1963 Financial Statements � � �,. _ �. .� . , . � �, . � CT�.°X �F FR��L��w MIIVN�SO� FI.�TAI�iCiAIa 3T�TIF��12S , DEG�MBER �� 1963 G�1'Y OF �'RYpLEY,L,MS�iNLSO'TA �L�C'TED AND �PPOT.NTED OFFICIALS �� DEC�IBER 31, 1463 Terne of office expires � January El�,����,o- � Ma�o�c �- W:�l l i�m �a Nee 1966 �o�n�i�naen� R�y Sh�.ric�in 1965 �1�r� ,�o�.n�can 1966 Pete.r Br��k 1964 Ei�a��rd td�lk� �964 Eff�ctive .�anuary 2, 1964<�- May�x w Williaan J. Nee 19C�6 C�c�nc 3.la��n� ]R�y Sfl�e��.da�a 196�5 �l�n �3crh�aa�on 1R6f� �7a�k �o K,i�rk�a� �967 .bo�r� C. Wrigtat }.967 l�.i,a�i�c'i.pal .budge - E1mer Johnsoa� 297fI Ap�sc�fnt�.do Ma.aza.gex �- Farl Po Wagner �1erk-`Tr��.surer - Marvin Bru�}sell � A�tarn�y - �ty�ma.n Smith Ass�s�or - M�rvin Herrmann Engi��er - Caivin Brown (resi�,ned September 6, 1963) 1'3a.�im Quexs�.i �(appointed Novembe� �1, 1963) �� � . , ; � ` ' � �1ort�r ,�u6ur6ah ,�`an�tar� �ewa� �i,6t�ict „ . ' ' STATE OF MINNESOTA � . t t . % � BOARD MEM�EftS °"" "'"' "� SERVINQ Aljred Bernstein K� Blaine ; Melford C.Christensen � Coon Rapids � Donald lohansen ,,,,,, Fridky ; Perry Malvin "`� Mounds Vlew � Yelas M.Nage� a � Spring Lakt Pwk ; WiUiam Nee ,�, . 5 . i LtC StQtlf f tr a 1 Thomas Tautgta 7s�•2�wt " i 1440 County Rosd•�J,• ' ' MiAneapoiis 32. Minnesota � ; ': October 23, 1964 ; � , _ , . ; ; , - ; Mr . Marvin C. Brunsell ' � Finance Director � City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N.E. ; Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421 - � _ � Dear Mr . Bruns�ell: ' i In reply to your letter of October 20th requesting the names of iour Board members and their terms, we are listing this information ; , below: � Members Appointed Each Year by Participating Municipali�ies: i � Thomas M. Tautges Spring Lake Park r Ray Johnston Blaine � ' Lloyd J. Blanchard Mounds View Donald Johansen Coon Rapids William Nee Fridley ( `� � Members-at-Lar�e Elected _ V. M. Nagel Term Expires December 1.964 Melford C. Christensen Term Expires December 1965 Lee D. Stauffer Term Expires December 1966 Very truly yours, NORTH SUBURBAN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT � By j� � � Mel or C. hristenaen, Clerk � MCC:em : � CITY OF FRID�EY, �I�NESOTA TAB�E OF C�NTENTS Pa�e �d�pex�d.���a� ��xt3,fied p�abl�.c acc4untam�° s opinion 1 �cra�a��xbt�� 2 B�a1��.�e �::���t� - all £�nds 7 ����'�1 F�a:zd� 7�:��.��� �t��et � 9 �l..y.�a�� c�,� c�ng�s in un�.ppropriated surplus 10 5�����aa���, �,f r��renue - actua.l compar�d with budget estimates 11 �t��t��na�xat �f �xp�ndituxes - actual campared with budget estimates 13 Sp�c��1 x�v�r�u� iFundso- ��;re�t°i�r� �kzxad m Stater�ent of revenue, expenditur�s and ca�xa�p�o�ar����c� �urplus � 19 T�.x�,�,c�.���, S�,�t� A�d Fundo �,.°�1���� �sk���t 20 St���s��n� �� c�,sk� receipts and disburs��►ents �0 P�rk �c�raw��xczc.tdc�s� �ionc� Fundo �l�x�.c� ��&�e�t 2I St�.�ea���.t, �f c�.sh receipts and disbursements 21 Sp��a.�.�. I�n���vez���nts Revolving Fl�nda �l.�,z��� ����t 2� �t,���s�e.aa� o� c�.s�n r�ceipts �nd disbursements 23 Sp��,a�.l ,�s�e���ent fund�o- I'�l.�.t��e ������ 24 C�is����a���ca�� I��.���� sheP.t� 25 at.�t��e�.�s of ca.s�i receipts and disbursements 28 I�b� ,�ez°va�c�� ��.�,�.�ac� s�h���s 33 �����r�a�r.�t� cz� c.ash. receipts and disbursements 36 I�eebt ��a�rice, requi.rem�nts 40 G��a��al debt. ser5ri,ce �unds s 8��.�.�c�e ����ts 41 SC,a��aaa��,�s ca� �a���. receipt� and disburse�eents 4�1 17�1�� s�ra�c� requixem�nts 42 '�rau�� �nri �g���y fund�o �aa.��an�� ��.��:ts 43 St�te�a��ats of ��;�h rece�.pts �nd disbursements 43 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA ITABLE OF CONT�NTS (CONTIIYUED) Pa�e �ana�cip�,�. 1 iquor fund�s- �alaace �heet� � 44 ����t:��.1g o �l�.aa.c� sh��eC �5 St���s��nt �f i.�come and retained earnings 46 St�.t�a�ent �f income :Eor individual �tores �+7 Sta�e�saent ca� gr�ss profit 4$ St�.temen� of operating expense� �9 St�t�mnents raf oper�.ting expenses for fndividual � s��'f sal� �tor�s 5� St���ffienfis of �perating expen�es far individual a�a� ��1� �tox�s 51 ��a� s��vic�:4 �1�aa�� ��ee�� 5� Si�tea�ent� �f casla r�ceipts and disbursements 52 �e�at �ervf.c� requiresuents , 53 S��ae� �nd sa�.t�� uti�.i.ty funds:- B�1.�a�c�: �h�et� � , S4 op�ratia�g a �.�.�.nce sheet S5 5��.��ment caf income �nd retained earnings S6 St�.temaen� ofi operatia�g expens�s S7. Y2eb�. ��TCV���° �a.�.�xac� sl�eets 60 St�t�ments �f cash receipts and disbursements 60 �lat sexvic� requirements 61 StaCean�:nt of geaaeral fixed as�ets 62 Mis�ellaneous �II�OxftL�,t�011: �umm�ry �t��ement c�� Treasurer cash recei�pts and disbursements 6� St�t�ament �f c�.sh 64 ,Ia�v��tm�n� in bank certific.ate� of deposit 65 St�t���nt c�iE United States Gawernment securities plaeed in e�crsvw by depository banks for the safeguarding of City funds 6b Invs�,tr��n� in City af Fridley temporary bonds 6�' $raa��� p�iy�ble - all fu�zds 6� I�b� s�rvic� r�quirem�nts - all func�s 73 �Assa:s�e�l vaYuation�s, �tax 1�vies and mill rates 74 ` �.isaar�.nye cc�ve�ag� 75 Fhrployee� surety boa�ds 76 � April 16, 1964 ao th� City Counail of Fridley, Mi.nnesota We l�ave examined the aecompanXing financial statements of the respective funds of the City of Fridley, M3.nnesota for tb.e year ended December 31, 1963. Our examination was ma.de in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in t�e ca.rcumstances> Tn our opinian, tkaese statements present fairly the financial position of t.he respective funds of the City of Fridley, Minnesot� at December 31, 1963 and the results of their oper- ations far the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted governmental acc.ounting principles applied on a basis aonsistent wi.th that of the preceding year. ��t,� �. /1�'-��^— ���� 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY� MINNESO�A COMMENTS Tlae Vil2age of Fridley attained City status in accordance with a charter approved by the electorate September 10, 1957o The Charter provides for a form of government designated as the "Council-Manager Plan"n Under this plan as set forth in Che Cl�rter, "A�:l discretionary powers of the city, bath legislative and execuCiv� shall vest im and be exercised by the city council. It sha11 have com- plete contral over the city administration, but sha11 exercise this control exclusively through the city ma.nager and sha11 not itself attempt Co perform any administrative wvrk." The council is elected by popular vote and consists of five memb�rs including the mayor, who ie chairman. The city manager fs appvinted by the couaacil m The followin� comments explain the purposes of respective CiCy funds and give pertinent fnf�xtn�tion coneerning operations, revenues, expendiCures, budgetary controls and other significant matters. General F`und The Ge�ner�l �lsnd is used to account for all revenues, and the activities financed by tt���n, which �.re not accc�unted for in sonae special fund. T'!ae principal sourees of r�v�nue ar� (1) general property taxes, (2) licenses and permits, (3) fines and for£�a.tures, (�) shared State taxes (mainly cigarette and liquor) and (5) transfers from tkae Mranicipal Liquor Operating Fundo Expenditures are for (1) �eneral goverrnmerato (2) public safety, (3) highways, (4) sanitation and u�aste resnovaly (5) parks and recxeation and (6) other functions. A plan of financia]. operatioa� of the �:neral F�nd is set forth in the annual budget adopted by t�ie Councilo The foliowing summa.ry shows the major variances of actual revenue and exp�nditur�s fram budget ea�timates Eor the year �nded Dece�aber 31, 1963. Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estima.tes Revenue a Gener�l prop�rty taxes $363,699 $358,277 $ 5,422 Lic�ns�� ax�d permits 50,710 73,600 (22,890) Ciga�rette and liquor taxes 46,733 41,000 5,733 Inter�st 5,$33 1,000 4,833 Oth�r 95,787 93,OSQ 2,737 Total r�vc�nu� 562 762 566 927 4 165) �pe�ditur�so G�ueral goverz�ent $121,402 $128,510 $( 7,108) Pulblic s�f�ty 194'237 199�069 ( 4�832) Highways 153,259 158,831 ( 5,572) QCher 106,102 147,517 1 415) Total expenditures $575�000 593 927 18 927) 3 Of t�e $22,89p by ca�.ich the tsudget estimate of r�evenue frosa licenses and ge�its excluded actual revenue, $18,5].5 re�x�sented th� budg�t estiu�Ces for multiple dwelling permits based on an p`rdinaxice atn ��feet when the bud.g�t was prepared� This ordia�ance was subsequently�.rep�aled and no x��ve�ue w�s der�ved fro� this _ source> , Zhe Gen�ral Fund showed an unappxopt`iated surplus of $157,3'66 at December 31, 1963 as determined on the accrual basis wherel�y r�v�nues �re taken into account as �arned and expenditur�s axe considered 'a5 such as soon as liabilities ax� incuxredo �ecial Revenue Funds Sp�cial revenue ftinds �re established to accaunt for taxes and otk�er revenues set aside for � particular purposeo Tlie City �f Fridley used two funds of this nature during tl�e yearo Fallowing i� a brief description of eacho Recrea�i�n Fund - This fund accc�un�:d for tlie recreation program of the City which was carried �n in cc�operation with School District Noo 14.. This fund was closed into the General Fund at ttae end of the year following discontinuation of the joint program with t�ae Sctr.c�ol Aistrict o ASunicipal 5tate Aid Fund - �°his fund was estatslished in 1961 to account for gasoline tax coll,ections app�rt�:oned to the City fram the State of Minnesota for street cc�nstruction and maintenance. Park Conatruction Bond F�nd Park Bonds tataling $300,000 were issued in 1962 and 1963 for the purposes of acquiring land and developing park facilities in various ar�as of the Cityo This fund accounts far proceeds from th�se bo�d issues. Special Improvement Revolving Fund - The purpose af tttis fund is to provide temporary financing for small improvement projects. It has b�:en used also to provide cash to special assessment debt servi.ce funds which have incurr�d cash deficits ch�e to bond and interest maturities in advance of call�ction of corresponding speeial assess- mc�nts rec�ivabl�o Mon�y €or these purpos�s has been provid�d mainly frc>m balances in old inactiv� consCructipn and d�bt service funds, water and sewer conn�ction assessments and improvement escrow deposit�. Spe:cial Assessm�nt Pi�nds Sgeci.al assessment funds are established ta account for special assessments levied ta finance improvements or services '8eemed to b�nefit the properties against whicla the ass�sswents are l�vi:edo Primari]:y, the transactions accounted for in special asses�m�nt cc�nstruction funds arc receipt' of bond proceeds and disbursement of bond proc�efls far canstru�tion work daneo Special assessm�nt debt service fund� account mainly for cmllection of arsessments against bene�ited property owners and disburse- ment of assessm�nt coll�c�ians for the payment of bonds and interesto Several special assessment construction funds showed cash d�ficits as of December 31, 1963� Th�se deEi��.ts mean, in �ffect tbat monies b�longa.ng to other City funds have been used as a means of t�mporary fi:i�ancing until sufficient bonds are sold and special assessments r�ceivable collect�d to pay current �xpenditures and elianinate th� deficitso � 4 �ie Regular Special �ss�.ssment Debt Service F�nd shawed an accaunt receivable fram t.he City c�f Calu�bia k�ea.ghts, Mi.nnesota in tl�e �amount of $52,100 representing storm s�wer cc�nstr�ucti�n casts c�narged to th.e City o� 'Coluznbia Hzig�ats as i.t,s s1�.re of the cc�sts� Si.nce Colutnbi.a f�ei�hts diaclaims liab�lity far tlae casts and there is a que��tion c�� �ctual b�nefik t� Columb�.� Heights, a reserve for thi.s receivable has be.�n �r��rided pending d�te.r�r�.na�ic�n of coll�ctibility. �""tae. debt ser�r:�c.e fund far Iuaprouement Bonds of 1961 and 1963 slnows a de:Eerred tax levy o£ $19£33�,�00 �o p�.� cm��s c�f water �nd sewex system �xp�.nsa.c�n not �ssessed a��inst benefitecd prmper�y� It f.� ant�c.ipated tkaat a substantial pox�tion caf �he un�.s�es��d costs will be p�aid fre�r+ earni�ags of the Wa.ter �nd Sewe�r UCi�ieie� Oper- ating Fu.n�d .a�nd tt�a� �a�nu�l cv11.e�:tihle am,oun�s of the. levy will be c�ncelled �r reduced �cccsrd.�ngl�ym Serae� a�.d tnT�.ter Pr���c� Noo 1.3 Debt Service Fund �n�urred an unappropriated surplus deficit bec�u�e all con�stru�t�an costs incurred were nc�t a�sesseda 'L"hi� deficiency csf �ssess�e�at� �e��altt�d fires� �ssa.gnment a£ costs �:p certain properties whicYa we.re sub�equ�ntly de�er�in�d nss� to i��nefit fram the .i�gr�uemeats. The de£icit, which �t De�ea��er 31� 1963 aara�unt�d to $95,261 zs being �limiai�.t�d by periodic transfezs frtsm the Water �.x�d Sewex� Utilities t�perating Fund and the Spe�fal Improveinznts Revolving Fu�ndw The balance stn��ts £or t�ae de�t service fuads show fu�.ure intexest oas both special a�sessments receiv�.ble �nd rel�.ted bands �ayable. It shcauld be noted tta�t prospect- i�se interes�� rec�iv�.�1e or payab�e becames an aetua� asset or liability, resp�ctively, strictTy as,�a functio� of time> Prep�.yments of spec:ial �sses�ments have Ct�e effect of reduciza� t�e amount of inter�st calle�tibleu Conversely, redeIInption o£ bonds befare ana.t.u�ri�ty wcauld reduce the amc►unt of intez�est t� l�e p�.ida General Debt Service Funds Ger�eral debt. se�ice. funds are u�ed �o account for the acc�nnulation af resources foz payanes�t of general otvl.ig�.tion bonds car' �ther general indel���dness and intere�t thereona T.'�e tw� gen�x�l deb� service funds maintai�ed during th� year were for Building Bands o� 1951 and P�rk �nd� �f �.962 and 19630 �e last of the Building Bonds of 1951 �r.a�ured ancd w�re pazd durin� the year 196� leaving an un:appropriated surplus of $2,073. Trbs�t �nd A.�nCy Funds Trust and agency funds �.re establisla�d �o �.cccaunt f�r c�sh or a�ther assets held by the mtxni.cip�lity as� a tru�tee or �gento �ity funds of this nature include (1) Fire- men°� Re�.a��� Assr�ca.