2007 Budget FRIDLEY r 2007 di UDGET gc CITY C:oli C11_ Soc tt d Mayor Robert L. Barnette James T. Saefke Councilmember at-Large Councilmember Ward I Dolores M. Varichak Ann R. Bolkoom Councilmember Ward II Councilmember Ward III CITY MANAGER William W. Burns CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 2007 BUDGET For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2007 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley State of Minnesota Table of Contents INTRODUCTION PAGE Elected and Appointed Officials Organizational Structure ii Organization for Service iv Budget Process v Budget Control vi Fund Balance Policy vii Debt Management viii Budget Message BM-1 GENERAL FUND Fund Balance Summary 1 Revenue Summary 2 Expenditure Summary 7 Department Details(includes write-up, objectives &expenditures): Legislative Department 10 City Management Department 14 Finance Department 24 Police Department 50 Fire Department 60 Public Works Department 72 Parks and Recreation Department 92 Community Development Department 102 Reserve 114 Non-Departmental 117 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Fund Balance Summary 121 Revenue Summary 122 Expenditure Summary 124 Fund Details (includes write-up, objectives &expenditures): Cable TV Fund 127 Grant Management Fund 131 Solid Waste Abatement Fund 134 Police Activity Fund 139 Springbrook Nature Center Fund 143 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Fund Balance Summary 149 Revenue Summary 150 Expenditure Summary 151 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan Overview 156 General, Streets and Parks: Current Year Project Descriptions 157 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan 160 Water, Sewer and Storm: Current Year Project Descriptions 172 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan 174 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley State of Minnesota Table of Contents ENTERPRISE FUNDS PAGE Water Fund: Net Assets Summary 181 Revenue Summary 182 Expense Summary 183 Goals &Objectives 185 Expense Detail 187 Income/Expense Projections 198 Sewer Fund: Net Assets Summary 199 Revenue Summary 200 Expense Summary 201 Goals &Objectives 202 Expense Detail 203 Income/Expense Projections 214 Storm Water Fund: Net Assets Summary 215 Revenue Summary 216 Expense Summary 217 Goals&Objectives 218 Expense Detail 219 Income/Expense Projections 226 Liquor Fund: Net Assets Summary 227 Revenue Summary 228 Expense Summary 229 Expense Detail 231 AGENCY FUND Six Cities Watershed Fund 237 MISCELLANEOUS Tax Levy Resolution 239 Budget Resolution 240 Tax Rates For TNT 242 City Tax Estimates 243 Significant Minnesota Tax Policies 244 Local Government Aid Notice 245 Estimated & Historical Property Tax Fates 246 Glossary 248 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank z -1 x 0 v c n 0 z BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley State of Minnesota Elected and Appointed Officials ELECTED OFFICIALS Term of Office Expires December Effective January 2007 Mayor Scott J.Lund 2008 Councilmember At Large Robert L. Barnette 2008 Councilmember, Ward I James T. Saefke 2010 Councilmember, Ward II Dolores M. Varichak 2010 Councilmember, Ward Ill Ann R. Bolkcom 2010 Effective January 2006 Mayor Scott J.Lund 2008 Councilmember At Large Robert L. Barnette 2008 Councilmember, Ward I Steven E. Billings 2006 Councilmember, Ward II Richard P. Wolfe 2006 Councilmember, Ward III Ann R. Bolkcom 2006 APPOINTED OFFICIALS City Manager William W. Burns City Attorney Frederic W. Knaak Prosecuting Attorney Carl J. Newquist City Clerk Debra A. Skogen Department Heads: Finance Director/Treasurer Richard D. Pribyl Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management Donovan W. Abbott Fire Chief John D. Berg Director of Public Works Jon H. Haukaas Director of Recreation and Natural Resource Jack G. Kirk Director of Community Development Scott J. Hickok Director of Human Resoures Deborah K. Dahl CITY ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 2007 rev. 11/3/2006 City of Fridley Authorized Full-Time "40 Hours A Week" General Fund Positions - 110 (A) CITY MANAGEMENT(3) City Manager Admin Assistant to the City Manager Non-General Fund CABLE TV FUND Cable Administrator FINANCE (23) POLICE (45) HUMAN RESOURCES (2) Finance Director-Treasurer Public Safety Director Human Resources Director Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant (2) Accountants OPERATIONS (29) ACCOUNTING (5) Captain Assistant Finance Director (6) Sergeants Payroll Coordinator (22) Patrol Officers Accounting Specialist (2) Acctg-Data Processing Clerks TECHNICAL SUPPORT (14) Captain, ASSESSING (2) (1) Sergeant City Assessor (7) Detectives Appraiser Projects Coordinator Crime Prevention Specialist MIS (2) Office Supervisor IT Manager (2) Police Technicians PC Technician (Also 3 at 32 hrs/week) CITY CLERK -RECORDS (2) FIRE (9) City Clerk Licensing & Records Technician Fire Chief Administrative Assistant Assistant Chief Fire Marshal Non-General Fund (3) Full-time Firefighters LIQUOR (6) Liquor Operations Manager RENTAL INSPECTIONS (2) Assistant Manager Rental Inspection Asst. (4) Lead Liquor Store Clerks Full-time Firefighter WATER ADMIN (2) Utility Billing Clerk Acctg-Data Processing Clerk (A) In 2006, we reported having 4 full time Police Technicians. In 2007 we are only showing 2 Police Technicians as we are reporting only those positions that are scheduled to work 40 hours a week. There has been no actual staffing change in Police Technicians. ii PUBLIC WORKS (35) PARKS & COMMUNITY RECREATION (8) DEVELOPMENT (10) ' Public Works Director Administrative Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Community Development Recreation Office Coordinator Director (2) Program Supervisors Office Coordinator ENGINEERING (2) (1) Sr Citizens Program Supervisor Assistant Public Works Director BUILDING INSPECTION (3) (2) Engineering Technician Chief Building Official Non-General Fund Building Inspector PW MAINTENANCE (20) SPRINGBROOK NATURE Permit Technician Administrative Assistant CENTER (3) Nature Center Director PLANNING (2) Fleet Services Coord. Program Supervisor Planning Coordinator (2) Mechanic Administrative Assistant Planner Street Supervisor Non-General Fund (8) Public Service Worker SOLID WASTE (1) Environmental Planner Parks Supervisor (6) Public Service Worker SECTION 8 HOUSING (1) Coordinator(.75 FTE) Non-General Fund WATER (5) HRA(1) Water Supervisor Assistant Executive Director (4) Public Service Worker SEWER (5) Sewer Supervisor (4) Public Service Worker iii City Organization For Service 2007 CITIZENS OF FRIDLEY I CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION I I OTHER COMMISSIONS * Appeals Commission * Charter Commission (1) * Parks& Recreation Commission (1) Independent Commission- * Environmental & Energy Commission Appointed by District Court CITY ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL MANAGEMENT CITY MANAGER * Human Resources * Finance * Public Safety * Fire * Public Works * Parks & Recreation * Community Development iv THE BUDGET PROCESS Chapter 7 of the City Charter of the City of Fridley sets forth the requirements for the preparation of the annual budget. In addition, the State of Minnesota has established a "Truth in Taxation" program which requires local governments to provide notice of their proposed budgets and levies. Each taxing jurisdiction is required to hold a public hearing prior to adoption of the budget to inform the citizens and give them an opportunity to provide input on spending and taxing levels. Section 7.04 of the City Charter directs the City Manager to prepare a proposed budget and submit it to the City Council at the last meeting in August. A summary of the proposed budget is placed in the official publication twice prior to November 15. Minnesota's Truth in Taxation Statute requires us to certify a proposed tax levy to the County Auditor by September 15. Based upon the certified proposed levy, the County is required to mail to each property owner a notice of proposed property taxes. Between November 29 and December 20, a public hearing must be held to adopt the final property tax levy. In accordance with Section 7.05 of the Charter, the budget is adopted by resolution. A resolution is also passed requesting Anoka County to spread the tax levy contained within the enacted budget against the tax base. We are required by Statute to certify our final levy and adopt our budget by December 28. Changes to the adopted budget and supplemental appropriations may be made during the year by the City Council. However, Section 7.07 of the Charter provides that the Council shall not have the authority to increase the total amount of the budget, whether by insertion of new items or otherwise, beyond the projected revenues unless the actual revenues exceed the projected revenues, and in that event not beyond such actual revenues. Section 7.08 of the City Charter also empowers the City Council to establish an emergency appropriation not to exceed ten percent of the total budget. At the end of the fiscal budget period all budget amounts lapse to the extent they have not been expended or encumbered. The 2006 calendar of key events regarding the 2007 budget were scheduled as follows: June 19 Council Budget Work Session. Draft budget is reviewed. August 28 Consideration by City Council of the Proposed budget. August 28 Council passes a resolution to certify a Proposed tax levy to Anoka County. Council passes a resolution adopting the Proposed budget. September 15 "Proposed Levy Certification Taxes Payable 2007" is due to Anoka County. September 7 Publication of the Proposed budget resolution, 1st time,(Per Charter 7.04). September 14 Publication of the Proposed budget resolution, 2nd time, (Per Charter 7.04). October 16 Council Budget Work Session December 4 Public hearing on the final levy and budget. December 11 Adoption of final levy and budget. December 28 "Final Levy Certification Taxes Payable 2007" due to Anoka County. "Certification of Truth In Taxation Taxes Payable 2007" due to Department of Revenue. v December 30 "Payable 2007 Property Tax Levy Report" due to Dept of Revenue. December 30 Publication of the final 2007 budget resolution, (Per Charter 7.05). January 11 Publication of the"Summary Budget Statement". (Per OSA). BUDGET CONTROL In order to use the adopted budget for effective management control, it is incorporated into the accounting system and then used as a standard for internal accounting control. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, safeguards to protect assets against loss or unauthorized use, and to ensure reliability of financial records used in preparing financial statements. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived and the evaluation of cost and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. Budgetary control is maintained using complete budgetary accounts in compliance with City Charter requirements. It is the management policy of the City that the existence of a particular appropriation in the approved budget does not mean that it must be expended. Expenditures are not approved until it has been determined that there are adequate funds appropriated, the expenditures are necessary and there are funds available. There is constant review of the budget during the year and budget-to-actual comparisons are distributed to Department Heads on a monthly basis. Budgetary control is maintained at the expenditure category level for all divisions within a department. Budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which mandates the following: 1. Fund Accounting The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. 2. Measurement Focus The accounting and reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds and expendable trust funds are accounted for on a spending or "current financial resources" measurement focus. This means that governmental fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources and uses of"available spendable resources"during a period. Proprietary funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement focus. This means that all assets, including fixed assets, and all liabilities, including long-term liabilities, associated with their activity are included on their balance sheets. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases(expenses) in net total assets. vi BUDGET CONTROL (cont.) 3. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. Governmental Funds and Expendable Trust Funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become susceptible to accrual; i.e., both measurable and available. Substantially all revenues are accrued. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred, except for principal and interest on general long-term debt which is recognized when due. Proprietary funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they are earned, and expenses are recognized when they are incurred. FUND BALANCE POLICY General Fund In 1994, the City Council of the City of Fridley passed a resolution designating minimum fund balance in the order set forth as follows: 1. A designation for working capital equaling 60% of the ensuing year's budgeted local government aid plus the property tax levy (including any state paid portion); 2. A designation for subsequent years' expenditures for uses of fund balance as set forth in the ensuing year's adopted annual budget; 3. A designation for contingencies equal to 10% of the General Fund budgeted expenditures and other financing uses for the ensuing year; 4. A designation for replacement of fixed assets in an amount not less than 10% of the General Fund investment in General Fixed Assets as identified in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Special Revenue Funds 1. A designation for subsequent years' expenditures for uses of fund balance as set forth in the ensuing year's adopted budget; 2. A designation for subsequent years' expenditures for the balance of the Cable TV equipment grant; 3. A designation for cable TV program for the entire fund balance in the Cable TV Special Revenue Fund; 4. A designation for solid waste abatement equal to the fund balance in the Solid Waste Abatement Special Revenue Fund; 5. A designation for drug and gambling enforcement in the Drug and Gambling Forfeiture Special Revenue Fund equal to the entire fund balance; vii FUND BALANCE POLICY-(cont.) Capital Improvement Fund 1. A designation for fixed asset replacement equal to the balance in the general portion of the capital improvement plan; 2. A designation for park improvements equal to the balance in the park portion of the capital improvement plan; 3. A designation for street improvement equal to the balance in the street portion of the capital improvement plan. DEBT MANAGEMENT The City practices a debt management policy that searches out all revenue sources in lieu of issuing general obligation debt that will ultimately impact our legal debt margin. All debt issues are reviewed annually to determine the feasibility of utilizing call features or issuing refunding debt. The City maintains the services of Financial Advisors in regard to any new Special Assessment Improvement, Tax Increment, or Revenue Debt. viii • 2007 City of Fridley Budget Message I i ra 1 CE1YOF FRIDLEY 2007 BUDGET MESSAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction BM-1 II. The Budgeting Context and Issues BM-2 A. Legislative Context BM-2 B. Budget Sessions and Issues BM-4 III. The Budget in Perspective BM-5 (Table 1 —All Funds-Budgeted Expenditures) BM-6 A. General Fund BM-6 1. Expenditures BM-6 (Table 2— General Fund Element Summary) BM-6 2. Revenues BM-7 B. Special Revenue Funds BM-8 (Table 3—Special Revenue Funds—Budgeted Expenditures) BM-8 1. Cable TV Fund BM-8 2. Grant Management Fund BM-8 3. Solid Waste Abatement Fund BM-9 4. Police Activity Fund BM-9 5. Springbrook Nature Center Fund BM-9 C. Capital Improvement Funds BM-9 _ - (Table 4—Capital Improvement Funds—Budgeted Expenditures) BM-10 D. Enterprise Funds BM-10 (Table 5—Enterprise Funds -Budgeted Expenditures) BM-10 1. Water Fund BM-11 2. Sewer Fund BM-11 3. Storm Water Fund BM-11 4. Liquor Fund Bm-11 E. Debt Service BM-12 2007 Budget Message Table of Contents (Continued) IV. Tax Impact BM-12 (Figure 1 —Property Tax Changes) BM-14 V. Financial Health of the City BM-14 A. Fund Balances BM-14 (Table 6-Fund Balances) BM-15 B. Revenues BM-15 (Table 7- External Revenues vs. Expenditures) BM-16 (Table 8 - General Fund- Revenue Sources) BM-16 C. Expenditures BM-17 (Table 9 - General Fund Expenditures) BM-17 VI. External Environment BM-18 A. New Construction BM-18 B. Employment BM-18 C. Property Values BM-19 D. Crime Rates BM-20 E. Public Assistance BM-21 VII. Conclusion BM-21 I. Introduction The preparation of the 2007 budget was a year-long process that began with departmental goals and objectives setting early in the year. Once goals and objectives were established, department managers worked with their staff to prepare departmental budgets. The City Manager then worked with each department manager to review and revise the departmental budgets and to prepare the entire budget for Council's review. Council's consideration began with a budget work session in June and continued with the adoption of the preliminary budget in August. They met again in a work session in October to resolve remaining issues and to review changes that had occurred. Ultimately, the finished product will be presented in a formal public hearing at the December 4 City Council meeting. The budget resolution and associated revenue legislation will be decided by Council at their December 11 City Council meeting. As the budget is presented, I want to thank the department managers and their staff for preparing thoughtful and responsible budgets. The City Council also deserves thanks and credit for reviewing the budget and for their leadership and cooperation in all phases of the budgeting process. I also want to thank our Finance Director, Rick Pribyl, our Budget Accountant, Craig Ellestad, and our Human Resources Director, Debbie Dahl, for compiling the numbers, making budget changes and for assisting me in the preparation of this message. Roberta Collins, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, also deserves credit and thanks for assisting in pulling together the information on Fridley's external environment as well as for typing and editing this message. BM-1 II. The Budgeting Context and Issues A. Legislative Context. The 2006 legislative session bore mixed results for Fridley. The good results included the absence of levy limits, the absence of legislation that would have allowed the sale of alcoholic beverages in grocery stores, and the approval of $60 million in funding for the Northstar Commuter Rail project. The good results were accompanied by a number of undesirable results for Fridley City government. There were no attempts to revise the Local Government Aid formula in a manner that would generate additional revenue for first-ring suburbs. There was also no bond funding for the Springbrook Nature Center improvement project, and the legislature imposed significant new limitations on City or Housing and Redevelopment Authority use of the power of eminent domain for the acquisition of land needed for highways or redevelopment projects. A number of other pieces of legislation that were passed will have or potentially have mixed results for Fridley. A number of these actions were in support of what was termed "The Clean Water Legacy Act." They included the appropriation of $25,000,000 in General Fund expenditures and $62,200,000 in bond funding for mostly rural water, sewer, and storm water projects. The legislation is also a mixed bag for cities in that it takes money that might otherwise be available to cities or school districts for operating expenditures and uses it for capital improvement projects. While the constitutional amendment that would earmark all of the state's motor vehicle excise tax revenue for transit and highway projects was a 2005 initiative, it was approved by the voters this fall. Although it reserves badly needed funding for highways and transit, it also limits the availability of revenues for the operation of state and local government in Minnesota. BM-2 One other legislative initiative that will produce mixed blessings for cities is the legislation that limited municipal liability for the actions of employees in other cities who are party to joint powers agreements. The same legislation, however, raised the cap on municipal tort liability from $300,000 per individual and $1,000,000 per incident to $400,000 per individual and $1,200,000 per incident beginning in January of 2008. The same legislation mandated that these caps be raised again in 2009 to $500,000 per individual and $1,500,000 per incident. As we approach the 2007 legislative session, there are a number of likely legislative issues on the horizon for cities. Undoubtedly, property taxes will be one of the more significant of these issues. This will take the form of both gubernatorial and legislative efforts to reintroduce levy limits. According to Louis Jambois, Executive Director of Metro Cities, there is a very good chance that levy limits in some form will pass. He does not believe, however, that the more restrictive "turbo-charged truth in taxation" requirements initiated by the Governor in past years will be taken seriously in 2007. There is also a strong possibility that there will be efforts to provide additional funding for municipal water, sewer and storm water improvements. According to Louis Jambois, supporters of this "Clean Water Legacy" legislation will seek $80 million in new funding for these projects. They will also seek a dedicated funding source, such as additional sales tax or lottery proceeds to fund these projects on a permanent basis. As in most legislative sessions, there will be efforts to secure more Local Government Aid (LGA) for cities, as well as changes in the LGA formula that would generate additional funding for fully developed suburbs. Success in these efforts will, more than likely, hinge on the availability of state revenue surpluses. BM-3 Although the traditional "wine in grocery stores" legislation that is sponsored annually by supporters of the retail grocers is not likely to pass in 2007, we can count on this legislation coming back every year until it does. Given the strong public support for wine in grocery stores, this is likely to be sooner rather than later. According to Louis Jambois, the main obstacles to its passage in 2007 are the large number of new legislators and the abundance of higher priority issues. Although there will be no major restructuring of Tax Increment Financing (TIF), there is some likelihood that there will be some loosening of pooling requirements, as well as an alignment of TIF start dates with the actual flow of TIF dollars. Louis Jambois also offers a variety of other forecasts for 2007. There will be new initiatives to add even more costs to cities using eminent domain. He also opines that the Northstar Commuter Rail supporters will have a tough time with their quest for sales tax waivers on construction and new equipment for the Northstar project. Additionally, he sees difficulties in getting approval of funding for engineering for the second leg of the Northstar project. The success of this legislation depends on what portion of the MVST money will be awarded for projects in Greater Minnesota as well as the degree to which Greater Minnesota is supportive of this project. Finally, he offers that there will be a very strong push to provide additional funding for highway construction through either a gas tax increase and/or a dedicated metropolitan area sales tax increase. B. Budget Session and Issues. Council considered the 2007 budget in two budget work sessions that were held in June and October. Although there were a number of budget issues including those related to employee health insurance adjustments, funding for Alexandra House, additional funding for code BM-4 enforcement, funding for additional security cameras and funding for Innsbruck Nature Center improvements, by far the biggest concerns were and are the imbalances between both General Fund and utility fund revenues and expenditures. For the General Fund, this imbalance amounts to about $1,500,000 per year. The utility fund imbalance is at $600,000 for 2007 and growing. While there was considerable discussion of these imbalances in terms of both additional revenue sources and expenditure cuts, the bottom line is that unless we are willing to eliminate governmental services, much of the solution to these two major issues lies outside Council's immediate control. In the first instance, the preferable solution is to secure a more equitable distribution of Local Government Aid (LGA) for Fridley and other fully developed metropolitan area suburbs. The City has been working toward this goal with other suburban communities. Our success depends heavily on whether there is state surplus to fund these additional allocations. Without a surplus, it will be very difficult to change the formula in a manner that significantly changes the distribution between Greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The preferable solution for the utilities fund imbalance lies with the Fridley electorate through either a Charter change or the approval of a rate increase that exceeds the rate of inflation. In the first instance, the Charter provisions requiring voter approval of utility rates that exceed the rate of inflation would need to be repealed. If we are to succeed with voter approval of a rate increase that exceeds the rate of inflation, elimination of the extraordinary majority that is required by the current Charter language should be eliminated. III. The Budget in Perspective The budget that emerged from these discussions provides for the expenditure of $17,852,706, or about 2.7% less than was budgeted for all funds in 2006. The decrease in BM-5 budgeted expenditures amounts to $500,701. We have displayed the distribution of these budgeted expenditures by fund in Table 1. Table 1 All Funds Budgeted Expenditures 2006 2007 Change % Change General Fund $ 13,189,528 $ 13,717,856 $ 528,328 4.0% Special Revenue Funds 1,568,679 1,266,650 (302,029) (19.3%) Capital Projects Funds 3,589,000 2,862,000 (727,000) (20.3%) • Agency Fund (Six Cities) 6,200 6,200 0 0.0% Total $ 18,353,407 $ 17,852,706 ($ 500,701) (2.7%) A. The General Fund. 1. Expenditures. The 2007 General Fund expenditures will increase by $528,328, or by about 4.0 % more than was budgeted for 2006. Table 2 displays these expenditures by broad expenditure category. Table 2 General Fund Element Summary Budgeted Expenditures 2006 2007 Change % Change Personal Services $ 9,578,399 $ 10,052,756 $474,357 5.0% Supplies 742,052 767,750 25,698 3.5% Other Services & Charges 2,495,627 2,571,490 75,863 3.0% Capital Outlay 373,450 325,860 (47,590) (12.7%) Total $ 13,189,528 $ 13,717,856 $ 528,328 4.0% BM-6 As is the case in most years, nearly all of the increase is for personal services. Of the $474,357 increase in these costs, $197,429 is budgeted to cover the cost of a 3% cost of living adjustment for all City employees. We have also budgeted $63,263 for state-mandated increases in the cost of Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA) costs and $21,310 for additional employee health insurance costs. Other personal service increases include $128,523 for temporary employee salaries, $41,845 in additional costs for Workers' Compensation, and $80,192 for market rate adjustments identified by our employee compensation study. Although we have budgeted $29,000 in additional costs for our paid-on-call firefighters, there is no money budgeted for additional full-time employees. The cost of supplies for General Fund departments has increased by $25,698, or by 3.46%. This amount includes an additional $28,952 for motor vehicle fuel. We have budgeted $2,571,490, or 3.0% more than we budgeted last year, for other services and charges. The amount budgeted includes an additional $44,683 for utility costs. It also includes $42,561 for a contract with Alexandra House for the services of an advocate for the victims of domestic abuse. Capital outlay expenditures for 2007 have been reduced by $47,590. They include $105,860 for the replacement of four police squads, $95,000 for the replacement of street maintenance equipment, $45,000 for the replacement of parks maintenance equipment, and $80,000 for the purchase of an additional fire rescue truck. 2. Revenues. The $13,717,856 in 2007 General Fund expenditures is supported by $13,041,310 in General Fund revenue. This revenue includes $940,000 in transfers from other funds including BM-7 the Police Activity Fund ($190,000), the Liquor Fund ($500,000), and the Closed Bond Fund ($250,000). The remaining amount($676,546) will be drawn from the General Fund Reserve. B. Special Revenue Funds. Spending for all Special Revenue Funds in 2007 will be down by $302,029, or by 19.3%. Table 3 reveals spending for each fund in this funding category. Table 3 Special Revenue Funds - Budgeted Expenditures Budget Budget 2006 2007 Change % Change Cable TV Fund $ 313,760 $ 181,716 ($ 132,044) (42.1%) Grant Management 91,156 92,547 1,391 1.5% Solid Waste Abatement 327,499 449,586 122,087 37.3% Police Activity Fund 509,169 190,000 (319,169) (62.7%) Springbrook NC Fund 327,095 352,801 25,706 7.9% Total $ 1,568,679 $ 1,266,650 ($ 302,029) (19.3%) 1. Cable TV Fund. Expenditures are down by $132,044 or by 42.1%. This reflects the absence of the $185,000 expenditure that we have projected for purchase of new digital cable equipment in 2006. That number has been reduced to $35,000 in 2007. The money will be used to replace video lighting and a custom curtain rod in the Council chambers. 2. Grant Management Fund. Expenditures will increase by $1,391 (1.5%). The increase includes a market rate adjustment for two Section 8 employees and the Senior Program's Chores and More Coordinator. Since we did not receive CDBG funding for the Senior Companion Program for 2007, we will not be distributing grant funding as we did in 2006. All of the expenditures in this fund are offset by grant revenue. BM-8 3. Solid Waste Abatement Fund. The $122,087 (37.3%) increase is largely explained by the extra recycling projects that are being funded through the revenue sharing program with our recycling hauler(BFI). It also reflects a$10,917 (4%) increase in our contract with our recycling hauler. Revenues are projected at $406,742, or $42,844 less than budgeted expenditures. Revenues include $238,767 in recycling fees from our residents, $62,000 in SCORE revenues from Anoka County and $100,000 in revenue shared by BFI from the profits generated by the sale of recycled materials. The deficit must be covered by transfers from our reserves. 4. Police Activity Fund. We are using the remaining $190,000 from this fund to cover the costs of three police officers formerly covered by the "Clinton Cops" grant program. After 2007, this fund will be deleted. 5. Springbrook Nature Center Fund. The $25,706 (7.9%) increase is almost entirely attributed to personal service costs. These costs reflect COLA and market rate adjustments for the three full-time employees who work at the Springbrook Nature Center. Revenues for this fund are projected at $365,600 and include $290,600 in projected levy proceeds. C. Capital Improvements Fund. Capital Improvement Fund expenditures are projected at $2,939,000. Table 4 on the next page shows the distribution of these expenditures among the three capital improvement categories. BM-9 Table 4 Capital Improvement Fund Budgeted Expenditures Budget Budget 2006 2007 Change % Change General $ 202,000 $ 75,000 ($ 127,000) (62.9%) Streets 3,165,000 2,590,000 (575,000) (18.2%) Parks 222,000 197,000 (25,000) (11.3%) Total $ 3,589,000 $ 2,862,000 ($ 727,000) (20.3%) We can explain most of the expenditure difference between 2006 and 2007 budgets by comparing the costs for street reconstruction. The 2006 project budget was $2,925,000; the 2007 project budget is $2,590,000. This does not include the costs for the assessed portions of the project or other costs funded from outside funding sources. Capital Improvement Fund revenues for 2007 are $2,732,530. This leaves a deficit of $129,470 to be funded from the Capital Improvements Fund balance. This use of fund balance will leave us with an ending fund balance of$4,456,249. D. Enterprise Funds. In addition to the formally budgeted funds, the City prepares budgets for four enterprise funds. These budgets are summarized in Table 5. Table 5 Enterprise Funds - Budgeted Expenditures Budget Budget 2006 2007 Change % Change Water Fund $ 2,102,955 $ 2,094,380 ($ 8,575) (0.4%) Sewer Fund 3,636,270 3,906,481 270,211 7.4% Storm Water Fund 429,913 442,825 12,912 3.0% Municipal Liquor 6,027,255 6,054,980 27,725 0.5% Total $ 12,196,393 $ 12,498,666 $ 302,273 2.5% BM-10 1. Water Fund. We are projecting $2,094,380 in Water Fund expenditures for 2007. The amount is $8,575 less than we budgeted for 2006. Increases associated with additional utility costs ($29,600) and supplies are more than offset by reduced depreciation costs for fixed assets. Water Fund revenues of $1,876,936 fall $217,444 short of covering expenditures. We will use cash balances to fund the shortfall. This transfer will leave us with cash balances of $1,648,309. 2. Sewer Fund. We are projecting Sewer Fund Expenditures of $3,906,481. This amount is $270,211 (7.4%) greater than the amount budgeted for 2006. Almost all of the increase ($255,656) is projected for disposal costs that are charged by the Metropolitan Council's Environmental Services Division. We have projected Sewer Fund Revenues at $3,512,750, or $393,731 less than expenditures. We will use cash balances to fund the shortfall. This will reduce the cash balance to $2, 484,460. 3. Storm Water Fund. The budget is $442,825, or $12,912 (3%) more than we budgeted for 2006. Almost all the increase is for depreciation on improvements that will be built in 2006 and 2007. Revenues are projected at $430,752, or $12,073 less than expenditures.. The shortfall will be transferred from cash balance, leaving the fund with cash balances of$581,985. 4. Liquor Fund. Liquor Fund expenditures are projected at $6,054,980 for 2007. This amount is $27,725 (< 1%) greater than the amount budgeted for 2006. Most of the increase is for contractual BM-11 services. These include increases for utility costs, freight, rent, credit card fees, and property taxes. Once again, expenditures include a $500,000 transfer to the General Fund. Projected revenues of$6,065,116 will cover budgeted costs. The ending balance in this fund is projected at $1,672,145. E. Debt Service. In addition to operating funds, the City maintains a number of funds that have been established for the administration of debt service. In 2007, we expect to pay $417,348 in debt service on water system improvements. In addition to water system bonds, the City will pay $101,000 in 2007 for debt on storm sewer projects. We also anticipate $314,523 in 2007 street improvement debt service payments. All of the City's debt service is for capital improvement projects. The City experienced a reduction in bond rating from Moody's Investor Service, Inc. this year. During 2006, the City sold the "2006 Street Improvement Bond" and due to the continuing reliance on reserves to balance the budget, the rating was reduced to Aa2 from Aal. IV. Tax Impact The City's 2007 property tax levy will be $9,200,426. This represents an increase of $443,238, or 5.1% over the 2006 property tax levy. The levy increase includes $243,432 allowed by the City Charter for the General Fund levy, $7,900 allowed by the City Charter as an increase in the Springbrook Nature Center levy, and $198,036 for debt retirement on street improvement bonds. In addition to the impact of increased levies, most homeowners will also feel the effect of disparities in property appreciation. Since lower value homes have appreciated more rapidly BM-12 than more expensive homes or commercial and industrial property, the burden of property taxes has shifted somewhat toward the owners of lower value homes. The first step in calculating property taxes is to calculate the value of tax capacity that may be attributed to a particular home (in this case, the average value home). This is done by applying the class rate for single family homesteaded property to the estimated market value of a home. In the case of our average value home, we would multiply the first $500,000 of the value of the home by 1%. We would then multiply the remainder of the value by 1.25% and add the two products. The result, or tax capacity, is multiplied by the sum of the tax capacity rates for Fridley, Anoka County, the school district in which the property is located and other units of local government that have jurisdiction in the area occupied by the property. After doing all this, we are still not through. We must also add the value of any market rate levies approved by voters in any of the school districts and subtract the value of the Residential Market Value Homestead Credit. This credit is determined by multiplying the market value by .4% to a maximum of$304. This maximum is achieved at a market value of $76,000. Any value in excess of$76,000 is multiplied by .09% and subtracted from the $304 credit. Having completed these transactions for the average value Fridley home (valued at $216,500), we learned that the City's levy increase together with appreciation of property value, would cause taxes on the home to decrease from $649 to $645 or by less than 1%. The property taxes in each of the four school districts that include parts of Fridley will rise or fall in 2007, depending on the district. Figure 1 on the next page depicts what City staff believes will be the 2007 changes in property taxes for the owners of a $216,500 home in all four school districts. The increase ranges between $115 in the Spring Lake Park School District to a $110 reduction in BM-13 the Columbia Heights School District. While residents of the Fridley School District will see a $1 increase in property taxes, those in the Anoka-Hennepin School District will see a $64 reduction in property taxes. ,. ,- * , ` ,, s yTaC f *232 v 111 y h S ''198 Y 117� "®a Y 086' '\,,,.F ° 51 v 057 .47 I 3:4 033 F '! y ;n — $2 `ISD#14Fny IS #ISO#13LaurtiaF is Y I90#11-fYdeyrrdn $2131 $2198 w s II RrEi 2X $31 l07M207 1 SRC67 • Ch 4 J $910 •&1 _• V. Financial Health of the City A. Fund Balances. Table 6 displays the most recent calculations of fund balances. As was the case in 2006, this table clearly demonstrates that the City is rapidly using its cash reserves to cover its General Fund operating deficits as well as to cover both Solid Waste Abatement Fund deficits and capital improvement program deficits. BM-14 Table 6 Fund Balances Unreserved Unreserved Year General Fund Governmental Funds 2002 5,015,397 19,281,813 2003 4,338,463 18,509,711 2004 4,080,012 17,145,797 2005 4,020,285 17,997,691 2006* 3,536,364 17,829,494 2007* 2,859,818 16,821,407 * Projected Estimate Although we commonly refer to these balances as discretionary, most of them are reserved for specific purposes. Of the projected balance for 2007, we estimate that $5.6 million is reserved for street construction and other capital improvements. Another $4.6 million is needed for working capital. We also rely on internal transfers of$1.5 to $2.0 million per year to balance the General Fund. B. Revenues. Table 7 on the next page compares General Fund revenues with General Fund expenditures from 2002 to 2007. The "excess" line represents the amount of money that must be transferred from other funds to balance the General Fund budget. Although actual transfers seldom occurred prior to 2002, since then we have been transferring between $1.3 million and $2.0 million every year. In 2007, we expect to transfer $1,616,546 (including transfers from the General Fund Reserve). The transferred amounts include $500,000 from the Liquor Fund, $190,000 from the Police Activity Fund, $250,000 from the Closed Bond Fund, and $676,546 from the General Fund Reserve. The 2007 transfer from the Police Activity Fund will complete BM-15 the draw down of this fund. Beyond 2007, we will need to compensate for the absence of this transfer by drawing more from the General Fund Reserve. Table 7 General Fund External Revenues vs. Expenditures Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Revenues $ 10,107,186 $ 10,070,151 $ 10,398,886 $ 10,904,833 $11,431,438 $ 12,101,310 Expenditures 12,156,024 12,056,581 11,824,220 12,237,052 13,189,528 13,717,856 Excess ($2,048,838) ($ 1,986,430) ($ 1,425,334) ($ 1,332,219) ($ 1,758,090) ($ 1,616,546) Table 8 depicts changes in the various sources of General Fund revenue. It clearly reveals a dramatic change in the revenue sources since 2002. With the reduction of Fridley's Local Government Aid, we have seen our dependence on property taxes rise from 48.4% of General Fund revenue in 2004 to 61.8% in 2007. Table 8 General Fund - Revenue Sources (By Percentage) Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Source 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Taxes 41.0 43.3 48.4 55.4 62.2 61.8 Licenses and Permits 3.9 4.6 5.1 5.6 5.9 4.9 Intergovernmental 22.4 20.7 18.0 12.9 4.4 7.3 Charges for Services 10.8 10.6 10.9 10.6 10.0 10.4 Fines and Forfeits 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.3 Special Assessments & Miscellaneous 3.3 2.6 4.1 3.2 2.5 2.6 Other Financing Sources & Fund Balance 17.0 16.5 12.1 10.9 13.7 11.8 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 BM-16 C. Expenditures. Table 9 displays expenditures in actual and constant dollars. It demonstrates that Fridley's General Fund has grown very little when controlled for inflation. Based on constant dollars, Fridley's General Fund expenditures have grown by only 2.8% since 1995. Since the Springbrook Nature Center budget was removed from the General Fund budget in 2006, the Springbrook Nature Center budget of $352,801 for 2007 should be added to the General Fund budget number for 2007. When that is done, the constant dollar value of 2007 budgeted expenditures rises to $10,273,426 or 6.5% more than the actual General Fund expenditure for 1995. This means that over a thirteen-year period, General Fund expenditures have risen by an average of about .54% a year. Table 9 General Fund Expenditures In Actual and Constant Dollars Year Actual Dollars Constant Dollars** 1995 9,647,338 9,647,338 1996 9,790,481 9,468,903 1997 10,030,524 9,479,248 1998 10,059,889 9,318,291 1999 10,932,370 9,862,631 2000 11,310,395 9,794,385 2001 11,544,546 9,608,516 2002 12,156,024 10,016,546 2003 12,056,581 9,713,656 2004 11,824,220 9,140,029 2005 12,240,603 9,215,145 * 2006 13,189,528 9,783,886 *** * 2007 13,717,856 9,920,625 *** * Budgeted Numbers ** Constant dollars are based on the value of 1995 dollars. *** We have assumed an annual inflation rate of 3.0% BM-17 VI. External Environment The external environment in which the City operates has shown signs of mild decline in 2006. While property values have continued to rise and crime rates have generally stayed the same, unemployment has risen slightly and the value of new construction in Fridley has tailed off significantly. Our analysis also shows that the number of jobs in the Fridley economy has continued a downward trend. Moreover, levels of public assistance as measured by the number of School District #14 children on free and reduced meals and the number of Fridley residents receiving cash assistance and/or food stamps from Anoka County is rising. A. New Construction. The value of all new construction for the first ten months of 2006 was $20,860,335. This compares with $25,848,297 for the first ten months of 2005. The value for new construction is 19.3% less than the value reported for 2005 and 10.1% less than the value reported in 2004. Although the overall value of new construction has declined substantially, the number of projects having a value in excess of$500,000 has grown from six in 2005 to eight in 2006. B. Employment. As new construction values have fallen, unemployment rates in Fridley have increased from 3.9% for the first nine months of 2005 to 4.2% for the first nine months of 2006. This compares with an average statewide unemployment rate of 4.03% and an average national unemployment rate of 4.74% for the same nine-month period. The increase in unemployment rates has been accompanied by a continued decline in the number of jobs available in the City of Fridley. The number has dropped steadily from 26,025 in 2001 to 24,992 in 2002. The decline continued to 23,986 Fridley jobs in 2003 and to 23,335 in BM-18 2004. Although the number of jobs increased to 23,845 in 2005, the decline continued in 2006 to 23,041. The bottom line is that Fridley has lost more than 3,000 jobs in the past five years. While the number of manufacturing jobs in Fridley is significantly less than the 10,573 jobs five years ago, it has remained fairly stable since 2003. Last year, we reported that as of 2004, there were 9,604 manufacturing jobs in Fridley. That number dropped slightly to 9,566 in 2005 and to 9,337 in 2006. In contrast to manufacturing, the number of retail jobs in Fridley has continued a fairly steep decline from the 3,223 jobs that existed in 2001. Last year, we reported 2,433 