09/24/1959 - 00024324f2EGULAR MGETI:VG OF CITX COUNCIL - S�PTEMB3R 24, 1959 _ A regular meeting of the City Council of the CLty ox Fridley was called to oxder by Mayor Pro Tem Wolke. Members Present: Mayor LaGrange, Councilmen Johanson, Sheridan, Nagel and Sdolke, , Members Absent: None, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the September 11, 1959 meeting were reau. Motion by Jat�ansan to approve the minutes as corrected. ts�otion seconded by Nagel and upan baing put to a vote carried unan�mousl,y, PUBLIC HEA.RIIQGS PROPOSEll FTNAL PLAT OF CR�GWAY FARi�1, NORTEIEAST - 2N➢ Al)DITTON, LYING W�ST OF EAST RIVER FQAG AND b`ORTf? OF 76TEt WAY -- �� w� �, r� s�- Councilman Sherxdan moved the aUove tabled until the next regular council meeting. Motion saconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote cazried unanimousl�. RECEIVE PETTTIOI3 FROM ELMER OLSpN AN➢ OTHERS Mr. Olson appeared before the council and presented petition signed by him and � sixty others. He indicated that he represented the parents wha were �ntere�ted in proper plapground areas and facilities in that part of Fridley, south of Highway ;� 100, West of University Avenue: East o£ Main Street and South to the City Limits, He also indicated that for two years groups from tl�e area have received pramises of action regardxng plapground areas but t� date have received no action, He indicated that they would like a meeting with a commitCee ar group from Midland Cooperat�ves and members of Che Council, Mr. �?olke indicated that he wauld be will�ng to meet wizh such group. Councilman Shexidan moved to receive the petxtion from Elmer Olson regarding the Parks and await report from City Attorney regarding Midland property and at Chat time set up meeting with representatives from bath the City and Midland. Motion seconded by ,Tohanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCr: PROPOSED REZONING PR6PR R-1 �Tll C-1 , TO M-1., THG AREA BETWEEN CENTRAL AVENUE AND TRUNiL HIGL'WAY �k 65. S6llTi3 OF 73RD � AVENUE - P4 � 0 PAPER GOMPP.NI Mr. Kirchman presented the council with map show�ng khe area involved, hfr, Maddy read the following Ordinance: o�rrrrrtcs : AN ORllINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE Or THE CITY QF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA BY r4liKIIVG A CHANGE IN THE 'LONING DISTRICTS, (P? � 0 PAPER CC�bfPANY} After considerable diseussion regarding LA�e 100 �oa� L��A,,. o,. caa„ Councilman Nagel moved that tha ordinance not he accepted as the second and final reading and that the matter be turther investigated by the City lingineer, Citp Attorney and City Manager, �� Councilman Sheridan seconded the motion and upon being put to a vote carried unanimous ly . PROPOSED RE'LONING PROM R-1 TO R-2 A1VD C-1 TO M-1, LOT 15, AUDITOR's SUBDIVISION N0. 88, LYING BETWECN CENTRAL AVENiJ� AND PIERCE STRE�1', NORTH OF 63RD AVENUE, REQUCST BY LENNY COCHAANE. _ Mr. Maddy read the following ordinar.ce. ORDINANCE N0. 133 AN ORDINANCC AiVIENDING THE 7ANING ORllINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLliY-, MINNESOTA, BY MARING A CHANGE IN THE ZONING DISTAICTS. Councilman Nagel moved to amend the Ordinance as originally draftedo Motion seconded by Wo1ke and upon being put Co a vota carried nnanimously. Coixncilman Nagel moved acceptance of the second and final reading, and the adoption of the Ordinance No. 133, Motion seconded by Johanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. ORllTNANCE ADOPTING THE 1960 BUDGET Mr. N!addy read the iollowLng Ordinance: GRDIN �NC� N0, 134 AN ORDINANC� ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FLSCAL YEAR, 1960 Mr. Larkin P4cLe11an, Union Local �� 49, appeared hefore the_Council in behalf of the employees of the Czty of Fridley Works Department. He state3 that he wished the council would provide in