06/24/1996 - 00002085� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JLJNE 24 , 1996 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order by Mayor Nee at 7.32 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee 1ed the Council and audienre in the Pledge of Alleqiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilman Billings, and Councilwoman Bolkcom MEMBERS ABSENT PRESENTATION: Councilman Schne�der INNOVATIVE CITY AWARD FROM THE ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES FOR PROJECT SAFETY NET� Ms. Debi Campobasso, Program Specialist, presented Council with the 1996 Innovative City Award from the Assoc�ation of Metropolitan Municipalities for Pro�ect Safety Net. This pro�ect started a year � ago and is designed to build a healthier, stronger community for families and youth. The goal of the program is to reduce youth delinquency and create support systems in the community. Ms. Campobasso thanked Council for being creative in providing programs for the City to strengthen this program. She presented the award to Council. Mr. Kevin Thomas, Qutreach Coordinator, ask_ed evr�ryone in the audience involved in Pro�ect Safety Net to stand and be recognized. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE - REPRESENTATIVE SKIP CI�LSON: Representative Skip Carlson stated tnat Council has received several reports since the legislative session closed on April 2. His experience in the legislature was unique with some good and some bad things occurring. He complimented Council and staff on their work. He also staid that he �s in contact with the City's Public Safety Director regarding the smoking bill. Representative Carlson stated that he serves on the Facts Committee. Because of the limited amount of income and pressure in the education sector, there will probably be tax reform. He expects to be in contact with Council and Ci�y staff to solicit their support and to answer any questions � Councilman Billings stated that the 12g�slaLure gives source of revenue, which is the property tax. At the continues to add responsibilities. Cities are not the legislature and are told what to do by the legislature the City one same time it enemy of the . When this � L. J � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 2 is attempted, there is criticism for spending the money. When talking about tax reform, if the legislature mandates additional activities for cities, they have to be cognizant of the costs to carry out these activities. Representative Carlson stated that Councilman Billings' comment is well-taken. The legislature does not believe cities are the enemies, but often times cities and the state are in different camps. APPROVAL OF MINUTES• COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 10, 1996: MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to approve the minutes as pre- sented. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the mozion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA: NEW BUSINESS� 1. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 106 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 106 ENTITLED "EMERGENCY MANAGENLENT:" Mr. Surns, City Manager, stated that these changes are housekeeping in nature and serve to update the ordinance. The general changes are that th2 phrase "civil defense" has been changed to "emergency management " The Civil Defense Agency becomes the Emergency Management Organization. Definitions for disaster and Emergency Management Organization have been added, and the definition of "emergency" has been redefzned. Mr Burns stat2d that more spec��ic changes eliminate the references to air raid wardens, and language is substituted that would have the Emergency ManagemenL Director coordinating the activities of City Emergency Management Organizations in lieu of providing and equipping emergency hospitals, casualty stations and ambulances. Language has been added that requires the Emergency ManagemenC Director to submit reports on emergency preparedness activ�ties as requested by the City Council. There is language that eliminaCes the requirement for administering an oath of ofLicz to all members of the Emergency Management Organization and added language outlining declaration of a local emergency. References to air raid drills, enemy attack, air attack, etc is eliminated, as well as changes in references to the Assistan� City Manager/Public Safety Director to Public Safety Director Another section that is elimznated deals with language for keeping lights off during black-outs. Mr. Burns stated that Lhe Emerqency Management ordinance is FRIDLEY CITY C�UNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 3 supported by a very detailed Emergency Management Plan, as well as by incident command training The plan details the nature of the Emergency Management Organization and the relationships between public and private sector organizations, such as hospitals, during emergencies. WAIVED THE FIRST READING AND APPROVED THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. 2. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE UDIDER SECTION 12.07 OF THE CITY CH�2TER TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLFyS AND TO AMEND APPENDIX C OF THE CITY Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated Lhat as a result of a title search, it was discovered that a utility easement had not been vacated in the southwest quadrant pro�ect. The easement was recorded after 64-1/2 Avenue was vacated in 1969. The easement is 30 feet by 200 feet and runs over the south half of the vacated right-of-way with no municipal utilities in the easement. The easements are not needed for future municipal utilities. This matter was reviewed by the City Attorney, and a public hearing was held for the vacation on June 10, with no comments from the public. � WAIVED THE FIRST READING AND APPROVED THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. 3. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1996: RECEIVED THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1996, 4. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, SP #9b-11, BY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PARTNERS, P.A., TO ALLOW AN EXPANSION OF A CONVALESCENT HOME IN AN R-1, SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ZONING DISTRICT, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7590 LYRIC LANE N.E (WARD 1)• Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated the this is a request for a special use permit to allow the expansion of the Fridley Convalescent Home. The proposed addition is a two-story structure that measures 38 feet by 100 feet on each floor. To accommodate the addition, the easterly parking lot will be expanded to the north by ten fee�. Mr. Burns stated that the purpose of the addition is to provide additional office space, therapy space, and space for � ancillary uses. D10 additional beds, however, will be added. � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 4 The proposed addition, together with the existing structure, meets all setback and lot coverage requirements. The property, however, does not meet parking requirements established by our code for "health care services." The site provides for only 80 of the required 294 parking stalls The petitioner has submitted a parking survey that demonstrates the adequacy of the 80 parking spaces. Mr Burns stated the petitioner's survey indicates that between 7 and 52 spaces are available at any given tlme. The petitioner also submitted information regarding the number of parking stalls for similar uses. This information reveals that for other nearby cities, the requirement is between 47 and 109 spaces for circtunstances similar to the Fridley Convalescent Home. Fridley's code apparently applies more to high turnover medical uses than it does to a convalescent home. Mr Burns stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of this special use permrt with the stipulation that future reuse of this facility for purposes other than a convalescent home will require review and approval by the Planning Commission and the City Council. ' GRANTED SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #96-11, WITH THE STIPULATION THAT REUSE OF THE FACILITY FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN A CONVALESCENT HOME WILL REQUIRE REVIEW AND APPAOVAL BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL. 5 ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 8, 1996, FOR PLAT REQUEST, P.S. #96-01, BY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 14, TO REPLAT PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF 61ST AVENLTE, EAST OF 7TH STREET, SOUTH OF 63RD AVENUE, AND WEST OF JACKSON STREET Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that a public hearing should be set for July 8, 1996 for a replat request by School District No. 14. The replat anticipates a land exchange between the City and School District No 14. The change has been requested by the school district as a means of matching uses with ownership Mr. Burns stated that, in general, the property on the south side of 61st Avenue, that is the site for the Community Education Center, is owned by the City. The property on the north side of the street, that is the site for the CitV's treatment plant and Commons Park, is owned by the school district. The request is to replat al1 of Vineland Addition, � generally located north of 61st Acenue, east of 7th Street, south of 63rd Acenue, and west of Jackson Street � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JiJNE 24, 1996 PAGE 5 C^. Mr. Burns stated that the Planning Commission voted unani- mously to approve this request at its meeting of June 5. SET THE PUBLIC HEARING ON PLAT REQUEST, P.S JULY 8, 1996. ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR JULY 8, 1996, FOR: #96-01, FOR VACATION REQUEST, SAV #96-02a, BY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 14, TO VACATE STREETS AND A1,LEYS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF 615T AVENUE, EAST OF 7TH STREET, SOUTH OF 63RD AVENUE, AND wc�cm nc� 7nrucnrr emn��m �wnpn i�• VACATION REQUEST, SAV #96-02b, BY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 14, TO VACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF 59TH AVENUE, EAST OF 7TH STREET, SOUTH OF 61ST AVENUE, AND WEST OF WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE (WARD 1) AND VACATION REQUEST, SAV #96-02c, BY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 14, TO VACATE STREETS AND A?LEYS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF 59TH AVENUE, EAST OF 7TH STREET, SOUTH OF 615T AVENUE, AND WEST OF WEST MOORE LAKE DRIVE (WARD 1). Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that public hearings should be � scheduled for July 8, 1996 for three vacation requests by School District No. 14. The request is to vacate streets and alleys at three locations. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve these vacation requests at their June 5 meeting. SET THE PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR VACATION REQUESTS, SAV #96-02a, #96-02b, AND #96-02c FOR JULY 8, 1996. 7 EXTENSION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #95-06, BY ADE LEASING, TO ALLOW AN AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION AND MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL AND OIL DISPENSING SERVICE IN A C-2, GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7609 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E (WARD 1)� Mr Burns, City Manager, stated that on July 24, 1995, Council approved a special use permit for Jiffy Lube operation at the northeast corner of University Avenue and Osborne Road. Since the permit will expire July 24, the petitioner is requesting a six-month extension of the permit to enable him to conclude financing, as well as the design and construction of the Siffy Lube facility. APPROVED A SIX MONTH EXTENSION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP# 96-06, TO JAN[JARY 24, 1997 � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 :� � 8. APPROVED 1996 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING PROGRAM BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND THE COUNTY OF ANOKA: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that Anoka County annually distr�butes the SCORE funds it receives from the State to municipalities and townships through �oint powers agreements Fridley's 1996 allocation is $78,250.36. In exchange for these funds Fridley pledges that it will continue its residen- tial solid waste recycling program and that it will work towards a goal of 2,459 tons of recyclables. Mr. Burns stated that the agreement with the County covers items such as reporting requirements, payment by the County, method for computing Fridley's allocation, maintenance of records, a list of general provisions, and an indemnification and termination clause. APPROVED THE 1996 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH ANOKA COUNTY FOR THE RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING PROGRAM. 9. RESOLUTION N0. 44-1996 AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF 541 79TH WAY N E. AND AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY FROM ANOKA COUNTY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES (WARD 3): � Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this resolution autho- rizes the acquisition of the propert_y at 541 79th Way, as well as acquisition of an ad�oining 6,011 square foot parcel of tax forfeit property to the east. The property is ad�acent to Springbrook Creek, and the proposed acquisition is for flood control purposes. The asking price for the property is $37,800. Since the home is below the 100 year flood elevation for the Mississippi River, staff is recommending that the home be demolished. The acquisition of the tax forfeit property from Anoka County will be for a nominal cost. Funding for the acquisitions will be derived from the Czty's Housing Revitalization Fund. 10 � ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO 44-1996. ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 22, 1996, FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.06.01 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER: Mr. Burns, City 1�Sanager, stated that a public hearing should be scheduled for July 22 to consider an amendment to Section 2.06.01 of the City Charter This amendment deals with conditions under which vacancies shall exist on the Council. The amendment was approved by the Charter Commission at the�r January 29 meeting. SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 22, 1996 FOR THE ORDINANCE AI�NDMENT TO SECTION 2 06.01 OF THE CITY CHARTER. � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 11 12. PAGE 7 ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 22, 1996, FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that a public hearing should be scheduled for July 22 to consider amendments to Chapter 3 of the City Charter. The amendments deals with frequency of regular meetings; condrtions for callbing special meetings and conference meetings; the public nature of all meetings, appointment and duties of the Secretary to the City Council, definrtion of a quorum; ma�orities necessary for passage of ordinances, resolutions, and motions, conditions for passage of an emergency ordinance; signing, publication and retention of ordinances; when ordinances and resolutions take effect; and amendment and repeal of ordinances. The amendments were approved by the Charter Commission at their January 29 meeting. SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 22, 1996 FOR THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 3 OF THE CITY CHARTER APPROVE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND SE LEACH & LINDSTROM, INC., FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (COMM � Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that at the request of Council, staff has held discussions with School District No. 14's architect, Mr. John Litchy. The purpose of the discus- sions was to investigate the feasibility of �oining with the school district in the renovation of the Community Education Center. The Crty's participation would be to accommodate the need for upgraded senior iacilities; to improve facilities for The Zone, a teen drop-in center; and to prov�de additional public meeting room space. Mr. Burns stated that a contract has been drafted for preliminary architectural services, and Mr. Litchy has been asked to identify conc2ptual alternatives for meeting space needs through the remodeling of four classrooms and the building of a 4,000 square foot addition that ties the classrooms to the existing gymnasium/cafeteria. Mr. Lrtchy has also been asked to consider how the City's long-term space needs might better be met through construction of a basement under the addition. In addition, there are also various other considerations that Mr. Litchy has been asked to address. For these services, the City agrees to pay Mr. Litchy an amount not to exceed $4,000, and the study is eapected to be completed wrthin three weeks. � APPROVED CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND SETTER, LEACH & LINDSTROM, INC. FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTER). 1 � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 13. 14 15 PAGE 8 RECEIV� BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR REPLACEMENT AND UPGF�DE OF THE INNSBRUCK LIFT STATION, PROJECT NO. 298: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that the City received a bid for a package sewage pump station to retrofit the existing air in�ector station near the intersection of Trollhagen and St. Imier Drives. The one bid received was from General Repair Service in the amount of $31,862.67. The City will install the unit for an additional cost of $10,000 to $12,000. Funds have been allocated in the capital improvement budget to cover these costs. RECEIVED THE BID FROM GENERF+,L REPAIR SERVICE FOR REPLACEMENT AND UPGRADE OF THE INNSBRUCK LIFT STATION, PROJECT NO 29B AND AWARDED THE CONTRACT TO GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $31,862.67. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER N0. 4 TO THE 1995 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. ST. 1995 - 1& 2: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this change order is needed for milling and overlaying at three locations where temporary patches were installed during the winter. These locations are on Mississippi Street, 53rd Avenue, and Washington Street. The total cost for the work is $7,498.45 of which $3,000.00 will be reimbursed by Amoco for 53rd Avenue. The other two locations involved water main breaks and replacement. APPROVED CHANGE ORDER NO 4 WITH HARDRIVES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,998.45 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. ST 1995 - 1 & 2. APPOINTMENT: PUBLIC SERVICES WORKER Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated it is recommended that Mark Schulte be appointed to the position of Public Services Worker in the Parks Division. Mr. Schulte graduated from St. Peter High School and has taken courses at Mankato State University. He has worked in park maintenance for the City of Mankato, as we11 as with the Minnesota Conservation Corps. CONC[JRRED WITH THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT BY THE CITY MANAGER: Starting Starting Name Position Salary Date Replaces Mark Public Services $11.21 July 8, David Schulte Worker, Parks per hour 1996 Lindquist Non-exempt 1995 contract � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 9 16. CLAIMS• AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF CLAIM NOS. 68513 THROUGH 68763. 17. LICENSES: APPROVED THE LICENSES AS SUBMITTED AND AS ON FILE IN THE LICENSE CLERK'S OFFICE. 18. ESTIMATES: APPROVED THE FOLLOWING ESTIMATES: Schield Construction Co. 13604 Ferris Avenue South Apple Valley, MN 55124 Stonybrook Creek Bank Stabilization Pro�ect No. 246 Estimate No. 4 (Correction). . . . . . . $11,034.25 (Council approved $ll,3D4.25 at the June 10, 1996 Council Meeting) Newquist & Ekstrum, Chartered � 301 Fridley Plaza Office Building 6401 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 � Services Rendered as City Prosecuting Attorney for the Month of April, 1996 Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd. 400 Northtown Financial Plaza 200 Coon Rapids Boulevard, N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55435-5489 Legal Services Rendered for the Month of June, 1996. . . . . Visu-Sewer Clean & Sea1, Inc. 3940 Louisiana Avenue South St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Repair Pro�ect No. 292 Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . $13,260.01 . . $ 43.75 $78,466.10 � L� � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JLTNE 24, 1996 PAGE 10 Hardrives, Inc. 14475 Quiram Drive Rogers, MN 55374-9461 1995 Street Improvement No. ST. 1995 - 1& 2 Estimate No. 4 . . . . Pro�ect . . . . . . . . $81, 684.04 No persons in the audience spoke regarding the proposed consent agenda items. MOTION by Councilman Billings to approve the consent agenda items. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA� MOTION by Councilman Billings to adopt the agenda as submrtted. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: There was no business. NEW BUSINESS response from the audience under this item of 19. APPROVE MASTER PLAN FOR LAKE POINTE OFFICE PARK SY MEPC AMERICAN PROPERTIES: Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that the evalua- tion of the Master Plan for Lake Pointe culminates a three-month review process by staff, City commissions, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Neighborhood meetings were also conduc- ted, and it is recommended that the Master Plan be approved with twelve stipulations. Ms. Dacy presented aerial photos of the 38-acre site. She stated that R-1 zoning was retained to provicte a buffer for the neighbor- hood to the north. The S-2 zoning comes into play because what is proposed in the Master Plan should be consistent with what the City desires for the site. The proposed plan is for 582,000 square feet of corporate office space consisting of two five-story buildings, one six-story building, and one eight-story building. Serving the office building will be a three-story office deck Ms. Dacy stated that on the east portion of the siLe there will be three commercial buildings housing a restaurant, a four-story hotel, and a bank and office structure. There may be some day care facilities located in the office building to serve employees. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JL1NE 24, 1996 PAGE 11 � Ms. Dacy stated that the developer wzll be required to plat the property as it is developed. The office building exteriors will be brick or pre-cast concrete. There would be standard signage, lighting, and landscaping. A plaza area in the center of the site is proposed, as well as a ma�or entrance. Easements would be retained for the bikeway/walkway. Ms. Dacy stated that the S-1 zoning district requires a special use permit if other than a nine-foot wide parking stall is contemplated. A lump sum payment is recommended for the park fee, and five additional ponds are proposed. The developer would have to comply with all requirements of the Six Cities and Rice Creek Watershed Districts. Ms. Dacy stated that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority received the indirect source permit from �he Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for control of the air quality and noise. One of the stipulations is that MEPC has to accept the transfer of this permit once they take ownership of the property. The next step in the process is for MEPC to carry out the marketing plan for the site. Ms. Dacy stated that staff is continuing to work on the improvement for the Highway 65 intersection. Mr. Dave Jellison, representing MEPC, stated that everything is � procezding welL There is a large user for the site needing 125,000 square feet with another 50,000 square feet over the initial four years. Two other companies are also consider�ng this site Mr. Jellison stated that they are having some difiiculty marketing the service side of Lhe property. Both Hampton Inns and Marriott Corp. like the visibility but feel there needs to be more development before they could proceed. This also holds true for the restaurant to proceed. Mr. Jellison stated that they are planning a large broker outing on July 18 centered around the Master Plan He hopes to get over 100 real estate brokers at the site to familiarize them with the development Mr, Ed Farr was present that evening to answer any questions about the architectural design Councilwoman Bolkcom asked if there was any new information on the intersection improvements. Ms. Dacy stated that discussions have been initiated with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and they have been brought up to date on MEPC's plan It is hoped that construction can began within the next one to two years. MOTIOPd by Councilman Billings to concur with the unanimous � recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Master Plan for Lake Pointe Office Park by MEPC American Properties with the following stipulations: (1) appropriate plat applications sha11 be submitted and approved prior to development of the � L-J � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 12 property, (2) a11 uses in the development sha11 comply with the following list of permitted uses: office uses typically associated with corporate/Class A office developments; hotel and conference facilities; banks/financial institutions; Class III restaurants as defined in Section 205.03.59 of the zoning code, day care facilities; and other uses as specifically approved by the City. Uses allowed in each individual building after construction will be the same or similar to those uses identified in this application. The City shall review and approve each use prior to occupancy; (3) detailed architectural plans of each building shall be submitted during the plat application process; or lf a plat is not required, plans shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the City prior to issuance of a building permit. The type of materials used on the exterior walls shall be approved by the City; (4) a comprehensive sign plan shall be revlewed and approved by the City Council prior to issuance of the first building permit based on the plan dated March 29, 1996 and addressing the following issues• (a) wall signs (building identification and tenant signage) shall meet the wall sign requirements of the sign code; (b) no free-standing pylon signs are permitted; (c) height, width, illumination and type of all signs shall be clearly identified; (d) two free-standing pro�ect identifier (D) signs are permitted, the size and height to be approved by the City Council; (e) all free-standing signs shall be set back ten feet from property lines; and (f) the petitioner shall receive a sign permit prior to installation; (5) the petitioner shall work with the CitV �n preparing transportation demand strategies to promote ride-sharing and transit use to the property; (6) twelve to fifteen foot light standards shall be installed along Bridgewater Drive ad�acent to the residential area. Sodium high pressure lights shall be used for the parking lot lights and street lights; (7) if the parking decks or parking areas are within the R-1, Single Family Dwelling zone, a special use permit must be obtained prior to issuanc2 of a building permit; (8) if nine-foot wide parking spaces are to be proposed within the development, a special use permit as required by the S-2, Redevelopment District, must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit; (9) appropriate permits from the Rice Creek Watershed District, Six Cities Watershed Management Organization, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for storm water management and grading shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a building permit. Detailed engineering plans and calculations shall be submitted in con�unction with plat applications and building permit applications for review and approval by the City, (10) when appropriate, MEPC shall accept the transfer of the Indirect Source Permit from the HRA; (ll) detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted in con�unction with plat and building permit applications. Ten to twelve foot evergreens shall be installed along the north wall of the parking deck_. The detailed landscaping shall be based on the concept plan dated March 29, 1996. An irrigation plan shall also be submitted at time of building permit issuance; and (12) park fees shall be paid prior to the initiation of construction of the first development on the site. Easements � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 13 shall be dedicated at the time of plan approval over the existing bikeway/walkway areas. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 20. RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATEA TREATMENT PLANT N0. 3, PROJECT N0. 293: Mr. Wilczek, Assistant Public Works Director, stated that four bids were received for this pro�ect, and the low bidder was Richmar Construction at $1,507,485. The engineer's estimate for this pro�ect was $1,395,000, so the low bidder is $112,485 over the estimate. However, the pro�ect has changed since the original estimates were submitted. The budget for this pro�ect was based on an April, 1995 report from Meier Stewart and Assoclates. Mr. Wilczek stated that the difference in the actual bids and the estimate was probably due to several factors, including marginal soil borings and the cost for the electrical and instrumentation work. Even though the bids are higher than eXpected, he did not believe the City would receive any better bids. Councilwoman Bolkcom asked about the electrical and instrumentation work. � Mr. Tom Roshar, Meier Stewart and Associates, stated that their estimates were not accurate on the costs for electrical and instrumentation work. The estimated cost prepared in May was low and shoulfl have been increased. Another likely cause for these higher costs is that the City has a SCADA system supplier that did a lot of work in the Czty, and the system is now expanding. He felt the bids for the electrical and instrumentation worY were not as competitive as they should have been. Because of this vendors' existing equipment and past experience in the City, the other vendors may have been unable to provide competitive prices for the work. In additlon, the vendor of the existing equipment may have had less incentive to reduce their prices. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to receive the bids for the construction of water treatment plant No. 3, Pro�ect No. 293. Richmar Construction, Inc , for $1,SD7,485, Sheehy Construction Company, Inc. for $1,558,141; Newmech Companies, Inc. for $1,566,800; and Stahl Construction Company for $1,934,999. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a coice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to award the contract for the construction of Fridley Water Treatment Plant No. 3, Pro�ect � No. 293 to the low bidder, Richmar Construction, Inc. for $1,507,985. � � ' FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1996 PAGE 14 Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Bolkcom asked Mr. Wilczek to explain the reasons for this pro�ect. Mr. Wilczek stated that the City is trying to provide the citizens with the highest quality water possible by installing this filter plant at Well No. 12. During the winter months, the City can supply 100 percent filtered water which removes the manganese and iron. During the peak stunmer months, 90 percent of the water will be filtered. This is one of the ma�or goals and ob�ectives for the coming year. Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that since installing the filter at Locke Park, there has been noticeable improvements in the water This pro�ect will do the same for the east portion of the City Mr. Wilczek stated that when the mains were flushed, the water was much clearer, and there have not been as many complaints Sy increasing the filtered water, the citizens are well-served 21. INFORMAL STATUS REPORTS: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that in the conference session he would like to discuss the Lake Pointe intersection improvements. Councilwoman Bolkcom asked for an update on the Stonybrook pro�ect and when the work would be completed. Mr. Wilczek stated that the rainy weather has caused delays for the contractor. There was a problem with a power pole. It was decided to extend the enclosed pipe by twelve feet so that the power pole could remain at the same location. Work_ will start on the pro�ect this week with installation of the pipe and finishing the wall. Sodding and seeding would not occur until August. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to ad�ourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley Crty Council of June 24, 1996 ad�ourned at 8:34 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -C�fi��� � 7�/.�'�G-y�• Carole Haddad Secretary to the City Council Wi�am J Nee�� Mayor