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Funds 42 - 49 — Appendix "A" Planning Commission and Member Commission Detail . . . . Al - A6 Appendix "B" Other Commissions--Police, CATV and Charter Comm.. . . . B1 - B2 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1910 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS BUDGET PROCESS PUBLIC SERVICES NEEDS DELIVERED INPUT 14* DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION CITY ADMINISTRATION IMPLEMENTATION CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION Aar REVIEW MODIFICATION AND ADOPTION BALANCED BUDGET REVENUE = EXPENDITURE .� I CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION January, 1980 This is an attempt to give a simple overview of the final budget for the calendar year 1980 as adopted by the City Council of Fridley. The budget as adopted represents maintenance of a reasonable level of municipal services by all departments of the City to the citizens of Fridley. These resource allocations are based on a careful evaluation by the City Council and the "' administration in terms of community needs, operational efficiency and Fridley's ability to pay for the services. The budget represents a financial plan approved by the City Council to guide the administrative staff in managing the municipal activities for the year 1980. BUDGET PROCESS ... The department heads prepare their departmental requirements based on the input they have received from the public, the employees and the supervisors of the department on the community need and the operational requirements for the services delivered by the department. Then these recommendations are submitted to the City Manager who reviews these requests based on the input he has received from the public and direction from the Council on different needs and emphasis of the services delivered by the City. Then the City Manager adjusts the different departmental requests and sees that the total budget recommendations equal the expected potential revenue. The budget recommendations are submitted to the Council for their review, modification and approval based on the public input, community needs, and desire for change in emphasis for different services delivered by the City. The budget background and the recommendations were presented to and discussed by the City Council at numerous public meetings starting in March, 1979. The administrative public hearing for the use of revenue sharing funds was held on July 16, 1979. The City Council held a public hearing on the revenue sharing and the rest of the budget on September 17, 1979. The first reading of the ordinance adopting the budget was held on September 24, 1979 and the second reading on October 1, 1979. The adopted ordinance was published in the Fridley Sun Newspaper on October 10, 1979. The budget as submitted by the City administration, reviewed modified and then adopted by the City Council, is a balanced budget. It was prepared and then adopted with the goal of setting a tight departmental budget the City can live with and not creating any new major funding areas, but only providing a greater emphasis on public safety. • II n"" l e CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS PROPERTY TAX COMPARISON 120Mills• 1978 ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 ACTUAL 96.85 BO Mills. Dist #14 89.87 Dist #14 89.83 Dist #14 54.26 Mills 47.17Mills 45.08 Mills 56.03% 52.49% 50.19% Other 3.14 Mills Other 3.35 Mills Other 3.60 Mills 40 Mills. mom_ 3.24% 3.72% \\ 4.00%y \\\, County 24.40 Mills &si., Co unt 24.28 Mls unt 25.84 Mls 27.03% 877%City 15.05 Mills e City 15.05 Mills City 15.31 Mills 0 Mills-, .,," 15.54% 16.76% 17.04% _MILL RATE 1978 ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 ACTUAL OPERA- BONDED OPERA- BONDED OPERA BONDED TING DEBT TOTAL * TING DEBT TOTAL * TING DEBT TOTAL * MILL MILL MILL PERCEN- MILL MILL MILL PERCEN- MILL MILL MILL PERCEN FISCAL YR. RATE RATE RATE TAGE RATE RATE RATE TAGS RATE RATE RATE TAGE City 14.77 .28 15.05 15.54% 14.80 .26 15.06 16.76% 15.07 .24 15.31 17.04% -` County 24.40 - 24.40 25.19% 24.29 - 24.29 27.03% 25,84 25.84 28.77% N.S.H.D. .12 - .12 .12% .10 - .10 .11% .09 .09 .10% Metro Transit 1.70 .42 2.12 2.19% 1.64 .34 1.99 2.21% 1.80 .42 2.22 2.47% Metro Council .30 .06 .36 .37% .32 .07 .39 .43% .34 .12 .46 .51% Metro Mosq. Control 1 .25 - .25 .26% .28 - .28 .31% .31 .31 .35% Rice Creek Watershed .29 - .29 .30% .60 - .60 .66% .52 .52 .58% Other- Sub Total 2.66 .48 3.14 3.24% 2.94 .41 3.35 3.72% 3.06 .54 3.60 4.01% Sch.Dist #11 38.28 17.56 55.84 36.49 11.22 47.71 33.65 9.56 43.21 Sch.Dist #13 38.92 7.61 46.53 37.92 7.12 45.04 40.87 5.86 46.73 Sch.Dist #14 37.41 16.85 54.26 56.03% 35.82 11.35 47.17 52.49% 37.51 7.57 45.08 50.19% --, Sch.Dist #16 42.36 19.32 61.68 41.40 20.85 62.25 39.43 22.40 61.83 TOTAL: 96.05 100.0% 89.87 100.0% ,89.83100.00% * Percentages are based on total using School District #14 ACTUAL: ABLE EVALUATION FISCAL YEAR 1977 VALUE FORT/8 TAXE 9 VALU FOR 19 9 TAXES 1979 VALUE FOR 1980 TAXES Assessed Value $152,553,962 $163,331,036 $174,035,580 Fiscal Disparities/ Tax TTnrrenent -( 6,271,738) -( 7,376,217) -( 9,812,558) Net Taxable Value $146,282,224 $155,954,819 $164,223,022 Increase Over $ 7,054,958 $ 9,672,595 $ 8,268,203 Previous Year 5.07% 6.61% 5.30% Increase Due $ 2,219,794 $ 4,296,974 3,144,045 to Revaluation 1.06% 2.94% 2.02 Increase Due to $ 4,835,164 $ 5,375,621 $ 5,124,158 New Construction 3.47% 3.67% 3.28% III 451r CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW REVENUE •Budgeted revenue of $5,868,168 for all the funds shown in the budget for 1980 show a rise of $857,540 or 17.1% increase over the budgeted revenues of $5,010,628 for the year 1979. This year the City has shown in the adopted budget additional anticipated grants and other revenue, which were not shown in previous years, to improve our financial record system. This contributes sizeable amount to the percentage increase in City's revenue estimates. A combined actual mill rate of 15.306 mills is required to fund the difference of the total revenue needed less the revenue from other sources; that is, 42.0% of the total revenue needed is to be funded by the City local taxes. This mill rate is composed of 14.795 mills for the general fund which accounts for the 48.2% of the revenues necessary to provide basic government services of the City such as, general government, public safety, public works, parks and recreation, etc; .237 mills for the debt requirement of the construction of the civic center; and .274 mills for the capital improvement fund designed to accumulate monies for future large capital improvement projects. For the taxes payable in 1980 by the residents of Fridley, in School District #14 area of Fridley, the total mill rate is 89.829 mills, of which the school rate is 45.082, Anoka County 25.843, the City 15.306, and miscellaneous 3.60 composed of N.S.H.D., .09, Metro Transit 2.22, Metro Council .46, Metro Mosquito Control .31 and Rice Creek Watershed District .52. The City's mill rate of 15.306 for the general property tax revenue for the year 1980 remained essentially the same as the 15.057 actual mill rate for 1979. The overall mill rate of 89.829 in School District #14 area is .037 mills lower than the 89.866 mills for 1979. The overall mill rate in the City of Fridley for 1979 was one of the lowest in the metro area, especially in our City's population range. I am sure that with the City, county and schools all taking a hard look and keeping the taxes down, we can continue to retain the position of having one of the lowest property taxes in the metro area. TAXABLE EVALUATION The assessed value for 1980 is $174,035,580, with the net negative effect of fiscal disparity law amounting to $8,858,508 and tax increment of $954,050, making the net PM taxable value equal to $164,223,022. This amounts to an increase of $8,268,203 or 5.30% over 1979. Out of this increase of $3,144,045 or 2.02% is attributable to reevaluation and increase of $5,124,158 or 3.28% to the new construction. ,� The assessed value is more than last year in spite of the fact that the state changed the percentage of assessed value on limited market value for homestead property from the first $17,000 at 20% to the first $21,000 at 18% and the balance of each property value from 33 1/3% to 30%. In addition, more of a net contribution to Fiscal Disparities affected the net taxable value. rY For total taxes, homeowners will find a decrease if they live in School District #14 area, even considering an increase in market value. For a home in District #14, true market valued at $51,458 for tax purpose, the net total taxes after homestead credit of $325 in 1979 was $789.00, of which City taxes were $132.24. If the same house is raised in value, an average of the increase in the metro area is 16.6%, to $60,000 and after applying the different formulas for assessed value and mill rate less homestead credit, then total tax will be $542.00 of which the City will receive $92.36 a drop of over 30% as compared to 1979 taxes. IV rvr --t CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS "' BUDGETED REVENUE 1977 1978 1979 1980- FISCAL YEAR BUDGETED BUDGETED BUDGETED BUDGETED .-. Total Adopted Budget $3,944,704 $4,332,377 $5,010,628 $5,868,168 State & Federal Aid $1,353,775 $1,448,812 $1,593,773 $1,932,567 Fines & Other Receipts 277,915 421,168 757,550 1,091,114 Fees, Chgs,Lics ,Pers,Etc, 212,074 222,065 273,145 297,555 ^ Liquor Store 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 Total Other Revenue $1,928,764 $2,177,045 $2,709,468 $3,406,236 Property Taxes $2,015,940 $2,155,332 $2,301,160 $2,461,932 ^ Increase Over Prev. Year $ 198,960 $ 139,392 $ 145,828 $ 160,772 11.0% 6.9% 6.8% 7.0% Dollars Below Mill levy Limit $ 96.327 $ 5.676 $ 268,537 >$ 314,276 .� 1980 TOTAL EST_ TED PROPERTY TAX .r School District #14 50.19% Other 4.00% ::t;:{;.�:`;:S No.Sub.Hospital Dist. ' 'L::' >:: ::City ;%:: Metro Transit Comm. ; ;;;: Metro Council County 28.77% :17.04% '~ Metro Mosquito Control Rice Creek Watershed 1980 ESTIMATED REVENUE FOR ALL BUDGETED FUNDS • INCREASE OVER 1980 REVENUE--ALL FUNDS 1979 BUDGET Property Taxes $2,461,932 42.0% 7.0% State 6 Fed. Aid 1,932,567 32.9% 21.3% Fines & Other Receipts 1,091,114 18.6% 44.0% nngml. ---............. iib:::. Fees, Charges, .--. ...... ..............: . ........:..:. ................................ ............::fig.f `i.................iiProperty Tax y...E9. Licenses & Permits 297,555 5.2% 8.9% '42.0% Liquor Store 85 000 1.3% 0.0% TOTAL ;_; $5,868,168 100.07 17.1% ..„. �' ' nn3 1980 REVENUE BY FUND Leic. &C per . 5.2% State and ines and Federal Aid other Recei' s General Fund 18.6% 84.2% . 1 apital Projec. I •-. I and 1.1'. Fur' Civic Center 9.e' 1980 REVENUE BY FUND Bond Fund .7%r��~ P' 13•���0 General Fund $4,938,044 84.2% Civic Center Bond Fund 39,524 .7% // Capital Project Fund 79,100 1.4% Special Revenue Fund 811,500 13.7% $5,868,168 100.0% ^ V 60 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW The budget has been prepared within the legal restraint imposed by the mill rate limitations required by the State of Minnesota. The levy limitation requires that the municipality cannot levy property taxes in excess of 6% over the amount levied in the 1979 fiscal year except for certain exemptions plus adjustment due to population increase or decrease. But additionally in 1978, the state legislature allowed a one-time 10% upward adjustment to the levy limit. The total levy for the budget as adopted is approximately $314,276 under the maximum allowable if all the exemptions allowable were a used in full as compared to the budget in which case we were under the maximum allowable. Even though the City Council had the discretion of raising additional money through taxes, they chose to continue the tight budget policy for existing services and taking a hard look at adding or expanding any new programs or areas of service. The City will receive about 17.04% of the total revenue raised by the local property tax. The School District #14 will receive 50.19%, County of Anoka 28.77% and other 4.04% composed of North Suburban Hospital District receiving .10%. Metro Transit Commission 2.47%, Metro Council .51%, Metro Mosquito Control .35%, Rice Creek Watershed District .58% where applicable. The property tax will contribute $2,461,932 or 42.0% toward the total revenue required by all budgeted funds which is a drop of 3.9% as compared to 1979 budget. The City Council .. has made a special effort to raise other revenues by drawing on State and Federal resources, charging directly and equitably for the special services provided by the City to actual recipients and keeping the burden on local property taxes as low as possible. The federal aid composed of federal revenue sharing dollars in the amount of $230,000 and Section 8 Grant in the amount of $9,600 will contribute a total or $239,600 making 4.1% of the total revenue. The federal sharing funds are incorporated in the general fund and are spread throughout the general fund to provide extension of the City's program, which would not have been possible through local resources, in the areas of public information, public safety, fire, and parks and recreation. For state aids we will get $1,304,250 as state shared taxes, $328,000 for state aid road funds, $26,205 for state aid streets, $15,000 for state tree subsidy, $7,300 for other state grants and $5,500 for civil defense, making a total of $1,676,255 for 28.6% of budgeted revenue. So the total budget revenue for federal and state aid will contribute $1,915,855 or 32.7% of the revenue, which is 20.2% higher than the 1979 budget revenue. Fines and other receipts amount to $471,026 or 9.5 of total estimates revenue, which is .. an increase of $5,576 or 22.2% over 1979. The revenue from licenses, permits, fees and charges contribute $285,055 or 4.9% of the total, which is an increase of $11,910 or 4.4% over 1979. Fee charges are reviewed in the early part of the year to see that they closely reflect actual costs incurred by the City. The transfer from liquor store revenue is estimated to be $85,000 the same as in 1979, which amounts to 1.5% of the total revenue. The general fund revenue contributes $4,938,044 or 84.1% of the total revenue, which is $5,868,168 or an increase of $857,540 or 17.1% as compared to 1979. The civic center bond fund contributes $39,524 over .6% of revenue, which is a decrease of $578 or 1.4% under 1979. The capital project fund amounts to $79,100 or 1.3% of the total revenue a compared to 1.4% in 1979 which is an increase of $7,600. State aid funds revenue consist of $328,000 or 5.6% of total revenue, which is $1,091 or .3% above the 1979 level. ,,, VI 4371 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1880 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS INFLATION EFFECT Millions , 6 5 4 :OWN AMAN 3 :s:; :?Nt ta — Actual Budget Figures ---- Budget Figures in 1973 Dollars 2 ..... .. ::tip Cost of Inflation 1 0 r. I 4 A 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 GENERAL FUND .., ESTIMATED REVENUES • Property Tax 48.2% 1.1% General Fund Liquor Storee � 1Qwy -� Estimated Revenue e, ees `e Federal/State Aid Property Tax $2,379,808 48.2% a.od ° �re� 32 .6% Federal/State Aid 1,608,855 32.6 0 �\ Fines, Other Receipts 571,026 11.6 c•e5' Licenses, Permits and Q; Other Fees 293,355 5.9 Liquor Store 85,000 1.7 $4,938,044 100.0% —. VII (\f' CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW EXPENDITURES The budget as submitted, modified, and adopted is a balanced budget; that is, estimated revenue equals expected expenditure for City government services for 1980. The budget provides a total expenditure of $5,868,168 which equals the expected revenue and is $857,540 or 17.1% over the 1979 budgeted expenditure level. This year the City has shown in the adopted budget additional anticipated grants and other estimated revenue and expenditures, which were not shown in previous years, to improve our financial record system. This contributes a sizeable amount to the percentage increase in City's revenue and expenditure estimates. INFLATION IMPACT The July of 1978 to July, 1979 consumer price index has increased 11.3% for the nation and 11.9% for the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. The January to December of 1979 consumer price index has increased 13.3% for the nation and 12.2% for Minneapolis/St. Paul area. In the last few years the budget expense has remained pretty stable if the cost of inflation is taken into consideration. What modest increase has been made in the budget is due to greater emphasis on public safety, recreation and the addition of nature interpretive and shade tree disease control programs. The expense side of the budget is composed of general fund expenditures and the other funds expenditures. GENERAL FUND The general fund is established to account for revenue and expense necessary to provide basic government services for the City; such as, general government, public safety, public works, parks and recreation, etc. The general fund budget provides an expenditure of $4,938,044 compared to the 1979 budget of $4,351,005 which is an increase of $587,039 or 13.5%. COMPARISON In 1980, 48.2% of the revenue came from property taxes as compared to 51.0% in 1979. VIII CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS GENERAL FUND EXP NDITURES BY OBJECT Personal Services 60.3% Reserve 5.8i capital WtlaY 6.51 Other Expenses 27,4% BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Personal Services $2,977,764 60.3% Other Expenses 1,354,761 27.4 Capital Outlay 320,519 6.5 Reserve 285,000 5.8 $4,938,044 100.0% GENERAL FUND BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT DOLLAR FIGURES AND PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGETED 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 --+ $1,830,323 $2,094,224 $2,267,743 $2,462,804 $2,702,728 $2,977,764 Personal Services 63.6% 63.8% 63.0% 62.2% 62.1% 60.3% 702,895 809,370 889,433 1,040,419 1,194,574 1,354,761 Other Expenses 24.4% 24.6% 25.0% 26.2% 27.5% 27.4% 267,249 306,724 324,166 359,441 328,703 320,519 Capital Outlay 9.3% 9.3% 9.0% 9.1% 7.5% 6.5% 76,811 75,000 100,000 100,000 125,000 285,000 Reserve 2.7% 2.3% 3.0% 2.5% 2.9% 5.8% $2,877,278 $3,285,318 $3,581,342 $3,962,664 $4,351,005 $4,938,044 TOTAL 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% IX )..);7' CITY OF FAIOLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW The major categories of expense of the general fund are: PERSONAL SERVICES The 1980 budget provides for total personnel services in the amount of $2,977,764 compared to $2,702,728 in 1979 an increase of 10.2%. The above figure includes all permanent and temporary employee salaries, leaves, insurance, pension costs. Personal services in the budget represent 60.3% total general fund budget. It is the single greatest expense of City resources. The City has taken a hard look at controlling the increase in expenses in this area, as it has been done in the past. There will be continued reliance upon citizen volunteer help, students, work study programs, and state and federally funded programs to complement the City's permanent personnel resources and to control costs. There is one additional office position bugeted in the police department and there has been reallocation of positions within the City organization to better respond to delivery of service. Also, greater emphasis has been placed on shared use of personnel among departments on an as needed basis. This way we hope to more effectively utilize the personnel capabilities available to the City. ... OTHER EXPENSES The 1980 general fund budget provides a total of $1,354,761 in other expenses compared to $1,194,574 in 1979. This represents an increase of $160,187. This section of the general fund constitutes 27.4% of the general fund budget in 1980 as compared to 27.5% in .-. 1979. The fuel, utility, asphalt and other such material price raises have been greater than the rate of price increases for general consumer products. Since the City uses a disproportionately large amount of fuel, the costs have climbed higher for the City than the general consumer price index increases. CAPITAL OUTLAY The 1980 budget provides a total capital outlay of $320,519 compared to $328,703 in 1979. This represents a decrease of $8,284 or 2.5% less than 1979. This section of the general fund composed of major equipment and capital costs represents 6.5% of the general fund budget in 1980 as compared to 7.5% in 1979 and 9.1% in 1978. This budget includes the first payment of the $85,000 Triple Contribution Fire Engine Pumper. We will continue acquiring needed equipment through the federal government military surplus or civil defense program whenever it is available to us to minimize the City's needed equipment costs. RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES The reserve for contingencies has been allocated in the amount of $285,000 in 1980, an increase from 1979. This money is provided to cover some of the uncertainties in the estimates of the revenues and potential unexpected costs to the City. The reserve for contingencies fund is 5.8% of the general fund budget in 1980 as compared to 2.9% in 1979 and 2.5% in 1978. X CITY OF FRIDLEY i$$O IBUDOET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION General Fund Public Safety Expenditures by Function 33.9% General Gov't. $ 667,764 13.5% Public Works Public Safety 1,673,515 33.9 .� 26.3% Public Woks 1,298,908 26.3 Reserve 5.8% Recreation 1,012,857 20.5 Reserve 285,000 5.8 General Government $4,938,044 100.0% • ` 13.5% Recreation 20.5% GENERAL FUND -- EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Police 26.4% General Fund fl Public Works Expenditures by Department 23.7% Legislative $ 126,427 2.6% Reserve 5.8% Management 234,033 4.7 Central Serv.-D.P. 129,908 2.6 Legislative 2.•° Finance 307,304 6.2 Police 1,304,146 26.4 dent. Se 's' X °1 Fire 369,369 7.5 Public Works 1,169,000 23.7 Parks and Recreation Parks & Rec. oaA (Includ. Plat.) 1,012,857 20.5 �.a h 20.5% Reserve 285,000 5.8 cE" n' $4,938,044 100.0% k1�`a tw XI CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW The general fund expenditures by function are 33.9% for public safety in 1980 34.1% in 1979 and 33.6% in 1978. The public works for 1980 is 26.3%, 24.9% in 1979 and 25.9% in 1978. Recreation amounts to 20.5% in 1980, 21.5% in 1979 and 21.1% in 1978. General government costs in 1980 are 13.5%, 16.6% in 1979 and 16.9% in 1978. The division of general fund expenditure by department is shown on the other side of the ... sheet, and further detailed analysis is shown department by department on the following sheets. XII --r [(tri CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT COSTS 1,000,000- 900,000- 800,000- 700,000 600,000- 500,000- 400,000- 300,000- 200,000- 100,000_ r P I I e - , 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 DEPARTMENT: Legislative ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET City Council $57,284 $60,001 $61,993 $ 76,230 $ 78,506 Planning Commission 19,692 20,893 23,008 30,944 31,924 Other Commission 8,570 11,624 8,664 13,654 15,997 TOTAL $85,546 $92,518 $93,665 $120,828 $126,427 % Change +4.6% PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2.6% 2.6% 2.4% 2.8% 2.6% —7 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION OTHER COMMISSIONS --ti 001 General 004 Planning Commission 012 Police Commission 002 Agenda & Resources 005 Community Development 015 CATV 006 Appeals Commission 016 Charter Commission 008 Parks & Recreation 009 Environ. Quality Comm. 010 Human Resources 011 Energy Commission "'1 XIII _ CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT ... The legislative department is the policy making and public input section of the City government. The Mayor and City Council, City Commissions and the services of City Staff (information and support) are included under this department. The program groups within this department are City Council, Planning Commission and Other Commissions. '— City Council Objective: To provide policies and direction for the functioning of the City of Fridley government based upon public input, data, background and information provided to the City Council by the city staff to aid in making the policy decisions. Description: The City Council has two regular, one public hearing and one conference meeting per month (barring holidays which change the schedule). The Council makes policy decisions within the guidelines of the City Charter, approves the City Budget, appoints citizen advisory — committees and provides general direction to the City Manager for implementation of policy decisions and management of the municipal activities of the City departments. The City staff provide resource and records services as needed. —. Planning Commission Objective: To assist and advise the City Council in providing the citizens of Fridley the utmost in service and development of a high quality of municipal government in areas of planning and development. This is accomplished by the Planning Commission and its five subcommissions--the Community Development Commission, Appeals Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Environmental Quality Commission, Human Resources Commission and the Energy Commission. Description: The Planning Commission and its sub-commissions review and recommend planning and development policies to the City Council. The Planning Commission hears requests and makes recommendations to the City Council concerning zoning, platting, and vacations and the City Code in the areas of community planning and comprehensive development. The Community Development Commission promotes and maintains high quality community standards to ensure well-balanced and orderly development, rehabilitation and revitalization of the areas of the City of Fridley. Some areas of special study are: industrial and economic development, housing, transportation energy, and other community development projects. The Appeals Commission provides a process by which the public may appeal the literal provisions of the zoning ordinance, sign ordinance, and building code, for exceptional circumstances. The Parks and Recreation Commission promotes the systematic comprehensive development of park facilities and recreational activities to meet the great diversity of recreational needs of Fridley citizens. The Environmental Quality Commission promotes awareness of and interest in environmental concerns among the citizens of Fridley and -- serves as a resource and advisory body to the Planning Commission in this area. This commission studies environmental problems, laws, policies and regulations of other governmental bodies and their impact on our City. The Human Resources Commission concerns itself with communication and protection of just and equitable rights among all residents of the City of Fridley and seeks to promote harmonious relationships among individuals and groups within the City. Special areas of concern are equal opportunity in employment, housing, public accomodations plus promotion of cultural and educational services within the City. The Energy Commission serves as a resource to the City in the Conservation and management of energy and energy resources, and to advise the City Council, the City Manager and other appropriate City Commissions on matters pertaining to the conservation and management of energy, including the review and recommendation of programs and policies within the City. _ Other Commissions Objective: To assist and advise the City Council in providing the citizens of Fridley the utmost in service and developing a high quality of municipal government in areas of police officer employment, telecommunications and charter changes. Description: The commissions within this program group are the Police, CATV and Charter Commissions. The Police Commission prescribes basic conditions for employment and establishes classifications within the Police Department. The CATV Commission makes recommendations on the broad range of interests and disciplines related to the telecommunication needs of the City and continually reviews the operations of the Cable TV system. The Charter Commission reviews and recommends suggested amendments to the City Charter. • XIV CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS CITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT COSTS 1,000,0001 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 —' 200,000 100,001 —' 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 DEPARTMENT: City Management ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET General Management $122,618 $113,418 $144,231 $138,950 $151,692 Personnel 14,717 13,404 24,028 25,392 27,449 Legal ' 39,001 44,177 53,134 52,916 54,892 TOTAL $176,346 $170,999 $221,393 $217,195 $234,033 % Change +7.75% _ PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 5.4% 4.8% 5.6% 5.0% 4.74% 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: GENERAL MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL LEGAL .., 018 Management 022 Personnel Practices 028 Gen, Legal Services 019 Public Information 023 Labor Relations 029 Prosecution 020 Purchasing 024 Employee Safety (OSHA) XV o` ^7 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT The City Management Department serves as the link between the policy-making of the City Council and the actual operation of the City services. The City Manager, appointed by the Council, is the chief administrative officer of the City. City administration provides the implementation of Council policies and direction regarding the City operations through the City departments. City activities regarding personnel matters and the legal needs of the City (which are met by the two contractual attorneys) are carried under this department. Program groups in this department are Management, Personnel and Legal. General Management Objective: To coordinate and direct the activities of the City's departments in an efficient implementation of Council policies and direction; to provide recommendations based on data, information, and background material for areas requiring policy decisions by the City Council; to provide for the efficient day-to-day operations of the City using cost productive mechanisms. Description: The City Manager provides direction for the City departments, through staff meetings and individual consultations with Department Heads and other staff. This department provides public information to the citizens of Fridley through various instruments including a City newsletter. Personnel Objective: To establish and maintain an equitable and uniform personnel system; to provide improved personnel policies; to provide for labor negotiations and employee safety. Description: This program group covers all functions related to personnel from the recruitment of new employees through the maintenance of services, benefits and guidelines for existing personnel. These activities include labor negotiations and OSHA .. conformance. Legal Objective: To provide legal advice to the City Council, city staff, commissions and the general .-. public on municipal matters and to prosecute criminal offenses. Description: The City Attorney attends Council meetings, provides legal opinions on City policy, aids with the development of City resolutions and ordinances, and provides legal counsel. The prosecuting attorney provides prosecution services for criminal offense on behalf of the City. XVI • — CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW ■ CHARTS AND GRAPHS CENTRAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT COSTS 1,000,000- 900,000- 800,000. 700,000- 600,000- 500,000- 400,000- 300,000- 200,000- 100,000. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 DEPARTMENT: CENTRAL SERVICES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Civic Center $ 80,067 $ 109,647 $ 102,444 $ 124,320 $ 129,908 TOTAL $ 80,067 $ 109,647 $ 102,444 $ 124,320 $ 129,908 % Change +4.5% _ PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2.4% 3.1% 2.6% 2.9% 2.6% 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: CIVIC CENTER 148 Civic Center & Grounds Maintenance XVII CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CENTRAL SERVICES / D.P. DEPARTMENT Central Services/Data Processing Department The Central Services Department provides supportive services to all City departments in Computer management and data processing services, along with other central services such as: purchasing, duplicating service and civic center maintenance. Computer Management and Word Processing '— Objective: To provide computer and word processing capabilities for management information for all city departments. -- Description: This group designs, implements and operates the computer and word processing information systems for use by all departments of the City. These charges for center service are allocated on the user basis from each department. Purchasing and Duplicating Service Objective: To provide printing and duplicating service for all city departments. Description: .. This group provides the purchasing services of supplies, contractual and duplicating services to all city departments. The charge for these services is allocated on the user basis from each of the departments. Civic Center and Grounds Maintenance Objective: To maintain the City of Fridley's Civic Center and grounds at a desirable standard in order to ensure attractive appearance and reduce the depreciation on the building. Description: The Parks Department performs landscaping and grounds maintenance. The Public Works Maintenance Division maintains the streets and parking lot. The custodial staff maintains the structure and interior with major repairs and mechancial problems falling within the responsibility of the Code Enforcement Division Inspectors. XVIII [n\.(7 CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS FINANCE DEPARTMENT COSTS _ 1,000,000- 900,000- 800,000- 700,000- -- 600,000- 500,000- -- 400,000- 300,000- '— 200,000- 100,000- 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Finance 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Elections $ 15,348 $ 8,835 $ 16,289 $ 11,669 $ 27,825 Accounting 110,611 121,973 129,647 142,349 153,054 Assessor 88,435 90,338 111,387 108,893 126,425 TOTAL $214,394 $221,146 $257,323 $262,911 $307,304 % Change +16,89% PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 6.5% 6.1% 6.5% 6.0% 6.22% 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: ELECTIONS ACCOUNTING ASSESSOR 032 Elections 033 Insurance Administration 049 Prop. Tax Administration 035 Admin./Fiscal Planning 050 Appraisal of Prop, 036 Non-Payroll Accounting 051 Spec. Assess, Admin, 037 Payroll Accounting (To be allocated to 040 Investment/Revenue Collection construction projects) 041 Licensing 042 Data Processing 043 Auditing —' XIX CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW FINANCE DEPARTMENT The Finance Department provides a broad range of financial services to the City including management of City investments, financial services for all City operations, tax assessment services for the City, administration of special assessment rolls for public improvement projects, supervision of elections, and overall management of municipal liquor stores. Program groups within this department are Elections, Finance, and Assessing. Elections Objective: To encourage and facilitate registration of voters; to conduct elections in such a manner that every registered voter has an opportunity to vote with a minimum of delay; to facilitate the counting of ballots as expeditiously and accurately as possible; to act as an impartial authority for the purpose of counting and certifying signatures on various types of petitions. Description: Personnel in the Finance Department register voters, design and print ballots, train election judges, set up voting equipment and oversee elections on election day and authenticate signatures. Finance: Objective: To provide financial management for the City; to ensure proper financial information and administer financial transactions required by the City Manager, Council, City Charter or other laws or regulations. Description: The Finance Director and other staff advise the City Manager on financial matters, develop financial reports, purchase and sell investments, collect revenue due the City, license businesses, contracts, etc. Assessing Objective: To plan, coordinate and administer a program to implement the property tax laws of the State of Minnesota as they apply to the jurisdiction of Fridley; to prepare and administer the special assessment rolls for the public improvement projects in the City. Description: The Assessing staff determines and implements assessing standards to be used in ,., appraisal of real properties, delineate those areas to be appraised according to State Statutes, and classify and value all taxable property within the City. Assessing also computes the special assessments cost for each property for public improvement projects, posts all new approved assessment rolls and certifies them to the county, records and posts prepayment monthly. XX 1\o CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS • POLICE DEPARTMENT COSTS 1,000,0004 • 900,000- 800,000- • 700,000- 600,000- 500,000- .- 400,000- 300,000- -- 200,000- 100,000- 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 DEPARTMENT: Police ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Police Service $874,390 $955,082 $1,114,896 $1,161,498 $1,304,146 —. Animal Control 11,642 (Consolidated into Police Services) TOTAL $886,032 $955,082 $1,114,896 $1,161,498 $1,304,146 % Change +12.3% PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 27.0% 26.5% 28.1% 26.7% 26.4% 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: POLICE -- 095 Administration/Management 105 Animal Control 096 Information Services 097 Special Projects 098 Field Operations -- 099 Investigation 100 STEP 102 Volunteer Services XXI 61 AV CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is responsible for traffic enforcement, criminal prevention and apprehension, and animal control in the City. Program groups in this department are Police Service. POLICE SERVICE Objective: To promote community safety and to maintain an atmosphere of reasonable security by providing an efficient public safety emergency service for the protection of life and property. Description: The uniformed officers and supervising personnel, with clerical and technical support staff, enforce the state and local laws: A twenty-four hour day, seven days per week operation of the police facility is provided to serve the citizens. Three Groups with one sergeant, one corporal and six officers in each Group managed by a Division Commander are available to provide law enforcement, police protection and emergency services around the clock on three eight-hour shifts. Police staff conduct follow-up investigations into crimes that have occurred in the City, through interviewing and interrogating witnesses and suspects, coordinating investigation with other law enforcement and governmental agencies and providing crime scene investigation which includes photography and other specialized services at the scene. This department provides services in the areas of specialized crime prevention and public information, traffic and accident problem analysis, public safety activities records and bicycle safety. XXII CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS FIRE DEPARTMENT COSTS 1,000,000- 900,000- ^ 800,000. 700,000- 600,000- 500,000- — 400,000- 300,000- y –^ 200,000- 100,000. -- 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ., ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Fire 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 DEPARTMENT: ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Fire $243,841 $266,394 $315,568 $297,193 $347,596 Civil Defense 16,308 18,254 15,838 23,845 21,773 TOTAL $260,149 $284,648 $331,406 $321,038 $369,369 % Change 15,05% _ PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 7.9% 7.9% 8.3% 7,4% 7,48% 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: FIRE CIVIL DEFENSE 121 Fire Administration 136 Civil Defense 122 Training 123 Prevention –.. 124 Suppression XXIII if CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department provides fire protection and prevention as well as Civil Defense preparedness. The program groups within this department are Fire and Civil Defense. ._ Fire Objective: To prevent fires through code enforcement, inspection, training, public education programs, and promotion of smoke detectors; to save lives and property from fire, accidents and natural disasters; to maintain good public relations. Description: Activities within this group include fire prevention, training of personnel, maintenance of equipment, suppression of fires, and coordination and administration of fire department activities. Under the fire prevention function, Fire Department staff develop and employ a fire inspection program for prevention and/or detection and elimination of fire hazards in commercial, industrial and multiple dwelling occupancies within the City of Fridley. Fire safety education is provided to citizens, industry, and commerce through school programs, "in-plant fire brigade training," and assistance in special hazard problem-solving. Fires and explosions are investigated to determine causes and origins. Fridley firefighters and administrative staff in the department respond to fires within the City using their prior training and knowledge of the type of structure involved, weather conditions, building contents, numbers of people involved, possible on-sight fire protection such as built-in sprinklers, etc., to effectively extinguish or control the fire and to protect life and property. Fire training provides the Fire Department staff with the necessary knowledge and skills, including emergency medical training, necessary to effectively perform their duties. IMW Civil Defense Objective: To provide and maintain a viable organization to interface the functions of local -� government with other governmental agencies, federal and state; to develop plans meeting approval of the various governmental agencies to protect the City's eligibility for participation in the many participatory programs of the Federal and State Civil defense programs. Description: Civil Defense staff develop and maintain up-to-date plans for meeting disasters, train personnel assigned to Civil Defense functions, and provide and maintain an adequate outdoor warning system. In addition, an emergency operations center is provided in the event of natural or man-made disaster. XXIV CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COSTS 1,000,000' 900,000- .-. 800,000. 700,000- —^ 600,000- 500,000- 400,000- 300,000- .--� 200,000- 100,000_ 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 DEPARTMENT: Public Works ACTUAL , ACTUAL , ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Planning $ 47,131 $ 66,774 $ 87,069 $ 97,136 $ 99,958 Engineering 85,107 85,192 91,553 93,654 99,754 Public Works Maintenance 612,125 617,650 674,761 730,994 788,137 Code Enforcement 135,263 158,126 175,211 160,631 181,188 TOTAL 879,626 928,742 1,028,594 1,082,415 1,169,000 % Change PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 26.8% 25.7% 25.9% 24.8% 23.7% 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: CODE ENFORCEMENT ENGINEERING PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE 141 Building Code Enforcement 151 Engineering 181 Street Maintenance 142 City Code Enforcement 183 Street Sweeping 150 Housing Maint. Enforcement PLANNING 196 Snow & Ice Control 138 Mandatory Plan Grant 202 Traffic Safety Devices 143 Planning 211 Storm Sewer Maintenance 144 Section 8 Housing 216 Shop Operations 146 Critical Areas Grant 218 Municipal Garage Maint. XXV CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Public Works Department performs activities in Public Works, Planning, Code Enforcement and Engineering. Specific duties include: street, sewer and water maintenance, building inspection, city planning and provision of engineering expertise for various City functions. The program groups in this department are the Engineering, --� Public Works Maintenance, Planning and Code Enforcement. Planning Objective: To administer the planning projects for continual improvements and for the development of a healthy urban environment in Fridley. Description: Activities include developing and administering growth within the City and administering federal housing and revitalization programs. IMMA Code Enforcement Objective: To assure safe housing for all residents of Fridley, to prevent health hazards, and to insure the quality of the environment. Description: Activities revolve around providing City code information to the homeowners, builders and businesses. Reviewing building plans and providing coordination inspection. Providing housing maintenance inspection of existing rental units. Engineering Objective: To provide the technical functions to initiate, prepare, implement, supervise and inspect ... the capital improvement and safety programs throughout the City; to provide all other departments with the technical assistance on any engineering related problem (surveys, drafting, research, utility locations, etc.); to continually review the work performed by the City and others within the corporate limits to ensure a high quality of service and safety. Description: The Engineering Staff draws up plans, specifications and estimates for capital improvements and safety programs; initiates, administers and maintains programs such as ..■ construction of streets, sewers, water, street lighting, signalization, traffic control devices, and sidewalks; maintains up-to-date records, reports, maps, and files of the various projects and assists in the locations of existing services; cooperates with the state and Anoka County to initiate and administer traffic safety programs. Public Works Maintenance Objective: To maintain the City of Fridley's streets, alleys, sidewalks, storm sewers, municipal garage and municipal equipment at the desirable high standards of service and to reduce the depreciation of the original investment. Description: Activities within this group include maintenance of City streets, street sweeping, snow and ice control, installation and maintenance of traffic safety devices and lighting, storm sewer maintenance, repair and maintenance of City-owned vehicles and equipment, and maintenance of the municipal garage and yard. .., XXVI ^F CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDGET OVERVIEW CHARTS AND GRAPHS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COSTS 1,000,0001 900,000- — 800,000- 700,000- — 600,000- 500,000- — 400,000- 300,000- — 200,000- 100,000. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 DEPARTMENT: Parks & Recreation ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Naturalist $103,685 $152,275 $152,987 $ 71,281 $ 74,360 Parks 363,460 426,256 367,487 563,639 606,359 Recreation 232,159 260,620 301,621 300,880 332,138 -- TOTAL $699,304 $839,151 $822,095 $935,800 $1,012,857 % Change +8.23% j _ PERCENTAGE OF GENERAL FUND BUDGET 21.3% 23.3% 20.7% 21.5% 20.5% 1980 PROGRAMS INCLUDE: NATURALIST PARKS RECREATION 225 Nature Internretation 228 Tree Removal Subsidy 266 Recreation 227 North Park Nature Center 237 Park Administration Administration 251 Athletic Areas 292 Athletics/Sports .—, 252 Buildings/Structures 293 Aquatics 253 Grounds/Turfs 294 Special Events 254 Ice Area Maintenance 295 Hobbies Clubs 255 Landscape Trees 296 Instructional 256 Beach/Water Area Activities — 257 Weed Abatement 297 Playgrounds 298 Special Events XXVII _ CITY OF FRIDLEY 1980 BUDOET OVERVIEW PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT The City of Fridley Park, Recreation and Natural Resource Department, while having several functions, has but one common goal: To provide safe, healthful, creative leisure time programs and facilities to meet the needs and interests of the City's residents, regardless of race, age or physical condition. This department provides year-round recreation activities for all residents and maintains over 500 acres of park lands, including 44 parks and natural history areas. Natural Resource Division - Objective: To plan, develop and provide a wide range of environmental interpretive programs utilizing any available natural area within the City; to develop and maintain these areas in cooperation with other departments and agencies; and to provide interpretive services for all age groups on a public demand basis; to plan and provide a complete Shade Tree Disease Control Program under guidelines set forth by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and related state statutes. Description: The Natural Resources staff provides assistance to local school districts in an effort to promote environmental interpretive programs for students and teachers. This service is also extended to all age groups of the general public through special classes offered by the staff. By identification and assistance in the disposal of diseased trees on public and private lands, the staff carries out a complete shade tree disease control program. In related activities, the staff is also responsible for the maintenance and construction of interpretive trails, signs and other physical elements of natural areas within the City. On a reimbursement basis, the staff is available to local groups and organizations to provide general extension and advisement activites related to the natural environment. Park Division _ Objective: To provide well-planned and well-maintained active and passive park areas for the public's benefit. Description: The Park staff provide general maintenance on a year-round schedule with special maintenance where required. The Park Division also operates an active nursery for transplanting trees and shrubs on City-owned property. Recreation Division Objective: To assess the varied recreation needs and interests of City residents and to plan, —• develop and provide activity programs to meet the needs and interests of all. Description: The Recreation staff plan, develop, and provide a wide variety of activity offerings on a ... year-round basis in an attempt to meet the needs and interests of all residents. Where possible, the staff provides leadership to promote cooperation and coordination among other agencies and organized groups in an effort to produce a total community recreation program. XXVIII CITY ORGANIZATION FOR SERVICE A = City of Fridley, 1980 Minnesota .., t CITIZENS OF FRIDLEY I I CITY COUNCIL 1 PLANNING COMMISSION OTHER COMMISSIONS Planning Commission Police Commission Community Development Commission CATV Commission Appeals Commission * Charter Commission Parks & Recreation Commission Human Resources Commission Enviornmental Quality Commission * Independent Commission Only Funding Provided by City CITY ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL MANAGEMENT ..■ CITY MANAGER CENTRAL SERVICES/ DATA PROCESSING FINANCE PUBLIC FIRE PUBLIC PUB RECREATION SAFETY XX X City of Fridley Minnesota CITY ADMINISTRATIVE —' CITY 7IANAGER "' Administrative Asst./Personnel Officer ManagementlAnalyst City Manager's Secretary Economic Dev. Asst. Clerk Typist '^ PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS (39) RECREATION (12) Public Works Director) Parks and Recreation Director Operations 'Analyst Public Works Secretary Parks & Rec. Secretary Community Development Division Asst. P. Wks. Director (11) Naturalist/Resource Engineering Tech. Coordinator Recreation Eng. Aide/Admin. Supervisor Eng. Aide/Inspection .., Prograill Chief Building Official (4) Supervisor Environmental Officer Plumbing Inspector Foreman (7) Clerk/Secretary Senior Parkkeeper City Planner (3) 2 Opr. & Maint. Spec. Associate Planner 3 Opr. & Maint. Persons Clerk/Secretary Public Works Maintenance Division Supt. of Public Works (25) Clerk/secretary Street Foreman (13) Water Foreman (5) Sewer Forman (5) Sr. Street Operator Sr. Water Operator 2 Sr. Sewer Operators 3 Heavy Equip. Opr. 2 Opr. & Maint. Spec. 2 Opr. & Maint.Persons Opr. & Maint. Spec. Opr. & Maint. Person 4 Opr. & Maint. Persons Chief Mechanic Mechanic Opr. & Maint. Spec. XXXI ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 1980 (125) Director Central Services/Data Processing (10) General ALcountant Sr. Utility Bill. Clk. Purchasing Agent Custodian Payables/Data Proc. Clk. Utility Billing Clerk Purch. Clerk (Civic Center) Liquor Acct. Clerk Word Process.Opr. PUBLIC SAFETY (39) FIRE (6) FINANCE (13) Assistant City Manager/ Assistant City Manager/ Public Safety Director Fire Chief Finance Director Police Secretary (C.D. Dir) Finance Secretary Deputy Fire Chief Receptionist/Lic.Clk. Captain Cashier 2 Firefighters Deputy P.S.D. Lieutenant Clerk Typist II (C.D.) 5 Sergeants 3 Corporals ** 18 Police Officers 1 Neighborhood Serv. Coord. 4 Police Technicians 4 Office Assistants Liquor Division Property T.x Division Liquor Store Manager (4) Assessor (5) Asst. Liquor Store Mgr. 2 Appraisers 2 Liquor Store Clerks Tax Assessment Clerk Senior Assmt. Clerk MINN * Human Services Asst. Fully funded through federal and state funds ** Additionally there are two S.T.E.P. Officers federally funded until September 30, 1980 r (--)= Number of full time employees XXXII PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Kt? City of Fridley, Resource Page_ P Al Minnesota Allocation Plan ORDINANCE NO. 702 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1980 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1: That the annual budget of the City of Fridley for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1980 which has been submitted by the City Manager and modified and approved - by the City Council is hereby adopted, the total of the said budget and the major divisions thereof being as follows: ESTIMATE OF REVENUE GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS - General Property Tax $2,379,808 General Government Special Assessments 8,300 Legislative $ 126,427 Licenses General and Financial Contractors 12,800 Management 541,337 Business 79,045 Civic Center 129,871 Other 3,600 Public Safety Permits 86,650 Police 1,304,146 Grants and Shared Fire and Taxes 1,367,855 Civil Defense 369,369 - Charges for Services 102,960 Public Works Fines and Forfeitures 85,000 Code Enforcement and Interest Earnings 129,250 Planning 281,146 Other Misc. Revenue 45,550 Engineering and Public Insurance Refund (Police Works Maintenance 887,891 - and Fire Pensions 96,101 Recreation Transfers Naturalist and Seal Coating 55,000 Parks and Recreation 1,012,857 State Aid Surplus 56,000 - Revenue Sharing Fund 230,000 Liquor Fund 85,000 Other -0- General Fund Surplus 115,125 Reserve 285,000 TOTAL: GENERAL FUND $4,938,044 $4,938,044 OTHER FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Com Dev Block Grant 120,000 120,000 - STEP Fund 121,000 121,000 Teen Center Fund 12,500 12,500 State Aid Funds 328,000 328,000 Revenue Sharing Funds 230,000 230,000 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS - Civic Center Bond Fund 39,524 39,524 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund 79,100 79,100 ... TOTAL: OTHER FUNDS $ 930,124 $ 930,124 TOTAL: ALL FUNDS $5,868,168 $5,868,168 SECTION 2: That the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting entries to be made in the books of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 1ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1979. WILLIAM J. NEE - rfAY R ATTEST: ITY CLERK MAR . BRUN LL Public Hearing: September 17, 1979 - First Reading: September 24, 1979 Second Reading: October 1, 1979 Publish : October 10, 1979 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 11;:r City of Fridley, Resource Page_ ,' Minnesota Allocation REVENUE SUMMARY Plan ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED =STIMATED ACC'T REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET NO. REVENUE 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 GENERAL FUND: General Property Tax 3011 Tax Levies-Current 1,658,196 1,791,634 1,863,500 1,863,500 1,939,808 1,938,808 3021 Tax Levies-Delinquent 37,904 35,454 31,000 31,000 36,000 36,000 -- 3013 Tax Forfeit Sale Apportior -0- 11,846 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 3015 Homestead Credit 292,518 301,617 320,058 320,058 400,000 400,000 Subtotal 1,988,618 2,140,551 2,219,558 2,219,558 2,379,808 2,379,808 3033 Special Assessments 5,116 9,362 5,600 8,300 8,300 8,300 Licenses 3110 Contractors 9,520 12,375 8,300 12,345 12,800 12,800 3111 Business 62,485 76,882 78,239 77,570 79,045 79,045 ■ 3112 Other _ 4,831 3,265 _ 5,800 3,200 3,600_ 3,600 Subtotal 76,836 92,522 92,339 93,115 95,445 95,445 3120 Permits 114,407 87,346 82,750 85,300 86,650 86,650 Intergovernmental 3314 C.E.T.A. 147,757 249,385 -0- 120,000 -0- -0- 3315 Civil Defense 10,933 5,501 11,020 5,500 5,500 5,500 3320 Other Federal Grants 17,085 34,136 7,000 9,600 9,600 9,600 �- 3341 State Aid Streets 26,625 26,205 26,205 26,205 26,205 26,205 3350 State Shared Taxes 752,170 905,499 988,765 1,102,550 1,304,250 1,304,250 3355 Other State Grants 51,591 35,254 -0- 7,300 7,300 7,300 3360 State Tree Subsidy 45,733 16,285 17,262 15,245 15,000 15,000 3370 Local Grants 2,000 2,748 -0- -0- -0- -O- ... Subtotal 1,053,894 1,275,013 1,050,252 1,286,400 1,367,855 1,367,855 Charges for Services 3510 General 12,418 11,897 11,210 8,535 10,985 10,985 -- 3520 Public Safety 15,938 18,858 15,624 17,660 17,675 17,675 3530 Conservation of Health 19,160 20,014 19,665 19,300 19,250 19,250 3580 Recreation 52,239 53,300 51,557 51,440 55,050 55,050 Subtotal 99,755 104,069 98,056 96,935 102,960 102,960 3610 Fines and Forfeitures 79,166 85,789 79,000 80,000 85,000 85,000 Revenue From Use of Money and Property 3810 Interest Earned 85,069 129,074 85,000 117,500 117,500 117,500 -- 3820 Rents 10,237 11,748 4,000 11,000 11,750 11,750 Subtotal 95,306 140,822 89,000 128,500 129,250 129,250 Miscellaneous 3840 Sale of Property 28,346 27,223 18,600 26,700 26,750 26,750 3860 Donations 14,549 12,068 8,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 3950 Police/Fire Pension Refunds 88,101 96,078 88,100 96,095 96,095 96,101 3950.001 Miscellaneous Refunds 11,598 7,194 7,500 6,900 6,800 6,800 -- Subtotal 142,594 142,563 122,200 141,695 141,645 141,bbl Transfers From Other Funds 3962.010 State Aid Seal Coating 36,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 55,000 3962.011 State Aid Surplus 40,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 68,000 56,000 3962.012 Federal Revenue Sharing 200,505 186,520 217,000 217,000 230,000 230,000 3963.014 Anti-Recession 23,063 12,108 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3962.035 Liquor 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 90,000 85,000 .- 3962 Other - S.A. 175 -0- 500 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 384,743 388,628 ' 417,500 417,000 448,000 426,000 2600 General Fund Surplus _ 94,750 115,125 '� TOTAL - REVENUES - GENERAL FUND 4040,435 4$66,665 .4051005 4,556,803 4,844,913 4,938,044 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 11;:r City of Fridley, Resource Page 3,� Minnesota REVENUE SUMMARY Allocation Pun ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ACCT REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET NO. 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 OTHER FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Teen Center Fund (09) 3314 CETA -0- 6,126 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3580 Charges for Services -0- 4,221 -0- 7,525 12,500 12,500 3810 Interest Earnings -0- 54 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3860 Donations 1,000 -0- 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -. Subtotal 1,000 10,401 1,000 7,525 12,500 12,500 Comm. Development Fund (10) 3314 CETA -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3320 Federal Grants 3,073 35,545 -0- 101,382 120,000 120,000 Subtotal 3,073 35,545 -0- ' 101,382 120,000 120,000 State Aid Fund (11) 3340 State Aid Apportionment 132,644 211,909 211,909 211,909 200,000 200,000 -- 3810 Interest Earned 64,267 67,804 64,000 64,000 65,000 65,000 3962 Transfers from Other Funds 50,286 -0- -0- -0- 10,000 10,000 2600 From Retained Earnings -0- -0- 51,000 -0- 53,000 53,000 Subtotal 247,197 279,713 326,909 275,909 328,000 328,000 Revenue Sharing Fund (12) 3320 Federal Grants 194,979 218,387 216,612 223,712 223,712 223,712 3810 Interest 3,733 4,734 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 2600 From Surplus 2,288 2,288 Subtotal 198,712 223,121 220,112 227,712 230,000 230,000 Anti-Recession Fund (14) _ 3320 Federal Grants 11,446 -0- -0- -0- -0- -O- 3810 Interest 662 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 12,108 -0- -0-' -0- -0- -0- S.T.E.P. Fund (15) -• 3314 CETA -0- 811 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3320 Federal Grants -0- 6,588 -0- 19,763 21,000 21,000 3962 Transfers from Other Funds -0- 27,316 -0- 100,237 100,000 100,000 "" Subtotal -0- 34,715 -0- 120,000 121,000 121,000 TOTAL SPECAIL REVENUE FUNDS 462,090 583,495 548,021 732,528 811,500 811,000 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Civic Center Bond Fund 3011 Property Taxes 37,936 41,556 39,102 39,102 38,024 38,024 3810 Interest 1,475 2,179 1,000 1,400 1,500 1,500 Subtotal 39,411 43,735 40,102 40,502 39,524 39,524 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - Capital Improvement Fund (25) 3011 Property Taxes 46,120 44,133 42,500 42,500 44,100 44,100 3810 Interest 4,094 10,961 4,000 6,000 10,000 10,000 3962 Transfers from Other -. Funds 31,435 30,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Subtotal 81,694 85,094 71,500 73,500 79,100 79,100 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 583,150 712,324 659,623 846,530 930,124 930,124 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 4,623,585 5,178,989 5,010,628 5,403,333 5,775,037 5,868,168 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 f- City of Fridley, Resource Page 4 ,� Minnesota Allocation EXPENSE SUMMARY Plan ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 01 City Council 60,001 61,993 76,230 74,705 82,427 78,506 02 Planning copmmission 20,893 23,008 30,944 30,944 33,552 31,924 03 Other Commissions 11,624 8,664 13,654 13,532 16,525 15,997 05 General Mangement 113,418 144,231 138,950 140,816 186,926 151,692 06 Personnel 13,404 24,028 25,329 24,864 28,710 27,449 08 Legal 44,177 53,134 52,916 52,468 58,159 54,892 10 Elections 8,835 16,289 11,669 10,456 27,825 27,825 11 Accounting 121,973 129,647 142,349 145,824 169,720 153,054 12 Assessor 90,338 111,387 108,893 110,274 144,052 126,425 Total General Government 484,663 572,381 600,934 603,883 747,896 667,764 CIVIC CENTER 30 Civic Center 109,647 102,444 124,320 126,160 149,604 129,871 PUBLIC SAFETY ... 19 Police 942,655 1,114,896 1,161,498 1,191,291 1,332,699 1,305,146 20 Animal Control 12,427 22 Fire 266,394 315,568 297,193 303,260 444,559 347,596 25 Civil Defense 18,254 15,838 23,845 23,845 21,773 21,773 'm Total Public Safety 1,239,730 1,446,302 1,482,536 1,518,396 1,799,031 1,673,515 PUBLIC WORKS 27 Code Enforcement 158,126 175,211 160,631 158,223 213,869 181,188 28 Planning 66,774 87,069 97,136 93,609 119,504 99,958 36 Engineering 86,192 91,553 93,654 90,022 102,469 99,754 37 Public Works Maintenance 617,650 674,761 730,994 723,172 844,465 788,137 Total Public Works 928,7421,028,594 1,082,415 1,065,026 1,280,307 1 1,169,037 RECREATION 45 Naturalist 152,275 152,987 71,281 72,286 101,696 74,360 47 Parks 426,256 367,487 563,639 572,444 673,101 606,359 48 Recreation 260,620 301,621 300,880 304,431 362,255 332,138 Total Recreation 839,151 822,095 935,800 949,161 1,137,052 1,012,857 RESERVE 49 Reserve for Contingencies 125,000 285,000 285,000 TOTAL - EXPENSE - GENERAL FUND 3,601,933 3,971,816 4,351,005 4,262,626 5,398,890 4,938,044 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Resource Page ,� Minnesota Allocation • EXPENSE SUMMARY Plan ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED =STIMATED EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 OTHER FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Teen Center Fund -0- 9,735 1,000 7,525 12,500 12,500 Community Development Block Grant Fund 3,073 26,009 -0- 101,382 120,000 120,000 State Aid Fund 203,935 335,084 326,909 326,909 328,000 328,000 Revenue Sharing Fund 200,505 186,520 220,112 220,112 230,000 230,000 Anti-Recession Fund 23,063 12,108 -0- -0- -0- -0- STEP Fund -0- 32,706 -0- 120,000 121,000 121,000 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Civic Center Bond Fund 36,306 34,479 40,102 38,600 39,524 39,524 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund -0- -0- 71,500 71,500 79,100 79,100 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 466,882 636,641 659,623 886,028 930,124 930,124 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 4,068,815 4,608,457 5,010,628 5,433,654 6,334,514 5,868,168 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Fi. l City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 6 , Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CCCI DIPMTNINT GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT ADOPTED - DIV PROGRAM GROUP EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST B1� T 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 CITY COUNCIL _ - - _ - PERSONAL SERVICES 43,351 47,063 49,910 49,910 53,490 51,056 OTHER EXPENSES 16,650 14,786 26,320 24,795 28,937 27,450 - CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- 144 -0- -0- -0- -0- SUBTOTAL 60,001 61,993 76,230 74,705 82,427 78,506 - PLANNING COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICES _ 16,415 18,557_ 23,336_ 23,186 24,981 _ 23,924 _ OTHER EXPENSES _ 4,478 4,308 7,608 7,758 8,570 8,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - SUBTOTAL , 20,893 _ 23,008 30,944 30,994 33,552 , 31,924 OTHER COMMISSIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 4,453 4,364 7,427 7,560 7,965 7,693 - OTHER EXPENSES 7,171 4,300 6,227 5,972 8,560 8,304 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- , -0- -0- -0- -0- SUBTOTAL 11.624 8,664 13,654 13,532 16,525 15,997 Department Total 92,518 93,665 120,828 119,181 132,504 126,427 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 7 ir-� City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page ,! Minnesota Allocation Plan NND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE TIIMAY •IOUP cal GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 CITY COUNCIL 01 ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. NNpp . 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 — 41O0'SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 9,619 11,67/ 11,515 11,515 12,321 4100 11,8/U . H- 1EGULAVEhPLOYEES 1,135 _ 1,805 1,343 1,343 1,282 1.282 4T1-0 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 38 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 889 .- 4120 SALARIES T MPORARY EMPLOYEES 27,702 28.281 29,828 29.828 31,916 4120 30,068 — 1I5URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 10,858 11.068 11.068 11.068_ 11.108 11,108 j 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE __ 1.49.1- 1,515 2.13a 2.130 2.279 4131 2.194., .. 4TIFENIKITYITTISIMIa- 1 445 2 435 2_677 2 677 2.95Q 4132 2,90Q 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 3 f1511 2;p5; 3.7611 3:760 4-J1244133 4.024 1 TOTAL HOURS 12.882, 12.882 12.411 12.411 12,39C 12,390 tgigpJi` i.mnceS-SUB TOTAL 43 151 47 (161 49 914 49 9j1 53 49Q 51.056 . 4200 bFFIC�E SUPPLIES 700 850 1.103 1.400 1.45C4200 1,400 4210.N0N OFFICE SUPPLIES 93 54 324 324 3544210 350 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES— 4211 4216 CHEMICALS _ 4216 _ : 4217 CLOTHINII AIIOW NMI CE - 4217' -. ; 4220 REPAIR 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ 54 5Q 594220 50 3 4221 REPAIR 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 4221 4222 REP 8 MAINT SUPPLIE HE VW------ 4222 4223 REP 8 MAINT'TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4223 _ 4230 SMALL TOOLS p pp pp 60C'4230 �p p_ 0 " 4310 COOMMUNICATIONSERVICES -- 77 2,291 6 119 5 119 6 22543 0 6-980 • `: 4330 ADVERTISING 2382 807 3,210 2,718 3,5314330 3,500 W ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 2,181 1,509 3,000 2,80C 3,3004340 3,000 .- > 4350 INSURANCE 599 845 99C 990 1,08 4350 1,000 D 4360 UTILITIES 4360 i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 c 4 4371 REPAIR 8 MAINTENANCE-EQU IPMENT 183 33C 28C 3724371 300 ►' 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 _ — : 4373 CREEP 3 MIT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 4373 4774 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING — 4374 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27 99C, aa 1,06 4375 ' 1.000 j 4380 RENTAL 24 28 14 7 4380 50 1 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS �.�8,121 8,262 8,200 R.20C 8.61 4401 8.600 — : 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES'COOLS 22711 63 2 llnc 2.001 2,20 4403 2,000 5 4404,LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES —SUB TOTAL 1G\AI;fi ld 7 Jjj 2I l2f 9a 7QG 2ckQ37 27 45f1, 4500 LAND X4500 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES _ 4510 i i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIRES _ 14a - 4520 _ 4530 MACHINERY 8 AUTO EQUIPMENT _ 4530 a o' 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454b CAPITAL OUTLAY —sus TOTAL 144 Program Group Total 60,001 61,993 76,23C 74,70E 82,421 78,506 PRIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 � 8 F\ City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page IP Minnesota Allocation . Plan FUND CODS DEW TMENT CODS DIVISION COot w FNOo$P cool GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 ! IN M PLANNING COMM. 02 ■ ACTUA_ -ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC NQ . 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 8,622 10 053 12,762 12,762 13,656 4100 13,048' HOURS EEGULAR EMPLOYEES _ 1X399 1,383 2,132 2,132 2,040 2,040 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 836 799 998 790 1,068 4110 800 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 81 80 94 79 75 75_ 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 3,890 4.055 4.898 4.898 5.241 4120 5,200 W HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1.026 1.300 1.225 1.225 1.200 1,200 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES c 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE -1336 1,541 2,3611 2,3/8 2,525 4131 2,411" _„ 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 541 /54 ' b9G- b8U /50 4132 /43 4133'EMPLOYEE PENSION 1, 184 1,355 1,628 1,6/8 1,141 413 I,772' TOTAL HOURS 2,506 2,163 3,451 3,436 3,31 3,315 PgR20A ERVICES-SUB TOTAL 16,4310 18,W4 23,34g 23 186 24 981 23,924 4200 OFFICEE SUPPLII 300 334 484 84 534 421$ 500 - 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 75 35 109 100 120 4210 100 4211 FUELS AND LUBES- - 4211 4216 CHEMICA4S W[i 4217 CLOTHING■ALLOWANCE �, : 4220 REPAIR 6 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ (A B 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 48 Hill 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4230 SMALL TOOLS - 4230 -- W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,024 2,010 2,226 4300 2 000 a • 4310 COMMUNICATION _ 909 955' 1,202 1,402 1,525 4310 1,300 W s 4330 ADVERTISING 11067 1,259 1,339 1,226 1,473 4330 1,400 W ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 1,412 1,426 1,681 1,631 1,850 4340 1,800 4350 INSURANCE ' _ 4350 "" s 4360 UTILITIES l: ] -_ V 4370 REPAIR b MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 c : 4371 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-EQUI ENT- 57 100 200 202 226 4371 200 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 - : 43 P A MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS (E] `i MT REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING -~ L L3 3 4375- OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 120 � g 4380 RENTAL L!<111J t 4401 DUES & SUBSCRTPTIONS 7 209 209 21: . s 200 4403 TRAVEL CONFERENCES�CHOOLS 296 151 360 494 39: 4403 300 5 4420 REFUNDS/REIMBURSE-' _ 235 %420 WHIR EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL 4,418 4,308' /JAW /,/58 8,5/ 8,000' 4500 LAND _ 4500 -„ 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ,A _ 4510 -- -, i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES _ 143 WIN P- '-' 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 7.1 g o' 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 143 -' Program Group Total 20,893 23,008 30,944 30,944 33,551 31,924 RIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET ITY NO DATE REQ 19 80 Note: The Planning Commission Program Group budget is subdivided into the Planning Commission and member Commissions program budgets as follows: Planning Commission $ 12,723 Community Development 2,637 Appeals Commission 10,796 Parks & Recreation Commission 1,482 Environmental Quality Comm. 1,945 Human Resources Commission 2,341 . $31,924 Note: The City Council will review and allocate monies .. for the newly created Energy Commission during 1980. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Fa= City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page_ / Minnesota Allocation Plan WINO COOS OE►INThINT Coot (*VISION coo[ ,wawa GROUP of , GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE - ACTUA_ ACTUAL I aa OT SION 93 , SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET ,_ SEC yp 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 , 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 2,518 2,207 4,324 4,324 4,628 4100 4,413 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 318 300 451 451 460 451 4710 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 465, _ 830 731 831 , 782 4110 782 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _ _ 41 82 61 61 58 61 -- ' 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 550 424 797 874, 853 4120 850 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 134 120 199 199 192 198 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 7I HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 390_ 344_ 800 750 856 4131 815_ --- —141 142 234 234 251 413 25.1 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 389 417 541 547 595 4133 586 , TOTAL HOURS 490 502 711 711 710 710 '4200 OFFICE SUPPLI, WIVICES-SUS TOTAL 4.453 4.364 7.427 7.5Q, 7.965 7.693 725 83 216 216 275 4200 260 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 5 4210 4211 FUELS AND LUBEC 4216 CHEMICAO _ _ Egli 4217 CLOTHINt1 LEWANCE "" ; 4220 REPAIR 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL S iiiii 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLLIIESS-E IP ® - *4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES- THER (07------------ fii44 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS LL4I — 4230 SMALL TOOLS _ I a PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4.388 2.499 2.925 2.825 4.000 4300 3.980, iii• ; 4310 COMMUNICATION 424 365 776 7Z6 8774310 854 ▪ g 4330 ADVERTISING 526 745 700 650 770 4330 755 x 0 4340 PRINTING & COPYING - -'164 249 610 560' 730 4340 705 "" W g 4350-INSURANCE _ I a 4360 UTILITIES _ 4360 W 4370 REPAIR 6 MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ _ 4370 o 4 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 4371 " — E 4372 REP A MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 _ 4373 REP MATT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS _ 4373 `: 474 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 3 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4375 __ i'4380 REM L 38 50 45 5 4380 50 1 4401-DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 50 50, 50 50 15 .4401 100 4403-TRAVEL CONFERENCES, SCHOOLS 846 304 900 900 1.70 4403 1.600, 5 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES —SUS TOTAk _ '4500-LAND _ 4500 4 TO BUILDINGS NO STRUCTURES _ ` �— (,I(] -- i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES `_ - l'� t pi 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT _ TI — • 3 0' 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454.1 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY —SUS TOTAL 7171 4,300 6,227 5,912 8,560 8,304' Program Group Total 11,624 8,664 13,654 13,532 16,52 15,997 PRIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET -- PITY NO DATE REQ 1980 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 f� City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 10 ,• Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND COOK 0[PMTM[NT GENERAL 01 CITY MANAGEMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT ADOPTED ._ DIV PROGRAM GROUP EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQ9U8EOST ADOPTE GENERAL MANAGEMENT - PERSONAL SERVICES 81,838 115,040 99,047 99,353 109,947 108,905 ' OTHER EXPENSES 28,902 26,435 37,253 38,013 72,220 39,705 �, CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,678 2,756 a 2,650 3,450 4,759 - 3,082 SUBTOTAL 113,418 144,231 138,950 140,816 186,926 151,692 - PERSONNEL PERSONAL SERVICES 12,319 21,335 18,903 18,970 21,450 21,147 _, OTHER EXPENSES 1,085 ` 2,568 6,426 5,894 - 7,058 6,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- 125 -0- -0- 202 202 - SUBTOTAL , 13,404 24,028 25,329 24,864 28,710 27,449 LEGAL -PERSONAL SERVICES 261 -0- 2,816 2,768 3,409 2,792 OTHER EXPENSES 43,916 53,134 50,100 49,700 55,110 52,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0-_, -0- -0- - -0- SUBTOTAL 44.177 53.134 52.916 52.468 58.159 54,892 m. Department Total ( 170,999 221,393 1 217,195 218,148 273,795 234,033 m. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 - - City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 11 p Minnesota Allocation Plan - FUND COOS cowman' CODS-DIVISION CODE FROWN GROUP eanr ENERAL 01 GENERAL MANAGEMENT 02 u!I! =u 1 r U, I SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET - SEC" NQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100_'SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 60,547 84,805 65,//1 66,144 72,375 4100 72,006 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 8,849 12,720 8,599 8,599 9,513 9,513 4 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMP1YEES --T6'- 13_ 803 653 860 4110' 860" HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 2 7 99 81 99 97- -- 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 890 1,175 7,589 7,480 8,121 4120 8,171- HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _237 312 1,89T 1,896 1,897 1,897 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES ... s 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 9,890 13,239 12,914 13,014 14,791 4131 14,310 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE* 2,848 4,957 3,583 3,583 4,200 4132 4,104 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 7,648 10,851 8,387 8,479 9,600 4133, 9,504 TOTAL HOURS 9,088 13,034 10,595 10.576 11,509 11,509 4200 OFFICE SUPPLL EIERVICES-SUB TOTAL 81.838 115.040 99.047 99.353 109.947 108.90 3,977 3,521 3,135 3,566 3,550 4200 3,500 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 723 2.389 _ 2,000 1,890 2,500 4210 2,415 4211 FUELS AND LUBES- i 32_ 10 100 80 135,4211 100 4216 CHEMICALS __ 4216 4217 CLOTHING L NWI CE _ 187 4217 4220 REPAIR 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ 43 700 600 770 4220 700_ 3 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP _ 557 800 798 880 4221 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER I P 4222 4223 REP & MAINT-SUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4223 - 4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2.334 878 3.000 7.800 33,000 4300 2.250 s : MO COMMUNICATION 4,908_ 5,602 7 S00 7"900 8_475 4310 7 990 m `: 4330 ADVERTISING _ _ 933 snn 1 10(1„ 1,400 1 425 4330 1 400 x ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 8,107 5 540 10"027 q 650 11"030 4340 q"RSn , W 1 4350 INSURANCE _ 1.ng6_ 1,260 1,486 1,582 1,i35 4350 1,Sgn_ i`4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 17 4370 c 4 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT L 63[L 397 1 475 1"846 2 nnn 4371 1,971 .. - MT-TO & MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 4373 4t REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 E 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 277 33 1,425 1,100 1,539 4375 1,250 s 4380 RENTAL 59 64 104 110 4380 100 -" 1 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 621 1,458 900 1,032 1,150 4401 1,100 : 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES. SCHOOLS 3,123 3,878 3,655 3,655 4,021 4403 3,989 5 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUR TOTAL 28.902 26.435 37,253 38.013 72.220 39,705 4500 LAND 4500 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 4510 '< 4520 FURNITURE AND EIX'IURES 2,678 2 L756 6504 3.450 4,759 4520 3,082 I- 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT _ _ 4530 E $ 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4541 _. CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 2.678 2.756 2.650 3.450 4.759 3.082 1 Program Group Total 113,418 144,231 138,950 140,816 186,926 151,692 RIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET ITY NO DATE REQ 1980 *Includes unemployment Comp. Acct. #4134 in the - amount of $1,000 for 1980. 1 4520 Desk and chair 1 Feb 80 455 455 2 4520 Chairs 1 Feb 80 150 150 3 4520 Calculator with tape 1 Jun 80 200 200 "' 4 4520 Two typewriters 1 Mar 80 1,750 875 5 4520 Tape Deck/visual sync; recorder and speakers 1 Jan 80 1,200 1,200 6 4520 Two files 1 Mar 80 404 202 7 4520 Davenport 600 -0- $4,759 $3,082 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 F,- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 12 , Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PROEMS SWOP CWL _lENFRAL 01 GENERAL MANAGEMENT 02 PERSONNEL 06 DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. yQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 40 10 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 9,292 15,767 13,858 13,858 15,500 4100 15,172r." HOURS REGULAR EMPLO E SEE SE 1086__1,588 1,617 1,617 1,617 1,617 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLES 17 I HOURS OT REGULAR EMPc0YEEEf- 22 .. 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 158 150 4120 1URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 162 158 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 1,491 2,458 2,564 2,564 2,950 4131 2,845 - (°, 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 424 912 748 665 900 4132 877 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 1.162 2.023 1.733 1.733 2,190 4133 2,031 TOTAL HOURS 1.086 1.772 1.617 1_775 1.617 1,617 Pf, � ERVICES-SUN TOTAL 19 '114 91,335 12 9f13 12 9Zn 21 45n 21.186 4200 OFFICES 117 175 314 250 345 4200 - 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 42 109 90' 120 (f4b1 100 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBEf-- -- (W] 4216 CHEMICA S - (Y 4217 CLOTHINEK ALLOWANCE - - 4220 REPAIR AINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ ((fKj 1 6 M 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUMP LIES-EQUIP W41 -- 4222. REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP - ([Yk l -----4223 REP & MAINT IUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4230 SMALL TOOLS `- - ( II -. W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 17 1,817 4,250 1,850 CM] 4,000 r, • 4310 COMMUNICATION _ --24 106 55 40_ b2 vim - • 5'0 W `: 4330 ADVERTISING 110 90 121 (ickTI1 100' x u 4340 PRINTING 6 COPYING 297 274 1,069 774 1 176 (iIZII] 1,000 .. W g fl'4350 INSURANCE - 68 L1 e: 4360 UTILITIES L - _ 4370 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ LEM __ 6 < 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIMEM WM ----' 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS LE '" : 43 P & IT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS WE : 4 74" REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING B 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 49 WM 1 4380 RENTAL 4401 DUES 3 SUBSCRIPTIONS 430 63 ( ,4 .15 56 Lull 250 = 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES_CHOOLS 109 i3 WA II J 4404 LAUNDRY LID OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 1 nRF 2 c,6R 6,.476 cg94 7 n5R 6 'inn 4500 LAND _ , 4500 - 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURE-_ ___ _ Lam -- i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES- _125 202 ( ] 202 t rJ- 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQU f ENT lI a o' 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454b CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 125 202 202 - Program Group Total 13,404 24,028 25,329 24,864 28,710 27,449 RIO.ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET ITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4520 File Cabinet 1/1/80 202 202 -- $202 $202 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Pagel_ — p Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND coo[ DEPARTMENT COOS DIVISION Cool FICHINAN wow coot GENERAL 01 GENERAL MANAGEMENT 13 LEGAL 08 ACTUA_ ACTUAL EPT - SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. Ng. 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 '- 410 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 145 4100 HOURS SEGULALOYEES 18 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 67 _ 2.756 2 69a 2 9494116" 2_70-5- HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 28 518 521 wl 515 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _._ 4120 --A URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES ' 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 22 4131 , °, 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 9 a_— 60 72_ 100 4132 _92.1 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS— 18 4133 TOTAL HOURS 46 518 521 561 515 Pr�qQ�A iERVICES-SUS TOTAL 261 2 2 (laq 2 709 4200-OFFIC SUPPLIES 50 100, In l lr 4200 'inn 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 4210 4211 FUELS AND LUBES— 421r 4216 CHEMICALS 421.6 4217 CLOTHING LI NVI NCE 4217 — ; 4220 REPAIR b MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 4220 3 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 4221 4222 REP S MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP '4322" 4223 REP & MAINT CUE151.IES-BUILDINGS--- _-` _ 4223 - _4230 SMALL TOOLS — 4230 -' W 4300 PROFESSION LACES 43.866 53 0"24 5n non aa,A0a _5,000 4300 52,400 b • 4310 COMMUNICATION 4310 W = 4330 ADVERTISING _` 4330 x ° 4340 PRINTING & COIY NG _ 4340 W = 4350 INSURANCE _ 4350 _ it 4360 UTILITIES 4360 i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL '4370 c : 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 4371 —`' 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 _ 43P & MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 4373 ' '= 4374 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4375 ' $ 4380RENTAL 4380 -. `: 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 100 4401 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES�CHOOLS '4403' 6 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES —SUB TOT), 43.916 63.134 50 inn 49 Inn 56 111 62 100, 4500 LAND _ 4500 "__ — TWO-BUILDINGS N UCTURES 4510 fi 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES __ 4520 e 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 4530 li u '0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUS TOTAL .. Program Group Total 44,177 53,134 52,916 52,468 58,159 54,892 PRIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 KL.7 City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 14 Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND COD[ apMTM[NT GENERAL O1 t CENTRAL SERVICES/DATA PROCESSING ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT ADOPTED ._ DIV PROGRAM GROUP EXPENSE EXPEBNSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ADOPTS CIVIC CENTER PERSONAL SERVICES 37,049 45,134 43,970 46,150 52,238 47,971 OTHER EXPENSES 48,780 40,785 63,750 63,410 72,666 69,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 23,818 16,525 16,600 16,600 _ 24,700 _ 12,200 SUBTOTAL 109,647 102,444 124,320 126,160 149,604 129,871 PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL 109,647 102,444 124,320 126,160 149,604 129,871 Department Total PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 IMINa City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page_13___ ,� Minnesota Allocation Plan ... NNO coot. otramtNT Cool mom Coot I nrowur Crow cool GENERAL 01 CENTRAL SERVICES/DP 04 L_CIVISL U NTER In ACTUA_ ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. NO . 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100'SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 20,625 25,280 24,197 26,000 30,4064105 26,407— HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES- 3,459 _ 4,130 4,148 4,259 4,578 4,259 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES— 113 - 226 300 300 321_4116 321 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 12 24 26 25 26 _25._ — 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 8.270 9.542 9,000 9,200 9,630 4120 9,11.a0 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 2,594 2_341 2,25Q _2,250 2 250 2,250 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 10 50 4130 HOURS OT TEM EMPLOYEES 2 10 -, 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 3,19.7- 3,957 4.303 4,400 4_90(14131 4,880 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 1 191 2 207 2,120 2 inn 2 _797 4132 253 4133 EMPLOYEE mums- 3443, 1,922, 1 R50 3,on 4 2nr1-4133 4,198" 1; p��Q� TOTAL HOURS 5 Qfi7 6,495 f.,424 5 544 £,R54 6 535 i 4200 OFFICE SUPPLE pwCES-SUe TOTAL 37049 _134 43.97(1 46 lye 52.238 47.971 131 875 50 900 55 4200 50 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,017 1,936 2,000 1.500 2.200 4210 2,200 • um FUELS AND LUBES' 29 8 50 50 684211 50 4216 CHEMICALS _ _ 89 22 50 AM- : 4217 CLOTHING‘ALLOWANCE 50 50 50 55 4217 50 — e. 4220 REPAIR P L E -GEN 289 4220 1.4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-E IP _1,9•__ 154 100 300 11 4221 100 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIE - IMP 7 4222 4223 REP & MAINTTUPPLIES-BUILDINGS _g3________ 745 600 600 660 4223 600 4230 SMALL TOOLS 50. 50 55 4230 50 W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,089 2 500 2.500 2.750,4300_ 2_500 a • 4310 COMMUNICATION __ 1,109 628 1,350 1,300 1,526 431 .1,500 W `: 4330 ADVERTISING 4330 . W ° 4340 PRINTING 6 COPYING 27 4340 4350 INSURANNEE 2,414 2.043 2.500 2.578 2.750 4350 2.750 x 4360 UTILITIES 20.187 21,007 30.000 30.000 35.400 4360• 35.000 W 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 50 144 4370 c 4 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQQUIPMENT 2.650 1,946 2.500 2,500 2.825 4371 2.500 ' .� E 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 1,160 2.835• 5.250 5.250 5.933 4372 5.500 4373 REP A MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 1,402 1.501 10.000 9.000 11.000 4373 10.000 • 4374 REP 6 MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 S 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,736 1,099 4,nno 4,032 4,32(1,437r 4,000 1 4380 RENTAL 298 682 500 500 5504380 X500 — 1 4401 DUES 6 SUBSCRIPTIONS 13 4401 4403 TRAVEL CONFERENCES, SCHOOLS 18 50 50 55 4403 50 G 4404 LAUNDRY 2,049 3,024 2,200 2,200 2,354 4404 2,300 OTHER EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL 48.780 40.785 63.750 63.410, 72.666 69.700 4500 LAND 4500 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES _6147 13.938. 12.000 12.000 15.80 0,4510_ 10.800 . i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 8.872 _ 710 4520 t 4530 MACHINERY b AUTO EQUIPMENT 1,799 1.400, 1.400 4510 1.400 S c 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 7.000 1.877 4.600 4.600 7.500 454b ✓ CAPITAL OUTLAY —SUB TOTAL 23.818 16.525 16.600 16.600 24.700 12.200 Program Group Total 109,647 102,444 124,320 126,160 149,604 129,871 PRIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4510 Blower Units for Fire Department (4 units) 7/1/80 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 3 4510 Remodel Physical Fitness Room (add showers, locker " ' room, toilets and exercise equipment) 8/1/80 4,000 4,800 6 4510 Remodel Police and Park storage area 9/1/80 5,000 -0- 2 4530 Riding lawn mower to replace existing machine 6/1/80 1,400 1,400 4 4540 New drapes and rods to replace existing in Community ... Room and Council Chamber 6/1/80 3,000 -0- 5 4540 Carpeting for Court Services, Lunchroom, Lounge 6/1/80 2,000 -0- 7 4540 Landscaping - new trees, formal flower bed, drinking fountain 8/1/80 2,500 -0- "' $24,700 $12,200 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 .... FL- City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 16 /r Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND COO[ OL►NTMtNT GENERAL 01 FINANCE ACTUAL " ACTUAL DEPT DIV PROGRAM GROUP 1 ADOPTED XEN 97 G ESTIMATE 90 Byea ' ELECTIONS - PERSONAL SERVICES 5,996 14,306 8,103 8,135 21,916 21,916 OTHER EXPENSES 1,790 1,503_ 3,366 1,841 _ 3,909 3,909 -- CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,049 480 200 480 2,000 _ 2,000 SUBTOTAL 8,835 16,289 11,669 10,456 27,825 27,825 - ACCOUNTING PERSONAL SERVICES 80,480 83,171 87,289 , 94,309 110,090 99,194 OTHER EXPENSES 38,645 44,351 51,300 47,755 56,235 52,850 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,848 2,125 3,760 , 3,760 _ 3,395 1,010 -- SUBTOTAL 121,973 129,647 , 142,349 9 145,824 169,720 , 153,054 ASSESSOR _ _ _ PERSONAL SERVICES 81,119 101,413 97,408 98,924 130,282 113,110 OTHER EXPENSES 8,802 9,383 , 11,285 _ 11,150 13,345 _ 12,890 CAPITAL OUTLAY 417 591 200 , 200 425 _ 425 _ SUBTOTAL 90 33R 111 387 108.893 110.274 144.052 126.425 Department Total 221,146 257,323 1 262,911 266,554 341,597 307,304 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 _ Firf-7 City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 17 I. Minnesota Allocation Plan ANIO COW oEMRTMOIT COW DIVISION CODE our SWOP ccor GENERAL 01 FINANCE pp L P ELECTION 01 • ACTUA_ ACTUAL DEPT - SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET „r SEC. NO . 