1959 Financial Statements - - .: ,� . . . ,� - � . _,�- F , y i CITY'OF FRIDLEY, MINN$SOTA - � , FINANCIAL STATEI�NT8 - _ � � ;*= ,``� .�: . AECEMBER 31, 1959 ,� � 4 „Y ., . . , , 4�. CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINN850TA OxGANIZATION Term of Office and Officer ` Office Bxairea Mayor January � Frank C. LaGrange 1960 Citv Council V. M. Nagel 1961 Glen Johnaon 1960 Bernard Wolke 1961 Ray Sheridan , 1962 Citv ManaAer � . Clarence Maddy-resigned November 1, 1959 EarZ Wagaer-appointed November 16, 1959 Indefinite Clerk Marvin Brunaell Indefinite Treasurer Marvin Brunaell Indefinite ::� � Attorney - Andrew Kohlan Indefinite � Asaessor _``� Carl Christensen Indefinite � Municipal Jud�e Elmer Johnson 1962 ' Clerk of Municipal Court " Laverne H. 0'Flanagan Indefinite �nszineer � Harry Kirchman Indefinite � CITY OF P'aIDL=Y MI_NN�30TA ' ��-�.�-----L , - '�y,.$�+$ Ol� WI�'I'�� � �hibit Latter of Traasmittal Cotem�enta F�nancial Poeition-All Funds Combined Balance ShQet A Statemant of: Cash Balance A-1 Caeh with Fiscal Agenta A'2 Invast�eata A"3 Accounta Recaivable A�4 Taxea Receivable A'S Special Aaseaements Receivable A'6 Due From and Due to Other Funda A"� Work ia Progresa and Contracta Payable A•8 Fixed Aasete A"9 Eacumbrancna and Accounte Yayable A-10 Bonde, Certificatss, and Accrued Iatereat Payable A-11 General and Spacfal Revanue P'unda Balance Sheet B Statement of: Changee in Unappropriated Surplua B'1 Revenues-General Fund B"Z Bxpenditures - General Fund B'3 Revenues and Expenditurea- Recreation Fund B�4 Revenues and Expenditures - Trailer Tax Fund B•5 Analyeis of General Fund Revenue B'6 Analysie of General Fund Expenditures B"� Debt 3ervice Fund Balance Sheet � Statement of: Revenuea C-1 Expenditures �'� Changes in Unappropriated Surplua C•3 ��cial Aasesemsat I+�nde Balance Shset D Statement of: Receipts D"1 , Diabur�emante D'Z ' GITY OF F�IDL=7i. MIDINESOTA TABLS 0� CONT$pT� - � 8xhibit I�i �icival Liquor Aiepsnsar� xevenue Fu,�,d - Balance Sheet $ Stateatent of: Chsnges in Surplus g-1 • Iacome and Expense B-2 Operating Bxpenaee g-3 Fixed Aeaeta and Allowance for D�preciation 8-� �ublic Utilitiea Ptiind Balance 3heet F � Statement of: Chaagae in Surplus F•1 Incoma aad Bxpense F-2 Fixed Aeeets and Allo�nce for Depreciation F-3 Operating Bxpenees F-4 Truat and enci► Funde Balance Sheet � Statement of: Revsmies and �tpenditures G-1 All Ptinds - Summary of Receipta, Disbursements and Transfers H Officisls Surety Bonds I Insurance in Force J Taxable Valuations, Tax Levies, and Rates K Security for Bank Depoaits of City Funds L March 22, 1960 To the Mayor, City Council, and City Manager City of Fridley, Minnesota Gentlemen: We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds of the City of � Fridley, Minnesota, as of December 31, 1959, and the related statemente of revenue, expenditures, and surplus for the year then ended. Our ex- amination was made in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards, and accordingly included auch tests of the account- ing records and such other auditing procedures as we considered nacessary in the circumstancee. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheets and statemente of re- venue, expenditures and surplua present fairly the financial position�of the City of Fridley. Minnesota at December 31, 1959 and its various funds, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted goverrmnental accouating principlea applied oa a basis consiatent with that of the precediag year. We wish to express our appreciatfon for the courteay and assistance ex• . tended to us during the course of our examination. Respectfully submitted, + �u�..-�,,� �ri. ��-- George M. Haasen Company Certified Public Accountants FINANCIAI. OOMl�NTS B�lanc� 8hast - All Funds - Exhibit A The Balance Sheet - All P�nds, 8xhibit A, pr�s�nta in sumsary for� th� finsncial condition of thQ City at December 31� 1959 by sajor fuad claasiti- catfon. Subsidiary stateaanta, Bxhibits A-1 through A-11 support the accouat balu►c�s appearing in 8xhibit A. An aculyeis of the changes ia the caeh balance and in ths invt�tm�nt balancs is as followe: Dscember 31, Increaa• 1958 1959 SD�c�r�as�) Cash Balance-All Ftinds $334,939.59 $275,070.53 $(59�869.06) Inveetments-All Funde 235.000.00 698,410.29 463.410.29 Total Cash and Inveet- mente $569,�939.5�9 $973,480.82 $403.541.23 - During the year ended December 31, 1959 the City iasued bonda in th� a�ouat of $761,OOO.UO. Tempor�ry bonds ia the amount of �431.000.OQ were pur- chased by the xegular Special Aaseesment P�nd of the City and long term bonds in the amount of $330,000.00 were purchased by outeide iat�rests. During the year under sudit special �ssessments receivable decrsas�d by $99,080.25 sa detailed below: Balance December 31, 1958 $2,664,110.63 Aesesaed during 1959 268,729.87 Total $2,932.840.90 Collections and adjuatmenta during 1959 367,810.12 Balance Dacember 31, 1959 $2.S6S,030.38 Decrease $ 99,080.25 Changes in work in progreea during the year are as folloWe: _ Balance December 31, 1958 $ 636,686.30 Additioas during 1959 757.031.54 Total $1,393,717.84 Transferred to Fixed Asaets 328,807.SS Balance December 31, 1959 41,064,910.29 Increase $ 428,Z23.99 Bonded Indebtedness of the Citq increased from $3,138,000 on December 31� 1958 to $3,615,000.00 on December 31, 1959: , ',. Bonded Indebtednese, Dsceanber 31, 1958 $3,138,000.00 Bonds Issued during 1959 761.000.00 Total $3,899,000.00 . Bonda paid during 1959 284,000.00 Bonded Indebtedness� Decamber 31, 1959 � $3,615,000.00 Increase $ 477,000,00 The saount to_bs provided for debt retiremeat of �893,296.87 �i11 bs pro- � vided in tha folloMi.ng mannar: Fro�at futun special aassasments $410,079�,97 Fro� revenua from the Liquor Store� 244.06i�S9 Prom revanue fron the Public Utilitiee 241�152.31 Total $895,� 87 Bonds authorizad and unissued are as follo�►s: Special assesamant SaMer aad Water Pro�ect No. 21 $436,000.00 Spscial Asaeesmsnt Se`rer and Water Pro�ect No. 22 115.000.00 Total $551,� 00� � Tha emount to be provided for conatructioa of $158�129.72 is th• sum ot th• deficit cash balances in the following funde Nherein conatruction wa bagun before the bonds Nera sold: 1959 SeWer and Water No. 21 Fund $148,798.I3 • 1959 Sewer and Water No. 22 Fund 9,331.59 Total $158,1Z9.72 Further comnants with regard to Balance Sheet itsme appear ia the various fund sections which follow. General Fund - Exhiblt B General Fund aurplus increased $52,140.46 during 1959 ae ehovn in �chibit B-1. ' Actual receipts and expenditurea compared with budget ware aa followts BudAet Actual Di�fsrence Snrplus available for budget Januarq 1, 1959 $ 18,395.00 $ 31,294.83 $ 12,899.83 - Revenue 234.969.00 282.$0 .16 47,838.16 Total $253,364.00 $314,101.99 $ 60,137.99 Sxpenditurea 253,364.00 235,690.14 (17,673.26) Total $� $ 78,4�11.25� $ 78,�1�.� xhe major item contributing to the axcess of actual revenuea ovar budgsiad revenues was the inczease in licenee and permit income of $32,678.55 ov�r budget. A transf�r of $40�000.00 waa made from tha Liquor Dispeasarq Revsaua Ftind to the Genaral F�nd in accordance with the budget requirement. Actual expenditures were belov budgeted expendituras primarilq due to actual Straet and Allay Mainteaance expenae and actual Treasurer's op�rat- ing expanee being lass thaa bndgated. Accounta receivable of the Gennral Fund include the State Liquor and Ciga- rstte Tax apportionment for the last half of 1959. During the ysar under audit, the petty cash fund of the Clerk's office w�s increased from $75.00 to $125.00. The reserva for future loeal improvesents i� the amount of $16,160.83 i� tha aacumul�ted a�ount of colltctiona on apecial aasesomants of Th� General Fund Whic6 ara bsing r�s�rvsd for tha fiasncing of future iapravs- menta. An analysis of certain Gsaeral FuAd ravaaue and exp�aditur� acconnts is presented in Bzhibits 8-6 aad B 7. Hecxeation P�nd - Exhibit B During the r�ar 1959, $2,800.00 �raa tranaferred from tha Gen�ral F�ad to th� Recraetion lr'und. � Uaappropriated aurplus of tha Recreation Fund increased fro� �501.55 to $893.80 during th� ysar under audit. Trailer Tax Fund Rev�nuee of the Trailer Ta�c Fund were equal to the sxpsnditursa se all collections were transmitted to the County, to the School, and to tha General Fund of the City as provided for in the Minnsaota Statuta�. Dabt Service F�nd - $xhibit C T'he D�bt Service Fbnd fuactions aa a Ih�nd into which proceeds of irrepaal- able tax levies are placad and from which paymenta are made for boad ' principal and interest. � As of December 31, 1959 tha unappropriated aurplus of the Fuad was $1,827.33. Spocial Aasaesment Funds - B�hibit D Regulaz Special Aaseasment Fund The Regular Special Aamesemnnt Fuad functioned aa both a construction fund and a ainking fund prior to 1959. Ths construction,activitq in qeare prior to 1959 ie r�flect�d by tha au�ount af �45,859.14 ia iwrk ia prosress, aad an amount of $52,100.00 in dus from ths City ot Colunbia Haight� for thair share of tha costs on Storm Searer Project No. 1 coastruction. Tha fund functioned ai a sinkiag fund during 1959 sxcept for thsee t�ro itu�a Which vere still contained in the fund. During the yaar 1959, funda received from special aasessmeat collectiona from intare�t oa invaetmsats, and from eacroW deposita �re u�ed to pay maturad bond� and intereat and to purchase t�porary bond� is�ued by tha � City of Fridllep. • 1958 S�ver and Water Project No. 13-1958�Imarov�ment4 Fund Con�tructioa ; '" COUAk ' Procaed� from tha sale of long term boads ia th� amount of $330,000.00 wr� �aad to r�pay advances froa� othsr funda during 1958, to pay constructioa costa during 1959, and to briag ths d�ficit cash bslaaae aa ot Dsceaber 31, 1955 to a poaitive cash balance as of Decs�ber 91, 1959. Investments in the am�unt of $SS�731.80 �ers pureha�sd and aold duriag th� ytar under audit. SinkinA Accouat Temporary bonda isaued duriag 1958 in the amount of $120,000.00 w�re retired during 1959. Fuads transferred from the Construction account to the Sinking account during the year 1959 in repaymeat of an advance made to that account in 1958, were uasd to pay these bonds. The source of funds to repay the $330,000.00 bond isaue will be the collect- ione from future spacial asseaemeats. M ad valorem tax will ba levied if neceasary. 1958 Sewer and Water Proiect No. 14-1958 I�aprovement SinkinA Fund Final payment on the temporary bond8 of this fund will be taade in 1960. 1958 Sewer and Water Pr�ect No. 15-1958 Improvement P�nd Conatruction Account When the balance on the construction contract amounting to $3.031.42 has been paid in 1960 this account will have a surplus to be tranaferred to the ainking account. SinkinR Account Temporary bonds maturing in 1960 and 1961 will be paid from the cash bal- ance, from collections of apecial assesamenta and from funde to be provid- ed. The source of the funda to be provided will be the collectiona from future special assessments. An ad valorem tax will be levied if necesaary. Sewer and Water No. 16 Improvement I�nd Coastruction Account The cash balance of $3,719.00 is being reserved for future construction. � Conatruction work in progresa �ill be transferred to fixed assete when completed. SinkinA Account Temporary bonds maturing in 1961 will be paid from the cash balancea from collections of special assessments and from funds to be provided. The source of the funds to be provided will be the collections fram future special assessmeats. An ad valorem tax will be levied if necessary. 1954 Sewer and Water No. 21-1959 Imcrovement I�und Conatruction Account The deficit in the cash account in the amount of $148,798.13 ie due to con- ' etruction being started in 1959 before the bonda authorized were issued. When the bonds authorized amounting to $436,000.00 are eold, the proceeda will be used to reimburae the cash account and to finance further con- etruction. Sinkin� Account Temporary bonda of $50,000.00� issued in 1959, will mature in 1961. F�nds n►uet be provided for this debt retirement. 1959 Sewer and i�iater No. 22-1959 Improvement Fund Conatruction Account The deficit in the cash account of $9,331.59 will be liquidated from pro- ceeds of the sale of bonda authorized unissued. . Sinkint� Account The amount of $125,625.00 muat be: provided for pay�aeaC of the t�mporary bonds and the accrued interest thereon. Construction Accounta With Deficit Balaaces Several construction accounts have deficit cash balances as the meane of " financing the projects had noC been determined as. of December 31, 1959. 1958 Street SurfacinA SinkinA Fund Temporary bonda in the amount of $14,000.00 wi11 mature in 1961 and pro- vieion for payment of the bonds is adequate. 1959 Street Improvement Fund Conatruction Account .