1960 Financial Statements 096T T£ ���II�3Q SZK3F13ZdSS 'IYI�[�NI3 HZOS�AIAIIW 7�'IQI83 30 x.LI� CITY OF FRTDLEY, MINNESOTA ELECTED AIdD APPOINTED OFFICIALS DECEMBEx 31, 1960 Term of Office, Expirea Jaauarp * Mayor - T. E. Greig 1963 Councilmen: Ray Sheridaa 1962 Glen Johaason 1963 William J. Nee T964 Bernard Wolke 1964 . City M4nager - Exrl P, Wagner Indefiaite Clerk - Marvin Brunaell � Indefinite Treasurer - Marvin Brunsell Indefinite Attorney - Aadrew Kohlan • Indefinite Asseasor - Carl Chriateasen Iadefinite Engineer - Calvin Brown Indefinite l�nicipal Judge - Elmer Johnaon 1962 Clerk of Municipal Court - Virgil Wills Indefinite *First official business day. CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page .. AO. �...� Iadependent accountant'e opinion 1 Comments 2 Ccsubined balaace sheets - all funds, Deaember 31, 1960 5 StaCement of cash, December 31, 1960 6 General Fund: Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus, year ended December 31, 1960 7 Statement of revenue-actual campared With budget estimates, year ended December 31, 1960 8 Statement of expenditures- actual compared with budget appropriations, year ended December 31, 1960 10 Recreation �nd- Statement of revenue, expendituree and unappropriated aurplue, year ended Deceaber 31, 1960 17 General Debt Service �nd: Statement of cash receipts and disbursements, year ended December 31, 1960 18 Debt service requirements, December 31, 1960 18 Special assessment funds:- Combined balance sheets, December 31, 1960 19 Construction funds: . Combined balance sheets, December 31, 1960 20 Combined statementa of cash receipts and disburaementa, year ended December 31, 1960 21 Debt service funds: Combined balance eheets, December 31, 1960 22 Combined atatements of caah receipta and diobursemeata, year ended December 31, 1960 23 Debt service requiraments� December 31� 1960 24 I�uaicipal liquor funds:- Municipal Liquor Operating F1ind: &tlance sheet, December 31, 1960 25 Comparative statem�nts of incane aad retain�d earninga, years ended December 31, 1960 and 19 59 26 Comparative statements of operating expenses, years ended Decmnber 31, 1960 and 1959 27 Municipal liquor dabt service funda: Cambined balance ehe�ta. December 31, 1960 28 Cambined statements of cash receipte and diabursements, year ended December 31, 1960 28 Aebt service requirementa, December 31, 1960 29 + , ' � O .-1 N t�1 c�1 �t u1 �f1 �O r� 00 .-1 N .? �I'1 e'�1 O1 �1 c�1 c'r1 e+'1 . e'�1 01 N1 t�1 c7 �y' d �t �7 O � O � � A .,� �C � p� •• O � tJ O N � � {�+ W .Ct O� ^. � �r�1 �O W O� O w O► '�' �r/ L rl .� L+ aD VJ N � O� f3 �A �D .� .-� .a JJ �'�1 41 M W H a� .-� N C+ O� 'C � m �.1 1+ . � V � ri � "� . w a �1 '-1 0 'b {�1 � r� f1 � � f{� � . . . . � W c�1 al Q� i�+ � b ch a .-� �o a "' a �o m ao f+ A .., u � � v� � w � d `� w � m � � .�c m ''� .o � .-+g � '� 'J'� N 11 T� � LI TI V .G w Q� il y q� N1 w C W `�i O Ng .a a� �O •• d di .� m .� d A � A ao �D ..� N ?.� .�-1 u � W '� C7 �li S�a � �tl 1.� �.--� � �L7 W� � � � �1 �i 0 Q (y w � V � Q � d) C�'� �I 0 Jd � WI w }I � � � . � � L*+ F*r � P1 W � W � N � � 41 aD bi� i+ Ol �p YO 'O 00 U r1 � A �.�1 O O � O d► O t+ u • u a+ u .ag C� O q a r� � F+ � > s.+ b m ,� ao ►+ a � '� a� m m w b . � � v ..�� w oo a► ao ct m .o ai w �0 m m � � ; � a �o m � � .a oo '' � � � � a �,y� a a � � o E"� {� Vg� 1�1 � W il w ti-1 LI W JJ .O YI W '� O L � . J d�y1Ca s.1 0�1 i.� � .Q W mg � � N � al Oy 'fU ..� W � � � w 6D O w ab.l �' L N � Si �l A1 H ID m a� C7 �J 0l 3� O b rl � C! .O GI � '� iJ W w � 'L� 1� iJ � 'C� }�+ d iJ C) � b 04 � � {3 ao 01 aD O� �t ao .-i At N Q a1 N rl ao DO C3 � �0 �,.� � N 01 W 00 v1 al d !1 1� tJ tD C1 � t� H C7 N f3 01 1 Q! {a ti aJ W �.�1 .1> > C O� 7 +� .+o m L+ �.i W � � W O � v�l 00 L+ 4! e! � 1J N rl ti-1 r1 +i W 1J ,y y aJ 91 W C7 'b W 1� � 10 � N C L � Yi '!7 'b .O � ",�.-i � � R: W v�l i� W .-d a) � � .�/ at ..� oladF� �cs �ao '-+ mmaod ua •�, .� o ooauua� a +l +� U � a0 CS 1� 41 +� G f'� +� W C7 A W w � iJ L Q /O N 4{ �O y+ L �rl +1 'S! N t0 CO bI d 00 L ��> 0) 1D ' �.+ � a a cg. a A .cg u oo�rs �o u � q u v ts a t+ u o► �v a�,► ..v.� 00 � U .-ui U U � 'd ,��i ,��i �q q � C. m �tl w � 1�.� o e�o � � � i� U � Q! V! tl� OqLa1-1 � � b ,..� aJ +J �,' � � A W � � H � � 1 Fsbruary 24, 1961 To the City Council Fridley, Mianesota Gentlemen: In our opinion, the accoanpaaying atatemsnts preaant fairly tha finsncial position of the respective funds of the City of Fridley, Minneaots at Dece�nber 31, 1960 and the resulta of their operstione for the year than ended, in conformity with generally accspted govsrnmental principles of accounting applied on t�s accrual b�tais. Our axamination of theae statements Was made in accordancs vith generally accapted auditing standards and accordingly iocludsd such tests of the �ccounting recorda and such other auditiag proce�ursa as we considered necessary in the circumetancas. Reapectfully eubmitted, ���'��.rs-,►9`�' George M. Hansea Co�p�tay Certified Public �►ccountaata s CITY OF FRIpLEY, MINNESOTA COIrIIriENT3 The Village of Fridley became the City of Fridleq in accordaace vrith a charter approved by the electorate September 10, 1957. The Charter provides for a fo� of government desigaated as the "Couacil•�lanager Plan". Under this plan aa set forth in the Charter, "All disoretionary powers of the city, both Legislative and executive, shall vest ia and be exercised by the city council. It shall have complete control over the city a�eninistration, but shall exercise this control exclusively through the city manager and ahall not itaelf attempt to perfo� say administrative work." The council is elected by popular vote snd con- sista of five membnra including the mayor, who is chairvano Tt►e city manager is appointed by the council. The financial statements included in this report wera prepared oa tha accrual basis of accounting. The following co�ents explain the purpoaes of the vsrious city funds and give pertinent information concerning operations, ravenuss, ex- penditures, budgetary controls and othar aignificant matteYSo � General Fund The Geaeral Fund is used to accouat for aIi revenue snd all activities not provided for in other funds. Tt�e principal sources of revenue are (1) property taxes, (2) licensea and permits, (3) 3tate eharsd taxes (mainly cigarette and liquor) and (4) traasfers frvs public utility or other enterprise funds. Expenditurea are for (1) genaral govsrn�snt, (2) public safety, (3) highways. (4) sanitatioa and waste r�oval, (5) parks and recreatioa and (6) other functioas. A plan of finaacial operation of the General Ftind is aet forth in the anaual budgst adopted by the Council. The folloving sumaary shows the aajor varisnces of actual revenue aad expenditurns fram budget estinates for ths yaar ended December 31, 1960. Actual over Budget (uader) Aetu�l eatiu�ates astia�ates . Reveaue: Property taxes $190,687.21 $184,195.00 $ 6,492e21 Licenses and permita 46,970.50 39,070.00 7,900.50 State shared taxes 31,435.02 15,000.00 16,435.0� Transfer fram I�uaicipal Lfquor Operating Fund 20,000.00 40,000.00 (20,000.00) Other 18,855.37 14.605.00 4.250.37 Total $307,948.10 $292,870000 $ 15,076.10 Eicpenditures: Treasurer $ 11,597.12 $ 15,018000 $( 3,420.88) Assessor 14,592.95 10,559o0Q 4,033e95 Street and alley 45,103a89 50�665.00 ( 5,561011) Traffic signs,eignals and markers 2,424023 730.00 1.694.23 Othar 216,025.01 219.791.20 S 1.166.19) . . f�1��� r� ����� Total �1,7� 4r�� 29b 763020 �( 5,020000) 3 Actual State shared taxes in excess of the estimated amount wa dua meinly to apportionmsnt of cigarette and liquor taxas for the l�at l�slf of Z960 on the basis of the 1960 census iastaad of tha 1950 census se had been anticip4tedo The additional $20,000.00 budgeted for transfar to tba General Fl�nd frat the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Nas net traneferred bacauss`auffi- cient ca8h vas not available in the lattar fund. Recreation Fund 1he recreation progr�m of the city is carried on in cooperation witb School Diatrict #14 under the dirsction of a sevea member board coapoaed of on� repreaeatative each from the City Council, School Metrict �14 Board of Education aad the City Park Board and four additional ms�abara two each of which are appointed by the City Council and School Diatrict *14. General Dabt Service �nd The General Debt 3ervice Flind is uaed to account for ths accu�lation of resources for payment of general obligation bonds or oth�s general in- debtedness and interest thereon and for diebursement of the funda so received as payments of the indebtedness beco�e due. Only $6,OOOa00 of general obligation bonds were outetanding ae of December 31, 1960. A property tax levy ie being collected to pay thase bonds snd th� related interest. S�ecial As�es�ment �nds Special assessaent funde are established to account for special assess- ments levied to finance improvemeats or servicea dee�ed to benafit the properties against which the asseasments are levied. Priu�arlly, the transactione accounted for in apecial asseesment constxvetion funda are receipt of bond proceeds and disbursement of boad proceeds for construc- tion work dane. Special assessment debt service funds account m+tinly for collection of asaessmente agaiast� benefitted property owners and disburaement of 4asessment collections for the payment of bonda and interest. Several special aseessment funds ehowed cash deficits as of Dac�ber 31, 1960. Thea� deficits mean, in effect, that monies belonging to other citq funds have been used �s a means of temporary fiaancing until sufficient bonds ars sold and special assessments receivable collecEad to pay current expenditurea and eliminate the deficita. The Regular Special Assessment Debt Service l�nd showred an accouat re- ceivable #rvm the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota in the amount of $52,100.00 represanting storw aewer construction costs ciurged to the City of Columbia Heights as ita share of the co8tso Since Columbia Heights disclaims liability for the costs and there ia a queation of actual benefit to Columbia Haighte, s reserve for thia receivsbls has been provided peadiag determination of collectibility. Sewer and Water Project No. 13 Debt Service Ftiind incurred an unappropri- ated aurplua deficit because all construction costs incurred �ere aot assessed. 4 This deficieacy of assessments reaulted fram aasignment of coats to certaia propertieg vhich vere subsequently deterained not to benefit fram the improv�ments. Tbe deficit� which at Deceabor 31, 1960 amaunted to $101,127.32, is being elimiaated by annual transfers froe the Public Utilities Opsrating Fund. Utilitv or Othtr Bn�grvriae Funds Utility or other anterprise funds are established to account for t�a financing of self•supporting enterprises which render servicea primarily to the public. The two funds of this nature operated by the City are the Municipal Liquor F�nd and the Public Utilities l�nd. T'has� funds are subject to cammercial accounting. Statemeata of inco� aad rstained earnings for the year ended Decesber 31, 1959 have bean iacluded for purposes of camparison. Debt service funds have beenYestabliahed for bondsd indebtedaess of the liquor aad utilities funds in accorda�ce with bond s41es agree�aents. Of an original bond isaue of $230�000.00 sold in 1956 and 1957 to be paid for from revenues of liquor store�, $188,OQ0.00 were payable after Decenber 31, 1960. Theee boads aer� iesued to pay for (1) a liquor store building, (2) an addition to the City Hsll build- ing and (3) aa equipment garageo Ia 1956 reveuue bonds in the amount of $170,Q00.00 were iasued by the Public Utilities Fund to provide funds for construction of n reeervoir and a Well. As of December 31, 1960, $160,000.00 of these bonds were payable in future year�. Debt service requirements (principal and intezest) by yeara have been achedul�d ia this raport. Trust and A�aacy Fuada Trusf and agency funds are established to account for cash or oth�r aesets held by the municipality as a trustee or agento City fuada of thia nature include (1) Fireaen's Relief Aasociation Fuad and (2) Public Hmp2oyess Retirement Asaociation �1►nd. lhaae funds rec�ive property tuc levy receipts and remit such receipts to the respectivs essociations. General Fixed Asset� In the geaeral flxed asseta group of accouats ere carried all fixed assets other than those carried in a working capital fund, a truet and agency fund or a utility or other �ntQrprise fundo Geuaral fixed assets were carried at cost except that fixed asaets for Whieh cost information oraa not available were priced at appraisal valuas. General The 1960 census ahowed the population of the City of Fridley to be 15,173o Zhe I950 population as shown by the canaua taken tlut year vas 3,T96, The 1960 census figure malcea the City eligible for a share of municipal state aid funds (gasoline tax colle¢tioas) in 1961 for the first timeo The City has received notification fram the State of Minneaota that municipal state aid funds in the aaount of $72,632.00 has been made available to the City for the year 1961 to ba s�cpanded (1) $8�400.00 for streat maintenance aad (Z) $64,232.00 for straet coa- structiou. The City'a portion of other shared State taxsa distributad on the basis of population will be incraased. T'he financi�l stateneate vhich follow have been preparod to sst forth (1) iadividual fund balance sheets, (2) analyaea of changes ia unappropsi- ated eurplus, (3) revenue-actual caapared With budget esZisate, (4) expeadituree- actual compared with budget appropriatioaa aad (5) other informationo �;:;,� :; . .,.. i; ., t. i , r b .a :�.� � � � � � � s � � � apR � � :� �' �.v q �1� � �� � � � � w � �o � � : � w 'v � r+ � : � r A �ef r► e* A � r� � p. O �i • M 1� �w r r rw r � p' n Ir C R 1+� M � �{ � � � �p � o � c .-� �iw ap �. nr. r � � rrwr w �ana �antg� ,. 'v IL �' w � A ,�p ,�p p � M Ip+ A A � p n t'' ~ O a � C 1�► M e► Q` M M ,pp ~ M � A ~ O � p O p. i0 1�1 ' M v M ►+� C G A r► •• t� a p.'O r+ 1• y i. r oe A �+ O �' O 1+ 1� G p► !p A M O r+, D Oo }► � � A A aA • r► M m A O p A p p' � f� p. A ao p.�p A ►w M cn n A � � � A ~O p R p q O M w�! m � R A � r► 1+ O p� M O''O � p m P ►''� A M a p O� � � p A ►p1 p' I A i A � � � n n M n M M � v'p �� �" rM+v a a a � A a W p � � m � M � � A r+� rr y � � 1�. 1+� M �' M • M • a rr A �C `4 A r`! 1-� 00 0� N '�7 lo 'C ae P� go� v' � CC!1 h� !� 0► � � Mr W 'O A h� 'C I+ �1 M M !o M N M W p � A M a M A R ■ �r �B, j� M A oe n t � �° �r m N w �' e v� o r w a r �r a n n a g a� a� i o ._ , � o � " aa rw o r n n n �a o �n° o v � o � r � w o � a o �� � o i. � � �oHO � � r r �+ •� oKpp. pa � o� a �+ eocrwa ir r-' M A G r A r�O 0o m m r r+� to rr A C1. r* M M n � � a � � w � � � � w � n A � aa, a � A � .. � � .. � A M ►RQ+� � � p a �r C v' oo pNp K a A o �d a A D' � `C tyy�o • � p n � p p � � (0 v C N a � M M �i W C7' t/j � O' � a ■ w A� t�/f '�O A A � v�C �-w+ M M►*-� p Mi� � a � ►�t W F� o~e � A D w i0 O�i � m M W •• p p � M lo + � On y p"' W O � �° � r � ` °' . t�i� aAn n ; � � � � , .�p� . � � _ � . � r+ V� v� p� r r N r � v � � � v • �r �.+ y� y� W W O rr V� r rFV� r �.