected, if he woulcl have a prcaUlan replzcing the personnel that was doing that p3rticular job. Mr. ThcanPSOn stated he would not, Mayor Nee stated his concern is that much of this work is done on individual's drivEways. Ne stated when residents aren't satisfied, they aren' t likely to call Mr, Thcmpson, but one of the Coi:ncil �rerl�ers and they don't want to hear that the jab isn't beirig aone �tisfactorzly. l�. Thanpson stated if you install a driveway there are two things that neEd to be done, He stated you have to form it at the siclewalk with either plywood or metal foxms which you spray dow�� with oil. He stated at the end of the driveway that connects to the street, you have to run a 2 x 4 across it to block that concrete once it begins to set. He stated the City indicated no type of finish for the concrete at ail. He sta.ted he daesn't ]maa if they c+rant brocm finish or not, but it is neecled because of the snv�a and ice. He stated what he is tzying to say �_s he knows what has to be done. Mr. Thompson stated he installed a driveway �t 796 Carroll in St, Paul before he was certified. Mr. Thompson stated he has a problem with the procedure that is being folloraed. He stated if he made some mistalces fine, he doesn't want � preferential treatrnent, but wants to be treated fair. He stated he doesn't want to be treated with kid glwes because he doesn't want to aae anyone -7- CITY OJiJNCII� N�PING OF AFRIL 18. 1988 ' anything. He stated if he earns it, he can slee�� at night, but if he takes it, saneone will take it fran 11im. Nk�yor Nee stated he was concerned about the project runnir!g smoothly and feels staff lacks confidence, He stlted he undexstarids there is always a first time and someone has to take a chance, but Mr. Thompson hasn't convinced the staff that he really can deliver. Mr. Thanpson stated he doesn't think staf_F trusts him, but that is his personal vi�v. He stated he cannot get inside people's heads. He felt there was distrust fran the beginru ng. NF�yor Nee stated the staff's �abs are on the line, as thEy would be the ones who would be bl�ned and not I�. Thanpson. N�. Thcnpson stated he has a performance bond ancl if rie does not perforn� satisfactorily, that bond stands in place for trie City to collect. N�yor Nee stated he is sure no one wants to go against the bond, but doesn't want any problans with the pro�ect. Mr. Thanpson stated he dicln't want any prcblFms, but by the �ne token, if he receives the bicl he wants stzfi to work with him in honesty. Councilman Billings stated he is inclir�d to vote to give Ms. Thompson the contract, but some of the things he mentioned scare him a little, like � talking about plywood to do the �ct�, He sta_ted he can Lulderstand that stafL- would feel uneasy as there are very feu� contractors using 2 x 4's, most use an 18 inch back form and a 6 inch front form made out of inet�l. He stated the fact is that the "B" style curb is probably the most ccarunon curb in the State of Minnesota. He stated if Nh, Thcmpsor isn't familias with the fact that it has a 3 inch radius at the top and a 3 inch radius at the bettcm and is 6 inches high, these are fairly basic and if he was the person who has to look over his shoulder to make sure the �ob is done, it woulcl scare him also. He stated, fortunately, he isn't the �rson who has to loolc ovcr his shoulder and is why he is inclined to lean tavards Mr. Thmipson for the bicl because of the fact that eveayone has to start scanc-where. He stated he will hold Mr. Thanpsan to his word, if he shoulcl be uwa �zed the contract, that he will do a good job because if it is not a gocd jab, he will be the first ene asking the City Attorney what the City can do. Mr. Thcanpson stated he wished Councilman Billings was the perscn loolcing over his shoulder as he would probably do a much better �ob. Ne stated he is not saying you foim the curb as such with the 2 x 4. I3e stated he is talking about the curb against the front. He stated he has access to all types of curbs and gutters through Impact, which is an organization established through the Fede�al goverranent, to aicl contractors like himself in order to make sure they don't make th�se mistakes. He stated they have books on evexy curb that is used in the State ci Niznnesota and cities. He stated before he installs