retail jobs in Fridley for the year 2004. By 2006, however, that number had dropped to 2,202. Service sector jobs have also continued a decline from 12,121 in 2005 to 11,639 in 2006. This compares with 13,132 service sector jobs that were available in 2003. C. Property Values. Property values have continued to rise at rates that vary considerably among different categories of property. The estimated value of all property in Fridley increased from $2,449,361,700 in 2005 to $2,615,674,900 in 2006, or by about 6.4%. This compares with a 6.8% increase we reported last year. The value for single family homestead property increased by 5.5% compared with the 13.2% increase in value that we reported last year. At the same time, values for non-homesteaded apartment buildings having three or less units rose by 40.6%. This huge increase reflects the conversion of 103 single family units from homesteaded property to non-homesteaded property. As the value of smaller non-homesteaded properties increased dramatically, the value of non- homesteaded property having more than three units rose by 4.8%. BM-19 As residential values have risen, so also have values for commercial and industrial property. This includes an 8.8% increase in commercial values and a 10.1% increase in industrial values. This increase in Fridley's property values has been accompanied by an 8.3% increase in tax capacity, the amount available for local property taxation. This compares with an increase of 5.3%that we reported last year. D. Crime Rates. Crime reports for the first nine months of 2006 indicate that the level of Part 1 and Part 2 crimes in Fridley is about where it was for the same period in 2005. According to Public Safety Director Don Abbott, we had 3,836 Part 1 and Part 2 crimes in Fridley during the first nine months of 2006. This compares with 3,839 crimes for the same period last year. Both numbers are below the five-year average for reported Part 1 and Part 2 crimes (3,952 crimes). There were 1,195 Part 1 crimes during the first nine months of 2006. This compares with 1,262 Part 1 crimes during the first nine months of 2005. The 2006 numbers for these more serious crimes include 38 rapes, 127 burglaries, and 148 vehicle thefts. Although we had a homicide in November, there were no homicides during the first nine months. While there were 5.1% fewer Part 1 crimes during the first nine months of 2006 than there were during the same period in 2005, the number of Part 2 crimes during this period increased by 2.7%. Crimes that were on the increase included nuisance and disorderly calls (+19.3%), driving under the influence calls (+38.3%), and stolen property offenses (+63.6%). The latter calls were undoubtedly due to the work of our new pawn detective. BM-20 E. Public Assistance. Anoka County reports that the number of Fridley residents receiving cash assistance and/or food stamps has increased from 858 cases for the first nine months of 2005 to 946 cases for the first nine months of 2006. This represents a 10.2% increase over last year. Our report from School District #14 indicates that there are 1,335 students receiving free or reduced cost lunches in 2006. That is 173 students or 14.9% more than the number that was reported last year. This number represents about 50% of all District #14 students. Much of the increase is attributable to the launching of all day kindergarten at the two elementary schools. VII. Conclusion The 2007 budget has been drafted within the context of mixed legislative results and a mildly declining local economy. Although the legislature did not reinstate levy limits in 2006 and did not approve legislation that would have allowed wine sales in grocery stores, it passed legislation that significantly reduced the ability of Minnesota cities to use the powers of eminent domain for acquisition of land needed for highway or redevelopment projects. It also failed to revise the Local Government Aid (LGA) formula in a manner that would generate additional revenue for Fridley and other first ring suburbs. As we approach the 2007 legislative session, there are strong indications that the legislature will reinstate levy limits. There is also some indication that, given a substantial level of state budgetary surplus, there will be some reforms to LGA that will benefit Fridley and other first-ring suburbs. There are also signs of support for additional funding for highway construction. At the same time, there are indications that there will be another strong push by the BM-21 retail grocers to allow the sale of wine in grocery stores. While it is doubtful that the effort will succeed in 2007, there are other signals that the legislation will eventually be approved. The legislative debate over these issues has been accompanied by a decline in Fridley's economic environment. In 2006, the value of new construction was down by more than 19%; unemployment was up by about 8%; the number of jobs in Fridley declined by 3.4%; and public assistance levels rose by more than 10%. The budget that was drafted within this context is smaller than the budget that was prepared for 2006. While the General Fund portion of the budget will increase by 4%, special revenue and capital project funds will decrease by more than 19%. Although enterprise funding for the City's three utilities and its liquor operations will increase by 2.5%, a large portion of that increase is attributable to increased charges for regional sewage treatment that are passed on to the City by the Metropolitan Council's Environmental Services Division. Nearly all of the 4% increase in the cost for General Fund services is attributable to rising personnel costs. Other General Fund cost increases are the product of higher costs for motor vehicle fuel, natural gas, and electricity. A small portion of these cost increases is offset by a reduction in costs for vehicles and equipment. General Fund expenditures of $13,717,856 are supported by $12,101,310 in General Fund revenues from property taxes and a variety of other sources of annual income. The remaining $1,616,546 is covered by transfers from other funds and the use of General Fund reserves. The City's 2007 property tax levy will be $9,200,426. This represents an increase of $443,238, or 5.1% more than the 2006 property tax levy. The levy increase includes $243,432 allowed by the City Charter for the General Fund levy, $7,900 allowed by the City Charter as an BM-22 increase in the Springbrook Nature Center levy, and $198,036 for debt retirement on street improvement bonds. This levy increase when combined with changes in property tax valuation will cause taxes on Fridley's average value home (a home having a value of $216,500) to decrease from $649 a year to $645 a year. In addition to examining budgeted revenues and expenditures for 2007, it is also important to examine the impact of these revenue and expenditure patterns on the overall financial health of the City. The bottom line is that Fridley is rapidly using its cash reserves to cover its operating and capital improvement expenditures. With the virtual elimination of the City's LGA funding in 2003, we are also seeing increased reliance on local property taxes. Although the City can probably maintain existing levels of service for another five to seven years, it is clear that we need to address our continuing budget imbalance. In addition to looking for ways to reduce operating expenditures as we have for 2007 with adjustments in employee health insurance benefits, we also need to be looking for new revenue sources that will reduce our dependence on property taxes. While convincing the legislature to adjust the LGA formula in a manner that benefits Fridley and other first-ring suburbs is an uphill task, it is a task that should be addressed. During the remainder of 2006 and the first half of 2007, we will continue to work with other communities and their associations to identify and implement changes in this formula. While we are very hopeful that we will be successful, if we fail, Fridley and its residents will soon be facing a fork in the road where we will be choosing between higher property taxes and significant reductions in governmental services. In addition to facing the challenge of balancing the General Fund, we also face the challenge of balancing utility funds. The deficit between operating revenues and expenditures for BM-23 these funds has been growing each year and, as is the case with the General Fund, the available reserves are rapidly declining. This includes the use of nearly $500,000 in reserves in 2007 to balance the utility budgets. As is the case with the General Fund, finding new revenues to match annual expenditures has not been an easy task. The City has gone to the voters on three separate occasions to fix the problem. Each time the voters have rejected the proposed solution, notwithstanding the fact that their utility rates are among the lowest in the metropolitan area. Although the task is formidable, the City needs to continue to look for solutions to balancing the utilities budgets. Unlike the General Fund problem where the solution appears to lie with aggressively seeking state funding, the utility issue is a matter of convincing local residents that their utilities need to be operated like a business where revenues are raised to match operating needs. The alternative is to compromise the effectiveness of our water, sewer, and storm water systems in a manner that adversely affects the health and safety of our residents. Ultimately, allowing the existing systems to deteriorate will be far more costly than the current practice of systematic maintenance and capital replacement. While there are no guarantees that either of these two major financial problems can be resolved quickly, we do have some time to work diligently to correct them. We do not have the time, however, to comfortably sit back and let the financial problems reach crisis proportions. While facing a fork in the road where we are forced to choose between higher property taxes and significant reduction in services may be inevitable, it seems wise to do all that we can to preserve the high quality of City services that Fridley residents currently enjoy. With these thoughts and a sense of pride in our City and our City government, I present the 2007 budget for Council's consideration. BM-24 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank GENERAL FUND The General Fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures necessary to carry out basic governmental activities of the City, such as general government, public safety, and G) public works. Revenues are recognized by source, such as property taxes, licenses and permits, intergovernmental, charges for services, and fines and forfeits. General Fund expenditures are made primarily for current day to day operations This fund accounts for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. c z BUDGET 2007 GENERAL FUND Fund Balance Summary Fund 101 General Fund ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL FUND: Fund Balance January 1 4,427,875 4,163,836 4,152,327 4,101,946 3,607,367 Revenues&Transfers 11,560,178 12,178,716 12,705,607 12,705,607 13,041,310 Total Available 15,988,053 16,342,552 16,857,934 16,807,553 16,648,677 less: Expenditures&Transfers 11,824,217 12,240,606 13,189,528 13,200,186 13,717,856 Fund Balance December 31 4,163,836 4,101,946 3,668,406 3,607,367 2,930,821 11/16/06 1 BUDGET 2007 General Fund Revenue Summary ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATE ACCT REVENUE SOURCE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET THRU BUDGET NO 2003 2004 • 2005 2006 12/31/06 2007 Taxes 311-1000 Current ad valorem 5,163,859 5,685,097 6,763,409 8,189,475 8,189,475 8,432,907 311-2000 Del ad valorem 40,099 37,995 8,266 38,000 38,000 30,000 , 319-1000 Penalties and interest on del taxes 15,589 394 8,929 10,000 10,000 8,000 319-2000 Forfeited tax sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 5,219,547 5,723,486 6,780,604 8,237,475 8,237,475 8,470,907 Licenses and permits 321-0000 Licenses 198,309 210,105 197,523 241,800 241,800 189,500 322-0000 Permits 359,611 392,131 491,254 538,590 538,590 476,900 Total 557,920 602,236 688,777 780,390 780,390 666,400 Intergovernmental 331-0000 Fed grants&aids 7,647 16,326 5,387 3,200 3,200 8,500 334-0160 Local government aid 1,323,915 942,038 293,654 0 0 382,341 334-0260 Residental MV hmstd aid 496,935 517,543 499,014 0 0 0 334-0460 PERA coordinated aid 27,282 27,282 27,282 27,282 27,282 27,282 I 334-1622 Police-POST 15,262 11,459 11,632 0 0 0 334-1832 Muni State Aid-Street Main't 205,096 171,674 196,268 170,000 170,000 190,000 334-2000 Police and fire pensions 381,816 431,144 426,042 374,690 374,690 390,690 334-2500 All other state grants 35,576 3,033 32,070 0 0 0 336-3000 Reimbursements 7,159 8,912 8,937 2,496 2,496 4,000 Total 2,500,688 2,129,411 1,500,286 577,668 577,668 1,002,813 Charges for services 341-0000 General Government 17,787 2,994 1,860 8,400 8,400 1,950 341-1211 HRA 163,200 179,536 169,200 174,000 174,000 178,900 341-1211 Cable TV 52,000 52,900 54,000 55,500 55,500 57,000 341-1211 Water fund(Admin and Trans&Dist) 180,000 183,200 186,900 210,000 210,000 218,120 341-1211 Sewer fund(Admin and Collection) 173,000 176,100 179,600 202,500 202,500 210,420 341-1211 Storm Water fund 97,000 98,700 100,700 103,500 103,500 106,400 341-1211 Liquor fund 69,000 70,200 71,600 73,500 73,500 75,600 341-2000 Other 79,394 65,221 115,966 94,100 94,100 95,100 342-0000 Public Safety 147,127 125,399 210,732 160,015 160,015 213,500 345-0000 Public Works 5,448 8,022 14,103 7,800 7,800 10,000 346-0090 Community Development 10,244 20,294 28,944 15,950 15,950 22,700 347-0000 Recreation 221,422 216,176 252,988 221,200 221,200 233,000 348-0000 Nature 59,887 90,405 Now in Fund 270 Now in Fund 270 Now in Fund 270 Now in Fund 270 Total 1,275,509 1,289,147 1,386,593 1,326,465 1,326,465 1,422,690 351-0000 Fines and forfeits 203,533 173,694 163,166 180,000 180,000 180,000 361-0000 Special assessments 2,942 8,906 608 4,540 4,540 4,000 362-1000 Interest on investments 87,349 88,773 106,513 125,000 125,000 124,000 Misc revenues 362-3000 General contrib&donations 26,352 89,838 24,477 10,000 10,000 3,000 362-4160 Insurance reimbursement 78,351 113,860 88,848 56,900 56,900 85,000 362-4260 Other reimbursements 11,944 11,485 2,117 10,000 10,000 8,500 362-5160 Sale of misc property 22,011 81,603 76,800 36,000 36,000 60,000 362-6160 Miscellaneous revenues 1,731 1,492 12,015 2,000 2,000 4,000 362-7160 3%gambling tax 82,271 84,955 74,032 85,000 85,000 70,000 Total 222,660 383,233 278,289 199,900 199,900 230,500 TOTAL REVENUES BEFORE OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 10,070,148 10,398,886 10,904,836 11,431,438 11,431,438 12,101,310 Other financing sources 391-0100 Sale of general fixed assets 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 0 392-0100 Liquor fund 450,500 450,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 392-0100 Closed debt service fund 232,900 232,900 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 392-0100 Employee benefit fund 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 392-0100 Police activity fund 345,195 478,393 • 488,283 509,169 509,169 190,000 392-0100 Utilities 0 0 35,600 0 0 0 392-0200 Residual equity transfer 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1,298,595 1,161,293 1,273,883 1,274,169 1,274,169 940,000 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 11,368,743 11,560,179 12,178,719 12,705,607 12,705,607 13,041,310 Fund balance 299 General fund reserve 687,831 264,038 61,887 483,921 483,921 676,546 Total 687,831 264,038 61,887 483,921 483,921 676,546 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 12,056,574 11,824,217 12,240,606 13,189,528 13,189,528 13,717,856 File=W\Acctg\Budget\2007Budget\Revenues/07 Rev-Summary 11/16/06 1 2 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL FUND TAXES 311.1000 CURRENT AD VALOREM 5,685,097 6,763,409 8,189,'475 8,189,475 8,432,907 311.2000 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 37,995 8,266 38,000 38,000 30,000 319.1000 PEN/INTEREST-DELINQ TAXES 394 8,929 10,000 10,000 8,000 319.2000 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 0 0 0 0 0 * TAXES 5,723,486 6,780,604 8,237,475 8,237,475 8,470,907 LICENSES & PERMITS 321.1021 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LIC 82,383 75,760 90,500 90,500 80,000 321.3021 RENTAL LICENSES 76,308 74,149 101,600 101,600 75,000 321.4021 DOG LICENSES 3,329 2,944 3,500 3,500 3,000 321.6011 PROF/OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 13,280 13,750 13,700 13,700 0 321.7021 AMUSEMENT,BINGO,GAMBLING 2,475 2,250 2,500 2,500 2,500 321.8011 ALL OTHER LICENSES 32,331 28,670 30,000 30,000 29,000 322.1041 BUILDING PERMITS 206,598 233,789 338,800 338,800 260,000 322.1541 PLAN REVIEW FEES 71,289 81,489 78,400 78,400 77,000 322.2041 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 32,990 36,991 32,000 32,000 34,000 322.3041 PLUMBING PERMITS 13,467 22,653 13,000 13,000 16,400 322.4041 HEATING PERMITS 30,365 54,112 30,000 30,000 43,000 322.5021 UFC PERMITS 7,852 11,842 22,000 22,000 12,000 322.6031 LOAD LIMIT WAIVER 125 250 150 150 200 322.7041 OTHER PERMITS-SIGN/SP USE 17,880 36,654 12,240 12,240 22,300 322.8041 RIGHT-OF-WAY/EXCAV PERMIT 11,565 13,474 12,000 12,000 12,000 * LICENSES & PERMITS 602,237 688,777 780,390 780,390 666,400 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 331.2012 FEDERAL GRANT-GEN GOVT 0 0 0 0 0 331.2022 FEDERAL GRANT-PUB SAFETY 7,949 1,915 0 0 5,000 331.6022 EMERGENCY MGT-EMPG GRANT 8,377 3,472 3,200 3,200 3,500 331.6222 FEMA DISASTER AID 0 0 0 0 0 334.0160 LOCAL GOVT AID 942,038 293,654 0 0 382,341 334.0260 RESIDENTIAL MV HMSTD AID 517,543 499,014 0 0 0 334.0460 PERA COORDINATED AID 27,282 27,282 27,282 27,282 27,282 334.1622 POLICE AID-POST TRAINING 11,459 11,632 0 0 0 334.1832 MUNICIPAL STATE AID-MAINT 171,674 196,268 170,000 170,000 190,000 334.2022 INSURANCE PREM TAX-FIRE 176,552 163,880 120,690 120,690 120,690 334.2122 INSURANCE PREM TAX-POLICE 254,592 262,162 254,000 254,000 270,000 334.2512 STATE GRANTS-GEN GOVT 0 7,777 0 0 0 334.2522 STATE GRANTS-PUB SAFETY 3,033 4,481 0 0 0 334.2532 STATE GRANTS-PUBLIC WORKS 0 19,812 0 0 0 334.2542 STATE GRANTS-COMM DEVT 0 0 0 0 0 334.2552 Rec/SNC 0 0 0 0 0 336.3011 HRA REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 336.3111 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-GEN GOV 0 0 2,496 2,496 0 336.3121 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-PUB SAF 7,612 8,937 0 0 4,000 336.3131 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-PUB WKS 481 0 0 0 0 3 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 336.3141 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-COM DEV 819 0 0 0 0 336.3151 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-RECR/NC 0 0 0 0 0 • * INTERGOVERNMENTAL 2,129,411 1,500,286 577,668 577,668 1,002,813 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 341.0511 SALE OF MAPS,VIDEOS,MISC 1,712 629 0 0 750 341.0611 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 1,095 1,220 8,100 8,100 1,200 341.0711 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 135 0 250 250 0 341.0911 FILING FEES 52 11 50 50 0 341.1211 ADM CHG-OTHER FUNDS & HRA 761,175 762,541 819,000 819,000 846,440 341.1411 NSF CHARGES 70 140 100 100 100 341.1611 ANTENNA RENTAL FEE 64,611 115,285 94,000 94,000 95,000 342.0121 RENTAL REINSPECTION FEE 1,689 544 1,700 1,700 1,000 342.0221 FIRE RESPONSE FEE 38,254 26,171 20,000 20,000 25,000 342.0321 ACCIDENT REPORTS/PHOTOS 6,564 4,997 6,000 6,000 1,000 342.0421 INVESTIGATION FEES 450 1,050 350 350 500 342.0521 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER 0 83,828 56,565 56,565 58,000 342.0721 FIRE IMPACT SURCHARGE 23,440 26,645 16,400 16,400 22,000 342.0821 POLICE SECURITY 6,877 14,424 10,000 10,000 12,000 342.0921 FALSE ALARMS 6,525 4,182 7,000 7,000 7,000 342.1121 BICYCLE REGISTRATION 72- 0 0 0 0 342.1221 CURFEW VIOLATION 0 0 0 0 0 342.1721 PAWN SHOP TRANSACTION FEE 41,672 48,890 42,000 42,000 87,000 345.0131 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 5,331 4,576 6,000 6,000 5,000 345.0231 REG MUTUAL AID DUES-RMAA 368 70 0 0 300 , 345.0431 PUBLIC WORKS MAINT 619 1,458 1,000 1,000 1,200 345.0731 TREE REMOVAL 0 0 0 0 0 345.0831 NUISANCE ABATEMENT 1,703 8,000 800 800 3,500 345.1031 STREET LIGHTING 0 0 0 0 0 346.0141 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 18,364 26,439 12,350 12,350 19,000 346.0241 COMMUNITY DEVT FEES 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 346.0341 LICENSE SURCHARGE 1,930 2,505 2,100 2,100 2,200 347.8051 REC-ATHLETICS/SPORTS 92,530 90,667 93,000 93,000 95,000 347.8151 REC-CONCESSIONS 0 0 0 0 0 347.8251 REC-YOUTH INSTRUCTIONAL 13,177 15,322 11,200 11,200 13,000 347.8351 REC-SENIOR CITIZENS 17,850 21,676 22,000 22,000 22,000 347.8451 REC-ADULT INSTRUCTIONAL 14,385 13,493 15,500 15,500 14,000 347.8551 REC-PLAYGROUNDS 6,736 6,361 6,500 6,500 6,500 347.8651 REC-SPECIAL EVENTS 10,805 14,205 12,000 12,000 12,500 347.8851 REC-MISCELLANEOUS 754 2,837 0 0 0 347.8951 REC-EQUIP/FACILITY RENTAL 13,174 13,666 13,000 13,000 14,000 347.9051 REC-TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 0 347.9151 REC-TEENS 8,362 12,100 10,000 10,000 11,000 347.9251 REC-AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 7,611 10,832 8,000 8,000 10,000 347.9351 REC-SUMMER ROCKS PROGRAM 30,793 51,829 30,000 30,000 35,000 348.8051 NATURE-MISC 3,130 0 0 0 0 348.8151 NATURE-DAYCAMP 30,650 0 0 0 0 I 4 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 348.8251 NATURE-SPEC EVENTS 12,637 0 0 0 0 348.8351 NATURE-SCHOOL PROGRAMS 20,265 0 0 0 0 348.8451 NATURE-SATURDAY PROGRAMS 50 0 0 0 0 348.8551 NATURE-BIRTHDAY PARTIES 2,898 0 0 0 0 348.8651 NATURE-INSTRUCTIONAL 844 0 0 0 0 348.8751 NATURE-COMMUNITY GROUPS 1,201 0 0 0 0 348.8851 NATURE CENTER-ADMISSIONS 18,730 0 0 0 0 * CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,289,146 1,386,593 1,326,465 1,326,465 1,422,690 FINES AND FORFEITURES 351.1021 FINES 173,694 163,166 180,000 180,000 180,000 * FINES AND FORFEITURES 173,694 163,166 180,000 180,000 180,000 SP ASSESSMENTS & MISC REV 361.1033 FROM COUNTY-CURRENT 7,090 608 3,300 3,300 3,000 361.1533 FROM COUNTY-DELINQUENT 1,816 0 1,200 1,200 1,000 361.2033 DIRECT TO CITY-PRINCIPAL 0 0 40 40 0 362.1070 INTEREST EARNINGS 100,631 122,097 125,000 125,000 124,000 362.1170 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 11,858- 15,584- 0 0 0 362.2060 RENTS & ROYALTIES 0 0 0 0 0 362.3011 CONTRIB/DONATION-GEN GOVT 0 51 10,000 10,000 3,000 362.3021 CONTRIB/DONATION-PUB SFTY 26,524 19,276 0 0 0 362.3031 CONTRIB/DONATION-PUB WKS 160 100 0 0 0 362.3041 CONTRIB/DONATION-COMM DVT 0 0 0 0 0 362.3051 CONTRIB/DONATION-REC/NC 63,154 5,050 0 0 0 362.4160 INSURANCE REIMS 113,860 88,848 56,900 56,900 85,000 362.4260 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 11,485 2,117 10,000 10,000 8,500 362.5160 SALE OF MISC PROPERTY 57,872 5,885 36,000 36,000 60,000 362.5280 FIXED ASSET-GAIN/LOSS 23,731 70,915 0 0 0 362.6160 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1,492 12,015 2,000 2,000 4,000 362.7160 3% GAMBLING TAX 84,955 74,032 85,000 85,000 70,000 * SP ASSESSMENTS & MISC REV 480,912 385,410 329,440 329,440 358,500 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 391.0100 SALE OF GEN FIXED ASSETS 0 0 15,000 15,000 0 392.0100 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 1,161,293 1,273,883 1,259,169 1,259,169 940,000 * OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1,161,293 1,273,883 1,274,169 1,274,169 940,000 ** GENERAL FUND 11,560,179 12,178,719 12,705,607 12,705,607 13,041,310 5 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 6 GENERAL FUND - EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount ok Personal Services $ 9,578,399 $ 10,052,756 $474,357 4.95% Supplies 742,052 767,750 $25,698 3.46% Other Services/Charges 2,495,627 2,571,490 $75,863 3.04% Capital Outlay 373,450 325,860 ($47,590) (12.74%) Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 13,189,528 I $ 13,717,856 I $528,328 I 4.01% 7 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM2 EXPENDITURE DEPT/DIV SUM ESTIMATED i 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL FUND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT * CITY COUNCIL 101,446 108,503 118,615 110,295 121,407 * OTHER COMMISSIONS 51 56 0 0 0 ** LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 101,497 108,559 118,615 110,295 121,407 CITY MANAGEMENT I * GENERAL MANAGEMENT 238,746 247,343 268,723 269,200 280,179 * HUMAN RESOURCES 160,911 179,635 182,854 183,113 188,535 I * LEGAL 303,761 359,647 366,046 380,528 386,604 ** CITY MANAGEMENT 703,418 786,625 817,623 832,841 855,318 FINANCE * ELECTIONS 33,814 13,910 34,218 34,218 1,750 * ACCOUNTING 657,323 664,006 708,540 708,540 741,012 * ASSESSING 154,403 155,691 179,381 179,381 181,701 * MIS 207,521 228,033 266,707 266,707 276,997 * CITY CLERK / RECORDS 131,179 142,152 142,376 142,376 147,682 ** FINANCE 1,184,240 1,203,792 1,331,222 1,331,222 1,349,142 POLICE * POLICE 3,987,925 4,176,959 4,559,752 4,559,752 4,758,503 * EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 10,581 12,981 19,297 19,297 21,244 ** POLICE 3,998,506 4,189,940 4,579,049 4,579,049 4,779,747 FIRE * FIRE 1,158,996 1,003,674 1,175,625 1,175,625 1,236,185 * RENTAL INSPECTIONS 120,167 110,661 131,255 131,255 143,322 ** FIRE 1,279,163 1,114,335 1,306,880 1,306,880 1,379,507 PUBLIC WORKS * MUNICIPAL CENTER 241,937 267,244 246,867 246,867 275,897 * ENGINEERING 457,547 463,936 510,368 510,368 524,152 * LIGHTING 172,307 204,085 193,600 193,600 218,500 * PARK MAINTENANCE 841,356 923,433 947,184 947,184 973,779 * STREET MAINTENANCE 1,242,469 1,123,568 1,026,967 1,026,967 1,042,573 * GARAGE 0 389,365 386,319 386,319 423,125 ** PUBLIC WORKS 2,955,616 3,371,631 3,311,305 3,311,305 3,458,026 I PARKS & RECREATION * RECREATION 690,178 737,092 830,803 830,803 883,608 1 * NATURE CENTER 270,545 0 0 0 0 ** PARKS & RECREATION 960,723 737,092 830,803 830,803 883,608 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT * BUILDING INSPECTION 294,791 319,861 328,630 328,630 348,202 * PLANNING 298,602 351,311 371,428 371,428 392,891 I 8 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND ' 101ESUM2 EXPENDITURE DEPT/DIV SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ** COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 593,393 671,172 700,058 700,058 741,093 RESERVE * EMERGENCY 0 907 135,000 135,000 100,000 ** RESERVE 0 907 135,000 135,000 100,000 NON-DEPARTMENTAL * NON-DEPARTMENTAL 47,662 56,555 58,973 62,733 50,008 ** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 47,662 56,555 58,973 62,733 50,008 *** GENERAL FUND 11,824,218 12,240,608 13,189,528 13,200,186 13,717,856 9 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT The Legislative Department is the policy-setting and public access board of the City. The divisions established within the department are: City Council, Planning Commission and Other Commissions. The City Council sets policy for the City within the guidelines of the City Charter and provides administrative directives through the office of the City Manager. The City Council has two regular meetings scheduled each month. Advice to the City Council is submitted by one of four commissions. They are as follows: Planning Commission -considers matters of planning and comprehensive development and submits recommendations to the City Council on matters concerning zoning, platting, vacations and City Code. Appeals Commission -provides a process for appeal on matters concerning the zoning ordinance and building code. Parks and Recreation Commission - promotes comprehensive development of the parks and recreation facilities. Environmental Quality and Energy Commission-serves as a resource advisory board to the Planning Commission on environmental problems, laws, regulations and energy conservation and management. We also have one other commission which oversees the City Charter and any required changes needed due to legislative or local changes: Charter Commission -members are appointed by the judge of the 10th Judicial District, They review and recommend amendments to the City Charter. 10 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL * PERSONAL SERVICES 72,347 74,980 77,299 77,299 88,059 * SUPPLIES 180 164 1,000 1,000 1,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 28,919 33,359 40,316 31,996 32,348 ** CITY COUNCIL 101,446 108,503 118,615 110,295 121,407 OTHER COMMISSIONS * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 51 56 0 0 0 ** OTHER COMMISSIONS 51 56 0 0 0 1 *** LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 101,497 108,559 118,615 110,295 121,407 11 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT - CITY COUNCIL 01-10 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 77,299 $ 88,059 $10,760 13.92% Supplies 1,000 1,000 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 40,316 32,348 ($7,968) (19.76%) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 118,615 ] $ 121,407 I $2,792 I 2.35% Personal Services 1. The increase includes$6,312 for temporary employee salaries. All of this is for meeting secretaries. 2. The remainder of the increase is for PERA($1,494), FICA($1,684)and health insurance ($1,707). Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The decrease includes a reduction of$2,000 for travel, and a reduction of$4,745 for conferences and schools. 2 4331 - Dues & Subscriptions: $15,600 LMC, $8,183 AMM and $0 LMC. Capital Outlay 12 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL FUND CITY COUNCIL 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 0 0 0" 0 0 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 84 0 0 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 39,789 40,909 39,829 39,829 46,141 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 940 1,036 1,000 1,000 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 561 608 592 592 985 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 2,049 2,115 2,051 2,051 3,545 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,397 2,599 2,531 2,531 4,215 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 19,460 20,483 22,616 22,616 24,323 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 536 491 480 480 476 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 301 285 287 287 255 4134 CASH BENEFITS 6,223 6,439 7,900 7,900 7,996 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 7 15 13 13 123 * PERSONAL SERVICES 72,347 74,980 77,299 77,299 88,059 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 63 500 500 500 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 180 101 500 500 500 * SUPPLIES 180 164 1,000 1,000 1,000 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 21,698 23,712 24,670 23,095 23,783 4332 COMMUNICATION 134 108 400 400 368 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 0 2,500 500 500 4334 ADVERTISING 0 1,027 200 200 200 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 985 785 1,695 1,695 1,401 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 424 510 530 530 520 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 0 70 6,745 2,000 2,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 2,727 4,175 3,176 3,176 3,176 4341 RENTALS 204 226 300 300 300 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 100 100 100 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 2,747 2,746 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 28,919 33,359 40,316 31,996 32,348 ** CITY COUNCIL 101,446 108,503 118,615 110,295 121,407 I 13 CITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT The City Management Department is the operational area responsible for implementing policies as directed by the City Council. The City Council appoints the City Manager to serve as the chief administrative officer for the City. The divisions established within the department are as follows: General Management Division -through the office of the City Manager, implements the policies put forth by the City Council. This division also prepares information, materials, and recommendations for the City Council on matters requiring policy decisions. Information for the general public is also provided through various media including a City newsletter, web site, and cable administration. Human Resources Division -establishes and maintains the personnel policies for the City. The division addresses all human resources matters including recruitment, employee benefits, personnel guidelines, labor negotiations, and OSHA conformance. Legal Division- provides legal council to the City Council, City Commissions, and City staff on municipal questions and also prosecutes criminal offenses. Two local firms provide legal services. The City Attorney attends Council meetings, provides legal opinions, and aids in the development of ordinances and resolutions. The Prosecuting Attorney prosecutes criminal offenses on behalf of the City. Authorized Personnel: 2005 2006 2007 General Management 3 3 3 Human Resources 2 2 2 Total 14 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CITY MANAGEMENT GENERAL MANAGEMENT * PERSONAL SERVICES 186,875 195,244 200,442 200,442 209,892 * SUPPLIES 2,034 3,410 3,950 4,250 4,250 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 49,837 48,689 64,331 64,508 66,037 ** GENERAL MANAGEMENT 238,746 247,343 268,723 269,200 280,179 HUMAN RESOURCES * PERSONAL SERVICES 143,206 146,622 157,983 157,983 163,294 * SUPPLIES 1,174 1,107 1,300 1,300 1,300 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 16,531 31,906 23,571 23,830 23,941 ** HUMAN RESOURCES 160,911 179,635 182,854 183,113 188,535 LEGAL * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 303,761 359,647 366,046 380,528 386,604 ** LEGAL 303,761 359,647 366,046 380,528 386,604 *** CITY MANAGEMENT 703,418 786,625 817,623 832,841 855,318 15 CITY MANAGEMENT - GENERAL MANAGEMENT 02-20 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 200,442 $209,892 $9,450 4.71% Supplies 3,950 4,250 $300 7.59% Other Services/Charges 64,331 66,037 $1,706 2.65% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $268,723 I $280,179 I $11,456 I 4.26% Personal Services 1. This increase includes$6,915 for salaries (+4.4%). The salary increase includes a market rate adjustment for the Administrative Assistant. 2. Additionally, there is a $841 increase for health insurance. Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The increase reflects additional costs for printing the City newsletter. Capital Outlay • 16 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL MANAGEMENT 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 122,993 127,998 157,451 157,451 164,366 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 686 555 1,287 1,287 1,500 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 27,136 27,941 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 2,304 2,397 2,392 2,392 2,482 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 2,482 2,502 2,798 2,798 3,116 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 7,580 8,390 8,475 8,475 8,952 4125 DEF COMP-457 CONTRIBUTION 9,222 9,164 9,973 9,973 10,441 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 12,634 14,195 16,038 16,038 16,879 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 352 480 480 480 476 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 925 888 893 893 875 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 561 734 655 655 805 * PERSONAL SERVICES 186,875 195,244 200,442 200,442 209,892 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,365 2,126 2,750 2,750 2,750 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 604 1,284 1,000 1,300 1,400 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 65 0 100 100 0 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 100 100 100 * SUPPLIES 2,034 3,410 3,950 4,250 4,250 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9,547 9,115 9,978 9,420 9,525 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 977 1,666 2,435 2,445 2,477 4332 COMMUNICATION 14,253 12,999 18,594 17,098 16,804 4333 TRANSPORTATION 3,584 3,676 4,984 4,984 5,000 4334 ADVERTISING 1,008 367 1,550 1,550 1,550 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 17,779 18,508 21,383 23,583 • 25,100 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 979 1,112 1,156 1,122 1,178 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 114 168 2,060 2,060 2,060 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,596 1,078 1,991 2,046 2,143 4341 RENTALS 0 0 0 0 0 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 200 200 200 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 49,837 48,689 64,331 64,508 66,037 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** GENERAL MANAGEMENT 238,746 247,343 268,723 269,200 280,179 17 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank • 18 • BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 02 City, Management 21 Human Resources PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 ACTIVITIES la 19 CITY MANAGEMENT - HUMAN RESOURCES 02-21 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 157,983 $ 163,294 $5,311 3.36% Supplies 1,300 1,300 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 23,571 23,941 $370 1.57% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 182,854 $ 188,535 $5,681 3.11% Personal Services 1. The change reflects a $9,930 or 7.9% change in salaries for the Human Resources Director and the Administrative Assistant. This amount includes a market rate adjustment for the Human Resources Director. These costs are partially offset by a shift in health insurance plans from dependent coverage to cash benefits for the Administrative Assistant. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 20 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 HUMAN RESOURCES 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 99,337 102,510 124,225 124,225 134,155 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 0 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 15,602 15,465 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,603 1,677 1,740 1,740 1,969 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 6,292 6,441 7,454 7,454 8,302 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 6,854 7,170 7,441 7,441 8,419 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 12,634 11,345 16,038 16,038 5,443 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 352 411 480 480 238 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 119 114 114 114 102 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 940 0 0 3,998 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 413 549 491 491 668 * PERSONAL SERVICES 143,206 146,622 157,983 157,983 163,294 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 289 476 400 400 400 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 885 631 900 900 900 * SUPPLIES 1,174 1,107 1,300 1,300 1,300 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,411 20,995 10,000 10,000 10,000 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,265 1,238 1,205 1,205 1,205 4332 COMMUNICATION 513 305 533 533 435 4333 TRANSPORTATION 39 109 500 500 500 4334 ADVERTISING 42 0 250 250 250 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,916 2,210 2,512 2,512 2,600 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 602 750 780 780 801 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 110 810 2,650 2,650 2,650 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 4,633 5,489 5,141 5,400 5,500 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 16,531 31,906 23,571 23,830 23,941 ** HUMAN RESOURCES 160,911 179,635 182,854 183,113 188,535 21 CITY MANAGEMENT - LEGAL 02-22 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 0 $ 0 $0 0% Supplies 0 0 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 366,046 386,604 $20,558 5.62% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 366,046 I $ 386,604 I $20,558 I 5.62% Personal Services 1. The increase reflects a $6,504 or 6% increase for the City Attorney and a$12,413 increase for the work of the City Prosecutor. These additional costs tie back to recent contract changes. • Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 22 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 LEGAL 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 302,560 358,140 364,479 379,000 385,000 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 1,201 1,507 1,567 1,528 1,604 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 303,761 359,647 366,046 380,528 386,604 ** LEGAL 303,761 359,647 366,046 380,528 386,604 23 FINANCE DEPARTMENT The Finance Department provides financial and computer services to the City. The divisions established within the department are as follows: Election Division-conducts all elections and works to minimize any delays experienced by voters. The election staff serves as an impartial authority for encouraging voter registration, for assisting in the accurate counting of ballots, and the certification of signatures on petitions. Accounting Division -is responsible for the supervision, administration, and planning of the City's financial activities. These activities include financial reporting, utility billing and collections, revenue collections, investments, debt management, risk management, grant management, budget preparation, and municipal off-sale liquor operations. The Finance Director/Treasurer and other staff members provide financial information to the City Council, the City Manager and all departments. This division also provides financial services to the Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority in the maintenance of tax increment data records. Assessing Division - implements the State of Minnesota's property tax statutes as they apply to the City of Fridley. The Assessing staff classifies all taxable property and determines the appraised value of all real property within the City. Management Information System Division -provides computer support to all departments. • This support includes hardware and software for computer systems and multiple networks. Any applicable training is provided either by staff or outside sources. City Clerk/Records Management Division -executes the City of Fridley's records management program. This division is responsible for efficient and economical management methods for the creation, utilization, maintenance, retrieval, retention, and final disposition or archiving of all City records. Authorized Personnel: 2005 2006 2007 Accounting 11 11 11 Assessing 2 2 2 MIS 2 2 2 CityClerk/Records 2 2 2 Total 1Z 1Z 1Z 24 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 FINANCE ELECTIONS * PERSONAL SERVICES 2,321 994 2,293 2,293 0 * SUPPLIES 536 341 545 545 325 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 30,957 12,575 31,380 31,380 1,425 ** ELECTIONS 33,814 13,910 34,218 34,218 1,750 ACCOUNTING * PERSONAL SERVICES 582,715 564,552 621,770 . 621,770 654,292 * SUPPLIES 10,014 8,247 10,690 10,690 9,990 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 64,594 91,207 76,080 76,080 76,730 ** ACCOUNTING 657,323 664,006 708,540 708,540 741,012 ASSESSING * PERSONAL SERVICES 146,865 149,312 168,228 168,228 172,334 * SUPPLIES 861 857 1,081 1,081 1,142 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 6,677 5,522 10,072 10,072 8,225 ** ASSESSING 154,403 155,691 179,381 179,381 181,701 MIS * PERSONAL SERVICES 147,159 155,483 167,664 167,664 182,711 * SUPPLIES 3,294 5,351 4,750 4,750 4,750. * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 57,068 67,199 94,293 94,293 89,536 ** MIS 207,521 228,033 266,707 266,707 276,997 CITY CLERK / RECORDS * PERSONAL SERVICES 108,324 113,589 120,714 120,714 125,886 * SUPPLIES 2,122 2,228 2,240 2,240 2,240 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 20,733 26,335 19,422 19,422 19,556 ** CITY CLERK / RECORDS 131,179 142,152 142,376 142,376 147,682 *** FINANCE 1,184,240 1,203,792 1,331,222 1,331,222 1,349,142 25 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 26 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 30 Elections PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Follow legislation to ensure city is meeting state guidelines for elections. ACTIVITIES la Work with the League of Minnesota Cities On-going Absorbed (LMC)and the Minnesota Clerks and Finance Officers Association(MCFOA)to help plan election policy for cities. lb. Monitor proposed legislation regarding On-going Absorbed elections during legislative session. lc. Forward legislative concerns to LMC, On-going Absorbed MCFOA,and the city's legislative delegation during legislative session pertaining to legislation affecting the City of Fridley. ld. Attend training as required to keep election On-going Absorbed administration certification. • 27 • FINANCE - ELECTIONS 03-30 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $2,293 $0 ($2,293) (100.00%) Supplies 545 325 ($220) (40.37%) Other Services/Charges 31,380 1,425 ($29,955) (95.46%) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 34,218 1 $ 1,750 1 ($32,468)I (94.89%) Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. There are no elections planned for 2007. Capital Outlay 28 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ELECTIONS 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 0 58 0 0 0 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 1,794 703 2,000 2,000 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 24 10 29 29 0 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 99 42 120 120 0 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 102 43 124 124 0 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 285 128 0 0 0 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 7 4 0 0 0 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 4 2 0 0 0 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6 4 20 20 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 2,321 994 2,293 2,293 0 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 322 160 325 325 325 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 214 181 220 220 0 * SUPPLIES 536 341 545 545 325 4332 COMMUNICATION 319 269 325 325 100 4333 TRANSPORTATION 179 40 175 175 175 4334 ADVERTISING 895 242 300 300 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 993 1,054 450 450 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 123 6 130 130 150 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 0 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 28,448 10,964 30,000 30,000 1,000 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 30,957 12,575 31,380 31,380 1,425 ** ELECTIONS 33,814 13,910 34,218 34,218 1,750 29 BUDGET 2007 _ , This page intentionally left blank 30 BUI) CE 'F 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 31 Accounting PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Obtain the Certificate Of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). ACTIVITIES la Complete the 2006 Financial Statement in June 30,2007 $45,000 Absorbed accordance with GAAP and all standards set by the Government Finance Officers Association. I b Submit Financial Statement to Government June 30,2007 $450 Absorbed Finance Officers Association for award consideration. OBJECTIVE#2 Improve in house training opportunities for City employees. 2a Investigate what needs to be done with January 15,2007 $200 Absorbed Conference Room C to allow for onscreen training presentations. 2b Purchase necessary equipment to allow for the February 28,2007 $1,500 Absorbed presentation of training materials. 2c Install equipment and cabling for presentation April 15,2007 $500 Absorbed equipment. OBJECTIVE#3 Keep administrative/financial software current. ACTIVITIES 3a Investigate what HTE has to offer with June 30,2007 $500 Absorbed regards to product enhancements and upgrades. 3b Determine whether any of the identified June 30,2007 $500 Absorbed enhancements make sense for the city to implement. 31 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 31 Accounting PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 3c Determine costs and develop an June 30,2007 $2,500 Absorbed implementation plan, including incorporation into the 2008 budget, for any enhancements determined to be beneficial to the city. 3d Apply HTE's PTF's(Program Temporary October 31,2007 $500 Absorbed Fixes)to the system on a quarterly basis to keep the software as current as possible. OBJECTIVE#4 Increase the amount of materials that can be retrieved electronically. ACTIVITIES 4a Purchase hardware to create a new imaging June 30,2007 $6,000 Absorbed workstation. 4b Install purchased hardware in the front desk June 30,2007 $500 Absorbed area so Cashier can do imaging as time allows. 4c Determine what area has the highest priority June 30,2007 $500 Absorbed for imaging,and come up with procedures to begin imaging items in this area. OBJECTIVE#5 To provide a high level of fiduciary accountability for the fiscal functions of expenditure and revenue projection,expenditure control,cash management,accounts payable, accounts receivable,payroll,and debt management. 5a Receive an unqualified audit opinion on June 15,2007 Absorbed CAFR. 5b Have no material weaknesses identified in June 15,2007 Absorbed management letter. 5c Assist in preparation of the city's annual December 15,2007 Absorbed budget. 32 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 31 Accounting PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 5d Provide reports and financial data that are December 15,2007 Absorbed accurate,timely and meaningful and which satisfy the need for sound fiscal policy formulation. 5e Process 26 payrolls during the year complying December 31,2007 Absorbed with all state, federal,and city requirements. 5f Safely manage the City's cash; investing funds December 31,2007 Absorbed according to the City's investment policy and State law. 33 FINANCE - ACCOUNTING 03-31 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $621,770 $654,292 $32,522 5.23% Supplies 10,690 9,990 ($700) (6.55%) Other Services/Charges 76,080 76,730 $650 0.85% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $708,540 $ 741,012 I $32,472 I 4.58% Personal Services 1. $31,429 of this increase is for salaries of 5 full-time employees. This amount is explained by cost-of-living and market rate adjustments. 2. Increases in PERA and FICA contributions explain most of the rest of this change. 3. Due to changes in health insurance plans, health insurance costs are down by $4,445. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 34 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ACCOUNTING 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 402,343 391,146 494,106 494,106 525,535 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 28 937 0' 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 609 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 68,514 63,796 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 6,661 6,409 7,061 7,061 7,483 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 25,776 25,055 29,646 29,646 32,521 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 27,843 26,908 29,436 29,436 31,192 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 32,374 30,457 38,214 38,214 33,759 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 719 829 960 960 714 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 542 487 513 513 459 4134 CASH BENEFITS 15,557 16,343 19,750 19,750 19,990 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,749 2,185 2,084 2,084 2,639 * PERSONAL SERVICES 582,715 564,552 621,770 621,770 654,292 4212 FUELS & LUBES 467 378 300 300 300 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,108 5,345 4,700 4,700 4,900 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,099 2,521 5,190 5,190 4,290 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 19 0 100 100 100 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 321 3 400 400 400 * SUPPLIES 10,014 8,247 10,690 10,690 9,990 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 27,510 42,953 31,060 31,060 31,870 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,109 2,505 2,310 2,310 2,450 4332 COMMUNICATION 5,328 4,685 6,200 6,200 5,100 4333 TRANSPORTATION 171 131 540 540 540 4334 ADVERTISING 3,264 9,425 3,190 3,190 3,260 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 3,760 3,971 4,250 4,250 4,380 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 2,470 2,946 3,100 3,100 3,100 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 1,013 1,139 5,700 5,700 5,200 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 16,908 21,207 17,330 17,330 18,430 4341 RENTALS 2,053 2,245 2,200 2,200 2,200 4344 CASH SHORT 8 0 0 0 0 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 200 200 200 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 64,594 91,207 76,080 76,080 76,730 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** ACCOUNTING 657,323 664,006 708,540 708,540 741,012 35 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 32 Assessing PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Complete the 2007 pay 2008 assessment by February 1,2007 ACTIVITIES la. Finish previous years' valuation of new Jan 1 — 15,2007 Absorbed construction. 1 b. Input new construction data to property tax Jan 1 — 15. 2007 Absorbed system. 1 c. Review input and analyze values. Jan 1 —31,2007 Absorbed 1 d. Review value changes and submit them to Feb 15,2007 Absorbed county for the payable 2008 assessment. OBJECTIVE#2 Analyze 2006 sales to determine changes for the Payable 2008 assessment. ACTIVITIES: 2a. Stratify sales by area and features. Apr 15—May 15, Absorbed 2007 2b. Review areas by neighborhood to determine Apr 15—May 15, Absorbed value range for land area. 2007 2c. Establish criteria and hire part-time help for Mar 1 —Apr 15, Absorbed summer quintile. 2007 OBJECTIVE#3 Proceed with annual quintile review, in the south Apr 15—Dec 31, Absorbed eastern part of the city. 2007 ACTIVITIES: 3a. Door to door inspection of properties in Apr 15—Dec 31, Absorbed quintile inspection area and process call backs on 2007 door hangers. 36 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 32 Assessing PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 3b. Input and review computerized appraisal Apr 15—Dec 31, Absorbed data. 2007 3c. Quintile review of C&I property and Apr 15—Dec 31, Absorbed apartments. 2007 3d. Inspect all new construction. Apr 15—Dec 31, Absorbed 2007 3e. Conduct sales studies to determine level of Nov 1 —Dec 31, Absorbed assessment for 2008. 2007 3f. Maintain contact on all tax court petitions and Ongoing over the Absorbed follow them through to completion. year OBJECTIVE#4 Work with the City Clerk to image assessing records for the 40 Quintile of the city to improve working efficiency. ACTIVITIES: 4a. After reappraisal is complete on property Ongoing over the Absorbed forward records to City Clerk for scanning into year electronic records system. 4b. When reappraising each property in the Ongoing over the Absorbed fourth quintile take digital pictures and place into year electronic records system. 4c. Continue to update records that have Ongoing over the Absorbed previously been scanned. year 4d. As time permits continue to take digital Ongoing over the Absorbed photos and load into Docuware system. year 37 FINANCE - ASSESSING 03-32 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 168,228 $ 172,334 $4,106 2.44% Supplies 1,081 1,142 $61 5.64% Other Services/Charges 10,072 8,225 ($1,847) (18.34%) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 179,381 I $ 181,701 I $2,320 I 1.29% Personal Services 1. The increase is attributable to cost-of-living adjustments for 2 full-time employees. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 38 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ASSESSING 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 101,399 107,012 133,110 133,110 136,606 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 5,615 238 6,788 6,788 6,575 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 16,444 17,764 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,846 1,868 2,107 2,107 2,143 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 6,476 6,812 7,987 7,987 8,414 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 7,895 7,986 9,009 9,009 9,162 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 240 240 0 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 119 114 114 114 102 4134 CASH BENEFITS 6,223 6,439 7,900 7,900 7,996 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 848 1,079 973 973 1,336 * PERSONAL SERVICES 146,865 149,312 168,228 168,228 172,334 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 380 373 322 322 378 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 481 484 759 759 764 * SUPPLIES 861 857 1,081 1,081 1,142 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 947 827 2,280 2,280 1,150 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,006 1,236 1,040 1,040 1,115 4332 COMMUNICATION 814 455 937 937 806 4333 TRANSPORTATION 423 328 700 700 700 4334 ADVERTISING 42 30 250 250 250 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 41 193 482 482 494 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 735 863 898 898 959 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 752 534 1,480 1,480 1,555 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,917 1,056 2,005 2,005 1,196 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 6,677 5,522 10,072 10,072 8,225 ** ASSESSING 154,403 155,691 179,381 179,381 181,701 39 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 33 MIS PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Assist city departments in meeting their technology goals and challenges ACTIVITIES la Assist Community Development with 2Q Absorbed implementation of on-site inspection and code enforcement reporting 1 b Connection of City prosecutor's office to City 2Q Absorbed network 1 c Connection to Drug Task Force officer to City 1 Q Absorbed network I d Implement requested enhancements to Police 3Q $2,000 $2,000 reporting System Programming tools and training le Assist Fire Dept with implementation of 3Q Absorbed remote access systems I f Assist in upgrade and LAN integration of new 1 Q Absorbed voicemail system OBJECTIVE#2 Expansion of City home page services available to public ACTIVITIES 2a Configure emailing lists for commonly 3Q Absorbed requested site content(`Subscribe to this page') 2b Configure automatic reply system for citizen I Q Absorbed information requests 2c Bring web site into ADA compliance 2Q $1,000 $1,000 Software OBJECTIVE#4 Modernization and expansion of City's data network ACTIVITIES 4a Upgrade of data connection to Public Works 2Q $1,500 $375 Garage (MIS Fund) 4b Expansion of switch capacity $2,000 $500 (MIS Fund) 4c Setup of central network management I Q Absorbed workstation in MIS 40 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 33 MIS PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#5 Update MIS working documents ACTIVITIES 5a Update 3 Year IS Plan 2Q Absorbed 5b Convert MIS Operations manual to electronic 3Q Absorbed knowledge base entries 5c Review and update Acceptable Use Policy per 3Q Absorbed current industry best practices 5d Review and update Security Policy per 3Q Absorbed current industry best practices OBJECTIVE#6 Hiring of part-time,temporary MIS technician ACTIVITIES 6a Develop position description 1 Q Absorbed 6b Advertise position 1 Q $500 $500 6c Conduct interviews of candidates IQ Absorbed 6d Hire best candidate IQ $25,000 $25,000 (20 hrs/wk @ $24/hr est.total wages and benefits) 6e Custom programming Absorbed 6f PC support Absorbed 6g Network Security implementation and Absorbed monitoring 6h Remote site support Absorbed 6i Police system support Absorbed 6j Web site programming Absorbed 41 FINANCE - MIS 03-33 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount % Personal Services $ 167,664 $ 182,711 $15,047 8.97% Supplies 4,750 4,750 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 94,293 89,536 ($4,757) (5.04%) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 _ 0 $0 0% Total $266,707 I $276,997 I $10,290 I 3.86% Personal Services 1. The$17,708 increase reflects$12,091 in additional salaries. This increase includes both market rate and salary adjustments. 2 There is also a$3,359 increase in health insurance costs and a $998 increase in the PERA contribution for these employees. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 42 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 MIS 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 100,641 103,454 127,813 127,813 139,904 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 0 0 0' 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 13,793 16,352 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,568 1,620 1,736 1,736 1,900 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 6,277 6,594 7,669 7,669 8,657 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 6,704 6,928 7,421 7,421 8,122 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 17,469 19,628 22,175 22,175 22,873 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 176 245 240 240 476 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 119 114 114 114 102 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 412 548 496 496 677 * PERSONAL SERVICES 147,159 155,483 167,664 167,664 182,711 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 558 54 300 300 300 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,736 5,297 4,350 4,350 4,350 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 100 100 100 * SUPPLIES 3,294 5,351 4,750 4,750 4,750 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 60 63 280 280 350 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 350 350 350 4332 COMMUNICATION 13,249 13,177 12,064 12,064 11,866 4333 TRANSPORTATION 157 114 150 150 150 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 6 0 7 7 5 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 920 1,093 1,137 1,137 1,113 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 1,362 393 8,600 8,600 8,600 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 41,314 52,359 71,705 71,705 67,102 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 57,068 67,199 94,293 94,293 89,536 ** MIS 207,521 228,033 266,707 266,707 276,997 43 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 44 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 34 City Clerk/Records PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Continue Implementation of Imaging Project to provide staff and public quicker access to archival data and information ACTIVITIES la Provide on-going administration of Docu- 12/31/07 Absorbed Ware and staff training on web browser using intranet for retrieval. lb. Continue to provide user documentation for As Needed Absorbed DocuWare web browser as needed after upgrades. lc. Continue to oversee scanning and indexing of 12/31/07 Absorbed assessing files for 3rd quintile of city's records 1 d. Download and index of 2006 payroll report. 3/31/07 Absorbed le. Begin to work with Community Development 1/1/07 Absorbed to provide training and guidance in scanning Inspections records. 1f. Begin to work with Accounting Division in 1/1/07 Absorbed scanning finance records OJBECTIVE#2 Improve internal efficiency by reducing inactive and obsolete paper ACTIVITIES 2a. Administer annual in-house clean-up days to 3/31/07 Absorbed all departments. 2b. Continue to provide training for record On-going Absorbed management and retention procedures to new and existing staff ' 2c. Purge inventory of records in vault,tunnel, 1-31-07 Absorbed print room,and off-site storage,as provided by records retention schedule. 2d. Provide shredding of private/non-public and 4/30/07 Absorbed confidential documentation 45 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 34 City Clerk/Records PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 2e. Provide Certificate to department and 4/15/07 Absorbed individual that showed most participation and initiative OBJECTIVE#3 Administer Records Management Program to provide efficient access to records ACTIVITIES 3a. Purge records throughout year that become On-going Absorbed obsolete. 3b. Sort, index and store records transferred 9/30/07 Absorbed during annual clean-up days and records transferred throughout the remainder of the year. 3c. Provide customer service for information and On-going Absorbed research requests from the public and staff. 3d. Prepare Document Disposition Report for 12/31/07 Absorbed destruction of documentation and maintain report in department for reference. OBJECTIVE#4 Administer and maintain a Disaster Recovery Records Management Program. ACTIVITIES 4a. Coordinate and meet with Disaster Recovery On-going Absorbed Team to meet on quarterly basis to discuss process of records recovery. OBJECTIVE#5 Maintain policy on Data Practices Issues ACTIVITIES 5a. Administer and maintain policy as needed. Ongoing Absorbed 5b. Provide training to new employees and On-going Absorbed council members as needed. 46 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 03 Finance 34 City Clerk/Records PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET _OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#6 Administer city business licensing system ACTIVITIES 5a. Coordinate renewal of all business licenses 5/31/07 Absorbed for new license year. 5b. Coordinate renewal of all dog licenses for 5/31/07 Absorbed new business year. 5c. Provide licensing as needed throughout On-going Absorbed remainder of the year. 47 FINANCE - CITY CLERK/RECORDS 03-34 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 120,714 $ 125,886 $5,172 4.28% Supplies 2,240 2,240 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 19,422 19,556 $134 0.69% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 _ 0% Total $ 142,376 I $ 147,682 I $5,306 1 3.73% Personal Services 1. The increase reflects cost-of-living adjustments for the City Clerk and the Records Technician. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 48 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CITY CLERK / RECORDS 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 78,682 81,233 98,367 98,367 101,589 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 45 0 0 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 1,860 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 8,913 11,900 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,290 1,345 1,426 1,426 1,463 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 4,967 5,180 5,902 5,902 6,286 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 5,515 5,751 6,098 6,098 6,256 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,340 4,176 4,258 4,258 5,443 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 151 229 207 207 238 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 113 111 114 114 102 4134 CASH BENEFITS 3,111 3,219 3,950 3,950 3,998 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 337 445 392 392 511 * PERSONAL SERVICES 108,324 113,589 120,714 120,714 125,886 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 505 1,138 1,070 1,070 1,070 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,617 1,090 1,170 1,170 1,170 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 . 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 2,122 2,228 2,240 2,240 2,240 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 845 127 680 680 750 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 316 420 330 330 330 4332 COMMUNICATION 275 221 388 388 323 4333 TRANSPORTATION 30 23 135 135 135 4334 ADVERTISING 2,134 641 750 750 750 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 84 0 81 81 81 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 508 569 592 592 624 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 817 643 1,195 1,195 1,200 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 15,724 23,691 15,271 15,271 15,363 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 20,733 26,335 19,422 19,422 19,556 ** CITY CLERK / RECORDS 131,179 142,152 142,376 142,376 147,682 • 49 POLICE DEPAK'I'MENT • Our mission is to promote a safe and desirable city by partnering with the community to preserve life, protect property, and defend rights. We will strive to enhance public trust through quality leadership, education, and respect for all. We will enforce laws with impartiality. And, we will provide all service with integrity and the highest degree of professional behavior. Police Division -consists of the following authorized personnel: thirty-nine sworn police officers, nine full-time civilian employees and eight part-time civilian employees. The Police Division is responsible for criminal investigation, traffic enforcement, accident investigation, business patrol, neighborhood crime prevention, school programs, response to medical emergencies, proactive operations to apprehend criminals, community service activities, animal control and youth outreach work. Emergency Management Division -is responsible for the planning and implementing of safety procedures in case of local, regional or national emergencies or disasters. Planning includes training of personnel for emergencies, maintaining an outdoor warning system, and providing an emergency operations center. Authorized Personnel: 2005 2006 2007 Sworn Officers 38 38 38 Civilian Staff 9 9 7 Total 4Z 4� 50 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 POLICE POLICE * PERSONAL SERVICES 3,473,578 3,648,887 '3,937,329 3,937,329 4,096,187 * SUPPLIES 170,434 174,727 186,463 186,463 211,919 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 222,773 253,625 335,510 335,510 344,537 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 117,752 96,169 100,450 100,450 105,860 * OTHER FINANCING USES 3,388 3,551 0 0 0 ** POLICE 3,987,925 4,176,959 4,559,752 4,559,752 4,758,503 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT * SUPPLIES 2,123 2,401 2,200 2,200 2,250 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 8,458 10,580 17,097 17,097 18,994 ** EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 10,581 12,981 19,297 19,297 21,244 *** POLICE 3,998,506 4,189,940 4,579,049 4,579,049 4,779,747 51 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 04 Police 04 Police PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Create a Fridley Business Alliance against Fraud to combat financial loss caused by crime. ACTIVITIES Ia. Research what other metro area cities are March 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed doing for crime prevention and businesses. 1 b. Work closely with the north metro Chamber May 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed of Commerce on building the business alliance. lc. Work with other City of Fridley divisions to July I,2007 Staff Time Absorbed compile a list of all businesses in the city. 1 d. Invite the owners/managers of all businesses Sept., 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed to an initial meeting. 1 e. Prioritize issues from initial meeting and set Sept. 15,2007 Staff Time Absorbed up future meetings. I f. Evaluate the program by conducting informal Nov 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed phone calls with the business owners/managers. OBJECTIVE#2 To educate the community on the dangers and hazards of methamphetamine. ACTIVITIES 2a. Research information and materials available. February 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed 2b. Attend training pertaining to March 1 ,2007 Staff Time Absorbed methamphetamine. 2c. Develop PowerPoint slide presentation on April I,2007 Staff Time Absorbed methamphetamine. 2d. Develop informational hand-outs. June 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed 2e. Present information to community members, June 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed such as teachers,clergy,day care providers,on the dangers/hazards of methamphetamine. 52 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 04 Police 04 Police PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 2f. Schedule presentations targeting school-aged September 1 ,2007 Staff Time Absorbed youth. 2g. Present Methamphetamine Program in the November 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed community. OBJECTIVE#3 Reduce motor vehicle crashes caused by"red light running"at intersections controlled by traffic signals by installing signal confirmation devices in a pilot program as recommended in a 2005 policy analysis. Out of 247 motor vehicle crashes in 2004, 11% (27)were attributed to a driver disobeying a traffic signal. ACTIVITIES 3a. Discuss the strategy with Anoka County March I,2007 Staff Time Absorbed District Court Judges to clarify that observation of a signal confirmation device would carry the same evidentiary weight as observation of the red light itself. 3b. Discuss with Mn/DOT and Anoka County April 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed Highway Department their willingness to allow signal confirmation devices to be installed and connected to their traffic signals. 3c. Conduct a study at selected intersections to June 1,2007 Intern Project Absorbed determine violation rates. Data collected will be analyzed to determine suitable locations for installation of signal confirmation devices and will enable follow-up evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the strategy. 3d. Upon a positive resolution of the preceding July 1,2007 6 devices Devices:$1200 New Funds points,a pilot installation of signal confirmation (2 devices per (est.at$200 each) devices at three intersections is recommended. intersection) Installation: $1200 (est.at$200 each) 3e. Evaluate the short-term effectiveness of the November 1,2007 Intern Project Absorbed strategy by conducting traffic surveys at three month intervals over the first year. 53 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 04 Police 04 Police PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 3f. Evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the 2008 and 2009 Staff Time Absorbed strategy by conducting traffic surveys on an annual basis for the following two years. OBJECTIVE#4 Research the need for a Public Safety Advisory Board to assist police,and possibly fire,with a formal structure to share information and afford citizens the opportunity to comment on public safety topics and issues. ACTIVITIES 4a. Meet with fire administration and discuss the February I,2007 Staff Time Absorbed need for a combined advisory board. 4b. Research other public safety citizen advisory March 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed boards. 4c. Identify potential issues for the Advisory May 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed Board to address to determine if sufficient purpose exists to justify such a group in Fridley. 4d. Develop a position description and July 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed Operational procedures for board members. 4e. Develop criteria for recruiting and selecting October 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed Advisory Board members OBJECTIVE#5 Gather enough information to draft a City Ordinance in order to regulate the second hand stores,garage sales,and online second hand store fronts in the City of Fridley. ACTIVITIES 5a. Identify the second hand stores in the City of May 1,2006 Staff Time Absorbed Fridley and speak to the owners/operators. 5b. Study other city ordinance's that are already June 15,2006 Staff Time Absorbed in effect involving second hand stores and operations. 54 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 04 Police 04 Police PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 5c. Determine what issues may be a problem of July 15,2006 Staff Time Absorbed public concern for the second hand goods industry and address how to regulate those problems. 5d. Take note of garage sales in the city and the August 1,2006 Staff Time Absorbed size of them. Determine if there are possible problems with them. 5e. Draft suitable changes to City Code to October I ,2006 Staff Time Absorbed provide necessary regulation of second hand goods dealers. OBJECTIVE#6 To determine the legal parameters of Panhandling with regard to the solicitation for money and food at our major intersections in the City of Fridley ACTIVITIES 6a. Meet with the prosecution and judicial March 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed officials to determine what current regulation exists in Fridley City Code or State Statute to address issues involving panhandlers. 6b. Research how other communities are May 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed responding to issues involving panhandlers. 6c. Determine an appropriate strategy for dealing August 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed with panhandlers. 55 POLICE DEPARTMENT 04-40 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 3,937,329 $4,096,187 $158,858 4.03% Supplies 186,463 211,919 $25,456 13.65% Other Services/Charges 335,510 344,537 - $9,027 2.69% Capital Outlay 100,450 105,860 $5,410 5.39% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $4,559,752 I $4,758,503 I $198,751 I 4.36% Personal Services 1. The level of spending reflects cost-of-living increases and market rate adjustments for 6 of the 44 full-time employees. 2. Additional costs for PERA($37,849) and cash benefits in lieu of health insurance($19,933), are also contributors. Supplies 1. The cost for supplies has increased by $25,456. 2. Of this amount, $16,129 is for additional fuel costs. 3. Other contributors to the 13.65 increase include clothing ($3,230), office supplies($952), and small tools($3,100). 4. Small tools includes$2,400 for"rat boxes"to be used at signalized intersections for catching red light violators. Other Services/Charges 1. Alexendra House contract was renewed at$42,561, an increase of$7,561. 2. The budget includes$37,875 for an IT consultant. 3. It includes an additional $3,100 for support of the Metropolitan Emergency Service Board. 4. It includes an additional$2,640 for air modem cards that insert into laptop computers. The laptop computers are to be used by the school resource officers and the detectives, including the pawn detective). The air model cards for all of the department's laptops are costing $13,200 a year. 5. Other significant changes include a$7,500 increase in IS depreciation costs, a $2,798 increase in costs for the Minneapolis APS system subscription and an additional$1,000 for outside body work on squad cars. Capital Outlay 1. Includes$105,860 for four replacement squads. 56 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 POLICE 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 2,218,500 2,250,152 2,890,029 2,890,029 2,991,997 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 158,034 213,266 148,297 148,297 152,746 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 97,538 114,260 101,530 101,530 107,640 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 873 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 398,660 384,119 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 31,293 34,792 37,807 37,807 40,306 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 247,953 260,372 304,796 304,796 341,099 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 24,018 23,957 32,580 32,580 33,174 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 201,432 242,416 307,953 307,953 287,499 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 4,586 7,412 8,422 8,422 7,378 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 2,705 2,634 2,695 2,695 2,499 4134 CASH BENEFITS 29,236 36,844 32,040 32,040 51,973 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 59,623 77,790 71,180 71,180 79,876 * PERSONAL SERVICES 3,473,578 3,648,887 3,937,329 3,937,329 4,096,187 4212 FUELS & LUBES 63,260 73,285 84,000 84,000 100,129 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 28,744 32,553 31,000 31,000 34,230 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,192 8,209 7,498 7,498 8,450 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 48,941 35,687 26,725 26,725 27,275 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 1,448 5,083 7,940 7,940 8,285 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 7,314 4,401 1,800 1,800 4,900 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 15,535 15,509 27,500 27,500 28,650 * SUPPLIES 170,434 174,727 186,463 186,463 211,919 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20,747 12,920 43,316 43,316 50,247 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,924 3,973 2,862 2,862 3,082 4332 COMMUNICATION 51,036 57,254 67,284 67,284 74,852 4333 TRANSPORTATION 593 53 765 765 800 4334 ADVERTISING 3,857 4,277 3,500 3,500 3,975 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 5,556 8,888 8,184 8,184 8,310 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 18,883 22,326 23,219 23,219 24,657 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 12,707 20,376 14,130 14,130 14,675 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 2,701 4,574 3,100 3,100 4,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 104,079 118,058 168,150 168,150 158,939 4341 RENTALS 690 926 1,000 1,000 1,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 222,773 253,625 335,510 335,510 344,537 4520 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 117,752 96,169 100,450 100,450 105,860 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 117,752 96,169 100,450 100,450 105,860 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 3,388 3,551 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 3,388 3,551 0 0 0 ** POLICE 3,987,925 4,176,959 4,559,752 4,559,752 4,758,503 57 POLICE - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 04-41 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 0 $0 $0 0% Supplies 2,200 2,250 $50 2.27% Other Services/Charges 17,097 18,994 $1,897 11.10% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 _ 0% Total $ 19,297 I $21,244 I $1,947 I 10.09% Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The increase reflects$1,306 in additional communications costs. This includes increased costs for the County's 800 MHz radio maintenance fee ($400), costs for CERT radios ($240), and costs for air modem cards for two laptop computers to be used in the EOC ($660). Capital Outlay 58 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 0 0 0 0 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 259 2,401 1,200' 1,200 1,250 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,864 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 * SUPPLIES 2,123 2,401 2,200 2,200 2,250 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 275 0 400 400 600 4332 COMMUNICATION 0 1 1,720 1,720 3,026 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 0 417 417 417 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 0 213 213 13 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 427 455 437 437 528 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 0 516 585 585 785 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 499 580 635 635 635 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 7,257 9,028 12,690 12,690 12,990 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 8,458 10,580 17,097 17,097 18,994 ** EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 10,581 12,981 19,297 19,297 21,244 59 FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department provides emergency response service for fires, medical emergencies, and accidental releases of hazardous materials. The Department also conducts fire code compliance and residential rental property inspections. Its community support programs include: annual fire prevention training for elementary school students, fire education training for groups and businesses, and participation in neighborhood and youth programs. The Department is dispatched by Anoka County and participates in mutual aid pacts with over 30 other fire departments. Fire personnel are on duty 24 hours per day and the staff consists of full-time and paid on-call firefighters. The City has three fire stations, and operates a fire training facility next to Columbia Arena under a joint powers agreement with two other fire departments. Authorized Personnel: 2005 2006 2007 Fire 6 7 7 Rental Inspection 2 2 2 Total • 60 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 FIRE FIRE * PERSONAL SERVICES 871,592 863,670 903,186 903,186 982,443 * SUPPLIES 223,694 65,343 92,643 92,643 73,067 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 63,710 74,661 99,796 99,796 100,675 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 80,000 80,000 80,000 ** FIRE 1,158,996 1,003,674 1,175,625 1,175,625 1,236,185 RENTAL INSPECTIONS * PERSONAL SERVICES 111,050 104,898 115,578 115,578 126,024 * SUPPLIES 2,949 1,841 4,363 4,363 4,363 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 6,168 3,922 11,314 11,314 12,935 ** RENTAL INSPECTIONS 120,167 110,661 131,255 131,255 143,322 *** FIRE 1,279,163 1,114,335 1,306,880 1,306,880 1,379,507 • 61 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 05 Fire 50 Fire PERFORMANC COSTS/ BUDGET E OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Develop public safety education programs that are age specific for grades K through 4 that address fire prevention and life safety. ACTIVITIES la Study local and national trends in fires that March 30,2007 Staff Time Absorbed may identify a specific subject for public education within the grades K through 4. 1 b Meet with police staff to determine what April 23,2007 Staff Time Absorbed public safety programs are in place and identify area,that may be need enhancement or may not be currently addressed. 1 c Meet with school district staff to determine the June 11,2007 Staff Time Absorbed amount of time that will be allowed for public safety education and seek input on program development. 1 d Set program goals and objectives for program August 17,2007 Staff Time Absorbed development based on the amount of time available for education and subject matter. 1 e Survey other public safety programs and August 27,2007 Staff Time Absorbed commercially produced public safety programs that may fit the goals&objectives identified in Id. 1 f Recommend purchase,borrow,or develop October 8,2007 Staff Time Absorbed public safety programs for each grade level K through 4 that are specific to that grade level and meet the goals and objectives of ld. 62 BUI) GET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 05 Fire 50 Fire PERFORMANC COSTS/ BUDGET E OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#2 The Fire Department Health and Fitness program currently provides for medical exams every three years as recommended by NFPA and the City Wellness Program so that firefighters have a method of evaluating their physical wellness and receive input for improvement.A third element and Objective for 2007 is to annually test firefighter physical ability. This will give firefighters an additional measurement of their physical ability to complete tasks that are job appropriate and provide Fire administration with input on firefighter fitness.A final or additional goal for 2008 will be for the Fire Department to set standards for the physical ability testing. ACTIVITIES 2a Study physical ability tests that are in place February 15,2007 Staff Time Absorbed locally and nationally. 2b Consult with an occupational physician or March 15,2007 $300.00 Absorbed trainer to determine the best performance measures and procedure. 2c Draft a physical ability test and provide input May 3,2007 Staff Time Absorbed from the membership. 2d Purchase equipment and set up a physical September 6,2007 $500.00 Absorbed ability test site. 2e Use a controlled group to evaluate the test and September 15, Staff Time Absorbed give further input. 2007 2f Test department members and record the October 4,2007 Staff Time Absorbed results, i.e.time to complete the test.Collect comments and recommendations from the membership. 63 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 05 Fire 50 Fire PERFORMANC COSTS/ BUDGET E OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT 2g Evaluate the test,and input from the October 18,2007 Staff Time Absorbed membership to make further recommendations 2h Distribute results to the membership so that it November I,2007 Staff Time Absorbed may be used by individual firefighters to evaluate their physical fitness. . _. _. . . - -• - '-- and-deployment, ACTIVITIES 3a Schedule firefighters for shifts that are January 1,2007 Paid-on-call annual $78,351.00 currently not covered with three firefighters. personnel cost. Approximately 6,396 hours at $12.25 per hour. Assuming a 3% increase for 2007. 3b Document number of call-backs, staffing March 12,2007 Staff Time Absorbed levels and response times for fire calls and number of call-backs for second medicals in year 2006. 3c Compare 2006 documentation with 2007 February 15,2008 Staff Time Absorbed records to show any savings in call-back hours and document response times. 64 13UDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 05 Fire 50 Fire PERFORMANC COSTS/ BUDGET E OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#4 Study the concept of a corporate firefighter program where businesses in the City would allow employees to respond as paid-on-call firefighters during the business day. ACTIVITIES 4a Study other programs with similar goals both May 3,2007 Staff Time Absorbed locally and nationally. 4b Develop guidelines for a program that would September 10, Staff Time Absorbed benefit the Fridley Fire Department staffing. 2007 4c Approach the business community for input October 4,2007 Staff Time Absorbed and develop documentation that reflects the interest level. 4d Write a recommendation for against a future November 5,2007 Staff Time Absorbed program based on the information collected. OBJECTIVE#5 ACTIVITIES 6a research camera systems. February 5,2007 Staff Time Absorbed 6b Identify which vehicles are the most February 19,2007 Staff Time Absorbed challenging for rear vision. 6c Purchase camera systems. March 19,2007 $3,600 $3,600 Hardware 6d Installation by City Mechanics. September 10, City Shop Staff Absorbed 2007 Time 6e Train apparatus operators to use the camera September 13, Staff Time Absorbed systems. 2007 65 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05-50 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 903,186 $ 982,443 $79,257 - 8.78% Supplies 92,643 73,067 ($19,576) (21.13%) Other Services/Charges 99,796 100,675 • $879 0.88% Capital Outlay 80,000 80,000 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 1,175,625 $ 1,236,185 I $60,560 I 5.15% Personal Services 1. The$79,257 increase includes a$29,000 increase for 5 additional paid on-call firefighters. 2. It also includes $26,318 for cost-of-living, merit step and market rate adjustments for full-time personnel. 