11/12/1959 - 00024294. ;,, � 2EGUil�.P Niti°TZtdG OF '�fir C1�Y COUNCIL � NGVFP�`n'TR 12, 1959 Re�ular neeting af tlxe City Council, C�Yy of F'ridley, was called to order by �aqor LaGrange at 7:36 o'clock P„T2. I�Iembers Present: Mayor LaGrange, Gouncilman Wolke, Sheradan, Nage1 and Johanson. 14embers F�seat: None. tiPPP.GVAL CF iKIiVUTES Niinutes of t11� dctoUer 29tn, 19S9y meeting were read, Councilman Wolke quest�aned tlie minutes relatrae Co the Re-Assessment IIearing on S.S, Pro�ect ik �o-j Lie felt thar the minutes did not reveal a true picture of the Hearing. Council.man n'agel moved to acc�pt Che minutes as read, riotion seconded by Sheridan and upon be�ng put to a vote, carried unanimonslq. riinutes of November Sth, 1959 meeting were read, Conncilman Wo1ke moved to accept the minutes as read, c4otion seconded by Councilman Nagel, and npon heing put to a vote, carzied unanxmously. INSTAI.LATION QF NATORAL GA5 IN LIQUOR STORE ;f 2 Mr, Bill Sandin, Plumbing and I;eating I spector, appeared before the Council requesting the insCallation of natural gas in Che Lic�tlar Store �k 2, LocaCed at 37th and Marshall, alsa, he indicaUed tihe need of a�1ood light. A£ier considerable discnsszon, Caugcilman Wolke moved directing the City Manager and Plnmbing and IIeating Tnspector to obtain natural gas in Liquor Store Ik 2� Councilman Sheridan seconded Che motion, and upon being put to a vote caxried unanimonsly. Gouncilman Sher�.dan noved that L-he City Managex and Liquor Store Manager be authorized to proceed wLth the installation of a flood light at Liquor Store if 2, �ouncilman GJollce seconded the moCion and upon being put to a vote carried unanimouslq. �� FE P.V�NU� (AP?ROXIMAT�LY). PROPOSED SY LE� AND LUT 1, AUDITOR'S P�[r. Lee and Mrs, t�ialberg appeared before the council giving detaiis of their reasons for ttieir request wf�etein they wished to build a large offiae building to accomodatie eight offices which would include offices for doCtars and dentLSes, P4r. and A7rs, i,ayd Tobsen, P4rs, Virgil P1u11Lns and Mr, A. F. Mi11er appeared before Cauncil expressing their oppositiion of the like, Mayor LaGrange called hearing to a close. PIIP�LIC H�At�ING TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSGU FINAL PLAT OF INNSBRUCK - 1ST E'.11DITIGI�T� i'. PROPOS�D SUBDIVISION OF LAIQD LYING SOUTH OI' T,H. r 10� AND liAST ('�F ,�OdPISON STREET, Tfi� SANiC BEING PART OF THE SZd 4 OF THE SE�, S�CTION . T- . R-2 . CuVfJ PART OR THE NId,. OF THE NE�_ S�CTION 25_ T-30 Councilman Wo1ke rnoved approval cf the �lat as isy providing tz���.���ier, rhai: rio cE!-tir=ca�.e c;. oceupaacy be ysaue3 Eor a�1y building o� an� 3e�a11?n� structure locate3 oc. any lot �a the plat xintil SanLtarv 3ewer facilities anc� �oater servicas are provided to such dwe_ling; eithcr as a pa��t Ji '_'hc -z�nicipal svsCe�i o� 1T;r p=:.�a�c; ±�s�.,1:.a�_o_i o= �'_'��� 3ystem is nai yet comp�eted a suific.�er!L s.�i� o£ money sleali �e deposited ,r�t;z t}e �icy as �ecu=ity for che �iis�ali�atzo� c� ��ch faciiiCiev, � � � 1 � � � � Councilman Sohanson seconded the motion and upon be_ng put to a vo�e caxried unanimously, SECOND RBADING OF OKDINANCE REZONTNG FROI�i F-2 TO Ni�-1, LOTu 1 TRRGUGI� 10, BLOCK 26, HYUE PARK LC3CATED AT 58th AVENUL �u�I`il LmIIVERSITY t1VG[�LIE � REQUESTED BY CY ROSHIEN Councilman Sheridan moved that the above be tal�lecl uatL1 furthex inforrnation is available as to the use of the propextp. Councilman ivdgel seconded tha motion and ugon being put fio a vote carxied unanimously, MEETING WITH BUILDING STANDARDS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN � V1iRN BANDEL rfayor LaGrange tabled L'he above until tlze nexfi regular Council r.ieeLing. NIEETING WITH REPRESENTATIVE pF LYNDALE �UILDL:RS - 4TH ADDITION Pir. ftarvey B. Ratner, Secretary to the Lpndale Buiiders zppeared before tne council. After a brief discussion, Councilman Sheridan moved tt�at hearing Ue set for December lOth, 1959 on Street Impravements in Lyndale f3uxlders - 4tti Addition, .Tohanson seconded the motLOn and upon being put to a voke carried