05/02/1994 - 00004461� I�J � THE MINIITES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF MAY 2, 1994 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order by Mayor Nee at 7:38 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL• MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilman Billings, Councilman Schneider and Councilwoman Bolkcom MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPR4VAL QF MINUTES: BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING. APRIL 18, 1994: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, alb voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL MEETING. APRIL 18. 1994: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as submittedl. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion aarried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: VFW BUDDY POPPY DAY: Mr. Rudy Nessman, Fridley VFW Post 363, appeared before the Council in regard to Buddy Poppy Day on May 20. He requested a proclama- tion to recognize this day in the City of Fridley. He introduced Maxine Nystrom, of the VFW Auxiliary, and Melissa Ahlstrom, Buddy Poppy Queen. Mayor Nee stated that he would be happy to issue a proclamation for Buddy Poppy Day for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2. 1994 PAGE 2 OLD BUSINESS: 1. VARIANCE REOUEST, VAR #94-01. BY DONALD EGERER FOR UNO-VEN COMPANY. TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE OF A SIGN FROM 80 SOUARE FEET TO 227 SQUARE FEET, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 5695 HACKMANN AVENUE N.E. (TABLED APRIL 18. 19941: Mayor Nee removed this item from the table. Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that this property is located at the corner of Highway 65 and Hackmann Avenue and is occupied by the Union 76 gas station. She stated that a number og signs now exist on the property. She stated that there is a 12 foot wide "76" high-rise sign which is 113 square feet; two 90 square foot self-serve signs located on the canopy; one 50 square foot free-standing price sign; one 20 square foot reader board located on the building; and 30 inch by 25 foot signs spanning the posts of the gas canopy. Ms. Dacy stated that the variance is to increase the maximum square footage of a sign from 80 to 227 square feet. She stated that the petitioner is proposing to eliminate the 5o square foot price sign and replace it with a 114 square foot free-standing sign. She stated that when added to the other existing free-standing sign on the property, the total free-standing sign area would be 227 square feet. Ms. Dacy stated that the Appeals Commission recommended denial of this variance request because they felt it did not meet the four criteria for the variance, as outlined in the Sign Code. Councilman Schneider asked if the existing large orange "76" sign would be eliminated. Mr. Egerer, representing Uno-Ven Company, stated that �he "76" sign would remain, but the 50 square foot price sign would be replaced with the new sign that depicts the new corporate image for this gas station. Councilman Schneider asked if all the gas stations had the large orange '�76" ball. Mr. Egerer stated that this is the type of sign they have on gas stations located adjacent to freeways. He stated tha�t this location is near the freeway, as well as a residential area. Councilwoman Jorgenson stated that there is a lot of visual clutter with all the signs for this property. Mr. Eqerer stated that the reason for the variance is that Uno-Ven is trying to obtain a certain corporate imaqe for all their field outlets in the state, and this is part of a tfiree-year upgrading � LJ � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2. 1994 PAGE 3 program. He stated that it is not a hardship but part of the plan for their corporate image. Councilman Schneider stated that the existing signs are in excess of 80 square feet, and this would expand the signs. He felt that if the 12 foot "76" high-rise sign of 113 square feet was reduced, there may be some rationale for granting the variance. Mayor Nee stated that he supports Councilman Schneider's views regarding this variance request. Mr. Egerer stated that if this variance was not approved, they would leave the signs as they now exist. Councilwoman Jorgenson stated that to some extent, the large "76" high-rise sign is a disservice to those persons on the freeway who need emergency repairs. She stated that it seems to signify that this type of service is available, which is not the case, and the gas station is primarily a neighborhood service station, Councilman Billings stated he understands that Uno-Ven intends to build a new facility on this site. He asked Mr. Egerer if he knew the time frame. Mr. Egerer stated that he did not know what the time frame would be for such a facility. Councilman Billings stated that if a new facility were to be built within a year, he could possibly support a temporary sign variance until this facility was constructed. He stated that it is the Council's intent to try to reduce the amount of signs, rather than to increase signs. Councilwoman Jorgenson stated that eventually the City woulci be looking at redesignincy that interseotion. She questioned the impact of this variance request. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that the proposed signs would not be a problem; however, the existing sign would fall within the street easement. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the unanimous recommendation of the Appeals Commission and deny Variance Request, VAR #94-01. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 2. APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that he was pleased to recommend Kevin Thomas for appointment as the Youth Outreach Worker. He � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2, 1994 PAGE 4 stated that Kevin has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota, Duluth and is currently attending Augsburg College for his Masters in social work. Mr. Burns outlined previous positions held by Mr. Thomas, his internship, and volunteer programs. MOTYON by Councilman Schneider to concur with the following appointment by the City Manager: Name Position Kevin Outreach Thomas Worker Non- exempt Starting Salarv $24,793.60 per year $2,066.13 per month Starting Date Replaces May 9, New 1994 Position Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Schneider, Councilwoman Bolkcom, Councilman Billings and Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Councilwoman Jorgenson voted against the motion. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried, 3. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 107 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 107 ENTITLED "FIRE DEPARTMENT:" Mr. McKusick, Fire Chief, stated that this ordinance would repeal Chapter 107 of the City Code and adopt a new Chapter 107. He stated that the purpose of this change is to update the language in the ordinance and the operations of the Fire Department which have changed over the years. He stated that the personnel definition reflects tfie current personnel policies o� the Cityo Mayor Nee asked Mr. Burns if he was involved in these changeso Mre Burns, City Manaqer, stated that Mr. Hunt, Assistant to the City Manager, reviewed the changes to make sure they were consistent with the City Charter. Mr. McKusick stated that the changes were also discussed with the City Attorney. He also understands they are in compliance with current laws. Councilman Billings asked the reason for updating this Chapter. Mr. McKUSick stated that it is, basically, an update in the language. Portions of the existing ordinance are better covered in other areas, such as the Fire Department's Policies and Proce- dures Manual. He stated that department membership, training, promotions, and those kinds of things are described in the manual. He stated that the Policies and Procedures Mar.ual was written in response to statutory requirements. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2. 1994 PAGE 5 � Mr. McKusick stated that the requirements for a firefighter's education, experience, and training are, basically, the objectives set forth by oSHA. Information is contained in the Policies and Procedures ManuaT, and subject to inspection by OSHA, He stated that all standards for continued employment, including training requirements, are covered by the City's Affirmative Action guidelines and the Fire Department's Policies and Procedures Manual. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading and approve the ordinance on first reading. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 200 1994: A. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REOUEST. SP #94-02, HY FRIENDLY CHEVROLET, TO ALLOW AGENCIES SELLING OR DISPLAYING NEW AN�/OR USED VEHICLES OR BOATS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7011 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.: Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that Friendly Chevrolet is proposing two three-day sales of vehicles on the � Columbia Arena property. She stated that last year, Friendly Chevrolet submitted a similar request for car sales over the Labor _ Day weekend. She stated that they would like to conduct a sale this weekend and again in the fall on Labor Day weekendo Ms. Dacy stated that the Planning Commission recommended approva� of this special use permit with the eYeven stipulations adopted last year. She stated that no persons from the neighborhood attended the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Moody, the petitioner, was present to answer any cZuestions. Councilman Billings stated that in checking with the Police Department, there were no problems last year with the sale conducted over the Labor Day weekend. He stated that one gentleman at the Planning Commission meeting, who iives in the neighborhood, indicated that he did not even know �here was a sale on the Columbia Arena property. Councilman Schneider asked if residents in the neighborhood were notified regarding this request for a special use permit. Ms. Dacy stated that all residents within a 350 foot radius and all those properties on Rice Creek Boulevard that exit onto 69th Avenue were notified. � MOTION by Councilman Billings to grant Special Use Permit, SP #94-02, with the following stipulations: (1) the vehicle sales shall occur no more than twice per year for no more than three days FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETYNG OF MAY 2. 