3. The remainder of the increase is largely explained by PERA($7,574), FICA($6,285), and workers compensation ($9,388). Supplies 1. The cost of supplies is projected to be down by $19,576. Several large items that were included in the 2006 budget are not repeated in 2007. 2. One item that has been increased is the allocation for fuel, which has been increased by 25%or$2,000. Other Services/Charges 1. Expenses are up by less than 1%. 2. The communication line item includes an additional $2,000 for the County's 800 MHz radio maintenance fee. Capital Outlay 1. These costs include$80,000 for replacement of a rescue truck. We are proposing to replace a 1988 one-ton Chevrolet pickup with pump and tank with a similar unit in 2007. • 66 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 FIRE 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 296,361 306,877 425,722 425,722 452,040 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 45,223 32,785 43,5.00 43,500 44,434 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 189,028 187,797 165,482 165,482 191,185 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 4,708 1,825 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 47,447 48,375 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 8,266 8,258 9,203 9,203 10,947 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 33,768 34,620 47,523 47,523 55,097 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 14,379 14,124 12,867 12,867 19,152 4124 FIRE PENSION CONTRIBUTION 176,552 163,880 120,690 120,690 120,690 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 22,647 23,984 38,214 38,214 39,752 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 546 714 963 963 952 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 3,608 3,700 4,560 4,560 4,200 4134 CASH BENEFITS 8,791 9,718 11,850 11,850 11,994 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 20,268 27,013 22,612 22,612 32,000 * PERSONAL SERVICES 871,592 863,670 903,186 903,186 982,443 4212 FUELS & LUBES 6,912 10,249 8,000 8,000 10,000 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 21,386 12,191 20,834 20,834 20,858 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,274 1,610 1,510 1,510 1,510 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 25,640 16,068 19,160 19,160 18,748 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 5,162 8,041 9,190 9,190 9,490 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 158,539 12,410 28,788 28,788 7,300 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 4,781 4,774 5,161 5,161 5,161 * SUPPLIES 223,694 65,343 92,643 92,643 73,067 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,165 7,883 10,030 10,030 12,712 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,211 3,047 2,480 2,480 2,435 4332 COMMUNICATION 6,401 7,837 9,704 9,704 11,226 4333 TRANSPORTATION 537 93 1,110 1,110 1,110 4334 ADVERTISING 3,572 1,223 2,135 2,135 2,135 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 745- 1,142 1,785 1,785 1,500 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 6,930 6,995 6,879 6,879 7,895 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 8,657 . 8,314 12,835 12,835 12,335 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 6,675 8,177 9,358 9,358 9,091 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 23,576 29,376 41,105 41,105 37,322 4341 RENTALS 667 366 710 710 710 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 1,600 1,600 2,100 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 64 208 65 65 104 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 63,710 74,661 99,796 99,796 100,675 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 80,000 80,000 80,000 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 80,000 80,000 80,000 ** FIRE 1,158,996 1,003,674 1,175,625 1,175,625 1,236,185 67 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 68 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 05 Fire 51 Rental Inspections PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Increase staff efficiency in documenting and distributing rental housing correction orders through technology. ACTIVITIES 1 a Identify the type of mobile computers that will February 15,2007 Staff time Absorbed best work with the code tracking software developed for rental hosing inspections. 1b Purchase the hardware needed to allow March 1,2007 Purchase 2 $2,000 inspectors to record inspection compliance orders Computers at a cost in the field. of $8,000 Over 4 years Ic Work with MIS to set up the hardware and May 1,2007 Software $1,187 install the needed software and wireless network. development $4,750 over four years. 1 d Train housing inspectors to use the software June 11,2007 Staff Time Absorbed and hardware. le Technology is put into the field for use. August 1,2007 Staff Time Absorbed I f Program is evaluated and needed software and November 19,2007 Staff Time Absorbed hardware changes are made. 69 FIRE - RENTAL INSPECTIONS 05-51 • Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 115,578 $ 126,024 $10,446 9.04% Supplies 4,363 4,363 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 11,314 12,935 $1,621 14.33% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 131,255 I $ 143,322 I $12,067 I 9.19% Personal Services 1. Of the $10,446 increase, $6,978 is explained by additional health insurance increases. 2. Another$1,072 belongs to Workers'Compensation cost increases. Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The$1,621 addition is attributed to increased IS depreciation charges. This represents depreciation on new complaint tracking software that will be tied to Community Development complaint tracking software. The new software will be used to track rental and fire code complaints and inspections. Capital Outlay 70 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 RENTAL INSPECTIONS 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 49,104 45,095 87,338 87,338 60,668 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 3,350 8,848 4,000 4,000 4,084 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 25,048 18,978 0 0 28,005 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 18 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 8,439 8,882 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,258 1,154 1,324 1,324 1,300 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 7,343 6,728 8,002 8,002 9,256 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,614 1,371 2,248 2,248 1,911 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 11,519 10,453 9,901 9,901 16,879 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 351 449 480 480 476 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 122 102 114 114 102 4134 CASH BENEFITS 355 31 0 0 0 1 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,529 2,807 2,171 2,171 3,343 * PERSONAL SERVICES 111,050 104,898 115,578 115,578 126,024 4212 FUELS & LUBES 1,326 0 1,326 1,326 1,326 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 172 425 745 745 745 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 554 1,033 805 805 805 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 85 110 675 675 675 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 250 273 250 250 250 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 562 0 562 562 562 * SUPPLIES 2,949 1,841 4,363 4,363 4,363 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 136 136 4 136 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,771 1,021 2,733 2,733 2,635 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 302 184 184 184 4334 ADVERTISING 0 59 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,507 134 1,406 1,406 1,406 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 471 528 549 549 575 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 200 630 3,010 3,010 3,010 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,219 1,248 3,296 3,296 4,989 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 6,168 3,922 11,314 11,314 12,935 ** RENTAL INSPECTIONS 120,167 110,661 131,255 131,255 143,322 71 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Public Works Department is responsible for the engineering, design and maintenance of City streets, parks, water, sanitary and storm water utility systems, the Municipal Center, the Municipal Garage, and maintenance of equipment. Technical support in the form of surveys, drafting, research, and utility location is provided for the development of improvements, plans, construction and safety programs for the City. The divisions established within the department are as follows: Municipal Center Division - maintains the exterior and interior of the Municipal Center Building in a manner which ensures safety for the public and extends the useful life of the facility. Engineering Division-develops plans, sets specifications, and determines estimates for capital improvement and safety programs. The Engineering staff also is responsible for the design and construction of streets, sanitary sewer collection systems, storm water facilities, and water treatment and distrubution systems. Records are maintained by the Engineering staff on various projects in the City, as-built files, and utility service locations. Also the GIS (Geographic Information System) function is responsible for computer mappingand computer graphic systems. Lighting Division- maintains the charges for the electrical overhead street lighting found throughout the City and for all traffic signal systems. Parks Maintenance Division -plans, constructs and maintains both active and passive park areas for use by the public. Street Maintenance Division-performs the necessary tasks to reduce the depreciation of streets and upholds the desirable standards of appearance, serviceability and safety. This includes upkeep such as street sweeping, repair of roadway surface areas, and snow/ice removal. Municipal Garage Division - includes the Public Works Maintenance office staff and the mechanics who maintain all city equipment for Public Works, Police, Fire, and other city vehicles. The maintenance and repair of the City's water, sanitary and storm sewer systems are also a responsibility of the Public Works Department. This includes the operation of 13 wells, one TCAPP water supply line, four reservoirs and three filter plants; as well as, all of the sanitary sewer and storm water collection facilities within the City, including 3 lakes and numerous ponds. Authorized Personnel: 2005 2006 2007 Engineering 5 5 5 Park Maintenance 7 7 7 Street Maintenance 9 9 9 Muni Garage 4 4 4 Total 2 2 72 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 PUBLIC WORKS MUNICIPAL CENTER * PERSONAL SERVICES 31,365 30,789 34,062 34,062 35,707 * SUPPLIES 14,241 20,258 16,950 16,950 18,450 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 196,331 216,197 195,855 195,855 221,740 ** MUNICIPAL CENTER 241,937 267,244 246,867 246,867 275,897 ENGINEERING * PERSONAL SERVICES 391,410 395,155 431,468 431,468 449,640 * SUPPLIES 9,621 10,900 8,650 8,650 10,100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 56,516 57,881 70,250 70,250 64,412 ** ENGINEERING 457,547 463,936 510,368 510,368 524,152 LIGHTING * SUPPLIES 989 7,308 3,500 3,500 4,500 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 171,318 196,777 190,100 190,100 214,000 ** LIGHTING 172,307 204,085 193,600 193,600 218,500 PARK MAINTENANCE * PERSONAL SERVICES 555,627 602,581 616,089 616,089 658,685 * SUPPLIES 93,787 111,115 116,730 116,730 116,300 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 134,644 147,120 146,365 146,365 153,794 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 57,298 62,617 68,000 68,000 45,000 ** PARK MAINTENANCE 841,356 923,433 947,184 947,184 973,779 STREET MAINTENANCE * PERSONAL SERVICES 803,271 598,791 607,562 607,562 649,790 * SUPPLIES 197,380 197,808 209,100 209,100 208,050 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 193,753 226,065 85,305 85,305 89,733 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 48,065 100,904 125,000 125,000 95,000 ** STREET MAINTENANCE 1,242,469 1,123,568 1,026,967 1,026,967 1,042,573 GARAGE * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 262,105 276,494 276,494 298,830 * SUPPLIES 0 30,908 11,200 11,200 26,450 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 96,352 98,625 98,625 97,845 ** GARAGE 0 389,365 386,319 386,319 423,125 *** PUBLIC WORKS 2,955,616 3,371,631 3,311,305 3,311,305 3,458,026 73 PUBLIC WORKS - MUNICIPAL CENTER 06-60 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 34,062 $35,707 $1,645 4.83% Supplies 16,950 18,450 $1,500 8.85% Other Services/Charges 195,855 221,740 $25,885 13.22% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $246,867 $275,897 I $29,030 I 11.76% Personal Services 1. Includes funding for 2 part-time building maintainers. Supplies 1. The increase reflects additional costs for cleaning and lighting supplies. Other Services/Charges 1. The increase includes an additional$18,000 for projected gas and electric increases. 2. It also includes an additional $7,000 for maintenance of the HVAC systems in the Municipal Center and an additional $3,000 for electrical repairs. Capital Outlay 74 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 MUNICIPAL CENTER 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 27,506 26,963 29,937 29,937 31,149 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 399 391 434 434 452 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 966 785 885 885 957 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,705 1,672 1,856 1,856 1,931 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 789 978 950 950 1,218 * PERSONAL SERVICES 31,365 30,789 34,062 34,062 35,707 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 1,464 500 500 500 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 3,653 3,952 3,600 3,600 4,000 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 55 53 150 150 150 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 735 1,520 2,000 2,000 1,600 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 9,742 13,269 10,500 10,500 12,000 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 200 200 200 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 56 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 14,241 20,258 16,950 16,950 18,450 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 3,010 0 0 0 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 50 80 80 80 80 4332 COMMUNICATION 3,949 3,019 4,700 4,700 3,700 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 10 0 0 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 4,849 6,658 6,925 6,925 6,510 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 0 0 150 150 150 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 63,812 81,342 71,000 71,000 89,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 121,735 121,227 111,000 111,000 120,300 4341 RENTALS 0 0 0 0 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 1,936 851 2,000 2,000 2,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 196,331 216,197 195,855 195,855 221,740 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** MUNICIPAL CENTER 241,937 267,244 246,867 246,867 275,897 75 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 76 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 06 Public Works 61 Engineering PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Review MSAS system to identify opportunities for greater reimbursement. ACTIVITIES la ID eligible streets 2/1/2007 2 meeting Absorbed lb Work closely with State Aid office • 5/1/2007 2 meeting Absorbed 1c Council resolution approving system revisions 7/1/2007 lmeeting Absorbed ld Submit to State-Aid office 8/1/2007 1 meeting Absorbed OBJECTIVE#2 Update construction specifications and standard Plates for street and utility projects—both public and private. ACTIVITIES 2a Compare City specifications and standard lates 2/1/2007 2 meeting Absorbed with other cities 2b Revise accordingly 3/1/2007 2meeting Absorbed 2c Integrate revised specifications and standard 4/1/2007 I meeting Absorbed plates into construction documents OBJECTIVE#3 To have fully integrated the new Engineering Technician into the PW Department ACTIVITIES 3a Complete training of office work during winter 2/1/2007 Absorbed 3b Become familiar with GIS and PW personnel 3/1/2007 Absorbed 3c Design and draw construction plans 4/1/2007 Absorbed 77 PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING 06-61 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $431,468 $449,640 $18,172 4.21% Supplies 8,650 10,100 $1,450 16.76% Other Services/Charges 70,250 64,412 ($5,838) (8.31%) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 _ $0 0% Total $ 510,368 I $ 524,152 1 $13,784 1 2.70% Personal Services 1. Includes funding for the Public Works Director, the Assistant Public Works Director and 2 other full-time employees. 2. The salary line item reflects cost-of-living adjustments, merit step increases and market rate increases. 3 The budget anticipates one additional dependent care health insurance plan. Supplies 1. The increase anticipates an $800 expenditure for a"laser plane level"and an additional $400 for vehicle parts. Other Services/Charges 1. The decrease reflects the absence of contract inspection costs. Capital Outlay 78 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ENGINEERING 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 256,752 264,831 323,390 323,390 326,680 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 16,398 8,900 27,365 27,365 27,954 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 138 0 0 0 49,146 0 0 0 49 49,215 , 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 49,2 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 4,498 4,393 4,802 4,802 4,885 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 16,878 17,196 19,403 19,403 20,226 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 19,132 18,786 20,525 20,525 20,659 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 26,204 29,198 33,263 33,263 45,746 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 528 714 720 720 952 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 297 281 285 285 255 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,370 1,710 1,715 1,715 2,283 * PERSONAL SERVICES 391,410 395,155 431,468 431,468 449,640 4212 FUELS & LUBES 648 823 1,200 1,200 1,200 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 0 206 50 50 50 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,087 2,350 1,500 1,500 1,500 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,230 6,424 5,400 5,400 5,650 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 195 0 0 0 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 0 800 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 656 902 500 500 900 * SUPPLIES 9,621 10,900 8,650 8,650 10,100 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,767 5,960 11,630 11,630 6,000 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,340 1,233 1,965 1,965 1,965 4332 COMMUNICATION 4,033 4,074 4,300 4,300 3,640 4333 TRANSPORTATION 350 477 600 600 600 4334 ADVERTISING 566 57 600 600 600 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 490 729 1,395 1,395 1,307 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 2,545 3,306 3,440 3,440 3,475 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,615 3,556 3,500 3,500 4,000 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 41,810 38,489 42,820 42,820 42,825 4341 RENTALS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 56,516 57,881 70,250 70,250 64,412 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** ENGINEERING 457,547 463,936 510,368 510,368 524,152 / 79 PUBLIC WORKS - LIGHTING 06-65 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount % Personal Services $0 $ 0 $0 0% Supplies 3,500 4,500 $1,000 28.57% Other Services/Charges 190,100 214,000 $23,900 12.57% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 _ 0% Total $ 193,600 I $218,500 I $24,900 I 12.86% Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The budget anticipates an 11.4% increase in the cost of street lighting. Capital Outlay 80 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 LIGHTING 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 989 7,308 3,500 3,500 4,500 * SUPPLIES 989 7,308 3,500 3,500 4,500 4332 COMMUNICATION 0 0 0 0 0 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 165,010 188,610 184,000 184,000 205,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 6,308 8,167 6,100 6,100 9,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 171,318 196,777 190,100 190,100 214,000 ** LIGHTING 172,307 204,085 193,600 193,600 218,500 81 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 82 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 06 Public Works 66 Park Maintenance PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Reduce and eliminate use of contractual labor for municipal facilities ACTIVITIES la Mowing,trimming,spraying of City Hall Weekly Apr 15- 232 hours Absorbed property Nov 1 1 b Complete the in house portion of the July 15-Oct 1 2 fields 240 hours Absorbed Community Park reconstruction phase 1 including fence removal,seeding,irrigation connections, and inspections. Ic Paint light poles for tennis courts and hockey June I-Aug 1 8 park areas 240 hours Absorbed rinks in Madsen,Flannery, Ruth Circle,Creek Ridge,Briardale,and Moore Lake Parks OBJECTIVE#2, Improve park system facilities ACTIVITIES 2a Repair/replace chain link fencing at Plymouth, Complete by Oct 1 3 parks 300 hours Absorbed Little League and Commons parks 2b Remove the north two tennis court surfaces at Complete by Sept 1 2 courts 160 hours Absorbed Commons park 2c Build two new sand volleyball courts at Complete by Oct 1 2 courts 320 hours Absorbed Commons park 2d Rebuild Edgewater tennis court and basketball Complete by Oct 1 2 courts 360 hours Absorbed court OBJECTIVE#3 Expand staff development&education ACTIVITIES 3a Do in service training sessions for seasonal Monthly sessions 4 sessions 2 hrs per session Absorbed Parks division employees-to improve skills 256 hours efficiency 83 PUBLIC WORKS - PARK MAINTENANCE 06-66 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $616,089 $658,685 $42,596 6.91% Supplies 116,730 116,300 ($430) (0.37%) Other Services/Charges 146,365 153,794 $7,429 5.08% Capital Outlay 68,000 45,000 ($23,000) (33.82%) Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 947,184 L $ 973,779 I $26,595 I 2.81% Personal Services includes the Parks Maintenance Supervisor This budget inc t p ervisor and 6 full-time maintainers. 2. Most of the increase is for personal services and is divided among costs for full-time salaries (+$13,838), additional costs for health insurance (+$12,975)and additional costs for temporary regular employees (+$8,111). Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. Costs are up due to increased costs for utilities ($5,500) and insurance($2,404). Capital Outlay 1. Includes a 3/4 ton pick-up truck($24,000), a trailer($6,000), and a top dressing machine ($15,000). 84 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 PARK MAINTENANCE 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 265,303 273,696 329,293 329,293 343,131 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 10,210 27,303 18,208 18,208 18,596 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 132,235 144,419 146,918 146,918 155,029 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 49,965 42,646 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 6,523 6,991 7,122 7,122 7,526 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 18,153 19,344 20,850 20,850 22,396 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 27,889 29,894 30,453 30,453 32,180 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 28,642 35,072 38,214 38,214 51,189 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 352 512 480 480 952 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 415 390 399 399 357 4134 CASH BENEFITS 6,229 9,019 11,850 11,850 11,994 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 9,711 13,295 12,302 12,302 15,335 * PERSONAL SERVICES 555,627 602,581 616,089 616,089 658,685 4212 FUELS & LUBES 18,291 24,167 20,000 20,000 24,000 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 5,353 6,129 6,630 6,630 5,600 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 279 84 0 0 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,109 1,336 1,600 1,600 1,700 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 48,177 51,599 61,000 61,000 61,000 • 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 3,630 11,145 7,500 7,500 4,000 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 16,948 16,655 20,000 20,000 20,000 * SUPPLIES 93,787 111,115 116,730 116,730 116,300 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 758 665 1,280 1,280 1,280 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,068 441 515 515 515 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,334 2,013 2,200 2,200 2,000 4333 TRANSPORTATION 422 275 400 400 400 4334 ADVERTISING 363 992 800 800 1,000 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 92 0 0 0 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 21,331 21,315 • 22,170 22,170 24,574 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,187 1,548 2,000 2,000 2,000 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 42,098 35,899 32,000 32,000 37,500 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 56,247 74,587 75,600 75,600 75,125 4341 RENTALS 8,448 9,121 9,000 9,000 9,000 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 0 0 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 296 264 400 400 400 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 134,644 147,120 146,365 146,365 153,794 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 57,298 62,617 68,000 68,000 45,000 • * CAPITAL OUTLAY 57,298 62,617 68,000 68,000 45,000 ** PARK MAINTENANCE 841,356 923,433 947,184 947,184 973,779 85 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 86 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 06 Public Works 68 Streets PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Refocus maintenance activities on longer term repairs to improve safety and reduce return maintenance issues ACTIVITIES 1a Increase use of crackseal on streets using Complete by Oct 20,000 ft 288 hours Absorbed crack router machine&crumb rubber applicator 31 1 b Focus on overlays for longer term road 2200 hours Absorbed maintenance lc Convert street sign to higher quality sign materials for safer traffic control and longer life City-wide 480 hours Absorbed 87 PUBLIC WORKS - STREET MAINTENANCE 06-68 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $607,562 $ 649,790 $42,228 6.95% Supplies 209,100 208,050 ($1,050) (0.50%) Other Services/Charges 85,305 89,733 $4,428 5.19% Capital Outlay 125,000 95,000 ($30,000) (24.00%) Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 1,026,967 I $ 1,042,573 I $15,606 I 1.52% Personal Services 1. Most of the increase reflects increased personal service costs. The increase includes an additional$22,016 for salaries, and additional $7,842 for health insurance, and an additional$12,032 for Worker's Compensation expenses. Supplies 1. Includes an additional $5,400 for fuel, and additional $10,000 for asphalt, and an additional$4,000 for salt. Other Services/Charges 1. Includes an additional $3,000 for vehicle and equipment repairs done by an outside contractor. 2. It also includes an additional $20,000 for contract street sweeping. Capital Outlay 1. Includes $40,000 for a Skidsteer loader, $25,000 for a 1/2 ton pick-up, and $30,000 for a 3/4 ton pickup. All of these are replacement items. 88 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 STREET MAINTENANCE 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 470,467 329,911 397,984 397,984 420,000 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 12,986 28,144 19,105 19,105 19,516 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 61,271 50,579 46,491 46,491 46,491 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 87,014 50,457 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 8,977 6,484 6,588 6,588 6,863 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 32,831 22,551 25,026 25,026 27,210 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 38,384 27,722 28,171 28,171 29,344 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 69,292 47,994 54,252 54,252 62,074 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,458 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,666 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 786 511 516 516 459 4134 CASH BENEFITS 10,965 9,242 . 11,850 11,850 7,996 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 23,873 23,756 16,139 16,139 28,171 4170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-LABOR 15,033- 0 0 0 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 803,271 598,791 607,562 607,562 649,790 4212 FUELS & LUBES 33,028 44,667 36,600 36,600 42,000 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 12,197 7,823 10,700 10,700 7,300 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,038 75 0 0 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,792 841 3,100 3,100 1,250 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 113,175 115,189 120,700 120,700 125,000 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 4,725 2,309 2,000 2,000 2,500 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 28,425 26,904 36,000 36,000 30,000 * SUPPLIES 197,380 197,808 209,100 209,100 208,050 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 17,077 1,127 2,160 2,160 2,060 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,144 184 370 370 370 4332 COMMUNICATION 12,251 3,308 2,600 2,600 2,600 4333 TRANSPORTATION 160 213 400 400 400 4334 ADVERTISING 1,070 945 800 800 800 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 481 251 0 0 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 11,904 11,812 12,285 12,285 12,286 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 461 932 1,200 1,200 1,200 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 11,280 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 133,891 197,887 64,590 64,590 69,517 4341 RENTALS 423 6,321 900 900 500 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 2,377 2,266 0 0 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 234 819 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 193,753 226,065 85,305 85,305 89,733 4540 MACHINERY 48,065 100,904 125,000 125,000 95,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 48,065 100,904 125,000 125,000 95,000 ** STREET MAINTENANCE 1,242,469 1,123,568 1,026,967 1,026,967 1,042,573 89 PUBLIC WORKS - GARAGE 06-69 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $276,494 $298,830 $22,336 8.08% Supplies 11,200 26,450 $15,250 136.16% Other Services/Charges 98,625 97,845 ($780) (0.79%) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 386,319 1 $423,125 1 $36,806 1 9.53% Personal Services 1. About 1/2 of these increase is for salaries. This includes cost-of-living adjustments and a reclassification for the Lead Mechanic. 2. The remainder of the increase is for health insurance($1,190), PERA($2,287), Workers' Compensation ($2,229), FICA($1,637) and for adjustments to temporary employee salaries ($1,657). Supplies 1. The$15,250 increase includes$2,000 for a plasma cutter for cutting steel, an additional $5,600 for shop supplies (steel, welding supplies, nuts/bolts, manuals, o-rings, gaskets, etc.), and an additional $3,000 for cleaning supplies. The supplies estimates reflect actuals. Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 90 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GARAGE 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 0 152,943 191,522 191,522 204,001 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 0 6,320 3,030 3,030 3,095 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 0 20,040 16,193 16,193 18,850 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 0 28,184 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 0 2,918 3,056 3,056 3,278 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 0 11,094 11,491 11,491 13,778 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 0 12,478 13,066 13,066 14,255 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 23,961 27,126 27,126 28,316 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 0 718 720 720 714 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 0 225 228 228 204 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 3,189 3,950 3,950 3,998 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 7,059 6,112 6,112 8,341 4170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-LABOR 0 7,024- 0 0 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 262,105 276,494 276,494 298,830 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 3,616 500 500 800 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 0 6,312 . 2,300 2,300 4,700 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 2,772 2,800 2,800 2,800 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 2,119 1,300 1,300 1,400 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 14,239 3,300 3,300 13,750 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 1,850 1,000 1,000 3,000 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 0 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 0 30,908 11,200 11,200 26,450 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 6,096 3,605 3,605 • 560 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 670 3,925 3,925 2,425 4332 COMMUNICATION 0 8,077 10,680 10,680 9,443 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 31 0 0 0 4334 ADVERTISING 0 3,086 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 612 850 850 650 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 0 1,976 2,055 2,055 3,267 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 0 581 400 400 400 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 0 36,401 39,800 39,800 39,350 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 38,596 32,760 32,760 37,200 4341 RENTALS 0 226 1,500 1,500 1,500 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 2,800 2,800 2,800 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 0 0 250 250 250 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 96,352 98,625 98,625 97,845 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** GARAGE 0 389,365 386,319 386,319 423,125 91 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT The Parks and Recreation Department provides safe, healthful, and creative leisure time programs to meet the needs and interests of the public. The department provides year-round recreation activities for residents of all ages and utilizes over 598 acres of park land throughout 42 parks and natural history areas. The divisions established within the department are as follows: Recreation Division- provides a wide variety of year-round leisure activities that contribute toward the physical, social, and emotional well-being of citizens of all ages. Programs are provided in the following areas: instructional recreation activities, competitive athletic leagues, fitness activities, special events, cultural arts, and outings. This division also operates a Senior Center which provides social services, recreation, and health and wellness programs. The staff also promotes cooperation among local groups and organizations. Sprinqbrook Nature Center Division This division is funded by a special revenue fund established • in 2005 after a levy referendum was approved by the voters. More detailed information on Springbrook Nature Center is provided in the Special Revenue Funds section. Authorized Personnel: 2005 2006 2007 Recreation 5 5 5 Nature Center 3 3 3 Total A A 92 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 465,274 496,327 577,520 577,520 604,415 * SUPPLIES 42,512 55,480 51,190 51,190 52,670 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 182,392 185,285 202,093 202,093 226,523 ** RECREATION 690,178 737,092 830,803 830,803 883,608 NATURE CENTER * PERSONAL SERVICES 218,317 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 17,969 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 34,259 0 0 0 0 ** NATURE CENTER 270,545 0 0 0 0 *** PARKS & RECREATION 960,723 737,092 830,803 830,803 883,608 93 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 07 Recreation & Naturalist 70 Recreation PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Operate a concession stand at Moore Lake Beach from June 15th to August 15`". ACTIVITIES la Meet with Public Works Staff and Parks and March 2007 Absorbed Recreation Staff to plan the details or operating the concession stand. l b. Meet with the Anoka County Health and March 2007 Absorbed Environmental Service Department to comply with all concession requirements. lc. Purchase necessary supplies and equipment to May 2007 Absorbed provide a concession operation. Id. Hire and train staff to operate the concession May 2007 Absorbed operation at Moore Lake Beach. 1 e. Operate the concessions at Moore Lake. Jun—Aug 2007 Absorbed OBJECTIVE #2 • Address the parking needs for users of Locke Park with the redevelopment of the Columbia Arena property. ACTIVITIES 2a. Determine parking requirements for the July 2006 Absorbed various user groups of the Locke Park sports facilities. 2b. Explore all parking opportunities in the August 2006 Absorbed vicinity of Locke Park. 2c. Designate parking areas for the users of the May 2007 Absorbed Locke Park facilities. 2d. Notify user groups of the specified parking May 2007 Absorbed areas. 94 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 07 Recreation & Naturalist 70 Recreation PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#3 Operate a summer Adult Softball program while two Community Park fields are under construction. ACTIVITIES 3a.Brainstorm with other staff on alternative site, September 2006 Absorbed times and days for Adult Softball. 3b. Locate available fields for use in neighboring September 2006 Absorbed communities. 3c. Meet with Public Works to discuss September 2006 Absorbed maintenance at alternative fields. 3d Determine final alternative sites for Adult October 2006 Absorbed Softball. 3e. Promote the Adult Softball program with January 2007 Absorbed information on alternative sites. 3f. Conduct Adult Softball Registration February 2007 Absorbed 3g. Schedule and operate the Adult Softball March 2007 Absorbed program at Community Park and alternative sites. OBJECTIVE#4 Provide an Anoka County area bike trails map for Fridley residents. ACTIVITIES 4a. Meet with the area Parks and Recreation May 2006 Absorbed Directors to plan the details of the bike trail map. 4b. Review final draft of the bike trail map and June 2006 Absorbed make final revisions. 4c. Order printed copies of the trails map for October 2006 2000 maps $560 Absorbed distribution out of the Parks and Recreation office. 4d. Make maps available to Fridley residents. January 2007 Absorbed 95 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 07 Recreation & Naturalist 70 Recreation PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#5 Improve the physical fitness opportunities for Fridley residents by meeting the criteria for being designated a Governor's Fit City in Minnnesota. ACTIVITIES 5a. Convene a meeting of local agencies January 2007 Absorbed interested in improving physical fitness opportunities in our community. 5b. City Council resolution in support of Fit City March 2007 Absorbed concept. • 5c. Complete the required criteria for the Fit City April 2007 Absorbed designation. 5d. Submit application to the Minnesota State May 2007 Absorbed Department of Health for Fit City designation 5e. Advertise and promote Fridley as a Fit City June 2007 Absorbed with all Parks and Recreation promotional material OBJECTIVE#6 To find a new location to hold the future Fridley 49er Days Activities. ACTIVITIES 6a. Meet with City staff and 49er Days April 2006 Absorbed Committee representatives to discuss possible 49er Days activities locations. 6b. Select an appropriate site to hold future 49er June 2006 Absorbed Days activities. 6c. Get all necessary agreements and approvals July 2006 Absorbed from the property owners for holding the activities. 6d. Run a successful 2007 Fridley 49er Days June 2007 Absorbed celebration at the new location. 96 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 07 Recreation & Naturalist 70 Recreation PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#7 Improve the beauty of the park system by encouraging donations for purchasing trees and lining up volunteers to help plant the trees. ACTIVITIES 7a. Set up a tree donation fund with the finance April 2006 Absorbed department 7b. Establish the species and sizes of the trees to June 2006 Absorbed be planted in the parks. 7c. Advertise the tree donation and volunteer October 2006 Absorbed opportunities in the Parks and Recreation activity brochure and the City Newsletter 7d. Collect donations and schedule volunteers to Jan—Apr 2007 Absorbed help with tree planting in the parks. 7e. Conduct an Arbor Day tree planting event in April 2007 Absorbed our city parks. 7d. Publish a thank you letter to all donors and May 2007 Absorbed volunteers in the local newspaper OBJECTIVE#8 Improve our communication with our non- English speaking residents regarding activities information. ACTIVITIES 8a. Contact local school districts to determine the Jan 2007 Absorbed most common languages of students. 8b. Create flyers with general program Mar 2007 Absorbed information. 8c. Work with translators to provide program Apr 2007 Absorbed flyers in the most common languages. 8d. Distribute the non-English versions of the Sep 2007 Absorbed program information to our residents. 97 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 07 Recreation & Naturalist 70 Recreation PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#9 • Organize an event that allows local young people an opportunity to contribute service to our city on National Youth Service Day. ACTIVTIES 9a. Select an age appropriate service project for Jan 2007 Absorbed the youth to undertake. 9b. Determine the specifics of the event. Feb 2007 Absorbed 9c. Promote the service event at the Elementary Mar 2007 Absorbed and Middle Schools. 9d. Conduct the event on National Youth Service April 20—22,2007 Staff Costs Absorbed Day 2007. OBJECTIVE#10 Increase participation in the after-school program by offering participation incentives and improving promotions. ACTIVITIES 10a. Program staff to promote program with Sep 2006 Absorbed students at school during lunch time one day each month. 10b. Establish one promotional incentive for Sep 2006 Absorbed program participants each season. 10c. Promote the after-school program at all Sep 2006—Dec Absorbed school sponsored events. 2007 10d. Attend a school PTO meeting at each school Jan 2007 Absorbed to promote the program with parents and gain input for program direction. OBJECTIVE#11 Increase the number of parking spaces at the Fridley Community Center. ACTIVITIES I I a. Increase the physical layout of parking at May 2006 CIP 98 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 07 Recreation & Naturalist 70 Recreation PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT the Fridley Community Center as per the Capital Improvement Plan. 1 lb. Determine the need for additional handicap May 2007 Absorbed parking stalls by surveying participants. 1 I c. Provide additional handicap parking stalls September 2007 Absorbed for use by participants in the Fridley Senior Program. OBJECTIVE#12 Study the potential and need for an evening dining program and home-delivered meals. ACTIVITIES 12a. Conduct a program survey to determine 151 Qtr 1007 Absorbed interest. 12b. Inventory current dining options in Fridley March 2007 Absorbed and determine potential holes in the delivery system. 12c. Recruit volunteers to assist with program June 2007 Absorbed expansion. OBJECTIVE#13 Improve the fitness of our seniors by developing a walking fitness program. ACTIVITIES 13a. Develop a 10,000 steps walking program for January 2007 Donations and seniors. fee-based. 13b. Determine walking routes(complete with July 2007 Absorbed distance measurements)in the area of the FCC neighborhood. I3c. Provide trail maps with mileage for senior September 2007 Absorbed walkers including indoor walking opportunities. 99 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 07-70 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount % Personal Services $ 577,520 $604,415 $26,895 4.66% Supplies 51,190 52,670 $1,480 2.89% Other Services/Charges 202,093 226,523 $24,430 12.09% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 830,803 I $883,608 I $52,805 I 6.36% Personal Services 1. The increase includes$22,642 for salaries of full-time employees. This amount includes market rate adjustments for the Parks and Recreation Director and the Senior Coordinator. 2. Increased health insurance and Workers' Compensation costs account for most of the remainder of this increase. Supplies 1. $1,275 of the increase is for operating supplies. These include youth and senior admission tickets, food, craft supplies, Zone supplies, etc. Other Services/Charges 1. The increase of$16,181 is largely attributable to increases in the cost of umpires, referees and part-time personnel for the broom ball and boot hockey leagues. 