Res 1963-55 T?TSOLUTION NO. 53-1063 (contt) 45 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF `THE CITY OF FRT01 EY THIS 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1963. T,AYOR - Withal( . Nee ts\ CITY P ANAL ht• - 'Earl `Hagner CITY C L . - Marvin C. Brunsell ESOLUTION NO. 51-1 63 A RESOLUTION AUTHHOnIZING APP DI:?SCTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAI ASSESSMENTS ON PART 03 LOT o (PARCET 60) AND LOT 3, BLOCK 1, MOORI, LAKE HILIS ADDITION T R AS, certain s°?ecial assessments have been levied with respect to certain land end said land has subsecuently been subdivided, NON, TTE_3.TF CR.; BE IT =_J, O V TJ, as follows: That the assessment levied against the following described parcels, to Twit: Part of Tot 2 (Parcel 60) , and Lot 3, Ploci- 1, Moore Lake Hills Addition, mar and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Ori--ina1 Parcel Fund Original Amount Part of Tot 2 (Parcel 60) Peg. Fund 65.23 Pock 1 , Noore Lake Hills 19'T9 Street 109.20 Tot 3, Block 1, Moore Lake Reg. S.A. Fund 137.08 :Hills Addition 1950 Street 221-.1 3 SF-l6 6 967.73 Di_vis'on of Parcel Anproved Plat of FPacicar Addition Reg. S.A. Fund 202.31 1059 Street 330.33 J-16 967.73 ADOPTI'D FY TYIN' CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY y.1 .FRIDLEY THIS 1ST DAY OF APHTT , MAYOR - i,l i at Nee CITY MA NACT:R - Earl P. J:finer CITY C__e' - ."arvi n C. Frunsel l RiTSO?.UTION NO. 55-1963 A H SOLUTION a1UTII T .. I - TI ^t r, S J ITT m P SIPS _EI A __ _�?L��---0" .��lt 0-�_ �"�" �e: �� DLi-_'C_iITG ____� .:,iT�_�_TL C. S��CIAT: AS.�_ .�5� ..t� Or` BCL S 7350, 7370, AND 7500, SECTION 11. 72-."c, certain spec i.el as:-e;=scents have been levied with r,=spect to certain land and said land Has subsenuent1.T been subdivided, NO", T N77FORT, IT HESEIV:D, as follows: That the assessment levied against the following described parcels, to -wit: Parcels 7350, 7370, and 7500, Sect'on 11, ray and shall be apnortioned and divided as follows: 46 OriFine7 Pqrcel 2Und Original Amount Oricrinal Parcel 7h50. -,ection 14 Reg. S.A. Func 706.63 011-36 869.07 SS-49 16.35 Parcel 7370, Section 1/, Reg. S.A. Fund 569.11 Percel 7500, Section 14 Peg. S.A. Fund Paid in full Divisof Parcel_kaym..ed Plat of Ortenstone Terrace Peg. S.A. Turd 7 ,275.64 S7-36 169.07 SS-4.9 86.35 ADO7m7D PY THE CITY C,n1J7CIT OF TIT CI Tv OF FRIDIEY THIS 1ST DAY 07-r APR TT , 100 . N-_44. _ EAYOR - Wil( ar. J. Nee ) . ATTST: :) /, I (,/ l/('4 1,te- ----- (7TTf YANA0R - Ea Pa P. vagner :FY , E7K - 11arvin . .9runsell EF,SOLUTION NO. 56-100 A r; n'IY.TTION AT:HUZI7TW, ':ND -)I 'CwING pip: S 'ITTTITG OF ST7X.J.JI, ASSrT)ST,iENTS DE -- 1T 07 TOT 4 end /6, (PARCT1 1600) YJDTT0d,'S 71PDTVTSICT NO 77 - -7, 4,P,, certain secial assess ents 1,- -ive been levied with res -ect to III certain land and sed land Thnd has slMsPouently been subdivided, NO Y, O T T l,ii.o. , -- , 10 7),, SOT V.1), PS follows: Mat the assessrent levied aFainst the following described narcel , to-uit: l'' rt of lot 6 1 46 (Parcel 1600) , 1-uditor 's Subdivision fo.77, ray and sl:a71 1,e anportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel Fund Original Amount 7rt on lot 6 P- 46 ,eF• S.A. -Alm'. r:. 69.11 (7.,rcel 1600) 1OT-13 441.06 And tar 's Oubdivisi Lo. 77 oved n Parcel A, r Division of - ...;,.-.,....._,..._-_...-_,,_____. 11at of itus ,",d- -Con Reg. S.A Find 69.37 441 .06 1.30-)7T-72 'Y r'!-T, CI7Y CTECI1 97 7iT7,; c 17- 0 1.773:DT 7,7f TiTIS 107 DAY OF , 1 962. jk. ..- -d)6•■•••■• .) ,■-•+--■-.=..•■■••■■ '..01.12 - ',' 1 i. ,, J. Nee ,"-e/‘-- CITY 1 ANAC-'R - :,arl -7 "apmer .".:(v-?,c.e>fr,6,..Ci!1„...04dtsA,44# C T1_ ,..7 ' K - : arvin C. r,runse]1