- The cash balance of $19,870.20 is being reaerved for future constru�tion costs. SinkinA Account The source of funde for repayment of the $60,000.00 of temporary bonds maturing in 1961 had not been determined as of December 31, 1959. Muaicipal Liquor Diapeasar�r Revenue Fund - Exhibit E Municipal Liquor Dis�ensarv Operating Account During the year the cash change fund was increased from $2,700.00 to $3,200.00. - Accounta receivable represents the balaace due on Iiquor store equipment eold during 1959. Inventoxies increased- from $70,404.18 on December 31, 1958 to $92,834.30 on December 31, 1959. Prepaid expense in the amount of $5,277,02 consiata of unexpired insurance premiums of $801.32, prepaid rent on Dispensary No. 1 of $L00.00, and pre- . payment of liquor purchases to get diacounts in December on merchandiee not delivered until January. Accounts payable of $20,683,36 repreaents payments to vendora January 8, 1960 on checka dated December 31� 1959. The amount due to the General Fund of $5,480.06 representa ti�e liability for payroll of the Liquor Store for the last half of December, which Was paid from the General Fund. Current surplus of the l�nd increased from $81,428.59 on December 31, 1958 to $99,393.03 on December 31, 1959. Net income for the year as shown in Exhibit E-2, was $64,265.47 compared with a net income of $62,106.23 for the yeaz 1958. Gross profit waa 32.72� for 1959 compared with 32.79x ia 1958. Municipal Liquor Interest and Sinking Account Each month a transfer is made from the Operating Fund to the Interest and Sinking Fund� and it is from this Fund that bond and interest paymente are made. Municipal Liauor Reserve Account • Investments of $22,152.67 and the cash balance of $847.33 are reaerved in thia account for debt retirement. Pubiic Utility I�ad - Bachibit F Operatintt Account Accounta receivable in the amount of $32,682.17 at December 31, 1959 re- preaente an increase of $6,800.34 over the balance as December 31, 1958. Accrued Revenue - unbilled sales, of $4,971.79,repreaents the eatimated �mount due for servicee since the previous billing to customers. Current surplus increased from a deficit oE $6,228.51 at December 31, 1958 to a surplus of $10,250.66 at December 31, 1959. Net incame for the year 1959 was $32,603.08 as compared with $33,818.48 for the previous year. Interest and SinkinA Account _ Each quarter a transfer ie made from the Operating Account to the Interest� ` and Sinking Account to provide funds for payment of bond principal and interest maturities. Reserve Account Inveatments in the amount of $13,088.62 and the Cash balance of $911.38 are reserved for debt retirement. � � Truet and A�ency Funda - Exhibit G Public &uployeea Retirement Aasociation Fund A eurplus of $23.28 in this fund is due to tax levies for the City's share of the P. $. R. A. coets yielding an amount alightly in excesa of the re- quired amount. Firemen's Ralief Aeaociation Fund Delinquent taxes recaivab2e in this fund are being reaerved in the full amount dua to the unpredictable collection of these taxes. - Ge�a�ral Fixed Aesets - 8xhibit A-9 � Becord�d valul�� of the previous audit report aere accepted ae the opening balances for General Fixed Asaets and coat valuea were used to rscord th� additions aad deductiona during the qear. _ -- �11 P�nde 8u�ary of Receipts, Disburaemaata, and Transfers - B�chibit H Total caah receipta, cash diebureements, and aash transfers by fund ia pre- sentsd in 8xhibit H. Officisle Surety Bonds - Bxhibit I Official's Surety bands �ere examiasd aad appeared to be in order. Insurance in Force - &xhibit J A atatement of insurance in force ie presented in 8xhibit J. Taxable Valuations, Tax Leviea. and Ratee - Bxhibit K The increase ia total aesessed vsluation during the yeara 1956 through 1959 ie apparent in this exhibit. During this same period the mill rate increaaed from 21.61 mills in 1956 to 40.07 milla in 1958 aad then decrsseed to 35.10 mills in 1959. Securitv for Bank Deposita of Citv Funds - Exhibit L Security for depoaits of City funds in the Columbia Heighta State Bauk woas increased from $200,000.00 to $250,000.00 on December 28, 1959. This in- _ creaae in security vas neceasary to cover the increase in bank deposit bal- � ance after the December tax setticment had been depoaited. Security for depoaits of City funde Was therefor� adequats to cover balsnc�a on depoait as of December 31, 1959 in all� thres banke daeignated as de- - poeitoriea for City funde namely, Colum�iia Heighte State Bank, Camden North- � , , '` western National Bank, and P'idelity Baak attd Truat Company. GBNERAL COI�AlENTS . Clerk's and Treasurer's Record B�cause the duties of the City Clerk and City Treasurer are combined in ons office, the Clerk-Treasurer acts aa a supervisor of these activitiaa. To the : extent that the present number of employeea will permit, accounting control dutiea and caahier cuatodial dutisa are so divided that no one person ia coa- tually responsible for both activities. � Receipts and Deposite - General and Sp�cial Revanue, Debt Service, Sancial Asaessment, and Trust and AAaacy Receipts �- _ The receipts of theae Funds ara deposited intact each w�eek by th� - . -� accountant and a copy of the duplicate deposit tick�t ia attached to the copies of the clerk's receipta covered by the depooit. The total - _ . amount of the receipts ie checked agaiast the total amount on the de- . posit ticket each week by the accountant. Liquor Store Receipts A deposit ie prepsrsd by the liquor stora manager sa�h daq cov�ring the previous days receipte. Deposite ars tsken to the bank svery othar day. Th� accounting department receive,� a copy of the depoeit tick�t to- gether with the caeh regiater tapea of the previoua dsy'a salas. Public Utility Receipts � A report of collections is prepared each week. Receipts are deposited weekly after being checked againat the collection report. Vaucher Checks The City is now using prenumbered voucher checks which facilitates the accounting for there checks. All blank voucher checka are kept under lock and released by the Clerk-Trsaeurer et the time they are to be uged. A check signer ie being used which requirea two keys to open. The Clerk- � Treasurer has one key and the operator has the secoad key. BuildinR Permits Building permits are now being issued only after receipt of the money for the permits. Money received for the permit is being receipted for promptly. The internal control has been atrengthened by this improved procedure. Inventories of I��►nicival Liquor Storea A physical count of inerchandiee for resale is taken at each of the ti�re� � municipal liquor storea quarterly. The entire operation of counting, ._. pricing and extending the inventories is supervised by the Clerk-Treasurer. tdhen possible, before each phyaical count is begun, the inventory should be so arranged that all cases of like brand and same size are together. This will save counting time and will reduce the poeaibility of any error in the counting. Since Store No. 3 is both an on sale snd off sale store, consideration should be given to the desirability of recording the coat of salea separ- ately for the on sale and off sale operation. This would permit the de- termination of gross profit for each of these operations. . . Public Utility Meter Deposits A depoait is currently required on all water meters. An advance billing of the eatimated water usage for one month is also required. When service is ' discontinued the deposit and advanced billing ie either refunded or applied - on the final bill. 8ome time could be saved in the accounting department if consideration could be given to combining these two charges. I�nicipal Co,urt The recorda of the Clerk of Municipal Court ahould be so kept that at the end of each month, the cash received in payment of fines, coats, and bail, which " has not been transmitted or refunded, can be readily identifisd as part of the cash on hand or cash in the bank. General The City adminiatration is to be commended for its progress in maintaining and improving its financial records and procedures during a period of rapid growth. � EZHIBIT A � CITY OF 1PRIDLEY, tdINNBSOTA 2'age 1 of 2. - OQI+�IIiSD B�AI.ANCE SHEBT ' DBCffi�BB 31, 1959 F U N D General Iiunicipal Trust Ge�aeral and Special Debt Special Liquor D3speasary Yublic aad Fized Fxhibit Total Revenue Service Aseessment ReviNnue Utilities �S Asaets ASSBTS Gash A-1 $ 275,070.53 $ 92,927.21 $ 1,577.33 $ 84,281.37 $ 47,286.37 $ 48,974.97 $ 23.28 $ - Caah �+ith fiscal agent A-2 22,905.75 - 3,135000 19,302.00 468.75 - - - Investmants _ A-3 668,410.29 - - 533,169.00 22,152.67 13,088.62 - - Accounts receivable A-4 38,347.61 4,977.44 - - 688�00 32,682.17 - - Im�entories . - 92,834.30 - - - 92,834.30 :- - - - Tu�s receivable: - Curreat A-5 3,400.00 - 3,400.00 - - - - - Deliaqueat A-5 8,298.10 7,739.32 235.94 - - - 322.84 - Deferred A-5 3,300.00 - 3,300.Q0 - - - - - Special asaessments recefvable: � Current A-6 438,753.88 809.41 - 437,944.47 - - - - Delinqueat A-6 123,445.01 1,071.00 - 122,374.01 - - - - Deferred A-6 2,002,831.49 2,802.76 - 2,000,028.73 - - - - Due fro� other funds A-7 13,074.74 12,847.24 - - - 227.50 - - Due from City of Cclumbia Heights Share of Storm Seaer Project No. l� 52,100.00 - - 52,100.00 - - - - Accrued revenue - nnbilled salss 4,971�79 - - - - 4,971.79 - - Prepaid espanae 5,298.99 - - - 5,277.02 21.97 - - Aspunt to be provfded for debt retirement 895,296.87 - - 410�079.97 244,064.59 241,152.31 - - Bonda authorizsd, uaissued 551,000.00 - - 551,000.00 - - - - Construction iartc in progresa A-8 1,064,910.29 - - 1,064,910.29 - - - - Imount to be pmvided for construction 158�129.72 - - 158,129.72 - - - - Fiaed Asaets A-9 4.365�Z21.49 - - - 197,523.83 3.267,781.00 - 899,9i6.66 Total Assets $10,817,600.85 $1�23a174.38 $11_� 95,563,319.56 $b10,295.53 $3,608,940.33 $346.12 $899,916.66 ' .. . .�:: ,.3..._ ;_ � � � _. . . . ._ . - _ . �:: - . . _ . __ _ . _ ;__ . B7QiIBIT A CITZ OF FBIDLEY, !!IINNBSOTA t'ags 2 of 2 O�MBINSD D�AI�ANCB SHBBT DBCffi�ER 31, 19 59 ' F U N D General Municipal Truat Geaeral and Special Debt Special Liquor Dispeassry Public 8ad Fized Exhibit Total Revenue Service Assessa�ent Reveaue Utilities eac ABaets LIABILITIES. 1tESE8VSS, AND SURPi.US Payables: . Accounts paqable A-10 $ 27,703.87 $ - $ - $ - $ 20,6$3.36 $ 7,020.51 $ - $ - Contracts A-8 377,627.10 - - 377,627.10 - - - - I�l�eter deposits liability 64,420,66 - - - - 64,4Z0.66 - - Matured boada and interest A-2 1,695.75 - 135.00 1,092.00 468.75 - - - A,ccrued intereat A-11 65,357.30 - 135.00 - 60,2Q9.80 2,604.17 2,408.33 - - Bonds-currsnt maturities A-11 219,000.00 - 3,000.00 201,000.00 10,000.04 5,000.00 - - Bonds-future naturities A-11 3,396,000.00 - 6,000.00 3,040�000.00 190,000.00 160,000.00 - - � Deposit for park laad 4,065.00 4,065.00 - - - - - - Dae to other funds A-7 13,074.74 - - 7,367.18 5,707.56 - - - Reserves: ' Pettp cash and change fuade A-1 3,425.00 150.00 - - 3,200.00 75.00 - - Deliaquent accounte receivable A-4 450.08 450.08 - - - - - - Delinquent taxee reccivable A-5 8,298.10 7,739.32 235.94 - - - 322.84 - Curr�nt special assessmeats receivable A-6 809.41 809.41 - - - - - - Delinqusat apeciel asseasmenta receivable A-6 1,071.00 1,071.00 - - - - - - - Deferred �pecial asseasmenta receivable A-6 2,802.76 2,802.76 - - - - - - Authorized construction 552,192.45 - - 552,192.45 - - - - Co�utruction work in progrese A-8 696,728.15 - - 696,728.15 - - - - Future local improvements 39,750.03 16,160.83 - 23,589.20 - - - - Bncv$brances A-10 5,989.14 5,989.14 - - - - - - Future maturitiss-fnterest on bonds 697,156.98 - 315.00 561,182.98 57,714.83 77,9�i4.17 - - Debt retireunt 37,000.00 - - - 23,000.00 14,000.00 - - Surplus: - Inv�stad in fiued assets A-9 4,365,221.49 - - - 197,523.83 3,267.781.00 - 899,916.60 ilnappropriated A-11 207,761.84 83,936.84 1,827.33 12.330.70 99.393.03 10,250.66 23.28 - Tot�l Liabilitiea, �eservas, and Surplu8 $10,817,600.85 $123,174.38 $11,648.27 $5,563,319.56 $610,295.53 $3,608,900.33 $� $899,916.60 t - : . . . _ . . . , . . ,.�-� . . ' . . - . � � . . . _. . .. . . . � � � . . �y. ' ��''`": ... � . . " . . � . ._.. _ . . � . _ . . � . .. . .. . � _ .. . .. . . . . . . y,,,; . ., . .. . . .. .. . .. . � :.. . . ". , ::.: , ; �.. . . . , ..:v��� . .. _ � . i .. .. ,�.. BXFIIBIT A-1 . , CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINN830TA � � � STATB2�NT OF' CASH BALANCES DBCBI+IBBR 31, 1959 Bank Balancea � Ceeh on deposit in bsnka: Columbia Heighta 3Cate Bank, ° Columbla Heighte, Minneeota: , Bank Balance $232,162.87 Add: Deposits in transit 2,758.90 $234,921.77 Lese outstanding checks 56,262.58 . Treasurer's bank balance $178,659.19 Fidelity State Bank, Minneapolis, Minaesota: Bank Balaace $ 55,767.34 Less outstanding checks 6,867.37 Treasurer's bank balance 48�899.97 � The Camden Northwestern Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota: .. Bank Balance $ 34,873.94 Add: Deposits in transit 13,285.77 $ 48,159.7I Less outatanding checks 4�073.34 • Treasurer' s bank balance 44.086.37 Total cash on deposit in banka $271,645.53 �Cesh on H�nd General: Clerk's Office $ 125.00 Municipal court 25.00 $ 150.00 Public Utility 75.00 Municipal LiQuor 3,200.00 `' Total cash on hand $ 3i425.00 Total Cash Balances - Exhibit A $275,070.53 CASH BALANCES BY FUND General and Special Revenue Funde: General $ 91,350.41 Recreation 1,576.30 $ 92,927.21 Debt Service Fund . 1,577.33 Special Asseasment Fund 84,282.37 Municipal Liquor Dispensary Fund 47,286.37 Public Utilities Fund 48,974.97 �.. Public Employee`s Retirement Asaociation Fund 23.28 Total Cash Balance - Sxhibit A $275,070.53 EXHIBIT A-2 CITY OF FRIDLBY. MINNE80TA STATEMSNT OF CASH WITH FISCAL AGBNTS DECEMBER 31, 1959 Fiscal Agent Issue Date Tots1 Bonds Interest Debt Service Fund Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolia Municipal Building Bonda 7- i-51 $ 3,13500o S3,o0o.00 � 135.00 Total Debt Service Fund $ 3,135.00 $3,000.00 $ 135.00 Special Aaseasment SinkinA Fund Northwestern NaCfonal Bank of Minneapolis Water and Sewer Improvement Bonda of 1954, Series 8 8- 1-54 $ 472.50 $ - $ 4�2.50 Storm Sewer Improvemeat Bonds of 1954 11-1 -54 210.00 - 210.00 Water aad SeWer Improvement Bonds of 19S4, Series C 11- 1-54 157.50 - 157.50 - Water aad Seaer Improvement Bonds of 1955, Series D 5- 1-55 252.00 - 252.00 Water and Sewer Improvement Bonda of 1959 1- 1-59 18,210,00 18,210.00 Total Special Assesament Sinking Fund $19.302.00 $ - $19,302.00 Municipal Liquor Diapensarv Sinkin.g . Fund Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis 2�unicipal Building Revenue Bonda 9- 1-56 $ 468.75 $ $ 468.75 Total Municipal Liquor , Dispensary Sinking Fund $ 468.75 $ $ 468.75 Total A11 Funda - Exhibit A $22,905.75 $3,0�00�0�0 $19,9�5� MATURED BONDS AND INTEREST DECEMBER 31, 1959 Debt Service Fund $ 135.00 Special Asaessmeat Sinking F�nd 1,092.00 Municipal Liquor Diapeneary Sinking I�nd 468.75 Total All fi�nde - Exhibit A $1.695p7S � BYHIBIT A-3 CITY OF FxIDL&Y, MINN$SOTA Page 1 of 2 3TATEM�NT OF INVBSTMBNTS DSCEMB�,R 31, 1959 Balance Matured Balance January 1, or Dacs�mber 31� 1959 Purchased Sold 1959 3aecisl Assessment Funds Regular Special Asseesment Fund: U. S. Treasurq Bills: 99.112X $ - $ 39,644.80 $ 39,644.80 $ - 98.508� - 211,792020 211,792.20 - 98.11lx 370,441.00 223,272.00 147,169.Ob Total U. S. Treasury Billa $ - $ 621,878.00 $474.709.00 $147,169.00 City of Fridley Boadst 1958 Sewer and wat�r Pro�ect No. 13-1958 Improvement Bonda: Seriee "A" $ 30,000.00 $ - $ 30,OOO.dO $ - Serieffi "B" 90,000.00 - 90,000.00 - 1958 Sewer and Water Project No. 14-1958 - Improvement Bonda: Seriea "C" 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 - Seriea "D" 20,000.00 - 15,000.00 5,000.00 1958 Sewer and Water Pro�ject No. 15-19S8 Iwprovement Bonda: Series "A" 66,000,00 - - 66,000.00 Seriea "B" - 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 . 