+ 0� rp� r � r+ r p y� r � �Orr �pN V� ODNW V� 00 O �nM �+ NO � W Ovw �-` V� N tnF V� `1 f► V W O� WOOO� {„� � N V N W NPO� tD O� r+ � NODO� O� Oo �00L` W v �O NO 00� r � � Y � r • • r r • r Y Y r r r r r r r r • • V V r Y • Y Y Y r Y r � N o � o�e � wv � � rNao° � � v �o � � � r"�a o�o °owa tnNON v � a °oo °ow � a. . o . a . � . .p o . a o o . . o . o o . . . . o . . . . . . . o . M b/ t�AO� h~+ � ;`' W Oi� NO � COON V�i � W G� O � v O � V�+ O�D OO�D W O � 01�n O v � i/1 N iI1 p+ r N �O /-� N N N O� br O 00 �' N � W W N v O � OD �A � • • r r V � Y r • r r Y �� � � �C O � N O � p�. �W N N OD r V� � A �` N � O Oo v p rt . . . . . . . . o a . . p, p �o � ao r o r a� V+ � o o N w � r v� �n � w O � V� +� N o �o tn �n r r r r p� � . A r r r ►�+ R A 1► O� o� O� qJ M � � � a a° � � � � �W N � Oo W � � .. . . � �. Xr�' �' ey o `O � 0 0 � V � O p µ � � n � �r �"'' � o �"'o °o �°c � °' m R � 6i H vi-• r v�� v r r-� Iv r., � 9b t+`f �q � v � �r � v O �D rw+ � N V� O WO ~ O�D vN 1�n V W ln t�i� OOD Oai Vf � � � y v N O� NOo N v V� N � W NOD O� � O N N 00+ m � A � H ly v . . .r . .. . . . . . .. . .r .. . .. .. w g a wo� � � � a °o � v � pp v � v:� o $ v°D+ � � a' � � o � � �' Co O Oo OD O Oo O O v� r r p � • e . . . .p . . . . . . . e . . . . . . o . � � � � 1-� i� OD 0 O `� O O V O 00 0 V V �n � O 0 0 � � R ~ v � � _ � � W NO W � � � � p� M A p � � � � t'' � 1NJ� O A M A �v ao � t� �o n w . o . . o . . N r. r+ ' �D r v� O OD w �n p M y� v Go tn �o W r pp pp r v 1r �p iA in ip � F�' N �"'' N ►'' t7' � � r p�ip Oo l� N N p � O • � � . � u � y H � v �p� 0 W v�i O v N1�y� 1y� M4�+ � O O r-+ V� O V� Go 6 C y� y� ►+ ips, . . . . o . . p 000 O O�D O N A b� �j W N p �y i0 � V r � O O�o � '17 C � � � v � � • p � Q� . �.--__'.� V .. _a � �. . . . ... . V._._.. . .__ . . � .�l'1 __.. ._.__ ____._ ___'� _ _ _. .. Q V V O� O N N l�J� � f�"► f'µl ''i __ • • o • o • o N' Fv+ � O N 1-' O W C� ppp � � � r+ N N � f6 1+� V O� W � r-� O' rt i�l N O N ►-' W v M r'► h� �. � � � o � v v v A . g O O Q tJ� O � � A w �tLL � O O v v O N W ri � C h- � 8 0 o g Y o $ � � � � 'Y x w � � � � � � � w �o w v� v p p p� n 1� !�"' OD � + V N � Oa0 V � a i: '� � a o , . � u�i v�i v�i F V V v v � w � � uai tO�i� `ai+ a 11 � tn ^ N N N r'► O�. � � �. . . . q . • ° . r r r , : {r W W {r� �._ / � � 6 CITY_ OF FRIDL�Y. MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF CASH A&CEMb&R 31,�1960 Treasurer cash:- Petty cash and change funds: Clerk's office $ 125.00 - Municipal Court 25.00 � ' ' Public Utilities Fund 75.00 � l�nicipal Liquor Fund 8,600.00 � Totel $ 8,825:00 ° Cash in baaks: . Columbia Heights State Bank, R; Columbia Heights, Minnesota $ 13,151009 Fidelity State Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 77,822087 .. Camden Northvestern Bank, ' ' Minaeapolis, Minaesota � � 12,093.46) Total " ' 78�880050 Cash with fiscal agent•Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesots __44,111.50 Total caeh $151,817000 w Allocation of cash by funds:- Caah with Trsasurer fiscal To „tal ca�h `egt . Geaeral FY�nd $ 68,957035 $ 68,957.35 - Recreation FLnd 1,616.34 1,616034 � � General Debt Service Fund 4,870.29 1,780.29 $ 3,090.00 � Special assessmeat funds: Construction (462,153.56) (462,153.56) Debt service- Regular 320,173.78 315,984.28 4,189.50 Sew�er aad Water Project No. 13 34,993a92 10,406.92 24,587.00 Sewer and Water Project No. 21 42,772.72 18,108.22 24,664050 Sewer and iiater Project No. 22 59,150.71 52,630.21 6,520050 Others 5,713.92 5,713.92 - Municipal liquor fuads: Operating ( 24,809.38) ( 24,809.38) Principal and in�erest 20,289.26 19�229.26 1,060.00 � , ��e�e 2,086.66 2,086.6b _. Public utilitiea funds 77,897.87 77,897.87 Trust and agency funds 257.12 257012 , Total cash S 151,817,40 $_$7,705050 $_64,111.50 � , 7 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNBSOTA GENERAI. FUND ANALY3IS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPRaPRIATED SURPLU3 .. YSAx BNDED DEC�ER 31, 1960 Actual ovsr Budget (utider) Mtu est e�t_ imata Uuappropriated surplus January 1� 1960 $ 83,043.04 $ 83,043.04 Adjust�nte applicable to prior yeare S 9_238=03) ( 9,238.03) Adjusted unappropriated surplus .Tanuary 1, 1960 $ 73,805.01 $ 73,805.01 Reveaue (pages 8-9) 307,948.10 292.870.OQ $13.0_ 78,10 Total beginaing balance and revenue $381,753011 $366,675.01 $15.078.10 Expenditures (pages 10-16) 291,743020 296,763.20 5 020,00) Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1960 $ 90,OU9,91 $ 69,�s $24,0� 9� ' 8 CI?Y OF FRIDLEY, MINNBSOTA r GSNEBAI. FUND STATSMSNT OF REVBNUIt - ACTUAL COMPARBD wITH �t1DGET ESTIMAT88 YEAR SNDED DECBMEEx 31, 1960 /4c tual over &idg�t (nndar) Actu �atiaates �atimats� Property taxes: Current $187,139.84 $184,195v00 $ 2,944.84 Delinquent 3,547037 - 3_,547037 Total property taxes $190,687�1 $184,19Si 8 6 492 1 Licenses and permita:- Non-businase: Gen�ral contractors $ 2,920000 $ 3,275.00 $( 355.00) Slectrical conetruction and in�tallation 765000 825o0Q ( 60000) Plumbing 870.00 365.00 505.00 Gas pipiag $ervices and aquipment inst�tllatiou 644,00 315a04 329000 Iieating, ventilation aad rafrigeratiou 720000 330.00 390.00 Masoary aad brick xork 750.00 370000 380.00 Building 12,820a80 9,840.00 - 3.020�80 Elactrical T,931v55- 6,OOOo00 1,931.55 Plumbing 7,982040 7,000.00 982040 Heating 6,837a45 7,000.00 ' ( 162055) Other 2�394.30 1,717.00 677�30 Businesa: - Cigarette 5I6.00 500.00 1600� Gaaoline pua�p 213.00 150.00 63.00 Beer 1,100.00 970.00 130.00 Garbage and rubbiah l�auling 150.00 185.00 ( 35000) Other 356,00 �268_00 _ 88000 Total licen�em and parmits S 46,970,50 $ 39.070.00 $ 7.900.50 Municipal Court - Fines and forfeitures S 9,855075 $ 9,025.00 $ 8_ 30,_15 Rsvenue fro� other aganciea- 3hared state taxes: Liquor $ 8,912044 Cigarette 16,620001 Mortgage registry 4,536.50 � M�obile home rsgistratioa fea 1,366.07 � Tota1 reveaue fraa othar ageneies $ 31,435002 $ 1.S.00Q.00 $16.435002 Contributioa by Fridlay Wo�ens Club for - saing snt $ 159.00 $ 159.00 Chargea for curreat services: Fira agreements aad calle $ 450.00 $ 45Qo00 3p�cisl aasassment saarches 955.00 $ 80Q,00 155000 Notary feaa 218.95 150.00 68,9S Board of priaionera 1,908.40 2,670.00 ( 761060; Drunkoweter 280e50 300000 ( 19050; Civi1 paper 358oQ0 100000 258000 Oth�r 3,140.93 1,310o0q 1 830.93 Total charges for curreat servicee $ 7,311.�8 $ 5,330 00 $ 1 9 lo 9 CITY OF FRIDLBY. MINNBSOTA GENERAL FUND STATBMENT OF REVSNUB - ACNAL_, C`OMPAR�D WI?Ii $UD6BT BSTIMATB$ (CO1�1TIliUBD) YYA� �NDED DECEI�Ex 31, 1960 Actual aver Dud�at (uadsr) Actual ssti�ates es�as Miscellaneous: Refunda and rei�bures�ents $ 894.50 $ 894.50 Gophes control 310.20 310.20 Compeaaation for loQe of property 49.14 49.14 Oth:r 275.00 $ 250.00 25 00 Total miscellaaeous $�,528.84 $ 2.50_00 $ 1_278.$4 Transfers fram Liquor atore $ 20,000.00 $ 40.004.00 $�O.00Oi00 Total revenue $3 1p '�48�.1�0 $292,�7�� $ 15,� 07� 10 CITY OF FRIDI�EY, MINNESOTA GEHExIIL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITIIRBS - ACIUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGB� APPB+QPxUTI�ONS YEAR ENDHD DECSMSBR 31, 196Q . Actual avar Budget (undar) Actual acproariatioas aaa�COariatiot Geaeral Government:- Mayor and Councilmen: Regular aalaries $ 4,320.00 $ 4�320,00 Printiag and publiahing 1,549.99 1,500.00 $ 49.99 Inaurance and bonds 120.15 120.75 Subscriptions and �aemberehip 180.00 300000 (120000) Other expense _ 47o9Z 635.00 587.08) Total $ 6,218.66 $ 6,755.00 $ 53 .34 Man�ger: Regular ealariea $12,821011 $12�912000 $( 90.89) Communications 582.41 740.00 (157059) Priating and publishing 362.18 75000 28T.18 Travel, conference and schools 388091 300.00 88091 Other contractual servicea 919,75 750000 169.75 Office supplies 783.29 550.00 233.29 Ineurance and bonds 100000 160.00 ( 60.00) Capital outlay 200000 (200,00) Other expense 128.43 430.00 30 57) Total $16,086<OS $16.117.00 $ 30 92 Municipal Court: Regular salaries $ 6,612065 $ 6,600.00 $ 12065 Subaistence, c�re ead support of persons 2,010.00 2,800.00 (790v00) Coaunicatione 282080 180.00 102080 Other contractual services 529,28 850.00 (320.72) Office suppli�s 419042 30v00 389042 Insurance and bonds 96.78 30.00 66.18 Capital outlay 336v00 100.00 236000 Other expenae 58.45 515.00 456 SS) Totai $10,345.38 511,105.00 $ 739 b2 Election and Voter: Regular salsriee $ 2,792v91 $ 2,620.00 $ 17Z.91 Printing and publiehing 436.50 100.00 336.50 Office supplies 711.86 1,310,00 (598.14) General supplies 123004 123004 Capitsl outlay 25000 ( 25000) Other expense _ 50.00 50,00) Total $ 4,064.31 $ 4y^105,_00 $ 40.69) 11 CITY OF FRIDLEX, MINNESOTA GENBRAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPABBD WITH BUDGET AFPRiOPAUTI0Ii8 (CONTINUED) - _.._� ..._: YSAR ENDBD DECEi�lBBfl 31, 1960 Ac tual over Budgst (und�r) ACttlil Sj>PZODZ�it10Q8 �QDZOpr1�t�Ot1i �Censral Gover�snC (continued) :- City Clerk - Finance: • Regular salaries $ 3,435018 $ 3,690.00 $( 254.82) Com�unicationa 490.13 260.00 230013 Travel, conference and schools 107.12 107,12 Office supplies 405.78 650.00 ( 244022) Capital outlay 110>93 350,00 ( 239007) Other expense 185,38 510.00 ( 324.62) Total $ 4.734,52 $ 5,460.00 $ 725.48) Treasurer: Regular salaries $ 7,984059 $10,000.00 $(2,015.41) Co�unications 519.64 900,00 ( 380,36) Printing and publishing 127.05 170.00 ( 42095) Travel, conference and schools 191035 300.00 ( 108e6S) Maintenance of equipment 545025 400.00 145.25 Office suppliea 1,530082 1,800.00 ( 269.18) Iasuraace and bonda 206a43 100.00 106043 Capital outlay 432.20 818.00 ( 385.80) Other expense S9.79 530,.00 470 21) Total $11,597.12 $15.018.00 $ 3 420e88) Aasesaor: Regular salaries $12,982.29 $ 9,204000 $ 3�778.29 Co�unicationa 265.83 220.00 45.83 Travel, conference and schools 1,108.38 500.00 608.38 Iasurance and bonds 100.00 40,00 60000 Capital outlay 60.00 ( 60.00) Other expense 136.45 535.00 398.55) Total $14,L592.95 $10,559,00 $ 4,_033095 Independent auditing and accounting $ 3,200,00 $ 3,200.00 I.egal $ 4.131025 S S.D00.00 $ a6$ 75) Charter Commission• Printiag and publi8hiag $ 100.00 $(1�,00) Civil Service - Miscellaaeoue $ 100,00 $ 100.00) Board of Appeals - TYavel, conference and schools $ 200a00 $ 200.00) Planning and Zoniag - Miscellannou: S bo50 $ 200.00 $ 193 50) 12 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA GENB&�L FUND STATEMENT OF BRPENDITURES - ACZVAI. COMtPA�tED YITH BUDG�T APPROPftIA?IOI�$ (CONT�DNBD) YEAR ENDED DEC1�kA 31, 1960 Actual over Bu dget (under) t a acprocriatioaa aovroaria_tiona Gleneral Govermnent .(continued) :- Geaeral Govern�ent Buildings: Salazies $ 158.49 $ 158,49 Profeasional coneultant aervicea 1,793.01 $ 1,232.00 561.01 Cammunications 159.72 159.72 Utilities 2,748089 4,000.00 (1,251.11) Coatractual maiatenance and repair 734,64 700.00 34.64 Contractual cleaaiag and waste removal 905076 150v00 7SSa76 Cammodities maintenance and repair 419,49 800.00 ( 380.51) Co�oditias cleaning and wsste removal 530.88 250000 28�,88 General supplies 1�158.30 1,568.00 ( 409.70) Insurance and bonds 158.17 450000 ( 291083) Capital outlay: . Buildings aad structures 1,568000 300a00 1,268.00 Other improvements 1,000,00 (1,OOOo00) Other expense �4a60 ,� __ 54.6Q Total $10.389,95 $10,450,00_ $S 60.05) Total General Government $85.366.72 $88,369.00 $ 3 002.28) Public Safety:- Police Protection: Regular salaries $41,639.84 $40,421.00 $ 1,218.84 Cocanunications 427005 450.00 ( 22.95) Travel, coaf erence, and schools 783.51 250,00 533e51 Contractual mainteuance and repair 1,650.23 600.OD 1,050.23 Contractual subaistence care and support of persons 972089 1�000,00 ( 27a11) Other contractual services 1,018000 1,000,00 18.00 Office supplie� 294.21 100,00 194.Z1 Uuiform allawance 661084 600,00 6I.84 Motor fuels and lubricants 2,211088 2,OOOo00 211.88 Ca�aaodities maintenanca and � repair 637064 800.00 ( 162.36) Caa�aodities subsietance, care sad support of pereoas 269.97 200.00 69.97 Ganeral auppliea 462v98 500.00 ( 3J'o02) Iasurance and bonda 996.25 1�OOOo00 ( 3.75) Capital outlsy: Office furoitura 222.50 80.00 142050 Machiaerq aad automotiva equipment 2,540062 4,500.00 (1,959.38) � Other egp�ase � 43�44 1�,625.00 1 581 o6t1) Total $54�,832._81 $�.126.00 $( 293 Q 9) � 13 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET APPROPRIATIapS (CONIZNUB�D) YEAR ENDED DECEl�ER 31. 1960 Aatual ov�r Budgst (uader) Actual avaroariations aporovriatioa� � Fublic Safety (continued) :- Fire Protection: Regular salaries $ 2,170.60 $ 2,100,00 $ 70.60 Temporary salaries 6,877,50 6,500.00 377.50 Comaunications 522.44 500.00 22.44 Travel, conference and schools 794003 900v00 ( 105.97) Contractual maintenancs and repair of equipm�nt 1,611,90 1,000.00 611.90 Office supplies 277.53 100.00 177.53 Motor fuels and lubricants 160.55 300,00 ( 139.45) General supplies 962.Ob 810.00 1S2a06 Insurance and bonds 714.74 750.00 ( 35.26) Subscriptione and memberahips 189.00 200,00 ( 11.00) Capital outlay- Office furniture aad equipment 3,52So73 100,00 3,425.J3 Hachinery and autamotive equipment 1,055.00 5,290.Q0 ( 4�235000) Other expense 268.30 630000 ( 3i1.70) Total $ 19.129.38 $ 19,180000 $( 50,62) Protective Inapaction: � Regular salaries $ 16,822v84 $ 19,900.00 $( 3.077.16) Communications 735,72 540000 195.72 Travel, conference aad schools 1,725056 1,300000 425.56 Other coatractual aervices 4,813.89 2.000,00 2,813089 Office suppliee 644.55 600.00 44.55 Geueral aupplies 141095 180.00 ( 38.05) Insurance aad bonds 162.50 150.00 12.50 Capital outlay- Office furniture and equipmant 623025 435000 188025 ' Other expenae 131a60 270.00 ( 138.40) Total $ 25,801086 $ 25,375.00 $ 426.86 Civil Defense: Communicationa $ 178.56 $ 5,00 $ 173.56 Capital outlay - Pfachiaery and automotive equipment 8,932,65 8,713000 Z19.65 Other exp�nse 123.07 1,_, 015000 ( 891093) Total $ 9,234.28 $ 9,733.�0 $C 496,T2) 14 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA GENERAL FUNA STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET APPROPbtIATI0N8 (CONTINU�) YEAx ENDED DECE1�iBER 31. 1960 A�ctual over Budgat (uader) A�ctual approariationa avpro�l�ttioas Public Safety (continued) :- Animal Control: Other coatractual aervice� $ 1,643050 $ 1,300.00 $ 343050 Other expense 20.00 ( 20.00) Total $ 1,643050 $_ 1,320.00 $ 3$3.54 Total Public Safety $110.641.83 $110,134,00 $( 92,17) Highways:- Engiaeering: Regular salaries $ 13,560.64 $ 14�33b.00 $( 775036) Profeasional aad consultant services 924.00 • 924.00 CommunicAtions 477.36 400.00 77.36 Travel, coaference and schoole 683.48 600.00 83048 Contractusl maiatenance and repair of equipment 146.45 200.00 ( 53o5S) Other contractual aervices 3,702oi3 2,075.00 1,627.13 Office aupplies 507.02 500,00 7.02 General supplies 219,23 600000 ( 380,77) Insuraace and bonds 171,55 150.00 21055 Capital outlay- Office furniture and equipment 691.50 1,504000 ( $12050) Other expense 33.79 �15a00 ( 381,21) Total $ 21,111.15 $ 20,780,00 $ 337.15 Street and Alley: Regular salaries $ 18,515013 $ 25,700.00 $( 7,184e87) Professional and consultant services 450,00 450000 Coum�unications 218079 300,00 ( 81021) Contractual mainteaaace and repair of equipment 1,SOOo40 1,Z00.00 300,40 Other coatractual servicee 852045 1,000.00 ( 147.SS) Office supplies 102.98 100.00 2098 Motor fuel$ and lubricants 1,426,70 2,000,00 ( 573e30) Cammodities maiatenance and repair of equipment 1,232.76 1�500,00 ( 267.24) Cauanodities maintaaoace aad repair of other improvementa 8,927051 3.500.00 5.42�.51 Geaeral euppliss 4,683,34 300,00 4�383.34 Rents 2,525a12 500.00 2,025.12 Insuranca and bonds 1,949.53 1,500.00 449,53 Capital outlay - Machinery and suta�otive equipment 2,449.50 4.000,00 ( 1,S5t).50) Other expenee 269.68 9,065000 8 795o33j Total $ 45,103089 $ 50,b6S.00 $( . , 15 CITY OF FRIDLEY. I�iINPIESOTA GENEbtAL FUND STATEM$NT OF EYPENDITURES - ACT[JAL COMPARBD WITEI BUDG$T APPR,OPRIATIONS (COl1TZNiJBD) Y$AR ENDBD DSCEI�Ex 31, 1960 Ac Cual avar Budget (nader) ACtual IIADZOpY�AC�O1lD aD�ODX�.�� iC�.Opi Highways (continued) :- Snow and Ice Rentoval : Regular salarieg $ 1,016.14 $ 1,016.14 Contractual maintenaace and repair of equipment 172083 172083 Other contractual servicea 307000 307.00 Gennral supplies 818.29 $ 200.00 618.29 Other expense 141035 1,400.00 1 TS8 6S) Total $ 2,455061 $ 1,600,00 $ 8S5 61 1Yaffic 3igna, Signals and Markere: Regular satlaries $ 220.96 $ 220.96 Utilities 152063 $ L0.00 142.63 Small tools 130,73 130.73 General supplies 464.87 464.87 Capital outlay- Buildings aad atructures 600000 ( 600.00) Machinery and equipment 1,398000 1,398.00 Other improvements 10.00 ( 10000) Other expenae 57.04 110.00 52 96) Total $ 2,424,23 $ 730.00 $ 1.g94.23 Equipment Maiatenance: Regular salaries $ 3,018039 $ 3,018.39 M�otor fuels 489084 489.84 Maintenance and repair of � equipment 108022 108.22 Capital outlay- Buildings snd structures $ 1,700.00 (1,700.00) Machine and autavotive squipmeat 325.00 ( 325,00) Other expenae 113096 860.00 7 6 04) Total $ 3,730.41 $ Z,_885,QQ $ S 41 Streat Lighting - Electricity $ 1.216043 $ 2.050,00 $ 833 57) Total Highways $76.047012 $ 8 77 . 10000 $ 2 662 a) Sanitation and Waete Removal:- - Storm Sewers: Regular salaries $ 682.50 $ 682.50 General supplies 267.52 $ 150.00 117052 Other expenee 123.b3 300,00 176.37) Total $ 1.073065 $ 450000 $ 6_,23_65 16 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WI1'H BUDGET APPROPxIATIONS �,CONTINUBD) YEAR ENDED DECF,lf$ER 31, 1960 Actual over Budget (under) Actu avaroariations aonropri tioas Sanitation and Waste R�emoval (continued):- Weed Eradication: Other contractual aervices $ 390.41 $ 500.00 $( 109.59) Other expenae 9,04 9.04 Tot�tl. $ 399.45 $ 500.00 $S 100.�5) Pest Control - Coatractual $ 138.90 $,200.00 $,� 61,10) Total Sanitiation and �iaste Removal $ 1.612.00 $ 1,150,00 $_, 4�62_00 Conservation of Health - Professional services $ 200.00 $ 200a00 Parks and Recraation:- Board and Co�issions: Permaneat transfer $ 4,OOOo00 $ 4,000.00 Capital outlay - Machinery and automotive equipment 159,00 159,00 Total $ 4,159.00 $ 4,159.00 - Municipal Parks: Temporary salaries $ 6,504020 $ 5,800.00 $ 704.20 Msintenance and repair of other improvements 1�351059 1,000.00 351059 Gen�ral suppliea 624.70 556000 68070 Rents 222.40 222040 Capital outlay- Land 2,903oZ7 2,604000 299027 Building and structurea 450.00 ( 450.00) Machinery and automocive equipment 1,25ko00 500.00 754000 Other improvemeats 600,00 ( 600.00) Other expense 249.57 1.325000 ( 1,075L43) Total S 13,109.73 $ 12,835.00 $ ___„274„73 Total Parks a�nd Recreation $ 17i268,73 $ 16,994000 $ 214073_ Tranefer to R�creation I�nd $606.20 $ 606.20 Total Geaeral Fund $291,T43o20 $29b,7�63�2� $ O�Oo00) 17 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA RECREATION FUNp STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND UNAPPROPRIATSD SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMDER 31, 1960 Revenue: Transfera from General Fund $4,606020 Contribution by School Diatrict #14 1�700.00 F.nrollment fses 712.28 Miscellaneous 264002 Total revenue $� 28�Z.50 Expenditures: Salaries and wag�s $4�020.22 Bus transportation 840.16 Equipment 1,249.00 Miscellaneous 450,58 Total Expenditurea $6,559,96 Excese of revenues over expenditures $ 722,54 Unappropriated aurplus January 1, 1960 893.80 Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1960 $1.6�� 18 CITY OF FAIALEY, MINNES�TA G&NERAL pE$T SERVICE F1JND STATEMENT OF CASH �C$IPTS AND DISBURSE,_,_MENTS YEA& ENDED DECEMBER 3114,,,1960 Treasurer cash balance January 1, 1960 $1,577033 Receipte- Property taxes: Current $3,281.85 Delinquent 106. Total receipts 3,388�71 Total begianing balanca and receipts $4,966.04 Disbursements to fiecal agent: Bonds $3,000.00 " Intertat on bonds 181000 Fiscal agent service charges 4.75 Total disbursements 3,185,75 Treasurer cash balaace December 31, 1960 $1,780.29 Cash with fiacal agent December 31, 1960 090 00 Total cash balance December 31, 1960 � $4,870.29 �� DEBT SERVICE REQUI�TTS DECEMBER 31, 1960 Bond Yesr Eriacival Inkerest Total 1961 $3,000.00 $ 135.00 $3,135.00 1962 3.000.00 45,00 3.045000 ___._� $6,0� $ ls 8�0.0�0 $6,1�� is CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA SPBCIAL A3S8SSMENT FUNDS COM$INED BALANC$ SHB81'S-DECEMS�x 31, 1960 Debt Conatruction sas'�rJ.ce Cambined (p��e 20) (P=�� 22a ��_ AS ETS Cash (pa�e 6) $ 651049 $( 462,153.56) �4 462,805.OS Iaveetments, at cost: Uaited States Treasury bills 1,086,855.00 889,227.00 197,628.00 City of Fridley bonds 450,000.00 450,Q04.00 Account receivable- City of Columbia Heights, Minaesota 52,140.00 52,100.00 Special aseessments receivable: Delinquent 132,448.14 132,448.14 Deferred 2,670,270.85 2,670,270.85 Amount to be provided by future special assesements 1,656,778.97 1,656,778.97 Prepaid conaCruction coate 34,268.67 34�268.67 Bonds surhorized-unisaued 28,000.00 28,OOOa00 Improvements authorized . 1, 172,598,38 1,172,598.3$ Total aesets $7,283,971.50 $1,661,940.49 $5,622,Q31o01 LIABILITIES. RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities: Accounta payable $ 164,954.97 $ 164,934.97 Bonda payable (page 38) 5,202,000.00 $5,202,OOOo00 Matured interest payable 35,856.50 3S�85b.50 Deposits payable 107,494.59 107,494.59 Reserves: Encumbraaces 1,092,116.28 1,092,116.28 Account receivable-City of Columbia Heighta, Minnesota 52,100.00 5Z,100.00 Payment of future interest on bonds 316,153.54 316,153.54 Bonds authorized-uniasued 28,000.00 28,000.00 Unencumbered appropriation balance 392,698011 392,698.11 Una�ppropriated surplus ( 107,402049) 12�,171.13 ( 119,513.62) Total liabilities, reserves , and surplus $7,283,971.50 $1,661,940049 $5,62Z,031o01 M � � r+1 .� � NM„10� eN�1N �0 .�.IN00� .�-I �O � A^1 � a0 � d1 � �'!^O��ONN � � • • • • o • o • . • • • .• • • o • • • e • �• • o • • • . • N �1 .� 1� r 00 �O �O !r d A �O f� N .r ►d �I1 N�p �f A !r p O .-1N .�1M1f� �f1 N f� � � NO1 � .a r'�1 .� � �I1 � 1'�1 � N .QN 1� �o NNO► a � 0oe0 �1 � d � � d N �O �► N �► o� 0 �1 p� a� i� w w � w w w w w w w w w � w w w • w w w � � �/1,e�1 N .p �A �/1 .r �O N p� N N v1 �'�1 N .� N �I'1 1� .-1 �+O d a� .-� ^ N .�-+ �-�oi .�1 r1 .-� � � vvv v v v vv ,..� +/f v} 1 ���� I'� ���� i1 �i► �,r1 O .-� �O h v► a0 N �t O QO .-+ �O �O �p e�1 v1 �1 e�1 H �+ oo e'�1 r+ O O O� N 00 � .-.� ; cp �D N 1� e�1 �O N N .-1 � a.b � o o . . e . . e a a . . . . . . . O �1 .-� O c'1 v1 00 N N �p �t 1� �O t� .-� v1 O �'1 O O .-1 i� ai .a 1� O O� N1 �D �i' N �O �-1 C� 00 �1 �t N N N 1� !L 10 1+ �A 1� er1 .-� �n � .t .-+ f� N oD .-1 � � d '� w � w , w w � � w w v� � a a ^ r. ..� cr o c� ..� e� N �••1 .•1 � �vvv v vvvv v vv � �f � � 1 �D f� �O O O O a0 O �O a0 .-r 10 O N 1"'1 O� �t f� N t"1 � �-1 .-1 A�4 "d O. O v N 00 N .C-� e�'1 �? �t vt�1 e0+1 tp�1 � W � m O +� � N v� �O N1 � .t �D a0 t� e"1 �O V� M 4J rl w � w w w w w • �1 W �I �"1 f� N N N �O �t O .� N a� � � .� .t 00 � N �t �-1 � �v y tlf� N W F+ oD 1� O O O� CO N f� v1 O �/1 e'1 O O O v1 � p h N N O �1 N O O , .T N op o'1 c+1 O .-+ O �► �O �1 �D O �h _-.,_.-----._.___ _�____ . 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W T � � � �. � u . o► m r O m O � Z ao � p $ p � � � °' p u u .�. a+ G .-i a, �i o+ � w � L � '� � � � a '� w .°,� a :; '° '° °; � w � " � .. a .+ : .-i � F��+ a�i t� a"n a�i v 1ti1 q � C O m q m s�+ � o p p a � a~+ uai � � ,. �' a oO d .°a m g ''� a a � � �" .-�i ,��i � ,��i oo w � � � .-� � r � '-� s+ � 1d tl +d 'O � W N �1 y N +i 01 'C7 O g 31 y W M w ,y '� Q a L 00 ri Ci Y O �0 U 00 CI O L IJ R�i t� +i G) b Y ri � � � .� `� "a •• .-++i q � u � '�'� � ''>� g s��+ .D tY.� � � •• � 'a�1 u ,� p ,a M O� e+1 � � u `' m a a�e w 1+ u a �. f+ g � ,� M�1 H .a .� b o p L �1 � : i � " � � y ae o �1 a1 w a o u v°� �/f w U �i tt a+r o �r► v,l a •.� • u � o r a a. ea � � ,., u w c t � � � m � a � � � � �! i a� 1+ 1+ 1r u a t! u a� �q O O �! a+ N > a� a u ..� O M •• .-� a o t� u O � �t O b .� M � 'C I H H e a 1 �1 1+ o p .0 O A C r N .� N � a � o p � w o � : � � � 8 � �, �°S � � � '� �'� � 8 .•. .� � � � a,l .d M +d � � � : • �'� � � � $ 8 r. � • � � � �d �°' � � � � � � 24 — CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNBSOTA � SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS , DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS <.. DECEMSER 31. 196Q Bond Ye�r princival ter at T,.ot�l 1961 S 356,000.00 $ 218',633050 $ 574,633050 1962 426,000.00 216,893.50 642,893.50 - - a 1963 284,000.00 - 179,927.50 463,927.50 1964 256,000.00 165,295.00 421,295.00 . .. 