3994 PAGE 6 � for each occurrence; on May 6 and 7 and the Labor �ay weekend; (2) the use of streamers, pennants, and flags is prohibited; (3) the petitioner shall comply with the temporary sign ordinance for all temporary signs on the property; (4) the petitioner shall obtain a temporary building permit and shall comp3y with Article 32 of the Uniform Fire Code; (5) portable toilets shall be handicapped accessible; (6) the petitioner shall provide a traffic management person to properly control traffic on-site and to prevent problems occurring on 69th Avenue at the University Avenue frontage road, and to direct unnecessary traffic away from the residential neighborhood; (7) the participating dealerships shall apply for and receive the appropriate City licenses; (8) there shall be no test driving of cars in the residential neighborhood located south of 69th Avenue and in Locke Park; (9) barricades shall be placed at the entrance to the neighborhood on 69th Avenue and on 71st Avenuep the barricade at 69th Avenue shall include a sign with the language "residential area - no exit;�� (10) the cars for the sale shall be street operable and shall not be excessively leaking fluid; and (11) the special use permit shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to the next sale. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Councilman Schneider stated that Friendly Chevrolet had one sale last year with two scheduled for this year. He stated that his � concern would be if this amount keeps increasing every year. He stated that the Planning Commission discussed that if other businesses were to request a similar permit, it could become an issue. He stated that, at this time, he has no problems with it. Councilman Billings stated that last year, the Council was willing to support two sales per year and requested a review process after the first year. He stated that if the sale is successful, he assumes the petitioner would be back next spring for another special use permit. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, a13 voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimouslye B. ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 16. 1994. FOR A VACATION REQUEST, SAV #94-01, BY SCOTT LuND, TO VACATE A 15 FOOT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT. GENERALLY LOCATED OIS I-IIGHWAY 65 SOUTH OF FIRESIDE DRIVE AND NORTH OF 73-1/2 AVENUE N.E.: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing on Vacation Request, SAV #94-01, for 1May 16, 1994e Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Vpon a voice vote, all voting aye, riiayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to receive the minutes of the � Planning Commission Meeting of April 20, 1994. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2. 1944 PAGE 7 5. ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 6. 1994. �Oft AN ORD3NANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 AND SECTI�N 4.04 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER• Councilman Schneider stated that he would be absent at the June 6 Council meeting, but he could watch the fape of this meeting. Councilwoman Jorgenson suggested that in the future, when there are Charter issues before the Council, that the Council be polled to make sure they would be in attendance at the meeting. MOTION by Councilman Billings to set the public hearing on these Charter amendments for June 6, 1994. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 6. ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 16, 1994, FOR THE CABLE TELEVISION TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to set the public hearing for the cable television transfer of ownership for May 16, 1994. Secondeci by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriecY unanimously. � Councilman Billings stated he understands that Nortel Cable is currently owned by another company, and Paragon Cable is buying the stock of Nortel from this company. He stated that Nortel Cable will continue to exist and will still be operating the franchise in Fridley, but will be using the trade name of Paragon Cable. He stated that there is no new franchise agreement, and this merely means the stockholders of Nortel would be different, but the corporation will still exist. � Councilman Schneider asked if it would require a transfer of the franchise if there was a substantial change in the corporation. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated that there is normally a provision in these types of franchise agreements, but the attorney working with the City on this transfer of ownership will be reviewing this question. Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated tfiat there is a meeting regarding this transfer of ownership tomorrow evening in St. Louis Park, and all councilmembers were invited to attenci. Several councilmembers indicated they already have prior commitments and would be unable to attend. 7e APPROVE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF FRIDLEY AND MOIINDS VIEW FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF STINSON BOULEVARD/ PLEASANT VIEW DRIVE: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that this Joint Powers Agreement is the result of several years of work with the City of � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2. 1994 PAGE 8 Mounds View and its residents to upgrade Stinson Boulevard/Pleasant View Drive. He stated that a petition has been received to con- struct the street 38 feet wide and to assess for concrete curb and gutter at a cost not to exceed $8.00 per front foot. He stated that a public hearing has been held on this improvement. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into this Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Mounds View to provide for the reconstruction of Stinson Boulevard/ Pleasant View Drive. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, 8. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR THE 1.5 MG STORAGE TANK PROJECT NO. 212: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that it was originally estimated that there would be a$30,000 hazardous waste disposal cost (not included in the contract) based on the assumption that lead paint from sandblasting this storage tank would require special handling. He stated that in testing the residual sand during the cleaning process, it was determined it could be handled as an industrial waste at a disposal cost of $8,168.91. He stated that there was also a deduction of $16.81 based on the materials used. Mr. Flora requested tha� Council approve this change order in the amount of $8,152.04. MOTION by Councilman Billings to authorize Change Order No. 1 with Rainbow, Inc. for the 1.5 MG Storage Tank, Project No. 212, in the amount of $8,152.04. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, 9. RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. ST. 1994-10 (SEALCOATI: MOTION by Councilwoman 3orgenson to receive the following bids for Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1994-10 (Sealcoat): Bidder Astech Corporation P. O. Box 1025 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Allied Blacktop 10503 89th Avenue Maple Grove, MN 55369 Total Bid $246,165.41 $257,297.71 Alternate Bid $186,358.04 $188,946.43 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2. 3994 PAGE 9 � Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that bids were opened for the City's annual sealcoat project, and two bids were received. He stated that the low bidder was Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation (Astech) in the amount of $246,165.41. He stated that this bid included modified aggregate based on the State�s criteria established last year in the test analysis. He stated that in the bid specifications, the use of standard sealcoat material was also identified. That was a lesser cost of $186,358.04. Mr. Flora stated that in talking with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), they are willing to contribute $5,000 for experimenting with the modified aggregate. Mr. Flora stated that it is recommended the City use the standard aggregate, with the exception of the amount the State will be contributing for the modified aggregate. He stated that this would result in a net cost of $191,358.04 ($186,358.04 plus the $5,000 state contribution). Mr. Flora said that the Minnesota Department of Transportation is proposing to continue a certain amount of testing with the modified aggreqate. � Councilman Schneider said that a study was done last year by the state where the formula for the asphalt and the size of the stones was changed. Mr. Flora stated that two different stones were tried last year. Fridley did not use this modified design. I-Ie stated that as a result of last year's experiment, MnDOT felt there should be more one quarter inch rock in the aggregate. He stated that in the bid specifications this year, the City specified the modified aggregate but did not expect the price to be that high. Mr. Flora stated that MnDOT will be evaluating both the modified and standard aggregate and will be specifying to the City the rate of application for the stone and the emulsion. He stated that last year the City was not involved in sampling the materials to determine the mix and rate of application. Mr. Flora stated that the City will be using the aggregate that has always been used but will use the modified aggregate in a few blockse Councilman Schneider stated that the City has haci problems in the past with the sealcoating projects. He aslced if there was reason to believe it would be improved this year. ' Mr. Flora said it is felt �hat some of the problem in the past was due to the fact that too much aggregate was used. He stated it is hoped that by specifying the amount of aggregate and emulsion to be applied the aggregate will adhere to the road surfacea � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2, 1994 PAGE 10 Councilman Schneider stated that unless there are some assurances that this would work, the City should probably proceed with caution. Mr. Flora stated that based on MnDOT's participation in sampling, the City should get a good product this year. Mayor Nee asked if any other cities used the modified aggregate. Mr. Flora stated that none have used this modified aggregate. The City would only do a small portion, or about $10,000 worth. The rest of the sealcoat would be what has been used in the past. He stated that the specifications for the amount of aggregate and emulsion and the rolling have been tightened. Mro Burns, City Manager, asked if the City could obtain results of the tests done in other cities, if this item was tabled. Mr. Flora stated that this could be done. Councilman Billings stated that if there is a research team from the State at the job site, he does not have a problem. He stated that sealcoating, in general, had been good for years, and no one really has a good explanation about what happened several years ago. He stated that he believed the City will have the best possible mix of aggregate and emulsion, if the persons conducting the test for the State are present. He stated that he is comfor- table with the proposal. Councilman Schneider stated that he would feel more comfortable about proceeding if he saw the test results from other cities. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table the contract award for this project to the May 16, 1994 CounciY meeting. Seconded by Council- man Billings. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, 10. RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR FIRE APPARATUS CONTRACT: MOTYON by Councilman Schneider to receive the �ollowing bids for the Class A fire engine: Bidder General Safety Equipment Corporation Northgate Shopping Center Rochester, MN 55901 Pierce Fire Apparatus P. O. Box 2017 Appleton, WI 54913-2017 Total Bid $279,515.00 $297,648.00 FR=DLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2. 1994 PAGE 11 � Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. McKusicko Fire Chief, stated it is recommended that the con�ract for the Class A fire engine be awarded to the low bidder, General Safety Equipment Corporation, in the amount of $279,515.00, as this company meets all contract specifications. He stated that the proposal from Pierce Fire Apparatus did not meet the specifi- cations. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to award the contract for the Class A fire engine to the low bidder, General Safety Equipment Corporation, in the amount of $279,515.00. Seconded by Councilman Billinqs. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. McKusick stated that it would be about one year before this fire engine is delivered. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 32-1994 ORDERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICA- TIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: CONCRETE STREET REPAIR - NORTH AND SOUTH INNSBRUCK AREA. PROJECT NO. ST. 1994-70 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that this resolution is � for concrete street repair in the north and south Innsbruck area. He stated that there would be no cost to the home owners. He stated that notice would be given in the Focus News and in the City's newsletter regarding this repair project. He stated that anyone directly affected will also be notified by mail. Councilman Billings asked if the hill on 52nd Avenue would be included in this project. Mr. Flora stated that even though the project is identified as the north and south Innsbruck area, it is also included. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 32-1994e Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 12. RESOLUTION NO. 33-1994 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. &'INAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF COSTS THEREOF: CONCRETE STREET REPAIR - NORTH AND SOUTH INNSBRUCK AREAa PROJECT NO, ST. 1994-7° MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 33-1994. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. ilpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � FRIQLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 2, 1994 PAGE 12 � 13. RESOLUTION NO. 34-1994 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: CONCRETE STREET REPAIR - NORTH AND SOUTH INNSBRUCK AREA, PROJECT NO. ST. 1994-7• MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 34-1994. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. RESOLUTION NO. 35-1994 CHANGING THE NAME OF THE LITTLE LEAGUE FIELDS TO "RAY THOMPSON LITTLE LEAGUE FIELDS:" Mr, Burns, City Manager, stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended that the Little League fields be re- named after Ray Thompson, who helped maintain the fields for many years on a volunteer basis. MOTION by Councilman Billings to adopt Resolution No. 35-1994. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Councilman Billings stated that it should be pointed out these fields were unofficially the Ray Thompson fields for quite a while. This resolution confirms what members of the Little League considered an actual fact. � UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 15. RESOLUTION NO. 36-1994 AUTHORIZING THE ENTERYNG OF A GRAIST CONTRACT WITH THE BOARD OF GOVERNMENT INNOVATION AND COOPERATION FOR PROVIDING A REGIONAL SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that the City Yias applied for and received a grant of $75,000 towards a Regional Senior Center, principally for land acquisition. He stated that this resolution authorizes signing the contract to receive the grant; however, it does not require that the project proceed. He stated that if the project does not proceed, the funds will not be obtained. Mr. Burns stated that Fridley will receive the grant on behalf of the other three cities. Councilwoman Jorgenson asked if Fridley or one of the other three cities decides not to proceed with the Senior Center, it would nullify the grant. Mr. Burns stated that it is not known at this time if the grant would still be received, but he hoped it would be availablee MOTSON by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adopt Resolution No. 36-1994. � Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously.