09/10/1959 - 00024332, e� � COiINCIL DIEETING - SEPTEMBER 7.0, 1959 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fridley was called ta ordec by Mayor Pro Tem Wolke. Members Present: L`ounailmen Nagel, Sherivan, Johan�on and ivolke, �� Mayor LaGrange arrived at 8;25 P,M. � Members Absent; None. APPRGVAL OF MIVUTES Minutes of the august 27th, 1959 meeCing were read. Motxon by Sher�dan Co approve the minutes of said meeting. Motion seconded by Johanson and upon laeing put to a vpte carried unanimously. BUILllING PERNIITS SUPMYIT GEAR COMPANi' r 60t[i & Mr. :Iaddy presented plans to Council on the above. Councilman Johanson moved that Bmlding Permit be issued to Summit Gear Company. Motion secondc�{ hy i1a���1 ari�� a�on oeing put to a vote carried unanimously, PUSLIC HEARINGS SYLVAN HILLS PLe1T if S � Mr. Maddy discussed the plat with the City Council. There baing no objectLOn to the above� Mayor Pro Tem Wolke called hear�ag Ca a r_lose, Councilman Nage1 moved acceptance of [he above Sylvan Hil,ls Plat 9k 5. I�1ot�an seconded by Sheridare and upon being put to a vote carried unaniraously. In relation to Sylvan Hills Plak Vo. 5, Mr, k'oli7an submitked Co the Council a conditional deed for 64'� Avenue and explained to tlze council that in accept�ng the deed, a building set back of 25 feet would be established alang Che south Side of 64 2 Avenue, Motxon by Johanson to accept dedication oz 64i Avenue by GiEt House Stamps, Inc., said deed dated the 9th day of September. Motion seconded by Sheridan and apc�r being put to a vote carried unanimously. FINAL PLAT RICE CRE�IC PLACA - NORTH ADDiTT�N Mx. Kirchman, Director of Publxc Works, presented iznal glac [o the Cauncxl. There being no ob,7ection to the above, Mayar Prca Tem b7olke called hear_ng Ca a close. Councilman Johanson moved acaepting final plat subwect to covenan[s submitted by Mr. Madsen as revised by Mr, Kohlan. Motion seconded by Sharidan and upon � being put to a vote carried unanimously. PROPOSu➢ REZONING PP.QM R-; AND C-1 TO M�1?� THE ARL;A B�TWE�N CENTRAL �,�VENIJ� & T.I1, nS, SOUTEI OP 73itu AVL, Mr. Maddy reviewed the above with the city council. Mr, 6Jillets, representakive of the Minnesota Ontario Yaper Company, apneared be£ore the Council gzving a larief opinion that it would not become a 15urden upon the City, and he felt ihak it was a move in the right direction for a sound developc*ient of the nommuniky. '' ',> There Ueing no ob7ections to the above, A4ayor Pro Tem Wolke called hearing to a close, - Nir. Maddy reaa the following Ordinance; ORDINANCE AId ORllINt1NCE AMENDING THE 7ANING ORDIN�'VCE TO RE20NE FROM R-1 TO C�1, LOT 1, t1UDIT�R'S SUBDIVISION ak 89 AND ALL OF CENTRAL AVENUE ADDITION. Goixncilman Tohanson moved the acceptance of the first reading of the Ordinance. 1�7otian seconded by Sheridan and upon bezng put to a vote carried unanimously. PUBLIC IiEARIATG ON ASSESSN!ENT ROLLS WATER & SEWER SERVLCE CONNECTIONS IN PARKVIEW MANOR - SECONll AllllITION There Ueing no one appearing for or against the above� Mayor Pro Tem Sdolke called the heara.ns to a close. 1959 STR�ET IMPROV�MENT PRO.7ECT - 2 There being no oUae�tions to the above sub�ect, Mayor Pro Tem G7o1ke caLled hearing co a close, Mr. T4addy read tLe Lollowing resolution: I:ESdLUTIOI�T N0. 