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 41_00 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,672 3,513 2,307 2,300 3,359 4100 3,359 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 278 540 400 400 550 550 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 318 1,212 _ 848 800 1,400 4110 1,406- HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 45 140 100 100 155 155_ 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 3,405 8,052 4,000 4,000 15.840 4120 15,840 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1,176 2,232 1,251 1,251 5,000 5,000 ,1 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 107 100 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 16 10 c 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 259 548 423 425 612 4131 612 ; - 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE- 93 265 257 250 263 4132 261. 1 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 249 _609, 2S5 260, 442 4133 442 - TOTAL HOURS 1,499 2.928 1.751 1.761 5.705 5.705 � {. tVICES-SUa TOTAL 5 996 14 1n6 A 1112 R 125 21 A11 91 q16 , ^. 4200 OFFIC ES 53 170 600 250 661 4200 661 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 954 143 900 250 991 4210 991 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES- '4211 - 4216 CHEMICALS _ _ 4216 4217 CLOTHINGI ALLOWANCE 4217 - if 4220 REPAIR 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 50 55,4220 55 1.4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 11 17 50 50 55 4221' 55 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER Iii 4222 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS _ .,.. 4230 SMALL TOOLS _ 4230" a _ 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 400 440 4300 440_ a • 4310 COMMUNICATION 26 65 100 60 113 4310 113 -- I=u `: 4330 ADVERTISING 209 238 250 250 275 4330 275 x ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 201 264 400 250 441 4340 441 - W g 4350 INSU1AA�l: 286 394 506 506 557 4350 557_ a 4360 UTILITIES _ 4360 I 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ 4370 S 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 4371 ----%►' 4372 REP 6 MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS .4372 4373 P 8 MAINT-BUILDINGS7GROUNDS 4373' 4374 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING - 4374 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1R6 _ 2nn 2nn 4375 200 a 4380 RENTAL 5n 55 4380 55 ■ : 4401 DUES & SUBSC1TPTIONS 4401 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCE S�SCHOOLS 5n 9A 6n 2; 66 4403 66 6 4404.LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 1,79U 1,503 3,366 1,841 3,909 3,909 4500 LAND _ 4500 _ - 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES _ 4510 i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIRES - 1,0 480 200 --80 2,000'4520 2,000 t ,m1 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 4530 7 0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454' CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL L049 420 200 420 2 Mf), 2 Mn ■ Program Group Total 8,835 16,289 11,669 10,456 27,825 27,825 RIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET _, ITV NO DATE REQ 1980 -' 1 4520 4 booths @ $90 6/80 $ 360 $ 360 2 8 voting machines at $205 6/80 1,640 1,640 $2,000 $2,000 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 - p;,- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Pagel_ Minnesota Allocation Plan --• FUND CODE 06►YITNINT 0006 OWISIOM 0006 Fl1NIYi MOWN COOS GENERAL 01 FINANCE 03 ACCOUNTING 11 ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT - ' SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET ... SEC NQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 59,428 60,146 61,522 63,135 74,948 4100 65,883 HOURSWILTFETCPCPUT 9 L196 9,231 10,293 10,313 12,313 10,746 4-1f0 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPDEES 552 813_ 400 852 912 4110 912 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 72 121 74 142 108 108_ 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1,219 2,252 1,200 1,414 3,652 4120 4,049 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 468 831 434 440' 1,323 1,452 4130 SALARIES SALARTECTrlIWORAIR-ERPERTEr 3 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE _ 9.2j1 9,119 11_.285 14.654 15.853 4131 14.178 E 2.572 3.284 4.832 4_3951 4.343 4132 4.11Q 4133 EMPLOYEE PENS1ONE-- 7.498 7.554 8.05Q, 9_863 10.382 4133 9.872 TOTAL HOURS 9.735` 10.184 10.801 10 895 13.744 12.306 per, `E EIIYICES—SUS TOTAL 051�4Rn R 7 71 R7� 9.. 4d 3n� 11 f),non 00 194 -- 4200 OFFICE SUPPLjI 2 508_ 1,531 4 500 4 2011 4.915 4200 4.500 4210'NON OFFICE SUPPLIES " 80 911 500 850 900 4210 800 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBK-- 42T1 4216 CHEMICA S _ 4216 4217 CLOTHINGN ALLO NWT CE 184 _ 4217 — 4220 REPAIR 3 L - ENE 301 200 220 4220 200 3 4221 REPAIR 6 MAINT SUPPLIES-E IP 214 54 55 55 4221 50 4222 REP 6 MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP — 4222 4223 REP I MAINTTUPPLIES-BUILDINGS__-- ' 4223 -- 4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 0-4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5_000 6.861 6,500 7.000 7,151 4300 7,Q00 OD s . 4310-COMMINICATION 3.988_ 4.268 6.000 4.300 6.500 4310 5.500 IN : 4330 ADVERTISING 65 957 400 500 500 4330 500 W " 4340 PRINTING 6 COPYING — 1.426 1.339 3.000 1.800 3.000 4340 2.500 4350 INSURANCE 1.02Z_ 1.325 1.400 1.600, 1.600 4350 1.650_ a 4360 UTILITIES 4360 i 4370 REPAIR 3 MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ 4370 c : 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-E UI — 3,251 1,267 3,000 2,495 3,391 4371 3,000 4372 REP 6 MAINT-OTHER_IMP EMENTS _ 4372 BU 4373 EP 8 MAINT- LDINGS7GROUNDS 4373 474' REP 6 MAINT-SEAL COATING —' ,4374 E 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17.946 20.186_ 22.000 1.0Q0p 23.760 4375 22.900 .� 4 4380 RENTAL 19 47 50 50 4380 50 s 4401 DUES 6 SUBSCRIPTIONS 582 747, 625 75Q_ 700 4401 700 a 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCE CHOOLS 1'717 2,758 2.975 2,955, 3.273 4403 3.300 5 4420 REFUNDS/REIMBURSE 137 100 200 200 220 4420 200 OTHER EXPENSES —SUS TOTAL 38,64; 44,351 51,300 47,755 56,235 52,850 4500 LAND _ _ 4500 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 4510 i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 1,027 2,125 3,760 3,760 3,395'4520 1,010 1- 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 1,821 4530 o' 4540rOTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454b -•. _ CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 2,848 2,125 3,760 3,760 3,395 1,010 Program Group Total 121,973 129,647 142,349 145,824 169,720 153,054 PRIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4520 Check file cabinet 1/80 $ 265 $ 265 .. 2 Hand-held calculator 1/80 30 -0- 3 2 Secretarial chairs @$125 2/80 250 (1) 125 4 Execut desk @ $500) 1/80 695 195 Executive chair @ $195) 5 1 Calculator 1/80 425 425 6 Two typewriters @ $875 1/80 1,730 -0- .. 3/80 $3,395 $1,010 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 FL-- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 19 - p Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND 600E DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE FROEN.M wow Eel E ER'L 01 FINANCE r ASSESSMENTS 12 1 _ I I I . SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. Ng 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 N 1980 - 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 57,843 74,566 65,637 64,523 88,260 4100 75,885 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 8,023 _ 9987 8,749 8,632 12,321 9,285 W 4TT0 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _1.49 _ 47 742 69 794 4110 c 794'. u HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 14 3 60 9 62 66 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 2,344 4,500 5,013 4,815 4120 5,137 W HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 451. 643 789 647" 701 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES i HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES c 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE _ 9,631 11,591 12,040 12,405 16,314 4131 14,025 -- 5,01-1i-36T 5,691 6,408 7,318 4132" 7,253 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 7,785 9,518 9,203 10,506 12,781 4133 10,01 TOTAL HOURS 8,48$_ 9,990 9,452' 9,430 13,030 10,052 PAa ` ERVICES-SUS TOTAL 81 119- 10] 4_11 97 ans 92 924 110_ 292 , 111 1 111 ' 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 566 681 950 850 1,046 4200 950 - 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 119 214 300 250 33n 4210 3nn 4211 FUELS AND LUBrS- 4211 4216 CHEMICA S _ _ 421 4217 CLOTHIN� NYI N ALLO CE 156 4/17 -- J 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 4220 1 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP �__ 4221 • 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IN F---- - 4222 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4223 4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 "' a 4300.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 500 5 55 4300 EDO a • 4310 COMMUNICATION 1,539 qq 1,951 1,500 2,088 2,100 4310 1,800 w st `: 4330 ADVERTISING 33 18/ 125 200 138 4330 130 W 3 ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 91 237 400 400 940 4340 900 > 4350 INSU1 481 486 600 550 660 4350 660 4360 UTILITIES _ 4360 'I 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 S il 4371 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 597 390 560 500 632 4371 600 E - R�5T1 EMENTS _ 4372 _ -. : 4373 PT fNT-BUILDINGS G'ZUNI 4373 - I 4374 S 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35 2nn 216 4375 200 1 4380 RENTAL 5n 4380 .. 6 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS S12 174 Acn a00 AR/ 4401 6co 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES, SCHOOLS a 3p6 a,8lz. 5,;00 5,500 6,05 4403 6,200 G 4402. LICENCES & TAXES 13 4402, OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 8,80 9,383 11,285 11,150 13,345 12,890 , 4500 LAND _ 4500 - MO-BUILDINGS MUTrillgtTURES _ 4510 i tit' 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 417 591 200 200 425 4520 425 . e 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO U ENT 4530 '0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS - 454 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUS TOTAL 417 591 200 200 425 425 Program Group Total 90,338 111,387 108,893 110,274 144,052 126,425 RIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET ITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4520 1 calculator 1/80 $425 5425 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 IL- City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 20 Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND COD[ CIDMTNINT GENERAL 01 POLICE ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT ADOPTED DIV PROGRAM GROUP EXP NSE EX�PEBNSE BU9D7G9ET ES9T79MATE REQ9U8EOST BDOPTT _POLICE SERVICE •-_ PERSONAL SERVICES 802,159 910,555 964,445 991,620 ,100,218 ,082,824 OTHER EXPENSES 105,900 150,548 140,833 143,451 163,669 161,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,023 53,793 56,220 56,220 68,812 59,422 SUBTOTAL 955,082 1,114,896 1,161,498 1,191,291 1,332,699 1,304,146 ANIMAL CONTROL PERSONAL SERVICES _ - OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL , PERSONAL SERVICES — OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL, Department Total 955,082 1,114,896 1,161,498 1,191,291 1,332,699 1,304,146 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 K— City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page_ P Minnesota Allocation Plan — RiND CWL OLPARTNLNT coon oVIL10N COOL FlIOg1Y1 ■Iow MM GENERAL 01 POLICE o 1 POLICE SERVICES 19 ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. qg . 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 533 808 596,475 618,456 636 731 701 145 00 694,3D7 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,691 8 , : ,'69 84, 36 87,321 _ :., :: 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLI EE 10,327 10,641 ,, 5 500 20,000 11jje) :,111 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEE 909 910 1 190 1 314 2 43111111 2,201 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1,058 3 860 4 350 5 300 8 0001jEd 7 74, HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 20 1 012 1 576 2 131 _ 2 07' 4130 SALAR E 1 l''I.l I. = =�_U HOURS OT TEMPORARY M E 1'E = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE :', 4T 'L :IIi . '1 1 •1 LI J , : o , • 11 . :�4 4133 EMPLOYEE PENS16E'-- 1 •'M�•: .: •1 .: '>�;IIU][](N 76 TOTAL HOURS MlggIIIMEMIRMESIIIENDEgIMPMMHMM 11111621174 - 7. . - 1. _ E roan.' ' iP)A•'1.IERIs►,P,uu1 iMUthRIGIIW4I IT 3! —. 111 5 1.. '1 3.660 4.304 5.17 5.500 5.690 5.601 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.836 6.467 _ 7.517 7.517 8.26. 4210 8,201 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES— 111 , „1 4211 , 111 4 16 CHEM 1,S 4217 CLOTHINGNALLOWANCE •• 11 •11 -- if 4220 REPAIR & '1 �•L -GENET Marl [f A S 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP , ANInmaiiiiisiritinau III 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIE I • Ef.444 4223 REP & MAINT T '' -iU D ' 79 3 000 400 400 440 Lf'k'1 401 _4230 SMALL TOOLS 37 Lp4'Ii] a 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 516 458 700 700 770MLI 701 'A . • o'"I' 0 1' 9 578 7 220 9 164 10 000 10 24 Wil L' ' 10 201 W `: 4330 ADVERTISING 692 537 474 474 �'� 501. Ili " 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 4 149 776 7' •: 111 •C J.I] . 11 — 'a 1 4350 INSURANCE 1. I III III .IICJI 'I .11 at 4360 UTILITIES _ _Lc., i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL , _ 4 70 c 4371 REPAIR 8 MAINTENANCE-EQUE. 7 17. 1 1, 1 : 1 4371 , III 43 P I MAINT-BUILDIN• iZ119'll�� M7 ' Wil : LPL! 4 REP & MAINT-SEAL 1 u - 1 ., • 1' I. 1 •' =111=1111MOIMMIIIIIIIIIMINIMINITIlliki MIBLIGTI $ 4380 RENTAL L•Td 11 ,11 ,11 LII�II]�Ir .. : 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1. Mira MOM MINN�>I MIMI 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES. 11jJ •,, X41 11111111211 mom 11 5 4404 LAUNDRY - MIMI r11111111111Ti1MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIl71.121 MEM . . R . —_ .i_ [_1�DILIIIIIMPI'atf'aLjtjI1IIIIIL cF[afilINIIIII •11 11 N' �— 1'� -- 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES LIM J i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURE- , 50-- 3 625 18 820 18 820 4 412 LJ*Oj 2 02. 4530 MACHINERY & AU EQUI ENT , 0768 37 400 37 400 64 400[14A 57 401 a 3 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 27,316 .. CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUe TOTAL 47,023 53,793 56,220 56,220 68,812 59,42. Program Group Total 955,082 , , • .., I, PIRIO+CCT IN SERV DEPT BUDGET TY NO CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL DATE REQ 1980 1 4530 7 Automobiles (Marked Squads) 4/30/80 $49,000 (6) $42,000 2 4530 2 Automobiles (Unmarked Squads) 4/30/80 14,000 14,000 3 4520 6 Light Bars W/Attachments & controls 4/30/80 3,150 (3) 1,575 4 4530 2 Resuscitators 1/1/80 1,400 1,400 5 4520 1 Audio Hailer (Portable P.A.) 1/1/80 425 -0- 6 4520 2 Desks - 60" x 30" Double Pedestal 1/1/80 574 (1) 287 7 4520 1 Chair -- Secretary Posture, Fabric 1/1/80 103 -0- 8 4520 1 Chair -- Swivel, Tilt 1/1/80 160 160 $68,182 $59,422 • PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 22 Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CCC[ D[NMTN[NT GENERAL 01 FIRE ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT ADOPTED DIV PROGRAM GROUP EXPE NSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST � 1978 9 I 980 FIRE PERSONAL SERVICES 227,608 251,433 253,073 257,000 295,024 280,606 OTHER EXPENSES 36,326 52,703 42,720 44,860 60,635 49,340 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,460 11,432 1,400 1,400 88,900 17,650 SUBTOTAL 226,394 315,568 297,193 303,260 444,559 347,596 "- CIVIL DEFENSE PERSONAL SERVICES _ 13,220 13,266 14,480 14,480 15,494 _ 15,494 - OTHER EXPENSES _ 4,592 2,572 5,365 5,365 6,279 6,279 CAPITAL OUTLAY 442 -0- 4,000 , 4,000 -0- -0- SUBTOTAL 18,254 15,838 23,845 23,845 21,773 21,773 PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER EXPENSES .... CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL , Department Total 284,648 331,406 321,038 327,105 466,332 369,369 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 - It.,- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page, Minnesota Allocation Plan - FUND COOL OLMIITM/NT COOL OIVNOON COOL LNaaN+Y swot COY! GENERAL 01 FIRE 06 IRE 22 ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET ,,,, SEC. NQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 86,567 94,397 92,315 91,000 98,900 4100 98,415 ` HOURSTEUKAFEWLTYrEY 12993 13,600 13,500 13,426 14,201 14,101 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _ _ 18 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 3 - 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 64 496 65,283 86,287 89,000 104,502 4120 95,500 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 14,678 14,721 15,689 16,201 16,211 15,781 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 13,2g- 14,409 14,401 4,000 20,201 4131 18, 191" 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE -----1T,90- 18,450 13,161 6,000 20,000 4132 19,000_' 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 51,300 58,876 46,909 47,000 51,421 ,4133 49,5116 TOTAL HOURS 27,671 28,324 19,189 29,627 30 412 29,882 P�q�Q�1, �1tvices-sue toTAi 227.608 25L 43_3 253._073 X7.000 29 024,d 280,606 - 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 941 1,396 800 800 860 4200 800 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,688 6,662 8,650 9,100 14,100 4210 14,000 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBEf-- 1.371 1,548 1,700 1,700 2,296 4211 T,71171- 4216 CHEMICAI,S _ 4216 C 4217 CLOTHINSIWANCE 1,838 2,027 2,500 2,500 2,540 4317 2,500 - : 4220 REPAIR A MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL - 9 48 4220 ! 4221 REPAIR 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 1,375 1,496 2,550 2,550 2,805 4221 2,500 4222 REP 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 13 169 150 150 165 4222 150 4223 REP A MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 55 1323 - 4230 SMALL TOOLS 162 147 250 250 275 4230 250 la 4300.PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 71 991 - 4300 s B 4310 COMMUNICATION 2,877 3.022 3,490 3,500 3,943 -13T11----3X00 W `: 4330 ADVERTISING _15 471 71 4330_ x " 4340-PRINTING A COPYING 1.658 1.091 1.015 1.015 1.117 4340 1.000 - W 4350 INSURANCE 4,893 4.414 5.875 5.900 13.947 4350 5.400 a 4360 UTILITIES 4360 i 4370 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 50 ._9j_ 4370 c 4 4371 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-EQQUIPMENT 7,731 21,701 8,100 8,100 8,621 4371 ' 8,500` C 4372 REP A MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 4373 REP 3 AfNT-BUIL RIT/GROUNDS 2,421 295 500 500 700 4373 500 4T4 REP A MAINT-SEAL COATING - 4374 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ill 266 650 4375 - 4380 RENTAL 84 25 40 40 45 4380 40 - 1 4401 DUES A SUBSCRIPTIONS S 879 860 , 850 850 893 145T 850 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES.jCHOOLS 4,880 5.748 6.000 7.000 8.060 4403 7.000 , 5 4404 LAUNDRY 204 256 250 255 268 4404 250 OTHER EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL le, 32fi e2 703 42 720 44 8611 60 fi35 49.340 4500 LAND _ _ 4500 - 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTUR- 4510 _ 4520 FURNITURE AND FIX URES 18__ - 3.000 4520 1,750 4 4530 MACHINERY A AUTO EQUIPMENT _2,460 11,354 1,400 1,400 85,900 4530 15.900 s 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454 _ _ CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 2,460 11,432 1,400 1,400 88,900 17,650 Program Group Total 266,394 315,568 297,193 303,260 444,559 347,596 PRIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET -- PITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4530 One triple combination engine company (pumper) 1/9/80 $85,000 * $15,000 2 4520 24 rechargeable battery powered hand lanterns & chargers 1/1/80 2,500 1,250 3 4530 Outboard motor, 15 hp 1/6/80 900 900 4 4520 Install new counter tops in kitchen 1/2/80 500 500 $88,900 $17,650 *Note: The $15,000 budgeted for 1980 is a partial payment for purchase of new fire pumper truck. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page.24 ,• Minnesota Allocation Plan _ FUND COOS DLNMTNENT CODL ONISON coati maim SNOW .'.• , GENERAL 01 FIRE ACTUAL ACTUAL IVIhtpETEV E 25 SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. NO 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 -- 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 9,860 9,757 10,430 10.430 11.160 4100 11.160 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 2,084 2,338 2,346 2,346 2,355 2,355 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 24 _ 41 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 12 24 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4120 115URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARIES OT TETE0EMPORRARYM� 30 EMPLOYEES 41. = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 1.528 1,517 1,927 1 927 2_062 4131 2,162 — ° 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE.- 521 676 729 729 78J1 4132 in 4133-EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 1.287, 1...27S 1.344 1 194, 1,g22 4131- 1 447 �e } TOTAL HOURS 2 L196- 2,362 2 346 _2 34fi 2.1c; 2 "1cc 4200 OFFICE S LEgemcES-SUa TOTAL 13.220 13._266 14.480 14.48Q, 15 494 i 15 494 33 41 150 150 165 4200 165 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 124 50 200 200 220 4210 220 4211 FUELS AND LUBES— 116 4211 4216 CHEMICA S _ 4216 4217 CLOTHIN ALLOMlANCE 1.393 750 1.250 1.250 1.683 (2171 1,683 — it 4220 REPAIR 6 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 4220 1 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-E IP 461 40 300 300 330 4221 330 4222 REP 6 MAINT SUPPLIES €R (NP _ 4222 4223 REP & MAINTIUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4223 4230 SMALL TOOLS 1,171 553 1.100 1.100 1.243 4230 1,243 — In 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4300 0▪ ; 4310 COMMUNICATION _ 77 2& 200 200 220 4310 220 W 2 4330 ADVERTISING _ 784 800 800 880 4330 8R0 x " 4340-PRINTING 6 COPYING r 4340 1 — W g 4350-INSURANCE I as 4360 UTILITIES 4360 W-4370 REPAIR 6 MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 o ; 4371 REPAIR 8 MAINTENANCE-E UTIPMENT 655 800, 800 904 4371 " 904 1 t 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 — : 43�1P-6 MINT-BUILDINGT7GROUNDS , — 4373 4374 REP 8 MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4375 g4380 RENTAL 4380 1 4401 DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS ' 15 15 40 4n 4214401 42 —' = 4403-TRAVEL, CONFERENCES, SCHOOLS 276 ?2 35n 35n, 385 4403 385 64404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 492 2 ;,72 �'1S5 S,Z�; F,,79 F 270 4500 LAND _ _ 4500 _ — 4T 0 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES __ __ _ 4510 i s' 4520 FURNITURE AND FIE UREA _— 4520 t 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT _ 442 4.000 4.0nn 4530 E '• 0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUS TOTAL 442 4.000 4.000 .. Program Group Total 18,254 15,838 23,845 23,845 21,773 21,773 PRIO-.ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 - K.-. City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 25 • ,� Minnesota Allocation Plan ...a FUND COCK OKPMTM[NT GENERAL 01 PUBLIC WORKS ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT ADOPTED DIV PROGRAM GROUP EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST 1977 1978 1919 1979 1980 WiET 'UBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 225,390 248,011 275,779 273,822 295,086 291,911 OTHER EXPENSES 270.084 302.122 329,490 323-625 415,948 393,020 CAPITAL OUTLAY 122,176 _ 124,628 125.725 125.725 133.431 103.206 SUBTOTAL 617,650 674,761 730,994 723,172 844,465 788,137 CODE ENFORCEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES - 123,270 120,230 133,806 129,490 161,214 144,638 OTHER EXPENSES 34,008 53,368 25,600 27,508 37,655 r 36,550 CAPITAL OUTLAY 848 1,613 1,225 1,225 15,000 -0- SUBTOTAL 158,126 175,211 160,631 158,223 213,869 181,188 PLANNING PERSONAL SERVICES 59,862 74,651 60,318 61,425 77,351 72,898 OTHER EXPENSES 6,559 11,724 36,818 32,184 36,993 26,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 353 694 -0- -0- 5,160 160 SUBTOTAL 66,774 87,069 97,136 93,609 119,504 99,958 ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERVICES 68,186 54,484 67,050 64,578 75,244 74,325 OTHER EXPENSES 15,759 30,673 19,954 18,794 26,575 25,254 -- CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,247 6,396 6,650 6,650 650 175 SUBTOTAL 86,192 91,553 93,654 90,022 102,469 99,754 PERSONAL SERVICES r----• - - OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL Department Total 928,742 1,028,594 1,082,415 1,065,026 1,280,307 1,169,037 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 r,;,- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 26 ,,P Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PROEMS MOW Coot 1 r .l;■ 11 . . 11 a I 37 1 I . SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET 'SEC. NQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 — 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 187,592 206,365 212,390 212,350 227,258 4100 225,219 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 26,715 27,542 28,651 28,651 28,590 28,590 W 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 6,603 8,896 8,060 8,000 8,624'4110 8.624 u HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEE -_ 634 721 648 648 648 648 4120 SALARIES T MPORARY EMPLOYEES 4,496 2,815 9,500 9.500 10.165 4120 10.165 W —BURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1.132 170 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 j 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 19 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMCOYEES 10 _ c 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 79,125 .017 39,210 37.902 41,955 4131.41,627 — a 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 15,491 23,463 25,629 25,070 27,424 4132 27,136 If 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIfff-- 24,740 27,345 28,990 29,000 31,020 4133 30,500+ TOTAL HOURS 28,481_ 28,443 31,674 31,674 31,613 31,613 p�qs� IC ERVES-SUB TOTAL 225.390 248-011 275- 19 ,173.822'295.086 291.911 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 482 449 600 600 660 4200 600 —' 4210_NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 18,090 14,699 18,790 17,850 20,669 4210 20.000 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBEf---- 10.308 11.448 14.175 13.700 18.424 4Z11 18.000 4216 CHEMICALS _ _ 6.232 10.270 7.500 8.800 10.000 4216 10.000_ 4217 CLOTHING L NIi14CE— _ 53 4217 -- -.1 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 1.271 3.601 410, 1.500 4220. 1.500_ 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 17.817 20,542 27.300 23.800 29.120 4221 29,gQQ- 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 10,33$ 16.935 16.715 15.500 21.850 4222 4223 REP & MAINT 1UPPLIES-BUILDINGS" _844 223 1.n00 2.000 4.000 _ 4230 SMALL TOOLS 2,604 569 1,700 1,500 1,870 4� 1,800 — W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES '- 118 5,983 4300 i PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 FIT City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 27 Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CODE DEPANTNENT COD* DIVISION COD! FROMAN SNOOP COD GENERAL 01 PUBLIC WORKS 11 _ .W. MAINT,. 371 PRIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT ADOPTED RITY NO DATE REQ BUDGET 1 4510 Municipal Garage mortgage payment 5/1/80 $ 22,456 $ 22,456 8 4510 Five storage bins for storage of sand, gravel, black dirt, fill, etc. 6/1/80 12,500 12,500 9 4520 Two file cabinets for Garage Office 3/1/80 350 350 2 4530 Dump truck, 27,500 GVW, complete with dump box, plow, hitch and radio. This unit will replace 1972 Int. dump truck Unit #752. 9/1/80 25,000 25,000 3 4530 Pickup truck, 1/2 ton, to replace 1/2 ton pickup, Unit #762. 6/1/80 6,200 6,200 5 4530 One ton roller to replace existing roller, Unit #759 6/1/80 3,500 3,500 6 4530 Hydraulic blade gate for grader 7/1/80 2,500 2,500 7 4530 Copy machine for Garage Office 5/1/80 700 700 10 4530 Leaf loader 5/1/80 13,255 -0- 11 4530 Tire changing machine 6/1/80 8,000 -0- 12 4530 Brake lathe 6/1/80 9,000 -0- 4 4540 Signal installations: TH 47 and 69th Ave. 10/1/80 30,000 30,000 133,431 $103,206 NMI • NMI IMM w PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Foz,- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 28 &. Minnesota Allocation Plan POND COOL-DEMETMENT CootJ orvmow CM* MOM* w�OIP cep! GENERAL 01 PUBLIC WORKS ACTUAL ACTUAL IDeEE1FOR EME 27 SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET -, SEC. YQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 90,625 86,525 94,117 89,000 110,024 4100 97,862 _ HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES _ 5,143 3,910 11,942 10 910 14 211 11 938 41-10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1_75__ 22-2 51 150 161[111] 161 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 5 11 12 12 141 1 _ ,-- 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES -~1-050 2,703 6,807 6,800 7,349 ' 6,900 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 826 931 1,857 1,857 1,976 1.857 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ ' HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 14,277-T , : , - c 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE �� '� � _11L!)kll :01:8- 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE- 779"471---T251, 5,1: II I: 8,220 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 11,409 11,09-2 12,968 12,860 15,672 13,1-67 TOTAL NOUNS 5 974 4,852 13,811 12,779 16,201 13,807 I P� CtERVICES-sus TOTAL 12 120230 133,826 122.490 161.214 144.63£' 4200 OFFICE�ES 604 1,262 800 800 880 '' 880 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 841 477 2 500 2 510 2 750[J'110] 2,500 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES- 221 361 100 151 135j)I 100 4216 CHEMI S ® _ 4217 CLOTHI L NIi NCE [1111 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 53 57 Lfti'] 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-E UIP 8 164 100 300 110[1: 1 100 4222 REP $ MAINT SUPPLIES- HE IMP 161. Eki44 _ 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 3,039 U - 4230 SMALL TOOLS � 60 50 50 MgEncil 0 '^▪ 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 244 4300 in • 4310 COMMUNICATION 2 901 2 839 2 501 110 MINIMUM]UM] 11 W 1 4330 ADVERTISING _ 5,000 �E ] x " 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 1.01: • 7 :It :11Tr1L :r1 °' i 4350 INSURANCE 604 1,020 1,300 1.25: IIIIMMETWA ,11 a 4360 UTILITIES �EL`M __ V 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 11 4370 __ c 1 4371 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-EQUI ENT 68' •11 :11 • :,[..D41.1 650 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS _ L! _ 43 P 8 I NT-BUILDINGSiGROUNDS 37 '4.374- REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING - 4374 E 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES " 21)176 32 37R 11 000 12 101 1 4375 1 111 a 4380 RENTAL LRI'1 4403 RAVEL,S UCOBNSFCaERTPENTCIEOSNS- CHOOLS 4,R12622 4,937 1 11 ITLN1 • "' 3pq �TT!Liii�] ,j420 : REFUNDS/REIMBURSE 266 200 II 1 404 I OTHER EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL 34,006 53,368 25,600 27,508 37,65' 36,550 4500 1AND 4500 "' 4 0 BUILDING ND TRUCTURES 4510 -- • i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 8� 1,225_ 25 L ] _ r▪ 2 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 1,613 5,001 t' 'i S 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454' - CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUN TOTAL 848 1,613 1,225 1,225 15,001 I Program Group Total 158,126 175,211 160,631 158,223 213,86' 181,1{88 PRIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4530 Compact automobile for Environmental Officer 6/1/80 $5,000 $-0- 2 4530 Compact automobile for Chief Building Inspector 6/1/80 5,000 -O- .. 3 4530 Compact automobile for Plumbing/Heating Inspector 6/1/80 5,000 -0- $15,000 -b- PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 - Pit:-. City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page_29__ IV Minnesota Allocation Plan ..... FUND - COD! DL►MTNLNT C00[ 011MION C00! FlIiNYi w1OUP CST GENERAL 01 PUBLIC WORKS 11 L PLANNING 28 ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT - SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. N- Npp 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100'SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES ' 36,722 50,692 30,820 29,500 41,991 4100 40,4'45 HOURS 1ULAR EMPLOYEES 12,691 16, 121 4,839 4,811 5,286 5, 131 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 65 59 100 lOd 107 4110 107 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 17 16 12 12 12, 12 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES __4.515 5.789 17.082/ 17.30Q 18.00Q4120 17.000 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 749 731 3.750 3.762_ 2.66Q 2,550 j t/1 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 23 40C, 4136 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES ______2. 43 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 9,,3,4 7,959, 6,196 5.600 8,412 4131 8.067 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE * 2,796 3,040 2,0711 2 R6q 2 9724132 2,794. 4133 EMPLOYEE PENS1ONE- 4,401 7,089 4,050 5,675 5,369 4133 4 485 TOTAL HOURS 13,205 16,871 8,601 8,628 7,958 7,695 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIES rg JQN4A�t,L ERVICES-sus TOTAL 59.862 74.651 60_314 61_425 77.351 72.898 2,748 2,683 1,500 1,600 1,8504200 1,800 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 246 381 _ 102, 20d 4210 200 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBE� - 159 37 30Q 309 4054211 300 4216 CHEMICAL4S _ 4216 _ 4217 CLOTHING L NNA CE 4217 - ; 4220 REPAIR 6 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 51 4220 S 4221 REPAIR A MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 2 _ 20C 20d 22C 4221 200 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 4222 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4223 4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 _ .` W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4 910 26,5OC 21.00 25,0 4300 15.000. h • 4310 COMMUNICATION 117 1,813 1,400 1,800 1,s84310 1500 W `: 4330 ADVERTISING _ __14F 321 301 on 331 4330- inn, x 0 4340 PRINTING A CODING 691 1 194 2.501 2 62 2 75x'4340 2 5nn W = 4350 INSURANC€- 767 1.514 1.758 1,71( 1:9434350 1,900 a t; 4360 UTILITIES _ 4360 -_ i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 c 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANtE-EQUIPMENT 174 201 101 15C 1124371 100 C 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 ". : 4373 REP A MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 334 4373 T3T4 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 g 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4375 g 4380 RENTAL 31. 18. 22 4380 4401 DUES & SUBSCkTFTIONS 12Z 53S 561 561 60(14401' on 4403.TRAVEL, CONFERENCES:-fCHOOLS 1 342 1,778 1 700 1 811 2 0nr4403 7 5nn G 4404,LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL R,cc9 11,794 1F,,Alc 12.1A4 1G aa' 2Flann 4500 LAND _ 4500 45 0 N BUILDINGS �UCTURES ' 212 _ 4510 i :g' 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES WI _432 161 1614520 iso, 0- .-1 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 5,nnr4530, 3 '0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 351 694' 5,160 160 IProgram Group Total 66,774 87,069 97,13E 93,605 119,502 99,958 , PRIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4520 Chair for City Planner 5/1/80 $ 160 $ 160 - 2 4530 Replace #105 Hornet (1975) with compact car 6/1/80 5,000 -0- $5,160 $ 160 *Includes Unemployment Comp. Acct. #4134 in the amount of $500 for 1980. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Ft:,- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 30 Minnesota Allocation Plan .... FUND CODE DS►ARTMSNT COOS DIVISION CODS PUO IM SNOOP CT GENERAL 01 _ PUBLIC WORKS 11 I ENGINEERING 36 ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET w„ SEC, NQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 44,975 34,751 42,672 40,000 48,000 4100 47,n1 HOURS REGUCAR-MPLOYEES 6L118 4,221 5,796 5,582 5,109 5,109 4TIO SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPT ES 230 124 100 100 1074116- 107' HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 22 19 8 8 8 8 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 5,905 5,054 7,000 7,200 7,49C 4120 7,000 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1,575 1,299 1,750 1,831 1,598 1 .550 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 239 15 100 100 1074130 107 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 40_ 2 17 17 17 17 = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 8.8$_2 7,748 8,828 8.828 10,150 4131 8,809 -- 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE-* 2.303 2.324 2.550 2.550 2.890.4132' 2,860 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 5.652 4.44668 5.800 _7_88000 6.5503Q 4133 66.48g81, eEa ` ERVICESO SUa TOTAL 68.186 54.484 67.056 64,57 75.24 74,325 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIES __ 2,528 1,817 1,900 1,900 2,00 4200 2,000 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 487 673 900 800 90C4210 800 4211 FUELS AND LUBEc 907 1,213 950 1,000 1,2814211 1,283 4216 CHEMICA4S 75 75 754216 75 4217 CLOTHINIIALLO NCE 128 75 4217 -" : 4220 REPAIR $ MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 4220 B 4221 REPAIR 6 MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 536 480 600 500 6004221 600 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP I 4222 4223 REP & MAINT - U N B 0 _ 4223 _4230 SMALL TOOLS 56 100 100. 10 4230 100, : 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 705 11.096 2.000 2.000 6,00 4300 4.800 i g 4310-COMMUNICATION 2.694 2.390 3.080 2.500 3.00 4310 3.000 W `1 4330 ADVERTISING _139 541 1.000 1400340 g1Q4p0 pp15 4330 p15p0 a.-- W u 4350 INSURANCE COPYING I 1,409 3,751 I 4,399 4,113" 4,83354350 4,$336 m 4360 UTILITIES 4360 i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 730 4370 c : 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 2,4- 4 -2,122 2,000 2,000 2,2664371 2,260 ' ►' .. 4372 REP 6 MAINT-OTHERIPFR0VEMENTS 4372 4313 REP 3 MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 48' 4373 MT REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 437 E 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 396 2,579 450 450' 2,00(4375 2,000 a 4380 RENTAL 32 28 ' 50 4380 1 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ' 324 356 350' 350 36£4401 350 4403-TRAVEL, CONFERENCES cF00LS - 24 ' 16 4403 5 4404 LAUNDRY 1,998 2,116 2,000 1,900 2,0004404 2,000 OTHER EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL 15.759 30.673 19,954 18,794 26,57E 25,254 4500 LAND _ 4500 "' 43'(0 BUILDINGS NUCTURES _ 4510 i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 1,307 1 449 6504520 175 , r :. 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 940 4,947 6,650 6,650 4530 i c 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 2.247 6.396 6,650 6,650 65( 175 Program Group Total 86,192 91,553 93,654 90,022 102,464 99,754 PRIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 1 4520 Desk (replace Operations Analyst's gray desk) 6/1/80 $ 325 $ -0- "' 3 4520 Bookshelf (Operations Analyst's office) 6/1/80 175 175 2 4530 Calculator (Public Works Secretary) 3/1/80 150 -0- $ 650 $ 175 w. *Includes $1,300 unemployment compensation PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 ._ Fr- City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 31 Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND COO[ LIPS ?HINT GENERAL 01 PARKS AND RECREATION ACTUAL ACTUAL DEPT �- DIV PROGRAM GROUP EXPENSE EXPENSE BUD GET ESTIMATE REQUEST ADOPTED 9 1978 9 � 980 AE NATURALIST PERSONAL SERVICES 61,665 105,558 45,701 46,651 61,472 50,255 OTHER EXPENSES 77,702 47,096 22,345 22,400 26,379 22,780 CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,908 333 3,235 3,235 13,845 _ 1,325 - SUBTOTAL 152,275 152,987 71,281 72,286 101,696 74,360 PARKS PERSONAL SERVICES 154,362 122,113 235,100 235,427 _ 276,720 234,857 OTHER EXPENSES , 101,857 105,964 225,436 233,914 279,997 253,220 CAPITAL OUTLAY 170,037 139,410 103,103 103,103 116,384 118,282 SUBTOTAL 426,256 367,487 563,639 572,444 673,101 606,359 RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 195,592 238,742 214,767 216,790 244,155 232,248 OTHER EXPENSES 63,557 61,707 82,378 83,906 101,220 , 98,510 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,471 1,172 3,735 _ 3,735 16,880 1,380 SUBTOTAL 260.620 301.621 300.880 , 304.431 362.255 332,138 Department Total 839,151 822,095 935,800 949,161 1,137,052 1,012,857 • PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 -- or City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 32___ /� Minnesota Allocation Plan — FUND coos • 7 CODE D I• C•: ,,• GENERAL 01 NATURALIST ]] NATURAL RESOURCES 45 ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET — SEC. yQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 41.00 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES Ai A • ••1 • , ' •• .4100 , . HOURS t ULATt—EMPLOYEES __Z.13' _ 9.32 01 /1 •1111 ,11 4'10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES L11L] HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _ :== NE 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES __ • .i111=111�= 1 :11 111L11iI] :11-, ' W ---I5URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE -- 446 4 187 4 18. 1 OI1 1S 4 172 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLI -E M Lkm O' HOURS OT TEMPORARY EN* EE 11111 , <z 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 6.223 10 ,. 4 i 'I:' Lil 1' l 5.405 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE •: 1 111•11111M1 1•LIi1 274_ 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSI c sail i12 L�1 , I ILm TOTAL HOURS 61 261 1• : 1• M. • .• , .. 71_112 ' — • II 1 1•• 449 818 951 950 991 n 800 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,257 1,680 3,67 3,67' 3,961 4210 3,800, • 4211 FUELS AND LUBE� 623 1,212 951 1.00 1.28 4211 1,200 4216 CHEMICA S _ 23 40 201 200 23, 4216 200 ,— ; 4217 CLOTHIN L Nti NCE 311 401 401 4414217 200, ' 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL 3 108 451 45• 49.4220 450 3 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 276 593 301 301 3384221 30k 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 7 95 550 57 60^4222 600 4223 REP & MAINT IUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 1216 125 401 411 4,14223 ,11 — 4230 SMALL TOOLS 40 8 651 651 71' • 0 650 W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES _ 4 277 1.47 1.47• 1.62 4300 1.000 a ; 4310 COMMUNICATION 553 448 1.371 1.371 1.54:4310 1.400 W : 4330 ADVERTISING 221 18 101 101 11,4330 100, x ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 2.1 II.0 • 1 11 • •4340 : 1 '+ W g 4350 INSURANCE _ 1 •11 • :p.L M!] so a 4360 UTILITIES 1,21 _ 1 • ����1"�.I{L7< ' 11 T — 1 201 4004370 150 _ � 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ c < 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQI' ENT T,31 931 1 351 39:4371 350 -- E 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROOVE 150 171 171 150 4373 REP & MMCOT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 64 124 401 57^ 701 600 `: 47t REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING �j� 8 I • I' 1 '' 64,469 34,269 1.251 1.151 1,351 ' 1.25-0- g 4380 RENTAL 439 1.429 1.401. 1.401 1.5414380 1,500 "' 1 4401 DUES & SUBSCRTPTIONS ]l2 35 277 27^ :•4401 275 4403-TRAVEL, CONFERENCES, EWn L •,• .11 4403 11 5 4424 REFUNDSIREIMBURSE* 1111111BE 1 1 • , R .P N E- — T•TA Ni711701 1'. tia 11r1t• :1 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES __ ANN _ • IIEd _ ▪ i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES __42 1 1 1' I 925 0- 172 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT _?,757 144 17^ 4530 u '0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 11 11 1 4540 ,II -` CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUS OTAL�1 TITI 1 'C7.� C • L^� _ Program Group Total 152,275 152,987 71,281 72,28: 101,69: 74,360 'RIO,ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET -- *ITV NO DATE REQ 1980 *Includes following Accounts for 1980: #4453 Misc. Mdse for Resale $ 50 — #4456 Bags & Wrapping $125 #4457 Alarm Service $380 #4420 Refunds/Reimburse $100 ' — See next sheet for Capital Outlay Detail PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 33 Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CODE 0E'7 ENT CO • T. C a: r .i- .. GENERAL 01 NATURALIST 13 NATURAL RESOURCES 45 PRIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT ADOPTED RITY NO DATE REQ BUDGET 6 4510 A-Frame Addition ` 9,500 $ -0- 5 4520 Wall Screen, 10' 1/1/80 300 300 4 125 Gallon Aquarium 1/1/80 625 625 7 All-Steel Folding Chairs, 50 @ 13 1/1/80 650 650 8 4540 Camera Flash System 595 -0- 3 Micro Projector 400 -0- 1 Tape Deck and Mixer 1,375 -0- 2 Turntable and Speakers 1/1/80 400 400 !13,845 $1,325 OMNI MM IMM WM MM WWM WEN PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 j City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page Minnesota Allocation Plan — NNO COO! ..n r•' OO. .� CODE ,�. .� .. GENERAL 01 PARK AND REGR. 13 PARK ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 88 291: 68 44 111 .., 1 : :4100 114 .1' HOURSWJCATITCPLTRIK 121709 9,596 16 19' 1. 19t .••M. 6 I 1 W 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 47 Ill 1 1. •.Ll1L'] 1.14. U HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES- : IIIIIIRr; 86 -- a 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 0., • 1 c indrII L•>il 1L1El . 4 1 y ---CURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE _ : •1:��r . �l 1 WNW�c1il� : ,:1 , 4130 SALAR E I - 17 •' L I' : � Lk!] HOURS OT TEMPORARY EM' .' E _� 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE -11'18. 6 371 11 29 10 811 13 881L11.11 12 000 1 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 2,102 8.699 14.65' 17-78: • 14,981 TOTAL HOURS 21.3 17.235 36.881 36.881 40.09: 34.792 a. - 1.T_ I . II ' i • 1 ' : 1✓�Q1,I�1�itd4E:111J9>~t4, 875 1 17• 1r1 IIl '�J 1 700 r4I7i;�T[I F P' 1_________ 1 423 1' 14 17 1.. 1.,,, 1 .1: l 21 00 r, I 'i I: 2.225 8.409 14.71 16.79' 19.87• 19.000 41216 CHEMICALS 111 . 11 41217 CLOTHIN E NWIL CE-- : •: ;11Lf' J ;11 4220-REPAIR 8 U'•L ES-GENE'1 �i c i...SIWI .11 1 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP : .1, : ':,1111ROP : ., NIIITIMLIIIIIIITIOTa 4Q22 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP ,5•.. 1 1 1 111111=NEW4 2.500 41223 REP & MAINTIU•'L -:U 1 2,u' .1, 1 S W ft y4Lfx�cl . 111 — 4230 SMALL TOOLS : , • 111111MC_IIIML•E;�Lf •11 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Z. •;�r> ' . 1,•�. 1L'L • , 1LEcii:1 . 111 4310 COMMUNICATION _ 6 31' 4 651 5 101 5 101 5 76 WI!] 5 500 f 4330 ADVERTISING 2311 111 34: 34: 38 DI19 DI'! 350 4340 PRINTING & COPYING _ 2 501 33 27'111111W i1 Cji1 301 — 1 &= .f1 4350 INSURANCE 6 11:: 9 • ' IM RE 401111 � .jJ1!'1 I1]4360 UTILITIES - 1, j4 1 11 11 11Lf.Zc.fli of 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 69_� �.�1T14370 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-E UI•"'E 1 • ,_ E 4372_ RE`P & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVE- ' •.1; ,• , 1 'r • 111 4373 REP &—AM fNT-BUILDINGS G•.UNIS .':; A 1����Llm , 1r1 4375 REP & MAINT-SEAL S RM 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ,. 1 1 .• 11r , g 4380 RENTAL 5,84 5,79. 4.801 4,801 7,0001110 7,000 * 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3 • 4: 251 2 1 2. LLiM 20 : 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES—MDT, 2 081 2 131 1 88. 2 07 LL10 1r, - ** See Note Below =WM 1 24 MEM •� 11 •y1:11,M4:444;14 �111-11c•uL IIIMI 1 4 1 •.,.W c:ll 1�•ENDL' J9 I•MU ... • 1 _ �! aslf�[CI:I1;�'iCfa: '1arTi , 11 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 11,a11111111114101 M i i 4520 FURNITURE AND FI�UREE— L3,Q' 1 1 1 1iTiL1f��) 11 P. -j 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQU fENT 00,813 1 1 1111EM EP rI 1 3 0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS • 1 . , , •$ •1 11Lt3D '1 .•: Program Group Total 426,25. 367,487 563,63' 572,44' 673,101 606,35' •RIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET -- 'ITV NO DATE REQ 1980 * Includes Unemployment Comp. Acct. #4134 in the amount of $9,506 for 1980. ** Includes following Accounts for 1980: #4402 Licenses & Taxes $ 300 — #4456 Bags & Wrapping $ 50 #4404 Laundry $1,200 #4457 Alarm Service $ 650 See Next Sheet for Capital Outlay Detail. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 F , City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page_.1- IC Minnesota Allocation Plan - FUND CODE DEPAIMIENT CODE DlV ON CODE MI YIO W DE GENERAL 01 PARK AND RECR. 13 1 PARK CO 47 PRIO- ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT ADOPTED RITY NO DATE REQ BUDGET 2 4500 Special Assessments 1/15/80 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 3 Land Purchase 12/30/80 10,000 10,000 1 4510 City Garage Payment 1/15/80 11,549 11,549 - 10 4520 Playground Equipment for: Logan, Flanery, Summit Square, Sylvan 7/1/80 12,400 12,400 11 Trash Container (Concrete) 6/1/80 3,800 1,900 Playground Equipment for Rice Creek 6/1/80 -0- 1,200 4 4530 Tractor Replacement #531,1970 - LOG Ford w/attachments 1/1/80 11,000 11,000 8 Tractor Replacement #532,1970 - LOG Ford w/attachments 1/1/80 11,000 -0- 5 GMC Van Replacement, #42, 1974 1/1/80 7,500 7,500 - 9 Fertilizer/Spreader Replacement 5/1/80 600 600 6 Riding Mower Replacement, #560, 1974 Roof 60" cut 5/1/80 5,200 5,200 15 Trailer - 4 Wheel, 75" 1/1/80 2,300 2,300 12 Diamond Scarifier Drag 6/1/80 1,80C 1,800 ._ 13 Portable Arc and Gas Welders 1/1/80 3,000 3,000 14 Power Rake 6/1/80 45C 450 16 Curb/Walkway Edger 5/1/80 175 175 19 Sod Cutter 5/1/80 80C -0- - 20 Bandsaw 1/1/80 320 320 21 Belt and Disc Sander 1/1/80 275 275 22 Table Saw 1/1/80 416 415 7 4540 Landscape/Tree Materials 5/1/80 5,600 5,600 ,,,. 23 Fence - Soccer Area, Madsen Park per Neighborhood Request 6/1/80 2,50C 2,500 17 Irrigation Materials 1/1/80 6,00C 6,000 18 Lighting Replacements/Additions 1/1/80 8,00C 19,000 24 Picnic Tables, 10 @ 220 5/1/80 2,20C 2,200 - 25 Cooking Grills, 20@ 100 5/1/80 2,00( 1,000 Upgrading Plymouth Park - infield restoration, overlay hard surface, turf restoration, etc. 6/1/80 -0- 2,480 Upgrading Rice Creek Park - field restoration 6/1/80 -0- 600 MEM Upgrading Madsen Park - infield restoration and re- location 6/1/80 -0- 1,318 $116,381 $118,282 1 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 J,-- City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page 36 p Minnesota Allocation Plan -- FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PNODNYI SNOW COD GENERAL 01 _ PARKS AND REC. 13 ' CREATJON 48 -ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. yQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 -- 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 89,850 109.404 51.349 52.024 56,536 4100 53,404 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES ..Q2 _15.34' 7 1 • 11 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES LIMO HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _ •1 .. 1 = MN _ 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES j. ; 1 •i[1113r11L1 11lifig ,. 10URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 22 760 24,330 36,586 36,586 39,001 36, 86•I 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 3 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 14086 17,979 10,016 11.017 17.101 4131 16.871 — °, 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 6 887 10 588 2 . I. 11,4132 100 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 11.830 14.139 6.761 6.031 8.101, 8.054 TOTAL HOURS 37.: 1 39.764 43.81. 43_816 112.001, 43.730 Y • . I Of A — 11 1 1'• • 1 ��� 11 1�' G OiI =aril• 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES ��i,IIF�al�Zll�#317 1 c Lf�P]� c3�� • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES I ;•1 i�iT1Ti1�111!:LL4il 11 416 CHEMICA4S _ _ IIIFIIIEIIIMIN WI 4217 CLOTHING.ALLOWANCE — 4220 REPAIR 8 MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL ,1 IIIIIIIFdriIcANNNIW{!LWil l•Mia ! 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SU-PPLITS-EQUIP to 1. 1 1, .!!LYt3I 11 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP _$ :,�7 r� tJ4*1 , 4223 REP & MAINTSUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 11 11�MT�Lfk l 11 4230 SMALL TOOLS -- �T��L� LP*I11=11 'a—4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • �jya 1 r�M 1 MIMI e ; 4310 COMMUNICATION 1 • IIIIIRIIT:t iT5 11 L11i1]!115 W `: 4330 ADVERTISING 301 103/NMEMMIMMENFOLEITAINina W " 4340 PRINTING & COPYfNG 6,493 4 072 6 41t • a1r d Llli'] 11 1 4350 INSURANCE 300 368 901 901. 1.161i'' LLLL''11']] 1,160 a 4360 UTILITIES _ 5, 11• ..4 $0 I' 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL' c : 4371 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-E UIPMENT 392 3,826 1.055 1.055 1.19B,l 1.150 4372 REP 3 MAINT-OTHER IMPROVVEMENTS 1; 1, :4: :11 — 43�P 8 ANT-BUILDINGS GR'UND 4 100 `: 4374 REP & MAINT-SEAL 1 E • • , • I, .T. 1. ., NE • 1/1IIIIME'{•'L I 111 j 4380 RENTAL 4 ,•�ilr•T.�i1 • 11 1 1 111 T T' • 111 — V 4401 DUES & SUBSCRfPTIONS 1,22p 2,c25 2.19' 2.19' 2.30 ' 2.300 4403 TRAVEL. CONFERENCES. SCHOOLS 1: 2.Q': '1, .11 6 ** See note below .5 INIENNIIIFIWINIEIrit 11i1 . , R _ E - .TA j:1 1M?OffaliFiS ltltllllllWlciriI 1 1 It N �—= 1 1 [�] 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES _ LA i i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 020 __2" 11 11 Llt J '' 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EigirgigIT 407 ., 111131RFILkill :1 S 0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 120 310 2,41 2_41 '0 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 1,471 1,172 3,735 3,73 16,881 1.380 Program Group Total 260,620 301,621 300,880 304,431 362,25' 332,13: , RIO-ACCT IN SERV DEPT BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL ITY NO DATE REQ 1980 * Acct. No. 4132 includes Acct. No. 4134 - Unemployment Compensation in the amount of $6,000 for 1980. **This includes the following Accts. for 1980: #4404 Laundry $ 150 #4420 Refunds/Reimburse $1,000 #4453 Misc. Mdse. for Resale $2,000 See next sheet for Capital Outlay Detail. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 fc`. City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page ,� Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CODE • KENT CODE DIM• C.. GENERAL 01 PARKS AND REC. 13 RFCRFAT-(1N 48 PRIG-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT ADOPTED RITY NO DATE REQ BUDGET 3 4530 Mobile Puppet Wagon 1/1/80 $ 3,500 $ -0- 1 15 Seat Passenger Van 1/1/80 12,000 -O- .- 2 Aluminum Canoes (3@ $460) 1/1/80 1 380 1,380 $16,880 $1,380 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 F-A City of Fridley, Departmental Summary Resource Page 38 S Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND Oooa ovMrw[Mr GENERAL 01 RESERVE ACTUAL - ACTUAL DEPT " DIV PROGRAM GROUP ADOPTED 9 EN 9 M 9S B $06T EMERGENCY RESERVE PERSONAL SERVICES -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- OTHER EXPENSES -0- -0- 125,000 -0- 285,000 285,000 — CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-- SUBTOTAL -0- -0- 125,000 -0- 285,000 285,000 PERSONAL SERVICES _ _ -- OTHER OTHER EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY _ ... SUBTOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER EXPENSES , CAPITAL OUTLAY _ SUBTOTAL Department Total PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 F,A2F City of Fridley, Program Group Detail Resource Page._, Minnesota Allocation Plan ■ MID cooE opMTMENT coot DAIMON CODE PIIOEIUM ENO' car GENERAL 01 RESERVE 49■ ACTUAL ACTUAL SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. yQ 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4100 HOURS TEGUUEEMPLOYEES __ 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4110 -" HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES -- _ '� 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4120 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES c4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE _ 4131_ 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCr { 4132 ,4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIO V 4133 TOTAL HOURS P U11VICES-SUB TOTAL -- 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4200 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 4210 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES-- 4211 4216 CHEMICA4S _ 4216 4217 CLOTHINGI L NWIT CE 4217 — : 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ 4220 3 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 4221 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 4222 4223 REP & MAINT TOPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4223 — 4230 SMALL TOOLS — 4230 W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES — 4300_ w • 4310 COMMUNICATION 4310 W `: 4330 ADVERTISING 4330 x 0 4340 PRINTING A COPYING _ , 4340 — ' g 4350 INSURANCE 4350 — a 4-365UTILITIES 4360 W 4370 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ 4370 c < 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENTS T ' 4371 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVVEMENTS ___�_ 4372 _ 4373 REP A N INT-BUILDINGSIGROUNDS 4373 '= W 74- REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4375 '-14380 RENTAL 1 4380 — : 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4401 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES-- CHOOLS 4403 $ 4QOQ EMERGENCY RESERVE 125.00( , 285.000 4404 285.000, OTHER EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL 125.00( 285.000 285.000 4500 LAND 4500 gT5 BUILDINGS M6-§TRUCTURES 4510 _ i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 4520 a J 4530 MACHINERY A AUTO E�UCP-MENT _ 4530 S '0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 454 , - CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUS TOTAL , Program Group Total . 125-IMO, - 9R�nnn 9Rc_nnn PRIO-ACCT CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL IN SERV DEPT BUDGET -- RITY NO DATE REQ 1980 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 PT-- City of Fridley, REVENUE SHARING DETAIL Resource pegs 40 IP Minnesota Allocation Plan PERSONNEL OTHER DEPARTMENT SERVICES EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY — CITY MANAGEMENT For improved communication $ -0- $15,800 $ 1,200 Audio Visual channels with the public. Equipment — (Part of public information Program) POLICE For improved crime prevention 25,300 7,500 -0- and public awareness (Part of Police Special Projects Program) — To supplement Traffic Enforce- 12,000 -0- 14,000 Two cars ment Program (Part of STEP Program) — FIRE Rechargeable For better fire suppression -0- 1,250 1,250 Lanterns (Part of Fire Suppression Program) 15,000 Pumper Truck (Partial Paymt) CIVIC CENTER For improved energy conservation -0- -0- • 6,000 Blower — (Part of Civic Center and Grounds Maintenance Program) PARKS AND RECREATION '—' NATURALIST For community nature interpretation 22,500 20,000 300 Wall Screen (Part of Nature Interpretation 650 Chairs Program) 525 Aquarium 1,575 PARKS "' For sustaining tree disease control 13,00 13,500 -0- (Part of Shade Tree Disease Control Program) For improving environmental 10,000 12,500 -0- aesthetics of public lands (Part of Landscaping/Nursery/ Reforestation Program) For improving tennis facilities -0- -0- 19,000 Lighting (Part of Athletic Areas Program) RECREATION MIN For improving culture and arts 3,000 2,000 -0- (Part of Cultural and Arts Program) For improving services to senior 6,000 4,000 -0- - citizens, teens (Part of Hobbies/ Clubs Program) For annual community celebration 1,000 2,625 -0- (Part of Special Events Program) TOTALS $92,800 $79,175 $58,025 GRAND TOTAL $230,000 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 kMr r i City of Fridley, Resource Page 41 iv Minnesota Allocation Plan CITY OF FRIDLEY —. DETAILED COMPARATIVE MILL LEVY (1980 BUDGET ESTIMATES) ACTUAL: 1979 BUDGETED: 1980 GROSS NET MILL GROSS NET MILL AMOUNT AMOUNT LEVY AMOUNT AMOUNT LEVY GENERAL FUND $2,264,856 $2,219,558 14.523 $2,428,376 $2,379,808 15.408 OTHER FUNDS Debt Service- Civic Center $ 39,900 $ 39,102 .256 $ 38,800 $ 38,024 .247 -- Capital Improvement Fund $ 43,368 $ 42,500 .278 $ 45,000 $ 44,100 .286 TOTAL: OTHER FUNDS $ 83,268 $81,602 .534 $ 83,800 $ 82,124 .533 TOTAL: ALL FUNDS $2,348,124 $2,301,160 15,057 $2,512,176 $2,461,932 15.94 Estimated Taxable Value $157,602,000 January 1, 1979. This estimated taxable valuatin is based on the latest information available. The Assessed Value is estimated at $166,102,000. It is estimated this will be reduced because of the Fiscal Disparities Law on Commercial and Industrial properties, by 8,500,000 for the net taxable valuation of $8,500,000 for the net taxable valuation of 5 ,6 , 00. Estimated Mill Value $157,602 X 98% = $154,450. *Based on a net value of $155,954,819. ACTUAL: 1980 — GROSS NET MILL AMOUNT AMOUNT LEVY GENERAL $2,428,376 $2,379,808 14.795 OTHER FUNDS Debt Service - Civic Center $ 38,800 $ 38,024 .237 Capital Improvement Fund 45,000 44,100 .274 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS $ 83,800 $ 82,124 .511 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $2,512,176 $2,461,932 15.306 Taxable Value $164,223,022 on January 2, 1980. This estimated taxable valuation is based on the latest information available. The assessed value is estimated at $174,035,580 . It is estimated that this will be re- .. duced because of the Fiscal Disparities Law on Commercial and Industrial Properties by $8,858,508 (arid $954,050 for tax increment) fur a net taxable valuation of 4.164,223,022. Estimated Mill Value: $164,223 x 98% = $160,939. *Based on 1978/79 net value of $155,954,819. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 A F City of Fridley, REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Resource Page , Minnesota MISC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 OTHER FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TEEN CENTER FUND (09) Revenues 3314 CETA -0- 6,126 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3580 Charges for Services -0- 4,221 -0- 7,525 12,500 12,500 3810 Interest Earnings -0- 54 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3860 Donations 1,000 -0- 1,000 -0- -0- -0- Total 1,000 10,401 1,000 7,525 12,500 12,500 - Expenses 4100 Salaries Regular -0- 4,758 1,000 2,750 6,019 6,019 Employees 4120 Salaries Temp -0- 434 -0- 400 800 800 Employees 4131 Employee Leave -0- 682 -0- 600 820 820 4132 Employee Insurance -0- 272 -0- 250 324 324 9133 Employee Pensions -0- 604 -0- 500 692 692 Total -0- 6,750 1,000 4,500 8,655 8,655 - 4210 Non-Office Supplies -0- 293 -0- 250 800 800 4375 Other Contract Services -0- 1,979 -0- 2,000 2,400 2,400 4380 Rental -0- 172 -0- 200 185 185 4403 Travel Conferences & -. Schools -0- 34 -0- 50 400 400 4420 Refunds/Reimburse -0- 21 -0- 25 -0- -0- 4453 Misc. Mdse for Resale -0- 486 -0- 500 60 60 - Total Supplies &Services -0- 2,985 -0- 3,025 3,845 3,845 Total -0- 9,735 1,000 7,525 12,500 12,500 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 r jii City of Fridley, REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Resource Page Minnesota MISC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND (10) Revenues 3314 CETA -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3320 Federal Grants 3,073 35,545 -0- 101,382 120,000 120,000 Total 3,073 35,545 -0- 101,382 120,000 120,000 Expenses Administration (137) 4100 Salaries Regular Employees 2,222 10,382 -0- -0- -0- 20,000 4110 Salaries Other Regular Employees -0- 13 -0- 15,000 20,000 -O- .. 4120 Salaries Temporary Employees -0- 428 -0- 90 -0- -0- 4131 Employee Leave 344 1,615 -0- 2,500 3,200 3,200 4132 Employee Insurance 98 677 -0- 1,000 1,300 1,300 4133 Employee Pensions 278 1,381 -0- 2,000 2,600 2,600 Total 2,942 14,496 -0- 20,590 27,100 27,100 4200 Office Supplies -0- 2 -0- -0- -0- -0- 4210 Non-Office Supplies -0- 5 -0- -0- -0- -0- 4221 Repair & Maintenance- .. Equipment -0- 21 -0- -0- -0- -0- 4230 Small Tools & Minor Equipment -0- -0- -0- 1,100 1,400 1,400 4310 Communication -0- 187 -0- 30 50 50 4330 Advertising -0- 26 -0- -0- -0- -0- 4340 Printing and Binding -0- 65 -0- 60 75 75 4373 Contract Repairs- Building/Grounds -0- 5,701 -0- 70,602 79,375 79,375 4375 Other Contract Services -0- 4,473 -0- 9,000 12,000 12,000 4403 Travel, Conferences, & Schools 131 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Total Supplies & Services 131 10,480 -0- 80,792 92,900 92,900 Total 3,073 26,009 -0- 101,382 120,000 120,000 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 A F City of Fridley, Resource Page REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Minnesota MISC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATE AID (11) Revenues 3340 State Aid Apportionment 132,644 211,909 211,909 211,909 200,00 200,00 3810 Interest Earned 64,267 67,804 64,000 64,000 65,000 65,000 .. 3962 Transfers from Other Funds 50,286 -0- -0- -0- 10,000 10,000 2600 From Retained Earnings -0- -0- 51,000 -0- 53,000 53,000 Total 247,197 279,713 326,909 275,909 328,000 328,000 Expenses 4700 Transfers Permanent 127,935 230,089 211,909 211,909 200,000 200,000 4700 Transfers Permanent 76,000 105,000 115,000 115,000 128,000 128,000 Total Other 203,935 335,089 326,909 326,909 328,000 328,000 Total 203,935 335,089 326,909 326,909 328,000 328,000 • PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 A� ,p; City of Fridley, REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Resource Page // Minnesota MI SC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND REVENUE SHARING (12) Revenues 3320 Federal Grants 194,979 218,387 216,612 223,712 223,712 223,712 3810 Interest 3,733 4,734 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 .- 2600 From Surplus 2,288 2,288 Total 198,712 223,121 220,112 227,712 230,000 230,000 .- Expenses 4600 Emergency Reserve -0- -0- 3,112 3,112 -0- -0- 4700 Transfers Permanent 200,505 186,520 217,000 217,000 230,000 230,000 Total Other 200,505 186,520 220,112 220,112 230,000 230,000 i .r PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Pjet" City of Fridley, REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Resource Page4_ p Minnesota MISC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ANTI-RECESSION (14) Revenues 3320 Federal Grants 11,446 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3810 Interest 662 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0 Subtotal 12,108 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- "" Expenses 4700 Transfers Permanent 23,063 12,108 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total Other 23,063 12,108 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total 23,063 12,108 -0- -0- -0- -0- 111 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 __ 4.. F- City of Fridley, REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Resource Page 47 ,i Minnesota MISC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND S.T.E.P. FUND (15) Revenues 3314 CETA -0- 811 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3320 Federal Grants -0- 6,588 -0- 19,763 21,000 21,000 -� 3962 Transfers from Other Funds -0- 27,316 -0- 100,237 100,000 100,000 Total -0- 34,715 -0- 120,000 121,000 121,000 Expenses "' 4100 Salaries Regular Employees -0- 19,775 -0- 72,150 73,150 73,150 4110 Salaries Other Regular Employees -0- 451 -0- 3,700 3,700 3,700 4120 Salaries Temporary Employees -0- 676 -0- 400 400 400 4131 Employee Leave -0- 3,149 -0- 11,400 11,400 11,400 4132 Employee Insurance -0- 2,065 -0- 7,700 7,700 7,700 4133 Employee Pensions -0- 4,831 -0- 18,100 18,100 18,100 Total -0- 30,947 -0- 113,450 114,450 114,450 Expenses 4210 Non-Office Supplies -0- -0- -0- 970 970 970 4211 Fuels & Lubes -0- 806 -0- 2,850 2,850 2,850 4221 Repair & Maintenance- Equipment -0- 354 -0- 400 400 400 4310 Communication -0- 84 -0- 180 180 180 4371 Equipment Contractual Repairs -0- 3,282 -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total -0- 4,529 -0- 6,400 6,400 6,4Q0 4520 Furniture & Fixtures -0- 76 -0- 150 150 150 4530 Machinery & Auto Equip. -0- 3,099 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total -0- 3,023- -0- 150 150 150 4610 Debt. Service-Interest -0- 253 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total -0- 253 -0- -0- -0- -0- Total Amounts This Division -0- 32,706 -0- 120,000 121,000 121,000 Total Amounts This Fund -0- 32,706 -0- 120,000 121,000 121,000 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Resource Page 48 ip Minnesota MISC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 DEBT SERVICE FUND (16) CIVIC CENTER BOND Revenues 3011 Taxes 37,936 41,556 39,102 39,102 38,024 38,024 3810 Interest 1,475 2,179 1,000 1,400 1,500 1,500 Subtotal 39,411 43,735 40,102 40,502 39,524 39,524 Expenses 4600 Emergency Reserve -0- -0- 1,502 -0- 1,984 1,984 4610 Debt Service-Principal 11,248 9,422 8,500 8,500 8,500 7,480 4610 Debt Service-Interest 25,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 4620 Debt Service-Paying Agent 58 57 100 100 60 60 ... Total Other 36,306 34,479 40,102 38,600 40,544 39,524 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL Resource Page (,9 • Minnesota MISC. FUNDS Allocation Plan DEPT. REVENUE/EXPENSE ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUEST BUDGET 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (25) Revenues 3011 Taxes 46,120 44,133 42,500 42,500 44,100 44,100 3810 Interest 4,094 10,961 4,000 6,000 10,000 10,000 3962 Transfers from Other Funds 31,435 30,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total 81,694 85,094 71,500 73,500 79,100 79,100 Expenses 4540 Other Improvements -0- -0- 71,500 71,500 79,100 79,100 Total -0- -0- 71,500 71,500 79,100 79,100 • PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 -- p;,„,- City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page A-i r Minnesota Allocation Plan - FUND CODE OtNATNI NT COOL DIVISION CODE P Ow OW Mgr Ills GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 PLANNING COMM. 021 PLANNING COMM. 004 ACTUA_ ACTUAL DEPT , SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION E P, $E EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET .- SEC. NO 19/i 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100'SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 3,319 3,350 3,782 3,882 4,026 '4f00 3,814 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4 411T0 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 75 23 50 55 54 4116 5u HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES - 4120 SALARIft-TERPRARY EMPLOYEES 1,715 1,458 1,855 2,000 _ 1,985 4120 1,900-- W --CURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES - = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE __ ,515 513 699 736 742 44131' 730-- 193 220 0 210 227 4132 220 44 2 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS- 424 521 , 479 490 512 4133 5113- P��Q TOTAL HOURS _ - 420(OFFICE SUPPLiE �vICES-SUS TOTAL 6.241 250 5,325 7,Q69 7,173 259 7 303 4200 1,304 280 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES_ 24 77---- 54 54 59 4210 50 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES '4211 4216 CHEMICAIS� 4216 _ : 4217 CLOTHING4 L NWT CE --�Y-� _ 4317 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL - 4220 • 3 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-E IP 48 4221 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 4222 4223 REP & MAINT IUPPLIES-BUILDINGS '4223" -- 4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 C-4300 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,024 2,010 2,2261 4300 2,000 a • 4310-COMMUNICATION __ 387 447 550 740 745 4310 736 w `s 4330 ADVERTISING 1,196 1,239 1,177 1,053 1,283 .4330 1,210 1 x ' 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 634 703 756 • 819 832 4340 823 W = 4350 INSURANCE _ _ 4350 m t 4360 UTILITIES 4360 _ i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ -- 4370 c .1 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT -- 57 88 200 292 226 4371 200 - E 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS _ 4372 __ 4373 REP & MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS • 4373 4374 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING ' 4374 4375` OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4375 j4380 RENTAL _ 4380 = 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 54 59 57 4401 50 4403-TRAVEL, CONFERENCES;-WOOLS 43 48 75 64 83 4403 70 6 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -sue TOTAL 2.59f 2,933 5,165 5,260 5,814 5,419 4500 LAND _ 4500 4510 BUILDINGS ND STRUCTURES __ 4510 • 4520 FURNITURE ND FIXTURES _143 4520 r2 4530 MACHINERY 33 AUTO EQUIPMENT 4530 u '0 Wei-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 - CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL 143 Program Group Total 8,832 9,061 12,234 12,633 13,360 12,723 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 ..- Fir, of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page A-2 ,r Minnesota Allocation Plan _ FUND CODE DDMTMLNT CARL OMSKOM COOL P 0w1lM MO der GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 PLANNING COMM. 021 COMMUNITY DEV. 005 ACTUA_ ACTUAL - DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION E P,ESE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC- NO 19/I 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 '— 4100`SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 645 574 954 800 1,021 4100 913 HOURS TESTLAR EMPLOYEES 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 44 55 200 160 214 4110 200-- HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 450 292 600 605 642 4120 650 - --OURS URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 _ �! - HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ _.._ 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 100 7.176 176 188 4131 176 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE- 43 36 52 46 56 4132 _ 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS- 86 68 145- 144 155 4133 146 ee�pQry�` TOTAL HOURS _ 4200�FFICE SUPPLIEafRV�CES-SUS TOTAL 1.368 1,100 2.127 1.931 . 2,276 4200 2.149 , 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 12 45 41 4210 4U 4211 FUELS lfH6 LUBESi 4211 --" 4216 CHEMICALS 4216 4217 CLOTHIN ALZOWA CE 4217 -- ; 4220 REPAIR 6MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL '4220 S 4221 REPAIR 1 MATT SUPPLIES-EQUIP 4221 4222 REP A MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMP 4222 T_ 4223 REP & MAINT-SUPPLIES-BUILDINGS _ 4223 .. _4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4300 i • 4310 COMMUNICATION __ _- 84 52 110 110 124 4310 124 m : 4330 ADVERTISING _ _23______ 54 49 59 4330 61 W " 4340 PRINTING & COPYING _ 137 85 189 114 175 4340 170 4350 INSURANCE 4350_ s 4360 UTILITIES _ 4360 i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 o` 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-E UIPMENT . 4371 ---. C 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 .. : 43P A MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS ---T_ 4174- REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING ` 4374 ____E 4375- OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 120 1 4375 1 4401 DUES A SUBSCRTPTIONS _ 55 55 ES { 56 4401 52 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENC OHOOLS 55 d5 61 4403 50 k 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 376 137 515 418 522 497 4500 LAND 4500 — 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES _ _ 4510 _ i 4520 FURNITURE N FIXTURES _ 4520 _ 5 ie 4530 MACHINERY AUTO EQOP ENT 4530 5 o' 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS _ 4540 _ CAPITAL OUTLAY -sue TOTAL L74( 1.237 2.642 2_3.49 2.798 2.637 Program Group Total PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 — rii City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page A-3/ Minnesota Allocation Plan MIND COO! otPMTM1NT COOL DIVIMION COM – o••APP GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 PLANNING COMM. 02 EALS COMM. 006 "ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION E SSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET .. . 1 977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4 el L ' E 'EGUL ' EM` 'YE 3,081 4,106 5,965 5,775 6,383 4100 6,1§b HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4TTO SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 668 '--717r 748 575 800 4110 550 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES ION — ' 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES __.621 922 913 99 977 CJ1J 970 —T16URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES O�• 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4131 -EMPLOYEES LEAVE ____ 477 638 1,104 1,030 1,181 4131 1,099 '- 207 350 322 306 345 4132 345 4133 EMPLOYEE PENS1ONS-- 469 608 746 746 798 ' 790 TOTAL HOURS tRVICES—sus TOTAL_ c c21 7 1E1 a 798 a 1A; it ERA g —. 42060FFICE SUPPLIES 15 _ 52 57 68 4200 9 R 27 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 4210 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBEi 4216 CHEMICALS _ Efifi 4217 CLOTHINGN ALLO NNI E MU 4220 REPAIR A MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ Lf*Ill 4221 REPAIR A MAINT SUPPLIES-E 0 P LIl 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER 110------- u444 REP & MAINT-NPPLIES-BUILDINGS LtIll _4230 SMALL TOOLS — i— 0 N 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES T 4300 a •• 4310 COMMUNICATION 214 250 30/ 307 34/ 4310 360 W : 4330 ADVERTISING 83 108 124 131 4330 129 m ° 4340 PRINTING A COPYING 292 263 320 300 333 4340 300 4350 INSURANCE 4350 a 4360 UTILITIES L _ i 4370 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-GENERAL L1r1L1 c :: 4371 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-EQQUIPMENT - l2 WA' E 4372 REP A MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS LEtil 4373 REP A NT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS Lam] 4374 REP A MAINT-SEAL COATING LPL! E 437E OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Lam] a 4380 RENTAL LEA -- ': 4401 DUES A SUBSCETPTIONS • =I • 4403-TRAVEL CONFERENCES-,-SCHOOLS ' 25 20 " 28 LZim 30 t 4404 LAUNDRY OTHER EXPENSES —SUB TOTAL 604 525 837 833 91'3 01 912 4500'LAND _ _ _ _ 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES _ Lill] _ i 4520 FURNITURE AND FI TURES U.Wi1 t 4530 MACHINERY A AUTO EQUIPMENT L1� 3'1 _ a 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS — CAPITAL OUTLAY —SUB TOTAL Program Group Total 6,127 7,866 10,635 10,178 11,417 10,796 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Fe,a-?, City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page. A_4 ,+ Minnesota Allocation Plan _ FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PROEM/ SNOW • GENERAL 01I LEGISLATIVE 01 PLANNING COMM. 02 PARKS/REC. COMM. 008 ACTUA_ ACTUAL I • SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION E PEASE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC- IyNQQ_� 977 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 350 612 530 630 567 4100 5b0 HOURS EEGULAR EMPLOYEES 4Ti0 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES I♦ 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 319 461 530 :r iipi IS- HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 54 95 98 118 105 100 4T3'f EMPLOYEE INSURANCCE- 24 46 29 35 32 L ±1 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 44 , 78 66 83 71 - 7T TOTAL HOURS _ 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIEaERVICES-SUS TOTS; 791 1.292 1.2 1,44_6 L342 1,298 4 _ 20 4290 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 19 4210 • 4211 FUELS AND LURES—'� 4Z11 4216 CHEMICA4S 4216 4217 CLOTHINGI ALLO WIi CE _ Lfibl — ; 4220 REPAIR a MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL — _ LI'ki•] 14221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP Lail 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IiiP Ly444 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS Ll'k*1 _4230 SMALL TOOLS 0 2 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES __ 4300 a 54 52 55 . 55 67 LET.] 65 Neu `: 4330 ADVERTISING x " 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 82 118 108 • 80 90 I 89 — W = 4350 INSURANCE 4350 Es 8 4360 UTILITIES � r 4360 i 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 _ o 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-E U TENT 4371 C 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER-IMPROVEMENTS 4372 4373 REP & MAINT-BUILDINGS`GROUNDS ti U7t REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 3 , • , • •' I. 4375 8 4380 RENTAL 4380 ... 1 4401 DUES & SUBSC1fPT NS 4401 4403-TRAVEL, CONFERENCES,TCIfOOLS 66-' 78 80 ZbU 88 4403 30 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL, 219 248 243 415 245 184 4500•LAND _ 4500 ---BUILDINGS MD STRUCTURES _ _ Lill] 4 FURNITURE FIXTURES LIE] •' 4530 MACHINERY&TUTSE0UTPMENT . r• a 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 -- _ CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUS TOTAL Program Group Total , 1,010 1,540 1,496 1,861 1,587 1,482 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Fr- City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page A-5 • + Minnesota Allocation ! Plan -- FUND CODS •, ry .... GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 PLANNING COMM. 02 ENVIRON. Qual. 009 ACTUA ACTUAL DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC. yyQQ 197T 1978 1979 1979 1980 Q 1980 -- 4100'SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 639 641 677 700 724 4100 760 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4TT0 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 47 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _ 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 444 578 500 400 535 ERB 535 HOURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES • 4130-SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES ._ 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 99 1r0 1 1 0 134 4131 134 4 111111TAI ,, U ti 41 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 86 81 85 88_ 91 91 TOTAL HOURS esitggimi, fERVICES-SUB TOTAL L35 g L450 1.424 1-5?4 1.501 4200 OFFICE E d 9 55 61 4200 60 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 55 46 61 4210 50 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES --__ 4271 4216 CHEMICAL4S 4216 4217 CLOTHINGN LEM1rNCE 4217 .— 4220 REPAIR A J4AINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL ism 1 4221 REPAIR 1 MAINT SUPPLIES-1 UIP — ism 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHE IMP CJ4' 1 - 4223 REP & MAINT IUPPLIES-BUILDINGS - _4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 — W 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4300 N ; 4310 COMMUNICATION 75 60 :0 90 110 E�LEI 100 W 6 4330 ADVERTISING 20 LIM x ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 112 106 108 128 150 Cxs71 148 — W 15 4350 INSURANCE a 4360 UTILITIES A i 4370 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ c 4 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT M - E 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS _ 437— P & MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 4373 MT REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4375 4380 RENTAL _ 4380 6 4401 DUES A SUBSCRIPTIONS 25 25 26 4401 26 — = 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES, CTFOOLS 130 15 60 55 66 4403 60 5 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 323 210 383 397 474 444 4500 LAND _ _ __ 4500 -- 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES _ MO i 4520 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES i a 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT E701 3 0' 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS • _ CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL Program Group Total 1,681 1,660 1,807 1,752 1,998 1,945 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page A_6 Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CODE DEPARTMENT coo( DIVISION CODE FlWw 1M OWN, nor 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 PLANNING COMM. 02I HUMAN RESOURCES 010 ACTUAL ACTUAL - DEPT SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXP SE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE y TE REQUBEST ACCT BUDGET _, SEC• 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 588 770 854 975 935 4100 931 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4T10 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _2 _ 4 _ 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES----1 — > 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _341P 344 500 400 535 4120 530 —CURS URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 91 120 158 188 175 4131 172 '- 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE _ 3T 52 46 46 50 4132 50 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 75 99 107 127 114 4133 1T4-- P��Q1� y TOTAL HOURS _ 4200�FFICE SUPPL�E5E v,cES-SUS TOTAL 1.134 L389 L.6fi5 `, 1.736 L809 1,797 27 50 50 55 4200 53 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES ___ 18 4210 • 4211 FUELS AND LOBES— 4211 4116 CHEMICAkS 4216 A 4217 CLOTHINGN LTI ANCE------ - 4217 -" il 4220 REPAIR A L E -GENE _ 4220- 1 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SULLIES 4221 . 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIEMr------ '4222' 4223 REP & MAINT IUPPLIES-BUILDINGS _ '23 - .. 4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 0 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4300 o • 4310 COMMINICATION 95 94 100 100 t 132 4310 115 W `s 4330 ADVERTISING 4330 W .� ° 4340-PRINTING A COPYING 155 151 200 190 . 270 4340 270 4350 INSURANCE 4350 a 4360 UTILITIES 4360 W 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370' c 4 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUf - ---' 4371 ----, ,_ ! 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 437— 3 REP A MAINT-BUILDINGS1GROUNDS _ 4373 o 117T REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 4375 1 43801RENTAL _ 4380 — 1 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 7 50 45 53 4401 46 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES.POOLS 63— -Tr 65 50 72 4403 60 S 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 365 255 465 435 582 544 4500 LAND 4500 4510 BUILDINGS ND STRUCTU _ 4510 <' 450 FURNITURE NIXTURES __ 4520 t 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 4530 a 8 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 -. CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL Program Group Total 1,499 1,644 2,130 2,171 2,391 2,341 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Fr7 City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page B-1 ,• Minnesota Allocation Plan FUND CODE o,PA*1NLNT COOL DIVISION coo, FROaIAM MOW COO GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 OTHER COMMISSIIONS 03 POLICE COMM. 012 SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST ACCT BUDGET SEC , 19/7 1978 1979 1979 1980 NO 1980 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 515 192 750 750 803 4100 7$3 HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 15 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4120 SALARIES T Y ES_LOY _ 100 200 63 214 Lj 21T --FitrURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES LIL:II HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES MIll = 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 80 ` 31 _139 120 . 149 "' °, 4132 E1APCOYEE INSURANCE 1 ,1 41 .1 ERA 60 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSIONS 83 , 57 94 , 90 - 117 ' 104 TOTAL HOURS UR5Q IERVICES-SUS TOTAL 832 297 1.224 1 43 1 30. 4200'bFFICE SUPPL�ES 687 Too _ �2 `; 115 4200 119 4210_NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 4210 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBEE-- 4216 CHEMICAL4S Eli 4217 CLOTHING∎ L NWI� CE _ Lf1 -- 4220 REPAIR A UP L ES-GENE _ Cfkl,] 1.4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP Lgfi 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IA 1------- LY444 4223 REP & MAINT 1UPPLIES-BUILDINGS LW' 4230 SMALL TOOLS _ I —'4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,959 1,549 1,485 1,385 ' 2,416 4300 2,440 e=U • 4310 COMMUNICATION ___ • 305 2b6 544 544 b53 4310 biW 1 4330 ADVERTISING 345 7.26 450 440 510 4330 500 t ° 4340 PRINTING & COPYING _ 9 10 50 /0 4340 6U W 4350 INSURANCE 4350 r 4360 UTILITIES •1 W 4370 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-GENERAL 4370 c < 4371 REPAIR A MAINTENANCE-E UIPMENT 4371 4372 REP A MAINT-OTHERrMPROVEMENTS Litt4 _ 43P A MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS T 3 t 74 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 g • I , • ,, . . I. ., 4375 o 4380 RENTAL 38 50 45 ' 55 4380 50 1 4401 DUES A SUBSCRIPTIONS 4401 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES,SCHOOLS 173 100 100 110 4403 100 5 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUB TOTAL 4.517 ?.595 ?.739 7.646 3.929 3.900 4500 LAND _ 4500 ----- 4$1 0 BUILDINGS NATURES _ L.LI — i 4- 4520 FURNITURE AND FI TURES LINI1 t 4530-MACHINERY A AUTO EQUIPMENT I S '0 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS -„ CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL , , Program Group Total 5,349 2,892 3,963 3,709 5,272 5,206 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Fe:- City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page B-2 64 Minnesota Allocation Plan RIND CODE women COO( DM$ION COD( A�(Nw MOW ... , GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE 01 OTHER COMMISSIIONS 03JCATV COMMISSION 015 ACTUAL -ACTUAL DEPT SUB ANCQCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXP SE EXP�ENBSE BUDGET ESTI9MA9TE REQU8EOST ACCT .BUDGET SEC. 4100 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,629 1,607 2,550 2,550 2,729 4160 2,5n HOURS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4TT0 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 450 827 731 831 782 4110 782 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES _ 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 271 289 385 435 412 4120 412 --OURS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES, _ 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES __ -- 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE 252.. 250 472 437 505 4131 505 4132 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 81 98 138 140 148 4132 148 4133 EMPLOYEE PENS1ONS — 259 307 319 329 341 _4133 311- TOTAL HOURS A ' A 2 4 '17 4 156 I I I I 1•• 38 83 is Is s 4T, r 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES 5 _ 4210 • 4211 FUELS AND LUBES- 4211 4216 CHEMICA4S 4216 — ; 4217 CLOTHING∎ALLO WIINCE 4117 it 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ 4220_ 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-EQUIP '4221 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IMF— 42226_ __ 4223 REP & MAINT-SUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4223 _4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 a 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 039 905 1,000 1,050 1,100 4300 1,100 a ° 4310 COMMUNICATION 55 39 . 110 100 124 4310 124 • I=u `: 4330 ADVERTISING _ 152 19 200 180 220 4330 220 — x ° 4340 PRINTING A COPYING 94 184 500 430 550 4340 550 W = 4350 INSURANCE 4350 w 6 4360 UTILITIES 4360 z 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ + _ 4370 _ ._ c 4 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 4371 ' 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4372 9 4373 REP A MAINT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS 4373 ': 4374 REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING 4374 3 , I . ,, IA. •T 4375 ,_ j 4380 RENTAL 4380 `: 4401 DUES & SUBSC1TPTIONS 50 50 50 50 153 4401 100 4403 TRAVEL, CONFERENCESzCHOOLS _ 672 304 ' 800 800 1,590 4403 1,500 G 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 2.100 1.589 2,760 2,710 3,847 3,704 "` 4500 LAND _ _ _ 4500_ 4510 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 4510 ▪ '< 4520 FURNITURE AND FIT-ONES __ _ 4520 '' ; 4530 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT —'— 4530 v o 45- 40 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4540 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUB TOTAL Program Group Total 5,042 4,967 7,355 7,432 8,764 _ 8,460 ■ ■ ■ ■ W. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 rB- City of Fridley, Program Detail Resource Page 3 , Minnesota Allocation Plan _ noo cool oa�uTwENT CODS orvN�oN CODS PRUUUM GENERAL 01 LEGISLATIVE AC U [ ORIV COMMISSIIONS 031 ;HBgrFR COMM. [�16 SUB ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXP9EN8SE BUDGET ESTI�MA�TE REQUEST T A�CQCT 'BUDGET SEC. 4100'SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES 973774 408 1,024 1,024 • 1,096 4100 1,062 HOURS EE U1AR EMPLOYEES 4110 SALARIES OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES — _ 3 4110 HOURS OT REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4120 SALARIES TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 179 135 212 376 227 224 • — 1 URS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 4130 SALARIES OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES _ 4130 HOURS OT TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES '"-'- NMI 4131 EMPLOYEES LEAVE __ 58 '— 73 1:9 1.3 202 C1 P)J 165 ..- 4T17114PLUVEFINSIMEr 4133 EMPLOYEE PENSI 47 53 1?8 128- 137 LlIIY4 137 TOTAL HOURS - �• . • .:• .1: 1 1 .31 I I I I.: • 4 51 is -_ 4210 NON OFFICE SUPPLIES • MIT FUELS AND LURES-�� 4216 CHEMICALS _ , 4216 : 4217' CLOTHINNII ALLOWANCE 4217 .- � 4220 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-GENERAL _ 4220 t 4221 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES-ESP _ `-T 4221 4222 REP & MAINT SUPPLIES-OTHER IN P------- 4222 4223 REP & MAINT TUPPLIES-BUILDINGS 4230 SMALL TOOLS 4230 a 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 390 440 390 i 484 4300 440 a : 4310 COMMUNICATION fi4 60 122 82 10Q 4310 -9-0 i : 4330 ADVERTISING _ 99 50 30 40 4330 35 W 4340 PRINTING & COPYING 7n 56 100 80 110 4340 95 g 4350 INSURANCE 4350 : 4360 UTILITIES 4360 :V 4370 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-GENERAL _ �_- 4370 _ c 4371 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-EpUIPMENT 4371 E 4372 REP & MAINT-OTHER'-IMPROVEMENTS 4372 4373 REP-6fNT-BUILDINGS/GROUNDS WO wry REP & MAINT-SEAL COATING Hifi 8 4375 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4380 RENTAL :TI 6 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4401 4403 TRAVEL CONFERENCES, SCHOOLS 1 4403 5 4404 LAUNDRY 4404 OTHER EXPENSES -SUS TOTAL 554 116 728 616 784 700 4500 LAND _ 4500 -- 4510 BUILDINGS AND ORUETURES _ will --- i 4 4520 FURNITURE AND FIRES __ l t g 4530'MACHINERY & AUTO EOUIPMENf— _ 7j S 4540 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY -SUS TOTAL ..- Program Group Total 1,233 805 2,336 2,391 2,489 2,331 PROGRAM BUDGET 1990 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail administrative Page C-1 Minnesota Budget i{N1O CODE 06POTMENT COOK 1XV410H C General Ol Legislative 01 City Council Ol —NAME 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHIV YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MOI SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Mayor 12 550.00 550.00 6,600.00 12 550.00 550.00 6,600.00 Councilperson 12 450.00 450.00 5,400.00 12 450.00 450.00 5,400.00 At Large Councilperson Ward I 2088 2096 Councilperson 12 400.00 400.00 4,800.00 [12 400.00 400.00 .4,800. 0 Ward II 2088 _8F0 2096 Councilperson 12 400.0 400.00 4,800.00 400.00 400.00 4, . 0 Ward III 2088 1 1 1 2096 -0- -0- Salary Adjustment Contingency -0_ -0_ Other Contingency 26,400.00 .26,400.00 Permanent Employees Yearly Salary .� (Acct. #4100 and #4131) 10,400 10,480 Permanent Employees-Yearly Hours i No No = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev - Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary .� (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail page C-2 • FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE J DIVISION CODE PROGRAM o General 01 Legislative O1 City Council 01 1 1979 - 1990 ._ SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TE P TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP TOTAL AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR A Program Grou 26,40 26,400 city council $ 26,40 26,400 Hrs 10,44 10,440 10,48C 10,480 Other Temp.Empl $ 3,42E 3,428 3,66E 3,668 Hrs 62E 628 62E 628 Regular Empl. $ -0 -0- -0 -0- .. Hrs -0 -0- -0 -0- Personal Servic S •-• Received From:. 6,920 General Mgmt. $ 6,435 6,435 6,92 Hrs 789 789 793 793 Finance $ 2,353 2,353 2,214 2,214 Hrs 167 167 147 147 Assessing $ 247 247 -0 _O_ Hrs. 42 42 -0 Planning $ 655 655 68 682 Hrs, 97 97 9 Engineering $ 3,955 3,955 4,24 4,248 Hrs 248 248 24 248 (B)Personal Sery 14,064 ices Recv' fro $ 13,645 13;645 14,06 .. Depts. Total: Hrs 1,343 1,343 1,282 1,282 r� C Personal Se - -0- ices Rendered t $ -o- Depts. Total: Hrs. -0- -0- -0- D Persona Sery $ *13,645 29,82 43,473 4,06 0, 6 44,13 ices A+B+C Tot l: Hrs. 1,343 11,06 12,411 1,28 11,10 12,390 �- 2 2,900 Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) 4,024 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 49,910 51,056 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 12,411 12,390 Hrs Hrs. I ] •. *NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leav19(Acct #4131) 1979 _ Salaries-Regular Employees Salaries-Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct #4100 Acct #4131- ^ $11,515 + $2,130 = $13,645 $11,870 + $2,194 $14,064 r City of Fridley, PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-3 FVNo CODE I DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PROGRAM GROUP VJUL General Ol Legislative O1 Planning commission 02 1 1979 1 99n SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PER TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR Q.I. T - TOTAL A Pro ram Grout. Planning Comm. $ 998. 4,898 5,896 800 5,200 6,000 Hrs 94 1,225 1,319 94 1,225 1,319 Persona Servic s Received From: General Mgnt. $ 708 708 349 349 Hrs 87 87 40 40 Police $ 91 91 -0- -0- Hrs 7 7 -0- -0- Code Enf.; $ 3,917 3,917 3,803 3,803 Hrs. 553 553 500 500 .. Planning $ 8,364 8,364 9,111 9,111 Hrs. 1,183 1,183 1,200 1,200 Engineering $ 1,445 1 X 445 1,52 1,528 ... Hrs. 225 254 25 250 Parks 597 597 66E 668 48 48 5 50 B) Personal Ser - ices Recv'd from- ro $ 15,122 15,122 15,459 15,459 Depts. Total: Hrs. 2,132 2,132 2,04C 2,040 "" C Persona Serv- ices Rendered $ -0- -0- -O -0 Depts. Total: Hrs. -0- -0- -0 -0- •� D Persona Sery 5,122 998 4,89 2 ,0 8 5,459 800 5, 0 2 ,459 ices A+B-C Tota Hrs. 2,132 94 1,22r 3,451 2,04C 94 1,22 3,359 Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) 690 743 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 1,628 1,722 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 23,336 23'924 3,451 3,35 Hrs. Hrs. *NOTE: Includes Salar19e79of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leav19(80cct #4131) Salaries-Regular Employees Salaries-Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct #4100 Acct #4131 $12,762 + $2,360 $15,122 $13,048 + $2,411 = $15,459 City of Fridley, PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 G� Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-4 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE I DIVISION CODE 1PROGRAM GROUP q General 01 Legislative Ol Legislative 01 Other Commissions 03 .._ SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP _ AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR 0.T. TOTAL PERM-REG TOTAL (A)Program Grou Other Commissions $ 731 797 1,528 782 850 1,632 Hrs. 61 199 260 61 198 259 PersonaT Services Received From: General Mgnt. $ 816 816 519 519 Hrs. 69 69 40 40 Police $ 832 832 950 950 Hrs. 66 66 70 70 Engineering $ 482 482 1,216 1,216 Hrs. 60 60 141 141 Planning $ 2,960 2,960 2,543 2,543 Hrs. 250 250 200 200 Public Works $ 34 34 -0- -0- ^ Maint. Hrs. 6 6 -0- -0- B) Personal Ser - ices Recv'd from $ 5,124 5,124 5;228 5,228 .. Depts. Tota : Hrs. 451 451 451 451 (C)Personal Serv- ices Rendered $ -0- -0- -0 -0- Depts. Total: Hrs. -0- -0- -0- -0- D Personal Sery $ *5, 2 797 6,652 5,228 82 85 6,860 ices A+B-C Total HrS. 451 61 199 711 451 61 198 710 Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) 234 251 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 541 582 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 7,427 7,693 711 710 Hrs. H ,..� *NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leave (Acct #4131) 1979 1980_ Salaries-Regular Employees Salaries-Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct #4100 Acct #4131 $4,324 + $800 $5,124 $4,413 + $815 $5,228 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-5 Minnesota Budget FWD CODE a w � General Management 05 NAME 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. NOI BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL 0 BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MOI SALARY CC.I.11 TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Nasim M. Qureshi 12 3304.17 N/E 3304.17 39,650.00 12 3,553.34 N/E 3,553.34 42,640.00 ~' City Manager Administrative Peter Fleming 2 1589.58 WE 1589.58 19,075.00 12 1,716.67 N/E 1,716.67 20,600.00 .. Adm. Asst./Per..O c. Administrative 2088 2096 Vacant Position ShcNn as Code Enforcement 12 1,462.00 N/E 1,462.00 17,544.00 Economic Dev.Asst. Officer urider Code Enforce- Administrative ment in 1 9 Bruce Goodman 2 1416.6 N/E 1416.67 17,000.00 ManagementAnalys Administrative (Separate 3-23-79) 9119/77 MRA Bruce Eagle 5 1,350.0 N/E 1,350.00 16,200.00 12 1,444.50 N/E 1,444.50 17,334.00 Management.4rmlys Administrative Mary Lu Strom 12 1,132.4 69.23 1,201.67 14,420.00 12 1,233.23 9.23 1,302. 6 5,630.00 1Secretary, C.M. 7 1/2 7 112 Grade F 7/29/65-4/l/68 2088 2096 Pam Hagen 0 699.0 N/E 699.00 8,422.00 ',.. Clerk Typist Grade B 2 733.00 733.00 •., 5/12/78 S parate 4-27-79 2088 Phyllis Grotberg 6 66.00 N/E 666.00 Clerk Typist Grade B 1 699.0 699:00 Vacant Position 12 719.00 N/E 719.00 8,628.00 Clerk Typist 2096 Grade B Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- -0- Other Contingency -0- 1,1333) 2 Permanent Employees—Yearly Salary 126,407 y ,376 (Accts. #41 00 and #4131) Permanent Employees—Yearly Hours 14,616 14,672 * Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Bruce Eagle on 2/l/80, Vacant Position/Administrative Assistance on July 1, 1980, and Vacant Position/Economic Development Assistance and Vacant Position/Clerk Typist 6 months after appointment to position. No Mo = Number of Months Cr a Credits Longev a Longevity Yearly Sal - Yearly Salary (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1880 Go City of Fridley. � Minnesota personnel Service Detail page C-6 f� FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE I DIVISION CODE I PROGRAM GROUP CODE General 01 City Management 02 Management 02 lGeneral Management 05 1 1979 198() SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 ._ RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM RE O.T. REGULAR PERM- TOTAL (A)Pro ram Grou Genera Mgmt. $ 26,407 803 7,589 134,833 122,376 860 8,121 131,35 Hrs. 14,616 99 1,897 16,612 14,672 99 1,897 16,668 Other Cont c -1,133 -1,133 Personal Service Received From: .. Finance $ -0- -0- 2,261 2,261 Hrs. -0- -0- 150 150 Planning $ 1,994 1,994 368 368 Hrs. 291 291 50 50 Engineering $ 1,400 1,400 672 672 Hrs. 97 97 50 50 P.W.Maint. $ 1,400 1,400 853 853 Hrs. 184 184 120 120 Central Sery/D.P $ -0- -0- 14,323 14,323 Hrs. -0- -0- 1,800 1,800 B Personal Ser- i c-es ReEv d rom $ 4,794 4,794 18,477 18,477 Depts. Tota Hrs. 572 572 2,170 2,170 Persona Serv- ices Rendered to City Council $ 6,435 6,435 6,920 6,920 •. Hrs. 789 789 793 793 '\ Other Comm. $ 816 816 519 519 Hrs. 69 69 40 40 Personnel $ 13,846 13,846 14,008 14,008 Hrs. 1,387 1,387 1,300 1,300 Finance $ 1,201 1,201 1,542 1,542 HrS. 225 225 392 392 Police $ 3,414 3,414 1,000 1,000 Hrs. 508 508 100 100 Planning $ 1,509 1,509 500 500 Hrs. 216 216 50 50 Code Enf. $ 1,200 1,200 17,324 17,32.4 Hrs. 172 172 2,162 2,162 Civic Center $. 2,773 2,773 849 849 Hrs. 433 433 105 105 P.W. Maint. $ 5,105 5,105 3,579 3,579 Hrs. 688' 688 402 402 Parks $ 5,316 5,316 1,830 1,830 Hrs. 644 644 203 203 Utilities $ 3,466 3,466 2,543 2,543 Hrs. 271 271 320 320 Planning Comm. $ 708 708 349 349 Hrs. 87 87 40 40 Fire $ 2,709 2,709 832 832 Hrs. 388 388 104 104 Engineering $ 1,514 1,514 1,300 1,300 Hrs. 254 254 150 150 Naturalist $ 1,421 1,421 800 800 Hrs. 158 158 100 100 Recreation $ 1,739 1,739 130 130 Hrs. 278 278 15 15 "- Liquor $ 344 344 375 375 Hrs. 22 22 40 40 (C)Personnel Ser - /� ices Rendered $ 53,516 53,516 54,404 54,404 J Dept. Total Hrs. 6,589 6,589 6,316 6,316 D Personal Services $ 7,685 803 7,589 86,077 *85,316 860 8,121 94,297 -„ A+B-C Total Hrs. 8,599 99 1,897 10,595 10,526 99 1,897 12,522 City of Fridley, PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 ^ Q° Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-7 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVIStoN CODE PROGRAM GROUP General 01 City Management 02 Management 02 General Mangement 05 19/9 lqqn SERVICES 4100 & 1 4110 14120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 IT 130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP EMP AND RECEIVED ITITLEIPERM-REQO.T. REGULAR - TOTAL Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) **4,583 **5,104 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 8,387 9,504 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 99,047 108,905 10,595 12,522 Hrs. I Hrs. *NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leave (Acct #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries-Regular Employees Salaries-Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct #4100 Acct #4131 $65,771 + $11,914 = $77,685 $72,006 + $13,310 = $85,316 **Includes $1,000 unemployment compensation. "1 .r City of Fridley, PROGRAM BUDGET 1380 G'O t� Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-8 GROUP CODE FUND CODE I DEPARTMENT CODE I DIVISION CODE OrRALA eneral 01 City Management 02 Personnel 06 1979 SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR TOTAL (A)Program Group Personne $-0- -0- -0- -0- .. Hrs. -0- -0- -0- Personal Service Received From: Central Sery/D.P $ -0- -0- 1,000 1,000 Hrs. -0- -0- 100 100 General Mgmt. $ 13,846 13,846 14,008 14,008 Hrs. 1,387 1,387 1,300 1,300 Finance $ 2,329 2,329 2,502 2,502 Hrs. 188 188 180 180 Assessing: $ 247 247 9 9 Hrs. 42 42 1 1 -. P.W. Maint. $ -0- -0- 720 720 Hrs. -0- -0- 90 90 (B)Personal Serv- ices Recv'd from $ 16,422 16,422 18,239 18,239 Depts. Total. Hrs. 1,617 1,617 1,671 1,671 C Personal Ser - ices Rendered to $ -0- -0- -0- -0- Depts. Total* Hrs. -0- -0- -0- -0- "1 (D)Persona Sery 6,422 16,422 -18,239 8,239 ices A+B-C Tota Hrs. 1,617 1,617 1,671 1,671 t. Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) 748 877 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 1,733 1,733 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 18,903 21,147 1,617 1,671 Hrs. Hrs. *NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leave (Acct #4131) 1979 Salaries-Regular Employees Salaries-Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct#4100 Acct #4131 $13,858 + $2,564 = $16,422 $15,394 + $2,845 = $18,239 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-9 Minnesota Budget FWD Caoa Ot Mu+ en ra ervices CODE In.P. Coog P, Data prrLracci- na neral 1 Central Ser 041 ^ E 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. N BASE LONGEY MONTHLY YEARLY SAL 0 BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS r, Sidney Inman 3 1,653.6 N/E 1,653.60 20,587.00 12 1,864.94 N/E 1,864.94 22,379.00 Dir.Ctl Sery/D.P Administrative 9 1,736.2 N/E 1,736.28 92578 Barbara Ridout 12 1,124.0 41.95 1,165.95 13,991.00 12 1,241.00 41.95 1,282.95 15,395.00 Gen. Accountant 5% 5% Grade I 1 - Ju y We ch 863.0 N/E 863.00 10,356.00 12 939.00 N/E 1 939.00 11,268.00 ... Pyb/Data Proc.Cl Grade D 1/17/74-4/3/78 2088 F. Engelbrecht 12 916.0 36.26 952.26 11,427.00 7 998.00 36.26 1,034.26 .12,502.00 Liq.Acct'g.Clk 5% 5% Grade C _ 5 998.00 54.38 1,052.38 8/14/68-11/l/69 2088 7 1121. 209 Betty Okerstrom 12 984.0 61.43 1,045.43 12,545.00 12 1,072.00 61.43 1,133.43 13,601.00 Sr.Uti.Blg. Clk. 7 112 7 112 Grade D 4/20/64 Elaine Tibbetts 12 789.0 N/E 789.00 9,468.00 12 859.00 N/E 859.00 10,308.00 Util. B1g.Clk. Grade B 5/10/76-2/20/78 Gordon Middag 12 1,570.8 66.66 1,637.50 19,650.00 12 1,687.08 66.66 1,753.74 21,045.00 Purchasing Agent 5% 5% Grade M 3/2/70 2088 20 Mary Zwicky 6 666.0 N/E 666.00 12 719.00 N/E 719.00 8,628.00 Clerk Typist .. Grade 6 Katy Williams 5 762.0 N/E 762.00 12 823.00 N/E 823.00 9,876.00 W.P. Operator. Grade D * .r Paul Paulson 5 1,289.0 26.77 1,3315.77 15,977.00 12 1,379.23 53.54 1,432.77 17,193.00 Custodian 2 112 5% Grade I 7 1,289.0 53.54 1,342.54 6 14 71 5 Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- 1,390,00 Other Contingency -0- (-1,320.00 Permanent Employees Yearly Salary 114,001.00 142,195.00 (#4100 and #4131) Permanent Employees Yearly Hours 20,880- 20,960 i .� *Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Sid Inman on 7/1/80, Kathleen Williams on 3/l/80 , Mary Zwicky 1/1/80• No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours _ PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Q° City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-10 FIIND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE I DIVISION C55FJTr0GR`A0 GROUP General 01 Central Serv./D.F lCentral Sery/D.P. 04 1979 1990 ,.. SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR O.T. TOTAL PERM-RFG TOTAL (A)Program Group ,. Central Sery/D.P $ -0- 142,615 142,61 Hrs. 20,960 20,960 Salary Adjustmen $ -0- 970 970 Other Contingent $ -1,320 -1,320 (B)Personal Serv- ices Received From: $ _0_ Depts. Tota Personal Service Rendered To: City Management $ 14,323 14,323 1,000 1,000 Personnel $rs� 1,000 1,000 Hrs. 100 100 inance $ 39,057 39,057 Hrs. 5,200 5,200 Utilities $ 32,595 32,595 Hrs. 6,050 6,050 iquor $ 8,601 8,601 'Hrs. 3,069 3,069 r, ire $ 4,442 4,442 Hrs. 550 550 livic Center $ 24,137 24,137 Hrs. 3,010 3,010 olice 4,169 4,169 Hrs. 573 573 W. Maint. $ ' 2,000 2,000 Hrs. 300 300 ngineering $ 2,000 2,000 Hrs. 300 300 tanning $ 3 X 551 3,551 Hrs. 200 200 ... arks $ 4,000 4,000 Hrs. 458 458 ecreation $ 1,838 1,838 Hrs. 100 100 aturalist $ 552 552 Hrs. 50 50 (C)Personal Serv- ices Rendered $ 142,265 142,265 Dept. Total Hrs. 20,960 20,960 Persona Sery 65 142,265 ices A+B-C Total Hrs. 20,960 20,960 Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) -0- -0- Employee Pension (Acct#4133) -0- -0- '^ PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL -0- 142,265 -0- 20,960 Hrs Hrs PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, n Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-11 FIND CODE I DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE 1PROGRAM General Ol Central Ser/D.P. 04 Civic Center 30 19/9 19M) SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 k4131 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGU AR TOTAL (A)Program Group Civic Center $ 15,977 300 9,000 25,277 -0- 321 9,630 9,951 Hrs. 2,088 26 2,250 4,364 -0- 26 2,250 2,276 Persona Service Received From: General Mangmt. $ 2,773 2,773 849 849 Hrs. 433 433 100 100 Accounting $ 3,601 3,601 -0- -0- "' Hrs. 877 877 -0- -0- Central Sev/D.P. $ 24,137 24,137 Hrs. 3,010 3,010 �• Code Enforcement $ 300 300 1,367 1,367 Hrs. 33 33 140 140 Engineering $ 1,372 1,372 846 846 ^ Hrs. 174 174 100 100 P.W. Maint. $ 4064 4,064 3,56 3,563 Hrs. 490 490 40C 400 Parks $ 554 554 52E 525 Hrs. 68 68 6 60 (B)Personal Service Received From $ 12,664 12,644 31,28 31,287 Dept. Total: Hrs. 2,075 2,075 3,81C 3,810 Personal Service Rendered to: $ 141 141 -0 -0- Uti'lities Hrs. 15 15 -0 - o-(C)Person--a Services Rendered to $ 141 141 -0 -0- + Dept. Totals: Hrs. 15 15 -0 -0- D Persona Ser- vices $ *28,500 300 9500 37,800 *31,28 321 9,63 415238 A+B-C Total: Hrs 4,148 26 2,25 6,424 3,81 2 2,25 6,086 Employee Insurance (Acct. #4132) 2,320 2,535 Employee Pension (Acct.#4133) 3,850 4,198 ^ PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 43,970 47,971 65424 6,086 Hrs. Hrs. NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $24,197 + $4,303 = $28,500 $26,407 + $4,880 = �� $31,287 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative page C-12 Minnesota Budget FuNO N N a ectios 1 fleneral 1 inane D N E 1979 JOB TITLE 1980 JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY -(C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Marvin Brunsell 12 2,458.33 N/E 2,458.33 9,500.00 12 2,655.00 N/E 2,655.0 31,860.0 Asst. Mg/Fin.Dr. Administrative 88 Shirley Haapala 12 1,065.0066.08 1,131.08 13,573.00 Secretary 7 1/2% Grade E (Tr nsfere to Polic . 4/16/79) 1/18/65 Jean Christianson 8 898.00 N/E 898.00 12 997.00 N/E 997. ,9 4. Secretary Grade E 4/16/79 2088 2096 Elsie Hanscom 12 869.00 N/E 869.00 10,428.00 12 939.00 N/E 939.00 8. Cashier Grade B 613/74-2/ 0/78 2088 2096 Telaine Dimatteo 121 785.00 N/E 785.00 9,420.00 Recept./Lic.Clk. Grade B (Se arated 2/15/79) 5 18 76 2088 Ellen Duncan bbb. 754.00 754.00 9,048.00 Recept./Lic.Clk Grade B 4 699.00 699.00 2/21/79 2088 2096 Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- 152 Other Contingency -0- X595.00) Permanent Employees Yearly Salary 141,295 64,140.00 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) Permanent Employees Yearly Hours 20,880 91100.00 *Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Ellen Duncan on 9/1/80. l No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) ■ College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 G� City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-13 RIND CODE I DEPARIMENT CODE DIvIS1ON CODE I PROGRAM u General 01 Finance 02 Finance 03 Elections 10 1979 .1 1990 ... SERVICES 4100 & 411V 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR O.T. A TOTAL (A)Program Group Elections $ 848 4,000 4,848 1,400 15,840 17,240 Hrs. 100 1,257 1,357 155 5,000 5,155 Personal Service Received From: P.W. Maint. $ 1,094 1,094 1,171 1,171 Hrs. 150 150 150 150 Finance $ 1,636 1,636 2,800 2,800 Hrs. 250 250 400 400 (B)Personal Serv. ices Received $ 2,730 2,730 3,971 3,970 From De t.Total: Hrs. 400 400 550 550 (C)Personal Services Rendere $ -0- -0- -0- -0- Dept. Total : Hrs. -0- -0- -0- -0- (D)Personal Sery $ *2,730, 848 4,000 7,578 3,971 1,400 15,840 21,211 ices A+B-C Tota :1 Hrs., 400 100 1,257 1,757 5501 1551 5,0001 5,705 Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) 257 263 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 268 442 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 8,103 21,916 1,757 5,705 Hrs Hrs *NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leave (Acct #4131) 1979 1980 -• Salaries-Regular Employees Salaries-Reguar Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct #4100 Acct #4131 $2,307 + $423 = $2,730 $3,359 + $612 = $3,971 r a PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Q° City of Fridley, c� Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-14 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PROGRA General 01 Finance Ol Finance 03 Finance 11 SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 14130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR TOTAL (A)Program Group Accounting 141,295 400 . 1,200 142,895 64,140 912 4,049 69,101 Hrs. 20,880 74 434 21,388 9,100 108 1,452 10,660 Salary Adjustmen Contingency $ 152 152 _ Other Contingent $ -595 -595 Personal Service Received from Assessing' $ 497 497 465 465 Hrs. 84 84 52 52 General Mgmt. $ 1,201 1,201 1,542 1,542 Hrs. 225 225 308 308 Central Services $ -0- -0- 39,057 39,052 Hrs. -0- -0- 5,200 5,200 (B)Personal Services ReceiveJ $ 1,698 1,698 41,064 41,064 _ From Dept. Tota Hrs. 309 309 5,560 5,560 PersonaT Services Rendered to: Parks (weeds) $ 2,995 2,995 1,612 1,612 .. Hrs 606 606 300 300 Personnel $ -0- -0- 2,502 2,502 Hrs -0- -0- 180 180 City Council $ 2,353 2.,353 2,214 2,214 Hrs 167 167 147 147 Elections $ 1,636 1,636 2,800 2,800 -^ Hrs 250 250 400 400 Assessing $ 1,019 1,019 1,322 1,322 Hrs 63 63 148 148 General Mngmt. $ 2,329 2,329 2,261 2,261 Hrs 188 188 150 150 Civic Center $ 3,601 3,601 -0- -0- "' Hrs 877 877 -0- -0- Utility Fund $ 39,975 39,975 8,905 8,905 Hrs 6,658 6,658 1,113 1,113 Liquor $ 10,922 10,922 3,018 3,018 Hrs 1,775 1,775 377 377 Sp. Assessment $ 4,887 4,887 1,250 1,250 (Prof.) Hrs 208 208 83 83 Code Enforcemen $ 469 469 816 816 Hrs 104 104 102 102 (C)Personal Ser - ices Rendered $ 70,186 70,186 26,700 26,700 Dept.Total; Hrs 10,896 10,896 3,000 3,000 r D Persona Service $ *72,807 400 1,20 *74,407 78,061 912 4,049 83,022 TA-+-B--C7 Total; Hrs 10,293 74 434 10,801 11,660 108 1,452 13,220 _ PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Q° City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-15 FIIND CODE I DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE General 01 Finance 01 Finance Finance 1 SERVICES 4100_& 4110 14120 14130 .4100 & 4110 4120 14130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR - TOTAL Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) 4,832 6,300 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 8,050 9,872 .. PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 87,289 99,194 10,801 13,220 Hrs. Hrs *NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leave (Acct #4131) -� 1979 1980 Salaries-Regu ar Employees Salaries-Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct #4100 Acct #4131 -- $61,522 + $11,285 = $72,807 $65,883 + $12,178 $78,061 PROGRAM BUDGET 1990 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative pager Minnesota Budget NNO CODE OE EN C General 01 Finance 03 Assessor 12 NA14E 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. N BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MOI SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Mervin Herrmann 12 2,045.84 N/E 2,045.83 4,550.00 12 1 2,228.59 N/E 2,228.59 26,743.00 Assessor Administrative 5/22/61 2088 1 2096 Leon Madsen 12 1,682.00 102.53 1,784.53 21,414.00 12 1,817.00 102.51 1,919.53 23,034.00 Appraiser 7 112% 7 1/2 Grade N Walt Mulcahy 12 1,676.00 68.35 1,744.35 20,932.00 12 1,810.00 68.3E 1,878.35 22,540.00 Appraiser 5% 5% Grade N MAP Patricia Sykes 12 974.00 61.43 1,035.43 12,425.00 12 1 1,051.00 61.4 1,112.43 . 13,349.00 — Sr.Assmt. Clerk 7 1/2% 7 112 Grade D qnRP 2096 Ferne Insley 12 929.00 39.95 968.95 11,627.00 12 1,004.00 39.9 1,043.95 12,527.00 _ Tax Assmt. Clk. 5% 5% Grade C 11/12/69-11 29/71 208 2096 Salary Adjustment Contingency -O- -0- Other Contingency 910 .•, Permanent Employees-Yearly Salary 90,948 98,193 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) 10,480 Permanent Employees-Yearly Hours 10,440 r No No = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) ■ College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page c-la Minnesota Budget FUND cODIE 61PAATNW d MW 1 CODE MOLW CODE Municipal Liquor 35 Finance 031 Liquor Operation 25 Liquor Operation56,59,60 NVAE .. JOB TITLE 1979 1980 JOB CLASSIF. Nd BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL- NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Robert L.McGuire 12 1,787.50 N/E 1,787.50 21,450.00 12 1,923.34 N/E 1,923.34 23,080.00 ,., Liquor Store Mgr. Administrative Kathleen Schmitz 12 1,133.33 N/E 1,133.33 13,600.00 12 1,231.17 N/E 1,231.17 14,774.00 Asst.Liq. St. Mg-. Administrative 1122165-11111175 20p, 2096 Mary B. Novak 12 950.04 N/E 950.04 11,400.48 12 1,020.05 N/E 1,020.05 12,241.00 Liq. Store Clerk Union 209 Ann Rozman 6 857.82 N/E 857.82 9,662.22 1 969.40 N/E 969.40 12,190.00 Liq. Store Clk ... Union 5 903.06 N/E 903.06 11 1,020.05 1 1,020.05 2096 Salary Adjustment Contingency 22,995 -0. Other Contingency -0- -0- .. Permanent Employees Yearly Salary 35,050 62,285.00 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) Permanent Employees Yearly Hours 8,352 8,384.00 No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal - Yearly Salary (C.I.) - College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-19 Minnesota Budget wn0 CODE NPOTMENT CODE MV015H C 0[ am OROUP CODE General Ol Police 05 Police Service 019 E 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS James P. Hill 12 2,500.00 N/E 2,500.00 30,000.00 12 2,575.00 N/E 2,575.00 30,900.00 ^ Asst.Mgr/P.S.Dir. Administrative 2096 Vacant Position 9 2,295.00 N/E 2,295.00 20,655.00 Deputy P.S. Dir. Administrative Tim Turnbull 3 1,125.00 N/E 1,125.00 13,500.0012 1,215.00 N/E 1,215.00-14,580.00 Neighb.Serv.Coord ^ Administrative 3-/30/78-10/l/79 2088 2096 Howard Rick 12 2,125.00 N/E 2,125.00 25,500.00 12 2,295.00 N/E 2,295.00 27,540. Lieutenant Supervisory 208E 2096 Robert Cook 12 1,953.33 N/E 1,953.33 23,440.00 Sergeant Supervisory (Retired M/19/79) 20 "" 1Hilbert Voigt 12 1,953.313 N/E 1,953.33 23,440.00 12 2,110.00 N/E 29110.00 25,320.00 Sergeant Supervisory 4/l/59 1 208E 2096 Thomas Kennedy 12 1,953.33 N/E 1,953.33 23,440.00 12 2,110.00 N/E 2,110.00 25,320.00 Sergeant Supervisory 111464-5/10/74 208 2096 Ronald Allard 12 1,953.3 N/E 1,953.33 23,440.00 12 2,110.00 N/E 2,110.00 25,320.00 Sergeant Supervisory .. James Sprungman 12 1,953.3 N/E 1,953.33 23,440.00 12 2,110.00 N/E 2,110.00 25,320.00 Sergeant Supervisory 2096 ^ Kenneth Wilkinsor 12 1,953.3 N/E 1,953.33 23,440.00 12 2,110.00 N/E 2,110.00 25,320.00 Sergeant Supervisory 4415168-5/10174 20M 2096 Neil Duncan 9 1,626.0 113.82 1,739.82 20,975.00 12 1,750.00 157.5 1,907.50 22,890.00 Patrol Officer Union 3 1,626.0 146.34 1,772.34 206 Waldemar Olsen 12 1,626.0 113.82 1,739.82 20,878.00 12 1,750.00 122.511 1,872.50 22,470.00 Patrol Officer Union 91 Fred Bebensee 12 1,626.0 113.82 1,739.82 20,878.00 12 1,750.00 122.5 1,872.50 22,470.00 �r Patrol Officer Union 2088 Arthur Groinus 1 1,626.0 113.8 1,739.82 20,878.00 12 1,750.00 122.5 1,872.50' 22,470.00 Patrol Officer Union 1414A2 - 2088 Thomas Sauer 12 1,626.0 81.3 1,707.30 20,488.00 12 1,750.00 87.5 1,837.50 22,050.00- 1 Patrol Officer Union _ 1/4/71 2088 No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) - College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly flours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative page C-20 Minnesota Budget NNO CODE DE DI CO General Ol Police 05 Police Service 019 NAME 1979 JOB TITLE 1980 ..� JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Robert Renard 12 1,626.00 81.30 1,7 92»30 21,508.00 12 1,750.00 87.5( 1,922.50 23,070.00 Patrol Officer Union 85.00 (Inv stigator) 85.0 (In estigator) 88 1 2096 Herbert Zimmerman 12 1,626.00 48.78 1,674.78 20,097.00 11 1,750.00 52.50 1,802.50 21,665.00 Patrol Officer Union 1 1,750.00 87.50 1,837.50 12/4�7? 2088 2096 Charles Hanson 12 1,626.00 48.78 1,674.78 20,097.00 12 , Patrol Officer Union 208E 2096 Gary Lenzmeier 12 1,626.00 48.78 1,6 4.78 20,097.00 12 1,75 •00 5 , Patrol Officer Union 208E 2096 Phillip Salewski 12 1,626.00 48.78 1,674.78 20,097.00 12 1,750.00 52.50 . Patrol Officer Union 208 2096 David Younkin 12 1,626.00 48.7E 1,674.78 20,097.00 12 1,750.00 52.50 0=776= Patrol Officer Union 2081 ,2096 Robert Friegang 12 1,626.00 413.7 1,674.78 20,097.00 1,802.5U Patrol Officer Union 5/30/73 208 2096 Lawrence Chubb 12 1,626.00 48.78 1,674.78 .00 5 , Patrol Officer Union 6/5173-8/20/73 208 2096 James Bankston 12 1,626.00 48.78 1,674.78 209097.00 12 1,750.90 52. 0 1,802.50 21,630.00 Patrol Officer Union 8/20/73 1 208 2096 Robert Friis 12 1,626.00 48.7E 1,674.78 20,097.00 12 1,750.00 52.50 1,802.5 20-.00 ^ Patrol Officer Union 9/30/74 208 2096 David Keding 12 1,626.00 48.7E 1,674.78 20,097.00 12 1,750.00 52.50 1,802.50 21,630.00 Patrol Officer Union 9/30/74 208 2096 Wayne Pfuhl 12 1,626.00 487 1,674.78 20,097.00 12 1,750.00 52.50 1,802.50 21,630.00 Patrol Officer Union 208f 2096 Michael Trancheff 12 1,626.oc 48.7E 1,674.78 20,097.00 12 1,750.00 52.50 1,802.50 21,630.00 Patrol Officer ^ Union 10/8/74 2096 Brook Schaub 6 1,4 8.0 1,418-.00 17,432.00 Patrol Officer, Union 1,522.00 1,522.00 8/29/77 SE ,rate 9,19/79) 208 David Sallman 1,418.00 42.5A 1,460.54 17,955.00 8 11,638.00 49.14 1,687.14 20,707.00 Patrol Officer Union 1,522.0 45.6 1,567.66 4 1,750.00 52.50 1,802.50 No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1880 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative page C-21 Minnesota Budget ruND CODE N C I General Ol Police 05 Police Service 019 NAME 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL 0 BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY (C.Ij TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Roger Standal 8 1,418.00 1,418.00 17,432.00 8 1,638.00 1,638.00 20,104.00 Patrol Officer Union 4 1,522.00 1,522.00 4 1,750.00 1,750.00 2096 David Pecchia 9 1,418.00 42.54 1,460.54 17,848.00 9 1,638.00 49.14 1,687.14 20,592.00 Patrol Officer Union 3 1,522.00 42.54 1,567.66 3 1,750.00 52.50 1,802.50 David Sorensen 3 1,314.00 1,314.00 3 1,533.00 N/E 1,533.00 19,341.00 Patrol Officer Union 9 1,418.00 1,418.00 16,704.00 9 1,638.00 1,638.00 Thorne Helgesen 1 1,418.00 1,418.00 17,120.00 11 1,638.00 N/E 1,638.00 19,768.00 Patrol Officer Union 1 1,522.00 1,522.00 1 1,750.00 1,750.00 11/20/78 20H 2096 Mary Kuhn 9 1,052.62 N/E 1,052.62 Technician .(Se)arated 4/12/79) ■� Grade F (Re)laced y Sally D marais) Lori Anderson 1 873.00 N/E 873.00 10,949.00 Technician 8 916.00 916.00 Grade F (Se arated 9/12/79) Laurel Newstrand 5 916.00 N/E 916.00 11,314.00 12 1,072.00 N/E 1,072.00 12,864.00 Technician Garade F 7 962.00 962.00 9/18/75-11/28/77 208 2096 JulieFlingJohnson 5 916.00 N/E 916.00 11,314.00 12 1,072.00 N/E 1,072.00 12,864.00 Technician Grade F 7 962.00 962.00 .,� 11/28/77 208E 2096 Jayne Rasmussen 1 873.00 N/E 873.00 10,949.00 12 989.00 N/E 989.00 12,415.00 Techician Grade F 11 916.00 916.00 12/12/77-7/11/79 2nRq 2096 `^ Vacant Position 12 942.00 N/E 942.00 11,304.00 Technician Grade F 2096 ^ Patricia Ranstrom 12 984.4 N/E 984.00 11,813.00 Secretary Grade E 12/11472-in/1'1/71; 1/91/70 Shirley Haapala 9 1,065.00 1,065.00 12 1, 52.00 66.08 1,218.08 14,617.00 Secretary 7 1/2` Grade E. (R laced atricia anstrom) 1/18/65-4/16/79 208 2096 Joyce Flemino 8 748.0 N/E 748.00 12 807.00 N/E 807.00 9,684.00 ^ Office Assistant Grade C 6/l/77-5/l/79 208E 2G Jannelle Cook 8 748.00 748.00 12 807.00 N/E 807.00 9,684.00 r Office Assistant Grade C 10/24/77-511/7q 208E ally Demarais 712.0 712.00 12 769.00 N/E 76*.00 9,228.00 Office Assistant Grade C No No = Number of Months Cr = Credits -. Longev Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) ■ College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-22 Minnesota Budget wno coot DPMTNW c DOE 00 WOW CODE 0 General 01 Police Police Service 019 NAME JOB TITLE 1979 1980 JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY (C.1.1 TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Wendy Jarvis 4 12 769.00 N/E 76*.00 9,228.00 Office Assistant Grade C 9/17/7q 208P 2096 Salary Adjustment Contingency 450,121 5, 958 Other Contingency -0- -0- Permanent Employees Yearly Salary 282,630 816,557 (Accts. #4100 and #4131 Permanent Employees Yearly Hours 83,520 85,936 ^ ^ * Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Jayne Rasmussen on 2/1/80, .� Tim Turnbull on 4/1/80, Joyce ! Flemino on 5/1/80, Jannelle iCook on 5/1/80, Wendy Jarvis on 4/1/80, and on vacant positions 6 months after appointment to positions, and Sally Demarais on 1/1/80. j No No - Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev - Longevity Yearly Sal - Yearly Salary (C.I.) - College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 o City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-23 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE Divio N CODE PROGRAM u General 01 Police 05 Police 05 Police Service 19 SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP TOTAL AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE 0 T REGULAR - (A Pro ram Grou 557 18,00 7,744 816,55) Police Service $ 282,630 14,327 4,350 301,307 816, Salary Adjustme t Hrs 83,520 1,190 1,323 86, 85,9361 2,200 2,079 95,958 Contingency $ 450,121 450,1121 21 5, 58 �. Personal Servic s Received From: , 1 314, 300 1000 General Mngmt. $ 3,414 ,143 Hrs 508 508 14 1 ^ Parks $ 11 119 14 5 555 Hrs. 14 4169 Central Sery/D. . $ -0- -0_ 4'16 ,573 Hrs -0- -0- 57 (B)Personal 5,224 ervices Receiv d $ 3,53 3,533 5,22 From Dept. Totals Hrs 522 522 722 722 Persona Servic s Rendered to: 91 -0 -0- Planning $ 91 _ Commission Hrs 7 7 -0 -0_ Other $ 832 832 95 950 Comwission Hrs 6E 66 7 70 ... (C)Personal Ser - 923 95 950 ices Ren Bred $ 92 70 Dept. Tota Hrs 73 73 7 .,, (D) Personal Service $ 735,361 14,327 4,35 754,038 *826,78 18,00 7,74 852,53 A+ _ Total: Hrs. 83,969 1,190 1,32 86,482 86,58 2,200 2,07 90,867 Employee Insurance (Acct. #4132) 51,723 57,326 Employee Pension (Acct.#4133) 158,684 171,965 •• PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 964,445 1,082,824 86,482 90,867 Hrs. Hrs. NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $618,456 + 116,905 = $735,361 $694,507 + $132,282 = $826,789 �1 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative page C 24 !"\ Minnesota Budget "0 COOP DE 1 C ODE[PRO WOUP CODE General 01 Fire 06 fire 22 .., E JOB TITLE 1979 1980 JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY JLId TOTAL YEARLY HRS Robert Aldrich 6 2,066.67 N/E 2,066.67 24,800.00 12 2,232.00 N/E 2,232.00 26,784.00 Fire Chief Administrative Richard Larson 1 1,635.50 N/E/ 1,635.50 12 1,750.00 N/E 1,750.00 21,000.00 Deputy Fire Chief Administrative/7Q 9096 Dennis M. Ottem 12 1,594.30 72.00 1,666.30 19,944.0012 Pending ettlem nt of Uni n Contract Captain Union 3016 3144 Howard Simonson 1 1,498.00 24.00 1,522.00 18,474.00 12 Firefighter Union 11 1,498.00 48.00 1,546.00 1/19/69 3ni6 -1144 Gary E. Larson 12 1,498.00 72.00 1,570.00 18,786.00 12 Firefighter Union ,5L16/60-3/11/70 301 3144 Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- 61,921 Other Contingency -0- (442) Permanent Employee Yearly Salary 102,809 47,784 (#4100 and #4131) Permanent Employee Hours 12,966 13,365 +r *Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Richard Larson on 7/1/80 No No = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly Hours _ PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Q° City of Fridley, ^ � Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-25 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION OGRAM CROUP General 01 Fire 06 Fire 06 Fire 06 ^ SERVICES 471-00-t- 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE 0.T. REGULAR TOTAL (A)Program Group Fire $ 102,809 86,287 189,096 47,784 95,500 143,28 Salary Adjustment Hrs. 12,966 15,689 28,665 13,365 15,781 29,146 Contingency $ -0- -0- 61,921 61,921 ... Other Contingent -0- -0- -442 -442 PersonaT Service Received from, General Mangmt. $ 2,709 2,709 832 832 Hrs. 388 388 111 111 Central Ser./D.P $ -0- -0- 4,442 4,442 - Hrs. -0- -0- 55- 550 Engineering $ 302 302 383 383 Hrs. 39 39 46 46 Code Enforcement $ 438 439 300 300 Hrs. 44 44 28 28 P.W. Maint. $ 1,155 1,155 1,969 1,969 Hrs. 126 126 . 200 200 ^ (B)Personal Services Receive $ 4,605 4,605 7,926 7,926 --- From Dept. Total : Hrs. 597 597 1,207 1,207 .� Persona Service Rendered to: _ Code Enforcement $ 698 698 583 583 Hrs. 63 63 49 49 .r (C)Personal Sery . ices Ren erd ems- $ 698 698 583 583 - Dept. Total,. Hrs. 63 63 49 49 D Persona Service $ 106,716 86,287 106,716 116,606 95,500 212,106 A+g_C Total: Hrs. 13,500 15,689 29,189 14,101 15,781 30,304 Employee Insurance (Acct #4132) 13,161 19,000 Employee Pension (Acct #4133) 46,909 49,500 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 253,073 280,60 29,189 30,304 Hrs Hr *NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct #4100) and Leave (Acct #4131) r. 1979 1980 Salaries-Regular Employees Salaries-Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct #4131 Acct #4100 pp t #4131 $92,315 + $14,401 _ $106,716 $98,415 + $18,1�� _ $116,606 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-26 Minnesota Budget .uno coot oc orva� c General Ol Fire 0 Civil Defense 25 N E 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY (C.1.1 TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS James P. Hill 12 250.00 N/E 250.00 3,000.00 Director C.D. Administrative 2096 Evelyn Loomis 12 766.00 N/E 766.00 9,192.00 12 845.00 N/E 845.00 10,140.00 Clerk Typist II Merit System Emp . 2096 .-. Salary Adjustment Contingency 220 -0- Other Contingency -0- -0- Permanent Employee-Yearly Salary 12,137 13,140 (#4100 and #4131) 2,355 .r Permanent Employee-Yearly Hours 2,346 I� No Mo a Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) s College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 -- Q° City of Fridley. t) Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-27 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PROCRAM GROuP VJDE General 01 Fire 06 Civil Defense 25 __T979 199n SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 ^ RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR TOTAL (A)Program Group Civil Defense $ 12,137 12,137 13,140 13,140 �• Hrs. 2,346 2,346 2,355 2,355 Contingency $ 220 220 -0- -0- B Persona Services Receive $ -0- -0- -0- -0- From Dept. Tota% Hrs. -0- -0- -0- -0- Central Sev/D.P. $ -0- -0- 82 82 Hrs. -0- -0 9 9 (C)Personal Serv- ices Rendered $ -0- -0- -0- -0- Dept. Total: Hrs. -0- -0- -0- -0- "• D Persona Service $ 12,357 12,357 13,222 13,222 (A+B-C) Total: Hrs. 2,346 2,346 2,364 2,364 Employee Insurance (Acct. #4132) 729 780 Employee Pension (Acct.#4133) 1,394 1,492 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 14,480 15,494 2,346 2,364 Hrs. Hrs. .. NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $10,430 + $1,927 = $12,357 $11,160 + $2,062 = $13,222 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page_ Minnesota Budget rvwo 000[ M cwr i c PROOFAM GROUP COOK General Ol Public Works 1 Public Works Maint. 37 NAME JOB TITLE 1979 1980 JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY (C.I.j TOTAL YEARLY HRS Ralph Volkman 12 1,925.00 N/E 1,925.00 23,100.00 12 2,079.00 N/E 2,079.00 24,948.00 Supt. Public Wks. Administrative 4/6/68-8/15/73 208F 2096 Arthur J. Olson 12 1,720.83 N/E 1,720.83 20,650.00 12 1,858.50 N/E 1,858.50 22,302.00 ^ Street Foreman Supervisory Merle Longerbone 12 1,720.83 N/E 1,720.83 20,650.00 12 1,858.50 N/E 1,858.50 22,302.00 .r Water Foreman Supervisory 111271-97 2096 Arthur Silseth 12 1,720.83 N/E 1,720.83 20,650.00 12 1,858.50 N/E 1,858.50122'302.00 ^ Sewer Foreman Supervisory 5/25/58 208 2096 John B. Wright 12 1,418.10 106.00 1,524.10 18,289.00 12 Pending ettlem nt of Uni n Contract Chief Mechanic 7 112 Union 9/23/63 208 2096 Ronald Mortenson 12 1,383.30 35.00 1,418.30 17,020.00 12 " Mechanic 2 1/2 Union —� 5/4/70 208 .2096 Robert Anderson 12 1,345.02 101.00 1,446.02 17,352.00 12 It Opr.&Maint. Spec. 7 112 Union (Gar.) 5/21/59 208E 2096 James Bates 12 19383.3 104.00 1,487.30 17,848.00 12 " Sr. Street Opr. 7 1/2 Union 6/11/62 208 2096 Richard Bloom 12 19383.3 104.00 1,487.30 17,848.00 12 it Hvy. Equip Opr. 7 112 Union 2 Harlan Hanscom 12 1,383.30 69.00 1,452.30 17,428.00 12 " Hvy. Equip. Opr. 5% Union 6/10/68 208] 2096 Joseph Gonsior 3 1,383.30 35.00 19418.30 17,326.00 12 it Hvy. Equip. Opr. 2 1/2 Union 1,383.3 69.0 1,452.30 ... Rex Sackett 4 1,345.0 34.0 1,379.02 16,812.00 12 it Opr.&Maint. Spec. 2 112 Union 8 1,345.02 67.00 1,412.02 Donald Stiller 12 1,305.00 33.00 1,338.00 16,056.00 12 Opr. & Maint. Pers. 2 112 Union 4/27/7n ?w 2096 Richard Cameron 12 1,305.00 33.00 1,338.00 16,056.00 12 " .. Opr.&Maint. Pers. 2 1/2 Union 12/7/70-5/22/73 2 0 Anthony Mack 12 1,305.0 N/E 1,305.00 15,660.00 12 It Opr. &Maint.Per Union 8/26/75-5/16/77 2084 209 No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits -- Longev Longevity Yearly Sal - Yearly Salary (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-29 Minnesota Budget FUND cone of w a i Co.IFROMA GROUP CODE General Ol Public Works 11 Works.Maint. 37 NAME 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NOI BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Kenneth Holmstrom 12 1,305.00 N/E 1,305.00 15,660.00 12 JPending lettleMEnt of Uni n Contract --� Opr. &Maint.Per Union 06 James Brindley 12 1,383.30 69.00 1,452.30 17,428.00 12 " Sr. Sewer Opr. 5% Union Chester Swanson 12 1,383.30 104.00 1,487.30 17,848.00 12 " Sr. Sewer Opr. 7 112% Union 2088 2096 Arthur Pauls 12 1,305.00 33.00 1,338-00 6,056. Opr. & Maint. Per 2 112° .� Union 6/14/71 208E 2096 Bruce Mathison 12 1,239.75 N/E 1,239.75 14 87 7. 0 Opr. & Maint. Per Union ^ 1/3/78 208 2096 Donald Carrigan 12 1,383.30 104.0 1,487.30 17,848.00 12 " Sr. Water Opr. 7 1/2 Union q/8/63 2Q8 2096 Edwin Saefke 12 1,345.02 67.00 1,412.02 16,944.00 12 Opr.&Maint. Spec. 5% Union 208E 2096 Gerald D. Long 12 1,305.0 N/E 1,305.00 15,660.00 12 It Opr. & Maint.Per. Union 208E 2096 James Saefke 12 1,345.0 N/E 1,345.02 16,140.00 12 " Opr.&Maint. Spec. Union 2096 71qJ73 2M Inez J. Kapala 12 993.00 62.0 1,055.93 12,671.00 Clerk/Secretary 7 112` Grade D (T ansfer ed to Engineering 4/ /7 ) 2096 Lois Peterson 762.0 N/E 762.00 12 823.00 N/E 823.00 9,876.00 Clerk/Secretary Grade D 9 .� Salary Adjustment Contingency -O- 3 6,7407 Other Contingency -O- 3 2) Regular Employees Yearly Salary 433,877 1011. 0 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) Regular Employees Yearly Hours 52,200 52,400 *Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Lois Peterson on 2/1/80. No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev - Longevity Yearly Sal - Yearly Salary ` (C.I.) a College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Go City of Fridley, � Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-30 r FOND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE IPROGRAM GROUPJ General 01 Public Works 11 Public Works Maint. 37 SERVICES 100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 14120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE 0 REGULAR - TOTAL (A)Program Group: 120,519 Pub icWorksMain . $ 33,871 8,060 9,500 451,437 101,730 8,624 10,165 Salary Adjustment Hrs. 52,200 648 2,375 55,223 52,400 648 2,375 55,423 Contingency $ -0- -0- 366,407 366,407 Other Contingency $ -O- -0- -3,802 -3,802 Personal Services Received From: General Mangmt. $ 5,105 5,105 3,579 3,579 Hrs. 688 688 400 400 Central Sery/D.P. $ -0- -0- 2,000 2,000 Hrs. -0- -0- 300 300 Finance $ 469 469 -0- -0- ...R Hrs. 104 104 -0- -0- \ Engineering $ 11,730 11,730 12,637 12,637 Hrs. 1,296 1,296 1,300 1,300 (B)Personal Services Receive From 17,304 17,304 18,216 18,216 Oept. Total : Hrs. 2,088 2,088 2,000 2,000 Personal Service Rendered to: Other Commission $ 34 34 -0- -0- Hrs. 6 6 -O- -0- General Mangmt. $ 1,400 1,400 853 853 Hrs. 184 184 120 120 Personnel $ -0- -O- 720 720 Hrs. -0- -0- 90 90 Elections $ 1,094 1,094 1,171 1,171 Hrs. 150 150 150 150 Fire $ 1,155 1,155 1,969 1,969 Hrs. 126 126 200 200 Civic Center $ 4,064 4,064 3,563 3,563 Hrs. 490 490 400 400 Parks $ 550 550 1,712 1,712 Hrs. 69 69 200 200 Utilities $ 90,912 190,912 205,317 205,317 Hrs. 20,971 20,971 21,000 21,000 Sp. Assessment $ 372 372 400 400 Hrs. 41 41 50 50 -- hop Salaries $ 48,000 48,000 51,360 51,360 (Transferred to 371 Acct. in her Depts.) Hrs. 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 (C)Personal Serv. ✓ ices Rendered $ 247,581 247,581 267,065 267,065 Dept. Total: Hrs. 25,637 25,637 25,810 25,810 D Personal Service $ * 203,600 8,060 9,500 221,160 *215,486 8,624 10,165 234,275 (K+g-C) Total: Hrs. 28,651 648 2,375 31,674 28,590 648 2,375 31,613 PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-31 ►.i FUND CODE I DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE I PRO GRA GROUP CODE General 01 Public Works 11 Public Works Maint. 37 19/9 mn SERVICES 4100 & 4110 1412 O 14130 4100 & 4110 14110 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE 0 R AR - TOTAL t ... Em 25,625 27,136 ployee Insurance (Acct. #4132) 28,990 30,500 Employee Pension (Acct.#4133) PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 275,779 291,911 31,674 31,613 Hrs. Hrs. NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 $212,390 + $39,210 - $48,000 =$203,600 $225,219 + $41,627 - $51,360 = $215,486 Me f a . PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-32 Minnesota Budget r nmD Com OE ENT q I CODE I FROMAN GROUP CODE General Ol Public Works 0 Code Enforcement 27 NAME 1 JOB TITLE 979 1980 JOB CLASSIF. N BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL 0 BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY IL1,1 TOTAL YEARLY HRS Darrel Clark 12 2,033.33 N/E 2,033.33 24,400.00 12 2,187.50 N/E 2,187.50 26,250.00 Cf.B1dg.Official Administrative Vacant 12 1,352.00 N/E 1,352.00 16,224.00 r•+ Code Enforcement Officer 208 (Mo ed to anagement William Sandin 12 1,643.00 99.98 1,742.98 20,916.00 12 1,767.87 99.98 1,867.85 22,414.00 Plumbing Insp. 7 112 7 112° Grade 0 096 Steven Olson 12 1,582.00 N/E 1,582.00 18,984.00 12 1,713.31 N/E 1,713.31 20,560.00 Environmental Off. Grade 0 411/74 Mary Hintz 12 988.00 41.95 1,029.95 12,359.00 6 1,067.04 41.95 1,108.99 13,434.00 Clerk/Secretary 5% 5% ■,. Grade D 6 1,067.04 62.93 1,129.97 Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- -0- Other Contingency -0- -0- "`� Permanent Employees Yearly Salary 92,883 82,658 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) Permanent Employees Yearly Hours 10,440 8,384 rr No Mo ■ Number of Months Cr ■ Credits Longev ■ Longevity Yearly Sal ■ Yearly Salary (C.I.) ■ College Incentive Yearly Firs ■ Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Gid City of Fridley. Minnesota Personnel Service Detail page C-33 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE elROCaa �, General 01 Public Works 07 Public Works 07 Code Enforcement 27 SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR 0.T, TOTAL PERM-REG TOTAL (A)Program Group: Code Enforcement $ 92,883 150 6,867 99,900 82,658 161 6,900 89,719 Hrs. 10,440 12 1,857 12,309 8,384 12 1,857 10,253 Persona Service Received From: $ -0- -0- 816 816 Finance Hrs. -0- -0- 102 102 General Mngmt $ 1,200 1,200 17,324 17,324 Hrs. 172 172 7,320 7,320 Fire $ 698 698 583 583 Hrs. 63 63 49 49 Planning $ 4,608 4,608 5,705 5,705 Hrs. 347 347 400 400 Engineering $ 14,721 14,721 15,548 15,548 Hrs. 1,627 1,627 1,600 1,600 (B)Personal Sery ces Receive From 21,227 21,227 39,976 39,976 ....� Dept. Total: Hrs. 2,209 2,209 9,471 9,471 Personal Service Rendered To: $ -0- -0- 301 301 Parks Hrs. -0- -0- 32 32 ity Council $ 655 655 -0- -0- Hrs. 97 97 -0- -0- �+ Planning $ 3,917 3,917 3,803 3,803 Commission Hrs. 553 553 500 500 Fire $ 439 439 300 300 Hrs. 44 44 28 28 ivic Center $ 300 300 1,367 1,367 Hrs. 33 33 140 140 lanning $ -O- -0- 913 913 Hrs. -0- -0- 83 83 (C)Personal Sery ces Rendered to $ 5,311 5,311 6,684 6,684 Dept. Total: Hrs. 727 707 783 783 (D)Personal Sery $ 08,7 9 50 6,867 1151816 *115,950 1611 6,900 23,0 ices A+ - Tota Hrs. 11,962 12 1,857 13,831 18,941 12 1,857 18,941 Employee Insurance (Acct. #4132) 5,082 8,220 Employee Pension (Acct. 4133) 12,908 13,407 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 133,806 144,638 13,831 18,941 Hrs. Hrs. NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $945117 + $14,682 = $108,779 $97,862 + $18,088 = $115,950 **1979 and 1980 Includes $500 Unemployment Compensation PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative Page C-34 Minnesota Budget IUNO COOL KPARTNOT WM#W cove I rwasuff MP GOOF. General Ol Public Works 1 Planning 28 NAME 1979 1980 JOB TITLE JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NOI BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY (C.I.1 TOTAL YEARLY HRS. Jerrold Boardman 12 1,795.83 N/E 1,795.83 21,550.00 12 1,958.33 N/E 1,958.33 23,500.0 City Planner Administrative 6/27/72 1 1 2088 2096 Ray Lee N 5, Associate Planner Administrative (Separated 5/11/79) 10/12/76 William Deb on 6 .0 N/E 67.00 2 0. N/E 1,260.38 15,125.00 Associate Planner Administrative 6119/79 2088 2096 Mary Ellen Cayan 12 1,091.00 N/E .13,U92.00 Human Ser. Asst. Administrative 1/l/80 * 2096 Dorothy Evenson 98 .00 9.98 l,0U0.98 2,092.0 81 Clerk/Secretary 2 112% 5% ^ Grade D 4 981.00139.96% 1,020.96 8/30/71 5% 2088 2096 Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- 800 Other Contingency -0- -0- Permanent Employees-Yearly Salary 48,858 64,910 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) Permanent Employees-Yearly Hours 6,264 8,384 * Consideration can be given for salary step or increment William n review o Deblonon7/1/80and Mary Ellen Cayan on 7/1/80. No Mo a Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev - Longevity Yearly Sal - Yearly Salary (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs - Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 G° City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-35 CODE BIND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE I DIVISION CODE PROGRAM-GROUP l an General 01 Public Works 07 Public Works 07 Plannin 28 SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 1413, 4100 1 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR 0.T. TOTAL P - TOTAL A Pro ram Grou : Planning $ 48,858 100 . 17,082 66,040 64,910 107 17,000 82,017 Salary Adjustment Hrs. 6,264 12 3,750 10,026 8,384 12 2,550 10,946 Contingency $ -0- -0- 800 Personal Services 913 Received From: $ -0- -0- 913 Code Enforcement Hrs. -0- -0- 83 83 General Mgmt.. $ 1,509 1,509 500 500 Hrs. 216 216 54 54 Central Sery/D. . $ -0- -0- 3,551 3,551 Hrs. -0- -0- 200 200 .. Engineering $ 4,075 4,075 4,36C 4,360 Hrs 450 450 45C 450 (B)Personal Services 9,324 Receive From_ 5,584 5,584 9,32 Dept. To . Hrs 666 666 78; 787 Personal Servic s 682 �+ Rendered to: $ -0- -0- 68 ..� City Council Hrs -0- -0- gi 94 Planning $ 8,364 8,364 9,11 9,111 ,,.. Commission Hrs 1,183 1,183 1,20 1,200 w Other $ 2,960 2,960 2,54 2,543 Commissions Hrs. 250 250 20C 200 General Mngmt. $ 1,994 1,994 36E 368 Hrs. 291 291 5C 50 Code $ 4,608 4,608 5,705 5,705 •- Enforcement Hrs. 367 367 400 400 Other Funds $ -0- -0- 8,113 8,113 Hrs. -0- -0- 1,096 1,096 (C)Personal ery ces Rendered To $ 17,926 17,926 26,522 26,522 Dept. Totals: Hrs. 2,091 2,091 3,040 3,040 ^ (D)Personal Sery ces A+ -C Total: $ 36,516 100 17,082 53,698 48,512 107 17,00 65,619 Hrs. 4,839 12 3,750 8,601 5,131 12 2,55 8,693 Employee Insurance (Acct. 4132) **2,570 **2,794 Employee Pension (Acct. 4133) 4,050 4,485 .� PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 60,318 72,898 8,601 8,693 Hrs. Hrs. NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries - filar Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $30,820 + $5,696 = $36,516 $40,945 + $79567 = $48,512 **1979 and 1980 Includes $500 Unemployment Compensation PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative page C-36 Minnesota Budget rWD COOS DE ME C General 01 Public Works 1 Engineering 36 E JOB TITLE 1979 1980 JOB CLASSIF. NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL NO BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL TARTING DATE MO SALARY (C.1.1 TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Richard Sobiech 12 2,533.33 N/E 2,533.33 30,400.00 Public Works Dir. Administrative _ 2088 Vacant 12 2,833.33 N/E 2,833.33 34,000.00 Public Works Dir. Administrative 2096 Mark Burch 1 2,000.00 N/E 2,000.00 24,000.00 12 2,083.33 N/E 2,083.33 25,000.00 } Asst.Director Administrative 12/17/79 208E 2096 Robert Nordahl 12 1,594.00 32.55 1,626.55 19,519.00 9 1,718.33 32.55 1,750.88 21,108.00 Operations Analys 2 112 2 112 Grade M 2088 3 1,718.33 65.10 1,783.43 lu'4111212 Juel Mercer 12 1,061.00 66.08 1,127.08 13,525.00 •+ Secretary 7 112 Grade E Inez Kapala 12 1,131.66 62.93 1,194.59 14,335.00 Secretary 7 112 Grade E Vacant 6 666.00 N/E 666.00 (Mo ed to entral Se vices)D. . Clerk Typist *� Grade B 6 699.0 N/E 699.00 208 Gerald Nordlund 12 1,519.00 97.65 1,616.65 19,400.00 12 1,637.48 97.65 1,735.13 20,822.00 Engr. Technician 7 112 7 112 .. Grade L 12/4/61 20RE 2096 Clyde Moravetz 12 1,518.00 61.95 1,579.95 18,959.00 12 1,636.04 61.95 1,697.99 20,376.00 Engr. Aide/Admn. 5% 5% .� Grade L Del Zentgraf 12 1,416.0 N/E 1,416.00 16,992.00 12 1,543.44 N/E 1,543.44 18,521.00 Eng. Aide/Insp. Grade L Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- 625 Other Contingency -0- (-1,500) Permanent Employees Yearly Salary 151,064 154;174 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) Permanent Employees Yearly Hours 16,704 14,672 * Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Mark Burch on 7/1/80 i No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal - Yearly Salary (C.I.) . College Incentive Yearly Hrs i Yearly Hours PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 G° City of Fridley. � Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-37 FIND CODE I DEPARTMENT CODE I DIVISION CODE PRO GROUP General Ol Public Works 07 Public Works 07 Engineering 36 1979 1990 SERVICES 4100 & 1 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE O.T. REGULAR TOTAL (A)Program Group: Engineering $ 151,064 100 7,000 100 158,264 154,174 107 7,000 107 61,388 Salary Adjustment Hrs. 16,704 8 1,750 17 18,479 14,672 8 1,550 8 16,238 .. Contingency $ 625 625 Other Contingent $ -1,500 -1,500 Personal Service Received From: General Mangment. $ 1,514 1,514 2,300 2,300 Hrs. 254 254 372 372 Central Sery/D.P. $ -0- -0- 2,000 2,000 Hrs. -0- -0- 300 300 (B)Personal Services Received From 1,514 1,514 4,300 4,300 Dept. Total: Hrs. 254 254 672 672 ^ Personal Services Rendered to: City Council $ 3,955 3,955 4,248 4,248 Hrs. 248 248 248 248 Planning $ 1,445 1,445 1,528 1,528 Commission Hrs 254 254 250 250 Other $ _ 482 482 1,216 1,216 Commission Hrs 60 60 141 141 General Mangmt. $ 1,400 1,400 672 672 Hrs 97 97 50 50 Fire $ 302 302 383 383 Hrs 39 39 46 46 Civic Center $ 1,372 1,372 846 846 Hr's 174 174 100 100 Code Enforcement $ 14,721 14,721 15,548 15,548 Hrs 1,627 1,627 1,600 1,600 Planning $ 4,075 4,075 4,360 4,360 Hrs 450 450 450 450 P.W. MaintenanCE $ 11,730 11,730 12,637 12,637 Hrs 1,296 1,296 1,300 1,300 Parks $ 1,030 1,030 485 485 .. Hrs 114 114 50 50 Utilities $ 19,771 19,771 20,326 20,326 Hrs 2,185 2,185 2,000 2,000 Sp. Assessment $ 41,795 41,795 38,880 38,800 .•r Hrs 4,618 4,618 4,000 4,000 (C)Personal Ser- vices Rendered $ 102,078 102,078 101,129 100,241 to: Dept. Total: Hrs 11,162 11,162 10,235 10,235 D Personal Ser vices $ *50,500 100 7,000 100 57,700 *56,470 107 7,000 107 63,684 A+B-C) Total: Hrs 5,796 8 1,750 17 7,571 5,109 8 1,550 17 6,675 Employee Insurance (Acct. #4132) *3,550 **4,160 Employee Pension (Acct.#4133) 5,700 6,481 ... PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 67,050 74,325 7,571 6,675 Hrs. Hrs. �1 NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $42,672 + $7,828 = $50,500 $47,661 + $8,809 = $56,470 **1979 Includes $1,000 Workman's Compensation 1980 Includes $1,300 Workman's Compensation PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 City of Fridley, Personnel Service Detail Administrative pager-38 Minnesota Budget GWL NfID COD[ & C COOK aturali t 4 4 eneral 0 Parks Recreation 13 7jSTARTING 1979 1980 ITLE LASSIF. N BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL 0 BASE LONGEV MONTHLY YEARLY SAL DATE MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS MO SALARY C.I. TOTAL YEARLY HRS Chuck Boudreau 12 2,229.17 N/E 2,229.17 26,750.00 12 2,407.50 N/E 2,407.50 28,890.00 Director Administrative Siah St.Clair 12 1,634.17 N/E 1,634.17 19,610.00 12 1,765.00 N/E 1,765.00 21,180.00 -� Naturalist Administrative John Kirk 12 1,250.00 N/E 1,250.00 15,000.00 12 1,350.00 N/E 1,350.00 16,200.00 Recreation Supy. * Supervisory Connie McMillion 2 1,125.00 N/E 1,125.00 12 1,215.00 N/E 1,21*.00 14,580.00 Program Superviso S upervisory Curtis Dahlberg 12 1,720._83 N/E 1,720.83 20,650.00 12 1,858.50 N/E 1,858.50 22,302.00 Park Foreman .. Supervisory 208 2096 Roy Scherer 3 1,383.30 69.00 1,452.30 17,743.00 12 ending S ttleme t of Unio Contract Sr. Park Keeper 5% Union 9 1,383.30 104.00 1,487.30 -7 11,21/1 Emmett Gosselin 2 1,345.02 34.00 1,379.02 16,878.00 12 Opr.&Maint. Spec. 2 1/2% Union 10 1,345.02 67.00 1,412.02 2096 .. 1 5% Donald Ososki 2 1,345.02 34.00 1,379.02 16,878.00 12 Opr.&Maint. Spec. 2 1/2% Union 10 1,345.02 67.00 1,412.02 5% 208E David Lindquist 12 1,305.00 N/E 1,305.00 15,660.00 12 Opr. & Maint. Per . Union 1 2096 A/94/71 I ^ Ronald Fields 12 1,305.00 N/E 1,305.00 15,660.00 12 Opr. & Maint. Per;. Union 2096 1 1 74 208 Garry J. Volk 12 1,305.00 N/E 1,305.00 15,660.00 12 " Opr. & Maint. Per;. Union 2096 1/1/74 208 ^ Joan Anderson 12 919.13 N/E 919.13 11,030.00 12 1,020.25 N/E 1,020.25 12,243.00 Secretary Grade E 7 Salary Adjustment Contingency -0- 107,005 -0- (-2,730) Other Contingency 115,395 Permanent Employees Yearly Salary 205,019 (Accts. #4100 and #4131) 25,056 25,056 Permanent Employees Yearly Hours *Consideration can be given for salary step or increment adjustment upon review for: Jack Kirk on 7/1/80 and Connie McMillion on 9/1/80. No Mo = Number of Months Cr = Credits Longev = Longevity Yearly Sal = Yearly Salary (C.I.) = College Incentive Yearly Hrs = Yearly Hours T PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 o City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-39 FIND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION CODE PRO TAMP CODE General 01 Naturalist 46 Naturalist 46 1979 A 1980 - SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED ITITLEIPERM-RE(. REGULAR - TOTAL (A)Pro ram Group Naturalist $ 12,628 12,628 13,800 13,800 Hrs. 4,186 4,186 4,172 4,172 Personal Service Received From: 1,421 1,421 800 800 Genera Mgmt. Hrs. 158 158 90 90 Central Sery/D.P $ -0- -0- 552 552 Hrs. -0- -0- 50 50 Parks $ 25,651 25,651 28,677 28,677 Hrs. 2,882 2,882 3,000 3,000 (B)Personal Ser- vice Received From $ 27,072 27,072 30,029 30,029 Dept. Tota s: Hrs. 3,040 3,040 3,140 3,140 .. C Persona -Services Rendered to $ -0- -0- -0- -0` Dept. Total : Hrs. -0- -0- -0- -0- D Personal Services $ 27,072 12,628 39,700 *30,029 13,800 43,829 (A+B-C) Total . Hrs. 3,040 4,186 7,226 3,140 1 4,122 7,312 mployee Insurance (Acct. #4132) 3,057 3,274 .. mployee Pension (Acct. 4133) 2,944 3,152 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 45,701 50,255 7,226 7,312 Hrs. Hrs NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $22,942 + $4,130 = $27,072 $24,624 + $5,405 = $30,029 -rt _ PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Q° City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-40 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE I DIVISION CODE PROGRA General 01 Parks & Recreation 13 Parks 47 SERVICES 4100 & 4110 4120 14130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP ITEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-RE -.9J. REGULAR TOTAL (A)Program Group arks $ 05,019 1,070 72,434 278,523 115,395 1,146 61,420 177,96 Salary Adjustment Hrs. 25,056 86 20,695 45,837 25,152 86 18,680 43,918 Contingency -0- -0- 107,005 107,00 Other Contingent $ -0- -0- -2,730 -2,730 Personal Service Received From: GeneraT Mgmt. $ 5,316 5,316 830 830 Hrs. 644 644 200 200 Central Sery/D.P $ -0- -0- 4,000 4,000 Hrs. -0- -0- 458 458 Finance $ 2,995 2,955 1,612 1,612 ! Hrs. 606 606 300 300 Engineering $ 1,030 1,030 485 485 Hrs. 114 114 50 50 P.W. Maintenance $ 550 550 1,712 1,712 Hrs. 69 69 200 200 Code Enforcement $ -0- -0- 301 301 Hrs. -0- -0- 32 32 (B)Personal Sery ices -"� Received From $ 9,891 91891 9,940 9,940 Dept. Totals: Hrs. 1,443 1,443 1,240 1,240 Persona ervice Rendered to: Planning Comm. $ 597 597 668 668 Hrs. 48 48 50 50 Civic Center $ 554 554 525 525 .,. Hrs. 68 68 60 60 Naturalist $ 25,651 25,651 28,677 28,677 Hrs. 3,040 3,040 3,000 3,000 Recreation $ 57,626 57,626 62,307 62,307 Hrs. 6,953 6,953 7,000 7,000 Police $ 119 119 55 55 Hr.s 14 14 6 6 Spec. Assessmts. $ 1,624 1,624 1,574 1,574 Hrs. 277 277 250 250 (C)Personal Sery ces Rendered to $ 86,171 86,171 93,806 93,806 Dept. Tots : Hrs. 10,400 10,400 10,366 10,366 D)Personal Sery ces A+ - Tota 28,739 11,070 1 72,4341 202,243 135,804 1,146 61,420 198,330 Hrs. 16,099 86 1 20,695 36,880 16,0261 86 18,68q 34,792 Employee Insurance (Acct. #4132) 18,268 21,506 Employee Pension (Acct. 4133) 14,589 14,981 -. PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 235,100 234,85 36,800 34,792 Hrs. Hrs NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct.#4100 Acct. #4131 $111,366 + $17,373 = $128,739 $114,619 + $21,185 = $135,804 **1979 Includes $6,975 Unemployment Compensation **1980 Includes $9,506 Unemployment Compensation i „�. PROGRAM BUDGET 1980 Q° City of Fridley, Minnesota Personnel Service Detail Page C-41 FUND CODE DEPARTMENT CODE DIVISION DE CO PRO O General 01 Parks & Recreation 13 Recreation 48 1979 198171 SERVICES 4100& 4110 4120 4130 4100 & 4110 4120 4130 RENDERED ACCT. 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP 4131 PERM TEMP TEMP AND RECEIVED TITLE PERM-REG O.T. REGULAR TOTAL ^ (A)Program Group Recreation $ 141,419 141,419 146,819 146,81 Hrs. 36,586 36,586 36,586 36,586 Personal Service Received From: $ 1,739 1,739 130 130 General Mgmt. Hrs. 278 278 44 44 Central Sgry/D.P $ -0- -0- 1,838 1,83 Hrs. -0- -0- 100 100 Parks $ 57,626 57,626 62,307 62,307 Hrs. 6,953 6,953 7,000 7,000 .. (B)Personal Serv. ices Received From $ 59,365 59,365 64,275 64,275 Dept. TotalT Hrs. 7,231 7,231 7,144 7,144 C Persona Serv . ices Rendered To $ -0- -0 -0- -0- ,,,� Dept. Totals : Hrs. -0- -0- -0- -0- (D)PersonaT(D)Persona Sery ice TA-+B-C) Totals: $ 59,365 141,419 200,784 64,275 146,819 211,094 Hrs.1 7,231 1 1 36,586 43,817 7,144 36,586 43,730 Employee Insurance (Acct. #4132) **71222 * 13,100 i Employee Pension (Acct. 4133) 6,761 8,054 PERSONAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL 214,767 232,248 43,817 43,730 Hrs. Hrs. NOTE: Includes Salaries of Permanent Employees (Acct. #4100) and Leave (Acct. #4131) 1979 1980 Salaries - t�egular Employees Salaries - Regular Employees Employees Leave Employees Leave Acct #4100 Acct. #4131 Acct. #4100 Acct. #4131 $51.,349 + $8,016 = $59,365 $53,404 + $10,871 = $64,275 **1979 Includes $2,000 Unemployment Compensation **1980 Includes $6,000 Unemployment Compensation