1973 Budget x-� 560-3450 got/ 610" 0 y r ' Ar1dOKA COUNTY l• 4 +: 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE FRIDLEY, MINNE50TA• 55421 „ .,. "November 15, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Co"ctl City- of Fridley 6431 University Avenue N. E. .^nesota 55432 Submitted herewith is the final bud$,et which you have rgvieweid -�hotd a public ilctng:oa, and &49pced for 1973, Thts 4udiWt has been prSpared and submitted to the Council in accordance with Section 7.04 of the City Charter. As required by this budget and the amount of revenue reQVi;red to he. raised.by ad valorem levy were certified to the County-.Auditor on Oct obe.iJ0. . .1,972. ..a D T LOVE The bud8et as prepared atnd, adopted, is balo"ed and 'teflecks 'a'.sl.ight ,pro-. _party tax decrease from the 197; ` 1. The 1972' property tax rate' is 39.58 midis:. The .estimated '1973 cgill rate is 12,71 which, adjustoW to 1972 eoo"ra0 vo level, is. 38.15 mills, or a 1.43 mill decrease for 1973. The 1971 Minnesota Lsgislatulte produced a number of changes that directly +�►#f,ect the preparation of budgets and:estilAating mild levies.. >:.allowi,aa; itemisation of this le;ksion _alp l the 0i: acts: ,1.,: A11: valaatias±s by ;the: gssessor trill be stated in terms of "Full Market Value". (This eliwinates" the usie of `a figure that was `called •'Adjusted market 'Value'. which--Nos 1/3 'of -Fall Market..,- Therefore, as#Iessed valuer ' will appealr approxiwAts ly 3 times what°'they were in the past and mill rates will be opproxir*tely .113 as much) . 2. A fiscal disparities bill or °"The Weaver will" provides that the revenue produced by 40% of all added industrial and cowaercial.,value be -col- lected by the Metro 4rfes aid re4istrib4ted gn a need formula, This. haven includes residential property that is rezoned to "cyQnnercial or industrial" at A00% added value. EaWle`t if fifty homes valued at $1,000,000 are rezoned to industrial and theta valued at $1,200,000, the pntire ,$.1`,2Q0,WQ value is thrown into the Metro pool. (The. result of this legi'clotion Honorable Mayor and City Council -2- November 15, 1972 1 produces an adjustment in our assessed value. A problem, for us, exists here in that it is indefinite, at this time, as to what our adjustment will be. This information must come from the County Auditor and compunicati,on from him seems to indicate a delay of some weeks before a fiscal figure would be available) . This budget has been prepared within the legal constraints imposed by the levy limitation requirements of the State of Minnesota. The levy limitation requires that municipalities and other governmental agencies cannot levy property taxes in excess of -over 6% of what was spent in the previous fiscal year. Approximately $55,000 is included in this budget as legal exemptions from the levy limitation. The two items exempted are the North Park local share payment and Fridley's financing requirement for the Local Government Information Systems (LOGIS). ^P, Estimates of revenues are realistic and an unappropriated reserve is provided !`or the purpose of meeting unforeseen contingencies and emergencies. Council approval is necessary hefar4- any tran,fc•ry can br madt ;rum this reserve . The 'matter of employee salary adjustments and chatF*vb in fringe -benefits for 1973 are either settled or under negotiations at the present time. The liquor store clerks and firefighters have signed two year contracts which do not expire until January 1, 1974, Contracts with Operating ingineer's Local #49, which represents a majority of our public works and parks personnel, and the mail Order Retail Department Store and Warehouse Employees Local Union #149, which ' represents the police officers, expire at the end of 1972 and are presgatly under negotiation. The City Council approved a 5% raise for non-union personnel below department and division head level, Department and division he..+ids .end non-$r#dad employees received an average of 2�% pay increase for 1973. - Contained in the budget are funds to provide for increases in gmplgyeea salaries and fringe benefits should the City Council see fit to grant .t~hese increases. Obviously the amount of raises and fringe benefits is dependent upon the final cost of the negotiated settlements with the various employee unions. All settlements which are approved by the City Council must stay within the 5.5% guideline of the Federal Pay Board. VENUES General and Other Fund revenue will rise by $249,748 or 10.84% over the current' t budget. This compares with the following yearly increases in all revenues: 1973 10.84% 1972 6.88% 1971 8.48% 1970 18,10% • 1969 18.18% j Honorable Mayer and City Council -3- November 15, 1972. 1 The total estimated valuation for the City of Fridley totals $95,532,273. This is an increase of $9,126,67$ over the current year. (After 1972 has been adjusted on 0 3 for 1 basis.) A combined mill rate of 12.71 mills is required to fund the proposed budget. This rate is divided into the General Fund and four other funds as follows: RATS NET NET 1972 AM_ O�,U 1 T TL I . ,� MOO T GENERAL 32.07 $ 905,153 11.2576 $1,053,955 QMR FUNDS: PERA Levy 2.07 58,375 .5648 52,875 Firemen's Relief Levy .61 17,250 . 1442 13,500 Police Pension Fund 2.00 56,396 .5233 48,992 Debt Service 2.83 79 900 . 70T34 65,856 TOTAL Other Fund 1,51 1 211,9 1 .935781 223 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 39.58 $1,117,074 13.1933* $1,235,178 * Due to a $46,101 credit, the 'rate will reduce to an estimated 12.71 total This year will see a redugtion in the monies available for transfer from the liquor operation to the General Fund; basically because of two reasons: The liquor lounge operations have been sold by the City, and the revenue from private liquor licenses does not replace the aaount transferred from profits of the liquor lounges. The second reason liquor fund transfers are down is because of reduced .sales without a significant reduction in expenses of operating the municipal liquor stores. The Council has approved the consolidation of two present off-sale liquor stores into one large, modern store with the hope of reducing the cost 0'running the liquor operation and increasing the appeal and competitiveness of the Fridley municipal liquor operation. Contracts have been let for construction of a new liquor store at 6289 T.H. #65. Upon completion of this store, the City will move out of the Skywood and Shorewood Liquor Stores. The estimated completion time and opening of the new store is scheduled for the Spring of 1973. The land and liquor store building will be financed out of profits from liquor sales. As a result of this unusual and one-time expenditure of $63,919.90 for land and $156,750 (estimated) for the building, only $15,746 from liquor store profits will be transferred into the general fund in 1973 compared to $182,000 in 1972. This reduction in funds transferred will be offset in part by receipt of federal revenue sharing funds. i. i Federal revenue sharing became a reality during 1972. Information available at this time indicates Fridley will receive $117,000 in federal revenue sharing funds. These funds will be incorporated into the general fund to assist in financing the major expansion of police services detailed later in this letter. Honorable Mayor and City Council,: -4- November 15, 1972 EXPENDITURES This budget provides for expenditures of $2,553,436 which is a 10.84%_. increase of the 1972 expenditure level, Variable on the expenditure level is the size of the salary and fringe benefit increases for employees during 1973, if any, which will depend upon Council action and negotiations presently in process with employee unions. City Council The major increase in the City Council budget this year is in Printing and Publishing which is to cover the cost of three newsletters per year, plus the annual report community calendar. You will recall that Council funded that program out of an emergency appropriation reserve this past year, and it is carried as a regular budgeted item in the 1973 budget. The increased public relations program has met with very favorable reaction in the community. Printing and mailing costs are the only direct costs involved, with the preparation of report content done by your staff. I City Manager Department; The City Manager Department provides for the establishment of a Personnel Division. The duties of a personnel officer are presently being Performed by Peter Herlofsky, Administrative Assistant, and it is anticipated this will continue with no added employees. The Personnel Division budget section is for expenses related to recruitment, examination, and selection of employees which is necessary to operate a central personnel function. These would include printing and publishing for advertisement of vacancies, development of.job announcements, contractual services for assistance in developing examinations, and payment of physical examina- tions for newly hired employees. There is an increase in Travel, Conferences and Schools to cover training and conference attendance of two employees rather than one. Finance Department: One new position of junior accountant will be added to the staff in 1973. At he present time there are only two people in our general accounting department, lus one person who works on liquor inventory. We have some 63 different funds, or usinesses, and have receipts that have run an average of $7,000,000 to $9,000,000 a year. The total personnel in the Finance Department has remained the same for the past five years. During that time the total City budget has more than doubled, and there is $ need for more professional accounting assistance in order to keep up with the growing level of activity. The utility fund,-will pay for this positio to reflect the accounting work load assigned to this fund. The other area that we are getting heavily involved in, and this position would be used for, is data processing. You will note that the Finance Department has set up a Special data processing division to reflect the amount of involvement ,ate Honorable Mayor and City Council -5- November 15, 1972 the City of Fridley is presently anticipating in the development of a joint govern- ment information system. The name of thissystem is Local Government Information Systems-- "LOGIS." Earlier this year you authorized Fridley's entry into this joint powers arrangement with a number of other cities and governmental agencies and the setting up of the information system is presently underway. It is too early to tell just exactly when the system will become operational at this point. High priority systems to be placed on data processing will be payroll accounting, general accounting, personnel records, liquor inventory, etc. It is hoped that through the utilization of data processing at least two major goals can be : accomplished: (1) The system will be able to show a savings in personnel services in the sense of not having to add additional employees in the future, and (2) A much better information retrieval and collection system will result to assist management and the City Council in making policy decisions. The entire LOGIS cost, exclusive of personnel, has been budgeted in the General Fund and is excluded from the levy limitation. Police Department: Mr. Jim Hill, Assistant City Manager/Public Safety Director, has completed an extensive survey report of the Fridley Police Department and a copy was sub- mitted for your review. As a result of the information contained in this report, and after an extensive review of police department manpower, Council authorized four new police officer positions for 1973 and one civilian police technician position. These increases will be in addition to the police investigator position which has been left unfilled, but authorized, at the time of 1the police department reorganization in 1972. This will bring our sworn personnel and dispatchers up to 1.03 per thousand, based upon a present estimated population of 31,000. As indicated in the attached comparative table of police departments in cities Fridley's size, the community is still below the average number of police officers per thou- sand population. It has been evident to me this past year that., more police manpower was necessary to adequately cope with police problems in Fridley. Traffic enforce- ment is a prime example. Instead of having a fully implemented program, '-at! the present time the department is merely trying to "put out fires" and respond on a complaint basis. The Council has demanded a more concentrated traffic enforcement program in such areas as East River Road, Mississippi Street, West Moore Lake Drive, Main Street, and other problem areas. To adequately do this on a continuing and permanent basis, the additional manpower is needed. I believe the police survey indicates our present weaknesses and provides a blueprint for the future direction' .the administration plans to take in regard to the police department. Fire Department: The Fire Department budget provides for no additional personnel. It does provide for an increase in overtime to be used for off-duty firefighters and volun- teers to perform inspection of multiple dwellings, commercial, and industrial property. It is felt that by utilizing our present firefighters for these duties, they will become better acquainted with the properties being inspected, and that a. ^ fire inspector could not be hired for $4.25 an hour, which is the cost of using 1� off-duty firemen and volunteers. Honorable Mayor and City Council -6- November 15, 1972 It is recommended that the pre:,cnt Chief of i:'ire Prevention, Bob Aldrich, be assigned the rank of Deputy Chief in the Fire Department. Mr. Aldrich also serve; as the Civil Defense Director. The Dttputy Chief title would clarify the relation- ship of his position to firefighting responsibilities and establish this position as second in command of the Fire Department. lie will continue in charge of Lire Prevention in addition to his firefighting responsibilities. i; = res P Other major capital items included in the 1973 budget is the second payment of $10,900 on the 1972 Pirsch Pumper and the first payment of $6,000 on the 1973 100 foot ladder truck, which is presently on order and expected for delivery in the Spring of 1973. Also included is 1,000 feet of new 3" fire hose to replace deteriorated hose as well as a number of miscellaneous items. It is anticipated there will be no need for major capital items, such as fire engines, ladder trucks, etc. , for the next several years, upon completion of payment of existing equipment. Civil Defense: The Civil Defense budget shows almost a $4,000 decrease in 1973. Provided in the budget is a local share portion for the modification of the emergency operating center located in the basement of City Hall. This modification would include the Police Department classroom as well as a portion of the Police Department remodel- ing that is discussed in the Police Department survey report. We are applying for Civil Defense matching funds to complete this work in any areas that can be justified as an upgrading of our emergency operating center. Engineering and Public Works Department: There have been no new positions allowed in this department. Additional monies have been allocated for the construction of the Stevenson School Sidewalk should Council authorize this project next summer. Two replacement snowplows are included. as well as an additional small snowplow for clearing of sidewalks. The local share portion of a traffic signal has been budgeted for T.H. #65 and 73rd Avenue. Money is included for a used ladder truck for replacement of existing worn out vehicle. Payments for land and corporation yard buildings are included in the equipment and maintenance shop, as well as some minor capital outlay items. A one-half ton pickup has been allowed to replace a 1965 pickup, which is worn out, for the engineering section. Also, a traffic counter has been approved. In the Street Department, under Capital Outlay, a new dump truck is allowed to replacer a 1963 truck which is too old and costly to repair. During 1972 the Community Development Division was created. This consolidated . Jhe planning and inspection activities under Darrel Clark, Communi.°y Development Idministrator. Building activity has been extremely brisk and may be the highest �n terms of value since 1965, the year Fridley was rebuilding from the tornado. There have been no increases in permanent personnel and it is hoped that with the reorganization plan greater flexibility will be employed in the utilization of existing personnel to keep up with this pace. Temporary inspection personnel can , be utilized during the peak activity periods. Building permits for the first ten months of 1972 were $15,500,000, up over $4,000,000 for a comparable period in 1971 . Park and Recreation Department : No pew permanent positions have been authorized for the department. A temporary position of Park/School Ranger has been authorized for 20 weeks to continue the program started this year in cooperation with School District #14. There have been some small inc):eascs in temporary help to cover the maintenance of additional park land acquired this past year, including two ice skating rinks; one at Meadowland and the other at Ruth Circle. Honorable Mayor and City Council -7- November 15, 1972 It is anticipated that Fridley will continue to participate in the Emergency Employment Act. This program is fully funded by the Federal Government and Anoka County, and furnishes two additional laborer positions at no charge to the City. One of these positions will be utilized in the Park and Recreation Department. In the area of Capital Outlay, special assessments on park lands are included in the amount of $16,000, plus the final LAWCON payment of $35,815 is budgeted for 1973 to finish local share requirements for North Park. This payment, because it is a local share match payment for a State and Federal grant, is exempted from the levy limitation. An additional $9,700 is in the budget for possible acquisi- tion of park land in the Rice Creek Road area, west of Old Central Avenue. Other Capital Outlay items for the Park and Recreation Department include annual payments on the City garage addition and the Locke Park recreation building. In addition, $3500 is provided for a foundation and other construction materials for the rebuilding of a donated quonset but which is to be utilized as a warming house at the Ruth�Circle park. Major equipment acquisitions include a brush cutter and chipper in the amount of $6,000 and miscellaneous tool; and equipment for main- tenance 'of the park lands. Specific capital improvements in various parks include the payment on the storm drain improvements and providing lighting for rinks in Meadowlands Park. A cyclone fence for the newly constructed football field at Commons Park is included and a bridge for pedestrian walkway and access across Rice Creek is planned for Locke Park. Apparatus and hard surfacing of courts are included for Plaza and Hyde Park. Six put of twelve tennis courts 'are to be resurfaced this year. Apparatus will be installed in Hackman Park and a hockey rink built at Meadowlands Park. Y In the Recreation section of the budget, there has been a net decrease of $1,250. This reflects the dropping of certain programs; such as, day camp program which was not well attended, and square dancing.. Increased temporary personnel include playground leaders for Ruth Circle and Meadowland and lifeguard personnel at the John Erickson Beach and Park. In addition there will be an increase in winter maintenance costs as a result of new skating and hockey rinks at Ruth Circle, Meadowland, Grace High School, and Fridley Senior High School. Other Funds: The payment for retirement benefits into PERA, Fire Relief Association, and Police Pension Fund is sufficient to meet the requirements of those funds. The Council policy regarding the Police Pension Fund is to put 21% of the police pay- roll aside as City contributions into the fund, and this budget reflects that policy. The State Aid Fund is increased by $17,871. The Debt Service payment for Civic Center and Park Bonds will total $80,800, which is a reduction of $900 from the 1972 level. Honorable Mayor and City Council -8- November 15, 1972 I I SUMMARY I This budget maintains the current high level of municipal services to the Citizens of Fridley in all departments except the Police Department, which increases its service above current levels. It is felt for the adequate protection of life and property, additions to the Police Department are mandatory during the next fiscal year. The recommendations made in this budget are based upon a careful evaluation by the City Administration, both in terms of community needs, operational efficiency, and Fridley's ability to pay for services. The Council in adopting this budget as recommended have expressed confidence in our budgetary endeavors. The budget represents a financial plan to guide your staff in the upcoming year in the manage- went of municipal activities. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the Mayor and City Council for the cooperation shown me during cry first year on the job in serving the community as City Manager. Appreciation is also expressed to the City staff and employees for their fine cooperation shown in preparation of this budget. It is my hope that this budget and the programs it incorporates will help Fridley to continue its dynamic and progressive growth through 1973. Very respectfully, Gerald R. Davis City Manager GRD/ms Enclosure - 1 COMPARISON OF POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES AND BUDGETS No. of Police Police Police Officers Police Officers Ratio of 1970 Officers and Budget per Assessed Per $1,000,000 Budget Dollar Population Dispatchers 1972 1,000 People Value Assessed Value To Assessed Valt EDINA 44,046 45 $816,000 1.0217 $84,313,305 .5337 1: 103.3251 MINNETONKA 35,776 28 425,806 .7826 36,401,957 .7692 1:85.4895 BROOKLYN CENTER 35,173 34 479,643 .9667 27,770,379 1.2243 1: 57.8980 ROSEVILLE 34,518 37 497,200 1.0719 43,280,837 .8549 1: 87.0491 CRYSTAL 30,925 27 399,600 .8731 21,044,831 1.2830 1: 52.6647 COON RAPIDS 30,505 32 538,200 1.0490 18,353,015 1.7436 1: 34.1007 BROOKLYN PARK 26,230 27 446,408 1.0294 19,081,867 1.4150 1: 42.7454 MAPLEWOOD 25,222 33 560,780 1.3084 29,822,859 1. 1065 1 : 53. 1810 SOUTH ST. PAUL 25,016 32 452,340 1.2792 17,976,182 1.7801 1: 39.7404 GOLDEN VALLEY 24,246 31 491,953 1.2786 38,566,740 .8038 1: 78.3952 AVERAGE 31,166 33 $510,793 1.0588 $33,661,197 .9804 1: 65.8999 FRIDLEY (Present) 29,233 28 $438,756 .9236 $28,801,865 .9722 1 : 65.6443 FRIDLEY (Adopted) (For 1973) 31D00 Et 197 ) , ( s .) 32 $531,342 1.03 $95,532,273 .335 1: 179 1973 BUDGET IND$X CITY XANAGER'S REPORT AND SUMMARY SHEETS GENERAL FUND CITY COUNCIL . . . . . . . . . PAGES 1 - 5 PARKS, RECREATION AND BAND. . . . . . . PAGES 133 - 144 CITY MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . s PAGES 6 - 14 Parks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 134 - 139 City Manager. 4 . . . . . . . . PAGES 7 - 10 Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 140 - 142 Personnel Division. . . . . . . . PAGES 11 - 14 Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 143 - 144 FINANCE DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . PAGES 15 - 36 HEALTH INSURANCE. . . . . . . . . . PAGES 145 - 146 Elections and Registrations . . . PAGES 17 - 20 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES . . . . . PAGE 147 Clerk-Treasurer . . . . . . . . . PAGES 21 - 25 Assessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 26 - 30 OTHER FUNDS DETAIL . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 148 - 153 Data Processing . . . . . . . . . PAGES 31 - 35 Public Employees Retirement (PERA) PAGES 148 - 149 -. Auditing. . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 36 Fire Relief Fund . . . . . . . . . PAGES 150 - 151 LEGAL DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 37 - 40 Police Pension . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 152 - 133 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS . . . . . . . . PAGES 41 - 52 State 'Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 154 - 155 Industrial Development Commission: PAGES 43 - 45 DEBT SERVICE Police Commission . . . . . . . . PAGES 46 - 47 Civic Center. . . . . . . . . . PAGES 156 - 158 Human Relations Commission. . . . PAGE 48 Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 159 - 161 Environmental Quality Commission. PAGES 49 - 51 Special Assessments . . . . . . PAGES 162 - 163 Planning Commission . . . . . . . PAGE 52 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. . . . . . . . . PAGES 53 - 58 PERSONAL SERVICES DETAIL PAGES 164 - 199 POLICE DEPARTMENT. . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 59 - 66 City Council . . . , . , . . . , . PAGE 164 FIRE DEPARTMENT. . . . . . . . . . PAGES 67 - 75 City Manager . , , . . , , , . . . PAGE 16S ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 76 - 88 Clerk Treasurer, . . . . . , . , . PAGES 166 - 169 Planning Department . . . . . . . PAGES 77 80 Assessor , , , , , , , , , , , , , PAGE 170 Building Inspection . . . . . . . PAGES 81 - 83 Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 171 Engineering Department. . . . . . PAGES 84 - 88 Legal Department . . . . . . . PAGE 172 CIVIL DEFENSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 89 - 95 Boards and Commissions. . . . . . PAGES 173 - 177 _ SANITATION AND HEALTH. . . . . . . . . PAGES 96 - 105 Buildings and Grounds. . . . . . PAGE 178 Animal Control. . . . . . . . . . PAGES 98 - 100 - Police Department. . . . . . . . . PAGES 179 - 182 Weed Control. . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 101 - 102 Fire Department, . . . . . . . . PAGE 183 Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 103 Planning Department. . . . . . . . PAGE 184 Health Sanitarian . . . . . . . . PAGES 104 - 105 Building Inspection Department PAGE 185 PUBLIC WORKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 106 - 132 Engineering Department . . . . . . PAGES 186 - 187 Streets. . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 108 - 112 Civil Defense. . . . . , . . . . . PAGE 188 _Snow and Ice Removal. . . . PAGES 113 - 116 Sanitation and Health. . . . . , . PAGES 189 - 191 Traffic Signs & Signals . . . . . PAGES 117 - 120 Public Works Department, , , , PAGES 192 - 196 Equipment & Maintenance Shop. . . PAGES 121 - 125 Parks, Recreation and Band PAGES 197 - 199 Street Lighting . . . . . . . . . PAGES 126 - 128 Storm Sewers . . . . . . . . . . . PAGES 129 - 132 ASSESSED VALUATION, TAX LEVY & MILL RATE ORDINANCE NO. 521 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1973 THE CITY OF FRIDLEY ORDAINS: October 5, 1972 SECTION,1 : Thaf the annual budget of the City of Fridley for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1973 which has been submitted by the City Manager and modified and approved by the City Council is hereby adopted; the total of the said budget and the major divisions therof being as follows: REVENUE AVAILABLE BUDGET GENERAL FUND General Property Tax $ 1 ,053,955^ City Council $ 41 ,113 Licenses City Manager's Office 66,431 Contractors 5,605 Finance (Elections, Clerk- Business and Others. 39,032 Treasurer, Assessor, Permits 56,970 Auditing) 1519775 Fines and Forfeitures 24,000 Legal 25,200 Use of Money & Property Boards &Commissions 40630 Interest Earned 309500 Building & Grounds 58,583 Rent 59600 Police 531 ,342 Shared Taxes Fire 168,253 Cigarette & Liquor 114,000 ;Civil Defense 18,011 Mortgage Registration 26,000 Engineering, Planning, Sales Tax 4149948 & Building Inspection 175,768 Grants 29000 Public Works (Street, Snow & Ice •Removal , Signs,& Signals, Service Charges 54,625 Shop, Street Lights, & Storm State Aid Maint. 