75. ° 1959 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSP;53MLN'P FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 195�i � 2. Councilman uolke moved the adoption of the foregoing resolutionr Motion seconded by Johanson and unon being put to a vote carried unanimously, P"r. Maddy read the following resolution: RESOLUTION i\T0, 76 - 1959 A Ri,SOLUTION CGNFIi:MING P.SS�SSM�NT FUR SEGi�R A[JD WATER LA'T�RE�7.5 IN PeiRKVIEW 1�]ANGR - 2ND AllDZTION. Councilman Sheridan moved the adoFtLOn of- the foregoing resolution. Motion seconded by ,7ohanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. Pf:OPOSuU R7iZ6NING FROM R-1 TC5 R-2 ANll C�1 TO M-1 LOT 15 EIUDIT�R'S SUI3- UItiISIUN 1r' u�i, REQU�STLU BY LEDrCdY COCHRP,Td�. tlttorney Peter Barna appeared in behalE of Lenny Cochrane before the Council. He seated that he could spealc L-or P�s. Cochrane relative to Che council's request tnat tne saze oi trees in the proposed screen planting wauld be as recommended by a cortipeeeni lzursery. Tlze mattier of a fence was brought up and council requested that a cyclone fence witLi barbwire invzrted at the top 7�e installed. Mr. Barna did not ob�ect Co the request. ne-rt Press, Attorney, representing the people of the area spoke in their behalf. Ae rndicated tliat he nad made a l�rief survey of the area and indicated that tize homes surrounding the area were in the bracket fran $17,000 ta $20,D00 homes and he indLCated that by putting double bungalows and an equip- meat repair shoY in the area, at would reduce the rea-estate value of these aomes, He also indicated that the feeliaos of the people as a whole should be considered �nsL'ead of one indivzdual it being that these people have pu� Yheir entire savLngs in their homes. � � � �� Mr. Press stated that the buffer �trip wL�icl� would be put in the area woula not prouide as much protection as is thought i� wi�l, and he would like �hat the n�tter Ue passed on for further stu�y. Mr. and l�irs. DeNlarais spoke against the rezon�.ng of Lhe above. A1.so, NIrs, Vackovic spoke against ehe abovs statin� +�l�at "W�y doesn't cir. Cocheane build tiie equipment shop and why should one's man's �nvestnient be so �_m�ortant tl:at when all the peaple surrovnding the area are a�ainst such rezonzng". � Mr. DeNiarais brought up the fact tlzat Mr. Cochrane i�as neen using Piezce StreeL to drive his trucks over. Ilirector of PuU2ic S�iorks informed the pubiic that it is �ust on a temporary basis. � Mrs, Mosse state3 that they have no ob�ection ro C-1 zan�ng in t1�e area. Mr. 511eridan sCated thak he concurs witl� the Planning Commission on rezaning R-1 to R-2 if the Ciky rezones along Central P.ve�iue Erom C-1 to I1-1, LignL Industriala tha� the City has and should insist on buffer �oizea arouncl in- dustrial zoning, The Planning Conun�.ssinn has so recommended and that he suggests to Council that the entire rezoning be droppel unless che R-2 bufL-er zone is pro� vided ad,7acent to the p�oposed M-1 zoning. Cauncilman Nagel moved that the Czty a11ow the rezoning as recos.rnended by tt�e Planning Commission, that a buffer strip Ue 2lanted with trees a distance of 8- 10 feet or as recommended by a nursecp and a cyclone £ence of sufficienk height not less than eight feet to prokect the propert-y and preven% inaury to people ahutting