1965 276,000,00 154,792.50 " 430,7Q2o50 1966 • 269,000.00 ' �� 144,182.50 - � 413,182.50 � 1967 • 269,000.00 133,662.50 - 402,662050 1968 269,000.00 123,067.50 392,067.S0 - 1969 264,000.00 112,422.50 376,422050 , , 1970 269,OOOo00 101,762.50 370,762a50 1971 284,000.00 90,582.50 374,582.50 1972 294,000.00 78,917.50 372,917.50 1973 304�000.00 66,892.50 370,892.50 " 1974 297,000.00 54,730.00 351,730,00 .� 1975 260,OOOo00 43,387050 303,387.50 1976 185,000.00 33,302.50 218,302.SO .;--� 1977 130,000.00 25�140.00 155,140.OQ � 1978 130,000.00 19,590.00 149,590000 - 1979 125,OOOo00 14,145000 139,145.00 1980 110,000.00 9,120.00 119,120.00 � 1981 70,000.00 4,620.00 74,620.00 1982 75,000.00 1,575.00 76,575.00 $5,202,000,00 $1,992,642.00 -$7,194,642000 zs CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOx OPBRATING FUND BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31. 1960 ASSETS Current Assets Cash $(24�809.38) I�ventories, at cost 109,552081 Prepaid insuraace 3.947,03 Total current asseta ` $ 88�690.46 F�xed A�aets, at cost: Land and improvemente $ 11,079.61 Buildiags 215,818.49 . Signs 6,975.66 Furniture and fixtures 39.389.58 � Total cost $273,263.34 Less - Allowance for depreciatioa 32.344.65 Total fixed asaets (aet) �40.918.69 � Total asseta $329.�9�5 LIABILITIES. AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilitv - Account payable to Public 8nployees Retirement Aseociation $ 3,884.98 Retaiaed eaminsts 3„25.7^, 24_17 Total Liabilities, and retained earnfngs $329,609.15 26 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA .. . MUNICIPAL LIQUOA OPEltATING FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RbTAINED $ARNINCS YEAB$ SNDED DECEMBSR 31, 1960 AND 1959 1960 1� Salea: On sale $136,952.09 3118,503.08 Off sale 462,752_OS �1Z,2_63.45 Total sales � $599,704.17 $530,766.53 , Cost of aales 409.556.99 364;Z3$115 Grosa profit $190,147.18 $166.528�38 Percent of gross profit to sales 31.71X 31038� Operating expeases: Snlling $ T0,872.42 $ 59,943.11 Overhead 32,441081 28,059.71 Admiaistrative and general 8,534030 8i272�36 Total operating expenses $111.848.53 $ 96,�7So18 Operatfng incame $ 78,298,65 $ 70,253.20 Other income and (expen8e): Machiaes and miscellaneous $ 1,689,03 $ 1,041s00 Loas on sale of property ( 192050) ( 3.311.53) Total other inc�e or (expense) $ 1.496.53 $t,2,270.s3) Net income $ 79,795.18 $ 67.982.67 * Retained earninge, beginning of year 296,916.86 290,k79.82 Appropriation transfers to other funds Muaicipal Liquor Debt Service FLnd (Principal and Interest) (25�464v00) (25,464000) General �nd (20,000.00) (40,OOOo00) Increase in chaage fund ( 500.00) Elimination of reserve for change fund 3,200,00 Reduction of inventory,valuatioae at December 31, 1958 and 1959 by amount of purchase diacounts included (see footnote) ( 6,171076) 2,439.30 Ad,justment for unrecorded liability for employees retirement contributione at December 31, 1958 and 1959 (aee footnote) ( 2,552,11) 1.979.Q1 Retained earninga, end of year $325,724,17 $296,916.86 ...�..— *The net income for 1959 was restated to includa adjustments for purchase diacounts included in inventories at Decea�ber 31, 1958 and 1959 and liability for employees retirement contributiona not recorded at December 31, 1958 and 19590 a� CITY OF FRIpLEY, MINNESOTA MtJNICIPAL LIQUOx OPERATING FOND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF OPE$ATING E�PENSES YBARS ENDSD DECEI�Bx 31. 1960 AND 1959 �� 1960 }�.9 Selling: Salaries $ 65,962.60 $55,804a28 Bar supplies 3,081059 2,SOSo23 Licenae Z51o38 187vS0 Ice and baga 1,410.35 1,040.09 Other expense 166.50 4__,_06_pl Total $ 70.872.4Z $ 9 94 1 Overhead: Utilities $ 6,529.09 $ 6,558.24 Insurance 6,655.63 4,512,80 Rent 1,375.40 1,200.�0 Laundry 1,350.54 1,278e13 Repairs and maintenance 4,241,58 3,357.30 Telephone 762091 702.60 A1arm service 2,408a15 1,604.22 Cleaning and waste removal 1,100.84 935.65 Depreciation 8.018.07 7,910.77 Total $ 32.441081 $2 059 71 A�hainistrative and general: Office salaries $ 3,463.00 $ 2,442.50 Office supplies 95070 736009 Profeasional services 400.00 524.00 Public employees retiremeat contribution 3,884098 4,005.67 Miscellaneous 690.62 564.10 � Total $ 8,534,30 $ 8�272,36 Total operating expenses $111,848,53 $96,2� 7�� 2s CITY OF FRIDLEY`MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LItjIJOR DEBT SERVIC� FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHE$TS DECEMBBR 31, 1960 Principal Com ined and intsseat erv nss�Ts Cash (page 6) $ 22,375.92 $ Z0,289026 $ 2,OSb.66 Investmeat-United Statea Treasury certificatea 22,000.00 22,000.00 Amount to be provided for debt retire- ment 194,555.58 194.55505$ __.___.� Total assets $238,931050 $214,844084 $24 0�.� LIABILITIES Bonds payable (page 38) $18$,OOOo00 $188,000.00 Matured interest payable 1�060000 1,060.00 Interest payable in future years 49,871.50 25,784.84 24.0___ $6,'b6 Total liabilitiea $238,931.50 $214,$44.84 $24,Q86.66 ��. COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISaURSEMENTS YBAR ENDED DECF.AiBER 31. 1960 Cash balance, January 1, 1960 $ 17,797.99 $ 16,950.66 $ 847.33 Receipts: � 1Yanafers fram Muaicipal Liquor Operating Fund 25,464.00 25,464000 Interest incane 1.239.33 1 9.3,� Total begianing cash and receipts $ 44.501.32 $ 42.414066 $ 0 66 Disbursementa: Bond principal $ 12,000.00 $ 12,080.t}0 Bond interest 9,471025 9,471.25 Fiscal agent chargea 41v65 41.65 Transfers: Public Utilities Reserve Fund 227.50 227.50 i�unicipsl Liquor Reserve Ftis�d _385.00 _ 385.00 Cash balance, December 31, 1960 $ 22,375.92 $_ 20,289.26 $ 2,0$6.66 �� 29 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND DEBT SEItVICB REQUIR=ML►NTS DECEI�ER 31, 1960 Bond ear princiaal Intereat To al 1961 $ 12,000.00 $ 7,931.50 $ 19,931e50 1962 17,000.00 7,435050 24�435.50 1963 17,000,00 •6,739.50 23,739050 1964 17,OOOo00 6,043050 23,043.50 1965 17,OOOo00 5,347050 22,347.50 1966 I8,000.00 4,651.50 22,651.50 1967 18,000,00 3,907.50 21�907.50 1968 18,000.00 3,126.00 21,126.00 1969 18,000,00 2,344.50 20,344oS0 1970 18,000.00 1,563000 19,S63o00 1971 18,000,00 781.50 1$,781oS0 $188,000.00 $ 44,�871.�50 $237,871.50 30 C�TY OF �'xIALEY, MINNESOTA PUBLYC UTILITIES OPSRATING FUND SALANCB SHEET ._ DECEl��S 31, 1960 ASSETS Currsat Assete Cash (page 6) $ 69,955.78 Accounts receivable 48.�aa.23 Total current asseta $118,678.01 Fixed Asaets, at cost: Laad $ 3,258037 Buildings 6,472.65 Reservoir 87,723.33 Well 27,471.Ofl Machinery and equipment 109,254.00 Office equi�pment 4.31$.40 Total coet $238,497.75 Less- Allowance for depreciation 27.705.05 Total fixed assets (aet) 210,792.70 Total assets $329,470.11 LIABILITIES AND R�TAINED EARNINGS Current Liability- Accounts payable $ 11,096o0a Other Liabili�- Cuetomer depoeits 77�727010 R�tained Earniu�a Z40.647059 Total liabilitiea, and retained earnings $329,470.71 31 CITY OF FxIDLEY. MINNESOTA ` PU$LIC UTILITIES OPBRATING FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF INCOMS AND RETAINED EAxNINGS YEAR$ ENDED DBCEMBER 31 1960 AND 1959 1960 1959 Operating revenue: Water sales $122,295.59 $ 88,716.60 Sew�er rental 65.901_66 SS.18S.11 Total operating revenue $188,197.25 $143.901.77 Operating expenses: 'Water purchased $ 62,955066 $ 34,410.$8 Power and pumping 3.590.19 4,766.89 Purificatioa aupplies 338069 606.38 Treasmission and distribution 46,754.69 37,477.21 Administrative and general 16,376.11 18,119.72 ' Depreciation 8,397.31 7.842.61 Total operating expenses $138,412065 $103,_ ,223.69 Operating incame $ 49,784.60 $ 40,678.08 Interest income 444.00 Net income $ 50,228.60 $ 40�678.0$ t Retained earnings, begins�ing of year 211,8k2.99 183.552.41 A.ppropriation transfers: Public Utilities Debt Service F�iad (Principal and Intereat) (14,575000) (13,012.50) Sewer and Water No. 13 Special Asaessment Debt 3ervice �'und ( 5,700.00) Elimination of reserve for change fund 75.00 Adju�tment for unrecorded liability for employees retirement contributions at December 31, 1958 and 1959 (see footnote) ( 1,224.00) 625000 Retained earnings, ead of year $240,� Ss $2�.1,842.99 *Net income for 1959 was restated to include sdjustment for liability for employeea retirement contributions not recorded at December 31, 1958 and 1959. 