22,350 Sewer) 411,008 nLiquor Store Transfers 132'9746 Sanitation & Health 38,640 Non Revenue Receipts Parks, Recreation & Band 490 j§93 Transfer fr St Aid Rev Acc 21 ,000 Reserve 600 Transfer fr St Aid Surplus 35,000 Other, 16,860 Transfer from Surplus 97,756 TOTAL: GENERAL FUND - 2,152',947 TOTAL: GENERAL FUND $7,152.947 OTHER FUNDS P.E.R.A.. Fund: P,E,R,A. Fund 58,375 Taxes 529875 Fire Relief Fund 34,451 Other 5 500 Police Pension Fund 68,992 5$ State Aid 157,871 Firemen's Relief Fund: Debt Service: Taxes 209951 Civic Center Bonds 39,,200 Insurance Refund 13��5010_ Park Bonds 41 ,600 Police Pension Fund: ` axes 48,992 surance Refund 20 000 z State Aid ,Fund: 1579871 •Debt Service: Civic Center Taxes 39,200' r1 Parks - Taxes 26,656 Pfr4 Surplus 14.944 TOTAL: OTHER FUNDS $ 400.489 TOTAL. OTHER FUN05 � $ 4000489 TOTAL; ALL FUNDS $2,558,436 TOTAL; ALL FUNDS- o��3t43tj ORDINANCE N0, 571 (Continued) SECTION 2: That the City Manager be directed to cause the appropriate accounting entries to be made in the books of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of FRIDLEY THIS 16TH DAY OF* oCmpm . 1972. YR - F NKG. IB ATTEST: CLERK * RYIN C. RUN Public Hearing: October Z,.'1022 ...,;,�,. " First Reading: O _ ctober 2. 972 . . . .. . Second Reading October 16 1972 Publish: October 2S, X1972 RESOLUTION NO, 116 1972 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF AND PROVIDING FOR A TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF NORMAL CITY CHARTER TAX LIMITS BE IT RESOLVED, B the Council of the City ity of Fridley as follows: SECTION 1 ; That the Council of the City of Fridley heretofore received from the City Manager a proposed budget of the City of Fridley for the year 1973 which Proposed budget when examined evidenced the necessity of an additional tax levy in excess of the City Charter limits and, accordingly, there was then adopted on the 11th day of September, 1972, _a resolution declaring the necessity for an additional tax levy and specifying the purpose for which such additional tax levy is required. FURTHER, The Council proceeded to hold public hearings pursuant to three (3) weeks published notice in the official newspaper of the City. That such public hearing was held on the 2nd day of October, 1972, and all persons interested therein were afforded an opportunity to be heard and make objections, if any there be, to the budget as then proposed. That after such hearing and after full discussion of the contents of the budget and all objections thereto the Council further proceeded to correct and amend the budget in such way as was deemed necessary by the Council to be in the best interests of the City; and after such corrections and amendments the Council did pass and adopt by Ordinance on first reading on the Qrtobar 2 1972, a budget for the City of Fridley s u for the operation of its us Hesr ng t e year 1973 a copy of which budget is attached hereto for reference purposes as EXHIBIT "A". SEgJ1ON 2: Further, upon the examination of such originally budget on 9 9 y proposed, corrected, and amended and adopted by the City of Fridley on the 2nd day of 1972, it reasonably appears, and the Council does not find t'^ hat October ecessary to provide monies for the operation of the business of the City of Fridley during the year 1973 under said Efudget, is and will be, when computed in accordance with law, in excess of the normal City Charter limit of thirty (30) mills -on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the property in the City, but that, nevertheless, it is reasonable and to the best interest of the City in order to provide for the proper operation of the business and functions of the City during the year of 1973, to exceed such normal City Charter tax levy . limit, and to levy taxes thereof sufficient to the operation of the business of the City in accordance twith�said budgetary to SECTION 3: That to provide money in accordance with the needs and purposes of e u get of the City for the year of 1973, taxes shall be levied in accordance with law sufficient to provide monies provided for any purpose be herein shall appropriated to and used for any other purpose, except as might otherwise l authorized by law, either under the general law of the State of Minnesota or the be City Charter of Fridley. r PR. 10-5-72 RESOLUTION NO, 116 (Continued) $_ 1 ,075,464 For the General Fund 53,954 For Contribution to Public Employees Retirement Fund 13,776 For Firemen's Relief 49,992 For Police Pension Fund 40,000 For Debt Service Fund-Civic Center Bonds 27,200 For Debt Service-Parks NONE For Debt Service Fund-Improvement Bonds $ 1 ,260,386 i PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 2nd DAY OF October , 1972. MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBEL ATTEST; CITY CLERK - R N C. B UN LL J PR. 10-5-72 RESOLUTION NO. 117 4 972 A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR 1973 TO THE COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTION BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of Fridley certify to the County Auditior of the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, the following tax levy to be levied in 1973. GENERAL FUND Norma evy $ 11018,510 i OUTSIDE LEVY LIMITS LOGIS 20,408 LAWCON 36,546 General Fund - Total $ 1 ,075,464 i Contribution to P.E.R.A. 53,954 Firemen's Relief - 13,776 Police Pension Fund 49,992 Debt Service Fund-Civic Center Bonds 40,000 Debt Service-Parks 27,200 $ 1 ,260,386 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the amount herein certified with respect to the Public Employees Retirement Association is in the amount required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 2nd DAY OF October 1972 MAYOR - FRANK G. LIEBL ATTEST: CITY CLERK - 14ARVIN C. B N REVENUES BUDGETED PROPOSED INCREASE GR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE e, General Property Taxes 894,153.28 V 955,838.48 905,153.00 1,053,955.00 148,802.00 . Licenses Contractors 5,400.75✓ 5,465.00 5,900.00 5,605.00 (295.00) Business 11 ,711 .50,t 19,164.14 33,380.00 34,259.00 879.00 Other 2,475.50✓ 4,278.00 4,100.00 4,773,00 673.00 Permits 53,710.05✓ 68,485.59 50,550.00 56,970.00 6,420.00 Municipal Court Fines 23,696.21 ,, 22,667.99 24,000.00 24,000.00 - Use of Money & Property Interest 25,016.47'' 35,063.48 25,000.00 30,500.00 5,500.00 Rent 8,612.96'' 5,597.50 8,600.00 5,600.00 (3,000.00) :State Shared Taxes Cigarettes & Liquor 91 ,967.19 ' 114,540.64 105,530.00 114,000.00 8,470.00 Mortgage Registration & Mobile Homes 21 ,377.10 -- 26,665.73 12,990.00 26,000.00 13,010.00 Sales Tax 196,859.34 -- 223,842.62 383,727.00 --4 31,221.00 Grants -- 2,000.00 - - >Z,0 0 2,.000.00 General Government Service Charges 5,470.15 -- 8,590.34 7,565.00 8,025 .00 460.00 Public Safety Service Charges 22,538.86✓ 28,716.42 23,400.00 24,650.00 1,250.00 State Aid Maintenance 21 ,495.82 ✓ 19,912.50 22,125,00 22,350.00 225.00 Seal Coating & Sidewalk Revenue from State Aid Fund 16,000.00 16,212.50 20,000.00 21,000.00 1,000.00 Recreation Service Charges 17,161 .96 '' 18,946.55 22,600.00 21 ,950.00 (650.00) Sale of Property 2,791 .86 8,720.99 3,200.00 2,900.00 (300.00) Refunds & Reimbursements 36,919.10 ✓ 15,631 .02 13,990.00 13,960,00 ( 30.00) Liquor Store & Other Transfers 141 ,889.90 225,000.00 182,000.00 132,746.00 (49,254,00) Transfers from Surplus --- --- 84,035.00 97,756,00 13,721.00 Transfers from State Aid Fund Surplus --- -- --- 35,000.00 35,000.00 1 ,599,248.00 ✓ 1 ,825,339.49 1 ,937,845.00 2,1,52,"7-.00 215,102 .00 CITY OF FRIDLEY - SL' >RY SHEET - 1973 BUDGET FUND REVENUES - BUDGETED PROPOSED INCREASE M FUND AND SOURCE 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE Total : General Fund (Continued) 1 ,599,248.00 1 ,825,339.49 1 ,937,845.00 2,152,947.00 215,102.00 Other Funds: P.E.ETt.V. Fund Taxes 88,472.02 45,647,46 58,375.00 52,875.00 (5,500.00) Interest Earned --- 1 ,029.69 --- 500.00 500.00 Transfers from Surplus --- - - --- 5,000.00 5,000.00 -- ---x,3'7.t Q --- 88,472.ff 4b,b//.IS' Fire Relief Fund Tax Levy 23,647.26 26,370.52 17,250.00 13,500.00 (3,75M00) Insurance Refund 13,921 .59 20 951 .52 13 922.00 20 951 .00 7,02900 37,5688.85 47,322.04 3 , 72.0 34,451 .UU 3,27%00 Police Pension Fund Taxes 43,578.72 52,819.58 56,396.00 48,992.00 (7,404.00) Insurance Refund --- -- --- 20,000,00 20,aD6.00 43,578.77 52,819.9'8- 56,396.00 68,992.00 12,596.00 State Aid Fund Construction 124,575.56 152,534.37 140,000.00 157,871 .00 17,87-1.00 Interest Earned 21 ,532.90 28 601 .89 --- -- --- 146,108 81,•T36`26 140,000.00 757,87MO 17,871.00 Dent Service Civic Center Fund Taxes 519.34 36,442.09 35,500.00 39,200.00 3,700.00 Interest Earned 1 ,893.00 587.98 --- --- --- Transfers in from Other Funds 36,747.00 --- --- --- --- 39,159.34- 37,030.UT 35,580.-00 39,200.00 3,700.00 Park Bond Fund i Taxes 566.53 46,213.56 44,400.00 26,656.00 (17,744.00) Interest. Earned 3,076.15 1 ,497.28 --- --- --- Transfers in from Other Funds 41 ,900.00 --- --- --- Transfers from Surplus. -=- --- --- 14 944.00 14,944.00 . 41 ,60U.UU 2,80(}.00) Special Assessments V Taxes 161 .95 -- Total Other Funds 400,592.02 , " 365,843.010 400,489.04 34,646.00 aaaoasaaanaaaaaaaano===o..as.axa=====aaaaaaax=gcoaaaaaaaaaasaa=saw==co.�.°aoaasaaa� TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1 ,999,839.32 2,238,035.43 2,303,688.00 2,553,436.00 7 WIM.00 - CITY OF FRIDLEY - SUMMARY SHEET - 197 - EUOGET FUND GENERIC_ EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BUDGETED PROPOSED INCREASE PERCENTAGE 1970 1971 1972 1973 OR OF DECREASE INCREASE City Council 32,699.26 40,790.27 35,716.00 41.113.00 5,397.00 City Manager 39,167.42 42,995.22 60,753.00 66,431.00 5,678.00 Municipal Court --- --- --- --- Finance Department (Elections, Clerk-Treasurer, Assessor, and Auditing) 106,368.12 118,225.89 136,808.00 151,775.00 14,%7.00 r�:gal 24,167.49 22,800.85 24,645.00 25,200.00 555.00 Boards & Commissions (Industrial Bevel opment, Charter Police, Planning, and '""uman Relations) . 1 ,202.24 301.00 4,805.00 4,630 00 (175.00) Building & Grounds 50,049.82 53,808.82 56,642.00 58,583.00 1,941.00 Police 343,528.40 382,174.00 425,988.00 531,342.00 105,354.00 Fire 117,548.56 143,762.82 156,963.00 168,253.00 11,290.00 Engineering, Plar n,4nr;. & R1:1g. Insp. 138,247.16 152,224.48 164,113.00 175,768.60 11,655.00 Civil Defense 25,556.39 19,299.88 2.1 ,930.00 18,011.00 (3,919.00) Public Yorks 277,050.81 338,342.45 392,291 .00 411.008.00 18,717.00 Sanitation & Health (Animal , [reed & Pest Control and Health Officer) 30,646.10 34,581.13 39,460.00 38,640.00 ( 820.00) Parks, Recreation & Band 324,133.84 341 ,532.97 362,586.00 403?693.00 41,107.00 Reserve --- --- 55,M.00 58,500.00 3,355.00 Hospital Insurance 16,000.62 --- --- _-- _-- GRAND TOTAL 1,826,366.23 1.69D,839.79 ,937,845.00 2,152,947.00 215,102,00 C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y - S U M M A R Y S H E E T - 1 9 7 3 B U D G E T FUND GENERAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BUDGETED PROPOSED INCREASE PERCENTAGE 1970 1971 1972 1973 OR OF DECREASE INCREASE TOTAL: General Fund (Continued) 1 ,526,366.23 1 ,690,839.78 1 ,937,845.00 2,152,947.00 215,102.00 P.E.R.A. 85,228.90 50,098.70 58,375.00 58,375.00 --- Firemen 's Relief 37,568.85 47,322.04 31 ,172.00 34,451 .00 3,279.00 Police Pension 43,578.72 52,819.58 56,396.00 68,992.00 12,596.00 State- Aid 123,861 .81 152,534.37 140,000.00 157,871 .0.0 _ 17,871.00 Debt Service: Civic Center 35,388.30 34,746.71 35,500.00 39,200.00 3,700.00 Parks 35,368.65 39,278.00 44,400.00 41 ,600.00 ( 2,800.00) Special Assessments --- --- - --- TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 360,995.23 376,799.40 365,843.00 400,489.00 34,646.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1 ,887,361 .46 2,067,639.18 2,303,688.00 2,553,436.00 249,748.00 i CITY Of FRIDLEY — SUMMARY SHEET — 1973 BUDGET , FUG GENERAL ACCT. N0. ITEM BUDGET - PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE 1»ilUmm 401 CITY COUNCIL Personal Services 22,344.99 25,905.00 21 ,960.00 22,233.00 273.00 Other Expenses 10,354.27 14,885.27 13,556.00 189680.00 5,124.00 Capital Outlay --- --- 200.00 200.00 -0- TOTALS 32,699.26 40,790.27 35,716.00 41,113.00 5,397.00 7 i IU MIKE E IM $21,960.00 a: GENERAL 1W3 FABQLESr TM 22,233.00 ICE 273,00 CITY COUNCIL • DECBEABE xl : CITY COUNCIL repared by of Budg eted Expew litures, by Ace pints 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 401.10 Regular Employees 18,599 99 20,460 00 20,460 DO 21,483 00 1,023 00 401.11 Overtime 500 DO 75W.00 250 ,00 .12 Temporary Employees 40L13 Consulting Services 3,745 00 5,445 0 1 ,000 -0 1,000 00 TOTALS 22,344 99 25,905 00 21 ,960 22,233 00 1,273 00 1,00 00 T IN L SERVICE 273.00 $ 250.00 For iucre a in 0ve f Eapease 1,023.00 5% Increa in Sala ies for Co i $..1,273.00 Total Increase Less crease- 1,000.00 $ 273.00 NET INCREISE .. 1972 BtX)W TQFAC -/I3,556.00 1973 REMM TOTAL 18,680.00 Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R F D L E Y INCREASE 5,124.00 Dept CITY COUNCIL Activity- CITY COUNCIL DECREASE Prepared by: Summar of Budgeted .Expenditure s by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 401.20 Communications 158 97 390 58 250 00 1,000 00 750.00 401.21 Printing & Publishing 4,252 95 6,689 22 4,500 00 10,000 00 5;500 00 .22 Utilities 401.23 Travel , Conferences SQO 0 500.00 & Schools 670 66 685 77 1 ,000 00 401.24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 137 14 235 45 200 00 200.00 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 401.29 Other Contractual Services 122 17 400 00 400d CK 401.30 Office Supplies 453 04 629 18 1 ,000 00 400..OC 600.00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 401.39 General Supplies 173 59 243 79 100 00 25C. I5 W .40 Rental 401.41 Insurance & Bonds 178 56 442 01 500 00 401.42 Awards 75 00 1 2 .00 401.43 Dues & Subscriptions 4,329 36 4,482 96 4,451 W 4, . 4 . 401.44 Hospital Insurance 964 14 1 ,080 00 830;.0 25C.00 .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Sea] Coating .48 Vending Nwhines .49 Cash Shortage ..8� Refunds 3 TOTALS 10,354 7 14,885 27 13,556 00 18,68d,0j 6,47 41,00 ,x,35 Q0 �J `J 1972 &MT TOTAL `¢?3,556.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 1 s,6 aO.00 GENERAL C 17 Y OF F R I 0 1 E F INCREASE 5,124.00 pept: CITY COUNCIL DECREASE tivi : CITY COUNCIL Prepared b ; Su of Bud eted E&AX f tures b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture Lure Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARKS NET IN RE IN HE EXPENSES. . . $ 24.. $ 750.00 Increase i Cossluni ati ns. This s to co er increased ost due to th pu 2ications the City i now pro id g. 5,500.00 Increase i Printin blishi g. This i t cover cos :s o increased pub icattons. 150.00 Increase i General Sup lies, o rs incr d costs. 25.00 Increase Awards. To cower a di ional c st . 49.00 Increase i Dues ubs ription Covers dd tional cos s. $ 6,474.00 Total Incr ase Less crease - 1,350.00 $ 5,124.00 NET INCRE& 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $200.00 1973 RE VW TOTAL 200.00 GENERAL CITY OF FRIOLE. Y INCREASE Dept: CITY COUNCIL DECREASE Activity: CITY COUNCIL Prepared b : Stftt '6f Budoeted'Expenditurest by Accounts i 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease t CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. & Structures 401,52 Furniture & Equipt. 200 00 200 00 .53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements TOTALS _ 200 00 200 00 k` 1 C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y - S U M M A R Y S H E E T - 1 973 BUDGET FUND GENERAL • BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR ACCT. NO. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNF1NAKED . 402 CITY MANAGER Personal Services 33,816.14 32,321 .95 51 ,478.00 54,052.00 2,574.00 Other Expenses 5,51 .28 9,938.89 8,950.00 10,529.00 1,579.00 Capital Outlay --- 734.38 325.00 500.00 175.00 TOTALS 39,167.42 42,995.22 60,753.00 65,081.00 4,328.00, PERSONNEL DIVISION Personal Services -0- Other Expenses 1,350.00 1,350.00 Capital Outlay -0- TOTALS 1,350.00 1,350.00 - q • i 39,167.42 42i995 6 ,4 1• 5,678• i i D � - LW NOW IW& $51.478.00 GENERAL 1973 7DT1�L 54,052.00 CITY MANAGER INCi9'lISE 2,5 74.00 ivi ; CITY MANAGER arced by: SUlm ary of Bu tad Ex itures by is 1970 1971 1973 ` Description Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) tune ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 402.10 Regular Employees 32,156 83 30,887 92 49,998 00 52,822 00 2,82 .00 402.11 Overtime 575 01 549 j1 230 Q 230 00 402,12 Temporary Employees 1 ,084 30 884 92 1 ,250 0 1,000 00 250 ,00 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 33,816 14 32,321 95 51 ,478 00 54,052 00 2,824. 00 25000 REM�iR T MCRK LSE IN PERS 3W L SERVICES 2.5 $ 2,824.00 For incre se in pay for present fu,l time m Ioyees Less fecrease 250.00 $ 2,574.00 NET INCR SE - r 1972 BUDW TUTAL i 1.50.00 Fiod. GENERAL CITY OF F R I D E_ E >f 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 10,529.00 D,a: CITY MANAGER INCREASE 1 ,579.00 Activity: CITY MANAGER DECREASE Prepared b : Summa of Budgeted .Expenditu res, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tore Budget Proposal Increase Decrease �. OTHER EXPENSES 402.20 Communications 1 ,599 021 1,371 72 2,000 00 2,000 00 402.21 Printing & Publishing 1 ,524 09 1 ,368 45 1,100 00 1,100 00 .22 Utilities 442.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 126 42 4,151 27 1,000 00 1,750. 00 750 00 402.24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 201 23 216 97 300 00 400 00 100 ,100 t .25 Maint. & Repair-8ldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv 402.27 Car Allowance 700 73 691 67 1 ,200 Oft 1,200 � .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. t 402.29 Other Contractual It Services 402.30 Office Supplies 964 71 855 09 7,7 00 1,40U00 300,0(1 .31 Toots .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 100 100.00 402.39 General Supplies 25 84 29 26 25 00 1 75 .00 .40 Rental 402.41 Insurance & Bonds 25 16 387 38 200 00 5251,00 325.00 .42 Awards 402-43 Ewes & Subscriptions 188 8 385 83 Z75 cc 35 00 75 00 402.44 Hospital Insurance 481 25 650 ,00 1,104 454100 .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Sea) Coating a .48 Vending !dines .49 Cntt Shortage .E32 fefwws.. TOTALS 5,351 28 9,938 89 81950 10,529 1,879.0% 30 1 . 19772 BtIf TOTAL 950.00 1973 REQUEST 70TAL 0,529.00 Fwd: GENERAL CITY OF f1tIDLEY CITY MANAGER INCREASE 1,579.00 tivi :CITY MANAGER BECK" Pre amd by: Sumiary of Bud ted Ex itures by Ac is 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget ' Code (Account Title) turb ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease REMARKS T INCREASE IN OTHER E PE SES.. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,579. $ 750.00 Increase n Travel co ference & Schools o cover activities of two department pees 1. 100.00 Increase n Mainte nc & Repa r Equipmen o cover costsmf vehicle ssi ned to Administrative Ass sta t. 100.00 Motor Fue s & Lube o cover ro tine ex ea es of runnLng the vehicle ass gned to Administrative Ass t. 75.00 Increase Genera Supplies. To cover creased costs. 325.00 Increase n Insumice d Bond To cover i creased c ts. 75.00 Increase n Dues Sub riptims. To cov r osts for t o dPpartment p rso el. 454.00 Increase Hospit 1 I surance o gover in reased costs. $ 1,&7'9.00 Total Inc ease Less lecrease - 300.00 1,579.00 NET INCRE E 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $ 325.00 Fiord: GENERAL CITY O F fRIOLEY 1973 REQUM TOTAL 500.00 pgpt: CITY MANAGER INCREASE 175.00 • CITY MANAGER DECREASE Activity. Pre red b Summa O'Budoeited'Expenditures,, by Accounts • r 1970 1971 1973 i Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 land .51 Bldgs. & Structures 402.52 Furniture & Equipt. 734 38 325 00 500.00 175 00 .53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 734 38 325 O 500.00 175, 00 REMARF3 t NET IN REASE IN PITA.L OUTI ka 175.00 kPI TAL OU Y ROGRAM - (ITY MANAGE `S OFFICE. 0.OQ Priority 1 New typewri er needed $ 500.00 t 10 J 102 N IN GE TSM 0- 1973 KQ ESI MM CITY MANAGER MANAGER INCNEME 5oty: PERSONNEL DIVISION JXCREASE Prepared b Su of Bud eted Ex itures b Ac nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Code p Expendi- Expendi- -1972 Budget (Account Title) ture tore Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime -o- .12 Temporary Employees .13 Consulting Services -o- MARxs alaries r ular positions. I I ded in Cit Ma ger's budg t. , 'r f 11972 WD6ET TOT/[. -0- GENERAL 1973 REQUEST T�LAE $ 1,350.00 Fur►d: C I T Y aF F RFaL E >f Dept; CITY MANAGER INCREASE 1,350.00 Activity: PERSONNEL DIVISION DECREASE Prepared b Summa of Budgeted Ex Pend itures by Accountt 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture_ Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications .21 Printing & Publishing 1,050 00 1,050 00 .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. A Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. .29 Other Contractual Services .30 Office Supplies .31 Tools .32 Physical Exams 300 300.00 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes .39 General Supplies .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds, .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seat Coating .48 Verm i ng lfachf Res- .49 Cash Shortage .82 Refunds ` 1 ,3501 00 I 1 , . J 1972 BlWff TOTAL < r0e7t GE NERAL CITY OF FRIOLEY 1973 REQUM 71DTAL 1,350.00 : CITY MANAGER INCREASE 1,350.00 tiYit - PERSONNEL DIVISION DECREASE Prepared by: Su n iary of Bud eted Ex itures by Ace mats 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARK, $1,350.00 - These a e not n co ts. Ex en es now xi t but are iot kccuratly r cor ed. This should help det rmine m re clearly th personnel cos s. $1,350.00 NET INC ASE 1972 BUDGET TOTAL -0- 1973 REQIEST TOTAL -0- Ftmd: GENERAL CITY OF FRI0CEY INCREASE Dept: CITY MANAGER DECREASE Aotivity: PERSONNEL DIVISION Prepared by: SW"ry df Budgeted Expenditures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land -0- .51 Bldgs. & Structures -0- .52 Furniture & Equipt. -0- 1 .53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. -0- ; .54 Other Improvements -0- i 4 1.4 ' CITY OF FRIDLEY - SUMMARY SHEET - 1973 BUDGET FUND GENERAL ACCT. NO. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFINANCED 404 ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATIONS Personal Services 7,964.83 8,497.83 9,327.00 6,863.00 2,464.0 Other Expenses 3,752.57 6,352.35 5,966.00 3,645.00 2,321.0 Capital Outlay 2,668.38 -__ TOTALS 14;385.78 14,850.18 15,293.00 10,508.00 (4,785.'00 4052 CLERK-TREASURER Personal Services 28,002.11 33,538.47 38,732.00 40,668.00 .1, 936.0 Other Expenses 16,494.32 18,821 .85 20,685.00 15,806.00 (4,879. Capital Outlay 750.00 626.10 1 ,450.00 1,142.00 ( _308. TOTALS 45,246.43 52,986.42 60,867.00 5 7, 616.00 (3.251. 4053 ASSESSOR Personal Services 37,474.21 39,658.19 47,288.00 49,652.00 2,364. Other Expenses 4,129.38 6,013.74 7,760.00 7_,899.00 139.0 Capital Outlay 632.32 217.36 "100.00 100.00 TOTALS 2.,235.91 45,889.29 55,148.00 57,651.00 2,503. Z53 CITY O F F R I D L E T - SUNNARY S H E E T - 1 973 BUDGET FW GENERAL AetT. NQ. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE tltIFINANCO 4055 DATA PROCESSING Personal Services Other Expenses 20,500.00 20,500.00 ` Capital Outlay 500.00 500.00 TOTALS 21,000.00 2 , 0 4055 AUDITING ITING Personal Services 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,500.0 5,000.00 (500.00) Other Expenses Capital Outlay TOTEMS 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,500. 51000.00 (500.00) GRAND TOTAL. FINANCE DEPARTHENT 1106,368.12 118,225.89 136,W.00 151,7 75.04 14,36•T.00 12°4 overall increase 1.481 w/o LOGISF for efther ear- crease fox. Rees sub jr2' to levy limit 1Es l2 � li1�L $ 9,327.00- ,_.____ GENERAL 1913 FEWN TM 6,863-00 FINANCE INCKME Iyi ; ELECTIONS & REGISTRATIONS ��E 2,464.00 re red b FINANCE DIRECTOR SU r of Budgeted ExPenditures. by Ac is 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 40410 Regular Employees 3,164 35 3,563 91 3,327 DO 3,363 00 36 00 .11 Overtime 40412 Temporary Employees 4,800 48 4,933 9 61000 00 3,500 00 -- 2,500 00. .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 7,964 83 8,497 8 9,327 00 6,863 00 36 00 2,500 00 REMA NET DEC SE IN SONAL SEBV CES .0 $ 36.00 Increase - alary in eas for re ul r empl a s. Slight y 1 ss time to e c arged to elections 1973. a tail of E loyee ices to se di tribution o ch rges. Less D crease 2,500.00 Decrease $2,464.00 NET DECREA 1972 BIKW TOTAL �$ 5,966.00 Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y 1973 REQUEST MAL 3,645.00 _ Dom; FINANCE INCREASE Activity: ELECTIONS & REGISTRATIONS DECREASE 2,321.00 Prepared b FINANCE DIRECTOR Spa of .Budgeted .Expenditures,, by Accoun ` 1970 1971 1973 Description xpendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tore Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 404.20 Communications 158 48 775 70 700 00 775 ,010 75 00 404.21 Printing & Publishing 160 77 228 65 215 00 230 00 15 00 .22 Utilities 404.23 Travel, Conferences & Schools 33 85 30 00 34 .24 Faint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv. .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. .29 Other Contractual Services 404.30 Office Supplies 221 41 1 ,160 45 500 00 900 00 400 00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 404.39 General Supplies 6 50 7 87 800 00 600 00 200 ' 404.40 Rental 3,140 83 4,171 32 3,675 00 1,000.00 2,675 0© 404.41 Insurance & Bonds 30 73 8 36 46 00 110.00 64 0a .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taws .47 Seal Coating .48 fewhog N6ckjnes .49 Cosh Siuo UW .82 ftftmds �$ TOTALS hj.,752� 6,352 35 5,96680 3,645 554 04 2,875 4 J 1972 WHET TOTAL " 2 66.00 I 1973 ItEqUEST TOTAL 3,645.00 GENERAL CITY OF F R 1 0 L E Y • INCREASE FINANCE 2,321.00 Actjvi&Z: ELECTIONS & REGISTRATIONS DECREASE • Prepared by: FINANCE DIRECTOR Surm vary of Budi ieted Ex itures by Ace tats 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTINUED) REMARK' NET DE TZ kSE IN HE EXPENSES. . . . . . . $ 2,321.0 $ 75.00 Increase n Commun cat ons - T pis item ra $ 75 in 1971 and will most ike y run more han this 15.00 Increase n Printi g & Publish ng This tem ran $228 En 1 l and wil ru about $23 in 1972 400.00 Increase in Office Sup lies. hip item h s een under udg ted for th pa t several y ars, as he ntire a ec ion bud et has. •This. acc nt will b o rdrawn in 1972. p 64.00 Increase a Insur ce. An ite w have n c ntrol of $ 554.00 Total Inc ease Less Decrease 22875.00 $ 2,321.00 NET DECRE E r 19 1972 BU06ET TOTAL -0- - Fio�d: GENERAL CITY OF fRIOLEY 1973 REQUEST TOTAL -0- 0 W: FINANCE INCREASE DECREASE Activity: ELECTIONS & REGISTRATIONS Prepared by: FINANCE DIRECTOR S' ry'6f'BUdqeted'Expendituret,, by Accounts 1970 1971 1 973 I Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. & Structures 404.52 Furniture & Equipt. 2,668 38 --- -- --- .53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements MALS 2,668 38 --- i i IZj YJWT MTAL $ ?8,7i2.00- . 1973 WEQMM TOM 40,668.00 GENERAL 1WREASE 1,936.00 FINANCE . EClEASE 5vi-ty: CLERK-TREASURER PMPared - by: FINANCE DIRECTOR Suomary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Ac nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL. SERVICES 05210 Regular Employees 25,093 49 28,068 84 35,132 00 37,068 00 1,936 00 05211 Overtime 338 . 00 80 2 1 ,000 0 500,00 500 ;00- 05212 Temporary Employees 2,570 62 3,706 61 2,600 0 3,100 00 500 00 05213 Consulting Services 1 ,682 7 1 TOTALS 28,002 11 33,538 47 38,732 00 40,668 00 2,436 00 500,00 REMARM 2 INCRUSE IN PEISOILAL SERVICE),. 1.936.0) $ 1,936.00 increase in salaries I= existing personrel 500.00 Increase in Tempoiary Rmployeeq. Off-se by $500 decr ase in overtime $ 2,436.00 Less crease - 500.00 $ 1,936.00 NET IN ASE j 21 J 1972 BUDGET TurX. 685.00 Fund• GENERAL 1.973 REQUEST TDTAL 15, 806.00 CITY bF FRII? LEY INCREASE Dept: FINANCE Activity: CLERK-TREASURER DECREASE _ 4,879.00 Prepared b : FINANCE DIRECTOR Summa of P!!Veted Expenditure by Accoun 1970 1971 1973 Description xpendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 4052.20 Communications 2,034 39 2,204 39 2,150 00 2,200 00 50 00 4052.21 Printing 6 Publishing 29659 65 1 ,765 22 2,000 00 2,000 00 --- .22 Utilities 4052.23 Travel , Conferences b Schools 586 30 462 17 400 00 600 00 20000 4052.24 Maint. b Repair-Equip. 1 ,980 49 2,002 80 21000 00 2,200 00 200 00 .25 Maint. 8 Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. 6 Repai r-Improv. 