12/10/1959 - 00024285� � R � n DECP^.M13ER IOTH 1959 COUNCIL MiNUTES A regular meeting of tne Cxty Council, Ca.�p oi Fxidley was call�d io ordex by piayor LaGrange at %:90 o°clocic P,M, Members Present: Mayox LaGrange, Councxlmen Wolke, Johanson and Nagel, Members Absent: Councilman Sheridan� AYPROVAL OF MTNUTES Matioc� by ,Tohanson to corxect the minutes o£ Novemtaer 12, �959 in reference ta the final plat of Znnsbruck Addit�.on. The woxds "'no 'no building pernits to be issued for construction on the bt in the plat and" shaJ] be delz�ted. A1so, the cvords "in the plat" stxall be added laetween "lok" znd "unzil". Mokion seconded by Wolke, upon a voice vote, thare 6e�ng no nays, rAayox LaGrange declared the motion carried. Motion by Nagel, seconded by Johanson to approve the minutes o£ t[xe Novenbar 12, J.959 meeting. [7pon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motian carr�ed unattimously. Motion by Johanson, seconded by Nagel to approve tne minutes ol tQoveznl�er 24, 1959 mee�ing, There being no nays, ti�e mot�on carried unanimous]y. CONSTDERATION OF ORDINANCE REZONING I.dTS 7- 1, SLOCK i'8, HPDE PARK Councilman Wolk� moved that the Ordinance not he read aor the second and final tzme and the change in zoning be denied. Motiai seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, che mot�on was declered carried. MEETING WITH VERN BHNDP.L OF SUILDING ST[aIQD6P�U5 COMP:ITT[;E Nir. Bandel stated lze wished to withdraw the Build�ng St,andards Commii;tee's original request that the Euilding I speciion ilepartmecit iceep all fees collected, There was a discussion on tK�e mat[er af a1Low�ng han�c osmers to do their own work in connecting to the munic�pai wac�� and sewer system, Th�° engLneez and Mr, Bandel cited a case in whicp a honnt ocaner had conneeted his cwn water and sewer and had damaged a gas pipe. T1ie [�1a�ager was directed ko meet with the Building Standazds Cormn�ttee cancerning thLa pxoblem. RESOLIITION TRANSF`ERRING FUNUS TO MUTJICIPAL CODP.T A resolution transferring money to the ilunicipal Court was read, RESOLUTIODT td0, 1G9 � 1;SS A RESOLUTION TP�AiQSFERRING MODT�Y TC THr NIIINTCTPLiL COURTS PROTECTIV� INSPECTION, SANITATiGN AiVD F]E.STE P.E'sPiOVAI,, LLECTLONS AICD VdTN:R RBGISTRATl(}c; Motion by ,Tohanson, seconded by 'vlolke Lo approve Llzis a-esolution. Jpan a � voice vote, there being no nays, Nlayo� I�aGxange declared the resolutiotx passed unanimously. VTSITORS Robert Pearson, 67b1 Madison Skreek, was preser.t anci iixquixe�i abouC the matter af advertising �or Uids on ihe city's tinsurance, Mayar LaGrange mo�%eci to appoint F:obext Pearson to the 1NSUranr_e Co�mi,ttee, secooded by Na�el, upon a voice vote, the motinn carried us�animously. �� Mr, Carp of 7ronten 5treet inqu*_red about cahat caas being done concerning tlie grobalm oP several houses being located on tha right-of�way of ironton Street, The Planagzr informed them rhat the Planning Commission had taken this r�atter up at tnei'r December Sth, meeting and their xeco;nmendatLnns caouid ba Urought before the Council at the next Council meeting. t�tx. Bu3 SmatYe was present and stated he was handling a real-estaCe transaction for the prouerty at 3737 EasY River Road and indicated that this propert� had no ingress or �gress to the EasC River Road. There was liscussian regard;.ng tlzis matter, Conncilman Nagel moved that the City T�anager be authorized and direceed to negotiate with the owners af tFte praperty over cah,ich tlzis road would pass or proceed with con- demna�ion for land for the road at 3F3Ch Avenne, and i£ the land is condemned, Che cost sha11 be assessed against the benefited property. Nlotion seconded by Giolke, upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously, NE�,� 3USII�Tu'SS PUBLIC ;iEARING ON 5'i'REL;T IPIPROVEMENTS - LYNDAI.E BULLllERS FOURTH AllDITION 3arvey Ratner of Lyndale Builders was present and e�cplained the �ed for some 3efiniCe indication frorc the Council that these improvements would go inw 'Shere was no ob�ections to the praposed �mprovement, Che Hearing caas called to a close at &:30 o'clack P„M. PUPLiC HEARING ON REZONIr'G OF Pt,RT OP S� Ta�. CRAIG PARM Harrq I:irchman staCed that th.: Planning Commission had recommended approval of this rezoning. �Ir. Pnu1 Segner, Planning Commission Chairman, stated thdt no ane apgeared against tLz�u ma*ter at two public hearings of the PlannLng Commissior�. Mr. and Mrs. [�yhill were present. P[rs, Nyhill stated that she would like to go an record as being against this rezoning if any ob�ectionable businesses were to do zn tihe area, If there were no ob�ectionable Uusinesses Co ga in, she would not be against it. Hearing closefl at 9.00 o'clock P.M. PIRST P�EF�DING OI' ORDIDiANCE - REZONIIVG LOT FRONiFt-3 TO C-2S LOCATED ON TAE EAST SID� SITY AVENUE, NORTH � TkIE �XTENDRP LINE 0_r+ 63RD AVEbTi7� - 1tEQLTEST IiY LEE AND P7ALBliP,G Tlae nroposed ordinance on Che r�zaning was read, dP.DI?TlLTTCC t.tV ORDINANCE TO ALy'ND TE7� 'LC��II�rr ,:3RDINANCE Qg THC CITY dI' FRIDLEY, MIL�T[VESOTF. BY ISAIZING A GIiANGE IN THE .CONIIVG �7ISTRZCTS. (REQUEST BY LEE l9VD MALBERG) RLZGNITIG LOT 1, ALTDITOP�'S SUBDZViSI�JN ;r` 59, L'ounc+_Zman .fohanson moved the acceptance af the £irst reading of the =oiegoing 0-rdinance, �.�iotion seconded by Nagel. U��on a voice vote, Chere Ueing no nays, the motion was declared to be carried unaninously, L;P_°RO�TAL OF U'UILDING PE�S�fITS FOR STF3�IDALtD OIL Councilman Wolke mo�3ed acceptance oE the plans for the Slandard Oil Service StaCion and perm�ts be approved sub,7ect to its compliance sviCh all rules and regula�ians u� the City. I�:otion seconded by Johanson, Upan a voice vote, Chere being no nays, the motion was declared to be carried, � � � � � �� � ��� A R�SCLiI'Pir�nT n�rtrr;i�+i;, iHF.' SPS.� G: Tc�`1��31L°.;f- �^1't,u'J� G�+t�' '���y=�= F ie �� ° � WATER PROJECT IF 16 � - ---- — - - --- - -- - - - � - - - _ The following resolution was read: nL'SOLU'rl���d N0. ?S� - 195�� A RESOLII'i'ION DIP.ECTING THE S�.LE OF T!i1�nGRl1S2S' TT✓�R�VI'sT4ENm BONDS IV ACCORDAPdCF. �dITFI LA6�IS OF 1957, CHPATER 385, FOR SE[JER P.�'Vll tIA�_E�t =P��3+sCT �k 16 Councilman Wolke moued that the foregoing xesolution Ue adopted, netio❑ secondzd by Nagel. IIpon a voice vote, th�z_� b��n, nc ��ays, ��e notian was declaxed carraed unanzmously. P.li30;,EiTiJT� 7I;-.�:;^;fT= =��, SE47Ei� AND FJATESR PROJ�CT The following resaiut�on was xead: RESOLUTION IvO, ill - i957 �NTi B�JN�S r�,�i; A RESOLUTIGN DIAECTING THE �SSU�tiCit OF TEMPQRr',RY IMPkOVT3TiGNT I3�NL'S FOR SEWi,R 1�.ISU i7�:'L'Ei. PRG,FEC7' �F 1& Cauncllman ��iag�LA �a�v��t c^s�� tha Y��r�, , a �-e��l�az�_az be adopted. Ptotzcn seconded by Soi�anson. Upo❑ a vozc� ��o�v, there Ueing no nays, �he motion was dealared carried unanimously. Ri:SOLUTION t�UTfI6RIZING DISPATCH AND U^uE Cr 7'IPE D',:P?RTNi�PiT ECLiIPP4EIdT The £ollowing resolut�on was read: RESOLliTION iVC. 112� 1955 � RESOLUTION AATHORIZIN(: DISPATC�I l��ID IIS� OF FIRE D�PAR'IT1ErI'i' H�UTYi�NT Cour.cilman Na�cl moved that tae £oregoing xesolutLOn �e adcptec;. �totzon seconded t�y ido]ke. Upan a voice voCe, there b��ng ao nays, th+� noti,�» �aas declared csrr�.ed unaninously. Councilman W�llce left the meetxng. RESOLUT7ON AUTHOt�CZING 2'7i� RENTt�L, USB AND I�IAINTENA�ICE OF SL�S'ETY �L�GSIT SOX `— -- - - The following rESOlution caas read: SOLUTL���; rTC. 31 � - h959 A RESOLIITIUl ::UT110!?i.