09/10/1974 STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 DECLARATION OF RESULTS THEREOF In accordance with Section 4.08 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, the City Council declares the results of the 1974 Primary Election to be as follows: A. The total number of ballots cast was: ` 1077 Ward 1 - Precinct 1 86 Ward 1 - Precinct 2 174 Ward 1 - Precinct 3 116 Ward 2 - Precinct 1 132 Ward 2 - Precinct 2 92 Ward 2 - Precinct 3 157 Ward 3 - Precinct 1 164 Ward 3 - Precinct 2 64 Ward 3 - Precinct 3 92 TOTAL 1077 B. The votes for each candidate, number of defective, spoiled and not voted are as follows: REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 5TH DISTRICT W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL )FL TICKET Donald M. Fraser 50 96 64 82 57 83 105 45 55 637 a0P TICKET 'hit Ratte 17 38 24 26 11 46 29 9 16 216 Spoiled, Defective or Not Doted 19 40 28 24 24 28 30 10 21 224 TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 PAGE 2 STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 REPRESENTATIVE IN LEGISLATURE DISTRICT 46A W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL DFL TICKET Paul McCarron 54 '98 57 104 313 GOP TICKET Jack 0. Kirkham 11 28 8 14 61 Spoiled, Defective or Not Voted 21 48 27 46 142 TOTAL: 86 174 92 164 516 REPRESENTATIVE IN LEGISLATURE DISTRIST 46B DFL TICKET Wayne Simoneau 61 80 78 44 58 321 GOP TICKET Fred Syrdal 27 25 51 10 15 128 Spoiled, Defective Dr Not Voted 28 27 28 10 19 112 TOTAL: 116 132 157 64 92 561 • i PAGE 3 STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 GOVERNOR AND LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P--1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL DFL TICKET Anderson & Perpich 43 87 55 75 49 71 87 39 47 553 McDonald & Eakman 10 13 4 9 5 12 13 3 7 76 GOP TICKET • Johnson & Hoberg 17 42 30 26 15 50 31 10 14 235 Spoiled, Defective or Not Voted 16 32 27 22 23 24 33 12 24 213 TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 SECRETARY OF STATE DFL TICKET Joan A. Growe 25 56 29 34 35 57 54 25 27 342 Richard J. Noonan 30 48 33 46 21 26 44 18 33 299 GOP TICKET Arlen • Erdahl 17 43 29 26 13 53 31 10 14 236 Spoiled, Defective or Not Voted 14 27 25 26 23 21 35 11 18 200 TOTAL: 86 174 116 •132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 r � PAGE 4 STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 STATE AUDITOR W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL DFL TICKET Alcuin Loehr 18 26 19 31 24 21 25 19 21 204 Robert W. Mattson 33 77 43 47 30 54 69 23 38 414 GOP TICKET • Rolland F. Hatfield 17 41 30 26 13 51 32 10 14 234 Spoiled, Defective , or Not Voted 18 30 24 28 25 31 38 12 19 225 TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 STATE TREASURER DFL TICKET Jim Lord 48 100 63 81 55 79 98 45 58 627 GOP TICKET J. Robert Stassen 17 43 31 26 14 53 32 10 14 240 Spoiled, Defective or Not Voted 21 31 22 25 23 25 34 9 20 210 TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 r-, n PAGE 5 STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER LO, 1974 ATTORNEY GENERAL W-1 P-1 W-1 P-2 W-1 P-3 W-2 P-1 W-2 P-2 W-2 P-3 W-3 P-1 W-3 P-2 W-3 P-3 TOTAL )FL TICKET Darren >pannaus 52 103 64 82 58 82 102 48 59 650 >OP TICKET )ean A. lyquist 16 42 30 25 13 51 31 10 14 232 ;boiled, • )efective )r Not 18 29 22 25 21 24 31 6 19' 195 toted TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 COUNTY AUDITOR iarl ey iarnden 4 22 15 8 4 12 4 4 5 78 Marl es R. _efebvre 41 89 45 67 47 81 75 34 54 533 _auren W. furnquist 16 16 18 13 11 24 26 9 7 140 ;poi 1 ed, )efective )r Not Doted 25 47 38 44 30 40 59 17 26 326 TOTAL: 86 174 116 132 92 157 164 64 92 1077 PAGE 6 STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 C. The names of the judges of election are as follows: WARD 1 PRECINCT 1 WARD 1 PRECINCT 2 Marilyn Beck Joyce McClellan Geraldine Sherve Dorothy Houck Nancy Londroche Shirley Kohlan Bette Forster Carol Leuders Anita Hitzeman Pat Register Dorothe Marleau Mary Sullivan WARD 1 PRECINT 3 WARD 2 - PRECINCT 1 Velma Pinks Virginia Locker Alice Mol Betty Brezney Barbara Chrissie Caroline Svendsen Rosella Amar Gerri Engdahl Sharon Hippen Virginia Steinmetz Dorothy Heule Doris Reiners WARD 2 - PRECINCT 2 WARD 2 - PRECINCT 3 Jeanette Micholski Beverly Kinsman Edna Garaffa Jean Wagar Catherine Scott Edna Erickson Kathryn Follmuth Adaline Swanson Alice Turner Judy Engelbretson Marlys Lisowski WARD 3 - PRECINCT 1 WARD 3 - PRECINCT 2 Arly Flaherty Pat Dittes Claudia K. Vescio Darlene Vallin Connie Samuelson Barbara Gohman Janet Crego Dolores Christenson Evelyn Holtze Barbara Heenan • • PAGE 7 STATEMENT OF CANVASS PRIMARY ELECTION SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 C. The names of the judges of election are as follows: (Continued) WARD 3 - PRECINCT 3 ABSENTEE PRECINCT Helen Treuenfels Mary Ellen Storley Jean Johnson Sonja Erickson Alice Blake JoAnn Holm Sharon Reemsta Jean Jackson Linda Tatley • • 2.4 MAYOR - FRANK LI L C ( „!:,47( MAN COUNCILMAN -.4.°../.4!..a." 07/ de • /04 COUNCILMAN -2/Le W ' COUNCILMAN