Res 1963-167 152 (con It) Division of Parcel Approved Fand , Original Amount Evangelical Free Church of America (that part of the W of E - Sec. 11-30-24; Com. at a pt. on the S. line of said W - of El- of NE , said pt. being 290' W. of the SE cor. of said wi of Elf of NEi-, th. N. along a line parallel with the . line of said 4 of E of NW-: a dist. of 60' to the act. pt. of 1-:eg. of the land to be des- cribed; th. cont. N. along the last des. line a dist. of 440'; the' W. parallel with the S. line of the said WI1T of E of NE a dist. or 300'; th. S. parallel with the E. line of the It* of of NE i- a dist. of 440' to a pt. 6fll N. of said S. line; th. E. to the pt. of beg.) Reg. S.A. Fund $ 263.95 III 14_34 Water Main 881.26 SFZS-24 Sewer Main 637.57 S&SS-24A Storm Sewer 3,258.69 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDTEY THIS 21ST DAY OF OCTOPER, 1963. II 4 A ' MAYOR - Wile a 3. Nee ATTEST: CITY MANAGFR - Eag;M:ler . Ai6 .4.,.........— CI T C. 7!K - 34?.rvin C. Brunsell RESOLUTION NO. 167-1963 A RESOLUTION AUTHORING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING AND CERTIFICATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON LOTS 7 AND 8, , BLOCK 1, SPRING LAKE PARK LAKESIDE WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with III respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided, NOW, THMEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: That the assessment levied against the following described parcels, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, STing.Lake Park Lakeside, may and shall be apportioned and divided asfol3ows, and that the storm sewer assessment levied on Lot 8, Block 1, ''pring Lake Park Lakeside, previously adopted but not certified to the County, is hereby certified and divided as follars: __21:171.1212.21rcel Fund 2121E122.111112Rat--- Lot 7, Block 1, Spring Reg. S.A. Fund $ 71,74 Lake Park Lakeside W-34 Water Main 247.87 S&SS-24 Sewer Main 179.33 W-34 Water Lateral 526.80 S&SS-24 storm Sewer (F) 761.13 SW-48 Sewer Lateral (A) 1,473.60 Lot 8, Block 1, Spring S&SS-24B Storm Sewer 568.18 Take Park Lakeside Division of Parcel 42proved Plat of Stinson Blvd. Reg. S.A. Fund 71.74 Additon W-34 Water Lateral 247.87 SF7SS_24 Sewer Main 179.33 14_34 Water Lateral 526.80 S&SS-24B Storm °ewer 1,329.31 SW-.4E Sewer Lateral 1,473.60 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 21ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1963. 6 , I i ( / / - , 1,1 A..4 i....4.4 , ' .1111. Amlili..._ MAYOR - Williap , . Nee ATTEST: CITY CLER - Marvin C. runsell CITY MANAGER';-; 'Earl P. agner