their 1960 budget enou�h L-or a substantial increase for th� prublic works employees to be tihat comparable to communities surround the area. He submitted a salary tabulation for other communities in the area. 4iter discussion, Councilman Glolke moved to amend the revised draft of the Ordinance adopting the Budget for the fiscal year 1960, ilotian seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. Councilman Sheridan moved to accept the second and final reading of the Ordinance AIo. 34 as amended and moved its adoption„ Notionseconded 6y 1Vagel and ulon 6�ing pct-to .s vote carried unanimously. REZONING FROM R-1 TO R-2 THF. �nrT'i'H 92 FBCT, OUTLOT 2, RIC� CREEK PLAZA, SOIITH ADDITION L6CATEt7 ON THE rd�ST SIDE OF 2ND STREET, nORTH OI' MISSISSIPPI. T�r. Maddy rea�l Che folloe�ing fJrdinance; ORllINnrdCF 1VQ, 135 AN ORDEN�PiG'� .^+� 2,MCISiJ TH� 70NING ORDITIANCE OF TfiE CITY OF F'RI➢L3v� I4INNESOTA �3Y MAKIPIG A CIiANGC IN TH� 7QNING ➢ISTRICTS. Coanc�lman Wolke moved to accept the second and final reading of the Grdinance No. 135 ancl moved its adoptLOn. Motion seconded hy Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimousl�. Councilman Wallce moved to acceplt the dedication_of park lands in Rice Creek 21aza, South Addition and in Brookview Terrace? 2nd Addidition. Motiori seconded by Johanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. ' ' � � � � F3UTLDI�FG P�Rh1IT �PA12'C�i4�b�T RUILDING 6530 S�CL��TL� aTP.CGT Request saas made by Sohn Itassulker for Building Perm�t for t�partmenl: Build�ng on 5outherly 92 feet of tlxe east one/half o% Dutlo� 2, RRa�ce Cxeek P13z�, ,you�h Addition also knowct as 6530 Second Street. Sheridan moved that t'ermit be granted. ;�lotion secand�l by Nage1 �nd upon baing put to a vote carxied unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF NAMING AUllZTING rlRi; TO GONDUCT GUDI'P OL' 1a59 OP;:P.l:CIONS Councilman Nagel movefl that the liuditing r�rm of George I�I. Itansen Campany i�e authorized and directed to conduct audit of 1959 op�rations. Plotion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vate carried unanimcusly. BOARD OF APP�E�LS REPORT �" .� ���� t�E�l;�uT rOR P7I�SVER OF SID� Y�i7 REQUII�^ T�LNTS ON LOT 9, BL��Cri 3} SYLVPlT HILLS FLAT PIO. 2, TC+ PEP�IIT CONSTI:UCTT6N UF AAi dTTL�CIED CP�AGE TG L1ITi3Itd TYREE (3) FEET OT' TH� SIDZ LOT LTI�T���Ai:QUEST SY JPd�iES . �iUALiY, 6120 TRIDiTTi D^.,TVli. � Councilman Johansoa moved ta deny raquest of the above described. Motion seconded by tilolke and upon being put to a vote carx�ed unanamausly. LOT ].0, BLOCIr 8, C6�12I�SON'S SiIMMIT Ml�NOtZ 5273 HORi'7.DN DRIS7E Raquest for waiver the a^equirement of the Zoning Ordinance to pernit tlze con- struction oE a datached garage in the si�1e yard of Lot 10, B1ock 8, Carlson's Summit Manor, North :ldditivn, known as 5273 Horizon ➢rxve. ?tequest by 3dward S. Fitzpatrick. Councilman iaolke moved approval of request upon thc recommendatian of Board oi Appeals� that there be a minimum five feet from side lot 1ine, and that the Building Inspeciar be instructed ttzat frost l�ne foat�nas be �nstalied. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanzmously. DIPGRAM TO F� uUBNIIT'C'L:B WITfI BOARD OP t1PPE_4i S RE, ORT9 Mayor LaGrange directed that all Boerd of Appeals requests have a diagram ar design of some natura to show the relatiansliip sa�d requ�st has with the ad- �oining property, LOT 16, BLOCP. 