1958 Street Surfacing - - - - Improvement Bonds, Seriee A 23,000.00 - 9,OOC+.00 14,OOO.QO 1959 Sewer and �Tater Project No. 16-1959 - 146,000.00 - 146,000.00 1959 Sewer and Water Pro,ject No. 21 - 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 1959 Sewer and Water Pro,ject No. 22: l�irst Iseue - 50,000.00 - SO,OOD.00 Series "A" - 60,000.00 - 60,000.00 Seriea "B" - 75,000.00 75.000.00 Tota1 City of Fridley Bonds $235,Q00.00 $ 431.00p.00 $150,000.00 $516,000.00 Total Regular Special • Asaessment Fund $235,000.00 $1,052,878.00 $624,709.00 $663,169.00 Sewer and Water No. 13- 1958 Fund: U. S. Trsasury Bil�e 98.508� $ - $ 83 731.80 $ 83,731.80 $ - � Total Special Aasesemant Funda $235,000.00 $1.136.609.80 $708,440.60 $663,169.00 BXiiIBIT A-3 CITY OF FRIDL$Y, MINNBSOTA Page 2 of 2 STATBMENT OF INV$STNENTS DBCBMH�R 33. 1959 B:kance Matur�d Balancs January 1, or Decaiber_ 31� 1959 Purcheaed Sold 1959 Municipal Liquor Dispensarv -Fund U. S. Treasury Notes 99.90625x $ - $ 22,152.67 $ - $ 22,152.67 Public Utilities Fund U. S. Treasury Notea 99.90625� 13,088.62 13,088.6Z Totals $235,000.00 $1 171,85�1.09 $708,440.80 Total All Funds - Exhibit A $698i410.29 EXHIBIT A-4 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA STATgMENT OF ACOOUNTS RECEIVABLE DECEMBER 31, 1959 � General Fund Municipal Court $ 124.00 Shared State taxes: Liquor $1,252.6$ . Cigarette 3,150.6$ 4,403.36 Miscellaneous 450.08 Total General Fund $ 4,977.44 R.iblic Ut�.lity Fund District #1 $ 7,898.65 District �2 24,605.15 District #3 178.37 Tota1 Public Utility Fund 32,682.17 Liquor Dispensarv Fund Robert Haskowvitch 688.00 ToCal Al1 F`unds - Exhibit A $38,347.61 RESERVE FOR DELZNQ�JENT ACCAUI3T5 RECEIVABLE DECEMBER 31, 1959 General Fund Miscellaneous - Exhibit A $ 450.08 BBHIBIT A-5 CITY OF FRIDLEY„� MIN1V�$OTA STATEMBNT OF TAX$8 RBCEIVABLE DBCEMBER 32, 1959 � Current DelincNeat Deferred General F�nd Balance January 1, 1959 $ - $ 5�598.13 $ - Additions: Taxea levied 156,507.46 - - Transferred from current taxes - 5.595.41 Total $156,507.46 $11,193054 $ DeducCians: Taxee collected $147,256.22 $ 3,454.22 $ - Traneferred to delinquent taxes 5,595.41 • - Caacellations and abatea►ents 3�655.83 - Total $Z56,S07.46 $ 3,454.22 $ Balance December 31, 1959 $� � 7 7 9.32 $�,� Debt Service Fund Balance January 1, 1959 $ 3,455.00 $ 262.04 $6,700.00 Additions: Transferred from current taxes - 12Z.13 - Tranaferred from deferred taxes 3,400.00 Total $ 6�$55.00 $ 384.17 $6,700.00 Deductions: Taxes collected � 3,284.22 $ 148.23 $ - Transferred to current taxes - - 3,400.00 Tranaferxed to deliaquent taxes 122.13 - - Cancellations and abatements 48.65 Total $ 3,455.00 $ 148.�3 $3,400.00 Balance December 31, 1959 $ 3�400 00 $ 2�35.94 $3,3.�0�0�A - Tru�t and Agencv Balance January 1, 1959 $ - $ 294.21 $ - Add3tions: Taxes levied 7,001.82 - - Tranaftrred from current taxes - 250.21 Total $ 7.001.82 $ 444.42 $ ' Deductions: Taxes collected $ 6,732.06 $ 121.58 $ - Transferred to delinquent taxes 250.21 - - Cancellations and abatements 19.55 Balence December 31, 1959 $� $ 322.8 $� Total Al2 Funde - Exhibit A $ 3,400.00 $ 8,2�9$.1�0 $3,3�00 00 BXHIBIT A-6 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Page 1 of 4 STATEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSE5SMENT3 RECBIVABLE DECEMB$R 31, 1959 Current Delinqueat Deferred General l�nd Balance January 1, 1959 $ 2,971.43 $ 1,291.15 $ 2,822.16 Deductions: Collections by city $ - $ - $ 20.00 Collections by county 2,162.02 220.15 - Total Deductions $ 2,162.02 $ 220.15 $ 20.00 Balance December 31, 1959 $ 8�09.41 $ 1,0�71.00 $ 2,802.76 Special Assessment Funds Regular Sinking Fund-Taxable Property Balance January .1, 1959 $225,869.42 $141,671.41 $1,941,480.'}� Additions: Improvemente assessed in 1959 $ - $ - $ 6,951.60 � Transferred from current taxable property - 5,972.59 262.63 Transferred from deferred tax exempt property 113,822.65 - - Intereet on current asseasment 88,554.84 - - Refunda of prior years overpayments - - 951.61 � Adjuatments to 1958 callections - - 130.40 Adjustment to County Auditor's reco rd - 18,557.91 Total Additions $202.377.49 $ 24,530.50 $ 8,302.24 Deductions: Collections by city $ 822.46 $ 1,243.23 $ 177,271.47 Collections by county 129,570,00 69,919.53'� - Tranaferred to current- taxable property - - 113,822.65 Transferrcd to current- tax exempt property - - 874.19 Transferred to delinquent taxable property 5,972.59 - - . Transferred to deferred- taxable property 262.63 - - Traneferred to deferred- tax exempt property 21.52 23.64 9,078.08 Adjuatments to 1958 collections 179.82 - - Cancellations and abatements - - 1�778.10 Total Deductions $136.829.02 $ 71.186.40 $ 302,824.49 Balance December 31, 1959 $291,417.89 $ 95.015.51 $1,646,958.30 � EREtIBIT A-6 CITY OF PxIDLEY. MINNESOTA Pags 2 of 4 3TATEIdSNT OF SPSCIAL ASSBSSMENT3 xSCEIVABLB DECEMBBR 31, 1959 Current Delinquent Defarred Special Asaessm�nt Funds (Continued) Ret�ular Sinking Fund-Tax Exempt Property Balance January 1, 1959 $ 27,463.32 $ 1,516.70 $ 39�364.82 Additions: Transferred £rom current- taxable property $ 874.19 $ - $ 9,078.08 Tranaferred from current- tax ex�mpt property - 19�841.80 - Transferred from delinquent taxable property 23.64 - - Transferred from deferred- tax exempt property 1,657.54 - - Interest on current assesa- meat 1,068,78 - - Adjustment to 1959 beginning ba l aence - - 59.80 Total Additions $ 3,b24.15 $ 19,841.80 $ 9,137.88 Deductions: Collectiona by city $ 7,278.13 $ - $ - Tranaferred to current- tax exempt property - - 1,$57.54 Tranaferred to delinquent tax exempt property 19,841.80 - - � Total Deductions $ 27,119.93 $ $ 1,657.54 Balance Decamber 31, Z959 $ 3,967.54 $ 27,358.50 $ 46,845.16 SeWer and Water Proiect No. 13- Taxable Propertv Balance January 1, 1959 $ 24,118.10 $ - $ 191,706.32 Additions: Ymprovements aesessed 1959 $ - $ - $ 950.00 Transferred from deferred- taxable property 21.180.06 - Total Additions $ 21,180.06 $ $ 950.00 Deductiona: � Collectione by city $ 481.31 $ - $ 1�064.92 Collectiona by county 11,516.28 - - . Tr�tnsferred to current- taxable property - - 404.22 Transferred to deferred- taxable property - - 21,180.06 Transferred to dsferred- tax exempt property - - 3,184.62 Total Deductions $ 11,997.59 $ - $ 25,833.82 Balance December 31, 1959 $ 33,300.57 $ - $ 166.8?Z.50 BxHIBIT A-6 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNBSOTA Page 3 of 4 BTATEl�NT UF SPBCIAL A33$SSMBNTS R$C$IVABLB DBCFMBBR 31, 1959 Current Delinqusnt Deferred Special Asaeasment P`unds (Continued) Sewer and Water Proiect No. 13- Tax Exempt Property � _ Balance January 1, 1959 $ 1,587.81 $ - $ 12,570.89 Additions: Transferred fro�a deferred- taxable property $ 404.22 $ - $ 3�184.62 Transferred from deferred- tax exempt property 3,738.00 - - Interest on current assess- ment I57.01 - Total Additions $ 4,299.23 $ - $ 3,184.62 Deduction8: Tranaferred to current- tax exempt property $ - $ - $ 3 7,38.00 Balance December 31, 1959 $ 5,887.44 $ - $ 12�017.51 Sewer and Water Project No. 14- Sinkintx �nd Balance Januery l, 1959 $ 17,929.17 $ - $ 2,724.90 D�ductiona: Collections by city $ - $ - $ 2,7Z4.90 Collectiona by couaty 14,431.19 - - Total Deductions $ 14,431.19 $ - $ 2,724.90 Balance December 31, 1959 $ 3,497.98 $ - $ - Sewer and Water Proiect No. 15- Sink�nR Fund Additiona: � Improvements asaes8ed 1959 $ - $ - $ 105,015.02 Transferred from deliaquent 34,746.13 Total Additiona $ 34 746.I3 $ - $. 105,015.02 Deductians: Collections by city $ - $ - $ 32,039.24 Transferred to current - 34,74b.13 Total Deductions $ - $ $ 66,785.37 Balance December 31, 19S9 $ 34,746.13 $ - $ 38,229.65 8X1iIBIT A-6 CITY OF FRIDLEX, MINNBSOTA Pags k of 4 STATBMBNT OF. SPBCIAL A$SB$S1�NTS RILCBIVABLB DBCBMBEx 31, 1959 � Current Delinauent D�ferrsd Sqecial Asaeeament Funda (Continued) Sewer and itater Pro�ect No. 16- Sinking Fund Additfone: Improvementa aasessed 1959 $ - $ - $ 145,354.57 Transferred 59.570.54 Tota1 Additions $ 59,570.54 $ $ 145,354.57 Deductiona: Collectioas by city $ - $ - $ 4,446.35 Transferred to current 59,570.54 Total Deductions $ $ - $ 64,016.89 Balance December 31, 1959 $ 59,5T0.54 $ - • � 81,337.68 ' 1958 Street SurfecinA Sinkin�t Fund Balance January 1, x959 $ 2,851.99 $ - $ 9,701.21 Additions: � Improvements aeseased 1.959 $ - $ - $ 10,468.68 Transferred from deferred 3,613.48 - Total Additions $ 3,613.48 $ - $ 10,4b8.68 Deductions: Collectioae by city $ -- $ - $ 8�738.48 Collections by county 908.69 - Transferred to current - 3.6Z3.48 Total Deductions $ 908.69 $ - $ 12,351.96 Balance December 31, 1959 $ 5,556.78 $ $ 1,817.93 Total Special Asaessments Funda $43 94k.47 $122,3�74.01 $2,000,028.73 Tota1 Special Assessmente Receivable- Exhibit A $438,7�53.88 $123,445.01 $2.002,831.1►9 h BXHIBIT A-7 CITY OF FRIDLEY. IKINNESOTA STATSMENT OF WE FRpM AND DUE TO OTHSR FUNDS DBCEIfl3Ex 31, 1959 FUND DiTE FROM Special I�aicipsl Fund Due to Total Aesesoment Livuor Diaveaaarn General Fund Reimbursement for services preparing special aseesameat rolls $ 7,3b7.18 $7,3b7.Z8 $ - Reimbursement for December payroll 5,480.06 5,480.06 Total General Fund $12,847.24 $7,367.18 $5,480.06 Public Utilitv I�nd Interest on inveatments $ 227.50 $ 227.50 Total AlI �nde - Exhibit A $13,074.74 $7 3��67.18 $5,707.56 --�-- _ �. ao o� � a �-+ . rr• o o O' �, e� o� r� c� �r► c+� o �"� �+ �1 O ' O �O �t CD O .t �? •-� •a p V r� rl 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 • • � • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 • h� .q e+1 �A V1 O� .-� V1 v� P1 h .� 1� � � �{ t� P. M .'I' �T O O 1� N a �i � •� •o � o o. a r. ao � �o w w w � w w w w � � a � M � c� en N � N � o h � � � u vr v, as � Jd � u`1 � .-N� vQ1 v�► M � ^ O 3 CND .��+ M . . . a �1 . 1 1 1 1 i 1 / 1 1 • • � • • • • • • • • � . 1�+ a! � d O� � ^ e 1 O N .�-� N .�' .T N q . M p+ a0 O� v�1 oC n c�1 a0 .+ .t d .a � �V � � � � � � � w � � � � � . Y r-1 p► � r�i � .f � � � � p O N N .-1 � c�1 �O C+ .Y N M GO e'�1 p W O �D � O N 00 N .� .a t� u"f o0 �O O� � F+ a4 . . . . . . . � • � � � � 1 � 1 1 • - O I+ V1 Q �O O e'�'1 O� �O N � N O r+ e+1 N - - .r qt N Cp �C O O� O+ O r+ Op 1� O � N � �M � c�1 00 M �1 �D �O .t e"1 .-+ v1 1� w w w w w w w w w . � � CO .�1 l'�1 �`'1 J M'1 �O � 1'� ,-i @�1 , N N P. N N M </Y N f/1 ,9 O N N .� r1 e►t � O+ �T �p �' O� O qp O M tI1 g `t 00 � e'�1 � O �O 1� O N C� N �! r1 O .-1 GO N O CO O� 1� , �,J . . . . . . . . • � . o . . • . .-t t1 O O �O O e'�1 Q� �D N O► t� �e'► �O N1 �I1 00 M V1 � � �t P► y 111 p a0 b O O� O► O .-r v� F. N .! e+1 O O � N �t N �A ai i� O a0 M v1 �O �D �t �"1 a0 � N a� 1� O �O �O � �i �"1 � il w w w . w w w • � w w � w w w w p � ..a e�'1 t�'1 �1 � N O .Nr N n C� �O � � � l^•1 I1q Q e-� l�f .� .-I cr1 N � � .�1 !R� Vf d1 � a o� � H � N N � .-� c+1 �O O� .�' �tt O� O CO O e+f v1 O O N �? 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E� � i , � r.� �i ' ��r�i � � EXHIBIT A-9 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MII�INBSOTA Page I of 2 ' STATEMENT OF FIXBD ASSETS DBCBMBBR 31, 1959 .:�� Balaace Baa.=uc• �- _ General Fixed Aeeets 1-1-59 Additions Deductioas 12=31=59 Land City hall $13,871.42 $ - $ - $13,871.42 Ball park 3,966.73 - - 3,966.73 Other park ]s nds 363.10 7,578.18 „ - 7.941,_28 � Total $18,201.25 $ 7,578.18 $ a25.779.43 Buildinsta and Structurea City hall $51,732.47 $ 515.51 $ - $52,247.98 City hall addition, gerage 38,716.91 436.31 - 39,153.aZ ..ti._ Total $90,449.38 $ 951.82 $ $91.401.20 � Furniture and Fixtures City hall $12,242.01 $ 2,253.83 $ - $14,495.84 I�unicipal Court 191.85 98.90 - 290.75 Police Department 447.29 38.90 - 486.19 Protective Inspection - 385.08 - 385.0$ Street Department 538.58 - 538.58 Total $12,881.15 $ 3L315.29 $ - $16,196.44 - ; , Machinery and Automotive ' BQuipmant , Police Department: Autamobiles $ 7,682.57 $ 5,909.35 $7,682.57 $ 5,909.35 Jail, bunks and drunk _;.: meter 2„1►,51.07 - - 2,451.07 General 2,750.39 156.35 2,906.14 Total $12,884.03 $ 6,065.70 $7.682.57 $11,267.16 Fire Department: Trucks $20�916.07 $ - $ - $20,916.07 Hose and nozzles 5,282029 1,000.00 - 6,282.29 Other 6,456.32 808.04 7.264.36 Total $32.654.68 $ 1.808.04 $ - $34.462.72 Civil Defense-General $ - $ 20.00 $ - $_ 20.00 5treet Department: Grader and equipment $ 7,500.00 $ - $ - $ 7,500.00 Trucks and equipment 9,981.7� 13,376.03 325.00 23,032.80 Total $17,481.77 $13,316.03 $ 325.00 $30,532.80 Recreation, general equipment $ 2,000.65 $ 1�,176.93 $ - $ 3,177.58 Total $65.021.13 $22,446.70 $8,007.57 $79.460.26 �---�----- � ��� � E%HIBIT A-9 , CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Page 2 of 2 STATEMBNT OF FIXBD AS3BTS DBCEMBBx 31, 1959 Balance Balance General Fixed Assete 1-1-59 Additions Deductions 12-31-59 Other Taaprovemeats Streeta, iacluding street sigae $485,278.15 $ 779.58 $ $ 486.057.?3 Storm aewer pro,�ecta: No. 1 $146,360.37 $ - $ - $ 146,360.37 No. 2 26,555.26 - - 26,555.26 No. 3 14.534.41 - - 14�53k.41 No. 4 13,571.56 - 13,571.56 Total $201,021.60 $ - $ - $ 201,021.60 Total $686,299.75 $ 779.58 $ $ 687,079.33 Total $872,8�52.6�6 $35,07,1.57 $8,007.57 Total Gengral Fixed Aeaets $ 899,916.66 Municipal Liquor Diapensary Fund Fixed Assets-Exhibit E-4 197,523.83 Public Utilities Fixed Asaets- Bxhibit F-3 3.267,781.00 � Total Fixed Asaete - Exhibit A $4,365,221.49 BXEtIBIT A-10 CITY �F FRIULEY. MINNESOTA STATEI�NT OF ENCUMBRANCLS AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1959 Encumbrances � General and Special Revenue Funda General Fund: � Robert W. Bauck-Land for parks $4,500.00 Other 806.64 $ 5,306.64 Recreation F1�nd: Knollwood Motors, Iacorporated $ 677.00 Echlen Radio Company 5.50 682.50 Total Encumbrances - Exhibit A $ 5,989.14 Arcounts Payable Municipal Liquor Dispensary Fuad Famour Brands, Incorporated $1,504.45 Distillers Distributing Company 1,549.10 �. Ed. Phillipa and $bns 3,413.95 Griggs, Cooper, and Company 1,439.56 Old Peoria, Incorporated 1,408.84 Fridley Beverage Compaay 2,218.20 - Charles Ganzer 1,304.81 0. M. Droney Beverage Company 1,107.21 Thompson and Sone Distributing Company 2,482.15 Merle Dahleimer 739.38 Other � 2,973.99 Wages Payable 541.72 20,683.36 - k Public Utilities I�nd . C�ty of Minneapolis-Sewer billing $4,354.48 � . - . City of Minneapolis-Water billing 2,343.07, - Other 322.96 7 L020.51 Total Accounts Payable - Exhibit A $27,7� , T� „ �.