Res 1963-68 :'LSOL-LTION NO. 6C-1n63 -, �,O_ T T T .r r,..� , �. . rs __YP .0T„ : TT, A'?TYAT ?TANS, A-0 OTY,'?zNG A y ° `I. ._ NT FOR PTOS. "717,.;= , the resolution of the City Council adopted on the 15th day of -ihr11 , l°• ?, set the aat= f r h-aring on the proposed improve- marts, as snecifcally noted in the n tice of hearing attached hereto Cor reference as =TIT.._,'IT "A", and T"-RAC, all the property owners those property is liable to be assessed with the making of these improvements (as noted in said notice) were given ton (10) days nublished notice of the Council hearing through two ( ') weekly publications of the r,:nuired notice, and the hearing was held and t' e property owners heard thereon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. TIT.=ti TT, IT R TCT VFC , by the Council of the City of J'ri.dl ey, Hinnesota, as follows: 1. That the following improvements heretofore proposed by Council resolution are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonable oossibl e, to-wit: a. All of t'e irr rovements as noted in the notice of hearing on the same as are noted (in Txhibit "A" in said notice) excent (none) : that the work involved in said improvements as listed above shall hereafter be 'esirrnated as: F -7? "' i .'ATITT T"P`'OTT_ ENT P"OJ_'CT NO. 63-1 063 (Pure Air Nursing Home) 2. The nlans and specifications prepared by Co n stock and Davis, Inc. , Consulting :,ngineers, for such impro7 ements and each of then, pursuant to the Council resolutions heretofore ado',ted, a copy of which nlans and sneci fications are h-reto attached and made a part hereof, are here by an-roved and shall he filed with-he City Clerk. 3. The work to be performed under S ITT AND AT I.;PIONNEnNT P?CJTTCT 70. 63 1063 (Pure Air Nursing Home), shall be performed under one contract. The City lan_acrer shall accordingly nr-'nare and cause to be inserted in the official netrsnaner advertisements for bids upon the making of such improvements under such any roved plans and specifications. The advertise- ment shall be published for three (7) weeks (at least o1 days) , and shall specify the work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at 12:00 o 'cl, ck noon, on the 3rd day of June, 1063, in the Council chambers of the City Hall , and that no bids will be considered unless coaled and filed with the City Clerk, and accompanied by a cash derosi t, bid bond, or c-rti_fied check Payable to the City for five per- cent (f''') of the amount of such hid. That the advertisement for bids for SHOP AND I.'ATTa IIdP OVEYENT P'O.7NCT O. 63-1°'63 shall be substan- tially in form as that noted i.n rxhihit "'" attached hereto for re Terence and made a nart hereof. ADOPT PT ' ?i'?, CCHNCIT, n 71T---)T`,Y IT TS 6TH DAY 0'i HAY, 1053. HA td - T?illaa}`r J. Nee .,T777: I ■ CI,Y CI Y - I"arvin L. Pronsel l 57 7--7 IP,I- "A" CITY 0? rPTDTry NOTICE OF TT APING ON 1 ROV T T;NTS 'rT7IT;AS, the City Louncil of the City of '_dl ey, Anoka L'cunty, Iinnesota, has deered it necessary and ex ,edient that the i nrovements hereinafter ,9-scribed be made. NO" T Ln;;71 0TH NOTICE, TS H REPY GIVE;; THAT on the 6th day of May, 1063, at 9:c0 o'clock P. ., the City ouncil will meet at the City Hall in said City, and will at said time and place, hy'ar all parties interested in said improvements in whole or in part. The general natu-e of the improvements in the construction (in the lands and streets noted below) of the following improvements to-wit: UNSTETCT"OA' A. "ater Lot^rat and S rvice Connections and Sanitary 'ewer lateral an :3 rvice Connections located in all of the streets and serving all of the area described as follows: a. Tot 18 kleditor 's Subdivisien No. 78 - Parcel No. 000 b. Tot 1, Block 9, Hayes liver Lots - NJ- Section ''2, T-30 R-24 c. Portion of lot 1 ', huditor 's Subdivisien No. 78 - Parcel 475. d. Tot l 3, auditor's Subdivision No. 78 „ST'f ',-ED