Res 1963-51 43 'J1S:CIUTION NO. .50-1(6 A. ::;SOLUTION DFT T:INTNG INVAIIDITY 07 PTTITION FOR BEFERENDUl R IATIVE TO OTR.DINANC: NO. 920, EiTTITI 7D "UFTiORN SURURP;.N 73ANCr:IS:E FOR '"INNiAPOLIS GAS COPTP-4I'TY". PTi IT R .SOi V , 7y the Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, 11innesota, as follows: SAC. 1: 'hat the petition for a referendum relative to Ordinance No. 230, entitles "Uniform Suburban F anchise for 1 inneapolis Gas Company" was filed e fter- the ordinance was published and became effective, III and not within the time period provided by the Charter of the City of Fridley: and accordingly said petition i.s found invalid and of no effect. SEC. 2: That no further action shall be taken relative to the petition and the ordinance affected. ADOPTED 1 TEL CITY C ITTTCTI OP T77 CITY 07 PRITI EY T IS 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1963. A di(144X/02,__: WAY0i -- Wil1 i J. Nee ATTEET: r C CITY Ci F.:3 _ - I:arvin C. Brunsel.1 Rt,SOLUTION HO. ;1-l963 A 1 SCIUTIONT A TTiCTTZIITG AND DIR- C` IIVG TIFF SPI I:TING OF SPECIAL A SESSI.'ENTS ON I07 5, Fl OCK 2, iNTSFRUC'Y, 1ST ADDITION AND LOTS 11 and 12, MOCK 3, Ii l' SPRUC T' 2ND) ADDITION. III "TI RTP.AS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently hoer subdivided, 1,0", Tu 2E°R- , 77 IT F .SOT V D, as follows: That the assessment levied against the following described Parcels, to-wit: Tot 5, T'1 ock 2, Inns'hruck, 1st A'd'ti on, and Tots 11 and 12, I-lock 3, Innsbruck 2nd Addition, nay and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel Fund Original Amount _ Lot C, Pock 2, Innsbruck Reg. S.A. Fund r 141.57 1st A dition SW-16 1-46.90 SW-29 Certified in full l06O-2 treet 1,712.04 Tot 11 , Block 3, Innsbruck Req. S.A Fund l/3.08 2nd Addi.t'on 511-16 57.54 SW-29 Certified in full 1°60-2 Street 1,712.04 I of 12, Bloc- 3, Innsbruck Reg. S.A. 7und 176.71. 2nd Addn. SW-16 72.47 S?'-29 Certified in full Il 1 60-2 Strut 1_,712.04 DIV S 0?' 07 PA'ZC i AnPROV D Plat of Innsbruck Reg. S.A. Fund 461.36 Subpl at 4 SW-16 276.91 SW-29 Certified in full 1''60-2 Street 5,136.12 ADOPT:3 PY TEL CITY C'''Ui:CIL OF THE CITY \ F ShIDIEY THIS 1ST DAY OF APRII 163. '. 0 -E - - --yuz-9-- TT��vT : r YOB - William Nee �li�nl'. � / ,c; ) CITY C TRK - 1-Tarvin C. runsell CiTY YA.NTAG_;R - Earl P. T.Ta er