* . �;, � .�, . �. . . . .�. . . �� . . . c � � .. . � . � . . 1 � , � . . . . � � � . . i:. � . . ' . .. � . . - � �YI ;S � . . 1� � , . . . . . !'� . ' . � .. "� � N . . ' Y � � �3 . �« ' � " � g ^ "' � _� � �, ; � �6 `� � �, � � � � � � � � � ,�... � � � . �� N . N N �f1 ,;"1 tll t? (f> � �`� , , � I � :; . � �7► O O O O Ci ' ,I ri , . . • • • • � C � C 47 S r � `� wy � c� a � � .•+ ..r �-1 _ - - ---' � � � N� � � � i N � � A �j I 4 � � V V � � � . . .. . . �9 � 1'a � 1 � 0 q o $ � � � • � � � Q1 . . . � . rl .-1 N :1 � �ff N s? V} a ;� � ,' a �, • r? C�0 N � � Y � � �1 � ' o� a� o� � N .t � M � .f .�+ 3 ,i O� � r1 ax � :r `� :t i � . M. . . � ^ ,ZA . '.I . . O.� �M b+ � � . . �l . ,i . �p � � Mp� � � � � ; ,� h1 i3 A O� N O� V � ; � � Q 'i A w � l � � � � ��� �0 ' ' j p � � .� b � � � � �' � , v � ' M ,•�y� q wA�l � �M q > � ; N M p� � 7 y 1 i � O .,� � 'C� ;� a a � � � .l � '''' . }�� � N a0 � N .�-1 ' .�i �p ap V � � ,.� M �0 1�1 �-�1 � �y - Gi dD +3 d ,i � � H k t . �; , ,:� �:m , ';�C 'x: , 1' };r � � � � � �a '..i ;�< {w . . - � .?�.Yf�� . . . . . . � � � t� . . . . � . . � .�� , �;�,� �._ �. _.. j. . . _ <: ...� �.- .,.� . ._�. r . _ � . .. :.� -� .� � .� � .� _ . _M ._. . .. �- : � :. . � �.� .. � � :. � �-- - �- �- �_: �. -,�,-.-a� •�-.,.� . .. . . ..: . w w.. . . , . . .., . . � . _ .. .,� �.--R�:, . . �-.�-.�-:-- _ _ _ _ . __ _ �._ � � _ ..F, �� , 9 �� :;T: . . . � , . _ , �,. � . .. _.,.< �,. .. .. : . .. .,, .���s-: _. ..:. � :: .. � . .M ..._ _ . ._ . .... � . , _ _ „ <,�,,,_ u,. � �� _ W�, , ...,.�� _ M . , . , �.. .�:�>, , _ ��, _ �,� ��,. .=t: � $ N'..,'. .'. -.- . . . .. .:: �-�; . _ . , .:' . . ;. 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P�a �awaS 6S6t E£'£Z - 00'000`+�T Y+! 85-ST-ZT ��t/u �s�sag `sPnog 3nsmswoxdeq �aa�asa �us�sso�d� SQ�as3=ng �saizS 856I - 00'000`OS - ZS 65-ST-S ��S„ s��x�S `fPIIOS zuam�sosd� 00'OTT - 00'000`99 X9 85-Si-ZZ NY„ ea�YSB `spnog �usweo=deaT 856T-ST 'aAt ��G�d =�3gl1 PIIa =��S SS6T ££'8S - 00'000`S X*! 85-ST-6 �.Q�� sa�zsg 'spnog 3us�weosdml SS6T-ht 'o� 3�a�'o.� is3sh Pvs =sr�aS �56T 00'OtZ'8T5 00'000`0££ 5 - $ ZZ'+�-+l-�l'T 65-T -T 6S6Z 3� ��S �n���I 856t-£T '�N zoa�osa sa�el! Puv sar►s3 8S6T spaog sa a�Z LZ'S�9£t 00'000 6LZ ZS 00'000 9TT$ spaoII azsy SnoZ T��oy SO'9ZS� 00'000 085 00'Q00 Oh Zh/£ g-Z/t +!-h 9S-T -8 956I 3o spnog �nama�oadat 00'OSO`4 00'000`0£�i DO'000'OZ X9'£ SS=T -OT S56T 3o Pn�S zIIamano.=+d� sa�ag pns ss�s�! ' 00'09T`ii 00'000`09�1 00'000`Ot Y9'£ SS-t -5 SS6T 3a PnaS 3ua�aeosdsI ���S PII* _��*[�! L9'9L9 00'000`OTI 00'000'tT YZ/T £ f15-i -TT +�6j ;o pnoq =asmaeosdsl isr��g �o�g £S'�SE`I 00'Q00'STZ 00'000`OT Z'4-Z/I £ *�S-t -TT +156Z 3o P'a�S 3��AOSd�I =��S P� �a��ll £8'S6£`£ 00'000`STZ 00'000`OT Zh-Z/t £ ' h5-i -8 *l56T 3o puog �uaa�aeo�d� is�wag pns ss�� L9'T+IS`f 00'000`Sit 00'000`OI Y�i-Z/I E h5-T -8 +156I 3� Pnog �uaosnaadsq is�wag pns ia�s� L9'9ZT`Z $ 00'000`ii5 $ 00'�00`h 7.£-*l/£ Z *1S-T -S *J56t 3� PnoS �usaa�oid� :pan,a SnZ��S tessna� i�IIO$ 1Ltij O'T 4IIt4i �nassssss� TH�� S 00'S£T $ 00'000 9 $ 00'000 £ � Z£ ZS-T -L i56T 3� sP� $u�PT�rS TBd��'�nA�I pu� aa�,uag aqaQ �saas3aI 096T sa�;s snQ 096t a'� �nQ �a� Po��Q snesI pas pa+� p�cua� ss�r��3��za-J Pns �puog �sa�s�al 6S6T i£ 1II�iS�SQ �aniva zsiagu� asa�v mnr sa����� s�oe ao �azrss Z 3o j s8td YZO�� xi'ial�t �O LZI� TI Y ZIYIIIX! • _ ; . . _ _ _ . � _: ,. _ _ , EXHIBIT B CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA GENBRAL AND SPECIAL REVBNUB FUNDS BALANCE SHEET DECSMBER 31, 1959 F U N D S � Total General Recreation ASSETS • Cash in bank $ 92,777.21 $ 91,200.91 $1,576.30 �. Petty cash 125.00 125.00`� - . Change fund 25..00 25.00✓ - " Totsl Cash •$ 92,927.21 $ 91,350.91 $1,576.30 Accounts receivable Ca-�•�'��''bR�'J'��'"`� 4,977.44 4,977.44� - Delinquent taxea receivable 7,739.32 7,739.32� - Special asaesaments Receivable: Current 809.41 �� 809.41✓' - Delinquent 1,071.00 ' 1,071.00"� - Deferred 2 802.76 2,802.76✓ - Due from Other Funds 2 847.24 12,847.24 - Total Assets $123 174.38 $121,598.08 $1,576.30 �b - � _ LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND SURPLUS . Deposits for park land $ 4,065.00 $ 4,065.00✓ $ _ - Reserves: Petty cash and change funds 150.00 150.00�' - Delinquent accounts receivable 450.08 450.08'✓ - Delinquent taxes receivable 7,739.32 7,739.32x - Special Assesamente: Current 809.41 809.41'� - Delinquent 1,071.00 1,071.00`� - Deferred 2,802.76 2,802.76`� - Future T..ocal Improvementa 16,160.83 16,160.831/ � Encumbrancea 5,989.14 5,306.64 682.50 Surplus: Unappropriated 83,936.84 83,043.04 893.80 Total Liabilities, Reserves, and Surplus $123,174.38 $121,598.08 $1,576.30 EXHIBIT B-1 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA GBN$RAL AND SPECIAL REVENUB FtIPiDS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN UNAPPBOPRIATED SURPLUS JANUARY 1� 1959 TO DECEMBEx 31, 1959 F U N D S Total General Recreation Balaace Jaauary 1, 1959 $ 31,796.38 $ 31,294.83 $ 501.55 Additione: xevenues - Exhibit B-2 282,807.16 282,$07.16 - Revenues - Bxhibit B-4 4,980.52 - 4,980.52 Increase in accounts receivable 4,773.94 4,773.94 - Decrease in accounts payable 332.69 332.69 - Decrease in due to Municipal � Court 10.00 10.00 Decrease in encumbrances 864.58 864.58 Total $325, 5�65.27 $320,083.20 $5,482.07 Deductions: Expenditures - Exhibit B-3 $230,384.10 $230,384.10 $ - Expenditures - Bxhibit B-4 4,588.21 - 4,588,27 Transfer to reserve for petty cash 50.00 50.00 - Increase in reaerve for local improvementa 2,402.17 2,402.17 - Disbursemeate over expenditurea 550.08 550.08 - Increase in reserve for delinquent accounts receivable 450.08 450.08 - Decrease in due from other funds 2,419.73 2,419 J 3 - Increase in depoait liability 784.00 784.00 - Total $241,628.43 $237,040.16 $4,588.27 Balance December 31, 1959 - Exhibit B $ 83,936.84 $ 83,043.04 $ 893.80 " � � � Increase $ 52,1�40.4b $ 51,9 7�48� $ 3��5 EXHIBIT B-2 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA GEN$RAL FUND STATEM$NT OF REVENUB JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DECEMBER 31, 1959 Ac tua:l Over (Ua�ier) Budget Actual Buds�e�t General Property Taxes Current ad valorem $151,809.00 $154,256.81 $ 2,447.131 Deiinquent ad valorem - - - Penalties and. interest - 1.81 1.�31 Total General Property Taxes $151,809.00 $154,258.62 $ 2,449.1i2 Licenses and Permite � Licenses-contractora $ 2,555.00 $ 7,590.00 $ 5,035e�D0 ' Businesa regulatory 1,315.00 1,938.00 623.�)0 Other 15,630.00 42,650.55 27,020.:i5 Total Licenses and Permits $ 19,500,00 $ 52,178.55 $32,678.:i5 Fines and Forfeituree Municipal Court $ 11,000.00 $ 11,440.75 $ 440.;15 Conciliation Court 50.00 14.00 36.i)0) Total Finea and Forfeiturea $ 11,05U.00 $ 11,454.75 $ 404.'15 Revenue from Other A�encies Shared State Taxea - Liquor $ - $ 4,213.56 $ - Cigarette - 4,365.40 - Mortgage Registry - 6,321.15 - City share of trailer tax - 324.00 Total Revenue from Other Agencies (A) $ 9,�500.00 $ 15.224.11 $ 5,724.:11 Charges for Current Services General Goveriunent $ 850.00 $ 2,112.12 $ 1,262.:12 Public safety 2,200.00 4,317.17 2,117.:17 Highways - 31.00 31.��0 Total Charges for Current Servicea $ 3.050.00 $ 6,460.29 $. 3,410.:29 Other Reveaue and Non-Revenue Receipts Sale or compensation for loes of property $ - $ 736.00 $ 736.��0 Refunds and reimbursements - 1�990.41 1,990.�i1 Other 60.00 504.43 444.�i3 Total Other Revenue and Non-Revenue Receipts $ 60.00 $ 3,230.84 $ 3,170.134 Transfera In-Liquor 3tore $ 40.000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ -_ Total General Fund - Exhibit B-1 $234,969.00 $282,807.16 $47,838.;16 � � . (A) Individual sources not budgeted BRHIBIT B-3 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Page l of !i GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF ERPENDITURES JANt3ARY 1, 1959 TO DBCEMBER 31, 1959 Unencumbereci Budget Actual Encumbrances Balance _ General Fund General Government Mayor and Council: Salariea aad wages $ 2,050.00 $ 2,049.84 $ - $ .16 Ordinary expenses 3,570.00 3,359.33 - 210.67 Capital outlay - - Total $ 5,620.00 $ 5,409.17 $ - $ 210.83 Maaager: Salaries and wagea $ 10,450.00 $ 10,227.62 $ - $ 222.38 Ordinary expenses 1,505.00 1,317.92 2.50 184.58 Capital outlay 50.00 89.35 - ( 39.35;1 Total $ 12,005.00 $ 11,634.89 $ 2.50 $ 367.61 Municipal .and Conciliation Court: Salaries and wages $ 4,500.00 $ 5,403.00 $ - $( 9�3.00;1 Ordinary expenaea 2,735.00 1,640.31 - 1,094.63 Capital outlay 100.00 98.90 1.10 Total $ 7,335.00 $ 7 142.27 $ - $ 192.73 Election and Voter Registration: " Salaries and wages $ 750.00 $ 672.73 $ - $ 77.27 Ordinary expensea 160.00 256.64 - ( 96.64;1 Capital outlay 20.00 - 20.00 Total $ 930.00 $ 929.37 $ - $ .63 City Clerk - Finance: Salaries and wages $ 4,275.00 $ 3,592.55 $ - $ 68Z.45 Ordinary expenaes 955.00 1,143.21 - ( 188.21;1 Capital outlay 600.00 236.98 - 363.02 Total $ 5�830.00 $ 4,972.74 $ - $ 857.26 Treasurer: Salaries and wages $ 11,444.00 $ 9,560.11 $ - $ 1,883.89 Ordinary expenses 6,110.00 4,248.55 125.89 1,735.56 Capital outlay 1,315.00 929.65 450.00 ( 64.65:) Total $ 18,869.00 $ 14,738.31 $ 575.89 $ 3,554.80 � BJLHIBIT B-3 CITY OF FRIDLSY, MINN$SOTA Page 2 of 5 G�NERAL FUND STATBMSNT OF 8RP$A1DIIVRBS JANUAaY 1, 1959 T0 DECEMBER 31. 1959 � Uasncwnb�re�d • d at Actual ELncumbrances Balance _ General Fund (Continusd) Ganeral Goverament (Continued) Aaseaeor: Salariee and wages $ 4,500.00 $ 6,937.78 $ - $(2�437.78) Ordinery expenses 770.00 1.804.24 37.25 (1�071.49) Capital outlay - 144.50 ( 144.50) Total $ 5,270.00 $ 8,886.52 $ 37.25 $(3.653.77 L Finance: Independent account- ing and auditing: • Profeasional servicea $ 3,900.00 $ 4,957.13 $ $ 1 057.13) Legal: Profeasional . , services $ 5,000.00 $ 3,795.00 $ - $ 1.205.00 Charter Commi�sion: Ordiaary expena�� $ 100.00 $ $ � $ 100.00 Civil Service Connni s e ion: Salarias and Wages $ 60.00 $ 8.75 $ - $ 51.25 Ordinary expensea 100.16 - 100.16) Total $ 60.00 $ 108.91 $ $( G8.91) General government buildiags: Salariea aad Wages $ - $ - � - $ - Ordinary exp�nse 5,490.00 5,328.65 40.00 121.35 Capital outlay 1.490.00 786,26 703.74 Total $ 6,980.00 $ 6,1I4.91 $ 40.00 $ 825.09 Total General Government $ 71,899.00 $ 68,689022 $ 655.64 $ 2,554.14 Yublic Safety Police protection: Salarias and �ge� $ 32,302.00 $ 34�867.45 $ - $(2,565.45) Ordinary expensee 10,Q75.00 8,278.72 - 1,796.28 Capital outlay 2,885.00 3,Z84.60 - 399.60) Total $ 45,262.00 $ 46,�+30.77 $ $(1,168.77) F.RHIBIT B•?► CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINN$SOTA Page 3 of 5 GENBRAL FUND 3TATBMI3NT OF E7CYENDITITRES JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DECEMBEx 31. 1959 Unencumbsred Bud �t Actual Sncumbrancas Balance G�neral Fund (Continued) Public Safety(Continued) • Fire protection: Salarias and Wages $ 6,020.00 $ 6,557.25 $ - $( 537.25) Ordinary expense 3,965.00 4,800.22 - ( 835.22) Capital outlay 3,725.00 1,808.04 1,916.96 Total $ 13,710.00 $ 13,165.51 $ - $ 544.49 Protective inspection: Salaries and wagea $ 1 5,810.00 $ 14,091.93 $ - $ 1,718.07 Ordinary expenae 4,325.00 5,958.57 - (1,633.57) Capital outlay 315.00 385.08 - S 70.08) Total $ 20,450.00 $ 20,435.58 $ $ 14.42 Civi1 Defense: s SaZaries aad wages $ 400.00 $ 21.68 $ - $ 378.32 Ordinary expense 100.00 307.58 - ( 207.58) Capital outlay - 20.00 - ( 20.00) Total $ 500.00 $ 349.26 S $ 150.74 Animal control: Ordinary expenae $ I,400.00 $ 965.30 $ $ 434.70 Total Public Safety $ 81,322.00 $ 81,346.42 $ - $( 24.42) Hi,Rhways Engineering: . Salariea and wages $ 14,290.00 $ 12,182.10 $ - $ 2�107.90 Ordinary expense 5,200.00 5,168.60 126.00 ( 94.60) Capital outlay 655.00 538.68 - 116.32 Total $ 20,145.00 $ 17,889.38 $ 1Z6.00 $ 2,I29.62 Street and Alley maintenance: Salaries aad wagea � 20,488.00 $ 16,234.36 $ - $ 4,253.64 Ordinary expensee 23,385.00 16,827.26 25.00 6,592.74 Capital outley 13,950.00 12,005.71 - 1,944.29 Total $ 57,823.00 $ 45,067.33 $ 25.00 $12,730.67 B�7CHIBIT B-3 CITY OF FRiDLEY,�, MINNBSOTA Yage 4 of 5 GBNBRAL FUND STATSI�NT OF $Xp$NDITURES JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DECEMBER 31, 1959 Un�ncumbered BudAet Actual 8acumbrances Balance C�aeral Ftind (Continued) HiAhwavo (Continued) SnoW and ice recaoval: Ordinary expenses $ 2,250.00 $ 498.74 $ - $ 1,751.26 Traffic signe, signal� and markers: Ordinary expenses $ 125.00 $ 72.73 $ - $ 52.27 Capital outlay 600.00 609.20 � 9.20) Total $ 725.00 $ 681.93 $ - $ 43.07 8quipment maintenance: Ordivary expmase $ 700.00 $ 1,538.70 $ - $( 838.70) Capital outlay 800.00 1,802.01 - (1,002.01) - � Total $ 1,500.00 $ 3,340.71 $ - $(1,840.7I) Street lighting: Ordinary expense $ 550.00 $ 617.26 $ - $( 67.26) Total Highways $ 82,993.00 $ 68,095.35 $ 151.00 $14,746.65 Sanitation and Waste Removal Storm Seirer: Salaries and wagee $ 2,850.00 $ 561.61 $ - $ 2,288.39 Ordinary expens� - 2,435.91 - (2,435.91) Total $ 2,850.00 $ 2,997.SZ $ - $( 147.52) Weed 8radication: Ordinary expense $ 500.00 $ 99.65 $ - $ 400.35 Pest control: Ordinary expense $ 120.00 $ 309.65 $ - $( 189.65) Total Saaitation and Haste Removal $ 3,470.00 $ 3,406.82 $ $ 63.18 �onaervation of Health Profeseional services $ 340.00 $ 20.00 $ - $ 320.00 BXHIBIT B-3 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Page 5 of 5 - GBNBRAL FUND STATBMENT OF EICPENDITURS3 JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DECEMBBx 31. 