2. MRPA team registration fees and IS charges have also increased substantially. Capital Outlay 100 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 RECREATION 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 235,841 246,822 304,285 304,285 326,927 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 118,005 125,384 181,293 181,293 176,979 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 42,176 44,666 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 5,799 5,986 6,993 6,993 7,343 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 16,408 16,779 19,325 19,325 21,279 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 24,639 25,593 29,386 29,386 31,396 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 12,002 22,958 25,940 25,940 27,765 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 521 960 960 960 1,190 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 292 284 285 285 306 4134 CASH BENEFITS 6,735 3,219 3,950 3,950 3,998 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,856 3,676 5,103 5,103 7,232 * PERSONAL SERVICES 465,274 496,327 577,520 577,520 604,415 4212 FUELS & LUBES 407 556 400 400 525 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 3,177 1,578 4,500 4,500 4,500 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,660 2,694 2,740 2,740 2,820 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 35,005 49,464 42,350 42,350 43,625 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 149 1,038 650 650 950 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 50 50 50 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 1,114 150 500 500 200 * SUPPLIES 42,512 55,480 51,190 51,190 52,670 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 617 317 775 775 950 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 840 800 1,300 1,300 1,590 4332 COMMUNICATION 14,914 14,578 16,568 16,568 16,705 4333 TRANSPORTATION 4,062 5,523 7,300 7,300 8,000 4334 ADVERTISING 800 0 1,100 1,100 1,130 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 14,671 15,601 19,555 19,555 20,028 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 3,659 4,011 4,171 4,171 4,417 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,269 3,055 4,690 4,690 4,830 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 75,659 69,849 71,045 71,045 82,777 4341 RENTALS 1,046 536 1,300 1,300 1,335 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 200 200 200 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 64,855 71,015 74,089 74,089 84,561 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 182,392 185,285 202,093 202,093 226,523 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** RECREATION 690,178 737,092 830,803 830,803 883,608 101 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The Community Development Department is responsible for zoning administration, comprehensive planning, housing programs and redevelopment activities. The divisions established within the department are as follows: Building Inspection Division-enforces the Building Code within the City in order to prevent health and safety hazards. The Building Inspection staff provides City Code information to homeowners, builders, and businesses and also reviews plans and provides coordination of inspections. Planning Division - is the principal advisor to the Planning Commission, Appeals Commission, Environmental Quality and Energy Commission, City Council and City Manager on all land use, urban development, energy and environmental functions. This division also administers a variety of recycling programs and administers an aggressive code enforcement program. The Section 8 office supplies support services for roughly 200 rent subsidy recipients in Fridley, St. Anthony, and Spring Lake Park. Authorized Personnel: 2005 2006 2007 Building Inspections 3 3 3 Planning 5 5 5 Total $ 5 102 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ESUM1 EXPENDITURE DEPART\DIV\ELEMENT SUM ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION * PERSONAL SERVICES 190,367 208,536 " 207,490 207,490 225,516 * SUPPLIES 2,665 3,252 8,011 8,011 8,450 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 101,759 108,073 113,129 113,129 114,236 ** BUILDING INSPECTION 294,791 319,861 328,630 328,630 348,202 PLANNING * PERSONAL SERVICES 267,996 298,199 320,228 320,228 329,051 * SUPPLIES 3,674 4,171 5,496 5,496 6,184 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 26,932 48,941 45,704 45,704 57,656 ** PLANNING 298,602 351,311 371,428 371,428 392,891 *** COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 593,393 671,172 700,058 700,058 741,093 103 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 104 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 08 Community Development 80 Building Ins ections PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Convert paper address file records to electronic records to secure records and improve staff efficiency. ACTIVITIES, la. Purchase scanner for permit counter Jan 07 1 $6,000 Building lb. Image address cards Mar 07 Absorbed Building Ic. Image pre-2004 Inspection Slips 30,000 slips and Absorbed Building index cards Nov-07 Id. Image 20%of address files 2,200 files Absorbed Building June 07 OBJECTIVE#2 Improve efficiency of inspections. ACTIVITIES 2a. Hire contract inspectors as needed Ongoing Varies Fees to cover costs Building 2b. Conduct customer service surveys Ongoing $1,170 Postage Building 2c. Introduce"tablet"workstations to inspectors' April 07 $7,200 In MIS 2007 trucks. budget ■ 2d. Provide same-day inspections. Ongoing Absorbed Building OBJECTIVE#3 Continue to improve inspector knowledge of new code issues and provide information to the public. ACTIVITIES 3a. Provide"Public Awareness"Programs Attend Remodeling Absorbed Building Fair, Written Materials,Cable Shows 105 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING INSPECTIONS 08-80 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $207,490 $225,516 $18,026 8.69% Supplies 8,011 8,450 $439 5.48% Other Services/Charges 113,129 114,236 $1,107 0.98% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 328,630 I $ 348,202 I $19,572 I 5.96% Personal Services 1. The$19,127 increase includes $8,965 for salaries. The salary increases include a market rate adjustment for the Chief Building Official and merit step increases for the other 2 full-time personnel. 2. Another big contributor to the increase is a change in health insurance plans for the Permit Technician. Health insurance costs are up by $7,371. Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. Although costs have increased by only$775, they do include$25,559 for contract electrical inspections and $60,953 for contract plumbing/HVAC inspections. Capital Outlay 106 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 BUILDING INSPECTION 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 133,335 139,354 167,726 167,726 176,691 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 75 10,361 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 23,105 21,011 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 2,242 2,449 2,414 2,414 2,519 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 8,729 9,166 10,064 10,064 10,934 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 9,587 10,473 10,320 10,320 10,769 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 11,667 13,549 14,951 14,951 22,322 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 527 742 720 720 714 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 177 175 171 171 153 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 923 1,256 1,124 1,124 1,414 * PERSONAL SERVICES 190,367 208,536 207,490 207,490 225,516 4212 FUELS & LUBES 1,354 1,562 2,031 2,031 3,000 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 544 696 4,130 4,130 3,130 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 743 931 850 850 1,320 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 24 63 1,000 1,000 1,000 * SUPPLIES 2,665 3,252 8,011 8,011 8,450 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,191 1,188 1,386 1,386 1,525 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 520 250 665 665 665 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,648 1,868 3,087 3,087 3,360 4333 TRANSPORTATION 5,378 5,357 5,597 5,597 5,597 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 1,100 1,100 1,100 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 638 467 1,190 1,190 965 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 1,241 1,494 , 1,554 1,554 1,699 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,087 195 1,550 1,550 1,550 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 89,056 97,254 97,000 97,000 97,775 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 101,759 108,073 113,129 113,129 114,236 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** BUILDING INSPECTION 294,791 319,861 328,630 328,630 348,202 107 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 108 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 08 Community Development 81 Planning PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT • OBJECTIVE#1 To promote the economic well being of the community through necessary code changes ACTIVITIES, la Complete property owner telephone survey Completed by Aug $6,000 Planning 07 Ib Hold public meetings in preparation of Comp Nov 07 $200 publication Planning Plan update fees&$5,000 for a contract facilitator lc Start draft Comp Plan updates Dec 07 $3,500 color Planning printing Id Create updated GIS maps for Comp Plan Nov 07 $3,000 for work Planning updates beyond GIS contract OBJECTIVE#2 Automate and improve workings of Planning Division to improve service delivery efficiency and increase revenues ACTIVITIES 2a Complete entry of Land Use Tracker data Dec 07 Absorbed Planning 2b Image land use files 2,000 files by Dec $10,000 contract Planning 07 employee 2c Link scanned land use files to Land Use Purchase additional $ Planning Tracker system Docuware licenses Jan 07 2d Implement use of tablet computer in the field Mar 07 $3,600 hardware+ Planning $3,000 for software 2e Start using Nextels for communications in the May 07 2 units $100-400 for units Planning field during code enforcement inspections and$60/mo for service 109 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 08 Community Development 81 Planning PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#3 Maintain educated status of Planning staff and cooperative working relationship with surrounding communities ACTIVITIES 3a Attend housing/code enforcement professional Monthly(except None Absorbed multi-city group meetings summer) 3b Attend MnAPA and other professional As time and $5,000 Planning planning organization workshops/conferences funding permits throughout year OBJECTIVE#4 Have Fridley property owners well informed regarding City Code requirements and Planning Division activities ACTIVITIES 4a Mail code enforcement brochure with utility Print& insert $2,000 printing cost Planning bills 10,000 by Jul 07 -4b Present code enforcement information at Once in May 07 Absorbed Planning annual Block Captain's meeting 4c Add an"Ask the Inspector"segment to the bi- 6 programs Absorbed Planning monthly Community Development Journal cable television&complete info segments on land use application procedures 4d Reinstate a more organized systematic code Complete major $7,000 Planning enforcement program corridors by Dec 07 (based upon hiring a summer intern or PT temp help) 4e Use City Watch phone system to notify Dec 07 Absorbed Police residents before we inspect an area/neighborhood 4f Develop a door knocker information piece or a Print 3,000 $400 Planning 2-part carbonless inspection form with very basic common code violations and a check off list that 110 13UDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 101 General Fund 08 Community Development 81 Planning PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT could be left at the door OBJECTIVE#5 Assist business retention and relocation into Fridley ACTIVITIES 5a Encourage businesses considering expansion Weekly DRC Absorbed Planning to attend DRC meetings and request business meetings/one tours business per quarter tour 5b Maintain current data on MNPRO web site Update upon Absorbed Planning request by the State 5c Feature current C/I redevelopment projects in 2-3/year Absorbed Administration City newsletter&Community Development , Journal show OBJECTIVE#6 Encourage protective action of Fridley's natural environment ACTIVITIES 6a Use Environmental Essential and Cable City newsletter 2 Absorbed Planning television program to meet NPDES permit public education requirements Cable TV program I Absorbed Planning 6b Participate in University of Minnesota Public speaking 1 $20 Supplies Planning Extension Services natural resources field trip 6c Pursue funding sources for expansion of Install shoreline 100 feet $3,000(cost share Storm Water Moore Lake Shoreline Buffer buffer w/RCWD or ACD) Utility Fund 6d Educate the public about value and protection Cable TV program 1 Absorbed Planning/Adm of the City's natural resources inistration Environmental I Absorbed Essential Administration 111 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING 08-81 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 320,228 $ 329,051 $8,823 2.76% Supplies 5,496 6,184 $688 12.52% Other Services/Charges 45,704 57,656 $11,952 26.15% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 371,428 I $ 392,891 I $21,463 I 5.78% Personal Services 1. Costs are up 3.2%. This reflects the replacement of 1 full-time Planning Assistant with 2 part-time Planning Assistants and 500 hours for a Summer Code Enforcement Intern. 2. Salaries reflect a market rate adjustment for the Community Development Director and • the Administrative Assistant. Supplies 1. $537 of this increase is for office supplies. Other Services/Charges 1. The$11,952 increase reflects an additional $4,000 for nuisance abatement costs, an additional $1,223 for IS depreciation, $3,000 for printing of Comprehensive Plan drafts and $6,000 for a citizen survey regarding Comprehensive Plan issues. Capital Outlay 112 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 PLANNING 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 190,743 182,616 260,795 260,795 216,573 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 89 0 0 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 203 28,565 0 0 54,138 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 552 467 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 27,976 35,983 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 3,135 3,502 3,755 3,755 3,940 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 12,043 12,909 15,647 15,647 16,829 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 13,005 14,745 15,478 15,478 16,343 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 12,704 9,869 11,236 11,236 11,437 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 258 243 240 240 238 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 227 199 . , 228 228 153 4134 CASH BENEFITS 6,223 7,960 11,850 11,850 7,996 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 838 1,141 999 999 1,404 * PERSONAL SERVICES 267,996 298,199 320,228 320,228 329,051 4212 FUELS & LUBES 328 464 575 575 604 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,175 2,880 2,343 2,343 2,880 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,167 741 1,278 1,278 1,000 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 77 0 0 0 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 800 800 1,200 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 4 9 500 500 500 * SUPPLIES 3,674 4,171 5,496 5,496 6,184 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,462 15,443 12,100 - 12,100 13,525 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,296 1,979 2,400 2,400 2,500 4332 COMMUNICATION 3,572 3,974 4,994 4,994 4,752 4333 TRANSPORTATION 2,442 2,419 2,880 2,880 2,880 4334 ADVERTISING 4,739 2,953 5,000 5,000 4,953 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 2,568 3,023 2,707 2,707 6,771 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 1,394 1,639 1,705 1,705 1,738 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1,345 2,439 3,820 3,820 4,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 7,114 15,072 10,098 10,098 16,537 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 26,932 48,941 45,704 45,704 57,656 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** PLANNING 298,602 351,311 371,428 371,428 392,891 113 RESERVE The Reserve for Contingency absorbs any unexpected costs that occur during the year that were not budgeted. These types of costs are usually in the form of lawsuits or other unexpected expenses. The Reserve also provides funds to carry on City business with no interruption of services to taxpayers when unexpected fluctuations in the economy cause a change in any revenue source. • 114 RESERVE 09-90 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount lye Personal Services $ 35,000 $ 0 ($35,000) (100.00%) Supplies 0 0 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 100,000 100,000 $0 0% Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 _ $0 0% Total $ 135,000 I $ 100,000 I ($35,000)I (25.93%) Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 115 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS I I ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 EMERGENCY 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 0 0 35,000 35,000 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 35,000 35,000 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 907 0 0 0 I * SUPPLIES 0 907 0 0 0 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 I * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 I * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** EMERGENCY - 0 907 135,000 135,000 100,000 I 116 NON-DEPARTMENTAL The Non-Departmental Division was established in 1990. This Division accounts for expenditures which cannot be allocated to specific departments and/or divisions. 117 NON DEPARTMENTAL 10-00 Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $0 $0 $0 0% Supplies 0 0 $0 0% Other Services/Charges 58,973 50,008 ($8,965) (15.20%) Capital Outlay 0 0 $0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 $0 0% Total $ 58,973 I $ 50,008 I ($8,965)I (15.20%) Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The proposed budget reduces non-programmed studies from$25,000 to$15,000. 2. This budget reduces tuition reimbursement by $3,625 below the amount requested. The$25,875 that is currently budgeted is 3.5% higher than the amount budgeted for 2006. It is possible that this amount will force us to lower the individual cap from the current cap of$2,925. 3. 4350- Payments to Other Agencies: consists of$5,800 for SACCC and $3,000 for Mediation Services for Anoka County. Capital Outlay 118 11/16/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY GENERAL FUND 101ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION ' 32,049 6,472 0 0 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 32,049 6,472 0 0 0 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 788 1,593- 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 788 1,593- 0 0 0 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,702 17,581 25,000 25,000 15,000 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 155 105 0 0 0 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 0 0 0 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 323 407 333 333 333 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 5,863 27,801 25,000 28,600 25,875 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 0 0 0 0 4341 RENTALS 0 0 0 0 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 5,782 5,782 8,640 8,800 8,800 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 14,825 51,676 58,973 62,733 50,008 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 47,662 56,555 58,973 62,733 50,008 *** GENERAL FUNDY 11,824,218 12,240,608 13,189,528 13,200,186 13,717,856 119 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 120 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for revenues derived from specific taxes or other earmarked revenue sources. They are usually required by statute, charter provision or local ordinance to finance particular governmental functions or activities. Cable TV Fund This fund receives revenues from the issuance of a franchise agreement with the cable TV provider. These revenues are used for the operation and maintenance of a government access channel. Grant Management Fund This fund administers grants received from a variety of intergovernmental agencies. In cn most cases, grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis following proper m documentation of expenditures, however, in some cases the money is provided in advance to spend on specific activities outlined in the grant. Solid Waste Abatement Fund m z This fund was established in 1991. It reflects the City s solid solid waste abatement IC activities such as curbside recycling pickup and yard waste transfer management. m Police Activity Fund This fund was established in 2000 to manage the return of the excess funding from the Police Consolidation account to the local jurisdiction. Fridley received $2,242,586. Per resolution 25-2000, this money may be used for providing extended funding for: - police personnel originally funded through federal grants - capital outlay and - information technology Springbrook Nature Center Fund This fund was established in 2005 after a levy referendum supporting the Springbrook Nature Center was approved by voters in November of 2004. The revenue from the annual levy is used for the on-going operation of the nature center and the capital improvement projects required in the park. BUDGET 2007 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Fund Balanco Summary Fund Special Revenue Funds ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 12/31/06 2007 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: CABLE TV FUND: Fund Balance January 1 $400,353 $441,599 $497,917 $951,617 $1,269,315 Revenues&Transfers 190,300 637,482 632,200 632,200 193,735 Total Available 590,653 1,079,081 1,130,117 1,583,817 1,463,050 Less: Expenditures&Transfers 149,054 127,464 313,760 314,502 181,716 Fund Balance December 31 $441,599 $951,617 $816,357 $1,269,315 $ 1,281,334 GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND: . Fund Balance January 1 $0 $0 $16,791 $0 $0 Revenues&Transfers 312,966 423,372 91,153 91,153 92,547 Total Available 312,966 423,372 107,944 91,153 92,547 Less: Expenditures&Transfers 312,966 423,372 91,156 91,153 92,547 Fund Balance December 31 $0 $0 $16,788 $0 $0 SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT FUND: Fund Balance January 1 $19,846 ($12,595) ($34,871) ($40,232) ($69,654) Revenues&Transfers 297,875 363,061 298,077 298,077 406,742 Total Available 317,721 350,466 263,206 257,845 337,088 Less: Expenditures&Transfers 330,316 390,698 327,499 327,499 449,586 Fund Balance December 31 ($12,595) ($40,232) ($64,293) ($69,654) ($112,498) POLICE ACTIVITY FUND: Fund Balance January 1 $1,611,016 $ 1,155,224 689,940 $688,214 $184,045 Revenues&Transfers 22,601 21,273 5,000 5,000 5,955 Total Available 1,633,617 1,176,497 694,940 693,214 190,000 Less: Expenditures&Transfers 478,393 488,283 509,169 509,169 190,000 Fund Balance December 31 $1,155,224 $688,214 $185,771 $184,045 $0 Springbrook Nature Center Fund Fund Balance January 1 $0 $0 0 $53,150 $69,755 Revenues&Transfers 0 361,637 343,700 343,700 365,600 Total Available 0 361,637 343,700 396,850 435,355 Less: Expenditures&Transfers 0 308,487 327,095 327,095 352,801 Fund Balance December 31 $0 $53,150 $16,605 $69,755 $82,554 11/17/2006 121 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CABLE TV FUND 225-0000-321.80-11 ALL OTHER LICENSES 183,345 177,072 175,000 175,000 185,000 225-0000-341.06-11 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 699 666 1,000 1,000 735 225-0000-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 7,767 12,060 6,200 6,200 8,000 225-0000-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 1,511- 2,316- 0 0 0 1 225-0000-362.51-60 SALE OF MISC PROPERTY 0 0 0 0 0 225-0000-362.52-80 FIXED ASSET-GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 225-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 450,000 450,000 450,000 0 * CABLE TV FUND 190,300 637,482 632,200 632,200 193,735 GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 227-0000-331.20-22 FEDERAL GRANT-PUB SAFETY 69,235 50,843 0 0 0 227-0000-331.30-42 CDBG-FED GRANT 5,912 8,066 10,000 10,000 0 227-0000-331.40-52 TITLE 3-CHORE SERV-REC 11,888 18,174 16,836 16,836 21,147 227-0000-331.50-12 COPS MORE GRANT 0 0 0 0 0 227-0000-331.63-42 SECTION 8-FED GRANT-CD 82,274 66,363 63,817 63,817 71,400 227-0000-334.25-22 STATE GRANTS-PUB SAFETY 0 0 0 0 0 227-0000-334.25-32 STATE GRANTS-PUBLIC WORKS 101,219 0 0 0 0 227-0000-334.25-42 STATE GRANTS-COMM DEVT 790 162,332 0 0 0 227-0000-336.31-41 REIMS-CITY/COUNTY-COM DEV 29,224 38,225 0 0 0 227-0000-362.30-11 CONTRIB/DONATION-GEN GOVT 0 0 500 500 0 227-0000-362.30-21 CONTRIB/DONATION-PUB SFTY 427 0 0 0 0 227-0000-362.30-41 CONTRIB/DONATION-COMM DVT 0 53,540 0 0 0 227-0000-362.30-51 CONTRIB/DONATION-REC/NC 0 0 0 0 0 227-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 227-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 11,997 25,829 0 0 0 * GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 312,966 423,372 91,153 91,153 92,547 HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND 236-0000-336.30-11 HRA REIMBURSEMENT 19,935 26,531 0 0 0 236-0000-336.31-11 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-GEN GOV 0 0 0 0 0 * HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND 19,935 26,531 0 0 0 SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 237-0000-334.25-12 STATE GRANTS-GEN GOVT 68,714 60,721 60,000 60,000 62,000 237-0000-336.31-11 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-GEN GOV 0 0 0 0 0 237-0000-341.02-11 RECYCLING FEES 222,161 225,804 232,264 232,264 238,767 237-0000-341.03-11 RECYCLING PENALTIES 5,560 6,073 5,813 5,813 5,975 237-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1,440 70,463 0 0 100,000 I 237-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 I * SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 297,875 363,061 298,077 298,077 406,742 DRUG/GAMBLING FORFEITURES 240-0000-351.20-21 DRUG/GAMBLING FORFEITURES 3,184 938 0 0 0 240-0000-362.51-60 SALE OF MISC PROPERTY 0 20,426 0 0 0 240-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 300 0 0 0 0 • 122 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 * DRUG/GAMBLING FORFEITURES 3,484 21,364 0 0 0 CHEMICAL ASSESS. TEAM 250-0000-331.20-12 FEDERAL GRANT-GEN GOVT 0 0 0 0 0 250-0000-334.25-12 STATE GRANTS-GEN GOVT 0 0 0 0 0 250-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 * CHEMICAL ASSESS. TEAM 0 0 0 0 0 FRIDLEY COMMUNITY CENTER 255-0000-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,731 2,153 0 0 0 255-0000-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 325- 349- 0 0 0 255-0000-362.30-51 CONTRIB/DONATION-REC/NC 0 0 0 0 0 255-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 * FRIDLEY COMMUNITY CENTER 1,406 1,804 0 0 0 POLICE ACTIVITY FUND 260-0000-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 27,558 23,059 5,000 5,000 . 5,955 260-0000-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 4,958- 1,786- 0 0 0 260-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 * POLICE ACTIVITY FUND 22,600 21,273 5,000 5,000 5,955 SPRINGBROOK NC FUND 270-0000-311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 0 270,309 282,700 282,700 290,600 270-0000-311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 0 0 0 0 0 270-0000-334.02-60 RESIDENTIAL MV HMSTD AID 0 18,547 0 0 0 270-0000-336.31-51 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-RECR/NC 0 0 0 0 0 270-0000-348.80-51 NATURE-MISC 0 817 2,500 2,500 1,000 270-0000-348.81-51 NATURE-DAYCAMP 0 23,529 26,000 26,000 23,500 270-0000-348.82-51 NATURE-SPEC EVENTS 0 19,543 8,000 8,000 21,000 270-0000-348.83-51 NATURE-SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0 21,262 18,000 18,000 20,000 270-0000-348.84-51 NATURE-SATURDAY PROGRAMS 0 80 3,000 3,000 2,500 270-0000-348.85-51 NATURE-BIRTHDAY PARTIES 0 2,187 1,000 1,000 2,000 270-0000-348.86-51 NATURE-INSTRUCTIONAL 0 911 2,500 2,500 2,000 270-0000-348.87-51 NATURE-COMMUNITY GROUPS 0 2,520 0 0 3,000 270-0000-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 0 480- 0 0 0 270-0000-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 270-0000-362.30-51 CONTRIB/DONATION-REC/NC 0 2,412 0 0 0 * SPRINGBROOK NC FUND 0 361,637 343,700 343,700 365,600 848,566 1,856,524 1,370,130 1,370,130 1,064,579 123 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CABLE TV FUND * PERSONAL SERVICES 104,878 108,815 113,253 113,253 129,917 * SUPPLIES 4,795 5,762 5,150 5,150 5,150 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 39,381 12,887 10,357 11,099 11,649 ■ * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 185,000 185,000 35,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** CABLE TV FUND 149,054 127,464 313,760 314,502 181,716 GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND, * PERSONAL SERVICES 109,697 80,362 73,838 73,838 83,191 * SUPPLIES 35,308 1,804 2,377 2,377 1,900 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 167,960 341,207 14,941 14,941 7,456 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 312,965 423,373 91,156 91,156 .92,547 HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND * SUPPLIES 245 891 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 19,689 25,641 0 0 0 ** HRA REIMBURSEMENT FUND 19,934 26,532 0 0 0 SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT * PERSONAL SERVICES 63,575 54,567 56,388 56,388 61,446 * SUPPLIES 18,584 83 350 350 4,350 1 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 248,153 336,048 270,761 270,761 383,790 ** SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 330,312 390,698 327,499 327,499 449,586 DRUG/GAMBLING FORFEITURES * SUPPLIES 27,649 1,452 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** DRUG/GAMBLING FORFEITURES 27,649 1,452 0 0 0 CHEMICAL ASSESS. TEAM * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 ** CHEMICAL ASSESS. TEAM 0 0 0 0 0 FRIDLEY COMMUNITY CENTER * SUPPLIES 4,492 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 800 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** FRIDLEY COMMUNITY CENTER 5,292 0 0 0 0 POLICE ACTIVITY FUND 1 1 124 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL _ ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 * OTHER FINANCING USES 478,393 488,283 509,169 509,169 190,000 1 ** POLICE ACTIVITY FUND 478,393 488,283 509,169 509,169 190,000 SPRINGBROOK NC FUND * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 240,625 258,658 258,658 282,312 * SUPPLIES 0 26,671 23,167 23,167 23,861 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 41,191 45,270 45,270 46,628 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** SPRINGBROOK NC FUND 0 308,487 . 327,095 327,095 352,801 cpecd Revevut FNp,LSTo4,I = 1,323,599 1,766,289 1,568,679 1,569,421 1,266,650 125 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Cable TV Fund $313,760 $ 181,716- ($ 132,044) (42.08%) Grant Management 91,156 92,547 1,391 1.53% Solid Waste Abatement 327,499 449,586 122,087 37.28% Police Activity Fund 509,169 190,000 (319,169) (62.68%) Springbrook NC Fund 327,095 352,801 25,706 7.86% Total $ 1,568,679 $ 1,266,650 ($ 302,029)_ (19.25%) 126 CABLE TV FUND The Cable TV Fund provides support for the Fridley Municipal Television Channel 17 and public access to the Cable Television system. All regular City Council, Appeals Commission, Planning Commission, and HRA meetings are shown live on Channel 17 and reran several times during the following week. Channel 17 staff also produces "Call on the Council", a live call in show featuring one of the City Council members. In addition, Channel 17 staff provides an electronic community bulletin board, produce original programming, assist all City departments with their audio-video needs, and cable cast programs produced by other sources. The Cable TV Fund also provides equipment necessary for the operations of Channel 17. The Cable TV Fund provides major support for the activities of the Fridley Public Access channel. Fridley public access provides opportunities for residents to cable cast their programs over Channel 15. The Cable TV Fund also provides basic cable TV service for: City Council members, City Manager, and the Cable Administrator. 127 CABLE TELEVISION FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 113,253 $ 129,917- $ 16,664 14.71% Supplies 5,150 5,150 0 0% Other Services/Charges 10,357 11,649 1,292 12.47% Capital Outlay 185,000 35,000 (150,000) (81.08%) Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $ 313,760 I $ 181,716 I ($ 132,044)1 (42.08%) Personal Services 1. The increase includes a market rate adjustment of$4,858 for the Cable Administrator. 2. It also includes a $1,500 increase for administrative overhead that we charge to the Cable Television Fund for General Fund overhead. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 1. The $35,000 expenditure is for new video lighting and custom curtain rod in the Council Chambers. 128 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CABLE TV FUND 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 37,156 38,448 45,510 45,510 56,955 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 93 130 360 360 800 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 52,900 54,000 55,500 55,500 57,000 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 4,776 5,457 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 607 631 675 675 1,004 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 2,319' 2,385 2,731 2,731 3,560 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,594 2,698 2,888 2,888 4,294 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,899 4,381 4,951 4,951 5,443 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 176 240 241 241 238 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 59 57 57 57 51 4140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 299 388 340 340 572 * PERSONAL SERVICES 104,878 108,815 113,253 113,253 129,917 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 8 50 50 50 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,511 5,754 3,000 3,000 3,000 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 100 100 100 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 3,284 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 * SUPPLIES 4,795 5,762 5,150 5,150 5,150 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 32,366 6,530 3,140 3,140 3,175 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,370 600 1,025 1,025 1,050 4332 COMMUNICATION 284 216 388 388 323 4333 TRANSPORTATION 262 314 300 300 300 4334 ADVERTISING 0 141 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 29 13 31 31 20 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 441 546 568 1,310 1,376 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 300 310 505 505 505 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 4,329 4,217 4,400 4,400 4,900 4341 RENTALS 0 0 0 0 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 39,381 12,887 10,357 11,099 11,649 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 5,000 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 185,000 185,000 30,000 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 185,000 185,000 35,000 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** CABLE TV FUND 149,054 127,464 3.13,760 314,502 181,716 129 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 130 GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND The Grant Management Fund accounts for grants received from a variety of governmental agencies. In most cases, grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis following proper documentation of expenditures, however, in some cases the money is provided in advance to be spent on specific activities outlined in the grant. The grant programs the City will be participating in during 2007, include Section 8 Housing, Community Development Block Grants, Chore Services, Planning Grants from the Met Council, and Minnesota Investment Fund grants from the Department of Trade and Economic Development. 131 GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 73,838 $83,191 $9,353 12.67% Supplies 2,377 1,900 (477) (20.07%) Other Services/Charges 14,941 7,456 (7,485) (50.10%) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $ 91,156 $92,547 I $ 1,391 I 1.53% Personal Services 1. The increase includes $6,400 in additional salary for Section 8 personnel and $1,600 in additional salary for the part-time Chores and More Coordinator. 2. The additional salary includes a market rate adjustment for the Section 8 Coordinator and reclassifications for 2 part-time personnel. Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The$7,485 reduction reflects the elimination of grant payments to the City of Coon Rapids and Lutheran Social Services. CDBG dollars came to Fridley for a joint program with Coon Rapids and Lutheran Social Services. We did not get funded for 2007. We do have sufficient savings to fund the program in 2007. Capital Outlay 132 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUND . 200ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 12,736 1,097 0 0 0 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 1,787 0 0 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 69,754 58,768 65,138 65,138 73,168 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 4,876 4,948 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,273 910 945 945 1,061 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 4,284 3,202 3,400 3,400 3,820 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 5,000 3,891 4,038 4,038 4,536 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 9,466 7,200 0 0 0 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 5 0 0 0 0 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 2 40 0 0 51 4134 CASH BENEFITS 23 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 491 306 317 317 555 * PERSONAL SERVICES 109,697 80,362 73,838 73,838 83,191 4212 FUELS & LUBES 117 99 600 600 600 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 317 0 0 0 0 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 228 599 1,537 1,537 1,060 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 34,642 1,106 240 240 240 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 4 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 35,308 1,804 2,377 2,377 1,900 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 136,426 14,995 0 0 0 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 500 4332 COMMUNICATION 3,544 3,618 2,972 2,972 2,500 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 • 0 4334 ADVERTISING 810 830 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 3,206 1,336 684 684 1,184 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 136 156 140 140 172 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 446 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 20,094 280,633 2,794 2,794 2,500 4341 RENTALS 0 50 0 0 0 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 600 600 600 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 3,298 39,589 7,751 7,751 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 167,960 341,207 14,941 14,941 7,456 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** GRANT MANAGEMENT FUND 312,965 423,373 91,156 91,156 92,547 133 SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT FUND The Solid Waste Abatement Fund was created in 1991 to account for the City's programs and projects associated with solid waste abatement. These include the City's curbside recycling pickup program and special recycling drop off events. Funding comes from State SCORE funds through Anoka County and recycling service fees charged through the City utility billing system. 134 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 237 Solid Waste Abatement Fund 00 Solid Waste Abatement 00 PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Achieve State legislative requirements related to waste management ACTIVITIES la Manage curbside recycling program April 1,2007 8,350 $244,700 SCORE/ SWAP 1b Promote recycling options to City staff Paycheck inserts 200 $300 SCORE/ SWAP OBJECTIVE#2 Meet requirements of County SCORE (Recycling)Funding Agreement ACTIVITIES 2a Achieve 100%of County Recycling Goal December 2,405 tons $2,500 advertising SCORE/ SWAP 2b Complete direct mailing to 1-4 unit residents January 8,350 $1,510 for postage SCORE/ and$600 for mail SWAP prep(BFI pays for printing costs) 2c Complete direct mailing to 5-12 unit apartment January 2,500 $1,950 Printing, SCORE/ residents postage,and mail SWAP preparation 2d Give public presentations September 2 $200 for props and SCORE/ prizes SWAP 2e Remain current on common recycling October 3 $900 for SCORE/ practices,policies,and programs environmental SWAP education and solid waste abatement training OBJECTIVE#3 Use Service Exchange Fund for new recycling programs 135 11u1) ( ET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 237 Solid Waste Abatement Fund 00 Solid Waste Abatement 00 PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT ACTIVITIES 3a Free or reduced-cost drop-off: electronics Spring and Fall 2 $67,000 Service and/or appliances Exchange Fund 3b Free or reduced-cost drop-off: electronics Spring and Fall 2 $7,000 for direct Service and/or appliances mailings Exchange Fund 3c EQEC 49ers parade June 2 $1000 Signs for Service vehicle Exchange Fund 3d EQEC 49ers parade Trinkets June 2000 $3000 for trinkets Service for audience Exchange Fund 3e Multi-media educational presentation December 12 $10,000 for Service elementary schools Exchange Fund 3f Waste reduction education postcard January,April, 4 $16,000 for direct Service July,October mail postcard Exchange Fund 136 SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 56,388 $61,446 $ 5,058 8.97% Supplies 350 4,350 4,000 1142.86% Other Services/Charges 270,761 383,790 113,029 41.74% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 _ 0 0% Total $ 327,499 $449,586 I $ 122,087 I 37.28% Personal Services 1. The increase reflects a merit step increase and COLA for the Environmental Planner. Supplies 1. The $4,000 increase is for'49er Days parade trinkets and EQEC signs. Other Services/Charges 1. The increase reflects a $7,435 increase for postage associated with the mailing of various brochures and post cards. 2. There is a $16,100 charge for printing post cards and brochures. 3. There is$67,000 in new appropriations for special drop-off days. 4. There is a $12,000 increase associated with recycling presentations in our schools. 5. We have also budgeted for a 4% increase (+$10,917) in our contract with BFI for the collection of recyclables. Capital Outlay 137 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 45,634 39,943 44,823 44,823 48,756 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 0 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 7,658 3,919 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 748 631 646 646 696 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 2,947 2,430 2,689 2,689 3,047 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 3,196 2,698 2,762 2,762 2,977 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 4,297 4,951 4,951 5,443 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 0 235 241 241 238 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 59 57 57 57 51 4134 CASH BENEFITS 3,111 142 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 222 215 219 219 238 * PERSONAL SERVICES 63,575 54,567 56,388 56,388 61,446 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,048 0 150 150 150 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 17,536 83 200 200 4,200 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 18,584 83 350 350 4,350 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,623 63 140 140 175 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 136 231 280 280 295 4332 COMMUNICATION 6,616 244 2,123 2,123 9,558 4333 TRANSPORTATION 158 115 325 325 325 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,904 694 2,500 2,500 18,600 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 1,166 1,368 1,423 1,423 1,367 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 225 493 535 535 545 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 235,191 332,787 263,435 263,435 352,925 4341 RENTALS 134 53 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 248,153 336,048 270,761 270,761 383,790 ** SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT 330,312 390,698 327,499 327,499 449,586 I I 138 POLICE ACTIVITY FUND The Police Activity Fund was established in 2000 to manage the return of the excess funding from the Police Consolidation account to the local jurisdiction. Fridley received $2,242,586. Per resolution 25-2000, this money may be used for providing extended funding for: - police personnel originally funded through federal grants, - capital outlay and - information technology. 139 POLICE ACTIVITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget 1 Amount Personal Services $ 0 $0 - $0 0% Supplies 0 0 0 0% Other Services/Charges 0 0 0 0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 509,169 190,000 (319,169) (62.68%) Total $ 509,169 I $ 190,000 I ($ 319,169)1 (62.68%) Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay Other Financing Uses 1. We are using the remainder of the balance from this fund for salaries and benefits for 3 police officers previously funded by the"Clinton Cops"grant program. 