<,7��iG TH� RLDP£'LLL, US� A1Vli t�Lb��'ED�.�PICE OF SAFETY DEPOuIT BOX IN T'�IE IVtS��fE 61 TY�3 CITY' QP FAZDLEY � Conncilman Johar�son moved that the forzgoing resolution be adogt_� ^a read, iiotion seconded by Nagel. Upon a vo�ce vate, th�re fiu�-�g no , a�=s, the raotian was decla�ed carried unan�mousl�. COIv'SIDERATION OF PLA.4T5 TGP LZOUOR S1^ORL �` 2 Merle Pierce,,l_iquor Star� Manager, tivas presen� and presented �rac,rizg� o,` <<�e Gn-Salc F.ddition to Liquor Store �r 2. '�r Tom P.herit, representaC�vU cI Puu�:le :;o�ip����T c���ch supplies fixtares and bar eguigment was preser�t and explained the drawir�gs. Iie indicated tbat a ro,�gh esu�imate of the cosr of such iixtures and equipment would he arou_�d �?5,0�0�00, 'Phe Citq �4anager was d�rected to look for space for a Linuor Store ia the afiice Uuilding on Lot 1, �uclitorys Subdivision 9( 59, and also, otlier spaces in thi° v�.cinit3, C�PdSIDERf 1IGi�? OF AMF,nTn;;n I'IRZ AGP.SEI�PdT WITf? THE VILL�SG� GF IIIL�Tf�P , Pohert �Iuahes explain�:ri the letCer that the Jillage o� I3i11tiop had submitted to �ae Ccunc�l of the C=ty of PrLdleq :n regard to the amount *Lat slxcule be charged �ar t��c sCandby fee. Covzciliaan .�olzcason moved that the �tand-by fee for 196� be set at $300.1�U as �h� Vii2age ef :iilltcp izad requested in thei: lacter. Motion seconded �y nSage^1. Flpaz� a v�3c° v�t�, ti�a_a h�_:,� nn ,icx�,,, =�� �iution was de- ciared car-�c� u�anirnousl�. ➢iliTU.�� AI� FIP.L ?.�Jr,;,'��^-lifd`1' �JIi� 'I`Hi; VILLAGE GP� BRQOTCLYN PLSP1� t�obert --1��g!ges, FirE C'?ief, staL-ed *_hat the Village of Eraaklyn Park wauld like io etzC2r into a mutuai aid iir; a;'_eentirai:, ��unc�l=,an N�gel mo��ed the autlzorrzat�an of the e�ecueion of a mntnal aid agreement for fire protection between the City of Fridley and the ;r�iiaac �?f- Erooklyn �arle. P4otion seconded by 3ohanson, Upon a voice vote, there being no nay�, tizc matsonc,ns d�clared to be carried unanimaasly. � C�niSII)EP�TIGbI OP PLANS PT�D SPECI£ZCIATIONS POR TWO-wAY :�ADIO`S, 8.�5� S'L"iT�O��I tiPT�� Mlii�rZ';.'C7S2.S � The-re was con�ider:�ble liscussion concerning the �pecificatians af ttse a�ove. ±he i�ianager sugv2sted t4at N`r, 1lallnero, P4r. Hughes, rir„ Tkech ,�,zc� tf�iasclf m�et befo*e the ne:ct Council meeting and gc over the sueciilc�L-lons, Co��zc7_l:n�n t�Iage3 mo•;ad tha*� th� abcve s2secifications be eabled until the n�:�t meet�ag, Motiari secondad bq ��hanson� Upon a voice vote, there L-��i�z; no a2a�s, n�otinz declared carried unanimously. CJNS�D1:k,.TI0�1 OP SPECL[?L �SSPSSMGNTS 0'r' VisRIOUS LuTS ID: MrRIOtd The attorney s*ated tl�zt �ic actiou saa� nacessary on tihis matter at the �^C',SaTy'� il,n,2. C;CDiSID�P�ATICN OF rRC.3l�TQGr :,F PRGPliR'�Y 1dITi3 SCHOOL DIS'Li;ICT This matter aus tsbled with no action takeu. 