unanimousl�-. RESOLUTTON ACCEPTING PLANS ON T. H. 3k 56 SUSPQITTED BY fIIGHWAY DEPt1RTM6NT h1r. McFadden of the Minnesota Highway Department was present; The following resolution was read by Maruin Bxunsell, Acting City P�anager: RESOLUTEON N0. ?08 �- 1959 A R�SOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS ON TP�UNK "rIIGiIWAY �k 56 Councilman Sohanson moved that the foregoing xesolution be adopted, and direc�.ed tfie City Manager to Parward a letter a1on� with t�xe xesolution to the Hyghway Department requesting cross-overs in Lhe uiciniC;= ai G7�h and 73sd, Councilman Sheridan secodded the mofii,on, and upon bexng put to a vote carried with Councilman Nagel abstaining. Council requested that the City Manager and ➢irect�x of Public Sdorks to check with all property oc,me�s ar.d land owners relativc to future expansion; check on the number of people going nort[i on I�laim SCreet using �he new �igh-- way; check with Franklin Nanufacturing Company on narTh side af- Main 5treet to determine what their plans are and what their personnel will Ue; ci�eck caith Fire-DepaYtment, Police Department, etc., also, with Scheol Dzstrict # 14 to see what use they would make ot tl e Uridgc over ftighcras= ;! 1L�G at Main Street. ,- PLANNiNG `:O1�IhIISSIGN MEi;TING - OCTOBER 27, i95) !tE"/.�JTViD�u CP "1`1t�C �� CAt�`s.G ��ARin Mr. Kirchman addressed the Cou^cit xelati�:c to the rezoniaU a portzoz; ef the 7. W, Craig Farm consisting uf �S.r,l acres from R-2 and iK-1 �o C-25 and M�-1, situatied east of the East P.iver �ca� snd west of t[ze Great NnrCk;�xn Razlroad, lying between 79th Avenue on the north and 77th E�vexiue on the sauth in the SZ of Sectian 3. �� a �. Councilman Johaiisan moved chut 'z�a�:ing on the ahove described be set for December 10, 195S. Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon Ueang p�t to a vot� carried unanunQUSly, PS:CP�IVT SUT�IDipPTS W OL'LEYdD�R VS, CITY OF FRIDLEY Mr. Rrunse=l informed the Conncil that a sumnons was rec-�trr�d by the City of �ridley for $25,DD� damage suit, He slso indicated that copies had been � forwarded tc the City �,ttorney and City's Insurance Company of the summons. PtiTCEIVE PARrS L.;nID PLAYGROUNDS CGPINIITTEE I�PORT - OCTOBER ly, 1959 The minutes of the above Committee Meetino were read, Council requester� that the �'lannzng Comnission make a survey of all the vacant land €or a central park locaCion and also check to see if there is znougl? acreage in one unit and repart back to t he Coun�il of their findLngs„ The next item brough� up was the acquisition of ten (]0) lots zn Plyniouth Addztion for park nurposes, Mr, Kohlan advised the Coixncil that Citle on fout lots caere not clear and ixe was in the process of checking into the matterw Cauncilman Wolke moved directiing Chat Che Citq Manager and City �ttiorney to proceed with Che acquisition of six of th� lots, and the �ttqrney to proceed with the acquiring clear title on the remaining four lots, Cauncilman Naael seconded the notion and upon being put to a pote carried ananimously. CiCCPPTANCB 6F L�ASE PR6POSFD BY MIDLAN� r,00PE12ATIVE3, ITdG, TO COV�A TRACT � OF LP.DD WliiCii THL' CTTY DESIR�S TO LEE�S� FC�P. P�ECP.�ATIONAL PURYOSES Counc�lman Sheridan moved thaC tlze proper officials sign lease with Midland Cooperataves, Inc., for tract of land caherein the City wishes to lease for recreatic�aal purposes, MoCion seconded by Wolke and npon being put to a wte carried unanimonsly. C4RP�ESYOAID�NC� RECEIVED - AESIGNATION Mr, Brunsell read letter of resignation of Mrs, Eve Holmes, Secretary to City Council, to be efiecCive, November 12th, 195y. MUNICIPAL COURT Nir, P,runsell r�ad 1eCeer from Mr. 6'Flannagan, Clerk of Municipal Court, reauesting more money in the budget for court pnrposes, Mayor LaGrange tabled request eo thz ne�t regnlar council meeting, MINDER ENGINERKING � Mr, Srunsell read letter from Minder i,ngineering Gompany recommending acceptance of 6v & S 1in�s in Craigway - 1sC Addition wherein said letter was dated Octaber 7, Z959. Councii directed that the Director of Public Ldorks to contaqt Sdinder