140 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 POLICE 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 478,393 488,283 509,169 509,169 190,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 478,393 488,283 509,169 509,169 190,000 ** POLICE 478,393 488,283 509,169 509,169 190,000 141 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 142 SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER FUND This fund was established in 2005 after a $275,000 referendum supporting the Springbrook Nature Center was approved by the voters in November of 2004. The revenues from the annual levy are used for the on-going operation of the nature center and the capital improvement projects required in the park. Springbrook Nature Center staff provides a wide range of environmental interpretive programs utilizing various natural resource areas with the city. These programs are available to the general public, local school districts, community groups and organizations. The 127 acre nature center park has over three miles of hiking trails through oak and aspen forests, past prairies and through wetlands with floating boardwalks. These trails provide an excellent opportunity for viewing native plants and animals. The Interpretive Center building has a variety of hands on exhibits and a number of live fish and animals that are native to Minnesota. The meeting space in the building is used for environmental learning classes, community group gatherings, and special events. 143 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 270 SNC Fund 07 Parks and Recreation 71 Nature Center PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Provide input into construction,completion,and opening of the 85th avenue Pedestrian/Bike Trail ACTIVITIES la Work with contractor regarding actual June-07 Absorbed placement of Kiosks,bike lockers,overlooks,and signage along 85th Ave bike trail 1 b Work with contractor,Public Works and October-07 Absorbed Community Development staff to finalize construction of the 85th Ave bike trail I c Plan and implement a grand opening of the October-07 Absorbed 85th Ave bike trail OBJECTIVE#2 Accomplish appropriate steps to advance the Springbrook Nature Center SPRING project of renovation and capital improvements ACTIVITIES 2a Provide regular reports to the Park and December-07 Absorbed Recreation Commission and the City Council on the status of the SPRING project capital fundraising campaign. 2b Work with Finance department staff to March-07 Absorbed establish appropriate accounts and fund receipting processes to document and receive funds for the SPRING project 2c Work with Community Development and June-07 Absorbed Public Works department staff to establish a project management plan. 2d Prepare a"Request for Proposals"document December-07 Absorbed for architectural services to design the expanded interpretive center building and other improvements related to the SPRING project 144 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 270 SNC Fund 07 Parks and Recreation 71 Nature Center PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#3 Improve program services by working with local cable programming to provide 2"virtual"hikes through Springbrook's trails each quarter, presented in up to four languages. ACTIVITIES 3a Develop storyboards for 8 seasonal,virtual February-07 Absorbed hikes through Springbrook's trails 3b Film and photograph appropriate trail and December-07 Absorbed natural history material 3c Produce script and English narration for each December-07 Absorbed virtual hike vignette. 3d Locate translators and non-English narration December-07 Absorbed for each vignette 3e Produce and edit each vignette hike and December-07 Absorbed schedule air times Objective#4 Provide digital camera security for Springbrook Nature Center's parking lot. ACTIVITY 4a Determine best equipment, costs,and March-07 Absorbed maintenance requirements for digital camera security for Springbrook Nature Center's parking lot 4b Seek bids,select contractor,and have June-07 installed security cameras into the Springbrook Nature Center parking lot 4c Work with Police department staff to July-07 Absorbed determine protocol for reviewing and maintaining storage of images created by security cameras. 145 SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $258,658 $282,312 - $23,654 9.14% Supplies 23,167 23,861 694 3.00% Other Services/Charges 45,270 46,628 1,358 3.00% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total _ $ 327,095 $ 352,801 I $25,706 I 7.86% Personal Services 1. The increase reflects COLA and market rate adjustments for existing personnel. Of the $24,984 increase, $20,595 is for salaries. 2. Other additions include $4,046 for the cash benefit alternative to health insurance, $1,565 for PERA and $1,156 for FICA. 3. These costs are partially offset by reduced costs (-$3,271)for health insurance. This reflects a shift from single health insurance coverage to cash benefits by one of the three full-time employees. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 146 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 200ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 NATURE CENTER 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 0 117,895 154,489 154,489 175,084 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 0 58,198 55,563 55,563 55,181 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 0 19,915 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 0 2,813 3,039 3,039 3,309 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 0 9,160 9,269 9,269 10,834 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 0 12,030 12,994 12,994 14,150 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 14,099 16,038 16,038 11,437 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 0 475 • 481 481 238 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 0 170 172 172 153 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 3,296 3,950 3,950 7,996 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 2,574 2,663 2,663 3,930 * PERSONAL SERVICES 0 240,625 258,658 258,658 282,312 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 139 134 134 138 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 0 2,519 2,627 2,627 2,706 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 1,740 1,339 1,339 1,379 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 18,209 14,630 14,630 15,077 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 3,718 3,811 3,811 3,925 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 163 309 309 318 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 0 183 309 309 318 * SUPPLIES 0 26,671 23,167 23,167 23,861 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 127 420 420 525 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 225 549 549 565 4332 COMMUNICATION 0 7,784 7,883 7,883 7,949 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 1,266 1,545 1,545 • 1,591 4334 ADVERTISING 0 1,279 600 600 618 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 8,959 9,682 9,682 9,972 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 0 6,468 6,727 6,727 7,477 4337 CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 0 180 1,100 1,100 1,133 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 0 7,977 8,435 8,435 8,688 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 6,419 7,817 7,817 7,658 4341 RENTALS 0 507 412 412 452 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 100 100 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 41,191 45,270 45,270 46,628 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 • 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** NATURE CENTER 0 308,487 327,095 327,095 352,801 SQecm) Rcve•vue Fur5 Tofu I = 1,323,599 1,766,289 1,568,679 1,569,421 1,266,650 147 ■ BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 148 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Capital Projects Funds are used to account for the resources expended to acquire permanent or long term assets. These funds are established to provide special accounting for bond proceeds, grants and contributions designated for the acquisition of capital assets. Capital Projects Funds provide a formal mechanism, which enables administrators to ensure that revenues designated for specific purposes are properly used. Capital Improvement Fund This fund is used to account for the monies received from property taxes, state aids, interest income and contributions that are used to finance major improvements and the acquisition of assets that require a large capital outlay. This fund is broken down into three separate divisions; General, Streets, and Parks. The City prepares a separate five year Capital Improvement Plan which details the proposed use of these funds. It is included in this section. C Z r Z 7 C L rr C C 2 C U BUDGET 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Fund Balance Summary Fund 408 Capital Improvement Funds ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 12/3112006 2007 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Fund Balance January 1 6,782,292 7,207,879 5,600,887 5,730,856 4,585,719 Revenues &Transfers 911,772 1,280,916 2,443,863 2,443,863 2,732,530 Total Available 7,694,064 8,488,795 8,044,750 8,174,719 7,318,249 Less: Expenditures &Transfers 486,185 2,757,939 3,589,000 3,589,000 2,862,000 Fund Balance December 31 7,207,879 5,730,856 4,455,750 4,585,719 4,456,249 >>mos 149 11/07/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 408RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 408-0005-331.20-22 FEDERAL GRANT-PUB SAFETY 0 0 0 0 0 408-0005-331.20-23 PUB SAFETY-CAPITAL GRANT 0 237,645 0 0 0 408-0005-334.25-32 STATE GRANTS-PUBLIC WORKS 0 0 0 0 0 408-0005-334.25-33 STATE-PW/CAPITAL GRANT 0 16,540 0 0 0 408-0005-361.10-33 FROM COUNTY-CURRENT 1,057 929 90,000 90,000 0 408-0005-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 5,736 6,082 0 0 5,874 408-0005-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 25,777- 28,738- 0 0 0 408-0005-361.15-33 FROM COUNTY-DELINQUENT 160 0 0 0 0 408-0005-362.30-11 CONTRIB/DONATION-GEN GOVT 0 0 0 0 0 408-0005-362.41-60 INSURANCE REIMS 0 0 0 0 0 408-0005-362.51-60 SALE OF MISC PROPERTY 0 0 0 0 0 408-0005-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 408-0005-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 * GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 18,824- 232,458 90,000 90,000 5,874 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 408-0006-311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 0 257,209 0 0 0 408-0006-311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 0 0 0 0 0 408-0006-334.02-60 RESIDENTIAL MV HMSTD AID 0 18,977 0 0 0 408-0006-334.19-33 STATE AID-ST CONSTR 681,096 463,007 625,000 625,000 425,000 408-0006-334.25-33 STATE-PW/CAPITAL GRANT 0 0 0 0 0 408-0006-361.10-33 FROM COUNTY-CURRENT 57 55 0 0 0 408-0006-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 94,082 121,132 139,551 139,551 104,546 408-0006-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 408-0006-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 408-0006-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 408-0006-393.10-00 GO BOND PROCEEDS 0 0 1,425,000 1,425,000 2,025,000 * STREET IMPROVEMENTS 775,235 860,380 2,189,551 2,189,551 2,554,546 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 408-0007-311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 85,516 89,125 100,230 100,230 103,000 408-0007-311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 629 135 0 0 0 408-0007-334.02-60 RESIDENTIAL MV HMSTD AID 7,785 6,576 0 0 0 408-0007-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 35,733 46,957 54,082 54,082 59,110 408-0007-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 408-0007-362.30-31 CONTRIB/DONATION-PUB WKS 0 0 0 0 0 408-0007-362.31-31 PARK FEES 25,697 45,286 10,000 10,000 10,000 408-0007-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 408-0007-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 * PARK IMPROVEMENTS 155,360 188,079 164,312 164,312 172,110 ** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 911,771 1,280,917 2,443,863 2,443,863 2,732,530 150 11/07/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 408ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS * SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 93,181 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,475 466,878 202,000 202,000 75,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 16,475 560,059 202,000 202,000 75,000 STREET IMPROVEMENTS * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 469,710 2,088,007 3,165,000 3,165,000 2,590,000 ** STREET IMPROVEMENTS 469,710 2,088,007 3,165,000 3,165,000 2,590,000 PARK IMPROVEMENTS * SUPPLIES 0 20,673 3,000 3,000 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 56,311 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 32,889 219,000 219,000 197,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** PARK IMPROVEMENTS 0 109,873 222,000 222,000 197,000 *** * 486,185 2,757,939 3,589,000 3,589,000 2,862,000 151 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount General $202,000 $ 75,000 ($ 127,000) (62.87%) Streets 3,165,000 2,590,000 (575,000) (18.17%) Parks 222,000 197,000 (25,000) (11.26%) Total $3,589,000 1 $2,862,000 1 ($727,000)1 (20.26%) General 1. Security System Upgrades to City Hall $30,000 2. Extend Fire Protection to Various Areas of City Hall $15,000 • 3. Mobile Vehicle Hoists to Replace Inground Hoist $30,000 TOTAL: $75,000 Streets 1. 2007 Bond Proceeds for Street Reconstruction Program $2,025,000 2. 2007 MSAS Street Reconstruction Reimbursement $325,000 3. 2007 MSAS Mill& Overlay Reimbursement $100,000 4. 2007 Sealcoat Program (Area 8) $140,000 TOTAL: $2,590,000 Parks 1. Tennis/Basketball Court Surfacing/Overlays $56,000 2. Park Furnishings-Replacements $6,000 3. Commons Hockey Rink Replacement $15,000 4. Innsbruck Trail Upgrade $15,000 5. Parking Lot Expansion @ FCC $30,000 6. Community Park Phrase 2 - Irrigation, fields& etc. $75,000 TOTAL: $197,000 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $2.862.000. 11/6/06 152 11/07/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 408ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 '0 0 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 • 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 34,697 0 0 0 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 0 0 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 58,484 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 93,181 0 0 0 4520 BUILDING 0 0 195,000 195,000 0 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 16,475 69,440 7,000 7,000 45,000 4540 MACHINERY 0 397,438 0 0 30,000 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,475 466,878 202,000 202,000 75,000 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 16,475 560,059 202,000 202,000 75,000 153 11/07/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 408ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 4510 LAND 0 0 0 0 0 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 469,710 2,088,007 3,165,000 3,165,000 2,590,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 469,710 2,088,007 3,165,000 3,165,000 2,590,000 ** STREET IMPROVEMENTS 469,710 2,088,007 3,165,000 3,165,000 2,590,000 I 154 11/07/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 408ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 20,673 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 0 20,673 3,000 3,000 0 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 56,311 0 0 0 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 56,311 0 0 0 4510 LAND 0 0 0 0 0 4520 BUILDING 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 32,889 209,000 209,000 197,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 32,889 219,000 219,000 197,000 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 ** PARK IMPROVEMENTS 0 109,873 222,000 222,000 197,000 *** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 486,185 2,757,939 3,589,000 3,589,000 2,862,000 • • 155 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley State of Minnesota Five Year Capital Improvement Plan The 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan is a comprehensive list of improvements identified to meet the needs of the City for the next 5 years. A"Capital Improvement" is defined as a major expenditure of public funds for the acquisition, construction or replacement of a needed physical facility or major asset to support the City's infrastructure. The Capital Plan's objective is to provide an organized information schedule to the City Council for making policy decisions so that projects can be better evaluated against community needs and the community's ability to pay. Each year the City revises the plan document, which includes detailed information for all projects proposed for the future with emphasis on the forthcoming year. The plan sets forth the proposed schedule of specific projects by year, and the estimated cost. Annually, the council approves the following year's program thru the budgeting process. The plan is broken down as follows: Capital Improvements Plan General Capital Improvements Street Capital Improvements Parks Capital Improvements Utility Funds Improvements Plan Water Capital Improvements Sewer Capital Improvements Storm Water Capital Improvements Funds for the General Capital Improvements are obtained annually through interest income. The Street Capital Improvement fund annually receives Municipal State Aid Disbursement Funds plus interest income. Funds for the Capital Improvements are also established annually through property taxes, state aids, interest income and fees that are obtained through the platting and lot split process. The Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Capital funding occurs as a function of each of the funds within the enterprise group of accounts. The Capital Improvement Plan is incorporated into the annual budget through the Capital Improvement Fund (General, Streets, and Park Improvements), and the Utility Funds (Water, Sewer and Storm Water) budgets. 156 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN—2007 GENERAL: 1. Security System Upgrades to City Hall Total for this project is $30,000. The project includes three components: a) Upgrade the failing Police Department holding cell video monitoring system from analog to digital video and adding audio capability. The intent is to continue the necessary ability to monitor prisoners in the two holding cells from other parts of the police department as well as provide a visual and audio record should allegations be made concerning inappropriate conduct by officers. Failure to adequately monitor prisoners and/or the inability to disprove a false allegation of misconduct is a legitimate liability concern. ($12,500) b) Installation of an unobtrusive digital video and audio recording system for the three interview rooms in the Police Department. The intent is to provide a means for documenting interviews and confessions for use in criminal prosecutions. Audio recording of suspect interrogations is required by case law. Both suspects and witnesses are inhibited (and less cooperative)when recording equipment is clearly evident. ($11,000) c) Upgrade the functionality of the Municipal Center access control system by adding three new card swipe entry controls at access points that are currently not controlled. The intent is to monitor and control access through points of entry to the Municipal Center that are not currently monitored or controlled, including the front entry to the Municipal Center and the two entrances to the Fire Department. ($6,500) 2. Extend Fire Protection to Lower Level of Fire Department Improvements to the sprinkler system in the police storage area and wellness room are based on the State Fire Code requirements that the system be alarmed and provide adequate coverage. The current system on the south end of the building is not tied to the building alarm system. By tying to the existing alarmed sprinkler system on the north side of the building it will meet the required code. In addition the system does not protect the building from a fire in the dumpster located under the Fire Department. By providing sprinkler protection over the dumpster the dumpster may remain in its current location. The cost of this project is estimated at$15,000. 157 3. Mobile Vehicle Hoists to Replace In-ground Hoist The in-ground hoist in the mechanics bay at the municipal garage is in dire need of replacement due to age and safety concerns. The bay itself is not large enough to service any of our larger vehicles. We have been warned repeatedly that the existing hoist does not meet all requirements from OSHA for safety latches. Mobile.vehicle hoists are an alternative solution that will allow us to service larger vehicles outside or in other service bays. The cost for this equipment is $30,000 STREETS: 1. 2007 Street Reconstruction Program The 2007 street reconstruction program is the third of a four phase project to rebuild the remaining bituminous curbed streets in Fridley. This work will consist of new concrete • curb and gutter, new base and asphalt surfacing plus necessary utility repairs. The $2.7 million project is to be paid from bond proceeds, special assessments, MSAS reimbursements and utility fund transfers. 2. Mill and Overlay Program This annual program focuses on resurfacing some of our MSAS roads that are deteriorating quickly due to age and high volumes and heavy loads. The project is necessary to maintain the completed status of our MSAS system. The 2007 program will resurface 61st Avenue between 7th St and University Ave and portions of the University Avenue West Frontage road. The project will be funded through special assessments and MSAS funding. The project cost is estimated at $100,000. 3. 2007 Sealcoat Program (Area 8) Sealcoat area No. 8 is that part of Fridley south of I-694. This is approximately 154,000 square yards of street sealcoating with an estimated budget of$140,000. PARKS: 1. Tennis/Basketball Court Resurfacing/Overlays Court resurfacing is needed on the City's basketball and tennis courts with a color coating material. Color coating material needs to be replaced every 3-4 years in order to keep the tennis courts in acceptable playing condition. Courts to be color coated are determined annually by the Park Maintenance Supervisor and the Recreation Director. Also, some tennis courts will require asphalt overlays or replacement. $56,000 is budgeted for these projects. 158 2. Park Furnishings-Replacements Consists of selective replacement of picnic tables and park benches throughout the City parks. $6,000 is budgeted for this item. • 3. Commons Hockey Rink Replacement The north hockey rink at Commons Park would be increased in size and the inside would be paved. This will allow the use to be expanded into the summer months for roller hockey or as a skate park with portable skateboard ramps. $15,000 is budgeted for this project. 4. Innsbruck Trial Upgrade The trails through Innsbruck nature Center have become overgrown and experienced a lot • of erosion problems in the hill areas. This project would regrade several portions of the trail, clear underbrush and problem trees, and renew the trail surfaces. $15,000 is budgeted for this project. 5. Parking Lot Expansion at the Fridley Community Center The high use of the Fridley Community Center by seniors and other groups is necessitating an expansion of the parking areas. $30,000 is budgeted for this improvement project. 6. Community Park Phase 2—Grading, Irrigation, and Infields This project is the second phase to complete the upgrades to the Community Park ballfields. Excess granular material from the street reconstruction project will be added to two additional fields and graded to provide improved drainage. A new irrigation system will be installed and the outfields seeded to reestablish the turf. Finally the infield material will be replaced. $75,000 is budgeted for these improvements. 159 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota General Capital Improvements 2006 Beginning Balance $ 424,089 Revenues Interest Income 12,723 Petrofund Reimbursement 90,000 Total Revenues $102,723 Funds Available 526,812 Projects Salt Shed-Muni Garage (Was 175,000 in 2006 budget) 135,000 Tile Floor Upgrade-Police Dept (Was 20,000 in 2006 budget) 29,000 (Non-Slip Safety Tile) Telephone Voice Mail System Upgrade 7,000 Direct Recording Voting Machines (From 2005) 60,000 (15 DRE's-$4,000 each for visually impaired) Fire Station Garage Door Modifications (Not in 2006 budget) 45,000 Municipal Center Generator (Move here from 2007 budget) 55,000 Total Projects $331,000 Ending Balance $ 195,812 2007 Beginning Balance $ 195,812 Revenues Interest Income 5,874 Total Revenues $5,874 Funds Available 201,686 Projects Security System Upgrades to City Hall: 30,000 (Audio&/or Video in following locations: Holding Cells,3 Police Interview Rooms and 3 new card swipe entry controls) Extend Fire Protection To Lower Level Of Fire Dept., 15,000 Fire Storage Areas, Fitness Area, Police Evidence Storage and Garbage Enclosures. Mobile Vehicle Hoists To Replace Inground Hoist 30,000 Total Projects $75,000 Ending Balance $ 126,686 160 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota General Capital Improvements 2008 Beginning Balance $ 126,686 Revenues Interest Income 3.801 Total Revenues $3,801 Funds Available 130,487 Protects Recoat Floor Topping In Fire Apparatus Bays. 20,000 Vehicle Storage Building At Impound Lot 50,000 Total Projects $70,000 Ending Balance $ 60,487 2009 Beginning Balance $ 60,487 Revenues Interest Income 1.815 Total Revenues $1,815 Funds Available 62,301 Proiects Gun Range Backstop 35,000 Total Projects $35,000 Ending Balance $ 27,301 161 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota General Capital Improvements 2010 Beginning Balance $ 27,301 Revenues Interest Income 819 Total Revenues $819 Funds Available 28,120 Projects None Total Projects $0 Ending Balance $ 28,120 2011 Beginning Balance $ 28,120 Revenues Interest Income 844 Total Revenues $844 Funds Available 28,964 Projects None Total Projects $0 Ending Balance $ 28,964 162 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7106 State of Minnesota General Capital Improvements Other Years Fire Dept Front Entrance Remodeling 80,000 (handicap accessable,awnings&landscaping) Digital Community Billboard 50,000 Total Projects $ 130,000 11/7/06 163 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 1117/06 State of Minnesota Streets Capital Improvements 2006 Beginning Balance $ 3,285,301 Revenues Bond Proceeds-Bonds Sold 1,425,000 Bond Proceeds-Special Assessments 500,000 Interest Income 139,551 MSAS Reimbursement-2005 Street Reconstruction 325,000 MSAS Reimbursement-2006 Mill&Overlay 100,000 MSAS Reimbursement-85th Ave Trail Project 200.000 Total Revenues $2,689,551 Funds Available 5,974,852 Projects 2006 Street Reconstruction Program(memo only) Contract Budget Cost= $ 2,600,000 Less:Bond Proceeds-Bonds Sold: (1,425,000) Less Bond Proceds-Special Assessments: (500,000) Less MSAS Reimbursement: (325,000) Less Driveway Reimbursement: (250,000) Less Storm Water Fund Transfer: 1100.0001 Net= 0 2006 Bond Proceeds (1,425,000+500,000) AJ'ed out to 1,925,000 MSAS Street Reconstruction Reimbursement current year's 325,000 MSAS Mill&Overlay Reimbursement street fund. 100,000 2006 Sealcoat Program(Area 7) Fund=566 140,000 Total Projects $2,490,000 Ending Balance $ 3,484,852 2007 Beginning Balance $ 3,484,852 Revenues Bond Proceeds-Bonds Sold 1,525,000 Bond Proceeds-Special Assessments 500,000 Interest Income 104,546 MSAS Reimbursement-2006 Street Reconstruction 325,000 MSAS Reimbursement-2007 Mill&Overlay 100.000 Total Revenues $2,554,546 Funds Available 6,039,398 Proiects 2007 Street Reconstruction Program(memo only) Contract Budget Cost= $ 2,700,000 Less:Bond Proceeds-Bonds Sold: (1,525,000) Less Bond Proceds-Special Assessments: (500,000) Less MSAS Reimbursement: (325,000) Less Driveway Reimbursement: (250,000) Less Storm Water Fund Transfer: (100,000) Net= 0 2007 Bond Proceeds (1,525,000+500,000) AJ'ed out to 2,025,000 MSAS Street Reconstruction Reimbursement current year's 325,000 MSAS Mill&Overlay Reimbursement street fund. 100,000 2007 Sealcoat Program(Area 8) Fund=567 140,000 Total Projects $2,590,000 Ending Balance $ 3,449,398 164 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 1117106 State of Minnesota Streets Capital Improvements 2008 Beginning Balance $ 3,449,398 Revenues Bond Proceeds-Bonds Sold 1,625,000 Bond Proceds-Special Assessments 500,000 Interest Income 103,482 MSAS Reimbursement-2007 Street Reconstruction 325,000 MSAS Reimbursement-2008 Mill&Overlay 100.000 Total Revenues $2,653,482 Funds Available 6,102,879 Projects 2008 Street Reconstruction Program(memo only) Contract Budget Cost= $ 2,800,000 Less:Bond Proceeds: (1,625,000) Less Special Assessments: (500,000) Less MSAS Reimbursement: (325,000) Less Driveway Reimbursement: (250,000) Less Storm Water Fund Transfer: (100,000) Net= 0 2008 Bond Proceeds (1,625,000+500,000) AJ'ed out to 2,125,000 MSAS Street Reconstruction Reimbursement current year's 325,000 MSAS Mill&Overlay Reimbursement street fund. 100,000 2008 Sealcoat Program(Area 1) Fund=568 140,000 Total Projects $2,690,000 Ending Balance $ 3,412,879 2009 Beginning Balance $ 3,412,879 Revenues Interest Income 102,386 MSAS Reimbursement-2008 Street Reconstruction 325,000 MSAS Reimbursement-2009 Mill&Overlay 100.000 Total Revenues $527,386 Funds Available 3,940,266 Projects 2009 Street Reconstruction Program Ward 1 (memo only) 50,000 Contract Budget Cost= $ 600,000 MSAS Reimburse= (325,000) Special Assessment= (125,000) Stormwater Transfer= (100,000) Net= 50.000 MSAS Street Reconstruction Reimbursement AJ'ed out to 325,000 MSAS Mill&Overlay Reimbursement current year's 100,000 2009 Sealcoat Program(Area 2) street fund. 140,000 Total Projects $615,000 Ending Balance $ 3,325,266 165 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota Streets Capital Improvements 2010 Beginning Balance $ 3,325,266 Revenues Interest Income 99,758 - MSAS Reimbursement-2009 Street Reconstruction 325,000 MSAS Reimbursement-2010 Mill&Overlay 120.000 Total Revenues $544,758 Funds Available 3,870,024 Projects 2010 Street Reconstruction Program Ward 2(memo only) 50,000 Contract Budget Cost= $ 600,000 MSAS Reimburse= (325,000) Special Assessment= (125,000) Stormwater Transfer= (100,000) Net= 50.000 MSAS Street Reconstruction Reimbursement AJ'ed out to 325,000 MSAS Mill&Overlay Reimbursement current year's 120,000 2010 Sealcoat Program(Area 3) street fund. 140,000 Total Projects $635,000 Ending Balance $ 3,235,024 2011 Beginning Balance $ 3,235,024 Revenues Interest Income 97,051 MSAS Reimbursement-2010 Street Project 325,000 MSAS Reimbursement-2011 Mill&Overlay 120.000 Total Revenues $542,051 Funds Available 3,777,075 Projects 2011 Street Reconstruction Program Ward 3 (memo only) 50,000 Contract Budget Cost= $ 600,000 MSAS Reimburse= (325,000) Special Assessment= (125,000) Stormwater Transfer= (100,000) Net= 50.000 MSAS Street Reconstruction Reimbursement AJ'ed out to 325,000 MSAS Mill&Overlay Reimbursement current years 120,000 2011 Sealcoat Program(Area 4) street fund. 140,000 Total Projects $635,000 Ending Balance $ 3,142,075 166 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota Streets Capital Improvements Other Years Ashton Avenue Extension 110,000 Mississippi &HVVY 65 Improvement 75,000 Oakley Street Connection 75,000 Total Projects $ 260,000 MSAS Mill&Overlay Proiects Projection 7th Street-53rd Ave to 61st Ave. 61st Ave-7th St to University Ave. 53th Ave-University Ave to Main St. West Moore Lake Dr-61st to Baker St. 11/7/06 167 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota Parks Capital Improvements 2006 • Beginning Balance $ 2,021,468 Revenues Interest Income 60,644 Current Ad Valorem 100,230 Park Fees 10.000 Total Revenues $170,874 Funds Available 2,192,342 Proiects Tennis/Basketball Court Surfacing/Overlays 51,000 (Briardale Color Coats) Park Furnishings-Replacements 3,000 Commons(south)Parking Lot Replace 68,000 Fencing Replacement 15,000 Locke Park Picnic Shelter(partial cost) 10,000 Community Park Phase 1 -Irrigation, Infields&etc. 75,000 Total Projects $222,000 Ending Balance $ 1,970,342 2007 Beginning Balance $ 1,970,342 Revenues Interest Income 59,110 Current Ad Valorem 103,000 Park Fees 10.000 Total Revenues $172,110 Funds Available 2,142,452 Proiects Tennis/Basketball Court Surfacing/Overlays 56,000 (FCC BB Court and Edgewater) Park Furnishings-Replacements 6,000 Commons Hockey Rink Replacement 15,000 Innsbruck Trail Upgrade 15,000 Parking Lot Expansion @ FCC 30,000 Community Park Phase 2-Irrigation, Infields&etc. 75,000 Total Projects $197,000 Ending Balance $ 1,945,452 168 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota Parks Capital Improvements 2008 Beginning Balance - $ 1,945,452 Revenues Interest Income 58,364 Current Ad Valorem 103,000 Park Fees 10.000 Total Revenues $171,364 Funds Available 2,116,816 Projects Tennis/Basketball Court Surfacing/Overlays 29,000 Park Furnishings-Replacements 3,000 Community Park Score Board Replacements(4) 30,000 • Commons Park Sand Volleyball Courts 35,000 and removal of 2 north tennis courts Moore Lake Picnic Shelter Replacements 40,000 Community Park Phase 3-Irrigation, Infields&etc. 75,000 Total Projects $212,000 Ending Balance $ 1,904,816 2009 Beginning Balance $ 1,904,816 Revenues Interest Income 57,144 Current Ad Valorem 103,000 Park Fees 10.000 Total Revenues $170,144 Funds Available 2,074,960 Proiects Tennis/Basketball Court Surfacing/Overlays 50,000 (replace BB courts) Park Furnishings 5,000 FCC Carpet/Flooring Replacement 25,000 Portable Bleachers 30,000 Farr Lake Trail 50,000 Fencing Replacements 20,000 Total Projects $180,000 Ending Balance $ 1,894,960 169 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota Parks Capital Improvements 2010 Beginning Balance $ 1,894,960 Revenues Interest Income 56,849 Current Ad Valorem 103,000 Park Fees 10.000 Total Revenues $169,849 Funds Available 2,064,809 Projects Tennis/Basketball Court Surfacing/Overlays 30,000 Park Furnishings 5,000 Commons Park Warming House Replacement 130,000 and FYSA Storage Commons Park Parking Lot Upgrade Expansion 40,000 Total Projects $205,000 Ending Balance $ 1,859,809 2011 Beginning Balance $ 1,859,809 Revenues Interest Income 55,794 Current Ad Valorem 103,000 Park Fees 10.000 Total Revenues $168,794 Funds Available 2,028,603 Projects Tennis/Basketball Court Surfacing/Overlays 32,000 Park Furnishings 5,000 Moore Lake Picnic Shelter Replacements(2) 42,000 Moore Lake South Area Landscaping Project 30,000 Riverview Heights Picnic Shelter 20,000 Total Projects $129,000 Ending Balance $ 1,899,603 170 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 11/7/06 State of Minnesota Parks Capital Improvements Other Years • Fridley Community Center Gym 2,625,000 Dredging Farr Lake 180,000 Citizens Memorial Area 40,000 Dredging Ponds at Innsbruck 250,000 In-Line Skating Facility 55,000 Moore Lake Property Acquisitions 749,000 Creek View Park-Picnic Shelter 25,000 Skateboard Park 75,000 Madsen Park Picnic Shelter 30,000 Replace Old Picnic Shelters 50,000 Sand Dunes Boardwalk& Fence Replacement 50,000 Commons Park Irrigation System 160,000 Community Park Lighting Upgrades/Replacements 20,000 Total Projects $ 4,309,000 11/7/06 171 UTILITY FUNDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS—2007 WATER: 1. Well Repair No. 5 & 8 Complete preventative maintenance repairs to wells on a six year cycle. The program consists of removing and inspecting the column pipe, shafts, pumps, and motor. This program ensures that the City water system continues to have a constant water supply with a minimum amount of interruptions. The estimated cost is $65,000. 2. Street Project—Watermain Replacement Repair or replace watermains on a as-needed basis during the current year street project. Depending on the need, the budgeted cost is $100,000. • 3. Water Tower Reppirs and Painting—Towers 1 & 2 Inspect the interiors and exteriors of Towers No. 1 and 2. Provide sediment removal, structural repairs as needed, sandblasting of the interior and exterior coatings and repainting. The estimated cost for this project is $1.1 million. 4. Recondition 30 HP Pump at the 63rd Ave Booster Station This pump has not been reconditioned since the 1994 TCAAP project. The parallel pump to this one failed in late 2005. The estimated cost for this preventative maintenance is $10,000. SEWER: 1. Miscellaneous Sewer Line Repairs with the Street Project Repair sanitary sewer lines and connections on an as needed basis during the current year street project. The budgeted cost is $25,000. 2. Replace Cheri Lane Lift Station Pump This is the final major lift station upgrade of our sewer collection system. It will replace the old pneumatic pumps with an electronic controlled submersible enclosed pump station. The estimated cost for this project is $40,000. 3. Reline Sanitary Sewer Lines: Reline a section of 8 inch VCP on 75th Ave from Hayes Street into the cul-de-sac, a section of extra deep 8 inch cast iron pipe in an easement along the Columbia Heights border between Matterhorn Drive and Buchanan Street, and approximately 1000 feet of 172 10 inch VCP on Hugo Street between Broad Ave and East River Road. The total estimated cost for this project is $80,000. STORM: 1. Street Project Storm Water Treatment Repairs and upgrades to the storm sewer system in the street reconstruction project area. No excessive ponding or extensions are anticipated for 2007. The budgeted amount for this project is $100,000. 2. Locke Lake Bank Stabilization This is a cost share project with the Rice Creek Watershed District and the residents of Locke Lake to do bank stabilizations projects. Cost splits are 50% RCWD, 25% Resident, and 25% City. $5,000 is budgeted for this project. 3. Moore Lake Storm Inlet Improvement—Phase 2 This is the second phase of a shoreline improvement project on Moore Lake. This is a cost share project with the Anoka Conservation District. This includes wetland planting in and along the storm water inlet ditch on the south side of the beach house parking lot for water quality improvements. The estimated city share for this project is $1,500. 4. Removal of Sediment from Storm Ponds This is the contracted removal of sediment from various storm water quality ponds around the city to meet our NPDES requirements. $25,000 is budgeted for this work. 173 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 6/28/06 State of Minnesota Water Capital Improvements 2006 Repair Wells#7&4- 60,000 Street Project-watermain replacement 100,000 Re-roof and repair façade&brickwork on Locke Park F.P. 200,000 - - .- . -t- Was 100,000 0 Emergency Chlorine Shut-Off Valves(Commons 11,500.Locke 7,000) 18,500 Total S 378.500 2007 Repair wells#5&8 65,000 Street Project-watermain replacement 100,000 Water Tower#1&2-inspect interior/exterior, repair and paint 1,100,000 Recondition 30hp Booster Pump at 63rd Station 10,000 Total 51.275.000 2008 Repair wells#9, 10& 12 90,000 Street Project-watermain replacement 100,000 Reconstruct alley to pump house#4&6 60,000 Storage building 300,000 Replace 3-25hp Pumps at Marion Hills Booster Station 24,000 Total S 574.000 174 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 6/28/06 State of Minnesota Water Capital Improvements 2009 Repair wells#1, & 11 65,000 Street Project-watermain replacement 100,000 Install VFD at Well#8 50,000 Install VFD at Well#9 50,000 Upgrade SCADA hardware&software 250,000 Recondition 15hp Booster Pump at Well#1 8,000 Total $523.000 2010 Repair wells#2& 13 65,000 Street Project-watermain replacement 100,000 Commons Water Tower-inspect, repair&paint 200,000 Itron AMR Vehicle Computer/Reader 40,000 Recondition High Service Pumps#1&2 at Commons FTP 40,000 Total $445.000 2011 Repair wells#3&6 65,000 Street Project-watermain replacement 100,000 Total 5 165.000 175 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 6/28/06 State of Minnesota Water Capital Improvements Other Years Eliminate dead end line: Talmage Way to 75th Way 350ft 25,000 Benjamin to McKinley 350ft 25,000 Fireside Dr.connection- 30,000 Fireside Dr to Central Ave. 650ft Replace Watermain Gardena-Central to Tennison 200,000 Replace watermain University Ser Dr West- 150,000 73rd to Osborne Replace filter media at: Locke Park (2012) 200,000 Water treatment plant#3 (2015) 300,000 Eliminate dead end lines-66th Ave to 67th Ave. 30,000 Eliminate dead end line at 73 1/2 Ave to Onandaga 250ft 20,000 Filter Plant for well#13 1,000,000 Replace Generator at Commons FTP 50,000 Recondition 40hp Booster Pump at FTP#3 (2015) 12,000 Total $2.042.000. 6/28/06 176 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 4/28/06 State of Minnesota Sewer Capital Improvements 2006 Misc sewer line repairs with street project(if needed) 25,000 Reline sanitary sewer lines: 80,000 Mississippi St easement-Craigbrook to 79th Ave 8"clay and C.I.P. - 1700 feet •° • • - - --- Moved to 2007 Lift station upgrade-Sylvan, Riverwood & Mississippi 20,000 Rebuilt Georgetown lift-values-inlet-outlet-check new volutes 10,000 Total $ 135.000 2007 Misc sewer line repairs with street project(if needed) 25,000 Replace Cheri Lane lift station with Gorman Rupp 40,000 submersable enclosed pump station Reline sanitary sewer lines: 80,000 8"VCP 75th Ave- Hayes to Cul-de-sac 8"cast iron easement from Matterhorn to Buchanan 10"VCP Hugo St ERR to Broad 1,000 ft Total $ 145.000 2008 Misc sewer line repairs with street project(if needed) 25,000 Reline sanitary lines : 73 1/2 from Central to Hwy 65 10"VCP-2000 ft 80,000 Rebuild Locke Lake lift station. Inlet-outlet valves 20,000 Check valves-volutes-rebuild motors Total $ 125.000 177 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 4/28/06 State of Minnesota Sewer Capital Improvements 2009 - Misc sewer line repairs with street project(if needed) 25,000 Lining project to be determined by televising program 80,000 Replace valves-inlet-outlet checks-rebuilt motors 20,000 New volutes at Wicks lift station Total $ 125.000 2010 Misc sewer line repairs with street project(if needed) 25,000 Lining project to be determined by televising program 80,000 Rebuilt 64th lift station -new volutes-valves-rebuild motors 20,000 Total $ 125.000 2011 Misc sewer line repairs with street project(if needed) 25,000 Lining project to be determined by televising program 80,000 Total $ 105.000 Other Years Total 4/28/06 178 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 4/28/06 State of Minnesota Storm Capital Improvements 2006 Street project storm water treatment system 100,000 Locke Lake Bank Stabilization (RCmD Cost Share Program) 5,000 Moore Lake Storm Inlet Improvement Phase 1 2,000 Norton Creek 25,000 Total $ 132.000. 2007 Street project storm water treatment 100,000 Locke Lake Bank Stabilization (RCWD Cost Share Program) 5,000 Moore Lake Storm Inlet Improvement Phase 2 1,500 Removal of sediment from storm ponds 25,000 Total $ 131.500 2008 Street project storm water treatment 100,000 Locke Lake Bank Stabilization (RCWD Cost Share Program) 5,000 Moore Lake Shoreline Improvement 3,500 Total $ 108.500. 179 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley As of 4/28/06 State of Minnesota Storm Capital Improvements 2009 Miscellaneous street project upgrades 25,000 Locke Lake Bank Stabilization (RCWD Cost Share Program) 5,000 Oak Glen Creek-erosion control 50,000 Removal of sediment from storm ponds 25,000 Total $ 105.000 2010 Miscellaneous street project upgrades 25,000 Total $25.000 2011 Miscellaneous street project upgrades 25,000 Removal of sediment from storm ponds 25,000 Total $ 50.000 Other Years Springbrook Creek Bank stabilization 75,000 East of East River Road NPDES sedimentation pond-Col Ht boarder east of Central 50,000 Total $ 125.000. 