1 SPS.r �1 TA`:_ �O.F�.I'�'E:� PROP�P.T� - LOT 7, BIA7CR AF, F.IVERVIEG7 IiL'IGI�TS 1�rrDl'I'ZGri Counc�l,aare �ohanson mov�d the approvai of the sale of Lot 7i Block t�A, Riverview I?eights at ths county's next tax forfeit sale and authorized the s�gn�ng or �'or� 44p _ p„ Motion seconded by Nagel. IIpon a voice vo*_e, ttrere being na nays, tlie motion wa:, declared carr?_ed unanimonsly. PLANNING CONR�IISSION MEETI:v'G ^ NUVENSBEP. 10 ADiD VOV�i�t��� ?`., 1959 I9r, Iz�rchmaa explained the minu[es of the Piann�_ng �ammi.=sior�. Tnz £irst item was the proposed prelim�naxy plat of Charlea &. JoGnsan, Council,man Nagel moved the acceptance oi thtis plat as t.he prel�minaxg pia� of Charles R. Johnson. t4otion seconded by .�ohanson. Upon a voice vo�e, thare being no nays, the motion was declared carr�.ed unan�mousiy. � Next, was thz item of Preliminary Plat ar Lynda]e �uilders - Sta �ddit�on. 1�'iotion Sy Johanson Lhak this be accepted as the prelxminary plat of Lycedale Bui7.ders , Sth Addition, N'iotion seconded by Nagel, upon a vo��c unte, thare being no nays, the motion was declared passed unaninwusly. ' � Rezoning of Lots 6- 11, inclusive, I3lacic 1�, FrLdley :arl: tlddAtion £rom R-1 to R-2, request by llonald R. Paelow, CounciAman Nagel moved that the Public Hearing before the Councxl on th�s matCar be se[ for the next available meeting, Motion seconded lay Johanson, lipon a voi.ce vote, thexe being no nay�, the motion was declared carricd unanivnously. Relocation ot utilities along Ilighway ik 1d0. P1r. Paul Segner, Chairman of ihe Planning Commission, stated tl�ak the Planning Cemm�ss�on hac� racommended to let its own contract and use l�s own Consulking F.ngineers for this pro,7ect. Councilman Johanson moved that the Ciky Nanager inform kixe State �ILgnway Department that the City would like to let its own contract and use its own Consulting EngLneers in the matter of �elocatting the uti]�ties in the vicinity of Highway �� lOQ and be reinbursed b�* tite Sta�e Itighway Department, Motion seconded by Nagel. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion was declared carried unaxiimausly, COI�IMISSION �1EETING GF NOVEI�,BER 24, 1959 Nir. Kirchman explained the problems involved, princlpally concerninq access in the Haxvey Peterson Development Company Flat south of the presenk NIarian Hills. No action was taken on this ma[ter, The next i�em of the Planniz�g Commission meeting wae fihe discuvsion of the east and west roads through Fridley. The lingineez explaLned the possihie routes for east and west streets. The Engineer was directed to report back �iy the 15th oF .lanuary s:ith any of his own changes or correckxons in the routes he had outJ.ineu on the n:ap , Counci7man Nagel moved appzoval of this nlan as a tentaCive p1ar, fcr east and westtraffic for Fridley and that an� Bu�ldang Permits should be "red- tagged'°� wherever buildLng cvnstruction would interfer witt� this plan. Motion seconded by Joh�nson, Upon a voice vote, the�e being no nays, the motinn was declared carried unanimously, APPRUVAL OF LICENSES Councilman Nagel moved the approval of the following listed 3zcenses ELECTkLCAL Valley Electr�.c Company, Inc, EXCAVATING Chies Brothers Contractors Northern Excavating, Inc. 2411 Toledo Avenue IVortli 402Q Tyler SXreet N�: 4046 Oregon F.venue North �,i� '-1� ,`-Ti �� GAS FITTING idilliam C rlson Plumbing Co�,any Stanely 1dielsen GENERAL CONTRAC117RS Barac Construction Company Bergstrom Const, Company Laurenda L. Cotter iIEATZNG HArrq S, Horwitz & Co.Inc. Zahler Plumbing Company PLUMBING Ilarry S. Iiorwitz & Co.Inc. WL^:LL D2ILLIb3G William Stiel S�RVICE STATION Calvin Cain CAFE c.arl Knox 2400 lOth Avenue,South 2916 E 38th StreeC 889 East Maryland Ave. 6332 L�keland Ave N 2409 Chicago Av_e South 1411 llth r^,ve South 5211 France Avenue North 1411 - lleh Avenue South 53 Circle Drive, Circle Pines 5311 University Avenue NE 6457 Eas� River Road NIotion seconded by Johanson. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Yhe motion carried unaninously, APPRGV&L OI' CLAIP4S Councilman Johanson moved the approval of Liquor Stare Claims 1,394 through 2,340. i?oCion seconded by i�Tagel. Upon a voice v$te, there being no nays, the motaon was declared carried unanimously, Councilman Sohanson moved the approv�� of Regular Fund Claims 2,216 through 2,255. P4o�ion seconded by Nagel. There being no nays, the motion was declared to be passed unanimously. Councilman Nagel moved the approval of Pnblic IItility Claims 737 through 767, Motion seconded by Johanson, There being no nays, the motion was declared to be passed unanimously, Counc�_l:nan Sohanson mov�d the approval of the following claims; Comstock & DAv�.s, Inc, Improvement P�:o�ect No,21 - A $ 472.65 Improvement Pro;ect No.21 - B $ 1y089.00 Itnprovement Pro�ect No.22 - A $ 1,133.25 Improvement Pro�ect No.22 - C S 408.45 C. S, nicCrossan, Inc. Improvement Pro,7ect No, 1959 - 1 $ 22,300,08 Sandstrom & FIafner, Inc,SJ & S c4 S.S. Pro�ect �F 22 - A $ 10,805�16 1 � � PQter Lametti Co�ist, L'ompany - S& id and 5.5, Pro�ect �F 22-C $ 25,4G�.48 Benkoski & Holmes Sdndstrom & Hafner, Inc. ' Comstock & D"vis Imprvvement Pro�ect �� 21-�B " " 22-C �� �� z2-� �, ,. zi-a � 0 � [7 3'ro�ect �,` 21 - 5 S 21,SS7.37 S£� b� Yro�ac: If 21 - C, $ 2II,423.47 $ 46�F.55 i oz�,aa s�;.00 7.ii:LO Motion seconded 6y Nagel, Upon a voice vote, there bezzzg no nays, motion declared passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDERS FOR IPTPRGVEifE�vT PROSECTS Councilman Nagel moved the approval of Change rrder 1� 1 fnx Tmprouement nro- �er_t ;� 21, Change Order ;k ? for Improvement Pro3ect ,"r 27„ Change Order 4� 1- for Improvement Pro�ect �k 22, "rlai.ion seconded by �o�aa;o,, IIpon a va�ce vote, tnere Ueing no naya, the motion wa� aeclared to cz pass4d unan�maassy. Councilman Nagel moved approval of two claims ror the City Attoxney, 2•Ir. Andrew :.ol�lar,, in tlxe amount of $654.OU. Motior: seconded 1ay Sohansaaa. UYon a vo�ce vute, there baing no nays, t;�� =�otion was dzctar��d �assed uasn- �ously, CHANGB OF CCUtdCIL MELTING DATE Councilman Nagel moved thak tfie date fox the next Council meetin; �e set £or December 21, 1959. Motzon seconded bp Johansan. Upozt a vo�ce votz, there being no nays, ihe motion was declared �assed unan�mously. APPOTNTL�IQT OF DICI: DUIdLIN AS P[�RK DIRECTCR The rianager recommended the appointment af Dicic llonl�n as Park Director, Motion by Nagel Co confirm the ap�ointmecxt ai ��tr. �onlin as iarl.; D�xn�to � ?Iotian seconded by Johanson, IIYon a vaice vote, L'here beino nn nays, GFae motion was declared passed unanimously, Counc�lman t�agal u�;te�� a'�tut the DecemUzr 2nd, 145'7 n�eeting that Che Czty of biinneapolis held on the water situatien, Comstock s[ate� ::t;au� lie ]xad nothLng definike to report on this. All.TOiJ�tNP4GLT Councilman vagel movec: �o ad,7ourn this 1Qth ]ay oi llecemUer, 1S'S�, at 11:50 o� clack �,M. P4otion car: ied ::�Hni.�»us lp. � �� � CR � Hran?: C. LaGr e, ,7r ° PT'1'd S T`! <��.t.�.<.v. .f.rn.(id�Q� CT CLERP. - Marvin C. Brunsell +��