�tiAn �ir�d9 (2J Public Fmpl,oyees° Retirem�nt Associa�ian Fund and (3) Dra.vex� Lice�se Fundo The Fixemen° s Relief Association Ftind a�nd tYae Public F�mplaye�s" R�tirem�nk; A.ssociaCi�an Fund �ccoua�t for collection of general prmperty �axes 1evi�d fc�r t�e benefit �f tl�e�e �associati.ons and subsequent remi�t�nce of such call�cti�ns to theua.. '�e Driv��s License Fun.d was used dur�.ng tt�e ye�ar to acccaunt fc�r s�l�� of drnvers licen�eso Proceed� from the sale �a£ drivers license� were r�mitted t� .�.ia�ka �ou�►ty4 1�nzc�.F�.1� L�iquar F�inds "L�ae�e funds we�:e �st�.b:tistaed t�,� �.c.count ��r t'�e operatior�s and fina.ncing ot the City cswtaed 1a.qu�� stax��� Pra�ar ye�.r ammunts are s�nown on the .Operationg Fund balance sk�e�t �rad st�tem�nt �f inco�ae and retained earnings for pur�p�ses a£ comparisono Pexc.�nt.�g�� �nd detail�d statea��nts by store� are included as �dditi.on.�.l. �ids in r�vi,ewi�� tb�e ,results ca£ sapexatica�s a Sal.es incre�.sed from $841,�66 i�n 196� tc� $8�8.,987 i� 1963o Gr�s� profit� ia� r�l�.tion tm s�.1es increased perc�ntag�wise from 34o1a% �o �4�o82%m �Iow�v��, net, icecame de;cr�ased fram 13m8�% of ��les to 13014% of �alesa Tk�!i,� reduct�can in th� net i�com� percea�t�.g� was due tc� �per�tion o£ (�ff �le Store I3c�, L at � lmsso This ��mre w�s clased in February, 19640 5 I�bt se��va.�e� fund� �r� 1���.ng maintain�d in acc4rd�nce with bAnd s�les agreewen�s. (�f an cs��gia��i�. b�nd 3.�su� of $230,000 sald in 1956 �nd 1957 t�4 be p�.id �or from xeve.n��s o.� 1iq�uc�r. stores, $142,000 was pay�ble after Decesnber 3l, 1963o Ttsese bc�nds wexe i.sgued ta p�.y for (1) a 1.iqu�r s�ore building, (2) an addition ta the C��y Hall. buaS.lding and (3) a�. equipment gax�geo A schedule of debt service re- quire,ments by ye�.rs �.s includ�ed in tha.a repc�rt. Sew�r �n.d Wat.er Utili�ie.s Funds Th��e :Eunds �ar�count fAr t�ae c�per�.tions and fi.n.ancing of t�as City owned se�rer and water �ystem�a. Tn. 1,956 revenue bonds in the amaunt°o:f $170,Q00 wer� issued to fin,anre co�stxucti�A of a reservoir and a well. As of December 31, 1963 $145,OQ0 of these bmx�cls were payable in future years. l�bt service funds for �k�is bond issue �.r� being m�imt�ined in accorda.nce with tt�e bond sales agreememto Un- as�essable con�treictian costs totaling approxima.tely $1.,SOO90q0 as o� December 31, 1963 had �aeen £iaa�nced £rarn proceeds of general obligation and special a�sessment bondsm Transf�:rs �re b�ing made t.o the resp�ctive debt s�rvice funds to pay the bo�ads �.n� �rela�ed �.nter�stp Cas� tran�fers were made during 1963 from the Sewe� and Wa.t�x Uti.l�.t�.es Operating Fun.d to t1�e folTcrwing debt service fund� in the �.m�u��� ��.own� Sewer and GTat�r 1Jtila.�i,e� Aebt Service Fl�nd (Pri�nca�p�,l �.nd. Inter�st Accaunt)` : $L1,6�5 Sp�ei,al �.�,s�ssm�ant dFkat servic,e �ux�ds: �e��x and Wat.er P.r�ject No. 13 8,500 Tmpr�vennent "I3�rnds of 196Q -0- Tzngrca��m�n�. Bandg of 1961 and 1963 53x500 $73,625 Tnt�rest a�ax b4nd� payab�e is cliarged tn income. Portions o£ transfers appla.cable tc� bo�cl pri�.cigal r�duce bal�nces of �c�rre�pondi.ng (1) reserwe f.or retirement of rev�nue bonds and (2) City can�rit�ution in ai,d, of construction> Aftr�x ��ne above �tra�.sfcers bmnd princ�,pa]. in t�ae following amouints related to uxi�s��s5able, �on�truction c.osts remaix�ed to be p�.id in £uture year� froua rla� C9perati.s�g F'un�i o S�wes and water uti,l.ities debt sexvice �unds (utilit� reve�ue t�onds) $ 1.21,9G�9: Sp�c3.a1 asse�sment. de�it service. £unds: S�w�� and Water Pra�jec� No. 13' 11Q,965 Im�roveme�t Bc�nd.s 1960 1A6,02$ Isnprau�rment Bax�d� of 1961 aud 1963 1„�,18$;952 $1,527,8'�4 Th� d�:lb� sexvic:e fund �car Iingxaveanent Bor�ds caf 1961 and 1963 sh�wed a `deferred tax levy o£ $19$�9,400 as o£ Decemlaex 31,, 1963 ta pay costs af water and s�we:r system expan��.c��. n.a�: assessed �.gain�t ben��ited prapertyo However� it. is antici.pated t�:a.t a sub���.a�t3.a�. go�tion e�f tlhe u�.�ssessed costs wil�. be p�.i.d from earnings of the Wat�:x dnel Sewe� Utilities Operat.ing �nd and th�t annual callectible amounts of t�ae l.�v�► �ai11 t�e �a�C�i�ea or reduced acco�dinglyo 6 Gener�l Fixed Assets In� t��C� g�n,er�.l fixed assets gruup of accounts were carried a11 fi.xed asgets of the City other ttaan tho�e shmwn, in tlae Municipal Liquor Operating F1ind and the ' Sewer and Wa�er U�ilities Operating �t.indo General fixed assets were carrfed at cc�st �xcept th�t fixed assets far whi�h cost information was not available taere priced at apprais�:d values, The financ�,a1 statements which follaw have bee� prepared Co set forth (1) indi- vidual fund balance sheets� (2) analyses of c�aanges in unappropriated surplus, (3) revenue-actual camspared wifih budget. e�timates', (�+) expenditures-actual ca�mp�.red with budg�t estimates and (5) otla�r inforn�atiano 7 CITY OF FRIDI.EY, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 319 1963 Special Park Improve- General Sewer IKunicipal Construc- ments Special debt Trust and Municipal and water General General State Aid tion Revolving assessment service agency liquor utilities Fixed �.ind FLind Bond Fund Ftind tunds funds funds €unds funds Assets Combined (Page 9) (Page 20 )(Page 2�1) (Pa�,e 22) (Pa�e 24) (Pa e 41 (Page 43) (Pa�e 4�.) (Pa e i) (Pa�e 62) ASSETS Cash (including $2,100,000 certificates of deposit) . (Page 64) $.2,237,10� $108,014 $ 51,111 $23,280 $ 8,536 $ 1,793,797 $ 3,903 $(2,506) $131,928 $ 119,042 Cash with fiscal agents 379,695 375,440 3,706 549 Investments, at cost - City of Fridley bonds (Page 67) 412,�t�`00 412,000 Accounts receivable: Other City funds 21,905 1,871 3,175 16,443 416 State of Minnesota 170,06$ 24,091 145,977 City of Columbia H�eights, Minnesota 52,100 52,100 North Suburban Sanitary Sewer District 2,000 2,000' Other 64,613 2,$18 61,795 Accrued interest reeeivable 56,388 5,010 242 49,535 842 759 Taxes receivable: Delinquent 28,455 25,860 857 1,738 Deferred 2,283,600 1,90f+,2Q0 379,400 Special assessments receivable: Delinquent 524,412 1,004 19,405 504,003 Deferred - Principal 4,367,364-, - 383 86,208 4,280,773 Interest Z,899,601 1,899,601 Inventories, at cost 134,015 251 133,764 Prepaid expenses �nd con- strttction costs 49�304 11�019 119438 6�458 19�281. Ial(N+ 4 Amaunts to be provided by £uture revenue 835,4�57 506,589 �3,962 132,674 172,232 Fixed assets, at co�t or appraised valuest Gener�l 5,665;845 $9,665,845 Other, less accumulated depreciation 1�953,OSE 247,999 2,715,057 Total assets $25,146n983 $180,321 $208,526 $23,280 $120i849 $21,800,494 $387,866 $39,637 $648,860 �2,071,3�5 $9,6655845 �I1�1 �F FRIDLEY9 MINNESOTA 8 �AIaAA1�TCE SI���S - ALI� F'JN�S DEGEMBER 31g 1963 Sg��ial Park I�prove- G�n�ra�. Sew�� l�ni��,pal Construc� ments Special debt Tr�a�G �nd Munici�a�l a�� wat�r Gen�ral �eneral Stage Aid tion R�volving assess�aent servic� ag�ncy lic�uc�r u�ili�i�s Fix�d Fund Fund Bond Fund Fund funds fund� fund� funds funds Ass��� Combined Pa � 9 SPa�e 20) (Pa�e 21) (Pa�� �2) (Pa�e 2�+) Pa � 41 (Pa�e 4�� �Page. �.4�) �P�a�� 54) (Pa�� 62) LIABILITZES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities:- Accounts payablet Other City funds $ 21a905 $ 19871 $ 3,591 $ 9�998 $ 6,�45 Public gnployees Retire- m�nt Association �8,861 $389861 Oth�r 26,507 $ 16,589 3,141 776 4a�45 1,156 Gontracts payable 69,432 509591 18,841 Retained percentage on contracts 18�8p8 18�808 Deposits payabl� 217a55G� 5,966 $ 12,317 79,186 120�085 Bonded indebtectn�ss: Ma tured bonds and interest 126,647 124,912 $ 1,186 54�9 k'uture maturities - � Bonds (Page 68) 8,918,000 8,331,000 300,000 1429000 1�5,000 Interest 2,574,515 2,430,140 64,185 27,765 52,425 Reserves for: Account receivable - City of Columbia Heightse Minn. 52,100 52,100 Contingen�ies 96,687 96,687 Debt retirement 76,739 76,739 Encumbrances 53,342 53,342 Municipal State aid road - Construction 1459977 145,977 Maintenance 10,087 10,087 Re�irement of revenue bonds 212,600 90,651 121,949 Unencumbered appropriation balances 74,182 $�3s280 50�902 Deficit (construction costs not financed) (118,876) (118,876) Genex�l fixed ass�ts 9,66598�5 $9,665.845 City contribuCion in aid of con�truction 1,405,945 1,405,945 R�tained earnings 591,352 373,052 218,300 Una�propriated surplus 868,774 157,766 108A532 579,�9$1 22,495 - Total Ziabilities, reserves and surplus $�5,146,983 $180,321 $208,526 $23,280 $1�0,8�a9 $11,800,494 $387,866 $39,637 $648,860 $2,071,305 $9,665,845 9 CIT'X OF FRID��Y, MI�TDTES�TA GENETit'�L FUNID BA:3�.ANG� SHE�T - DE�EMB�R 31, 19�i3 ASSETS C�ash (i.ncluding �15Q,OQO certific�tes o£ deposit) ',d (P�ge 64; $I08,Ol�ir Account� r�ceiv�laleo- � Mua�i�ipal St�te A�i.d Fund $ 1,871� St�fi� o£ Mix�nesota o. CigaxetCe and licguc�r taxes 23,366� �iv3.l. def�nse r�ir�abursea�ents 725 Mun.icipa.l Caurt 848�P Other 1,970 ' 28,780 - Accrue:d in��r.�st receivatvle 5,010�4 Delinquen� t;�x�s r�ceiv�bLe 25,860?' Sp�c�.�l �.ss���roaents receiv�blea Del�ia�q�xent 1�004.�, Deferr�d 383�� Prepaid insuramc� 11,019 Inventosie$ 251 Tetal ��s�ts 180 321 L]fA.�ILI7�TES AND SU�.'L�US Liabil.ifiies a- Accc��unts p�y�ble $ 16,S$9� Deposits pay�blea P�rk $ 5,1.56���/ C�ther $lOb' 58966� Un�apprc�priated sur�lus 157,766 Tc�t�l li�lailitiea� and suxplus 1�Q 321 10 G��' �F FRI�LE�s MINN�SO�A GENERAIa FUND AI�AL�YS�S C�F CHANGES IN UNAk'PROPRIA��D SURPT�IJS YEAR E�NDEA DE�'�MBER 31a 1963 Actu�l Budget �ver (under) Actu�.1 estimat� estimat� Unappro�sriated surplu� January 1,� 1963 $154,3��� Prior year� ad,�u�tttcerct�o 1 o Prepai,d por��.c�n of in�ur�.n�e prea�nium� sktc�wn �a� expe�dztur�s wla�ra p�,id in p.rior y�ar� ��h.e C�.�y i� fa�1,lw�ri�g the pr��tice of cc�nverta.n� a1.1 insurance pcalici��s at renew��, cia.t�� �cr a calend�r year b�sis wit.� pr�naiu�� p�aid an�.uall,y o ) 11 a 019 2. Other � 2�0) Un�pprc�pr�,ated surp�us January l, L963 after ,�dju�tnaent� $168,1�:� $168,133 Add: Reserae for encua��srance �.�nu��y 17 1963 �p�;id in 1963 and ta kse reimburs�.d by the N&�ni�i.p�l State Aid �nd) 1,8�1 1.,871 Revenu� �P�ge 11� 5b24762 56b,927 4 165� �ot�l $732�766 $736,931 $ (49165) Deduc� '- Eacpe�ditur�� �P�g� 13) 575,000 593,927 18,927 Unapprespx°i�ated surplus De���ber 31, 1,963 $157�76Es $143,p04 14 762 11 CI�X OF FRIALEYj, MINNESATA GENERAL FUND STATEM�Nx AF REVENT.JE - ACTUAT� CQMPARED WITH BUAGET EST�MAT�S ' XEAR ENDEA DECEMBER 3l, 1963 Actual ave� Budget (under) Actu�l estimate �stimat� Gener�l prc�p�rty �t�a��� 363 699'� 36� 589 1 890) Licens�s �nd pexmitst- Business 1ic�nseso Gener�l contr�ctoacs $ 2sS7S $ 38000 $ (425) Elec�rical contractors a80 1�OQ0 (220) Pluxnbers 810 l9 000 (190) Gas piping ��rvi.��s and installatian.s 6�5 �00 (2S) H�eatin� 705 1,000 (295) l�sc�nryra stucc�a etc4 675 1e000 (325) �tb,�� coaata��ctors 1ic�x�ses 780 930 (150) Cigar�ttc�s 516 600 (84) Gasolin� pump 26�o- 330 (66) A�er ].�110 19125 (15) F�t�il busin.ess 768 1,155 (387) Milk �rucks 190 160 30 Garb�g� and rubbish hauling 1G�5 150 (5) Other 110 60 50 Nanbusinesso Pexmit�- Buildatn� 15y965 14,000 1a965 El�ctxical �9 331 1.1�000 (1,669) Plumbing 89076 9�000 (924) H�eati.ng 6,07 S 7,500 (1�425) Multip�.� dw�lling percnits 18,S15 (189515) Oth�r 1,06� 19200 (140) Dog lic�ns�s l0A 175 75) T'ot�sl licens�s �ud p�xmi�s 50 710'� 73 fi40 22 890) I+�anicip�l Cou�t - Fin�s �and forEeitur�s 16 727�� 17 000 273) Revenu� from c�tkt�r agea�cies o Shared St�t�. t�xes_ Cig�rett� and liquor $ 4fi9�33� $ 4a18 OQO $ 59 733 Mabile lnoune registratimn f�e ` 6,176u` 7q000 (824) r&��tg�g� regi�try 7s�56✓ 6,000 1�756 Tc�t�l r�v�nue �ram cath�r agenci�s 60 665 54 000 6 665 12 CITY OF FRIDI�EY, MTNN�S07A GEN�RAI� FUI3A S�A�EMEN7� (�F R�VE�TILJ� - ACTUAL, .GOMPARED W:ITH BUD�E� ESTIMA�ES (CONTINUED) _.,,_�.__._.._.._.._ YEAR .END�I� DECEMB�R 31.r 3�963 Actual over BudgeC (under) Actu�l, estimaCe �stim�.te Ck�.rges �ar curr�nt serviceso Fire agre�m�mt� ��ad calls $ 900 $ 600 $ 300 Sp�ci�al �a.ssessment s�a.rches 1a�i90 1�4�0 240 Zoning and lot splitting fe�s 71�+ '` 1�Q00 (2g6) Board of priscsn�r� 690 300 390 Dr.unkam�ter 1.�o-2 ' 300 (15$) Civii� p��er 53� 3A(� 237 Special �ssessment� (weed cutting �nd nuisaa��e ab�t�me�nt) 383 - ` 3$3 Plat :Eilia►g f�e.� 4�� ' 9SU �486) Otl�.er �.a 0�5 $40 1.9 5 � �mt�l c�aarg�s for curx��n1� se�rvices G .�5� S 740 815 Miscella�eouss R�fu�ds and reimbursememt� $ 5�003 � $ 59750 $ (747) Gopher can�ra�1 147 ' 300 (153) RentS 10% - 10 Ta�tcr�st �arned Sa 833-'� la 000 4a 83� Sale of ine�eri�ls 1v585!-'" 3'],0 875 Oth�r 1.,OG��' S50 497 Total mi�cellaneou� 13 625✓ 8 310 5 315 ZYans£ers> Recreation Fund $ 7$1'`� $ 7$1 Munici�aa�l I�iquor Operatiu$ Fhnd 509 000 ' .Sf� 000 Tot�.l tr�.nsfers 50 781 50 000 7$1. T�a�a1 reve�ue 5fi� ��i2 $S7___��__�39 11 477) 13 C '1'X OF FRIDL�Y MINNES��� G�NERA.T. FUND STATEM�NT OF EXPENDI7.'UItES - AGTUAL CQMPARED WT�ii BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAXt ENllED A��EM.�ER 31 1.963 - Actual ov�r Budget (under) ,ActuaZ �stimate estimate Genexal Gav�x�nm�nt4- Mayor aa�d Cou�.cilm�n a R�gu1�r salara.es $].2a 135 $12a 849 $ (71G�) �'rinting �nd publi�hi8g 2A9$7 3a200 (213) Izisur�se�c� .�nd bos►ds 100 (1��) Subscripticans and memb�rships 389 370 19 Ga.pit�1 outlay 19 5�o-1 ].�680 (139) fJtb.�r �xp�nse 2�G�66 ?04 1�766 To��.1 ].9 518 18 899 61� l�.nag�r o Regul�r �a�,�rie� � $1,6b$24 $].7��00 $ (176' Com�nunications 49S 60Q (lOS) I'rix�tin� and publislaia�g lA0 �1A0) Trawel, canf�r.e�nces and schorals 36� 500 (137) Of�ic� suppl3.es 752, 5Q_0 �52 Insurance and boa�ds ].18 SA 68 CapiCa3. outXay 500 (500) Otlh�r e�p�m�es 3�3 25p 93 Trt�.l 1$ $9S 1.9 S00 605) Municip�l Caurt: R�gul�.r sal�.ri�s $ 8,849 $ 9'A 700 $ (851) S�ib�istenc�� care and �up�port �f p�rsons I58 192pQ (1,042) Communic�tians 4Q0 (4�00) Othe:r cc�ntr�ctual s�rva.ce� 629 1Q0 529 �f�ice �uppli�s �00 550 1S0 Tn�uranc� and bcands 60 (60) Capi.tal outlay 231 250 (1�) Othex exp�n��s 83 90 �) Ta�t�l 1Q 650 12 350 1 700) � Electian �nd Vc�t�r a R�gular sal�ries $ 2�244 $ 2a300 $ (S6) Prin�irag �.nd publishing l��o- 300 (106) Office �uppli�s �.40 5p0 (360) Gener�l �uppli�� 59� 75 519 Otta�r �xp�nses 25 (25) Total 3 1�2 3 200 28) CITX OF FRIDLEY� MINNES(�TA 14 GENERAL FUND STATJEM��dT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTU�AL COMPARED WITH BUl)GET ESTIMATES (CONTTNUEA) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31s ].963 Actual aver Budg�t (unde�) Actual �stim�te estimat� General Gov�rxument (con�inued) :- � City Cl.erk - Financ� - Treasur�r: Regular salaries $ 169�62/� $ 18,954 $(2,330) C�mnunic�.tio�s 990 1.9 240 (250) Printiag ar�d publishing 79 4aS (396} Tr�,ve1�y cAnference and school s �.33 500 (36�) Mainte�nce af equipm�nt 791 950 (159) Of�ic� suppl��s 39770 3,725 45 Insurance a�d bonds 196 350 (154) Capite.l out],ay 2,5S2 2,150 402 Otk��r �xpenses 1,195 6�5 S�0 Total 26 330 29 019 2 689) Ass�ssora , R�gular salaries $ 12,184 $ 119652 $ 532 Co�unications � 2G�8 300 (52) a`ravel, con��rence and .�cho�ls 5Q2 950 (448) 5upplfes 332 65Q (278) Insuraance �nd bonds 31� 35 282 Capit�l. outlay 656 765 (1fJ9) - O�k�er expenses 293 2�0 93 Total 14 572 1�+ SS2 20 Ind�pendent auditing and account.ing 4 200 � 4a2Q0 Legal 7 67S 7 81A 135) , Chaxter Cammission - Printing �nd publishing 100 100) Civil S�rvice - Miscellaneous 148 2S0 1.02) Board ca�' Appeals -� Trave�l, C�nference ��.�d sc�ac��ls 50 5Q) Pl�nn�ing aad Zoz�a:�.g 2 143 S , 2,665 522) Gen�xal Governma:nt Bu�ldin�a: S�1ari�s $ 267 $ 100 $ 167 Professiazaal consultant sexvic�s L,554 1�518 36 Uti.liti�s 3�784 5,20Q (1,416) Contxactual maintenance and rep�ir 19263 1,$�0 (537) . ContrACtu�al cle�ming and waste � � ' removal 2a362 2,650 (28$) G�n�eral supplfes 644 9lJ0 (256) Insurance ��.d bonds 450 19042 (592) Capital outlay $56 350 506 R�nt�ls 2�61$ 1,960 658 ` �t�ier exp�n�e� �301. 39S „�94) Tc�ta1 1�+ 099 ➢.S 915 1 16) �otal Genera.l Govera�ment 121 402 12� 510 7 1Q8) 15 CITY OF �RIDL�Y MI��ES��A G�N�RA.� FUND STATEMENT QF EXPENDZ�.'URES - ACTUAL CC�M�"A1tED W�'TH BUDGE� ESTIMATES CaNTI�TUEA YEAR ENAED DEC�MBEIt 31 1963 Actu�l aver Budg�t (undcr) Actual �sti�ate eatim�te Public .'S�f�ty:- Polic� Prot�et�.on: Re�al�r salar`ies $ $1 a 201 $ 849 698 $(39 497) Comcnuni,caticsx�s 19 095 840 295 Trav�7.9 conference and schoc�ls X1� �OQ (1$5) Otheac caa�txactu�.l ��szvic�s 2a 23A 1„�00 l,031� (DfiEice supp�.ies 4$0 S00 (20) Uni�orm �llow�.nce 1q234 �9SUp 30 Matox f�els and 1ub�ricants 4,6�2 6,p40 �1y32$) Main�ezu�.nce anc� rep�ir 3�864 29 000 1,864 9ubsist��ace,. care �s�d sugpoxt c�f p�rsons 365 640 (235) Gen�ral supplies 1,2�1 �9Q00 (759) Insuras�ce and bonds , 3,Q�� 39 3QA (253} Capital. outlay 7,228 �,42Q (19�) Other expens�s � 175 2$ Tc�tal 1A6 972 11Q 193 3 221) Fir� Pxo�eetican: R�gular s�.l,aries $ 209 263 $ 2�a 94� $(3a 677) Ccmpuunic�tic�ns �94 70� 94 Tra.vcl y cou�e�cence and school� k 9 3Q8 19 200 � 1.08 Ma�inCenaa�e ��,d repair of �a�u�;ptnen� 982 1�20A (218) Qf€ice suppAies 14G� 100 44 Motpr fixels �.z�d lubricants 13� 25Q (5S) �ee�eral �u�pl�.ea 5,685 29 000 3,,685 In$urance s.�:d bc�nd� 2,4�2 2,8Q0 (328) SubsGrigtions and mcmberships 210 2pp lp Capit�.l. csutl�y 16,917. ].7,S73 (66�) Ath�r �xp�a�s�s 1�301. 895 406 Total 50 265 50 858 593) Proteetive Ix��pecti.ono R�gula:x salaries $ l9 y CJ�.J .� LOy QQO $ `167) Cn[DIItt1C1��Ati�.0i�3 743 7�5 �32) Tacavel, conEer�a�ce �nd sch�ol� 1�126 1 s 800 (6�4) Other co�atractual s�rvices 5,a32 69Q04 (268) Offic� suppLies 568 fa00 �32) Insurance �nd bands 325 75 �50 Oth�r exp�mse� � 530 475 �55 Tot�9. 28 8S7 29 �2S �868) 16 CIT'Y �F FRIDLEY MINNESOxA GENERAL FUND STA.7C�MENT OF FXPENDI'1`[1RES - ACT[1AI, CAMPAREA WITH BU�GET �STI,MATES CONTINiJEA YEA.R ENDED AECFMBER 31, 1963 Actual ov�r Budgat (under) A�tua1 esta.mate esC3.mate Public Safety (continued):- Civi� I�fense a Sal�ri�s $ 4,�69 $ �,428 $ (59) Comm�unications 248 25A (2) Printing �e8d publ�shing 21 7 S (54) Trave�l,, conf�rence and achools 278 100 178 Supplies 1�64 325 (lbl) Ot�er expen�es 63 7S (12) Total S 143 S 253 110) Animal Gontxol : Other con�xactual s�rvicea $ 3p00A $ 3,OQ0 Othcr expems�s 4Q $ �,40) Tota1 3 000 3 Q40 40) Tata1 1'ubli;c Safety 194 237 199 069 4 832) Highways:- Engi.�neering: R�egular sa].aries $ 19,52.2 $ 16,328 $ 3,194 Professional and aonsultant s�rvices 5,697 5,400 297 Commaunicat�a.ons 7 99 700 99 Travel, conEerence and schaols 585 75Q (165) Contr�ctual m�inten�:nce a.nd repair of equipm�nt 317 200 117 Oth�r contractual aervices �,].32 S,200 �1.,068) Offic� suppli�s 1,282 1,500 (218) Genezal suppl�es 328 50� <172) T.�.surance and bonds 502 100 402 Capital outlay 2,$OG� 3,340 (536) Clther �xpensea 35S 14900 �,�545) Total 36 323 3S 918 405 Streat and Alley: ltegul-ar salaries $ 30,915 $ 32,455 $(1,544) Commun�icati.ans 248 300 (52) Cantractual.mainte��nc� and xepair of equ3.pm�nt 4,598 5,000 (442) Oth�r contrac�u�l services 339 1y200 (861) Offzce supplies 3S 300 (2fx5) Motor fu�ls and lubricants 2,311 2,5Q0 (189) Maiz�tcna�ce and repa�r of oth�r impraveme�.ts 122 2,000 (1,878) Genera3. SLl�P1�.E3 39151 19 610 1,541 R�nts 1.2,584 8,OAQ 4,584 Insuxance and bonds 3,$83 3,6Q4 283 Capital putlay 89 544 7,SAO 1,0l+4 Stre�� p�tching xnaC�ri.als 9,3�.7 13y 000 (39 683) Other expenses E+92 G�70 222 Total 76 739 77 935 1 196) 17 C,ITY OF FRIDLEY,� MINNESQTA GENERA.L FUNA ST'A�EMENT OF F.�CPENDITUIt�S - AC�'1JAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMA,�ES (CO1�TI�iUED) YEAR ENAED DECEMBER 31�, ].963 Actual over Budg�t (umd�r) Aatual �stimatn estimate Highways (co�ntinued) ;- Snaw and Ice Removal : R�egular salaries $ 3,106 $ 5,000 $(1,894) Gantr�.ctual m�,intenance and repair of equipment 1,305 800 505 Other contractual servic�s 20 ZaS00 (1,480) General suppla.es 2q660 800 1,860 Cagit�l outlay 2,�71 2QQOQ 71 Rentals 1,O�Q (1y000) M�c►tox fu�.l.s and lubricanr.s 2S0 (250) �ther exp�ns�s 220 L20) Tot�l 9 1.62 1.JL 570 2 40$) Traffic Si.gns, Signals �nd Maxk�rs: R�gul�� s�l�ri�s $ 431 $ 2a004 $(1,569) Utilities 585 40Q 18S Gen�xal suppli�s 966 1,Q00 (34) Insur�.nc� and bonds 90 10� (10) Capi�al outlay 2,�86 2,100 (14) Other exp�naes 720 (720) Total 4 158 6 �20 2 162) Equfpmen� mainten.ance: _ . R�gular salari�s $ 5,076 $ 5,003 $ 73 Camrmunications 248 150 9$ Msintenancc and repair o� equipmant 321 350 (29) S�m�.11 tools 77 2SQ (173) G�neral- suppl ics 1,04�Q 18 650 (610) Capital autlay 792 300 492 Rent�ls 70 70 Insur�.nce and bonds 17 20 (3) Other expsnses 730 850 (120) Total 8 371 8 S73 202) 5�r�:et Lighting - Utilities _ 18 SOka 18 S15 � (9) Tota1 Hi.ghways 1S3 259 1S$ $31 S 572) Sanitation and Waste Removal .- ,Storm S�wers: Regulax salari�s � 71fi $ 800 $ (84) Ma.int��nce, r�pair and oth�r improv�m�ent� 8fi lOQ (14) General supplies 691 965 (274) In�ur�nce and bonds 1.68 500 (332) Coc�tractual - Starm sewer study 4f 7 2S0 217 Other �xpemses 25S 2SS Tc�tal. 2 383 2 615 232) CITY OF FRZDI�EX�,MINNESO�'A 18 GENERAL FU�T� STATEMENT OF �XP�NDITURES -. ACTTIAL CQMP�IRED WITH �UDGET ESTIMATES CONTTNUED' YEAR ENAED AEGFMBER 31 1963 Actual over Budg�t (und�r) ctual �stimat� estimate Sanita�tion aad 6laste R�moval (ccan�inu�d).- W¢ed Eradication: Other contaractual �ervices $ 1$4 $ S00 $ (316) Other expenses 42 35 7 Total �26 53S 309) P�st Control - C�ntractua�. 1�$ 175 27) �otal "�ma.tatioa� �nd t�st� R�moval 2 �57 3 325 568) Conservatioa� o£ I��1Cho Professioa�al services $ 39f�Q0 $ 3,600 Contractual aervices 416 1,100 684) Tot�l Consarv�tion of He�l.th 4 OJ.G 4 7Q0 E►84) Library - �nt 1 S00 1 500 Muni�cipal Farks: Regula�c sal�ries $ 15p�93 $ 189130 $ (2a137) Communicatic�ns � 154 150 4 Ut3lities 329 500 (171) T��vel, canferen;ca .and s�c�,00ls 190 100 90 I�int�i�aaace �nd repair o£ eq,uipmcnt 94S 2S0 695 Ma,int�na.nce �and re�pair of othe'r improvemenfis 14�,681. 11v690 2,991 Confiractual servic�s 39172 3p172 Gener�l supplies 1,686 850 836 C�pital outlay - Machin�ry and a,utrnnotiv� equipment ��078 2,180 (102) Buildings and structures 69758 12�370 (Sm612) Other improvemes�ts 18,828 26,�52 (7,62�+) R�nt�ls 99Q46 1,250 7,796 �.suranc� and bo�ds 39S 2A0 195 Oth�r expenses 1„4�,$9 �I. 1�,00 3$9 Tota1 l�nicipal Parks 75 744 7S 222 - 522 Trans£er tc► R�cr�at3.on Fund 16 75Q 16 750 Cit� Band 1 C8Q 1 680 City cAntribution - d�sga.G�.lization ;tnsuxance 3 655 4 340 6�5) Tot�l. Ercpenda.tures 5�S Q00 S93 927 ].8,,927) 19 CITX QF FRIAL�Y� MTN�ESATA RECREATION FUND STAT�IWIENT OF REVENUE, F.xP�NAITURES AND UNAPPRO]�RI.ATED SURPL,US YEAR ENLIED DEGEMBER 31� 1963 Revenue a Transfex from t�.e General. �nd $16,750 Enrol2neent fees 2914•1 Total revenue $189891 �penditures o Dixector $ 3,000 Playground le�der 550 Assistants 2�806 l�,is tra�.sportatian 165 Equipment 2,097. Dance supervisor 201 Beach expen3e 5,047 Baseball comnnissioner 750 Baseball equip�nent, supplies and repair 2,272 Adult program 932 Miscellaneous 583 Tatal. expenditures 18,397 E�scess of revenue mv�r expenditures $ 494 Unapprmpriated surplus January 1, ].963 287 $ 781 Transfer to General klind (to �laase fund) 781 � -0- 20 GI'L'X OF FRIDLEY�„ MINDIESOTA MiJNICTP�,L STATE ,ATD FUNU BALANCE SHEET - AECEMBER 31, 1963 ASSETS Caah �,Pa$e 64) $ 51,111� Ac�ount receivable from the State of Min�nesota (ga�oline tax allotment for construata.a�) 145;977 Prepaid constructi�n costs 11,438 '� Tot,�l assets 2U8 526 z�a�a����a�s Ar�n xES�RVEs Liabilities: General Ftxnd $ 1,871 Contracts payable 50,591 Reserves �or mumicipal State aid ro�ds Construction $145,977 Maiater►ance 10,0$7 156 064'~ Total liabilities and xeserve 208 S�6 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR EIVDED DECEMBER 31s 1963 CABbI L1$].8'LAG2 J�anuary 1, 1963 $ 6,213 Receipts — �i�c390L�A� tax apportion:ed by ��ne State af Mi.nnesota 6�99'�1 Total beginn�.ng cash and receipt� $ 67,�$4 Ai�burse��nts: Ma3.ntenance $ 6,506 COi15 CIL1C��.Oil 9 2 567 16,073 Cash balan�e Decembe�r 31, 1963 S1 111 21 CITY AF FRIDI�EY, MINN�SOxA PARK CONSTRUCTIQN BQND FUND BALA�TCE SH�ET � DECEMBER 310 X963 set Caeh (Pag�: 64�) 23 280 Ap,propriation BAlance �Un�ncumb�r�d appropriatian ba�lanc� 23 280 STATEMEI3T OF CASH RECEIPTS AND AISBURSEMENTS YEA�R ENDED DECEMBER 31,� 19�63 Cash balanca January 1, 1963 $145,344 Receipte�: Bond proceeds $150,000 La.terest on investments 4,755 Total receipt� 154,755 Total begin�.atng cash and receipts $300,099 Disbursemente: - P�ofessional and coneultant services $ 2,722 Pxinti,ng and publishiag 133 1.��ad xnd la�d improvemeats 271,196 LighC� for baseb�ll diamond 2,768 Total di�bur�cments 276L819 Cash ba�ance Aec�mber 31, 1963 23 2$U z2 CtTY OF FRIDT�EY',,,,, k1INNES(9�,A � SPE�I,AL �TMPR.t9VEMENTS REVOLVING FiJ�tID $ALANCE SI�EET - AECEMBER 31 19fi3 ASSETS Cash (in�cluding $15,000 certific�tes o� deposit} (Page 64) $ 8,536 Acerued 3.ntarest receivable 242 Special assessaments receivable: DelinquenC 199405 Aeferrad 86,208 Prep�id comstruc�i.on costs 6,458 Total assets $120�849 I�IABILIT.TES AND S�1RP�US Liabil,it3�:s ^ D2p09�t8 payable $ 12,317 Una�ppropriated surplus 108 532 Total liabi�iti.es and surplus 120 849 23 CITY OF FRIALEY, MTNNESOTA SPECI,AL TMPROVEMENTS ZtEVOLVING FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS XF.A.R ENDED AECEMBER 3Zi, 1963 Cas� balance January. l, 1963 $13,384 Rec�ipts: Specia�. assessm�s�ts $27,640 Interest 562 Tran�f�r from S�wer aakd W��er Project Nao 23 Special Ass�ssmen� Construetion Fund (unexpended balance) 94 E�tgfneer3.ng ��crow deposits tr�nsferr�d from Regular Special Asaessmeut Debt S�rvic� Fund 10,259 N�C in�rea�e in �scrow deposits 2,OS7 Total roceipts 40,612 Total begimning c�sh.and receipts $53,996 Disburae�ue�nts:- Transf�rs ta apecial a.�ses�ment debti service fundso To tranaf�r 1962 and 1963 service COIli1t'.Ct�.Oti &1881°:$81t14.°11t8 to Sewer �nd Water Pro,�ec� �To, 13 $22,802 To close debt serviee funds - Sewer and Water Project Noo 29 9,903 Sewnr and Water Project �b. 44 612 Sewer and Wata� ProjQCt No. 47 5,699 ' Storm Sewer Project No. 51 6,444 Total disbursements 45,460 Ca�h, balanc� December 31y 1963 8�536 24 CITX CDF FRIALEX MINNESOTA SPECIAI� ASSESSMENT k'UNDS B,A�.ANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1963 Debt Construction service Combined , (Pa�e 25,� Pa e 33 A55ETS Cash (including ;��.,�'P d+y�JQO certi.ficates af deposi�) (Page ;64) ' $ 1�793.797 $131,863 $ 1,661,934 Cash with �iscal age�a�e 375,44Q 375,44U Investments, �a� cost - City af Fridley bonde (Page 67) 4].�,�OQ 16,U00 396,000 Aacouats receivabl.e: Other City furrds 3,175 3,175 Citq of Coluutbia �,eiglats, ,M�nnesota 52,100 52,100 Accrued int�rest receivable 49,535 7,617 41,91$ Defexxed taxe� receivabl.e 1,9U4,2�0 1,904,200 Special assessments receivable: Delinquent 5Q4,003 504,003 Deferred - Principal 49280,773 4,280,773 InCere�t 1,899,601 1,899,601 Prepaid expenses and construction costs 19,281 19,28�, Amour►ts to be provided by, future revesnue . 506,589 506,�S89 Total assets Sll,8000 494 174 761 11,625,a,_„7�33 LIABILTTTES, RESERVES AND SURPI�US -,- �iabilitiee:- Acaounts payable: Ather Ci�y funds $ 3,591 $ �,591 A�her 3,141 2,978 $ lb3 Contrac�s p�yable 18,841 18,841 . ReCained pexcen�age an camtracts 18,$08 18,808 Deposits payable 79,1$6 79,186 Bonded iadebtedness: Matuxed bonds and interest 12�,912 124,912 Futur� maturities - Bonds (P,ag� 68) 8a331�000 $�331m0UQ Tnterest 2,430,140 2,G�30,140 Reserves fc�r: Accaunt rec�ivable - City af Cal,umbia l�e3.ghts, Minn�aota 52,140 52,100 Conrin�enGi.es 96,687 96,687 Debt ret3rement 769739 45,661 31,478 F:neumisrances S3,342 53,342 iTnencumbered appropriation ba.lances � 50a902 50,902 Tleficit (con�truction costs not fina,nc�d) (11.8,876) (118,876) Unappropriated surplus 579,9$1 2,$27 577,154 Ti�tal li�bilities, reserves and surplus $11,8Q0,494 174 761 $119625,733 25 CITY OF FRIDLEYs MINNESO�A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CONSTRU�TION FUNDS BALANGE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1963 Sanitary Sewer, 5ewer and Sewer and Sewer a�d Sewer and Sewer and Sewer and Storm Sewer Water Water Water Water Water Water Wa.ter and Water Project Project Pro3ect Pra,ject Froject Pro,ject Project ASSETS Combined Regular Proiect Nv. 58 No. 26 No, 29 Noi 34 Na,36 No> 38 No. 41 No. 48 Case (including $270,000 certifi- cates of deposit) (Page 64) $131,863 $13,393 $33,490 $ 3,912 $ 958 $41,617 $ 2,902 $ 339 $ 1,967 $ 3,236 Inves�ments, at cost - City of Fridley bonds (Page 67) 16,000 16,000 Accrued interest receivable 7,617 358 1,092 2,834 Prepaid consCruction costs 19,2$1 19,281 _ _ Total assets 174 761 9 032 34 582 3 912 958 $44,451 2 402 339 1 967 $ 3,236 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS 'abilities:- Accounts payable: Special assessment debt service funds - Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Water Project No, 58 $ 1,055 $ 1,055 Sewer and Water Pra1ect No. 63 260 Sewer and Water Project No. 65 75 Storm Sewer Project No. 53 1,176 Sto�n Sewer Project No. 64 67 1963 Street Improvement Projo 542 Sewer and Water Utilil�ties Operating Fl�nd 416 $ 416 Other 2,978 $ 575 Contracts payable 18,$41 ` Reta�ined percentage on contracts 18,808 10,829 , Reserves. Contingencies 96,6$7 $46a449 $ 3,912 $ 958 14,397. 2,327 $ 339 $ 1,967 $ 3,236 Debt retirement 45,661 Encumbrances 53,342 13,315 Usi��acumbered appropriation balance 50,902 33,527 5,494 i�fi�it (construction cos�� not financed) (118,876) Us�ppropriated surplus 2,827 �,583 Total liabilities, reserv�s and surplus 17�+ 761 9 03� 34 582 $ 3,912 $ 958 $44,451 $ 2,90� $ 339 $ 1�967 $ 3s236 CITY �F FRIALEY, MINNESOTA 26 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CONS�RUCT�ON FUNDS i BALANCE SHEETS • DECEMBER 31, 1963 Sewer and Sewer and Sewer and Sewer and S�wer and Sewer and Storm Storm Storm Storm Storm Water Water Water Water Water Water Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Project Project Projeet Pro�ect Projecfi ProjecC Projeat Project Pro,ject Project '.Project ASSETS No. 50 No. 55 No. 59 No, 61 No. 63 No. 65 1Vo. 5 � No. 6 : ,No„ ,12. No. 4U , No. 43 Cash �(Fage b4) 7 893 Z 275 1. 521 1.6 486) 2 892 1 057 26 89 ) ' 1 79b) 1 3�) 362 745 % Total assets 7 893 $ 2� 1 S21 (16 486) $ 2,892 $, 1,057 $ 26 891) 1 796) $ 1 324) $ 362 745 LIABZLITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities:- Accounts payable: Special assessment debt servic� funds - Sewer and Water Project No. 63 $ 260 Sewer and Water Project No. 65 $ 75 Other $ 2,403 Contracts payable 1,625 Reserves: Contingencies $ 7,893 $ 2,275 $ 1,496 372 $ 362 $ 1,143 `` Debt retirement 26,589 F�icumbrances 18,454 1,013 Unencumbered approgriation balance 25 1,619 610 Deficit (construction costs not €inanced) � 38 968) 26 841) 1 796) 1 324) 26 987) Total liabilities, reserves and surplus 7 893 2 275 1 521 $ 16 486) 2 892 $ 1,057 (26 891) 1 796) $(1,324) $ 362 745 27 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA SFECIAL ASSESSMENT CONSTRUCTION FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1963 Storm Storm Storm Storm SCorm Storm Sewer Sewer Se�aer Sewer Sewer Sewer 1959 Street 1960 Street 196Z Street 1962 Street 1963 Street Project Proj�ct Project Project Project Project Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement ASSETS No. 49 No> 52 No. 53 No. 56 No. 62 Noo 64 Prolect Proiect Prolect Project Prolect rash (including certificates of deposit totaling $125,000) (Page 6��) $ 634 $ 422 $2,054 $( 8) $( 18) $( 75) $3,675 $1,666 $1,905 $39,656% $9,$90 �,ccrued interest receivable 3,333 ' Total Assets $ 634 422 $2,054 ( 8 18 ( 75 $3,675 $1,666 1 905 $42,989 $9,$90 LIABILITIES RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities:- Accounts payable: Special assessment debt service funds - Storm Sewer Project No. 53 $1,176 ' Storm Sewer Project No. 64 $ 67 1963 Street Improvement Project $ 542 Gotatracts payable $17,21.6 Retained percentage on contracts 3,928 4,051 Reserves: Contingencies $ 634 $ 422 1,116 387 $3,675 $1,422 $1,905 Debt retirement 19,072 Encumbrances 12,218 8,342 EJnencumbered appropriation balance 9,627 Deficit (construction costs nvt financed) (19,310) $( 8) $( 18) (529) . (3,045) Unappropriated surplus 244 R Tota1 liabilities, reserves and surplus 634 $ 422 $2,054 $�_8 Z $ 18 75 $3,675 $1,666 $1i905 $42,989 $9,890 2� CIZ� OF FRID�EYa MINNES�TA SPE�IAIe ASS��S�ENT GONSTRUG�YQN FUNDS S�l�,��1��TTS �F CAS� R�����'TS A�iD �ISBURSEM�I�TS �IF�,R �NI��D �E���E�t �I- 19(a� Sanitary S�nit�ry Sewer9 S��a�� Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer S�wer and St�rni Sewer �x�d and and �nd and. St�� S�wer �nd Wat�r Wa�er Water Wa�er W�t�� W4�t�r Projec� Proj�ct Proje�t Project Project Proj�c� Project �o�bixa�d Re�ea.lar No> � Nos 58 No. 15 N�, �2 No, 23 No, 26 No. 29 Cash bal�rce January 1� 1963 $ 2775�01, 7 �5�+ �_435 Sl 319 1, 923 7 8�� 94 858 1 614 R�c�iptse� Bonr1 pro���ds $1�1808 000 Saile o� dirt 69 Ia�ter��� on �ertifi�at�s of d�po�it �nd te�nporary bonds 129�06 $ 1,17� $ 2F� Refunds 11� Forfeitu�es and pen�lti�s 1a690 ix�.v�st�ent �oaturities (cost) 5�000 59 000 �ran�£ers from spesial ���essffient deb� servic� funds: Iffiprovement Bond� of 1960 17 $ 17 Ianprov�anen� Bonds of 1962 159 758 Sew�r and Water Project No. 50 4�,552 Tra�►sfers of cos�s �o: General Fund m Proj�ct abandoned 77 Construction funds ° Sewer and Wa.ter Proj�ct 1Vo, 34 19 y 213 Storm Sew�r Project No. 5 17,633 196� Street Improvement Project 907 1963 Street Improvement Project 1,408 Sewer and Water Utiliti,es Operating Fund 458 Total rec�ipts $1,2599300 6 175 17 26 Total bdginning casta and receip�s $195�6,601 13 5�9 � 452 51 3�� 1 92� 7 84� 94 858 I 614 29 eITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNI�IIESCITA SPEGiAI, ASSESSME�IT GONS�RUC�ION FUNDS . STAT�MENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (C�NTINUED) YEA.R ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1963 Sanitary Sanit�ry Sew��, S�wer Sewer Sew�r Sewer S�wer Sewer and St4rm Sew�r �nd �nd and �nd and Storm Sewer and Wat�r Water Wat�x Water Water W��ex Proj�cC Project Proj�ct Proj�ct Projec� Froj�ct Proj�ct Comhine� ReQUlar No, 24 Noe 58 No, 1S Noo 22 No, 23 Noo 26 No, 29 Disbursemt*.nts: Capital outl�.y $ 579,645 $ 136 $Za452 $13,605 $2,923 � �46 $ 646 Transfers of cos�s from other constructiQn funds ' � 39a1:6I � Transfer to Special Imgrovements Revalving Fund (unexpended b�lance) 34 $94 Trans€ers to correspondi�g d�bt service funds- To pay bond principal 660,0�0 To pay interest applicable to construation periods 79,225 4,�50 Unexp�nded balance 46,613 : 1 923 4n9,24 Tot�l disbursementa �1,404,738 136 Z 452 17 85.5 1 9�3 7 $47 34 946 656 �sh balance December 31, 1963 i 131 863 13 393 �-0� 33 490 S� °Q- $ _p= S�-0_ 3 912 958 i 30 CZTY OF FRIDLE�, MINN�S�TA SP�CL�L9 ASSESSMENT CONSTRUC�ION FUN�S STA'TEMEN'�S OF' CASH R�CEIPTS ANA DISBURSEMEN�S (COI3TINUED) Y�AR ENDED UECEMBER 31�, 1963 Se��r Sew�r Se��r Sew�r Sew�r S�w�r Sewer Sewer Sewer and �nd and and and and and and and Wat�r Wat�r iJ�tex Watcr 4dat�r Wa�er Wa��r G�t�r Wa�er Wa.t�r Projec� Project Project Proj�ct Praj�ct Project Proje�t Pro,ject Project Pro�ect No, 34 Noo 35 I�o. 38 No. 41 Noo 44 No, 47 No, 4$ Noo 5U Na, 55 Nv. 57 Cash baiance Janu�r�r 1, Z963 35 807 2 9�6 38I 2 05� 13� 1/2 16 052 OOi 28 233 77) It�ceigts a � Bond proceeds $735,040 IntPres� on eertificat�:s Qf depasit �99�� $ 2,001 $ 189 Refunds 2.12 Transfers of �osts t�� General Fund ° Project �bandoned $ 77 Sewer and Wat�r Prc�ject Na, 34 6a311 Z'ransfer frc�m Se��r and Water Pro3ecc NQ. Sa Sgecial Assessm�z�t Debt 3ervic� Fund 552 Total receig�s 742 037 2 001 552 6 50Q 77 Tot�l b�ginning cash and re:ceipts 777 844 2 936 3$1 2 057 132 142 18 053 8 553 34 733 S-0_ Disburse�ents: Capital ou.t2ay $274,7].8 $ 34 $ 42 $ 90 $11 s 567 $ 660 $18,017 7."ransfers af costs from other construction funds 19,213 Tr�nsfers to corresponding debt service funds- To gay bond princip�l 400p004 To pay interes� apglicabl� tcr construction p�riods 42,296 3,250 4,250 Unexpended balance �,32 �42 1Q,191 To��1 disb�rs�:sn�nts 736 227 34 42 90 132 ,�1,42 14 817 660 32 �58 Ca�h balance De�emt�er 31, 1963 41 61? Z 902 339 1 96� �f?= ,�U�, � 236 7 893 2 275 �>Q� # 3� CITY OF FRID�EY, MINNESOTA S��GTAL ASSESSMEN� G�NSTRUC�ION FUNAS STATEIKEN�S OE CASH I�C�IP�S AND DISBURSEMENTS (CONTINtT�D) �� ��az� �Nn�� n�e�s�R 3i� 1963 Sew�r S�*wer S�w�r S�w�r �nd aa�d �nd and Storm SCerin Stoa:m S���cn Sto� Storm W���r Wa.t�r Wat�r Wat�r Sew�r S�w�r Se�rer S�we� Sew�� Sewer Fr�a���C Pra3�et Praject Pr�a,��c� Pr�j��t Fro��ct 1'ra,���� Project Prc�j�c� Projec� Noo 59 �ioa 61 No, 6� Ncao 65 No, S Nao 6 N�o �,2 No, 40 Ncr, 4� No, 49 Cash bal��ce 3�:nuary 1� 1963 5 46$� � (4) 7 994) 1 796) 469 ��) $09 I�ceipts: Bond proce�ds $21n000 $25s000 $9'000 Z�cansfer �rom Impzovem��t Bonds o€ 196� Speci�Z Assessment Debt S�rvi�� �nd 15 �58 Tot�1 receipts 21 004 25 040 9 OOQ 15 758 Tot�l l�eginning cash and x��eip�s 15 53Z $ (�+} 25 OQO 9 �00 7 994�) 1 796) 69 1 68f �$U9 Disburseme�tts: Capital outlay $].3,486 $ 16,482 $22,108 $7,943 $ 1,264 $ 1�324 $107 $ �09 Transfe�s of costs from other const�ruction funds 17,633 Transfers to corres�anding d�bt servic� funds to pay interest applicable to eons�ruction periods 525 83� 175 �otal disburs�ments 14 011 1�* 482 22 108 7 943 18 �7 1 324 107 941. 175 Cash t��lance IIecember 31, � 1,963 1 521 16 486} 2 892 2 Q57 26 891) 1 796) 1 324 36� �'45 34 3� GI�'Y OF FRIDLEY, MINNES�TA SPEGTAId ASSESSI�E�T� C�JNSTRUCTION FUNDS STl�T�NTS OF CASH R�C�IPTS AI�D I?IS�i7RSEMENTS (CON�INUE�) YEAR ENDED mEC�1�iBER 31, 1363 1960 1961 1962 1463 Stor� 5torc� Storm St�xm Storm S�sarm 1959 Str�e� Street Str��t� Street Sewer Sewe� Sewtr Sewex Sewe� Sewer S�re�� Iinprov�p Imprca�aeb Imgrove- Improve- Project Pro�ec�r I'roject Proj�ct Pxoject P�ojec� Impr�v�me�t mc�nt m�n� m�nt ment No, 51 No, 52 No. 53 No�56 �10, 62 Nov 64 Proi��� Pr�iect Z'ro ��t Fro�ec� Pro .�ct Cash bala�a�e 3anuary 1� 1963 912 22 7f3 347) �„�8) 18, 4 9�0 1 020 9 4�6 191 882 R�c�ip�so- Ba�d greceeds $ 75a46f� $8sQQ0 $��5�OQ� $52a000 Sal� of dirt 69 I��er�s� Qn ��rtifi��t�s of deposit $ 656 1a434 Forfeitc�r�� and penaiti�s 1,690 Traffisfex�s of costs toa Constructiox� funds= Sewer.ai�d Wa��r Pxojec� Na. 34 12990� St4rm Sewer Proj ect Nca', 5 17�633 1962 Street Improvemen� Pro3�et 9f37 1363 St�ee� Imgrove�aent Proje�t 1940�-_ Sewer and Wat�r Util.iti�s Opera�ing �na 45s Total r�ceipts 147 850 $ Q00 656 256 961 53 690 Total b�gin�iag cash an� re�eipts 912 4�2 37 503 �,�$) 18) 8 Q00 4 }70 l 676 9 416 4�48 843 53 69Q �li�burs�ments: Capital outlay $ 6 $ 4;8�9 $8�075 $1,29� $ 10 �4a382 $129,987 $4�8392 Traz�sfers of costs from ot�.�r eonsfiruc�ion funds 9t37 1,4t38 Tr�nsfers to corresponding d�bt se�C"vf,ce fccnds° To pay bo�d prix�cip�1 260s 0(�0 �o pay `interest �gglicable to �austru�taon p��iods 35C1 �,a 875 3a 1.29 �8,2g� tlnexgend�c� b��.ssnce 5�6 28,745 � To��I ciisbussement� ��2 35 4��9 8 0�5 1 �45 ZO 7 511 09.187 3 800 Gss�a b�il�n�e De�c�mb�x 3Ia b963 ��Q� $4�2 � 2 054 �� 18) 75) 3 6�5 1 666 1 905 39 €S56 9 8g0 �:- .�"- ` ,. � ;.: - : . �� . . ., � �„�� .. - 33 CI�.'Y OF FItIDLEY, MINNESOTA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT D�BT SERVICE FIJNDS BALANGE S�3EE15 - DEG�IBER 31 s 1963 �t�i�aiy S�w�rs Stoxaa Se�a�r Sewer Sewer at�d S�w�r and astd Watcr and Improveanent Imprcv�m�nt Wat�� Wat�r Froj c6ta W�..t�r Ianpxovem�nt Bonds �f Bonds Fro�ect� Prmj�ct Nos v 21 Fr4�eet Cambine� Ret�ular Bonds of 19fx0 1961 and 1963 of 1.962 No, Sg Noo 13 �nd 2Z No, 48 Ass��s _. Cs�sh (including certifica��� vf deposit tot�ling $1,474,000) - (Psg� 5�� $ 1s661,934 $ 7�+8�589 $ 188a563 $ 3528493 $ 13�6Q8 $ 459336 $ ��353 $ 261y447 Cash with �iscal agents 375,440 2,703 1Q5�$65 32$S10 :15,056 �1sOZ5 29,363 158,328 InvestmeaCs, at cost - City ot � Fridl�y Bands (Page 67) 39680�0 3969000 ccounts r�ceivabl�: % 3peciaZ assessment consCruction ` fuud�- SBIIIC$1"y SE:W@�'a Storm 3ewer an Wa�er Pro�ect No, S8 1,O55 $ 1,�55 �ew�r and Water Pro�ecC No, 63 �60 Sewer and Water Pro�eet Noa 65 75 Storna Sewer Proj�ct Noo 53 1,I76 SCorm Sewer Projeet No, 64 67 1963 Str�et ImprAVement Fra3ec�. 5G�2 Gity of Columbia H�ights, Mian�sota 529140 5�,10� Ae�rtsed intere�� xec�iYabl� 4�.,918 22,Q58 2,520 6,716 703 4�5 9,496 D�ferr�d �axes ��cc:iv�ble 1g904�200 Zs839a4�4 64,80� Sp��i:l assessments receivabl�: — D�linquent 504,003 127,320 $9�349 63,699 63,608 118536 167,916 39,68F3 D�f�rred- Priacip�2 k,280�773 1,090,495 935,495 554,186 2038115 143a970 429,964 758,598 Ia�e�est 1,899,6a1 355,875 542s951 163,738 77,860 69a412 230,196 378a443 Amount do be provided by future sp�ci�.1 assessmea�c,s jObs 589 2t32,882 67,395 ��a�5�9 88,195 II C2�,. �, r ,�, 137 Q0 �?9 84 250 291 694 �,749;792 �1,681,400 To��l a�se�� � � �3� 2 ]9S,140 2 067�625 3,080, 34 GITX OF F1tID�,EYe MINNESOTA �P�CIAIa ASSESSMEN� DEBT SER�IICE FUNDS (CONTINU�D) SALANCE SH��7�S - D�CEMBER 31A 1963 � SS�.nitAry Sewer Sew�r9 S�:w�r $nd S�wer Stornb 5+ewe� �ind Wat�r �nd Improveme�t Impra�vement a�d ,�a��r Watex Pr�,�ects Water Improvem��t Bonds of Bond� Proj��t Pr�o��ct Nv�4 2�. Proj�ct Coubbined R��ulatx Bonds of 196t� 1961 a�t�d 1963 c�f 1962 Noo 58 i�o, 13 and 22 :1�40 48 L��BZLZTIE�� R�sEI��E� AI3I� SURPLUS I�a.abil iti�s:- AccouAts, payab�e $ 163 �` 163 D�posits�payable 79,186 $ 79p186 Bc�nded indebtedness t M�t�red bonds and ia��erese 124,912 �,703 $ 462 $ 15,056 $ 120 $ 29a363 24,�33 Future maturitiesr Botad.'s (Fage 68) s$331,o00 1,s61�ooQ $1 A 485 a 00(:i 28 354,0�� 29 5'OUD $8'59 OQQ 2859 000 �059�00 1:,190,1�00 Interest 2,430,140 487,652 582,625 729y675 57,573 4y25Q 1018$35 245,�75 240,b05 Reserves for: Account r�ceiv�ible � City o€ Golumbia H�igh�s, Miaanesota 52,100 52a100 Faysnent of future interest 31y078 Unappropriated surplus (d�ficit) 577�Y74 3124499 3��910 9( 5s�61) 60,354 2�5s799 _ Tota1 Iiabiliti�s, res�rves and surplus �^ll,6��,�753 2 79S914U $2�_(?67,625 �,39 Q80,L37 �+09�534 89 250 _291. 694 799 792 I 681 4UU Not� - ()n ,�eb?ruary 18 1964 gen�ral obligation bonds in th� amc�unt of �2,025,flQO wer� issued to prov�.d� advanc� refuuding of boad issues with princigal balances as o£ that dat� as follows; Im�rovemen�t Boncts of 1961 $1,250,000, Sewer and Wa�er Pro�ect No, 1.� $270,U009 and Sewer �nd Water Proj ects Na�v 2I and 22 $505,000 a It is esti�ated tbat tt�is advaa�ce r�fn�ading wi11 result fn a �et in�ex�st savi�g of �pproximately $1148540e , 35 CITY OF FRIDLEY. MINN�Sa�A SP�GIAI, A3S�SS�IENT A�BT SEB�IIGE FUIJ�S (CONTIL�TED) BAL,[�NGE SI�EETS w DEC�MBER �1 A 1.963 S�wex �nd S�w�� and �ewer a�nd 5�w�r as�ci S�wer �.�.d Sto� St€s� Storm Storna 1963 E1a��r i�.te� W�t�x WWsa..��r Wa��r Sewer S��aer S�wex Sewex Street I'ro,je�t gro���g 1'roj�ct Pr�j�c� Proje�� Pro�e6t Pr�je�� Prmj�ct Proj�ct ImprQV�m�nt No, 50 1Voo 55 Nca, 59 No, 6� No, 65 Non �9 �To4 5� �?c�, 53 Na� 6� Pro„�ec� ASS�TS C.�sh (Page 6G) $(�fl017) � 11a490 $ 69�61 $ 2s197 $ �fl�59 $�9p�55 Ac��a�ur►t�s receivabl�o S��cial asses�men� cons�r�eti�n funds° Sewer and W���r Proje�� �toa b3 $ 260 S��ae� �nd Wat�a� Froj��t �ioo 65 $ 75 Stoxm S�we� Pr�ject Ploo 53 �a176 St��xm 8ewe� Projec� Noe 64 $ 67 196� Stre�t Improvem�aag Ps�j�et $ 54� �ci�l �ssessmeaats rec�ivabl�a De�inquent 778 1Q9 D�ferr�d- Principal 22a630 73,516 14�753 13,510 139883 26a658 Ias�er�st 13,581 329849 7,412 8,191a 893�9 1�9761 Amoux►L to he pro�ided by futuxe �p�ei�l ��sessm�nts 27A24Q 9,825 ���U�� 8A733 564658 To�a�l �4se�s 34 194 117��55 28 4�6 2� 540 9 900 24 679 24 580 7 4��.. $ 800 57 240 LIABILITILS, RESERVES AND SURFLiJS Z�igbilities ° Bonded indebtedn�s�< . M��ur�d bonds and in�er�st $20a042 $16,300 $16a033 Future ma�urities- t�asads (Pag�.6�) $ 85a 000 $21 a 000 $�58 000 $9 8 000 $758 Q00 $�,Q00 $52,000 Interest . �+,250 1a575 2p5�Q 900 �a625 800 �e�OQ R�s�rve fox p�ymexat of futu�� int�rest 14a152 8,�39 88547 Ua�pg��opria�ted surplus 28,C�05 59�351 5a�#a7 Total liabilitie�a reserves �.nd �urplus $34j194 117 855 $Z8A426 27 500 9 900 24 679 24 S80 87 Q�2 8 800 57 �DO I 36 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA SFBCIAL ASSESSMLNT AEBT 3ERVIGE FUNDS STATEMENTS OF C41SH RECEII'�S AND I?ZSBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED AECEMBIsIt 3].�„ 1963 S�ta�r axad Improvem�n� Sewer W�t�r Sewex Sewer Sewer Imprave���t Bo'nds 7mprovement ' and Wat�:r Proj�c�e a�nd Water a�d Wat�r €��d Water Bonds of 1961 Bon,d� Pro�ect Nos, 21 Proj�ct Frbj�c� Proj�c� Contbin�d Rea�ul�r o£ 1960 �azd 136� of 1962 No. 1� �nd 2� No, �9 Noo 34 Nvo t��. C,a�h b�lanc� 3anus7ry 18 1963 ^� 743�076 $ 35,9�3 1%6 157 2�6 704 72 515 $17�221 36 9�1) 15 361 1 235 Receipts: Speci�l assessments $ 93�8462 $ 202a059 $142,046 $1�9a566 $114a38� $23a257 $ 76a356 $27sQ85 $2,121 Ixzteres� on certificates oE degosit and temporary bonds 559743 479538 Sy575 2�081 129 394 26 Accxu�d interest on bands sold 2a837 2a837 Inve�tments matured (cost) 890y000 8908000 Transfers fram Special 7mprovements Revolving Fund- To tra�sfer cost of 1962 and and 19E�3 servi�e connection assessments 22,802 22,802 To close debt service fux�ds 229658 99903 612 Transfers fram corresgonding �o�st��t�Qn tuaas- To pay bond principal 66Qa000 $400,000 To p�y in��se�t� �.pplicable to constxu.ctian periods 79,225 ` 44a089 3A961 1Q,000 To close cons�ruction funds (unexpend�d b�k�n�esj 46,613 1,923 4,924 I32 Z`ransfer from 7inpravAment Bonds of 1.961 and 1963 Speci�l Assessment Debt Servic� �and (Storm Sew�r Eroject No, 43_ special assessments , , receivable) 20,007 2Q,Q07 Transfers fresm Sewer and Watex Utilities Operatiag Fund 62qQ00 53,500 8,500 Total receipts $2,794,347 $1,1319597 " 149 544 232 073 Z38 479 54 953 $1 280 37 014 10 00� 2 865 To�al b�ginning cash and receipts $39537s4�� $1,175,500 325 701 58 771 210 994 72 1.74 44 359 52 375 4I0 OQO • 1D0 3� �IZ'Y OF FIiIBL��4 MINN�50TA SP'��IAL AS�ESSMENT DEB� SERVI�� FUNDS S���N�S �F CASkI IiE��I�TS AND DI�BtJR��N�S (CO�d��NUE�) �JF�4.1t ��il3l�� D��E,�iB�R 31 n 196� S�ra��c �nd 7m�x°�v��a� S��aex ����r Se�r�� S��a�� Sew�� �nap�s�v�sta��t B�d� Tnagrove���at �.nd ���r P��a����� �nd ���� ��d W���r �a�d W�t�� �and� �f 1961 Bond� Presj��t I�os p �1 _ �'�'�,}��� Pr�j�ct �'�g�ect �ambi�t�d �l�r �f Z960 �a�d �;96� caf 19b� �V�, b� �aad �� Nc,� �9 Nca��4 Aio. 44 Di�b�a���m�n�s o �' �a�xada� $1��b8a At30 $ i36a�00 $ 75a 000 $ 159 000 $1�+Op�00 $15a Of)f�-- $ 15�Q00 $50�000 �4.00a Q�0 $4g�00 ��,erest 350a?1�. 768532 6197�U �0a$43 21a556 11�79Q 26892t� ��3�5 10�0�0 100 �fua�ds �€ �peci�l ��s�ssme�ts 1a104 � 307 34 i�i.��e?lanecaus (i�cbuding £i�cal ag��at� s��ric� ct�:rges} 19326 3fs5 391 I�8 38 �8 �b PurcYs�.s� of ia�v��Cmen�c� 19��,400 193g 000 Net decr��s� ia� escxow depasits 10,755 109755 E�agin��ring esErow d�po�its �ras�sferr�d to Speci�l Ian�srov�ments I��rolvit�g �'u'u�.d 10��59 l0a 259 ZYansf�r� t� s�s��i�1 a�s�ssme�,� c�ri�txuc�io� fu�ds �a fi���� �onstruc�io�e Sanitary �ewer �nd Storsn �ew�r gro��ct I�oo ��+ g7 1� �e�er axacl WaL�r Proj��t Noo 5t1 �ae 552 _ ��ga°� Sewer �'ro���t No, �+3 9.5a75$ 15�758 ���tas��r to �a�arc�+�anen� Bonds of 1362 Spe�i�I Asse�sment �e�� �e�v3.c� Funci (Sfiorm Se�a�r ���ect No. G�� �p�ci�a2 �����sffients r�ceiv�bl�} 60AQ0� �t3a007 ��e�i digba�x�em�a��s �,1A�75,489 $ ��Ess9IZ 137 I38 1�� 285 197 �86 26 838 42 Q06 S2 3�5 1Q 000 s4�,ZOt3 ���� la���a��� ���mb�x 318 1963 1 �61 �34 ?489 589 b8� _563 35� 492 13 6Q8 5. �36 � �5� �� 5�.._ � � � 38 CITX C�F FRIDI�EYa M�NN�S(D�A ST'��IA� ASS�����iT 13��� S�RVICE FLTNDS S�E1��N`�� �F CA�t� It����b'�S 1�..�I3 �ISBLTP.S��I��S ��G9�3�IN�7��� YEAR �I�ID�� I����B�It �b� �963 ��ai��x� S�w�rg Stcrta� S��r�r �ew�� ��e��t a��a�r S�w�� S�w�r ��oma S�aa� 5���a Stt�� Z�acs� ��ad ���� ��d tn�a��r ��d ���� ��d t���� ��d �t�� ��.d ���� S�w�� �wa�� S���r S���� S��e�� P������ Pro�ec� P������ �����t� ��jes�; Proj�c� ��je�� Pr����� �r����� P�aj��� :fu���cra���e�� ��o �� �Tc�o 4� ZVo4 �Q ��aS I�c�o �� Nc�o 59 �a�< �+� Nc�o 51 ?i�a 5� l��0 5� ��_i��� Ca�h �����a�� �'�nu��r 1� 19�� �Q9 ��C� 209 ��8 3 765 60 Re���ga±ts e Spe�i�.� �.s�es�m�era�� $���E�11 $ ����� � ls�49 $69��Z $49��� ���999 � ��.G Intex��� on cert�ifi��,�e� of _ d����i+� a�nd ���p�a��s�y t���c�� Ac�ru�d i��e���t on bo�d� ���d Inu�staate�a�s �st�5i��c� �c���j 7Cx�s�sf�rs farom Spe�i�,l �agrov�a����?a R��mlv�.a�g Funde Ta tra���e� coat of 1962 �nd �nd 19Ea3 se�z�e coxx�eetion �.�s�ssn�ea�t�s To �Iose debt s�rvice funds $�9699 �6a4�a� ���sm��s €�om c��xespmndf�ag �9nstru��ic�n funds° �o pay �ar�d pri���p�l ��b0afl4fl �o ga.y ix���r�st �gplic�ta2e` ' �o eonstr��ti�a�' perio�� 39�50 �+9�5a �'+�250 525 Z75 350 19$�5 69 5Q0 To cZos� �onstruction fu�d� (u�.�xgended b�2��ces) 142 10�191 5��i �88�45 Traxesf�r f�.om I�aa�rnvem�nt �Snds of 1961 ��d 1963 Sp�cial . t���s�m�xat Debt S�rvi�e k�.r�d (Stoa�n Sew�r Px�Es��eC N�e'43 speci�,l �.�s��sm��tt�� x��eiu�ble) ��.n�f��s €r�m S���r �.nd Wa�er �1�i,1i�i�� (�s�r�.�f.a�g Eeand �ata3 rec�ip�s 5 8�1 �DO 461 � 9�8 15 740 2�0 - 6 7�6 407 7 350 2 999 3I. ���J 266 54f2 To�al hegi�anigg c�sh �nd �ee�ip�s 6 �.50 30 670 3 536 15 740 �50 6 �86 172 7 350 � 059 31 �30 �66 500 39 GITY t3F FI��BI��Y, MINDI�SOTA �SP���AI, ASS�S�ML�NT I3EBT SERVIC� �'UNDS S��`�1NEN�� �F EaASH R�C�IPTS AND DIS�URSII�NTS �GOI�TINU�I�) YFlii� I�ND�D I��G�ER 31 n I.963 Sa�af ta,ry Sewe�, St�x�n S�:�rex Se��r Sew�r S�caer Se�aer Sew�r ���x�a S�oxtn 3ta�sn Stcara� 1962 �.azd Wat�r �nc� W�.�e� a�,d Wa�er a�d W�t�r aaad W�t�r �nd Wat�r Sewer S���r Se�a�:r Se�r�� �tr��� Proj��t Pr���ct Pxa�e�� Pro�ec� 1'rc��ec 6 Pra��ect Fraj c�t Pr�,��s.t Pro,�eet Prc�,��:ct Ia�prav�m��� Nao 4�7 �Io. 4�8 l�LO 50 Noe 55 No. 58 N€a� 59 I�Q. 44 Aloe 5I. Nr. 5� I�c. �3 Pra.i��� Bis�su�s�ents� � s���� �6,o00 �a.�ae�oo �59 a�o ��a aoa ����,ac�a In.t�r��6 }.50 48 S I90 � 1 s QC�E� $ 49�5Q $4a�St1 $ 5�� 975 35(3 $ 80a � L 9 S�� 6,�0Q Refu��� af �p�ci.�I ass�:�sm�n�� 763 Mi�e�:11�.n�ca�.� (i�tcludiag fisc�,1 �g�axt� servic� claarg�s� �7Q Puz���.ae of i��es�m��tt� Net e�ecr�ase in escrow c��pQSits E�g�.ne�ring ��cro�+ d�pasits txs���ferx��d tv Sp�ci�l I�up�ov�ae�ts Re�rolving Fund 2'raa�sf�rs to speciaL a�sessmc�nt G6LI&�X'ikCt3.021 funds ta fin�.nce �anstrnxctio�- �anitary S�wer a�d Starm �ewer Projeet Na. 24 ��w�r and Water Pro�ect �Io. SQ 4,5�2 Stc�rm Sewer PrQject No. �3 Tr�nsfer to �ngrc�vem�nt Boads af 19Cs2 Sg�cial Assessafen.t �eht Servie� F1,fnd C�tazm ��aer Project Na. 4.3 sp�cial as���sm�nts r�ceivs.ble) �ota1 di�b,�r�ements 6 50 163 Z 3 5 552 54 �0 �5Q 525 5 9 5 i 35Q �f10 Z 8 5 2fs6 5�0 Cash b�l�nce Ik�cember 3i� 1963 �p_ 26I 44� �2 (}1C� 11 49(� $ °�" 6 26Z � 197 $ -0° � 25} 29 3�� �G_ �. G _ �:� :: :, _ . .. ; . _ . - � �.o GITX OF FRIDLEX� MINN�SUTA. SPECIAL ASSESSMI�NT DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AEBT SERVICE REQLTIREMENTS DECEMBER 31. 1963 Bamd Ye�r princi.taal In,texe�t To�Ca1 1964 $ 711,000 $ 325,150 $ 1,036,150 1965 766,OA0 292,588 1,058,58$. 1966 619,000 262,677 . 881,677 1967 619,000 239,158 858,15$ 1968 599,000 2159940 $14,940 1969 574,000 193,297 767,297 1970 574,Q00 170,955 744,955 1971 569,OOQ 148,383 717,383 1972 574,400 125,587 699,587 �.973 524,000 103,718 627,718 1974 392,OOp 85,445 477,445 19'75 355,000 70,�3Q 425,430 1976 270,Q00 56,7�2 326,782 1977 220,000 45,125 265,125 1978, 215,000 36,Q6S 251,065 1979 220,OOA 26,990 246,990 1980 . 210,OOQ I8,030 228,030 198I 170,OQ0 9,490� 179,490 1982 ].1.5,000 3,665 11$,665 198�3 35,000 665 35,665 �8�331,000 �2 fl 430 L140 �10,7�,140 4I CITY OF FRIDLEX, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1963 � Park Building Bonda Bonds of 1962 Combined of 1951 a.nd 1963 ASSETS ! Treasurer cash (Page F��+) $ 3,903 $2,O15 $ 1,888 Cash with fiscal ag�nt 3,706 3,706 Taxes receivable: D�liaquent 857 58 799 Deferred 379,400 379,400 Total assets 387 866 2 073 385 793 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Li�bilities - Bonded indebtedness :- Matured interes� $ 1,186 $ 1,186 Future maturities: Bonds (Page 6£'�) 300,000 300,000 Interest 64,185 64,185 Unappropriated surplus 22,495 2 073 20,,422 Total liabilities and surplus 387 866 2 07 385 793 STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS Al�iD DISBURSEMENTS YEA,R ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1963 Treasurer cash bal�ace January 1, 1963 2 053 1 960 93 Receipts: Current property taxes $ ].5,759 � $ 15,759 Accrued interest on bond� sold 424� 424 Delinquent property taxes SS-' S5 Tot�l receipts 16 238 5S 16 183 Total beginning c�sh and and receipts 18 291. 2 015 16 276 Disburs�ment�: Fiscal agent �ervice charge $ 23 $ 23 Interest 14,365 14,365 Total disbuxs�ment� 14 38$ 14 388 Treasur�r c�sla balance Decemb�x 31, 1963 3 903 2 015 $�1�,888 42 CITY OF FRIDI�EY, MINNESOTA , GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1963 Bond Xear principal � Interest Total 1964 $ 5,000 $ 9,765 $ 14,765 1965 15,000 9,460 24,460 1966 25,000 $,845 33,845 1967 25,000 8,475 33,075 1968 30,000 7,225 37,225 1969 30,000 6,295 36,295 1970 30,000 5,335 35,335 1971 35,000 4,237 39,237 1972 40,000 2,945 42,945 1973 40,000 1,565 41,565 1974 25,000 438 25,438 300 000 64 185 364 185 43 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESQTA TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BAT�ANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31., 1963 Public F�reme�n�s F'mployees' Relief Retirement Drivers Association Associ,ation License Combined Ftiircc� Fund Fund ASSETS - Cash (Page 6�:�.) $(Z,S06) $(2,506) Accounts receivable: Other City funds- P�unicip�l Liquor Operating �nd 9,99$ . 9,998 Sewer and Water Utilities Op�rating Fund 6,445 6,445 Delinquent taxes receivable 1,7�8 $ 776 962 To be provided by future revenues 23,962 23,962 To�al assets � $39�637 776 $38,861 Liaazr.rxz�s A�ccounts payablet Firemen's Relief .A.ssocfation $ 776 $ 776 Public IInployees' Retirement Association 38,861 38 861 Tota1 Iiabilities 39 637 $ 776 38 861 STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEI�'TS AND DISBU�SEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 319 1963 Cash bal.ance January 1, 1963 3 .575 3 388 1�� 12 Receipts: G�xrrent t.axes $24�09�a '' $10,705 $13,389 Aeliasquent taxes 26�+ 120 144 State 2% ix�surance premium tax �+,832`� 4,832 License fees - 1 206 �! 1 206 Total re�eipts 30 396 15 657 13 533 1 2�6 Total beginning cash and receipts 33 971 29 045 I3 732 1 194 pisbursementso Firemen° s Rel.ie£ Associatioa� $I9,A�+S $19,045 Publ�c gnployees' Retir�ment Ass�ciation 16,238 $16,238 Anoka County 1,194 1 194 Tota1 disbursements 36 477 29 045 16 238 1 294 Gash balance December 31, 1963 (2 506) � -Q- 2 506) � _0_ 44 C�TY OF FRID�EY, MTNNESOTA MUNICYPAL LIQUOR FUNDS BALANCE SHEE�S - AECEMBER 31, 1963 Debt Operating service Combined S,Page +5) Pa e 5"') ASSETS Cash (Page' 64; ' $131,928 $ 94,863 $ 37,�65 Cash w3.t�i fiscal agents 549 549 Accrued interest receivable 842 816 26 Inventoxies, at cast 133,764 133,764 Prepaid expenses 1,104 1,104 Amount to be provided by future revea�ue 132,674 132,674 Fixed as�ets, at cost or appraised value, less accumulated depreciation 247,999 247,999 Tota1 assets $648,860 78 546 170 314 LTABILITIES�RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilicies:- Accaumts payable: Other City funds $ 9,998 $ 9,998 Other ' 4,845 4,845 Bonded indebtedz:ess: Matured bonds and interest 549 $ 549 Ftxture maturities - Bonds (Page 68) 142,000 142,000 Interest 27,765 27,765 Reserve for retirement of revenue bonds 9Q,651 90,651 Retained earnings 373,052 373,052 Tatal liabilities, reserves and surplus 648 860 78 546 170 314 4s CTti'Y OF FRID�EY MINNNESOTA MUNICIPAL LI UOR OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET - D�CEMBER 31z 1963 (with prior year amounts �ar cQmparison) 1963 1962 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash (Pag� ��) $ 94,863 $ 42,445 Account receivable - Sewex and Water Project No. 5Q Special Assessmen.t Construction �nc� 624 ,Accrued interest rec�ivable 816 442 Inventories, at cost ].33,764 113,141 Prep��d expenses 1,104 9,287 Total curr�nt assets 230 547 165 939 �'IXED ASSETS, at cost Land axnd impxovements $ 17,$52 $ 15,932 �ildings 20$,418 219,364 Signs 8,716 9y168 � �rnituxe and �quipment 74,246 63y112 Automobile 2 070 29074 Total cost $311,302 $309,646 L,ess - accumulated depreci�tiora 63t 303 48,037 Total fixed assets (net) . 247 999 261 609 TOTA� ASSETS 478 546 27 548 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EA.RNINGS CURREN� LIABILITIES Accounts payable: Public F�nployees ltetirement Assaciation Fund $ 9,998 $ 6,650 Oth�r 4,845 2�089 Tota]. current liabilities 14 843 $ 739 RESERVE FOR RETIREMENT OF R�VENtJE BONDS 90 651 98 420 RETAINED EARNINGS Invested in fixed assets (net f�.xed �ssets �ess reserve for retirem�nt of r�venuc bonds) $157,348 $I63,I.89 Net warking capital (current assets l�ss current li�bilities) 215 704 157,200 Total retained �arnings 373 052 320 389 TOTAL LI,A.BILITTES, RESERVE AND RETAINED EA.RNINGS 4�8 546 27 54$ . 46 CTTY OF FRIDLEY, MIN�SOTA � � MUNIC�,PAL LTQUOR OPERATII�G FU�1D STATEMENT OF INCOME AND ItETAINED EARNINGS '� Y ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1963 (with pri�C �ear amount� far campa'rison) 1963 1962 . Percent Percent of sales of sales Sal�s: pff sal� � $648,341 72.12 5604,877 71.86 On sal� 250,646 27,�,88 236�889 2$.14 Total sales $898,987� 100.00 $841,766 100.00 Cost of s�1es 585�969 65�18 _55___r__4,1_46 65.83 Gross p:rofit $313,018 34082 $2$7,620 34a17 Opex�4�fng 'expenses �1 197,995 22.02 1749 214 20.70 Op�xatin$ profit S115y023 12.80 $113,406 13.47 Other incom� (including vendit�g machine $ales) 4,438 `� 049 3,379 .40 Ot�ie� expenses 1 304) (025) (225) (.03) �iet �ncom� $118,157 13.14 $116,56Q 13.84 Reta3.ned earnings beginning of year #320,389 255,792 ,. Prior years adju�tments : 't�.., 1. Ad,justment of fixed asseG$ �nd accumul�tad depreci,a��on ' as detexmined by a ccmnplate � physical fnventory of fix�d assets owaed (4,340) 2. Correction �of errors in. ��ior yeaxs utility bills (1,947) Appropriation transfers to oth�� City funds: Gen�:ral F�ind � " (50,000) (42,000) , Municipal Liquor Debt Serv�,=ee �`und , (16,976) (25a 464) Equity increase 3.n fixed asaet$ acquired by i.ssuance of reve�mue bonds 7�„769 15,501 Retain�d �;arnings �nd of ye�r 373 052 $3209389 43 CITY �F FRI�LEY, MINN�SOTA NNNI�IPAI, L:IQUOR O�ERATING FUN� STAT�NTS 4F INC(3� FOR �1�13IV��JU� S�RES YEAR �N}�EU DEC�MBER 31, 1963 Total all 0�,� Sale Store� f�i Sale Stor�s �t�r�s Total 1 2 3 4 Tota�, Z� 33 Sa1e� $8�8,987 $648,34�1 $50,679 $23�,2�? $142a087 $217,35� $250,646 $112`&3�9 $i3$,337 �ost of �ale� 585,969 488,314 38,193 b76,$?0 106,239 IFs6,952 97,�55 4�,�99 .��Z56 Gr�s� pro€it $3138Q18 �1CO3t327 $12�486 $ 61,347 $ 35,78� $ 50,406 $152a99Z $ 66>814 ; 86,181 P�.�~cent of sales 34.8�% � 24.68% �4p647a ZS.75�'B 25o1�7d 23419% S1o0�+�, 59a497m 62.3�� t�ge�atfng expense� $197,995 $ 75,2Q6 $14,211 $ 24,�+53 $ 18'34•� $ 18,193 $1�2�7�9 5 51,267 $ 7Z,52� Pereent or sal�s 22.02% 11a607a 2$.047e iQ<267o 12a91°!o �037% �+�.99� �5<6470 51.7076 c3p�r�.tin� ineame $1158023 $ 84,�21 $(I,7�5) $ 36,894 $ 17,439 : $ 32,213 $ �Q,2�� $ 15,543 $ 14,659 gercent �f sales Z�,SO�o 13v08� 3040°�6 15.16% 12,27%. ,: L4�827m 12,45%p 23<8470 14e59�6 Other income: Gheck cashing fee� $ 769 $ 769 $ �08 $ 261 Vending ma.chine commibsion� 2,357 � 57 $ 57 2,300 l,i�l� 1$284 Interest 1,312 936 78 � �_ 332 211 3Z5 _ 376 168 � 2Q8 �otal othe� incouee 4 �38 993 �8 332 2Z1 37� � 3 �45 1 692 1 753 Uther expens� - Los� on disposi�io� of fixed asset �. 304 1 304 Niet inct�me $118�I57 $ $5�814� $(1 y 647) $ 37�22b $ 17,650 $ 329 585 $ 33�647 $ 1?'235 $ 1,5f 108 � Parcent of sales 13.14% i3>247, 3a24°/� 150��74 12<42% 1�,;"49� 13,�2� 2�70 10a927'e 48 CITX QF FRIALEY, M�NNESOTA MiTNICIPAL I�IQUQR OPERATING FUND STAT�MENT QF GR4SS PROFIT YEAR EN�ED DECE�'iBER 31, 1963 �. Mix and Tc�ta1 .Li u�r Beer miscellaneous Of� sal�: Sale� $648,341. $4239452 $209,813 $15,076 Cc�st of s�.les 488,314 31�„_21S 16Q,�13S 10�964 Gras� profit $].6___0�027 1Q6 237 $ 49 678 4 112 �.'erc�nt of sal�s �"�.�'$ �"�5�3 ���3� `�'7.�r$ On sa1�; Sal�s $250,646 $165,913 $ 80,228 $ 4,505 Cost of s�les 979655 48a080 45,965 3,610 Gross proE�t 1S2 991 $117,833 3�63 895 P�rc�ut of s�.1es b'�� �`�1� �� —1� Gombined off and on sale: Sales $898A987 $5899365 $�909041 $19,581 Cos� of sra.l�� 585,969 36S 294 206,100 14,575 Gross profit 313 018 224 071 $^� 3,941 5 OQ6 P��c�nt of sales �+.�''� ��'� �?37+ • � 49 CITX OF FRZDL�Y I��kVNES(3TA, MIJN�CIPAT� LI�,ITOR Qk'�RA.TING FUNA STATEM�NT OF OPERATING F.XPENSES YF.A.R ENDEU DECEMBER 31, 1963 (with priox year �mounts for camparison) 1963 1962 k'era�nt Percent of sal�s of sales �,ala�ri�s 'and wages: Manager $ 9y593 1.0770 $ 8,714 1.04% Cl�rical 7,059 .79 6p117 .73 Bartend�:ss, waitx�ssc�s, and off g�le clerks 1089797 12011. 96,266 11.43 J�na.tar 7,794 0$7 7,QS1 .$4 � Contributions to Public Employees Retir�m�nt Associ.at�o�. 7y733 086 6,171. .73 Hra$pita�.izatican iusura�ee 1A466 .16 18210 .14 Gl�sswa:xe, ic� and b�r supplies 3,005 033 1,849 .22 Launclxy 19 722 ,19 2,02S .24 C1ea�tting �.nd w�ste removal 796 .09 29 011 :; �.+24 Rent 3,36Q .37 3,364 -.40 i7tili.t�,�s 10,374 ]..15 9,03$ 1.07 Maint�n�nce and xep��.rs 59 542 ,62 4,�+9$ .53 Tn�uxa�tcc� '�,7A9 1..08 7,120 .$5 Ikpreci.m��3.on 12,77$ 7..42 1Q,893 1«29 T�le:pb.c.�t�tt.+ 19 251 .14 1 a 104 .13 Mile��$� 599 .07 88S .11 Zndepen�d�mt aacaunting and auciit:tng la 25Q .14 19404 .17 L�.cemse.t 2�7 .Q3 269 .Q3 Alarm ��rva.e� 1�96Q .22 1,908 .23 Cash regist�r expenses 668 .A7 449 .06 Otf�.CE aupplie:s 218 aA2 285 .03 Cleaning supplies 1,1�7 <l.3 1a052 .13 Cash short (c�ver) (15�+) (.Q2) 49 Misc�llan�:c►us 525 0 06 486 .06 Uncollectable checks 466 005 $19�995 22.0270 174 214 20,70% � 50 iCITX OF FRIDLEY4 MINNESOTA " MUNI�IPAIa LIQUOR OP�R4iTING FUNI3 5`�TE�+�tENTS OF OP�ItATING EXP�NS�S FOR INLI�III}LJAL, OFF SAI�� :ST�RES YEAR END�t3 D�CIIwIBEB 31 A 1963 Stor�s T9t�a1 1 � 2 3 4 Percen� 'Perce��. Perc�nt P�rc�nt Pexcent mf sales " of s�le� af sa1�s of s�l�s . cf sales S�.Larie� and wages a M�n&tger $ 6'395 a99% $ 1a599 3oY5% $ 18594 ,67% $ 19599 1,12% � 1g598 .�4% Glerie�l 3a347 e52 �09 1a40 918 039 8�1 �6� 839 ,39 0�€ s�.le clerks 389891 Ev00 682�3 12,40 15a3�5 6.43 $8389 5,90 �,904 �m03 Gon�ributics�as to Rzblic Eanpl�yees R��irem�nt Assa�i�tioffi 2,$06 .43 495 .98 18Q32 o�r3 6�8 e44 651 .30 Iic>�pitalization insuran�e �99 009 11? ,�3 254 .10 118 .0� Il:a .05 Glass�aare, ice and b�r supplies 1a364 .2I 14 ' v03 518 022 423 030 409 .I9 Laundry 317 <OS 72 ,1� 34 .O1 98 ,07 113 <OS Cleanatng �nd- caaste remaval 92 ,f}1 2 a�0 28 .G� 31 .Q� 31 001 �nt ��3�0 >52 I,�00 2,38 � - - - 2,1&0 >99 tilities 3a981 ,C�2 678 1v34 1yI24 a47 18582 1.12 597 >27 Mai�tenan�e and rep�i.rs 1,(343 >l5 Z59 o3b 113 005 675 a47 56 .02 Insurance �,348 .98 1961�€ 3,18 . 1,567 .66 1a635 I..Z5 1,532 .7I Depreciation 38527 a54 416 .�2 1,236 p52 18331 .94 544 025 �eZephane 971 v15 336 ,66 238 ,06 23,8 ,17 2S9 ,�.2 fi�lile�g� and ae�tamobile exp�n��s 180 .Q� 45 >09 �5 00� 45 <03 4� <02 7sideg+�r.dent accounting and auditing 833 .13. 209 .41 248 .09 20$ .15 20� ,10 Licen.�es 243 eQ4 6i ai2 60 . .03 61 ,�4 61 ,0� Alarm seririce �52 vIQ 60 .12 188 .08 344� .?4 6Q .03 C�.�h register expense� 254 .04 67 .13 53 00� 67 v05 67 >0� Offi�e supplfes 156 .(�Z 39 008 39 .01 39 ,03 39 oQ2 C�s� ove� (333� co05) (19} (.(►4� (al) (>03) (98) (v07) �145) (oC7) Mis�ellan�ous 220 .03 . 55 ,1.�. 55 002 55 >Q� 5� .Q3 �cat�t�. 75 �06 1Ia�SJ% 1� 21I 28<0�% 24 453 ~ 10,�6°lo I� 349 12m91°lm �.8 193 8.3�70 51 CITY OF FRIDL�Y9 MINN�SO�A NNN��ZPE1Ia L,IQUOit Og�1��ING FUND ����IYTS OF (��'�RATIN� EXPENSES Fd�R I1�I�IVIDUAL� ON 3AL� ST�RES YEAR EN�3��3 DE�EM�ER �lA 196� Stor�s To��l 22 33 Perc�n� P�rc�m� Per��:nt of s�al�s o£ s�les of s�l�s S�1�xie� and wageso I���g�� $ 3�198 1,2�% $ 1a599 1o�+27a $ 1a59� 1016% Cl�rical 39�12 1v48 1��36 1,28 29�76 1,64 B���enders and �aai�re�s�s 69�906 27v89 30,339 27037 39a1�7 �8a�1 �Tani�or 79794 3e11 3a375 3D00 4a419 �a19 Co�atribu�ions �4 Put�li� �mployees Retix+�a�e�� Asso�a��ti�n 4a927 1,97 �a15�+ i,92 2a77� 2,00 �to$gig�liz�ti.on 866 ,35 36� .31 503 e36 �las�war�9 iae and ��r supplies 19641 �65 312 ,28 1g329 .96 I�u�dr� 1g4Q6 056 624 e55 782 e56 C?��nix�g and w�ste rem�v�l 705 e�� 324 ,29 381 02$ Utili�ies 6a394 �.55 29578 2,30 �p816 �,76 M�in�en�a�c� and repai�� 49539 Z.81 1804�3 .93 3a496 2e5� Insur�nce 3�361 1,34 i9549 1,38 1a812 1031 De�s��ciation �s251 3.69 29998 2aEs7 6925� 4�5� Tel�ghon� 280 a11 1�5 ,l� 1�5 010 Mil��.ge and �utam�bb�e �xpen��s �19 a17 �10 ,19 �09 .15 I�d�p��ad�nt �.cc�un�ia�g �ix�d �uditing �t17 v17 209 .19 �08 .15 Lice�ses 44 .0� 22 ,�� 22 v02 Al��c► s�zvi�� 1 a 307 .S2 5�1 ,53 716 .5� C�sk� xegist�r �xp�nse� 414 .17 15� 013 264 a19 Of£ic� suppli�s 61 .02 �5 v02 36 .03 Gl��.��.ng sug�pli�� 1a?97 .4�� 351 031 846 .61 Ca�h �hort 179 ,07 55 005 124 009 Miscellan��us 305 .12 b6 oQ6 239 ,17 Uncoll�c��ial.� c�a�clss � ... "- � 466 �19 3�3 031 117 .09 Tot�t1 i�� 789 '��e99� 51 �67 �506�9� 71 5'�2 51��70% 52 CITY OF FRIDLEY,,, MINNESOTA MtJNICIPAL LIQUOR DEBT SE�VICE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1963 � Principsl Combin�:d and intere5_t_ Reserve ASSETS � Treasurer cash (Pa,ge ��+) $ 37,065 $ 10,417 $26,648 Cash with fiscal ag�nt 549 S49 Accru�d inter�at receiva�bl� 26 26 Amount to b� provided fcar d�bt retirement 1329674 132,674 Total as�ets �170�314 $143,640 26 674 zz�BZLZxzEs Bonded indebtedn,ess: �tur�d interest $ 549 $ 549 Future mafiuriti�:s- Bonds (Fage Er$y 14�2,000 142,000 Isit�r�st 27�,765 1,091 26 674 Total liabilities 170 314 143 640 26 674 STATEMENTS OF TREASURER CASH RECEIFTS AND DI9BURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED AECEM�ER 31, 1963 Tressur�� cash balance J�anu�ry 1, 1963 42 870 17 222 25 64$ Rec�ipts: Transfers �ram Municipal Liquor Qperating Fund $ 16,976 $ 16a976 Int�r�st ir�GOm� 1�000 1 000 Tot�I receipts 17 976 16 9�6 1 000 Tat�.l beginning aaski. and receipts 60 $�+6 34 198 26 648 Di�bursemerats: Bond principal $ 17,000 $ 1�9000 Bond int�rest 6,740 6a740 F�.scal agent service eharge 41 41 Total disburs�mera�s 23 781 23 781 TY�asurer c�.sla balanc� Deeember 31, 1963 �7 065 10 �+17 26 648 53 CITY QF FRIDLEX, MINNESOT� � MUNICIPA� LIQUOR DEBT SERVICE FUNDS DEBT SERVICE RE,SUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1963 Bond Xear Principal Intere�t Total 1964 $ 17,000 $ 68044 $ 23,044 1965 17,000 Sp348 22,348 1966 189000 4a6S1 22,651 1967 18,000 3a908 21,908 1968 18,000 3,126 21,126 1969 18,000 29344 20,344 1970 18,OQ0 1,563 19,563 1971 18 000 781 18,781 142 000 27 76S $169,765 54 CITY OF FRTDLFY, MINNESOTA SEWER AND WATER UTILITIES FUNDS. BALANC� SHEETS - DECEM$ER 31a 1963 Debt Operating service Combined (Pa�e 55) Pa e `60 ASSETS CasDa (including �� $11$,OUO� certificates of degosit) (Page 64`) `l � $ 119,O�r2 $ 93,849 $ 25,193 Accounts receivable: . Other City funds 416 416 North Suburban Sani�ary Sew�r Distric� 2,OQ0 2,000 Othex 61,795 61;795 Accrued interest receivable 759 759 Prepaid expenses 4 4 Amount to be provided by future revenue 172,232 172,232 Fixed assets, at cost or appraised values, less accumulated depreciation 1�7�S,OS7 1,715�057 Total assets - $2�071,3Q5 1 $73,�880� $197,425 LIABILITIES,,,: RESERVES AND SURPLUS L3.abi1 ities:- Accounts payable Otb,er City funds $ 69445 $ 6,445 Other 1,156 1,156 Aeposits payable 120,085 120,0$5 Bonded indebtedness - Future maturitieso Bonds (Page 6$)'; ' . 145,000 $145,000 Tnterest 52,425 52,425 Reserve for refiirement of revenue bonds 121,949 1219949 City contributi4n in aid of co�.struction 1,G�05,945 1�405,945 Retained earnings 218,�00 218y300 Total liabiliCies, reservas and surplus �52,071g305 $19873s,88fl 197 425 , S� �I� OF FRII3I���A �N�I�SQ�A S�W�R ANI3 i�AT�R �F�II�I'���5 C3�'����1�� F1JNI! B�,I�NG� S��T m �E����R �1�, 196� ��a,�� pri�� ���� ��a�uast� for ��par�son� 19�3 196� 1��3 IgS� ASSE�'a LIAB�I��T�ESe GdN�RIFU�I0�1� �ll�i� RE�'AIN�g EAItN�NG s �tdi�ItEN�° ASSE�"S GLTRREN� LIABILI��ES Ca�t� (i.�.cluding $115��00 c�x�ifi����� �f Ac�c�un�s payable o dep�sig) (Page 6��i $ 939�49 $ 95�118 O�her Ci�y funds° Ac�o��t� r�ceiv�bleo 196� Str�et ?anpr���men� a'r�,j��t t���� Proj��t Noo 34 Special As����- Sp��i�� As���s�aent Cmt��tru��ic�n �l.ind $ 458 m�nt Constructi�� Fund �16 P��iie Ei�eglc��ees R�tirena�n� Assoc3.m �Ts�x�� Subu�i��.x� �nitax� Se�t�r T�is�rict �,000 ��0�0 �tion �rad : $ 6��+�5 ��016 C�a���mer� 618795 578��2 Ot�a�r 1,156 I1A735 A�cru�d int�re�t receiv$b�.e �59 859 A�cru�d i�t�rest on bond� pa�atale �9570 Pregaid �xpeaas�s 4 3A934 Tot�l cu�°r�n� l�abiliti�s ,� 79601 $ Z�a98�9 Te�al �ux�e�� as�e�s $ 15�A823 $ ].�9�16� OTH�a� �IABILITY � (��t�er� d�:posits � 12�J,�085 $ 107,I9� FIIC�D'ASSETS� at c�s� (�e� note below� Lanct a��l laxad i�pr�v���at $:' 629929 $ 61�601 RESERVE FOR RETIREMEN� OF R�TENUE ���1A� $ 1�199�9 $ 1�7A543 Builc�i.ctg� and stx�uctu��s 209�100 209,100 Me�r� ,.� :-�- ;� 13Q�414 118,428 �I�l GONTR�BLiTION IN AID OF �ONSTRUGTION �1,4�05,�45 $I,137o4f12 I���ia�ery anc� equig�en� � 168�250 166,482 Ai�ribution systems � 33�t,0���' 27�,6�€4 RETAIN�D EARNINGS �rl� in pxog�ess ;� �7�,�,26 642,00(3 �nvested in fixed asset�< bffic� equipment �,�21 49979 Net fixed �ssets $1,7158Q5� $1��3�,10� Total c��t % � $ie784969� $1,48182�4 Tae�� resea-ve for retir�ffi��t cs� Y�s� �.�cumula��d d.epr�c�,��ion 6��635 �9g�.26 r�venue bond� �n� �i�y ��x��ributim� Net fixeci �sset� �19715�057 �19432A10$ in aid of constructi�n I.�527,89�+ 1926�99�45 $ 1��,163 $ 16�y163 Net �r�rking c�git�l (curr�nt �s�ets less euxrent li�bi.liti�s) 151,22� ��+2a��� ���s Ii�laility fmr �ustcsmers� depo�a�t�� (220,085) f107,1953 �'o�al r�t��r�ed ��rnings $ �L8q300 $ ���;25� �C�AI� I��A�ILI���S, CO1d�RI-��iTI�N a ANT3 ��A�: �SSE�'S ;1 A��dD 8�0 �19 5�1 A��I ��AINED �RN�NGS $�,A 873,$80 �1�591 n��1 l�o�� - �e �it;� £c�llmva� L��e gr�c�ice mf n�C ��cording in �'�i� �und �i��d ������ p�id f�r by ��s�s�men� a��in�t ben�fi��d pr�agertyo ��an���u��at1�9 d�prec���i�� ef �u��a f�x�d ��se�� i� sadt �,�iclu�eci .�� an op�r�ting e��e�a$�o 56 ��1'7� �F FRTT�L,�X9 MINNES��1 S�6�Fc A..�t� �4��� Ll7�I��T��� �P����N� F�I� S�A����� S�F �i��I� AfiT� ��I�V�� ��Iei���:� ��� �1��� ����%���t ��a �9�� ��a��h p���� y��r �a�un�� fo� ��a�r�s�����a� i�fs� 1�6� C�b���c� �:��� ���� G�l�in�ci W���r Se�a�� �p�r����g r�u�rara�o ����� ��?�� �nd ��ra�r ��att� ��97,1�50 $196�Si9 �100�6��, $��2���2 �SL��a�5� $89��&� i:,�ss c�3,���u��� 6 !}�5� ���� � 04��� 5 ���) � 7��) � �1�) $291�0.�,� . $19�a�'+�'6 . $ 9��579 $��3a0Q� �1�9a�G}0 ,��a;,67 Pea�i�� 11��20 3a8�0 7q500 �.6,�64 5,1b(1 I�qZ00 5�1�� �� �*�r�,.��� �.�� ffi�,���ll�xa�ou� �er�f,��� 3,8�3 39�36 157 �9105 �s�6T 6�� `T�t�l ��s����ia�� ��v�nu� 306 �68 �Ol 0�� 10S �36 �'�6s�7� L�� 467 98 905 ap�r�gi�g ��p��.s�se S�ur�� �a� s�appl� $ 758847 $ 12,3�6 $ 63s511 � �9s556 $ 48,�15 $31,�41 Po�a��° an�. puuapiaag 359��4 109 3�5 �Sa 069 15�,9�5 4,�21 11 g�14 Pu�ific�fii� �a9�� 389�� 1s609 1a609 ��aa�mis�ima� �.nd dis�ri�ution ��,81� ��,07� 40,73� 64,196 �8a833 35�363 Cu��o�m�r a�c�ou��i�g a�d collectistg 9�916 6a274 3a6�2 10a�62 6�878 3,4$4 .�cla�,a,n�,�tra�ti�e and g�n�ral 11��O(? 5,668 59 53� �,508 �+9�9} 3,109 I��a���ia�ion �4,9�� �09552 4�fl��7 1�94I3 �,U,556 1,857 �otal �p�r���.xig expea���:� ��6 070 1�� 15�i 14� 9I5 191 .�7� 105 31I 86 �68 C�p�r��ing inc�e $ 60a198 9� �77 37 679� $ 5�8793 $ 42A156 1� 6�7 O���r in�om�: and (exp��se�) o �.���e�t in�a�� $ 39775 $ 39675 Iiater�s� cstb bond$ (45,�77) (18�278) Mis�el��n�ora� 334 30� Ne�. incs�me $ 18,9�0 $ �+lJfr�60 Ii���f.ned earr�ings beginni�g m� year �02g252 261s992 �adjxa�t,sn��� �€ fixed a�se�s as de�ermined i�y a cc�gl��� phy�ical. inv�x�t�ry of fixed �.s���� owsaed a 882) it���ined ��rnia�g� �ncl c�f ��ar �18 �00 �0� �5� Se� n��� on bal�s��e �la���o 57 ��`�t 0� �R�D���s ��I3�3E���� 5��33�R A� t�i�.'��� U`�3�I'�'��a C�P��;A��I�i(� F�I� S`�E���NL��I� �� �FE����� ��'�N��S �'�A�, ��V�3��J I?E�����i �i A 1g�� ����� gri�x �r��� a��un�� f�� c�p�r�so�) 19b3 r 1��� C�bin�d Wat�r S�w�r Co��s�,a�md �d��ex Sewex� Sour�� �f s�pgl�o � Wa��� �nrcU,��ed $1��1b5 $12,��65 t 5�.�9Q�7 �89037 �w��r r�a���l 63b 511 $63�S11' 3Z���►1 $31,��r1 Ele�tr3��.�ty 55 55 �S 58 F�ae1 - ���ting 115 115 Insuraa��e Es 6 70 70 Otl��r 110 110 35 35 �otaZ sou��e �� �u�p1� 75 847 12 336 63 511 T9 556 8 �15 3I �4� Pcs�a�x �x�d gu�g i�sg< ��raui�a� �xad �ia����aane� $238 549 $ 356 $239 293� $ 9,215 ,� 41 � �91�� �ui�di�ag r�pair� �a�d ��.a���na�n�e 1�7 237 ` �Ie�t�i���� �.1a445 9�5�69 1t876 686?3 49633 29t)40 �e�. - l�e�ting 226 226 30 30 guu�p rep�irs 37 37 17 17 Tca��� gower �nd pumping 35 �94 10 32�� 25 069 15 935 4 7�1 11 �1� Pur�,fica�ion> Operatio�a �nd an�ia�en�.a��� $ 365 $ 365 $ 44 � 44 Printing and bigdia�g 25 25 Sugplie� 1891� 1,91$ 1,5G�0 1,540 Bu�lcti�g rep�i�� �nd a�.int�a��nc� 423 ��3 . Electricity 124 1�4 F�eI - �aeat�ng 573 5�3 Telep�o�� I54 154 Insur�inc� 291 �91 Uther 74 74 �o�al purific�tion 3 92� 3 92� 1 6�9 1 609 5� ��'�'� ��' ���}�P�� NI��1��5�� ����I� ��� �i�,'��R, �'�I��`���� ���i��I�C ����s� S�AT�',�Ns �;3r ����.�TTLS�i� ���±,�S�r e Cf�.�,���NU�D) ��� ����D ����1��� ��e ��63 ����1� p���� ���r �,��c�n�� £�� �e��ari�c��) �963 19�2 �ta���d ��e� Sew��� �sm�aixa�d Wat�r Sew�r Trax�s�is�i�� �nd distx�bu�i��eo ._ Ioab�r $E�0a254 $31,�€4� $����07 $42;:9��''�. $�0,567 $�294�� M�l��g� . 43 3d 1� Op���tion and ma��a��n�nc� �f �c�uip��t�� 4,199 1 a 73� 2,466 3y 58� 18 352 �,230 Pump r�p�irs 12� 128 �ilding x�p�ir� �nd m�intenance 64 6� Equipm�a�� rea�tal. �79 1�� 754 9,003 �20 $,283 Printing anci bindin� 83 36 47 Supplies �,56� 1,5�2 896 5,163 4,095 1,068 Repair and m�in�e�a�e� of se nrices 688�5 5,018 1a807 Repair and m�int�aa�.nce of maf.aas 1,118 1,118 491 493, I�leter repair� 892 892 236 236 Taxe s 2 2 2 2 S�m�ll too1� 439 91 348 508 162 346 IFesttx°at��e 39�58 1a819 1'939 2�096 1�142 954 T��vel, conferen�es and �choo3. �,23 62 �1 Oti��r 7 5 7 5 Special project 3,528 39528 T��a�l tr�nsmis�i�n �a�d distribut�oa� �4 812 4 07� fl 734 64 �.96 28 833 35 363 (�u�ta��r �cc,ounting a�:d co1l��tia�go Labor $ 7,413 $ 5,1�0 $ ���6� $ 5,�01 $ 3g470 $ I,93Z �ffice sugpZie� �szd pos�a�e 18 2�0 719 S�?�. 4,565 ��215 1,�50 IKaint�xa�nc� of eq�sfp�aten� 2L� ld9 1�9 313 15� �,65 T'el�plaone 240 1�� 1�5 �'ri�ating and pablish�.ng �� 1� ��t Eank ��zvie� ��ar�e� 26E? 13(3 1�5� 76 3� �8 ���.�� 39 37 1 1 �o�al. �����a�� �.•,��un�is�g a�.€i cs�l��st�,�.� 9 916 � ��4 � 3s��� 1Q ��� �,��� � ?�� �g ��'t�' �� FR����Xm M��N�S��A S���,R �i� T�A�'E�t `J��l������ E���R����G FF�N� S��1,�;�°� (�F Ok'�kZA�IN� �XPE�TS�S (G�NTTI�1U�d�� . X�.I� �NI3FIJ D�CF1�EIt �1 Q 196� �with p��or ���x a�s�u�ts �or ��nrp�ri�on) 19E�3 1962 Gombined Water- Sew�r Gombiac�d Wat�r Sewer Admir�istrata�ve and g�x��r�l : - - � I.abor $ 3a042 $ 1,515 $ 1,5�7 �'�� 39258 $ 2�04� $ 1y215 Gonsulting fees ��d �udf� 1,653 665 988 � 1,dOQ 500 �00 Mileage 66 2� 38 Prix��i�g a�nd pu�lishing 26 20 6 97 97 Off ice suppiies and pQStage 49 49 3 3 Supplies 75 38 37 207 1.$2 25 M�aint�ns.n�� of equip�en�t 16 16 Insuxance 75 75 pu�s and subscriptions 128 98 30 41 30 11 Schools ancl confexence 1$ 18 di�ospitaliza�ion insurance con�ributions �50 225 225 331 165 166 Public EYnployees Retire�a�a�� A�saciation cocetr3,buti�n Sa 58I 2,902 2,673 2,�21 1,110 1,111 Refuinds 18� Z�a6 40 175 135 40 �eZephone 10 20 � �otal admini�tra�ive and general 11 200 5 668 `� 5 53� : : 7 508 4 3�t9 3 109 Depxe�iation 24 979 552 4 427 �.� 4I,3 1Q 5�6 1 8�7 �— .'i.�._ ��_ �_. �_ Total operating expen�e� 246 Q7Q 103 155 14� 9IS 19Z 579 205 31Z 8Es Z6F3 60 CITY QF FRID�EX4. �INN�S�TA SEWER ANA WATER UTILITIES AEBT SERVICE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEM$ER 31 1963 Principal Ca�nbi.ned and interest R�serve ASSE7G� Cash �P�ge 6�a) $ 25,193 $ 9,035 $168158 Amou�t tm be prmrided for d�bt retir�mer�t fram future rev�nues 1�2A232 1729232 Tata.l assets 197 425 181 267 16 158 � z.za.axLZ�zEs Liabiliti.�� m Bonded i.ndek►t�dnc:�s (futur� m�turities� t Bonds (P�,g;� 68) $1�t59000 $145a000 Int�rest 52�,425 3f�s 267 16 158 Total liabilitics 197 425 181 267 16 lfi8 STATEMENTS OF CASH RE�EIP�S ANU DISBURSII�NTS YEAR ENAED AECEr1BER 31� 19Es3 Cash tr�alaaac� Janu�ry 19 1.963 24 616 9 058 15 558 Rec�iptsa T'r�aasfers frc9m Sew�r and Water Uti.lities Op�rating F'und $ ll,625 $ 11,625 Interes� 600 600 Total r�ceip�s 12 225 11 625 600 Total b�ginning c�sh and r�ceipts 36 841 20 683 16 158 Iri.�burge�es�ts o Bond principal $ 5y000 $ 59000 Bond i�.ter��t 68 Ea25 6�625 Fisc�.l agea�t service ch�.rges 23 23 Tot��. disbursements 11 648 11 648 Cash b�.lance l�c�mber 318 1963 $ 25s193 $ 9 035 16 15$ 61 GITS� OF FRIIDLEY,, MINNESCD7CA SEWER AND WATER UTILI7�IES DEBT SERVICE FUNDS AEBT SERVICE RE�QUIREMENT9 DECEM:QER 3L� 1963 Borad Year principal Intere5t Tota]. 1964 $ 59000 $ �,4�5 $ 11a425 1965 5,000 68225 119225 1966 109000 6,025 16,025 1967 10�000 5,625 15,625 1968 10,0A0 Ss175 15,175 1969 l09(J00 49725 14,725 1970 10a�JO� 4'27S 14a 27S 1971 10,000 38825 13,825 1972 15,OOQ 39375 18s375 1973 1.5,000 2v700 17,700 1974 159000 2,025 17,025 1975 15,pA0 1,35Q 16,350 _1976 15,000 67S 159675 145 000 $52�,425 $197�425 t , 62 �.� CI�.'Y OF FRIDI�EYs MI,NNESOTA � �•„s•;: STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS DECEMBER 31s 19$3 _. GEuERAL, FIXED ASSETS � Land $4 ,260g 5l3 ,;�, ��ldings and structures 100,621 Improve�ents other than buildings 9,07'8g583 Farnitures fixtures and office .equipment 48g770 M�ch.inery and equipment 177�358 Tota1 general fixed assets $9$665,845 INVESTMENT IN GENERAI� FTXED ASSETS From ,general obligation bc�nds $ 3i.1y962 Fram cuzrent revenues �6�9a�8 From assessments against benefited prdperCy 8,945,625 Froffi Sta:ke aid 774 From Munici.pal Liquor Operating Fund 38,570 From Sewer and Water Utilities Opex�iting �und 486 Froan. contributions 2,4�20 Total investment in general f�.xed assets $9,665,845 General fixed assets were priced at co�t except tb�t fixed assets for which cast information was not available wer� priced �t appraised valueso �� ��°� ��' �R.�����s I�i�13�T�a��'A Sti�.�� S�Aa�;�E'�`V� �?F `��1�'��� �A a� ����P�S Al� i����$�IatS��i`��S s� Fi���� ��R �I3��I� i������t ��,s �Q�� �c�ipt� �i�ba�x��a�n�� Cas�a ��fi .�a��r��� ��estane�t ��l��c� .��ne��z� I� ��urit��s u.iterfu�ad �a�����xa� �a��rf�ndt J���i�er 31� �u�d �,��� ���st) �°r�,n�f�r� ����r '����1 p�crc�ases traxasf��� �t��r �cs��l 1963 �n��cal F�n�l $ �.�Qs 170 � 50,7�1 S ��Q,6�1 $ a 71�4�f� $ 1�9��7 $ ���a�31 � ���'e 5��. � ���8��� ��r���ion �nd ��� 16�750 �a�4I 1.���91 a�1 1�,��7 ��a�7� =Qm 1�uni�ipal S��t� Aid �.�nc1 b��'�3 6089�1 ��e 371 1b,073 16,t?�3 5i A llt rk G�n��rtx��i�a� ���d k�n.d �4��3�� �,����55 I��a��5 �?6��19 ��6s�19 �38 2�Q 3p��ia1. �;�rovem�n�� Re��lvi�g F1�aa� �3,3�� 1Q���3 �6;��9 �t0��12 4�58�6t1 458 460 �,�536 Sp�c�,�il ���essx��n� €��d�> Con���etior► : �7�a�01 � ��pQ0 �AD�04 19 23�,�96 1$�59 9��7Q� 705���� �9�,03� �,��Q�z�3� �.�1,$(�� �Ed� �����.�`�-�� � 9+�t�¢05�$ �aa'tl.ES�C� �J��i.l�0 &.g�C096�0 �y9�°#8d°'49 �1.7�g�OV �4J8�7.d 186Pad�9��� �;�l�ye#�� .&g��bp7�°� �t��r�1 de�� c�rvi�e f�nd� ��0�3 16��3$ L6 a 23� 149 3�� �,4��3�$ ��9G� �us� a�a�. ����acy mu�d� ��5�� �Qa�9� ��83�3�a 36a��� 36�4�7� ��a506� Ma�i�ip�b �is�uc��' funds o t��serat��g ��a�5 9Q58631 9�5,63� �56���6 ��E9��� ��33�I3 ��8�63 �b� s��°ui��� ��8��0 �,6��76 ��t2At� 13897� 2����1 �3y7$1 3ds069 S���r �a�ci ����� ���,1i�a,�� fa�►�$o �g�r��ia�� ����,�� 3���1��, ���e i2�, ���5�5 �5����S �2��330 93a��g �b� s��r�,�� ��,6��a � lE n�a2� �-�a0� I6���S 1:,���8 I�,s�4�� ��m 1�5� ����.�, $L��.2��45� $�����00 �60 �69 �s���il�9� $6������6� �����O�Ca �60 g�� �a���,��� 5 C�96,��12 "��s 237�I�� ��9�'��,I� �� , , �� ' l ' �t ; � ; � � � � , " ` - � �" �� � ' '��� 5�>r � , "l /t . . � �_,. �,.� / 64 CI`TY OF FRIDLEY. MINNE50TA STATEMENT 0�' CASH DECEMBER 31� 1963 Tre�sur�r ca.sho- C�sla iu ��nk� o �ecicing �.ccoun�s- Cramciexa Northwestern St��e Bank, Mia�mmeapoliss Minnesot� $ 429328 Ccalumbix Hc�ights St�te B�nka Golumbi� H�eights�, Mimn�es�t� 514 ✓ F3.d�lity �nk and Trust Comp�.nY9 1�I:�.na��p�li�, Minneso�� 39966 Fridb�y Sti��e Bank� Fridl�y9 Min�e�ot� 76s472 �� Tot�1 chectcia�g �ccount� $ 123a 280 Cer�ifi��,tes of deposit- C�aaden Northwe�texn SCate �.nk9 Mina�e�p�li�� Mix�n�s�tx $1a351s00� Fid,�lity B�nk a�a�d, Trust GompanYa Mia�neapolis, 1Kinn�sot� 749A000 Tat�l c�rtific�tes of depo�it (P�g� 65) 2p100q000 Total c�sh in b�snks $2,223a280 PetCy cash �nd �l�ta�ge £und� > Clexk°s offic� $ I25 Municip�l Court 25 Public Utiliti�s Ope�cating Fus►d 75 l�ni�i�aa1 Liquor Up�r�ting Fund 13s604 To���, p�tty c�sh ar►d ch�nge fund� 139 825 �o�al txcasurer c$sh $2,23�a105 Gasb� wi�h fi���l age�at�o Amexf��a� N�i�io�l Ban�C, StA P�ula Min�ae�cv�a� $ 106g32� �impir� �evs� Go�ps��ya New Yorkp N�w Y�x�lc 34g 728 Fid�lity Baaak aa�d 1'rust Coaa�p�nya Mi.�aeapol,isa Mina���a�t,� 15�056 First I��ioa�l B�a.nke Ste �LIL9 Min.�ae�ot� 168a928 Northw�ste�a� N�tic��l ]�anka Mi�ne�,pcslise .. Minn���eta� 54n 655� To��,l c�.st� with fis��1 �gen�� 379A695 T�tal. c�sh 2�616,840 _ 65 CITY AF FRI�LEY, MINNESATA INVESfiMENT IN BANK G�RTIFICATES OF DEPOSI� DECEMBER 31,,, 1963 Tnt�rest Due ra�e date Camd�� Narthwestern State Bank9 M�.nt���polis� Nlinnesota 3m�5% 1�16�64 $190a000 4000 4,�17/64 315�000 4000 5/3/64 2009000 4000 5�20/64 508000 4000 7/11/64 300a000 3a�5 8/13A64 115,000 � 4v00 12�20�64 1,26,000 �000 L�/za/�� SS„000 �1��519000 Fideyit� Bank ��nd Trust Coanpaxsy9 Minneapolisa Minnesota 4000 2/l/64 $550a000 4>00 9�16/64 1259000 3a85 12/20/64 74r000 7499000 Tot�l �2�1008000 Al.location of ce�tific�.te� of deposit by fundst General �1ind $ 1509 000 Speeial �inprovement Revolving Fund 159 000 Special �ssessment funds >- Construction� ReguL�.r $ 5y 000 Sew�r and Wate� Proj ec� �Too 58 40�000 L962 Str�et Improvement Pr�jec� 125s000 Wat�r Pr�ject Noo 34 100m000 270,000 Debt �ex�vice o Regul�� $699a000 � Ianpr�v��en� Bonds of 1960 95,000 Impxoveusc�nt Bonds Q£ 1961 300a OQO Imp��v�m�nt Bma�d� of 1962 508000 ' Sewc�r �nd tr�xat�r Praj ec� Noo 1,3 15�000 Sew�r and Wa�er Project Nao 48 315n000 1.a 474,000 I�nfcip��, lic�,uor funds< ()perating 508000 Debt s�xvi�e 268000 Sewer and Wat�:r Utilitie� Operating �und 115„000 �at�.l $2A 100s 000 66 CIT'Y OF FRIDI�EY, MINNESOTA, STATEMENT OF UNIT�1� STA��S GCDVERNMENT SECIdRITIES PLoAG�D IN ESCROGd BY D�POSTTORY BAI�TKKS FOR ' THE 3AF�GUARDZNG OF GITY FUNDS DECEIrdBER 31� 1963 F�ce amount of i�pa�it�ry bank Escr�w banlc securities Camdeat Northwestern State Banlcg NmrthwesC�rn Natf�naL Banica $1a200a000o00 NI�p�$Poliss Mia�neso�.a Mf.n���polisa Mia�ne�ota Fideli�y� Baak and Trust Company, Federal Resexv� Banka $1a0009000000 Mit�n�agolise .Minnesmta M3.nneapolisa Minnesota Co�umbia �eigtats St�t� Bank9 I�rcguet�e Na.ti�nal Bank9 None M�..n�¢a�o13.s,� Mtnnesota �.�a�eap�lise Minnes�t�. Fridle}r S�ste Banlc, Northwestern Nation�al Bank, $ 200,000,00 ;Fri��.i��,` Minx�esota M3.nn�apolis, Mia�nesmta Ad�f�ional, c�verage of $10a000 is pr�vided at each d�posa�t�ry bauk by. the Fede�xal Deposit In�urance Cozpa�r�,timano 67 CITY OF FRIDLEY9 MINNESO� I1�TVESTM�NT IN CITY OF FRIDL�Y TEMPORARY $ONDS DEGEMBER 31n 1963 Interes� Matuxity rate d�at� Owned b� Ret�ul�r Special A.SSessment �Constructian Fund Issued by Storm Sew�r Pr�ject Noa 49 5% 8/15/63 16 000 Owned bv Regula� SA�cia1 Assessmc:a�� Debt Se�vice Fund Issued byo Sanitar� Sewexn S�.�rm Sewex and Sewe� and W�t�r Prcaject No, 58 5% 12�1/64 $ 85D000 Sew�er aa�d Water Prca�ect Noo 50 5 12e1.5/63 20a000 Sewex �nd Wa�ter Proj��t Noo 55 � 10/1/64 85,OQ0 Sewer artd Water Pro,��ct Nao 59 , 5 1/2J65 21s000 Sewer and W�ter Proje�t Noe 63 5 10/15/65 259000 Sewer and� Water Project N�aa 65 5 Il/1/65 9a000 Storm Sewer Pr�ject No> 52 5 12/15/63 16a000 Sto�n Sewex Praj��t No, 53 S 1/15/65 75a000 Storcn Sewer Project No, 64 5 11/1%65 8a040 1963 Str��� Impr�v�men� Proje�t 5 10/L5/65 52 000 Tot�a1 396 000 To��l invest�ent in Gity of Fridley Tempor�ry Bands 412 000 68 CI� OF FRZD�EY, MINNESO'�A B(DNI�S PA�ABI�E � AL,I� FUNDS D�C�MBER 319 19�i3 Dlt�..te Nlatu�ity Ixiter�s� Princip�l �f is��a� d�ate r��e amount �ecial Ass�ss�e�t Debt Serviee Fu�ds R�gul�ac o m Sewer Tanp��vemen� Bonds maturingo May 19 1965 S/1A54 5/1./64 2o75°G $ 4�000 $4AOOO pc�� ye�.r 5/1/54 5�1A65m73 2a00 �6a000 May lg �.9�4 S�1/54 S/1/74 300(' 29000 Wa�e� �a�� S�wex° ?anp��vement Boa�ds �f 195/ a�turing o $15a000 per yea,� 8/1�54 8�1�6���� 3050 1OJ9000 $159000 per y;�ar ,p 8/1/54 8�1S64m70 4�000 1�5�000 $209000 p€�r ye�r 8J1/54 8/1��1�74 3o5C� 80�000 $��9000 !'�1 �7,cd?L' , 8/I.�rJ4r $/���1"��l� �a00 $p�0�0 Stoa°na S�w�� Iznprovpment Boncis ma,tu�ring $�2a 000 p�r year 11/1/54 11/1�64-65 3 e 50 4�+9 00p t�ate� and Sewer Tmprove�ent Bonds m�turingo $1Sn000 p�r year 11/1/54 11�1/Fa4.-67 3050 60a000 $15a000 per y��r 11�1A54 ll�l/68-70 4000 45a000 $�On000 per year 11/1/5�+ ll�l/71-74 4000 80a000 inl�.t�r and S�wer Tmprov�m�nt Bonds matu�ingo F�bru�ry 19 1964 S�1/55 �/1�6�+ 3060 10�000 Augus� 1a 1964 5�1/55 8A1/64 3>60 109000 $1Sa�Q0 p�r yea�° 5�'Y�55 �/1,/65-��1. �060 1OS9000 $15a000 pex ye��° 5�1/55 8f1,�65-71 3060 1059000 $209000 �e�' year 5/1/55 281�7�=75 3<6� 809000 $20a000 per year 5/1./55 2/1/72ma5 3o6Q 80g000 Genera.l Oblig�ti�n Improvemea�t Bo�ds a��u�°ing e $109000 �er ye�r ],0/1�55 2�1�64�65 3060 20n000 $108000 per y��� l0�1A55 8/1�64�65 3e60 �08000 $159000 p�a: y��.r 10�1/55 2�1/66-7� 3.60 1059000 $15a000 per ye�..� 10�1./55 8A1/66°��2 3,60 1059000 $209000 per year 10/1�55 2�1,/�3�75 3a60 60a000 $20�OOt� pear �e�r 1�/1/55 8/1�7��°�5 3<6Q b0a 000 Iznprovem�n� Bonds m,�.�uriaag> $30�440 p�er ye�r 8/1�56 �/1�64�65 4�50 Fs0�000 $35a000 per year 8/1/56 $�l/66�70 40�0 17S�OQ0 $30aC��� ne� y��r 8�1/56 S�l���k,��4 407� 12�sC1bp A��u�t� la 19�.5 F3A1/56 8m1��'S 4m75 509000 Augu�� 1� �9�6 8/IAS6 �/1.��6 �0�5 ��n���? �otal Regul�.r Sp�cial Ass�s�m�n� Debt 5exvi�e Fu�ad �1S,i3Ci.90G0 69 CITY OF FRIDLEY9 MINN�S��1 BONDS PAYABLE - ALL FITiV1�S (�ONTINU�D) DECEMBER 31a 1963 i�i,te Ma�uri�y Interest Principal of issue d�te ralte amount Special As���sm�.nt Deb� Service Fu�nds (coa��ia�ued) Iuaprmvemeaat Band,s �f ].960 , m��urix�g a ,T�n�a�s� 1$ 1964� 10/�/60 1/1�64 4e 50°!a $ 75�000 �anaa�r� 19 1965 l0/1/60 l�l/�5 4050 80a000 $80a000 �z�r yt�ar 10%1/60 1/T/66m68 4000 240�000 �Tanu�r�r 19 1969 10�1,J60 1�1./69 4oQ0 �58000 Jf�,�u��� 1.8 I9�0 LO/1/b0 1/1/70 4�000 809000 $80a000 p�r y��r 10/1/60 1/1�71�-73 4e10 240a000 �7�nu��� la 19�4 10�1/60 Z/1/�� 4010 75a000 "�80a000 ��� y��.r 10�1/60 1�1/7���8 4a10 3209000 Jat1u��'}r 1a L979 10/1,�60 I,/1./79 4010 75a000 Ja�u��y l„ 1980 10'1/60 1�1,�80 4,10 809000 J'anu�x� l� 1981 10/1/60 1/1�81 4,10 �09000 J�aau��c� l.a 1983 10/1�60 1/l/8� 4>10 �5A000 T�t�l Izn�arovement Bond� o£ 1960 Special Ass�ssznen� Debt S�rvic� Fund �1,485q000 Impravem�nt Bonds of 1961 and 1963 m�turingo $110��00 p�x y�ar 5/1/61 2/1/6/�-6�' 4e00 $ ',440a00Q $95�00o p�� y��r 5/i/61 2/iJ68-71 4000 �8oa000 Februa�°y lp 19�� 5,�1.�61. 2�1�72 4010 959000 k'el��,t�t-�r la 1973 5�1/6�, zSL/�� 4010 40a000 $4pa000 p�r y�eax S/1��� 2�1/74-75 4a20 80a000 $508000 per y�a� �/1J61. ��l/76-78 4a20 150a000 Febru�r�r la 1.9�9 5/1�°61 ��1./79 4a20 559000 $60p000 p�r ye�.r 5�1/61 2,1�80m81 4020 1208000 J'�nu�.ry 2a 1964 l�l/6� l/1/�a4 3,20 15s000 Janu�x°y la 1965 1�1/6� 1./1.A65 3,�0 308000 $80�000 pe� ye�x° I./1,�63 1,1�1�66�68 3a20 2�Oa0�0 $�Sa00Q p�� y��r L/1/63 11/1/69v�0 3a20 17��000 $608000 p�� y�a� 1.�2/63 1.1/1.�Y1-73 3050 180a000 Jan��r� 1� 19�4� 1/1A6� 1/1�74 3,50 50�000 Jaa�u��c�° l� 197.5 1/1/63 11.A1/25 3070 4�59�OQ $308000 p�� y�ax 1/1/63 1/1/�6�-�� 3070 60a004 , $3o90oQ p�r y�a� 1/I./63 l./I./�'8m79 3a8� 6Qa000 $3�9000 �ae.r �°��.�r 1/1/6� 1/1�80-83 3080 1409000 �a��l Im��mvem�n� Bond� of 1961 �axct 1963 Sp��i�l Ass��stne�t Deta� S�xv9.ce Fund 52�50n 000 70 �GI1°Y OF FRIDI��Y,�MTNNESOTA , BONDS �'AYABI�� - ALI� FUNDS �C(�NTINUEDa DECEM�ER 31A 1963 D��� N1�turity Intere�t Princ.ip�1 - o£ issue da�e r�.t�e a�oun� Sp�ci�:l Asse��z��nt Deb��_Service Funds (continued) I�pr�vem�eaa� $onds of I9fi2 a- l.st s��i��� maturi�ago $40aQO0 pex ye�r 5/1�6� 2/1/64�67 3010% $ 160a000 Felxru��y 1,' 1��68 `- 5/1./6� Z/1A68 3a10 35n000 Fel�aaa�a� la l��i� ; 5�1/62 2/1/69 3a10 109000 Fehx�a��r 1� �'�T4�: 5/1�6� 2/1/�0 3050 5�000 Febac��ry 1�° L��'L� 5,�1�62 2�1/7L 3>50 10a000 Feb�eu��y 1� 1��'7� S/1J�x2 2/1A�2 3oS0 5a000 Tebru��°�► 1g-,JL973 . 5�1�6� ��1f�3 .3050 109000 Fet�ru�ry 1, �;914 5A1�62 2/1/�'4 3e�0 59000 �e1��#�.� �, �.�"I5 5/1/62 2/Y./75 3a80 10a000 Feb'�ta��y lb ]l4�(� ; 5/1�62 2/1/�6 3080 Sa 000 ������ �, 19a� � �JiA6z z��/�a soso ioeaoo ������ i, �.'�7� 5�1/62 2!i/�s �oso 5�000 F�b���► ].s :�.��9 5�1,:��2 2/i/a� �oso ioa000 $Sa000���per y�r'' S/1.�62 2�1/80m82 3a$0 15n000 T���i Im�sxpp�ment Bonds a£ 1962 Speci�l Ass�ssm�nt Debt S�a:��ice ;l�,i�td, � 295a 000 Sax�i��� S�w�r, ��+�a`m Sewer and Wa���' I��j�ct:_�,� 5$ . 12/1/62 1.2�41/6� So00 $ 859000 Se�rer aa�d TaCater �°�jec� No, 13 Impr�v��a�t Bo��d� �a�uring a $15�Q00 pex ,y��x. ', l�l/59 2�l1�64�69 400� $ 90,000 �T�RllbBc�� le 1�•�� L�l�S9 1����0 �Fo�O I.Sa��� $20�0001 per �r�;7e 1�1/�9 1/1��16a9 4020 180�000 To��l Sewer �nd;; Wa�er Pro,ject Noo 13 Special As��ssment D�la� 3erlri�e F1and �, 285r 000 Sewer ��d 4Jatas. 1P�'c��e�t& Nos 4 21 an�. �2 �iaep��vemen� Baaads �,atuxit�g e ne��b�r 15� 1��i4 , 1�2/15/s9 i2s�.ss6� 4a3o $ 259000 $�OIDQUO pes. ye�r ].2�15�59 12�1.5/65-69 4030 150a000 $30n��0 pez ��� 12/15�59 12/15�70-80 4050 330,OOQ �c���l Sesae�`:,�nd W�.ter P�qj ec�s Nos a 2b and 22 S�e�ial A��es�at��L ;Aebt SerVi�e Fund $ 505n000 f .. Sewer ��� Ti�ater .��j�ct Noe 4�� Imp���r��n��� Bo�ads r�aturing a $120a000 pex,ys�a� ¢ 10/�,d63, 1,/1�64-68 4oQ0 $ 600�000 $12qa000 per ye�x 10/L/61. 1/l/69��2 4oi0 480fl000 Jax�.bt��'y ls 197� 10/1A61 i/l,�o'3 4010 1109000 �s�t�l. Sewer ��cl i,�,��r P�c�ject Noo 48 $1„190;,000 71 CI�� OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA y B4NDS FAYAB�E ti A�� FUNDS (C�NTINUED) L�EC�i��R 31., 1963 17�te Maturity In�eres� Principal � o�' issue d�.te xate amount Speci�l Ass���ment Deta� Service Fund� �continu�d� 3ewer and 'GJ�tex 1'roject Noo 55- Tempm��x°y Bond.s 10/1/52 10/1�64 So00% $ 85s000 S�we� a�c� W��er Proj�ct Noa 59- Te�tp����y �a�ds 1/2�63 1�2�65 So00 $ 21�000 Sewer a�xid 6���r �'rcraect Nao 63� Te�ap�x�,��r �o�xds 10�1,5/63 10/15,�65 5000 $ 25n000 Sewer ��a�d Wa�e� Pr�ject Nca, 65- Temm�p��a�y �nd� 11/1/63 11/1/65 5000 $ 99000 Stoxate S�c,a�x Pr�ject iVo, 53- Teffipor�x°� Boa�ds 1/15/63 1�'15/65 5000 $ 759000 St�x°�e S�r�e� Prmj�c� Noo 64 11/1/6� Zl/]./65 Sp00 $ 8,000 1963 Str��� Iaffip��vemen.t Proj ect- ' Tempo���y B�s�ds ;: 10/15/63 10/15�65 5400 ^� 52�,000 ,,;. T���.1 Sp��i�1 A�sessment Debt Service �nd� $8n331A000 , , , • 72 . � CITY OF FRIDLEY�,,,�;MTNN�SOTA � ` $ONDS PAYABLE � ALL F�JNDS (CONTINUED) ' - DECEbiBER 31s 1963 � �a�� Maturi�y Interest Pria�cipal of i�sue d��� r��e �tmount C,ea��r�l Deiit 5�arv�c� ��ds � � P��k }3ox�d� �cr� I96� �nd 1,963 �ttarin�d Eebru�axy 1�, 1964 SA1�62 2/L�64 �'000�0 $ SaOt?0 �'�br�xy la 1.965 5�1A62 2�1/65 3000 10a000 �}:,SAQ�}�:pex ye�r 5/1�62 2/1/66-b9 3>00 60�OA4 . � F�br��y 19 1970 5/1s62 ZALS70 3044 15a0QU $20,QF�p per y�a� 5/1�62 2/1��1��3 �040 60a000 Janu�.�'y: �.� 1965 1�1�63 lsl/65 3020 5�000 _ �14st?�S �p�r ���x° 151�6� 1/1/b6m6� 3020 209000 r�15,Q4fJ`p�x y��r 1�1/63 1�1/68m70 3020 45g000 Jf�.u�� :.l,� 1971 l�1s63 1s1171 3a50 15,�00 � �20g�0,,:pex ��ar lAl/63 b�ls�2m73 3050 40�400 ;,•- , � �ssa��;� ls 1974 1/1/63 1s1��4 3,5�� 25�400 '��1 Ge��r�l II�.bt Se�'xce Fummd� $ �009�00 iKua�i�i�,�,:��.q,ua� Dcb� Sez�vice Fu�ad (�ri�c�.:j�`� ��d �n�er���) I�aa�ici��, �i�ding Reve�aue Bonds , , �a t�i-��t = , .. ;$1.Ss�� l��r y�a� 9/1/56 9/1,/64m6f� 4000 $ �SaQ00 ; ��1,5�� per ye�r , :�/1./56 9/1A67p�1 4a25 15a000 ��,�AtAtl:�+�r ���� 12A1�S7 9/1/64�b5 4080 /�a0(Ia . ., � $3�Ot�� �a��r y��r 12/1A5� 9/1/66-71 4o8n ;18�000 1"�,►���. 1��.icip�l �i.q�or ,D�bt Servi�e Fund �,_ 142n O�E� ,.:. Paglal.ic iJt£k'iti�� .Il�eelat Service F1��d (Pri�a�ig�1',��d Int�r���) W���r ��e� Sewex ��tr�aau� �o�ds �ae.��ari�ng; . � i �5�Q00 pe� yew�,�,: 9�1�Sb 9/1�64 �:v00 $ 10a000 � 5����a��r la -1.9£a6 '9�1�5b 9./1�66 4a00 ];090(3(� $I��OOQ� �aer .�e�� �9/1�56 9�`Z�f�-71 4�050 �Op000 $�,5SQ��: p�er ���x 9/1/56 9�1/a2-�b �o-oSQ� ,75q_000 ���� �alal�.� t�tili�i;�s II�bt Servi�e Fu�nd 1(�5 Of10 ����; �snd� P���s�1e - al:l €unds $8,918D Oa0 73 CI1°� �F FRIDLEY, MINNESO�A AEBT S�RVICE REQiDIRENiEN�S m E1I�L, FU1�DS DEGEMB�It 3],,, 1.96� Band Y�:�r pra.a�cip�1 Int����� �o��l 1964 $ ���a 000 $ 3�.�����. $ 19 0$5���� 19�5 $039000 313a��i 1911�aa��1 19�6 67�aA00 ���919� 95�a19� 196� 6O���td0 2,��,a�'�� 9��9�6fr 1�68 b5���00 2,�19�6� &��a�6Ea 1969 63��000 2069661 83�a661 1970 6��a000 1���12� �14D�.�� 1.97I. 6�2a OCaQ 1.5�a 22� 789,2�6 1972 629 g 900 1.319 90� 760a 90�3 19u3 5�99000 10a�9�2 �a8�9�$� 19�4 G�32a000 8�9'�0� 51.99908 1975 ��Ofl A00 71.a780 �41D 780 1.936 2�5a 00p 5�a 45� 34�a 457 19�3 �20a000 45a125 2658125 197$ 215a000 36a065 251A065 1979 �20�40� 26a990 246,990 17V� Glop��0 1S9 O�O Z�GD9 0.2� 1981 1�0a000 9�490 179a490 L982 1159000 3a665 11�a665 1983 �5�QOQ 665 35665 918 O�U $��574�515 $11�49��5 � �� ��� �� ���D��Y �INIJ�S�T� �,ss�ss�� v�u.��aor�sfl �c ��z�s �r� z��r�a� x���s (�hmwaa lax���r c�f t�x �oLl��t��i.�) 19Fs1 196� 1963 1964 As�e�sed �r�.lu�t,ic�n.�o R�al ������ ��91.�'�a1.�1o00 $6�a43�31�od�0 $ $a��9�13�o0dA $ 9��95�00�,00 P��s�n��, �a�ope�ty �911�9605a00 .�A���O;����0.a(�0. 2929298�?000 2,3�1.0614000 �ot�l ��,2,91.��96o0Q $8,893�74�400 �1.1R171A9�Oa00 �1�91�be�1�o00 7,�.x 1�,tra,��o �ec►�r�.l �'u�cl $ �.�Ea e�54 0 00 �y 334a�1�o OtJ � 3��,��9 0 00 ?'� 3�9�a��o AO Pub13,� E�a�al���e� I�tixe- �ae�at A�sca��,�tio�. k�and 10�0��000 1�.92��oQ0 �,4��a50o00 19a14�oQU Fire�aen°� �1�,�� As�o�i��v t3,�xa k�a�.d 1Oa�366o00 E39���000 1191�Z.00 1�Q1�6o00 G�n�r�l d!�tn� �e�vic� ��znd� �;,1.58 0 00 169 532 a 00 33�/�16 0 00 Im��ovemn��� �onds of 19E»1 �,��8.00 �a�al $ �50�1.��000 $ 355,994000 � 40�,34�3e00 � 4�1A095o00 11 xa��so G�n�ral ]Fut�ct 2�033 3J�6G� 32<�2 31o1E� Public F�pl�y��� R���.r�� Bae�� As�o��,�t�.�n Fuaad l o��. 1 a 3� 10�6 1 m�57 Fi�e�aea�0 � I�li�f A��ca�ia- t�oaa F'4i�c1 10�5 �a�Cl 1000 100� Genexal deb� ��rv��e f�and� or�.�$: 1048 2m7�+ Ianp�o��ffi��� ��si� �� 1961 � �a 1� Total �0m1� 4r0,0� 36�46 38a65 75 C�Z.°Y OF FR�,�I�E�i 1�INNESOTA ,—r ,a,. ZNSURANGE C(�1FRAGE DECE�E�t 31flT7:963 Major in�uxan�e cov�r�ige at D�c�a�b�r 31, 19$3 i� sum�rized l��l��ao �ire �nd ex��a�ci�d, ccrv�ra��a- �ity Ha110 Builciing $ 76„000>00 Gontents 35�OOQ400 Gity A�ses�or affice coa�teaats 4�OOOv00 Pump Ita�a���a &iilding 30a000,0U Gontents 298500000 Eq,�aat�ent building �nd con�ents 23a000,40 W���r t��ks 1�7a500o00 Mia�ic�p�l Liquor St�r� Nc�e 1 e - Coa�terat� 29 000,00 3tock 20s000.40 k��a�cipa� L�iquor Store Noo 2 0 I�ilding 60s000.00 �.'OSSte11�S 'Z0a D�Do�O StfaC�t 5oe Do�o 00 Municipal I,iquo� Stor� N�< 3m �uilding 157,QOO,OU Conterats 30,000.00 Stock 50,OUDo00 I�.i�nici��I Li�uoz Store Noo 4�o Coxttent� 17,500<00 Stock 208 000,.00 Ircan r�ov�l pl�.mt �nd pua�p kao�se o �aild��g - 1$0�000>00 s - Coa���x�ts 1459 000a 0� Go�npx°e�nen�ive laLabi;�.ity�- �o�lily� inje�xyo Aut��biles 10�/300g000QU0 Except �iut�ao�ile� 100/300a 000,00 Liqu�r Ii�bilit� 100/30�,�OOo00 �'ro�p�rty d�a,g�o Au��oi�ile� SO,OOO a 00 F�ccegt �utama�biles 5U/100a000o0� I�axa�y �nc� �ecurities9 3.n�icie/o�.��i�d� p�°ea�i,�e�-$11 l�ca�ion� 15/ 12g OUO,OQ Br��°gla�y a ��aicip�l. Liqu�r Stm�e 3�o a 1 , �9 500 0()0 l�nicipal Liquox� S�.c�re Noo � 1Qa000m00 �ani��.p�l. ]L�.qt�ca� Stor� No, 3 10,�00000 M�aicipal Liquar St�re No< 4 7a50�o00 . 76 CITY OF FRIDLEX MINNESOTA INSURANCE COVERAGE (GONTINUED) DECEMBER 31� i963 Busin��s interruptimno 1�lua�icipal I�iquor Store Noo 1 $ 20aA00.00 Muaaicip�l Liquor Stor� No m 2 57 8 000 e 00 I��icipal, Liquor Stor� Non 3 62,OOOe00 I�nicipal Ligu�r Sta�re No< 4� 69 000 a 00 Deposit�rs fargery bond - all lo�ati�a�� �09000o0U Plat� glas� tar��icage repl�ce���t Waxlcmea�°� co�ap�ens�ti�n statutory �qui�u�ent floater 43,205000 Ne�� si�� . 2,OOOo00 Motar tru�k c�rgo 500000 T°��ffic si�nals � ($SOo00 deductible) 129000,00 EMPI��Y��S SURE i'� B�NDS DEG�ER 31 1963 Su r�t}� Naaae 'Po�i t ic�a lroa�d Ma�iaa �o $�u�asell Clerlk. �S 1s000s00 I�rvin �o Brun��ll 1���sur�x �59000,00 Mervi�. �r�ax►a� Ass�s�s�r 1�OOQ,QO E, I�e� S�ait��r Depu�y As��s�or 1�0OO,OQ Virgil Vo Wi�l.� Clerk. �f M�nni�ipal Court 1a001Jo�0 Al1 effiplmy��� of tkae Ci�.y ar� �ov�red lay. a lvl�nk�t fai�'�ful per�o�n�� bmx�d �f 15,000.00