Gngineering and request him to resubmit ].etCer on the accaptance of W& S lines in Craig Way - lst Addition. LICENST;S � � � Councilmaz� :Iolke moved the approva7, o£ tk�e �ollawzng 3icenses: �;,ECTKICAI, �lectric Repaiz & Construct�on Company 424 N, Wasliington Avenue R. C. Plant 4520 G=rfied A�enue Rich£ield Sdina Electrie_�exvice 2912 i�lest 42n1 Street Spenaer i,lectric Company 3017 Lyndale Avenue South EriCAVGTORS Carl Bo],ander & Sons Compazty Tromhley Company GAS PIPING Burn-O-Maki.c Industrial Gas Company GENliRAL Bur[on Anderson H& X Canstx, Ca., Inc., Sames L, Haxlan Chris Jensen Company ia'arren F. Drtenhlad, Inc. Van Sri Investment Company I3E2.TING C. 0. CaYlson Heating Company M�11 City Heating & Air Cond, �IP.SONRY Ben G. .9mundsan Casperson �k �on Nygard Brothers GI & A Constr, Company Le�ois Yunker �T �,g�kI1VG W, E. Nelson STucco Company STGNS Nordquzst Sign Comp�.ny, Inc. schubert .iign Company 2933 Pleasant Fy�enue South (�sseo r NSinrzesota 206 North lst Street 7521 41st tivenue North 1.917 Emersan F,venue PdorCh 10131 Foley Boulevard 1385 Selby Avenue S�q ?aul 2222 Ld;e}�oad f.venue 3721 SOth Avenue Vorth 1627 �dashingten A�renue Ncrth 13005 Caunty Read 6 4251 Qu�.ncy 5�. N.�. 1212 S.E. Sth Street 7402 Gxford Street 6349 Portland t;venue 4617 Zane F,venuu �iortlx 1025 i�lest Broadciuy 312 L�est Lake �Treet 53.2 :iverview Road Mot�,on seCOnded Uy .Tohansan and upon heing put to a va[e carx�ed unanimously. CLAIMS Councilman Johanson moved approv2l of Comstock r� Davis clai� in the amo��t caf $],397,27, proaect ir` 22�A; $1,64D.38a Pro�ect �f 21-.�., and $914.13, $914.13, Motion seconded 6y Wolke and upon beLng put to a vote carxzed unanimously, Councilman Sohanson moved apprnya� ai claa.m in the amount ai $4]„�735.34 to Sandstrom & Iiafner for Pro�eck 4� 22-P and in the anounc of $40,2�6.34 far Pro,7ect �r` 21�A, Motion secon3ed by idolke and upon heing pct to a vote carried unanimously, Council.man Sheridan moved approval of claim to Fent;osici & Clolmes, in che axnaunC of $27,746.09 for Pro�ect ik 21-B. P�Iation secc�nded Up Johan�ott and upan neing put to a vote carried unanimausly, �� { �' d v' � . '.� Councilman .Foi�ansoa moved approval of Liquor Fund Claims Z,3CF5 thrcr!izh 1,353. Matia.z seconded �y Eheridan an� upon beingput to a vote carried unanimousiy� Conncil,-�aa "�lke move3 apnroval of nuUlic Utility Claims 725 throngh 73^0. Motion seconded by t��gel and upon being put to � vote carried unanimously. Gouncilman ��age1 moved approval of Regular Fund Claims 2,281 Chrough , 2,�6i. Motion s�conded by 67o1ke and upan Ueingput to a vote caxried unanimously. lU�t173ER BUSI2v'�P.SS LIQUOR STORE PLANS Cavncil dzrected th� Liquor SCOre Tianager present plans for Liquor SCore ir` 2 at the next regular m�eting, CART.SOiV's PARRVTIi6^I b1ANOR UIEiTEP. ADID SErJER` T1r. Kirchman reported to the Council ttrat there has been trouble with clugged sewer lines that haa hean gut in years back in_Carlson's Parkview Manor n,ddztyon, IIe andicated that these lines were inspected by Mlnder Engineerin�, Counci2man [lolke moved thae tile City give written five (5) day notice to the Contractor and :nglneer in charge of Sewer �- TdaCer ProJect _on Pierce Streat of t�E defects in the sewet 1i�.as and notzfy them ttiat the stoppage is const�tuttng a health fiazare and ther�iure, the ciYy demands immediate cor±-ective measu-res to Se marle; and on tailure of t'�e engineer and con- ' tractor to act tne czty Proceed to correct the defects, i�iotion seconded 'uy id4�ge1 aad upon l�ein� put to a vote carried unanimously, �AS�I�Gi[dT RE� ST CRUPS ST, PAUL 67AT�R WORIZ5 � Counczlman �ohansen rnoved that Clie City request a generul easement from tt�e S�. :au1 ea7aCer worlcs to cross thelr water line on the norCh side of GsSarne Road, r"atio- secanded by Sheridan and upon being put to a voCe carricd unan?_mously� . AD.� � fF�? P11�� NT Caunciiman Stzeridan L_oved that vneatzng be ad,7ourned Chis 12Ch day of tlovember, 1959, at 12:25 o'clock P.t✓i. P'fotion carried, AT?�ST: - 1 � � ,(/n G;_iY C'I�ERi� - r�ar.rin C. Brunsell