5, PICT CREEI: PLt.ZA, 50UTH F�DDITTON, CORN�R OF 2ND STl2EnT AND MTSS;,SST_PPI STitCET. � Request foz �r�aaver of rear yard requirements of tlie Zoning Ordinance ta permzt the construction of an addition to a medical clinac to wikhin 17 feet af the rear 1ot line, and to permit off-street parking in the front yard thereof on LoC 17, and the south 7,3 feet of Lot 16, i�lock 5� Rice Creek Plaza, South Addition, located at the NE coz�nex of 2nd Street and Mi,ssissippi Street. Yequest by Harvey Peterson. � Councilman J hanson moved agproval of the request as recommended by the Board of Appeals, Mofion seconded by [dolke and upan be�ng put to a vote carried unaninously. �� P;.:�InilNG C�°1Z�IISSIOPI REPORT - SSP'T�'I�173ER 22, 1959 GlLBERT PALLUM MOTEL I�4r. I:trchma� presented ta the Council the registered architectural drawing of the above =ah�c!� i:; to be lacated an pronerty 1yLng hetween Channel P.oad on the east, �Iighway iF 65 on the west, 68th Avenue on the South, and Rice Creek on the North, further described as lyin� �n Lots 6�, 7 and 8y V�lley View Manor AddiCion inthe north half_af Section 13, The Council was informed that the front of tha structure cvould have a � stone front hali way up with sCUCCO on the balance. Councilmau Johanson moved approval of ;3uildina PermiC for the above des- cribed, Motian seconded by 3heridan and upon being gut to a vate carried unanimonsly. DOCTOP. METZ MEDICP.L CLZNIC, The nexC item discussed was the proposed Dr. P7eC•z, Medical Clinic on Lot 3 and 4, B1ock 6, Sdgewater Gardens Addition from R-1, Rasidential to C-1S, After a brief Discussion, Councilman Nagel moved that Hearing date 6e set for October 22, 1959, Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon baing put to a vote carried unanimonslp. TiI� CITY OF FRIllLEY A LONG TEi.M Council*.nan Diagel moved that the Council meet at a Special Meeting with Rodney Bi2lman on Thursdayt October 1, 1959, to discuss the matter fnrther. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. � COPISTD7�lt� Tf�.�' ��ti �'�7I+��`:.: T OF L�T 11 THPLQUGII 20, I3LOCR 4, PLYL�40UTH ADDZTION, L4C�TED ,F,T 4IITTi AN9] MF.IN STRE[:T Coancilman :dollce moved to accept offer of sale by Mr, John Bauck in the amount of $7,500.00 on Che above and directed the City Attorney ta take proper steps to acquira clear title on same. riiotion seconded 6y Diagel and np�n being nut to a vute carried unanimously. pURGHl�SE t)F L(3T 3, �3LOCK l, BRdOKVIE�1 2DD ADDITIOrI LO IGH?J<<' �k65 :1T T1iE NORTH TCRIdINGU5 OF BP.00I:VIESd DP.LVE, PTr, P.ohlan, rity tlttorney, recommended to the Council that 1) the counci� resol.ve to re�uest the Goanty Board oi- Ane�� Ccunty to refrain from making a sale of the parcel by tax iorfeiture, aiid 2) that t]�e City receive a tjuit C1aim Deed from - the present registiered owner, i�fr, ��illiam Saastonoinen for the sum of $100.00. Councilman N�gel rnoved the adoprton of the following Resolution: RESv�L3;TI0N N0. 83 - ]959 .�. P,E50LUTIOPF Rr(�ULSTID?G TIIE�T Tt3L COUNTY B04P.D OF ' CGi�lt_fISE'iIi�NF,P1S F�FR6SITI FROrI TP.�C FORI'PIT SL1LE OF LC>T 3, BLQCP 1, BPti001:VIEW - 2ND ADllITION Alotian seconded by Johanson and upon 6eing put to_ a vote carr�ed unanimously. Councilman .7ohansan moved that it agpears in Che interest of the City oi Fridley to obtain Uy C�ult Claim Deed the inCerest of the registered owner, r-dilliam Sass- tono�nea, in the premises described, as Lot 3, Black l, t�.roolcview 2nd Addition, for the sum of S30G.OG, that up�n the apgroval on the caveyance and the Tite� b,r tlzt City Manager and City attorney that the interest of the registered awner by the Cita� of Pridley. �� Councilman Wolke seconded the motian and uFon being �ut to a vote cazried unanimously. CONSIDERATTO[Q OP P.[�T[VUAL RENEWAL OF FIRT PROTECTIDi� ACt��EMEPiT UI'['EI TiIE VILLP.GE OF HILLTOP � � Chief Hugltes, recommended amount annual stand-by fee be increased to $7_SQ,00, Councilman Wolke moved that it is the counc�I's recomnendatzon to increase stand- by fee and dixected the City P.ttorney to review present agreement w�th 5/zllage af HLlltop and in the event Lt appears to be xnadeq:�ate far sexvices readered that a ne�a contract b� negokiated with Iiillxop and tk�at negotiation be n�de or the basxs of a sum of $250,00 fer stand-by fee. Motion seconded by 3heridan and upon being pu[ to a vote carried unanimausly. REQUEST FOR PERMIT F6k PHILLIPS 66 GAS STATEC�N TQ I3E LOCr`i1'�D AT 1?1E Nd COP,NC � OF MLSSISSIPPI AND UNIVEltSITY AVENUE Councilman .Tohanson moved that permit be granted suh�ect to the city's reqmre� ments. Di tion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote Carried unanimously. 