4052.27 Car Allowance 416 70 458 37 550 00 750 00 200 00 .28 Cleaning S Mate Rem. 4052,29 Other Contractual Services 55 21 144 61 75 00 75 00 4052.30 Office Supplies 2,781 22 3,748 88 4,000 00 4,000 00 .31 Toojs, .32 .33 Motor Fuels S Lubes 4052.39 General Supplies 21 79 15 35 -200 00 200 00 4052.40 Rental 4,809 09 5,019 20 6,000 00 : --- 6,000 W1 4052.41 Insurance & Bonds 854 797 11 1 ,000 00 800 00 200 W. .42 Awards 4052.43 Dues b Subscriptions 215 03 287 92 200 00 200 87 00 4052.44 Hospital Insurance 1 ,729 00 11900 2,48 00' 584 00 .44 Licenses X Taxes .47 Sea] Coating .48 Vend%gi Iotnes 4052.49 Cash Shortage TO 8 05 10 11 4052.82 Rb4vds 70 186 78 22 200 2 1 TOTALS 16,494 2 18,821 85 20,685 15,806 00 1,321 00 6.20000 • 1972 DlWU TOTAL A.685.00 GENERAL 1973 REST TOTAL 15,806.00 CITY OF F R I D L E Y • INCREASE FINANCE DECREASE 4.879.00 tivi • CLERK-TREASURER • Prepared by: FINANCE DIRECTOR Sun vary of -Bud ieted-Ex tures by Ace mmts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code' (Account Title) ture Lure Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARM NET D CRUSE IN OT MR EXPENSE3. 4,879110 $ 50.00 Increase n Commun cat ons. is item ra $ ,200 in 1971 will run thi or more in 1172. 4 200.00 Increase 1partment n Travel Co ference A Schools his item s en under b dge ed for the pa several are. Al o, osts ar r ing h g r at the ese t time because of several sc Ole and confences on lab r relat on and n I or relat ns aws. This is he first year he Finance has had the re ponsibi it for lab o rel tions. 200.00 Increase n Mainte of Equ at. Most quipment o a service ont act. The se' ce contracts run over $2, per e . Larg st contract f electrons ac punting mach . 200.00 Increase f $200 r y ar in r llowanc . This is st 11 200 a year les than other departmen �.-0- 87.00 Increase n Dues S bscript one. Same d s and subs rip ions as be ore but prices have incr ased. 1 72 ill be 28 • _ 584.00 Increase n Hospi li tion In u e. A i em that of be control ed. : $ 1,321.00 Total Jame ease _ Less De ease 6,200.00 ($ 4,879.00) NBT - - I Z K. 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $ 1,450.00 1,.142..00 Fund:Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I O E E Y 1973 REQUEST TOTAL Dept: FINANCE INCREASE Activity: CLERK-TREASURER DECREASE 308.00 Prepared by_:_ FINANCE DIRECTO Su ry 6f Budofted 'Expenditures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-, 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land ' .51 Bldgs. & Structures i 405452 Furniture & Equipt. 750 00 626 10 1 ,450 00 1,142.00 308 001 .53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 750 DO 626 10 1 ,450 00 1,142.00 308 00 REMARKS i T DECRE SE IN CAPI UI OUTLAY. . . ($ 308.0() CA?IT kL OUTIA r AoGRAM - CI ERK-TREAS R' OFFICE $ 1,450._ Priority 1 Typewriter - to replac old manua $ 530.00 F Priority 2 Printing Cal ulator - o replace xi ting on?, Dver 507.00 10 years old and givi trouble , Priority 3 One fire dra er file 105.00 $1,142.00 DTA L CAPITAL OUT 24. F=d: GENERAL , • FINANCE C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y ActivitOtERK - TREASURER 1 9rWiVBUDGET WORK SHEETS Prepared b FINANCE DIRECTOR Detail Of Capital Out]aLy Re jui rements Approx. No. less Date of of Unit Total Tradeor Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase -Units Cost Cost Salvage Cost Typewriter - to replace old manual 1 565 0 56 .0 3 .0 53C .0 Printing Calculator - To replace existi g 557 0 55 .0 50 7 .0 one, over 10 years old and giving troub e One five drawer file 105 103.0( -- 105 . $ 1,142.0 = 2 102 0 W AF TWAL $),2$8:00- . GENERAL 1973 weauESI ium 49,652.00 FINANCE INCREME 2064.00 ' tivi : ASSESSOR DECK" Prepared b : FINANCE DIRECTO Sumary of Bud eted Expenilitures, by kcpunts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tune Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 05310 Regular Employees 34,394 57 39,354 56 43,588 00 45, 952 00 2,364 00 05311 Overtime 1 ,103 63 105 4 1 ,200 00 1,200 00 - 05312 Temporary Employees 1 ,976 01 198 1 2,500 00 2,500 00 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 37,474 21 39,658 1S 479288 00 49,652 00 2,364 00 REMARKS NET INMEASE IN PIRSONAL SER ICE . 2.364 00 $ 2,364.00 Increase in Salary for existin p rsonnel $ 2,364.00 I I 1972 KWET TOTAL 7,760.00 Fund: GENERAL 1973 REQl1EST TOTAL 71899-00 CITY OF FRFDLEIf Dept: FINANCE INCREKSE 139.00 Activity: ASSESSOR DECREASE i Prepared by: FINANCE DIRECTOR Summar of' Bud eted Ex enditures , by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES i 4053.20 Communications 792 00 723 40 1 ,600 00 1,000 00 600.00 4053.21 Printing & Publishing 136 70 278 22 200 00 280,00 80.00 ,22 Utilities 4053.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 358 59 274 05 500 00 500.00 4053.24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 50 42 204 90 200 00 250.00 50.00 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. � { .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv. 4 4053,27 Car Allowance 2,083 30 2,499 96 2,500 00 2,860.00 360.00 .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 4053,29 Other Contractual Services 4 00 75 00 75.0 4053,30 Office Supplies 115 33 345 33 800 00 800.00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 4053,39 General Supplies 58 15 83 70 125 00 12 .0 4053.40 Rental 50 00 5 .o 4053.41 Insurance & Bonds 282 65 677 55 650 00 675.0( 25.00 .42 Awards 4053,43 Dues & Subscriptions 248 24 8600 180 00 18 . .44 Hospital Insurance 840 63 880 00 1,1 -OC 224 -00 .46 Licenses &Taxes .47 Seal Coating �. .48 Vending !arch%Res _49 Cash Shortage ..8 27°2 Ref . - r TOTALS 4129;38, ��U13 4 7)760 0(l 7,8994.0 73 ..0 60 .0 M 1972 ,76a.00 �f TOTAL 1973 REST TOTAL 7,899.00 GENERAL CITY OF FRI aLEY II�EASE 139,oa FINANCE -- - DEOW" iVi :ASSESSOR Prepared by: FINANCE DIRECTOR Sum vary of Bud teted £X itureS by ACC gmts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget ' 'Code (Account Title) ture tune Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTI D) REMARKS T NCREASE IN OTHER E YEI ISES. . 139,00 $ 80.00 Increase n Printing a Publi hi g. Thi i em has beei ruining about $28 per pear. 50.00 Increase n Mainteitanci and Re i of Equipamnt. Servi e c ntracts on mac ines will run this much in 1972. 360.00 Increase Jn Car Al owsu ce. $111 r month cai allowance for three men. 25.00 Increase n Insura ce and Bondi . This it m s not cont ola le. Will itin 1his in 1972 224.00 Increase n Hospit liz tion In ur nce. T is item is no co trolable. Will run more than $880 in 1972. $ mg. Total Inc ease Less De rease - 600.00 $ 139.00 NET INCREA 28 1972 WHET TOTAL >00.00 ' 1973 RE t�ST TOTAL 100.00 �; GENERAL C I-T Y O F F R I O C E Y Dept: FINANCE INCREASE Activity: ASSESSOR DECREASE Prepared by: Sum"r 'Of'Bud tod -Expenditures, Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease � = CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. 5 Structures 053.52 Furniture & Equipt. 632 32 217 36 100 00 100 .53 Mach. A Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 632 32 217 36 100 0 100. RE f AP TAL OUTIAY PROGRAM - SSESSOR. . . . . . $ 100.00 Priority 1 Polaroid Camera 100.00. $ 100.00 Tot 1 apital Qutl*y J RIW: GENERAL. FINANCE • CITY OF F R I D L E Y Activity: ASSESSOR l 9V"W B U D G E T W O R K S H E E T S Prepared 6 FINANCE DIRECTOR Detail of Capita Outlay R uirements Approx. No Less Date of of Unit Total Trade -or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage cost 4053.52 Polaroid Camera 1/2/73 one 100 100 00 zoo ftt _ t I �)01 1 w D } W2 M IN OF IWAL $�5,500.00 5,vity:GENERAL i973 KQIEST TOM 5,000.00 FINANCE 1W.11E E AUDITING DECREASE 500.00 Prepared b FINANCE DIRECTOR Summary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Ac Code nts Description 1911 1973 P pendi Expendi- 1972 Budget (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime _ .12 Temporary Employees ' 05413 Consulting Services 4,500 00 4,500 00 5,500 0 5,000 00 500 00 TOTALS 4,500 00 4,500 1 00 5,500 0 5,000 00 500 00 MARKS $ 500.00 Decrease in Per al Se i s GENERAL, � t ------��� FINANCE 5vitYZATA PROCESSING DECREASE red b FINANCE DIRECT R of Budceted Expenditures, A00-punts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime , .12 Temporary Employees .13 Consulting Services REMARKS NO PERSONAL SERVICES CHARGE TO ZNERAL UN ). ALL PEWONNEL BE G C GED TO P. . 'F D. e-3�, 1972 8M6E.T' TOTAL. --- Fund: GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY 7973 REQUES1 1UAL $ 20,500.00 Dept: FINANCE INCREASE 20,500.00 Activity: DATA PROCESSING DECREASE Prepared b : FINANCE DIRECTOR Summa of Budgeted .Expenditu reS, by Accoun ` 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase . Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications .21 Printing & Publishing .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools ' .24 Maint. Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. 3 Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & baste Rein._ .29 Other Contractual Services .30 Office Supplies -- --- -- 500 00 500,00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes .39 General Supplies .40 Rental --- --- -- 20,000 20,000 00 .41 Insurance & Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Takes .47 Seat Coating .48 Itew ing Machines . .49 Cash Shortage .82 Refunds 3`Z 20,5 20,1,001 • 1972 NNW TOTAL 1973 IEUST TOTAL$ 20,500.00 GENERAL CITY -OF fRIDLEY • INCREASE 20,500.00 Dept: FINANCE DECREASE JM : DATA PROCESSING " w Pre Prepared b FINANCE DIRECTOR Su r of Bud eted Ex itures b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTI D) REMAR $ 500.00 Increase i Office upp ies - f r ew form , tc. for chiinge over to L IS 20,000.00 For rental - Frid ey' share f ental C st for LOGI - 1973 Budget for OGIS is as f.o lnws � Class 1 Cha ge - Ea h 1,omummmunit $ 3,500. (C as _ 1 char es are for t o ga ization g neral, a ni s ra6.ive and o rating exF ense . Class 2 Cha ges - E ch Communi y 15,000. ( la is 2 cha .-gei cover cos ,. of d sin and d ve opment of :ompater P og ams and sy tems and o .,her pi al char es r Class 3 Cha ges - E h Communi y 1,500. ( he cost of sy tem opera on mainten,Lnc ) $ 20,000. 0 T tal -0- es- to be cha d $ 20,500.00 TOTAL OTM R EXPENS S P U. Fund * $ 20,000. T CHARGED TO * The levy limitat n dDes not p y to t s tem (LOCI ) 33 i 1972 BUDGET TOTAL --- `"�` 1973 REQMST TOTAL $ 500.00 Fund: GENERAL C I T Y OF FRI0CEY INCREASE 500.00 Dept: FINANCE DECREASE Activity: :?AIA PROCESSING Prepared b FINANCE DIRECTOR Summary Of Budgeted Expenditures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. & Structures .52 Furniture & Equipt, -- -- -- 500 00 53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt, .54 Other Improvements 500 00 EMARKS CAPITAL 3UTIAY IROGRAM - DATA PR CESSING. . . $ 500.00 Priority 1 Equipment fo7 new Data P ocessin System $ 500.00 $ 500.00 To al Capital Out ay Fmd: GENERAL . Dept: C I T OF F R I D L E Y . Activity: DATA PROCESSING 19rTre� BUDGET W 0 R K SHEETS Prepared b FINANCE DIRECTOR Detail of Capital Outlay Requirements Approx. No Less Date of of Unit Total Trade -or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage Cost 4054.52 Equipment for hew Data Processing 6/1/73 500.00 500100 • �3J . CITY OF FRIDLEY — SUNHARY SHEET — 1 973 BUDGET FUND GENERAL ` ACCT. NO. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFIRMCED 406 CITY ATTORNEY Personal Services 23,681 .48 21 ,929.10 24,125.00 24,400.00 275.00 Other Expenses 486.01 871 .75 520.00 800.00 280.00 Capital Outlay ___ ___ TOTALS 24,167.49 22,800.85 24,645.00 25,200.00 555.00 T7 ] j M IM OF I Tju $24,125.00 GENERAL 1973 NEQUEST TM 24,400.00 LEGAL 275.00 ' ivit : LEGAL IIECRME re aced b SuMM ArY of Budgeted Expem litures, b Ac nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi= Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAE SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime 40612 Temporary Employees 1 ,800 0 2,000 00 200 00 40413 Consulting Services 23,681 48 21 ,929 10 22,325 0 22,400 00 75 00 TOTALS 23,681 48 21 ,929 1 24,125 24,400 00 275 00 REMAR NET IN IN S L SERVIC S. 275. $ 75.00 Increase n City A or 'y misce 1 ous, s part of he udget is es ent ally unchange Same r ai r used or City At o ey and Pr sec tor. 200.00 Increase Llowance or ecretar a1 servic f City Att me J 1972 BLMGU TOTAL $ 520.00 TOTAL- 800.00 Fund: GENERAL CITY OF FRIDL. E �' 1973 REQUBT Dept: LEGAL INCRUSE 280.00 Activity: LEGAL DECREASE Prepared by: Summa of Budgeted .Expenditure s, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 406.20 Communications 261 00 734 25 250 00 250 00 .21 Printing b Publishing .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences S Schools .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. b Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. b Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning 3 Waste Rem. .29 Other Contractual Services 406.30 Office Supplies 87 51 120 00 400 00 280 00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels b tubes .39 General Supplies .40 Rental .41 Insurance 6 Bond .42 Awards 406 .43 Dues b Subscriptions 137 5 137 50 150 00 150 00 .44 Hospital Insurance- .46 Licenses b Taxes .47 Seal Coating. .48 Veadi ng HwMnes .49 Cab ShortsW .82 Wfunds q TOTALS 486 1 871 5 00 8001001 280[(*[ ' 1972 BUS TOTAL )520.00 Fund; GENERAL CITY O F F R I O L E Y 7973 REQUEST TOTAL 800.00 Dept: LEGAL INCREASE 280.00 Activit • LEGAL DECREASE Prepared b : 0 Sumiary of Budgeted Ex en itures by Acc unts 1970 1971 1973 Code Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget - (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARKS E INCREA OTHER EX NS S . . 80. 0 $ 280.00 Increase in 0 fice Sup lie . At tie late of tse in 1972, t is ccount will run $400 expenses for 1972. $ 280.00 NET INCREASE i I I `t L� C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y - S U M M A R Y S H E £ T - 1 973 BUDGET 1:m GENERAL BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR ACCT. N0. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 _ ,., 1973 DECREASE UN INAKED 4070 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Personal Services 405.56 --- 150.00 150.00 Other Expenses 205.11 76.00 1 ,860.00 1,860.00 Capital Outlay ___ •___ TOTALS 610.67 76.00 2,010.00 2,010.00 4072. POLICE COMMISSION Personal Services 124_00 175.00 100.00 125.00 25.00 Other Expenses_ • 6.30 --- 410.00 410.00 Capital Outlay --- --- --- _-- TOTALS 130.30 175.00 510.00 535.00 25.00 4074 HUMAN RELATIONS 1C)WISSIOR Personal Services --- -_- Other Expenses 261.27 50.00 285.00 285.00 Capital Outlay --- --- --- --- TOTALS 261 .27 50.00 285.00. 285.00 Tura CITY OF FRIDLEY SUMMARY SHEET - 1973 BUDGET 4 FUND GENERAL BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR ACCT. NO. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFINANCED 4075 ENVIRONMENTAL COMISSION Personal Services --- --- --- 600.0 600.00 Other Expenses --- --- --- 200.0 200.00 Capital Outlay --- -- --- --- --- TOTALS. --- --- --- 800. 800.0 4080 PLANNING CCHMISSION Personal Services 200.00 --- 2,000.00 1,000.0 (1,000.00 Other Expenses --- --- --- --- Capital Outlay --- --- --- --- TOTALS 200.00 --- 2,00000 1,000.0 (1,000.00 GRAND TOTAL • BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 1,202.24 301.00 4,805.00 4,630 . (175 .0% 42 . i Ism BMW 7WAL $150:00 GENERAL 7973 1lEQUEn TOTAL 150.00 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Ill ACtivi-ty: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT flECREASE Prepared by: Summary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Acc punts 1970 1971 1973 . Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees 11 Overtime 1so 00 07Q12 Temporary Employees 405 56 150 0 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 405 56 150 30 150.100 41 3 1977 BIG6ET TOTAI J $ 1,860.00 GENERAL 197`'3 REQUEST TO:T'AL 1,860.00 Fund: CITX OF fRIDLE >� .Dept BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS INCREASE Activity: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DECREASE Prepared by: Summa r of' Bud eted Ex enditures , by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) . ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES I 4070.20 Communications 14 76 10 00 10,00 4070.21 Printing & Publishing 98 60 76 00 800 00 400 00 400 ,00 .22 Utilities 4070.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 58 00 500 00 500 00 .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair--Bldgs. i .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Ear Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 4070.29 Other Contractual Services 400 00 800.00 400 00 F 4070.30 Office Supplies 6 00 25 00 25,00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 4070.39 General Supplies 27 75 125 00 125 00 .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal Coating .48 Wending Machines .49 Cash Shor tae 4 ..82 oafunds TOTALS 205 �11 76 1,8611 O 1,860 400 00 400'tool . 1972 MMGEf TOTAL 1,860.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 1 ,860.00 Fund: CITY OF F R I D L E Y • INCREASE Dept: DECREASE Activity: Prepared by: Sunivary of Budgeted Exipgen ditures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 , Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Propos-al Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARKS TOTAL INCREASE Ii OMER EXPENSE $ -0- $ 400.00 Increasd in Contract al Service Less Decrease - 400.00 -0- NET INC SE i 4:i J 1972 1 nN 00 TUAL $ 100.00 GENERAL 1973 REWEST WM i 125.00 BOARDS AND COMMISSON INCREASE 25.00 REASE twit POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Prepared by: Sun ary of udg eted Ex en,litures, by Ac nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime .12 Temporary Employees ' 07213 Consulting Services 124 00 175 0 100 0 125 00 25 00 TOTALS 124 00 175 OC 100 125 ,00 25 00 I REMAR NEE WCREASE IN PERSONALS VI S. 2 .00 i 25.00 Small Incr se provided fDr in C01sulting Serwces $ 25.00 NET INCREA 4t_ 1972 BU06€T TUT79= '$410.00 Fund: GENERAL 1973 RE"3T' TOTAL 410.00 CITY OF FRFDE. Et Dept: BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS INCREASE Activity: POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DECREASE Prepared by: Summar of Budgeted .Expenditure s, by Accoun 1970 1971 1973 r Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications 4072.21 Printing & Publishing 6 30 300 00 300 00 .22 Utilities 4072.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 10 00 10 00 .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 4072.29 Other Contractual 100,00 Services 100 00 .30 Office Supplies .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes .39 General Supplies �. .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes ..47 Sea] Coating. .48 Vending Mbc!`j ,- .49 Cash Shortage _ 7 ..82 1&unds TOTALS 61301 41000 410 J 1972 KMT TUTR. .J $ 285.00 1973 REQUEST TUAIL 285.00 Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y INCREASE Dept: BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS DECREASE Activity- HUMAN RELATIONS Prepared by: Summa r of Bud e ted .Expenditures., by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease _v -f� OTHER EXPENSES 4074.20 Communications 8 19 10 00 10-00 .21 Printing & Publishing .22 Utilities 4074.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 156 00 50 00 150 00 150.00 .24 Maint. g Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. 3 Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv. 1' .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. .29 Other Contractual Services. 4074.30 Office Supplies 97 08 125 00 125 00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes .39 General Supplies .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions i .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal Coating .48 Vending Macktines, _49 Cash Shortage .82 IL-funds. TOTALS ( 261 27 50 00 285 OtJ 285 0 1973 WEST TOM $ 600.00 GENERAL 600.00 BOARDS & COMMISSIONS . REClF" Activity: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Prepared by: Summary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Acmunts 1970 1971 1913 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime , .12 Temporary Employees 500 00 500.00 .13 Consulting Services 100.00 100.00 600.00 600.00 REMARKS NET Il CRI ASE IN 1TR 30NAL SERVICES, 600. $ 600.00 This is new Comm ssi n • 49 1977 SM T TOTAL Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L. E Y 1973 REQUEST MTA-L $ 200.00 I NCREKSE 200.00 Dept: BOARD & COMMISSIONS DECREASE Activity: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Prepared by: Sunnar of' Bud eted Expenditures, by Accounts 1970~ 1971 1973 ' Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications 25.00 25 00 .21 Printing & Publishing 100.0 .100.00 .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences i & Schools .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv. .27 Carr Allowance --- .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. .29 Other Contractual Services 75 75.00 .30 Office Supplies .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes .39 General Supplies .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 .Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal Coating .48 Wending tom:hiries .49 Cash Shortage .82 Ref wws 50 -2007 0 200 00 • 1972 BUDGET TOTAL 7 1973 REQUEST TOTAL $ 200.00 Fvr�d; GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y 200.00 • INCREASE Dept: BOARDS & COMMISSIONS DECREASE Activit ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Prepared by: Sumary of Budgeted- Ex en itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (Continued) REMARKS , I CREASE N THER EJ� N ES. 200.00 $ 200.00 This is a ne Commiss on i I= �6ET IWAL $ 2,060.00 GENERAL 1973 �quESr T 1,000.00 I� BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS . �� 1,000.00 tivi PLANNING COMMISSION Prepared by: Summary of Budgeted Ex en litures, by kopunts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime .12 Temporary Employees 08Q13 Consulting Services 20 00 2,000 DO 1 ,000.00 1.0 .00 TOTALS 20 00 2,000 0 1,000.00 1,.00 .00 CITY OF FRIDLEY . — SUMMIARY SHEET — 1973 BUDGET FUND GENERAL ACCT. NO. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE U'NFiNANCED 409 BUILDINGS•& GROUNDS Personal Services 13,415.75 13,826.55 12,976.00 16,342.00 3,366.00 Other Expenses 34,766.19 38,245.57 40,641 .00 39,341 .00 (1,300.00) Capital Outlay 1 ,867.88 •1 ,736.70 3,025.00 2,900.00 (125.00) TOTALS 50,049.82 53,808.82 56,642.00 58,583.00 1,941 .00 .53 W2 W IWAL $12,976:00 - GENERAL 7973 REQUEST 70TAL 16,342.00 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS INCREASE 3,366.00 CIVIC CENTER MECREASE re red by: Sun ary of Budgeted Expenditures, by kc.mnts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 40%10 Regular Employees 11,864 18 10,947 50 12,476 0 13,132 00 656 00 A 11 Overtime 593 13 152 200 0 210,00 10,00 40%12 Temporary Employees 958 44 2,726 77 300 30 3,000 00 2,700 00 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 13,415 75 13,826 55 12,976 DO 16,342 00 3,366 00 MARKS NET INCREASE IN MRS NAL SERVIC S. .$3,366.00 $ 656.00 Increase in Cont nge cy for salary incr as for exist ng Dersonnel 10.00 Increase in over lime 2,700.00 Increa a in Temp rar EmployEes is for ut ide groundwork. Not budgeted 'n 1972. $ 3,366.00 NET IN REASE 1977 BUDGET TOTAL --0)40,641 .00 197.3 REQl1EST TOTAL 39,341 .00 Fund: GENERAL CITY OF F' RIQLEIf INCREASE: Dept: BUILDINGS & GROUNDS DECREME 1,300.00 Activity: CIVIC CENTER Prepared by: _ Sumrtar of Bud eted Ex enditures, by Accounts 1 970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account -Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 409.20 Communications 75. 30 109 94 75 00 75.(0 � 409.21 Printing & Publishing 42 00 42.( 0 409.22 Utilities 12,147 13 13,997 64 16,000 00 16,360.(0 360.00 23 Travel , Conferences & Schools .24 Maint . & Repair-Equip. 409.25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. 4,250 31 6,663 72 4,900 00 4,900 00 409.26 Maint. & Repair-Improv 2,185 00 .27 Car Allowance 409.28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 7,682 40 9,326 20 91000 00 9,000 00 409.29 Other Contractual Services 344 51 40 50 2,000 00 1 ,000 00 1,000.DO 409.30 Office Supplies 59 80 12 00 12.00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 409.39 General Supplies 1 ,653 71 1 ,278 04 1 ,400 00 2,000 00 600.00 409.40 Rental 4,567 50 4,374 00 4,180 00 4,000 00 180.00 409.41 Insurance & Bonds 1 ,290 98 1 ,544 23 1 ,600 00 1,400 00 200.00 .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions 409.44 Hospital Insurance 367 70 432 00 552 .00 120 .00 _46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal; Coat i.nq 1 ,000m 409.48 Wending KKhines 509 5 543 60 11000 00 -- _49 Cash Shartmp f .92 Refunds TOTALS 34,766 19 38,245 57f 40,641 00 39.341 . 0 1,080 . 0 2 ,380 400 - i972 BUMff TOTAL ,641.00 1973 REQUEST 70TAL 39,341.00 r2p—t GE NERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y INCREASE : BUILDING & GROUNDS DECREASE 1,300.00 ACtiVit : CIVIC CENTER Prepared by: Sun iary of Budgeted Ex a itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTI UED) REMARKS NET EC EASE IN OTIER EXPENSES $1.300. 0 $ 360.00 Increase in Utili ies - Utili iei will r n his much 1972. 600.00 Increase in Gener 1 S pplies I cludes er ilizer & other ground mai ten nce material. 12G.00 Hospital zation IILSur nee - T is item wi 1 run this h 2L 1972. No a controlable, item.. $ 1080.00 Total Inc ease in the Expens s. Less Decrease - 2,380.00 ($ 1,300.00) NET DEC RF. SE 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $3,025.00 . 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 2,900.00 Fund C ITY OF FRIOCEY Dept: BUILDINGS & GROUNDS INCREASE DECREASE 125.00 Activity: CIVIC CENTER Prepared- by: S 'ry Of Bud eted Expenditures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 ` Description Expendi- Expendi- - 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land 409.51 Bldgs. & Structures 2,500 00 409,52 Furniture & Equipt, 1 ,867 B8 525 00 409.53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. 117 98 409.54 Other Improvements 1 ,618 72 2,900 00 125 Oo 1 ,867 88 1 ,736 70 3,025 00 2,900 00 125 00 tEMARKS M NET DEC E IN C1 PI1 AL OUTLAY . .$ 125.00 CAPITAL CJTLkY M - CIVIC CUTE . . . . . . . $ 2,900.00 Priority 1 Heat plugs or Police and Parks ep rtment ca is $ 600.00 Priority 2 Landscaping and park g-lot re "r rear cf luilding 500.00 r Priority 3 Irrigation ystem for Eisenhower Sqiare 1,800.()0 T)TA" CAPI UTLAY. $ 2,900.00 5 i Fes. GENERAL , BUILDINGS & GROUNDS C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y Activi .IVICCENTER 1 4� `'BUD6ET WORK SHEETS t Prepared b Detail of Capital Outlay Requirements Approx. No. Less Date of of Unit Total - Trade or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage cost Priority #1 - Heat plugs in reams of . building for Police Department and Park Department 5/1/73 600 00 600 0 Priority #2 - Landscaping and parking 5/l/73 500 00 500 0 lot work in rear of the building Priority #3 - Irrigation System for 4/1/73 1,800 00 1,800 00 Eisenhower Square I CITY Of FRIDLEY — SUMMARY SHEET 1 973 'BUDGET Fin GENERAL ACCT. NO. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFIRA110ED 411 POLICE DEPARTMENT Personal Services 286,742.51 315,344.93 351 ,078.00 424,500.00 73,422.00 Other Expenses 40,534.71 48,225.53 54,760.00 72,063.00 17,303.00 Capital Outlay 16,251 .18 18,603.54 20,150.00 34,779.00 14,629.00 TOTALS 343,528.40 382,174.00 425,988.00 531,342.00 105,354.00 CAM TWAL .59 LW N IM IF E ISM $351,078.00 IW3 REqUEU TM 424,500.00 GENERAL INCOEME 73,422.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT DECREASE Activity: POLICE Prepared by: PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR Sun ary of Budg eted Expenditures, by Acc Punts 1970 1971 1 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL. SERVICES 411.10 Regular Employees 281 ,155 67 310,254 45 339,078 0 414,000 00 74,922 00 411.11 Overtime 4,351 17 310504 95 10,000 0 7,500 00 2,500 00- 411.12 Temporary Employees 1 ,235 67 1 ,386 �3 2,000 0 2,000 00 411.13 Consulting Services 199 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 TOTALS ' 286,742 51 315,344 93 351 ,078 0 424,500 00 75,922 00 2,50000 REMARKS TOTAL E IN ONAL SERV CES 73,4 2.0 74,922.00 Increase in Regul E loyees. T e Polic epartment ury y indicates the need for 12 additio I employ s. One to ep ace Ro r Ross and he thers to br ng he department to an o rational eve to ful y mplemen he re-orga iza ion plan ex lai ed. Re.cogniz ng taxation limitati s aced up)n he City, a have pro ect d the hirin of these additio l people over a two ea period. a requested one repl cem nt and five add tional men fo 1973 will furnish m imum to al ow us egin the i ple ntation of thi program. 