Res 1963-89 73 TJTT7T7 "A" (contt) All of the land abutting upon said streets narred above and all lands adjacent and abutting thereto. All of said land to be assessed nroportionately accordinP to the benefits received by such improvements. That the Council proposes to proceed with cackl of said improvements except as hereafter othrvise provided by the Council all under the foll- owing authority, to-wit: Minnesota Statutes 1961, chapter 429 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. III 7.)ATED T'IS 20TH DAY 07 NAY, lc,63, By ORDER 07 THE CITY C-TINCIL 07 THF CITY OF 7R.TDLEY. T441, ....,.,,,_,..,................ ,47R - William Nee A7T-Ti-ST: LI y (_ ) ./ 2 - Far? 7 CITY nYAG ..,....77.___, ., -iT, 7; ap-nr,r N7ITS: May 21 29, 1963 RESOLUTION NO. c?,-196-; .... A TIESOLUTION ORDFRING P7HTIYINAllY PLANS, SPFCITECT ONS, AND ESTIMTES ( P THE CC:'_1 TS r.11777707, (STORT: SET7 - PROJEC 7 7":T,n. 64 - IEADOWOOR TT2.7;143,CE) . 77 IT iESOLI,TED, by the Council of the City of 'Fridley, as follows: I. That it appears in the interest of the City and of the pronerty owners a-?-rectd that there be constructed certain improvements, to-wit: 111 a. Storm Sewer and appurtenances in and srvin7 the following lands: (1) N77 of NE-4:- - Section 12, Township 30, Range 24. Tying Last of Central Avenue, South of Osborne R ad, -7est of Arthur Street and North of the n - 7-,xtension of 75th Avenue. - , t 7. That Comstock niY'i -)avl,s, Incornorated, consulting. Ergih6ers, rlre hereby authorized and directed to draw preliTArary plans ard specifications and to tabulate te results of their estimates of the costs of said improvements, includinF!, every item of cost rorn ince-Mon to colynletion and all fees and expenses incurred (or to he incurred) in connection there- lith, or the firarcir7 thereof, and to i,ake a preTiminary rport of their findings, stating therein whether said improvements ar- '-'easibTe and iff-ether they can b,.=--st be Trade as proposed, or in connection with some other improvements (and Vs cost as r-com- ended) , including also a ,:lescri7)tion of the land,s or area as may receive benefits therefrom, and as may be -proposed to irs assessed. 7. That the City Clerk shall rLct to ascertain the name and adr7,.ss of the owner of each 'oarcel of land directly affected III or within thE) arc,a of lands as may be pro-T,osed to be assessed for said jr=ovements (and each of then) ; and, upon receipt rrom sid 711r,lr,?r.rs oP t'-e said prel iminary report, cab late estimates of assessments as -may be pronosed relative thereto against each of said lands. A. That seid preliminar7 report of theEngineers and estimates op assessments of the Clprk, shall he furnished to the Council, and Dade available for ins-oection to the owner of any Parcel of "land as ray be affected 'here1:7 at any public hearing held relative thereto, as well as at any 7rior time rnasorable and convenient. ADOPTED BY THE CITY C::::NCIT OF THE CITY 07 7EIDLEY THIS 20TH DAY OF YAY, 1963. ._...... _ 91,..,.42. A.e._ I AYOR - Vi r J Nee l ' i . CITY 4l'arvin C. Trunsell .