COST 10,680.00 that the area -proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: -or Construction Item A, :=hove, All of the land abutting ucon said streets named above and all lands adjacent and abutting thereto. All of -aid land to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such imnrovements. That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improve- ments as separate i_rnrover'ents, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all under the followin7 authority, to-wit: Minnesota Lays 1953, Chanter 308 and laws a-rendator;, thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. -,,"TED TT-TO 1 rTF _)'Y a A7'7i? 10" 3, 7Y 0-D : 07 ,:,; CITY C UNCII OF THE C T TY 07 PR T')T EY. r,YO - William Nee TT F T: °8/-\"4411, CITY CT ZK - Marvin C. Rrunsell ;OLTTTTCN NO. 68 R[TI!-'Ir "TAI' NOTICE TO C TNTEACTOPS Sealed bids will be received, publicly o9er-ed, end considered by the City Council of the Ci Hz of Tr;d1 ey, An aka C c nty, 'Minnesota, at the o 'fice of the City I'ena'rer in said City on the 3rd day of June, 1063, at 1^:00 o'clock Noon for the furnishing~ of work and , atorials for the inst- allation of Sew r and Mater Improvement Project No. 63. The rroiect consists of the following approximate quantities: 1/_n0 Tin. Ft. of 8" 6" Sanitary Sewer Tines, i:anholes, Highway Crossin-- and An-nrtenances. 1 450 Iin. :Pt. of C" and 6" Mater Tines with Appurtenances. All i-n accordance with plans and snecifications prepared for the City of Ridley, Minnesota, by Comstock 1- Davis, Inc. , Consulting Eng- 58 ineers, 1 J/,0 County -loan 'J", ?A nnee nol_is �9, :`innesota, Telephone: STrnset /.-`'7'C. Tars and seecifications may he examined at the ol7ice of the City '"ana-'or, end copies ray be obtained fo -, the Contractor 's indi- vidual_ use by applying to the Engineers and depositing ter'-th the ",ns•inee -s .-,^.fO for each set. The deposit will he refunded to each hi der su' mittinF, a honafide bid upon return of the documents in good cond'tion within ten (in) lays from the date of opening bids. 'ids rust he made on the basis of cash Payment for the work, and accompanied by a cash deposit, ce rtl fied check (on a r snonsible han'- In the Stale of 'innesota), or a birder 's bond and made payable without condition to the Ci to of ?ri dl e-;, . 'innesota, in an amount of not less than 5` of the total amount cf the hid. the 01 Hr Louncil reserves the right to rei ect any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any hids _ -coived without explana- tion. "o bid may he with rave for a moriod of thirty, days. "� -- - , " - CITY C n- i i rr7r 7 07 f� v +�- ' � C.-� T C U..CIT C-_' �._., CIT-_ �•� I�?F_, 1'� I•,, .,SJTA, 777 l 7T_ DAY -� � r.ST 71C3. 11 C TY :` T''ACT"n -,r_ P. ' anner T V/ S TIO NO 60-10(-1 A :f'' I r: " flPTTI-,,'Ifr CT TAinr c.' TCI1?? A,C -SS -1=S IN S17,71-7 A'-'J Th._p,-,C. eNT TPnJT;C'r NO. PI-A. 'fir, n _n«a by t ..v-=r area an.. e •_-r or the as .essr~ren s for ,,ew*er ^n -'ester Tmnrovement 'roiect No. dO-A were certified to the County on a ter y ar basis, and, CAS, the abo :e noted assessments should have been cert- ified or a twenty year basis, l' iE I^ ',S; i , ',- that the assessments for water laterals and sewer laterals for Serer and '-ater Improvement -roi ect No. J. A '-,u withdrawn frog' the County Auditor 's Office, and a new roll h- recertified to the Count-- Auditor certifying the assessments or a ±,,.enter rear hasi_s, exce ti_n�°, therefrom, those lots for which the ''eCeere'" ha,ance has been neid at the Cit;- Clerk's o'fice. Tho-e lots for which the 'irst venr's payment has already been paid et t'he Coun:y Auditor 's Office shall have the deferred balance of the assessments certified over nineteen years. - "T' 71 n , C7T T CTITCI1, _: >>L CITY I_ 1Y 'TITS 6T ` PAY O7 k, 30-54- j \ 'AYOR - Wills J. Nee CITY YANIC - 'Carl 'iagner _6 C�_`Y __ :�,'K - Marvin Prunsel l