1959 Unencumbered Budsxet Actual 8ncumbrances Balancs - General Fuad (Continued) Perke and Recreation Boards and Com�issions: Ordinary Expense $ 2,800.00 $ 2,824.66 $ - $�, 24.66) Municipal parks: Salaries and wages $ 1,040.00 $ 2,625.02 $ - $(1,585.OZ) Ordinary expenses 2,250.00 1,946.50 - 303.50 Capital outlay 7,250.00 1.430.11 4,500.00 1,319.89 Total $ 10,540.00 $ 6,001.63 $4,50Q.00 $ 38.37 Total Parks and Recreation $ 13,340.00 $ 8,826.29 $4,500.00 $ 13.71 Total General Fund $�53,364.00 $230,384.10 $5,306.64 $17,6�73.�26 SXHIBIT B»4 C�TY OF FRIDL$Y, MTNNRSOTA REC�tBATION FUND STATBHRNT OF R�VENUBS AND �7CP$NDITURBS JANUI►BY 1� 1959 TO D8C$HBER 31, 1959 Revenue . Recreation activitids $ 619.15 Revanue from other a�gencies 1,520.06 xevenue from private sources 30.00 Refunde and reimbura�ents 11.31 Tranefers from oth�r funda 2,800.00 Total Revanue $4,9,8�0.52 Expenditures Wages and salarias $2,697.00 Travel, coaferencea� and schools 677.00 Maiatenanca and repair 11.50 General supplies 867.27 Subacriptiona and memberships 161.50 Penaion and iasurance contributiona 168.00 Total Expenditures $4,5�88.27 B7CHIBIT B•5 �ITY OF FRIDLEY, HINNBSOTA " TRAIL$8 TAX FUND STATEI�NT OF RBVBNU88 AND EXPENDITURRS JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DBCSMB$R 31. 1959 R�venue Reveaue from other agencies - shared taxea $57�9.0�0 Expenditures Remittance of revenue collected for other agenci�s $5T9.00 BXHIBIT B-6 CITY OF FRIDLBYL MINNSSOTA Pags 1 of 2 GBNBRAL FUND ANALYSIS OF RL�9tNU8 JANUARY 1. 1959 TO D8C8MBBR 31, 1959 Actual Over (Under) Budstet Actual Eudget General Fund Licensea and Permits Licanans - Contractora: Genaral Contractors $ 750.00 $ 2,925.U0 $ 2,175.00 El�ctrical construction 90.00 825.00 735.04 Excavating, sewer, & ro+ster 165.00 405.00 240.00 Gas piping � inetallation 285.00 630.00 345.00 Aeating, ventilation, . rafrigeratioa 315.00 660.00 345.00 4i1 heating � pipit►g 60.00 150.00 90.00 Plastering, stucco, sheet rock 75.00 315.00 240.00 Plumbing 530.OQ 630.00 100.00 Roofing 45.00 60.00 15.00 Masonry & brick work 190.00 780.00 590.00 - Sign erection & repair 20.00 195.00 175.00 Moving � wrecking buildings 30.00 15.00 15.00) ToCal - Exhibit B-2 $ 2,5�55.00 $ 7,59�0.00 $ 5.0�35.0�0 Busineas - Regulatory; tiell drilling $ - $ 165.00 $ 165.00 Cigarettes 400.00 507.00 107.00 Gasoline pump 150.00 174.00 ?4.00 Malt liquor - on sale 650.00 905.00 255.00 � Malt lic�uor - off aale 50,00 70.00 20.00 Bestauraat & Dairy Bsr #0.00 36.00 ( 4.00) Tavern 25.00 7�.00 4�.00 Other - 9.00 9.00 Total - Exhibit B-2 $ 1,315.00 S 1,93�8.00 $ bZ�3.00 Other: Deliverq truck $ 90.00 $ 160.00 $ 70,00 Garbsge & rubbiah hauling 200.00 185.00 ( 15.00) Dog liceaae 90.00 148.50 58.50 All other licenses 250.00 830.70 580.70 Building permita 9,000.00 14,161.00 5,161.00 8lectricel permita 200.00 7,594.75 7,394.75 Plumbing permita 3,500.00 9,628.45 6,1$8.45 Haating permits 2,000.00 9,739.95 7,739.95 Oth�r perarits 300.00 202.20 ( 97.80) Total - Exhibit B-Z $15,63�0.00 $42,654.55 $27,02�0.55 BJCHZBIT �-6 CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNBSOTA Pags 2 of 2 GBNRRAL FUND ANALY3I8 0�' REN$NUE JANUARY 1, 1954 Tb DECBMBBR 31, 1959 Actual Over (Under) BudAet Actual Budget Genez'81 I�nd {Continued) Charges for Current Sereices . General Government: Special Aaseasment Sesrches $ 500.00 $ 1,062.00 $ 562.00 Wage assigumeats 40.Q0 31.00 ( 9.00) Notary fees 10.00 152.45 142.45 Other 300.00 866.67 566.67 Total - �'achibit B-2 $ 8� $ 2 1�12.�12 $ I,Z6�2.12 Public Safety: Board of Prisonera $ 1,000.00 $ 3,497.73 $ 2,497.73 Drunkometer 1�OOOo00 286.00 ( 714.00) Other 200.00 430.00 230,00 Civil paper - 103.44 . 103.44 Total - Exhibit B-2 $ 2,200.00 $ 4,3� $�2.117.17 FEHIBIT B-7 CITY OF FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA Page 1 oEi$ G$NFRAL FUND , ANALYSIS OF E7CPENDITURE3 JANUARY 1, 1959 TO D$CB1�8R 31, 1959 Unencumbered Buagec Actual Encumbrancea Balance General Fund General Govsrmaent Mayor & Council Ordinary Expensea: Printing & Publishing $ 1,600.00 $ 1,437.61 $ - g i62.39 Travel, conferences, & echools 100.00 8.72 - 91.28 Other contractusl servicea 1,645.00 1,733.00 - ( 88.00) Subscriptiona & memberships 225.00 180.00 - 45.04 Total - Exhibit B-3 $_3,570,00 $ 3,359.33 $ - $ 210.67 Manager Ordinary Expensea: Communicatione $ 38Q.00 $ 384.75 $ - $( 4.75) Printing � publishing 20.00 80.28 - ( 60.28) Travel�conferences, & schools 300.00 119.94 - 180.06 Contractual services - 43.OS - ( 43.05) Office suppliea 575.00 596.51 2.50 ( 24.01) Maintenaace & repair of equipment - 9.26 - ( 9.26) General supplies 80.00 - - 80.00 Inaurance & bonds 110.00 - - 110.00 Subscriptionsi� memberehipa"` . 40,00 84.13 ( 44.13) Total - 8xhibit B-3 $ 1,505.00 $ 1,3�17.9�Z $ 2.50 $ 1�84.5�8 Court-Municival & Cottcilia- tion Ordinary Expensea: Profesaional � consult- ant services $ - $ 25.00 $ - $( 25.00) Comarunicatioae 110.00 94.96 - 15.04 Travel, conferenc�s, & achoola 15.00 17.56 - ( 2.56) Subsistence, care & eupport 1,300.00 952.00 - 348.00 Other contractual aervicee 1,000.00 247.77 - 752.23 Office supplies 200.00 270.58 - ( 70.58�° Inaurance & bonda 10.00 22.50 - ( 12.50) xefunds � reimburse- menta 100,00 10.00 90.00 Total - Exhibit B-3 $ 2,73�S.Q0 $ 1,� $ $ 1,09�4.63� BXHIEIT &•.7� . CITY OF P'RIDLBY, MINN$SOTA Pags 2 of� GENSRAL FUND � ANALYSIS OF EZ?$NDITUR�S JANUARY L. 1959 T�0 DBCBliB$R 31, 2959 Uusncumbared Bud�st Actual Bncuab��rs� Ealanca Geaaral I�t�d (Continued) Ganeral Qavermaeat (Continued) $lections b Voter ReAistration Ordinary Bxpenses: Printing � publishing $ 100.00 $ 227.25 $ - $( 127.25) _ Travel� confsrences & achoola - 5.04 - ( 5.04) Maintenance � rapair , k,� of equipmnat 45.00 - - ; 45.00 Office aupplies 15.00 24.35 � 9.$S) TotaZ - Exhibit B-3 $ 1� $ 2�56� $� $ 96.64) City Clerk-Finance Ordinary Expenams: Co�unicatioas $ �5.00 $ 150.00 $ - $( 75.00) Printing � publishing 40.00 188.21 - { 148.21) Travel, conferencse & schools - 7.68 - ( 7068) Mainteuance 6 repair of equipment 25.00 30.00 - ( 5.00) Other contractual ser- vic�s - .85 - ( .85) Office suppliss 750.00 486.14 - 263.86 Gsaaral supplies 60.00 182.23 - ( 122.23) Insurance � bonda 5.00 54.10 - ( 49.10) Subacriptions 6 memberehips - 19.00 - ( 19.00) Refunda & reimburse- ment8 25.00 - 25.00) Total - Exhibit B-3 $ 9� $ 1,143.21 $� $ 188.21) Treasurer-Finance Ordinxry Expenass: Co�unicationa $ 2,340.00 $ 886.61 $ - $ 1.453.39 Printiag b publiahing 400.00 86.20 - 313.80 Travel, conferences & schoola 150.00 250.43 • ( 100.43) Maint�nance � repair of equipmsat 350.00 675.39 - ( 325.39) Other contractual a�rvices - 22.65 - ( 22.65) . Officn supplies 1,950.00 2,248.80 Z25.89 ( 424.69) General supplias 625.00 9.67 • 615.33 aante 100.00 - - 100.00 Insurance � boads 175.00 53.80 - 1�1.20 Subecriptions & m�mb�rahips 20.00 15.00 5.00 Total - 8xhibit B-3 $ 6,11�0.00 $ 4,24�8.SS � $12� $ 1 73�f5 g . BJCIIIBIT Br7 ..,. � CITY OF FRIULEY, MINNt90TA Page 3 of 8 GENExA1. FUND ANALYSIS OF BRY$NDIIURES JANUARY 1. 1959 'I�0 DECEMBER 31, 1959 Unencumberad Bud�et Actua� Sncuanbrancee Balance GenQral Fu�d (Continued) General Government (Continued) Assesaor-Finance Ordiaary Expenses: Communications $ - $ 261.95 $ - $( 261.95) Printing � publiehing 100.00 58.93 - 41.0? Travel, conferences � schools 550.00 395.47 - 154.53 Office aupplias 100.00 1,048,$0 37.25 ( 986.05) Gensral suppliea - 24.09 - ( 24.09) Insurance � bonda ` 20.00 15.00 5.00 Total - Bxhibit B-3 $ 7.�70._00 $ 1,804.24 $_37.25� $ 1 071.49) Civil Service Commission Ordinary 8xpensee: Printing & publishiag $ - $ 40.50 $ • $( 40.50) Other contractual ser- vices - 36.00 - ( 36.00) Genaral suppliee - 23.66 - 23.66) Total - Exhibit B-3 $_ - $ 10�0.16 $ - $ 100.16) General Government BuildinAs Ordinary E�cpenses: Communications $ - � 74.94 $ - $( 74.94) Utilities 4,000.00 2,545.96 - 1,454.04 Maintenance � repair of equipment - 2.40 - ( 2.40) Maintenance & repair of buildinga 180.00 1,106.85 40.00 ( 966.85) Cleaning b wast�r removal 310.00 591.Z4 - ( 281.�4) Mainteaance & repair of equipment 150.00 • - 150.00 General aupplies 500.00 475.09 - 24.91 Insurance & bonde 350.00 53Z.17 - 182.17) Total - Bxhibit B-3 $ 5,490.00 $ 5,328.65 $ 40.00 $ 121.35 � � � � Public Safety Polica . . . Ordivary Expeases: , Cocamuaicatione $ 350.00 $ 369.70 $ �- $( 19.70) Printing � publiehiag 1S0.00 41.26 - � 108.74 Travel, coaferences & schoole 250.00 11050 - 238.50 Maintenance & rapair of equipment 2,400.00 1,246.38 - 1,153.62 Subsistsnca, care, & su�port 875.00 1,795.84 - ( 920.84) B�HIBIT B-7 CI7,'Y OF F'RIDL$Y, MINNESOTA Page 4 of 8 ,�BNERAL FtJND ANALYSIS OF 8XP$NDITUit38 JA,NUAA2 1, 1959 TO DTCBMBER 31. 1959 Unencambsrad Budget 4c_,tual $acumbrances Bslance G�neral P'uad (Continued) Public Ssfetv (Continued) Police (Coatinued) Ordinary 8apens�8: Cleaning � waste removal $ - $ 2.10 $ - $( 2.10) Other contractual servicea 1,000.00 1,125.50 - ( 125.50) Office auppliea 100.00 23.14 - 76.86 Motor fuels & lubricants 4,000.00 1,949.84 - 2,050.16 General supplies 500.00 b86.11 - ( 186.11) Inaurance & bonda 400.00 1,000.35 - ( 600.35) Subscriptions & . m�mberships . 5Q.00 20.�0 -- 30.00 Licenses & tnxes - 7.00 - ( 7.00) Total - Bxhibit B-3 $10,075.00 $ 8,27�8.72 $� $ 1,7�96.28 Fire Ordinary Expensea: Communications $ 400.00 $ 272.30 $ - $ 127.70 Printing & publiahing 100.00 155.50 - ( 55.50) Travel, conferences & schools 900.00 179.00 - 721.00 Maintenaace & repair8 of equipment 1,000.00 726.82 - 273.18 Maintenance � Yepairs other improvem�nts - 22.75 - ( 22.75) Cleaning & waste rfmo�val 25.00 - - 25.0� Other' contractual aer- vicea - 49.09 - ( 49.09) Office aupplies 50.00 58.58 - ( 8.58) Small tools 100.00 97.36 - 2.64 Motor fuels & lubricante 300.00 148.30 - 151.70 Maintenance � repair of equipment 200.00 15fl.97 - 49.03 General supplies 500.00 1,930.25 - (1,430.25) �ents 50.00 - - 50.00 Insuranc� � bonda 150.00 831.30 - ( 681.30) Awards & Indemnities 40.00 65.00 - ( 25.00) Subscriptiono & memberehipe 150.00 113.00 - 37.40 Tota�l - Bxhibit B-3 $ 3.9�65.00e $ 4,8�00.2�2 $� $ 835.22) BXHIBIT $•� CITY OF FRIDLBY, MINNESOTA Pag� 5 of $ G8N$RAL FUND . . ANALYSIS OF BxPBNDITURBS JANUARY 1, 1959 TO D$CENBSx 31. 1959 Unencumbered BudAet Actual Bncumbrancea Balance �eneral P`und (Continuad) -. Public Safetv (Continued) Protective Inapection Ordinary Expenaes: Coanunication $ 300.00 $ 35I.00 $ . - $( S1.a0) Printing & publishing 300.00 - - 300.00 Travel, conferences � schools 1,200.00 1,584.01 - ( 384.01) � Other contractural aervices 2,OOO.QO 3,202.34 - (1,202.34) Office supplies 415.00 452.33 - ( 37.33) General supplies 75.00 116.62 - ( 41.62) Insurance & boade 15.00 21.12 - ( 6.12) � .. Subacriptiona & .. memberships ZQ.00 15.Od - 5.00 Refunds & reimburse- t�ent• - 216.15 - 216.15) Total - Exhibit B-3 $ 4,325.00 $ 5,9�58.57� $ - $ 1 633.57) Civil Defense Ordinary Expenses: Communication $ 25.00 $ .11 $ - $ 24.89 Printing & publishing - 19.13 ( 19.13) Travel, conferencea, & achoola 50.00 110.52 - ( 60.52) , Maintenance � repairs of equipment - 6.81 - ( 6.81) Other contractual eer- vices - 7.50 - ( 7.S0) Office supplies 25.00 34.50 - ( 9.50) Small tools - 15.20 - ( 15.20) General auppliea 113.81 113.81) Total - 8xhibit B-3 $ 1�00�0�0 $��307.58 $ $ 207.58) Histhrravs EnAineerin,g - Ordinary Expenees: Profeasional & consult- ant eervice $ 600.00 $ 583.q0 $ - $ 17.00 Com�unications 325.00 302.36 - 22.64 Printing 375.00 330.40 - 44.60 Travel� conferences & echools 1,750.00 568.10 - 1,181.90 Maintenance & r�pair of equipmeat 100.00 - - 100.00 Other contractual ser- vices 600.00 1,931.95 • (1,331.95) Office supplies 1,200.00 1,120.94 1 26.00 ( 46.94) BZHIBIT B-7 CITY OF FAIDL$'YJ, HINNESOTA Pagt 6 of 8 GBNERAL PYJND ANAI.YSY3 OP BRPSNDITUR88 JANUA1tY 1, 1959 TO D�CBMBSA 31. 