the area; said fence ta be topped with barla wire. I�iotion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a uote carr�ed with Niapor LaGrange abstainino. Mr. liaddy read the following Urdinance: OR�INANCE AN ORriINANC� 61MENUING THE ZGNI`IG ORDIIi['NCE 3Y R�ZUNING FROM C�1 TO ii-1 �1NL1 FP.OM Z-1 TO R-2 LOT 15, AUDI'COA'S SUBllIVISIGN �k 88. Motion by Sheridan to accept the first reading of the foregoing Grdinance. idotion seconded by Johanson and upon be�ng gut to a vote carried unanx�ously. bfayor LaGrange directed the City P4anager and Cit�� Attorney Lo check trie pre- visions of Zoning Ordinance requiring a bufier zone so in Uhe fucure a yro� cedure can be followed and report back ta the Councll. PLANNING COt�ifIS5I0N REPORT - SEYTELIRL<'lt i3, 1959 CGNSIDERATION TQ LOCAT� MOTEL O�V F.AST SILL (�i T. ;I. IF 65 NJP.TH (7E G8TH AVZNUE i�. Maddy discussed the above matter with the council, Since proposed plans had not been prepared by a registered arch�tect, no action was �aken on th� above. CONSIDERATION OF ��QUCST rOR REZ(JNING rROM R-2 TO i�i-1, S� CORrIER OP St;ld AV�i�iJ� dNil 3RD STRLliT � ['�fter a brief discussion, ��ouncilman ,Tohanson moved that hear�ng date �e set for Octoher 3th, 1959. Motion seconded by SherLdan and upon hein;; put to a vote carried uttanimously. RESOLUTEON NL�MIidG EL�CTION CLERKS aND JUDC.ES 11ND EST.^iELISH POLLING PLACES 1�Or COIINTY ELECTTOTd. After a Urief discussion, Councilman Sher�dan moved the Lollowing resoluticn; �6 RESOLUTION N0. 77 - 1955 � R�SGLUTIOIQ DESIGNfiTING POLLING 1'LACES t1ND �LECTIOtv' CLL'�KS F;Nll 3UDGL5, r[otion by Sheridan to acont the foregoing resolurion„ Motion seconded by Tdagel anu upon Ueing put to a vote carried unanimously. �uSOLIITION NU, 78 -� 1959 A Rr,SOLUTIG3s Rcc2UC5TITdG P.�IML'URSLMI:NT OF �XYLNSES NOR ' COUN^1Y ELtiCTION, Coancilman vdol'�ce moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Motion seconded by Johanson and upon being pur to a vote carrled unanimously. - B[TDGrsT HCA}3ING ,[ayor LaGrange apened hearing on the proposed budget Sor 1960. 1�Ir. F-rarcis van llan appeared Uefore the Council to indicate that he was against increases of wages if they are to be given on Che basis of cost of living, 6ut is for increases based on merit. _ M_, L�on Carlson appeared before the Cnuncil stating that a more realistic view s�ould be taken on the Uudgee, __ l�Irs, da11y Miskowic appeared requesting that after the budget has been discussed in executive session by the Council, that the hearing be announced in tne paper so the puhlic can be informed and can be present at meeting wherein the p,-oposed Uudget will be adopted. 14r. �ay appeared giving the percentage increase on the city budget for ' certain functLOns fLOm the years 1a57 to 1960. I�e felt that the lncrease was on too large of a scsle for 1960. rir, Gunzburger and Ilr. Willard Schilling appeared before the Council stating thEir Uelief Chat the proposed m�ii rate was too high. Councilman Sheridan stated that after gcrng over the budget for a four hoar period, he was ahle to cut 12Z mills, so that he was sure that after an executYVS session Che hnaget wou3d be cut considerably. Ptayor LaGrange directed that t[ze requirements o£ City Charter stating that thc City Manager st�binit the proposed budget ta the