1,000.00 Increase in Consu in Service The pre a ding budges s nce 1969 ha e s n expenditur s i this ca gory whi we a never bu geted. A increased nee for legal oun el is antfcip ted in prep ation of oli a Manua s nd ass t nce in new pro otional exa ina ions. 75,922.00 Total I rease Less ecrease - 2,500.00 Decreas in Overt A revie past a indicate a endency for ove time to be :a en s compens ory time ns ad of b in taken n oney. It is nticipated hat our needs wil be even le due to e e of ad it onal er. $ 73,422.00 NET INCREASE �(� 197Z,8VOKIr Kul 24,760.00 CzENERAL Ign 7WAR 63.00 Ennd': CtLY OF ERIDLEX INC WISE POLICE DEPARTMENT BECREASIE Activity. POLICE Prepared bar: PUBLIC SAFETY DMCTOR Summa of-Bud ted ExpoWiture s by Accoun - 1970 1971 . 1973 Description pendr- Expendt I972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER-EXPOISE3 411.20- Communications 2,364 2 2,249 25 2,750 1,970 00 1,220 00 411.21 Printing i- Publishing 481 580 21 750 750 ,00 .22 utilities 411.23 Travel! Conferences 6 Schools 2,981 7 1,361 17 2,500 5,000 -00 - 2,500 411.24 Maint. It Repair-Equip. 11,144 12,551 57 12,OW 13,000 00 1,000 00 .25 Ratnt. 3 NWtr-eldgs. - .2E Plaint. i Repair-hprov 411.27 Car Allowance 833 999 11000 2.00000 1,000 00- .28 Clessiug t Masts New. 411-.29 Omer Cawtrsctual � Services 802- 97% 2 2,100 OQ 2,000 V0, 1 411.30 Office Supplies 1,196 1,4% 2 1,600 2,W5 t,345 00 .31 Tools. 411-32 Uniform Allowance 3,789, 3,73% 70 4,80000 4, 00 F 411.33 Rotor Fuels i Lubes 7,702 5 7,834 62 9,000 bool 9,000 411.34 General Supplies 959 1,829 21 31000 5,934 2,934 00 - .40 Neatal 411-41 Insurance b Bands 8,507 9 - 8,677 7 9-,000 00 13, 4,-000 00 ..42 Amrds 411.43 Dues 3 Subscriptions 266- 95 250 300 50 00 41-1..44 hospital Insurance 5,858 36 6,000 00 9,384 3,384 0& 411.46 Licenses i Taxes 375, 15 25 l0 20 10 .47 Seal Coating .48 Wending MW*fnes .4?9 cash Shortage ..82 Nefunds • TOTALS 40,534 1 48,225 53 54,760 72.064 W 17.403.00 J1001 1972 =MT T"AL 24 760.00 103 16I�M TOTAL 72.063.00 . GENERAL CITY OF fRIOLE �� • INCREASE 17,303.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT DECREASE vv POLICE - • Prepared by: PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR Sum wry of Budi ieted Ex itureS by Acc Unts IV 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTI ) RE NEr IN N OTHER EX NSES. 17 303 00 $ 2,500.00 Increase a Travel Cokferencei aid Schoo s or additiomal expenses fo ex ra man - Public Sa ety Dire for 14,903.00 Increase n other ate ories. ce sary to i lenient recDmmeadations of Pol ce Department Survey Re ort. Se re ort for sptcific j st fications. $ 17,403.00 Total Inc ease Less crease - 100.00 $ 17,303. NET INC 62 '= i 1472 BOW TOTS. $ 20,150.00 ' 1973 IFAKST TOTAL 34,779.00 Flund: GENERAL C I T Y OF F R 1 0 t E Y INCREASE 14,629.00 Onpt: POLICE DEPARTMENT KCREASE Activity: POLICE Prepared by: PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR S *ry Of Buda eted Ex itures bY ACCDunts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Cale (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. 5 Structures 6,490. 0 6,490 00 411 .52 Furniture 5 Equipt. 351 0 562 75 1 ,400 2,092.b0 692. 0 411 .53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. 15,900 8 18,040 79 18,750 30 26,197. 7,447. 0 ► .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 16,251 18 18,603 54 20,150 X 34,779. 14,629. DO REMARKS NET M IN CAI L OUTIAY. 14,62 . CA IT L OUTIA OGRAM - P ICE DEPAR . . . . . . $ 34,779.00 Priority 1 Cost of Offi a Remodel n in Poli a epartme t $ 6,490.00 Priority 2 Increase in urniture E uipment oject n ease 2,092.00 required tor- element ec ndat on in Pol c Department Survey Repor Priority 3 Federal Twin Sonic, eI 12, lig bar includi g lights, 2,597.00 siren b public address system (Replacements for existing equipment t Priority 4 Police Squad ar Units - or- repl nt of p esent and 22.800.00 -addition of new. Priority 5 Four (4) Uni Elder-V lv Resusc to ors. �� • $ 34.779.00 O1 1. CE4PTT.�t. Ot1TLY FW: GENERAL . C I T Y 0 f f R I D L E Y POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 3rl-4, WORK SHEETS Activity: POLICE Prepared b PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR Detail of Capita Outlay Requirements Approx. No. Less Date of of Unit Total Trade -or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage Cost 411.51 BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES (OFFICE REMODELING) Construction material for walls and 1,000 0 covering to- raise existing walls and close in existing offices Change present electrical system plus 1,100 new installation Labor cost for office remodeling 1,640 0 Labor, material and equipment to finist 2,750 0 the prisoner holding room (Includes block, installing two doors, floor tile , epoxy paint on walls, security light, vent fan, and security window) Tot 1 Buildii tgs & StructurbsA. 490 Dd 411.52 FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT HON Brand 60 111x30" desk (remodeling 2 195 390 expansion #7401) r HON Brand #8626P/8035P Work Center 1 344 5 344 5 (remodeling expansion) Guest Chairs (Community room type) 7 20 00 140 DO (replacement & expansion) �: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y DE'pt: POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 gre-14,V'BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: POLICE Prepared b SAFETY DIRECTOR Detail of Capital Outlay Requirements Approx. No. Less Date of of Unit Total Trade ,or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage Cost 411.52 FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT (CONTINUED) • HON brand #4532 swivel chair 6 6725 407150 (3 replacement & 3 expansion) IBM Electric typewriter 1 570 570 for clerk-typist (records section) Photo Enlarger, Beseler Model 23C 1 244 244 .00 Tot 1 Furniture & Equipmen 2.092 0 411.53 MACH. & AUTO EQUIPMENT Federal Twin Sonic, Model 12, light bai 5 519. t5 2,597 including lights, siren & public addregs system. (replacements for existing eq p.) Police Squad Car Units - for replaceme t 6 3800. 0 22.800 of 5 present and addition bf 1 new f. 1 Four (4) Elder-Valve Resuscitators for replacemen 4 " 2 800 of present equipment Total• h. & A to Equipment. .. 26,197 ' L CAPITA OUTLAY. . . . . 34,779 R 1972 9WGEF TOTAL 1973 REWST TOTAL GENERAL CITY OF FRI0LEY • INCREASE 9e t. POLICE DEPARTMENT DECREASE _ Activity: POLICE Prepped by: PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR Sum iary of Bud eted Ex Pen itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 ` Description 'Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget I Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPIM L UTLAY 0 (CONTI D) NEIF,DED BUT UN INANCED • . . . . . . $ 2,933 .9 (UNFINANCED AND JOJECTED OR URCHASE IN 1974) • 1 411.53 Wollensak tape rec rde , porta le casset a ype 199.90 Model 400 2 units 411.51 Security encing a re r of st ti n inclu ing 2,734.00 labor, ma erial a eq ipment o astall 08 lineal fe t of 8' igh fencing $2,933-90 WAL NEEDED BUT UM INANCED r .i E CITY OF FRIDLEY — SUNNARY SHEET 1973 BUDGET FUND GENERAL ACCT, N0. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFIRANCEO 412 FIRE DEPARTMENT Personal Services 78,783.44 90,332.54 100,990.00 1091521 .00 8,531 .00 Other Expenses 26,396.04 30,994.41 30,967.00 35,167 ,00 4,20000 Capital Outlay 12,369.08 22,435.87 25,006.00 23,565.00 ( 1,441.00) $ 580.00 TOTALS 117,548.56 143,762.82 156,963.00 168,253 .00 11,29000 Gnu I Fr7 lju aim N 76AL $100,990.00 GENERAL 1973 FAXPIEST TOTAL 109.521.00 • INCINE .7 E 9,531 31 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Activity: FIRE DEPARTMENT DECKASE Prepared by: Summary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Ac nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 41210 Regular Employees 52,508 92 58,596 01 63,790 00 66,821 3,031 00 41211 Overtime 1 1 592 OC 1 ,000 00 6,000 00 5,000 00 41212 Temporary Employees 26,274 52 31 ,144 t3 36,200 00 36,700 40 500 .00 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 78,783 44 90,332 54100,990 00 1`09,52t 8,531 00 REMARI tS INCR SE IN PER SO L SERVI S. .$8,531 .0( $ 3,031.00 Increase ir pay for resent employee . 5,000.00 Increase ih overtime PI n of use of -duty fu fi liters and lun eers for Insp4 cti of multiple wellings, om rcial, d ndustria properties. t ere is a n d f another full time inspector t s is mu aper d helps the fi efi tern working on ctions to beco better ac uai ed with the properti s. Would pa th at the rot of 4.25 'per hour, pl 10� per le r the their 500.00 Increase i amount to d to Vol nt r res to fire cal , Its and nigh du , and fill in for paid refighters. �8,531. NET INC EASE Gel i / J 1972 KM KT TQIE'/Lt. 0 967.00 GENERAL 1973 REQUEST MTAL $358167.00 Fund: CITY OF FRIDLEY Dept: FIRE DEPARTMENT INt W" $ 4,200.00 Activity: FIRE DEPARTMENT DECREASE Prepared by: Summa of Budgeted Expenditure by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description xpendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 412.20 Communications 4,944 58 5,009 19 6,000 00 6,000 00 412,21 Printing 6 Publishing 539 45 705 41 600 00 600 .22 Utilities 412.23 Travel , Conferences A Schools 1 ,551 0 2,554 20 2,200 00 2,50000 300 412.24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 3,616 2 5,819 89 3,500 00 4,000 00 500 412.25 Maint. 3 Repair-Bldgs. 1 ,173 7 1 ,327 00 600 00 600 00 .26 Naint. B Repair-Improv. 412.27 Car Allowance 1 ,833 6 1 ,999 92 2,000 00 2,500 00 500 .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 412.29 Other Contractual Services 908 1 379 32 750 00 750 00 412.30 Office Supplies 207 2 296 23 300 00 300 00 412.31 Tools 99 9 45 80 200 00 20000 412.32 Uniforms Allowance 1 ,514 2 1 ,533 77 1 ,550 00 1,650 00 100 412.33 Notor Fuels & Lubes 342 1 311 51 500 00 500 00 41T;39 General Supplies 3,793 5 2,898 60 4,200 00 4,00000 200 C0 412.40 Rental 25 00 25 00 25 00 412.41 Insurance & Bonds 5,398 1 6,549 57 7,000 00 9,500 00 2,500 .42 Awards 412.43 Dues 8 Subscriptions 472 5 471 30 450 00 650 00 200 412.44 Hospital Insurance 1 ,060 20 1 ,080 00 1138 30 412.46 Licenses b Tares 7 50 12 12 .47 Seal Coating se ruing Nycbines .49 Cash SAortaW ..82 Refunds 69 TOTALS 269396 30,994 41 30,967 35, 167 4,404. 200. / 1972 amm TOTAL 4,967.00 1923 REST TOTAL 35,167.00 GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y IKKASE 4,200.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT DECREASE tivit : FIRE DEPARTMENT 0 Prepared b : FIRE CHIEF Suriviary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) Lure ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (Contin ed) REMAR S TOTAL ii N RUSE I OTHER EXPE SE 4,200. $ 300.00 Increase in Travel, Shoos & Con'e ces. v been sendi g ny of the f refi hters to Minnes to State Fire chools, T u School S to Fire t. Confere es and evening (a s at the Vocational echnical Sch (s. Al t se schools ave registration fees, which are paid for by the City. embers f th depart n attendi asses or co fe ces evenin or on weekends receive no ompensat on. When y have be n king time rom work to at nd lasses, we have been ompensofl g t em in *t mount o $ per day d ey lose mo y this rate. Chief Aldrich and m if Itemate on attendin t of State con rences. 500.00 Increase in Maintena ce Repair f quipmen . Engine. 6 n ds paint job nd ome work done on the rear fenders. Co,s of this o will tween $600 and $700. 500.00 Increase in Car Allo c . Plan o se Off- u Firefighter possibly o the volunteers at the rate of $4.25 er our, an I per mi or their au motile. 100.00 Uniform all wance, t co r the i cr se inc t f uniforms. 2,500.00 Insurance a d Bonds to over th i rease inc t of insura e. 200.00 Dues & Su cripti ons to c ver inc in due a subscripts s. 300.00 Hospital In rance - c er inc cost. ( 200.00) Decrease in General upp ses - h o get b w th $4,000. $ 4,200.00 NET INC E IN 0 R PBNSES t K�F 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $25,006.00 .,� 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 23,565.00 Fund. GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I DL E Y — INCREASE Dept; FIRE DEPARTMENT DECREASE 1,441.00 Activity: FIRE DEPARTMENT Prepared by: _ Summar Of Bud eted Ex enditures, b Ac ounts _ 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land --- --- I _-� 412 .51 Bldgs. & Structures 2,148 0 1 ,412 37 3,200 0 300 00 2,900 0 412.52 Furniture & Equipt. 401 7 245 00 100 00 - 100. 412 ,53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. 9,819 11 20,778 50 21 ,706 30 23,265 00 1,559. O � .54 Other Improvements i TOTALS 12,369 22,435 87 25,006 DO 23,565. 0 1,559. 0 3,000 00 REMAR CS NET DE .R SE IN A ITAL OUTL Y. . -S 1,441.0 CAPI AL OUTL Y ROGRA FIRE D P TMENT. . . . . . . . .S 23,565 00 FINAN E Priority I Payment on I9 Pirsch P m r S 10,900.00 Priority 2 Payment on 19-)2 Thibavlt La er Truc 6.�• Priority 3 1000 Ft. 3 inc fire hose 2,500• Priority 4 300 Feet 12' in -h fire hos 375.0 1 • 1972 B1MT TOTAL $25,006.00 1973 REQUM 70TAL 23.565.00 CITY OF FRIDLEY • INCREASE DECREASE 1,441.00 Activity: , Prepared 5 Su r of Bud eted Ex itures b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease NANCE C PITAL O TI AY - CONTMIJED Priority 5 Hot water ine to a ra us floor $ 300• Priority 6 1 Handie T Ikie Radii (2 frequen ies 1 1,400• Priority 7 16 MM Bell & Howell Pr actor 500 Priority 8 6 Battery Pqiwered M it T,2 Priority 9 High Pressuie Washer 3• Priority VY Tape Recorc or 90• TOTAL FINAN ED CAPITAL OUTLkY • 72 . J 1972 BLq)GET TOTAL. -04)-5,006.00 1973 REQUEST T6TAL '-3, )65.00 Fund: GENERAL FUND C I T Y O F 1= R I D L E Y • INCREASE Dept: FIRE DEPARTMENT DECREASE 1 ,441 .00 Activity: FIRE DEPARTMENT Prepared by: FIRE CHIEF Su iary of Budgeted Ex pen itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY - FI DEPARTMENT NEE )ED BUT UN I NCED. . . . . .$580.0 Thesa items are n ed d but are rried as un ina ced to cvoib dr stic budget increase Priority 1 Submersible Pump 110 volt. 11 i ch dischrog t be used in $ 200 00 pumping ou basemen after fires cr f oods. ISO to pump o buildings after sprinkler s stem has ben activ ed Priori ty 2 '2 inch electric drill or use in sta i 190. Priority 3 16" gas po red chai so . To bit u d for cutti g openings 190.00 in buildings for venti aticia during irei and to cull up trees after storms where they b1 k the s. 580 1 TOTAL U INANCED. S 580.0 i;� PDe pt GENERAL C ITY OF FRIDLEY FIRE tgt—V'BU0GET WORK SHEETS Activity- FIRE Prepared b FIRE CHIEF Detail of Capital Outl Re uirements Approx. No. Less Date of of Unit Total Trade -or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage Cost 412.51 BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES Hot water line from basement to 3rd 2/1/73 300. 300.DO 300 0 stall on apparatus floor. Line to be insulated with mixing faucet on end. WEAL BUI MiGS & STRUCruRKS. 300 0 412.53° MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT Payment on 1972 Pirsch Pumper 5/303 1 10,90Q' payment on 1972 Thiboult Serial 10/15/73 1 &' 1000 Ft. 3 inch lightweight fire hose 1/15/73 1,000 2. 2,500 � q.� 300 Ft. 11 inch lightweight fire hose 1/15/73 300 1. 375.DO 375. Radios. 2 Freq.. with 1/15/73 2 700. 1,400. 1,400 1 2 Hand►e Talkie Ra 4 cases, flexible antennas & cadium batteries. To be used with new pumper & Aerial • 1-16MM Bell & Howell Projector. Self 711173 1 500. 500. • threading, with extra reel. Present Projector over 15 years old. Used by Fi Police & Parks Dept, Used in twaining & l Eire Prevention. (replacement) 7 4 mod: GENERAL , CITY OFFRIDLEY FIRE 1 9<j UD6ET W 0 R K SHEETS Activity: FIRE Prepared b FIRE CHIEF Detail of Capital Outlay Requirements Approx. No Less Date of of Unit Total Trade or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage Cost 412.53 MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT (Continued) Battery powered radio monitors, replacing 7/1/73 6 200. 1,200. 1,200. older radios in firefighters homes. High pressure washer for cleaning dirt 1/15/73 1 300. 300. 300. and grease off equipment. . Tape Recorder for use in arson investigate 1/15/73 1 90. 90. 90. 1,793. 5 6,365O TOTAL MA H NERY U 0 EQUIPMEN . . 23 265 0 TOTAL NEEDED UT 1INFIN N ED CAP TA OUTLAY... $ 23,565 0 • i CITY OF FRIDLEY — SUMNARY SHEET — 1 973 BUDGET w Fm GENERAL BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR ACCT. NO. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECRLASE :.AFINANCED 4081 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Personal Services 15,769.97 20,954.31 22,071 .00 23,174.00 1, 103.00 Other Expenses 2,645.15 2,219.06 2,572.00 3,202.00 630.00 Capital Outlay --- 214.55 100.00 500.00 400.00 TOTALS 18,415.12 23,387.92 24,743.00 26,876.00 21, 133.00 413 BUILDING INSPECTION Personal Services 54,995.26 55,711 .39 53,324.00 55,990.00 2,666.00 Other Expenses 14,318.25 16,041 .22 16,850.00 16,004.00 (846.00) Capital Outlay --- 500.20 800.00 650.00 (150.00) 1,250.00 TOTALS 9,313.51 72,252.81 70,974.00 72,644.00 1,670.00 1,250.00 421 ENGINEERING Personal Services 36,104.54 42,393.10 54,016:00 56,716 .00 2,700.00 Other Expenses 10,499.19 13,123.82 14,380.00 15,732 .00 1,352.00 1,200.00 Capital Outlay 3,914.80 1 ,066.83 --- 3,800.00 3,800.00 6,000.00 TOTALS 50,518.53 56,583.75 68,396.00 76,248.00 7,852.00 7,200.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING, PLANNING & BLDG. INSPECTION 138,247.1 152,224.48 164,113.00 175,768.00 11,655.00 8,450.00 1502 ONNIF r T4W $22,071.00 GENERAL 'IN3 F1EQUW 78M 23,174.00 • 1,.103.00 • PLANNING DEPARTMENT Cl�EASE tiyi : PLANNING DEPARTMENT re wed b Director of Planning Sun r of Budgeted Expenditures, by Ac nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 08}10 Regular Employees 11 ,566 14 17,735 21 14,771 0 17,836 00 3,065 00 08 11 Overtime 340 43 699 21 800 0 1,000 00 20000 O8112 Temporary Employees 3,863 40 2,519 8 6,500 0 4,338 00 2,162 00 .13 Consulting Services _ TOTALS 16,769 97 20,954 i3l 22,071 00 23,174 00 3,265 00 2,162 00 REMAR NET C IN SONAL SERVICE . ....$ 1,16100 $_ 3,065.00 Increase n regular em oyees s la rbcommi d k ng the half ti girl full t To cover lanning sion S a in place f g rl in Engin eri g. 200.00 Increase n overti t cover i c aced a i ities by P ann ng Commissi n a d Subcommitte a. The expe ea for t f st 6 mo th of 19 re $490.0 ,1. $ 3,265.00 Total Increase Less crease 2,162.00 $ 1,103.00 NET INC E 77*7 J 1972 BUDGET TOfJr 2,572.00 1973 REQUEsT MAL 3 V'2 x2.00 Fiod GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLET INC�tERSE 630.00 Dept: PLANNING DEPARTMENT DECREASE Activity: PLANNING DEPARTMENT_ Prepared by: Director of Planning Summa of Bud eted Ex itures by Accounts 1970 ' 1971 1973 Description xpendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 4081.20 Communications 119 18 128 74 200 00 200 00 4081.21 Printing & Publishing 1 ,840 1 1 ,200 86 850 00 850 00 .22 Utilities 4081.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 84 0 - '142 00 100 0 500 00 400 ,00 .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-dldgs. .26 Maint. S Repair-Iwprov .27 Car Allowance F .28 Cleaning & Waste Rew. ' .29 Other.Contractual Services 4081.30 Office Supplies 462 496 28 800 8 00 � .31 Toals .32 .3-3 Motor Fuels & Lubes t 4081.39 General Supplies 73 72 117 14 200 2 00 .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Qpnds .42 Awards 4081.43 Dues i Subscriptions 65 62 0 100 100 00 4081.44 Hospital Insurance 72 04 322 552 00 230 00 .46 Licewses & Taxes .47 Seat"Coating E .48 Wendt" Raman � .49v task Shortage • .82 R�efunist TOTALS 2,645 5 2,219 06 2,572 3,202 63x^ 1972 UNET TOTAL ,572.00 7973 REQIM 70TAL 3,20,00 GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 L E Y 630.00 • INCREASE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DECK ME - tiVi - PLANNING DEPARTMENT p�„e b DIRECTOR OF PIANNING Su r of Bud ted Ex itures b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARKS NET E IN EXPENSES. . .. .$ 630.00 400.00 Increase for Confer nce & Scho Is We ha a lready s t r the firs sf months of $ 1972 $324. Increas ne ded to a planni g taff info d nd up to d te. 230.00 Increase i Rospita I urance. king th If time a to a full ti a increasing Insurance osts. $ 63 .00 MET INCREA 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $ 100.00 1973 REp>EST TOTAL 500.00 �: GENERAL C I ? Y O f F RIO [ E. Y 400.00 � INCREASE Dept. PLANNING DEPARTMENT DECREASE ACti 'y; PLANNING DEPARTMENT Pre ared b : DIRECTOR OF PLANK NG S ' ry of Bud eted Expenditures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendf- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tore Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 B1dgs. & Structures 81 .52 Furniture 5 Equipt. 214 55 100 00 500.DO 400.00 .53 Mach. b Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 214 55 100 DO 50010 4 NET EASE ITAL OUT 400.00 TAL OU Y PROG - ING rMENT. . . . . . . . . .$ 500-.00 Priority No. 1 New ele tric type or er to r p1 a old 9 typewrite $500 allows trade-in of $75 n old as 1. so 192 00 BEF TWX $ 53,324'.00 1973 FARM St TM 5 s,9.90.00 d. GENERAL I 2,666.00 BUILDING INSPECTION DEClSE ;y; BUILDING INSPECTION Prepared by: City Engineer Sumary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Acci i punts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tune Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 41110 Regular Employees 50,394 91 50,766 37 48,024 30 50,290 00 2,266 00 41311 Overtime 593 37 1 ,182 62 800 0 1,200 00 400 00 41312 Temporary Employees rar to ees 3,901 98- 3,753 1 4,500 0 4,500 00 41313 Consulting Services 105, 00 9 2 TOTALS 54,995 26 55,711 39 53,324 00 55,990 00 2,666 00 -REMARKS NET IN E IN PE AL SERVIC S. . Z 666. $ 2,266.OQ Increase n Regular E oyee sa ar es 400.00 Increase rr Overtime t accomod to increased subcommmitt e a tivity. Th ex tenses, for the f rst 6 mom hs f 1972 er $573. . • $ 2,666.00 NET INC 81 19" BUD&T TQtR �16,850.00 GENERAL 1973 MTAC 16,004.00 Find: CITY OF ERIDC. EY IMMERSE Dept: BUILDING INSPECTION DECREASE $ 846.00 Activity BUILDING INSPECTION Prepared by: City Engineer Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditures., by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 413.20 Communications 1 ,571 58 1 ,445 01 1 ,600 00 1,60000 413.21 Printing & Publishing 548 58 570 99 400 00 400 00 .22 Utilities 413.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 1 ,073 80 132 22 1 ,200 00 800 00 400 00 413.24 Maint. .& Repair-Equip. 135 94 218 60 200 00 zoo 00 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv 413.27 Car Allowance 2,634 54 2,991 53 2,700 00 2,500 00 Zoo 001 .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 413.29 Other Contractual Services 6,306 22 7,004 79 7,000 00 7,00000 413.30 Office Supplies 767 86 1,380 86 11000 00 1,000 00 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 413.39 General Supplies 251 84 200 59 200 00 200 00 .40 Rental 413.41 Insurance & Bonds 901 64 801 D2 950 00 950 00 .42 Awards 413.43 Dues & Subscriptions T7 00 T07 80 10000 100 00 413.44 Hospital Insurance 1,123 97 1,350 00 1,104 00 246 00 .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seat Coating .48 Vending Machines �� .4% Cash Shortage 413„82 mgurds 109 t5!5 64 t 150001 TOTALS 14,318 16,041 L2 16,850 16,004 00 . 846 00 1972 WHET 'TOTAL 800.00 ..�: 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 650.00 F.d: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 C E. Y -- INCREASE Dept: BUILDING INSPECTION DECREASE 15Q.00 1ACtivity: BUILDING INSPECTION Prepared by: City Engineer Surmar 'O'Bud eted Ex nditures by-AcCDUntS 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972. Budget , Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease r CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land - I -51 Bldgs. 5 Structures tt 413,52 Furniture & Equipt. 500 2 800 0 650. )0 150 00 ! -53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 500 20 800 DO 650. )G 150,001 MMAM NET DI ZRI ASE IN TAL OUTLAY -- 150. C ITAL OU PR -- BUILDING 161 ECTION. . . .... .. 650.00 Priority No. 1 One (1) typewrite t replac 1 61 mode L. The $500 aLlows $ 500.00 for tra a-in of $ 5 n the o d todel. Priority No. 2 File ca inet for dd tional it space 150.00 $ 650.00 Tdtal Capital .Ou la NEEDED UT UNF Plan €i for Bui diig Inspe ti plans $ 450.00 t: Adding fchine 800.00 $ 1,250.00 BI ded bat URf i cel lM2 0 M T T. $ 54,0f6.-00- ' 1913 KQWST ?ILL 56,716.00 GENERAL INCREME 2,700.00 ENGINEERING DECIF" 5VJty: ENGINEERING Prepared by: City Engineer of Budgeted Expenditures, by_Accipunts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 421.10 Regular Employees 30,857 81 38,729 62 49,516 OQ 52,216 00 2,700 00 42111 Overtime 145 74 214 69 1 ,000 0 500,00 `" 500 00- 42112 Temporary Employees 3,317 58 3,150 68 2,500 0 3,000 00 500 00 42113 Consulting Services 1 ,783 41 298 11 1 ,000 0 1,000 00 TOTALS 36,104 54 42,393 10 54,016 56,716 00 3,200 00 500- 00 REMARKS NET C1 EASE IN PERSONAL SER ICE . . . . . 2 . 0 .00 $ 2,704.00 Increase n Regular Emp Loyee sa ar es 500.00 Increase or use of to rary a pl yees ra:her than usi g r gular emplo ees working overtime. The expe ses for the fi st 6 moids of 1972 ere $1,952.10 $ 3,200.00 Total increase F Less ecrease 500.00 $ 2,700.00 NET INC E f - 1972 gUBMT TQFR. D$14,380.00 1973 REQLiBT TWA< 15,732 00 Fund: GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY INIrREASE 1,352.00 Dept; ENGINEERING DECREASE Activity: ENGINEERING Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER _ Summar of Bud eted Ex nditures , b Accoun 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) I lure lure Budget Proposal Increase Decrease _ OTHER EXPENSES 421.20 Communications 1 ,519 73 1 ,404 44 1 ,700 00 1,700 00 421.21 Printing & Publishing 2,127 13 1 ,742 08 2,200 00 2,200 00 .22 Utilities 421.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 136 30 161 63 300 00 500 00 200 00 4Z1.24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 1 ,625 76 2,346 45 2,200 00 2,800 00 600 00 .25 Maint. 3 Repair-8idgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv 421.27 Car Allowance 833 .30 999 96 1 ,000 OG 1,000 00 .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 421.29 Other Contractual Servtces 164 50 69 00 400 00 400,00 421.30 Office Supplies 1 ,271 52 1 ,647 06 1 ,200 00 1,200 00 421.31 Tools 106 78 100 00 100 00 .32 421.33 Motor Fuels& Lubes 360 61 322 77 400 00 400 00 421.39 General Supplies 846 18 330 93 800 00 800 00 .40 Rental 421.41 Insurance & Bonds 1 ,557 66 2,012 10 2,200 00 2,500 00 300 00 .42 Awards 421.43 Dues & Subscriptions 56 50 188 35 150 00 200 00 50 04 421.44 Hospital Insurance 1 ,792 27 1 ,730-00. 1,932 00 202 00 _46 Licenses & Taxes .47. Sea] Coating .48 Vendii" lines .49 Cash Shorter ..82 Refunds 11 TOTALS 10,499 9 13,123 82 14,380 15,73200 1,352 00 J 1972 g�T TOTAL - 14,3so.o0 I 7973 REQUEST TOTAL 15,732.00 Fwd: GENERAL C I T Y O F f R I D L E Y 1 ,352.00 INCREASE Dept: ENGINEERING DECREASE Activity: ENGINEERING • Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Sumary of Budgeted Ex en itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (COMTIN ) - REMARK! ET INCRE.AH IN OTH R XPFJiSES. . . . . . . .. . 1 .0 $ 200.00 Increase n eded to ncr ase par is pation n p-to-date raining sessio s t keep staff- well informed. 600.00 Increase ii Mainte nce and Rep it of Equi neit. $1,41( .32 was spent tie f rst half of 1972 and oily $2,20 bu geted: Eq ipment s etting oI r. 50.00 Increase n eded to ncr ase current c ti n and res( urce library to kee staff and servic s up-to- ate and welL i formed 202.00 Increase ii Hospita In urance. 1y $1,7W oas budge in 1972 and c sts of $1,058.43 were incurred duri th first 3i months. C st increaces aust be anti ipa ed. 300.00 Increase ii Insura e. Only $2,2 was bu ge ed in 197 an costs of $ ,32 .93 were incurred diring the fir;t six n s.. $ 1•,352.00 TOTAL INC ASE NEE E BUT UNF N CED 1,200,00 Microfilm g of or inaL plans nj plats. i 1972 BUDGET TOTAL -0- -,� . 1 973 REQUEST TOTAL. S ','00'00 Fund GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D C E Y 3 INCREASE ,800.00 Dept:ENGIl'JEERING DECREASE Activity: EtiGINEERING Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER summary Of Bud eted Expenditures, by Accounts l 1970 1971 1973 ! Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. & Structures 421 .52 Furniture & Equipt. 