32 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTI� PU$LIC UTILITIES OPtItATING FUND COMPARATIVE STATEPIENTS OF OPBxATING SXPENSBS Y�ARS ENDED DBC@�ER 31, 1960 AND 1959 1960 1� �later purchased $ 62,955,66 $ 34,410088 Power aad pumping: Fuel $ 3,407.61 $ 4,494v83 Repaira and maiatenance 82.56 23T.45 MiBCellaneous 100.OZ 34.61 Total $ 3.59p.19 $ , 4,766.89 Purification eupplies S 338.69 $ 606,3,38 Transmiseion aad dietribution: Supervision $ 1,929a48 $ 753v02 Labor 11,671.80 9,970,45 Sewer rental and electricity 27,113.09 18,243065 Repairs and maintenance 4,735089 5,488.95 Vehicle expense 862.19 2.246.76 Miscellaaeous 442,24 774038 Total $ 46,754.69 S 37 477.21 Administrativ� and general : Management and supervision expense $ 7,479.14 $ 10�182.13 Office salaries 3,718.31 3,091.67 Office supplies 2,687r50 1,925059 Profeasional services . 400.00 777.07 Insurance 944.41 1�040,66 Public employees retirement contribution 696.00 816.00 Miscellaneous 450.75 28b.60 Total S 16,376.11 $ 18.119.72 Depreciation $ 8.397.31 $ 7,$42061 Total operating expm ses $138,412.65 $103,223069 33 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINED H�ALANCE SHBETS DECBt�4ER 31. 19d0 Principal Cambined and Intere�t Re,�erve ASSETS �_ Cash (page 6) $ 7,942.09 $ 6,298038 $ 1,643071 Investmeata 13,000.00 13,000.00 Amount to be provided for debt retire- ment 211.957.91 211.957.91 � Total assets $232,900.00 5218,256.29 $14,643a71 �v_� v�� �� LIABILITIES Bonds payable (page 38) $160,000.00 $160,004.00 Interest payable in future years 72,900.00 58.2_, 56a29 $14,6�43.71 Total liabilitiea $232,900.00 $218.256.29 $14,�� COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSLMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEM88R 31i, 1960 Cssh balance Jaauary 1, 1960 $ 4,884.07 $ 3,972a69 $ 911.38 Receipts: Transfers fram Public Utilities Operating �nd 14,575.00 14,S15o00 Interest income 732.33 ,____„_,_ 732.33 Total beginning cash aad receipts $ 20,I91.40 $ 18,547.69 $ 1,643.71 DisbursemenC a: Bond principal $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Bond interest 7,225.00 7,225.00 Fiscal agent chargea 24.31 24.31 Total disbursemeat� $ 1�249.31 $ 12,249,31 Cash balance December 31, 1960 $ 7,942009 $ 6 298. $ 1,6�1 34 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES FUND DEBT SBxVICE REQUIRBMENTS DEC�iEBR 31, 196� Bond Year principal Interest Total 1961 $ S,OOOo00 $ 7,025000 $ 12,025.00 1962 5,000.00 6,825000 11,825.00 1963 S,OOOv00 6,625.00 11,625.00 1964 5,000.00 6,425000 11,425000 1965 5,000.00 6,225000 11,225.00 1966 10,000.00 6,025000 16,025.00 1967 10,000000 5,625000 15,625.00 1968 LO,OOOv00 5,175000 15�175.00 1969 10,000.00 4,725.00 1k,7Z5.00 1970 10,000.00 4�275,00 14,275000 1971 10,000.00 3,825.00 13�825.00 1972 15,000.00 3,375.00 18,375.00 1973 15,000.00 2,700000 17,700.00 1974 15,000,00 2,025.00 17,025.00 1975 15,000.00 1,350.00 1b,350.00 1976 15,000,00 675.00 15.675000 $160,000�00 $ 72,900.00 $232,900,00 t 35 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNE$OTA TxiJST AND AGF�NCY FUNDB COMBINED BALANC$ SHBETS DECEI�E� 31, 1964 Public Firamen'.a' Hmploy�ss Relief I�tsetireaant Associatioa Asaociation C iued �ad �ad ASSETS _____. Cash (page 6) $ 257.12 S 257.12 Deliuquent taxes receivable 396.07 219098 1_ 7_r p9 Total assets $ 6�53�.1�9 $ z�� $ 4� 3�s , LIABILITY, AND SURPLUS Payable to Firemen's Relief Association $ 219.98 $ 219.98 Unappropriated surplue 433.21 _______ $ 4_1 Total liability and surplus $�9 $ 2_ 1�9� $ 4�g1 COMSINED STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAH ENDED DECEMBEx 31. 1960 Cash balance .Tanuary 1, 1960 $ 23028 $ 23. 8 Raceipts: (�rrent texes $12,194.03 $ 5,770,43 $6,423.60 Delinquent taxes 114051 100a06 14.45 Insurance refund 2.585.50 2,585050 Total receipts $14.894.04 $ 8,4,_, 5�5.99 $6 38.05 Total beginning cash and • receipts $14,917.32 $ 8,455099 $6 033 Disburaements: Firemen's Relief Asaociation $ 8�455.99 $ 8,455.99 Public r7mployeea Retirement Association 6,204.21 $6 204. 1 $14.660.20 $ 8. $ 2040 1 Cash balance December 31, 1960 gm 2� 57s $�� $ Z�s 36 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECU�ITIES PLACED IN ESCROW BY DEPOSITORY BANKS FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF CITY FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1960 Faca asount of Deaository bank Escrow bank gecuritiea Camden Northwestern State Bank, Northwestern National Baak, Minneapolis, Mianesota Minneapol.is, Minnesota $200,000.00 Fidelity Bank and Truat Company, Federal Reaerve Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota T0,000.00 Colwnbia Heights State Bank, Marquette Natioaal Bank� Minneapolis, Minnesota Minaeapolis, Minneaota 319,OOOo00 37 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA , ..._. STATEMENT OF GEN$xAI, FIXED AS5ETS DECBFIBER 31, 196Q Land $ 29,68Z.70 Buildings 92,969.20 Improvements other than buildings 4,808,967.90 �rniture and fixtures 20,715.57 Machinery and equipment 96,174.06 Conatruction work in progresa �,i509,142070 Total general fixed assets $6,557,652013 Ganeral fixed ssssta were carrisd at cost sucept that fixed asseta for which coat iaformation waa not availabla were pricad •t appraiaal values. 38 CI3'Y OF FRIDLBY, MINNESOTA �ONT� PAYABLE-ALL FUND$ 1�ECBMSEB 3L 1960 Date Maturity Interest Principal o is e te rAte � Geuesal D�b[ Service Fund Muaicipal Duilding Bonds of 1951 , maturing $3,000.00 per year 1/ 1/51 1/ 1/61•62 3o00X $ _ 6.000.00 Sveciel Aaseasment Debt 3ervice F�ads Regulaz:- Sewer Improvement Bonds maturing: $4,000.00 per year S/ 1/54 5/ 1/61-64 2.75 $ 16,000.00 $4,000,00 per year 5/ 1/54 5/ 1/65-73 3.00 36,OOOo00 • May 1, 1974 5/ 1/54 5/ 1/74 3.00 2,OOOo00 Water and Sewer Improveaaent Bonds of 1954 maturing: $10,000.00 per year 8/ 1/54 2/ 1/61-63 3050 30,OOOo00 $10,000.00 per year 8/ 1/54 8/ 1/61-63 4000 30,OOQ.00 $15,000.00 per year 8/ 1/54 8/ 1/64-70 3050 105,OOOv00 $15,000.00 per year 8/ 1/54 8/ 1/64-70 4.00 105,000.00 $20,000.00 per y�ar 8/ 1/54 8/ 1/71-74 3.50 80,000.00 $20,000,00 per year 8/ 1/54 8/ 1/71-14 4.00 80,000.00 Storm Sewer Lnprovement Bonds maturing $22,000.00 per year 11/ 1/54 11/ 1/61-65 3050 110,000,00 Water and Sewer Improvement Boads maturing: $10,000.00 per year 11/ 1/54 11/ 1/61-63 3050 30,000.00 $15,000.00 per year 11/ 1/54 11/ 1/64-67 3050 60,OOOo00 $15,000.00 per year 11/ 1/54 11/ 1/68-70 4.00 45,000.00 $20,000.00 per year 11/ 1/54 11/ 1/71-74 4000 60,OOOo00 Water and Sewer Improvement Bonde maturing: $10,000.00 per year 5/ 1/55 2/ 1/61-64 3060 40,000.00 $10,000.00 per year 5/ 1/55 8/ 1/61-64 3.60 40,000.00 $15,000.00 per year 5/ 1/55 2/ 1/65-71 3060 lO5,A00.00 $15,000.00 per year 5/ 1/55 8/ 1/65-71 3.b0 105,000e00 $20,OOOo00 per yeaz 5/ 1/55 2/ 1/72-75 3060 8�,000.00 $20,000.00 per year 5/ 1/SS 2/ 1/72-75 3.60 80�OOOo00 General Obligation Improvement Bonds aaturing: $10,000000 per year 10/ 1/55 2/ 1/61-65 3.60 50,OOOo00 $10,000,00 per ysar 10/ 1/55 8/ 1/61-65 3060 50,000.00 $15,000,00 per year LO/ 1/55 2/ 1/6b-72 3.60 105�000.0� $15,000.00 per ysar 10/ 1/55 8/ 1/66-72 3.60 105,000.00 $20,000,00 per year 10/ 1/SS 2/ 1/73-75 3.60 60,p00.00 $20,000.00 per year 10/ 1/55 8/ 1/73-75 3.60 60,000.00 39 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA BONDS PAYADLE-Ai,L FUNDS SCONTINU$D) DECEI�BB& 31. 