Res 1963-94 7 RaTUTION T.D. c9,J96"-i___ A IMS'T77107 7117777,' A=Cfl1, 7 WI 70 A PO7LTIO1 CT '''AT 7R INFq0VE- TkET7 7'0J7CT 7C. 34 (7:TATER TAINS) I'LTD RECERTI7TING TiTE 7ALANCE OVER A r7T1 TY YA P Ir_OD. P4PPlDTP, the assess-ments ':'or "ater Improve7ent Prqlect No. 7,4, (Pater ',7ains) were certified for a ten year period on Parcel 3000, W: o T (7 . N. 1 .6 acres) Sec. T'arcel 2600, S77', o 77)-- Sec. 2, and Parcel :10, N. 3,/,.617 acres I. EH of TPH Sec. 2, and, 7777AS, t'-is T)laces a reat '-urden on the property owner, and, 7-777:7A":7, water service is not 7et available to the above des- III criloed -c,rorty, 7M-_-, T777,'E-TaH 71] -17 R'', 117_=, that the City Clerk is directed to ' aPe uP an assessifient roTT In which the balance due on the above described parcels for 7 -3,1, (Jater *i:.ains) after the lq),1 payment is &Dread over a 20 -rear ,-erio , and forward said roll to The County Auditor so that corrected tax statanerts can he issued for the year le .:). Aln(77777) 77 77E CITY C7\7CTI CT 77 CITY nT iTL EY T'IS 'T-n) DAY OF FITT: 7:- . MAYOR - 71,1_ ..a.77--)1. ee --i ,_ ATE,ST: CITY MANAGER - Tar ] P Uagner :6,/_ __ __ ,271LJA‘‘.4.4# CT.TY 0. 7RK - 7 :arvin C. Trunsell 1Thcr7TFTCT 70. _____ _ ..- .'_____L_____,,.._.,.:-.-.:,--.-___ A 7:=LuTTo imEaING 171Y);17:7TPET7, APT:=1J CT P1=, AND ORD7RING A1:77==777 TrJR„ 77_00 (P7Z0J2CT TM. (5) 177A , the resolution of the City Coucil adopted the 20th lay of ray. 1013, set tie date for ' earinr. on the -flroposed improvements, as specifically noted in the notice o hflarin attached 1-ereto for refer-. ence as 7,17TP,TT "A" , and, 7HER , all the property ol,rner ,' whose property is liable to be assessed with t':--e 7akin p. of these irprovements (as noted in said notice) were 71ven ter (Tn) days notice by rail anD published notice of the Council hpprincr 'hrou7h two (? weekly publicaVons of the recuired not Ice, and the hearn7 w,.::is held and the property owners heard threon at the hearing, as noted in said notice. rfl7, DIPPROFOPtE, 7-'7] IT TrSOTTF:D, b7 the Council of the City of ?ridley, innesotR, as fo7ows: T. That the follovinF7 1:mprov=ents heretofore proposed by Council resolution are hereby ordered to be effected and completed as soon as reasonabTY possible, to-wit: a. All of the Imrovenents as noted in the notice of hearing III on the same a:- are no Led (in Exhibit "A" in said notice) =ent (none) 7 that tl]e work involved in said InTorovements as listed above shall bRrenfter be lesionated as: SAFT- 77 S- 7!': l'_ ) TAT-:? 12:1) 07:-=NT 720J-a77 T:j0. 65-1c'63 9. The rians and s-Decificatons preared by Comstock and Days, Inc., Consutipp- 7.11c- neers, for such Thprovements and each of them, 1-ursuart to the Councfl resolutilons 1 -retofore ailonted, a cory of which Plans and sPecirications are hereto a' ached and made a part hereo7, are 1erel7 an',roved arZi shall be filed with the City Clerk.