4/28/06 180 BUDGET 2007 WATER FUND Net Assets Summary Fund 601 Water Fund ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 12/31/2006 2007 Net Assets January 1 10,381,990 10,139,207 9,858,115 9,908,681 9,707,326 Revenues 1,847,089 1,860,725 1,901,600 1,901,600 1,876,936 Total Available 12,229,079 11,999,932 11,759,715 11,810,281 11,584,262 Expenses 2,089,872 2,091,251 2,102,955 2,102,955 2,094,380 Net Income (242,783) (230,526) (201,355) (201,355) (217,444) Net Assets December 31 10,139,207 9,908,681 9,656,760 9,707,326 9,489,882 CIF Figure for 4 Years Out 2,195,000 2,195,000 1,707,000 181 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND 601RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 WATER FUND 601-0000-341.06-11 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 7,578 7,578 7,600 7,600 7,600 601-0000-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 82,267 82,781 88,000 88,000 78,914 601-0000-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 15,192- 10,582- 0 0 0 601-0000-362.51-60 SALE OF MISC PROPERTY 0 0 0 0 0 601-0000-362.52-80 FIXED ASSET-GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 601-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1,349 1,274 0 0 0 601-0000-371.10-00 WATER SALES 1,653,144 1,612,805 1,718,000 1,718,000 1,702,000 601-0000-371.20-00 WATER FLAT RATE SALES 8,430 8,422 8,000 8,000 8,422 601-0000-371.50-00 CONNECT/RECONNECT FEES 2,265 5,743 1,000 1,000 1,000 601-0000-371.60-00 PENALTIES/FORFEIT DISCONT 50,186 74,453 35,000 35,000 35,000 601-0000-371.70-00 METER SALES 4,610 14,794 10,000 10,000 10,000 601-0000-371.80-00 WATER TAPPING & MISC. 36,061 29,593 20,000 20,000 20,000 601-0000-371.90-00 ONE-TIME ACCT. SETUP FEE 0 17,185 14,000 14,000 14,000 601-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 16,392 16,680 0 0 0 * WATER FUND 1,847,090 1,860,726 1,901,600 1,901,600 1,876,936 1 182 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND 601ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT * SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 91,355 72,408 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 91,355 72,408 0 0 0 POWER AND PUMPING * SUPPLIES 1,965 11,632 3,600 3,600 3,600 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 195,606 295,828 233,900 233,900 259,715 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 197,571 307,460 237,500 237,500 263,315 PURIFICATION * SUPPLIES 82,508 83,955 87,000 87,000 99,800 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 49,361 61,961 60,880 60,880 63,450 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** PURIFICATION 131,869 145,916 147,880 147,880 163,250 TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION * PERSONAL SERVICES 321,248 331,336 356,255 356,255 358,092 * SUPPLIES 67,181 54,022 64,900 64,900 62,050 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 148,593 57,920 92,325 92,325 82,820 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 17,800 0 0 0 1 ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 537,022 461,078 513,480 513,480 502,962 1 ADMINISTRATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 263,904 277,150 287,806 287,806 300,377 * SUPPLIES 270 183 300 300 350 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 649,914 688,015 792,965 792,965 751,778 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 3,360 3,420 0 0 0 ** ADMINISTRATION 917,448 968,768 1,081,071 1,081,071 1,052,505 DEBT SERVICE-TI BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 9,888 6,891 4,675 4,675 1,568 ** DEBT SERVICE-TI BONDS 9,888 6,891 4,675 4,675 1,568 DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 772 163 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS 772 163 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE-1996A BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 56,915 5,327 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1996A BONDS 56,915 5,327 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE-1998A BONDS 183 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND 601ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1 ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,700 0 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 38,893 34,151 30,295 30,295 25,426 ** DEBT SERVICE-1998A BONDS 40,593 34,151 30,295 30,295 25,426 DEBT SERVICE-2004 BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 67,814 63,901 63,135 63,135 63,135 * DEBT SERVICE 38,625 25,188 24,919 24,919 22,219 1 ** DEBT SERVICE-2004 BONDS 106,439 89,089 88,054 88,054 85,354 2,089,872 2,091,251 2,102,955 2,102,955 2,094,380 I 184 • BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 601 Water Fund Public Works Water PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Gate valve maintenance program ACTIVITIES 1 a Find and operate all the City's gate valves Summer 1 project 2000 hours Absorbed lb Repair and leaking or inoperable valves. Summer Absorbed I c Check ties in gate valve book Summer 500 hours Absorbed OBJECTIVE#2 Develop a draw down history for all 13 wells ACTIVITIES 2a Measure static&pumping water level of each Quarterly 13 Wells 40 hours per quarter Absorbed well. Keep a continuous log of the readings. 185 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 186 WATER FUND - SUMMARY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Power and Pumping $ 237,500 $ 263,315 - $ 25,815 10.87% Purification 147,880 163,250 15,370 10.39% Transmission/Distribution 513,480 502,962 (10,518) (2.05%) Administration 1,081,071 1,052,505 (28,566) (2.64%) Debt Service 123,024 112,348 (10,676) (8.68%) Total $ 2,102,955 I $2,094,380 1 ($ 8,575)1 (0.41%) 187 WATER - POWER & PUMPING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 0 $ 0 $0 0% Supplies 3,600 3,600 0 0% Other Services/Charges 233,900 259,715 25,815 11.04% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $237,500 I $263,315 I $ 25,815 I 10.87% Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. After consulting Xcel and CenterPoint Energy, we are projecting an 8.05% electric increase and a 9.0% natural gas increase. We estimate$29,600 as the cost of these increases. Capital Outlay 188 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND 601ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 POWER AND PUMPING, POWER AND PUMPING 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 0 0 0 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 100 100 100 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 1,965 11,632 3,500 3,500 3,500 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 1,965 11,632 3,600 3,600 3,600 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,780 2,621 2,600 2,600 2,615 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 183,056 225,877 215,000 215,000 244,600 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 9,770 67,330 16,300 16,300 12,500 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 195,606 295,828 233,900 233,900 259,715 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 197,571 307,460 237,500 237,500 263,315 *** POWER AND PUMPING 197,571 307,460 237,500 237,500 263,315 189 WATER - PURIFICATION EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $0 $0 . $ 0 0% Supplies 87,000 99,800 12,800 14.71% Other Services/Charges 60,880 63,450 2,570 4.22% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 _ 0% Total $ 147,880 I $ 163,250 I $ 15,370 I 10.39% Personal Services Supplies 1. The increase includes $9,600 for chemicals, $3,000 for filter plant supplies, and $1,000 for chemical feed parts. Other Services/Charges 1. This category includes an additional $3,600 for utility charges. Capital Outlay 190 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND 601ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 PURIFICATION PURIFICATION 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,366 876 1,500 1,500 1,500 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 79,643 83,048 85,000 85,000 97,800 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 499 31 500 500 500 * SUPPLIES 82,508 83,955 87,000 87,000 99,800 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,160 2,205 2,280 2,280 2,250 4334 ADVERTISING 42 199 100 100 100 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 28,643 31,029 29,000 29,000 32,600 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 17,066 27,078 27,500 27,500 26,500 4341 RENTALS 1,450 1,450 2,000 2,000 2,000 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 49,361 61,961 60,880 60,880 63,450 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** PURIFICATION 131,869 145,916 147,880 147,880 163,250 *** PURIFICATION 131,869 145,916 147,880 147,880 163,250 191 WATER - TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 356,255 $ 358,092 $ 1,837 0.52% Supplies 64,900 62,050 (2,850) (4.39%) Other Services/Charges 92,325 82,820 (9,505) (10.30%) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $ 513,480 $ 502,962 1 ($ 10,518)1 (2.05%) Personal Services 1. The small increase in personal service costs reflects the recent turnover in personnel. Supplies 1. The reduction reflects a $5,000 decrease in the allocation for hydrants and hydrant parts. Other Services/Charges 1. We have reduced the allocation for contract backhoe services from$30,000 to$20,000. 2. We have reduced the allocation for curb replacement from $20,000 to$15,000. Capital Outlay 1. While all capital costs show up as depreciation under Water Administration, the budget anticipates the purchase of a trailer at a cost of$15,000 to replace something they call the "hut hut" (a 1986 van). The trailer, like the"hut hut" is used for water main breaks. 192 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND 601ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 186,641 200,770 240,358 240,358 241,384 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 16,338 18,245 16,686 16,686 17,200 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 18,555 6,057 15,643 15,643 6,400 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 0 0 18,000 18,000 20,720 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 36,714 40,262 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 3,777 3,902 4,093 4,093 3,538 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 13,126 14,081 15,423 15,423 14,937 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 16,149 16,683 17,503 17,503 15,129 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 7,799 13,203 9,901 9,901 16,879 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 176 442 241 241 476 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 297 293 287 287 255 4134 CASH BENEFITS 9,334 7,737 11,850 11,850 11,994 4140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5,210 7,762 6,270 6,270 9,180 4170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-LABOR 7,132 1,899 0 0 0 * PERSONAL SERVICES 321,248 331,336 356,255 356,255 358,092 4212 FUELS & LUBES 7,609 9,460 8,400 8,400 9,600 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 3,543 3,412 4,400 4,400 3,700 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 480 100 0 0 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,117 1,187 1,300 1,300 1,050 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 43,384 36,066 43,400 43,400 40,300 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 882 1,431 1,400 1,400 1,400 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 7,166 2,366 6,000 6,000 6,000 * SUPPLIES 67,181 54,022 64,900 64,900 62,050 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9,924 942 1,030 1,030 1,450 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 9,108 16,817 15,545 15,545 16,870 4332 COMMUNICATION 1,946 1,865 1,850 1,850 1,900 4333 TRANSPORTATION 318 376 400 400 400 4334 ADVERTISING 0 1,189 400 400 400 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 0 74 0 0 0 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 1,423 1,919 2,000 2,000 2,000 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 19,899 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 105,085 34,612 70,500 70,500 59,200 4341 RENTALS 890 126 600 600 600 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 148,593 57,920 92,325 92,325 82,820 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 17,800 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 17,800 0 0 0 ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 537,022 461,078 513,480 513,480 502,962 *** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 537,022 461,078 513,480 513,480 502,962 193 WATER - ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount % Personal Services $287,806 $ 300,377 $ 12,571 4.37% Supplies 300 350 50 16.67% Other Services/Charges 792,965 751,778 (41,187) (5.19%) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $ 1,081,071 1 $ 1,052,505 ($28,566)1 (2.64%) Personal Services 1. Includes 2 utility billing clerks who are still in steps. The salary and benefit costs for these individuals will increase by $8,501. The remainder of the increase ($4,070) reflects increased General Fund overhead charges. Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The depreciation charge for fixed assets has been reduced by $68,698. This amount is partially offset by additional costs for AMR (automated meter) purchases($21,900). Capital Outlay 194 rr 2 7 7 E rr -r C 2 C V ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds are used to account for the operations of self-supporting governmental activities that render services or goods to the public. The accounting records are maintained on an accrual basis. The reporting for enterprise funds is similar to comparable private enterprises. Creditors, legislators or the general public can evaluate the performance of a municipal enterprise on the same basis as they can the performance of investor-owned enterprises. Public Utilities Fund This fund accounts for the operations of the City-owned sewer and water systems. Liquor Fund This fund accounts for the operation of two off-sale liquor establishments. 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND 601ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 54,610 63,273 76,254 76,254 79,923 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 183,200 186,900 192,000 192,000 197,400 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 12,000 11,359 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 944 1,084 1,137 1,137 1,127 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 3,684 4,015 4,575 4,575 4,946 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 4,037 4,636 4,860 4,860 4,817 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,495 3,038 4,369 4,369 11,437 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 138 74 241 241 238 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 114 116 115 115 102 4134 CASH BENEFITS 418 2,280 3,950 3,950 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 264 375 305 305 387 * PERSONAL SERVICES 263,904 277,150 287,806 287,806 300,377 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 226 183 100 100 200 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 44 0 150 150 100 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 50 50 50 * SUPPLIES 270 183 300 300 350 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,471 9,560 24,280 24,280 24,916 4332 COMMUNICATION 19,894 19,953 20,020 20,020 20,945 4333 TRANSPORTATION 0 0 20 20 20 4334 ADVERTISING 1,486 0 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 18,325 21,420 25,000 25,000 25,040 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 12,763 13,837 14,390 14,390 17,400 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 0 0 70 70 70 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 5,069 8,777 10,350 10,350 11,350 4342 DEPRECIATION 557,557 566,608 672,835 672,835 604,137 4343 DEPRECIATION-CONTRIBUTED 0 0 0 0 0 4345 LOSS ON ASSET RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4348 COST OF GOODS SOLD 26,349 47,860 26,000 26,000 47,900 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 649,914 688,015 792,965 792,965 751,778 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 3,360 3,420 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 3,360 3,420 0 0 0 ** ADMINISTRATION 917,448 968,768 1,081,071 1,081,071 1,052,505 *** ADMINISTRATION 917,448 968,768 1,081,071 1,081,071 1,052,505 195 WATER - DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount 1992B Bonds 4,675 1,568 . (3,107) (66.46%) 1998A Bonds 30,295 25,426 (4,869) (16.07%) 2004A Bonds 63,135 63,135 0 0% 2004C Bonds 24,919 22,219 (2,700) (10.84%) 0 0% Total $ 123,024 1 $ 112,348 I ($ 10,676)1 (8.68%) Bonds 196 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER RUND 601ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 DEBT SERVICE-19928 BONDS 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 9,465 6,467 4,675 4,675 1,568 , 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 423 424 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 9,888 6,891 4,675 4,675 1,568 ** DEBT SERVICE-1992B BONDS 9,888 6,891 4,675 4,675 1,568 DEBT SERVICE-1998A BONDS 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,700 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,700 0 0 0 0 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 38,319 33,777 30,295 30,295 25,426 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 574 374 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 38,893 34,151 30,295 30,295 25,426 ** DEBT SERVICE-1998A BONDS 40,593 34,151 30,295 30,295 25,426 DEBT SERVICE-2004A BONDS 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 49,027 63,498 63,135 63,135 63,135 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 403 0 0 0 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 18,787 0 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 67,814 63,901 63,135 63,135 63,135 ** DEBT SERVICE-2004A BONDS 67,814 63,901 63,135 63,135 63,135 DEBT SERVICE-2004C BONDS 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 19,324 24,987 24,919 24,919 22,219 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 201 0 0 0 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 19,301 0 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 38,625 25,188 24,919 24,919 22,219 ** DEBT SERVICE-2004C BONDS 38,625 25,188 24,919 24,919 22,219 **** WATER FUND 2,089,872 2,091,251 2,102,955 2,102,955 2,094,380 197 CITY OF FRIDLEY WATER FUND PROJECTIONS INCOME/EXPENSE PROJECTIONS As Of 11/17/06 Actual Budgeted Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 0-5,000,000 gls 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.32 over 5,000,000 gls 1.17 1.20 1.24 1.27 1.31 1.34 1.38 Rate Change Projections(%) +1.7% +2.8% +2.8% +2.8% +2.8% +2.8% +2.8% Gallons Sold(thousands) 0-5,000,000 (estimated) 1,409,442 1,400,000 1,409,442 1,409,442 1,409,442 1,409,442 1,409.442 5,000,001-999,999,999 (estimated) 29,256 90,000 29,256 29,256 29,256 29,256 29.256 Operating Revenues Water Sales 1,612,805 1,718,000 1,702,000 1,750,000 1,799,000 1,849,000 1,901,000 Flat Rate Sales 8,422 8,000 8,422 8,422 8,422 8,422 8.422 Other Revenue 143,042 80,000 80,000 143,042 143,042 143.042 143.042 Total Operating Revenues 1,764,269 1,806,000 1,790,422 1,901,464 1,950,464 2,000,464 2,052,464 Estimated Expenditure Changes 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% Operating Expenses Personal Services 608,486 644,061 658,469 676,906 695,860 715,344 735.373 Supplies 149,792 155,800 165,800 170,442 175,215 180,121 185.164 Other Services and Charges 630,744 507,235 553,626 569,128 585,063 601,445 618.285 h o O Actual Depreciation(Base Year) 566,608 592,222 566,608 566,608 566,608 566,608 566.608 Change in Depreciation(Since Base Year) - 80,613 37,529 109,322 165,464 211,644 230.417 Total Operating Expenses 1,955,630 1,979,931 1,982,032 2,092,406 2,188,210 2,275,161 2,335,848 Operating Income (191,361) (173,931) (191,610) (190,942) (237,746) (274,697) (283,384) Non-Operating Revenues/Expenses Interest Income 82,781 88,000 78,914 57,691 41,477 26,464 15.414 Administrative Charges 7,578 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,600 7.600 Intergovernmental Revenues - - - - - - Debt Service (135,621) (123,024) (112,347) (101,942) (91,726) (80,756) (68.955) Gain/(Loss)on Disposition of Fixed Assets (10,582) - - Operating Transfer In(Out) 16,680 - - - - - - Total Non-Operating Revenues/Expenses (39,164) (27,424) (25,833) (36,651) (42,649) (46,692) (45,941) Net Income (230,525) (201,355) (217,442) (227,593) (280,395) (321,389) (329,325) Cash and Cash Equivalents January 1 3,583,802 3,006,503 2,864,215 1,648,309 1,185,046 756,123 440,386 Net Increase(Decrease)in cash (577,299) (142,288) (1,215,906) (463,263) (428,922) (315,737) (34,900) Cash and Cash Equivalents December 31 3,006,503 2,864,215 1,648,309 , 1,185,046 756,123 440,386 405,486 Accumulated Depreciation at 12/31 Y/E 8,677,398 9,350,233 9,954,370_ 10,630,299 11,362,372 12,140,624 12,937,649 BUDGET 2007 SEWER FUND Net Assets Summary Fund 602 Sewer Fund ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU- BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 1213112006 2007 Net Assets January 1 8,757,939 8,809,830 8,640,611 8,595,520 8,347,250 Revenues 3,319,966 3,385,507 3,388,000 3,388,000 3,512,750 Total Available 12,077,905 12,195,337 12,028,611 11,983,520 11,860,000 Expenses 3,268,075 3,599,817 3,636,270 3,636,270 3,906,481 Net Income 51,891 (214,310) (248,270) (248,270) (393,731) Net Assets December 31 8,809,830 8,595,520 8,392,341 8,347,250 7,953,519 CIP Figure for 4 Years Out 520,000 520,000 480,000 199 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND 602RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 SEWER FUND 602-0000-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 57,311 72,694 73,000 73,000 73,000 602-0000-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 10,885- 12,153- 0 0 0 602-0000-372.10-00 SEWER SALES 2,973,770 2,987,220 3,036,000 3,036,000 3,121,000 602-0000-372.20-00 SEWER FLAT RATE SALES 215,270 244,449 225,000 225,000 258,000 602-0000-372.50-00 CONNECT/RECONNECT FEES 1,984 911 2,000 2,000 2,000 602-0000-372.60-00 PENALTIES/FORFEIT DISCONT 57,475 63,908 50,000 50,000 56,750 602-0000-372.70-00 SEWER TAPPING/SUPPLY/MISC 453 3,469 2,000 2,000 2,000 602-0000-392.01-00 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 24,588 25,008 0 0 0 * SEWER FUND 3,319,966 3,385,506 3,388,000 3,388,000 3,512,750 1 I 200 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND 602ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT * SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 0 58,408 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 0 58,408 0 0 0 DISPOSAL * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 2,307,279 2,521,757 2,601,933 2,601,933 2,857,589 ** DISPOSAL 2,307,279 2,521,757 2,601,933 2,601,933 2,857,589 POWER AND PUMPING * SUPPLIES 6,418 5,247 6,500 6,500 6,600 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 18,173 34,856 23,000 23,000 23,000 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 24,591 40,103 29,500 29,500 29,600 SEWAGE COLLECTION * PERSONAL SERVICES 350,063 368,580 401,286 401,286 400,856 * SUPPLIES 36,544 32,478 46,000 46,000 41,425 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 33,577 38,676 42,650 42,650 42,450 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 17,800 0 0 0 ** SEWAGE COLLECTION 420,184 457,534 489,936 489,936 484,731 ADMINISTRATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 176,100 179,600 184,500 184,500 189,700 * SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 327,449 330,349 330,401 330,401 344,861 * OTHER FINANCING USES 11,700 11,904 0 0 0 ** ADMINISTRATION 515,249 521,853 514,901 514,901 534,561 DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 772 163 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS 772 163 0 0 0 3,268,075 3,599,818 3,636,270 3,636,270 3,906,481 201 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 602 Sewer Fund Sewer PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Inspection/cleaning of 75%of our sewer system based on a 2.5 year cycle la.The purchase of Visual Pipes,pipeline 100,000 2000 hrs Sewer Capital inspection software.This new technology will Fund greatly enhance are current televising program. This new program will greatly enhance operator productivity.Video will now be stored on DVD instead of vhf;old vhf video will be rewritten to DVD.Will provide us with a data base of televised streets and allow us to quickly review inspections.This enhancement will greatly support completion of goals and activities. lb. Sewer personnel will be working with and 80 hrs Absorbed training new Engineering Tech to assist with sewer/water inspections,sewer lining project inspections,street project inspections on sanitary repairs and storm rehab.The Engineering Tech will provide sewer personnel with a great deal of support during these projects. 202 SEWER FUND - SUMMARY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Disposal $2,601,933 $2,857,589 . $255,656 9.83% Power & Pumping 29,500 29,600 100 0.34% Collection 489,936 484,731 (5,205)_ (1.06%) Administration 514,901 534,561 19,660 _ 3.82% Debt Service 0 0 0 0% Total $ 3,636,270 I $ 3,906,481 I $270,211 I 7.43% 203 SEWER - DISPOSAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 0 $ 0 . $ 0 0% Supplies 0 0 0 0% Other Services/Charges 2,601,933 2,857,589 255,656 9.83% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $2,601,933 I $ 2,857,589 I $255,656 I 9.83% Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The amount listed is an approximate MCES increase based on past history. Capital Outlay 204 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND 602ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 DISPOSAL 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 2,307,279 2,521,757 2,601,933 2,601,933 2,857,589 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 2,307,279 2,521,757 2,601,933 2,601,933 2,857,589 ** DISPOSAL 2,307,279 2,521,757 2,601,933 2,601,933 2,857,589 205 SEWER - POWER & PUMPING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 0 $0 $ 0 0% Supplies 6,500 6,600 100 1.54% Other Services/Charges 23,000 23,000 0 0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $29,500 I $29,600 $ 100 I 0.34% Personal Services Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 206 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND 602ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 POWER AND PUMPING 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 333 473 0 0 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 5,610 4,774 6,400 6,400 6,500 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 475 0 100 100 100 * SUPPLIES 6,418 5,247 6,500 6,500 6,600 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,205 274 500 500 500 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 13,587 13,476 15,000 15,000 15,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 2,381 21,106 7,500 7,500 7,500 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 18,173 34,856 23,000 23,000 23,000 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** POWER AND PUMPING 24,591 40,103 29,500 29,500 29,600 207 SEWER - COLLECTION EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change. 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $401,286 $400,856 . ($430) (0.11%) Supplies 46,000 41,425 (4,575) (9.95%) Other Services/Charges 42,650 42,450 (200) (0.47%) Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $489,936 $484,731 I ($ 5,205)1 (1.06%) Personal Services 1. Salaries for 5 employees have increased by $15,265. The increase reflects COLA and merit step increases. 2. Costs for temporary employees have been budgeted at$8,908 less than 2006. 3. Health insurance costs decreased $4,647. Supplies Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 208 11/17/06 BUDGET 2001 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND 602ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 SEWAGE COLLECTION 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 192,976 198,484 238,001 238,001 253,266 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 21,108 30,671 25,3.62 25,362 25,362 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 22,105 19,196 28,908 28,908 20,000 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 0 0 18,000 18,000 20,720 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 31,342 32,244 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 3,806 3,970 4,154 4,154 3,573 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 13,403 14,925 15,802 15,802 15,672 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 16,273 16,977 17,764 17,764 15,279 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 26,204 29,324 33,263 33,263 28,316 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 528 720 722 722 714 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 297 284 287 287 255 4134 CASH BENEFITS 6,223 6,443 6,408 6,408 7,996 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 7,897 10,216 9,315 9,315 6,403 4170 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-LABOR 7,901 5,126 3,300 3,300 3,300 * PERSONAL SERVICES 350,063 368,500 401,286 401,286 400,056 4212 FUELS & LUBES 12,069 13,726 13,400 13,400 14,000 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 3,765 3,038 5,000 5,000 4,000 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 312 15 0 0 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,355 2,171 2,100 2,100 1,925 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 5,141 4,297 15,500 15,500 11,500 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 5,480 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4229 WORK ORDER TRANSFER-PARTS 8,422 8,231 9,000 9,000 9,000 * SUPPLIES 36,544 32,478 46,000 46,000 41,425 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 654 522 1,050 1,050 950 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 368 250 600 600 600 4332 COMMUNICATION 82 1,552 1,800 1,800 1,400 4333 TRANSPORTATION 239 380 400 400 400 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 28 0 0 0 0 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 2,014 250 2,100 2,100 2,100 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 3,647 0 0 0 0 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 26,095 35,600 36,500 36,500 36,800 4341 RENTALS 450 122 200 200 200 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 33,577 38,676 42,650 42,650 42,450 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 17,800 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 0 17,800 0 0 0 ** SEWAGE COLLECTION 420,184 457,534 489,936 489,936 484,731 209 SEWER - ADMIN EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 184,500 $ 189,700 $ 5,200 2.82% Supplies 0 0 0 0% Other Services/Charges 330,401 344,861 14,460 4.38% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $ 514,901 1 $534,561 I $ 19,660 I 3.82% Personal Services 1. The increase is attributable to an increase in administrative charges for General Fund overhead. Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. The increase is for added depreciation on fixed assets. Capital Outlay 210 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND 602ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ADMINISTRATION 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 176,100 179,600 184,500 184,500 189,700 * PERSONAL SERVICES 176,100 179,600 184,500 184,500 189,700 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,769 8,610 8,400 8,400 8,290 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,800 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,000 4332 COMMUNICATION 4,889 5,631 4,944 4,944 4,920 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 4,328 4,483 4,662 4,662 4,660 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 2,333 4,612 3,600 3,600 9,970 4342 DEPRECIATION 297,073 305,213 306,795 306,795 315,021 4343 DEPRECIATION-CONTRIBUTED 0 0 0 0 0 4345 LOSS ON ASSET RETIREMENT 9,257 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 327,449 330,349 330,401 330,401 344,861 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 11,700 11,904 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 11,700 11,904 0 0 0 ** ADMINISTRATION 515,249 521,853 514,901 514,901 534,561 211 SEWER - DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount 1994 Bonds $ 0 $0 . $ 0 0% 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Total $01 $ 01 $ o1 0% Bonds • 212 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND 602ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS 4625 BOND ISSUANCE FEES 0 0 0 0 0 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 660 51 0 0 0 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 112 112 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 772 163 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS 772 163 0 0 0 *** SEWER FUND 3,268,075 3,599,818 3,636,270 • 3,636,270 3,906,481 213 CITY OF FRIDLEY SEWER FUND PROJECTIONS INCOME/EXPENSE PROJECTIONS As Of 11/17/06 Actual Budgeted Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Gallons Disposed per MCES (in millions) - 1,925 1,925 1,925 1,925 1,925 1,925 Sewer Billings Gallons Billed (in thousands) 1,214 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Gallons Billed Flat Rate 99 89 99 99 99 99 99 Rate($per 1,000 gallons) 2.46 2.53 2.60 2.67 2.75 2.83 2.90 Rate Change Projections(%) +1.8% +2.8% +2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% Operating Revenues Sewer Sales 2,987,220 3,036,000 3,121,000 3,208,000 3,298,000 3,391,000 3,486,000 Flat Rate Sales 244,449 225,000 258,000 266,000 273,000 281,000 289,000 Other Revenue 68,288 54,000 60,750 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 Total Operating Revenues 3,299,957 3,315,000 3,439,750 3,529,000 3,626,000 3,727,000 3,830,000 Estimated Expenditure Changes 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% Operating Expenses N Personal Services 548,180 585,786 590,556 607,092 624,090 641,565 659,528 .4 Supplies 37,725 52,500 48,025 49,370 50,752 52,173 53,634 Disposal Charges 2,521,757 2,601,933 2,857,584 2,937,596 3,019,849 3,104,404 3,191,328 Other Services and Charges 185,663 89,256 95,296 97,964 100,707 103,527 106,426 Depreciation 306,330 287,053 306,330 314,907 323,725 332,789 342,107 Total Annual Change in Depreciation(new) - 19,742 8,691 8,934 9,184 9,441 9,706 Total Operating Expenses 3,599,655 3,636,270 3,906,481 4,015,862 4,128,307 4,243,899 4,362,728 Operating Income/(Loss) (299,698) (321,270) (466,731) (486,862) (502,307) (516,899) (532,728) Non-Operating Revenues(Exps.) . Interest Income 60,541 73,000 73,000 52,000 47,000 41,000 36,000 Debt Service (163) - - - - - - Gain(Loss)on disposition of fixed assets - - - - - - - Refund of prior years disposal charges - - - - - - - Operating Transfer In(Out) 25,008 - - - - - - Total Non-Operating Revenues/Expenses 85,386 73,000 73,000 52,000 47,000 41,000 36,000 Net Income (214,312) (248,270) (393,731) (434,862) (455,307) (475,899) (496,728) Cash and Cash Equivalents January 1 3,021,215 2,830,341 2,708,170 2,484,460 2,193,438 1,946,040 1,687,371 Net lncrease(Decrease)in cash (190,874) (122,171) (223,710) (291,021) (247,398) (258,669) (249,916) Cash and Cash Equivalents December 31 2,830,341 2,708,170 _ 2,484,460 • 2,193,438 1,946,040 1,687,371 1,437,455 Accumulated Depreciation at 12/31 Y/E 4,390,502 4,989,650 L 5,304,671 I 5,628,512 5,961,420 6,303,650 6,655,463 BUDGET 2007 STORM WATER FUND Net Assets Summary Fund 603 Storm Water Fund ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 12/31/2006 2007 Net Assets January 1 5,692,169 5,625,632 5,548,010 5,565,465 5,555,552 Revenues 402,898 409,071 420,000 420,000 430,752 Total Available 6,095,067 6,034,703 5,968,010 5,985,465 5,986,304 Expenses 469,435 469,238 429,913 429,913 442,825 Net Income (66,537) (60,168) (9,913) (9,913) (12,073) Net Assets December 31 5,625,632 5,565,465 5,538,097 5,555,552 5,543,479 CIP Plan Figure for 4 Years Out 335,000 335,000 288,500 215 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY STORM WATER FUND 603RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 STORM WATER FUND 603-0000-311.10-00 CURRENT AD VALOREM 8,518 8,402 9,000 9,000 9,252 603-0000-311.20-00 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM 0 0 0 0 0 603-0000-334.02-60 RESIDENTIAL MV HMSTD AID 208 600 0 0 0 603-0000-334.25-11 STATE GRANTS 0 0 0 0 0 603-0000-336.31-11 REIMB-CITY/COUNTY-GEN GOV 0 0 0 0 0 603-0000-361.10-33 FROM COUNTY-CURRENT 4,765 4,049 6,000 6,000 6,000 603-0000-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 25,788 28,081 30,000 30,000 30,000 603-0000-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 4,460- 4,471- 0 0 0 603-0000-361.20-33 DIRECT TO CITY-PRINCIPAL 0 0 0 0 0 603-0000-361.25-33 DIRECT TO CITY-INTEREST 63 0 0 0 0 603-0000-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 2 0 0 0 0 603-0000-373.10-00 STORM SEWER COLLECTION 358,783 364,315 367,000 367,000 377,276 603-0000-373.20-00 HARRIS POND ASSESSMENTS 2,931 2,007 2,600 2,600 2,600 603-0000-373.60-00 STORM SEWER PENALTIES 6,301 6,087 5,400 5,400 5,624 603-0000-373.70-00 STORM SEWER MISC. 0 0 0 0 0 * STORM WATER FUND 402,899 409,070 420,000 420,000 430,752 216 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY STORM WATER FUND 603ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 8,191 5,296 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1 0 0 0 ** CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 8,191 5,297 0 0 0 TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION * SUPPLIES 2,467 7,920 6,700 6,700 7,100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 12,498 • 8,353 20,500 20,500 20,500 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 14,965 16,273 27,200 27,200 27,600 ADMINISTRATION * PERSONAL SERVICES 98,700 100,700 103,500 103,500 106,400 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 189,977 192,971 196,213 196,213 207,825 * OTHER FINANCING USES 134,529 148,642 100,000 100,000 100,000 ** ADMINISTRATION 423,206 442,313 399,713 399,713 414,225 DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 2,181 683 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS 2,181 683 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE-1996A BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 14,470 1,176 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1996A BONDS 14,470 1,176 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE-2004 BONDS * DEBT SERVICE 6,422 3,496 3,000 3,000 1,000 ** DEBT SERVICE-2004 BONDS 6,422 3,496 3,000 3,000 1,000 469,435 469,238 429,913 429,913 442,825 217 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley GOALS and OBJECTIVES Fund Department Division 603 Storm Fund Storm PERFORMANCE COSTS/ BUDGET OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES MEASURES UNITS EXPLANATION IMPACT OBJECTIVE#1 Ensure the storm sewer system catch basins& outfalls are maintained. ACTIVITIES 1. Creating a joint effort with the Engineering Tech.to provide support in working with outfall April-Nov 120 hrs Absorbed inspections and assisting with creating reports for NPDES compliance. 218 • STORM WATER FUND - SUMMARY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Transmission/Distribution $27,200 $27,600 $400 1.47% Administration 399,713 414,225 14,512 3.63% Debt Service 3,000 1,000 (2,000) (66.67%) Total $429,913 I $442,825 $ 12,912 I 3.00% 219 STORM WATER - TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 0 $ 0. $ 0 0% Supplies 6,700 7,100 400 5.97% Other Services/Charges 20,500 20,500 0 0% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 0 0 0 0% Total $ 27,200 I $ 27,600 I $400 I 1.47% Personal Services Supplies 1. Includes additional funding for manhole covers. Other Services/Charges Capital Outlay 220 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY STORM WATER FUND 603ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 4212 FUELS & LUBES 0 176 '0 0 0 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 515 0 0 0 0 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 100 100 100 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 1,526 7,744 6,500 6,500 6,900 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 426 0 100 100 100 * SUPPLIES 2,467 7,920 6,700 6,700 7,100 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 962 440 0 0 0 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 1,864 0 0 0 0 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 1,833 2,493 3,000 3,000 3,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 7,839 5,360 17,500 17,500 17,500 4341 RENTALS 0 60 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 12,498 8,353 20,500 20,500 20,500 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4540 MACHINERY 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 ** TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION 14,965 16,273 27,200 27,200 27,600 221 STORM WATER - ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $ 103,500 $ 106,400 $2,900 2.80% Supplies 0 0 0 0% Other Services/Charges 196,213 207,825 11,612 5.92% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 100,000 100,000 0 0% Total $ 399,713 1 $414,225 I $ 14,512 1 3.63% Personal Services 1. The allocation is for administrative changes that are assessed for General Fund overhead. • Supplies Other Services/Charges 1. Depreciation has been increased by $11,612 in expectation of 2006 and 2007 capital improvement projects. Capital Outlay Other Financing Uses 1. Includes$100,000 transfer to the Capital Improvement Fund budget for the 2007 street reconstruction project. 222 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY STORM WATER FUND 603ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 ADMINISTRATION, ADMINISTRATION 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 98,700 100,700 103,500 103,500 106,400 * PERSONAL SERVICES 98,700 100,700 103,500 103,500 106,400 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,718 7,330 7,200 7,200 7,276 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 176 172 180 180 410 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 0 0 0 0 0 4342 DEPRECIATION 183,083 185,469 188,833 188,833 200,139 4343 DEPRECIATION-CONTRIBUTED 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 189,977 192,971 196,213 196,213 207,825 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 134,529 148,642 100,000 100,000 100,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 134,529 148,642 100,000 100,000 100,000 ** ADMINISTRATION 423,206 442,313 399,713 399,713 414,225 223 STORM WATER - DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount 1994A Bonds $0 $0 $ 0 0% 1996A Bonds 0 0 0 0% 2004 Bonds 3,000 1,000 (2,000) (66.67%) 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0% Total $3,0001 $ 1,000 1 ($2,000)1 (66.67%) Bonds 1 224 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY SIORM WATER FUND 603ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 0 . 0 0 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 2,069 571 0 0 0 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 112 112 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 2,181 683 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1994A BONDS 2,181 683 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE-1996A BONDS 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 14,470 1,176 0 0 0 . 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 0 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 14,470 1,176 0 0 0 ** DEBT SERVICE-1996A BONDS 14,470 1,176 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE-2004C BONDS 4605 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4610 INTEREST EXPENSE 2,560 3,295 3,000 3,000 1,000 4620 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 201 0 0 0 4625 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 3,862 0 0 0 0 * DEBT SERVICE 6,422 3,496 3,000 3,000 1,000 ** DEBT SERVICE-2004C BONDS 6,422 3,496 3,000 3,000 1,000 **** STORM WATER FUND 469,435 469,238 429,913 429,913 442,825 225 CITY OF FRIDLEY STORM WATER FUND PROJECTIONS INCOME/EXPENSE PROJECTIONS As Of 11/17106 Actual Budgeted Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Storm Water Revenue Change Projections(%) 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% Operating Revenues Storm Water Sales 364,315 367,000 377,276 387,840 398,699 409,863 421,339 Taxes 9,002 9,000 9,252 9,511 9,777 10,051 10,333 Other Revenue 8,094 8,000 8,224 8,454 8,691 8,934 9,185 Total Operating Revenues 381,411 384,000 394,752 405,805 417,168 428,848 440,856 Expenditures Change(%) 3.00% 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% 2.80% Operating Expenses Personal Services 100,700 103,500 106,400 109,379 112,442 115,590 118,827 Supplies 7,920 6,700 7,100 7,299 7,503 7,713 7,929 Other Services and Charges 169,794 27,880 28,186 28,975 29,787 30,621 31,478 Actual Depreciation(Base Year) 185,469 184,333 185,469 185,469 185,469 185,469 185,469 Change in Depreciation(Since Base Year) - 4,500 14,670 15,140 19,730 26,320 26,320 N Total Operating Expenses 463,883 326,913 341,825 346,262 354,930 365,713 370,023 rn Operating Income (82,472) 57,087 52,927 59,543 62,237 63,135 70,833 Non-Operating Revenues(Exps.) Intergovernmental revenue 4,049 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Interest Income 28,081 30,000 30,000 12,000 11,000 12,000 14,000 Debt Service (5,355) (3,000) (1,000) - - - Special Assessments Levied - - - - - - - Gain(Loss)On Asset Retirement (4,471) - - - - - - Operating Transfer In(Out) - (100,000) (100,000) (102,000) (104,000) (106,000) (108,000) 22,304 (67,000) (65,000) (85,000) (88,000) (89,000) (89,000) Net Income (60,168) (9,913)_ (12,073) (25,457) (25,763) (25,865) (18,167) Cash and Cash Equivalents January 1 1,289,877 1,124,863 633,419 581,985 551,136 620,572 776,496 Net Increase(Decrease)in cash (231,974) (491,444) (51,434) (30,848) 69,436 155,924 138,622 Cash and Cash Equivalents December 31 1,057,902 633,419 581,985 _ 551,136 620,572 776,496 915,118 Accumulated Depreciation at 12/31 Y/E 3,502,957 3,879,911 I 4,080,050 I 4,280,658 4,485,857 4,697,646 4,909,434 • BUDGET 2007 LIQUOR FUND Net Assets Summary Fund 609 Liquor Fund ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU BUDGET 2004 2005 2006 12/31/2006 2007 Net Assets January 1 1,835,580 1,768,227 1,765,560 1,644,088 1,662,009 Revenues 5,387,847 5,295,325 6,045,176 6,045,176 6,065,116 Funds Available 7,223,427 7,063,552 7,810,736 7,689,264 7,727,125 Expenses • 5,005,200 4,919,464 5,527,255 5,527,255 5,554,980 Net Income Before Transfer 382,647 375,861 517,921 517,921 510,136 Transfer to the General Fund 450,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Net Assets December 31 1,768,227 1,644,088 1,783,481 1,662,009 1,672,145 227 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY LIQUOR FUND 609RSUM REVENUE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR 609-9200-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 3,467 3,512 5,000 5,000 5,000 609-9200-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 609-9200-362.41-60 INSURANCE REIMB 0 0 0 609-9200-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 609-9200-378.11-00 LIQUOR SALES 492,824 482,941 538,240 538,240 565,145 609-9200-378.12-00 WINE SALES 193,295 197,027 218,660 218,660 227,745 609-9200-378.13-00 BEER SALES 739,606 692,318 841,000 841,000 809,760 609-9200-378.13-01 DEP/RTNS/COOPERAGE 19- 9- 0 0 0 ' 609-9200-378.14-00 MISC SALES 27,272 29,486 33,640 33,640 33,740 609-9200-378.15-00 CIGARETTE SALES 35,515 33,934 50,460 50,460 46,393 609-9200-378.16-00 CIGARS/CHEWING TOBACCO 1,310 0 0 4,217 609-9200-378.20-00 VENDING MACHINE REVENUES 0 0 0 609-9200-378.40-00 CASH OVER / (SHORT) 891- 50 50 50 609-9200-378.45-00 SALES TAX OVER / (SHORT) 57 114 50 50 50 609-9200-378.50-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 909 2,652 4,000 4,000 4,000 * #2 - HWY 65 1,492,035 1,443,285 1,691,100 1,691,100 1,696,100 609-9300-362.10-70 INTEREST EARNINGS 10,401 10,536 15,000 15,000 15,000 609-9300-362.11-70 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS 2,451- 1,953- 0 0 0 609-9300-362.41-60 INSURANCE REIMB 0 0 0 609-9300-362.52-80 FIXED ASSET-GAIN/LOSS 0 0 0 609-9300-362.61-60 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 0 609-9300-378.11-00 LIQUOR SALES 1,207,607 1,218,932 1,400,551 1,400,551 1,433,513 609-9300-378.12-00 WINE SALES 521,858 535,944 551,732 551,732 651,596 609-9300-378.13-00 BEER SALES 2,000,571 1,930,146 2,206,929 2,206,929 2,085,109 609-9300-378.13-01 DEP/RTNS/COOPERAGE 747 2,768 0 0 0 609-9300-378.14-00 MISC SALES 87,216 88,331 84,882 84,882 86,879 609-9300-378.15-00 CIGARETTE SALES 63,813 58,019 84,882 84,882 76,019 609-9300-378.16-00 CIGARS/CHEWING TOBACCO 2,792 0 0 10,800 609-9300-378.40-00 CASH OVER / (SHORT) 514- 407 50 50 50 ' 609-9300-378.45-00 SALES TAX OVER / (SHORT) 57 114 50 50 50 609-9300-378.50-00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 6,507 6,004 10,000 10,000 10,000 * #3 - CUB 3,895,812 3,852,040 4,354,076 4,354,076 4,369,016 ** MUNICIPAL LIQUOR 5,387,847 5,295,325 6,045,176 6,045,176 6,065,116 228 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY LIQUOR FUND 609ESUM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 SELLING EXPENSES * PERSONAL SERVICES 111,308 85,459 98,028 98,028 96,179 * SUPPLIES 1,738 2,027 1,000 1,000 1,500 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,213,017 1,166,666 1,331,140 1,331,140 1,331,640 ** SELLING EXPENSES 1,326,063 1,254,152 1,430,168 1,430,168 1,429,319 GENERAL OVERHEAD * PERSONAL SERVICES 56,980 53,120 68,022 68,022 57,787 * SUPPLIES 4,741 605 3,600 3,600 2,100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 32,024 33,805 34,621 34,621 39,450 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 110,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 ** GENERAL OVERHEAD 203,745 217,530 236,243 236,243 229,337 *** #2 - HWY 65 1,529,808 1,471,682 1,666,411 1,666,411 1,658,656 SELLING EXPENSES * PERSONAL SERVICES 168,115 212,829 176,224 176,224 225,493 * SUPPLIES 3,908 5,437 4,000 4,000 6,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3,075,973 3,020,144 3,436,312 3,436,312 3,443,312 ** SELLING EXPENSES 3,247,996 3,238,410 3,616,536 3,616,536 3,674,805 GENERAL OVERHEAD * PERSONAL SERVICES 101,739 106,230 139,209 139,209 113,719 * SUPPLIES 3,287 2,300 11,300 11,300 3,300 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 232,370 230,842 223,799 223,799 234,500 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER FINANCING USES 340,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 ** GENERAL OVERHEAD 677,396 709,372 744,308 744,308 721,519 *** #3 - CUB 3,925,392 3,947,782 4,360,844 4,360,844 4,396,324 5,455,200 5,419,464 6,027,255 6,027,255 6,054,980 229 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 230 LIQUOR FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Change• 2006 Budget 2007 Budget Amount Personal Services $481,483 $493,178 - $ 11,695 2.43% Supplies 19,900 12,900 (7,000) (35.18%) Other Services/Charges 5,025,872 5,048,902 23,030 0.46% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0% Other Financing Uses 500,000 500,000 0 0% Total $6,027,255 I $6,054,980 I $27,725 I 0.46% Personal Services 1. The budget provides for 6 full-time employees and 14 part-time employees. The increase reflects COLA. Supplies 1. Supplies are down due to the absence of the point-of-sale cash register purchase made in 2006. Other Services/Charges 1. $6,000 of the increase may be attributed to utility costs. 2. $2,500 is for projected freight costs. 3. $7,564 is for a 2007 adjustment in the rent for the Cub store. 4. $5,000 is for the additional cost of credit card fees paid to banks. 5. There is also a$1,000 increase for property taxes. Capital Outlay Other Financing Uses 1. We are projecting another$500,000 transfer to support the General Fund. 231 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY LIQUOR FUND 609ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR #2 - HWY 65 SELLING EXPENSES 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 42,651 37,901 49,232 49,232 35,897 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 1,890 517 2,000 2,000 3,454 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 37,736 21,801 24,126 24,126 34,281 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 7,304 6,302 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,261 924 1,002 1,002 1,014 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 4,600 3,296 2,954 2,954 4,264 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 5,391 3,950 4,281 4,281 4,337 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 9,006 9,517 12,831 12,831 11,437 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 291 362 385 385 357 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 98 85 92 92 77 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,080 804 1,125 1,125 1,061 * PERSONAL SERVICES 111,308 85,459 98,028 98,028 96,179 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,738 2,027 1,000 1,000 1,500 * SUPPLIES 1,738 2,027 1,000 1,000 1,500 1 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 4334 ADVERTISING 7,775 7,027 10,000 10,000 10,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 16,871 16,660 20,000 20,000 20,000 4344 CASH SHORT 0 0 0 0 0 1 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 0 0 0 4347 SALES TAX SHORT 0 0 0 0 0 4348 COST OF GOODS SOLD 1,182,630 1,137,417 1,295,140 1,295,140 1,295,140 4349 BAD CHECK EXPENSE 1,546 1,112 1,500 1,500 1,500 4351 COGS FREIGHT 4,195 4,450 4,500 4,500 5,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,213,017 1,166,666 1,331,140 1,331,140 1,331,640 ** SELLING EXPENSES 1,326,063 1,254,152 1,430,168 1,430,168 1,429,319 232 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY LIQUOR FUND 609ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL OVERHEAD 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 24,751 25,820 39,937 39,937 31,686 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 • 0 0 0 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 21,400 17,900 18,375 18,375 19,425 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 5,333 3,687 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 431 438 592 592 478 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 1,547 1,574 2,397 2,397 1,961 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 1,844 1,872 2,532 2,532 2,044 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 2,475 2,475 0 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 120 120 0 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 24 23 46 46 20 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,245 1,288 1,000 1,000 1,599 4140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 405 518 548 548 574 * PERSONAL SERVICES 56,980 53,120 68,022 68,022 57,787 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 632 413 1,000 1,000 1,000 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 100 100 100 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 418 192 1,500 1,500 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 3,691 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 4225 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 * SUPPLIES 4,741 605 3,600 3,600 2,100 4330 •PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,672 1,660 2,000 2,000 1,014 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 270 20 270 270 20 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,243 2,287 4,000 4,000 4,069 4334 ADVERTISING 774 84 500 500 500 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 5,878 5,335 5,495 5,495 5,041 4337 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS 0 0 0 0 0 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 10,447 13,309 12,000 12,000 15,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 4,270 7,751 5,000 5,000 8,000 4341 RENTALS 0 0 0 0 0 4342 DEPRECIATION 6,438 3,255 3,256 3,256 3,706 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 32 104 100 100 100 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 32,024 33,805 34,621 34,621 39,450 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 110,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 110,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 ** GENERAL OVERHEAD 203,745 217,530 236,243 236,243 229,337 *** #2 - HWY 65 1,529,808 1,471,682 1,666,411 1,666,411 1,658,656 233 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY LIQUOR FUND 609ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 #3 - CUB SELLING EXPENSES ■ 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 59,426 93,613 75,303 75,303 83,759 I 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 8,296 9,812 8,000 8,000 8,060 4104 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - REG 59,490 48,693 56,510 56,510 79,989 4105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - OT 17 16 0 0 0 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 8,498 13,772 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,908 2,306 1,830 1,830 2,366 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 6,597 8,503 4,518 4,518 9,949 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 8,159 9,860 7,824 7,824 10,119 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 13,572 23,064 19,246 19,246 27,764 I 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 407 828 577 577 833 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 142 196 138 138 179 4134 CASH BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,603 2,166 2,278 2,278 2,475 * PERSONAL SERVICES 168,115 212,829 176,224 176,224 225,493 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,908 5,437 4,000 4,000 6,000 * SUPPLIES 3,908 5,437 4,000 4,000 6,000 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 4334 ADVERTISING 25,760 30,474 33,000 33,000 33,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 47,202 46,131 50,000 50,000 55,000 4348 COST OF GOODS SOLD 2,985,430 2,924,351 3,333,312 3,333,312 3,333,312 4349 BAD CHECK EXPENSE 1,546 1,112 2,000 2,000 2,000 4351 COGS FREIGHT 16,035 18,076 18,000 18,000 20,000 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3,075,973 3,020,144 3,436,312 3,436,312 3,443,312 ** SELLING EXPENSES 3,247,996 3,238,410 3,616,536 3,616,536 3,674,805 234 11/17/06 BUDGET 2007 CITY OF FRIDLEY LIQUOR FUND 609ELINE EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS ESTIMATED 2004 2005 2006 THROUGH FINAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 12/31/06 2007 GENERAL OVERHEAD 4101 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - REG 37,127 38,730 68,586 68,586 47,529 4102 FULL TIME EMPLOYEE - OT 0 0 • 0 0 0 4107 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 48,800 53,700 55,125 55,125 56,175 4112 EMPLOYEE LEAVE 7,204 5,230 0 0 0 4113 SEVERANCE & SEPARATION 0 0 0 0 0 4120 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 682 657 1,026 1,026 717 4121 PERA CONTRIBUTION 2,321 2,360 4,115 4,115 2,941 4122 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,918 2,809 4,388 4,388 3,066 4131 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 2,475 2,475 0 4132 DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 120 120 0 4133 LIFE INSURANCE 36 34 69 69 31 4134 CASH BENEFITS 1,867 1,932 2,243 2,243 2,399 4140 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 177 0 0 0 0 4150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 607 778 1,062 1,062 861 * PERSONAL SERVICES 101,739 106,230 139,209 139,209 113,719 4217 CLOTHING/LAUNDRY ALLOW 1,997 1,479 4,000 4,000 2,000 4220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 300 300 300 4221 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,237 559 6,000 6,000 0 4222 FOR REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 53 262 1,000 1,000 1,000 * SUPPLIES 3,287 2,300 11,300 11,300 3,300 4330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,402 1,707 3,000 3,000 1,352 4331 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,495 20 1,500 1,500 1,500 4332 COMMUNICATION 2,514 2,393 3,000 3,000 3,076 4334 ADVERTISING 0 0 0 0 0 4335 PRINTING & BINDING 10 28 30 30 30 4336 INSURANCE-NON PERSONNEL 17,752 18,610 19,168 19,168 17,427 4338 UTILITY SERVICES 28,875 32,402 32,000 32,000 35,000 4340 SERVICE CONTRACT-NON PROF 1,690 4,322 3,000 3,000 5,000 4341 RENTALS 94,259 103,564 96,000 96,000 103,564 4342 DEPRECIATION 59,572 44,906 44,101 44,101 44,551 4345 LOSS ON ASSET RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4346 MISCELLANEOUS 22,801 22,890 22,000 22,000 23,000 4350 PMTS TO OTHER AGENCIES 0 0 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 232,370 230,842 223,799 223,799 234,500 4530 IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 4560 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 4720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 340,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 * OTHER FINANCING USES 340,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 370,000 ** GENERAL OVERHEAD 677,396 709,372 744,308 744,308 721,519 *** #3 - CUB 3,925,392 3,947,782 4,360,844 4,360,844 4,396,324 **** MUNICIPAL LIQUOR 5,455,200 5,419,464 6,027,255 6,027,255 6,054,980 235 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 236 • AGENCY FUNDS Six Cities Watershed Agency Fund 0 This fund was established to account for the collection of taxes received from the rn County on behalf of the Six Cities Watershed District. cn T C z D BUDGET 2007 Agency Funds Expenditures -Line Item Fund 805 Six Cities Watershed Fund ESTIMATE ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THRU BUDGET NO 2004 2005 2006 12/31/06 2007 PERSONAL SERVICES: 4101 Full time-regular 4102 Full time-regular,ot 4104 Temporary-regular 4105 Temporary-regular,ot 4112 Employees leave 4120 Medicare contribution 4121 PERA contribution 4122 FICA contribution 4150 Worker's compensation TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 SUPPLIES: 4220 Office supplies 4221 Operating supplies 4222 Repair&maintenance supplies 4225 Small tools and minor equipment 4229 Work order transfer parts TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES: 4330 Professional services 4332 Communication 4334 Advertising 4335 Printing and binding 4336 Insurance, non-personnel 4337 Conferences and school 4340 Services contracted 4346 Miscellaneous 4350 Payments to other/contribution 5,656 2,755 6,200 6,200 6,200 TOTAL 5,656 2,755 6,200 6,200 6,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 4510 Land 4520 Building 4530 Improvements other than bldg 4540 Machinery 4560 Furniture and fixtures TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,656 2,755 6,200 6,200 6,200 237 BUDGET 2007 This page intentionally left blank 238 N 0 m r r 0 Cn c RESOLUTION NO. 2006-96 A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING FINAL TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR 2007 TO TIIE COUNTY OF ANOKA WHEREAS, Chapter Seven, Section 7.02 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, grants the City the power to raise money by taxation pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota;<uid WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute Chapter 275.07, subd. I requires the City to certify its final tax levy requirements to the County on or before five working days after December 20 in each year;and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Fridley certify to the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota,the following final tax levy to be levied in 2006 for the year 2007: GENERAL FUND General Fund $8,432,907 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Capital Improvement Fund - Parks Division 103,000 AGENCY FUND Six Cities Watershed Management Organization 6,200 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM LEVY Springbrook Nature Center $290,600 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 2005A GO Improvement Bonds(streets 2005) 169,683 2006A GO Improvement Bonds (streets 2006) 198,036 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 9,200,426 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 11th DAY OF DECEMBER 2006. . r c As,SCOTT J. UN -MAYOR A'FIEST��: ``__ A244 DEBRA A. SKOGEN- CLERK 239 RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - ell A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 WHEREAS, Chapter 7, Section 7.04 of the City Charter provides that the City Manager shall prepare an annual budget; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared such document and the City Council has met several times for the purpose of discussing the budget; and WHEREAS, Chapter 275.065, subd. 6 of Minnesota Statutes requires that the City shall hold a public hearing to adopt its final budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing and has concluded the budget as prepared is appropriate; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following proposed budget be adopted and approved: ESTIMATED REVENUE APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL FUND Taxes Legislative: Current Ad Valorem $8,432,907 City Council $ 121,407 Deliquent, Penalties, City Management: Forfeited 38,000 General Management 280,179 Licenses and Permits Human Resources 188,535 Licenses 189,500 Legal 386,604 Permits 476,900 Finance: ■ Intergovernmental: Elections 1,750 Federal 8,500 Accounting 741,012 State: Local Government Aid 382,341 Assessing 181,701 All Other 611,972 MIS 276,997 Charges for Services: City Clerk/Records 147,682 General Government 943,490 Police: Public Safety 213,500 Police 4,758,503 Public Works 10,000 Emergency Management 21,244 Community Development 22,700 Fire: Recreation 233,000 Fire 1,236,185 Fines and Forfeits 180,000 Rental Inspections 143,322 Special Assessments 4,000 Public Works: Interest on Investments 124,000 Municipal Center 275,897 Miscellaneous Revenues 230,500 Engineering 524,152 Other Financing Sources: Lighting 218,500 Sales of General Fixed Assets 0 Park Maintenance 973,779 Liquor Fund 500,000 Street Maintenance 1,042,573 Closed Debt Service Fund 250,000 Garage 423,125 Police Activity Fund 190,000 Recreation: Recreation 883,608 Community Development TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER Building Inspection 348,202 FINANCING SOURCES 13,041,310 Planning 392,891 Reserve: Fund Balance: Emergency 100,000 General Fund Reserve 676,546 Nondepartrnental: 50,008 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 13,717,856 $ 13,717,856 240 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Cable TV Fund $ 193,735 Cable TV Fund $ 181,716 Grant Management Fund 92,547 Grant Management Fund 92,547 Solid Waste Abatement Fund 406,742 Solid Waste Abatement Fund 449,586 Police Activity Fund 5,955 Police Activity Fund 190,000 Springbrook NC Fund 365,600 Springbrook NC Fund 352,801 Fund Balance 202,071 Fund Balance' TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 1,266,650 $ 1,266,650 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Capital Improvement Fund General Capital Improvement $5,874 General Capital Improvement $75,000 Streets Capital Improvement 2,554,546 Streets Capital Improvement 2,590,000 Parks Capital Improvement 172,110 Parks Capital Improvement 197,000 Fund Balance 129.470 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $2,862,000 $2,862,000 AGENCY FUND Six Cities Watershed Fund Taxes-Current Ad Valorem 6,200 Six Cities Watershed 6,200 TOTAL AGENCY FUND $6,200 $6,200 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 17,852,706 $17,852,706 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 11th DAY OF DECEMBER 2006. ATTEST: SCOTT J. LUND -MAYOR DEBRA A. SKOGEN-CITY CLERK 11/19/06 2007Budget\Resolutions\06 Final Res For City E.Memo for 07 • 241 TNT RATES FOR PAYABLE 2007 2006 2007 Composite School Waterslid FINAL'I'C TNT"I'C Rate For District District RATES RATES C&1 % % % #11 6 Cities 91.538 88.697 98.0862 -3.10% 6 Cities/Stny 92.136 88.697 98.0862 -3.73% 6 Cities 91.063 ? 86.615 96.6382 -4.88% I #13 Rice Crk 92.813 87.884 97.5207 -5.31% 6 Cities 92.322 93.499 101.4259 1.27% I #14 6Cities/Stny 92.920 .,/k 93.499 101.4259 0.62% Rice Crk 94.072 94.768 102.3084 0.74% 16 Cities 88.929 95.112 102.5477 6.95% #16 6 Cites/Stny 89.527 95.112 102.5477 6.24% I Rice Crk 90.679 96.381 103.4303 6.29% Rates by Unit of Government Vo change TMV x #11 20.046 19.337 -3.5% 0.13779% #13 19.571 17.255 -11.8% 0.15573% Voter I Approved #14 20.83 24.139 15.9% 0.18532% Referendum Levy #16 17.437 ''': 25.752 . 47.7% 0.13734% COUNTY 32.096 - 30.675 ' -4.4% ITMV x Taxable Market CITY 31.941 ' 31.382 -1.8% 0.01124%(Springbrook) MET AGENCY 2.912 2.601 -10.7% Transit Met Council Mosquito SPECIAL DIST W/RRA 4.052 ' 4.263 ' 5.2% NSIID LIRA LRT RADIO SYSTEM 0.447 0.398 -11.0% RCWS 1.794 1.310 -27.0% 6 CITIES 0.0440 0.0410 -6.8% (6CITY/STNYBRK_ _ 0.642 0.0410 -93.6% C&1 Fiscal Disparities Formula: Tax Capacity X 0.695483 X total tax capacity rate=Partial Tax Plus:Tax Capacity X(fis disp ratio) 0.304517 X 119.530 (area wide)=Total Tax Residential Market Value Homestead Credit-Optimum credit of$304 is afforded to properties I valued at exactly$76,000. The credit is phased out at a rate of.09 percent of the value over$76,000. The result is zero if the property has a MV of approximately$413,800 or more. PAY 2006 STATE GENERAL TAX RATE 49.000% State General Tax=Tax Capacity*State General Tax Rate(applies to Commercial-Industrial Properties&Seasonal Rec) UPDATED 2000-2005 Final Taxrates/2006 FINAL 242 I I/22/2006 CITY TAX ESTIMATES PAY 2007 FINAL TNT Change %Change ASSESSED 2005/PAYABLE 2006 ASSESSED 2006/PAYABLE 2007 In In Taxable Net Tax City Taxable Net Tax City City City Market Value Capacity Tax Market Value Capacity Tax Tax Tax 100,000 1,000 $239 100,000 1,000 $232 ($8) -3.2% 110,000 1,100 $275 110,000 1,100 $267 ($8) -3.0% 120,000 1,200 $311 120,000 1,200 $303 ($9) -2.8% 140,000 1,400 $383 140,000 1,400 $373 ($10) -2.6% 160,000 1,600 $455 160,000 1,600 $444 ($11) -2.4% 180,000 1,800 $528 180,000 1,800 $515 ($12) -2.3% 200,000 2,000 $600 200,000 2,000 $586 ($13) -2.2% 250,000 2,500 $780 250,000 2,500 $764 ($16) -2.1% 300,000 3,000 $960 300,000 3,000 $941 ($19) -2.0% 350,000 3,500 $1,140 350,000 3,500 $1,119 ($22) -1.9% 400,000 4,000 $1,321 400,000 4,000 $1,296 ($25) -1.9% Below Is The Calculation For The Average Home In Fridley 214,100 2,141 $650 216,500 2,165 $645 ($5.50) -0.8% CITY TAX CAPACITY RATE:31.941% CITY TAX CAPACITY RATE:31.382% (Final) (TNT) SNC Taxable MV rate: 0.01176% SNC Taxable MV rate: 0.01124% (Final) (TNT) PAYABLE 06 PAYABLE 07 RESIDENTAL RESIDENTAL CLASS RATES: CLASS RATES: 1%of first$500,000 1%of first$500,000 1.25%>$500,000 1.25%>$500,000 2007 Budget\Final Budget\Misc\07City Tax Est By Diff MV&Ave Home 11/29/06 243 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley Significant Minnesota Tax Policies All non-exempt property in Minnesota is subject to taxation by local taxing districts. The tax levied on a property is determined by computing its tax capacity, which is the property's market value multiplied by the appropriate class rate. The tax rate is determined by the County Auditor, dividing each tax levy by the taxing jurisdiction's adjusted net tax capacity. A credit meant to proportionately reduce the NTC based property tax&succeed the Education Homestead Credit is called the Residential Market Value Homestead Credit. The assessor physically reviews properties at least once every five years. Below are the class rates for the most common types of property. 2006 2007 Type of Property Class Rates Type of Property Class Rates Residential Homestead Residential Homestead First $500,000 1.00% First $500,000 1.00% Over$500,000 1.25% Over$500,000 1.25% Residential Non-homestead Residential Non-homestead First $500,000 1.00% First $500,000 1.00% Over$500,000 1.25% Over$500,000 1.25% Commercial/Industrial Commercial/Industrial First $150,000 1.50% First $150,000 1.50% Over$150,000 2.00% Over$150,000 2.00% Rentals Rentals Apartments: Less than 4 units 1.25% Apartments: Less than 4 units 1.25% Apartments: 4+ units 1.25% Apartments: 4+ units 1.25% Low Income Rental Housing 0.75% Low Income Rental Housing 0.75% Residential Market Value Homestead Credit. Meant to proportionately reduce the NTC-based property tax & succeed the Education Homestead Credit(EHC). The county auditor will determine the credit for each eligible property by multiplying the market value by 0.4%, with a maximum credit of$304. The optimum credit of$304 is afforded to properties valued at exactly $76,000. The credit is phased out at a rate of.09% of the value over$76,000. The result is that the credit becomes zero if the homestead has a market value of approximately$413,800 or more. State General Tax. Provides for the levy of a statewide tax on commercial-industrial and seasonal recreation properties. Provides for the state general tax to be lived at a uniform rate statewide, and within each county. Requires the commissioner of revenue to certify the rate by Nov 1 each year. Property Tax Deferred. In 1993, the Minnesota legislature enacted a law commonly known as "This Old House"which exempts from the property tax all or a portion of the value of improvements made to homes 45 years of age or older. Homestead property owners could exclude the property tax on those improvements for 10 years. After the 10 year period has expired, the exemption shall be added back as follows: 50% in the two subsequent assessment years if less than or equal to $10,000; or 20% in the next five subsequent years if greater than $10,000. There are limits to the dollar amount eligible for the tax exclusion: $25,000 on homes 45 to 69 years old; and $50,000 on homes 70 years or older. Only improvements adding $5,000 or more of market value are eligible. The program concluded for improvements made through January 2, 2003. Limited Market Value.Amount of taxable market value increase shall not exceed the greater of: 15% of the (TMV)taxable market value in the preceding assessment, or 25% of the difference between the current(EMV) and the preceding Taxable MV for pay 2006. These rates will be as follows in the future years: Pay 07 15% or 33% and Pay 08 15% or 50%. respectively. 244 • MINNESOTA - REVENUE 2007 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID NOTICE July 28, 2006 FRIDLEY CITY OF CLERK CITY HALL 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 THE 2007 CERTIFIED LGA FOR YOUR CITY IS: $ 382,341 The following is a listing of the factors used in the calculation of your city's 2007 city LGA. For an explanation of the factors used in the formula and example calculations, please go to the Department of Revenue website at www.taxes.state.mn.us (click on Property Tax Administrators then State Aids and Credits). If you have any other questions regarding this certification, you may contact Larry Bewley at larry.bewley(a�state.mn.us or at (651) 556-6096. 1. PRE-1940 HOUSING UNITS: 175 2. TOTAL HOUSING UNITS: 11,504 3. PRE-1940 HOUSING PERCENTAGE: 01.52 4. 1995 POPULATION: 28,204 5. 2005 POPULATION: 26,679 6. POPULATION DECLINE PERCENTAGE: 5.41 7. 2005 TOTAL CLASS 3 REAL PROPERTY MARKET VALUE: $ NA 8. 2005 TOTAL REAL AND PERSONAL MARKET VALUE: $ NA 9. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PERCENTAGE: NA 10. TRANSFORMED POPULATION: NA 11. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS: 411 12. ROAD ACCIDENTS FACTOR: .0154 13. METROPOLITAN AREA FACTOR: 35.20915 14. HOUSEHOLD SIZE: 2.360 15. SPENDING NEED CONSTANT: 355:0547 16. CITY REVENUE NEED: $ 385.73 17. PAYABLE 2006 CITY NET LEVY: $ 8,757,798 18. PAYABLE 2006 CITY NET TAX CAPACITY: $ 30,393,714 19. TAX EFFORT RATE: .324820 20. NEED INCREASE PERCENTAGE: .913806 21. TACONITE PHASE IN: $ 0. 22. CITY FORMULA AID (20x(16x5-(18x19))+21): $ 382,341 23. CITY BASE AID: $ 0 24. TOTAL PRELIMINARY AID (22+23): $ 382,341; 25. TOTAL CERTIFIED 2006 CITY AID: $ 0 26. MINIMUM/MAXIMUM ADJUSTMENT: $ 0 27. TOTAL CERTIFIED 2007 CITY LGA(24+26): $ 382,341 Property Tax Division 7'I: 651-556-61)96 Mail Station 3345 Fax: 651-556-3128 St. Paul,MN 55146-3345 m: Call 711 for Minnesota Relay 245 An equal opporlunrly employer CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA TAX RATES DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS City School . School School School Payable Certified Percent District District District District Year Tax Levy Change City No. 11 No. 13 No. 14 No. 16 (1) 1996 3,897,629 6.3% 16.565% 64.387% 60.182% 71.790% 67.583% 1997 3,891,612 -0.2% 15.242% 55.588% 84.748% 66.129% 61.268% 1998 4,010,570 3.1% 17.119% 51.824% 68.491% 69.402% 58.662% 2000 4,035,671 0.0% 17.070% 51.792% 66.465% 61.655% 51.440% 2001 4,205,000 4.2% 16.350% 52.281% 47.452% 45.466% 39.458% 2002 5,613,131 (3) 33.5% 29.906% 29.082% 38.614% 17.855% 25.985% 2003 5,825,855 3.8% 28.616% 26.941% 20.303% 29.966% 22.054% 2004 6,483,745 (4) 11.3% 30.248% 21.050% 22.833% 22.683% 21.421% 2005 8,067,949 (5) 24.4% 33.565% 21.492% 19.993% 21.606% 16.118% 2006 8,757,188 (6) 8.5% 31.941% 20.046% 19.571% 20.830% 17.437% 2007 TNT 9,200,426 5.1% 31.382% 19.337% 17.255% 24.139% 25.752% 10 Year% Change= 136.4% Notes: i (1)Vocational/Technical District#916 is included in District No. 16. (2) From 1998 thru 2001 there was the Education Homestead Credit. Beginning in 2002 there is a Residental Market Value Homestead Credit. (3) Beginning in 2002, the state is no longer providing HACA which was a little more than a million a year and no aid is replacing it. The State is moving/using this money for funding education. (4)State reduce our LGA by$1,103,625. Allowed us to levy back 60%of loss. The 6,483,745 is max allowed for Fridley. (5) State reduce our LGA by$648,384 (From 942,038 to 293,654). Allowed us to levy back 100% of loss plus levy back the 40% of loss LGA from 2004 that we not allowed to levy back in 2004. (6)State reduce our LGA by$293,654 (From 293,654 to 0). Allowed us to levy back 100%of loss. File:2007 Budget\BudgetBook\Misc1PropTaxRates-10 Years 11/29/06 246 Total Tax Rate If You Live In: (Before Voter Approved Referendum Levies&Any State Credit) (2) Total School School School School Special District District District District Payable County Districts No. 11 No. 13 No. 14 No. 16(0) Year 31.036% 6.122% 117.662% 113.880% 125.488% 121.656% 1996 30.091% 6.044% 108.218% 137.656% 119.067% 114.551% 1997 30.618% 6.603% 107.400% 124.314% 125.225% 114.679% 1998 30.861% 8.224% 108.610% 123.385% 118.575% 108.621% 2000 28.859% 8.218% 106.287% 101.819% 99.833% 94.139% 2001 37.976% 7.528% 105.313% 115.198% 94.439% 102.639% 2002 37.714% 8.421% 102.483% 96.360% 105.925% 98.111% 2003 35.221% 8.167% 95.446% 97.758% 97.525% 96.346% 2004 33.080% 8.085% 96.945% 96.329% 97.942% 92.454% 2005 32.096% 7.411% 92.136% 92.813% 94.072% 90.679% 2006 30.675% 7.262% 88.697% 87.884% 94.768% 96.381% 2007 TNT The rates above by school district all include the Rice Creek watershed district rate except School District 11 which includes 6 Cities/Stoneybrook. 2007 Watersheds Rates: Rice Creek= 1.310 6 Cities= 0.041 6 City/Stnybrk= 0.041 247 BUDGET 2007 City of Fridley State of Minnesota GLOSSARY Accounting System.The total structure of records and procedures which record,classify,summarize,and report information on the financial position and results of operations of a government or any of its funds,fund types, balanced account groups,or organizational components. Accrual Basis.A basis of accounting in which transactions are recognized at the time they are incurred. opposed to when cash is received or spent. Activity. Departmental efforts that contribute to the achievement of a specific set of program objectives;the smallest unit of the program budget. Agency Fund.A fund consisting of resources received and held by the governmental unit as an agent for others. Appropriation.A legal authorization to incur obligations and to make expenditures for specific purposes. Assessed Valuation.The total value of all real and personal property in the city that was used as a basis for levying taxes. Asset. Resources owned or held by a government which have a monetary value. Attrition.A method of achieving a reduction in personnel by not refilling the positions vacated through resignation, reassignment,transfer,retirement, or means other than layoffs. Authorized Personnel. Employee positions,which are authorized in the adopted budget,to be filled during the year. Budget.A council approved plan for receiving and expending public funds.An estimate of expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. Budgetary Basis.This refers to the basis of accounting used to estimate financing sources and uses in the budget.This generally takes one of three forms: GAAP, cash, or modified accrual. Budget Calendar.The schedule of key dates which a government follows in the preparation and adoption of the budget. Budgetary Control.The control or management of a government or enterprise in accordance with an approved budget for the purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of available appropriations and available revenues. Budget Message.A general discussion of the proposed budget presented in writing as part of the budget document.The budget message explains principal budget issues against the background of financial experience in recent years and presents recommendations regarding the financial policy for the coming year. Capital Improvements. Expenditures related to the acquisition, expansion or rehabilitation of a fixed asset and expenditures that increase the value for fixed assets. Capital Improvement Plan(CIP).The five year schedule of capital improvement projects which encompass all funding sources and all organizational units of government. Capital Outlay.Expenditures which result in the acquisition of or addition to fixed assets which have a value of$5,000 or more and have a useful life of more than one year. Capital Projects. Major construction,acquisition, or renovation activities that add value to a government's physical assets or significantly increase their useful life.Also called capital improvements. 248 Cash Basis.A basis of accounting in which transactions are recognized only when cash is increased or decreased. Class Rate. Set by the Legislature, the rates are multiplied by the market value to determine the net tax capacity of a property. Constant or Real Dollars.The presentation of dollar amounts adjusted for inflation to reflect the real purchasing power of money as compared to a certain point in time in the past. Consumer Price Index(CPI).A statistical description of price levels provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.The index is used as a measure of the increase in the cost of living (i.e., economic inflation). Contingency.A budgetary reserve set-aside for emergencies or unforeseen expenditures not otherwise budgeted. Contractual Services. Services rendered to a government by private firms, individuals, or other governmental agencies. Examples include utilities, rent, maintenance agreements,and professional consulting services. Cost-of-living Adjustment(COLA).An increase in salaries to offset the adverse effect of inflation on compensation. Current Ad Valorem.Taxes levied and becoming due during the current year,from the time the amount the tax levy becomes due until a penalty for non-payment is attached. Debt Service.The planned accumulation of revenues and appropriation of expenditures for the retirement of long-term debt principal and interest. Deficit.The excess of an entity's liabilities over its assets or the excess of expenditures or expenses over revenues during a single accounting period. Delinquent Ad Valorem.Taxes that remain unpaid on and after the date on which penalty for nonpayment is attached. Department.The basis organizational unit of government which is functionally unique in its delivery of services. Depreciation. Process of allocating the cost of a capital asset to the periods during which the asset used. Disbursement.The expenditure of monies from an account. Employee(or Fringe)Benefits. Contributions made by a government to meet commitments or obligations for employee fringe benefits. Included is the government's share of costs for Social Security and the various pension, medical and life insurance plans. Encumbrance.The commitment of appropriated funds to purchase an item or service. Enterprise Fund.A fund that accounts for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises-where the intent of the governing body is that costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Estimated Market Value.The assessor's estimate of what property would be worth if sold on the open market.The market value is set on January 2 of the year before taxes are payable.This is the term used on all County statements&reports. Also sometimes referred to as Market Value This is different than Taxable Market Value,which takes into account"Limited Market Values"which is only involved with"Res-HST"and"Res-NHS". Expenditures.The payment of cash on the transfer of property or services for the purposes of acquiring an asset,service or settling a loss. 249 Expense. Charges incurred (whether paid immediately or unpaid)for operations, maintenance, interest or other charges. Fees.A general term used for any fixed charge levied by government associated with providing a service permitting an activity,or imposing a fine or penalty. Major types of fees include business and non-business licenses,fines, and user charges. Fiscal Year.A twelve-month period designated as the operating year for accounting and budgeting purposed in an organization. Fixed Assets.Assets of long-term character that are intended to continue to be held or used,such as land, buildings, machinery,furniture and other equipment. Fund.An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related liabilities,obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives. Fund Balance. The excess of an entity's assets over its liabilities. GAAP. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Uniform minimum standards for financial accounting and recording encompassing the conventions, rules, and procedures that define accepted accounting principles. General Fund.The fund used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Goal.A long-range desirable development attained by time-phased objectives designed to implement a strategy. Grant.A contribution of assets(usually cash) by one governmental unit or other organization to another. Typically,these contributions are made to local governments from the state and federal governments. Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA). The HRA is a separate legal entity but is under the control of the City and its Council who appoint the Commissions. It was established to account for economic development and tax increment financing activities. It is a discretely presented component of the City CAFR. Infrastructure.The physical assets of a government(e.g., streets,water, sewer, parks and public buildings). Interfund Transfers.The movement of monies between funds of the same governmental entity. Intergovernmental Revenues. Funds received from Federal, state and other local government sources in the form of grants, shared revenues, and payments in lieu of taxes. Investment. Securities permitted by law are purchased and held for the production of income in the form of interest. Levy.To impose taxes for the support of government activities. Levy Limitation.The maximum amount permitted to be levied by a taxing jurisdiction as established by Minnesota Statutes. Line Item Budget.A budget prepared along departmental lines that focuses on what is to be bought. Local Government Aid(LGA).An intergovernmental revenue from the State to provide tax relief to local units of government. It replaces most of the individual taxes, such as cigarette, liquor and income taxes that were previously distributed to local governments. Market Value.The assessor's estimate of what property would be worth if sold on the open market. The market value is set on January 2 of the year before taxes are payable. On statements&reports from the County this is referred to as"Estimated Market Value" Taxable Market Value.This takes into account"Limited Market Values"which is only involved with "Res-HST"and"Res-NHS". 250 Objective. Something to be accomplished in specific& measurable terms and that is achievable within specific time frame. Obligations.Amounts which a government may be legally required to meet out of its resources.They include not only actual liabilities, but also encumbrances not yet paid. Operating Revenue. Funds that the government receives as income to pay for ongoing operations. It includes such items as taxes,fees from specific services, interest earnings, and grant revenues. Operating revenues are used to pay for day-to-day services. Operating Expenses.The cost for personnel, materials and equipment required for a department to function. Personal Property. Refers to all detached or detachable, movable property including furniture and other personal belongings,as well as commercial inventories&equipment a business uses to reduce income. Virtually all personal property is exempt from taxation. Personal Services. Expenditures for salaries,wages,and fringe benefits of the City's employees. Prior-Year Encumbrances. Obligations from previous fiscal years in the form of purchase orders, contracts or salary commitments which are chargeable to an appropriation for which a part of the appropriation is reserved.They cease to be encumbrances when the obligations are paid or other wise terminated. Property Class.The classification assigned to each parcel of property based on the use of the property. For example,owner-occupied residential property is classified as homestead. Property Tax Levy.The amount of dollars to be collected from the taxable property within a taxing district. ie. taxes owed. Proposed Budget.The recommended City Budget submitted by the City Manager to the City Council in August. Real Property. Is the land itself plus all buildings, improvements,and other fixtures on the land. Also see"Personal Property". Reserve.An account used to indicate that a portion of fund equity is legally restricted for a specific purpose or not available for appropriation and subsequent spending. Resolution.A special or temporary order of a legislative body;an order of a legislative body requiring less legal formality than an ordinance or statute. Resources.Total amounts available for appropriation including estimated revenues,fund transfers, and beginning balances. Retained Earnings.The accumulated earnings of an Enterprise Fund which have been retained in the fund. Revenue. Funds that the government receives as income. It includes such items as tax payments,fees from specific services, receipts from other governments,fines,forfeitures, grants,and interest income. Special Revenue Fund.A fund used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. Supplemental Appropriation.An additional appropriation made by the governing body after the budget year or biennium has started. Tax Capacity.The valuation of real and personal property in the taxing jurisdiction that is based on market value multiplied by the applicable class rate. (Also sometimes referred to as"Taxable Value") Taxable Tax Capacity.The sum of the tax capacities of all parcels in the taxing jurisdiction after adjustment for fiscal disparities,tax increment and other property not available for general tax purposes. 251 Taxable Market Value. Market Value that takes into account"Limited Market Values"which is only involved with"Res-HST"and"Res-NHS". If there is no Limit Market Value involved then this is the same as Estimated Market Value. Tax Rate.The tax levy divided by the Taxable Tax Capacity. Tax Owed.The tax rate x the tax capacity=tax owed Tax Increment Financing(TIF).Tax increment financing is a tool used by cities to finance certain types of real estate development costs.The primary purposes of TIF are to attract private investment that will: 1) redevelop blighted areas,2)provide housing for low and moderate income individuals and families, or 3) result in increased employment opportunities and tax base. Transfers In/Out.Amounts transferred from one fund to another to assist in financing the services for the recipient fund. Truth in Taxation.A program adopted by the State Legislature that requires local governments to provide notice of their proposed budgets and levies.They are then required to hold public hearings to inform the citizens and give them the opportunity to provide input on spending and taxing levels. Unencumbered Balance.The amount of an appropriation that is neither expended nor encumbered. It is essentially the amount of money still available for future purposes. Unreserved fund Balance.The portion of a fund's balance that is not restricted for a specific purpose and is available for general appropriation. 252