Res 1963-98 7L7SCTUTTON N(7. (7 -',r-TTTT tt-701 Y:073-r7;] TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received, publicly opened and considered by tbe City Council of the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the City Yarap-er in said City on the 1st day of July, 1963, at 12:00 o 'clock Noon for -tT-e furrishinc: of work and materials or Street improvement 'roject lP63-1 consistinF of the following aoproximate ouantities: 15,361 Sq. Yds. 1:" Soil Stabilized Base 3,030 Lineal Ft. Fituminous Curbing 1 ,361 Sq. Yds. 17-" Plant Fix Bituminous Lurfacing 6,950 Lineal t. Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter All in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Calvin G. Brown, Ciy J'ridly City Hall, 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley 21, Minnesota. Telephone 560-3450. Plans and specifications may be exanined at the Office of the City Manager, and co--,ies may be obtained for the Contractor 's indi- vidual use by applyin7 to the City 41gineer and depositing with the City 24aginEer 15.00 for each set. The deposit will be refunded to each bider submitting a bonafide bid upon return of the docu- ments in good condition within ten U0) days from the bid opening date. Bids must be Trade on the basis of cash payment for work, and accom- panied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of T1inresota) , or a Bidder's bond and made payable without con- dition to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bids rnceived 1,rthout ex7lanation. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1963. CITY I,M:AGER Carl P. Wagner NETS: June lq, 1963 RESOLUTIOH NO. 9,8-1q63______ A RESOLUTION AUTTIORI=G AND DIRECTING TFE SPLITTING 07 SPECIAL ASSIESSMENTS CT PARTTE, IT 6/40, AUDITOR S SUP NO. 129 7q7a-EAs, certain special assessments have been 1evied with respect to certain lands and said land has subsuquently been subdivided, and, NOW THERE =, PE IT 1?.. SOT7v77D, as follows: That the assessment levied against the following described parcel, to-wit: Lot 22, (Ex. 7. auditor's Subdivision Ko. 129, (Parcel_ 16/,O) , ray and shall be ap7ortioned and divided as follows: Or17ina:LParcel Aind Or i inal Amount Lot 22 (Ex. W. P5t Aud. ST-48A (Sewer T,atera ) P 2,244.50 Sub. ='1_20 (Parcel 140) SW--/, A (Water Lateral) 720.'7 ,7T-,/,8A Water l_pieral) 1,r.52 New Parcel Lot 22, Ix. V0 P51, Aud. SW /,8A (Sewer Lateral) 1,091.55 Sub. Fo. 129 (Parcel. 1640) SW-/SA rater lateral) 425.92 Lot 22, 7.85 ' of Tot 22, SW-48A (Tower Taterel ) 1 ,152.95 Aud. Sub. ::/-12Q (Parcel SW-48A (Uater Lateral) 443.27 1660) 86 7 -7,flTUTTCTI O. (ccrlt) AI)O2TD FY 1FJT17 CITY TC n '177 CITY O iIJiEY THIS ?3,D DAY OF J17::.7, hr II ) \\„,' • • • • • • • • .,;4 i:AYOR - 7:71_11 J. Nee ATT7ST: CITY YANAGER - Ear; P. Wagner (1(\fljalt."7"4„_(15/1A,A,,A,W CITY cirvin C. Prunsell A 7-SCI,UTTOT: DI7ECTING PREPARATION 07 ASSESS ENT ROD, FOR VAT7R SANITATf S FWF. 11TPFOF IFFFIT P7-:0,1TECT TTO. 59. TTh 1-7 77,(777,TEID 77.7. 17-7 C/71,17CIL OF TH72] CITI7,- 07 7.R.IDILY, ANOKA, COTTE77, OTA, AS FOLIC7S: 10 it Is hereby deterrined that the assessible cost of con- _ struction with respect to the following named improve- ment to-wit: WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 59 including all incidental expenses thereto is estimated at 20,974.SO. 2. The City 1:innacer with the assistance of the Clerk shall forthwith calculate the Proper amounts to he specially assessed for said ir.nroye7ent aFfairst evry asessible lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improve- ment according. to 11Pm. ADOPT-72 77 THE CITY COUNCIL 07 THE CITY 07 FRIDLEY, THIS 3RD DAY OF J7n, 1063. r.,,, • • • MAYOR - WM J. Nee ALT77T: CT7Y MtdAGFR - Ear P. Ifarnr,r (71rAN,, ...ariA.4%.,C43?:101^^444 CTTY nLY, L. Lrunsell q7SOLT1TON NO ino-1Q6 A 7 SC'TUTTON DIRECTTNG PnLIChTTOT:: CF 71=ING ON PROPOSF,D ASSESSFENT OT l -7Q 1TFR ANID SAiiTRY SiFFF INPROT,c7,7-TT PROJECT NO 59 7777,1FAS, by a resolution passed 1w the council on June 3rd, thn City Llerk was 'irected to prepare a proposed assessrent of the cost a rater and Sanitary ,Jewer Imnroverent Project No. 59, and, 7:77RFAS, tIne Llerk has notified the Council that such proposed assess7ert rn1-1, hoe been co7pleted and flied in his cCfice for public irinection THTY:7]TOR7, P7 IT 71r-ZOITSD, by the City Council of the City of (Ttridley, Anoka County, Yinresota, as follows: 1 . The City 'ourcil shall meet at the City Hall in the City of PidTe7, Anoka County, .A.nnesota, on the 1st day of July, 1063, at :00 o'clock to pass upon the proposed assess- -rient for the following named improvement: