Res 1963-95 78 71:': 1-TJTIOT1,T ''_IC). S/ l=(-::' 3.,_ A '7-;S18877TITTIC,7,\T 777I-77:',,771717,7- ASS:. -12ic:,1,7-1.':7 -POT T 70-3 A Pia=ZTITOT, 087 7871.T7R 11.73.01,7 E- ,-FT T 7-0J-Tr T l':C. 34 (:-TATER NS) AT 0 Tc]CERTIITT_ING TTIE -FAI_ANCE pm A '7 PaT TY '22T8AT: 7-'7,TOID. 777=, the assessflents for ' ater Improvement Project No. 34, ( Taber , ins were certified for a ten year period on Parcel 3000, i',,T of 1\72, (T-T . N. 1.6.6 acres! Sec. 2= 7nrcel 3600, S77:: of TTY Sec. 2; and 'Parcel -In, N. l,),,/ .6 acres 11.-E: of 77,i Sec. 3, arid, 7777FL8S, tis nlaces a great '-urden on the property owner, and, III 171.77.77A87_, water service is not yet available to the above des- cril7J,,d, -pro-flerty, T': ::, TIT-7E-77TE 77-_1 IT R.':STI_ITED, that the City Clerk is directed to #8 n.1:e Tr.-) an assessrent rol- in which the bal,ance due on the above described , arcels for -',--3 Water l',Iains) after the 1g61 pa7,72_ent is srread over a 20 ',rear -Therior', , and forward said roll to The County Auditor so that corrected tax stateLents can be issued for the year li_c2. 1:::,',777,7i 77 rf:Ti: CITY TY C '17,7CTI CT 7''I' CT77,7 0' ?a:DT--17 7 is 3R1; DAY P1? ITT:',,-":. li-'63. MAYOR - 711 alri , . Nee 2 Cr, ATT77T: CIfY lvLANAOER - Larl F 'p:arner ,_ ___ __ 47e1.4tdA‘ —.}\1_, c T TY 0 777,K - rip C. 7:runs&1 TZITSCTTITICIE NO A 7 1:17 C LTY7 TOT\' 0797:1?,I1,-.G r'PT OITET t]n--T,-,T3, l'-iliTRITIAT ,',7'-'.7 -1-71,1'IS, AlT.D 07 D771.ING 77 C,T;-, PIPS (1-711 0T 7C:T 7 0. 65) TYTn7A5, the resolution of the City Lourcil adopted the ?nth day of 7:av, 1c- '3, set t'.-o date for ,],2nrinr, on the Proposed improvements, as specifically noted ir the notice o 1-f-arin attached 1-ereto for refer- ence as I=T7TT "A" , and, 71TEREAS, al]8 the property owners whose property is liable to be assessed with -L7e Takinp' of these irprovements (as noted in snid not:Ice) were riven ter (In) days notice by rail_ anT pulqished notice of the Council hpari.ng *hrou7h two (,?. weekly pub8 icat7ons of the reruired notice, and the hoar.7n7 i/T-:is held and the Property owners heard thi-reon at the hear5n7„ as noted in said notice. T:T7, 77277=, -T-1-', JLT 772,07,TED, by the Council of the City of 1?ridlev, 'innesotn, as follows: T. That the folio-vim-7, i-mnrovenents 1-,eretofore proposed by Council resolution are hereby ordered to be effected and compl_eted as soon as reasonably -possible, to-vit: a. All of the imcrover,lents as noted in the notice of hearing III on the sane .n are noted (in Exhibit ",' " in said notice) a::7c7-It (none) : that the work involved in said irnnrovements as listed above shall herenfter be '3esi7nated as: SAT':IP„A 77 ‘(_73:,' '_ IL7,1 -) 7 T8l7iLTIJP -.:P .,F7)- ',-1'7, ,', 7TillYEANT _72.710,TC7 NO. 65-1 c 6 3 ?, 7he -flians and s-neci.ficatiens nreared by Comstock and Davis, Inc., Corsu1 tir7 Enc-ineers, for such improvements and each of then, -Fmrsuart to the Counc-fl resolutions h-retofore arlorted, a copy of which n:lan,F; and sr)ecirications are hereto a' ached and made a part herco T, are herelfly an-,roved ari shall_ be filed with the City Clerk. 79 3. The work to be --,er7ored under SANITP.RY SE= AND HATER IiP707: -FTT ?ROJECT 7: 0. 65-1c:63, shall be per?ormed under one contract. r-i' e City T:ana-er shall accordingly prepare and cause to be inserted in the official rewspa-ner advertisements for bids upon the raking of such irprovements under such a-7roved nlansiand snecifl_cations. The advertisement shall be Tniblished for three L3) weeks (at least 21 days), and shall s-)ecify the work to be done and will state that bids will be opened and considered at 12:00 Noon, on the 10th day o June, 1963, in the CourciJ Ohambrs of the CityHall, and that no bids will be con- " sidered unless coaled and filed with the Ci:Jy Clerk, and accompanied by a cash deosit, bid 1-,ond, or certified c':-ecIT 7ayable to the City for five 197:Tcent (5 ) of the amount of such bid. That the advertise- ment for ho for -21':-STARY. S7.17-- _ND ''Aril-R IYITOVEMENT MOJECT NO. 65-1963 shall Le sustantially in form as that noted in Fixhibit "E" attached hereto for reference and made a part hereof. Ai/077D FY THE CITY COUTTIT, UT THE CJTY 07 FRITTEY THIS 3RD DAY ,r-)_,-, T-7,77, i(--,A-) , ., ,,_,,_, _ _,..2. aillAiw, L , , . 