814 80 641 83 421 .53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. 3,100 00 425 DO 3,800 00 3,800 00 .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 3,914 80 1 ,,066 B3 3,800 00 3,800 00 M REMARK NET INCREASE IN CA ITAL OUTLA . . . . . .$ 3,800. 0 C PI'AL OUTU Y IROGRAM E GINEERING. . . . . . 3,800.0) Priority No. 1 Traffic co inter nee ed to condi ct state r qu Lred traffi $ 600.00 counts Priority No. 2 One (1) h flton pi ku . This pickup is ee tor ed to repl ce 3,200.00 1965 mode like veh cl . The 3, 0 allows, trade-it i credit of 400 on t e 965 veh cl $ 3,800.00 To al Capital Out ayl _ . I • 1972 BUDGET TOTAL -0- 197g REQUEST TOTAL $ 3,800..00 Fwd' GENERAL CITY OF F R I D L E Y • INCREASE 3,800.00 Dept: ENGINEERING DECREASE Activity: ENGINEERING Prepared b CITY ENGINEER Suinvary of Budgeted Ex enditures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY (CONTIN D) ED D BUT U FI ANCED Priority No. 1 One (1 four do r s dan. T is sedan i n eded to r lac 1966 mode li e $ 2,800.0 vehicl The $ 800 allows or trade i e edit of $3)0 the 1966 ehi le Priority No. 2 One (I carry a 1 t uck (su ve ) . Thi t uck is nee led o replace 968 3,200.0 model ike vehi le. The $3 20 allow or trade in credit of $200 o th 1968 v hicle. Total Nee led 3ut Unfinan ed. . . . .$- 6,000.OC CITE' VIF FRIOLEY - SUMMARY SHEET - 1973 BUDGET FUND GENERAL ACCT. NO. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR UNfI�1A11 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE CED 415 CIVIL DEFENSE Personal Services 8,575.93 9,000.10 9,130.00 9,320.00 190.00 Other Expenses 1 ,165.46 2,235..97 2,845.00 219991.00 146.00 Capital Outlay 15,815.00 _8,063.81 9,955.00 5,700.00 (4,255.00) TOTALS 25,556.39 19,299.88 21 ,930.00 18,011.00 (3,919.00) 89 192 VJDEfT TGUL $ 9,130.00 1973 REgII M T"AL 9.320 On GENERAL , . iNGAfl1SE 1 90.o0 CIVIL DEFENSE DECREASE tiyit : DIVIL DEFENSE Prepared b C. D. Director Summary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Aco i punts 1970 1971 1973 Description. Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tune Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 15 .10 Regular Employees 8,346 00 8,964 62 8,380 00 8,570 00 190 001 , .11 Overtime , 15.12 Temporary Employees 229 93 45 4 750 00 750 ,00 ,13 Consulting Services TOTALS 9,575 93 9,000 IC 9,130 00 9,320 00 190 00 REMAR NET ENC MASE 0 P1 RSONAL SER FICE . . 1$ 90.00 $ 190.04 Increase in alary adjListuants for tha Clerk Typist and Di ect r 90 / t9n BuD6ET TUTR. -)$2,845.00 1973 REQUEST TGTILL. 2,991.00 Fund; GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E jNCREK,SE 146,00 Dept; CIVIL DEFENSE DECREASE Activity: CIVIL DEFENSE Prepared by: Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditures., by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 415,20 Communications 612 36 371 18 600 00 500 0 i 6 5 00 415.21 Printing & Publishing 23 64 150 00 85 00 65 00 415,22 Utilities 47 40 72 00 300 00 200 00 100 ou` 415.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 9 70 360 00 400 00 400 00 415.24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 260 84 304 78 300 00 300 00 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. .29 Other Contractual Services 415.30 Office Supplies 10 50 195 08 150 00 200 00 50 00 .31 Tools .32 50 00 50 00 415.33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 415.39 General Supplies 97 29 50 00 50 00 .40 Rental 415.41 Insurance & Bonds 181 02 620 04 600 00 900 00 ,300 00 .42 Awards 415.43 Dues & Subscriptions 20 00 17 50 25 00 25 00 415.44 Hospital Insurance 195 60 215 00 276 00 61 00 415_46 Licenses & Taxes 2 50 5 00 5 00 .47 Seat Coating .48 Mending Machines .49 Cash Shortage 9 .82 R84 ands TOTALS 1 ,165 46 2,235 7 2,845 00 2,9g1,0o 411. 0 265 0 • 1972 8Ut1W TOTAL s?,845.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 2,991.00 Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F i• R j D L E Y INCREASE 146.00 Dept: CIVIL DEFENSE DECREASE tivit CIVIL DEFENSE • Prepared b Su of Bud eted Ex itures b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Increase Decrease Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal-F OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARK NET I C ASE IN MR EXPENSES . . 146• $ 61.00 Increase in Hospital Ins rance 50.00 Increase in Office S ppl es 300.00 Increase in Insuranc an Bonds o over in re sed rates. $411.00 Total Incre se Less De rease 265.00 $ 146.00 NET INCREAS C 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $ 9,955.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 5,700.00 Fund: INCREASE CITY OF FRiOCEY - INCREASE Dept. CIVIL DEFENSE 4,255.00 DECREASE Activity: CIVIL DEFENSE Prepared by: summary Of Bud eted Ex enditures b Ac unts i 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1912 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. 8 Structures 5,200. 0 5,200 00 455 0 455 00! 415,52 Furniture b Equipt. 9,000 00 415,53 Mach. $ Auto. Equipt. 15,815 0 8,063 81 9,500 0 500. 0 .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 15,815 0 8,063 81 9,955 30 5,700.DO 5,200 00 9,455 00 ; REMARKS: NE r DECREASE IN APITAL 0 . . 4.255.(0 CkPJEAL OUT Y OGRAM - CIVIL DEF S . . 5,700-00 BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES Priority #1 Completion o the mod i tion to th E.O.C. Eased on $ 5,200.CD estimates re eived, t s ould al ow the co 1 tion of the E.O.C. proje t even t u matchi g unds t be obta' e . This project includes extens ve rework g f the pre n Police Quart rs. E t ted Co t omelet $ 7,500. 1 priated in 1972 B g 2,300. 5,200. 0 - 1972 BUDGET TOTAL �$ 9,955.00 1973 REQUEST TUTAL 5,700.00 Fund r RAT. C 17 Y 0 f F R I O L E Y INCREASE De t: DECREASE $4,255.00 Activit • Pre aced b Su r of Budgeted Ex enditures b �1cc unts 1970 1971 1973 Description *Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM 'CONTINUE I ) MACHINERY & AUTOMOTIVE I QUIPMENT Priority #1 Complet4 the ins all tion of thi auxili ry cooling un t $ 500 00 r of the Imergency power plant he unit ha been pure ase and thi would p ovi a for tie nstalla io . $ 5,700.00 lotal Capital Oitlay 994 i Fwd: GENERAL , CITY OF F R I D L E Y Dept: CIVIL DEFENSE l 9.;t,f BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: CIVIL DEFENSE Prepared b C. D. Director Detail of Ca ital Outlay Requirements Approx. No. —less Date of of Unit Total Trade or Net Code Description of Item to be Purchased Purchase Units Cost Cost Salvage Cost 415.52 E.O. C. Modification Jan, 73 7,500- 00 (Approximately $2,300.00 has been appropriated in the 1972 budget that can be applied to this project. 19 Budget includes $5,200 for the balance of the project) 415.53 Remote Cooling System for May 73 500 00 Standby Generator CITE' OF fRIDLEY - SU14-WARY SHEET - 1 973 BUDGET RIND GENERAL ACCT. NO. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UN�INAIICED 416 ANIMAL CONTROL Personal Services --- --- 2,120.00 --- (2,120.00) Other Expenses 3,744.20 4,418.08 5,275.00 6,275.00 1,000.00 Capital Outlay --- -" --- TOTALS 3,744.20 4,418.08 7,395.00 6,275.00 (1,120.00) 436 WEED CONTROL , Personal Services 4,380.62 4,081.19 4,400.00 4,400.00 Other Expenses 17,012.54 19,160.26 20,050.00 20,050.00 Capital Outlay -- --- --- TOTALS 21 ,393.16 23,241 .45 24,450.00 24,450.00E 437 PEST CONTROL Personal Services --- --- --- Other Expenses --- --- 200.00 200.00 Capital Outlay 0 --- --- --- --- r TOTALS --- --- 200.00 200.00 CITY OF FRIDLEY - SUMMARY SHEET - 1 973 BUDGET FUND General • BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR Acct. No. item 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFINANCED 42 Beal th S,anitar_ian Personal Services 50223.73 5,7118.96 5,9750.00 6,050.00 300.00 Other Expenses 285.01 1,172.64 3.0665.00 1,665.00 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - " - -- TOTALS 5,508.74 6,921.60 7,415.00 7,715.00 300.00 GRAND TOTAL SANITATION & HEALTH 30,646.10 34,581.13 31,460.00 38,640.00 (820.00) I= aMMGEr WrAL $ 2,f2.O 00 1973 #DQlM TM General - . I1SE Sanita*Am and Health MECRME $ 2,120.00 tivi : Animal Control Prepared b Suimary of Budgkted Expenditures, by Ac is 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees .11 Overtime .12 Temporary Employees 2,120 00 2,120: 00 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 2,120 00 2,120 00 REMARIK T )ECREASE It PERSONAL ERV CES. . . 2 ill, 0. $ 2,120.00 Dec se in Tesiportry help 1 1972 BLO T TDTAL 5,275.00 1973 REQUEST TUAE 6,275.00 Fund: General C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y INCREASE 13,000..00 Dept: Sanitation and Health DECREASE Activity: Animal Control Prepared by: Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditure s by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account. Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications .21 Printing & Publishing .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. 3 Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv. .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 416.29 Other Contractual Services 3,660 4'218 00 5 '200 0 6,000 000 1,000 00 416.30 Office Supplies .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 415.39 General Supplies 84 0 75 DO 75 00 .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seat Coating .48 vending Machines .49 Cash Shortage .82 Refunds. TOTALS.I 7'-14 12q 4#418 08 5,2 75 6,275 00 1,000 00 1972 BUIIW TOTAL �,275.00 _ 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 6,275.00 Funt!- GENERAL C I T Y 0 f F R I D L E Y 1,000.00 INCREASE Wept: SANITATTON AND HE LTH DECREASE Activity: • Prepared by: Surmiary of Budgeted Ex en itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease RE NET INC E IN 0 R EXPENSES. 1,000. 0 $ 1,000.00 Incre se in Co tra tual Se vi es for og catcher. Note: $2,120 ele ed unde P rsonaI er ices $ 1,000.00 NET CREASE • 100 1572 NUff WAL $ 4,400.00- General 7913 NEQK9 TOTAL 4,400.00 INCREASE Sanitation and Health DECREASE Activity: Weed Control re aced b : CITY ENGINEER Su=a ry of Bud eted Expen4litures, by Acclsints 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES .10 Regular Employees ,11 Overtime 436.12 Temporary Employees 4,380 62 49,081 19 4,400 4,400 00 .13 Consulting Services TOTAW 4,380 62 608 19 49400 0C 4,400 00 REMAR Pe n t Build ng Inspec o staff wil as ume the re bilitie the t p rary empl ees 1972 BUMET TOTAL 20,050.00 1973 TQTAL 20,050.00 Fund: General CITY OF F R I D L E Y I NCREKSE Dept: Sanitation and Health DECREASE Activity: Weed Control Pre ared by: CITY ENGINEER Summa of Budgeted .Expenditures., by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget r Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES I 436 .20 Communications 239 70 2S5 20 300 00 300.00 436 .21 Printing & Publishing 247 35 350 00 350.00 .22 Utilities 436 .23 Travel , Conferences $ Schools 21 80 25 +00 25.0 436 .24 Maint. R Repair-Equip. 43 22 39 90 100 00 100.00 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. 8 Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning b Waste Rem. j 436 .29 Other Contractual f Services 16030 05 189772 92 19,000 00 19,000.00 436 30 Office Supplies 107 .48 7 29 100 00 WORM .31 Tools + .32 I 436 .33 Motor Fuels 5 Lubec 22 94 20 95 100 00 100.0 .39 General Supplies - .40 Rental 436 .41 Insurance b Bonds 64 00 .42 Awards 436 -43 Dues b Subscriptions 75 00 75POO .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses 6 Taxes _47 Seat Coating .49 Vending Machines _49 Easy vmtage r+F .82 IOeif ands �, ' "AW 171012 f5j 19t160 6 20050 00 20,05 1972 BEDGET TUTAL -)200.00 TmT�it 200.00 �Qt)EST. Fund• General C I T Y OF Fit IDLE if 1973 Rf Dept: Sanitation and Health INCREASE Activity: Pest Control DEGREASE Prepared by: Summa r ofBudgeted .Expenditure s, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal . Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications — .21 Printing & Publishing .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools .24 Maint. % Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 437 .29 Other Contractual 200 V 200 00 Services .30 Office Supplies .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes .39 General Supplies .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal Coating .48 Vending 11:tf nes .49 Cash SMwtaW .. tbfwws TOMS 200 00 200 1001 JM2 RUBM 'IN& $ 5,750:00 1973 MEN INg 6,050.00 5tVitY:, ICE 300.00 tat on and Health Health Sanitation DECREASE Prepared b CITY ENGINEER Su r of Bud ted Ex en itures b Ac ntS 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tore Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 442.10 Regular Employees 40776 00 5,275 70 5,250 OC 5,250 00 442.11 Overtime 1 8 �7 442.12 Temporary Employees 447 73 464 9 500 800 00 300 00 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 50223 73 5,748 96 5,750 Oc 6,050 00 300 .00 REMARFS NEI I REASE IN OVAL SE Ic Is 300. $ 300.00 Incrc ase in Tea or y Emple Fee i i i i �C4 1972 NDGET TOTAL -)1 166 5.00 1973 REQUEST 7UAL $1,665.00 Fund: General C I T Y O F F R I D L. E V INCREASE Dept: Sanitation and Health DECREASE Activity: Health Sanitation Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditure s, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 442 .20 Corrmun-ications 22 53 33 64 20 00 20 00 .21 Printing & Publishing .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 442 .29 Other Contractual 262 5 1x075 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 Services 442 .30 Office Supplies 50 00 50 04 .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 442 .39 General Supplies 30 00 - "&'30 00 .40 Rental 442 .41 Insurance & Bonds 64 00 65 00 65 00 .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes . .47 Sea] Coating .48 Vending lbdiiaes, .49 Cash Shortage �f)� .82 Rif ands TOTALS .__ 2 85 1,172 64 1,665 1,665 a0 CITY OF FRIDL. EY - SUMMARY SHEET - 1 973 BUDGET FUND General Accf,. No. Item BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UN1=IR#Il'ICED 422 Street Personai3ervices 88,012.62 85,6n.19 115,279.x%7% 12%,092.00 5,813.00 Other Expenses 609418.96 72s399.14 70,575600 74,937.00 4,362.00 Capital Outlay 22,916.94 26,953.35 21v300,00 22,000.00 700.00 16,000.00 TOTALS 71048.52 195,023068 248,154.00 219,029.00 10,$75.00 16,000.00 423 Snow and Ice Removal Personal Services 59,848.51 18,115.14 21,500.00 22,575.00 1,075.00 Other Expenses 10,221.50 179031.49 19,000.00 16,700.00 (1,300.00) Capital Outlay 2,265.00 2,910.54 63,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 21,300.00 TOTALS 18035.01 389057.17 45,5OO.00 47,275.00 •1,775.00 21,300.00 424 Traffic Signs do Signals Personal Services !' 183.29 1 ,121.IT' 5,000.00 5,250.00 250.00 Other Expenses 25,090.28 11,306.29 15,850.00 19,100.00 3,250.04 Capital Outlay -T 15,500.00 23,850.00 21,950.00 (1,900.00) TOTALS 25,273.57 27,927.40 44,700.00 46,300.00 1,600.00 TOM . 106 CITY Of FRIDLEY - SUMMARY SHEET - 1973 BUDGET FUND General Acct: No. Item BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1910 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFIRMED 425 Equipment and Maint. Shoe Personal Services 2,053.32 4sO62.78 5,,000.00 5,250.00 250.00 Other T-bcpenees 7012.88 99638.20 _ 109,785.00 12,278.00 1,493.00 ;apital Outlay 12079.61 219398.85 25s552.00 24,196.00 (1,356.00) TOTALS 220255.81 35,099.83 41,337.00 41,724.00 387.00 426 Street Lighting Personal Services - - - - - - - - - --- Other Expenses 33s976.60 35,628.63 40,300.00 42,100.00 1;800.00 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - --- TOTALS 3,976.60 35,628.63 40,300.00 42,100.00 1,800.00 432 storm sewer Personal Services 39,090.09 59205.13 5.600.00 5,880.00 280.00 Other Expenses 23,757.91 11919,00.61 6+7OO•W 8,700.00 2,000.00 Capital Outlay 1300 - - - - - - --- TOTALS 59,861.30 16,606.711 12s30G•00 14,580.00 2,280.00- • i i PUBLIC WORKS 77450-81 38,342.45 392,291.00 411,008.00 18,717.00 37,300.00 J= NOW E Wt� $116,2;91.00 d, GENERAL 1973 FAAUEa TM $122,092.00 PUBLIC WORKS IN( %813.00 ivi ; STREET DEPARTMENT DECIF" Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Summary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Acc nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 42210 Regular Employees 82,813 08 79,334 22110.279 00 115,092 00 4,8413 00 42211 Overtime 1 ,370 72 2,291 1 2,500 00 2,500 00 42212 Temporary Employees 3,828 82 4,005 8 3,000 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 42213 Consulting Services 40 0 500 00 500,00 TOTALS 88,012 62 85,671 IS116,279 00 122,092 00 5,813 00 RKHAM NET INC E IN S L SERVI S. 5 81 .00 $ 4,8I3.00 Increase regular mp yees a es 1,000.00 Increased se of to r y empl a to su lament permaient staff $ 5,813.00 NET INCREA.BE e 10 - 1972 BUMET TOTAL $ 70,575.00 GENERAL 1973 ET TOTAL 74,937.00 Fund: CITY OF ERIOLEY - IMMERSE 4,362.00 Dept: PUBLIC WORKS - Activity: STREET DEPARTMENT DECREASE Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Summa of Budgeted Expenditure b Accoun { 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 422.20 Communications 522 30 473 20 550 00 550 00 422.21 Printing & Publishing 246 72 235 82 200 00 200 00 .22 Utilities 422.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 63 10 69 30 200 00 200 00 422.24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 17,066 4 22,912 92 16,000 00 19,000 00 3,000 00 422.25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. 200 00 -0- 200 00� .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv 422.27 Car ATTowance 333 32 333 32 11000 00 1,000 00 422.28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 250 00 250 00 422.29 Other Contractual Services 80T 68 805 06 900 00 900 00 422.30 Office Supplies 177 1 107 13 200 00 200 00 422.31 Tools 440 7 189 24 200 00 200 00 422.32 Street Patch 7,946 9 11 ,026 72 11,000 00 11,000 00 422.33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 3,428 0 4,529 45 5,000 00 5,000 00 422.39 General Supplies 4,543 9 3,560 13 3,500 bO 5,000 00 1,500 00 422.40 Rental 723 0 736 13 1 ,000 00 1,000 00 422.41 Insurance & Bonds 7,331 2 10,927 635 11 ,000 00 11,000 00 .42 Awards 422,43 Dues &.Subscriptions 22 2 19 94 75 75 00 422,44 Hospital Insurance 2,443 50 3,250 3,312 00 62 00 422.46 Licenses & Taxes . 29 93 5Q 50 00 422.47 Seat Coating 16,772 0 14,000 00 16,000 16,000 00 .48 Vending Macbinm .49 Cash Shortage .82 Refunds '��:� TOTALS 60,418 6 72,399 114 70,575 74. 937 00 4, 562 00 200 00 i ( , 1972 Bl Mff TOTAL $70,575.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 74.937.00 Fund GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 L E Y • INCREASE 4.362.00 De PUBLIC WORKS DECREASE ActiVit :STREET DEPARTMENT • Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Su ry of Bud eted Ex en itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Tture xpendi 1972 Budget Code (Accourrt Title) ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTI D) REMAR • NET IICFJASE IN R EXPENSES . 4,362.00 $ 3,000.00 Increase n Maintexance and Rejair of Equ pm nt. Equipment is getting older. First 6 m( . expenses f r 1972 % er4 $11,92M3 1,500.00 Increase In Genera.., Su plies. Fi at 6 mat . expenses fo 19 2 were $3.9 5.75 62.00 Increase n Hospit 1 I surance $ 4,562.00 Total Inc ease Less ecrease 200.00 $ 4,36.2.00 NET INCREJ SF_ f. i. K' i� 1972 BIDET TOTAL $21,300.00 ' 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 22,000.00 Fund: GENERAL CITY OF FRI0EEY INCREASE 700.00 Dept: PUBLIC WORKS DECREASE Activity: STREET DEPARTMENT Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER S r 'Of'BUd eted Expenditures, b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY 422.50 Land 134 44 39 0 .51 Bldgs. & Structures .52 Furniture & Equipt. 422.53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. 22,782 50 25,225 78 17,300 0 17,000. 300 001 422.54 Other Improvements 1 ,687 7 4,000 0 5,000. 0 1,000 TOTALS 22,916 4 26,953 35 21,300 22,000.DO 1,000 00 300 00 REMAR NET I iCR1 ASK IN 7AI ITAL OUTIA ... 700.00 CA ITAL OM MU PROGRA 4 STREET DEE M KENT. . . . . . $ 22,000.0 Priority No. 1 One (1) lump Truck to replace 19 3 Chev 1 dudp I*ruck. $ 10,000. O It is toc old and 1.o4ly to r pa r and o d be repl e with a 2 ,500 lb. r k Priority No. 2 Two (2) draulic of gates or pickups easier 1,600. loading f heavy a ui ent. 9 Priority No. 3 One (1) ll bobc t or work ng around 1 areas 4,000. 0 and cul sacs. Priority No. 4 One (1) sphalt cu bi g machi e o reps oken 1,400. asphalt urbing. • 1972 BWGET TOTAL 21,300.00 1973 REQUEST 70TAL 22,000.00 GENERAL CITY OF fRIDLEY • INCREASE 70a.00 rep • PUBLIC WORKS DECREASE ACtiVit :STREET DEPARTMENT Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Sumary of Budgeted Ex en itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY (CONTIN D) Other Improvements Stevenson School sidew lk esti ted cost $9 . $4,0)0 udgeted in 5,000. 0 1972. $5,000 budgeted in 1973 • $ 22,000.110 TOTAL CAPITAL OUT Y NEED D UT UNFI ED Priority No. 1 One y rd loade tr ctor wit ront 1 de 4,000. Priority No. 2 Oil d stributo (1 42 mode i wearin t) 12,000. $ 16,000. TOTAL UNFINANCES j 9 - 1.1, m m im Kr Yam $21,560.00 GENERAL 7913 REgIEg -WAL $22,575.00 I $ 1,075.00 PUBLIC WORKS ti vit : SNOW & ICE NICK" Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Sunmary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Acompts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) tore ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 42310 Regular Employees 3,975 25 12,740 65 16,000 0 17,075 00 1 ,01-5 00 42311 Overtime 1 ,860 60 5,374 49 5,000 0 5,000 00 42312 Temporary Employees 12 66 500 0 500 00 .13 Consulting Services TOTAL 5,848 51 18,115 74 21 ,500 00 22,575 00 1,075 00 RE NET NCR aSE IN PEISONAL SERV CES .$1 075. 0 $1,075.00 Increase Regular Employees $1,075.00 NET INCREASE .113 197? BUDGET TOTAL �$ 18,000.00 I97 REQUEST TOTAL 16,700.00 Fund: General C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y IMMERSE Dept: Public Works DECREASE $ 1,304.00 Activity: Snow & Ice Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditures., by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES I .20 Communications 423.21 Printing & Publishing 100.00 100 00 .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 423.24 Maint . & Repair-Equip. 3,797. 39 7,141. 0 2,800.00 3,500 00 700 00 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 423.29 Other Contractual Services 595.23 618. 5 5,000.00 4,000 00 1,000 (,v .30 Office Supplies .31 Tools .32 423.33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 86.95 61. 2 700. 0 700 00 423.39 General Supplies 4,394. 34 7,479. 4 5,000. 0 5,000 00 423.40 Rental 754. )0 353. 3,000. 2,000 00 1,000 W 423.41 Insurance & Bonds 593. 37 1,377. 5 1,400. 1,400 00 .42 Awards .43 trues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance 46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal Coating .48 Vendings lhchines - .49 Cash Shartae _ 1 ..82 Bdunds - TOTAL3 10,221. 0 17,031. 9 18,004. 16,704 Q0 700 00- 2,000 00 • 1972 SET TOTAL 18,000.00 GENERAL 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 16,700.00 fiuAd: CITY Of FRI OLEY • INCREASE Dep : PUBLIC WORKS DECREASE 1,300.00 Activit 'SNOW & ICE • Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Surmiary of Buoleted Exp2n .itures, by Accounts 1970 1971 - 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARVI NET DICRIASE IN R EXPENSES 1,300 00 $ 700.00 Increase ii Equipme t, baintenaice Equipm nt is getting old r.. First mo the expenses- for 1972 wire $1,79! .91, $ 700.00 Total Incr ase Less crease -2,000.09 - $1,300.00 NET DECRE E • 11;i 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $ 6,000.00 �^ ' 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 8,000.00 Fund: General -C- I T Y OF F R I D C E Y _ INCREASE 2,000.00 Dept: Public Works DECREASE Activity: Snow & Ice Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Su ry of NO eted Ex nditures by Accounts 1970 1971 .1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease i CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. & Structures .52 Furniture & Equipt. 423,53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. 2,265 00 2,910 54 6,000 0 8,00 .0 2,000 00 .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 2,265 00 2,910 54 6,000.00 8,00( .0( 2,000 00 .REMAR NET IN r ASE PITAL OUT . 2 000 0 APITAL UT PROG Wo, - SNOW & ICE . . . $ 8-,000.00- Priority No. 1 Two (2) One-way s w plows to replace oli cnes $ 2,000 00 Priority No. 2 One (1) Anow plow Eor sidewal s 6.000.00 8,000 00 TOTAL CAPITAL OU411AI _ I NEEDED UT UNFIN Ell Priority No. I one (1) Wing plow Eox new tru k for fa a street cleaning) $ 2,300 i Priority No. 2 one (1) Tractor w h lower a Ld oader o more efficiert 19.000 snow remi oval as ci y rows) 2l 300 TOTAL NEEDED BIT 11 FINANCED ism M M BE Tam $5,060,.00 GENERAL 1973 NEQUEST TOM $5,250.00 • ICE $ 250.00 PUBLIC WORKS 5,vity: TRAFFIC & SIGNALS DES Prepared by:- CITY ENGINEER Summary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Acc is 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 42410 Regular Employees 1 ,121 11 5,000 0 4,850 00 150 100 .11 Overtime _ 42412 Temporary Employees 183 29 400 00 400 00 .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 183 29 1 ,121 11 5,000 0 5,250 00 400, 00 150 00 RE NE CREASE PERSONAL 1RvTs. . . 254 00 400.00 Increase in Temporary Employees, using temporary employees to supplement reg lar employees during su er peak ad. $ 400.00 Less Decrease - 150.00 $ 250.00 NET INCRE E e Y 1972 BUDGET TOTAL )15,850.00 19,100.00 Fund: General CL1i Y OF FRFDLEY 1973: REQUEST TOTAL Dept: Public Works INCREASE 3,250.00 Activity: Traffic & Signals DECREASE Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditure s by Accoun 1970 1971- 1973 i Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease t OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications 1 .21 Printing & Publishing 424.22 Utilities 4,920. 5,450. 2 5,250. DO 7,000 00 1,750 00 .23 Travel , Conferences t & Schools I 424 .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 1,053. 9 2,215. 0 500. 30 500 00 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv. .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 424.29 Other Contractual 1,401. 2 5,800. 5,800 00 k Services 424 .30 Office Supplies 100. V 100 00 .31 Tools .32 I .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 424.39 General Supplies 17,526. 9 3,530. 4,000. 5,500 00 1,500 00 .40 Rental 424.41 Insurance & Bonds 188. 2 110. 13 200.0 200 00 , .42 Awards .43 Dines & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal Coating .48 Vending Machines .49 Cash Shortage Z .82 Refunds TOTALS 5,090.2 I 11,306. 9 15,85 1 , , • 1972 B14M TOTAL A5,850.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 19,100.00 Fwd: GENERAL CITY OF FRI DLEY INCREASE 3,250.00 Dept: PUBLIC WORKS DECREASE ActiVit TRAFFIC & SIGNALS Prepared 5 ;CITY ENGINEER Sumary of Budgeted Expen itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description *Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget . Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARKS NET INC A E IN OTIIER EXPENSES. . . . 3.250.00 $ 1,750.00 Increase n Utilit es. More signals requ re higher pow r c sts. Firs 6 atonth. expen-ses for 1972 ere $3,5", 3.8 . 1,500.00 Increase n General Su plies. Un er the zew sign progr mod worn out signs are being replaced. First 6 mon h expen es for 197 were $5,117. '8. $ 3,250.00 NET INC SE 2� 3 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $23,850.00 Fund: General CITY O F F R I O C E Y 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 21,950.00 Dept: Public Works INCREASE DECREASE $ 1,900.00 _ Activity: Traffic & Signals Prepared b CITY ENGINEER Summa 0f Bud eted Expenditures, b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .50 Land .51 Bldgs. 5 Structures + .52 Furniture b Equipt. 1 .53 Mach. 5 Auto. Equipt. 1,500. 1,500.00 424 .54 Other Improvements 15,500 00 23,85d.0 20.450. )01 TOTALS 15,500 00 23,85 0 21,950. 0 1,500 3,400 00 REMAR NET DEC IN P AL OUTLAY.. . 1.900.0c CA T b OWUT A OGRAK - VFW & S- $ 21,950.(0 Priority No. 1 Traffic Signal at T. 1. #65 a d 3rd Ave u $20,450.0 Priority No. 2 One (1) sed ladde tuck for be ter mai t ce 1,500.OC of traf is signal d signs $21,950.00 T CAPT%%L O JW2 0 I OF TO& $5,000.00 ' 7973 MQUEST TOM 5,250.00 Gagnaral a: • INCKME 250.00 Public #grks _ DECREASE MfauiR. n o re red by: City Engineer Summary of Budgeted Expeplitures. by Ac nts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 425.10 Regular Employees 1,938 32 4,062 78 5,000 0 5,250 00 250 00 .11 Overtime .12 Temporary Employees 425.13 Consulting Services 125 ,00 TOTALS 2,06332 4,069 78 5,000 0 5,250 00 250 00 - RE NET NC ASE I RSONAL SER ICE I. . . . .