0 COMSTOCK & DAVIS REPORTS PRI.LIMInTARY RLPORT uIATER AND S��dER E�:TCNSIG?4S TO S�RVE L�i�TH�IR STREET SCHOOL SITE AT Ei�ID OF 66T�I FaVENiTE � Mr. Comstock presented counca.l with c,*rLtten preliminary reports on the above. Motion by .Tohanson to receive prel�minary repart from ComstQCk S DAvis on G7 u S Extension to servo Arthur Street School. Motion secpnded by �r]allce an�l upon being put to a vote carried unanimously, P.ELI:i11`tAP.Y I?�P4RT ON idESTERiV MG�T PROPOSED YZANT, OSR(SP.NE ROr1D EAS OP `iHi, G. N. RATLROAD RIGHT OP 'vTE1Y Councilman Johanson moved to receive preliminary regort c�n the above. Mo[�on seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ➢TAECTING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE 6F TEDIPOREIRY IMPROVEMENT P�OI�DS Mr. Maddy xead Che following resolution: RESOLUTION N0, 84-1959 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING TH� ISSUANC� Or TLMPOP.At�Y IM- PROVEMENT SONi75 TN ACCORDANC� WZTH LAWS OF 1957, CHAPTEP. 385, FQR SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEMENT PR0,7F.CT �k 21 - 1959 IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000.00, � Councilman Nagel moved the adoption ot the foregoing resolution No. $4 � 1959. Motion seconded by Tdolke and upon being put to a vote carried unanimousl}*. Mr. LaGrange read the Pollowing resolution: RESOLUTIQN N0. 85 - 1959 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING �1IE s:�,],E GP� TEr3PG?tAP.Y IM- PROVEMENT BONDS IN ACCORU h.nICE idlTft LAWS D� 195/ , CHAPTER 3iS5 ( FOR SEWER ANll WATER IMPROVE�IIiNT PRO- JECT N0, 21 - 1959 IN THE P.MOUNT OP $50,000.00. �� Councilman Sheridan moved to adopt the foregoing resolution No. 85 - 1959. Motion seconded by Johanson and upon being put to a vote catried unanimously. Mr, Sheridan read the following resolution; RESOLUTTON N0, 36 - 1959 A R�SOLUTIOiV DIRECTING THE ISSUAPICE OF TEMPORARY IMPROVENICNT BOD1D5 IN AL`CORDANCE WITti LAWS GF 1957 CHAPTER 385 ( FOR SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEM�NT PRO- JEGT �k 22 - 1959 IN THE AMOUNT OF $SO,ODO) Councilman Sheridan moved to adopt the foregoing Resolution No. �6 - 1959. Motion seconded by Johanson and npon lieing pnt to a vote carried nnanimously. Mr. Sheridan read the followina resolution: RESOLIITION N0. 87 - 1959 A RESOLUTLON ➢IRECTINC THE SFS,E OF TEMPORARY IP4PAOVEMENT SONDS IDi ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS UF 1957, CHAPTER 385, ( SEWER AND WATER IN.PROVEMF.NT PROJECT N0, 22 - 1959 IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 ) Councilman Wolke moved the adoption of the foregoing resolntion. Motion seconded by Nage1 and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. RESIGNATIDN OF CITY MANAGER Mr. C]arence E. Maddy, City rlanager of the City of Fridley, submitted a letter of resignation Co the Council e�fective, November 1, 1959. Councilman Johanson moved to accept letter and resignation of Mr. Maddy as �i_Yy Manager, Motion secanded hy Wolke and npon being put to a vate carri�d unanimously. L�AGUE OF MINDT�SOTA MUNICTPALITIGS Mr, Maddy read letter of invitation to Council and Officials of the City of Fridleg to attend the Fall Regional MeeCing of the League of Municipalities in the Village of North Saint Paul on Cctober 7th, 1959, with a dinner to follow at Weber's Supper Club at 11 7th Avenue NW at 6;30 P.M. with the cost being 52.25 per person. R�SOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOF PARK PURPOSES AND CALLING AN ELCCT20N Mr. I�ohlan, City Attorney, read the following resolution; RESULUTION N0. 