1959 ' Unencumbered Bud�tet tu$1 &ncumbranco� . Balitace Genmral Fund (Coatinusd) HiAhways (Continued) &tstineerin� (Continuad) Ordinary Expeaees: � General supplisa $ • $ 88.80 $ - $( 85.80) �nt - 5.00 • ( 5.00) Insurance � bonds 200.00 133.81 - 66.19 Subacriptione & mamberahips 50.00 54.24 • ( 4.24) Refunds & reimburse- ments - 50.00 50.00) Total - Exhibit B-3 $ 5,2� $ 5,1_�60 $126�.00� $ 94.60) Straet � Allev Naintenance Ordinary 8xpenaes: Communfcatione $ 300.00 $ 78.44 $ - $ 221.56 Printing � publishing 50.00 79.88 - ( 29.88) Travel, conferences & achoola 125.00 29.12 - 95.88 Maintenance � repairs of equipment 5,000.00 4,041.85 25.00 3,933.15 Other contractual ser- vices 2,000.00 52b.20 - 1�473.80 Maiatenance & repair of other improvtments 8,750.00 7,698.07 - 1,051.93 Office suppliee - 69.18 - ( 69.18) 9ma11 tools 100.00 58.62 - 41.38 Motor fuel� and lubricanta 2,000.00 2,081.75 - ( 81.75) General suppliee 300.00 785.10 - ( 485.10) Rents 500.00 266.00 - 234.00 Iasurance & bonds I�250.00 1,107.05 - 142.95 Licenasa & taxee 10.00 6.00 4.00 Total - Exhibit B-3 $23,385.00 $16,821.26 $ 25.00 $ 6.532.74 � � � � Saow �nd Ice xemoval Ordiaary Expensea: 4isges of employees $ - $ 235.92 $ - $( 235.92) Motor Funla � lubri- cante 250.00 - - 250.00 Maintenance � r�pnir of othnr improvem�nt - 170.25 - ( 170.25) General eupplies - 92.57 - ( 92.57) Ranta 2,000.00 - 2.000.00 �'otal - Exhibit B-3 $ 2,250.00 $ 498.74 $ - $ 1,151.26 -� � � ��� BXHISIT B•7 CITY OF FxIDLEY, MINNBSOTA Paga 7 of 8 GENBRAL FUND ANALYSIS OF EBPENDITURSS JANUARY 1, 1959 TO D8C$MBER 31, 1959_ Un�ncuabered Budaet Actual Encwabrances Balaaca Geaeral �nd (Continued) Hit�hrrays (Continued) Traffic Si na, Si�tnals & MarkiaAs Ordinary Sxpeasea: faages of employees $ - $ 7.07 $ - $( 7.07) . Utilities - 18.26 - ( 18.26) Maintenance � repair of other improve�ents 100.00 - - 100.00 Motor fuels & ' lubricaats 25.00 3.96 - 21.04 Maintenance & repair of equipment - 11.70 - ( 11.70) General aupplies 31.74 - ( 31.74) Total - Exhibit B-3 $ 125.00 $ 72.73 $ - $ 52.27 � �-� �� � Equipment Maintenance Ordinary Expense: Wagas of employees $ - $ 156.60 $ - $( 156.60) Other contractual servicas - 164.72 - ( 164.72) Small toola - 159.58 - ( 159.58) Motor fue18 & lubricanta - 527.31 - ( 527.31) Maintenence � repafr of equipment 400.00 397.40 - 2.60 Msintenance & repair of buildinga - 36.09 - ( 36.09) General supplies 300.00 97.00 - 203.00 Total - Exhibit B-3 $ 100.00 $ 1,538.70 $� $ 838.70) Storm Sewera Ordinary expensea: Travel, conferencna & achools $ - $ 15.00 $ - $( 15.00) Other contractual services - 1,030.00 - (1,030.00) Maintenance & repair of othar improvementa - 1�390.91 1 390.91) Total - Bxhibit B-3 $ - $ 2,435.91 $� $ 2 4( • 3�5.91) $BHIBIT B-7 � CITY OF FBIDLBY. MINNBSOTA Pags 8 of 8 GBN$RAL FUND ANALYSIS OF $XPBNDITUxES JANUARY 1, 19 59 1b DBCffi�Ex 31, 19 59 <- tiaencusber�d . BudAet Actual Encumbrances � Balaaca General F'und (Continued) Sanitiation & Waete Removal Need Bradication Ordinary Expeneea: Travel, confereacea & schools $ - $ 6.40 $ - 9( 6.40) Other contractual aervicea 500.00 89.50 - 410.50 • General suppliee - 3.75 ( 3.75) Total - Exhibit B-3 $ 500.00 $ 99.65 $� $ 4�00.35 Parks & Recreation Municipal Parks Ordinary Ex�lnees: Utilities $ 500.00 $ - $ - $ 500.00 Travel, confereacee � schoola - 38.16 - ( 38.16) Maintenance � repair of equipment - 33.15 - ( 33.15) Maintenance & repair �_ of other improvements 1,000.00 900,40 - 99.60 Other contractual ser- - vicea b50.00 684.84 - ( 34084) General suppliea 75.00 195.80 - ( 120.80) Rent - 5.00 - ( 5.00) Insurance & bonda 25.00 89.15 - 64,15) Total - Exhibit B-3 $_2,250.00 $ 1.946.50 $ - $ 303.50 �a �sa � � �iazx c CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA DBBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHB$T DECEMBER 31, 1959 ' ASSETS Treasurer's cash balance , $ 1,577.33 Cash with fiscal agent 3,135.00 Taxes receivable: Current $3,400.00 Delinquent 235.94 Deferred 3,300.00 6,935.94 Total Aasets $11,648.27 _ LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND SUItPLU S Bonds payable - current maturities $ 3,000.00 Bonds payable - future maturities 6,000.00 Accrued interest on bonds 135.00 Matured intereat payable 135.00 Reserve: Delinquent taxea receivable 235.94 Future interest on bonds 315.00 Surplus: Unappropriated 1,827.33 Total Liabilities, Reserves, and Surplus $11,648.27 � � t� � � K r M Os r+ H r H � f� � C � K Ib � O r � A� r. a e � C � � � O H M 0► � i0 � M t� � . � � r u� � ' H �-' Hl+�O ►� � � � � � y � Oy � t�' O C L+1 tn <a � tist n rc w W n7ol3t � •�'o � w � cc+e � � ° � ° e� �w � 7d' c�o O O R W V) O i-�' H a in <n r w w w r ►-�i.� � c W O N rt N O� tn G . m � 00 N� H � V� OD V O C � ow a �' � � N O� ln � G pd � Oo V� n f3 �' H �n oo v p. a n K � � r BREiIBIT C-2 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINNESOTA DEBT 5ERVICE FUND STATBI�NT OF BXPENDITURES JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DBCEMBES 31, 1959 Unencumbered BudAet Actual Balance Debt Service General obligation bonds- Municipal BuildinA Bonds of 1951- � Deposits with fiscal agent- Principal $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $ - Interest 210.00 270,00 - Fiscal agent's service charges 20.00 9.75 10.25 Total $3,2�9� $3,279.75 $10.25 BXEiIBIT C-3 CITY OF FRIDLSY, MINNESOTA DEBT SSxVICE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN UNAPP�OPxZATBD SURPLUS JANUAjtY 1= 19 59 TO DECL�MBER 31, 19 59 Balance January 1, 1959 $1,691.67 Additions: Revenues - Exhibit C-1 3,432.45 Transfer from reserve for uncollectible taxes 167.96 Payments: Bonda 3,000.00 Interest 315.00 Decreaae in reserve for future interest matturities 270.00 Total $8,877.08 Deductione: Expenditurea - Exhibit C-2 $3,279.75 Decrease in curreat taxes receivable 55.00 Increase in accrued interest payable 135.00 Decrease in deferred taxes receivable ' 3�400.00 Deposit with fiscal agent December 31, 1958 included in intereat paid in 1959 180.00 Total $7.049.75 Balance December 31, 1959 - Exhibit C $1 82�7.33 . l SZHIBI2 D - CITY OF FRIDLET. MINl�ESOTA Yags 1 of 6 S?ECIAL ASSBSSl�ITT FUNDS • OOMBINBD BALANCB SHBY'T . DBCBI�Bx 31, 1959 F U N D 1958 Sewez and 1958 Sewer and 1958 Sever and 8egular Hater Project Water Project Water Project Sewer and Water Special No. 13-1958 Improvement No. 14-1958 No. 15-1958 Improvemsnt No. 16 Inprov�eat Assessment Construction Sinking Iaprove�ent Coastruction Sinlcing Construction Sinking Total Fund Account Account Sink.inst Fund Account Accouat Account Account ASSETS Treasurer's cash balaace $ 84�281.37 $ 166,609.85�$5,510.30 $ 1,339.01✓ $2,803.40 $ 14,093.92 l $ 31,396.74 $ 3,719.00 $ 4,446.35 Cash with fiscal agent 19,302.00 1,092.00 - 18,210.00 - - - - - Iuvestments b63,169.00 663,169.00� - - - - - - - Special assessments receivable: Current: Taxable property 428,089.89 291,417.8� - 33,300.57J 3,497.98 - 34,746.13 - 59,570.54 Taa ezempt property 9�854.58 3,967.54 - 5,887.04`� - - - - - Delinquent: Taxable property 95,015.51 95,O15.Slx - - - - - • - - . Tax ezespt property 27�358.50 27,358.50 - - - - - - - , _ Def�rred: Taxable property 1,859,828.38 1,646,958.30 X - 166,822.50"� - - 38,229.65 - - Taa exempt property 140,200.35 46,845.16`� - 12,017.51 - - - - 81,337.68 Due fram City of Colambia Heights: Share of Stor� SeWer Project - No. 1 52,100.00 52,100.00 � - - - - - - - Bonda authorized and uaissued , 551,000.00 - - - - - - - Construction wnrk in progress 1,064�910.24 45,859.14� - - - 120,275.141' - 179,826.89 - � Amount to be provided for coaatruction 158,129.72 - - - - - - - - �ount to be provlded for debt retiraaent 410,079.97 - 110,633.37 � 2,196.60 - 50,000.00 11,000.00 Total Asseta $5�,319.5�6 $3,040,392.89 $5,510e30 $348,� $8,4� $134,369.06 $154,372.52 $183,545.89 $156,� \ � �� ,� � � . �...:..::: -��_=r�: ' � �iair � ' CITY OF FRIDLBY, Z�INDTSSOTA Paga 2 of 6 SPECIAL /1SSBSSI�lIT 1RTND3 (�OMBINBD BALANCB SREBT DEC�EB 31, 1959 • F 0 N D 1959 Seaar 1959 Sewer 1959 Sewer and Water 1959 Se�rer and T�ater and Watar aad i�Titer Storn Sewer No. 21-1959 Improvement Ido. 22-1959 Improvesent No. 23 Project No. 26 Pro�ect I+io. 5 Pro�ect Construction Siukiag Construction Sinking Conatruction Constraction Conatruction Account Accouat Accouat Account Account Account Account ASSBTS Treasurer�s cash balaace $(148,798.13) $ - $(9,331.59) $ - $(6,806.35) $(24.00) $(45.40) Caah with fiacal agent - - - - - ' ' Iavestmeats - - - ' " ' " Special asaessmenta receivable: tk�rrent: , Taxabla pzoperty - - - - - - - Tauc ezeapt propertq - - - - - - - Delinqueat: Tazable property - - - - - ' ' Tax exempt propertq - - - - - ' ' � Deferred: Taxable property - - - - - ' ' � Tu ezsmpt property - - - - - - - Dua from City of Columbia Heights: Share of Storm Se�rer Project ' _ lio. 1 - - - - - - �., - Bonda authorized uaissued 436,000.00 _ 11S,OQ0.00 - - - - Conatruction �rk in progresa 395,743.20 - 262,035.08 - 8,608.80 24.00 45.40 [lmbunt to be providad for conatruction 148,798.13 - - 9,331.59 - - - - �ouat to b� providad for debt retirement - 50,625.00 - 125,625.00 - - - Total Assats $ 831,743.20 $50,625.00 $377,� $125,6�25.00 $ 1,802.45 $�� $� -�.- � � , � , , . . : - :. _ , , , . ,,, . _ . . �-� EYHIBIT D CI1'Y OF PAID�.B?, MIlOiBSOTA ' Page 3 of 6 SPECIAL AS�BSS�+IT FUPDS ° �OMBII+RD BALANC$ SHBBT DEC8I�SR 3I. 19 59 FULQD Sever 1958 1960 ;� Storm Sever and Water Street 1959 Street . Stre�t , No. 6 Project No. 7 Proiect SurfacinA 7�prove�et � Surfacing Construction Conatruction Sinking Construction Sinking Conatreiction Account Account Account Accouat Account Account ASSETS - Treasurer's cash balaace $(1,448.82) $(424.14) $ 1,386.78 $19,870.20 $ - $(15.75) Ca�h with Fiacal Agent - - - - - - Iuvest�ents - - - . - - - Spscial aosessmanta r�caivable: Gwrrsnt: Taxable property - - 5,55b.78 - - - Tax euapt property - - - - - - Del inqua�tt: Tazable property - - - - - - _ Taz eze$pt property - - - - - v _ Defened: Tasabl� property � - - 7,817.93 - - - Tu exempt property - - - - - - , , Deie from Citq of Columbia Heights: Share of Storm Se�rer Project ... ..__ __. Dio. 1 - - - - - - Bonda authorized uaissned - - - � - _ � _ �.�, �. Constructioa trork ia prngresa 1,448.82 424.14 - 50,603.93 - 15.75 Ilmuunt to b� providsd for construction - - - - - - A�ouat to be provid�d for debt retire�ent - - - - 60,000.00 - Total Asseta $ - $� $14,761.49 $70,4� $60.000�.00 $� , , ;,� _ , . .,, . .. _ :�w� ;; �... .__...� __:_ .. _ _..: : _ .�. ` , _. . _ ._ _. _ _ -- _ , _ _ � _.._.� .__ _ __ _ . --- _ _. _.__._, ._ , ._ ._. . _ .. ._ _�_� - - , ' BXHIBIT D CITY OF:FRIDLEY, HINNSSOTA Page 4 of 6 SPBCIA,i. AS�uESS1�NT FUNDS OOMBINED BALANCE SHHBT � DECEl�Bx 31, 19 59 F U N D � ,1958 Sew�er and 1958 Sewer and 1958 Sever and Regular i�ater Project � Water Project Water Project Sewer and ilater Special No. 13-1958 Improvement No. 14-1958 No. 15-1958 Improvement No. 16 Improvemeat Assesament Construction Sinking Improvement Construction Sinking Construction Sinking . Total Fund Account Account Sinking Fund Account Account Account Account LIABILITIBS, RBSBHVES, AND SURPLUS � Payables: Contracts $ 377,627.10 $ 31,675.00`� $3,049.65 $ - $ - $ 3,031.42 $ - $ 2,945.89 �$ - Accrued interest 60,209.80 36,$35.22 - 18,210.00 58.33 - 110.00 - 3,722.92 Matured bonds and interest 1,092.40 1,092.00 - - - - - - • - Bonds-curreat maturitiea 201,000.00 116,OQ0.00�' - - 5,000,00 - 66,000.00 - - Boads-future maturitiea 3,040,000.00 2,279,000.00� - 330,000.00 � - - , 50,000•.00 - 146,000.00 Due to Geaeral l�nd 7,367.18 7,36T.18� - _ - _ _ _ _ Reserves: Autttorized construction 552,192.45 - 1,192.45 - - - - - - y l�ture interest on bon3s 591,182.98 542,111.00 - - 3,439,65 - 38,2b2.52 - 6,631.65 Construcrion w�ork in progre�s 696,128.15 26,312.49 - - - 120,275.14 - 176,881000 - For future construction costs 23,589.20 - - - - - - 3,119.00 - Surplus: ' Unappropriated 12,330.70 - 1.268.20 - - 11,062.50 - - - Total Liabilities, Aeservea, and Surplus $5,563,319.56 $3,040,392.89 $5,510.30 $348,210.00 $8,497.98 $134,369.06 $154,372.52 $183,545.89 $156,354.57 . . ; _ �, , _'� `,�� , �o a+ p � �;�. Q w � d +�i .*�': H o � �+ a+ , p � � � � � i � � � i � � � � � � � �;, �+ a+ v : � � � v► p � � � i �n �o c� �, ; �.+ t+ Y O � d O � a� y � a � � f '-, . � � o � � � � � � � � i � � � , v� �o �+ � o aN � � � � o � � � � x ,.� � a _ � � ° � e � � � � � � � � � � � � � p� � �+1 � V 00 00 O� � Q � � .-� � • Q V7� sJ� p v A � z O O W a � a � � � � � i � � � � � � � '� u w o .No � O y d N N � � � '!� V) V} b � 1+ C� C� � � O O+ O O� 00 O+ �.1 �t O u1 O . � � � � �. . fA '1 O i� � ( I 1 1 1 O 1 � 1 1 � . ppq N � O O e'�1 e+1 P� ".�7 V011 � N � � w O M O RG p0 � � �+ O � �-�i ..�i ..�.� e�+1 � Ci v} s/s � � M "a v°3 a a+ oo ,.� o° c°> $ . � A M p ,�� � � � � � o � � � � � � � I� i-i � � � .O v � O .�D O � � � A � � tA � �O �O p �s �s N y � V ~y � O 1� e•1 O ,7 a +� O S .� N � C) rl �J i�! � . 1 1. / 1 i � 1 1 1 . . v� � u q �r+ o ao ri O� N � O a O n n Ii� JJ V w w w � � � � � c� �a � ao r. t� � � � v�s y � � b N A1 N � e V � � V � � . '. rn �.�i w .�; .°�+ q o'.o � � � � ~ � � .;� .v � � b � �' "� o � � � � .+ p � ro �+ w .+ r b ►�+ � � v M q u +�+ .� I � � .�+ � u �'' N Npua a : � �+ u �d �v � � � .� a+ o a �' , � ma�+ � a � �v � d .� � � � iia a `n � � � � � � � ° � � � � � � � � a � � a � � � a � rs7 �n E-�� EZIiIBIT D CI?Y OF FSIDI.BY, MiNNBSOTA Pag� 6 of 6 SP'SCIAL ASSB&!�N'T FIJNDS OOMBINHD BAI.ANCE SHEBT : DECBl4SS8 31. 19 59 F U N D Sew�er 19 58 1960 Storm Sewer and Water Street 1959 Street S[reet No._ 6 Proiect No. 7 Proiect Surfacing Improveaent Surfacing Construction Construction Sinking Construction Sinking Construction Account Accouat Account Account Accouat Account LIABILITIBS, HSSEBVES, AND SURPLUS Payables: Contracts $ - $ - $ - $10,474.13 $ - $ - Accrued interest - 23.33 - - - Matured boads and interest - _ _ Boads - current maturities - - 14,000.00 - - _ Bonds - future maturitfes - - - - 60,000.00 - Due to Geaeral Fund - - - - - - Rtserves: . Authorized constructioa - - _ _ _ Puture intereat on bonda - - 738.16 - - - Conatruction �rk in progress - - - 40,129.80 - - For future conetruction costs - - - 19,870.20 - - � Surplus: Unappropriated - - - _ Total Liabilities, Fteserves, and Surplua $ - $ - $14,761.49 $70,474.13 $60,000.00 $ - �- . _ ffiZBIT D-2 CIZT OF Ftlil�Y, !lE�80Tt Pase I of 3 SPBCILIL AS8i88l�'r �E � sinr�r o� �scsurrs JAt�UARY 1, 1959 �0 DECBMSEA 31, 1959 . � 19 58 Saa�er and , Yatsr Project 1958 SeMer aad iiat�r Prnject No. 14-1958 1958 Sewer and Ub�ter Projsct ltegular lia. 13-1958 Iaprovesent 7�prove�ent 140. 15, 1958 7asprov�t Special Constructioa Sinkiag 3inking Constnution Sinking Total Assessment A�ccount Fuad Fund Acconnt F�nd Speeial Assesaments: � Collected by city- Priacipal $ 234,351.10 $ 184,855.90 $ - $ 1,546.23 $ 2,724.90 $ - $32.039.24 Iaterest 37.01 - - - 23.7I - - Collect�d by countq- Principal- Currsat 156,426.16 129,570.00 - I1,516.28 14,431.19 - - Deliaqueat 69,914.53 69,9I9.53 - - - - - � Inter�st sad psnalties 8,364.31 8,364.31 - - - - - � Dec�ber tsx settlmant-uadistribnted 89,040.40 89,W+0.40 - - � Total Special Aaaesssenta $ 558=,138.51 $ 481.750.14 $ - $13,062.51 �17,179.80 � - $32,039.24 l�tevsnue froa Use of lrbmy or Property: � Interest $ 20,539.54 $ 18,303.50 $ I,268.20 $ 967.84 $ - $ - $ - Prnportioa�l sale of proceeda from sale of i�vs�tseats 708,440.80 624,709.00 83,731.80 - Total Bevsaue fro� Usa of I�btirey or Property $ 728,980.34 $ 643,012.50 $ 85,000.00 $ 967.84 $ - $ - $ Othsr �reaue sad �on-t�evsnue Beceipts: Proeeads fro� sale of bonds: Long tera bonds $ 330,Ofl0.00 $ - $330,000.00 $ - $ - $ - � - Tan�orary bonda 431,000,00 - 50,000.00 $ 761,000.00 $ - $330,000.00 $ - $ - $50,000.00 $ - . __ BscroN deposita $ 86.575.74 $ 8b,575.74 $ - $ $ $ $ - Othar � 1.218.95 $ 1,192.55 $ 26.40 $ - S - $ $ Total $2,135,913.54 $1.21Z,530.93 ',�41 S,026.40 $14,0� 30.