$ 250 00 $ 250.00 Increase Ift Regular EmplDyees $ 250..00 NET INCREASE 1`�i 1972 BUIWT TUTAL A 10.785.00 Fund: G e n r e a l C I T Y OF F RID L F Y 1973 REQUEST Tt)TA' $ 12,278.00 IIICRFASE $ 1,493.00 Dept: Public Works Activity: Fauip Maint Shop Pre aced by:_ City Engineer Summar of' Bud eted Ex itures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 425 .20 Communications 225. 5 365.66 300. )o 500 00 200 00 425 .21 Printing & Publishing 80. 5 100. 30 100 00 425 .22 Utilities 3,268. J3 3,532. 8 3,500. )0 4,500 00 1,000 00 .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 425 .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 52. 36 239. L5 350. )0 450 00 100 00 425 .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. 261. 0 579. 34 1,000. 30 1,000 00 .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance 425 .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 404. 59 334. 5 400. )0 400 00 425 .29 Other Contractual Services 252. i6 25. 37 200. )0 200 00 .30 Office Supplies 425 .31 Tools 894. 8 589. )3 500. )0 500 00 .32 425 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 178. 2 100 00 100 00 425.39 General Supplies 1,806. 56 2,467. 3,000. )0 2,500 00 500 00+ 425.40 Rental 200. )0 200 00 425 .41 Insurance & Bonds 646.:D5 71642 800. )0 1,000 00 200 00 .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions 425,44 Hospital Insurance 527. 5 435. 30 828 00 393 00 .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seal Coating .48 Rending Nachtnes- - .49 Cash Shortage .82 Refunds TOTALS 7,812. 9,638.tO 10,785. 12,27 00 1,993 00 50 00 1972 BUDGET TOTAL. ?10,785.00 f GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 12,278.00 INCREASE 1 ,493.00 ()e pt PUBLIC WORKS ACtiVit :ZQUIP. MAINT. SHOP DECREASE Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Su r of Bud eted Ex en itures b Accounts s 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMAR S NET IN SE IN 0 HE EXPENSES. . . 1 493. io $ 200.00 Increase in Communic do s. Fir t months ex enses for 972 were $320.'. 8. 1,000.00 Increase in Utilitiei . Expansiol o buildi g rings high r c st. First 6 m nths expenses for 1972 we a $2,148 85. 100.00 Increase in Maintena ce and Repair f Equip en . Equipme t 15 getting o der First 6 months expenses fo 1972 were $: 28.28. 100.00 Motor fuels and Tubes., jasoline 200.00 Increase in Insuranci ano Bonds. C st incr as s must be nti ipated. 393.00 Increase in Hospital Ins rance. Co t increAsei must be a tic pated. Fi st I month expenses fo 1972 we e $ 52.85. $1,993.00 Total Incre se Less becrease - 500.00 $1,493.00 NET INCREAS • ��f J 1972 NAXET TOTAL $25,552.00 1973 REgUEST TOTAL 24,196.00 F=d: General C I T Y OF F R I D E E Y INCREASE Dept: Public Works DECREASE $ 1,356.00 Activity: Equip. I4aint. Shop Prepared by: City Engineer SU . . .r Of Bud eted 'Ex enditures §L_Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease f CAPITAL OUTLAY 425.50 Land 6,894 00 7,641 00 7,000 00 64-1 00 425.51 Bldgs. & Structures 12,053 85 11,250 26 16,911 00 16,736 00 175 00 425.52 Furniture & Equipt. 325 .76 165 81 425.53 Mach. & Auto. Equipt. 3,088 78 1,000 00 460.00 540 00 .54 Other Improvements TOTALS' 12,379 61 21,398 85 25,552 ,00 24,196 00 1,356 00 REMARK NET D RE kSE IN (API TAL OUTLAY 1,356.041 CAP OUTLAY - JUIPMENT - MA .. NANCE SHOP. .$24,196 00 425.50 LAND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000.0 '•Cost Estimate $ 62,5 . 1971 and 1972 P yments 16 4. I 46 0 .0 1973 Pay of Pri cipal $ 10,0 701 Gen. $7,(00 00 30 P.U. $3, 00 I I 1 972 BUDGET TOTAL -�4 25,552.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 24,196.00 Fv1M: GENERAL C I T Y O F FR I O L E Y INCREASE - DEEjEgSE 1,356.00 Activity: EQUIP. MAINT. SHOP Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Sumary of Budgeted Ex enditures by Account 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget ' Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget - Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL UONTINUED 425.51, BUILDINGS & STRUCT S. . . . . r $ 16,73 .00 Yearly cost of A dition $12,487.00 12k% P.U. 1,561.0 50% Park 6,243.0 377, Garag . . . . . .$ 4,683. 0 1973 Payment on luilding $16,07 .8 25% P.U. 4,019.0 75% Gener 1 Fund. . . 12,053. 0 $16;736. 0 425.53 MACHINERY & AU-TO EQUIPMENT. . . . . . . $ 46( .00 1 Battery Chargei 160. 0 1 Set of two host reels with reters fir ( il. 300. 0 — and grease con rol $ 460. )0 ' $ 24,1N .00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1972 BUDGET TOTAL �$ 40,300.00 1973 REQUEST TiY AL 42,100.00 Fund: General C I T Y OF F R I DL E T IMF 1,800.00 Dept: Public Works DECREASE Activity: Street Lighting Prepared by: City Engineer Summa of Bud eted Ex Itures, by Accoun 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications .21 Printing & Publishing 426 .22 Utilities 33,976. 50 35,628. i3 40,300. 0 42,100 00 1,800 00 .23 Travel , Conferences & Schools .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. .26 Maint. & Repair-Improv .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. .29 Other Contractual Services .30 Office Supplies .31 Tools .32 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes .39 General Supplies .40 Rental .41 Insurance & Bonds , .42 Awards .43 Dues & Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes .47 Seat Coating .48 Vending Machines-M- .49 Cash Shortage ..82 ftf unds TOTALS 33,976., 01 35,628. 3 I 40,300.,DO I 42 J 1,800 00 1 ( J - 1972 B1 Mff TOTAL �40,300.00 1973 REST TOTAL 42, 100.00 rt 2mGENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y INCREASE 1,800.00 PUBLIC WORKS DECREASE tiVit STREET LIGHTING • Prepared b : CITY ENGINEER Surmiary of Budgeted Expen itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description *Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTINUED) MARKS . T INCREASE IN OTHER EXPENSES. 1.800. )0 $ 1,800.00 To install 30 additiDnal street Li8hts as psrt of 5 year str et lighting plal. $ 1,800.00 NET INCREASE OTHER X NSES RE TED BUT I CED. . . . $ 23,.726. 0 Priority No. 1 Increase a in co ra ural s v es to i st ll white y n $23,726. 1973 Mississippi Str et nd Uni rs ty Aven e. Due too er budget increase ne essary o rovide t r service a perso el raise , t is it is carried as unfinance bu needed If Cou cil desires to finance th s improve nt in 197 and 197 , tie budge uld hav t be increased or cut made in oth r areas chedule of payments d assess ents are ind cated o t e Poll in page. 1 l No assessment to resi2ial area and J J 3/4 of cost assessed t commercial side WHITE WAY STREET LIGHTS FOR MISSISSIPPI STREET AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE INSTALLATION COST ESTIMATE OPERATING COST ESTIMATE CITY'S BUDGETED BUDGETED BUDGETED BUDGETED MISSISSIPPI STREET TOTAL *ASSESSED SHARE IN 1973 IN 1974 TOTAL IN 1973 IN 1974 .._ _ 15-700 Watts Mercury Vapors @ 150 Ft. Spacing 19,780.00 14,950.00 4,830.00 49-830.00 -- 700.00 700.00 700.00 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 41-700 Watts Mercury Vapors @ 150 Ft. Spacing 54,050.00 202240.00 33,810.00 16,905.00 16,905.00 2,583.00 1,291.00 2,583. 0 TOTAL 1$21,735.00 1716,905.00 1.991.00 $3,283.00' 1,991.00 5,283.00 $23,726.00 $20,188.00 TOTAL TO BE BUDGETED IN 1973 $23,726.00 TOTAL TO BE BUDGETED IN 1974 $20,188.W �.�Cl ` J 102 RMUE1 IWA $5)00 00 7973 WJUJM TM $5,880.00 General • INS $ 280.00 Public Works . 9FCl�fASE - - 5,vity: Storm Sewer prepared b City Engineer Sugary of Budgeted Expen4jitures, by Acepunts, 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 432.10 Regular Employees 2,242 51 4,567 70 5,000 5,280 00 280 00 432.11 Overtime 43.29 343 Z7 200 0 200 00 432.12 Temporary Employees 158.39 294 16 200 0 200 00 432.13 Consulting Services 645.90 200 0 200 00 TOTALS 3,09 09 5,205 13 5,60 5,880, 00 280.00 REMARK; NET IN SE Il IERSONAL SE VIC S. . ... 280. 0 ' $ 280.00 Increase n regular emp oyees $ 2w.00 NET INCRE SE 1972 B0MT TDTAL 6,700-.00 1973 REQUESr ZTAL 8,700-00 Fund: General C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y - INCREASE 2,000.00 Dept: Public Works -- DECREASE Activity: Storm Sever- Prepared by: City Engineer Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditure s , by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications .21 Printing & Publishing .22 Utilities .23 Travel , Conferences ` & Schools .24 Maint. % Repair-Equip. .25 Maint. & Repair-Bldgs. 432 .26 Maint. b Repair-Improv. 1,048A5 2,457. i4 3,000. 3,000. )G .27 Car Allowance .28 Cleaning & Waste Rem. 432.29 Other Contractual Services 452.50 6,282.)5 1,400. . 3,400.)G 2,000.00 .30 Office Supplies .31 Tools ` .32 .33 Motor Fuels 3 Lubes 432 .39 General Supplies 1,108. 19 1,961. Q 1,400. )0 1,400 432.40 Rental 10. )G 687. )0 700. 30 7 432.41 Insurance & Bonds 138. 7 12. )9 200. DO 200.00 r .42 Awards .43 Dues b Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance .46 Licenses & Taxes . .47 Seat Coating .48 Yenftog Nwhines .49 Cash Shoetago X30, .B2 ftf ds TOTALS 2,757. 1 11,40Q. 1 , 8,704 2,000. 1972 SUM TOTAL )$• 6,700.00 i - 1973 REQUEST 70TA1. $ 8,700.00 Fes. GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 L E Y INCREASE 2,000.00 Ile �� PUBLIC WORKS DECREASE tivit • STORM SEWER Prepared by: CITY ENGINEER Su ry of Bud ted Ex itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tune Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN ) REMAR NET IICRIASE IN R EXPENSES . . 2.000.00 $ 2,000.00 Increase ir contractual servicei existin s orm sewer keed repair (sealirg since a sizeable p rtion of our lines a e aid wit o en joints) $ 2,000.00 NET INCREME - I i :,r T 1972 BUDGET TOTAL - 1973 REQUEST TOTAL None Fund: General C I T Y OF F R I O C E. Y INCREASE Dept. Public Works DECREASE Activity: Storm Sewer Prepared by: Summer 'bf Budgeted Expenditures, by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi-. 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) Lure ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY 432 .50 Land 13 3 .51 B1dgs. A Structures .52 Furniture A Equipt. .53 Mach. A Auto. Equipt. .54 Other Improvements TOTALS 13,30 LNARKS tt - t No Change • Jl J CITY Of FRIBLEY SU " MARY SHEET 1973 BUDGET FM General ' BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR AccT. No. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE 181FINfY10E0 475 Park Department Personal Services 92,469.15 115,736.44 116,796.00 124,650.00 7,854.00 Other Expenses 66,556.29 62,831.08 58,492.00 65, 148.00 .6,656.00 Capital Outlay 94 069.49 79 220.28 88,416.00 111 628.00 23 212.00 TOTALS 253,094.93 257,787.80 2639704.00 301,426.00 37,722.00 471 Recreation Department Personal Services 52,050.16 61,955.17 69,427.00 74,062.00 4,635.00 Other Expenses 17,859.22 20,409.46 27,855.00 26,605.00 (1,250.00) Capital Outlay _ TOTALS 69,909-M 82,364.63 97,282.00 100,667.00 3;385.00 470 Band Personal Services 950.00 950.04 950.00 950.00 Other Expenses 179.53E 430.50 650.00 650.00 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - TOTALS 1,129.53 1,380.54 1,600.00 1,600.00 I .• f GRAND TOTS. PARKS,RECREATION & BAND 4,133.84 341,532.97 362.586.00 403,693.00 419107".00 lour- 116,796.00 a. nonarat 79 3 FS 124,552A0 3f10RFlrSE Parks 7,854.00 V i : Parks RECOEM b of Bu ted Ex itures by Ac nts 1970 1971 7973 Description Expends- Expends- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tune Budget Proposal Increase Decease PERSONAL SERVICES 475.10 Regular Employees 56,107 51 71,344 46 84,132 0 83,703 00 429 -00 475.1T Overtime 7,07,6 77 8,628 83 5,000 5,000- 00 475.12 Temporary Employees 25,110 97 33,847 45 25,664 33,947 00 8,283 00 475,13 Consulting Services 3,373 90 1,915 70 2,000 9 2,000 00 TOTALS 92,469 15 1152,736 44 116.796 8,283,00 429 00 NET INC IN ML =via IS.. 7,181.5%4. $ 8,283.00 Increase in Tenpors ry 10yees s arses City,,s e f Park Sch f IL ager. Le s Decrease 42400 7,854.00 NET INCHI f .1972 BUDGET TUTR. 58,492.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 65, 148.00 wnd: General C I T Y O F F R F D L E Y INCRERSE 6,656-00 Dept- Parks DECREASE Activity- Parks Prepared by: Summa r of Budgeted .Expenditures, by Accoun 1970 1971 1973 Description xpendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget _ Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 475 .20 Communications 2,018. )9 2,389 i9 2,400M 2,600 00. 200 00 475 ,21 Printing & Publishing 2,141. 3 2,664. 7 1,500. 1,500 00 475 .22 Utilities 3,676. 1 4,381. 9 4,000. )0 7,300 00 3,300 00 475.23 Travel , Conferences & Schools 463. 2 593. 0 575. 575 00 475 .24 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 6,555. 6 8,883. 0 5,000. 8,500 00 3,500 00 475.25 Maint. 3 Repair-Bldgs. 917. 7 1,927. 2 900. 900 00 475.,.26 Maint. & Repair- m�rov 8,513. 1 3,683. 1 7,327. 10,395 00 3,068 00 .27 Car Allowance ° rou s 475 .28 Cleaning & Baste Rem. 767. 0 978. 0 600. 600 475.29 Other Contractual Services 7,906. 8 4,986. 5,000. 3,500 00 1,500 00 ' 475 .30 Office Supplies 714. 932. 3 1,800. 1,600 00 200 00 475 .31 Tools 434. 8 1,007.2 1,200. 1,200 .32 475 .33 Motor Fuels & Lubes 1,611. 6 2,030. 9 1,725. 1,725 0 475 .39 General Supplies 23,852. 9 16,319. 2 14,000. 12,105 0 1,895 00 475.40 Rental 3,015. 0 3,070. 3,000. 3,000,00 475 .41 Insurance & Bonds 3,913. 5 7,217. 8 7,500. 7,2 300 00 .42 Awards 475.43 Dues & Subscriptions 53. 0 112. 0 225. 225 475.44 Hospital Insurance 1,641. 7 1,725. 2,20 48 ' 00 475.46 Licenses & Taxes 8. 5 15. 15 .47 Seal Coating .48 VenMog Kwhines .49 Cash 9wrtage .1 [ Refunds Total* 66,556. 9 62,8317 581,49Z 65,1411 1 ,551 3,0 ' 1972 BUDGET TOTAL A 58.492.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 65.148.00 GENERAL CITY OF F R I D L E Y • INCREASE 6.656.00 PARKS DECFFASE ActivitfPARKS Prepared by: Sun wry of 80 ieted Ex itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- . 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMAR NET ]NM EASE IN OTIER EXPENSE . . . . 6,656.00 $ 200.00 Increase in Communic do s 3,300.00 Increase in Utilitie. 3,500.00 Increase in Maintena ce ind Repa r f Equilm en . 3,068.00 Increase in Maintenaice ind Repa r M Groun s and Improve nti for ge nerg 1 r pair of existing faciliti s 483 .00_ Increase in Hospital Insurance t X10,551 .00 Total increase ` Less crease - 3,895.00 $ 6,656.00 NET INCREAS F �c�Cl 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $ 88.4i6.00 - 1473 REgKST TOTAL 111,628.00 Filed: General CITY OF FRIDLE. Y 114(3tEASE 23,212.00t DePt: Parks DECREASE Activity: Parks Prepared by: sunvory 6f Bud ted Ex itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 I Description Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease ry� CAPITAL OUTLAY 47550 Land 44,815.13 41,944 36 51,6564 61,515 00 R 9,859 00 , 47151 Bldgs. Structures 23,216.52 8,049 89 8,48 .0 14,743 100 R 6,263 00 47S 52 Furniture 5 Equipt. 24 3 358 28 74 .0 960 00 i; 220 00 47S53 Mach. 5 Auto. Equipt. 5,888 67 7,744 78 7,50 .0 7,350 00 R 150.100 47S54 Other Improvements 19,908.87 21,122 97 20 04 . 27,060 00 Tt 7,020 00 TOTALS 94,069 4 79,220 28 88,41 111,625 0 23,362 00 150. 0 • REMAR t NET EASE ITAL OUT . . . ..L23._212 00 C f CAPITAL B - PAME IMPARTWM- . . . . $_IrY,628 42 LAND Priority #1 Special As ssments $ 16,000.00 Priority #2 North Park LAWCON) ** ( inkl Payment Local Share)- 35,815.00 Priority #3 Rice Creek oad Area 9,700.00 ** The levy 1 itation not ap y o this it (LAWC(N) 61 515.00 T tal Land BUILDIK-S & STRUCTURES Priority #1 City Garage Addition P k Depa me t Shar years) 6,243.00 Priority' #2 Loa Par a ter B 1 (Par partme re for 5,000.00 , yea s nce r in ng Priority #3' Ruth Circle Park Sh t Build g. Comp l i for 3,500.00 winter of 1 73 f i far d t d boil n . 14 743.00 o I B.td$s. & St uc • 1972 BMW TOTAL 8,416.00._ 1973 REWE T TOTAL 111,628.00 ad: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y INCREASE 23,212.00 PARKS • DECREASE tivi PARKS • Prepared b : Sun iary of Budi ieted Ex itures by- Acc is 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture. Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM CONTINUE ) FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT Priority #1 Project+r (1) $ 125 00 Priority #2 File, Two Drawer (1) 75 00 Priority #3 Portabl Speaker 300 00 Priority #4 Bulleti Boards 10) 100 00 Priority #5 Chalk B rds (10 100 00 Priority #6 Steel dder 260 00 960, 00 Total Furniture & - Pquipment MACHINERY & AUTOMOTIVE UIPMENT Priority #1 Brush C ter - C ip r (1972 $ 6,000 00 Priority #2 Cement xer 400. 00 Priority #3 Mowers Hand ty 450W0 Priority #4 Hose (De Mainte nc ) 500 • 7.350 00 Total Machinery & Auto.Equipme ETHER IMPRMEMENTS Priority #1 Meadowl nd Park: 12,980 00 Plo oject B lane (Sto wer) 8,280.00 Ligh ing for ock & Ska in rinks 4,700.00 1 .00 138 • 1972 BjgW TOTAL ;,8,416.00 19773 REQUEST 70TAL 111,62 8.00 GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 1 E Y INCREASE 23,212.00 PARKS DECREASE 5twj PARKS Prepared by: Sunlary of Budgeted Expen itures by Ikc unts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expends Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM ',CONTINUE] ) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) Priority #2 Commons ark: Fe ce lootball Fi ld $ 5,000 00 Priority #3 Locke Pa k. Bridg ( terials chinery & abor) 1,000 00 Priority #4 Spring B ook Park F ncing 250.00 Priority #5 Plaza Palk: Hard Sur ace Cou t 1,600 00 Priority #6 Hyde Far l.: 2,950.00 Appa atus (4) $ 1,3 0. Hard Surface (our 1 6 $ 2,9 0. Priority #7 Logan, T rrace, C aig Rice C ee : Tennis lets 580 (Steel, hain Ty e) i Priority #8 Ruth Circle - Hoc ley loards 1,50 00 Priority #9 Hackmann Park - A par tus 1.200.00 i 27 060 otal Other Im ove-+ nts TOTAL PI L OUTLAY. . .. lIl 62$. I 1972 SIM TOTAL J9,427.00 1973 MUM TOTAL 74,062.00 GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY I .4,635.00 _ RECREATION DECREASE 5t,'Vity: RECREATION s Prepared by: Sun wry of Bud leted Ex itures by Ace wnts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tore Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES w 471.10 Salaries 5,750 00 7,000 00 7,50000 7,875 375. 471.11 Playground Personnel 9,742 16 12,266 17 13,450 00 14,750 1,300.)0 - 471.12 Day Camp Personnel - 2,484 00 3,000 00 3,440 00 droppe pr gram 3,440 00 471.13 Baseball Personnel 4,622 00 4,700 00 5,525 00 5,525,00 471.14 Beach Personnel 11 ,340 00 12,140 00 12,868 00 14,488 00 1,620. )0 471.15 Skating Personnel `' 8,424 00 8,824 00 8,490 00 10,060 1,570. 471.16 Winter Program- Children 864 00 964 00 2,622 00 4,322 1,700. 471.17 Winter Program- Adults 2,419 00 2,619 00 3,472 00 3,502 30. 471.18 Suamer Program- Adults 2,505 00 3,005 00 3,780 00 4,120 340. 471.19 Summer Program- Children 3,900 00 3,000 00 3,585 00 4,725. 0 1,140. 0 471.20 Concessions- (Year Around) ( 2 } 4,437 OOr 4,695 00 4,695. DO TOTALS 52,054 16 61,955 IT --69,427 74,062.DO 8,075. 0 3,440 00 $ 8,075.00 Increase i Persona Se vices Less crease - 3,440.00 $ 4,635.00 NET INOREA IE 140 1972 BUDGET TOTAL )7.855-00 1973 REQUEST 70TAL 26,605.00 GENERAL C I T Y O F f A I O L 'E Y • INCREASE _ RECREATION DECREASE 1,250.00 r ECREATION Prepared b Sun iary of Bud,leted Ex itures,by Accounts i 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tore Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES 471.21 Supplies 1,265 11 1 ,089 59 1 ,100 00 1,100 00 471.21 Annual Report 25 00 471.22 Beach Stickers 410 00 523 50 500 00 500 00 471.23 Travel-Conf.-Schools 403 98 387 65 450 00 450 00 471.30 Playground Material 3,612 92 2,667 33 4,800 00 4,80W00 471.31 Bus Transportation 440 00 2,690 00 2,200 00 2,200 00 I 471 .32 Playground Insurance 500 00 432 00 750 00 750 00 471.34 Day Camp Material 2,575 38 688 34 1 ,000 00 .(droppe pr gram) 1,000. 471.36 Baseball Equipment 689 75 1 ,247 90 2,300 00 2,300 00 471.38 Trophies 679 34 930 49 700 00 700 00 471.39 Concessions 3,147 89 1 ,545 54 4,500 00 4,500 00 471.40 Hockey Equipment 540 95 446 90 1,100 00 1,100 00 471 .41 Machines-Concessions 2,373 66 2,000 00 2,000 00 471.42 Ice Time 500 00 600 00 600 00 471.46 Halloween Party 250 00 faroppe pr gram) 250. )0 471 .50 Softball Equipment. 2,127 30 3,411 05 1 ,600 00 1,600 00 471 .51 Softball Entry Fees 220 00 40010o. 400 00 j 471.52 Girls' Softball 499 10 40011111 400 00 471 .53 Summer Program-Adults 20 00 1 ,200 0 1,200 00 471.56 Tennis Equipment .326 27 180 50 400 0 400 00 - ! 471 .59 Festival Material 151 81 400 0 . 4.00 00 471 .66 Basketball Equipment 74 75 127 60 600 600 00_. i 471.67 Basketball Entry Fee 509 0 40 00 80 0 80 00 471.68 Football Equipment 326 58 186 0 400 0 .400 00 471.69 Girls' Dancing 125 0 225 00 4. 471.82 Refunds 185 0 70 0 TOTALS 17,859 2 20,409 6 27,855 0 26,605.00 1,25&. s J 1972 BtAtOET TOTAL -)$27.855.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 26,605.00 Aa; GENERAL C I T Y O F F It I D L E Y • INCREASE RECREATION DECREASE I,250.00 tivi . RECREATION Pre ared b Sun iary of Bu6,ieted Expme n itures by- Ace lunts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES (CONTIN D) REMARKS NET I IEG LEASE OTHER EXPEN ES $ 1,250. 0 14` un seem ism $ 950 IW3 7M 950.00 Qenerdl INCFEJISE city n DECIIEME 5100: City nd re red b Sunmary of Budgeted Expenditures, by Acotgnts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease PERSONAL SERVICES 1470-10 Regular Employees 950 00 950M4 950 0 950,00 .11 Overtime .12 Temporary Employees .13 Consulting Services TOTALS 950 00 950- 04 950 950,09 Maw Av C e II� ' 14.`3 -- J 1972 BUDGET TMAL $ 650.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 654.00 Fund: General C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y IMMERSE Dept: City Band DECREASE Activity: city Band Prepared by: Summa of Budgeted .Expenditure s by Accoun 1970 1971 1973 Description xpendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease- OTHER EXPENSES .20 Communications .21 Printing & Publishing .22 Utilities .23 Travel, Conferences X Schools .24 Naint. 3 Repair-Equip. .25 Wat_ 3 Repair-R1d9s. .26 Naiat. 1 Repair-lmprov • .27 Car Allsaance .28 Cleaning b iRaste ka. .29 Other Contractual Services � 470.30 Office Supplies- 179. 3 430. 0 .37 Toots .32 ..33 Notor Fuels 6 Lubes 470.39 General Supplies &50jD0 65 .40 Rental .41 Insurance a Bonds .42 Awards .43 Dues 6 Subscriptions .44 Hospital Insurance _46 Licenses b Taxes . .47 Seal Coating .48 Rending Na Mwn .0 Cash Shona 14,1 .82 rte€ands TOTALS 179. 3 430. 0 650 6501001 11 1 ' 1972 BUDGEF VITAL $ 1,145.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 58,500.00 4 GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY IKREpSE 3,355.00 Dept: DECREASE rPrepared ivi ; RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES by: Surmary of Budgeted Expenditures. by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease 490 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES 55,145 00 58,500,00 3,355 00 TOTALS 55,145 00 58,500 .00 3055.00 141 CITY Of FRIDLEY — SUMMARY SHEET - 1 973 BUDGET FUND GENERAL • 1 BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR ACCT. N0. ITEM 1970 11971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFINANL'ED 480 INSURANCE PERSONAL BENEFITS) Personal Services Other Expenses 16,000.62 --- --- --- Capital Outlay --- ' --- --- TOTALS 16,000.62 --- --- MAL 145 • 1972 BUDGET TOTAL --- GENERAL 1973 REQUEST 70TAL --- ued: CITY Of FRI DLEY INCREASE DECREASE Activity: HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE Prepared b _.Lum iary of Bed eted Expe itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease 480.41 HEALTH INSURANCE 16,000 62 -- --- --- TOTALS 16,000 62 --- --- --- • i REMARK This w budgeted in each de rtnent • i 14 CITY Of FRIDLEY — SU " NARY SHEET — 1973 BUDGET FUND P. E. R. A. ACCT. N0. ITEM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFIRMCED 495 P. E. R. A. Personal Services --- Other Expenses 85,228.90 50,098.70 58,375.00 58,375.00- --- Capital Outlay --- --- --- TOTALS 85,228.90 50,098.70 58,375.00 58,375.00 --- 148 1972 BUDGET TOTAL $D 375.00 7973 REQUEST TOTAL 580375.00 ,�. P. E. R. A. CITY 0 F R I DLEY • INCREASE - De t• P. E. R. A. - Social Security DECREASE --- Activity-. Pension • Prepared by: Summary of Budgeted Ex enditures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease 495.45 P. E. R. A. - City's Contribution - Regular Employees 32,810 15 38,086 86 42,500 00 ,42,500 00 495.46 Social Security - Regular Employees 9,560 38 12,011 84 15,875 00 15,875 00 Police & Fire Contingencies 495.47 Balance from Previous Years - Regular and Fire 42,858 37 TOTALS 85,228 90 50,098 70 58,375 00 58,375 00 149 CITY Of FRIDLEY — SU " KARY SHEET — 1973 BUDGET FUND Fire Relief Association BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR Auk.,I . NO. ITEM 1970 1971 19.72 1973 DECREASE UNFINANCED FIRE RELIEF FUND OTHER EXPENSES 37,568.85 47.322.04 31 ,172.00 34,451.00 3,279.00 GM TUTAL 1�C1 - 1972 BUDGET TOTAL _ 31 172.0 Fund: FIRE RELIEF C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y 7973 REQUEST TOTAL 34,451 .00 • INCREASE 3 ,274.00 Dept: . DECREASE Activity: Prepared by:- Sumary of Budgeted Ex enditures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease REVENUE collected by other ' agencies 37,568 85 47,322 04 31 ,172 00 -34,45T 00 3,279 00 REMARKS Expendit res set acc rd ng to StBte guideline act . CITY OY FRIDLEY — SUMMARY S.11E_ET — 1 973 BUDGET Police Pension fUMR! .. BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNFINANCED POLICE PENSION Other Expenses 43,58.72 52,819.58 56,396.00 68,992.00 12,596.00 GM TUFAL 152 l • 1972 BWGET TOTAL a ,396.00 1973 REQUEST 70TAL 68,992.00 d; POLICE PENSION C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y INCREASE 12,596.00 t. TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS DECREASE Activity: Prepared by: _Sumary f Budgeted Ex itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget . Proposal Increase Decrease 495.81 Revenue collected by other agencies 43,578 12 52,819 58 56,396 00 68,992 00 12,596 00 REMAR Dispatch rs ire carr ed under r gu ar P.E.R.A re irement pl n f r civilian employee blic S fe y Direc or is under s ate wide polic an fire retire= went sys em, and is nc uded in th budget fo th P.E.R.A. and NOTE-: Based on est red ted b se rate of pa for top tro men of 32 53f . 27 Police Officers exc us o D spatche s nd Public afe y Director. 217, $ ,536 $ 8 992. It is es ima the it mill rice ve about $ 0,0 0 of this a from State Af s. NOTE, This budget tas not leex plepar d Jn accordan e w th the Guidelires Act, but is computed on the basii al the agie a tent betwee th City and the employees of th Police Department , li 3 CITY O F F R I D L. E Y — S U 1 4 1 4 A R Y S H E E T — 1 973 BUDGET STATE AID FiM BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE OR 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE UNMANCED STATE AID Other Expenses 123,861 .81 152,534.37 140,000.00 157,871.00 17,8 7 .00 154 a � • 1972 Bi DGEr TOULL $1),000.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 157,871.00 Ft�d: CITY OF FRIOLEY INCREASE 17,871.00 DECREASE Activit • STATE AID Prepared by: Sumary of, Bud eted Ex a itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expends- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease .29 Other Contractual Services 123,861 81 152,534 37 140,000 00 157,871 17,871 00 .39 General Supplies .70 Transfers Out . TOTALS 123,861 81 152,534 37 140,000 00 157,871 17,871 00 E RKS Budge is on t mated re-,& is for State Aid Funds in 1 3 1 ;; DEPARTMENT REQUEST S WUY RMp Civic Center Bonds FWCTION Principal & Interest ACTIVITY .Debt Service ACCT- NO. IT, No. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECREASE Civic Center Bonds Personal Services --- --- --- --- Other Expenses 15,388.30 14,746.71 15,500.00 191200.00 3,700.00 Capital Outlay 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 TOTALS 35,388.30 34,746.71 35,500.00 39,200.04 3,70Q-00 I I .I - 1972 8l)M TOTAL $ 500.00 CIVIC CENTER 7973 REQUEST 70TAL 19,200.00 CITY Of FRIOLEY • INCREASE 3,700.00 i PRINCIPAL & INTEREST • 5,vity: DEBT SERVICE - DECREASE Prepared by: Suin wry of Budgeted Ex i tures by Ace is 1970 1971 1973 _. Description 'Expendi- Expek 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture tyre Budget Proposal Increase Decrease . .29 Contractual Services 63 30 61 71 60 00 .44 Interest 15,325 00 14,685 00 14,045 OO 13,465100 640.Xr .45 Contingencies --- --- 1 ,395 00 5,735M 4,340 TOTALS 15,388 30 14,746 71 15,50000 19,200 00 4,340. )0 640. RENb4 T m levies f this mam set tip mt Ila time the I onds were sold.. 4 i '. 