one, it will meet the City's specifications. He ' stated if there is a problc3n with the City's specifications based on the type of curb, whoever he has to get together with, he will do it so there isn't a problc3n. � �0035 f;� ��3� FRIDLEY CITY COiJNCII� N�PING OF APRII, 18, 1988 ' Coimcilmari Schneider stated Mr. Thanpson mentioned the natter of trust. He stated they are not dealing with trust, but fact. He stated he works zn a_ different profession and in conducting interci.ews you try to pick someone for a job where there is e�rience wluch is similar to the ]�nd of functior� that you want that person to perform, He stated he believes this is what staff is saying and is sanething Mr. Thanpson hasn't previously done. Mr. Thanspon stated he has no problem with experience. He st�ted i� i.he City does a public announcanent for bidciing, you shottld cover all the bases first, He st�ted people like himself urouldn't even touch it, if he knew he had to go through all this. Councilman Schneider stated he appreciated Mr. Thompson's comment about backing up the bond. He stated the problan is what N�ycr Nee has indicated and residents not being satisfied with the work, He staten there is no question the City will have the finances to m�lce sure the job is done correctly. He stated it is an awful lot of hassle, if it isn't done rlght in the first place and, ultimately, costs more than the concrete. Councilman Schneider stated he would like to find a way to go ahead, but believed evexy contractor whose bid was accepted and who hasn't done business before with the City, references are requested. He stated in Nir. Thanpson's case, there are no references that �re similar to the work he would be doiny and references for the work he has done have�'t been glowing reports. He stated he is reluctant to take the chance us it seens it isn't in the best puhlic interest to give hun a chance to be first. ' Mr. Thanpson stated he bid a job for over $300,0000 in I�iinneapolis for curbs, sidewalks, drives and alleyways and came in second on that bid. He stated he had no problem with them in that they have a minority quarter there and he may yet receive that contract, He staked you cannot ease all fears when it canes to construction, you can enly do it to specifications. He stated if the City has a problan with outsiders coming in, i_t should be stated in the bid. Councilman Schneider stated the bids receivec are fram all over the car¢nunity. Mr. Thanpson stated that isn't what he st�ted. Cowicilman Schneider stated he heard what was stated. Ee stated qulte frankly, minority or color doesn't make arnr dtfferenee in the biclding process. He stated what the City is tsying to do is find saneone who can c10 the �ob and has e�perlence to do it. He stated if Mr. Thanpson receives the contract in Aunneapalis and does not receive it with the City, then he has � good reference for next tune. Mr. Thcmpson stateci he will not bid with Fridley again. He stated wh� t he is saying is he hasn't mentioned color because he doesn"t feel it is a probl�n. He stated he has been an Pmerican zll his life, been in school, taught and has no prablcin with color, only concernec� with his� ability to do the job. He stated he hoped that is all the City is concerned with. � NC�yor Nee stated the Council is looking for assurunces tYiat he has the ability to do the job, buY is having difficulty fincU ng these. � FRIDLEY CITY QOONCIL MEEPING OF APR� 18, 1988 �0037 � I�, Thanpson statecl whatever decision the Council makes, he wo�ild appreci�te it in writing so he can take any steps necessazy to correct it. Mayor Nee stated this would be provided and Mr. Thompson could have a copy of the minutes. Nkzyor Nee asked haa the specifications would be different if they rebic�. Mr. Flora stated based on Mr. Thanpson's ccR¢nents, the specifications would be rewritten to include the r�„ rement for submrttal of experience, He stated the City Attorney sugyested the specifications include that the bidder prwe that he has previously successfully perfoimed sunilar sexvices of concrete curb and gutter work and submit references in the last three years for whan he has done this work. Mr. Thanpson stated his can1�ny is not three years old and was formed in 1984. Nk�yor Nee stated it would be four years old this� year. Mr. Thanpson stated the business c��as incorporated in 1984, but the first year they didn't do any work, He stated he has installed a curb and gutter the Citiy may see and has built a concrete slab at the U.S. Air Force and can shaa it to the Council. Mr. Thanspon stated whatever decison is made by the Council, he begs than to send it to him in writing. Councilman Billings stated he thinks what has to be looY,ed at is not so much if Mr. Thcnnpson himself has the experience, but whether he has the � capability of hiring people that have the e:cFn_rience. He stated Adolfson & Peterson was mentioned and otlier larger contractors. He stated just beczuse a large canpariy has per£ornted,this kind of work in the past, doesn't mean they can't h�.re a bimi crEw and have prcblens. He stated with a com�ny that is well established, the responsibility goes ta the capabilility of the foranan and the crew he assanbles. He stated if everycne required three years experience, it woulc3 be hard to find people for the future. He stated this would limit jaUs to a small nucleus oi �eople who can bid on pro�ects. He stated everyone has to start sanewherE. He stated he recognizes staff's fears and they don't want to spend all their h�urs follaving around belund a contraCtor to make sure they are doing their job. Councilmar. Bil]ings stated it is Mr. Thompson's ability to hire people to do the �ob, not necessarily his ability to do the work himself that matters. Councilman Schneider stated based on the ccmments by Mr. Burch, the other jobs didn't go well and, again, he assumes Ms. Thompson hired_ others to perform those �obs. He stated if the comnents were that eveiything vaent snoothly, he would be much more canfortabie vaith taking a chance. Mr. Flora stated this project is sensitive as the City will be perfozming this work on individual's properties. He stated if the h�ork is not satisfactoxy and it needs to be replaced, there are incomreniences to the property avner. He stated it would be different if the work was in a par)c where individual property c�mers wouldn't be involved. He state�' the City is looking for � supezvisor who has had some experience and not �ust the � fini.sher whA ]mavs haa to use a traael to Jet the �ob done. -10- � �� � �� � • . � ... ' Councilman Billings stated he felt Councilman Schneider's point was well taken. He stated maybe he was not listen�ng close enough to P�r. Burch's catrtnents and the credibility of this contractor to surrouncl himself u�ith people to do the job properly. Councilman Schneider stated he wonclered if the previous references could be asked to supply a letter on his performance. Mr. nTewznan, City Attorney, felt the Council should give some thought to the fact that a smart businessman isn't likely to put in writing negative comments about a contractor's perfoxznance. � � Councilwanan Jorgenson stated she woulcl be inclined to award the bic7 to thi� contractor. She stated no one has called in his bonds so there must be scanething to be said about the worlananship. Mr. Flora stated A7r. Thompson's references inclicate he hasr.'t done any concrete curb and gutter work which would require a lot of staff time for supen;ision. N� stated even though there is a bond, if the concrete isn't installed correctly the first time, it has to be replaced in order to satisfy the property awners. He stated in the past, the City has hired contractors who have worked in tlus area a rnunber of years. Nl�yor Nee asked if there have been any problans in the �st with this work. Mr. F1ora stated there haven't been any proUlc-sns and resiclents are sensitive to haa they want it to look when finishecl. M7PION by Councilman Schneider to re�ect the bids for the 19II8 Miscelieneous Cl�rb, GLttter and Sidewalk Proj ect. NDTIQN FAILEQ FY)R LACK OE' A SECX�ND. I�Y7PION by Councilman Billings to receive the follawing bids for the 1988 Miscellaneous Ct�rb, Gutter and Sidecvalk Pro�ect: • • ��• J & 0 General Contractors 3314 Morgan Ave. DT. Minneagolis, M[�T 55412 Standard Sidewalk 124 Nieander Rcx�d Golden Valley, N�I 55422 Halvorscn Construction 4227 165th Ave. N.E. Anoka, NN 55304 Concrete Giarb Co. 771 Ladybird Lane Burr��ville, MM[�T 55337 LindaYil & Carlson 1821 University A�e. #245 St. Paul, MN 55104 -11- 'PO'S'AL BID $32,954.00 $35,540.00 536,790.00 $38,340.00 $�0,286.00 �":'�J3t9 � 1� ���►sw�� ��: u w� w�� u, • s �: � :�iGF:iel Northern - N P. 0. Box 275 Rock CYeek, MN 55667 Gunderson Brothers 2325 SYielling Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55404 Thanas & Sons Construction, In.c 13925 Northdale Blvd. Rogers, MN 55374 $56,910.00 $51,510.00 $54,980.00 �0039 Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. IIpon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Mayox Nee declared the motion carried unan_snously, MOTION by Councilman Billings to award the contract for rhe 1488 Miscellaneous Concrete Curb, Giitter and Siclecvalk Pro�ect to the low bidder, J& 0 General Contractors in the amount of $32,954. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. LTpon a voice vote, Co�cilman Billings, Councilman Fitzpatrick and Councilwanan Jorgenson voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Nee and Cotmcilman Schneider voted against the rnotion, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried by a 3 to 2 vote. 4. CpNSIDERATION OF FIRST READING CY�DE BY ADOPTING A NEW Q3APTII2 � ArID REPEALING OLD C�IAFP�'R 405, GRAbFPING A F'RANCHISE TO I�RTEL A CABLE 'I'ELEVISION SY'TEM IN Tl ACCOMPANYING THE GRANPING OF T1 OF Tf� SY�'TEM; ADIIJ PRESC[t�ING OF THIS ORDINANCE• C�T_�:IIB�I IDLEY CITY FRANCHISE" MOTSON by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Billings MYPION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to amenc� Section 405.03(21) to read as follaas: "System Upgx-ade" means that process to carnnence �.mmediztely and to be canpleted no later than two (2) years fran the date of the acceptance of this Franch�.se by which the System shall be upgracled to a minimtun of 440 MHz and certain other unprwanents made a11 of which are described more fully in E�rh�bit A. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vcte, all votir!g aye, Nl�yor Nee declarecl the motion carried i�nanimously. MYPION by Councilman Schneider to amend Section 405.05(9)($) to read as follavs: These tests shall be perfoxmed at six (6) locations apprcvecl by tYie City, Seconded by Councilwoman JorGenson. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, NF�yor DTee declared the motion carried w�animously. NYYPION by Councilman ScP,neider to �nencl Section 405.06(1)iA)(7) to read as follavs: Local broadcast stations defined as all ft,11-pa.aer broadcast locai ' television stations whose trasnitter is within fifty (50) miles oi the cable television systsn headend. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�ayor Nee declared the motion carried -12- P'RIDLEY CITY WIINCIL MEETING OF APRII� 18, 1988 �0�4� � iinanimOUSly. MOTIGN by Councilman Schneider to amend Section a05.D6(2} to read as follaas: A subscriber must subscribe to Basic Sexvice in order to receive any Pay Television sesvice. A subscriber shall not have to slibscribe to a monthly Pay Television senrice to receive pay-per-vi_ew plogramming. Seconded by Cpuncilm�n Billings. LTpon a voice vote, a11 votirg aye, Maycr DTee declared the motion carried unanunously. N%YI'ION by Councilm3n Schneider to amend Secti�n 405.06 (8) (E) to read us follavs: Grantee shall provide and maintain a studio with minimum dimensions of twenty-eight (28? feet by thirty-eight (38) feet at the headend for public access user. The hours of studio use shall be set by the City or its designee. Grantee shall continue to provide, free of charge, that s�ace being used at the headend as cf April 1, 1988 for an access organization. Seconded by Councilwattin Jo�_genson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NYY]'ION by Councilman Schneider to amend Section 4D5.06(9)(B) to read as follavs: Grantee shall continue to provide pe-rscnnel and equipment for canplete two (2} camera coverage of the City Council meetings at no charge to the City. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MYPION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to amend Section 405.07(1)(P.) to react as � follavs: All construction and improvements associated with the S�stem IIpgrade shall be ccmpleted and the �stan made fully operational no later than two (2) years from the date of the acceptance of this Franchise. Grantee shall give notice to the City six_ty (60) clays prior to the antici�tecl completion date and again at such tur�e �s Gr�ntee l��s, in fact, canpleted all construction and improvemenY_s associated with the System Upc� ade. Seconded by Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried w�ani.mously. Mr. Matz, legal counsel far tYie Cable Television Carnnission, stated at the time of the public hearing, there was concern about Nortel'5 ability to handle the telephone calls. H� stated thts was reviecvecl further and it was felt perhaps the way to approach this sub�ect is through the Annual Subscribers Survey to obtain feedback on any dissatisfaction fran custrnzers. Ne stated if 25% or more responding to this suxvey report are dissatisfied with Nortel's availability of incoming telephone lines or �nswering practices, the can�ariy would have 30 days tc develop z plan to eluninate the prablan. Councilman Fitz�trick felt the 25% shoulcl be a laaer fic�ure as he felt tl,is was not clearly defined. Mr. Abrams, lega] counsel for Nortel c�ble, stated there is language in the ordinance which states the franchisee shall maintain an adequate number of � phone lines. He felt th�.s sunrey provides an extra 1eve1 of protection in that it gces beyond the staff and Council clirectly to the subscribers. He stated the survey woulc� have to be approved, in form, by the Cable -13- �0�4� � r � �� � • • � ... � C'.cnmission. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated lie has no objection if thi�� satisfies Councilman Schneicler's concerns. N`,r. Matz stated the subscriber sunrey is approved as to form by the City. He stated, first, the franchisee has to m�irtain an adequate ntmiber of inccming phone lines. Ne stated if the City is receiving cornplaints, there are enforcement mechanisms in the franchise. He stated, secondly, the subscribers input fran the susvey offers anothei level of protection. NLYPION by Councilman Schendier to amend Section a05.09(4)IC) to read as follavs: Grantee shall msintain adequate telephone lines and personnel to respond on a timely maruier to scheclule seivice calls and an��er subscriber canplaints or iTMn,;ries as required by this Section 405.09(4). 7s� the event that twenty-five percent (25%) or more of those responding to the Annual Siibscriber Survey required pursuant to Section 405.09(8) hereof report dissatisfaction with Grantee's availability of incaning telephone lines or telephone answering practices, Grantee will have thirty (30) clays from the date the City receives the results of the Annual Subscriber Survey to develop a plan to eluninate the prablan, as apprwed by the City. Gr�ntee shall �intain on file with the Franchise Administrator the telephone n�nber of a responsible employee of Grantee who may be reached by telephone twenty-four {24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. The hours of the custaner sen>ice de�rtznent shall, at a minimtrzn, be as set forth in Exhibit G. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carned unan.mously. , MYPION by Councilman Schneider to amend Section 405.09{g)(A) to read as follcws: C'armiencing in 1989, Grantee shall, no earlier tham m�ety (5p) days and no later than thirty (30) days prior to submitting the Annual Report ran�;red pursuant to Section 405.08I3) conduct a written survey of Fridley subscribers in a form and manner approved by trie City. Each questionnaire prepared and conducted in good faith so as to provicie reasonably reliable measures of Fridley subscribers satisfaction witl,�: 1. Signal quality; 2. Response to subscriber canplaints; 3. Billing practices; 4. Progran¢[ung services; and 5. Availability of inecming telephone lines ancl telephone answering practices of Grantee. Seconded by Councilwanan Sorgenson. Upon a voi_ce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. N%lTION by Councilman Billings to amend Section 05.10(2)(A) to reac as follaas: At the time the L'ranchise is accepted, Csantee shall furnish an� file with the City any perfc�rmance and payment boncl, or 2 performance �yment boncl together witlz such other security as approved by thc City. The bond shall run to the City in the penal siml of Five Hunc7red Thousand Dollars ' ($500,000.00), The bond shall be conditioned upon the fa�thiul perfosmance of Grantee of all the terms and conditions of the Stlstem Upgracle. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice cote, ali voting aye, Mayer Nee -14- 1 � 5. , � �r � i� � • . � .. declared the motion carried »nan�Tnously, PDTION by Councilm�n Schneider to amend F�s�Yubit A to read as follavs: The Syst�n Upgrade sha11 consist of the follaaing: 1. E��uiding the Syst�n to a minimtml of 440 MHz. 2. Overlashing existing distribution cable with new cable and installing all new electronics. 3. Replacing all underground trui�k ard distribution cable and installing all necv electronics. 4. Changing out e�sting trunk stati�ns and replacing with nerr tnuik amplifier�. 5. Upgrading the headend with n�a mcdulators and prc�essors as required for adch tional channels. 6. The headend shall continue to be located at 350 63rd Avenue N.E. ���4� Seconded by Councilwcman Jorgenson. Upon � voice vote, all votir�g aye, N'ayor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. M7PION by Councilman Schneider to amend E�;h�bit E by �dding �ages 6 of 7 and 7 of 7 pertaining to Operating Rules of the Local Origination NTObile Procluction Van as shavn on Pages 4D and 4E of this agenda. Seconded by Councilw�nan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. UR�N A VOIC� VdPE TAI�N ON 'II-IE MAIN MOTION, a11 voted aye, �nd Mayor Nee declared the motion carried l�nanimpu5]_y. RECEIVE THE A'III�IUTES OF TIIE PLANNSNG QJMNIISSION MEEI'ING OF APRIL 6, 1988: A. C�NSIDERATION OF A L�OT SPLIT, L.S. #88-02, TQ SPLIT 'IZ-IE WESP 13 FEEP OF L�OT 30 (EX(�FT TI-IE WESi'ERLY 120 FEE"i') , BROOKVIEW ADDITION. TF� SAME BElNG 1255 66TH AVEL�NE N.E.. BY TF'RF4z+ AND Gr4l� i'�6YiJ; �� :lTi� �)�4.�' �L C�]�fri�7 MYPION by Coi:ncilman Schneider to grant L.S. #Y88-02 and adopt Resolution no. 32-1988, with the follawing stipulations attached as Exhibit A_: (1) canplete combinatic+n form and return to City by May 2, 198II; and (2i a permit must be obtained in order to increase the curb cut width at trie drivew�y opening. Seconded by Councilwanan JarJenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yqr Nee declareci the motion carriEd unanunously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to rece?ve the minutes of the Pianning Ca[¢aission meeting of April 6, 19$8. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. -15- ' 6. � � 7 � 9. 10. 11 � u � i� � • . � ... WNSIDERATION OF WANING A SIQV PERMCT FEE FOR FRIDLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY: ���4� NDTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the siqn permit fee for the Fridley Historical uociety. Seconcled by Councilwai�n Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried >>T»n�T��011S1IF. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE CATV AL7VLSORY �A�ASCSSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23 MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the m�nutes cf the Cable Television Commission meeting of February 23, 1988. Seconded by Councilwoman Sorgenson, Upon a voice vcte, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. TION OF S�,''ITING HEARING FOR THE OF 1986 AND M7PI�I by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing for Tiay 16, 1988 for the reallocation of 1986 and 1987 CDSG Punds, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Dlee declared the motion carried nnan;mously. 8 AiJTHORIZTNG AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL n� c� �ronnrrc�TnrT NOO rrvnc+ 'I 'nnm h nTnT nv� '1']—']n—'ln—']'I— PIN N0. 13-:30-24-31-0002: Mr. Pribyl, Firiance Director, stated the County recorded this lot split, L.S. #87-07 and this is the process of splitting the special assessnents on that property. NDiTlON by Councilman Schneider to adopt kesolutian No. 33-1988. Seconded by Councilwoman Joraenson. Upon a voice vcte, �11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried >>na m mously. Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated this amendment is requested by General Mills which has been revicwecl by Jun D'Meara_, who was involved previously with the issuance of the Industrial Revenue Bonds. He st�ted Gener�l Mills has taken aver the Fasmers Union Grant Ternunal Association and there are sane very superficial changes in the actual loan agreement whi_ch does i�ot have any im�ct on the ]aond holders. M7PION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt Resolution Tio. 34-19II8. Seconded hy Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votir_g aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unanunously. RESOLi7TI0N N0. 