7:AY 07 - 7,Tilii.7- ------ --- J. Pee ;(e - ---- -----. ATTEST: CITY CT i .,:-7 - Uary in . Pruns el 1 LITTON NO. 05 IT T IT'T7 "A" CITY C7 ircR,T Di FiY , 'N OT I c7T: n7? T-T--1,7,TT,T7 07 71}fl07717.1\ 7 III 7,7"-pip.EAS, the City Councill of the City of ±'A'1,-.1.1 ey,1 Anoka County, ' 14innesota, has deemed it necessary and expedient that the improve- ments hereinafter described he iade. TO'r, THET720R7, NOTICE IS ITI:2.E1'Y GIUN 7FAT on the 3rd day of June, 1963, at 8:00 o 'clock P.7:. , the City Council will meet at the City Hall in said City, arC will at said time and -place, hear all parties interested in said improvements, in w'cole or in part. The general nature of the improvements In the construction in the 7ands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: • CnNST7UCTTON 177: A. Sanitary Sever and 7atermain Tatera3 and Service Conrections located in all of the streets and serving all of the area des- cribed as follows: Along 77th "ay from Eat 7Aver Road to Great Northern Railway, STIYJ777-2 COST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.097.50 THAT TI-IT ARSA PROPOSED TO PE ASSESSED ma SAID ITT7OTEYET7T IS 11 AS 701-_,T.nTS: -jlor Construction Iter A, above, All of the land abutting upon said streets nared above and all lands adjacent and abuttinp: thereto. All of said land to be assessed proportionately according to the heneits received b7 such improvements. That the Council pro-7)os(,:s to proceed with eaclr, of s: id improve- ments as separate improvements, except as 'r-4-TeaCter otherwise pro- vided b77 the Council all under the following authority, to-wit: Vinnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429 and Taws amendatory thereof, and : 1:' con fortuity with the City Charter. 80 111' corsItt -)AT71) TS 20 TIT A.Y 7' 1 AY, 1 6 , v 07177 c C T TY C UNCIL THE CT { I.713.1-7171. utz. OLILAA- J. Nee ATT7ST: te 1/(1 CITY UANA(7,77, ' agner 1\1JS: May 22, 29, 1963 RESOLUTION YO. 05 EXTTIPTT NOTICE TO C:T77,ACTCRS SoaJ ec bids will be received, nublicly o-oened, and considered "hy the City Council of the City. or Tridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the City Yara7er, ir said City on the 30th day of June, at 12:nn o 'clock noon for the furnishim7 of work and materials for the installation of Sanitary Sewer and TM:Ler Project No. 65. The n-oject consists of the forowing construction items: 7',00 Tin. and 6" Sanitry Sewer I ines with Appurtenances 750 Tin. ?t. 6 ' C.I.P. 'Taternain, Castin7s, Service and a7purterances. Al7_ in accordance with plans and s-,eci-flications Dre',7)ared for the Ci_ty of' 'iridley, : innesota, by Lanstock an Davis, Inc. , Consulting ,Lngine(7-rs, 1446 County Road "J", ;Iinneapolis 32, 'innesotal T -Tenllore: SUrset *Plans and s7r,cifications nay Te examined at the office of the City Nanarrer, and copies may 1)7, obtained for the Contractor's individual use I-7 aplyIng to the mincers and T• eositing vitir. the Engineers 'f'25.00 for each set. The de-Dosit will be refunded to each bider subrnitting a bonafide bid upon return of the documents in good conditon within ten (TO) days from the date of opening of bids. Dids must be rae on the basis of cash, payment for the work, and accornanied by a cash ,3eposit, certified cleck (on a resnonsible bank in the State o-7 Minnesota) , Dr a bidder 's bond and rade payable without condition to the City o A-idley, Minnesota, in an amount of not Tess than 5c; of the total amount o the bid. • The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bid r.eceived without explanation. No bid ray be withrawr for a -period o thirty days. PIT ordr c7 the City Counel of te City of i_rid]ey, TA.nresota. 7)e_te( ts 2/t-i day of Nov, 1.063 C7TY ICTEP arl P. Wagner 177S: YRV 2 and June f , 1963.