1972 BIET TOTAL $• 00.00 1973 REQUEST 7UTAL 20,000.00 _ CIVIC CENTER C I T Y 0 f F R I D L E Y • INCREASE PRINCIPAL & INTEREST DECREASE AcLivi DEBT SERVICE Prepared b Surm ia ry of Budj jeted Ex Pen itures by Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY .46 Principal 20,000 00 205000 00 20,000 00 �20,000 00 -- i • 1.5 DEPARTM W REQUEST S MNARY FUMD PARK BONDS FUNCTION PRINCIPAL & INTEREST ACTIVITY DEBT SERVICE ACCT. N0. INCRUSE OR r V. HO. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1973 DECK ME PARK BONDS Personal Services --- "' Other Expenses 5,368.65 4,278.00 4,400.00 1,600.00 (2,800.00) CapitAl Outlay 30,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.100 40,000.00 TOTALS 35,368.65 39,278.00 44,400.00 41,600.00 (2,800.00) 159 i _ 1972 B1AM TOTAL )400.00 7973 REME,ST TOTAL 19600.00 _ PARK BONDS C I T Y O F F lR I D L E Y • INCREASE , PRINCIPAL & INTEREST 2,800,00 r t IDev -- 0 DECRElISE Activity: SERVICE 0 Prepared b • Sun jary of Budj jeted ExPen ditures b Ace unts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease OTHER EXPENSES � .29 Other Contractual Services 33 65 40 50 35 00 35 00 -- -- .44 Interest 5,335 00 4,237 50 2,945 00 1,565• .45 Contingencies 1 ,420 00 f,42D TOTALS 5,368 65 4,278 00 4,400 00 1,600. 1 2,600 00 160 _ 1972 SW T MALL 00.00 1973 REQUEST TOTAL 4Q,000.00 PARK BONDS CITY OF FRIDLEY INCREASE --- PRINCIPAL & INTEREST DECREASE --- 5tiAc 'vity: DEBT SERVICE _ Prepared b . Su of$ud eted Ex i tures b Acc unts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi-- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture-. Budget Proposal Increase Decrease CAPITAL OUTLAY . j .46 Principal 30,000 00 35,000 00 40,000 DO '40,000 00 -- -" TOTALS 30,000 00 35,000 00 40,000 00 40,000.W ;1p Zhu. DEPARTNM REQUEST SUWRY FUND DEBT SERVICE SPECIAL FUNCTION ACTIVITY ACCT. NO. ASSESSMENT FUND , INCREW OR � :NO. ITEM 1970 1971 1972 1.973 DECREASE DEBT SERVICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUN Personal Services --- --- --- Other Expenses Capital Outlay --- --- TOTALS --- --- --- 16.E i 97 GET 2 BUD TOTAL r/ 1973 REQUF:ST TOTAL - - CITY OF F R I D1EY • INCREASE r0ept: DECREASE -- Activit DEBT SERVICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND Prepared by: Sumary of Bud eted Ex a itures b Accounts 1970 1971 1973 Description 'Expendi- Expendi- 1972 Budget Code (Account Title) ture ture Budget Proposal Increase Decrease .70 Transfers Out °- RE AARKS No bu t equested t is anti i ted transfe coi be made from L. pu olic Util tie Fund. 10!4/1972 1973 GRADE SCHEDULE 5% GRADE , r NOME. PROGRESSION GOING RATE SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE ' Step A Step B tep C tep Step 4 425 446 468 ` - 492 516 - 5 448 .468 492 516 543 6 468 492 516 543 570 7 492 516 543 ' 570 599 8 516 543 570 -.599 628 88 524 556 584 613 644 9 543 570 599 628 660 10 570 599 628 660 693 11 599 628 660 693 727 12 628 660 693 727 764 13 660 693 727 764 802 14 6934 727 764' 802 84 15 727 764 802 842 884 16 - 764 802 842 884 928 17 802 842 $84 928 975 '18 842 884 928 975 -1024 186 863 906 951 999 1`04.9 19 884 928 975 1024 1075 20 928 975 1024 1075 1128 21 975 1024 1075 1128 1184 22 ' 1024 1075 1128 1184 1243 23 1075 1128 1184 1243 1305 24 1128 1184 1243 1305 1371 25 1184 1243 1305 1371 1440 26 1243 1305 1371 1440 1512 27 1305 1371 1440 1512 1588 28 1371 1440 1512 '1588 1667 10/4/1972 1973 GRADE SCHEDULE - 5% GRAQg . WMAL PROGRESSION GOING RATE SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Step A Step 8 -ep C t�ep �- step 29 1440 1512 1588 1667 '1750 30. - 1512 1588 1667 1750 1837 A. SALARY C' OMPARIS0N SCHEDULE STARTING 1973 SALARIES ,, ,'DATE AME G DE r ACTUAL 1972 FOR NON-UNION PERSONNEL JOB�CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY ANNUALLY MONTHLY ANNUALLY 6/15/71 .Gerald R. Davis 3@ 1 ,666.66 3@ 1 ,791 .66 City Manager 9@ 1 ,791 .66 21 ,125.00 9@ 1 ,926.08 22,710.00 -.1/11/63 Nasim M. ,Qureshi Non-Graded City Engineer 1 ,745.83 20,950.00 1 ,797.91 21 ,575.00 8/15/54 Marvin C. Brunsell Non-Graded Asst. City M r. Finance Dir. 1 ,545:83 18,550.00 12583.33 19,000.00.::. 611772 James P. Hill* Non-Graded Asst. City Mgr./Public Safety 5-@ 1 ,500.00 ' Director 1 ,550.00 18,000.00 6k@ 1 ,583.33 18,542.00 !7/15/56 Darrel Clark Pion-Graded Community Development Admstr. 1 ,291 .66 15,500.00 1 ,333.33 16,000.00 1/1/65 Robert S. Hughes ' g Non-Graded Fire Chief 1 ,291 .66 15,500.00 1 ,333.33 16,000.04 5/22/61 Mervin Herrmann Non-Graded Assessor 19266.66 15,200.00 1 ,333.33 16,000.00 9/]/54 ,Everett W. McCarthy. Non-Graded Police Chief 1 ,292.17 15,506.00 1 ,292,17 15,506.00 7/1/63 ($R. D. Aldrich. Non-Graded Deputy Fire Chief & Civil - 1 252.00 15 024.00 1 291 .66 15 50 (Sl,soo c.�.) o.00 Defense Director X8/15/54 Robert McGuire _ . Non-Graded Liquor. Store Manager 1 ,283.33 15,400.00 1 ,283.3: 15,400.00 4/1.5/56 Lester E.- Chesney Non-Graded Superintendent of Public Work 1 ,291 .66 15,500.00 1 ,208.33 14,500.00 3/1/65 Paul B. Brown N 10/1/58 on-Graded Parks & Re c. Director 1 ,191 .66 14,300.00 1 ,208.33 14,500.00 William H. Sandin 18 Plumbing Inspector 9 P r 1 ,074.46 12,893.0.0. 1 ,127.67 13,532.00 /21/66 Leon Madsen - 19 Appraiser. 1 ,049.60 12,595.00 1 ,101 .88 13,223.00 Vacant Assistant Engineer 6@ 1 ,083.33 Walter Mulcahy- 6@ 1 ,116.66 13,200.00 19 Appraiser 8@ 975.00 2@ 1 ,075.00 4@ 1 ,024.00 11 ,896.00 10@ 11,101 .88 13,169.00 SALARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE STARTING 1973 SALARIES DATE ACTUAL 1972 FOR NON-UNION PERSONNEL E GRADE JOB CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY ANNUALLY MONTHLY ANNUALLY 4/2/68 Peter Herlofsky 19 Administrative Assistant 3@ 928.00 3@ 1 ,049.60 2/2/70 9@ 999.38 11 ,778.00 9@ 1 ,101 .87 13,065.00 6/11/62 Dennis M. 'Ottem Union Fire Captain 1119/69 6@ 1 ,018.00 ' 6@ 1 ,041 .00 12,354.00 1 ,085.00 13,020.00 12/4/61 Gerald Nordlund 18 Eng. Technician 1 ,023.75 12,285.00 11@ 1 ,075.20 1@ 1 ,100.80 12,928.00 6/20/66 Clarence Belisle 18k.. 8 Building Inspector 1 ,024.48 12,294.00 1 ,075.22 12,902.00 ,4/15/59 Curtis Dahlberg 17 Senior Engineering Aide 997.60 11 ,971 .00 1 ,048.12 12,577.00 5/16/60 Gary E. Larson Union Fire Fighter 8@ 899.00 8@ 976.00 3/1/70 4@ 939.00 10,948.00 4@ 1 ,025.00 11 ,908.00 1/1/69 Howard H. Simonson Union Fire Fighter 6@ 893.00 6@ 935.00 10,968.00 977.00 11 ,724.00 6/15/69 Clyde Moravetz 17 Senior Engineering Aide 884.00 10,608.00 4@ 928.00 3/1/71 5@ 951 .20 4 3@ 999.37 11 ,466.00 1/18/60 Harriet Buechner. 15 Senior Accountant 862.15 10,345.00 950.30 11 ,404.00 3/2/70 Gordon Middag Non-Graded Purchasing Agent 8@ 906.00 4@ 950.00 11 ,048.00 950.00 11 ,400.00 6/27/72 Jerrold"Boardman 19 Planning Assistant 842.00 10,104.00 1@ 884.00 11@ 928.00 11 ,092.00 11/22/60 John Hreha Assistant Liquor' Store Mgr. & Liquor Store Clerk 799.31 9,592.00 882.66 10,592.00 10/11/72 Robert Nordahl -18- Operations Analyst 4@ 842.00 r 8@ 884.00 10,440.00 6119/72 _Ronald Morris 16; Engineering Aide 764.00 9,168.00 6@ 802.00 6@ 842.00 9,864.00 •- - --- - - - - - r....4-.,a;an 693.00 8,316.00 764.00 9,168.00 SALARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE 1973 SALARIES .STARTING ACTUAL 1972 FOR NON-UNION PERSONNEL DATE AME GRADE JOB CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY ANNUALLY MONTHLY ANNUALLY 7/29/65 7@ 745.17 4/ /68 Mary Lu Strom 11= Secretary City Manager 710.32. 8,523.00 5@ 763.35 9,033.00 ,x/17/62 Hazel O'Brien 10 Secretary - Engineering 693.00 8,316.00 727.65 8,732.00 1/18/65 Shirley Haapala 10 Secretary-Supervisor, Finance 676.50 8,118.00 .727.65 8,732.00 9/19/66 Juel Mercer 10 Secretary - City Council 676.50 8,118.00 710.32 8,524.00 5/ /68 Cassandra Berra 8/18/60 Y 9 Secretary - Police 8@ 659.40 4@ 674.87 7,975.00 709.50 8,514.00 ' New Position Jr. Accountant 6@ 660.00 6@ 693.00 8,118.00 2/7/66 Inez Kapala 9 Secretary '-. Public Works 643.70 7,724.00 676.50 8,118.00 4/20/64 Betty Okerstrom 8h Chief Billing Clerk 644.18 7,730.00 676.20` 8,114.00 5/23/66 Pat Sykes 8' Chief Assessment Clerk 609.87 7,318.00 660.10 7,921 .00 .11/7/69 Cathryn Stordahl 9 Secretary Park 6@ 570.00 5@ 628.00 1/ /70 6@ 599.00 7,014.00 7@ 660.00 7,760.00 10/6/69 Barbara Ridout 8h• Electronic Accounting 3@ 543.00 3@ 613.00 Machine Operator 9@ 570.00 6,759.00 9@ 644.00 7,635.00 Liquor Clerks (5) 636.66 7,592.00 6/30/68 Mary Hintz 7 Secretary' - Building Insp. 6@ 543.00 6@ 556.57 6,597.00 613.97 7,368.00 8/14/68 Florence Engelbrecht 6 Liquor Inventory Clerk 7@ 516.00 4@ 556.57 11/1/69 5@ 528.90 6,256.00 8@ 584.25 6'900.00 11/12/69 Ferne Insley « 7 Secretary Assessor 501 .00 60012.00 4@ 543.00 11/29111 6@ 570.00 2@ 584.25 6,160.00 SALARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE 1973 SALARIES ,STARTING ACTUAL 1972 FOR NON-UNION PERSONNEL DATE NAME GRADE JOB CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY ANNUALLY MONTHLY ANNUALLY 7/1/63 Elinor Thoennes 5 Clerk :Typist 541 .80 6,502.00 560.00 6,720.00 1/13/68 Nikki SzegAa 5 Clerk - Typist 492.00 5,904.00 556.58 6,678.00 8/30/71 Dorothy S. Evenson 7 Planning Secretary 3@ 425.00 10@ .516.00 9@ 446.00 5,290.00 2@ 543.00 6,246.00 9/7/70 Bonnie Gingerich 5 Switchboard and license 3@ 446.00 2@ 492.00 Clerk 9@ 468.00 5,550.06 10@ 516.00 6,144.00 . ;10/5/71 Beryl Lietzke 5 Cashier 4@ 425.00 3@ 468.00 8@ 446.00 5,268.00 9@ 492.00 5,832.00 11/24171 Paula Long 5 Billing Machine -Operator 4@ 425.00 5@ 468.00 8@ 446.00 5,268.00 7@ 492.00 5,784.00 3/8/72 Margaret Goranson 5 Reproduction Clerk 6@ 425.00 8@ 468.00 6 @ . 446.00 5,226.00 4@ 492.00 5,712.00 5/8/72 B. Suzanne Coyle 5 Special Assessment Clerk 6@ 425.00 10@ 468.00 i 6@ 446.00 5,226.00 2@ 492.00 5,664.00 a GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y . r yt: CITY COUNCIL 7973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS a 3vity: CITY COUNCIL 'P ared by: Detail of Employee Services 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY �Plo Hr tiTHLY Job of Rasa Lone- TOTAL of Base Eeng�- TOTAL : � of Employee Classification Pb. Salary vity Total SALARY 'b. ' Salary vity Total SALAR': MAYOR 12 385.00 385.00 4,620.00 12 404.25 404.Z5 ,8ST.EI `ARGE COUNCILMAN 12 330.00 330.00 3,960.00 12 346.54 346.5a ,158- WARD I COUNCILMAN 12 330.00 330.00 3,9'60.00 12 346.50 346.50 4,15&00 LARD II COUNCILMAN 12 330.00 330.00 3,960. 12 346,50 346_50 ,158.00; WARD III COUNCILMAN 12 330.00 330.00 3,960.00 12 346.50 346.54 ,158.'00 �a 20,460.0 ,483..00 OVERTIME 500- 750_10' CONSULTANTS 1 ,000. --- 21 ,964.0 ,233:00 i 3 . 164 � � IF,und; GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY CITY MANAGER 1973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity- CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Le aced b : „M Detail of Empl2yee Services_ 1972 1973 NO. MONTRLY No. M NT I Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL '1 of Employee Classification Mo. Sal .ry vity Total SALARY Mo. ' Salary vity Total SALARY- of R. DAVIS CITY MANAGER 3 1 ,666.66 1 ,666.66 3 1 ,791 .66 ,791 .6 - �/l5/71 9 1 ,791 .66 1 ,791 .66 21 ,125.00 9 1 ,926.08 ,926.Of 221710. iPE:TER NERLOFSKY ADMINISTRATIVE 3 928.00 928.00 3 1 ,024.00 25.60 ,049.6 412158 - 2/2/70 ASSISTANT (19) 9 975.00 24.38 999.38 11 ,778.00 9 1 ,075.00 26.87 ,101..8 13,065-. Rh%) (2h%) MARY LU STROM SECRETARY - 7 727.00 18.17 745.1 I 7/29/65 - 4/68 CITY MANAGER (11) 12 693.00 17.32 710.32 8,523.00 5 727.00 36.35 7633 9,033. (2h%) 2k & 5%) - � JUEL MERCER SECRETARY - 9/19/66 - 5/68 CITY COUNCIL (10) 12 660.00 12.5) 676.50 8,118.00 12 693.00 (217.32 710.3 8,524`. I • 49,544.00 53,332:-_ i CONTINGENCIES (sho ) 454.00 5 ¢ ' OVERTIME 230.00 (2 �+• TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1 ,250.00 11000*• 51 ,478.00 54,052::: irei Fend: GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y " D,,pt: FINANCE 7973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity- ELECTION & REGISTRATION Prepared b Detail of Employee Service _ { 1972 1973 No. M6NTHLY No. MONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL. Na►ne of Employee Classification MD. Salary vity Total SALARY MD. Salary vity Total SALAR?: 11 MPORARY EMPLOYEES CITY 3,327.00 3,363. °cPAPORARY EMPLOYEES JUDGES 6,000.00 3,500.. 9,327.00 6,863. i � lEiti mod° GENERAL CITY O F F R I D L E Y FINANCE 1973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: ASSISTANT CITY MGR./FINANCE DIR. Pre gr b : ASSISTANT CITY MGR./FINANC DIR. Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 No. H No. ­` Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Mam of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY 4, VIN C. BRUNSELL ASSISTANT CITY MGR. 0/15/54 -FINANCE DIR. 12 1,545.83 1 ,545.8 18,550.00 12 1 ,583.33 1,583.33 - 11,000. _ y rGORDON MIDDAG PURCHASING AGENT 8 906.00 906. 3/2/70 AND PERSONNEL 4 950.00 950.0 11 .048.00 12 950.00 950.0 .11 ,400. E (HARRIET BUECHNER SR. ACCOUNTANT (15) 12 802.00 1/18/60 60.15 862.15 10,345.00 12 884.00 66.30 950.30 11 ,404. ,t (7k%) (73j%) {NEW POSITION JR. ACCOUNTANT (13) 6 660.00 660.00 6 693.00 693.00 8,118. �SHIRLEY HAAPALA SECRETARY 1/18/65 SUPERVISOR (10) 12 660.00 16.50 676.50 8,118.00 12 693.00 34.65 727.65 8,732. (2k%) (5%) BETTY OKERSTROM CHIEF BILLING 4/20/64 CLERK (8h) 12 613.50 30.68 644.1 7,730.00 12 6.44.00 32:20 676.20 8,114. E5%) (5%) 6RICIA SYKES CHIEF ASSESSMENT 5/23/66 CLERK (Eh) 12 595.00. 14 � 609.87 7,318.00 12 644.00 (2.%) 660.10 7,921 . ARBARA RIDOUT LECTRONIC ACCOUNT- 3 543.00 543.00 3 613.00 613.00 10/6/69 ING MACHINE OPR.(8;jj 9 570.00 570.00 6,759.00 9 644.00 644.00 7,635.. 1G7 Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I O L E Y Dom: FINANCE 1973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: ASSISTANT CITY MGR./FINANCE DIR. ?re pared b : ASSISTANT CITY MGR./FINANCE DIR. Detail of Employee Service �y 1972 1973 No. NMTHLY No. NDNTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification No. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY {LORENCE ENGELBRECff LIQUOR INVENTORY 7 516.00 516.00 4 543.00 13.57 556.57 8/14/68 - 11/1/69 CLERK (6) 5 516.00 12s9O 528.90 6,256.00 8 570.00 14.25 584.25 6,900. ( h ) PAULA LONG BILLING MACHINE 4 425.00 425.00 5 468.00 468.00 11/24/71 OPERATOR (5) 8 446.00 446.00 5,268.00 7 492.00 492.00 5,784. MARGARET GORANSON REPRODUCTION 6 425.00 425.00 8 468.00 468.00 3/8/72 CLERK (5) 6 446.00 446.00 5,226.00 4 492.00 492.00 5,712. BERYL LIETZKE CASHIER (5) 4 425.00 425.00 ''3 468.00 468.00 10/5/71 8 446.00 446.00 5,268.00 9 492.00 492.00 5,832. B. SUZANNE COYLE SPECIAL ASSESSMENr 6 425.00 425.00 10 468.00 468.00 5/8/72 CLERK (5) 6 446.00 446.00 5,226.00 2 492.00 492.00 5,664. BONNIE SWITCHBOARD AND 3 446.00 446.00 - 2 492.00 492.00 9/7/70 LICENSE CLERK (5) 9 468.00 468.00 5,550.00 10 516.QQ. 516.00 6,144. 102,662.00 118,360 CONTINGENCIES 3,_39{,00 ESS: CHARGED DIRE TLY TO: CITY HALL 3,992.00) 3,964. 1 UTILITY FUND ( 4,185.00) 2,507. LIQUOR ( 3,473.00) 4 738. y + Fend: GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I O L E Y Dot: FINANCE 1973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: ASSISTANT CITY MGR./FINANCE DIR. Ire ared by: ASSIST NT CITY MGR. FINANC DIR Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 No. No. N HLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary : vity Total SALARY MD. Salary vity Total SALARY Lt,SS: CHARGED DIRECTLY TLY T0: (Conti n u e SPECIAL ASSESSMENT 17,964.00 (16,737.) ELECTIONS 18,,120:00 9,983.) OTHER DEPTS. (PURC IN & REPTOD TION) 70,911.00 1,292. 35,132.00 37A68. OVERTIME 11000.00 500. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 2,600.00 13,100. 8,372.00 40,668. Fund: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I O L E Y -- Dept; FINANCE 7973 BUDGET VORK SHEETS Activity- ASSESSOR Prepared by.- Detail of Empl2&e Services_ 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY No. MONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Ma. Salary vity Total SALARY Mb. Salary vity Total SALARY MERVIN HERRMANN ASSESSOR 1 12 1 ,266.66 1 ,266.66 15,200.00 12 1 ,333.33 1 ,333,33 16. 0:. � 5!22/6. i 00 LEON MADSEN APPRAISER- (19) 26.88 2/21/66 12 1 ,024.00 25.60 1,049.60 12,595.00 12 1 ,075.00 (2.%%) 19101 .88 13,223.. WALTER MULCAHY APPRAISER (19) 8 975.00 975.00 2 1 ,075.00 1 ,075.00 3/3/69 4 1,024.00 1,024.00 11 ,896.00 10 1,075.00 26.88 1,101.88 13,169. - FERNE INSLEY SECRETARY (7) 4 543.00 543.00 - I1IT2/69 - 11/29/ 1 12 501.00 501 .00 .6,012.00 6 570.00 570.00 2 570.00 14.25 584.25 6,760. CONTINGENCY 1,135.0 (2)jK) 4- 46,838.00 49,152. t OVERTIME 1,200-00 1,200. TEMPORARY HELP 2,500. 2,500. LESS CHARGED TO S P IAL ASSESSMENT PROJ CTS (3,250. (3,200. I, 47,288. 49,652_ ii0 - Fes- GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY Dept; FINANCE 19 .73 BUDGET N © RK SHEETS Activity: AUDITING Prepared by: Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY No. NTHL Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Nab of Employee Classification No. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY CONSULTING SERVICES 51500.00 5,000 • F,:,d. GENERAL CITY OF F R i OLE Y - De:�t- LEGAL � 1973 8UDGET 'WORK SHEETS Activity- LEGAL Prepared by: - Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 No' THLY No. MONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY C. HERRICK CITY ATTORNEY , RETAINER 12 700.00 700.00 8,400.00 12 700.00 700.00 8j400. JAMES GIBBS CITY PROSECUTOR 12 750.00 750.00 9,000.00 12 750.00 750.00 9,000. j CITY ATTORNEY OTHER 4,925.00 5,000. 22,325.00 22,400, TEMPORARY HELP 1 ,800.00 2.0 000. 24,125.00 24,400. v i 1 y F£..=yd: GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY Dept: BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 1973 BUDGET NOAK SHEETS Activity- INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT i 'Prepared by: Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY No. MONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL. Name of Employee Classification No Salary vity. _ Total SALARY No. ' Salary vity Total SALARY -TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 150.00 150. i 0,071 Fmd: GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I O L E Y Dept: BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 1 9 7 3 B U D G E T V I O R K SHEETS Activity: POLICE & CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION re pared b Detail of fiaployee Services 1972 1973 No. HLY No. MONTHLY Job of Base Longer TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL. Namme of Employee Classification 14o. Salary vity Total SALARY MD. Salary vity Total SALAR' TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 100.00 ._ 125. t. Find: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 L E V Deg�i: BOARDS COMMISSIONS 1 9 7 3 B U D G E T M O R N S E E T S Activity: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION re arad b : Mail of [Mleyee Servicei _ T 1972 1973 No. No.' KWKV Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification No. Salary vity Total SALARY Mb. Salary vity Total SALARY TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 500, CONSULTANTS 100, . 600. r F-nd: GENERAL CITY. OF F R I D L E Y E e p�t_ BOARDS b COMMISSIONS 1 9 7 3 O V 9 G E T. w 0 K_ K S N E E T S Activity PLANNING, COMMISSION r by: Detail of Employee Service_ _ 1972 1,973 No-. MMMY No. FWHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification No. Salary vity Total SALARY M. " Salary vity Total SALARY CONSULTING SERVICES 2,000.00 1 .000r- GENERAL : 8Ql1RDdafQ!lIISSi01 _ 197 ** an sWEETS ttw CIARM , not ton now WAL ft"#tame of Ei 16yee Owifica"m sorm vflt UU1 SILM Selma - Toul SUM EMPQRRRY EW- YEES 1 I•` GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 L E Y BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 1973 BUDGET YORK SHEETS 4. Activity: CIVIC CENTER lPrepared by: Detail of Employee Services 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY NO.' I- MTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL. Name of Employee Classification MD. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY PAUL PAULSON CUSTODIAN (14) 12 693.00 693.00 8,316.00 12 764.00 764.00 9,168. SWITCHBOARD SERVIC 3,992.00 3,964. CONTINGENCY 168.00 . 00 476 12, . i 3,132. OVERTIME 200.00 210._ TEMPORARY HELP 300.00 13,000.... 12,976.00 6,342... 1 i -, 178 Ft.z;d: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I O L E Y Dept. POLICE _ 1973 8 U D G E T WORK SHEETS Activity: Prepared by: Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 NTH L No. MONTHLY . Job of� Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY D1o. Salary vity Total SALARY JAMES P. HILL ASSISTANT CITY 6/1/72 MANAGER/PUBLIC 52 1 ,500.00 1 ,500.00 SAFETY DIRECTOR 112 1 ,500.00 ,500.0 18,000.00 62 1 ,583.33 1 ,583.33 18,542. EVERETT McCARTHY CHIEF 9/1/54 12 1 ,292.17 ,292.17 150506.00 12 1,292.17 1 ,292.17 161,506. HOWARD 0. RICK LIEUTENANT 5/1/61 12 11092.00 54.00 j146.00 13,752.00 12 1 ,1.52.00 '57.00 1 ,209.00 14-,5Q8 LINUS B. FRITZ SERGEANT 9/1/53 12 1 ,035100 75.00 olIO-00 13,320.00 12 1 ,092.00 81.00 1 ,173.00 14,076 HILBERT L. VOIGT SERGEANT 4/1/59 12 1 ,035.00 50.00 ,085.00 13,020.00 12 1 ,092.00 54.00 1 ,146.00 13;752 ROBERT J. COOK SERGEANT 3/1/59 12 1 ,035.00 50.00 9085.00 139020.00 12 1 ,092.00 54.00 1,146.00 13-,752 RONALD E. ALLARD SERGEANT 1/1/64 12 1 ,035.00 25.00 ,060.00 12,720.00 12 1 ,092.00 27.00 1 ,119.00 13,428 JAMES F. SPRUNGMAN -SERGEANT ;3 . 8/l/64 12 975,00 24.00 999.00 11 ,988.00 12 1 ,092.00 72.00 11 ,164.001 13,968 JOHN L. ODEN SN PATROLMAN • 6 975.00 48.00 ,023.00 7/1/57 6 975.00 72.00 ,047.00 12,420.00 12 .1 ,017.00 75.00 1 ,092.00 13,104 JOHN F. ANDERSON S*. PATROLMAN y 1/1/62 12* 975.00 48.00 ,023.00 12,276.00 12 1 ,011.00 50.00 1 ,067:00 12r, $04 . Fin, d': GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY Dept: POLICE 1973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: Pre �ared b : Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY No. FONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity . Total SALARY Mo. ' Salary vity Total SALARY RICHARD D HUSS � Sit. PATROLMAN 3 975.00 24.00 999.00 ` 4/1/62 9 975.00 48.00 ,023.00 1 129204.00 12 1 ,017.00 50.00 11 ,067.00 12,$04 NEIL D. DUNCAN Sit. PATROLMAN 10 1 ,017.00 25.00 1 ,042.00 10/15/63 12 975.00 24 00 999.00 11 ,988.00 2 1 ,017.00 50.00 1 ,067.00 124554 THOMAS J. KENNEDY SR-. PATROLMAN 1/1/64 12 975.00 24.00 999.00 11 ,988.00 12 1 ,017.00 25.00 1 ,042.00 12;504 NORMAN R. POMERLEAU SR. PATROLMAN 1/1/66 12 975.00 24.00 999.00 11 ,988.00 WALDEMAR H. OLSEN SR-. PATROLMAN 1/1/66 12 975.00 24.00 999.00 11 ,988.00 12 1 ,017.00 25•.00 1 ,042.00 12,504 FREDERICK C. BEBENS E SR. PATROLMAN 7/1/66 12 975.00 24.00 . 999.00 11,988.00 12 1 ,017.00 25.00 1 ,042.00 12,504 ROBERT J. PARQUETTE SR. PATROLMAN 1/1/67 12 975.00 24.00 999.00 11 ,988.00 12 1,Oa7.D'0 25.00 1 ,042.00 12;504 ARTHUR R. GROINUS Sit. PATROLMAN 1/1/67 .12 975.00 24.00 999.00 11 ,988.00 12 1 ,017.00 25.00 1 ,042.00 1P;504 DALLAS 1. NELSON SR. PATROLMAN 1/1/67• 12 975.00 24.00 999.00 11 ,988.00 12 1 ,017.00 25.00 1 ,042.00 12;504 GENE�lf CI.T `, ) F FRIOLEY I Dept POLICE_ 7973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: . Pre0ared b y: Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY No. MONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. ' Salary vity Total SALARY JAMES R. McKERSIE PATROLMAN lst 6 975.00 975.00 k 7/15/67 SR. PATROLMAN 6 975.00 24.,00, 999.00 11 ,844.00 12 1 ,017.00 25.00 1 ,042.00 12,304.00' ENNETH G. 'WILKINSOI PATROLMAN 1st 4/15/68 SR. PATROLMAN 12 975.00 975.00 11 ,700.00 12 1 ,017.00 30.80 1 ,047.80 12,573.60 OBERT P. REHARD OFFICER 3 889.00 889.00 3 966.00 966.00 4/1/70 1st YEAR 9 931 .00 931 .00 11 ,046.00 9 1 ,017.00 -- 1 ,017.00 12,051 .40 THOMAS J. SAUER OFFICER 6 918.00 - 918.00 1/1/69, 1st YEAR 12 889.00 889.00 10,668.00 6 966.00 - 966.00 11 ,,304.00 HERBERT ZIMMERMAN OFFICER 12/4/72 1st YEAR 11 828.00 828.00 OFFIUR .1 872.00 872.00 9,9,80.00 1st YEAR 12 828.00 828.00 9;936.00 OFFICER 1st YEAR 12 828.00 828.00 9,936.00 OFFICER 1st YEAR 12 828.00 828.00 9036,00 OFFICER 1st YEAR 12 828.00 828,00 9936.00 OFFICER 1st YEAR 12 828.00 828.00 9';936.00' ECHNICIAN (13) 12 660.00 660.00 7,920.00 Fvu, d: GENER C I•T 1 �) F F R I 0 L E Y . Dept: POLICE 7973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Acti'vi ty: Pre aced b : Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 o No. MONTHLY No. MONTHL Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. ' Salary vity Total SALARY JOHN P. BRAZIL DISPATCHER 6 801 .00 801 .00 1/1/69 6 839.00 839.00 9,840.00 12 856.00 - 856.00 1,0,272.00 ONALD J. LEE DISPATCHER 6 801 .00 801 .00 1/1/69 6 839.00 839.00 9,840.00 12 856.00 -- 856.00 102-272.00 LISTER B. •RUSSEL DISPATCHER 6 801 .00 801 .00 l/l/69 6 839.00 839.00 9,840.00 12 866.00 -- 856.00 10•,272.00 LAWRENCE C. SIMON DISPATCHER 6 698.00 698.00 6 733.00 733.00 12/11/71 6 731 .00 731 .00 8,574,00 6 772.00 772.00 99030.00 CASSANDRA M. BERRAY SECRETARY (9) 8 628.00 31 .40 659.40 49.50 8/18/60 4 628.00 46.87 674.87 7,975.00 12 660.00 (73�%) 709.50 8,314.00 335,457.00 408,194.60 UNALLOCATED CONTINGENCY 1 ,621 .00 5,805.40 CONTINGENCY FOR PO IBLE UP-GRADING ONE MAN BEYOND SERGEANT RATE FOR NEW POSIT; )N 2,000.00 339,078.00 414,000.00 .TEMPORARY HELP 20000.00 2,000.00 OVERTIME 100000.00 70500.00 351 ,078.00 424,500.00 I Ltivity:GENERI LL CITY O F F 8 I a L E I pt: FIRE 1973 9U86ET- VORK SHEETS Prepared by: Detail of Emp]2M Service--5 1972 1973 No. NONTKY NO t ENTRE Job lof Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL, Name of Employee Classification f. Salary vity Total SALARY too. Salary vity Total SALAR', ROBERT S. HUGHES CHIEF 1/1/65 12 1 ,291.66 1 ,291.66 15,500.00 12 1 ,333.3 1,333.33 16.,000. ROBERT D. ALDRICH DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF & 7/1/63 CIVIL DEFENSE DIR. 12 1,107.00 1 ,107.00 13,284.00 12 1 ,141 .6 1,141 .66 - 13,700 • (S Civil De se for S lance o salary.) DENNIS M. OTTEM CAPTAIN 6 995.00 23.00 1,018.00 6/11/62 - 1/19/6 6 995.00 46.00 1 ,041 .00 12,354.00 12 1 ,037. 48.00 1 ,085.00 13,020. HOWARD H. SIMONSON FIRE FIGHTER 6 893.00 893.00 1/19/69 6 935.00 935.00 10,968.00 12 •977. 977.00-1 11,724,; GARY E. LARSON FIRE FIGHTER 8 853.00 46.00 899.00 8 928. 48.00 9-76. 5/16/60 4 893.00 46.00 939.00 10,948.00 4 977. 48.00 1 ,025.00 11,908. CONTINGENCY 736.00 469 63,790.00 66,821 VOLUNTEERS & OFF DITY FIRE CALLS 26,000.00 22,000" DRILLS 4,000.00 5,500 PUBLIC WORKS REIMBIRSEMENT 2,000.00 2,000 ; VOLUNTEERS - NIGHT 4,200.00 7,201 -99,990.00 103,5Zr l OVERTIME 11000.00 6,000-" 00,990.00 1®9,52T --::j- GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 9 7 3 B U D G E T M O R K S H E E T S Activity: i lPrgared by: Detail of Employee-Services 1972 1973 No. NWHLY No. MONTHLY Job lof Base Longe- TOTAL f Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification yo. Salary vity Total SALARY tab. "Salary vity Total SALAkv + JERROLD BOARDMAN PLANNING ASSISTANT 1 884.00L 884.00 6/27/72 (19) 12 842.00 842.00 10,104.00 11 928.00 928..00 11 *052.. ' DOROTHY EVENSON PLANNING SECRETARY 11 425.00 425.00 10 516.00 516.00 8/30/71 (7) 411 446.00 446.00 2,645.00 2 543.00 543.W. 6 246 CONTINGENCY 2,022.00 (Note: k c dit given for time n other o;S 498. 14,771.00 17,836 ' TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - ENGR. DEPT. 6,500,00 4,338. OVERTIME 800.00 1 ,000. 22,071.00 23,174. GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y DAL: BUItQING INSPECTION__ 1 9 7 3 BUDGET V O R K SHEETS Activity.: - I 1"Prepared by: Detail of Employee Service i 1972 1973 No• H NO. NTHL Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Xb. Salary vity Total SALARY lb Salary vity Total SALAK'r DARREL CLARK COMMUNITY DEVELOP- : 7115/56 MENT ADMINISTRATOR 2 1 ,075:00 1 ,075.00 2,150.00 12 1 ,333.33 1`,333,33 16,000. ICLARBELISLE BUILDING INSPECTOR 12 1 ,049.00 26.22 1,075.27 12,902 6/20/66 (}8h) 12 999.50 24.98 1 ,024.48 12,294.00 (2h%)(�I) ENCE WILLIAM SANDIN PLUMBING INSPECTOR 12 1 ,049.00 787.667 1 ,127.67 13,532.' 10/1/58 (18h) 12 999.50 74.96 1,074.46 12,893.00 ALBERT BAGSTAD (9) . _ 2/6/70 DELETED MARY HINTZ DEPARTMENT 6 543.00 543.00 6/30/68 SECRETARY (7) 6 543.00 13.57 556.57 6,597.00 12 599.00 14.97 613.97 7,36&: (2h%) (2)1%) DOROTHY EVENSON CLERK-STENO (5) 1 425.00 425.00 8/30/71 4 446.00 446-00 2,645.0 CONTINGENCY 11 ,945. - 1,288. 