CLty Council at the f�rst regular �eeting in AugusC yn the future. SLCGNU P,EADiNG OI' UR7JII�,ANCE REZONING :ROM R-1 to R-2, SOUTH 92 I'F.ET OI' 6IITJ,(7T 2, I:IC� CREEK PLf�ZA, S�JUTH ADDITION - ERNI� 24F.uSEId P4ayor LaGrange directed the Ci*_y L,ttorney Go conter caith Plr, iiadsen's E1tCOrney ta determine tL�e nwst suitable method ai park dedication so that if desired the 18I1d could be_disposed oY otherwise in the futur0, _ , No other actic�n was takcn on tae above. YRGP65Ell Rr�ZGNTI�TG OP BXISSIiVG R-3, 1K-1 AND if�`L Z�NhS, LYING SJ1:ST OF LNTVERSI'1Y AVhNUE, NORIII OF RI,c:E c,RLBR R�.Z(}Nltv`G Un' 1HE NEw G1� tkIL P1a34 Qr SL.�lION 15, LYING LAS'1' OF 1Ha �lc�Ai NORTftC1tN PA�IrI� �xN.A'1 NORTEIEP�N MIUtIl Or WAY, n:GR'tII OF RIC,L c,R�hIC RE'LONING OF �XISTING RE'LONING OF THE SOUTH 1t260 FEET APPROXIMATELY OF THE SW4 OR SLC. 11 FROM R-3,M-1 lil�ID R-1. Mr. Maddy read the following Urdinance; OR➢INLiNCE N0, AN URDINANCE TO AME��ifi THE GONING �7RDINANCE Or' rEIE GITY OF FRIULEY, MINNE:SOTt1, BX MAKIIVG A CHANGE fN T�-iF. ZONING llISTRICTS. ' Counc�lman �Qhanson moved the second and iinai read�ng of the foregoing Ordinance be adapted. Motion seconded Uy Sheridan and upon being put �n a vote carried unanimously. AM13NllI]ENT TO ORDINANCE N0. 70 P120VIDING I'OR TRAIL�� PARI� %N 74U0 BLOCKi HIGHWAY NO. 65 Mr. Maddy read the £ollowing Ordinance: OkDINANCE ;d0, 128 AN ORDINAI�CE P.11E�IIQG 012ilI1VANCE N0. 70 (tirailer Park) Gouncilman Nagel movea the second and fanal xeading af the Ordinance No.128. Motion seconded by Wolke and upon heingput to a voGe carried unanimausly, AMErIil1IIG 20NING ORDINANCE BY RE- 2DNING FAOM R�1 TO 1�-2 LQT 9, AUDITOR'S SU�llIVISION NG. 103 SE CORNER OF I12QNTON eLAiI7 EAST RIVER RDAD ' Mr, Maddy read the following Ordinance. ORDTNANCE N0. 129 �� AN OADINANC� ^MP� Pi�w, r�L� _,?a;�,r�_ �.i'�. ���d_ �i� '_ CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESO'1'F 3Y iNAICING A CHLu'VGE IDi THE 'LONING DISTRIC'•'S. Councilman Nage1 moved the adoption of Cird�nance No. 1`L9, as Ghe secm d and final zeading. Motion seconded by ITolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. AWARD CONTRACT 6N 5& W�f 21 Ai'V➢ S& W ir 22 SEWER & WATEP, ik 21 Counczlman Johanson moved that Proaect No. 21 - Schedule A, be awardPd to Sandstrom & Hafner in the amount of $222,$70.00, Schedule B- in ti�e anount of $147,716.60 to Benkoskz & Holmes be awarded and coutract to be execuced after receipt of approval of plans t�om the State Tiepartment af Heal,th and the City of idinneapol�.s. Motion seconded Uy Nagel and upon being put to � vqte c�rrted unanim�usly. SEWGR tv� tidAT�R dk 22 Councilman Nagel moved that Pro�ect ATo. 22 bids be awarded to Sandstram t Hafner, Schedule A in the amount of ,142,250.00; Scheduie B awarded ka Benkoski & holmes in the amount of $39,449.44, and Schedule C awarded to Peter Lametti Construction Company in the amount oE $60,724.F33, and contracc ko be executed after receipt of approval of plans from tl�e StaL-e De�artment of Health and the City of i�iinneapolis. Mation seconded by t�Iolke and upon being put to a vote carried unan�mausly, S�LLCTIUN OF NAME FOIi PARK AREA AT 615T S. 7TH STicE,ET �� � Fridlc;r Junior Chamber of Comm;rr.