�35 $17 �� .80 $50,� $3 03l.24 _ � _ � . :.� - .� . . . : .. ; _ .�..� �._� �:.� _W.�tr .. . ..._,� . . : . 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CMi. tl +�+ ; � � y '� u � o � A. �i • w y � �p q .d �1f cA w� .�a � �a a � � ap pO tai C� U i +.+ � d ai � O a1 & .-+ o � .o ,D �6 �� a+ �� � �p �+ I.i O p ��/ w O � �i ~ q � e CL w +i w O H q H /1 � y � � m b ..1 m b �.�1 L+ .q-�1 Y A O � p . � s�+ � � �.�i p � A r � � N aM+ � � bo � O�. ,� O f�.� M r � tl Uy 1M 1�+ O W � • Q � b 1�ir�-1 � .�-� � td q r � CL O � O ►.i S ac� c� � ►� w � � � � � "' a� o � o E°+ y �,ti� �4 � `. , •__ t , , , � , �� � � , N N � ' ` a w 5�: � � o ...� ..� � � � . p n w � � ''� ''� � � � � i � � i � � � � ,; , ;, , pg � � � � w ^ � 6da � � w ,� u � � ' , � � ,�� � � � � . ' ' , , , , . . . � - � � o � � �u a��+ �v � 0; � � � � � � � i i � � � :; y � � � � � � � a �A 'U � a �� 1� � , ' �: .-�1 1tl ?+ Q t�? <) ` G) Si . . �.J ..: � � . . ,. r�,� . . ,. ___ . _�_.. _.. . .. l� ' . - - '-�.`---. ._—__ � �1 �{� I�A � p u 7O '� O 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 1 � �d �N N Vl V � � � a � � � n v! 1�+ao p d�n o •o a+ o, v�1 �'� s�i s, v: , � � � � � � � � �°. '-� � �� u � � � � r-+ � � o� �n • m u � �n z � � � � b � o� a� v � a a o0 0 �n �.,a� � o 0 0 o� 1+ ,-� w� � � � � � � O O i � � O � � � � � � ,,,�r M .p OC� � : @J � ��p 00 qu� •p N � N . 00 O� ,3 � �t/� � y �i � � � �j � iti1 v u ++ Co en r� VlApA � p � � � � i t � pO �n � � �n � PaH M� � � q SO � o � O � N � tA � NN � O � � 3 � � � � �v ..' `t� � o �o � � o� •.+ o� o 0 0� C� a�7 .� � q �D ao � � � � � � � � at o0 N �-1 � � � f` N t�0 � � � • � w w . . . �, . . � � � �� � � � � � +� 00 N � a► 0 � � 0�+ .�1' .t p � . . . . . . . . . a '� � g c N � g .�-� � o�. �' ..� .� � ao o ..+ �o �o o v, � � �0 2� (� a � w w w w w � w . � dl �) rl .-1 .� rl �-1 �O � .d rl tX1 � � � �C � � � r-1 e�l t+1 .-1 V� d} N 00 .tCO .-� OOf. ON � t� CO O N � O� O O .t O+ �G .�+ . . . . .-� O� O .-+ �O N1 Q O at t� O� .-1 GP O p O� N 1� v M �O 1� O 1M u1 �O O � �D �O O O .t � �1 00 ' � .. � � id w w w w w w w�}w w . N � O t�r1 .-�i � e 1 � M � � N �p t� �t' N � N e > N t/r df� � r+ �o . .�p �1 . t+ 0�0 4��i b p � aai t'�i � � � �p � � � � � •i � m o a u ��1 � u ��, � � a�0 � ,��i N � � v •• me� 1�+ �o � ao �~.► u i.► � euj � a�i M�1 � Q. O a � � d. e�D od0b Q � � H O 'd � 'd � M �t�1 M qi a v D p+ � ai � �1 Q �1 .-� �3 O �0 t/f a,t O � O e� M +�a1 �C 10 M ��-�i � � pa0 �p� � � W ~ �WO40 � BZSISIT D-2 CITY OF l�IIILBY. ZiIliNB80TA Page 2 of 2 SPBCIAL ASSES�S PUNDS STATBl�IIT OF DISBURSS!lS11TS \ JAIRIASY 1, 1959 TO DBC�SH 31, 1959 �io. 22 Improvement Improvement Improv�ent 7mpravement Improvement 1958 Street 1959 Street 1960 Street Im�rbve�nt No. 23 No. 26 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 Improveuuent Inprove�eut Improva�nt Construction Construction Construction Construction Constructioa Construction Construction Sinkinsc Construction Construction Iu4provement costs $134,331.59 $6,806.35 $24.00 $45.40 $1,448.82 $424.14 $ - $ - $40,129.80 $15.75 Invest�eats: U. S. Treasury Bills - - - - - - - - - - - City of Fridley Bonds - - - - - - - - - - Escro� deposits refuaded - - - - - - - - - - Computation of assess�ent rolls - - - - - - - - - - Bscrop deposita applied on as�essmeats - - - - - - - - - - Depoaits �ith Fiscal Agents - - - - - - - - - - Principal - - - - - - - 9,000.00 - - - V Interest - - - - - - - 820.04 - - Fiacal agent's service charges , - - - - - - - - - - _ Refunda and reimbursements - - - - - - - - � - Other contractual - - - 2.260.13 - - $134,331.59 $6,8T 06_35 $24.00 $45.40 $1,44�8.82 $42� $2,260.13 $9,820.00 $40,1� 2� $15.75 -;,, i I < , , ,-�_- .. ..r.;:: _: �- BYHIBIT E CITY OF' FBIDLEY, MINNLSOTA MUN�CIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSABY RBVBNUB FUND QOMBINED BALANC$ SH88T D$CSMBBx 3I,, 1959 ACCOUNT . Intersst Total OparatinA aad Siakina Reserve ASSETS TreaeurQr's cash balaace $ 47,286.37 $ 29,957.13 $ 16,481.91 $ 847.33 Caah with fiacal agent 468.75 - 468.75 - Inveatmente 22,152.67 - - 22,152.67 Accounts receivabla 688.00 688.00 - - Inventorie• 92,834.30 92,834.30 - - Prepaid expe,nse: Insurance 801.32 801.32 - - Other 4,475.70 4,475.70 - - Amount to be provided for debt retirement 244�064.59 - 244,064.59 - Fixed assnta 197,523.83 197,523.83 Total Assets $610,295.53 $326,2� 8�0.2�8 $261,015.25 $23,00�0.00 � LIABILITIES, R$38RVBS, AND 3URP'LUS Accounta payable $ 20,683.36 $ 20,683.36 $ - $ - MaCtured bonda aad iaterest payable 468.75 - 4l�8.75 - Accrued iatereat 2,604.17 2,604.17 Due to C�n�rai Fund 5,480.06 5,480.06 - - � ' Due to Public Utility Fund 221.50 - 227.50 - Bonds psyable 200,000.00 - 200,000.00 - Reserves: Change funds 3,200.00 3,200.00 - - Ptiiture interest meturities 57,714.83 - 57,114. - Debt retirement 23�040.00 - . -. 23,000.00 Surplus: Current 99,393.03 99,393.03 - - Inveeted in fixed aseete 197,523.83 197,523.83 - � Total Liabilitie�, 8aserv�s and 3urplua $610.2�95.53 $326,28�,0�.�.28 $261.015.25 $23,0�0� � _ _ _ i 7Jpo,ll6'�� o K� � °� ` ��''�� �1I n �� - ��9�a ( � _ � , ! � 3� 3Z I,a�, 3 � i �o z� z`�q 3�<< �� `�u ;; ,� � ,�66 � . ��� � EXHIBIT B-1 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNB30TA MUNICIPAL LIQUO& DISPBNSARY RL�SNUL FUND � STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CURRENT SURPI.US YEAR ENDED DSCEMBER 31, 1959 Current 5urplue: Balance January 1, 1959 $ 81.428.59 Additione: Net income - Exhibit E-2 $64,265.47 Depreciation on fixed aesets charged to operations - Exhibit E-4 7,910.77 Disposal of fixed asaets, after depreciation - Exhibit E-4 4,739.53 Total Additions 76,915.77 Balaace and Additiona $158,344.36 Deductions: Tranafere to General Fund $40,000.00 Tranefer to Municipal Liquor Dispensary Sinking Fund 17,328.43 Acquiaition of Fixed Assets from - current years revenue - Exhibit E-4 1,122.90 Tranafer to reserve for change funds 500.00 Total Deductions 58,951.33 Balance December 31, 1959 - Exhibit E $ 99,393.03 HZHIBIT E-2 CITY OF FBIDLBY, MINNESOTA 2�1NICIYAL LIQUObt DI8PENSARY RbV�NUB FUND BTAT$I�3NT OF INOOME AND E7�YLNSE JANtiARY 1, 19 59 TO DRCE�ER 31, 19 59 Store Numbss Total 1 2 3 8alets On sala $118,503.08 $ - $ - $118,503.08 Off sals 412,263.45 71,716.57 202,065.60 138.481.28 Total Sales $530,766.53 $71,716.57 $202,065.60 $256,98�i.36 Cost of Sale� Inventory, beginning $ 70,404.18 $15,148.50 $ 22,572.72 $ 32,682.96 Purchases, net of diacounte 379,536.99 57,531.22 157,553.83 164,451.94 Totel $449,941.17 $72,679.72 $180,126.55 $197,134.90 Lese: Inventory ending 92,834.30 18,133.03 27,066.41 47,634.86 Totai Cosr of Sa1es $357,106.87 $54,546.69 $153,060.14 $149,500,04 Groas Profit $173,659.66 $17,169.88 $ 49,005.46 $107,484.32 Perceat to ealea 32.72� 23.94� 24.25x 41.83x Operating Expensea - Exhibit E-3 Selling $ 59,943.11 $ 5,886.28 $ 12,212.95 $ 41�843.88 OvQrhead 28,059.71 3,630.42 4,949.43 19,479.86 Administrative and general 14.296.80 5,262.25 4,414.88 4,619.67 Tota1 Operatiag Expenses $102,299.62 $14,778.95 $ 21,577.26 $ 65.943.41 Operatiag Income $ 71,360.04 $ 2,390.93 $ 27,428.20 $ 41.540.91 O�her Facpense and Incam� InterQOt paid on revenue ca�tificates $ 8,135.57 $ - $ - $ 8�135.57 Mie�eilaneous incowe ( 1s041.40) 168.16) ( 81.66) ( 791.18) Other Bxpense-Net $ 7,094.57 $ 168.16) $_� 81.66) $ 7,344.39 Net Income For Y�ar $ 64,Z�65.47 $ 2.5�59.09 $ 27,509.86 $ 34,1�96.5� � . Store No. 1 7369 Centrnl Avenue Store No. 2 3710 Baat River Rpad Store No. 3 6161 tl�h�ray 65 x BXHIBIT B•3 CITY OF FRIDLBY, MINNESOTA I+�TNICIPAL LIQKIOx DIS$ENSARY REVBNUB FUND STATSI�NT OF OPERATING EXPBNSBS JANUARY 1, 19 59 TO DECBI�bB 31s, 19 59 Store Nua►ber To tal 1 2 3 Selling B,xpense Salaries and Wagea $ 55,804.28 $ 5,757.05 $11,827.43 $38,219.80 Bar supplies 2,505.23 - - 2�505.23 Licenses 187.50 55.50 58.00 74.00 Ice 436.50 - - 436.50 Bags and wrappiag 603.59 54.55 280.68 268.36 Advertising 362.61 9.18 46.84 306.59 Other 43.40 10.00 - 33.40 Total Selling Expense $ 59,943.11 $ 5,886.28 $12,212.95 $41,843.88 Overhead Utilities $ 6,558.24 $ 605.59 $ 1,474.78 $ 4,477.87 Insurance 4,512.80 499.37 1,115.41 2,898.02 Rent 1,200.00 1,200.00 - - Laundry 1,278.13 72.81 115.06 1�090.26 Repaira 2,206.92 211.16 537.63 1,458.13 Store expense 601.68 11.76 83.25 506.67 Telephone 702.60 245.63 211.77 245.20 Alarm service 1,604.22 75.63 423.93 1,104.66 Depreciation 7,910.77 650.47 881.94 6,378.36 Sign maintenance 548.70 10.00 41.60 497.10 Cleaning and waste removal 935.65 48.00 64.06 823.59 Total Overhead $ 28,059.71 $ 3,630.42 $ 4,949.43 $19,479.86 _ Adminiatrative and General Office eupplies $ 736.09 $ 137.98 $ 253.08 $ 345.03 Bookkeeping aervice 2,442.50 480.00 967.75 994.75 Poat audit 524.00 78.60 183.40 262.00 Miscellaneous 564.10 11�.70 189.20 259.20 P. B. R. A. 2,026.60 1��.17 694.09 1,165.34 Loss on sale of property 3,311.53 3,227.07 42.23 42.23 xefunds and reimbursements 4,691.98 1,055.73 2,085.13 1,551.12 Total Adminietrative and General $ 14,296.80 $ 5.262a25 $ 4.414.88 $ 4,619.67 Total Operating Expenses $102,�299.�62 $14,778.95 $21,5� $65.9� 43.41 � R�IDZT �-6 CITY OF FBID�.BY, M�SOTA MTI�ICIYAL LI�10A DISPBNSAitT SBOEN[JE F[1ND STA�T OF FIZBD A$SSTS AND ALIAi�A1QGE FUR DEPBECIATION JANUABY 1. 1959 1'0 SSCSMBEB 31, 1959 � FISED ASSETS ALIAiiANCE Fa& DEP�CI�TI4t�i i Balance Balance Balance : Balance Book 9alue Jaauar9 1, 1959 Additions Deductfoas Dectmber 3I, -1959 .Ia�arY 1, 1959 Additions Llcductions December 31, 1959 Decesaber 31, 1959 Land and Improvements Stoze No. 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - _ $ - $ - $ - S - $ - Store No. 2 4,590.10 - - 4,590.10 - - - - 4,590.10 Store No. 3 5,808.13 - - 5,808.13 - - - - 5,808.I3 DriveWay Store No. 2 495.00 - 495.00 102.30 19.80 - 122.10 372.90 $ 1U,893.23 $ - $ - $ 10,893.23 $ 102.30 $ 19.80 $ - $ 122.10 $ 10,771.13 Buildiat�s and Improvements Store No: 1 $ 4,267.48 $ - $ 4,267.48 $ - $ 1,109.77 $ 21.34 $ 1,131.11 $ - $ - Store No. 2 14,453.01 - - 14,453.01 1,$92.31 289.06 - 1,781.37 12,671.64 Store No. 3 154,044.33 130.00 - 154,174.33 5,633.75 3,083.49 - 8,717.24 145�457.09 $172,764.82 $ 130.00 $ 4,267.48 $168,627.34 $ 8,235.83 S3,393.89 $ 1,131.11 $10,498.61 $158,128.73 Per�snent Sistns Stora No. 1 $ 1,444.36 $ - $ - $ 1,444.36 $ 887.57 $ 144.44 $ - $ 1,032a01 $ � 4�12.35 . .. � Store �to. 2 590.00 - - 590.00 304.83 59.00 - 363.83 226.17 Store No. 3 4,369.70 - 4,369.70 801.11 436.97 - 1.238.08 3,131.62 $ b,404.06_ $ - $ - $ 6,404.Of� $ 1,993.51 $ 640.41 $ - $ 2,633.92 $ 3,770.14 FWrniture and Fixturea �tore Pio. 1 $ 14,052.87 $ - $12,332.87 $ 1,720.00 $10,508.82 $ 473.58 $10,896.40 $ 86.00 $ 1,634.00 Store �o. 2 5,029.66 - - 5,029.b6 2,499.89 502.97 - 3,002.86 2,026.80 Stora No. 3 28,220.72 992.90 - 29,213.62 5,173.80 2,846.79 - 8,020.59 21,193.03 $ 47,303.25 $ 992.90 $12,332.87 $ 35,963.28 $18,182.51 $3,823.34 $10,896.40 $11,109.45 $ 24,853.83 Bauip�ent 194►8 Jeep station vagon $ 400.00 $ - $ 400,00 $ - $ 199.98 $ 33.33 $ 233.31 $ - $ - Zbtal Fized As�ets $237,765.36 Sl,l� $17,000.35 $221,887.91 28 714.13 .:$7,9� 10 77 '$12,2�60 8�2 $24,364.08 $197a,52�3.803 � ZZEIIDIT P CITY OF F�IDLBY, MINN$SOTA PU$LIC UTILITX FUND COMBINBD BALANC� $HSBT DBCBI+BBx 31, 19 S9 � ACOOUIiT Intereat and Total O�eratin�t Sinkina a rve A8SETS Tressurer's caah � � balnnce $ 48.974.97 $ 44,090.90 $ 3,972.69 $ 9i1.3$ � Inveatmants 13,088.62 - - 13,088.62 Accounts receivable 32,682.17 32�682.1� : - - Aus from l�unicipal Lfquor Dispen�ary Fuad 227.50 - 227.50 - Prepaid Expenae: ° In�uranca 21.9T 21.97 - - Accrued ravenue - umbillad aales 4,971.79 4,971.19 - Amount to be provided , for debt rstirement 241.152.31 - 241,152.3Z - Fixed assets 3,267.781.00 3,267,781.00 - Total Asoeta $3,608,900.33 $3,349,547.83 $245,� 3�52.�50 $14,�.�00 LIABILITIES, RBSSFtVBS, AND SURPLUS 4caounts payabl• $ 7�020.51 $ 7,020.51 $ - S - accrwd interest 2.40�e3� 2.405.33 ' Meter depoeits 64,420.66 64,420.66 - - Sonda payable 165,000.00 - 165,000.00 - � xeserves: Changa funde � 75.00 75.00 - - Future inCarest and matuzitiea 77,�44.27 - 77.944.17 , _ Debt retirement I4.600.00 - - 14,000.00 Surplu8: Current 10,250.66 10,250.66 - - Invested in fixed aasets 3,267,781.00 3,267,781.00 Tota1 Liabilitiea, Reearves, and . Surplus $3,608,900.33 $3,349,547.83 3245.352.50 $14.