Res 1963-77 64 RS( lI TON r'0. 77-1°6? A I.11TI01 kCi TI^'G TO ;- I'i'rUT TT COUNTY oi ANOKA TOR '`HF COOT n7 4Cnt'I2INS CT TAIN 2IGHT-O2-T'AY. "7771fa7, the City of ■'_idlev act-nowleiges and recognizes the need or L balanced tax base and nursuant to this recognition have set out to establish an industrial 2ark to attract sound and nro- :rressive industries to their community, and nursuant to t' is nol icy an industrial nark has e'en establishe 1 adjacent to the existing railroad right-of-way, and 7" R- P S, several y ars ago the City of Fridley negotiated with and were able to -et 'he County of Anoka to agree to design, build, and take into the county syste', the industrial street nec- essary to service the industrial nark and in exchange for the County agreeing to do this, it was necessary for the City of Fridley to agree to acquire ttiie ri ght-of-!,'av or Lr ich the industrial street would be located and acce; scs to this industrial street that might be necessary, and '-''`T S, further, it was necessary for the County of Anoka and the City of 'Tilley to agree with the State ' igh1ray )eyar tment to acquire, build, and maintain an industrial street on the foll- owing described tract, to-.fit: The easterly feet of Tot 0, 1,11'. Sub. ''o. "%" lying north of . 100, Sec. '2, 7. ", . °1,, together with the right to construct sl o-ees on a stria of land 17' in width adjacent to and westerly of the above 1c'ecribed tract. The easterly 33 feet of the southerly 92' of Tot 3, Aud. Sub. Tic). '7t, Sec. °' , T. 30, 7.. 2/,, together with the right to construct slopes on a strie of land 1- ' in with adjacent to and westerly of :he a' ove described tract. The northerly 22 feet o" Tot 13, Aud. Feb. No. 1.55, Sec. 22, 30, 7. 2/, together wth the right to c. nstruct clones on a stria of land 07 fe-t in width adjacent to and southerly of the above '°combed tract. fler''inniro at a point 400 feet easterly of the T'-' cor. Sec. 22, T. 3°, 04, tc the easterly limits of said lot 13. The Tees ter,y 29 feet of Tot T3, Auditor 's ub. No. 155. Sec. 23, T. 30, a. 24, together with the r: w'i't to c nsti"'ct sl ores en a otrin of lard l", 1 in Tridth a)iocent to and easterly of the above .oscrihea tract. That mart of ' et 12, Aud. i . T o. 1 5c, Sec. 09, T. 30, 7. 24 lyi nor nerthl'esterl y of a c rT,r,, crnvex to the northwest, radius of '5 -ere, and vertex of said curve is described as follows: moint 7 t ;^eet south o' the north Tine or T'_, ,r r' = Sec. 22, i . ?°, . "/ , ape icy Feet east of t`e hest lino of 111'- of the oar-c . eln7' seutherl-r of t e 're -wev to be cens`ructed and the same heing ar mro.oc'h to r i e olve-en . let is helm' constructed by the i g'r'T•'a. u`'.rtment, all e' wh i c; ore reces,`;ry in order to rake an ad- donate 4ndustrial street to service the industrial nark as established v the City, and r7 , the City of {hide ey has been negotiating with the owners of the land es above described for the nur' ose of acquiring the ci g t-of-?-ray and have not b=-en able to successfully c 'mnl ete the resotiat ons, and .TT"_O"BIAS, the County has agreed to undertake the condemnation of the rtgtt-of-way and acnsir,'' the re"e if the C't-T of _ridlev will agree to reimburse the County for t' e cost cf the lards that thus will be acnui_red, ,"T the City of :'idley agrees to "ei>> ur~e the County . _. Lro',ra 'or the.. cost of acquiring the _following ' -;'''- -''''' -■'7' C'. 65 '11,,, easterly 33 foot of Tot 7, ,-.11(3. Sub. ''o. 7S lying north 0 r 7.:. 100, Zinc. 22, T. 30, 0. 2/, tocoth-r .s•ith the right to construct sic es on a ntri- o' land 17 ' in width ar'jacent to an ,resterlv of -!,he above .:?escr="eed tract. T.1-x- eastA-7-.7 7-7 Toot of t'-,e scut er17., '';' ' of Tot 7, Aud. Sub. l'o„ 7-, E,-,c. 22, 7. "fl, '. 2/ , toTether will, t' c right to can- s',ruct slo,-)es on a strir) of land ll'' ' in w' 1th a-.3.iacent to and 'csterly of t-,-, a' ove -eccril-ed tr..ct . The nort'.- :r17.r 3" fe-t of lot 13, 1.u.,- . Sul'. 7-o. -I r5, Sec. 23, 7. n''), 7. 2/ , to:rethor w-:_-Th t. -e r'4,-ht to c ns'ruct slopes on a stri-c o'' land 27 fast Jo ,..-ith a-'.-'acent to and souVrerly ef tl-e above -lescribed tract. 15ep.inninP7 at a point 1,00 feet r-asterlv of the :' col-. Soc. ‘:)- T. 70, -Th. 2! , to the easterly lirlts of call Tot :13• Me west,?rly 33 feet of Tot 13, Aud. Sub. No. 155, Sec. 23, T. 30, 7. 214, together w'th the rirTat to c',ns:ruct slopes on a stria of.' lanc'. 171 in 1,T11th adjacent to and easterly of the above -7eseri1:e-] ,rtict. Thr t -,art 7,P Tot 13, Pud. Sub. 7o. 755, 2 ec. 2", 7. 30, ---,Z. 24, 1-cr-ln- north-,,,cstcrly of a curve convex to the northwest, racliss o,' i' feet, and vertex o 1' sal I curve is ,fescribed as foil ova: A point 77 f-et soutl-, of the n-rt, , line of '"'-., of S-T-' , Sec. 23, '". "0, -. 2! , and 7!--% feet east of ti-:e Pest lire c.,' TOT of S , r--,cc. 2', L. 3', -'. 04. 17-P. ST.7.) AT.-- '. )0.71' '7 T'V 7 T7--' CITY C( ITC11 ti',' - 77 01177 07 -7a-FDT T-,y 7-Ts 2077 mny ;:- , '- 7, -150). '..- - - Wil: iiny Nee I _qt.7)4A■si;1"-' 45 .14'4^‘441't. C1T; CT r...h - rhrvin C. 7runse:1] 1 S ;Ir7127777 NO. 7,--•-l'.63 I,, ' :, I 77111017, ITT' :TC T'1:,1112 ':-.' 1.-: :C71177 IT :21- IT7I70 ,7!i‘ SP-,CIAI ASS7-SSI1TS OT,; I(777. j ,n,-,T ) 2, 7'T CC ' 9(-,. ' 7 77,777 A--T-yrrn-co\-, -,T-- Al, certar snecinl assesnents have been levied with respect to cortoin 1c.n . ,-.1- -? said -.77in Tan Fseeuently been subdivided, and, 17;:, LI::,..',...1a. t.,, 1. T.': '1 :_;,:: T2, as follows: That t'-,e assessment levied ac-ainst tl-e 7611 o'.'in7 described Marcel , -Lo-',..ri_t: Toss ) an - 7, --Ice'.: 2',, --;--de ---nr - Addition, may and sl-,all be armor- ti oned co-:1 ° clad as 0o=1 1 ows: ('‘ -;,-,2.-r-,,,1 T',,,-•cel _ run:i Or f_qinal Amount . - I OtS -1 rilli 2, Pl ock 26, le-. 7. A. lird 1 vde ',-,.r1( S -rlition .-li vision of 7arcel 11. -oroveL. Jot ? nn - V. 0/ I 0 -' I-Ot 2, -:7,-'. F',.. . 'Lund 621.73 77 oC,: ' , '-vde Park ['.I-la. C,. 70' o Tot 2, :loci, 22, -or-. 5.7 . Aind 1 .'1,6.1 -ITIC "--',1-:1'1' A' /1...+ on --- -1-7 CITY C 7T,'CIT, 0)' TIT, CIY: OS 771:777 TITIS 2001T PAY 0-' YIAY, 1063. _141/111dAMALk i . _ 1Y„.?:02 - Uillia '. Nee C-17 CT TK - : r vin C. Prunsell