88 - 1959 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR Pt1RIZ PURPOS�S AND Ct1LLING AN ELECTION (November 3rd, 1959 - $15�,�00.00) Councilman Johanson moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted, Motion seconded by 56eridan and upon being puC to a vote carried unanimoixsly. RESOLUTIOri FOR SUBUftBA1>T HOSPITAL Councilman Nagel discussed the progress of the Committea meetings of the SuUurban Hospital CammiCtee caith the Council. He then read the following resolut�on: P.ESOLUTION N0. 89 - 1959 � � ' � � � �.:� �� A RESOLUTION TO JOIN WITH OT1�ER C;OtPi1UNITIES TQ FORM A HOSPITAL DISTRICT. Councilman Nagel moved adopt�on of the foregoing resolution. T4ctiou seconded by Wolke and upon being put to a vote caxried ui�ammously. RESOLUTION ORDERING PRELIMINAF2Y PLANS AND SPECIFICATIOTIS The mattar of certain improvements was discussed, and acter [tic Counci,l caas advised, Councilman .Iohanson introduced tlze £allowing resoluL-ian and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NQ, 90�1959 A RESOLUTION ORllERING PRELIMINARY PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS ANll ESTIMATES OF THL' COSTS Tii�R�C�F { STORP4 DRATNAGF. I,INES CATCH SASINS AND APPURTBNANCES TN 1'[i� ARL'A BGUNDiD �N TH� NORTH BY MISSISSIPPI STR�CT: (?Pl TiL'. SOUT[3 BY 43RD E�Vi:i1IJE AND T'dE SOUTH CITY LINiITS filVD ON THE 1:AST BY THL EAST CITY LIMITS ) Notion seaonded by Nagel and upon Ueing pu� to a vote carrLed unanimausly. ORAINAG� PROBLEt1 - SHAFFERS AllllITION Councilman Nagel brought up the discussion on the above sub�ect, He indicated that something should be done so the arES daesn't become flooded duriag ihe rainy season and spring of eacl; year. Mr. Nagel suggested that Comstock & Da�is 1ay ouk some plans ai drainage and with l�fr. Nia,:..y get together wlth the developer and get h�s agreemenG to whatever is neaessary to handle the situation. LICEPiSGS Councilman SJolke moved that the followzng l�censes Ue approved, GAS FITTI�;G AiQoka Heatina & F lumb9,ng Co. �ierr's Company G�NERAL CANrRACTING L'onald R. Anderson DeLong Lumbex Company Truman Gunderson Charles N. Scl�oloich HEATING .Tohn G. tlerr Fred VogG & Company MASONRI' Park Cement Company PLUPIBTNG D. W. Hickey & Company W�bL DRILLER'S Pumarlo SQell Company 'L2�9 C. y�ain .;t., Anelca 9451 Glestcr❑ F.venuc, Czrcle Pznes 6201 Rainbow Drive, Pridley 436Q Lyndale Avenue North 400 OsUorne Rosd, rcidAey 2501 Si�eridan �lvenue Nortlx 9451 k'estern Avenue, Circle Yines 6530 SJest Lake Streat, t°ipls 13�9 - 66th Avenue N�, Frictley ]341 Uniyersity Avenue, 5 .Paul t 5223 Lyndale Avenue �.TOrth, Minneapolis Motion seconded Uy Sohanson and upon being puc to a votc carried unanimously. CLAIMS �� Councilman Sohanson mwed approval of the Niunicipal Liqixor Claims 1,244 through 1,2b3� Motion seconded by Wolke and upon 7�eing pnt to a vote carried unanimouslq, Couxccilman JoLzanson moved approval oi Public Utility Claims 672 through 684. I4otion seconded Uy Sheridan and upon being put to a vote carried nnanimously. Councilrnan �heridan :noved approval of P� gular Claims 2�099 through 2y155. Motion secondec3 Uy ?vabe� and upon Ueing put ta a vote carried ixnanimously CqIsSTDCK & llk�I9 Iatei Improvement Pro,7ect rF 23 $ 31�to00 Sewer � tiJaCer Improvmcnt Pro�ect 1k21 $ l0,ioo,4l Councilman Nagel moved that Clainvs from Comstock & Davis, Inc., be appxoved in the amount oi $10,414.41. Motion seconded by ,7ohanson and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously, ADJUUP.MPNT Caunrilman Sheridan mwed that Che meeting be ad�ourned this 24th day of Sc:ptemoer, 175J at 12t45 o'ciocic P.Ni. Nlotion carried unanimously. t�TT� ST : c��i�•�... C-'��iu��oLU CITY CLLRI; - Marvin C. Brunsell ' � �