� BXAIBIT F-I CITY OF FRIDL$Y, MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITY FUND STAT8M8NT OF CHANGBS IN SUItPLUS YEAR $NDSD DBCEAmBx 31, 1959 Curresnt Surplus: Balance January 1, 1959 $( 6,228.51) Additions: Net income - Exhibit F-2 $ 32,603.08 Depreciatioa oa fixed aseets charged to operations - Exhibit F-2 7,842.61 . Total Additions 40,445.69 Balance and Additions $ 34,217.18 Deductions: � Transfer to Public Utflity Sinking Fund $ 4,312.50 Acquisition of fixed assets from current year's revenue 19,654.02 Total Deductions 23,966.52 Balance December 31, 1959 - Exhibit F $ 10,250.66 Surplua Invested in Fixed Assete: Balance January 1, 1959 $2,927,162.04 Additions: Acquisition of fixed assets from current year's revenue $ 19,654.02 Acquisition of fixed assets from Speciel Asseasmeat Fund 328,807.55 Total Additions 348,461.57 Balance and Additione $3,275,623.61 Deductions: Depreciation on fixed asaete charged to operations - Exhibit F-2 7,842.61 Balaace December 31, 1959 - Exhibit F $3,267,781.00 j , ; BXHIBIT F-2 CITY OF FaIDI.SY. �tIA1N1�$flTA li[IBLIC UTILITY FUND STAT�NT OF INCOMK AND EXFEI�IS$ JANUAx.Y l, 19S9 Ta D$CEMBBS 31, 1959 Operatinst �SVenue i�ater $ 91,807.10 SeFrer 55,185.17 Refunde a�nd reimbursements 2,152.48 Total Operating Revenue $149,144.75 Operatinst Bxaenaes - Fachibit F-4 $99,999.Ob Depteciation - ;Exhibit F-3 7,842.61 107,841.67 Net Operatiag Income $ 41�303.08 Iatere8t on Bonds 8,700.00 Net Incame for Year $ 32,603.08 � � BXHIBI�''F-3 CI?Y 0! lRIDLBY. MI�BSOTA Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC UTILITY F[)N9 � . STATSMENT OF FIXED ASSBTS AND ALLOWANCE FOR DEPRBCIATION JANtIABY 1, 1959 1�0 DSCBl�SR 3Z. 1959 - �. FIBED ASSETS ALLOWANCB FOB DEPRECIATION � Estisated Balance Balance Balance Balance Book Value Jauuary 1, 1959 Additions December 31, 1959 Jauuary 1, 1959 Additioas Dccember 31, 1959 _December 31, 1959 Land - Reaervoir site $ 1,227.00 $ - $ 1,227.00 � - $ - $ - $ 1,227.00 P�phouse site 1,956.37 - 1,956.37 - - - 1,956.37 $ 3,183.37 $ - $ 3,183.37 S - $ - $ - $ 3,183.37 BuildinAs Pumphouse $ 6,472.65 $ - $ 6,472.65 $ 194.17 $ 129.45 $ 323.62 $ 6,149.03 Beservoir $ 87,T23.33 $ - $ 87,723.33 $2,631.70 $1,754.47 $4,386.17 $_ 83,337.15 Well $ 27,4?1.OU $ - $ 27,471.00 $ 824.13 $ 549.42 $1,373.55 $ 26,097.45 Distribution and Disposal 3ystem . Water Pro3ects: I1o. 1 $ 95,868.99 $ - $ 95,868.99 $ - $ - $ - $ 95,86�.99 No. 2 ' 150,772.66 - 154,772.66 - - - 150,�?"�.66 Bo. 3 32,606.11 56.00 32,464.11 - - - 32,4�4.11 No. 3A 66,9'75.79 - 66,975.79 - - - 66,975.19 No.. 3B 91,619.76 - 91,619.76 - - - 91,619.76 Se�o�er Projects: � No. 1 . 99,975.38 - 99,975.38 - - . - 99,975.38 No. 2 442,153.24 114.25 442,267.49 - - - 442�267.49 No. 3 80,817.79 45.00 80,862.79 - - - 80,862.79 110. 4 69,135.32 - 69,135.32 - - - 69,135.32 rTo. 4A 91,966.86 210.00 92,17b.86 - - - 92,176.86 �o. hB 76,256.60 - 76,256.64 - - - 76,256.60 tiater and Sewer Projects: , Plo. 5 314,445.70 339.80 314,785.50 - - - 314,785.50 No. 6 325,336.86 - 325,336.86 - - - 325,336.86 No. 7 34,37 5.62 - 34,37 5.62 - - - 34,37 5.62 . No. 8 110,600.19 - 110,600.19 - - - 110�600.19 No. 9 123,945.99 - 123,945.99 - - 123,945.99 �o. 10 150,201.36 - 150,201.36 - - - . 150�201.36 No. 11 125,729.55 - 125,729.55 - - - 125,729.55 " No. 12 161,933.54 - 161,933.54 - - - 161,933.54 No. 13 - 328,807.55 328,807.55 - - - 328,807.SS No. 14 26,880.17 - 26,880.17 - - 26,880.17 �'' Sever co�ection rights 60,600.00 - 60,600.00 - - - 60,600.00 Sice Cre�k Plaza 4,616.59 - 4,616.59 - - - 4,616.59 iTates aeters in aervfce 48,747.38 18,425.67 67,173.05 4,044.90 2,888.57 � 6,933.47 60,239.58 $2,785,363.45 $347,998.27 $3,133,361.72 $4,044.90 $2,888.57 $6,933.47 $3,125,428.25 . _�� � � � ; :,, - ; , . . . . _ „_z : . � _ ,. _ , - , : ,. : . �: . . . . �_.__. . _ _.-. . <. __ _ . _ . , __ . .. __.. ._ <.�:_. . . ��r_. ,° . __. _ .� . , �___. . �.._ , , .. .� . . _._ ��.:: _ ., . �� ..,_, , . . _ � ..�_� :3 ,. EZKIBIT F-3 � CITY OF F82DLBY. KI�iBSOTA Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC UTII.ITY FUI�D STATEMSNT OF FIEBD AS3ETS AND ALIAWANCE FOR DBPRBCIATION JANtIA�tY 1, 19 59 TO DBCEl�88 31, 19 59, - PIYED ASSETS ALLOWANCB FOH DEPBECIATION Bstimated Balance Balaace Balance Balance Bock Value January 1, 1959 Additioas December 31, 1959 Januarv 1, 1954 Additiona December 31, 1959 Decesber 31, 1959 Z�tachiner9 and S9uip�ment - 1958 International Truck $ 1,894.97 $ - $ 1,894.97 $ 118.44 $ 473.74 $ 592.18 $ 1,302.79 Nillqs pickup truck 1,737.15 - 1,737.15 1,302.86 434.29 1,737.15 - 2 Jiffy rsmpe - 70.50 70.50 - 7.05 7.05 63.45 Se�er cleaning equipment 4,419.50 - 4,419.SO 662.93 441.95 1�104.88 3,314.62 Yump 15,000.00 - L5,000.00 900.00 600.d0 1,500.00 13,500.00 Chlorinator 2,868.00 - 2,868.00 422.07 286.84 708:87 2,159.13 Light plant 326.04 - 326.04 97.80 32.60 130.40 195.64 Miscellaneous 811.86 811.86 137.d9 81.86 218.95 592.91 $ 27,057.52 $ 70.SO $ 2T.128.02 $ 3,641.19 $2,358.29 $ 5,999.48 $ 22,128.54 Of ficQ Ectuit�meat Addressograph $ 977.15 $ - $ 977.15 $ 105.85 $ 97.72 $ 203.57 $ 773.58 Posting tray 133a70 200,55 334.25 12.07 25.82 37.89 296.36 - `� - Duplez uait - 1/2 120.00 - 120.00 8.00 12.00 20.00 100.00 1�rPewriter 125.00 192.25 317.25 3.12 _ 26.87 29.99 287.2b _.� _T $ 1,355.85 $ 392a80 $ 1;748.65 $ 129.04 $ 162.41 $ 291.45 $ 1,457.20 $2,938,627.17 $348,461.57 $3,287,088.74 $11,465.13 $7_842.61 $19,30�7.74 $3,267,781.00 �:� � : ; ,`N.. ,_ , . .. . . . . . . . . . ' . � . ' . . . . . . . : . . . . � . � .. ... � .. .. � . . ., . � . . .J BXHIBIT F-4 � CITY OF F&IDLBY, MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES . JANUARY 1L 1959 TO DECEI�BER 31. 1959 3ource of Su plv Supervision and engineeriAg $ 4,239.17 Operating suppliea and expense 205.72 Water purchased for reeale 34,187.82 _ Other water source expense . 17.34 ToCal $38,650.05 Power and Pumuin� l�el $ 4,494.83 Suppliea and expense 34.61 Structure maintenance 130.90 Equipment maintenance lOb.55 Total 4,766.89 Purification Supplies 606.38 Transmisaion and dietribution Operation, superviaion, engineering $ 753.02 � Operetion labor 9,970.k5 Operation of lines 18,243.65 Operation of ineters 267.52 Vehicle supplies and expense 2,246.76 Other supglies and expeaee 506.$6 Maintenance: Mains 4,702.66 • Services 2,805.64 Meters 58.30 - Hydranta 74.83 Total 39,629.69 Cuatomers Accounting and Collectint� _ Collection diacounte given $ 2,891.50 Cuetomera billing and accounting 3,091.67 Miscellaneous 244.60 Audit 502.07 Total 6,7Z9.84 Administration and Geaeral General office salaries $ 5,919.11 Office suppliea and expense 1,925.59 Management and supervision fees and expense 23.85 Legal aervices 275.00 . Iasurance ' 1,040.66 Injuriea and damages 42.00 Public F�ployees Retiremant Aseociation 191.00 Total 9,417.21 " Re€uad and Reimburaements 199.00 Total Operating $xpens� - Exhibit F-2 $99,9�99�06 E7�IBIT G CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNBSOTA TRUST AND AGE�iCY FUNDS BALANCS SHEET DECBI�Bfl 31, 1959 FUND Public Eraployses Firemen'a xetireaaat Total Relief Association ASSET5 Treasurer's cash balance $ 23.28 $ - $23.28 Taxes receivable dalinquent 322.84 322.84 Total Aeseta $346.12 $322.84 $23�28 " LIABILITIBS, RESBRVSS. AND SURPLUS � Due to Firemen's Relief Association $322.84 $322.84 $ - Unappropriated surplus 23.28 23.2$ Total Liabilities, Reserves, and Surplus $346.12 $322.84 $23�28 BBEIIBIT G-1 CITY OF FAIDLBY, MINNESOTA ' TRUST AND AGSNCY FUNDS STATEI�NT OF RSV$NUE AND EXPBNDITU88S - JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DSCEMBBR 31, 1959 FUND Puhlic �mployses Firem�n's Retira�ent Total Relief A�aociatioa Revenue Gmneral property tauee: Current ad valor�m $6,853.64 $4,121.48 $2,732.16 Delinquent ad valore�n 7.92 7.92 - Insurance refund 1,421.28 1,�421.28 - Total Ravenus $8,28�2.84 $5,5�50.�68 $2.7�16 8xa�nditurss R�mittancas to relief associatione $5,550.68 $5,550.68 $ - Pension and insurance contributions 2.708.88 2,708.88 Total Expenditures $$,2�59.r_56 $5�55�0.68 $2,7�08.8m8 � i � . � .. . .. � � . � � � . . . . / � � N H � � 1 N .-r O� ������� � �1 .�-i � O .+ e'�1 �/1 O .-1 O N .# O u1 t"1 O� v'► p O N �i' o� O v'► 1� �t�-1 r O� M N lr'1 00 e+l O �' O� 1'� O f"1 .r V1 e'�t C� �t 00 .-+ 1� N f� M f� a .s7 qe''1 � � ' N � O � e��10 �p� �p� .�-� � ' ae10N .t .tN 1 o�0 � r+ a0 W qf M �r► p� �n �C u1 e�'1 ap O r 1 1� 1�. ert o0 .t �t c�'f t0 N . ,rtp•1 �1 � w w � w w � w w � w � w w . � � w w � . � � . � . � f�C1 A � .-� � .1 � U1 �-I N � � en1 �7 �� �D •-� � � � � � � v v v v v v v A � � � � � � � ° g . � � � � � � i r � � e e � , � � � � i � � i � � • 00 O O 1� e�'1 e'N u1 O a�0 a�0 OM+ e'�rf N N W . .. .. m N N O� N N �0 � N � __ _ 1+ vs t/} vs vs vf __ E-� m o0 1� O u1 v1 e+1 p� e+1 p� O N O O� �A Q O N �t e+1 O O �1 �? a� .-� t� O O� t� �1 00 � S .� v1 ..� �n �n r'1 O �7 a0 .-+ .-� O e0 r. .-+ q . . . . � � . . . . � O � � � 3� ONO V�10e"'1yN� .o�-' h�. N10N � � N �ONN .�r O � .-� Cn v1 �C N O v1 O � � �b 00 e� c'1 C� � �? N 00 .-+ 00 � � � �� � w w w w w w w w w w w � . w �w w w , � . � 1+ 00 M N �1 GC V1 er1 N v1 �G CO �D s-1 N 0� O �/1 U � N N �N O� � N O� � � � � N .,.1 ..r N � A � � � � p ��t '� 000 � O a 0 � � .�-� N .N-� c�r1 00 .��+ � O �D • • � • • � • � • • • • • • 1 • 1 1 1. 1 1 • • 1 • � . . i/1 N O� �D f� N ►. 3 M h p� �p �D O O O �O p N .-i o0 00 t� � v1 O► N O� .t t+1 e�'1 e+1 �t O O �D O S cD q{ N .�} �n oo � .t f"� a0 �o O �► .7 O O N N er► � Q� � . +J w � � � w w w w w w � • + � . w w w � � � � � u'1 O N v1 00 �t �"1 � .� a► N O d O v► N .-� O N � .�-� H e'�1 M � M .-� N O er1 � v1 � .-� �D � Hf�4 .-� vs r►} vf v�s vNi t7 � t�n, i�4 i-i p� � ~ o 0 o a�o O :� O � � . '�" OI! H � m p • � o � � • � 1 � � � � � � � � � 1 1 1 • . '�►± � V! A �►+ O o0 00 <�+f O t�! � N N � RI p W w �w � � �w . w w � w � � F aad �t N y' ^ N �-�i � � . Da y � H af� � vs c�n� � vs Od p� ,�. 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N ? � � � 'C' 'CJ Q 4,' � p � � � � � � � p � b p � b � ,y� q Q � � � .p � � m � � ., 1+ 'd 'C id m "d v�, • �1 � a � oro �o .r � b �o a � o o �c � � � � cs � c� q� d o► � .., ,-� �a .a oo d � ..� .-� oe I�' .-� �'e r+ ar+ ,�di .� a d � a�+ ,�+ a d +°� •o � u u ,-� �'I °� a ,� w � H � �+ w � H a : °a c°-� � u � a a�+ aYO •�1 � aV+ m .,+ � a � .-� � oc� � r� � o� e� � � � o H � 88HIBIT I _ CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OFFICIALS'SURETY BONDS DBCBNSER 31, 1959 Term of Office Amount Uffice, Officisl, Z�pt of Bond Bxpires From To of Bond Surety Filed With City ManaSer Clarence B. Maddy 11-15-59 9-25-57 11- 2-59 $10,000.00 Columbia Casualty Companq City Clerk Eazl P. �iagaer Indefinite 11-1b-59 11-24-62 (A) 10,000.00 Auto Owc►ers Insurance Co. City Clerk City Clerk ?larvin C. Brunsell 1- 1-60 1- 1-59 1- 1-60 1,OQfl.00 Coltmibia Casualtq Company City Clerk ' Treasurez Marvin C. Brunsell Indefinite 9-15-58 9-15-61 20,000.00 Columbia Casualty Company City Clerk Assessor Carl. Christeasen Indefinite 4- 1-59 4- 1-61 500.00 Columbia Casualty Campany Couaty Auditor Clerk of Municipal Court Luverne H. 0'Flanagan Contiuuous 1-24-57 Continuous 1,000.00 Aetna Casualty Co�aay Secretary of State _ Public �aployeea FaiChful Performaace " - Blanket Position Bond Contiauous 8- 4-56 Continuous 2,500.00 Aetna Casu8lty Compaay City Clerk Public �nployees Eionesty Blanket Bond Conti�ous 8- 4-53 Continuous 15,000.00 Aetna Casualty Campany City Clerk (A) Cancelled February 1, 1960 aad coverage transferred to the Blaaket Bond policy. �j BXHIBIT J CITY OP BRIDLEY. MINNE30TA INSURAl10E IN 1PORC$ � DECEMBER 31, 1959 CoveraAe uat Fire and Bxtended Coverage • City Hall building $ 61,000.00 City Ha11 contenta 20,000.00 8quipment building 21,000.00 Pump Iiouse buildiag 4,000.00 Pump Iiouse contents 10,600.00 �later Tank � 80,000.00 t�unicipal Liquor Store #1 contents 2,000..00 Municipal Liquor Store �2 building 13,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store �2 conttnts 5,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store �3 building Z25�000.00 Municipal Liquor Stor� �3 contents 30,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store #1 stock 32,500.00 Municipal Liquor Store #2 atock 45,000.00 � Municipal Liquor Store �3 stock - 6�y000.Q0 Comoreheasive Liab� ��� Bodily Injury � su�omobiles 100/200,000.00 . Property Dainags - automobiles 25,000.00 Bodily Injury - liquor liabilitq 100/200,000.00 Property Damage - liquor liability 25�000.00 : M�onev and Securities, Inside/Outsi.de Premisea Village Hall 3�000.00 Municfpal Liquor Stort #1 1,000.00 Municipal Liquor Stoze �2 2,000.00 Municipal Liquor Store �3 4,000.00 BurstlarY, and Robberv - Villsae Aall 800.00 Busineas Interruvtion ' Municipal Liquor Store #2 32,000,00 Municipal Liquor Store �3 32,000.00 Plate Glasa BreakaAe - Liquor Stora #3 Replacem�nt Workmen's Comaenaation StaCutory EQUipment Floatar 16,941.00 Liquor Tranaportation Floatsr 2,000.00 � BXH IB IT I� CITY OF FRIALSY. MINN�SOTA TAxABLB VALUATIONS. TAX LEVI�S AND RATES YBARS ].956, 1957, 1958, AND 1959 V�11aAa of Fridlev Cfty of Fridl� 1956 1957 1958 1959 Taxab2e Valuationa: Real eatate $2,383,b12.00 $2,7b0,9i3.00 $3,372,134.00 $4.607,350.00 Personal property 491.746.00 606.661.40 794,681.00 2L7S0,623.00 Total $2,875,358.00 $3,367,b34.00 $4,166.815.00 $6„.357.973.00 Tax Levie� Bxtended by County Auditor: Extended in ysar 1956 1957 1958 1959 Collectible in year 1957 1958 I959 1960 . Reveuue $ 56,300.00 $ 98,082.00 $ 156,504.00 $ 189,892.00 Public �nployeea Retirement Assoc- iation p�a$ion contribution - - 2,$35.00 ' 6,515.04 FiremQn'a relief 2,157.00 3,368.00 4,167.00 5.858.00 Bonds and iatersst 3,700.00 3,500.00 3�455.00 ^3�3�3.00 Total $ b2,15�7.0�0 $ 204.950.00 $ 166,961.00 $ _ �45.608.00 Tax Rstea in Milla: Revanue 19.58 29.13 37.57 32.42 Rtblic Bmploqees �etirement Assoc- iation pensioa coatribution - - .68 1.11 - Firemen's relief .75 1.0 1.0 1.00 Bonds and interest 1.28 1.03 .82 .57 Total 21�.61� 31�,1�6 40�.07� 35� 10 . � _ BXHIBIT L ; CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA � - SECURITY FOR BANK DEPaSITS OF CITY FUNDS DECEMBBx 31. 1959 Columbia Heighta State Bank Columbia HeiAhta, Mittnesota Balance on deposit $232,1b2.87 Security for deposits: Collateral: United 3tates Treaeury Bonds, 2 1/81'. due November I5, 1960 $200,OQ0.00 Insurance: Federal Deposit Inauraace Corporation 1Q,000.00 Total Security for depoaits $210,�O,O�Q.�00 Camden Northwestarn Nationai Bank. Minneapolia, Minnesota Bal$ace oa deposit $ 34,873.94 Security for depoaite: Collateral: United States Bonda of 1959-62, 2 1/4x, due June 15, 1962 $laQ,000.00 Insurance; Federal Deposit Inaurance Corpozation 10,000.00 Total Security for deposite $11U.000.00 Fidelitv Bank and Trust Companv, Mtnneapolie. Minnesota . Balaace on depoait $ 54,957.33 �� Security for deposits: Collateral: United States Traasury Notes, Series A-3, 2 5/8X, due February 15, 1963 g 70�OOQ.00 Insurance: Federal Deposit Inaursnce Corporatioa LO.00O.QO .___� Total Security for deposita $ 8Q,000.00