48,524. 51 ,090.00 OVERTIME - 8 . 1 ,200. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - ENGR. DEPT. 4,500. 4,500- 5,300. CHARGED TO HEALTH 0 FICER (500. - (800.) 53,32 . 55, 0 GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y Oft: €NGINEERING 7 9 7 3 B U D G E T 1i 0 R K S H E E T S Activity: ' 'Prepared by: Detail of Employee Services 1972 1973 No. M N HL No. II•YJ+JTHL Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. ' Salary vity dotal SALAR'r NASIM M. QURESHI CITY ENGINEER '�- t 11/11/E3 12 1 ,745.83 1 ,745.83 20,950.00 12 1 ,797.91 1 ,797.91 21 ,575. {VACANT ASSISTANT ENGINEER 6 1 ,083.33 1 ,083.33 12 1 ,291 .66 1 ,291 .66 15,500.00 6 1 ,116.66 1 ,116.66 13,200 GERALD NORDLUND ENGR. TECHNICIAN 11 1 ,024.00 51 .20 1 ,075.20 12/4/61 (18) 12 975.00 48.75 1 ,023.75 12,285.00 1 1 ,024.00 76.80 1,100.80 12,928 (5I) (5 & 7k%) CURTIS DAHLBERG SR. ENGR. AIDE (17) " 4/15/59 12 928.00 69.60 997.60 11 ,971 .00 12 975.00 73.12 1 ,048.12 12,577 (7k%) CLYDE MORAVETZ SR. ENGR. AIDE (17.) 4 928.00 928.06 5/15/69 - 3/1/71 12 884.00 884.00 10,608.00 5 928.00 23.20 951.20 3 975.00 24.37 999.37 11 ,466. RONALD MORRIS ENGR. AIDE (16) N c edit givei for time in 1d job.) (2k%) 6/19/72 12 764.00 764.00 9,168.00 6 802.00 802.00 HAZEL O'BRIEW DEPARTMENT 6 842.00 842.00 9,864 9/17/62 SECRETARY (10) 12 660.00 33.00 693.00 8,316.00 72 693.00 34.65 727.65 8,72W NIKKI SZEGDA CLERK-TYPIST (5) 12/13/68 12 492.00 492.00 5,9041.00 12 543.00 13.58 556.58 6,678 (2h%) 1 ,814.00 1 ,814.00 96,516.00 97,020-� 1 ~• J: GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I 0 L E Y N;yt: E;JGINEERI�J% 1 9 7 3 B U D G E T w 0 R K S H E E T S ACtivity: Pre aced by.-- Dctail of Employee Service-q- 1972 1973 No. HL No. t013THLY Job of F Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Nine of Employee Classification M.o. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY OVE RT I P1E 11000.00 ( 1,200 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 2,500.00 r 4,500 CONSULTING SERVICES 11000,00 • 4,500.04 5,700 LESS Ct1ARGED DIRECT TO: SUB TOTAL 102,720 UTILITIES (5,000.00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (61500, (5'CvO4 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 27,000.00 (4,338, PARKS (3,500.00 (28,892; WILDING INSPECTIO (4 sw STREET DEPARTMENT (4,500.00 (4��+ (500.00 (5001 (47,000.00) (46 t.T34}) 54,016.00 55,990 GENERAL C I T- Y OF. F R I D L E Y D2*t: CIVIL DEFENSE T 973 BUDGET STORK SHEET' S - P.ctivity- CIVIL DEFENSE ` Pre ared b : Detail of Employee Services 1972 1973 MONTHLY— . NO. 14ONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base ' Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mb. Salary vity Total SALARY No. 'Salary vity Total SALAR* ROBERT Q. ALDRICH DIRECTOR, C. D. . 7/1/63 12 145.00 145.00 1,740.00 12 150.00 150.00 1AM L.Q. SCARBOUROUGH OPERATIONS OFFICER 1/l/69 ELIPUNIATE ELINOR THOENNES CL€RK-TYPIST 7/1!63 12 516.00 25.80 541.80 6,502.00 12 532.00 28.00 560.00 6,72C ' CONTINGENCY 138.00 50-- 8,3W.00 8,570 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 750.00 M,% 9,130.00 9.320 GENERAL _ . C. 7TV -oF FRI0LEV BOARD OF HEALTH 1 9 7 3 It U 9 G E T W O R K S H E E T S IActivitjr. HEALTH SANITARIAN re pared by: Detail of Employee Service 1972 1973 NO• MITHLY No. !WTHLY Job lof I Base ' Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mao. Salary vity Total SALARY W. "Salary Vity Total SALARY HARVEY McPHEE HEALTH INSPECTOR 10/28/68 12 437.50 437.50 5,250.00 12 437.50 437.50 5,,M CONSULTING SERVICE TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 500.00 aw 5,750.W 6,050. ` i GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y SANITATION & HEALTH_ 1 9.73 B U D G-E T W O R K SHEETS Acttytty: ANIMAL CONTROL ' Prepared by: Detail_ of Ear to ee Services- 197Z- 1973 lNo. MONTHLY No. !LY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Lorge- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mb. Salary vity Total SALARY 14o. ' Salary vity -Total SAL AZ TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 2,120.00 r ___ F dy GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY •--• • Dy�t: SANITATION & HEALTH 1973 BUDGET 'WORK SHEETS Activity: WEED CONTROL Prepared b : Detail of Employee Services 1972 1973 No. MONTHLY Flo. MONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- ,TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Ro. Salary vity Total SALARY fb. ' Salary vity Total SALARY TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE 4,400.00 4,400 r ..y GENERAL CITY OF FRI0LEY - 0`Yt: PUBLIC WORKS 1973 _BUDGET WORK SHEETS IACtivity: re pared 0y: Detail of Employee-Services 1972 1973 No. MQIYHLY - No. MONTHLY- Job o Base Lange- TOTAL of Base Lange- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mb Salary vity Total SALARY tb. *'Salary vity Total SRL:;R'� LESTER E. CHESNEY SUPERINTENDENT OF h P.U. 12 1,208.33 1 ,208.33 4,500 ROBERT/NORDAHL (10 1�72jCOPERATI0JT YS 1,291.66 1 ,291x66 15,500.00 (18$V 4 842.00 842.W ARTHUR J. OLSON STREET FOREMAN ST:� 3 961.00 48.00 1 ,009. 8 884.00 884.00 lo,440 4/1/51 . 9 961.00 72.00 1,033.00 12,324.00 MERLE B. LONGERBON WATER FOREMAN � W 11 961. 48.00 1 ,009.00 11/27/57 1 961. 72.00 1,033.00 12,132.00 ARTHUR J.* SILSETH SEWER FOREMAN y S I 5/25/58 12 961. 48.00 1,009.00 12,108.00 JOHN B. WRIGHT, SR. MECHANIC GAR, 4/23/(1 3 ' 12 911. 23.00 934.00 11,208.00 JAMES W. BATES, SR. STREET MAN ST 6 888.00 22.00 910.00 6/11/62 6 88Bo0O 44.00 932.00 11,052.00 - RICHARD W. BLOOM , HEAVY:EQUIPMENT 6 888.00 22.00 910.00 � 6/11/62 OPERATOR ST. 6 888.00 44.00 932.00 11,052.00 DONALD C. CARRIGAN SR. WATER MAN K 5/8/63 12 888.00 22.00 910.00 10,920.00 (oc HEAVY EQUIPMENT 8 888. 888. OPERATOR ST 4 888. 22.00 910. 10,744.00 JAMES M. BRINDLEY SR. SEWER MAN S 8 . 888. 888. Rmn 19/5/67 . 4 888. 22.00 910. 10,744. GENERAL CITY OF FRIDLEY Lt: PUBLIC WORKS _ 7975 BUDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: ` lPrepared by: Detail of Employee Servic 1972 1973 NO. No. MONTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. Salary vity Total SALARr ROBERT A. ANDERSON OPR. A MAINT. - 5/21/59 SPECIALIST GEN. 12 853:00 -42.00 895.00 10,740.00 RONALD A. MORTENSO MECHANIC GAR. ' 5/4/70 12 888.00 888.00 10,656.00 HARLAN C. HANSCOM HEAVY EQUIPMENT 6/10-/68 OPERATOR ST 12 888.00 888.00 10,636.00 EDWIN A. SAEFKE OPR. AND MAINT. 3/19/68 SPECIALIST W 12 853.00 853.00 110,236.00 _ JOSEPH G. GONSIOR OPR. AND MAINT. } 4/14/69 SPECIALIST ST* 12 853.00 853.00 10,236.00 GARY E. BAMBERG OPR. AND MAINT. 6 835.00 835.00 1/14/69 SPECIALIST W 6 853.00 853.00 10,128.00 WAYNE H. HINTZ OPR. AND MAINT. 4/23/69 MAN ST 12 818.00 818.00 9,816.00 - REX J. SACKETT OPR. AND MAINT. 4/22/69 MAN ST 12 818.00 818.00 9,816.00 DONALD L. STILLER OPR. AND MAINT. • 4/27/70 MAN ST 12 818.00 818.00 . 9,816.00 . 1 GENERAL C I T Y OF F R I D L E Y PUBLIC WORKS T973 BUDGET WORK SHEETS . Activity: Prepared b : Detail of Employee Servtce4 1972 y H 1973 No. No. F MTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification Flo. Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. * Salary vity 'otal SALA?'I STANLEY PETERSON OPR. AND MAINT. 11/23/70 MAN ST 12 818.00 818.00 9,816.00 WAYNE EK OPR. AND MAINT. S 6/21/71 MAN 12 818.00 818.00 9,816.00 ARTHUR PAULSON OPR. AND MAINT. T 6014{71 MAN 12 818.00 818.00 9,816.00 INEZ J. KAPALA SECRETARY (9)k P.0 2/7/66 31 ST 12 628.00 15.70 643.70 7,724. 12 660.00 16.50 676.5a 8,118 (2�1%) O DEFICIENCY (173. (590; 246,883. 267,491 OVERTIME 7,700. 7,700 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - ENGR. DEPT. 500. 500 OTHER TEMPORARY 3,200. 4,600' CONSULTANTS 500, 700 13,500 258,783. ` 280,991 GENERAL CITY O F F R I a L E Y ... PUBLIC WORKS 19739UDGET WORKSHEETS Activity- Prepared by: Detail of Emr to ee Services No. 1972 1973 �� H No. E;-ON Name of EmPloyee Classification ft. Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOT'! Salary Vity Total SALARY Saiary vity Total SA► 4R GRAND TOTAL FROM P E 2 258,783.00 . —�80,99:1 LESS: CHARGED DIR TLY TO; • SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS (500.00 UTILITIES (97,404.00) 111944, FIRE FIGHTING (2,000.00 PARKS (2'�� (5,500.00 (5,500; TOTAL CHARGED TO OVUER DEPARTMENTS - (105,404.00) 119,944) TOTAL PERSONAL SER ICES CHARGED TO GENE D 153,379.00 Ait 161 ,047 . ---------------y-- -------------------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ---_------ - ----r----- -------- ------- -F•-----• STREET DEPARTMENT REGUL EMPLOYEES. 110 279.00 1115,092 OVERTIME 2,500.00 2,500'. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES . 3,000.00 ' 4,000- CONSULTANTS 500.00 116,271.00 122,092, SNOW & ICE REMOVAL REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1-6,000.00 :11,075 OVERTIME 51000.00 TEMPORARY 500.00 5'00c, 21,500.00 22,575 JRSIGNALSIGNS AND REGULAR EMPLOYEES S 000.00 4,850. x . 5,000.00 5,250 { F';?�; GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E V D,"t: PUBLIC WORKS, CONT'D 1 9 7 3 B U D G E T W O R K S NEE T S Activity: Pre red b : Detail of Employee Service- 1972 1973 No. WNTHLY No. MNTHLY Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL- Name of Employee Classification Mo. Salary_ vity Total SALARY MD. Salary vity Total SALARY SHOP REGULAR EMPLOYEES 12 51000.00 5,250 12 51000.00 STORM SEWERS REGULAR EMPLOYEES 12 5,000.00 5,280 OVERTIME 12 200.00 200 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 12- 200.00 204 CONSULTANTS 12 200.00 200 5,600.00 51880 53,379.00 161 ,0:' -- 7 f GENERAL CITY OF FRI0LEV' PARKS 7973 BUDGET 110RK SHEETS Activity: Prepared by: Detail of Employee Servicec 1972 1973 No. No. t i1TH-L Job of Base Longe- TOTAL of Base Longe- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification V-0 Salary vity Total SALARY Mo. ' Salary vity .otal SALAR1, PAUL B. BROWN DIRECTOR , 3!1/65. 12 1,191 .66 1,191.66 14,300.00 12 1 ,208.33 1 ,208.33 14,500 • PALPH S. VOLKMAN PARK FOREMAN 4/8/68 12 961 .00 961.00 11 ,532.00 ROY D. SCHERER SR. PARK KEEPER 3/28/64 12 888.00 22.00 910.00 10,920.00 LESLIE D. STOCKE OPR. AND MAINT. 4 853.00 853,00 5/11/67 8 853.00 21.00 876.00 10,420.00 EMMETT A. GOSSELIN OPR. AND MAINT. 2/19/69 SPECIALIST 12 853.00 853.04 10,236.00 DONALD T. OSOSKI OPR. AND MAINT. 3/3/69 SPECIALIST 12 853.00 853.00 10,236.00 HARD CAMERON OPR. AND MAINT. , 12/7/70 MAN 12 818.00 818.00 9,816.00 NEW POSITION PARKMAN 6 .768.00 768.00 (NOT FILLED AS OF 7/27/72)` 3 818.00 818.00 7,062.00 CATHRYN" J. STORDAH1 SECRETARY (9) '6 570,00 570.00 5 628.00 fi2 .QO .11/7/69 6 -599. ti 00 599.00 7,014.00 -7 660.00 660.00 7,760 UNALLOCATED CONTIN NCY 96.00 3,000 s` 2��'�' 91 ,632.00 91 ;578 GENERAL C I T Y O F F R-1 D L E Y - Uet: PARKS 1973 .B.UDGET: 110RK SNEETS Activity: lPrepared k: Detail of Employee Services 1972 1973 • No. tUNTHLY Name of Employee Classification No. Salary vittyys Total TOTAL ALARY f. 'Salary Lv to Total SALARY Y t'.Ft TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE ` P. W. 'DEPARTMENT 5,500.00 f .5•,500 ENGINEERING DEPA ILOYEES ENT 3,500.00 3,500 OTHER TEMPORARY 16,664.00 24 947 TOTAL 33, OVERTIME 5,000.00-- CONSULTANTS 2,000.00 5:WD 2 OC'^ 32,664.00 40,947 24,296.00 TOTAL 32,52E ' r LESS CHARGED TO RECREAT ON (7,500,00 (7,87 16,796.00 124,650: i GENERAL C I T Y O F F R I D L E Y -- 4,.,t: CITY BAND 7973 8UDGET WORK SHEETS Activity: Prepared by: Detail of Employee Service4 1972 1973 No. MUT,ff No.- .10,1THLY Job of Base Lange- •TOTAL of Base Lange- TOTAL Name of Employee Classification too. Salary vity Total SALARY . "Salary vity Total SALAR'r DAVID W. OLSON BAND DIRECTOR 9/8/69 79.17 79.17 950.00 12 79.17 79.17 %50-.00 j October 3, 1972 ESTIMATE BASED ON 1972 MILL RATE n GROSS LEVY NgT LEVY MILL RATE Total General Fund $1 ,075,464 $1 ,053,955 11 .2376 Other Funds P. E. R. A 53,954 52,$75 0.5648 Fire 13,776 13,500 0.1442 Police 49,992 48,992 0.5233 Debt Services Civic Center 409000 39,200 0.4187 Park 2^7292 2� 26 656 0.28477 Total Other Funds $ 1849922, $ 1$1 ,223 1 .9357 Total All Funds 1 ,26609306 1 ,235,178 13,1933 ` Total Estimated Asse*sed Value R January 20 1972 - $961.6321273 Mill Value Estimated •► ':969532 ,a v f I October 4, 1972 DETAILED COMPARATIVE MILL LEVY 1972 1973 {N�Tj MILL (MET) Mitt AMOUNT LEVY .AMOUNT LEVY GENERAL FUND $ 905,153 32.07 $l ,-053,955 11 .2576 OTHER FUNDS P.£.R.A. 58,375 2.07 52,875 0.5648 -firemen's Relief Levy 17,250 .61 13,500 0.1442 Police-Pension Fund 56,396 2.00 48,992 0.5233 DEBT SERCICE Civic Center 35,500 1.26 39,200 0.4187 Park Bonds 44,400 1.57 26,565 0.2847 TOTAL: OTHER FUNDS $ 211 ,921 7.51 $ 181 ,223 1 .9357 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1 ,117,074 39.58 1 ,235,178 13.1933 Total Estimated Assessed Value- - - - January 2, 1972- - - - $95,532,273 Mill Value Estimated - - - - $95,532 I'M 279 levy Limitations for 1972/1973 For Governmental Subdivision Cojie� to be filed with the Commissioner of Taxation and Co nt Auditor F �� of County, City, i 1 cage or o�rn ident fy ate .o Certification FRIDLEY 1 . Total 1970/1971 Levy on Taxable Value Exclusive of Special Assessments $ 1 , 1641518.2&I 2. Deduct: Special Levies (a) Welfare Aids $ ------ i - (b) Bonded Indebtedness 80 064.13 Total Special •Levies 80,064,13 3. Add: 1971 Aids • (a) 1971 Exempt Property Reimbursement . (Exclude allocation to welfare aids and bonded. indebtedness special levies) $ 47,528.30 - • II,I II „I■ 1 I1, I (b) 1971 Sales Tax Per Capita Aid, (Exclude allocation to welfare aids special •levy) 2118,,43,] tL_.��• Total -1971 Aids 4. Total 1970/1971 Tax Levy less S ecial Levies•plus Aids + _(Item 1 less Item 2 plus Item. 3� E1,,34:0.414.4�. r'1 5. 1970 Population 6. 1970/1971 Levy limit Base Per Capita (Item 4 divided by Item 5) S 45.85 • A l l III 1 1 7. 1971/1972 Maximum Per Capita Increase (Item 6 times 6%) 2.75 8. 1971/1972 levy Limit Base Per Capita (Item 6 plus Item 7) � 8 A. 1972/1973 Maximum Per Capita Increase (Item 8 times 6%) .92 B, 1972/1973 Levy Limit Base Pe; Capita em pus SA) 0193C �. 1911; Population 10. Total 1972/1973 Levy Limit Bdie (Itef 8Btimes Item 9) t 11 . Deduct: 1973 Aids � ► � (a) local Government Aid (Ex. Session L. 19719 ' Ch. 31, Art. 21), (From form 276) 4141448.12 1 III ,I 1�1 Al �II,IIR�-AI.A�� (b) Taconite Municipal Aid (Ex. Session' L. 197% Ch. 31 , Art. 30), (From form 281) (c) Taconite County Aid (Ex. Session L. 19719 w_T•11T1 Ch. 31, Art. 30), (Front form 282) S • l l I r w. nl.il�,l�� Total 1972 Aids :(a) plus (b) plus (c) S 414,948.,1,2 w.w..� ,.2. 1972/1973 Overall Levy Limitation Exclusive of Special .Levies And ' Special Assessments (Item 10 minus Item 11) 1L143t,016 68�_ a. �tN FURM 19'641913 SPIWIAL LEVIFA C=TTjFICATION 280 (9-72) DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION - RESEARCH AND PLANNING DIVISION Copies to be filed with the Coamissio er of Taxation t Aud t r Name of County, City, Village or Town ent ate I. SPECIAL LEVIES (A) Amounts t6 Satisfy Judgments (1 ) Tort Judgment (list court case) (a) $� NOI ._NE (b) $ (2) Implied Contract (list court case) (a) $ NONE (b) $ (3) Amounts to pay cost of liability insurance procured pursuant to M-S. 1971, s. 466.06. $ NONE ,� Total Judgment Costs ffi NUNE (B) Compliance Costs (1 ) Costs of complying with Laws of the 1971 Legislature (list the 1971 Law) ' (a) I ONF (b) $ n (2) Costs of complying with lawful orders of the U.S. or its agencies. (List agency and order) (a) $ .NOfjE (b) $ (3) Costs of complying with .awful orders of State of Minnesota or its agencies. (List agency and order) (a) -NQNF. (b) u (4) Costs of complying with lawful orders of 4 political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. (List political subdivision and order) (a) $ NONE (b) $ (5) Expanded county court costs for systems not in ftill operation during the entire year 1971 . Total Compliance Costs $ . NQNE (C) Amounts for Increased Public Pension Plan Support Due to Enactments of Law Prior to Judy % 1971 and Effective Thereafter. (1 ) §ocial Security(Public Law 92-5) (see instructions) (2) Police d Firs Fund of $ NE.,_,.___ P.E.H.A Laws of Minn. 1971 Chap. 297) (see instructions) RP FORM 280 (9..72) (3) Amounts For Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association Providing Monthly Pension Benefits Resulting from Laws 1971, Chapter 2611 Section 3 $ NONE (4) Police and Firemen's Relief Association Guidelines Act of 1969 ffi NONE (5) Special Retirement Laws (see instructions) $ NONE Total Pension Costs $ NONE (D) Amounts For Volunteer Firemen's Relief Associations Paying Lump Sum Benefits Resulting from Laws 1971, $NONE Chapter 261, Section 2 (E) Excess Over Levy Year 1970 Pavable 1971 Level for Local Share of Programs Authorized By Law :there Matching Funds Have Been Appropriated by the State of Minn. or the U. S. Government. (list each matching fund se rately) 0 LOGIS (2) LAWCON $3§.a54¢ Increased County Welfare Administration Costs (1 ) 1972/1973 County Welfare Administra- tion Costs NNOoNn,1 (2) Deduct 1970/1971 County Welfare Administration Costs $ NONE (3) Increased County elfare Admini- stration Costs (this amount qualifies as a special levy) $_ NONE Total Matching Funds $ 56954 1 11111 l..�p�l.� (F) Expenses Reasonably and Necessarily Incurred in Preparing for or Repairing the Effects of a Natural Disaster $ NONE , (G) Unreimbursed Costs of Welfare Aids Under Minn. Statutes (1 ) Aid to the Disabled $ NONE (M.S. 1969, S. 2:.5.21 to 245.23) (2) Old .Age Assistance $ NONE (M.S, 19690 S. 256,11 to 256.43) (3) Aid to the Blind $„ NONE (M,S. 1969, S. 156.49 to 256.71 ) (4) Aid to Families with Dependent Children $ NONE (M.S. 19690 S. 256.72 to 256.87) (5) Medical Assistance $. NQNE (M.S. 1969s Chap. 256B) (6) Poor Relief $ NONE (M.S. 1969, Shap. 261, 262, and 263) Total :+elfare Aids $ NONE n (H) Costs of Principal and Zntgrest qn Bonded Indebtedness (List type o� bond and purpose) (C)VIC CENTA BOND 40,000. (2) PARK BOND " • Q�;�... ' 'uO (9-77) (3) w NONE (4) NONE Total. Bonded Indebtedness 61,200 ERR I ICI �A*PI.R��1�A I•� 11 A I1111 I ��.1111��1 �I,II.�1 I I�.I TOT.-11 SPECIAL LEVIES $ 112„ x,I 54 II. LEVIf:S OI► anF. OF LEVY LrtiT%TIONS I (A) Costs For Removal of Condemned Property Under :i.:). 1971, 5.75.57 :b flOdE (F.) Amounts to Compensate for Auditors Errors of Omission. (list omission) w NOE- TOTAL U VI;:;S CUTSIDi. OF LEVY LIMITi.TIUNS NONE I, the budget representative of the above mentioned city, village or township, certify that the fore;,-.oing figures are accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date :;ignature of BuaEet itepresentative 1. n s n 1 1973 Fr'�;T '"':-�-- EXHIBIT "All WATER OP13RATION OF FIJI , 1JTILI'1Y FIND 1970 1971. 1972 1972 y (Actual) (Actual) (J'st.) 1st. 1Est OFERATTVG REVENUE ( x tual) Customer Billings $ 326,173.93 $ 356 120.24 $ 395,000 00 + 28b,t143.76 $ 385,x'00.00 F]:at Rate Sales 500.28 '189.50 500.00 126.85 100.00 Connection permits • 980.00 1,380.00 13,000.00 1,960.00 1,500,00 Sale of Surolies 63.70 14.28 15"0.0.•0 10.00 25.00 Miscellnneous 2,075.62 22026-36 2 000 QO 1 Interest Earnirgs )16,862.)an 30536.�1 ' ,,774.31 21000.00 40,000.00 23,589.79_ 40,000_.00 Total Revenue $ 376,655.93 $ 390 066.69' $ 428,625.00 oPFttATIt1c rxprr«Fs � $ 438,6.50.00 $ 313,904.71 -, • Swrce of S-.ipply Maintenance & Repair of Equip. $ $ 11)11005 $ $ 512.54 $ Maintenance & Repair of B1dgs. 32.10 100.00 500.90 Mainterance & Repair of Pumps 110.78 100.00 Water Purchaned 234.75 338.70 400.00 719.25 Electricity 750.00 32.04 24.00 40.00 18.00 30 00 Telephone 1-145.50 1,588.48 1 900 00 1 288.68 . Insurance 587.00 , 2,200.00 Consultant Services 512.36 600.00 499.44 500.40 643.34 300.00 Pcy,rer_ & PumPin $ 2,785.51 $ 2,9o),.59 $ 39340.00 $ 3,437.91 $ )40080.00 Maintenanre & Repair of Equip. $ 3t►.38 $ 21.3.85 $ 250 $ 69.56 Maintenance & Repair of Bldgs. '00 $ 250.00 Maintenance & Repair of Pumps 52357.73 8,162.30 10 000.00 Electricity 23,61n-15 29j,47-74 ' 101000.00 Fuel for Heating 32,000.00 '21,771.55 32,000.00 1,929.96 2209.68 2,100.00 3,111. 8 4,000.00 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 396.67 564.20 500.00 481.31 800.00 General Supplies 2.05) Insurance 1, 07. K3 835-44 12000.00 813.60 800.00 $ 32.930-47 $ 41,302.7? $ 45,850.00 ------�____.. ._.._._._.._,_.._ nirification $ 26,177.94 $ 47,850.00 Labor $ 14,88),.21 $ 16008.75 $ 17,120.00 $ 12,688.12 Maintenance & Repair of Equip. 349.71 1,345.82 $ 18.000.00 Maintenance & Repair of Pldgs. 98, 900.00 1,116.90 1,)100.00 ,Maintenance & Repair of Pumps 94.0 6,615.00 2,000.00 638.94 2 000.00 Maintenance of Services 1,193.19 Fuel for Heating 42.50 .74.50 Genaral.Supplies 2,87li.26 1,892.11 3,400.00 1,916.56 2,000.00 Telephone 7,593.49 8,260.71 81600.00. 7,365.63 12,000.00 208.20 208.75 210.00 218,.42 260.00, 1973 13iT1`1'i�T EXHIBIT "All 1�7AT s'R OPERATION OF PIJP UTILITY . D 1970 1971 1972 1972 1973 (Actual) (Actual) (Est.) lst 6 Mos. (Est.) OPERATINn, ExpErsss (Cont1d) `1l') -- Purification (Cont'd) Insurance $ 1,100.17 $ 12162.69 w 1,450.00 $ 918.30 $ 1,200.00 Electricity 2,054.44, 1,009.96 2,200.00 276.76 1,800.00 gonmiltant Fees 10.00 15.00 , Meter Supplies & Repairs $ 292257.08 $ 36,956.29 3 ,480.00 26..422-32 Transmission & Distribution '. $ 38,660.00 Labor $ 41,282.67 $ h5,???.67 " 56,150.00 $ 350191.61' $ 563,000.00 113intenance & Repair of Equip. 2,553.72 1,555.85 2,500.00 1,327.78' 2,500.00 Maintenance & Repair of FC.dgs. 3118.61 707.63 600.00 206.27 600.00 Meter Supplies & Repairs 74?.03 476.97 900.00 742.25 900.00 Maintenance & Repair of Mains & W.ft Stations 90129.71 14 561.26 10,000.00 2,643.81 12,000.00 Maintenance & Repair of Pumps 906.33 377.05 1,000.00 377.10 1,000.00 Maintenance of Services 2,894.43 4,007.47 4,000.00 2,732.94 3,K�0.00 Equipment Rental ^5.00 99.00 500.00 Electricity 19.00 240.57 400.00 kotor Fuels & Lubricants 936.77 2','.)3.76 1 100.00 General Supplies 4,085.10 21565.06 4; 00 .00 903.05 1,200.00 ,139.06. 4,300.00 Tools 581.28 1 2 462.49 550.00 331.10. 5oo.00 Consultant Services i52.1Q Rent 21420.78 1,506.75 2,000.00 Vji.leaRe) Travel 309.44 ,324.99 Insurance 350.00 . 401.32 500.00 1,450.11 1,366.13 1,800.00 1,333.63 l,600.0o Dues & Subscriptions 9.75 1126.90 80.00 80,00 Pefunds 40.00 Fuel for Heating 1_ ]66.37 65 407.05: $ 75 15611.01 $ 83030-00 $0 2�i3.61. 07030-00 Customer Accounting, Collecting k Yeter Reading Labor ! 11,205.55 $ 11053.85 $ 12,100.00 $ 80895.27 1 000.00 Maintenance &iRepair of Equip. 347.29 269.13 350.00 658.10 $ 3'500.00 Rent 387.8]tL I 1 400,00 400.00 Office Supplies 846.25 1994.67 900.00 612.15, 900000 Postage 3056.611 301968.90 8 Telephone � 269.47: �� 59.13 42:80.00 30281.86 � 1t,200.C10 157.80 280.00 Cash Shortage .69 5.64 (.60) TrRvol, Conference & Schools 12.25' X2.00 15.00 Printing & Publishing 27.96 • 1973 P.UI V.T EXHIBIT " WArR OPERATION OF PUI?, UTILITY FJ D � 1970 1971 1972 1972 1973 (Actual) (Actual) (n mt.) let 6 Mos. (Est.) OPERATI"dG EXPENSES (Copt�d) (Actual) Customer Accounting, Collecting & Peter Reading Cont'd Consultant Services $ 947.71 $ 12043.45 $ 950.00 $. 474.97 $ 2,500.00 insurance 11.72 15.80 10.00 10.5 7 35.00 Milenge. 6.30 -----_- -- 5.00 .._. $ 17,385.41 $ 1824.16.87 $ 192202.00 $ 1 ,123.o`R $ 210815.00 A'DMTSTRATIVE & GENERAL Labor $ 19137.92 $ 987.94 $ 3-000,00 Travel, Conference & Schools 50.00 50.00 $ 966.08 $ 200�00 ,x.00 Insurance 27.97 30.95 35.00 20.32 35.00 ,Hospitalization Insurance 1,041.45 1,194.60 1,500.00 1,101.98- 1,600.00 Dues & Subscriptions 50.(`0 50100 50.00 PERA Costs ' 6073.35 6,571.38 6,700.00 6;486.09 80000.00 Audit. 550.00 550-M 600.m 600.co 65o.00 Consultant Fees !1,593.92 142.00 1,000.00 1h9.27 1.000.00 Printing & Publishing 291.47 ' 13,824.61 ...�_.r. �._._._--._...:... $ 9,476.87 $ 11,235.00 3 9,615.71 $ 12..585-00 Interest Expense $ 290929.56 $ 59,389.85 $ ' 57,240.00 3 2 r Depreciation-s 77,435.07 84,164.85 79,000.00 3;l17�: 84;000.00 Transfer to P*&I. Funds 851254.94 1222285.52 135,000.00 , 166,731.00 V,.0'No.00 Total Expenses &Transfers $ 353,626.70 $ 450,465.62 $ 4709177.00 $ 103,094.18• 0 494,120.00 Excess of Revenues over or .(under) deductions $ 230029.23 $ (609398.93) $ (31,527.00) $ (89,189.47) $ (65,495.00) Depreciation is not a cash flow item. However# purchase of new fixed assets is, (New fixed assets not included). 1973 FUDG,T EXHIbIr SE4Ji?R OPERATION OF PITRI,: 5TTI.ITY FUND 1970 1971 1972 1972 1973 (Actual) (Actual) (Budget) lot 9 Mos. (,;st•) OP-ERATING REVENUE �___._. _ (Activil) Revised Customer Pillings S 217,575.39 $ 347,563.44 $ 537,558.00 * 470j629.61 S 624 Flat Rato Silos 60.70 ,332.00 Connection Permits 1,720.00 2,220.00 1,116.99 1,900.00 3,930.00 Miscellaneous 232.93 232.86 300.00 2,500.00 Sewer Main Collections 1,828.30 ' OO.Op 3,_91!,.00 _ 406�CO 2,000.00 � 7,?51.00 �2,CC0.00 Total Revenue $ 223,503.02 $ 350,422..30 $ 541,758.00 484,755.90 OPERATING FXPEiNloOES $ 6290032.00 Disnosal. Source Sewer Rental $ 68,176.88 $ 405P883-45 :i 303,339.40 $ 396,332.00 Transmission & Distrihition 45 $ Labor $ 462514.01 $ 550281.30 $ 73,000.00 $ 40,946.61 $ 70,000.00 Maintenance & Repair of Equip. 1,9u1.74 1,652.34 2,000.00 . 3,253.37 Maint. & Repair of Mains &Lift Sta. 6,010.34 14,328.36 15,000.00 1,796.34 15,000.00 Maintenance of Meters 50.60 50.00 Equipment Rental Telephone 40.00 250.00 Ynintenance & Repair of Pumps 1,030.16 28.00 11,000.00 10000,00 . Maintenance of Services 1,284.38 596.72 10600.00 l 541 89 Electricity 3,770.68 1,8„0.0.0 4,207.99 4,300.00 3,519.10 4,500.00 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 583.94 668.03 800.00 749.59 800.00 Fuel for Heating General Supplies 5,105.96 4 357.36 166.37 200.00 . Tools 135.20 , 5,700.00 9 2,587.03 5,700.00 606.06 160.00 Printing & Publishing 251.77 200.00 52.50 50.00 Travel, Conference & Schools 313.49 416.65 5 00,00 486.66 .Insurance 1,510.96 2,504.98 1,700.00 50.00 Dues. & Subscriptions 6.00 ,775.50 1,700.00 Rent 1 10.00 10.00 . 2,,hl0•76 ---- 1.506.72 2 400.00 cusTO!•fER ACCO�T�iT2NG, 68)906.66 . 87,030.55 $ 105,770.00 $ 58,752.05 108,160- LOLL FCTING & METER READING Labor $ 8,013.98 ' $ 8098.50 $ 12,100.00 $ 6,620.03 Maintenance & Repair of Equip: 343.64 225.28 $ 12,100.00 Rent 387.84 400.00 513.3? 400.00 Office Supplies Publishing 129.83 400.00 400.00 Postar;e 378.40 500.00 47.29 1,049.36 896.00 12200.00 324.79 10200.00 Printing do Telephone 269.42 259.11 300•Q0. 1220. 0 •39 300.00 . t 1973 Tl �T EXHIBIT ")' SiAWR OPERATION OF FU UTILITY FUND J •1970 1971 1972 3.972 1973 , (Actual) (Actual) (Budget) 1st 9 Mos. (Est.) . OPERATING EXPENSES (Actual) Revised Customer Accounting_, Collecting 7k Meter Reading Travel, Conference & Schools 12.25 $ $ 10.00 $ Consultant Services 886.61 116h.55 950.00 237.48 $ 29500.00 $ 110092.93 $ 10,621.84 $ 15,860.00 4 7,921.05 $ 17,410.00 Admiristratiim R neneral Labor $ 1,689.70 $ 968.3 $ 22000.00 $ 1,!1118.19 $ 20000.00 Hospitalization Tnsurance 968.75 11?001 00 13163.17 12200.00 Travel, Conference & Schools 35.81 40.00 40.00 Metro Seder Study 2,?69.79 166.112 PFRA costs 4,981.92 5,865.110 6,200.00 5011.14 8,9400.00 Audit 450.00 1150.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Insurance 71.111 75.E 69.75 75.00 Dues, & Subscriptions 850.00 ' Refunds 39753.00 Consultant Services 10.85.110 5,550.12 5,000.00 748.88 .00 $ 13,099.91 $ 17,688.59 0 15,115.00 $ 10,007.55 I 17,315.00 Depreciation $ 20278.46 $ 1,898.111 .$ 29300.00 1,423.81 $ 2,200.00 Total Expenses $ 162,855.Olt $ 523,122.84 $ 541,758.00 $ 381,443.86 $ 541,417.00 Excess of Revenues over or (under) deductions $ 60,647.98 $ (172,700.54) No;ie $ 103012.04 $ 87,615.00 * Depreciation is not a cash flow item, However, purchase of .fixed assets is. (flew fixed assets not included) Sewer operation must contribute $ 65,495.00 as a minimum towards transfers out unless water rates are raised. r EXHIBIT °C" PROJECTED 1973 SEWER BUDGET BASED ON NEW-METHOD OF SEWER BILLING OPERATING REVENUE Customer Billings $512,388.00 Connection Charges 177,706.00 Other Sewer Revenue 4,700.00' $694,794.00 OPERATING EXPENSES Sewer Disposal - Based on Flow $306,508.00 Sewer Disposal Based on Connections 177,706.00 Transmission & Distribution 108,160.00 Customer Accounting & Collecting 17,410.00 Administration & General 179315.00 f Depreciation 2,200.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $629,299.00 NECESSARY NET PROFIT 65,495.00 $694,794.00