� spo�so�rd a"Name the Park Contest" on the above descriUed area. iVames c•iere submitted to the Council to be voCed upon as theLr choice. The name selected was "Rridley Commons". FURTHE(i COiV6IL�r', ;T_LC���d 0'� �.'_1;+T_'C No act�on was taken and was referred to the meeting of Septamher 17th, 19590 BUILUING PE.NIIT T2EC�UEST FOUR UNIT APARTMENT BUIL➢ING SOUTH 92 FEPT OR OUTLOT 2y RICE CREEK PLAZA, SOUTH Ai7llITI0N nTO action ca�e L•aken on the above because rezoning had not been completed. CO�fiJDiTCATION FROM ACR�S, INC. - BILI.MAN PLAT SOUTH OF �k lOD REQUESTSNG 20 YEAR ASSES;NiE��PI' ON IITILITIES Councilman Johanson moved to table the above for further study. MoCion seconaeu Ly 1Vagei and upon being put to a voCe carried unanimausly. hL50LIITI0I�I F,FQUESTING PR3iLTMINAK`� 3i:PORT ON WATER SERVICE PROPOSED WESTE£.tI MEAT, INC ,�PACKAGING PLANT EAST OF N.P. RAILROAll TRACKS AT OSBORNE ROAU Mr, Maddy iaformed the City Council that Sdestern Meat, Inc., requested sewer and water in the area. They also have gone ahead with plans and have met wZth the Minnesota Department of Health as to the specifications of a sewage dis- posal system in the area for their use. ' The mattex of certain improvements was discussed, and after the Council was , advised, Councilman Wo1ke introduced the follow�ng resolution and moved iCs adaption. RF.SOLIITION ?�T0.79 - i959 F, R�SOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMIIVTARY PLANSs SPECZFIC:'PIONS r�ND ESTIMATI'sS �F TIIE COSTS TI�EREOF, {FOR [IP.TER iIAIDl U,N GSBORNF ROE�l; FROM EAST RI.VER ROE�D, fiAST TO EAST SIDE OF NORTH�RN P�SCIFIC RAILRUAf1 RIGHT OF WAY) Motion seconded by Nagel and upon being puC to a vote carried unsnimausly. i�RDI?�r'�NGE VACL�TING 76TH WF,Y, 77TH l7AY & AI.DEN WelY - FIRST READING Counc3lrnan .fohanso� moved the acceptanc� af Che fir�t reading of the Ordinance. Motion seconded by Nagel. CYRU1Nt�NC�, N0, AN OP.DINANC� VACATIAIG 76TfI '�1AY, 77TH vlt1Y � t1L➢�N iaAY Tlpou being pu� tc, a vot�. the motion carried unaninwusly. �EPCJILT PSY C(7L4CTaCR � DAVIS t7Pd �P.d;POSLD ZR�'�.7;i �JP LAND L�ZTH SCI300L llSSTRICT � The City Attcrney was directGd to study and advise the Council of the type of awnershzp that Che �ity has in the land proposed Co be tiraded and to advise the r_ounc:_1 what method could be used ta complete the exchange. � � , � �a REC�IVL P�Is�zGNATIOi� i�r' ItiG. T, SIVERTS, JF., Ph6M P�sttI?S At�i; °Ll�YGRGU1vD5 CUell�1�iTE1; C011AC'1.�.7f�IIII.FU�18�:i;�"! moved the &C�r-�rCdL[r2. O; C.RC �.�b�_'rT,'ldi�__1=.. �!i ,�;. ..�„n^r__, from the Yarks and Playgrounas Committee, T�iotion �aconded by Councilman Wo1ke and upon 6eing put to a voke carried unanimuusl,r, Councilman Sohanson moved the acceptance of Sewer, I1ati.r zna 3torm drainage fac�lities in the abovc deserihed except sanitacy s���,rer on a�ast of �ice Czeelc Terrace as set forth in letter oE reconanendatioa from Suburban lingxneer�ng. tlotion seconded by i��olke and upen being ��ut to a vote carried enanimouslp, RES(7LUTIC7N �AU71iQAIZING rJ7B TJL�:�:- ,f^ ;��•�'I �•�'I�,��T T°� �L+'DERLIL GOVE3NMLNT i+GR STORM SEWGR PLEv�TNING LOAN A.'�D AUT'dOt�IZING CQMSTOCS: c� D1:VI5 TO ,"SSIST I�� PREP�IRF.TIOtvT OF APPLICATI�Jti Mr, Kohlan, Attorney, read the following r.