1960 Date Maturity Interest Principtl of lgsue date rsta _ ,aa�,�tr Sp�cial Asaes�ent De�it Service I�nds contiaued) � Regular (coatinued):- Improvemeat Bonds naturing: $40,000.00 per year 8/ 1/56 S/ 1/61-63 4o00x $ 120,OOOo00 $30,000.00 per year 8/ 1/56 S/ 1/64-65 4v50 60,OOOo00 $35,000.00 psr year 8/ 1/56 8/ 1/66-70 4.50 175,000.00 $30,000.00 per year 8/ 1/56 8/ 1/71-74 4.75 120,000.00 August 1, 1975 8/ 1/56 8/ 1/75 4.75 50�000.00 August 1, 1976 8I 1/56 8/ 1/76 4.75 5„�3.000 00 Total Regular Special Asseasment Debt Service F�ad 9�269.000.00 Sewer and Water Project No. 13:- Improvement Bonds maturiag: $15,000.00 per year 1/ 1/59 1/ 1/61-69 4.00 $ 135,OOO.QO January 1, 1970 1/ 1/59 1/ 1/70 4.20 15,000,00 $20,000.00 per year 1/ 1/S9 1/ 1/71-79 4020 � 180,000.00 Total Sewer aad Water Project No. 13 Special Asaessment Debt Service Fund $ 33Q,OOOo00 Improvement Bonds maturing: $15,000.00 per year 12/15/59 12/15/61-63 4.30 $ 45,000.00 Decembar 15, 1964 12/15/59 12/15/64 4.30 25,000.00 $30,OOOo00 per yesr 12/15/59 12/15/65-69 4v30 150,0OO.OD $30,000.00 per year 12/15/59 12/15/70-80 4.50 330,000.00 Temporary Bonda 9/30/50 9/30/61 So00 SS,OOQD00 12/30/59 12/30/61 5000 75,000.00 9/30/60 9/30/62 5.00 60,000.00 Total Sewer and Water Projects Noso 21 and 22 Specisl Assessment Debt Service FLnds $ 740,OOOo00 19S9 Street Improvemsnt - Temporary Boade 12/30/50 12/30/61 5000 $ 60.000,00 Sewer and Water Px�ojecC No. 23 - Temporary Bonda 3/15l60 3/15/62 5.00 $ 10,040.00 Sewer and Water Project No, 29 - Temporary Bonds 9/30/60 9/30/62 5000 $ 90.00O.QO Sewer and Water Project No. 36 - Temporary Bonda 9/30/60 9/30/62 5.00 $ `100.,OQ4o00 40 - CITX OF FRIDLEY, 1�iINNESOTA SONDS PAYA8L8-ALL FUNDS (CONTINUBD) DECE'MBEx 31, 1960 D�ate Maturity Inter�at Frincipal of i,ssue date rata a�aount $t�ecial Asaeasment Debt Service Fuads ,�continued) I�provement Honds of 1960: Improvement Bonds of 1960 maturing: January 1, 1963 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/63 4.5� $ 11$,000.00 January 1, 1964 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/64 4.5 75,000.00 January 1, 1965 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/65 4.5 80,000.00 $80,000.00 per year 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/66-68 4.0 240,OOOoQO January 1, 1969 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/69 4.0 7S,�OOoQO January 1, 197� 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/70 400 80,000.00 $80,OOOo00 per ynar 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/71-73 4.1 240,004000 January 1, 1974 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/74 4.1 75,OOOo00 $80,OOOo00 per year 10/ 1/b0 1/ 1/75-78 4.1 320,OOOa00 January 1, 1979 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/79 4.1 75,000.00 January 1, 1980 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/80 4.1 80,000.00 January 1, 1981 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/81 4.1 70,OOOo00 January 1, 1982 10/ 1/60 1/ 1/82 4.1 75.000.00 _..._....__.�_._... Total Improvement Bonds of 1960 Special Assessmeat Debt Service Fhnd $1.603.000.00 *Additional interest at the rate of 1.4 percent per annum is payable on all Improveaeat Bonds of 1960 for the period Jsnuary 1, 1961 to January 1, 1962. - Total special assessment debt aervice funds $5.20�„2.000.00 Municiaal L�.auor Debt Service Fund (Pri�cival and Intcrest) Municipal &iilding Revenue Bonds ' maturing: September 1, 1961 9/ 1/56 9/ 1/61 4v00 $ 10,000,00 $15,000.00 per year 9/ 1/56 9/ 1/62-66 4.00 75,0�0.00 $15,000.00 per year 9/ 1/56 9/ 1/67-71 4025 yS�000,00 $2,000.00 per year 12/ 1/57 9/ 1/61-65 4.80 10,0A0.�0 $3,000.00 per year 12/ 1/57 9/ 1/66-71 4.80 18,OOOa00 Total Municipal Liquor Debt Service P1ind $ 1$8i000.00 Public Utilities„Debt Service Fund (Principal and Intar4st) Water aad Sewer Revenue Boade maturing: • $5,000.00 per year 9/ 1/56 9/ 1/61-65 4,00 $ 25.Q04.00 September 1, 1966 9/ 1/56 9/ 1/66 4.00 10,000.04 $10,000.00 per year 9/ 1/56 9/ 1/67-71 4a50 50,000.00 $15,000,00 per year 9/ 1/56 9/ 1/72-16 4a50 75.OE)OoS�Q Tbtal Public Iltilitisa Debt S�rvice Fund $ 16�.OGO.QG Total bonde payable for all fund� $S,S56,OO�Q00 41 CITY OF FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA ALL FUNDS DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMSNTS DBCEliHER 31, 1960 Boad Year princiaal Int_erest Total. 1961 $ 376,000,00 $ 233,725.00 $ 609,T25.00 1962 451,000.00 231,199.00 682�199.00 1963 306,000.00 193,292000 499,29Z,00 1964 278,000.00 177�763050 455,763.50 1965 298,000,00 166,365000 464.365.00 1966 297,000.00 154,859.00 451,859.00 1967 297,000.00 143,195000 440,195000 1968 297,000.00 131,368.50 428,368.50 1969 292,000.00 119,492.00 411,492.00 1970 297,000.00 107,600.50 404,600.50 1971 312,000.00 95,189.00 407,189000 1972 309,000.00 82,292050 391,292a50 1973 319�OOOo00 69,592aS0 388,592.50 1974 312,000.00 56,755v00 368,755000 1975 275,000.00 44,737050 319,737050 • 1976 200,000,00 33,977050 233,977.50 1977 130,000,00 25,140>00 155,140.00 1978 130,OOOo00 19,590000 149,590000 1979 125,OOOo00 14,145.00 139�145000 1980 110,OOOo00 9�120.00 119,120.00 1981 70,000.00 4,620000 74,620000 1982 75,000.00 1,S75o00 76,575000 $51556,OOOv00 $2,115,593050 $7,671,593.50 42 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA INSURAAiCE COVERAGB DBCEMEER 31, 1960 Major insurance coverage at December 31, 1960 is summarized below. Fire and extended coverage:- City Hall : Building $ 76,OOO.QO Contents 31,600.00 Pump H�ou s e: Building 4,000.00 Contents 10,600.00 Equipment building 21,000.00 Water tank 50,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store #1: Contents 2,000,00 Stock 20,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store �2: Building 50,250.00 Contents 20,OOOo00 Stock 50,OOOo00 Municipal Liquor Store �3: Building 157,000.00 Contents 30,000.00 3tock 50,000,00 Municipal Liquor Store �4: Contents 10,000.00 Stock 10,000.00 Comprehensive liability:- Bodily injury: Autoanobilas 100/200,000.00 . Except sutamobiles 100/200,OOOo00 Liquor liability 100/300,000.00 Property damage: Autamobiles 25,000.00 Except automobiles 25/ 50,000.00 Liquor liability 25,000.00 Money and securiti�s, inside/outeide premiaes:- City Hall 1,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store iPl 1,000.00 I�nicipal Liquor Store �2 6,Q00.00 Municipal Liquor Store #3 6,000.00 Muaicipal Liquor Stora �4 1,000.00 � Burglary t- l�nicipal Liquor Store #1 7�500.00 Municipal Liquor Store #2 20,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store #3 20,000,00 Municipil Liquor Store +4 3,000,00 43 CITY OF FRIDLEY�MINNBSOTA INSUBANCE COV$RAGE (CONTINUBD) DECEMBER 31, 1960 Business interruption: I�nicipal Liquor Store #1 $ 8,800,00 I�nicipal Liquor Store #2 52,000.00 l�unicipal Liquor Store #3 60,500.00 Municipal Liquor Store �4 4,000.00 Depositora forgery bond - all locationa 10,000000 Plate glsss brealcage - t�lunicipal Liquor Store �3 rsplacement Workmen's campensation statutory Equipment floater 28,200000 Neon aign 2,OOOo00 Motor truck cergo SOOo00 44 � CITY OF FxIDLEY, MINNESOTA EMPLOYEES SURETY BONDS DBCEMBER 31, 1960 Surety Name Position boad Marvin C. Brunsell Clerk $ 1,000,00 Marvin C, Brunsell Treasurer 20,OOOs00 Carl Chriatensen Assesaor 500.00 Virgil V. Wills Clerk of Municipal Court 1,OOOo00 All employeea of the City are covered by the following blanket bonds: Faithful performance Z5,000.00 Honesty 15,000.00 45 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA ASSES3ED VALUATIONS, TAX LSVIES AND MILL RATES - YEARS 1958, 1959. 1960. AND 1961 (ehown bv �►ear of tax collac[ibility) 1958 1959 1960 19 1 Asaeased valuations: � Real estate $2,760,973000 $3,372,134v00 $4,607,350.00 $6,178,191edt1 Personal property 606.661000 794,681,00 1,750,623.00 2 113,605.00 Total $3,361,634.00 $4,166,815.00 $6,357,973000 $8,291,796,00 Tax levies: General Fund $ 98,0$2000 $ 156,504.00 $ 189,892.00 $ 226,654000 Public F�ployees Retirement Aasociation Fund 2,835.00 6,515,00 10,004000 Firemen's Relief Fund 3,368.00 4,167.00 5,858.00 10,366000 General Debt Service Fund 3.500.00 3,455.00 3,343,00 3.158000 Total: $ 104,950,00 $ 166,961000 $ 205,608.00 $ 250,182,00 Mill rates: General Fund 29,13 37.57 32,42 27033 Public �nployees Retirement Association �l.ind .68 loll 1,21 Firemen's Relief �nd 1000 1,00 1.00 1.25 General Debt Service Fund 1.03 .82 ,57 .�38 Total 3�16 40�,07= 3�ls 3�� �