Notice of Ord 1345 - Charter Amendment Chapter 7 AFFID)WIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY products,or civil and criminal fines amount of time in which to be (LEGAL NOTICE) and other charges collected in cas- heard, and an opportunity to ask STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss NOTICE OF ORDINANCE es of restitution or violation of law questions prior to passage of the COUNTY OF ANOKA NO.1345 AN ORDINANCE or contract. The term"fees"also final budget. The budget estimates AMENDING FRIDLEY CITY does not include rental housing shall be read in full and the City CHARTER CHAPTER 7. fees, building permit fees, liquor Manager shall explain the various Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, TAXATION AND FINANCES license fees,the extension or trans- items thereof as fully as may be states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's The Fridley City Charter has fer of cable television service au- deemed necessary by the Council. reviewed, discussed and recom- thority to additional service provid- The adopted annual budget finally Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known mended an amendment of the City ers for which fees are already being agreed upon shall set forth in such as: Charter by Ordinance to the City charged,fees for the operation of detail as may be determined by the Council on May 15,2017. junk yards,annual license fees for City Council,the complete financial SF Columbia Heights/Fridley The Fridley City Council hereby the operation of pawn shops and plan of the City for the ensuing fis- finds after review,examination and other regulated business, and any cal year_;and shall be signed by the recommendation of the Charter other charge for services, includrmajority of the Getineil upon being - with the known office of issue being located Commission and staff that Fridley ing health and safety related Code adapted. It shall indicate the sums in the county of: City Charter Chapter 7 related to enforcement, and other goods, to be raised and from what souro- ANOKA taxation and finances be hereby services or materials routinely pro- es,and the sums to be spent and with additional circulation in the counties of: amended and ordains as follows: vided by the City to its citizens or for what purposes,according to the ANOKA FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER other members of the public which, plan indieated an Section 7.04. The CHAPTER 7. TAXATION AND by law,must be limited to the actual total sum appropriated shall not ex- and has full knowledge of the facts stated FINANCES. cost of the service being provided. ceed the total estimated revenue. below: SECTION 1: THAT SECTION The tens "fees" shall not include The Council shall adopt the bud- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of 7.02.1 BE HEREBY AMENDED AS any special assessments made get by resolution pursuant to state FOLLOWS: under Minnesota Statutes Seetian law.On . the requirements constituting qualifica- Section 7.02. POWER OF TAX- 429. (Ref Ord 1152,1244) :Rie resolution she"set feFth the to tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ATION. C.For the purposes of this sub tal of the budget and the totals of - by Minn. Stat.§331A.02. 1.The City shall have, in addi- section, "fee increase" includes a the major divisions of the budget, (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- tion to the powers by this Charter new tax or fee,a monetary increase aecording to the pan indicated an expressly or impliedly granted, all in an existing tax or fee,a tax or fee Section 7.04. The!budget resolu lished in said newspaper(s) once each the powers to raise money by tax- rate increase, an expansion in the tion as adopted. week, for 1 successive week(s); the first ation pursuant to the laws of the legal definition of a tax or fee base, SECTION 5: THAT SECTION insertion being on 08/04/2017 and the last State which are applicable to cities and an extension of an expiring tax 7.08 BE HEREBY AMENDED AS insertion being on 08/04/2017. of the class of which it may be a or fee. (Ref Ord 1152) FOLLOWS: member,frarn time to tirme,provid D.For the purposes of this sub- Section 7.08.EMERGENCY AP- ed--the"The amount of taxes levied section, "city" includes the city PROPRIATION IN THE BUDGET. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES against real and personal property itself and all its departments and 1.The Council shall have power Pursuant to, Minnesota Stat. §580.033 within the City for general City pur- agencies that are organized to ex- to establish an emergency appro- relatin t0 the publication of mortgage poses shall not exceed in daNars, ercise the"Powers of the City"as priation as a part of the budget,but g pfive percent(5%)more a tax bevy defined in Chapter 1 of this Charternot to exceed ten percent(10%)of foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies dw&is-greater than the prior year "City"shall not include any body of the total budget.Transfers from the with the conditions described in §580.033, tax levy inereesed. Moreover. if government owing its existence to emergency appropriation to any subd. 1, clause (1) or(2). If the newspaper's necessary the tax levy may be separate constitutional or statutory other appropriation shall be made known office of issue is located in a county Increased up to an additional 3% authority outside of the Charter,re- only by a vote of at least four(4) with an affirmative vote of at least gardless of whether that other body members of the Council. adjoining the county where the mortgaged four members of the Council by-aft of government has jurisdiction or 2. The sums transferred to the premises or some part of the mortgaged performs duties and services with- several departments or divisions premises described in the notice are located, er *9 less. Said inflationary inde)t in the boundaries of the City. (Ref shall be considered as a part of shall be that as defined by the U.S.. Ord 1152) such appropriations and shall be a substantial portion of the newspaper's Department of Labor, Bureau of E. For the purpose of address- used only for the purposes deter- circulation is in the latter county Labor Statistics, Gensumer Priee ing natural disasters this subsec- mined by the city manager and ao- tion does not apply to any specific proved designated by the Council. the Minneapolis,St.Patil metrapolm emergency measure authorized in SECTION 6: THAT SECTION p (� Ord.592, 7, Section Z.08 or state 7.09 BE HEREBY AMENDED AS By. H law. Designated Agent Nothing in this provision shall SECTION 3: THAT SECTION Section 7.09. LEVY AND COL- be construed to impair any gener- 7.03 BE HEREBY AMENDED AS LECTION OF TAXES. al obligation the City may have in FOLLOWS: In accordance with Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before support of otherwise lawful indebt- Section 7.03. BOARD OF RE- State Law, the Council shall levy me on 08/04/2017 by Charlene Vold. edness or similar obligation sup- VIEW. by resolution the taxes necessary ported by the full faith and credit The Council shall constitute a to meet the requirements of the of the City,provided,however,that board of review and shall meet as budget for the ensuing fiscal year. long-term, general obligation in- such in the usual place for holding The Gity Glerk she'!transmit to the purpose ss shall not be used for Council meetings to review,amend eounty auditor emnuallyL, not later the the purpp ose of funding the routine and equalize the assessed valva- than the date requiFed Notary Public and daily business operations of tions according to state law.and$ to Law,The tax levy resolution must the City. (Ref Ord 1152) be certified to the county pursuant SECTION 2: THAT SECTION shall be given in the effieweil news to state law. Ae statement of all 7.02.3 BE HEREBY AMENDED AS the taxes levied, and such taxes FOLLOWS: days prier to the day of seid meet shall be collected and the payment r 3.Any other fees created,or in- thereof be enforced with and in like DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON creased and the limits set forth y ()rd.592) manner as state and county taxes. 1 in subsection 1,shall require voter SECTION 4: THAT SECTION No tax shall be invalid by reason Notary Public-Minnesota approval as stipulated in subset- 7.05 BE HEREBY AMENDED AS of any informality in the manner My Commission Expires Jan 31,2018 tion 2. FOLLOWS: of levying the same, nor because A.For the purposes of this sub- Section 7.05. PASSAGE OF the amount levied shall exceed the section, "fees" includes sales and THE BUDGET. amount required to be raised for use taxes, recycling fees,gas and The estimated budget shall the special purpose for which the electric franchise fees and any oth- be a principal item of business at same is levied,but in that case the er fee that produces a tax burden a regular meetings) prior to the surplus shall go into a suspense or direct financial obligation for all deadline established in state law, fund,and shall be used to reduce Rate Information: property owners and/or residents at the times required by law and the levy for the ensuing year. of Fridley.(Ref Ord 1152,1244) at an Septerriben The Goin e"she" SECTION 7: THAT SECTION (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users B.For the purposes of this sub- held subsequent meeting(s) until 7.11 BE HEREBY AMENDED AS for comparable space: section, the term "fees" does not the budget is adopted. trern time FOLLOWS: $25.40 per column inch include: utility charges,Parks and to time until all the estimates have Section 7.11. DISBURSE- Recreation Department participa- been-Lensidered. The meetings MENTS,HOW MADE. Ad ID 715115 tion fees,charges for photo-copy- shall be so conducted as to give All disbursements shall be ing,sales of municipal liquor store interested citizens a reasonable made only upon the order of the City Manager ordesignee and Gity 61e*,duly authorized by a resolu- tion or motion of the Council,and every such order shall specify the purpose for which the disburse- ment is made, and indicate the fund out of which it is to be paid. Each such order shall be directed to the Treasurer,and the latter shall issue a check payable to the order of the person in whose favor the or- der was drawn. The Treasurer shall issue no check upon any City funds except upon such order. In the dis- cretion of the Council the order and check may be a single instrument. No claim against the City shall be allowed unless accompanied by either an itemized bill,or a payroll, or time sheet,each of which shall be approved and signed by the re- sponsible City officer who vouches for the correctness and reason- ableness thereof. The Council may by ordinance make additional regu- lations for the safekeeping and dis- bursement of the City's funds. The Council may by resolution or mo- tion provide for the regular payment without specific individual authori- zation by the Council of salaries and wages of regular employees, laborers, and fixed charges which have been previously duly and reg- ularly incurred. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 24TH DAY OF JULY 2017. /s/Scott J.Lund,Mayor ATTEST: /s/Debra A.Skogen, City Clerk Public hearing held June 26,2017; First Reading held July 10, 2017; Second Reading held July 24, 2017. Published in the Columbia Hgt-Fridley Sun Focus August 4,2017 715115