=_sokution: RESOLUTI�N NG, 30 - ].959 �� RESOLTITIOTQ l.UTE30RZ2ING LilV� DIR! CTI:VG Ani ..PPLICATIGN TO THE HOUSING Eu\D liOME -FINF:I4C� L�,GE[�CS' 10R F,r� ADVa'rICE FOR PUBLIC SdOP.I€3 PLANNSNG. Councilman Johansan moved the adoption oF tt;e foregoing resolutzcn. l�otion seconde3 by viaik4 and npon b�ing put to a vote carried unanimou�ly. i:ESOLUTION �ST�LLLSiyf_�T�_ A HIGHER CHANGE FUNP FOR LIQUOR STORE OPERATIONS After a brief discussion, Councilnan .Iohanaon mo�red the acceptsr.ce ot the follocoLng resolution. P.�SOLIITION DIC. 81 A 7.959 A P.ESOI.UTI(�N ESTt:FLISHING H�GtiE'P. C��SiGi3 FL�vD FOR LIQIIGR STORE OPT:RP,TI4N5 IN TfiE AMOUivT C�, $3,2p0.{70. Motien saconded by Sheridan and upor. being put to a vote cazxieci unanLiaousiy. LICENSES Councilman Wolke moved the acceptance of tlxe Following licenses, ELBCT:ICFS. Metxapolitaii Electric Corp. E,.CAVC.TING Cilbertsan & Surface GAS PLPING t'moka Iieaking £� r'.ir Cond�.tion GENERCL 4aung Constr. Cam��Gc i}* hIASDNL{Y Clarence E. IZluender Edward A. Munson G249 Lyndale :,venue 3euti� H4G<< Center Drive 327 Vin Ruren, �",noka, PI�n�. 533i l�lorgan r',venu� :.outn 6961 Iiictcorg P1ace 15P4 �lquila �:uenue �iorth m PLASTi:HING Earl L. 'i'ooleq FLlii�LP L�IG IQorthsLde Piumbing Company 6459 Pierce St, Id,r':. 1724 Plymouth Avenue North N!otion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. CIV1L� DERENSE DIR�CTGP. Mayor LaGrange submitted the name of P.obert Malinero for the Director of Civil Defense� Councilman Johanson moved the appointment of Mr. Malinero as the Director of Civil L7efense. Nxotion secanded by Wolke and upon being pnt Ca a vote carried unanimausly„ CLAZMS Counciln:an Wolke moved appraval of Regulat ClaLms 2,045 through 2,098. Motion seconded by Sohanson and upon being puC tio a vote carried unanimorasly, Councilman Sheridan moved approval of Public Utility Claims 647 through 671. Niotiaa seconded by Jahanson and u�on being put to a vote carried unanimously� � Councilman Johansan moved agproval of NSunitigal Liquor Claims 1y189 through 1,?43, Mot;.on seconded by Walke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimonsly. P,ESOLIITIO\ it�LATING TO SANIT,ARY SEWER ' Mr. ILohlan read the following resolution. RESOLUTION N0, 82 - 1959 A RESOLUTION pELATIDiG TO SrSNITARY 3EWE£.5 IN TH� CITY OF FRIDLEY. Councilman Johanson moved Cne acceptance of the above resolution, Motion seconded Uy b7olke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. Motion by Sheridan authorizing and directing Comstock & Davis to proceed with comprehensive study of the overall sanitary sewer system to be com- ple4ed Uy January 1, 1960 and in sufficiant detail meeting the requZrements as further defined in P.esolution dk 82. Motion seconded by ,Tohanson and upon heing puC to a vote carried unanimously. R�CEIVL PETITTON UN 7Tt� STRE�T IMPP.OVL'MENTS Councilman Johanson moved that the petition from properCy owners along 7th Street requesting that the balance of the zequired right of way be obtained between 63rd Avenue and Mississippi Street and directing that the City P.tCorney take appropriate action as previously atrthorized. Afotion seconded by Sheridan and npon being put to a vote carried unanimous].y. �DJOURNMCNT Councilman Sheridan moved that the meeting be S''ptember, 1959 at 12:45 o'clock A,M. P1o�on ��� CITY CL�RK - Marvzn '. Brnnsell ourned thZS lOth day of � Frank C• '