02/26/1996 - 00001937� � THE MINUTES OF THE REGOLAR MEETING OF THE FRYDLEY CITY COUNCYL O� FEBRIIARY 26. 1996 The Regular Meeting og the Fridley City Council was called to order by Mayor Nee at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in fhe Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT: APPROVAL OF MINi3TES: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilmam �illings, Councilman Schneider and Councilwoman Bolkcom iR6i� COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 12, 1996: MOT%ON by Councilwoman ,7orgenson to approve the minu'tes as presented. Seconded by Councilman 5chneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimouslya APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA: OLD BUSINESS: ]L, APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL 5ERVICES BETWEEN TI-IE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND NEWOUIST & EKSTRUM, CHARTERED, ANp CARL Ja NEWOUIST (TABLED JANUARY 22. 19961: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this contract is for criminal prosecution services for the City. He stated that this item had been tabled because of the issue of an indem- nification clause. He stated it has been learned that Newquist & Ekstrum�s insurer will not insure them if they sigrn a contract with an indemnification clause. He stated that the attorneys at the League of Minnesolta Cities have verified tha� the indemnifica�ion clause may cause a problem. He statec3 that the League of Minnesota Cities dicl nog check with ir�- surance carriers before recommending that the City include an indemnification clause in the attorneys contracts. Mr. Burns stated that the absence of an indemnification clause in the contract does not mean that �he City is not insured� He stated it simply means that if the City is sued for actions of the prosecuting attorneys, the City°s liability carrier would need to bring a separate suit against the 3iability � FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1996 PAGE 2 carrier for th� attorneys. He stated that the contract requires �hat the prosecuting attorneys carry professional liabiTity insurance. Mr. Surns stated that this matter has been reviewed with the City Attorney, and he is in agreement that the indemnification language should be dropped. He stated it is recommen8ed tha� the contract be approved without tfie indemnification clausee He stated that the contract is for a three-year period wit� fees of $63.75 per hour for 1996; $70.00 per hour for 1997; and $75.00 per hour for 1998. APPROVED CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVZCES BETWEEN THE CITY AND NEWQDIST 8 ERSTRUM� CHARTERED� AND CARL J. NEWQU%ST. 2. VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR #95-23, BY JAMES KIEWEL, TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM SIZE OF A FIRST ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FROM 1,000 SQUARE FEET TO 1,392 SOUARE FEET, AND TO ALLOW AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TO EXCEED THE FIRST FLOOR AREA OF A DWELLING UNIT IN ORDER TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 34 FOOT BY 24 FOOT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING GARAGE. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1631 RICE CREEK ROAD N.E. (WARD 21 (TABLED OCTOBER 23, 1995 L � Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that �he application for this variance was filed in August, 1995 and last considered by Council on October 23, 1995. He stated that this variance request was tabled until staff oompletecl a comparative study of accessory structures law. He stated that this research has been completed, and it is recommended that requiremen�s for accessory structures remain the same. Mr. Burns stated it is recommended that a variance of 392 square feet be approved (total size of structure is 1,392 square feet) with four stipulations which he outlined. GRANTED VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR #95-23, WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS; (1) THE PETITIONER SHALL PROVEDE A HARDSURFACE DRIVEWA% TO T$E GARAGE ADDITION BH OCTOBER A,Y997s (2) °A'HE ACCESSORY BTRUCTURE SHALL NOT BE USED TO CONDUCT A HOME OCCU- PATION, AS PROHIHITED BY SECTION 205.03.34 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE; (3) THE UPPER LEVEL OF THE GARAGE SHALL NOT BE CONVERTED TO LIVYNG SPACE WITHOUT APPLICATIOId AND APPROVAL OF AI,L REQUIRED PERMITS; AND (4) THE NECE35ARY PERI3YTS SHALL �E OBTAYNED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED ADDITION. IQEW BUSINESS• 3. APPROVE ADDENDUM TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEYJMETROPOLITAN COUNCIL SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM CONTRACT FOR � ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this addencium allows the City�s Section S coordinator to provide services to clients � I__� � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1996 PAGE 3 in Spring Lake Park. He stated that there are ap�roximately 44 clients to be served in Spring Lake Par� as a result of this contract change. He stated that �he City is already providing services to clients in St. Anthony as a resul� of a 1994 addendum. He stated that additional contracts allow the city to maintain Section 8 revenue stream in context of a declining Fridley client base. APPROVED ADDENDUM TO THE CITY OF FRIDLEY/METROEOLSTAN COUNCIL BECTION 8 HOIISING ASSISTArICE PAYMENTS PROGRAM CONTRACT FOIB ADMTNISTRATIVE SERVICES. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 11-1996 RECEIVING THE PRELIMYNARY REPORT AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTION OE CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: 1996 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N�. ST. 1996-2 (WARD 31c Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this $mprovexaent involves Alden Way from Osborne Way to 79th Wayo He siated tha�t the project includes widening the street to 32 fee� and rep7Lace- ment of bituminous curbing with concreite curb and gutter. He stated this is an MSA projeot at an estimated cost of $230,000. He stated that the curb ancl gutter woulcl be assessed to �he property owners at a cost not to exceed $11.00 per front foot. He stated that an informa�ional meeting was held on January 30, 1996 with the residents. ADOP'dED RESOLUTION A10. 11-1996. 5. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER N0. 2 TO THE 1995 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 5T. 1995 — 1& 2: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this change order applies to 69th Avenue where Class V aggregate needed to be ins�ailea� as the base under the street was found to be oil stabilized sand. He stated that the additional cost for the Class V aggregate was $26,522 but was partially offset l�y lower cost for replacement of concrete driveways which had been projected at $26,530. He stated that practically speaking, however� the change order represents a$26,522 addition, but it is for an $8.OD deduction. AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO THE 1995 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. ST. 1995 - 1 6 2 WITH HARDRIVESg INC. FOR A DEDUCTIOIV IN THE AMOUNT OF $8.00 AND A REVYSED CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $569�597.65. 6e APPROVE MEMORANDIIM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE ANOKA COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRYCT AND THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR WETLANI? CONSERVATION ACT REIMBURSEMENT: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that the Anoka County Conser- vation District has received block grant funds from lthe FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETING OF FEHRUARY 26, i996 PAGE � ' Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. He stated that funding is provided as an offset to costs of administering the �991 Wetland Conserva�ion Act� He stated Fridley gs to re- ceive $1,250 �hat is distributed quarterly for aatual cos�s of administerinq �he We�land Conservation Act. He stated that the amoun� received from the County Conservation District i� to be matched by Fridley with cash or in-kind servicese APPROVED TAE MEMORANDUM OE UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE A�NORA COUNTY CONSERVATIOE�P DISa°RIC'd° ANI3 `i'H� CIT% FOFt WETLANIB CONSERVATION ACT REIMBUR3EMENT. 7e RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTACT FOR UPFRONT GANG ROTARY MOWERe Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated triat the Public Works budget includes $31,000 for the purchase o� an upfront gang rotary mower to replace a smaller upfront mower that is used for mowing the parks. He stated that the wicler mower will allow better productivity in parks mowing. He stated that the 1ow bidder is Cushman Motor Company for $30,921.21. RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING BIDS FOR AN UPFRONT GANG ROTARY MOWER: CUSHMAN MQTOR COMPANY� $3Q�921.21; HORST DYSTR%BUTION COMPAN%o $35,118.38; AND MIDWEST SYECIALTY SALESe INC.� $3�,872.390 � AWARDED CONTRACT TO THE IAW BIDDER CUSIiMAN MOTOR COMPANY Yld THE AMOUNT OF $30,921.21e 8, RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR ELECTRONYC IMAGING SYSTEMe Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that bids were received for an electronic imaging sys�em that uses laser technology gor the storage of records. He stated that this allows for easy retrieval of records via computer terminal and replaces older microfiche �echnology. He stated that the City has been studying the use of this technology for a number of years and has delayed implementation pending changes in the technology that have made it more affordable. Mr. �urns statecY that the equipment would be housed and operated out of the City Clerk°s office taith material� distributed by file server to departmental PC�so Iie stated f.hat this new technology will allow for greater accessibilit�r of records to departments, Councii and the public. Mr. Burns stated that 32FP's were sen� to vendors, and three responses were received that met the specifications. He stated it is recommended that the electronic imaging equipment be pur-chased from Ameridata Systemsa inc, at a five-year cos�c � of $76,257. He stated that this includes the price of initial hardware, software, and training costs of $50,498 and a five- year maintenance contract for $25,759. Fie stated that the funds for this equipment and services were originally budgeted FRZDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEHRUARY 26. 1996 PAGE 5 � as a 1995 expenditure and $74,000 was encumbered and does cover the 1996 cost of $50,498. He stated that the mainte- nance contrac� costs would be funded in 1997 and beyonde RECEIVED THE F'OLIAWYNG BIDS F�R THE ELECTRQNIC %Ml#G%NG SYSTEiYa WHICH INCLUDEB A FIVE-YEAR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: AMI� $86�T47; ASYi $76�257� AND CMY� $67'694. AWARDED THE CQNTRACT TO AMERIDATA (ASI) FOR $SOs498 PLUS A FIVE-%EAR �tAYNTENANCE CONTRACT OF $25,759 FOR A TOTAL OF �76�2570 RESOLUTIOIS NO. 12-1996 IN SUPPORT OF A RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR A MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT TO ALCOHOL BEVERAGE INDUSTRIES BROOKLYN CENTER WORLD A5SOCYATION (SHOREWOOD INN, WARD 2): Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that the applicant is Alcoholic Beverage Industries Brooklyn Center World Association formerly known as WAABI. aie stated that the Police Department has had no problems with pull tab operations at this location. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 12-1996. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 13-1996 IN SUPPORT OF A RENEWAL APPLICATION � FOR A MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT TO MOOSE LODGE 38 FRIDLEY (WARD 3}_ Mr. Surns, City Manager, stated that the applicant is Moose Lodge #38. He stated that the Police Department has had no problems with pu11 tab operations at this location. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 13-1996. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 14-1996 APPROVING ALLOCATION OF DAMAGES AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT THEREOE (MINNESOTA POLICE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM LAWSUITI: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that Fridley has been a pazty to a joint powers agreement through which recruitment and testing of police officer candidates is provided. He stated that as a result of the lawsuit brought my minority police applicants, the 36 member cities have been asked to pay monetary damages and attorneys' fees. He stated that the Minnesota Police Recruitment System Soard has developed a gormula for allocating the monetary damages for the 36 participant cities. Mr. Burns stated that the MPRS Board is asking each of the 36 � cities to pass this resolution in oxder to be prepared for the allocation of damages when the judge°s final order is received. He stated that under this formula, twenty percent of the cost would be divided equally among the 36 cities, and � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1996 PAGE 6 the remainder of the cost (80 percent) would be divided on the basis of population. Mr. Burns stated that in a court order in Novemberp i995, the Court determined that �he 36 cifies are obliga�ed go pay $156,688 in damages to two plaintiffs for lost wages and emotional distress and pay $8,500 to each of the two plain- tiffs for punitive damages, He stated that the cour� has not yet made an award for attorneys feese He sta�ed that this resolution relates solely to the formula and not to specific costs. AP108TED RESOLUTION NO. 14-1996. 12. APPOINTMENT: CITY EMPLOYEE: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that he is recommending the appointment of Jean Krelic as Receptionist/License Clerk. Ha stated that Ms. Krelic will replace Ellen Duncan who has retired. He stated that Ms. Krelic°s past experience is as a clerk at Rosedale Dodge, Saturn of St. Paul, and as an Education Secretary/Youth Minister at St. Gregory the Great. He stated that she was selected from 24� applicantso CONCURRED WITH THE APPOINTMENT OF JEAN RREL%C AS E2ECEPTION%ST/ LICENSE CLERIC AT $9.72 EER HOURs EFFECTIVE FEBRUARX 2'is ].996„ 13e CLAIMS' AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF CLAIM NOS. 56660 THROYJGiY 66865. 14. LICENSES: APPROVED THE LICENSES AS SUBMITTED AND AS ON FILE IN THE LICENSE CLERR'S OFFICEo No persons in the audience spoke regarding the proposed consent agenda items. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the consent agenda items. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. PJpon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously, ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as submittecl. Seoonded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriec� unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: There was no response from the audience uncler �his item of business. � L_J � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FESRUARY 26. 1996 PAGE 3 PUBLIC HEARING° 15. PUBLIC HEARYNG ON LOCKE LAKE EXCAVATION PROJECT NO. 255 ( WARD 3 L MoTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the reading of the pubiic hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Council- woman Jorgensone Upon a voice vote, Councilman Schneider, Council- woman Jorgenson, CounciYman Billings and Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Councilwoman Bolkcom abstained from voting. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried and the public hearing opened at 7:48 p.m. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that the City has been working on the excavation of Locke Lake for a number of years ancl had meetings with the property owners on the Ramsey County lawsuito He stated that the only way for Ramsey Coun�y to cease their legal action would be to reduce their amount of funding. Mr. Flora stated that during those meetings, each of the residents agreed to pay a little over $1,000 per property owner in fundznql to alleviate ttae Ramsey County issueo He stated that a number o� residents attended the neighborhood meetings, and a petition was circulated. Mr, Flora stated that the City is proposing to initiate this excavation project for an assessment of $54,000 to the abutting property owners of Locke La➢ce which amounts to $1,286 per property. Mr. Harry Bolkcom, 6821 Hickory Street, President of the Locke Lake Homeowners Association, submitted a petition for the excavation of Locke Lake and the list of property owners agreeing to an additional $1,500 assessmettt. MOTION by Councilman Billings to receive Petition Noe i-1996. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Billings, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilman Schneider and Mayor Alee voted in favor of the motion. Councilwoman Bolkcom abstained from voting on the motion. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried by a four to one vote. Mr. Bolkcom stated that a little more than three-fourths of the affected property owners have signed the petition. He stated that if any of the property owners do not approve of this project, now would be the time to voice their objection. Mr. Bolkcom stated that he wished to thank Council and staff for all their hard work and efforts on this project. Mayor Nee asked how many property owners were speciEically opposed. Mr. Bolkcom stated that there were three, one was opposed on the basis of finances and another couple did not like the fact that they would have to pay anything. He stated that when the property � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCYL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26. 1996 EAGE � owners lost the lake, everyone lost $7,000 to $10,000 in property value. He stated that the $3,500 cost for participation in re- storing the dam and the little over $1,000 for this excavation means they would pay about $5,000 to get the lake backe Ms. Mary Vasecka, 6909 Hickory Drive, requ�sted that she be notified in the future of any public hearings. She stated that there is no Mrs. McLaughlin at her address. Notices have been addressed to McLaughlin, and she would like to be acknowledged that she lzves at this address. Mse Vasecka stated that she spent some time at the library going back to 1991, 1992, and 1993 when there were public meetings on the dam. She stated that she is in favor of the pr�ject but not in favor of paying. She stated that when the dam project was done, the property owners were told that if they paid $3,000 for that project they would not have to pay any more. She stated that six years ago she was not willing to pay $5,000 to have it done, and she is not willing to pay $5,000 now. She stated that she was present at tfie meeting when the subj ect came up about mediation with Ramsey County and the Rice Creek Watershed District. She did not aqree then, and she does not agree now. No other persons in the audience spoke regardinq this proposed Locke Lake excavation project. MOTION by Councilman Billings to close the public hearinq. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, Councilman Billings, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilman Schneider and Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motion. Councilwoman Bolkcom abstained from voting. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried and the public hearing closed at 7:56 p.m. Mayor Nee stated that this item would be on the Council's agenda for action at the March 18, 1996 meeting. He stated that legally, it is not necessary for the property owners to attend this meeting but only if they have an interest in Council°s action. Mr. Bolkcom stated that one of the property owners was concernecA about how this assessment could be financed. Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated that there is a deferred assessment process where the assessment could be paid at a later date plus interest. Councilman Schneider asked about the current interest rates. Mr. Pribyl assessment percent. stated that the interest rates at the time �he is levied would probably &e between six to seven � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1996 PAGE 9 NEW BUSINESS: 16. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITy CODE, CHAPTER 31. ENTITLED "PAWN SHOPS." BY AMENDING SECTIONS 31.07, 31.08. 31.11, 31.12. 31.13. AND ADDING NEW SECTION 31.14. AND RENUMBERING TAE REMAINING SECTIONS CONSECUTIVELY. AND AMENDING CHAPTER 11, 01GENERAL PROVISIONS AND FEES:vo Mr. Rewitzer, Investigator in the Police Department, stated �hat he was assigned to coordinate the regulation of pawn shops, He stated that this proposed amendment addresses the needs of the City and the concerns of the pawn shop owners, Mr. Rewitzer stated that one change is to incorporate three license classes to assess regulation costs back to the licensee. He s�a�ed that all new licenses would begin at the highest class and adjust- ments for renewal would be made for those reporting electronicallye Mr. Rewitzer stiated that the ordinance clarifies a�d expands information required to be reported by the licensee and identifies two methods of suhmitting reports, either manual report�ng or electronic reporting. Mr. Rewitzer sta�ed that the redemption period on pawned property � is being changed from 120 days to 90 days, and the hoTding period of purchased property is being changed from 10 days to 30 days, except for items where there is a valid certificate of title. He stated that the investigative hold is being changed to 15 days for other police agencies and 90 days for the Fridley Police Department. Confiscation procedures were also clarified. Mr. Rewitzer stated that whenever there is a payment af more than $5D0.00, it shall be made only by a check, draft or other nego- tiable or non-negotiable instrument. He stated that the ordinance restricts transactions from vulnerable persons and restricts the purchase if the property contains altered or obliterated seriai numbers. He stated that the ordinance clarifies inspections by �he Police Department and others and regulates the conduct of persons on the licensed premises. Councilman Billings stated he understands tihat there was a meeting with owners of the pawn shops and asked if this proposed ordinance was a consensus agreement between all parties. Mr. Rewitzer stated that he met with the pawn shop owners on January 25, reviewed the ordinance, and discussed areas of aoncerne He stated that the owners are in agreement with the proposed ordinance. � Mr. Bernard Brennan, Area Manager for Cash-N-Pawn, 5807 University Avenue, stated that he is in agreement with the ordinance as it now stands. � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26 i99B PAGE AO MOTION by Councilman Billings to waive the reading and approve the ordinance on first reading, Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 17. APPROVE 1996 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLACK GRANT PROGRAM• Mr. Fernelius, HRA Housing Coordinator, stated �hat a letter was submitted to the County addressing Council's concerns from �he February 12 Council meeting, He stated that the first issue was the fifteen percent cap limitation on public service grants, He stated that HUD establishes a cap of fifteen percent for public service expenditures. He stated that the guestion was w�ether or not there would be a penalty if the City exceeded that allocation, and the answer is that there would not be a penalty. He stated that, historicallyo fh15 has not been a prob3em, but there is a risk of a reduction if all other communities allocate fifteen percent and Fridley exceeds the cap. Mr. Fernelius stated that the other �wo issues dealt wi�h minimum grant amounts and the consequences of providing pubiic service grants in amounts less than $5,000. He stated that the County will not prevent cities from issuing grants less than $5, 000 and is willing to help reduce the administrative expenses by consolidating the funding agreements. He stated that staff feels there shouYd be a minimum grant amount because of the tremendous amount of paper work. He stated that staff is, therefore, recommending that there l�e a$2,000 minimum grant amount. Mr. Fernelius s�ated that �he 1996 Community Developmen� Block Grant funds are proposed to be allocated as follows� $124,223 for housing rehabilitation; $30,000 for public service; and $1,000 for County administrative fees or a total of $155,223. Councilwoman Jorgenson asked if the City would lose the funds if the City approved more than a fifteen percent cap for public service and had to cut back. Mr. Fernelius stated that the City would need fo reallocate those funds but would not lose them. Councilman Billings stated that at this time Council would only be advising the County the total amount of funding to be aTlocated to public service. He stated that, in fhe past� on3y a certain portion was allocated for the Senior Ou�treach Worker, and the Human Resources Commission submitted recommendations as to how the balance of the funding was to be spent. iie stated that he under- stands that the Human Resources Commission will be making recom- mendations as to how the funding will be spent. Councilman Scfineider asked why staff was recommending a minimum $2,000 grant. � � � FRIDLEY CITY COONCIL MEETING OF FESRUARY 26, 1996 PAGE 31 Mr. Fernelius stated that it seems appropriate to have this minimum to make it more cost effective to administer and it would have a minimal impact, as most agencies are aiso funded by other cities. Councilwoman Jorgenson stated that there were only four organiza� tions within the last two years that reaeived less than $2,000. Mayor Nee stated that the City would be receiving a recommendation at a later date from the Human Resources Commission on who receives the grants. MOTION by Councilman Billings to approve the 1996 Community Development Block Gant program �o alloca�e $124,223 for housing rehabilitationp $30,000 for public service grants; and $1,000 �or County administration or a total of $155,223 and authorize the appropriate staff and officials to submit this application to �he County. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Councilwoman Jorgenson asked if the $155,223 was an estimate. Mr. Fernelius stated that �his is just an estimate as the £ina� budget has not been established. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimouslyo 18. RESOLUTION NO. 15-1996 REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 25-1990 REGARDING THE PAYMENT OF PREVAILING WAGES: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 15-1996. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcome Upon a roll call vo�e, Council- man Schneider, Councilwoman Bolkcom, and Mayor Nee voted in �avor of the motion. Councilman Billings and Councilwoman Jorgenson voted against the motion. Mayor Nee declared the motion carraed by a three to �wo vote. Mayor Nee stated tha� it may be appropriate for staff �o prepare a memorandum on wfiat the execution entails. 19. INFORMAL STATUS REPORTS: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that there were two items he wished to discuss with Counci3 during the conference session. These items were: (1) Frank's Used Car redevelopment process; and (2) Update on Community Activity Center project� ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of February 26, 1996 adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Res ectfully submitted, Fr'�i�-� ( � ��T��t�-r-(-, ! �` �Carole Haddad Secretary to the City Council C�C1�--��- William J. Nee Mayor