RES 1992-16 - 0000338050 oil yw •. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fridley has established a policy of Sealcoating the City streets on a regular basis, WHERFA.4, the Public Works Director has submitted a plan showing the streets in need of sealooating, NOW, THEPIT RE, BE 1T IWOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the streets recommended for sealcoating by the Public Works Department be sealcoated, and the work involved in said improvement shall hereafter be designated as: SIREEP IImpRovEmENP PRaTELT No. Sr. 1992 - 10 2. The plans and specifications prepared by the Public Works Department for such improvement and each of them, pursuant to the Council action heretofore, are hereby approved and shall be filed with the City Clerk. ' 3. The work to be performed under STREET DGROVOMgT PROTECT NO. Sr. 1992 - 10 be performed under one contract. The Public Works Director shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for two (2) weeks (at least 10 days), and shall specify the work to be donne and will state that bids will be opened at 11:00 a.m. on February 26, 1992, in the Council Cumbers of the City Fall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Public Works Director and ac ca pannied by a cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the City of Fridley for five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid. That the advertisement for bids for STREEP IlGROVEMENr PRO= NO. 1992 - 10 shall be substantially standard in form. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDIEY THIS 3RD DAY OF FERRY, 1992. WILLIAM J. NEEV - MAYOR ATTl'S`P: '9E 7=-- A. MAAPALA - CrrVCIERK