35-1988 O�NSENPING TO AMENDMENT OF LAND AND BOND PURCHASE Af ��'nTP F�ELATIl�IG `in L�MAiIR, INC., INDUS'IRIAL DEVELO'PNlEi�TP REVELVIJE P/JND: -16- ��1F��44 la; u� a► M � •r, u w� ui�� ��. • e �: � E:�iL•7:Fel � Mr. Pribyl, Finance Dixector, stated this amendment has been requested by Noraest. He stated Lan�:,ur has been acquired by the Do�v Chemical Company and, as a subsidiary, they are no longer required to issue lOQ reports or have their financ�al statanents certified. Ne stated since these items are ran,;red by the industrial revenue bond, they are requesting a peimanent wai.ver of these itana. He stated this amendment would have no unFact on the bond holders. ADTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 35-1988. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani_mously. 12. CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING PETITION N0. 2-1988 FROM FMC CORPORATION REQUESTING S1ST WAY IMPKOVE��TPS: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the City received a pEtition from FMC in 1987 to waive their right far a public hearing for improvements to their water sexvice and 51st Way and East Psver Fcoad. He stated the City is naa prep3ring for this improvanent and ramlPSts the �tition be received. NDTION by Councilman Fitz�trick to receive Petition No. 2-1988 from FA�IC Corporation. Seconded by Councilman Schne�_cler. Upon a voice vcte, �11 voting aye, IK�yor Nee declared the motion carrled tinanimously. 73. Q�NSIDERATION OF RECEIVING PETITION N0. 3-1988 FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF THE � NAVY RDQUESTING 51SP WAY IIHPRWF�FI'S: � CONSIDII2ATION OF RECEIVING PETITION NO. 4-198& FRQM RTVER ROAD BUSINESS ASSOC,'IATES REQIIESPING 51ST WAY IMPRdVEN�TPS: 14. 15. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the U.S. Navy has ir�dicated they will submit a petition for these improvements and the East River Road Business A.ssociates will petition for this u�rc�r�lent&, haaever, they have not, as yet, beer. submitted to staff. NDTZON by Councilman Billings to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M�yor Nee decl�red the motion carried unanimously. ION OF HIGHWAY NO. 8-1987 FROM RAPID OIL NYYPION by Councilman Schneider to again receive Petition No. 5-1987 from Rapic7 Oil C:hange. Seconded by Councilwan��n Jorgenson, Upon a valce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declazed the motion casried un�nuilously. AND HEALTH CLUB, INC. REQUESTING AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN Tf� �ST: ON RIC:E CREEK ROAD AND � NTY1'ION by Co�:ncilman Schneider to receive Petition No. 5-1488 from the Northwest Racquet, Stvim and Health Club, Inc, Seconded by Councilwom�n -17- ���45 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCII, MEEPING OF APR.II, 18, 1988 ' Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unaiiimously. 16. CONSIDERATION OF RECEIVING PETITION NO. 6-1988 FROM HRA REQUESTING IMPROVII�TPS ON RSCE C�2EEK ROAD AND AGREEING `Ib PARTICIPATE IN THE �SP: 17. NYYPION by Councilman Schneider to receive Petition No. 6-1988 from the Housing and Redevelolanent Authority. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatricic. Upon a voice vote, all votiny aye, Mayor biee declared the motion carried i inani mn�ly. Tf� PRELIMINARY REFORT, RECEIVING CERTAIN —, �\�1 �'1'•�ipl�l,�l � ••L,�I•il' i.MA• • - •� •� ' �\ Mil' � I' ' • 71 I�1 ' BI � 1• • �' 71 171 • ' • • • Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the resolution has been revised from what was presented in the Council's agenda. He stated since the �titions have xiot been receivecl fran the U.S. DTavy or the East River Road Business Associates the worciing of those �ragrzphs were changed, as well as paragraphs pertaining to the publi.c hearing ancl the scheduling of this hearing for NFay 2, 1988. NYYPION by Councilman Fitz�trick to adopt revised Resolution No. 36-1988. Seconded by Councilman Sillings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor � Nee declared the motion carriEd »*�animOU51y. 18. �NSIDERATION OF REC�IV7NG AND REJECPING Tf� BIAS FOR NIISC'F'T i atvF'pi7S CONCRETE CURB, GUTPER. AIVD SIDEWI�I,KS - 1988: ADIL7 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION REORDERING ADVERTISIIKQ�TP FOR BIDS, REMOVAL P.ND REPLACII�IQP OF MISC�I,LANF'OIIS C70NCREPE CTJRB, GUTI'ER AND SIDEWALKS - 1988: This iten was considering earlier in khe meEting by the Council. 19. Q7NSIDERATION OF RECENSNG PETITION N0. 7-1988 AND CONSIDERATTON OF RII�77NG THE "NO PARKING" SIGNS ON THE FA.S'I.' SIDE OF HAYES SPREET BETWEEN 73RD AVENUE ADID ONODAGA STREEP: NYYPION by Coiincilman Schneicler to receive Petition No. 7-1988 and direct staff to remove the no parking signs on the east sicle of Hayes Street between 73rd Avenue and Onondaga Street. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, M�yor Nee declared the motion carried i�nanimOUS�.�r. 20. Q,AINf�S• MYPION by Councilman Schneider to authorize payment of Claims No. 19734 through 19945. Seconded by Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, zll � voting aye, Nkzyor Nee declared the motion carried l�n�*»*nou5ly. -18- � � � �'.3��U4�'i FRIDLEY CITY �i7NCII, MEE,TII4G OF APRII, 18. 1988 21. LI(�SES: MYPION by Councilman Billings to approve tY_�e licenses as si�Ynnittecl and as cn file in the License Qerk's Office. Seconded by Councilwoman �orgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor A�ee declared the mution carried unanimously. 22. ES*PIMATES• NDTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the estiunates as subrcatted: Herrick & N��, P.A. 6401 Uruversity Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 For Sexvices Rendered as City Attorney for the Nbnth of March, 1988. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,925.03 Mark Traut P7ells, Inc. 151 - 72nd Ave., S. St. Qoud, N1[� 56301 Re�ir of Well No. 2 and No. 7 Partial Estimate Well No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,629.05 FINAL ESTIMATE Well No. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,51$,40 E.A. Hickok & Associates 545 Indian Nbund Wayzata, MN 55391 Moore Lake Restoration Phase II Pro�ect #149 Partial Estamate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,900.00 Tf�A 2500 Pmerican National P�ilc Building St. Paul, MN 55101-1893 Re�air of Ca[mzons Park Filtration Plant Pro7ect #164 Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,656.00 n^^"^on Brothers P.O. Bc� 83 Rogers, MDT 55374 Sprin�rook Nature Center R�nd Imprwanent Pro� ect ##173 Est�mate No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,570.02 Seconded by Councilwanan Sorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously, -19- �U�4� FRIDLEY CITY �iINCIL MEETII�G OF APRIL 18. 1988 � 23. �NSIDII2ATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 WITH SIiADTI< MECHANICAL INC. FOR THE �I+M�NS PARK WATER TREATMENP PLANP IINPR6VII�9QVPS: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the pressure filters at the C'.rnunons Park Water Treatment Plant contain two ce11s and each cell is bacicwashed se�rately. He stated during start-up operations, it was discovered that the two cells are interconnectecl with an e�.sting three inch drain pipe. He stated when one cell is backwashed, a portion o; the �ackwash water enters the second cell throuah the interconnecteC drainare piping. Mr. Flora stated to effectively backwash the filter cells, the bacicwash rate to each cell must be controlled at a set rate and with the cells interconnected, the actual backwash rate at each cell is unknown and not controllable. He stated it has been recat¢nended that a three ir_ch ball valve be installed in each filter drain pipe to isolate each cell. He requested the Ceuncil consider khis change order fcr the addition af seven three inch valves for a total cost of $2,700. NilTION by Councilirar. Schneider t� authonze Change Order No. 5 with Shan]c Mechanical Ir.c, in the �nount of $2,700 to add the thsee inch �alves in the filter drain piping. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrzck. Upon a vcice vote, all voting aye, M3yor Nee declared the motion carriea unanimously. � �� • i i� � MOTION by Councilman Billings to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, Mayor Nec declared the motion carried unanimausly and the Reaular Meeting of the Fridley City Coi;ncil of April 18, 1988 ad�oux-neu at 10:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -LP,�,.-� ,��,�,c_ �,�.1�-�� ��✓�--�' -- Carole Haddad William J. Nee� Secretaxy to the City Council NNL�yor J Apprwed: -20-